#and i know ill arrive and wait an hour before being seen
alxndryngs · 8 months
A Day Off
A/N: Since I am in desperate need of comfort/fluff, I came up with this. Enjoy!
Alcina’s favourite maid has a bad day.
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Alcina, sitting in her atelier, was focused on her newest art piece. She only recently had gotten back into painting, and upon her new oil paints arriving, she had pushed work aside for once and hid away in her art room.
She even asked for her daughters to stay by themselves for the day, and put Bela in charge. Alcina wanted to dedicate herself to the work in process fully, without distractions.
The smell of fresh paint and sounds of birds chirping outside had fully consumed her, and hours passed without her noticing.
It was only when the feeling of hunger clawed at her throat that she noticed how much time had passed. Alcina called out, loud enough for the maids to hear.
“Yes, my lady.” Ingrid asked upon entering, her hands folded behind her back.
“Let y/n know I’m in desperate need of a glass of wine, and perhaps a small snack. She’ll know what to make me.”
Y/n had been her personal maid for almost three years at this point, having proven herself more than capable and worthy. Alcina took a liking to the girl, despite her wanting to admit it. She acted with grace, was humble and kind. Everything Alcina thought she herself was not, despite acting with grace.
The maid had left soon after, nodding before dismissal.
“Thank you, my-“ Alcina’s words ceased once her head turned and she was met by the image of Helena, and not y/n. “I asked for y/n, if I’m not mistaken.” Her tone now had a sharp edge to it, already feeling the annoyance bubbling up inside of her.
“Yes, my lady, I’m aware. But I was available, y/n isn’t feeling well today.”
Alcina paused, the paint covered brush slowly being lowered before placed down. It had surprised her that her little maid was feeling ill. In the years y/n had worked at the castle she might have fallen ill three times in total. Nothing could shake her, not even the freezing temperatures of the winter. Instead of freezing and sitting in front of her fireplace, she insisted on Alcina’s daughters receiving her firewood. ‘She didn’t need it’ she said.
“Well, send her the castle nurse. She will fix a remedy for whatever it is that is causing her to feel ill.” Alcina nodded, convinced this idea would be the solution. As the maid stood still, her mouth opening and closing to fish for an answer, Alcina snapped.
“Stop gawking at me like a dying bubble eye fish and do as I said! What am I paying you for?”
The maids mouth now stood agape in fear, and she stuttered for an answer. “I’m- my lady. I’m ever so sorry. A remedy from the nurse won’t help her. She’s just.. not feeling well mentally today.”
The maid paused, then adding in a panicked tone. “I apologise. I’m not sure if I was allowed to share that with you, Lady Dimitre-“
“I’m your employer, you’ll share with me when you last bled if I wish for you to.” Alcina growled, now standing and pushing the maid aside as she left her atelier.
As she strut through the castle, an anxious feeling overcame her. Y/n had always been collected and happy, and it seemed out of order for her to put work on hold. She had seen people die and burn because of Alcina’s wrath. People burning and screaming, being gutted, and managed to sleep like a baby. It confused Alcina.
She had slowed once entering the hallway leading towards the maidens rooms. Her heels thudded against the carpet, ceasing once having approached y/n’s room.
“Y/n?” Alcina called out, waiting for a response before gently knocking on the door with her knuckle. “Y/n, darling. I’ve heard that-“
Alcina stopped herself as the door opened. She fought the smile threatening to spread across her lips when y/n looked back at her.
“My lady.” She greeted, the same smile as always on the girls lips.
Alcina stood confused, licking her lips to moist them before pushing a smile back.
“Do you need me to wash your dress?”
Alcina’s brows furrowed “Pardon?”
“Your dress, my lady. It’s covered in paint.”
Alcina didn’t bother looking down at herself. Instead she shook her head and began to lean down, moving to step into the room as y/n stepped back to allow her to.
“I heard you were ill.” The stutter in y/n’s heart didn’t miss her. Alcina turned to look at her, waiting until she had closed the door before speaking again, her tone softer this time.
“You have always been by my side, ever since you came to Castle Dimitrescu. You’ve listened to me rant about my incompetent brother, complain over my business and daughters. You even dried my tears and blood for me. It is my turn to return the favour, my dear. Sit, and speak to me. What’s causing your little heart to beat this way?”
Alcina lowered herself onto the bed as she spoke. Y/n wasn’t sure if she had ever seen the kindness in Alcina’s eyes like there was now. It was inviting, comforting.
She obeyed, taking a seat next to her lady. It didn’t take long for the words to pool out of her, and all of a sudden, she had displayed the world to Alcina. Every single one of her concerns and problems laid splayed out before her, for her to look at and judge.
But instead, Alcina remained silent the whole time. Not once had she budged in to ask a question, even though there were multiple that burned on the tip of her tongue.
For comfort, Alcina removed the cream coloured handkerchief from her pocket. The Dimitrescu sigil was stitched into the corner.
Carefully, she had dried the maids tears. Her large hand cupped her cheek, and with the other she dried her tears.
Y/n cried, her face flush because of it and the embarrassment of crying in front of someone like Alcina. A wave of guilt overcame her for so freely unloading her problems onto Alcina.
“I’m sorry, my lady. I shouldn’t have burdened you with my problems, I-“
“Shush.” Alcina snapped, her voice immediately softening after. For a moment she hesitated, but then gently pulled her into her lap. She had to lift her slightly to her height to give her a proper hug. Alcinas gloved fingers ran through her hair, holding her close enough to feel her heartbeat against her own chest.
“Don’t ever say that. You are not a burden, or burdening me by speaking about your feelings. Your feelings are more than valid, especially in topics like the ones you have shared with me just now. I am beyond proud that you shared your concerns. It takes courage to speak up about one’s concerns. And from what I can tell, this has bothered you for a long time.”
Alcina gently peeled the maid off of her, only enough so she could look at her. Y/n had leaned on her only after moments, quietly crying into the woman’s shoulder.
Her hands cupped her small face, and Alcina spoke quietly.
“I want you to know that I always will be someone you can trust, and confine in. I’m here, and I’m listening. Do you hear me?”
A small sob bubbled out of her, and she nodded. Y/n’s eyes closed as Alcina pressed the most gentle kiss to her forehead, letting it linger enough for both of them to have time to relish in it before pulling away.
Her lips had left behind a red mark which she would make sure to remove later on. But for now, she was returning the hug y/n had given her. She had thrown her arms around the older woman, holding on tight as her walls began to fully break down and crumble beneath them both.
Alcina closed her eyes, holding her close as she swayed them from side to side. Whispering sweet nothings calmed y/n after a few minutes, and Alcina made sure to show her appreciation of the girl for the rest of the day.
“I started a new art piece.. would you like to join me in the atelier for the rest of the day?” Alcina offered with a smile which intensified upon seeing y/n smile at the suggestion.
She wondered if the girl would notice that it was her Alcina was painting. Taking a stroll through the Dimitrescu garden at midnight, the moon shining down on her.
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rxgnor0k · 2 years
Idyllic — J.Quinn
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Summary: <You accidentally say something flirty that catches you and Joseph off guard, little do you know that he’s been waiting for you to say something like that for ages>
Pairings: <Joseph Quinn x costar!fem!reader>
Warnings: <use of she/her pronouns, fluff, pining>
a/n: <NOT PROOFREAD, this was based off of a prompt i saw on pinterest lol, so creds to that>
⚠️ i will not allow anyone copy and pasting my work into any other social platform or site without consulting with me first ⚠️
You entered the room confidently before sitting on the rich, velvet couch that stood before you. It was mere minutes before the interviewer would arrive, and being early was one of your main priorities.
Today was a bit different than the rest. Usually, you’d come to set along with Joseph, but he was no where to be seen. Yes, you called him multiple times, but he never picked up. You were afraid that he’d gone missing, or became very ill. Fortunately, his manager had called and said that he’d may run a bit late, as traffic wasn’t looking so good at this hour.
You sighed, relieved that Joseph was alright. For a while now, your feelings for Jo have increased, and made it clear to you personally that you had a crush on him. Honestly, it wasn’t a big deal, it was something you could easily contain. Though, there were times were you had to control yourself because Joseph looked too damn fine.
Being too caught up in your thoughts, you didn’t realize that Joseph had just entered the room and sat right next to you.
“Darling? You alright?” he asked, shaking your shoulder to set you back into this reality.
“What? Yea, i’m fine,” you said, shocked at his presence being so sudden. “I thought you were going to be a bit late? Your manager said you were in heavy traffic.”
“Mhm, I decided to just walk the rest of the way, so I payed the driver and strolled down the block in a fast pace,” he chortled, rubbing the back of his neck in a embarrassed manner.
“Well, I’m glad your here, Jo,” you patted the back of his shoulder, almost like a grandfather would to his children. “Jo, you look really nice today.”
Joseph smiled at the comment, as you shifted your attention in front of you. You couldn’t help but think about the jacket he was wearing. It smelt of rich leather, newly opened books, and his cologne. The amount of power his scent had on you was amazingly endearing. You could talk about it all day.
You opened your mouth to say something polite, but what came out was,
“You look like someone I’d very much like to kiss.”
The silence that overcame the room was so loud, that your heart beat was very clear to your ears.
You froze, your whole body suddenly stopped working. The amount of blood that rushed to your face was incredible. The sweat that dropped down your face profusely was quickly wiped by your now clammy hands. You breath hitched as you closed your eyes, unable to speak or make contact with anybody in the room, especially Joseph.
He sat beside you in awe, flattered with randomness of your comment. After looking at your face, he was pitiful.
“Surely she didn’t mean that,” he thought, amazed by how someone that he thought was considered superior to his league would say that. It’s almost like every night, he thinks of something like this happening. His confidence increased that any problems he could ever think of were now gone.
“Hey,” Joseph nudged your shoulder. You felt stiff as a rock, unable to move.
“Jo, I’m so sorry, my intrusive thoughts took over, and-“
“I think that you look very ravishing today as well. It’s almost like I have this urgency to kiss you this very moment,” he said. He said it so casually that it felt surreal.
“Jo, I-“ you were interrupted by the door opening, showing the interviewer for the morning. The both of you swiftly moved into an comfortable sitting position and started on with interview.
During the interview you couldn’t help, but glance up at Joseph as he quickly returned the loving gesture, leaving you a blushing mess. At one point, he slithered his hands in between yours, and caressed them. His hands were soft, yet rough, it was a comforting feeling. It certainly eased you into an relaxed state.
Though, the next day was a bit… different. You were woken up with far too many instagram dms. You were sent messages in all caps, talking about a video? You went into your search bar to go into google and looked up the video these messages were talking about. You saw multiple articles, tweets, and tik toks regarding the intimacy between you and Joseph.
“They already posted the video?!” you whispered, afraid to wake up the sleeping Joseph that slept quietly right next to you.
The next five minutes we’re spent scrolling through twitter and tik tok, talking about these moments between the two of you in the latest interview.
You set your phone down, and went back into the covers just to sneak up beside Joseph and snuggle into him. The sight before you made you feel extremely idyllic.
Let’s just say that these simple gestures had set the whole internet on fire.
a/n: hey y'all! I rlly enjoyed writing this one!!! This one is 4 the Joseph girlies😁. Anyways, have good day (or night). Byeeeeeee
Reposts and requests are always welcomed! Make sure to go check ou my other stuff! My masterlist is linked at th top of the page! Thank you for reading my fan fic!
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weirdmorefics · 9 months
Hello, hope your doing well. Could you do a Anthony Bridgerton x wife!reader and she gets overwhelmed at a ball which makes her she zones in/out and Anthony plus the family are really worried because they’ve never seen her like this before? Have a good day/night 💙
A/N- I am doing okay just turned 21 woot. (even tho I hate birthdays because they equal change.)
Pronouns- She/Her
Warnings- Anxiety, Shutdowns, Dissociation,
Word Count- 825
Summary- Basically what the ask says
Life Preserver
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This ball was particularly loud and crowded, I don't think I had ever seen so many people in my life before let alone all in the same room. Every noise felt weighted I could hear the clink of every dish, the misstep of every dance, the clink of every heeled shoe. I wonder if this is a normal event for Anthony. I grew up in a small village and only came to London for my introduction to society. I can't say I am used to events like this but it certainly did not seem so crowded at my coming out.
Anthony had been coming and going conversing with others. I felt much like the odd one out. Yes, I wore the clothes and I am married to a wonderful man but I still feel like that country girl who shouldn't be here, especially with this huge crowd. I fiddled with the seams of my gown and searched the crowd for any of the Bridgertons but they all seemed involved in one activity or another. I lingered by the table of pastries and cakes as if I could blend into the wall behind them like a chameleon.
Others tried to introduce themselves to me because I was now a Bridgerton. I had never had a status like this before I was a nobody in my town. Yes, I love Anthony but I do not love the popularity that comes with being his wife. I would respond with a smile that did not meet my eyes and a handshake. It felt like Anthony had left me for hours but I think reality it was only a few minutes.
Anthony arrived back with his mother and sister Daphne. I felt relieved to see their familiar faces but I still felt like was not in my own body.
Anthony looked concerned at my vacant eyes and put a hand to my shoulder, "Are you okay darling?"
I smile and tilt my head to try to act oblivious like I am strong like I should be, "I am fine."
My husband clearly sees through my ruse because concern seems to grow even more and his sister furrowed her eyebrows.
"You don't seem like yourself Y/n," Daphne says her tone full of worry.
I blink my eyes tight trying to come up with a convincing lie but nothing seems to come to mind. I feel so far away like my mind is off swimming in the Atlantic but my physical body is stuck here at a ball. A normal ball! Why can't I just be normal or at least act normal? If not for me at least for my darling Anthony.
Anthony taps my shoulder breaking me from my intense thought spiral. I finally make eye contact with Anthony, and his eyes look full of worry, making me feel even worse for interrupting the festivities.
He wraps his arm around my waist, "I think she needs some air. If you will excuse us." He does not wait for any response and guides me to the garden.
Once the cold night air hits my face, I feel like I can finally breathe even though I wasn't holding my breath to begin with.
"Darling, what is the matter? Are you ill?" Anthony grabs my face and presses his lips to my forehead, "no fever."
I suck my bottom lip trying to prevent the tears that I know are coming soon.
" I am fine Anthony. I am so sorry for worrying you so much," I try to wave him off.
"There is no way you could convince me you are well Y/n. I have never seen your eyes so vacant before," before I can look sad about that comment he quickly grabs my hands and holds them tightly. "You are always so full of life your eyes are like looking into the sun, they are my favorite thing about you! We will not be leaving this garden until you tell me what is wrong."
I sigh, I can't avoid not telling him my feelings because he truly will stay here all night his stubbornness is admirable but also utterly a nuisance. "I am just not used to events like this… I don't think I have ever seen so many people in one room. I-I really did not want to disappoint you. I truly tried my best but I felt like I was drowning."
Anthony brushes my cheek with his hand, "Darling I wish you would have told me. You could never disappoint me you are always my life preserver from my disobeying siblings to calming me from my anger. Let me be your life preserver to your drowning seas."
The tears that I have been holding in finally come out as I take a deep breath, " I will let you be my life preserver if I will always still be yours."
"Always," he smiles and places a chaste kiss on my lips.
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bruhnze · 11 days
After the game baby - part 1
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This is Part 1, here is Part 2.
Summary: Lucy Bronze and Ona batlle are in love. They are having a great time but then Lucy doesnt think Ona is competetive enough and thinks of a way to fix that.
(Warning: first thing i wrote ever, was inspired by the other people that write these fics, note: english is not my first language. Feel free to correct/feedback me!)
Minors dni
After the game baby - part 1/4 (18+, smut)
It was matchday -2.
After training they had another meeting off analysing. Jonatan was a bit more serious than usually. Lucy and Ona chose to not sit next too eachother, wanting to focus on the information that was coming.
Jonatan said that theyd had seen a significant difference between morning games and the usual night time games. This next game would be played at 10am, "so," said Jona in spanish, "i need you all, to just go to bed early today and tomorrow, we can take them easeally, but we want a lot off goals, the goal is atleast 10 goals." "So we cant have sleepy heads on the field"
Everyone in the boarding room laughed, the staff because it was usual for them, always having to start early to put everything up for the players, before theyd arrive for training. The players more so laughed at eachother, at Lucy and a few other players who were known for not being morning persons at all.
The meeting was ended and the players went further with their individual sceduals. Mapi and a few otherz went to the weight room, "u coming too Bronzey?" Mapi aked.
"Nah sorry, i have to meet up with physio, probably will go after that for a bit" anwsered Lucy
"Ofcourse you will" laughed Patri who came from behind and pushed Mapi in the direction off the gym "we'll be long gone then, we dont live in there" "unlike some" Mapi laughed with her.
Lucy shook her head , then felt a shoulder against her own "hey" said Ona.
"Hi baby"
"I have physio too, theyre gonna massage my neck, i swear all these headers made my neck 55years older"
"Aw, i know Ona" said Lucy whilst grabbing Ona's neck and kneeding it with her fingers.
Ona relaxed into the touch and whimpered.
Lucy smirked, Ona shouldve known the images running trough her mind right now.
Walking to the physios office on the other side of the facility, Lucy had recollected herself again. They ended the conversation they were having, needing to go to different physios. "Okay ill see you at home again then" said Ona, "then ill take the dogs out, cause ill be home earlier" Lucy nodded and went in to give Ona a quick kiss. They broke their kiss and Ona said "dont stay out in that gym too long Luce, the dogs and I dont want to wait 3,5 hours again!" The last bit came out half jokingly but Lucy knew it was true, she just lost track of time when she was exercizing. Lucy went in for one more kiss and said "i'll wont make it too late, you heard Jonas, we have to get to bed early" Ona pushed Lucy away knowing Lucy wasnt gonna stop with her stupid flirty jokes if she laughed to much about them and went to her physio.
Matchday -1
They had trained today at the same time the match would be tomorrow. Lucy had been actually pretty allright, Ona and her were kind off tired last night, so after they'd eaten and watched a movie, Ona had gotten into bed. Whilest Lucy went on one more quick stroll with the dogs. The supposed quick walk had became a walk of 65 minutes eventually so when she came back she just brushed her teeth and quietly stepped in to bed with an allready sleeping Ona.
Now it was noon, the team ate togheter after their morning training. After the late lunch, the team were allowed to go home for their siesta time, only a few players that needed some injury therapy stayed at the training ground.
Lucy and Ona drove home, or at least to Lucys appartement, but they were basicly living together. Coco and Narla loved being home alone togheter, as Lucy could see them cuddled up togheter true her doggy cam on her phone. And her appartement was a little bigger and closer to the training ground aswell.
Ona put her hand on Lucy's thigh, Lucy smiled and put hers on Ona's thigh. "I love you" ona smiled " i love you too".
They pulled in to the parking garage.
(To be continued)
(First post, and first time writing anything, also sorry for my poor english, its not my first language)
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v3nusxsky · 5 months
Mommy knows
*Authors note~ long time no see people! This is definitely inspired by the last week of so of my life, and I thought this would be the perfect fic to get me back into posting for y’all again. Apologies to the anon for adding things they didn’t specifically mention. Come along for the tornado of emotions with me and enjoy the ride*
Trigger warnings~ mommy dom (LW) subby (L) pinning love sick Lesso, distance, phone sex? Sexting, slightly bratty Leo degrading praise slight angst? Hints of age regression easily skipped over
Prompt~see ask^^^^
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The Dean of Evil could never have anticipated she’d be in this state right now, after all the clue was in her title. Evil. Yet right now she couldn’t look the furthest thing from evil even if she tried. In fact, one could say that the salty tear drops caressing her pale cheeks, the almost childish way she’d clutched on the blanket wrapped around herself as she tried to make herself look smaller and the intricate tangles of her fiery curls made her look quite pathetic actually. Weak she’d argue. But there’s nothing weak at falling to the curse of love sickness.
Larissa left for Nevermore 10 short hours ago, and Leonora was missing her lover terribly, so terribly that eating, sleeping, showering and drinking were all things that made her feel physically Ill. The pillows still smelt like her blonde lover, the blanket she was snuggled up in being a poor attempt to mimic the blondes arms, all meant leaving this bed was not happening. Perhaps if she stayed in bed Larissa would strut into the room like she had the previous weeks before. Droplets of water falling from her enchanting locks of hair, towel snuggly tied just above her milky white breasts that Leonora adored so much. The towel of course just kissed the tops of Larissa’s thighs due to her height, something Leo found herself missing. She was jealous of how the towel would be close to Larissa (instead of her) which of course would have had the blonde woman chuckling before joining Lesso on the bed.
Memories seemed to plague the red head, her phone holding photos and videos of their time together only seemed to make her crave her girlfriend more. If one thing Leonora was sure of, it was that distance from Larissa Weems was something she hated entirely. Watching the blonde leave as they both sobbed was now ingrained inside her mind, a constant reminder of much fun they’d had together, that had now ended. Of course both women knew it would end, school semesters were approaching and Nevermore wouldn’t run without it’s amazingly devoted principal weems, and of course it was Lesso’s job to help create a balance between good and evil this year. But now, three days before the semester is due to start, lesso can’t find it in her to care, so what do good wins again? If she has her Isa then that’s all that counts.
Arriving back at Nevermore was bittersweet for sure. On one hand the blonde was glad to be home but on the other she’d left her heart back at the school for evil. Now wandering the halls of Nevermore she felt numb. Alone. Numb. Lost. A shell of her former self before her holiday trip. Much like her lover, nothing felt right anymore, she found herself looking for Leo, to be waiting for the next bratty comment so she could swiftly put her sweet girl back in her place. But it never came, because she was alone.
Larissa had warned two close friends of hers she would be in need of assistance upon her arrival, Marilyn and Mortica Addams seemed to have forgotten that as they were no where to be seen. All staff had to be back at the grounds today to prep for the students arrival within the next 48 hours. So it hurt to feel so alone even though she knew people who were meant to care were around. What hurt Larissa most was to see both her friends happily chatting away in the halls while she could hardly keep herself upright due to the ache in her heart. If only Leonora was here, then she wouldn’t be alone at all. Perhaps that’s why Larissa made her way to her office and locked herself away from the world. Who wants to see love and joy when they’ve had there’s taken away by a long distance.
Texting and calling felt wrong now. How can something that had been a life line before, feel so empty and wrong now? It should’ve been like going back to normal but instead it felt new and well odd. Things didn’t change, Larissa still reminded her dove to eat, drink and to try not to kill anyone every day, just like she had every day since they took this step together. And sometimes Lesso would listen, but only sometimes. Yet both women could feel the ache the presence of their other half had left. This well and truly sucks.
Eventually, life got back into the swing of things, both women being overloaded with work meant there wasn’t much time to overthink the ache in their chests. But Larissa had noticed a few things, as busy as Wednesday Addams had her, she could never not notice her Doves needs. See Larissa often knew then before Leonora did. It had been weeks since the last bratty smart mouthed comment, weeks since she’d seen Leo let her guard down and slip out of the dean head space. So it would’ve been weeks of headaches and built up emotions that the red head was locking away from the world, herself, and her mommy. And that just wouldn’t do, so naturally the blonde found the needed solution.
Lesso could not sleep. She’d been trying for hours now. The problem? She wanted Larissa. Well mommy, but now wasn’t the time for those thoughts, no matter how much she craved her mommy’s touch or her ability to always know just what to do. Yet for hours all she could do is think and crave and battle this problem. A dull vibration caught her attention, immediately she knew just who caused it.
“Dove, why aren’t you sleeping? It’s much to late for my sweet girl to be up”
Damn it! How did she always know when lesso broke a rule. Immediately a quick smart response was sent on its way, and this continued back and forth.
“I don’t want to. And I’m not sweet”
“But you are my darling girl, and you need to sleep sweetheart, you promised to look after yourself until I can come home to do so”
“I don’t care anymore. You can’t make me”
“Oh but I can Dove, don’t be a brat and listen to mommy”
“Fuck you”
The bubbles popped up and disappeared a few times as the red head was sat worrying her bottom lip waiting for the response that never came, instead the shrill ringing sound filled the room instead. Fuck. Taking a quick breath she hit answer.
“Care to repeat that dove?” She growled out causing the red head ti shake her head negative before remembering that Larissa couldn’t see her. “Leonora, do not make me repeat myself” quickly followed her silence.
“No mommy, I- I didn’t” she stuttered now only realising her mistake of letting her temper flare.
“You didn’t what baby? You didn’t mean to be a brat? You didn’t mean to get my attention in the wrong way because you can’t use your big girl words? Or you didn’t mean to hurt mommy? Which one is it my darling?” By the tone she could tell her mommy wasn’t happy and that made the guilt start to bubble in the lower part of her stomach.
“Last one, I’m sorry” was whimpered into the phone as her eyes glassed over with a sheen of unshed tears. Truly, she didn’t want to hurt her lover’s feelings but the emotions had built insanely high and craved release in the way only she could provide.
“Oh so you aren’t sorry for being a bratty dove? Hmm? That just won’t do now will it?” The sentence itself looking like a question but deep down the redhead knew the implied meaning just by the sheer tone of voice.
“No mommy, I’m sorry I’ll try to be good! Just miss you really bad” Leonora whimpered into the phone, not sure what she wanted other than to go back and be Larissa’s good dove. The tell tell beeps of the phone hanging up was enough to shock Leonora back to reality. She’d really been hung up on…
But she wasn’t alone with her thoughts for long, pictures and messages filled her phone, her mommy show casing everything Leonora could have had. Every picture and every dirty text message detailed how Larissa wanted to play with her slutty toy but was a solid reminder of just what she’d lost.
“Mommy! Please I’m sorry I’ll be good I’m sorry mommy” the redhead begged after attempting to call her girlfriend back only to be ignored, she knew just what Larissa Weems would be doing, her own private quarters had mirrors everywhere, the angles were perfect and lesso knew how heavenly her whines and mewls of pure pleasure sounded like, this wasn’t fair at all.
An hour. 60 whole minutes. That’s how long the torture of begging and being ignored or denied went on. It was safe to say lesso was going insane until Larissa finally answered her call, out of breath with her signature teasing tone that was just for Leonora. “Poor baby, did you need mommy? Poor little whore of mine wanted mommy to let her see hmm?”
Tears started to fall as her need to be corrected, loved and comforted back to one piece again rose to the fore front of her mind. “I’m sorry mommy. Please help me I’m sorry I needed that, I’ll be good now I promise let me be good for you.” With a quick click of the button the phone call became a video call. Larissa being as naked as the day she was born, a beautiful flush covering her pale body due to her previous activity. “Be a doll for me then and get mommy’s favourite toys for you to use on yourself” she instructed as lesso scrambled off the bed to do so, “but crawl pup! Show me what a pretty bitch you can be for me.”
Stings of humiliation was soon covered by pride as Larissa groaned at the sight of the strong put together woman on her knees because Larissa demanded it, she’d made her lover feel good and that never failed to encourage the dean. Perhaps that’s how she ended up with the special dildo that Larissa had gifted her for Christmas magically thrusting in and out of her needy cunt. Her magical ability being used to mark up her pretty thighs at Larissa’s demand. All while Larissa murmured the most filthy words possible to her bratty girl.
“Mommy! Hurts! Please wanna cum” the poor woman squeezed while trying to squirm away from the magical toy. She knew the rules and would do near enough anything to follow them. Having her mommy’s attention now, she most definitely didn’t want to lose that. “Poor baby, is mommy hurting you?” The faux concern drew a whimper from Lesso, “no I can’t be, look at how you’re soaking my thick dick with your slutty juices sweet girl, look at your pretty cunt for me.” On instinct both pairs of eyes focused on Leonora’s sex soaked core.
“Good pup for me aren’t you dove? My good girl? Such a perfect slut for me. Mine. You’re mine Leonora, say it” Larissa almost growled causing the dean to fall into submission. “Yes mommy’s. I’m mommy’s please please please!” By now all she knew was Larissa. This sweet torture finally breaking down her walls, all the heartache, the fear, the sadness and the loneliness was gone and replaced with Larissa. This, them making each other feel good, would always be right. “That’s all my sweet baby needed hm? You needed mommy to break you down huh? My good little pup, let go darling, cum for me my love” was all the permission she needed as her inner walls milked the faux cock for all it was worth and Larissa’s praised flew around her brain, creating the beauty of sub space.
Sub space was one of Leonora’s favourite headspace’s for sure, she was safe,content, loved and well fucked. Normally Larissa would be met with a dopey smirk and soft lingering touches as her girlfriend cling to her body. Not having this safety blanket was what caused the red head to start sobbing as she came back to reality. “Oh my darling girl, what’s wrong Leo? What can I do sweet girl? What can mommy do?” Larissa coed down the phone hoping to somehow help. Truly seeing Leonora so upset was devastating. “Want you” was gasped out as the tears now consumed her body and breathing was a struggle, “please” she whimpered so quietly, sounding absolutely heartbroken. “I know sweet girl, I’ll be back soon my love, you must talk to me darling, don’t keep this all bottled up inside. I miss you terribly too Leo. Much more than I have missed anyone before. I love you my sweet little dove.”
They say time heals all wounds, but this time all time did was provide a simple bandaid, simply holding the hearts together until they could be back in one piece. A temporary solution to a temporary problem. Naturally this situation occurred more than a few times while both women had to be apart, and it soon became more normal but odd at the same time. But every day was that one day closer to being able to hold each other again. To be home.
Word count~ 2376
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smashingdollz · 1 year
Hi, i love your writing andjsndlw!!! May i request Adaman x touch starved reader who has finally started to open up to people since has arrived in hisui? Any pronouns are fine and can also be smut if that's ok with you
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hi hi! im very flattered that you love my writing, thank you! i can totally do that! i dont do smut mainly because i feel like i wont do it any justice and ill write it super awkward- but im considering trying to write spicy stuff in the future so you could request stuff then! im also going to try a new way of writing heacanons, ive seen other people write this way and it seems easier. (also im not sure if you wanted a story or headcanons)
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-he was actually happy to see you finally opening up to the people around you. i mean you kept to yourself since the day that you arrived so why would he not be happy about you physically opening up to people, hes especially happy when its him
-the first time you've ever openly craved his touch he lightly teased you as he had that smile on his face (you know the one) but then of course embraced you in his arms while his other hand played with your hair
-you dont mind hugging or clinging onto people in public. but with Adaman you'd prefer to do all that in a private place, you dont know why you just do. (you do know, you just dont want people in public to see the flustered look on your face and how vulnerable you look as you melt in your touch)
-he also finds it absolutely adorable when you cling onto people in public, he loves seeing your face. later he even asks you about it. And he smiles happily when he feels you cling onto his arm and lightly tug the fabric of his haori.
-i also imagine you just clinging onto his arm as he walks around working or judt doing things in your shared tent in the diamond settlement. or even when the two of you are walking in a secluded area surrounded by wild Pokemon.
-he honestly wouldnt mind spending his time or even missing part of a meeting just to lay down with you in his arms as you crease his back and he creases your hair/head. wouldnt mind spending his time with you at all because he's an absolute sucker for you
-he wouldnt mind doing that all day until you go to sleep in his arms. he would also constantly rub your back through out the night and make you feel all warms oh my god-
-one thing he would constantly do is that he would play with your finger tips, and after a while he will match your finger tips with his and leave it like that for a couple of seconds before slowly intertwining his hand with yours, and you absolutely love when he does that. (this has me blushing oh my god 💀)
-if he ever sees you hesitate to cling onto him or to grab his hand he'll just pull you close to his chest so you could cling onto him or slightly brush his hands against yours before intertwining his with yours.
-i also imagine that one day you were clinging, hugging, etc onto Adaman and your Pokemon appear and push that two of you even closer to each other. if you have a Sylveon i imagine it wrapping its ribbons around the two of you binding the two of you together.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
You silently sat on the edge of the bed in your and Adaman's shared tent in the Diamond Clan settlement. Inside the tent was surprisingly big despite its small appearance on the outside. As you sat your feet slightly hoovered over the floor and you began to slightly kick your feet.
You let out a sigh through your nose as you leaned placed your elbows on your legs and propped your face in the palm of your hands. You starred at your swaying feet for what seemed like hours, you've been waiting Adaman to come back from a meeting. Of course you know that Adaman is an extremely important person and he doesnt just belong to you and only you, but in that moment you cant help yourself. You want to be in his arms and be engulfed in his scent.
After some time you saw a shadow being cast over you. You looked up and it was the one and only, Adaman. You hadn’t noticed his arrival because you were occupied with the thought of… well, him (funny isn’t it?) He had his usual smile on his face and his right hand rested on his hip. Your fingers lightly twitched against the fabric of your pants. Without a word you got up from the bed and embraced him tightly, your force caused him to stumble back a bit.
He regained his balance before wrapping his arms around you. "I missed you.." you breathed out against his chest. "I know I know..." he rested his chin on top on your head and began to rub circles on your back. A sigh of relief left your lips as you leaned more into his touch. "I know you're busy, but please stay..?" He smiled, "Im yours for the rest of the day. My attention is yours, my time is yours"
From then on the two of you spent the rest of the day together in each others embrace. You focused on him, all his attention was yours (same with him), and you made sure to keep as much physical connection with him as possible. :)
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hi, so i formatted the story and HC's differently because i realized that i write in clumps and that might be difficult for others to read so i spaced them out a bit more. Let me know if this is better!
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“His Night”
MGK x Female Reader
Warnings - Angst, mentions of mental illness and anxiety but fluffy ending. 💕
Prompts used - Credit goes to original creators :
1) “Wait don’t pull away … not yet”
2) it’s nearly 2am, what are you doing up”
3) “I didn’t ruin tonight did I?”
You can’t help but smile fondly at your boyfriend as he enters his element in the home based studio. You admire his talent, creativity and dedication. Even with a jam packed day full of single promo and an award ceremony this evening he still finds time to complete another part of his upcoming album.
You leave him to his business, walking back into the main house you, him and his team all share. Sometimes it felt like a college frat house but deep down you knew you wouldn’t want it any other way.
An hour or so later and a few episodes down from your newest Netflix obsession, Kells comes up from behind the sofa and wraps his arm around your small frame. Leaning around to kiss your forehead he asks you the question that’s been rattling around your head the past few days.
“Hey baby, did you give any thought to tonight, you wanna come with me?”
His voice was soft with a hint of nervous energy as if the question was going to make you bolt and if you was being honest you couldn’t trust yourself not to run.
You loved Colson with all your being, he was so kind and loving and everything you wanted in a man and a relationship but this didn’t mean you didn’t find his lifestyle hard.
His talent deserved to be known by the world and he had such an amazing community of fans that were like his family.
What you found difficult was the constant spotlight and invasion of your privacy. You weren’t oblivious, you knew that dating a celebrity would come with feelings like this, but to you he wasn’t this big famous star he was just Colson. Your Colson.
To try and regain some control of your life you tend to avoid the spotlight as much as possible. Meaning no public interviews, trying to ignore paparazzi and staying away as often as possible from red carpets. The odd time you were seen out at these events were at your boyfriends request. He thrived from showing you off to the world and the love that flows between the both of you. You could never really say no to the rapper which is what lead to your answer.
Taking a deep breath, you look up to him with an anxious smile.
“Sure baby, I know it’s important to you”
Your heart became a puddle as his eyes lit up with excitement.
He leaps from his spot behind you and launches into a bear hug. You squeal from underneath him as his tall body squashes yours. He peppers your face with kisses before sitting up and looking at you with sincerity.
“I promise, hand on heart, I will not leave your side all night”
This eases your anxiety a little, knowing that Colson is always true to his word.
Come 5pm everyone is suited and booted and waiting by the door.
You take one last look in the mirror, smoothing down your hair as you try and control your breathing before stepping out of the bedroom and making your way down the staircase.
You find Colson waiting at the bottom, his mouth wide open in shock.
When you reach the bottom you gently tap his chin upwards to close it.
“Close your mouth darlin’ you’ll catch flies” you attempt at a joke to lighten your sensing dread.
The man you love just stares you up and down continuously as if he can’t escape his shock.
“You look … absolutely exquisite, oh my god. I can’t believe you are mine” he breaths.
You blush deeply. No matter how many times you receive compliments you still go extremely shy, never knowing what to say.
“Come on lovebirds! We need to get going” both Slim and Rook shout from the hallway, causing you both to snap out of the moment.
Colson takes your hand and leads you forward towards the door and the car waiting outside to transport everyone to the award show.
Upon arrival your heart begun racing and you almost refuse to get out the car all together.
Sensing your hesitation, Colson rests his hand on your leg, knowing you’d grab it for comfort.
With his free hand he holds your face, forcing you to look at him directly.
“I promise I’ve got you. Just stay close and you will be just fine. I won’t let anything happen to you”
You nod and force yourself from the vehicle and onto the event sight.
Without the shelter of the car you are suddenly blinded by the multiple lights and cameras. Paparazzi pounce on you immediately even though Colson and the group do their best to protect you from the harsh lights and comments.
“Kells are you excited to be here tonight?”
“Do you expect to win anything tonight, we hear you are nominated!”
“Give us a smile Y/N”
“How about a kiss for the cameras huh?”
“Y/N it’s been awhile since we’ve seen you, is everything okay with the relationship?”
Sensing the change in my body language as I start to become overstimulated with all the commotion, your rockstar man envelopes you into a full body hug. I breath in his scent to calm myself for what felt like the 100th time that night.
His actions lead to another onslaught of comments from the camera men but this time you manage to ignore them. Focusing on how safe being in your lovers arms always makes you feel.
He goes to pull away but you don’t feel ready. You look into his ocean eyes, a slight plea in your own.
“Wait don’t pull away … not yet” you whisper so gently that you were unsure if he even heard you. He gave you confirmation by giving your hand a squeeze and allowing the hug to continue for another moment longer.
Knowing that you had to move on you force your feet to move forward. Noticing that you are taking control of your fears, Colson lets you lead but keep ahold of your hand, letting you know silently that he’s there if you need him.
You quickly move down the red carpet and are grateful that Ashleigh guides you to your seat while kells handles the press.
The night goes smoothly and soon it’s the final award of the night - Music Award for Top Rock Album.
“And the winner is …. MACHINE GUN KELLY.”
Forgetting where you were momentarily you couldn’t help yourself as you smush your face into your boyfriends and give him a kiss in front of every single person in the event. Colson keeps the kiss going as he lifts you from the ground with ease and spins you in his arms. He has a huge grin that covers his face and even though you know he hates his smile he doesn’t attempt to cover it.
You watch, filled with pride as he makes his way to the stage to accept his award.
“I would like to thank every single member of my EST family who voted for me on this award, I wouldn’t be if it wasn’t for you guys, your support is well and truly appreciated. I would also like to thank my absolutely amazing team who are constantly working around the clock with me and dealing with me 24/7, you guys are my life and my family I love you, and lastly but certainly not least I would like to thank my absolutely wonderful girlfriend who is here with me tonight. Tonight is just as a big night for her as it is me and I am so so so proud and thankful for her. She and my daughter are my rock. I couldn’t do this without them…”
He pauses for a minute to find your eyes in the crowd before finishing. “I love you Y/N. Have a good night everyone!”
You blow him a kiss, doing your best to ignore all the faces looking towards and the fact that your own face is now plastered out on the display screens at the front.
You shyly shrink back into your seat, your face down as you wait for Kells to come back.
As the night winds down you start to feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
Rook, slim and Baze plan to go to an after party they had found not too far from the venue but when they ask Colson if he wanted to join he simply shook his head.
You can’t help but look at him confused.
“Are you sure babe, you can if you like I won’t mind?”
You never stopped him from celebrating, no matter how you felt, especially on a night like this, but he just looked down at you with such love in his eyes and said “nah not tonight guys. I just wanna be with my girl.”
You were happy to be home just as the clock stuck 11pm. Clambering out your dress that had felt tight and uncomfortable against you all night, despite how pretty it was, you sighed content as you changed into one of Kell’s t-shirts.
You were so tired that you could legitimately feel it seeping into your bones, get your mind refused to let you sleep.
“Was you okay tonight?”
“Did you embarrass yourself ?”
“Worse did you embarrass Kell’s?”
“Was it worth you going?”
All these thoughts running around over and over in your head to the point where sleep was physically impossible.
You sighed as you felt your eyes water. You took a deep breath and looked over at your sleeping boyfriend who had passed out half way though the SpongeBob marathon you both decided upon.
No. You wouldn’t cry. Not tonight, not on his night.
Instead you careful lifted yourself from under the duvet and silently slipped down into the kitchen to get yourself a glass of water.
You weren’t sure how long you’d sat there at the kitchen counter with this glass of water until Colson came down to find you after he realised you where missing from the bed.
Still half asleep he rubs at his eyes as he seats himself next to you.
“Hey sweetheart, it’s nearly 2am, what are you doing up”
He looks at you with such concern that you almost lied to him - not wanting him to worry about you after having such a special night , hut you knew that it wouldn’t get you anywhere. Honesty was always the best policy.
“I didn’t … I didn’t ruin tonight did I? Ya know with my stupid emotions and constant anxiety?”
You couldn’t look at him, scared of his reaction as you waited for a reply.
You let out a small gasp as instead of responding, he lifts you up onto his lap so that you are straddling him.
He holds you close to him as you begin to trace his tattoos along his chest.
“Baby listen to me okay, hear my voice, hear these words. You didn’t ruin a single thing, in fact you made the night so so so much better just by being there. Your emotions aren’t silly. I know that sometimes my lifestyle can be super difficult for you and I’m so so proud that you faced your fear tonight. I love you and whatever you need from me to help you through this you got.”
You felt your mouth tremble and your eyes sting as tears steadily steamed from your face and you curse at yourself in your head as you broke your promise of not crying tonight, but you couldn’t help yourself, Colson’s sweet words and comforting demeanour were just too much.
“Sometimes I just feel like I’m drowning. I wish I didn’t struggle with the limelight so much, I wish I didn’t care what other people thought of us, of me. Then I wouldn’t get so scared” you whisper, finally admitting how you felt.
You knew Colson understood this but hearing you say it aloud was different.
He cradles your body and hums in response to show that he’s listening.
“Why don’t me, you and even Casie if she wants, take a week away. Somewhere nice, warm and Most importantly somewhere quiet. We can get away from everything just for a little while? Hmm? We can reconnect with the world and nature and not have to worry about anything. How’s that sound?”
To you, that sounded like heaven. You’d been so wrapped up in your head that it’s exhausting. Colson doesn’t get to take breaks often but when he does this is what the both of you would do. Somewhere quiet and peaceful. It’s just what you needed.
You kiss him in response and as he runs patterns down your back in a calming motion. You both stay like for awhile, simply enjoying being in each others company, before you notice that your eyes start to droop. Colson notices this also and picks you up from his lap. You cling to him as he carries you upstairs.
“Come on Angel, let’s go to bed. A new adventure awaits us”
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hugmekenobi · 1 year
The Long Haul
A Bad Batch Series interlude oneshot 
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Gif by @ivonhart​
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Summary: The work from Cid doesn’t stop despite past events but this one sees you needing a little bit more help.
Warnings: Mentioned canon-typical violence, no y/n, swearing, a mention of a past spicy moment (not described at all but putting it here anyway), mentions of death, mild hurt/comfort, descriptions of illness and vomiting, mentions of pregnancy/pregnancy scare, pet name (sweetheart), awkwardness, the Force and Force communication works how I say it works, Star Wars flowers do what I need them to and Star Wars first aid being what I need it to be, overall fluff and feelings
Masterlist for S1 Chapters
Word Count: 2.4K
Rating: 18+
Author’s notes: It’s the first oneshot with these two actually together! Hope you enjoy! Can’t wait to share the other ones and S2 with you all! To those I’ve tagged, let me know if you don’t want tagged in these oneshots and I’ll keep it to the series and if there’s anyone else who wants tagged, just let me know :)
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“You alright?” Hunter called down as he peered over the edge of the small ledge. You had been tackled by the man they had been tracking and had tumbled over the side. Thankfully it wasn’t a huge drop, and the lush grass and dense bunch of flowers would have lessened the impact but he checked nevertheless.
As you felt the dead weight on top of you, you couldn’t help but think that the last time someone had been this close to you had been a long six weeks ago. Cid had been keeping you guys pretty busy, and you knew the only reason you had that time with him in the first place was because the squad had politely, but awkwardly, given you the Marauder for a few hours.
You ignored the pain in your spine and heaved a sigh as you pushed the dead body off you. You took your vibroblade out his chest and wiped it on his top before you brushed off some of pollen that had gotten onto your hands from the pile of flowers you had landed in.
You walked over to where your blaster had landed and picked it up before you glanced up to where Hunter and Echo were. “Have I ever mentioned how much I can’t stand using this thing?” You waved your blaster for emphasis.
Hunter smiled under his helmet. You were fine. “You may have said something once or twice.”
“Well, it’s a pain in my ass. It’s jammed at some point on every mission since I got it! Gotta say the Jedi knew what they were talking about with this one.”
Echo let out a short laugh. “You ever consider that you might be the problem?”
You took your mask down and scowled up at him. “No.” You opened the man’s vest and took out the necklace and you recognised the diamond that was hanging from it as the one Cid had shown you before sending you on this mission. “This is it, right?”
Hunter nodded down at you before he spoke into his comm. “Tech, Wrecker, Omega, we got the necklace. Meet back at the ship. You coming up?” He asked you.
“Sir, yes sir.” With that, you took a few steps back before you called on the Force to assist your jump back up to where Echo and Hunter were.
Hunter wrapped his arm around your waist and the three of you began the walk back to the Marauder.
As the ship left the Glee Anselm, your eyes suddenly began to feel very heavy, and your limbs were screaming for rest. You put it down to the fact that you had been searching for that guy on that planet for the past two days with very little rest. Every time Hunter had got a read on him, the circumstances seemed to change and put those environmental factors combined with avoiding the Imperial presence, well, it had made for a stressful mission. I’m going to lie down for a little bit, you told Hunter.
Hunter regarded you curiously. He hadn’t seen any physical injuries after your fall today, but you hadn’t slept very much on this mission, so he just nodded before he turned his attention back to Tech as he gave the estimated arrival time.
You walked back to your bunk and unholstered your weapons and laid down and sleep came a lot faster that you had expected.
“Sweetheart.” Hunter shook your shoulder for the fifth time since the ship had landed, adding a little bit more vigour to it but still you made no move to wake.
“She’s still not awake?” Omega asked as she came to stand next to him.
“No...” Hunter said distantly. He couldn’t figure out what was wrong, you never slept like this.
“I can get her up.” Wrecker said happily as he picked up an abandoned weapons crate.
“Wrecker, I’m not sure she would respond very well to that.” Tech advised.
“It’ll get her up, won’t it? Hunter?”
Hunter kept his eyes on you but nodded his permission.
Wrecker lifted the crate high above his head before he brought it to the ground with a loud crash.
You jolted awake. “Jeez! I’m up, calm down…” You trailed off from any further comment as you felt a strong wave of nausea rise through you.
Hunter laid a hand on your knee. “Well, we tried do to it quieter but you-” He didn’t get to finish since you had quickly stood up and pushed past him, hand over your mouth as you ran to the refresher.
You just made it before you rather undignifiedly and violently vomited. Hunter’s hand holding your hair whilst the other one rubbed gentle circles on your back only provided you some comfort.
After you finished what felt like spewing your guts out, you wiped your mouth and sheepishly turned to face the concerned faces that were all staring at you since you realised you forgot to shut the door. “So sorry, that was disgusting.”
“I’ll be right back.” Hunter said before he set off towards the middle of the ship.
You held your tired body against the doorframe and focused on ignoring your unsettled stomach, a task that was easier said than done. You gratefully took your flask of water from Omega who looked at you anxiously as she stepped away.
Echo and Wrecker looked on worriedly.
Tech brought his datapad out. “What have you eaten in the past 2-3 days? Did you drink anything strange on Glee Anslem?”
“I’ve not eaten or drank anything strange, Tech. I’d know if I had.” You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt the nausea return.
“Okay, let’s go further back. What about injuries? Did anyone we came across manage to cut you with anything? It could be a wound that’s infected.”
You shook your head, “Same missions as you guys, you’d know.” You said through clenched teeth as you struggled to push the nausea away.
“What about-”
You held up a finger to stop him from continuing before you swiftly turned away, shut the door, and threw up yet again.
After you sorted yourself out, you opened the door again. “Well? Anything?”
Tech awkwardly shifted his goggles and looked up from his datapad. “I, uh, can think of one explanation.”
“Great, what is it and what’s the cure?” You asked tiredly.
“Um, well, first of all, is there a possibility that you’re uh, could you maybe be pregnant?” He stammered out uneasily.
Before your brain could catch up to what he just asked, you were distracted by a loud clatter.
All heads turned to face Hunter who had dropped the medkit.
Hunter quickly threw the items back in, ignoring Tech’s slightly irritated look. He straightened up. “Omega, wait outside the ship.”
“But what does that-” She started to argue.
“Now!” Hunter said firmly.
She let out an aggravated sigh but complied.
Hunter waited until she was out before he spoke again. “No, Tech, she’s not… are you?” He asked as he made his way back towards you.
You only shook your head and leaned your head on his shoulder.
“I only asked because you two are in a relationship and, I um, assume there is a physical aspect to it. Not that I’m thinking about that, I only meant that that- what I mean is that there is a statistical likelihood-” Tech stuttered.
“Hey, Tech.” You interrupted.
“Shut up.”
“Gladly.” Tech replied, letting out a relieved sigh.
“Thank you.” Echo and Wrecker muttered.
“Bottom line is, I’m not pregnant so there’s gotta be another explanation.” You continued before you felt your knees grow weak.
Hunter could feel your body grow heavier as you leaned against him. “Come on, let’s get you back to the bunk.” He put his arm around your shoulder and supported you as he led you towards it. As he helped you lie down and he saw the weariness written across your face and the gaunt look of your skin, he hoped that they’d figure out what was wrong with you and figure it out soon.
Tech rubbed his forehead and began to fiddle with his datapad again. He couldn’t understand what was wrong you and they weren’t getting any closer to figuring it out and it was driving him crazy. “Okay, one more time.”
Hunter had removed his armour for you, and you were in the space between his legs with your back pressed against his chest.
You let out an exhausted sigh and angled your head towards Tech. You had quickly formed this routine where you would go throw up, come back to lie with Hunter, Echo and Wrecker would offer their sympathies, Omega- who was allowed back on the ship and after she realised no one was going to tell her what Tech had meant earlier and the closest she got was a ‘we’ll tell you when you’re older’- would give you more water, and after this, Tech would ask you to go over your routine from the past missions you’d gone on. “I don’t know what else there is to tell, Tech. I’ve eaten nothing but ration bars since we were sent on all these missions. I only drank water on Glee Anselm. No one has wounded me. I felt fine when we were looking for that guy, the only trouble we ran into was when my blaster jammed, and I fell into that bunch of flowers. After-”
“Flowers?” Tech’s head snapped up at this new information.
“What?” You asked.
“You hadn’t mentioned the flowers before. What did they look like?”
“Um.” You furrowed your brow as you tried to remember but, to your horror, nothing was coming to mind, you were too exhausted to even remember something as simple as that. You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt nauseous again.
“They were white with purple spots on them.” Echo answered for you.
Tech tapped his datapad. “Ah ha!” He said triumphantly.
“What is it, Tech?” Hunter asked urgently as he heard you let out a soft groan.
“Those flowers were likely Pixy Cloves. They have a defence mechanism that involves secreting spores into the bloodstream through the skin of whatever touches them. It can cause a serious infection in their host. There’s no cure, unfortunately, but it’s not fatal. Your body just needs to flush it out. You should feel better within the next 4-5 days.” Tech said brightly.
“I take it ‘flush it out’ means I’m going to be spending a lot of time in that refresher?” You asked glumly.
Hunter rubbed your arm soothingly.
“I can give you something to ease the nausea but that’s all I’m afraid.” Tech replied.
You huffed out a puff of air. “Well, no sense in you guys staying here.” You fished the necklace out of your pocket and handed it to Omega. “Better explain the situation to Cid and give this to her give so we get paid, and she stays ‘happy’ with us.”
“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” Omega asked as she took the necklace from you.
“Yeah, kid, don’t worry. Thanks for the help.”
“Hope you feel better soon!” Omega laid her hand on yours before she made her way to the exit.
“Yeah, feel better!” Wrecker said, patting your shoulder gently.
“Thanks, Wrecker.”
“I take it you’re staying?” Echo asked Hunter after he gave your hand a consoling squeeze.
“No.” You said.
“Yes.” Hunter corrected.
“Hunter, this is not going to be a pretty time. When I’m not sleeping, I’m going to be in that refresher violently vomiting.” You said, looking up at him.
“I could always use more sleep and I don’t mind that.”
“I’m in this for the long haul. A bit of throwing up isn’t going to scare me away from you.” Hunter kissed your forehead.
“It should. I’ll hardly be at my best.” You maintained with a grumbled sigh.
Hunter stroked your arm to reassure you. “I know we’re new at this but I’m pretty sure looking after each other is part of the description of what we are. Plus, we’ve kinda been doing that all along anyway. A new label doesn’t need to change that.”
You did have to admit that he had a point. You’d both seen each other in less than desirable states before your romantic relationship began. You figured you were just feeling more pressure now, but you could past it and you guessed this would be a good test. I mean if seeing me heaving into a toilet bowl doesn’t scare him away then what will? You thought to yourself before you gave him a small but grateful smile. “Okay, if you’re sure…”
“I’m sure.”
“I guess we’ll see you later then.” Echo said before he and Wrecker left the ship.
As he took the medicine out, Tech made a mental note to tidy the medkit up once you didn’t need it anymore. He walked over to you and gave you the injection. “This should help with the nausea. Hunter can give you more if you need them over the next few days.” He patted your knee. “I’ll check in later.” He stood up and made his way to the door.
“Thank you, Tech.” You said.
Tech smiled and nodded at you before he joined the others, and they all made their way to the parlour.
“Thanks for staying.” You said as Hunter came back from shutting the door.
“You’d do the same for me and I’ll take time alone with you any way I can.” Hunter said with a smile.
You managed to let out a quiet laugh before you moved so Hunter could slide in next to you. “Do you know what I’ve realised?” You mumbled as you closed your eyes snuggled closer to him.
“What’s that?” Hunter whispered as he gently pulled you against him.
“That this is all that damn blaster’s fault. If it hadn’t jammed, none of this would’ve happened.”
Hunter chuckled and planted another kiss to the top of your head. “I think you’re going to be just fine. Get some sleep.”
You weren’t sure how long would you sleep for before that next inevitable urge to vomit struck but if you had Hunter with you, you were sure you could get through this and anything else the galaxy would throw your way.
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy​, @tpwkcalli​, @fuckoffthanos​, @arctrooper69​, @graciexmarvel​, @flyingkangaroo​, @nightmonkeysstuff​, @a-streakofazure​, @ladytano420​, @dragonrider9905​, @keep-calm-and-drink-caf​, @yyourmotherr​, @xxeiraxx​
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lizzieislife94x · 6 months
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First Love (w.m)
Wanda x G!P reader
 Both legal age 19 in high school
AOU era for wanda so if your picturing wanda picture that era 😊🤷🏼‍♀️
Requestes are very much open message me if you want something all feedback is welcome
Y/ns POV:
"Do we REALLYY need to go to the game I don't want to watch a cocky Tony Stark running around thinking he's the man for scoring a few touchdowns" I pout to my best friend Amy as she laughs at me I'm trying my best to pretend I don't wanna go but I secretly do I've been seeing the head cheerleader Wanda Maximoff she's so fucking beautiful but no one can know I have an image to up hold if people around the school see me with her being all loved up they'll think I'm soft I didn't get the title of the schools bad girl over night I worked to build it but wanda is an absolute sweetheart she's the good girl around these halls well so everyone thinks trust me I've seen her being naughty and I've heard the language that slips past her mouth when we manage to get somewhere alone but in everyone else's eyes she's the good girl I'm the bad girl.
"Hello y/n" I'm snapped out my thoughts by Amy gently shaking me looking at me concerned "are you ok your where somewhere else" I cough and shake myself snapping back to reality "yeah I'm all good sorry just zoned out what where you saying" I give her my undivided attention "yeah I was saying you're coming to the game tonight if you like it or not I'll drag you there" I laugh and throw my hands up in surrender Amy is one of the few people I like in this place I'm never mean to her she's actually my best friend "you win you win ill go" I pretend giving her the victory "ok pick me up at 5pm that's enough time to get home and change " I smile as we say our goodbyes as I walk over to my pride and joy my motorcycle my precious baby I put my helmet on and climb on putting the keys in and starting her up I quickly look left and right and spot wanda as she spots me and I nod and wave without being seen by anyone as I can guess she blushes and waves as I drive off towards my house it takes me roughly 25 minutes to drive home as I park I run inside and go to my bedroom to get some black ripped jeans and an over sized hoodie to match after I get ready I goto the kitchen and make a quick ham sandwich I eat it and grab my phone and keys and head towards the door but stop myself I quickly shoot wandaa text 
Me: Hey I can't wait to see you do your thing tonight I had to pretend I didn't want to come tonight to Amy but I think she bought it 
Wanda: Oh my god 😂 least she doesn't suspect anything I can't wait to see you tonight I miss you y/n after the game meet me in the maths class 
I smile like an idiot as I gently bite my lip before I send another text
Me: I know ! I miss you too wanda and you got it babe see you in maths after the game
I walk out and head to my bike as I put my helmet on and drive towards Amy's house as I pull up and I grab my phone.
Me: I'm outside get yo ass out here bitch 
I put my phone away and wait a few minutes before she appears "well you took your time dickhead" I laugh as she hits my shoulder playfully "shut up let's go" she puts on the spare helmet and climbs on holding onto my waist as I drive towards the school it takes us 15 minutes to arrive and leaves us 10 minutes to get to our seats as we find out seats and get comfortable my eyes look for wanda and instantly land on her making me smile as if she can feel me she locks eyes with me and smiles as I mouth "you got this babe" she bites her lip and nods I honestly want the game to start so it can end I'm not here to watch the men run around I'm here to watch the good girl my good girl that owns my heart do her thing.
After the game I whisper to Amy "ill meet you outside in an hour I have something I need to do" she doesn't question me she just nods in agreement as I make my way to the math class room making sure no one sees me as I arrive my smile is beaming "hey baby, fuck I've missed you" I say walking towards wanda grabbing her waist pulling her in for a kiss which she happily returns as her tounge roams my mouth I savour the feeling, once air becomes a problem I break away and rest my head on hers "I've missed you too y/n" I look into her eyes for a second "we don't have long baby and I need you now" she whimpers making me giggle as I let my hands rub her ass "I have the place to myself this weekend do you wanna spend it with me we can  actually spend some proper days together" I say as she beams me a smile "I'd love to y/n" I smirk and push her against the desk as I start to kiss her neck earning precious moans from the redhead I feel her hand rub my crotch and moan against her neck "fuck wanda" I moan gently as she continues to rub my groaning member "I need you inside me y/n I've missed having you inside me I feel so empty when your not inside me" I bite my lip and smirk at her begging as I pull her panties off in a quick motion earning a surprised gasp making me giggle I quickly bend her over the desk and run my hand down her body admiring her as she spreads her legs I quickly push my ripped jeans and boxers down as I grab my dick and rub it through her dripping cunt lubing my cock with her juices "yes fuck y/n" she moans gripping the desk as I slowly slide myself into her waiting cunt "fuck wanda no matter how many times I fuck you you're always so fucking tight" I groan as I thrust hard bottoming out inside her "uhhhh shit don't stop uhhhh" I smirk as I run my hand round to massage her tits over her top as I start to thrust harder and faster both of us moaning messes the sound of skin slapping would easily be heard by anyone walking past "this pussy belongs to me, say it "
I growl into her ear as she whimpers beneath me the sounds of her soaking pussy only turning me on more "fuck y/n you own me you own my pussy its all yours no one elses baby" I lift her legs allowing me to get deeper as I fuck her harder feeling her walls gripping my cock, I increased my thrusts and look down as she creams all over my cock "fuckkk fucckk fuckkk baby I can't oh fuck" she screams making me smirk "fuck wanda I'm gonna cum but I don't have a condom on" I say with my eyes closed as my release fast approaches rushing towards me "pull out quickly " I instantly listen and pull out as she sinks to her knees and takes my cock into her mouth making me moan as my head rolls back making me grip her hair "shit just like that wanda it's coming" she tries to say something but fails sending vibrations up my dick causing me to crash over the edge I moan loudly as I feel my cum shoot down her throat after a few seconds she stands up and pulls me into a kiss "I have to go but I can't wait to spend the weekend with you baby getting to wake up to your beautiful face" she says as she walks backwards towards the door as I fix my jeans and boxers "me too ill see you Friday after school beautiful " and just like that she's gone, fuck I'm so inlove with this chick this is gonna hurt, I shake my head and laugh to myself as I go to the front of the school and see Amy waiting for me we both get onto the bike and I start the drive to her house to take her home then make the short drive to my house.
AN: this was a request I hope you like it requests are open I do them almost right away hahaha stay hydrated people hope everyone has a good day/ night word count is 1.5k 
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leejeongz · 1 year
just something super fluffy for enhypen please 🖤
how enhypen tells you that they love you
pairing: boyf!enha x gn!reader
genre: fluff, Heeseung’s reaction is the TINIEST bit angsty
warnings: mentions of food, illness, the opticians and pet names
summary: different ways that enhypen tell you that they love you (other than just saying “i love you”)
Heeseung ・:,。★゚
“Did you manage to speak to your lecturers?” Heeseung asked, your head tucked under his arm as you wiped your tears.
“Yeah, they were really nice, actually,” you admitted with your last snivel. “So I decided to change.”
Not wanting to press you for information, Heeseung didn’t ask a follow up question. Instead, he waited for you to open up. He sunk further into the chair and managed to rest his head on yours, sighing.
“I already applied for the college that we went to look at last year, do you remember?” you felt his head nodding against yours, his face got warmer too. “I know it's a few hours away but, I think it's for the best. You're not mad, right?”
Heeseung picked up his head and you followed, looking at him apprehensively.
“I’m not mad, y/n,” his eyes filled up and a weak smile grew on his face “I support you, no matter what.” His hand reached out for yours and shook it endearingly. “How can I be mad when all I want is the best for you?”
You mirrored a small smile back to him, a thank you for being so understanding. “It was selfish, I know, but we can still talk on the phone and I’ll be back here for the holidays!”
“It wasn't selfish, y/n, and I'm proud of you for doing this.” this was the most sincere you'd ever seen or heard heeseung. His words were comforting, almost making you regret the decision to leave the city, but you knew he'd never let you feel bad about doing that. “I guess that means we’ll have to finish watching The Office quicker than we expected,” he laughed, leaning forward and grabbing the remote to hide the tears welling up in his eyes.
Others include:
“Have you eaten today?”
“I love your laugh”
“I miss you”
“Bring a jacket”
other members below the cut
Jay ・:,。★゚
Almost missing your phone ringing thanks to the massive coughing fit you just had, you reached for the bottle of water on your bedside cabinet. Empty.
“Hi babe,” you croaked out.
“I just finished work, is it okay if I come over?” your boyfriend asked, the road noise behind him almost taking up all of your attention as it drummed in your head.
“I don't want to make you sick, jay.”
“You won’t, I’m not like other guys.”
You laughed as well as you could as Jay ended the call. It wasn't long before Jay had let himself into your apartment and into your kitchen, not even caring to let you know he was here. You heard the microwave beep a few times and, following that, a few of Jay’s favourite curse words. You waited anxiously as he entered your room holding a microwaveable tub and a fresh, ice cold bottle of water.
“I made you soup,” he greeted you with a sympathetic smile. You grabbed the tray table that you'd been using for the past few days, only then realising how many times Jay had broken into your apartment and made you food just this week.
“How do I know it's not your food making me sick?” you asked him jokingly as you watched him place the food onto the table.
“It might be,” he backed away again and shrugged, “maybe I’m doing it just so I have an excuse to come visit you every day.”
You laughed again, it scratched your throat so much that you were annoyed at yourself for falling in love with someone so charming and funny.
“Just eat the soup, y/n, i don't want it to go cold again like yesterday when you fell asleep,” he rolled his eyes and you copied while bringing a spoonful to your mouth. “Should I feed you, aeroplane style?”
Others include:
“Tell me more”
“I'll make you breakfast”
“Text me when you get home”
“You should read this”
Jake ・:,。★゚
Your arm slipped out from Jake’s as you arrived at what was supposedly a beach picnic with a couple of friends. There were tons of people there, most of whom you didn't even recognize. You gulped as Jake’s hand tightly engulfed yours.
“Jake! Y/n!” A friend of your boyfriend called over as he jogged towards the pair of you, “listen,” he started as he got closer, drawing the two of you in to form a small circle as if to discuss something secretly, “Jay “accidentally” invited his whole contact list, and his friends are pretty enthusiastic when it comes to free food. I can introduce you to some of them. But yeah, there’s gonna be way more people here than we planned.” As soon as he finished, he left to greet some more people, leaving you and Jake to mull over the, frankly, awful news.
“Let's go watch the sunset instead, hey?” Jake asked after some thought, tugging on your hand. “I saw the cutest bench on the way here that overlooked the ocean and now would be the perfect time to take it before anyone else does.”
You smiled at your boyfriend and agreed, following his lead back along the path you'd just walked on. It was only a short walk back to the bench and Jake didn't lie, it was the perfect scene. You sat and Jake shuffled closer to you, resting his head on your shoulder sweetly.
“Thank you,” you uttered as you looked down to see your boyfriend smiling at the view in front of you.
“Of course, baby,” you felt both his arms snake around you, embracing you in an innocent side hug, “anything for you.”
Others include:
“Proud of you”
“Have a great day”
“Stay a little longer”
“You deserve the world”
Sunghoon ・:,。★゚
Less than 12 hours before you needed to leave for the airport and you were panicking… big time. Sunghoon was busy taking a nap in your room, or so you assumed, while you threw all the “vacation clothes” clothes out of your suitcase for the first time in years. You looked at the pile you'd just created, if you had time to sob and cry, you would, but you couldn't afford to do that right now.
“Washbag,” you scurry through the clothes in hunt for the bag, “come on, where are you?” Your hand reached the coldness of a zipper and you yanked at it mercilessly, “there you are!”
“Why are you still up?” Sunghoon’s sleepy voice called out from behind you, somewhat snapping you out of distress. “You told me you packed weeks ago.” You turned to see him already sitting on the edge of your sofa, his palms coming to rest on your shoulders and give you a gentle massage.
“Well, obviously I didn't.” he laughed at your snappy response before you asked him a question. “What are you doing up anyway?”
“I came to see if you were okay, sounded like things were getting pretty intense in here,” his attempt to make a joke didn't land well with you, “Is there anything I can do to help?”
You looked at your boyfriend with apologetic eyes, “could you make a list of everything that I pack, please?” your eyes softened more as you watched him slowly nod his head. “Thank you.”
He grabbed a notepad and pen from out of your room and sauntered back to you, still a bit sleepy. He took his place on your sofa once again but opted to stand up instead so he wouldn't doze off.
Others include:
“Thinking of you”
“I'm your biggest fan”
“I had a dream about you”
“I'll leave the lights on for you”
Sunoo ・:,。★゚
“What appointment did you book for tomorrow?” Sunoo rolls onto his stomach on your bed, checking your shared calendar.
“The opticians,” you let out a sigh as Sunoo pouts to himself. “I really don't want to go but they rang my work phone so I picked it up without even thinking about it,” you explained, “and they said they had an appointment tomorrow so I thought it's probably best to get it over and done with because-”
“y/n, you’re gonna cry, are you that nervous?” he asked, genuinely concerned. By this point he was sitting upright, his hand on your knee. You nodded and bit your lip, remembering all those times you were forced to go as a kid. “I’ll come with you, don't worry,” he said, as if it was nothing.
“You don't have to.”
“I want to.”
You took his hand from your knee and engulfed it in your own hand with a thankful and relieved smile. He lay back down again, on his side and let you play with his fingers for a while as he admired you with a sweet grin.
“You're cute,” he giggled. “I can't wait to see you with those silly glasses on.”
“No pictures,” you thought back to your last birthday when he posted the most embarrassing photos of you online, but knowing one in those glasses would top them all, “please.”
Others include:
“I have so much to tell you”
“I believe in you”
“I got you something”
“Don’t forget to put on your seatbelt”
Jungwon ・:,。★゚
Once your head hit Jungwon's shoulder, you were out like a light. Jungwon’s gaze drifted from the TV to his shoulder, a small smile creeping to his lips when he noticed you were sleeping. His hand came up to cup your face and gently move your head further onto him, careful not to wake you.
A tiny snore escaped and Jungwon couldn't help but laugh. Honestly, he found it adorable, but he knew you'd never speak to him again if you found out so he agreed to keep that secret to himself.
“Hm, what happened, what did I miss?” You woke up, jolting yourself away from your boyfriend, eyes darting around the room, “did they kiss?” You asked, pointing to the screen in shock.
“Oh, um, yeah,” Jungwon responded with what was most likely a lie, he couldn’t really be sure since he was too focused on you. “How did you sleep?” You slid into a smaller position on the couch after hearing his question, a little embarrassed. “You had a long day, huh?” Jungwon outstretched his arm, inviting you to cuddle with him again.
You nodded, snuggling back into your boyfriends’ side, “I didn’t sleep that well last night either.”
Jungwon sighed, resting his head on top of yours. His hand quickly found yours as he began to play with your fingers in front of him, “should we head to bed early tonight? You can be the little spoon…”
Others include:
“How are you, really?”
“Have a safe flight”
“You inspire me so much”
“Drive safe”
Niki ・:,。★゚
Exam day, the day you've been dreading for a whole year. Your boyfriend and classmate, Niki, hadn't even touched any revision materials, but everyone knew he'd pass with flying colours anyway. You, on the other hand, had used every technique under the sun: flashcards, mind maps, power points, you'd even tried listening to podcasts before falling to sleep, and yet you still didn't feel prepared enough.
“Just sit next to me, I’ll give you the answers,” Niki boasted, popping the collar of his blazer jacket as you queued to enter the exam hall.
“We have assigned seats,” you rolled your eyes, how could he be so ill prepared, you wondered.
“I’d probably be too distracting anyway,” he winked, before shuffling closer to the entrance.
You let out an anxious, heavy sigh, catching his attention. His eyes filled with worry as they searched yours. “You're gonna be amazing.” His hand caressed your upper arm, his smile meaningful and sincere.
“I hope so,” you bit your lip, staring down the invigilator on the door before giving Niki one last nod. “You go in first.”
“Remember y/n, stay calm, you're going to do great,” he started, giving his name to the invigilator before saying one last thing, “but I'm going to do better.”
You rolled your eyes once again, scoffing at your boyfriend with a hint of genuine laughter.
Others include:
“I have a surprise for you”
“I’ll go if you go”
“Is this okay?”
“Text me when you land”
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Moonlight - T. R. x werewolf fem!reader
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A/N: this is the fifth part of this series. It’s mostly unedited so please be nice 💛 This chapter may or may not have made me cry while writing it. No use of Y/N. Comments, likes, and reblogs are always appreciated 🥰
Series Masterlist
CW: Illness, yelling, some swearing, Mattheo being a dick (sorry but he protects his brother), crying, descriptions of heartache and headaches
851 words
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You wake up sick. Fever, chills, the whole nine yards. You have no idea why; you were perfectly healthy yesterday. All you’d eaten after your study session was dinner and a couple of sweets before bed.
Your roommate insists you go to the Hospital Wing. Again and again, until you finally agree. You’re too shaky and sweaty to properly argue.
Before you go, you make her promise to find Tom and tell him that you’re sick. Your chest prickles strangely at the thought of standing him up.
Your roommate agrees quickly, sending you on your way with barely another word.
Once you reach the Hospital Wing, Madame Pomfrey takes your temperature and immediately orders you to rest.
You fall asleep in one of the hospital beds, relieved that at least Tom won’t wonder where you are.
Or so you think.
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Your eyes snap open, your skin prickling uncomfortably. Someone’s looking at you. Staring at you.
You roll over, rubbing at your eyes. Your whole body feels flushed and weak. It takes you a moment to get your bearings.
Next to your bed, giving you the most vicious glare you’ve ever seen, is Mattheo Riddle. Tom’s younger brother.
You sit up groggily, your head pounding. “Hi…” You say weakly.
Mattheo’s glare intensifies. He’s clearly here for healing himself, judging by the bandages on his knuckles and the bruises on his face.
“You’re a fucking bitch, you know that?” Mattheo spits at you.
You flinch back, startled and confused. “What?”
“I get that the two of you have a weird love-hate relationship going on,” he scowls. “But what you did today was just fucking cruel.”
Your head pounds. Your chest is starting to hurt. “What— what do you mean?”
Mattheo glowers at you, his fists clenching and unclenching. Normally you wouldn’t be intimidated, but in your weakened state you find yourself shifting away from him.
“Don’t try to play dumb!” He scoffs. “You know full well what you did!”
Your chest really hurts. You inwardly beg that he’s not saying what you think he is.
“Act—” You say weakly— “as if I’ve been in the hospital wing all day and have no idea what’s going on.”
Mattheo’s glare flickers for a moment, before returning full-force.
“Your. Date.” He grinds out. “With my brother.”
Your stomach drops. Oh Merlin. Oh no.
Your voice comes out shaky. “She forgot to tell him… didn’t she…?”
He doesn’t even bother to ask who. “Yeah. He was waiting for hours.”
You feel like crying. Your chest hurts so bad it’s hard to breathe.
“Oh,” you whisper out.
“Oh?! Oh?! You stood my brother up and all you have to say is Oh?!”
He starts to rant about how fucked up that is, but you don’t hear a word. You stare down at the blanket covering your lap.
Tears prick at your eyes. You try your best to blink them back, but they keep coming. Right in the middle of his rant, you burst into tears.
“Oh, don’t even start with the tears,” He scoffs, glaring at you.
You sob, burying your face in your hands. Your head hurts. Your body aches. You’re tired. And you stood Tom up.
Mattheo continues on, uncaring. “I don’t even get what my brother sees in you, you— you insufferable—”
“Mr Riddle!” A sharp voice rings out. “What are you doing? You were discharged half an hour ago. Why are you disturbing my other patients?”
You hadn’t even noticed Madame Pomfrey arriving. She’s like a guardian angel to you right now.
Mattheo immediately starts to protest. “But she stood my brother up! I was just—“
“My patient,” Madame Pomfrey interrupts icily, “has been sick all day. So unless you are about to apologize and offer your well wishes, I advise you leave.”
He opens and closes his mouth a few times. Finally, with a vicious glare your way, he sulks off.
You look at Madame Pomfrey and sob. She comes to the side of your bed and pats your head comfortingly. “There, there, now. He’s just a boy. If he truly cares about you, he’ll come around. I’m sure you did what you could to let him know.”
“But I stood him up,” you whisper through the tears.
“Did you send someone to tell him?” She asks, expression tight.
You nod, sniffling. “My roommate. She was supposed to find him and tell him I was sick.”
She pats your head again. “There must be a reason why she didn’t. Do you have any idea why she wouldn’t have followed through?”
You shake your head. The crying has only worsened your headache. It pounds though your skull as you wipe at your eyes. “I- I don’t know… She’s normally reliable…”
Thankfully, Madame Pomfrey seems to pick up on your pain. With one last gentle pat to your head, she bustles off to grab you some pain medicine.
You curl up in your bed and pull the covers over your head. Crying has left you empty, drained. Your headache makes it hard to think.
You close your eyes and wait for Madame Pomfrey to return.
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dionysia-ta-astika · 4 months
Apothnesko and the Psychopomp
CW: death, death of sibling, death of parent, death of partner, death of child, illness
Apothnesko awakes to crying. In the dim light of the moon through the window, he makes out the lank childish frame of his older brother Neos sobbing into the arms of a man he’s never seen before. Dressed in the dark garb of a traveler, the man gets to his knees to console the young boy, patting his back and murmuring to him that it is alright to be upset, it is normal. This all is very normal.
Upset to see his brother in such a state, Apothnesko rises to his feet and reaches out to him but his fingers meet cold air where he once would have met warm skin. Horrified, he grabs the post of his bed to steady himself and stares wild eyed at the intruder.
“It is okay,” says the man, “Your brother has died. I’ve come to collect him. He will not be lost.”
“You’ve killed him?” Apothnesko asks, recoiling.
“No, he was ill and his body can no longer house his spirit. I will take him to his new home,” the man clarified, standing up and grabbing a staff carved with twinning snakes he’d leaned upon the wall. He slipped his hand into that of Neos and helped him take a few steps toward the door, never urgent, never impatient. The boy looked to Apothnesko but seemed unable to speak through his grief.
“Wait,” Apothnesko cried, hoping to delay them, desperate for even a moment longer with his brother, “Are you Death?”
The man smiled. “I travel to it often,” he said, gently, “I am it’s familiar friend and servant.”
“Please, tell me sir, how may I live long?” asked Apothnesko.
“I have no way to ensure that,” said the man, motioning to the boy’s brother who was leaning on him as he spoke.
“Then tell me how may I die well?”
The man took the boy’s face in his hand, his own expression soft and deeply, wonderfully kind. “Know that you are very mortal and that very much matters.”
With that, the man turned on the heels of his winged sandals and guided Neos out.
Now the sole heir to their family’s small city state, Apothnesko throws himself into his studies. He spends his mornings being trained in several different weapons by his father’s guards. His afternoons are spent deep in discussion with his many tutors on topics of science, strategy, and diplomacy. Every evening is spent with his father Geronto as he tells stories of his many accomplishments and failures. Every moment of his day, he remains committed to learning everything he can. Skill, he thinks must be key to a long and happy life.
One day, an army arrives at the city’s gates. His father and the diplomats dispatch messages to try to negotiate for peace but the army’s leader will not be swayed from taking the city and enslaving it’s citizens. Their defenders ready themselves. Apothnesko, dutiful as ever, is close to his father’s side. He is given command of his own unit of men. Together they descend upon their enemy.
The clash is fierce. Men are struck, some immediately silent and others crying out through the maelstrom of human misery. After the initial clash, Apothnesko regroups his men, finding mounts for them as he is able. He retreats to a hill and commands them to attack the enemy at an angle. Together, they force the attacking lines apart and scatter the remaining army.
As he sees them retreating, he turns to his father to share in this victory but he is no where to be found. Desperately, he searches the field for hours, finally finding his father collapsed in front of the city gate where he fought off a group he’d spotted trying to sneak in. Apothnesko drops to his knees beside him. He scarcely notices a familiar figure in a dark cloak and hat as he approaches and plants his carved staff in the ground beside Geronto.
“It is okay,” says the familiar man, bending to look over Geronto’s body, “Your father has died. I’ve come to collect him. He will not be lost.”
“I have lost him,” Apothnesko says, his head in his hands now, “I am lost without him.”
“The important parts of him are still with you even now,” the man reassures him, taking Geronto’s hand and helping his spirit to his feet.
Seeing the man beginning to take his father from him sends Apothnesko back into his battle rage. He grabs the dagger still strapped to his waist and points it at the cloaked man’s neck.
“Tell me, what right do you have to take this man who has lived so nobly and always for the benefit of others?” said Apothnesko, furious.
“I have no right only a duty,” said the man, smiling gently and motioning to his staff, “Same as you.”
Apothnesko’s shoulders went slack at this. The dagger falls from his limp hand and clatters on the stone pavement below. He looks up and asks, “Then tell me how may I die well?”
The man picks up the dagger and places it back in it’s sheath, his expression soft and deeply, wonderfully kind. “Know that you are very mortal and that very much matters.”
With that, the man turned on the heels of his winged sandals and guided Geronto out.
Apothnesko ascends to his father’s throne. He is married to the princess of an allied city state, an arrangement made by his father before his death. The couple are kind to one another and perform their roles well, though there is little real affection between them. Together they rebuild and revive their polis; it’s walls higher and it’s buildings far grander than those in the age of his father. And yet there are still days where his grief pins him to his bed and scarcely lets him leave. No accomplishment, no act of grandeur lifts him.
Desperate to raise his spirits, his wife introduces her husband to a young man named Eros. He is handsome and intelligent but mostly he is kind in a way that reaches Apothnesko in a way his wife’s dutiful assistance cannot. His humor and levity helps the king to feel renewed. Their friendship blossoms into romance and the pair become inseparable. Their days are spent entirely in each other’s company. The young king once again feels purpose and urgency, rising each morning thinking only of what adventure he will embark on with his treasured lover. Love, he thinks, must be key to a long and happy life.
During a great city festival, Eros takes the lead in the great hunt. He is outfitted with the finest gear the polis can offer and he and a company of men set out to bring back that night’s feast. Apothnesko attends to his many ceremonies but always ever has an eye on the gate his lover left through, excited and ready to great him upon his return.
It is close to dusk when the party is spotted, a figure clearly being carried between some of the men. Apothnesko’s heart sinks as they come into view. Eros is limp in the arms of his fellow hunters, bloodied almost beyond recognition. The king rushes to his lover’s side and demands they call the healers. But the hunters insist it is too late, there is nothing left to be done. They withdrawal to let the king mourn.
Night falls and he cannot bring himself to leave Eros, cradling him and stroking his hair. The shadows of the olive trees embracing them both. He feels a warm hand on his shoulder and does not look up.
“It is okay,” says a familiar voice, “Your lover has died. I’ve come to collect him. He will not be lost.”
“I cannot afford to lose him,” says Apothnesko, clutching at his lover’s body, limp but still warm in his arms. “We aren’t done creating the life we promised to each other.”
“Promises are tricky things,” says the Man, taking the hand of Eros and easing his spirit to his feet.
“Tell me, what can I give you to let me keep this man with me even but even for a few hours longer?” pleads Apothnesko, shuffling through his pouches on his waist and drawing out a few gold coins.
“I have no room nor need of gifts,” said the man, smiling gently and motioning to his belt, clearly bereft of pouches.
Apothnesko nods, the gold spilling from his hand and onto the ground. Tears stream down his face as he asks, “Then tell me how may I die well?”
“Know that you are very mortal and that very much matters.”
With that, the man turned on the heels of his winged sandals and guided Eros out.
Apothnesko does not leave his room for many weeks. No one can get him to come from his bed chamber and the servants notice he is eating very little of the meals they bring him. His wife and the family of Eros both beg him to return to his duties but he refuses. There is worry despair might claim him.
That is until he hears a child’s cry in the palace. His wife has given birth to a son. He rushes to be by her side and smiles for the first time in months when handled the infant child. At last an heir, a child to secure their many advancements and bring up in the ways his father brought him. His son can carry their traditions on so that they far out live any one of them. Legacy, he thinks, must be key to a long and happy life.
The physician returns to the couple with a worried look. He explains the child appears to be sick and he is unsure how long they may have with him. Apothnesko’s wife clutches the child to her and refuses to let it from her sight. That night they all sleep together, the child asleep on his mother’s chest while Apothnesko kept watch.
Deep in the night, he hears a man with a walking staff enter the room and looks up. The man smiles softly from across the room, walking slowly to toward the bed. His dark hat and cloak the same as ever.
“It is okay,” says the familiar man, “Your son has died. I’ve come to collect him. He will not be lost.”
“If you take him from me I will have lost everything. There is no life without him, no polis, no hope,” he says, his voice flat.
“Everything that is done must be undone,” says the man, nodding solemnly.
“Then what is the point of doing anything?” asks the king, numb, “If everything comes to ruin, why do anything, love anything at all?”
“Doing nothing won’t prevent this,” says the man, cradling the child tenderly, “Doing something won’t either. But the story you tell is up to you.”
“Then tell me how to bring about a good ending,” says Apothnesko, “Tell me how may I die well?”
The man smiles knowingly, his face soft and deeply, wonderfully kind. “Know that you are very mortal and that very much matters.”
With that, the man turned on the heels of his winged sandals and guided the child out.
Apothnesko and his wife grieve their child. She decides she cannot have another and they select the king’s nephew as heir. At first, Apothnesko is nervous to teach the boy, knowing that at any moment the strange traveler may come to collect him. But he thinks of his father, he is generous with his knowledge, teaching him all he knows. When he thinks of his lover, he delights in sharing joy with the boy. When reminded of his son, he tells him stories to pass on.
Together, they see their city through many bountiful and troubled times. When a crop is particularly abundant, they celebrate with a festival for the entire city. When they hear of those who’ve lost their loved ones, they go to them and grieve as if their sorrow were their own.
As the boy approaches adulthood, Apothnesko begins to grow weary. His strength begins to leave him and he give more and more of his duties to his heir. One day, he grows ill and takes to his bed. The city is saddened by this news. Many send word of their love and admiration for the king that not only saved them but lived alongside them. His nephew goes to keep watch over him through the nights, determined he will not pass alone.
It’s the early hours of one morning that Apothnesko feels a hand on his shoulder, waking him with a start.
“It is okay,” says the familiar voice, “You have died. I’ve come to collect you. You will not be lost.”
“At last,” says the old king’s spirit, smiling, “Friend of my friends, loved of my beloveds - how great to see you again.”
His spirit rises up to greet the man and takes his hand. His nephew smiles, recognizing the man from the kings many stories.
“You saved our city and survived great loss,” says his nephew, “You rebuilt our home and united our people. Before you leave, please tell me what allowed you to live such a great life?”
Apothnesko turns to his nephew, his expression soft and deeply wonderfully kind. “Know that you are very mortal and that very much matters.”
With that, Apothnesko turned on his heel followed his old friend out.
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My Little Love- Miss Peregrine
Context: Miss Peregrine has just given birth to beautiful little girl, this is just a little snapshot from their first moments together.
A/N: I hope you all enjoy this little moment, don’t question how Miss Peregrine got pregnant just enjoy the cute moment.
Warning(s): None
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A great happiness had flooded over the Children's Home on Cairnholm Island in Wales. The year was 2001 in the present but still it remained forever the year 1940 in the loop of the island and a beautiful miracle had just occurred.
In the early hours of the afternoon, at precisely 1:13pm, the happy and healthy cries of a new born erupted in the bedroom of the Headmistress of the home, Alma LeFay Peregrine had given birth to a beautiful baby girl.
Miss Peregrine had gone into labour in the morning and with a house filled with children, to say that the ymbryne quickly became hysterical was understatement. The baby was two weeks early, sending everyone who occupied the house into a state of panic.
Everything had been planned accordingly for in two weeks time and Miss Cuckoo and Miss Sparrow had graciously agreed to come and help for a few days when the baby did finally arrive.
Of course it was partially Alma's fault that she had gotten into that position, as she should have known that babies weren't ruled by the concept of time but in the end her Ymrbrynic mind and pregnancy brain had made her completely look over that point.
But it didn't matter now, not now that Alma was sitting upright in bed cradling her baby against her chest, enjoying the skin to skin contact as her little girl began to familiarise herself with the world around her and the woman who carried her.
Miss Peregrine had accomplished many things in her long life and seen many a miracle but nothing could or would ever compare to the little bundle of joy she had created. It shocking, how after all this time of caring for her own wards, that she could feel a different type of love at all.
Her wards had been her life, her sole purpose for existing and they still were but now being the sole protector of such a small life who's blood was so similar to her own, Alma's maternal instincts and already large heart had expanded to lengths she'd never thought possible before.
As the baby slept fast asleep in her arms all Alma could do was was admire the life she had created. It had been nine months of waiting, nine months of worrying and nine months of hoping.
The worrying had been the hardest part, Alma could live with the morning sickness, back aches and sleepless nights but throughout her pregnancy worry had been the thing to make her cry and reach an almost breaking point.
Such a thing should never have been possible, it had been the second most frightening moment of her life when she'd found out the reasons for sudden illness, though she'd never discussed what had lead to such a miraculous conception, as she didn't believe in 'discussing unpleasant matters' (A/N take that line however you will, there's no hidden meaning behind it.)
She still had no explanation as to how the pregnancy had even been able to develop, time loops prevented aging and as such she should never have even known she'd conceived but it seemed the world had other plans for the Ymbryne.
Yet, when a gurgling noise broke Alma out of her thoughts and she looked down to see how her baby smiled and blew little bubbles, she knew she didn't need to know how it had happened, not when the result was now the most precious thing in her life.
"Miss Peregrine," A voice called out and the headmistresses head whipped up to see who had spoken, at first Alma's heart rate had doubled and she'd turned her head frantically to the door, to see who stood there, a new type of panic overwhelming her body.
"Oh Miss Bloom, it's only you," Alma spoke taking a deep breath in to settle her nerves, before her daughter gently as the little girl had began to cry from both the new voice and her mother's sudden movements.
"I'm so sorry Miss P, I hope I didn't scare you both," Emma whispered guiltily as she stepped into the room, her head now banging low and her hands fidgeting.
"It's quite alright Emma, no harm done," Alma responded kindly once she'd been able to settle the baby. "What is you needed?" She then asked the blood girl who stood at the foot of her bed.
"Oh we were just wondering how you were both doing," Emma began to say, "I know Claire and Bronwyn are quite eager to meet the littlest peculiar and us older ones were wondering if you'd want anything to eat or drink."
“I’m alright Emma, thank you,” Miss Peregrine said to young blonde who began to walk round to her Headmistresses side.
“She’s so beautiful,” Emma commented in a hushed whisper, “and look she’s got your eyes,” she then said excitedly as the little had opened her eyes ever so slightly, showing off the beautiful blue that lay underneath.
“I suppose she has,” Miss Peregrine whispered giving her daughter a gentle kiss in her forehead and soon after Emma left allowing mother and daughter to have some sleep.
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insomniakisses · 1 year
Sometimes you have to learn to share
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Requested? no
Warnings/Notes: jealousy, drama in friendships, jennie being a smol sassy bean, Sua lowkey jennie bashes, kind of ooc but i feel like pissed of and jealous Sua is lowkey a bitch.
Note 2: i spent days on this bc i have minimal time to dedicate a day to wrote so i thing it may flick between tenses.
Fic type: fluff, slightly angst
Reader: fem reader
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You’d been Boras best friend for what felt like a lifetime. The two of you having met when you were trainees eventually debuting in different companies. Her in Happy face, later DCC and you in YG entertainment. Which was were you had originally met Jennie, finding her having some extra practice in on of the practice rooms.
You fondly remember how she had been so on guard about you interrupting her, assuming you were some crazy fan that had walked in rather than what you were; a trainee who had booked the practice room for extra practice the before before your debut.
That night the two of you had decided to share the room, intending to practice together as one was preparing for debut and the other a solo comeback. However the night took a turn when you fell trying to do a flip and Jennie managed to keep you from falling flat on your face. After that the two of you spent the night talking and getting to know each other, only realising how much of a fuck up that was when the morning staff entered the room and you were both very late for your schedules.
It was 2 months after that day that you two saw each other again, your schedules aligning and you running into each other in the YG canteen. Well she was running you were daydreaming. Regardless, it ended in her ice coffee all over your white shirt and her “helping” by rubbing it in even more. You proposed changing while she went to the studio since she seemed so desperate to get there fast but you never would of guessed leaving with her number.
She laughed at your shocked face when she had asked if she could give you her number, giving the excuse of replacing your shirt. Taking the opportunity to grab your wrist and pull out a marker, scribbling something down before skipping away.
“X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X, Jennie x”
It was the weekend when you finally text her, filled with nerves and slight embarrassment at your awkwardness. Fearing she might not remember you at all.
Unknown 10:23 am: Hey! Its y/n
Unknown 10:26 am: realised you probably don’t know my name, we met in the practice room.. then you spilt your coffee on me
Jennie 🫢 12:34 pm: Oh hey sorry, i was recording!! I’m free in an hour if you want to go shopping and replace that hideous shirt
Clumsy Girl 12:34 pm: So my shirts hideous now 🤨 I’m not good enough for the likes of miss Jennie Kim of BLACKPINK? I see i see 😂
Jennie 🫢 12:35 pm: Well… it was a nice colour?? 😂 AND i didn’t even mention your shoes 😉
Clumsy Girl☺️ 12:35 pm: So i guess ill meet you outside the building in 10, should i dress up for u little miss Chanel?
Chanel Princess 👑 12:36 pm: Like you could 😂😉
Chanel Princess 👑 12:36 pm: See you in 5! ☺️ I wait for no one 😌
You remember having to sprint half way there just to be on time, only for her to record your out of breath half walk half jog when you arrived. Claiming it was the best thing she had scene all day. And although you had planned on going on a shopping spree you had seen an arcade and practically dragged the girl in claiming she had to play at least one game.
Having spent the day playing game after game, you ended the night with a go on the claw machines winning her a dumpling plush and claiming it looked just like her. You could see the red taint her cheeks and how her gummy smile practically lit up the whole street and in that moment you couldn’t understand why anyone could possibly hate her.
Though the sky was dark and the air has began to get chilly, you decided to walk her home talking about anything and everything until you saw her starting to get a bit cold. Stopping you had attempted to take off your jacket only for her to raise a brow at you,
“If you think your going to go all knight in shining armour on me and give me that flimsy hoodie to ‘keep me warm’ then your dead wrong” she huffed pulling out a designer jacked from her bag and slipping it on.
“I am prepared and stylish!” She flicks her hair dramatically with a wink, “besides, it takes more than a half ripped hoodie that smells of arcade and practice room to woo me miss lover girl” she gives you a light shove.
Raising your hands in defence you nod approvingly “noted.” Smiling softly you pick up your conversation once more, unaware to the buzzing of your phone in your pocket.
Walking her up the drive to her house you could help but smile when she stopped at the door to give you a shy wave, holding back her grin before she all but skipped inside leaving you a giddy mess as you made your way back to your own house, finally fishing your phone out of your hoodie.
27 miss calls from Dancing Queen 💃🏻
23 messages from Drancing Queen 💃🏻
112 messages from Dreamcatcher and Y/N 💖
Gasping you quickly dialled Boras number going straight to answer machine, which was expected given it seemed like you had been ignoring her. Trying her phone again, this time it picked up,
~on the phone~
You: Bora Hey! I’m so sorry i was out and-
Siyeon: She doesn’t want to talk to you.
You: W-What? But she called me? Many times i might add
Siyeon: Maybe because you missed out weekly film night and didn’t even give us a reason why… we were all worried you know.
You: I’m so sorry! I can come round now? With ice cream and more stuff and-
Sighing you decided to just go home figuring your friends would talk when they felt less hurt. Walking inside your bedroom you went straight to bed feeling incredibly guilty.
For the next few weeks you got radio silence from dreamcatcher, bar Jiu who had called a few times to check you were okay. Feeling alone you leaned on your members a lot more and made many new friends in the company. Eventually regularly having lunch with ur band mates, Blackpink and even some of the soloists and BTS members.
With all the radio silence on dreamcatchers end you felt your friendship with them drifting away to the point you figured they didn’t want to be around you any more. It hurt more that bora, a long time friend you saw as an older sister was leaving you out also.
But with all the lunch time hangouts around friends you and Jennie were only growing closer and closer and maybe you were so focused on your new routine and daily life you forgot to check in with dreamcatcher as much, missed some of there calls and even declined a few while hanging out with them.
It had been 4 months since your first date with Jennie and you could honestly say you were head over heals in love with her. She was the cutest person you’d ever met with twice as much sass. But despite her walls to protect her self deep inside was a shy and caring person who wouldn’t harm a fly, unless your names Lisa and you wear her clothes.
So caught up in your conversation with Jennie you failed to notice Bora, Gahyeon and Yoohyeon coming into the canteen planning to have lunch with you since they figured you still ate alone being to shy to talk to anyone. But there you were on a massive table of boisterous idols laughing and joking with your eyes locked on Jennie’s both of you smiling so wide as you conversed. Giggling and laughing about something nothing but love in your eyes. The boiling point being when she leaned in to peck your lips before winking and scurrying off with the rest of her group leaving you a bright red mess. The boys all cheering and making kissing noises at you while you sat still in shock.
Huffing she stormed off throwing the lunch she had made for you in the trash and angrily texting you to meet her at your dorm later, claiming you had to talk. Which leads you to now. Standing in your groups kitchen awkwardly as the older girl prepares food for you girls, the girls in questing hiding in there rooms from fear of Boras rage never having seen her so pissed.
“So,” she starts cutting the pepper way more harshly than needed causing you to wince “I hear you and Blackpink’s Jennie Kim are very… close”
Laughing awkwardly you hum, “w-well we are kind of close I guess..” you back away slightly as her chopping speeds up sparing a glance to the girls who were peering out their doors, silently asking for help but receiving doors shutting as an answer..
“Look Bora, Jen just-“ the chopping stops but she doesn’t turn to face you, but you can feel the way her face screws up and eyes harden. The air turning cold and tense around you.
“I mean, Jennie, she’s just so nice and sweet. Jennie is a caring person and we got close while around the company, Jennie even likes the show i wanted you to watch and-“
“Jennie this! Jennie that! WHO CARES ABOUT JENNIE!?” She turns around knife pointing at you.
“Bora.. i.. do..?” You chuckle awkwardly eyes flicking between her and the knife until she slams it down. “I like her a lot actually!”
“But does that dumb bitch spare a thought for you! Or is it all money and sex for her, wouldn’t put it past her“ she laughs “probably just using you because she’s bored and your such an easy target for a slut like he-“
“Don’t even finish that sentence!” You growl turning around to get the door intending to tell her to leave but freezing when u see Jennie standing there, silent tears rolling down her face as she begins to back up.
“Jennie! No don’t leave please!” You pull her into your arms as she cries, feeling Bora glare daggers at you from the kitchen.
“Well she should, There isn’t any room for her or food” she huffs with a laugh “Go on little miss big shot idol, leave!”
“No.” Tightening your arms around a shaking Jennie you glare at your old friend. “She stays. You go! You can come back when you learn some fucking manners”
She storms out telling you how Jennie will be bored of you in a week and not to come crawling back to her when that happens. But you couldn’t give a shit about that right now. Kissing jennies head you pull her to the couch and wipe her tears as she sniffles. “Y-you know none of thats true right, i would never-“
“I know” you smile, rubbing her back as she leans into you. “Why would you do that for me, loose a friend I mean?” You look at her like she had grown another head, “because bora was out of line and i care about you… i care about you a lot”
You feel her smile into your chest. “Does that mean were dating?” You let out a shocked laugh before exclaiming “was that not clear the last 3 times we made out!”
“Oh shush” she huffs curling into you as she turns on a movie to watch, rearranging herself till she was basically tucked into you like a baby kitten. Your baby kitten.
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A/n: i accept no dreamcatcher or blackpink bashing tho!
Anyway! I hope you like it ;)
ps. originally was a male reader but i changed it sooo
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nostalgiachan · 4 months
The Uncommon Cold
Third Prompt: Vier is sick, what happens?
Vier could count on one hand the amount of times she remembered being this unwell. Even as a malnourished tyke, she’d only ever taken ill when her mother forced her to drink the potions she’d botched, and even that rarely reached this level of severity. Her bed felt like a filthy prison, sheets drenched in sweat, her limbs weak and weighed down. She couldn’t tell if her nausea was because she was hungry or because her vision wouldn’t stop swimming. A simple cast of Lesser Restoration could likely clear at least some of those symptoms, but gathering up even the slight amount of focus needed was proving to be a challenge as her brain was steeped in the thickest of fog.
How in the hells had this happened? Her hygiene was as good as it had ever been, the temple was quite clean, and all of the tools and toiletries in the infirmary were regularly washed. While her responsibilities as Dawnbringer kept her from directly treating as many patients as she used to, she had still seen a small number in recent days. Yet none had been in this terrible of a condition. Mrs. Lavinia’s child had come in with a bit of a sticky cough, and illness picked up from children did have a habit of metamorphosing into something far worse when it reached an adult body. But to this degree?
But, there was nothing to do for it but lay there and wait for her nursemaid to return home. She didn’t want to leave the cottage to ask another priest’s assistance - she couldn’t risk transferring whatever the hells this was to them, and besides that, the hour was quite late and they were all fast asleep. But fortunately, there was one person she knew would never be in danger of catching her illness who could serve as her lovely assistant at this ungodly hour. And from the sound of the plodding steps up the stairs that she could hear in the distance, he had finally arrived.
The bedroom door was flung wide, and a crate with legs appeared in the doorway. From behind the crate, Vier’s favorite voice in the world whined: “Do Lathanderites buy the heaviest glassware in Faerûn as some form of penance, or is this just a sick joke of yours?”
Astarion set the crate on the floor about as gently as he was able, though Vier couldn’t help but wince a bit when it landed slightly more loudly than she would have preferred. 
“Sick, perhaps. Joke, not so much,” Vier replied with about as much mirth as she could muster through a stuffed nose and a dry throat. She directed Astarion to empty the crate’s contents - cauldron, beakers, mortar, various ingredient jars - on the nearest table large enough to hold them. As he did, she struggled to pick herself out of the bed, joints and muscles protesting the entire way. Her vision absolutely refused to hold steady, but she did not let that deter her from trying to stand up.
Astarion, however, did deter her. As soon as he caught sight of her forcing herself upright, he quickly crossed the floor to urge her back. “Dear, you’re positively lathered,” he gently chided her. “Your legs are trembling, and for once, it’s not me that’s the cause. Whatever you need, I can get it, I assure you.”
Vier sat back down on the bed, her body somehow feeling even heavier than it already had. “That’s the problem,” she replied, “I’m not sure you can. What do you know about potioncraft?”
Astarion raised a finger to his chin in thought, before confidently replying, “I know how to boil water and toss in some leaves and things. Ah, but before you go trying to stand back up, I am a dab hand at taking direction. If you need a potion made, I will be your hands, darling.” Vier wanted to protest further, but with her brain operating at half capacity, her body wanting to do anything but be upright, and her eyes adamantly refusing to see straight, she was liable to burn the cottage down before she ever made a working medicine. So, Astarion would have to do. She tucked herself back in and prepared for the trial ahead.
She struggled valiantly against the fog clouding her mind to show Astarion exactly which jar contained what, how much to add when, how coarse or fine to grind, how long to boil. He followed all of her instructions to the letter, and within twenty minutes or so, Vier found herself staring down a fresh bottle of…well, she wasn’t sure what she’d call it. It wasn’t quite the traditional healing potion, as she’d stuffed it full of just about every healing herb, fungus, and mineral to which the temple had access. The result was a red-violet mixture which smelled hideously cloying and nearly made her eyes water. Concoction. She’d call it a Concoction.
She stared at it for a long, quiet moment, gently swirling the mixture around in the beaker. She stared, and she waited, and she idled, until at last Astarion snapped, “Well, go on then! I didn’t do all of that work for you to not drink it. Or is Vier Alurlssrin, Hero of Baldur’s Gate, afraid of a little unpleasant taste?” “I’m going to, alright?” Vier whined in return. “I just…need a few seconds. Ugh.” “You get one, and then I’m plugging your nose and forcing it down.”
“Alright, fine, mummy. Augh, here goes.”
Vier tilted her head back in the hopes that she could get as much of the Concoction past her tongue and straight down her throat as she could, but it was to no avail. The taste was every bit as wretched as the smell, a sickly shiver ran across her jaw and down her spine, and it took everything in her power not to immediately gag. But blessedly, she could already feel some of the effects, as a blissful numbness washed over the muscles of her throat. She sank down further beneath the blankets as the medicine began to take hold. It likely wouldn’t be enough to put her into actual sleep, but it was helping her feel much more relaxed all the same.
As soon as Astarion had finished washing out all of the glassware, he took a seat by the bedside. “So, how else can your humble nurse assist you today?” he asked with hardly a hint of sarcasm to be heard. In response, Vier lifted the blankets and patted the bed beside her.
“A cuddle might do this old body some good,” she answered, and Astarion wasted no time tucking himself in beside her. A comfort far different from that which the medicine provided washed over her as he wrapped his arms about her. 
“You know, in my day, bloodletting was quite a popular method of treating illness,” Astarion joked, his face coming to rest against Vier’s hair. “Perhaps your humors could use a little balancing. What do you say?”
“I say, you can balance my humors all you want after I’m over this,” Vier replied with a small chuckle, “I can’t imagine unbalanced blood tastes all that good anyway.”
Every day, she thanked Lathander for bringing this dear, sweet mess of a man into her life, but that day, her gratitude was especially profuse.
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theforgottenmcrmy · 2 years
Vipers~ Part 2/3 (Ser Harwin Strong x Reader)
᯽ Please note that this is an overall part 14 of the series “Growing Strong”. The masterlist for the series and vipers part 1/3 can be found on the pinned post on my profile. Tumblr is being mean and not letting me link it here. :( ᯽
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Pairing: Ser Harwin Strong x Tyrell! Female Reader
Warnings: GOT typical sexism, canon divergence, mentions of of previous death of characters, GOT typical stigmatized bastardy, hypocrisy, Daemon Targaryen is a menace, Larys Strong is a warning in and of himself, violence, blood, a man literally gets beheaded
Summary: With even just a little bit of the gods’ favor, that struggle would not come to war. But when any Targaryen ascended the throne amongst contention, how could fire not be the result?
A/N: Thank you all for the love on the first part🖤 I tried to take a different approach with Queen Alicent here, and I hope that translates alright. I hope you guys have had and continue to have a great week🖤 Part 3 will be up on Friday.
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“Lady Tyrell.”
Queen Alicent folded her hands in front of herself as she looked you over. She looked much the same as you had seen her last, donning a modest grown of rich green, with long sleeves and a high collar. However, the large seven-pointed star hanging from her neck was a new addition.
You locked your knees and held your chin up, refusing to be intimidated by her scrutinous eyes. Your knuckles on the goblet in your hand likely began to turn white from the force of your grip around it. Even now, despite the two of you being well alone, one thing was expected of you.
You kept your facial expression plain as you offered her a curtsy.
“Do not trouble yourself with all of that,” Queen Alicent insisted politely. “It is I who has come calling upon you. Please forgive the lateness of the hour.”
“I am a guest in your home, Your Grace. You are entitled to come and go as you please.”
Queen Alicent’s eyes fell upon your goblet, and then flickered over to the bottle on the table. “Do you mind if I join you?”
“I suppose you are entitled to that as well.”
Thankfully, Queen Alicent spared you the humiliation of having to pour her a cup of wine. Instead, she walked over to the nearby table and filled a spare goblet for herself. You watched with furrowed brows as she took a sip of the Dornish red. Even as Queen Alicent’s stiff shoulders slumped and she exhaled a small contented sigh, you remained on edge.
“Is there something in particular that you wished to speak with me about, Your Grace?” you prompted her, quickly losing your patience. “I know it has been years since we last spoke, but I do not recall seeing you in the courtyard this morning to welcome me and my escort when we arrived. Surely any conversation you wish to have with me can wait ‘til the morrow, can it not?”
You expected Queen Alicent to capitalize on your momentary lapse of judgment and make you pay for your thinly veiled rudeness, but to your surprise, she did not. Instead, she smiled. But the gesture was not one of joy-it looked to be more of desperation and tiredness than anything else.
Queen Alicent looked to the balcony, and then back at you questioningly. “Shall we?”
The two of you, goblets in hand, wandered out of the room and out underneath the night sky. You placed your goblet upon the flat top of the barrier and rested your now open palms against it. The stone felt pleasantly warm, and it was very soothing.
You snuck a glance over at Queen Alicent. Unlike you, she looked ill at ease. One hand clutched the goblet, which never strayed far from her lips. Her other arm wrapped around herself. She did not notice your stare, for she looked out into the capital city with a foggy expression as if lost in some daze.
“What were you thinking about out here, before I came calling?”
“My daughter,” you answered truthfully. It was silent for a beat, as Queen Alicent waited for you to elaborate. “This will be the first time I have been apart from her for more than a few days’ time.”
Queen Alicent hummed understandingly, and took another sip of wine. “I can sympathize with you. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about my Daeron, all the way in Oldtown.”
Prince Daeron. He was only a few weeks older than Prince Lucerys and Selwin, and yet, the boy had been in Oldtown for the majority of his life. He was the squire and cup bearer for the Queen’s cousin, Lord Ormund Hightower.
You couldn’t help the twinge of sympathy that came over you. The thought of sending any of your other children away, even to extended family, was a troubling one. To go months, years, without seeing them? Unfathomable.
You did not doubt the sincerity of Queen Alicent’s words, nor the pain she must have felt. But you also couldn’t help but wonder whose decision it was to send the young princeling away in the first place.
Before you were forced to think of what to say in response to the Queen’s somber musing, she spared you.
“What brings you King’s Landing, Lady Y/N? Business, or pleasure?”
“An envious brother means to call into question the legitimacy of Princess Rhaenyra’s son. I would imagine that should be the business of all the realm’s loyal subjects, if not at least of their concern.”
Queen Alicent smirked. Once again, it was joyless. “We are alone, Y/N. You need not keep up this facade with me. Let us speak plainly with one another that is the truth that we both know.”
Her words were an invitation to come to the table and negotiate. By her sudden lack of pretenses, you might have been swayed to believe Queen Alicent had genuine intentions. But your guard was still raised. Without a doubt, you had just begun to wander into very dangerous territory.
“And what is this truth you speak of, Your Grace?”
Queen Alicent tore her eyes away from the view. As her eyes raked over you once more, you willed yourself to remain still and unwavering. All of the sudden, her expression softened.
“Oh… You don’t believe it yourself, do you? … You don’t. I can see it in your eyes.”
You did not believe it, for there was nothing to believe. Harwin was not the father of Lucerys, or Jacaerys, or even Joffrey.
Queen Alicent breathed despondently into her goblet. “You poor, poor fool.”
But you would swallow your pride and allow Queen Alicent and countless others to believe what they might, as you always had. As you always would. It was better for them to think Harwin was the princes’ father then for anyone else to discover the real truth.
Still, you would not subject yourself to outright slander.
“Does defending the honor of my husband make me a fool? I fail to see how it could, as I know he would do the same for me, as he has always done.”
“Your loyalty to your husband and Princess Rhaenyra is admirable,” Queen Alicent praised genuinely. “I can only hope that your former mistress will never use it against you.”
“You think far too little of Princess Rhaenyra if you think her likely to turn on a faithful ally just for her own gain, Your Grace.”
“And perhaps you think of her far too kindly. Loyalties are fine and well, as long as they are only the means by which you protect yourself and those you care about.  When loyalties become one’s only purpose for being, you will be lost to the bigger cause. Your loved ones will soon be as good as dust, if they weren't already.”
The passionate way in which Queen Alicent spoke made you hesitate. Was there some truth hidden behind those misguided words? … Surely there was more to all of this madness than mere self-preservation?
“Tell me, Lady Y/N, just how long have you been blinded beyond all reason?”
Your brief moment of introspection fizzled. “What is it that you believe I refuse to see? Ser Laenor Velaryon was Prince Lucerys’ father.”
She sighed tiredly, waving away your comment with a dismissive hand. “Yes, yes. That is what we have all been told.”
“Vaemond Velaryon’s petition to upheave the succession of Driftmark is nothing but a vindictive plot. He seeks to capture power that is not and never has been his to possess.”
“And yet, the small council has deemed Ser Vaemond’s claim credible enough to warrant a hearing on the petition, Lady Y/N.”
“Which is nothing but an insult to Princess Rhaenyra’s honor and to the memory of her late husband. Is this truly what you felt was necessary to discuss with me at such a late hour? Do you revel in trying to disparage my image of my husband and Princess Rhaenyra? You may be the Queen, but you cannot command my own thoughts and opinions of those I hold dearest to me.”
Queen Alicent was silent for a few moments. When she spoke, her voice was soft, terribly so. “I used to envy you. Did you know that?”
You blinked, taken aback. The anger within you that had begun to boil quickly died down at the Queen’s sudden confession. “Why?”
“Girls like we once were, young women born to noble houses… Seldom do we ever find ourselves able to love the man our family weds us off to.”
You took a sip of your wine as you mentally braced yourself for the Queen’s next words.
“But love found you first,” Queen Alicent recalled, looking away from you and back towards the city. “And only after that did your father deem the man who had captured your affections to be worthy of your hand. I was not the only girl who envied your circumstances, I can promise you that.”
You acquiesced, “I was most fortunate in that regard, Your Grace.”
“I must admit that in the past, I have taken some small satisfaction from the fact that the seemingly perfect love between you and Ser Harwin might not have been so perfect after all.”
Patience, you reminded yourself.. Let her think what she will.
“But I do not indulge in satisfaction at others' expenses… not anymore,” Queen Alicent denounced. “Now, I only carry my own worries.”
“Is that what you’ve come to discuss then, your worries?”
Her tone was so resolute, it gave you a moment’s pause.
“Perhaps our marriages are not what we once hoped they might be,” Queen Alicent conceded. 
“But I would do anything to protect my children and grandchildren.” A redeeming quality of hers, you had to admit.
She continued, “You have been in the Red Keep for just a day, although I am sure you have heard about King Vierys’s delicate health.”
And how your maesters are eager to supply him with milk of the poppy. “... Among other things, Your Grace.”
“A day may soon come where many of us will be forced to make a choice. I cannot say what my own decision may be, but I do know that I will choose the path that I feel endangers my own the least.”
You had not expected to hear such words from the Queen. You had always suspected the motivations of Queen Alicent and the rest of her faction she had crafted from her allies at Court to be far simpler in nature. Perhaps for some of them, namely, the Lord Hand Otto, they still were. Besmirching the name of Princess Rhaenya was the easiest way to discredit her in the eyes of all who still upheld the oaths they made to her father to support her as his heir. But with Princess Rhaenyra shamed into surrendering her inheritance, the path would be clear for Prince Aegon to take the throne, which is what you had suspected Queen Alicent had truly wanted all along.
But perhaps Queen Alicent’s motivations came from another place. When the fateful day came that King Viserys passed, and Princess Rhaenyra would rise to take her rightful place as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, you would support her in whatever way you could. But even you had never anticipated such a feat to be achieved without a bit of a struggle. With even just a little bit of the gods’ favor, that struggle would not come to war. But when any Targaryen ascended the throne amongst contention, how could fire not be the result?
Perhaps Queen Alicent had only ever wanted to keep her kin away from the flames.
“I will always strive to protect my own children as well, Your Grace.”
“Your youngest- how old is she?”
“Her third name day is in a few months.”
“Does she not deserve to grow in a land that knows nothing but peace?”
No such land existed anywhere. Where there were people, there would be power. And the supply of ambitious individuals who wished to grasp that power would be limitless. No sense in denying that, but that didn’t mean there was no opportunity for it to be molded to fit your own desires. You desired change for the world that had compelled your father to bring you to King’s Landing to be Princess Rhaenyra’s lady in waiting, all the while having a secondary motive of hoping you’d secure a worthy suitor. You desired change for the world that had compelled Queen Alicent to submit herself as a pawn in her father’s unrelenting ambition, and that which had forced her to marry the father of who was once her closest confidant.
“I would have my daughter grow up in a realm where she is valued just as highly as her brothers, Your Grace. I would have her seen as an equal in the eyes of those beyond my husband and myself,” you countered firmly. “I would have my daughter come of age in a kingdom ruled by a Queen, in the hopes that such a kingdom might treat her more kindly than her mother and forebears.”
Queen Alicent laughed humorlessly. “Mayhaps your ambitions are loftier than my own, My Lady.”
The conversation fell to nothing, as the mutual feeling of having reached an impasse settled between you.
“No such world will ever existed,” Queen Alicent declared darkly, finishing off her wine. “The sooner we accept it and stop trying to fight it, the better we will all be.”
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When Harwin and the rest of your family arrived, he was relieved when Lord Rosby informed him that a message from a raven was already waiting for him.
But it was not until he was alone in the chambers Lord Rosby had graciously provided to him that Harwin had a spare moment to read your message.
You were fine. You were armed with the dagger he had gifted you. You and the escort had made it to the Red Keep without any issue. You had a moment to speak with Princess Rhaenyra, and even had the opportunity to share supper with her family. You were looking forward to the opportunity to spend more time with them over the coming days, which is all it would be until Vaemond Velaryon’s petition would be heard by Queen Alicent and the Lord Hand. With the gods’ blessing, Prince Lucerys would be reconfirmed as heir to the Driftmark throne. You would be able to rejoin Harwin and your children, and then you could all set sail for Dragonstone.
All was well.
So why in the Seven Hells was Harwin so worried?
His concern had been eating away at him for the past two days. Though he had suspected Derrik and Selwin of seeing past the brave face he put on, Harwin did not doubt they would soon come to see the cracks that threatened his calm composure. At least Luciya was too young to sense something was amiss with him, but as she slowly began to realize you were no longer traveling with the group, she would soon become upset of her own accord.
Silently watching you and the escort ride into the city and out of Harwin’s sight had been one of the hardest things he had ever had to do. But for many reasons, he had allowed it to happen.
Harwin was able to take some comfort in the fact that you would seldom be alone. The escorts, along with the fact that you were essentially a guest of Princess Rhaenyra’s, reassured him some. But most of all, he was glad that the Master of Whisperers was none other than his brother.
With Larys keeping an eye and ear to the ground of not only the Red Keep, but the entire realm, what could possibly befall you? Harwin did not doubt his brother’s will to keep you safe from those who would mean to harm you, so long as it was within Larys’s means to do so.
The fire in the chambers Lord Rosby had generously had prepared for the two of you had begun to simmer. Harwin had no intention of stoking it back to life.
As he thumbed the firefly pin in his palm pensively, the dying light still provided a faint enough glow for the gem affixed to it to gleam. His mind wandered…
A firefly.
They were bountiful in the Riverlands. He could still recall fond memories from his childhood when he, Larys, Lilyan, and Eyla would spend hours at night trying to catch as many of them as they could. It’d been a pastime he was all too eager to share with Derrik and Selwin the short time your family had called Harrenhal home.
Fireflies were a bit scarcer in the Reach, where the lands were dryer. But there’d been several occasions where Harwin swore he saw some faint twinkles in the distance, right near the Mander.
A firefly.
Such an odd choice for a personal sigil.
Whoever’s sigil this was, Harwin was willing to bet all his titles, holdings, and wealth that the individual knew exactly what had caused the fire in Harrenhal that fateful night.
Harwin could not recall seeing many fireflies whilst he lived in King’s Landing. But most of his nights there had been spent patrolling the streets in the heart of the city, so that did not mean much at all.
A firefly…
Was it possible that the individual who had chosen this sigil lived in King’s Landing? At least for a time? If said individual had orchestrated the fire at Harrenhal, as Harwin had always highly suspected, that would only make sense. If Harwin, his father, you, and your sons had truly been targeted that night, the person behind the plot would have actually had to know who you all were. They had to have known your doings. They would have had to have a motive, whether it was based on truth, or on false rumors.
Whoever it was, were they still in King’s Landing? Did they reside in the Red Keep? Would you pass them in the halls, completely unaware that they had once attempted to claim your life, that they were successful in claiming the life of Harwin’s father?
Gods help him, Harwin was not going to be able to sleep until you were with him once more.
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It was a week before your Good Brother came to see you.
In the days that followed, it felt as though the Red Keep was at a standstill. The upcoming arrival of Ser Vaemond Verlaryon and his petition to be declared Lord Coryls’s successor, should the Sea Snake succumb to his injuries, was all anyone seemed to be able to whisper about. Once he finally arrived, you thought the walls of the Red Keep might have rumbled with all the excitement that ensued.
But you had other things weighing on your mind. The unusual conversation you had with Queen Alicent the night of your arrival left you feeling uneasy, and you spoke of it to no one. Despite the passing of a few days, you were unsure what to make of it. Your mind replayed almost every word she’d said as you tried to discern her motives. Were her words a warning? Were they some sort of offering of peace?
Only time would tell.
Vaemond Velaryon’s petition was to be heard on the morrow. But for today, as you had the majority of the past several, you busied yourself by spending your time with Princess Rhaenyra and her children. Once more, you had joined Princess Rhaenyra underneath a canopy in the gardens. But this time, you were not alone.
All of her children, including one of her stepdaughters, Lady Rhaena, were present, with the exception of Prince Jacaerys, who had cited the wish to study Valyrian as his excuse for his absence. Prince Daemon was also notably absent, and you could only hope he did not intend to poke the bear that was the tension amongst the Red Keep by making good on his threat to Ser Criston Cole. Lady Baela was undoubtedly with her grandmother, the Princess Rhaenys.
Despite the absences, the gathering in the gardens felt like a warm one, with all of the participants present seemingly finding genuine happiness in merely spending time with one another. It made you all the more aware of how much you had begun to miss your own family.
As you had believed, you scarcely recognized Prince Joffrey when Princess Rhaenyra had reintroduced you to him a few days before. But the third of Princess Rhaenyra’s sons was quite the charmer, and offered you a kind greeting nonetheless, citing the many times Princess Rhaenyra spoke fondly of you, Harwin, and your sons.
Prince Aegon the Younger and Prince Viserys were also joys. Despite the wariness you held about their father, you had little doubt they would grow to be good men under the guidance of their mother.
Princess Rhaenyra sat on a bench with an arm around Aegon, who had decided to seize the opportunity for a mid afternoon nap, and was slumped up against her. Meanwhile, you entertained Prince Viserys, who seemed to be in the age where anything he could get his hands on absolutely fascinated him.
As you allowed Prince Viserys to fumble with your golden rose hair pin, your attention drifted across the canopy, where Prince Lucerys and Lady Rhaena sat at a table reading. Every now and then, Prince Lucerys’s eyes would rise from the page before him, and wander aimlessly. You had noticed how the impending petition from Ser Vaemond had troubled him. With said petition being heard on the morrow, Prince Lucerys appeared to grow uncomfortable with each passing moment.
Princess Rhaenyra suddenly stretching from her seat with a small frown stole your attention right back to the present.
“Are you well, Princess?”
Princess Rhaenyra waved you off lightly, before running a soothing hand over Prince Aegon’s hair. “‘Tis nothing.”
You took her word for it, and dropped the subject. It would not do to cause a scene in front of the children, even if you were concerned.
Princess Rhaenyra immediately noted your slight dejection, and offered you a new subject to discuss instead. “I would not dare get my hopes up, but, from the way I am carrying, the maesters believe this child to be a girl.”
The thought of that made you smile. “Daughters are a blessing of their own, to be sure.”
You pitied all suitors who might try to win the hand of a young princess who had protectors of no less than five older brothers and her father, the Rogue Prince. But you still wished Princess Rhaenyra’s words to be true. You did not doubt that she loved her sons, but Princess Rhaenyra’s secret wish for a daughter was a poorly kept one at best.
“I have been most impatient to meet your daughter, Y/N,” Princess Rhaenyra said pointedly. “How old is she?”
“Her third name day is in a few months.”
“Ah,” Princess Rhaenyra remarked in a knowing tone. “So close in age to Aegon.”
You opted to politely ignore her less than subtle suggestion. You assured her, “I have told Luciya many tales about you, Your Grace. I am certain she will be just as thrilled to meet you.” Your eyes flickered once more over to Prince Lucerys, who had abandoned his reading to listen in on your conversation with his mother. “As I know Harwin and my sons are looking forward to seeing the Princes again.”
Prince Lucerys offered up a slight smile, which you considered to be a small victory.
“Prince Lucerys,” you directed then, smiling as well, “Perhaps you might be able to attest as to why my son Selwin spends more time writing to you than he does on his own studies? I asked him once what it was that he was writing to you about, and he informed me plainly that it was a subject best kept between the two of you and your elder brothers. Something about a mishap with a morningstar…?”
Princes Lucerys’s smile widened as he was reminded of something known only by himself and the aforementioned parties. At this, Lady Rhaena abandoned her own reading to look at him curiously, but kindly.
Princess Rhaenyra rolled her eyes fondly. Like you, she had given up on the temptation to learn of every little matter her sons got up to in their spare time.
“Pardon my interruption, Your Grace.”
Everyone’s attention turned to the tent’s entrance, where Master of Whisperers Larys Strong stood. Like Ser Criston, it appeared that time had changed very little of him physically. Unlike Ser Criston, you supposed that must have been a good thing.
“Lord Larys,” Princess Rhaenyra greeted him cordially. “It is good to see you. Would you care to join us?”
“As much as I appreciate your generous offer, Princess, I am afraid I must decline. I was hoping to have a word with my Good Sister, should she be spared for a moment?”
“Certainly, My Lord,” you agreed politely.
You rose to your feet, taking Prince Viserys with you. Once you returned him into Princess Rhaenyra’s awaiting arms, you followed your Good Brother from out underneath the canopy.
“I would offer to escort you on a stroll as we speak, but I fear that experience would not be very enjoyable for you,” Lord Larys told you sheepishly. He gripped the pommel of his gane tightly for emphasis.
“‘Tis no matter; I would not inconvenience you in such a way, Good Brother. The gods look like they’ve been kind to you. How do you fare?”
“The same could be said for you, My Lady. Rest assured, I have been well. Although, the duties of my new station require much time and effort from me. I hope you can forgive me for not calling upon you sooner.”
“There is nothing to forgive. Your brother and I are proud of your rise, as I am sure your lord father would be as well.”
At the mention of the late Lord Lyonel, Larys’s smile slipped for the briefest of moments. The pain of his loss must still weigh upon him, as it did to Harwin, you reasoned.
“The small council is to meet shortly,” Larys informed you then. “So I must be on my way. However, would you care to join me for supper in two days time? I am most curious about the wellbeing of the family, and I was hoping you could indulge me.”
“But of course, My Lord,” you agreed readily. “They are just as much your kin as they are mine. I would be happy to share a meal and answer any questions that you may have.”
Larys grinned. “Splendid. I shall have it arranged, and will send for you.”
“I look forward to it, Good Brother.”
You only hoped you would have cause to celebrate by then.
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The following morning, every noble present within the Red Keep reported to the Great Hall in a timely manner. Not a single member of the Court dared to miss the rare phenomenon that was a petition requesting to entirely redirect the succession of a noble house.
As all the attending parties filed into the open room, two sides were silently amassed. Though there were a few outliers, it became apparent relatively quickly that a line had been wordlessly drawn.
On one side, you stood behind Princess Rhaenyra, Prince Lucerys, Prince Daemon, and the rest of her family. Known supporters and long time allies of the Princess filed in and surrounded you. You recognized many of them and made small talk whilst you waited for the proceedings to commence.
On the opposite side of the Great Hall, the Greens and their supporters grouped together. You recognized some of the faces towards the back of the room, but recognized more lingering towards the front.
There was the unmistakable mirror of his brother, Ser Tyland Lannister, now Master of Ships. 
Besides him were his great nieces, Lady Joanna Lannister and Lady Celesse Redwyne. Despite never having been formally introduced, you had needed no one to point out to you who they were. You told them as much a few days before, when you happened across them in a corridor by chance. Fortunately, the girls took after their mothers in appearance. Unfortunately, though they seemed courteous enough and were nothing less than kind to you, their fathers’ deeds made you wary. You had ended the conversation with a request that Lady Celesse give your best to her mother and grandmother on your behalf. You made no mention of her father, Lord Garrett Redwyne.
Your Good Brother Lord Larys stood in the middle of the crowd, near Ser Tyland and a few other members of the small council. You were surprised to find him on the opposite side of the room from you… But, on the other hand, his position as Master of Whisperers must have been a delicate one to balance. There would be little doubt that he would be removed from his post and replaced if the Lord Hand suspected Larys’s interest did not align with those he had for his own family, namely, his grandson Prince Aegon the Elder.
At the front of the room was Queen Alicent, flocked by her children. They were all poised, but some of them looked to be more present than others. Princess Helaena seemed to be lost in her own thoughts. The bored look on Prince Aegon’s face indicated he would rather be anywhere else at that moment. On the other hand, Queen Alicent looked about the room, offering tight lipped smiles and cordial nods to anyone whom she made eye contact with. Like his mother, Prince Aemond seemed attentive as well. His one eye that was unburdened with an eyepatch flitted about the room, surveying it and the people within it meticulously.
Ser Criston lingered behind the lot of them. … Was it just your imagination, or was he sneaking particularly prolonged glances at the Queen? Curious.
The Hand, Lord Otto Hightower, stood before the Iron Throne in King Viserys’s absence. Like Ser Criston and Lord Larys, time had treated him with gentle hands.
“Lady Tyrell, is that you?”
You turned around towards the voice that called out from behind. When your eyes fell upon the source, you genuinely smiled. “Lord Lyman.”
For all the lords of the Reach who had been opposed to your ascension to the Tyrell family seat, Lord Lyman Beesbury had never been one of them. As he finished making his way up through the crowd, you shuffled over to make room so that he could stand beside you.
“You look well, Lord Beesbury.”
“You flatter me, my dear. I turned six and seventy earlier this year, did you know?”
“Forgive my failed memory, My Lord. If it is any consolation, you do not look it.”
Lord Lyman gasped. “My goodness, Lady Y/N. You have a dark sense of humor, I shall grant you that. I suppose the gods would prefer it if I ‘book it’, wouldn’t they?”
Time had granted you leave to forget how hard of hearing Lord Lyman truly was. Louder and more clearly, you corrected, “No, My Lord. You do not look to be six and seventy. Look.”
“’Crook’?” Lord Lyman inquired bewilderedly. He looked about the room with a disapproving look upon his face. “... Yes, I am inclined to agree. These are the proceedings of a ‘crook’.”
In front of you, you could have sworn you heard Prince Jacaerys snicker as though he had overheard your conversation. But there was no doubt Prince Daemon had overheard, and found the conversation rather amusing- his shoulders bobbing with his silent laughter gave him away.
“Speaking of crooks, My Lady,” Lord Lyman continued without missing a beat, “I wish to discuss with you some of the taxes that have been imposed on House Beesbury’s honey exports as of late…”
You were grateful when the entrance of Princess Rhaenys inspired hushed whispers from those around you, effectively giving you an excuse to pause the conversation with Lord Lyman. Lady Baela was not far behind her grandmother.
When Ser Vaemond Velaryon finally entered the room, all eyes fell upon him.
Once everyone had settled in, the Lord Hand wasted no time in beginning the proceedings. “Though it is the great hope of this Court that Lord Corlys Velaryon survives his wounds, we gather here with the grim task of dealing with the succession of Driftmark. As Hand, I speak with the King’s voice on this and all other matters.”
As Lord Otto sat upon the Iron Throne, the hushed whispers amongst the crowd ceased.
“The crown will now hear the petitions. Ser Vaemond of House Velaryon?”
Ser Vaemond stepped forward, and began to plead his case.
You tried to listen to what were most assuredly impassioned words, but your mind refused to focus on anything else than the annoyance brewing within you. When had Ser Vaemond grown so bold? You would not have been surprised if Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys had also questioned the legitimacy of Princess Rhaenyra’s eldest sons. But the Sea Snake had never dared to defend the boys as though they were his own kin- which they were. In name.
Ser Vaemond had needlessly casted doubt upon Prince Lucerys’s parentage, and in turn, that of Prince Jacaerys and Prince Joffrey. He had endangered the lives of the Princess, her sons, and by extension, your husband Harwin, all for the sake of his own greed and ambition.
And you despised him for it.
As Ser Vaemond continued to speak, you grew more aware of the eyes of other members of the Court glancing at you. Queen Alicent’s words from the previous week echoed in your ears. You poor, poor fool. A good amount of your peers probably shared her sentiments. How could they not? The wife of a man who was suspected to father three of the Princess’s sons, offering silent support of their legitimacy? What a folly that would be… if it were true.
Once more, you found yourself being scrutinized by the Court who did not, and would never, know the whole truth.
Your hatred for Ser Vaemond burned stronger.
“... I am Lord Corlys’s closest kin, his own blood. The true unimpeachable blood of House Velaryon runs through my veins-”
“As it does in my son, the offspring of Laenor Velaryon,” Princess Rhaenyra interjected tiredly. “If you cared so much about your House’s blood, Ser Vaemond, you would not be so bold as to supplant its rightful heir. No, you only speak for yourself and for your own ambition-”
“You will have the chance to make your petition, Princess Rhaenyra,” Queen Alicent reminded her tactfully. “Do Ser Vaemond the courtesy of allowing his to be heard.”
You weren’t sure what spiked your own irritation more- the fact that the Queen had publicly chided Princess Rhaenyra, or the smug look that Ser Vaemond gave her in response.
“What do you know of Velaryon blood, Princess?” he posed to her. “I could cut my veins and show it to you, and you still wouldn’t recognize it. This is about the future and survival of my House, not yours.”
You had to admit, Ser Vaemond had the damndest way of dancing around something rather than saying it outright.
As Ser Vaemond continued, you looked about the Great Hall again. Many of those present were solely focused on Ser Vaemond, but for others, their attention drifted to Princess Rhaenyra, Prince Lucerys, and sometimes, even to you.
You found yourself suddenly wishing that Harwin was here. Would those around you be so bold with their judgemental glances if he was by your side? Perhaps, but you knew Hariwn would not have stood for it. One hard look from him and they’d likely find the floor beneath their feet far more interesting.
But you knew Harwin’s presence would have only made this moment worse for everyone involved. And you doubted your ability to restrain Harwin from laying his hands on Ser Vaemond if he had the gull to make any more direct implications about Prince Lucerys’s lack of Velaryon blood, and Harwin’s supposed role in it.
“... I humbly put myself before you as my brother’s successor, the Lord of Driftmark, the Lord of the Tides.”
Lord Otto looked impressed. “Thank you, Ser Vaemond.”
Whispered reactions to Ser Vaemond’s speech filled the silence that followed. Thankfully, Lord Beesbury seemed not to hear them, for he did not comment upon them or otherwise contribute.
“Princess Rhaenyra,” the Lord Hand said then, “You may now speak for your son, Lucerys Velaryon.”
Princess Rhaenyra stepped forward. As she looked around before beginning her address, you could tell her jaw was clenched tightly. It must have taken a great deal of strength to mind her tongue throughout the rest of Ser Vaemond’s self-righteous speech.
“If I am to grace this farce with some answer, I will start that reminding the Court that nearly twenty years ago, in this very room-”
A loud rumbling echoed throughout the room, halting the Princess in mid speech and commanding the attention of all those within the Great Hall. Everyone’s heads turned to see the grand doors being opened by the guards who were standing post there.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
A repetitious sound reverberated throughout the room next, but your attention was drawn to two members of the Kingsguard suddenly came into view. As they stepped forward under the entryway, one of them began his proclamation.
“King Viserys of House Targaryen, the First of His Name, King of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men. Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm.”
Tap. Tap. Tap.
That was when you laid eyes upon the King for the first time in almost seven years.
A small, hunched figure hobbled into the room. Beyond his physically feeble appearance, it was apparent by the shock silently felt throughout the room that the presence of the King was both unexpected and unprecedented.
Lord Otto rose from his seat upon the Iron Throne, and began to descend the stairs. All others in the room, including yourself, bowed respectfully as King Viserys fought to reclaim what was rightfully his.
Though King Viserys trudged slowly across the Great Hall, he was no less dignified for it. The King still commanded the attention and respect of everyone else in the room. He gripped his cane like a warrior gripped the handle of his blade. A golden mask upon his face covered what you could only assume to be maladies too great for the common eyes to bear witness to.
You thought back to your initial conversion with Princess Rhaenyra, when she confided just how ill the King was. There was no denying that King Viserys was not well, and he was indisputably past his prime. But there was a small comfort in the fact that the King Viserys before you could not possibly have consumed milk of the poppy as of late. Such a decision clearly caused him a great deal of pain, and yet, he had made it anyway. Perhaps he knew that doing so would be the only way he could defend his daughter and grandson.
You could no longer bring yourself to watch the King, despite the awe you felt. You could not bring yourself to look at Princess Rhaenyra either though, as an overwhelmingly emotional look washed over her face and threatened to leave you feeling similarly.
The room was still hushed over from the spectacle, so when King Viserys spoke to the Lord Hand, his words were as clear as a bell.
“I will sit the throne today.”
You bowed your head deeper to hide the smile that toyed upon your lips.
A sudden clangering compelled you to look up. The crown of the Old King had fallen from King Viserys’s head. You watched with bated breath to see if anyone would dare to go against the King’s adamant refusal for assistance.
To your complete shock, Prince Daemon stepped forward. No one dared to intervene between the Targaryen brothers as the younger assisted the elder up the remainder of the stairs. Once King Viserys was seated, Prince Daemon replaced the crown upon his head with great respect and reverence, before he retreated and to resume his place beside Prince Jacaerys once more.
Whether Prince Daemon’s display was genuine or a show for the audience present, you could not say. But you did know that it garnered a response from you. Perhaps you had been too quick to judge the Rogue Prince. Could such a violent and unpredictable man also be capable of genuine tenderness with those dearest to him? Was this the Prince Daemon that Princess Rhaenyra became besotted with?
Perhaps there was more to Prince Daemon than the majority of Westeros would ever get to see.
Now seated in his rightful place upon the Iron Throne, King Viserys took a few deep breaths to recover from his exertions. As he did so, he looked about the room thoroughly, making eye contact with each and every individual present.
“I must admit my confusion,” King Viserys confessed. “I do not understand why petitions are being heard over a settled succession.”
You silently thanked the gods for King Viserys’s staunch support of Prince Rhaenyra and her children. While he protected his own kin, he unwittingly protected Harwin and your own children.
You realized after a moment that the King was looking at you, and you went still. He said nothing, and he held your gaze for no longer than a moment, but it was enough for you to discern that he recalled who you were, and he most likely knew why you were here. You relaxed.
Perhaps King Viserys knew the inadvertent favor he was doing for you and your family after all.
“The only one present who might offer keener insight into Lord Corlys’s wishes is the Princess Rhaenys.”
Like everyone else, you turned to look at the woman in question.
Princess Rhaenys did not bat an eye. “Indeed, Your Grace.”
Princess Rhaenyrs stepped forward. When she did so, both she and Princess Rhaenyra’s sons were in your line of sight. The dark hair of the King’s cousin did not appear so different to the hair of Prince Jacaerys or Prince Lucerys. The visual reaffirmation both angered you and made you feel ill. How had the rumors about the Princes’ parentage taken on such monstrous lives of their own? Did no one, save King Viserys, want to believe that Princess Rhaenyra’s eldest sons were Ser Laenor’s?
Your focus returned to Queen Alicent. She was staring at Princess Rhaenys with dread, as if the elder woman was about to deliver a blow that would devastate her entire cause.
How could Queen Alicent preach to you about avoiding war for the sake of your own children, when she and her supporters had sentenced Princess Rhaenyra’s children to a certain death from the very days they were born? If she had not been responsible for the rumors of their dubious parentage, Queen Alicent had done little to quash them. She endangered the lives of three young boys in the name of a vendetta she had with their mother, and did so under the guise of piousness. She presented an image of love and forgiveness to the masses, and heartlessly condemned the defenseless out of the public’s eyes.
Princess Rhaenys folded her hands. Would she speak for or against Prince Lucerys as her Lord Husband’s successor? Princess Rhaenyra had not said much of Princess Rhaenys over the past few days, which had led you to suspect that the younger princess could not full heartedly count on the support of the elder.
Princess Rhaenys was not blind; you were certain she knew that Prince Lucerys was not of her own blood, other than what little they shared through Princess Rhaenyra. But did she truly wish for Ser Vaemond to inherit the legacy Lord Corlys had built throughout his life? What of her granddaughters? With the Sea Snake gone, would the beloved daughters of Lady Laena be at the mercy of their great uncle’s whims after Princess Rhaenys’s own passing?
“It was ever my husband’s will that Driftmark pass through Ser Laenor to his trueborn son, Lucerys Velaryon. His mind never changed, nor did my support of him.”
You silently exhaled a sigh of relief.
“As a matter of fact,” Princess Rhaenys continued, “the Princess Rhaenyra has just informed me of her desire to marry her sons Jace and Luke to Lord Corlys’s granddaughters, Baela and Rhaena… A proposal to which I heartily agree.”
That was an arrangement you did not know if. But, judging by the way Princess Rhaenyra reassuringly grabbed Prince Lucerys’s hand, it did not come as a surprise to her. She must have proposed it to Princess Rhaenys, or they had at least spoken of it prior. You had to give credit where credit was due- given the circumstances, those were politically smart matches for all four involved.
And terribly convenient, since they all were quite close.
“Well,” King Vierys said, his voice breaking through the audience’s whispers that had begun to echo throughout the Great Hall, “The matter is settled… again. I hereby reaffirm Prince Lucerys of House Velaryon as heir to Driftmark, the Driftwood throne, and the next Lord of the Tides.”
The room began to process the King’s declaration, and you let out an unstifled releaved sigh. Once more, disaster had been avoided. Maybe the rumors of the Princes’ legitimacy would finally cease, especially in light of King Viserys’s impressive showing of support. But you would not allow yourself to hope. Not yet.
You would never truly feel safe and reassured until Princess Rhaenyra sat the Iron Throne as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
“Thank the Seven Heavens,” Lord Lyman mumbled beside you.
Just as you were about to agree, Ser Vaemond, clearly unwilling to accept his defeat, stepped out of the crowd and before the Iron Throne once again. He would make himself heard.
To the King, he said, “You break law and centuries of tradition to install your daughter as heir. Yet you dare tell me who deserves to inherit the name Velaryon?... No. I will not allow it.”
King Viserys’s crossness at the accusation was visible from leagues away. His next words were spoken slowly, each one of them laced with threat. “‘Allow it’? Do not forget yourself, Vaemond.” 
You and most everyone in your vicinity flinched as Ser Vaemond abandoned courteous discussion for uncivilized shouting.
“That,” he roared, pointing a stiff finger at Prince Lucerys, “Is no true Velaryon, and certainly, no true nephew of mine.”
You did not know if it was possible to despise Ser Vaemond more than you already did. But it was.
Princess Rhaenyra whispered directions to her second son before facing Ser Vaemond. “You have said enough.”
“Lucerys is my trueborn grandson,” King Viesrys reminded Ser Vaemond and everyone else present, “And you are no more than the second son of Driftmark.”
Ser Vaemond trembled with rage. “You may run your House as you see fit, but you will not decide the future of mine. My house survived the doom! And a thousand tribulations besides!” He whirled his head to snarl at Princess Rhaenyra and her family. “And gods be damned, I will not see it ended on the account of this-”
You froze.
Surely Ser Vaemond was not so daft as to make such an atrocious accusation before the whole Court? He was enraged, but would he truly allow his anger to consume him to the point where he felt compelled to publicly insult the King’s daughter and grandson, before the very man himself?
You hair rose on the back of your neck and you locked your knees. For a moment, you forgot how to breathe.
It was obvious the Rogue Prince was taking far too much joy in Ser Vaemond’s momentarily lapse in judgment. Prince Daemon goaded him darkly, “Say it.”
But Ser Vaemond did not look at Prince Daemon. Instead, he looked back at Princess Rhaenyra. By the pained smile that slowly formed on his lips, you fooled yourself for the briefest of moments into thinking that Ser Vaemond would swallow his wounded pride and leave while he still had legs with which to walk.
Unfortunately for everyone, that was not to be.
“Her children… are BASTARDS!”
You gasped, though you were not the only one.
But Ser Vaemond’s egregious display was not finished. He looked back to King Viserys, and with all the wisdom of a young child, had the nerve to look unashamed. “And she is a whore.”
More gasps filled the air around you, but you were compelled to do more than just react. Technically speaking, Ser Vaemond’s first outcry was rooted in truth. But the second one was not. And you would be dead before you subjected yourself to endure slander of Princess Rhaenyra from men who were not fit to cobble her shoes.
“You cur!”
Apparently, Lord Beesbury’s hearing had miraculously returned. And, even more fortunately, he was of the same mind as you. “You knave!”
King Viserys rose from the Iron Throne and unsheathed the dagger you had seldom seen him without. To Ser Vaemond, he pointed the dagger and declared, “I shall have your tongue for that!”
The diplomatic hearing had descended into disarray.
But it was Prince Daemon who plunged it into chaos.
A sickening wet swoosh was heard, and when you looked towards the direction it had come from, you saw Prince Daemon with Dark Sister in hand. In front of him was the now headless corpse of what had once been Ser Vaemond Velaryon.
The crowd around you scrambled backwards, but you and several others closeby had not been so lucky as to avoid the splatters of blood. Splotches of red littered the bottom of your dress, and the sight of them made you feel faint.
Ser Vaemond’s corpse fell to the ground, and Prince Daemon looked down at his victim with a disturbingly calm look. Amusedly, he proposed, “He can keep his tongue.”
“Disarm him!” the Lord Hand barked, resulting in the unsheathing of many swords.
The commotion in the Great Hall escalated further when King Viserys let out a groan before collapsing back onto the Iron Throne.
“Call the maesters!” Queen Alicent cried out to any and all who could hear her, as she and Princess Rhaenyra rushed to the King’s aid.
Movement on the floor nearby stole your attention from King Viserys’s sudden distress. A mass of silver braided locks rolled and rolled until it came to a slow stop a few paces away from your feet.
The lifeless eyes of Ser Vaemond Velaryon stared up at you. You threw a hand over your mouth to fight off the retch that rose up your throat.
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A/N: Thank you for reading!🖤 Feel free to let me know what you think. I love hearing from you. Part 3 will be up on Friday.🖤 Larys you better watch what’s coming your way bud--
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