#and it’ll be fine
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Starting working on this like weeks ago but I got frustrated and didn’t finish until now
“Started making it, had a breakdown. Bon Appetite”
This was my first time drawing something like this so be nice
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subtlybrilliant · 3 months
Keep thinking of that one post that compares activities to spell slots.
Overdrew my spell slots yesterday so going into today with one level of exhaustion.
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This about sums my feelings right now
Audio description:” when I was a kid I wanted to ride horses really badly and now after years and years of hard work and dedication I can finally ride horses really badly” 😂😂😂
Had our first show together with my pony Luna and it did not go particularly well. Had a refusal and a rail round 1, two rails round 2, and two refusals at this same jump in round 3 for an elimination. But I stayed on, both me and my pony did our best and honestly I got to go a horse show with a horse of my very own decked out in head to toe purple and if that isn’t living out my wildest childhood dreams nothing is.
And some of the jumps were okay!
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Best of all tomorrow we get to try again, at a lower height to give me and the pony more margin of error and build our confidence and hopefully have a better time.
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trashpremiium · 1 year
girl help i think the panic is setting in
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slav-every-day · 2 years
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shepscapades · 2 months
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Maybe now would be a good time to mention that Etho doesn’t technically join hermitcraft until after the start of Double Life… which means. Yeah dbhc Etho is still in reset-mode for the entirety of Double Life (this is about equally upsetting as it is genuinely hilarious)
(Despite being explicitly told not to force Etho to re-deviate by Xisuma and Doc, and after roughly a month of no luck, I’m sure you can imagine the impatience and desperation that went into Bdubs’ decision to sign Etho up for the next life series, considering the last one was the last time Bdubs really saw Etho. Or. As himself anyway.)
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rooolt · 5 months
I’ll be so honest, I was so caught up in the high that was “who’s the bitch in her lap” and “Applebees is doing a shrimp jump” that I fully forgot this was a show where combat happened
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convoloutedinjoke · 1 year
If Harry’s tragedy is that he can’t go on like this but he has to, Kim’s tragedy is that he doesn’t have to go on like this but he will.
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ao3-shenanigans · 2 months
Help! I’ve been defeated! It’s my arch nemesis: Change of Plans!!
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artstudent120 · 25 days
Woah, it’s Rambley with his berry :>
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Hi hello I’m so excited about this game, I finished chapter one yesterday and oh my GOD I NEED MOOOOORE
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alexandthensome · 1 year
I feel like Danny has a really specific relationship with everyone in the BatFam that culminates in very different ways
Like Danny and Tim would have a lot in common based on the fact that 1.) their parents are kinda weird and 2.) they don’t tell anyone about anything until it comes up out of nowhere
Like one day while Danny was watching TV with Dick, Jason, and Tim, Tim mentions something about The Joker being hospitalized before getting sent back to Arkham Asylum.
Danny without missing a beat goes
“Oh please he’ll be fine, I almost got killed fighting my future self once and look at me, I’m great now.”
Everyone except Tim stops what they’re doing because they’re trying to comprehend the sentence they just heard
Dick replies, “Im sorry, you did what?”
And Tim who has also been traumatized enough times that he needs a punch card replies
“Oh, that’s nothing. This one time I had injuries that were so bad I had to get my spleen removed.”
Dick, fully losing his composure screams at Tim “I’m sorry, YOU DID WHAT!!!”
Danny replies “Dude, that’s so metal.”
Jason is busy doing mental gymnastics trying to figure out how none of them figured this out yet and he just goes
“When did you have the time to lose your spleen??”
Which prompts Tim (who is still unfazed at this point) to recant the entire situation that led to this and then he finishes his story like
“And now I have no spleen and no immune system. 🙂”
And poor Jason and Dick who are genuinely never on the same wavelength both yell
Meanwhile Danny is just sitting here watching this whole thing go down and just goes
“God I love this family, they’re just as crazy as mine.”
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st-hedge · 4 months
I struggle with building on my sketch to get it looking good, scaling it + keeping a good perspective
(Sorry for the late response, and I hope this narrows it down more)
I’m not sure if this will help, but I tried my best to explain how I build up and scale up my thumbnails and sketches. I really struggle with building up stuff like foliage and grasses so I used that as an example
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1. I make a thumbnail with whatever brushes i want. The point is to make shapes I’m happy with
2. Next I usually grab the wedge tail brush from the procreate vintage tab. This brush is really chaotic in the shapes it makes AND it smudges if you draw at light pressure while also making colour variations by mixing with other colours on the canvas. For something like grass, I like to paint over the blocked in colour, erase, and paint again until I like the mess the brush made.
For foliage I stamp with the brush and erase any stray blobs
With a lot of new random shapes, I can start seeing where I want some grass, some leaves, and how the foliage of the trees will look. The mess and the chaos makes it easier to build the image
3. I then scale up the image SLIGHTLY. I use wedge tail again to doodle in some details but then I grab something like a pencil brush to start adding little details (grass blades, individual leaves, little branches) but I keep the detail focused where I want y’all to look. With the example, the focus is in the square
Everything outside that square matters less. It’s in ur peripheral so it can be left undone, ur mind will end up filling the gaps
Every time I add finer detail I scale up the image until it fits the canvas. Usually that means if there is a person in the painting I’ll leave them until I’m almost done with the painting
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 182
Danny and Wes find themselves in the DC world after a portal incident. No they aren’t speaking about it, why would they need to? The issue is that they’re younger than they should be and it’s a lot harder to do things to try and get back home when people try to get them to go with them or go to the police or whatever. 
It’s not like they’re actually five year olds- they were almost graduating! One more week of school! ONE! So maybe they’re salty about it and maybe they both have latched onto each other as the literal only familiar thing in this situation. They don’t have co-dependence, really!��
But still, they have things to do! So if people could stop trying to stop them in concern that would be great! Aren’t big cities supposed to be horrible or something?! 
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doriana-gray-games · 6 months
"we have to hurt L back now, no?"
NO??? My Sherlock would NEVER! (genuine) No but seriously, if he hurts Lestrade unintentionally and it's brought up by someone, I think he's going to cry (again)
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Uhhh ok, soo there’s this thing in MC and L’s backstory that kinda explains why L is a bit distant in the beginning…
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xbuster · 1 month
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Yeah, because Nintendo just never knew about Vimm’s Lair until now. You can’t pretend like it’s possible to keep the most popular direct download romsite that’s on the front page of Google when searching for ROMs a secret from Nintendo.
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spittyfishy · 11 months
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Bee and Puppycat is a crazy ridiculous show with such comfy vibes and I highly recommend! The style’s really cute too, so yesterday during class I randomly thought it would be cool to redraw some screen shots with Team Galactic! (And redo the logo which I was particularly happy with lol)
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