#and i like the idea of MOVING FORWARD
felassanis · 1 year
Them. Playing Lonesome Road: I'm gonna pick NCR to rule New Vegas
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eugeniedanglars · 1 year
the way i see it, colin has three options for handling the repercussions of kissing michael on the pitch in front of everyone:
gatekeep: by some miracle no one caught the kiss on camera so colin's sexuality is kept between him and any fans who happened to be on the pitch near him. the safest option.
girlboss: keeley gets the pr challenge of a lifetime handling the story of the first active premier league player to come out as gay. rebecca is tall and powerful and intimidating in the press room making it clear that richmond stands behind colin one thousand percent. the most realistic option.
gaslight: straight-up blatantly lying. not because he's ashamed or because he thinks he can actually convince anyone that the kiss didn't happen, but just because he refuses to let it be a big deal. acts like he has no idea what anyone is talking about if asked anything related to his sexuality. he doesn't claim to be straight, mind you, he just pretends to be extremely confused about why they're asking because he never kissed anyone in the middle of a football pitch at the end of an internationally-televised game? when presented with photo and video proof of the kiss he says that was some other richmond player named hughes who wears a number 12 jersey. you don't know him, he goes to another school. the funniest option.
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lastcellontheleft · 1 month
We didn’t get a S4 announcement, but you know what the absolute best thing about today’s C2E2 Hannibal panel truly was? 
For almost the first time since the show ended, Fannibals showed how profitable Hannibal can still be. 
C2E2 sold out of their remaining VIP ticket packages with guaranteed panel seating within 48 hours of the reunion announcement. Paid PopVerse subscriptions to stream the panel spiked with previously untapped demos (if socials are anything to go by). The largest event hall at C2E2 was overcapacity 45 minutes before the panel; while that’s normal for cons like SDCC and NYCC, in my experience that’s less common at C2E2.
Not to mention Mads and Hugh making bank with autograph and photo-op sales; a huge component of drawing in good talent to table at cons as well, making sure they make enough over the weekend to justify their presence beyond panel appearances. From a talent booking/event management perspective, this is the absolute dream scenario.
So, here’s the super fun part: ReedPop, the company that owns C2E2, also owns/operates New York Comic Con (NYCC), one of the highest-profile US entertainment conventions after San Diego Comic-Con. Now that ReedPop is aware of the viability of Hannibal programming, it would be extremely surprising if RP didn’t attempt a run at a larger, proper reunion panel at NYCC.
Honestly, great job, team. 2024 could very well be the year we get real buzz going again!
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alicenpai · 8 months
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2021 re2 and re4 doodles i unearthed, 2020-2021 were the years of art block for me - i drew a lot, but not too many of my drawings felt quite right. anyways... sherry finally got that puppy (big puppy...) and parrot she always wanted! im a big fan of taking a single obscure piece of dialogue/game mechanic/inventory item etc and then drawing it
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korrasamibottles · 3 months
Yeah Venom of the Red Lotus showed us how crazy powerful Korra is but The Last Stand had Korra transform the destructive power of a massive bomb blast into something regenerative in the culmination of one of the best character arcs I've ever seen. In my OPINION!!
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 month
Thinking thoughts about Abuela being back and with this backstory about her being taken in by charlatans and Eddies whole catholic guilt thing and how the two things kind of play into one another as an exploration of faith and being taken in by something.
Abuela giving all her money to the tarot card readers etc because she was searching for something - for connection (with Abuelo) - trying to recapture what she had lost, and How Eddie has spoken about trying to re-find the magic he had with Shannon - how Eddie hasn't actually fully reconciled the Shannon of it all when it comes to relationships and how his Catholic guilt connects into that.
How Marisol as a physical representation of Catholicism is part of that narrative - how Eddie is entering a place where he has to chose his path - in order to move on from Shannon he needs to fully square the hole - catholic or non catholic. And how that needs to happen first - before he can begin his queer journey!
#this is so incoherant#I'm also thinking about how Marisol fits into this narrative and how this idea of being taken in or fooled by a person plays into what we#know of her - how she wasn't upfront with Eddie (not saying she had to be right from the off but before moving in!!!) - how she is kind of#representative of secrets - especially around faith and ones connection with faith because she is essentially a stand in for catholicism#which (sorry to all the catholics out there) peddles in magic and secrets in order to keep the mystery of faith alive and therefore keep#people believing. How Eddie's reckoning with himself and the ghost of Shannon ultimately means choosing either to follow the path of#catholicism or non catholicism#How Marisol is a tie to religion and therefore his reasons for not having successful relationships after her (or even with her) and how#Eddie letting go will ultimately mean letting go of Marisol - how he can never fully move forward while catholicism still lingers#how I don't' think we'll be seeing the queer aspect of this narrative this season - that dealing with this first part is key and only once#he has figured it out can he then be free to know himself - is true self better - and accept and move into his full self as a queer man#so yeah - catholic guilt arc 7b and 8a - as its really a two parter - finally dealing with the remnants of Shannon - and its connection wit#his faith and then when truly free of that exploring his queerness!#So yeah - Marisol will possibly be here until towards the end of the season because she is meant to be the trigger point for Eddie in#relation to Shannon - its why they made the difference (and similarities) between S and M very obvious in 7x01#they have the time to build this story arc more fully now with the s8 renewal - to do it justice and unfortunately as part of that it means#she'll probably be around longer than any of us would like!#I don't know if I even make sense at this point#but I do want to reitterate that the show is goig out of its way to contrast her with Buck as well#to really show how close and right for each other Buck and Eddie are so no one needs to panic - she's here for the narrative not forever!#911 abc#911 spoilers#eddie diaz
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good-beansdraws · 4 months
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In echoes, witches are made by sacrificing someone to the Mad God, and one of the final bosses involves a character we've seen turned into a unique fire-elemental witch. Her fight is more sad than scary, since she's just a silent, soulless echo of the kind woman we saw before.
I really liked combining this idea with the witch-hunt vibes in Bring it On. In my fantasy au, Fuuta wrongfully leads his band of knights against a village girl, resulting in the townspeople burning her before all the facts were laid out. She was using magic, which is what Fuuta called her out for, but she wasn't using it for any malicious or witchy purposes. When she dies, the bit of magic in her flares up with her emotion and she returns as this type of fire spirit. As well as Fuuta's abstract haunting guilt, he now has a silent, destruction-bringing ghost haunting him each time he tries to run away from what he did.
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veilkeeper · 6 months
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Astarion: I'm happy for you to have as much Halsin as you wish - but I do have one question. It's not because... you know... we haven't... in a while? Roz: Gods, I don't want you to think that for a moment. Astarion: I know I was being foolish. But thank you for saying it.
ah, the famous line that started allllll the controversy. honestly? i dont know why. he did exactly the right thing here: he had a little wiggle of insecurity, he asked about it, he was comforted, consent was given. the ONLY path where he seems sort of bothered moving forward is if you say option 5, and that's because.... well, the player basically confirms his suspicions in that case. any other option he seems totally fine.
i get that other people have their own hcs about this scene and they don't do the polymance because of it. and that's fine. but the text of the scene pretty clearly says astarion is more than okay with it, and there's no coercion.
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goatsghost · 7 months
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batman/catwoman: scorched earth #1
i still think this whole series is so wild. like. jason taunts bruce about needing to leave to save tim (like he “saved” jason by destroying his autonomy) and then bruce just does!
(he doesn’t, he goes after vandal savage instead and lets dick and duke handle tim)
and then tells jason he’ll understand one day and leaves???? they all perfectly understand why bruce did what he did — but they’re telling him he’s out of line for it and bruce can’t have that. all of these “i’m sorry”s and “i love you”s mean nothing when you see bruce constantly turning his back to jason, knowing jason won’t be able to do anything about it
jason physically can’t move, and everyone else is on the hunt to save tim and stop vandal savage, and bruce just leaves him helpless, still thinking he’s perfectly justified in doing what he did to jason. insane.
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stealingpotatoes · 9 months
In your Luke Raises Rey au, does Leia ever forgive her father? (Also anakin saying he still loves Leia after she says she isn't calling him Dad is incredibly sweet.)
Also does Ben ever actually fully turn to the dark side? I think it would be super interesting to see a lightsaber fight Between him and Rey when he tries to take down Luke's training.
have so many questions haha.
haha u opened a can of worms here bc i LOVE talking abt leia and her super complicated family feelings and grief and whatnot <3 <3 <3
I think forgive's a very strong word to use around anivader loll -- ESPECIALLY with leia. i mean. he literally tried to torture her and was semi-responsible in the genocide of her planet (and genocide of her other ppl, if she started identifying w the jedi!) and countless other crimes like he's done some Heinous shit (and not even in the anakin's fun sexy warcrimes way just the straight up evil warcrimes) and they're not the kinda actions you forgive.
but forgiveness isn't the only path forward! I do think she makes peace w him -- or more what he is and what he is to her. like yes, he was her birth father but no that doesn't change anything about her, she's not evil, she can still be luke's sister without having the same relationship to their heritage. bail organa's still her actual father in every way that matters and she realises nothing about anivader's existence can change that
she can't go full jedi and let go of all the anger in her heart -- she's not luke, she can't make that ultimate peace or find any good in vader -- but I do think she does manage to let go of enough anger that she's not holding that unhealthy burning hate in her chest 24/7. it can't help her now; he's dead. so yeah, its not forgiveness, but it's something
and i think the skywalkers deserve nice things so no, Ben's not going evil or trying to obliterate the academy!! let the poor jedi live!!!!!! he's just a bit of an emo with very questionable taste in men. the knights of ren is just his space discord server or smthn
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watatsumiis · 3 months
you know when you see pics of older people from when they were in their early adult-hood years and and turns out they were BANGIN’ hot. like they-definitely-had-a-line-of-lovers type of sexy. Pierro.
YOURE SO SO REAL FOR THIS LIKE GENUINELY. Like. Pierro is that brand of old man crunchy where like.. he aged like a fine wine most certainly, but its so easy to tell that he looked like a greek god in his youth - chiseled jawline, striking eyes, that easy confidence that comes from a life of having pretty privilege thrust upon you from pretty much the moment you came out--
Like.. i feel like he wouldve looked like the grunge aesthetic young adult they slap on the front of album covers where he looks sunken and tired but in a totally dashing way, with wind-tousled hair (honestly i never even thought of his original hair colour until now. i just imagine it white/grey because thats SO him. i could see it being brown, maybe blond?) and eye bags that look like they were dabbed on delicately with eyeshadow and a brush.
but even with all of that i do also just see him looking like he was just straight up carved from marble with his broad shoulders and the confident way he stands. Like he was drop dead gorgeous, the folks of khaenri'ah swooned over him, most everyone assumed he would go on to become a knight simply because of the whole 'dashing knight in armour' stereotype.
He's the sort of guy you see playing someones grandpa in a film and you're like "wait hes so hot though. now i wanna see what he looked like when he was younger" and then you get mad because HOW CAN PEOPLE BE SO GORGEOUS THEIR ENTIRE LIVES HUH. HOW IS THAT FAIR.
I feel like his looks are not really something he openly acknowledges or even really realises - I guess this ties in to my oddly specific Pierro headcanons ((gives that old man a million mental illnesses and refuses to elaborate)) but i imagine he gets really really caught up in the minor details and just sort of passively sees himself as very just .. 'whatever', despite just how many people have always told him how handsome and beautiful he is.
Like, of course he'll thank them for the compliment but in his head he has like 90 rebuttals and genuinely convinces himself that theyre just saying it to be nice/polite/to get in his good graces/whatever. man has imposter syndrome out the wazoo .
I think he definitely aged very finely and gracefully, all things considered, but his obsessive fear of aging physically makes him feel like he hasnt. but to me . old man pierro is the most gorgeous . perfect.
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welcometogrouchland · 8 months
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you guys don't need context for this. He's the boy of all time!
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dykedvonte · 2 months
Benny was like Yes-Man’s world and you have to think about how, even if he gladly helps and never objects, he feels about helping the Courier on a deeper level. Especially a Courier that killed Benny.
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notemaker · 9 months
Question for the neurodivergents--I might go to a nightclub tomorrow, which I've never done before because I'm a nerd, and I'm a little worried about the sensory bits--Especially with everything being pretty loud lately since I began heavy unmasking. So long story short, do you have any recommendations/tips not to end up a ball on the floor?
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hadesoftheladies · 2 months
hate going for christian weddings sometimes because i always see the prettiest women with the ugliest men, the sermon is always some shit about wives being slaves (but not like bad slavery, mutual slavery except the husband is a benevolent master which makes it okay) and making babies for their husband, the music is always lame, the mc is always weird and obnoxious, and older women keep fucking asking me when it's gonna be my turn and never take no for an answer.
#mine#personal#brief storytime in the tags#one of my family friends got married and i was happy she was happy#her parents are like an aunt and uncle to me#i was happy to share that moment with them#we cried and laughed together#and my friends#their other daughters were on the line and looked gorgeous#it was just beautiful watching us all grow up in a way and move on to “the next” together#BUT#im a pastor's kid#and my dad loves weddings#he drinks them in whenever he can now especially because they make him happy and he's had to attend a lot more funerals this year#he's been burdened a lot by how many people he's had to bury and how many hospital visits he's had to do#so i was happy to see him happy too#it just all felt so bittersweet to me#because i know how badly my parents want this for me and for themselves#there was a daddy-daughters dance at some point and i could feel my dad beaming beside me watching that#and i was a little sad about it because i was like im never gonna give you that#this could be the best thing i could ever give you and i will never give you this#i can never kneel at an altar in front of a pastor and swallow that sermon#i would never marry a man in my generation#if i married a woman you and almost the entire tent filled with people that watched me grow up would not attend#my happiest day would be another funeral for you#it was worse because im kind of a small celebrity in this community because of my parents and their siblings who are politicians#so people i barely knew kept coming up and asking me when it would be my turn and how they so looked forward to the day#and i was like i love that we're a community here and i missed the pestering of aunts since i left church#but at the same time i was glad to remember why i left#there is no freedom to be myself at all with them because all they do is project their beliefs and ideas on me because that's what children
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