#and it seems her days of lone wolf travelling are over
monzamash · 2 years
the good, the bad and what could’ve been — lando norris (part three)
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summary – nine years. an age gap that you didn’t know would cause so much heartache. you tell yourself that it’s fine, he tells you that he could give you the world but this was a cautionary tale of what could’ve been if you just let love win. pairing – lando norris x you (female reader) chapter warning – 18+ (smut, language, age gap/older woman) word count – 8k a/n – the third and final part! thank you all for being so patient x inspired by charlie puth's song called boy. masterlist
part one | part two | part three
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For the first time in a long time, you felt safe. And maybe you didn’t need all the wisdom and baggage that came with someone older, someone who had already lived a life. In contrast, Lando was exciting and living life to the fullest, travelling the world, seeing it all and not burdened by responsibility.
But that’s what made him the dangerous choice. All these insecurities and fears swirled around in your head as you fell asleep in his warm embrace, limbs tangled together like a web, tender between your thighs and an ache in your heart.
You were falling in love with Lando; that much was true but what would the cost be of handing your heart over to someone who had the world at his feet, everything still to experience?
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Winter had come and gone and spring was blossoming in all it’s glory, bringing with it new opportunity. Little by little, leaves sprouted on the branches, chirping birds returned to their homes and the scent of fresh flowers filled the busy streets of London – life resuming to normal after a long, brutal winter. The New Year proved to be quite fruitful, with you landing a freelancing job and loving it. It was time to recalibrate your goals and aspirations, reconsider where you saw yourself in five years.
The closing of one chapter gave you permission to want more, to expect more than the mundane and experience what the world had to offer. You’d settled for less for far too long but now you were finally stepping up and advocating for yourself – to yourself.
“You seem so happy.”
Rae couldn’t help herself. She’d kept tight-lipped until now, sensing the shift in your mood weeks ago and loving how much you’d been smiling lately. And she knew why. A certain curly haired man had shown you what happiness looked like, what it felt like and most importantly, how it could mend a broken spirit. You were stumbling through life, chasing unattainable goals and it made you miserable. You were free-spirited, a lone wolf – and Lando allowed you to explore that, to be spontaneous.
“I am,” You simply replied and took a sip of the coffee she’d made you, watching your eyes glimmer in the morning light. There was a sparkle ever present when you talked about him or thought about him – a spark ignited deep within. Burning.
“And how does Lando feel about being the reason you’re so happy?” Rae asked with a sly, knowing smile as she clasped her hands under her chin, waiting for you to spill all the tea she’d missed out on over the last couple of week.
“Don’t know, to be honest. I assume he knows he’s the reason – and hopefully I’m part of the reason why he’s racing so well. We talk nearly every day…” You confessed, cheeks every so lightly blushing underneath the thin layer of foundation.
Rae nodded and flicked through her phone, “He’s going very well apparently. Mark gives me an update every weekend – kinda strange to think that he’s on the other side of the world right now.” She glanced up with furrowed brows, face-palming her forehead, “As if you need to be reminded of that. I'm sorry.”
You shrugged, “It’s totally fine. I actually… No, I shouldn’t say it.” You hesitated, knowing that if you said the words out loud, they would suddenly become real and you didn’t want to put those thoughts and feelings out into the universe – not yet.
“Well you have to now,” Rae chuckled, her full attention all yours.
“I thought that maybe he would’ve asked me to come along to a race – his home one at least but it hasn’t come up… and I’ve been pathetically hinting at it – it’s really lame so forget I said anything,” You quickly muttered, fumbling over your words and feeling your heart start to race.
“That’s like, the opposite of lame. You should ask him.”
“No fucking way. God, even just thinking about asking him makes me want to throw up,” You laughed, almost choking on your words as if it was the last thing on earth you would ever do, “No, if he wants me there, he’ll ask.”
Rae nodded and went back to the coffee in her hands, “Your call but I think he’d appreciate you being forward. I can hear how much you mean to him when you’re on the phone… don’t take what you have for granted.”
“Sage advice, Sensai.”
You promised to think about it. But things were perfect with Lando and the last thing you wanted to do was over step boundaries when everything had been smooth sailing. You strongly believed that if he wanted you there, he would ask and you were sticking with it. It wasn’t the end of the world if he didn’t either, and maybe he was worried that the whole spectacle would scare you away. The endless rotation of thoughts tumbled around in your head until you finally fell asleep, curled up in his bed, waiting for him to come home.
The sound of his soft voice a few hours later woke you from your nap, “What are you doing here? Where’s your Mum?” You heard him ask your puppy who was skating around his feet, scratching the floorboards and no doubt nearly weeing herself with excitement.
The faint squeak of the bedroom door made your heart flip in your chest, watching him step through with a small smile. His eyes were dark and those wild curls you loved fell flat over his forehead – physically shattered from a whole day of travel, flight cancelations delaying his return home but he exhaled when he spotted you propped up in his bed, relieved that you were still here after weeks away. A weight had been taken off his weary shoulders when he saw your face.
“Welcome home,” You whispered as he dropped his luggage at the door and unclipped the backpack on his shoulders, eyebrows furrowed in contemplation.
“God, I’ve missed you.”
Lando jumped up onto the bed like a shot and summoned the last remaining ounces of energy he had, crawling over your duvet-covered body. You had thought about surprising him with something cute, like a new two-piece lingerie set because that’s what you’d always done for men. Dolled yourself up until you were unrecognisable, servicing them and not wearing what you wanted. But Lando worshiped the ground you walked on, made you feel sexier than you’d ever felt before. Oversized t-shirts and track pants were his love language. Comfort was important to him and there was nothing he loved more than seeing you relaxed. Cosy and content.
“Missed you more.” You sighed as Lando grasped the duvet and ripped it back, along with the sheets; a smirk teasing on his lips, “Doubt that very much.”
The unruly curls were even more frazzled close up, the bags under his eyes darker than the last time you’d seen him. His cheeks were hollowed, bone structure more prominent and small blemishes had surfaced on his soft skin, reminding him that even in the chaos of a double header, he still needed to follow a skincare routine. His sullen features made your heart sink as he hovered above you; his cheeky expression the only thing keeping you from asking if he was okay, if he was struggling. There was glimmer in his eyes that settled your fears, a bright spark igniting behind the bloodshot whites giving you silent reassurance that being here with you was the lifeline that he needed right now.
“I thought about this every day… about you, about us. Feel like a muppet for being away from a creature as beautiful as you for so long,” Lando chuckled through his confession – reflecting on how ridiculous the last few weeks had been, how stupid he was for not calling more. 
“A really cute muppet though,” You teased, making him giggle and lose balance, fatigued arms giving out and causing him to land on top of you with a loud huff. You took his entire body weight with a sigh, arms wrapped around his torso; head nestled into the crook of his neck. Lando did the same – lips dancing over the shell of your ear, whispering how beautiful you looked, how desperately he craved the feeling of you tangled up with him but his voice was strained, depleted.
Lando managed to lift himself up and save you from the crush, propped up on his elbow, eyes trained on the side of you face in the dimly lit bedroom. The only light source coming from the laptop to your left, white light blasting up the dark walls as you laid peacefully, fingertips brushing over the exposed skin on your shoulder.
“Did Max let you in? I didn’t see him downstairs,” Lando asked, curious to know how you managed to surprise him like this, welcoming him home with open arms.
“He gave me his key – he’s gone up to Bristol for some racing thing, he said. And Chompy and I couldn’t wait to see you so he offered. I hope that’s okay…”
You felt awkward all of a sudden, like you’d overstepped one of those invisible boundaries that were in place, about to explode on a grenade. But Lando’s rolling eyes softened you, a smile erupting on his face as he leaned in and captured your lips, “More than okay. Wish you were here all the time.”
He didn’t mean for that to sound the way it did. Moving in together wasn’t on the agenda but he appreciated you being there tonight, a familiar face to ground him again after weeks spent flying around the world, Austria being the last stop.
“How long are you back for this time?”
The question was laced in faux curiosity – you knew how long you had him in London, down to the hour if you were being totally honest. The innocent question made Lando think, mind flicking through the days like a diary in the palms of his hands, “A bit over a week, I reckon. Silverstone’s this weekend – home race,” He replied animatedly, eyes wide and shining bright.
“Exciting,” You whispered as Lando stretched his back, hand squeezing your hip.
“I’ve got you a pass for the weekend but realised I hadn’t actually asked if you were free… You are, right?” His question quelled all of your fears of him thinking you weren’t interested in his life, not willing to take that next step with him.
You nodded, simply, wordless while you turned onto your side. Lando smiled and closed his eyes as your hands trawled through his uncontrollable hair, curls tangling around your fingers while you pulled him closer and pressed another sweet kiss to his lips, “I’ll be shitting myself the whole time but that’ll be out weighed by seeing you in your race suit, I guess.”
Lando huffed out a soft chuckle, eyes cracking open ever so slightly – playfully narrowed, “I do look really sexy in the kit.” You hummed in agreement, nodding while closing the gap again, lips softly touching before his hand snaked up and held your jaw gently, holding you in place.
The two of you stayed like that for the rest of the night, wrapped up in each other; slowly drifting off to sleep. Having Lando home brought you more joy than you thought it would, a comfort that caught you by surprise. You were an independent woman, self-reliant but he gave you something that you didn’t even know you needed – companionship. A sounding board to all your shit, someone who listened without judgement, unfiltered opinions on anything and everything.
And unbeknownst to you, Lando had made it his mission to be that person for you. He was quickly learning all your whims, the good and the bad and appreciating how you saw the world so differently to him – so wise. This was, after all, his first serious relationship and he was in uncharted waters, with an older woman.
But once you’d gotten to know more about each other than what was underneath your clothes, the age gap was merely a factoid in your story. You were everything he could’ve conjured up in a dream journal – smart, sexy, funny, down to earth and into him. Well-travelled, cultured, successful; you were everything and still, after three months, couldn’t believe that he was the one you were falling in love with; that you were his.
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The morning of race day was utter madness. Lando was running late, as per usual, rushing around his apartment trying to find his sunglasses until you picked them up from his kitchen counter with a smile. Thank you, he whispered, pressing a hurried kiss to your cheek before hiking up his backpack and pulling you towards the front door. You’d kept your outfit simple and boringly beige, not wanting to stand out too much in the paddock. The white knitted dress that came down to mid-thigh, black tights, combat boots and a taupe Burberry trenchcoat did the job at staying low-key, blending into the background noise and avoiding the chaos.
Max had promised to metaphorically hold your hand the entire day, making sure you weren’t separated from the small Quadrant crew that had also been invited along to the British Grand Prix. You didn’t know much about them, nor did you realise how renowned they were but everywhere they went, they were bombarded with people asking for selfies and autographs.
“It’s getting fucking stupid now. We’ve gotta go!” Ria, who you’d met barely five minutes ago, yelled at Max who was pointing towards the paddock entrance with a panicked look on his face. “You go first babes,” She smiled, more of less pushing you towards the turnstile with your pass around your neck, finally making it through the gates.
You wondered how they ever got used to that – the constant attention. And if it was this bad for them, you couldn’t imagine how intense it was for Lando. Truth be told, you’d never actually gone out on an official date together, always opting for post-mates and spending quality time alone at home – away from prying eyes and ill-mannered people who had no sense of personal space. But would it be like this everywhere you went with him? Were you prepared to have your whole life on display for the world to see? You had no clue.
“I’m so sorry about that,” Max exhaled, grasping your shoulder with sympathetic eyes. He was more shocked than you were about the whole situation and you couldn’t help but chuckle at how stunned he was, readjusting his Quadrant cap.
“Didn’t realise you were so famous, Maxy boy. Kind of impressed,” You teased back, earning a chuckle from Ria who had walked up beside you, arm linked with yours, “Don’t stroke his ego too much.”
“Good point.”
There were celebrities filing through the crowd in droves and the pit lane was absolutely loaded with people trying to get a glimpse of the teams. McLaren were the epitome of formula one in the United Kingdom, you’d been told and that was backed up ten-fold when you peeked into the garage, searching for their star drivers. Lando had spoken about Daniel fondly and admired the way he was able to put his head down and tune out the bullshit. You told him to let some of that resilience rub off on him, knowing that the external noise is never as bad as what’s going on inside his head. But you could only control one of the two.
You could almost see those internal thoughts swirling above Lando’s tilted head when you spotted him in the back of the garage – intently analysing jumbled numbers on a screen and biting his fingernails. He looked almost angelic standing amongst the madness in the white skin-tight fireproofs, suit folded down and hanging around his jutted hips. His thumb was basically in his mouth, teeth violently chomping away at the skin as he processed whatever it was the man beside him was saying, eyebrows rising when he mentioned something of interest.
“Don’t be offended if he doesn’t come over and say hello – he’s usually in the zone by now and blocks everyone out.” Max explained, managing your expectations and you appreciated the heads up. You didn’t know what to expect from the day but having a reassuring voice giving you the low down helped more than he knew.
“Oh, of course. It’s awesome to see it all in person – so much crazier than on TV,” You replied with wide eyes and an understanding smile.
Max nodded and continued to meet people while you stood beside him and the Quadrant team, taking in the scenes. The main difference between being at the track on race day and watching it on TV were the television crews. Everywhere you looked there were several people swinging around a cameraman, trying not to run into people or disrupt other stations broadcasts. You chuckled at a couple of the pit crew dancing in the background of a shot, knowing that their weekend had been a lot longer than anyone else’s here.
You were so preoccupied watching them fooling around that you hadn’t felt someone sneaking up behind you, hand gently gripping your waist; the whispered ‘hi’ in your ear assuring you that it was Lando. His hand retreated before you spun around, the other holding a water bottle up to his mouth.
“Hi you,” You replied sweetly, instinctively reaching out to nudge his hip but deciding mid air to keep your hands to yourself. Lando noticed and chuckled as he took a gulp of water, eyes scanning your face.
“You’re a little bit sunburnt, baby.” He stated with a smirk, taking in your flushed cheeks and feeling his heart flip at how happy you looked. “Are you having fun?”
“Lots of fun. And I’m being very well looked after – thank you by the way,” You replied quietly, Lando taking a step forward so he could hear you over all the commotion. He scanned the small group of his closest friends and internally jumped for joy that they had stuck to their word and kept an eye out for you.
“Better fucking be. I’m paying them the big bucks,” Lando winked and pulled up the rope that was separating the two of you, “Want a tour?”
Naturally your eyebrows rose with excitement and you nodded, quickly whipping your head around to see where Max had gone and thankfully catching Ria’s attention. You pointed towards Lando who was already dragging you away and she held her hand up to her ear, gesturing for you to call her when you needed to meet up with them again. You figured there was enough time for this tour before Lando needed to be under lock and key and you hoped you weren’t being a distraction as you sheepishly followed him through the garage.
“I’m just gonna grab my gloves from my room and walk her back to the paddock,” Lando whispered to Jon, who had been one of the sweetest people you’d met so far. No worries mate, he replied with a smile before returning to his phone.
Once you were out of sight of the crowd and cameras, Lando held out his hand for you to take, clasping it firmly as he tugged you through the narrow hallways and behind the motorhomes set up side by side. He was strategic in his route, giggling when he spotted all the media looking around to bundle up drivers and team bosses for a quick comment before the race, “We’re so sneaky.”
You stayed close to him as he weaved you around once last corner and up a couple of steps, whipping the door closed as quickly as it was opened. The room was snug - only a few metres wide each way, a small daybed tucked against the wall and a desk beside you. Lando had video called you a couple of times from here, giving you the grand tour of his tiny drivers room but it was surreal to see his sanctuary in person.
“Wow, I knew it was small but you can barely swing a cat in here.” Your comment made Lando chuckle as he tidied the bed that he’d clearly been napping in before leaving to find you.
“But it’s cute and I like this a lot…” You pointed to the Polaroid stuck to the large mirror hanging above his desk – the photo was of the two of you on New Years Eve, tipsy and falling in love, “Softie.”
“How dare you call me a softie,” Lando scoffed, snaking his arms around your waist and pulling your back to his chest, trailing soft kisses up the side of your neck. “’Cause you’ve made me like this, you know.”
The rational little voice in your head was telling you to put ice on whatever Lando had on his mind, his hands doing all the talking as they skimmed over your stomach, heading north towards the two things he loved the most. You stopped their course and tutted, turning in his embrace and pining his hands to his chest, “Don’t get yourself all worked up before the race. We don’t have enough time.”
“Oh, there’s always time for this.” Lando wrestled out of your grip, way too easily you’ll admit and resumed his hold on your waist, seizing your lips in a deep kiss.
It took your breath away momentarily but you quickly snapped back to reality and slung your arms over his shoulders, bringing him closer again. He was warm to the touch, the skin on the nape of his neck sizzling under your fingertips, curls tangled from the humidity. Lando wasn’t fucking around when his tongue swiped across your bottom lip, splitting your lips and deepening the kiss even more. There wasn’t much you loved more than kissing him, wrestling each other for dominance through soft moans. The rush of blood between your thighs indicated that this was all a little bit too steamy for a pre-race catch up and you reluctantly pulled away, lips ghosting over his as you both caught your breath.
“You were right – I’m really fucking hard now,” Lando winked and brushed his fingers through his messy curls with a smirk. You rolled your eyes and shoved his chest, putting as much distance as you could between you in the tight confines.
“Zero self-control,” You playfully scolded and readjusted your trench as Lando stepped forward and straightened your collar, “But I can’t really talk because you look insanely sexy in this…” You tugged on the race suit hanging on his hips, wishing you could peel it off his body – right here, right now.
“Oh, really?” He taunted, “How sexy?”
“Like, bend me over this desk and fuck me sexy,” You stated bluntly and Lando threw his head back with a groan before rushing you with another kiss.
You couldn’t help but laugh at how desperate he was, hands friskily roaming your backside before he pulled himself away and grasped your face between his hands, “How I can simultaneously love you and hate you baffles me.”
Lando’s eyes were sincere, soft and mesmerized. You bit down on your lip, hiding the smile tugging on the corners of your mouth while you thought of a response worthy of his words. Of course you felt the same way but there was always something stopping you from saying it back. I love you too being the response Lando was looking for, pleading for. He’d said it so many times without hesitation, receiving a kiss or some kind of diversion every single time.
And it was killing him.
“I am a woman of many mysteries, my dear.”
Like a dagger to the heart.
“That is very true.” Lando averted his eyes from yours and brushed himself off, pulling the race suit over his shoulders and zipping it up. He was smiling and you breathed a sigh of relief, reassured that you hadn’t upset him before the race. At least that’s what you thought. Lando’s mind however, was racing – so many fears eating him up inside but he needed to focus on the challenge ahead.
And that’s what he did for the next three hours. Raced the wheels off that papaya car like his life depended on it, his sole focus was getting it over the checkered flag and having a respectable race after weeks of struggling to secure points. 
“That’s P4, Lando – great race, mate.”
Lando cheering into his radio and thanking his team had you beaming with pride. He’d been doing it tough these past few races so finishing in the top five at his home race was exactly the kind of confidence boost he needed. It was a long season after all and he needed keep his spirits up – something that you were more than happy to help with.
“You were an absolute killer out there!” You enthused as your arms wrapped around Lando’s waist, pulling him into a hug with a contented smile. He immediately nuzzled into your neck and sighed, squeezing your shoulders in his embrace before pulling back with a grin. “You were amazing.”
“Time to celebrate, yeah?” Lando asked, glancing over at Max who was nodding with an equally large smile before leading everyone towards the parking lot.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
After rushing back to your apartment and changing into something nightclub appropriate, Max texted Lando the address for the place you would all be going to. A few of the other drivers had been invited, George Russell being the only one you’d been introduced to and all of Lando’s high school mates who had come along to the race. You knew from the second you stepped into the claustrophobic club that you’d be looking for a familiar face to latch onto, fully aware that your safety blanket would be pulled in every possible direction – and that’s exactly what happened.
You found yourself sitting alone in a small booth at the back of the club, watching Lando laughing along with his friends, smile lines more present now than you’d ever seen. The condensation on your glass had seeped down onto the table, a perfect excuse to distract you from the sickly pit forming in your stomach as you watched girl after girl attempt to make their move. It was a weird feeling – far from jealously. Guilt. A sense of shame rippled through your body as you watched him politely excuse himself and search the dance floor for you. I’m just going to the bathroom, you’d told him nearly twenty minutes ago. A little white lie to slip away but now, here you were, hiding from the man who loved you. Guilt-ridden.
“Can I sit?” You heard a loud voice ask, startling you out of your thoughts and into his chocolate brown eyes that were glistening under the dim lighting. Carlos Sainz.
“Of course. Congratulations on your win… you must be buzzing,” You leaned forward with praise, hoping he heard you over the loud music blasting through the speakers above.
He smiled in acknowledgement before taking a sip of his cocktail, “Ay, yes. Very happy but what makes me happier is to see little Lando so happy – he speaks of you a lot, you know? Doesn’t shut up sometimes…” Carlos trailed off with a knowing smirk, suggestively wiggling his eyebrows. He was tipsy.
“I’m sure he’ll hate you telling me that.” You returned the smile and grasped your glass for stability. There was something about what Carlos had said that made you nervous, pressured somehow when all he was doing was teasing his friend.
“I don’t get to make fun too much with him – so serious all the time but no,” Carlos mumbled, trying to keep track of his sentence, “Very happy he has found you.”
A couple of beats passed before you opened your mouth to speak but as you did, you felt a hand snake across your shoulder, sending a jolt down your spine before you turned to see who the hand belonged to. “Sneaking off with Sainz already? I thought you’d at least wait a couple of hours before leaving me for him.”
Lando was teasing and you knew that but Carlos in his drunken state waved his hands around like a madman, assuring his younger friend that he would do no such thing, to which Lando just snickered and brushed him off. She is beautiful though, Carlos loudly whispered, Lando's eyes catching yours as the Spaniard launched himself into his arms. It was comical and sweet the way the two of them stood there, silently hugging before Lando managed to escape his friends grip, slipping away as if nothing had happened and immediately meeting your eyes again.
“Wanna get out of here?” He mouthed; memories flashing back to the first time those words were muttered between the two of you – sparking this whole whirlwind romance. Of course you nodded, needing some fresh air and a new perspective, hoping the cloud of doubts swirling around in your subconscious for most of the night, and month, would just disappear.
The two of you hadn’t even made it through your front door before Lando’s hands were roaming your skin, fingertips leaving chills as they explored your body. You hadn’t had much to drink; a cocktail and a glass of bubbly in hospitality hours ago and Lando was the same – leaving the drinking to his mates like most of his nights out on the town. He wanted to have a clear mind for when he found himself alone with you, completely focused on the task at hand and soaking in every little detail so he could take that with him next weekend when he couldn’t roll over and have you whenever he felt like it. He hated leaving you like that – deprived of his touch.
“I don’t need foreplay,” You moaned into his mouth, breathless and needy as you straddled his lap – slowly grinding down and working you both into a whining mess. Lando had managed to lure you to the bedroom, mumbling something along the lines of your dog watching us fuck is a mood killer and you couldn't contest that. He loved taking you on the couch, hearing your screams echoing off the concrete walls downstairs but not tonight.
“That turned on for me, huh? Barely even touched you,” Lando teased while you lined him up, eyes never leaving his as you slid down and took every inch of him with ease. You nodded in response and leaned back, fingernails digging deep into his tensed thighs as you rocked back and forth, setting the pace and finding that angle that had you aching with pleasure.
“That’s feeling un-fucking-believable for me, baby. Holy shit…” Lando gasped, fingertips deeply entrenched in the skin on your hips, rolling them back and forward between his rough palms.
Eyes closed and bottom lip securely clenched between your front teeth suppressed the amount of pleasure you were feeling as he stretched you out, meeting your thrusts with a growl as you rode him. Lando struggled with relinquishing control, always wanting to be the one giving it to you on a silver platter, either missionary or hitting it from behind. And you loved that but you felt greedy for always being the lazy one, and after a long weekend, the least you could do was take some of the load off the gorgeous man whimpering below you. Begging you to come with him.
“I’ve been so pent up today, seeing you in that fucking dress and having you grinding up on me in the club. I nearly exploded in my fucking pants and right now, you feel so tight – so warm and I can’t hold on when you move like that… Jesus Christ,” Lando muttered and groaned, throwing his head back into your soft linen pillows, chuckling at how good you felt wrapped around his throbbing cock, clenching every time you bottomed out.
Lando lifted his head from the pillows he was buried in and licked the pad of his thumb before brushing it over your swollen clit and setting the bundle of nerves alight. He needed you to be where he was; desperately chasing your high and he could tell you weren’t quite there yet until he heard it – the tell tale sign that you were feeling as good as he was. It was a low moan, unlike any other sound he had ever heard before and it had him grinning like a Cheshire cat when it slipped past your beautifully parted lips. Angelically flushed face scrunched up in concentration as you chased your ecstasy and blocked out all of the thoughts rushing through your head. All you could think about now was your body bursting into flames.
Your name was falling from Lando’s lips as he squeezed his eyes shut, mouth falling agape while he watched you start to unravel above him. His gaze was hindered by lust, vision blurry as grasped your hands that were pressed down on his perspiring chest, heart beating wildly under the taut skin. You could feel it thrumming against your palms, matching your pulse as you let the knot in the pit of your stomach detonate, pussy fluttering as your high hit with ferocity. Give it to me, you chanted over and over until you felt him filling you up, spilling out and giving you every drop you were desperately begging for. 
"Fucking take it, baby. Take it all," Lando growled as you slowed your movements, sensitivity now making every stroke more and more unbearable – so much so that he had to still your hips while he composed himself, eyes closed and tongue licking his chapped lips.
You leaned down and kissed them, still warming his cock but knowing you needed to get up – the pain in your thighs urging you to stretch before you started cramping from straddling his lap for so long. There was something different in the way Lando looked at you as you got up from the bed. It was hard to decipher; several shades of emotions spread across his face, ones that he couldn’t quite express in the way he wanted. And one’s you maybe didn’t want to hear.
“What’s that look?”
Curiosity got the better of you.
But deep down there was a part of you that knew that look anywhere – the look of complete adoration. You’d seen it so many times before, most recently with your friend Rae and her husband; both of them being wholly and utterly in love with each other, til death do they part. There was no doubt in your mind that they were soul mates, destined to be together for the rest of their lives, living a full life in each other’s company. What they had was a happily ever after kind of love.
Lando propped his back up against your bedhead and smiled to himself as you slipped under the sheets beside him, “I was just thinking about how fucking perfect you are and that I’ve never felt like this before. Ever.”
But his face dropped when you looked away from him, avoiding his eye contact. “You know, you do that every time I say something like that.”
You sighed and reluctantly captured his gaze again, “Do what?”
“Look away from me, like you don’t want to admit to your feelings. Because I know you have them – I feel them every time you kiss me, every time you touch me and it’s different with you… You’re special to me. I think you might actually be–”
Without even thinking, your fingertips flew to Lando’s lips and stopped him mid sentence. You didn’t know what came over you – maybe panic, trying your best to mitigate the damages that you knew were inevitably going to come. It pained you to do it and it hurt even more when Lando’s dark blue eyes widened, as if a crushing weight had just come down and pummelled his spirit.
“Don’t say it.”
“You don’t even know what I was going to say,” Lando chuckled against your fingertips and through the pain, reaching up and tracing his thumb across your jawline with a strained smile, “Please let me finish.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?” His voice was stronger, stare narrowed in faux confusion. He knew what was coming, he wasn’t entirely oblivious, but he had to play dumb; act like what you were about to say was the most ludicrous thing he’d ever heard and convince you that whatever had you worried, he could fix.
But you weren’t stupid. You knew that he had sensed your wavering, the diversions every time he proclaimed how much he cared about you, the little gestures of affection that left you awkwardly speechless. It wasn’t because you couldn’t express your feelings, hell, you were a grown ass woman and it wasn’t because you didn’t love him because deep down there was a part of you that did. And maybe in some alternate universe where you weren’t in your thirties and he wasn’t a young, hotshot driver, you could’ve waited for everything to fall into place. But that wasn’t your situation. It was complicated – too much so.
“You know why…”
He wasn’t expecting the tables to be turned back on him so quickly. But the realisation hit him like a tonne of bricks; of course you knew. Of course you could see right through him, like a ghost – you’d done that since the second he laid eyes on you, read him like an open book even when he thought he was being slick, as if you hadn’t experienced all of this before. He hated that you were two steps ahead with him always on the back foot and playing catch up. He should’ve known better than to call your bluff, putting on a brave face when all he wanted to do was rewind and follow your lead. Take it slow. Easy does it. Don’t scare her off.
But he loved you; Lando couldn’t hide that. You were different. You were special. You were everything he could’ve asked for and now he could feel you slipping away.
“Don’t do this to me.” He whispered; head titled and voice meek, unsteady. The façade had finally fallen, all cards laid out on the table for all to see. You couldn’t look at him after those words left his mouth, chills surging down your spine. The room was dark, lit only by the hallway light seeping through the open door but you could see him clear as day; shattering into tiny pieces and simultaneously trying to pick them up as they fell to the floor.
“You can’t do this – not now. We’re just starting to get into a rhythm. You said you wanted this and I thought it was going well, like, you are enjoying this, right? What’s changed?” He was desperate now, clutching at every straw in the pack, searching for answers while you sat silently, mustering up the energy to tell him the cold hard truth.
You sighed and grasped his hand, shaking as you interlaced your fingers. It was selfish to want him close while you broke his heart but you were hurting too; gut-wrenched and guilt ridden that you’d allowed it to go on for this long. Four months of pure bliss masked your reality, blinders shielding you from the truth.
“I guess tonight I realised how much you have left to experience and I can’t hold you back from all of that… You should’ve been dancing with those girls tonight, living it up while you still can, you know?”
“Frankly, I don’t.” Lando scoffed, shaking his head fervently, “Who do you think I am? Fuckin’... Joey Essex or something? I’m not a player. I’m not some guy who fucks around for the sake of it. If that’s who you think I am, then fuck me. You don’t know me at all, baby.” His voice was venomous with a hint of amusement and you couldn’t help but crack a small smile.
Because he was right.
“Okay so maybe you’re not Joey Essex,” You rolled your eyes, “But you’re young! And hot and rich and famous and… There’s so much more out there for you than settling for this. For me.”
“But I want you.”
“You don’t know what you want.”
“I know that I’m in love with you.”
“You don’t know what love is.”
The longer the back and forth went on, the more nauseous you were becoming – whiplashed by words. You didn’t want to fight with him but he was adamant to fight for you, to convince you to forget about it for tonight. But your accusation that he didn’t know what love meant cut deep, slicing through his heart and belittling everything he’d done for you, how he felt about you. Undermining what you have together.
“Don’t treat me like a child. You don’t treat me like that when I’m making you scream my name or when you’re begging me to fuck you. So why are you doing it now?!” His voice was raised, teetering on the edge of a full-blown screaming match.
“Because I’ve been lying to myself! Telling myself that this was okay, that maybe we could make it work because you were so sweet, so charming. And I love what we’ve done together; you’ve made me feel alive again. But I’ve taken enough from you – you deserve more. And I deserve more – someone who isn’t away seven months out of the year; someone to start a family with and I can’t do that with you.”
A single tear silently rolled down your cheek and you hadn’t even realised that Lando was frozen in place, watching his world crumbling in around him. He wished he had the right words, prayed to a higher power to give him the words that would ease your mind and forget about the future until you realised you couldn’t live without him. But he wasn’t that lucky, not today, not ever – he just had to hold his ground and fight.
“I know that you’ve been in more relationships than me and I know that you’ve been fucked over more times than you deserve. One is too many since you are the single most beautiful person I have ever met.” Lando’s voice was low and faltering as he spoke, tears now prickling the corners of his eyes.
“But I want those things with you, maybe not right now but I see a future with you – I really fucking do. And I’ve tried to be that guy for you every single day since the moment we met but you haven’t let me. I want to be the guy you call in the middle of the night when you can't sleep – someone you can rely on. I’ll be the man you need me to be, I swear. Give me a chance to show you.”
Silence filled the dark room, distant sirens outside your window took some of the edge off but the tension was thick – suffocating as you threw the duvet off your legs, suddenly feeling like your chest was on fire, flushed red. You blinked a couple of times before burying your head in your hands, raking fingers through your tangled hair. There were no more tears, just unfiltered emotion running rampant in your mind, weighing up everything that had been said – figuring out where that left you. But like in the weeks leading up to this moment, you found yourself back at the same place every time. Broken.
And nothing could change the way you feel.
“Your future is my present, Lando. And I hate this – I don’t want this to be the end but I don’t have time and you have so much living left to do. I know that you can’t see that now but I promise you that I’m right. I promise you that you will forget about me and find someone worthy of your love, someone who can wait for you to be ready for all the things you want out of life – someone to share the journey with because I’ve missed all of that and if I could turn the clock back and start again with you, I would do it in a heartbeat because you are so much more than I could’ve ever asked for. But life is cruel and I can’t take those years away from you, I can't.”
There was an eerily long pause before Lando spoke, time really feeling like the burden it had always been.
“You’re right – I don’t understand.”
You wanted to shake him, make him believe your words more than anything but you remembered what you would’ve thought at twenty-three. Wide eyed and naïve, hearing the person you loved telling you that your feelings weren’t real and you hated to think that he would resent you for all of this; but of course he would. Why wouldn’t he?
“But it doesn’t change the way I feel about you.” Not yet, you thought.
“I know it doesn’t,” You barely whispered as Lando stood up to pull on his boxer briefs from the floor, feeling vulnerable and exposed, physically and emotionally.
“Do you want me to go?” He asked, solemn and quiet. Eyes hooded with fatigue as he gazed down at you in bed, arms limp at his sides while he waited for your answer; bated breath rushing through his lungs, heartbeat pounding in his ears.
You shook your head and gently patted the spot he’d left beside you. It was barely warm as your fingertips brushed over the white sheet, a subtle reminder of what it would feel like without him there, out of your life. Maybe it was immoral to tempt him back into your bed and it was definitely wrong to let him kiss you, to touch you, to make love to you until the sun came up. But the way he stared into your soul as he rested his weary head on your pillow, eyes pleading with you for one last memory together, you couldn’t refuse him that. You couldn’t deny him the closure he needed, if that was even something you could give.
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One of the several alarms on your phone jolted you awake, the jingle making your stomach flip as you reached over and silenced it with a huff. Your head was thumping, eyes sealed shut with sleep, mind numbed and an ache between your thighs that reminded you of the events that transpired last night. You could be easily forgiven for the pang of regret coursing through your body as you remembered the words that were said in the heat of the moment. For pushing away the only good thing in your life at present.
A cold shiver travelling down your spine sent you on a mission to find that good thing, your hand reaching for the warm body you’d become so accustomed to feeling beside you.
But when you turned over, he wasn’t there – his side was cold, wrinkled. Empty.
You sat up in disbelief, eyes searching the room for any signs of life besides you. Lando? You called out and wrapped yourself up in a robe, thinking that maybe he was downstairs making a cup of tea or watching TV. For some reason, you hadn’t even considered the obvious as you walked around your apartment, looking in the kitchen and the courtyard, phone in your hand.
Maybe the harsh reality was too hard to stomach, too hard to comprehend. In hindsight it didn't seem that unbelievable, that for Lando, waking up next to you knowing it would probably be the last time he ever saw you was a painful memory he would rather not have locked away in his subconscious for the rest of his life.
And once reality hit, you stopped in your tracks. Stood still in your cold, lonely apartment once again. Tears streamed down your face when you came to grips with your own self-inflicted pain. Lando was gone. You knew it was for the best, better for both of you and in time that would become clearer; easier to bear. But what killed you the most was that there was no way of knowing if he was happier now than he was with you because you never heard from him again. Not a knock on your door, not even a drunken text. And you deserved that. You had no right to his life from that day on.
But all of the late nights, the stories, the deep, dark secrets and the whispered sweet nothings you had shared together haunted you for years, even after you married the love of your life.
Forever left wondering, what could’ve been?
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a/n - i promise that i'll do happier lando fics in the near future but i hope you enjoyed this series and thank you again for all the support on it x lots of love! thoughts? feelings? i wanna know all of them! or click here for more of my writing if you liked this x
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sloth-babied · 2 years
Just for a Few Minutes
Shuri x POC reader
Summary: In the midst of a mission, you and Shuri get stranded in space. Months later of failing to get back home, you catch her crying and try to make her feel better.
Reader is a touch-starved pathetic loser who Shuri takes an interest in.
Contains: Angst, hurt/comfort, shy reader, smut (18+), and a sprinkle of fluff.
Word count: 2.7k
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Shuri’s been stuck at the wheel, stressing on getting back home. She hates this ship, if you can even call it that. It’s old and rusty. You’re surprised the ship hasn’t blown up yet.
You got used to the grumbling and shouting. It’s the same pattern over and over again, and it always ends with a dent in the metal wall or absolute silence: Shuri cheers, believing she’s tracked Earth’s location, then shouts profanities that you don’t understand when the janky ship randomly reroutes the coordinates.
All day Shuri sits in the cockpit, determined she’ll beat the ship at its ridiculous game, and you watch with crossed fingers each time. You often try to lend a hand, although she’s not very fun to work with when she’s angry.
And when she’s not angry, she cries. But only when she thinks you’re asleep. You’ll lay on your bed, back facing the rest of the ship, and glue your eyes on the wall, unable to sleep while she stifles her sobs either in the bathroom or her bed. 
Unlike Shuri, you didn’t have anyone to lose. Your teammates would tease you—call you a lone wolf. Unfortunately, they’re not wrong. 
Today, you hear the same quiet sniffling. 
You lay there, hesitant to move so she doesn’t know you’re listening. Or trying not to listen. But it’s hard not to when you’re a light sleeper. 
The benefit of being a light sleeper? No one can sneak up on you. 
The setback? Waking up to the only person you see every day cry almost every night.
However this night—or day, who knows really—is different. She doesn’t lay in the bed across from yours. Instead she sits in the cockpit, elbows on her lap and face buried in her hands.
Shuri’s body jumps when she hears the soft pads of your feet make their way over to her, but she doesn’t look at you. Maybe that’s for the best considering you have no idea what draws you to take the co-pilot’s seat. 
You’re unsure what to do. You rarely find yourself in a situation where you have to comfort someone, much less yourself. 
Looking straight ahead at the stars and distant galaxies, you speak. 
“I don’t miss anyone.” Wow. You’re already terrible at this.
Nonetheless, Shuri’s faintly head lifts, curious to hear where you’re going next.
You gulp, hoping you only say the right words.
“I mean, like, I don’t have anyone to, like, you know, miss. And there’s no one on Earth who’s, you know, missing me right now. Or looking for me for that matter. But I know that there are people searching for you.”
Shuri also looks ahead. “We’re galaxies away,” she states hopelessly.
“Which is probably why they’re taking so long,” you jokingly reply in an attempt to seem sensible.
You turn to Shuri, and the glint of hope that used to live in her eyes has gone, replaced with exhaustion.
“They’ll travel through those galaxies,” you hope to reassure her. “They will.”
You don’t even know if you believe that, though it doesn’t matter if you do or not as long as she believes it. 
For a minute, no one makes a sound before Shuri starts to whimper again.
An inaudible “woah” comes out of your mouth when you watch her conceal her face back in her hands. Mentally, you’re unsure how to react, which is ironic because your body somehow does: your bottom lifts off the seat and your arms make their way around the princess.
That’s what you do to make people feel better, right?
Her body stiffens and you scold yourself for being so hasty. You attempt to pull away and apologize before she snakes her arms around you, burying her head between your shoulder and neck. You stay there for a while, your knees on the hard floor as she soaks your shirt. 
You don’t say anything and she doesn’t need anything to be said. Silence is just fine.
You’re not used to offering affection, not even a simple hug. Its unfamiliarity makes you a little uncomfortable but you stay. She's the one who pulls away eventually. 
“Tired,” she says plainly.
You get on your feet and back up while she stands. The space between you and Shuri returns, mostly because of you. For you, really.
You attempt to shake off the odd feeling on your skin and in your chest as Shuri sits on her bed. She doesn’t tuck herself in though. She just looks at you.
You hate to say that the face she’s wearing seems familiar. It’s a face you’ve ignored on Earth. A face that wants something from you, but you don’t know what. Or you pretend you don’t know.
This time it’s different. You can sense what she wants, and like all the times before, you choose to ignore it, muttering a “goodnight” as you hurriedly walk to your bed.
There’s no thought to it when your body halts. However, the anticipation flusters you.
It takes a second after you point your ear to her. You hear a heavy exhale leave her nose. 
“Can you…lie down with me?”
If you heard this on Earth, you’d simply tell her to go to sleep. At the moment you consider not even facing her again, but you regrettably turn your shoulder. And damn. There’s that face again–the inner corners of her eyebrows softly angled upward.
“Just for a few minutes,” she adds. 
Her eyes slowly glide away as she recognizes what she just requested. She wonders why she even asked you such a thing. She starts to shake her head, nearly retracting what she said.
“Sure,” you say. This is probably a mistake.
Your answer obviously surprises her. You don’t have that type of relationship to even lay together, let alone make any physical contact that wasn’t a pat on the shoulder.
You take up the little space left after Shuri scooches. She faces the wall and you lay on your back, unable to move freely. Even your leg hangs off the edge.
But you still can’t seem to shake off that feeling. 
It feels strange. Sort of awkward. But something about it also feels…nice, you think. You’ve never done this with someone. The thought of it was too foreign to even consider.
The version of you before would have cringed at the possibility of this happening. But this version of you–the one who has spent months stranded in space, building whatever connection you have with Shuri–doesn’t mind her back pressed against your arm. This version of you doesn’t mind how warm she feels next to you despite the spacecraft’s low temperatures.
You stare at the back of her head contemplating whether or not you should throw your arm over her waist. To comfort her, of course. 
No, probably not. 
Facing the ceiling again, you wait for Shuri to fall asleep until you hear sniffling again. You can’t solve sorrow with one conversation, can you?
“Shuri?” You whisper. She doesn’t respond. You turn over and place your hand on her bicep. “Shuri,” you try again.
You pull at her with no force and she rolls on her back, wiping her cheek. 
“Sorry,” she murmurs sheepishly.
“No, no,” you reach for her face. “It’s alright.”
She gives you full access, staring at you when you begin rubbing away as many tears as you can. You hit a point where her face is mostly dried up, but you don’t remove your hand. You both lay on your sides and you just keep cleaning.
Shuri reaches for your cheek, dragging the back of her hand up and down, mimicking your touch. Your eyes flutter shut, welcoming the new sensation.
She whispers your name.
You open your eyes. “What?”
God, that face.
“I’m gonna kiss you.”
Your hand pauses on her cheek. “Okay.”
She grabs your neck, pressing her lips to yours. And it feels…really good. Her lips are soft, but dry. She observes the same for your lips, but none of you actually mind.  
Oh man, is this what you’ve deprived yourself of all this time? You can’t get enough of this. You can’t get enough of her, especially when she tilts her head, kissing you deeper. She eagerly pushes you on your back and gets on top of you, hungrily molding herself against you. 
A moan escapes the back of your throat when her lips move to your jaw, trailing down. Her lips tingle down your neck, particularly when she rests there to mark your skin. 
You enjoy this feeling. The overwhelming state you’ve never allowed yourself to enter before.
Shuri lifts the hem of your shirt, snaking her hand under your pants. Your thighs instinctively open as she cups your pussy and your breath hitches when her thumb begins circling your clit.
Jesus, you’re sensitive. You’ve touched yourself here and there, but it never felt like this. 
You choose to look down and your arousal grows just by the disappearance of her hand beneath your clothing. She slides her middle finger between your folds and you dismiss her chuckles when she recognizes how incredibly wet you are. You’re too horny and touch-starved to even worry about it. 
She sits up, one hand at your pussy and the other next to your head. She inserts a finger and drags it out, continuing this motion as her thumb messily rubs your bud.
“You like it when I do this?” Oh, she knows you do.
“Yeah,” you mutter after she inserts her ring finger, staring at you writhe below her.
You turn away, squeezing your eyes shut. Your arm sits on your forehead, covering your eyes, but Shuri pulls the arm away from your face.
“Keep looking at me,” she commands softly.
As piercing as her eyes are, you do as she says and she rewards you by pumping faster. Your mouth opens, your breath quickens, and your hand grips her pillow and the other flies to her bicep, seeking to hold something. 
She hums, responding to your desperate whines; your wetness coating her fingers. She takes advantage of your parted mouth and consumes your lips, slipping in her tongue.
You can’t tell if it’s her fingers or her tongue that make you cum, but holy shit, who fucking cares at this point? Your body shakes and your hips lift involuntarily. And even better, Shuri continues to thrust in and out of you, gradually slowing her pace as your orgasm sends you into a disorientated state of ecstasy.
You pull away from her lips, catching your breath.
Shuri smirks. “You look pretty when you cum.” 
And you’re brought back down to…well, not Earth. With a groan, you cover your face, but only for a second, too keen to see an expression that wasn’t a frown on her face.
“I bet you’d look even better,” you sit up to kiss her. “Can you lay back?” 
She obeys, switching positions with you. You hope to appease her even though you don’t fully know what you’re doing. 
“Tell me what to do,” you rub her knee. “I wanna make you feel good, but I don’t know where to start.”
An inquisitive look appears on her face, processing what you’ve just told her. She leans up using her elbows to support her.
“Was that your first time?” 
You tilt your head side to side. “Sorta, yeah. I mean, there was this one girl a while ago, but she didn’t get…as far as you did.” 
You didn’t let her get as far as Shuri did, to be specific.
“Bast,” she gapes at you. “I suppose that makes sense.”
“Please don’t make it awkward.”
She shakes her head. “I…Okay, yeah–no. I won’t.” The gears keep turning in her head to the point where she smiles to herself. “I’m your first?”
“Okay,” you murmur, shifting away from her before Shuri draws you back with your wrist.
“Don’t go,” she giggles. “That’s okay. I’ll guide you.” She pecks your lips. “I’m sorry.” She pecks your lips again. “We’ll go slow.”
You nod nervously.
“What do you wanna do, hm?” She caresses your cheek, seeing how tense you’ve become. 
You peer down at her pants, shrugging. “Wanna touch you…however you want me to.”
“However?” She gives you one last kiss below your jaw before laying on her back. “Okay. Help me take this off.”
The heat kicks back in. You start removing her pants until she impatiently kicks the rest off the bed, leading you both to laugh. 
“Just start by kissing me first,” Shuri reaches for your arm.
You happily oblige, enveloping her lips with yours, your body between her legs. You breathe her in—promptly addicted, that’s for sure. Your chests press together and you can feel her breasts beneath you, nipples as firm as yours. 
Your hand hesitantly slides under her shirt. You stop before you reach her breast. “Is it okay if-”
“It’s okay,” she drags your hand to her breast and you gently squeeze before flicking her nipple. You successfully earn a moan from her. Fuck, you only wanna do things that’ll get a noise out of her. 
You kiss her chin, her jaw, dip to her neck, then down to her clavicle, hoping to descend further. Shuri reads your mind, removing her shirt and throwing it aside. You fervently reconnect your mouth to her skin, stopping at her sternum. Her hand shoots to the back of your head when your lips slide to her breast and your tongue circles around her areola, flicking on her nipple before engulfing it. Another moan leaves her, encouraging you to suck. Your free hand plays with her other breast, flicking and tugging before gliding down to her pussy. You find her clitoris beneath her underwear, circling it between your index and middle finger.
Shuri mumbles in Xhosa as you slip off her underwear.
Your mouth releases her breast and you get up. You gaze at her body, licking your lips. You stay there, naively contemplating what you hope to do to her. She notices. 
Her half-lidded eyes inspect your expression. “What do you wanna do?” 
Your fingers keep playing with her as you think. You look down at them, enthralled by her body’s response to your touch. You land on something. “Wanna eat you out.”
Shuri lets out a breathy laugh. “I’m surprised you know what cunnilingus is,” she jokes.
You chuckle. “Shut up.”
You aim for her stomach, kissing your way down to her pussy. You remove your fingers from her clit, pausing once you’ve positioned your head between her legs. Your eyes lock on hers when you flatten your tongue and lick.
“Yeah,” her hand lands on the side of head, watching you intently. “Just keep doing that.”
And you do. You lick and suck her, allowing the volume of her voice to guide you. You wrap your arms around each of her thighs, getting comfortable the more she coats your mouth and chin.
“Does that feel good?” You muffle against her pussy.
“Yeah,” she grinds on your face. “Feels…feels really good.”
Shuri gasps your name and throws her head back when you sneak a finger inside her cunt, thrusting in and out. She whimpers when you add another digit, curling the pads of your fingers. She curses in her native language, sighing, “right there,” when you hit her spot and you stare, admiring her whine and whimper because of you.
You continue to suck her clit until her body shudders intensely as she approaches her climax. She wonders if you’ve switched off the ship’s gravity because her mind spaces off blissfully.
You want to see that again.
She releases a heavy sigh and lifts herself to look at you while you sit up.
“Did I do okay?” You ask.
She yanks you by your shirt and smashes her lips on yours, tasting herself. 
You laugh against her mouth. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
She pulls away, but lingers with her forehead against yours. She drags her fingernails up and down your neck. “Thank you.”
And she means it. You’re both lonely already. She needed the distraction and you’re apparently much more desperate for affection than you thought you were.
Jokingly you furrow your brows anyway. 
“Do people normally thank each other after sex?”
She clicks her tongue and flicks your forehead, saying your name in a scolding manner.
“Ow!” You yelp, laughing as you palm the spot she flicked. 
Shuri smiles humorously, rubbing your forehead despite the lack of pain.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
I love the way you write Garrett so much!! 😭 Hope you don't mind another request!
I'd love to see him just loving on his mate🥺😍 showing her off to people, hugging her from behind,laying his head in her lap, forhead kisses aah! I just love it!! 😍🥹🥹🥹
Please and thank you!
Thank you, I tried my best with that character. Ooh I hope you enjoy this one
↱ i need love and affection ↰
➘ summary : as a norman vampire many other vampires think Garrett likes being alone and not being around others, you know - lone wolf type vibes. But that isn’t the case, not the case at all
➘ a/n: breaking this up into parts sorta like how I write my headcanons so one half will tell how they met, him showing her off, hugging her etc
➘ Garrett x reader , twilight x reader
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The road stretched out before Garrett, a seemingly endless path winding through unfamiliar territory. He was used to the nomadic lifestyle, traversing different corners of the world in search of adventure and excitement. As a vampire, time was on his side, and he embraced the thrill of exploration.
On this particular day, the sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden hue over the landscape. The air was crisp, and the scent of pine trees mingled with the earthy fragrance of the forest floor. Garrett's senses were attuned to his surroundings, a hunter's awareness that kept him alert to every rustle of leaves and distant sound.
As he continued his journey, a flicker of movement caught his eye. In the distance, a figure was approaching—a young woman, (e/c) eyes bright with curiosity as she took in the world around her. Garrett's footsteps slowed as he observed her, an intrigued smile tugging at his lips.
As their paths drew closer, Garrett's senses were inundated with an intoxicating scent—a fragrance that was uniquely her own. His instincts stirred, his heart quickening as he realized what this meant: he had stumbled upon his mate.
The woman seemed to sense his presence, her gaze lifting to meet his. A hint of surprise danced in her eyes, as if she, too, had recognized the significance of this encounter. Garrett couldn't help but feel a connection that went beyond words—an unspoken bond that linked them in ways he couldn't fully comprehend.
"Hello," he greeted, his voice a rich timbre that carried a hint of intrigue.
Her lips curved into a friendly smile, her (h/c) hair catching the sunlight as she responded, "Hello. It's a beautiful day, isn't it?"
Garrett nodded, his gaze never leaving hers. "Indeed it is. I'm Garrett."
"(Y/N)," she replied, her voice warm and welcoming. "Nice to meet you, Garrett."
The moments between them seemed to stretch, the world around them fading as their connection deepened. Garrett found himself drawn to (Y/N)'s vibrant spirit, her energy resonating with his own sense of adventure and freedom.
As they stood there, the forest enveloping them in its natural beauty, Garrett couldn't help but feel that fate had played a hand in this meeting. The chance encounter had brought them together, two souls from different walks of life, connected by an invisible thread that defied logic.
"I don't usually travel alone," (Y/N) confessed, a playful glint in her eyes. "But there's something liberating about being out here on my own."
Garrett's smile widened, his interest piqued. "And what brings you to this part of the world?"
Her gaze shifted to the landscape, her expression thoughtful. "I suppose you could call it a quest for self-discovery. I'm looking for something that resonates with my spirit, a place where I can truly feel at home."
Garrett's eyes held a knowing gleam, his voice soft. "Sometimes, the most remarkable discoveries come when you least expect them."
As their conversation flowed, Garrett and (Y/N) shared stories of their journeys, their experiences, and their dreams. Time seemed to slip away, the world around them fading as they forged a connection that defied the constraints of time and space.
The months had flown by, marked by countless adventures and shared experiences. Garrett and (Y/N) had become inseparable companions, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. Yet, there was one truth that Garrett had kept hidden—a secret that he knew would eventually have to be revealed.
As night descended, casting a tapestry of stars across the sky, Garrett met (Y/N) by the edge of a tranquil river. The gentle sound of flowing water created a soothing backdrop to their conversation. He had chosen this moment to finally unveil his true nature.
"(Y/N)," Garrett began, his voice tinged with a mixture of uncertainty and determination. "There's something I need to tell you."
She looked at him, her (e/c) eyes curious and attentive. "Go ahead, Garrett. You can tell me anything."
Taking a deep breath, Garrett spoke the words that had remained hidden for so long. "I'm a vampire."
(Y/N)'s gaze held a mixture of surprise and intrigue, her expression thoughtful. "A vampire? You mean, like the ones from myths and legends?"
He nodded, his lips curving into a wry smile. "Yes, exactly like those. We're immortal, we have heightened senses, and we need to drink blood to survive."
Her response was surprisingly calm, her eyes holding a spark of understanding. "I've heard tales about vampires before. They're often portrayed as mysterious and alluring."
Garrett chuckled softly. "Well, I can't speak for all vampires, but I do enjoy the allure of the night."
As the conversation unfolded, (Y/N) listened attentively, her open-mindedness a testament to her accepting nature. When Garrett had finished explaining the intricacies of his existence, there was a moment of silence—a pause that seemed to stretch as (Y/N) processed the information.
Finally, she spoke, her voice gentle and earnest. "Thank you for trusting me enough to share this with me, Garrett. I appreciate your honesty."
He smiled, a genuine expression of gratitude. "You're welcome, (Y/N). I felt that it was time you knew the truth."
She looked at him, her gaze softening. "You know, despite this revelation, I still feel the same about you. You're still the same person I've come to care about and enjoy spending time with."
The weight of her words settled within Garrett's chest, a warmth spreading through him that went beyond the physical sensations vampires were capable of experiencing. He reached out, his fingers gently brushing against hers. "Thank you, (Y/N). Your understanding means more to me than you can imagine."
As they stood there, the stars above casting a gentle glow, (Y/N) seemed to hesitate before speaking again. "Garrett, there's something I'd like to share with you as well."
He tilted his head, curiosity in his gaze. "I'm listening."
Her voice held a hint of vulnerability as she met his eyes. "I've felt a connection between us, one that goes beyond friendship. It's as if our souls are intertwined, bound by a deeper bond."
Garrett's heart quickened, his instincts attuned to her words. "What do you mean?"
(Y/N) took a deep breath, her gaze unwavering. "I believe that we're mates, Garrett. There's a sense of destiny that I can't ignore."
The revelation hung in the air, a declaration that resonated with the unspoken emotions that had grown between them. Garrett's smile was a mixture of awe and affection as he reached out, his fingers intertwining with hers.
"(Y/N), you're right," he admitted, his voice holding a note of certainty. "We are mates, connected by a bond that transcends time and space."
As their fingers linked, (Y/N)'s smile mirrored his own, a testament to the depth of their connection. In that moment, they embraced the shared truths that had been unveiled—the reality of their supernatural natures and the undeniable bond that had drawn them together. As the night embraced them, they stood united in a love that was fated to span eternity.
The sun's rays filtered through the dense canopy of trees, dappling the forest floor with patches of light. Garrett had taken to wandering, allowing his thoughts to drift as he relished the solitude of the wilderness. Little did he know that his solitude was about to be interrupted.
The rustle of leaves drew his attention, and he turned to find Carlisle Cullen approaching. The vampire's composed demeanor and kind eyes hinted at the wisdom and experience he had amassed over the centuries.
"Garrett," Carlisle greeted with a nod, his voice carrying a note of warmth. "May I have a moment of your time?"
"Of course," Garrett replied, curiosity piqued as he gestured for Carlisle to join him.
The two vampires found a spot to sit beneath a sprawling tree, the leaves forming a natural canopy overhead.
"I come with a proposition," Carlisle began, his gaze steady. "My granddaughter, Renesmee, is a unique being—a hybrid of vampire and human. She is set to face the Volturi, and we are gathering witnesses to stand on her behalf. I believe your perspective could hold significant weight."
Garrett's brows furrowed as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. "Facing the Volturi is no small matter. What would my presence as a witness entail?"
Carlisle's gaze remained steady, his voice even. "Your experience, your insights into the balance between our worlds, could help tip the scales in Renesmee's favor. I understand that this is a lot to consider, but I believe that your presence could make a difference."
Garrett's thoughts raced as he processed the enormity of the request. The Volturi were a powerful and ancient coven, and to stand against them was to challenge a force that had held sway for centuries. Yet, he also felt a sense of duty—a desire to ensure that justice prevailed, especially for a unique individual like Renesmee.
"I appreciate your offer, Carlisle," Garrett said, his voice sincere. "I'll need some time to think it over."
Carlisle nodded, his understanding evident. "Of course, take the time you need. Just know that your presence could make a significant impact."
As Carlisle departed, Garrett was left with a swirl of thoughts and emotions. The weight of the decision ahead was palpable, and he knew that whatever choice he made would carry profound implications.
Later that day, as the sun began its descent, (Y/N) returned from the marketplace. Garrett watched her approach, his heart lifting at the sight of her radiant smile.
"(Y/N)," he greeted, his voice warm as he stepped forward to meet her.
"Hey," she replied, her (e/c) eyes shining with happiness. "Did you have a good day?"
He nodded, though his thoughts were elsewhere. "I did, but something unexpected happened."
Curiosity flickered in (Y/N)'s gaze. "What is it?"
Taking a deep breath, Garrett recounted his encounter with Carlisle and the offer he had received to stand as a witness against the Volturi on behalf of Renesmee.
"(Y/N)," he said, his voice earnest, "it's a heavy decision to make. The Volturi are not to be taken lightly, and this could have far-reaching consequences."
(Y/N) listened attentively, her expression thoughtful. When he had finished, she reached out, her fingers lacing with his. "Garrett, I understand the weight of the decision. But remember, you've always been one to stand up for what's right, even when it's not easy. If you believe that your presence could make a difference, then I think you should go."
He regarded her, his heart swelling with admiration for her wisdom and insight. "You truly believe that?"
"Yes," (Y/N) affirmed, her gaze unwavering. "Your perspective is valuable, Garrett. If you can help ensure justice and protect someone like Renesmee, then I think it's a path worth considering."
As they stood there, their fingers intertwined, Garrett felt a sense of clarity settling within him. The decision was daunting, but (Y/N)'s unwavering support and the knowledge that their values aligned gave him the strength to face the challenges that lay ahead.
With a grateful smile, he met her gaze. "Thank you, (Y/N). Your perspective means the world to me."
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the world around them, Garrett and (Y/N) embraced the choices that lay ahead—a future where their actions would shape the course of events and the balance between justice and power.
The journey to the Cullens' house was a mix of anticipation and curiosity for both Garrett and (Y/N). As they approached their destination, the atmosphere seemed to shift—a subtle awareness that they were entering a world that was both unfamiliar and filled with intriguing possibilities.
The grandeur of the Cullens' home was matched only by the breathtaking beauty of the surrounding forest. As they stepped onto the grounds, their footsteps muffled by the lush grass, Garrett couldn't help but admire the tranquil splendor that enveloped them.
However, their arrival did not go unnoticed. The Cullens, a family of vampires with unique talents and backgrounds, had sensed their approach. As the doors of the house swung open, the family members emerged one by one, their curious gazes focused on the newcomers.
Garrett's protective instincts flared, his stance subtly shifting as he stood behind (Y/N). He was acutely aware of the scrutiny directed at her—a human among vampires. But he was determined to show that he was her staunch protector, that her presence by his side was inviolable.
(Y/N), on the other hand, seemed unfazed by the attention. Her (e/c) eyes sparkled with a mixture of confidence and warmth as she took in her surroundings. The other vampires' curious glances didn't faze her; instead, she radiated an air of serenity, thriving in the affection and protection that Garrett offered.
Seeing her composure, Garrett allowed himself to relax slightly. He moved closer to her, wrapping his arms around her waist as he stood protectively behind her. His subtle gesture was both a declaration of his commitment and a silent assurance that no harm would befall her.
The family members observed the scene, their expressions shifting from curiosity to a mixture of approval and respect. They were a clan that understood the complexities of relationships and the bonds that transcended the boundaries of species.
"Welcome, Garrett, and (Y/N)," Carlisle's voice carried a warmth that put everyone at ease. "My adoptive daughter Alice told me your name,” he says addressing (y/n). “We're glad you could join us."
(Y/N) turned her head slightly to smile at Garrett, her fingers instinctively threading through his as she spoke. "Thank you for having us."
As the Cullens led them inside, Garrett's gaze remained steadfast, his protective stance unwavering. He knew that he was in the company of powerful beings, but he also understood that his bond with (Y/N) was a force to be reckoned with—a connection that defied convention and upheld the sanctity of love.
Throughout their visit, the Cullens' gazes would occasionally drift to (Y/N), their curiosity evident. But each time, Garrett's presence behind her served as a silent reminder—a symbol of their unity and the strength they drew from each other.
As the evening unfolded, (Y/N) and Garrett found themselves immersed in conversations, sharing stories and laughter with the Cullens. The initial curiosity had given way to genuine camaraderie, a testament to the capacity for understanding that existed within this extraordinary family.
As the night drew to a close, (Y/N) turned to Garrett, her smile radiant. "This has been quite the experience, hasn't it?"
He nodded, his fingers gently brushing against hers. "Indeed, it has. And through it all, you've remained a beacon of grace and strength."
Her gaze met his, a mixture of affection and gratitude in her eyes. "Just like you, Garrett."
As they exchanged a tender look, surrounded by a family that had embraced them both, (Y/N) and Garrett knew that their bond was unbreakable. The world they navigated together, one that bridged the realms of human and vampire, was a testament to the power of love, understanding, and the unwavering unity that bound them together.
In the midst of the Cullens' grand living room, where the camaraderie of vampires and their unique companions filled the air, (Y/N) found herself engaged in a conversation with some of the Cullen family members. Laughter and stories flowed around her, creating an atmosphere of warmth and connection.
However, her pleasant interaction was interrupted when a new presence approached. The vampire was one of the Roman coven members—confident and charismatic, though his eyes carried a hint of mischief. His gaze landed on (Y/N), a knowing smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" he drawled, his voice dripping with amusement. "A human, in a room full of vampires. Quite the bold move, my dear."
(Y/N) met his gaze with a mixture of curiosity and composure. She had faced curiosity and comments before, but she was prepared to stand her ground.
Before she could respond, Garrett materialized at her side, his presence a tangible shield of protection. His arm wrapped around her waist, drawing her closer to his side, as he fixed the Roman vampire with a firm glare.
"And what's your point?" Garrett's voice was steady, his tone laced with a subtle warning.
The Roman vampire's smirk widened, seemingly unperturbed by Garrett's demeanor. "Oh, no point at all, my friend. Just making an observation."
(Y/N)'s fingers tightened slightly around Garrett's, her resolve unwavering. She appreciated his protectiveness but also wanted to handle the situation with grace.
Garrett leaned down, his lips brushing against (Y/N)'s forehead in a tender gesture. It was a clear display of his affection and a silent promise of his presence as her protector. As he straightened, his eyes remained locked with the Roman vampire's, his gaze intense.
"Let me make something clear," Garrett's voice was a low, controlled rumble. "This woman by my side is my mate. I would do anything to protect her. If anyone here even thinks about harming her, they'll find out that the Volturi are nothing compared to what I'm capable of."
The Roman vampire's amusement wavered, replaced by a hint of caution in his eyes. He had clearly picked up on the sincerity and intensity behind Garrett's words.
Without another word, the Roman vampire turned and walked away, his jesting tone subdued. The tension in the air dissipated, replaced by a sense of unity and understanding.
(Y/N) looked up at Garrett, her (e/c) eyes filled with appreciation and a soft smile. "Thank you, Garrett. I know I can handle myself, but your protectiveness means a lot to me."
His fingers brushed against her cheek, his touch gentle and reassuring. "I'll always be here to stand by your side, (Y/N). Nothing and no one will come between us."
As they resumed their place among the Cullen family, (Y/N) felt a renewed sense of connection—with Garrett and the understanding family that had embraced them both. In the face of challenges and teasing, their love remained unshakable—a beacon that illuminated the path they walked together, no matter how unconventional or extraordinary it might be.
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nrdmssgs · 1 month
Seven Devils: the wolf
AN: So @sofasoap and @siilvan nudged @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot to make a little fantasy AU for our original characters, Lastochkas. I also had some ideas, so here is my little story about how my Zhar Ol`kha met Riot Calliara. This is not a straight transition of our CallOfDuty Ocs into some fantasy world. I just took their archetypes and placed them into a new world. TWs: none. Characters: Ol`kha the beast tamer (you may know her as Olga Zhar Samoilova), Calliara the ranger (Christine Riot Vega may ring a bell), and Sebastian the goat (Krueger)
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Walking in the night felt easier: no avoiding hunters, no hiding from a too warm midsummer sun, no breathing in the trail dust. Big paws silently hit a ground, bounced easily from soft greenery and carried her forward. Wind brought her distant night voices: lonely night bird cries, nocturnal beasts hisses, travelers horses snorting, last cracks of logs dying in campfires. This late hour was her time: a massive shadow, surging forward with a ghost-like softness, someone's death embodied in a beastly figure of a direwolf.
She wasn't hungry, but when a barely perceptible smell of baked goods reached her nose - Calliara stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes glinted like molten gold in the dim moonlight, scanning the surroundings with a predatory focus. The wolf and the elf didn't always have exactly the same culinary tastes, but when it came to something sweet, puffy and freshly-baked? These were the times when both halves of Calliara's heart bet in unison. The decision was made quickly: she changed the direction of where she was moving to with one jump.
The direwolf's coat, a thick pelt of shadowy grays and silvers, blended seamlessly with the night, making her a phantom among the trees coming closer to a little fire and a tent before it. The heavenly scent of sweet buns was mixing with so many new smells now: a cozy aroma of dried herbs and hay, a light note of soap, something almost milky, and... a pungent odor of a buckthorn. Calliara froze and wrinkled her grey nose, silently revealing a row of shiny teeth.
Who could smell so nicely and bring this nasty stuff to a campfire? What an idiot would ruin a beautiful symphony of aromas with burning a whole bouquet of oily leaves?
She silently approached the tent and sighed: of course it was a tiefling. Calliara wasn't susceptible to the village tales that tieflings and demons were one and the same. But she knew well enough, the habits of this species can be exotic to say the least. They could enjoy their food so spicy - any other race except dragonborns would choke, they longed for warmth even on the hottest day, it only made sense, one of them found comfort in this stench. The stranger lied on the ground before the tent. Her bare feet were so close to the fire - its flames almost licked her fingers. Twisted horns peeked out from a shock of dark hair, and a pale tail slightly trembled over her curled posture. Calliara sniffed woman's face and turned back to the fire - it seemed, that all the bad smell came from it and not from the stranger. The direwolf growled in displeasure and accidentally inhaled the smoke that the wind directed straight into her face.
Heavy stinking air filled her lungs, her throat constricted by a merciless spasm. She shook her head, clenched her teeth and instinctively took a step back. Only then did she realize why the stranger had thrown some fresh buckthorn branches into the fire. It's scent was barely perceptible to humanoids, but for other creatures the pungent stench was almost unbearable.
The she-wolf coughed stifledly despite all her efforts to remain quiet. And then a second realization came to her. The stranger had a reason for sleeping so close to the fire. Opening her eyes, she grabbed a flaming firebrand with one smooth and incredibly fast movement and waved it centimeters in front of Calliara's muzzle.
A primal fear bared her fangs, awakening a thunderous roar that burst from her mouth with a stream of hot steam. Muscles rippled beneath the direwolfs skin as she jumped back and bent down to the ground, raising the fur on the back of her neck.
The tiefling took a defensive stance, bending her knees springily, preparing to jump. The firebrand in her hand was burning more intense with every next second, but flames coiling in hot rings around her wrist didn't seem to bother her at all. The last traces of a peaceful dream left her face as she spoke.
"Want to test, what is faster: a wolf or fire catching in its fur?"
The animal made a sound that vaguely resembled a human chuckle. The stranger should have screamed and run from a big bad wolf, yet here she was - daring the forest beast, that could easily end her. Calliara had a soft spot for a good dare, so she accepted the challenge. She heard the tieflings heart pounding like a war drum, felt how the strangers fingers started to tremble under a low grumbling growl, that reverberated through the ground. They both braced themselves, and for a moment, time seemed to slow, the world narrowing to the space between them.
The she-wolf jumped forward so easily as if her body didn't weigh anything. Instead of attacking, the beast arced over the tieflings head, in a blur of motion. The stranger spun, eyes wide, as the creature landed gracefully behind her, barely disturbing the underbrush.
"You are... playing?" The woman's voice was low and rich with undertones. Even with a worried intonation, she sounded calming to Calliara.
The direwolf grinned contentedly, not taking her eyes off the tiefling. But before the woman could react, the beast bounded into the forest, disappearing into the embrace of the shadows. The chance meeting turned into a victory and Calliara was satisfied, forgetting about the enticing smell of baked goods that led her to the stranger.
The morning light filtered through the dense forest canopy and casted intricate patterns on the milky white skin. A forest lake draped with a thin layer of mist shimmered like a liquid sapphire. Little droplets rolled down her chest, as Calliara breathed in scents of pine and wildflowers. Stands of long white hair cascaded over soft shoulders, floated around her body.
Although she was never here before - this place felt like home. She was at peace there. She was safe until she heard a familiar voice in a rather concerning proximity.
"There is a direwolf prowling around. Watch your back, fine lady."
"This fine lady is more a threat than a meal." The elf answered and turned to the shore and met the gaze of the night stranger leaning against a tree. "And she has reflexes sharper than a fine hunter."
The tiefling scanned her for a few minutes, not shying away, but then a fine mesh of wrinkles gathered around the corners of her eyes and her mouth stretched into a smile.
"They call me Ol`kha. I'm not a hunter." She extended her hand to the elf.
"Calliara. And they don't usually call me a fine lady." The elf chuckled and took tieflings hand, getting out of the water.
Usually she needed more time to relax in a presence of anyone new, but Ol`kha radiated a calm authority - the one, that said "you're safe around me" to any wild heart. During the breakfast they shared, the elf learned that her new acquaintance was a beast tamer.
"Not a beast slayer - a beast tamer: I take them alive, and it's my job to bring them from the wilderness alive and well," stressed, tiefling, breaking a sweet bun and giving her a half.
The elf shyly accepted the treat and hurried to bombard her acquaintance with questions, distracting her from the blush that played on Calliaras cheeks.
High elves had a saying about those like Ol`kha - 'this one knows its ways around the wild as a leaf knows its ways in the wind'. That meant, that even those, not bound to nature as strongly as elves, animals or druids, could sometimes merge their lives with the ways of elder forests.
Calliara didn't even notice how easily she offered to walk part of the path together, since they were heading in the same direction. She unconsciously reached out to the tiefling, watching in fascination the smooth movements of Ol`kha, the play of light on her twisted horns, the freckles appearing on her fair skin.
Tieflings attire seemed practical and well-suited for her journey—a blend of leather and cloth that allowed her to move with agility and comfort. At her side hung a variety of tools, some recognizable like a coiled whip and a curved khopesh, others more mysterious, their purposes known only to those skilled in the art of beast taming.
Callaiara couldn't help but notice how the beasts of the forest, sensing the tamer's presence, peered cautiously from their hiding places. As if they knew her scent, her voice, the gentle touch she could offer as well as the firm hand she wielded when needed. Ol`kha was a bridge between the worlds of man and beast. A bridge, Calliara desperately needed.
Walking their path together turned out much easier than doing so alone. Even a wheelbarrow, Ol`kha pushed before her all the way, didn't slow them down. The elf suggested to help her a few times, but got rejected.
While settling down for the night, Calliara couldn't resist asking what her friend had been carrying with her all this time. The tiefling approached the wheelbarrow and pulled back the dark cloth, revealing to the elf's gaze a whole bunch of dry leaves of the ash tree, sacred to the local elves.
"So you carry leaves to elves who cannot make pilgrimages to worship the sacred groves themselves?" Calliara wasn't too sentimental about local elven customs, but still appreciated the fact that this woman got so much compassion for them.
“M-hm, in a way…” Ol`khas voice grew distant and cold, as she covered the leaves and began to filling her elegant long clay pipe with tobacco.
The elf quickly changed the subject and until late at night they talked about their travels, the past and plans for the future. Ol`kha did not hide anything except perhaps the final goal of her journey. But Calliara knew firsthand how difficult it can be to share something secret, so she did not insist.
From the first day together, without much discussion, they developed a routine that suited them both. One cooked, the other cleaned, one set up the tent, the other found wood for a fireplace, one filled their camp with the sweet, spicy smoke of pipe tobacco, while the other sang old elven songs. Ol`kha didn't ask the elf, where she was disappearing every night and she in return never asked the tiefling, why did she set up a tent every night, yet slept on a ground before it.
One morning, Calliara gathered their canteens and bottles to fill them in a nearby stream, but her friend stopped her.
“In your place, I wouldn't touch that,” she was pointing at one of the bottles, the elf was carrying. The bottle was half full with some cloudy liquid with an unappetizing coating. In response to the question frozen in elven blue eyes, the tiefling added, “These lands are crawling with scrabblers. Literally: these blind giants with stone skin and enormous jaws nest in underground caves and have dug passages all over the area. What these beasts lack in sight, they compensate for with incredible hearing and smell. Spill a few drops of something that irritates them... like a few drops of sour firewine, and the ground you're standing on will turn into living waves, burying everything beneath them.” “And this,” Calliara rose the bottle, “is half a bottle of said wine? That you brought here, knowing well what it might cause?” “Exactly,” said Ol`kha and her lips curved into a satisfied smile.
In three days they were standing at the edge of dense forest, that didn't dare to absorb a little village of half elves. The village itself was nestled among the remains of ancient elven ruins, its wooden structures a stark contrast to the elegant, vine-covered arches and weathered stonework that peeked out from beneath the earth.
Ol`kha glanced at the flimsy village gates and turned back to Calliara.
“This, my friend, is where our paths part. Ugly things are about to unravell here, and I will appreciate it if you don't witness them.” The tiefling smiled awkwardly and started securing a torch to the edge of her wheelbarrow.
Calliara always had problems with authority. Specifically asking her to not do something was the easiest way to make her do exactly that with all the passion she could possibly master. Unfortunately for her, Ol`kha knew nothing of this, so they spent several long minutes arguing. The elf refused to abandon her friend in her hour of need, and the tiefling came up with excuse after excuse to send Calliara as far away from the village as possible. In the end, they came to a compromise: Ol`kha would go to the gate alone, and Calliara would make sure that her friend entered the settlement safely, without leaving the dense undergrowth.
Calliaras vision was sharp enough to notice the confusion in the eyes of the gate guards growing with every step the tiefling took. They didn't dare to rise their weapons even when OL`kha stopped right before them and barked “let me in” in an irritated voice. Nobody moved or answered her, and Calliara sighed with relief, loosening his grip on the tight bend of her bow.
“I said, let me in now!” The tiefling's voice took on a dark, muffled tone.
“Go away, Ol`kha! We don't want you here!” A wrinkled face framed by silver braids with light ribbons and beads strung on them appeared in the doorway of the slightly opened gate. Calliara immediately recognized the ribbons that the half-elven elders braided into their hair.
“I will make you want me in your walls, moron…” The tiefling grumbled and grabbed the torch. Calliaras heart was calm despite the situation, before she heard the last words that left Ol`khas lips and killed the peaceful silence around. 
“Give me back the kid!” She shouted and dropped the flaming torch into the wheelbarrow. 
A bundle of silver leaves burst into flames like cheap paper. As if on cue, the walls around the settlement bared their teeth with guards pointing their bows in her direction. They all waited for the signal from the elder, who watched in horror as the relic's fragments burned out. In just a few seconds, there was nothing but ash and a thin thread of smoke left. The elder took a step to the tiefling, then another and another one. When there were mere centimeters between their faces - Ol`kha spoke once again, this time softer, quieter, almost pleading.
“The kid, my kid… Please!”
The elder's movement was so hasty that Calliara did not immediately understand what had happened. Only a ringing clap reached her ears, and the tiefling swayed and covered her cheek with her hand. The elf did not think for a second longer - her arrow flew dangerously close to the elder's face. The old man turned to the forest thicket in fear and ordered the guards to take the tiefling away.
Calliara waited, believing, that Ol`kha indeed had some kind of plan that wouldn't have her end in a far village in captivity. But her friend didn't fight or protest when the guards twisted her arms behind her back. And then Calliara snapped.
“Len suilon.*” She emerged from the bushes and strode towards the elder with a cold angry flames already dancing in her eyes.
The half-elf tried to greet her, but she cut him off, switching from Elven to Common. 
“What's your name?”
“I eneth nîn-*”
“You part a mother with her child! Don't you dare defile the High Speech with your tongue!” Calliara couldn't care less about a contrived and essentially false hierarchy that some half-elves in these remote places obeyed. But pushing some authority, even an ill one, felt right when it came to saving her friends. 
“Yennan, milady.” The elder bowed deeply and glanced back at Calliara with faded grayish eyes ingratiatingly. He took her by the hand and started muttering, leading her into the village, “this abomination is not what she claims to be. You saw her destroying sacred leaves just to mock us! And that thing, she calls her kid… that's just some nonsense! We apologize for this filthy scene, you had to witness. Let us make amends by inviting you to our weekly hymns and the evening meal. Share with us the peace and comfort of this blessed grove, and let us make it up to the higher sister by showing our respect to the old ways.”
‘Respecting the old ways’ turned out into a tour, in which Yennan was showing Calliara, how good of followers of elven traditions they were. When he wasn't consumed by an anger - there was even some grace noticeable in his pose and movements. His eyes surveyed the village with an evident sense of pride. 
Calliara didn't listen to the elders stories full of poorly concealed arrogance - her thoughts were still with Ol`kha. She noticed, how Yennan avoided the stone building, which seemed to have survived from the ancient times when the high elves inhabited this place, so her eyes never left the outlines of white stone walls. The elf's heart ached with worry, but she maintained her composure, knowing that any sign of distress might endanger her friend further.
The tour continued, Yennan leading her through the village's cobblestone paths. "Here," he gestured, "is our communal garden, where we cultivate herbs and vegetables. We share everything we grow -"
“What's going to happen to her?” Calliara cut the elder off, and, noticing his confused face, added, “When are you going to give my friend her child back?”
“Milady, it is not as easy as you imagine,” the elder hesitated for a moment.
“You have, who she wants? Give them to her. It's that easy!” Calliaras voice resembled a low animalistic growl.
“The thing, she called the kid, is the ungodly creature, exiled from the five Great Kingdoms and dozens of shrines. Its sins and crimes are countless, its march down our lands had to be stopped!” Yennan clasped his hands together and shook his head repeatedly, as if even a mere thought about his prisoners brought him dread. 
She insisted on visiting Ol`kha, but the elder kept postponing her visit to the prison. There was always ‘another house’, ‘another shrine’ to see and Calliara didn't want to push her ‘Higher elf’ authority too much. 
It was only after she attended the feast in her honor and endure through countless empty talks, when Yennan surrendered and let Calliara into their prison. It stood at the edge of the settlement, nestled against the backdrop of towering trees that whispered secrets to the wind. The building, constructed from ancient stone, bore the marks of time with a dignified grace. 
She hadn't even entered the building yet, but a dull rhythmic knock had already reached her ears. The elf quickened her pace, descending into the dungeon and was met by a frightened guard.
"Please, make her stop, this is unbearable," the poor fellow begged, trying to shout over the knocking, which was heard here much more clearly. Calliara measured him with a glance and demanded that he give her Ol`kha's belongings. Embarrassed and apologetic, the guard gave her everything except the weapons and metal tools.
"I will give you the rest on your way back, mistress. Forgive me, but we cannot allow her to receive weapons."
The heavy thud of iron hitting stone echoed off the empty walls of the dungeon. It was no mystery, why the poor guard begged her cut this sound off. 
Only one cell seemed to be occupied, but as the elf passed the bars, hands from other prisoners reached out from the darkness toward her.
Only when she reached Ol`kha's cell did Calliara recognize the source of the thud. The tiefling grabbed the edges of the wrought-iron bench that served as a bed, and with a soft groan, lifted one end of the bulky structure and let it go. The bench's legs crashed onto the stone floor with a bang, sending up a cloud of dust and crumbs. The stone slab beneath the bench was clearly pitted from repeated blows.
"I thought you had a plan," Calliara said, resting her forehead on the cold bars.
Ol`kha turned to her briefly, snorted in displeasure, and lifted the bench again with visible effort.
"Why didn't you tell me they were holding your child here?!"" The elf was starting to lose her patience.
"Go away, Calliara," the tiefling muttered.
“So that you can go on with this useless banging? This won't free you or your little one. Ol`kha, my dear, please, take a pause and talk to me!”
Her friend finally let go of the bench and wiped her wet forehead with her sleeve. Her tail flicked in irritation, but when she turned back again, her face was indifferent. Her gaze slid over Calliara and stopped at her hands holding the captive's things in an armful.
“You brought me gifts! Nice!” With those words Ol`kha quickly grabbed the bottle from her friend's hands, open it and took a good sip. “Firewine never fails me. Good stuff, want to try?” “Great, now you're making a fuss and drinking. Way to go, friend…” The elf ignored the bottle Ol`kha held out to her and hissed a response with undisguised irritation. After all, why should she endure this ‘performance’ if she came to help her friend? The tiefling however, stopped paying any attention to her, took another sip and returned to her bench.
“I'm dragging you out one way or another!” Calliara dropped her friend's belongings and hit a massive prison bar with her knee. “Just make sure you're not blackout drunk by that time!”
She was about to go away, when her friend's nimble hand grabbed the folds of her cloak and pulled the elf back.
“The leaves have already been burned, the daughter of the grove. Now run, before the forest starts marching.” Ol`khas words only made the elf clench her fists in a silent anger.
Calliara emerged from the village prison with a stormy expression, her emotions as turbulent as the swirling winds in the surrounding forest. Her heart pounded in rhythm with her quickened footsteps as she crossed the courtyard, fury and frustration mixing like a volatile potion in her chest. Her friend's words made no sense whatsoever - elven deities couldn't care less about a bunch of burnt leaves. Wars came and went and even that wasn't enough to awake their anger. And Ol`kha was trying to mock them with this? 
“Ridiculous,” Calliara said through her teeth.
Evening was slowly approaching the village. The mossy roofs were first painted in golden hues, then scarlet, and then completely glowed with bluish fluorescent lights when the night plants covering them woke up in the evening coolness. Calliara refused the elder's offer to spend this night in his house, and looked askance at the villagers leading an idle life, as if nothing special had happened today before their eyes. She was angry at them smiling at her, but taking the child away from the mother. She was angry at Ol`kha, who began to seem so mature and wise to Calliara, and then fell into useless and stupid idolatry.
The direwolf inside her was bursting to get out, asking to be released, to run through these streets, to sow fear, to take away what she considered hers. Even if it was her friend. But the elf did not weaken her self-control. She waited for the deep night. Good things often happened in her life just before dawn. So it was worth laying low for now.
To distract herself, Calliara tried to meditate: she closed her eyes and concentrated on the sound of her heartbeat. But it still seemed to her that the dull metallic knock was reaching her ears from the dungeon. She realized that this was impossible: the prison building was too far away. And yet, for every six heartbeats, there was another beat coming from outside. It took a lot of effort for the elf to calm down, and when the rhythm of her heartbeat slowed down significantly, the annoying sound seemed to die down.
“Losto mae, mellon,*” whispered Calliara and smiled relaxed, letting her eyes rest for a moment.
She thought of last Ol`khas words and decided to educate her friend on a topic of elven gods later when she takes her out of the prison. ‘... run, before the forest starts marching.’ Nonsense. One would need an army of finest druids to make it happen.
‘... before the forest starts marching.’ An absurdity. Calliara wasn't even sure, there was any kind of magic powerful enough to make this happen.
‘... the forest starts marching.’ That's a pure madness. 
And then she snapped back to reality and jumped up. Before the full realization kicked in, she already was running to the prison. Little pieces of puzzle came together: the bottle, Ol`kha snatched from her hands first ting, that chip on a stone surface growing deeper with each thud, that thing Calliara learned from her about the firewine earlier…
“You never wanted to break free from that prison.” Calliara felt a wave running after her underground. The world around shook in a vast spasm and she almost fell down. “You wanted the whole village to go down!”
The air was filled with the sound of splintering wood and cries of alarm as the half elves stumbled out of their homes. They hurried into the streets, creating a flow of people moving away, from the center of the village.
Calliara went against the crowd. Her thoughts were solely focused on one objective - reaching the prison before it was too late.
Amidst the crowd she pushed ahead, her slender figure maneuvering through gaps with agility to a forest beast. The ground shook beneath her feet. She maintained her balance stepping over fallen branches and avoiding toppled stones.
The prison loomed in front of her, its stone walls quivering with each tremor. A knot tightened in Calliaras chest as she approached closer.
A crevice split open, before her path compelling her to leap over the gap. Upon landing on the other side, she saw the half elves gathered in the village square, their shouts blending with the chaos caused by tremors.
"Stay back!" someone yelled out. Their voice was drowned out by natures fury and escalating fear.
Ignoring the warnings, Calliara dashed towards the entrance of the prison, an archway partly hidden by dust and rubble. She hurried inside, escaping the shouts of the villagers.
The stone walls groaned, shook and exploded under giant paws covered in dark, dense scales. Under the weight of the breaking vaults, the prison bars were crushed and broken. The frightened prisoners rushed in all directions, trying to find a way out. Columns of dust and a hail of shards of stone, wood and iron fragments clouded their eyes. Here and there, huge eyeless muzzles with predatory mouths appeared and sank back into the darkness. Their cries were the howl of the earth itself. A disturbed swarm, furious giants, blindly crushing everything in their way.
Calliara rushed from one figure to another in search of her friend, moving deeper and deeper. Her heart was ready to burst out of her chest, her eyes darkened from the thought that the tiefling and her baby could be lying somewhere under her feet right now. When she finally found Ol`kha, she was pushing aside other prisoners running towards her, and stubbornly walking forward.
The elf grabbed her by the shoulder, pulled her with all her might and shouted at her to get out immediately.
"The kid is in that cell! I won't leave without him!" Ol`kha snapped.
Calliara turned her head in the direction her friend was pointing and actually heard a thin voice screaming in the distance.
"I'll get him out!" the elf replied.
The elf cut her out with an animalistic growl, no human or elf could ever produce. She jumped forward, bounced from the nearest wall and turned in one swift motion. This happened too fast to even notice the moment, when a subtle elven body turned into a beastly direwolves one. But as she landed on her four and looked back at her friend - it was obvious, she made the right impression. The tiefling nodded with an open mouth and turned to run with the rest of prisoners. 
Dust filled the air, stinging Calliara’s eyes as she sprinted through the collapsing corridors. Her heart pounded with a singular mission: to save the child trapped in the farthest cell.
The labyrinthine passages twisted and turned, each quake sending shockwaves that cracked the floor beneath her paws. Her sensitive ears picked up the terrifying sounds of rock splitting. But there was no time to stop, no time to think of anything but the child she had promised to protect.
Rounding a corner, Calliara skidded to a halt before the cell door, her wolf senses honing in on the sound of panicked bleating. Confusion struck her for a split second; this was not the sound of a child. Peering into the darkness her sharp eyes found the source of the cries: a small, trembling baby goat, its eyes wide with terror.
The tiny creature stood alone, the straw-covered floor trembling beneath its hooves. Calliara’s heart twisted in her chest. This was no child, but she couldn’t leave it behind. The dungeon groaned ominously, and debris began to fall around her, stone and dust cascading in a deadly rain.
There was no time to hesitate. Calliara carefully grabbed the goat by the scruff of its neck, the little creature’s cries muffled against her fur.
The weight of the dungeon seemed to press down on them as she turned and sprinted back the way she had come, the floor buckling beneath her powerful strides. Her keen instincts guided her through the falling chaos, dodging chunks of ceiling and leaping over gaping fissures that threatened to swallow them whole.
Every second felt like an eternity, the world around her a blur of motion and sound. The goat dangled from her mouth, its bleats drowned out by the incredible roar rolling behind them. Calliara poured all her strength into the escape, muscles straining as she raced against the collapsing prison.
Ol`kha stood with other prisoners on a village square. Their backs were almost pushed against the collapsing prison walls, as the guards and Yennan waited them outside and had no plans of releasing them. The tension between them was so present, one could almost feel the taste of it in the air. Any careless movement - and there would be a fight. 
“Step back, Ol`kha, your riot ends here!” Yennan cried out and coughed, inhaling too much dust.
“It haven't even started, old man!” tieflings eyes darkened, her voice grew angrier. “I am going to bury your village under the ground today! You decide, if your people are going to outlive this!”
“You and what army?” snapped one of the prison guards, shielding Yennan with his body.
The grey coated beast with golden eyes landed squarely between the panicked guards and the prisoners trying to flee.
The sight of the massive direwolf, teeth bared and eyes blazing with defiance, sent a ripple of fear through the guards. Her growl rumbled deep in her chest, a warning as clear as any words. ‘She and this army’. The guards hesitated, their weapons held uncertainly, eyes wide with shock at the sight before them.
Calliara’s presence commanded attention, her fierce demeanor and the strange cargo in her jaws creating a surreal scene amid the chaos. She stood her ground, the goat still held securely in her mouth, her stance both protective and threatening. Her gaze flicked over the guards, daring them to come closer.
Yennan made a sound between a nervous sigh and a groan.
“The forest spirit leading a riot?” He mumbled and then pushed the guards before him. “Bow and retreat, you fools! If the nature itself wants these lost souls - we are in no position to protest!”
The guards, clearly unnerved, began to back away, whispering among themselves. Some stumbled over fallen stones in their haste to retreat, their courage faltering under the direwolf’s unyielding glare. Calliara’s growl intensified, echoing through the courtyard and reverberating against the stone walls.
The prisoners, taking advantage of the guards’ distraction, moved cautiously away from the entrance, eyes darting between the wolf and their captors. Calliara watched them go, sensing their relief and fear mingling in the charged air.
The wheels of the old cart creaked so loudly that all the birds flew away just hearing their approach. The driver barely held the reins, smoking his pipe. In the cart behind him, in addition to his goods, a tiefling, an elf and a kid were lying in a pile of hay.
Ol`kha stared at the sky with unblinking eyes, Calliara fell asleep, then woke up from the fact that the baby goat began to chew on her clothes.
Once again, waking up from her dreams, she tore the edge of the cape from the goat's mouth.
"Manners, Sebastian," the tiefling muttered, and the kid happily jumped on her, knocking a sharp breath out of her chest with his hooves. “You're going to tell me, why he's exiled from the five Great Kingdoms and dozens of shrines?” asked the elf softly.
“A long story for another day. You're going to tell me about the… wolf?” answered Ol`kha lazily.
“A long story… for another night in a decent inn.” the elf thought for a minute and added, “you have someone to hide you two until the rumors about what happened settle down?”
“Yes. Was hoping, to never meet him again, but there is one guy, who can hide anyone on a plain sight...”
They spent next few minutes in silence, but Ol`kha broke it.
“So they are going to talk of ‘the forest spirit that leads riots’ now. I guess, im sorry for all the inconvenience?”
“Don't be.” Calliara closed her eyes and smiled. “The spirit that leads riots. Riot. I like the sound of it.”
“And I thought, all the high elves were just pompous bores…” chuckled her friend as they finally left the forest.
*Len suilon - a formal greeting in Elven 
*I eneth nîn - (Elven) “my name is”
*Losto mae, mellon - (Elven) “sleep well, friend”
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chimachapterbooks · 10 months
It was dinnertime for the Wolf Pack.
That meant three things: meat, meat, and more meat.
Everyone was gathered around a large campfire and chowing down on the day's feast. All the Wolves were chomping and chewing and generally having a good time.
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Everyone, that is, except Wonald.
For as far back as anyone could remember, Wonald had always been a bit . . . different. While his friends all howled at the moon, Wonald loved basking in its light.
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While the other Wolves snarled and growled at animals that came too near to the pack, Wonald would walk up and try to make friends.
But it was dinnertime that really set Wonald apart.
His choice in food was, well, strange.
"Wonald, what are you doing?" A white Wolf named Windra marched up to him.
Windra was one of the most beautiful Wolves in the entire pack. She was also one of the most vicious.
Wonald gulped, then stammered, "Um, well, I'm, um... I'm actually making a salad."
"You're what?" Windra looked down at the bowl of lettuce, tomatoes, and other vegetables in front of Wondald in disgust. She took a sniff and crinkled up her nose. "That is the worst excuse for a dinner I've ever seen. Wonald, hard as it might be to believe, you are a Wolf. Wolves do not eat salad. Wolves eat meat."
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"But I don't like meat," Wonald protested.
Windra leaned in close. "It doesn't matter if you like or not," she hissed. "You are a Wolf, and its what we do!"
Wonald shrugged. "Well, it's not what / do. Besides, I don't have any meat, then there's more for everyone else, right?"
Windra growled in frustration and stalked away.
"Phew." Wonald exhaled. That had been close.
Usually the other Wolves just ignored him when he was acting different. But tonight, they seemed especially argumentative.
When his salad was ready, Wonald went off on his own to eat. That way, he wouldn't provoke any jokes from the other Wolves, or have to watch them gulping down their dinners.
After his meal was over, Wonald returned to the rest of the pack. Even though he usually ate dinner alone, he still liked to be a part of the group. They were his family after all. And he figured that by now they would be full from eating and would have calmed down.
Unfortunately, Wonald was wrong. All the Wolves had grown even rowdier. They were fighting amongst themselves, growling and snapping and biting.
"Stop it!" Wonald cried as he jumped away from a pair of wrestling Wolves. "Why do we have to fight all the time, just because we're Wolves?"
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The others responded by snarling at him. "It's what we do, Wonald. If you don't like it, then maybe you shouldn't be here!"
Wonald felt hurt. He was used to being made fun of. But the others had never told him to leave. Wolves always stuck together, even when they were arguing.
Shaking his head, Wonald walked away. He decided it would be better to sleep away from the pack tonight.
That would give them a chance to cool down. By tomorrow morning, perhaps they would be in better spirits. He headed over to a small cave where it would be quiet and dark.
Wonald slept soundly, not even stirring when there was some commotion outside. When he finally woke up, it was late the next morning. He got up, stretched, and headed for camp to see if he had any berries left for his breakfast.
But when he stepped outside, Wonald's eyes grew wide with surprise.
There was no sign of the other Wolves anywhere.
All the vehicles were gone, too. It looked like the whole camp had packed up overnight and moved on somewhere else!
"I can't believe it," he whispered. "They left me!"
Wonald's heart sank. The Wolves hadn't been just grumpy last night. They had really meant what they’d said! They had wanted Wonald to leave! And worse, they had actually moved on without him! Wolves always traveled in packs, roaming from one campsite to the red next. But they never left one of their own behind ...
Until now.
It must be my fault, Wonald thought sadly. They got tired of how "different" I am and decided to kick me out of the pack. But I don't want to be on my own. I have to find them!
Wonald sniffed the ground. Years of hunting out the tastiest nuts and berries had given him an excellent sense of smell. He could tell the pack had gone northwest. Wonald started to follow them.
After a short time, he came to a fork in the road. By the large vehicle tracks on the ground, he could tell the pack had gone right. But the wheels of their trucks had torn up all the dirt, demolishing a nearby meerkat nest.
The meerkats were busily trying to repair the damage.
Wonald walked over. "Can I help?" he asked.
"Look at this mess!" snapped one of the meerkats.
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"We had just finished cleaning up for the big family reunion! All fifteen thousand one hundred sixty-seven of our relatives are coming over! and some nasty bunch of Wolves knocked down our house!"
'I'm sure they didn't mean it," Wonald said soothingly. "They were probably just in a hurry. Here, let me clear some of this dirt away from your holes."
The meerkats grumbled, but when they saw Wonalds large paws were better at clearing away dirt than theirs, they agreed. He had repaired the worst of the damage in no time at all.
When Wonald was done helping the meerkats rebuild their nest, he set out on the trail of the Wolves again.
It wasn't long before he came upon a grove of trees that had been knocked over. A bunch of squirrels were running to and fro, gathering nuts that were scattered on the ground.
"Nuts, nuts, nuts!" said one of the squirrels.
"Yes, there are certainly a lot of them," agreed Wonald.
"No, I mean, nuts to those Wolves who knocked down our trees!" said the squirrel. "We put all our nuts in these trees, and now they're everywhere. Some are crushed. We'll never be able to recover all of them. No, no, no!"
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Wonald immediately began picking up nuts and bringing them to the squirrels' pile.
As soon as the squirrels noticed him, they shook their tiny fists angrily.
"First you Wolves destroy our trees, and now you're taking our nuts!" they squeaked.
"I don't want your nuts, though they do look tasty,” Wonald assured them. "I was just trying to help you clean up."
"On," said the squirrels. They looked sorry for yelling at him. "Well, that's all right, then. Keep going."
Once that job was finished, Wonald moved on. He couldn't believe how much damage his Wolf Pack was causing as they traveled. Sometimes he had a hard time believing he was a Wolf. He would never act this way!
The Wolves' scent was getting stronger, though, so he knew he would catch up to them any minute now.
Soon, Wonald came to a rushing river. On the shore, a little beaver was crying.
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"What's the matter?" Wonald asked.
"My beautiful dam!" said the beaver. "Some Wolves came by and broke it to pieces as they crossed the river. It will take me hours to fix and just think of all the bark I'll need to find! And the sticks and the rocks. I'll never be able to gather enough supplies. I could hire a professional dam builder, but do you know how much they cost? Five hundred pieces of tree bark an hour, and that's just for labor! And then there's-“
"It's okay," interrupted Wonald. He knew from experience that beavers would talk all day long, if given the chance. "I'll give you a paw rebuilding your dam."
Together, the Wolf and the beaver worked side by side to fix the broken dam. When they were dong the beaver offered Wonald some tree bark as a snack.
Wonald said no--he wasn't that hungry. Besides, the scent of the Wolf pack was superstrong now. He would catch up to them any minute.
A short while later, Wonald came to a small hill. He could hear the Wolf pack on the other side, snarling and growling! Wonald ran toward the sound. Just as he reached the top of the hill, he spotted them. Windra and the other Wolves were chasing some rabbits away from their grazing ground. And the wheels from their huge trucks were completely ripping up the grass as they went.
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"Hev! Stop!" Wonald cried, rushing forward “Leave the rabbits alone!"
"What are you going to do about it?" growled one of the Wolves, without turning around. "Get lost!"
That's what you told me the last time," Wonald said. "And I spent all day trying to find you again. But after seeing all the damage the pack has done and the way you've ruined so many innocent animals homes, I'm not sure I want to be with you guys after all."
The Wolf who had snapped at Wonald suddenly looked over his shoulder. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "It's Wonald! Hey, everybody, it's Wonald!"
The rest of the Wolves turned.
"Wonald? Where?"
"Did someone say Wonald?"
"Out of the way, let me see!"
The whole pack suddenly surrounded the young Wolf. Even the rabbits stopped running and watched what was happening, puzzled. Wonald didn't know what it all meant, either.
"Why are you guys so happy to see me?" he asked. "You're the ones who ran off and left me, remember?"
"We didn't abandon you," Windra said, running up to him. "You abandoned us. When it was time to move out, you were nowhere to be found."
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"I didn't know you were leaving!" Wonald insisted.
“Worriz told us right after supper," said one of the wolves. "Didn't you hear him? We spent the entire evening packing up camp."
Wonald suddenly remembered that he had walked out after supper. He had missed the pack leader's speech to the other Wolves. That was why he didn't know the pack was traveling on before dawn.
"We looked everywhere, but couldn't find you," said Windra.
"I came looking for you, but only saw all the damage you have been doing in the forest," answered Wonald.
"Well, we were upset," said an older Wolf. "We thought you had deserted the pack. No one has ever left the pack. You might not always act like we do, but you are still one of us, Wonald."
Hearing that the other Wolves had missed him made Wonald happier than he'd been all day. Still, he couldn't shake aside his disappointment at the destruction the Wolves had caused.
"I know you were upset," he said. "But you guys caused a lot of damage to other animals today. I'm not sure I'm ready to rejoin the pack just yet."
All the Wolves gasped.
“You really would leave us?" they cried in dismay.
“Well." said Wonald slowly. He looked over at the rabbits crouched nearby. The little bunnies were stir shaking in fear, but they were mostly stunned by what was happening.
"I've been helping the animals repair everything you guys destroyed today," Wonald said. "I think I could be convinced to rejoin the pack, if we helped the rabbits clean up their grazing field."
"If we what?" many of the Wolves exclaimed. They didn't like being told what to do, especially if it involved helping.
But the elder Wolf quieted them. "Wonald is one of us," he said in a loud voice. "So perhaps, just this one time, we should try things his way." The older Wolf then looked over to Worriz for approval. Growling, Worriz nodded in agreement.
The pack spent a short while helping repair the damage to the grass while the rabbits watched on in amazement. The little creatures kept their distance. But they seemed rooted to the spot. They had never seen the Wolves being helpful before!
When the Wolves had finished, the grass looked better . .. mostly. Wonald smiled. It would do.
"All right, enough helping," snapped Windra. “Wonald back. So we had better find a new place to camp for the night. Preferably where there are plenty of-“ She gave Wonald a long look.
"vegetables," she said through gritted teeth.
Wonald grinned.
That night, he had his usual salad for dinner. But this time, when the others went to howl at the moon, Wonald went with them. He still thought it was kind of a silly thing to do, but they were his family after all.
Together, the Wolves howled happily until the dawn.
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shes-some-other-where · 3 months
June of Doom Day 14, Day 23
“What were you thinking?” | Surrender | Outmatched | Trembling | Rules
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Contains: lady whump, angst, poison mention, magic restraints, blood, manhandling
WC: 900
A wolf in sheep's clothing
Sunlight crept over the morning. The maidservant’s view of the horizon was blocked by the castle’s towering form, stark against a violet-grey sky. It loomed over the spot where she had remained since her flight from the ball—and from that poor food taster who’d gazed at her with such concern.
Going back to the servants’ quarters to face the darkly curious gazes of the other girls, especially one girl in particular, had seemed an insurmountable feat. She’d chosen instead to huddle, alone and numb, by one of the ponds.
As she watched, the flowers the food taster had mentioned the night before unfurled their butter-yellow bells. From the pondside, she couldn’t see the spike within. The one coated in a potentially lethal toxin.
With movements almost dreamlike, shrouded in the mist of morning that was rapidly burning away, the maidservant rose, one hand wrapped around the opposite wrist. Slowly, she slipped into the water, relishing the cold bite of water against her skin. The ballgown made it difficult to walk deeper into the pond, but she persisted, even when it stuck and tangled around her legs in heavy, sodden wrinkles.
Even when her balance wavered, she clutched her wrist.
Her bare wrist.
The golden shackle that had been a permanent feature of her body for five years lay in the muddy grass of the bank. In all that time, it had refused to unlock or separate, no matter what kind of force she applied.
Until the night before.
The moment she’d realized something was different—one of the prince’s charms was missing—she had, in a panic, yanked the fine chain from her wrist.
And it had, astonishingly, worked: one link splintered completely, and the bracelet fell. Irreparably broken now, it lay half-buried in the mud.
The prince would notice; this she knew. And he would be furious.
The sound of nearing voices wrenched her from her imaginings of what he would do—to her and to the stranger she suspected had something to do with it—when he found out.
The voices of soldiers roving the grounds.
Looking for . . . her?
With shaking hands, she collected as many yellow flowers as she could, her plan of how she might even use them only sketchily composed. Rushing now, she tore at her skirt, ripping and tying until she’d fashioned a makeshift pocket from the fabric. The sopping wet material was hardly cooperative, but she fought with it, determined, until it yielded to her will.
She made it back to the pondside just as the soldiers arrived.
“What were you doing in there?” demanded the one in command, of whom she was most wary—the one who brought her to see her brother every week. Who’d been there the night her family was killed. Who’d enthusiastically offered to kill her, too.
“My shoe fell in,” she lied.
“And why are you out here? The prince summons you. We’ve wasted time looking for you.”
“I needed some fresh air.”
His eyes narrowed, travelling over her dishevelled appearance, her stiff posture, her concealed wrist.
“Get moving,” he ordered, reaching for her arm, “now.”
It had been five long years of loneliness, submission, pain, obedience, and sorrow. Last night, she’d tasted freedom, and it had been sweet, even with the bitter aftertaste of knowing none of that freedom had been real.
She was tired. Tired of being lonely and submissive and hurt and obedient and miserable.
Maybe she wasn’t the docile little lamb they thought she was.
Maybe she couldn’t be any longer.
She jerked away from his outstretched arm. “Don’t touch me.”
“Don’t you dare defy me, you little cu—”
She backed away further, all too aware of the gold chain, still partly visible, glinting in the sunlight.
Snarling, he curled his fingers around her bare wrist, and she lifted her other hand in blind, instantaneous panic, clawing her nails over his cheek and drawing blood.
It felt good.
His reaction—his retribution—was swift. Mere moments later, she was sprawled in the muck, gasping and blinking back tears.
A blurry hand reached down in front of her, plucking a wet, filthy gold mass from the silt.
What had she been thinking, taking it off her wrist? If she’d at least left it on, she might have hidden the truth a little while longer.
There was no hiding it now. She’d be punished, and likely her brother too, and that food taster who’d only wanted to help her? Doomed.
Her limbs, frail and fallow and despairing, collapsed in utter, abject surrender.
“What’s this, now?”
She tried to pull herself from the moment, to take herself anywhere but where she was. Firm hands seizing her arms, however, gripping tight enough to hurt, kept her from escaping—in body or in mind. Two guards hauled her to her feet.
The bracelet dangled from the soldier’s fingers, the swinging gold sending dapples of yellow light over three bleeding scratches on his cheek.
“I always knew you were a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” he said. “I’ve been waiting to be proven right for a long, long time.”
Without meaning to, the maidservant began to tremble.
“You broke the rules,” the soldier said, smug. “Finally, finally, you got caught.” He jerked his head toward the castle, and his underlings dragged her forward. “Let’s see what the prince will do with you now.”
June of Doom Masterlist
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All my writing is original. Feel welcome to interact/comment/reblog. Pls don’t steal or repost.
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ap41cu5 · 3 months
Released Tension
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Joseph Oda x F! Reader Rating: NSFW smut Genre: Fluff + Smut Word Count: 5351 Short synopsis: The reader and Joseph have been close friends since her recruit as a detective for the KCPD. As a result of how easily Joseph was taking it on Kidman, the new rookie, the reader grew jealous, suspecting that Joseph developed feelings for her. Luckily, they had both been called into a case that took place in a neighboring city. This resulted in the both of them having to share a hotel room together. But low and behold, there's only one bed. A/N: sorry if there's any mistakes in this bc i am too lazy to proof read all 5k+ words of my fics before posting them so i usually just edit them after but pls lmk if theres any errors or anything that sticks out to you and ill fix it :3
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1:32 AM, the clock read as the car sped through the pouring rain. You and Joseph had just been ordered to go on a trip to a neighboring city near Krimson to investigate a bank robbery. Normally, these cases don’t take up too much time out of the day. But after so much time had passed of gathering evidence and performing however many arrests, you were both finally done. 
It was nice to be out of the city for once, though. It was just you and Joseph on the case tonight as well. Sebastian was out getting married to Myra, and thankfully the Lieutenant didn’t allow Kidman to accompany the both of you since she was still a rookie. Kidman had been getting on your nerves recently. At first it was just her entitled, lone-wolf attitude, but now it was how easily Joseph was taking it on her. Both you and Sebastian agreed that Kidman was odd, and Joseph seemed to be the only one to disagree. Going as far as to say that the both of you were just being sensitive.
“Whew, what a case. Took far longer than I had expected,” you stretched in your seat, your back cracking.
“I’m just glad it’s over,” Joseph replied, adjusting his glasses as he drove.
The sound of the rain splattering against the windows of the car as he cruised through the highway was strangely therapeutic. On top of the light music emitting from the speakers, you could feel your eyelids begin to get heavy. But you had to fight the urge to give into sleep. You could just barely see the hotel in the distance. The warm lighting shone through the windows, creating a very inviting atmosphere. It seemed to glow in the distance– standing out against the night blue sky.
“Feels nice to travel again, at least somewhat. I know we’re only here for the case, but it’s nice to be somewhere else other than Krimson city for once. What do you think, Jojo?” you yawned, the side of your forehead resting against the wall of the car.
You could see him glance at you for a moment before quickly returning his gaze to the road ahead. He bit the inside of his cheek for a moment as he periodically turned on the windshield wipers.
When you first started calling him the nickname ‘Jojo’, he wasn’t sure how to feel at first. He normally hated nicknames, and his first instinct normally would’ve been to correct you, but he couldn’t deny that he felt a nagging sense of warmth and fuzziness every time you’d call him the silly nickname. In a sense, it was a pinnacle for how close the two of you had become upon your recruit. 
“It’s a nice change of scenery, I agree,” Joseph replied as he adjusted his rear view mirror. “I’ll bet Sebastian is having the time of his life right now, seeing as he and Myra just got married.”
You blew a raspberry. “I’ll bet. He would’ve had to get dragged along with us to a whole different city had his wedding not been scheduled for earlier this week. Him and Myra make a good team,” you commented.
“Sebastian deserves that time off. He’s an amazing detective,” Joseph mentioned.
He seemed to contemplate something for a moment.
“Just out of curiosity,” Joseph paused for a moment. “What do you think of the new recruit, Kidman?” You huffed. You had a feeling you knew where this conversation was going.
“I just– I just don’t like her,” you curtly responded.
You could feel your heartbeat pick up at the mention of Kidman. You could just barely hear the frustrated sigh that Joseph let out through the jarring noise of the car engine.
“(First Name), please just be honest with me. You and I both know that’s not true,” Joseph retorted.
He was right. While you weren’t lying that you weren’t exactly fond of her attitude, that wasn't the whole reason you found such distaste towards her.
“I am being honest! Even Sebastian thinks there’s something off about her.” You pouted, “why are you so concerned with what I think of her, anyway?”
“It’s a bit strange, is all. You’ve been acting differently ever since her arrival. You’re my friend and I care about you. You know that,” Joseph replied.
Things like that were the reason that you fell for him. He was just so kind and compassionate, not to mention easy on the eyes.
“You’re not telling me something. I know you’re not,” added Joseph as he switched lanes.
You weren’t sure if you loved or hated that he could always see right through you.
“Can we just– can we just not talk about this right now?” You requested, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes.
You hated the thought of Joseph having feelings for someone else, let alone Kidman. She was beautiful. Is that all it took for Joseph to fall for her instead of you? Was there something you did, or even the way that you acted, that made him only consider you as a friend? 
Joseph didn’t respond, only sighed as he continued driving. The next few minutes were filled with awkward silence as you tried to keep yourself from crying. The fact that he brought her up showed that he cared about her, right? But why? What did she have that you didn’t? Thoughts like these stirred in your mind for what felt like ages until the lights of the hotel finally came into your peripherals.
“C’mon. We’re here. Careful about the rain. There should be an umbrella in my glove compartment,” Joseph mentioned as he reached over.
Opening his glove compartment, moving around various tools and other miscellaneous objects, he handed you his black portable umbrella.
“You should take it. You drove us all the way here, it’s alright, really,” you insisted, trying to hand the umbrella back to him.
“It’s fine, (First Name). Let’s just head inside,” replied Joseph as he exited the car.
You felt a bit bad. You could tell he was uncomfortable but he was still being considerate of you, even allowing you to take his umbrella even though he drove for over an hour to get the both of you to the hotel.
As you exited his car, grabbing your backpack full of clothes and other necessities, you rushed over to Joseph to get the both of you underneath the umbrella.
“Thanks,” Joseph quietly muttered as you both hurried up the steps to enter the building.
The lavish exterior immediately caught your eye. The decorative plants that coated the exterior of the building created a lush atmosphere. The rain somehow amplified its already extraordinary elegance. 
As the automatic doors opened as you approached, sending a refreshing gust of wind through your hair, the scented air freshener immediately captivated your senses. You could just barely hear the low melodic tones of one of Chopin’s famous pieces amidst the background. The warm lighting on top of the peaceful ambience of the front desk was utterly breathtaking. There were two spiral staircases on either side of the receptionist’s desk, lined with exorbitant looking carpet. 
How expensive was this hotel? You thought to yourself. You could hardly believe that the KCPD was covering your expenses for such a sumptuous stay.
“Woah..” you sighed, taking in the new environment.
“A room for two please, double bed. Should be under the names (First & Last Name), and Joseph Oda,” Joseph said, in his usual respectful tone.
“Alright, you both made it just in time! Our front desk closes in just a few minutes. But you both should be good to go! Here are your room keys,” the receptionist replied, handing Joseph two keycards.
Joseph handed one to you before already making his way up the stairs. You could feel the tension radiating off of him from the moment you asked him to drop the topic regarding Kidman.
The moment you both reached the hotel room, the tension only grew thicker. You racked your brain, trying to think of some sort of conversation starter, when you noticed Joseph was strangely still. He just stood there, frozen at the end of the short hallway when you both entered.
“..Joseph?” You asked, as you carefully approached him from behind.
He was blushing all the way up to his ears. Confused, you averted your gaze to where he was looking. 
One bed?
You felt your lips part as your cheeks grew hot.
What is this, some sick joke? Joseph doesn’t even like me in that way! And now we have to share a bed?
“I– I can hurry back downstairs! There might be a few minutes left! Maybe they haven’t closed yet–” you suggested before Joseph quickly interrupted you.
“It’s fine. They’re probably already closed. I’ll just take the floor,” Joseph replied, completely avoiding your gaze.
His ears were still pink as he began to set his stuff down to prepare his station on the floor.
“No– no, I couldn’t possibly let you do that. It’s alright, Joseph. Let’s just share the bed. I trust you, I know you’re not some weirdo creep,” you reassured him as you leaned onto the wall beside you.
His back is still towards you, “you’re sure that’s alright?” He asked, his voice slightly cracking mid-sentence.
It was strangely cute how embarrassed he was to be sharing a bed with you. You had no idea he was such a prude, but he did it in such a cute way.
“I am. I’m going to change real quick, alright Jojo?” You told him as you entered the bathroom. You could see him stiffly nod as he picked his things back up off the floor. 
The moment you entered the bathroom, he let out a heavy sigh as he felt his shoulders finally relax. He sat down on his side of the bed, rubbing his face as he tried to get his blush to die down.
“Jesus, what is wrong with you, Joseph?” He quietly muttered to himself as he stared down at his shoes for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck.
After a couple minutes passed, you exited the bathroom in a baggy tee-shirt, which loosely hung down one of your shoulders, and pajama shorts. You had just washed off your makeup, completely bare face with sleepy eyes and messy hair. It took everything in Joseph to pry his eyes away and to not stare at the undoubtedly attractive sight. You looked so.. you. In your rawest form. And that in itself was beautiful.
He could already feel his face begin to heat back up as you threw yourself face down on the other side of the bed. 
“I should– I should go change as well,” Joseph hurriedly excused himself.
Was he.. nervous? Why? He knows I’m not going to make this weird. We’ve been friends for years now. Sure, I kind of, well, I really like him, but I’d never do anything to make him uncomfortable. 
After about 10 minutes, Joseph emerged from the bathroom in a plain white tee shirt and plaid pajama pants. You didn’t take him as the type to enjoy pajama pants, but we learn new things every day. They suited him, though. His arms were more toned than you thought they would be underneath his KCPD uniform. You took a moment to admire his form and how broad his shoulders were. But you valued your dignity and his comfort, so you made sure to only glance at him for a moment. Staring likely would’ve made him even more uncomfortable than he already was.
“I’m going to shut the lights off now, if that’s alright?” Joseph asked, his hand hovering over the light switch.
“Yeah, it’s pretty late,” you agreed, turning onto your back.
Shortly after he shut the lights off, you could hear the sheets rustling beside you as he climbed into bed. The street lights and neighboring buildings barely illuminated through the hotel window, just barely making anything visible.
You turned onto your side to face him. He appeared to be laying on his back, his glasses still on as he stared up at the ceiling.
“Jojo, your glasses,” you reminded him as you carefully removed his glasses from his face.
He didn’t try to stop you, only watched as you gently folded up his glasses and set them on the nightstand.
“Thanks,” he replied, internally begging that you couldn’t see the blush on his face through the darkness of the room.
You both laid in silence for the next few minutes. It seemed neither of you could fall asleep. You could feel him tense again. It was like you could read his thoughts, was he thinking about the whole situation with Kidman again? Although the tension wasn’t nearly as thick as before, it was probably best to get that conversation sorted out now rather than later.
“Hey, so.. about the whole thing with Kidman,” you began, unsure of what to say next.
Pausing for a moment, “what makes how I feel about her such a concern?” You softly asked, genuinely curious.
“Well, like I said earlier: you’ve just been acting differently since she arrived. You just seem more.. distant than usual. I suppose I just don’t understand why you’ve hated Kidman so much since we began working with her. I want to know what’s bothering you, (First Name). I’ve known you for years. That’s what friends do,” Joseph replied, getting up to turn the lights back on.
You sighed, “I’m sorry. I never meant to make you worry. It’s just– ugh,” you stopped yourself.
“What is it?” Joseph pressed as he laid back down into bed.
Your lips pursed.
“Can I just– we’ve been friends for a really long time. And we tell each other everything, right? Would it be alright if I just– if I just asked you something really quickly? Promise you won’t be mad?” You asked, biting the inside of your cheek.
“Where are you going with this?” He asked, turning to face you.
You broke eye contact, your heart beating out of your chest.
“Do you– do you have feelings for her, or something? Is that what brought this on?” You asked as you tightly gripped the milky white blanket in your hand.
He didn’t even respond for a few seconds. A long, painful few seconds.
“I–I’m sorry that I even– I’m sorry I asked. That was a really personal– and a dumb question, I’m sorry–”
“No, no, don’t be. Why would you– did you really think I had feelings for Kidman?” He asked, part of him unsure if he actually heard you correctly.
“Well, yeah, sorry. You don’t have to answer that–” “(First Name), just stop for a second. To answer your question, I do not, and never have, had feelings towards Kidman. The only reason I thought you and Sebastian were being a bit sensitive was because I’ve seen a couple rookies in the past who had the same attitude as her. Where they think they can do everything without any proper training. That’s all,” Joseph quickly explained, his gaze meeting yours again.
You immediately felt a bit stupid. All those nights you spent thinking, and even crying, under the impression that Joseph had feelings for Kidman was all for nothing, thankfully. A weight immediately felt lifted off of your shoulders.
“Is that what this is all about?” Joseph inquired, seemingly connecting all the dots together. “The way that I treat Kidman?”
Oh God. He figured it out. You thought to yourself as you groaned, covering your beet red expression with your hands. 
“(First Name), you can’t be serious,” Joseph said, a dumbfounded tone in his voice.
“Why?” He inquired, confusion obvious in his tone.
You could feel tears pricking at the corners of your eyes with anxiety. Your heart was beating out of your chest and your breathing grew heavier.
“I–I don’t.. I don’t–” you stammered as you quickly sat up and took a deep breath, trying to calm down.
Joseph quickly placed his hand on your shoulder. “Hey, it’s alright. There’s no pressure. Just take your time,” he comforted you.
His hand was warm, and the sound of his voice was always soothing.
“I– I can’t believe I have to spell this out, given how smart you are. Even Sebastian figured it out but– ugh,” you rambled for a moment. “Promise you won’t hate me after this. Or want to stop talking to me– or–” 
Joseph hushed you, his hand moving upwards to the base of your neck, and his thumb tracing your jawline.
“I could never hate you (First Name). You know that,” he leaned in closer to you.
Your faces were just inches apart, and you could just barely smell what was left of his cologne.
“Joseph.. I..” you gulped, “I’ve had these.. feelings for you. For a really long time. Shortly after we became friends. And I know that you don’t feel the same way, but I guess my anger was misdirected. So I took it out on Kidman, and you, and I started acting really out of line–” You confessed, your voice wobbly and your breath speeding up again.
“(First Name), look at me,” Joseph gently tilted your chin up to face him. “You are the only woman I have had eyes for. Ever since we met. This whole time, I really thought that you only saw me as a good friend. But, telling when people like me has never been a strong suit of mine.” He chuckled, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.
 “R-really?” You asked, your heart fluttering.
“I.. yeah,” he admitted, looking away.
You couldn’t help but laugh a bit, “Jojo. I thought it was obvious. I mean, not on purpose I mean. But Sebastian figured it out right off the bat.” “...was I seriously the only one who couldn’t see it?” 
You nodded, a smile gracing your features.
“Oh, God. I mean, that’s.. that’s–!” He was quickly cut off by the feeling of your lips pressing against his.
He stood still as a statue for a moment, still processing what had just happened, before he finally melted into the kiss. One of his hands snaked around your waist while the other cupped your cheek. He pulled you in closer as both of your arms wrapped around his shoulders.
You leaned towards him, pushing him back down onto the bed and placing yourself on top of him. You didn’t take him as the submissive type, but he didn’t seem opposed to you straddling him.
“(First Name)- I– I uh.. are you sure that this is– that this is okay?” He asked, his face suddenly turning a bright shade of red.
You could feel his hands slightly tremble against your skin, almost as if he was afraid to touch you. Like you’d break if he even laid the slightest amount of pressure against you.
You leaned down, your noses just barely touching as your hair draped down, just barely grazing the sides of Joseph’s neck.
“I’ve been sure about this for a while now, Joseph,” you whispered into his ear, the feeling of your breath against his neck sending a chill down his spine.
He unconsciously gripped the bedsheets next to him as you cupped his face in one of your hands. Your eyes scanned his face as you slowly tilted your head and pressed your lips against his. You could feel him shakily exhale into the kiss as you licked his bottom lip, asking for an entrance.
He hesitantly opened his mouth as you slowly intertwined your tongue with his. All the time you spent fantasizing about this moment apparently came in handy, and it all seemed to come naturally to you. His nervousness was adorable, and he didn’t know how to kiss back at first. He started to get the hang of it after just a few seconds, earning a soft moan from you.
You could hear him sharply inhale at the sinful noise that had just escaped your lips.
“Just like that, Jojo,” you encouraged him, pulling away for just a second before quickly leaning back down to kiss him.
Your words of praise earned a stifled groan from him as he unconsciously bucked his hips upwards into you. 
“S–sorry, fuck–” Joseph swore as he held your face in his hands as you lined yourself up with him, gently grinding on him as you planted a kiss on his jawline.
“Don’t be,” you softly hushed him as you kissed down his neck.
He stifled a whimper through his teeth as you felt him tightly grip the back of your oversized tee shirt. You could feel him try to stop himself from bucking his hips into you again, so you gladly fulfilled his repressed desires. Lightly pressing yourself down onto his already aching erection, his stomach tightened. The pressure of you grinding on him along with the electric sensation from the kisses you so carefully granted his neck made his head spin. 
You could feel how big he was as you gently pressed yourself against him. The sensation was wonderful, and you could feel a heat shoot throughout your entire body. You couldn’t help the small moans that escaped your lips as you softly exhaled into his mouth.
His hands gripped the sides of your waist as he tried his hardest to be gentle. His breath grew heavy as he slowly began to buck his hips into you, giving into his carnal desires. You let him for a few seconds, until you decided he was enjoying himself a bit too much too fast. So you stopped, completely. You sat up, and raised up your hips so he couldn’t grind on you anymore. You stopped giving him neck kisses as you took a moment to gaze back down at him. His hair was much messier than before, his cheeks burned a bright red, and his lips were swollen from biting them. 
“W-why.. why did you stop?” He whined, letting one of his hands travel south to indulge himself in the pleasure that had just been stolen from him.
You held his wrist in place, softly pinning it against his chest. 
“I will indulge you at my own discretion. You’ll be good for me, won’t you?” You cooed, your face millimeters away from his.
He nodded profusely. “Anything– anything for you, (First Name).” He stammered as he looked back up at you with slightly parted lips.
That response hit you straight in the heat of your core, making your underwear even more soaked than it already was, if that was even possible. It took everything in you not to just start grinding on him again, but you wanted to draw this out and make it as fun as possible. Seeing him like this was truly a sight to behold. Joseph was always so serious and uptight, and seeing him so vulnerable was like no other.
Letting out a shaky breath, your hand slid down from his chest down to his lower stomach, just above his crotch. You bit the inside of your cheek at the large bulge protruding from his pajama pants. Its plaid pattern only exaggerated his length and size. You licked your lips, allowing your hands to shakily make their way to his drawstrings. One hand undid the knot while the other cupped his clothed erection. You dragged your fingers lightly across the surface of his cock, earning a slight whimper from the man beneath you.
You gently pulled down his pajama pants, revealing his dark navy boxers. His erection strained the fabric, his cock dripping with precum. It throbbed under your hands, every touch making his stomach tighten in pleasure. 
“God, fuck– (First Name), I need you. I’ve– I’ve.. I’ve needed you for so long,” Joseph whined, clutching the bedsheets and trying to hold himself back. 
He couldn’t take it anymore, he had to touch you. Both of his hands clutched your hips, as he looked up at you. His eyes pleadingly asking for you to take off your shorts so he could finally feel you.
“Alright, only since you’ve been so good,” you lightly chuckled, pulling your shorts down your thighs.
He marveled at the sight of you in your underwear, your fluids already soaking through your underwear and almost dripping down the side of your leg. His eyes were glued to you, so you took your time slowly pulling your underwear down your thighs. He could feel himself get even harder at the sight of your dripping arousal, his cock twitching.
“You’re.. you’re even more beautiful than I imagined,” Joseph shifted in his position on the bed, unbelievably aroused. 
You couldn’t take it anymore. He always had such a way with words, at least to you. 
You didn’t even give him a chance to think as you harshly leaned downwards, encapsulating his lips in another passionate kiss. Your back arched as you tried to line up his cock with your entrance, wanting more than anything to finally feel him. 
His hands found their way under your shirt as he quickly pulled it off of you and over your head. He gulped as his eyes traveled your body. He seemed unsure of what to do with his hands, his awkward nature getting the better of him. Gently grabbing his wrist, you placed his hand on one of your breasts, applying the slightest bit of pressure as his palm sunk into the soft mass. 
“Oh, God..” Joseph barely whispered, “you’re so beautiful.”
You gently pulled the bottom of his shirt upwards, looking up at him to ask him to lift his arms up to remove his shirt. He immediately obliged, pulling his shirt off over his shoulders and tossing it onto the floor. 
You pressed your heat against his bare erection, coating the surface of his cock with your oozing slick. His eyes rolled back at the warm electric sensation of your wetness pressing against him. He groaned in response, his hands traveling to grab your hips and push you down onto him with significantly more pressure.
You let out a few noises that sent shivers down his spine. His fingers lightly dug into the soft flesh around your hips as he tried to stifle a few whimpers. 
“Fuck,” you swore under your breath as you reached downwards, trying to line him up with your entrance.
Your slick covered the topside of his cock. You could feel it throb within your grasp as you felt the tip just gently run over your clit.
“I–I don’t have any condoms..” Joseph grumbled through his teeth as he clutched the bedsheets in one of his hands.
“Then you’d better hold it in. If you can handle that,” you muttered as you ever so slightly pushed yourself around him.
He bit his lip as he tried not to make too much noise.
“I don’t.. I don’t know if I can–” 
“Then you’ll be a dear and get me some morning after pills, won’t you?” You requested as you gently rested your forehead against his.
“Oh– oh I’ll do anything for you, (First Name),” Joseph whimpered as he cupped one of your cheeks in his hand, gently pulling your face closer to his for a kiss.
You winced as you tried to push yourself onto him further. His cock stretched your inner walls, and it was dreadfully painful. 
“F-fuck, Joseph..” you whined as tears pricked at the corners of your eyes.
“Start off slow, my love,” Joseph gently cooed as his hand found its way to your crotch.
His middle and ring fingers explored near your entrance. Coating his fingers in your slick as he gently inserted them inside of you, eliciting a moan from you at the feeling. You always loved his hands– how veiny they were along with how long and nimble his fingers were. 
“I– I’ve never done this before.. so I hope that I’m doing this right..” Joseph muttered as his thumb felt around your labia. 
His fingers were warm as he swirled them inside of you. He made waves with his fingers, shooting a pang of pleasure through your core. You couldn’t help but moan as your back arched. You had to grit your teeth to stop from moaning too loud, not wanting the neighboring rooms to hear you.
“My God, you sound so beautiful,” Joseph groaned as one of his other arms tightened around your waist, pushing your torso against him as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of you.
He slowly began to feel your walls begin to tighten before he quickly pulled his fingers out of you as they dripped with your slick. 
You bit the inside of your cheek once he pulled out. You were so close to finishing and he knew that.
“Ugh– fuck, Joseph–” you swore as you raised your body up again, encapsulating Joseph in another kiss.
Joseph held onto your hips, helping you line yourself up with him as you finally sunk your body down, his cock sliding into you with relative ease. It still hurt, but far less than before. The feeling of your warm cunt encapsulating his twitching erection made his eyes roll back as he thrust his hips upward into you. His hands gently squeezed your hips as he helped you move up and down on his cock. 
“Y-you take me so perfectly, (First Name),” Joseph barely sputtered out.
The sensation, the look in Joseph’s eyes, the feeling of his hands on your bare skin, it was better than you could have ever imagined. Not even in your wildest dreams.
You couldn’t find the words to respond. The feeling of him stretching out your inner walls as you moved up and down on him at such a steady pace jumbled up all of your thoughts into complete nonsense. You moaned with every movement, savoring each and every bit of him. The sound was beyond sinful as you stared into each other’s eyes, admiring each other’s features. 
Every thrust in and out of you filled your entire body with pleasure, the sensation was so grand you couldn’t contain the moans that escaped from your lips. Joseph gently pushed your head downwards, muffling your soft pleas with a kiss.
Seconds passed, the pleasure building up as a knot in your core. It slowly continued to build until it felt like you were about to burst. You were so close until you felt him sharply exhale against your lips. He quickly motioned for you to get off. 
“F-fuck.. I’m– I’m gonna.. I’m gonna cum, (First Name),” Joseph panted as he quickly lifted your hips upwards.
He groaned as he used his hand to continue stroking himself as he came onto his stomach. The white fluid spilling onto himself as he prayed he pulled out in time. 
You both finished at the same time, panting as you looked into each other’s eyes.
Rolling over, you let your weight fall onto the bed next to Joseph. You watched him lay there for a moment before he quickly grabbed a few tissues to start cleaning himself up.
You felt your eyelids grow heavy, closing your eyes and slowly getting sleepier.
He turned, giving you a kiss on the cheek as you felt him clean you up.
“Thank you, Jojo,” you thanked him, your voice laced with drowsiness. 
“Of course,” he replied, pulling the sheets over you.
He grabbed a fresh pair of shorts and a baggy shirt from your backpack as he walked back over to you. He practically dressed you all by himself, while you would raise or lower your arms whenever he would tell you to. 
He gave you one last kiss on the cheek before he quickly dressed himself and hopped into bed with you. 
“I love you, (First Name). I’ve loved you for so long,” Joseph whispered into your ear.
“I love you, Joseph,” you whispered back, cuddling up to him.
With your head in his chest and his arms around your waist, you don’t know if you’ve ever fallen asleep quicker. 
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kurokotori · 1 year
My headcanons for Rody Soul
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════════════════════════════════════════════Because honestly ever since seeing BNHA:WHM, I fell in love with this character's story and just overall development. Warning: Spoilers for My Hero Academia: World Heroes Mission. ════════════════════════════════════════════ > He's one hell of a singer. Right off the bat. I imagine since he's the type to travel a lot after the events of WHM, he needs to entertain himself somehow, so with a lot of time on his hands, he got in some decent practice. So if you ever co-pilot with him, be ready to be serenaded by those sweet vocals. > Fatherly/Brotherly type. Say you gain his trust enough, he will treat you as one of his own and take care of you. He will make sure your needs are met with what he can manage to scrounge up, and will even go as far as picking up a second job. > Wholesome partner. As mentioned in the last one, he will make sure all your needs are met, but, if you two make it past the friendship phase, prepare to be treated the way he believes you deserve. He will put his life on the line for you if it means he gets to see you smile one more time. > Daydreamer. This guy has a lot on his mind and doesn't really speak his mind, so his head is in the clouds as a result. Playing scenarios in his head, be it his next goal, how he will achieve his current one, or even what happened during the WHM, he seems a little spacy sometimes. Don't worry, a firm tap on the shoulder should bring him back. > A collector. During his trips, he will pull off to the side if something catches his eye. Rocks, Feathers, shiny things...if it looks cool, he's keeping it. The dash of his vehicle is where he displays his finds. He swears he's going to use them for something, but...never does. > Lone Wolf. He's not the most social, but when need be, he kind of puts on a façade until the interaction is over with. Forced charisma and smiles, at the end of the day, he's quiet. Only those that he's close to get to see his true emotions and hear what he really thinks. When he's alone or with someone he enjoys the company of, he's relaxed. > Pino is his comfort. He can't go a day without giving her little headpats and kisses to her forehead. If she strays too far, Rody feels uneasy, tense, anxious. He is so used to her close company that just the mere thought of her being gone or too far (albeit this is kind of impossible when she's literally a part of him.) it sets him off a bit. > Dinner? Covered. Rody is a great cook. Since having to take care of his two little siblings, he had to learn how to cook from scratch. No need for takeout with this guy around; He can make that whopper without a flaw if the ingredients are available, even then, he can get it pretty damn close! > Sunsets. His favorite hour is golden hour. His routine consists of a drink, some tunes from his car or van, and the light show just over the horizon. It's his chance to reflect, unwind, and just be him. Though, he longs to share the golden hour with someone. > Deep conversations. When he's comfortable with you, he's better able to convey what is on his heart and mind. You two can talk for hours on end once you both have a good flow going. He tries to avoid dark topics if he can and opts for more heartfelt topics like dreams, ambitions, and thoughts, wanting to end things on a more positive note. That's kinda all I can think of for now :"D I might actually add more as time goes on.
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uloelu · 1 year
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Location: Windslar, Windenburg
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(Transcript under the cut)
Next (Part 2)
Scene 1 - Outside the Fosters home (28 Windslar)
Wes: There you are. Thought you might have run away already.
Haven: God, you’re clingy. I checked out a record store in Copperdale with Cassandra. Pretty fucking cool. The perfect place for a jam sesh.
Wes: Cassie, huh? You move fast.
Haven: Very funny. You know she’s dating someone, right? That Sidney Price guy.
Wes: So?
Haven: So, I’m not her type in the slightest. I might as well get used to being a lonely Windenburg farmer.
Wes: Well, then, allow me to be your fairy godmother. Got an invite to a nightclub from Wolf. Remember him? The club’s all the way in Evergreen Harbor, but he swears by it. Here, I’ll send you his text.
Haven: Got it. Dew Point? What kind of name is that?
Wes: They’re weird in the Harbor. But they’ve allegedly got good drinks, they don’t check IDs too closely, and weed’s legal there. What’s not to like?
Haven: And you’re sure it’ll be...my kind of scene? You know what I mean.
Wes: Haven, Haven, Haven. When have I ever led you astray?
Haven: Well—
Wes: On second thought, you don’t need to answer that. Wolf seems right up your alley—don’t think I’ve seen him in anything other than black outside of school. You’ll love him.
Scene 2 - Inside the Fosters home
Heather: Thanks so much for staying over, Rani. To be honest, I thought I’d be all alone on my birthday.
Rani: Alone? You’ve got 5 other teens in this house! I’m jealous, honestly.
Heather: I guess so...but I’ve only known them for a few days. Chloe’s nice, but she’s always at soccer practice or the gym.
Rani: I get it. I know we don’t know you that well, but Marissa and I had fun. And sorry she had to duck out so early—her parents might actually keel over and die if she misses a single science fair.
Heather: That’s all right. I’ll see you both in school on Monday. Have a safe trip back to Oasis Springs!
Scene 3 - Inside the Fosters home
Haven: Makeup done, hair done...I clean up pretty good!
Cassandra, on the phone: [Why am I traveling all the way to the Harbor tonight?]
Haven: Because your new BFF needs a wingwoman. Some guy named Wolf invited Wes to a club, and Wes invited me, and I don’t know anybody else there.
Cassandra: [Wolf invited you guys? He said he had work tonight! That bastard.]
Haven: You know him?
[Do I know Wolfgang Metzinger? snorts Only since he bit my arm when I wouldn’t share my chorizo back in second grade. That asshole’s usually one of my best friends.]
Cassandra: Haven: Usually.
Cassandra: [He does stupid shit sometimes. Can’t help it.]
Haven: Well, let’s hope he’s trustworthy tonight. When I go too long without a date, I shrivel up like a raisin and waste away.
Cassandra: [Haven, you’re sixteen. Dramatic much?]
Haven: Seventeen as of next week, and hardly. [pauses] All right, Wes is ready to go. I’ll be waiting for you at Dew Point, and if you want me to remain a voluptuous grape, then I’ll see you there.
Cassandra: [Never say those words in that order again.]
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cobbssecondbelt · 10 months
Dincember 2023 - Day 2: Fire
Night time fell quickly on Tatooine. Without warning, the burning air turned bitter with a chill, blowing a breeze that felt like a blessing at first, before giving up all its mercy like everything else having to fight its way through the desert. Beige dunes and orange ridges turned blue, carefully looked upon by the watchful eyes of three moons. Tatooine had a unique way, especially at night, of making anybody feel always and never alone all at once, as if the planet herself was a constant silent looker, frowning upon every stranger who dared stomp over her cracked skin.
Din had camped among Tusken company more than once, but if he had to guess, he would affirm with confidence that Marshal Vanth never had. The jitter in his leg, the jitter in his eyes, the jitter in his fingers; he was a man ready to run and scowl and shoot, boiling with the anger of a prey who had grown a little too comfortable in the wolf skin it was hiding under. Din could understand, which doesn’t mean he pitied, for he knew the man was plenty competent. Few were those who got to live long enough to see their hair turn gray on this planet, and any silver mane was a trophy in itself, a well-earned one at that.
Vanth remained quiet after his little hissy stunt. He only began to settle once the Tuskens left one by one to retreat to their respective tents, until they were the only ones left by the fire. Din couldn’t help studying him from the corner of his eye. What a strange man. Loud but quiet, calculated but impulsive, angry but kind. Decades of bounty hunting had given Din a keen eye for puzzles, and this was an enigma he was oddly determined to solve.
‘’So,’’ Vanth eventually said. ‘’You really think this’ gonna work?’’
‘’Yes. The Tuskens know those territories better than anyone.’’ It didn’t seem enough to convince the antsy marshal. ‘’I know what you think of this, but you have to trust them. It’s the only chance we got.’’
Cobb kept his eyes on the fire, watching the embers pop. He choked out a scoff. ‘’You think I’m a bastard, don’t you?’’
‘’I do.’’ The answer startled a quick chuckle out of Vanth. Although, for once, he didn’t seem shocked. Din rested his elbows on his knees with a tilt of his head. ‘’But that’s not my problem to fix.’’
Cobb rolled his eyes. 
‘’We’ll see about that…’’ he mumbled, the rumor of a smile ghosting over his thin lips.
They fell silent, letting the minutes stretch, easily, lazily, and for the first time in probably way too long, Din almost felt as if he had all the time in the world. 
Unsurprisingly, Cobb broke the silence first.
‘’Can I ask you somethin’?’’ he asked, voice gone soft, gaze up towards the night sky. 
‘’You must travel a lot, right?’’
‘’I do.’’
Cobb toyed unconsciously with a string coming out of his right glove. ‘’What is it like up there? In space?’’
Din turned his head to look at the man properly, before leaning back to look at the sky. The stars had fully come out by now, hundreds visible from the ground, and so many thousands more to see from up way above. Thysk was shining bright tonight, always by Chenini’s side.
‘’It’s quiet. Quite… quite beautiful. Peaceful.’’
‘’Doesn’t it get lonely?’’
Din’s fingers stilled from where they were rubbing idly at his vambrace.
‘’Sometimes.’’ he murmured.
Cobb nodded. ‘’Good to know.’’ he said, mostly to himself.
‘’You’ve never been?’’
‘’In space.’’
Cobb chuckled with a rise and fall of his eyebrows. ‘’Nope.’’
The fire was dying out. The chill in the wind was getting more biting. At Din’s feet, Grogu groaned in his sleep, curled up in a heap of beige robes.
Cobb sighed and brushed the sand off his lap. ‘’Better hit the sack, got quite the day tomorrow.’’ he got to his feet with a grunt and a few pops from his joints. He eyed the tent that had been assigned to them through eyes still squinted in apprehension. 
‘’I’ll be right behind you.’’ Din replied as he bundled Grogu in the crook of his arm and kicked some sand over the remains of the fire.
He watched the marshal go, the lanky length of him swaying through camp with what could have been mistaken for nonchalance, if it hadn’t been for his right hand hovered over his holster, still ticklish. 
Soon he was swallowed by the night, and Din followed him, a fuzzy kind of amusement fluttering against his sternum and an absurd proposition juggling in his mind he would never dare to offer.
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sgt-morgan · 2 years
High-Ho Silver 🛻
Summary: Joel and Ellie pick up a very interesting stray. Maybe Joel
Likes her, maybe he doesn’t.
Warnings: Violence of the cannon typical variety, death of a child, tears, but some fun stuff too.
A/N: man… I’m obsessed with this show bro.
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Joel and Ellie picked you up in the middle of nowhere, riding solo in a ford F-150 without a care in the world. At first? They didn’t trust you, but after saving their asses, and shooting a clicker in the head to save Joel it made them a bit more amiable to the company.
You were a strange ray of unwavering sunshine. Nothing seemed to kill your vibe, and when Ellie told you they had guns and food? Well shit, nothing could have been more appealing. You liked traveling with them, you liked their bickering, their reluctant ‘Lone Wolf and Cub shtick. It was refreshing. It filled a void you hadn’t known you needed refilled. By way of the weeks you spent with them you learned that yeah, Joel had a soft side. He was soft for Ellie. Puns and gun safety seeming to be the way he expressed it. He just didn’t have softness for you, and while you would like softness, it wasn’t necessary, so you let Joel be.
Joel was about as welcoming as shit in a cake. He was abrasive to say the very least, and every move you made seemed to be the wrong move. It was more than likely because he didn’t trust you around the kid, which you understood. So you made nice with Ellie, which only succeeded in possibly pissing him off more somehow, but you didn’t care. If you weren’t gonna make two friends, you’d at least make one.
“So, you know our names, but you never told me yours!” Ellie said one day, happily munching on more canned ravioli while you munched walnuts you had stripped from a tree and roasted. Tossing one at Joel every once in a while to piss him off a bit, and to subtly share. You noticed he had eaten every one that had landed in his lap, so you kept doing it, cherishing the giggles it provoked from Ellie.
“Well darling little Ellie my name is- get this- Ellie.” You gasped very dramatically and nailed Joel in the forehead with a walnut.
“No… fuck you. No way.” Ellie chuckled.
“Yeah, it really is, it’s short for something.” You shrug, eating one more walnut and dropping them in Joel’s lap to go refill your canteen in the nearby stream.
“Well? What’s it short for?” Ellie scrambles after you to the lake, and you shake your head with a laugh.
“Oh no, you’re not getting that outta me.” You giggle again, and Ellie groans, flopping to the ground. “In the mean time, my name is El and you are Ellie.” You bop her on the nose with a finger and she snaps at you playfully. “Oh no zombie lips! You biting me may have unintended consequences.” You shove her face and she falls in the river and you laugh harder.
“Quit making a racket, you’ll draw attention to us.” Joel muttered from over near the truck. You rolled your eyes and helped the kid out of the creek.
“Alright you big dick, we’ll play quiet.” You smile at Ellie with a wink, and from behind you Joel rolls his eyes.
Everyday you seemed a little further from cracking Joel’s shell. He was like a brick wall. Tall, tough, and impenetrable without a way in. So you looked for a way in. From then on you cracked jokes with the kid, shared all your supplies, you share drive time. You do your best to reach him behind that terrible wall you saw him hiding behind, but he was an impenetrable fortress. You knew why too. Ellie told you, something about a little girl named Sarah, a woman named Tess. He had lost everyone. You knew the feeling.
“So, what about you inferior Ellie? You got a family?” Ellie asked one day, Joel was supposedly ‘resting his eyes’ but the snores told you he was sleeping. You were driving closer towards Wyoming, or wherever you were headed, and the girl was making small talk. This question though, shit, this one was almost too personal. You decided to answer it anyway.
“Uh, yeah. I had a family.” You nodded. “They were… everything. My husband and I were High school sweethearts. Me and Mikey? Oh man. We won prom king and queen and everything. Then boom, outbreak, what a way to end Freshman year of college huh? We made it though, we were doing ok on our own in a cabin in the mountains. Then we’ll, then I find out, I’m pregnant in the middle of the apocalypse. Terrrrrrrible timing for one of our condoms to be faulty, but things happen.” You shrug, taking a drink from the water bottle you had mixed with a coveted pack of powdered lemonade. “So we do our best, no plan B’s no doctors, my decision might have been different had I had those, but probably not. We decide to keep the baby, but that we’re not equipped enough for that, so we go for a QZ. In the meantime? We imagine our baby as a little girl who looked like Mikey, and we make our way to the QZ. We were almost there, making good time, picking out names, it was fine. Then, we’re attacked by a clicker in an abandoned building. To attempt to save my life, Mikey shoved me back and into a splintered shelf, it was an accident. I’m skewered through, losing a lot of blood, and most likely the baby right then and there. Mikey, uh. Mikey killed the clicker, then he marched us the last two miles to the QZ. they check me, I’m good, they check Mikey and… he’d been bitten.
They shot him directly in front of me. I, uh. I got patched up, and two days later I was certain my baby was gone.”
“Oh. Wow I-“ Ellie started and you shushed her with a smile.
“It’s ok kid. I’ve made peace with it for the most part. I told you cause- if it was a girl? I guess- I guess I imagined her to be a bit like you.” You pulled over and swiped a tear while she wasn’t looking. “I gotta take a piss. Too much of a good thing and all that.” You shook your bottle at Ellie and left the truck.
You were tracking towards the woods and Ellie stared in shock. Once he was sure you were gone, Joel’s eyes opened. He looked in the back towards Ellie, who seemed stunned. “Is she gonna be okay?” Ellie blurted, staring at your back as you walked away.
“I… I don’t know. I’ll go check. You go and scope the gas station for snacks. Maybe you can find something good.” He groans and trudges towards the woods. When he finds you, you’re staring the water blankly, there were tears streaming down your face, and you were rubbing at your side, at a scar he’s never seen and he can imagine what it was. He walks up to you and you swipe at your tears rapidly and go to stand.
“I-I’m sorry I woke you. Just needed a break. Figured we would grab some gas and keep going from the-“ you were cut off by him pulling you into a tight hug, and then you sobbed. You were there for a while, just letting Joel hold you. This hadn’t happened in a while, one of these fits. He held you the whole time though, telling you you’d be ok. Stroking your hair and holding you until the sobbing slowed and you were just sitting there in Joel’s lap. “‘M sorry.” You sigh, half exhausted.
“Don’t-“ Joel sighed. “Don’t worry about it. I get it. I get it.” He helped you to your feet and wet the end of his shirt in the stream, wiped your cheeks and led you back to the van. When you saw Ellie, Joel noticed you visibly brighten, you smiled and waved. Joel was once again completely astounded by your resilience.
“Well Ellie Belly? Find anything good?” You grinned ruffling the kids hair as you helped her put her new finds in the truck, including a highly celebrated over box of tampons. He didn’t get it but it made you both happy so he let you celebrate. Then you loaded up and started driving. To Joel’s surprise? You were good again, sunshine and rainbows, as if you really hadn’t just had a mental break in the woods, he thought it was for the kids be if it but you really were ok, but the most shocking of all was the hand that lay on his thigh. It rested there without fail, and he wasn’t sure anymore if he ever wanted you to move it again. You’d been on the road for a while, comfortably listening to Hank Williams for about the 100th time, when Ellie spoke up.
“Oh wait! I found another tape!” She scrambled at her backpack and pulled out a tape and handed it to you with a grin.
“Oh Ellie, my brilliant sweet summer child. You have found a masterpiece.” You kissed the tape she handed you and popped it directly into the tape deck.
“What is that shit?” Joel muttered, turning up the volume a bit.
“Oh baby, Joel it’s the Oakridge boys.” You laughed and suddenly he was subjected to what he considered the greatest concert he could have hoped for in the apocalypse. You knew every word, and it made him grin despite himself. Leaving Louisiana, Trying to Love Two Women, Bobby Sue, Y’all Come Back Now Saloon, all of it.
“Fucking shit, if I had known you were gonna be this annoying I never would have brought it back.” She was trying to huff, but the barely suppressed giggled were not selling it for him.
“Oh my dear girl, but it’s time for the best song of all, and I think I’ll finally tell you my name.” You laughed manically, then the song started playing and Joel cackled. Ellie looked stunned
“Oh shit you broke him.” Ellie laughed and then you started singing.
“Ellie? It’s nice to meet you, my name is Elvira.
Eyes that look like heaven
Lips like cherry wine
That girl can sho nuff make my little light shine
I get a funny feelin’
Up and down my spine
Because I know that my Elvira is mine!” He grins at your joy and starts mumbling under his breath.
“Elvira! Elvira! My heart is on fire, for Elvira!
Giddy up! Ooom poppa ooom papa mow mow
Giddy up! Oom poppa ooom papa mow mow!
Hiiiigh ho silver! Away!”
It went on like this until you and Ellie passed out. Joel sat for a bit after, watching you both breathe. The peace of it filled him with glee, made him smile. He kept driving, and enjoyed the calm that accompanied knowing everyone you care about is safe, then he thought to himself. ‘Hey, maybe this found family thing ain’t half bad.’
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spiritral · 7 months
“Hey Dad?” “Yeah Wendy?” “Can you tell me another story?” John’s gaze drifted to their fireplace, the flames slowly dimming but not yet being embers yet. Scarlet had already gone to bed; she had an early day tomorrow and she couldn’t afford to miss that airship. Going back to Fotia after all these years… he really wished the two of them could join her, but caring for their daughter came first. 
Still, they had enough time for one last little adventure before bed.
“Alright, what kind of story do you want to hear?”
“I want one with-with magic, and adventure!” She excitedly insisted, still full of energy despite how late it was, “A-and can you bring out Howl again? I know it’s late but…”
John smiled, “Alright.”
“Once upon a time,” He began. It was a fairly generic beginning, but also Wendy’s favorite. Her eyes always lit up when she heard it, and now was no different, “There was a hero. He wandered Spiritral, looking for people to help, adventures to go on, even monsters to fight.” 
John could see his daughter smiling already. She always loved this one.
“Now, he loved what he did. He loved helping people and getting into the occasional good fight, but, eventually, even a hero can feel a bit… lonely,” He continued, “But then, one day, in what seemed like a normal day of traveling around, he encountered a new monster, one he’d never seen before.”
There was a growl from the dark corner of the room, a pair of yellow eyes peering out from the shadows. Slowly, a figure advanced forwards, metal plates forming out of thin air into the vague shape of a wolf, its back lined with sharp blades. Wendy gasped, holding her hands over her mouth.
“The hero had fought monsters like it in the past, but this one was different,” John recounted, the wolf slowly approaching the two of them, dying firelight gleaming from every metal plate that made up its body, “It was smart, cunning, and just as tough as he was.”
John smirked as the wolf drew ever closer, looking ready to jump. Wendy’s gaze went back and forth between them, “But the hero wasn’t one to back down from a fight…” He felt magic surge through his hand as metal flakes appeared from thin air, forming themselves into a solid steel sword in his hand, “..and so, they fought!”
The wolf lunged at him, John raising his sword and doing a small, light slash in its direction, the blade effectively bouncing off the metal plates of its body. He tried to keep things quiet though; the last thing they needed was Scarlet getting woken up early. The two of them kept clashing, though it was less of a battle and more just lightly tapping each other. It didn’t matter to Wendy though. She looked in awe at the whole display, quietly clapping in place like she was watching two warriors duel for her honor.
“They fought for a long time,” John kept going, lightly jabbing his sword at the wolf to fend it off, “And truth be told, the hero found himself enjoying it. He’d never had a challenge like this before, and really, the monster hadn’t either. They both gave their all, but couldn’t overcome each other. They were perfectly matched.”
“Oh, oh, and then?” Wendy inquired. John sighed bemusedly.
“Well, after a while… the hero realized, they weren’t really so different,” He said, lowering his sword as the wolf adopted a less hostile stance, the two of them staring at each other curiously, “The monster had basically been doing the same thing as he was. Traveling around, getting into trouble, going on adventures. And the monster even felt a bit lonely too.”
“So, the fight ended,” He put his sword on the ground, the wolf lowering its head as well, almost like it was trying to lay down its fangs, “But not because either of them won, but because they realized it’d be better for them to work together.”
John grabbed his sword off the ground, lightly tossing it up for Howl to catch, the wolf jumping up to grab the sword with its mouth like a dog catching a stick. 
“And so, the hero continued his wandering, but now, he wasn’t alone anymore,” He finished, Howl walking up to sit down beside him, sword still in his mouth, “He and the monster decided to wander together. They went on even better adventures, had even better fights. And best of all? Neither of them ever felt lonely again, because they always had each other’s backs,” He rubbed Howl on the back of his neck, the wolf closing his eyes happily, letting the sword in his mouth dissolve back into nothing, “And that, they say, was the first time a human and a spirit became partners.”
“So the hero was the first mage?” Wendy questioned, her eyes still gleaming with excitement, though she did seem to have finally settled down.
“In a way, yeah,” John confirmed, Howl dissolving into disappearing metal flakes beside him, “That’s enough for tonight though. Time for bed.”
Wendy yawned. Even a ball of energy like her had to run out sometime, “Aw, alright…” She didn’t resist as her father scooped her up into his arms to bring her to bed, “I always love it when you get Howl for these, Dad…”
“Well it’d be boring if I just told a story with no visuals,” John remarked as he brought her to her room, “Besides, he likes to perform for you too. He’s a big softie under all that armor.”
“Maybe,” He heard Howl mentally admit to him, “But how about next time you play the monster and I play the hero. After five years, it’s been getting a little repetitive.”
John just rolled his eyes.
“Is that story how you and Howl met?” Wendy asked as he put her down in her bed, tucking her in.
“Well, how I got my spirit was a bit simpler than that.” He kissed her on the forehead to wish her good night, “Not a lot of adventuring for me I’m afraid.”
“When can I get a spirit like you and Mom?” She asked once again, having just enough for one last barrage of questions before she could nod off. 
“When you’re older,” John answered, “Don’t worry, you’ll meet your own spirit one day… just not for a long while.”
“I can’t…” She yawned again, eyes fluttering as she finally seemed to fully tucker out, snuggling into her pillow as John quietly left her bedroom “...wait…”
John closed the door gingerly. Wendy had a lot of growing up to do before she could go to Magarx and get a spirit like he did, ten whole years of it to be precise. It almost worried him how fast that time could go by. It felt like just yesterday he and Scarlet had been teaching her how to take her first steps. Now that was about five years prior and he still couldn’t believe it’d been that long.
He stopped dwelling on it. Spirits, Magarx, Wendy growing up… All that was a matter for another time.
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
Imagine if Viserys and Daemon had a younger lone wolf lone dragon ig lol type of brother, Aenar, who's secretly a dragon dreamer, nobody knows except Rhaenys, he knows how Viserys seems to so wish and believe he is one and doesn't want to overshadow his big brother. He never had the desire for a royal life nor wanted anywhere near the throne, having been perfectly content to see his favorite cousin Rhaenys become queen. Until she was passed over in favor of his eldest brother. Now, the quarrels and ambitions for the throne have begun across the kingdoms. He knows it, and he wants no part in it and hops on his dragon and leaves Westeros when he's like 18, only stopping by Driftmark to say goodbye to Rhaenys/Corlys. Not even staying long enough to see Viserys be crowned some time later. He travels over Essos for years after, neglecting to go home for anything other than a birth or death in the family, or the rare visits to Driftmark, then he's back off to Essos ignoring what he dreams is coming, eventually settling down a ways outside Braavos. Picture Henry Cavill in witcher. Now. Imagine if Otto had an older daughter who was brave enough to escape his manipulation and gaslighting, Ellyn. Imagine Ellyn escaped Oldtown on a ship to Braavos when she was like 15 after Otto tries to arrange a marriage to idk Lord Beesbury or smth, Alicent was probs like 5 years old. She arrives in Braavos and makes a life there for a few years. Picture Christina Ricci in Bel Ami. Then boom! Aenar and Ellyn meet, being around the same age. They clash lmao. Totally hate each other. Enemies to lovers trope begins. A good few years of fighting and avoiding each other and whatnot later, and one of their fights turns to some steamy times. Imagine them together, building a family in Braavos for years, having children together etc.. He tells her about his dragon dreams!.. Then one day Aenar gets a letter from Rhaenys for the first time in quite a few years. Viserys has, once again banished Daemon, named Rhaenyra heir and married Alicent, fathering 3 sons and a daughter with her. Now, the dread of seeing the dance in his dreams comes crashing back, they won't just be dreams much longer. He needs to stop hiding. They need to go home. The dance is going to begin if they don't mend what has been broken.
Love them being enemies to lovers and then having their own family.
They need to go home. The dance is going to begin if they don't mend what has been broken. Everyone deserves a happy ending, except Otto. The show sucks so much
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(It's still) WIP Wednesday
I wrote more of the werewolf au, and it's still Wednesday, so... (Also included the first drabble from yesterday!)
Sasha looked over at the female wolf lying in front of her, who collapsed on the outskirts of the pack’s territory. The wolf’s skin wasn’t warm to the touch, so Sasha assumed she collapsed from exhaustion, not an illness.
“How long has she been here?” She asked her pack-mates behind her who lead her here.
“We aren’t sure, the twins found her by the spring this morning when they were gathering water,” Aura said behind her.
“Spice told us that she was walking slowly and ran off when she noticed her and Sugar.” Jax chimed in.
Sasha nodded, kneeling over the wolf to get a closer look. Her fur seemed dusty, and she had a scar through her left eye. Her breathing seemed ragged and shallow, and Sasha could feel the outline of her rib cage under the fur.
She stood up, turning to Aura and Jax, “I think she’s been in her wolf form for a while now, so I’m guessing she’s been traveling. She’s probably exhausted, and she seems like she hasn’t had a good chance to hunt in some time either.”
“Where do you want us to drop her off at?” Aura asked since Sasha was strict about lone wolves roaming around their territory. It's been years since the Alpha allowed in a new pack member.
“No need, bring her to the main cabin. I’ll have Loosey take a closer look at her in case she’s injured.” Something about this wolf made Sasha want to keep her close by the pack, who knew what this wolf could have been through?
Aura and Jax lifted the wolf carefully and started carrying her back to the main cabin. As they walked by, Sasha could tell this wolf was an Omega.
Her distinct scent made Sasha know immediately that she just got out of her last heat.
Anetra hadn’t been indoors in the past several weeks, so waking up in an unfamiliar room with warm artificial lighting was not something she had expected. All she remembered before waking up was finding a spring in the forest she had been traveling through, and running as fast as she could once she sensed others were nearby. Her heat took most of the energy she had left, so running didn’t take her far before exhaustion caught up with her. 
Once her eyes adjusted to the lighting, she looked at her surroundings. Anetra felt so weak, she could hardly lift her head from where she was curled up in her wolf form. She was settled in a large dog bed on the floor of the room, covered in old blankets. She felt warm for the first time in days, since struggling to hunt has taken a toll on her body. At first, she thought that she was taken in by a human that assumed that she was a dog. Until she looked at the rest of the room
On one of the walls, there was a door flap large enough for a wolf to get through. She looked at the other side of the room and saw a blonde woman facing the other direction, looking through some cabinets. The woman must have noticed that Anetra had woken up since she turned around with two bowls in her hands. “Oh good, I’m glad you’re awake. Our Alpha was just asking how you were.” she smiled warmly as she approached Anetra with the two bowls. 
Alpha? Shit, she was taken in by a pack. She was already shunned out of the pack that she was born into, she avoided any sign that she would be on a pack’s territory since she started traveling. She needed to get out of this pack’s house as soon as her strength allowed her to. 
The woman sat cross-legged in front of her bed, setting down the bowls in front of Anetra. Anetra slowly sat up, hoping to gather up the strength soon to dart through the door. She sensed that the woman was a Beta, as she listened to her speak. “I brought you some fresh water, and here’s some rabbit so you can eat something. I think it’s been a while since you had a good hunt.”
Anetra sniffed the cut-up pieces of rabbit and as delicious as it seemed, her instincts refused her to eat any of it. She was starving, the last thing she was able to hunt was a chipmunk before she went into her last heat. Disappointed in her lack of ability to eat, she took a few sips of water and laid back down, head resting on her paws. 
The woman frowned in disappointment, “I’ll leave you be so you can rest, and maybe you’ll be able to eat something later.” She stood up, and looked down at Anetra, “I know you can’t talk right now, but when you can, you can call me Loosey.” Her eyes felt warm and inviting, but Anetra still felt nervous about being on a pack’s territory. She walked to the door to the rest of the house, and turned around “I’ll tell the Alpha how you’re doing, I’m sure that she will check on you too when she gets the chance.” she said before leaving the room and shutting the door quietly behind her.
A female alpha wasn’t very common where Anetra was from, never met one personally before. Her exhaustion slowly caught up to her again, and rested for the rest of the evening, wondering what a female Alpha was like.
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breadedsinner · 1 year
Hawke doggy headcanons just because.
Hawke: Judith (Warrior, Templar Spec, Blue, Romances Sebastian)
Mabari: Gallant
How they met: Gallant was one of the pups being trained at a kennel in the town the Hawke family lived in, before Lothering. Judy and her siblings would sometimes go to look at them, unknowingly imprinting on one of them. On more than one occasion, she had to return him to the kennel after running off. When the family needed to flee, she had accidentally left behind her wooden sword. Hot on their trail was Gallant, sword in mouth.
Personality: Gallant takes the role of Family Guardian very seriously. Despite imprinting on Judith, he was very playful with the twins and would follow them around town, especially when she had gone to enlist in the King's Army. In Kirkwall, his ears would perk and he would sit firm at the doorway, as if to say, "State your business".
He became a little softer as years went on, becoming more attentive to Judith as she grieved her mother. He would lick her hand and put his head on her lap when she experiences nightmares, knowing something was wrong, not knowing what else to do.
Does the Dog Like the LI: Much like his partner, Gallant tends to keep people at a distance until they prove themselves. Sebastian was able to pass effectively and quickly; Gallant seemed to understand and accept the proper respect he was giving with his bowing. It also helps that he had treats for him in one of his belt pouches.
Hawke: Lydia (Mage, Force Mage Spec, Red, Romances Isabela)
Mabari: Gambit
How They Met: Malcolm had brought her home, a sickly runt of the littler. Whoever originally owned her said he could keep her, assuming she survived. Malcolm, a master healer with his two apprentices, had her up and spry by the next day. Lydia was never an animal person, and was happy to have it be the companions of her siblings. But the pup always seemed to want to play and fall asleep next to her.
Personality: Gambit is surprisingly gentle and curious. Lydia had quickly put her to work when in Lothering, making her deliver potions and remedies to her neighbors. But she took to instructions and training very well, and this is a practice they would expand upon in Kirkwall.
Despite being a breed of war hound, Gambit does not seem to like fighting, perfectly content to follow around Lydia and company and smell new things. That Lydia was able to find anything of value in her travels is largely because of her. Not to say she can’t fight, though; she will still readily tear through some ankles if Lydia is in immediate danger.
Does the Dog Like the LI: Gambit likes everyone, but Isabela did not like her, assuming she was just a big slobbery, leg-humping beast. But no one can resist those eyes for long… she’s still not allowed on the bed anymore, though.
Hawke: Faye (Rogue, Shadow Spec, Purple, Romances Merrill)
Mabari: Ghost
How They Met: Faye supported the family by hunting. One day she traveled into the nearby forest and heard a whining sound. Eventually, she found a lone pup; it mostly looked like a mabari, but Faye suspected he might be part wolf. How such a union happened, she didn’t know, but the pup was defensive, growling. “Oh, sorry, didn’t realize you’d claimed this spot,”.
She would return to that spot and found that same dog there, but maintained a respectful distance. She would look for others, but found none. Sometimes she would talk, half to the dog, half to herself, knowing no answer would come. In time, she proved to the dog that she was no threat, and was willing to share her quarry.
Personality: Ghost is skiddish and slow to trust. He came to enjoy Lothering over time, but there were a lot more open spaces. He was never all that happy in Kirkwall, and insisted on coming along with Faye and company whenever they went out. As a show of trust, Ghost still likes to bring Faye whatever he manages to find, sometimes useful, sometimes not so much. Sometimes if they’re by the Wounded Coast or Sundermount, Ghost will wander out by himself, but Faye trusts he can always find his way back home.
Does the Dog Like the LI: Ghost never really liked anyone besides Faye, and is wary of strangers, but civil. Merrill was no exception, but she was persistent and gentle. If nothing else, Ghost began to see that Faye liked Merrill, and that was good enough for him.
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ofstarlght · 7 months
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⚔ ⸻ ( poppy drayton → cis woman → she/her ) / / * seems like ZARA LIGHTCROSS , crossed the city limits into rome : you know , the thirty four year old SHADOWHUNTER , who is reputed to be HEADSTRONG and INDEPENDENT, but is avoided when they are STUBBORN and a WORKAHOLIC. rumor has it that has been heard saying ❝ YOU DO NOT YIELD ❞ . that would explain why THEY ARE LOOKING FOR the mortal instruments.
full name . zara lightcross
nickname(s) . z
age . 34
sexuality . bisexual
place of birth . london, uk
occupation . shadowhunter
species . shadowhunter
loyalty . the clave
height . 5'6"
tattoos . here
piercings . here
( tw : serious injury )
born  to  the  head  of  the  london  institute,  zara  was  expected  to  do  great  things,  and  great  things  she  did.  pushed,  praised,  criticized,  held  to  higher  standards  than  most,  she  pushed  past  the  bar  and  continued  to  show  how  good  of  a  shadowhunter  she  was.  it  became  a  cycle,  zara  apart  from  the  others  at  the  institute,  a  lone  wolf,  but  successful.  with  each  success  she  knew  she  had  to  do  more,  be  better,  and  achieve  higher.  the  only  constant  in  her  life  that  didn’t  push  her  like  her  parents  and  herself?  her  childhood  best  friend,  the  person  who  would  one  day  become  her  parabatai  and  show  her  that  she  didn’t  have  to  work  alone after a near fatal injury trying to fight a powerful demon alone.
zara  is  a  mess  of  “ i  can  do  it  alone ”  and  “ maybe  i  do  need  people. ”  it  really  makes  her  hot  and  cold,  combined  with  her  stubborn  head  and  brazen  nature  she  truly  is  a  hard  pill  to  swallow  by  some.  she  doesn’t  hate  all  downworlders,  but  she  doesn’t  love  them  either.  she  recognizes  that  not  all  are  evil,  but  that  most  hate  her  by  her  own  blood.  all  she  cares  about  is  doing  the  clave  and  her  parents  proud,  but  what  room  has  there  ever  been  for  her  own  ideals?  she’s  beginning  to  question  if  she’s  even  meant  to  have  her  own  thoughts  and  opinions.  it’s  a  real  spiral.
her  parents  have  tasked  her  with  finding  the  mortal  instruments,  but  she’s  not  even  sure  she  wants  to.  everyone  is  after  them  for  one  reason  or  another,  what  would  the  clave  even  do?  zara  is  beginning  to  see  how  archaic  some  of  their  rules  are  with  the  new  propositions,  and  she’s  not  eager  to  see  the  fall  out  of  it  either.
over  all  girly  pop  is  just  a  bit  of  a  mess,  a  bit  of  a  b,  but  also  a  damn  good  shadowhunter  and  cocky  for  it  too.
on main : parabatai
ex  :  something  messy,  something  chaotic,  maybe  a  dash  of  forbidden.  zara’s  not  the  best  at  commitment,  she’s  not  great  in  a  relationship,  and  truly  they  were  more  fire  and  oil  than  anything  good.
mentor  :  should  be  from  the  london  institute,  or  a  traveler.  they  worked  with  her  at  a  young  age  and  the  pair  stayed  in  contact.  one  of  the  few  people  other  than  her  parabatai  to  knock  through  her  thick  skull,  tries  to  get  her  to  take  care  of  herself  and  not  just  focus  on  the  clave.
challenger  :  zara  has  been  questioning  a  lot  lately,  and  this  person  will  add  to  that.  they  can  be  any  species,  but  either  way  they  challenge  her  thoughts  and  loyalty.  it  won’t  make  her  sway  from  loyalty  to  the  clave,  but  it  will  make  her  realize  blind  loyalty  isn’t  it,  and  retake  some  of  her  own  individuality.
✦  𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐚  𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬  *⁎  ,  ✦  𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐚  ⁑  threads  *⁎
✦  𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐚  𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬  *⁎  ,  ✦  𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐚  ⁑  inspo  *⁎
✦  𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐚  𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬  *⁎  ,  ✦  𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐚  ⁑  dev.  *⁎
✦  𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐚  𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬  *⁎  ,  ✦  𝐳𝐚𝐫𝐚  ⁑  image  *⁎
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