#and i wanna save my energy for tomorrow
megane-sama · 1 year
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What if i cried? What if this was my last straw?
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ana-rends · 3 months
i would rather live with ana for the rest of my life than binge like this ever again
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robinsnest2111 · 5 months
okay yeah sorry, no art tonight. the cough has turned extra icky and painful and has been joined by a headache
I'll try my luck tomorrow 🤞
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dredshirtroberts · 9 months
i am allowed to both be delighted and content with the way my evening went and how lovely it was to be around friends, and also be really upset over the fact that i cannot do much without intense and great pain.
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Type: Plot Progression | EVENT: "There One Moment, Gone the Next" Universe: Sandstorm Location: Meteo-Tech Tower/Chemical Plant Island
[Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four]
The glare was practically blinding. Node was squinting, their muzzle upturned at the intense smell of all the chemicals. Their skates glided a few feet above the ground, dim yellow light bursting from their heels as they soared for the towering presence ahead.
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I won't let you take him from me.
A promise to themself- to the universe. To all of them.
"Done!" Tails' voice rang out. The massive gate before them shimmered, a brilliant red light flaring to life. The group closed their eyes- rushing on as the sound of hinges groaned to life. The illumination faded- revealing the tower, the glare of its sharp edges fainter, now.
Node's chest was heaving. They weren't used to running for so long- World Grand Prix races generally lasted an hour, at worst. But this... The sun was just beginning to rise at the edge of the horizon- but it wasn't so far that Bless had transformed back. His claws were still tearing the ground- the bridge- to pieces, revealing wires under-claw. He could reduce the damage if he wanted... But tonight wasn't the night for subtlty.
"Time for answers!" Node growled between breaths. The pain in their bones had gone away over an hour ago- the feeling of their back, burning, lost ages prior. Meteo-Tech 'bots powered on as the forcefield and gate were lowered and drawn back... The main defense of the tower gone in an instant.
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"BRING IT ON!" Bless' voice rang out. In a split second, his darkened arms were reaching- claws so close-
There was no time for shock. Node didn't hesitate. They soared into the air, skate slamming into the optic of the 'bot- cracking it on impact.
"OPTICS!" The click of barrels being leveled filled the air. Shit.
Amy's hammer swung into the air. It smacked into a 'bot- denting it- and sent it careening into several of its fellows before they could open fire. Node fell back to the ground, their skates activating in the dive. Were it not for those, they would've been paste on the bridge- or worse, slammed through into the murky, chemical-laden ocean below.
The barest tinges of purple were flooding the previously-blue sky. The sun would be rising within the hour...
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"C'mon--" A cloud filled the air. The 'bots that entered into it began to glitch- sparks surging from metallic shells as they essentially convulsed, only to fall to the ground- glowing red reduced to hollow nothingness. "-got it!"
The 'bots were no match for the onslaught. Bless' claws couldn't break the metal? Fine. He ripped the bridge's flooring, tossing that into the air with a quick spin. The metallic shell became a flying guillotine- slashing through the enemy before crumpling against the last in line.
The team quickly destroyed the welcome party- rushing for the main entrance of the tower.
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"Tails, tell me you know the layout of this place...!" The team soared through the main entrance- and into a massive hall. On the left were massive metallic pillars- highways of iron conveyor belts connecting them. The shells of robots-to-be were shuttled down the line at a slow pace, mechanical limbs floating along the edges to add parts and fix wires- before the shells were shuttled into other pillars by the conveyors. The center of the walkway was a bright purple, glowing harshly. On other side of the purple main-line were walkways with bright blue lights around the edge- hovertrucks waiting off to the right, their backends open to receive entire lines of robots. Up above, green lights led deeper into the facility- and exhaust pipes that were big enough to be cars belched out heat and smoke into the air. Massive gears rotated to keep the conveyor belts moving.
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"Got it all right here." Tails held up his watch- the small LED screen rather pitiful compared to the sight before the team. "There's a hallway up on our right- we just need to go down that, take a left, go up the elevators, and then we should be at the control center.. I'll be able to figure out what Meteo-Tech's up to from there."
"Then let's get moving!" Bless clenched his fist. "This form won't last forever, so the least we can do is get going!" If they could figure out what Meteo-Tech was up to, what the rings were about- why the 'bots wanted them, then... They could figure out how to stop the madness.
At the far end of the massive hall... A giant set of double-doors slid open, lighting up a bright green for the briefest fraction of a moment.
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"Th' Hell...?!" Node stared in disbelief. From the depths of the facility, they could see three figures emerge- each carrying Extreme Gear.
"Long time no see, losers." A rather grating voice filled the air- instantly making all of the team's faces narrow. "What're you doing h-....wait...you have the Arks of the Cosmos?!" Jet the Hawk- kinda literally- squawked in surprise as sky-blue eyes landed on them all. "Well-- I- doesn't matter!"
"You know what these are?!" Bless took a step forward.
"WOAH!---and here I thought you couldn't get any uglier..." Jet murmured, shaking his head. Bless didn't react, outside of the faintest tightening of his fist. He glared down the hawk, eyes sliding towards his purple and gray feathered compatriots. "....and you bonded with some of them...damnit..."
"What do you know about the Arks of the Cosmos??"
"Oh no..." Tails' face began to pale.
"Guys, we gotta move-" Tails and Wave spoke in unison. The two techies stared at each other for a moment...
Before the alarms started screeching.
"Well, screw it." Jet waved a hand. It was only then that Node's eyes caught on the addition around his glove- a silver ring glowing white. "We need those, so we'll be taking them- one way or another."
"Jet, we really need to leave-"
"We're not leaving until we have the Arks!"
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"We don't have time for this!" Bless' words were met with the lights from the alarms turning on- bathing the interior of the tower in bright crimson. Up above, the sounds of many latches letting go was drowned out by the alarms.
The ceiling opened.
Engines roared to life as Jet and his gang jumped onto their boards.
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"FINE!" Bless, for one of the few times in his life, was losing patience in the crisis. Amy had summoned her hammer to her hand again. Node was floating a few inches off the ground, hands pulled into fists, close to their body. Tails was already reaching for his hammer space. Bless let loose a roar.
The team charged, as robots descended from above, and Jet's gang rushed from the front.
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lotusunique · 3 months
Nights Like This
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Armando Aretas x Fem! Reader
Mkay so while yall wait on this pt.3 of The engagement, ima give yall this lil story I been working on! Im ngl I did cut it in half this was long as HELL! So enjoy ❤️
“We should go out tomorrow night. We never do that anymore.", Kelly says grabbing her purse. "Yeah because you and your man are always boo'd up somewhere. Marcus isn't allowed out too many times in a row or Theresa will kick his ass. Mike is happily married now. And I refuse to be a third wheel on you two’s date" I explain.
“So why don't you invite Armando out.", She looks over to Armando who's looking through a case file. Since he helped take down McGrath and saved Callie, Mike tried to sort out a deal for him. He'll work out his sentence, here at AMMO, being apart of the tactical weapons team.
"Um absolutely not. He literally doesn’t know I exist in that way", I groan. "That’s not true. You just gotta make yourself known. Plus he’s kinda a dick. I don't know why you like him anyway.?”,she says damn
near screaming my secret. "Um firstly, shut up. What you wanna tell the whole world my secret?", I shush her. That’s all I fucking need. For Armando to find out I like him or WORSE. Mike and Marcus could find out. I’d never live it down.
"Invite him out or l'm gonna shout it from the rooftops.", Kelly gives an evil smirk.
"Shout what from the rooftops?", Mike looks over to us. "Oh nothing just that Y/n li-", you elbow her in the side. "That Y/n is going out with Kelly and Dorn tomorrow night", you give a tight lipped smile. "I'm so excited I could scream", Kelly smiles.
"Y'all weird as hell man", Mike says just giving the two of you a glance. Kelly lets out a laugh before nodding towards Armando's seat. "No.",you give a stern look.
"Yes!", kelly says seriously. "Fine. I'll do it before I leave later.", you give in, not wanting to discuss it any further.
- Later-
"I'm out, don't stay too long okay", Kelly says patting your shoulder before heading out, quickly shooting a glance over at Armando, signaling you to talk to him.
She heads out, the door closing, being a deafening reminder of how quiet it is since you and Armando are the only ones in the office. The dim lights giving an Erie feel. "Breathe Y/n. Now's the time to go talk to him", You think to yourself.
"Hey."you walk over to him. He looks up at you with a stare that says "what do you want". "Well I just thought that since it's just me and you tonight, we could at least conversate so it won't be absolutely boring", You sit on his desk.
"What do we have to talk about?", He says with that accent that just drives you crazy.
"Well I do technically have something to ask you", You say looking down at him. "There it is", he flashes a smile. "Stop", You roll your eyes.
"Mkay shoot.", He crosses his arms with a smirk.
"Please come with me tomorrow night. Kelly wants me to go out with her and Dorn. And I really don't wanna third wheel.", you plead.
“What’s in it for me?”, he looks up at you, placing the pen in between his plump lips. “What do you want?”,you ask, staring right down at his lips.
“What’re you offering?”, he asks, moving his rolling chair to where he’s sitting in between your legs,staring up at you with this smirk on his face like he just knows what he’s doing to you.
“I..I..uh”,your breath starts to hitch. “Use your words hermosa.”, he glances up at you through low eyes.
He has to know what he’s doing to you right? The only option is to match his energy, even though it’s all a front.
“Mister Aretas, if I didn’t know any better I’d think you were flirting with me.”,you snap out of whatever shy shit you just had going on.
“And if I was?”,He traces his finger up your exposed leg. Today was the perfect day to wear a pencil skirt.
The sound of the glass doors creaking open surprises you, causing you to move off the desk swiftly as possible.
“Sorry, I left my house keys”,Marcus walks in, not looking at the two of you.
“Hollup…it’s real dark in here. What yall in here-“,he looks between the two of you. “Nothing we were just talking”,you say quickly. Marcus looks over at Armando who has a condescending smirk upon his face. “Oh okay”,Marcus laughs. “It’s not like that Marcus”,You bury your head in your hands with a laugh.
“Look that ain’t nun of my business. Just make sure you use that latex. Cause you don’t wanna get that I’m late Text!”,he says before dapping Armando up. “What is HAPPENING”, you internally scream to yourself.
Marcus quickly makes his exit, leaving you and Armando to discuss what just happened. “That was embarrassing”,you groan. “It was hilarious”,he laughs. “No it wasn’t”, you lean against the door. “I’ll go with you. I’ve got something to handle before hand though,so I’ll meet you there”,he smiles over at you.
“Okay great. I’m gonna go home. Be safe. I’ll see you tomorrow”,you nervously grab your things before heading out to your car.
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stunie · 3 months
Zevie do you have any thoughts on sako? I looove his character design and trivia but I barely see anything about him in the wbk tags 😭. But I think he'd be so nice and fluffy!!
helllooo my lovely nonnie! oh you like sako?? i think he’s cute!! there is definitely not a lot for him, and that’s also my bad because i haven’t even written anything for him >: so here is a lil thing i thought off the top of my head !!
sfw. kota sako x f!reader
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sako’s always been a sucker for sweets. anyone who’s snuck a glance at his ‘for you’ page is caught with the blinding sight of pink— screen filled with bright strawberry cakes, macarons, weekly deals at his local dessert stops, and the rest is comprised of reviews and recommendations. all sweets and all sugar.
it’s so overwhelmingly sweet that his friends wondered why they even bothered to go through the effort of sneaking a peek at his phone in the first place. they just hand back his phone with a little sigh and don’t pry any further. there’s really no need to— so no one ever’s seen his saved section.
more specifically, the folder he created that’s titled “places to take her.”
he never sends you the reels he comes across. just clicks one button, silently saving them to that specific folder, and doesn’t say another word until you’re running up to him the next day, grasping at his hands to gush about the last place he recommended to you.
“they had the yummiest pastries!” you smile brightly, hands gripping his own as you babble about, face leaning a little too close to him for his own comfort. but he doesn’t particularly mind— you do it all the time so he’s found himself starting to expect it. “how do you know all the best spots?”
his gaze is awkwardly shifting to the side, a little overwhelmed at the sheer amount of energy you bring. you’ve always been like this, but he can’t seem to get used to it no matter how many times he sees you. “..there’s gonna be a new bakery opening down the street,” he mumbles, keenly aware of the way his palms are suddenly starting to feel clammy, “tomorrow. and they’re supposed to have good lemon desserts.”
“hmm…..tomorrow?” your head tilts a bit, trying to remember if you had any plans for that day before the implication suddenly hits you. “wait— no way. you’re sending me to a new bakery all by myself?”
he nods. it’s not a mean gesture, and if anything, he just looks a little confused. it’s almost as if the fact that you’d want to visit a bakery with him in the first place never even crossed his mind. it’s been something he’s wanted to do since forever. daydreamed of doing, honestly, but the idea of this desire becoming a reality never really occurred to him.
“you don’t wanna come with?” your lips tug into a pout, “you’re the dessert expert. i need your opinion!”
he blinks a couple times before your words finally make sense to him, and … wouldn’t that be a date? he doesn’t waste a moment and agrees the next instant, stiffening up when your lips tug into the happiest smile he’s ever seen on you, holding his hands tightly in yours and squeezing before you’re already running off again, giving him a cheerful wave just before he loses sight of you.
a part of him wants to kick himself.
he should have suggested the other dessert shop— the one notorious for their heart themed goods.
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
how to disappear - e.b
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summary: after a series of tragic losses, y/n’s bright mood begins to disappear. so buck and the 118 try to bring it back
evan buckley x reader
this lowkey broke my heart a bit 🥲 i am def not the biggest fan of this, it was just rushed but i hope you still enjoy, leave any requests you’d like i’m in a big 911 writing era :)
10 minutes of cpr on the way to the hospital, rapid beeping on the machine, blood on the ground. hen places a soft hand on y/n’s arm, and pulls it away from the patients body. “y/n,” she says, making pitying eye contact with her. “time of death, 14:36.”
y/n sits back with a brush to her hairline with the heel of her palm and a sigh. she looks down at her hands and uniform, covered in a man’s blood. a son, a friend, and she feels like she just took that from him.
it’s been person after person, it feels. like she’s failing at her job and is failing all these people. she wants to scream. a few days before, she had lost a girl, new to adulthood, who had driven her car off the side of the road due to a drunk driver. her best friend, watching from the side and being held back by bobby and athena, was wailing in agony from watching the life escape her soul sister.
that wasn’t the last time, it’s been a few. everyone tries to reassure her that she did everything she could, and she knows she did. but was it enough? y/n’s been quiet, not wanting to hurt anything else around her. she felt like everything was glass in her hands and she couldn’t help but drop it. her eyes were dry and red from the sleepless nights and tearful showers, and her arms were tired from the endless compressions and the feeling of being completely burnt out.
buck had recognized this feeling, they all had, but it hurt to see her beating herself up so much over it. y/n already felt ridiculous, as this is partially what she signed up for, and he didn’t want her to feel ashamed. the 118 has been assigned to a ton of casualties and bad accidents recently, but it seems like they’ve been piling up and she feels like it is a result of her work.
everyone knows y/n is great. she’s smart and careful in her work, always checking over herself and being gentle with everyone, young and old.
another quiet night at home, y/n picks around her food not being able to find her appetite. the screams of the friend from earlier rang in her ear and the flatline of machines were stinging her brain. the pounding headaches were washed away with another tylenol, as buck tries to start another conversation.
“so, um,” he starts, quietly. “eddie invited us over to dinner tomorrow, do you wanna go?”
he tells a white lie because buck sort of invited himself to dinner. he wants to help y/n, and make her feel better and know that there are people still alive from her rescues. “maybe, i’m not sure.” she says, not having the energy to go tomorrow as she wants to just come home and fight with her sleep again. buck nods, deciding not the fight it. his heart breaks seeing her in this condition, and it pains him even more to know she’s helped him in this situation. he’s had his own losses, and he so desperately tries to climb out of the pit it puts him on. y/n was always the hand, the ladder that he called to climb out. he wanted more than anything to be hers.
they don’t teach you in training how to deal with this. they warn you, surely, but you always try to sugarcoat it in your mind. however, the agonizing sobs and screams will wake you up at night. you remember the names, the family, the details, the autopsy, the medicine that was inserted. every small detail haunts you, until you learn to handle the pain. it never gets easier to lose someone on the job, but the embraces and relief from saving someone is an incredible feeling.
“i’m just going to head to bed,” y/n says, her voice cracking as it’s barely above a whisper. she walks over to buck, placing her plate in the dishwasher. “i’ll meet you upstairs, i’m going to shower first.”
buck nods and gives her a sweet smile that conceals a bit of pity. watching her smiles fade from feeling like she’s not good enough makes his heart skip a beat in the worst way.
a few days later, y/n stayed a little longer at work than buck did. maddie had asked him to watch jee-yun, and when y/n walked in, she saw buck playing with her in their living area. he has a bright smile on his face in response to the little words and babbles from jee. “hey, baby. wanna come join us in here?”
she had completely forgotten that they agreed to babysit. she sighed and mumbled at buck for a minute. “i, um, forgot we’re watching her.”
“it’s ok, we just got done pulling uncle bucks hair out,” he says, scooping jee up and blowing light kisses into her baby cheeks. “who’s that, jee? y/n’s home!”
y/n forces out a small grin, making the side of her mouth raise a bit. “sorry, guys. i was gonna call it an early night, it’s been a really long day.” she replies, because she has no more energy left to give. she feels like shit, leaving her boyfriend and his niece alone, who she adores completely. she doesn’t want to bother their time together.
“oh,” buck says, surprised. y/n never denies extra time with jee-yun, always begging maddie and chimney to bring her over for a bit. “i get it, honey. go lay down.” he says, the smile on his face growing again in attempts to make her feel more comfortable.
“thanks, buck.” y/n walks over to the two, leaving a kiss on bucks lips and one on jee’s forehead. when she walks away, stepping back up the stairs like her muscles are worn out, jee mumbles out the few letters of her name.
“i know, jee-yun,” buck says, comforting her. “she’ll be back soon, i hope.”
days pass and y/n’s brightness that comes into the room when she walks in still isn’t back. buck has tried to give her space, but also giving her the love she needs to feel better. sitting around the table, the team talks for a little.
“kid, something on your mind?” bobby asks, taking a bite of his breakfast while looking at a zoned-out buck.
“s-sorry, cap,” he stumbles over his words. “it’s y/n. i just feel so bad, i wish i could magically fix everything but…”
“it’s hard, she’s been really taking it on these calls.”
“i’m just worried, i don’t know how much more stress she can handle.”
“she’s tough,” eddie adds. “i think she just needs time.” buck nods, still feeling indifferent on the situation.
the alarm sounds later in the night, and they climb into the truck for the last call of the shift. they’re all tired, ready to go home, but also ready to face whatever battle the world has for them tonight. y/n rides in the back, glaring out the window. she listens intently to the instructions in her headphones, and they climb out of the truck.
they see yet another tragic incident on the side of the road, a massive delivery truck had been completely turned upside down with two people inside of it. they team had all sprint up the the flipped vehicle, getting on the ground to see the damage to their bodies. “hi, sir,” y/n says first. “can you tell me your name?”
“ok, richard, can you tell me if you feel this?” y/n applies pressure to his legs. he shakes his head, and begins to panic at the numbness in his lower half.
“it’s ok, stay still,” y/n reassures him. “we’re gonna help you. can you tell us your friends name?”
“his n-name- is tyler.” he answers. “am i going to die in here?”
“we are all here to help you, richard, you are in some of the best hands out there,” y/n stands up and faces hen and chimney. “we have numbness in his legs, passengers name is tyler.”
“got it,” chim says, jogging over to see his friends condition.
on the side, after excusing themselves, the team meets up. “driver is not looking good, cap. i think the damage was already done when we got on scene.” hen says.
“can we get the other person out safely?” bobby asks, hesitantly. they all nod, knowing what is going to have to happen. “he’s pinned under that seat, he doesn’t have enough time.”
“what? no, we have to get both of them out!” y/n interjects.
“we can’t, y/n. we have to keep richard comfortable while they work to get tyler out.”
“there’s nothing we can do, y/n/n,” buck says, stepping in. “there’s nothing that can save him.”
y/n keeps her cool, just barely letting the pot boil over the edge. she walks back over to richard without any directions, but knows that she is the one to keep him comfortable. “this is it, huh?” he coughs a bit, blood pooling at the corner of his lips.
“you have a family, richard?” y/n asks, hoping to keep his mind off the pain that has already been minimized with morphine. no morphine in the world can save his family from the pain they’ll endure.
he nods, slowly. “i have three girls and two boy, and my beautiful wife.”
“wow, a full house, isn’t it?” y/n laughs.
“we have, two dogs too.”
“can i hear their names?”
“the girls are, layla, and she’s the oldest.” he starts, ready to take the time to explain his precious kids. tears are already forming in y/n’s eyes, and she’s relieved he is able to talk over her. “she’s so smart, she was valedictorian, jesus, i was so loud at graduation. and then there’s jake, he’s so amazing, he’s the sweetest kid. and then there’s makenna and sarah, they’re two little,” he pauses to take a few deeps breaths. “firecrackers. and then the youngest is nathan, and he is a r-replica of his mom.”
“what’s their mom like?” the drilling and buzzing from the other side is faint, the two’s thoughts being drowned out by the stories of his family.
“oh, she’s amazing,” he smiles, with red-stained teeth. “the- the most beautiful woman. you think i could call her?” her shaky hand reaches over to his phone that had fallen out of the truck and onto the top. she puts the phone up to his ear, holding it, as some more jargon about the rescued man comes through.
“h-hey honey!” he says, like it’s almost muscle memory. “i, uh, it’s ok, i just wanted to call and see how everything is.” he smiles at the chaos on the other side. “can you, uh, put me on speaker phone?”
the tears are falling down y/n’s face freely, as the sirens of the other ambulances are turned on to drive away with other paramedics. her breaths are shaky, and the team gathers behind them. glass cuts the skin on her knees, but she is not fazed by the feeling. the husband, son, father, says his final goodbyes to his family, and the final breath from his lips is stolen in a matter of seconds. one of the police officers leans down and takes the phone, speaking to the widow and her young family.
y/n places a few fingers on the side of his neck, feeling for a non-existent pulse. her voice cracks, and a few broken cries come out of her sad mind. “i’m so sorry, richard. i’m so, so sorry.” she repeats, over and over again before her boyfriend has to remove her from the nightmare. she yanks her gloves off and wipes the mix of blood from her hands, sweat, and tears off her face.
buck has never seen her breakdown like this, and it was honestly one of his biggest fears. he knew it was going to happen, he just hoped he would make her feel better before it did. “i really tried, buck, i did, i couldn’t keep him up…”
“i know, it’s not your fault. none of this has ever been your fault.”
as y/n’s pained thoughts surround her mind on the way back to the station, she climbs out of the truck and slowly walks back into the locker room. she ignores everyone around her. she tries to ignore everyone, but buck is too quick to understanding her that he is following right behind.
“let’s just go home, buck,” y/n says, her voice is raspy from the sobs and exhaustion.
“i need you to know that you are doing everything you can,” he says, stepping closer to her.
“i know, buck. i’m not doing this right now.”
“you are amazing at this y/n. it is not your fault. these people were doomed from the second they called into dispatch. if anything, you were there for them when we got there.”
“then why? why does this keep happening, buck? since you seem to have an answer for all of this why can’t you tell me that? why does it feel like it’s my fault?” she snaps, raising her voice with him near. she’s not yelling at him, more at herself.
“y/n, please,” buck whispers. “i don’t have the answer for everything. but i know for a fact that you are doing the best you can. and that is enough. and i will say it is enough for the rest of time until you believe me.”
y/n stops and stands still. she looks at him with sad eyes, her mouth opened lightly. she shrugs her shoulders and feels like every word is draining her from everything she has left. “i cant sleep without hearing them, buck.”
“oh, my god. baby,” he says, rushing over to her and pulling her in before her heartbroken knees gave out under her. his arms wrapped around her waist and sat her weak body down on the bench. he held her until she had nothing else to weep out. “let’s go home, love.”
several days later, and several shifts later, y/n had started to feel more normal. things had been looking up, but she was still dealing with the loss of her patients. it never would not bring her pain, each bruise would never heal, but she would rather not forget about them.
buck had taken her out of the house for a day, meeting up with everyone for dinner. they all had been supporting y/n in their own ways. spending time with her, listening to her, giving her advice, and just being there for her was the best they could do. they figured it would be good for her to spend time out of the firehouse and their small shared apartment.
her bubbly personality wasn’t back yet, as she still thought about the casualties consistently. they still haunted her dreams and lay in her brain. having buck there made everything easier. the way he cared for her and never judged her feelings had caused them appear more valid. having someone that understands you like that can open doors to new feelings so fast.
sitting around, they all talked for a bit as y/n still stayed quiet, her hand and bucks never unwinding. her grip on his soft hands has been still like they were stuck in cement. being able to listen to his voice and the casual meetings between everyone brought her back to reality.
“hi, sorry, excuse me?” a woman said, standing next to another one. she had a hearing aid in, and was doing sign language while making eye contact with y/n. “i had just recognized the whole team, and i remembered seeing you. i wish i could remember your name, but it must’ve gotten mixed up somewhere.” the lady signs, pointing at y/n. “you saved my life, you came right back into that building and i would not be here today. you saved me and my family. i wish i could give you all the world, but seeing your face still brings me comfort. so thank you, from the bottom of my heart.”
y/n was completely speechless. she had no idea what to say. her eyes were welling up again, but she blinked them back down and tried to force a few quiet words out. “of course, i’m so glad you remember me! that’s what i’m here for.”
her interpreter signs y/n’s words back to her, and she blows a quick kiss to y/n and walks away with a bright smile. y/n faces back around to buck, with a shocked smile on her face. it was bright, and it seemed like something that reminded her of all the good in this world that she has done.
buck knows that aside from a beautiful face, her soul had a wonderful outcome on the people around her. he wanted to give her everything and make her feeling like the most loved person on the planet. his admiration for her and complete head over heels mind brings him back to her hold every day, and he would spend the rest of his life being her hand to hold.
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angellesword · 3 months
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Summary: Drowning in debt and blood, Jeon Jungkook knows he's better off alone, lest he brings people down with him.
But one drunken night changes everything.
In a blink of an eye, Jungkook found himself drowning not only in debt and blood, but also in dirty diapers and judgmental stares from you, a.k.a his long-lost love and the guardian of the son he didn't even know existed.
Genre and warnings: best friends to lovers, co-parenting, idiots in love, slow burn—really slow burn, mutual pining, angst, fluff, implied smut, kissing, minor character death, slight getting back together, cursing, blood, stabbing, loan sharks, OC cusses excessively so watch out
Pairing: dad! Jungkook x adoptive mom!Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
←Previous Chapter (01) | Next Chapter (03) →
Eight Years Ago; 2015
Jungkook couldn’t lie. Life at Port Mafia was exhausting him down to the bones, but he felt an onslaught of energy rush through him when he saw you leaning on your car while waiting for him.
“Oho~ Perfect timing. My best friend is here to pick me up~.” Jungkook said in a sing-song voice as he happily skipped down your car. Unfortunately, you didn’t mirror Jungkook’s glowing mood.
“Yeah, I’m here to save your shitty ass from perishing. Here—” You pushed a paper bag into Jungkook’s chest before opening the passenger’s door and shoving him inside.
Normally, Jungkook whined about how roughly you treated him, but he couldn’t ignore the savory aroma wafting from the paper bag anymore. Jungkook had no time for drama when his stomach was growling this loud.
“Crazy bastard. When was the last time you ate!?” You scowled as soon as he entered the car.
Jungkook ignored your question. His eyes glistened with crystals when he saw a container full of crab spring rolls. His favorite! He happily uttered your name and asked, “Are these for me? Can I eat them all?”
A scoff escaped your lips when Jungkook stuffed five spring rolls in his mouth in one go. His question did not need a response, but you answered anyway: “You’re the only one I know who eats spring rolls like there’s no tomorrow. Of course, you can eat them all. I made them for you.”
“Aw, aren’t you a sweetheart~?” Jungkook licked his fingers before extending his arm to demand, “Now give me a drink.”
Room-temperature bottled water touched Jungkook’s hand.
“Huh?” Jungkook didn’t accept the water and looked at you with confusion. “Why are you giving me this bland drink? I want banana milk!”
“Shut your trap!” You unscrewed the bottle cap and forced Jungkook to drink it. “You don’t eat in time and even refuse to drink water. You really wanna die, huh?”
Jungkook’s lips puckered. He breathed, “I agree on the last part, but you got something wrong. I do drink water! I just prefer it with flavor. Jimin-hyung and I had coffee earlier. Although, it’s too bitter for my liking..”
A pause.
Jungkook shut his mouth when he noticed your frown deepen. There was a limit to his jokes, and Jungkook knew this. You and Jungkook had been friends since you were five. You might curse and beat him, but you cared for Jungkook. You really lived up to being his best friend.
“You haven’t eaten all day, and your precious hyung made you drink coffee? Very good,” you said sarcastically.
Jungkook let out a breath, “Hey, it’s not like that, okay? We were busy at the office all day. You know we’re a start-up business.”
Start-up, my ass. The words died down in your throat. Some things didn’t need to be voiced out for them to be valid. One look at Jungkook, and your chest tightened. The bags under Jungkook’s eyes were deep and black. If you argued now, Jungkook would be more exhausted. You didn’t have the heart to watch your best friend suffer. You just wanted to bring him home.
“Right.” You gulped and leaned closer to Jungkook to help him buckle his seatbelt. The move invaded Jungkook’s personal space. He could feel your hot breath on his neck.
You owned a secondhand car that Jungkook helped you pick. The previous owner said it was fully depreciated, but you thought it worked perfectly fine—except maybe the seatbelt. Jungkook always lost his temper every time he fastened this ridiculous thing.
You had to do it for him.
Normally, it took two seconds or less to fasten one’s seatbelt, but for some reason, you took a long time helping Jungkook buckle up, almost as if you wanted to stay in this position for the rest of your life.
“Take care of yourself, alright?” Click. The seatbelt was locked in place. You straightened your back and drove the car.
Present; 2023
Nostalgia hit Jungkook in the face like torrential rain.  As of the moment, you, although allowing Jungkook to sit in the passenger seat of your car, had no intention of getting close to him or whatever.
Jungkook heaved a deep sigh.
It was too cold inside your car. Everything had truly changed. Jungkook often complained about the broken air conditioning of your cheap vehicle back then. However, you were driving a top-of-the-line car now.
The atmosphere was awkward. If someone were to tell Jungkook that he’d one day sit inside your car in silence, he would surely call that person crazy.
There was never a dull moment when he was with you. Currently, the only sound that could be heard was the seatbelt warning signal.
Jungkook hadn’t fastened his seatbelt. It was unknown if he had forgotten about it or lost his mind, thinking he had traveled back to when you still fastened his seatbelt.
Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen again. The only thing you could do was remind him about it.
“Buckle up,” you clenched his jaw. ‘Buckle up’ was the second thing you had said to Jungkook after many years of not seeing each other. You two were at the facade of The Guild earlier. Jungkook was rooted on the ground for a long time, thinking he had gone insane to imagine you waiting for him just like before.
But when he returned to his senses, you were still standing before him, and then you opened your car door, gesturing for Jungkook to hop in.
Jungkook didn’t know what kind of demon (presumably the greedy one) had possessed him to enter your car.
Blame it on his brain that short-circuited, relying only on what happened years ago. He didn’t even hesitate. He just got the hell in, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
What was unnatural was how he tried to fasten his seatbelt. He was a bit drunk, after all. His brain was working slower than usual. Jungkook buckled up while wearing the thick yellow Ronald McDonald gloves.
It took him seven tries before realizing that he should remove the gloves, but before he could, you had already leaned closer, buckling the seatbelt for him.
So much for not helping Jungkook, huh?
Since you were close, your unfamiliar scent assaulted Jungkook’s nose. Gone was the soft fabric conditioner that usually stained your clothing. It was replaced by something expensive that seduced someone instead of overwhelming their senses.
Jungkook suddenly felt like he couldn’t breathe. In all honesty, it wasn’t just him. The strong smell of alcohol on Jungkook terrorized you—instantly turning your mood sour.
“You are drunk.” You moved away, focusing on driving once again. Your hand clenched the steering wheel tighter.
Jungkook didn’t speak. He knew how much you hated it when he drank. It brought you pain and memories from the past you’d rather forget.
Jungkook trembled just thinking about those harrowing memories. Meanwhile, despite your apparent anger, you still turned on the car’s heater when you noticed Jungkook shivering; this awakened another memory.
Once, Jungkook couldn’t stop complaining about how hot it was inside your old car, so you, completely crazy over him, brought out a folding fan to help Jungkook cool down.
It was ridiculous and sweet at the same time. Imagine driving with one hand while using the other to fan the annoying person in the passenger seat. Jungkook didn’t have the heart to see you suffer like this, so he snatched the folding fan from you and fanned himself. Besides, it was dangerous.
Looking back, you had always risked many things to make him happy. Jungkook’s heart throbbed at this realization.
So many years had passed, but you still found a way to care about him.
Jungkook found that he couldn’t take it. He wanted to get away right now. 
“Where are we going?” He asked. Only now did he realize how stupid he was to get into this car.
You opened your mouth to speak, then closed it again. You wanted to say something but changed your mind at the last minute.
“Where do you live? I will bring you home.”
“No need.” Jungkook turned you down in a heartbeat. Who would have thought you would clench your jaw and disagree?
“You are drunk. I am bringing you home.”
Jungkook inhaled sharply. There must be something wrong with his head when he wished to see you. Your relationship was severed years ago. You two no longer understood each other. Just look at you—even your way of speaking changed. Jungkook’s tooth ached while listening to you talk formally.
But in the end, Jungkook told you the way home—just not his exact address.
“I’ll be okay here. The streets going to my apartment are narrow. Your car won’t be able to get in.” This wasn’t a lie. Jungkook lived in the poorest area of the city. Going there would only burden you, especially because many gangs waited there. They did not appreciate newcomers. Besides, your car was too flashy. You might end up walking home with a stab wound.
Thinking about that ugly scene, Jungkook shivered again. “Seriously. Just drop me off here. I’m not that drunk, okay?”
It was meant to be a reassuring statement, but your face turned ashen upon hearing that. The rims of your eyes even went red.
Jungkook touched on a sensitive topic that made your heart beat like a drum. He expected you to lash out just like before, but contrary to Jungkook’s thoughts, you simply pursed your lips like you were enduring something painful.
And then you finally stopped the car.
“Contact me.” You handed a calling card to Jungkook. The latter hesitated to receive it because for what? Why did you two need to contact each other again?
You sensed his hesitation. Your grip on the calling card constricted. You almost pushed it to Jungkook’s chest.
“Give me yours,” you demanded as if you knew your former best friend would never call you.
Jungkook held his sneer. He didn’t have a business card. Nobody would want them, so what’s the purpose of printing?
“I’ll call you.” Jungkook snatched the business card and hastily opened the door. He got out in the blink of an eye.
You were stunned but didn’t stop him.
“Thank you for the ride. Happy New Year. See you around.” A lie. He would not see you ever again.
It was too embarrassing. Jungkook was not used to feeling his heart beat crazy again. He was an old man now. He couldn’t handle intense emotions.
Seeing you after a long separation opened wounds he thought had already healed.
He fooled himself. He was a clown.
Jungkook went straight to the comfort room of his apartment. His system really knew how to cooperate, huh? He was only vomiting now that he was out of your judgmental stares.
But really, could he blame you? Jungkook also looked at his reflection in the mirror, judging his clown self. He wished the brown patches in the mirror could cover it whole.
He didn’t want to see his face—didn’t want to think that he really met you while wearing the Ronald McDonald mascot costume.
Jungkook: “...”
Jungkook punched the mirror. 
And then let out an animalistic groan.
Jungkook hated physical pain, but he had a rush of dopamine seeing his hand bleed.
His thought of wanting to die was unleashed. He suppressed his pain and anger for years but couldn’t hold on any longer.
Just for today, Jungkook wanted to let it out. It was New Year, after all. He swore this was the last time he’d cling to his past.
And so he punched the mirror one more time. It hurt. It hurt so much that he wanted to cry or die.
Jungkook collapsed on his bed, breathing heavily.
Breathed in.
A tear fell.
Breathed out.
More tears.
He couldn’t die, so he just cried until he fell asleep.
Jungkook was jolted awake the next day by the banging on his apartment door. The sound was piercing, perfectly and annoyingly matching his pounding head.
A groan escaped Jungkook’s lips. He had to drag his heavy body to open the door. His eyes were still bleary from having woken up, and before he could properly look at the person in front of him, a knife had already penetrated his skin.
“Good morning, Jungkook-ah. I’ve come collecting debts~” The person who stabbed Jungkook had a saccharine voice, but the killing intent mixed in it was apparent.
Jungkook touched his aching stomach, unable to pay attention to the intruder. He looked at his hand; two colors were mixed together, giving an illusion of something hopeless and terrifying: reddish-brown, the color of dried blood from punching the mirror last night, and now fresh red blood stained his fingers.
Jungkook had been stabbed and was pushed to the ground before he could groan in pain.
“Why the long face, Jungkook-ah? Aren’t you happy?” The intruder mocked.
Jungkook was familiar with this intruder. He was Lee Sung. This man collected debts on behalf of Jang Min, his master.
“Eh? You’re not answering me? Jungkook-ah, it’s New Year. Where’re your manners? Haven’t you learned anything?” Lee Sung sneered, hauling Jungkook to his feet only to slam him against the wall.
Jungkook cursed internally: Bastard, yes, it’s fucking New Year. Won’t you give me a break!? But as usual, he couldn’t voice out his indignation. He didn’t have the energy and power to do so.
Powerless people had no voice. If there was one thing Jungkook learned in life, it was to act according to what the one in power wanted. It would make his life easy because he didn’t see the point of fighting when he knew he would lose from the start.
“You promised to pay eleven thousand yen for this month’s interest. Where’s the money~?”
Jungkook screwed his eyes shut. He lost track of the amount of interest accumulating in his debt. He didn’t even know how much the principal amount was. How could he remember? He was drowning in debt. Would you care how many times the waves hit you? No, right? You would only think about surviving or grasping for a life jacket.
His current life jacket amounted to nine thousand yen, so that’s exactly what he said.
“I have ₩9000 with me,” Jungkook’s Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat. Cold sweat slid down his spine. “Can I...pay the remaining amount next week? I swear I—”
Lee Sung slashed Jungkook’s exposed collarbone with a knife, possibly to get him to stop bargaining.
“Of course, Jungkook-ah. I’m a generous man, don’t you know?” The lunatic with a weapon slashed another layer of Jungkook’s skin. “But I’m afraid I must cut your skin twice. One for each won you cannot pay today. Seems fair?”
Without waiting for an answer, Lee Sung already hurt Jungkook. The latter didn’t fight back. By the time the intruder was done, he had spat on Jungkook’s face and then pushed him.
The wooden floor creaked as Jungkook’s trembling body fell down.
“See you next week. Prepare the money, or I’ll have to cut your throat the next time we meet.” And then Lee Sung was gone.
Jungkook gritted his teeth, clutching his bleeding stomach. He had to call for an emergency before he lost consciousness. Unfortunately, his phone was on the bed. He struggled to crawl just to reach for his phone.
Perhaps the universe saw how helpless he was that he was granted exceptional luck: he had managed to call for help before his hand lost all power, dropping his phone as darkness clouded his vision.
← Previous Chapter (01) | Next Chapter (03) →
A/N: Please leave a like or comment if you enjoy reading this fic. It motivates me to write faster. Thank you ~~
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tarjapearce · 11 months
I thought I sent in this ask a couple of weeks back, maybe you did get it and was saving it for later, in which case just ignore this, the last thing I wanna do is pressure you. But if Tumblr was bein' silly and it never went through, here it is:
Inspired by a TikTok I never saved, where Miguel catches Gabriella awake but she's faking being asleep. His way of getting herself to blow her own cover? Telling her to smile cuz for some reason we just smile when someone tells us to. (At least with people we like, probably doesn't work with strangers lol)
If you wanted to, Benji could be involved in this too, or even a future Rosie :3 Maybe all three. Whoever and whatever scenario you see fit! It'll be wholesome either way!
Tumblr is weird af. Sorry for taking this long :') Hope you like! 😊
Pre Rosie btw
Clock ticked ten pm and the report was giving him a hard time since the data didn't match with the results. Where the mistake was?
He pinched his nose bridge, probably getting enough pressure to feel something besides rising frustration.
The rushed steps and giggles however alerted him, sending a little jolt in his heart. You were asleep despite previously fighting off the somnolence from your body, it won over you eventually, after all carrying a baby was exhausting. Benjamin was surely asleep by now.
There was a little thud and more steps. That only left him with one suspect. Gabriella.
Standing up, he snuck on the hallway before making his presence known by knocking her door. Rushed steps immediately stopped, instead he was met with the fresh shuffling of the sheets and a little giggle.
He chuckled and marched towards Gabi's bed.
Silence. Gabriella was trying so hard to not burst into laughter. But that changed as Miguel tickled her above the sheets, earning bubbly squeals of joy.
"How odd, mi Solecito is asleep but all I hear is giggles"
Gabi kept laughing until her feet kicked the sheets out in an attempt to stop the tickling.
" I'm awake!" She giggled breathlessly and Miguel stopped with a soft smile plastered on his face.
"Why is my princesa awake?"
"I couldn't sleep. And It's fun to scare you."
He tickled her again, earning a loud happy shriek.
"Well, you did. Nearly get my heart out thinking the house was haunted."
Gabi laughed and sat on the bed.
"You gotta sleep, corazón. You've got a long day tomorrow"
"I know" She groaned, dragging the 'o'.
"Want me to sing you a lullaby?"
"I'm not a baby anymore, Papa."
He squeezed her in his arms, earning another muffled and chirping squeal
"You'll always be my baby."
Gabi melted in the hug and tried to embrace him as wide as he was.
"Smile for me?"
She did, a genuine one. A smile that always made his heart melt. He kissed her forehead and tucked her in.
"Buenas noches, Solecito. Te quiero. Descansa." (Goodnight, sunshine. Love you, rest well)
"También te quiero, Pa. Buenas noches." (Love you too, pa. Goodnight)
Miguel closed the door and let her sleep. The little interaction had renewed his energies.
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misspearly1 · 2 years
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Pairing: Joel Miller x You (F!Reader) 
Summary: There are many benefits to renting an apartment with your best friend; you can split the cost of bills and keep the spare cash, thus fattening your savings in the bank. The only downside however, is bringing your Texas born and raised boyfriend back to your place and trying to stay quiet when things become a little intimate between you and the man.
Keeping quiet proves to be a difficult task, especially since he can’t keep his hands off you, and when you become a little too vocal in the bedroom, well… he has to hush you. 
WC: 3.9k
Warnings: 18+ Content. Minors DNI. TLOU AU; the outbreak never happened in this story. Established Relationship. Date Night in the city. Teasing/Flirting. Kissing. Hand Holding. Smut. References of Public Sex/Foreplay. Mentions of Oral Sex. Unprotected PIV Sex (wrap it up irl folks). Rough Bathroom Sex. Joel holding his hand over Readers mouth to keep her quiet. Squirting. Soft aftercare and lots of Fluff. If I have missed anything in the warnings, please don’t hesitate to call it out, thanks! 
AN: Oh, how I miss writing oneshots for this sexy fella. I really enjoyed this one, my loves. I hope you like it as well. 🥰
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Living in the heart of Austin, Texas wasn’t your first choice, hell, it wasn’t even your second choice, but you’ve lived in the city for five years now and there’s a lot of things you're going to miss when you eventually move out of your apartment and buy your first house. 
You’ll miss the serenity of waking up before everyone else and walking to work when the streets are almost bare and light with traffic. It’s calm and pleasant during those hours of the morning, and you’ll miss visiting all of your local cafes and coffee shops too, especially the owners and workers you’ve become friends with since you’re one of their regulars. You’ll miss living with your roommate too and all the things you’ve grown to love here.
Venturing out into the city on a Friday evening however, is not something you are going to miss. It’s what you consider to be the busiest day of the week since people are finishing work and heading into the weekend with a lot of steam and wild energy to blow off. Even though the nightlife of Austin has only just begun, you’re glad to be heading home to escape the mayhem. It’s much too busy for your comfort. You feel claustrophobic and suffocated.
The sidewalks are flooded with a slow-moving stream of pedestrians, the restaurants and clubs thronging with partygoers spilling out the doorways - their chatter, screaming or fighting deafening your ears - and the pavement you walk along is wet and sticky from spilled booze and food.
Oh yeah. This won't be missed, you thought with slight disgust. The streets will be cleaned tomorrow morning, but it’s a shame to see them so messy and littered with trash. Frankly, you would have much preferred to stay home this evening, but what brought you outside this busy Friday night was the guy you’re seeing - who is currently opening a cab door for you both to climb inside and make a swift getaway.
The night might have just begun for some people in the city, but yours is coming to a blissful end, and after you had practically thrown yourself into the backseat, eager to get home and relax, he jumped in after you with the same sense of enthusiasm and gave the cab driver your address instead of his, thus making you turn to look at him with a quizzical expression. “My place tonight?” You asked, a surprised tone in your voice. 
“Yeah,” Joel replies keenly. “Tommy and Sarah will be asleep now. I don’t wanna wake 'em up and besides, your place is closer,” he adjusts his seating position to better suit his comfort by wrapping an arm around your lower back and pulling you into his side. “Is that okay with you, babydoll?” he asks, his voice softened with affection, and even if it wasn’t ok with you, that thick southern drawl of his would make it ok. You nod softly with a small smile on your lips, “Mhm. Yeah, that’s perfectly fine with me,” you whispered. 
Upon noticing the way you were lustfully gazing at him, he mirrors your little smile and winks, the flirty gesture making your cheeks heat up with flattery. He reaches out to place his finger on your chin, keeping you in place as he leans in slowly and closes the gap. It was a chaste peck on your lips, yet it was electrifying. The way he looked back at you, his eyes honeyed with desire and passion, sparked an arousing sensation in your core. You were turned on rather quickly. It didn’t take much and it’s all because of a simple gesture, but Joel knows how to make you feel horny in the most uncomplicated ways. 
You feel happy in his presence tonight - you always do - but more happy than you’ve ever felt before. Since you’ve been dating the man for six months now and have slept together plenty during that time, it’s abundantly clear that he’s still into you and isn’t looking for something casual. Despite the fact that he did tell you from the beginning that he’s not looking for a fling, you always take those words with a pinch of salt from guys, never fully trusting that they’re being serious to save yourself the heartbreak later down the line. You like to think that actions speak louder than words, and so far, Joel’s actions have been loud and clear on how he feels about you. 
As he turns away to look out the window and watch the sidewalk crammed with people pass by, you watch the ample glow of neon lights gliding across his face, the pretty colors highlighting his handsome features gracefully. His date night attire was pleasing to look at also. He wore a clean black fitted shirt, long sleeved but the fabric was neatly folded up his arms, and the top two buttons of his shirt were left open which generously displayed the sexy distinct veins in his neck, the cut off point of his summer tan and the hair nestled at the top of his chest. The dark blue jeans and belt really tied his outfit together though, accentuating his tall and muscular build. He looked really good, and all of the men and women who turned their heads to eye him up tonight would agree. 
Joel is older than you, not to a great extent, but you sometimes wonder if all men age like fine wine or if it’s just him. You’ve seen pictures of him in his younger days and he was good looking back then too. Having said that though, it came as quite a shock to even find him on a dating app all those months ago. Suppose you have his daughter and his brother to thank for pushing him back into the dating world otherwise your paths wouldn’t have crossed together. You wouldn’t be here right now feeling his calloused fingertips caressing your knee, his hand threatening to travel up your bare leg and disappear under your skirt at any given second. You see that little smirk on his face, the corner of his lips turning upwards ever so slightly with the filthy thought of fingering you in the backseat of a cab. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s done something so sexually audacious and it won’t be the last either. 
Joel’s personality is generally rather reserved and private overall. He has to connect with someone before opening up to show everything about himself; all the good, the bad, the ugly and his vulnerabilities too. It didn’t just happen overnight with you or after the first date. It took time for him to reach the level of comfortability and openness where he’s at right now, and you’re most grateful for it because he’s more than just his good looks. He’s a big softie and a gentle giant, a family man who is protective, kind and compassionate. He has many features besides his appearance that you adore so much, and while you still admire all those pretty coloured neon lights gliding across his handsome face, you think highly of everything else about the man too. Flaws and all, including the bad, the ugly and his vulnerabilities. 
Your deep train of thought comes to a halt with the cab pulling up outside your apartment block; it was situated right on the shores of Lady Bird Lake and just a five minute walk away from the Texas State Capitol. This location is divine, perfectly placed in the city where it isn’t too noisy nor too quiet, and you like that balance. You’ll miss your apartment, but Scarlett Nicholson is someone you’ll miss most of all. She is your best friend and roommate. You moved in together to split the cost of bills and help each other save up enough money to move out someday, and considering you’ve both amassed enough savings, that might be any day now. 
After beating Joel to the chance of paying the cab driver, you both climbed out the car and made your way to the main entrance, the cold night-time breeze whipping between the buildings causing your skirt to lift up and expose your underwear. He grins from ear to ear at the sight of you frantically trying to cover your ass, then stands behind you and pulls you flush against his chest whilst holding your hips firmly. “Here. Let me help with that,” he said with a burgeoning excitement, his bellowing laughter tickling your neck. “Showing all yer goods to the neighbours there, doll.” 
“Only person seeing these goods is you, Joel.” You scoff jokingly. Holding onto his hands and approaching the main doors to your apartment building, the wind was still causing your skirt to lift up, but at least now your backside was concealed by his body. “Thanks for laughing at me before stepping in to help, babe. I really appreciate that,” you giggle with a modicum of chide in your tone. 
“Of course. Anytime darlin’,” he chuckles before opening the door for you. Once you were inside and out of the cold, he didn’t let you go of you and continued to walk with his chest pinned to your back, using the close proximity to place open mouthed kisses on your neck. It was a little difficult to walk properly, but you didn’t mind all that much since the hold he had over you was intoxicating. The man sucked on your skin, leaving a pretty little bruise behind whilst humping your ass exaggeratedly, the movements making your whole body bob up and down as you walk up the stairwell. He was really grinding his hips into you and it was more of a humorous gesture rather than sexual, the sight could only be described as silly and perverted.
“Joel, there are cameras here.” You warn, then throw your head back with amusement. It didn’t matter to you that there were cameras here. You didn’t care, but you did care about the possibility of someone walking down the stairwell and seeing your boyfriend acting like a man starved of your touch. He stopped with the exaggerated movements in his hips, but continued to grind into you at a subtle and barely noticeable pace. It was nice and delicate, pleasurable. 
Upon reaching the second floor and entering the corridor, you and Joel keep the noise down as you approach your apartment. As well as the fact that there are other people here and you don’t want to disturb them, Scarlett will be in bed fast asleep for work tomorrow and you don’t want to disturb her either. She awakes in the early hours of the morning just like yourself, arriving at work sometimes as early as four o’clock. Even though she probably wouldn’t mind you accidentally making too much noise, you keep in mind that the woman needs her sleep just like everyone else does. 
After unlocking your front door quietly and slipping inside with Joel, you make your way to your kitchen while he locks up for you. The apartment was in complete total darkness and Scarlett's door was shut, which only confirmed that she was indeed fast asleep and you should keep the noise down to a minimum. While you grabbed a couple bottles of water from the fridge, Joel entered your bedroom and made himself at home. You found the man sitting on the edge of your bed, his socks and shoes already removed along with his shirt. He was in the middle of unfastening his belt before you kindly offered to do it for him. “Let me help with that,” you whispered. 
Moving across the room and placing the bottles of water and your phone on the bedside table, you watch the man lean back onto his hands and spread his legs apart, giving you more access as you kneel to the floor and nestle between his thighs. As you get into position for him, he looks down at you with a smile on his face, his hair slightly dishevelled as you reach out to open his belt. You feel his muscles tense in his thighs and hear the way his breath hitches, a soft grunt caught in the back of his throat. “You alright up there, stud?” You ask quietly, seduction rolling off your tongue. “You’re looking a little hot.” 
“Mmm. M-hm,” Joel hums deeply, not confirming nor denying your statement about the way he looks. He didn’t need to. You were right and he knows it. He was burning up under your touch, the placement of your hands directly over his crotch making the blood rush straight to his cock. You look up at him with doe-like eyes, a suggestive look in your expression as the position you’re sitting in gives you naughty ideas. “You know, while I’m down here,” you begin to say, but pause briefly when he smirks, “Do you want me to…” you poke your tongue into your cheek, then watch as he palms himself and groans softly, no doubt picturing you sucking him off. 
“I um-” he clears his throat, snapping out of his train of thought, “-I’d love that babydoll, but you know how I can get quite vocal when you…” he stops mid-sentence when noticing the slight disappointment in your eyes. You love to take care of Joel, and he knows how much to like it too, but he’s right. He can get really vocal when your mouth is stuffed full, gulping back as many loads as he can offer. The man just wants to be respectful of your roommate and neighbours, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want you. He leaned forward and the swiftness in his movements took your breath away. “Sit on my lap instead,” he offers an alternative, “Gotta stay quiet, don’t we girl?” he growls, his voice deep with hunger to feel your warmth wrapped around him, “I’ll bury my face into your tits. That’ll keep me quiet.” 
“Mmm Joel…” you bite your lip, stifling a moan, “Don’t tease me with a good time now, baby.”  
“No teasing, darlin’,” he shakes his head, his tone firm. “Get up here already,” he reaches out for you, his impatience evident in the way he sweeps you off the floor and pulls you onto his lap. The action makes you want to cry out a moan of his name, but you fight the urge and grip onto his biceps instead, steadying yourself as he drags your hips over his crotch deliberately. He pats your ass twice, silently telling you to lift up for him, which you do without hesitation and then feel him yanking his jeans down eagerly to free himself from the confines of his boxers. You physically hear his cock spring back and slap his lower stomach, the sound was audible and sexy, but now that he was free of his clothes, he turned his attention to your clothes. 
Taking your shirt off hastily along with your bra, you throw the clothing over your shoulder and reach for your skirt before he suddenly grabs your hands. “No, not that,” he whispers, then looks into your eyes, “Keep that on for me, doll. I like the way it looks on yer,” he says. You nod to him, panting slightly under your breath with anticipation as you stand up to remove your panties. They couldn’t have come off any quicker before you took a seat back on Joel’s lap, feeling his cock pressing into your slicked folds made you stifle a whine. 
He licked the tip of his fingers and coated his cock with his spit, holding you steady to notch himself at your entrance. “Ready, sweetheart?” He asks, and waits patiently for your answer. Joel usually spends a lot of time preparing you for the stretch, getting you ready for him with his head between your legs extracting as many orgasms as you can give, but not tonight - tonight you need him desperately.
“Yes, baby,” you breathe, nodding fervently. He eased himself inside before holding your hips with a tight grip, letting you take over and direct the pace. The breach was most enjoyable, your walls stretching open to accommodate his size as you sit down on his cock, causing the man to grunt and choke on his moans of pleasure before it inevitably became too much and he had to bury his face into your breasts.
You, on the other hand, had to bite the back of your palm, muffling all your pretty little whines and whimpers as you took him inside. His size was impressive, no matter how many times you’ve taken him before, it’s always a pleasant stretch. After you had taken him whole, still struggling to keep quiet as well as him, he was yet to pull his face away from your boobs. Joel breathed raggedly, savouring the sensation of your warmth wrapped around him and the tightness of your cunt squeezing his cock. You were soaking wet, the desire oozing out of you coating the hairs on his mound. 
He was so hot. You could feel his face burning into your chest, the sweat beginning to gather along his brow as you continued to clench around him purposely. Rocking back and forth once before coming to an abrupt stop at the sound of your bed hitting the wall, the man huffs frustratedly into chest and grabs handfuls of your ass, “Hold on,” he warns seconds before standing up with you held in his arms, the action making you gasp with pleasure. It was loud. Unintentionally loud and you instantly worried about waking up your roommate. “Hang on, darlin’. I got an idea,” he says before walking toward your bathroom. 
After carefully closing the door behind him, he moved toward the sink and sat you down on the edge, hoping the new location would muffle the noise a little better. “You good?” He asks once again before picking up where you left off. You wrap your legs around his back, pulling him into you before resting your head to his shoulder. “Yes.. God yes. Please Joel,” you beg, needing to feel him fuck you just the way you like it. He could sense that desperation in your voice and knew exactly what you were asking for. What you were really in need of.
There’s a time and a place to make love, but this isn’t that time nor the place. You want it rough, and he didn’t keep you awake any longer. Hooking his arms under your legs and locking his hands together around your back, the position bending your body to his will, he buried his chin into the nook of your neck before pulling out of your cunt, leaving only the tip inside. You braced yourself for the thrust, knowing it was going to be breath-taking.
Only it wasn’t. Instead, he damn near punched the air out of your lungs when he surged forward, burying himself to the hilt in one swift motion before pulling out and repeating the action. You could barely breathe and you loved it. You loved hearing his balls slapping against your ass and the deep grunts of satisfaction escaping his lips as speared into you. His voice was so broken and guttural, the sound making you mewl into his neck. 
He kept his thrust short and fast, using the hairs on his mound to stimulate your clit and bring you towards that familiar peak. It was too much, yet equally not enough at the same time. His pace was wild and untamed, as if using your pussy for his own satisfaction. You fought to stay quiet, and it was a battle that you were losing. The man quickly pulled his head back from your neck to clamp his hand over your mouth and silence your mewling cries of pleasure.
“Nnghh… much better,” he smirks, panting a praise “That’s a good fucking girl. Taking me so well, Y/N. Aren’t yer?” He asks, and you nod frantically, moaning as your cunt gushes around him. “I need yer to come for me darlin’. C’mon, you can do it.” 
Your vision begins to blur as you let go, the peak of your climax hurtling toward you so quickly that you felt light and weightless, limp in his arms. It was extreme and intense, ecstasy taking over your entire body as you felt a burst of liquid escape you, the essence of your orgasm drenching his legs.
“Fuck,” He growls, his brows knitting together tightly. “Keep soaking me, darlin’. C’mon,” he says, and continues with the punishing thrusts in and out of your cunt, drawing out every ounce of desire you could possibly give. 
The man panted and moaned victoriously, his voice resonating a heavy sense of pride to make you squirt all over him. “Oh shit, shit!” He coos pathetically, pulling out at the last second and releasing his warmth all over your pussy. You rested your head to his chest, looking down at his cock and watched him spill ropes upon ropes of his seed. It was twitching, the prominent veins along his length bulging and his balls pulling up each time he released a creamy white load. “Ohh fuuck,” he breathes and rubs the tip through your folds, smearing the mess he made. “Goddamn. That was… fuck, that was beautiful.” He lifts your head to look in your eyes, “You’re so beautiful, Y/N… Are you ok?” He asks. 
“Yeah baby,” you nod, your eyes slowly closing with exhaustion as you rest your cheek against his check. He reaches behind you and runs the tap, grabbing one of your hand towels on the rail to hold it under the water. “Give me a second. We’ll go lay down after I take care of this,” he says, bringing the wet towel between your legs to clean you off, the contact of his hand making you whine. “M’sorry, sweetheart,” he says apologetically, knowing that you're overstimulated.
After he was finished taking care of you, he wiped down his legs too and laid a couple more towels on the floor to soak up the mess before wiping it down as much as he could. He picked up the items and placed them in the laundry basket by the door, making sure the place was somewhat clean. It made you smile to watch him not only take care of you, but your apartment too.
“Thank you, handsome,” you reach out and hold his arms before moving off the countertop, the wobbly feeling in your legs making you fall into him. “Jesus. I haven’t felt like this in a little while. Walk with me babe, I don’t trust my legs right now.” You laugh bashfully, the sweet sound of your voice making the man chuckle with you.
Walking back into the bedroom with him holding you closely, he pulled the covers back on your bed and together, you climbed in. The very moment you got comfy, your phone chimed and lit up the entire room. You sighed worryingly and instantly assumed the worst. “Shit. Please say I haven’t woken you up,” you mutter under your breath, hoping that it wasn’t Scarlett texting to say that you and Joel were too noisy and now she is awake.
Grabbing your phone off the bedside cabinet and looking at the screen with a pang of guilt, you lay back into Joel’s side and show him. “Ah fuck,” he sighs with the same sense of guilt as you. It was Scarlett texting, and you unlocked your phone to read the message together. ���Hey, gorgeous. I know it’s super late, but Jake called after you left with Joel. I’m staying at his place tonight so don’t wait up for me. Love you.’ 
Silence befell you and Joel upon reading that message. Not a single word was spoken, but the humorous little smiles on your lips as you both shook your head spoke loud and clear.
All that effort to stay quiet and she wasn’t even home to begin with.
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Perma Taglist (Everything): @marydjarin @kirsteng42 @supernaturalgirl @supernaturalgirl20 @harriedandharassed @joelmillerscoffee @joelsrifle @swtaura @alexxavicry @boliv-jenta @dragonsondragons @practicalghost @janebby @faceache111 @sleepylunarwolf @tusk89 @graciexmarvel @munsonownsmyass
Joel Miller Taglist: @extraneous-trip @readsalot73 @luvmeijii @pale-gingerale @something-tofightfor @hb8301 @squidwell @spideysimpossiblegirl @mooraakath @michele131 @chxpsi @zeida @wordsfromshona @trickstersp8 @killergoddessmm @kunakizen @scorpio-marionette @oogaboogasphincter @jmillerswife
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 7 months
Ruby: *Raising a Glass of Milk* Here's to the Aces!
Oscar: *Raising a Glass of Hot Chocolate* And here's to the Aro's!
Ruby: Hoping to the gods we make through tomorrow!
Oscar: And that we get to have a good day!
Ruby: And Indulge in cheap Chocolate afterwards!
Oscar+Ruby: Amen!
They Chug their Drinks
Emerald: What- What are they doing?
Jaune: Valentines day is tomorrow.
Emerald: Yeah?
Jaune: It's gonna be a warzone for them having to dodge questions and shows and memes about valentines and romance and sex.
Emerald: Ah.
Jaune: Yeah.
Emerald: Wanna have sex?
Jaune: No, I need to save my energy for tomorrow.
Emerald: What? you pull people like a blackhole?
Jaune: Unfortunately yes, It's gonna be exhausting. But, Fortunately, It's fun. Exhausting but fun.
Jaune: you don't know Half the posts I'm gonna be in - let alone the ones that already have me.
Hey Guys! To the Aces, Aros, and whatever other deliniations of Not romantic and/or sexual people, I apologize for what;s coming tomorrow, but I know you can make it through it!
To everyone else, Go Nuts, Show Nuts.
And to the other lonely fucks out there.
You're doing good buddy. Good things are coming just around the Corner!
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wososage · 1 year
One Step at a Time: USWNT x Reader
Summary: Y/N plays in the opening match of the world cup but it isn’t sunshine and fairy tales. Y/N does everything they can to hold their shit together and help the team. 
Warnings: sorry this is very very sad because i need to write out my sad emotions and this is a little bit me writing my life into an imagine… italics are Y/N’s internal monologue
Word count: 1234
Step One: get to the lobby of the hotel before the bus is supposed to leave
Just put one foot in front of the other. Take the elevator, not the stairs. Save your energy for the game you are going to need it. Are my headphones on? Are my sun glasses on? Follow the team out of the hotel. Ignore the fans. Ignore the media. Get on the bus and sit in your seat.
Step Two: Get to the start of the game without crying
Chill playlist only. Focus on good deep breaths. Keep your eyes closed. Imagine today being a better day. Your family is in the stands. They can’t wait to watch you do what you love. They are so proud of all of the hard work it took you to get here. They will go crazy if you score a goal today. Do the same routine you always do. Take the picture frame out of your bag. Remember that you are playing for those who can no longer be here. Take the necklace off and put it on the picture frame. Get dressed. Warm up. How do the muscles feel? How do the joints feel? Is blood sugar okay? Are electrolyte levels okay?
Step Three: Be the player that the team needs you to be
We all line up. The whistle blows. 
Time to push forward. I am open. The ball is at my feet. The keeper is off their line. Chip the keeper Y/N. Holy shit. It worked. I just scored. Everyone is running to me.
“That was amazing Y/N!” Alex yells in my ear.
“Y/N you are the best!” Lindsey says joining the swarm of people hugging me.
I look up to the sky with tears in my eyes.
This is for you. It's always for you.
“Come on guys,” I say. “There is a lot of game left to be played.”
Line up for the corner. Have a plan to lose the defender. Never lose sight of the ball. Run towards it. Jump high. Redirect to the back post. 
“Fuck yeah!”
“That's two Y/N!”
“Y/N is unstoppable!”
Don’t get cocky. Stay humble. Stay true to yourself.
“Y/N! Push forward.”
I can see what is about to happen. Stay on side Y/N and everything will work out. Run. Get your ass there. Just get a toe on the ball. The keeper can’t stop you. Redirect. Don’t add any power.
“Hat trick! Hat trick! Hat trick!”
“Y/N! You are the love of my life!”
The whistle blows and I just sit on the ground and cry. I should be happy right now, but instead I am so sad. 
This is not how the world cup was supposed to go.
Step 4: Put on a happy face until the public can’t see you
“That was an amazing way to start the world cup,” Vlatko says to all of us in the huddle. “I am proud of all of you. Y/N, congrats on the hat trick. Everyone, enjoy this moment. The rest of the world cup starts tomorrow.”
“One more thing before everyone starts to look for their family,” Pinoe says. “Y/N get in the middle. You know how birthdays work on this team.”
Everyone sings happy birthday to me and then we head over to the friends and family section. 
Seeing everyone so excited that their family is here makes me happy. It’s great to see everyone in such good moods.
“Y/N where is your family?” Sonnett asks. “I wanna say hi to them!”
“They’re in America,” I tell her quietly, trying to not cry. “They aren’t coming to any of the games.”
“That’s okay,” Sonnett whispers in my ear while giving me a hug. “All of our families will support you and be your family during the tournament.”
“Thanks Sonny”
Step 5: Get through media as quickly as possible
Heif takes me to the mixed zone, where I am presented with the player of the match trophy.
“Y/N,” A reporter says, getting my attention. “After your goals and after the game you seemed emotional. Could you speak on what emotions you are feeling and what has been going through your head throughout the game?”
Do I lie or do I tell the truth?
Truth. The truth will come out eventually so there is no point in lying now.
“Yeah, there definitely are a lot of emotions when it comes to playing in the world cup. Most of the game I kept telling myself to be that player that my teammates need me to be. Every goal was such a whirlwind. They were all split second decisions that worked out in the team's favor. Before every game, I remind myself of all the people I play this sport for. All of the people who would be proud of me for fighting for my dreams. After the goals, I was thinking who I was scoring for. The ones who would be going crazy if they were able to watch this game. I am sure if you were to ask anyone on the team, they would say that they compartmentalize during games and tournaments. I am no different. But once that final whistle blew, I let myself think about the things I’ve been blocking out during the game. I let myself sit in the emotions I was putting aside in order to be the player the team needs me to be.”
“Y/N, is there anything you would like to say to your family right now?”
It’s okay to cry. Everyone will understand.
“Yes. Unfortunately, my family was not able to make it out to the world cup, so they are back home watching this on TV. Before… Before we left the hotel I got a call from my family. There was a family emergency. So to my family: I am very sorry that I am not able to be there to support you right now. I know what you are going through feels unreal and unimaginable. I love each and everyone of you. Please take time for yourself and make sure you are doing okay. And I hope that watching the world cup brings you a little bit of light in this very dark time. Those goals were for Reagan, Chase, and Cole. I will fight to win this world cup for you and for them. And I will be back in a month to give all of you hugs.”
Step 6: Let the team in. Let the team support you.
I am sobbing by the time I get back to the locker room. Almost everyone is either in the showers or the ice bath. I get to my locker and suddenly I am filled with rage. I punch my locker over and over again until I am pulled away by Aubrey and Naeher. I collapse in their arms and just sob.
Nothing in the world feels okay.
By the time I have calmed down, the entire team is sitting in their lockers silently. Patiently waiting for me to talk to them.
“My brothers died today,” I say, my voice raw. “I found out right before we got on the bus. I am staying for the rest of the world cup. My family will be staying in America. I need to win this for them.”
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that-oracle · 8 days
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Luffy redraws!!!
I mostly wanted to use it as an excuse to draw a ton of expressions bc I loooooove drawing expressions but I got a little carried away (I even have more screenshots saved that I kinda still wanna draw lol)
Luffy's definitely one of my favorites to draw. Though I should really try drawing some if the other straw hats too.. I don't know if ill do the same number of them as I did for Luffy (depends on how much energy I have) but maybe I'll do a handful of redraws for everyone. I won't make any promises but it sounds like it could be fun. That's a decision for tomorrow Oracle though.
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phantom-playdough · 2 years
Human!Bill Cipher x GN!Reader: What's Valentine's Day?
Side note for the sake of the story: Bill and the Pines family are on friendly terms in this timeline. Just pretend, okay!?
TW: SLIGHT Attempted Sexual Assault, NOT BY BILL.
I promised my viewers on my YouTube channel that I would do a Bill Cipher x reader story, and people have wanted me to write such for years. So, I might as well give the people what they want and incorporate Valentine's Day. Hope you guys enjoy!
Guide: (N/n) = Nickname (F/B/F) = Favorite breakfast food
Y/n woke up to a certain someone booping their nose lightly. They opened their eyes, not fond of the fact that they were being awoken from their sleep. Of course, their best friend Bill was crouching in front of their face, mere hairs away.
"What do you want, Bill?" Y/n asked, not commenting on how close he was.
"I got a question for ya, sweets." He said, a bored expression coming over his face.
Y/n sat up and rubbed their eyes. "Well, what is it?" They decided to indulge in this conversation even though they had just woken up. Despite the rude awakening, Y/n struggled with the concept of being mad at Bill for an extended period of time.
He was too cute for his own good, honestly...
Bill hopped onto Y/n's bed, making Y/n bounce in the air a little bit.
"I heard Wendy talkin' 'bout some Valentine's Day thing? What the heck is that?"
Y/n blinked at that. "You don't know what Valentine's Day is?"
Bill shrugged. "I haven't been in this realm for that long, Y/n. Besides, you humans have too many holidays for me to remember."
It was hard to argue that when Y/n thought about it. December was overwhelming for Bill and, by extension, them because he was so confused by all the various traditions and holidays around that time of year.
"Valentine's Day is about expressing your l-love for others." Y/n saw the way Bill's uncovered eye widen in surprise. So, they were quick to add, "But it doesn't have to be about romantic love. It can be expressing love for friends or family. A-Although it is mostly advertised by people to be about romantic love. You normally do all of this by giving people gifts."
Y/n kicked themself in the head mentally at the fact that they kept stuttering with their words. It was too early for this conversation.
Luckily, almost suspiciously, Bill seemed to be eager to drop the topic almost as fast as it was brought up.
"Welp! Thanks for telling me, Y/n! Ya wanna go get breakfast at the diner?" Y/n was about to answer verbally, but their stomach seemed eager to answer by growling very loudly.
Bill cackled, slapping his knee dramatically. "I'll take that as a 'yes'!" He then stood up and left for the door, but he looked back at Y/n right before leaving. A serious look was on his face that made Y/n's hands sweat.
"Just outta curiosity, Y/n, do you have anybody you're gonna give a Valentine's Day gift to?"
Y/n flushed at that and wiped their hands on their blanket. "Uh, I was kinda just planning to give some stuff to Stan, Ford, and Soos." It was easy to see the glare from Bill. "I don't know what I would get you, Bill! I don't know what in this dimension would be a good gift for you."
Bill's face softens up. "Relax, Y/n. I'm just playin'. But I could say the same for you, though."
"Don't worry about getting me anything, Bill. Save that energy for someone you really like." Y/n said, brushing off the idea and hiding their feelings in the process.
In all honesty, Y/n really wanted to get Bill something. But making something would be hard to do, especially because Valentine's Day was tomorrow. Buying him something would serve to be even more impossible! Only a few months ago, he came into this dimension as a human and turned a new leaf. He hasn't had much time to adjust to how things were here. So, Y/n didn't know what would even serve as a good gift for him! Let alone whether he would want a practical gift or a sentimental gift.
But the idea of Bill giving them something made them even more uneasy than the other way around. Plus, Y/n didn't even consider the idea of what if Bill liked them back. It was not likely in their eyes.
Bill noticed how Y/n's face dropped a little at their own words, but he decided for once to not blab too much. Instead, he said, "Whatever you say, N/n. I'll meet ya downstairs." Bill then left the room without waiting for a response.
Y/n felt a little sad that Bill didn't argue with them about what they said, but they figured he didn't feel anything romantic for them. They brushed the disappointment aside and went ahead and got dressed.
When they came downstairs, Y/n was puzzled to not see Bill anywhere in sight.
"Bill? Where are you?" They called out.
No response.
Right when Y/n was about to call out again, they were poked in the middle of their back. They yelped out in surprise and turned around to see a certain smug blonde smirking down at them.
"Shut up, will you?" Y/n snipped, despite Bill not saying anything.
Bill's smirk only grew at that. "It's not my fault you space out so much, N/n." He flicked their forehead playfully. "Come on, let's go get some of those waffle-cakes."
"Pancakes, Bill." Y/n corrected.
"They're almost the exact same thing, Y/n!" Bill defended dramatically, making Y/n roll their eyes.
So, after a 15-minute walk that involved debating about pancakes and waffles, Bill and Y/n made it to the diner. The pair walked in and ordered their food. Y/n had (F/B/F), and Bill had pancakes, waffles, and a giant milkshake. When Y/n questioned why he got the milkshake, he said that having a brain freeze was amusing to him.
Once the meal was done, Bill begged asked for Y/n to go with him to the movie theater to see some random romantic comedy. Y/n had tried to ask him why he wanted to see it. But he only said, "It's research, sweetheart."
Y/n blushed as red as a rose at being called 'sweetheart', so much so that they completely dropped the topic.
So, they bought two tickets for the romantic movie. However, Bill was also bugging them to buy a GIANT thing of popcorn.
"I don't even know if the two of us can finish that when we literally just ate, Bill."
"Come on, Y/n! The popcorn is one of the most important parts!"
"To what?"
"To my research! Come on, please?" Bill once again begged.
Not wanting to hold up the line behind them because of their bickering with Bill and also not being able to say no to him left Y/n no other choice but to buy the popcorn.
Once they both got into the theater, Bill pulled Y/n to the back row, and they sat down. After the previews, Y/n started getting hungry from the aroma of popcorn next to them. Bill kept the bucket of popcorn in between the two of them so both of them could eat from it.
However, Y/n noticed Bill had not made a move to start eating any of it. They were confused, but they were not about to let the money they spent get thrown into the movie theater trash can without a fight.
So, Y/n reached their hand in to grab a handful of popcorn. But right as they put their hand in the bucket, Bill had put his hand in. As a result, their hands end up brushing against one another. Startled, Y/n retracted their hand and muttered an apology. Bill didn't respond to it at all, which only served to make the whole thing both more awkward and suspicious.
Instead, he only took some popcorn and munched away. Y/n waited for a good three to four seconds and reached in again to grab some when Bill brushed his hand against theirs again!
One time could just be an innocent mistake. But twice? The odds of that happening twice didn't make sense to Y/n. But they still muttered an apology and were ABOUT to pull their hand away. However, Bill clearly had different plans.
He simply grabbed Y/n's hand and held it in his own. Y/n looked at him in surprise, but Bill was just looking straight ahead at the movie with a semi-bored expression while he rubbed circles on Y/n's hand as though it was the most NORMAL thing in this dimension.
But if he wasn't making a big deal about this, why should they?
At least, that's what Y/n thought. So, despite them blushing profusely, they didn't pull away. But Bill just HAD to speak right when the embarrassment was dying down.
"Do all you humans sweat so much when holding hands?" He didn't even take his gaze off the movie when he asked.
"S-sorry." Y/n apologized again and tried to pull their hand away. But Bill tightened his grip. It wasn't enough to hurt, but it was enough to prevent them from slipping their hand out of his.
"It's fine, sweetheart." Bill spoke with a smirk, leaving Y/n a bright red, blushing mess.
After the movie, the pair almost killed the whole bucket of popcorn despite Bill refusing to let go of Y/n's hand.
The both of them exited the theater room when Y/n realized they forgot their phone at their seat. So they told Bill, "I'll be right back! Forgot my phone!" They didn't wait for him to respond as they rushed back in to grab it.
Y/n felt panic surge through them as they did not see their phone near their seat. But a guy who was cleaning up the row below clearly noticed Y/n's distressed face and said, "I take it this is yours?" Sure enough, he held up Y/n's phone.
"Oh, my God, yes! Thank you!" Y/n said, taking it from the guy.
"No problem. Uh, mind if I have your number?"
Y/n's face paled a little at the question. They didn't even know the guy's name, not seeing a name tag on him. They did NOT feel comfortable giving this random dude their number.
"O-oh, uh..." Luckily, the universe decided to bless Y/n with a savior at that moment. Right then and there, Bill walked over next to Y/n.
"I think they do mind, buddy." Bill spoke with venom. He appeared out of nowhere, practically. He must've come in when Y/n wasn't paying attention. But for once, they didn't mind him sneaking up on them.
The guy looked at Bill with a scowl. "Uh, who are you to be deciding that for them?"
Bill came closer to Y/n and put his hand around their waist, pulling them into him. But what Bill said next sent chills up Y/n's spine.
"They're off limits, kiddo. Turn around now before you see something you might regret..." The guy was spooked enough by Bill that he sped out of the room without a beat.
Once he was gone, Bill let a breath out through his nose he didn't know he was holding and turned to Y/n. "Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Thanks. You saved my skin there." They tried to laugh the whole thing off, but Bill clearly saw that Y/n was shaken up. He took their hand in his again and intertwined his fingers with theirs. The two of them stayed like that for a while when Y/n tried to change the subject.
"Is this a part of your research?"
"What?" Y/n squeezed his hand to specify what they meant. "Oh, haha, you could say that." Bill said as he squeezed back.
"Are you ready to head back to the Mystery Shack?"
Bill smirked and pulled Y/n outside. "Not quite. We got one last stop."
Eventually, Y/n and Bill were out in the woods. But by this point, it was dark out, and Y/n could hardly see anything in front of them. But Bill stayed ahead of them and assured them that this would all be worth it.
After a few more minutes of walking, the pair made it out to a small clearing in the trees. Bill let go of Y/n's hand and made a picnic blanket appear on the ground a few feet ahead of them. He sat down and gestured for Y/n to join him.
They did, and Bill pointed up at the sky. Y/n was blown away at what they saw.
A meteor shower.
"Ya know, they normally say to make a wish when you see a bunch of shooting stars, right Y/n?" Bill asked with a genuine smile.
"Yeah." They then closed their eyes and made a wish. When they opened their eyes, they noticed Bill looking at them.
"What'd you wish for?" He asked as if he really was curious.
"If I tell you, it won't come true."
"Oh, Y/n, you underestimate me." Bill said confidently.
Y/n looked down. "I wished that you and I would be friends forever." They said softly.
Bill's face immediately turned a bit sad at that. "Just friends?" He asked seriously.
"Just friends?" Bill repeated, looking almost nervous.
Y/n blinked. First in confusion. Then realization. Then shock. "Bill, are you having a brain freeze or something?" They asked with a nervous laugh.
"No? Why?" Bill felt a little hurt at that comment. What made Y/n think that?
"Because there is no way you're serious right now. It's either that or you're pulling my leg."
"Come on, Y/n. Even I'm not that cruel. Not... anymore."
"Well, what else would make you ask me something like that?"
"You." Bill didn't skip a beat in replying. But he knew that Y/n was going to take the high road in this. Besides, if he was going to be rejected, he might as well go down swinging.
"I mean, I've only known you for a few months. But I've lived longer than you humans could comprehend, and I have never felt the way I have when I'm with you. The moments we have together are kinda simple, but I like it that way. You make the boring things humans do fun for me, and you've been patient with me while I try and learn about this dimension. I couldn't do all the fun stuff we do with anyone else in this town. You seemed so simple when I first met you. But you're even more strange than I am because of how you put up with me. What more could I ask for in--" Bill hesitated in the last words of that thought. "--in someone I love?"
Y/n struggled to take this all in. They weren't even totally sure if Bill could feel any attraction to someone in this dimension. But the speech he gave seemed very genuine, and it was clear he wasn't joking around at all.
Before Y/n could reply, Bill snapped his fingers and made a small golden necklace appear. There was a single golden triangle charm with the same grooves Bill had in his triangular form hanging from the chain. But instead of his one eye in the center like his demon form, there was a black, heart-shaped diamond.
"I'm not gonna force ya into anything you don't want, Y/n. But if you do feel the same, I want you to have this." Bill said, holding the necklace out for the taking.
Y/n didn't even need to ponder the offer. They knew their feelings for Bill. So, they took the necklace from him and put it on. Bill released a breath that he again didn't know he was holding.
"I wished for you to return my feelings." He muttered. Y/n laughed.
"You didn't need to wish for that. It's already true."
"So is your wish." Bill then wrapped an arm around Y/n, pulling them close to him.
"Happy Valentines Day, Bill Cipher." Y/n said before they leaned up and kissed him.
The End
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igotbloodonmyhands · 7 months
Nightmares / Part I
Note: I made this two parts since I really wanted to post this but couldn't find the energy to write for the others tonight. Tomorrow you'll get Price, Rudi and Soap tho (I used alphabetical order, that's why they're last). Trope: Fluff, angst, hurt comfort Word count: 1.303 Trigger warning: Mention of torture
Alejandro: Alejandro was no stranger to sleepless nights. It took an eternity for him to fall asleep, worries and sorrows keeping him awake. When he did finally fall asleep, the nightmares came. He'd stand in the town square of Las Almas, having to watch as his family, friends and comrades were put against a wall. He couldn't run or scream, just stand there. When he suddenly stared in the barrel of a gun he finally woke up, shirt wet with sweat, the rooms silence filled by his heavy breaths. "Joder (Fuck)", he mumbled, getting up and putting on a new shirt. It was 0200 (2 am). He decided to get a tea. As he stepped in the community room he was surprised to see the lights on, you standing in pyjamas in front of the boiling kettle, a mug in your hand. "(Name)? What are you doing in the kitchen an two in the morning, tesoro?" You turned around, grinning but tired. "I could ask you the same, Ale" He sighed and grabbed a mug and tea bag (Spanish orange) "Can't sleep. You?" "Same. Do you... Wanna talk about it?", he shook his head. "Not right now, I think.... Just need to think about something else" You shrugged. "Understandable" You two sat down on the couch, sitting in silence, drinking the tea, each lost in their own thoughts. "Would you rather fight one hundred duck sized horses or one horse sized duck?", you suddenly asked. He looked at you like you had grown two horns. "Ehhh, madre mia, the horses, I think?", he answered. "Me too. Even though it would depend on the horse" He chuckled. "Are you trying to distract me?" You grinned "Is it working?" He rolled his eyes "A bit". You leaned you head on his shoulder, and after a moment he put his head on yours. "Good" You continued to banter about random nonsense until, finally, fatigue overcame you and you finally fell asleep. It was the best sleep either of you had gotten in a while.
Gaz: Falling asleep wasn't the problem. But as soon as Gaz drifted off into dream land, he was haunted. Faces of fallen comrades screamed at him for not saving them, the screams of agony of their last moments, the pleas of enemies he tortured filled his mind. With a muffled yelp he shot up in his bed, chest heaving. "Fuck", he muttered, getting up and pacing up and down in his room. His heart was beating like a racehorse. He grabbed his gym bag and decided to head to the training rooms. He was surprised to see the lights on, the thudding of fists hitting the punching bag filling the room. "Not bad, (name)", he stepped closer, looking at you. You sighed. "Can't sleep either?", you asked. He nodded. "Yea. Damn nightmares", he punched the bag, making it swing violently. You stepped back, sitting down on the mat and leaning against the wall. "Wanna talk about it?". He thought for a moment before turning his attention back on the bag. You thought he'd just ignore you and stay quiet, but as he started punching the bag, he muttered under his breath. "I couldn't save them. I killed them" His punches got harder and more aggressive. "It's my fault. It's my fault". You weren't sure who he was talking about, but it didn't quite matter right now. "Hey, hey, Gaz", you tried to calm him down. "Cmere", you patted the mat next to you. He seemed to contemplate for a moment, but then finally sat down next to you. A shuddered breath escaped him as he slumped in on himself. You opened your mouth, but quite honestly you weren't sure what to say. So you just sat in silence, but it wasn't an awkward feeling. It felt... Safe. Suddenly, you felt his head on your shoulder, and smiled, leaning yours against his.
Ghost: For Ghost, a good nights sleep was as common as a unicorn. Everytime he closed his eyes, he was there again. Buried alive, in a coffin, squished next to a decaying body. But this time, he didn't get out. He thrashed and screamed, unbeknownst to him not only in his sleep, but it was no use. He was trapped, he was trapped, he was trapped. Panic flooded his every fiber, but he just wouldn't fucking wake up. His eyes widened when he finally woke up. His breath came in short, shuddering gasps, tears staining his cheeks. He wanted to run, he needed to run or else he'd suffocate. He almost fell over putting on his pants and running shoes before he ripped open his door and ran. He didn't know where, he just needed to run. The sky was still dark, with the faintest shimmer of violet light creeping up the horizon. He aimed for the woods behind the barracks, mindlessly running along the paths. "Fuck, Riley, watch your step, big boy", a sudden voice squeaked. He opened his eyes which he didn't remember closing. He looked down, seeing you knocked over on the ground. "Sorry", he mumbled, giving you a hand and pulling you up. "What are you doing here at this time of night?", you raised an eyebrow. He shifted his weight. "Can't sleep". "Me too...", you looked at him. His gaze was weird... Dead, somehow. "Do you... Want to talk about it?", you asked carefully. "No", he said, voice firm. "Come with me", you grabbed his arm, leading him to a bench nearby, guiding him down and plopping next to him. "I'm here for you, you know that, right?" He gulped. "Yea..." A deep sigh escaped him. "...Thank you". You smiled, leaning your head on his shoulder. "No problem", you mumbled, feeling him relaxing under you.
Horangi: They were here, they'd kill him, fuck, he needed to hide, he needed to hide. Horangi panted, clenching his fist in the sheets. His eyes opened wide and he rubbed the scars on his face. He grabbed a pack of cigarettes and stepped outside, sliding down the wall. He lit it and took a deep breath, letting his head roll back and closing his eyes. "Whatcha doin there?", you voice suddenly sound beside him. "빌어먹을!" (Fucking hell, may be a bit wrong since I don't speak Korean) He had jumped up, sighing when he saw it was just you. "Stop sneaking up to me like that, (name)". You chuckled. "Heh, sorry". You sat down next to him. "Can't sleep?", you looked up at him. He nodded. "I don't wanna talk about it". "Then lets just... Sit" You leaned against him, feeling the tension melt slightly from his form.
König: As soon as he closed his eyes, the memories came. He was strapped to a chair, only dressed in boxer shorts, his hood gone. He felt exposed. They whipped, beat and cut him, the scars still evident on his skin. He stood up on shaky legs, the scars on his body aching. A small tin of ointment stood on the table, which he grabbed and carefully rubbed it in. He was not gonna fall asleep anytime soon again. With a heavy sigh he put on his clothes and shuffled towards the armoury. He plopped down on a bench and started cleaning his guns. "Hey there", he hadn't heard you, and immediately pointed the empty gun at you. "Scheiße! You scared me!", he mumbled. You giggled, sitting down next to him. "Sorry". He rolled his eyes and watched him clean his weapons for a minute. "Can't sleep?", you asked. "Nightmares", he answered shortly. You leaned your head on his shoulder, feeling his muscles move under it as he wiped down the barrel of his gun. "You can always talk to me, you know?", you mumbled. "Yea... Danke"
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