#and i don’t think it’s because he’s secretly a softy and she’s secretly sad either
iamthekarmapolice · 7 months
it’s a core aspect of my existence as a person that i despise ‘grumpy x sunshine’ ships with every fiber of my being but i must admit i do see the vision with persona 3 femc and shinji
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a-hell-of-a-time · 4 months
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Jo
OOC Contact: This blog, DM's, discord (selective), my main blog
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
This blog contains three muses at present:
Andrealphus - A Great Marquis of hell, a member of the Ars Goetia, brother of Stella, ex brother in law of Stolas (or brother in law pre divorce), Ice Queen/Elsa/Frosty Bitch. My Andre is canon divergent at times and takes inspiration from a fair amount of places. He is loud, proud, arrogant, showy, flashy, just like a true peacock. He is also quite cunning, ruthless, and conniving, especially if there is a way to obtain more power/status. He does have a much softer side, but it's buried under multiple layers of ice/is at the bottom of an iceberg so good luck getting to it!
Octavia - Princess of the Ars Goetia, daughter of Stolas and Stella, and a very much emo teen who is going through some shit and has issues. My Octavia will be canon divergent as the series goes on, because I highly suspect the narrative/writing and fandom will do her so damn dirty and she deserves better. She loves both her parents (albeit Stolas more than Stella) and is filled with anger, hurt and sadness. There is a joyful soul underneath, but it hasn't been seen in years....
Caim - Camio, a great president of hell (or soon to be whenever she takes over her father's role) who is part goetian, part youkai (tengu). Currently living in the human world but visits hell whenever the need arises. Is also Andre's close, and in some cases only friend and was his ex fiance at one point. Can be calm and level headed, and serious. However, she does have quite a bit of pride and so help you if you cross her. Very good with a sword and fast as lightning. Also married to a very beautiful, drop dead gorgeous and hot kitsune wife, who is just as deadly as Caim is. Tread cautiously.
Points of interest:
Andre - Has a lot of trust and intimacy issues, and deep down tires of the aristocratic bullshit that has governed his life since birth. Is a softie who will raise hell should anyone he cares about comes to harm.
Octavia - She's going through it and just wishes to be happy again. She takes after her dad more than her mom, especially when expressing joy/happiness.
Caim - Is a half blood/mix of demon and youkai, which makes it hard for her to truly settle in either world. She does her best to make it work, though!
What they’ve been up to recently:
Andre - Has been dealing with the bullshit that is Stella's divorce, her relation to the imp assassin she hired to off Stolas, and generally staving off the inevitable anxiety and panic attack both. Also struggling with intimacy and coming to terms with many personal issues. He's not handling any of these as well as he thinks he is.
Octavia - Found out the truth behind her parent's relationship, learned that her mother hired an assassin to take out her dad, got adopted by Lucifer in one verse, and is generally trying to make sense of the world she knew rapidly dissolving before her eyes.
Caim - Currently bouncing between realms while secretly working toward obeying her father's request: To take his spot in the Goetian hierarchy. She is trying to find a way to do this while keeping her life in the human world. She's also checking in on Andre from time to time, along with other acquaintances in hell. Sometimes her wife, Yui, will join her.
Where to find them:
Andre - His mansion, rich/fancy places, with Stella, roaming around some of the other levels of hell if required, at Goetian gatherings. But mostly you can find him in various areas of the Pride Ring.
Octavia - Stolas's mansion, with her mother, or roaming the Pride Ring.
Caim - At Andre's mansion, in various places in the Pride Ring, or her home on the outskirts of Tokyo.
Current plans:
Flesh out all three of my muses; have Octavia find her family again (found or otherwise) and connect with her old, happy self; have Andre find love and stable relationships, platonic or otherwise while also getting over his hangups with intimacy while also slowly letting go of the politics and bullshit that govern his life; just use Caim more in rp's and flesh her out as her own person instead of an Andre accessory.
Desired interactions:
Andre - enemies to lovers romance, shipping shenanigans, friendships or people tolerating him, threads where his beliefs and mindset are challenged, Andre finally losing his shit on Stella and the two having a full blown argument that ends in either a mess, or a better understanding of each other. Give me messy family drama! Also drama with other Goetia and befriending more sinners and those of the lower class.
Octavia - Found family, finding friends and just getting to be a happy teen?
Caim - I will take anything. Please interact with her.
Offered interactions:
I have a bunch of memes and open posts on my blog, but if you'd like to plot my DM's are open!
Current open post/s:
Open Posts, Memes, or any dash commentary posts tbh.
Anything else?:
Rules l Muses
I stole this from the dash.
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Razor:  Jealous HCs
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Hey anon!! As much frustration I hold for crippling oblivious couples, I also love the trope so much. Plus I adore Razor. Even though I try to not call Razor a dog, I still google “jealous dog traits”. Also, I found out both Hanniejji and I secretly HCs Bennet is friends with Razor and Fischl. If genshin won’t give me character interactions then I’ll write it myself.
Semi Part 1: General HCs
Semi Part 2: Pre-Relationship HCs
Semi Part 3: Cuddle HCs
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
 @mikeysbike @unionwitch @musekala @sunnshiii @stanzastic @akaasea @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler @childelover @dilucsz @dai-tsukki-desu @thicmitten @nonniechan @htnicayh @genshins1mpact @morthecreator @ aanne2601 @hanniejji​
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Razor:  Jealous HCs
Bennet and Fischl are both foaming at the mouth at how deeply in love you BOTH are and yet you’re both equally blind. Fischl wants to grab you by the shoulders and yell at you that Razor returns your feelings and you need to stop doing whatever it is you’re doing. A sad Razor looks like a kicked puppy and even she can’t handle it. But Razor absolutely refuses for anyone to confess for him because he believes that you might just genuinely be uninterested in him. Plus, it wouldn’t feel right if he couldn’t confess himself. It’s his first love, this is important to him.
Bennet thinks it’s really sweet that his friend is in love. Even if he does get a bit pouty that whenever he get’s hurt, Razor will ask if he’s alright and leave it at that. But if you accidently trip Razor is already at your side and fussing over you. Bennet uses this as physical proof that yes, your feelings are returned and this man is in love with you, but you always brush it off as Razor’s nature to be caring. He’s smiling patiently on the outside but on the inside he has his hands in his hair and he’s screaming.
God forbid anything upsets you. Razor hasn’t been around other humans long enough to pick up on most social cues but he does have a good sense of smell. If you’re happy then the wind smells like sweet flowers. If you’re upset then it smells like mint. While Razor usually keeps himself in check and is somewhat indifferent, the second he catches any signs of distress from you he’s on high alert. Until you tell him what’s been bothering you - a group of hilichurls stole your bag of snapdragon flowers - he’s going to be on guard and stressed out. He’s already throwing his claymore over his shoulder to go and fight the monsters that tried to upset you. Wow, what a good friend you say to Fischl. Fischl is ready to punt you off a cliff.  
Razor tries his best to show that he likes you by bringing the things you need and looking like such a proud pup. He looks at you with such hopeful eyes that it takes you a second to register what he’s asking before you feel your own heart rate speed up and pound into your ears. You flush pink before you move to embrace him and ruffle his hair as praise as he nuzzles into your shoulder affectionally. You assume his affectious actions are apart of his wolf nature and how they act so you try not to read too deep into things. Even if Razor seems a bit too happy to be hugging you and receiving pets. Or the fact he doesn’t let anyone else pet him...
Bennet tries his best to help his friend out by giving Razor some advice but considering Bennet himself hasn’t been in a relationship yet, it’s all practical. Telling Razor that he’s seen couples bring each other flowers as a sign of affection, maybe Razor could find some plants to bring you? It ends horribly when he offers you a wolfhook and you just stare at him. He says that these are his feelings towards you but you’re just...so confused?? Wolfhooks have thorns so does that mean he thinks you’re clingy? Isn’t that a bad thing? Are you annoying to him?? But wolfhooks also symbolize wolves so is he saying you’re like family to him??? You’re internally screaming while debating if you just got family-zoned or if Razor is trying to subtly tell you that he doesn’t like you.
Just because Razor is, somehow, unsure if you actually like him or not. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t get incredibly jealous and possessive at any unknown presence. He’s still a bit wary of the City due to all the conflicting smells and noises but he can’t help but look so sad when you have to run errands and you can’t visit him. But when you mention that a really nice knight gifted you a flower does Razor see red. He gave you a flower?? Shouldn’t you be happy with his? Why do you need another one when you have his? Is his gift not good enough? Is this your way of saying you’re interested in someone else? This poor boy is on the verge of either running off to go sulk or find the man that gave you this flower, which up until his knowledge - courtesy of Bennet - is a sign of courting, and absolutely destroy him to prove he’s the better partner.
He tries to keep it under wraps since he's been told that while in the City, he needs to exercise restrain and understand that if he enters. He's expected to at least respect the laws and people. But this poor wolf is so feral over this new development and this new smell that's been clinging onto you that whatever worries and isolation issues Razor felt about the city flies out the window as his protective instincts kick into overdrive. He sees other people and even pets as a rival for your attention and love. He just wants to scoop you up and growl at everything as a message to say “this is mine, go get your own”.
Even when the both of you are far away from the city, Razor’s continued mood seems to hang heavy over both your heads. You’re not sure what exactly caused Razor to be on high alert. He’s snapping and growling at everything little thing that comes close, even a butterfly!
You abruptly stop walking to Razor’s surprise as you whip around and frown at him. He can feel a chill run up his spine as he stands perfectly straight as you study him before you hold your palm out and looked at him expectantly. He looks at your hand with a small spark of perked attention before his nose twitches and he goes back to sulking. You’re still waiting for him as he shuffles a bit, his hair that resembled a wolf ear is twitching, before he whines and trots over and places his chin on your palm. He’s looking up at you with the most kicked puppy expression and you don’t even know what you did but you feel like the worse person in all of Teyvat.
“Razor...what’s gotten into you?” you ask gently as you rub circles into his cheek as he nuzzles into your palm. He seems really conflicted as his eyes dart away from your face and he almost looks guilty. He just whines and turns and buries his face into your warm palm. You’ve never really seen him like that before as you awkwardly try and comfort him. Until the same flower slips out of your pocket and you hear something primal growl out of Razor. His teeth are pulled back and he snarls at the flower as his pupils dilate. You quickly get between him and the poor flower before Razor tries to do anything.
“Seriously Razor, what’s gotten into you?” you asked concerned. He quickly shifts his attention to you as he pounces and knocks you over. You left off a soft noise as the wind get’s knocked out of you but you peep when his hands cage you from above. Razor’s red eyes bore into yours and you’re suddenly thinking the air is getting too hot. 
“Do you like Razor?” he asks, tilting his head in a cute pout. It makes you internally coo before you quickly snap out of it. Stay focused! 
“Of course I do! Remember we talked about this?” you say as you remember back to your previous interactions but this only seems to frustrate Razor more.
“No. Not that like. More...” Razor struggles with his words as he tries to piece together the right string of sounds to try and convey what he’s feeling. He seems so conflicted that it breaks your heart a bit. So you reach up and gently rub behind his ear as he closes his eyes and relaxes. He breathes in deeply as his eyes open and his pupils return to normal, but vastly determined.
“Together. Always. Just...us,” Razor says softly as he looks at you hopefully. There’s a small pink dust to his cheeks as his fang digs into his lip in nervousness. You’re not sure why but your heart absolutely sky rockets at it and you can feel your face flush pink.
“Um, yes?” you nod along, you think you’re understanding what he’s trying to say. Maybe he was just upset you were spending so much time in the City and away from him that he felt your friendship was neglected? That would make you really upset. But the way he phrases his words makes you believe that perhaps...
Before you can think more on it. Razor’s face breaks into a grin that nearly blinds you from the pure affection that sprouts from it. He’s already hugging you harder as he starts rubbing his nose and cheek against your neck. Making soft and happy sounds as he nuzzles you. He’s never done that before but you assume he’s just so happy. You breath a sigh of relief that it appears that your message to him was clear enough.
Yeah of course, friends always, you think
Lupical. Partner. Mate, Razor thinks.
whistling as I pretend I don’t see your stares. Yeah ik but it’s ok. This is a sorta semi series. We’ll build upon it. But Xiao content is next lol. I’m taking inspiration from this. I mean, when I don’t feel like shit 😷
I’ve been listening to [  Softy - Dear Moon ]. This isn’t the usual kind of music I listen to but it came on shuffle and this is now my mental breakdown song.
Quick edit: Turns out this is an ost from “My Mister”. I’ve never been into kdramas (I think I’ve only seen goblin, she was pretty, and Hwarang) but the cover picture looks so upsetting? My friend is really into tgcf and I believe that had a live action as well. 
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beclynn-herondale · 3 years
“I'm Jace,” said Jace. “I'm Kit's big brother.”
“And I'm Kit. I'm the smart one,” Kit grinned.
Jace glowered. “I'm smart.”
“Sure,” Kit said.
“He's four and is so mean,” Jace pointed out. “But I love him.”
“Aww, what a softie,” Kit joked.
Jace sighed.
“If only someone loved you,” Kit grinned.
“That's taking it too far.”
“Is it, Mr. I'm afraid of ducks?”
Jace and Kit started wrestling.
“Boys, why don't you go play in your bedroom,” Céline suggested. “Just be careful and don't hurt each other.”
They both shrugged and ran off to one of the bedrooms.
“Being the mother to two Herondale boys is hard," Céline said. "And when your wife is a Herondale who only encourages them. . .it can be even harder.”
"I don't encourage them," Rosemary said defensively.
Céline gave her a look. “So it wasn't you who cheered Jace on in the argument against that kid on the playground?”
She shrugged. “We can't help that our son has a sharp wit. He beat that kid into the ground.”
“It's an exhausting job. I love my kids and my wife,” Céline smiled.
“Of course she loves us,” Rosemary crossed her arms and smiled.
“Raziel give me strength,” Céline said.
“Jace and Kit are great,” Rosemary said. “Always pranking each other. What more could you want in your kids?”
“What about how bird poop always ends up somewhere in the house,” Céline pointed out.
“We sanitize everything.”
Céline sighed.
“Where most people say ‘I can't.’ Our boys say ‘I can.’” Rosemary chuckled. “I love them. One time someone told Kit he couldn't climb up a set of stairs and he ran up them so fast. Jace was told he couldn't master piano in a half a year, and he mastered it in two months. They're unstoppable.”
“The boys often play with Michael Wayland's son and Robert Lightwood's kids,” Céline said. “We think Michael and Robert are dating, but we aren't sure.”
“Robert got a divorce a few years ago, couldn't keep a queen.”
“Rosemary,” Céline gasped and hit her arm lightly.
”Anyway, Michael has liked Robert since forever,” Rosemary was gesturing with her hands. “I said we should get them together. But Céline said we shouldn't get involved.”
“Because it isn't our business.”
“Baby, if I hadn't messed around with things that weren't my business, I would have never gotten you,” Rosemary winked.
Céline blushed.
Rosemary smirked. “Is that all? 'Cause I got some other business to attend to.”
They were done, Rosemary pulled Céline toward her and kissed her hard.
“I'm Michael,” Michael waved.
“And I'm Robert,” Robert mumbled, never being one for this kind of thing.
“So the big question everyone has is ‘Are we dating?’ We're both single dads. I tragically lost my wife and Robert tragically got a divorce," Michael said. And the answer is; I don't know.”
“What do you mean you don't know?” Robert asked.
“I don't know. Are we dating, Robert?”
Robert turned away.
“I don't know, either,” Michael admitted.
Robert stared out the window.
“But we do watch our kids together a lot, and I like to pretend we're a family,” Michael smiled. “It's nice when we have all the kids here. Alec is the eldest and he's just the best boy, so precious, so well behaved. Isabelle is the next Lightwood, she's a rebel, and is competitive. Then there's Max, he spends most of his time looking at books, which is odd since he's like almost three. And finally, we have my son. Jonathan is a well behaved boy, so sweet. But so naive. He would get in the van with a stranger. Luckily Alec's here. So when me and Robert are taking care of two kids at once, Alec keeps an eye on the other one.”
“I don't what we'd do without Alec,” Robert finally spoke.
“Well, I mean. . . there's me too,” Michael pointed out.
“Oh, yeah? You.”
“Are you messing with me?” Michael demanded.
“Maybe,” Robert smiled a little.
Michael started to wrestle with him, and ended up on top of Robert, they then gazed into each other's eyes.
(the interviewer left.)
“Hello, I'm Maryse,” she said. “I'm in a relationship with an amazing man. His name is Kadir. And I have come to the realization that I love him. Which kind of pissed me off a little, but also he's just amazing. And the kids love him. Don't you, Alec?”
“He doesn't talk much. I don't talk much, We have a mutual understanding,” Alec said.
”He's a little blank and quiet for my taste,” said Izzy. “But he loves mom. So, he's all right.”
“He cool,” Max said.
“But yes, I filed for divorce from my husband when I was pregnant with Max. I'd had enough, and I didn't want a new baby in the environment we were creating for our children.”
“Thank God,” Alec mumbled.
“Yeah,” Isabelle coughed.
Maryse stared.
“Maryse?” called Kadir.
“I'll be back.” She got up and left.
(One on one with the Lightwood siblings.)
“We're glad our parents got a divorce,” Alec said.
“They always fought. It got really bad at the end,” Izzy added.
“I wasn't born.” Mac continued to stare at his picture book.
“We aren't sad about it. Which might seem cold, but they're both much happier since the divorce.”
“Yeah, and we have two houses. And besides, Michael is awesome,” Izzy smiled. “I think him and dad are secretly dating.”
Alec looked into the camera. “It's uncertain.”
"Luke and I grew up together," Jocelyn said. "But I was married to an asshole before him. My two kids are from my first marriage. Luke loves them as his own, though."
"They're my kids," Luke smiled.
“Luke is our dad,” Clary said. “He does my hair. And he always hangs my drawings on the fridge.”
Jonathan nodded. “He also lfits us up really high and helps us pick apples.”
Clary rolled her eyes. “That's not the point, Jona.”
“It's a point to me,” he argued.
“Kids,” Jocelyn said, “behave.”
“I'm just saying,” Clary shrugged, “it's not the point.”
“And I'm saying that I like to be held up high,” Jonathan said.
“Yeah, it's your pride that needs to come down,” Clary stuck her tongue out.
“Says the one with a bad temper,” Jonathan shot back.
“Kids, enough. Behave we're on camera,” Jocelyn scolded.
“I'll get you a book, Clary. And I'll get you a new music CD, Jonathan. If you both behave,” Luke said.
They both stopped bickering.
Jocelyn hit him on the arm. “You can't bribe them every time.”
“It works, doesn't it?” Luke shrugged.
Jocelyn sighed.
“Yeah,” said Céline, flushed. “We have neighbors that live a little ways out. There's the Lightwoods, the Waylands, the Fairchilds and Luke. Maryse and Kadir live in the city.”
“Sometimes we have dinner with Maryse and Kadir,” Rosemary chimed in. “They're a cute couple. And Maryse is so chill, now.”
“That's true,” Céline nodded. ”To be honest, we were all happy when Maryse and Robert decided to get a divorce ”
Rosemary cringed. “They were really bad at the end.”
“Yeah,” Céline cleared her throat. “They're better now.”
“Now, we're hoping Michael and Robert get together,” Rosemary said. “Then we'd have a same-sex couple to go out with.”
“Well, and for them both to be happy,” Céline pointed out.
“Yeah. That too.” Rosemary looked into the camera.
Jace and Kit came running in then, they both jumped on Céline and Rosemary.
Rosemary started laughing.
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Puppy love.
summary: Harry finally makes his lover’s wishes come true when they adopt a dog together.
word count: 2.2k
based on this request:
“please could you write a cute domestic puppy piece? Maybe just lazy day / taking their pup for a walk 🥺 and maybe y/n is pregnant and the puppy is super protective”
a/n: send me more ideas pls, i’m in a writing mood but idk what to write haha
you can find the rest of my masterlist here.
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
Usually when people decide to adopt a dog, they’re always secretly looking for a puppy, thinking it’d be easier to handle rather than an older dog. It was quite sad, to be honest. There were dozens, if not hundreds of animals looking for a home, waiting to be adopted and it wasn’t fair people ignored big dogs with the excuse that they could be aggressive. Well, at least it to Y/N, it wasn’t fair. A dog was something she’s been wanting for a while. And was also the one thing Harry has been unable to give her. Tight schedules, interviews, traveling and touring were a few reasons why they haven’t adopted a pet, leaving it as the only desire Y/N had that Harry was yet to fulfill.
But today was the day. Y/N has finally convinced Harry and they were on their way to the shelter, ready to meet as many dogs as they could with the hope of finding the one. She wasn’t looking for anything in specific, telling herself she’d go with an open mind.
“We can take one, love.” Harry remained her when they went out of the car, intertwining their fingers as they walked inside of the building. He knew the moment they walked in, his girlfriend would be bawling her eyes out because she can’t take every single one of the dogs home with them.
“This is the best day of my life.” She whispered in excitement and Harry chuckled at the way her eyes light up.
“Oh, evening. What can I do for you?” A middle aged woman spoke from behind her desk, offering them a friendly smile while pushing her glasses.
“We’re here to—”
“We’d like to adopt.” Y/N interrupted him, squeezing his hand.
The woman’s smile grew bigger as she stood up from her chair, taking a set of keys from her desk. “Alright. Follow me, please.” She gestured the door that was a couple of steps from where they were standing and started walking, Harry and Y/N just behind her. “Are you looking for anything specific?”
“No. We, uh, we’d like to look around for a bit, if that’s okay.” Harry said.
“That’s fine, you can take your time.” She smiled at them then opened the door, revealing dozens of dogs in every color and every size. The animals started barking and jumping in their places. Y/N’s eyes filled with instant tears when she saw they had them in cages.
She sniffed and Harry looked down at her, concerned. He furrowed his eyebrows then squeezed her hand, trying to soothe her. “Thank you.” He said to the woman before passing through her and entered the room. For a moment he felt slightly overwhelmed for all the barking and noise the dogs were making, but he quickly recovered when Y/N let go of his hand to kneel in front of a Pomeranian. “He’s cute.”
“His name is Barry, oh my god.” She practically squealed as she read the little card that was attached to the dog’s cage. “Harryyy.” Y/N practically dragged the words, too excited to care.
“He arrived last month.” The woman commented from behind.
“Hi, baby. What a good boy”
Harry started to walk around the room, observing a few dogs himself. He was obviously going to let her pick their new pet, being okay with whatever she desired. But look around wouldn’t hurt either. They spent a little time apart, but Harry was still able to hear Y/N’s squeals as well as his name being called at least a hundred times whenever she knelt in front of another dog.
He smiled as small Chihuahua started barking at him. The little fella was so small it could easily fit on Harry’s big hand, and he knew his baby would love it so he called for her.
“You like this one?” She asked, smiling at the dog. “Her name’s Pippa. Oh my god, who picks their names? I’m gonna cry.”
“A few volunteers like to name them. They come a few times a week.”
Y/N nodded at the woman, returning her vision at Harry. “What do you say?”
“I don’t know. You choose, baby.” He smiled sweetly at her.
“Okay. Come see this one, I was just with him when you called me.” She took his hand in hers and pulled from him gently. Harry let her lead him to whatever part of the room she previously was and his eyes winded when he saw a beautiful Siberian husky laying on the floor.
The dog itself looked majestic in his opinion. It was a big ball of fur with a pair of beautiful, crystal blue eyes that were looking directly at him. “His name’s Thor. He’s so adorable, isn’t he?”
“Ah, I see you found Thor. Poor thing’s been looking for a home for quite some time now. A few people come by and see him but never adopt him.”
“Why wouldn’t someone want him?”
“Big dogs aren’t always practical, Sir.”
Harry pouted unconsciously. “I know he’s large, but look at him.” His girlfriend made puppy eyes at him, and he could tell she was trying to hold it together after hearing no one wanted to adopt Thor.
“He’s perfect.” He turned to the woman. “We’d like to take him with us, please.”
“You don’t want to discuss it first?”
“No need. He’s the one.” The green eyed man said confidently.
Thor might look like a whole ass wolf, but in reality he was the biggest softie you’d ever met in your life. In the ride back home, Y/N sat in the back of the car with him, and the dog immediately put his head on her lap, its tail never stopped moving as she scratched its ears. Being almost 2ft, Thor occupied pretty much the whole backseat, leaving Y/N squeezed by the window, not that she minded.
“How are we feeling, uh?” Harry asked after a while.
“He’s perfect. Do you think we have everything we need at home for him? I want him to be comfortable.”
Yesterday they had gone on a trip to the store to buy everything they thought they might need to welcome their new pet into their home. Two bowls for water and food, a couple of collars and leashes to take him out, every toy the store had available and a bed.
The only thing they were lacking was dog food, but it was because they didn’t know which dog they’d take from the shelter and didn’t want to buy the wrong one.
“We can make a quick stop at the store for food, it’s on the way home.”
Y/N smiled, sighing happily while leaning down to hug Thor. She got lost on all its fur, nuzzling him gently. She had read stories about how dogs from shelters often tended to act aggressively at first, as they probably had a bad life before, but she was glad Thor wasn’t like that.
“Thor, come right here!”
The large dog ran outside the house and towards Y/N, thinking he was being summoned to play in the backyard, but was met with its owner standing next to a massive whole in the ground, where Y/N’s freshly planted daisies were supposed to be.
“Jesus Christ, look at you!” She exclaimed. Thor’s white fur was now brown because of all of the dirt he played with. “Daddy gave you a shower yesterday.”
At hearing the word ‘daddy’, Thor started jumping around while barking happily, starting to run around in look for Harry. Suddenly, Y/N wasn’t mad at him anymore for destroying her garden, instead, her heart melted at how adorable he was.
Yeah, Thor could dig a hole in the ground whenever he wanted and he could send all her flowers flying if that’s what made him happy.
Today but six months ago, Harry and Y/N were on their way to the nearest shelter to finally adopt a pet together, not knowing Thor would be entering their life with its chaotic personality and its big heart, changing their life forever. Having a dog together definitely made the couple closer and stronger, as Thor basically became their child.
They celebrated with a day out. The couple took Thor to the dog park, playing with him for hours. The big husky loved to chase Harry around until the both of them were in the ground, the dog lapping his face happily. Sometimes Thor forgets its size and acted like a baby, practically begging Harry to lift him and carry him around.
There were several pictures the next day of them at the park, and the fans were collapsing over the content of Harry with Thor. Y/N thought one specific picture of the three of them walking down the street and back to their car looked so cute that she had to post it with the caption ‘six’, again making everyone die out of love.
One of the things Harry did first thing in the morning was go for a run. Now, before he used to go alone, as he always let Y/N sleep a little longer, but now he had an exercise buddy to take in as many runs he wanted. They were usually out for an hour or so, and when they were back, Thor always went straight to his water bowl first then to his bed to take a nap. However, after he hydrated, he went straight upstairs to the master bedroom.
Harry followed him upstairs, seeing with a smile how the dog jumped on the bed and cuddled with Y/N. Thor was a cuddler, it was no secret, so he going with her wasn’t a surprise for Harry. It was only when Harry sat down beside them and Thor started whining that the man grew confused. Thor put its head on top of Y/N’s stomach, looking at Harry.
“What’s wrong, mate?” He asked as he extended his arm to scratch the dog’s head.
Y/N started moving, fluttering her eyes open and smiling softly when her vision caught her favorite boys there. “Morning.”
“Morning, precious.” Harry smiled. “Just came back from out run.”
“Have you showered yet?” He shocks his head. “Then go, I’ll start breakfast.” She leaned towards him to kiss his check before standing up. “How do you feel about banana pancakes?”
“Sounds delicious.”
Y/N walked out of the room with Thor right behind her. Harry shrugged off Thor’s previously odd behavior and went to take a shower. After he was done, he went downstairs and to the kitchen where he found his girlfriend flipping some pancakes with Thor laying closely by her feet.
Thor’s odd behavior continued for a few days, always wanting to be as close as possible to Y/N and nearly panicking whenever she left his sight. He’d lay by her feet or on her lap if she was on the couch, and he’d follow her around like her personal bodyguard if she was on the move.
At first it was quite adorable, but then Thor started whining whenever Harry wanted to come closer, not allowing him to cuddle with Y/N.
In the seventh day, Y/N started to feel sick, she’d wake up and throw up first thing in the morning. They thought it was just something she ate, thinking it would go away in a few days. But then she started to throw up more and more and Harry started panicking, so they went to the doctor.
“We’ll run a few tests to find out what’s wrong, including a pregnancy one.”
“P-pregnancy?” Harry shuttered.
“I’m not pregnant, doctor.” Y/N assured.
“We might as well be sure.”
The results arrived in just half an hour, but it surely felt like an eternity. Harry couldn’t stop thinking about the pregnancy test. He’d be lying if he said a part of him was excited to know whether he has created a new life with the love of his life or not, but he didn’t want to get his hopes too high. And the other part of him was terrified of the possibility of Y/N being pregnant.
When they were finally back with the doctor, Harry held Y/N’s hand and squeezed it tightly. She looked at him and he gave her a smile, assuring her that no matter what the results said, they’d be fine.
“Congratulations, you’ll be parents.” The doctor lifted her head from the papers, offering the both of them a gentle smile. “You’re three months pregnant, what explains the morning sickness you’ve been experiencing.”
Harry sat there in shock, the fact that he was actually going to be a father finally hitting him. “I’m gonna be a dad.” He whispered. His head snapped up, his eyes looking for Y/N’s. “You’re gonna be a mum.”
Y/n choked a sob, standing from her place at the same time as Harry and hugged him tightly. He pulled her closer to his chest as he kissed the top of her head, a few tears rolling down from his eyes.
“I guess I’m having your baby, eh?” Now it was Harry’s turn to choke a sob, barely able to speak due all the emotions he was feeling right now.
“Can you believe Thor knew first?” Harry said when they were finally inside of their car again, ready to drive back home.
“What do you mean?”
“Dogs can tell if a woman is pregnant.” He said. “And that would explain why he behaved like he did.”
“Like what?”
“He panicked whenever you weren’t in the room, always followed you around. He even waited for you outside of the bathroom!”
“He just loves me more than he loves you.” She joked.
“Yeah, but he will love our baby even more.”
Our baby.
Didn’t sound that bad, didn’t it?
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yamsfrecklvs · 4 years
haikyuu characters as my favorite artists/bands : headcanons !!
i just needed to talk abt this okay
includes: kuroo, sugawara, yachi, tsukishima, oikawa, yamaguchi, kenma
warnings: nothing much, just a bit of swearing maybe
kuroo as arctic monkeys:
he just ... gives that vibe.
i just KNOW that he’d listen to them, probably while practicing alone or while doing homework because they give him the right amount of energy
i’m pretty sure he jams to some of their songs in front of the mirror while imagining to play the guitar and mimicking it because he’s like that and we all know it !! he does it in the locker room too and the other guys walked in on him doing that shit a million times but who cares he thinks it looks cool </3
probably got to know them thanks to kenma
thought abt learning guitar because of them
listens to the slowed and reverb versions
blasts their songs in random car rides
his faves would def be: fluorescent adolescent, suck it and see, arabella, you’re so dark, snap out of it, teddy picker and my propeller
sugawara as lana del rey
classy but CHAOTIC and just the right amount of spicy
he has all the vinyls. i just KNOW it.
he’d just sit there and enjoy the music calmly, maybe outside at night or in the morning while he walks to school
def forced the team to listen to some songs
i think he’d also be really into her whole aesthetic and the old 50s hollywood vibe, her music surely influences his personal style too
has some of her songs in a hypothetical makeout playlist to get in the mood
his faves would be: blue velvet, salvatore, cherry, gods & monsters, freak, yes to heaven, florida kilos and smarty
yachi as mitski:
i don’t think i really need to explain this one
i’m sure she relates to some of the struggles in her songs :(
class of 2013. yeah.
she listens to her when she’s really sad and maybe needs to let everything out, her music is so moving, emotional and intimate and that’s enough to make her feel better after a long day
also listens to her whilst doing her homework
probably makes playlists for the team with some of her songs in them :(( she’s so cute i can’t
uses some of her songs to calm herself down when she’s nervous
def scribbles quotes from her songs on her notes and thinks it makes them prettier
her faves would be: class of 2013, my body’s made of crushed little stars, townie, carry me out and two slow dancers
tsukishima as cigarettes after sex
will never admit it but he’s a huge fan
knows every song by heart
nobody knows that he listens to them except for yams and he often gets teased for it
is overall just a sucker for their cheesy slow romantic songs because deep down maybe he just wants love yk
is not good with words so he WILL dedicate their songs to show affection to people he truly cares about
probably listens to them to relax or even sleep
listening sessions at 3am when he can’t sleep
probably walks around in early winter mornings with his earphones in blasting their songs because they help him start the new day
secretly dreams about love with their songs ... sigh i know that he’s a softie but he will never admit it
his faves would be: john wayne, young & dumb, crush, i’m a firefighter, k., each time you fall in love
oikawa as taylor swift:
he STANS taylor to an uncomfortable extent
probably listens to her old music while practicing and her newer songs when he’s at home
definitely cried while listening to some songs
mirrorball is the song he resonates with the most. idc (“I’ve never been a natural, all do is try, try, try”)
totally listens to her while getting ready
his playlists are full of her songs
he definitely made a playlist full of her songs for iwaizumi (you can take this as just platonic or romantic, take it as you will, i just think he’d do it either way <3)
they give off the same vibes tbh <3
his favs would be: mirrorball, style, lover, i did something bad, love story, cardigan, you belong with me, paper rings and ‘tis the damn season
yamaguchi as poppy:
i JUST KNOW that this boy would listen to her. i feel like he’s really into any sort of alternative music even though it doesn’t really look like it (am i influenced by the punk yamaguchi au? maybe.) so her metal sound is just *chef’s kiss*
he just sits there silently with a little smile on his lips with metal music in his ears. it gives him lots of energy
when he’s alone he def gets up and screams at the top of his lungs to all of her songs. all of them.
also enjoys the old albums like bubblebath
is in love with her style but probably too shy to even try doing the same
has playlists full of her songs to go FERAL to
likes her covers too and was probably in the poppy fandom since the beginning so he basically knows everything
his faves would be: i disagree, fill the crown, money, lowlife, am i a girl?, iconic, BLOODMONEY, computer boy and girls in bikinis
kenma as penelope scott
great music to play games to
the anger in her songs sometimes resonates with him
the hyperpop influence in her music scratches his brain just right
probably likes that she’s not that well known
sweet hibiscus tea. that’s it. it’s his song.
probably listens to her entire discography in one sitting sometimes
listens to the unreleased songs too
his faves would be: dead girls, cigarette ahegao, sweet hibiscus tea, lotta true crime, born2run and moonsickness
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What songs the Haikyuu!! Boys would cry to in the shower at 2am (Karasuno) fluff/crack
CW: Swearing, No angst
A/N: I was trying to find a fitting way to enter into the Haikyuu fanfic community and this seemed most appropriate. This lowkey got deep for daichi. I apologize if any part of this post sounds like one of Noah Centineo’s wannabe inspirational pinterest quote-eque tweets. It also kinda got less in-depth the longer it went on, I've been up for 28 hours going on three hours of sleep please cut me some slack.
Daichi: Daichi is the dad of the team, that being said unlike most dads (in my experience) I don’t think he necessarily tries to hide when he is feeling negative emotions from the team (his kids). He is a wonderful captain and encourages his teammates to express emotion in a healthy way rather either bottle it all up, or overindulge in the negative feelings in the name of “processing”. That being said, I feel as though because he focuses so much on his team and how to help them handle their emotions, he doesn’t really know how to handle his own. I see him as someone who saw a TikTok saying that you can’t cry to medieval tavern music, and that’s now his go to.
Sugawara: Sugawara Koshi, the mom of the Karasuno team. I feel that at this point it’s practically canon that Suga is secretly a certified hoe bad bitch, and so being a bad bitch he 100% watched the Hannah Montana movie and therefore would undoubtedly cry to the song “Climb”. I also see him crying to literally any song on Ariana Grande’s most recent album Positions, specifically “34+35”.
Asahi: Asahi would definitely only cry to actual sad songs, though Asahi could cry to anything cause he’s just a big softy like that, I also feel like he lowkey likes to be sad in a way. Really just likes to sit in the feels and process it ya know? So I would put him down as someone to cry to “You Said You’d Grow Old With Me” by Michael Schulte. I consider Asahi as a person who both really wants to be in a romantic relationship, and genuinely feels happier when he is in one. This leads me to believe that love songs would be his go to for late night cries.
Nishinoya: Noya would, without a doubt in my mind, cry to “That Bitch” by Bea Miller. Noya does a lot to make sure he always looks, acts and feels like the perfect libero. And so even when crying I have the impression that Noya would want to make sure that he knows he is still in fact that bitch.
Tanaka: Tanaka would cry to “Toxic” by Britney Spears (#freebritney). It’s just something about it I don’t know what, call it instinct but I definitely see Tanaka crying to that song. Or him and Noya and Hinata all crying to “Vogue” by Madonna and trying to do the dance to cheer themselves up.
Kageyama: Kags would cry to “She’s So Gone” from Lemonade Mouth. I think he secretly has a real love for every early 2000s-2010s Disney Channel Original Movie, and would keep a playlist just for when he’s feeling down so he can jam out. Would 100% know the whole dance to “We’re All In This Together”.
Hinata: Hinata would cry to “Mad at Disney” by Salem Ilese. This poor baby probably got his heart broken due to him having unrealistically high expectations and would just be pissed off and frustrated at the world.
Tsukishima: Tsukki would cry to “Daddy Issues” by The Neighborhood. He’s got that internalized homophobia (as much as I wish I had a shot with him there is no way he is straight) and distant older brother issue type shit. Also “When You Love Someone” by James TW, once again it’s the distant older brother issues.
Yamaguchi: Yams would cry to “Someone You Loved” by Lewis Capaldi. Another sweetie who would just really want to sink into the feels and cry about a relationship he never had. I hc yams as such a sweetheart but like at the same time his best friend is Tsukki so you know if anyone walked in he would wrap that shit right up and put on “thank u, next”.
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pa-panda-heroes · 4 years
LOV with reader who cries easily? Like, not when it comes to murder, but she’ll be reading a book or watching a movie and burst into tears when a character is sad. Or she’ll see someone else sad and join them?
Ooooo sure thing, dearie! :> also it’s okay I love that you’re spamming me! ^^
LoV with reader who cries easily!
This poor boy won’t know what to do!
Obviously he’s seen people cry before, but he’s not the type to really know what to do when someone cries. Same, shiggy So he won’t really do anything to comfort you.
Maybe he’ll just give you the side-eye the first time he’s around when it happens, wondering “what the hell, y/n?” because you’re obviously not in danger or anything. And when he realizes what you’re crying about, he’s really confused. How could something that’s not real like a movie make you cry?
He’s not gonna coddle you, but he’s not against letting you cry into his shirt or hold onto him. He might not reciprocate, he might. Depends on what kind of day he’s had and whether or not he’s feeling cuddly.
He thinks it’s cute that you’re so empathetic, maybe even admires it, and so he’ll secretly enjoy seeing it. Not that he likes seeing you sad or upset! It’s nice for him to have someone around who knows a thing or two about empathy or sympathy. It makes him feel a little normal.
Naturally, he’s going to be a little wary. Oftentimes he’s going to feel like it’s pity rather than empathy or sympathy if it’s directed at him. He wants someone to understand and love him, not pity and feel sorry for him! Even if that’s not the case, he’ll still often read it that way.
Most importantly, since you’re part of the League, he can’t let it get the better of you, so he’ll be really picky what kinds of missions he sends you on.
Obviously he’s not going to join you in your waterwork antics, but he’s not going to stop you either. So long as you’re quiet. He can’t have you wailing in the middle of something important...
Mr. Compress:
It’s going to catch him off guard, but not in the same way as Tomura.
As someone who’s keen in the entertainment department, he’s going to internally wonder if it’s an act at first. Perhaps you cry so that the League will underestimate you and not be hostile towards you. Perhaps you cry so they think you’re a sobbing fool but are actually stronger than all of them. He doesn’t know.
But when he realizes that’s how you are, it’s surprising for him to see raw emotion (or emotion regarded as weak or vulnerable) like that amongst someone in the League. It doesn’t bother him at all, and he’ll at least try to cheer you up.
100% will pull a water bottle out of nowhere to give you because “honey, you’re going to dehydrate yourself at this rate!” And he can’t let that happen.
This man won’t hesitate to pull out tricks and jokes that’ll get you crying from laughter instead of sadness.
If that fails, he’ll probably rub your back and let you ride through it, nodding and humming in acknowledgement if you tell him about what made you cry.
Mr. will make sure you’re okay before leaving or splitting off from you if you’re on a mission, but if time is of the essence, he won’t try very long to cheer you up. You matter to him, but he’s still serious about being in the League.
He’ll think it’s sweet you have such a big heart, and unlike Tomura, he’ll outright tell you, maybe patting your head or taking his mask off to smile at you.
You can be damn sure this man is going to cry with you. We all know he has a lot of heart, and no matter how badly his trauma starts up, he’s going to be spilling waterworks alongside you. That’s inherently who he is.
He’s very similar in respect to seeing someone else cry and crying at them, so most of his crying with you is his crying for you, in a way. If he sees you cry, he’ll instantly cry!
Most of the time Twice is going to be too busy shedding tears with you to really comfort you, although he’ll offer some words of encouragement and try to.
If it’s not affecting him as much as it is affecting you, he’ll run for water to give you and possibly a little trinket that’ll lift your mood. Maybe he’ll grab a sugary treat, if it’s included in your normal diet and appreciated by your palate, but he’ll find something else that’s not sugary if you’re diabetic or whatnot.
Suuuper relieved there’s another crier in the League. If something gets him going, he’ll show it to you and you can cry together! I can also see Twice as a happy crier, so he’ll show you whatever made him happy whether or not you happy cry, too. But it’ll make him really happy if you enjoy it with him!
He actually doesn’t like seeing you sad. It’s kind of painful for him to watch, so he looks forward to happy crying with you the most.
If you’re still crying by the time he’s moved on, he’ll sit with you and help you ride out your tears, but I think it’ll be hard for him to think of what to say, so he’ll mostly make cheesy or bad jokes to try.
If you cry more often than usual in a day, he’ll take the reigns and steer you away from anything potentially tear-inducing because he’ll get worried about you. Is there something in particular that’s made you more sensitive? Are you overloaded and stressed from being in the League? Are you okay? He’ll be almost frantic if you cry too much.
Himiko will find it adorable and enjoy seeing you cry way too much. If she feels like it, she’ll show you something to make you cry!
She relishes in your crying face, grinning like a cheshire cat with flushed cheeks as her eyes dance across the tear stains on your cheeks and the reddening sclera of your eyes.
She might mock-cry with you - not to mock you but so that you don’t feel alone in your salty antics. You’re important to her and she’s going so show it in ways like that, to show you she’s right there with you. Even if it’s odd for her to do so.
This girl wouldn’t dare make fun of you for being a “softie” or so open to vulnerability and hell hath no fury like Himiko if someone else does. She won’t hesitate to cut a bitch for making fun of you!
Even if you’re in public and someone glares at you or looks at you funnily, it’ll rile her up and she’ll send a terrifying glare their way.
Her use of pet names will increase tenfold while you’re crying, almost like a loving partner trying to console you - but she’s not. She loves seeing you like that, so she wants to coddle you.
She’ll likely latch onto in any way possible when you start up and cling onto you.
Himiko won’t encourage hydration, but if you ask for it almost every time you cry, she’ll put two and two together and start carrying water with her to give you. Hey, that blood-sucking contraption is good for something!
He’s not going to be so nice. He can be a teasing bastard - rather, he is one.
He won’t coddle you and he’ll tease the hell out of you. “Aw, y/n. What could possibly have you cryin’ now? I thought you quit for the fifth time just a few minutes ago!” Sometimes he’ll come off as downright mean, but he doesn’t mean it that way.
He does think it’s cute, though. To see someone become so vulnerable so easily reminds him how much you stand out from the League. It seems innocent to him.
Don’t expect him to get cuddly while you cry like Tomura or Himiko, he won’t have any of it. He’ll tolerate your crying, obviously, because he cares about you. And unless you’re extremely upset and alone with him, he won’t try to comfort you and build a damn for those waterworks of yours.
He certainly won’t join you, either. He literally can’t even if he wanted to, and it’s just not easy to make him cry.
If your eyes get dry and irritated from crying, you can bet he’ll pass eye drops to you. His tear ducts are burnt, he’s going to have some sort of drops or eye lubricant on him pretty much at all times.
He wouldn’t offer water; instead, I think he’d hand you liquor to get you to calm down and relax if it was on-hand. Does drowning your sorrows in alcohol solve the problem? No. Is it unhealthy? Yes. Does Dabi know all this? Yes!
In all, he’s not gonna downright complain about it, but he’s not really going to do much to stop it. Unless someone made you cry. In which case, he’ll cremate them on the spot.
Already he’s going to want to protect you to prove himself, but if you cry that easily he’ll become really protective!
Ain’t nobody gonna make his s/o cry on purpose. Spinner may not have a destructive quirk like Tomura’s or Dabi’s, but he can hold his own in a fight, and he’s going to prove it if someone upsets you intentionally.
But if he sees you crying at a movie or book, he’ll think it’s precious and he’s 100% gonna flip a switch and be there to comfort you. But that doesn’t mean he’s good at it!
He’ll be flustered because he doesn’t entirely know what to do. He can offer sweet words and gentle pats and rubs, but what else? He’ll up and run for anything you ask for, no matter the time. Tissues? Got it. Water? Okay. A stuffed animal? Here- why didn’t you say so earlier?!
Spinner will probably coddle up to you first, instead of the other way around. He doesn’t want to see you sad and bummed out, so he gets the urge to hold you.
But if you manage to catch him off guard and latch on first, it’ll fluster him and he’ll be a stuttering mess.
It’s not easy for him to be sweet and caring in front of the League because he’s afraid they won’t take him seriously, so when you’re crying in front of them, he’ll try to usher you to the sidelines and calm you down quietly.
He’s happy that his s/o is so empathetic. It gives him a sense of normalcy within the League, and he’s not complaining.
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atinybitofau · 5 years
S A N ⇾ couple au
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a/n: I don’t think I write good San imagines man. I’m sorry but I’m a sanhwa shipper. I just had to.
• here’s the thing about San.
• you love him to death— obviously.
• and would you do almost anything for him?
• absolutely.
• does he love you?
• I mean, he should.
• after all he is your BEST FRIEND.
• you get it?
• b e s t f r i e n d.
• and here you two go again.
• first Saturday of the month and San’s already getting picky about your date next Friday.
• “There’s absolutely no question. I am going on that date, Mark my words.”
• he glares at you from across the room, lips covered by the opening of his cup.
• Seonghwa looks from the center, glancing back and forth at the growing tension of you both.
• always being the third wheel of course.
• he doesn’t mind though.
• he kind of ships you two together anyway.
• “Um.... you know, the popcorn’s not going to cook itself.”
• you ignore Seonghwa for the mean time while you glare back at your other best friend, “San. Don’t look at me like that.”
• he shrugs. “I’m not looking at you like anything.”
• you deadpan. “Really?”
• “I already told you. You aren’t going on that date. Even if I have to handcuff you to my bed for the whole day.”
• you let out a guttural groan. “San! Seriously?!”
• Seonghwa secretly reaches for your cupcake on the table to which you grab his arm juggling between controlling him and controlling San.
• “You can’t be serious. Hongjoong?! You’re gonna go out with Kim Hongjoong?” San reiterates not confident in moving closer to you.
• your eyes narrow. “And what’s wrong with Hongjoong?”
• he thinks because it’s not him.
• it should be him
• each. time.
• but he can’t seem to break that stupid facade he puts up as your best friend.
• thinks that’s how you two should only ever see each other.
• it’s all he can take.
• “N-nothing. I just think there are better guys that you can go on a date with.”
• “Really.” you airily reply. “Who.”
• he glances over at the tall and quiet man in front of you who’s now face buried into your cupcake.
• “Seonghwa?”
• “Ew.”
• you roll your eyes at Seonghwa’s gruntled disapproval. “Why would I go on a date with Seonghwa? We’ve gone on plenty.”
• San’s teeth grit at your obvious obliviousness.
• “Y/n, if you want to go on this date. Then Seonghwa and I are chaperoning.”
• “We’re what?”
• It isn’t that Seonghwa detests it.
• it’s just...
• he can’t believe how long it’s taking San to admit his undying love for you.
• wondering how long it’ll take until the both of you can’t take it anymore.
• “San, this is out of line! I’ve never gone and secretly monitored YOUR good-for-nothing dates.”
• “That’s because you don’t care enough.”
• your head cocked to the side with softer eyes and a slouching posture.
• you knew San.
• you also knew that he loved your attention.
• loved it when you sounded angry when he went on dates.
• loved it whenever you were displeased by them—
• it gave him nice hope.
• albeit false but still nice to his breaking heart.
• “Fine. But no effort will be made.” you point a finger at your two best friends. “No effort to show Hongjoong you two idiots are following me. Promise?”
• “Promise.”
• San promises well.
• usually can keep a good promise.
• but by the looks of how much you smile, hold Hongjoong’s hand, laugh at his jokes,
• San’s about ready to combust.
• “Hyung, I can’t take it anymore.”
• Seonghwa bites into his burger sloppily while glancing across at a sunglassed San. “Hdkhmf.”
• “What?”
• “I said,” Seonghwa swallows. “Have some faith. Y/n’s gonna be dateless her entire life if you keep letting her live this way.”
• San huffs and sits back in jealously watching Hongjoong’s every move.
• hoping Hongjoong isn’t brave enough,
• not braver than he is to actually make a move.
• “What’s so bad about Hongjoong, anyway? He’s handsome, talented, wealthy, kind, parent approved, and above all likes y/n. Isn’t that the goal to your possessiveness?”
• San’s eyes frown with his smile and Seonghwa thinks it’s sad.
• Cause he loves the both of you and wants the best for you two.
• but it’s not his fault San can’t man up.
• Seonghwa glances at your pretty form before smiling to himself. “You know, lately, y/n hasn’t been happy. And maybe.. maybe it’s because of you.”
• San’s ready to combust at this point.
• knowing Seonghwa’s just trying to push his buttons enough.
• enough for him to confess.
• obviously wants you.
• but is too afraid of gettinv hurt.
• “Why would she ever love a guy like me when she could have a man like him?”
• San doesn’t know it either.
• how instead of laughing at Hongjoong’s jokes,
• you’re more laughing at the ridiculous disguises your two bestfriends wore.
• how dumb San looks sulking in front of a messy eater like Seonghwa.
• how you smile whenever you see San smile.
• how your eyes just naturally look for him.
• he doesn’t know you want it.
• you want him just as much as he wants you.
• but you’re too afraid of hurting him.
• him hurting you.
• “Hongjoong.. do you ever think that San will ever ask me out?”
• Hongjoong sips on his coke. “I sure hope so or I would’ve wasted my time yet again.”
• you laugh rolling your eyes at him. “I don’t think this whole jealous ploy is working. San’s just sitting there.”
• “Well,” Hongjoong playfully leans forward over the table making your eyebrows curved in curiosity. “That’s because you’re doing every boring thing you usually do on all your dates.”
• your face blushes when he moves his close lips hovering yours. “A-and what don’t I do, Joong?”
• “Kiss them?”
• your eyes slowly shut when the adjacent leans in right when a blow of air hits you instead of his lips.
• eyes open and jaw agape, you find your date lying across the restaurant floor covered in his sticky cola.
• and San’s heaving a storm.
• hands curled up in fists and body trembling.
• Seonghwa’s attempting to hold him back just as in horror as the entire room.
• “S-san!” Hongjoong automatically coughs up blood and you’re at his side. “Joong, you okay? Oh my god, I’m so sorry.”
• he throws his competitor a heavy glare before waving you off kindly. “It’s fine. I understand.”
• “San.” you fierce a dark stance towards the man who fights for you. Sometimes too hard. “What about no effort did you not understand?”
• “I can’t take this shit anymore. If I’m gonna storm out of here losing you, I’m not gonna leave without punching the man I lost you to right in the face.”
• your fingers lighten as you watch him leave,
• maybe taking the punch harder than Hongjoong did,
• and Seonghwa sighing defeatedly in front of you.
• “I can’t take this shit anymore.” he throws his hand up repeating after San. “If you don’t tell him something, nothing is gonna work out. You two together is better than you two apart. Obviously it’s killing our entire friendship and my god damn appetite. Now go fucking follow him or I won’t hesitate to punch you both in the face for ruining my lunch!”
• you spin on your heels before kissing Seonghwa on the cheek and Hongjoong too of course,
• running after the love of your life.
• you think he could probably kill someone from how he’s temperamentally stomping on the ground where he walks.
• people staring at him like he’s crazy.
• right before you grab him by the wrist and plant the kiss he interrupted earlier on his lips instead.
• he pulls back, horrified.
• now pouting at you like he’s on the verge of crying.
• “Don’t— don’t do that.”
• “San—“
• “Don’t!” he doesn’t care for the crowd that walks by as he announces his frustration. “Don’t act like you love me just because I can’t have you.”
• “What?”
• “I don’t know! I’m just saying what I’m thinking! I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the fact you just kissed me so go with it!”
• you giggle at the way he babbles.
• the way his lips fastly stutter and how his cheeks are redder than his ears.
• you take his sharp jawline in your palms before pressing a much more gentler kiss on his trembling lips.
• the way he melts against you saying enough.
• “I love you.” his tear falls on your cheek when he whispers. “I.. I’m sorry.”
• “Don’t be sorry, Sannie.”
• he curls his hand around your cheek and sighs between your pursed lips. “I thought that you don’t deserve me. That if I had you, it’ll make us worse. Make us break. How loving you past the line of best friends would hurt the both of us. But I can’t take it anymore. I can’t take loving you till only that much anymore.”
• he kisses you again and you’re weak at the knees. “I love you and Seonghwa so much. Regardless if I date someone else, or any of you for that matter, won’t hurt me. But it hurts you... I know it hurts you.”
• “But I love you so much it hurts.” he’s crying again. “I want to love you so much. That what I love you right now isn’t enough? I want to love you till I can’t think of doing anything else. I love Seonghwa hyung too but not as much as I love you.”
• “Pabo.” you tip toe kissing his salty tears away as he grips you tighter. “We promised to love each other equally.”
• “Don’t tell hyung.” softie San cries again. “Hyung’s gonna hate me.”
• “Seonghwa’s not gonna hate you for loving me a little more.” you retreat looking at him from far away. different now that you’ve kissed his lips for the first time. “Seonghwa doesn’t hate me for loving you more. Why would he hate you?”
• “You love me more than hyung?”
• “To an extent, yes.” you giggle kissing the blabbering lover boy again. “That baboon eats all my food. Do I have to remind you who spoils me between the both of you or do I need to ask you to kiss me again?”
• “K-kiss me again?”
• “Pabo.”
• his teeth grin against your smile and you can’t take it anymore.
• you need to take him home.
• “I love you.” he reminds you,
• thinking,
• thinking he’s gonna be reminding you for the rest of his life.
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latteunwoo · 4 years
☆.。.:* wayv as your high school crushes 0.2 .。.:*☆
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A/N: Please be mindful that these are just my personal opinions on the type of high school crush they would be based on their overall personality, how I see them, how the other members see them, etc. Because this was a long one to write, I had split it into two parts (older members + younger members). The older members’ part should be out already. If you don’t like the result, then I’m sorry but I don’t know what to say other than although this is an AU I tried to make it as real as possible with outcomes that I seemed would be more likely in the sense that not all high school crushes are meant to be yours as sad as that may sound. :(
main m.list || nct/wayv m.list || part 1
Wong Yukhei
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The Athlete
Literally good at any sport he does.
Has lots of muscles (which is mainly the reason why a lot of these girls finds him attractive).
Also very handsome. :(
Highkey knows all these girls have a crush on him and lowkey flirts with them whenever they talk to him. 
Very kind-hearted though.
He knows his limits. If he feels a girl is taking his flirting a little too seriously or a girl actually confesses to him, he’d know that’s when he needs to stop.
He’d always reject them on the spot if that ever happened. 
He wouldn’t be too harsh though. 
Doesn’t have a lot of friends because of him being athletic and popular but because of his great personality.
He’s kind, funny, sweet, and overall just a great guy. 
Other than being all those things, he’s also a huge nerd.
Pretty smart & loves playing PC games. 
If he’s not out on the field practicing, he can be found at the computer cafe near the school playing PC games with his friends.
No one except his closest friends knows that he actually wears contacts & glasses. 
You weren’t really fond of him at first because although he didn’t seem like a bad guy, it just didn’t fit your taste that he was easily able to flirt with every girl that steps within five feet from him. 
He actually tried talking to you a few times too, but you’d always either ignore him or walk past him.
Lowkey liked that about you. 
You weren’t like the other girls, you didn’t chase him around or anything. 
Little did you know that’s not the only thing he liked about you. 
Just like him you were also a huge gamer. Also he thought you were really cute
The first time the two of you ever actually got a good look at each other and the first time you actually started to have a crush on him was when your brother (also Lucas’s teammate and best friend) had invited you to play a few games of LoL (League of Legends) with them at the computer cafe. 
Although you didn’t want to at first, you knew that there wasn’t anything better you could do since most of your friends that you usually played with were all away on trips with their families for spring break.
“Oh, you made it!” your brother said as he pulled out the chair next to him that just so happened to also be next to Lucas’s seat. 
“Yeah,” you said as you sat down and looked towards Lucas’s seat to see he was too focused on the food he was eating. 
“Hey, this is my sister-” your brother started before Lucas interrupted.
“Y/N,” he said as he took the last bite of his pizza before turning to look at you, “I know. I’ve seen her around campus already. Why is she always so grumpy?”
Both him and your brother laughed as you almost punched Lucas’s arm but didn’t because you didn’t want to be too mean. also lucas was a lot cuter close up so you were kinda nervous 
“Don’t worry, she’s always like that but she’s also an actual softie,” your brother teased as your face turned red and you actually punched your brother’s arm. 
“I think she’s pretty cute when she’s grumpy,” Lucas muttered low enough that you could hear what he said but your brother couldn’t hear.
That’s when you actually felt it. Your heart wanting to jump right out of your chest. 
The two of you didn’t really talk much after that, you just exchanged a few words whenever one needed help in the game. 
However, the next week when you were all back at school, he started talking to you a lot more. 
Although you didn’t really see it at first, everyone else saw it.
He wouldn’t even look at or speak to any of the girls crowding around him. As soon as he saw you, he picked up his long legs and headed straight past the crowd of girls and to you. 
It was like he knew when and where you’d be almost every time. Which you didn’t entirely hate but you lowkey hated because the more he talked to you, the more you started to like him. 
Most of the things he would say was him teasing you but that was just because despite lowkey flirting with other girls before he didn’t really know how to express his feelings about you properly.
Eventually he had asked you out and that was also when you were sure that you had a big crush on him.
The two of you are still together until this day.
Xiao Dejun
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The Boy Next Door
Your classic Josh Anderson... kinda.
The two of you have been neighbors for years. 
You two have practically known each other since you were born. 
He was always there for you when you needed him.
Treated you like an absolute princess. 
He made it his lifetime mission to protect you at all costs.
One time you had accidentally fell straight to the ground after sliding down the slide in your backyard and he instantly booked it to your side.
“Get on my back,” 7-year old Xiaojun said as he squatted down so you could get on his back.
Not gonna lie, he lowkey had some trouble standing up because he didn’t know that his small body could only carry so much weight on his back but he gave it his all and carried you back inside.
Once he had you sat down on one of the dinning table chairs, he ran to your bathroom on that level to grab your first aid kit.
Your mom tried to tell him that she could handle it, but he made it clear to her that he was confident that he got the situation under control.
After that, your mom just let him be while secretly taking a video to keep for memories and also to show to his mom because she thought he was such a little gentleman.
And he was. Actually, he still is a real gentleman. 
Except, he wasn’t your gentleman anymore. 
It wasn’t until he started dating your cousin once you guys started your second year of high school that you realized just how much he really meant to you. 
He would still talk to you, which you liked because you didn’t want to lose him completely.
However, you didn’t get to see him as much since he was always with your cousin.
I mean, you were always free to hang out with them but once you had realized your true feelings for him it was just too difficult for you to put on a brave face in front of them. 
I guess the more distant you two ended up becoming, the more not only you started to realize but also he started to realize that you both mean a lot more to each other than you had thought. 
During your senior year, Xiaojun and your cousin broke up.
Although they didn’t say it was your fault, you still couldn’t help but feel guilty; especially with how your cousin started acting towards you after the breakup.
A few weeks later, Xiaojun had asked you to meet him at the soccer field after school.
He told you that he liked you, more than a friend, and you just told him you two should take things slow especially since you know that your cousin was still affected by it and although the two of you weren’t on good terms at that moment she was still family so. 
After a while, you and Xiaojun actually started dating.
Still together now.
Wong Kunhang
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The Handsome Class Clown
It was no secret that Hendery was the most outgoing, obnoxious, exaggerated, loud, etc. boy in your class. 
Lowkey didn’t know how you started to have a crush on him.
You still don’t know why. 
You two were the complete opposites. Literally.
You were mostly humble and quiet with your occasional semi-loud moments whenever you and your friends would hang out after school or during lunch.
I guess the whole “opposites attract” thing was the case for you and Hendery. 
At first of course you did not like him at all.
He made being the class president even harder for you. 
Whenever you would ask everyone for their homework, he would always either flirt with you or try to crack one of his jokes which you just didn’t react to.
He made it his mission to make you laugh or at least smile once at him.
It wasn’t that he liked you or anything, he just wanted to see you smile once & also he just really wanted you to be his friend.
The more he talked to and approached you, the more you lowkey started to like him. 
I mean, it was also no secret that he was one of the handsomest boys in your class but also despite him being obnoxious most of the time he’s actually pretty sweet.
Helped you carry stuff back to the classroom when your teacher sent you out to get some stuff from the main office.
“Here, I’ll help you,” he said as he had grabbed the stack of papers you were holding before you could decline his offer. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be in class?” you asked as you tried to take the stack back but he just moved it away from your reach.
“Yeah, but I told the teacher I was going to the restroom but I just wanted to come help you.”
“Well, thank you then I guess,” you said as you just gave him a small smile.
Homeboy started cheering in the middle of the hallway because he finally got you to smile at him. 
You lowkey found his reaction really cute. :((
Deadass drops all the papers and you two end up getting in trouble for mixing all the papers up. 
You two become friends and you started to like him more.
Never confessed to him though because you didn’t want to ruin your friendship.
It wouldn’t have made a difference anyways because he moved after high school. 
Liu Yangyang
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Your Bestfriend
Literally were inseparable since the day you became friends. 
Arcade, movie, and late night hangouts almost every week. 
Deadass climbs onto the tree in front of your window sometimes to hang out with you in your room when he’s bored at 2am. 
“What are you doing here? It’s like 2am,” you say as you move out of the way to let him in before closing it quickly because it was cold. 
“I’m bored,” he said as he flopped himself onto your bed, “Let’s make some ramen!” 
Highkey is never in his own house to be honest. 
Your siblings and both of your mutual friends had thought it was a little weird that he never wanted to leave your side but overtime you and everyone else just got used to it. 
You two are literally two peas in a pod, partners in crime, each other’s ride or dies, etc. 
Always there for you just as much as you’re always there for him. :(
NEVER stops talking. 
Whether it’s during class, on the walk to school, on the walk home from school, whenever, wherever, he would literally never stop talking.
That was mainly because he lowkey didn’t want your attention anywhere else but him. :((
Deadass a savage sometimes but you know he loves you.
You love him too because Yangyang best boy.
You didn’t realize how much you actually liked his annoying ass until you started dating someone else though. 
At first Yangyang was fine with it because he knew that if you were happy then he should be happy.
However, it was hard for him to see you be happy with someone else. </3
Lowkey started to become distant from you to the point where you two barely talked to each other.
Truly the one that got away. Or was he? :o
probably will see him again and reconnect during college
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Sunshower 9
Dusk time, the time every resident has been waiting for has returned once again. Decorations start to light up like yesterday and one by one people started to roam the streets yet again; including Neptune. He leaned against a small metal railing that went down to the beach via several steps. His pants were replaced with red shorts and a black, half buttoned up shirt. Perfect casual attire for having fun on the beach. It also was the only place his goggles didn’t stick out.
Even though the festivities had just begun, Neptune had already been patiently waiting for Ilia. Sun had informed them of conversation that took place by the lake and eagerly waiting to hear her interpretation of it. He’d had practiced pretending to be ignorant about it for an hour. Secretly being the friend they both turn towards for this predicament was rather challenging, yet flattering. Not to mention he was kinda living for this type teen drama. It was sure more investing than dealing with grimm.
Neptune:Hmmm, where the hell is she? I hope she didn’t change her mind.
“Freeze Human! You’re under arrest!!!” A voice cried out behind Neptune that made him jump instantly and turn around with his hands up.
Neptune:Officer I swear it was Su- Judy?
Judy:Hahaha! Man I got you good!
The fox officer laughed hysterically while holding their scroll sideways like a gun. Neptune would’ve been furious if he wasn’t busy looking at Judy’s outfit. The uniform from earlier was replaced with some blue daisy dukes that showed off her legs and a red crop top that proved that Judy definitely was the type who took police academy seriously. It was a good thing Judy had warned him earlier about using compliments like foxy because he definitely would’ve said it here.
Judy:I could say the same thing. I guess earlier I saw you in standard clothes and not party attire. Not to shabby.
Neptune:Th...thanks. You look....wow.
Judy:Hmmm first woah, now wow. Here I thought you had flirting down packed.
Judy:Don’t be. Bumbling is was more adorable. *winks*
Neptune:*red* S..so, you’re definitely not dressed for work hehe. I guess you’re off the clock?
Judy:Yep! But technically an officer never really is. If something pops off and I’m around then you bet your ass I got to do something about it. With parties like these even the best of people can do something crazy with enough liquor in their liver.
Neptune:Hehe, ain’t that the truth?
Judy:Hmm, aren’t you too young to drink?
Neptune:Am I about to get a ticket?
Judy:Pfft, that’s not worth the ink; and you won’t just here me say that. When Menagerie parties like this then it’s pretty common for the young adults to end up drinking as well. If we tried to enforce a law like the drinking limit during these then we’d run out of trees to make paper in a day. So we let it slide. It’s a double edged sword though. Anybody who gets arrested for something better not hope they’re illegally intoxicated. We’ll add that to the charge.
Neptune:So I’m guessing you’re what, 21?
Judy:Actually I just turned 22. I don’t drink though. Not really my style.
Neptune:I don’t know many people like you. A badass older woman fox cop. That’s a mouthful.
Judy:*hands on hips smirking* Give it a second.
Neptune:......!!! Shit! I’m sorry! Badass older...person. Was that rude? I didn’t mean to-
Judy:*grabs his shoulder* Neptune, was it?
Judy:I’m just messing with ya. Lighten up; just wondering if you’d catch on.
Neptune:I sort of put two and two together with a bit of Ilia’s help. Sorry, I have a couple of gay friends but non-binary is a new one. I’ll try not to slip up too much.
Judy:*grinning* I appreciate the thought. I’m not sensitive about that sort of thing though. Cops need thick skin and I’ve lived this life long enough to be comfortable with how I’m addressed. Feminine pronouns are no skin off my back. Brownie points though if you do get the hang of it though. It would definitely make you more....appealing.
That last word was said strangely to him. Either he was reading the room wrong or there was a definite vibe sh-they were trying to give him. The boy was definitely out of his league with this one. Judy watched his face get a little redder as he was finally let go of.
Neptune:Good to know.
Judy:That’s enough about. Wanna tell me why you’re standing here all alone? I saw your friend up at the Belladonna estate just a bit ago. Waiting on a date?
Neptune:No, but I wouldn’t mind one honestly.
Judy:*raises eyebrow* How bold.
Neptune:That’s not what I- I mean if you wanna. Wait, I’m doing something important! I’m waiting for Ilia; I’m supposed to meet her here.
Judy:She was looking pretty rough earlier. I didn’t think she’d party two days in a row.
Neptune:She sort of got persuaded. I’m wondering what’s keeping her?
Judy:Why wonder when you can ask? You have her number right? Face time her.
Neptune:Why not just call?
Judy:Trust me, she doesn’t answer regular calls nearly as often. She’s probably just laying around.
“I’m going to be the number one hero!”
“Fuck yeah you are!” Ilia shouted at her tv proudly as she put a spoon full of cereal in her mouth. “I wish someone could give me a super power.”
Bzzz!!! Bzzz!!! Incoming call
She looked down at her scroll to see the little goggle icon she gave Neptune shaking side to side Ilia wasn’t stupid. She knew what time it was; she also knew that she still wasn’t feeling in a party mood. ‘Maybe if I ignore it, he won’t call it again? Then again, it’s face time. Why not just call? .....screw it.’ Ilia answers it.
Neptune:Where are you!? Party time officially began at least half an hour ago!
Ilia:Uuhhhhh, fashionably late?
Neptune:Is that why you have dried up milk in the corners of your mouth?
Ilia:.....*wipes mouth* Yes? Hehehe.
Neptune:Are you even dressed?
Ilia:...Does a sports bra and basketball shorts count?
Neptune:You wear a bra in the comfort and privacy of your own house?
Neptune:Hmmm, you would.
Ilia:W..what does that me-
Neptune:Never mind that! Ilia, put on something party casual and hurry up. Don’t think I won’t drag you out of your house.
Ilia:You don’t know where I live Neptune.
Judy:*offscreen* I do!
Ilia:Judy!? Are you with my parole officer!!? Am I on speaker phone!?
Neptune:...That sounds pretty bad out loud but yes. Say hi Judy. *hands her scroll*
Judy:Hey Spots. You look comfy.
Ilia:I was. Now I’m suspicious.
Judy:Relax, I bumped into your friend and simply asked what he was doing. Apparently he’s waiting for you, so get off your butt and put on your dancing shoes!
Ilia:Shouldn’t my parole officer encourage me to stay in one place?
Judy:All I have to do is recommend you make good choices, which is something I never had to do with you personally because news flash, you’re a good citizen; reformed anyways.
Ilia:Woah, almost a complete compliment.
Judy:You know I find you endearing. Now are you real going to bum out on your couch watching anime.
Ilia:How did you know it was-
Judy:Or are you going to enjoy the night with your friend who keeps jumping every time he hears a wave crash on the shore?
Judy:FYI, if I see you out and about tonight then you don’t have to wake up early and report to me tomorrow. You can sleep in.
Ilia:Give me fifteen minutes.
Judy:I’ll give you twenty five. I can smell you from here. *hangs up*
Ilia:I don’t-oooohhhh Judy you.....why can’t I have a normal parole officer!?
Judy:She’s on her way.
Neptune:You’re good.
Judy:Nah, Ilia is just a big softie. Even if she won’t admit it. I do hope she cuts back on the drinking.
Neptune:Pfft, after yesterday she already said she’s not drinking a single drop of alcohol.
Judy:Whay happened yesterday?
Neptune:(Crap....) Oh you know..... too drunk to actually enjoy herself. I mean you saw her when I had to basically carry her.
Judy:Hmm, you’re definitely holding out on me. I can hear it your voice.
Neptune:What are you a detective? Wait, are you? *eyes widen*
Judy:No, you’re just really bad under pressure. That’s enough of you talking about what you do with females at parties. We have time to kill. *grabs his hand*
Neptune:*red* Where are we going?
Judy:Standing in one spot is boring! We’re going on a little walk on beach. Maybe get our feet a little wet?
Neptune:That’s...you see....bodies of w..water and I don’t exactly go together!
Judy:Yeah right. Your name is Neptune and I can see the goggles on your head.
Neptune:(I’ve made a terrible choice in fashion. Sun, I don’t know how but you owe me for this one.)
Yang:Oh, you’re back....
Sun:Yeah, I have a room here....
The two of them stood in the doorway of Blake’s house. Not many people have come to enjoy the festivities inside yet but those who did were treated to uneasy tension the two radiated. Neither of them had changed. In situations like these, you come prepared for the worst.
Yang:I don’t want to argue with you.
Sun:Me either.
Yang:So why does it feel like we’re one bad move away screaming our heads off.
Sun:Because you’re obviously defensive over this. As for me, I’m.....sad.
Yang:*frown* You’re not sad Sun. I know what sad is. What you are is hurt. Badly. Not that I blame you.
Sun:But you still insist on rubbing it in my face knowing how I feel? I thought you were better than that.
Yang:That’s not what- listen, I get it. I started ya off on bad terms and might’ve...deserved some choice words. My bad. Can we at least try to look past that?
Sun:*folds arms*....For Blake.
Yang:For Blake.
Kali:*walks up* Well that was a sorry excuse for an apology. Shouldn’t huntsman be somewhat good with deterring hostile situations. Both of you are scaring guest. Now I may not know the complete ins and outs of your problems but I know Blake cherishes you both; I cherish you both. Ghira might not show it but Sun, he is fond of you.
Something about hearing that made him smile a little. It would’ve been nice for Ghira to say it himself but still, it was nice.
Kali:If one of you is upset then Blake is upset. If both of you are upset with each other then you better believe that Blake will be concerned and I’ll be mad at both of you. So please, actually try and forgive one another; faking it won’t solve the problem. You’ll only end up more hurt.
Yang and Sun:.......Yes ma’am.
Kali:I hope you know that you don’t have to force yourself to okay so soon? As much as I would be thrilled if you were, we all know that’s not how these things work. Take your time. After all, this isn’t some physical injury you got. You’re heart broken.
He was. Sun didn’t really want to give it that label. Him and Blake definitely shared a lot of deep moments together since they met but they weren’t exactly plentiful. Yet somehow Blake....really captivated him. She was special to him. That feeling itself hasn’t changed. there was now simply miserable end layer that followed it; like bitter sweet chocolate. Coming here in the first place was struggle on its own. His chest felt heavy and face slightly warm. It felt wrong to not be completely happy for Blake. It felt selfish....
Yang:You know, Blake is still getting ready. Kali and I can tell her you stopped by to let her know you just weren’t feeling well? If that’s what you wanna do that is.
Sun:..Yeah. That might be for the best right now. *rubs head* Tell her I’m sorry too.
Yang watched him turn around and begin walking down the stairs. Guilt didn’t stop with him. Even she had to admit this isn’t what she wanted. Seeing Sun low spirited was unnatural. Things couldn’t end like that; not completely poor. “Sun!” She called out to him without thinking and ran to him. Sun turned just in time to receive an unexpected hug from the blonde bruiser. It took a moment before he returned it in kind.
Yang:Please feel better. I mean that. You’re just not you without a smile. I’m...I’m sorry I took that from you. I didn’t mean to.
Sun:Something was going to be collateral. No way around that. Thanks though; I needed a hug.
Sun spent no time putting distance between himself and that house. The sunset had was finally fading int night and with it brought more active people out and about. Many heading to where he just left, but some preferred to make the streets their dance floor. He wasn’t quite in a mood for it however. Instead he sat alone on a bench near the beach entrance and closed his eyes.
‘I wonder where the other are? They should be around here somewhere. Heh, Ilia is totally gonna be pissed that I didn’t follow through. Well, not exactly. At least Yang and I seem a bit more friendly. Still, so much for a part do over’
“Someone looks pretty gloomy for them to claim that making friends is their so called secret semblance.” The sarcastic tone was all he needed to hear in order to know Ilia was right in front of him.
“Hi Ilia.” No effort was put into making that sound cheery. “Sun, please tell me I didn’t get dressed for nothing?” His eyebrows scrunched at her words in confusion before actually deciding to take a look at the her. Ilia wore a simple white tank top and jean shorts that looked ripped by her own doing. They were faded and stopped halfway down her thighs. The most surprising part about the outfit, other than it being like colors, was her shoes. Sun didn’t expect Ilia to own a pair of high top sneakers. They were so blue with yellow stitching.
Sun:Where are the others?
Ilia:Don’t know; I just got here.
Sun:What? Shouldn’t you have been here like an hour ago?
Ilia:*red* I-I almost bailed. I’m sorry...
Sun:Don’t be. I kinda wished you did. It would make me feel a lot better about not holding up my end of the bargain.
Ilia:Someone looks like they have a story to tell. Or a reason to scream?
Sun:Try both.
Ilia:I just might. After you tell me about it first. Scoot over.
Sun:Well? No comments?
Ilia:Oh I have comments. They’re just mostly I told you so. Seriously, I’m the one who suggested getting space away from this situation in the first place!
Sun:I’m pretty sure you did not phrase it as kind. “Screw Blake Belladonna mentality” was what you said.
Ilia:Same difference. You got the message.
Sun:Yeah. Sorry, you were right. If you wanna go home then I won’t stop you. I’m not in much of a party mood anyways.
Ilia:Too bad
Ilia:I said too bad. I’m already dressed and out here. You’re stuck with me. We decided on three hours right? Plenty of time to turn this night around.
Ilia:Too bad....*grins* Listen, would you really rather sit here alone and bummed out. At least around me you’ll look cheery by comparison.
Sun:That’s pretty when you think about Ilia.
Ilia:Trust me, I know. So let’s at least try to fix that!
Her words and attitude were picking up steam so to speak. Only a little awhile ago did Sun hear the girl want to do nothing but lay around but now she was at least trying to give him positive vibes to feed off on. He hasn’t seen this much enthusiasm since their race. “You’re a real haggler aren’t ya?”
“You’re one to talk, banana breath.” She folded her arms and smirked with pride. The petty insult managed to put more of a smile on his face. “Look at that, you’re looking better already.” He playfully rolled his eyes; she might’ve been right though. He’d let her have this little victory if it meant her spirits was lifted too. A smile on her face was beginning to be a rare thing.
The two kept trying to read each other’s facial expression in an attempt to get some sort of edge over the other to tease them about. That all stopped however when the same thought came to both of them. ‘How long have I been staring?’ Unknowingly this had been going on for a couple minutes. Not only that, they hadn’t realized how physically close they had gotten in the process. Someway, somehow, Ilia had inched closer to him until there was almost no space between them except for hands that were finger nails apart. Sun was no better. He was so focused on reading her that he actually had leaned in a bit. Their faces only a few inches away. Ilia’s skin flashed pink briefly before her immediate jolt backwards away from him. Sun wondered if she had noticed? He wouldn’t bring it up if she didn’t. Even he could tell his face was probably a bit flushed from the unexpected breach of personal space.
Sun:S..Sorry about-
Ilia:No, it’s fine. My bad. We’re cool......
Sun:Cool. Cool...*rubs head* so uhh, let’s find Neptune I guess?
Ilia:Sounds like a plan!
They hop up from the bench and begin looking too see if they could spot him. “Judy was with him whe he called me. I’m sure they’re on the beach.”
“Let’s go then.” His mind instinctively went to grab her hand. He had caught what he was about to do but before he could backpedal, Ilia’s hand met his halfway and grabbed it. Her own subconscious action startled her. She had seen his hand swing back to her and simply...reached for it. Ilia looked at their hands then at Sun who was more than a little embarrassed by the incident.
Ilia:Yeah, this crowd is getting pretty big. Wouldn’t want to get split and then have to find each other too.
She couldn’t tell if she was giving him an out, being logical, or rationalizing what happened to herself; and she wasn’t about to linger on it. Now was the time for fun. Anything else can be dealt with another day. Ilia took the lead and lead him to the beach.
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knyenthusiast · 5 years
Kimetsu no yaiba as a
Lowkey inspired by boys over flowers, literally everyone x reader,, just introducing the characters roles if they were in the k-drama. Probably gonna do more with this au plot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I feel like this isn’t a kdrama based au but a WATTPAD GENUINE GUIDE STORY,,
You know those types of dramas where every boy or girl story x you, and you either get bullied or maybe loved, popular etc, am trying to do that
I’ll be using girl pronouns because,, gender neutral pronouns is a bit hard in this one, sorry 😔!!!
Tanjiro : would be the first kid that pops up to you when you first entered the school, since you just moved in the school. He would introduce himself and show you around the school, the teacher doesn’t mind him skipping class because he’s the goody two shoes of the school, you weren’t really surprised by the fact that he is, he radiates soft boy energy. Oh yeet surprise surprise, you’re in the same class as him, he might actually have to tutor you, he would actually voluntarily ask
“Would you like me to help ?”
You might sometimes borrow his homework if you forgot to go yours, hehe. He wouldn’t let you but you were too cute so,,,
He has a girl, who follows him around and you asked him who she is oh!?
Nezuko: , loves you so much, treats you as a little sibling no matter the age, she lowkey wants to be dominant for once. Takes really good care of you, i feel as if she would bake cookies for you or like buy you snacks and banana korean milk and gives it to you every morning, so you can have more energy for the day, gay for you but doesn’t show it much,
If you were into kpop, I’m pretty sure she would be neutral with you screaming to your kpop husbands but she also secretly tries to learn your kpop husbands just so she could scream with you and talk to you more but is still a confused baby,,,and tanjiro would just look at you, conFusiOn intensifies,
This is where zenitsu pops up: and is literally the woman magnet,
He was so eager, and screamed, the classmates doesn’t even bother looking, since it’s the usual, but since there was you involved, loOks his way. He’s that one sad kid who wants a lover but never gets one because people think he’s a loud sad cry baby, he’s close to tanjiro because tanjiro was the only one who accepted his obnoxious ass. He quickly tries to make a move on you after you breathed. He tries to look cool infront of the ladies, thinks he’s a pro with the chics, but isn’t.
“Did you know that I’m the hall monitor ?”
Tries to impress you and fails because tanjiro kept on spitting the truth about him to you and zenitsu quickly screams at him and tells him to shut up.
Class has started !
The teacher had told you to introduce yourself in front of the class and suddenly...
door opens, another flower boy slams opens the door , toast in the mouth. Clothes, belongings and hair messy, casually walks to his seat, doesn’t care that the teacher is scolding him, he does as he wants
Inosuke : opens his top buttons a bit to show that he ain’t no girlie, has a very pretty face, secretly a softie, causes trouble, lowkey bullies tanjiro but not too harsh on him, apart of tanjiros friend group, feral loud baby, ain’t that smart so at one point you had to tutor him. Really likes the idea of teasing,
Inosuke : causes trouble
Tanjiro : gets him out of trouble
Would be that one person who gives out bad advice,
Craves for your compliments, he tries to do everything better than you but fails, tries to blackmail you to praise him, very competitive, but I swear he is a supportive friend, he just....
Doesn’t look like it.
Pretty girl has appeared and greeted you!
Kanao : everyone loves her, she isn’t mean. The calm one of the class and the smart A+ student and says that 97 as a score is still not good enough. Somewhat passive aggressive, always a smile on her face, she just suddenly sticks herself to you because she’s concerned, you were already glued to 3 guys,,,, and the one girl,,, your somewhat trustable girlfriend.
Would always scold you, she’s just so concerned for your well being,
You were walking down the hallway till
Oh no!
You saw a crowd and In the middle was a fight between to very tall men and they were both covered with scars !
The shinazugawa bros :
Genya : after you saw him fighting who you thought was a bully but was actually his brother, you tried to help him but he kept on pushing you away because, he doesn’t want a girl knowing his problems, he’s usually alone. It’s not like he hates girls no no no, he’s very shy. Doing his stuff alone, everyone fears him, but not as much as they fear his brother. A bit of neutral with the classmates but they still somewhat fear him.
You were suddenly paired with him for a project so you knew you had to get close to him somehow, he told you that he would do all the stuff for the project and told you to leave him alone but you kept on following him around, tanjiro warned you about him that he was scared he might attack you or something, zenitsu being the protective boy he is told you to s t o p, cried rivers of tears, but you told them you had this all under control,
In the end you two bonded and became good friends
+ 1 genya to tanjiros friend group. He now hangs out with you guys,
Sanemi : OH BOI, R U D E, doesn’t care if everyone can see his bara bara tiddies, even the teachers were scared of him, like damn he looked menacing, especially with his scars,
Apart of this outside of school gang,,,,
You wanted to confront him about the genya problem and he should’ve taken better care of his brother, so you went up to him and his friend, probably his only friend rengoku,,, and he was like
“Go away, pimp”
Really dislikes you at first, he might actually be a bully to you, because you annoyed him so much, but you guys might fall in love suddenly like, BAM. Yes this is what usually happens, the bully might actually fall in love with the one he bullies as obnoxious as it sounds. :x,
Everyone’s worried for you because, a GORL going up to THE SHINAZUGAWA BARA TIDDIES SANEMI Like WOAH,,, everyone warned you like, even your classmates,,,
Rengoku : has a pack of girls making a fan club for him, he’s a very popular guy indeed
“You can’t touch rengoku oppa 😩🤬”
But he just sticks himself to you so his fan girls won’t touch you and hurt you, he is Genuinely a nice guy, wants to help as much as he can as a senior, Since he’s sanemis only best friend, he would always say sorry to you if sanemi has hurted you by any chance, says sorry for his behalf, honestly... trusts you with ‘tanjirou my boy’.He’s really neutral with anything but he’s very protective over sanemi,
Come and question me but I ship sanemi and rengoku. Come fight me.
He Has a little brother, and talks about all his little brothers achievement because he loves his brother, you two would go to the park and have hangouts a lot, he’s apart of the baseball club :,^). Shines like the sun, you gave him a sunflower once and he cherished it because it was from s/o and he loves you.
Himejima : would also most likely be around sanemi and rengoku, hehh, the three make a great team, himejima is probably busy doing student council activities since he is the leader/head, he has great leadership things and always corrects zenitsu on doing his hall monitoring job correctly, but he hangs out with his friends as well, people kind of question on why he’s friends with sanemi, since bad guy and good guy, doesn’t make any sense, but himejima can be a gangsta as well, he sometimes helps sanemi bail out of class,
Y’all gangsta till himejima finally snaps and gets his portable axe out of his backpack, people count him as the most chillest head student council ever, because the previous ones were way strict than him, but I swear he gets things done as well!, passive aggressive way, says things nicely but what he’s saying is demanding, also apart of the baseball team and basketball!, you see him a lot there and he looks hot there 😳, he smiles when he senses you around him, don’t underestimate him,
There’s this one girl with this devious smile plastered on her face,, I wonder who she is?
Shinobu : best girl, everhone has this weird senior relationship with her, since sometimes we all can get along well but when she serious and angry, you don’t miss with her, just because she small, don’t mean she has no power,
She the chief student council, don’t mess with her,
Teases you a lot because you surrounded by the oppars, and the hotties, passive aggressive aswell, especially with that smile of her, sometimes unpredictable, but she tries to be close to giyuu?, wonder who that is, teases him but he doesn’t really care, some of his fan club hates her and some loves her, but giyuu and shinobu sometimes make a good team and she watches over you well even tho it doesn’t look like it since she teases you a lot
A bigger crowd has emerged, ! What’s that ? A guy in the middle???? Has a spikey pony tail?? Hmmm???
Giyuu : really awkward, but is smart boy, he doesn’t really know what’s going on around him, but he actually has a bigger fangirl base than rengoku’s,
Girls swoon over him, crave for his attention, Lucky you, he had interest for you but didn’t show it much, how did you know him?, he helped you pick up your fallen books in the library, and first love music intensifies *
let me think of a kpop song, OH WAIT
Park kyung - inferiority complex
Day6 - when you love someone
STAN DAY 6 OMG PMENALFLAJGLOQ,; have y’all heard of time of our life by day6 like uhM BITJ SNAPPED, ok continue. I’m a jyp Stan so like 🤭
he played hard to get, so you went to him and asked him stuff while he ignores you but actually enjoys the time together, you follow him around with Tanjiro because Tanjiro also wants to know him better,
You’d visit him every morning, and share to him nezukos banana milk that she gives you every morning :,^),,,, jkjkjj you bought your own banana milk and gave it to him, but he looked as if he doesn’t care but he secretly drinks it.
Sabaito: big BABY, acts like the maknae *young kid* but is actually the most experienced, I feel as if he would be a perfectionist but no one would really notice it ?, the only one who could get giyuu to smile, knows everything about giyuu, the number one ship from both fanclubs,
Whose both?
Sabito and giyuuus fanclub OF COURSE!,
Would be that one ghost kid, sometimes mysterious, sometimes eaves drops, sometimes competitive, but he just wants the best for the earth and lead a better generation, leadership type of guy, if there were to be a senior x junior event, the teachers would most likely pair him with you since, there’s a lot to be learnt from him,
Would be asked to tutor you, very popular among the moms,
‘Have you heard about all of sabitos achievements?’
‘Must be so lucky to have him as a son!’
Your mom would lowkey ship you with him, and ask him to tutor you more,
Every mom would approve of him
Y’all thought he big brain but he medium sized baby, giyuu would most likely be found around him, you see sabito? There has to always be giyuu, or else there would be something wrong, he sometimes quirky, and tries to speak slang, but that just breaks his character,
Fan service with giyuu, and he would always make the first move, looks out for giyuu and you aswell,
But he trusts tanjiro to do that, but sometimes don’t trust him aswell,
The two would always be found in food areas, such as the tempura shop near school, and food fairs,
Sabito has an Instagram about food but never posts his face, typical,
Since giyuu was a tease he told every girl in his fan club he’d date the girl who gets his Rolex watch from the scary cat near the school area, damn giyuu with cla$$
You went searching for the cat, you knew it was dangerous but you tried to go to the cat anyways and now you were full of the cats scratches, :(
You were so exhausted that you laid down under a tree. You didn’t know there was a boy next to you. He had long black hair with blue tips at the end of his hair...
Muichiro : he really likes cloud gazing, his special spot is the tree you just found while searching for the nasty cat. He Is actually close to tanjiro but he doesn’t hang out with him much because his friend group was too loud, he easily dozed off but tries his best to listen to you.
At first your relationship with him was just a quiet atmosphere but that changed till you got to know him better,,, so here you are cloud gazing with him, and he just tells you random things with his soft voice, he’s very mysterious, more mysterious than giyuu actually... he likes sleeping in class so whenever you go to his class for recess, you have to wake him up, and let me just tell you that he looks CUTE, he skipped a few grades because he was just too smart...
While cloud gazing, two people were screaming muichiros name??? Who could they be ???
Mitsuri : really concerned for muichiro, really loud and energetic, the nicest purest girl you met, the whole school loves her, gymnastic club, real flexible, dancer baby, but more to ballet because she’s elegant, lots of guys ask her out but she’s kind of taken by y’all know who... she was searching for muichiro because she was worried about him, he didn’t look well that day and the school nurse told her to give him some pills... so here she was searching for him. Really determined to find him.
You didn’t know muichiro was sick because he always looked pale, but today he sounded off, so here you are with mitsuri, trying to make muichiro eat his pills and feeding him before he gets his pills, since it was recess, he was really shy because you were feeding him, he internally passed out, this was probably your first time seeing him this shy around you, but since you thicc as a brick and you didn’t get any hints yet, you thought he was just very sick.
A cold atmosphere had emerged, whose giving off this aura?
IGURO: really cold, protective over his gf, deals with the bs around mitsuri since mitsuri is lowkey like a child, he’s a bit neutral towards you, and muichiro, yoU four look like a happy family,
The first time you two met, uhm- he was really cold and gave you a glare, but since mitsuri had literally glued herself to you, he had no choice but to spare you and muichiro was close to you as well!, you two are at a neutral bond stage, you can get a long, sometimes can figt as well, he slick as f,
Sometimes appear at times you don’t want him to appear, eavesdropping at its finest, lowkey claimed himself as your protective brother from another mother.
And your day is always full of randomness when you’re with them, they very precious beans and they all love you and would figt for your love
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raendown · 5 years
Pairing: None Word count: 4419 Chapter: 2/4  Rated: T+ Summary: Months after the village is built Izuna is near his breaking point. Peace is nice, don’t get him wrong, but he could do without the pale shadow that follows behind him everywhere he goes. All he wants is to understand. What the hell is Tobirama’s obsession with watching him?
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info in the header!
Chapter 2
“But why do I need to be in charge of it?” In spite of the usual efforts to sound more mature than his actual age, at the moment Hikaku treads dangerously close to a childish whine. Izuna is far from impressed.
“We need someone there to make sure people actually stay on task,” he says. “And we all know there’s no one better at killing a buzz than you. It’s a work site, people are gonna get rowdy, idiots are gonna want to show off. You’re basically acting as supervisor to make sure that no one gets out of hand or uses any chakra outside of strict working necessity.”
Scratching at the back of his head, Hikaku steps aside to let a man pass between them and then falls in to step beside Izuna again. His face takes on a dour expression for several minutes as they walk. By the time he orders his thoughts for whatever he wants to say they’ve already passed by several shops and turned down another street.
“I’m not exactly…the strongest guy around,” he says at last. The words sound as though they pain him to admit. Pride is a terrible affliction to them all.
“That’s fine. No one’s asking you to actually fight people. If they step out of line you tell them where to shove it. And if they try to start something you don’t think you can win then dodge like hell and report them. You know I’m always willing to crack a head for you if you need it.” Izuna grins as he claps his cousin on the back, shamelessly enjoying the bleak grimace he gets in return.
When the other falls in to a sulk Izuna lets him, too cheerful to be put off his own good mood. Plans to build the wall are progressing a lot faster than anyone expected after the council of elders had somehow all managed to agree on a single proposal in the first meeting. As a celebration of the workers going out to survey the initial measurements Izuna had invited Madara out for lunch. Unfortunately his brother is an absolute stick in the mud and had opted to stay home with some paperwork he apparently needed to get done so when Izuna passed Hikaku on his way in to the shopping district he cheerfully invited his cousin instead.
And even more cheerfully dropped the news that he is nominating Hikaku as one of the foremen for this upcoming worksite. Their lunch out has been a petty man’s delight as he enjoyed both the food and the look of exhausted irritation staring back at him.
“Come on, if we cut through here I think it leads out near the tailor’s and I need to put in an order for a new cloak.” With how the streets twist here and there Izuna is actually fairly proud of himself for remembering that. He pulls at his cousin’s shoulder until Hikaku follows along behind him with a tortured sigh.
“I thought we were going home now?”
“Oh stop whining or I’ll sit on you until you admit that you’re secretly an old man in an adolescent body.”
Even without looking he can practically hear the other pouting. “I’m nineteen!”
Izuna intends to shoot back with some quip about making his point for him. He’s interrupted before he can by the sudden appearance of two stocky figures in front of them, blocking the path in an unmistakably deliberate manner. One arm swings out instinctively to stop Hikaku and encourage the younger man behind him. His cousin might not be exactly weak but he is also enough of a level-headed realistic to step behind the stronger fighter without complaint.
“Can I help you gentlemen?” Izuna asks in a calm voice.
“Already done enough, haven’t you?” one of the men drawls. His accent is distinctly northern where the villages have all intermarried enough that none of the people living there can be said to carry even as few as three bloodlines.
“If I’ve already helped then I’m sure you wouldn’t mind stepping aside for us to pass.” Humor is, perhaps, not the best way to respond in this situation but unfortunately his mouth always works a little faster than his brain. Sometimes the words just sort of fall out of their own.
“Think you’re funny?”
Clearly these strangers do not appreciate his humor.
“Yeah I sort of think I am.” Izuna grins even as he curses himself for a trouble-seeking fool.
“Right.” One of the men turns his head to spit before cracking his knuckles. “I’ve been waiting years to get you alone. Then some people came ‘round our little hamlet talking about peace and a village where we can all be happy and sunshine together and I thought to myself ‘well now, isn’t that just an opportunity?’ And here you are.”
“Here I am.”
“My sister never took another step after you left her for dead. Now she spends every day with this look on her face like she wishes you would have just finished the job.”
A wash of sad understanding turns over in Izuna’s belly. Not guilt because he’s sure he had a reason for whatever he did, he’s never been the type for unnecessary slaughter, but the aftermath of their duties as shinobi is never pleasant to think about. One of the first lessons he’d ever been taught was how to put it all out of his mind lest it drive him to madness thinking about the things he’s done. It doesn’t take a genius to understand the sort of revenge this man is after; obviously he’s never been able to put what happened to his sister out of mind.
For perhaps a sliver of an instant Izuna considers trying to talk his way out of this but even as the idea enters his mind he cast it aside. The anger staring back at him is not the sort of anger that can be talked aside. Unfortunate, that. There goes his good mood.
“Hikaku,” he murmurs quietly, “I want you to stay out of this.”
“Just watch the street and make sure no one else gets involved, alright?” Keeping both eyes on the man already reaching for a poorly sharpened kunai, he waits until his cousin assents with a low grunt. Then he nods and put his trust in the other to keep out of the way.
Eyes narrowed, body language more aggressive by the moment, the stranger doing all the talking gives a harsh snort. “You must be proud of the pain you’ve caused. I’ve always enjoyed taking the pride out of men who don’t deserve it. Hurting you the way you hurt her is going to be fun, I’ll make sure to mark this day on my calendar and celebrate it every damn year.”
Izuna is already imagining the lecture Madara will give him later on setting an example for others, how they are supposed to be the pinnacles of peaceful behavior towards their new allies. He spares a moment to scowl mentally for the one who has seen most of his violence over the years. What use is having a stalker if Tobirama mysteriously disappears the only time it might be useful to have him around?
Of course, the moment he finishes that thought the two men move towards him and then every body present freezes as another appears between them. Exasperation and relief flood Izuna’s veins in equal measures. Tobirama says nothing in either greeting or explanation, merely stands like a statue with his back to the one he’s spent most of his life trying to kill. Leaning to the side puts Izuna at just the right angle to see his rival’s face and wonders at the look of sheer ice in those deep red eyes, narrowed in to a cold glare that would have frozen the blood of bigger men than the ones he has turned it on now. Nice as it is of him to give these idiots pause in whatever stupidity they had been about to commit it’s still baffling for Izuna to find himself standing behind a wall of pale flesh like some damsel that needs rescuing.
And all in utter silence.
Now faced with twice the skill as they had been a moment before, the would-be attackers seem to rethink their options, eyes darting between Tobirama’s immovable stance and Izuna’s raised eyebrows. The one who has so far done all the talking keeps his eyes forward when he cranes his neck to whisper behind himself. Wariness has already filled the second man, frustration clear on his face even as he shakes his head with obvious regret.
“Let us have five minutes with him,” the first one says finally, attempting to bargain with Tobirama. “Rumor says you follow him around like a shadow; obviously you don’t trust him. You wouldn’t shed any tears if something happened, yeah? No one has to know you were even here.”
They wait but Tobirama makes no move to reply, only continues staring the pair of them down. It’s difficult to decide whether his ability to remain so completely still is more impressive or eerie but Izuna supposes it doesn’t matter much when it is clearly serving its purpose. All confidence drains away to leave both of the strange men looking increasingly nervous as the minutes ticked by. Eventually the one in front grunts and scuffs one foot against the dusty ground.
“Whatever. Pair of goody-two-shoes softies now that you’ve got a pretty little treaty to hide behind and all. Just you wait, Uchiha. There won’t always be a Senju bodyguard around to protect you.” With a sharp gesture he motions for his companion to follow and backs away slowly until he can lose himself in the crowds just beyond the alley.
“Hn, won’t I?” Izuna murmurs unhappily under his breath.
Although he’s sure the words do not carry across the space between them, Tobirama turns and meets his eyes with the anger in his face draining away to leave him blank once more. For some reason the sight of him is unutterably irritating.
“Thanks oh so much for the help but you know I could have taken those two with both eyes closed, right? I don’t you to rescue me.” Snorting quietly as he hears his cousin splutter behind him, Izuna shakes his head. “Seriously, is this what you were following me around for? I don’t know if you were hoping for a life debt or something but no way am I declaring some bullshit like that when I could have taken care of this on my own.”
“Izuna!” Hikaku whines and pulls at his sleeve but he shakes the man off without looking.
“Go on then. Was that what you wanted? For the love of chakra just say something!”
Tobirama tilts his head slowly to one side. “Your brother was looking for you,” is all he says, leaving them to wonder if he intends that as a convenient excuse for his presence or this is a paltry attempt at moving the focus away from himself. It’s a lie either way. His brother knows exactly where he is.
With no further words Tobirama turns and walks away in a plain declaration that he considers this nonexistent conversation over. Not even when Izuna hollers after him loud enough to attract attention from both ends of the alley does he look back, leaping up on to the rooftops where, even more annoyingly, his chakra doesn’t go farther than a couple of roads away. Considering how close he tends to stay lately it’s sort of a miracle he goes even that far.
“Do you think anyone would notice if I murdered him in his sleep?” Izuna grumbles.
“Yes,” Hikaku answers in a flat voice. “Many people. Not the least of whom would be his own sibling.”
“Just a little bit?”
It proves difficult but he manages to resist the urge to cross his arms. “Ugh, fine. Come on. I can stop by the tailor’s another day, let’s just head back home. Madara’s gonna love this.”
One glance is all it takes to see that Hikaku understands his sarcasm. At least the familiarity of rolling eyes lifts his spirits a bit. He is still frowning as they turn for home, however, working though everything that’s just happened in the span of about five minutes. For all that he hadn’t believed in peace himself for many years, apparently he’s allowed himself to grow complacent in just a few short months of it. Getting jumped is surprising enough already considering how few people would dare to challenge his reputation but having someone go to all the trouble of joining their settlement just to challenge him specifically is a dedication to hatred beyond even his own ability to carry grudges. Then to have Tobirama of all people step in like some volunteer policeman? He feels almost tempted to check himself for signs of whiplash.
Hikaku stays with him until they are well within the boundaries of the Uchiha compound, probably worrying that he might wander off and get up to no good. Which, he can admit, sounds fairly relaxing at the moment. Nothing helps him let off a bit off steam more than pulling a good prank or two on his fellow clan members. Unfortunately he’s had to rein himself in a lot more often to make a good image for anyone watching the Uchiha a little too closely, putting their best foot forward until the gathered clans are all on more solid footing with each other. It’s a shame, really. Behaving is boring.
Left alone only a few streets away from his home, Izuna spends the last few minutes’ walk trying to figure out how to describe what has just transpired without making it sound like some weird over exaggeration. He wanders up their walkway with an absent thought that it looks like the grass seeds they planted are finally sprouting, green shoots rising from bare dirt to stand proud with no help from the mokuton they still deny needing, and scowls to know that it is now perhaps a little late in the season. They will die before they have a chance to live. Perhaps to take advantage of the help Hashirama offers will be necessary after all next year. Madara looks up as Izuna enters their home and matches his frown as though by instinct.
“What’s your problem?” he demands.
“Grass is finally growing,” Izuna mumbles as he kicks off his shoes. “And I got jumped in an alley. Sort of.”
Madara's paperwork drifts slowly down to his lap, eyes narrowing behind the reading glasses he so shamefully hides away from most people, fingers already tapping random patterns against his thigh with rapid thought.
“You look remarkably unruffled for someone who just got jumped.”
“Didn’t exactly turn in to a fight. Almost, there were two of them and one was saying something about me hurting his sister, but we got interrupted.”
“By?” his brother prompts him when he doesn’t go on.
Shuffling in to the room, Izuna flops down in the closest armchair and rolls his eyes. “Who do you think? My biggest fan showed up and just stood there like a ghostly statue, stared the two idiots down until I guess they decided they didn’t want to fight me and him at the same time.”
He feels almost flattered to see Madara set his paperwork entirely aside. As the years go by his brother has grown to be more and more of a workaholic, always needing to be productive and taking less time to simply relax, almost as though he were trying to fill some kind of hole in himself. Izuna wonders sometimes if the man is lonely but he never asks. Romance is generally one of the topics they try not to talk about beyond warning each other to go sleep somewhere else for a night on rare occasions.
“Just like that?” Madara asks eventually. “He showed up out of nowhere to just…stand there?”
“Pretty much. It was weird. When I tried to tell him I had the situation handled all he said was that you were looking for me and then he disappeared like he does except he didn’t go far. Do you think he even realizes that I’m a trained fucking shinobi and I can track chakra like everyone else if I put some effort in to it?”
Several minutes pass without answer but he knows his sibling well enough to know that Madara is only mulling the situation over in his head. Much to the contrary of what most people think, he does have the ability to think before he speaks; it’s just that he loses that ability when his emotions are high and that tends to happen a little too easily. Especially around the two Senju brothers. Both of their one-time enemies have their own way of evoking emotion fairly easily from those around them.
“I can’t say I know what’s in his mind but from what you’ve told me I don’t think he cares whether you know he’s there or not.” Madara hums as though considering his own statement.
“That’s just weird,” Izuna grumbles. “This whole thing is weird. People are actually starting to talk about it, do you realize that? And some of the rumors going around are wild! I’m pretty sure the man isn’t following me around because he’s secretly in love with me.”
“You never know,” Madara points out with the careful thought on his face morphing in to sly teasing.
“Oh don’t even suggest it,” Izuna shoots back, nose wrinkling with distaste.
It isn’t that Tobirama is particularly unattractive. Quite the opposite, actually; he’s been unfairly attractive since the rest of them were all gangly teenagers hating him a little more for having never suffered the indignation of a pimple at the end of his nose. Rather it’s the idea of trying to make a relationship work with someone he would constantly be comparing himself to that balks him. Being competitive is simply in his nature and Izuna is self-aware enough to admit that being so close in power to his partner would leave him feeling childishly not good enough.
His eyes close as he realizes that now he is worrying about this ridiculous possibility he hadn’t even given credence to until he was teased about it. Madara, the bastard, snickers at him from across the room.
“Maybe I can shake him if I volunteer to take a few missions,” Izuna muses aloud. “He’s really not harming me in any way but it’d be nice to not feel eyes following me around all the time. That plays havoc with all the years I spent training myself to be hyper aware of anyone watching me. I keep thinking he’s about to attack.”
“Afraid you’ll lose?” His brother pretends to nod in sage agreement, to which he lifts his middle finger.
“Don’t project your own insecurities on to me, old man.”
The wave of profanity that crashes over him in response flows in one ear and out the other as Izuna tunes it all out with the ease of practice. He is already trying to remember the mission list that got posted this morning and whether there had been anything on it which might keep him away for a few days just to relax, to breathe without having to wonder if red eyes might be watching his every movement.
Getting out of the village will be good for him anyway. It will be interesting to see how the climates have changed in the area with the forming of Konoha and all the other lands following their example. When the only thing he needed to call himself was an Uchiha there had been certain cities and towns that welcomed him with the relief of knowing he would protect them if need be while others had watched him pass through their lands from behind closed blinds, reporting every movement to the other clans they were allied with. Now that he carries with him the weight of Konohagakure on his shoulders he wonders how those same eyes will watch him. Friendly, the ally of his allies? Or will suspicion and prejudice linger as they all pretend that it doesn’t here in the village itself?
It feels strange to hope that lingering prejudice is the only reason Tobirama keeps following him around but Izuna finds his thoughts wandering back to the rumors of a strange romantic obsession and shudders, pushing the idea away as quickly as it returns to him. Some time away will hopefully clear his mind and allow him to come back to this odd situation with fresh eyes. Maybe then he will be able to see past the things he is afraid of finding to spot the real reason.
Like any good plan, however, it is subject to unexpected changes. Namely the innocent smile on Hashirama's face the next morning as he stands in the man’s office and stares with abject horror.
“You want me to what?”
“Accompany Tobirama on his mission! It’s a simple delivery but our intelligence says that Iwa shinobi have been spotted in the area and they’ve been doing everything they can to sabotage our efforts in reaching out to new allies.” His eyes turn soft in the way that says he is slipping away in to dreamy thoughts. “Normally I would send Touka with him, they’ve always worked well together, but then something Maddy said made me realize that it would be really good to make a show of unity, you know?”
“Unity.” Izuna parrots the word faintly, hardly able to believe his ears. He is going to kill his brother for this.
With an oblivious nod Hashirama goes on. “Yes! The biggest concern we see from the clans we’re reaching out to is their doubt that this peace is real. What better way to convince them of our sincerity than to see you and Tobi working together?”
“That’s very sound logic,” he has to admit. “Terrible, awful, and disgustingly sound logic.”
“Isn’t it? When I told Tobi my idea all he did was stare at me without saying anything. I would have thought he’d be proud of me for coming up with such a clever idea.”
Doing his best to ignore the most powerful man in the nation pouting at him like a child asking for sympathy, Izuna draws in a deep breath and lets it back out slowly. Of course his old rival had only stared. The man is probably leaping for maniacal joy on the inside to be handed such a perfect excuse to continue stalking him from even closer than usual. So much for getting some time away.
“Looks like I don’t have much of a choice but to accept,” Izuna mumbles more to himself than to Hashirama. After making a point to seek out a mission for himself it will only make him look like a dissenter if he refuses to work this one simply because of who he’s been asked to work with.
“Excellent! Right, I have a copy of the mission details here if you’d like to take the scroll and look it over. You’ll be leaving in two days so don’t worry about rushing, there’s plenty of time to get things together or find someone to cover your work. I know Tobi hates to come home and find his paperwork has piled up.”
“Does he now?”
The other man beams at his rhetorical question, clearly mistaking it for interest, and continues to blather on long past the point when Izuna stops listening. Now that he’s been enjoying the benefits of it for months he will be the last person to declare this peace a mistake but Izuna will freely and eagerly state for anyone who asks that he regrets the effects it seems to be having on Tobirama. Or more accurately he regrets that it has given the man chances such as the one he finds himself falling in to now.
Quietly planning revenge on his own brother for having any part in saddling him with this doom, Izuna allows Hashirama's voice to wash over him like a constant stream as he unrolls the scroll to peruse its contents. The mission itself doesn’t seem too complicated, typical first contact stuff, a good show of cooperation and goodwill before they saunter on home again. It’s ironically just the sort of thing he’s been hoping for. Of course, he’s been hoping to go alone or perhaps to drag Hikaku along with him. Now he is to be saddled with an extra shadow to follow along behind.
A little piece of home to come with him, he thinks wryly.
“Much as I appreciate your stellar conversation”-Izuna interrupts the flow of words without guilt the moment he is finished reading-“I do believe I should go set my paperwork in order now rather than leaving it until the last minute. Whoever takes up my duties while I’m gone won’t appreciate a messy filing system.”
“Yeah, Tobi’s always on my back to be less messy. I won’t keep you then!”
Izuna nods and turns away. He makes it all the way to the door and twists the handle when his attention is called back to see Hashirama’s face take on a hesitant, almost pensive expression.
“Thank you for accepting this mission. I know the two of you aren’t close the way Maddy and I are but I think…this will be good for him.” He says nothing more than that, no explanation for such cryptic words, and once again Izuna finds himself wondering whether this man knows what sort of behavior his sibling gets up to at every opportunity.
Rather than ask he simply nods and turns back to the door again. Tobirama tends to stay farther away whenever he keeps within the boundaries of the Uchiha compound. If he is to be denied the space he’s been trying to create for himself then Izuna very much intends to spend as much time as possible on his own before several days of having to walk side by side with his own unexplained stalker. Maybe – and it’s a big maybe – he might be able to force some sort of clue out of the man while they’re alone in the wilderness for days on end.
A man can dream, even if he dreams of nothing more than an answer to his questions.
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nianderful · 5 years
nia’s 30 days of witchaversary (days 1-17)
um, oops?
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i meant to do this sooner, i swear, but i’ve been very busy with work and other real life stuff this month
i actually wasn’t intending to do this at all, but since my initial plans to celebrate WITCH have kind of fallen off, i may as well jump on the bandwagon! i hope i’m not too late 😅
day 1: favorite guardian
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orube! i absolutely adore this girl. she’s such a great character--appearing to be a hardened warrior but in reality is the biggest softie...while also kicking a lot of ass. i love her interactions with the guardians, i love the depth she has, and while i could gush about cedrube all day, they deserve its own space. 
honorable mentions go to....well, the rest of w.i.t.c.h., will and taranee in particular. i relate to both of them a lot (mostly with being pretty shy and socially awkward)
day 2-favorite villain
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(will smith poses) THIS GUY. i know everyone and their mother loves phobos, but i am not Everyone And Their Mother.  i honestly think phobos is kind of lame
cedric on the other hand, is a different story. this guy’s a CHAD. he was the one Actually Doing Stuff in the first arc. HE was the one pulling weight during phobos’ scheme in the fourth arc, AND ludmoore’s in the fifth.
also he’s just a great villain in general; a consistent threat through and through, powerful as heck (unlike his tv counterpart who got his tail whooped by everyone) and do i even NEED to bring up him and orube? (i’m gonna get to them, i promise) 
day 3- favorite love interests
i honestly think all the WITCH bois are good but if i could pick a favorite....
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peter! he’s just so good. a sweetheart, a looker, a great big brother.....he’s perfect. (like tadashi, ‘cept he doesn’t die)
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look at him and corny being goofy. love is real and it’s in the picture above me.
 day 4: favorite pairing/ship
aww man this is a long time comin’ so let’s get it DONE
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cedrube. always cedrube. forever cedrube. 
these two are just....so good. a twosome on opposite sides, brought together by their shared experience of being Fish Out of Water. orube brought out the best in cedric (his semi-redemption, anybody?) and cedric allowed orube to experienced something she longed for.
if only their ending was as happy as they are in this picture...
day 5-favorite friendship
picking all of w.i.t.c.h. would be too predictable, so i choose...
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these two! i love how irma and hay lin are Those Two Gals, joking around when the others are being serious. these two are perfect together, and i love the scenes when they’re messing around.
day 6: favorite cover/promo/pin up art
the cover for issue 56!
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ugh i love this. it’s gorgeous; the movement’s fluid, the expressions are on point, and it’s a tribute/celebration of the tv series! (particularly with the girls curled up in element colored balls; a reference to the toon transformation)
day 7: favorite issue 
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had to go with the one that started it all, issue 1. this series has been with me for a long time, and i remember being so captivated with the first issue. i may sing the praises of precure, but w.i.t.c.h. was actually my very first magical girl series, and this issue was my very first experience with the genre. i will always hold it close to me. 
day 8-favorite special
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the orube special! orube sadly isn’t a character that gets much play outside of her role as w.i.t.c.h’s ally/honorary guardian, but this issue gives us just that! we get to see her get a job, make friends, and learn a little more about how to be an earthling. 
day 9-favorite guardian uniform
i’ll pick taranee’s! 
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it looks the most....practical to me. like, if i was a guardian, i’d wear something like this. also i ADORE the fact that tara keeps her glasses in guardian form. any other show would have them get magicked away, but not here. as a Black Girl With Glasses, it’s a detail i really appreciate.
day 10-favorite world/planet
um. kandrakar, i guess?
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it’s pretty. 
day 11-something awesome
speaking of tara....
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this moment from issue 4. another moment i remember vividly from my childhood, and one of the first scenes that shows us that taranee is not to be messed with. don’t play with fire INDEED. 
day 12-something that made me cry
i have yet to cry when reading this comic, but a moment that really made me sad was when will’s dormouse died
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this really hurt, not just because it came after the hope spot of will’s dad going away, as well as nerissa’s defeat, but because ol’ dormouse had been a staple of the series to this point, and it was clear that he formed a bond with will. just a really cruel moment to end the second arc on. (but not in a bad way, of course)
day 13-something heartwarming
the last page of issue 20! 
issue 20 is a bit of a roller coaster for poor will; she’s slowly being manipulated by nerissa, to the point where she shuts herself off from the girls. on the side, we have yan lin beginning to worry about history repeating itself with the current guardians.
but then this happens, a moment that shows us that WITCH will not suffer the same fate as the team that came before them.
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will just spent the scenes before this pushing away from her teammates, even attacking them; for them to say that they trust her irrevocably says a LOT about their faith in will, and the friendship of WITCH itself.
day 14-something that irked me 
everything about the arkhanta arc that doesn’t involve orube or the astral drops!
(reader beware, it’s about to get personal Up In Here. mentions of ableism to follow.)
we may as well start with the backstory of ari, because his relationship with his son and how it’s handled is going to be the epicenter of everything i’m discussing.
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‘yeah once upon a time there was a happy farmer who had a kid, but oh no he’s nonverbal and can’t communicate! happy farmer is sad now” (also he may have told kandrakar to Fix It but Oracle Said No)
see the problem here? it’s okay if you don’t, because i’m here to explain!
basically the villain of this arc is an Autism Dad who thinks his son needs to be Fixed. he constantly angsts about the fact that his son doesn’t talk, smile, or say I Love You....basic whiny Autism Parent stuff. 
except we’re supposed to sympathize with him. we’re supposed to see him as a poor innocent man instead of, you know, someone who may be unintentionally hurtful with his woe-is-me-isms (also will insisting that he’s in the right...)
and as if that’s not irksome enough....
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maqi gets cured in the end. he’s speaking, he’s emoting, he’s not The Broken Kid anymore!
yeah, uh, no. i have autism, and have exhibited some of maqi’s traits on a regular basis. (and it’s not just me, my little sister imani was nonverbal for a lot of her childhood. we didn’t even think she was going to be able to talk.) and as someone who’s felt like i was a Broken Kid, that some thing was wrong with me, and has wondered Why Can’t She Just Be Normal....this ending does NOT fly with me, and neither does ari as a character.
ari’s not a Sympathetic Sad Dad, he’s an ableist douchecanoe. there’s a REASON i compared him to autism moms. maqi’s “problem” isn’t that he’s sick or anything (the comic even SAYS he’s perfectly healthy!!) he just isn’t emotive or talkative....and for the comic to paint as something that has to be fixed is more than a little gross. i know the comic wasn’t intending to offend with this, but that’s exactly what it did.
thank goodness for orube and the astral drops, or this would’ve been my least favorite arc.  
day 15-something that needs a quick fix
um. i got nothing for this one. 
day 16-something that needs an overhaul
the arkhanta arc. either cut out the ‘must cure my son of his autistic-coded traits’ or create a new conflict all together. (like the whole maqi thing could’ve been fixed with simply giving him and illness or putting him into a coma!)
and like everyone else, i’d like a overhaul of new power and beyond.
day 17-something that needs to be resisted
sweet mother of monkey milk, the astral drops. i wanna see how they’re doing. i wanna see what their lives are. do they remember anything, even secretly?
also visit orube while we’re at it, see how she’s doing post 5th arc.
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ninesoftkids · 6 years
ship ur mutuals with skidz! bringing this ask meme back cause y not! friendship! woo! 💓❤️💓💖💗💕💞❣️💗❤️💞❣️
Aayyy, I love these asks! Unfortunately, Stray Kids only has nine members :( so I’ve finished the rest of my mutuals with other idols I think fit! I hope that’s ok lmao. Right. (It’s gonna be quite long so i’m going to insert the line thingy) Here we gooooo :D
·        Woojin – Andy. Thefirst person to fight your corner, but sometimes they lack belief inthemselves. An essential part of our family, just like Woojin. One of the mostcaring people I’ve met, but also definitely one of the most chaoticallyencouraging people ever. Don’t let them eat the trees. @haknveons
·        Minho – Roxi. Two bubblypeople with serious visuals! But don’t let their cuteness fool you – there’sdemons hidden beneath the angel exteriors. Just as Roxi loves to both hurt andheal us with gorgeous pictures of our faves, Minho loves to tease. The push-and-pullrelationship. Roxi the Angel, and Minho the Devil. But he cares deeply, andwould always listen to whatever worries you had. You can expect cute good nightmessages and missed Skype calls that are made up with a thousand nose kisseswhen you finally see each other. The Opposites Attract Couple @lxx-fxlix
·        Chan – Syd. Bluntand honest, forthright with their beliefs, I think Chan and her would have amazingphilosophical arguments that would end in cuddles and Disney on the sofa whilethey throw popcorn at each other. Chan could teach you Korean, and you canteach him your slang :D Also that height difference would be cute af. @hwarang-my-loves
·        Hyunjin – Mer. Twoanimal lovers with visuals to merder. 😉 You share the cutestgiggles and are always down for pillow forts and cuddle piles. Fancy dinnerwho? Give you two pizza and some fluffy dogs and you’re good to go. You’d takethe best pictures of each other and you’d be the Aesthetic Couple @softstan4softboys
·        Changbin – Liz. Edgelord?Bitch, where? Like Changbin, your aesthetic is the opposite of your personality.You’re both whole dorks who love fiercely and are genuinely amazing people. Plus,I just really like imagining Changbin doing aegyo for the last Cadbury’schocolate or something and you judging him so hard, but doing the exact samething thirty seconds later. Softies. Both of you. The Tsundere Couple @darkaegyo
·        Jisung – Hae. Two kidswith unbelievable and unending energy. Plus the visuals? God damn you’d look sogood together. Another Aesthetic Couple. Give the two of you energy drinks andyou’ll be bouncing off the walls. Expect midnight runs to your local supermarket,throwing grapes into each others mouths, cute holiday vlogs where Jisung triesto befriend a squirrel and you throw peanuts at him. @squirrelboiii
·        Felix – Csen. He’dlove to watch you draw in the park while he kicks a ball around with the boysand pretend he’s not trying to figure out who you’re drawing – he hopes that it’shim. Teaching each other to cuss in other languages. He’d roll his eyeswhenever you scream over Namjoon or a Stray Kids Comeback but secretly love howexcited you get about things you love. The sarcasm also runs strong in thisship. Cute selfies returned with a ‘I did it better’. 100% down to prank eachother. The Friends to Lovers Trope we all adore. @lee-minho
·        Seungmin – Esther.People can’t decide if you’re the most savage or the most soft couple to exist.You both put so much thought into what you do for others and you’re so treasuredby everyone who gets to call you a friend. Birthdays are always anticipatedbecause you try to outdo each other in what presents you get each other. You metat a theme park, both the odd person in a group and having to sit next to eachother on a ride. When the ride ends you leave the others to find some ice creamand drinks – and it isn’t your fault that you forgot you arrived with otherpeople. The Meet-Cute we all deserve. @goddamngyu
·        Jeongin – Charz. Thelittle sister we all wish we had. You and Jeongin would be the cutest ok. You’dcompete at baking and force the boys to choose which is better without themknowing whose is whose (you’d both try to bribe the boys beforehand) You’ddance long into the night, not watching the time and just laughing at eachother’s attempts at popular dances. You were probably introduced through mutualfriends at a bonfire, and spent the night arguing over who had the best randomfacts. The Must Protect Couple @strayedtoofar
And now my other mutuals! :D
·        Tayla – KimSeokjin, BTS. Both visuals and Jin would help raise your self-confidence levels byalways taking pictures of you looking cute and bragging to the boys about you. Absolutedorks, with ridiculous nicknames to match. You steal his shirts and he pretendsnot to notice because his jumpers give you sweater paws and it’s adorable. But thosesweater paws come in handy when he tells a particularly bad pun and one lookfrom Yoongi has you whapping one sleeve across his arm, despite laughing atleast as hard as Jimin. Couple Goals. @mindieu
·        Ash – Lee Jihoon, SVT. You’re another Opposites Attract Couple, but both of you makeme want to cuddle the shit out of you. Both completely adorable, you probablymet like one of your AU’s :p A penpal thing that your friends mischievouslysigned you up for and it grew from there. You’ll send him Kpop memes and thoughhe won’t understand many of them, the second he sees his face he’ll be like ‘hey!It’s me!’ He hates aegyo but he’ll do it to make you smile, even at the expenseof his dignity in front of the other members. The Pen Pal trope that I am anabsolute sucker for. @lovelyhoonie
·        Stacia – KimTaehyung, BTS. Infectious laughter would follow you everywhere you went, and you’dalways be touching each other in some way – holding hands, an arm wrappedaround your waist, you name it. Also secretly evil – together with Jungkook,you prank the shit out of the other members and no one ever links it back toyou. And why would they? Both of you have Angel faces. The Trouble Maker Couple @softtrasshh
·        Jazz – Taeyong, NCT. Istill don’t know a lot about NCT, but I think your personalities would match sowell! Both fun loving and so caring and ready to give advice if people need it.You’d bond over your protective instincts and probably spend lots of time atsmall parties with close friends, laughing over good memories. @always-a-winwin
·        Ty – Jeongyeon,Twice. Neither of you could look like a mess if you tried. Goddess-tiervisuals, I swear. I also like to think that Jeongyeon sends really cutemessages to her members and always tries her best to make everyone feel better.And you’re literally the same, in that respect. You love angst so much, and youdon’t need a happy ending, so when she finishes a sad movie or novel, you’rethere to tease her back into laughter again. Neither of you are good for myheart and you fucking know it, you demons. Pet names between you range from ‘babygirl’ and ‘sweetheart’ to ‘nerd’ and ‘oi, you’. The Playful Relationship. @softspearb
·        Bri –  Kihyun, Monsta X. Outspoken about what youthink is right and wrong. Incredibly loyal and fun-loving. Always up for anadventure, and weekends will find you two trying to get lost in the city purelyfor the fun of it! The Adventurous Couple with so many stories to tell! @b-interest
·        K – Jennie, BlackPink.You seem kinda intimidating but you’re actual fluffballs. Always have eachothers backs, and spend your weekends at the park trying to get pictures of thecutest dog – loser has to buy ice cream. The Cute Couple @straychijeu
·        Roo – Jung Hoseok, BTS.You always try to see the best in people and in every situation. You’ve beenthrough difficult situations, but you smile your way through it with your headheld high and you always show concern for everyone else, sometimes forgettingthat you deserve to be cared for too!!!! @chanscurls
·        Tia – Jin Jin,Astro. Visuals for days and with smiles that make the sun jealous! I thinktogether you’d be the couple that always out and doing something. Trying a newrestaurant, racing each other down streets, going to karaoke rooms. Your IG isfull of, not necessarily aesthetic photos, but definitely short videos of JinJin doing something amusing and you laughing in the background, or you leaningon a fence pointing at ‘the view’ with a comment from him ‘you are the view’. TheCheesy Couple! @ ????
·        Flora – Youngjae,GOT7. Very affectionate and take the cutest selfies! If someone can’t find eitherof you, it’s because you’re hiding somewhere with ice cream and a movie. You loveteaching each other your own languages and laugh together over both yourattempts at the correct accents and pronunciation! @ ???
I cannot remember some of your URL’s so like…. can the rest of y’all link this to them bc i’m an awful human being lmao
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luckystarchild · 6 years
Of all of the Lucky Child characters, who gives the best hugs?
This Ask (along with another head-canon ask) has been sitting in my inbox for far too long. Let’s explore:
Yusuke: The Spontaneous Hug
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Yusuke “Emotions Are Dumb” Urameshi doesn’t hug people often. When he does hug someone it’s inevitably in the heat of the moment, spurred on by a surge of happy excitement he can’t contain. He laughs, leaps, and throws his arms around the nearest person with a whoop of joy—only to pull away again with a cutting retort and and a denial the moment ever happened. YOU were hugging HIM, clearly, and not the other way ‘round cuz he ain’t no softie, no sir. But while that hug lasts? Oh man, is it great. Strong arms, lots of body contact, and you can feel the pure happy coursing through his touch. He gives wonderful, electric hugs, rare though they may be, so enjoy them when the gettin’s good. If you do ask for a hug, he’ll roll his eyes and whine about you getting mushy… but he’ll secretly enjoy that moment of closeness and give you a nice, firm hug in return. And if you hug him without warning, he’ll gripe and grouse until you let go, but it’ll be hard for him to keep a smile off his face as he walks away.
(Side Note about Side Hugs: Yusuke is way more lax about putting a casual arm around someone’s shoulders, and does this far more often than he does a full-frontal, two-armed hug.)
Kuwabara: The Bear Hug or The Nervous Hug
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Kuwabara either envelopes you in an ENORMOUS, chortling bear hug—big strong arms, crushed to his chest, his laughter in your ear, can barely breathe and yet you feel safe and appreciated and loved—OR he very, very hesitantly hugs you with many mumbled apologies, much blushing, and many second-guesses as to where he should put his hands (especially if you’re a person he’s interested in romantically). He’s free with his hugs, free to dole out affection where it’s merited, but he definitely doesn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable and will make sure not to hug-attack someone he hasn’t already established is comfortable with hugging. If you ASK HIM for a hug, though? All those protective instincts that make him our Sunshine Boy will result in the warmest, most bracing and encouraging hug you’ve ever had… and those RIPPED arms of his don’t hurt matters, either. ;) And this boy LOVES hugs, so if you hug him out of nowhere he’ll sputter a bit before blushing and grinning and returning the gesture with a big bear hug.
Bonus: If you’re short, you better believe he’ll rest his chin on your head and sigh, ruffling your hair a bit. It’s The Best.™
Kurama: The Tactical Hug
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Like Yusuke, Kurama doesn’t hug people willy-nilly, though he has different reasons for doing so. He reserves hugs for special occasions and for people who really deserve them, gauging the situation and judging the appropriateness of a hug before giving it. Like Kuwabara, Kurama likes to make sure people want a hug before giving one. And once he decides a hug is warranted? It’s gonna be a great fucking hug, man. He’ll evaluate how tightly you’re hugging him and respond in kind. He’ll remember that you like having your hair pet when you’re sad and be sure to give you a little of that, if the occasion calls for it. He won’t let go first, making sure you get everything you need out of the hug. Like everything Kurama does, thought goes into his hugs, personalizing and tailoring them for everyone he chooses to embrace. If you hug him without warning, he’ll be surprised for a minute before slowly reciprocating and putting his arms around you in return… but it depends on whether he likes you or not. He might just stand there, unfeeling as a stone, if you’re not someone he’d already decided he wanted to hug.
With A Lover: Kurama is probably the type to hug a person from behind while they do other things—a bit of a tease and a distraction, smile conspiring and sly.
Hiei: The Earned Hug or The Set-You-On-Fire Retaliation
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Don’t you DARE touch Hiei without asking first. DO NOT DO IT. He will shove you away with a snarl and maybe set your shoes (or something even more personal) on fire, too, if you’re someone he actively dislikes. Hiei wasn’t raised with affection in his life. If you hug him and he doesn’t physically lash out at you, it’s because you’ve earned the right to hug him (or at least you’ve earned his mere toleration; he’ll probably still insult you and snarl at you even if you’re close to him). Hugs need to be on his terms, not yours. Once you’re familiar with Hiei, you can ask for hugs, and he’ll decide if he’s interested. If he’s not? Leave it well-the-fuck-alone. Even one of Yusuke’s casual arm-around-the-shoulder maneuvers can earn the Detective a glare, so watch out.
If you somehow becomes one of the Chosen Few Whom Hiei Likes to Hug, his hugs are actually quite nice (and especially in the winter). He runs a bit warmer than most, given his heritage, and he’s got those nice, strong arms that make a hug really stand out. However, he’s awkward about physical contact and he’ll need to become accustomed to hugs and how best to give them, so at first his hugs might not be too great. If you’re a lover of his, he’ll be a very possessive hugger who wants to be close to you whenever possible, probably—but only in private. He is NOT about that PDA life and will resent being made to get cuddly in public.
Pick your favorite, meri47! Because with these boys you have variety, and every one of their hugs is unique. :)
EDIT: … I realize now that this doesn’t really answer the Ask very well because the Ask was LC-specific, not just about the YYH boys. So let me amend and say that in the LC-verse… it’s probably actually Yusuke. He’s just the person NQK has hugged the most, so she sort of has to say that? But I think Kagome is really good at it, too, and NQK takes a lot of comfort in Kagome’s hugs. :)
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