#and if i could just figure it out making friends would suddenly be as easy for me as it is for everyone else
silverislander · 2 years
literally in the process of starting an adhd evaluation and i'm like "hey maybe you're autistic haha. wouldn't that be fun. bc remember that you stim and you're exhausted by social situations and you have unexplained sensory issues and you get all your social skills from fiction/peoplewatching and and and" so i looked into it a bit
raads-r score: 106, autism is considered at fucking 65
cat-q score (related to masking): 128 compared to nt score average around 109 at the highest and 99 overall nt average
... well, fuck!
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sstrwbrryccke · 5 months
—bullying him pt.2 | sub choi soobin
part 1 | part 3
tags: bully reader x nerd soobin, gn reader, mean reader, sadistic reader, somewhat possessive reader, one-sided crush but not really (reader has feelings too but doesn’t admit it), public humiliation, public orgasms, dubcon, oral (soob.receiving), vibrator (soob.receiving), unhealthy relationship, heavy exhibitionism, kind of cute at the end?
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its a few weeks or maybe months into this weird relationship you two established. or more accurately, you pulling him around and him being at your every beck and call. maybe your relationship with him was a secret, but how downbad he is for you wasn’t. it was real obvious how he looked at you in class, only to look down when you made eye contact with him. a pretty pink blush dusting his cheeks. look at him, getting his hope up and everything. when you call him to your desk during lunch break, he couldn’t help his eagerness, walking past your friends and glancing at you through his bangs. it’s pathetic, really, how excited he gets when you give him attention.
“what… what did you need?” he repeated, barely able to keep himself in check. probably used up all his courage just to choke out those words. your friends stare at the two of you, some holding back their laughter while others were glaring at him. he shrivel under their judging gazes, his tall figure and head slightly slumped as if he was trying to make himself appear smaller. which was impossible, considering how tall he was.
you smile at him, and he lights up a little. “yeah, can you get me a drink at the vending machine?”
he dissipates visibly, a small frown on his plump lips before he nods— you would almost feel bad for him if it weren’t for how cute he looked while sad. he quickly rushed out of the classroom, probably to get away from your friend’s snickering.
soobin’s attraction was no secret even to you. but could you really blame him? just a few days ago, you discovered something shocking (or maybe it was already obvious), not only was soobin a friendless loser (to his own admission), but he also had the biggest, fattest crush on you ever since the start of high school. when he told you, you couldn’t help but grin, this was a gold mine. from then on, it was just so much easier to play with him.
you were slapped out your daze by your friends, they were patting your back while laughing.
“holy shit, you made him your errand boy?” one joked, but you felt a slight rising irritation at their sudden attention towards soobin. it was irrational, seriously, because you really had no problem with it before.
“woah, why the glaring.” another just jested, and you rolled your eyes, packing up your lunch.
“i mean, i would kill for an errand boy. bet he’ll get down on his knees and—“
“shut up. with your face, he doesn’t need to be on his knees to gag” you snap, and perhaps you overreacted. but your friends shrugged it off as a joke, laughing and jabbing at the guy who got insulted
“damn they got you there.”
you put the final item into your bag before standing up and heading for the door.
“yo where you going?”
“rooftop.” you weren’t technically lying.
during school, outside of the classmate context, you pretend to not know him, it was more fun that way. you told him it was because you couldn’t associate with a loser like him, and he meekly nodded. (real reason? teasing him was fun).
it was easy to spot soobin at the vending machine, lamely contemplating which drink you would like the most. so concentrated that he didn’t even notice your figure approaching him until your strong grip was pulling him by the arm. he visibly flinches, wide eyes confused as he stumbles behind you.
“the— you— the drink”
“i wasn’t even thirsty.”
he seemed puzzled at this, but lets you manhandle his tall ass figure anyways (it never ceases to turn him on). you release his arm when you reach the rooftop. he takes a glance at his surroundings before looking back at you. suddenly awkward in his body again, he shifts from one foot to the other while fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
“so uhm… what are we do—“
you roughly kiss him and he shuts up with a small startled noise. you push him harshly into the fence and he yelps into the kiss before having his senses dominated by your eager tongue, forcing into his mouth. he was frozen like always, closing his eyes desperately, pilant under your touch because he had no damn idea what he was doing. after a few seconds, his jittery hands push you off, because he physically couldn’t breathe anymore. he inhales shakily, lips wet with saliva and cheeks tinted red.
you hand lowers and begin to unbutton his shirt, feeling from his chest to his stomach. his skin was always so soft and satisfying to feel. (you once asked if he had a skincare routine and he nodded nervously, asking if you wanted to know) you slid your hand up to his nipple, pinching at one. he trembles at this, hands sweaty and he didn’t know where to place them so he just grips at your shoulders. your hand suddenly palms at his bulge and he jolts, a desperate breathy moan escaping his mouth
“it’s! it’s public! we’re— we’re in public!”
he manages to squeak out, eyes squeezed shut. you stop, a snarky expression on your face. you pull away fully, leaving him with his back flush against the fence. he whimpers softly when he felt your weight lift from his body, eyelids fluttering open to look at you.
“m’kay. i’ll just go then.”
you roll your eyes as you turn your heel.
“wait! wait! i’m sorry. im so sorry. please don’t leave me.”
a grin quirks the edges of your lips as you turn back towards him. hands on hips.
“thought you said we’re in public?”
“yes but… i…” he says between bated breathes, blush deepening.
“you still want me to touch you, don’t you? desperate slut.” you step closer to him, grin on your lips.
he gulps, head lowering until his bangs covered his eyes, but you could see the red tips of his ears. he nods slowly.
“good, then we’re doing it my way.”
you stride confidently to him and he shivers. your hand goes to his pants without hesitation, pulling everything down at once. making his rock hard cock slap against his abdomen, angrily red and leaking. you take it in your hands, pumping it a few times and he cries.
“shush. don’t come.”
you just warn, grasping the head of his cock, hard. his thighs tremble but he nods. you found out, while still in the beginning stages of this weird relationship, that soobin orgasms embarrassingly fast. i guess that’s what you get with a perverted virgin nerd who’s only frame of reference for sex is manga porn. but it wasn’t a bad thing really, you just liked seeing him desperately try to hold it in.
“don’t come until i say so, okay?” you repeat, harshly gripping at his cock again and he whimpers a yes.
without hesitation you kneel down, taking his length into your mouth in one go. you can hear his gasp, but you didn’t need to look up to know he was nervous, you could tell with how his calves and thighs shook. you were only teasing when you called him small earlier, because he was big, big enough to hit the back of your throat. you slowly began to move and he moans softly, so sensitive. he tasted sweaty and salty, but it wasn’t a bad scent. (you made sure he was cleaned up after all.)
you pull your mouth off just up till his tip, your tongue swirling around and digging into his slit while your hands pumped the rest of his length. he cries and thrashes, jittery hands coming up to grasp your hair. but you immediately slap him off, glaring up at him. you were in control, not him. you slide your mouth off his cock and he immediately starts apologising.
“i’m sorry! please don’t be mad, i didn’t mean to! i won’t touch you without permission i—i’m sorry, please don’t stop!”
“instead of worrying about your pathetically small dick, how about you worry about your loud ass moans?”
he quickly clasps his hands over his mouth, ears a bright red, eyes teary. you suck his dick into your warm mouth again and he sobs quietly. his moans came out breathy and squeaky, he’s never been a loud moaner, but it was extra hard to keep it down when his bully was literally going to town on his cock. you were enjoying him like he was a lollipop. your hand creeps up to his ass, one finger slipping into his hole, already loose from the morning. (he stayed over and you took him to school) he doubles over, gasping and squirming, thighs trembling, and you knew he was close before he even whispered it. he shakes his head violently, nearly drooling at the double stimulation— and just before his stomach spasms and he feels his sweet orgasm, you pull off. one hand firmly squeezing the base of his cock, denying his orgasm.
he cries out, eyes wide as he processes the situation. you stand, legs a little shaky due to kneeling for so long, a smile on your lips. when he realises you weren’t going to let him cum, he sobs, tears quick to come down. his bunny eyes glancing at you meekly as if asking why you stopped.
“oh soobin.” you tease, dropping his cock from your grip. “class is about to start soon, you wouldn’t want to ruin your perfect track record, do you?”
he looks at you in a silent fear at what you’re insinuating, but don’t worry, you were far meaner than that. you pull his pants further down, digging into your pocket and showing him the vibrating bullet you bought especially for him. more tears fall down and you just chuckle.
it didn’t take much for you to squeeze the bullet in. but he was squirming and whimpering the whole way through, shaking his head and looking at you so pitifully.
“you’re… you’re so mean.” his voice cracks, bottom lip trembling.
you wipe his tears with a smirk, pulling up his pants and buttoning his shirt, his hard-on uncomfortably pressing against the fabric.
“yet look who’s turned on.”
in class it wasn’t any better, he was clearly ruffled, his hair tousled, collar undone and eyes red from previously crying. one of his legs was shaking unrelentlessly as he sits down. wincing when he feels the chair press up against the vibrator.
he was hyperaware how each movement causes the bullet to shift. soobin tries his best to reduce the friction and calm his erection down, but oh boy were you mean. just when he thinks he’s got it handled, you prove him wrong.
because the moment the teacher walked in, the torment began. you would periodically turn on the vibrator, making him jolt in his seat and hit his knee against his desk. alerting everyone to him as he lowers his head in embarrassment, whispering lightly that he was fine when the teacher asked. he came immediately with the stimulation. it was even worse when he was given a question to answer, you were unrelenting, turning it on to the highest setting and making his thighs shake uncontrollably. it took all his willpower and more to not burst out crying and moaning in the middle of class.
“choi soobin? soobin? soobin?”
he jolts from his daze, fists clenching painfully hard, nails digging into his palm. the teacher has been trying to get his attention for the past minute. a few students around him whisper and he quivers. glancing back at you for a second, catching your smug look, hands in your pockets; before he faces back at the teacher.
“mr choi, are you okay?”
no, he was not alright. he had busted into his pants for the 3rd time now and you weren’t even going to give him a break!
“yep, perfectly okay.”
the teacher looks doubtful and god soobin just wishes she would stop talking. he really shouldn’t be thinking like this about his favourite teacher. but please shut up and stop asking already!
“are you sure? you’ve looked uneasy this entire lesson.” and he wanted to dig a hole in the ground to die in shame. he bites his lips hard and you turn down the vibration. is this salvation? are you being nice for once?
“i’m sur —ck.” he bit down on his words, because if he didn’t he would’ve moaned in front of everyone in class. you turned it to the highest, and he really just came in his pants in front of the teacher. he was so overstimulated, it hurt to come, his whole body clenched hard so he could keep his trembling down.
thinking quick on his feet, he covered his stumble with coughing. “i — i may be sick.” he stammers, never has he been a good liar, and you snicker at his cover-up. the teacher however seemed to believe him, no reason to doubt the obedient straight A student after all.
“you should rest when you get home.”
class ends officially with the bell. the teacher dismisses the students with a quick reminder of the homework, not as if anyone was listening. soobin somehow managed to last through the whole class. and thank god was it the last class of the day, otherwise he might really have died. he slumps over his desk in a big sigh of relief. he would pack his things and rush out the door as soon as possible, but— he was afraid to even stand up and move. he didn’t want to look down at his crotch, he knew he had thoroughly soiled his pants and it probably leaked onto the seat.
you waited with him, putting every item extra slow into your bag. when the teacher had left the room, telling you two to lock the classroom behind you. that’s when you moved.
you stand in front of him, dangling the vibrator remote in his face. he fiddles with his fingers, unsure on what to say. at least you seemed happy?
“let’s see the mess you made.”
you slide him with his chair away from his desk, exposing his spread legs and like he thought, his crotch was wet with come. it was a terrible (and arousing) sight, there was a huge wet patch on his crotch and a small puddle on the wooden chair. he has never come this much before and you never overstimulated him this much either. all of this and you didn’t even touch or embrace him! you were so so so mean to him, and he felt tears fall again, his bunny eyes looking up at you in humiliation.
he was just so cute, you couldn’t help it. you wiped his tears with your sleeve, cooing at him.
“soobin, are you embarrassed?”
he nodded, beginning to whine as he sobbed more. embarrassed is an understatement, he felt so degraded. but it turned him on so much. he was starting to think he was masochistic, or maybe that’s just how downbad he was for you.
“you were so obedient, you want a reward? what reward do you want?”
you wipe each tear as it falls out, gently cradling his face. he pondered for a second, shaking his head.
“i don’t know…”
you chuckle, pulling him up and his legs shakes, you put his face in the crook of your neck and hugged his waist. he slumps over you and you rub his back. damn. this was comfortable, he never thought his bully would give a single shit about his feelings and you never thought you would ever comfort him.
why did you even bother to comfort him? it didn’t mean you tolerated him or anything. he was just cute that’s why you let him hug you, telling him he did a good job in his ear. there was no reason behind it, like how there was no reason behind you walking him back to your house, hand in his hand. (only because he was too jittery and wouldn’t stop shaking)
“lets go on a date tomorrow.” you deadpan. nothing behind those words, nope, nothing at all. just a reward for his good behaviour.
he looks at you with stupidly cute hopeful eyes, ignoring the uncomfortable squench in-between his thighs.
“you promise?”
“promise. you big baby.”
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star-girl69 · 5 months
New Romantics
Clarisse La Rue x Fem!AphroditeCabin!Reader
sypnosis: you and clarisse meet during a capture the flag game, In A Good Way prequel!!
a/n: IM SO GLAD EVERYONE LIKES MY CLARISSE FIC ☹️☹️☹️☹️ i have so many planned but i just wanted to say thank you all sm!!!! this one is so silly….. i hope you all enjoy!!
New Romantics - Taylor Swift
warnings: violence, swearing, mentions of death and blood, insane clarisse bc she gets a LITTLE too into capture the flag, protective clarisse obvi i will never write a fic without her showing up, clarisse makes me SWOON if you couldn’t tell, not proofread we get turned into pine trees like thalia over here, tell me if i missed anything!!
Your legs ache. You’ve been at Camp Half Blood all your life, but you just spent the entire school year doing absolutely nothing. It was an adjustment. You’re already being forced into the horrible tradition of capture the flag. You met up with your favorite and best friends Jackie and Tyla at the beginning of summer, and you’ve all been attached to the hip ever since.
The three of you thought you could escape to a random part of the woods and skip out.
It’s not like you were lazy, or couldn’t hold your own in a fight- but you had just taken turns doing each others nails yesterday, and it would be such a shame to see them all smudged and broken.
You were on the red team, so you watched as the incomparable Clarisse La Rue ran around instructing everyone what to do- completely skipping past the three of you. Jackie took it to heart, complaining about how she had lasted two minutes sparring with Clarisse once, and she had no right to label all Aphrodite kids as weak and useless.
You remember the night you finally made it to the crest of camp, blood staining your hands, your satyr protector dead on the ground behind you as some monster you didn’t know the name of chased after you.
The three of you thought maybe a nice walk at the edge of the woods would be nice, when suddenly a squadron of the blue team came running out trying to catch you as prisoners. It wasn’t a rule of the game, but it was generally expected that that the winner had more prisoners, or else the victory just didn’t seem right.
The blue team saw Aphrodite kids as easy targets to pick off.
This felt all too familiar to that stormy light, your pounding heart, looking around as everything crashed around you. One of them even jumped down from the freaking trees, and you screamed at the top of your lungs as all three of you sprinted off into different directions.
There was only one chasing behind you, a Hermes kid you didn’t know the name of, but he was fast on your tail.
Just as you had reached the crest of the hill, you screeched at the top of your lungs as you saw four figures in front of you. A satyr. Two girls. One boy.
“Not another one,” the stayr moaned, before beckoning you towards them. You stayed frozen in place. The monster was big and slow, but you could hear it approach.
The boy held out his hand.
“I promise,” he breathed, locking eyes with the smaller girl, maybe a year or two younger than you, before looking up at the older girl. You could tell she was battle hardened, she was ready to win this. “We’ll all make it to camp.”
Both monsters chasing you let out ear-piercing roars, and you quickly slapped your hand into his and sprinted away.
Thalia, you would later learn her name, didn’t survive that night. But you did. Luke did. Annabeth did.
The three of you will forever be bonded by that, even if you’re on different teams in capture the flag. Gods, you wish it was Luke chasing you right now- but it’s not.
You’ve forgotten everything about swords and fighting in exchange for the Russian Revolution and the Periodic Table. You hate school even more in this moment.
He reaches out towards you and you’re distracted by his hand touching your shoulder, heart pounding in your ears, and you trip right over a root and stumble before falling to the ground.
You faintly see the flash of bronze armor pass you, then you suddenly hear a body slam into the ground. You whip around, only to find a girl wearing a red-tipped helmet on top of the boy chasing you.
“Clarisse!” she shouts. “I got him!”
You breathe heavily, watching at the boy yells and tries to buck her off of him, but you faintly remember seeing her constantly around Clarisse. She must be another Ares kid, which means there’s no way she’s letting this Hermes kid gets away.
Clarisse saunters out of the woods on your left, looking between you and the boy on the ground.
You sit up on your hands, watching it all play out, not able to catch your breath.
She smiles, slow, like a cheshire cat.
Gods, why does she have to look like that? Why does she have to smile like that? Why does she have to make you feel this way?
Why doesn’t she just drop the spear and make out with you?
“So, this is the dummy who thinks it’s funny to chase around Aphrodite kids,” she says, slowing walking turns him. The girl holds up his head so he has to look at Clarisse. She places the end of her spear into the dirt. She leans down in front of him. “Well, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the Aphrodite cabin is on the red team, right? Right?”
The girl tugs his head up and he winces, but nods.
“And who captains the red team? Cause I think it’s me, isn’t it?”
He’s learned his lesson. He nods quickly, now.
“I’m feeling nice today. Why don’t you apologize to the pretty girl, and maybe I won’t kill you.”
His eyes lock with yours. He says nothing.
“I said apologize, dumbass.”
He glares at Clarisse.
“You’re fucking insane.”
She laughs a bit. “It’s capture the flag, Zander, why are you not getting a little crazy? Chasing after Aphrodite kids is just embarrassing, honestly.”
“Fine,” he spits. “Fucking fine. I’m sorry.”
“Was that so hard?” she coos. She nods, and the girl let’s him go.
Holy Hades if that wasn’t the hottest thing you’ve ever seen.
He runs straight off into the woods after a moment, when he realizes they’re not gonna chase after him, not now at least.
The other girl turns to you. “You ok?”
“Yeah, yeah,” you dust off your knees. “There’s more of them by the edge, just so you know. Just north of the river.”
The girl smiles. “Gods, yes. Fuckin’ love destroying the Hermes cabin.”
Clarisse turns to you. She tilts her head to the side, watching you breath heavily on the ground. She sticks out your hand. Your grab it quick, scared she might pull away, and her hand is so warm and fits perfectly with yours. She pulls you up and you dust off your knees.
The other girl takes off running, following the boy, yelling for Clarisse to hurry up.
She smiles a bit, and you swear to Zeus her cheeks are a little flushed, you swear she looks at your lips for a second.
She brushes her thumb across her cheek.
“You’ve got some dirt on your face, gorgeous.”
She runs off before you can say anything, electrical spear crackling to life.
Oh, you fucking love capture the flag.
clarisse “you’ve got some dirt on your face, gorgeous” la rue the woman you are
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ghost-proofbaby · 4 months
when you know, you know. (e.m.)
summary: air hockey has never been so romantic.
warnings: it's alluded to that reader is wearing red lipstick. not edited.
pairing: eddie munson x reader
wc: 1.8k+
a/n: a very late valentine's day gift for you all (and eddie). also, the fact i've never written proper mechanic eddie... what a shame.
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If any of the nearby children flinched, you didn’t notice. You were too wrapped up in your victory, going as far as to partake in a terribly embarrassing dance on your end of the air hockey table as Eddie shakes his head slowly. 
“You definitely cheated,” he deadpans, a twitch of a smile nearly giving him away as he leans down to pick the puck out of the slot below on his end, “There’s no way you’re about to beat me in under five minutes, again.” 
You smile, lips painted red under the lowlights of the arcade as you lean over the table and taunt him, “Or maybe it’s just a skill issue. I wouldn’t keep beating you if you were actually a professional in air hockey like you’d claimed, Munson.” 
Three dates – tonight makes four – and you still hadn’t quite worked out how you’d managed to capture the attention of the boy before you. When he’d originally asked you out to coffee, you’d swallowed down all your excessive excitement just to answer him. The local mechanic that you’d been making heart eyes at every few months when you’d go in for an oil check, the one who hadn’t allowed the others at the shop to oversell you on a damn thing when you’d get your tires rotated. Who always smiled shyly as he’d bring you back your keys.
You’d figured the coffee date would last an hour if you were lucky. The two of you would spend more than five minutes in the same room together, he’d realize how overbearing you were, and that would be the end of it. Ridiculous crush effectively squashed. 
But it hadn’t. 
It had lasted hours, plural. Coffees finished and second lattes nursed until they’d gone cold, the outcome had been the exact opposite of your expectations. Your conversation had flowed effortlessly, common ground and common interests found with ease, and suddenly, Eddie was more than just some cute mechanic for your friends to tease you over. 
The first date had only ended due to his shift at the shop that afternoon. 
The subsequent sushi dinner date, and then the movie night the next week, had also lasted hours. 
“For someone who works on cars, you should be a lot better with your hands,” you poke gentle fun at him as he makes the first hit against the puck this time, far more careful than you had been when serving. 
“Or maybe I’m just determined to keep letting my pretty date win.” 
“And why would you ever do that?” 
Another hit from your mallet, the sharp tapping of your aggressive push ringing out over the sound of nearby machines. You don’t dare to glance in the direction of the ruckus, but you’re pretty sure someone has just won an exciting amount of tickets based on the squeals of glee. 
“I dunno,” Eddie pauses to shrug after he hits the puck once more, his guard dropping. You’re ruthless as you take the opportunity to shoot the puck straight into ‘goal’ on his side of the table. A straight shot, far too easy for your liking, but you still celebrate the victory with another embarrassing dance, “Maybe it’s because I’m into that ridiculous dance they keep doing whenever they score.” 
You immediately stop your little jumps, eyes widening, a rush of embarrassment heating you up from the inside out as Eddie’s eyes stay glued on you. The table powers down as he makes his way around it, feet bringing him right to you. 
You’d always thought Eddie would find you weird, or odd, or unappealing after that coffee date, but the outcome had been better than you could have possibly conceived.
He was an absolute weirdo as well. 
Fondness overtakes his features just like it had on that coffee date when you’d accidentally snorted at one of his jokes, and your heart flutters eagerly. You can’t believe there had been a time you’d only watch him from behind glass, trying to not get caught as you would blatantly stare at him as he’d work on your car. A time when you’d only see his curls up in loose buns rather than framing his face as they were now, a time when you couldn’t even shake his hand due to it being covered in oil. 
That had all only been a month ago, but you already couldn’t imagine your life without Eddie Munson in it. 
“Don’t go shy on me now,” he chuckles as he stops in front of you, smirk deepening the dimples you’d only noticed on your second date with him. He’d been too bashful the first date, ducking whenever his grin would grow too wide on you, biting his tongue on half the flirtatious remarks you wished he would have said. “You won, fair and square, so what’s your prize gonna be, valentine?” 
He also waited until the second date to kiss you. That had nearly killed you. 
“It’s not very fair if you let me win,” you whisper, unable to look away from his eyes. They’re a soft brown, a smooth honey, a nice sight for sore eyes. You kind of like the crinkles beside them, too. Kind of wonder what it would be like to wake up beside him, roll over, and kiss them – all before the sun ever rose. 
He reaches out and gingerly grabs your hand, calloused fingertips brushing your knuckles before he entangles your fingers with his. “Psh, who said I let you win? Maybe I just really suck at air hockey.”
“You just-”
You never get to finish your argument. He’s quick to swoop down, capturing your lips in his. The rudest of interruptions, and it still manages to weaken your knees. 
Each kiss only grows sweeter. And more confident, more sure. The first one had been timid, exchanged on your doorstep with boyish hesitation and meek desperation. But now, several kisses experienced since that night, all apprehension has melted. He lets his lips meld to yours, captures your bottom lip just tightly enough to give it a brief tug when he pulls away. Still soft, ever so sweet, and leaving you wanting for more. 
Four dates. All it took was four dates for him to make you a goner. 
“Now, that wasn’t fair,” you breathe out, betrayed by the smile that you wear. Your chest feels shaken up, impending explosion of mushiness and flowers and hearts and every single cliche the love songs on the radio could squeeze out.
“It was your prize.”
“I never said I wanted a kiss for my prize.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” he puts a dramatic hand up to his chest, leaning back so dramatically that your hand instinctively reaches out to loop a finger in his jean pocket to keep him upright, “Would you like me to take it back, my fair maiden?” 
Four dates, and he makes it impossible to not imagine a future of this. Of silly banter, of gentle mornings spent kissing away crows feet, of cutting one another off with the most infuriating of methods. You’re starting to believe you’re just a hopeless romantic, and he’d spotted that from a mile away – he knew every single button to press to have you putty in his hands, and he was taking full advantage of it. 
You giggle, an honest to God giggle, as you say, “Hm, I’m not sure. I heard the return policies on those are a bit wonky.” 
If your friends thought you were insufferable when he was some stranger you just had a crush on, they would be vomiting at the sight of this. 
He leans into your space, close enough to smell his faint cologne and mint on his breath, “Are they? Well, lucky for you, I’m friends with the shop owner. Can definitely accept the return without a receipt. It won’t be a problem, ma’am. I swear it.”
He’s weird. He’s goofier than you could have imagined, snarkier than you could have dreamed, and more romantic than you had yet to uncover. He’s kind of perfect, but you wouldn’t dare say that to his face. Not yet, at least. 
You’re glad you had said yes when he’d asked days prior for you to be his Valentine. And you’re glad he hadn’t gone the boring route, showing up with just chocolates and flowers and calling it a day, but had instead dragged you out to this arcade for a night of adventures as he claimed. 
“And how would one go about returning a kiss, kind sir?” 
He answers wordlessly, bringing up a finger to tap on his lips. He goes as far as pouting them dramatically. 
He wants you to kiss him. 
Lucky for him, you want to kiss him, too. 
Your kiss is more chaste. Teasing as you lift up onto your tippy toes and only press your lips to his for a brief second before falling back. You leave him wanting more – it’s written all over his face, along with a blush that races right over the bridge of his nose. 
He’s cute. He’s cute, and he’s weird, and you really fucking like him. 
“Now that that’s over with,” you have to change the topic, move right along before your heart truly bursts from your chest, “I know what I want my prize to be.” 
He takes a moment to recover, pupils almost resembling hearts as he stares down at you. Eventually he pulls himself from your trance, shaking his head as he asks, “And what would that be?”
You’re the one taking his hand this time. If he gave you the time, you’d like to learn each callous and scar by heart. Trace over them in the middle of night, when it’s just you and him in the darkness beneath your sheets. Memorize the way they feel as he explores every curvature of your body and figure out which of the roughest patches would brush against your most sensitive bits in a way that would make you arch your back right into him. 
The two of you haven’t even discussed if that’s where the night might lead, but you’re sort of hoping the luck in the air doesn’t run out. 
“There’s an awfully pretty ring in the case up at the ticket counter,” you muse, knowing damn well the ring was the ugliest thing either of you had ever seen in your lives, “Think you’ve got the tickets to spare?” 
His hand gives you a squeeze. Something not too tight, something perfectly comfortable. It’s only the fourth date, it’s only the first month – it’s only the beginning. 
“Anything for you, sweetheart,” he says, more earnestly than you’d expected, as he steals another kiss. 
You let him. You have this aching feeling in your chest that you’ll probably let him steal an endless amount from you for the rest of your life. 
When you know, you know. Or whatever the poets say.
eddie's taglist: @capricornrisingsstuff @thisisktrying @hideoutside @vol2eddie @corrcdedcoffin @ches-86 @alovesongtheywrote @its-not-rain @feralchaospixie @cheesypuffkins87 @thebook-hobbit @babez-a-licious @eddies-acousticguitar @aysheashea @kellsck @cosmorant @billyhvrgrove-main @micheledawn1975 @eddiesxangel @siriuslysmoking @witchwolflea @tlclick73 @magicalchocolatecheesecake @mizzfizz @nanaminswhore @mikiepeach @ali-r3n @hawkebuckley @alwaysbeenfamous @darkyuffie-blog @vintagehellfire @lilmisssiren @elvendria @loveryanax @stylexrepp @princessstolas @fangirling-4-ever @eddiesguitarskills @babez-a-licious @josephquinnsfreckles
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syrupgirl · 1 year
Sorry if you have done this before but maybe you could do a neteyam x reader and he is introducing you to his family ?
Love ur work btw
a/n: I did change this a lil so I hope it’s still ok, so reader knows the Sully’s vaguely and has only been known as a friend to Neteyam but now he is introducing reader as his potential mate. Also thank you for your compliments :p <3
(sum more notes at the end <3)
reader uses she/her prns and her body stays un-described
Mate material -Neteyam
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“Is this really necessary, Neteyam,” You whined, sulking behind him. “They already know who I am, I feel like I’m meeting them again.”
He smiled and continued to wade his way toward the shore.
“Well, you are in a way. They will be seeing you in a different light now.” This man. He has some cheek.
Water whipped around your ankles as you ran after him. Taking Neteyam’s hand in yours, you spun him around and tugged on his arm repeatedly.
“Do we have to tell them? Why can’t they…Just figure it out on their own?.” You felt like child now, complaining over something so simple, but that’s how being with Neteyam made you feel; all fuzzy and floaty on the inside. Things were simple and easy when you were with him.
He finally stopped waking and took his arm out of your hand, replacing it with his hand.
“I understand if you are nervous, they can be,” he paused as if to take a moment to find the words. “intimidating when they want to be.” It came out as a laugh.
You snorted, “Your mother in particular.”
“She loves you!”
“She likes me as your friend, she might not as a mate!”
Neteyam sighed and pulled you closer; he could tell this was really bothering you.
“It’s not like there has been some, huge, drastic change. We’re still us, just…A more together version of us.”
A reluctant smile bloomed on your lips. “You sound stupid.”
“Ah.” You giggled as he pushed you away in mock offence.
“I take back what I said, you should be terrified.”
Eclipse had come and the Sully family were gathered in their Marui, happily feasting on their dinner.
All that could be heard was the crackling of the fire and chewing of food, until Lo’ak took it upon himself to break that silence.
“So, big bro, what happened with yn today?”
Suddenly, all eyes were on the eldest Sully. A small smirk jumped onto Kiri’s lips and she quickly went to cover it with her hand and Tuk looked genuinely worried for your health. Lo’ak had a shit eating grin on his face; he knew what he was doing.
Neteyam gulped, disguising it was swallowing a mouthful of his dinner. “What do you mean?”
“Well, I saw you two getting awfully close in the water.” Neytiri looked as if she had finally checked into the conversation, putting down her meal and looking to her sons.
“I just thought maybe, she might have been hurt?”
Like a hunter watches their prey, his family set their gaze on him, silently hungering for more information.
In an effort to appear cool headed, Neteyam shrugged. “She was fine, not hurt.” He looked to his brother and shot him a look, “Why do you ask?”
“Oh no, just curious.” It looked like Lo’ak would leave it now and Neteyam internally sighed in relief.
“How is yn, Neteyam? Haven’t seen her in a while.” Jake asked. Oh well, the questioning wasn’t over.
“I think they are onto us.”
You let those words sit in the air they were spoken into.
Neteyam’s arm tightened around you and you turned more into his chest. The pool of water around you wrinkled gently with your movements.
The two of you had stashed yourselves away in a lone terrace, not unlike the ones that bordered the lagoon outside the village, but this one was a secret place for you both. Where you could be with each other without worrying about prying eyes or annoying brothers.
Finally, you answered him, “What makes you say that?”
Neteyam sat up more, causing you to be partially shoved off of him.
“Lo’ak started asking me these annoying questions while we were eating dinner last night!” He looked like he was a getting really upset; brows furrowed, arms waving wildly, voice raising.
You frowned and caught one of his flailing hands. “What kind of questions?”
“Just stupid ones! Like, why we are spending so much time together and why we were getting so close to each other yesterday in the wate-”
“Be calm, Neteyam. Slow down.” You brought his hand to your chest. “Breath, deep breaths.”
Neteyam stopped his ranting and sighed out a long breath. As best as he could, he copied your breathing.
“Now, explain to me why this bothers you so much?”
He is still for a moment, looking a little embarrassed. “He’s putting his nose where it doesn’t belong, it is just not his business.”
You snort at that, “Are we not about to announce our relationship to your family? Honestly, it’s not a surprise that one of them found out before.”
Neteyam sighed again. He turned to face you and gently took your face into his hands, looking between your eyes.
“I want it to be on our terms, not because of Lo’ak’s prying.”
“I understand that,” you hummed. Your hand covered one of Neteyam’s on your face and you leaned into it. “Sounds like we need to act on our plans a little faster.”
A kiss was planted on your forehead and you smiled giddily.
“I don’t want to push you, I know you are a bit nervous.” He mumbled into your hairline.
Your free hand found his face and brought him back to where you could look him in the eyes. Your thumb glided back and forth along his cheekbone and his eyes drifted closed.
“I’m a big girl, I can handle it.”
It really felt like you could not handle it.
The sun was high in the sky, beating down onto your skin. On a day like this, you would usually be bobbing up and down in the waves, happily soaking up the rays, but on this occasion all it was doing to you was elevating your already rapidly growing panic.
You and Neteyam sat on the woven walkways not to far from his marui. Today was the day where you would finally announce your relationship to his family. A monumental occasion really; the eldest son of Toruk Makto and former leader of the Omatikaya, had found himself a partner, a mate, that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
You had met the Sully family many times before, you regularly spent time with Lo’ak and Kiri, even spending time with little Tuk. But now, you were seeing them on such different circumstances, they might as well have been strangers.
“What’s the worst that could happen?” Neteyam had offered, an effort to quell your growing nerves, unfortunately this just spurred into motion all the thoughts of things that could happen; ranging from awkward silences to Jake and Neytiri chasing you out of their marui for trying to take their firstborn away from them. Extremely unlikely and just downright stupid, but you were just grasping at straws for anything that could go wrong.
“Why can’t- why can’t you just tell them while I am far, far away?” Neteyam laughed heartily at that but you were deadly serious.
“Oh yes, I can see it now,” Neteyam gasped between giggles, “hey mom, hey dad, you know yn? yeah I want her to be my mate. Where is she? Anywhere you aren’t.” His laughed picked up at his own joke and you groaned, hitting his chest with your balled fist.
“I love your family, Neteyam. I really, really want this to go well!”
“And it will! We’ve had this same conversation over and over, i don’t know how else I can reassure you.” He reached his arm around your waist and dragged you closer to him. “Would you like me to tell you in english? I know a little.”
Neteyam said something you didn’t understand. The language sounded so silly you couldn’t help but cover your mouth to hide your giggles.
“Should we get going? They should all be home now.”
“Yeah, let’s go.”
“Neteya- oh, and yn?” Jake paused. “How are you, yn?”
The entire Sully clan, excluding Neteyam, were all seated around the cooking fire inside the marui. Jake and Neytiri parked up close to each other: Jake prepping fish for cooking and Neytiri wrapped then placed it above the fire in front of them.
Kiri and Tuk sat next to their mother. The older girl attempted to teach the youngest how to repair a torn Ilu saddle.
Lo’ak lay next to his father, apparently completely uninterested in whatever was happening around him, until the two of you entered together, after which he sat up looking infinitely intrigued.
Tucking your arms behind your back, you squeezed your hands together and mustered up a smile.
“I am well, thank you, Toruk Makto.”
Jake continued to de-bone the creature he was holding before speaking to you again, “To what do we owe the pleasure?”
You glanced to Neteyam, the nervousness you had buried starting to resurface again. He took a deep breath and reached behind you, taking your hand tightly in his.
Neytiri, who hadn’t looked entirely phased by your presence, suddenly perked up. Her eyes fell onto your intertwined fingers and then back to your face. It felt as if your heart was beating a mile a minute.
“Actually, sir, there’s…something I want to tell you.” Neteyam’s voice had an uncharacteristic nervousness to it and you could feel the smallest shake in the hand that held yours.
The whole family froze, each with sightly different looks on their faces. Lo’ak looked like he was on the verge of hysterical laughter, Kiri had her own little smile while Tuk was ready to hang off of your every word.
“What is it, Neteyam?” Neytiri asked. She stood and Jake followed suit.
The grip on your hand tightened before Neteyam spoke, “Yn and I, we wish to be mated. Before Eywa.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, the family before you reacted. Lo’ak, who had been quietly munching on his dinner, suddenly started to choke and thumped his fist against his chest in attempts to dislodge the obstruction.
Tuk and Kiri had the same reaction, shouting “What?!” at the same time. Tuk visibly more excited about the news, while Kiri looked like this was the stupidest thing she had ever heard.
“My son, you are not yet a man.” Neytiri urged, slowly pacing towards her eldest.
“I have passed two of the three rites of passage of our clan! And now that we live amongst the reef people, I can complete the three by passing one of theirs!” The two of you had anticipated these concerns and had done your research on the matter. Since the Sully’s no longer lived among their own, the three tasks Neteyam had to complete to be welcomed into the Omaticaya as a man were no longer possible. It seemed only fitting that he finish of these tasks by overcoming the Metkayina’s last rite of passage that their men had to accomplish.
“Taking a mate is a serious thing, son.” Jake was now face to face with Neteyam. He had a stony look on his face. “I know you’re friends with yn, evidently a bit more than that, but this will be the person you spend the rest of your life with.”
Coming up beside her son, Neytiri put a hand on his shoulder. “Your father is right, Neteyam. These decisions cannot be rushed.”
By Eywa, you wished the ground would just swallow you whole.
Neteyam noticed your embarrassment and doubled down. “I know that, we know that! We have been talking about this for a long time and we’ve thought of everything.”
His father narrowed his eyes, he still didn’t look convinced, so you decided oh well, you already ready feel like you were in over your head, what’s a little more?
“If I may,” All eyes turned to you, “your son is the most caring, most passionate, and most mature man I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. He is infinitely understanding and loves with all he has. I cannot speak on his behalf, but I trust in the decision I have made to have Neteyam as my mate.” Your words continued to get smaller and smaller as your felt their stares bore into you.
Silence filled the space, broken up by the soft sound of crashing waves and the chittering of stray Ilu.
Neytiri spoke first.
“This is truly what you want, my son?” The mother laced her hands with the sons free one.
“More than anything I have ever wanted in my entire life.”
A look was shared between Jake and Neytiri and their children stared on.
“Neteyam,” Jake sighed, “I give you my blessing to pursue your remaining rites of passage by the Metkayina.” His hand reached up and latched onto the back of Neteyam’s head, bringing it closer to his own.
“My son, I see you.”
Your partner’s lip quivers and his brows told upward, it is clear he is using everything in him not to cry.
“And you, yn.” Jake turned to you, bringing his hand up to his brow and then back down again. “I see you.”
You repeated his gesture and sniffed, emotions running very high. “I see you, Toruk Makto.”
Jake smiled. “No need for the formalities, not now that we’re family.”
The rest of that night was filled with light and laughter. With songs and delicious food. You couldn’t think of a better way to be welcomed into this beautiful family.
Your heart had never felt so full.
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a/n: so we only know 2 of the Omaticaya’s rites of passage and judging from how Neteyam has a banshee, it’s safe to assume he had begun the process of becoming a man in the clan. I don’t know if he had done his dream hunt so i just said he had🤷‍♀️yeah this took so long because I did a chunk of words every few days💀 anyways until next time, bye :p
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goldenwilliamson · 5 months
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please smut about this fit😩 easy access?
new year's kiss | leah williamson
pairing: leah williamson x reader
a/n: you're so real for this ask... this dress is absolutely insane on her. so hot.
summary: reader and leah are spending new years together and reader can not keep her cool around leah when she looks that good in her dress. cunnilingus. just some plotless smut for you, happy new year!
word count: 1.8k
It was New Year's Eve, a night you traditionally dreaded. You always felt as though there was far too much expectation to have a good time. But this year you were spending it with Leah and that meant you were actually excited about what lays ahead. She made you feel like you had something to celebrate, and you were going to take any opportunity to see her dressed up and having fun. 
You had become accustomed to seeing Leah in her best outfits at the many events she’s been attending lately, but nothing prepared you for how good she looked in her dress that she picked for the night. 
The two of you were soaking up your alone time before the night ahead, laying down on the couch for a cuddle. 
“I need to figure out what I’m wearing tonight,” you sighed into Leah’s chest. 
She kissed you softly on your head, “Why don’t you wear your little black skirt with that corset top.”
You pulled back to look at your girlfriend, “You like that top don’t you?”
Every time you had worn it Leah could not stop going on about how good you looked. And every time you complained about having nothing to wear she pulled it out of your drawers, insisting that you wear it. 
“It suits you,” she says playfully.
“It makes my boobs look unreal is what it does,” you say and she laughs. 
“It’s not a crime for me to appreciate when my girlfriend looks fit,” Leah says. 
“If it was, we’d both be in trouble,” you say. 
You settle into silence for a moment before you realise you don’t know what Leah’s wearing tonight. When you ask her, she tells you that it’s a surprise. 
“Another suit?” You say excitedly, loving the way a suit makes her look and behave. It’s always like captain Leah comes out for the night when she’s in a suit, ready for business. 
“Maybe. You’ll have to just wait and see,” she said, making you feel even more impatient than you already were. 
When it was time for you both to finally head out for your New Year’s party with all of your closest friends, you were ready, sat on the bed while Leah had locked herself behind the bathroom door. 
“Come on, Lee, you’re killing me!” You groaned, wanting nothing more than to see her in her outfit. 
“Good things take time,” Leah said as she opened the door, revealing herself in the tiniest, hottest, dress you'd ever seen her in.
“Oh my god,” you said, mouth agape. 
“Sorry to disappoint, no suit tonight,” she shrugs, letting her hands fall on her hips with the knowledge that the sight before you is the furthest thing from a disappointment. 
Suddenly you find yourself filled with desire, and all you want is to show Leah how good she looks. You push yourself off the bed and walk over to her, letting your arms snake around her waist against the white fabric. As you lean in to kiss her, her hands get lost in your hair, pulling you closer. 
“You like it, then?” Leah says as you move your lips slowly down her neck towards her exposed collarbone. 
“Yes,” you say simply, before resuming your kisses against her skin, wanting to have her in every way possible immediately. 
“Well as much as I would love to let you show me how much you like it, we’re late,” Leah says trying her best to hide how flustered she is and steer you back on course. 
“Mean,” you say, frowning at her dismissal of your charged actions. 
“We still have the whole night ahead of us,” Leah says like a promise, before kissing you softly. 
“Fine,” you sigh.
You two lock up your house and head out for the party. All your friends greet you with warmth as you arrive, telling you both how good you looked. It didn’t take long for the party to kick into full swing with the drinks and music flowing immediately upon arrival. 
While you tried to be engaged with everyone, and hold conversation, your eyes were locked on Leah whenever she was around. 
You were stood speaking with Keira when you found yourself completely distracted, eyes trailing down your girlfriends legs. 
“You’re not being very discreet,” Keira called you out and you could instantly feel your cheeks warm with embarrassment. 
“I’m so sorry, I promise I’m listening,” you say, redirecting your attention back onto her. 
But the truth was you couldn’t focus on a single thing, not since Leah had opened your bathroom door hours ago. It was nearing midnight, and you couldn’t wait any long. You approached Leah, hugging her from behind and resting your chin on her shoulder. 
“Come with me to the bathroom?” You murmur suggestively in her ear. 
Leah grins at yours proposal, but responds very calmly, “Naughty.” 
“What do you expect when you’re walking around looking that good in that dress,” you say. 
“Hmm,” Leah hums as if weighing up your offer.
To seal the deal you start rambling your inner thoughts into Leah’s ear.
“You know what I want to do?” You ask.
“Do tell,” Leah smiles, the two of you in your own world in the corner of the room. 
You let go of your hold on her now and move around to stand in front of her, looking her deep in her eyes before leaning towards her ear.
“I want to lift this dress up,” you say, letting your hands run down the sides of her body against the fabric, “And I want to taste you.”
“Y/N,” she sighs your name. 
“Want to make you feel good,” you press a kiss against her jaw, right by her ear as you say this. 
That’s all it takes for Leah to grab your hand and drag you through the house, smiling pleasantly at all your friends as you beeline for the bathroom together. Your heart beat races just at the thought of finally being able to be with her. 
She pulls you into the bathroom and you shut the door quickly and Leah is swift to push you up against it. 
“You really couldn’t wait until we got home, could you?” Leah said, her words broken up by messy kisses. 
“I tried to fuck you at home, but you wouldn’t let me,” you manage to quip back. 
“God, you’re insufferable,” Leah utters in the most loving way those words can be said. 
“I know I am,” you say admittedly before taking the reigns and pushing her back towards the large bath tub. You walk until Leah’s legs hit the ceramic and she’s forced to sit down on the edge. At this you kneel down, letting your hands run wild up and down Leah’s legs. 
“This is my favourite thing you’ve ever worn,” you tell her, not even knowing that it’s necessarily true, but knowing how much it is turning you on in the moment. 
“You said that last week,” Leah laughs, but is quickly shut up when you move your face between her legs, kissing her against the fabric of her underwear as she widens her legs for you. 
You kiss the insides of her thighs religiously, wishing you could bottle the feeling of her skin against your lips, and the sound of her heavy breaths. 
You look up at her as if for permission as you hook your fingers under her underwear and she grants you permission with the slight raise of her hips, allowing you to slide them down her legs.
“Please,” Leah says, asking for you to resume your previous actions, and you oblige willingly. 
She parts her legs and you let your tongue drag through the wetness between her legs. Her fingers get lost in your hair, guiding you closer to her. You move slowly with your tongue, teasing her out before making a movement to kiss her clit and suck on it lightly. 
“Y/N, God, yes,” she moans, letting her head fall back as she stabilises herself with one hand on the edge of the bath, and the other in your hair. 
As you continue your ministrations on Leah, you lose yourself in the slight bucking of her hips, the sounds of her moans, and the desperate way she is pushing your head closer. You can feel yourself becoming wetter, and all you want is to make her come for you. 
You flick her clit with your tongue, as you run your hands along her thighs. You lick, you suck, and you kiss her until Leah gives you the signal that she is getting close. 
“Oh my god, oh god,” she repeats herself, stuttering through the words, her breathing erratic. 
You hum against her before you say, “Come for me darling.”
You continue to suck on her clit and it drives her over the edge. Her orgasm meets her beautifully, rolling through her whole body down to her core. You continue your movements gently, letting her ride out her full orgasm before she reaches down with both hands to grab ahold of your face. 
She looks at you in awe before you stand up, pulling her up with you as she tugs her dress back down her legs. You kiss her gently now, the urgency having dissipated. 
“You’re amazing,” you tell her.
“I love you,” she says, shaking her head in wonder. You both often questioned how you ended up so lucky. 
“I love you more,” you assure her. 
“Not possible, I’m afraid,” she sighs, as if she has more love for you than you even realise.
“Was that okay?” You ask gently, leaning to press a soft kiss on her shoulder. 
“It was perfect,” she says.
“Good,” you smile peacefully. 
“I’ll return the favour later,” she promises and you smirk, eager for what’s to come. 
“You’re such a tease,” you say. 
“It’s fun watching you get all worked up,” she tells you. 
You shake your head and turn to look in the mirror, seeing how flushed you look and making your best attempts to flatten your hair.
"God, look at the mess you've made of me," you say.
After spending some time cleaning yourself up, you look at Leah. 
“Ready to get back out there?” You suggest. 
“I don’t know how I’m supposed to put on a normal face and act like that didn’t just happen,” she says. 
“It’s almost midnight, no one is paying attention to us,” you say. 
With that Leah grabs her phone and checks the time, it reads 11:58PM. 
“Shit, it really is almost midnight,” she says. 
You start to hear everyone shuffling around together in the living room telling each other to get ready to countdown. Stepping out of the bathroom feels like reentering the real world, and you grab hold of Leah’s hand, hoping to always be able to step into your own private world together.
“Will you be my midnight kiss?” You ask jokingly.
“Always,” she promises. 
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heavenlyhischier · 20 days
𝐃𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫 | 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬
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Word count: 1.5k
Summary: Being John's sister and dating Jack even though you were warned to steer clear.
Note: I literally wrote this in like 30 min so it's probably not great and doesnt make sense but I've had this thought in my head for too long I needed to write it down.
Working for the Devils social media team was the first job you ever truly enjoyed, but it definitely kept you busy. For the first couple of months, you were still trying to figure out how you were going to balance working so often while also having a personal life. The idea seemed outlandish and absurd at first, but then a certain player wiggled his way into your life and everything suddenly became much easier. He made sure you were setting time aside to take care of yourself, but he also made sure that you weren’t falling behind on work because it would stress you out. 
Your relationship with Jack was something you kept hidden away from everyone else. You knew that if word got out, you would be seen as the exact stereotype many think women in sports to be, while he would get off with a slap of the wrist. Dating him wasn’t necessarily against any written rules, but it was implied. However, the most important factor of all was your brother, who just so happened to be on the same team.
John was an easy going, passive guy who was never outwardly rude to anyone, choosing to mostly keep to himself. When he found out you had applied to and gotten the job with the Devils, he was elated to have his younger sister in the same city as him again. He introduced you to the team, to his other friends, and showed you around the city. He also made sure to warn you to steer clear of any of his teammates. Though obviously, you didn’t listen.
It was an easy practice day in the middle of a four day break, so you and your co-worker were tasked with making a new TikTok video for the team account. The idea you were given made you want to laugh at the irony, but you went along with it with no complaints. The both of you set up right off the ice where they would walk down to the locker room. She was holding the phone while you stood to the side with a sign that said ‘Who on the team would you NOT let date your sister?’.
Slowly, the guys began to trickle off the ice as practice ended and most of them had stopped to answer the question with willing smiles. Curtis and Brendan said they didn’t want any of the guys to date their sister, a couple others saying they wouldn’t mind because they trusted their team, but overall the answers had been combinations of Holtz, Dawson, and Timo (courtesy of Jonas and Nico).
John was stepping off the ice with Jack following closely behind, and your co-worker briefly tossed you an amused look that you simply shook your head at. She knew nothing about your private relationship with Jack, but she knew about your relationship to John and she found the situation amusing. They both paused in front of the two of you, Jack standing slightly to the side as John chuckled to himself.
“Is all of them acceptable,” He looks into the camera, a teasing grin on his face, “But, if I had to choose, I’d say Jack.”
You could tell that he was picking on the younger boy just because he was there, but his response made you choke on your own spit. Jack’s eyes were wide in slight panic as he subtly steps towards you and John’s head snapped towards you, his hand instinctively reaching over to pat your back as you doubled over. Your co-worked had turned the phone off as she glanced between you and Jack, eyebrows raised in confusion.
“Jesus, are you okay,” John asks, his eyes briefly flitting towards Jack. 
“Yeah,” You wheezed, “I’m great. Just forgot how to breathe I guess.”
“Okay,” He dragged out, “Do you need a ride home today?”
You straighten your back as you try to catch your breath, doing your best to not look towards Jack as you say, “No, not today.”
As the rest of the team came and went, the uncomfortable situation was pushed to an afterthought in your mind. Once you had caught everyone who was willing to participate, the two of you took everything down and made your way back to the office as you talked. She began to upload the video to the computer as you slipped your phone out to text Jack.
“You can head out,” Her voice breaks you away from the screen, “I can get it all done by myself. I still owe you from the other week.”
“Are you sure,” You ask.
“Yeah, of course! It’s an easy one,” She smiles, playfully waving you away, “But hey, if I were you, I’d talk to Andy about Jack. It’ll come out sooner rather than later, and it’ll save you a lot of trouble if he hears it from you.”
You were slightly caught off guard, but you simply gave her a tight-lipped smile and gathered all of your stuff before bidding her a goodbye. You texted Jack when you were on your way to the stairwell, telling him that you got out early and you would sit in one of the more common areas and wait for him if he was still in the gym. Though, he was quick to respond to say he was on his way out and he would meet you by the doors instead.
“Hey,” He called out when he saw you, “You need a ride?”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at him before saying, “Yeah, the guy I was supposed to ride with is kind of a jackass.”
He lets out a laugh that instantly makes you smile, pushing the door open so you could walk through. You walked beside him, making sure to keep an appropriate amount of space between you in case someone were to see the two of you. He made casual conversation, asking you about your work day and how you got lucky enough to get out early enough. It wasn’t until you were out of the parking garage that he reached over the center console to put his hand on your thigh.
“You think John knows,” Jack finally asks the question that's been on his mind, “Or was that just him being funny?”
“Honestly,” You let out a puff of air, “I think he was just joking, but I don’t know how much longer I can keep it from him.”
“Yeah, I know,” He sighs, delicately rubbing the inside of your thigh, “I don’t really want to keep it a secret anymore either.”
The rest of the drive you both sat with only the hum of the radio filling the silence. All you could think about was how badly things could end up if your boss or brother were to find out about your relationship through something other than yourself. There was nothing good that came out of that, and you knew that the truth was always unveiled no matter what. You just weren’t sure what was scarier, the risk of losing your job, or telling your brother you had been keeping a boyfriend from him for months. 
When you had gotten back to Jack’s apartment, the two of you were quick to curl up together on the couch with your favorite movie on the tv. You were trying to keep yourself focused and present, but your mind kept drifting towards possibilities of John finding out about you and Jack somewhere that wasn’t you and how absolutely angry he’d be. How hurt he would be. You felt Jack keep glancing at you, but he didn’t say anything until he felt you shudder against him.
“Hey,” Jack whispers your name, his arm tightening around your waist, “What’s wrong, baby?”
“I think we need to tell my brother,” You let out, anxious tears pricking the corner of your eyes, “I didn’t mind at first because I thought it was fun, but I can’t lie to him anymore. I won’t.”
“Okay,” He brought his hand to cup your jaw, “We can tell him. We can do whatever you want as long as you’re okay with it. That’s what I care about.”
Despite your efforts to keep your tears contained, Jack’s thumb wipes away at the few that slide down your cheeks. The way he was so tender, so attentive to your needs made a warmth spread in your chest that you only ever felt with him. Jack had always made sure you knew that everything the two of you did was something you were comfortable with because, as long as he had you, he would do anything.
“I love you,” You whisper, meeting his soft gaze. 
“I love you more,” He smiles, leaning down to place a gentle kiss to your lips, “Do you think I’ll need my gear when we tell Johnny?”
353 notes · View notes
Can you make bakugou meeting his future son?
I imagine he has a son just like he is
✧. ┊ Thank you for the request! This was really fun to put together, I hope you enjoy it as much as I had writing it.
✧. ┊ Also to everyone who enjoyed the Daddy? post, It will be getting a part two soon and possibly a part three & four for pro hero's and villains. (More notes on this in A/N at the end.)
Like Father, Like Son.
┊͙✧˖*° Includes- katsuki bakugou x reader. future son. class 1-A. fluff. comfort. mini bakugou. cute dad moments. bonus content.
┊͙✧˖*° Warnings- gn! reader mentioned. excessive cussing. season five spoilers.
┊͙✧˖*° Word Count- 10,313
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───
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The days still grew cold as winter was slowly turning into spring, the wind would howl in his ears and his cheeks would turn numb from exposure while he protrolled with Endeavor, Shoto, and Deku. Bakugou shivered as ducked his face into the high collar of his hero costume, attempting to block the direct hit from the bitter chill as he propelled himself through the air with his explosions.
Endeavor suddenly landed onto a high building roof while he surveyed the area around him, the three interns quickly caught up and each landed onto the roof with heavy feet. Silence filled the air as their eyes darted rapidly trying to find the next emergency they would rush off to before Endeavor could.
"You three still can't beat me to the scene. Heh." He scoffed as he glanced over his shoulder at them.
Katsuki's anger bubbled over, ears red and numb from the wind blowing around them. His crimson eyes flared with the frustration that was running through his veins.
Shoto and Deku watched as Bakugou continued to let out the built up frustration he had been compressing the last few days. Endeavor sighed at the sight, his demeanor grew more intimidating as he waited for the ashy blonde to finish his unsightly temper tantrum.
Were these boys really Shoto's friends?
Bakugou heaved, angrily breathing in air while he calmed down, his clenched jaw relaxing as silence surrounded them. Endeavor clicked his tongue in annoyance, turning his back on him once more to look at the people below.
"Are you done with that childish rant? I've already told you don't make cold weather an excuse for you falling short. Figure out a way to get stronger."
Bakugou scoffed but stayed silent as he listened to the number one hero. The three boys watched him with intent analyzing his actions and the city that surrounded them, before Endeavor's stern voice cut through the air once more.
"You have been tasked with defeating a villain faster than I can, of course I'm not going to make it easy for you otherwise you wouldn't learn anything."
Determination rose in the boys at the words, the fire under their drive to beat him being furiously relit. Endeavor jumped off the side of the building propelling himself towards the next crisis, the interns eagerly running and throwing themselves into the air after him. Bakugou was right behind his mentor, nearly at his heels as the corner of his mouth quirked up a wide smirk forming. His palms crackled loudly, bursting more explosions from his hands in order to close the gap between him and the number one hero ahead of him. He felt the heat rise throughout his body as his hands simmered under the gloves, finally warming him up in the cold as he raced towards the target.
I'm almost there, just have to push a little bit more.
A dim light fading out in a passing alleyway caught the corner of his eyes, He squinted while he glanced at Endeavor who was still heading fast towards the original crime scene. Bakugou's thoughts gnawed on him as he tried to ignore the light he had seen, but something was telling him he needed to turn around and investigate. He tried to fight the urge, he was so close to victory and finally fulfilling the task he had been given at the start of their internship.
He glowered at himself as he slowed his pace and turned back towards the alleyway, Shoto and Deku exchanged a wide eyed expression as they called out to him briefly, stopping in confusion at his actions.
"Bakugou! Where are you going?!"
Bakugou didn't stop to answer their calls, nor did he spare them another glance as he made his way towards the now faded light. Shoto and Deku worried on who to follow before ultimately deciding to trust him with what he was doing while they continued to follow Endeavor.
His expression dulled as the alleyway came back into view, he surveyed the area as his feet landed loudly on the concrete. He kept his guard up as he took in his surroundings, the alleyway seemed deserted but he wasn't going to take a chance at being unprepared for an attack. His pupils flared and eyebrows furrowed as he heard movement from further down, a scowl returned to his features as voice rang out echoing off the walls loudly.
He heard feet shuffling from the side of the dumpster a few feet away from him, His hands crackled in anticipation as he readied himself for a fight.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" He cursed, his lips drew back in snarl as he took in the figure in front of him.
A six year old boy stood there in shorts and a short sleeve shirt, his thoughts raced through protocols on missing children as he leered down at the kid.
"Damn! What's your name kid?" He asked, his tone going softer as the rush of adrenaline dwindled down.
The boy kept his face lowered towards the ground, ashy blonde hair covering his eyes as his body visibly shivered from the cold. Annoyance rose within him as he waited for the kid to answer, clicking his tongue when it was obvious he wasn't going to receive one.
"Hey, you don't know how to talk or something?! If you want help, answer otherwise stop wasting my time and leave." A vein popped out of his neck as he spat harshly.
Another breeze blew through the alleyway causing the boy to shudder and wrap his arms around his torso. His face looked up suddenly, eyes still closed with the faintest sign of tear streaks running down his cheeks, his eyebrows furrowed tensely as he shouted out.
Katsuki's body tensed, the color drained out of his face as the name echoed into his ears. His hands clenched, nails digging into his palms hard enough to rip through his gloves. His mind reeled at the information, crimson eyes darted quickly over the boy's physical features and appearance.
Could it be a coincidence? Was Bakugou a common last name and what about how he looks... he's practically...?
"Why are you silent after yelling so much you jerk?! Are you even a real hero?! My daddy said 'extras' like you should all go to hell!" The boy ranted angrily, finally opening his eyes to meet the hero standing in front of him.
Recognition dawned on the tiny face as bright e/c eyes started deeply into his crimson ones. His mouth hung wide open before he quickly slammed it shut and his awe was turned to anger, his tiny fist clenched at his sides as he snarled up at Katsuki.
"Daddy! Why are you playing such a dirty prank?! Wandering off this time wasn't even my fault, so stop being a jerk. "
Katsuki's mind froze the moment the boy addressed him as daddy, his whole body went cold as he tried to process the information.
"This isn't funny anymore! Let's go home!"
"Kid, I don't know what's going but I'm for sure not-" Katsuki paused upon seeing the look of fear in the child's eyes as he willed himself to push back the unshed tears.
God damnit! I can't just leave him here on the street.
He kneeled down and quickly grabbed the boy and easily threw him over his shoulder. The boy let out a shocked gasp and Katsuki started walking down the alleyway towards the street.
"What are you doing?" Katsuro asked while he looked around his surroundings.
"Taking you somewhere warm."
"Took you long enough."
"Shut Up Runt!"
"You shut up Old Man!"
"HEH!" Katsuki scoffed, growing annoyed at the boy over his shoulder.
An idea swept through his mind briefly before moved his grip towards the boy's ankles and dragged him off his shoulder to instead leave him dangling in the air. The child gasped in shock from the sudden movement as his head was now dangling above the concrete.
"I dare you to say it again." Katsuki sneered, taking pleasure in the brief look of fear that flickered over the boy's features.
The boy twisted around to where he was facing Bakugou before lifting his palms in frustration. Bright explosions crackled and popped in the six years old hands as he swung towards the man holding him, one small explosion managing to actually hit him. However, due to the low impact power, it didn't do anything to him other than cause him to pause at the realization that the boy had the same quirk, no had his quirk.
The civilians that walked around them gawked and gossiped in shock at the abrasive way he was handling the child, he huffed out in annoyance before readjusting his grip on the kid and holding him properly in his arms.
"I don't need you to carry me! I can walk on my own!" He huffed, puffing out his cheeks in frustration at being carried like a child.
"You'll slow me down."
"Heh! You're the one who is slow, asswipe."
Bakugou's steps paused for a moment as his eye twitched in anger, before he compressed the feeling down.
I've never wanted to beat up a child more than I do right now.
Katsuro continuously glanced at Bakugou throughout the walk, taking in the features that were so similar and yet so different from his father at the same time. His mind buzzed while it searched for an explanation in the hero's features.
"What?!" Bakugou sneered, noticing the boy looking at him carefully with furrowed brows.
"Did you get hit by a quirk? Why do you look like your high school yearbook picture?"
Bakugou remained silent to the child's question, his eyebrows furrowed as he pieced together information. This kid was to similar too him, looked too much like him to not be related by blood. The quirk alone convinced him of that fact as if the spiked ashy blonde hair and facial features wasn't enough. This was his child from the future, and for an unknown reason he had shown up in the past. He had gotten lucky to briefly notice the light in the alleyway and find the child, it had his thoughts going on haywire.
If someone had known I was going to be there, it would make sense why I was able to find him rather than someone else.
The thoughts did nothing to settle his restless state of mind, it only caused him to become more anxious and in need of answers.
The silence that remained between the two seemed to answer Katsuro's question even though Bakugou hadn't verbally replied. He turned his head away, sadness clouded his features as he pieced together the information he had and the moments leading up to appearing in the alleyway.
"I'm in the past, aren't I?"
"Yeah." He mumbled back.
Bakugou saw Endeavor and the others in the distance, he used his quirk to propel him into the air, closing the gap quickly between them all while the boy excitedly laughed as the wind blew through his hair. The number one hero eyed the boy with a suspicious gaze before placing a stern pointed glare at his intern.
"You disappeared." He noted flatly.
"Keh! I saw something you missed, an abandoned kid in an alleyway. So much for being able to notice everything even before it happens huh?" The explosive blonde mocked.
"And you didn't feel the need to report your whereabouts to anyone?"
"Would have taken too long. What's the problem? I'm here now aren't I?"
Endeavor sighed deeply while closing his eyes in frustration, already growing tired of the conversation. When his eyes reopened he focused them on the ashy blonde boy who had climbed out of Bakugou's arms and jumped onto the concrete beside him. The resemblance between the two was shocking, if it weren't for the e/c eyes the boy would have been a miniature clone of Bakugou and the thought alone was unsettling for the number one hero.
"Who is the kid?"
Bakugou tensed slightly before quickly regaining composure, however the slight slip didn't go unnoticed by Endeavour. He let out a harsh breath and rubbed the back of his neck anxiously, preparing himself as well as the rest of the group for his next words.
"This is my son-"
"SHUT UP!" Bakugou continued.
"This is my son from the future."
Crimson eyes meet turquoise as Bakugou and Endeavor glared at each other in a silent battle, sharp gasps filled the air at the reveal as Shoto and Deku processed the information.
"Whatever Old Man, like I need to explain anything to you."
Katsuro had observed the interaction's in amusement, a bright smirk formed on his lips as he laughed happily. Deku had managed to regain his composure from the sudden shock of his childhood friend suddenly appearing with a future child and had made his way over to Katsuro, a gentle smile on his lips as he kneeled down to the boy's height and waved in greeting.
"Hello! I'm Izuku Midoryia, but you can call me Deku. What's your name?"
"Katsuro Bakugou! Are you really Deku?" He questioned.
"Yes, is there something wrong?" Deku anxiously replied.
"The Deku in the future is way cooler."
"Wha-" Deku stuttered before being interrupted.
"Heh?" Bakugou scoffed, instantly irritated at the boy's words.
"Deku? Cool?"
"Deku is the greatest! Unlike you Mr. Number Two! No matter how much trouble he's in, he's always the winner and that's why he's my favorite hero. I'm going to be just like him when I grow up and become the number one hero myself!" Katsuro said confidently.
Bakugou's eyebrow twitched, crimson eyes flashed with anger as he glared at the green haired boy still kneeled on the ground. Miniature explosion's crackled in his palms as he clenched his hands, nails digging into his palms once more while his breath quickened.
Wide green eyes glanced up to see the fuming blonde at his side, he nervously backed away from him while he tried to form words but all that came out of his mouth were anxious stammers and incomplete sentences. The blonde lunged at him suddenly, explosion's bursting from his palms that he aimed for Deku's face while he narrowly dodged the attack, the hit grazed his face causing his mask to rip. Endeavor reacted quickly, restraining the explosive blonde and barking out orders that the team is returning back to headquarters for the day.
Katsuro walked beside Endeavor towards the car that was awaiting them, his arms animated as he punched the air while talking about old fight's he had seen of the current number one hero. Bakugou grumbled as he walked beside Shoto and Deku, he lowered his gaze towards the ground in annoyance as his feet continued to harshly stomp the concrete beneath him.
"You know his e/c eyes remind me of someone."
Shoto's sudden voice broke him out of his thoughts, he glanced over at the boy with a glare as he took in the thoughtful expression on his face and furrowed eyebrows.
"Like I care Icy-hot. Deku! Don't think you're better than me just because of what he said, that's still years away and I can change it. I won't lose to you!"
"Okay Kacchan, I won't lose to you either!" Deku Agreed with a smile before continuing "You know, Katsuro is so much like you."
"No shit, he's my kid. We are practically identical."
"I'm not just talking about his looks. What he said about me, well no what he said about the number one hero and why he's the best. It's almost exactly what you said when we were kids, I see a lot of your drive and confidence in him." He said, awe taking over his features as he spoke.
Bakugou remained quiet for a moment as they walked in silence, his spiky hair covering his expression as he continued to look away from the two boys. His neck burned slightly from the rising heat coursing through his body while the tips of his ears turned a slight shade of pink.
"Shut up and die." He barked out with annoyance.
"Hopefully he doesn't take after Bakugou when it comes to his attitude." Shoto added with a playful smirk formed on his lips.
Laughter filled the air around them as the boys went back and forth with remarks and lightheartedly mocking each other. The tension from earlier had finally dissipated from the group as they descended into the car.
The agency was a safe haven compared to the bitter winter that still raged on outside. The heat instantly warmed up the group as they stepped inside, Katsuro's shivers halted as he began to relax in the cozy heat of the building.
"I can't believe you let your son stay out in the cold for so long without a jacket." Shoto chastised.
"I'm not the one who dressed him dumbass!"
"Still, you couldn't give him your own?"
"Stop telling me what to do!"
Bakugou's eyes found the ashy blonde hair of his son who was happily running around the lounge area. A few sidekicks would share a glance as their eyes darted between the similarities of him and Katsuro, which he would return with heated glare at the noisy employees.
The other sidekicks happily welcomed the child with no questions asked, greeting him with waves and doting on the boy as he introduced himself as the next number one hero confidently. Every so often when he wanted more attention drawn to him, he would show off his quirk and crackle the mini explosions in his palms for the viewer's around him.
"Woah! What a great quirk!"
"You're right! You will definitely be the next number one hero with a quirk like that."
"How flashy!"
Bakugou raked his fingers through his hair as he watched his son be praised for his quirk and the smile that was plastered happily on his face. His thoughts flew back to when he had manifested his quirk and had received just as many compliments that raised his ego growing up.
My mom always said when I had kids they would dish out to me twice as much as I did to her....
....I just wasn't expecting to suffer the consequences so soon.
"Katsuro, why are you wearing summer clothes in the winter?" Deku questioned.
"It was summer before I came here."
Endeavor glanced at the boy, thoughts raced through his mind as his eyes darted towards Bakugou taking in the furrowed eyebrows and his clenched fists from across the room. He shook tiredly before his voice echoed throughout the room as he spoke, the conversations around him stopping instantly.
"I think it's time we understand exactly what's going on here."
Silence filled the air as the tension rose in the room, Endeavor stiffly sat on the couch as he motioned for Katsuro to sit on the couch across from him. Bakugou saw the hesitation that flickered in the boy's eyes and quickly scoped him into his arms before playing him on the couch and taking the empty seat next to him.
He stroked his beard in thought as the boy continued sharing his memory of the morning before arriving in the alleyway, listening to every detail and examining it.
Bakugou raked his fingers through his hair as he processed the information eagerly being told by his future son. His eyes glanced tentatively toward Katsuro who had risen from his seat in excitement as he talked about his family members' quirks as well as his own.
"Aunt Chihiro was babysitting me since both my parents had to go out to face villains!" He said animatedly "My cousin Suzume and I were playing near the house, there is a big tree that is like a bridge over a small river. Her foot slipped, I went to reach for her but when I did a bright light shot out at me."
"How old is your cousin?" Endeavor asked deep in thought.
"She just turned five a few months ago."
Shoto stepped closer as he let out a harsh breath, his eyes briefly made contact with Bakugou before glancing over towards Endeavor.
"It sounds like her quirk activated out of fear, but still a time travel quirk and it was her first time using it...There's not a lot of information to go on regarding when he will go back."
Bakugou rubbed his forehead in frustration at Shoto's words, he had already pieced together that information and to have him repeat it out loud irked him. His crimson eyes glanced down towards the boy now sitting beside him again, he didn't look worried or scared about the possibility of staying here for an unknown amount of time which eased the weight Bakugou felt on his chest.
"Time travel quirks are extremely rare though, only a handful have been reported over generations." Deku rambled.
"It's not unheard of though, Katsuro, does your other parent have a time manipulation quirk?" Endeavor questioned.
"No, but my aunt's quirk allows her to stop or speed up time around her."
"So the kid's quirk mutated to a time travel quirk." Bakugou stated, his voice rumbling.
Since the quirk was a mutation and didn't work exactly how the mother's quirk worked, he knew that it would be harder for them to figure out how exactly the quirk worked or if the kid needed to use the quirk again to bring him back it would be unknown when he would go back home. His mind raced at the thought of having his future son with him for days, months even. Anxiety prickled up the back of his neck as he thought about being a decent father.
"It's rather lucky he ended up here and not somewhere random." Endeavor mentioned briefly while glancing at the clock on the wall.
"You're right! It must have to do with the quirk, maybe there's a limit to how far back a person can be sent? Or it will bring the person close to someone blood related to them?" Deku started to ramble.
"Well-" Katsuro started before all eyes darted towards him causing him to stop.
"Keep going kid." Bakugou encouraged while lightly ruffling his hair with his palm.
"Suzume was talking about old year books she saw of my parents before she slipped, so I think since she was thinking of that time is why I got sent here."
"Bakugou your kid is smart." Shoto said with a monotone voice.
"Of course he is, asshole, he's my son."
"I would have figured he got that aspect from your partner."
Bakugou grumbled angrily as Endeavor raised his hand, stopping the bickering from continuing. Turquoise eyes sternly trained on him as he waited in silence to fill the room again before speaking.
"I believe until he goes back home, the safest place for him to be is with you."
The U.A. Class 1-A dormitory stood tall before them, the winter chill starting to bite at Bakugou's bare arms. His mind wandered from the upcoming events of seeing his noisy classmates to his son and his eyes peered over at Katsuro, who was taking in the sight of the campus. The large blazer drenched over his small body in a feeble effort to fight off the cold.
Endeavor had called the school and made the principal as well as Aizawa aware of the situation, giving him as much information as they had gathered from the young boy. When the work study students had reached the front gate, they were met by the tired eyes of the eraser hero.
Shoto and Deku had followed their homeroom teacher into the dormitory willingly while Bakugou slowed his footsteps to a sudden stop. He knew that the reaction he would receive walking in with his son, and was hit with a sudden sense of dread at having to deal with his annoying classmates.
Aizawa's head peaked out from the door of the building, his eyes surveyed the area until they landed on Bakugou and Katsuro's figure. He sighed tiredly before calling out to the two still standing out in the cold.
"Come in, I already explained to your classmates briefly about Katsuro's appearance and stay in the dorms."
Bakugou caught his son's attention as he started to walk towards the building, his feet crunching along the cold grass as he did. Katsuro raced after his father, syncing his footsteps into pace with him as he got closer.
The warmth of the dormitory instantly kicked the chill that had rested over this skin, his crimson eyes quickly surveyed the lounge area as he observed his classmates' facial expressions to see his mini double.
"I heard you have a kid! Where is the cutie?!" Mina mused excitedly as she jumped to her feet.
He jerked his thumb toward the small boy standing behind him, his eyes narrowed as he watched Mina bounce on her toes as she peered behind his figure.
"OMG!" She exclaimed.
"WHAT?!" Kirishima asked, surprised at her sudden outburst upon seeing the kid.
Mina launched herself towards the boy engulfing his small body in a hug as Bakugou sighed and moved out of the way, his feet led him to a resting point and he leaned against the wall.
"HE'S SO CUTE!" Mina sang.
The class gasped at the sight of the six year old boy wrapped Mina's arms, their eyes darted quickly from Bakugou to Katsuro as they took in the obvious similarities the two of them shared in appearance. The ashy blonde hair that seemed to spike in different directions, even though his son's was slightly less spiky compared to his. His lips set in a frown and sharp furrowed eyebrows matched the same expression he was wearing, and the shape of his eyes and nose were a perfect replica of his own.
Katsuro's forehead creased heavily as the arms continued to stay wrapped around him, his e/c eyes burned with frustration and annoyance at the girl beside him.
"Hey, Hag! Will you let go of me now?!" He barked, out causing the room to still in silence.
Mina's body tensed at the insult thrown at her direction, an evident line appeared between her brows as she clenched her jaw.
Bakugou couldn't help the chuckle that escaped his lips at his son's words. His mouth twisted upward into a smile as he quickly placed a hand over his mouth to hide his obvious amusement from the girl's chilly glare.
The student's had jerked their heads in the direction of Bakugou's laugh that broke the tense atmosphere from moments before. Mina let go of the boy and whirled towards Ochaco with a wilted expression seeking comfort.
"I can't believe he just called me a hag!" She wailed.
Krishima's red eyes wandered to Bakugou's as he sent him a questioning look at the events that just took place. The blonde lifted his shoulders in a half shrug, lowering his hand to show the blatant amused smile playing on his lips.
"Hey kid, I'm Kirishima. What's your name?" Kirishima greeted with a wave and a bright smile.
"My name is Katsuro. I already know who you are! Uncle shitty hair!" He beamed.
Another laugh escaped Bakugou as Kirishima's expression faltered slightly. The red haired boy released a harsh breath while massaging the back of his neck with his hand.
"Glad to know your nicknames live on even in the future." He remarked as he grinned towards his friend.
Katsuro sat merrily on Kirishima's firm shoulders as he led him around the lounge to meet all the students. Bakugou watched from his spot, still leaned against the wall with crossed arms as he took in the slight dimples the boy expressed when he smiled.
His mind wandered as he thought about the few characteristics he didn't share with his son. Even though Katsuro was practically a mini clone of himself, the bright e/c eyes were a stark difference in the two. He watched the boy happily from afar as he ordered Kirishima around the room as curiosity washed over him.
"Woah! Our Bakugou is now a teenage dad, how unexpected!" Kaminari teased as he drew closer to him.
"Woah! You haven't melted your brain today, sparkplug." Bakugou mocked back.
"Ugh! Come on, you have to admit it's funny. Out of everyone here I would rank you lower on the list for the chances of being a teen parent."
Bakugou raised an eyebrow at him as Sero and Mineta wandered over to join the group.
"How so?" Bakugou questioned as he jammed his hands in his front pockets.
"Well, your attitude is so bad that it would be hard to find someone who can put up with it."
"Yeah, outside of this class you don't have any friends." Mineta added in agreement.
"Whoever it is, they must be a saint!"
Sero's eyebrows furrowed in thought for a moment. "I don't think that's true, at least not anymore. Bakugou's competitive for sure and has an attitude, but he always treats his friends good!"
Bakugou's eyes widened slightly at his words before quickly hiding his shocked expression. The others seemed to nod in agreement to Sero's words, thinking back to all the times Bakugou has shown his good side.
"This is making me more curious about who the other parent could be. Do you think they go to U.A.?" Kaminari pondered.
"They obviously aren't in this class, he hasn't acknowledged anyone else as his parent besides Bakugou." Mineta chimed in.
"Ah! I Know!" Kaminari exclaimed, eyes darting towards Kirishima.
Kirishima stood beside Mina, Ochaco, Jiro and Ida as they observed Katsuro demonstrate his quirk in front of them. His palms cracked loudly like firecrackers as sparks popped brightly in the air, a rather big explosion from the six year old's hands made Ida jump back slightly.
"Your quirk is so strong for your age!" Ochaco praised.
"Don't inflate his ego more than it already is, this punk gets praised too much as it is." Bakugou called out from his place across the room, slowly making his way towards his son.
Katsuro blew out his cheeks in annoyance at his father's sudden instructions. He clenched his hands into fists at his sides as he glared up at Bakugou, flaring his e/c eyes.
"You jealous?! EXTRA!" Katsuro fumed.
The sudden silence that followed his remark was broken by the laughter that filled the room as the students beamed happily around them.
"Like father, like son." Sero laughed.
"HE'S JUST LIKE HIM!" Jiro voiced, another fit of laughter escaping her lips.
"It's really a mini Bakugou! He acts exactly like you!" Momo Remarked.
"How does it feel to face off against a younger version of you?" Ayoama teased.
"DIE!" Bakugou roared at his classmates, his nostrils flaring as he sent heated glares around the room.
"Bakugou! That isn't appropriate to say in front of a child!" Ida scolded.
Katsuro whirled around to face the engine hero, still heated from his father's remark from earlier.
"Shut it four eyes!"
"Uh! H-How rude!"
Bakugou annoyance simmered down at the sight of his son insulting the class rep. He let out a sharp breath as he relaxed his shoulders, his mouth twitched ever so slightly into a smirk.
The conversation moved forward as the riotous class settled down, Kaminari approached Kirishima mumbling to him as he gestured towards Bakugou and Katsuro. The red head's face lit up as he raced off to his dorm room, returning a few moments later with a book in his hand.
Kirishima placed the book on the table, opening it to the first page filled with pictures. He gestured for Katsuro to come over and when the little boy padded his feet over to him , he generously picked him up and placed him in the chair.
"What are you up to?" Bakugou questioned catching the attention of his other classmates as they pieced together the situation.
"Amajiki gave me an early edition of this year's yearbook, maybe Katsuro will recognize his other parent in here."
Katsuro flips through the pages, his eyes darted over the portraits of the current student of U.A before his eyebrows become furrowed as he gets to the end of the book.
"I don't see them here..." He mumbled
Bakugou absentmindedly placed his hand on Katsuro's bowed head, waiting a moment for the boy's e/c eyes to turn up towards him before lightly ruffling his hair with his fingers. Katsuro gazed up at him in awe before shaking his head in a feeble attempt at fixing his messed up hair. The soft gaze that greeted him when he glanced back at his father shocked him, it reminded him of how his father would look at him back home in the future and that thought comforted him.
"I'm hungry!" Katsuro stated, changing the subject, a rumble emitting from his stomach as he did.
"Who's in charge of making dinner tonight?" Bakugou questioned Kirishima.
"Pretty sure it's you and Momo."
"Huh? Me? Again?" He gritted his teeth, annoyed.
"What can I say, everyone loves your cooking!"
Bakugou sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, his eyes glanced back at his son who was watching him from his seat at the table.
"What do you want to eat?"
"Mapo Tofu!" The boy exclaimed happily, jumping down from his seat.
The corner's of his mouth turned up into a smile, a sudden jolt of happiness rushed through his body as he took in the bright smile on his son's face.
Of course, he and his son would have the same favorite food.
"Come on, you're helping." Bakugou said as he extended a hand toward his son.
Tiny fingers firmly wrapped around his hand, the two walked towards the kitchen hand in hand. The smiles on each of their faces was seen by their classmates, no one dared to ruin the bonding moment with their mocking.
(The next few scenes are small occurrences that took place over the week.)
The next few days went by in a blur, Bakugou had quickly gotten used to being a father which had shocked his classmates. Their shock continued when they noticed how good of a father he was at that, the explosive blonde made it seem almost effortless when the two weren't taunting each other.
After seeing the two wholesomely cook dinner together, the class had decided they wanted to keep witnessing the cute bonding moments between the two. Due to that, anyone who was scheduled to prepare dinner the following days would purposely make mistakes so that Bakugou would get annoyed and take over the cooking himself.
"Is everyone here stupid?! Why can't any of you cook?! I should let you all starve!" Bakugou grumbled as he tossed the charred food from the pan into the trash.
He let out a harsh breath as he rolled up his sleeves.
"Move it, ears!" He gestured for Jiro to leave the kitchen, missing the smile that formed when she turned away from him.
"Katsuro! Come help me cook, you are more talented than anyone else here."
The small boy bolted jumped from his seat beside Deku, the movie he was watching being paused quickly before he bolted towards his father's voice. His feet pattered against the wood floors as he excitedly made his way to the kitchen.
The classmate's watched in awe at the soft gaze that overtook Bakugou's face when Katsuro entered the room. Happily observing as the two prepared dinner together, Bakugou assigned his son to wash the vegetables he placed in a bowl before handing them to him.
"We defiently need to keep doing this! Not only do we get to see him being nice, but we get good food." Kaminari whispered towards Jiro.
She nodded her head in agreement as they carefully stole glances at the father son duo in the kitchen.
Bakugou watched Katsuro's face light up with excitement as he watched All Might appear on the screen of his computer. Bright e/c eyes observed in wonder as the retired number one hero saved the day once again in the old clip.
"You know, Deku and I had to fight him in order to pass our final exam."
"What?! No way?! Did you lose?"
"HAH! As if your father would lose!"
Katsuro's laughter rang in his ears as he looked down at the kid sitting in his lap, a lopsided grin formed on his lips at the sight. His eyes wandered to the boy's shoulder where a piece of lint had caught his gaze.
"Well, he almost killed us. I'm pretty sure he broke some bones in Deku's spine during that fight." He picked the piece of lint from his shoulder as he continued.
"Even with quirk restrictors on, he had managed to destroy a whole city street with one punch." He absentmindedly rattled on as he remembered that day.
"That sounds..." Katsuro trailed off.
"Intense?, Cool?"
"Yeah, it was. Good thing he was the symbol of peace right?"
Bakugou watched with tired eyes as Katsuro played another round of Uno with Tsukuyomi in the lounge. The sky had turned dark and Bakugou had already gotten himself and his son ready for bed, all that was left was getting his hyperactive kid into his dorm. He yawned as he rubbed his eyes, his body starting to feel heavy and in desperate need of sleep.
"I win." Tsukuyomi stated calmly.
Katsuro grumbled with frustration as he stacked the cards for another round to begin, Bakugou quickly called out to his son to stop him from starting another match.
"It's time for bed, let's go!"
"But it's only 9 pm!"
"What's your point?" He raised an eyebrow at the kid's frustrated expression.
"Can't you let me stay up to play some more?!"
"Revelry in the dark." Tsukuyomi chimed in suddenly.
"Revelry in the dark!" Katsuro cheered happily repeating his words.
Bakougou swooped the boy into his arms, his eyebrows furrowed angrily as he glared at his bird-like classmate.
"Don't teach him that shit!" He barked.
He angrily stomped to his room with Katsuro thrown over his shoulder.
Kirishima and Deku tried to control their whispered voices as they glanced back at the couch in the lounge. They both had been the first ones to wake up that morning and when they came down stairs from their dorm's they were surprised at the sight that greeted them.
Bakugou was sleeping soundly on his back, Katsuro just as peacefully sleeping with his head on his father's chest. A remote lightly gripped in one of Bakugou's hands while the once was placed protectively over the small figure laying on top of him.
Kirishima and Deku shared a glance as they each pulled out their phones, eagerly taking a photo of the two sleeping peacefully on the couch together.
Deku's camera had let out a loud shutter noise as he took the photo, instantly grimacing at the fact he forgot to mute his phone's noise effects.
The noise had made Bakugou's eyebrows furrow as he blinked his eyes open, trying to adjust to the bright light in the room. His eyes surveyed the lounge, settling on Kirishima and Deku with their phones still pulled up and pointed in his direction making his eyes widen slightly.
"RUN!" Kirishima blurted before running down the hallway.
The day's had passed quickly and it was time for the work study students to return to their agencies. The winter chill had stalled as the weather was warmer and not as frigid as the previous weeks. Bakugou was excited to go patrolling, confident that with the warmer weather that he would beat Endeavor to the crime scenes.
However, when they arrived at the agency he had stated they would be using the training room while he went out on his own, causing Bakugou to grumble in frustration.
"He's doing this on purpose! He knows I'll beat him today, that bastard!"
Shoto stopped training suddenly from across the room to stare at him blankly.
"I believe the more likely reason is that you have a six year old with you who can't go on patrol."
Bakugou grunted angrily under his breath as he made his way from the training machines to the weights where Katsuro sat watching Deku train eagerly.
"Deku! Do something cool!" Katsuro cheered.
"HEH! What's so good about him?" Bakugou mocked, while he cocked head up.
"What? are you jealous number 2?" He taunted slyly, his e/c eyes twinkling with mischief.
Bakugou's eyebrow twitched at the mocking attitude thrown his way, his nostrils flared as his hands tightened into fists at his sides. He jerked his head in the direction of the dark green haired boy who was lifting weights.
"Deku - get over here - before I kill you." Bakugou gritted out between clenched teeth.
The hand weights were placed on the ground gently, careful not to drop them under Bakugou's rage-filled glare. He swiftly made his way over to the father/son duo, a nervous smile formed on his lips as he drew in closer to the two.
"Was there something you needed kacchan?" He questioned, swallowing the lump in his throat.
Bakugou's mouth twitched as he cackled at his nervous behavior.
"Katsuro here was just telling me how great you were and said he wanted you to show him something cool." He jeered.
"O-Oh, well thank you Katsuro. I don't think I have anything amazing to show you though." He placed his hand on his chin while he hummed in thought. "Hm, I have been working on black whip. Would you like to see?"
"YES!" He beamed with excitement.
The corners of Bakugou's mouth quirked up in amusement as he watched Deku prepare himself, knowing full well what was about to happen would disappoint his son. He leaned against the wall as he waited for the show to begin, crossing his arms over his chest comfortably.
A black mist formed slightly on Deku's palms, it slowly shaped itself into a line inched its way outward making it about an inch further than the day he performed it in front of Mt. Lady before it drizzled out. Deku excitedly bounced on the balls of his feet as he rambled about how it was slowly getting longer, while Katsuro's excitement fell from his face causing Bakugou's heart to ache just a bit at the sight of how disappointed he was.
"Disappointed in your favorite hero?" He mocked lightly.
"Keh, sure you ain't."
"Whatever! Deku might be a loser now, but he's cool in the future."
"Hm, that's a bit-" Deku sadly began before being interrupted.
"How is he better than me?!" Bakugou criticized.
Katsuro pumped a tiny fist in the air as he confidently stared at the two heroes in training. His e/c eyes twinkled with newfound excitement, as a bright smile was plastered on his face.
"Uncle Deku told me he's going to give me the secret of One for-" Bakugou slapped a hand over his mouth instantly, as his eyes quickly darted around the training room.
A sharp breath released from the One for All quirk holder beside him, he ran a hand through his hair as he tried to steady his anxious heart rate from moments before. Crimson eyes looked at him with a disapproving glare as he timidly darted between confused e/c pupils and his own.
The hand dropped from Katsuro's mouth as he struggled against him with annoyance. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked up at Bakugou with a questioning glare and burning eyes at the fact he had been restricted.
"Idiot! Look around before announcing something private. If it's a secret, keep it a secret." Bakugou scolded lightly while jerking his head away from his son's glaring eyes.
Katsuro tensed as his ears dusted pink from embarrassment at his father's words. He ducked his head, his gaze resting on the floor as he felt the heat rush to his face. The thought of him mindlessly revealing a secret in order to boast repeated endlessly in his head, causing him to remain silent as he reflected. A firm, warm hand brushed the plaguing thoughts away as it rested on his head, gently ruffling his hair in a comforting gesture.
His e/c eyes peeked up towards the figure that stood in front of him, crimson eyes peering down at him with a softened gaze. His hand firmly ruffled his hair once more before being satisfied and pulling his arm back down to his side.
Bakugou exhaled slightly. "It's okay... Do you want to see Deku and I spar?"
"YEAH!" He exclaimed, his happy features returning to his face.
"Go wait over there, and you better cheer for me when I kick his ass." He motioned towards an open area while lightly chuckling.
Katsuro dashed away with excitement, happily preparing himself to watch the two boys spar.
"Geez! that was a close one, thank you Bakugou-" Deku began.
"Looks like even the you in the future can't keep a secret. I can't believe you told a six year old about One For All! What were you thinking, dumbass?!" Bakugou scolded with annoyance.
Deku timidly scratched his chin as he thought about his future self's actions. His eyes closed briefly as his eyebrows knitted before he anxiously smiled back at Bakugou, waiting for the scolding to finish.
"What?!" Bakugou snarled, noticing the smile directed at him.
"I was just thinking how great it is that your son is going to be the successor."
Bakugou tensed briefly before quickly recovering his composure before his childhood friend could catch the slip in emotions.
The sky turned dark as Bakugou chased the hyperactive child running around his dorm at the agency. Katsuro jumped onto the bed laughing happily as Bakugou grabbed him and lifted him up. He dramatically laid him down on the bed as the boy's laughter slowly started to die down.
"Okay, you had dinner and we got ready for bed. It's time to sleep, we have an early morning."
"We can't play a bit longer?"
"Nope! I already extended it five minutes longer the last time you asked, It's time for bed."
"Okay dad." Katsuro mumbled sleepily.
Bakugou tensed at the word he was addressed by, he still wasn't used to being called so affectionately and it shocked him every time he heard his son call out to him. His eyes softened as he looked down at Katsuro's already sleeping figure in his arms, a smile grew on his lips as he thought about the last few days he had with him.
He never expected to feel so connected to someone else before, and once he met his son he doubted he would be able to be a good father so suddenly. However, being around him felt so natural and taking care of him came effortlessly day by day. Some say it's because of how alike they are, but even though he saw all the similarities between them, he also could recognize the differences.
Deep down he wants to believe that even though his son hasn't been born just yet in this timeline and he hasn't met his future partner, that he still has an unbreakable bond that's tethered between him and his son. That there was a connection that led him to turning back the first day and finding him in the alleyway. A connection that grows stronger each day they spend together and depends on the bond between the two.
His eyelids grew heavy as he rested his head down on the pillow next to Katsuro.
"I love you." he mumbled, voice thick with sleep.
His hands absentmindedly reached across the bed, filling the empty mattress instead of Katsuro's figure beside him. He patted the empty spot beside him a few more times as anxiety started to break through his sleep filled mind.
Bakugou's eyes blinked open, adjusting to the darkness in the room, he looked towards the bathroom to see no light on underneath the door. His eyes darted across the room looking for a sign of the boy when the corner of his eyes caught it briefly.
A faint dim light barely even visible, fading away. The same light he saw in the alleyway days ago when the boy had appeared. His mind raced as he processed the turn of events in the silence of the empty room.
He's back home.
Relieve flooded his body as the weight lifted off his shoulders and he fell back onto the mattress below. His crimson eyes closed as he tried to force his mind to go back to sleep, but an aching feeling started to creep its way into his thoughts.
The silence of the empty room he now resided in became to still, his heart ached at the fact that in the morning he wouldn't get to wake up his son and see the annoyed half asleep face he makes before finally smiling brightly at seeing him and questioning what is for breakfast like he had the last week.
His mind reeled at the sudden feelings of loss as he replayed the memories he had with his son in his head.
Maybe I should have let him stay up for five more minutes so we could play a bit longer.
The next morning the frigid weather felt as though it came back in full force. The wind blew past Bakugou's exposed ears, numbing them from the chilly cold. He groaned lowly under his breath, thick clouds of air were made visible as they wandered from his lips and out of the high collar of his hero uniform. He noticed dark green eyes would glance over at him every so often from the other side of Shoto's figure, his forehead creased in irritation at the worried glances pointed his way.
"Deku! stop fucking looking at me before you walk into a pole, dumbass." He barked.
His childhood friend's eyebrows rose in shock as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink from being caught.
"Haha, sorry kacchan! Um- just- Are you okay? You know with Katsuro being gone?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Oh, well-"
The conversation stalled suddenly when Endeavor launched himself over the guardrail along the sidewalk, Bakugou and the others quickly moved after him as the faint sound of car siren's met their ears.
The team anxiously prepared themselves for the upcoming threat, propelling through the air while the quick scenery of the city passes by them. The sight of a car crash and a villain floating in the air appeared up ahead as they furiously raced to the scene.
Unbeknownst to them, two figures had been watching from a rooftop building. Crimson red feathers moved slightly from the noisy disturbance down below, sharp golden eyes looking away from the book in his hand to the chaos on the streets.
"Oh, dear... such bad timing." His honey voice said playfully.
He motioned to the figure behind him as he spread his wings and prepared to descend from the roof.
The glass villain rushed down a narrow alleyway at the sight of Endeavor, desperately fleeing to get away. Melted glass rained down to the street from the powerful maneuver the number one hero used. The team raced after the villain as they quickly rushed into the alleyway, a few villain's that had teamed up with the glass villain were waiting by the exit ready to attempt a surprise attack.
Endeavor narrowly dodged the attack as he lunged towards the villain, grasping him by the shoulders and roughly pulling him towards the concrete.
Crimson red feathers grabbed the fellow villains by the collars of their shirts and lifted them into the air. Barely a moment later a flash of ice, Deku and Bakugou had rushed past the winged hero as he caught their targets.
"Huh?" Deku mumbled in confusion when the person he was about to kick was no longer in his field of vision.
"Oh, work study students?" The winged blonde mused.
"HAWKS!?" He hesitated.
Bakugou grumbled angrily as his feet landed heavily on the ground, he pivoted with knitted eyebrows towards the number two hero who was smiling happily.
"Sorry, I was just a little faster!" The hero teased.
Bakugou glanced at Shoto and Deku as they landed, the excitement that was boiling in his veins just moments ago was quickly dying out.
"What is Hawks doing here?" Shoto questioned out loud.
"I thought Endeavor was in trouble!" Hawks chirped.
"Did it look like I was in trouble?" He scoffed.
Hawks landed swiftly in front of Shoto, a teasing smile formed on his lips as his playful eyes glanced at him.
"It did, didn't it, Shoto?"
"I thought I told you to let me know when you were coming." Endeavor exhaled slightly annoyed at his sudden appearance.
Hawks golden eyes narrowed slightly before returning to their normal carefree gaze.
"Well I just happened to be in the area."
Sirens blared through the air as cop cars raced down the empty street, tires screeching as they came to a sudden stop near the scene. Endeavor and Hawks quickly brought the villains to the policemen and started to debrief them on what had occurred moments ago.
As the police moved the villains into the vehicles, Bakugou watched as Endeavor made his way towards him and the others. The winged hero walked beside him, his mouth turned in a lopsided grin as he talked.
Deku approached the two pro hero's excitedly, his body tensing as he greeted hawks.
"N-Nice to meet you! I'm in U.A Hero Course, Class 1-A. My name is Izuku Midoryia!"
"Ah! You're the kid who destroyed his fingers right? I've heard about you from Tsukuyomi."
"Oh! By the way, where is he?"
"I have him following my sidekicks today, while -" Hawks gestured towards where a work study student stood a few steps away. "Y/N is shadowing me one on one."
Bakugou's eyes widened in shock at the familiar features that greeted him, the bright e/c eyes that twinkled with happiness and the corners of your mouth being turned upwards burned into his memory over the last few days. The voices around him became background noise as his eyes trailed your every move, taking in every playful smirk and hand movement as you talked.
His chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as he realized all the subtle similar features you shared with his future son, the heat rose up his neck to his face and turned the skin it touched scarlet. He quickly ducked his face beneath the high collar of his costume in an attempt to hide the growing blush as he flustered helplessly at your sudden arrival.
"Hey y/n! It's been awhile." Shoto greeted, casually.
"Hey Todoroki! Yeah it has."
Bakugou's eyes darted towards Shoto as the greeting between them had brought him out of his thoughts. He sent a pointed glare towards the icy hot classmate as his crimson red eyes met the mismatched pair of turquoise and gray.
"Bakugou, I told you I knew who the eyes reminded me of. It's y/n, we are neighbors."
"Someone had the same eyes as me?" You questioned curiously.
"Well, to be exact it was-"
"SHUT UP!" Bakugou Growled
"I said shut your mouth, icy hot!"
Dark messy green hair shielded your view of the two bickering, a beaming smile greeted you as turned your attention towards the person now standing in front of you.
"Don't pay attention to them y/n. It's nice to meet you, I'm Izuku Midoryia or you can call me Deku."
"Nice to meet you. Um, do they do that all the time?" You questioned while stealing a glance at the two.
"Haha, sometimes... Wait, you go to Shiketsu right? I'm pretty sure I saw you at the provisional license exam."
"Yeah! I'm a first year, but I was able to take the test early with the second years."
The bickering grew louder as crackles popped and simmered in the explosive blonde's hand. Bakugou suddenly turned his head towards you and Deku and angrily barked.
"Deku! What are you saying over there huh?!"
"N-Nothing I swear!"
You tilted your head as confusion took over your features at the interaction around you.
"Bakugou greet them, you're being rude." Shoto scolded.
"Don't tell me what to do."
Golden and Turquoise eyes watched the group from a few steps away, a smile twisted its way onto Hawks face as he let out a fit of laughter. Endeavor let out a harsh breath as he sighed, he shook his head downward at the sight.
"Hm, what's all that about?" Hawks quipped.
He rolled his tense shoulders. "Don't ask."
"It looks like one of your work study students fell for one of mine." He said in a sing-song voice. "Maybe we should drop by more often if it's this entertaining to watch them interact."
"I would prefer if you didn't"
Bakugou's voice suddenly broke their conversation, their attention being drawn back to the crimsoned eyed blonde.
"Earlier, I was faster than you!" He yelled as he glared towards Hawks.
✧ ˚ · . Bonus Scene:
That day turned into night as the long patrol ended for the Endeavor agency students. The team stood outside a restaurant waiting for the arrival of Hawks and his students. After the chaos that happened that morning, it was eagerly decided upon by most of the members that a joint dinner would be a good bonding moment for everyone.
Crimson feathers came into sight as Hawks landed swiftly in front of the group, Tsukuyomi and you landing close by shortly after. You greeted the group with a wave as your feet wandered closer to the three boys.
Shoto and Deku eagerly greeted Tsukuyomi, while Bakugou awkwardly stood next to you. His hands stuffed into his pant pockets and face turned away from you as he watched his classmates.
"Don't tell Hawks I'm saying this, but you're right. You were just as fast as him earlier and just barely missed him." You say breaking the silence.
"Heh. I Know."
"What's it like working beside Endeavor?"
"He's a jerk, but he's the number one hero so I want to learn how he handles things."
You let out a lighthearted laugh, the corners of your eyes crinkled as you smiled brightly at him. He stared at you, his eyes softening slightly before he glanced away composing himself. His eyes wandered back to you, a faint touch of pink dusted his ears as he continued the conversation.
You two talked back and forth over a variety of topics, training, school, family before the group was alerted that the table was ready. His pace was steady beside you as the two of you walked behind the rest of the group into the restaurant.
"Do you have a sister named Chihiro?" Bakugou asked, catching you off guard.
"Yes, how did you know?"
"When you have kids in the future, don't let them babysit."
"W-What?!" You stammered, your step faltering.
Bakugou continued to walk ahead of you, his eyes trained on the group ahead of him and refusing to look back. The back of his neck burned as the pink that dusted his ears grew rapidly.
"You can't just walk away without explaining that?!" You exclaimed while walking faster to catch up to him, desperately trying to sync your footsteps once more.
"I'm pretty sure what I said is easy enough to understand."
His head jerked towards you, his chin lifted upwards slightly as a smirk played on his lips.
"Maybe for you, but I would like some more context."
His eyes over your head for a moment before crimson returned to meet e/c once more. His eyebrows furrowed in thought as he pondered his next words, his mouth opened slightly as he took in a quick breath.
"Friday, 5 pm at Ootoya."
You tensed in response, the quickening of your heart beat drumming in your ears as you process the words he said. He grumbled slightly under his breath at the lack of response and the shocked look that had overcome your features.
"Huh?" You managed to mumble out.
"If you want to know more you can meet me there."
"Like, a date?"
"What else would it be?" He said as he started to walk towards the group who had been seated at the table already.
"You know most people would just ask clearly." You tease as you walk beside him.
His steps faltered as he stopped suddenly, turning towards you. He looked into your eyes confidently, his lips held in a stern line as his eyes slowly started to soften the moment they met yours.
"Will you go on a date with me?"
Bakugou's eyes opened suddenly, he sat up in his bed as the thought that had forced him awake repeated in his mind.
Tsukuyomi knew you and had met Katsuro, there was no way he didn't realize you were his other parent....
Fuck you Tsukuyomi!
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───
✧ ˚ · . A/N: Mini Bakugo is so fun to write! Also having Bakugo in my last few posts, I realized I picture him cussing people out all the time even though he doesn't!
Bakugo will still make an appearance in Daddy? pt. II with a mini blonde explosive daughter. Since the post is continuing to get a lot of love I did plan to continue it for a total of four parts,
part III will feature Aizawa, Hawks, FatGum, All Might & part IV will feature Dabi, Twice, Shigaraki, Overhaul.
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forbebeandjam · 20 days
I was thinking along the lines a sweet smut fic of g!p Bada and sweet wifey reader. Where reader asks Bada for a baby cause she wants to grow their family.
Baby Mine | Bada Lee g!p x Fem Reader | Smutty Fluff
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Summary: your baby fever was stronger than you thought.
World count: 1.7k
Warnings: g!p Bada, fingering, etc. MDNI
A/N: once again trying something new. I have to be honest and say, I don’t know if I did this right. I used to write BTS smuts before so… yeah. Hope I did okay for you! Enjoy!!
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Marrying Bada had to be one of the best decisions of your life. Being by her side was so wholesome. You could look forward to seeing her at the end of a long shift and cooking her favorite meal. 
Though being apart was painful sometimes, you were both busy dancers but that never came between the love you had for each other. That was until you finally had a Street Woman Fighter 2 gathering. 
You would get to tour and hang out together every day along with the other girls that you missed. 
However, some stage feeling in you started to develop when you saw Aiki with her daughter while you worked. The way they bonded was just so pure and beautiful. Then you saw your other actor friends, with their children or pregnant. 
You didn't want to burden Bada with your thoughts. You knew she was at the peak of her career and you would never do anything to interfere with that so you just kept quiet. Every time you two had sexual intercourse she would end up pulling out like always so you also assumed she didn't want kids yet.
After packing and heading to your second destination of the tour, you were having so much fun playing around on stage and behind the stage with your friends. On the third day of the tour, you could see some of the girl's families arrive to visit them. 
Including Akanen's husband and daughter. Akanen was such a sweet mother but you were never close to her. You never had the guts to approach her. Bada on the other hand was close friends with her. 
One day after the show you went to the dressing rooms and you saw how Akanen's daughter ran up to Bada. Bada picked her up and spun her around. The little girl laughed and giggled and then her eyes landed on you. 
"This is my beautiful wife," Bada said as she approached you and the girl held your face with a warm smile. Your entire being was moved by the girl and a tear threatened to escape your eye but you held back and walked away.
You got dressed and packed. Bada asked if something was bothering you but you didn't say anything and headed to the hotel. You were oddly quiet given the fact that you got to share a van with Audrey, Emma, and Bada. Usually, you always play around with them or do karaoke but this time you just lay your head on Emma's shoulder and look straight ahead. 
When you arrived at the hotel, you grabbed your bags and walked out of the van without waiting for Bada. You wanted to avoid her before blurting out something you didn't mean.
You placed your things in the room and went to shower. Bada didn't say a thing already sensing something was wrong. She decided to give you some space and she went to shower. 
You brushed your hair calmly looking out the window and staring at the city. Your mind was filled with thoughts of little feet running around the house and the sweet giggles and cries of a newborn. 
Suddenly, you came back to reality when you felt Bada's hands wrap around your figure. She placed soft kisses from your cheek to your neck knowing how to get your mind off of things. You tilted your head allowing her full access to your neck so she could continue.
"Just relax. I'll make you feel good," she said and you smiled. You turned to her slightly pushed her onto the bed and straddled her. She kissed you on the forehead and smiled. 
"What's going on inside your mind, babe?" she said as she locked eyes with you. It was never hard to communicate your words and thoughts to Bada. She always made it easy to share your feelings. 
"Well... I am feeling a bit tired from the show and..." You hesitated to speak for fear of saying something that might upset her. 
"Talk to me. Please," she said as she pushed your hair behind your ear. 
"Well, I was working with Aiki and she had her daughter with us and she was so sweet and nice. Then I was talking to Yejin and she showed me her baby. Then Akanen and her cute daughter..." you paused to gather your thoughts. 
"Baby... what are you trying to say?" Bada asked in concern when she saw how your eyes were tearing up. 
"You looked so perfect while holding her and then she touched my face and I... I thought of how good of a mother you would be and how pretty I would look pregnant. Bada..." You held her face and looked deep into her eyes. 
"I want to have your babies," you finally blurted out. Her face turned a bright red but her eyes didn't divert from yours. 
"Bada Lee, I want you to put a baby in me," You said once more to make sure the message got across. 
You didn't say anything else but felt the member in her pants harden against your thigh making you grin. 
"Baby, don't play with me," she said as she shut her eyes. 
"I am not playing, Bada. I have never been so serious about anything," You said as you lowered yourself on her clothed penis grinding against it. She let out a soft groan. and took a hold of your his. With one swift move, she flipped you and was now on top of you. 
"I have been dreaming about this for years. My own little family with you. It will be perfect, baby," she said as she attacked your lips hungrily. You used your hands to remove the underwear under your silk nightgown. 
The straps of your dress fell over your shoulders exposing your breast to her sight and she didn't hesitate to take one in her mouth, savoring it. 
She used her free hand to remove the sweats she was wearing and collected the juices dripping down from you with her long member. Slowly sliding between your gushy walls allowing you to adjust to her. 
You bit your lip and looked up at her innocently. Those eyes drove her crazy. Something about the thought of finally getting to release inside of you made her even more turned on. So she began to move. 
She started off with slow thrusts and your bodies moved in sync like a dance. The devil's tango. But as you moaned her name and occasional coos of "faster, baby," and "more, please," she began to increase her pace. 
She began to speed up using her hand to rub on your now-sensitive clit. You felt yourself clench around her length when she reached your sweet spot. She moaned as her elbows were on each side of your head for support. 
Both of your breathing patterns were speedy and short. 
"I'm almost there. Don't stop, Bada. Please," you said making her grin. 
"What is it that you want, baby?" she asked. 
"Cum in me, please. Please, Bada," you began to rock your hips for friction but she used her hands to hold down your hips hard. 
"I love it when you beg for me," she said and started trusting again using her hands to go deeper in you by pulling your hips against you. 
Your eyes shut close and when you opened them you could only see stars. The ecstasy of the moment was too much you thought you couldn't handle it. 
That was until, with one last thrust, she poured herself inside of you. Rippling waves of pleasure washed through your body and your eyes rolled back. Bada soon collapsed on top of you, still inside. 
You thought she was finished but you clenched once more around her making her groan loudly and let out more of her seed inside of you. She didn't bother to get up from you and once you both recovered from the magical moment, you began to stroke her hair as she lay on your bare chest. 
"So, what do you want to name her... or him?" she asked. 
"I haven't given any thought. What about, Yeni Cho?" you said with a giggle. 
"Ha. Ha. Very funny," she sarcastically said. 
"I don't care about any of that. All that matters is that we are on the same page, baby," you said and she nodded. Soon you both drifted off to sleep. 
(A few months later)
Touring was over and you were sitting on the couch biting your nails. You had bought almost all of the pregnancy tests available at the store. Bada was supposed to return home soon from her trip to Vietnam. 
You jumped at the sound of the timer indicating your seven pregnancy tests were ready and the result should be revealed soon but you couldn't bring yourself to look at them. You paced the bathroom like a lunatic and talked to yourself. 
"Baby! I am home," You jumped at Bada's voice. You were so busy, you didn't even hear the code to come in the house or her keys. 
"I'm in the bathroom, Bada," You said still biting your nails. Bada walked to the bathroom and her eyes widened when she saw how many pregnancy tests were on the counter. 
"Baby, are you-"
"I don't know. I've been standing here for like five minutes and I'm nervous. I missed my period and I've been getting morning sickness so... I just figured I should discard any possibilities before going to the doctor. You look. I can't do it," You said and walked out of the bathroom. 
Bada turned test after test. Her face changed each time she held a new one. You walked in feeling eager. 
"We are going to be moms, baby. We are going to be moms!" she said as he picked you up and kissed your lips. 
"All of them? Are they all positive?" you asked. Bada nodded repeatedly as tears escaped her eyes. She embraced you in her warmth and you cried together. 
This was truly the start of something new. A new growing family. Something beautiful and you were forever grateful that Bada would be the mother of your future babies.
Thank you for reading🩵
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ryozaki21 · 1 year
diary of the heartbreakers;
00z series
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╰┈➤ Diary of the Heartbreakers; 00z series
➸ ♡ They used to be the ones breaking hearts, but when karma comes around, suddenly the don't know what to do. Navigate through college life with your favorite idiots, and read through the Diary of the Heartbreakers.
GENRES: College AU, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Humour
WARNINGS: Minors DNI, Explicit sexual content, drug abuse, Infidelity, Toxic relationships/characters, Heavy topics discussed, player!00z, Language and Violence.
AUTHOR's NOTE: I thought long and hard about making this a series, because of my commitment issues and I don't trust myself to commit to a writing project like this TT, But since I have story ideas for these characters, (00z) I just linked all of them together. SLOW UPDATE. Also my first time doing a series, how about that?!? I hope you guys like it!
DISCLAIMER: This story is purely fanfiction. Only the names of the Idols are used, and does not reflect on them in real life. There's no way in any shape of form that they are like this in person, because I MADE IT UP. I don't personally know them. DO NOT STEAL / TRANSLATE / MODIFY. This is my work and I don't appreciate people stealing it. Thank you.
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╰┈➤ After You
➸ ♡ Na Jaemin had it easy. Loved by everybody, the man of everyone's dream. He's a perfect mix of a charmer and a player. Girls begged to be his, and he loved every part of it. Life used to be so fucking perfect for him. Then comes you. You're like an old book, ink fading, cover tearing, but he swears you're worth the read. Before you, life was easy. After you? He wasn't so sure.
"Break my heart, and you'll find yourself inside."
GENRE: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Mature themes
WARNINGS: Minors DNI, Explicit sexual content, Language, Mental Illness, Drugs/Alcohol usage, toxic!reader, fuckboy!Jaemin (but still a sweetheart)
AUTHOR's NOTE: Oh, this one's heavy. Much serious than the other stories and quite one that's holds some sensitive topics. If I get some things wrong about certain topics, please do tell me and I'll quickly correct it. Enjoy reading!
Expected WC: 15k
STATUS: published
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╰┈➤ Yours, Inevitably
➸ ♡ To say that Lee Jeno is pretty would be an understatement. The man's gorgeous. One thing he uses to his advantage, going through college getting girls he spots his eyes on. But there's one he just couldn't get. His brother's bestfriend. You can continue and avoid your feelings for each other, but eventually, it'll happen. You were someone that stayed, a constant in his life. You might not know it, but for the years you've known Lee Jeno, he slowly became yours, inevitably.
"I should've known that it was you, because no one else made sense."
GENRE: Fluff, Angst, Humour, Smut
WARNINGS: Minors DNI, Explicit sexual content, Language, Alcohol usage, Mentions of Drugs, fuckboy!Jeno, brothersbsf!reader
AUTHOR's NOTE: This story was collecting dust on my drafts for so longg! Originally I was gonna post it as a stand-alone but figured it made sense to be a part of this series. One of my faves. Also lots of other members of nct mentioned. Enjoy reading!
Expected WC: 8k-10k
STATUS: published
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╰┈➤ The Fine Art of Rejection
➸ ♡ Huang Renjun, the sweetie of the year, is one hard star to catch. Not as easy as his other friends, he's quite difficult to have. Although he has a fair share of affairs with girls, it is considered to be a rare occurence. But you? Oh boy were you something. You were quite head over heels over him. His friends could never understand, but you were persistent to get the boy. No matter how much he refuses your advances, Its like you found art in rejection. But to what degree can you hold it out?
"I can be everything I want, but fuck, I only wanted to be yours. Even though you couldn't be mine."
GENRE: Unrequited love, Humour, Fluff, Angst, Smut
WARNINGS: Minors DNI, Language, Explicit sexual content, Alcohol Usage, cheerleader!reader, Renjun is sometimes rude lol
AUTHOR's NOTE: Actually, I wanted to write something pure fluffy for Renjun, but I figured I need to put a sprinkle (more than that actually lmao) of angst. Also my favorite plot to write. Enjoy reading!
Expected WC: 8k-10k
STATUS: published
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╰┈➤ Illicit Affairs
➸ ♡ Infamous for being every girl's guilty pleasure, Lee Haechan strutted through his life shamelessly. But recently, the new girl caught his eye. Im Hayeon, who he believes that would finally tame his wreckless heart. He was confident he could get the girl. And when he did, he never expected her to have baggages. For example, you, Im Hayeon's best friend. Who suddenly, sparked an idea on his pretty little head. You're trouble-- and you're making Haechan commit Illicit Affairs.
"You're making me do bad things, very, bad things. But then again, I'm no stranger in being the bad guy."
GENRE: Fluff, Angst, Humour, Smut
WARNINGS: Minors DNI, Language, Explicit sexual content, Alcohol Usage, Infidelity, Haechan and reader is kind of an asshole
AUTHOR's NOTE: okay, for one, i don't condone cheating. its just for the story! also i won't tackle on it too much-- literally just for the plot. Enjoy reading!
Expected WC: 8k-10k
STATUS: published
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
© ryozaki21 2023
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housethemd · 4 months
So in the episode where House is on methadone
Everyone is trying to figure out what’s going on with House, why he’s being nice, etc etc and eventually Wilson is just like “he’s on heroin.”
The surety with which Wilson says this really struck me. Like Wilson doesn’t just suggest House must on drugs that aren’t Vicodin, doesn’t even merely suggest House could be on heroin. No he says with absolute certainty that House is on heroin.
The only way Wilson could be so sure, would be if he’s seen House on heroin before.
Now while I’m quite convinced that House was an occasional recreational drug user prior to the infarction, heroin usually isn’t a drug you might take just for fun at a party every now and again. This leads me to believe that sometime in the early days post infarction is the most likely time House used heroin.
I’m imagining Wilson showing up after work to check on House. Stacy left weeks ago and House is still dealing with that on top of healing and being newly disabled so he’s been in a pretty god awful mood that only Wilson seems to be able to tolerate.
But when Wilson gets there House is in a better mood. Not just a better mood, he’s happy. Wilson knows immediately something is going on.
“What did you do? What did you take?” He’d ask. He knows people’s moods don’t change overnight like that, so either House took something or he’s planning to kill himself. Both are equally possible given his recent trauma and mental state, and Wilson needs to figure out which.
“What? Nothing. Well Vicodin but you know I’ve got a prescription for that.” House would reply, waggling his finger in Wilson’s direction like this is all some kind of joke.
Wilson frantically searches through everything within arms reach of House. Thankfully even with his better mood House can’t move very quickly, and Wilson manages to unearth a bag, and dashes out of House’s reach to open it. It’s filled with powder and syringes and Wilson has done enough ER shifts to know what it is.
“No, House. No. How did you even get this?” He’d ask, shocked.
“It’s easy when you know the right places to go.” House would say, not looking at Wilson anymore.
“The right places to… House you can barely get from the couch to the bathroom how the hell did you get this?”
“I guess I was sufficiently motivated.”
And Wilson’s heart breaks. He doesn’t have it in him to be mad at his friend. His life is upside down and House has never been good with change. Wilson does throw away the needles and flush the drugs and it pisses House off (“Do you know how much I paid for that?”) but once House calms down he makes House swear never again, that he won’t go down that road. Wilson says he’ll do anything, even write him more Vicodin prescriptions if he just promises not to use heroin again.
And House promises.
So when House is suddenly in an unexplainably good mood years later, Wilson thinks he knows exactly what’s going on. He’s angry, House promised. Wilson held up his end of the deal for the most part, so he comes up with a plan to catch House and make him admit to it.
But we all know how that plays out.
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justagalwhowrites · 3 months
TikTok Trend
Beautiful decides to take part in a TikTok Trend with Joel. A New in Town drabble.
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^We're borrowing Mr. Ben for a late-40s Joel, OK? I desperately need more gifs of Pedro's Joel from that era, I'm too reliant on other characters and actual Pedro gifs for these fics GIVE ME SOMETHING PLEASE
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader from New in Town
Warnings: Not much! Age gap but not the focus of the fic (reader is 36, Joel is 48). No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ only.
Length: 1.4k
A/N: I got stuck thinking earlier how Joel would react to the "call your boyfriend your husband" trend and this is how I think it'd go. This is set about 3 months before the last chapter of New in Town. This can be read as a stand alone fic with the understanding that reader is Sarah's best friend and Joel and Reader have an established relationship of about a year.
“So what’s this for again?” Joel asked as he sat down at the picnic table in the park. 
“It’s a TikTok challenge,” you said, settling in beside him. Joel opened the paper bag the two of you had just gotten from a food truck and started taking out the tacos, putting some in front of you and him. 
“Right,” he said. “And… I’m sorry, baby, but what’s the point?” 
You laughed as you set your phone against your water bottle so it was propped up and ready to film. 
“There isn’t really one, I guess,” you said. “It’s just a fun little video you make and then share. Those interns I have until May are all about it, they were showing me some of theirs the other day. Figure if I work in marketing, I gotta keep up with the trends!” 
Joel smiled a little. 
“So this is the kind of shit Sarah does, huh?” 
“Yeah, she does,” you laughed again. “Her and the interns made one for the company social page the other day, actually.” 
“Can I see?” He asked, interest suddenly piqued. 
“Sure,” you picked your phone back up and found your company’s TikTok, scrolling to the video and handing it off to Joel. 
“We work in marketing, of course we over analyze every ad we see,” Sarah said through your phone, a small smile on Joel’s face as he watched. 
It made you smile, too. One of the fun parts about being in the strange middle ground between your boyfriend’s and best friend’s ages was serving as a bit of a translator between them. Joel still didn’t quite get TikTok. Sarah didn’t understand why her dad refused to go all in on streaming and still had cable. You, at least, could see both sides. 
But this TikTok effort had nothing to do with Sarah. You did try to keep up with the trends on social media to better craft campaigns and content - capitalizing on trends meant that you had to move quick and you couldn’t afford to be out of touch - but your personal TikTok account was mostly empty. It was pretty private, anyway, shared with only a few close friends like Sarah and Maria. All it had were a few reposts of things you liked, some montages of video snippets from you and Joel’s first vacation together, that sort of thing. 
“You should do some of the trends!” Jason, one of your interns, said earlier that day. 
“Just being in the loop on trends is plenty for me,” you waved him off but smiled. “I don’t need to participate.” 
“But it’s fun!” Kenzie, your other intern said. “They’re not all dances and stuff, you know…” 
“I know,” you said. “But it’s just not what I want to spend a lot of time doing is all.” 
“Some don’t take much time,” she said, opening her phone and scrolling for a second. “Here, this one’s easy. You said you have a boyfriend, right?” 
“I do…” 
“Cool,” she said. “So all you do is record yourself making a video where you call your boyfriend your husband, just to see how he reacts. No crazy edits or anything, it’s super easy.” 
You caved after some light convincing and came up with a plan to get Joel in front of the camera. You told him it was a spicy food challenge, just to see which of you handled the heat better and, while you knew he wouldn’t really get the point, you knew he’d be supportive. He always was. 
But there was something about this trend in particular that made you a little nervous. It’s not like the two of you hadn’t discussed marriage. You’d been together a year now, you’d just moved into his house. It had definitely come up. But it had come up in the way that far off things do, something that might happen some day if things fell into place in just the right way. You didn’t want to push it, didn’t want him to feel rushed or obligated, especially since you’d only been cohabitating about a month. Bringing up marriage - even like this - made you nervous. 
“OK I think I get it,” Joel handed you your phone back after watching Sarah’s video twice. “But we’re not doin’ that same thing, right?” 
“Nope,” you said. “We’re going to see who handles the spice better.” 
“Think we both know which one of us is gonna win that one, Beautiful,” he teased, nuzzling his nose against your temple before kissing your cheek. “Us southern men are made of sterner stuff…” 
“Yeah yeah,” you rolled your eyes but smiled, leaning close to him. “We’ll just see about that.” 
You set your phone up to record again, propping it against your water bottle. 
“Here, you gotta get in close because the TikTok format is vertical,” you said and Joel adjusted so you were half beside and half in front of him, his arm going around your waist, hand finding your hip, thumb slipping up below your shirt to find your bare flesh above the band of your pants and brushing you slowly, sensually there. You gave him a look. 
“What?” He asked, brows raised, smile barely contained. 
“Don’t act all innocent,” you shook your head. “You know exactly what you’re doing…” 
“C’mon,” he said. “Let’s make your little TikTik video…” 
“TikTok,” you rolled your eyes but adjusted yourself, your heart pounding. 
“Whatever the kids are using now,” he said. “Because the sooner we’re done the sooner I can get you home…” 
“Alright, I’m going to record,” you cut him off. “Behave yourself!” 
“Always do, Beautiful.” 
You rolled your eyes again but took a deep breath, leaned forward and pressed record. 
“Hi everyone,” you smiled, watching the recording of you and Joel as it was made on the screen. “I’m here with my husband and we’re going to do the spicy food challenge…”
“Your what?” He cut you off and you turned so you could see him a little better. 
“Did…” he paused, looking at you like he wasn’t sure if you were losing it or he was. You weren’t sure if that was good or bad. “Did you just call me your husband?” 
“Yeah,” you shrugged, turning back to the camera. “Anyway, my husband and I both really love spicy food and…” 
You didn’t get a chance to finish your sentence. Joel grabbed your chin almost roughly, pulling you around to face him and all but crushed his lips against yours, clutching you close, kissing you deep and hard, like he couldn’t get enough of you. When he finally let you go, you looked at him and laughed a little, watching him. 
“What was that for?” You asked. 
“You wanna call me your husband?” He asked, a serious look on his face. “Beautiful, we will go to the courthouse right this damn second, don’t tempt me…” 
“Joel, it’s 7 p.m.,” you laughed. “The courthouse is closed.” 
“Don’t care,” he said, giving you a quicker kiss this time. “C’mon, we’ll grab Sarah on the way, see if Tommy wants to meet us…” 
“That’s all it takes, hm?” You teased, heart pounding but for a good reason now. “Just me slipping up and calling you my husband and you’re ready to run down the aisle?” 
“Baby, I’ve been ready to run down the aisle for about a year,” he pressed his forehead to yours. “Just been waitin’ on you to catch up.” 
“Well,” you kissed him softly. “I’m more than caught up. But think I’m still gonna make you ask.” 
“Good luck stopping me,” he said, kissing you again, longer this time, needier, until you pulled away with a groan. “Forget this food challenge, I gotta get you home and devour you. Let’s go, wife.” 
You laughed and stopped the recording on your phone, saving the video to drafts as Joel gathered up the food. You made the mental note to edit out that last part before posting, no need for the interns or Sarah to know quite that much about your sex life. 
“Sorry for ruining your little video,” he said as you started back toward the car. “We can try again later, promise to actually behave myself then…” 
“That’s alright,” you smiled, lacing your fingers with his. “I already got everything I need.”
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kaeichi · 3 months
love is in the air.
. . . and maybe that's why mikage reo can view the world with such clouded, pink-hued vision, and why nagi seishiro cannot breathe at all.
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series. nagi + reader + reo. gn! reader. reader likes guys. bestfriend! nagi. valentines/white day. highschool setting. swearing. humor. fluff & angst.
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⊹ 02 : radiant [wc: 4.6k]
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“ah…found you, finally.” 
nagi huffs out, slightly out of breath as he leans against the railing of the staircase on the fourth floor. what a damn hassle, making him expend such excessive effort like this—it all could've been easily prevented if you just replied to his text asking you about his whereabouts. he figures your phone must've died, because there's no way you wouldn't have noticed his 7 texts of wya? in a row.
“been tryin’ to look everywhere f’you. next time, can you just tell…” he trails off once he steps closer and realizes you're not alone.
“seriously? him again?” your boyfriend len scowls, directing his caustic gaze at the topic of interest, who has conveniently decided to show up at the right moment.
except nothing about this is right at all. 
there's no good explanation as to why you feel your heart plummet. your best friend, your only trusted companion whose mere presence incites a familiar sense of comfort and an effortless, breezy smile from you; when you're with him, you don’t have to think much about the reasoning behind why he has that sort of ability, or why it feels like you're right at home whenever you're with him.
you just somehow know. and that's how it has always been.
being with nagi is supposed to be easy, calming, and freeing, even—so why is there a heavy pressure weighing down on you all of a sudden? despite everything, why has he suddenly become the last person you want to see right now?
“seishiro?” apprehensively, you ask, “what are you doing here?”
“i just came to get you. like usual.” while there's nothing wrong with what nagi says, you still inadvertently wince, hesitating to meet either male's eyes as an unpleasant feeling brews in your gut.
“yeah, but i told you i was gonna be with my boyfriend…”
here’s the thing: it's not like nagi doesn't know you have one. 
when you first told him about it, he thought it was a joke (a hilarious one, at that). he thought it might've been one of your delusions again, and in typical nagi seishiro fashion he only spared you a fleeting glance with heavy-lidded eyes and a congratulations, i guess in the most listless tone. and when you told him to go on ahead because you wouldn't walk home with him today, he failed to take it seriously once more, thinking it was one of your weird ‘loyalty pranks’ to see if he would actually go and leave you behind.
but when he didn't feel the usual tug on his shoulder, or your arm resting against the top of his dozing head to wake him up at the end of the class, he thought there was something slightly off. when he looked around and saw no trace of you around the classroom or even around the front of the school, he thought there was something really wrong.
nagi’s starting to find this stupid joke less and less funny.
could all of the previous days (or has it already been weeks?) you’ve been talking about this mysterious nobody be true? he should’ve paid more attention. so, yes—it's not like he doesn't know you have one, he just had a rather hard time believing it (though he doesn't know it's due to the fact that you are you, or because maybe he's just in denial about it).
what annoying, annoying jest. when did this so-called “relationship” even have the time to blossom? 
“oh…did you?” the white-haired male’s voice doesn't come out as smooth as he’d like. he scratches his neck, feeling it a bit clogged for whatever reason. he's glad he's not the type to wear his heart on his sleeve, because even if his voice betrays him, he can at least keep his expression neutral. “well, i’m here now, and i don't wanna walk home alone. i kinda forgot the way back, so i need your help—”
“seishiro!” you hiss, your voice clipped and bordering on desperate; a warning, one that goes right over nagi’s head.
“you know what?” a peeved voice cuts in—len’s, whose patience has worn thin. he has had enough of nagi demanding your attention that was supposed to be reserved for him. if you can’t even keep your eyes solely on your boyfriend, then you might as well be a good-for-nothing cheat. “forget this. i don’t think we’d ever work out if this continues.”
“w-what? wait, huh?” as your face crumbles, nagi is unable to grasp why he feels a faint throb in his chest at the sight. “let's talk about thi—”
“right, let's talk about it, hm?” when you finally meet len’s eyes, you’re barely able to recognize your boyfriend at this point, his taunting sneer morphing his face into someone completely different. is this really the kind, alluring lover that you fell for? “be with me, or cut off this… this nagi kid?”
“what? where did this come from? you can't just suddenly make me choose—”
“and there's your answer.” he scoffs, slapping your hand away that's unconsciously reaching out to him before turning around to leave. in a few rigid strides, he's gone, and you're left staring blankly at the space where he just was.
it is nagi who breaks the silence after a few moments. “…guess this wasn't a good time, huh?” nagi sighs, gripping the strap of his backpack tighter as you remain frozen. “well, at least we can go home now.”
confusion clouding all over his face, he slightly perks up at your somber tone, a hint of unease setting in his stomach. he doesn't like whatever this is that he's suddenly feeling. “why’re you calling me nagi?”
“i think you know why. leave me alone, nagi.”
for quite some time after, those words remain the last thing you've said to him.
nagi has always been somewhat aware of his inability to comprehend feelings, whether it be his own or of others, but this time is the first time he's ever bothered by his lack of aptitude; the first time he's ever felt this swirl of foreign emotions engulf him, of strange, unknown sensations rushing to him all at once. what started as a mere bud sprouting along the expanse of his lungs, grew double—no, triple in size within a matter of days, poking and squeezing the spongy organ until its function proved near useless. 
the abundance of petals produced by these excrescences is nothing but a nuisance, blocking his airways and tainting his tongue with the bitter, awful taste of decay, which only seems to get worse with each passing week without a word from you. it's a pain, it's majorly vexing, it's—
“leave me alone, nagi.”
—it's suffocating.
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nagi still refuses to join the soccer team.
in the hallways, reo somehow manages to always find you and your companion throughout the day, greeting the both of you with unmatched enthusiasm—the kind that someone really shouldn't have at seven o’clock in the morning. everytime that happens, reo is only met with the same, vacant stare, accompanied with a blunt no without much thought.
after all, he's not the only one who came to recruit the white-haired genius. the volleyball, basketball, and softball clubs (even the cheerleading team, for some reason?) have all tried, to which he instantly shut down.
“why would i participate in sports? even walking is tiring to me,” is his simple reasoning every single time, without fail.
at some point, reo tries to bribe him with a brand new gaming console as a “customary gift”. not that there's anything customary about that, but you suppose rich people live in a different world than you common folks do (when you found out that reo arrives to school in a goddamn limousine, you've lost all interest in being more than acquaintances with someone as absurd as that).
however, that is when reo finally manages to elicit a reaction from nagi, a slight sheen in his eyes that made you immediately panic, dragging him away before he gives in and telling him accepting anything from mikage? i think the fuck not! (“why not?” “because we don’t want to get in debt by someone like him!” “oh, we don’t?” “yes, dummy! next thing you know, we keep ‘borrowing’ money from him and eventually when we can't pay it back, he ships us off to some remote island and makes us his slaves for the rest of our lives because we couldn't afford our debt!” “you watch too much horror movies, i think.”)
however, as irritating as one’s persistence could be, deep down you hope nagi accepts reo’s invite. you've always known about his underutilized potential, and how he himself is the only thing that's holding him back.
truly, a waste that is.
“i know that rich boy’s been really annoying about it, but why don't you try it out? even just for a little bit?” you ask nagi, having stayed behind during lunch in your classroom instead of heading to the crowded school cafeteria.
“don't wanna,” he mutters against his arms, head buried against the desk.
“why not? our teacher’s been hounding you for not being in a club, right?”
“i’ll just join the book club or something. now go away,” he says, probably trying to catch up on much needed rest, despite already sleeping through your morning classes.
“you slacker. just try it out so mikage stops bothering me too.”
nagi suddenly lifts his head up. “he’s bothering you?”
leaning your elbow on the desk nagi’s lying down on, you press your cheek against your palm as you snicker at his sudden mood change. “mhm. won't you save me, your one and only best friend? the one you swore to protect until the world collapses? me, an innocent, pure ethereal being who's cruelly subjected to harassment and—” 
he breathes out a long exhale. you brace yourself, racking your brain as you try to think of more ways to persuade him (without including the promise of reo’s “prize” or whatever suspicious deals you're sure the heir is involved with). 
however, in nagi’s perspective, it's not because he needed any more convincing, but because he can't believe he's actually willingly to participate in something so bothersome for someone's sake. “…fine.”
“wait, actually?! for real?” with your eyes nearly popping out of their sockets, nagi almost snorts at your ridiculousness. almost.
“you're the one who kept telling me to go for it, so why’re ya surprised?” 
his sleepy voice gets drowned out by your excited chattering. “wow, nagi seishiro is actually interested in something else other than napping and gaming? no way! noooo way!”
“it's annoying, but yeah.” he grimaces, regret already sinking in—but since he's doing it for you, he supposes it's alright. just this once, he can make an exception. “…you're coming with me, right?”
a pause. “um… no? unless you want me to be the token benchwarmer?”
“ah, fair.”
“yeah, yeah. besides, i’m already in debate club, so me joining you is out of the question.”
“not even as our manager?”
nagi visibly sulks, lips forming into his signature pout. cute. it almost looks like he's at a loss of what to do without you—maybe it’s a result of you and him being stuck together at the hip since middle school, and how he's grown dependent on you due to his lazy nature, but you're sure he'll survive on his own.
“i’ll come watch your games though,” you quickly add in case he backtracks on his word, reaching over the desk and tousling his hair, messing it up even more. he doesn't complain like how he usually would, merely blinking his wide gray eyes at you. “i mean, what kind of best friend would i be if i didn't support you?”
that seems enough for nagi. he straightens up, a hand running through his now disheveled white locks, peering at you with a newfound motivation. “better keep your eyes on me, ‘kay?”
you grin, nodding. “duh. goes without saying, loser.”
sometime after that, reo, nagi, and yourself have now fallen into some sort of routine: nagi now has practice on thursdays and fridays after school, but sometimes reo swings by unexpectedly during lunch on those days to discuss with nagi what their training plans would be after school (unable to wait until the end of the day, apparently). not that nagi actually listens, but he has come to a realization that it’d be too much work if he were to refuse him, so he just lets him do whatever he wants.
would it be foolish to think that reo would let up once he’s gotten what he wanted? if anything, his apparent interest grows even more, which only encourages the rumors that are recently circulating about you. girls still glare at you in jealousy, while guys sneak judgmental glances at you, but reo manages to clear up any misunderstandings using his natural charm and influence, so you're fine for the most part. how thoughtful. well, it's his fault in the first place anyway. 
for some reason, you see him a lot more often than necessary.
…like right now, for instance.
when a flash of purple appears in your peripherals, you turn, met with the sight of reo’s handsome figure hovering by the doorway. the tall male is hanging rather stiffly in the middle of the entrance, as if unable to decide whether to come inside or not.
“mikage?” you decide to call him out. “what are you doing here?”
he flinches, akin to a deer in headlights. what's up with that reaction? is he not supposed to be here or…? “huh? well, i’m here for nagi, of course.”
“right.” you nod curtly. it's monday today; they don't even have practice until the next few days.
but even then, reo has picked the worst time to drop by, because nagi isn't even at school today. (surprise, surprise—he slept in. again.) just as you are about to bring that up, reo casually ambles over and pulls a seat back, sitting across you with a sheepish smile on his face.
by now, you've grown familiar with the scent of his cologne wafting in the air whenever he's nearby. it's a delicate yet expensive scent, fresh and woody, like musk with hints of apples and mint. a vast difference from nagi’s, whose smell is more down-to-earth, like fresh laundry and the breeze of early mornings.
other than the questioning glance you offer him, nothing happens for a few moments. reo opens his mouth as if to say something, but when nothing comes out, he reverts back to pursed lips and skittish glimpses. it's off-putting how he seems to struggle with striking up a conversation for once—you start to feel a bit awkward about the stretched silence, so you just shrug and continue eating from your bento. as long as he's not bothering you too much, you don't actually mind his company.
“want some?” noticing how you're the only one eating lunch, you absentmindedly bring up the chopsticks close to his mouth, urging him to take a bite out of your tamagoyaki.
that seems to finally snap reo out of his inner strife, his violet eyes widening as they flicker between you and the food, “y-you're feeding me…?” 
ah, crap—you’re so used to feeding nagi that you didn't even think twice before bringing the neatly rolled omelette to his lips. before you can retract your hand though, reo quickly composes himself, enclosing his fingers on your forearm to prevent you from moving away. “okay, i guess,” he mutters shyly before taking a bite.
a slight relief fills you as you watch him accept your offer, though that quickly turns into nervousness. “well? how was it?” you ask, observing the purple-haired male chewing carefully with a finger on his chin.
“did you cook this?” reo returns with a question of his own, peering at you through his lashes.
“you didn’t answer my question…”
“hm. did you?”
“what, is my cooking not good enough for the great master mikage reo’s superior taste buds?” you roll your eyes, feigning nonchalance as your face warms at the fact that he's deliberately avoiding your questions. you half-expect him to spit out the food; now that you think about it, surely he wouldn't enjoy eating something so bland and second-rate—
“hmm, not sure. i might need another bite to fully understand the flavors.”
you blink dumbly at reo’s coyness. well, he doesn't seem to outright hate it, so that's better than you are initially expecting. when you push the bento closer to him, he only stares at you expectantly, as if waiting for something. you stare right back, muttering, “what is it?” 
“uh…actually, i broke both of my hands. and my fingers too. all ten of them.” reo blurts out, simultaneously hiding his hands away from your view.
this is the second time you're at a loss for words because of reo. perplexed, you lean in, trying to take a peek behind his back. “your fingers seemed perfectly fine when you grabbed my arm.”
“well, a lot can happen in two seconds.”
“spontaneous functional impairment?”
i’ll show you a spontaneous functional impairment, you grumble under your breath. “i am not your maid.”
reo tilts his head to side, warmth radiating from the innocent smile plastered on his face. it's the same one he usually wears, the kind that makes one weak in the knees—one that you're fortunately immune to. 
(at least you think so, anyway.)
“…if i paid you, would you be more inclined?”
“piss off, mikage.”
reo chuckles, airy and soft, and you find it disturbing how a mere sound can easily disarm your guard. that's just the kind of person he is, you guess, barely even having to try yet the influence he holds over anyone (regrettably including you, to a certain degree) is undeniable. you ponder why someone like him is even here in the first place; doesn't he have more important stuff to do?
“kidding, i'm kidding! it's delicious.”
but when he assures you and you watch as his eyes crinkle with amusement, you decide not to sweat the little details. he continues, “i mean it. i’d love to have more, if you're willing, of course.”
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since hakuho high is a college prep school, your school’s soccer team is weak compared to the others, not to mention fairly new, established only recently by reo himself (thus making him captain, as if he couldn't be any more popular). it hasn't garnered much attention from its students—but since this is the first official match against another school, a pretty sizable crowd has filled the bleachers that friday afternoon, excitement and anticipation buzzing in the air.
on the way to the bleachers, you catch sight of your friend and his teammates warming up while the coach gathers them to hold his final group meeting prior to the game, most of them stretching their legs and some basking under the sunshine (and by some, you mean only nagi).
after the coach finishes saying his speech to the team, reo claps his hand against nagi’s back, making the latter wince. reo just hooks his arm around nagi’s shoulder, and you see his mouth moving and gesturing towards the direction of the bleachers when his purple eyes suddenly fall on you. sending reo a small wave, he waves back at you, albeit with more enthusiasm—which also made the girls surrounding you shriek. ah, right. you briefly think that you should start acting like you don’t know him in public, on the off chance that a crazed fan of his comes for your throat just for being involved with him.
nagi glances where reo’s line of sight is. you wave at him as well when your eyes meet, expecting him to just send one back in acknowledgment, but instead he starts jogging towards you. “you made it,” he breathes out once he's within earshot. 
“i said i’d watch your game, right?” you playfully jab him on the arm, observing how his legs look way more toned than you’ve last seen. has he always been this fit? seems like all that training he begrudgingly went through has paid off. “lookin’ fresh in uniform, seishiro. sorry i couldn't make it to any practices though, i couldn't ditch my own club.”
nagi shrugs, feeling content since you still made it. he reaches into his pocket, fishing out his beloved device and handing it to you. “can you keep my phone with you? i forgot i had it in my pocket.”
after nagi gets back to his team, you end up sitting on the third row of the bleachers as you wait for the game to begin. you fiddle with the charm on his phone. he still has it attached (you make a mental note to ask him about it again later), and you notice how some of the colors of the black beads have faded. a cursory thought passes, where you wonder if it's due to age, or if he touched it too often that the oils from his fingertips have worn the surface off.
you're leaning more on the former hypothesis—you can’t imagine nagi getting sentimental over a handmade charm that’s mediocre at best. or anything at all, period.
a sudden bump on your shoulder causes you to break out of your thoughts. a deep voice hurriedly speaks out, “excuse m—”
“len?” out of all people, why is he sitting next to you? 
you’ve barely seen your ex-boyfriend in the past three years. either he's good at hiding, or you're even less popular (or involved with anyone else who isn't nagi) than you think. to be honest, you've forgotten all about him, but you can still recognize his dark eyes and, annoyingly enough, even the scent of his cologne with just one moment of appraisal.
len looks at you, eyes widened and mouth agape, before he gets up and turns around, climbing up the stairs to find a different seat. you click your tongue, slightly ticked off that he ran away from you. again. okay, whatever.
just then, the referee blows the whistle, signaling the start of the game. reo gets the ball first touch, sneaking his way through defenders with his quick thinking and passes. you're impressed by his skill, but since this is the mikage reo we're talking about, you guess you should've expected it. the team moves accordingly, passing the ball back and forth between them, intensity already cranked up to the maximum so soon after it began.
well, mostly everyone is pumped up. nagi’s half-ass running makes you snicker, and you wonder if he's even going to do anything at all this match if his slouched, lethargic posture is anything to go by. but then you catch sight of his face when an opposing player comes up to him, his visage contorting from passive to mildly irritated. it's only a tiny change, hardly even noticeable, but since you've known him for so long you've gained a good understanding of these miniscule differences. you realize his opponent must have taunted him because now he's locked in, straightening up and dashing towards the penalty area.
for a pretty lax person, you wouldn't have guessed he'd be the type to be vindictive when provoked. most of the time, he does it unintentionally, showing off his unparalleled genius with barely any effort. the ball comes flying toward him, and it almost lands a few inches behind him yet he reaches it perfectly, twisting his body to trap the ball and swiftly kicking it to the goal in one fluid motion.
not even a minute in, hakuho scores a goal, and the world abruptly stops for a second.
absolute silence falls on the field, rendering both the opposing team and the crowd too stunned to speak or even move, save for reo who just beams at the prodigious striker.
the crowd subsequently erupts with deafening applause and cheers the moment they break out of their stupor, jumping out of their seats and yelling out what was that? in wonder and amazement.
nagi looks up as he hears your voice so distinctly clear from the bleachers. sure, he might have been a tad more zealous about that first goal, but it's not like it was a hard one to pull off—though you and everyone else’s reaction says otherwise, so he must've done something cool.
…still, is any of that really necessary? nagi likes that you've made it to his first ever official match, but you look as if you're one step away from joining the cheerleading squad and be his personal cheerleader. he watches as you cup your hands around your mouth, grinning widely at him across the field, and he thinks that you've never changed at all since middle school. you're always too loud, too forward, too bothersome, too annoying—
but that makes you, you. he wouldn't want it any other way.
for the rest of the game, hakuho dominates the match thanks to him and reo. at some point, the white-haired striker vaguely remembers his captain telling him about some sort of a hat trick, and that it was a really difficult move to pull off (not really) so he tries doing that just to show off a little. i mean, it's my debut, and you're watching, he reasons.
it’s over before he knows it, the score being an impressive 7-0. after the referee blows the whistle and the game ends, everyone explodes into cheers once again, nagi’s teammates huddling over, some jumping on his back and some even lifting him up. 
“nagi!” reo cries out. “wow! i've never seen you worked that hard bef— wait, where are you going?”
when nagi glances towards the bleachers again, he sees you pushing past the other students, nearly hopping over them so you can get to the field, fueled by nothing but adrenaline and hype. he shrugs off his teammate's arms around him, making a beeline towards you. he doesn't even realize what he's doing, lured by the excitement and passion emanating from your presence.
“hey, what are you doing all the way h—”
“SEISHIRO, HELLO? that was so incredible, what the hell was that?!” you exclaim, launching yourself at him. luckily, he catches you just in time…unluckily, he underestimates your exhilaration, your tackle causing both you toppling down on the grass with you landing on top of him as he lets out an oof– as his back hits the grass. “you crazy bastard. i always knew you had it in you!”
from the corner of his eye, he sees reo’s head whipped in your direction, watching the two of you intently, but at the moment none of that matters. nagi still isn’t too good at reading people's emotions, but when it's displayed so clearly before him, your earnest gaze and a smile impossibly wide that your face must've hurt to hold that for so long, he realizes you make it easy for him to understand it this time with no room for any alternative perception.
strands of your hair fall against his face as you hover above him, and the afternoon sun is just about to set, creating a warm halo against your form, and nagi thinks you look as radiant as ever.
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taglist: @yoimiya-lover @i2innie
SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE i got so busy irl 😔 taglist is open! just comment ^_^ (if im unable/forgot to tag you, pls lmk!!)
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heartpascal · 1 year
the gold. . .
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▹ — joel miller x f!reader
▹ — summary: you don’t like the person joel’s become.
▹ — a/n: not my favourite writing ever :( i love this concept tho it would make such good angst!!! also i’m only part way through the game so idk if this sorta thing is really covered :’) either way, go easy on me pls <3 kinda tempted to do a pt 2 where they meet again years later via tess buuuut yk
▹ — warnings: angst, like. quite a bit of it, joel’s kinda a bad person ish, grief, arguments, (mentioned) killing, blood
∘₊✧───── ───── ───── ─────✧₊∘
The outbreak had torn the world apart, it had torn your world apart. But then again, that was everybody’s story, anyone who managed to survive had lost everything they valued. Most people had to have the debate if survival was even worth the suffering or seemed to come pre-packaged with.
Hell, you were one of the lucky ones! You were alive, your fiancé was alive, but the two of you had lost the thing most precious to you; Sarah.
For a long time, you were convinced that you’d soon follow her footsteps, finally kick the bucket in some way or other. But miracle after miracle led to you living, with a lot of those miracles being orchestrated by Joel or Tommy. For years, the three of you looked after each other, surviving in the QZ together as best as you could. Sure, you and Joel wouldn’t be getting married, and yes, Tommy became more restless as the days went on, but you were together.
You thought that was all that mattered.
An aching that started at your chest had long since spread to the rest of your body, settling heavily in your bones and leaving you exhausted.
Tired of Joel being out all times of the night, with his newest crew of people who you couldn’t help but get chills from. Tired of Tommy refusing to cooperate with the authorities in this dystopian world that was now your reality. Tired of being the only one who was still trying to stick together, to survive together.
There was nothing worse than watching the man you love die in front of your very eyes. It was slow, at first, the grief over Sarah making everything seem minor, excusable. It made the world harder to live in, the centre of both yours and Joel’s universe now suddenly gone, and it was like you’d lost your orbit. Like you were floating in space, unsure where you were meant to be going.
Eventually, you found Joel and Tommy being the people you’d orbit. Somehow, you always came back to the shitty apartment that Joel refused to make feel anything like a home.
You were the only one who knew that this was your reality now, and you could either live in it, or you should have just died with Sarah. You wanted to live, with Joel, with his brother, who used to be your best friend.
It started when Joel finally figured out the best, most efficient, way to sneak out of the QZ without being caught.
You felt uneasy for days, unsure as to why, but when you saw Joel hammering nails into a strip of leather, you couldn’t help but feel something was very, very wrong. You knew it was a bad idea to follow him, knew you could get everyone, including Joel and yourself, caught and likely killed, but you had to know what was going on, what they were getting up to.
With your heart hammering inside your chest, you watched from a small distance away as Joel rolled out the leather strip along a road, confusion dancing across your eyebrows. It was only when you heard the distinct rev of a truck engine that you realised what he could be doing.
A man splashed with blood stepped out of the building, screaming at the people in the truck for help, for anything, and you watched as they approached him hesitantly, the truck rolling over the nails in the leather strip.
The tires screeched as all the air streamed out, the truck trying to reverse but not getting far enough as the group — Joel’s group — approached.
You turned away, hurrying back to the QZ with your stomach turning, your whole body flinching when you heard the unmistakable sound of gunfire.
Managing to sneak back in to the QZ without being caught would’ve impressed you, had you not just witnessed a horror you almost couldn’t fathom. When you got back to your dingy apartment, you pulled open the cupboard that the weapons were kept in, and held your hand over your mouth when you saw the gun that usually sat locked in there was gone.
Your brain could barely catch up, the thought of Joel, your Joel, killing those people was strongly refuted, your own mind betraying you by conjuring up old images of domestic bliss.
Sarah’s head across your lap as you leant into Joel’s chest, one hand gently holding on to her hair, whilst your other was occupied by Joel’s own. Mornings of Joel scrambling around the house, running late as usual, whilst you and Sarah cooked breakfast together. Then, the three of you sat at the dining table, you and Sarah playfully arguing over who got shell in the pan whilst you were cooking.
The day Joel had asked you to marry him, with Sarah stood by his side, just coming up on twelve years old, her eyes so big and wide as she smiled at you. The two of them having matching expressions as they awaited your answer: a package deal, the two of them.
How could this man be the same one you lived with now? How could he hurt those people, unprompted by anybody but the shitbags he had started hanging around with? You felt sick to your stomach, like everything around you wasn’t real. Surely, you’d wake up any second, see Sarah already up and bruising her teeth. You’d go back upstairs to make sure Joel was awake, before continuing to help Sarah with breakfast. This whole outbreak thing had to be a dream, because you didn’t know what you’d do if it wasn’t.
What would you do, if the reality is that the man you love is dead? If he’s gone, twisted and darkened beyond recognition?
But that night, when Joel returned late as usual, you saw a splash of red underneath his jacket. He came in with more supplies, things you hadn’t been able to find for weeks, that miraculously turned up, he claimed. He shoved the gun back in the cupboard, locking it up as casually as you’d lock your back door.
You had no choice but to face the truth; you lost everyone the night of the outbreak. Sarah is dead, and now, clearly, so is Joel. There’s nothing left of the man you agreed to marry, not a single drop of that love reflected in his hollow eyes.
He saw you staring at him, eyes wide with what could only be horror, and snapped, “What? I got somethin’ on my face?”
“I can’t believe you— I can’t believe you!” You cried out, standing from the couch you’d been sat on since your return, awaiting his arrival anxiously. Everything within you was hoping you’d just found his doppelgänger, or something, but no. This was Joel, your Joel did this.
His eyes hardened, eyebrow casting shadows over the brown colour you remembered so fondly, “What can’t you believe now?” He scoffed out, shoving his backpack off of his shoulder and dropping it loudly on the wooden floor.
“I followed you,” you told him, watching the way his eyes widened, realisation hitting him like a ton of bricks. “I saw you, and your—your group. How could you do that? Those were people, Joel, people! Trying to survive in this hellhole just like you and me!”
Joel’s jaw clenched, “You think you know everything, huh?” He asked, sneering at you, acting as if you were an idiot, as if you were just a naive little girl who didn’t know anything about the real world.
“I’ve surely seen enough! You planned that. You helped them do that. People are dead, because of you.”
“Everybody is dead!” Joel retorted, his voice reaching the level of yelling, and he shocked even himself with his lack of restraint, the comment pulling every reservation you had from your body.
“I’m not.”
His eyes followed you as you stood, watched as your face hardened to that of stone, a look he had never seen from you. At least, not directed towards him. It filled his chest with some kind of dread, one of the first feelings besides anger and something a step further than heartbreak since Sarah had died in his arms.
You huffed, shoving past him and pretending you didn’t notice him following close on your feet. You grabbed your backpack, shoving the few clothes you wore often into it, as well as the brush you kept beside what could only be loosely referred to as your bed.
“Where are you going?”
“Away from you, anywhere as long as it’s far, far, away from you.” You snapped at him, the bite in your words unfamiliar to him. “You think everyone is dead, but they’re not. I’m not. You’re not. This isn’t some fantasy land where bad things don’t count, Joel.”
“I’m doing what it takes to survive!” Joel counters you, his fingertips stretching in order to reach out for you, but he closes his hand into a fist before it gets close to you.
“That’s a lie, and you know it.” You tell him, unable to even look in his direction.
He sucks in a long breath, closing his eyes as he tries to remain composed. When he opens them, he sees you looking over at him, and he wished he’d kept them closed. Your eyes, which had once looked at Joel with nothing but adoration, were filled with angry tears, and you stared at him with something new, the warmth gone from your gaze.
“I get that you’re still grieving Sarah, so am I, but I would never do something like that. The you that I know? He wouldn’t either.”
Your voice was softened when you spoke, giving him this one chance to repent his sins, but the mention of his daughter sends him over the edge once more, words flying out of his mouth far before he could even think to stop them.
“You don’t get it,” he snarled, face red and matching the blood that stained his clothes, “She’s—was my daughter, not yours, you could never understand.”
You stared at him, expression unchanging even as Joel seemed to sober up, realising he might’ve gone a step too far. You could see the situation more clearly, and if he’d have listened, you would’ve told him he’d leaped across the line.
He reaches for you, trying to keep his grasp on you, but you pull away before his fingers could even graze your skin.
Joel’s face falls, but you stand firm.
“Sarah was my daughter, Joel. The closest thing I’ll ever get to having one, anyway. I certainly loved her like she was my own.” You say, his eyes falling closed as he let out a breath through his nose. “This isn’t what she would’ve wanted for you.”
You think of the little girl who looked up to Joel as if he hung the stars and moon himself, and for her, you’re sure he would have done. You stare at the man in front of you, and you find no resemblance to that little girl’s dad.
“No, Joel! I’m done, you hear me?” You yell out, swinging your bag across your back, “I’m done.”
You pull off the engagement ring that hadn’t left your hand in years, and shove it into his hand as you pass by him, walking back towards the living room. Your hands fumble as you reach into the weapons cupboard, and you hear Joel’s hurried footsteps as he approaches you. Your hands grasp the gun, and you check the ammo, seeing that yes, there were bullets missing. It gets shoved in your bag, along with the knife you had dropped in there once moving in.
“You—c’mon, you can’t do this!” Joel pleads then, his hands reaching for you once more, but once again finding nothing to hold on to, with you moving away from him to grab the few ration cards you’d earned recently. “The—there’s curfew, just stay, stay here.”
You shake your head firmly, unable to tell him no to his face. Your confidence is fading, and you just want to curl up and cry, preferably in the arms of the man you love.
“Don’t leave me,” he says, his fist squeezed tightly around your engagement ring, not wanting to lose it. He feels sick, seeing your hand bare of it. “We—we made a promise to each other! Darlin’ just listen to me!”
“I can’t,” you say, your voice shaking and unsteady, “It’s too late, Joel. You’re too late. I—I don’t even know who you are!”
“It’s me, darlin’, it’s still me.” Joel insists as you approach the door, pulling it open, but you just don’t recognise him.
“No,” you refute, “this isn’t you.”
You close the door behind you, hearing the crash of the weapons cupboard hitting the floor, the sound of Joel’s yell only cementing your decision to make a hasty exit.
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barbiiecams · 2 months
Hiii angel 💓💓 you have to do more of sugar daddy rafe plss 🙏 how they meet?
i feel like you were already a kook. a rich, spoiled one at that. then because of your behaviors towards other people (both pogues and kooks you didn’t like) your parents had really had enough. like to the point where they cut down your allowance, yet that still didn’t seem to work on you.
one day your father told you “you need to get a job. no more funds from us.” which completely broke you down. you had been so dependent on them you’re entire life, because now you were 19 about to turn 20 with no real experience of having a job. in all your years, you grew up so wealthy. there wasn’t a need to have one. but here you were, begging your dad to keep you in his good graces.
“eventually you’ll need to work. where do you think i got all my money from?” he reasons, and now it’s starting to click.
“where would i even work?” you’d ask, almost on the verge of tears.
“a friend of mine named ward needs a gardener. he pays pretty well too. just start from there.” he says. this really blew you. who did you look like being someone’s maid?
“you’re joking right?” you stared at him blankly.
“it’s that or nothing.” your father gets up and walks away. now you really could cry, but you were more angry than anything.
you’d spend days holding off on actually contacting the cameron’s, but when the allowance money started to run out after a major shopping spree, you were ultimately left with no choice.
you called ward and asked if he still needed a gardener, and he most definitely did since he gave you the job on the spot. “you can start tomorrow at 8, if you’d like.” he said. money is money.
“of course, see you then.” when you hung up, you let out a breath of air, fully accepting your place and status now. you were the entitled kook princess, now turning into someone working for the cameron’s.
when the next morning came, you introduced yourself to ward, rose and wheezie. rose had instructed you on what to do, and ward explained the payment plan which was good enough. sooner than later, you’d started working in their front yard planting all kinds of flowers.
that’s pretty much how it looked for weeks. on top of that, not many people knew, which was a good thing.
you’d show up at 8, rose would make you something if you were hungry, then you’d get to work. but one day, it seemed like the angels were on your side.
you were working on figuring out how to keep that damn rosemary alive when you heard a voice behind you. and it didn’t belong to ward.
“who are you?” the man said. you turned around to see who was asking, and it was no other than rafe cameron.
“why?” you questioned. rafe recognized you too. everyone knew who you were, and it was embarrassing enough that the son of the richest person on the island knew you were working for his family. y/n y/l/n was supposed to be immune to working.
he smirks. “i know you.”
there was no refraining from the eye roll that crept up. “yea i bet you do.”
“why are you working here? don’t you just get what you want?” you were surprised he knew all this about you, aware of how much older he was.
“my dad cut my allowance.” you explained while working on the rosemary again.
“ouch.” he said while walking inside, abruptly ending the conversation. this kind of pissed you off but you paid no mind. moments later, he came back out with a glass of water.
“here,” he hands it to you, “it’s scorching out here.”
“thanks,” you accepted it, and took a long sip. for the rest of the time you were working, the two of you made small talk. even though the age gap was there, you still found enough to talk about.
an easy few hours later with rafe talking to you, and occasionally helping, your shift was over. and now suddenly you were perched on the bathroom sink, sundress bunched up and panties pulled to the side. rafe was balls deep, hitting that good spot and ready to bust one at any moment.
his hand covered your mouth to keep your moans quiet, and had the door locked so not a single soul could interrupt.
“fuckk,” he groans. “best pussy i’ve felt in a while, i’ll tell you that.”
a few more thrusts and you were done. your head falling onto his shoulder and ragged breaths for air.
your release sent his off, him quickly pulling out then sending you to your knees.
he jerked himself a few times, “open.”
doing exactly what he said, your mouth opened and you had your tongue stuck out. he finally cums, aiming for your mouth but some ended right below your eye.
when he was done, he wiped the remains from your face with his thumb, and had you suck on it. you stood up from the floor, wobbly and really hoping that no one heard anything.
rafe gathers himself, “a tight cunt like that doesn’t need to be working.”
you let out a laugh. “well here i am.”
“nah, not with me.” he zips his shorts back up. “i’ll take real good care of you. no more gardening.”
and ever since then, you were back to being the spoiled princess you were destined to be.
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lees-chaotic-brain · 2 months
careless whisper by george michael , gojo , angst
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WC: 2k
CW: cheating, angst, hurt/no comfort, reader has female pronouns (referred to as madam and birthday girl), alcohol consumption (all characters are of age), swearing
Taglist (lmk if you want to be added to the event taglist): @chosolovers @ssetsuka @ichikanu
listen to this while reading
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For one night, one night alone you were going to put all of your suspicions and past hurt aside and enjoy the party. After all, it was your birthday so the night was supposed to be all about you.
Shooting a smile at your boyfriend across the room you can't help but feel your stomach flutter as he shoots you a wink and begins making his way through the crowd towards you. Stopping in front of you he sweeps forward in an exaggerated bow, extending his arm.
“Madam Birthday Girl, will you do me the honor of dancing with me?”
Laughing at his antics, you relax, reassured by his usual behavior. Of course everything was normal between the two of you. You were just being paranoid. Placing your hand in his, you allowed him to escort you onto the dance floor.
I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor
Wrapping your arms around his neck and swaying slowly to the music you rested your face against his chest and enjoyed the peace of the moment. Or, at least you tried to.
As soon as your nose brushed his blue button up your senses were invaded with some sort of expensive oriental perfume, meant to be subtle with rose and jasmine. But judging from the way your nose burned, whoever had been wearing it must have been wearing a whole bottle for the residual left on his clothes to be so strong. Nothing like the one or two spritzes of understated wildflower perfumes you preferred. 
Fighting the urge to gag at the overpowering scent, you looked up over his shoulder in an attempt to get some fresh air. Instead you were confronted by lipstick stains on the edge of his collar. Bright pink lipstick stains, which couldn’t possibly be yours, because you would never wear a color that garish. 
Suddenly you no longer felt like dancing, and as the song’s outro played you decided to give him one more chance to explain himself after the party. If he couldn’t do that, then the two of you were done. Looking up into his eyes you gave him a forced smile, a small part of you screaming that this was going to be the last time the two of you danced like this.
As the music dies, something in your eyes
Calls to mind a silver screen
And all its sad good-byes
After the song ended Gojo watched you walk away, unsettled by the finality in your eyes. Had you figured it out? Did you know where he had been before the party? Who was he kidding of course you had. As much as the two of you had danced around the obvious truth for months he knew that you knew. He had fallen in love with your quick wits and intelligence. There was no way you hadn’t put two and two together.
But despite forgotten dates, the nights he came home late or not at all, the perfume that wasn’t yours clinging to his skin, he dared to hope that you would just keep pretending not to know. That things could stay the way they were. If only you weren’t so smart.
Though it's easy to pretend
I know you're not a fool
Walking across the room you mingled with the guests, accepting birthday wishes and engaging in small talk. Heading over to the bar, you got a refill on your drink and leaned against the bar sipping it. You heaved a sigh, wishing the entire thing was over and that you could just go home. A large warm hand placed on your shoulder interrupted your stewing, causing you to turn around.
“Oh! Geto! Hi! I wasn’t expecting you to come. How are you?” You were surprised to see none other than your boyfriend’s best friend, Geto Suguru. The large man chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly at your surprise.
“Sorry, I was in the area and decided to drop by. I’m doing okay, but actually I’m here to ask you that. I’m really sorry about what Satoru did. It was fucked up. How are you doing with the breakup? I may be his best friend but just know that I’m always here for you-”
“Wait, what? The breakup?” You were confused. You hadn’t even told your best friends about your plans to confront Satoru, seeing as you had only made up your mind a few minutes ago.  “What are you talking about?”
“What do you mean ‘what do you mean?’ We had a conversation and Satoru promised me-” Realization lit up in his dark eyes. “He didn’t do it, did he? Oh that son of a-” He stops, looking at you guiltily.
“Listen, I’m really sorry. You should hear it from him. I gotta go now.” With that, he turned and walked away, leaving you with a sinking feeling in your gut.
From across the room, Gojo watched his friend leave, knowing that whatever had just happened between the two of you could not not have been good. Not wanting to obsess over what Suguru could have said, he turned away and jumped into a conversation. Whatever was said had been said already. There was nothing he could do about it at the moment.
Time can never mend
The careless whispers of a good friend
If he had watched a few seconds longer he would have seen you shake yourself then chase after his friend, looking for answers. Darting around guests and avoiding dancing couples you caught up to Geto just outside of the building.
“Wait!” You yelled, hurrying to catch up with him. “You can’t just leave like that! I need to know what you mean.”
Not turning, Geto shook his head. “Trust me on this one. You don’t want to know. Let him tell you. I’ll make sure he does, but you shouldn’t hear this from me.”
“I’m pretty sure I already know.” The words fly out of your mouth before you could stop them. “He’s cheating on me, right? Listen, I need to know. I’m probably going to break up with him tonight. So it doesn’t matter anyways. Just tell me.”
Rubbing his face with one hand he sighed and chuckled without humor. “Of course you know. Jesus this whole situation is so fucked up.” He turned around and looked at you properly.
“Let’s go find somewhere to sit. This might take a little while.”
To the heart and mind
Ignorance is kind
Geto had left a couple of minutes ago, leaving you sitting on a sidewalk bench organizing your thoughts. Fighting the urge to cry, you were unsure why the pain in your chest was so sharp. You had been almost positive, he was cheating on you, so why did it hurt so bad to have your suspicions confirmed? It wasn’t like the knowledge was anything new to you.
Maybe it was because you now knew that the woman was the daughter of a wealthy family close to the Gojos. Maybe it was because you knew that it had been going on for months, and when Geto found out he had made Satoru promise to either end things with the other girl or break up with you. Maybe it was knowing that after making that promise Geto had found him with the other woman again, leading him to assume Satoru had broken up with you. 
Whatever it was, it fucking hurt. Letting out a small sob, you clutched your chest feeling your heart break. Unable to stop the tears from spilling over your waterline you opened your phone and texted him that you knew before you could back out.
But as you wiped your face and headed back to the party because you would be damned if you let him ruin your night, a small part of you wished you hadn’t discovered the truth.
There's no comfort in the truth
Pain is all you'll find
After receiving your text, Satoru watched the entrance intensely, waiting for you to return. The second you step through the door he locks eyes with you, gesturing towards the outside, mouthing that he wanted to talk.
Instead of turning around and walking back outside so the two of you could talk like he had expected, you just strolled into the party and joined a group of your friends. Whipping out his phone, he tried to send you a text, only to discover that he had been blocked.
Then the panic set in as he started trying to make his way towards you. But at that moment a popular song came on over the speakers, and the crowd became rowdy, making it impossible for him to get to you. It was like the crowd was against him, pushing him back towards the edge of the dance floor instead of across it to where you were.
Didn’t they understand that he needed to get to you? That he need to explain himself? He wishes the crowd would just disappear. That it was just you and him, with nothing else in the way.
Tonight the music seems so loud
I wish that we could lose this crowd
As he continues to scan the crowd for you, he finally catches sight of you dancing with your friends, laughing and singing along to the song. Shouting your name, he waves frantically, but the venom in your eyes when they meet his make his voice die out. 
Maybe it was for the better that the two of you didn’t talk right then. You didn’t seem like you were in a place where you would be able to talk reasonably. Turning, he decided to head out for the night and give you the space you so clearly needed. He would just talk to you tomorrow.
Maybe it's better this way
We'd hurt each other with the things we'd want to say
The next day when he went to your place to talk, Satoru was greeted by a box of all of his things sitting outside of your apartment and a post-it note declaring that the two of you were over. And despite all of his screaming and pleading and banging on the door, you didn’t come out that day. Or the next. Or the one after that.
Now it’s been months, and he’s given up on winning you back. It’s clear you have no interest in hearing him out. And in those three months he had come to realize just how much you had meant to him. You were his better half, the one he truly loved. The other woman he had cheated on you with couldn’t hold a candle to you. 
If only he hadn’t been such an idiot. Maybe if he hadn’t been so conceited and cocky he would have seen the value in what the two of you shared and the two of you would still be together. Maybe the two of you would have spent the rest of your lives in happiness together. But that’s not what happened, and now he was all alone. 
We could have lived this dance forever
But now, who's gonna dance with me?
Years had passed, and he was still alone. At first he had tried dating to get over you, but after realizing that the first girl had a similar smile to you, the second had the same shade eyes as you, the third your hair color, he stopped. 
It didn’t matter how hard he subconsciously tried to find girls to replace you. None of them were ever going to be you. And the guilt he harbored over the way he treated you would follow him into the grave. He lost the best thing that ever happened to him. There was no recovering from that.
And I'm never gonna dance again
Guilty feet have got no rhythm
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Note: to the people who asked to be tagged on the poll, i haven't added you to my event taglist yet, it was just for this fiic dw. however if you would like to be added, let me know!!
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