#and it just kinda makes the tail look a lot smaller than it is
inchidentally · 2 days
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"short and easier to read" babe I am so sorry to you and everyone else for how my insane posts come out - it's why I link to so much stuff bc it is a struggleee for me to not write just run-on sentences ;__; but I do get what you mean and I promise I tried my best - it's def shorter than the og and in smaller bites if that helps ??
(I actually wrote this on someone else's laptop so it's got proper punctuation and capitalization and everything!)
For those who don’t know: Oscar is an acts of service guy Lando is a words of affirmation guy. Let’s remember that someone’s love language is how they choose to express themselves, not what they should demand of others!
Oscar is also very much not a PR guy, for anyone totally oblivious to the obvious (and that all his "greatest hits" in PR were done unintentionally or bc he's awkward or bc his mom is cooler than him). For example, Oscar brings up his girlfriend of 4-5 years a fair amount but it’s almost hilariously not gushy or romantic (having a “cuddle” is as far as it goes lasfgjlsagfl). But he’s said himself that for the most part he’d prefer not to have too much private life available to the public. *His downtime with Lando joins in with all his other social life in being extremely limited to the public. 
The “thanking the sponsors” thing is one of Oscar’s safe, approved speeches he pulled from Andrea so that Oscar doesn’t have to do spontaneous on-camera speaking. Sorry but not all of us are good at it and it’s wayyyy easier to just have some rehearsed pre-approved soundbites. He tends to have a few that he repeats for a while until he updates the list lsafjslafhlafh.
He also very openly struggles to do on-camera speaking and no one knows that better than Lando who’s had to help him a huge amount. 
It does seem to be mostly cameras that make him stressed bc he was fine thanking Lando for his help in Baku at the fan stage in Singapore and overall he can use more of his dry humor when he's speaking to people rather than just to a camera. 
Lando’s recent inclusion of Oscar in his media responses to this degree is a reaction to Hungary and Monza - normally, his post race responses focus on himself and his own performance (which is literally normal and the default for drivers!!). The recent emphasis on teamwork/Oscar is something he feels he needs to do with his own PR work right now. He’s a smart man who’s been doing this a long time, so his reasons are valid no matter what fans think. He’s not sitting there working out or analyzing Oscar’s PR, just his own. 
People are absolutely running away with themselves over Monza and ignoring that apart from that one moment, Oscar is widely popularly seen as the supportive teammate role. To the point where last year and even part of this year, Lando was criticized by a lot of fans for not acknowledging Oscar enough.
Going off of that, let’s show how easy it is to take PR and media to make one of them look bad by turning it around onto Lando (!! this is for an example, I do NOT endorse hating on Lando for any of it !!)
Lando openly disliked being referred to as the “older teammate” and kinda left Oscar to his own devices so much last season that Oscar wouldn’t know where he was going a lot of the time and even semi-joked “my teammate’s abandoned me” (again, reminder this was not a source of drama for anyone but fans). He got called a little duckling a lot bc he’d tail Lando closely so as not to lose him. In fact it started irking some people that Lando would spend so much time with Carlos or Daniel and not getting to know his new teammate and helping him out with his rookie season of F1 the way Carlos did for Lando.
In every team photo where Lando has had a podium and Oscar has had nothing (and sometimes due at least in part to team orders!) which is very often! the comments sections have always had plenty of ‘Oscar is such a great team player, always happy and showing up for Lando no matter what’. So the whole ‘Oscar doesn’t do enough for Lando’ narrative is extremely recent and at odds with the rest of reality.
Please read the very first part of my enormous full post bc Lando didn’t thank Oscar for his Miami win, he praised his driving.
Even though at Silverstone this year Lando got on the podium and Oscar didn’t, Oscar made the fan stage all about bringing Lando out of his disappointment and even said he did the shoey “to make us feel better” and then dedicated the top row of his IG that week to photos and videos of him and Lando. Special note that this is in no way Oscar’s home race and he was solely seeing it as emotional for Lando and McLaren - and he had zero reason to personally be very happy after that weekend.
I’ve seen Melbourne this year get mentioned in the team orders discussions on my fyps, so that’s a handy example in many ways: Despite Melbourne being Oscar’s literal hometown race - and Lando even filming some Quadrant stuff at Oscar’s childhood karting track where a corner is named after him* - this year Lando didn’t acknowledge Oscar really at all over the weekend until someone mentioned him at the end of the podium press conference. Lando acknowledged that Oscar following team orders made his (Lando’s) drive a bit easier in Melbourne this year but said that he was faster than Oscar and deserved third over him anyway. (Good contrast to Hungary and even Carlos stating that something an undercut due to pit strategy shouldn’t erase one teammate being faster/more dominant in a race in order to give the other teammate the win!) He did PR work with pretty much everyone except Oscar actually, even doing promo for his (Lando’s) dad’s electric scooters on the new dotmov acc. Kind of like him being on a similar PR campaign at Singapore this year because of a sneak preview of Quadrant rebranding and announcing the Landostand at Silverstone  - he went for the biggest PR hits and posted Daniel on his jpg account, did a golf day with Carlos and Max F and was more active on socials than he had been for months. All while only having Oscar in one photo out of the whole weekend’s carousel despite the McLaren double podium. You could even read into him cutting Oscar and Oscar’s trophy out of two of the shots if you wanted! (He did include Oscar in the big group photo after the podium celebrations.)
*I saw some ppl say he didn't include Oscar in the Melbourne karting filming bc McLaren doesn't cross over with Quadrant, which isn't true. Zak has shares in Quadrant and Bianca has been included in the Quadrant rebranding launch with Lando's Singapore helmet design.
See how easy that was to flip it around?? If you’re even slightly biased against a driver or never see flaws in another- or are dying for two teammates to hate each other - then confirmation bias will always find plenty of “evidence”! Because the reality is that after the Austin GP, Lando found his “older teammate” mode and began helping Oscar out with his rookie year. In Melbourne, Lando spent his first day filming for his .mov account including the Oscar jersey and merch he came across - and Oscar mentioned how he and Lando talked about Lando filming at his old track. (Again, not PR coordinated or filmed, just mentioned!) And that after the Singapore race this year, they beamed at each other every other second of that night, filmed a deliriously happy post race video and joked in the cool down room - I honestly doubt have even noticed yet what the other has posted to IG salfhsalfafa. All of the negativity fans are coming up with is their own personal spin and does not resemble how Lando and Oscar are behaving to or speaking about each other.
They base their relationship on their conversations and interactions solely away from the public and the cameras and don’t do any inflammatory commentary about each other. They bragged about the door in the team hub that separates their drivers rooms from everyone else and leaves them open only to each other. Their communications only matter to each other when in private.
Segueing on from that: media and social media are literally PR. Lando is extremely skilled at it now and Oscar is not at all naturally skilled and is still learning. Lando is quick to be able to adapt his media responses, Oscar is not and often sounds stilted and uncomfortable. But it still has nothing to do with how they think of each other and talk to each other personally.
And “Landoscar” has never had the typical PR bromance aspect that we all love in other teammates, and it never will. Lando and Oscar mention but don’t broadcast or package their downtime together and they don’t share their private dynamic with fans or the media apart from the glimpses we see in more relaxed content. It’s just their choice! And just like it doesn’t mean Lando and Oscar are less friends because they don’t PR their relationship, it doesn’t mean the friendships who do utilize PR are less friends! 
And tbh that’s a good note to leave on: that seeing two drivers with no PR to gain from openly liking and respecting each other should mean that we as fans place less importance on the PR responses they give to media and put on social media. So many people want them to hate each other (Netflix even begging them outright) and rivalries get far more headlines and fan engagement, that if these two didn’t like each other or even were blah about each other, they wouldn’t waste time trying to fake it (side note ppl actually thought this joke was deadly serious for a short while). F1 isn’t team sports, no one really cares if drivers or teams appear “friendly” unless they’re desperate for money/engagement to keep them afloat (even there, Alpine prove it clearly isn’t a priority to have friendly teammates when you’re lower down the grid!)
There is absolutely nothing to be gained for them in faking the smiles and laughter and twinning. Equally there’s nothing to be gained by us as fans in judging them and their relationship based on their PR responses and PR work. Lando beams and smiles the same at Oscar after all of Oscar’s awkward, stiff debrief speeches and I kind of want one of these crazy stans to say to him that Oscar is a bad team player and doesn’t show Lando enough appreciation just to watch what his adorable face does in response (don’t do that I’m joking).
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dullgecko · 3 days
Ok so we’ve had Riz accidentally becoming human sized, but have you considered the rest of the bad kids accidentally/being cursed to be goblin sized or full goblin themselves.
I’m honestly leaning more towards they’re all goblins since then they get the full goblin experience with all the instincts and biology quirks that come with it, also a curse that turns you into a goblin definitely seems like something some jerk of a long dead wizard would create.
Like gorgug is absolutely freaking out cause suddenly he’s small and he has to look up constantly and he’s so used to not using his full strength for anything and now he has to put his whole body into just opening a door, on the plus side he’s now the right size to give his parents proper hugs.
Fabian has to jump on and scramble onto every piece of furniture and everyone at school keeps trying to pick up! The whole thing’s incredibly undignified, plus especially with fighter as his main class he has the strongest urge to pounce on and hunt anything fast moving he sees.
Adaine is used to be quite and unseen thanks to her upbringing, which when she was an elf was still nit ok but atleast you could look away from her for a second and not have her disappear under a table etc.
Fig of course uses her new found sneakiness and increased senses to be an absolute menace, she’s taken to running up suprise biting peoples calves then running away before then can even spot her.
Kristen is trying to use the experience to learn more about being a goblin and kinda what Riz experiences just day to day, also Bucky definitely see her at school and has a mini freak out about her being cursed and turning into a ‘monster’ for turning against Helio (nothing against Bucky he’s just 14, heavily indoctrinated with 2 overbearing racist parents and with what he sees as direct evidence of what they’re teaching/telling/warning him in the form his sister)
Riz is having a bad time because he's trying to wrangle his entire party and they are not at all used to the level of anxiety that comes with being a goblin. They are small, they are prey animals, and he's trying to drag them through the hallways of the school in the middle of the day so he can set them up in the library and start working out how to fix the problem.
All five of them are clustering together as close as possible and on high alert and snappy. Fig, Gorgug and Fabian are the worst of them because they have the urge to protect everyone else.
Adaine has to be holding someones hand at all times or she will literally burst into tears from panic but they need her to focus because she'll have to research to break the curse and turn them back to normal.
They don't all look like normal goblins because their normal ancestry carried over slightly with the change. It's not helping things because it's such an oddity seeing something other than a Chaos Mountain or Bastion City goblin in the school and people keep trying to get a closer look.
Adaine as a high elf is the oddest looking, she's a pearly white with much larger ears that droop down at the ends with a much longer tail. She looks the closest to the goblins that stayed hidden the the fae wilds and escaped being controlled by maglubiyet and kidnapped to the material plane. She honestly looks like if someone wanted to make a marketable toy of a goblin and made them 'cuter' to be more appealing.
Gorgug is much taller and stockier than Riz but looks very close to him in colouration. His ears are a little smaller, and his tail is shorter but much thicker.
Fig is bright red and has little horn-nubs on her forehead. Her ears are slightly longer and thinner than Riz's and she almost looks like an imp and a goblin got crossed. The tuft on the end of her tail hides a wickedly sharp backwards facing set of spikes, similar to the point on the end of an imps tail.
Kristen could be mistaken for Riz's cousin they look so similar like this, if you discounted the hair colour. She has a lot more visible freckles than Riz though and her stripes are darker.
Fabian looks like an Ixalan goblin, goblins that evolved to run around on ships out at sea who are skilled at scaling the rigging, but with far darker skin. His tail is actually prehensile and can hold his full body weight in a way Riz's can't. He's also a little bit stockier but still has a hard time climbing things as much as Riz does because he's not used to it. The tail being much stronger than Riz's is useful, because the rogue has to grab it SEVERAL times to stop fabian chasing after things. Riz thinks, aesthetically, he's just as pretty as a goblin as he was as a half elf.
They're all slowly starting to realise that oh no Riz actually has a fairly high level of self control, and so do most goblins they've met before. Wrangling their instincts takes a lot of work and their rogue is constantly trying to get them back on task as he drags them through the school to the library to set them up somewhere dark and quiet where they'll settle down for a while. They're also realising why he sometimes snaps and gets cranky when they flick a light on when he's in a room. Everything is WAY too bright and hurts their eyes.
Riz ends up setting up his entire party in a study room in the library with the lights off while they start hunting through books for a way to break the curse. Adaine calmed down a lot in the smaller darker room and is happily flipping through the books with her incredibly small version of Boggy perched on her head.
Gorgug ends up conked out napping in the corner because oops, it's daytime and they're nocturnal now.
Fig gets bored and cant resist the urge to go cause mischeif, the librarian ends up catching her and bringing her back once she tires herself out with her biting game.
Kristen is surprisingly chill about the whole thing and tries to go to her classes as normal, right up until her brother sees her and starts saying some very hurtful stuff. She abandons her idea at that point and comes back to cuddle sadly with Gorgug and Fig where they're napping in the corner.
Fabian, at some point, finally registers something in his brain and whispers something in Riz's ear before dragging him off. They disappear for nearly half an hour and Riz returns disheveled with a thousand yard stare, a split lip, and a VERY smug and equally dishevelled looking Fabian. If anyone asks him what happened he just says bathroom and nothing else.
Riz just goes back to helping Adaine look for the way to break the curse without comment. Fabian sitting down next to him and playing on his crystal because he doesnt understand any of the wizard shit they're doing but keeps intertwining his tail with their rogues.
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dailyplanes · 7 months
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✈️ Daily Plane #14 - 23/02/2024
Concorde - BA livery. Man, I still think their flag design on the tail is weird.
Time taken: 55 minutes
Requested by: @spacecatsaremadeofdarkmatter
ID: A coloured painting of a Concord in the British Airways livery. It is flying to the left of the viewer at a high altitude with a simple background of sky and clouds. End ID.
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wingsofwater · 9 months
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peach pit
[ID : a chubby skywing dragon named Pyrite, who has yellowish-orange scales with a lighter yellow underbelly and dark freckles across her scales, resembling the inside of a peach. she has a crest of dark spines along the back of her neck and on the tip of her tail, antler-like horns, her body is dappled with scars, and she wears a cord around her neck like a choker. she is sitting down, facing towards the left, with her wings held open and an uncertain expression on her face. the background is a teal rectangle with white peach blossoms overlayed on top of it. END ID]
#thinking a lawttt about how pyrite was described to be the same color as a peach a lot#the freckles as described in the id are supposed to make her look like the inside of a peach#she has scars all over her body bc she was enchanted to be really clumsy so i would imagine she would be constantly getting hurt by acciden#her feet [and other skywing feet] have a fifth toe on the back kinda like raptor claws that they use for balance and grabbing things#in winter turning the original pyrite[?] was described to have black eyes so i gave her really big pupils -#- that would probably make her eyes look black head-on#she has lil bear ears btw !! i think skywings and icewings have bear ears bc theyre smaller and wont get cold as easily . also theyre cute#i just thought the crest of spines would look cute but then i realized the resemblance to icewing spikes so i added them to the tail too#the antler horns looking like icewing reindeer horns also wasnt intentional i just wanted them to look unique -#- instead of the generic straight horns or curved i usually give skywings#i think ​she has quite a bit of icewing remnants left over despite the spell actually#like i would imagine her fire is weaker than the other skywings and would be a lot less hotter#she also instinctively isnt used to skywing proportions hence why shes sitting the way she is with her legs all weird and wings not closed#other than that shes rather boring and isnt very flamboyant bc i think scarlet would think she doesnt deserve it#i dont really have any other design notes everything was added last second or by complete accident gafksndkxk#I JUST REALIZED THE THUMB ON HER WING IS BACKWARDS . I WAS WONDEIRN WHY IT LOOKED WEIRD CKJFMCJXNX#whatever im not fixing it. suffer with me#🖌#wings of fire skywing#wings of fire#wings of fire pyrite#og my GODDD tumblr eated the wuality on this one real bad wtfff
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Hot take
Night furies are actually perfectly evolved for hunting and killing other dragons and the only reason they aren't a dragon-hunting species like the death song or deathgrippers are is because DreamWorks couldn't have their adorable main character dragon be a "cannibal"
(below I'm gonna try to summarize what we've figured out in a convo with friends on discord)
(also tw animal death via predator)
First of all yes I'm aware that pretty much every decision made about their design was with consideration of the effect it would make on human audiences but hear me out
Night furies are most iconically known as dive-bombers. They are built for speed, high maneuverability, night-time camouflage and for striking targets from above. If we remove human settlements out of the equation (which would not have existed long enough to actually influence night fury evolution, come on), what does that leave us with?
They aren't built for catching fish for sure, they aren't very hydrodynamic and their head is round, wide, and their teeth are dull. Honestly, the monstrous nightmare is much better suited for catching fish, with its long neck, almost pelican-like jaw and rhamphorhynchus teeth
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Compare to
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Yeah the jaws look kinda like a porpoise of some sort but for that the whole body would have to be a lot more aquatic imo. The light fury looks a lot closer to an aquatic diver, it has a sleeker body, rounded fins instead of spikes, and a long neck.
I don't really see them hunting land animals either, they just don't look like they're adapted for that minus the resemblance with large felines and even then, they're too large to effectively hunt in forests.
The one thing I can kinda imagine them hunting is large mainland megafauna, but we're working with a setting that takes place pretty much exclusively on islands. And overall, dragons are the only abundant species there with the exception of fish and human-bred sheep and chickens.
In general, night furies have duller teeth, smaller claws and are smaller than most dragons. Disregarding the movies making Toothless weirdly OP, a night fury would be disadvantaged against most dragons in a 1v1 fight and besides, it has four huge weak spots that would highly discourage it from a direct physical fight - the primary and secondary tail fins. One unlucky rip in the membrane and the night fury is fucked.
The night fury however noticeably resembles falcons, given their dive-bombing ability and high maneuverability.
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Falcons too have smaller beaks and weaker claws compared to most birds of prey, and for that they compensate by simply picking up speed, balling up their talons and Punching. Really. Hard.
And they use that ability to kill other birds, even much larger ones, by knocking them right from the sky.
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Here, the night fury's plasma blast works the same way as a falcon's punch. Dragons are fire-resistant, so what the plasma blast does is really just a densely packed bolt of energy that has the effect of either stunning or outright killing prey by damaging its spine. And what the plasma bolt doesn't do, rapid contact with the ground would finish. And if even that doesn't do it, the night fury's wide jaws and dull teeth are just fine for simply clamping around the unlucky dragon's neck and strangling it, like a lion or a pitbull.
The night-time camouflage allows the night fury to soar for extended periods of time perfectly unnoticed in the night sky, and by the time it strikes, the dragon wouldn't even know what's coming.
Say the hunting night fury is aware of other dragons sleeping under the trees, as most dragons probably would at night (village raids aside, most dragons seem to be diurnal), so how does the night fury get them in position where it can use its signature attack? Well, there's That Iconic Screech Of Death. Since in the movies it tends to appear not just during dive-bombings but also when charging up a blast, I imagine it's something the night fury is able to control to some degree. So by simply fake-diving in close proximity to sleeping dragons, it can effectively terrify them into leaving their hideout and fly out into the open where it can easily take them out.
I dunno, the possibility of night furies as predators to other dragons just makes so much sense to me, I really don't know what other reasons there would be for them to evolve these particular adaptations.
And one more little headcanon to add to this whole rant - since night furies are significantly smaller and less equipped for dragon vs dragon fights and are primarily speed-based predators, I imagine there is this very likely scenario:
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There is one dragon who resembles a hyena, a lil bit
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Ok, rant over
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xprakzif · 2 months
puppy love
chris sturniolo
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pairings: chris x fem!reader (unestablished)
warnings: fluff/angst, cursing, none really
summary: chris doesn’t know how to express his feelings and now she thinks he hates her.
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chris always seemed to have that narcissistic persona. any girl who came across him knew better than to try it, even if they attempted to get at him, he was quick to let it known he was uninterested. so why was he acting like this with her?
he didn’t even know. nick was great at making new friends, and she just happened to be at the same beach at the time they were. the triplets, along with nate, traveled to a smaller town that was typically quiet but had beautiful views and landmarks.
they were driving around until they spotted the rather empty beach. they walked along the tide talking for what felt like hours. they honestly lost track of time, and direction.
walking their way was a girl, she looked majestic in the sunset that made her skin glow. she wore a light pink bikini underneath a crocheted sweater that only covered her top half. in her right hand was a baby pink retractable leash, leading down to a small, harnessed, yorkie puppy that started to run up to the boys. she was ethereal, to chris atleast.
“look- maybe we can ask her how to get back to the car?” nate pointed to her, she was busy enjoying the sunset and didn’t notice them, until the dog began to bark.
“shhh, kiwi-“ she finally saw the group of boys coming up to her, gaining anxiety. usually people wanted to meet kiwi, she hoped that’s why they approached her.
“hi- oh!” nick started to speak until kiwi interrupted, barking in a high pitch while she struggled to get closer being pulled back by the pink harness.
“sorry, she’s friendly- she just wants you to pet her,”
matt wasted no time in bending down to greet the giddy puppy wagging her tail at the attention. he cooed and scratched at her fluffy ears.
“cute.. um this is gonna sound crazy, but we kinda lost our car-” nick explained.
“we aren’t from around here, my names nate” he interrupted nick, deepening his voice. chris was only watching, he’d never been so quiet before. even he realized.
“..okay, im y/n. where’d you guys park?”
“it was small lot in front of the surf shop building, when you get off the main road?” replied nate.
“oh- i parked there too! i can show you guys, we were just heading back home.” chris was surprised she had walked all this way, he was unaware that they were only walking for 40 minutes.
she was set in between matt and nick, walking ahead a bit to lead them. matt was eyeing kiwi the entire time. she noticed him walking close to her paying attention to everytime kiwi sniffed the sand or tried to drink the slow tide that came by.
“here,” she handed off the leash to him, gaining a huge smile in return. “don’t lose my baby, please.”
within the 40 minute walk back to the lot, nick made most the conversation, getting to know the girl. once again, chris realized how quiet he’d been. so did everyone else.
“here we are, this your van?” she pointed to the empty parking lot with only her car and theirs.
“yea, thank you so much. we honestly would’ve been deserted if it wasn’t for you- can i get your number? i’d love to hang out sometime!” the boys filled the car while nick stood outside with his new friend.
“of course!” she waited for him to pull up a new contact and verbalized her information. “i’ll see you, drive safely!” and with that she patted the drivers seat of her black toyota signaling kiwi to hop in, and went home with more than she came for.
meanwhile, the van was chaotic. matt and nate up front singing a song that came on, while nick interrogated chris.
“whats up with you? you haven’t said a word since we met y/n.”
he knew it too. he didn’t understand it thought. “i don’t know.. i’m fine.” nick could usually tell if he was lying, but this time it was unreadable. he let him off easily and went on his phone to text her about hanging out soon.
flashing forward to present day, chris had his mind made up. it all made sense why he acted that way. it was like his soul attached to her. he must stay focused though, so he denied, denied, denied.
she was at the triplets home. madi and nate were there too.
“we should make trevor and kiwi meet!” she suggested to matt who was laying next to her on the couch. his eyes lit up with kiwi cuddled to his chest.
“y’all are so obsessed with these dogs.” chris took a seat next to her listening in and placing his can of pepsi on the coffee table. his heart raced a bit when she looked him in the eyes. his remarks always came out defensive and ignorant. he couldn’t help it, he wasn’t used to this feeling and couldn’t make it obvious.
her on the other hand, thought he hated her. she grew aware of his personality but hers was naturally flirty and extroverted. he knew this as well. she was friendly with everyone. how was he supposed to know if she felt the same way?
“are you jealous that i like kiwi and trevor more than you?” she smirked. those eyes were the ones that made him nervous. the ones that drew him in every time.
his breathing caught in his throat, “nah..” he shook his head and reached for his drink to hide the smile plastered on his face.
she had an effect on him she had no idea about.
“so trevor’s going back to your parents during the tour..” she started indicating an idea that made matt excited and chris irritated. her and matt had a bond that was different from the others. they had a lot in common, something chris grew jealous of and tried to prevent in anyway possible.
it was his own fault though. he decided to stay quiet and let his fear of rejection control him. that could’ve been him in that position.
“absolutely not. we’re not bringing the dogs on tour, y/ n.” he assured sternly.
she shifted in her seat to face him, “chris! come on, i’ll be there to take care of them while you guys work, madi will be there too! right madi?” she motioned to the girl who was sat at the table with nick.
“don’t even try!” chris stated before madi could even speak.
“what’s wrong with that, i love kiwi and trevor!” madi disagreed with chris from the table.
“see its two against one!”
“three!” matt mumbled with kiwi licking at his face.
“don’t you want me to be happy?” she pouted and widen her eyes to tease him. he did want her to be happy, he was just being an asshole.
he looked into her eyes, the ones that made him fall too hard for her. almost stunned and lost for words he looked away, “whatever, fine.”
she squealed and hugged him tightly, shocking him in the process.
this was going to be a very long tour.
“okay- wait what if they fight?” she was holding kiwi tightly in her arms covered by a comfy sweater. they were currently loading the tour bus, situating their bunks, and trying to introduce the dogs.
matt was sitting on the floor with trevor in his lap.
“you said she was friendly with other dogs,”
“she is.. i just don’t want them to fight!” she gave in and sat on the floor with kiwi. chris came onto the bus to see what was going on. they had disappeared into the bus moments ago without telling anyone.
he stopped in his tracks and observed the scene.
she finally let kiwi down, sniffing the floor of the new area and approaching the other small dog. trevor did the same, eventually they began to smell each other to get familiar.
she spared a glance at matt who smiled in return. chris noticed this, his heart sank a bit. did she like him? he thought.
soon enough, kiwi and trevor were playing together after kiwi licked his nose.
“aww they love eachother!” she cheered and scooted forward to hug matt. a grunt was heard by the two, chris didn’t know he did that out loud.
“oh- chris, look!” pointing at the puppies, “let’s have them married.” she was playing around, he wasn’t having any of it.
“yea, we’re about to start moving so can you guys move?” once again, he didn’t mean for it to come off so abruptly. she frowned and picked up kiwi, pushing past him to get to the seats, trevor trailing behind her.
“dude, why you being so rude to her?” matt was genuinely curious, but it came off defensive. he loved her, but only as a friend. not like chris did.
“i’m not..” matt was about to just walk away, but he spoke again, “i just- matt?”
“yeah?” they stared at eachother.
“i think i’m in love with her.”
matt cheesed widely in excitement, chris took it the wrong way.
“no- you can’t tell her!”
that wasn’t even on his list, “i won’t. i’m just happy you can admit your feelings for once.” patting his brother on the shoulder and going to sit with the others.
in the bus, she sat next to madi. they were giggling at trevor chasing kiwi in a circle. nick was across from them scrolling through tiktok.
chris walked in, seeing the beautiful smile on her face light up the room. everyone noticed he walked in, he was more focused on her.
she glanced at him, the smile fading a bit.
“we’re moving, everyone sit! we don’t want any accidents.” a voice called out from the front of the bus, most likely the driver.
chris sat next to her on instinct. there was obvious tension.
“madi, look at this” nick motioned for her to sit next to him which she did. leaving the two to sit alone.
chris wasn’t one for apologizing, he wasn’t sure how. he had to say something though.
“you glad we brought the dogs?” that was his way of apologizing?
she was very forgiving to say the least. there’s been worse things he’d say to her. some of which made her go cry in the bathroom.
silence. besides nick and madi scream-laughing across them.
“so- um, which state you most excited to see?” he was trying anything to start a conversation.
“oh- probably florida, i loved visiting there when i was younger,”
he didn’t know that though, he never took the time to get to know her for real. not like matt or nick did.
he was starting to hate himself for it. why couldn’t he just express himself correctly? it was a struggle for sure.
the bus made it to their first stop. everyone got out to stretch, matt and y/n letting the dogs use the bathroom.
they were away from the group, far enough for no one to hear their conversation.
“i’m so happy we brought them,” she started
“me too, not happy about this part though” he cringed at the sight of trevor using the bathroom that he would have to clean up.
“um.. can i ask you something?” she was comfortable enough with matt to have deeper talks, this was something she couldn’t get out of her mind.
“of course,”
she took a deep breath, “is chris like, mad at me.. or something? ever since we met he acts as if he hates me, do you see it too?”
after what chris told him earlier, it made sense. “no, no he doesn’t hate you,” he wasn’t sure how to word it in a way that wouldn’t out his brother. “that’s just how he is, but trust me he doesn’t hate you. we love you, y/n”
“i love you guys too.” his words were comforting, she felt some sense of relief. matt was always sweet to her, it was easy to get close with him. her mind still wandered to chris, there had to be more, right?
the rest of the ride was relaxed, for most of them atleast. madi and matt were asleep in the bunks, nick was sitting on a seat using his laptop.
chris was in a bunk, trying his best to sleep but his brain was wide awake. he didn’t know how he would manage going on tour with her, spending everyday with her, all with her being oblivious to his feelings that he couldn’t even let out correctly.
she was in the same room as nick, her head on his shoulder watching his skills as he edited a video for his business.
“hmm, i think i’m gonna go lay down before i go insane. you coming?” he shut the computer.
“i will in a minute..” she wasn’t going to get a wink of sleep this entire trip.
nick nodded and slid the door to the bunks open. she sat for a second, looking out the window to the starry sky blurring past. the lights were off leaving the only light casting from the window to dimly shine in the bus. the door slid open behind her, it was probably nick forgetting his phone before he left.
“y/n?” she turned to see the silhouette of chris.
she gulped unable to speak. “what you doing up?”
“i could ask you the same thing,” she said while he sunk into the spot next to her.
“can’t sleep..”
“me neither, are you nervous about performing?”
“why would i be?” he barked. there it was again.
“chris, am i supposed to read your fucking mind?” she even shocked herself, she was fed up with his attitude.
“i wish you could, maybe then you’ll understand how stupid you are!”
“seriously what’s wrong with you? why do you act like you hate me?!” she was a little too loud.
“what the hell is going on?” nick came from the sliding door, he hadn’t went to sleep yet and heard her shouting.
“nothing- mind your business!” nick looked like he was ready to tear chris apart.
she felt her face heat up, her eyes began to water. she got up and stormed to the back of the bus letting the tears flow. she couldn’t hold back.
“you better go apologize to her chris! i swear i’ll ruin this whole tour for you! if you have a problem with her than say that, she’s our best friend, even if she’s not to you.” he lectured him knowing how he treated her. everyone knew, they just didn’t see why.
chris sat there silently while nick went off. he didn’t even bite back. nick just stood there with his arms crossed waiting for chris to speak, move, anything.
“your right..” he whispered.
“what was that?”
“i said your right, damn.”
“that’s what i thought. now get to moving, i wanna go to bed, in peace!” nick emphasized. he waited for chris to get up and head to the back, following behind to go back in his bunk.
chris hesitated before sliding open the door to the back area of the bus. he heard sniffles from the other side, it felt like nick punched him in the chest before going to bed. he wasn’t aware he made her cry.
stepping into the small room, he saw her barley lit up from the moonlight and occasional passing car.
she looked up to see him, worried and a bit embarrassed. worried he would yell at her again. she didn’t like that he could make her crumble with such ease.
“y/n..” she hated when he said her name.
he sat next to her on the leather seat that was less spacious than the ones up front.
“don’t cry.. i-i’m sorry, okay?” he shocked himself making his body heat up. she wiped her nose with the soft sleeve of her sweater and turned to him.
“i don’t hate you, i don’t. i’m sorry for treating you wrong, i promise i’ll stop, okay?”
she nodded, feeling a smile creep on her puffy lips.
even in the dark, her smile lit up the room. he wrapped his arm around his shoulder and she embraced him tightly around his torso.
he loved the feeling. it was this easy? he thought. the flame grew with every second they touched, he wished it could last forever. but she pulled away and he craved it all over again.
“cmon, you need to sleep.” she got up indicating she was going to sleep before stopping. “goodnight, i love you.”
that. that almost broke him.
he knew it was platonic, she said it to all of them.
“goodnight.. i love you too.” but he meant it differently. she wouldn’t know that though.
“rise and shine, campers!”
kiwi and trevor were having a barking match trying to get to each other being too scared to jump off the bunk and waking everyone up.
“too early for you to be this energetic” madi groaned to nick while hopping down from her bunk.
“girl it’s 10am! we have a few hours till our first show!” nick exclaimed making his way off the bus. madi followed him.
the crew stopped to get breakfast before heading to the venue of the day.
“matt,” she poked at the sleeping boy in his bunk. “matt! wake up!”
he groaned, “what? where are we?” shuffling in the sheets.
“get up, we’re getting food. and you have to let trevor out!”
“it’s fine, i got it” chris came almost out of nowhere and picked up the small dog with the leash already in his hand.
her and matt both glanced at eachother confused before matt layed back down. she rolled her eyes playfully, her attention going back to chris who struggled with putting on the harness.
“trevor- stay still!”
she giggled and helped him after finishing with kiwi. maybe he was going to change after all.
“it’s time boys!” the triplets were at the venue backstage. they waited for the opening act to finish performing so they could go on.
“5 minutes till show time.” the crew member advised them to get ready to go on stage.
madi and y/n were backstage hyping them up. “you got this, you’ll do great! love you, have fun!” she hugged matt and nick as they left the stage room with madi, leaving her and chris alone.
“are you ready?”
he nodded and fixed his hair under his cap. “how do i look?”
“ugh, you never change, do you? you look fine!” she joked, smacking him on his chest. “okay, now go! they’re waiting for you!”
“alright, i’m definitely not stalling..”
“chris, you’ll do great! i love you so much, i’m so proud of you!” she was referring to all of them, but he took it personal. she embraced him in a hug- he was stunned. why couldn’t he move? something took over him, he just stared at her.
“i love you.” he whispered.
“good luck, chris.” she turned to grab kiwi from the floor, did she hear him?
“i love you, y/n.” he said it louder this time.
“i heard you, hun..”
he grasped her hand lightly before she could bend down to pick up her dog, making her face him. looking him in the eye.
“no, i don’t think you did- i love you.”
her expression was lost. “..what?
he couldn’t stop saying it. “i love you, y/n,” but he finally said the right one.
“i’m in love with you.”
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can y’all tell i love animals yet or no
idk but tell him part three should be out soon stay tunedddd xoxo
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The Cannibal thoughts...
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~ The Cannibal has survived and adapted to hunt other dragons, therefore he'd have an advantage when it comes to fighting/battling his own kind. As a young dragon he definitely only picked on eggs and hatchlings like a scavenger, perhaps out of desperation/convenience. The bigger and older he grew, the more ambitious he got with his prey. He'd start to hunt bigger and bigger dragons, hence why he's covered in so many scars from many hunts- some successful, others not. He'd grow smarter and adapt the way he hunts. he stalks and goes for weak areas. He definitely goes for the throat and jaw (either he tears a lower or upper jaw off so his opponent cannot bite or tear, and the throat, to damage their ability to efficiently breathe fire. He'd also try to mangle the others wings with his claws so they cannot fly well, so basically he pulls a lot of dirty, but effective moves to win.
~ His appetite towards his own kind, and the experience/adapting he's gone through to actually kill other dragons makes him ferocious- not particularly his size. Considering Caraxes was able to take down Vhagar, and cannibal is just a tad bit smaller than her, his size doesn't always grant him advantages. He's not particularly swift or quick like Moondancer, but much like Vhagar, he's steady and heavy on his wings- but he is clever and strategic. He'd probably do things like fly/hunt at night so his black scaled body can blend in with the night sky above (he'd hunt by flying above his prey, where's he's almost invisible to their eye, and strike down). He's adapted and survived by becoming a hunter, not a loud prowling monster (most of the time).
~ Also you know how cannibalism has an abnormal effect on the brain and behaviour? That definitely adds to his uncanniness. His stare is too... Human looking. There's this something that disconnects him from the other dragons. He stalks around with his head still like a panther, and he grins. His jaw is heavily scarred, and he's missing flesh and scales around parts of his mouth- exposing his teeth and gums. It kinda gives an illusion that he's open mouth grinning, like he has a Cheshire grin. (I love the idea of an uncanny, Lovecraftian horror dragon that is just unsettling to look at). His intimidation itself puts him high on the hierarchy amongst the dragons.
~ He's sadistic and likes playing with weaker prey. Like the indoraptor for example- that scene where he was pretending to be asleep, and started swiping his tail in the air to let the man know he was very aware and awake. He didn't spring to attack- he let it draw out slowly. Grinning and playing, acting slow and unpredictable- like he was torturing him by pressing his muzzle straight the man's face, just to let him feel his teeth pressed against him, before striking and chomping him into pieces.
~ He's very independent and likes his freedom. The only way he'd tolerate a rider, is if they wouldn't try to keep them confined to them. Whether it be a pit or a cage, he hates it. He wants to do his own thing.
(That's one of the main reasons bastard!reader and Cannibal bond together- over their mutual focus and longing on freedom). He may disappear for days- weeks, even. Just to travel and hunt and stretch his wings- he doesn't like staying cooped up on the beach forever. He's like a cat who enjoys roaming outside and hates being trapped indoors- but definitely comes back for biscuits and snuggles in his warm bed. (Aka, the beach).
~ He's very endurable and strategic and strong. He isn't very quick, however, so that's a weakness that can be exploited by a smaller opponent. He's dangerous- but not untouchable/overpowered. He can most likely fare well in combat with another dragon, even vermithor and Vhagar if he is feeling ambitious or driven enough to.
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ollie-lolly · 1 year
Mind if I send another baby request (because I love the idea of these men with precious beans)? How would the Brothers/Dateables be if they had babies of their own? I just wanna know what kinda fathers all of them would be!💗💖
Thank you for the request! <3
Them as dads
warnings: none!
reblogs are appreciated!
-Will do that thing where he'll place the little ones feet on his, and hold their hands to help the baby learn to walk. TvT
-We now know that Lucifer is at least 10 million years old soooo.
-"He is more than daddy to me, he is like, he's like grandpa."
-Lets just say after being a mom dad to six he is desperately waiting for the baby stage to be over.
-He does not want to handle the little one too roughly, like with his more resilient brothers. So please help him out.
-I can see him in front of a white board trying to explain the stock market and the baby is just there like :)
-He is super proud of his little one. 
-He just holds his baby above his head sometimes like >:D
-I can see him buying a smaller version of his sunglasses and putting it on the baby.
-He uses the baby stroller as a place to store stolen things.
-Will take tons of pictures of the baby of any little cosplays he can find.
-Would use his tail like a baby carrier.
-I can see him holding the baby so they can see his figurines and he would go on and on who they are, from what show etc.
-Will watch childrens anime with the baby.
-Is scared for his life during the whole experience. So please try to keep calm, because he sure won't.
-Loves tucking it in bed.
-Please help him when his patience wears thin.
-Will bounce the baby on his lap while he is reading.
-Probably named the baby after a character in a book he liked.
-Will attempt to teach the baby complex topics, the baby has no idea what he is talking about but keeps listening anyway.
-Will want to be around it 24/7.
-Will have tons of nicknames for the little one.
-Wants to dress it in so many outfits. ♡
-Customized and patterned diapers.
-Wine dad with Lucifer.
-Will often talk about his new dad life on social media.
-Will have the little one on his shoulder at all times.
-Please be with him when he feeds the baby, because what is stopping him from eating the baby food.
-Looks really intimidating when he picks the little one up from daycare.
-Will gently use it as a weight when exercising.
-Will want to sleep with it for hours.
-It is so bad to the point that he has trouble falling asleep without his precious baby.
-He loves how warm the baby is.
-He has the little bassinet hanging above your shared bed, so he can check on the baby anytime.
-Beel essentially takes care of it with him.
-Will have a baby carrier on 24/7
-He will be walking in the halls of RAD and the baby is just:  :D 
-Will gain a lot of popularity with students because of the happy baby.
-The baby will most likely inherit Diavolo's adorable smile.
-Would spoil it with the most expensive gifts much to Barbatos' dismay.
-Will take time off to love and appreciate the little one.
-Handles the worst parts of babyhood great.
-Would love to teach you the techniques regarding childcare.
-Diavolo would beg Barbatos often to bring his butler's baby to work.
-Somehow always knows why the baby is crying.
-Will insist on you resting while he takes care of the baby.
-Looks so angelic when he holds the baby.
-Simeon is always smiling when he gets to be with his baby.
-Luke loves to take care of the baby with him.
-Will dress it in a wizard costume and post "My new apprentice"
-Please don't let him feed it.
-He does not realize how dangerous his house is.
-Next thing you know, the baby has his hands on a wand and almost destroys Solomon's house.
-Lets just say there needed to be A LOT of baby proofing.
-In the meantime, Solomon had to use a spell to make the baby float.
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heartfullofleeches · 8 months
*slowly opens your closet door and hands you the rest of the chips I was eating in there*
What if. Reader kissed King's scars or traced over them n asked if shed tell them how she got em? I think scars are neat and I dunno about you but personally I'd love to know how she got em. Hope your day is well!
Not a scratch on her.
You distinctly remember the claws of your attacker digging into the exposed meat of the knight's bicep her armor failed to shield yet here there is no mark to prove it. The two of you sat in King's dressing room following the incident, and all the time it took you begging to pull her off them. You thought you'd be fine on your own for a little while without her - clearly word hasn't gotten around the casino that you belong to her just yet. After she checked you over and made sure you weren't hurt it was only fair of you to do the same, but once you scrubbed all that blood off her there really wasn't much else for you to take care of.
King lifts her head from the pile of pillows you both lay on, dismayed by absence of your hands on her. "Everything okay over there? Seems like you got something on your mind."
"Just thinking.... You've got so many scars, but that other demon didn't even put a scratch on you ... Kinda curious why.."
"Oh, that? That was nothing.-" King sits up, pounding a fist against her chest as she rises. "Takes a lot more than a coward like that to put a dent on this body. Hell, my skin's thicker than the steel I throw on. The stories behind every single one of 'em could the tale of centuries."
"Really?.... Then do you think you could tell me how you got your scars? I actually think they're pretty neat, but I didn't know the right time to ask you about them."
The mountain of pillows crumbles under the heavy swish of King's tail. "Yea....course... we'd be here all week if I told you how I got them all, but I can start off with some of my favorites for now."
King removes her chestplate - gesturing for you to climb in her lap as she regroups the pillows beneath her. She leans back down as she takes your smaller hands in hers, placing them on her abdomen. It was almost impossible to tell where her skin began and the old wounds ended. She guides your fingers to a crescent shaped hole just below her left pec - right over her ribs.
"Feel that? Got that one during the first tournament I feared I might lose. Underestimated the little bastard due to their size - barely came up to my knee in this form, the fucker. Unfortunately for them, they got a little too confident and all it took for me to wipe the floor with that small fry was catching them once.
"Amazing...." Your trace your fingers over the scar, dipping your head until in range to place a soft kiss on her hardened skin. King flinches - tail threatening to foundation of the pillows again as it shoots up with her.
"Wha- Huh?!- The fuck was that?"
"Sorry... Was that not okay? I guess I should've asked before I did that."
King's used to people asking about her scars. She may have been asked to be been kissed once or twice, but that was often by drunken fans - not the little treasure she picked out for herself. You are aware she could snap you in half at any second? You most definitely did, and that she'd never put you in serious danger. Still, you being so careless around a beast like her has got feeling a rush that's incomparable to the surge she feels in battle.
"Nah...." King shifts her tail benath her legs to hide the excitement it gave away. "A warning might've been nice - but your boldness makes it kinda hot. I knew I picked the perfect person to call mine.... Let's move on."
King nudges your fingers further north over her heart to anotger oddly shaped scar over her heart. With three points it almost look like a crudely embroidered crown. "This one. Welcoming gift from the boss themselves. Should'a known not to underestimate that other demon after dealing with them, but they're such an airhead it's easy to forget they can take care of themselves just fine."
Again - you kiss the blemish, the dragon's heart hammering loudly in her chest you can feel its rumble from your lips. There's other's she'd like to show you, but it you're so willing to kiss all her marks....
"Hey, got another one I think you might like."
King lifts her helmet over her jaw - shadows pealing away to unveil the wide, branching scar starting from her lower lip to benath her chin. She grins to show off the extent of the injury, the skin of her lips splitting to reveal more of her gums the further her smile creeps up the side of her face.
"This one? First and only time an angel tried to mess with our staff. Something about some demon winning the soul of someone they were watching over in a gang of cards. Made a huge fuss, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. Scar I'm most proudest of."
You ghost your fingers along her jaw, smiling as she slides her large hand down your back. "Uh-huh.... Something tells me there's another reason you wanted to show me this one in particular..."
"Don't get too full of yourself... Heh, who am I kidding." Tossing her mask aside, King pulls you for a kiss - a loud, yet oddly polite banging on the door interrupting the happy moment.
"Ms.King? We are all very glad you have found someone you are willing to protect at any cause, but some guests have raised concerns about your displays of victory. Please stop stringing your prey up over the pool. This is the third time we've had to close it this month."
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implalazz · 6 months
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Waaaaaaaaa I’m back with more yokai fusions & also a comically small Buchikoma
L-R: Blazitina, RoboGrapenyan, Damonono, Buchikoma, Komajisan, Pandatina
Again more design thoughts under tha cut ✌️
My fingers always feel sore after typing this much….. Lots of learning about the details of traditional clothes this time. I chose these pairings cuz I felt lazy & wanted to draw the simpler ones first lol
Blazitina: Lion girl 👍 First thing I can think of in my thought process was making the belt an obi sash. Tattered at the ends to batch Blazion’s & with an obijime for fun. I didn’t super feel like giving her the same kind of Miku-esque kimono sleeves that I gave Lord Lie-In so I just made them weird kinda arm warmers. Did the same for her pants too, I’m not sure what they’re called but they’re inspired by the leg warmer kinda things in PLA on the fancy kimono. Also gave her a juban cuz idk I made her gi dip too far under her arms & yknow she’s a little lady she’s gotta stay covered up. I know all of this traditional kimono gear isn’t conductive to good karate but whatever…… She doesn’t get boots cuz I like drawing paws & her ahoge mimic Blazion’s scar (I didn’t have enough room to fit it in). I was thinking of giving her an x shaped hair clip but I thought it’d be too busy on her head. Overall despite some things I’d change (the way I shaped the obi I know realize the shape is TOO stylistic) I think this is my favourite design of the bunch
RoboGrapenyan: Very much inspired by the pkmn Violet paradox mons* (*See the bells & eyes.) Not much to say it’s a pretty straightforward fusion. The tail onibi are lightbulbs because it feels more robotic & I thought it’d be cool. The jet exhaust is grape soda……. That was a choice. LOOK I’LL EXPLAIN, uh….. grape….. grape exhaust? Grape vapor? Grape soda????? Sure. Also I think in the back of my mind I was thinking of that soda gun from that one episode of SpongeBob. Naughty Nautical Neighbors. I had to google it I had to know what episode it was….. yeah.
Damonono: YAAAAYYYYY FIRST TIME DRAWING HAKAMA THEY’RE WEIRD BUT I’LL GET BETTER AT IT!! They’re supposed to be split leg hakama but in every reference I looked up they’re so wide that they just look like the skirt kind rather than having two leg holes. I gave them hakama cuz bootleg jeans would be weird with a kimono. And I like hakama. That’s it. The sleeves….. Let’s talk about those. I didn’t wanna give them the heart guns/cannons cuz idk…. I liked the way Damona’s hands were posed & I wanted to keep that. So instead they have weird fucked up heart shaped kimono sleeves. I wanted to keep Damona’s long obi too but I thought it might mess with the silhouette already having the sleeves & also that’s just not a thing you do with hakama. So….. her sleeves are kind of like the end of her obi…….. I’m only now realizing she could’ve had them tied up normally & they could still hang that low….. whatever. In my mind they go under the obi, get tied up so they can put on the hakama, & then untie them & let them hang over the hakama. Look I don’t think of fashion in terms of is this normal? Is this practical? If it looks good I do it. Not much else to say. I had to look up a tutorial on how to put on hakama cuz I wanted them to be as accurate as possible……. And now I know how to put them on so that’s cool I guess. I LOVE LEARNING!!!!!!!!
Buchikoma: Again pretty simple. I gave him a little tuft of hair to emulate Buchinyan’s wispy hair tuft. I forgot to draw the spot of the side of the right thigh, lol. His eye spot is shaped like an onibi cuz it’s cute 👍. His haramaki has the patterning of Jibakoma’s tummy spot cuz I can’t not give him the haramaki that’d be a crime. His ears are farther apart & smaller like Jibakoma’s, & his tail onibi are shaped like that cuz idk I tried to imagine what Jibakoma’s tail looked like & I thought of that. Overall another one of my favourite yokai fusions I’ve done. That’s my son
Komajisan: SPLIT EARS!!!!! Inspired by a fandom design of a certain character from a certain comic I won’t name….. IYKYK. Split ears cuz 2. Also extra swirly bits on the swirls cuz 2. I was thinking of adding blue spots to his bindle but I didn’t like how it looked so I didn’t do it. Fun paw spots cuz it’s cute. Forehead onibi are kinda angry lookin cuz idk….. I just felt it. Also mini onibi in between the forehead ones cuz 2. Some makeup accenting cuz……. IT’S CUTE!!!!!!!! I was also thinking of making the onibi half brown & half blue but it looked bad so yeah, I didn’t do it.
Pandatina: Probably my favourite in terms of lineart. I actually got noticeably better at drawing kimono particularly the sleeves. I’m proud :]. I honestly didn’t feel like giving her a haori/cape/whatever so I didn’t (also I just forgot to lol.) So she has a good sewn into the collar of her kimono. Clover shaped obijime like Slimatina cuz it looks cool & I like it, also I needed more clover shapes lol. She’s got one in her hair because of that too, I was thinking of making it blue but I thought nahh. She’s intentionally very pale cuz I wanted her skin tone to really match the snake part of her body. And she has eyeshadow on to emulate the spots around Pandanoko’s eyes, same with her pupils. Again just a simple fusion
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wjehfshs · 8 months
Na’vi boys + Spider and them in a relationship w u ^^
Includes: Neteyam, Lo’ak, Spider, Rotxo, and Ao’nung
Authors note: I kinda already did this briefly when talking about what they want in a partner but I wanted to go into more depth about it. Also Spider is now involved. It’s also really hard to write for Rotxo, sorryyyy
SOME suggestive comments here and there but no smut! Or anything graphic or detailed!
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Me might be nicknamed the Mighty Warrior, but for you, he’s weak in the knees
Kiri and Lo’ak always make fun of him for how he always becomes cuddly with you the instant he’s just a little bit tired
Just like his mama, whenever you two are alone, he’ll rub his face up against you, any place he can reach
Yes even if you’re not officially mated/too young to mate, he’ll do it
He gets compliments from other people in his clan a lot but they don’t do anything for him. But when YOU compliment him, he’s silently giggling and kicking his feet. You swear his head just got 2x bigger
His nicknames for you consist of “love” “my love” “sweetheart” and “beautiful one”
If you’re bigger than him he’ll also throw in some “my warrior” or even a “palm tree” (as if he isn’t 8’2 😭😭)
If you’re smaller than him (especially if you’re human) he’ll call you “my little one” or “my star”
He’ll always get you to pass something to him just so he can touch your hand while you pass it over
He literally acts as if you two aren’t in a relationship and have seen each other fully naked
He’s such a dork at heart
His favourite places to kiss you are your forehead and right next to your lips
Not that he doesn’t enjoy a kiss on the lips, but he knows it frustrates you so he’ll kiss you right next to your lips and then when you look at him like he just told you he was gonna break up with you, he chuckles and kisses you properly on the lips
I can guarantee that you will not be cold when sleeping with him
He’s like a radiator
But if it’s hotter outside, you’re trying to push him off as you have sweat dripping down your face as he has his head on your chest and his arms tightly, and I mean TIGHTLY around your waist
He likes to bathe with you
Not in a creepy or horny way
…okay maybe in a just very slightly horny way
But he likes to be able to hold you close, it feels intimate to him, and calming
Dude you will have his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he starts drooling if you run your hands through his braids
He’ll be purring n shit too
Do that and either his loincloth/tweng is thrown off somewhere else or he’s kissing you all over. Depends on the mood
He likes to have his arm wrapped around yours as you go for walks around the forest and find ponds/lakes to sit near
Or maybe instead the beach if you’re at the Metkayina clan
Although he always ends up getting in the water for some reason
It’s like he can’t help himself
And then he’ll try and drag you in with him, cuddling you as you try to slap him on the chest for getting you wet
Then he’ll press a kiss to your head and mumble to you “I’m sorry my love, I couldn’t help myself. You always just look so pretty and all I want to do is smother you”
He doesn’t really check you out per-se, but admires you
Tail wagging and everything
The dorkiest and silliest smile on his face as you do whatever you are doing
Then you catch him and he looks away, trying to act non-suspicious (he’s so suspicious)
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Now Lo’ak doesn’t even care
He just checks you out
I mean he cares if he’s caught, acting all cool and calm
He acts as if he wasn’t just drooling from the sight of you
When he’s sleeping he’s either twitching likes he’s having a seizure or he’s dead asleep
And when he’s dead asleep it’s like he decides to just weigh 2 tons
And you can tell it’s a good sleep too
He’s drooling, face smooshed up against something (usually you) and he’s sweating
If you’re laying on top of him he’ll roll over just to crush you in his sleep
And if you’re human, say good bye to any form of blood flow because you’re not getting him off you
He will not wake up for anything, you could scream in his ear and he won’t even move
But if you manage to actually get out of his iron grasp, he immediately wakes up and drags you back. He acts as if you’re his life line and if you stop touching each other he’ll drop dead
His favourite past time with you is to chase you around the forest/beach
It seems weird to other people but for you two, it’s actually a lot of fun
He’ll go a little slower if you can’t run as fast
Once he finally decides it’s enough he’ll catch up to you and pick you up off the ground, spin you around and kiss all up and down the back of your neck
He likes to kiss you on the back of your neck and on the lips
He also likes to have you on his lap a lot, makes him feel closer to you
He’ll rub his face against your head and he can’t help but smell you
He likes to smell you
That sounds weird but your scent comforts him
His love language is biting
Just nipping at you
He’s seriously like a giant chihuahua
He calls you names like “beautiful” “my one and only” and “baby”
He could listen to you talk for hours
Not even about anything specific, you could just be yapping about anything that comes to mind and he’ll listen with hearts in his eyes and a goofy smile on his face
Sometimes he’ll intentionally bring up things you like/things you could talk about for a long time just so he can listen to you talk
He’s guilty of falling asleep on top of you while you rant about whatever
He just can’t help it, your voice is one of his favourite things about you
He gets jealous easily though
He trusts you, but he’s insecure within himself
So anytime he thinks someone’s getting a little too touchy or flirty with you, he steps in and makes it a point to hug and kiss you
And he will try to always have you either on his lap or at least next to him so he can hug you
He’s not obsessed with PDA and he doesn’t mind if you dislike it, but he also isn’t opposed to the idea of it
He actually finds it comforting to know that others know you two are together
If you have any work to do, wether it be chores for the clan or work in the lab (obvi depends if ur Na’vi, human or Avatar) he’ll follow you around and bother you
Kissing all up your neck and spine while you work, whinging about how your attention isn’t on him
He goes through phases. First it’s trying to distract you, then it’s feeling rejected and sulking, then pretending he actually doesn’t care abt what you’re doing, then it’s getting all way up in your face about what you’re doing, and then it’s just acceptance. But usually by acceptance you’re done with whatever you had to do (this part is all light hearted if someone acted like this genuinely it would be a little weird and concerning)
When you are finished though, he’s now lying on top of you, crushing you with his weight as he rubs his face all over you
He can’t help but always touch you in some capacity
Tail wrapped around you
Hand in yours
Arm around your waist/shoulders
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Okay so first and foremost, he will try and act all tough and stronger than he to impress you
ESPECIALLY if you’re Na’vi
He once claimed he could pick you up so you sat yourself down and he got maybe your feet off the floor (you totally didn’t do it yourself to make him feel better) before he had to give up
“Look I totally could! Todays just not a good day”
If you’re human and shorter/around the same height than him, he definitely could, but he always does it wrong and hurts himself
It’s not that you’re too heavy for him, he’s just not cautious and picks you up wrong, hurting his back in the process
He likes to sleep on top of you, sprawled out like a starfish and on his stomach
He sleeps pretty long so if you’re Na’vi you can probably just easily pick him up and put him to the side
But if you’re human, then you probably can’t, so you’re just going to have to wait there until he wakes up
And trying to wake him up before he’s ready either just won’t work or will end in him becoming grumpy
Once’s he’s grumpy he demands you give him a kiss to make it up to him (he’s like a big ass baby)
Oh and his kisses (especially his morning kisses) are sloppy and have no thought behind them
He means them but he just goes for it, he doesn’t care where the kiss lands, just as long as it’s somewhere on your body
He’s so nervous like all the time
Just wants to impress you
Lo’ak once told him, in order to impress you, he should do a front flip off a low down enough tree when you were looking
He managed the flip, but when he landed, he accidentally twisted his ankle
You saw it happen and tried to get him to go to med bay but he swore he was fine
It was only until one of the scientists saw him limping into the lab later that day when he finally caved and went to med bay
Now back on the carrying thing
If he can carry you, he’ll insist on holding you bridal style while he trudges through a small stream over to the other side
Even if you’re perfectly capable, he still insists on it, makes him feel strong and protective
He likes to sit next to you, hold your face and bump noses with you, giggling and smiling as you whisper to each other and look in each others eyes
Not only does he enjoy doing it, but he also knows it makes Lo’ak gag every time he has to see it and he likes to tease his best friend
He’ll bring you things he found around the forest
You have an assortment of random rocks and now dried plants/flowers he found pretty
If you’re Na’vi, he’ll play with the tips of your fangs (yknow? Like feeling them) when you’re cuddling
He also will sometimes grab your tail and wrap it around him while you two are cuddling
If you try and scent him (bc I’m pretty sure the Na’vi scent their mates/partners) he’ll be so proud for the rest of the day
Walking around like he’s hot shit
“Yeah [name] scented me, they’re totally obsessed with me”
Like he’s not constantly talking and thinking about you
His nicknames for you are “sweetie” “mine” and “softie”
He likes to call you softie because it doesn’t matter your body type, to him, you’re just a big softie
If you’re Na’vi he’ll add in “blueberry” as a nickname because one of the scientists showed him what they where and he decided that was a great nickname for you
He likes to kiss you on the tip of your nose and your shoulder
He’s picked up the chasing habit from Lo’ak
He loves when he can chase you around the forest
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He’ll often hold your face in his hands, squishing your face and pinching your cheeks like he’s some grandma
He’ll sleep curled up next to you, his head on your shoulder
His hair gets in your face but you don’t mind since it’s very soft and clean (he takes very good care of it)
Or he’ll spoon you. He would like to be the small spoon sometimes but his front gets cold so he prefers to be the big spoon so your back can warm him up
His nicknames for you are “my light” “my sunshine” and “love”
He puts a lot of emphasis on how you’re his guiding light almost, that you make his days better
His favourite places to kiss you are on the lips and on the stomach
He also likes to have you on his lap as much as he can
His head on your shoulder as he presses his cheek up against yours, his arms around your waist, pressing occasional kisses to your cheek
More on the kissing you on your stomach thing, when he hasn’t seen you for awhile or he’s had a long day, when he sees you again he’ll run up to you, pick you up so his face is pressed against your stomach as he kisses all over it
He can’t help but blow some raspberries on it too, it makes you laugh and your laugh is like a drug to him
He spends a lot of time weaving and making things for you
His tail can’t stop wagging when he sees you wearing whatever he made for you
Being a soft lover obviously has its perks, but he can also become insecure when you have any friends/anyone talks to you who is taller, stronger, and more confident
He’s the sad kind of jealous
When he gets jealous he becomes sad and avoids you
He automatically assumes the worst case scenario so be prepared to have to comfort him and reassure him that you love him and him only
He’s not really with it a lot of the time (day dreamer fr) so sometimes you have to hold his hand and guide him places
And it’s really awkward if you’re human, you’re so tiny compared to him yet you’re leading him around and he’s just stumbling over his own two feet
He likes to dance with you at celebrations and ceremonies
It doesn’t matter if you know the dances, he’ll teach you. Or you’ll both just do your own thing together, giggling and laughing
If you’re human and at a celebration, he’ll always try to guide you away from the crowd so you don’t get fucking stomped to death
I like to think that he secretly wants to be a healer/helper of the Tsahík, but his parents want him to become a strong warrior like all of his friends are doing
But he’s secretly picked up on tips and tricks (thanks to Ronal feeling bad for a 7yr old Rotxo bawling his eyes out because he wanted to help ppl but he couldn’t)
So if you ever get hurt, he’s rushing to your aid and helping you
Not only is he skilled in healing, but he’s also great at emotional comfort
He knows just what to say and when to say it
Not only that, but he’s just like a big old teddy bear
Cuddly and soft
He dotes over you a lot
His favourite activity with you is weaving and visiting the spirit tree
Even if you can’t connect to it because you’re human, he’s fine with just sitting on his Ilu with you or going to a nearby beach close enough to still watch the animals swim around the spirit tree
To him, it’s romantic. And if even you can connect to the spirit tree, you don’t always. Sometimes you two just go there to sit and talk, have some alone time from the clan
It’s actually where you two had your first kiss
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Ok so we all know it’d definitely be an enemies to lovers kinda thing
Or at least a redeemed bully who secretly likes you
I wanna go into some depth about Ao’nung with human reader so prepare for that
At first he’d HATE you
Not only out of, yknow, reasonable hate for humans, but also partly out of fear
But he’d rather die than admit that he was a little scared of you
It started off with avoiding you, always on guard around you, his hand automatically placed on his knife that was hanging off his hip, just in case
But then when he realised how… harmless, you really were, he calmed down
The fear and anxiety turned into bullying and teasing for your “weird appearance”
He secretly found you cute, but he wouldn’t even admit that to himself
So he started targeting you, purposefully sitting next to you at communal dinners just so he could make witty remarks about how slow you eat due to have to lift up your mask each time and having to breathe between each bite
Then it switched to the obvious “why do you have four fingers?”
Then to nicknaming you “little demon”
And it just kept going
It finally stopped when one day you smiled at him
That’s all it took
He found your smile so captivating and radiant that he finally had to admit he liked you and he could no longer find it in himself to be hostile or teasing anymore
So he actually tried to form a friendship
During the actual relationship, he will regularly pick you up and inspect you
Comment on how soft and squishy you are
Comment on how small compared to him you are
Comment on your weird yet adorable appearance
Ok so here, it doesn’t matter if you’re human, Na’vi or avatar
He will leave love bites
All over you
And if you wear Na’vi clothes/clothes that don’t cover as much, it’ll piss you right off
Because you’ll be trying to do a daily task and people will be staring and giggling because there’s a giant fucking bite mark right on your neck just the right size and shape of Ao’nungs teeth
And the way he apologises? Leaving a “soft kiss” on the love bite that eventually turns into a hickey
He can’t help himself, it’s like he goes feral and loses all sense of shame and control as soon as his lips touch you
He’s also a scenter
He’s very protective so he makes sure you smell of him every god damn morning
He has 3 ways and 3 ways only of sleeping
Curled up next to you in the fetal position with his tail wrapping around you
On top of you
You on top of him
His favourite places to kiss you are the neck, on top of your head, and literally just anywhere that gets you flustered
He likes to tease you
He makes a game out of it too
“How many times can I fluster them today?”
Whispering suggestive shit in your ear and giggling when you try to get him to shut up
Or hugging you from behind and tracing circles over your hip/waist/stomach
And his favourite, kissing you and slipping a little tongue in there right before he pulls away
He’s such a little menace
His nicknames for you are “my star” or “my little star” if you’re shorter than him, “love” and “sweetheart” but anytime he calls you sweetheart it’s in a whiny way that he draws out to get your attention, like anytime you’re busy doing something, he’ll call you sweetheart in a long drawn out way with a fake whiny voice to get your attention
And if you’re human, he never really let go of the “little demon” nick name, but he’s switched it now to “my little demon”
In public he’s not not affectionate, but he dials it down a bit, but as soon as you’re in private, he’s all over you
Face in your neck, arms squeezing you so tight you struggle to breathe, and probably lying on top of you
He’s insecure and wants to be just like his father, so any time you compliment his skill in something, he’s secretly blushing and giggling. But he puts on this “yeah, it’s whatever” persona to seem cool
One of his favourite activities with you is to go swimming with you
Especially if you aren’t from the reef, seeing your eyes light up at everything in the ocean makes his heart swell
If you’re human, your mask annoys him. He understands why you need it but he can’t kiss you and it frustrates him
So if a lab is set up at the Metkayina clan, he’s elated to finally have somewhere he can freely kiss you
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crkstuffidk · 4 months
time for some beasts headcanons, share your own thoughts if you want! Also I said corrupted/corruption a lot in this post. And a lot of them are about shadowmilk, bet you can guess who my favorite it.
Shadowmilk was the last one to become corrupted in my opinion, cause you know he was the virtue of Knowledge, and with that well knowledge surely he'd be able to fight off the corruption for at least a bit longer than the others. Also I can see there being more about their corruption then we've been told/shown, I mean lies almost always contain a bit of truth so maybe there's something more in the beasts pasts that caused them to become well beasts
I like to imagine that while they were still sane or not corrupted, or whatever you wanna call it, I like to believe they might've felt the opposite of their Virtues at times, so there may have been times that Eternal Sugar felt angry and maybe got mean, and times when Shadowmilk felt like maybe he wasn't as smart, these essential self doubts for them may also have been a reason of their corruption.
I also like to imagine they had meetings or whatever similar to how the ancients have meetings, I think this is pretty self explanatory, I mean they atleast were friends.
Eternal Sugars devil wings, were originally a smaller set of angel wings, and she didn't have a devil tail either, although I like the idea that maybe she just looked like that originally too.
Burning Spices kingdom/domain is extremely hot, It just makes sense, Shadowmilk, and silent salts I see being cold, and Mystic Flours, and Eternal Sugars are a Inbetween, the silver kingdom probably was also Inbetween maybe a bit colder though.
Eternal Sugar and Shadowmilk are the closest of the beasts before and after corruption.
The beasts before corruption were called 'The divine Saviors' or just 'the saviors' which were titles given by cookies.
Shadowmilk is far sighted, which means if your far away he can't see you all that well, he wore glasses cause of this but kinda just stopped wearing them after corruption because they didn't fit the whole jester vibe, he suffers in silence for an act he's that devoted.
Burning Spice and Shadowmilk got into banters about how hot/cold the others kingdom/domain was it occasionally would end with someone throwing something at them mostly Mystic Flour and a plate would be thrown.
Eternal Sugar used to sing lullabies for orphan cookies to help them sleep, she surprisingly still did in her corruption
Even when they were corrupted they never intentionally hurt young cookies.
There were much more prowlers back in the beasts time, and not just Snowy Peak prowlers but many other kinds, Shadowmilk is/was the only cookie in history that's been able to 'tame' one.
Mystic Flour was always more aloof then the others, but constantly got hugged, mostly by Shadowmilk or Eternal Sugar.
Shadowmilk didn't create Blueberry Yogurt Academy, but he did know Blueberry Yoghurt cookie and he actually wrote some of the very old history books that can be found in the schools library he also helped build it, this was before corruption, but that's a bit obvious I'd assume.
Silent Salt if he ever speaks would have a very rough voice from not speaking in centuries. Shadowmilk would tease him for it probably
The beasts are either the first 'gods' that the Witches made but when they were sealed the Witches created the elementals, or the elementals potentially helped the Witches create the beasts with some of their essences.
Silent Salt would've probably had a similar reaction to Dark Cacao if they were accused of something like what the ancients were, this is also before corruption.
Shadowmilk if he got upset at one of the other would take off his glasses so he didn't have to see them clearly, he'd also just act like a disappointed parent in general.
And that's all for now.
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mstormcloud · 8 months
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More fankids!! Both because they are genuinely fun to make and give lore to but also because I made Mirai and then wanted to make sure she had friends!
Aster is designed by my friend Duetland!! (The last art is by them!!) They aren’t on tumblr but you can find him on Instagram @duetland :)
Lore for each of them under the cut! (LONG POST WARNING!!!!)
Gold and Aster:
Shadow and Sonics kids. They’re twins (with Aster being older). Both were babysat by Tails a lot and ended up picking up a lot of stuff from him as well as their parents. Gold became more responsible and significantly more polite (far more than either of his parents lmao) meanwhile Aster became interested in robotics. Specifically those related to space like rockets or planet rovers.
When the two were born there was immediate concern about their power imbalance. Aster was born with no powers at all, meanwhile Gold’s chaos energy was so high Shadow feared he would burn himself up unless something was done. Due to them being twins, it essentially ended up where instead of two moderately powerful hedgehogs - Gold got enough power for two while Aster has none. This leads Aster to resent Gold, less because she actually wants superpowers but more because Sonic and Shadow are always fussing over Gold (to make sure his powers aren’t harming him) and she feels like her parents don’t care for her. Causing her to push them out even more. She listens to Shadow more than Sonic, but they don’t end up talking through all this properly until Espio gets involved since unlike Sonic and Shadow who had powers all their lives - Espio had to teach himself his abilities and is able to empathize with Aster more.
3. Rhine
Rouge and Knuckles’ child. I’ve thought about her way less WHOOPS but!! Despite not being an echidna he looks up to his father a lot and promises to be the best guardian of the master emerald he can possibly be. Has a habit of just picking up shiny things like a magpie and will turn them into jewelry. Is blunt and gullible like her father but likes thinking things through before she moves. Uses the shovel claws more as weapons than actual shovels - he’s a bit of a neat freak.
Mirai and Gummy:
Mirais story is on my previous post! Not much has been added since then other than that I’ve decided she’s a bit of a troublemaker and very energetic, sarcastic, silly and kinda stupid. As for Gummy he’s about 7 years younger than Mirai, and I haven’t quite figured out what he’d be interested in yet haha
Eli and Anchor:
These two are half siblings! Eli’s parents are Amy and Metal. While investigating the ruins of a disaster, Amy and Metal find a child who who had been incredibly injured. They happen to be closer to Eggmans new hideout (where he has retired and is just kinda pouting by himself forever) than anywhere else - the two break in and force Eggman to help them save the child. Since the current Metal is Amy’s size, there were several smaller models for when he was “younger” - Eggman uses one of these scrapped smaller Metals to give the child cybernetic parts and saves their life. Amy and Metal then take the child back to their house and raise it as their own, with Eggman forcing them to bring Eli over frequently so he can see his grandchild.
Anchor is the child of Blaze and Amy! I’m just letting Amy be poly I think she has a lot of love in her heart and now she has two wifes. Anchor lives the Sol kingdom, and takes after her aunt Marine quite a bit with her love for adventure and especially sailing! When she was young, much like Blaze, she was brought before the Sol emeralds and blessed with a power. I feel like she’d be able to control / harness winds rather than fire though - to help with her sailing.
If you read all of this - thanks!! You didn’t have to but it was very nice of you!
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i dont send asks often and am kinda nervous but i discovered this blog after starting a fantasy worldbuilding thing ive been doing and i want to ask, should i be considering like, physics and the square cube law? it feels silly but i want my designs to feel plausible and biologically accurate, with my own twists on fantastical creatures.
dragons, specifically, are usually very large creatures, they also often fly. these are traits i want to keep, and have it still feel fantastical, but here are obvious issues here. there is magic, and it is connected to the world, and i could do something like changing gravity or atmosphere, but just saying it's magic feels like lazy cop-out, and changing the laws of physics is too drastic not to be explored, which feels to extreme for one creature. am i overthinking things? can i just handwave this sort of thing? i often don't see fantasy settings explore that sort of thing so idk im kinda lost here
You can hand wave a great deal of things and still also make fantasy creatures that feel plausible. My centaurs have the unusual biology of being born with extra limbs and ribs because they're all chimeric twins. I'm pretty sure it's genetically implausible for an entire species to be born with such remarkably consistent fused anatomy like that. But it's just enough of an explanation to make it feel a little more believable.
For dragons, I like to remind myself that humans have created airplanes at least as big as the average dragon and they work just fine. So maybe you can research how planes work. There are engines, certainly, but planes stay in the air despite being giant heavy metal tubes because of the way their shape interacts with air currents, essentially. So instead of flqpping a lot like a smaller animal, maybe your dragons are more like long distance soaring animals. Albatrosses come to mind. Getting off the ground is another problem, which can be solved by having the dragons soar from high places like cliffs and mountains.
You can also look to prehistory! The quetzalcoatlus was a pterosaur roughly as big as a giraffe and as far as science has determined, it could fly and even launch itself into the air from flat ground.
Here are a few more tips for making large dragons believable:
- bird bones. Contrary to popular belief, they're not completely hollow and they're not actually much lighter than mammal bones. But the open spaces and the mesh-like structure inside them give them a different sort of density and strength that helps them fly, as well as providing more space for internal air sacs that actually help them breathe more efficiently. (I'm on my phone right now, I'll add a source for that later) and we have evidence that this sort of air sac also existed in large dinosaurs like the diplodocus. Dragons probably would need similar structures in their bones.
- hot air balloons. Hot air rises and dragons breathe fire. Make use of those extensive air sacs and fill them with hot air! How dragons manage to have so much heat inside as reptiles is something you can hand wave with magic or find various science-type explanations for doeending on your mood. I like the idea in dungeon meshi where the dragon has a second stomach-like sac for the indigestible parts of its prey and uses that for fire fuel! It's very clever. Dragons may not be as thin and soft as a balloon, but having a body full of air sacs that carry hot air is a reasonable explanation for how dragons fly despite their size.
- wing shape and body shape! Long distance fliers that soar more than they flap usually have very long, narrow wings. And most flying animals also have shorter, rounded bodies. The dragon wing membrane should cover their whole side, from the shoulder to the hip, with a really big wingspan. Their tails probably shouldn't be all long and whippy and full of dense muscle, but maybe they can be flat and broad to catch air or maybe the wing membrane extends to the tail. Maybe you have tailless dragons! Just don't let the tails add too much weight or they'll make flying a lot harder.
- propulsion. One magic explanation I think would be interesting is if dragons used magic like airplane engines. Trying to work out magical gravity fields and atmospheric magic is cool and fun. But it seems like it would be easier for dragons to just have magic jet engines if you want to use magic to explain their flight. And it's fun!
I hope those are all helpful ideas! Dragons are cool and I love to see people messing around to make them more believable. There is nothing wrong with using a little magic fudge in fantasy worldbuilding either! It wouldn't be very fantasy if it always had to follow a hard science system. You can leave that to the scifi genre haha. But if you're going to dive into realism in fantasy, it is more fun to see people really dive deep and get weird with it and explore all sorts of interesting extra details, rather than just dipping a toe in and hand waving the rest. Maybe it's just the neurodivergence in me, but I always have more fun with fantasy stories if it feels like the creator had a real passion for the weird details and didn't just follow a standard fantasy template.
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crispysoupwonderland · 7 months
~It Will All Be Ok~
William Afton/Dave Miller x Nb/AFAB reader
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Notes: kinda proofread, smut coming soon ;), stupid idk I don't really know what I'm doing (art by me ^w^ I used a base too but whateva)
Tw: none (for this chapter)
Check us out on AO3
or part 2
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Summer was finally here, you took a sigh of relief as you stepped off your train. You’re finally home. College was nice, you made a lot of friends and you loved what you were studying but you missed home. As you open your door, your mom greets you with a big open and warm hug.
“I missed you soooo much!” 
After smothering you, your mom helps you carry your bags into your bedroom. You stand there for a while taking it all in, you really did miss your room. You flop onto your bed and sniff in the scent of your sheets. A smile comes to your face. Your bedroom was in the front of the house, you got the view of all your neighbors and the street, the sun always shining in on it so you rarely closed your blinds. It wasn’t that much bigger than your dorm, your house had always been on the smaller side, but you didn’t care, it was home.
You hear some ruffling around in the hallway and your dog, Kally, comes to greet you.
“ Hi my good boy!” you give him a nice pat behind the ears, he looks up at you, tongue loped over to one side, panting, tail wagging.
“He missed you a lot too,” your mom says taking the last of your things into your room. 
“Well honey, you just get settled in now and I will call you down when I’m finished with dinner” Your mom gives you a warm smile and kiss on the head and gently closes to door behind her, Kally following after her. 
It doesn’t take long for you to finish unpacking your bags. You decide that you’ll help Mom with dinner so you head toward the kitchen. As you walk around your house you notice things missing. There is less decore, it seems more bare and dirty looking. Your mom’s favorite painting was missing.
“Mom, what happened to your painting? You loved that thing I thought it was your favorite?” 
“Oh ya, I’m surprised you even noticed honey,” she looks a little sad and keeps her gaze on the boiling pot of water “I’ve been a little short on money lately, I just wanted to make sure that you were supported with college.” 
  Your eyes widen you know that your family had never been rich, it was just you and your mom after all, but you never thought that your mom would be this tight on money. 
“Mom I’m so sorry I had no idea, I’ll get a job right away I can’t have you do this for me, I-I I'm so so so sorry, “ tears form in the corners of your eyes, your face starts to burn a bit. 
“No honey it's ok,” she delicately wipes away the tears from your eyes and smiles at you “I wanted you to focus on your studies, you’ve been doing so well kiddo.” 
You hug her and begin to chop some vegetables for dinner. You had no idea that your mom had been struggling this much. You were lost in thought as the knife slid across your finger, and beads of blood started to form. You wince a bit and quickly run in under the sink and quickly wrap a band-aid around it hoping not to alert or worry your mother. She is preoccupied with her task. 
You place a fork and knife on top of paper napkins at the table making it look semi-neat and somewhat presentable. Your mother plates your food and you bring it to the table and wait for her to sit down for you to start eating.
“So have you met anyone yet sweetie..” I’m your mom asks you with a smug smirk on her face.
Your face is flushed pink “M-mom! Don’t ask embarrassing questions like that..” you head you gaze down at the food on your fork making sure not to make any eye contact with her. 
“ Oh come on, you're not a child anymore, you can tell me these things without having to be embarrassed.”
“N-no Mom I don’t have a partner yet, no one has felt right to me yet…” you say trying to hide the disappointment in your tone.  
“That ok sweetie I didn’t mean to make you upset, I’m sure you’ll find your perfect someone soon enough, there are plenty of different kinds of people in college.”
You finish your dinner, scrub the leftovers off the dishes, and head up to your room. You finally can take off your binder, it had been killing your bag all day and you were excited to be free. You could have sworn you saw a flash coming from outside your window. You quickly throw on your baggy pajama shirt and look outside your window. I must have just imagined it. You close your blinds. 
You head into the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth. Your hair had gotten frizzy and dry from the Utha sun. The summers had always been too hot here.  You walk into the hallway and say goodnight to your mom and pat your bed telling Kally that it was time to go to sleep. 
You get nuzzled in your bed, your mom had put light blankets and sheets on it to not overheat you. Just as you are about to finally drift off to sleep you shoot up out of bed. You needed to look for a summer job. You can’t keep letting your mom suffer for your sake. You take your laptop from your school bag and begin to search for any place that is hiring. After scrolling for a while you find a Restaurant called Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria. The pay wasn’t the best, minimum wage and you would be working in a customer service position but it was better than nothing. You log your information into the system and schedule a consultation and interview for the nearest date, tomorrow. 
You wake to your dog barking, the sun has created a pink and blue ombre in the sky. It was too early but you had to get up, today was your interview. You sleepily get out of bed, throw up your arms into a big stretch, and yawn. You rub your eyes as you let your dog outside, stumbling over to your pajama pants. You let Kally back inside and fed him his kibble. 
You head into your closet and pick out something business casual.  A button-down and some jeans. Probably too hot for them but you didn't really like wearing shorts and you wouldn’t be caught dead in a skirt. You try to be as quiet as you can to not wake up your mom. You scarf down some cereal and begin walking to Freddy’s, it should only be about a 15-minute walk. 
You looked around the empty space, the only thing illuminating the room was the arcade lights. It was cold inside, the AC blasting. You stepped in further. You look up and find an OFFICE sign and follow it deeper into the building. The door is slightly opened yet you think it polite to knock. You get to the door and knock, but there was no response. You knock again. 
“Hello there,”  you hear from behind and you whip around to see a tall shadowy figure looming over you. The figure cracks a grin at the sight of your shock. “Are you y/n, the new applicant?” he asks. 
“Ah sorry you scared me, yes I'm y/n” you reply in a nervous voice. He moves closer, your back touches the door behind you. He keeps moving closer and the door gives way, you stumble back into the office. He fluidly moves into the office and steps around you. He walks over to a large wooden desk, there are blueprints and schematics for animatronics all over the table. 
Your heart is racing, what’s this guy’s deal? He overall had a weird vibe that made the little hairs on the back of your neck stand up. 
“Um... I was looking to work here, for the summer,” you stuttered and tried to hide your nervousness, “I really need the money right now, I can pretty much work any shift or position.” 
“That’s perfect sweetie, I’m glad you're so, eager, to work here,” his eyes narrow and he smirks. 
You were put off by his usage of pet names, sweetie, really? You shook it off. Mom needs you. You can’t keep relying on her, you’re not a child anymore. 
“I just need you to fill out these forms and you can start working here, let me get you set up in our system.” 
“ Oh, that was easy, um, thank you,” you give him a soft smile and glance at the nameplate sitting on his desk “, I look forward to working here, Mr. Afton.” 
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Good evening, I got another idea for your new event
Aces' older brother and grim interaction like "oh, Ace, how you got so tall— agh! It's not Ace" "oh? Oh. Oooh, hello. Isn't it that 'stupid raccoon' my lil' bro was talking about? " "HEY! Don't call THE great Grim raccoon! "
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[Referencing this interaction!]
… I like how we’ve come to a silent consensus that Big Bro Trappola is just a taller version of Ace 😂
Fun fact: In the JP fandom, a lot of fans call Ace’s brother “Jack”, a reference to the character “Jack Hearts” from the Villain Recruiters group (part of Tokyo Disney Sea’s Halloween events).
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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You heard Grim's familiar shrill cries echo up from the bottom of a twisting stairwell. Peering down over the banister, you found an auburn-haired boy detaining Grim by the scruff, the poor little beast flailing for freedom. You called out to them as you jogged down the stairs, speaking a name you knew so well: Ace.
As you approached, a realization started to set in—that Ace was far taller than usual. But surely it was the same cheery troublemaker you'd always known. He had the same cheeky smile and bright eyes.
A growth spurt? Or had he defied Riddle's warnings to not eat the dubious mushrooms that grew in the Heartslabyul gardens?
Ace casually raised his free hand to wave as you descended. “Yo.”
“Hey!! Wow Ace, when did you get this tall?” you said teasingly.
The corner of his mouth lifted, amused. You noticed that he had parted his bangs today, and had drawn on his heart much smaller, more of an accessory than a statement piece.
“Well, you know how it is. A growing boy like me’s always got something up his sleeve.”
“M-Minion, there you are!!” Grim sputtered, aggressively kicking his furry feet midair. “Quick, after this imposter!”
“Don’t mind him. Little dude’s got his tail in a twist cuz I called him a raccoon.” A wicked grin crept onto Ace’s lips. It was easy and devil-may-care—and Ace was that devil. “Isn’t that right, ta-nu-ki-chan?”
He prodded Grim’s cheek with each singsong syllable. One, two, three, four… and Grim lost it.
“MYAAAH!!” He thrashed about wildly, swiping his paws at his just-out-of-reach captor. “I’m so MAD, I could spit!! When I get my paws on you, I’ll…!”
“Watch it, or you’ll set the whole dorm on fire,” you warned, “and then we’ll have an upset Riddle to deal with.”
“Who, the teapot tyrant? Isn’t he off sipping tea somewhere? I wouldn’t worry about him.”
“Ace!!” You gaped at him, eyes wide. “You talking about him is just going to make Riddle magically manifest to collar you again! It’s like the universe is out to get you at this point.”
“I’m cool with that. I doubt he’ll behead me anyway.”
“What makes you think he won’t?!”
Ace simply shrugged and wiggled his brows—as if daring you to guess. “Let’s just say I don’t think I’m the guy he’d be after,” he said mysteriously with a wink.
You startled at the scream that tore through the air. Your head whipped in the direction of it, expecting an enraged Riddle, face red and nostrils flaring, charging at you. Instead, the person scrambling over was…
You looked back at the young man holding onto Grim, then again at the one fast approaching. Side by side, the little differences between them came to light.
The taller Ace was sharper in every way—eyes, lips, face. His attire was far more casual than Riddle would allow for: an open vest, dress shirt undone a few buttons, a loose tie thrown over his shoulder. He had a relaxed maturity about him, as though Ace had been aged into some semblance of adulthood, but had maintained all of his wonder.
The imposter assumed a sheepish smirk. “‘Sup, lil’ bro?”
“Don’t ‘sup, lil’ bro me!!” Ace groaned, marching over to land a swift punch to his brother’s arm arm. “Dude, you can’t just ditch me to go screw with my friends! Only I'm allowed to do that!"
“My bad, my bad. I was just curious about what kinda people you hang around with.” His brother laughed, setting Grim back on the ground. You were quick to grab him before he circled around to attack the older Trappola’s pant leg.
“So,” Ace’s brother continued, his gaze trained on you and Grim, “you must be the ones that had Ace running to Sage’s Island over winter break. He was really worried when you got your SOS text. Basically broke his piggy bank to make sure he had enough allowance to take public transportation back to NRC.”
“Oh? Really? I had no idea he was so desperate to be my hero.”
“H-Hey, don’t listen to him! He’s blowing it out of proportion! I totally wasn’t that worried,” Ace protested. “Besides, if dummies like you and Deuce weren’t around… then school life would be so much more boring. A wellness check here or there’s fine, so lay off!”
His brother chuckled. Leaning into your ear, he murmured, “That’s how Ace shows that he cares.”
“Oi, what are you whispering about?!” Ace cried, elbowing his brother out of the way. “Stop gettin’ all chummy with MY friends and butt out. You’re supposed to be spending time with your family today anyway, so let’s get going!”
“What, I was just about to embarrass you by sharing stupid stories with them~”
“Like I’d like that happen!!” With a pout, Ace yanked on his brother’s arm. “Come on, you have adult stuff to do!!”
"Like you don’t have kid stuff to do?”
“I’m NOT a little kid anymore!”
“And I’m still young at heart.”
Stuck between the duo, you and Grim exchanged knowing glances.
“Those two… they really are alike, huh?”
“You know it, minion.”
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