#and i just didn’t have the same attitude towards the emails
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omg it’s an email from my bestie jonathan harker!!!
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wingzie · 3 months
Speaking to the media as a UK Army
Earlier in the week I mentioned in a local group chat that the UK’s attitude towards BTS and KPOP overall had changed. It felt like everyone was excited during Dynamite and then interest was quickly lost. Things got worse after the Festa Dinner. Because of previous experiences with a certain boy group, it was reported that the members would never return. These stories were soon edited, but it was obvious that there was a certain bias against the members now. The previous hype posts for them and their new releases were less present. Instead, we have gone back to having to do everything ourselves during chapter 2. 
As I am sure many of you are aware, it has already been a tough week for UK Army. We found out that MUSE had inclusions, making it harder to chart. We got backlash from solos for something that wasn’t our fault and the emails we sent were ignored or received weird responses. We are a resilient bunch though and we continued to promote and gain more funds. I figured that things for us couldn’t get any worse. I was wrong. On Sunday I was sent an article from the BBC by a friend. They asked my thoughts on it and I quickly understood why. Something else worried me though. I recognized the journalist. He is someone that we have history with. He kindly wrote about Persona and Wembley in 2019, but he also sneaked in a line that he thought that the members were miming through the concert. At the time, a few Army tried talking to him about it on Twitter and he was receptive to the feedback. I decided to try and do the same and to do it privately in the DM’s. Something which he told me himself that he appreciated. I spent a good amount of time drafting my message. I made sure that it was polite, but also included the reasons why a certain part of the article was troublesome. During this, a friend of mine also made a detailed thread correcting the misinformation. Once the message was sent, I went on with my day and waited to see if I would get a reply. Much to my surprise, I did indeed get a reply. I don’t have consent to share our messages, but we replied back and forth a few times and he said that he would look into changing the wording. I quoted my friend's thread, explaining that I messaged him privately and that he was working on it. As someone who posts about Jikook on a regular basis, you could say that I am used to getting unnecessary abuse. However, I was not fully prepared for the response to this. As more hours passed and there weren't any changes made, the more anger and hate I received. This greatly confused me, as I wasn’t the one who wrote the article itself. I just wanted to try and help and we had to be patient. 
A day later the edit was made. I messaged the journalist again to thank him and he responded back, explaining that the reason it took so long was because there was a debate internally about the best way to respond. I then shared on TL about the edit being made. It wasn’t the best edit, but that’s all we got. Unfortunately, the hate towards myself increased even more. Some said that the article was my fault, that I failed BTS or that I was an anti. Plus a few words that I daren’t repeat here. Some saw what was happening to me and sent kind support. These included people who I have never interacted with before and I will be forever thankful for that. I also spoke with some about the response of the general public towards the article. The article was heavily advertised so there were discussions in relation to Seventeen going to Glastonbury. This hasn’t been done before so some were curious and some were confused. It was interesting to see the reaction to it, even if it was poorly written. I was personally exhausted though.
This whole ordeal started on Sunday and I woke up on Tuesday still feeling a bit wary of receiving more hate. On top of this, I had gained around 300 more followers from all of this and didn’t know how they would react once I started posting Jikook. If I’m honest, I felt a bit uncomfortable with everything going on. What did shock me though, is that some of these new followers were going through my “pinned” post and liking the threads on Jikook. It made me a bit self-conscious, but I didn’t want it to overcome me and Jimin’s promotions though, so I came up with an idea. 
July is my Birthday month and to celebrate I am doing a giveaway for other UK Army. This gives them a chance to get any albums they currently do not own and to try and boost sales for Jimin at the same time. The UK fanbase don’t really want to be associated with me because of my account, so I decided to do everything myself. To help boost morale, positivity and the community spirit that Army has. Overall, I do not regret reaching out to the journalist. He was rather difficult to speak to, but an edit deserved to be made for the way in which it was written. I appreciate the discussion we had and those that supported me. My focus will continue to be on Chapter 2. Look after yourselves and each other. 
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lucky-cleric · 11 months
Tony is concerned Steve is projecting his feelings for Howard onto him. So they talk.
Mild angst, mild hurt/comfort, lots of comfort, no beta we die like MCU Natasha
613 words
Waking up 70 years in the future wasn’t exactly “fun.”
The biggest sense of “culture shock” that Steve experienced was mostly technology.
Emails instead of letters, everyone having their own cell phones instead of telephones, and don’t even get him started on the internet.
He wasn’t stupid, he understood the new technology. It was simple enough to figure out, especially with Tony teaching him, but he appreciated the simplicity of familiar objects, like notebooks instead of laptops, or sketchbooks instead of tablets.
They were familiar. He liked it.
Familiarity was comforting.
Maybe that’s what drew him to Tony. It wasn’t his playboy attitude, it wasn’t his intelligence, it wasn’t his willingness to take care of his friends.
Except it was. It was all of that. They made Tony familiar.
He was so much like Howard.
The charisma, the mannerisms, even Tony’s looks were reminiscent of Howard.
There were some differences. Their builds were different, Tony being slightly shorter, Howard having slightly more muscle mass. Tony was also kinder than Howard in some aspects, seemingly having a soft spot of kids. Howard was much faster in initiating anything between the two of them.
Their charms were similar, yet different. Whenever Tony did something like Howard, Steve would feel comforted. Comfort in familiarity. Whenever Tony did anything different from Howard, it caused Steve’s chest to flutter.
“Did you really like him?” Tony asked Steve one night.
“I- yeah.” Steve said. “I don’t know how comfortable you are with that idea.”
Tony scoffed. “Yeah, it’s certainly a thought.”
A moment of silence.
Steve broke it first. “You’re a lot like him.”
“Am I?” Steve knew Tony was terrified of being like his father. He hadn’t seen the same side of Howard Steve had seen back in the forties.
Instead of confirming his fears, Steve gave him a different answer. “You’re different from him too.” Steve smiled.
Tony didn’t say anything for a while. “Do I remind you of him?”
Steve hesitated to answer, but decided to be honest. “Yes.”
“Do you like me? The same way you liked him?”
“I… yes.”
“Are you trying to live a life with him through me?”
There it was. It was rare when Tony would be honest like this, to have all his feelings splayed out on the table like this. Another thing he shared with Howard.
“Tony.” Steve grabbed his hand in his, almost like a confirmation of what he was saying. “You have a lot in common with your dad. You remind me of him a lot. But you’re different people. Howard was fast, ambitious, driven. You’re kind, considerate, hopeful.”
Tony leaned his head on Steve’s shoulder. It was something Howard would do, but something Tony did differently.
“You kiss differently than him.” He chuckled.
Tony let out a sharp exhale, something like a laugh. “Do I really?” Steve could hear a faint smile in Tony’s voice.
“Tony, you’re familiar. You’re not exactly like your father. When I first met you, all I saw was Howard. That’s what drew me to you first. But as time went on, I saw more of Tony.”
Tony ran his thumb over Steve’s, both knowing it was more for his own comfort than the latters. “You love me for me, not because you love my dad?”
“Tony, look at me.” He used his free hand to move Tony’s head from his shoulder, and to gently turn it toward himself. “I love you. I love Tony Stark. I love Tony.”
Tony smiled. It was then Steve noticed the tears in Tony’s eyes, not yet falling. “I love you too Steve.”
Steve smiled back before kissing Tony, his Tony, his comfort.
His new familiar.
I think the concept of Tony asking “Steve, what were you doing in 1945?” And Steve answering “Your dad” is hilarious, I might play around with that concept a bit more
Also, rewatching bits of Captain America: The First Avenger, and just seeing how thirsty Howard was for Steve is amazing like oh my gosh this man
Anyways, hope you enjoy the drabble 😘
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imagine-silk · 2 years
Nameless Flowers (Part IV)
[Note: Lee and his siblings names have been changed. Lee is now Leon. Leein is now Lily. Megumi is now Mallory. And Tsubaki is now Wendy. A small change, that's all.]
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“Hello, Mr. Anderson.” Was all Leon could say before they looked up at him and he knew it was going to be the only time he would be calm. Now that he got a better look at the brown-haired man the LED was very noticeable. That and he was really pretty, like supermodel pretty. And Anderson was right there and he wiped sauce off the corner of his mouth and licked it and swept his hair to the side and suddenly it was really hot.
“Mr. Burks, what a pleasant surprise.” The android said, chipper attitude almost concerning for a cop. He stood up and sat on the desk in front of Mr. Anderson, pushing away takeout to make room. The older man looked annoyed but just turned towards Leon. The android continued, “You have news for us right? Why don’t you sit?”
He could just be happy because he expects some information but he was way too jaunty compared to when they first met. The only thing to do was sit, mostly because his legs were becoming jelly. But suddenly he was all too aware of how close Anderson was, if he turned their knees would touch. “Thank. You. Sir.”
“I am detective Anderson but please, call me Connor.”
Detective Anderson? He's related to Mr. Anderson? Well not by blood. Maybe just for convince. But having the same last name is pretty inconvenient for cops. Or maybe their dating. If they have the same last name their married. Oh my, am I being a home wrecker!? “Okay. Connor then.”
Leon didn’t dare look at Anderson. Looking at him would set him on fire and he would run out of the precinct. But not looking at him was suspicious so he really should. Oh god, he was sweating. Why did he let Wendy talk him into this?
“It’s okay if you're nervous.” Why did his voice have to sound like velvet? “Take your time.”
As much as it was reassuring he looked down at his lap. Was he really about to lie to cops? Even if this wasn't a full blown case it felt dirty, but the idea of prolonging this was so tantalizing. He already made it this far. He could turn back. What would they do, tackle him? But it was so close he could taste the words on his tongue. They were sweet and toxic, like baby’s breath.
“I… I found something on the books.” It dripped out of his mouth like honeydew. “I found something.”
“Can you tell me what you found?” God that voice was sodomy.
“Well, the flowers were so much like my work I figured they had to come from the shop.” Just like he practiced. “So I looked through the books again. And we have a company section," That's it. "For when we’re hired to decorate offices and send gift baskets. Anyways, there was a file for H.S.A. I don’t know what it means but it’s not a company. There’s no email attached or anything to contact.” Okay, it was done.
When Leon looked up Connor had frozen leaning forward and Hank was “Would one of your workers know anything?”
“We all pitch in for company orders because usually there’s a lot to do, so we don’t track who assembles them. And even if they remembered my workers would probably not tell. Not saying they’re bad but this sort of thing happens from time to time. Someone wanting flowers handed off discreetly sometimes with no real intentions of going any further.” No, stupid! You weren’t supposed to say that! Now he’s going to think it’s over. SAY SOMETHING! ANYTHING! “B-b-but no one has used the company tab before so I don’t think this is a one off. After all, they went through all the trouble to send two and the account is still on an active file.” Nailed it.
"So you believe they will send another one?" His voice was like melted chocolate on a strawberry ready to burst.
"I mean, I'm not sure but I think so. It's like," Leon waved his hands like he was trying wind his brain. "They put so much thought in the first two bouquets and they didn't seem to imply an end to their message. It's so personal. It's a piece of them that they hold dearly. Now they're revealing it to the person who started it and it's all too…" Leon couldn't find the word. He looked to Hank and saw him. He wasn't blushing or flush, not disgusted or off put either, but his eyes softened and his jaw rested. Leon found the word. "Passionate."
After two seconds of no response Leon's brain went int hyper-drive. "Well, you would know. I would imagine this is something that happens a lot more due to your shop being so popular." Connor added before the silence took hold. He guided the conversation to and end, Leon was both appreciative and curious as to why. And when he went to take his leave Connor insisted he walk him out, saying he was on his way out anyway.
Leon couldn't help but ask the question in the elevator. "Are you and Mr. Anderson related?" He immediately started to back track. "I don't mean nothing by that. I just thought because your last name is the same and that not common I don't think. If you're married or something I mean no offense-"
"Married?" Connor seemed genuinely taken aback but started to softly chuckle. "I think you have the wrong impression of our relationship. I was his partner for a few years. I think he sees me as a son." What a pretty man.
There's a certain relief in his chest he feels embarrassed about. A quiet, "Oh." Escaped him and died on the air. Connor was still smiling. "Was? You're not his partner anymore."
"No, I moved precincts. I was only visiting today." He said, waving to the pretty lady at the front desk. An android too if Leon wasn't mistaken. As soon as they left the precinct Connor made no attempt to stray from him. A little strange but they might just be going the same way. But something was off, like the smell of sugar and melon, "So why are you sending Hank flowers?" Before you realize it's the spit of a venus-trap.
"I… what?"
"I don't want to go through all of Hank's old cases. I could but I don't want to."
"How do you know it's me?" Leon meant for that to sound a lot less damning.
"I figured it out when we first met."
"I'm not-" Connor just smiled at him. "That obvious?"
"Not really. And Hank never sees when people like him."
"I'm not sure if that's reassuring."
"It doesn't have to be."
"So are you going to tell him… or arrest me?" At this point Leon could not hide his sour expression.
"If I was I could have done it already. There was not reason not to."
"You just want me to know that you know?"
"I want to help you."
Come again?
"Come again?"
"Hank has gotten better in recent years but I would like him to have more than just his dog. I cannot stay with him in the way I would like him to have. I was going to let this play out by itself but you seem very kind and dedicated. I think he would like it as well."
"You're going to help me? Why?" Leon mentally slapped himself. He just explained why. "How?"
"I imagine you were going to try to find situation to get close to him, I can do the same. As well as tell you things he likes. Not everything, you need to learn things from him by yourself, but little things."
"When you put it like that this whole thing feels weird."
"This is weird." His smile was reassuring. Instead of a venus it was more like mimosa tree. "Let's exchange numbers."
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mariacallous · 8 months
I met Andrei Sannikov on the sidelines of the Halifax International Security Forum in November 2023. As one of the press liaisons told me, the veteran opposition politician and activist has been coming to the security forum for years, relentlessly advocating for a free and democratic Belarus — and for the hundreds of political prisoners held hostage by Aleksandr Lukashenko’s regime.
This advocacy work has been a through line in Sannikov’s career, during which he has repeatedly taken on roles that many people would consider the part of a lifetime. He’s been a nuclear disarmament negotiator, a high-level diplomat, a presidential candidate, and even a political prisoner.
Sannikov resigned from his diplomatic post in political protest just two years into Lukashenko’s first presidential term. This was back in 1996, when Lukashenko held a referendum that dramatically expanded his presidential powers. (To put things into perspective, I was a toddler then — and Lukashenko is still in power today.)
Fast forward to 2010, and Sannikov was one of the nine opposition candidates competing against Lukashenko as he sought reelection once again. The official results alleged that the incumbent won by a landslide of 79 percent, and Sannikov was the runner-up with less than 2.5 percent of the vote. Facing widespread allegations of election rigging and massive anti-government protests, Lukashenko oversaw a brutal crackdown on demonstrators and opposition figures. Hundreds were arrested, including Sannikov, who was later sentenced to five years in prison. 
When I asked Sannikov what it was like watching the mass opposition protests and bloody police clampdown that followed the Belarusian presidential election in 2020, he was quick to correct me. “We weren’t watching; we were organizing,” he said. The civil campaign he leads, European Belarus, began preparing for the presidential vote well in advance, he explained, seeing it as a real opportunity to challenge Lukashenko. But things didn’t go as they hoped. Still, Sannikov remains determined and defiant, though he admits to being “a bit tired.” Thirty years in opposition will do that to you. 
This interview, which has been lightly edited and abridged for length and clarity, first appeared in The Beet, a weekly email newsletter from Meduza. Sign up here to get the next issue delivered directly to your inbox.
Eilish Hart: What’s the main focus of your advocacy work right now?
Andrei Sannikov: Basically, I’m doing the same thing I’ve been doing all my life in the opposition. Promoting a free, democratic, and European Belarus and offering my views on what to do in such a complicated situation. Of course, our priority is to help political prisoners, because the figure today is horrendous. Formally, human rights defenders have recognized about 2,000, but that’s probably because they haven’t had time yet to process all the cases, and the repression is ongoing on a daily basis. 
(This interview took place in November 2023. According to the Belarusian human rights group Viasna, there are 1,415 political prisoners in Belarus today. )
Do you think the international community is losing sight of what’s going on in Belarus and the role Aleksandr Lukashenko’s regime is playing in Russia’s war against Ukraine?
When the war started, of course, attention shifted towards Ukraine. And now, with the [October 7] Hamas attack on Israel, we have even less attention. But it is not a problem of attention. The problem is with the attitude because Belarus is not yet recognized as a very important factor for security in the region and in the world. In my view, if the Western democracies were more resolute in helping the democratic movement in Belarus in 2020, [in supporting the opposition] protests, speeding [up] sanctions against the regime, and helping us to get rid of Lukashenko, there would be no war in Ukraine because the Kremlin needed this springboard to attack. If Lukashenko’s regime is allowed to exist, then forget about [Russia’s Vladimir] Putin stepping down or being defeated. For us, this is very clear. Unfortunately, it’s not clear to everybody in the West.
Do you think the sanctions imposed on Belarus have weakened the regime in any way? Or do you think they’re just not adequate? 
They are not adequate because there are a lot of loopholes, and these loopholes haven’t been closed yet. Of course, the sanctions [are] much more meaningful than before. But “sanctions” is not a strategy. Sanctions have to be [put] in place to save people’s lives, and that is why I’m always advocating for stronger and stronger sanctions with the sole purpose of demanding the release of all political prisoners. Because you have to put up stop signs for the regime and its atrocities.
I think [the sanctions] are not enough because even with the most vocal critics of the regime, like Poland and Lithuania, Belarus has increased its trade turnover. So it’s a kind of hypocrisy: We are criticizing the regime, but, at the same time, we are not against dealing with it and making money. And we know that this is a very urgent issue today because the regimes in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan are helping Russia and Belarus to avoid sanctions. It simply deprives sanctions of their power. 
You mentioned regional security and how Belarus isn’t seen as a piece of that puzzle. In the 1990s, you headed the Belarusian delegation to the Nuclear and Conventional Weapons Armament Negotiations. What is it like for you to see Russia move nuclear weapons into Belarus and withdraw from nuclear treaties? 
Of course, it’s very painful because we did invest a lot of honest effort — together with Russian delegations, by the way — to defuse this nuclear threat that was growing when the Soviet Union existed. And I think we had very constructive negotiations with the United States and with Russia. Of course, [Belarus is] a non-nuclear state according to the NPT [the 1968 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons], but we contributed to finding solutions for the treaty covering our territory and Ukraine’s territory.
So, of course, it is very annoying to see that this madman in the Kremlin is ruining the work of honest diplomatic and military experts — the work of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, [and] Kazakhstan — and it leads us nowhere. Unfortunately, the United States has had no other option but to freeze these treaties also. But I hope we will return [to them] because they ensured deterrence. And this is needed today because we have many more nuclear states than are officially recognized [under the NPT]. Deterrence has to be there. I don’t see any other instrument to prevent us from plunging into nuclear war. 
Do you worry about the risk of nuclear escalation, specifically with regard to Russia and Ukraine? Because I feel like this is a question we keep coming back to throughout this war. 
I worry about two madmen: Putin and Lukashenko. Nuclear weapons are quite sophisticated weapons, but, as time has proved, they are controlled quite well. During that time of nuclear weapons control, we had technogenic disasters in Chernobyl and Fukushima, but nuclear weapons were safe because the facilities and, in accordance with the treaties, mutual inspections were quite well organized. And since I knew in more detail than ordinary people the process of securing nuclear weapons, I felt safe. So I’m worried not about nuclear weapons but about these madmen because they are really people who have no moral restrictions at all. 
I’d like to return to the domestic situation in Belarus. You ran against Lukashenko in the 2010 presidential elections, and you were subsequently imprisoned. What was it like for you watching Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya’s campaign in 2020, the mass protests that followed the official election results, and the crackdown after that? 
We weren’t watching; we were organizing. We were actively working on the 2020 election from outside and inside the country. We knew that 2020 would not be easy for Lukashenko, and we had a real chance to challenge him, a much stronger one than before. We had a real window of opportunities in 2020, [though] not many believed it. 
When we started [working], there was no Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, there was no [Viktar] Babaryka, and there was no Siarhei Tsikhanouski. When I say “we,” I mean the European Belarus civil campaign. Frankly, our candidate was [veteran opposition politician and Social Democratic Party leader] Mikalai Statkevich. In 2019, in Warsaw, the Belarusian National Congress held a press conference and said that Statkevich was our candidate. (He’s in prison now.) We knew quite well that Statkevich would not be allowed to register his candidacy because he was in prison before and, according to Lukashenko’s law, he was prohibited from running. But knowing this, we said we wanted him as our candidate because he’s the protest leader and we trust him. 
When Statkevich came back to Belarus, he started to organize groups of “protest candidates,” as he called them, and one was [Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya’s husband] Siarhei Tsikhanouski. Then, Statkevich and Tsikhanouski started to travel all over the country. Tsikhanouski was a very popular YouTube blogger, and they made a very good [pair]. That is why Statkevich and Tsikhanouski were arrested first, because the authorities knew what was coming. They were the first to be arrested to prevent mass protests in May 2020. After that, of course, we were following [everything] very closely and trying to help the protests in any way we could. But then it started to go in the wrong direction.
How would you describe the state of the Belarusian opposition right now? In particular, how effective do you find the opposition politicians working in exile?
Frankly, this is not something I want to go into detail [about]. It is well known that I’m a very strong critic of Tsikhanouskaya’s office because they are raising expectations on issues they cannot resolve. Like, for example, the [alternative] passport that they want to produce. But I’m happy that all leaders of the opposition, even [those] in prison, are fighting against the regime. And I think there is a synergy despite the different relationships within the opposition. 
Some people argue that Ukrainian victory is the first step towards political change in Belarus. But experts I’ve spoken to worry that Belarus could just become a bargaining chip in some kind of post-war settlement because of its integration with Russia during the war. What’s your perspective on this? 
I’m very much afraid that Belarus will become a bargaining chip. And speaking of Tsikhanouskaya, she is not the strong leader that would be opposing this resolutely, unfortunately. That is why we need to concentrate on preserving our independence and not allow Belarus to be used as a bargaining chip in, let’s say, “under the table” agreements — or on the table [ones]. But it is important to include Belarus in the security negotiations. Without a democratic Belarus, [you can] forget about security guarantees for Ukraine because [Belarus] will always be a springboard for Russia. After some short break, Russia will mobilize itself again for an even more large-scale intervention into Europe, not limiting itself to Ukraine. 
I think that it is true that Ukraine’s victory will bring Belarus closer to freedom, and probably the regime will fall. My suggestion now, and I’m discussing it with our friends abroad, is to start with Belarus: Help us get rid of Lukashenko’s regime, and it will be easier to deal with Putin. It’s much easier and cheaper to deal with this dictator in Belarus. And forget about what Putin will say if [the West] becomes more resolute in its support for Belarusian democratic forces. The attitude toward Belarus must be that it’s not for Moscow to decide. In 2020, the people of Belarus demonstrated to the whole world that they want to be free and rid of Lukashenko. 
We need our partners and our friends to be with us at this time and to help us. When I offer such a different perspective (start with Lukashenko and then deal with Putin), they ask me, How? [My answer is] to introduce extremely tough sanctions with only one demand: All political prisoners must be released. It will immediately change the political landscape in Belarus and create a window of opportunities. Then we can demand elections, and we can proceed towards our goals with very non-violent methods. (I’m a very strong supporter of non-violence.) That would be the best scenario for this region. 
You were released from prison in 2012 because, in the face of international pressure, Lukashenko pardoned you. Do you think this kind of international pressure could help political prisoners in Belarus today?
Yes, but there has to be real pressure. Why was Lukashenko scared at that time? Because the European Union introduced economic sanctions for the first time. Before, it was [just] a visa ban, which I don’t call sanctions — it’s tourist restrictions. But then, in March 2012, they introduced the first economic sanctions against Lukashenko’s regime, and in April, my friend [Dmitry Bondarenko] and I were released. 
We were the most prominent [political prisoners], together with Mikalai Statkevich. We were actually winning in the elections in 2010. Lukashenko tried to make it very chaotic because they registered nine candidates besides him. Maybe I cannot claim that I got more than 50 percent [of the vote]. Still, taking into account that there were several [real] opposition figures, like Statkevich and [poet Uladzimir] Niakliaeu, there definitely should have been a second round. So yes, because my name was quite well known, as I had very good international contacts, attention was on me, and Lukashenko calculated very cynically that if he released me and Bondarenko, who was my campaign manager, the West would come down. And that’s what happened; they stopped introducing sanctions. 
But pressuring for the release of thousands of people is arguably different. Do you think the same method could really work? 
Yes, there were not so many [political prisoners] at that time. But it doesn’t mean that nothing can be done [now]. Lukashenko is very vulnerable because his economy is in very bad condition. If real, tough sanctions are introduced, loopholes are closed, and the Western politicians and businessmen helping Lukashenko circumvent sanctions are exposed, that will work. Believe me. But it has to be a very consistent policy. 
I always say that people are not “kept” in Belarusian prisons — people are being killed there. We already know of such cases. And, for example, we [haven’t received any information] about Mikalai Statkevich for [more than] nine months. Can you imagine? There is a very good initiative by Libereco, the German-Swiss human rights group, called “Godparents for Political Prisoners,” and there are many distinguished people [involved] — parliamentarians, politicians — but they are not active. They are not bombarding the authorities with letters (I know that this helps), they are not demanding that the Red Cross go [to Belarusian prisons], and they are not requesting that parliamentary delegations see if people in prisons are still alive. 
A lot could be done. I’m a bit tired, but, of course, I will not stop calling on them to do much more than is being done now. Since I’ve been there, it is emotionally very difficult even to think about [political prisoners like] Palina Sharenda-Panasiuk, who is the bravest woman in Belarus, who stands up against the system, calls them bandits and criminals, and doesn’t recognize any of her sentences and punishments. She’s been badly beaten [in prison], and she’s been denied medical assistance and medicine. Sometimes, it is so hard that, at night, I find myself in a cell. It’s a nightmare when I think of my friends there.
0 notes
ineedpeacenquiet · 1 year
APR 19 2022
Today I hurt
I became friends with this girl back in 2019 when I was 16. They were a few years younger than me, and I was apprehensive about being their friend because no. 1: they were a few years younger than me, and no.2 they lived in Egypt. But they assured me it would be ok, and it wouldn’t stop us from talking and being friends, so I agreed to be friends. We weren’t particularly close at first, but over a few weeks, we talked quite a bit. I mentioned my depression, turns out that they also struggled with mental health, and I assured them they’re not alone and I’m always about to listen.
Fast forward a few months: I’m having a hard time with my own mental health, and stress from lockdown, my boyfriend, and my family were all splitting up and I was seriously depressed all the time. My friend was going through some… changes. Their attitude toward me completely changed (well their attitude to everyone), but I really noticed it. It hurt, a lot, especially as I can be quite sensitive to that (undiagnosed autism). They became erratic, aggressive, blunt, they were obsessed with politics, and they’d grow angry when someone wouldn’t know as much as they would on the subject.
They left me as a friend in August because of my sexuality, but begged me to come back - but I couldn’t forgive or forget. I was hurt beyond belief. I know from irregular emails and caught wind their mental health also spiraled out of control too, they were diagnosed bipolar, as I secretly saw it coming.
Well, now when I read those old messages from when they lashed out at me - I can only sigh and feel sorry. Why? Well, I did the exact same thing to all my close friends and family last year… only to also have bipolar disorder.
I and this friend made up and spoke irregularly on Discord and Instagram.
Last night I was upset, and I wanted to tell my friend exactly how I felt. I know it was inconsiderate, but I never really forgave them. I wanted to, and I pretended to forgive and forget, as I knew they were a few years younger than me and coming from a very strict household - I understood why we couldn’t be friends. But it was also them who came crawling back to me and wanted me to act like it didn’t even happen. I had enough of pretending, and I told them.
I knew what kind of reaction this would cause, and now I feel sick with guilt. I don’t need anyone to tell me I’m a bad person; because I already know. Everything just… hurts me at the moment. Reading those old messages - seeing how I was treated. Even I have feelings.
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sparklyvernis · 2 years
Wrap 🆙 2022
What I read this year
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The one on the left is an extensive collection of scientific & psychological experiments that were done throughout the years regarding the nervous system and the attitudes towards creating, feeling, experiencing, being aware of one’s actions whether intended or not. It’s a very basic book that dwells on human nature and attempts to explain the science part of some things that can’t be explained by the science that we have available. For instance, hypnotism. It is a very dry subject sometimes, and it would be great if it could be turned into a documentary at some point with more visuals, but as a book, I think it requires a lot of imagination to try to keep up with the subject at hand: existentialism. The one on the right is a small compilation of historical data about red lipstick. This one is the opposite, it has a lot of visuals, but very little written content. I wish it had more text. I really liked it. It’s like a coffee table book or something light that one can carry around while waiting for public transit or at a doctor’s office. I learned a thing or two that I didn’t know about makeup. It's called Red Lipstick, An Ode to a Beauty Icon by Rachel Felder. The reason why I got into this book is obvious, I like makeup. I remember when I visited the Besame store in Burbank, and I looked at the vintage make up that they had in a little glass cabinet, and just wondered where has it been? What stories can be told around these items? This book answered some of these questions for me. The reason why I got the other book was because I once saw a mini docuseries that led me down this rabbit hole. It’s such a good one. This video also does a great job. If you’re into this subject you will get it.
What I watched this year
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Oh boy, 2020 and 2021 had me watching some real weird stuff. Like the news and Borat’s Subsequent film (excellent by the way). But now that the dust has settled, I’m watching more “normal stuff”. I’m really into documentaries, but this year I think I only watched a couple. I watched The Housewife and the Hustler on Hulu and The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley on HBO (so good). This last one was done by the same guy who did Going Clear, so it was really good. I followed up with The Dropout on Hulu of course, Amanda did such a great job. I was really busy in 2021 so I had a bit of catching up to do this year, so I watched the obligatory Squid Game on Netflix and The Handsmaid’s Tale on Hulu. Both were riveting, but too gruesome. I liked that they were thought provoking and bingey. I finished the last season of Ozark on Netflix, no comments there. I mean I never wanted it to end, I felt like someone was breaking up with me when it was over (LOL). I really like Julia Garner, so I also watched Inventing Anna on Netflix. Lastly, and my favorite by far, I watched Dopesick on Hulu. The soundtrack, the acting, and the plot were all amazing. Not to spoil it, but the part when The Offspring song comes up had me all riled up, in a good way.
Other hobbies I had fun with this year
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I got better at keto baking. I recently made these yummy almond flour chocolate chip cookies that only had 6g of sugar/carbos in it. If you guys want the recipe let me know and I will post it. Also, I listened to Season 1 of a really interesting podcast called The Long Time Academy and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was suggested in an email I think, by the people at Headspace. It’s a meditation app that I like to use sometimes. It was definitely an eye opener, and I hope they make season 2 soon. This philosophical podcast talks about environmental politics and cultural legacy, as it pertains to our species' failure to cherish and take care of them. Honestly, it asks the questions that we are too busy to ask, but it also acknowledges why we are so busy and so tired to even address them.
Future plans for next year
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I plan on reading more about the two subjects that I already read about this year, and expand my knowledge there. I definitely need to meditate more, it helps me with breathing, living in the moment, and prioritizing things. Yoga too, I need to do more of that. I want to focus on my blog and go back to blogging more. Embrace the mess and do more nail art <3
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missezri · 2 years
I love my job, I really do. But sometimes, it just gets so frustrating when I can’t break through to a student about an issue, especially one that comes down to classroom management and culture. Now I teach immigrants, so all my learners are recently moved to Canada (most are within the last 5 years), and my class is also the high level class, once they complete the level with me, they either move to credit classes, go to post-secondary, take the test prep course, or just are happy with the language they have.
Yesterday I had one student, M, where things just sort of came to a breaking point. He is the oldest in my class, late 50s. He was an engineer in his home country but isn’t in Canada for reasons I am not sure about. And while I do think possibly his culture may also be a factor, it also doesn’t excuse his behaviour so I won’t mention it.
Anyways, yesterday, we had a former student come and do a speaking presentation in the morning for my class and the other class of the same level. It was sort of as a way to break things up, part motivational speech, and letting students hear someone other than just me speak. All the students loved it, found it very interesting, except M.
He didn’t like this presentation, he thought it was pointless and things that they (other students) already knew and wasn’t relevant to him because this former student’s previous experience was a lawyer and now he is just an office coordinator at a law firm. Which for me, that is great and while not the same as his previous job, his knowledge and background would definitely help him. And it probably pays a lot better than any fast food job a lot of English language learners find themselves taking when they come to Canada. However, because this wasn’t an engineer, and M didn’t like it, he was very vocal about his dislike despite all other 20 students in the class enjoying it. However, I manage to get the class refocused and we leave the subject me so they can type up and hand in their notes from the presentation.
Well, in the afternoon it came up AGAIN as an afternoon student who joined us for the presentation (she is a part time student), and M had to restate again all of his dislike about the presentation, what we were doing in the class etc. One of my students, who is usually so very sweet actually lost it on him, and his behaviour was very flippant towards her. I got two emails from other students about how his words and behaviour were making them feel uncomfortable. Again, this is a very high level class. They have a good grasp of the language and forms of politeness at this point. This triggers me and my lead to speak with him. Because these are my high level/almost done students sending me these emails, which makes me wonder how those who are lower in the class feel
And that meeting basically goes, the other students are the problem and not him. The other students are the ones attacking him and his opinion because when he states it, he has to be heard and will continue to bring the class conversation back to the same topic. Which frustrates me the most, because like, it isn’t the other students that are the problem, it is you, but nothing. And this behaviour has been going on for weeks and just getting worse.
And I get it, he is probably frustrated because he probably wanted to come to Canada and slip quickly back into his field, but I can tell language has been a major factor in why he isn’t an engineer here. Yet at the same time, this attitude won’t do him any favours in a workplace setting either. 
And it makes me sad.
Anyways, we have a feeling he will drop the class within a month. It is Saturday, he’s already sent me an email about being sick on Monday, two days away, when he wasn’t sick yesterday.
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soobrat · 2 years
mortal sin; nct dream
chapter two; a snob and a job
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words; 3.1k
genre; humor with a sprinkle of angst
warnings; description of sex public, mean!renjun again
preface; I think the story has progressed enough to start my side drabbles and imagines with demon!dream. Feel free to send requests of what you want to see ;)
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"It's called the Elysium 1007. It's the latest model from the Celestial Realm." Jaemin hands me the impressive phone for the second time in my afterlife.
"Woah..." Each time I experience the orgasmically advanced technology I get goosebumps. I'm supposed to be asking about what room his brother is in since he's in my group, but he's a damn good salesman.
"Could you at least tell me how much you want for it?"
"How much d'you have?" Jaemin gives me that look again. The same look he gave me the first time I expressed my lack of wealth. It was like a monarch looking down upon a filthy peasant. His tongue toyed with a new piece of jewelry on his canine. He narrows his eyes at me as he awaits my answer.
"I-I'm still broke- but I- wait!" I struggle against him as he pushes me towards his bedroom door. I try and twist my body around to reason with him, but he curls his hands around my shoulder to lock me in place.
"Come on! I don't even know how to get money!"
"I don't talk to broke people." Jaemin deadpans, all of the character he was oozing with suddenly missing. He slides his arm in front of me and opens the door. He jumps when he sees Mark on the other side.
"M-Mark! Hey! I was just going to take the prototype out on a tour. Ole Yongie didn't give her a proper one." Jaemin beams unconvincingly as he taps my shoulders like I was his disappointment of a child. A touchy albeit familiar attitude I've experienced.
"I heard everything. Move out of the way." Mark glowers at the taller man before giving a disinterested swipe of his hand. We both slide to the side and allow him to walk into the room. He marches in before turning on his heels and cutting his eyes at Jaemin. Jaemin chuts, letting go of my shoulders. As if nothing ever happened, Mark smiles gleefully at me.
"I'm so excited to get to work with you and Joohyun! I'm sorry my younger brother was toying with you."
"Toying? He wasn't toying with me, he was selling me the beautiful phone." I quirk my thumb towards the device in Jaemin's pocket. Jaemin makes a strained noise in an effort to shut me up but it was too late.
"As I thought, he's definitely toying with you. On my way here I heard him selling you something and assumed he was up to no good. Now I know for sure." Mark walks toward Jaemin and slides the phone out of his pocket, dodging his attempts to stop him. He flips the phone upright and presents it to me.
"You can get this for free when you become a VIP. He got this for free because Lord Taeyong was bribing him."
Jaemin snatches the phone back from him. "Don't act like that's not the reason you have one too."
"That's where you're wrong. Then again, when have you ever been right?" Mark says with a pout and feigned sympathy. "Poor thing. I got one because I help out Lord Taeyong the most. Also, if you recall, I'm the one who offered to help in the first place."
Jaemin groans, eyes rolling back into his head. "You keep bringing that up any chance you get. You know he mainly gave it to you so you'd be touched enough to stay and help even when it got ugly."
"Wait, he gave you guys those phones to make you stay and help?" I ask in disbelief.
"Yeah. Did he give you that fossil as an incentive?" Jaemin snorts. I glare at him and he clears his throat. God, was everyone here insufferable? Why is no one else concerned about this situation? When it got ugly?
I let out a tired exhale before turning to Mark.
"Taeyong tells me he emailed you about our first assignment."
"Ah yes! Joohyun's busy today but she requested that we record our endeavors so she can catch up. Follow me." He smiles as he exits the room. I follow him into his room, hanging my head in shame. I can't believe I didn't question whether or not I was being scammed... in hell. It was difficult to get my head on straight. A small part of me still thinks this is a surreal dream. The larger part of me needs to get my shit together or else this place might eat me alive.
Even though he was annoyingly chipper and way too eager to please, I deducted that he may have some power or at least information. I should hold my tongue and push aside my vexation. As for Joohyun, I still couldn't put my finger on it, but something was off. Taeyong said that Celestials were the most powerful beings in the universe, so why does she seem so interested in me? Prototype or not, something was off.
At the swipe of a hand, a projection shoots up from the table Mark and I are seated at. He grins at me as he leans closer.
"Pretty cool, huh?" He chuckles, pleased with himself. "Lord Taeyong gave this to me. None of the other recruits have one." He shrugs as if he's not clearly proud of this fact.
"It's very futuristic." My love for gadgets is my kryptonite apparently. I get a closer look at the table. There is no visible indication of where the projection came from, just the slightly transparent screen in front of us. As soon as I see Mark's grin get wider at my interest in his gadget, I change the subject.
"Are you gonna read the email or..."
"Right!" Mark swipes and taps the air in front of the projection until he reaches his inbox. "Says here that our first order of business is to win over Devildom. Easy." He says, hubris seemingly neverending.
"Since this is about where I live, I think I should take the reigns, no?" He suggests with a quirked brow. Every single expression and movement he makes is nausea-inducing. Though he presented it questionably, the suggestion wasn't bad. It was actually the most logical conclusion to make.
"I guess, you are a demon after all." I shrug, eye twitching when he chuckles haughtily. "Any other important info in the email?" I ask, sighing.
"We have to come up with our own plans to win over the demons."
That was all fine and dandy, except for the fact that I knew jack shit. Mark was barely helpful, just talking about himself instead of coming up with a plan. I huff as I trudge towards Taeyong's office. Before I open the door I gather myself.
What I know so far is that Taeyong wants to unite the realms, make it easier for non-Celestials to travel to and from any realm they want. What I also deduced is that someone wants to stop this from happening. According to Taeyong, it wasn't a demon dictator but:
"...much bigger than that."
The Celestials?
"Ugh. Why are you here? Aren't you on the teacher's pet team with Bark?" A voice condescends to my right. I turn to see yet another brother. One which I haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet. By the first words he's saying to me, I can tell it's going to be yet another insufferable encounter. Must run in the family.
"Are you actually asking both of those questions or just wasting my time?" I scowl at him, pushing Taeyong's door open before he can make an insulted response.
"Ah! A member of my star group!" Taeyong stands up from his desk once he sees me come through the door. The faded pink-haired brother pushes me out of the way to confront Taeyong.
"You're not even hiding it at this point!" He crosses his arms.
"Ah... Haechan. I see that envy hasn't gotten any less potent." Taeyong's demeanor is significantly less chipper upon his arrival. Haechan scoffs.
"How dare you bring that up so easily?" He looks at Taeyong in disbelief. "I don't want to talk to you anymore." He makes sure to bump into my shoulder on the way out. I feel ire boiling in my stomach as he slams the door behind him.
"What the fuck is wrong with those brothers?"
"You have to forgive them, ___. They can't help it." Taeyong maneuvers around his desk.
"Can't help what, being intolerable?"
Taeyong leans against the front of his desk, crossing one foot over the other. "Why don't you come take a seat?"
I walk over cautiously, sitting in the chair on the left. Once I'm settled, he continues.
"I was going to mention it, but you're so smart that I thought you would have figured it out on your own. Have you noticed that each brother comes packaged with a rather overt character trait?"
I cross my arms as I think about each brother I've met so far. Jeno and his sex drive, Jaemin and his flashy jewelry (and tech) and disdain for the moneyless, Mark and his bottomless confidence...
I hadn't properly met the others, but from what I can tell, there was already a theme.
"Their father cursed each of them before he cast them down to the Telestial realm. There were seven of them, so it was perfect."
"The seven deadly sins..." I finally put the pieces together and look up at Taeyong in shock. "Jeno is lust, Jaemin is greed, Mark is pride, and Jesus is his strong."
How didn't I notice? Now I know for sure I've been off my A-game. "And why didn't you tell me this? I almost got scammed by Jaemin."
"Eh. Conflict builds character." Taeyong shrugs.
I'm starting to believe that being insufferable doesn't stop at the brothers. Perhaps it's a demon thing.
"Any other secrets I need to know?"
"Why don't you just ask me what you came in to ask me?" Taeyong suggests, but it's more like a polite demand. I didn't even know where to start. Are Celestials, the most powerful beings in the universe, gonna be a problem? Is it also possible that they view other species as below them? Should I be worried about Joohyun?
"How do I become VIP?"
That stupid phone.
"Oh! I see you found out about that." Taeyong says, wincing. "Don't tell the brothers, but I made that up so they could feel special. Specifically Mark."
"Don't look at me like that- like I just gave you useful information- you can't tell the brothers, no matter how much you dislike them. Not only would it break their little hearts, but it could be detrimental to my plan."
"That's very sensitive information to just tell people." I say, hoping he'd explain why he didn't just convince me it was real. He told me an important secret like it was nothing.
"Well, I trust you. Much more than I trust any of them." Taeyong says it as if it's normal, even obvious, for him to feel that way.
"But why? I get that I'm the prototype, but that still doesn't explain why everyone seems so intrigued by me."
"How about this, I'll explain everything to you once you become VIP."
"You just told me it wasn't real!"
"But I know you want the phone, and I can't just give it to you. The demons have to think they're special."
I roll my eyes. "You mean so Mark thinks he's special. Wait- how did you know I wanted the phone-"
"Let me get you started on your first task!"
Hell's Kitchen, as the restaurant is aptly named, was a short distance away from the House of Lamentation. The short walk felt like miles and miles considering the locals. They were unnerving, to say the least. They either had grizzled exteriors with "don't fuck with me" written all over their faces or sinister wide smiles stretching from ear to ear. They were all looking at me like they wanted to kill me or eat me alive. I never thought I'd be happy to be standing next to NingNing's boyfriend.
"I'm sorry again if I made you uncomfortable." Jeno whines, looking like a puppy that just got scolded. I was about to assure him for the umpteenth time that I didn't care but was distracted by the scene to my right. A couple was plastered against the brick exterior of a building, pants lazily discarded so they were still dangling off one of their legs. The woman had her legs wrapped around his hips as he thrust her into the wall. A man was nearby, tugging at himself as he peered around the corner at them. Their loud moans filled the air, clearly not interested in how it made them appear. I scrunch my nose before looking away. In my peripheral, I can see Jeno's hands over his crotch. I look up at him to see his pathetic expression. He whimpers.
"Look straight ahead please."
I push one of the double doors open, examining the black and magenta interior. The chairs and tables were in such disarray that I was surprised this place wasn't abandoned. The three demons in uniform standing behind the counter proved that it was indeed a running business.
"Where the fuck- there you are Jeno. Are you hard again?" It was the brother that I made a mental note to stay away from scolding Jeno and making him droop his head. Renjun was it? "Oh my god- just go to the bathroom. Quickly." He orders and Jeno scampers off. His eyes finally land on mine.
"As if my day couldn't get any worse." He spat, looking at me like I was a pest crawling around his workplace.
"Renjun, stop it." A mousey-looking boy quietly urges. Despite being taller, I could tell he was one of the younger brothers just by his demeanor. Incensed, the fox shoots a warning look at the mouse. The mouse shrinks away, scurrying off to the kitchen. Then he turns his glare back to me. It's clear from his eyes.
I roll my eyes as I approach the counter. "I'll be the waitress here. Taeyong said to speak to the manager...?" I look around for another person. The only other person is one I don't recognize. I know there are seven brothers, and he was dozing off with his arms crossed.
"I'm the manager." Renjun huffs. He grits his teeth when I return his glare. "So it'd be smart not to get on my bad side."
"Isn't it too late? You seemingly already hate me, for no reason might I add." His eyes follow me as I make my way toward him.
"Great. A smartass. And yet another pain in my ass."
"I can show you pain if you want me to."
Renjun and I step toward each other but his brother is stepping in between us. "Stop. Lord Taeyong is gonna be pissed if he finds out you guys fought." He groggily explains.
"I'm going to make every day you work here a living hell if you cross me." Renjun seethes before pushing his brother out of the way.
"Right back at you." I look him up and down with a scowl before pushing past him. I don't need him, I could ask Jeno to help me out after he's finished. Before I could make it into the back of the restaurant, something knocks me off my feet. My head hits the floor, bouncing back upward as I push myself up. The tall mouse gasps as he steps back into the dining area, mumbling something about how they're so fucked.
I feel woozy as I stand to my feet. I wobble a bit, pressing my hand to my head. When I pull it back and see a layer of crimson red covering my hand, I grow faint.
The crunch of my skull, the gurgling of blood in my throat. The smell of the blood. My vision going in and out.
I stumble back to the floor as the room starts spinning. The next thing I know, there's blurred conversation. I can feel the cool air on my body as I'm pushed into a vehicle. I blink and I'm in a blindingly bright room. I squint, lifting my head up slightly and shielding my eyes with my hand.
"I told you it was an accident! Tell him Jisung!" Renjun yells.
"I-It was. She tripped and fell." The mouse's voice is meek as he lies.
"You really think I believe that? Renjun you've been using your powers on her since you first met her. Lord Taeyong told me." I recognize the disappointed voice as Mark.
"It wasn't a fucking accident." I slur out, throwing my head back against the pillow.
"I knew it. You should be ashamed of yourself. You know how dangerous it is for humans outside of the academy."
"Well she should've never accosted me. How am I supposed to work with someone who is so confrontational?" Renjun tries to reason with the boy, but knowing Mark for the short time I have, he's not gonna budge.
"That's literally how everyone feels about you, Renjun. Everyone else learned how to control their sin to some degree except for you and Jeno. The second and third oldest. Aren't you guys embarrassed?" Mark's tone is as patronizing as ever. He tells Jisung to follow him out of the room. Renjun goes to follow as well but Mark stops him with a hand to his chest.
"You're working on it starting now. Go apologize." Mark sends a stern glare to Renjun before exiting the room with Jisung. As soon as their footsteps fade out of earshot Renjun is stomping toward me.
"I refuse to work with someone as insufferable as you." He spat.
"Diddo. I'll tell Taeyong-"
"You won't say a word. If you ask to work somewhere else they're gonna blame me and I'll never hear the end of it. No, you're not going to step foot into the restaurant, but you're gonna tell everyone that you work there and that it's heavenly."
"And why would I ever agree to that?" I sit up again and look at the man towering over me incredulously.
"I know that you just want to be VIP, wouldn't you want to achieve that without lifting a finger?"
Of course I did, but there was no way I was making a deal with the likes of him. Especially not when he was basically ordering me around like I was a child.
"Fuck no. I'm telling Taeyong to give me a different job."
Veins protrude from Renjun's neck as he clenches his jaw. His pupils flood with red, his head jerking to the side. Groans and growls rip from his chest and fill the room and I'm officially panicking. I slide off to the other side of the hospital bed, falling to the ground since my legs and head hadn't fully recovered. All I can hear are his shoes tapping closer and closer until I'm staring right down at them. I slowly raise my head up when something blocks out the light with a heavy whoosh.
My eyes are met with a creature I barely recognized. Renjun's glare was deadly as his glossy black wings engulfed me in darkness. His red pupils burned into me with a silent warning. There's a long spiny black tail wrapped tightly around his leg as he steps closer. As he finally spoke, it sounded like multiple fractured voices spoke with him.
"You don't have a choice."
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dollslayer · 3 years
For the drabble challenge: Bucky Barnes / He took the last treadmill
Bucky Barnes x Reader, No Powers AU Summary: Bucky Barnes has stolen the last treadmill and with it, the last shred of your patience. W/C: 2k Warnings: Smut, swearing, semi-public sex, unprotected sex A/N: I wrote this for @syntheticavenger's 5k How it started/How it's going celebration/challenge!! I know it's been a minute since I've written anything but if you liked this please comment/reblog! Main Masterlist
How it started -
You heaved a heavy sigh as you finally got into your car. Looking at the clock on your dashboard you noticed it was nearly 11pm. You were fresh off of a late night at the office that ended with you being chewed out in the boardroom for someone else’s mistakes and desperately needed to release all your pent up rage. You can’t run away from your problems but you can damn well try at the gym.
You reached for the door but before you could reach it a large hand was pulling the handle and holding the door for you. The hand lead to a thick forearm with veins trailing up to perfectly sculpted biceps. You peered up at the owner of the sculpted arm and found it belonged to maybe the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen. He has crystal blue eyes and pillowy lips curved slightly into a grin. Strands of shoulder length hair are falling out of the small bun he’s tied it into and into his face.
You didn’t realize you’d stopped midstep, leaving him waiting on you to walk through the entryway. Quickly looking away with a huff of small embarrassment you muster a small thank you and pick up the pace towards the locker rooms. You were suddenly feeling nervous at the realization that you’d have to work out in front of him but the thought of him in less clothing was appealing enough to distract you.
You’d figured given the hour that the gym wouldn’t be so busy but looking around it was teeming with activity. As if your day couldn’t be any more annoying, one lone treadmill stood open so you hustled to the locker rooms to change so you could claim it.
Just as you were about to put your phone in your locker and head out you were bombarded by a slew of work emails, making you furious all over again. Anger refueled, you set off with new determination for the treadmill. Just as you were about to enter the main gym area the same guy that held the door open for you was headed in the same direction. Smiling, you held the door open for him this time with a small laugh, which he thanked you for before bounding off.
His huge stride was heading in a direction that was giving you a bad feeling. You tried to fastwalk past him, hoping that you could beat him there but before you could touch the rails he was stepping onto the last fucking treadmill. You came to a stop with a look of disbelief and he looked over his shoulder and smirked at you.
“Somethin’ wrong, doll?”
“No,” you scoffed before walking away towards the ellipticals.
With the state of your temper right now you didn’t trust yourself not to blow up on him. You tell yourself that the gym asks people to only use equipment for a certain amount of time, someone’s bound to get off soon. You were breaking a sweat but it wasn’t really releasing all the built up tension you had like running would. Glancing over you spy one open treadmill, but of fucking course the only one open is next to him.
Heaving a sigh you turn up your music and step up to the treadmill intent on ignoring him. His head turns slightly towards you and out of the corner of your eye you spy a smirk. You roll your eyes and up the pace, hoping to block out the rest of the world for a bit.
You let yourself get lost in the workout and finally felt some of your frustrations melt away. When you’d reached your limit and got off you looked around and realized that the man was gone, so was most everyone else. Checking the time you noted it was nearly 2 AM and you figured you’d better call it a night if you were ever going to deal with the shit show that awaited you tomorrow morning at the office.
Walking back to the locker rooms the man from earlier was passing you on his way out and gave you a mischievous grin.
“I steal your treadmill back there, doll?” He asks playfully.
“Don’t let it happen again” You say jokingly with a small smile, still slightly annoyed.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” He chuckles, “Have a good night.”
You wish him a good night as he walks on past you, notes of his body wash hitting your senses. As annoyed as you’d been you definitely wouldn’t mind running into him again.
Another week or so had gone by and another fiasco at work had erupted. You weren’t sure how much more of it you could take but you’d made a habit of running at the gym whenever shit went down at work. You’d yet to run into the handsome stranger again but he’d probably just distract you anyway so it was for the better.
You’d opted for lifting light weights and in doing so, you’d completely missed Man Bun just across the room. You’d forgotten that you wanted to run. You got up and turned towards the treadmills. You had stepped forward just in time for Man Bun to take the last. Fucking. Treadmill. Again. Your jaw actually dropped a little and didn’t try to conceal your scoff.
“Come on!” you even stamped your foot a little. After the time you’ve been having at work all you’d wanted was to let off some steam but here he was again with his cocky attitude treating it like a joke.
He actually stopped the treadmill and turned around, a toothy grin proudly on display.
“I did it again, didn’t I? Don’t worry I’m sure someone else will be off soon”
How it’s going -
Your back met the cold tiles of the shower as he pushed you back with a harsh kiss. His lips caught yours, stealing your moans as his large calloused hands ran their way down your curves. You focused your efforts on pushing down his sweats, his cock springing free from its confines.
“No underwear? How presumptuous” You ask against his lips with a smile.
“What can I say? I was feeling lucky”
He hooked his fingers in your leggings and pulled them down. You hastily stepped out of them and worked to remove your top, leaving you in only a sports bra and your panties. He paused for a second before taking your panties in his fist and snapping them in one go. You gasped, slightly shocked but it just turned you on further.
He was to the point in what he wanted, his fingers finding your core and sinking right in. Your moan turned into a whimper as he curled his fingers inside you, hitting you right in your G-spot. You were feeling small under him, his perfectly toned chest proudly on display and his biceps bulging as he pumped his fingers in and out of you.
The pleasure you were feeling in this moment had you in disbelief that you’d ever been hesitant of him when he cornered you earlier.
By the time you’d finally gotten done with your run you’d realized everyone had petered out, even Man Bun. You reckoned it was time for you to head out too. It was kind of eerie being alone in the gym so you wanted to shower and get out as quickly as possible.
As you were about to push the door open a familiar, large hand covered yours. You could feel his body heat and smell whatever soap he’d used, that’s how close he was. You turned around and he kept his arm outstretched past you, you were practically in his arms.
Your eyes met his and you let out a shaky breath, you weren’t really sure what to make of the expression on his face. You raised your eyebrows in waiting.
“Just wanted to apologize, for takin’ your treadmill and all. Seems to be a habit of mine, huh?”
“I’m starting to think you meant to.”
“I gotta admit, I saw you gunnin’ for that treadmill and I wanted to beat you there. What do you say I make it up to you?”
He was definitely making it up to you now. He was a man on a mission, pressing his palm firmly against your clit and working against your spot, trying desperately to get you to cum. You couldn’t do anything but cling desperately to his shoulders. Your cries were getting louder as he brought you closer and closer to the edge. You finally snapped and came with a shout before nearly slumping against him. His arms caught you and he laughed a little to himself.
“So fuckin’ good for me, you’re gonna take me so well.” He pressed a sloppy kiss to your temple as you tried to get your bearings. You reached down to grab his cock in your hands, he was rock hard and you wanted nothing more than to run your tongue along them.
You shakily began to sink down to your knees but a strong hand grasped you by the shoulders and pulled you up before you could.
“Just wanna feel you” He breathed out before pressing a kiss to your lips.
It was your turn to smirk at him, slowly standing up to your full height. He kissed you again as his large hands grabbed your breasts one at a time, toying with your nipples and making you whimper just slightly. You could feel his cock hard against your thigh and decided you needed him now.
You lifted your thigh up over his hip, which he was all too eager to hold while you grabbed him and positioned him at your entrance. His other hand grasped your hip and he thrusted into you with determination, causing you to let out an obscene moan. He was hitting you so deeply and when he began moving you swore you couldn’t take him.
He hooked one arm under your leg as he pistoned in and out of you at a pace you weren’t quite ready for but you’d reveled in the feeling of. He was hitting you deeper than you’d ever thought possible by anyone else you’d had before.
“Shit,” He huffed, “Gonna fuck you stupid?”
You could only whimper in response as he did just that. He wasn’t holding anything back as he thrust into you over and over. You were quickly becoming overwhelmed but in the best way possible. You couldn’t help the noises that came out of you, couldn’t help the begging for him to continue.
As he pistoned in and out of you while keeping a vice grip on your leg you let out the most wanton little mewls, only spurring him on further. He was dragging every inch of him out of you and then slamming it back in, all the while his thumb toying with your clit. You weren’t sure how much longer you could hold out and you couldn’t tell what was more exciting, the thought of him ruining you or the realization that anyone could walk in and see you two. Right now you didn’t care so long as he kept at it.
You tugged at his tresses, pulling them loose from the low bun they hung in, eliciting grunts and groans from him. You latched your mouth onto his neck and found his sweet spot, sucking a deep bruise into it.
“Fuck, babydoll, I don’t know how much longer I can hold out”
“Then don’t”
That was all the motivation it took for him to slam into you at full force, his fingers working double time to help you reach your high once more. You thought you couldn’t take anymore as he slammed into you harder than he had and bit harshly into your neck as he spilled himself inside of you with one final thrust.
You cried out as you came around him, feeling your pussy pulse in waves as you registered the aftershocks. You leaned your head back against the tiles while you tried to catch your breath, vaguely hearing his own sighs. Finally feeling up to sorts, you looked up at him only to find his hazy blue eyes boring into yours. A part of you can’t believe you’d done such a thing in public with a man who was practically a stranger but the other part was just as turned on by the fact.
“Think I’ve given enough penance for you, doll?”
“Not even close.”
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hongism · 4 years
reciprocated - j.wy (ft. c.san) 18+
↦ pairing: san x fem!reader x wooyoung ↦ genre: pwp, smut, 18+, non idol au, friends with benefits au ↦ wc: 4.0k ↦ pt 2 to belated | ↦ warnings: explicit smut, unprotected sex, oral sex: f and m, voyeurism, exhibitionism, cum eating, masturbation, creampie
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When you and San sent Wooyoung the less than appropriate for viewing video, you had half-expected an immediate response of an extended keyboard smash or just a series of emojis conveying his both panic and excitement to be receiving such a thing. What you got in reality was radio silence on his part, and that seems to have caught San off-guard as well because he can’t seem to figure out why Wooyoung wouldn’t respond. Granted, it’s only been around a week since you sent the damn thing, but Wooyoung is notorious for responding within a fraction of a second, so the mystery becomes why hasn’t Wooyoung responded or reacted. He texts you and San regularly, either through the group chat you have with the two men or just one on one, but he does not under any circumstances mention the email attachment you sent from San’s computer. Even when San directly asked him over text if he received his birthday gift, Wooyoung just neglected to respond entirely.
San could not be more unbothered by the fact that Wooyoung won’t respond. You on the other hand can’t help but feel like he has seen the video and was so disgusted and grossed out by it that he’s just counting down the days to end your friendship. It’s a constant and bubbling anxiety in your gut, and it’s one that heightens when Friday evening rolls around and Wooyoung comes by your apartment with San to watch a movie.
The latter arrives before Wooyoung does, pushing into the apartment like he owns in and immediately making himself comfortable beside you on the couch. Your nervous exterior must be evident to him because his cheerful attitude morphs into one of concern the second he sits down.
“What’s that expression for?”
“Do you think he’s… I don’t know, weirded out?”
“By the video?” You nod hastily, and San twists to look at the ceiling. “No way. He’s probably too shy to say anything. Full guarantee he’s been using it as jerk off material every day this week.”
“Are you sure? Wouldn’t he have said something by now? I think it’s—”
“I think you’re overthinking,” San states. An idle hand comes to rest on your thigh, skin bared by the shorts you’re wearing, and he mindlessly traces faint patterns there. “I have an idea. One that I’ll only do if you’re okay with it.”
“What are you planning?” You narrow your gaze on San. The words are a bit suspicious, but San has never given you a reason not to trust him before, and you’re certain he wouldn’t do anything without your explicit permission and comfort.
“He’s too shy to talk about it, no?”
“I don’t know, San. That’s part of my concern,” you huff out in response.
“And I know him better than you do. Trust me when I say that he is merely too shy to say anything about the video.”
“So, the plan is…?”
“San!” The man all but cackles at your startled reaction and retracts his hand from your leg to clutch at his chest.
“I’m being completely serious.”
“You can’t be.” San deadpans, eyes searching yours with razor-sharp focus. “San.”
“Do you want to see how he really feels about it?”
“Of course I do but… I’m – I, well, I’m just shy about it!”
“And do you trust me to guide you through it and stop when you want to stop?” San leans towards you, and you find yourself moving with him, breaths intermingling as you get closer to each other.
“Yes, I always do, San.” He laughs under his breath once before letting his forehead fall against yours.
“And how do you feel about sex with Wooyoung?”
“I’m… I would like that a lot, I think. You aren’t gonna get jealous if Wooyoung fucks me, are you?”
“I can’t promise not to, but at the end of the day, I know—”
The thought is cut short thanks to the door popping open once more, and this time when you look up at it, it’s Wooyoung who steps through with his head tucked to his chest. You sink your teeth into your lower lip without thinking, letting San nudge you further down to the middle of the couch so he can better settle against your body. Wooyoung doesn’t even look up as he comes closer, phone in hand and screen flashing a bright light that keeps him preoccupied. That does absolutely nothing to ease your worries though, and his obvious avoidance of you and San’s forms causes an extra surge of panic to rush through you. San again detects your nerves and darts a hand out to clasp around your thigh just at the top of your knee, fingers massaging the bare skin there gently while Wooyoung positions himself on the other end of the couch. He doesn’t put a ton of distance between the two of you, which is a small reassurance, but he still won’t look up at you.
“Hey, Woo, did you–oof!” You send an elbow straight into San’s ribcage before he can finish the question. San squeezes hard at your leg and sends you a sharp and pointed glare. You return it with one of equal heat to no avail because San continues speaking, hand keeping you firmly in place. “Did you get my gift? For your birthday?”
Choi San is far too bold for your liking, you’ve decided that much.
“B-Birthday?” Wooyoung stutters. He glances up from his phone with cheeks flushed a pretty pink, and his gaze flicks between you and San for a few seconds. The silence drags. You can hardly breathe thanks to the lump in your throat. Wooyoung stares. San waits. And you are ready to burst. Then —
“For fuck’s sake, Wooyoung, do we need to reenact it on the couch for you?”
And in that moment, you truly do think you have died because there is no way in a million years that San really just said those words out loud. You jerk to bury your face against his shoulder – not helping your case since Wooyoung has most definitely seen the video and is most definitely thinking about the things you and San were doing in said video and any act of intimacy or closeness between the two of you is a dumpster fire just waiting to happen.
“No! No, no, no, no, no,” Wooyoung rambles so quickly that the words sound foreign against your ears. “You don’t – I wouldn’t – that’s too much to ask, I would never—”
“Well, you were obviously thinking about it!” San argues, not missing a beat in his remarks, and you really want nothing more than to completely disappear from existence entirely. “That boner isn’t exactly discreet!”
Whatever sound leaves your lips is nothing short of inhumane, most likely something close to a pig squealing, and San secures an arm around your waist when you throw yourself further against him. He releases a loud laugh that rings in your ear, squeezing you as tight as he can without hurting you.
“I’m sure we can work something out. You heard the way Y/N was screaming your name, didn’t you?” You’re thankful that Wooyoung can’t see your face because you are positive that your wide eyes make you look like a deer caught in headlights and he might take that as a sign of hesitance, when in reality you are already imagining Wooyoung fucking you raw while you’re bent over San’s lap. Instead, San stands up from the couch, keeping his hands on yours while he moves, and you blink up at him with the same wide eyes.
“I – I didn’t w-want to assume that she – I thought it was just… just because you were – yeah,” Wooyoung stammers. His voice grows more quiet with each passing word, and you can envision the way his chin drops to his chest as it normally does when he’s flustered.
“Didn’t want to assume that she wanted you just as badly as you want her?” San inquires, head tilting to the side as he asks the question. “Was the sight of her begging for your cock while my cum was dripping off her face not enough for you?” You need to make a mental note to beat the shit out of him after this, but you also don’t want to admit that the burning humiliation is actually causing your gut to twist with arousal. Your thighs press tightly together against the couch – a movement that doesn’t escape San’s notice. “She’s practically drooling from the thought already. Shouldn’t you give her something to do with that mouth?”
The words have their intended effect on you; they’re words San has spoken to you in less than appropriate situations time and time again, but now they seem even more filthy because Wooyoung is right there. Your lower lip trembles as a whimper slips out, and you hear Wooyoung inhale a sharp and painful breath of air.
“I won’t interrupt, don’t worry,” San murmurs, letting a finger trace over your chin. “I’ll just keep her fully occupied, yeah? How does that sound, sweetheart?”
“G-Good,” you hastily answer through a gasp.
“Mhm, then you can be good and sit still for him while I eat you out?”
“S-San.” The single word is spoken breathlessly, and you’re shocked that it even comes out with sound, to be honest. San just smirks in response, watching and waiting for you to indicate that you don’t want to do this. So when you provide a small nod of confirmation, he nudges you off the couch and onto the floor. Your knees hit the carpet painfully, but you take it in stride as best you can and move to a more comfortable position. Wooyoung remains in a state of shock, not budging one bit from his spot on the farthest cushion, and San has to lean over your kneeling form to catch hold of Wooyoung’s collar and yank him forward.
“Are you gonna make her do all the work?” He hums, pressing into Wooyoung’s personal space so much so that Wooyoung has to lean away from him.
“N-No, I’m – I’m just still a bit shocked.” He isn’t too shocked to finally sit on the center cushion and press his legs around your body, feet planted firmly on either side of your thighs. Now you can clearly see the growing erection tucked behind his jeans along with the hazy flush on his cheeks and neck that looks oh so pretty from this angle.
San moves away from the couch no doubt to make room for himself between your folds. It leaves you with the task of helping Wooyoung out of his pants, but without San’s endless confidence, you both fumble awkwardly around each other for too long before bonking heads when Wooyoung tries to tug his pants down for you. Ironically enough, the contact is all you needed to dispel the awkward energy between you two, and you share in a small laugh with hands still fumbling over each other.
“Do you… is he right?” Wooyoung asks once your hands hook around his underwear. You hesitate there, blinking up at the man in wonder for a few moments.
“Yeah, he – um, he didn’t really need to convince me to do the video,” you mumble back before embarrassment gets the better of you. “I was just worried that you wouldn’t see me like that.”
“Oh no, I definitely do! Not to, uh, sound too enthusiastic but yeah. I do.” You can only manage a tight-lipped grin in Wooyoung’s direction before taking hold of his underwear and yanking it down past his knees. A startled groan leaves him as cold air touches his stiff member, cock springing out to slap against the fabric of his shirt. The shirt doesn’t remain on for long as it is though, seeing as Wooyoung leans back and strips himself of the material without second thought. San makes a timely appearance behind you in that moment, hands running up your sides to tug your shirt off as he settles on the floor. You let him move your body into whatever position he wants while you keep your gaze firmly set on Wooyoung.
Wooyoung doesn’t maintain eye contact, however; he keeps his gaze firmly set on your body, trailing over the mounds of your breasts and the freshly exposed skin that’s left there now. His tongue pokes out to dart over his lips, and the hunger of lust gives him a newfound sense of confidence that has him leaning towards you. You sit up to meet him halfway — lips smash together in a clash of saliva and tongue, teeth clattering as they bump together. San works on pulling your pants away as well, leaving you full bare before both men, but he doesn’t give you time to be embarrassed or shy about the lack of clothes. He weasels his way between your legs and comes face to face with your now exposed cunt. A few strands of arousal are already present there just from the sight of Wooyoung’s hardened cock, which San laps up like a starved man.
The tiniest kitten lick has you whimpering, San’s hands latching around your hips and pulling you down to his chin. You brace yourself on Wooyoung’s muscled thighs. The skin is soft under your fingers, but the harsh touch has his muscles trembling and tensing under you. You dip closer to his crotch, eyes not leaving his for a second. He can only groan under his breath as you drag the flat of your tongue up his length. His cock is heavy against your tongue, a bit of saltiness lingering there thanks to the precum leaking from his tip, but you take it in stride and gulp the taste down as best you can. With a startled gasp, Wooyoung twitches in your mouth, and his hips buck up off the couch to thrust further into your wet heat.
“S-Shit,” Wooyoung mutters. He tries to still his hips to no avail because the more you move your tongue along his dick, the more he struggles to keep from jerking and writhing under your touch.
“She’s good, isn’t she?” San hums from between your legs. “Such a good little cock slut.” The words carry over your clit, sending rapid vibrations through you, and now it’s your turn to thrash from pleasure. You moan around Wooyoung’s length and squeeze his base a little tighter. Even though the ministrations from San are nothing short of amazing, you refuse to be outdone, especially when this is about Wooyoung and not you. Thus you choke back your moans and drop your mouth lower on Wooyoung’s dick, hollowing your cheeks as you bob along him.
He’s not exactly the largest – in girth or in length – but he’s most definitely a bit longer than San, as well as a tad slimmer. His cock has a slight curve to it, one that causes him to hit the back of your throat sooner than you expect, and it’s a struggle not to gag around him. Your throat does constrict a bit, but that only draws a moan from Wooyoung’s lips. He reaches up to cover the sound, clasping his fingers hard around his mouth, and you resist the urge to giggle at his flushed cheeks and embarrassment. Instead, you pull the flat of your tongue over him and explore the underside of his cock like that. You spend an ample amount of time just tracing each ridge and vein on him before pulling up to suck gently at his head. Wooyoung is especially sensitive there; he jerks and writhes the instant you start paying attention to the skin there, thighs quaking from the stimulation.
“A-Ah, wait, w-wait, I — fuck!” Wooyoung doesn’t get to finish his thought, and he reaches down to close his hand over yours, squeezing hard at the base of his cock until his member is flushed a deep red. The action catches you off-guard at first, but he doesn’t let you stay confused for long before he explains his reasoning. “D-Don’t wanna cum yet.”
“You won’t last long in me like this,” you counter through a smirk. Wooyoung’s cheeks bear a thin sheen of sweat now, which only enhances the blush across them.
“I c-can’t get it back up that quickly. If I’m gonna cum, then I want it to be in you.”
“Gosh, you’re such a smooth-talker,” you tease as you push your legs into a standing position. San doesn’t question it, merely slipping out from under you to move to another part of the room. You don’t bother to look back at him; Wooyoung holds all of your attention in the palm of his hand now. Confident hands fall onto Wooyoung’s shoulders, and you lower yourself onto his lap. A coy smirk plays at your lips, one that Wooyoung watches with rapt focus as you press his leaking erection flat against his stomach between your sweaty and naked bodies. “Makes me want you to fuck me, Wooyoungie.” You can’t keep from pushing your lips into a slight pout, hand snaking down to take hold of Wooyoung’s member again, and you jerk him with languid and deliberate strokes.
“Fu-uck, is she – is she always like this?”
“More often than not,” San chuckles from his new position off to the side, legs spread wide as he runs a hand over his own erection. “Just wait until you actually get your cock in her. Didn’t she sound so desperate and needy in the video?”
Wooyoung’s hands find your hips and grip the skin there so tightly that you can feel it bruising under his touch, but the slight sparks of pain it leaves you with are nothing short of delightful. It’s enough to cause you to let out a small whimper and clench your hand down hard on Wooyoung’s cock. That is all the incentive he needs to pull you up over his member. You guide him to your entrance without hesitation, moving as he does to meet his lips in a messy kiss. He pushes into you a bit then and exhales a small groan into your mouth that you eat up without hesitation.
“More,” you mumble against him and shove his hands out of the way. You push your hips body down as far as you can, taking his cock all the way into your tight heat. Wooyoung breaks the kiss to let out a choked gasp. He throws his head back, exposing the pretty tanned column of his neck, and you dive in without thought. Your teeth drag over the skin there with the intention to nip and bite at it, but Wooyoung runs a hair through your hair, gripping the base of your neck tight to tug you back and look you in the eye.
“Tell me how you want me to fuck you,” he all but growls, eliciting a sharp wave of arousal in your gut.
“Hard and fast like you fucking mean it,” you hiss. You grip his chin hard in your hand and pinch his cheeks together to plant a sloppy kiss on his lips.
Wooyoung takes your words in stride, securing your legs around him quickly before flipping you onto your back. A huff of air passes through your lips from the impact of hitting the couch cushions so hard, but Wooyoung doesn’t even give you a chance to catch your breath before he is pistoning his cock in and out of your cunt without any semblance of restraint or rhythm.
“Holy s-shit,” you exhale, biting back a moan just before it falls out. All you can do is secure your hands on the cushions beneath you as Wooyoung fucks you in a fit of passion and intensity. San must be enjoying the sight of you two based on the groans that slip out of his mouth, loud noises that accentuate your own and the lewd sounds coming from between your bodies. “Fuck me so good, Wooyoung, god, you feel so good in me. Want you to cum in me too, baby. Fill me up nicely, y-yeah?” It’s a miracle that you get any words out, let alone that many without endless stutters and gasps, but the effort it takes is more than worth it when you see the look in Wooyoung’s eyes. He doesn’t respond verbally; although he doesn’t particularly need to because his dick does all the talking for him in the way he fucks you deeper than before, searching for that treasured sweet spot of yours. It only takes a few thrusts for him to find it, and when he brushes over the sensitive area, you can’t contain your noises any longer.
You fling out a desperate hand in San’s direction, searching for some sort of contact from the man, but Wooyoung snatches up the limb instead. He tangles his fingers with yours as he fucks you, and it provides a delightful amount of intimacy that you were craving even when he pins that same hand behind your head to thrust into your tight walls at a different angle.
“You gonna cum, Y/N?” Wooyoung growls against the shell of your ear. He catches your lobe between his teeth, nipping at the skin in a way that has your back arching off the couch and into his body. It nearly tips you over the edge, but you hold on a little bit longer with sheer willpower to cum alongside him. “You’re so tight I can barely move.”
“Wooyoung,” you whine, writhing a bit under him as his thrusts slow down a bit. He shuts you up then and there with his lips and kisses you until you’re positively breathless.
“Cum for me, angel.” His gaze flits up to where San is sitting with cock in hand, eyes glinting dangerously for a moment. His lips touch the shell of your ear and fill it with soft pants that have you shivering. “And call out Sannie’s name for him since he’s being so good over there all on his own.”
It only takes one glance over to where San is perched for you to cum, the mere sight of him jerking his length with sweat on his brow and eyes firmly fixated on your body, and a hasty cry of his name tumbles from your lips. It must be enough to send him over the edge too because you hear him call out your name a moment later, then Wooyoung joins the two of you in sweet ecstasy, hips stuttering in their rhythm as warm cum fills your cunt. You’re so spent you can barely move or think straight in the blessed aftermath of your orgasm, but Wooyoung gets up rather quickly. He climbs off your body and steps over to where San is seated still. In the blink of an eye, he drops to his knees in front of the man – his best friend at that – and his mouth is on San’s softening cock, lapping up the evidence of his orgasm and the cum that splattered over his stomach. A giggle leaves Wooyoung’s lips as he pulls up again and swipes a finger over his mouth to collect any excess cum.
“That was fun,” he says with a smile. A straight row of glistening teeth sink into his lower lip. “And something we should do again sometime.”
“I doubt you’ll have to do much to convince us,” San mutters, eyes darting over to find yours. “Right, Y/N?”
“Sign me up.”
a/n: im sorry this took so lONG oidjfosij this was really hard to write for some reason so i hope it’s still good but yeet yes hello ;-;
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 4 years
Could I please request the brothers reaction to a normally fiesty and strong female MC flinching at the sight of an emotionally abusive Ex. She remains strong and tries to play it off, but its clear shes not okay.
Brothers When MC Changes When Seeing An Emotionally Abusive Ex 
Warning (Mention of Emotional Abuse)
I didn’t actually mention what the ex did and I made this GN because anyone can experience any type of abuse, sadly.
You were always so spunky, sassy, that’s what had drawn his attention to you in the first place. This little vacation that he had set up in the human world was something that he had planned a while ago, and now that the two of you finally had some free time, he was able to enjoy some time with you while you showed him around your hometown. He found it cute how excited you would get when you passed small stores, pointing to them and telling him how you always went there when you were younger but never actually going in. You would just pull him along behind you, almost as if you were scared that time would run out before you got to show him everything, although he would have been able to bring you back up at any time. The change was so noticeable, it was almost like hitting a brick wall. You had stopped running, your voice dropping so low he could barely even hear you anymore. Had he done something wrong? Not act excited enough? “What is it, Darling?” He tilted your head up to look at you, he saw the sadness in your eyes before you shook your head. “It’s nothing, let’s just go the other way…” He saw your eyes dart up, looking at the person who was walking down the sidewalk, heading towards the two of you. “Really. It's nothing. I’m just getting hungry.” You tried to sound unbothered as you turned around, but he knew otherwise. He let you pull him in the other direction, and once you got somewhere where you could both talk in private he asked why you reacted that way and you reluctantly explained everything. He grabbed your hand and squeezed it lightly, offering you a soft smile and sweet words that would help keep your mind off your ex for the rest of the evening. Once you’re asleep he will go out and find your ex and teach him a lesson, scare the hell out of him, and tell him that he’ll be waiting in hell for him when his time comes. No one dies, but it was really hard for Lucifer to keep it that way. 
Your feistiness was so attractive to him, he thought it was both hot and cute at the same time. You didn’t put up with anyones shit, and you had that attitude as soon as you entered the house. He thought it was amazing that you stood up to a bunch of demons, especially Lucifer, even he was too nervous to do that so he thought you were like, super badass. When you told him that you had managed to convince Lucifer to let the two of you up to the human world for a little trip, he was beyond excited. You were taking him on a sightseeing tour throughout the city, showing him your favorite hangout spots and where you’d go when you just needed to get away for a bit. The places wouldn’t have seemed very special if he had come across them by himself, but now that he knew they were your spots he thought they were amazing. As you walked down the street, window shopping and just goofing off, he noticed your body tense up and your head dropping to look at your feet. “Oi, you alright, babe?” He looked around, seeing if someone had maybe passed by and touched you because that would be unacceptable and he would handle that real quick. When you only nodded your head he realized that it was something more than that. If it was the latter you would have handled that person yourself, so whatever was wrong with you now, it must have been really bad. “Yeah. I just think it’s time we go now, don’t you?” You said to him, your eyes quickly glancing over at the person who was staring straight at the two of you. He nodded quickly, taking you back to that spot you had told him about, hoping that you’d tell him what was going on. When he found out that it was your ex and that they emotionally abused you?!?! Oh he didn’t like that, and it took every ounce of control for him not to go and find your ex right now to teach them a lesson. He waited to get back to the hotel, watching you get comfy in your bed before excusing himself under the guise of wanting to run out and get something. He’d yell at your ex, and not only that, he’d change into his demon form just to scare him a little more. Of course, his voice kind of broke because he got choked up when he thought of anyone hurting you… but he did what he had to do, and he’d do it again. No one messes with The Great Mammon’s human! 
The fact that you were so strong and so feisty actually made him weary, but once he figured out how fun you were to actually be around that weariness faded almost completely. Not only were you fun to be around, but you also stood up for him a lot when he was too awkward and anxious to do so himself. When you told him about a trip up to the human world he was slightly put off by it, but then you told him about this arcade that you used to go to and his thoughts immediately changed. An arcade?! That’s so cool! He’s always wanted to go to an arcade up in the human world, but Lucifer told him that it was unnecessary to open the portal just so he could play some video games. Now he could actually do that, and also hang out with you at the same time! It was awesome! He sat on the little chair in front of the Pac-Man machine as you stood right next to him, cheering him on as his score climbed higher and higher. Then you stopped and your hand gripped onto his shoulder tightly, and at first he thought that maybe you just got worried that he was about to lose, until he looked up at you and saw your jaw clenched and your eyes looking around the room as if you were looking for someone. “Everything okay, Y/N?” He asked, and you quickly loosened up, smiling down at him and nodding. “Yeah, it’s just getting late. We should head back.” That wasn’t like you at all, and he could tell that your smile was forced. He nodded, slowly getting up from the chair and leading you out of the arcade, noticing your body tense up as you walked past one of the employees. He knew it wasn’t a good sign, but he didn’t want to force you to talk about it. No matter what, whether you told him or not, he would stay by your side and cuddle with you until all your worries melted away. You were always so strong for him, it was his turn to be strong for you. 
The two of you together were like an unstoppable force not to be reckoned with. His personality mixed with yours, it was like the perfect cocktail. If anyone even attempted to talk down to you, he would sass them and put them in their rightful place. If anyone said anything about him you would shut them down in the blink of an eye. Everyone knew not to mess with the two of you, whether you were together or apart, it would never end well. When you invited him to go shopping in the human world with you, he was more than happy to go with you. You were trying on an outfit, ready to step out and show it off when you saw your ex walk into the store, quickly shutting the curtain again. “What’s the matter, Y/N?! I thought that outfit looked cute!” You chuckled from behind the curtain, stepping out and trying to act like nothing was wrong, but, being so close to Asmo had its flaws. He could read you so well, and he quickly looked around the store. “Is someone messing with you here? Do I need to speak to someone?” You knew he would too, so you quickly shook your head, grabbing yours and his pile of clothes and heading to the front counter. You didn’t have to say anything, he was looking around the store and he immediately picked out your ex, noticing that they were staring at you a little too much for his liking. Do not try to hold him back because he is going to completely berate everything about your ex in front of everyone so they’re humiliated and they’ll never look at you again. Then he’ll take you to the spa because you deserve it and you’re perfect and he just wants you to relax.
Barnes and Nobles was having a book sale, you got an email about it and of course you wanted to go. You went to Satan first, obviously, and he quickly agreed to go. A bookstore with the only person he could stand to be around for long periods of times, other than Belphie. Sounds great, what are you waiting for? He really did enjoy your presence. You were feisty and you weren’t afraid to straighten him out when he was acting out of sorts. You were strong willed, and you didn’t let anyone step on you. You were nobody's floor mat, and he respected that about you.  Barnes and Nobles was packed, and he was shocked to see that so many humans actually still enjoyed reading because most of the humans he had met were idiots who seemed like they hadn’t picked up a book in their life. Maybe he was just being judgy, but, that doesn’t matter, he was in a store filled with books and you were right there next to him, it was the perfect day. While browsing through the sections you had somehow tripped over seemingly nothing, fumbling back into the bookshelf and he quickly caught you, looking around to see if someone had pushed you or something. “What happened? Are you alright?” He wasn’t letting on that he was worried, at least he thought he wasn’t, but your entire demeanor changed and that confused him. Your shoulders were tense and your pupils were dilated as if you had just seen a ghost or something. “Tell me.” He wasn’t going to let it go, so it would probably be best to take him somewhere private where no one else was around because as soon as you let him figure out what was wrong he’s gonna flip out. He’ll try to keep his cool because now that he knows, he doesn’t want to upset you, but he is mentally plotting your ex’s soon to be suspicious death. You’re so strong, and he doesn’t want anyone to break you, not the way your ex did. Never again. 
Your feistiness was adorable to him, and you were always so strong, it was just precious. To him, you were like a little tiger cub, your rawr was small compared to his, but still just as mighty. He absolutely adored you and he would protect you at all costs. When you told him that you were going back up to the human world to visit some family he quickly offered to go with you. Not just because he really wanted to go with you, but also because the mere thought of food from the human world had his stomach growling. Of course you let him go with you, you loved having him around and you wanted to show him to some of your favorite restaurants and fast food joints that helped keep your stomach full during late nights spent up. Your hand was in his, swinging back and forth as you walked down the busy sidewalk, talking about random things that weren’t really important to you, but he found highly interesting and promised to remember either way. He felt someone bump into your shoulder, the bump pushing you into him lightly. Usually you would tell the person to watch where they’re going, or just laugh it off, joking about how clumsy and careless people were. This time though, you froze up, and even if it were just for a split second, he felt it. “Hey, what’s wrong? Did the bump hurt you?” You quickly looked up at him, laughing softly and tsking your tongue. “What? Pfft, no! Come on, we’re almost at the restaurant.” He didn’t believe a word you said, but the mention of food had him pushing that thought back, at least long enough to fill his stomach. He never brought it back up to you, he didn’t like the way you tensed up, it wasn’t normal for you. The person's face was etched into his brain, and as soon as the two of you got back to the Devildom and you fell asleep, he went right back up to the Human Realm. He didn’t need to get physically violent, his appearance alone was enough to frighten your ex, but he didn’t think that was enough, so he changed into his demon form. You had already been hurt, and he couldn’t do anything but promise to never hurt you like that, but he would make sure that your ex did that to no one else in the future. 
Your personality traits were nothing short of entertaining to him, especially when that feistiness came out during conversations with Lucifer. It was his favorite thing, and he’d talk about it for days, especially if Lucifer would look shocked or insulted afterwards, it was hilarious. The trip to the human world wasn’t something that he wanted to do at all, but you had promised to lay in bed with him all day if he went with you and that was one offer he couldn’t refuse. You walked with him through the mall which was packed with people and he was visibly annoyed by the fact that you dragged him out on a Saturday, but that promise you made kept him from forcing you to go back and pick a different day to go out. You started pulling him toward one of your favorite stores, only to stop dead in your tracks and turn around which confused him to say the least. “What?” He was already on edge the entire time, being around so many humans, it wasn’t fun for him and he just wanted to go home and take a nap. When you acted that way, it only made him feel worse, his eyes scanning the entire mall. “Oh I just, I smelled the pretzel place and I really want a pretzel.” His eyes narrowed, but he didn’t have the patience to question it, and he honestly just wanted to get out of there so he let you lead him in the complete opposite direction. “You’re just like Beel sometimes.” He made the joke just to lighten his own mood, but now his eyes were scanning the entire mall. He had memorized every face of every person that had been standing in front of the both of you when you turned around, and now he was scanning the mall for any of those faces, seeing if any of them stopped and looked at you a little too long. He didn’t mention it to you, but a small smile crept onto his face as he made new plans for the night. Somehow your ex’s body was found in a river the next day. How strange. But don’t worry about it, just take a nap with him, you promised, remember?
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jungshookz · 4 years
kiss me at midnight; myg
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➺ pairing; min yoongi x reader
➺ genre; ceo!y/n x secretary!yoongiverse!! sfw!! fluff!! the title says it all!! this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for!! 
➺ wordcount; 8.1k
➺ summary; y/n finally musters up enough courage to tell yoongi about her i-know-i’m-your-boss-but-i-have-non-boss-feelings-for-you feelings. 
➺ what to expect; “careful, secretary min… i might have to give you a raise if you keep sweet-talking me like that.”
                                      »»————- ♡ ————-««
“let’s see… the decorators are coming at 2, the caterers are coming at 6:30, the DJ is coming at 7…” yoongi reads out loud as he goes down his checklist, “the bartender sent over the special drinks menu which i emailed to you this morning, and- ah, right, the caterers mentioned that they were able to switch the mini hot dogs to sliders instead-”
“oh, that’s great! mini hot dogs just don’t carry the same level of class as teeny little hamburgers…” you narrow your eyes slightly as you clasp your hands in front of your face, tapping your fingers against each other, “what about the chocolate lava cakes?”
“mhm, don’t worry, those are on the menu as well, as per your request,” yoongi pauses, “ah- the people bringing the photo-booths are coming to set them up at 5 - we’ve already cleared out the space for them, so that should be good to go… also, are we putting a limit on photos?”
“a limit?”
“yes, a limit,” yoongi looks up at you and shrugs, “there’s only so much film and it wouldn’t be fair for one person to take ten photos and for another person to not have any at all.”
you immediately scoff before dismissing yoongi with a flick of your wrist, “silly yoongi, you can’t put a limit on fun. just tell them we’re willing to pay for extra film and for one of their workers to hang out at the party and wait until the booths need refilling.”
“there.. is no limit… on fun…” yoongi mutters to himself as he continues to scribble notes down in his notebook, “and… that’s it!” he clicks his pen before tucking it back into his shirt pocket, “pretty much everything has been taken care of. if all goes well, this’ll be a fantastic new year’s eve party.”
“yay!” you throw your hands up into the air before leaning back against your chair with a giggle, “this is so exciting. i love throwing parties!”
“and i love planning parties...” yoongi hums absentmindedly, looking back down at his list, “so i guess we make a pretty good team...”
“teamwork makes the dream work, right?”
a couple seconds of silence ticks by as you scour through your brain for a new topic of discussion
you could... talk about the weather? 
or maybe ask him what he did over the weekend?
ask him about what he did on christmas day?? 
“so…” you clear your throat, smoothing your skirt down before folding your arms on your desk and leaning forward slightly, “you bringin’ any... hot dates to the party tonight?” 
that was... not an ideal topic of discussion 
also, way to sound like a creep! 
“me?” yoongi glances up at you and tilts his head slightly, “well, i’ll be with you.” he pauses, dark brows knitting together, “did you… want me to bring a date?” he shifts in his seat, “i’m sure i can arrange for someone to accompany me if that’s what you want.”
“no!” your eyes widen and you shake your head quickly, “i mean- no, i was just- you know, i just- usually you have a plus-one that you bring to parties and, like, i’m sure that you probably had other new year’s plans that didn’t involve being at the party your boss is throwing- i’m just saying that perhaps, if you were planning on actually bringing someone, i just wouldn’t want to be a cock-block-” 
you’re cut off (thankfully) when yoongi’s phone suddenly starts to buzz on your desk
he extends his arm and catches it right as it’s about to fall off (which, admittedly, shouldn’t have been as hot as it was, but yoongi could be sitting there doing nothing and you’d still find it attractive) 
he holds a finger up pardon himself and you nod before leaning back a little
“hello? …oh, perfect. yes, i can come and pick them up now…” yoongi trails off, sandwiching his phone in between his ear and his shoulder before pushing his sleeve up a little to check the time on his watch, “i can be there in… roughly half an hour? yes. alright. perfect. see you soon.”
he hangs up with a beep before looking back over at you, “sorry about that! your dress and heels are ready for pick-up. what were you saying before my phone went off?”
“hm?” you clear your throat, “oh! uh… nothing. i was just- you know, small talk. but you can go now if you want to- i mean, obviously you need to go and pick up my outfit for tonight so i’ll just let you go-”
“alright, perfect-” yoongi nods and gets up from his seat, “i shouldn’t take too long but if anything comes up, just call me-” 
“yep! you got it, homie-” you shoot finger guns at yoongi before quickly forcing your arms down and shoving both your hands in between your knees so that they won’t do anything like that again 
your face flushes bright red as soon as the door shuts behind yoongi and a quiet groan slips past your lips before you smack your forehead down on your desk 
that... was rough, to say the least! 
sure, you fumble over your words whenever you talk to yoongi on a regular basis, but it’s never usually this bad... 
what’s gotten into you today?!
maybe it’s just the pre-party jitters! 
“get it together, y/l/n.” you mutter to yourself, patting your cheeks lightly before pulling your laptop towards you and opening it up 
if there’s anyone who can get you get your shit together, it’s hoseok
Y/N Y/L/N (10:12AM): help me
you perk up when hoseok responds almost immediately, your laptop letting out a little ping! from his message
you have half a mind to scold him for not doing work and being on the company’s messaging system but you dO need to talk to him right now so 
Jung Hoseok (10:12AM): What did you do this time
Y/N Y/L/N (10:12AM): nothing!! idk what’s wrong with my mouth today i’ve never called anyone homie in my entire life 
Jung Hoseok (10:13AM): ?
Y/N Y/L/N (10:13AM): you had to be here to understand :-//
Jung Hoseok (10:13AM): Okay well
Jung Hoseok (10:13AM): I don’t know what I’m supposed to say now
Y/N Y/L/N (10:13AM): can you just come to my office because it’s too much to type out
Y/N Y/L/N (10:13AM): and bring me an iced coffee from the vending machine while you’re at it because yoongi left to pick my dress up
Jung Hoseok (10:14AM): Let me get this straight
Jung Hoseok (10:14AM): You want me to stop working and you want me to go to your office so we can gossip about Yoongi
Y/N Y/L/N (10:14AM): gossip sounds bad
Y/N Y/L/N (10:14AM): ‘discuss’ sounds more professional
Jung Hoseok (10:14AM): …
Jung Hoseok (10:15AM): See you in ten minutes lmao
                                     »»————- ♡ ————-««
“you asked him if he was planning on bringing a date to the party?!” hoseok laughs, leaning back against the chair before folding his arms over his chest and shaking his head, “wow. what, are you going to help him plan his wedding too?”
“don’t say that!” you groan, rubbing your fingers against your temples in tight circles, “i was just trying to start a conversation… i don’t know...”
“start a conversation? about what? about encouraging yoongi to be with someone who isn’t you?” 
“keep up the attitude and i’ll reduce your lunch break from one hour and fifteen minutes to one hour and fourteen minutes.” you raise a brow in warning, hoseok gawking before wagging a finger at you 
“i’ll report you to HR for abuse of power!” he jokes, his smile faltering when he notices that you still have that mopey, kicked-in-the-gut look on your face, “okay, think about it this way: this party couldn’t have come at a better time, you know? because now you know exactly what you have to do!” 
“huh? oh, right.” you nod slowly, “yeah, of course i know what i have to do at tonight’s party.” you snort, pulling away from your desk and sitting up straight, “but... you know, just to make sure that you know what it is that i have to do, would you mind telling me what exactly we’re saying i have to do?”
“y/n. come on.” hoseok presses his lips together before leaning forward, “what do people usually do at new year’s eve parties?” he asks gently, in that infuriatingly condescending tone that people usually use when they’re talking to children
“people share their new year’s resolutions with each other?” you hum, thinking back to the new year’s eve party you were at last year where you ended up talking to a very friendly bartender about all the plans you had in mind for the new year 
you can’t help but wonder how he’s doing 
“well, yeah, but not quite what i had in mind-” hoseok shakes his head, “what else do they do?”
“they... sing karaoke really loudly?” you frown before letting out a gasp, “oh no! i didn’t think of that! do you think it’s too late to rent a karaoke machi-”   
“wow, i really have to spoon-feed this to you-” hoseok slaps his hands against his thighs before letting out a huff, “a new year’s kiss, y/n. does that ring any bells?”
“oh, right! i forgot about that part,” you chuckle lightly, tilting your head back against the top of your chair to look up at the ceiling, “but what does that have to do with-” you pause, head snapping back down to look at hoseok with wide eyes, “oh, you’re saying that i should- with yoongi- hoseok, i can barely look at yoongi for five seconds without breaking eye contact-” 
“why not?! its new years! you have to have someone to smooch when it’s midnight. even i have someone to kiss!”
“wait, who are you kiss-” 
“and you know what the best part is?” hoseok grins, “you have an excuse to get super drunk tonight! and a drunk y/n is a slightly more confident y/n-”
“oh, i can’t- i can’t ask him, no.” you chuckle nervously, your hands suddenly feeling a little clammy at the thought of asking yoongi to kiss you, “because then he’s going to feel like he has to kiss me because i’m his boss, and the next thing you know, i’m being called up to HR-” 
“you’re overthinking this again, y/n,” hoseok sighs, “don’t forget the fact that i caught him checking you out at the halloween party. you have to admit that he’s slightly interested in you.”
“that’s different!” you argue, your brows furrowing, “i was dressed as a sexy friggin’ bunny, for god’s sake!”
“and tonight, you’ll be dressed as a sexy friggin’ boss! the only difference is that you won’t have a little cotton tail and two bunny ears-”
“i don’t know…”
hoseok rolls his eyes at your doubt and resists the urge to get up and slap you across the face to get you to come to your senses
you can’t expect anything to happen between you and yoongi if you’re not willing to do something about it in the first place
he can’t even list out how many times you guys have had similar conversations that always end in you chickening out and changing your mind
you were supposed to make a move at the halloween party but you ended up bailing on the plan at the last minute and hoseok had to listen to half an hour of you whining about it over the phone 
he adores you but sometimes he just wants to grab you and yell at you for being such a wimp when it comes to yoongi 
“okay, you know what? forget yoongi. i’ll be your new year’s kiss!” hoseok teases, leaning forward before wiggling his eyebrows enticingly, “maybe if people see me canoodling with the boss i’ll finally get the street cred i deserve-”
“you know, i don’t know if i’ve reached that level of desperation quite yet-”
“i’m a great kisser, so it’s your loss...” hoseok kisses his teeth, raising his hands in defense, “anyways, just try not to overthink it. take a deep breath, relax, and hopefully you won’t point any more lame finger guns at yoo-”
“-ooou’re fired!” you stand up and slam your fist down on the desk the moment yoongi steps into the room, hoseok jolting at the sudden announcement, “you are fired, my good sir! you heard me loud and clear!” 
yoongi’s eyes widen slightly and he presses his lips together before stepping aside and lowering his head  
“what the hell are yo-” hoseok glances over his shoulder and it dawns over him when he spots yoongi standing by the door, “oh! oh. uh, okay. yes... i am... devastated...” he clears his throat as he rises from the chair slowly, “please... give me a second chance? i... won’t do it again?” 
you blink, pulling down your blazer slightly before giving him a curt nod
“...okay, but this is your last chance. next time, you’re really fired.” you clear your throat, sitting back down before gesturing towards the door, “you may leave now, mr. jung.” 
yoongi nods in acknowledgement when hoseok walks past him and he waits a couple of seconds before speaking up 
“sorry. i didn’t realize you were busy because the door wasn’t closed all the way.” he smiles sheepishly, raising the garment bag in his hand, “i just wanted to put your dress in the closet for you.” 
“yes! go ahead.” you smile, gesturing towards the closet before sitting back down in your chair 
“by the way, i passed by that breakfast place on the way to the laundromat-” yoongi pauses, glancing over at you on his way to the closet, “you know, the place that makes those BLT bagels you like so much?” 
“ooh, with the spicy mayo and the avocado?”
“mhm-” yoongi smiles, shutting the closet door gently and turning to face you, “they do chocolate chip waffles now and i thought maybe that’d be something you’d be interested in for future breakfasts.” 
“oh, no way!” your eyes widen in excitement, “i’m very interested in chocolate chip waffles for future breakfasts!”
“that’s what i thought.” he chuckles, making his way back towards the doors, “anyway- i’ll be out there if you need me, boss.” 
you immediately get up from your chair as soon as yoongi leaves the room 
you told yourself that you were going to wait until tonight but you’ve been thinking about your dress all week and you wanna see it now!! 
“dress, dress, dress-” you murmur to yourself like a maniac, your heels clicking against the floor as you jog over to the closet 
you push down a squeal of excitement after unzipping the garment bag and getting a good look at your outfit for tonight
you spent hours searching for the perfect dress and it was totally worth it now that you’re looking at it  
it’s a navy blue midi-length dress that sort of cinches in at the waist but the skirt itself is relaxed so you don’t need to worry about your legs being constricted 
there’s also a high slit in the skirt which is exciting (you had to shave your legs yesterday which wasn’t as exciting) 
and it’s a long sleeve dress but the sleeves and sheer and billowy but cap around your wrists 
it’s classy but also a little sexy but not like your halloween playboy costume level of sexy
you’re still not sure what possessed you to dress up as a playboy bunny but even you have to admit that that little black dress looked great on you 
you zip the bag back up before pushing it aside to sneak a peek at the suit that yoongi will be wearing to the party 
he asked if he could keep his suit in your closet and obviously you said yes because it’s yoongi 
your eyes light up when you notice something peculiar about his outfit 
it’s navy blue as well!! 
the corners of your mouth lift in a wide grin, your heart skipping a beat at the thought of you and yoongi (unintentionally, but still) wearing matching colours tonight 
                                    »»————- ♡ ————-««
“c’mon, stupid thing...” yoongi frowns to himself as he struggles to tie his tie
he’s been at it for the last ten minutes and it seems like his gummy worm fingers aren’t going to be useful anytime soon 
and it probably doesn’t help that he’s using his phone camera as a mirror instead of going to the bathroom to use the actual mirror
he doesn’t know if it showed this morning but he’s been a nervous wreck all day! 
he practically zipped out of your office as soon as he had the chance to and he just hopes that you’re not suspecting anything 
it’s just that as each day goes by, he gets more and more conflicted over what to do about his feelings for you 
this wasn’t supposed to happen!
when he first realized that you liked him, he was flattered and admittedly it was a nice stroke to his ego knowing that his boss was interested in him, but he didn’t know it’d turn into this 
he didn’t know he’d end up liking you back 
this is a disaster! 
he’s not supposed to like you back!
he already tried forcing himself to stop liking you but if anything it’s made things worse
he thought your schoolgirl crush was sweet at first and then one day he found your poor excuse of asking him to stay after hours to help you re-organize your pens was cute and ever since then it’s gone downhill 
like the other day when he was eating lunch with you - you took the paper sleeve that holds the chopsticks and you folded it into a makeshift chopstick rest and gave it to him to use and,,. he’d have to be crazy to not find that wildly endearing
yoongi lets out a huff and leans back against his chair as he looks at himself on his phone screen 
“good going, moron.” he grumbles to himself before lifting his hand and flipping himself off, “you and your feelings.”
of course, it’s not technically a... bad thing that he likes you back, right? 
...but what’s everyone going to think?
he knows that he’s on the list of people getting the christmas bonus (because he helped you type it out) but what if people think he just slept his way to the money?? 
oh, god
that’s not who he is!
this is too much to think about right now 
he just had this suit pressed and he’s not about to ruin it by nervously sweating in it 
he’s just going to enjoy this party with you and then deal with his feelings later!  
future yoongi can handle it
present yoongi is just going to enjoy the ride B-) 
“whatcha up to?” 
“-!” yoongi jumps and scrambles up from his seat when he hears your voice all of a sudden, “y/n! sorry, i didn’t hear you come out of... your... office...” he trails off, voice softening slightly as he takes in how beautiful you look in your dress 
obviously he already knew what you were going to wear because he was the one who picked up your outfit from the dry cleaner’s but... it’s a different experience actually seeing you in it 
there’s really no other way to describe it
you look... beautiful. 
“i don’t know why on earth you’re wearing a tie to a party.” you snort, eyes flicking down to the tie hanging loosely around his neck, “this isn’t a business meeting, yoongi.” (you decided it’d be best to take hoseok’s advice. no overthinking - just relaxing! and it seems to be going well...) 
“oh.” yoongi snaps himself out of his daze before shaking his head, “i… i don’t know why, either. i guess i’m just used to wearing a tie.”
“well, i say ditch it - you know, let loose a little! it’s new year’s eve, after all.” 
before yoongi even knows it, you’re stepping towards him and sliding the tie from his neck in one swift movement before tossing it onto his desk
ᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ
you even smell pretty 
he freezes when you reach up to undo a couple of buttons on his shirt, his hands gripping the edge of his desk so tightly that his knuckles are stark white 
“there we go!” you smile, fixing yoongi’s collar before nodding to yourself, “much better. also, do you think you can help me with my heels? i put them on already but the little buckles are flimsy and i can’t do them because of my nails.” you raise both your hands before wiggling your fingers 
“mhm, of course.” yoongi steps aside and gestures towards his chair, “take a seat and i’ll take care of them for you.”
yoongi’s chair squeaks slightly as you sit down on it and you make a mental note to get him a new one 
...maybe you should get everyone in the office new chairs to make your crush on yoongi less obvious
lots to think about
“so, do you think anyone’s going to have fun tonight?” you ask quietly, leaning back against the chair, “i’m nervous.” 
“i’m sure everyone’s going to have fun, y/n,” yoongi lowers himself onto the ground so that he’s down on one knee before raising your leg so that your foot is pressed against his chest, “they get free food, free alcohol, and there are fun 2021 party hats and stupid 2021 glasses to match. what’s not to love?”
“me. i’m the part they don’t love.” you snort, propping your elbow up on yoongi’s desk before leaning against your fist, “i’m gonna take one step onto the rooftop and immediately ruin the party somehow. i bet the dj will stop playing music and his records will make that awkward scratchy sound.”
“don’t be so harsh on yourself…” yoongi scolds, tucking the thin strap into the buckle and giving it a little tug to make sure it’s nice and secure before lowering your foot gently, “besides, if anyone looks at you weirdly, i can just call security and have them escorted out of the party.” he tuts, smiling up at you as he lifts your other foot 
“ooh. careful, secretary min… i might have to give you a raise if you keep sweet-talking me like that.” you joke, pushing the ball of your foot gently against yoongi’s chest teasingly
“oh, yeah? i wouldn’t be opposed to that, boss…” the corner of yoongi’s mouth twitches in a side smirk as he slips the other strap into place, “alright, there we go! heels are nice and secure.”
he gets up from the ground, dusting his knee off before extending his hand to help you get up from his chair, “ready?” 
“as ready as i’ll ever be...” you reach for his hand only to pause, your nose scrunching slightly as you pull away, “i don’t know. let’s think this through. do we have to go to the party?”
“well, you are the host.” yoongi points out, “and i planned the whole thing! do you know how hard it was to arrange for a karaoke machine on new year’s eve?” he frowns playfully, “you can’t bail on me like this.” 
“i guess...” 
“listen- whenever you want to leave, just let me know and i’ll grab the entire plate of sliders, a crisp bottle of champagne, and then we’ll head back down here to eat, drink, and watch the fireworks from your office window.” yoongi tilts his head, his hand still out for you to take, “deal?” 
“...throw in the chocolate lava cakes as well and we have a deal.” 
                                   »»————- ♡ ————-««
“wow! you really outdid yourself, yoongi.” you nod in approval as you look around, “look at this place!” 
you never even knew the rooftop had the ability to look like some trendy upscale bar that sells cocktails for $30 each 
“hey, if this secretary thing doesn’t work out, maybe i could become a party planner.” yoongi jokes, lifting his glass up with a smile
“you know, i really think you could.” you clink your glass against his before taking a sip of the bubbly champagne, “by the way, you don’t have to hang out with me all night. you’re allowed to go and mingle with your coworkers.” 
“i know.” yoongi hums before his nose scrunches slightly, “but every time i talk to them, they’re always gossiping about something and i think gossiping is unproductive.” 
“wha-” you gawk, your lashes fluttering, “you’re telling me that you’ve had access to juicy office gossip this whole time and not once have i ever heard any of it??”
“i mean...” 
“you have to tell me something. i’ll take anything!” 
you grin excitedly when yoongi gestures for you to come in closer 
“jungkook and tzuyu had sex on the photocopier by the supplies room.” he blurts out quickly, clearing his throat before taking a sip of his own champagne, “but you didn’t hear it from me!”
“they- what?!” you gasp in shock, jaw practically dropping to the floor, “they did?? during work??”
“no, it was after work!” yoongi shakes his head, “i think you had a meeting across town that night which is why we weren’t here... otherwise we... probably would’ve heard it but- it’s on the CCTV security cameras and everything. of course, since the photocopier is kind of out of frame, you can only see their lower halves-”
“well, then how do you know it was jungkook and tzuyu??” 
“their shoes! and jungkook’s socks. he’s the only one who wears bright purple rubber-duckie socks to work.” 
the two of you turn to look at jungkook across the rooftop and you blink before looking back over at yoongi with a pout 
“that’s my favourite photocopier.” you mutter, “i hope they didn’t get any... fluids inside of it-”
“gross! why would it be inside of the machine?!”
“i don’t know! people go crazy during sex sometimes!” you raise your hands in defense before clearing your throat quietly, “okay, but seriously, i feel like having vigorous sex on a piece of office equipment is definitely violating something so i might have to bring them in for a little chat-”
“ooh, can i be there when you scold them?” 
“miss y/n?” you jump in surprise when someone taps your shoulder gently from behind
you glance over your shoulder to see joy before smiling politely, turning around fully to face her, “joy! what’s up?”
“i’d like to talk to you about something, if that’s alright - do you have a moment?” 
“oh! um, of course-” you pause, turning to hand yoongi your glass, “let’s head over there for some privacy. what’s on your mind?” 
“it’s just... you know, regarding past comments i may or may not have made about you-” she chuckles uneasily, “seeing as you still have to figure out who’s getting christmas bonuses this year, i thought that-” 
yoongi bites back a grin when you turn back to look at him with pleading eyes and he shrugs helplessly before raising his own glass at you and downing the rest of the champagne 
                                  »»————- ♡ ————-««
yoongi’s never been a huge fan of parties mainly because he’d much rather enjoy a bottle of champagne and full-sized burgers in the comfort of his own home 
he really only started going to parties once you became CEO of the company and he wasn’t left with a choice because he was worried that you’d fire him if he didn’t attend any of these festive celebrations 
he likes to think that you’ve opened him up to new experiences, helping him become a better human being overall 
“hey!” yoongi chokes on his tiny burger patty when someone gives his back a hearty slap, “i’ve been looking for you everywhere! i have a bone to pick with you, min yoongi.”
yoongi’s brows furrow in confusion when it’s hoseok that plops down on the bar stool next to him 
“what-” yoongi swallows his bite before giving his chest a couple of pats to help get the masticated chunks of meat down smoother, “what did i do??” 
hoseok opens his mouth to say something before pausing, eyes flickering to the side as he reconsiders what he’s about to say 
he’s a little tipsy thanks to the open bar so he didn’t really think this decision through but he’s here now so it’s a little late to back out 
you explicitly asked him not to meddle but he feels like if he doesn’t do anything, then you’ll never do anything and you’ll just go to the grave keeping your feelings for yoongi a secret 
does this count as meddling? 
he just has to find a way to steer the conversation towards the topic of you and yoongi and romance 
this might be meddling, now that he’s thinking about it
it’s fine! 
he’ll do it in such a subtle way that yoongi won’t even notice! 
“it’s not something that you’ve done. it’s something that you haven’t done.” hoseok clears his throat, narrowing his eyes at yoongi suspiciously, “do you like y/n? because she likes you.”
(not very subtle, but hoseok never likes to beat around the bush.) 
“woah-” yoongi’s eyes widen in surprise and he lets out a nervous chuckle before looking around, “ha, i- um- where did you get that idea from?” 
“you didn’t deny it.” hoseok grins in success, “so you do?” 
“i...” yoongi pokes his tongue against the inside of his cheek before he lets out a huff and his shoulders droop in defeat, “yeah. yeah, i do. ...but what does that have to do with you?” 
“oh, it has everything to do with me!” hoseok chirps, clapping his hands together excitedly, “i’m here to give you advice!” 
“yeah, okay,” yoongi immediately scoffs and rolls his eyes as he turns back to pick up his drink, “no offense, but i don’t think i should be getting advice from the guy who was almost fired today-”
“oh, please, i wasn’t getting fired when you walked in.” hoseok raises a brow, “we were talking about you before you barged in so y/n obviously panicked and changed the subject to make it look like she wasn’t going all goo-goo-ga-ga over you-” 
“what? you were- y/n was talking about me?” yoongi perks up, his interest in the conversation suddenly reigniting, “really?” 
“she’s always talking about you,” hoseok points out, “don’t get me wrong - i love going to her office to talk about you instead of doing my work, but it’s exhausting! which is part of the reason as to why i’m willing to give you advice to get this show on the road.” 
“i don’t need advice, though.” 
“of course you need advice. if one of you finally made a move, i wouldn’t need to give you advice, but here i am.” hoseok gestures to himself before shrugging, “so... what’s wrong with you?”
yoongi scoffs in offense
that’s a little ruDE
“what’s wrong with me?”
“yeah. why haven’t you made a move yet if you like y/n back?” hoseok emphasizes as a reminder that this crush goes two ways and that yoongi can be blamed for the lack of action just as much as you 
“because... i can’t! it’s not that easy, man.” yoongi shakes his head, “i can’t just ask her out. she’s... like... she’s miss y/n.” 
“yes. and the sky is blue.” hoseok frowns, “i’m sorry, what’s the problem?” 
“she’s the boss!” yoongi snaps, glaring over at hoseok, “she’s our boss!”
“exactly! she’s the boss! if you’re going to date someone in the office, it might as well be the person signing off everyone’s paycheques at the end of each month-” 
“but you can’t- the rules!”
“what rules??”
“there are no rules! that’s why i’m so confused! i’m used to rules! that’s how the world works in my head! what the hell am i supposed to do now? go rogue?! i’ve never gone rogue before!”
“oh, god, who do you think you are? some secret agent? all you’re doing is asking someone out-”
“i can’t date y/n-” 
“give me a legitimate reason as to why you can’t date y/n.”
“i’ll be penalized!” 
“who’s going to penalize you?!”
“the boss of our boss!” 
“please!” hoseok groans loudly, throwing his head back in frustration, “you don’t think he’s goofed around with any of his secretaries?”
“okay, but this isn’t me goofing around with y/n, this is me... being serious with y/n!” yoongi presses his lips together, unsure of what to say next, “yeah. i wanna be serious with y/n.” 
“i promise you that no one cares about relationships as long as work is handed in on time and bags of money are being made.” hoseok hums, gesturing for the bartender to fix up another drink for him 
having this conversation about you with yoongi is just as exhausting as having this conversation about yoongi with you 
he doesn’t know if that sentence made any sense but all this alcohol is making the words jumble up together 
“well, okay, but-” yoongi chuckles nervously, turning and setting his glass down on the bar countertop, “then we’d have to make a file with HR declaring the status of our relationship, and then we’d have to talk about whether or not we want to keep things private or let the whole office know- oh, god, and what if it doesn’t work out? what if we break up? it’d be embarrassing after having declared our love for each other in front of everyone! and favouritism! don’t even get me started on favouritism! people are going to bag on y/n if they find out that i’m on the list of people getting a bonus! ...but, in my defense, even if we weren’t together i would probably still be on that list because i’m hardworking-” 
“yoongi-” hoseok interrupts, slapping both his hands down on his shoulders before letting out a sigh, “do you like y/n?” 
“yes.” yoongi answers without missing a beat, “i like y/n. a lot.” 
“okay. then that’s all that matters, right?” 
yoongi opens his mouth to respond but he pauses
that... is a fair point... 
it shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks about his relationship with you 
what is it about alcohol that makes some people so wise?
“do you know what kind of a person you’d be if you just repressed your feelings and pretended that they didn’t exist at all? a coward, that’s what you’d be. because y/n is a fantastic woman and you need to hurry up and make a damn move before she realises she’s wasting her time on you and moves on to someone else who isn’t afraid to show their true feelings for her.” hoseok shakes his head gently before pulling away from yoongi with a nonchalant shrug and a snort, “but, you know - i’m drunk as hell and i’ve had nothing to eat so all the things coming out of my mouth righ’now could be complete and utter bullshit!” he hiccups, giggling to himself, “who knows!”
“well… what do you suggest i do?”
“what else do you do at a new year’s eve party?” hoseok’s head flops to the side, the over consumption of nothing but champagne suddenly hitting him like a brick wall 
“…share new year’s resolutions?”
“wha- god, you guys are truly the perfect pair- no, dumbass, you kiiissss someone at midnight.” hoseok slurs, “you already know she’s into you. and now i know that you’re into her so she’s definitely not going to oppose giving you a big ol smooch!”
“well, it’s-” yoongi pulls his sleeve up to check his watch, anxiety bubbling in his stomach when he realizes there are exactly twelve minutes to midnight, “oh, god.” 
that’s fine!
it’s fine, he can work with twelve minutes!
all he has to do is 1) find you, 2) start a casual conversation, 3) somehow transition the casual conversation into a not so casual conversation about his feelings for you, 4) transition from the not so casual conversation to asking if you’d like to be his new year’s kiss, 5)- 
“i can’t pull this off in twelve minutes. i don’t know how i’m going to do this!” yoongi swallows thickly, turning to look at hoseok (who’s starting to doze off), “how the hell am i going to do this??” 
hoseok picks himself up off the counter, turning to face yoongi before a wide smile spreads on his face and a little gasp of excitement slips past his lips, “hey! i’ve been looking for you everywhere. i have a bone to pick with you, min yoongi-” 
“okay, buddy-” yoongi quickly reaches out to keep hoseok from toppling over, “you’ve definitely had one too many-” 
                                  »»————- ♡ ————-««
yoongi steps off the elevator with a huff, quickly checking the time on his watch for the millionth time tonight 
he spent two minutes running around the rooftop like a headless chicken in case you were still up there somewhere 
luckily jungkook told him that he saw you leave the rooftop and there’s really only one other place that you’d be 
he makes his way down the hallway towards the double doors of your office, smiling in success when he sees that one of the doors is slightly ajar 
maybe it’s because he’s now confident about his true feelings for you, but he feels like there’s a spring in his step right now! 
(it could also be because of the liquid courage, but that’s neither here nor there.)
he pushes the door open a little to stick his face in, giving himself a mental high five as he sees you leaning against your desk with a flute of champagne in your hand, staring out the window 
“hey!” yoongi clears his throat, knocking on the door gently, “there you are.”
“hm?” you turn to glance over your shoulder, “oh, yoongi! yeah, hey.” 
“i didn’t realize you’d disappeared... i would’ve brought the sliders with me if i knew you were in here.” he jokes, shutting the door behind him with a quiet click, “everything okay?”
“ah, well. maybe next time.” you smile stiffly, turning away from him to look back out, “yeah, everything’s fine. joy practically talked my ear off up there so i just felt like i needed to get away from the party for a little while.” 
“you know, the fireworks are starting soon...” yoongi points out as he makes his way over to you, “you’re probably going to get better pictures of them up there than down here in your office.” 
“yeah, i know… but it’s also going to be very loud up on the rooftop and i’d prefer to start the new year off with working eardrums.” your nose wrinkles as you let out a chuckle, “also, i…”
“i… i don’t know, i just don’t really want to start the new year awkwardly standing in the middle while everyone else is getting new year’s kisses.” you reach up to scratch the back of your neck before chuckling awkwardly, “that… makes me sound like a very bitter single person and i swear it wasn’t supposed to come off that way-” 
“no, i totally get it.” yoongi shakes his head as he wipes his hands on the side of his pants, “as a matter of fact, i kind of wanted to talk to you about something-”
“hold on, hold on- before you say anything, i-” you interrupt him, turning to set your glass down, “i, um- i have something that i wanna say to you as well. can i go first?”
“oh! yes, okay….” yoongi cowers down a little, pressing his lips together tightly, “is... everything alright?”
“yeah!” you nod quickly before pausing, “i mean, sort of. kind of. i’m… not sure if it’s going to be a good idea or not, but i just want to let you know that if you… you know, if you feel uncomfortable or something after i tell you this, you’re free to pack up and leave, you know? i mean, i actually already have a letter of recommendation written for you so if you wanna go off and work for someone else, i’ve already put in a lot of good words for you-”
“woah, woah-” yoongi raises his hands before letting out a chuckle, “i- while i definitely appreciate the gesture, you know i’m… not planning on going anywhere, right?”
“yeah, well… things change!” you clear your throat, gaze averting as you reach up to scratch the back of your neck, “things... change. i… don’t mean to sound so elementary school about it, but i…” you trail off, the little voice in the back of your head reminding you that this is your last chance to back out and not tell yoongi about your feelings for him
you’ve chickened out more than a handful of times, so what’s going to different about this time around?
you look up at yoongi and he blinks twice before offering you a soft smile, “you…?”
how are you supposed to back out when he’s looking at you like that?
and maybe it’s just because he looks particularly handsome tonight in his suit or because you’re all riled up on cocktails, but...
“i like you.” you blurt out, trying your best not to cringe or make any faces, “like… in a… romantic? way?”
yoongi’s eyes widen and the smile fades from his face, though you don’t have much time to process whatever reaction that was before he’s speaking up 
“you like me.” yoongi repeats, swallowing thickly before nodding, “in a romantic way.”
“yeah.” you shrug, “and i have for a while, but i just never said or did anything about it because i thought it was inappropriate - you know, because i’m your boss and around the time i started liking you was when we held that seminar for workplace harassment and i didn’t want to make you feel like i was harassing you or creeping on you or anything - a-anyways, at first i thought i was attracted to you solely because you’re hot in that broody, college skater-boyfriend kind of way and i thought it’d go away on its own, but then the feelings never went away, and then i thought that maybe this was just a more serious schoolgirl-type crush that would take time to go away, but then a lot of time went by and it still didn’t go away, so… here we are now, at the end of the year, and i… still have a huge, huge crush on you-”
“-i like you too.” 
“okay, cool, but i’m not done talking about-” you pause, your eyes flickering upwards, “wait, what?” 
“i like you, y/n.” yoongi breathes out with a smile, his shoulders visibly relaxing, “actually, i’ve known for a long time that you liked me and at first i was just flattered and admittedly i was a little cocky about it but then i... actually started to like you one day and- well, i didn’t want to say anything because- woah-!”
yoongi yelps when suddenly a paperweight is hurled in his direction and nearly whacks him in the face, “what the f-”
��are you kidding me, yoongi?!” you snap, slapping your hands down as you glare at him across your desk, “are you kidding me?!” 
“okay, i-i-” yoongi stammers, “i wasn’t expecting this reaction so i’m not entirely sure how i’m supposed to-” 
“you knew that i liked you this entire time-” you groan, reaching up to pinch the bridge of your nose, “and you knew that you liked me this entire time... and you didn’t say or do anything about it?!”
“well, why didn’t you do anything about it first?” yoongi exasperates, “you- you’re just as much at fault here as i am!”
“because i-” you laugh lightly in disbelief, “because i thought that if i told you that i liked you, that you would feel pressured into saying that you liked me back because i’m your boss! how would i know if your feelings were genuine or if you were just playing along? of course i couldn’t tell you!” 
yoongi chews on the inside of his cheek anxiously as you let out a huff before stepping away from your desk and heading over to stand by the window again 
“i...” he trails off, bending down to pick up the paperweight before setting it down on your desk gently, “i’m sorry that you... struggled with that... but... i think the important thing is that i do like you, y/n. i genuinely like you, and i was an idiot for not saying anything earlier... i let my doubts get in the way and...” he sighs, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck, “i’m not good at- i’m not good at dealing with this kind of stuff and usually i just brush it aside and hope the problem goes away but i see you almost every single day so i couldn’t just brush it aside-” 
“yeah, well-” 
both of you freeze up when you suddenly hear the countdown chanting echo from up on the rooftop and yoongi feels his heart plummet to his stomach when he realizes he didn’t even ask if you wanted to be his new year’s kiss 
“i’m just-” yoongi shakes his head furiously, “i get nervous when there are no rules and there certainly isn’t a handbook for what to do when you’re attracted to your boss-”
you let out a scoff as you turn to face him, “-and you think there’s a handbook for what to do when you’re attracted to your secretary?!-” 
“i was a total coward for not saying anything sooner and i wish i did! i wish i kissed you at the halloween party!”
“you- you wanted to kiss me at the halloween party?” 
“of course i did, dumbass!” the name slips out of yoongi’s mouth before he even realizes it and he smiles sheepishly when you give him a warning look, “...miss dumbass.”
“anyways,” yoongi coughs, “i-if you’re still interested, i’d really like to kiss you tonight if that’s okay-” 
“wait, did hoseok put you up to this?” you narrow your eyes in suspicion before pointing to yourself, “because he told me to ask you to kiss me tonight-”
“yeah, he put me up to this because we both know that you certainly weren’t going to make the first move-”
“how dare you?” you scoff, crossing your arms stubbornly, “i could make the first move if i really wanted to-” 
“what?! that’s bullsh- oh my god, can we agree now to kiss first and then argue about this later?!” yoongi snaps, eyes full of panic at the thought of not making it on time, “please??” 
“fine, but-” 
you don’t get a chance to say anything else before yoongi swoops in swiftly to lean in and kiss you, warm hands quickly reaching up to cup either sides of your face 
the sound of people cheering and fireworks going off in the sky is nothing compared to the erratic thumping of your heart and the high-pitched ringing in your ears 
oh, wow
your lashes flutter as you feel yourself relax, your fists uncurling against yoongi so that your hands rest on his chest
you can feel his rapid heartbeat through his shirt and that’s all the confirmation you need to know that yoongi really, truly likes you back 
yoongi’s hands leave your face so that he can reach down to grasp your hips and pull you towards him, only for his arms to snake around your waist a second later 
your hands slide up his chest before your arms wrap loosely around his neck, feeling as though nothing else matters except what’s happening right now 
you’ve dreamt about this moment for so long but it’s so much better than you could’ve possibly imagined it to be 
and you’re not sure if it’s the copious amount of champagne that you consumed tonight but you just feel so warm inside 
yoongi pulls away (far too soon for your liking), his eyes lidded and hazy as he smiles fondly down at you, “happy new year, boss.”
you can’t fight back the wide grin on your face when he leans down to nudge his nose against yours, both of your hearts undoubtedly beating in time   
“happy new year, secretary min.”
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capricorn-stark · 3 years
Smoke and Mirrors
pairing: jason todd x reader, childhood friends
warning: language, slightly heated towards the end but it’s very mild, smoking - i’m not a smoker nor do i condone it, don’t do it kids
a/n: references some early stuff from RHATO (2011)
“The girls at the diner used to call those cancer sticks.”
You thought it was pretty ironic for him to say that when he plucked the cigarette you were holding right out of your hand, leaning against the railing of the balcony and seeming utterly unabashed. You hadn’t even heard him landing beside you until he started speaking. 
You made a face at him as he unlocked and slid his helmet off while grinning at you in a typical self-satisfied fashion, bringing the cigarette to his own lips. 
“Let me guess,” you started dryly, watching a plume of smoke swirl out of his mouth as he took a drag. “That’s why you took their warning very seriously and told yourself to never, ever smoke one.” 
“I never said that,” he protested with another obnoxious laugh as he turned to glance over at you. “You made that shit up yourself. Not my problem.” 
You rolled your eyes at him before moving to fish out your pack and lighter out again, half-heartedly settling another one between your lips and lighting it up. Jason’s eyes followed the smoke back to you, his own expression unreadable.
“And I thought you said you quit this shit.” 
You shrugged, not quite looking at him when you opened your mouth to answer. 
“People say stuff all the time, Hood. What did you expect?” Your words were directed towards a little more than just smoking. A beat passed before he shrugged it off. 
“Hell if I know.” 
You both sat there for a while in silence as you smoked, watching the grey clouds stray towards the hazy glow of the setting sun on the horizon. The city beneath you was beautiful tonight, a seemingly endless stretch of dark gleaming buildings reflecting the pinks and oranges of the sunset. You wanted to relish that moment more than anything for a while, and you did. 
You closed your eyes and let the cigarette leave your mouth, clouds falling from your lips, nicotine buzzing in your bloodstream.
It would be a beautiful night. You could tell.
When you opened your eyes, you felt Jason’s eyes on you again and your turned your head to meet them. In the sunset, they really did glow a strange hue of green - yet another marker from his swim in the Lazarus. You hadn’t seen those eyes in quite a while.
“What, you want to take a picture?” you started in a somewhat jestful tone at his expression. “It’ll last longer.” 
“Would you let me?” was his rather cocky comeback as he took his own cigarette out of his mouth, another smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “‘cus I don’t have anything against that idea, per se-”
“I was joking-”
“Right, totally.” 
“I was!” The look on his face was infuriating enough to let you know that he didn’t believe shit. You let out a rather long and weary sigh. “I thought you weren’t planning on coming back anytime soon.” And at last, the disdain you had been trying so hard to contain from him was surfacing in your tone.
And clearly, from the way he was staring at you, he seemed to notice.
His latest adventures with his new friends, dubbed The Outlaws, hadn’t exactly been on the down-low. You knew one of them, Roy Harper, from being his best friend from a long time ago, and you had seen the glowing orange alien chick who accompanied them for the past few months on the news after he had taken off from Gotham. 
You couldn’t deny the fact that you had been more than a little dismayed by the fact that he hadn’t even bothered to give you some sort of goodbye before they left, either - no visits, no phone calls, no letters, not even a poorly placed sticky note on the front of your apartment door left to get swept away by some janitor when it fell off. 
You woke up one morning and heard from his brother that he wasn’t around Gotham anymore, no real explanations as to why the hell that was. 
He just disappeared. 
“You’re not thrilled to see me?” he attempted with mock hurt, and you gave him a very unimpressed look. “Sure, doll. I see how it is.” You acted like the nickname didn’t affect you as much as it did, because he didn’t deserve the satisfaction of otherwise.
“You know what I mean, Jason.” 
“I thought it was Hood?” He caught your look again. “Jeez, I’m just fucking around.” The silence stretched on and he at least had the sense to look a little guilty when he spoke again. “Y/N. Listen, I’m - I’m sorry.” 
You didn’t say anything for a while, your eyes still fixed ahead on the horizon. What did he expect you to say?
“I didn’t plan on leaving like that, I just - shit happened. And I didn’t want to stay in this shithole of a city for longer than I had to, anyways.” 
Of course. He was bad at goodbyes, so he never said them. You were above chasing after him, so you never did.
“You could’ve at least made a call after you left.” The cigarette was still burning in your hands, the white filter crumbling away in the wind. “Or, I dunno, sent a text, or even a damn email or something. Anything.” Even you were surprised by the contempt lacing your voice with every word you spoke. You had told yourself he had to have had his reasons for leaving and that you wouldn’t waste your own time being angry at him. But somehow, you couldn’t help it. It had hurt more than you chose to realize. “It’s been months.” For once, his passive expressions and sarcasm had been replaced with something else. 
“I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal to you.” You almost let out an incredulous laugh at that. 
“Not a big deal to me? Are you serious?” You turned back to face him and he pursed his lips, clearly having realized that he had said the wrong thing. “After you came back - from the dead - and after everything that happened, you seriously thought I wouldn’t care what happened to you?” Jason opened his mouth, then wisely closed it while you tossed your cigarette down to crush it beneath your heel. “Wow, Jason, you knew me way better than I thought you did.” 
“I didn’t mean to leave,” he tried again after a beat, taking a half-step towards you. “I wasn’t - I was on a mission, and this submarine thing with the dudes I was dealing with blew up, and then I woke up like a week later on this island thing with a Tamaranean alien princess who thought I was Dick, and then I found out Roy was gonna get executed, so-” He seemed to realize how incredulous that sequence of events sounded from the look on your face. So he let out a sigh, wringing his hands. “Okay. Yeah. I was kind of a douche.”
“Kind of?” 
“I was definitely a douche,” he amended with another sigh, running a hand through his dark hair. He took a breath. “But I did mean it. I’m sorry.” 
And you knew he meant it when he said that. Even back in his unruly days as a Robin, when your friendship had first formed, you had figured out that it was ridiculously hard for Jason Todd to let go of his pride and apologize for basically anything. When he got older, it admittedly hadn’t gotten all that much better.
Until now, apparently. Just a little. And you could never stay angry at him for very long, as much as you might have tried.
You let out a sigh yourself, glancing up at him. 
“When did you even get back?” 
Jason made a show of fishing his phone out of his pocket and taking a look before answering. 
“About - twenty minutes ago.” He cleared his throat a little. “I wanted to see you.” There it was again - that infuriating feeling in your chest. 
“Did you?” You tried to keep your tone as neutral as possible as he rubbed the back of his neck, somewhat awkwardly glancing away from you before he spoke again. 
“Yeah. I missed you.”
Well fuck. That was a big one. 
“I guess I missed having you around. Sometimes.” He chuckled at your attempt to be nonchalant, stepping even closer to you. 
“That’s it? That’s all I get?” You rolled your eyes at him, refusing to say otherwise. You weren’t about to give in to him.
“Yeah, that’s all you-” Before you could finish, he had cut you off with a kiss. And in another moment, after his arms wrapped around your waist to pull you in closer, you realized your entire train of thought had been derailed completely because your best friend was kissing you.
“Get?” he offered when he pulled away again, another rather smug smile playing at his lips when you managed to look at him again, clearly flustered. “You sure about that?” 
You appropriately told Jason to fuck off before you pulled him down towards you again for another kiss. And that kiss turned into another, then another, and another. 
Your seemingly blasé attitude towards him and his constant teasing towards you had always helped you both shy away from whatever it was that you actually felt towards the other. It was easier to laugh at each other, or flirt, or push each other away than to actually move past your pride and admit how you felt. 
But then again, between tender caresses and heated kisses, you didn’t think there was a need to really say anything out loud. Where his hands were on your body alone could tell anyone what was going on in his head.
You had missed him more than you could express in words, and it was increasingly clear that he had felt the exact same way. Your relationship had always toyed at the fine line between friendship and something more, and your actions in that moment had firmly moved you both past the former. 
For so many years, your respective egos had provided a cover from a truth neither of you had been ready to come to terms with. But now, beneath the haze of cigarette smoke, sheets, and Gotham sunsets, you could finally see what exactly that was. There had always been something more underneath all of your smoke and mirrors. 
And although it wouldn’t be right then and there, eventually, you’d clear all of that smoke away. 
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justkending · 3 years
Moral of the Story. Chapter Five.
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Summary: Marrying too young out of highschool leads to a naive and failed marriage. Now 10 years later, word comes that the divorce was never actually completed. Bucky and Y/N have to come back together after all these years to settle what wasn’t all those years back. Passive attitudes, miscommunicated endings, and reminiscing of old loves and lives all comes back for the two.
Pairing: Bucky x Y/N
Word Count: 3200+
Chapter Five:
Once the meeting was done and over, Bucky and Y/N both left at the same time. Bucky was kind enough to hold the door open for her as they made their way back to the street, but Y/N’s goal was to get back to her car as quick as possible. So she gave him a curt thank you and moved quickly to leave. 
“Y/N!” Bucky shouted just as she was less than 10 feet away. She paused with a cringe on her face before turning back to him. He was walking hesitantly to catch up with her. “Listen, I know it’s been a few years.”
“A few is an understatement,” she mumbled and he heard, but decided to move on. 
“I just- I,” he stuttered. What the hell was he doing? “Would you want to get coffee? Catch up some? I-,” Before he could finish, she cut him off. 
“Listen, as great as that sounds,” she tried to say nicely, but he could see the nerves in her face. “I actually have plans right after this.” He deflated some in his spot. She noticed and though she thought she wouldn’t care if she hurt him after all these years, something deep down proved that thought was wrong. “I-I just haven’t seen my family in a while, and the little time I have left here this weekend, I wanted to spend time with them where I could.”
“Right, right,” Bucky tried to brush off unbothered, but failed. “I’m sure your dad misses you, and you him.”
“Yeah, it’s been a few years. That and I haven’t been back in the city in 10 years, so I have a lot to catch up on,” she nodded. 
“Wait, you haven’t been back here in 10 years?” he asked shocked. He thought she had a least been in town throughout the years. Even if he hadn’t seen her. 
“Um, yeah. I kinda…” she hesitated, but figured where would the truth hurt? “Guess I wasn’t ever really ready to get back here.” Bucky knew what she meant even if she wasn’t saying it verbatim, and it hurt his heart knowing he was the cause. Well, I guess both of them were, not just him. “That plus starting up Horizon, it was hard the first few years. But the family still sees each other for the holidays.”
“That’s right. Colorado,” Bucky nodded. 
Y/N had kept forgetting for some reason that Bucky and her father were with each other at least once a week most of the time. Always hanging out and doing guy things, or really, father and son types of things. Meaning he knew of, if not actually knew, Sherri, Denise, John, and Chloe too. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t know about the yearly Colorado trip. 
“Right,” Y/N nodded with pursed lips, putting it all together and Bucky realized. 
“Oh, God sorry. I promise I’m not stalking you, it’s just your dad and I-” he started to defend his knowledge. 
“It’s fine James, really,” she said with a wave of her hand and a slight chuckle. One he never expected coming from her. And the name… He wasn’t sure the last time he heard her say Bucky. As soon as they decided to bring an end to their relationship, that nickname never passed her lips again. “I know you and my dad are close.”
“You’re not upset at that?” he asked, slightly confused. 
“I’m not evil. No matter how much you may think,” she mumbled the last part. “I-I… I know the relationship you two share. You’ve had it since the beginning of time practically. I wouldn’t dream to take that from either of you.”
Bucky didn’t respond. Because all he could do was look at her with a longing look. God, he missed her. Sure he held some anger from where they ended things, but he had moved on for the most part. Now he just missed his best friend. The girl he grew up loving. From best friends to girlfriend, to eventually fiance and wife. He missed her. Just who she was as a person when resent wasn’t a feeling she had toward you. 
Sure, it was a lot to think back on in just the thought that she still cared for him enough not to banish her father from him, but it spoke volumes for who she was as an individual and he missed that. 
“I mean not that I really have a say in other people’s life, but if I did, I wouldn’t do such a thing,” she looked down, fidgeting in her spot seeing him staring at her like earlier all over again. 
“I know you wouldn’t,” he responded, quickly noticing his stare and looking down at his own shuffling feet. “Well, in that case, I’ll let you go. Thomas has been excited beyond measures to have you home. I won’t keep you from him.”
She nodded as they made eye contact again and started to turn back to her car. But before she could get too far, knowing this may be the last time he sees her again for a while, if not ever, he had to say it. 
“Y/N?” She turned at her name and sent him a questioning look. “I’m glad you’re doing ok. You seem to really be taking the world by storm like you always were going to,” he smiled softly and she blushed some before returning the smile. 
“Thank you, James. You too. You seem like you’re doing some pretty amazing things yourself,” she nodded once. 
They didn’t speak more than that, but instead walked back to their cars. Not without a second glance here and there. 
“So? How did it go?” Thomas asked as soon as Y/N walked in through the garage door. Him and Sherri sitting at the breakfast nook with cups of coffee in hand and wide eyes ready for all the details. 
“It went,” she responded, throwing her purse on the island bar stool and going to make a mug for herself. 
“Wow, such a colorful description. Anything more and she’d be over doing it,” Thomas exaggerated, getting a giggle from Sherri who stood up and joined Y/N’s side grabbing the creamer and sugar for her. 
“Come on now, sis. Good? Bad? Magical?” she added the last word with flare. 
“Anything besides magical,” she sent a playful glare to the woman. “I will say this though.” She walked over and sat with a huff in the nook across from her father, practically deflating in her seat. “I am still technically Mrs. Barnes.”
“What?!” they both gasped. 
“How?” Thomas pushed on. 
“Well I guess the meeting today was just to update the papers and nothing else. I mean, yeah. A few signatures here and there, but it’s not finalized.”
“So it was just an revision meeting? When’s the final cut?” Sherri asked, leaning on the back of Thomas' chair. The two watching their daughter with intrigued eyes. 
“A few days?” she said more in a question. “Matthew, our new lawyer, said him and his partner are going to update them within the next day or so, and then send us the final write up to sign. After we send those back in, it’ll all be settled.”
“You still going to have John overlook everything for extra measures?”
“Never hurts. I really would rather NOT go through all this mess again. Getting divorced once sucks, but twice? Yeah, I’d rather not have to do it a third time. And all with the same man,” Y/N sighed heavily before taking a long chug of her coffee. 
The couple ahead of her sending each other a silent message to the other. Y/N hadn’t noticed as she closed her eyes at the upcoming headache, and even if she had, she wouldn’t have time to question it as her phone started going off. 
Looking down, she saw the office calling her. On a Saturday?
“I have to take this. I’ll be back in one second,” she groaned, taking her coffee mug with the buzzing phone to the back patio. “Hello?”
“Y/N! Hey, I have a quick update,” Melody’s voice came through the other line.
“Why are you at the office on a Saturday?” Y/N said a little sternly, but good intentions were behind it. 
“I got an email from our recycle plant we had scheduled for that Monday meeting and it couldn’t wait until Monday,” she was quick to explain. “But listen. They had to reschedule. The main guy and his wife, the bosses of the vendure who was coming to discuss the offers, had a family emergency come up and asked if they could postpone it a week.”
“Um, yeah sure. That’s fine,” Y/N shook her head trying to run the schedule through her mind. “Did you contact Bee’s Knees and let them know about the postponement?”
“Yes, and they said they were fine with it as well.”
“Ok, good,” Y/N nodded. “So I have a clear schedule besides background work Monday. Is that all?”
“Well…” Melody drug out. 
“Why does that sound like a Natasha kind of ‘well’,” Y/N questioned with a quirked eyebrow. This wasn’t receptionist or assistant talk about to happen. 
“Speaking of Nat, we thought because that was your only big meeting for the week and everything else is normal for the rest of the week, you should extend your stay in Brooklyn,” she replied. 
“Come on. We both agree you haven’t seen your family in far too long, and a weekend trip isn’t going to cut it. That plus, Nat made a good point that you have tons of old friends you haven't seen in way too many years either,” she went on. “Why rush catching up with everyone, if all the work you need to do can be done on your laptop from Brooklyn? That and for once, your schedule isn’t overstacked with meeting after meeting. That happens once every few months. Plus, you’re already in New York!”
“Ok, ok. Calm down there, Sparky,” Y/N chuckled at her friend being out of breath. “I mean I guess, you’re not wrong…”
“She can’t be. I’m the one who came up with all this,” Nat’s voice broke in. 
“Oh, yeah. I may or may not be hanging out with Nat and Yelena,” Melody giggled bashfully. “Or be partially tipsy.”
Y/N rolled her eyes at the three, but couldn’t stop the laugh from coming out of her own mouth. 
“You sneaky little bitches,” Y/N chuckled. 
“What can I say? We’re Romanoff’s,” Nat smirked through the phone. 
“Well, I’m a Hill, but Romanoff by descent,” Melody added in. 
Again, another joking eye roll. 
“Now I have to change my flights and everything,” Y/N sighed. 
“Oh, woes me,” Nat mocked. “What a challenge it must be to log into your computer and change a flight to another week…”
“Hey, smartass,-”
“Lucky for you, you have me. I state once again,” Nat laughed. “I already checked into your flights to see if we can get a cheap reschedule.”
“How’d you know my login information?” Y/N asked, confused. 
“I have my ways, now don’t interrupt,” she scolded before continuing. “I was able to find you a flight around the same time, plenty of time to get to your rescheduled meeting, and it won’t cost you a hair off that pretty head of yours.”
“How’d you manage that?” Y/N asked with a smirk of her own now and a pop of her hip.
“I’ll say it again since apparently you’re deaf. I have. My ways,” the red head replied. 
“You sure you weren’t a spy in another life or something? Because sometimes you and Yelena have some strange tricks up your sleeves that I’ve only seen done in movies.”
“I would like the answer to that as well. Like how they coroerced me into a girls night while I was hiding in my apartment trying to take a relaxing night to read,” Melody spoke up. 
“Drink your juice, babygirl,” Yelena’s voice came quietly in the back. 
“With all that being said, we are gonna to let you go. We’re going to get all the details of last night out of this little one and go to a few clubs,” Nat explained. 
“Oh, I’d love to hear the details when you have them,” Y/N laughed. 
“I’ll have a nice 5 page paper ready for you tomorrow morning,” Yelena yelled from a distance.
“I’ll be expecting it. Now you girls go have a good time and please show Melody what she’s missing out on!”
“Can do, boss lady! Love you! See you next week!” 
With that, the phone call ended and Y/N looked at the empty lock screen. 
“I guess we’re staying a little longer.”
“So, how’d it go?” Steve asked coming home from his early half shift. 
Bucky was sprawled across the couch with a pillow over his face, a sports playback running in the background and a beer that looked like he had been nursing all afternoon on the coffee table. 
“She looks great,” he mumbled into the cushion, but Steve couldn’t syfer the words.
“You’re going to have to say that again without a throw pillow over your face,” he chuckled, kicking off his shoes and throwing his keys by the door before heading to the nearby kitchen. 
“I said, she looks great!” Bucky all but grunted as he sat up. Frustration and annoyance clear in his answer. 
“And why do you sound like that’s a horrible thing?” Steve laughed again from the distance. 
Bucky groaned as he stood up and walked into the other room with Steve. He was parading through the fridge for an afternoon snack, or by the looks of the clock on the oven, lunch. 
It was 12:30 already?
“Because Steve, it makes it hurt all the more,” he pouted, crossing his arms as he leaned against the island in the middle of the space. 
“Her looking good, hurts you?” Steve asked, standing up with a tupperware bowl of leftovers in his hand. 
“I don’t know!” Bucky sneered at him, angry that his best friend wasn’t catching on to his feelings that even he didn’t understand. “I guess deep down, I was hoping she didn’t age well so that walking away would be easier. But there she was, walking in like fine wine. All mature and curvy, and… Perfect…” he mumbled the last part. “She did smack me though,” he added, thinking back with a dazed face. 
“Smack you?” Steve chuckled, popping the cold food in the microwave. 
“Our lawyer is blind. I asked a simple question of out of all the states to live in, why New York in that kind of condition?” Bucky said, hating how it sounded. “I realize now, after processing it, that was stupid and rude.”
“Hence why she smacked you,” Steve laughed, copying the brunette's stance on the opposite counter. “You’re an occupational therapist, Buck. Out of all the things to understand, it’s people adapting to their handicaps and disabilities.” He couldn’t help the laugh at his friend who seemed oblivious to the irony. 
“I was nervous, ok?!” Bucky defended, throwing his arms up and going to pace the room now. “Y/N and I had been sitting in awkward silence for the most part of the meeting so far, and that was the first piece of conversation that came to mind.”
“I’m hoping for your sake, he wasn’t a dick about it.”
“He wasn’t. He actually said he gets asked that a lot. Apparently, he hasn’t been blind all his life and said he’s lived here all that time. Helps when you grow up in the environment you live in.”
“Very true,” Steve agreed, grabbing his food and stirring it around before taking a bite and talking again. “Besides her looking ‘perfect’, did the process go well? You know, besides her reprimanding you like a mom?”
“Ha ha. You’re so funny,” Bucky deadpanned. “But yes. We signed our things and updated it all. Hey, did you know she’s a co-founder of Nat’s woman’s home? I guess not a co-founder, but investor?”
Steve finished his bite and shook his head. “Can’t say I did. It must be recent if that’s the case because neither Nat or Y/N told me about that.”
“I think it is, but damn…”
“Damn what?” Steve asked. 
“Well, at first she had me dropping my jaw at the fact that she did everything and more that she had hoped to do. She’s become an environmentalist like her grandmother and has started a whole business based on it.”
“I mean she was an environmentalist as soon as her GG had her walking. Remember how she would always take our straws at restaurants and have the waitress take them back so we didn’t ‘kill the turtles’? And that was before that was a like a worldwide trend,” Steve remenised, moving to the living room to eat at the couch. Bucky following. 
“God, yes. She started carrying like 10 reusable straws with her as soon as they came out with them. That and remember the amount of reusable bags she had in her backseat any given time of the week?” Bucky laughed, joining him in thinking back to the dated memories. 
“So many she would hand them out to people in parking lots at grocery stores to use themselves,” Steve added. “God, she really loves this planet. I admire her passion though. We need everyone to have a heart for our home like that.”
“She made it everyone's mission around her to know just how important it was,” Bucky smiled at the thought as he looked off in the distance, wrapped in the memories he loved. But that wasn’t the point. The point was he would never be close with her like that again. What they had was done and over… Or would be. “Funny thing actually…” Bucky chuckled awkwardly. 
“What’s that?” Steve asked, looking at the TV in front of him. 
“We may or may not still be married…”
There was a pause as Steve stopped mid-chew and slowly turned his gaze from the baseball reruns on the screen to Bucky with a tight smile. 
“Excuse me?”
“I guess that wasn’t the endgame for today’s meeting…”
“What was?”
“Getting things updated and signed so that the papers were actually ready for our divorce,” Bucky answered. 
“So she’s still Y/N Barnes?”
“Yes, but I wouldn’t say that to her face. She looks like she wants to physically throw up when you call her that,” Bucky slouched in his chair. His hand coming up to cover his face as he rubbed his temples with his thumb and middle finger. 
“So still married?”
“Still married.”
“How long?” Steve sighed, putting his food on the counter and leaning back in his own seat. 
“As long as it takes to make up the new divorce settlements and get them signed and sent back in. Until then… I’m a married man.”
If you would like to be tagged in this series, please send an ask! It keeps things more organized for me. If you comment, I most likely will not add because I loose them:)
- Tags will be closing soon.
Moral of the Story Taglist:
@taylormobley​ @ximaginx​ @vicmc624​ @leyannrae @lonerlovescompany​ @jessyballet​ @angstysebfan​ @tita127​ @semistablecentenarian​ @im-a-light-child​ @alyssahowden​ @studiesinspanish​ @natyvwe​ @rebekahdawkins​ @fanfictionjunkie1112​ @millennial-teenybopper​ @scotlandasshole​ @aquariusbarnes​ @shinykoalacat​​
Marvel Tags:
@thejourneyneverendsx​​ @death-unbecomes-you​​ @heyiamthatbitch​​ @lizzymacy555​​  @srrymydood​​ @xa-dia​​ @redhairedfeistynerd​​ @morganclaire4​​ @connie326​​ @captain-asguard​​ @mollygetssherlockcoffee​​ @teenagedreams-bucky​​ @shower-me-with-roses​​ @pham-tastical @livstilinski​​
My Lovelies forever:
@natura1phenomenon​​ @lauravicente​​ @kakakatey​​ @traceyaudette​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​  @laneygthememequeen​​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @sandlee44​​ @thorne93​​ @thefaithfulwriter​​ @essie1876​​ @greyeyedsmile14​​ @capsiclehan​​  @xostephanie​​ @averyrogers83​​ @awesomenursingstudent​​ @gh0stgurl​​ @cs-please​​ @carls1022​​ @jjlevin​​ @rainbowkisses31​​ @anise-d-castle6​​ @deannotmoose​​ @their-bibliophile​​ @kitkatd7​​ @willowbleedsonpaper​​ @mariaenchanted​​ @snffbeebee​​ @couldabeenamermaid​​ @rebekahdawkins​​ @alyispunk​​ @princess-annna
Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker​​ @charmedbysarge​​ @jbarness​​ @bellamy-barnes​​ @katiaw2​​ @aikeia​​ @stopjustlovethemcu​​
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thenovelartist · 3 years
Burned Beginnings, chapter 1
Novel decided to do Adrienette April on a whim. Each post until the end of April (or such is the plan) will have 3 prompts in it.
She also discovered she’s very rusty. Bear with me here. XD
1. AU
Marinette had thought she’d grown used to Chloe’s bullying, having to had endure it since they were little. However, with high school came a new name that became a regular part of Chloe’s vocabulary, alongside “hot” and “sexy” and “dreamboat”.
“And Marinette would never catch the eye of someone so perfect.”
Honestly, Marinette had thought she was over it, but on a particularly bad day, she’d snapped back at Chloe.
“Well, clearly he isn’t that perfect if he fawns over someone whose only redeeming quality is pretending to be pretty.”
That had led to a fire alarm getting pulled and Marinette left to blame for it. Anyone who tried to come to her defense was shut down, and Marinette had been suspended.
Which had started an all-out war.
After being stuck at home, wrongfully, for three solid days, Marinette had snapped. She’d decided that if Chloe was going to build a bonfire and poor on the gasoline that she would be there with a match. By senior year, Marinette’s record had taken a hit for it but Chloe’s reputation was in the toilet.
Marinette would take what she could get.
However, she supposed she hadn’t fully thought out the consequences. As much as she played with fire, she should have realized she’d get burned sooner or later.
And she did. Third degree.
We regret to inform you your application has been denied.
Those were words she grew tired of seeing yet came back from every school she applied to. With that in mind, she’d called up her girl friends to tell them what had happened.
“Hey, Marinette,” Alya had said upon seeing the letters. “Don’t get me wrong, I feel really bad for you. But… I did warn you—”
“I get it,” Marinette had surrendered, knowing that Alya was completely right. “You tried to warm me of the consequences, and now I’m paying for them.”
The girls had slipped into a moment of silence before Alix spoke up. “Hey, I can ask Max if he can do a little digging so you at least know why, yeah?”
Marinette had raised a brow but agreed. “Only if he’s not busy with his own college stuff.”
“Oh please, he’s too smart for college. He started up some robotics company in his free time and is already making bank on it.”
It took a week for Max to come back with a full report. Marinette had to give him props for working fast as he did.
“Hacking into the system was the first thing I could think of,” he’d explained. “In the side notes, there was mention of your attendance record and suspensions.”
“They were all wrongful suspensions,” Alix had countered.
“Doesn’t matter to the school,” Max had said with a shrug. “But even then, I thought there had to be more to this than just attendance. There were other students who had the same notes yet were accepted. So I shifted focus to digging up background on all the directors of the school. After hacking a few emails, I discovered Audrey Bourgeois happens to know a lot of directors or administration members in all the fashion schools of France. Considering the contents of most of those emails, it has become clear that Marinette was wrongfully barred from every school she’d applied to. And that there’s nothing that can be done about it because we only discovered such scandal through highly illegal means.”
“So…” Alya had begun, turning her attention to Marinette. “Where does that leave you, M?”
Marinette’s lips had pursed in thought. It was funny how things turned out, because despite her anger, she somehow had been peace with what she was faced with. “I think that the last place I want to be is in an industry full of liars and people who use their words to manipulate anyone they damn well please.”
That was how she ended up working full-time in her parents’ bakery. They never said a word about it, but she knew they were disappointed. Of course they weren’t mad about her still being here and working in the bakery with them, and she knew her parents still loved her more than anything.
But she knew that with as many dreams as she had and had shared with them, they were disappointed on her surrendering it all.
“Sorry, Maman, Papa,” she whispered into the empty kitchen as she plopped the baguettes she formed onto a baking tray. “Just give me a little time to figure things out. Seems like lofty dreams are a lot easier to crush than I realized.”
 2. Rebellion
A son can only bear the world of their parent’s expectations for so long. He wasn’t Atlas, but after a few years of acting like him, Adrien decided to dump the globe. To hell if it broke. He’d smirk in satisfaction at his father’s disappointment.
At the very least, the fact he no longer had the weight of the world of his shoulders made the far-too-common disappointment lecture easier to bear.
His strategic rebellion had started harmless enough. At sixteen with a rapidly growing forced modeling career, he’d given his father an ultimatum: he gets to grow out his hair, or it all goes. It had been shocking the amount of power the razor in his hand had given him. It was the perfect harmless threat. His father had been furious, throwing a fit about Adrien acting like a child, but after being gaslit for so long, Adrien had finally come to realize the abusive techniques for what they were. And he wasn’t going to roll over and take it any longer.
That day had ended with Adrien being grounded but ultimately the victor of their stand-off.
After that, he’d begun ditching certain events. He’d always liked fencing, so he never ditched those lessons, but attendance for his home-school lessons, mandarin lessons, and piano lessons had all been decided on a whim. His father had hardly been pleased by this, but to Adrien, that was the point. The lectures soon washed into one another so much that Adrien could practically recite the words that roll off his father’s tongue verbatim. He’d come to realize they were strategically meant to hurt. To humiliate. And as such, he’d stopped taking them personally.
Then came the fun part.
He got earrings. Honestly, Adrien hadn’t really cared for the piercings one way or another. In one way, there were a hassle, and caring for new piercings was a pain in the butt. However, they had been worth it to see his dad so royally pissed off.
Then came the ditching of certain photoshoots. There was a reason Adrien had held off on this one for so long: he cared about the people running the shoot. There was no reason they needed to be collateral in this battle between him and his father. After all, they were just employees doing their job; Adrien didn’t want them to suffer for his rebellion. With that in mind, Adrien had planned out his absences of these photoshoots. Again, he didn’t want to drag anyone else into his mess, so he had always organized a replacement model. Shoot would always go on, just not as planned.
And that was enough to drive his father mad.
It always put a smile on Adrien’s face.
The last touch was an unexpected one. He hadn’t even thought about going this far. Yet, a friend of his not only put the idea in his head, but gave him the art to go with it.
“Is that a tattoo?”
Oh, how he wished he would have taken a picture of his father’s face. The large black cat surrounded in a green, wispy smoke that wrapped around his forearm was truly a work of art. He’d had to think carefully about this decision, but in the end, he quite liked it.
“Yeah. I’m eighteen; I can ink myself if I want to. Why? Is that a problem?”
Adrien might be wearing a cat on his arm, but the grin on his lips was downright wolfish.
Eventually, it all had come to a head and blew up in his face. Adrien couldn’t say he’d been surprised. In fact, he had been fully expecting it. He’d already found an apartment to rent and had begun sneaking most of his important things over there before his father could kick him out. So when Adrien found himself kicked to the curb as soon as he was handed his general education certificate, Adrien had been prepared.
But mostly, he was free.
What a joyous day it was.
However, now that he was free, he knew he needed a job. Not because he needed the money, per se, but because it was time he started acting like the average adult. He never got to go to school, so now, it was time to pick up a mundane, first job that everyone hated but would “serve him well later in life”. Mostly, it would just be something normal.
The easy places to apply were food shops and retail stores. He’d work one for a while before deciding what his next life step would be. Chloe had been quick to offer him a job at her father’s hotel, but Adrien was vehemently against the idea. Over the span of his rebellion, Chloe’s behavior and attitude towards him had grown notably worse, and he had a feeling cutting ties with her would be his next step in life.
In the end, he’d scored a job he definitely was underqualified for. He’d applied partly out of spite and partly because ‘why not?’ He’d heard about this bakery enough times from Chloe to know the “cruel bitch who did nothing but mercilessly harass her” lived here, and that was enough to pique Adrien’s curiosity. At a bakery as popular as that, though, he hadn’t been sure he’d get a call. And when he did, he knew he would do everything he could to present himself as a reliable and respectable man eager to work, but he never thought he’d end up hitting it off with the owner.
Which somehow ended up with him agreeing to work at Tom and Sabine’s Patisserie.
Going into that job, he swore to himself he would do what he could to prove himself worthy. He knew there had to have been better applicants, so Adrien didn’t want to disappoint the very kind owners who dared give him a chance. Soon, his days were spent working hard while covered in flour and surrounded by bread all day. Well, bread and all the sharp and hot objects in your average kitchen.
He just didn’t think that would include a wicked sharp and smoking hot young lady that happened to be his bosses’ daughter.
 3. Game Night
“Mama, Papa, please go. You two hardly ever get out of the house.”
Marinette watched her maman put a hand over the mouthpiece of her phone while her papa turned to her. “But I’ll be busy that night. We have a massive order scheduled for the next day.”
“I can handle that,” Marinette quickly countered with a grin. “You know I’m a night owl, anyway. I’ll get it done, and you two can go enjoy game night with your friends.”
Her parents spared each other a glance. “Are you sure about that, Marinette?” Maman asked.
“Positive. Papa already talks to the bread too much, so he really should talk to people for a change. And while you have to deal with people all day, I know you want more than to just have short conversations filled with small talk. So please, go out and have a social life for once.”
With one last look, her parents relented. With a smile, her mother took her hand off the phone. “We’ll be there.”
Papa turned to her with a grin. “I was going to spend that time teaching Adrien how to handle those orders. I can leave teaching him in your hands, right?”
Her grin fell. Adrien Agreste. What the hell a washed-out model was doing working at her parents’ bakery was beyond her. Admittedly, over the last month she’d been working with him, the most she’d say is that maybe he wasn’t too bad a guy. Papa certainly sung his praises. But that still didn’t answer the question of why he was working here of all places. After all, he was Chloe’s friend and suspected lover.
“Don’t think I don’t see that look on your face, Marinette,” her maman chastised. She’d hung up and set her phone down already, fully giving her attention to her daughter. “No matter your personal feelings, you really should give him a chance.”
“He’s a good kid,” Papa said. “Maybe a little rough around the edges, but I can tell he really does want to learn and do his best.”
Marinette sighed. This wasn’t the first time this talk had happened. She remembered having a talk with her parents after his first interview. There were a few other people who were far more qualified for the job, but Papa said he liked Adrien’s personality and spirit the best. So in the end, all Marinette’s objections had fallen upon deaf ears.
She sighed. “Fine. I’ll give him a chance.”
With a smile that made Marinette loath to disappoint him, her papa patted her head affectionately. “Thank you, Marinette. I think you’d like him if you got to know him.”
Not likely. “I’ll do my best, Papa.”
“Really, Marinette,” her maman warned. “Unless you have a valid reason, you need to put aside your feelings for the sake of the bakery running smoothly. Can you manage that?”
Appropriately chastised, Marinette bowed her head in embarrassment. Maman brought up a good point: Marinette shouldn’t let her anger towards Adrien affect the bakery. Her parents didn’t deserve that. “Yes, Maman. I’m sorry.”
With a smile, her maman came up and wrapped her in a hug. “Thank you, Marinette.”
Marinette hugged her back. “No, thank you, Maman and Papa, for everything. I won’t let you down.”
Papa wrapped his arms around both her and Maman. “Thank you, sweetheart. We love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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