#and it needs to shut up bc at least 50% of that time it was in my pocket and I did not at any point look at it
orcelito · 2 months
I guess I should start looking into apartments for next year. I don't know where I'm going to be working after I graduate yet, but I'll have a car by then, so it shouldn't matter too much. And I'm hesitant to move when I don't know where I'm going to end up... but I will be honest, I cannot live in this place for another year. They've increased the rent by a literal 50% since I started living here 3 years ago, the air conditioning doesn't work, I have to do laundry by *coin operation*, and worst of all there is no patio or balcony to speak of. I need outdoor seating!!! For my mental health!!!! Adding in the fact that it's far too cramped with all the furniture I got from my dad...
Yeah. Even if I only live there for a year, I Got to move.
Gonna be working on sorting through all the shit in my apartment, especially the boxes from my dad. Once I get a car, I wanna make it my personal project in the next year to cut down on the shit that I own. Go through my old clothes and donate anything that I Never wear and Never would. The goal being that by the time I do move, I want there to not be a fucking boatload of shit to move. There's still all this furniture but like. Eh. Ya kno. Still wanna make it better than it could be.
#speculation nation#dont have my dad to help me move anymore. which means im gonna have to figure out how to take this bed frame apart.#ive never done it before. it was always him doing it. but im fairly smart. it's probably pretty intuitive.#just. kinda sucks. and i'll have to keep track of what screws go where and whatever for putting it back together.#i think i wanna get a 2 bedroom apartment. even if it's just me. so i can have a room i can shut off from the cats#primarily for plants lol. and maybe some other shit. stuff i dont want the cats to access.#i wonder if it'd be too early to start looking for an apartment for like... june of next year.#the earlier the better if i wanna secure something nice. but also idk if theyd even have things listed for a year from now.#wouldnt hurt to look at least. put some feelers out. see what's available out there.#i'll kind of miss this place. my first apartment ive lived in on my own. and the last place that both sammy and cassy lived.#i will be honest. kind of a shithole. but it's mine yk?#but ive outgrown it. and also i could Really do without all the bugs from having a partial basement unit hfksbfmd#might look online later today. just to see.#housing around here is in pretty high demand bc of the college so if i can secure smth early. that's probably the best for me.#give me more choices. etc etc. ya kno.#important for me to think about this now anyways bc my rental company is gonna b pestering me in like a month or two to decide if ill renew#give me a reduced offer for rent from what theyd be increasing it to. which. lmfao. 50% increase is 'reduced' from what it could be.#i... really am so lucky that my dad had his life insurance policy set up like he did.#having money to fall back on makes all of this a lot less scary. up to and including being able to hire ppl to help me move#if. it comes to that. my family would still in general be willing to help probably. but man we're all getting older.#and i know i got too much shit. so. if it came down to it. yeah i could hire moving helpers. if i needed to.#and it makes me feel more secure in moving despite not having a job lined up yet#bc i still have Plenty of money. unless the next apartment is like horrifically expensive i could last several years with what i got.#so. yeah. looking into moving next year. big things. it's the time to think about it though.
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boneless-mika · 8 months
Yes it’s annoying when people accuse people who read 100+ books a year of somehow cheating at reading but I’d argue it’s even more annoying when people respond to that by saying “It’s easy to read 100+ books a year. Anyone can do it. Just replace your screen time with reading.”
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justaz · 3 months
the staff in the castle keep a running scoreboard over every argument the king and queen has. the staff is split pretty 50/50 on who they’re rooting for. when merthur get in an argument, literally everybody in the castle starts watching them like it’s a tournament. the staff are biased in their actions and then once either merlin or arthur cave the servants turn and shout out “another point for the king/queen!!” and a cacophony of cheers and groans sound out around the castle.
once arthur got so sucked into work that merlin got annoyed at having to go to sleep and wake up in a cold bed that he stopped visiting/talking with arthur and arthur noticed bc ofc he did and sent gifts to merlin thru the servants and merlin accepted it bc ofc he did but tells the servants to tell arthur that he threw it away bc like hell is he gonna let arthur apologize thru others. he wants arthur to face him like a man and apologize. groveling on his knees is also acceptable. the servants who are on merlin’s side tell the king that merlin does not accept the gifts and seems even more irate with each one, the guards that are on arthur’s side tell him that the servants are lying and that merlin appreciates each gift. arthur gets told that merlin is tearing up his clothes which means arthur has to pay for new ones and he shoots up from his desk and charges towards merlin to get him to stop and that means merlin won their argument. the moment their chamber doors slam shut the servants shout out the queen won
once merlin had to travel to a foreign kingdom and was told to take knights and guards and servants and he was very put out bc he doesn’t need protection nor help, he IS the protection and he can care for himself as he always had. arthur was very insistent he took them. he was very stubborn and said no. with our resident emotionally constipated dollophead, a fight ensued and they spent a couple of nights in separate chambers. lancelot went to merlin and was like “i know you are powerful enough to protect yourself, you know you are powerful enough to protect yourself, and arthur knows you’re powerful enough to protect yourself, but he still wants you to be protected” and merlin is like “if he knows i’m powerful enough to protect myself, he should just let me go on my own. he’s so overbearing and doesn’t really believe i’m capable of anything other than being a clumsy idiot” and lancelot cuts him off and is like “no. remember that one time you took an arrow for him and almost died?” and merlin flushes and is like “that was one time” and lancelot waves him off before continuing “arthur just about died with you. he loves and adores you with his entire being. if you died, so would he. maybe not physically but emotionally and mentally he wouldn’t be arthur anymore. he can’t stand you being injured so he’s sending knights to protect you. if you won’t accept the knights for yourself, at least accept them for arthur” and merlin grumbles but complies and a point gets added to the king’s side of the board
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enjoythesilentworld · 4 months
Wille's Month - Voicemail (Free Day)
day 31 @youngroyals-events thank you for everything (more coming in a separate post bc i have a lot of thanks to give)
A collection of voicemails left by Wille.
read below or on ao3 (G, 800)
Simon’s phone. March 29th, 2027, 4:29pm.
“Hi baby! I’m on my way home, I’m just about to stop at the store. Did you say we needed more milk? I’ll grab some anyway, I think I have a coupon. Oh my gosh, you’ll never believe what I saw on my lunch break today. I took a walk around the park and there was this little mama duck, and she had a little trail of babies following after her. I nearly cried. I was late getting back to the shop because I stayed to watch them swim around in the pond. And I- Oh, I just remembered I sent you a video of that. Well, I’m telling you again because it bears repeating. One of these days when we move out of the city, we should get a bunch of animals or something. I think I’d make a good farmer. Or would that make us ranchers? Anyway, I’ll see you in a few. I love you!”
Felice’s phone. November 11th, 2029, 7:13am.
“Felice, we have an issue. I’ve been following this recipe you sent so closely but I’ve managed to screw it up. Why do my egg whites look like this? … I just remembered you can’t see them. I’ll text you a picture. They’re all grainy and weird, though. Are you busy right now? This would be so much easier if we could do this on FaceTime or something. I’d owe you big time. I guess call me when you wake up, if you can? Love you. Thanks in advance.”
Linda’s phone. October 20th, 2027, 5:32pm.
“Hi Linda! Simon and I are running a bit late. Someone had to spend an extra thirty minutes fixing his— Hey! I’m trying to explain to your mom why it’s not my fault we’re late! Sorry, Linda. We’ll be there soon, I promise. Simon is being very safe, though, and definitely not taking his hands off the wheel to try to steal my phone. I made some new cookies with a recipe Felice gave me, too. I’m excited for you to try them! You have to actually give me a sincere review this time. I appreciated all your kindness last time, but I want you to be brutally honest about these ones. Okay, we’re about five minutes out. See you soon!”
August’s phone. February 1st, 2034, 9:48pm.
“Hi, August. It’s Wille. I saw a short clip of the ceremony today. Sorry I couldn’t make it. Mamma seems confident in you, and I actually think you’ll do a good job. I’m not calling you ‘Your Royal Highness’, though… I wish you the best. Bye.”
Sara's phone. July 15th, 2025, 3:06pm.
“Okay, I grabbed what you said. I think— Oh, sorry. Hi. It’s Wille. You know that. Listen, I am worried he’s getting suspicious. I’m bad at keeping secrets from him, you know this. I still think no one should’ve told me and this party could’ve been a surprise for both of us. Sorry, rambling. I think I managed to find everything on the list. They only had two packs of purple balloons left, so hopefully 50 is enough. Oh! The cake looks awesome, too. Felice did a great job. He’s going to love it. Okay, I gotta go, he’s coming. See you— Hi Simon! … No, just a scam call. How—”
Kristina’s phone. September 5th, 2032, 6:11pm.
“Hi Mamma. I’m sorry I missed your call earlier. Things have been really busy over here. The movers showed up on time, thankfully, and everything went smoothly. We managed to get a lot unpacked already. Simon and I just had our first official dinner at our new kitchen table! Let me know when you and Pappa want to come visit. I’d say give us a few weeks to at least get the majority of the boxes cleared out. You’re going to love the view of the lake. It’s so beautiful, Mamma… I’m really happy here. Okay. Call me when you can… I love you. Say hi to Pappa.”
Erik’s phone. June 1st, 2026, 1:52am.
“Hi Erik. It’s your brother. Wille. Um… I graduated today. I didn’t end up finishing at Hillerska. It got shut down. You may actually know a little bit about why. I don’t want to talk about that… The past few years have been really tough, Erik. There are a lot more good days than bad ones now, but it still hurts every day. I miss you a lot. I hope you’ve forgiven me for stepping down from the throne. I think you have. You knew I never wanted it. I’m starting at uni in the fall, and Simon and I are going to live together. I’m really excited, actually. Normal life, and all that. Maybe I’ll even get a job. Imagine that. Former Crown-Prince working as a barista. Um, okay. I should probably get back to sleep. I’ll call again soon. I love you, big brother… Bye.”
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sea-you-in-paradise · 2 years
☽ ⛧  a r m i n   a r l e r t ‘ s   s l e e p i n g   h a b i t s  ⛧ ☾
summary - a *painstaking* list of every (sfw :/) sleep-related armin thought
word count - 1.954
setting - canonverse implied, but can be applicable to modern au
features - armin :)))
genderneutral!reader (implied established relationship)
warnings - implied nsfw
note: here is a link to the nsfw part 2 (MDNI!)
before he goes to sleep, armin utilizes every waking minute to the fullest extent. 
- if he’s coming up with a plan of some sort, he will not sleep until he’s gone through every possible outcome he can think of
- spends time getting ahead of future work so he can never get behind
- sometimes he will get really lost in his books (obviously)
- most of the time, he pushes himself to stay awake far past the limit of what is considered “normal”
he’s trying to tire himself out enough to avoid nightmares
- he can go about 50 hours without napping, but tries to sleep before that (at least in small intervals) because he jokes that he can feel his brain cells dying. if he’s up for this long, it’s usually because he’s in the field/in charge of something that will effect a lot of people
- his naps are long enough to recharge a bit, but not normally long enough for more than 1 REM cycle
*however* when he actually sleeps (and i mean like a real sleep. all it takes is a semi-comfortable bed/couch and no responsibilities until 10:00 the next day), armin sleeps.
- the minute this man’s eyes shut for the evening, good luck getting them to open again. needless to say, he’s a heavy sleeper
- despite refusing to admit how tired he is while he’s awake, once he’s under a comforter it would take a fucking fire to get him to stand up again
- an unburdened armin needs a minimum of 10 hours, but ideally 15 (ofc, if he were to actually sleep that much more than twice a month, he would freak out and feel like he’s missing his life)
- he likes to wear either flannel or cotton pajama pants and a long-sleeved shirt, and he likes it when you borrow each other’s clothes to wear to bed, especially when you’re apart (either to wear or just to have for the smell lol)
- if you go to bed at the same time and you have some sort of skincare routine, he really likes to watch and learn about what all the products do. bonus points if you do his skincare too. sometimes he’d probably keep you company while you do this even if he’s not going to sleep yet
- he’s really meticulous about brushing his teeth for a long time (canonverse specific, iykyk ;-;)
- if it’s up to him, he prefers bedding he can sink into. cushy mattress and either a duvet or comforter with a really plush blanket in case he gets chilly (he will get chilly. he is always cold. he sleeps in socks)
- he likes a pretty firm pillow tho because neck support > sleeping on a cloud
- right side of the bed is his preference, but he would give it up in a heartbeat for you
- sleeping position varies. usually he sleeps on his side, but he also sleeps on his back sometimes bc he has back pain and he doesn’t want to strain it more :( 
- if he’s alone he sleeps facing towards the door bc he’s anxious. if you’re there, he likes it when you face each other or if one of you rests their head on the other’s chest
- if you move away from him, he will notice because he’ll get cold and he’ll move towards you again
- he doesn’t snore or breathe heavily, but he occasionally does the thing where he has little gasps or sharp inhales
- he does what he can to prevent dreaming, but it still happens sometimes
- if he has nightmares it usually comes with night sweats and crying in his sleep. he doesn’t move a lot tho and he doesn’t wake you up on purpose. when he wakes up, it’s not some big jolt. his eyes shoot open and he takes in his bearings before getting up to change his clothes and get some water. when he comes back, he’s careful to get into bed really softly and then he’ll hold you as you sleep. if you wake up, please hold him back and run your fingers through his hair :(
- his nightmares are usually anxiety/regret/remorse related. he’ll talk about them after they happen sometimes and cry a little bit if you’re awake and he feels like it, but he doesn’t like to talk about them in the morning
- most nights he’s too tired to dream tho, so it’s okay ;-; no it’s not, he just says that
- armin is not a morning person.
- as a matter of fact, if he gets less than his 10 hours, he is a certified grump. and he is so embarrassed about it
- he does everything he can to prevent it. like going to bed early if he can make himself or budgeting time into his schedule to stay in bed for longer, but he cannot stop the inevitable- if anyone, including you, tries to make him get up, he is a little bitch. 
the morning of a day off/day with few responsibilities might go something like this:
- armin goes through three stages once he’s been woken up: pouting, bargaining, and complete loss of filter. he will go through a version of these stages whether he is forcing himself to wake up, is woken up by a friend, or by you. as his partner, it’s usually you who is subject to this trio of events, even if you’re the gentlest, most loving person in the world
- if you must wake him up, he likes it when you stroke his arm/back and whisper softly. it takes some time, but he’ll eventually make a whiny noise and move around a little (if this isn’t your style, a more take-no-shit approach will be briefly detailed later)
- the pouting stage is exactly what it sounds like and it will be the shortest of the three. he’ll pull his covers a lot tighter and turn on his stomach so he can block the light easier and in the prettiest voice bc it’s all pouty, but also raspy from sleep, he’ll say something like, “baby, it’s so early, i don’t think it’s time yet.”
- then, when he’s more aware of the situation, he’ll turn to you and choose one of three options: a) he’ll ask for ten more minutes and promise not to complain when you wake him up again (lies). b) he’ll ask you for cuddles until he’s more awake. if you agree, it absolutely will not wake him up more, he will drift off again even if you’re talking to him. if you agree and you don’t have anything super important going on soon, he will try to make you fall back asleep too so he has an even better excuse for not showing up. c) he will attempt to seduce you. this sometimes follows option b (see note above for link to the nsfw hcs for more on this one)
- if you survive the bargaining stage and armin realizes that you’re not giving up, he will put on his grump face. it’s a cross between a pout and a glare, and it is rather amusing
- BUT unless you want him to be mean (and not in a fun hot way), do not make fun of him for the face. if you do, you’re going to realize that armin’s observation skills really do come in clutch and you’re going to start wondering about all of the things you do around him without noticing
- it would be like : “it’s so funny when you make that face” and then he fake smiles and in a totally innocent voice says something like, “aww, i’m sure it’s not as funny as you having broccoli in your teeth at dinner last night! It was in there like all night. sorry i didn’t tell you, it was just so funny.”
- he definitely apologizes for this later and most of the time assures you that he wasn’t being serious, but sometimes he is being serious. and the worst part is that you’ll never know all the embarrassing things he’s noticed you doing that he just doesn’t say anything about
- if you don’t make fun of the face though, you will stumble across a prime opportunity
- as someone who likes to lie in bed for a bit (forever) after waking up, armin will probably fall back asleep if he’s not doing something. so what better way to make sure he wakes up than to gossip with him?! with no filter, armin will say what he is honestly thinking about the people around him, and more often than not, he has some strong opinions
- tbh it’s just shit talking floch most of the time and he tells you what he finds annoying about everyone in the friend group (jean gets on his nerves the most)
- if you’re the kind of person who will not baby him, mad respect to you. it would go more like this
- if you wake him up abruptly, he will be very surprised every single time. normally, he would find you’re assertive tendencies hot. this is not one of those times. assuming you leave immediately after waking him, armin will run through his stages on his own. he will fall asleep in either the pouting or bargaining stage. then stage 3 will be taken out on you when he finally pulls himself out of bed. he will go find you and be snarky, no gossiping, only sass. it is unbecoming, but also hilarious
- regardless of how things play out, when armin finally “gains consciousness,” he is usually a bit mortified. he knows it was so nice of you to wake him up and he feels so bad for being grumpy (and for being so candid about his thoughts on Jean’s unrequited love), but his brain is always working overtime and sometimes there are some really positive benefits to his morning alter ego. the selfish parts of him don’t really feel like giving it up, especially if you don’t mind. that being said, he only apologizes for behavior he intends to change, so if this sort of morning routine is okay with you, he doesn’t really have anything to say sorry for. he’s so grateful that you have so much patience and love for him and he’s glad that there’s someone who is willing to help him stay punctual <333
- once in a blue moon on these days off, armin wakes up before you (he’s well rested sometimes???) and if that happens he will move closer to you and wrap his arms around you
- if you have long enough hair he will brush it off your forehead. tuck it behind your ears, fix your bonnet, move your braid(s)/ponytail to a more comfy position (etc). he just likes being tentative 
- even if he is awake, he will do everything in his power to stay in bed with you for as long as humanly possible
- on days when he has actual responsibilities, armin is pretty good about being punctual, but he will still stay in bed as long as humanly possible and go through a shortened version of his routine. he’s good about being places on time, but it doesn’t mean he is in a good mood
- and finally, despite everything, he doesn’t drink caffeine in the morning. he is a firm believer that a cold glass of water will wake him up faster. since he doesn’t eat much for breakfast, he doesn’t want to get jittery
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lousirs · 1 year
ewew ok so I think it's safe to assume that the toy brand of pretty dolls probably gained success in the 60s or 70s given some of the little details in Lou's house and his style. The factories work all year round right and are automatic as seen in the movie, but most things required actual human workers back in the day. HERE'S THE STINGER. I read somewhere I forgot where, but back in the day workers in factories didn't work in the winter time because it was too cold. so basically if we applied this to the uglydolls world, there was a rather long period of time where there was no income of dolls in perfection for the ENTIRETY of winter. So Lou had absolutely no company whatsoever in the winter for like 40+ years give or take (I have no idea when automated factories became a thing)
ok now I'm just making things worse but I also had another headcannon where weather in the real world also applied in uglyville and perfection and like the dolls in perfection got winter uniforms and all that (ugh now I might rant about this). So yea it was snowing, no other dolls in perfection, kind of depressing given that probably by then Lou had cut off ties with Ox. YOU CANT MENTION THE BOTS IN PERFECTION BC NO ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE YET (lol that means Lou was COMPLETELY incharge of everything, maybe he had assistance in doll form?)
yea but this probably played a role in the downfall of Lou's mental wealth like man just lost his best man Ox so being alone for a whole month once a year was definitely not a silly goofy moment for him.
ok that's the end of my ramble 😼😼
NO NEED TO APOLOGISE FOR RETURNING! i love me some headcanons :D
that's a big ouch for lou, but you are probably right there. lou (and also mandy) have 50s/60s- style houses (i believe so anyway) so how long would that be if we say lou's breakdown was about 2020 so (the movie is 2019 but im rounding it to 2020 for my brain)... OUCH AROUND 70 YEARS. SAVE LOU OH MY DOLL--
love your headcanons though, and i have a few of my own for that:
(under the cut, cause i can already tell this is gonna be a long one vvv)
perhaps since the factory closes for winter, the batch made right before stay in the institute for winter? yeah yeah lou could probably send them to the big world when the factory closes, but knowing him, he'd probably keep them for the holidays at the very least. cause he craves for that company.
it would be so cute though! lou would hold a big winter party with singing and FIREWORKS and whatnot. side note, i headcanon that lou loves fireworks. i mean, he uses them all the time (during ugly truth... during his lessons... etc) and i can so see him going all out on the fireworks budget. anyway, i feel that such parties would bring temporary joy to him, as he finally feels part of a family, with every doll laughing and chatting and overall having a good time.
...and then they would leave him again. and again. and again. and again... i feel like after a while he'd give up on the festives, as temporary joy and love isn't fulfilling anymore.
with the weather, i have a really dumb theory that the institute is within a dome. think about it, uglyville has a yawn ball for a sun with messy clouds...
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and in the institute, the clouds are perfect (more realistic even) and there's no sun in sight (as far as i know)
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uglyville probably has all kinds of weather, whilst at the institute it is always a fair temperature. no rain, clouds are always light and airy... etc, due to the factory operating the weather system within the dome perhaps. that changes when the uglydolls infiltrate, the sky in the institute turns to a dark greeny colour. and then when the two sides join, they destroy the dome.
anyways, perhaps during the winter, when the factory is shut down, they shut down the light and airy atmosphere of the institute too, leaving a cold, snowy breeze in its wake (especially during lou's earlier years). and i doubt his home is very warm either, as it's so large with barely any furniture (at least in the foyer shown in uglier truth).
and with lou's company over the years, i feel that after his bond with ox, he became desperate for the company again (who could blame him?) and tried his hardest to keep as many dolls by his side as possible, ending up with the spy girls and mandy (and perhaps the backup singers)(i don't know about them). he would probably manipulate them in some way to staying, perhaps threatening recycling and the washing machine out of pure desperation to keep someone around. so i don't think he'd be totally alone, but i feel that the spy girls and mandy were only close to him in a business relationship-type way. they were only there if he needed something to be done. he was the leader of the institute after all, he always seemed one level above the rest of the dolls, and being personally close to him seemed like something impossible.
and yeah, the assistance bots were there, but even if artificial intelligence somehow existed during those times, or if someone higher-up was controlling the robots, they wouldn't have a genuine bond with lou anyways, as they are just assistant robots who are meant for helping out with training and the gauntlet only (or so i think).
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bella-rose29 · 10 months
Bite Me - Prologue
Vampire!Lockwood x f!vampire!reader
Ok so I have no idea what to call this series to be honest (Bite Me was the first thing that came into my head so we'll go with that for now), and also I have no idea how regularly I'm going to update
on the plus side I'm home for the Christmas holidays on the 15th (if I manage to get my assignments done bc I have four? five? due that day 🥲), so I'll have loads of time to write then!
Word count: 660
Warnings: being drunk, mentions/minor descriptions of death and decaying bodies, mentions/minor descriptions of wounds.
Tag list: will be at the end bc there are genuinely about 50 people (I'm assuming that if you liked this post, you wanted to be added to the tag list for this series). if you want to be added to or removed from the tag list, then let me know (either on the post I mentioned or here, or just drop me a message!) <3
(not my image, credit to David Geib)
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The streets of London were bustling with activity despite the late hour, groups of people laughing obnoxiously as they exited or entered a pub, music blaring over car speakers and out of clubs, sirens cutting through the usual sound of car horns and traffic and bright lights casting the city in an almost supernatural glow.
A man was stumbling along the pavement, dressed in ragged clothing and his beard scruffy and untrimmed, and he clutched a bottle of beer in one of his dirty hands as though it were his most prized possession. The people that he passed paid him no attention, rightfully thinking that he was just another drunk trying to forget about the darkness that clouded the air of the capital. Perhaps the lady that stopped him when he nearly fell face first into the ground should have made sure that he got in the cab she hailed for him, but she was busy, needing to get home after working late. He slurred a thank you to her, patting her shoulder with a tired smile as the cab pulled up to the curb, and she went on her way.
The man didn't make it into the taxi.
A second man appeared before he could, and the driver, not wanting to wait given the late hour, drove off to find better customers. The drunk turned at the tap on his shoulder, furrowing his brow at the polished businessman before him and following in a drunken haze when asked.
If the woman had made sure that the man made it into the taxi, then perhaps she wouldn't have been watching the news the next morning, spoonful of cereal halfway to her mouth, explaining how a drunk man had been murdered late last night in an alleyway.
She rushed to work after shovelling down the rest of her food, downing a coffee on the way to the morgue and demanding to see the body that had been brought in. She pressed her fingertips to her neck, right over her pulse point, and stepped into the room where the drunk man's body was, attempting not to gag at the stench that was already enveloping him.
He's decaying too quickly, she thought, a frown appearing on her face. It had barely been seven hours and already she was needing to press her sleeve over her nose to prevent the smell from assaulting her senses. Pulling back the cloth, the coroner explained how there were no signs of physical assault but for the marks on the neck.
The woman froze slightly, rectifying her slip-up when the coroner eyed her curiously and relaxed again, asking to be left alone for five minutes with the body.
As soon as the door clicked shut behind the last person to leave, the woman leaned in closer, pulling her hair out of the way and examining the marks.
The wound went right into the carotid artery, so at least the drunk man was only in pain for a few seconds before he died.
The woman left the room, dragging the cloth back up over his already-gaunt face, nodding to the people that she passed on the way out. Once outside, she leaned against a wall and pressed a hand to her forehead, the other hand holding her phone to her ear. It rang three times, then someone picked up.
"Yeah?" they answered.
"We have a problem," she said, not wasting time. There was no need for formalities, they each knew who was calling. "I've seen the body; it's definitely his work. We need to call a congress."
"Get it done. We'll need to move fast if you're right." The phone clicked on the other end, signalling the end of the call, and the woman sighed as she headed back to her car.
"Shit." She tapped her phone a few times, sending out the message to everyone that a congress would be in session in two days time. "Shit."
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tag list: @avdiobliss, @novelizt, @my-mask-of-sanity-is-slipping, @mitskiswift99, @mrsklockwood, @downgoestheship, @howcouldifearanyhurricane, @oshverse, @demigoddess-of-ghosts, @mentallyillsodapop, @peace-333, @nomugglesallowed, @why-would-i-eat-chewy-chicken, @sousunny, @vijigenshin, @beebo86, @dangelnleif, @halfthyme, @d-e-s-t-i-n-e-s-i-a, @forgottenangel, @catnip411, @mnmississippi, @ohmyoverland, @ellajar, @chronicpcssimist, @criesinlies, @hotcryptidsummer, @melliegorl, @justanassociate, @sydsicr, @starzortega, @loveverythingbooks, @boookfreeak, @fallinginlovewithbeingaliveagain, @thorns-for-the-sake-of-flowers, @rhiannons-realm, @karensirkobabes, @lavendernarwhal72, @star-of-velaris, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @sandiesohocollins, @ladyfluffyduck, @rentaldarling, @magipies, @donotwonderr, @wenigstenshabeichesversucht, @toddandersondupe
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luinen-bluewater · 7 months
Ok I tried to Nightshade a couple of jpegs of my artworks and the program was using at least 50% of my laptop's CPU, which is still acceptable, if it wasn't for the fact that I had to shut everthing else and that the estimated time of processing a single image, with the lowest quality settings, was still something around 685 minutes. Do I need a jet engine to run this damn Nightshade or what? I then tried to use Glaze with the same images and it was done in a resonable amount of time, if it wasn't for the fact that it totally messed up the image quality, it had much more noise in it than I expected and looked awful. I have no idea how to deal with this. For now I'm using even more watermarks, bc what's the point on making art and focusing on details if I cannot share it with other people? That's super frustrating.
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studentbyday · 10 months
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☕ december study challenge
i didn't do much schoolwork on friday, so i need to catch up! 🥺
📈 study stats (30 min):
S: 🍅🍅🍅 Su: 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅
🎒 school/cs50:
finish reviewing biochem module 4 ✅ (i have a little more than 1 section left)
finish reviewing 4 pages of mol bio module 3 ✅ (😬 let's hope i remember it. out of all the courses i've taken this semester, i have the least solid background knowledge for this one...i haven't repeated the info enough times over a long-enough time period to be sure it'll stick yet 😅 at least for biochem, i have some "pegs" of solid background knowledge from physiology to hang the new content on...)
finish remainder of flask lecture (~50 mins) ✅
🩺 self-care:
physio exercises ✅✅
full body floor workout ✅
journal ✅
meditate ✅
🎶 winterstella - stella jang / appassionata, 3rd movt (piano sonata op. 57 no. 23) - beethoven / my day in music, sunday edition
💌 uuuuugggggghhhhhhhh lately not been feeling too good bc the dictionary of lost words is depressing ("poignant" as @zzzzzestforlife described it) and it makes me feel lonely along with school and whenever this happens (or i otherwise feel like a mess) i get in a philosophical mood. i have been in this mood for at least a month now (before i started the book but after midterm season). it used to only last about a week or 2 (every month, mind you 😂). i can't wait to take philosophy so i can hopefully fix my brain by practicing being more rational and critical about *waves hands* whatever things my mind drifts to, to try to piece myself back together (which sometimes pulls me back apart with an existential crisis) 😅 (i also think the fact that some of the same thoughts i'm thinking have also been thought many times by others would be some comfort 🙂) but i think i'll only be able to take it the year after next bc of other (technically higher priority) subjects (for my field 🧬🦠) which...in better days i would be really excited about. i comfort myself by thinking the christmas break will restore me.
💌💌 also i'm not going to officially finish the dictionary of lost words anymore. i've slowly been reading the ending out of order so i basically know what happens and i saved the final major happy event for last. my final thoughts are that i want a relationship like esme's and gareth's but i want it to last longer than theirs did 😭 that's it. i can't deal with this depressing stuff anymore. maybe someday i'll come back to it, but right now i cannot. sometimes i ask myself why i feel so fragile these days...i'm not sure i know why... sometimes i get a feeling that smth is missing, but it will eventually pass as i fill my cup in other ways.
💌💌💌 recently discovered this channel and loving their hyperspecific titles that tell me exactly what vibes i should expect from the music. i especially like the chemistry playlist for studying (hot take but i'm not a huuggee fan of ludovico einaudi, but for studying, it's okay) and the playlist for "making your brain shut up"
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theflyingfeeling · 1 year
give up before you suffocate (literally) ✌️
tried to get a doctor's/nurse's apppointment for my throat because it's been aching since Sunday and I haven't been able to speak properly since Wednesday and I can't sleep at night because the pain is unbearable and NOTHING HELPS but the nurse I was talking with online said 'nah just try this painkiller mix and some disinfective tablets and warm honey water' (okay fair enough I haven't tried that) but I don't have those exact painkillers at home and the tablets I've been using haven't done shit so I'd have to go to pharmacy but I'm scared because when I tried to do that earlier today I ended up having to turning back home (the pharmacy is like 50 m from where I live) because I got a terrible coughing fit that brought tears to my eyes and sometimes these coughing fits even alert my gag reflex which kind sucks you know because it's as if I'm about to throw up but nothing actually comes out 💀 but I also can't order the stuff from the online pharmacy that offers consulting online because I've already ordered from them yesterday and today (when my trip to the pharmacy failed) and I'm just too embarrassed to order from them AGAIN?? 😭🙈 (yes this is a problem shut up)
so yeah, when BC said give up before you suffocate I took that personally because lol everytime I try to speak (just to see if I'm able to yet), every other syllable is just wheezing while every other syllable is completely soundless, and I can only speak until I either run out of breath or get a coughing fit, so even if I made it to the pharmacy alive, I'd have to either write down what I need or idk fucking pantomime it I guess 😑 the throat situation is even worse because during the day it doesn't bother me that much because I don't pay attention to it (I can feel the most pain when I swallow) so I THINK it's getting better, but then the night comes and I go to bed and have too much time to focus on the way and how often I swallow and how much more it hurts every time and 😩😩😩😩😩
at least I don't have fever anymore and my leggies haven't been achy since Wednesday, but I've got a runny nose, which is honestly the LEAST of my worries right now, although my right ear being completely blocked because of it is a bit of a bummer (btw is it normal to hear your own pulse in your ear? been too scared to google this ahaha if it's something serious pls don't tell me I want to go swiftly)
welp, since I can't do anything useful like prepare for my upcoming new job (🙃) or write my fic (😭), I'm gonna project the remains of my sanity on rant posts like this I guess lol I hope you enjoyed I'm off to die on my way to the pharmacy now 💅
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headfullofpresley · 2 years
Elvis Presley Tag Game
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Hi babies! I know there's already a few of these floating around, but I decided to make one as well because I love doing and reading these (so definitely tag me in yours~). Also, ignore me naming 300 songs for each question, I couldn't pick one 💀.
Questions are under the cut. 💗
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When was the first time you heard of Elvis?
He's always been in my life because his music has always been played in my family (especially during Christmas lol), so I guess I kinda grew up with him.
What's your favorite era?
I love him in all era's tbh, but the 60s have a special place in my heart.
Favorite song(s) from the '50s?
Harbor Lights, How Do You Think I Feel, Anyplace Is Paradise, Don't Be Cruel, Wear My Ring Around Your Neck, Ain't That Loving You Baby, I Was The One, One-Sided Love Affair.
Favorite song(s) from the '60s?
Dirty, Dirty Feeling, Make Me Know It, Such A Night, Surrender, Reconsider Baby, Starting Today, (Such An) Easy Question, Witchcraft, Little Sister, Kiss Me Quick, True Love Travels On a Gravel Road, Suspicious Minds, Summer Kisses, Winter Tears.
Favorite song(s) from the '70s?
The Wonder of You, Patch It Up, We Can Make the Morning, Always on My Mind, If You Talk in Your Sleep, Moody Blue, Make The World Go Away, Snowbird, Never Been to Spain, I'll Never Fall in Love Again, Are You Sincere, This is Our Dance, Walk A Mile in My Shoes. I CAN'T JUST PICK ONE LMAO
All time favorite song(s) that you simply cannot skip?
How Do You Think I Feel, Starting Today, Moody Blue, I'll Never Fall in Love Again and Make The World Go Away.
Least favorite song?
Tutti Frutti, Ready Teddy and Milkcow Blues Boogie. don't hate me 👀
Favorite gospel song(s)?
Swing Down Sweet Chariot, How Great Thou Art, Crying in The Chapel, Bosom of Abraham and Lead Me, Guide Me.
Favorite country song(s)?
Snowbird, Whole Lot-ta Shakin' Goin' On, Funny How Time Slips Away, The Fool, Flaming Star, U.S. Male.
Favorite non-English song?
We'll Be Together (most of it is english but it still counts bc i love this song ☻), Wooden Heart and Santa Lucia.
A song(s) that makes you feel nostalgic?
Jailhouse Rock, Can't Help Falling in Love, Heartbreak Hotel, A Little Less Conversation, Are You Lonesome Tonight and Return to Sender - they remind me of my childhood sm.
A song(s) that makes you cry?
There's Always Me, I Need Somebody to Lean On and Unchained Melody.
A song(s) that makes you wanna dance?
Polk Salad Annie, The Love Machine, Vino, Dinero Y Amor, Bossa Nova Baby, Rock-A-Hula Baby, Return to Sender, Slicin' Sand, Happy Ending, Blue River, A Little Less Conversation.
Favorite song Elvis has covered?
What's a modern song you wish you could hear Elvis cover?
Paper Doll by John Mayer - i want it, i need it! *slams table*. also, Roller Coaster by Danny Vera.
Do you prefer vinyl or CD?
I love both and I love the nostalgic feel of a vinyl, but when it comes to sound, I prefer CDs.
Favorite album?
From Elvis in Memphis, Love Letters from Elvis, From Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis, Tennessee and Moody Blue.
Favorite movie soundtrack?
Blue Hawaii, King Creole, It Happened At The World's Fair and Fun in Acapulco.
Favorite live performance?
The Ed Sullivan performances, my god. But I'm also obsessed with the show from August 11, 1970 for That's The Way It Is.
A live performance you wish you were present at?
My ass would be front row at every show, idc.
Favorite jumpsuit(s)?
Adonis, Black Conquistador (IM OBSESSED I TELL YOU; OBSESSED!), Conchos, Royal Blue Fireworks, American Eagle, Pharao and Silver Phoenix. His two piece fits were also very *chef's kiss*.
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Favorite movie(s)?
Blue Hawaii, Fun in Acapulco, Flaming Star and It Happened at The World's Fair. Also Viva Las Vegas and King Creole and Loving You and I'm going to shut up now.
Least favorite movie(s)?
Harum Scarum, Stay Away Joe, Kissin' Cousins and The Trouble with Girls.
Favorite co-star?
Ann-Margret and Shelley Fabares.
Favorite documentary?
Elvis by the Presleys, That's The Way It Is, Elvis on Tour and Elvis: Return to Tupelo.
Favorite interview?
This one right here. I can listen to this man talk for hours and fell asleep to this many many times lol.
Favorite car?
The Purple Cadillac Eldorado is sexy af. And also the Stutz Blackhawk... loooord.. 🥵
Do you collect merch? If so, what's the one thing you hold most dear to your heart?
I spend too much money on this man (woops), but I'm obsessed with Elvis and the Birth of Rock and Roll which contains Alfred Wertheimer's amazing work. Andddd a collector's item of the Blue Hawaii soundtrack. 💙
Do you think you'll be a fan of Elvis for the rest of your life?
Yes yes yes. He's such a big and important part of my life, I can't imagine him not being in it anymore.
tagging some of my lovely mutuals: @woundmetender @eliseinmemphis @foreverdolly @septembersghost @mrpresley @marriedtopresley @elvispresleywife @ab4eva @elvisabutler @infatuatedharleys @steph-speaks @mooodyblue - if i missed anyone, sorry bbies!
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eldragon-x · 1 year
thinking about that set of tags of yours that went like "bill was i had it worse-ing on that penthouse with ford" bc like, this is the equivalent of trying to get your ""friend"" to join your gang bc you assume that the end justifies the means enough that this guy should be grateful you're even going out of your way to make this offer to him! so to make up for the fact that this poor fool ISN'T in awe of you, you NEED to point out how much Better you could be for him than anyone else. and then. he has the audacity to go and act like he's """suffered""" anywhere near YOU have.
the urge to throttle bill and hold him is always 50/50
im so sorry this got a bit long im insane about him.
GOD LITERALLY I do think Bill's like really Stanford I gave you the blueprints to the portal and promised you would change the world and then you throw it all away and shut me out??? Can't even appreciate all I did for you 🙄 But hey you can still come back to me y'know it's not too late! No? Wow okay, ungrateful stick in the mud.
And yeah that scene in the Penthouse is really just Bill going "Oh you think those chains are tight? Well at least you haven't been trapped in my home dimension. Now let me tell you a bit about my horrible backstory so you realize how alike we actually are and that you should totally join me." While Ford is literally just standing there chained and blowing Bill up with his mind.
And it's all so contradictory because as I like to say, Bill believes whatever is convenient to him. Lie until you aren't lying anymore. The one truth this sad bastard has is that as much as he hates it, he also misses his dimension and wants to go back and he's grieving but he can't acknowledge that ever, of course. He can't ever acknowledge his fuckups because he's always right and things go his way all the time! No he doesn't miss having Ford as a friend, his gloating at Ford was completely planned and he can always utilize the betrayal to mock Ford whenever he feels like it! Also Ford is so naive and unappreciative and disloyal for not joining Bill and cutting him out in the first place.
Also I can so easily imagine Bill seeing his suffering as a justification for his actions. He wasn't allowed to have anything in his dimension and was so restrained so now he gets to do whatever he wants and rip apart reality! And the only reason anyone ever tried to stop him from doing this is because they simply don't know better, just as he once didn't know about the freedom outside the second dimension! Really everyone should just let him do his thing because he knows best!!
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dirtanddistance · 11 months
Valley Vertikiller 30k Race Report
Race: Valley Vertikiller 30/20/10k Distance: 30k Date: 10/07/2023 Location: Sumas Mountain, Abbotsford, British Columbia
I'll let you in on a little secret: I signed up for this race solely due to peer pressure. A bunch of folks from my running club were talking it up and signing up, and I, not wanting to miss out, signed myself up. I told myself I didn’t need to worry about it because it was a long way out, and that training wasn’t going to be a concern as I'd ‘have a good base’ after Squamish50. I brushed off any sense of impending doom as the group chat buzzed with discussion of past years’ DNFs and weather-related disasters, and reassured myself that after a 50 miler, a 30k couldn’t be much of a fuss for me.
Turns out, these assumptions were more or less correct and it was wildly fun to run a shorter but very challenging trail race shortly after a longer and very challenging trail race.
Conditions for race day were pretty much as perfect as possible - no rain, a bit of sunshine on a course with heavy tree cover, but not so dry that things were sandy and slippery. While some might have argued it was a bit warm, the course is so forested that it was hardly noticeable to me. The race swag was also top-tier, with snazzy running hats and stickers. The real treat, however, was the course - one of the most thrilling I’ve encountered in my short time here in BC. Much like Squamish, singletrack MTB paths were the stars of the show, and the routine of uphill grinds and flowy descents was one I found comfortingly familiar, if not any easier for having done a lot of it before. The mental boost of having just done something similar and in much greater volume was incredibly apparent to me, as there was no segment of this event during which I cried or contemplated quitting (progress!).
As the name implies, a lot of upward-going travel is required to complete the Valley Vertikiller. With about one mile of cumulative vert, you’re climbing for a massive chunk of your time on the course. This may seem like a fault rather than a virtue, but for me going in with the expectation that there will always be another climb made the experience much easier to handle mentally (and made it much easier to enjoy the pretty leaves). The first third of the course (roughly 12k to the first aid station) featured plenty of climbing; after a tight starting section, I eventually found myself more or less alone. Naturally, my brain went to its happy place, reciting Replay by Iyaz as I marveled at the crimson and gold leaves around me. The most memorable portion of this chunk was a narrow section with a steep drop-off to the left and views of the surrounding area through the trees. It felt stunning and life-threatening at once; much of that section was not terribly technical, yet I found myself taking it quite slowly out of fear of what might happen to me if I accidentally took a tumble over the side. This is also where the top 20k racers started blowing past me, which I imagine was as irritating to them as it was a little bit terrifying to me. Eventually, the climb resumed and brought me to the first aid station. It was on a bluff with quite a view, making it an enjoyable stop. I met up with a teammate but soon headed back out on the trail for the middle segment.
The middle section of the race is where the black hole of my experience began. I had forgotten to charge my Garmin the night before, and somewhere after about 10 miles, it shut off and left me floating in a liminal space where distance and elevation no longer existed. I was on my own to finish this undertaking. Had I already accepted that the distances in trail races mean next to nothing and that I had no idea what this course really involved? Sure, but having the Garmin ticking away on my wrist at least could ground me, could give me some indication that time had passed and that I had moved since my last glance down at it. In this new, uncharted territory of watchless running, I was truly adrift. Alas, that is a story for another time. I knew I was at least 10 miles in and had done a decent chunk of the climbing for the race by that time. This section included the biggest and baddest climb of the entire climb. It went on forever. It was relentless, unforgiving, and so steep that I thought my already angry Achilles tendon would resign at any moment. I began to lose my naive enjoyment of the pretty leaves and a coherent repetitive song in my head. Finally, the climb ended with no real immediate payoff at all; I had to be satisfied with the mere acceptance that I was no longer clawing my way up what felt like a sheer cliff face and would, in all likelihood, get to run down something at some point to get to the finish line.
I had no idea how long it took me to get to the second aid station, or where it was on the course. The second aid station was a bit more muted in energy and ambiance than the first, but I gladly ate an obnoxious amount of watermelon and filled up on water and Tailwind before trotting off to part three, which I reminded myself was the last section I would have to do before I could be done and never run again.
The first section of part three has been erased from my brain by the sands of time and probably the fact that I had no frame of reference for what was happening in this race, but I do remember reaching a course marshal who told me that I was going to ‘just take Squid Line back down and I’ll see you at the finish’. This statement was only partially correct. I did in fact take Squid Line back down. However, the ‘just’ combined with the fact that I, again, have no concept of distance or the passage of time without something tracking me, made Squid Line feel like a small eternity. But it did more or less lead to the finish line and the section of trail between it and the end was gentle enough that I did not begrudge its description as basically the last thing I would need to do to get out of this forest. The lie was that this lady was not at the finish line.
The benefit of having the name of the trail pointed out to me was that saying the word squid immediately funnels all of my thoughts to SpongeBob. My brain rewarded this with a loop of the jellyfish rave song, which carried me throughout this final ordeal. I did pass several people on this section and the final portion between there and the finish, which mostly made me concerned because you are probably hurting if I managed to catch you in a trail race. The finish line sorta jumps out at you as you get spit out of the woods and under the archway. As if purposely continuing my purgatory, the finish line clock was not running, leaving me in a continued state of mystery. I knew I was not the last of my teammates out there, but I had no clue how far behind the others I was. Alas, my finish time became the least of my concerns after spotting my darling husband sitting in the medic tent with his ankle wrapped up.
While my team placed 5th out of 5, this race was still better than any cross-country meet I’ve run. Post-race we were treated to homemade soup, grilled cheese sandwiches, and pumpkin pie. While that spread is impressive enough on its own, I was thrilled when I discovered that there were vegan options for ALL THREE of these treats. I was a bit disappointed that I had overdosed on Tailwind to the point that I was not in any position to eat pie, but the butternut squash soup was a religious experience.
The real lesson I learned out on the trails that day was that I do need to wear my orthotics. They are not optional for trail running. I do not have them and run in them just for fun because I am a podiatrist, I apparently “actually need these” because my feet “actually kinda misbehave when I’m running and it starts to hurt in additional ways that they don’t need to”. I am the kind of non-compliant patient I shake my head about (but also have proven to myself and hopefully others that good orthotics - not the ones they tried to sell you on a cruise once - are real and not a scam).
There was much debating among my teammates as to whether any of us would do this race again. As tough as the course is and as much as I do not foresee myself ever racing this thing for time, it was such an enjoyable experience and fun challenge that I can’t see myself skipping it next year.
Next up, an expanded musing on the joys and terrors of running into the unknown without your Garmin!
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hi, latest anon again 👉👈
the character i was referring to was Dazai from Bungo Stray Dogs. i have an entire ass google doc about him having ASPD, so it's safe to say i am normal about this!
YEAHhh the stigma is soooooo rampant. i have NPD so i like... also feel that. if i took a shot anytime i saw some bullshit about NPD id die of alcohol poisoning i think. maybe one day everyone will get it through their heads that we aren't evil despicable monsters!!! ...and if it doesnt happen quick, i think ill start my narc abuse arc (/j /j /j /j /j please dont get my ass.. its sensitive :[ ..)
literally soooooo true. everyday my spine SHATTERS from the sheer weight i have to put on it because of my correct opinions and takes
also yeasss! brothers in arms across fandom lines!! shaking ur hand 🤝🤝🤝
i dont even GO there (yet..... ;) )BUT from what ive seen.... yeah. yeagh. its obvious. its SO obvious. ur like me from another timeline where instead of drr i was into bsd... we even type a lot alike :sob:
(i am Not copypastin emojis now that im on my laptop ongod)
ALSO.....BUDDIES!!! i have that good ol aspd/npd double fisting going on altho i tend to talk more abt the aspd bc AT LEAST the online npd community has braincells and actively works to say the stereotype is stupid HOWEVER a good 50 to 75% of the online aspd community seems to go full edgelord and actively try to conform to the stereotype as hard as Fucking possible and if you find that behavior stupid and annoying, well, then you're a Fake Aspd and need to get reevaluated
so it was way easier for me to accept the npd rather than the aspd because at least theres.... some kind of level headed community out there that thinks the stereotypes are bullshit. its like yea yea the time knife we've all seen it lmfao
god i hate narc abuse rhetoric!! at this point im done trying to explain why its ableist and wanna start going "L + ratio + i hope you get abused some more + shut up + you Will abuse your kids and they Will never talk to you again when they grow up. if they even survive that long" at these people but im like.... no. calm down. theyll just use this against the entire disorder.
also i get anxious being mean bc like. what if they're mean back :( im very mockable. my main url is Tulpa Fucker for godssake and if u stalk that blog enough u WILL find out if its ironic or unironic + more weird n wacky things to make fun of me over! i dont wanna be mocked :( i need to b in control :(( i cant just say fuck it to Harsh Word Exchanges and start blasting on the inter net now can i? i cant! so whyyyy bother~
but ya im rly looking forward to the day when ppl will like. acknowledge our humanity <3 praying it comes soon but probably not~ ! :(
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that-utsukushii-life · 5 months
This is going here bc I feel like I'm channeling either Rook or Vil right now. Maybe both.
I am not a hateful person, but if there's one type of person that gets to me, it's the pretentious mid-level 'expert'. The ones who have enough experience in a field that they can navigate it fairly successfully, but are quick to put others down without considering logistics.
For example, at a con I went to a few years ago, there was an interactive panel on ukiyo-e that you had to pay a $10 material fee to attend, and had a cap of 50 people. Having some experience with block printing, of course I want to see what this is about.
Ultimately, it's less about ukiyo-e and more of letting everyone move from table to table, experimenting with block printing ink and pre-made linoleum stamps on rice paper. A little disappointing, as I would have at least liked to talk some process or see some examples of ukiyo-e, but I see red when I overhear two girls calling it a waste of time and ink.
It's a $10, 1-hour panel. With a 50-person cap and no pre-requisite experience in printmaking. Did you think you were going to be handed a piece of wood to hand-carve your own block? I teach 8-12 year olds block printing with Styrofoam plates and it still takes at least 2 hours for at most 20 kids to go through the whole process.
The point of the panel is to expose people to the process. To let them experiment with something that's expensive to dip your toes into. The girls acknowledged block printing ink isn't cheap. But printmaking is a form of art that makes you approach your process so differently, and it's a shame more people don't get to try it.
The beauty of that panel isn't in the product, it's in sharing knowledge. It's sparking creativity and joy. It's carrying on a craft a little longer.
Or tonight, at my community college where we were putting on final dress for our musical, and had a few high schoolers come see the show. Spoiler: I'm not very actively involved in theatre-I was brought in bc they needed someone to press the button that does the sound and projection cues.
Was the run perfect? No. We have 2 mics that we can't get to stay functional no matter what we do. A sign fell down. There were other various bugs.
But as the high schoolers were leaving, I hear them giggling amongst themselves. 'That was-' They see me and shut up. When they think they're out of hearing range, they continue giggling: 'that was bad.'
Let me put some things in perspective. Our stage is small. Our total theater budget is probably less than what they have for their musical, and we put on 4 shows over the academic year. They had maybe 6 weeks to put this together. We currently have 1.5 dressers, plus our 2 stage hands. Tech crew is 3 people, and 2 of them are students. Cast is maybe 15 people, from the school and local community.
But they shouldn't have to know that to judge the play. They just shouldn't be pretentious about it. It's just not beautiful.
You don't have to like the panel or the play, but you have to give it credit for the work behind it. The passion, the love, the experience and long nights-those are what make them beautiful.
If you can't see it for that, what you admire and make isn't utsukushii- its only kirei. That's all it can be.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
castle 6x20 that 70s show
the 70s episode liveblog
I made my big bro watch this w me bc he's 70s obsessed.
Cement? mob hit? They would have had to weigh him down bc humans float in concrete. Also yeah what do you do? the one u call is the foreman. They deal with it not you. Reminds me of the ep where the police chief constable was gay & buried a body under the station & they found it while
KATE BECKETT I’ll make the coffee. CASTLE I’ll make the omelets. MARTHA RODGERS And I am going to make your day.
Love how the bells kind of slow down & go low & get weird. I mean at least the arch was nice.
MR: Richard, I am simply trying to bring a little pageantry into your wedding. But it seems that the only role you want me to play is that of guest. Fine. I can do that. I LOVE her
You can't make ANYTHING in a wedding a not-over the top disaster.
78 just like my brother's no wait falsettos was '79. disco era my beloved. RC: And a testament to the truly indestructible nature of polyester.
Milt Boyle: Vince Bianchi. Before he turned into the pile of bones you guys found. Love his VOICE
OH OH YEA DET. SANDVICH. OR SANOVICH I CAN'T TELL. HE'S THE ONE WHO SITS ACROSS FROM BECKS. I WAS TRYING TO REMEMBER THAT THIS MORNING. also under esposito's feet, he's at Det veiss(something) or messer's desk I can't tell what it says bc it is grainy & under shadow
Love the music too. Is it black or is it a dark colour? obv not powder blue... RC: It’s like being transported to a bygone era. Mickey the Blade? Louie the Lip? Where are these guys now?
Hey Frank Russo REALLY looks like the guy in the picture who, yk, went through second puberty. Love their accents. 4ksqft is a lot wow. Broke bread, shot the breeze, I love phrases. Harold Leone, as in lee-ohwn, not lee-ohwn-ee like brad leone from bon appetit Love how Becks calls Boyle on her own desk phone bc, well, yeah. Also set design my beloved, we have a pic of sanovich's kid on his desk
He knew things? Yeah ofc, he was the advisor!
Big bro thought that maybe this gal was just wearing Black fashion. Yvonne my beloved Frozen in time? Dumbass clothes? I thought it was cute. Wow it HAS been 40 years almost...
Beckett def not 70s enough.
YVONNE: Harold? You have guests. HAROLD LEONE: Huh? (he comes from the kitchen) Whoa!!! Well, this hot mama can be my guest all night long. He approaches KB and she holds out her hand. KB: Uh, sir, I’m Detective Beckett and this is Mr. Castle. HL: Captain. HL shakes RC’S hand. RC: (corrects) Castle. HL: Oh, Captain Castle. I bet you’re showing this little lady the ropes, huh? Breaking her in, huh? KB glares at RC. RC: Well, actually, um … HL: I mean, have you ever seen a cop with an ass that fine? If this is women’s lib, I’m all for it. KB: Excuse me? RC: To be fair, you do have a very fine … (off her look) never mind.
So humorous I love this man I love everything (but how does he look in the mirror w/o freaking out? it's like 50 first dates) Big bro LOOOVED the house & colours & wallpaper & stuff.
I love Harold & BECKETT SHUT UP YOU NEED TO MEET HIM ON HIS LEVEL. I know ppl who had to chase away spoon-wielding monsters every night for dementia patients, you do it & move on. It's ok.
No body no talkie. he IS delusional! "cupcake"
clipping clipping clipping I love I love I love snookie & ray the red car the absolute mess esposito pulling over ryan (giffing that) it's just... so good I'm insane
YOU MADE A CAST OF THE BODY!? Lanie just there like "what are you talking about?" unless caslte already asked her if she had any bodies to spare offscreen. LP: I’ve seen them do more with a lot less. But I don’t want to be a part of some crazy plan – RC: You have to. Because for this to work, this place has to look like the 70s. (he looks LANIE up and down) And so do you.
I love how the wife is there & he's smoking with the oxygen & I love this. Carcano: What, I’m going to bury a body in my own backyard? Plus, if I had someone disappear they’d stay that way. MC: If you boys have any more questions you can talk to my attorney. (he moves to leave) You know, after this long the truth is hard to find. If I was you I’d quit looking for it. Sometimes what’s in the past should stay there. (THIS MAN IS TELLING THEM TO STOP LOOKING. REMEMBER WHO HE IS: HEAD OF THE FAMILY, HE WAS TRYING TO MERGE FAMILIES WITH BIANCHI.)
OH SHE IS HOT Oh LANIE IS HOT TOO. (clipping) What if he touches him?
No wallet on him? or gun?
My poor harold. Hit you he's really gone? so will you come to the 2010a now? HOLY CRAP THAT'S-- STUFF IS HAPPENING. (castle flailing when the body hand was there lol. also how does that offer ANY protection from the gun?)
JE: *walks in* So I've got-- WOAH. *seeing Lanie* LP: Not a word KR: *talking abt the case* Right Javi? JE: I'm sorry what? *was staring at lanie* LP: !! *rolls eyes* & then that last little "nice dress" to her lil bro said not to clip but OOF I kind of wish I did
Tory my beloved.
Hm, ryan's pants don't match his jacket...
RC: It won’t burst his bubble... if it...looks like the 70s. Ooh she's ranking officer rn lol. WAIT CASTLE ALREADY OPENED A COSTUME ACCOUNT BEFORE ASKING BECKETT IF HE COULD DO THIS?
"let him dig on this 70s vibe" love the music coming in there the morgue was only one room? what about the drive there or the walk into the morgue? HIS MOTHER!!!??? A little bit, yes. YEAH FOR OUR WEDDING! RC: Let’s face it. We cannot let that woman anywhere near our wedding. But … she will love this. And then we get to solve the greatest mystery of the disco era. Besides the popularity of disco itself. It’s a win-win.
his little groove back Abysmal talent pool? Martha my beloved. Rick & his mom are like beckett & castle. Beckett: castle no. Castle: castle yes. Rick: mom no. Martha: YES YES OVER THE TOP YES!
Oh & the music! & I watched an abba parody production the other day before I watched this too.
LMGDAO A HIPPIE WOULD NOT BE HERE WITH THE COPS. Ooh it's a chalkboard! (So they made the photos black & white but... didn't remove them?)
Oh no snookie & ray Martha <3 ALEXIS (wearing that /gen tho)
Why would they need scripts? if they were pretending to be snookie & ray for real they'd need the mannerisms & backstory down, but ryan & esposito have interviewed ppl before. "super groovy" *ryan couching at the cigarette* Esposito frozen with his hands up p& ryan comes in to save him Righteous is in this context, not nec 80s, besides the 70s were from like 74 to 84 yk?
jive turkey again "my god who wrote this?" I love/hate the feathered chief in there
Glitterati? Do they have pagers? REACH BEHIND YOU & TURN OFF YOUR PHONE RLY QUICK, SAY IT WAS AN ALARM CLOCK IN THE OTHER ROOM. the deets? the details?
KR: Actually, it’s been though a lot of different incarnations, but guess what? It’s back to being a 70s club again! Me: WHAT LUCK
I like his nod. "take him to glitterati-- go! go!" *gates*
RC: Captain Gates! I thought you were at a terrorism seminar? VG: It was canceled due to a bomb threat. & did he? Yes! He did! Ryan & Esposito are taking him there now!
Girl your apb thing was not FROM this charade tho "especially you" CASTLE NO DON'T SAY IT LIKE THAT THEY TOOK HIM TO A DISCO!
Love the car, love the raming, love the fall, love how esposito was the one who talked ryan into this but now ryan is the one who likes it
Love the dancing & the lights & the fun & the everything! HL: *dancing really well, having fun* Dancing fellow: *also having fun dancing "with" him* HL: Hey, baby. How’re you doing, hon? That’s a nice dress. Can I talk you out of it? (kind of good, all compliments, but wow v forward.)
Yay beckett is normal now. *castle on his phone* they would SO not get his that easy with the gun & stuff. *castle banging on the door*
Always wearing the same suit, it's his club outfit! does frank STILL own it?
*esposito dancing on the clock* he does still own it. maybe that's how it connects to the murder.
HL: Oh no sweat. *SMASH* (not clipping)
I like how he doesn't want to say the year. Also he KNOWS it is not '78 but he might not know the REAL year. "It is whatever year I need it to be" that was a GOOD answer!
"The private event was frank killing him" You figured it out from the time that you got shot at.
rysposito normal looking now "we DO think you killed him?"
Last dance was on the turntable <3 <3
"someone special" we KNOW who that someone special is babes. *lunchbag of evidence*
I think I assumed he stole evidence. Ah the 70s. Gay lovers in the mob in the 70s & this is beautiful. I mean the trauma of killing someone it could totally make you think it's '78 forever. I mean, Harold was also flirting with every woman around. (Maybe that was their thing. You can sleep with any woman, but you only LOVE me) Beard, lavender marriage, his number two...
REMEMBER THE MERGER? MICHAEL CARCANO! He kept it a secret from you that you were going to propose?
for a sec I thought becks was pantsless but it was just a light brown colour.
RC: You couldn’t handle the rejection. So as he left you shot him in the back, then again in the face. You know, because it was personal. Where did she get the gun tho?
It would NOT have stayed that way, these cops would have still solved it.
YES YES YES THIS IS THE BEST EPISODE she CAN'T disco dance tho. Yay martha & alexis! RC: I’m just glad it covers more this time. Ryan & esposito chilling having fun I love it. (Tho if esposito was born in the 70s he might remember like,, kindergarten outfits. I only remember a few that are attatched to specific memories, like that striped early 00s (or really early 2010s except it was probably a handmedown) shirt I wore during geology in elementary. Lanie is back! & her hair is normal *ryan dancing* Gates I love her I love her (reminds me of that one fic I read, it was good, I want to dance with YOU, not any of these other people who might be prettier than you, because I want you.)
Harold my beloved <3 Last Dance is def going on my playlist.
ldjsklsdfkfjsdkljf GREAT EPISODE PEOPLE
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