#and it's especially easy for me to tell since most of my flashbacks are about the same handful of events
lucystark12 · 24 days
how to convince the ga that byler isn't rushed (kind of just a rant about lettergate)
they need to and i mean NEED to vecna mike because the only way the ga will understand that byler has been built up since the beginning is if we’re given scenes in context. we as bylers obviously get it but byler is at risk of being labeled “too rushed” if they don’t put effort into referencing the important parts of mike’s feelings developing.
the audience doesn't really have a problem with believing that will is gay and in love with mike because there are things in his arc that are just obvious and clearly point to that.
but mike on the other hand is in the middle of a love triangle. unlike most of the other main characters, mike isn't open about his feelings. we don't get his internal monologue. he doesn't tell others how he's feeling. thats why its so easy for bylers and milevens alike to interpret his every move in either direction. it's purely because we don't know. so, in season five, there are things they have to address and give concrete meaning to so that people understand how byler actually does make sense.
the most important scene that i’ve already kinda talked about to do this is...
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this one, obviously, the most important little part of all of byler's season three. i want vecna talking about this. i want mike thinking about this. it’s crucial. it’s essential. his behavior here is weird as hell! it even reads weirdly in a script that was released and then edited quickly after. it's important and it needs to be addressed and treated as such. in the script (forgive me if i'm off, i don't have a copy of it so this is from memory) it reads as "what's wrong with me?" that obviously points our way, but since we don't get his internal monologue there's no way to be sure. it needs to be addressed.
this is also kinda lettergate proof because i think the unsent letters and the fact that mike did try to call will also be essential to proving what was going on with him during the gap between season three and four. if i were in charge of the show, i would do a whole flashback sequence to these six months. i want to know exactly where he is, what he’s doing, what he's thinking, how the people around him are reacting to his behavior. we need a shot of the love, mike. it's SO IMPORTANT.
literally i could scream about how important (and likely) lettergate is.
one thing that REALLY scares me about lettergate is the possibility of them reddieying us. yes that is now a verb. for any of you who never had an it 2017 phase, reddieying is where richie and eddie, two characters, had feelings for each other but never admitted it. at the end of the movie after eddie dies, we get this scene:
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this is what i like to call reddieying. and yes that is also finn wolfhard. this is why we are scared.
the letters could be used in a VERY similar way if either mike or will dies to express the love that they both once had for each other. closure of sorts. i think that would be VERY poor writing (we've all heard my theory about how mike's love for will is literally essential to the ending of the show) but i think it's highly possible especially given the overlap between it and stranger thing's fandoms. the letters could be read at the end in a similar way to the way hopper's was, sad heroes and all. this draws another parallel.
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yes i am bringing newtmas into this. fuck you.
above is a letter written by newt from the maze runner to thomas. newt is confirmed gay by the author of the book, and this letter is written to thomas but never read by him until newt dies. letterboxd reviews of this movie read:
"that letter at the end was the gayest thing I’ve ever witnessed and I’ve seen call me by your name."
"homophobia is thomas reading newt’s declaration of love and the shot cutting to thomas scratching his ex’s name into the rock ABOVE newt’s"
"newt, to thomas: "and i remember you. [...] i knew i would follow you anywhere. and i have." me: *im ready to be queerbaited again meme*"
and i didn't even have to search for these. these were like the top couple reviews of the movie. they were all on the first page of reviews.
all i'm saying is, by having the letter be an idea in our minds, they've set up a way to kill off one of the characters and still have a slightly resolved, weirdly up to interpretation ending. i do still think it's poor writing. i could kind of go into that too if anybody is interested.
i think that if lettergate is used as a device during mike's flashbacks to show how long he's felt this way that they will be using this thing they've set up for good, however, if they newtmas us and reddie us i might die. just letting you know.
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mamashenanigans · 8 months
So, I’m revisiting something I’ve already discussed. I took a gander at the My Hero Academia Wiki’s All for One page and was quite surprised at the skewed view on his relationship with Yoichi, most notably when he killed him.
The wiki states that he killed Yoichi “without hesitation or remorse”, but leaves out the visual and narrative context of what’s happening. It also conveniently leaves out AFO’s thoughts on Yoichi before he blips out of existence.
I’m going to break it down since it’s quite apparent people either A.) have no reading comprehension concerning comics and/or B.) they so want AFO to be a “born evil” character and disregard the subtext and context of what’s occurring.
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Here we have the last two panels of the chapter prior to the reveal of Yoichi’s death. AFO is focused on Kudo and Yoichi’s hands. His attack only leaves Yoichi’s hand, but that doesn’t appear to be what he was aiming for, especially when examining the first few pages of the following chapter.
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In the first panel, AFO looks surprised at what he’s done. His mouth is slightly open and his eyes wide as Yoichi’s blood splatters onto his face. The next panel is AFO just standing there, hand still outstretched, almost like he’s trying to process what just happened. Given the look of surprise and how he freezes, allowing the one that stole his brother away to be able to flee, it’s clear that this was the result of a possessive rage and AFO only meant to attack their hands instead of obliterating Yoichi.
We also have the narrative subtext.
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When we first see Yoichi being ripped apart, the narration tells us that AFO named his brother after the fact he was the first thing given to him in life. This hints that Yoichi is more substantial than other people. The word “precious” is used to describe Yoichi after AFO kills him. This narration juxtaposed to AFO killing Yoichi clearly suggests that AFO didn’t mean to kill Yoichi, but probably only maim him.
If he truly cared so little for Yoichi as to purposefully murder him, then he would have quickly moved on to killing Kudo and Bruce who are shown still in the water and trying to get away. Instead, he just stands there, frozen in his initial position, looking like his brain just glitched.
Furthermore, we have AFO keeping Yoichi’s hand, all that remains of him, and is even eating dinner with it as shown here…
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If all he wanted to do was take back the Quirk and move on(before finding out that Yoichi still exists) then why even embalm the hand? Instead, he seems to be sitting there, with a glass of wine and a plate of food, just contemplating his brother’s hand. Once he concludes that Yoichi “still exists”, he goes on a huge conquest to get him back.
We also have prior flashbacks to work with here. The first one we got had AFO telling Yoichi he loves him and asks his bodyguard to go easy on him. Next, there’s the flashback in the vault and AFO’s monologue is to convince Yoichi to stand by his side. He calls him “dear little brother” earlier and then tells him while giving him the stockpiling Quirk that he matters to him/so dear to him. Once he finds Kudo, he also presumably (due to Kudo’s retort) asked where Yoichi was as he considers the Quirk to be his brother.
Now, don’t get me wrong. AFO’s “love” for Yoichi was very possessive. When his conquest to get back OFA is shown, AFO claims his tears were just “alligator tears” and that all he wants is to make Yoichi his.
However, the last thoughts about Yoichi that AFO has, and is conveniently left out of his wiki page, is that he needs Yoichi/without him everything is for nothing. This could definitely mean that AFO’s thoughts during his killing of the holders of OFA were of an unreliable narrator and more him trying to convince himself that the tears meant nothing.
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This is such an important line. AFO finally admits that it was all about Yoichi and that nothing matters if he isn’t by his side. That refutes the idea that AFO didn’t care about Yoichi and only wanted to possess him. The original translation only has “Yoichi, I need you” and of course the official English translation has to say it differently, but that right there changes the entire perspective of what he was trying to achieve. It’s no longer a “I want to make you mine”, but a clear “I need you”. Which makes sense given that they only had each other growing up.
It’s also pertinent to remember that AFO often “talks” to Yoichi in his inner thoughts, particularly during battle. Following his admittance of needing Yoichi, he continues to “speak” to him about what he was trying to achieve.
With AFO blaming Kudo for everything, it’s pretty obvious that AFO can’t accept the fact that he messed up and accidentally killed his brother. It has to be Kudo’s fault for taking him in the first place.
So, in closing, the idea that Yoichi meant nothing to AFO and was just another toy or that he purposefully killed him doesn’t add up when taking into consideration all the context. Yoichi did mean something to AFO and that’s why he did everything.
He’s still a bastard, but my god, don’t leave out all this important stuff.
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yumeka36 · 6 months
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After hearing all the hype, I finally decided to watch Frieren. I was 99% sure I would like it based on what people were praising about it. And now that I've watched all (currently) 28 episodes...yeah, it's really good.
I knew it was gonna be a slow-paced series that's mostly driven by the characters and world-building as opposed to an ongoing, impending plot...and I'm totally okay with that. While I do enjoy series with a lot of flashy action and emotional angst, I also like when series don't pander to this typical way of being entertaining. Cool fights and suspenseful plots will always be popular, especially for anime/manga, so I greatly respect a series that dares to be different and still delivers. While the characters in Frieren do have an ongoing goal, it's not the main focus of the series: the focus is on their interactions with the world and each other. This is especially unusual for a series that takes place in a D&D fantasy world with monsters, demons, and magic. Such a world is full of potential for fast-paced fights and angst-ridden action, but Frieren does it differently. The handful of battle scenes in the series so far are handled very "matter of fact" - they're not given any more fanfare than other things that happen. Anyone who's watched a decent amount of shonen anime is probably used to all the intense violence and raw emotions that pour out during fight scenes, so seeing how relatively calmly the characters in Frieren handle similar situations may not be for everyone. It even took me a while to get used to how the more suspenseful action scenes in Frieren are handled compared to most other anime.
One of my favorite things in anime, or any medium really, is having characters with appealing but also unique relationships - relationships that can't really be defined by "typical romance," "typical friendship," etc, but something special and unique that I want to see develop as the series goes on. This is a big reason why I like Spy x Family so much, and why I like Frieren as well. The relationship between Frieren and Fern is something like this: On the surface they have a "master/student" relationship, but there are so many more layers to it, like Fern often being exasperated by Frieren's obsession with new spells or the fact that her interpretation of time is so different from that of humans', that sometimes Fern acts like the more "mature" one of the group. But at the same time, despite her elegant air, she has a childish side to her in how she pouts and sulks whenever she's upset with Frieren and Stark, plus her no-nonsense personality that often clashes with Frieren's easy going approach to things. But despite this, we still observe the intimacy between them and how comfortable they've gotten with each other over the years. Then there's Fern's relationship with Stark, that I find incredibly adorable mostly because, again, of how nuanced it is. They're not constantly emoting or yelling at each other, yet you can tell there's something going on between them based on more subtle things, like Fern giving Stark a hard time compared to how she relates to everyone else, and Stark being sensitive to her mood changes.
Another interesting thing about the series is how long the timeline is. Over 100 years have passed for the characters, Frieren in particular of course, since episode 1 to episode 28, yet nothing seems rushed. The series focuses on the bits of their lives that matter through flashbacks here and there, and that makes the series' world more engrossing when you have an idea of all the events that transpired over such a long time. Characters who aren't even alive/present during most of the story, particularly Himmel and his group, can have so much influence in the narrative. All the scenes where Frieren is reminded of things Himmel says and does make so much sense, not just because he was such an important person to her, but because someone who's lived for as long as she has is bound to have these deja vu moments where she had experienced a similar situation before.
The latter part of the series involving the mage exam made me a bit apprehensive, since I don't like when series introduce a bunch of characters at once in a competition with the protagonists. When there's so many new characters that need to play a role in the current plot, they probably won't be well written. But honestly, by the end of the series, I thought they were all interesting characters. This is mostly due to, again, the series giving ample time showing how each of them thinks and strategizes, how they work together with others, what their motivations are, etc, rather than just showing off their powers. Even a character like Serie who's shown to be an antagonist was still interesting as I could at least understand her motives and beliefs.
There's more I can say about Frieren but I'll stop there. Overall, an excellent series and one of the best I've seen in recent years. Looking forward to more anime, and I may even check out the manga!
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hotasfahrenheit · 1 year
I need to rewatch both episodes that are out so far to really dig into my speculations but I've been thinking about Only Friends all day obviously and @poetry-protest-pornography is camping so I can't talk to her about it so There's so much to figure out and question about Top and he's the one that's really had me the most skeptical of his behavior after the second episode (Mew was top of the list in the first ep obv) especially with the preview for next week having the fateful car encounter from the trailer.
I've been skimming posts on here on and off since watching the 2nd episode earlier today and I've seen people speculate on Top's claim that he can't sleep alone, his potential addiction to sleeping pills, whether he can be trusted, if his need to have someone sleeping next to him is the cause of his patterns of finding hookups and people to sleep with so that he isn't alone, how he's lonely and really wants a long term relationship and Mew is finally his chance, etc. I feel like it's easy to get swayed into Top being painted in a sympathetic light by heading down those paths of thought, but I just can't trust him yet and I feel like his behavior is still too questionable to be giving him too much credit yet.
People with addictions will lie to help cover their habits- it'll be interesting to see if the story of why he takes sleeping pills comes up again and if the details change depending on who he's telling or when he tells it. It was important enough to get a flashback so we'll see where that goes. His anxiety might be real to a degree, it might be an excuse.
I'm also conflicted about the shower encounter with Boston. He seemed conflicted too tho really- he fluctuates between looking smug, looking bored, looking like he's into it, and looking irritated; he tells Boston to stop only once, but after things have been happening for a couple minutes, and doesn't actually do anything to stop him- Ton actually stops when they hear Mew calling Top's name and they both freeze and panic.
I'm still not sure how Boston gets into the other shower stall without Mew seeing him and it's unclear if Boston's shorts are still just on the floor- this post is getting long and I've got a thing about that I'll do separate but anyway I don't trust Top and I saw speculation that Boston manipulates him into banging him in the car at the party and might be holding something over his head, but he might be just appealing to Top's need/desire for sex since Mew is continuously telling him no but Boston is ready to go at all times, and getting that next piece of the puzzle is going to say a lot about what Top's actual motivations are as a person since all we can do so far still is guess.
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henrysglock · 7 months
Funny to me how almost every negative trait ascribed to Henry in the VR game is Shadow Brenner talking. Like okay, sir, who are you trying to convince here?
It’s also hilarious to me that Vecna’s taunts sound just like Shadow Brenner irt choices of taunts/vernacular/etc…I smell bullshit. I smell “Oh, I’m the one in control, I’m not being influenced” when really it was entirely too easy to take control and all of Vecna’s shit reeks of Shadow Brenner. The best indicator of brainwashing is believing you’re resistant to brainwashing.
Which…it’s all 100% giving NINA, something we all know isn’t straightforward.
Hell, they even reference NINA-type dynamics for Shadow Brenner making Henry relive his old memories, particularly of the lab:
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So I really, really am wary of claiming most of this as canon (something I’ve been saying since they teased it back in November).
Also: They’re very protective of 001, but Vecna shows up in things as un-canon as the Puzzle Tales game. So…I don’t take Vecna canonicity very seriously here, especially not as a meter to judge Henry/001 by…not to mention that they wouldn’t make any major, canon-altering reveals in a fucking video game. Like…come on, guys.
And on top of that: Half the shit we supposedly know about pre-Vecna Henry from the game is told to us in memories being replayed to Henry by the Shadow as Vecna tries to pull his shattered/jumbled mind together and keep control of the hive. The other half is given to you by the Shadow when it’s studying Henry! There’s no way in hell they’re as straightforward as you think they are. It’s all silly, terrible gameplay!
And they say as much:
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It’s all a big experiment! And you think it’s going to just tell you everything you need to know about Season 5??? Be serious.
Didn’t think I’d have to say it, but: Let’s not fall for the NINA “taking everything at face value” trap again.
Even further…Vecna isn’t even subtitled as Henry/001:
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As far as I’m concerned: We have net zero new information about Henry/001 as a person scoping out of his lab flashbacks…which is consistent with games and novels and comics not being strictly canon!
You’re telling me you’re gonna worry about the canonicity of a game where Virginia’s hair is brown and the Creel house layout is fucked up while Vecna struggles to put his mind back together? None of this is strictly canon. It can inform on canon, it can (and does) double down on existing subtext, but it’s honestly nothing that we haven’t seen already.
As always, never forget: THE FILM IS THE THING. The play, the TV show…they’re canon. Not a video game.
(the link to the interview will be added when I’m back to my laptop)
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chibivesicle · 2 years
hi! id like to start with that i rrly like ur tristamp analysis, they're v fun to read. youve prob mentioned this somewhere but it feels to me like if stampede vash almost lacks agency half the time. its not as bad as the fem chars, ofc, but a lot of the times he'll just sorta.. stand around and not do much? like in the flashback where he just watches knives literally stab people to death w/out much of a reaction, or when livio literally shot himself in the head. the last time he fired his gun was in like.. episode 2 i think? idk it just feels kinda lame 😭
Hello there! Thanks for droppping me a line, glad you enjoy my rather sarcastic takes with my Stampede meta. I completely agree with you that this version of Vash really lacks agency or motivation to do things. As you put it, he stands there as his brother slaughters people before them and he sort of emotionally tells him to stop. I wonder if the writers forgot the whole point of Vash being a technical pacifist. The whole folly of his moral code is that he cannot kill anyone and uses non lethal force as a way to deflect the actions he becomes embroiled in. However, his guilt and sadness are covered with a sort of a band-aid approach for how he deals with situations. He actively responds to any immediate threat however, he never goes to the root of the cause e.g. Knives' or others' actions. The manga has an entire scene where a villain thinks that Vash will be an easy kill b/c his human shaped target was shot in all the 'wrong' places hundreds of times. It instead was an indication of how much he trained himself to accurately incapacitate an opponent non-lethally.
Original Vash in both the manga and '98 anime was reactionary and we learn that his reactionary behavior was in part how he was coping with his pain and guilt. What was missing was his decision to think about how to be active and not reactive. Which was excellent character growth on his part. It was through others, especially Wolfwood, that Vash got to watch them be more active, trying to deal with a problem before it ballooned into something bigger. With Vash's longer than normal lifespan it makes his evolution of a character work b/c it shows the painful reality that guilt and trauma can leave and individual paralyzed or stuck in a certain mindset, afraid to move forward for fear of it becoming worse. He gets caught in that mindset for over one hundred years!
All of this gets back to the fact that our most talented gunslinger on the planet - rarely uses that gun. The last shot I noticed was in episode seven when Vash shoots Wolfwood's gun to deflect it to not hit Livio and take out Zazie's worm-cam. But it was a blink and you might miss it as I had to pause and go back to check, since I first though Vash might have directly shot the worm with a ricochet off of Wolfwood's
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devilsrecreation · 1 year
More Lion Guard oc’s I have in my mind cuz I need to get it out
I know I talked about some oc’s in this post: https://www.tumblr.com/devilsrecreation/724739555112222720/you-know-how-i-mentioned-a-whole-tlg-fic-idea-with
Jino (tooth)- Kenge’s oldest sibling who brings back some bad memories. He hasn’t changed since he was a hatchling and is the only animal who is able to call Kenge a “little lizard” without getting bitten, likely due to Kenge being secretly scared of him. It isn’t until he brings up Ushari (thinking he ditched Kenge, not knowing about his death) that Kenge finally stands up for himself and puts his brother in his place.
“Once a little lizard, always a little lizard”-Jino at Kenge
Voice claim: Peter Dinklage
Honestly, that would be a pretty good fanfic. Jino comes to visit and everyone in the Outlands gets to see a whole different side to Kenge. Like, he goes from an aggressive lizard with a Napoleon complex to just…freezing. And this surprises everyone cuz the Kenge they know would NEVER act like this. The most he’d do is get angry while Jino taunts him, orders him around, steals his food, and steps on his tail. Jasiri, being the good queen she is, tries to understand what Kenge’s going through, even trying to get the two brothers to get along. Kenge finally breaks after he witnesses Jino telling the others stories about their childhood. He tries to stand up to him, but Jino just laughs and calls him “little lizard”. Everyone thinks Kenge would snap and attack his brother, but merely lets out an angry yell and walks away. Jasiri chases after him, asking if he’s okay, then Kenge opens up about everything. After some encouragement from Jasiri and the skinks (and Jino mentioning Ushari), Kenge decides he’s had enough of his trauma haunting him and stands up to his eldest brother once and for all via pinning him to the ground and letting everything out. This sends Jino submitting to Kenge for once, apologizing, and running back home
-There would be numerous flashbacks and mini flashbacks from Kenge’s past throughout the fic: from meeting Ushari to biting his first victim
-We’d get to see Ushari’s reaction to everything as well (He hates Jino)
Maji (water)-A tough female nile monitor with no filter who can be just as aggressive as Kenge is. She has this sort of enemies to lovers relationship with him, with him being jealous that she’s bigger than he is. Slowly but surely, the mutual hatred turns into feelings the more they find out how alike they are and they become mates
Voice claim: Joan Cusack
-While Kenge claims to be the biggest lizard in the Outlands, Maji says she’s the biggest lizard in the Pridelands
-The rivalry starts when she steals Kenge’s food right in front of him, then when he tries to fight her, she pins him down
-From there, they always find ways to show off and one-up each other
-They end up having a bragging contest which ends in them going from yelling to aggressive kissing (whatever the lizard equivalent looks like)
-After a stupid amount of time processing their growing feelings for one another, they finally just confess and become the badass couple. Kenge has a soft spot for her
-Kenge was a stammering mess cuz he couldn’t find the right words when Maji just flat out told him
-Unlike her mate, she can control her anger and is usually the one to put Kenge in his place. It’s actually pretty easy for her, especially when he gets hostile for no reason. For example, he’ll get mad over someone saying “a little help” and Maji would yell at him, telling him to shut up and that it’s just an expression…and he actually listens!
-While Kenge has beef with Bunga, Maji would have beef with Binga
-After they start dating, Kenge (temporarily, as it’s a phase) becomes a completely different lizard. He’s much happier than normal and talks about Maji for hours. He even has this staring problem whenever he’s in the Pridelands. Meanwhile, Maji has become a lot more wistful and giggly
-They do the classic “that’s my girl/that’s my boyfriend!” with each other
-Maji tends to get really flirty with Kenge when they’re alone
Wakali (fierce)-It’s kind of a “what if” idea where Kiburi adopts a daughter and she becomes super badass
-Orphaned albino crocodile
-Backstory: Nduli finds her egg poking out of the dirt while searching for food and brings it to Kiburi. After trying to find its mother to no avail, Kiburi decides “screw it. I’ll take it in, but I’m not getting attached to it”. When it hatches, he names the new member Wakali
-Their relationship at first is like:
Kiburi: Leave me alone, kid.
Wakali: *cuddles Kiburi’s tail*
Kiburi: Okay, you’re my child now
-Daddy’s girl
-Wants to be taken seriously
-Calls the other crocs her uncles
Hatari (lethal)-You know how hippos are pretty much one of the most homicidal animals irl? That’s Hatari. Intimidating and territorial, he has a particular enmity towards crocodiles and devotes his life to getting rid of them since he sees them as feral, ruthless monsters. Although he claims to care about the circle of life, he doesn’t realize the roles crocodiles have in it and only thinks about himself in the matter (not even other hippos)
-He lives in a lake on the outskirts of the pride lands where everyone is warned not to go. There is a pile of food near it that he keeps all to himself
-Songs that fit him:
“Get Out” (Hello Neighbor song)-describes how territorial he is
“Bats” (MLP)-Basically his feelings towards crocs
-Is like this because he lost his entire pod to crocodiles and refuses to believe some are good
Piga (snap)-Kiburi’s dad. Although he was a bold, hardcore, stone-faced brute to others (think Terence from Angry Birds), he showed his soft side to his favorite son, Kiburi. Since the death of his mate, he swore to himself that he was going to teach his kids how to be the best and strongest they can be. Although he kinda gave Kiburi and his siblings some tough love, he genuinely cared about his son and let him know it when he died
-Kiburi gets a lot of his personality from him. Even some of the things he’s said came straight from his old man
“This is our watering hole now! We say when you can drink! And if you don't listen... Lemme show you what'll happen."
“We’re crocodiles. We don't wait around for other animals to tell us what to do! We take what we want”
“I say we deal with him the crocodile way!”
“Nothin' tastier than a meal with a sense of humor."
Yeah. All Piga. Now, don’t get me wrong, even though he was like this, he never dreamed of taking over the Pride Lands. He knew his place when it came to King Mufasa and never once challenged Pua to a mashidano
-He had a lot of battle scars on him, the most notable one being right next to his eye
-Second strongest crocodile (the first being Pua)
-Best friends with Pua
-Kind of a sore loser when it came to losing a fight, but would never take it out on any of his kids. He does appreciate Kiburi’s support about it
-He’s EXTREMELY stubborn. When it comes to getting him to budge, he is just like Terence. He doesn’t, no matter how hard you try. The only exception is a hippo if it’s strong enough (like, as big as/bigger than Basi and as strong as Beshe). Anyone else, forget it.
-Died from a hippo attack (Hatari), which happened to be right in front of Kiburi
-Could probably talk to Kiburi if Kiburi wanted/needed to. If so, he would appear as a water spirit
Nge (Scorpion)-Sumu’s straightforward, no nonsense, but otherwise loving mother. Speaking from personal experience, she’s the one who told Sumu that scorpions couldn’t be friends with anyone but each other. Although she loved all of her kids, she wasn’t afraid to smack them with reality if necessary, such as with Sumu wanting to make friends. After a young Sumu failed to do so, she had a little chat with him. The talk was disappointing and hard to hear, but he needed to hear it at the time. And Nge made sure to keep supporting him no matter what
-Nge taught Sumu everything he knows and she means the entire world to him.
-She was taken from Sumu and the rest of her kids by humans while Sumu could only watch in horror. Her last words to him were “If I don’t make it back, take care of yourselves”.
Sumu never saw her again.
-Nge’s theme is “Baby Mine” from Dumbo. If you sing the song, Sumu will burst into tears
-Sumu does eventually see her again and uh…let’s just say it isn’t pretty. To put in bluntly, she’s dead (obviously). Finish the puzzle.
-That being said, Sumu would be able to avenge his mother by stinging the humans who took her
-BUT if she miraculously survived, Sumu would be able to get her out of her little prison and it’d be a heartwarming reunion. She goes back to her little hole and goes her separate way, but not without telling Sumu how proud she is of him no matter if he is good or bad and promising to visit (he still gets to sting the humans tho lol)
“Ah kid, I wish the world was nicer to us scorpions…especially to you.”-Nge to a young Sumu
Voice claim: Wendi Malick (Eda Clawthorne from The Owl House) 
New story idea: When their bosses scold them after messing up a plan AGAIN, Chungu, Cheezi, Goigoi, Tamka, and Nduli set out to prove themselves useful. It isn’t long before each of them are captured by poachers (which they call “two-leggers”) who plan to do god knows what. It’s up to them to try to escape and prove themselves useful to their leaders.
-Said leaders (Jasiri, Janja, Reirei, and Kiburi) learn about their friends being captured and go to rescue them…no matter how dangerous it is
They also feel super guilty about it cuz they each lost their tempers and said something along the lines of “Why can’t you guys do anything right?”
-We get to see how much the henchmen really mean to them
-More character depth on Sumu, as we learn the tragic tale about how he lost his mother (He’s got trauma and it shows)
Sumu comes with the leaders and acts as a bodyguard (It was Jasiri’s idea. She wanted to play it safe cuz nobody’s messing with a scorpion). He claims he’s fine, but his new habit of staring into space whenever humans are mentioned says otherwise
-It has a good ending though! The dumb henchmen manage to escape themselves (while the leaders are distracting the humans) and reunite with everyone
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What is Subaru and Kou's love language?
that's an excellent question and something i've thought about for kou before. and, well, that was... a challenge. i'm still not sure, so i'll start with subaru because he is nice and easy.
subaru's love language is undoubtedly physical touch.
if you google "subaru sakamaki cg" almost all of them which come up are him holding yui, hugging her or some kind of physical affection. i know all the diaboys hold and hug her etc but subaru is the clingiest motherfucker i know. he's not an acts of service, gift giver and he's not good at words of affirmative at all.
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subaru ENGULFS yui at any given opportunity. and a lot of time he's not even saying a whole lot, just holding her. clingy bastard.
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even in the non-story games, here he is hugging her again. he's not biting her, not hurting her. not trying to do anything sexual... just, feeling her touch.
then some cute kissing <3
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there's also the times he both gives comfort and recieves comfort from physical touch. i especially love the second cg here, he looks so... happy like that ;;
okay, onto kou... ah,
now with kou i did struggle. i think the first thing that comes to mind is gift giving because of how adament he is on "give-and-take" but giving gifts and expecting something in return vs giving gifts out of love are... very different.
and the thing is, once kou is in love with yui and has kind of changed his toxic worldview, i don't recall him showering her with gifts anyway. while kou is quite materialistic himself (splashing out on expensive clothes, watches etc) i don't think it's out of love. plus if we remember in dark fate, when there's the flashback of yuma giving him a sugar cute out of love and kou... genuinely does not understand how that could correlate. so i don't think it's gift giving despite what it may seem on the surface.
furthermore, i don't think kou really cares much about acts of service besides being cooked for. he doesn't go out of his way to do things like that for yui. quality time? i don't think so, especially since characters like shu and kanato really DO rely on her being around to show and recieve their love. kou does get on with his own thing and while there's some cute bonuses scenarios where they shower together or kou crawls into her bed, i don't think that's his love language.
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(i love these ones so much)
so with gift giving, quality time, acts of service and physical touch out of the way (because he's just not as clingy as subaru, i don't think kou's love language is physical touch either), that leaves words of affirmation.
and i thought about it, and i think kou's language actually is words of affirmation.
the main things i thought about were the blue sky metaphor - the most important thing he ever said to yui, in my opinion, is "you're my blue sky"
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... in this beautiful scenes where he's crying! i think having the magic eye probably distanced kou from this for a while but he only learns how to trust and love again by believing yui's words of affirmation to him (yui's love language is words of affirmation too, definitely). if words of affirmation weren’t his love language, i don’t think the magic eye would’ve been as important as it was. but he wanted to hear the feelings he was reading in her mind.
i don't know, but after their relationship grew healthier, kou was definitely faster to tell yui exactly what he loves about her. he likes compliments, we know that, and he's working in an industry where he's showering with compliments on a daily basis.
kou took time to show his love language i think, simply because he didn't know how to love or be loved.
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but he gets better at telling yui exactly how much he loves her.
and the one other thing which leads me nicely onto subakou...
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in lost eden when yui asks kou to cheer subaru up, what does he do? he decides to talk to him, give him so verbal reassurance that everything is okay. and the fact he managed to make subaru smile, idk, kou looks so happy with himself.
so, subakou...
i think there would be some challenges actually, because subaru is really bad at words of affirmation. it takes like 4 games to actually tell yui how he feels and then in lost eden he waits through a lot of suffering to actually tell yui what good she’s done for him. yui tries to talk to him with words of affirmation and generally subaru isn’t good at receiving that. 
because kou is pretty bad at trusting people anyway, i think he’d struggle with subaru not telling him how he feels. especially if kou tells him something he loves about him and subaru doesn’t say anything back. i think they’d have to have a serious conversation where subaru explains he’s just not good at receiving or giving compliments. 
on the other side, i think kou would be pretty good at receiving subaru’s clingy self and he’d definitely be up for cuddles. eventually i think he’d come to learn that subaru does love him and he is showing that in his own way, but i also think kou would try really, really hard to get subaru to deliver words of affirmation. 
i think the first time kou tells subaru that he is his blue sky, subaru would be so confused and i think kou would be a little offended by that. 
it’d take a while, but i think they’d get there eventually. imagine them just lying in bed together, telling each other the things they like about each other, subaru is blushing madly and kou is snickering the whole way through. then they kiss, aww... i wrote something similar for elliot and leo in pandora hearts and i should definitely write a subakou rendition. 
if anyone has any different ideas about kou’s love language please tell me because this was a STRUGGLE.
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asking-jude · 1 year
I drank too much and had a meltdown at my grandmas with family. We were supposed to be celebrating my birthday. I went to the bathroom and had flashbacks of being m*olested as a child by my older cousin who was there. I’ve told my grandma and mom several times if xyz was there I didn’t want to be there or let me know so I won’t go. Everyone was downstairs outside as it was a cookout. I didn’t realize I was having a panic attack until my sister found me upstairs hiding. Turns out my cousin tried coming upstairs and my sister confronted him and made him leave. I blacked out some parts of this night and looking back on it I see myself looking possessed screaming and crying. I just remember screaming they’re rapists over and over. My sister ended up telling me more of what happened because I woke up with some bruises and turns out my mom was hitting me and everyone was just trying to get me to calm down or shuttup. Me and my sister went through similar things young by the same “family members” and when she told our parents and some family nothing really came of it. My dad kept them away till he was out the picture and then we had no choice but to be in the same spaces by the men who SAed us as kids. It was like no one cared or believed us. The dirty family secret everyone knows but won’t acknowledge. The betrayal is so deep in me. Besides my sister I haven’t talked to anyone since. Some of my family reached out but I can’t get myself to talk to them, I wouldn’t even know what to say. I’m ashamed I put my grandma through that and embarrassed her in front of her neighbors. I still feel a lot of disgust whenever I see my mother because she continued to allow them near us and would even invite them over. I just want to leave, never come back to my home state, and sometimes I don’t care to ever talk to any of them again at all. I hate birthdays.
Do you want free, fast mental health help? Visit askingjude.org.
Hello there,
I am incredibly sorry that you and your sister have gone through this. I’m sorry that you were put into a situation like that, and on your birthday of all days. You did the right thing by speaking up for yourself and letting your mom and grandmother know about your discomfort. By allowing those men into the same space as you, they did not respect your wishes. Something that I think may help you is setting boundaries, which are rules you set in place for yourself. For example, if you do not want to be around those men in your family, set that as a boundary. Try to keep reminding yourself that you cannot be around them under any circumstances. This can be done however you feel most comfortable. You can try leaving the event or staying in a different room, or telling your family you’re feeling a bit sick and need to lie down. Sticking to your boundaries can sometimes be difficult, especially when family is involved. Here are some tips on how to set and enforce boundaries: https://www.npr.org/2021/01/25/960423678/how-to-set-boundaries-with-family-and-stick-to-them.
It isn’t always going to be easy to say “no” to family members, especially if it’s something you want to do, but it is important that you prioritize your physical and emotional well-being. Boundaries are a way to protect and prioritize yourself.
I am not sure how old you are, so I don’t know exactly what you mean about not having a choice about being around them. If you are a minor, I can understand where you are coming from. If you are not a minor, you do have a choice. Your choice may upset some of your family members, and that can be uncomfortable. However, regardless of your family’s wishes, it is vitally important to always put yourself and your needs first.
I am sorry that this situation has left you feeling guilty. Try to keep in mind that your reaction was involuntary and unintentional. I know that does not change the outcome, but you did let your mom and grandmother know that you did not want to be around those men. There are consequences for every action, and their embarrassment is the price they pay.
In case you find yourself in a similar situation, here are some tips on how to cope: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/ptsd-trauma/ptsd-symptoms-self-help-treatment.htm. One of my favorite suggestions is finding an outdoor activity. Studies show that being in nature can help combat symptoms of anxiety and depression. Whenever I am feeling stressed, I think about nature and places that bring me peace. This may help you, too.
I can understand why you have these feelings toward your mother. If you need a little space from your family, please take some space; you deserve to feel safe and happy. I’m not saying you have to completely remove your family from your life, but there has to be a balance. Here are some tips on how to handle difficult familial relationships: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/relationships-communication/dealing-with-difficult-family-relationships.htm.
If you are a minor, this may look a little different. You may not be able to avoid every person or situation yet, but you can limit how open you are with certain family members. You can be polite, but also distant enough to keep yourself safe.
I hope some of this information was helpful. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Asking Jude again if you have any further questions.
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wexhappyxfew · 2 years
E for Landslide, H, and U for the fanfic ask game !!! :)
AH! POET HELLO!!! thank you so much!! i am especially excited about E for Landslide to say the least ;) thank you again! <333
E: If you wrote a sequel to Landslide, what would it be about?
OKAY! SO! I got this idea for a Landslide sequel back when I was in the midst of writing Natia in Holland, which was peak Natia, to say the least. There's no title for it because I highly doubt I will be getting to it anytime soon, but we focus on Natia and Joe Toye's eldest son, Feliks Toye. He's very much like his mother, in many ways, and goes on to work in the CIA. He's under the guise of 'Agent Brute', a homage to his love for Ancient Roman history and follows him through his time as a CIA agent. We enter the second 'main character', Carrie Tavoularis, a fellow CIA agent, under the guise of 'Agent Viola'. They spend their time as CIA agents in the era of the Cold War and Vietnam, hunkering down in places like Italy, England, and Moscow. I have an incredibly vague plot and we'd have features of the entire Toye family in flashbacks to them growing up, Feliks' relationship with his parents and his two siblings, Poppy and Thomas, and his connections with men from Easy Company that influence Feliks' decision to join the CIA, such as Ronald Speirs.
I think I would definitely enjoy writing it, and hope, if I do get time, I'll maybe test a one-shot out or something! :)
H: How would you describe your style?
I feel my style flows a lot with description and internal monologue. Internal monologue is by far one of my favorite things to write; I just feel that in situations, characters have a LOT to think and feel and experience and an internal monologue provides for that. Natia really was just internal monologue over dialogue and I'm taking that into ATTDC as well with certain OCs. Description I use a lot after that, when it's needed. But, over anything, internal monologue usually carries the stories. I find it most 'eye-opening' and the best way to get the best perspective of the story.
U: Share three of your favourite fic writers and why you like them so much.
This is going to sound so bad but I haven't really read much fanfiction in at least a solid two years since college has started. I tried keeping up with certain fics, but college consumed me and so I haven't been able to really keep up with many fics (it makes me want to cry that I can't, but college always takes priority rn). I DID finally get back a bit and start reading your fic SBT, which I have been thoroughly enjoying more than anything!! Daisy is a loveable lil character and I will protect her with my LIFE! @mercurygray will always be a favorite because of TDS as well; the description, the dialogue, the characters! :) I'm so sorry this is such a bad response to this question!! I keep telling myself to get back to reading more fic, but I just haven't been able to! :(
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mrbensonmum · 4 days
TV Show - The Fall of the House of Usher VI
In this episode, it finally happens—we get a bit more insight into Tamerlane’s life, and Juno gets a bit more screen time. However, the most interesting part for me is Pym, Arthur Gordon Pym (and that’s important, remember it!).
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Just a heads-up: Juno sticks to her role as a side or outsider character, even though she gets a bit more screen time. We only learn that she might not be as happy with her life as she initially appeared to be. On top of that, she wants to get off the extremely high dose of Ligodone, though everyone around her tells her that it’s not a great idea.
I’m curious to see if we’ll find out how that turns out. I’m also wondering if Juno is even really married to Roderick. There’s been a lot of talk about a wedding, but did they actually go through with it?
Tamerlane is completely stressed out because of an upcoming presentation and suffering from a lack of sleep, making her an easy target for Verna’s visions. At first, Tamerlane experiences brief moments of sleep and minor blackouts. The presentation is a disaster, and back at home, Verna plays her usual tricks, leading Tamerlane to smash the ceiling mirror above her bed, falling onto the shards, which pierce her back.
Now, only Frederick is left, and the family is also starting to have problems with the company since he’s the only child, and therefore the only remaining board member.
Roderick and Madeline have a deeper conversation about Verna and are no longer sure she couldn’t possibly be the same woman from New Year’s Eve 1979. When Pym digs deeper, he finds photos of her that trace back to the 19th century. Roderick doubts it, but Madeline is convinced that something isn’t right. Through the flashbacks and Verna’s interactions with the children, it becomes clearer that there must have been a pact or something similar in the past.
We then shift back to Roderick and Auguste, and it’s at this point that Roderick gives a more detailed description of Pym. He tells Auguste about a journey to the North Pole, the northernmost island called Ultima Thule, and an underground world inside the hollow Earth. At least, that’s how Pym described it to him.
Ultima Thule stuck with me, and after a quick search, I found that it directly references a short story by Edgar Allan Poe, along with many other references. The short story is called The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, and this rang a big bell for me. That story is also about the Earth’s interior, another clue that I need to dive deeper into these connections, especially when they’re presented so clearly. I already knew the series was inspired by Poe, and that the episodes were named after his short stories, but now we’re also seeing the character names and their backgrounds, which is fascinating!
One thing that really stood out to me, and deserves some applause, was the different photos of Verna that Pym shows. Usually, when present-day people are inserted into old photos, it looks like terrible Photoshop. Not here! They did a great job, placing the actress in the images so well that you only notice on a second or third look.
Funny detail: When Lenore is looking after her mom, and they’re watching old films and TV shows together, you see her scrolling through a Netflix-like menu at the end of the movie. She lands on Gerald’s Game. As mentioned earlier, Bruce Greenwood (Roderick Usher) and Carla Gugino (Verna) star in that film.
For the first time in this episode, I’m starting to feel like Verna and her visions might not even be visions. I mean, sure, the show heavily implies and shows them as such. But what if all this stems from what happened on New Year’s Eve? Years of mistrust, always looking over their shoulders, wondering if someone is coming after them.
If I say this is the “most boring” episode, I don’t mean it negatively at all. Sure, more things are being explained, and the info we get is becoming more significant, but my initial thought is coming true: each child gets their own episode, but the others are still dealt with along the way. It’s still enjoyable—don’t get me wrong—but the balance from the earlier episodes feels a bit off. Maybe it’s because there aren’t as many children left, so there’s less variety. They tried to offset this with Juno and Lenore, but it only worked to a limited extent.
That said, the show is still running on a high note and is excellent. What I’m doing here is nitpicking at a very high level. I’m just glad that shows like this still exist and that not everything is becoming uniform!
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theygender · 2 years
I've gotten so good at recognizing and shutting down PTSD flashbacks that my brain has just moved straight on to "make up a guy to get mad about." Got me out here having traumatic memories about events that did not and will not happen
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bugsbenefit · 2 years
thoughts on the time skip and how it could tie in perfectly with Mike getting targeted early on
with Mike being such a central character to Will’s And El’s character it really seems like he has one of the biggest targets on his back narrative wise during the next season. especially since Mike was the only character to directly and verbally confirm that he will help Will kill Vecna he now isn’t just one of many threats Vecna could possibly face but also directly standing between him and Will, who’s Vecna’s most reoccurring target (this turn of Mike siding himself with Will isn’t even just told to us in the cabin scene but also later reinforced with the ending shot of Mike being the only one to stand directly by Will’s side)
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i do really like the possibility of Mike getting targeted or temporarily taken out at the beginning of the season, but then ended up wondering how that would actually play out in the greater narrative. could they really skip forward a year while leaving this open ended for the characters? and well, there are definitely some interesting ways this could tie in with the story currently being set up:
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the impending time jump is one of the things that’s been bothering me the most ever since s4 aired. (in one interview the Duffers estimated it after e2, this may have changed in the writing process but seems to be the best guess we can go off of right now) it’s always hard to incorporate time skips During a season without it feeling rushed. you essentially have to re-meet the characters halfway through. because it doesn’t matter if you tell the audience “none of them changed”, relationships will progress, especially if you jump 1+ year(s) forward. and i’ve really been racking my brain about how season 5 could actually pull off a time jump without essentially having to “start over” since that usually kills the drive and action for a bit which is a bad pace for a final season.
and so, usually, the only really good excuse to abandon your characters for an extended period of time while avoiding having two “beginnings” is to ensure that the characters have no chance to drastically evolve off screen. and in my experience there’s only really one way to show that the characters start back up where we left them. and it’s by breaking up the group.
friendships and relationships are halted that way, the audience knows they’re not missing any critical development. often character arcs are also halted this way in ensemble heavy stories since moving characters away from the group often removes the driving factor of character conflict and development.
IT is a very good example of this. (disclaimer: talking about the book, i haven’t seen any of the movies) the book jumps back and forth between the adults and their kid selves (shown in flashbacks) interestingly, the adult and kid characters are still very familiar despite the characters having lived almost 30 years off page. this is because their character arcs only start majorly moving again when their group reunites since they’re all tied to each other. the book is imo one of the best examples of “they all go their separate ways and find back together” since you really never feel like you missed out on something during the time skip
but while splitting up is usually the best approach to time skips, splitting up the ST cast seems very extreme, because how would this feasibly happen? they’re all back in Hawkins at the end of s4. so while having the characters not interact much for a year or two would probably keep the audience the most invested in the characters... how would this happen without feeling like it came out of nowhere?
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and. well. it Did surprise me a bit how easy it would be to explain with story beats we were already shown.
watching the show it’s actually interesting how far the group drifts from each other. it’s also a frequent complaint i’ve seen from viewers: we start with a close knit friend group in s1. but s2 already breaks from that idea a bit by having the hospital and non hospital group. Will and Mike are doing their own thing, and even before Will gets possessed Mike actively pushes their friends away who are trying to help. and as the seasons progress and more characters become important they start splitting off. Dustin is usually with the older teens or Erika and rarely with all of the party. El and Mike were established to neglect their friends for a whole summer. and then in s4 this reaches a peak and is finally starting to get addressed. Max ghosts them. Will and Mike barely talk. and the argument that is highlighted between Lucas and Mike IS about the party splitting up and going their own ways. and it doesn't get resolved by the end of the season.
so we’re actually already left with a set up where the integrity of the group dynamic got repeatedly challenged and then finally verbally called out during s4. the idea that this could be built on during s5 isn’t that far off, especially given that the argument between Lucas and Mike is still open ended
interestingly enough. if we’re actually getting a scenario of Vecna targeting Mike pre time jump, Will’s love confession about Mike being the heart of the party could actually be some really cruel foreshadowing.
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because what Would happen if Mike was out of the picture for the time skip?  well thankfully Will actually went out of his way to tell us this last season. the group would fall apart.
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the line did always feel significant to me. it seems very deliberate narrative wise to have Will not only point out Mike’s importance to their friend group, literally calling him the heart twice, but also mentioning what would happen if Mike wasn’t there.
just throwing ideas out there but this could play out as them genuinely growing further apart without having Mike act as their heart /glue in this case. or them growing more focused on their individual goals without Mike acting as a unifying factor since he’s always been the unofficial leader of the group, their DM. this could have El and Lucas stuck trying to find Max, possibly with different approaches too thanks to their different abilities (we’ve seen Lucas read to her, El was trying to find her in the Void etc). we were already shown that Dustin would stick to the town and school, the Duffers confirming he would be dealing with grief over Eddie also fits that picture. and all this would leave Will on his own, most definitely clinging onto the hope that Mike is still alive which would give us the perfect parallel to s1 like we were told we would get. however, this time it wouldn’t be Will who’s missing
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markyestapa · 2 years
lost without you-b.brisson
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summary: y/n and brendan really like each other, but dating one of the most popular hockey players it’s not easy.
warnings: insecurities, anxiety thoughts, fem!reader, swearing?
a/n: again, english it’s not my first language so forgive me for any mistakes.
you and bren used to secretly hook up for a while - well, it would be more like an secret- open- relationship, because both of you were still single and could do whatever you wanted to, but when it was just you and him together, he treated you so naturally like his girlfriend that sometimes you’d forget that you weren’t. 
for as much as you liked him and he liked you, you both didn’t want to date because dating at umich was hard, people would gossip a lot, especially about the popular hockey players. 
this was just one of the reasons why you thought it was good to keep things under the covers with him. the others included the fact that you were very insecure about everything. brendan was the hockey player, he had quite a reputation as a manwhore, and you were just you. you actually didn't know how you got into this, how he ended up with you of all people. 
at first, bren was satisfied with what you had, he could live his best life and still be with you. but after some time, he got tired of hiding. he wanted to be able to hold your hand in public, to take you out on dates, to buy you flowers. he wanted you in his jersey on the bleachers yelling his name and him saying “that’s my girl”, he wanted it all. 
[flashback on]
“do you wanna be my girlfriend?” he said while running his hands through your hair
you looked up to him with wide open eyes.
“are you serious?”
“hmm i do, but-” 
“no buts” 
you sighed  “are you sure about this bren?” 
“i am. look, i’m tired of hiding, besides it's like we’re almost dating, i just can call you my girlfriend now, nothing has to change”
[flashback off] 
but it did, everything changed.
 the second you went public people started to talk, and mostly weren't good things. how you weren't pretty, cool or popular enough for him, how he wasn’t good for you, how you were so stupid to date him, how he for sure cheated on you, and the list goes on and on. 
despite some arguments about this stuff, your relationship was good. he was an amazing loving boyfriend, but he had never been in a relationship before, he didn’t know that some things had to be adjusted. he didn’t know what to do or how to act in certain situations because he didn't know how to differentiate some things from when he was single to now. 
which was just another reason why people would gossip, along with the fact that, he’s naturally sexy so he just draws the attention of people wherever he goes and he doesn’t even realize his effect on them.
at first you tried to tell yourself that it didn’t matter, they could talk whatever they wanted to, he had chosen you and liked you for who you where. but things just kept getting worse and it came to the point that it did matter. 
your many fears, insecurities and trust issues made it even harder. he would say to you to not listen, to not care, but how could you when it was so constantly happening? how could you when he didn’t make it better by the way he acted, even if it wasn’t on purpose. 
you tried your best to trust him, always shutting down the thoughts that were spinning on your mind, but the more you kept pushing it aside, the more it consumed you. 
as it usually would happen, he was out for dinner with his teammates and after that they decided they wanted to go to some sorority party. 
he had let you know that he was out with his friends, but since the party was a last minute thing, he just texted you about it, not wanting to wake you up,  because it was late and he knew you were already sleeping since you had an exhausting day. 
you didn’t mind him doing this stuff without you, it was very normal and okay in your concept. the problem began when people started to use this to hurt you with mean comments. so, one by one they got stuck  in your head making you doubt everything.
 “poor y/n, it doesn't even look like brendan dates her”
“he must cheat on her for sure”
 “look at him, so drunk that he probably doesn’t even remember her” 
there was this girl, this very annoying girl, that was a huge pain in the ass and her job was to make you feel miserable about your relationship, although she wasn't the only one, she was the one who worked harder.  
she liked brendan and was constantly hitting up on him, like blatantly flirting, on his dms, at places, in front of you, she didn’t care. but he didn’t even notice because he was so clueless sometimes, and because he just had eyes for you, even if he didn’t know how to show it.
so, it was a typical party, he was just drinking and having fun with everybody, without even noticing how drunk he got. that girl saw this as the perfect opportunity to get you out of the picture for good.
she was trying to be seductive, dancing in front of brendan while approaching him sneakily. she continued to move her body very intimately and even tho she wasn’t actually touching his body, she was so close that from a certain angle it looked like it.
it took some time for brens drunk brain to see what was going on. it was just when she slowly ran her hand on his arm, that he noticed her intentions, quickly stopping her and walking away. 
what bren didn’t know was that her friend was recording it, because the girl had asked them to, and for as much as the situation happened in the blink of an eye, it was already too late. 
after the “incident”, he decided it was better to sober up. so, he got some bottles of water to drink and he went to find a bathroom because he wanted to wash his face. 
he entered some bedroom just because the only bathrooms that weren’t occupied were the ones inside it, but as he did, that same girl went inside the room after him. 
for those outside, the situation looked way more than what actually was, because as always, people would just assume they know brendan so well that they know exactly what would happen in there.
to make things worse than it already was, there was, again, someone recording just that moment when both got in the room. 
what actually happened was that bren took his time to just do his needs and wash his face. when he finished and left the bathroom, he saw her sitting on the bed waiting for him, but he  just pretended she wasn't there, ignoring her and leaving the room. 
what he didn’t expect was that the girl made up a whole story and told everyone a very different, twisted version of what happened in that room. and a lot of people believed in her. 
when you woke up the next morning there was a bunch of messages from your friends showing you the videos that were posted on someone's instagram stories, along with the texts saying how this person saw it happen, or how that person heard this and that, and how the girl confirmed herself. 
you watched the videos and you read the texts over and over trying to figure if it was some kind of bad joke. but no, it was real, it happened.
you felt your world crumble, starting to cry while beating yourself up because “of course this would happen” 
“of course it would be her, it makes so much sense”
 “how could you be so dumb to believe him? to believe that he would actually like you?” 
you saw brens messages still from last night and you just ignored, as you decided you didn't wanna talk, see or think about him. 
when he woke up that afternoon, he noticed that you didn't reply,  which wasn’t very common of you. that’s why he called you, but you hung up, he called again, you hung up again, and so that it wouldn’t have a third call, you blocked him. 
bren knew this wasn’t normal, you don’t ignore him like that, not even when you’re mad. you always say that it’s important to talk about the things that made you both upset or angry or whatever, and that’s how your relationship had worked so far, so this just wasn’t you.
he was so confused why, what was the reason for you to act like that. it was making him feel worried and he was getting edgy. that’s when bordy came into his room. 
“dude…. have you talked to y/n today?” he sat on brendans bed beside him.  
“why?- no, i’m trying to but she’s not answering or picking up my calls and-” he said while running his hands through his hair. 
“i think i know why….” 
“what? what do you mean?” 
so thomas showed him the videos, the texts he got from other people asking about it, the comments on social media, everything. bren was red in anger, he just couldn't understand why people were doing this to him and to you, why couldn't they mind their own business? 
“fuck fuck fuck! bordy this is not what it looks like i- i swear, this girl is fucking insane! ” he stood up in so much frustration  that he could feel his blood on his veins.
“briss i know, i know you wouldn’t do this to y/n, but i think she might not. i mean it looks pretty convincing….” 
“fuuuck” he repeated sitting on the bed placing his head on his hands and letting out a groan.
then he abruptly got up again, determined to go talk to you, dressing up in a hurry and storming out of his room. 
you stayed the entire day inside your dorm because you knew people were gossiping about this and you didn’t want to see or hear anything else. your eyes were swollen and your face was red from crying.  you felt like shit, you just wanted to disappear. that’s when you heard someone knocking on your door, and of course it was brendan. 
when you opened it and saw it was him you immediately tried to close it but he was so much faster and placed his foot between it. 
“go away brendan” you said as you still pushed the door trying to close it but obviously it wasn’t working because he was way stronger than you. 
“y/n please let me in”
“go away” you said with a shaky voice 
“baby you need to hear me please” 
eventually you got tired and felt weak of holding the door so you just let it go, walking back to your bedroom and leaving him alone in there.
he entered your dorm and followed you.
“i need you to listen to me” he said as he sat beside you on your bed. 
“do i? because i think everything i saw sums it up pretty well” you said wrapping your arms around your body like you were protecting yourself 
“please y/n, i know how it looks like, but nothing happened” 
“so you both just went to a room together to what? have a conversation?” 
“she followed me there, i was just going to use the bathroom, and thats exactly what happened, nothing else” 
“and before? you were having a p-pretty good time huh?” you were trying so hard not to cry again. 
 “babe, i’m sorry, i was so drunk i didn’t even realize she was doing that and when i did, i stopped her”
“oh of course you were drunk brendan! that’s pretty much all you do! do you actually remember this, what you’re saying?” you sarcastically laughed with your eyes full of tears again. 
“babe please - i do remember, and i’m telling you nothing happened, nothing.” 
“stop calling me babe” you exasperated as you swept away the tears now running down your face  
he sighed in frustration running his hands in his hair frenetically trying to figure out a way to make this right.
“ i swear to you y/n, i didn’t cheat, i would never do this to you” he tried to grab your cheek to clean a tear but you turned your face away 
“you don’t believe me?” he continued, feeling like he had a huge lump in his throat. 
“ i’m sorry bren” you said as you looked deeply into his eyes 
he felt like a train had just crashed him. the fact that you didn’t trust him and assumed the worst just broke his heart. could him blame you tho?
he knew that he would never, in a million years, do that to you, not even when he was drunk. but you didn’t.
he would never hurt you in that way, he liked you so much he thought maybe he was even loving you and all he could do in this case was give you his words, but it wasn't enough, your eyes said everything, you didn’t believe him. 
“yeah i’m sorry too” he got up also with tears in his eyes and left. 
and that was the last thing he told you. 
tagged: @erikports
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (One)
Summary: you and Jungkook have been best friends since freshmen year of college, there’s a lot of unsaid feelings and tension but neither make a move. what happens when his friend Taehyung (also your crush) needs a fake girlfriend?
Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader, slight Taehyung x Reader
Genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, roommate au, college au, SMUT (starting ch2), fluff, angst (in later chapters) slight crack
Word Count: 10.2k (yikes, I know) (I will try to shorten future chapters, ya girl is sorry)
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, puking, reader is a drunk cry baby, reader is kinda embarrassing, jk is kinda jelaous, mentions of sleeping around, reader and jk are pretty affectionate, jk’s thighs are mentioned—that’s like, a warning in itself right?
Notes: hiiiii, the first part is here! Once again, really nervous about this so please go easy on me but mostly, just enjoy! :) also sorry for any typos!!!!
© taestefully-in-luv
The sun is a magical thing. It lights up and warms the Earth, it enhances your mood, it helps plants grow, it literally provides for life. Without the sun, life on Earth would cease to exist. What the sun also does? The sun also shines down on us and lights up the most beautiful things. The sun today, however, is especially highlighting the most beautiful thing. The way the glittering rays gleam through the windows you can see how todays sun focuses on him.
That’s right, you guessed it. Kim Taehyung. His skin is absolutely glowing in the rays, his eyes sparkle in the light that shines down. Yes, Kim Taehyung is an other-worldly being. The way he just stands there and shimmers you can’t help but stare but also like, shy away because his beauty is so god damn blinding. Wait…was this dramatic? This might be dramatic. You’re too far gone to care though. His boxy grin, the way his hair falls into his eyes, the mole on his—
“I just want you to know, you are fucking drooling.” You hear the scoff of the man across from you, Jeon Jungkook, also known as your best friend.
You lazily shake your head as the two of you sit nice and snug in the booths of your favorite coffee shop. It’s one of the colder spring days, the breeze biting at your skin when you were outside but now, you have Jungkook’s scarf wrapped loosely around your neck and hot coffee in your hands.
“I mean, I get it. He’s gorgeous but do you really have to go this far?”
You bring the white mug full of black coffee to your lips. It’s hot and burns the tip of your tongue, but not anything you’re not use to.
“Yes.” You state plainly. You know exactly to what he is referring to. You don’t usually come here at this time, in fact you are usually a creature of habit and come at the same time on the same days… Tuesday and Thursdays in the evening but its Friday and like 1pm. But you knew Kim Taehyung was going to be here when he snapped a picture of the famous white mug with the shops logo on it and posted on his story. You bring your hand up to your forehead, saluting to the sky, “Thank you Snapchat.” So yes, naturally when you saw he was at this coffee shop you hurried to make sure you were too. Maybe it is fucking desperate. Okay it is. But could you blame a girl? He was one of the hottest guys you’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.
“This is ridiculous,” Jungkook huffs into his own mug, “You could just talk to him…”
Now it was your turn to scoff.
“As fucking if!”
Jungkook smirks into his mug, taking a sip of the burning hot coffee. “That incapable, hmm?”
“It’s not that I’m incapable JK,” You blow on the drink nonchalantly, “I am simply just not worthy.”
“You are so stupid, I swear.” He huffs into his mug again.
“What do you mean?”
Jungkook breathes out slowly, biting his lip as if contemplating what to say.
It’s like, what can he say? He wishes he could tell you a million things that would ease your mind, that could possibly give you the confidence you need or maybe just slap the reality on you that Taehyung doesn’t deserve you. But then he will get asked ‘why’ and he can’t have that.
“What?” you whine into your cup before setting it down.
“You’re really cool and also pretty?” he says quirking a brow in question. Because apparently that’s all he can come up with.
“That’s a question? Also am I dying? You’re complimenting me?” you tease, giving him an exaggerated look of satisfaction.
“I just mean…” Jungkook runs a hand through his messy dark locks, “You have nothing to worry about, ya know?”
Nothing to worry about he says! What does he know? He can literally get any girl—or guy for that matter—that he wants. You dip your head, frowning at the idea.
Jungkook has been your best friend since your freshmen year and there’s nothing you treasure more than his friendship. You bite your lips and tilt your head trying to recall his first presence in your life…oh! That stupid frat party freshmen year…you met at a frat party during your first semester and totally hit it off. Did he try to get into your pants? Okay, yeah maybe. He offered a room just up the stairs that night, but you refused…seemingly too shy. But Jungkook was nothing but understanding. He pat your back and said he knew a better place, and that was the 24 diner down the street. And the rest is history
“Obviously I don’t know and oh my god don’t look but—” You try saying before Jungkook is completely turning his head around to look. Classic Jungkook.
“Oh hey Tae.” Jungkook says in The Kim Taehyungs direction. Taehyung walks up to your table, you thought the sun only highlighted his beauty but up close he is the sun. You knew it was a magical thing.
“Hey guys! “ Taehyung stands there as bright as a fucking light, waving at you and your best friend. Oh yeah, did we forget to mention Jungkook is also friends with said Kim Taehyung? Okay, so maybe talking to Taehyung shouldn’t be that hard, since you share the same fucking friends. And you guys are technically friends too.
“Sup dude.” Jungkook shrugs nonchalantly, picking up his coffee mug once again. His long fingers wrapping around the porcelain, warming him up. You watch as Jungkook takes a sip of his beverage with his doe eyes on you, he nods his head towards Taehyung and winks at you as he gulps down the drink. Of course, he’s teasing you.
“Hey y/n!” Taehyungs smile shines so brightly you want to actually kill yourself. What is up with this dude and being so blinding?
“Hey Taehyung…” you gulp your coffee awkwardly, giving him a small wave of the hand.
“y/n I told you to call me Tae!”
“Right…” you chuckle into the coffee creating bubbles of the liquid like the fucking pathetic lil thang you are.
Yeah, talking to The Kim Taehyung is not your specialty. Never was.
2 years ago
Your head is buried in books on the table of your campuses library with Jungkook fast asleep next to you. Statistics shouldn’t be this hard but it fucking is and you are groaning into your book, on the verge of pulling your hair out when a deep voice that rumbles your insides interrupts you—actually fuck it, you don’t feel like getting into a flashback. Just know that you met Taehyung (officially through Jungkook) and he ended up calling you pretty and you’ve thought about it every day since. Because you are pathetic. What’s new?
And that was it, that’s all it took for you to gain a massive crush on the boy.
“What’s up dude?” Jungkook asks again. He is now scrolling through his phone, probably swiping through Tinder, if you have to guess. And you’re right because he’s turning his phone towards you showing you some random girl, his wide eyes asking for your opinion. You roll your eyes and nod your head ‘yes’. As you can guess, this happens quite often.
“Ummm…” Taehyung runs a frustrated hand through his hair, you slowly tilt your head to soak him in when you notice he looks almost…panicked? “I need help with something actually,” but he isn’t looking at Jungkook as he says this, no. He’s looking at you.
“You see that girl at the counter over there? The one with long hair, not the other one.” He nods his head in the general direction while still remaining discreet.
You tilt your head to steal a glance at the counter and yes you do see the girl he is referring to. She’s got long brown hair that reaches her waist and man, she is gorgeous. Big, bright eyes. Full, pouting lips. Long legs and yeah, the works. Taehyung sure knows how to pick them. Did he need help to get her number of something? Like a wing woman? You mean, does he really need the help?
“Yes, I see her.” Is all you say to him and you expect him to ask you to go over there but instead he says,
“Great. I need you to be my girlfriend.”
You blink lazily at him as you process his words while Jungkook chokes on his drink.
“You want her to be your what?” Jungkook is the first to speak.
“My girlfriend.” He says again before his eyes go wide, “Like, like my fake girlfriend.” Taehyung turns a wonderful shade of red before his hand is reaching to scratch the back of his neck, chuckling to himself. “This girl—Anna…she is a bit obsessed? Ya know? Won’t leave me alone type thing and …and I have tried saying I have a girlfriend but she followed me to this coffee shop when she heard I was here. Like, who does that?”
Now it’s your turn to turn red, because you. You would fucking do that.
“That’s horrible Taehy—” you begin to say before Taehyungs large eyes pierce into your own, “Please y/n.”
“Anna???” Jungkook cuts in setting his phone on the table. “Like Anna Anna?” Jungkook squints his eyes at his friend before scoffing. “...She’s not doing it.” his eyes go between Taehyung and this girl Anna. “Don’t involve her in whatever game you—"
“I’ll do it.” You say, even surprising yourself. “I mean, it’s just pretend and for this moment so why not?” you begin to explain yourself. Plus for a few minutes you can pretend you’re really his girlfriend and your delusional mind will thrive off that.
Tae is quick to straighten his back and smile widely before he is ushering you to scoot over in the booth to let him in. “Scoot scoot” he whispers, grinning from ear to ear.
“Tae, you can’t be serious—” Jungkook is quick to say something, anything. His hands scrambling to grab his phone and hands it to Taehyung from across the table. “Here. Call up some other girl to do this. Don’t involve y/n.” Taehyung gives Jungkook a look of panic before Jungkook speaks up again, “Plus, y/n would be the worst fake girlfriend,” And that’s it. That’s all it takes. Jungkook’s constant negativity pisses you off so much that it drives what you say next.
“No need Taehyung.” You snatch Jungkook’s phone and shove it back in his hands. “Why don’t you call up one of your girls yourself and leave us alone?”
Jungkook looks at you shocked, his brows furrowing so deeply you are almost concerned for his face and the wrinkles that might set in.
“y/n…?” his stupid doe eyes look at you with so much confusion.
“I just mean, I can do this Jungkook. Don’t have to be so concerned.”
At that, Taehyung lights up.
“Great!” and his long arm wraps around your waist and when he was sure Anna is looking he leans in to plant a soft kiss to your cheek. “Thanks for doing this…” he whispers in your ear before placing another kiss.
Your eyes meet Jungkook’s shocked ones. He looks like he just saw a ghost, all the color drained from his face as he watches you and Taehyung.
“Uh….” You don’t have any words for Taehyung—or Tae as he likes to be called.
You don’t even have the balls to glance his way, you don’t even have the balls to breathe in his direction.
“Look at me?” Taehyung’s finger is on your chin, guiding it towards his face.
“No…” Jungkook spurts out, “I mean, y/n don’t we have to go?” Jungkook looks at you with a look you’ve never really seen before. Maybe it’s desperation but you don’t really care.
“We don’t actually” you respond nonchalantly.
And with that you turn to face Taehyung more properly. His face is so close to yours it’s almost suffocating.
“What is it…Tae?” you try out his nickname for the first time. His cheeks flush and he scoots back just an inch.
“Thank you for doing this but…” his eyes slide to the side, eyeing Jungkook. “I was thinking we could do this for a couple of weeks, at the least. Ya know, to make it believable.”
Surprising you and Taehyung, Jungkook rises from his seat at the booth,
“y/n let’s go.” He simply states, not even looking at you. Taehyung looks panicked as you look between the boys.
“Tae…” you started to say before Jungkook reaches over the table to grab your wrist, “Come oooooooonnnnn” But you are quick to yank it back.
“Stop Jungkook, you’re being childish.”
Taehyung tightens his hold on you, “Yeah Kookie, sit back down…please.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes at Taehyung, giving him a look that screams ‘are you serious?!’
“Childish? Okay.” He gives you a look of disappointment before grabbing his phone and his bag and walking away from the table. You watch in disbelief as Jungkook’s figure disappears from your view. What was up with him?
“Sorry, I don’t know what’s going on with him…”
“Right…” Tae responds quietly, his grip on your waist loosening up. “He’s just really protective over you, huh?” Taehyung bites his lip in contemplation, “y/n. I’m serious, let’s do this. I’ll pay for your coffee for the next month if you do this with me. Please, I am quite literally begging you.” He breathes out through his nose in an attempt to laugh. “She won’t leave me alone otherwise.”
You bite your lip in deep thought, your brows pulled together. Taehyung couldn’t help but find you cute.
“For a month? What happened to a few weeks?” you ask, a playful smirk gracing your features.
Taehyung couldn’t help the grin that made its way on his face.
“1 month.” He breathes out. “Unless you fall in love with me during that time and beg for more time….” He pokes his tongue out, his teasing tone going straight to your lady bits. If only he knew.
“Fine, but we should set some ground rules…don’t you think?”
“Okay. Like what?”
“Oh…I don’t—”
Taehyung raises a brow, “Don’t say something stupid like ‘no kissing’…because we want to make it as realistic as possible, don’t we?” he leans in just a bit more. Without Jungkook around Taehyung seems a bit more confident.
“Oh, you want to kiss me then?”
“It’s just for show. We don’t gotta think too hard about it.” His face inches closer and closer.
“Love…” you say, in a complete daze. Too lost in Taehyungs big brown eyes.
“What about it?” he doesn’t blink, just continues to stare into your eyes.
“We…would if one of us catches feelings? Then we should stop it, right?” You choke out.
Taehyung squeezes his eyes shut as an impossibly cute giggle escapes his lips, “You’re so cute. How many romcoms have you watched to come up with that line?”
“I’m serious.” You push your head back, “This could become hurtful if one of us falls in love…” You say this knowing it’s you. Well, obviously. Just because Taehyung called you pretty 2 years ago doesn’t mean he likes you.
“Okay, sweetheart.” Taehyung gets close again, “I’ll tell you.” And then he leans in, just an inch from your face. His lips hovering over your own and you can see his eyes still on you, like he’s silently asking for permission. You can’t help the nod of your head and you, yourself don’t stop yourself from leaning in.
Taehyungs lips are just as soft as you had always imagined. His lips only peck yours, the kiss is short but sweet. Once he pulls back you see his eyes slide to the counter where that Anna girl stands, and a look of relief washes over his features.
“Thank God, she bought it. She looks pissed,” he laughs loudly, “She saw us and is totally storming out!”
Oh, right. This is all for show.
“Oh, good.”
“Thanks y/n!” Taehyung’s smile is so wide it takes up the entire booth. He goes in for a quick hug, pulling back he smiles again before reaching his hand to pat your head.
“You’re a good girl.” He says and slips out of the booth. Welp, you wish those words didn’t go straight to your vagina.
“Uh, thanks.” You sputter out, not entirely sure what just happened.
“See you later?” he asks then his face lights up, “I’ll bring you a coffee.”
“Well, that is the deal.” You shoot him some pathetic finger guns.
You stare down at your now cold coffee, and look across from you at the now empty booth where Jungkook once sat.
“I’ll text you with more details later!” he shakes his phone in his hand,
“Bye bye…girlfriend.” He finishes off with a wink and skips, yes fucking skips away.
You are left alone at your table, with an empty seat across from you and a cold coffee. And now a fake boyfriend with the guy you have a massive crush on. This couldn’t possibly go all wrong, could it?
“This is definitely going to go all wrong, you realize that, right? This is a bad idea y/n and you know it.”
Jungkook’s legs are swung over your own as he lays on the couch, his focus on his phone in his hands. He wears his gray puma sweat suit you love so much and smells exactly the same as always—clean laundry and his own musk. You can’t help but eye him over, his dark strands of hair falling into his eyes as he bobbles his head to rid himself of the stray pieces. You aren’t blind, Jungkook is like, crazy hot and sometimes your staring can become a problem.
“Like, ‘we can’t fall in love with each other’” he mocks, “What sort of bullshit? You already in love, aren’t you?” he peeks over his phone to get a look at you waiting for some sort of rejection of his words.
“It’s just a crush, Jungkook.”
“Sure.” His eyes go back to his screen. “You’re pretty dumb for doing this.”
“Did I mention we kissed?”
“Only 100 times now you sicko.” Jungkook rolls his eyes and you can’t help but giggle.
It’s no secret that Jungkook is against this—whatever this is. He always has been…ever since you mentioned it 2 years ago sophomore year.
“What do you mean ‘no’?!” you ask in disbelief.
You just confessed your little crush on Taehyung to Jungkook, the two of you sitting across from one another in the library when he rolls his eyes, obviously annoyed.
“Can you not yell? We’re literally in a library. And I don’t feel like getting kicked out this week…again.” He rolls his pen between his fingers as he speaks.
“Okay one: that’s your own fault for getting caught with your hand down some girls pants. And Two: what do you mean ‘no’?”
“Taehyung is off limits for you.” He says, totally unbothered.
“What the hell does that even mean?”
“It means, he’s my friend for one so gross, and also he’s kind of like…emotionally unavailable.”
You chew on your pen, wondering what that could mean. Like, he doesn’t date? He doesn’t ‘do’ relationships? He’s already in love with someone else?
“I’m not telling you.” Jungkook’s pen slides against his paper as he writes, “His life.”
Oh, you asked that out loud.
“Whatever Jungkook, it’s just a crush.”
It feels nice to have a crush on someone other than…
Your phone goes off and you hurry to check it. What? It could be Taehyung wanting to go over the details of the ‘plan’. But much to your disappointment it was just Jimin.
Jimin 9:42pm
Where are you guys? Party has BEEN started girl
Y/N 9:42pm
We’re about to leave babe, see you soonish
Jimin 9:43pm
You guys fuckin? *smirk face emoji*
Y/N 9:43pm
Did you just…write smirk face emoji instead of putting the emoji itself
Y/N 9:44pm
Also how many times do I have to tell you JK and I aren’t like that
Jimin 9:45pm
Whatevs, see you soon babe xoxo
You set your phone down in your lap, your fingers going to massage Jungkook’s calves as you sneak a glance at him, he closes his eyes in satisfaction as you continue massaging the muscle.
“We gotta get go—also, that’s now what you’re wearing right?”
“Not going tonight. But have fun.” Jungkook sets his phone on his chest, letting out a long breath while folding his arms behind his head. He looks comfortable like, you almost believe him that he’s really staying in.
“Yeah, okay.”
“I’m serious.”
“What do you mean?”
“Y/N why don’t we just stay in tonight?” He whines, he unfolds his arms and reaches for your hand. “Let’s go buy a 12 pack, get fucked up and just ya know, stay in.” Though this doesn’t sound like a bad idea, it also sounds like every Friday night with the two of you and you want to do something different tonight. But it would take some convincing. You interlock your fingers with his and he melts at your touch, his dopey smile growing.
“It’s a good idea, right?” he says, blinking up at you.
You smile back, tilting your head just the slightest before your smile drops altogether.
“Ugh!” Jungkook throws his head back on the sofas armrest, “Why are you like this?”
“You still love me.” You chirp swinging his legs off yours and standing to your feet.
“Now get dressed and I promise that I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the weekend and you can bring whatever poor girl back to the apartment.”
Oh yes, your best friend is also your roommate. You’ve been living together for the last year—it just made the most sense. He was always over at yours or vise versa. So it made the most sense to save money and just room together. It worked out almost perfectly—almost. He paid his half of rent on time, he cleaned the dishes, he did laundry. Wait a minute, what the hell did you offer? That’s beside the point, the best of all he was always there when you needed him. The one downfall…the girls he brought over.
It got so bad that you couldn’t even sleep. You get it, your best friend is obviously…gifted. If the girls whines and moans and screams were any indication. So you had to set some rules for your sanity! For one, the other must always warn the other when bring home a person for the night. And two, its best if the other is already like, not home. Jungkook quickly agreed…something about how he doesn’t want to hear you either.
So, offering to be gone all weekend so he can have as much sex in his bed as he wants is probably going to be convincing enough.
You study Jungkook’s features, his brows pinched together almost comically, and his lips formed into the cutest pout.
“All weekend?” he asks, kicking imaginary rocks with his feet. “Like, no interruptions?”
“No interruptions you absolute whore.”
“Fine, deal.” He looks into your eyes and something flashes across them that you cant pinpoint. “I guess I’ll get dressed…but wait, where will you stay?”
“Probably with Jimin.” You shrug.
“Hm, okay.” Jungkook walks towards his room while lifting his sweatshirt over his head and throwing it behind him, the article of clothing landing on the floor. “And you’re doing laundry.”
“Brat.” You say rolling your eyes but you can’t help but smile.
You don’t take long to get ready yourself, you settle for a casual look tonight…okay, semi-casual, meaning you’re wearing jeans but you are wearing a nice, low cut blouse that shows a generous amount of cleavage. It’s your go to titty shirt. You aren’t really looking to get laid tonight or anything but you do want onlookers to wish you were.
You bounce your knee up and down while sitting on the sofa as you not so patiently wait on your bff, you call out for him but he only yells back that you need to like, chill out. After what feels like forever, the creak of his bedroom door opening can be heard and you quickly stand to your feet to face him.
“Woah.” Is all you manage to say as Jungkook walks out of his room, his cologne filling the air around you. “You look…” you can’t even finish your sentence without Jungkook’s stupid smirk already on his face. His pants are skin tight, the material practically melted on to his thick thighs that are deliciously exposed thanks to rips and holes. His plain white tee is accompanied by a fine leather jacket and his hair is split down the middle, the waves adorning his face. He looks damn good. And you both fucking know it.
“I look?” he teases, walking closer to you. His cologne suffocating your nostrils but you aren’t upset about it.
“You look…fine. You look better than before at least.” You choke out. It’s not that Jungkook is capable of making you nervous but sometimes he has this aura about him…no, you don’t even want to get into it. Those are thoughts you’ve trained yourself to push away.
“Whatever.” His eyes skim over your body shamelessly, “You look fine too.” He winks, walking past you.
“Ready to go?” he calls out over his shoulder. You can’t help but watch his tight ass walk away. Did you really say tight ass? Well it is!
“Yeah, lemme grab my purse and uh, uh we can go. You’re driving.”
“About fucking time, sluts.”
“Hello to you too, Jiminie.” You crack a smile as your friend goes in for a quick but tight hug.
When Jungkook finally introduced you to all his friends the one you hit it off with the most was good ol’ Jimin. He immediately became one of your closest friends.
“Yo Park.” Jungkook’s eyes are all around the place, not even sparing Jimin a glance. No doubt looking for his girl for the night already. What? It’s a safe assumption.
“Jeon.” Jimin rolls his eyes playfully. “You guys took forever, too busy fucking?”
You hit Jimin’s shoulder with your own, giving him a look that says you’ll scold him later.
“She wishes.” Jungkook finally puts his attention on the two of you, a wide smile growing on his face.
“Shut up.”
“What? It’s true! Oh my god Jimin, you should of seen her face when she saw me walk out in this fit.” Jungkook stands tall, hands grabbing onto the material of his leather jacket,
“She was like “oh my god Jungkook you look so go—” You go to hit his stomach with your fist but thanks to his rock hard abs you only end up hurting yourself. “Fuck! Ow! What’s under your shirt?” you yell over the music.
“Oh baby, you can find out. Should we go upstairs? I know a room.” He says with a wink.
The words ring a bell of familiarity in your head, each syllable echoing softly. A small smile forms on your lips and Jungkook gives you the softest smile in return. Did he just say the same line he used on you 3 years ago when you two met?
3 years ago
The music is booming so loudly you can’t even hear yourself think. This isn’t your first frat party and probably won’t be your last but you just can’t get use to it. You let your dormmate drag you to this stupid party only for her to ditch you in the first 10 minutes. Great.
You weave through the crowd trying to locate the kitchen to get your hands on the strongest drink you can find, lord knows you need it.
The kitchen is just as crowded as the rest of the house unfortunately. So many bodies. Bodies doing shots. Bodies doing shots off other bodies. Bodies playing games. Bodies grinding against other bodies. So many fucking bodies. It is honestly overwhelming. You walk towards the punch bowl, reaching for a red solo cup when another hand bumps into yours.
“Whoops sorry, go ahead.” The hand is attached to this boy—or man? Should you say man? He sure looks like one. He eyes you up and down before smiling down at you.
“Freshmen?” he asks.
You slump your shoulders, “Do I really look that outta place?” you pout.
“It’s not that…I just have a way of knowing.” He laughs. “I’m Namjoon, by the way.”
Namjoon, huh? He is cute that was for sure. “Y/N.” you say placing a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Pretty!” he smiles, then his eyes look behind you. “Ay! Jungkook! What did I say?! No more Keg stands!!!!” Then Namjoon’s eyes are back on you, “Sorry Y/N gotta go, gotta take care of this brat.” Then walks past you to this mysterious Jungkook person.
Your eyes follow Namjoon as he rushes to whoever this Jungkook guy is. Namjoon pulls him to the side obviously scolding him for apparently doing too many keg stands. Jungkook looks like a small child who is about to get grounded, and you can’t help but giggle. Unfortunately, this caught Jungkook’s attention. He looks straight at you, his eyes narrowing. Wait a minute. You recognize him! He definitely looks like the same guy from your Lit class on Tuesday and Thursdays. Yup, you get one long good look at him and he is definitely the same heartthrob of a dude from your class. All the girls go crazy for this guy, you mean, you guess you get it. He is really hot. He’s got on a black t shirt and some ripped jeans, and tousled hair.
Jungkook looks at you again with furrowed brows then smirks. Fuck, you were staring. And got caught. You see Jungkook pat Namjoon on the shoulder a few times then walk past him, much to Namjoon’s annoyance.
And he’s walking towards….you. FUCK. In a total panic, you twirl around to face the wall, yes the fucking wall when you feel a tap on your shoulder.
“’Scuse me?” a voice says from behind you. You’re not going to play dumb, you know who the voice probably belongs to. You stay facing the wall, like a fucking weirdo.
“Wanna turn around?” his voice is light and teasing and you can’t help the long release of breath before turning to face him. Wow. Up close he’s even more handsome….
“Hi?” you sputter out, completely unaware of how lame and shy you sound.
“Hey, like what you see?” he nods his head in the direction he just came from, clearly amused.
“I don’t know what you mean.” Apparently playing dumb is how you decide to go about this. You stare at him with a blank expression, swaying from side to side. Lucky for you it’s in beat with the music so you look kind of cool. At least that’s what you’re telling yourself.
“I mean, you kept staring at me so.”
“No, its…it’s not like that”
“Then, what’s it like?”
“I just…I thought I recognized you so…” you wipe your sweaty hands on your black denim skirt. “That’s all.” You finish, still looking at him like you haven’t done anything weird tonight.
“Anderson’s Lit class right?” he asks with a pointed look. “I recognized you too.” His smirk does things to your lower half but you shouldn’t be admitting that right now.
“Oh?” is all you manage to say.
Jungkook studies you for a few moments, his gaze so dark and intimidating and you feel so flushed with his eyes on you. Then he groans with fingers rushing through his messy hair,
“Do you understand this week’s assignment?”
He…he wants to talk about school?
“Yes, I do. Because this assignment is wack as fuck.”
OH. You must of asked that out loud.
“Yes, you did.”
Oh, that too.
“Umm, yeah. What aren’t you understanding?” you finally say something relevant.
“It’s just more like, I think it’s a stupid assignment.” He chuckles, “Oh, you got something—” he reaches his hand forward to your hair, his fingers brushing through your long strands, pulling back with a piece of string. “Got it.” He says with a sly smile.
HOW CHEESY!!!! But like, it still made the heartbeat in your vagina go boom boom.
“Ya know…” he begins, his eyes never leaving yours as he talks. You actually don’t even know what he is talking about but his lips move so quickly you try to follow them. Your eyes on his lips the whole time, you don’t even realize it.
“…and that’s why I think it’s stupid.” He finally finishes with an obnoxious laugh. “Hey—hey are you even listening?” he says, his lips in a pout. You would know because they are all you’ve been staring at.
“Huh?” you blink lazily up at him, “Oh. Yeah. I totally agree.”
Jungkook stares at you seriously for a second before breaking out into a cackle, yes a cackle like he’s some hysterical witch. Which sounds really unattractive but honestly you’re digging it.
“It’s okay, you weren’t listening. I guess I’m not that interesting, huh?”
“No no! You are!” You’re quick to say, your hands waving frantically in front of you.
“Oh? So you do find me interesting?” he smirks, folding his arms across his chest.
You scoff at his words, appreciating his moves on you with a sly smile.
“Are you always this smooth?” you ask, a light teasing tone laced in your voice.
“Oh baby, you can find out. Should we go upstairs? I know a room.” He teases back.
Feeling so at home lost in your memories with Jungkook, you finally break free from the flashback. For some reason that’s a flashback you don’t mind reliving.
“Smooth.” You grin at Jungkook, you can’t help the blush that paints itself on your cheeks.
“For you? Always.” He grins back. You two just stare at one another, basking in the memories of your friendship.
“Okay, enough.” Jimin cuts in, his hands on both yours and Jungkook’s shoulders, “Either actually get a room and finally fuck or get on with your nights.”
You and Jungkook exchange awkward glances before turning towards the living room to join the party. Jimin is left at the houses entrance by the front door, totally dumbfounded. “these two idiots…” he scoffs under his breath, his eyes rolling so far back into his head.
Hours pass and you know what? The party isn’t as lame as you thought it might be. You are lost in the music on the living rooms dance floor with a red solo cup in one hand and your phone in the other.
“y/n!” you hear the call of one of your closest girlfriends.
“Trina!!!” you stumble towards her with a lopsided grin, you reach for her bringing her in for a long hug.
“Woah, someone’s drunk.” She laughs her loud laugh that you love so much. “And damn, the titty shirt is out tonight? Nice.”
“Not drunk” you giggle, and then continue to giggle again for no apparent reason.
“Right…” Trina slaps your back enthusiastically, “Where’s…” she then lowers her voice with a smirk, “lover boy?”
“who? Jungkook?” you ask with the tilt of your head.
Trina’s head pushes back with a confused expression, “What? No! I’m talking about…” she lowers her voice again, “Taehyung!”
OH. Right. You had texted Trina as soon as the whole ordeal with Taehyung unraveled. She knows of your long time crush and totally supports the idea of fake dating because as she puts it:
“Girl! This is your chance! Show him what a great girlfriend you would be, he would totally fall in love with you for real for real.”
And you have to say, you like where her head is at. Complete opposite of what Jungkook is always saying.
“Oh, I don’t know. I haven’t see him around.” You sway side to side, your lit up phone catching your attention.
Jungkook 1:22am
Don’t come home tonight ;)
You can’t help but roll your eyes. How is he so quick?
Y/N 1:23am
Alreadyasydy tslked 2 Jiminie, staying w hum toniteeee.
Jungkook 1:24am
y/n…you’re not too drunk right?
Jungkook 1:27am
You are back to shaking your ass with Trina by your side, the bass of the music thumping so loudly you can feel it vibrate your whole body. Body after body pushes into you, causing you to stumble every few seconds. But your grip on your refilled solo cup doesn’t loosen, not as you chug back your drink.
“Gonna grab another!” you slur, nodding your head towards the kitchen. Trina only gives you a thumbs up as she continues to dance with some random girl.
The walk to the kitchen feels like it’s taking forever, the way the walls swirl around you makes you feel sick. You stagger through the kitchens walk way when you feel two arms wrap around your middle.
“My girlfriend!” You hear the slur of words in your right ear, loud and clear.
You turn in the man’s hold with squinted eyes,
“Oh hi Tae.” You giggle, encasing him in a hug. Drunk y/n is way more confident. For some reason seeing him like this you don’t feel as nervous or awkward. Then you feel it. The weird, uncomfortable pang in your chest. Why is that? You look up at Taehyung when the sensation of guilt begins to surface. You remind yourself of the mission you’re on, completely ignoring the inner truth that tries to bubble over and smile at him.
Taehyung looks down at you with a goofy grin, his fingers digging into your waist to keep you steady.
“Oh, you’re drunk drunk.” He teases.
“Am not!” you shake away your confusing thoughts and giggle some more. “wanna take a shot with me?” you excitedly ask him, nodding in the direction of the liquor bottles.
“Hell yeah girl!” he says, taking your hand and leading you towards the counter.
“Y/N are you okay????” Taehyung voice is laced in concern as he holds you. Yes, the Kim Taehyung is holding you. “Shit, I shouldn’t have let you drink this much….” But like in a totally pathetic way.
“You…” you lean back, hitting his chest with your pointer finger, “Don’t tell me how much I can or can’t drink!” your voice buzzes as you fall forward but Taehyung catches you again.
“Right right…” he chuckles but then he looks concerned again. “We need to get you home…let’s call Jungkook.”
“No! we caaaannnnoottt do that…” your words are all jumbled together, Taehyung has a hard time understanding you.
“Where’s your phone?”
“Back pocket.” You wink. Like a fucking sleaze.
Taehyung looks conflicted, but in the end he reaches around for your phone and turns it on.
“Holy shit y/n… you have 8 missed calls from Jungkook. And whole lotta texts.”
Jungkook 1:30am
Are you okay??
Jungkook 1:40am
y/n…Youre a big girl so ill just assume youre okay.
Jungkook 3:02am
Just talked to jimin and you aren’t with him?? where are u??
Jungkook 3:18am
Answer your fukin phone
Jungkook 3:23am
Are you still at the party?
Jungkook 3:41am
You aren’t with Trina either? y/n where are you?
Jungkook 4:00am
Don’t make me go back there….pls just answer your phone so I know if youre like, idk fucking alive
Jungkook 4:10am
Fine im going to look for you
“Fuck.” Taehyung hisses under his breath. “I gotta call him…I’m gonna call him okay?”
Your eyes go comically wide at Taehyungs words.
“too late” he says, the phone to his hear.
“Hey man, no its me…Taehyung, yeah…yeah….she….” Taehyung eyes you carefully as he speaks on the phone, “She’s fine. She just has had maybe too much to dri—” Taehyung drags a hand down his tired face, “No for fucks sake I didn’t do anything to her. Really dude?”
You lean into Taehyungs space, trying to put your ear to the phone as well and Taehyung can’t help but laugh.
“I read all your texts to be honest…if you have a girl over…what? No, I’m saying y/n can just stay with me…”
Stay with Taehyung? That should make your heart race but—
You think all the alcohol is catching up to you at once and the world becomes even more blurred and a spinning mess. You would give anything to be cuddled up in your blankets with Jungkook taking care of you—wait, no. You don’t need Jungkook to take care of you. You have a perfectly good Taehyung who just offered his place to you.
“I swear man, I’ll take care of h—” Taehyung rolls his eyes, “she might be too drunk to talk….okay, I’ll ask her.” Taehyung lowers the phone and faces you.
“Hm?” you blink lazily, swaying into Taehyungs chest. Oh no. You feel it, you feel the nausea building up in your tummy, making its way up your chest. On a scale of 1 to 10 how dead would you die if you threw up on Taehyung?
“Do you want Jungkook to come pick you up?”
Jungkook? Like, your Jungkook? Unfortunately for you, your eyes gloss over and probably also unfortunate for Taehyung as well as he looks at you with an alarmed expression . You feel sick. You want to go home. You want to sit on your bathroom floor and throw up in the toilet with Jungkook sitting next to you while he hums a soft tune to soothe you.
“Y-Yes.” You murmur shyly, you begin to sniffle and Taehyung begins to panic.
“Okay man yeah come pick her up.”
“want Jungkook…” you say as a few tears spill over. You are trying your hardest to keep the puke down but its threatening to exit your poor drunk body.
“I think she’s gonna be sick so please hurry…” Taehyung rushes to say over the phone before hanging up.
The next few minutes are a blur, you know Taehyung rushes you to the bathroom. He is overly sweet the whole time you see nothing but blurred, spinning images. He holds your hair back as your body threatens to release tonight’s dinner and says comforting words but nothing makes you feel better. The puke won’t make its guest appearance and your whole world is spinning at a inhumane pace. You’re about to give up on life and fall to the bathroom floor of this gross frat house and try to sleep when you hear him.
“Lemme in dude.” It’s Jungkook. You stir from your sleepy state and turn your head towards the door. He barges in, his eyes landing on you and they soften. He immediately falls to the floor to caress the back of your head and you immediately begin to sob. The tears are out of your control as they slide down your cheeks.
“Don’t...don’t...feel good.” You say between wails, gripping desperately onto his shirt.
“I know baby, I know.” He pulls you into his chest, his hand soothingly running up and down your back. “Has she thrown up yet?” Jungkook looks up at Taehyung with expectant eyes. Taehyung is so caught off guard while watching the two of you.
“uh, no.”
“Okay, can you leave us alone for a while?” Jungkook says somewhat harshly then his features soften as he whispers “She will probably be embarrassed later if you saw…”
“Right.” Taehyung says, his worried expression not going unnoticed by Jungkook. Then Taehyung is on his way out, but he turns one last time to get a look at you.
“feel better y/n” then he is out the door, shutting it behind him.
“Okay y/n…remember what you gotta do?”
“finger?” you slur.
“Yup. Put your finger…yes like that,” he says as you begin to push your finger down your throat to get yourself to throw up.
“I promise you’ll feel better.”
You begin gagging on your finger as you finally throw up in the toilet, Jungkook rubbing your back the entire time giving you words of encouragement.
“Good girl, good girl.” He whispers.
Your face is a fucking mess. Your makeup smeared beyond belief. The black streaks from your tears marking your cheeks in the most horrific way. Jungkook watches you as you cry into his lap on the floor, his heart breaking at the sight. He hated when you drank too much and got like this. He should of never left you alone tonight.
“Jungkook?” you choke out, your tears still spilling from your dark eyes.
“Hm?” he responds, his fingers brushing back your hair.
“Did I ruin your night? Or did you still get some?” you chuckle pathetically.
“Don’t worry about that.” He brushes more hair out of your face, he lifts your head up and places it on a towel. He stands to his feet at the sink, reaching for a towelette and running it under warm water.
“Gonna clean your face okay?” he warns softly.
“kay…” you close your eyes when you feel the wet warmth of the towelette on your cheek. Jungkook is careful to clean you delicately, wiping away the makeup and leaving you spotless.
He’s back under you, your head in his lap and his hands back in your hair.
“you told me you were going to be with Jimin tonight yet you were with Taehyung…”
“It just happened like that” you whisper, sleep beginning to take over.
“I was…really worried about you when I didn’t hear from you, stupid.”
You smile at his words, his touch making you melt.
“Ya know, you’re not the only one allowed to get some Jungkook. I can be like you and have sex too if I want.”
“What are you talking about?” his hand stops in your hair.
“Would if I was getting some? That’s why I didn’t answer?”
“Were you?” his voice is low.
“Well, no—”
“Okay good.”
“Why is that good? Hm?” you open your eyes just a little bit, taking in the hazy world. “Wish it was you I was getting it on with?” you say quietly.
“You’re drunk.”
“I wanna go home.”
“take a nap first, okay?” his fingers begin playing in your hair again, “I’ll wake you up in 30 minutes.”
Your eyes are already closed when he says this, sleep already welcoming you in its warm embrace. “Kay” you murmur.
Jungkook plays with your hair as you snooze in his lap, he watches the rise and fall of your chest and wonders what it would be like to lay his head on it and sleep too.
Bbrrrr bbbrrrrr bbrrrr brrrrrr
A phone call. The most horrifying buzzing occurs next to your face as you sleep peacefully in your bed. Wait, how did you get home last night? You remember drinking and dancing the night away, you remember hanging out with Taehyung…oh no, you remember Jungkook coming to the rescue. Oh no...
You try to open your eyes, but the light from the sun is too damn blinding. You squint at what is in view. Right in front of you, you see black locks of hair poking out of the blanket, a dark blue blanket. You recognize this blanket. Jungkook’s blanket. You are in Jungkook’s bed. With Jungkook. This isn’t so surprising, you imagine you had refused to sleep in your own bed last night—
Bbbrrrr bbbrrrr brrrr brrrrr
Right. Your phone.
You fumble the phone trying to pick it up and answer it when Jungkook groans next to you,
“Hurry up and answer it” he says, sliding deeper under the covers.
“Hello?” you croak out, your voice hoarse and honestly? Disgusting.
“Hey y/n!” This voice is way too damn chipper for whatever ungodly hour it is.
“Good afternoon sleepy head! Did I wake you?” Afternoon? What time is it? You pull the phone away from your face to check the time.
Holy shit, you’ve slept the day away.
“No no,” you lie, “Just in bed…” you say sitting up from where you lay.
“Great! Do you think maybe I could…come over? We can discuss the whole fake dating thing.” He chuckles into the phone. COME OVER? Immediately you begin smoothing down your hair with your free hand and start to peel back the covers to get out of bed.
“Umm, when?” you glance over at sleeping Jungkook, his face mostly hidden behind the blanket.
“Maybe around 6? I could cook you dinner? I know you had a rough night…”
Fucking great. You don’t want to think of last night, you will die of fucking embarrassment.
“yeah…listen, you don’t have to do all that—”
“I want to!” Taehyung is quick to cut you off, “As your boyfriend—fake boyfriend it is my duty to take care of you!” you feel like you can see the boxy smile on his face. It makes you motherfucking swoon.
“Okay then, 6.” You smile into the phone. “Bye tae.”
You bring the phone down into your lap, clicking the end button. Dinner with Taehyung? Like a date? You can’t help but feel internally giddy at the thought. You squeal for a second before Jungkook speaks up.
“What’s at 6?” he peeks from under the covers, his voice husky and groggy.
“Oh… nothing” you sing, a bright smile on your face.
“Something with Tae?” he begins to sit himself up as well.
“We’re just going to have dinner and talk about the whole fake dating thing.” You beam.
“You’re still doing that shit?”
Automatically you go from super excited to annoyed. Only Jungkook can do that to you.
“It’s harmless, Jungkook. Plus…”
“plus what?” he raises a single brow.
“Trina says this is a good opportunity…”
“y/n I have told you not to get too involved with this guy, but you don’t listen to me.” Jungkook crosses his arms over his chest, then bows his head down in defeat.
“But whatever, learn your fucking lessons by yourself.”
You can’t help but feel like Jungkook is once again looking down at you, like you aren’t good enough for Taehyung. Your breaths become unsteady as you just stare at your best friend like he isn’t constantly hurting your feelings on the matter.
“I—I will be fine. I want him, Jungkook. And this is—this is a good opportunity to show him I can be a good enough girlfriend ya know—”
“Just stop.” Jungkook cuts you off in a harsh tone. “I never said you weren’t good enough? You’re just not what he wants.” Jungkook can see how his words break you further. “Fuck. Forget I said that, y/n…”
“Why can’t he want me?”
Jungkook hates just how quietly you ask that…he hates how defeated you sound, how defeated you look…your head hanging low with no attempt to even look at him.
“He’s just…”
“No, it’s fine. Don’t answer that” You stand from the bed and begin walking towards his door. You look down to see you’re wearing nothing but Jungkook’s t shirt and some panties, you groan at your own shamelessness when you hear the rushed ruffling of the comforter behind you and the plop of feet landing on the ground. Jungkook stands behind you, his fingers wrapped around your wrist.
“Just move on y/n…”
I’m fucking trying to, is what you want to say but instead you opt for a harsh ‘leave me alone’ as you exit his room.
You spend the next couple of hours pampering yourself, you had a rough night and you totally deserve a piece of cake, this bubble bath and face mask. You want to feel relaxed but you can’t get the image of Jungkook out of your head. You hate it when the two of you fight. You mean, to others this would hardly come off as a ‘fight’ but you and Jungkook never really have negative energy. So, yes. It’s a fight. He’s the last person in the world you want to fight with. Yet here you are.
But then the image of Taehyung cooking you dinner enters your mind and somehow you feel a little more at ease. Was this a date? You giggle to yourself, blowing bubbles that reaches your lips as you sink deeper into the tub. You have an hour before Taehyung was to arrive at your apartment…your shared apartment. God, you hope Jungkook takes a hint and goes and hangs out with Jimin or something.
You finally rise from the tub and dry off your now freshly cleansed body. The scent of lavender fills the air and you feel satisfied with how your bath turned out.
You read the clock…5:30pm and you know it’s time to get dressed.
You settle for some high waisted shorts and a white tank top with a purple bralette where the straps are generously shown. Looking into the mirror, you decide to do light makeup and tinted lip balm. You don’t want to try too hard for the boy you’re trying to woo.
And bam. 6pm right on the dot you hear the door being lightly knocked. You begin walking towards the front door but stop to see if Jungkook is in his room or not. He’s not. Relief washes over you as you continue to walk towards the front door. But where did he go? You’re relieved he isn’t home but feel anxious that you don’t know where he could have gone. Maybe to Jimin’s? Maybe to some random girls? Somehow this makes you feel more anxious. You shake away those thoughts and swing the front door open.
“Hey there.” Taehyungs boxy grin is enough to get you pregnant. Like, god damn. He looks amazing. He’s got dress pants and some floral shirt and his hair looks slightly wet. That’s not the only thing slightly wet. You internally cringe at your thought.
“Hey Tae, come on in.” you open the door wider to let the boy through. He walks past you and makes himself comfortable in the kitchen, setting down a bag of what you assume is probably groceries.
“You like spaghetti?” he asks excitedly, almost like a child.
“Who doesn’t?” you smirk walking his way and sitting down at the breakfast table. “Need any help?” you offer.
“Not at all.” Taehyung begins unpacking his things and gets to work in the kitchen. You watch in awe, your head nuzzled in your hands as he does his thing.
“Dinner was amazing Tae.” You go to compliment the chef. It really was. The noodles were long and soft and the sauce was very flavorful. Did you really just compliment the length and softness of fucking noodles? Wow, you are whipped. You almost wish Taehyung was your roommate and not useless in the kitchen Jungkook. Oh. Jungkook. The thought of him enters your mind and it has you hurting. You may be having a blast with your crush but you and your best friend are still in the middle of a fight. About said crush. But this really is your chance. You can get Taehyung to like you, maybe even fall for you. And you need this. You need this. So you can’t give up, no matter what Jungkook says.
“Not as amazing as you” Taehyung winks but then his face drops, “Sorry that was cheesy, wasn’t it?” he drags a hand down his handsome face. “I suck at flirting.”
You look up at him, completely intrigued.
“You’re trying to flirt with me?” you can’t help but to smile slyly.
“Of course I am!” Taehyung laughs loudly then reaches for his backpack in the chair next to his and pulls out a notebook.
“So I wrote some ideas for this whole fake dating thing.” He becomes just a tad more serious as a nervous grin lights up his face.
“Oh really? Should I have a look?” you say reaching for the notebook with grabby hands, “Gimme!”
Taehyung chuckles while pulling the notebook to his chest, “No! Miss Greedy.” He teases. “How about I just read them and we can discuss?”
“fine.” You pout, “Whatever you say.”
“Whatever I say? I like the sound of that.” He smirks then his eyes fall to the paper in front of him. “First, we should go on dates…like all the time. The more time we spend together the more believable it’ll be. Ya know?”
“Okay, makes sense. Makes sense.”
“Second, we should attend all parties together and leave together too.” Then his eyes go wide, “I just mean—like don’t worry, I’ll make sure I get you home.”
You can’t help but giggle, nodding your head to his words.
“Third, we should post each other on social media! For example, I can take a picture of tonight’s date and post it on the gram.”
“Tonight was a date?” you ask, a delighted smile making its way on your face.
“Well, yeah…” he answers shyly.
“anything else?” you question, leaning your head in your hands as you look into his big brown eyes.
“Well….. there is one more thing I wrote down….” He answers awkwardly. His eyes sliding to the side to avert your gaze.
“oh? What is it?” you try to take a peek at the paper, curiosity getting the best of you—as usual.
“I’ll just let you read it…” he then pushes the notebook on the table in your direction, you excitedly pick it up and skim the paper. You look at all the things he wrote down, smiling because he even added his own tips.
Buy her flowers.
Movie dates?
Netflix and chill
Cook her dinner
How cute. He even added little doodles. Your eyes continue to skim the page as your smile grows at how much thought he has put into this. Your heart is beating out of your chest…you know this is all fake and for show but you cannot help how happy its making you feel. You continue to smile and hum as your eyes skim lower and lower until you see the last thing on his list.
No Jungkook.
Huh? Your smile begins to falter. No Jungkook? What does that even mean? You look up to meet Taehyungs eyes. He’s already anxiously staring at you.
“I don’t understand?” you breathe out, “What does that mean?”
“No Jungkook.” He half whispers.
“You—you realize he is my best friend? Why no Jungkook?” you pinch your brows together in confusion.
“It’s just…” Taehyung begins to explain himself, “You two are awfully close. And people already get the wrong idea about you two. Like, all the fucking time. Even I think sometimes…that’s not important. It just means for one month, you’re mine. And I don’t want people to get the wrong idea if you’re always with Jungkook.” He pulls at the hair at his neck. “Is this making sense?” Taehyung looks flustered trying to get out all of his words.
“It would make me look pathetic don’t you think? That my supposed girlfriend is always with some other guy? I mean, y/n it’s just for one month…”
One month without Jungkook? Would you really choose a boy over your best friend? Even if only for a month?
“Tae… I don’t know.” You look down at your hands as your breathing begins to pick up.
“I can’t just abandon my best friend for an entire month…”
“I mean, you guys live together so it’s not like you won’t be seeing him. Just in public…ya know?”
Taehyung has a point, you try to reason. If you have a boyfriend it’s only natural to spend most of your time with them. But it still felt wrong. But… a part of you feels like this is a good idea, actually. You’ve always been meaning to put at least some distance between you and Jungkook, ya know, for your own sake. But this feels wrong. You’re about to decline his request when you hear the front door open and Jungkook’s shuffles in. He has his airpods in and doesn’t even spare you a glance. He walks straight to his bedroom and slams the door shut.
You feel embarrassed in front of your guest that your roommate and also yeah, your best fucking friend didn’t even acknowledge you.
“Uh, he’s in a mood” you try covering for Jungkook. Then you feel the buzz of your phone and you go to check it
Jungkook 8:02pm
Watching you fawn over him is just pathetic, but like, good luck.
All you see is red. Jungkook once again shitting on your love life and raining on your god damn parade. You know what? This is your chance with Taehyung and you aren’t going to let your bratty best friend ruin that for you.
“You know what, Tae?” you say setting your phone on the table.
“You’re right. I agree with your list.”
“Wait—you do? Even the Jung—”
Taehyung tilts his head to the side as a wide grin makes its way across his face, “should we shake on it?” he asks with his hand pushed out in front of you.
You take his hand in yours, squeezing tightly before you pull him in and seal the deal with a quick kiss. Taehyung’s shocked expression makes you giggle, “Thought that would make it more official”
“I like having you as a girlfriend already.”
One month without Jungkook? Bring it on.
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unknowntoyou2205 · 3 years
scared and alone (5/12)
Info: A week since the event, Y/n faces a new day and heads to where the boys are training for the day. Silva talks to her about telling the boys as she watches them train while she still struggles with feeling happier. Tensions occur within the three friends as Stella and Beatrix start to get in-between their friendship leading to a slip up on y/ns end.
Relationship: Sky x Riven x Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: Loss of parents, mentions of death, harmful acts
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Y/n groaned and slowly sat up, moving her hair over her shoulder as she looked out the window. The bright light shone through as she swung her legs over the bed to sit on the side of it. Looking to her bedside table she took a small glass vile, the conversation she had with the teachers clear in her mind.
Y/n's eyes slowly opened and she blinked rapidly at the bright light. Hearing noises around her she turned to see Riven and Sky in the greenhouse. Her smile quickly left as she seen them leaving saying "Beatrix/Stella needs me."
Looking around the room she seen Silva with a look of disappointment and Dowling and Harvey with the backs turned towards her. She coughed as she tried to speak causing the teachers to turn towards her. Harvey came towards her with a glass and helped her drink the water before moving towards his office.
"How are you feeling?" Dowling asked, smiling gently at the young fairy. "Like I've been hit by a mental barrier." Y/n groaned causing the fairy and specialist to chuckle at her. "That will leave eventually, don't worry." Dowling smiled gently. "I can't keep loosing control, I could seriously hurt someone." Y/n stated, sitting up more and looking at both teachers. "Which is why I have came up with an angent which should help you with controlling your magic. It is only an aid, which means that you also have to work on it yourself." Harvey stated, walking towards the group with a small box containing small vials. "How does it work?" Y/n asked, looking at the vials n confusion. "It will slightly decrease your feelings and magic binding. Meaning that it will decrease your loss of control with negative emotions. When it starts becoming easy for you we will then decrease the strength." "We are here for anything you should need." Dowling stated with a nod of her head. "Should I take one now?" "no, every morning, preferably same time." Harvey stated. "Okay, can I go now?" "I'll walk you back." Silva stated, seeing Harvey nod.
Y/n stood up and waited a second to gain stability before moving towards the door. Silva watched carefully as she picked up her bag and headed out the door. The two walked in silence as they walked the halls. Reaching the door to her suite, Silva turned and faced her before she could open the door.
"I'm sorry for the way Riven and Sky have been towards you. I am especially disappointed in the way Sky acted when you needed him most." He stated causing y/n to sigh. "It's okay, it's just the way it is now. They have their own lives away from me, they don't need to spend every minute with me." She stated, smiling slightly. "I don't think I remember the last time I've seen them with you. Last year I used to catch you in their rooms after hours, now, I don't see you even attempting to go to their room." Silva stated, giving her a concerned look. "They are busy with their girl friends or whatever it is their calling them, that's okay. I'm not going to stop them having other relationships." "Y/n.........." "Really Silva, it's fine." She stated interrupting him, " I better go, it's getting late. Goodnight headmaster Silva." She stated as the door opened. "Goodnight Y/n, I'm glad that you are okay." Silva stated, nodding at the girls who were looking from inside the room before leaving, hearing the girls fuss over y/n.
*Flashback end*
"What's that?" Y/n snapped her head to the door to see Terra standing there, looking at the vial in her hand. "Oh it's to help me with my umm, magic." Y/n replied reluctantly, looking at the vial before downing it in one go.
"Oh, does little y/n not have her magic under control. Aww." Stella mocked, causing y/n to roll her eyes as she came into view. "Shut up Stella. Your not doing much better from what I remember." Terra stated, looking at Stella. "Stay out of it Terra." Stella stated before looking at y/n with a smirk, "Y/n here lost control and almost injured a teacher, I don't see that as control. I mean how are you even meant to protect others if you can't protect yourself."
Y/n stormed to the door and slammed the door in Terra and Stellas face. Locking the door she turned to see a picture of her and her parents, smiling as they posed in front of an igloo they made last Christmas. Tears built up in y/ns eyes as she slid down the door. Pulling on her hair, she ignored the knocks on the door as she tried to control her breathing.
Fixing her hair, y/n took a deep breath before opening her bedroom door. No one was there so she didn't have to worry about Stella annoying her. Grabbing her keys and phone she left the dorm and headed towards the training area.
Looking around as she passed training mats she seen Riven and Sky training together. Smiling slightly she watched as Silva went to them. She raised her eyebrows as Riven managed to floor Sky before walking towards a bench to sit down.
"You shouldn't be here." "I think it's a bit late to be telling me that when I've been coming here since last year. "Y/n stated sarcastically as Silva came to her. "How are you?" She asked in concern. "As good as I can be." Silva smiled gently, sitting beside her on the bench. "They will find it Silva, some of the best specialists are out there." y/n tried to comfort her friends father figure. Silva nodded and looked at the two boys. "Have you told them yet?" "No I haven't had the time." She looked down at her hands. "They can help you Y/n. You know you need the support of friends." Silva stated, looking y/n in the eyes. "They wouldn't understand." The young fairy stated as she watched Riven and Sky sitting on the bench with Stella. "They would if you talk to them. They will help you y/n. Your just causing yourself harm." "I get your trying to help me Silva but please, leave it. They have their own lives anyway." Y/n stated before the boys came up to her.
Boys POV:
"What do you think that's about?" Sky asked Riven as he got back onto the bench he had just been pushed off. "I dunno, but I'm worried about her." Riven stated as the two watched their friend and teacher talking across from them. "We haven't seen much of her this year." Sky stated. "Yeah well you've been the princess herself and I've been with Beatrix. Not that it's a good enough excuse." Riven stated, muttering at the end. "She wanted to tell us something at the start of the year, but she never did. I think something happened over Summer break that she hasn't told us." Sky observed, his eyes not leaving y/n. "If it was really important I'm sure she would of said it by now." Riven pointed a finger to y/n while looking at Sky. "Yeah maybe." Sky muttered. "Come on, let's go to her. I dunno about you but I find it concerning that she's talking to Silva." Riven stated, hitting Sky gently on the chest before getting up and walking towards his trainer and friend.
Usual POV:
"Hey." Y/n spoke, looking up at the blonde and brunette as they stopped in front of her. "I'll leave you guys to it. Think about what I said." Silva said before speaking to y/n at the end. "Riven, Sky." he nodded his head at the two. "Silva." he nodded back before Silva left. "Bye." Yn smiled weakly before Sky and Riven sat beside her.
"Everything okay?" Riven asked, looking at y/n with concern. "Yeah, everything is fine. How are you two?" She asked, looking side to side at the two of them. "Good, yeah, we're good. What was that with Silva?" Sky asked, pointing at the direction his father figure left. "Just talking while waiting for you two is all. Nothing serious." She half lied, looking at Sky as she shook her head. "Are you sure? Because you know we are here for you?" Sky stated.
Y/n looked at Silva who stood in the distance watching two first years fighting. Feeling her gaze he turned in her direction and he nodded in encouragement. Taking a breath she went to speak.
"Actually.............." "Sky, there you are. I need your help." Stella stated, walking to the view of the three. "Stella can it wait? I'm kinda busy." Sky stated, pointing at y/n who looked down. "It's kinda important." Stella stated, glaring slightly at y/n causing her to look down at her lap. "Right okay. I'll, uhh, talk to you later yeah?" Sky asked, looking at y/n who nodded, "Right, bye." He said awkwardly before leaving with Stella.
"I better go too.................." Let me guess, Beatrix needs you." Y/n snapped, looking at Riven who had a shocked face. "Uhh, yeah, are you okay?" riven asked, shocked at her outburst. "Yeah I'm fine. Sorry I don't know what happened there, Stress I'm guessing. That's fine. Have fun." Y/n fake smiled before Riven left, looking back at her before he was out of sight.
Silva watched as Sky walked away from Y/n with Stella and shortly after Riven. Y/n stood up and looked at Silva and shrugged her shoulders causing Silva to sigh and shake his head in disappointment. She smiled weakly before leaving back to the school building, Silva watching her with caution.
"Hey guys." Y/n sighed as she sat at a lunch table with Bloom and Musa. "Hey." bloom sighed, before returning to her conversation with Musa. "It's just strange not seeing Aisha get something right." She stated. "Agreed. Not sure why that makes you obnoxiously guilty though." Musa said with a smirk. "I know you have to feel everyone's emotions but you don't have to broadcast them." "Aisha's probably just tired." Y/n stated, taking a bite out of her sandwich. "Yeah. My parents think Alfa's in Switzerland so they skype me at 9am Switzerland time every mornig." "It's 2am our time. Yes, we can all hear you." Musa interrupted Bloom with a slight smile. "Am I being loud? I'm trying to be quiet." "Like an old lady unwrapping sweets in the cinema." Musa teased her. "I personally can't hear you. Which is lucky for you because I can be a nightmare if woken up." Y/n stated in a monotone voice causing Bloom to look at her before turning to Musa who was looking in the distance. "Hey, where'd you go?" Y/n asked, snapping Musa out of her trance. "Is it my turn to broadcast your emotions." Bloom teased. "They're developing, plus there's complications." Musa stated causing y/n to laugh lightly as Terra came down to their table.
Y/n zoned out of the conversation as she watched Riven with Beatrix. The two walked through the hall before she lost sight of them. Sighing, she jumped out of her trance when Bloom and Terra left, realizing that Musa had also left. Getting up, she grabbed her tray and put the rubbish in the bin and walked out, passing Stella and Sky on her way.
Y/n lay on her bed and stared at the ceiling, feeling numb. Thinking of her life and the burned ones, a tear drifted down her cheek. Quickly she wiped the tears away before looking up to the sound of Terra shouting out. Checking her appearance in her phone she quickly got out and headed into the bathroom to see Aisha and Bloom helping Terra with makeup. She looked behind her to see Musa behind her.
"Well, this is weird." "Get dressed. We have to go. We're gonna go to the party. We're gonna show everybody that we're cool and and fun and..........." "Hot?" Musa asked, interrupting Terras rant. "I'm okay here, parties aren't my thing." Y/n stated, going to leave the bathroom. "Y/n please. You have to." Terra begged, looking at the older fairy. "Terra I really don't think I should......" Y/n stated only to be dragged to the seat by Bloom to get makeup done.
Y/n walked through the crowd in discomfort as Terra dragged her to a table. Sitting on a chair she looked around, ignoring the conversation Sam and Terra were having. She gasped and jumped as she felt an arm wrap around her shoulder.
"Y/n, you came." Riven said excitedly causing y/n to roll her eyes. "Seriously Riven, drinking already." She stated, unamused. "Lighten up y/n. Have a drink. Relax." "I don't drink Riven, you know I don't." Y/n stated causing Riven to sigh disappointedly. "Well come meet my friends. You'll like them, I promise." He stated, getting her out of her chair and walking to the far end of the wing, not moving his arm from her shoulders.
Y/n looked around in discomfort as the crowds seemed to be closer to her. She didn't want to be here, a party was the last thing she needed. She pushed her thoughts away when Riven sat down and pulled her onto his lap.
"Guys meet y/n. Y/n meet Beatrix and Dane. They're both first years but are like me." "Druggies and alcohol drinkers despite their age." Y/n stated a little harshly. "Always sarcastic." Riven joked to the two, squeezing y/n into a little hug. "Hi, it's nice to meet you." Beatrix stated with a fake smile which y/n could see through. "Likewise." Y/n muttered. "I'm going to get another drink. Get to know each other." Riven stated, moving y/n to the side before leaving. "I'll get one too." Dane stated before leaving the two girls alone.
"So how long have ou known Riven?" Beatrix asked with a fake smile. "Since last year." Y/n stated, scratching the back of her head before looking away. "He's better without you." Beatrix stated bluntly. "Excuse me?" Y/n asked in confusion. "I don't know much but I do know that your pretty messed up in the head. Look at you, is anyone really safe around you. I mean you lost control in class and luckily a teacher was there, what happens if you hurt Riven, or Sky."
Y/n looked down and blinked rapidly to avoid the tears falling down. She looked in the direction of Riven to see him laughing and joking with Dane at the bar. She turned to leave the booth when a hand grabbed her shoulder.
"Sky and I are playing Beer pong. Come on, Aishas waiting and Sky is getting Riven." Bloom stated, holding her arm gently.
Y/n looked back to Beatrix and seen her smiling, giving a fake wave. Y/n looked ahead in confusion before putting on a smile as she and Bloom reached the table. Riven and Sky were waiting as well as Aisha.
Y/n opted to stand back and just watch the four play as she wasn't in the mood to be drinking. Watching the four plaing her thoughts swirled around her head on what Beatrix had said. Could she hurt her friends? She almost hurt Dowling, Silva and Harvey, so it was a possibility.
"I'm not feeling great. I'm going to go." Y/n stated suddenly causing Riven and Sky to look at her in confusion. "Do you want one of us to go with you?" Sky asked. "No, it's okay. You enjoy the party I just have to go." Y/n stated, already moving away from the group.
Sky and Riven watched her go with concern on her face before gasping as a cold liquid splashed all over them.
Y/n lay in bed with darkness surrounding her. Sighing she switched on the light and lay on her side. Staring ahead of her she freezes as she sees a picture of her parents smiling in front of her. In a rush of anger she grabbed it and slammed it face down. Realizing what she had done she picked it up only to see the glass smashed in pieces. Seeing the picture ruined she just let the tears she had been holding back all day fall down.
!!!!!!!!!!Trigger Warning!!!!!!!!
Through her tears she seen a shard of glass on her counter table. Wiping away the tears she picked up the piece of glass and looked at it. Taking a deep breath she looked ahead at the wall.
As if on autopilot she rolled up her sleeves and pressed the glass onto her wrist. Not even realizing what she was doing she just cu her arm 5 times. 1 for allowing her parents to die, 1 for allowing herself to loose control of her magic, another for feeling so weak and 2 just to feel something other then numbness. She gasped as she seen the damage she had done to her arm.
"No, no no no no." She muttered repeatedly, realizing what she had done.
Standing up she opened her bedside locker drawer and shoved the shard of glass into it. Wrapping her arm around her wrist she looked around, listening for a sound. Hearing none she quickly got up and rushed into the shared bathroom.
Removing her hand from her wrist she looked at the blood that coated her hand and dripped from her wrist. She closed her eyes as memories of her parents lying dead on the ground surrounded by blood came to mind.
Blinking the thoughts away she turned on the tap and washed the blood away. Not feeling anything she wiped the cuts dry before wrapping some gauze she found around it.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Trigger ending!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leaving the bathroom y/n rushed into her bed. Turning off the light she stared blankly ahead of her, realizing what she had done. Putting a hand over her mouth she allowed the tears to fall once more, crying herself to sleep.
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