#and it's getting annoying blocking people
flying-cat · 8 hours
bakudekus never lose part 752
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dailymanners · 1 day
If you're waiting for the elevator, don't stand right in front of the doors so that you'll be in the way of anyone who tries to exit. Stand off to the side to give space for anyone to exit before you board the elevator.
The same applies to public transportation. If you're waiting to board public transportation, don't stand right in front of the door so that you're blocking the way of anyone who may try to exit before you board. Stand off to the side and wait for everyone to exit before you get on.
First of all, with both elevators and public transportation, for reasons highlighted in this post you should always let others off before you try to board.
However, you should make sure they actually have sufficient space to do so. Most people are going to find it annoying at best if they try to get off the elevator or public transportation, and some stranger is standing right in front of them blocking their way, forcing them to squeeze past a total stranger.
Giving people plenty of space to exist the elevator and/or public transportation is about respecting the time and personal space of those trying to exit.
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Wednesday x little sister reader, and shes protective like in a motherly way and reader is feeling a bit rebellious I suppose???
Fencing Accidents
|| Wednesday Addams x platonic!sibling!reader
|| Warnings; blood mentions, injured reader, bianca fighting with reader, brief murder mention
|| Summary; when Wednesday decides she's sick of reader, she sends Enid to keep her busy for a while. Enid tries finding something that could excite the reader and hopes fencing might be just what the reader needs.
Requests open!
Started; September 18th
Finished; September 19th
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You were Wednesday Addam's little sister, so to say people at Nevermore Academy liked you... well, that would be a complete lie. Wednesday was pretty much the only person you hung out with. You didn't talk to her roommate Enid all that much; unless Wednesday insisted Enid hung out with you. Which has happened a few times, especially when one of you annoys her past her limits.
This was one of those times. You had bothered Wednesday while she was writing, so she sent Enid to distract you. The two of you sat out at the dorm's balcony, playing a game of cards.
"Go fish," Enid said with a smirk as she looked at you over her card hand.
You simply sighed. Enid had picked this game.
"I hate this," You reached down and picked up another card, adding it to your growing collection.
"You say that about everything, Y/N."
"Maybe because there isn't anything to like." You muttered, Enid frowned when she heard you and had a determined look in her eyes as she stood and grabbed your hand. Card game forgotten.
"Come on! We're going to find something for you to like then!" She said, a bounce in her step as she practically dragged you back into the dorm then into the hall.
Wednesday didn't even look at you guys as she typed away.
"Enid, please..." You tried to protest, but she gave your hand a little pull and smiled as she turned to look at you.
"Wednesday likes fencing, maybe we can start there?" Enid suggested.
"Wednesday also likes murder."
"Um... well-" Enid stuttered out, you fought back a smirk at her reaction. She was so easy to mess with," let's- let's just start with fencing, okay?"
And so that's how you found yourself in a fencing suit. About to face off Enid, the two of you had just gotten into position before Bianca walked over in her own fencing gear.
"Addams, if it's a challenge you're looking for... shouldn't someone more suited be your opponent?" Bianca asked, a certain look in her eyes that you knew just spelled trouble.
Something you were absolutely down for. She did have a point, Enid would not be able to keep up with you. You weren't great at fencing by any means but you weren't terrible either. You'd fenced with Wednesday a few times. Which was partially why you weren't entirely opposed to the idea when you heard it.
You sighed and shrugged," kay."
"Kay?" She repeated in confusion, she was expecting at least a little more of a reaction. But you were an Addams after all. She shared a look with one of the girls next to her who shrugged too. Seeming just as confused.
Bianca ignored that for now and got into position as you did the same.
The match started with you making the first lunge, Bianca blocked you and then lunged forwards herself. You made the decision to dodge as opposed to block.
This back and fourth would continue for the next few moments until you managed to get the first point and the match reset.
Y/N; 1 Bianca; 0
Enid clapped and cheered you on, looking rather excited. Maybe she was thinking she helped you find a hobby.
Really you were just happy to have an excuse to fight Bianca. The way she treated Wednesday always got on your nerves, so you saw this as your chance at some sort of revenge. And revenge was a hobby of yours.
"Masks off." Bianca spoke up, you raised an eyebrow at that.
"Masks off?" You repeated.
"Let's see how good you are without protective gear. We go until first blood." Bianca continued to explain.
"Like what you and Wednesday did?" You replied, having heard the very short version of the story from your sister before.
Bianca nodded," exactly."
This intrigued you. You were definitely fond of the idea of drawing blood, so you agreed. Which made Enid a little nervous.
Meanwhile with Wednesday, Thing had scrambled over to her. Frantically trying to get her attention. He had followed you and Enid, so he was trying to tell Wednesday what was happening.
"Thing, you know I do not like being disturbed during my writing hour." Wednesday didn't look up from her type writer.
Thing crawled onto it and placed himself right in front of the paper, blocking Wednesday's view as he kept trying to sign to her. Telling her what was happening.
"That's her problem, not mine." Wednesday stated," Now move if you value your fingers."
He tried again, explaining the whole going until someone bleeds. This caught Wednesday's attention as she remembered how her fencing match had gone with Bianca.
Back with you and Bianca, you had lost your match to her. With her managing to put a slice on your neck. Your fingers dabbed the spot, feeling the blood there. You couldn't help but grin even just a little.
"One more round?" You asked her, she raised an eyebrow.
"Haven't had enough?"
"Yes, she has." Wednesday's voice caught your attention as she seemingly appeared right next to you. Startling you a bit. When did she get there?
"Wednesday-" You started, she held her hand up to silence you. The look she gave Bianca was bone chilling.
"She's done here." Wednesday and Bianca seemed to be in some sort of stare off, you and Enid exchanged confused glances.
Bianca rolled her eyes and scoffed," whatever."
Wednesday turned to face you," let's go." Her tone was firm, leaving zero room for argument with you.
You groaned and followed after with Enid trailing not to far behind.
Back at the dorm, Wednesday patched up the cut on your neck. Not saying a word the entire time. You could just tell she was annoyed with you and you could practically hear the lecture that was coming.
When she was done, her ice cold gaze met your eyes and you couldn't help but shiver.
"Not a word from you. I believed you to he smarter than that. Seems that I was wrong. You should go back to your dorm, before more trouble finds you."
You weren't exactly happy with how she talked to you, but you listened to her nonetheless. Not wanting to push your luck.
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mcsm-confessions · 3 days
Can people stop hating on people over ships. It's getting annoying. Their block people.
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lem0nn-juice · 1 year
Too silly for his own good
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buffysummers · 5 months
Hi. So, those of you who have been following me may already know the financial struggles I've had in the past, but the situation has become much more dire. So, I started a gofundme so that if I raise any money, it is publicly displayed.
I don't really expect anything but I do have to try. I took a job that is commission based after I was laid off from my editing job, but that it is not high paying nor is it reliable because it is commission based only. The money I make from this job will never be enough for me to live off of.
I am also, of course, actively searching for other jobs but things are so competitive and also barely pay a living wage.
Sorry if this is either too long or too short. If anyone needs more details about the situation in order to feel comfortable donating, please feel free to message me. ❤️
Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this, spread this link or donate to my tense situation. I know this is embarrassing, I hate having to do this. But I gotta try something.
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whimsyprinx · 1 year
“people who don’t block and report bots are why they’re still here” actually staff not properly dealing with them theirselves is why the bots are still here, not people who got tired of having to block and report several bots a day
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femmedionysus · 3 months
something something we have this discourse every year but like. re: the “bi girls bringing their straight boyfriend to pride” thing I feel like we on tumblr need to rediscover the lost art of Minding Your Business
my fiancée & I were in new york last weekend for eir birthday & we went to cubbyhole, famously a lesbian bar, & there were in fact a couple of guys there! & literally no one in that bar gave a shit that they were there, bc they were just having a drink with their friends & not bothering anyone!
& like even leaving aside all the very valid points about people assuming some bi girl’s boyfriend is cishet when he’s actually bi4bi and/or t4t (many such cases) - when a cishet guy is at pride with his bi girlfriend & he knows how to be normal, you might not even notice him being there. if a straight guy is in an lgbt space being supportive of his friends or partner, & he’s not harassing anyone or being obnoxious, literally why do we care? bc quite frankly I would rather have Straight Steve at the party holding his gf’s drink than have a big “no straights allowed 😠” sign at the door & make it a hostile space for, say, a gnc trans woman who someone mistakes for a straight man, or a nb/transfem who’s not ready to be out yet, or a bi man who’s not ready to be out yet, or anyone else who has every right to be there. because you don’t know anything about someone just by looking at them! if they’re not being an asshole, mind your business!! I say this as a man-hating lesbian myself but oh my god some of y’all have never grown past the “boys have cooties” stage.
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dailyjackvlad · 2 months
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lets see how long I can keep this going....
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muyru-iru · 28 days
Fox: state your occupation, visitor! Skywalker: It's me Anakin. I need to see Senator Amidala. Fox: there is no Anakin in the system...who? Anakin Skywalker: Anakin Skywalker. THat's my full name, you literally should know who i am. Fox tipping the name in: no. I mean: systems says no. No, GAR boy, not in the system. Anakin Skywalker: I'm a general. Fox: ranks don't count. If the system says no, it meant it....you know it...say it...as always...say: Anakin Skywalker groaning: ok. ok. Fine. Hello, the knight of master yoda's padawan's padawan's padawan, who was first the padawan of my latest master's master, who got killed by Darth Maul...- now the padawan of the jedi, that Darth Maul is obsessed to kill with, wants to visit Queen Amidala of Alderaan or the Senator whatever you call her here on Corsucant. And this knight is me. Fox: system says positive. You can get in.
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(it is intended that the system has made me confused too for a sec and I remembered: oh shit. Whatever . Well done Fox!)
*disclaimer for one part: the partial reason why Anakin messes up is explained in the comments.
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royalarchivist · 1 year
Everyone this week: *lore, conspiracy theories, long conversations with Cucurucho, multiple attempts to summon the Binary Monster*
Spreen when lore:
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castiellesbian · 4 months
Supernatural was on so long in the hands of so many people with very differing views on the story they were telling that there is evidence in canon to support almost any interpretation.
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bardicious · 23 days
Honestly tired of the criticism SNW gets from specifically Tumblr (cause when I check reddit, they love it lots). Like, there are some nitpicky ass people here.
Imo, the Gorn are awesome (you saw them once in TOS, get over it!), Spock/Chapel make sense and were always plausible (Also Spock had his fair share of female love interests in TOS that he knew less than Christine), regarding the silly episodes where Spock gets turned "human" or the new one where the crew turns "vulcan" (In quotes because a. I don't think the intention is for them to be accurate representation of either race b. we all just gonna ignore all the silly ass episodes in TOS like they're not part of the series' bread and butter), the musical episode was literally the best musical episode in the entirety of the genre of rando show doing a musical episode.
Spock this Spock that, there's so many complaints about Spock as if the Menagerie didn't have ooc Spock. The complaints about not having enough screen time for this character or that, like, again, let's be real, this show is for people who specifically loved TOS, of course you're going to have lots of Spock, Chapel, Uhura and yes, Jim also (because he's beyond crucial to Star Trek's legacy), and yes, maybe there should be more Ortega and idk whoever that other pilot is, but you still have focus on Pike, Una, and La'an, which is pretty damn good for a show that only has 10 episodes a season.
Lovely to see that the show has a 98% from Rotten Tomatoes, and a 93% from Google Users, which imo, despite the wackos I've seen on this site, is what really matters and means the show is going to keep trucking along despite a minority of negativity.
My long winded way to say, I can't wait for season 3! ❤️
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menlove · 7 months
u could make a post that literally just says "croissant 🥐" on here, but if it managed to get over 1k there would be nuclear levels of discourse in the notes where someone is calling you an idiot, 4 people are arguing over politics, and a french person has written a 5 paragraph rant about how annoying americans are on the internet
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sable-dream · 4 months
seriously can we cool it with the whole
'every fake therian does <thing>'
'fake therians act like THIS'
'people just want to be therians because it's a cool trend!'
'only a fake therian would dress like that!'
nonsense? at this point we're just reinventing transtrenders but for therianthropy ffs
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eddiegettingshot · 3 months
to be honest i will neverrrrrrrr stop being bitter about all the people who got swept up in that post-7x05 delirium and started accusing everyone of being homophobic/entrenched in purity culture/whatever for pointing out buck's hamster wheel. like at what point will we stop throwing real problems at the wall and hoping something sticks just because we don't like someone's interpretation of something
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