#and it's nice to have when it gets colder and there's no veggies and anyway i was given a bag of it
rackartyg · 2 years
i like vegetables. i want to eat vegetables. when my food is too beige i get sad. but anything colourful is so expensive this time of year and this year it's even worse, obviously
bwease i just want some fresh broccoli
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Green Thumb
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A/N: So this was totally unprompted, but I really liked the idea of it! This is based off the idea from @softboiipascal​ that Frankie likes to garden and has a green thumb. I totally and fully support this hc and it’s the sweetest thing. Just some fluff! Enjoy!
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: none
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You'd never met your neighbor. Not really anyway; you'd exchanged pleasantries upon your move into the neighborhood a few months ago but that was about it. Nothing more than a friendly 'welcome to the neighborhood, I'm Francisco Morales -  Frankie.'
He'd been nice - polite - just like the rest of your new compatriots in the small, quiet neighborhood. There wasn't really much to tell about him otherwise. He presented an enigma; perhaps you'd just never taken the time to notice more about him. Francisco Morales was handsome in a conventionally unconventional way: tall and fairly fit with dark hair that curled at the ends, gentle brown eyes, and a sweet smile, but the nose is what got you. While it wasn't a typically classical nose, it was Aquiline in nature and suited him perfectly. Combined with the sultry baritone you'd heard for only a few seconds, it presented a wonderful picture. He was easy on the eyes and ears. 
But that was about as far as you'd gotten with him. You'd noticed his pattern of coming and going was fairly typical with a standard work day. Occasionally you'd spied a friend or two that would stop over, or he left the house for extended periods of time, usually on weekends. Gods, you felt like a stalker just knowing his comings and going. But really they weren't hard to pick up on. He seemed to prefer a solitary, quiet life and you wondered if it was by choice or circumstances. 
Whatever it was, there was something comforting about knowing that Francisco Morales lived right next to you.
It was a particularly nice late morning when you finally decided to get out of bed and do something. Maybe you would take a walk and treat yourself to brunch at your favorite little spot. That seemed like a good idea. You even decided you'd dress up, just because you felt like - what more reason was needed than that? You'd set out your favorite sundress and shoes by the bed, determined to slip them on after a hot, relaxing shower. 
But on this particular day, fate seemed to have conspired against you. Halfway through your shower, while you were still lathered in soft scented bubbles from head to toe, the water went from hot and relaxing to frigid. Almost jumping back from the sudden stream of iciness, you groaned in annoyance at the sudden interruption. Maybe it was just...a moment or two of coldness? Maybe you’d used up all the hot water? Maybe...it would be fine. 
So you stood there, naked and freezing, waiting for the water to warm back up. But then...nothing happened. At all. If possible, the water grew even colder. 
As you saw it, you had two options: get out and remain soaped up, or you could brace it and quickly rinse yourself off. Quickly opting for the latter, you braced yourself as you stepped back into the stream and washed off the soap and everything as quickly as humanly possible. 
By the time you were done, you were freezing, and trying to keep your lips from trembling too much. Wrapping yourself up in your biggest, and fuzziest, towel, you quickly worked to warm yourself up before getting dressed. If you hadn’t been awake before you certainly were now. 
This wasn’t how you’d planned your day off. Wrapping the towel around your head, you quickly dressed and threw open your windows and curtains to let the warmth of the spring sun into your bedroom. It had to be something with the water heater; you had no clue what else it could suddenly be. If you were being totally honest, you had no clue what it would be with the water heater.You’d have to call the landlord or some maintenance person as soon as possible to get this resolved. 
Trudging down the hall and into the garage, you examined the offending object but couldn’t make heads or tails of it. But that’s when an idea crossed into your head. Frankie. You didn’t know him well, but you thought you knew him well to garner that he would have some sort of knowledge about this type of stuff. 
Besides that, it would be the perfect excuse to talk to him. You’d be kidding yourself if you said the mystery of your neighbor wasn’t intriguing. 
That settled it. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You slipped on some new sandals as you trudged over to your neighbor’s house, glad to see that his car was in the driveway. For some reason, an odd bundle of nerves had settled into your stomach as you approached his front door. Why, why, why? This was just Frankie and it was just for a quick favor. Hell, if nothing else, you’d even offer to pay him for his time. Pushing away your worries and swallowing down your fears, you held up your hand and knocked on his door, loud enough to make sure he’d hear, but not too loud to be rude.
Standing back, you rocked on your heels as you waited for him to answer. But after a few minutes of silence, you wondered if he was actually home. Maybe you’d been mistaken and he was actually gone...deciding to head back to your own place, you paused when you’d heard some sounds from the backyard. Curious, you mused to yourself, very curious. 
Stepping off the porch, you walked around to the gate that led to the backyard and noticed that it was unlocked. Something compelled you to let yourself in, and slowly you did so, “hello? Frankie?”
Still not hearing anything, you walked all the way around the back but stopped suddenly in your tracks as you noticed his garden. You weren’t sure how you had never noticed it before, but it was - simply put - beautiful. 
Filled with rows of freshly grown vegetables, lined with fruit trees, and bordered by beautiful, stunning flowers. It was like a little oasis in the middle of suburbia. Whatever Frankie possessed, a green thumb was definitely in his arsenal. 
And that’s where you found him. Kneeling on the ground as he trimmed and gathered up some of his fresh vegetables. He was singing softly to himself as  music played from the small speaker on the porch. No wonder he hadn’t heard you; in some way you felt like you should just turn around and leave. It was like you had walked into a private moment; a man in his personal sanctuary.
But as soon as you’d resolved to leave, Frankie must have sensed your presence as he turned around and spotted you. A small smile tugged on the corners of his mouth as he brushed off his dirty hands on his jeans and stood up. Had he always been this handsome? Sweat trickled down his glorious neck and soaked into the collar of his t-shirt, and you had to struggle not to stare.
“H-hi Frankie,” you held up your hand a pathetic little wave, “I-I’m sorry to interrupt, I knocked but you didn’t answer and then I heard some noise and yeah...sorry?”
“Don’t worry about it,” he was effortless and easy as he walked over to the speaker and turned it down before grabbing his glass of water and chugging half of it down in one go, “is everything alright?”
“I, ummm, this seems really silly,” you scratched at the back of your neck awkwardly and Frankie did his utmost best as he tried not to stare at you in that pretty sundress. He’d seen you in it, just around, and always thought it was beautiful - you were beautiful. Instead, he keep his gaze trained pointedly at your face; in all honesty, that was just as much of a struggle, you were easily the most gorgeous being he had ever seen. But you quickly snapped him back into reality, “but my hot water stopped worked mid shower this morning, and I-I had no clue about how any of this works, and I was wondering if you did? I should probably just have called the...someone. I just…”
“I can come and take a look,” he offered up the sweet smile, displaying the singular dimple you’d never noticed until now, “it just so happens that your hunch was right and I happen to know about these kinds of things.”
“I...thank you, Frankie,” your shoulders seemed to unwind with relief, and you knew you were in good, capable hands, “I really appreciate it. I hope I’m not interrupting anything…”
“Not at all,” he promised, “I was just finished up. My vegetables have been doing very well this spring and have been growing like crazy. Would you...you like some?”
“Have you done all of this by yourself?” you were in awe as he shyly nodded. Taking a few steps closer, you admired some of the blooms and blossoms that were near you, “everything is beautiful. It’s impressive - I could never.”
“It’s not that hard,” he admitted as he reached for the basket he had been filling up, “it’s just about taking the time to do it and be thorough. It’s a hobby I picked up after...after I left the military. Occupies the hands and mind and results in something useful.”
Military. You had no clue he was a veteran. But then again, you quickly realized, you had a lot to learn about him still. 
“It’s turned into a beautiful hobby,” you gestured to the lush garden, “and you’ve obviously got some knack for it, Frankie. I’ll just have to come over to you whenever I need some fresh fruit and veggies.”
“You’re more than welcome any time,” he promised as he tucked the basket under his arm and stepped over to you, “come on, I’ll take a look at your water heater now, and then maybe we can do something else this afternoon…”
“I was planning on taking myself out to brunch,” you admitted with a sheepish grin, “perhaps you’d like to join me?”
“I’d like that...I’d like that a lot,” he agreed with a grin as bright as the golden sun, “what’s your favorite flower, by the way? Just curious…”
“Daisies,” you told him as he nodded and committed that to memory, “daisies.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Frankie?” you walked into Frankie’s house, arms filled with groceries for the barbecue the two of you were throwing over the weekend. The whole house smelled like pie, and you were sure that Frankie must have been up to some baking with his fresh apples while you were out. Just as you walked into the kitchen and set the bags on the counter, your suspicions were confirmed when you spied the two pies sitting on the counter and cooling down. 
“Hi honey,” he poked his head in from the backyard as soon as he’d heard you, happiness seeping into his features and his bones when he realized it was you, “didn’t realize you were buying half of the grocery store! I could have come and helped.” 
“It’s alright,” you promised, “a single trip and two bags. Nothing I couldn’t handle. I’ve got everything for the barbecue this weekend. I wanted to make sure we had everything.”
“You’re the best, you know that?” he came over behind you, easily wrapping his arms around your waist as  he pressed a few gentle, delicate kisses to your shoulder. Barely able to contain the ticklish giggles that escaped your lips, you turned your head to offer him a proper kiss, “missed you, baby.”
“You saw me this morning,” you teased at his little pout, “can’t have missed me that much! I see you’ve kept busy. How much baking did you get done?”
“Still missed you,” he insisted with a gentle kiss to your forehead. You couldn’t help but grin at his soft little display of affection, “and I only made the two pies...but I did start on attempting to make some fruit preserves. Who knows if they’ll even turn out good at all!”
“If you’re making them, I’m sure they’ll be delicious,” you reassured him. The man really did have a knack for not only gardening, but also baking and cooking. You’d really lucked out with Francisco Morales; you were more than thankful you’d asked him to come and look at your water heater on that fateful day almost six months ago. You never thought it would lead to all of this - but you were more than happy it did. 
“You’re just saying that,” he joked as you huffed in jest before wrapping your arms around him and engulfing him in a giant, tight hug, “fine, fine, fine, you win.”
‘I know,” you stuck your tongue out at him, “now help me unpack and then we can figure out dinner. Maybe take out tonight?”
“Sounds good to me...there’s just...one thing,” the man you loved suddenly seemed to turn shy as he stared at his feet, “just...stay here for a moment, okay?”
“Sure,” you arched a brow as you suddenly worried about him. Gods, you hoped everything was okay, “Frankie, what’s wrong?”
“I’ll be right back,” he promised, “just close your eyes.”
You did as you were told and listened to the sound of his eager footsteps race from the kitchen and...back outside? Shrugging lightly to yourself, you kept your eyes closed as you leaned against the counter in anticipation. 
It was indeed only a few moments before he bounded back and you could feel his body heat in front of you, “Frankie?”
“Alright, sweet girl,” he whispered, “you can open your eyes.”
Slowly opening your curious eyes, you were quickly met with the sight of a bouquet of the most beautiful daisies you had ever seen. They were soft, and delicate, in various shades of brilliant sunset colors. Your jaw dropped as you looked between them and the man holding them. 
“Francisco…” it was all you could manage to choke out as you looked at them, tears already pricking the backs of your eyes, “these are absolutely beautiful.”
“They’re for you,” he insisted, almost appearing nervous, “you said they were your favorite.”
“They are,” you took them and delicately thumbed over some of the petals, “where did you…”
“I grew them,” he admitted proudly and you were sure your heart was about to burst with happiness and love, “I planted them the day after your water heater incident and they’re finally all ready for you.”
“You grew them for me?” a single tear rolled down your cheek, which he gently wiped away, “how have I never noticed them before?”
“Of course, I did,” he grinned, “I planted them where they would be a little hidden, so you could only really see them if you were looking for them. D-do you like them, sweet girl?”
“I love them,” you reassured him with a soft kiss, “they’re absolutely beautiful. I love you, Francisco. More than words could ever convey. Thank you, my love.”
“Anything for you,” he put his arm around you and pulled you in for a hug, careful not to crush the flowers, “I love you.”
Maybe you were thankful for that stupid old water heater after all.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Permanent Taglist:  @queenbbarnes  @persephonesnebula   @ah-callie  @blushingwueen  @thisis-theway @rosetophighlander  @rae-gar-targaryen    @hiscyarika  @readsalot73  @huliabitch  @ollyoxenfrees @coffeeandtodd  @beepbeepsephy   @scarlettwitcher  @nerdyknightwritersblog  @choicesarcade  @arrowswithwifi  @everythingaboutnothingstuff  @suckerfor-fanfics  @bestintheparsec @javihoney  @aeryntheofficial  @hail-doodles @engineeredfiction @aeryntheofficial  @asgardianvamp21  @keithseabrook27  @karmezii  @dearspacepirates  @thatsuitlooksgoodonyou  @paintballkid711 @mrpascals @lv7867 @artsymaddie @gooddaykate @rosiefridayrogersunday @heyitmelexie @criminalmind1927 @justanotherblonde23 @coni-martina @thewayofthemandalorian @phoenixhalliwell @lucifer @cosmoschick @kochamcie @linkpk88 @leaiorganas @nikkixostan @haley-the-comet @chibi-yuki @computeringturtle @4ng3lf43 @intu-witch-tion @wondergal2001 @gingerbreadandpaper @willowtheewisp @milkxxkookies @smollpinkgirl @zukoyonce  @boomtownboy @velia27 @discowitchyy @kiss-evans @theorganasolo  @mishasminion360 @its–fandom–darling​ @emmy626 @nyasiaaaaa​ ​
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sooghostwriter · 3 years
Only on the weekends
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Member/Pairing: Do Kyung Soo x OC (Nameless)
Genre/Type: Mature, Romance, AU, smut.
Warnings: Full on sexy times, pegging (NOT daddy kink, NOT kink, just good old Christian pegging).
Word count: 11001 words (yikes, a third of the fic)
Notes: This story takes place wherever you want. You will see why it would be weird to center it in Korea.
Thank you to all of you who waited patiently for this last chapter. It was hard to focus on writing because of ADHD and life, but I'm glad I could finish it because I really wanted to write this scene. Scene that was the only reason why I started this fic, that then grew up a bit too much.
Also, thank you to my dear friend @thedeviousdo. Steph, thank you for answering whenever I asked you for your opinion and for fixing everything that needed to be fixed.
Summary: She is saved by a caring man from a little mishappening in the middle of the forest. A small act of kindness turns into seasons of laughs, food, fun, care, love, and sex.
Final Chapter
She was driving back home when she got a call from him. She pressed the answering button, and enjoyed how his voice filled her car “Hulder, I got good news”
“Are you getting a hot tub so we can have sex al fresco?” Kyung Soo snorted and told her he was still thinking about it “Anyway, as I was saying, I have good news, I got two weeks of vacations” Those were indeed good news “You got any plans, my man?”
“No, I want to stay one week at home, I have some things to do, but I don’t have plans for the other week” She offered him an idea. She told him that he could go to the city and stay with her. She had to work, but they could go out during the afternoon, and during the day he could meet his parents, friends, go to the cinema, shopping, etc. “I like it, I really like it, so this weekend, instead of you going to my place, I’m going to you”
“Sounds great, what about Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and the rest?”
“Chanyeol, the human, can stay at my house and take care of them, I need to buy food for him…so see you this Saturday morning?”
“Or Friday night” He agreed to Friday night. So instead of going home, she went to the supermarket.
Her home was clean, the heater was on, food ready to serve and Kyung Soo was parking in front of her building. She loved how he could make her feel butterflies all over her body just by smoothly getting his jeep between two city cars.
She greeted him with a long kiss. She was so happy to have him there, in her home, and for a week. This was going to be the longest they would spend together “What if this is some kind of test for our relationship and we end up hating each other?” She asked him as she served him a plate of creamy Ricotta Corn and Tomato Ziti. He grabbed a bite and took his time to praise her cooking before answering “I don’t think I could hate you, and I’m confident that this week is going to be me going out during the day, and us having sex during the night, there are a lot of surfaces we could try” He looked around nodding and took another big bite of food “Sir, I have to work, don’t forget that”
“I already thought about it, you finish work at six, I pick you up, we go out, we come back by nine, we fuck, and you are going to be sleeping by eleven” She was giggling uncontrollably “You have everything planned uh? I like it, probably I’m not going to function properly the next day, but who cares” He also shared with her his full schedule for that week. Visiting friends, going to the cinema, buying some clothes for the summer, it was a long list “It’s going to be fun” He commented cheerfully “Yeah I’m sure, you probably need to get your eyebrows done too”
“What?” He looked up from his plate, eyebrows up, eyes wide, completely lost. She kept quiet, controlling her smile “What? What do you mean? What’s wrong with my eyebrows?” He insisted, slightly annoyed, but still amused “Nothing, they are perfect, I’m sure you spend some time at the saloon fixing them”
“Are you making fun of me?” He was less annoyed now, smiling with her “A little bit, is cute” He rubbed his eyebrows, looking up “What’s with them, they are alright”
“They are perfect, I love them” He smiled and dropped the issue. But she kept giggling about it for a while.
She cleaned the table as Kyung Soo spoke with his parents, arranging breakfast and lunch with them. They knew about her, her parents knew about him, but none of their families were particularly nosy about their kid’s private life. And they weren’t in a hurry to introduce each other to their respective families.
She had just turned on the dishwasher when he walked behind her and captured her against his chest, dropping a kiss behind her ear “Wanna use one of your surfaces?” He asked, tightening his grip around her “We just ate, what about a nice walk around the neighborhood and then you fuck me”
“Sounds perfect” He dropped a kiss on her other ear and let her go so they could get ready.
As he promised. Kyung Soo picked her up at work every single day. They went on simple fun dates and then they arrived home so Kyung Soo could have his way with her. And she could have her way with him. Their time at her place made them very creative in the matters of sex. Slow, deep and messy or fast, hard and desperate. Sex where no words were needed. Sex where they kept making sure that the other was alright with what they were doing. Whenever they fucked at his place there was hunger in their movements. The first fuck of the weekend was always desperate, a bit harsh sometimes. Now it wasn't the complete opposite. It wasn't calmer, but the pace was different. They both knew that the next evening they were going to be at the same place. Time was different. Instead of enjoying the most from each other for two days, they had eight days to doing so. Although watching time pass was terrible.
By now she knew his body like hers. She could draw him by memory, with her eyes closed. She fell in love with waking up seeing his beautiful profile and going to sleep listening to his deep voice.
He left on Monday, and she felt incredibly sad to see him go. Instead of worrying about fighting with Kyung Soo after spending a week together, she should have worried about not wanting to let him go after spending a whole week with him. She got used to their casual intimacy too soon. She was missing his hand on her back as they walked inside a restaurant. His head on her shoulder when they were having breakfast.
She loved the small gestures and the soft displays of care. Always tender, always natural, and most of the time with a message of possession. And she didn’t care, because she was the same. She knew what her eyes said when she looked at him.
She wasn't very fond nor connected with nature. But she felt like celebrating the official beginning of spring.
The weather in the city was still a bit cold, but the weather at the farm was already warmer. The threes were blooming, on their way to growing fruits during the summer. Baekhyun was shedding, and brushing his hair was one of her favorite parts of the weekend.
On Saturday, Kyung Soo had an emergency at work and left for the rest of the day. She was in charge of feeding the animal and making dinner. She fetched the veggies from his greenhouse all by herself, which later got her a congratulatory kiss from him.
They had dinner outside. It wasn’t warm, but nothing that a good poncho couldn’t fix. The sky was so clean that night, that they had to stay outside and enjoy the stars.
When they finished dinner, they sat outside, covered by a thick blanket and sharing a big cup of coffee “Love, I have an idea” He offered after sipping their coffee “Let’s go to the river for a night swim” She felt the excitement in her chest. Words weren’t needed, she stood up and Kyung Soo lead the way.
The flashlight they brought was unnecessary. The moon was bright enough to illuminate their path “Isn’t the water too cold to swim?”
“No, at night is always a bit…a tiny bit warmer, not super cold”
“Kyung Soo, just say is cold”
“It’s not! I swear is not as cold as during the day” She sank her hand on the water, and in fact, it wasn’t too cold, it was just cold. She turned around to mess with him but forgot her line of thought after catching him shirtless, pulling down his pants. The sight of his pretty butt covered in black boxer briefs was the only thing that mattered now. She felt like giving it a good bite. He folded his clothes and left them on top of a rock, away from the water “Are we skinny dipping?”
“That sounds fun, but I would rather not, I don’t want a river shrimp messing with my balls” She cackled, unable to continue taking off her shirt, so Kyung Soo helped her.
So, they got into the water on their underwear. And to her surprise, the water wasn’t very cold. Slightly lukewarm was probably the right way to describe it. And the outside was colder than the water, so it was a nice contrast. Still not better than a hot tub, which Kyung Soo still hadn’t bought “You will have your hot tub, I’m still thinking where can we install it so it looks good with the whole house, and we can also have privacy” He told her when she insisted “But babe, If you don’t want one don’t buy it, I just insist because I’m annoying like that”
“Nah, I want one too, Chanyeol’s mom got one and she always speaks wonders about it when I go visit her” She arranged her body against him, hugging his waist and resting her head on his shoulder “You go visit her often?”
“She is like a second mom”
“Invite her next week then, I will like to meet her” Some weeks ago she had met Kyung Soo’s friends. Finally, he decided to share his time with her, with his group of friends. It wasn’t something she would like to repeat too often though. It was a lot of work and energy. It was a group of four guys, but it felt like a village. They all had a lot of questions, a lot to share about Kyung Soo without his approval, a lot of stories. It was fun, messy, and heartwarming. Something that they could do once a month, not more than that. After all, their time was theirs and precious. She knew Kyung Soo was careful with how he shared his time. His work, his house, his farm, and his friends. At least that’s what she saw. She wondered if, in the past, a girlfriend was able to get into that schedule “Kyung Soo, You don't get lonely here?” She began building up her question “No, I spend a lot of time alone, which I like, but also I have my friends in town and I have you”
“What about before me, what about girls?” The building up kind of backfired on her, she wasn’t expecting the displeasure she felt the moment the word ‘girls’ left her mouth. She didn’t want to imagine girls, not in his present, not in his past “Girls?”
“Mmh, yes, girls, you didn't get lonely before?” She closed her eyes tightly, feeling stupid and hating where she was going with all this “No I didn't”
“That's good” Something in her voice made him search for her face, holding her chin softly “Is this jealousy?”
“No” She denied, poorly. He called her name followed by a chuckle, but she ignored him “Well, I must say, I like it, I like this jealousy quite a lot my love” She raised her right arm to slap his chest and make him stop, but he held her wrist and pulled her to his chest, capturing her between his strong arms. It was equally annoying and arousing “I knew who to call” He confessed, serious and honest “Good for you” He chuckled, caressing between her furrowed brows “But it's different with you”
“How?” She asked not sure of what kind of answer she was expecting “You don't shy away, you ask for more and I always want to give you more” He quickly clarified that he wasn’t comparing, but rather voicing out what he liked about her “I like some things, I enjoy doing some things and I know you can give them to me” She said through pouting lips. By now she kept acting like this because she knew Kyung Soo was enjoying it “I still don’t have enough of you, and I hope you are still excited about sharing time with me”
“I don’t think I’m ever going to feel less excited about sharing my time with you Hulder, ever”
“Are we talking sex-wise or love-wise?” She blurted out, not sure why she needed the clarification “Both” She sighed heavily, relieved and happy. Despite being surprised by her own questions, she knew that she could be this vulnerable with him. That he was going to answer, and maybe ask for clarifications later “I don’t want to make promises Kyung Soo, but you know that with me, you only need to ask and I will fulfill what you want” A smirk that she could only describe as dark arose in his lips “Are we talking sex-wise or love wise?” He threw it back at her “Both”
“Anything I want?” She nodded, her mouth replicating his smile. He called her with one finger. She moved her head closer to his, his warm lips brushing her ear. The noise of the river and the threes moving over them went mute and she could only hear his voice confessing what he wanted. She couldn’t believe how incredibly lucky she was, after hearing his whispered request. Later came the shock, after really processing what felt like a fantasy “You want me to peg you?” She asked in a soft whisper “I’m sure you are experienced” He commented offhandedly as he caressed her surprised face “How?”
“The way you touch me” He shrugged as his hand moved down her back, resting on her ass. Yes, she had played with his ass a couple of times, just because it was there and she knew it would feel great. She was surprised, and grateful when he accepted the touch “Are you sure?” She let herself show some of her excitement “I am” He answered amused “It could hurt”
“Not if you are careful”
“Have you done it before?”
“Not pegging, but I have done some things to myself” She closed her eyes, taking in his confession, imagining. And of course, getting aroused by it. The image of a Kyung Soo masturbating with some toy was something that never crossed her mind before, and now was everything she wanted to see. He looked gorgeous in her head.
He tapped her thigh and blew hair on her face “Stop imagining it”
“Can I see it?”
“No…well, we will see” That was enough for her “Can I see you?” He asked raising an eyebrow “Of course! I can do it now if you want, wanna watch me?” She started pulling down her underwear “Not now, just focus on the sky and the water” He stopped her hands and arranged her between his legs, hugging her against his chest.
She was out of the game one weekend because of her period. But at this point that was hardly something to lament. She still went to visit him, and still indulge with the pleasurable act of cuddle him and look at him. Caress his cute little head as he rested on her chest. Look into his magnificent wide eyes as he shared stories and sweet words with her. Kissing his button nose, caressing his soft cheeks, hear the prettiest laugh and his deep voice. At night she liked to play with his hair, rub his back and kiss the moles splattered over his body.
Those ways of intimacy, just whisper to each other at night, follow him around the kitchen just because she felt slightly cold and his back was always warm against her chest. Those moments made her see that all this was way deeper than any of them could imagine or recognize.
She knew his name and his smile will linger in her mind for a long time, even if everything ended at some point.
She used those previous days to prepare for Kyung Soo’s big night, as she liked to call it. He told her to order an extra bottle of lube because he was running out of it. Request that straight up turned her on. She had to do some shopping too. She had a harness that fit her perfectly and rubbed her in the right places, so she wasn’t planning on buying a new one. She did have to fish it from the bottom of her wardrobe since she hadn’t used it in years. But she did have to buy a new dildo. Hers was too big, and she didn’t feel like sharing it. So that night after work she went into her favorite sex shop website and bought what she needed. Next day delivery.
The moment she picked up her package she began feeling nervous. And that nervousness continued the following days. Kyung Soo noticed it over their video call and didn’t hesitate on making fun of her. But after he had his laugh, he made sure she was fine with all this “You want to talk about it?” He offered, sitting down at the table and resting the phone somewhere “Of course, I like talking about anything with you”
“What’s making you so nervous?” He asked calmly “Don’t laugh, but I started feeling a bit of pressure like you are losing your virginity and I have to make it unforgettable” He was quick to tell her how silly she was between giggles “Don’t laugh! I’m being serious, I’m preparing thoroughly” That caught his attention, his cute eyebrows showing his interest “What do you mean preparing? I’m the one that should prepare”
“Well sir, if you need to know, I just got in the mail the lube you asked for, and a new dildo”
“A new dildo?”
“Yeah, I could share mine, but it’s too big” He looked curious “How big?”
“As big as you, happy?” He chuckled again, shaking his head “I see, yeah, I think it could be too much for my first time…what else did you buy?” To his disappointment, there was nothing else to show. But the banter made her considerably less worried “I love that we can just talk about things like this”
“About you buying a dildo to fuck me this weekend?” He asked, looking serious but failing and breaking into a smile “Yeah, exactly that”
“Well, I love it too, I’m sorry it's making you anxious, but don’t overthink it and don’t worry, because I’m not, I can’t wait for this Friday” If Kyung Soo was there with her, she would be kissing him by now. They kept talking, with Kyung So throwing jokes at her nervous self until it was time to go to bed, and she excused herself saying she needed a shower “Take me with you then, leave the phone on the sink and keep the curtain open”
“Keep dreaming mister”
“I’m probably going to” She stuck her tongue at him and walked to the bathroom “Are you taking me with you?” He asked excitedly. She answered with an emphatic no “I know, I’m going to leave you then, have a good night of sleep and take care, I love you, beautiful”
“I love you too Kyung Soo, take care” She hung up after sending him a kiss and left her phone on top of the toilet.
She was exfoliating her elbows when it down on her. Kyung Soo said I love you and she said it back, as natural as when she cursed at her coworkers. Just coming from her heart.
She kept washing herself, not thinking too hard about it, only smiling the entire time.
She got ready for bed with the same smile, but this time wondering about things. Things related to Kyung Soo and their confession. She was sure she loved him. Whatever she was feeling could be easily described as love. He had become someone important to her. Probably one of the most important relationships in her life. And not only romantically speaking. She knew she loved him, maybe since a while ago. And now she knew he loved her, which was what was making her so happy. And she could only feel lucky by aiming her feelings and her dedication to him.
She was glad she said it back, like that, over the phone, after a fun, short talk. Easy going in comfortable, like everything between them.
Before falling asleep she stayed a long time staring at the ceiling. Covers up to her chin, feet moving under the covers, an incessant giggle rumbling in the back of her mouth. Pure bliss warming up her body as she thought about their first encounter and everything that followed. Spending almost a year with this beautiful man, which gave her butterflies in her chest and her pussy just by thinking about him. Who always gave it to her a little nasty and a little romantic.
She took the highway with a furrow on her face.
That Friday, work was horrible. She was tired, hungry, and slightly frustrated. It was 7 PM, the sun was still up and spring was already showing itself in each tree she passed by. Kyung Soo called her when she was halfway to his place. She put him on speaker and immediately relaxed a bit with his hello. She was sure Kyung Soo sensed something because instead of saying something about how excited he was, how he was waiting for her, he told her to drive carefully and that dinner was waiting for her.
After parking outside his house and pet Baekhyun, she went inside his house and greet him in the kitchen. He dried his hands and walked to her with a soft smile on his lips. He opened his arms wide and she felt something pulling her. With two quick steps, she reached for him and hugged him tightly, getting slightly emotional at the feeling of his arms enveloping her. She released a long sight and nestled her head on his shoulder, hiding on his neck “Long week?” He caressed her head and chuckled when she purred with his touch “Long and weird”
“Do you want to eat what I prepared for you and get drunk with wine?” She hugged him tighter, kissing his neck “That sounds amazing, but what about our night?”
“You mean you pegging me?”
“I have everything ready, but I’m so tired, and my head it’s just not here now” Kyung Soo grabbed her by the shoulders and made her look at him “Hulder, say what you need to say”
“You better offer it” He shook his head slowly, smiling warmly “You have to say it, you always have to tell me how you feel and what you need” She wanted to roll her eyes, but instead she hugged him tighter “Kyung Soo, can we leave the fun for tomorrow?”
“Of course we can, now go wash your hands, dinner is ready” She let go of him with a bit of resistance and kissed him on the cheek. Before going inside the bathroom, she called his name “Kyung Soo, what am I?” He put down the plates, chuckling. “You are such a good girl” She covered her mouth, shrieking, and went to wash her hands.
Kyung Soo prepared a delicious Cajun chicken with roasted potatoes and listened to her rant about work, the city, and the rude neighbor. They finished a bottle of wine over dinner and they opened another one to drink outside since the night was warm. In the beginning, they laid down in different deck chairs, but soon after Kyung Soo climbed on hers. Resting between her legs and laying his head on her chest. He dozed off a couple of times, but she didn’t. She was too focused on caressing his back and kissing his head “I like how warm you feel” He commented between yawns “Kyung Soo, when summer comes and it gets annoyingly hot, can I shave your head?” He knew how much she liked that look on him, so she was sure the proposal wasn’t strange for him “Sure... Are you planning on staying with me until summer?” His voice sounded playful, even confident. But the finger drawing circles in her waist betrayed him “I'm planning on staying with you until you get tired of me” He kept quiet. And he didn’t need to say anything. She could feel his response “Let’s go inside, it’s getting cold” He got up, rubbing his eyes, and helped her get up from the deck chair. She held his hand and didn’t let go as they got inside the house “Let’s go to the forest tomorrow” He offered as he locked the door, without letting go of her hand “Sure, I haven’t been there in months, but what if we met the real Hulder?” She covered her mouth in fake worry “If we encounter her, we share her” He giggled, like always, and walked her inside the house, turning off the light on his way “Ok, but you can’t fuck her, if you don’t satisfy her she could kill you” She teased “Why wouldn’t I satisfy her?!”
“I don’t know Kyung Soo, I’m not her, I don’t know what she likes” She let go of his hand as she got inside his room “I’m still not sure about that, I still have my suspicions about you being a Hulder”
“Well my love, I haven’t kill you yet, so If I am a Hulder, I’m satisfied” He gave her one of his goofy laughs, and held her face, kissing her cheek.
They chatted for a short while before going to sleep. As she cuddled in Kyung Soo’s chest, he kissed her ear and hugged her tighter “I love you” He whispered, “I love you too” The answer came as easily as before.
That Saturday was a slow one. They went out of bed late, she went to feed the chicken as Kyung Soo prepared brunch. Around five, they packed some water and food into a backpack and they went for their planned walk to the forest. Hansel and Gretel without the drama. This time Baekhyun went with them, but on a leash, his tail wagging in happiness.
The trees were bright green or deep dark. The smell of the leaves, the sun hitting the floor and the humble wildflowers hit her nose almost violently. Her senses were always invaded whenever she visited him. In the best way possible.
Kyung Soo held her hand, probably fearing another accident in the forest. In between comments about how beautiful that flower was, or gasps caused by wildlife passing by them, they held a light conversation. As always, the topics were diverse and flowed easily. Picking up where they left when necessary. When a bit of silence fell upon them, she asked what she had been wondering since the morning but needed some build-up to finally ask “Today we are doing it right?” She didn’t need to explain “Of course, did you change your mind?” He asked with his usual calm “No! Of course not, it's just I can't even imagine how to start” He stopped walking and turned around, grabbing her other hand and holding her stare “This is how we start, we take a bath, then you leave me there so I can prepare myself and you can go prepare too” She gasped “That sounds perfect, let's go then” She pulled him in the opposite direction, but he stopped her. He let go of her hand and passed an arm around her shoulders, pulling her in for a kiss. After kissing her long and hard, he let go of her “Now we can go”. He grabbed her right hand tightly and pulled her with him, almost making her trip.
They still had some things to do around the house. But they both worked quickly.
The gate and doors of his house were locked and every single animal fed “I’m going to get the tub ready” She told him as he connected his phone to the charger “Call me when is ready then".
She filled the tub with hot water, spread some bath salts with citric scents, and only called him in when she was naked and submerged in the water. Kyung Soo came in shirtless and gasped stunned “It smells so good, and you look amazing in there”
“Come and join me” She purred, opening her legs to give him space as he pulled down his pants. He looked at her amused when she told him to sit between her legs and rest his back on her chest. He liked the idea. When she hugged him closer to her breast he sighed happily, sinking deeper in the water. She cupped some water on her hand and spilled it on his shoulders, nape, and neck. She poured some soap on her hand and started lapping his body. His muscles relaxed under her hand. His skin kept getting warmer, and he kept sighing in contentment “Are you feeling ok?” She asked him, whispering in his ear. He chuckled and laid back, pushing her to rest her back against the bathtub “Now is perfect” She began washing up his chest, rubbing his skin softly, slowly. She enjoyed that part way too much.
Kyung Soo spoke softly, chatting about small, unimportant things. His way to relax her, she was sure. But he didn’t have to. Not that she wasn’t nervous anymore. She was just growing more and more aroused. The hot water, his body against hers, touching him everywhere she wanted. His hands were exploring her thighs or grabbing hers to drop a kiss or guide them wherever he wanted them. It was impossible to be nervous or worried when distracted by him like that.
But she noticed how he started to grow a bit impatient. He was moving slightly restless, his grip on her thighs slightly tighter “I think we got you clean babe” She whispered in his ear. He straightened up in one sudden movement, almost comically, and patted her leg, hurrying her up. She went out, splashing his head with soapy water, and grabbed one of the towels “I’m going to leave you so you can prepare then”
“I will be there as soon as I can”
“No, don’t, I mean, take tour time” Kyung Soo gave her an exasperated look calling her name, elongating the last sound, provably seeing the worry in her face and voice “Don’t worry, go get dry” He splashed her some water and she finally walked out of the bathroom.
Trying to follow Kyung Soo’s advice to not to worry, she began preparing too. She brought the lube, harness, and dildo from her bag and toss them on the bed. Immediately, questions began flooding her head. Was it too soon to use a strap? Kyung Soo did tell her that he had used toys in the past. But what if the dildo was too big? What if he didn’t know how to prepare himself? Should she had brought poppers? Where poppers legal? What if she hurt him with her big dildo, not enough lube, and the lack of poppers? What if she traumatized him for not being able to fuck her boyfriend the right way?
She was pulled out of her panic when Kyung Soo grabbed her hips and pulled her to him. Capturing her by the waist and pressing his body to hers. He whispered her name on her ear and nuzzled her neck “What are you doing standing here?” She didn’t know what to answer. He moved his hands over her body “At least you are dry…is everything alright?” After a couple of seconds, she answered, or tried to “Is everything going to be alright?” She asked him trying to, as always, find some calm in him “Everything is going to be amazing, fucking amazing” He was able to pull a laugh out of her “Are those your implements?” He pointed at the bed where the three pieces rested “Yeah, lube, strap, and dildo, you like it?”
“It’s pretty, good size too, can’t wait to see you wearing it, why aren’t you wearing it?”
She turned around, hugging him by the shoulders pressing her chest against his. She always liked how his face changed whenever she did that “I was panicking a little bit, and forgot what I had to do” He kissed her nose and gave her a soft slap in her left thigh “Get on the bed and kneel over there” He ordered pointing at the edge of the bed. She took two steps back and climbed on the bed. She kneeled where he said and stretched her arms calling for him. He walked into her arms with a grin on his lips, holding her close, as he always did “Kiss me” He whispered, not that she needed the order, but she appreciated the low whisper. As soon as her lips grabbed onto his lower lip, something inside of her unleashed. Something between them began. Kyung Soo always deepened the kiss, sucking on her tongue and getting her first moan. She was so addicted to grabbing his hair as he sucked on her lips, stroking his shoulders as he rubbed her tongue with his. With one last lick to her lower lip, he moved along her jaw and down the slope of her neck. Their hasten breaths were synchronized, as their hands caressed each other’s skin. His lips were just a breath away from hers as he whispered beautiful things about her body, about his want. And she wanted, needed to give him everything he wanted. But his touch always overpowered hers. His hand moved with confidence and decision over her body. Knowing that he had complete freedom to do whatever he wanted. Confident that he knew just what she liked. She had that confidence too. But she was always so distracted by him.
He moved his hands down her waist, fondling her ass sweetly, making her giggle with the tickles. His hand kept moving down between her thighs until he reached her center moaning in triumph as he moved his fingers softly over her folds, spreading her wetness “You are already wet” He said, looking at her with wonder “I sure am…you get me like this so easily”
“Is it my touch or what is about to come?” He held her stare as he kept moving his fingers slow enough to drive her mad “It’s both, it’s everything, are you nervous?” She was acting a bit selfish worrying about her side of the story, of what she could do wrong, without checking on him first. Although he kept reassuring her how much he wanted this, she needed to check every step with him. His comfort, and his consent “A bit” He scrunched his nose, looking down “Relax” She whispered, caressing his ear “Touching you relaxes me” He rested his head on her hand “Then go ahead” A rumble of laughter in Kyung Soo’s throat made her sight, feeling completely taken by him “You are really looking forward to this” He joked “Really, really, really” She hid her face in his neck, already feeling a bit too much. Feeling like melting into his body. She grabbed his right hand, and he stopped moving immediately “Not yet?” He asked, voice soft and genuine. She only shook her head and with frenzy licked her way up to his neck, getting more moans and whispers in her ear. Although she wanted her pleasure, and she knew she was going to get it later, this was about Kyung Soo. And she wanted to make him lose his mind between her arms and legs.
She straightened her back, and whatever look she was giving him, he liked it. She could tell by the slight blushing and the cute smile on his lips. She reached for him with both hands, caressing his cheeks, feeling their warmth. She followed the path of his necks, shoulders, her fingers brushing his stiff nipples. With only her fingertips she caressed the soft lines of her stomach and kept moving down, inexorably towards his cock, but she passed it by and moved down his thighs, before going back upwards. This time she did what they both wanted and with one hand she began pumping his cock and held his waist with the other. She pushed down towards his pubic bone and then hard against the top of his dick. He was now fully erect, thrusting into her fingers.
Shame or even self-control were two concepts that weirdly applied to their relationship, so with that freedom falling upon them, she put her hands to work. One hand went to his balls, massaging and pulling, just hard enough, using the knowledge she has gathered over months of knowing him and touching him. Her other hand clasped around the base of his cock and squeezed. He choked out her name, and grabbed her face in his hands, bringing her lips to his, without kissing her. Just breathing and cursing on her mouth. She stayed like that, one hand around his balls, the other around his cock, swelling it. He got his pleasure, she got hers, and also an injection of confidence with every word of encouragement he roared in her lips. There was fire flowing through them, melting every cell of their bodies. She wanted him to go down on her, to ride his thigh, suck his dick. So many things. But above all that, she wanted to feel the strap around her hips. The power and unrestrained satisfaction that came from it.
Following a long, deep moan, he let go of her face and grabbed her wrists, stopping her hands from moving. He kept quiet, staring at her lips, frowning, a light sweat forming on his temples. Her body shivered with the tension he was forming. If he wanted her to beg she would do it happily “Kiss me, Kyung Soo, please” She felt his grip tightened, as he granted her wish, kissing her hard and fast. The kiss was short, as he began kissing across her chest, slowly, firmly. He traced along her collar bones, her nipples, lingering there, biting them, and pulling them. She was suddenly very aware of them as one of his hands let go of her and traced a line down her sternum, across her stomach, and in one swift move he cupped her pussy and inserted two fingers in. He did it in time to his lips pinching her nipples. She shouted in pleasure, throwing her head back, moving her hips as his fingers continued moving inside of her. His lips kissed their way to her ear and with a low whisper he asked her “Do you want me to make you come?” She shook her head, her mouth too busy moaning “You want to make me come?” She nodded, searching for his lips, but not succeeding. He was now away from her, his hand had moved from between her legs to her hips “Then put that on and do it” He pointed at the middle of the bed where the strap on was. She noticed how his fingers were still wet, so in an attempt to balance the power, she grabbed his hand at took it to her mouth, sucking him clean “Sit down and watch me get ready” He smiled as she gave his fingers a last suck. Kyung Soo sat at the edge of the bed and handed her the strap. She grabbed it and told him to pay attention “So next time you can put it on me, it’s not hard, but I’m particular about the tightness”
“I’m going to burn it in my memory”
“Very good” She slid the piece up her legs and arranged the straps over her hips and under her thighs. With clumsy fingers, due to the whole situation and a bit of rustiness from her side, she arranged the sliders, tightening them around her body. The dildo moved rather comically as she accommodated the strap, but it was part of the experience so she just giggled. Once she was done, Kyung Soo reached for her, so she took a step closer and let his hands wander over her strap “It doesn’t hurt, or scratch your skin?”
“No, this is good quality, no chafe, water-resistant, I can even wash it in the washing machine” He chuckled and with one finger followed the line of the purple dildo “Nice color” He commented, weighing it on the palm of his hand “You like it? Like how I look on it?” He stood up and pulled her to him by the straps of the harness “I like it, and you look beautiful, tell me what to do now” She took a deep breath, her heart racing “Get on the bed, to start, get on your hands and knees, I’m going to prepare you and then we can start, is that alright?” He took a deep breath, clearly feeling the same things she did, and nodded once “It’s alright, I’m a bit embarrassed, I’m not sure that’s the right word, maybe a bit self-conscious”
“I think that’s the right word, but don’t worry, you are going to start enjoying it soon” He nodded again and gave her a peck on the lips, turning around and climbing on the bed.
She had to slap herself to wake up from the daze of watching him just give himself to her, and to pump herself up. This was going to be unforgettable for both. And it was all in her hands. And she was going to do it perfectly. She was going to fuck the hell out of him.
She already knew how much experience he had. How much he could take, after speaking long and open about it over a couple of phone calls. She knew she didn’t need to explain too much to him either. But she knew she had to check on him in every step, after all, this wasn’t the same as using his fingers or a butt plug. Kyung Soo handed her the bottle of lube and arranged himself on the bed, as he told him, on his hands and knees.
She felt so lucky, so incredibly in love with him. Especially when he looked over his shoulder and asked her what she was waiting for “I’m sorry, I was just taking you in”
“Yeah? Looks good?”
“So incredibly good”
“I’m glad, so…I just have to stay here” She kneeled next to him and held his cheek, making him look at her “Stay here, relax, tell me if you feel any discomfort and if you like it…I want to hear that too” He nodded and patted her thigh, hurrying her. She went back to her previous position and squirted a good amount of lube in her fingers, spread it around her dildo, and then reached for his hole. At the first touch, he jolted, so she stopped immediately. He told her to go ahead, so she did. She moved the tip of her fingers in circles, covering the exterior with lube. Massaging to help him relax and stimulate him. With one long breath, he bent his elbows, resting his head on the bed, bringing his hips up. She smiled to herself and followed the need of her other hand. She grabbed his thigh, moving her hand up slowly until she reached his behind giving it a hard squeeze “Kyung Soo, babe, can I spank you later?” He released a breathy laugh “Sure you can, it’s only fair, I always spank you”
“Thank you” She whispered, vibrating with excitement. She kept moving her hand up, caressing the dimples on his back, staying there a bit longer as she kept massaging his entrance. Feeling it warmer, and definitely more relaxed. She looked at his body, feeling some appetite growing in her. A need to lick up his spine and taste the gold that came from the sun. She kissed his lower back and kept moving up. Kissing and licking each bump of his spine. Kyung Soo had his face hidden on his arms, she could hear low moans escaping his lips as he moved his hips, seeking more of her touch. Arching his back, begging her to enter. She positioned herself behind him and held to his hips, grinding the strap onto him slowly. He released a breathy laugh “What?” She asked surprised “I’m so turn on is stupid” He followed by a chuckle. She laughed with him, grinding again against him, turning his cute laugh into a moan “I need to prepare you some more though” She offered with a bit of worry “I’m fine, I already took care of it” She didn’t want to make him wait anymore, so she reapplied lubricant on him “Take a deep breath, relax and release as it goes in”
“And tell me if it hurts”
“I will” She kissed his right cheek and eased into him slowly. She saw in awe how he opened up for her. Slowly, with a slight resistance, but with a soft yet constant pressure, she was able to get half of the strap inside him. She listened closely to his sounds. Grunts mixed with soft moans, his shoulders looked tense, but the curve of his back told her that he wasn’t that bad. She had to ask anyway “Are you feeling alright?” She stopped moving before getting his answer “It feels weird, but no pain whatsoever”
“Want me to go on?”
“Yes please, I want it all in” She jolted as she felt his sentence hit her right on her clit. Excitement rumbled in her chest imagining how good it was going to get. Because it was never enough, she purred some more lube on her and kept pushing in, holding his hips with one hand and the base of the dildo with the other. Soon enough, she was all in.
Kyung Soo asked her to stay there, without moving so he could get used to the fullness. She caressed his thighs and back, looking at where they were connected with a big smile. She liked looking at his buff frame in the bed, under her. Because even if they were the same height, she always felt smaller in his arms. A sense of him covering her, embracing her. It wasn’t bad at all, but she always enjoyed being on the other side. Now she didn’t feel bigger, she wasn’t seeking that. But she felt him as something precious between her arms. Someone she needed to take care of, be very careful not to hurt him. Never to hurt him.
Kyung Soo’s shoulders were now fully relaxed and breathing more steadily. He reached behind with one hand and grabbed her hand that was resting in his left hip “I’m good now, move” She didn’t answer, only held onto his hand and began moving. Her hips backed up enough to leave only the tip of the strap in, and then with a slow motion, she went back in. He offered less resistance this time, but she was equally amazed and aroused by his body taking her in. He shivered, breathing faster. His hand let go of hers and went to his dick, pumping himself slowly. She moaned, lowering her chest, and hugging him from behind. Kyung Soo answered with a moan, lifting his head from the mattress and resting on his hands. She kissed his shoulders and neck, and he moaned, turning his face, searching for her lips. The cuteness and sexiness of it all made her buck her lips a bit harder, to which Kyung Soo answered with a louder moan. She was going to apologize for the sudden move, but he interrupted her “Like that, keep moving like that babe” She held his hips and straightened her back, arranging her angle. Now that she had his permission, she began experimenting with different speeds. Going in slowly, bucking her hips harder, in one swift move or faster, going in and out quickly. He was gasping with pleasure, getting out soft moans. Heat was unfurling in her core and she felt a quickening in her veins. She wasn’t going to come, neither Kyung Soo, but the sensation was close to that. The faster she moved her hips, the more she felt the strap rubbing her. There wasn’t a direct stimulation, but rather a constant pressure that kept her aroused. That and seeing her boyfriend enjoying this. Kyung Soo’s back was glistening, his muscles showing more due to the current workout.
She lowered her hips, trying a different angle, and started making small circles with them “Fuck, that feels amazing” He grunted, his mouth open and panting. She repeated the movement and grew a bit more confident, finally owning her role. She began pulling his ass into her as she pushed into him. Then slid out of him, and squeezed his ass, dropping the first slap. He jolted, releasing a gasp mixed with a moan “Do it again” She repeated her moves, getting another moan.
After a couple of times, Kyung Soo patted her thigh, calling for a time out “It's everything ok?”
“It is, it really is, I’m just a bit…overwhelmed” She used that time to reapply lube in their dildo, as Kyung Soo controlled his breathing. She massaged his thighs and butt cheeks, and despite how beautiful was her current view. She missed his face. She missed looking at him as they had sex, seeing his pleasure take over. His dark eyes and red, wet lips “Kyung Soo would you turn around so I can watch you” She asked softly, sweetly, knowing that it will take some convincing from her side. And his answer was what she expected “Is it really necessary?” Followed by a groan “Please, do it for me, I really want to see you, and also is going to feel great I promise”
“I know it will” He grunted again and slowly turned around, hissing as he sat on the bed “What? What is it? Does it hurt? Did I peg you wrong?” He started chuckling, covering his face with both hands “No you didn’t peg me wrong, I’m alright” He arranged his head on the pillows, dried his forehead with the back of his hand, and looked at her with hooded eyes “What?” She asked, fixing her hair, slightly self-conscious under his stare “You look gorgeous” He muttered, uncovering his face “I do?” Kyung Soo’s legs were slightly open, so she got in between them, hovering over him, one hand on each side of his head “You too, so beautiful” He gave her a beaming smile, turning his head to the side to drop a kiss on her wrist. The shine of his neck, covered in sweat, caught her attention. She lowered her body and dropped a kiss on his jaw. When Kyung Soo tried to turn around and kissed her, she grabbed his chin and held his head still, giving her better access to his neck “I’m all sweaty” He complained, but she ignored him, leaving a couple of love bites on her way. After showering his face with kisses, she pushed herself up, arranging herself between his legs. She took in his current estate. Messy hair, red lips, and shiny eyes, his neck now marked by her, sweaty chest, still breathing heavily. She could tell he was enjoying all this. Hopefully thanks to her. But what made her the proudest was the red, hot erection he was displaying “Look at you, so pretty” She simply observed, but still made Kyung Soo chuckle with a bit of embarrassment. She was hovering over him again, trying to go for another kiss, when her hair popped out the bobby pin she had put on. Locks of hair cascaded over her face, tickling his face, getting in the way. She lifted one hand from the mattress trying to fix it, but Kyung Soo bit her on it. He passed his fingers through her hair and then carefully placed it behind her ear. With soft fingers he caressed down the shell of her ear, rubbing her earlobe. She moaned with his touch, closing her eyes in pure pleasure “You liked that?” He asked amused “I like how soft you are”
“Yes, soft, because even when you are rough with me, it’s rooted in your tenderness, the calm you share with me”
“So it’s a good thing” He wondered, fixing her hair on the other side “It’s a perfect thing” He grabbed her by the neck and pulled her down for a kiss. His tongue tracing over her lips, a possessive hand on her neck “You are not done with me right?” He whispered against her lips, low and fast. She answered with a smile, moving away from him, this time for good.
She arranged a pillow under his hips, caressing his thighs on her way. She repeated the process of lubing him up and her strap. There was always a hint of a smile whenever she looked at him, already relaxed and less worried about being exposed to her like this “Ready?” She asked him, kissing his right knee. He only nodded, taking a deep breath as she rubbed the tip of her dildo over his ass. She pushed inside slowly, noticing how easier it was to get in. Kyung Soo released a long moan, lifting his head from the bed, looking down at them.
This position was definitely better. Watching his expressions, seeing his chest move in compass with his heavy breathing. She moved her hips slowly, watching her strap going in and out of him, feeling extremely aroused by the scene. Doing this now, knowing that he was watching her, made her feel bolder. More sensual and definitely more resolved to give him the best night. Kyung Soo's hands wandered down his sides, locking his fingers with hers. He pulled her hands to his hips and held them to his hipbones “Go harder” He mumbled, moving his hands over his dick, grunting as she obeyed, pounding him harder. There was a short moment, just a couple of seconds where she felt like looking away. As if this was too intimate for her to watch. Too beautiful and bright. As if looking at the sun. But after those two seconds were gone, she reminded herself that this was for them to enjoy, for her to watch. Just for her. And she was going to make sure that she was the only one having him like this. The only one that he could come to when needing this kind of pleasure.
A pleasure that she knew she was going to need again someday. Because the power she felt, the constant rush of pleasure between her legs, the drops of sweat falling down her back, and their sounds were unique and addictive. It was driving her crazy, and she could tell Kyung Soo was on the edge too. She knew him good enough now, she knew every single one of his gestures. Kyung Soo bit down his lower lip, grabbing her hands and tightening his legs around her. She grinned in triumph before he said anything “I'm going to cum” He grunted, bucking his hips restlessly. Her dirty mind worked quickly. She stopped moving her hips and made him look at her “Where do you want to come?” He kept silent, his ears reddening adorably “Please say it” She pleaded, rubbing the back of his hands soothingly. He groaned, and then pulled himself up, letting go of her hands to grab her face. He pressed his forehead to hers, their mouth so close that when he finally answered her question, his lips were brushing hers “I want to come inside you”
“Fuck” She grunted against his lips, pulling out of him and getting on her back. Because she wanted the same. She began pulling the strap loose to take it off, but Kyung Soo stopped her “No, leave it there” She felt her eyes water. Too good to be true.
Kyung Soo helped her arrange herself on the bed and then tried to reach for a condom. But without second thoughts, she grabbed his wrist “Don’t… I want it all inside me” He whispered her name in shock and asked her twice if she was sure “I am, do you want it too?”
“Yes, fuck, I want it too” She pulled him closer with her legs, and bucked her hips against him, desperate. He licked his lips in the most menacing yet sensual way. With a half-smile, Kyung Soo grabbed her by the strap pulling her closer. He caressed her pussy, up and down, slowly, covering his fingers with her cum “You are so wet, so hot, I can see you enjoyed fucking me”
“Kyung Soo, you can’t even imagine how amazing it was” He chuckled, grabbing his cock, teasing her entrance “If it felt half as amazing as it is to fuck you, then it was worth it”
“Did you enjoy it?” He chuckled again and began pushing inside her “Why don’t you feel how much I enjoyed it” He tried to do it slowly, but she felt how he began losing control, shoving his dick inside her in one rough push. She moaned loudly, arching her back, grabbing her breasts to enhance every sensation. Kyung Soo cursed again, bucking his hips slowly, his eyes tightly closed as he buried himself deep inside her. She sighed, feeling some sort of relief, surprised by how nice it felt to be stretched by him, skin to skin. She opened her eyes, looking over at him. He had his eyes closed, his long lashes fluttering, his nostrils flaring as he grunted long and low. He called her name a couple of times, a sharp inhale brimming with longing. He began moving his hips slowly, their moans harmonizing. She watched him struggle to keep his eyes open when she couldn’t close hers. Not wanting to miss any of his reactions, keeping all this in her memory. But her memory wasn’t enough. She wanted the feeling of his skin burned in hers, and the taste of his mouth in her tongue. She reached for him, stretching her arms, but only brushing his shoulders with the tip of her fingers. She called his name, a whisper that was barely audible between his grunts and her moans. She tried calling him louder, and he finally opened his eyes, an urgent look in his eyes. She moved her fingers, stretching her arms farther away trying to reach for him. Something close to a growl sounded in Kyung Soo’s chest, and he did what she was begging for. He dropped on top of her, taking her breath away. Their mouths, all thrashing lips and probing tongues, ravenous animals. His fingers rivaled to reach her ribcage and grab and squeeze her waist. He let go of her after giving a long deep suck to her lower lip and kissed his way down to her chest. Kyung Soo groaned, squeezing her breasts together, and sucking a nipple between his lips “Don’t stop, please don’t stop” Her fingers weaved through his thick, dark hair, holding him prisoner against her chest. His rhythm remained slow. He panted and groaned on every stroke. Her release was pooling, so close, but not there yet. The edging was maddening and addictive. With one of his thrust, she felt him deep inside, and he stopped moving. He stopped kissing her and just rested his forehead on her chest, breathing heavily. She rubbed his neck and caressed his shoulder blades, moving her hips to the side, just a small movement to gain some friction “You are so deep inside me baby” She purred, with a clear agenda. Kyung Soo bucked his hips, moaning and getting what she wanted. He lifted his head, locking eyes with her, his cheeks red and his eyes shining “You are so fucking hot, I’m going insane” He ended with a short laugh, giving a hard thrust. He pushed himself up, making her miss his chest against hers, but sure that it was about the get better. He lifted one of her legs up to his shoulder, opening her up even further for him. He pulled himself out of her, looking between her legs with wonder as he rubbed himself. She was shaking, breathing fast, her hands sliding down her body, wanting to touch herself, but the strap was still on her way. She tried to lose it, move it to the side, something. But Kyung Soo grabbed the dildo, and pulled her hips to him, ramming his cock deep into her. She moaned loudly, and lifted her back, propping herself up on her elbows. Kyung Soo’s pace took off at speed, each thrust more powerful than the last. He let go of her strap and grabbed her head, pulling her closer as he laid down on her, stretching her leg and moving deliciously inside her “I’m going to come” He whispered, looking her in the eye “Yes! Don’t stop and come with me, give it to me Kyung Soo, fill me up baby” Kyung Soo cursed loudly, giving short and quick thrusts, moaning against her mouth. One last curse came before he pushed hard, spilling inside her. In an attempt to shut his moans down, he sucked on her neck, making her see white, finally reaching her orgasm. She held to his shoulders as she could, moving her hips with
no control, moaning on his ear, feeling him all over her walls. His open mouth was panting against her neck, whispering her name as she was still moaning, moving her hips seeking for more, just a bit more. With a loud grunt, Kyung Soo pulled out until only the tip of his cock stayed inside her and then plunged back inside. She moaned again, as he gave her a breathy laugh. She laughed with him, her gaze fixed on his face, his pupils blown wide enough that his eyes looked black. His body undulated, rocking in and out for the last time. She could already feel him going soft inside her. The muscles of his shoulders and chest began to relax beneath his skin until he finally stopped moving, drying his forehead with the back of his hand. She felt the aftershocks of her orgasm ease down her body, making her stretch her limbs. There was a short silence after both of their moans ceased down and their breathing reached a normal rhythm “Are we going to need another bath?” He asked to break the melted ice. But she ignored him at first, focused on the way he was losing the sliders of her strap. She let him finish what he was doing, a small smile on his gorgeous lips as he pulled the piece down her legs and then tossed it somewhere in the room “A bath sounds good, but later, come here first” She laid on the bed next to him, her head on the fluffy pillows and grabbed his arm, pulling him to her. He laid next to her, passing an arm under her waist and a leg over her hips. She cuddled him closer, hugging him and pulling his face to hers, catching his lower lip with her needy mouth. As always, he responded with the same neediness. Kissing slow, nasty slow. His hand moved over her back with more gentleness, his breath and moans a soft whisper. She rubbed his left thigh, trying to ease some of the soreness he must have felt, and then over his lovely ass. Carefully, in case he was feeling any discomfort “I’m ok” He commented between kisses, reading her mind “You sure? It doesn’t hurt?”
“No, there is a ….sensation, but I wouldn’t call it pain” She sighed with relief. Kyung Soo opened his eyes, now less dark, but clearly a bit tired. He looked at her, making her feel flustered under his stare “What?” She felt her cheeks growing red and she loved that feeling "Stay, stay with me the rest of the week." He sounded so serious, she could almost feel the possessiveness in his hands that held her ribs. This was the first time he had ever said anything like this to her before. Not even as a joke. It was usually her that decided on the time they spent together, how long she would stay at his place. It was almost an order, he was taking control of their time. "I think your orgasm is talking." She tried to ease the intensity in his eyes, in his words. "No it's not, stay for the week, stay for the rest of your life with me." She giggled seeing his grin get larger, his tone softening to a light tease. She grabbed his face, squeezing his cute round cheeks before kissing him tenderly. "Let's talk about it over breakfast ok?" She asked, trying to appease his sudden need for her to stay. She wasn't trying to give herself time to think about it, she knew what she wanted. She only needed the time to make a few calls, move things around to free up her week. But there was a conversation they needed to have, needed him to hear. Because being with him for a week, at their beloved farm, will only make her wish for more. For more than a week here with him. And if she were honest, if that couldn't happen she'd just kidnap him and disappear in the forest. Away from work, away from weekdays, away from only weekends.
After all, maybe she was the Hulder he claimed her to be.
The End
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ofcloudsandstars · 4 years
Happy Yule!
I have plans to cook a nice Yule Feast tonight for my family and I, but I don’t really know what to do beyond that. I know that I don’t have to do anything if I don’t want to or don’t feel up to it, but I genuinely enjoy doing activities to celebrate the Sabbats and such. Any suggestions?
Also, I had really vivid dreams last night. I don’t fully remember them but I get bits and pieces and it’s just very odd. They were so fantastical and there were definitely elements of survival, overcoming difficulty and obstacles, even a concept of like war in some ways, and it was full of magic and mysticism and fantasy themes. It was very intense, and as I’m waking up, I am definitely noticing it affecting the tone and emotions of my day.
sorry if this is weird but first of all you are really beautiful 
secondly I agree that cooking at least 1 nice dish really makes the day. It’s just any other day we really don’t have themed dinners so it kind of makes it more special. 
When planning feasts I take into account how many people I am serving and dietary restrictions so if it’s a feast for myself I usually think of like 1 main dish including some veggies and a dessert since I can’t eat too much alone (I’ve tried and ended many sabbats with stomach aches lol). If it’s family/friends gathering then it’s usually like 2 veggie dishes, usually 1 being cooked veggies, another being a salad of some kind or for the colder months a puree like mashed potatoes, a meat main or if they are non meat eaters then a casserole bake of some kind and then I love baking for dessert cause it fills the house with a nice smell. 
For yule’s 2 veg dishes you can do like roasted parsnips and brussel sprouts with rosemary and pine & mashed potatoes (add truffle and/or cheese if your fam eats cheese). Everyone likes 1 whitish veg with cheese on it for this time of year for some reason like maybe it’s the visual of it being wintery. In England cheesy cauliflower is like a staple for food this time of year. 
Then for a main you can do a roast with red wine, chopped shallots and butter. If you guys do not eat meat then maybe something like a mushroom pot pie. I think you can get vegan puff pastry from a super market and just roll it out on top of a pie dish with sauteed veggies and mushrooms and voila lol. I think it’s the same vibe for mushroom wellington but I’ve never attempted at making a wellington in my life (let alone knew what it was until I moved here) but it looks like a nice filling vegetarian/vegan main dish for yule. (It’s basically a ‘meatloaf/veggieloaf’ wrapped in puff pastry). An even easier thing you could put together could be a veggieloaf and add some seasonal sauces on it and make it super buttery and full of spices. 
Depending on how much you like to cook and how much work you feel like doing you can either get a nice yule log at the market (they usually have some good creamy ones) or if you know a nice bakery by you check if they have any. Yule Logs can be sooo incredibly good, super easy to dish out at the end of the night and have with some icecream. If you can’t find one nor feel like buying it, you can toss together some red velvet cake. It’s the easiest festive cake I can think of that will be nice to put together next to all the food you’ll have to cook. Either red velvet (which is just a red chocolate cake with cream cheese lets be honest haha), a black forest cake (chocolate, cherries and cream) or a ginger bread cake depending on your preference. You can find the mixes ready made or if you have the flour, sugar, baking powder, eggs, oil and milk its not too hard to make the batter for a plain cake and add the additional flavorings/colorings after. Alternatively you could end the feast with an array of cookies and hot chocolate since this holiday is big on cookies. Cookies can take way more effort to put together but they are a chance to be creative, combine arts and crafts with food and definitely make the house smell incredible. 
Another dessert idea is a sugar pear tart (get yourself the roll-out pastry and save yourself the time), it can be really easy to put together cause all you have to do is chop some pears and put them in a bag to soak with sugar, spices and wine. Let it sit for a few hours (probably as you cook the other stuff) then just throw the pastry over your pie-tin, add some jam to the bottom if you have any and line up the pears inside and bake for like 30min. 
Also I don’t know if your family enjoys drinking but maybe dishing out some mulled wine before the food can get them feeling festive and build up an appetite for the food to come. You just got to simmer some red wine with spices and sliced fruit. (It’s like a hot sangria haha). Alternatively there’s a lot of festive easy drinks you can toss together if they would like a cocktail like gin + cranberry and ginger ale will taste like a holiday candle. Whiskey + Ginger beer and cinnamon will work amazingly too. White Rum + Eggnog will go great for sweeter and creamier drinks, just add some simple syrup to the mix to smooth it out (or apply like light amounts of rum cause it could overpower the eggnog). Anyway if your family already has ~the liquor cabinet~ maybe see if there is anything in there you can turn into a festive drink or just get some mulled wine going. 
Also about your dreams it’s interesting you brought up war cause I definitely felt that vibe. Your dreams sound really insightful though. I am working on my 2021 year spread right now and there is some intense themes but that also could be cause of my Saturn Return is this year :/
Anyway I hope you have a great Yule! It’s wonderful that you are cooking for your family. 
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dianapana · 4 years
SasuHina Month 2020- Day 3
Prompt I’d Choose You Again and Again
Mirror, Mirros -Part 3
The nightmares didn’t stop. She’d wake up in a cold sweat turn on the lights and look at the mirror, with dark rubies instead of red, that was broken, the only thing that differed was the image, once it would be of her lover from the dream; than of a little girl than a little boy and the cycle would start anew.  The strangest things about the whole thing was that instead of waking up scared, her heart would indeed pound, but she woke up feeling a sadness so deep she could barely breath. The events of the dreams differ from time to time the only thing they have in common is that they all start out nice and end up with her in the closet with her the ghost of her lover.
Apart from the dreams nothing else was weird, Hinata’s life went on as normal. Go to work, go see her family or friends if she has the time and return home. Soon enough the holiday would end and Uni would start again and she’d have to reduce her hours at the diner; so Hinata was working as many hours as she could at that moment, especially having taken a week off to go see Neji.
The good thing about the diner was that the owner, Teuchi, the cook Ayane were very nice people. The other waitresses were also nice but Hinata didn’t interact as much with them. She loved the diner mainly because of its vintage style with the checked floor, the red stools and red booths. The uniform was anything they wanted to wear as long as it was a white top and black bottoms. Their nametag was brooch like and could be pinned to any top.
Teuchi had called her around noon the day before asking if she could cover a double shift, because one of the girls called in sick all of a sudden, to which Hinata agreed. She decided to wear a white T-shirt tucked in a skater skirt and a pair of black flats. She did own clothing items that were not vintage but she preferred to throw in something quite old into the mix; that day she chose to wear a red headband; the story behind that particular item was that it was an actual headband wore by a pinup model in the 50s. She took her jean jacket with her because despite being summer still, the nights were starting to get colder, autumn was making its presence known.
The day went on without any trouble, being summer, the diner was quite busy but that wasn’t all that bad; it kept Hinata occupied from thinking about the nightmares she’d been having. Around the middle of her second shift Hinata started feeling tired and her feet were killing her from walking back and forth the whole day. Thankfully dinner hour had just about ended and there were only a few more people around, most of them teens or young adults that only stopped by to eat something before going to a party. The other waitress had left about 40 minutes before.
All tables were set for the moment so Hinata could take a break herself and eat something. Ayane made her favorite veggie burger with sweet potato fries. The music was soft and mellow so people could talk, the lights weren’t blinding and everything about the diner just made Hinata feel at home. She had loved it from the moment she stepped inside it a few years ago looking for a job that she could handle while she was still in high school at the time. Hinata was just taking her plate back to the kitchen when the doorbell rang signaling new customers.
“I swear you’re going to love this place” Said a cheerful voice. Hinata recognized the voice and smiled to herself. Naruto was one of their most common customers. He’d pass by at least once a day and almost always ordered the very same thing. The diner served traditional Japanese fast food but also “normal” diner menu. Hinata took out her notepad to write down Naruto’s order despite knowing by heart exactly what he wanted.
Naruto noticed her walking their way and smiled at her and she smiled right back, he had that effect on people, his positivity was just contagious.
“Hey Naruto. We were getting worried since you haven’t been by in a few days” Hinata said, it was mostly a joke but she did notice his absence in the past 2-3 days.
“Yea sorry about that. I had to help Teme move in so there was no time to swing by” The blonde answered and nodded towards his friend. Hinata’s eyes moved to the guy standing on the other side of the booth.
The moment their eyes met she got goosebumps. She didn’t have time to analyze what was happening because Naruto started talking again.
“We’ll have two of my normal order” He said to her. “It’s the best thing here you have to try that first” he said to his friend.
As in a daze Hinata walked back to the kitchen and told Ayane the order. “Nobody new came I’m taking a 5-minute break ok?” Hinata said and hurried to the back door.
Her hands were trembling and her heart was beating much faster than it would normal. Naruto’s friend, he was the man from her dreams. The one holding her close and whispering her name. He was the man to hold out his hand and watch her kill herself in the dream. She had read somewhere that every face you see in your dreams is a person you’ve seen somewhere, on the street, on tv, in pictures. Your brain can not come up on its own with new faces. She must have seen him somewhere before today.
‘But Naruto had said he just moved here’
‘No, he said he moved. Maybe he moved from an apartment to the other, from living with his family or a roommate to living on his own. People move around in the same town all the time’
‘Right. I’m sure that’s what he meant. That means I saw him before. No biggie’
‘Yes, yes that makes sense’
There was no other explanation. Finishing up the dialogue with herself, having calmed down a little and approving of the reasoning she reached, Hinata went back inside.
The boys’ food wasn’t done yet but one of the tables wished to get the check and leave. After putting the money in the cashier Hinata went back to the kitchen and took the two-ramen bowls to the table. She was trying her best not to look at Naruto’s friend. Despite knowing that the dream was just a coincidence she still felt weird looking at him. Her brain picked his face to illustrate her lover and that was awkward.
“The diner is pretty dead at the time. Why don’t you sit down Hina?” Naruto said and slid to the side to make room for her. Naruto was right the diner was quite empty; besides them there were only 2 other tables occupied and they were both still eating. Hinata wanted to refuse but wasn’t sure how so she took the easier route and said ‘sure’.
“Hinata this is my friend Sasuke. He just transferred here from Kiri.” Naruto introduced the two and Hinata’s panic came back full mode. She had been mistaken. He moved from another town, she hadn’t seen him before, and to top it all his name was Sasuke.
“Nice to meet you. If you don’t mind me asking what’s your family name?” Her voice was oddly calm compared to the storm that was happening in her brain.
‘It’s just a name coincidence I’m sure’
‘He’s not the Sasuke from the mirror. That’s impossible’
“Uchiha” He said and looked at her in a funny way. In 5 seconds Sasuke did so much damage. He had the same name as the one written on the back of the mirror, her nightmares started after buying said mirror, this guy that shared the name from the mirror was a recurring character in her dream, and his voice matched as well, it sounded just as it did when he talked her; when he said she was beautiful in her dreams.
“Nice to meet you” Hinata said her voice was a bit breathless but neither of the guys seemed to notice. What the man said to her when she bought the mirror came back to her ‘The Uchiha curse shall not die miss, make sure you don’t either’ was it really a curse? Too many things were happening for it to be pure coincidence. She was scared.
The following 15 seconds were spent it silence, the boys were eating and Hinata was looking at her own hands. They were clasped tightly on her lap so they’d stop shaking. Thankfully one of the men from the other table signed her to go to their table. Hinata left the booth like it was on fire. Scenes from her nightmare were playing in front of her eyes. The diner was in flames and Sasuke was calling for her, asking for help.
“We’d like the check please” the man that signed for her said.
“Of course” she was working the register when Ayane came out from the kitchen.
“I’m going to turn the sign around so no more people come. Teuchi-san said we can close up earlier today since it’s this slow” Ayane said and she walked back to the register looking at the two tables that were both almost done. “You can go get your things and go home I’ll close up after everyone leaves.”
“Thank you, Ayane-san” Hinata went to the back where her jacket and bag were. She washed her hands in the bathroom before putting on her jacket and going back inside. Ayane was just ringing up the last table. Naruto and his friend had left thankfully. She wasn’t sure what she should do about the mirror, the nightmares, Sasuke. Hinata was still in deep thought when she stepped out of the diner.
“Oh, is your shift over Hina?” Naruto asked scaring her. The boys were just outside in the parking lot next to a beautiful black Impala. Sasuke was smoking not really looking at her. At least that’s what she thought, from the corner of his eye Sasuke had been following her around from the moment his eyes laid on her.
“Yes, I was just going home.” She answered it was a bit rude not to ask what they were up to but she wanted the conversation to end as soon as possible. Normally she’d stay and chit-chat with Naruto for a while, but for obvious reasons that option did not feel safe.
“Sasuke’s almost done with that cig and we can give you a drive home. It’s late and quite cold” The blonde offered.
“Oh, that’s not necessary…”
“We’re going to your neighborhood anyway, Kiba invited us over to his house to play some video games and chill.” Naruto smiled at her. “So, it’s no problem at all. I’d feel much worse if we left you here.”
Her mind was working twice as fast trying to come up with a reason why she should walk home alone. But the blonde didn’t wait for her reply and pretty much dragged her to the car and opened the door for her to get in. Which she did. She never minded Naruto’s pushiness before, but in that moment she felt irritated by it.
Sasuke slid in the driver’s seat and Naruto in the shotgun seat. The drive wouldn’t be more than 10-15 minutes but the silence was deafening.
“I heard you went to USA to see Neji a week ago, how was that?” Naruto was good like that, he always tried to keep the conversation going.
“Yea I did, it was great I missed him a lot.” Naruto talked for most of the drive.
“I don’t really know where you live Hina, I just know the neighborhood so you gotta give Teme some directions from here on”
“Actually, it’s fine if you drop me off here or at Kiba’s I can walk from there” She wasn’t very keen on Sasuke knowing where she lived.
“Oooooor you can come hang out with us if you want, at Kiba’s I mean. He’ll be so pumped to see you.” The Uzumaki stated.
She knew Kiba would like to see her, they’ve talked a few days ago about meeting up but nothing really worked for both of them. She did miss Kiba…
‘Are you nuts? You can’t go. Sasuke will be there…’
‘It’s either that or I tell him my address what if he kills me in my sleep?’
‘O, shoot we went from creepy coincidence to murderer this fast?’
‘I don’t know! But I doubt he’ll try anything with Naruto and Kiba around…right?’
“Yea ok, I’ll join you guys for a while…”
“Great! Don’t text Kiba though I wanna see his face when he sees you.” Naruto said laughing “It’s adorable Sasuke I swear, he turns into a puppy dog whenever Hina is around”
They reached Kiba’s house and all three walked towards the door, Naruto stopped abruptly which made Sasuke stop and Hinata walked into him. Three things happened then at the same time.
1.      Hinata saw the Uchiha symbol on the back of Sasuke’s shirt.
2.      Hinata touched his arm and took a step back to balance herself, so she wouldn’t fall over
3.      Memories of her past life came back to her. All the nightmares made sense, she knew what the mirror meant, who Sasuke was. And the fear she felt just moments before; that fear turned to comfort.
Hinata took another step back, and another. She was overwhelmed by emotions. Utter sadness for the pain she experienced before, joy because she found the love of her life once again, she would find him in every lifetime time and time again. She also felt love, A feeling that Hinata had not experienced in that current life was now flowing inside her and it wanted to break free. Her eyes were watering up and all she wanted to do was hug Sasuke and make sure he is indeed real, but she couldn’t.
Part 1 (Day 1.2)
Part 2 (Day 2)
Part 4 (Day 8)
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weaselle · 5 years
@dearestapollo​ who tells me they are here for history facts: 
okay so, I like history facts, but I LOVE history gaps... specifically I like to study facts to help me fill in gaps with my own what-ifs. For example, our existing global ecological situation is allowing for an interesting glimpse into Sapiens and Neanderthal interactions via current Polar Bear and Grizzly bear interactions. Let’s look
Two species that are close enough to produce viable offspring together. One lives north and northwest, where it is colder with deeper seasons, one lives south and southeast, where it is warmer. Both are omnivores that both hunt and gather. One has a higher necessity of meat with less vegetation available, one can rely more on gathering nuts, berries, fruits and veggies. One has thicker heavier bones, a larger sinus, and other adaptations for cold. As the global temperature warms, the cold northlands are changing, becoming less what the northern species are designed for, and more like the lands the southern species is adapted to.
They begin to meet more often as one territory shrinks and the other grows. Sometimes, when there are enough resources for all, they get along, and even breed, producing viable offspring, half-and-half hybrids that beed and let their genes get absorbed back into one population or the other. Other times, they fight, driving away or even killing one another. Mostly, the northern species falls back, population dropping as their environment shrinks.
This definitely describes current polar bears and grizzly bears, but it is a very reasonable description of the likely scenario between Sapiens and Neanderthal as well. So if we look at the bears, it is like a little glimpse into that time
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below are some polar/grizzly hybrids (grolars and pizzleys)
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Likewise, we see an overlapping situation with wolves and coyotes, where the offspring are actually possibly forming a new species, the coywolf -- which is complicated, as recent genetic studies show that in some areas, coyotes are breeding with gray wolves, forming a very clear hybrid, but in other areas, they are breeding with subspecies like red wolves and eastern wolves, which turn out to themselves be wolf species that started long ago as wolf coyote admixtures in the first place --  not only that, but the “eastern coyotes” doing some of the interbreeding must have done so before, because the eastern coyote genome is already about 26% various wolf genes, including eastern wolf, which as we just noted, contains coyote genes.
Yyyyyyeah. it’s complicated.
But considering we overlapped time and territory with Neanderthal for a few thousand years, these are also interesting sister-species interactions. With recent changes in demographic due to changes in environment, it’s similar enough to be interesting, and provides a nice compare/contrast sample to consider along with the bear situation for rounding out a better picture of the possibilities.
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(the image immediately above is a captive 50-50 coyote / grey wolf)
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(full coyotes and a full canadian grey wolf)
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okay, see, this was going to be about Neanderthal, but turned out to be about wolves and bears?
also neanderthal tho-- I look through these pics at the bear and wolf/coyote interactions and think, that could be exactly how it was for neanderthal and us.
Anyway, when I’m not soaking in the ven diagram of nature and prehistory, I’ll sometimes hit you with some full-on history facts. Maybe next time I’ll post about how the tire and oil companies killed the trains in the U.S. just like GM and other car and oil companies actively sabotaged the development of the electric car. Or detail the progress of the ancient symbols of snake and eagle through a politico-military struggle for imperial domination that goes back to our first known city-states.
We’ll see what I’m into five minutes from now ;) 
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fullmoonfireball · 5 years
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alright! I foresee this getting long, so I’m gonna slap a readmore on this.
let’s go from the mission after the first one I focused on (is that wording confusing? it feels confusing. whatever, this is from mission 7 onward.)
so this one isn’t all that eventful, but Herbert’s broken the clock tower! which is bad, since all other clocks are directly linked to it and they’re now going haywire. 
(fun fact! Gary built the Clock Tower because he was bored)
more specifically, Herbert’s stolen the prime gear, the removal of which sent one of the springs flying, and Klutzy decided to make off with its snowball target. most of the mission is just retrieving the missing parts... except the prime gear. you have to make a replacement for that one. but hey, at least it’s fixed and things are back to normal!
uuuntil tremors start happening around the island. turns out Herbert took that gear for a reason, and that reason was making the Earthquake Driller! he drilled around a bunch, making a maze for the player, and drilling through the Gift Shop’s foundation enough to make it fall underground, just to block your way. gotta love that villainous need to just,, inconvenience people. so once you (presumably) get back his map (I think you can do it without actually doing that? but don’t quote me there, I’ve never tried it) and find a way to lift the gift shop and keep it there, you can actually get to the polar bear meat of this mission! Herbert’s trying to steal from the boiler from well,, the boiler room. walking in on him distracts and upsets him, though, and he hits his wrench on one of the pipes... causing the boiler to shake violently. violence isn’t the answer, Herbert. apparently it’s overheating and gonna blow up! so, of course, Herbert hightails it out of there and you’re left to fix his mess.
mission 9 is just trying to track down Herbert, so he’s not really.. in? most of it? the parts he is in though... honestly, I’d just recommend watching it yourself. Herbert dancing is much better with visuals.
(fun fact!
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this makes absolutely no sense out of context and doesn’t really make much more sense in context!)
mission 10! I really love this one bc it’s a fun story. we open with mission briefing from Gary (we’re supposed to keep a golden puffle statue safe at the Night Club), but then Herbert hacks into the PSA’s computers! pretty much just to gloat about how he used the camera from the last mission to hack in and that he’s also got a plan! but uh...
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.... yeah, i think this speaks for itself.
THANKFULLY, though, this was all planned! Gary (and The Director) wanted this kind of slip-up, because this is all one big plot to capture Herbert! after you help JPG and Rookie with their preparations (and then get distracted by Klutzy), Herbert shows up at the Club to steal the Golden Puffle. dropping the cage on him seems to work until he just.. lifts it off. despite everything, he is a polar bear, and thus, is pretty strong. but joke’s on Herbert, because we have backup! and you can rely on either of your teammates to trap him again, either by shining the spotlights on the Electromagnet 3000′s solar panel to strengthen it, or by taking JPG’s jet pack and strapping it to the cage. either way, the cage gets slammed back onto Herbert. Gary comes in and goes through some options as to what to do with Herbert (ban him from the island, detain him in a holding cell, make him do community service, let him go because they’re nice (that one was a joke)), and the mission is over...
(fun? fact! the “first” time I played this mission I just kinda.. stole Guy’s jet pack and did Rookie’s solution anyways bc I 1: just meant to talk to him and 2: I didn’t realize that was a solution! sorry Guy, but you’re not getting it back.)
except it’s not over! Herbert demands one phone call and... well... Rookie gives him his Spy Phone. and he teleports out of there. cue mission 11! though since we’ve already gone through that, I’m not gonna re-explain The Veggie Villain. that’d just be redundant.
what we will get into real quick is the Battle of Doom! after a Medieval Party where Gary built a mechanical hydra to fight, Herbert took that robot for his own purposes and tried to attack the Everyday Phoning Facility with it. some damage was done to the exterior, but the robot was still pretty easy (and fun! I can attest!) to beat, and no damage was done to the EPF HQ. 
(fun fact! the music for this fight slaps.)
next comes Operation: Hibernation! the name is,, pretty self-explanatory, I’d say? gotta make the bear go to sleep. despite the fact that polar bears... uhhhhh... only do that sort of thing when pregnant? but that’s a can of worms I am going to throw RIGHT out the window. 
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the writers later lampshaded that fact anyways. whatever. just add it to Herbert’s Un-Polar Bear-iness List. don’t look too far into this- it doesn’t make any sense either way. also I’ve spent way more time on this than it deserves.
and now let’s get into the final part here! which is going to be Very Fun to talk about! Operation: Blackout!
a while before the event, a certain “Hubert P. Enguin” (no relation, I’m sure) wrote in to Ask Gary, asking how to build a “high frequency infrared reversion laser”. after that, Gary went missing, with evidence to suggest a kidnapping. Field-Ops went offline. the EPF went on Red Alert.
exactly one week after that, the Blackout started. the laser was built and used. not only did it block out the sky over the island, but it was also used to blast the Everyday Phoning Facility, successfully destroying it this time. Herbert’s in control of the island now, babey! he’s revealing agents’ identities while hogging the sun’s warmth! well... the two that already had their real names in their most-known names, at least. (Dot and Guy) but I think that was just coincidence.
so slowly and surely, as the island grows colder and more EPF agents go missing, the player has to make their way into Herbert’s base. first, Herbert captured Dot. then Rookie. JPG was ambushed by crabs, and met the same fate as the others. and finally, The Director was captured while giving the player instructions...
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and it was strongly implied you were next.
Operation: Blackout was,, really dark. ba-dum-tsh! and I’m kind of upset at myself for having fallen off of Club Penguin too early to experience it, but at the same time... I’m not entirely sure 11-year-old me would’ve taken it so well. 
but yeah, you self destruct the solar laser and get to see this video! I really like this one, so I’m just poppin’ it in here.
and yeah! that’s about where my knowledge ends vis a vis Herbert! thanks for like,, actually reading this if you did, bc this post is a mile long
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kerlakierloin · 5 years
Days of Pondering. Ch 2 (Snufkin x Moomin Illustrated fic)
Kay-Ray-Kú-Kú-Kó-Kex read part 1 here
"Why does it have no name? This rush of putrid joy."
song link: Múm- Kay-Ray-Kú-Kú-Kó-Kex 
AN: Moomin is like 15 and Snufkin 16 in this fic. Also I'm gonna freestyle the hell out of this work :( I've been in my new job for a year now and I just haven't had time to join a fandom properly. With that I mean i haven't had time to read the books. Job and side projects. That's all I've done.
Eyes wide and body tense. Was that a- oh god that is a tongue touching his. Snufkin stayed frozen, not knowing what to do. He had dreamt about this moment, but this was against his will! And now it was becoming reality… But against his will!! Snufkin felt his heart swell up and the small moment felt like minutes, even days…
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But as soon as it happened, it was gone. The lone wanderer lying on his back left to recollect his scrambled thoughts. He slowly got up to pick up his hat and stared into the distance watching his best friend who had just… kissed him run off. Yes, what he felt were Moomin’s soft lips on him.
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He felt his face heat up suddenly. He didn’t recall The Snorkmaiden and Moomin ever displaying such level of affection. So why him? What made him special? Snufkin’s mind and heart were racing high speeds by the second. He was left alone on the beach and confused for some time.
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After managing to return his heartbeat to normal somehow Snufkin felt his body move in autopilot. He fixed his hat on his head, grabbed his backpack and started walking. Getting farther from Moominvalley, and farther from his best friend, dear Moomin.
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He had just crossed the bridge where they would meet again in the spring when a gust of wind passed by harshly and small flakes of snow started to pepper the ground. Snufkin held on to his hat so it didn’t fly away. Slowly but surely continuing his walk. He could feel winter’s cold breath against his back. He tried to focus as much as he could on walking. He did not feel like thinking right now. He focused on his steps, he counted them for a good part of the walk. He focused on the different materials and textures he came across. Anything no matter how minor to keep him from thinking about what had happened.
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Sun rose yet the day remained mostly cloudy, and the wanderer kept on walking until he could no longer keep moving. He saw a nice rock to sit on, so he put his backpack on the floor, realizing he had reached the border of the snowfall. Where the snow ends and its pretty visible... you could say that the sight was also pretty. “This isn’t something you see every day.” He said to himself enjoying the view. Seeing clearly the division of where he was where no snow fell and the lone distance where his back was facing.
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“Such a beautiful sight and it's only the first day, I can’t wait to tell Moomin when I go ba-.” He stopped. He warned himself that he was about to enter territory he didn’t want to deal with. He closed his mouth and eyed his backpack. He sighed and finished his small break, getting up and walking to it, beginning to set up camp. After that he started his fire and walked to the small river on his side of the area.
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He was glad to see it hadn’t frozen over just yet, so he decided to fish a bit. Once the sun started setting he added more wood to his fire and prepared some soup, using some small veggies Moominmamma had given him the day before. Once he finished he went to wash his plates. He winced one his skin made contact with the water.
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Oh yeah, you’re supposed to be careful around water in winter. He proceeded to wash them anyway trying to ignore the pain. His mind was of course still wired and thinking of a certain white cotton ball. Oh how he missed his warmth. But Snufkin was certain something had just changed between them and he was scared.
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Once inside his tent Snufkin changed into his more comfortable sleepwear. He lied down and debated whether he should reroute and skip Moominvalley next spring or come back. He felt cruel just considering it. He knew it would break Moomin's heart. He brushed the thought away knowing that if he gave in to guilt he would not be able to sleep. He was just scratching the surface of his thoughts. But he was too tired to keep worrying about those things. So he decided to leave those decision to his future self.
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And so Snufkin dreamt. He dreamt that he was on his way back to Moominvalley. To Moomin’s house. To him. His… home as well. He guessed he could call it that. In his dream he saw himself in third person. He was trailing behind himself, seeing the confidence in each step his dream-self took. He looked around, noticing how with each step dream Snufkin took, snow melted, and flowers bloomed under each step he took and after a brief moment he could hear it. His spring song. His dream self was making his presence known by playing the mouth organ. He knew that would get Moomin's attention once they got close enough.
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It was as if he was bringing spring to his dear friend to wake him from his deep slumber. A gift for Moomin. They both walked until reaching the all too familiar house. He felt his heartbeat rise. Could it be? Maybe everything is back to normal. Snufkin thought. Although he realized something felt odd… He never went towards Moomin. Moomin always came out to greet him. He never felt the need to do that himself because it's just the way things were. So why?-
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The door slammed open and there he was. Moomin stood in the entrance, his tail wagging excitedly behind him Snufkin noticed. He saw his dream-self and the troll hug in a warm embrace. Snufkin couldn’t help but smile at the sight. And then the troll started nuzzling Snufkin’s face gently with his snout. Snufkin felt as if he was encased in ice at the sight.He took a step back apprehensively. Honestly scared of the display of affection the two figures of his wandering imagination were having. Sure, he's held Moomin's hand before, even hugged the troll as well. But now, it almost seemed that there was a different meaning to those gestures. He didn’t want to look, in part because he felt it wasn’t his place to do so. But he was frozen.
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Suddenly, he saw chains slither out form inside the house like snakes. Starting to wrap around his dream-figure. It was odd because he could feel the coldness of the chains even though they were not pressing directly against his own skin. The chains came out and kept wrapping themselves around the other Snufkin, meanwhile Moomin was looking at him adoringly and pleading him to stay. ‘Stay with me Snufkin. Forever and ever… Because I love y-‘
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Overwhelmed, Snufkin woke up in a cold sweat, gasping for air. He Took a time to collect his surroundings. He gulped trying to keep the tears sprouting from his eyes from falling. Wiping his face with his pijama’s sleeve. Rubbing it all over trying to feel a sense in reality.
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The dream had helped him realize. He wasn’t against loving his best friend. Except Moomin already had The Snorkmaiden so why him!? But he also realized that even though he was here, thousands of steps away. He was dreading getting to this conclusion but he realized… even though he was all the way out here, he had left his heart in Moominvalley.
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Snufkin looked around inside the tent for his mug and got out as fast as he could, going to the small stream only to noticed it had already frozen up. He knocked on the cold surface with the bottom half of his mug and managed to break the solid but not thick film of ice that had covered the stream. He collected some water and put it near his fire, opting to start his campfire again, for the water was too cold to drink.
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After warming it a bit and waiting for it to cool down again, he chugged the liquid down and wiped his mouth once more with his sleeve… He should probably stop doing that. He went back inside to into his normal clothes. He needed to keep walking since the snow would catch up to him in no time.
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While he was getting dressed, Snufkin accidentally pulled on his coat a bit too harshly, making a button pop out. His buttons were special, the kind you couldn’t find in town stores anymore.Purchase aside, he was a being of little to no possession. To Snufkin the very clothes he wore helped him remember all the good times spent his friends. He believed the small button contained many happy memories of him in the valley. He didn’t want to carry it around and risk losing it. He stared at it for a while thinking oh how he wished he had asked Moominmamma for a spare roll of thread.
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Snufkin packed his things, the button being stored neatly into a small metal case where he kept needles and other useful small things, and bid farewell to the temporary resting spot and started walking. Feeling at peace yet uneasy how he realized he wouldn’t mind kissing Moomin again. But it was his friend’s expectations and desires to stay what made him scared. But deep down he was happy, he knew he was.
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Snufkin kept walking absentmindedly until reaching a small glen, devoid of its usual flowers because of the weather and looked up. The sun had been out when he woke up, but it was gray now. At least he didn’t have to worry getting sunburns in the winter he thought trying to justify walking in the now colder atmosphere. He looked out in the distance and could make out something. A small town. Maybe he could find a roll of thread there. As long as he didn’t feel overwhelmed by its residents, everything should be just fine.
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Next Chapter: Beyond Moominvalley 
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A Twist of Fate ch.6 -A Burning Desire
The Elementalist au
Beckett x mc (Oriana)
Words: 2421
This AU is set after everyone graduates Penderghast, and Beckett and Oriana were never friends. Fate, however, may have a different plan for them.
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  The rest of the weekend went by in a blur and before he knew it, Beckett was walking into his office. About five minutes later, Dave appeared.
“You didn’t answer your phone.” He stated
Beckett shrugged. “I didn’t know what to say. Nothing happened.”
Dave eyed him. “Something happened. I don’t know what but definitely something. If it didn’t, you would have answered.”
Beckett sighed. “Fine, fine. Something sorta happened. But I don’t want to repeat myself, so you, Tom, and I are going to lunch together.”
“Fair enough.” Tom called out, walking by towards his own office. He usually arrived several minutes late to work. Dave also nodded and left. Beckett sat back in his chair and ran his hand through his hair.
What am I going to tell them? They’ll tease me mercilessly if they know she moved in, but it’s not like I can lie either. They’re the only friends I’ve ever had, I don’t want to mess that up.
His phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and grinned
Oriana: You left without saying goodbye
Beckett: I didn’t want to wake you
Oriana: I would’ve made you coffee, it’s the least I can do
Beckett: I told you, you don’t owe me anything.
Several minutes went by without a response, and Beckett finally tore his eyes away from his phone. He needed to get some work done, after all. After staring blankly at his computer for 5 minutes he gave up and looked back at his phone.
Oriana: Maybe I just think you’re cute in the morning and I want to do something nice for you
Beckett’s face flushed. He couldn’t believe she was making him blush and she is nowhere near him.
Beckett: Uhm…thanks, Ori
Oriana: Later, Beck
He smiled at the nickname she’d developed for him after a few minutes of talking at the bar. He really liked it, no one had ever called him anything other than Beckett before. And coming from her lips, it just made it sweeter. The mood Chase had put her in had dissipated about halfway through their next movie “As Above So Below,” where she had jumped a mile and landed back in his arms. She stayed there the rest of the night, and even fell asleep on his shoulder. Beckett had been on cloud 9.
Hours later, he was sitting at lunch with Dave and Tom. Taking a deep breath, he started filling them in on the events of the weekend. When he was finally finished, the two men just stared at him in shock.
“She moved in?” Dave asked, incredulously.
Beckett nodded.
“She’s living with you. In your house. In your bedroom.”
“Spare bedroom.” Beckett corrected.
“You lucky asshole!” Tom exclaimed. “Do you know how long it took me to convince my wife to move in with me? Before we were married, obviously.”
“I don’t know…I don’t want to take advantage of her. She just got out of a long relationship.” Beckett told them.
“And she said she’s relieved about that. Happy, even.” Dave said. “This is fantastic! You’re getting a second chance!”
“We’ve already had an argument” Beckett groaned. “More than one. What if she decides she still hates me in a few days? I mean. We never talked before and suddenly we’re with each other every day. She’s all up in my space.”
“And that’s a bad thing?” Tom asked. “Beckett. Two things. If she really had hated you back then, she never would have agreed to move in with you. Also, she’s been with you for several days now, you had an argument, and she didn’t go running. To me it sounds like she’s over whatever happened between you originally.”
“What did happen originally, anyway?” Dave asked
Beckett thought a moment. “You know…I can’t even remember. She just…showed up one day and started taking over the school. Or at least, that’s what it felt like. I hated that she was just as good as I was, and she had no…formal education…beforehand. It drove me nuts, she got me in trouble, I lost it, she lost it, and we never spoke again.”
“That’s it? You were intimidated?” Tom asked in disbelief.
Beckett shrugged sheepishly. “I guess.”
“He was intimidated because she was his match. She actually challenged him. He didn’t know how to handle it.” Dave winked.
“Ahh that makes sense.” Tom agreed. “So, it wasn’t really personal. It was just a ‘don’t be smarter than me’ type of thing’”?
“Isn’t that personal?” Beckett asked them. “Guys, seriously, what if I mess this up.”
“Maybe this weekend we could all go out? Like a triple date?” Tom suggested.
“That would be fun.” Dave said
“But we’re not dating. I don’t want her to think we’re dating.”
“Well, you won’t ever be dating if you don’t start somewhere! Come on, it will be super casual. Please?” Dave begged.
“I don’t think she wants to date me.” Beckett muttered under his breath. “And if it doesn’t work out, she’d move out and I’d never see her again. I’d be back at zero.”
“That’s what you thought last time.” Tom told him. “And yet here she is.”
Beckett thought a moment. “You really think it’s a good idea? All of us going out?”
The other two men nodded, and Beckett sighed, leaning back in his chair.
“Alright. I’ll ask her.”
The day dragged on, Beckett and Oriana exchanging texts throughout the day, as if they’d always been friends. When 5pm came, he practically sprinted out the door. Normally, he was one of the last in the office. But now things were different. Now he had Oriana to go home to, and he couldn’t wait to see her. When he reached his car, he threw in his briefcase and sped back to his house. It was getting colder now, soon it would snow. Christmas was right around the corner, and the only wish he had was to spend it with her.
When he entered the house, a heavenly smell greeted him. Did she cook? He went into the kitchen and stood for just a moment, watching her. She was flitting around the kitchen, dancing to music. She was cooking something over the stove, the dishes were in the sink washing themselves, and there was a small baked ham sitting on the counter. He was stunned. She did all this?
“Hey.” He greeted. But she didn’t hear him, she just continued to shake her ass to the music, and his gaze traveled down from her long dark hair that was swept up in a ponytail, to a dark blue tank, to short white shorts, her long shapely legs. “Beautiful.” He whispered to himself. His feet carried him over to her of their own volition, and now he was standing directly behind her. Almost as if he were being pulled in by some unknown force, he stepped closer, placing his hands on her waist and his breath on her neck. What am I doing?
 She went still and turned her head towards him. “Do you dance, Beckett?” She asked him, softly.
With you? “Yes.” He answered, his voice dark with desire. She started swaying against him, slowly at first, his hips matching hers in movement. Speeding up, her body was brushing against his in all the right ways, and she was the only thing in his world. There was no past, no future, no jobs, no exes. Just them, dancing together in a kitchen. He ran his hands along the curves of her body, feeling the sultry music wash through him. Feeling daring, his fingers brushed her stomach, just under her shirt, and he felt how smooth and soft she was. She seemed to gasp at his touch, like there was an electricity sparking between them, and he wanted to make her do it again. He moved his hands to her hips and spun her around to face him, continuing to sashay, his hands in hers, still joined at the hips, eyes never leaving hers. She let go and fell back, him swinging her gracefully back up and into his arms, then held her, faces just inches from each other.
“Didn’t know you could be so relaxed, Beck.”
“I didn’t know that either, Ori.” His eye flitted down to her lips, which parted in anticipation. With his heart pounding, he began closing the distance…when a shrill beeping blared through the house.
“Oh my god, the vegetables!!” She shrieked, racing over to the stove. “Fuck!” She yelled, then switched off the flames and threw the burning pan into the soapy sink water. She turned back to him, looking crestfallen.
“Well…we have ham. The veggies…” she gestured to the sink. She let out a sigh. “Damn it, I really wanted to do this for you.”
“I told you, you don’t have to do anything for me.”
“Marie is going to be so disappointed, I promised I’d let her know how they turned out. She gave me the vegetables from her garden.”
Beckett paused. “Who’s Marie?”
Oriana raised an eyebrow at him. “Your neighbor.”
“You…you met my neighbor? Why?” I haven’t even met my neighbors, who does she think she is?
“Beck…surely you’ve seen her greenhouse that keeps in her backyard? She’s such a sweet woman. I was outside doing yoga and…”
“You do yoga?” Beckett cut in.
“Yes, now keep up. She came out to go to her greenhouse, so I introduced myself, she’s such a lovely woman, I can’t believe you’ve never met her.”
“Why do I need to know my neighbors?” He asked
She blinked. “She told me she’d never met you, that none of your neighbors have. The most they ever get from you is a wave, and that’s only if they wave first.”
“I value my privacy.” He responded with a huff. “I can’t believe you went behind my back and just started making nice with everyone here. How do you think that makes me look?” He was peeved. After meeting Oriana, he knew his neighbors would think he was a jerk for never talking to them. She’s so outgoing it comes natural for her. He just wanted peace and quiet, and that means no neighbors.
“It makes you look like you should stop being a snob and let people into your life.” She snapped.
“I let you into my life.”
A slow smirk spread across her face. “Yes, you did. Marie asked me how long we’d been dating, since I moved in, she figured we’d been together a long time.”
Oh no. “What did you tell her?” He demanded.
She shrugged. “Just that we weren’t together in that way. Do you want to know what she said next?”
Yes. “No. I don’t. It doesn’t matter.”
Completely ignoring him, Oriana continued. “She said I must be someone special to you, then. Since you’ve never introduced yourself to the neighborhood, and she hasn’t seen you have anyone over here…”
Oh my god. His face flushed
“Is that true?” She asked.
“I…I don’t see what my having anyone over here has to do with anything. This ‘Marie’ should mind her own business.” He said haughtily.
“Well, you should at least say thank you for the vegetables.”
“Why? I’m not eating them, why should I thank her?”
“Because it’s the nice thing to do, Beckett. She wanted us to enjoy them.” Oriana retorted.
He narrowed his eyes. “Well, you burned them so…guess we’re not enjoying them.”
Her mouth fell open, and he didn’t miss the hurt that crossed her eyes.
Oh shit. “Ori, I didn’t mean it like that, I was just…” He trailed off, realizing he’d made such an ass out of himself. Again.
“It still smells really good. If you want, I’ll go ask Marie if she’ll give me more vegetables, I’ll tell her I burned them.” He offered, trying to quickly backtrack his idiotic comment.
“Don’t worry about it.” She muttered.  “I made dinner because wanted to celebrate. Guess I shouldn’t have bothered.”
“Celebrate what?” He asked
She gave him a half smile. “We haven’t killed each other. This is actually working out”
Despite the tension, Beckett laughed, “See? I told you, nothing to worry about.”
“You’re also a good dancer.” She winked.
Beckett blushed. “I don’t know why I did that. That’s not like me at all.”
“Wouldn’t know.” She called over her shoulder as she started getting plates out.
“What else happened today?” He asked. “You’re awfully cheerful.”
Her face lit up suddenly. “I got a job interview!!! I applied for it over a month ago, I figured there was no way I got it since I never heard back. But they called me today!!”
“Ori, that’s great!” Beckett exclaimed. “What is it?”
“Curator at the Aquarium downtown.” She said excitedly. “It’s such a great job, and I’ll be working with water, and the salary is amazing! If I get it, I’d probably be able to get my own place real soon!”
“Oh…” Beckett’s heart sank. “That’s…that’s great, Ori.” He forced a smile.
She cocked her head to the side. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He assured her. I only want you to stay with me forever. And I thought you liked being with me as well.
He cleared his throat. “So, will you be moving soon? Closer to the aquarium?”
She was watching him carefully now. “It’s only 20 minutes from here, so it doesn’t really matter. As far as when…” She trailed off. “I don’t know. I don’t want to bother you forever, Beckett. You said yourself, you’ve always valued your privacy and I want to respect it as well.”
“It’s appreciated.” He said curtly. “Listen, I actually had a bite to eat at the office before I left so I’m not hungry. I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were cooking something.”
“Oh…” She said, and Beckett didn’t miss the hurt that once again flashed through her eyes.
“Yeah, uh…I also have a lot of work to do for tomorrow so I’m just gonna go to my room and…um…do that.” He grabbed his briefcase and went up the stairs to his room without another word.
He pulled out his phone to text Dave and Tom. “Apparently she wants to move out really soon. Date’s off. She’s not interested. See you tomorrow.”
He laid down on his bed and sighed. This day did not turn out the way it should have at all. How did we go from dancing like that, to my hiding in my bedroom? You definitely owe her an apology Beckett Harrington.
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So, I got the next chapter of Literally Billy Batson out. Hopefully y’all enjoy it!
Ao3 Link: Chapter Three: The First Impression 
Fawcett City, U.S.A.
October 4th, 2010
Billy is one of many students who pour out of Fawcett City Elementary School and into the chilly autumn air. He likes it, being a nameless person in the crowd. It makes him feel more normal, more like if he sticks with the crowd he may hear his mom calling him or see her looking for him. He won't, but it gives him a moment to imagine she might be there.
The moment is gone as soon as the crowd starts to disperse. Half of the students are picked up by parents and the other half walks home. Billy sticks with the half walking home as long as he can before splitting off and heading towards the east side of Fawcett City (know for its slums and abandoned/condemned buildings). No one else goes that way.
Billy walks with his head down and the hood of his aptly named hoody pulled low over his eyes. He's pretty confident in east side Fawcett City, but always better to be safe than sorry. People can be nasty.
He's so distracted that he doesn't even notice the figure standing in front of him. He accidentally bumps into the older boy, sending them both sprawling to the ground.
"Hey, watch it, Billy," the boy complains.
Billy looks up at the boy and grins, jumping to his feet and holding his hand out. "Sorry, Freddy," Billy says sheepishly. "What are you doing here anyway?"
Freddy shrugs, a smirk playing on his lips. "I figured I'd come to say hi to you before my trip. I mean, how will you survive without me to keep you company for a whole week?"
"I'm sure I'll be fine," Billy says drily.
"I don't know," Freddy says. "You may die without me."
"Haha," Billy deadpans. "But seriously, have fun camping with your grandpa. Take lots of pictures for me!"
"I will," Freddy promises, shoving Billy with his shoulder a little. Billy shoves right back.
"Wanna come to my place?" Billy asks. "Will your grandpa mind?"
"Nah, I told him I was going to your place. He said that was fine. I think us not going to the same school and seeing each other less makes him more willing to let me hang out with you."
"It's not my fault you're in middle school," Billy says. "You're just too old."
"I'm like a year and a half older than you."
"Your point is…"
"It's not that big a difference. Next year we'll be in the same school anyway," Freddy dismisses. "I'll be in sixth grade and you'll be in fifth. That's pretty awesome."
"Yeah, it is," Billy agrees. "Middle school, dude! I'll be an official middle schooler."
"It's really not as exciting as it seems," Freddy says dubiously.
Billy shrugs Freddy's attitude off. They both know it's only because Freddy doesn't like school. He likes sports and superheroes. Billy know this because they're best friends, have been since Billy first started school again and they were in the same building, albeit not in the same grade even then. Freddy was the only person to not call Billy annoying back when Billy first got back to school after almost a year of missing it. He was also the only person who talked to Billy.
In turn, Billy knows one of the reasons Freddy calls Billy his best friend is because Billy was one - is one - of the only people to not be drawn in by Freddy's popularity and the fact that he's an amazing baseball player. At least that's why Freddy tells him that he chose Billy as his best friend.
"Hey, you need any help with homework?" Freddy asks.
"Nope. I just have to finish a paper due next week. I think I'll be good today. Why? Do you have any homework?" Billy asks innocently, knowing full well Freddy probably does.
"Yeah," Freddy sighs despondently and runs a hand through his brown hair. "I have a ton of science stuff to do. Grandpa says the only way I could hang out with you today was if I did some of it with you. So, wanna help?"
"I guess I can," Billy sighs.
"Don't act like you're sad about that," Freddy snaps good-naturedly. "We both know you live for science stuff."
"And history," Billy agrees. "I love history."
"Especially all those weird myths from Rome, Egypt, Greece, and stuff," Freddy says. "What's up with that, by the way?"
Billy shrugs. "My parents were archeologists," he says. "You know? So they found all sorts of stuff about ancient gods and stuff. I probably know, like, all the stories. It just makes me thinks of them, so I like to read about them."
Freddy makes a sympathetic noise. "I know what you mean. My dad used to play ball with me all the time before he and mom went to jail, and I know he's not a good guy, but I like baseball because it reminds me of when things were okay."
Freddy always knows just what to say to make Billy feel better, or at least take his mind off of things. Freddy is the only person who knows Billy is homeless. He's the only person Billy trusts not to tell. Freddy was going to when Billy first told him, but Bill had explained… not everything, but enough to convince his friend he'd be fine alone.
Freddy still worries though, which is why he comes over so often. Billy thinks it's nice, having someone care about him so much. It's also kind of funny to him, that Freddy thinks he needs taking care of. Billy is Captain Marvel, for goodness' sake! Not that Freddy knows that, of course.
"Hey, we're here!" Freddy exclaims. "Come on!"
"Wait up," Billy squawks as Freddy run into the run-down dirty yellow apartment building ahead of him. "It's my apartment!"
"I'm not waiting for you!" Freddy yells without turning. "You're so slow!"
"Am not!" Billy shouts back, running to catch up to Freddy, who is already heading up the rickety stairs.
"Are too!"
Billy slows down after a moment. He knows he won't catch up to Freddy. He also knows Freddy has an extra key, so he won't need to wait to go into Billy's apartment.
Freddy has only asked how Billy manages to stay hidden from building inspectors and keep the heat, electricity, and water running. Billy explains it by saying he hides and he must just be lucky, respectively. It's a good answer, but it's not true. It's all magic. Magic keeps it warm and keeps the building inspectors from even going to his floor. They just skip it like it's not even there.
Billy sometimes wonders if part of why the Wizard chose him is because he already has a natural affinity for magic, just needed training. Billy knows all his magic (in his mortal form) is enhanced by Captain Marvel, but it's still his, not Captain Marvel's magic. He just has the proper tools and books to use it now.
"You coming?" Freddy shouts from a few flights of stairs up.
"Coming!" Billy shouts back, starting to walk again. He'd stopped without even noticing, too caught up in his own head to notice. "I'm coming, Freddy!"
Fawcett City, U.S.A.
October 5th, 2010
It's cold, even colder than it had been yesterday. It's the type of cold that settles in your bones and makes you wish for summer. Normally Billy loves autumn. The color of the leaves. The cheeriness that seems almost contagious. But today he just wishes that it could be warm. He doesn't like it to be this cold. It almost feels like the weather is warning him. About what, he doesn't know.
He doesn't dwell on vaguely unsettled the feeling that's been hitting him since he woke up. It's probably nothing but paranoia. Or maybe there's a storm coming. Billy always gets kinda uneasy before a storm hits Fawcett City, even when he doesn't know a storm is going to hit.
He leaves the schoolyard and heads west, towards the middle school nearby. With luck, Freddy won't mind if Billy comes over to his house.
"Hey, do you know where Freddy is?" Billy asks a grimy teenager smoking something that's definitely not a cigarette. The teenager definitely goes to the high school nearby, but almost everyone in this area of the city knows who Freddy is. Freddy is just that type of charismatic person.
The teen leers at Billy like he's trying to scare him. Billy doesn't react, despite the teen gross yellow teeth being bared at him in a feral grin.
The teen moves back and nods to himself as if Billy's passed a test.
"Tall kid? Baseball cap?"
Billy nods eagerly.
"He got in this old guys car after school got out."
"Duh," Billy says to himself slapping his forehead. Freddy started his camping trip today after school. Billy should have remembered that. Man, this cold must really be messing with him. "Thanks, dude."
"No problem, kid," the teen says. "Have a good one."
He goes back to smoking. Billy turns around. Now what will he do all day? Yeah, his apartment is warm, but that doesn't mean he wants to spend the whole day alone in it. Maybe he should go shopping. But he doesn't really have anything other than a few dollars left from his last shopping trip. He'll need to find a way to earn some more cash. Mowing lawns won't exactly work this time of year.
Maybe he can rake leaves?
Ugh. That means he has to do that today, make enough to last for a least a month's worth of groceries, and extra for new winter gear. Then again, if he works quickly enough, he may even get some extra spending money to afford food other than ramen noodles, cereal, mac n cheese, and a few fruits and veggies. Eating healthier food is always nice. Maybe he can even get some frozen pizza.
Plans made, Billy takes off for the nearest residential neighborhood he knows is full of adults who find it cute when kids come and ask to do jobs like rake leaves, mow lawns, weed gardens, and shovel snow.
Billy's pretty sure he has half of that neighborhood he's a kid that lives there. It's one of his favorite places to live. Some of the people even give him snacks and lemonade when he works.
Afterword, he can patrol as Captain Marvel, then he'll go shopping. Or he'll go shopping tomorrow if anything big happens while he's Captain Marvel. He doesn't think there'll be anything more than a few shoplifters today though. Even the criminal element in Fawcett City know when it's too cold to commit a crime. Cold as it is, autumn and winter are the slowest seasons to fight crime.
Billy is so glad he lives in Fawcett City where the criminals are reasonable and know when it's too cold to be committing a crime. He can't imagine how annoying it must be for Batman to fight crime in Gotham City in the middle of winter since crime never slows down in Gotham.
"Hey," a voice says, and Billy feels a hand land on his shoulder. Billy jumps about a hundred feet in the air and lets out an embarrassingly high-pitched yelp. "Sorry, sorry!" the voice says quickly.
"It's fine," Billy says, catching his breath and looking over the owner of the voice. A kid with messy black hair - possibly a young teen - wearing sunglasses and relaxed clothing (Billy's leaning towards him being a kid. Probably twelve. Too short to be a teenager). "You just surprised me."
"Yeah, I tend to have that effect on people," the boys says ruefully, running one of his hands through his hair in a gesture that reminds Billy of Freddy. "Sorry again. I was just wondering if you could help me."
"Main Street is that way," Billy says immediately, pointing north. "Go there and you can pretty much find wherever you're looking for without too much trouble."
"No, I just needed help finding someone who goes to the elementary school," the boy says. "William Thomas Batson? Maybe you know him?"
Bily looks over the boy more closely. It doesn't seem like he's looking for trouble. You can never be too careful though.
"Why do you need him?" Billy asks. "Do you know him?"
"Nah," the kid dismisses. "My guardian had an old letter from the kid's mom, Marilyn Batson. He figured William may want to see it."
And Billy's tempted to ask how they even know where he is; it's not like he's an official student - not that any of his teachers or the other students know that. But at the mention of his mom, that thought is erased from his mind.
"I'm William. I prefer Billy though." Billy holds out his hand.
"Well, that was serendipitous," the boys says, grabbing Billy's hand firmly. "I'm Dick."
Billy doesn't manage to stop himself from snorting.
"I'm sorry," he says right away. Not for thinking it's funny, necessarily, but for being rude and laughing about it.
"It's fine," the boy says. "I've heard pretty much everything, believe me. Anywho, Dick Grayson, as I said."
Billy does a double-take. "Wha- Dick Grayson!" he whispers furiously, looking around. "Like, Dick Grayson?!"
The boy- Dick Grayson, looks amused. Something about the expression combined with the sunglasses is familiar, but for the life of him, Billy can't quite put his finger on why. It bugs him, and he's sure he'll think about it later, but for now, he's too focused on the immediate issues. Like that fact that Dick-freaking-Grayson is looking for him.
"Yes," Dick says, amused. He even takes his sunglasses off briefly, and sure enough, it's the teenager. Billy may not have a TV or watch the news, but he knows what Dick Grayson looks like. Mainly because Bruce Wayne funds the Justice League publicly and that means he's pretty familiar with both of their images.
"My mom sent a letter to Bruce Wayne?" is his next question.
"They met abroad before your parents were married," Dick explains. Anyway, I'm gonna call Bruce and have him meet me here." At Billy's confused look, Dick looks away from the phone he pulled out a moment ago. "He was looking for you closer to the elementary school."
"Ah," Billy says.
Dick speaks briefly into the cell phone before pulling it away from his ear and hanging up.
"He'll be here in a minute," Dick informs Billy. "You don't mind waiting here?"
"No," Billy says.
A few moments later a tall, broad man in a suit appears. He's wearing sunglasses like Dick. Unlike Dick, he seems uncomfortable. It isn't hard for Billy to tell this is really Bruce Wayne, which automatically makes him more relaxed. Bruce Wayne funds the League, Batman even approves of him doing so, so that means Bruce Wayne isn't a bad person. Batman would never associate with someone if they had something even vaguely shady in their past.
"Hello," Bruce Wayne says. "You must be William?"
His voice is surprisingly gentle, considering his size. Billy still can't get over the fact that Bruce Wayne came to Fawcett City just to find Billy and let him look at an old letter from his mom, even though the letter certainly isn't anything Billy needs to see.
"Yes," Billy says. "I prefer Billy though, if that's okay, Mr. Wayne."
Bruce Wayne seems surprised by how eager Billy is. Or Maybe he's just surprised Billy's so trusting. Anyone who has ever seen Billy as a street kid is surprised by that. It's not that Billy's that trusting; he's not. Billy's just good at reading people. Also, he's not nervous around Bruce Wayne because Justice League funding. Not that Bruce Wayne knows that. Even though it's public, it's not exactly common knowledge outside of League members who their main funder is.
"I have the letter your mother sent me, Billy, if you want to see it?"
"Yes, I'd really love that, Mr. Wayne," Billy says.
"She sent it to me right after you were born," Mr. Wayne says. "It ended up getting lost in my desk, which is why I didn't find it until recently."
"Were you and her friends?" Billy asks. "How did you meet?"
"I'd like to think so," Mr. Wayne says, a surprisingly fond look on his face. "We met in Peru before she or your father were going to be married."
"That's interesting," Billy says honestly. "What was the letter she sent you about?"
Mr. Wayne sighs deeply. Something in Billy's gut twists uncomfortably.
"It was about you. I mentioned she sent it right after you were born. I have it here if you'd like to see it now?"
"Yes, please, Mr. Wayne," Billy says.
Mr. Wayne pulls a piece of paper out of his suit pocket and holds it out to Billy. Billy grabs it gently with shaking hands.
It still smells like her perfume. It's a reminder that she had been real, once. It's nice because even though Billy logically knows she'd been real before she died, having a reminder is nice. He misses her so much. Her and his dad.
He unfolds the paper with a gentleness that surprises even him. Her handwriting is just like he remembers it being from the notes she'd leave for him on his lunch box and hidden inside his books or even just shopping lists on the fridge. He spends what's probably more time than necessary just looking at it without reading.
When he finally does begin to read the letter, he almost drops it a moment later. He fumbles for a moment before regaining his grip and reading even faster.
No. No no no no no no no no. This can't… this can't be true. (But it has to be, a voice whispers in his mind. This is her handwriting. She wouldn't lie about it.)
Oh, god. His mom had written to Bruce Wayne. His mom had told Bruce Wayne Billy was his son. But it just can't be - Billy refuses to believe it's true. His parents would have told him if it was true. They wouldn't have kept it a secret. Why would his dad even love him and let Billy call him that if he wasn't Billy's real dad?
This has to be a lie, a trick. It can't be true. It just can't.
Billy's dad is C.C. Batson, not some rich guy his mom probably only knew for a few months in another country.
"This isn't true," Billy says, ashamed by how much his voice is shaking. "You can't be my dad. My dad is C.C. Batson. You're lying. I know it."
His voice breaks on the last word. Billy hopes neither of them notices it. He ignores how hurt Mr. Wayne looks and how shocked Dick Grayson looks.
(Billy knows this isn't a lie. Somehow, someway, he knows this isn't a lie. He just doesn't want to believe it.)
"I'm sorry," Mr. Wayne says honestly. "I really am. But your mother was one of the most honest people I ever knew. I don't think she's lying."
Billy refuses to even think about this. (He ignores how similar he looks to Bruce Wayne. How he's even more similar to Bruce Wayne that C.C. Batson. Really, if he was with both of them, people would assume he's Bruce Wayne's son, not his dads.)
Billy shakes his head desperately. "No. No! You have to be lying. I don't believe you."
"Listen, Billy," Dick begins. "How about this. You know what a paternity test is, right?"
"Yes," Billy says shortly. "I'm not dumb."
"Then take one," Dick says. "If it matches then that means you're Bruce's son, biologically. Your dad is still your dad. Biology doesn't change that."
Mr. Wayne adjusts his jacket, seeming spectacularly uncomfortable. "I'd been planning one of those already. I don't think she's lying, but maybe she was wrong. I figured you'd like to know the truth."
And Billy does want to know the truth, even if it's a truth he doesn't like.
"I'll take the test," Billy says, the anger from earlier evaporating as suddenly as it had appeared. Now he just feels kind of tired. He's glad this street is empty. That no one can have possibly seen this.
"I brought my friend, Dr. Leslie Thompkins with me. She has all the equipment to do the test in my hotel room. We can go back there if that's okay with you," Mr. Wayne says. It doesn't really sound like a question, but Billy can tell it is a question.
"Okay. Okay. Are we walking?"
"I have a car?" Mr. Wayne suggests.
And the first rule of being a street kid is you don't get in a strangers car. Billy knows this. It's one of the first lessons you learn, either from getting in a strangers car or hearing the horror stories of what happens when you get in a strangers car. Billy may not like Bruce Wayne right now, but he knows he won't try anything. He knows Bruce Wayne is a good person. And even if he wasn't a good person and Billy was dumb enough to get in the car, Billy can protect himself, both with Captain Marvel and the magic he always has at his disposal.
"We can take that," Billy says. "I mean if that's what you want to do?"
Mr. Wayne smiles slightly and Dick Grayson beams at him.
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Saturday in Lillehammer!
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On Saturday morning, we tried to be out the door of the Oslo apartment by around 8:30 in the morning, so that we could get to Lillehammer by 11:00 a.m., so Eric could do his packet pick-up for his race: the Berkenbeinerlopet Half Marathon.  We managed to come pretty close to that departure time.  Not too long after we left Oslo, there were some bathroom needs and our car also needed gas.  So, we stopped, used the facilities, and filled up the car, and it cost $80 to put ¾ of a tank of gas in the car! We knew it would be expensive, but this was kind of a reckoning.  Eric was trying to get just the bare minimum to get by, to get the car to and from Lillehammer, and then back to Gothenburg, for the car to get on the boat and be shipped back to the U.S. Eric asked, “Did Volvo tell us a bare minimum amount of gas we had to have in the car to put it on the boat?” And they hadn’t, so bare minimum it was. So, we made our way north to Lillehammer and we were driving past what we later learned was the largest lake in Norway, and it was so beautiful.  The countryside there was so gorgeous.  There was, as I mentioned in a previous post, a lot of highway construction, so that slowed us down a bit.  Once we got to the check-in area for the Birken Run Festival, Eric said he was actually getting nervous.  There were sooooo many people there.  The woman manning (womanning? managing? womanaging?) the parking lot took pity on us because we had no cash, so she let us go in, park, and then hang out with Eric until the race started. It was quite warm, like in the high 70s or low 80s, and as we were waiting on the other side of the barrier before the start, we were talking of the two of the race staff members and they told Eric, “be ready for mud!”  They were really nice.  One of them, the older one, had a son currently studying in the U.S. (in Pennsylvania) on a Rotary International exchange program.  Our friend Ryley mention that a few of Roar’s relatives are doing that now too – and that we should totally consider it when the kids get older, since Rowan and Cece both have declared that they want to live in Norway (I am not honestly sure how they’d handle the darkness in winter, but perhaps when they’re teenagers, we can find out, if they do such program.  Anyway, a long time off . . .)  The other race staff guy told the kids and I some things to do nearby while the race was underway, like the Maihaugen, which is a museum that shows what life was like in Norway through the ages, and has reenactments, etc. Turns out we didn’t have time for much in our two hours, though we went over to the Maihaugen, which shared a facility with the Postal Museum and the Olympic Museum. And we had lunch in their café. We also saw some  really nicely dressed wedding guests arriving for a wedding that was going to be on those museum grounds somewhere.  At least one of them was wearing the Norwegian national costume (which I’ve seen Ryley’s daughter in, in photos) and we saw a few people on the street in Oslo wearing it, going somewhere in a hurry on Friday evening, and Ryley speculated that those people were probably heading to a wedding, because people often wear that then, or when acting in some official capacity, like to had out awards.  So, we did see more women in the national costume, three of them to be exact, at the awards ceremony at the Birken Run Festival.  They were accompanied by a super funny dad-and-son, or grandad-and-grandson, music duo who played classics for awards ceremonies like “We are the Champions” and the Rocky theme, on a keyboard (dad) and drums (son). Anyway, while Eric was running we also went down to Lillehammer’s town center and the main street, and there was some festival going on there too.  We went into a drug store and a thrift store and almost got ice cream, but didn’t.  The thrift store was nice, and I had wanted to go into a few on this trip, and haven’t had time.  The one in Lillehammer had a few casseroles from the 80s that were the milk-glass base with decals, like Pryex, but not as nice-looking.  There was a set of tea cups and a platter by Turi Design, which I have a few pieces of in a different pattern.  So, we left the thrift store empty-handed, but it was nice to pop in for a minute. It was so difficult getting parking to go meet Eric after the race, but after driving around a while, I lucked out, someone was leaving, and we parked half on the sidewalk like hundreds of others, and went in to Haakons Hall and met him.  The end of the race was at the base of the ski jump facility, which was used during the Olympics.  It is really staggering to see from the ground! The people who were arriving after finishing race were covered in mud, from the knees down, and I saw people in long lines to get hosed off.  We met up with Eric, checked out his certificate of completion, ate some chips that he’d been given, and then walked around a  bit more, and then got back to the car and made for heading out of town, pretty quickly.  It was just so busy there and really pretty hot.  So, we found a place on that huge lake (Mjøsa), as we left the central city area, where Eric could jump in the lake.  And we came across a family from Romania and two women from Oslo who were doing the same thing (well, the Romanians were just sunning, but the Norwegians were planning to hop in the lake, too).  So, the kids got all suited up, too, water wings and all, and they went out on the dock (after talking to a local who said this was a totally legit place to swim and he had earlier in the day).  Eric hopped in, swam out just  barely, and then came back, declaring that that might’ve been the coldest water he’s been in, colder that the Irish Sea and colder than in Iceland or the Baltics.  He said it was probably in the 50s and actually hurt his feet and legs.  But, the kids wanted to give it a try!  Both actually got in.  Rowan only for a few seconds, not even a long enough plunge to get up to his neck wet, and Cece got all the way wet and was crying for the seconds it took to get back to the dock but that transformed into laughing as she was climbing out, accompanied by declarations that it wasn’t really cold at all. The kids both slept for part of the ride home, Cece for more time than Rowan, but they both got some good Zs in.  Ryley texted me while we were en route to say they were firing up the grill and we were welcome over, but we were still a few hours away, but it turned out that we *did* go over there, grilled some salmon and veggies, and the kids got to play some more. After we parked down their street, right in front of the Meny grocery store, Eric took the kids right over, so Rowan could get his tree-climbing immediately out of his system and get the picture he didn’t get to have the previous time, and so by the time I got there after buying salmon and potatoes, he’d already come down from the tree, much to my relief. We were not sure how much it would cost to buy salmon, since Norwegian prices are notoriously high, but when I did the conversation, it was $12 for four fillets, so I thought that was pretty reasonable.  It was farmed salmon, but the farms are in the cold Nordic waters off of the Bergen side, though Ryley and Roar told us prices were expected to rise because a lot of those farms had just been besieged by red tide, and that was really tanking their whole crop of salmon.  But, anyway, the salmon we bought was delicious and the time we had with Ryley and Roar visiting, while the kids got alllll of their energy out playing, was really nice.  Such a highlight of our Scandinavian adventure.
We got home after 9 p.m. and tried to get the kids right to bed, but again, it took some doing.  We did one more load of laundry, so I stayed up while that washed (so I could hang it) and so I finally got to sleep around midnight, but by doing that, I got to see the beautiful pink sky over the building behind our apartment building, with the stones on the top of their chimneys (a phenomenon that we’ve tried to find the reason for, and it might have something to do with Norse trolls).
The next morning we would be leaving Oslo, waaaaa!
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stellylee · 2 years
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What does your character think about summer? Are they a fan, or do they long for the colder, more temperate months? Stelly is not the biggest fan in the world of summer time. It isn’t as though they hate it, but they do prefer the cooler months, when black doesn’t stick to your skin quite as much. But the beach is nice!
Is there a certain food or cold treat that they reach for on a hot night when a regular dinner just won't work? Stelly would rather just snack on little things through the summer than eat a big dinner, anyway, but a good veggie and dip platter on the patio never hurt anyone.
What about a beverage they enjoy in the summer? ... especially if it was paired with an ice cold drink. Preferably alcoholic, but lemonade is always good in the summertime, too! Mint lemonade is even better, just to give it a little kick.
Describe your character's sense of style / fashion go-tos when it comes to the warm months. That’s where Stelly struggles, as they typically wear a lot of darker color clothing. But cut-off shorts and a black tank top normally gets the job done, as well as Keds or Vans or Converse to keep it a little more casual. And when in doubt, ponytail it out.
What about what they wear to the pool or the beach? The one exception that Stelly makes to layering and heavy clothing is the beach and the pool. Tiny string bikinis or cut-out one pieces, normally in black or bold colors, preferably a little on the sexy side. If you’ve got it, flaunt it.
Speaking of -- if they're at the beach, what is their favorite thing to do? Have fun with their friends, making a lot of noise and just running around wild. Splashing in the waves is another favorite, especially with Bowie in the shallow end (never in the deep stuff!), and just running up and down along the shoreline until he’s tired out.
If your character had to choose, would they rather spend time at the pool, or at the beach? Probably the pool if they wanted to get wet and soak up some sun, but when it comes to the scenery and hanging out with people, then the beach. Nothing beats a bonfire on the beach.
When they're at the pool, are they a lounge around, soaking up the sun type, or in the water, causing chaos type? Causing chaos, for sure. It’s a lot more fun to... well, have fun at the pool.
Outside of pool and beach fun, what is your character's favorite summer hobby or pastime that they can't wait to do? For the most part, Stelly thinks it’s too hot and miserable to be outside doing a lot in the warm months, but they don’t mind getting out to take pictures. Hitting up the state park and finding things that they have never seen before to take pictures of us a great way to pass time.
Are they big on vacations, or are they more of a staycation kind of person? More of a staycation kind of person, Stelly would rather save the money for something else, or only take a big trip when someone like the Benefactor is putting it together and they don’t have to pay out of pocket for the experience.
When it comes to outdoor space, gardening, etc., what does your character do? Do they mow their lawn, do they have a garden, is their home full of plants? Living downtown in a shared home with their best friend, they don’t have a ton of yard space. What they do have is easy to push mow, and Stelly normally will do it themselves or hire one of the neighbor kids to go over it. As for plants... they do really love those and have a lot in their bedroom and the patio upstairs, which are their little pride and joys.
What is their favorite spot to spend time in Merrock that doesn't include the public pool and the swim beach? Probably the state park, as mentioned before. Ooh, or the ice cream shop! The Creamery girls normally know their order when they come in.
If they had to pick one thing to say that they disliked about summer... what would it be and why? The heat and the fact that it’s so hard to walk Bowie without burning his little dog feets.
What is your character's favorite summertime memory? Whether it be from their childhood or their big kid years? Well... skinny dippy with Mandy this summer is kind of one that’s going to stick in their mind for a very long time, no doubt about it.
And lastly... what is one thing that they really hope to do this summer? Maybe more of the aforementioned stuff? Also camping on the beach, Stelly thinks that would be a really good way to spend a summer night.
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bomberqueen17 · 6 years
Despite it being record-breakingly hot this weekend i’ve actually been productive. 
Yesterday we went to the farmer’s market, then to Albany to attend the Keep Families Together protest, then to the co-op grocery store in Albany, and then to a Jo-Ann’s in Albany. We don’t cross the river much so when we do we really cram it in. 
I was on the verge of tears the whole time at the protest, I don’t know why, it was awkward. 
The woman who introduced Farmsister to her husband was in town, and she was the one who’d requested we stop by the protest, but Farmsister of course knew like ten different people there and had to go around to talk to them all. I just stood there and was a little overwhelmed at how angry I was about all of it. It’s hard to think directly about it, you know? Anyway I clapped and chanted a bunch, but we hadn’t brought signs. 
Jo-Ann’s was a shitshow, I’d ordered stuff online and then they didnt’ have it but didn’t tell me, so I spent half an hour chasing around the store while they tried to find me replacements, and then the lady had to re-ring it and like... half the stuff wasn’t able to get substitutions and yet the total was nearly the same as it had initially been? So that was bullshit? So I told her that and she was like wait let me re-ring it one more time! and meanwhile Farmsister’s in her car with the engine on outside and it’s 93 degrees and Farmbaby has fallen asleep and and and anyway. 
I came home with about half the stuff I needed, as cheap as the lady would possibly sell it to me, I really tried to walk a fine line between I’m A Cranky Bitch and Well Why Don’t You Just Walk All Over Me Then, and I don’t know if I made it but I honestly won’t go back to that store for sheer reasons of geography so it doesn’t matter, I wouldn’t have selected that one for pickup except that I knew we’d be over there for the co-op anyway.
So I can’t do the one big project I really wanted to do. But I can do some other things.
We spent some time sitting in the creek after that, which is not cold and smells of algae but it’s colder than the air so we’ll take it. (it was significantly colder yesterday than today.) 
So this morning I got up and got straight to work, and sewed a big banner I’d already cut out but had needed some notions to complete. I then painted the banner with latex primer, and I’ll hand-letter it, mm, probably tomorrow. 
I also had knocked out a bunch of labels for the different plants in the picking garden on Friday night and Saturday morning, so that’s a nice stack of accomplishments.
I also sewed a cute little “Welcome” pennant banner (you know the kind, with the triangles on a string?) that I’d cut out months ago, and painted, and never finished. That took quite some time today but it’s done now, except to tack the pennants to the string so they don’t shift around on it. It was for an event in April but I missed that, clearly, so it’ll be decoration for an event in August instead. Good enough!
Everyone else went to the beach and I decided to stay home, and work on the projects i had all messily spread out. In the midst of this, Veggie Manager came over and asked if i wanted to cut his hair for him.
So I did; his hair’s about three years of growth long, so I just cut it off in big handfuls, and then helped him run a set of clippers over it. It was kind of fun and kind of weird, I’ve never cut anyone’s hair before. He was just tired of it in the heat, so. 
(I said, “Now it’s short, you have to style it,” and he said, “that’s hilarious.”)
Farmkid went down to the creek first thing in the morning with her mother, then went to the beach, then went down to the creek again with me just before dinner, and Veg Manager came along and did some adventuring with us, which was fun. He was around a lot this weekend, I do enjoy his company.
(I asked him how much trouble I would get in if I bought RoundUp and sprayed the poison ivy next to the yurt. He said, “if you don’t tell anybody, none,” which seemed like a sensible answer. I don’t think I really will, I’d hate to spoil their organic-ness. But there really really isn’t any other way to deal with poison ivy, you can’t burn it and none of the organic-approved stuff will touch it. It’s hand-weeding only and you can really only do that pretty early in the season. So I’m really considering it, but what’s holding me back is that someone’s bound to notice if all the poison ivy suddenly spontaneously and flamboyantly dies. Most of it’s out of view from the main areas but there’s some that’s pretty obvious from the POV of the greenhouse.) (Maybe I’ll just do a little of it, and keep the weedkiller bottle behind the yurt, and see what it winds up looking like. If it dies inconspicuously, I might go on...) (For serious though, the organic certification is really about the fields, and this is very markedly not the fields, but rather the areas where I would very much like to not get fucking contact dermatitis while I’m stumbling to the bathroom in the middle of the night thanks very much.)
I also bought a shitload of Deet because the mosquitoes are fucking relentless. But that’s not contraindicated at all by organic farming standards as long as it’s myself I’m spraying it on and not the crops, y’know?
At the moment I’m killing time and waiting for the temperature to drop below 90 so I can go around and clean up my various crafting-related messes. I have a thousand yards of fabric out on the line, and the banner I primed, and the little banner I finished and sprayed with Camp-Dri, and the sewing machine and serger are next to one another on the kitchen table so I need to put those away so we can have breakfast, and it’s just so beastly hot I can’t bear the movement necessary to handle them, and i can’t go out to the yurt and go to sleep until i’ve cleaned up, so I just have to sit here and not move. 
Meanwhile upstairs it’s incredibly hot in the bedrooms and they’re trying to get Farmkid to go to sleep and she’s just messing around and messing around and thumping and dropping things and not staying in bed and it’s maddening, but not my problem.
I’m super glad I’m not in Buffalo because the weather there sucks too and our office air conditioning is fucking useless, and I’m sad because I’m going back to Buffalo at the end of the week and I don’t want to leave, I do so much here and feel so good about it, and I don’t want the spiders and mice and wasps and ants to move back into the yurt, but. But. I’m starting to get sort of weird because I miss Dude so much, and also I could really use some, you know, uh, personal contact, I’m starting to just get weird about it in inexplicable ways. (I just get real weird when i’m sex-starved, I have no idea how to explain it, but I think mostly I’ve been keeping it under wraps ok... I just feel like at some point I’m gonna say something really off-the-wall and really weird everyone out. Not even something inappropriate, just something really bizarre. IDK, I hadn’t really realized how grounding that kind of thing is for me.) (Not that anyone in their right mind can actually get it on in this kind of heat. Dude and I have a Pinky Snuggling Protocol for when it’s over 90. It is exactly that, we don’t even link pinkies we just sort of press them to one another, and even then he’s like “ugh get off me it’s too hot”.) 
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fernlomwrites · 7 years
Tenaria Tale: Chapter 3, Colorful Intros
The ruins are beautiful. You agree with this, and walk around slowly, admiring the detailed carvings into the pillars holding up the colorful mosaic roof. Considering you are walking down a hallway staring upward at the roof, its inevitable that you bump into someone.
“What in tarnation?” A thick southern accent resounds from the tall man before you. His arms and legs a smooth chrome, dressed in blue denim overalls, a brown t-shirt, and a red baseball cap. He turns and looks down at you.
“What kind of Character are you? You look small, whats with that striped sweater? You must be a kid. Huh. “ He kneels down at looks at you in the eyes, his eyes a deep brown. “Well welcome to the ruins, im Farmer John, I grow grapes down here. Come visit my farm sometime, it’s down the hall to the right. To the left is the path to the queen’s house.”
He stands up and nods down at you. You nod back, what a pleasant conversation. Farmer John smiles slightly and walks down the hall, taking a right to go to his farm. You stand there for a bit and ponder, should you go to his farm? Or just keep going and get to Tracey’s house?
You decide to go to the farm. You recognize plot development when you see it. What do you mean I’m breaking the fourth wall too much, I’m the narrator, I can do as I please. Just get walking child.
You start walking down the hallway and take a right, immediately around the corner, rows upon rows of grape vines are filling the room, at the end of the hall was a small house. Standing at the porch of the home stood Farmer John, leaning on a post stood another man in a clean blue suit, and red rimmed glasses. The two seemed to be discussing something about cotton.
You approach and the suit man looks down at you. “Oh, a child, i can tell by the striped sweater”
He smiles and munches on an apple. You aren’t sure where he got the apple, you decide not to question it too much and move on.
“I’m Pointdexter, I help John here with the farming cause ya’know, “ he takes another bite from his apple, the previous bite somehow missing. “Fruits and stuff”
You decide to question the apple now.
“My apple? I made it”
His answer is too vague and confusing.
“I make fruits and veggies. It’s my magic. John’s magic is strength, mine’s making fruits.”
This answer is better.  He offers you an apple? Take it?
YES          NO
You decide to take an apple, even though you aren’t hungry.  You understand that it might come in handy later.
John and Pointdexter smile at you and let you know how to get back to the main path.
You wave as you walk out, heading towards Tracey’s house.
“Psst, hey kid”
A voice whispers from the hall. You turn and see two more men leaning against a wall, the one on the right dressed in a slick black suit, brown rimmed glasses and a black hat, with a red rim. The one on the left in a simple black suit and red tie, with dark black sunglasses hiding his eyes.
“You must be new down here” the Hat wearing man smirks down at you. “You must be new down here, allow us to give you a bit of expository information”
“Convenient right? “ The one in glasses comments.
“Lets start with introducing ourselves, I’m Don, and this is Agent Carter. “ The one with the hat began speaking, “And welcome to the ruins. The original home of the Characters when we first got banished down here. Set up by King Wechidna and his wife Queen Tracey, all of us lived in this area before the King began work on expanding out underground home. Now it is made up of six areas. Ruins here, Snowdin out there, then Waterfall, Hotlands, The CORE, and NEW Home. “
Agent Carter continues “The Readers trapped us down here with a magic barrier made by seven powerful readers known as Authors. The only way to free us is by the combined power of seven Reader souls. King Wechidna knew this would be an impossible task, gathering the souls and instead decided we would peacefully live down here instead. We, as people agreed and began settling in. “
“But that all changed when the first Reader fell down here” Don continued. “Their name had long been forgotten, but they were kind. Determined, but kind. King Wechidna and Queen Tracey took them in, and they quickly grew close to the royal son, Samexe. The Reader grew to love us Characters, and our culture, and began to grow angry at the cruelty of the other Readers. “
“So, as the legends go, the young Reader came up with a plan”
“They remembered long ago they accidentally made their father sick by feeding him buttercup flowers, so the reader gathered some up and ate them”
“Days, the reader lay sick in bed for days, the Underground grew silent, somber until the day they died. Samexe absorbed their soul and withit got past the barrier. “
“They took the body of their fallen friend out to the local Reader village. “
“The readers thought Samexe had killed the Reader. So they attacked. Despite all the power Samexe had, he never fought back, he simply set the Reader down on a patch of buttercup flowers and returned to the underground. “
“He fell to his knees as the entrance of the ruins, where that nice pumpkin patch is now and became the dust we all do. “
“It was after that, King Wechidna made a vow, no more Readers will pass through here, Royal Guards were put in place to capture all Readers and deliver them to the king. Queen Tracey was horrified by this behaviour after the next reader fell, another child. This child was one of Integrity, this one was captured here in the ruins, by you right don?”
“Yup, I captured that one, sent it to the King and Queen. I remember the Queen’s face when King Wechidna killed it,  capturing the soul in this jar thing. “
You step back from Don and Carter.
“Oh yah, we’re both Royal Guards kid” Carter replies. “But you have no reason to be scared, no Readers have fallen down here in years.”
“Yah, i hear they are super dangerous. Here” Don hands you a small pocket knife.
“Just incase a Reader falls, you can stay safe.”
You look at the SMALL POCKET KNIFE and shrug, putting it into your inventory. Agent Carter hands you an energy bar.
You smile and say goodbye the the two royal guards. They wave as you continue down the hall. You turn a corner and find the hall to be much narrower, blocking the path is a ghost sitting on the floor, he’s wearing a large puffy jacket with its hood up, the room seems to be much colder than every other room.
You need to get past, do you forcefully move the ghost? Or talk to it?
You decide to talk to the ghost. It looks up to you, startled “o-oh, sorry, n-normally no one comes through here so i like to sit here and wallow y’know?”
This ghost seems sad and pathetic, you should befriend it, cause its just like you. Sad and pathetic.
“M-my name? I’m H-Hail. I like to visit the Ruins cause it’s so quiet. D-Do you like music?”
“Y-you do? C-cool! D-do you want to listen to some of my music s-sometime?”
“You would!? W-Wow, I don’t have any of my music h-here, b-but come find me in Waterfall o-okay? I have my music at my house”
You cheered up the sad, cold ghost, he disappears and lets you pass. You walk through and find yourself in another long hallway. Leaning against a wall is a man in an all white suit, swinging a glowing cane. He smiles at you and motions for you to come over.
“Bake sale kid bake sale” He smiles as you approach “care to donate to a good cause?”
You ask what cause?
“I need to meet up with some friends in Hotland, but in order to get there I need to pass through Snowdin, but that's too cold. So me and my friend are raising money to hire a car to get there. Want to buy something and help?”
A little table stands before him with only two items, a little donut, and a bottle of cider.
“I made them both myself by hand, a rave donut and party juice. “
You dig through your pockets and pull out 15 gold and buy one of each item.
The man happily takes your gold and gives you the items.
“Thank you for your support of the ‘Bring Smiley Joe to Hotland” charity. Smiley Joe...smiles...and beckons you to go on your way.
You shrug and walk away. You take five steps before bumping into another character, its getting annoying at this point. You look up at quite possibly the most well built man you’ve ever seen, he’s dressed in hospital scrubs and a lab coat. He looks down at you.
“Oh hello Reader Child. Now don’t panic, of course I know you are a Reader, I am a doctor after all. I am Doctor Carter, pleasure to meet you. “ He suddenly gasps “What is that in your hands? Party Juice and a Rave Donut!” He quickly takes them from you.
“These should not be in the possession of a child! Joe! You are in big trouble”
Before you can object, the Doctor has run off, chasing Smiley Joe down the hall. You shrug and continue walking.
You exit the hallway and find yourself facing a large, dead tree, surrounded by fresh purple leaves, behind the tree stood a small, cozy house.
The cell phone in your pocket rings. You answer.
“Hey kid, it’s Tracey, listen I’m making you a pie, do you like cinnamon or butterscotch?”
“Huh, b-scotch ey? Alright, but you don’t hate cinnamon right? Nah, who hates cinnamon? Its amazing. Anyway, I’ll be coming back to get you in just a minute okay? I’m just leaving my house now”
With a click she hangs up, you hear the door opening to the house. Tracey steps out, her purple robe now dirty with flour and cinnamon. She dusts herself off and begins walking forward. She stops upon seeing you “kid!” She rushes towards you
“You made it here all by yourself? Wow, strong kid. Come on, your pie is in the oven”
Tracey takes your hand and leads you inside.
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secondgame00-blog · 5 years
A few seats left
A first, wonderful early spring workshop is behind us and I must say it’s nice to be back on track, preparing meals, sharing our kitchen, our table, our region. Getting started has prompted me to get organised, to look at the registrations for the upcoming workshops, contact people etc. After doing the math and receiving response from a few people with tentative status, here are the workshops with some (usually very limited) availability this year.
Next week we are headed to Piemonte for a very exciting workshop which is full of lovely people, some returning. So no spaces there.
After that we have the Basque workshop which is pretty full but I had one person postpone so I could add 1-2 people to that workshop. May 16-18
Next is the Summer Wine – some reservations have confirmed they couldn’t come this time so we still have a bit of space there. May 30 – June 1
Then there is the Summer Abundance workshop which was so enormously popular that we added a second, identical workshop the following week. I had turned a lot of people away but then, when the requests kept pouring in we added the second one and some people from the first one even switched dates. So now we have two, quite evenly booked Summer abundance workshops and while I’d be perfectly happy to keep the numbers how they are right now I could still add 1-2 people to each. June 20-22 & June 27-29
There are still some spaces in the Piemonte Photography and wine workshop on September 27 – 29
The Fall Harvest workshop is one of the all time most booked so that one is impossible – we could have filled it up 3 times. I’ve been trying to look at possibilities to add a second one but right now I just can’t find the time for it. October 10-12
The Autumn wine is less booked so close to full but not quite October 24-26
Additionally I’ve been getting many requests for the dates in 2019 so we are looking at that right now and I expect to announce in May or early June.
For all information please email me at [email protected]
Looking forward to hearing from you
Mimi xx
Over to my husband who has a few things to say … about cabbage, onions & co.
Tuesday vegetables and other things
Although Mimi and I both love to eat fresh vegetables we have a distinctively different relationship with them. At the market she’s searching for inspiration, something that catches her eye, something she can bring home and slice up, boil, steam or grill and ultimately make it into something much more delicious than it was in the beginning. It’s a gut feeling – literally. My sole vegetable hunts, which are very frequent are more like casting sessions but practical ones – without a fault the freshest vegetables are also the most eye-catching, what’s in season stands out. I try to look for the really interesting “faces”, not just the shiny rows of monotone soldiers, but the odd fellows, the slightly deformed – the organic boys.
Our vegetable symphony marches on in perfect harmony, the house is always full to the rafters of the freshest produce, from local growers, and in summer, from our garden. The tricky day is Tuesday. Mimi will have cooked all the stuff she bought at the weekend but a lot of mine is still sitting there, getting less pretty by the minute. I often tell people that while I’m most probably a photographer by profession my real job is arranging vegetables. And most of that never gets photographed. I use the word “arrange” loosely as “throw them in” would be more in the spirit of what I do. I don’t believe in over-styling but I do subscribe to elements like chance and luck. Let the carrots fall where they may.
This brings us back to Tuesday. Last Tuesday to be exact. We had some lovely gentlemen coming down from Paris for lunch – they will be our “leather partners” in items such as aprons, dog leashes etc. It’s taken a long time to find the right people – Joseph Bonnie. We were late as we always are and after walking the dogs I had to choose between a shower or my vegetables. They were sitting there in crates, slowly going in the wrong direction of aesthetic pulchritude. The light would not be better later. Tomorrow these veggies would be over the hill of photographable beauty. Certain flowers and vegetables age well. Roses are like that. Tulips are not, not in my opinion anyway. The stalks fade to a yellowish-green that I find unbearable. Apples dry up, lemons (if they’re not radio-active) turn to a powderish green. Celery fades, carrots limp, asparagus shrivels and cherries ferment in rather a beautiful but not in the “I want to eat them” sort of way.
So a long story cut short I threw it all on a table and shot it, even brougth out a camera rather than a phone. The result is not magnificent but it’s fine. Fine enough for Mimi to say “my love (once again I inserted that), I’m giving some workshop updates on the blog – why don’t we post these and perhaps you can write something about them”. So now, while she’s on the roof, looking lovely in a bikini, I’m down here in the green room typing away – I type fast, a result of going to commercial college – they also taught book-keeping but I must have slept through that. Yes, typing away with a Negroni in front of me. Right now it’s about two-thirds down but I’m not even half-finished which is a terrifying though for any “writer”.
There is Champagne in the freezer though, a nice blanc de noirs (meaning white from black, only red grapes, pinot noir or pinot meunier). Yes, freezer because contrary to some wise guy sommeliers who’d love to serve the Champagne almost luke warm so it can properly “express itself” I fervently believe that Champagne should be served ice-cold. For those who’d like it a few degrees warmer, they can just wait a bit, but no Champagne ever got colder by sitting in a glass. The only exception is, that if you have a truly exceptional Champagne, something old, something from a single vineyard that’s hard to get, something so expensive that it feels like a bullet through the heart when the cork shoots through the air. Then, just maybe then, should you not put it in a freezer. And this is just my theory, not a fact – examples of really good Champagnes if you can find them are the ´99 Winston Churchill from Pol Roger, the single vineyards from Jacquesson, Salon is beautiful (but too expensive), anything from Selosse, Egly Ouriet, especially the blanc de noirs I’m in love with – Drappier Brut Nature might be the best buy on the planet – Ulysse Collin is hard to find but worth the search and out of the very big houses I favor Bollinger over anybody. As did James Bond. Like everybody I love Krug but you can find the same quality for less. And yes, Dom Perignon is actually very good. As is Cristal – I love the 2002.
Sorry – got carried away here. We were talking about vegetables. And my brief was food photography. Maybe we should go back to the beginning. My father bought me a good camera when I was about 14, my family is academic and arts were considered a … past time. Lawyers, doctors etc – that what you do for a living. I started law school, well enough I might add (important for my ego to leave that in). But then I realised it wasn’t for me. Some comparative literature (just lovely – Chekhov particularly), jobs in magazines, advertising and ultimately photography. For me it’s always been about the visuals. But I was always interested in people. In portraits. Then I met Mimi who is, as you know, interested in food. Some people might call it an obsession. A healthy one. One day we were having a fairly good coq-au-vin (which is getting to be a rarity in Parisian restaurants), then a crème caramel. We were supposed to shoot the place and I took an overhead shot which in those days was not nearly as fashionable as it is now in the days of iPhones. It’s not a perfect shot but somehow it’s got all the element that define what I do. It’s classic. There’s a trace of the coq-au-vin pot. It’s simple and stylish. The floor is good, there’s a white napkin. I didn’t realize it then but that will always be the most important food picture I’ll ever take. And my style hasn’t changed much since or, which may be regrettable, improved. But none of that really matters, to me what matters is instinct.
I’ve been reading a fine book about my favorite painter, Breakfast with Lucian. It demonstrates that he’s not introspective (which is comical given his family and famous name) but instinctive. Which is what I am too (and it’s very dangerous comparing yourself to a genius because it implies I’m putting us in the same category but I’m not … not yet anyway ha ha – just because I might say I like Champagne Pol Roger like Winston Churchill doesn’t necessarily imply that I think we’re cut from the same cloth, just that a small amount of our tastes and sensiblities are aligned). To me photography is instinct. Which is why I adore dogs. That, however, is another matter and a much longer story.
I’ve included, for your amusement (hopefully) a few other images that in one way or other depict the relationship between people and food. They are from the same time as the overhead food shot of the crème caramel. Food is nothing if nobody ever eats it – the most horrible concept is food photography where the food goes cold and ends up in the bin, maybe with some glossy, inedible oil that was put there for aesthetic purposes. My wife loves a good food picture, but she believes it could be and should be created in the short space between piping hot out of the oven and still hot enough to eat. As a good, Icelandic, soldier I consider it my duty to perfom.
Negroni is gone, even with my best efforts of restraint it just couldn’t hang in there any longer, while I have much to say on this subject, and would love to – my priority is that bottle in the freezer.
Enjoy your weekend, ours will be hot, full of food & wine and most importantly, family and friends.
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Source: http://mimithorisson.com/2018/04/20/workshop-update-and-a-few-words-on-food-photography/
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susannaprouse · 5 years
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Eight - Quilotoa Loop, Day Two
The cockerel woke us up in Isinlivi at 5am but luckily we needed to wake up early for breakfast and set off for the second day of hiking anyway.
We quickly had breakfast which was plentiful but due to the altitude neither of us were particular hungry. We managed to force down some huge slabs of bread and muesli though! After picking up one packed lunch to share (we still had plenty of snacks) we set off on the second day. I was nervous but feeling more positive.
The hike started with around two hours of beautiful hiking, either flat or fairly steep downhill to the bottom of the canyon. We were making good progress and stopping to lot take photos. Until recently, the hike was tricky to navigate but now there are obvious signs and coverage on the mapping app Mike was using, so it was very straightforward. It was so green and sunny I couldn't believe our luck. We walked by the river for a while with nothing but the sound of the water rushing and the birds in the sky. We both agreed it felt so relaxing after a week in cities.
The other reason I enjoyed the first two hours was the amount of baby animals there were! Piglets, calves, chicks and of course I had to take photos of them all, much to Mike's annoyance.
We soon came to a small village and then on to the bit I was dreading, a 500m very steep ascent, winding back up the canyon. But surprisingly it was OK! I took a lot of breaks and didn't push myself as I didn't want to feel the altitude so badly as the day before. The few other hikers we'd met at the hostel didn't overtake us and I felt strong. Again, Mike definitely would have got up much quicker but at least I was making him enjoy the views!
The reward at the end was a mirador with a perfect view of the canyon and a shaded area to rest in. We shared the sandwich and biscuits from our packed lunch and had a rest. But, as always, we didn't rest for long, we still had another 300m ascent to go!
We walked and walked and eventually got to the tarmac road and a sign saying welcome to Chugchilán. I felt elated and exhausted. Little did I know there was another 45 minutes walking uphill on the road to our hostel. That last half an hour was a slog, my legs were so tired and I knew if I stopped for too long I might not be able to start again. Eventually we made it to actual Chugchilán and walking through I had all the stray dogs as a good distraction. Even better, when we arrived at the hostel there were three dogs to meet me! Before we even checked in I had to have a cuddle (again, much to Mike's annoyance).
The hostel was nice, with incredible views over the canyon and a daunting sight of the Quilotoa crater rising above - tomorrow's finale! We soon found some hammocks to read and have a nap in. Despite being 3000m up it was still very warm, we were lathering on the factor 50 suncream! After a doze in the sun, we headed to the second sauna of the trip. It wasn't quite as nice as the last hostel but considering I was struggling to walk up and down the stairs because my calves had seized up it was a welcome relief. A steam room with fresh eucalyptus was the highlight.
As the sun went down, it got much colder so we were finally glad to have our cold weather gear. We huddled by the woodburner waiting for dinner. At 7pm sharp, we joined fellow walkers to sit down to a shared meal. We both went for veggie options as we'd eaten so much meat and it was good to have a plateful of vegetables, beans, rice and potatoes. We also had quinoa soup and very strange stewed strawberries. Mike had suddenly recovered his appetite and proceeded to wolf down his own dinner and eat most of a large bowl of rice supposed to be shared with the table. Our dinner companions were the Italian girl again (who we decided was too grumpy for us), a couple from America and a girl from Germany. They were all like minded and we had interesting conversations with the guy who was training to free dive.
After dinner we decided to watch a film and again get to sleep early in preparation for our final day hiking. The room was chilly but under 4 thick blankets we were very cosy!
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