#and it's precious how so many people have said that being at the concert felt like all the weight was lifted from their shoulders
1onescu · 4 months
𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 - aubrey griffin
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pairing: aubrey griffin x singer!fem!reader
basically what the song's about lowkey?
The crowd at Madison Square Garden roared as you finished the final chords of your hit song, "Dress." The song had taken the world by storm, its lyrics filled with longing and secret passion, leaving fans and media alike speculating about the mysterious muse behind it. Little did they know, the inspiration was standing just off-stage, her heart pounding with pride and love.
Aubrey watched you with a mix of admiration and adoration. The two of you had been best friends for years, your bond deepening over shared secrets and stolen glances. It wasn’t until a year ago that those feelings were finally voiced, and since then, you had both been navigating the thrilling world of a secret relationship.
Backstage, you could feel the excitement and tension. The concert was a success, but now came the part you dreaded most: the post-show interview. Reporters would undoubtedly ask about the song, as they had in every other interview since its release. You took a deep breath, stealing a glance at Aubrey. She gave you a reassuring smile, the kind that made your heart flutter and your resolve strengthen.
"Y/N, your song 'Dress' has captivated millions. The lyrics are so intimate and personal. Can you tell us who it's about?" the first reporter asked as you took your seat in front of the cameras.
You chuckled, a rehearsed but genuine sound. "You know, I've been asked that a lot. I think part of the magic of music is letting people find their own stories in the songs. 'Dress' is very personal to me, and I think it resonates with so many because we've all had that person who makes us feel something deep and intense."
The reporters pressed on, but you expertly dodged their attempts to unearth the truth. You'd become a professional at keeping your love life under wraps, protecting what was most precious to you. Only a select few knew the real story, and that was exactly how you wanted it.
After the interview, you slipped away to your dressing room, longing for a moment of solitude. You found Aubrey waiting there, a proud smile on her face.
"You handled that well," she said, her voice soft and filled with admiration.
"Thanks," you replied, stepping into her embrace. "It's getting harder, though. I want to tell the world about us."
Aubrey pulled back slightly to look into your eyes. "I know, but right now, it's our secret. And there's something kind of beautiful about that, don’t you think?"
You nodded, knowing she was right. The secrecy added a layer of intensity to your relationship, every hidden touch and whispered word charged with electricity. You pressed a soft kiss to her lips, grateful for her understanding and patience.
Months passed, and the speculation about "Dress" continued to grow. Every time you performed it, you could feel the weight of the audience's curiosity. But you also felt the warmth of Aubrey's gaze, always watching, always supporting.
One evening, after a particularly grueling day of interviews and rehearsals, you found yourself alone in your apartment, with phone in your hand, on call with Aubrey. Ahe had to go back to connecticut due to her basketball practices and you missed her dearly. The city buzzed outside, but within these walls, it was just the two of you.
"Do you ever wish we could just tell everyone?" you asked, voicing the question that had been on your mind all day.
Aubrey considering her answer. "Sometimes, yes. But then I remember that what we have is ours. No one else can touch it or judge it. It's pure."
You smiled, feeling the truth of her words. "You're right. But maybe one day, we won't have to hide."
"Maybe," Aubrey agreed. "But for now, I'm happy just being with you, however that looks."
You wanted to nestle into her embrace, so you could feel a sense of peace. The world could speculate all it wanted, but the truth was something only you and Aubrey shared. And for now, that was more than enough.
The end of the tour brought a bittersweet feeling. You loved performing, but you also craved the quiet moments with Aubrey. As the final concert approached, you decided to do something bold.
Standing on stage, the audience cheering wildly, you took a deep breath. "I want to thank everyone for coming out tonight," you began. "This is the last show of the tour and i couldn't be thankful for everyone who was with me through this year. This last song is very special to me. It's about someone who means the world to me." Even though, Aubrey supposed to be in Connecticut she didn't want to miss this show.
You could see Aubrey watching from the side of the stage, her eyes wide with surprise. "This is 'Dress,'" you continued, "and it's for you."
The crowd erupted in applause, but all you could see was Aubrey, tears of joy shining in her eyes. As you sang, you poured all your love and passion into the performance, knowing that finally, the world would know the truth.
When the last note faded, you walked off the stage, straight into Aubrey's arms. The cameras flashed, capturing the moment, but you didn't care. This was your story, your love, and you were finally ready to share it with the world.
From that night on, things were different. The media frenzy was intense, but you faced it together, stronger for having shared your truth. And every time you sang "Dress," you did so with a heart full of love, knowing that everyone now knew it was about the incredible woman by your side.
And in the end, that was the greatest encore of all.
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putschki1969 · 2 years
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2022/10/09 Blog post by Wakana ライブを楽しむ日々〜音楽って本当に良いよね…‼️〜 
❗This is Fan Club EXCLUSIVE content❗ ❗PERSONAL USE ONLY❗ Do ❗NOT SHARE❗ on other sites ❗Join her FAN CLUB! Check out my detailed TUTORIAL ❗
Days of Enjoying Concerts〜Music is Truly Amazing…‼️〜
Here’s a photo of a precious green child I came across at the place I visited the other day. This little girl took up a lot of space, she had a gorgeous complexion and was overall quite beautiful and lovely. Of course I couldn’t help but take a picture with her so I posed trying to look enchanted but I am not sure it comes across well in the picture. Is she an Artesima? Or maybe a Benghalensis? I wonder if my children at home will grow up to be this big someday~🌳🌳
And I discovered a fancy looking phone. When I tried to dial, it felt surprisingly real so I wondered if I could actually make a call. I couldn't...
Hello, this is Wakana (0 ̄▽ ̄0)/
When I see this kind of phone I immediately think of a hospital or a diner.
This month, I spent my days enjoying live performances on the weekends😍Last weekend, I went to Aimer-chan's live! At Pia Arena \(^o^)/Aimer-chan's 10th Anniversary Live was really wonderful...😭✨ I felt that I could hear her special "voice" much clearer than ever before, and I also felt a sense of unity with all the fans at the venue! Truth is, I have attended all of her lives since last year, including the online events. I deserve a perfect attendance award 🥳I also went to the forum lives of her tour🥰 Every time, I'm overwhelmed with emotion when I am listing to her singing voice. When she talks about her thoughts on music, I can’t help but burst into tears. I can feel her love towards music from the bottom of my heart. All the efforts she puts into creating music to share it with her fans truly warms my heart. Ahh, I love her so much (T_T) *laughs*
I'm sure everyone here feels the same 🥺✨When I think about it, I feel an even greater sense of unity with everyone so that makes me very happy...! ! Next week, her Osaka performance awaits us so if you are going, please enjoy the show! Aimer-chan is an irreplaceable and dear friend, she has been at my side through thick and thin. I want to continue to support my comrade in music forever and ever! ! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
And yesterday, I went to Yoshiko Hanzaki's live! This time at Nakano Sunplaza! I always end up crying at Yoshiko-sama's lives (I call her Yoshiko-sama in my head). Yesterday I started crying as soon as I entered the venue. *laughs* Sometimes I am kinda creepy *laughs* It was literally enough for me to hear Yoshiko-sama’s singing as BGM at the venue entrance to make me bawl like a baby 😭😭✨ But no, that wasn’t the end of my crying~ Last night was filled with tears upon tears...! Yoshiko-sama’s words flow smoothly into my heart, I always feel like my chest is about to burst from all these overwhelming feelings 😂😂←That’s very dangerous indeed.
And there were so many interesting surprises and special guests, it was truly a live filled with a lot of fun, happiness, and amazing emotions~🧑‍🤝‍🧑👭👬👫Don't forget to bring your handkerchief with you as this tour continues throughout the year! ! 🤧
Yoshiko-sama's pianist is Sakurada-san who I have worked with during my Kalafina days🎹 I was happy to be able to meet Saku-chan after a long time😄And last night, Takebe-san also appeared as a special guest I cannot believe how busy this man is, there must be at least five Takebe-sans to handle all of his activities...?😂😂💦
Ahhh, all of this has once again made realise that live performances are a lot of fun~! There is really nothing better than standing in front of an audience and singing your music for everyone... Both Aimer-chan and Yoshiko-sama said something similar during their events. They talked about a live venue being a precious place. A place to deliver the music you love to the people you love. I guess that is a sentiment shared among all musicians. And of course, whenever I see a live performance, I can’t help but want to do it as well! ! 😂😂 As much as I enjoyed experiencing the music of others, I now want to focus on my own music that I would like to deliver to everyone I love! Please wait a little while longer until that day arrives🥰🥰💕💕💕
By the way, yesterday, before the live, I was hanging out in Nakano🧚 I was strolling around Nakano Sun Mall while trying to find a coffee shop with a nice atmosphere (it was my first time at Sun Mall) Then I finally found a coffee shop that had good vibes! I managed to secure a table just for myself in the farthest corner of the rather large shop! Since it was a special day I though I would order a mix of hot sandwiches 🥪✨ (after all, bread is delicious...!) I also ordered some iced tea🍹 The tamagoyaki filling was fluffy, the cucumber was a lovely accent, and there was also some tomato which made it even more delicious 😳 I want to go again😍
Well everyone, until next time☆( *'▽'*)/
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pporapipam · 2 years
seeing all the fancams from svt’s concerts and hearing all about people’s concert experiences gives me a tremendous amount of joy 🥰
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sweetlyocs · 2 years
My 7Dream 
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synopsis: Phoenix’s ending feelings at TDS 2 
note: i cried many times writing this and there were so many emotions when going through it! but this is my input of dreamie show of 2022
As she stood looking out at the crowd, the feeling that was racing through her was unmatched to anything she had felt before. There wasn’t any stress nor and fear that they wouldn’t know what tomorrow would bring. They were safe. They were Dream.
If she focused enough, she could see fans in the crowd wiping their eyes as they listened to the words given by her members. She held tightly onto Jisung’s hand as his voice began shaking. Manuvering herself around the others to reach him so that she could try and give him some kind of comfort as he let out his thanks to the fans. Hugging him tightly as he finished speaking, she gently tugged his in ear out. As he lent down fans let out screams at the interaction,
“You did so well Jisungie, so insanely well. My baby”
The two connected eyes and hugged tightly before he patted her side, signalling her to go back to standing next to their leader. As she walked past the others, her hand brushed their sides in a silent cheer of strength.
As her time got closer, Phoenix could feel her eyes beginning to burn. The silence slowly grew as she tried to centre herself in her emotions, Mark leaning forward to rub her back. Whenever you’re ready, that’s what he was saying to her. Her hands shook slightly as she lifted her mic, the lights shining so bright that her eyes shut tightly.
Czennie! You waited a while, didn’t you? Cheers filled the stadium as a small smile graced her face, Hmmm… Did you miss us? I missed you all so much, it didn’t feel real preparing for this concert. I spent so long reading all your messages, I was scared that I would let you down. Like the members said, we wanted to show you your Dream. Her voice shuddered as she looked down the line, she knew how much time had passed but she was lost as to how everyone grew up so much. Life is so different now, it feels like overnight we grew up so much. Thank you for growing up with us too. I never tell my members this but when I was younger, I used to have this dream, it was me by myself sitting at the water. I had never been to the beach, and I had only heard stories but in the sky there were only a few stars that I could see and I would always ask them, I would ask, how would I be able to make my dream? I didn’t know what I wanted to do or who I wanted to be, but I was scared that I would be facing my dreams alone… and then I met them
Tears were building so much that Phoenix couldn’t bare to look at her members, I met the most important people in my life, and I never ever want to lose them. Our precious fans, thank you for letting me spend so much of my life loving them, and protecting them and for letting me have them in my life. And to my members, you make everything in my life so much better. From the day we met to the last day that we spend together, watching that sun set over the ocean. Thank you for being my dream.
Phoenix felt arms wrap around her body as her knees began to feel weak. The members felt hopeless as her body began to shake from tears. They began to gather round her not only to protect her from the views of cameras and fans but also to try and centre her. None of them were really aware of how much she felt like she had been facing but through each practice of certain songs they caught her just watching them from behind.
When they had been together on stage before Mark graduated, she had been the last to cry, only briefly tearing up on stage and refusing to break until late at night when they had calmed down from their emotional high. So, seeing her so openly fall apart was tough on all of them. Through every hard part in their lives since being together, she had made it her mission to be their rock. From spending hours in the practice room which led to them falling asleep on the ground curled in a ball in the corner, to sitting up to do homework together and making schedules with times that suited best for everyone to stay connected with their families. She had done everything to make sure that they were successful from home to stage.
Phoenix looked around at the people who surrounded her, her family had been through so much. So many times, of sadness and uncertainty and it led them to here, to now. She was partly embarrassed from her outburst and the other part confused, there was no reason for her to be sad or for her to be crying so much. But she was happy, happy that they finally stood together. Happy that the fans were there, that their friends and family sat out in the crowd. They had achieved so much and they had worked so hard.
Her eyes connected with Jaemin’s, his smile at her was so warm she could feel her heart flutter. Holding out his hand, the blond wrapped her up in his arms once she stood tall again. Placing a gentle kiss on her temple, the two stood side by side as they waited for Mark to give his own ending speech. Gently she felt him dabbing the now drying tears on her face, nudging her slightly he waited until she pulled her in ear out to speak,
“We couldn’t have made it here without you, you know that right?” Nodding she leant more into his side as they turned to listen to Mark, fans were reeling at the loud skin ship that the two were embracing on stage.
As she continued the rest of the concert, throwing hearts at fans and catching herself watching her members she made a mental note to never let go of this feeling and the love she had for every single one of them. She pulled out her phone and began snapping pictures of all the trivial things that kept her happy. The colour of the sea of fans that shined so bright, quick snaps of her members running around, the moon shining brightly in the sky keeping her hopes high. Every little thing that to Phoenix, meant the entire world.
 After the show had closed, the emotions continued to rage through her body. The left over high of such great shows back-to-back, the screams of fans that still echoed through her ears. Every smile that was shared between them and the staff with their own tears melting into the mix. Phoenix held onto each member tightly as they began shedding their mics and belts. As they reached the backdrop to take photos, she pulled them all together as the staff readied cameras and phones,
“Let’s have a sleepover tonight, like how we used to when we were kids.” Mark couldn’t help but coo slightly at her request, whether she knew it or not, her tone matched what it did when they were trainees. The pureness was something he had always wanted to make sure she had, that softness she carried was something that they all needed in the life they led.
“You’re so cute,” rung out Haechan’s voice. Whining as Jeno smacked him slightly as she pouted at him. “Of course we will, it’s tradition right?” Renjun’s voice spoke over the noise that was building more and more. Nodding she hi fived him as he winked at her. They were all pretty open with their feelings and being able to communicate between each other had gotten easier but still Renjun was the first to always indulge her need for time together.
“What should we do tonight?” Chenle questioned as they gathered in accordance, “Hmm, we can just eat and drink? Talk about all of our dreams you know? Like how we used to, we had so many plans back then that we wanted to achieve and now we have I think it’s time for us to make new ones”
Calling their attention from each other they each faced the staff as they got ready for the pictures, behind everyone’s arms two hands sought out each other as they stood. If it could be felt, then no one let on but as the they fell together the flash went off.
Now, forever and every moment past – my 7Dream
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yukidragon · 3 years
Our Life Snippet - Surprise Concert
Time for another snippet of the first draft for my fan novelization of Our Life: Beginnings & Always! We’re back in Step 1 again, but this time it’s a continuation of the original moment I started working on here. I’m thinking of titling this moment Saturday.
To a couple ocean loving kids like Cove and Jamie, a trip to the aquarium would be the obvious fun activity to do on a Saturday. However, as we’ve seen in the previous part, nothing is ever straightforward when you’re a little kid, is it? Maybe they’ll have better luck with a concert instead.
Thanks as always to @gb-patch, my followers, and everyone else who encourages me to keep writing. It makes me happy that so many people enjoy me expanding on the story about this perfectly precious pairing.
Jamie had a good time at the guitar lesson as she always did. Mx. Morgan was as nice and friendly as ever, and their praise for how much her playing was improving made her so happy. Playing her guitar was always so much fun, and whenever she played, it felt like the world disappeared for a while.
It should have been a fantastic morning, but Jamie couldn’t stop thinking about Cove and the aquarium.
Jamie found it confusing that it was still bothering her. She was good at not letting missing out on fun things leave her feeling sad for long. Even if it was something big like not getting an invite to a classmate’s birthday party or not being allowed to play with the group, she could always forget about missing out if she tried hard enough. There was no end to other fun things she could do after all, like searching for treasure, making up new games, reading a story, or playing her guitar.
Maybe it was the errands Jamie had to run with Pamela afterwards that made it impossible for her to forget the aquarium trip with her new neighbors, even though they weren’t anything out of the ordinary. Going to the city was an out of the way trip, so she would always help her mom run errands before they went home for lunch. Normally she didn’t mind too much, since she was helping out, which was important, but today the errands felt like twice as much of a chore.
Although Jamie tried her best not to focus on feeling disappointed, it didn’t go unnoticed by Pamela. The blue-haired girl tried her best to be cheerful for her mom’s sake, but she couldn’t stop her mind from wandering elsewhere. She barely managed to engage in the usual conversation on the car ride home, giving only short answers to gentle prompting from her mom as she spent the entire time staring wistfully out the window at the ocean in the distance while twisting one of her pigtails in her hands.
As they returned to the neighborhood, Pamela spotted the Holdens’ car in their driveway. “Oh, hey, it looks like the Holdens are back from the aquarium,” she said as she glanced at Jamie in the rearview mirror. She chuckled as her daughter instantly perked up, swiveling her head in the direction of the Holden house. “Tell you what, how about we give them a call and find out for sure? Maybe see if Cove can come over for a playdate?”
“Yeah!” Jamie said cheerfully. Even if she didn’t get to go to the aquarium, that was fine as long as she got to play with Cove. She was looking forward to hearing all about what his trip was like.
The enthusiasm Jamie had earlier for her trip to the aquarium turned into a barely contained impatience to see Cove. She squirmed in her seat until the car was parked and she could get out. Her eyes kept straying across the street even as she tried hard not to rush her mom retrieving her guitar in its case from the trunk.
Pamela let out a wry chuckle as they made their way to the house. “You’re really that excited to hear all about the aquarium, huh?”
“Uh huh!” Jamie said with a vigorous nod as she hurried alongside her mom. Already she had thoughts of what she wanted to do when Cove came over; not only could they talk about his trip to the aquarium, but she could play her guitar for him. They could both show off what interesting things they did that day.
“Okay then,” Pamela said after opening the door. “How about you take your guitar back to your room while I make the call?”
“Okay, Mom!” Jamie said, eagerly accepting the guitar from Pamela. The case made it a bit larger and more unwieldy, but she was used to carrying its heft by this point. She practically ran towards the stairs until she heard her mom shout after her to slow down, which she did immediately despite her eagerness.
When upstairs, Jamie picked up the pace unthinkingly, wanting to get her task done as soon as possible. However, she wound up rounding the corner at the same time that Lizzie was heading towards her in the opposite direction. She jerked back at the last second to avert disaster with a startled yelp, which her big sister echoed.
“Hey!” Lizzie said as she backed up a step, frowning disapprovingly at her little sister. “Watch it.”
Jamie winced and pulled the guitar case closer to herself as she stepped gingerly around her older sibling. “Oops. Sorry, Lizzie.”
“What’s the hurry?” Lizzie asked, her irritation slowly shifting to curiosity. Whatever had her little sister breaking the rules by running in the house must have been something good.
The earlier eagerness returned to Jamie’s eyes at the reminder. “Mom’s gonna invite Cove to come over.”
“Oh,” Lizzie said, her mouth twisting into something close to a frown. She couldn’t see why that would be so exciting to her little sister. Cove wasn’t that interesting of a kid to play with. If anything, he could be pretty annoying with how much of a wet blanket he could be.
It wasn’t hard for Jamie to guess what her sister was thinking from that sort of lackluster reaction. Cove and Lizzie hadn’t really clicked yet. Hopefully they would soon.
“Cove and his dad went to the aquarium,” Jamie added, hoping that would spark some enthusiasm from her big sister as well. “I’m gonna ask him to tell me all about it, and I’m gonna show him what I can play on my guitar.”
The extra details only served to make Lizzie skew her expression further. “Is that it?”
Jamie blinked at the funny face. She couldn’t quite figure out what that reaction meant. “What is it?”
“Why would you wanna hear about something like that?” Lizzie asked. “It’s not like you can see all the fish Cove saw unless he and his dad took pictures.”
Jamie had to admit that Lizzie had a point about that. Still, that didn’t mean they couldn’t have fun. “Maybe they did take pictures, or maybe Cove has cool stories to tell about his trip there.”
“Or maybe nothing happened except they stared at a bunch of fish for a couple hours,” Lizzie said with a shrug. “Sounds pretty boring to me.”
Jamie shook her head a bit to dismiss the notion. It didn’t surprise her one bit that her big sister didn’t see what was so cool about the ocean and all the things that lived in it.
Lizzie liked the beach well enough, but her interests were more in playing on the sand or splashing in the water than anything that was going on under the waves. She would’ve been perfectly happy doing stuff like that in a waterpark or a pool inland.
In fact, Jamie was pretty sure Lizzie might like that better - her big sister always wanted to live in a big mansion, and those fantasies often involved having a heated indoor swimming pool.
“It’s not,” Jamie insisted, returning her thoughts to the current topic. “The aquarium is like an ocean, but inside!” She threw her arms out to her sides for emphasis. “That’s super cool!”
Lizzie shrugged off the insistence. “If you say so,” she said before continuing on her way. “Don’t expect me to stick around for it though. I’m going out to play.”
“Fine,” Jamie said, her face scrunching up a bit as she watched her sister go.
If Lizzie couldn’t see what was so amazing about an indoor ocean and all the wondrous creatures that it contained, then she wasn’t going to have fun listening to someone talk about it. It was better for her to go someplace else rather than sit around bored, or worse, try to insist that they do something else.
Jamie had to wait until after lunch was over before her playdate with Cove, but soon she and her friend were up in her room together with the whole afternoon ahead of them. “So how was the aquarium?” she asked excitedly.
“Dunno,” Cove said. “We didn’t go.”
Jamie blinked, surprised. “Huh? Why not?”
Cove found it awkward to mention that the idea of going to the aquarium was no longer appealing if Jamie wasn’t going to come along, so he could only offer a noncommittal shrug for an answer.
“Oh,” Jamie said, guessing Cove was too disappointed by the trip being canceled to want to talk about the reason why. “That’s too bad.” She did her best to smile to brighten up the mood. “Maybe we can both go to the aquarium another time.”
“Yeah,” Cove said, offering a shy smile to Jamie in return. “That’d be fun.”
Jamie beamed at the idea. Maybe she and Cove couldn’t visit the aquarium together today, but she was sure that they would someday. She could hardly wait for that day.
“How was your guitar lesson?” Cove asked.
“It was good,” Jamie said brightly. “Mx. Morgan taught me some new arpeggio shapes today.”
“Shapes?” Cove repeated, blinking in confusion. “I thought you were playing the guitar.”
“Oh, not like drawing shapes,” Jamie said, seeing the reason for the confusion right away. “In music, shapes are a pattern of musical notes you play. An arpeggio is a specific type of pattern.”
“Oh,” Cove said, though he still didn’t quite get it. His old school had music classes, but none of them mentioned anything like what Jamie was talking about.
Jamie knew that it would be difficult to explain in words, and she doubted that she could do it as well as Mx. Morgan. It had taken her quite a few lessons to understand it herself after all.
Well, if Jamie couldn’t explain it with words, then she would have to just demonstrate it with action instead. “Wanna hear me play?” she asked, eager to show off to her new friend. “I can show you what I mean.”
Cove nodded. “Sure.” Listening to music sounded a lot easier than trying to understand how to play it.
Delighted, Jamie rushed over to her guitar case, which rested beside her bed. Normally she was supposed to put it away in her closet whenever she wasn’t going to lessons or practicing, but she kept it out with the hope that Cove would be interested to listen to her play. Within moments, she had her guitar strapped on and ready to play.
As Jamie sat down on her bed with her guitar in her lap, Cove took a seat on the floor. He thought back to the music classes at his old school and how rowdy the other students could be about playing an instrument. The lessons with recorders were the worst, as the more obnoxious kids liked to blow hard and shrill just because they thought it was funny.
Cove doubted Jamie was the type of kid to play bad on purpose; she always seemed too nice to play pranks like that. Still, playing music was hard. It was easy to accidentally make awful noise with an instrument instead of anything close to music, as he found out from his own fumbling attempts with a recorder.
Still, even if Jamie wasn’t very good at playing, Cove found it nice to see how excited she was about it. He noticed as well that her guitar was covered in dozens of colorful stickers of all sorts of cheerful designs - it was very Jamie. “Your guitar looks cool.”
Jamie beamed at the praise. “Thanks! My moms got it for me when I started taking lessons.” She held out her guitar as far as the strap would allow so that he could get a better look at it. “I decorated it myself. Some of the stickers are from Mx. Morgan when I do a good job in class. I got this one today.” She eagerly pointed out a sticker of a smiling cartoon frog clapping while declaring, ‘Bravo!’
“Neat,” Cove said, noticing that there were quite a few of those cartoon frogs offering cheerful words of praise adorning her guitar.
Once Jamie was satisfied that Cove was done admiring her guitar, she placed it into her lap properly. All at once, her expression changed from cheerful and energetic to one of quiet focus as she arranged her fingers on the strings.
A bright and pleasant sound filled the room as Jamie strummed the strings. Although it sounded nice to Cove, he was surprised to see her suddenly frown.
“What is it?” he asked, wondering what was wrong.
Jamie let out a quiet displeased grunt. “Hang on a sec.”
Without explanation, she plucked at some of the strings before twisting the little knobs at the top of the guitar ever so slightly before plucking the strings again. This repeated on a loop until finally she gave a satisfied nod as she strummed all of the strings at once.
Cove could only stare at Jamie in silent confusion until she finally turned back to him and flashed him a smile.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” she said sheepishly. “Sometimes the drive messes up the strings so it doesn’t sound right.”
Cove blinked at that. “Really?”
Jamie nodded. “Yeah. If the strings aren’t right, the songs sound all weird and wrong and aren’t as good.” She saw the confusion still plain as day on his face, and smiled to reassure him. “But it’s fine now, so I’m ready to play.”
“Okay,” Cove said, not sure what else he could say to that. The guitar sounded fine to him, but he supposed that was because he wasn’t taking lessons like she was.
With the guitar tuned properly and explanations out of the way, Jamie got back into position then started to play.
Cove fully expected to hear the usual kid songs like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star or Mary Had a Little Lamb, but what Jamie played was neither of those. It struck him as familiar, but it took him a moment to realize that it wasn’t a song they ever taught in any of his music classes, but something he had heard before on the radio. His suspicions were confirmed when Jamie began to sing the lyrics.
Cove was left stunned. Although he didn’t think Jamie would be bad at playing the guitar, he didn’t expect a kid his age to show this level of talent with not only an instrument but singing as well. He couldn’t do anything but watch her with wide eyes, completely enchanted by the song.
Jamie lost herself in the music, her eyes focused entirely on her hands as they moved fluidly across the strings. Her expression displayed a level of concentration that Cove had never seen from her before. She was typically so energetic it was almost untamed. Still, even with such methodical focus, he could see the joy she always radiated in her bright smile and the sparkle in her dark blue eyes.
It took Cove a moment to notice the silence when it settled over the room once the song ended. He blinked his eyes repeatedly as he snapped out of the spell Jamie had cast over him and came back down to Earth.
Jamie finally lifted her head as she came out of her focused state, practically bubbling over with eager energy as she looked at Cove. “So? What did you think?”
Words failed Cove, and all he could manage was to breathe out a single word, “Wow…”
That hushed reaction had a huge impact, and Jamie lit up, shining as bright as the sun. She had been praised before, but never had anyone reacted to her music with such awe. She squirmed in place as she hugged her guitar close and kicked her feet, unable to contain her joy. “Really? I’m so glad you liked it! I worked really, really hard to get better at playing.”
Slowly, Cove recovered from his amazement and nodded. He couldn’t help but smile back at Jamie, her happiness contagious. “Mm. I can tell.”
Jamie was smiling so hard that her warm cheeks started to hurt, but she was too thrilled that she impressed her new friend to care. “Do you wanna hear another song?”
Cove nodded again. “Sure!”
Music filled the air and the afternoon slipped away as Jamie played every song she knew, as well as a few of the trickier chords that she felt were impressive. Cove was an attentive audience, and his genuine enjoyment left her feeling as though she was floating on air.
The only sour note came when Jamie attempted to show off a trickier song that she hadn’t yet mastered. A twinge of the wrong string stopped her playing instantly, and she winced, as even Cove noticed her mistake.
“Sorry,” Jamie apologized, her cheeks tinting with mortification. “I’m still not good with the faster songs yet.”
Cove shook his head. “It sounded good until the end there. You’re really good with the guitar, Jamie. And singing too. Really good.” He was still having a hard time believing that a kid his age could play an instrument or sing so well even though he spent the past while hearing it for himself.
Although the embarrassment faded, Jamie felt the heat in her cheeks intensify from such sincere praise. However, before she could manage to find her voice, a sudden call from downstairs disrupted the moment.
“Kids, Cove’s dad is here!” Pamela shouted. “It’s time for Cove to go home!”
The news that their playdate was coming to an end deflated the pleasant atmosphere. Jamie put her guitar carefully back into its case as Cove reluctantly got up from the floor and stretched out the kinks in his muscles. He couldn’t help but feel annoyed that his dad had come early.
However, Cove had no sooner finished that thought when he noticed the setting sun outside the window. Glancing at the clock, he was surprised to see that it was actually time for dinner already. When did that happen?
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bangtan · 3 years
BTS Shares Message Of Hope For The Future Generation, Performs “Permission To Dance” At The United Nations
On September 20 local time, BTS and South Korean President Moon Jae In spoke at the Sustainable Development Goals Moment (SDG Moment) at the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly.
This was BTS’s first official event after being officially appointed special presidential envoys by President Moon Jae In last week.
At the SDG Moment, the BTS members spoke from the perspective of young people living through the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and shared a message of hope for the future.
RM said, “We are here today to share the stories of the future generation. Before we came here, we asked young people in their teens and 20s around the world about the past two years and about the world they’re living in today.” Jin said, “There were times during the past two years when we too felt confused and troubled. But here, there are people who cry out, ‘Let’s live on, let’s live the best of this moment.'” Jimin continued, “They couldn’t just stand still during this time of their lives. There was no one we could blame. We were the same as we were yesterday, but the world had changed like we had suddenly entered a parallel world.”
Jungkook said, “We were saddened to hear the news of entrance and graduation ceremonies being canceled. It is upsetting to lose the moments that should be celebrated moments in one’s life. As for us, we were disappointed to have to cancel the concert tour that we had prepared for so long, and for a long time we missed the moments that we wanted to complete.” Suga said, “We needed time to mourn for the things that we lost to COVID-19, and time to discover how precious the moments that we took for granted were.”
Jimin showed the results of BTS’s #youthtoday campaign that they ran on social media, where people would send in photos of their precious moments. He said, “There were many people who showed themselves in nature. It seems that for the past two years, the time that we spent in nature felt more special.”
J-Hope referred to environmental issues when he said, “We just spoke about mourning, but it’s hard to even think about the mourning for the Earth. Everyone agrees that climate change is an important problem, but it’s not easy to talk about what the best solution might be.”
RM added, “While we were preparing to come here today, we learned that there are many young people who are taking an interest in environmental issues and that there are many students who have taken this on as their field of study. The future is unexplored territory, and we will be the ones who spend the most time in it, so I think that these young people are trying to find for themselves the ways that we can live in it.”
V continued, “I hope we don’t consider the future as nothing but darkness. We have people who are concerned for the world and are searching for the answers. There are still many pages left in the story about us, so I hope we don’t just talk about it like the ending is already written.” Jungkook added, “Sometimes the world seems stopped in place even if we’re ready to go. Sometimes it feels like you’ve lost your way. There were times when we felt the same way.”
RM continued, “I have heard people in their teens and 20s now are called the ‘COVID lost generation.’ It means that at a time when they need the most opportunities and challenges, they’ve lost their way. But just because adults cannot see the road for themselves, it doesn’t mean that they’ve lost their way.”
Jimin shared photos of students who have continued their studies and activities despite the pandemic and said, “In online spaces, they have continued to meet with their friends in new ways, started learning new things, and have tried to live more healthy lives. Rather than looking lost, they’ve found new courage and are taking on new challenges.”
Jin said, “Therefore, I think that instead of the ‘lost generation,’ the ‘welcome generation’ is a more appropriate name. Instead of being afraid of change, this generation says ‘welcome’ as they walk forward into the future.” RM said, “If we continue to believe in possibility and hope, we will not lose our way but discover new ones.” Suga added, “We will not always make perfect choices, but that will not mean that there is nothing we can do.”
J-Hope said, “What’s important are the choices we make when faced with change. Upon the news of us coming to the UN, many people wondered whether we had been vaccinated. I will take this opportunity to say that all seven of us have been vaccinated.” RM went on, “Vaccination was like the ticket for meeting our fans and being able to stand here today. Just like we said today, we too are doing the things that we’re able to do right now.”
V said, “Like the vaccination efforts, people are continuing to work on moving this new reality forward. I believe the day that we can meet face-to-face is not far away. I hope that until that day comes, we can continue to fill each day with positive energy.” RM concluded, “We thought that the world had stopped, but it continues to move forward. I believe that each choice is the beginning of change, not the end. I hope that in this new world, we can all say to each other, ‘Welcome.'”
BTS then shared a video performance of the group performing “Permission to Dance” at the United Nations General Assembly.
Source (1) (2)
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dakotacrisis · 3 years
Trust Me, Trust Me
Because for some reason the writers will not give the Lukanette shippers what they deserve, we must take matters into our own hands. If you have not seen the latest ML episode this will contain major spoilers! You have been warned!
But other than that please enjoy this quick little fix-it fic for all you Lukanette lovers.
If Hawkmoth could get a new hobby that would be great. It really would be. Maybe he can take up bird watching or stamp collecting or origami. You know, just a little something that can take up his time so he isn’t interrupting one of Marinette’s dates for once in her life! She swore, if she had to miss another date because the butterfly man wanted some earrings she was going to hunt him down and skin him alive.
Marinette had made the decision to let go of her crush on Adrien and start dating Luka shortly after their trip to New York. She cared for him, loved him, but he was always just out of reach. Upon coming back to Paris and seeing how happy he was with Kagami, Marinette understood where his heart truly lies. It was the confirmation she needed.
It was hard at first given how long she had been pining after Adrien. He still held a precious place in her heart but every time she was with Luka it blended into platonic love a bit more. Her first step was to get rid of all the pictures of Adrien she had pinned up in her room until all that remained were some catalog snapshots in her inspiration book and a couple friendly group shots on her wall.
She was ready to move forward with Luka. She really was. Now if only she could get through a date without Hawkmoth interrupting it. The man had an uncanny ability to start something the second she was alone with Luka or when they had plans. The movies, ice cream dates, bike rides, concerts, she was missing it all and it tore her apart. She could tell it was starting to wear on Luka too. Not that she blamed him in the least. Marinette left because it was her duty but Luka had to watch her runaway from him dozens of times with little to no explanation.
Lies were becoming as easy to her as breathing and it sickened her. Luka deserved so much better than that. A few times she thought that maybe she should end both their suffering and call things off but then he would smile at her, play her a song, and kiss her forehead and everything would be right again. She couldn’t think of leaving him when he always welcomed her back into his arms with a smile. It was like his faith in her was unshakeable.
At least that’s what Marinette had thought. Luka was very trusting and understanding but everyone has a breaking point. Even someone as patient as Luka. Watching her boyfriend get akumatized because she couldn’t tell him the truth of why she always disappeared broke her heart. Having to fight him hurt even worse. Learning that the father he never knew was actually their favorite singer was jarring. Poor boy woke up in Marinette’s room not remembering anything about his akumatization or what he learned about his family.
That evening after Luka went home Marinette sat in her room debating what to do. The real truth was out of the question. Telling him that she was Ladybug would only put him and everyone she cares about in danger. But she had to tell him something!
She also needed to have a conversation with her friends because apparently, even after dating Luka for weeks, they still think she is madly in love with Adrien. Even if she was, so many people know about it at this point that she hesitates to call it a secret. The only person who never knew was Adrien himself! But that’s a problem for another day.
What she needed to do was talk to Luka. She called him up and they agreed to meet up under the bridge. He smiled when he saw her and it broke her heart all the more, that even after today he could still greet her with that warm smile.
“Hi, thanks for meeting me so late,” Marinette said.
“We did leave things kinda unresolved earlier, didn’t we?” Luka sighed, “A lot happened today and even though I don’t remember any of it I was filled in later. When I went home my mom was waiting for me and asked if I remembered anything from being akumatized. When I said no she told me who my dad is.”
“She did?” Marinette wasn’t surprised, if she didn’t tell him then someone else on the boat surely would have.
“Turns out it’s Jagged Stone.” He shook his head, “ My idol is also my dad. I don’t know how to feel about that. All these years I felt a connection to him but I thought it was just because we were both musicians. Turns it out it runs a lot deeper than that.”
“I can’t imagine what that must be like.” Marinette said, “Do you think you’ll talk to him after this?”
“I feel like I have to. I still have so many questions.” He looked back at Marinette and his smile returned, “Enough about all that though. What did you want to talk about?”
“Well now I don’t know if this is the best conversation to have considering what all you’ve already gone through today.” Marinette suddenly felt like an idiot. She shouldn’t be pushing more onto him when he’s already clearly going through a lot.
“Are you breaking up with me?” He asked, eyes full of careful trepidation.
“What? No! Of course not!” Marinette clasped his hands with hers. “Is that what you want?”
“Never. I just know that you’ve been missing out on a lot of our dates and…” He glanced down at their clasped hands, “I thought it might be because you were unsure about us. I miss you, Marinette.”
“I miss you too.” Marinette squeezed his hands tighter, “I want to tell you the truth so badly, Luka. It would clear up everything and then you’d understand why I do the things I do but I can’t tell you. It’s not because I don’t trust you but because it’s something that I know will only cause problems for you if I do.”
“Does this have anything to do with Adrien?”
“Absolutely not. This is in no way related to Adrien or my feelings or anything like that. It’s a lot more complicated than all that.”
“Can you explain it then? You don’t have to go into details if it is really that precious a secret but you need to give me something here, Marinette. I feel like you’re drifting further and further away from me and I can’t figure out what’s causing it.”
“The truth...the truth is…” Marinette swallowed back all the lies and looked into her boyfriend’s eyes. He had so much faith in her. He trusted her so much, she owed him at least this. “The truth is that I have a certain responsibility that I cannot neglect. I get called to take care of it sporadically and no matter how much I wish that I could take a day off I can’t.”
Tears threatened to spill from her eyes but she willed them back, “It feels like my life has been uprooted because of it but I can’t just back out of it either. I enjoy what I do but it always ends up hurting me and those around me in ways that I didn’t think it would when I took on this responsibility. Is any of what I’m saying making sense?”
“Marinette,” Luke pulled her closer, enveloping her in a warm hug, “It’s okay.”
“No it’s not! Because I can’t control what’s going on and it’s not fair to you and I just wish that we could have normal dates and be together like normal people.” She hiccuped, “I really like you, Luka. I want to be your girlfriend and go out on dates and have fun together but my responsibilities keep getting in the way. Everything is falling apart around me and I don’t know how to fix it. I feel like I’m way in over my head trying to keep everything from crumbling.”
“Hush now,” He rubbed a hand across her back, “It’ll be alright. I don’t know what pressure you must be under but you are doing the best you can. Even if the best you can is struggling that doesn’t mean you are doing nothing. You are doing everything you can at the capacity you are capable of doing it. That is all that can be expected of you so if a few things slip through the cracks it is not your fault. You were not being neglectful of your duties, you tried your very best. If you did nothing then that would be even worse, right?”
Luka pulled back, grasping at her shoulders and stared hard into her eyes, “You are doing the best you can! Are you listening to me? You are doing all you can and that is enough! You are doing enough!”
Marinette started sobbing. The tears she had so desperately tried to keep away ran hot and wet down her face. Her throat was making an ugly croaking noise as she wailed and clung tightly onto Luka. She could barely breathe with how hard she started crying. Years of pent up sorrow, anger, and fear was flooding out of her and she couldn’t get it to stop even if her life depended on it.
Luka held her close and let her cry. He didn’t try to say anything to make her feel better. He just held her and hummed a peaceful melody in her ear. She wasn’t sure how long they stood there while she cried but when it was over Luka still did not let her go. Not until her hiccuping sobs quieted down into manageable sniffles.
“Feel better?” He asked, wiping the tears from her eyes. Marinette nodded. “Good. Don’t ever feel like you need to hide your struggles from me, Marinette. If you need to run off and do what you need to do then just tell me. I won’t get angry, I won’t try to stop you, I just want to know that at the end of the day that you’re okay. Dates can be rescheduled easily enough. I’m just happy to spend any time I can with you.”
“I feel like you’re being way nicer to me than I probably deserve.”
“And I think you’ve been denying yourself a lot more than you should. No matter what is going on in your life, Marinette, it doesn’t mean that you need to miss out on everything else. You can be upset and selfish. You should be. Bottling all of that up will only hurt you worse in the end.”
Marinette took a deep breath. “Well, I don’t have any other plans for tonight, did you want to do something?”
Luka smiled and kissed her forehead, “Anything you want, my melody.”
“Is it too late to go back to the boat and have a movie night?”
“Not at all,” He threaded his fingers through hers and they started the walk back to Luka’s house.
They were smiling and laughing the whole walk back. At the ramp to the boathouse though was an unexpected visitor. Luka froze, his grip on Marinette’s hand getting tighter.
“Luka,” Jagged Stone nodded to him.
“Jagged.” Luka said. His expression was unreadable.
“I’m sorry,” Jagged said, “Rock star or not I should have been around for you and your mother and your sister. I guess I felt too inadequate to be a proper father like you deserved. That’s not an excuse but--”
“Hey,” Juleka appeared on the ramp startling everyone. The girl was like a freaking ghost. “Are you my dad too or just Luka?”
“I’m your dad too.” Jagged answered.
“Awesome.” Juleka smiled and returned to inside the ship.
“Wait! Do you not have any questions?” Jagged called after her but Juleka didn’t seem all that concerned with the information. Luka wasn’t surprised. She never worried herself about who her dad was like Luka always had. She figured that she had the family she did and that was that.
“Jagged,” Luka said, “I’m glad I know the truth now and I appreciate you coming out here but it has been a long day. Right now all I want to do is sit down, watch a movie, cuddle with my girlfriend and process what all I’ve learned today. You are more than welcome to come by later this week but I really just need some time to myself to sort through all this first.”
“Yes, of course,” Jagged glanced at Marinette and his face lit up like the Eiffel Tower, “And are you dating Marinette? That is awesome! I knew you must have had great taste in women, just like your old man!”
“Jagged!” Luka’s mom shouted from the boat, “That’s enough out of you tonight! The boy wants to be left alone!”
“It’s alright, mom!” Luka shouted back. “Go back inside, I got this handled.”
Mrs. Couffaine sighed and went back inside, all the while still glaring at Jagged. “She’s right,” Jagged said, “I should be going. Enjoy your evening. And Luka, whenever you’re ready to talk I’ll be here.”
“Thanks,” Luka said, “I’ll be seeing you soon.”
With that Jagged dug his hands deep in his pockets and wandered down the street and out of sight. “You okay?” Marinette asked after he was gone.
“Still taking it all in but I’m fine. Now come here, I promised you a movie night.” Luka pulled her onto the boat. They settled down in the living room area. Marinette picked out a movie while Luka made some popcorn for them to munch on.
The opening credits began to roll and Marinette tucked herself into Luka’s side. One of his hands played idly with the ends of her hair. She sunk into his touch like a puppet whose strings had been cut. “Luka,” she whispered, lifting her head up to look at him.
“Hm?” Luka gazed down at her, “Need something?”
“Can I kiss you?” The questioned breathed past her lips.
“Yes you can,” He pulled her up closer. Their eyes drifted shut as his lips brushed against one another in the gentlest of kisses. Marinette’s insides fluttered happily as she met his soft lips again, kissing him deeper. He held her close tilting her head just so, so he could access her mouth better.
She giggled into the kiss. Her happiness unable to contain itself for even a moment. Luka chuckled too at her giggling so it rumbled against her lips. “What’s so funny?” he asked in a quiet voice.
“I’m just...happy.” She sighed, “I’m really happy here with you. And that’s the truth.”
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Hello all, Finally the new chapter of Edinburgh to Boston is ready.
As I said in my update this has not been betaed. Therefore, any mistakes. lack of continuity or general mess-ups are all mine. I hope you will forgive me and overlook them. It took some re-writing when I read it over several times and I hope I caught all the mistakes.
This has been my baby for a long time and honestly, I think that was another reason that took so long to finish it as this is the last chapter. There will be an epilogue to clean up some things that are hanging around.
Just because this is the last chapter, does not mean this is the end. I can't really let go of these two people. They are so dear to my heart. Besides that, as I wrote this I realized that I did not totally address the opening premise that I made. If you recall I said that Fate and Destiny had their hands in seeing these two come together. There are other stories to tell about how such forces brought them together. I do plan a Part II but how I will do it has yet to be planned out.
I can't thank you all enough for being patient with me during times of difficulty when it took so long to get a chapter posted. I am so honored that so many of you liked this story which I honestly thought was going to fall flat on its face. I never dreamed I would get the response to it that I did. I thank you all for reading, commenting, giving the story some love. I am truly overwhelmed by your kindness.
As always I need to thank my betas who helped me along the way and gave me the encouragement to continue when I didn't think I could do it. @scubalass you're the best.
Without further ado and a tear in my eye, I give you Chapter 21 Edinburgh to Boston.
Edinburgh to Boston
Chapter 21
Secrets and Truths
“Come On! Come On! COME ON!” Claire groused at the tardy lift. It really wouldn’t do to be late for surgery on her first day back to work. She wanted to give the damn thing a good kick but thought better of it since she would be standing for most of the day. The idea of standing on a sore foot did not appeal to her.
“Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ, what is taking this thing so long? For a new building, you would think they would have installed a better lift system.” Finally, the doors slid open on the fifth floor where the cardiothoracic surgery department offices were located.
She ran down the corridor trying to free herself from her coat while hanging onto the bag containing her morning fix.
Claire ran through the building’s front door shouting a greeting to Eddie, the security guard on duty. She made a beeline for the Cafe to get her morning coffee before going up to her office. It would be a long and trying day and the caffeine jolt would serve as her means of survival.
Niall stood behind the counter and grinned at her. “Late Dr. B?”
“Whatever made you think so?” she replied rather dryly. Her face was flushed and her hair exploded out from her wooly cap.
“Just a wild guess,” he smirked.
“Humph!” she snarled. “I would love to stand and chat with you but I have surgery in an hour. I’ll have a…”
“Here it is Dr. B. Large black coffee with one sugar and a raisin scone.” Niall smiled showing her the takeaway bag with her name on it.
She looked flustered, “How did you…”
“Dr. Fraser came by earlier. He ordered for you thinking you might be...um, in a hurry.”
“You say Dr. Fraser’s here already?” Claire grimaced ashamed of her lateness. It seemed, however, that curiosity got the better of her. Doing her best to look nonchalant, she casually asked, “Um, how did he look? Tired was he?” Dark smudges rimmed her eyes from lack of sleep. Claire would have liked nothing more than to curl up in bed and pull the covers over her head.
“Nay, no’ at all. Dr. Fraser said he worked out in the gym first then ran here. He looked quite hale and hearty actually. A wee bit pink from the cold, but truly well.”
“Of course, he did,” mumbling with annoyance to herself, “the man is made out of steel.”
Opening her overstuffed slouchy bag, she began the ritual of hunting for her wallet.
Cocking his head to the side, Niall pushed the bag toward Claire, “Oh, and he paid for this too.”
“Thank you, Niall and I’ll thank Fraser when I see him.”
Grabbing the bag, she made a mad dash toward her arch-enemy, the lift.
As usual, the ride to her floor became an act of slow torture and unmitigated agony. Once the lift doors opened, she sprinted down the corridor shaking one arm out of her coat while juggling her purse and the bag with its precious contents in the other hand. As she arrived outside her office door, her other arm managed to jiggle out of its sleeve. Finding the key to her office would require a balancing act considering the disordered state of her handbag. Placing her coat between her teeth and the bag containing her coffee and scone between her knees, not the soundest of ideas mind, she rummaged inside her handbag. Of course, the key could not be found being buried in the deep recesses of the purse. Needing a little extra stability, Claire leaned against the doorway. The door swung open making her lose balance and stumble into the room. Her mouth opened, squawking in surprise causing the coat to drop to the floor. Flailing hands pinwheeled around trying to maintain equilibrium rather than land ignominiously on her arse. She managed to keep her footing but lost the grip on her purse and watched as the contents tumbled out spilling haphazardly around the room. By some miracle, the sack with the coffee and scone remained intact. Not a drop of the rejuvenating liquid spilled. Which, of course, was the most important thing.
Surveying the mess she had inadvertently created, Claire concluded it was going to be one of those days. No doubt about it. And to make matters worse, she would have to operate without Fraser. Not to have his strong capable hands there moving in concert with hers, well the thought just soured her stomach. Of course, Pound would be there to help, but he was still in training even if he was Chief Fellow and she would still have to monitor him.
Mumbling words that a lady should not use, Claire picked up her coat and tossed it on a chair. On her hands and knees, she crawled around picking up the scattered bits and bobs shoving them back in the purse.
Standing, she walked toward her desk and saw it. In the middle of the desk stood a small beautifully cut crystal vase filled with forget-me-nots, white heather, and baby’s breath. A handwritten card placed in front of the flowers was written in a distinctive script declaring, Tha gaol agam ort, J. Claire could not read Gàidhlig but she instinctively knew what it meant. Her eyes misted over as she touched the delicate blooms.
How do you do it, Jamie Fraser? You take a terrible day and turn it into something magical.
Claire put on her lab coat, grabbed the bag with her coffee and scone, and walked out closing the door behind her. She strolled toward her nemesis, the lift, smiling and humming happily.
“Aye, that’s right. See how Dr. Beauchamp keeps her field clear. It gives ye an unobstructed view and prevents postoperative infection.” Jamie turned to look at his students and they all dutifully nodded in appreciation.
“Watch how Dr. Beauchamp creates the anastomosis. Then she’ll tie it off. See how she makes her knots! ‘Tis a thing of beauty, is it no’? Perfect technique!” Jamie praised. Peering at his beloved, he saw her eyes crinkle with pleasure and her cheeks blazed red above her mask.
He came alive while he watched her work. As a surgeon, she was smart, talented, and highly sought after. Not only because of her skill but because she deeply cared about her patients. Some colleagues thought her “too involved” or believed her gender would make her“too soft” to become a competent cardiothoracic surgeon. Other critics thought her involvement with her patients would undermine her professionalism.
They had made love. Legs twined together; her head rested on his shoulder while his arm curled around her protectively. Jamie turned on to his side just enough to allow him to see her nakedness gilded by the moonlight. She curled into him clinging to him like a limpet anchored to a rock. Her muscles tense where normally she lay in his arms boneless after their intimacy. Finding a particularly tight knot he massaged it and felt it go slack.
“Is something wrong, my own? Did I no’ please you?” he asked anxiously.
“No, you were wonderful, really, Jamie. It’s just me. I started thinking. I don’t know why. But it’s nothing at all truly. I’m fine, just fine.”
“Sassenach, I ken well enough what ‘I’m fine means. Why dinna ye tell me what’s upsetting ye.” Jamie pulled her closer, tucking Claire’s head under his chin.
“We need to go back soon,” she said in a voice so low as to be almost inaudible. “And I’m so happy here with you,” she looked up into those startling blue eyes. “Then I started thinking about what it took for me to get this far in my career. My residency. My Fellowship. And suddenly I wondered if it was all worth it. I wondered if they were right in the end.”
“Who was right, Sassenach?”
Heaving a heavy sigh, Claire shared her trials as a cardiothoracic fellow. The competition for the position had been fierce. Only the top five candidates were called back to interview for the one open position. Even though she was highly ranked among the candidates for the fellowship, her prospective mentors suggested that perhaps she would be more suited to pediatrics, dermatology, or aesthetics as one of those specialties might suit her female sensibilities better. They had suggested cardiothoracic surgery might be too rigorous for a woman. The hours too demanding for a married woman. What would her husband say? Wouldn’t she like to have a family someday?
“The only qualification I didn’t have was I didn’t have a prick,” she said with some bitterness. She never expected an easy time. A distinct amount of sexism existed in medicine and women were not welcomed with open arms. She worked the worst schedule and given the most complex cases. Evaluations were harsh and judgmental. All done in the hopes that she would quit. Instead, it just made her work harder. And she turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the mockery heaped on her. Claire succeeded where many others failed. She became their first female Chief Fellow; won several prestigious awards for her research. More importantly to Claire, her patients thrived.
“I am beginning to think they were right about some things. There is so much more to life. Much, much more,” she said drowsily. “And I want to have it. All.” Yawning, her eyes fluttered closed, and fell into a contented sleep.
“Aye, mo nighean donn, ye will. I’ll see tae it,” and leaned over kissing her brow.
Truly Claire is a woman of rare spirit, he thought. A woman who overcame many challenges and obstacles from an early age and was better for it. After all, she survived a plane crash that claimed the lives of her parents, lived like a vagabond with her archeologist uncle, and prevailed over a nightmare marriage. Many people would have been crushed under such hardships. But not his Sassenach; she endured. She managed to overcome them and emerge victoriously. A woman of rare spirit indeed. And one who deserved to be loved and loved well.
Jamie’s narrative kept pace with Claire’s every movement. Occasionally, he fired off questions at various intervals to his followers which they answered to his satisfaction. They remained throughout the entire procedure until skin closure finished and the patient made ready for transfer to the CSICU.
“Dr. Pound will accompany the patient to their room and start to write the postoperative orders. Please go with him. I will meet you over there.”
“Dr. Beauchamp, a word if ye please about yer next case,” called Jamie.
“Of course, Dr. Fraser. I would be delighted.”
The doctors exited the operating room on the pretext of being nothing more than two colleagues engaged in a discussion about a patient scheduled for surgery that afternoon. They approached an out-of-the-way corridor between the OR and the CSICU stealing down the passageway like two thieves in the night. Jamie’s head spun around looking for anyone who might have observed them. Deciding that they had not been seen, he seized her hand and pulled her into a little-used utility room. He locked the door behind them and drew her close, kissing her thoroughly.
“I missed ye.”
Claire cuddled into him resting her head on his chest. “I missed you too.”
Lifting her arms, she wrapped them around his neck. “Come here,” she whispered as she tugged his head down toward her.
Claire kissed him once, then twice.
“No’ that I’m complaining but what’s that for?”
“One was for the coffee, the other was for the scone. This one,” her voice turned provocative, “is for the flowers.” Her mouth latched onto his giving him a proper thank you kiss. The kiss, a searing flame, igniting them like a match to dry kindling. It left them both breathless and wanting for more.
She pressed firmly against him. He could feel her nipples rigid and taut through the thin scrub top. He knew she felt him; his hardness pressed against her body. If only I were home with her I’d carry her off to bed. This thought, naturally, made things much worse for him.
“How did you manage it?” she asked, her voice a sultry husky tone.
“Ewan gets the credit.”
“Be sure to thank him for me.” Claire crushed her body closer to his taking in his warmth. She buried he nose against him absorbing his smell. His scent was masculine, with the tang of antiseptic and just a dash of laundry starch hovering around him. Some things completely stirred her soul.
Clearing his throat, Jamie asked in a shaky voice, “Will ye, ah, will ye… Christ Claire, I canna think with ye so close tae me. Will ye take yer lunch with me?”
“Yes,” she said breathily.
“Why don’t ye go dictate yer op notes while on check on Pound? I’ll meet ye in about thirty minutes.”
“That’s a fine idea,” she leaned forward giving him a quick kiss. “Don’t be late.”
Jamie opened the door enough to peek out and found the corridor remained empty.
“Ye go first, I’ll follow after ye shortly.”
Claire slipped through the door while Jamie watched as she left. He noticed a little extra sway to her hips as she walked away. Damn little vixen. She did it on purpose. Sighing, he closed the door and leaned his head against it. He would have a wait a minute or two until his “problem” disappeared. It was becoming truly uncomfortable as he sought to adjust himself. “She’ll be the death of me yet.”
Walking into the CSICU after completing a successful surgery always filled Jamie with a certain satisfaction. He felt overjoyed that he and Claire helped patients return to their life, their work, their family, and without pain. He would tell patients, when he first met them, that this surgery was “enabling”. It would enable them to return to the life they wanted and not become a bystander.
With that thought in mind and a large grin on his face, Jamie swiped his badge across the electronic keypad granting him entrance into the Unit. The sounds of controlled chaos greeted him, voices raised, ventilators whooshing delivering needed oxygen, the soft beeping of heart monitors keeping time with healing hearts, IV pumps clicking as they delivered medication critical to the patient’s recovery.
He walked briskly toward the nurses’ station with gladness in his heart for he was back where he belonged.
“Fiona, ‘tis good tae see ye. How have ye been?” he inquired of the Unit’s charge nurse.
With the sound of his voice all conversation, all activity ceased, and every eye fastened onto him. The silence in the room would have been deafening if not for the continued mechanical sounds. Jamie became keenly aware of the absence of sound and the staff rooted in position. And just as quickly as it started it ended with activity resuming at its normal pace.
Fiona MacGowen kept her eyes glued to her computer screen, deliberately not making direct eye contact with the doctor. “Oh just braw, Dr. Fraser, just braw. Dr. Beauchamp’s patient is in Room 10 with Dr. Pound, Elspeth, and Iona getting him settled,” she said with her lips slightly turning up in a smile. “They’ll be waiting on ye.”
“Thank ye, Fiona. I’ll go and see how they are getting along.”
Jamie walked away, stopped, and turned back to look at Fiona once more. He thought her behavior a bit strange. Generally, one would say Fiona was a gregarious person with the reputation of being a chatterbox. Today, however, she acted more like a nun under a vow of silence. But to be honest, as he gazed around the Unit once more, everyone’s behavior seemed strange. And he had yet figured out what to make of it.
As Jamie approached the room the sounds of busyness gave the impression of a beehive humming with activity. As he stepped into the entryway, activity ceased. Again, all that remained was the soft mechanical sounds made by the life-sustaining equipment.
Elspeth stood quite still and uttered a little gasp. Meanwhile, Iona took a step back bumping into the ventilator; her eyes round with surprise. Dr. Pound cleared his throat glaring at the two nurses. They resumed their usual pleasant expressions with lips curling up into crooked smiles.
Jamie looked at the three of them thinking his team had gone daft.
“‘Tis good to have ye back Dr. Fraser,” declared the Fellow. “The ladies and I were just finishing getting Mr. MacNichol set up.”
Pound grabbed one of the portable workstations and began reviewing the patient’s current vitals as well as the orders he had written with the surgeon. They discussed the ventilator’s and pacemaker’s current settings, and when to call Dr. Beauchamp with any changes to her patient.
“Well-done, well-done. Mr. MacNichol is in very capable hands,” he smiled at his team. “I am off to lunch. Ye ken how to reach Dr. Beauchamp or me.”
Jamie walked out of the room and on impulse turned back to see the three heads buried in whispered conversation. He shook his head and left thinking about having lunch with Claire wanting to discuss the staff’s strange behavior with her.
Preoccupied with his thoughts, Jamie walked smack into his cousin Rupert almost knocking him down. Extending his arm quickly he caught his cousin by the shoulder steadying him.
“Sorry about that Rup. Doing a bit of wool-gathering I suppose.”
“Oy must be something awfully important to have ye so distracted.”
“I promised Claire I would have lunch with her and I dinna want tae be late.”
“Tae tell ye the truth, I am on my way tae find Geillis. We’re supposed to have a bite together too. Suppose ye two join us, aye?” He grinned broadly, “Twill be interesting to see if the plan
“Sounds like a good idea cuz,” Jamie clapped an arm around Rupert’s shoulder as they strode off in search of the lasses.
Seated at one of the dictation corrals, Claire began her op notes. Her cardiac anesthesiologist, Geillis Duncan took the hutch next to her.
Dr. Duncan was a beautiful woman, with a trim figure, flaming red hair, and eyes as green as spring grass.
“Claire, ‘tis good tae have ye back. I’m sorry I dinna have much of a chance tae speak with ye this morning before the case. Did ye enjoy the conference?” Dr. Duncan gave Claire a sly side-long look.
“Wouldn’t you know it, Boston had a blizzard and the speakers weren’t able to make it.”
“No. What a shame. Ye flew all that way for nothing,” she sympathized.
“Too bad, right? Dr. Fraser and I were looking forward to hearing about those peripherally inserted heart valves.”
“Aye, but ye had the fox cub with ye. Perhaps it wasna so bad after all,” she leaned over jabbing Claire in the side. “Did ye maybe get tae share a room and have a go at him between the sheets, um?” She gave Claire a wicked smile. “I ken if I was snowed in with him, I would.
“Geillis!” Claire swore. She blushed from her hair roots to her toes.
Geillis gave her a sly smug smile. “After all, Georges X is an exclusive luxury hotel. Verra private, and verra, verra discrete. Or so I’ve heard,” she said shrugging her shoulders. “They have those flowers, all over the place. What are they? Orchids? she asked while tapping her nail against her white teeth feigning an attempt at recalling. I understand the lobby is decorated with a fortune in artwork. The rooms are quite grand, are they no’, with a fireplace, champagne, chocolate-dipped strawberries, fine whiskey. And I hear the bed is big enough to sleep an entire family. How could ye no’ entice him into yer bed, is what I want tae know?”
Claire glared at her friend, “What I want to know is how you know I stayed at Georges X. I know I never told you.”
Geillis chuckled nervously, “Why of course ye did. How else would I ken that?” Geillis became uncomfortable under Claire’s scrutiny.
“Spill it, Duncan. You know more than you’re telling.”
Geillis affected a look of innocence, “I swear tae ye Claire, I dinna ken anything.” She nervously scanned the area looking for any means of escape from further questioning. Her eyes latched on to Dr. Rupert MacKenzie ambling directly toward her, along with Jamie. “I need tae go. I promised tae meet Rupert for lunch. See ye later, Claire.”
Reaching out, Claire grasped Geillis by the forearm, “That’s a load of rubbish and you know it. I suspected there was something dodgy about that trip right from the beginning. I need answers and you have them, Duncan. You’re coming with me.”
The two male surgeons walked amicably through the corridor talking and laughing as Rupert entertained Jamie with tales of hospital gossip. As they approached the physician workstation, they noticed a loud commotion that seemed to be attracting a crowd. Jamie wondered what caused the kerfuffle this time. Most such squabbles centered around obtaining a certain OR room or available time for surgery. This behavior bordered on the ridiculous in his opinion.
As the men came closer to the center of the fray, they saw two female doctors engaged in a struggle. One of them had wild brown curls bouncing around her head. Claire? The second doctor had hair the color of flame. That head of hair belonged to the fiery Geillis Duncan. He quickened his pace needing to reach Claire.
“Claire! Claire,” he called, “What’s amiss?”
“‘Claire’ he calls her now. No’ Dr. Beauchamp,” Geillis snorted.
Claire’s posture had all the hallmarks of frustration and anger as she tried to drag her colleague toward the doctor’s lounge.
Claire’s eyes locked on Jamie, “It seems that Dr. Duncan knows a great deal about our trip. Particularly where we stayed and I want to know how.”
Rupert took Geillis firmly by the elbow and leaned over to hotly whisper in her ear, “Wha’ have ye done woman!?”
Cold green eyes glared fixedly up at him disliking his insinuation. “I may have spilled a bit of tea is all,” she said, wrenching her arm free of his grip.
“Sounds more like ye spilled the whole damn pot,” he growled at her. “Ye ken they were never supposed to find out, at least no’ this way. We were supposed to tell them gentle like. Now what?”
Dr. Duncan gave her shoulders the tiniest of shrugs. “Dinna fash. We’ll think of something,” and walked toward the lounge.
He squeezed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth, “Aye, that’s what I’m afraid of.”
Rupert held the lounge door open for his co-conspirator trying to usher her quietly into the room. Geillis, however, turned to observe Jamie and Claire huddled deep in discussion.
“Are ye both going to stand there all day blethering, or are ye coming? I’m hungry and I want my lunch.” she snapped.
The crowd lingered about waiting for the fuse to be lit and the fireworks to begin. Dr. Duncan had a very volatile reputation easily flying into pieces like an unstable explosive device. Whereas, Dr. Beauchamp was a genial person, kind and caring. But, the one thing she was not was a meek individual. When pushed beyond her tolerance limits, she could be as ruthless as a she-wolf defending her pups.
Jamie placed his hand firmly on the small of Claire’s back giving her a little nudge forward. The crowd began to murmur heads close in a whispered discussion, Some rudely pointed a finger at his hand on her back, while others outright stared. Jamie flushed. He should have known such an intimate placement of his hand would draw attention. They saw he claimed her. Not knowing how Claire would feel about this public display, he thought he needed to break up this crowd before someone accidentally said something.
“Show’s over everyone. Just a private meeting among friends. Nothing tae see here. I’m sure ye all have some work tae do. Patients are waiting for ye. Go on with ye.” Jamie said dismissing the loitering group.
Following behind Claire, Jamie entered the room and shut the door.
Claire wanted to get to the bottom of things quickly and stormed up to her colleague in a blazing fury. “Alright Duncan, spill what you know.”
“I already told ye. I dinna ken anything about ye trip. As I said either you or Jamie must have mentioned where ye were staying. Beyond that, I dinna ken anything.”
Jamie looked at Claire and shook his head signifying that he had never mentioned the hotel to anyone.
“Um-hm. Since when does this institution send a chauffeured car to pick up two staff surgeons? For the Chief certainly but not for ordinary staff personnel. And we’re supposed to believe that the hospital made five-star accommodations with all expenses paid for us? Hmm? I think not. Did I not say so, Jamie?”
“Aye, ye did. Several times.”
“Claire began to pace while considering the other strange occurrences surrounding their trip.
“And what about my clothes? I most certainly did not pack away that nightgown. It was a mere scrap of silk and lace. And that lingerie! Those panties and bras were not something I would have packed for a conference trip.”
“I’ll bet he enjoyed it,” Geillis muttered under her breath a sly grin curling up on her lips lighting up her face.
Jamie leaned forward, his eyes narrowing, staring intensely at the female doctor, “I am inclined tae agree with Dr. Beauchamp that the circumstances surrounding our trip tae Boston were, tae say the least, most unusual. I also had clothes in my suitcase that I ken I dinna pack and I’m wondering how they got there. Can ye shed any light on this mystery?”
As Jamie questioned Geillis, an acrid odor caught Claire’s attention. Being a very astute doctor, she was used to the various malodors emitted by humans and knew what they meant. She raised her nose into the air and sniffed delicately. The pungent smell seemed to be coming from the direction of Rupert. A light sheen of sweat glossed over his forehead and there was a distinctive musky odor about him. Fear. Anxiety. Her intense scrutiny seemed to worsen whatever internal conflict plaguing him. Unable to withstand the intensity of her stare, Rupert turned away not wanting to meet her eyes.
Claire jabbed Jamie in his side with her elbow gaining his attention.
“I think Rupert has something to add to this conversation.”
Jamie walked over to his cousin and stared at him intently. Rupert took a few steps back, feeling the unconscious need to put some distance between them.
“Aye, I think yer right. Rupert, ye look like ye have something ye’d like tae get off yer chest. Out with it man.”
Deciding that the best defense is a good offense, Rupert widened his stance and crossed his arms over his chest.
“I dinna ken what yer talking about Jamie lad. As the lady said, I dinna ken anything about yer trip either. And dinna ask if I ken anything about how yer jeans, duck boots, and down jacket got into yer suitcase,” he replied, a self-satisfied look plastered across his face.
“Ye great dunderheid! Do ye ken what ye said?! Ye just gave it away,” Geillis shouted giving him a slap upside his head. “And ye were worried about what I said.”
“Wha’ are ye talking ab…” He had that startled look that one has when they realize they stuck their foot in their mouth. “Oh! Oh, shite.”
“Ye just admitted that ye changed Jamie’s clothes in his suitcase.”
“Dinna blame me for everything. You changed Claire’s clothes,” Rupert countered.
The two combatants escalated the argument going at each other nose to nose, eyeball to eyeball, tooth, fang, and claw.
“And whose ideas was this? Mine. Who made the hotel arrangements and spoke tae Joe Silverberg in Texas to get him on board with the plan should one of them call to discuss the meeting?” Geillis boasted as she swung her hair over her shoulder. A dreamy look took over her as she recalled the conversation with Dr. Silverberg. “I invited him to come to Scotland, ye ken. Told him I would show him the sights and a good time. Said he may take me up on that too.”
“Mmphm, so ye did,” Rupert grumbled with annoyance. He did not like the suggestion of Geillis showing the American surgeon a good time. “Ye forget I made the plane arrangements and got Kenny to print up the fake conference brochure. And who enlisted their secretary’s help to slip the vacation request under the Chief’s nose and have him sign it? Cost me a night out as payment for that,” Rupert griped.
The two doctors continued in their game of one-up-manship, oblivious to Jamie and Claire standing in the room.
Unable to take the bickering anymore, Jamie bellowed, “Haud yer weesht!!!”
Geillis and Rupert looked up in bewilderment having forgotten where they were and that Jamie and Claire stood listening.
“Do ye two realize that what ye did invaded our privacy? That ye had no right to interfere in our lives?” Jamie growled.
“So, that’s it then? The whole thing was a setup, some sort of game? None of this was real? ” Claire said as she looked at Jamie.
“I beg tae differ, hen,” Gellis walked over her expression softening and gently took hold of Claire’s hand, “it’s as real as it can get. We all saw the lovesick eyes, the secret peeks ye two gave each other, and the way ye fuss over each other. If two people were meant to be together it’s ye two. We just nudged things along is all, ” said Geillis.
“Aye, yer right,” Rupert chimed in. “‘Tis the truth that NO one could take watching ye two anymore. The whole hospital wanted tae see ye together.” Rupert smiled at Claire. He quickly turned his vexation on his cousin. “And if Fraser here was no’ going tae be a man about it and make the first move, well by God someone had tae,” he snarled at Jamie. “What are ye then, cuz, a man or a moose?”
Jamie ran his hand through his hair and rolled his shoulders as if trying to loosen his shirt that had suddenly become too tight. A shy crooked smile flashed over his face; his lip curling up on one side.
“Aye, yer right. I, ah, I… Well, tae tell the truth, I am a bit of a coward. Ye ken, I dinna think um, I dinna know if Claire felt the same about me.” Jamie turned and looked deeply in Claire’s eyes, “I was afraid tae lose ye. If being yer friend would be the best of it, then that would have been enough.”
“I was afraid of losing you too, Jamie. I’ve had feelings for you right from the start. Only now do I dare to admit them,” Claire turned toward Rupert and Geillis giving them a look of gratitude. Moving closer, placing her hands on his chest. “I love you and I always will.” Her arms went up around his neck, standing on tiptoe, she leaned in, and kissed him soundly.
The kiss finally ended, each blushing from making a display of themselves.
Geillis stood there making gagging noises as she watched their affection. Rupert looked at Geillis with a smirk on his face.
“What’s the matter, lass, jealous?” Rupert said with a grin on his face.
“Certainly not,” Geillis waved off that idea with a flip of her hand and turned away.
“Well then, ye won't be minding this. I've wanted tae do this for a long time.” Rupert turned her around, took her in his arms, and kissed her.
“And I dinna want tae hear about ye showing any other men a good time, either.” He gave her a look that told her he would not brook no for an answer.
Geillis, looking dazed readily agreed.
Jamie coughed loudly, reminding the other couple they were not alone.
Wrapping his arm around Claire and pulling her into his side, Jamie smiled at their friends, “We want to thank ye, both, for bringing us together. We are truly grateful.”
Claire nodded in agreement, forgetting about her anger with the unorthodox methods they used to bring her the love of her life.
“Since we are all telling the truth,” Rupert reluctantly admitted, “there’s a wee bit more to it.” “We were not the only ones involved in this. When other staff members heard what we about they wanted tae be part of it. And so...”
“And so everyone began to contribute money tae help pay for the trip. So that’s how ye had such fine accommodations and such.” Geillis huffed, “We told ye that people could no longer stand tae look at ye. They wanted ye two as a couple, no’ apart. Now can we stop havering about and get some lunch? My wame is empty. Besides, everyone is waiting in the canteen tae see ye both.”
“Oh, God,” Claire groaned as she grew red and buried her face in Jamie’s chest.
Jamie chuckled and rubbed her back in long soothing strokes.
“Are ye ready then, Sassenach? Let’s go give these good people their money’s worth,” he grinned.
“Yes. We should thank them all, don’t you think?” Claire replied, running her fingers through her hair trying to tame her wayward curls.
“Ye look fine, lass,” he bent to kiss her gently on the cheek and took hold of her hand.
Rupert and Geillis led the way, laughing and talking. Claire and Jamie walked behind them holding hands. Nerves were getting the best of her and her hands became sweaty. She surreptitiously wiped her free hand on the scrub pant leg.
“Dinna fash. Ye’ve faced worse and ye’ll no’ be doing this alone. We’ll face them as one.”
ONE, he said. But. What did that exactly mean?
“What do you mean by that? Being one?” She held her breath waiting for an answer.
Jamie frowned, crease lines set upon his forehead.
“It’s like I’ve kent ye my whole life, even before that, if that’s possible. I mean yer part of me. I ken that sounds crazy, but I…”
“I know what you mean, Jamie. I feel the same way too. It’s hard to explain, but it’s there.”
“Aye, lass, it’s most definitely there.”
Approaching the canteen seemed a surreal experience. Normally, one would call the dining hall a lively place, with the sounds of laughter, chatter, mixed with the scrape of dinnerware against plates. Today seemed different. A thrum of excitement and perhaps expectation filled the air as if waiting for something to happen. As Jamie and Claire approached the door a steady vibration emanated from its core.
Geillis waved them back signaling she and Rupert would enter first. Rupert lifted his hand spreading his fingers indicating they should wait five minutes before entering. Jamie nodded and Rupert and Geillis entered the dining room.
Jamie and Claire waited in companionable silence. Who would think that five minutes could feel like an eternity? But it did.
Jamie looked at his watch; it was time.
“Are ye ready, Sassenach?”
“Je suis prest,” she acknowledged.
Their fingers reached out seeking their mate bonded the two hearts and souls into one. Turning they gave each other a nod and walked through the door only to meet with absolute silence.
All eyes turned upon them and it became unnerving. Claire inched closer to Jamie, if that was even possible, drawing on his strength.
Then the cheers began along with the whistles and applause. Someone from the back of the room called out, “It’s about time, Fraser.”
“Och why don’t ye just give us a bit of peace, aye?” came his laughing response.
They were rushed by a mob of well-wishers. Men clapped Jamie on the back wishing him well. Others made jokes, at his expense, about his manliness for taking so long.
The women embraced Claire telling her how happy they were for her. Some gave her sly looks while others made off-color jokes causing her to blush.
Eventually, people began to amble back to their tables and lunch, and the couple discovered themselves alone. Finding a table in an out-of-the-way corner, they sat to eat.
“I guess we are out as a couple officially. It’s no’ how I would have wished it tae become common knowledge, but…” Jamie shrugged. “They are good people and they meant well.”
Claire nodded in agreement as she moved her salad around on the plate not eating.
“It’s a strange feeling. Knowing that someone orchestrated this relationship. I know how this will sound, but I feel like this happened to me, to us before.”
Claire looked up at Jamie, eyes pleading for understanding.
“Forget what I said, it’s silly.” She stabbed a particularly tender piece of lettuce and ate it.
“Nay Sassenach, it’s no’ silly at all. I feel it too. It’s as if I am drawn to ye as if I kent ye from another lifetime. Like we were meant to be together, bonded if ye like.”
“That’s it, exactly.” Claire looked at him with a sense of relief. Looking up, she noticed the clock on the wall, reading 12:55 PM.
“Damn, we have to go. We’ll barely make it in time for Dr. de Gascogne’s appointment for your hand.”
Jamie muttered something in Gàidhlig which Claire really didn’t want a translation of.
“I dinna ken why everyone is making such a fuss over my hand. It doesna hurt and it will heal in a few more weeks.”
Claire blew out a breath of exasperation, “You know very well why Dr. Fraser. Your one of the best cardiac surgeons in all of Scotland. Well, next to me you are,” she said teasingly. Besides, the hospital needs you, your patients need you but most of all I need you. So that’s why.”
“I ken, but I dinna like being fussed over.”
“Yes, I know; you’re a doctor and doctors make terrible patients. You think you’re supposed to do the healing and don’t like when you need help,” Claire said with a raised eyebrow. “Now, let’s get your hand attended to, shall we?”
They hurried through the corridors, making it to the appointment with seconds to spare. Jamie was whisked off for X-Rays then he and Claire were escorted to an exam room. He sat on the examination bed while Claire took the chair next to him awaiting Dr. de Gascogne’s appearance.
Jamie studiously inspected an anatomical chart of the hand and wrist hanging on the wall in the room.
“Ye said ye need me,” he said almost inaudibly. “Do ye mean as yer surgical partner or as something more?
Claire noticed him drumming his fingers on his thigh anxiously.
“I need you, Jamie, in every sense of the word. As my partner, my friend, my lover, my everything. I. Need. You.” Claire stood and walked over to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck pressing her forehead to his.
“Aye, weel I wanted to make sure, is all. Yer the prettiest lass in the hospital. Any man would want tae be with ye,” and gave her a shy smile.
“Jamie Fraser, you say the most…” There was a knock on the door, the knob turned and Dr. de Gascogne entered the room finding the lovers locked in an embrace.
She looked at the two, raised an eyebrow at Jamie’s hands on Claire’s hips, “Un jour, quelqu'un entrera dans votre vie et vous fera comprendre pourquoi cela n'a jamais fonctionné avec quelqu'un d'autre, mes chers. Et il semble que vous ayez. I believe congratulations are in order. My secretary tells me you have announced that you are a couple. You two made quite a stir in the dining hall?”
Claire jumped away returning to her seat cheeks and nose bright red. While Jamie’s ears went pink.
“Well, um, ah, yes. Thank you. I believe that we made quite a spectacle of ourselves and continue to do so, it seems,” Claire replied mortified having been caught.
“Ah, mon chéri never be ashamed to show that you are in love. We are born of love and seek out love. Many have sacrificed greatly for love even died for it. It truly is a treasure to enjoy. No?” Dr. de Gascogne said with a smile. “Now to business.”
Dr. de Gascogne opened the electronic medical record and began her inquiry. Jamie explained how he injured his hand - twice - causing Dr. de Gascogne to raise her eyebrows in total disbelief.
She reviewed the X-Rays; then removed the splints. She moved and wiggled the fingers finding them healing well and moving to her satisfaction. The splints were replaced and Jamie was dismissed with a caution not to hit any more people or trees. She instructed him to see her again in one month for a further follow-up.
The two surgeons graciously thanked Dr. de Gascogne for her time and casually left the examination room. As soon as they could not be seen, they bolted toward the operating suites as quickly as they could eager to leave behind another awkward situation.
The remainder of the afternoon went on as planned. Claire completed her second surgical procedure without incident. Jamie’s students doggedly followed him from place to place. Finally, the day came to an end. The surgeons tiredly returned to their offices, checked in for urgent messages and for their schedule for the next day. Each too exhausted to do much of anything else, except want the comfort of a bed, chose to go home. It was a short walk to Claire’s flat from the hospital and Jamie escorted her home. He wrapped his arm around her waist and she leaned into him. They spoke of this and that sharing different events of their day. Arriving at Claire’s flat, they walked up the stairs toward the front door. Jamie stood one step lower than Claire allowing them to be of an equal height.
A wave of fatigue washed over her, but Claire did not want Jamie to leave despite her tiredness.
“Would you like to come up? I have some soup in the fridge. Mrs. Bug made it. She’s quite the cook. Won’t take more than a moment to heat up. Or maybe a glass of wine or a dram? To help unwind?” she said looking at him hopefully.
He unzipped both their jackets and pulled her into the depth of his wrapping the jacket around her. He wanted her close to him and to share his warmth with her.
“Mo chridhe, yer completely knackered and ye need yer rest. If I come up with ye, ye ken neither of us will get any sleep,” he said pressing himself against her his desire completely apparent. “It’s no’ that I dinna want tae, but it wouldna do tae have ye fall asleep tomorrow during yer procedures.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve worked with little sleep, just like you have, during residency and fellowship,” she pouted.
“Aye, but ye need to set an example for the students and fellows. And what about yer patients? They need Dr. Beauchamp at her best. They’re counting on ye.”
Claire luxuriated in the radiant heat of his body and the knowledge that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. But, she still did not want him to leave. For to be alone with Jamie was bliss but to be alone was, well, to be alone. She racked her fatigued brain for anything that would keep Jamie with her. She blurted out the first thing that came to mind, “I love you.”
“I ken ye do, mo nighean donn. I feel it every time ye touch me,” Jamie took her hand tenderly placing a kiss on her palm. Gently, he folded her fingers over to seal his kiss against her skin. “And when ye kiss me,” he brushed his lips over hers. “Most of all, when ye lie with me. I ken the truth of it in our lovemaking,” he pulled her even closer to him until no space existed between their bodies. “Woman, ye’re like a live wire. Yer body fairly pulses with yer love and it flows out from you into me. It’s no’ just lust between us. ‘Tis love that brought us together and binds our souls. ‘Tis a thing that I never knew I wanted or needed until I found ye,” his hand moved to cup her face.
“It’s the same for me. I never knew it could be like this. Especially, after Frank. I thought all relationships would end up like that one. I see how foolish I had been to keep myself closed. To close my heart from love. If not for this trip, this may have never happened. We may have never happened.”
“Mo leannan, I would have found ye somehow. Whether I found ye now or even if I had to wait two hundred years to find ye, I’d find ye. We are meant to be together. I ken it.” His forehead pressed to hers each inhaling the other’s breath.
It began to rain lightly; a mizzle he had once called it. Tiny droplets of water clung to his hair. In the light of the streetlamp, his hair looked like a ruby adorned with sparkling diamonds.
They stood locked in an embrace for several moments; neither truly wanting to part from the other.
“Sassenach,” he whispered into her ear, “go on up. Ye need yer rest. Yer poor wee eyes are closing and there are dark smudges around them. Go on then. I’ll see ye tomorrow.”
He kissed her on the forehead and she nodded her head in agreement. Claire walked up the last two steps and slid the key into the lock of the front door. She turned to watch Jamie as he disappeared into the night walking toward his home and it occurred to her that this was just the beginning of their life and of their story.
The End - Part I
Tha gaol agam ort: I love you. (As if you didn’t know already.)
Anastomosis: An anastomosis is a surgical connection between two structures. It usually means a connection that is created between tubular structures, such as blood vessels or loops of the intestine.
CSICU/Unit: Cardiac Surgical ICU.
Blatherer: Chatterbox.
Dunderheid: An idiot, a stupid person.
Haud yer weesht: Be quiet.
Moose: mouse
Un jour, quelqu'un entrera dans votre vie et vous fera comprendre pourquoi cela n'a jamais fonctionné avec quelqu'un d'autre, mes chers. Et il semble que vous ayez.: One day someone will walk into your life and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else, my dears. And it seems that you have. (Google translation. If it’s wrong I apologise.) The quote is attributed to anonymous.
Mo nighean donn: My brown-haired lass
Mo leannan: Darling
Mizzle: A light rain
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This Jamie and Claire will return. When I don't know. I also have several other stories in various stages of completion sitting in my files. I would like to give them a little attention too. And I still need to get through all the other stuff going on in my life.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading. 🧡🧡🧡🧡
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The Muses - The Best Day
Kaz Brekkker x Original Characters (Platonic characters) : The Muses - The Best Day
Summary : Kaz hears a song of his sadness and is reminded of his past by three sisters
Warnings : A fight scene, angst, mention of Jordie.
Hi everyone, this is inspired by Taylor Swift's 'The Best Day' (Taylor's Version). The lyrics are Taylor Swift's, I just made a few adjustments to suit the story. This fic idea was in my head for sometime and I wanted to write it so here we are! This is my first time writing a Kaz Brekker fic so I hope I did him justice and please be gentle with me. I hope you all like it.
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Ketterdam was gloomy as Kaz walked through its smoky and grimy atmosphere when he heard and saw a crowd that had not been there in that spot the day before clapping and applauding as they threw coins.
Generally, he would just ignore and move past the busy bustle. He didn't care unless it bought something of profit to him. He was just about to walk away when he heard an enthusiastic voice that the crowd had gathered around ask "Happy or sad?"
"What kind of stupid question is that?" thought Kaz curiously as he drew towards the crowd who chanted "HAPPY!"
Kaz raised his eyebrows slightly as he walked through the tide of people that were attracted to this spectacle and saw three girls smiling brightly at them. The first was about seven years old, too young and too naive to be roaming about the dangerous streets of Ketterdam as she clutched onto the skirts of her older sister who was about Kaz age, her dark chestnut brown hair falling down her shoulders as she smiled at her younger sister who seemed to be about fifteen years old as she smiled mischievously at the crowd. They were all dressed in colorful but worn out skirts and blouses as they sought out money for to make a living.
"Orphans." concluded Kaz as he eyed the three of them. It was unlikely for Kaz to be distracted but something about the question had drawn him to them as he waited expectantly for them to show what them so special that they attracted so many people, tourists and passerby that flocked around them in fascination.
The oldest began to play a guitar
"I'm five years old, it's getting cold, I've got my big coat on. I hear your laugh and look up smiling at you." began the little and youngest girl with a soft and sweet voice that immediately allured everyone as she smiled up at her big sister who was playing the guitar but grinned at her "I run and run past the pumpkin patch and the cart rides, look now the sky is gold."
She slung her arms around her oldest sister's waist as she sang sweetly "I hug your legs and fall asleep on the way home."
Suddenly Kaz felt his heart ache with unbearable loneliness and misery. He could feel the soot and smoke of Ketterdam change and suddenly there he was back in the long winding green pastures and tall trees as he hugged Jordie who would tell him the most silliest stories under the shade of trees as the sunlight filtered through.
"I don't know why all the trees change in the fall. But I know you're not scared of anything at all." sang the little girl with hope and optimism in her eyes as she looked with hero worship at her oldest sister making Kaz want to beat someone to death. He couldn't breathe as for a brief moment he saw Jordie grin but then he vanished as Kaz realized it was only the oldest sister smiling. Kaz wanted the youngest sister to understand that her oldest sister was scared and it was inevitable that she was going to let him down one day. He had trusted Jordie who promised that their luck was changing and then everything had changed for the worst.
"Don't know if Snow White's house is near or far away." sang the little girl hopefully as Kaz tore his eyes away from her because she reminded him of the little naive stupid boy he had been "But I know I had the best day with you today."
The fifteen year old picked up the song where it had been left as she started singing in her rich voice with a mischievous smile "I'm thirteen now and don't know how my friends could be so mean."
Kaz saw a vivid picture in his head of the story spun by the song as he eyed the second sister who looked fondly at her oldest sister "I come home crying and you hold me tight and take the cart."
"And we drive and drive until we found a town far enough away." sang the fifteen year old girl with a grin as she spun around dramatically making everyone laugh "And we talk and window shop, till I've forgotten all their names."
Kaz heart clenched as he remembered how Jordie and him had first arrived in Ketterdam, with a cheque sewn in the coat and ambitious to make it. He remembered how they were just two farm boys dazzled by the lights and vibrance of the Ketterdam as they would walk through all of the hustle and bustle, looking at the intriguing and pretty things in the shops and how Jordie would buy him omelette to eat from the omelette stands. Those days seemed to be a picture in his mind, frozen behind glass but to the little boy who believed in magic and held his brother's hand, it was the best days of his life.
"I don't know who I'm gonna talk to now at school. But I know I'm laughing on the cart ride home with you." sang the fifteen year old girl mischievously as she nudged her oldest sister and planted a sloppy kiss on her cheek making her sisters laugh while the crowd fawned over them.
Kaz heart clenched painfully as he looked at the three sisters grinning as he thought of Jordie "Don't know how long it's gonna take to feel okay but I know I had the best day with you today!"
Kaz eyes fell on the oldest sister who strummed the guitar contentedly as she began to sing alluringly and powerfully "I have an excellent father. His strength is making me stronger. The Saints smile on my little sisters. Inside and out, they are better than I am."
"We can agree on that." thought Kaz breathlessly, thankful for his cane for his knees had buckled when he had heard the oldest sister sing for the first time. Her voice was lovely and powerful yet made him feel at peace, something that he thought he would never encounter in this godforsaken town full of bloodshed and chaos. She was a siren in human form and he couldn't stop himself from being drawn to her as he listened to her alluring singing.
"I grew up in a pretty house and I had space to run and I had the best days with you." sang the oldest sister sweetly as she looked at her sisters with a lovely smile.
"There's a memory I remembered from back when I was three." sang the fifteen old girl theatrically pretending to think but it wasn't insincere. There was a true sincerity and warmth in this song that drew everyone who needed it the most. "You set up a paint set in the kitchen and you're talking to me."
It was painful for Kaz to listen as he felt himself drown in the ocean of memories full of Jordie. Jordie laughing. Jordie smiling. Jordie ruffling his hair. Jordie chasing him through the farm -
The little girl sang as she clutched onto her sister's waist as the crowd sank and settled into the warmth of the song "It's the age of princesses and pirate ships and seven dwarfs."
Jordie and Kaz Rietvald. Until he let Kaz down.
"And daddy's smart and mother's the prettiest lady in the whole wide world." sang the oldest sister with a reminiscent soft smile but Kaz felt the sadness in her voice.
"And now I know why the all the trees change in the fall." sang the three of them together warmly with soft and sweet smiles as they looked at each other "I know you were on my side, even when I was wrong."
"And I love you for giving me your eyes, staying back and watching me shine and I didn't know if you knew..." sang all three of them together as the song came to an end and Kaz looked at the sky with hidden tears as sudden sentiment and warmth engulfed him as he thought of Jordie who was watching over him "So I'm taking this chance to say that I had the best day with you today."
He always had control over his emotions but he swallowed his lump of emotions as he looked at the three girls who had no idea of the impact they had over the cold hearted Bastard of the Barrel.
Everyone was applauding and throwing kruge to their hats as they bowed and thanked them as the fifteen year old said "Oh thank you, thank you, you're generous! You've been marvelous!"
"I'm Isabelle" said the second oldest with a charming grin as she winked cheekily.
"I'm Dora." said the little young one
"And I'm Lily." said the oldest girl with a smile "We're the Muses!"
Kaz took a few kruge from his pocket and discreetly slipped it into Lily's hat.
This did not go unnoticed by her as her eyes widened slightly but she smiled warmly and gratefully at him. He didn't smile back, he didn't even know what possessed him to give his precious kruge to them. He had expected them to be mediocre just like the morons who tried to make it in the Barrel but failed. But there was something different about them, they exuded the warmth of home and understanding that the Barrel was deprived of.
As they collected their money stuffing them into their coats Kaz saw Councilman Romkan march through the crowds. Judging by his displeased facial expression, he was not here to pay the girls to perform at a concert.
"You! You are being a public disturbance and menace!"
"Ah Councilman Romkan, judging by your face that economy isn't in your favor eh?" asked the Isabelle cheekily with a salute as the Lily strummed a merry tune on her guitar "How can we help?"
Kaz noticed Dora sneaking away as she used the chaos to her advantage "Stop singing! You have no talent at all!"
"You should quit being a Councilman. You promise justice but you are cruel to those most in need!" stated Lily in a steely and cold voice with no warmth as everyone around her gasped. She didn't flinch but stood her ground and Kaz lips twitched slightly in admiration as she raised her eyebrows at the reddened Councilman "I thought we were being truthful."
"Arrest the little thieves for stealing the money!"
But Lily merely gasped as she looked at her sister pointing an accusing finger at her "You stole the money!? YOU STOLE THE MONEY? Guards, arrest her!
"You dare impugn my honor? She was the one who was stealing!" exclaimed Isabelle dramatically as she shoved her sister while Kaz rolled his eyes but watched this amusing scene unfold where the guards seemed to be clueless as to who to arrest "ARREST HER! SHE TRICKED THESE INNOCENT PEOPLE AND TOOK THEIR MONEY!"
Lily looked outraged "I'm the thief? Why don't you take a look at the mirror?"
"You better give them back the money you stole or -" began Isabelle theatrically as the whole crowd cheered when she seized a sword from a guard "En guard!"
Kaz knew he should be moving because time was money but he really wanted to see how this ended. He noticed that Councilman Romkan had lost control of the situation, the guards didn't know what to do and the two sisters were putting on a dramatic show for the purpose of enticing and entertaining the crowd who were now loving them as they cheered for the two sisters to cut each other to ribbons, the Councilman forgotten. He was curious to see how they would get out of this.
"Oh you are challenging me? I will give you the honor of a quick and painless death!" snapped Lily as she took a rapier from another guard who was startled but did nothing to stop it.
She waved the rapier at her sister with a challenging smirk as everyone gasped and cheered when the swords clashed as Lily said loudly "Any last words?"
"I will cut you into pieces and feed you to the dogs!" snarled Isabelle as she pushed away her sister who was suppressing a grin.
Meanwhile Kaz didn't know whether to be annoyed, exasperated or simply amused at the sensational shenanigans these two were pulling. It was obvious to him that they weren't really fighting each other, they are distracting the crowd so they could get out of trouble. They didn't fight like enemies, they just bickered as they acted theatrically and dramatically as if they now hated each others guts when they just wanted to escape the mess they were in.
"Oh all talk, no action. Let your sword prove your words!"
"I will! Take that" yelled Isabelle as she swung her sword which her sister ducked as they blocked their attacks impressing Kaz as they made their way through the square.
Isabelle jumped on the table of a coffee house as she swung her sword at her sister who blocked it as they both jumped from table to table making their way to a house "You little mincing barrel rat!"
They could act, Kaz would give them that. Their true calling was on stage, not groveling in a dirty streets of Ketterdam. He hadn't been to a theatre but this was the best show he had seen in a long time and it took only just two mad, funny and loyal sisters who had captured the attention of their audience who were now gasping and squealing and cheering, worried for the actors in the stage.
Kaz raised his eyebrows as his lips twitched when they fought each other as they climbed the crates leading to the roof of a house as both of them made it onto the roof and the crates fell down.
"That's a compliment in Ketterdam!"
Kaz was impressed at how they maintained balance while fighting each other and finally Isabelle acquired Lily's sword and the crowd who had been holding a breath let out thunderous cheers as Isabelle pointed the sword at Lily's throat. Kaz lips twitched as Lily rolled her eyes and he knew what was going to happen next.
Lily brushed the dirt off her clothes as she announced over the applause with a bright grin "Ladies and gentlemen, we've decided it's a draw!"
Isabelle handed over a sword to her sister as she twirled her own sword with a smile as she bowed "Thank you all for coming! You've been great!"
Lily grinned like an idiot as she blew kisses to their beloved audience "We couldn't have done it without you! See you soon!"
Kaz' eyes burned in hidden curiousity hoping the wouldn't do something so stupid... And in that moment, Lily's eyes met his as he raised his eyebrows at her.
Oh in the name of his precious kruge, they were going to do it.
The two sisters waved at the crowd as they laughed in amusement as they jumped from the roof to the other side ignoring the shouts of the guards as they grinned at their little sister Dora who was waiting for them. They hugged Dora glad they were all safe and decided to do what they always did.
Run without looking back and laugh without holding back.
Because everyday spent with each other was the best day ever.
Kaz stared at the rooftop where the two sisters had previously stood as he heard the echoes of their amused laughter at having fooled everyone and escaped with their lives. He briefly wondered whether they were alright but it was none of his business. It was not his business to care about every poor orphan that scuttled around in the Barrel unless they were valuable to him.
For a brief moment, he felt the joy and amusement, the warmth of home and understanding that he had felt back when Jordie was alive.
But then he shut it out.
Because he could not afford to be sentimental. He could not afford to be weak. Those three sisters could look after themselves.
"Can they, Kaz?" asked Jordie's laughing voice that rang in his head mocking him "Can they really look after themselves?"
Hi, so let me know what you think. I'm thinking of continuing this but I'm not sure.
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apriorisea · 4 years
What do you think each of the boys top “love languages” are? (Acts of service, words of affirmation, etc)? You write so well, love ur blog 💛
-- Hi!! Thank you so much for your sweet words^^ That’s so nice of you. Also, wow, this is such a great question!!! I love thinking about how to categorize personalities, so I really enjoyed pondering this for a while 🤔😅Eventually I just went with what made the most sense to me, but undoubtedly these opinions could change over time. And, of course, these are just *my* thoughts, so I’d really love to hear from everyone whether they agree or disagree and why~ Thanks again and I hope you are having a great day/night 💜💕
Seokjin: Quality Time      -I think you could make a strong argument that he is also “words of affirmation,” especially given how much he courts praise (worldwide handsome, my handsome face, yes I’m handsome, etc etc), but.....I would also say that exact reason is why it’s not his love language. I think his personality is such that if it were his true love language, he wouldn’t be so bold about asking for it or encouraging it. So....for me, the thing that really makes sense for Mr. Worldwide Handsome himself is quality time. Of the 7 of them, Jin had the most opportunity to experience a “normal life.” He was already a college student by the time he was recruited, so I have always felt that, for him, the magnitude of their fame and the ways it changed his life has been a little bittersweet. No matter how grateful he is for his life and proud of his work and happy to be what he is, I can’t help but feel that he mourns the loss of that normalcy in a deeper way than the others. Therefore, I think it truly means the most to him when he is able to spend free, unbothered, private, and significant time with people he cares about. The ability to set down the title of “BTS’ Jin” for just a moment and be relaxed in company where he feels completely comfortable and cared for and normal is a dream situation for him. 
Yoongi: Physical Touch      -So Yoongi is, in my opinion, the most empathetic member of the group---the one who is always silently watching, listening, observing, and then handling whatever comes up. He is painfully aware of the needs of every person around him and doesn’t hesitate to step up and fill those needs where he can, and if he can’t do it alone, he helps the person find the solution elsewhere. Because of this, I think he’s very well versed in giving love in the form of words of affirmation, acts of service, quality time, and even occasionally giving gifts. However, I think the way he craves affection is through physical touch. Words of affirmation is a close second to me, but I think, genuinely, when he is as in-tune to the emotions and needs of others sometimes he just needs someone to hold his hand. I also think that, for him, physical touch and quality time kind of come hand-in-hand (no pun intended): his idea of being loved is sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with someone who loves him for a long period of time. Someone who will cuddle him and hold his hand and hug him when he’s tired and stressed, when he can’t sleep at night, when he is too overwhelmed to even work. Being in a loving, comfortable environment to him means being in one where puppy-piles on the couch aren’t unheard of, where it’s not strange to bustle around the kitchen bumping into each other, and where a touch on the arm is as commonplace as a smile. 
Hoseok: Acts of Service      -J-Hope is the toughest one for me, for reasons that I can’t quite explain. I think he plays such an important role in the group that has so many nuances I can’t really pin any one love language on him---except, for some reason, the one that sticks out the most to me is acts of service. For someone who has, by his own admission, worked very hard to cultivate and embody a particular persona (one that is happy and carefree and positive), I can see him being really moved by having someone quietly do things for him that make his life easier. Making him a meal after a hard rehearsal, unpacking his things for him after a long tour, doing the dishes or taking out the trash so he doesn’t have to worry about it, etc etc. Doing the hard or tedious or daunting things for him so he has a chance to just relax, to put down the persona for just a moment and be babied a little. 
Namjoon: Words of Affirmation      -Words mean the most to Namjoon. He has intentionally surrounded himself with words his whole life: lyrics, languages, poetry, literature. He probably also enjoys an act of service or an odd hour or two doing something Namjoony (museums, nature, etc) with someone he loves, but I think, when it comes right down to it, Namjoon communicates most and best with words. However, while others need words to praise them or acknowledge them, sometimes I think Namjoon simply craves conversation that stimulates his incredibly high level of intelligence. Sometimes, he just needs someone with whom he can discuss his deepest thoughts, opinions, philosophies, ideas, fears---and who will then affirm everything he has said; not necessarily agree, but just affirm that his thoughts are valid and interesting and provoking, to vibe with him on a similar level. Also, I think he really appreciates being told that his music, his actions, his life has had a positive impact on others. And, of course, I think he, who was mocked early on for his appearance, really thrills at being complimented for things beyond just his intellect and talent. 
Jimin: Receiving Gifts      -I know, I know: the cuddle monster of BTS is surely a “physical touch” person, right?? And if not that, then certainly the highly self-critical, sensitive, classically trained performer would surely crave “words of affirmation” the most, right?? ..........I won’t actually argue much against either of those, because I think Jimin, more than the rest of them, could probably easily fall into multiple categories. Does he love cuddling/hugging/physical closeness? Absolutely. Does he adore receiving praise or affirmation? Definitely. But here’s what I think about Jimin: he is one of the most empathetic people in the group. He’s caring, he’s observant---he’s completely willing to do whatever it takes to make the people around him KNOW they are loved. He’s intuitive and highly aware of the needs of others and acts on that intuition in a pretty selfless way. Because of this, I think it means a LOT to him when someone takes the time to buy or acquire something that he either needs or wants. It’s a sign that someone else has been listening or watching him as closely as he listens to and watches others. I think he is the sort of person who appreciates gifts (especially random ones) because it shows that the other person saw something that reminded them of him, totally at random or totally unprompted. (but yes, also physical touch and words of affirmation)
Taehyung: Words of Affirmation      -Honestly, he is the only one I feel most certain about. Taehyung needs to be told that he is doing well; more than that, he needs to be listened to. Some could argue that being listened to is more “quality time” (and I wouldn’t necessarily disagree) but I feel like hearing the right words and being able to comfortably say the right words to someone who is paying close attention are extremely similar. Taehyung seems to live off the praise of those who mean the most to him. Whenever he learns a new skill (painting, composing, ‘playing’ the violin) he wants to show the world: he wants to be told he has done well. He also very much dislikes being ignored or forgotten or spoken over---all very normal things to be irritated about, but they really seem to dig at him. I could get into a whole discourse about why I think this is (his position in the group, his history within the group, his particular personality etc etc), but for now I’ll just leave it with this: Taehyung is the sort of person who loves to cuddle, loves to receive thoughtful gifts, and enjoys spending time with those he loves---but what he needs most is to hear good things about himself and his accomplishments, to be reassured, to be recognized, and to be heard.
Jungkook: Quality Time      -Here’s my thinking: as the baby of the group, as the precious maknae that was raised by these 6 other men, Jungkook received (and still receives and will continue to receive) all the physical touch (cuddling, hugs, hand-holding, playing with his hair, etc etc) and words of affirmation ( “golden maknae”, he’s the coolest, everything he does is great, so handsome, talented, etc etc) a person could ever possibly want. He’s literally never lacked those things; he has ALWAYS had at least 6 other people to snuggle him and praise him (nevermind the millions of ARMY that would kill to do the same 😂). At the opposite end of the same stick, since he is the youngest I don’t think receiving gifts is anything new or special to him; plus he seems very much the sort of person who RELISHES his ability to provide for himself (see: his fancy car, apartment, etc). He’s also been raised in an environment where things are done for him as a matter of course, so acts of service doesn’t seem to fit either. Therefore, I think one thing that means the most to him is quality time. Actually, quite similar to his hyung-nim and best buddy Jin, I think he also genuinely craves any opportunity to spend quiet, private, meaningful time with those he cares about (although for an opposite reason: Jin aches for a life he used to have, Jungkook yearns for a life he never had a chance to experience). This is also why I think he’s always very vocal about how much he loves and misses ARMY: the time spent at concerts/performances is quality time to him, an opportunity to spend time with some of the people he loves the most.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 4 years
a poem for small things
by Admin 1 & 2
The time has come, the first proper post for this segment we’ve settled on calling a poem for small things, a nod toward BWL and its Korean title. Like we said in our call for submission post, this is supposed to be something like a place full of positivity for vminnies (and perhaps the occasional namjinist) where you (and us) can share whatever we’d like in connection to vmin, both as vmin and as Jimin and Tae the individuals, and have something to raise our mood and also strengthen our vminnie confidence. We’ve gotten several wonderful submissions and quickly realized that for this first post the theme is mostly how I became a vminnie, even if three submissions talk more about vmin moments they enjoy instead.
I think it’s a really interesting theme, especially since everyone’s story is different, and everyone seems to find something else about vmin that captured their attention and hearts so sharing these memories and experiences is a great way to start off this segment. We’ve said it many times before, though I don’t think you can say it enough times, but this bond that Jimin and Tae share is truly special and so one of a kind, it’s wonderful to see how we all relate to and resonate with it in our own way and find something in it that makes us fall in love with their loves, regardless if we see it as platonic or romantic love. Love is love after all. 95z is love.
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For the order of these submissions, we’ll simply go in the order in which we’ve received them. Most of them came from anons, which is more than okay. We’ve also opened the possibility of submitting posts for those who would like to submit wordier posts/asks, should we do another edition of this. It all depends on how much you’ll enjoy it and if you’ll come through with more submissions that could be gathered for future posts.
Anyway, enough talking from our side, let’s dive into these submissions below the cut, shall we? Like we said in the original post (and demonstrated in the preview post), we’ll add some of our commentary and observations along the way, too.
From anon: This is going to be long winded story but Vmin is like a Serendipity to me. I've heard of BTS mainly from my hubby when he complains that times sq is packed because of BTS (when they’re in town and doing their rounds of morning shows). I knew they were very popular but it was a great surprise that i discovered them after watching ILand during lockdown. Their songs were great and i started playing their classics like Fire, DNA Fake Love etc. Then they did an appearance in the show...
I love how you heard about BTS because of your husband and Time Square being packed, this is honestly the most original and unique version of how I’ve come across BTS I’ve read over the years. Amazing!
I was drawn to Taehyung's beauty during their appearance in Iland. And my first Vmin ? moment was when Tae commented about being handsome and attractive are 2 things and being attractive weighs more - along those lines... then JM made a comment that its unfair that he's both and Tae was like Im talking about you... I went like ok he thinks JM is attractive- theyre good friends.... then Jimin did the FakeLove choreo and the camera focused on Tae and he had this wide smile...The Iland Tae/Jimin clips made me do a double take but I dismissed it since it was just only a few seconds worth of screen time but still...
I-Land vmin was really something else in both episodes. 
Fun fact: I-Land was the first Korean survival show I’ve ever watched, mostly because it had something to do with BH and since it was streamed online with subs in real time. Unfortunately, my faves—Daniel and Taki—didn’t make it into ENHYPEN, though I’m happy that Taki will be in a future Japanese BH group.
But, going back to vmin, that moment with Jimin dancing FAKE LOVE and Tae looking at him with that boxy smile as though Jimin hung the stars in the sky? I melted, even if it was just one of those brief moments, yet still it’s so cute! And it was all over sns being shared by vminnies and non-vminnies alike. What a great time that was.
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Then VMAs Dynamite perf happened- both Vmin looking good. I saw a lot of their promos especially the Jimmy Fallon interviews... and I noticed in hindsight how JF was so careful when referring to Jimin ... Since Tae was my first bias, I searched YT for Tae related content eventually saw in my YT feed Vmin moments. Theres a lot of Vmin content in YT or maybe the T*ek*ok ones didnt really register as extraordinary to me. But defo the Vmin moments were extraordinary to me,,,the BV4 sleeping together, kitchen role play & BV3 JM excited to see Tae and them holding hands and then Tae crying and then Tae's busking with Jimin cheering him on were all amazing to see. Up to this day this specific YT vid stood out to me first 
I actually went to check what video this is, and also looked at the comments where my favorite was this one: The staff member went straight to Jimin to tell him V was crying. That's all you need to know. They’re not wrong with that one, are they? That is pretty telling. BV3 vmin were a work of wonder, truly. Jimin watching Tae sing that Sam Smith song during the dinner in the sky looking all soft and endlessly fond?
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Jimin encouraging Tae to busk and gently petting his hair was just such a pure moment and showed how much Jimin appreciates Tae and the talent he has, how in moments when Tae might brush aside wanting to do something, is a little hesitant and unsure, Jimin will stand up for him and give him strength/encouragement, which reminds me of Tae’s vlive in April 2020 and the fact that Jimin had told him that he wants to be his source of strength. Beautiful. And it shows that it wasn’t just pretty yet empty words, but something he truly meant. They both do.
Then i came across vid trans of Friends & cried first time hearing it especially when it got to the part "One day when the cheer dies down, stay hey.." It felt raw and honest to me. Then there's MOT:E concert and that part in Dynamite where they bumped their heads seemed bizaare to me - i was like were they fighting? because JM looked really fierce(or maybe emotional) then i saw the close up. i couldnt remember the exact moment I became a Vminie but it made quarantine easier...
This, I’ve noticed, seems to be a recurring theme among quarantine ARMY and vminnies, the fact that becoming ARMY and vminnies made it easier, and it fits with what we’ve been saying about BTS for years: they will find you when you’ll need them most. And in these trying and uncertain times, it’s certainly proven true once again.
Thank you of much for your submission and sharing your story with us, and I’m glad they could make quarantine a little easier for you.
From anon: I've been following BTS on and off since BST, but only really consider myself a true fan late 2019. I can't recall having a bias at first, but I was captivated by Jimin's everything when I binge-watched all their content. I must admit, my first OTP is T*e/k*ok, where I fell down the route of considering Jimin 'an interfering 3rd party' in their relationship, and it shamed me. Since then I've been cycling through Jimin ships, namely yo*n/m*n, j*n/m*n, m*ni/m*ni, and I even thought that j*/k*ok was real at some point. Strangely, Vmin never struck me as something extraordinary. I don't want to blame anyone, but Vmin caught my eye after I watched official BTS content without filter (presumed bias/judgement) all in their glory. I realized that while other ships may go up-and-down as in one day there's a frenzy and another day quiet af, Vmin has been and is still going constant. That's what makes me love Vmin, and for the first time in my fandom life, I have no qualms about whether they are real or not. Their bond, whatever it is, is already precious and something to be cherished forever. Thank you for providing us vminies a special corner to speak up about our experience 💜
You’re very welcome! I hope you’ll like how this turned out as well. Thank you for sharing your story with us and personally I find it fascinating how, despite Jimin being the one who captivated you most at first, you still fell into the “he’s an interference for my ship” trap that’s quite popular with that particular ship. I’m glad though that that never ruined your love for Jimin. It’s also really interesting for me how you went through different Jimin ships yet it took you the longest time to notice vmin. I feel like, because vmin and vminnies are more “low key” than the other bigger and louder ships, as well as Tae and Jimin simply being quieter in their interactions (not always but you get the point) as compared to, for example, Jimin’s interactions with Hobi, Jungkook, or even Namjoon, it takes people a while to really notice them.
This is my favorite part of what you wrote, and I think it’s a great way to describe vmin in general and what makes them different from other ships in the grand scheme of things: I realized that while other ships may go up-and-down as in one day there's a frenzy and another day quiet af, Vmin has been and is still going constant.
From vminot7: So i fell into BTS hole after watching blood sweat and tears mv casually on youtube. Jimin immediately stole my attention with his unique voice, graceful moves and handsome features even though i didn’t know their names at that time. I watched more MVs and jimin continued to hold my attention but i was also extremely drawn to taehyung's voice and facial expressions. So i started looking for more content such as RUN BTS and other compilations and realized my love for all 7 of them. I also noticed how jimin always had a soft spot for taehyung and was curious about their dynamics. I started looking at more of vmin content and i was really surprised to see how in the early days they were nowhere near as soft with each other as they are now. I think they have a unique bond and i have never come across anything quite similar. Now vmin are both my biases and my bias wrecker is hoseok.
I admire jimin for being a hardworking, passionate perfectionist but also a caring soul who is always ready to offer love and comfort to people in need. I love taehyung for how he looks at the world in his unique ways and how he has a childlike awe for things and how he is so passionate over the things he loves. The thing i love about vmin together is how they are so different yet work so hard on their relationship when it would be easier to just not try that hard.
Ah, another mention of the queen that is Blood, Sweat and Tears. The MV truly is such a masterpiece so I’m not surprised that it caught your attention, and especially Jimin since he was…something else in that MV, or like Tae said, his eyes were temptation (this boy, I swear). Since you mentioned how in the first years they were nowhere near as soft with each other as they are now, I think watching their dynamic and relationship change and evolve over time showcases the one thing I think a lot of people (as well as movies and TV shows) forget or gloss over, despite it being so incredibly important: in order to make a relationship of any kind work, especially in order for it to grow as deep and strong as the one between all members and especially vmin, you need to put in the emotional work to make that happen. You have to make an effort, have to learn to understand the other person and teach them to understand you as well, learn to appreciate and love their little quirks and how to accept others. And it’s so clear that that’s what vmin did, continue to do, and it more than paid off in the long run. I’m glad you highlighted that in general but also as something you love about them.
While the overall bond between the members is a class of its own, I think especially what vmin have achieved is a whole masterclass in relationships and fostering strong ones, in and of itself. There is a lot I think we can learn from them and I’m so happy that people recognize how special they are.
Thank you so much for your submission!
From anon: There’s this small moments in Dear Class of 2020 that i just adore! I’ve watched it at least 20 times this past month
It starts with “Spring Day”- tae and jimin laugh and look at each other and it’s just so sweet!
Also, maybe it’s my delusional mind but after tae’s and jin’s small and adorable moment- it seemed that jimin did the same with junkook right after maybe out of i duuno if jealousy but like “pay attention to me too” kinda way- dont know really and maybe it’s me being extra🤷🏻‍♀️
I agree partially, in that Jimin watched Tae’s and Seokjin’s adorable moment, obviously must’ve thought of it as cute just like we did, and thought he could do the same with JK. I don’t think it had anything to do with jealousy, especially if we work off of the idea that vmin are a thing, but also because it’s a performance and these things primarily serve the purpose of being cute and entertaining use, in other words, it’s fanservice (which isn’t the evil word some portray it as). Also, within that same performance, Tae and Jimin actually sang some of the lyrics toward each other, therefore they, too, had a cute moment they shared with big smiles and everything, just like you mentioned.
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But we’ve gotten to see much more of Tae’s friendship with Seokjin in 2020, and especially the second half, so it was really sweet to see them interact during that song. Their friendship and dynamic is really a beautiful one, just like JKs bond with Seokjin, which I feel we’ve also gotten to see more of in recent months. Part of me (and that part can very well be wrong) feels that perhaps once the members caught on to Seokjin feeling the way he said he did/does, they decided to give him an extra dose of love and affection, off camera but also on where we can see it. That isn’t to say that they didn’t show him any of that before, but maybe they increased the intensity a little, a reminder that Seokjin truly is loved, that he deserves all of this, that it’s just his imposter syndrome (or at least what sounds like it) lying to him.
I’m still so touched and moved by the fact that he trusted us enough to share his feelings with us, to gift us Abyss and how it came to be, and that Bang PD was on his side and coaxed him into pouring his feelings into music, even if it would be “bad”, that the fear of it potentially being “bad” shouldn’t hold him back (and Namjoon helping in even if just a tiny bit with the lyrics). It was one of those times where I feel like we were all reminded that regardless of our opinions of BH and their doings, the members are surrounded by kind people who have their best interest in mind. After all what’s good for Bangtan is also good for the company, a win-win for everyone.
…wow, okay, I kind of went off on a tangent, I’m sorry…
Either way , then we have “Mikrokosmos” where we have a sweet moment at their part and towards the end where they switch mic and hear each other
I love this performance overall and especially “spring day”- jin’s and j-hope’s lovely voices and of course tae’s!! This song fits them so well and all the members of course
Well this is my rent , i love your blog and always wait for another post! Also i love the new idea and look forward to it!
Thank you so much for your submission and for bringing up their Dear Class 2020 performance. It was a truly magical one, and after reading this the first time, I did go and watch it again. To this day I’d still very much like to know how and when and why the mic switch between vmin happened, and I kind of hope that we might get a Bangtan B*mb or EPISODE about this eventually and it might shine some light on that question. Overall it was one of my favorite performances on 2020.
From Sky: While I enjoy cute, physical moments with VMIN, I really do value how emotionally attached they are to each other. For example (I don’t know if it fits as vmin moment but), I love how Jimin asked V to take the Promise cover photo, and how he ended up putting V’s name for credits on the cover. (Special Thanks to V, Best Photographer) This really shows a lot. Coz he can easily choose any Bighit photographer to take it. He could have chosen JK because we know how he takes good pics and vids too (and also apparently alot of people say that vmin had a falling out and that Jimin and JK were much more closer, lol). Or he could’ve asked Suga too bec he’s into cameras too. But he didn’t. He chose V, and chose to shout it out to the world how thankful he is for V’s help. RM co-wrote Promise, and maybe had offered more help in this project, but he didn’t put it in the cover. I’m not saying Jimin is ungrateful for not crediting RM in the cover. The difference is that he and RM had a vlive regarding the making of this song, a lot of people already know RM’s participation, he was officially credited as co-writer and Jimin really showed how thankful he is to RM. But no one knows of V’s participation (except for a snippet in that Run ep), so Jimin felt the need to tell it to everyone. I’m sure it’s not only the photos, I think he wanted to acknowledge how V helped him through the process, whether directly or indirectly. Also, remember this is Jimin’s first non-album solo single. By putting V’s name in it, he is sharing this very special song with his soulmate. How endearing it is! V also included Jimin in his first full English song. He used the two bears given by Jimin as Winter Bear’s cover photo and he included the photo Jimin took (sleeping V in the plane) in the MV. Like, seriously, they are trying to consciously imprint each other in their life’s milestones, openly or subtly. I’m crying. 😭
This was lovely, and yes, Jimin could’ve asked whoever to take those pictures, could’ve chosen any other ones, and yet he wanted Tae to be the one to take them, wanted those specific ones as covers. It’s very sweet and creates this subtle connection between Jimin, the song, and Tae. Sure, it isn’t the first time a picture Tae took is the cover for a SoundCloud song (the picture of JK on the 2U cover was also taken by Tae if I remember correctly), but it’s the fact that Promise is Jimin’s first non-BTS song, his first solo release, that makes it that much more special. Even more so when you think about how meaningful that song is to Jimin, and by having Tae as cover picture photographer, he’s in a way forever attached memory wise to that song as well, right?
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The same also goes with Winter Bear and the two ceramic bears. Remember how excited Tae looked when I kinda spoiled that gift being a thing happening in an upcoming RUN episode during Jimin’s vlive during the summer 2019? Adorable. It’s also curious how though the title is singular—winter bear not winter bears—there’s two ceramic bears. One for Tae, one for Jimin? Maybe, or maybe I’m reading too much into it. Either way, it’s really cute, and it was a very thoughtful gift, even more when we think about just how much Jimin loves that song.
From anon: Love this idea it's super cute!! 1st thing that came to my mind is a rather simple moment, jimin bopping taehyung's nose and making a lil game out of it
Taehyung asking for more and that dazed smile 🥺 he had the same expression in that concert when jimin placed his face just above him, tae's smile afterward... it was so pure u could almost read "love" in his eyes lol
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What a lovely note to end this post at, thank you for that. I don’t know what got into them during that photoshoot for Season’s Greetings 2020 but this was so disarmingly adorable. I remember when that moment appeared all over every sns and everyone just melted, myself included. Their smiles, the cute clothes, Tae’s head on Jimin’s chest, the softness and innocence of it, just all of it. It truly was so pure and like this sweet visualization of ‘love’.
And with that, we’ve reached the end. Did you like this? I had a great time reading your submissions and adding my little comments to them. If you’d like for us to continue this, same rules as last time, send in a submission marked with “VMC” and once we’ll have enough of them gathered, we’ll do this again, if you’re interested in more, that is. Send in whatever positive vmin you have, a thought, a moment, a memory, whatever you’d like.
Thank you once again to everyone who participated! :)
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blu-joons · 4 years
Dating Choi Youngjae ~ GOT7 Headcanon
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Getting Together:
He was a nervous wreck to first approach you when he saw you walking through the park
After spotting you a few times he’d turn to Jackson to ask him for a bit of help to start a conversation
He didn’t want to say the wrong thing, or say nothing at all, he just wanted to impress you and make you smile
But as soon as he stood in front of you, he completely forgot what it was that he had planned to say
If it wasn’t for you taking an interest in Coco, you probably would’ve walked off
Eventually he got it together and invited you to join the two of them on a walk
He very quickly felt comfortable around you to talk your ear off about anything, his DJ practice came to hand there
There was never a moment when Youngjae wouldn’t be smiling or laughing with you
He quite liked to tell the boys about you, as he appreciated any advice, they had for him
Whenever he rang you or text, he’d always give you Coco updates, like the proud dad he was
The two of you took things quite slow, and really got to know each other and enjoy each other’s company first
He’d usually hold your hand in public, both of you gripping to Coco’s lead so he had you by your side
After a couple of months, Youngjae decided he really wanted to make things official with you
The two of you sat down one day at the end of a walk, so that he could ask you the question
As with when he first asked you out, he’d gone over again and again about what he wanted to say
You could tell straight away that he was nervous, as he was a lot quieter than he usually was with you
Suddenly, his hand would rest against your shoulder, clearing his throat
“I was wondering how you’d feel about maybe becoming my girlfriend, I feel like we’ve really hit it off and I’m excited to see where we can go from here?”
You smiled softly, shaking your head as you wondered why he was ever so nervous
“Of course, I’d like that very much.”
You were quick to calm him down, and pull him into a tight hug
His loud chuckle in your ear brought a smile to your face, as he sighed heavily in relief that you’d said yes
The two of you spent the rest of the evening together back at his, enjoying your new status
He couldn’t wait to tell the guys what he’d done, knowing how proud they’d be
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Being In A Relationship:
You were Youngjae’s first proper relationship, so he’d often get nervous and worry
He’d often turn to the boys when he was feeling his most insecure as he didn’t want you to see him that way
Youngjae is our soft boy, so prepare for your relationship with him to be adorable in every single way
When he’s feeling down or having a hard time, he always wants your cuddles, they always make him feel better
If not, sit with him when he’s by his piano so that he knows you’re still around and there to give him inspiration
His laughter is the most infectious thing in the world, so be sure to treasure it
Youngjae will always make you laugh, that’s one of the best things about having him as a boyfriend
He’ll always be on hand to make you feel better about yourself too in the same way you do for him
A lot of the time, you can be found wearing one of his hoodies, as they always fit so well, and smell just like him
He’s very careful in the mornings and evenings when you’re asleep, trying to be as quiet as he can be
Every day, he always makes sure to text you good morning and goodnight no matter where in the world he is
And he’ll always make the time to ensure he can ring you and see your face too
At night, when you can’t sleep, you’ll often lay beside him and trace his tattoos
He loves the feeling of your hand dancing along his body and tickling against his skin
One of his other favourite things is when you play with his hair and tousle through his curls and little knots
In being in a relationship with Youngjae, you also have to pay a lot of attention to Coco
The two of you loved heading out for treks on Youngjae’s rare days off
He loved spending his evenings gaming with you as well and showing off to you
Lots of songs would be song at random points throughout your days whenever Youngjae was in the mood
Quite a few of his lyrics found a new inspiration too, thank to you
As well as him and Coco, it was important to him that you got on with his family too
Seeing you with some of the younger members in his family certainly got him thinking about the future
When he was feeling his most vulnerable, Youngjae would often do lots of little things to show you he loved you
He liked to be romantic and treat you well with lots of gifts and nice food
But best of all he’d always remind you every day exactly how special you were
You’d often surprise him at various events he did, whether it be concerts, interviews, or when he was DJing
Secretly, he’d always be looking out for you in the hope that you’d be there
When he’d had a long day, he loved for nothing more than to come home to you
You knew at times he could be emotional and sensitive, so you’d always be there to support him
At times he can be very clingy when he needs some time just to feel loved
Whenever he’s learnt something new in English, he always likes to show it off to you
If you have the time, you take him lunch to make sure he’s eating and looking after himself
He’ll always be sure to repay you by singing something to you that evening
He hates sometimes how much attention you give Coco; he’ll often pout across at you
But you always make sure that he knows that he’s your number one
Whenever he does something with the boys, he’ll take you along, especially if it’s a place he can show you off at
He loves to introduce you to all his friends and fellow idols
Whenever he’s asked about your relationship, he always gets so shy and nervous to talk about you
The fans are always asking him about you whenever he does a live, begging for you to join him on camera
He’ll always ask for your permission to make sure he doesn’t overshare or make you uncomfortable
Being so involved in the production of GOT7, he’ll often ask for your opinions on everything he comes up with
He likes to be able to share with you the things he’s doing to see what you think
It also does wonders for his confidence to have your seal of approval on what he does
And the boys can clearly see the difference you’ve made in him too
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As has already been mentioned, Youngjae can be a very cuddly boy when he wants affection
He’s always searching for kisses, or giving you little pecks on the cheek
Some nights he’ll be happy just laying beside you, other nights he’ll want to get more intimate
When it comes to intimacy, his confidence is often quite low, but you’ll always encourage him to feel better in his skin
If he’s feeling good, he’ll take control of the situation, but if he’s tired or low, he’ll let you be the more dominate one
He likes to feel your hands in his hair best of all, that always makes him feel close to you
Moments of intimacy are when he most likes to show you, he loves you, and how thankful he is to have you
His hands are all over your body when the two of you are together, he loves exploring and finding out new things
He also loves to have his arms wrapped around you so he can keep you nice and close
After sex, he’ll always resort back to cuddles, whispering a lot of sweet nothings into your ear
Wherever the two of you were, he loved to hold your hand try and make you feel safe
He’s very protective, even if it doesn’t always show, he’d hate for anything to ever happen to you
Slowly, his confidence begins to build when it comes to affection, as he becomes more comfortable
Sometimes he’s still cautious when he’s around people he knows, but he’ll still be close to you
You can tell in him how much confident he becomes, seeing him love himself makes you so happy
Knowing how many battles he’s had with himself; you’re always using physical affection to show off to him how amazing he looks
The two of you rely a lot on love language to communicate how you’re feeling
You’re only human, and have good days and bad days, but you’re always there to make each other feel better
Youngjae loves to be romantic and make sure you know you’re special
He’d spend forever and a day being affectionate with you if he could
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It would take something pretty serious for the two of you to argue
Of course, the two of you had plenty of disagreements, but that was natural
If you did argue, it took a tremendous amount out of the both of you
You’d both struggle not to get upset when you weren’t getting along and raising your voices at each other
When the two of you argued, Youngjae tended to be the one to leave the room and give you space
Over time, the two of you were good at talking about things when you couldn’t deal with the silence anymore
No matter how angry he was, Youngjae was always very careful with his words and how he spoke to you
Nothing hurt him more than seeing you get upset and teary in an argument
He tended to be the first one to cave when he found himself getting too overwhelmed
You’d never argue around other people either, not wanting them to feel awkward
If he needed a chat, he’d usually go to JB, to lead him to the solution
When the two of you were speaking again, Youngjae would get very cuddly by way of an apology
He couldn’t fall asleep on an argument either as he often finds himself overthinking
You could normally tell when something was annoying him as he’d fall very quiet
Neither of you could help it from time to time though, there was nothing with expressing your concerns
But you’d always find a way to the solution and fix things up, sooner rather than later
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Your Relationship With The Boys:
The boys were so pleased that Youngjae found someone who took such good care of his precious soul
All of them were slightly anxious, and rightly so, when they first heard about you, but they soon learnt to love you
As Mark was Coco’s other parent, you grew close with him quite quickly as he showed you a few of the tricks that worked when you looked after her
Jackson was as much of a double act with you as he was with Youngjae, always fooling around
Just like he cared for Youngjae, JB made sure to take excellent care of you too, taking you under his wing
Jinyoung was great when you just wanted a chat, he was always around when you needed to talk
To begin with, you struggled around Yugyeom, but after you got lost at the studio one day, and he came to help you, the two of you became closer
BamBam helped you a lot when Youngjae was busy, he’d always be at your apartment to keep you company
They were all so pleased Youngjae had found someone to make him laugh
Anytime he was around, and you weren’t, they’d always ask for you
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The Future:
Youngjae had spent a lot of late nights thinking about your relationship and where he saw the future taking you
He decided he’d propose just before he enlisted, mainly so he was sure he had you whilst he served
Once he was out, he couldn’t wait to marry you and start a family, and really begin to settle down
With the two of you so happy, he was also desperate to find a friend or two for Coco to have around the house
You’d never imagined Youngjae as a dad until it finally happened, and what a sweet sight it was too
Between kids and dogs, the two of you were always kept on your toes, just as you wanted
The two of you really did create the perfect family
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atopearth · 3 years
Collar X Malice: Unlimited Part 6 - Side Stories
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ONWARD (Kazuki SS)
Awww, I love how Akito and Kazuki first met. I think it's really cool that it was Kazuki who chased after him and was interested in him because he saw him doing music related stuff. I guess I'm so used to Kazuki being so harsh and whatever with Ichika that having him actively befriend someone is refreshing haha. I thought it was so cute how Kazuki so genuinely thought Akito's music was amazing, that probably really touched him. On the other hand, it's kinda sad to hear that people only talk to Akito to make fun of him, that's so sad. I wonder if Akito just allows it too because of what happened to his sister, so he wants to know how she might have felt? Anyway, I really love how Akito didn't listen to Kazuki, and told him straight the first time he went over to his place and met Ichika that she was just worried about Akito being here considering how late it was, and that he should greet her since he's in their home, and that it wasn't wrong for Ichika to be worried about him, which I'm very glad for. Kazuki is wayyy too blinded into thinking of Ichika as "the enemy" that it gets really frustrating a lot of the time. Anyway, seeing Ichika in third person perspective is interesting, she's so cute~ It's really cool how much Akito expanded Kazuki's world in music, like not only did he introduce him to bands and other people who play guitar that can give him better advice on his playing, but Akito also tried his best to contribute a lot to helping Kazuki mend his relationship with Ichika. LMAO at Kazuki's imagination of what Isshiki was going to be like and then called him ordinary😂😂
I really enjoyed seeing much more insight into Isshiki's feelings to his pro debut being cancelled. I think what hit me the most was when he talked about starting solo again, and people came to see the "tragic vocalist that got mistakenly arrested" instead of listening to his music as a musician, and I think that probably broke his heart quite a bit. I can see why he would have wanted to quit. Isshiki is really admirable though, but I guess hearing about Fujii's death pushed him to putting everything he could into his music, since it made him realise that your daily life can shatter in an instant, so he wants to appreciate every opportunity and chance he has to sing, and share his music and feelings to as many people as he can. Hearing Akito shout at Kazuki saying he doesn't have the right to continue composing music, especially as a pro made me really sad. The whole time from when Akito met Kazuki to them having fun tweaking their music and everything, Akito was suffering. He was happy that he could compose music and find it fun again, but he also felt really guilty for "having fun" because this was something he felt that he took away from his sister. It was because of this "fun" that he chose to ignore her and signs of her plight because it was too annoying to deal with, and that regret torments him to this day. And then now on top of that, the guilt and pain of all those bullies' lives are weighing on him because he told Zero that the whole class was a part of it and practically deserved to die, and then they did... It's understandable why Akito would think that he doesn't deserve anything "happy" since all he's been doing is taking away lives and the happiness of others.
Honestly, I love Akito and Kazuki's relationship, so seeing them make up and have Akito admit he really enjoys composing music etc was really nice. I also loved how Akito gave Kazuki his own guitar pick, it was so pretty! I'm so glad Akito got them to all take a photo before Kazuki's debut concert with Isshiki and officially formed a band with him. I'm glad Akito wanted to keep such a precious memory. And yep, I really loved this side story. I honestly didn't think there was much to add to Kazuki, Akito's and Isshiki's story anymore but I'm glad I was wrong haha! I think the emotions, their thoughts and their feelings throughout the story were portrayed really well to kinda show how much of a journey Kazuki was on whilst all the X-Day stuff were happening. It was like a whole different life compared to Ichika. But anyway, I really liked how we got to see more of the friendship between the three of them and how they all worked hard because of their passion for music, and how they felt connected to each other through listening to each other's music. I think that's really sweet and I can see better why Akito and Isshiki were always so protective of Kazuki and really understood him, and wanted Ichika to acknowledge him and his hard work. Still doesn't change the fact that I didn't like his attitude to her in the main story, but I liked seeing Kazuki try his best to grow in music and as a person with Akito's and Isshiki's support and acknowledgment.
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Pride (Minegishi SS)
I guess it's interesting to see that aside from civilians in Shinjuku having to try and get used to normal life again, Minegishi is also trying to get used to dealing with "normal cases" and prioritising those rather than just X-Day incidents. I guess it's to expected since the Investigations HQ is disbanding. Considering how much SCRPO gets looked down upon, I'm really happy that Ichika and her diligence in telling civilians to report anything suspicious helped Minegishi and them solve a case with a kidnapper. LOL when Minegishi said he wants to be closer with all his subordinates and then he told Ichika she can call him "Mine-chan"😂😂😂 Imagine calling him that at the police station😂😂 Anyway, I've always really liked how sincere Minegishi is, so I was really happy when he personally went to thank Ichika for helping out with the case, praised her, and then even took her out to lunch. Anyway, even though the incidents are over, people like Saeki and other Adonis members haven't been captured, so it's understandable for Minegishi to still "care" about the X-Day stuff.
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I know Minegishi is mainly interested in Ichika because of how crucial she was to solving the X-Day incidents and he wants to know more about her to see why they targeted her but awww, it would be so cool to have a Minegishi route! Lmaoo at Minegishi's joke saying he came to the station just to see Ichika and receive chocolates from her😂 It was so cuteee when Ichika ran after him and actually gave him chocolates she prepared~🥰 It's so cute how Minegishi loves teasing Ichika because of her funny and honest reactions🥲 I loved the chat Minegishi had with Sasazuka and Okazaki at the cafe hahaha, they're all interested in Ichika in their own way, it's so adorable lol. It's nice to see that Minegishi was in a sense frustrated that he believed he could lead the way to solve the X-Day incidents but in the end relied on one of the many subordinates he didn't take notice of alongside a group of police dropouts. I guess that would be difficult to face when you're so capable. I'm glad Minegishi was a bit more honest with her about his intentions and thoughts. Awww, I loved how Ichika teased Minegishi back in the car ride home! I totally dig their relationship and would have super loved an actual route with Minegishi, so cuteee!
Overall, definitely more of a fluff story than anything else. Makes you wish that Minegishi had a route, but also gives a bit more insight into the idea of the X-Day incidents "ending" and missing it. It makes me miss the main plot of the original game haha, and I guess that was the aim of this route, but at the same time, gotta move forward to accept other things~
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Crossroad (Yoshinari SS)
Honestly, I've always loved Yoshinari because he's obviously capable considering he's in the SP, but he's so silly it's hilarious. Lmaooo at his drawings and notes on all the guys, I loved Enomoto's and Sasazuka's ones, totally shows their personalities😂😂 Yoshinari's sound effects are so funny, especially when he's sad🤣 Hahahahah, Shiraishi calls Yoshinari Inari-kun😂 I actually like inari sushi hahaha. Anyway, considering Shiraishi's nicknames for Sasazuka and Enomoto, him naming Yoshinari anything is actually friendly lol. It was so cute how happy Yoshinari was when he got Ichika to laugh, he's so adorable for trying so hard to talk to her so she won't feel so tense and guarded around him. Considering all the "exotic" things Okazaki likes to try, I'm surprised the durian shake is the one that made Yoshinari nearly vomit hahaha, but maybe that's just because I'm used to the people around me liking durian.
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LMAO when Yoshinari collapsed from hunger and even made Kazuki be nicer (since he was initially quite prickly with Yoshinari) and carry him to their apartment to feed him lol. It's actually kinda cute how that encounter ended up making Kazuki feel like it was easier to approach Yoshinari and chat with him lol. Omg, I didn't expect Yoshinari's past and his relationship with his parents to actually be so...sad. I mean, I can understand to an extent why his parents might feel "resentment" or whatever towards Yoshinari since he never came home, was in a gang etc whilst they were probably working their asses off just to make ends meet, but I honestly don't think I can really empathise with them if they can say something to him like just die somewhere that won't trouble them or whatever, like really??? That's just such a cruel thing to say to your child. It's depressing to think that Yoshinari wanted to make up with them and tried to be an upstanding guy and worked hard to be an SP and stuff to show them that he's changed, but they didn't even want to give him a chance and literally just disowned him, that's really terrible.
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I love how Yoshinari would willingly "make fun" of himself just to defuse and ease a situation (when Kazuki and Ichika clashed after she followed him to his band practice place), but I really love his sincerity. He's not great with his words, but seeing his sincerity and consideration for Kazuki made Ichika understand that she could trust him and wait for Kazuki because someone like Yoshinari asked her to, and that gives her confidence since she isn't aware what Kazuki is always up to. I think it's sweet to see Ichika appreciated that and told him that she trusts him, and I think that really helped Yoshinari too, since he always feels like he's "trouble" because of his past, but hearing someone appreciate him for doing what he did must make him happy. Lmao at everyone in the office being mean to Yoshinari for planning on going on a date with Ichika hahah. Aww, Yoshinari in work mode is pretty cool~ 
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Aww, Ichika crying and hugging Kazuki feeling relieved that he's okay and not in danger anymore was so cute. Gotta feel sorry for Kazuki, he's always targeted lmao. Anyway, seeing the scene with Ichika and Kazuki being able to be more honest with each other and care for each other openly made me really happy. It also made me think, this is probably one of the reasons why I always found it "sad" in Sasazuka's route that they made it like Kazuki needed to "grow up" and live by himself so she could be with Sasazuka properly, when I feel like it's so sad that Kazuki and Ichika have finally made up and can be a "proper" family now, but they didn't even get to spend much time together yet. But it's okay lol, since we get to see her bond with Kazuki in moments like these in other routes.
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I can understand why Yoshinari is so insistent on detaching himself from Ichika and them though. As an emotional person myself, when I get attached to people, it would definitely affect my feelings, my thoughts and how I handle things regardless of how much I want to stay logical, so I usually adopt something similar to Yoshinari's way of doing things. But I'm so glad that Yoshinari just went screw that after Ichika gave him a scarf for Christmas haha. In the end, as he said, people aren't machines, and life is too short to hesitate and give up on things like that when it's so difficult to find someone you actually like! Too bad the world wants to bully Yoshinari too, so even though he was able to talk back to Okazaki and tell him he seriously wanted to tell Ichika his feelings, the writers didn't want him to lol. Oh, and I loved how all the guys treated Yoshinari like an abandoned puppy outside in the cold and kept giving him food and stuff so he would keep warm whilst on the job, that was so cute hahaha.
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Overall, I quite liked Yoshinari's story, I think it was really cute to see how even though Yoshinari is kinda like the "joke" character that gets bullied, he also has a past that allowed him to connect with Kazuki on a deeper level and help mend Kazuki and Ichika's relationship in his own way. I really liked how sincere Yoshinari was to everyone, and I think it's with such a personality that everyone is able to do the same with him. I think a romance with Yoshinari and Ichika would be so adorable with how they are, and I also really like his friendship with Kazuki so I think they would be a really warm family hahahah. If only we got proper routes for all these side characters🥲🥲🥲 Definitely enjoyed all the side stories and in a sense, they were probably much more fun than the actual routes haha!
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kalaluchi · 3 years
chapter 05: Jagged Stone
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Marinette was confused.
How could two people go from comfortable banter to awkward silence in a span of two days? She’d heard of going from 0 to 100 real quick, but she’d never thought it’d happen to her.
More accurately -- to her and Adrien.
She stared at the back of his head, wondering where she’d gone wrong, as Mme. Bustier droned on with her lesson.
Marinette had really thought she’d finally gotten over the shy-awkward-start phase after the whole movie “date” last Friday. (She still wasn’t sure if that had been meant as an actual date, or as a chill friend hangout. And frankly, she was too scared to ask.)
But then the weekend came and they’d barely talked. (Though she’d been secretly hoping for a random good morning from him or something -- even just once.) She’d been busy baking and cramming assignments and random projects, and just like that the weekend was over.
It was now Monday, and she was sad to think all her efforts to become closer had gone down the drain. They’d exchanged greetings as she made her way to her seat that morning, but it was now 2 periods after lunch, and he hadn’t spoken to her at all. There weren’t even any of the corny memes he used to send when they were both bored in class.
Not that he’d been ignoring her, though. It just seemed like… he’d forgotten about her or had nothing more to say to her.
She probably could have reached out herself… but every time she was about to approach him, she felt like she was walking on eggshells. One wrong step, one wrong word, and something would crack.
She groaned, painfully aware that she was probably overthinking things too much. She checked her phone for the 10th time that period -- no new messages.
Marinette let out a sigh.
One apparently much louder than she’d intended.
“Anything to share with the class, Marinette?” Mme. Bustier’s voice broke through her thoughts.
She bit her lip, her ears red. “No, Mme. Bustier. Sorry,” she murmured, embarrassed.
She thought it was absolutely worth it though, because just then Adrien offered her a small smile in sympathy before turning back to face the front. So there was hope for them yet.
She sat back in her seat, deep in thought again. On impulse, she leaned forward and tapped Adrien’s shoulder while Mme. Bustier was facing the blackboard.
“Do you, uh, can I borrow a pen?” Marinette whispered in his ear.
If she didn’t know any better, she would’ve thought Adrien was blushing slightly from the sudden interaction. “Here you go,” he replied in the same quiet voice.
Her fingers tingled when they brushed his during the exchange, but she thanked him anyway. She really had no intention of using the pen (she’d never leave home without her beloved pencil case, with all the colorful pens and markers, please) so she decided to wait until class ended to return it and use it as an excuse to start a conversation.
Brilliant! This must be what Alya feels when she comes up with one of her schemes.
An hour later, as Adrien began packing his bag to go home, Marinette tapped him on the shoulder nervously. Her brilliant-a-period-ago plan was starting to not feel brilliant at all.
Nevertheless, she held out the pen to him, smiling. “Thanks for lending me this a while ago. You’re a lifesaver.”
He chuckled easily. “No problem. You looked like you needed some life-saving,” he joked.
Marinette couldn’t help but scoff at that. “I can save myself, thanks,” she muttered, in a tone sharper than she intended.
“Of course,” the blond backtracked hastily. “I didn’t mean to assume, I just--”
“Is… that a Jagged wallpaper?” Marinette asked suddenly, immediately forgetting the earlier offense.
“Uh, yeah. You listen to Jagged Stone?”
“Listen to Jagged? Get out, I practically breathe Jagged! Wow, I can’t believe he didn’t come up once in our conversations…”
“Well, I… didn’t really peg you to be a Jagged girl, honestly. No offense, though, I really don’t know why it didn’t occur to me. I mean, now it seems obvious. You’re nearly as cool as him.”
“Shut up,” Marinette laughed, waving away the compliment. “No one is as cool as Jagged. And it’s okay, I didn’t peg you to be a Jagged fan either.”
“You’re kidding. How could I not? A great singer, and a great player too. Piano, guitar, you name it! Heck, I bet he could even play, like, a lyre or something.”
Marinette scrunched her nose and raised an eyebrow. “A liar and a player at once? Can’t say that’s exactly my type. I’ve met too many of those, thanks.”
Red spots bloomed in Adrien’s cheeks as he sputtered, “No, I’m not-- that’s not what I--”
“I’m joking,” she interrupted, honestly surprised at his reaction. So annoyingly endearing.
“Oh.” Adrien sighed in relief, as Marinette bit back a smile.
There was an awkward pause as she thought of what else to add.
She had just opened her mouth when Adrien blurted, “There’s actually a Jagged show tomorrow.”
“Yeah, part of the Jagged Worldwide tour, right? I’ve got my room all set up with 3 flavors of popcorn to eat while I stream it.”
“Actually,” Adrien said somewhat nervously, “I may or may not have an extra ticket to the show, thanks to the Agreste brand and all.”
“Get out,” Marinette deadpanned, in shock.
(Adrien noted that that was the second time she’d said that in the last five minutes, and chuckled internally. How cute.)
“So, you wanna go?”
There it was again. That… awkward is-this-a-friend-thing situation. Marinette’s conscience told her no, don’t fall for his trap! He definitely only sees you as a friend, you’ll just get hurt if you hope for more! Which, true… but then again. This was Jagged. How could she say no?
“I’m in.” She beamed, bouncing on the soles of her feet. Even though the concert was on a school night, she was fairly sure her parents would let her go once they found out it was another ‘date’ with Adrien.
“Hey, Nino! Marinette said she’s game to come with us to the concert tomorrow,” Adrien called over his shoulder at his best friend.
“Sweet! See you there, my dude! I’ll pass the news on to Alya.” He gave a last wave before leaving.
Ah. So definitely not a date. At least she was aware.
Unless… a double date? Marinette groaned inwardly. Why did things have to be so complicated? She could almost feel the headache she was going to get from all this. (Especially now knowing that Alya would be involved.)
Marinette had never seen so many people in her life.
If she thought her bakery’s end-of-the-month sales were insanely crowded, that was nothing compared to the mass of people at the concert grounds, tightly packed and eagerly awaiting the arrival of their favorite singer.
As usual, something went wrong right off the bat. Their little group of four had gathered outside the grounds at 4:30pm sharp, but it hadn’t even been five minutes since they’d entered and already Alya and Nino were nowhere to be seen.
Marinette panicked immediately, obviously, frantically searching for the telltale brown-red-tipped hair of her best friend.
Adrien calmed her down immediately, saying that the lovebirds probably wanted to ‘spend some alone time together.’
Had Marinette been in a normal state of mind, she might’ve noticed that this practically reeked of another of Alya’s schemes. As it is, she simply allowed herself to be led by the blond-haired boy.
“Let’s go this way so we’re closer to the stage,” Adrien said gently, steering her one way. “Here, you can… hold my hand so we don’t get separated,” he added softly, taking her hand in his.
Soft. She was surprised to find that his hands were smooth and uncalloused. Well… she didn’t know what she had expected, but she thought they were absolutely fine as they were.
They finally made their way to the front as the singer stepped onto the stage to an eruption of cheers. She had to bite back a pout as Adrien dropped her hand to clap his own. She was about to suggest they link hands for the entirety of the concert, but all thoughts disappeared once the music started playing. She let herself get lost in the song, letting go of all her fears and doubts just this once, dancing to the tune, jumping to the beat.
A few minutes in, Adrien leaned in close. “I love this song,” he said, speaking directly into her ear to be heard over the crowd’s screams.
“Me too!” she shouted in reply, hoping in her heart it were actually words of endearment he’d said.
Once the first five songs ended, Jagged Stone stepped up to the mic, and a quiet hush spread through the crowd, waiting with bated breath for what he would say.
“I just want to thank everyone here for coming,” he started, pausing when the crowd roared their approval. He laughed heartily. “Never in my life would I imagine I’d be getting crowds like this, especially right here in Paris. Not many people know this, but I didn’t always like the name Jagged Stone. I mean, as is, it’s really nothing, right? It is what it is: a stone that is jagged. That means cut different from the rest, sort of sharp around the edges, prone to hurting others. Who would want that, right? Growing up, I was told I’d probably amount to nothing, so maybe I should choose a safer, more secure path. But then-- and here’s the key-- I grew up. And look where I am now.”
Marinette whooped along with the other concert goers, wanting her support to be evident.
“See, that’s the thing,”Jagged continued, on a roll. “These things take time. I came to love the name Jagged Stone. Because over the years, stones that are jagged smoothen around the edges. They become toned, weathered. They become the kind of precious stone you see being used in jewelry, maybe. Suddenly they’re something beautiful, valuable. Meaningful. Are they different from what they were before? Of course. But are they still themselves? Absolutely. Was that greatness there all along, right from the start? Without a doubt.
So to everyone out there: don’t rush it. Everything moves at its own pace. You may seem sharp around the edges, but that’s just how we are. Other people might not know how to approach those edges, afraid of getting hurt. But give it time. The ride will smoothen out. I want you to remember that there is already something valuable in each of you, even at this very moment. It’ll just take time for you to get used to that something, to hone it into the best version of you.
And speaking of time, I’d like to thank you all for the time you’ve given to be here! With that I’ll be performing my last song of the concert, my brand new single: Miraculous!”
“That. Was. Amazing.”
Ten minutes later, Adrien and Marinette had navigated their way out of the thick of the crowd, and were making their way to the meet-up spot as previously discussed.
“Definitely,” Marinette agreed, taking a bite of the cotton candy she’d bought. “That speech before the last song? That was my favorite part.”
“Really? He played six songs and not one of them classifies as your favorite part?”
“Oh, be quiet,” Marinette scoffed, shoving his shoulder lightly. “Stop judging. It just… hit close to home, I guess.”
“Oh… Well, uh, I don’t really know any of the context, but you do know you’re pretty amazing, right? As you are right now.”
Marinette took another bite to hide the blush spreading across her cheeks. “Thanks,” she said meekly, unsure of how else to respond.
“There you are!” a voice called. Marinette suddenly found herself enveloped in a tight hug. “I can’t believe we got separated right at the start! Nino here wouldn’t even let me go look for you because we’d found a great spot, he said.”
“Hey!” her boyfriend protested. “You were the one who said let the two lov-- oof, did you have to step on me foot?”
“Oops, accident,” Alya said lightly. “So anyway, how did you two find the concert?”
“It was fun,” Marinette replied softly, wrapping her arms around her best friend’s waist.
“Yeah? Something interesting happen?”
Marinette laughed. “No, I guess not. It was just… I don’t know, it seemed pretty--”
“-- miraculous,” Adrien finished, and they all had to agree.
As they headed back, Marinette reflected that maybe it wasn’t so bad she’d been treading on eggshells just the other day. Maybe her relationship with Adrien was just like what Jagged had said in his speech. At the moment rough at the edges, either party cautious of how to proceed in fear of hurting the other or getting hurt. And that was okay.
Because eventually, it would smoothen out.
And eventually, maybe, just maybe, it would bloom into something beautiful-- something hopefully more than friendship.
All they really needed was time.
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pluto-fics · 3 years
Promise (M)
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One Shot | GrungeGuitarist!Jimin x Reader 
(established relationship)
Genres: fluff, romance, smut
Rating: 18+ (M) for explicit sexual content
Word Count:  9,062 words
Warnings: tooth rotting sweet fluff, profanities, mild dirty talk, smut, light nipple play, dry humping, fingering:fem receiving, unprotected sex (stay safe), slight creampie, softdom!Jimin
A/N: This is a re-upload after I have taken down the original for editing purposes and strongly inspired by the 200414 MiniMoni VLive, because Jimin looked great and I’m weak for that man. You may need to see a dentist after reading this because this is pure teeth rotting fluff, my friends. Jimin is a true softie for (Y/N) here lol.
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You still remember the first kiss you shared with him. That one night, when you met on the playground in your neighborhood, sitting beside eachother on the swings as Jimin told you about his big dream for the first time. He wants to succeed with his band. He dreams of a future as a well-known guitarist. And back then you had told him that you did not think of it as a silly wish. You believed in him back then when your teenage self agreed to stay by his side, and you still do to this day. This was also the moment in which he knew – he was madly in love with you.
Looking back on your last years of dating Jimin, you could not deny what a cliche rebel couple you were. Instead of asking you to prom, your boyfriend skipped the whole event with you and his bandmates to break into the football field of your school that night. But you did not regret it one bit. The memory of your friends chasing eachother on the field and lying in the grass to look up at the starry night sky was as vivid and precious to you as no other. That same night you saw the first shooting star of your life while holding Jimin’s hand and begging him to tell you what he had wished for. Yet, he never told you, to this day. Instead, he said “Let’s stay like this forever” and gave your hand a meaningful squeeze with the reflection of the stars above shining in his eyes. 
His words from this night turned into a promise you both made and kept.
You were there for each one of his band’s gigs in small bars and scene clubs. You were there for many of their band practices, too. And now you are there to witness their first big breakthrough as the opening act to an increasingly popular indie band.
Holding Taehyung’s bass guitar, you watch his attempt to fix his hair. He must have applied half a can of hairspray by now and you doubt that even a single strand would budge during the show. However, Taehyung wants to be safe. “This is our big deal! The most important performance we have ever had yet!” He wants to give it his all, just like the other members. 
You turn and look at Yoongi, who is sitting on the couch in the corner of the small dressing room while tapping his drumsticks onto his thighs in concentration. Having known him for as long as the other boys, you quickly realized that he is wearing his “lucky charm” – his signature worn out leather jacket. He wore it to their very first gig, wore it daily during finals week and he also wore it that fateful night you all skipped prom together. The memories place a nostalgic smile on your lips.
Meanwhile, Jeongguk keeps pacing around the room while mumbling the lyrics to their latest song. He may be the youngest of them all, but he is a real multi-talent. It's almost like magic, the way he is so damn good at everything if he just wants to succeed at it. Eyeing his guitar on its stand next to Jimin’s, you can't help but wonder where your boyfriend, the main guitarist of this band, has gone to. He had left the room about 20 minutes ago, saying he was going to the toilet real quick, but he has not returned since. “Thank you,” Taehyung smiles as he takes his bass from you. “Is Jimin still gone?” He then asks. Nodding, you already make your way to the door. “Yes, but I’ll go check up on him.
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Striding through the cramped halls backstage, you make your way to the men’s toilets. And just when you raise your hand to knock on the door, it opens to reveal the man you have been looking for. 
“(Y/N)?” He was clearly startled. You sigh in relief. “It’s been over twenty minutes, just what in the world were you doing in there?” you ask, sensing that something was wrong. Seeing the deep red tint on his bottom lip, you can already guess what he was doing. Biting his lip when he got nervous was one of his habits. And judging by how red it was, he must have been gnawing on it like crazy. Since he does not respond, very aware of how easily you could read him and his body language, you decide to ask straight away. “How bad is it?”
You almost see the heavy weight on his shoulders as he says “Very bad… Baby, I can’t mess this up. Not this time. It would ruin everything we’ve worked so hard for.” A compassionate smile finds its way to your lips. “You’re always worrying so much. Jimin, you’ll do great. I am one-hundred percent sure of that, alright?” Noticing the doubtful glimmer in his eyes, you continue “You’ve worked so hard for this very moment. Don’t dread it, enjoy it. When you guys go up on that stage, I want you to relish that moment. Because this is going to be the first time of many more to come.”
His lips slowly curve upwards as he nods slowly, “Alright.” You smile and pull him into a hug, feeling the fast rhythm of his heartbeat as he too holds you close. “No matter what’s going to happen, I am and will always be your biggest fan” you say. Chuckling, he moves a hand to gently cup your cheek and look at your face. “I know. Thank you for being here, (Y/N).” A second passes in which you smile at eachother, before he leans in to kiss you. 
“Ugh, are you serious? We’ve only got ten minutes to go through the setlist before we go on stage, so move your ass back into the dressing room before it’s too late!” 
The two of you immediately part at the sound of Yoongi’s aggravated voice behind you. You know that he did not mean to be rude, yet the sharp sound to his words really shocked you for a second. Seems like Jimin was not the only one who was nervous to the bone. You see Jimin sending you an apologetic smile before rushing after his hyung. Shaking your head, you make your way to the stage already, not planning to interfere in this special moment your boyfriend and friends would share right before the show now. You could still wish each one of them good luck when they go up there, after all.
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From your spot next to the stage you had a perfect view not just on the boys, but on the audience as well. And you could not feel any prouder of your friends. They had introduced themselves a little awkwardly, but as soon as the chorus to their first song started the audience was going completely crazy. They loved it. And you could tell how much joy the boys felt in that moment. 
As the songs got heavier, the movements of the crowd did the same. They even formed a small moshpit at some point and tried to shout along to repetitive phrases of the last song’s chorus.
It was clear that Jeongguk did not lie when he told the audience how much he loved them for being so welcoming and wild. And so did the rest of the boys, bright smiles painted on their sweat covered faces. 
You almost could not believe your eyes as you watched them on stage. They looked like absolute rockstars already, the sweet boys you have known for such a long time suddenly looking so grown up. Finally, your eyes lock on your boyfriend, cooly jumping onto a platform at the front of the stage to play his solo. As he throws his head back while playing the longest note of his solo, you can see the sweat running down his neck and strands of his once well-styled hair sticking to his skin. In this moment, he looks like the very definition of ‘sinful’, reviving memories of the last time you had seen him like this - in a wholly different context. But these thoughts have to wait. 
When they finally play the last tunes of their performance, the crowd cheers loudly – the sound of hundreds of people cheering for your friends and filling your heart with immense joy and pride. You too are cheering as they come down the stairs, sweat dripping from their brightly smiling faces. “That was incredible!” Taehyung exclaims with a voice of true ecstasy. Jeongguk nods, patting his friend’s shoulder as the two of them give you a high-five while passing you to get back to the dressing room. You greet Yoongi with a big grin and loud “You did amazing!”, happy to see him beaming one of his rarest gummy smiles back at you as he slings one arm around you in a rushed hug while thanking you before he follows the others. 
The main act is already approaching to go on stage as you almost tackle Jimin the second he gets off of the stairs. “You were unbelievable! I told you you’d do well!” you cheer as he laughs wholeheartedly at your enthusiasm. “I feel like I’m in heaven, did I die on stage?” he asks as he hugs you tight, his entire body still trembling due to the rush of adrenaline. 
You laugh and kiss his cheek, then his nose, honestly just aiming at random spots on his face as you do so. “I’m so proud of you, Jimin” you say as he’s grinning widely. 
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After a few minutes of basically shouting praises and cheers at one another and then making fun of Jeongguk for suddenly crying tears of happiness, the boys watched the concert from beside the stage with you. They even were asked back onto the stage for a few songs during the encore, which the audience clearly enjoyed just as much as the performance prior to that. On your way to the hotel you guys would stay at for the night, you checked the boys’ band profiles online and could not have been any prouder when you saw the follower counts continuously rising on each one of them. 
The other band had invited your friends to an after party at the hotel’s bar and after an hour or so you decided to let them have this moment to themselves. Especially since you were already getting tired anyway. So you went to Jimin’s and your room instead. Honestly, you could not believe it yourself either. The four men you have been supporting for more than five years, basically since the day they decided to practice and start a band together, finally are so close to their goal. 
You take a quick shower and wrap yourself in the hotel’s bathrobe before drying your hair and starting your basic skincare ritual in front of the mirror above the sink. As usual, you get lost in your thoughts while massaging the cleanser into your skin and rinsing it off, thinking about how much has changed within the past couple of years. You first met Jimin in high school, both of you being friends with your classmate Jeongguk and naturally meeting eachother at his parties or during lunch breaks. That was how you made friends with Taehyung and Yoongi, too. Even though you did not share any classes with even one of them, you became friendly with them very quickly. 
This friendship held for many years. You graduated, went to college, shared many memories together – and here you are today.
While you were so lost in your thoughts and washing your face, you did not hear the door to your hotel room as someone entered. So when you come out of the bathroom, you nearly have a heart attack as you see someone rummaging through your boyfriend’s suitcase. Until you realize that it is Jimin himself. “Hey” you greet him casually, a little confused by why he is here and not with the others. Turning around, he beams a smile at you, greeting you back. “Did your after party end already?” you ask and take a seat on the edge of the bed as you watch him collect his sleepwear. “Not really” he says, “I just didn’t feel like staying much longer.”
You are about to ask if something had happened. But then Jimin already stands in front of you with a grin and kisses the top of your head, one of his hands dropping to your exposed thigh. His thumb is slowly rubbing circles into your skin as he looks you in the eyes. “And I thought we could celebrate in a different way tonight…”
There it is. That signature smirk on his lips as he awaits your reaction, just like the smirk he would send your way every now and then when he was on stage earlier. He knows that you like the attitude he holds on stage, that you watched him and his every move closely.
And quite frankly, this is not the first time you are feeling this way. After the boys’ very first gig you nearly jumped Jimin the second he came off stage. You would be embarrassed, but who could blame you? Whenever your sweet boyfriend steps on stage, it is as if he takes on a different persona. His cute eye smiles and giggles get replaced by a sinful smirk and bedroom eyes. Even the way he walks or pushes his hair back looks so different on stage in comparison to the man you know off stage. 
You mirror his smirk as you nod and cup his face to pull him in. “Sounds great” you say before kissing Jimin and feeling the upcurve of his lips against your own. His hand on your thigh glides down to the back of your knee as his other hand softly pushes you down by your shoulder. He leans down to capture you against the mattress with your leg on his hip as the kiss grows heated. 
Wearing only the flimsy bathrobe, you moan into the kiss when you feel his crotch moving into your own, the rough material of his ripped jeans eliciting a raw sensation against your exposed skin. Detaching his lips from yours, he moves on to your jaw and neck, following an imaginary trail as he leaves wet kisses on his way down. Your hands wind through his messy hair as the back of your raised thigh is being kneaded by his hand. 
“Seems like you planned for this to happen tonight” he accuses you with a smirk before untying your robe, wanting to see your body that’s hidden underneath. “Tell me, did you enjoy today’s show?” You nod and help him with the knot in your belt. “Use your words, baby” he then says, stopping your hands by engulfing them with his as he looks at your face expectantly. “Yes. I enjoyed it a lot” you say, not trusting your voice with the way his dark eyes lock with yours. 
He nods once, satisfied with your answer and places a kiss on your collarbone as he lets go of your hands and opens the robe. “Did you like my solo performance, too?” he asks, kissing down to the valley of your breasts and sinking his hips to yours again, pressing the prominent bulge in his jeans against your pulsing core. You sigh in pleasure as you whimper. “Yes. Very much.” Now kissing around your left nipple, he moves a hand to your other breast, stimulating your right bud by softly rubbing and twisting it between his fingers. Holding onto his shoulders and arching your back with a mewl, you press your chest to his lips and he sucks on your bud before licking around it. “What part of my performance did you like best, baby?” he asks, his voice nearly a whisper before he continues to work his magic on your sensitive chest. Moaning at the stimulation, you grind your hips against his and say “I liked it all… But your h-hip thrust during “Lie” nearly had me drooling.”
He chuckles and glances up at your face. “You mean this one?” He asks and pushes his clothed crotch into yours by re-enacting the skillful bodyroll he had shown on stage. You moan and nod, wishing for him to finally take off some of his clothes too. “Yes!”
Caressing your sides, he kisses down your stomach before sitting up and looking at your exposed body while licking his lips. "Just how much did you enjoy the show? Did you get wet?” His face does not look as playful as it did mere seconds ago. Instead, his gaze looked almost serious, yet filled with lust. Feeling your cheeks burn, you guess you must be bright red in the face as you avert your eyes and nod bashfully. “I couldn’t help it…” you admit quietly. 
When you hear a rustling noise above you, you see Jimin pulling his shirt over his head, the delicate silver necklace with the letters of your name dangling from it getting caught in the fabric for a second, dropping the shirt somewhere near the bed before he leans down once again. His face now just a hair’s width away from yours, he doesn’t give you the chance to fully admire his toned body when he smirks. “If that turned you on already… Then how wet are you right now?” he asks, sounding as if he expects you to answer when his hand slides down your stomach, over your pelvis to where you wanted it most. You whimper at the soft touch of his fingers, your core feeling so sensitive after the rough thrusts of his jeans clad crotch. 
“So wet. Just for you” you moan, remembering how much he likes to be reminded that he is the only one who ever makes you feel this way. Jimin likes to be in control during sex. He loves it when you're obedient, like you are his and his alone. Humming at your response, he slowly moves his fingers up and down your slit before drawing small but firm circles around your clit. Gasping for air at the sudden pleasure, you hold onto his arm. Nearly fearing that he might move it somewhere else if you don’t hold it in place. He knows your body like the back of his hand, as you do his. Both of you know every sensitive spot, every little mole and every trick on the other's body, understanding how to make the other feel good. “You’re such a good girl for me, huh? Only having eyes for me, getting this wet only for me…” His voice is deep and his fingers relentless as he stimulates your clit until your thighs begin to tremble. “Do you want me to make you cum like this, baby?” He asks you and inserts a finger into your dripping hole, his lips now next to your ear as he places a kiss on your temple. You moan louder, shaking your head. “No… I want more. Jimin, please!” 
He smirks and adds another finger, scissoring and curling them inside of you.  “More? How much more do you want?” He asks “More, like this?” and pumps them knuckles deep into your pulsing core before he adds a third finger, stretching you nicely and rubbing your walls to find the spot that has you seeing stars. 
The moan of his name that leaves your lips sounds like a beautiful melody to Jimin’s ears as he kisses your cheek. “Please, Jimin! I need you. Need you so bad” you beg, desperately wishing for him to just fill you up with his cock instead.
His fingers push into your most sensitive spot, rubbing it with every following thrust of his fingers as it has you arching your back off the mattress and mewling in delight and frustration all at once. “Please, Jimin!” you repeat, clumsily trying to unbuckle his belt. Chuckling, he pecks your lips and whispers an “Ok” before pulling his fingers from you and locking eyes with you as he moves them to his mouth, sucking them clean one after the other with a low hum. Your breathing picks up as you watch him and you pull him closer by his shoulders. The feeling of his lips on yours is what occupies your mind completely as you share a messy but passionate kiss. Opening his belt and jeans before pushing all of it down his thighs, along with his boxer briefs, Jimin doesn't let off of your lips until the very last second. 
You smile at your lovely boyfriend before following the trail of fading marks and bruises you had left on his neck two days ago down, only to swallow at the sight of his fully erect dick, the tip an angry red as it’s leaking pre-cum and the shaft a width that stretches you so deliciously every time. “Fuck” you groan as you drop your head back, craving the feeling of him inside you so bad, it’s ridiculous.
“Spread your legs for me, baby. I want to see you” you then hear Jimin say, as his hands already hold onto the back of your thighs to push them apart. You bite your lip in anticipation and open your legs wide, watching the way he takes in the sight. “Look at the mess you’ve made… And we’ve barely even gotten started …” he groans, watching you gush and clench around nothing in anticipation of what’s to come. He holds onto his shaft and moves it up and down your folds. A movement that has both of you sighing in pleasure. When he aligns his dick with your wet hole, he moves to hover above your face again and your arms wrap around his neck as he pushes into you slowly. Inch by inch, he stretches you further, the drawn-out moan leaving your throat and your clawing hands in his black hair a clear evidence of the blissful feeling it elicits. 
“Fuck, you’re always so tight for me, baby. Feels so good” Jimin growls through his teeth, eyes closed as his forehead rests on yours. He is holding back the urge to fuck into you right from the start, you can tell. He bottoms out, dropping his head into the crook of your neck and waiting a second or two for you to get used to his size. When you move your legs to wrap around his hips, he gets the sign and slides out until only the tip is left inside before thrusting all the way back in. You moan in unison as he keeps up a steady rhythm, repeating this motion over and over again. 
When his pace reaches a high, his hands move to your thighs, pushing them further up towards your chest to reach deeper into you. You release a broken moan of his name at that, feeling his dick deep inside you as he fills you with each of his thrusts. Sinfully wet sounds of skin hitting skin and your shared moans fill the room. “Shit, I’m getting close” he pants out inbetween lustful grunts and groans.
You nod, implying that you too are nearing the end, unable to use your words as the only sounds leaving your throat right now are euphoric moans and whimpers. Keeping up his fast rhythm, he moves a hand down inbetween you both to rub his thumb around your swollen clit in quick movements. “That’s it, cum for me (Y/N).” You almost shout out when you feel the coil in your lower belly snap as you come undone, your body shaking and your eyes rolling back to the point where all you see is white. 
Riding out your orgasm, you feel Jimin holding on your waist tightly and increasing the pace of his now erratic thrusts until he cums with a broken moan, buried deep inside of you as he fills you with several spurts of white. Resting his head on your chest, he pants in synch with you as you both try to recover from your climax. Your hand glides through his hair on the back of his head mindlessly, caressing and massaging his skull until he moves to pull out and fall down beside you on the bed. 
“Was this the kind of celebration you’ve been thinking of?” you ask, turning onto your side to cuddle into his bare chest. His arms instinctively wrap around you, holding you close and caressing your back. “No, this was better” he says with a cocky smile and kisses your forehead. “And so much better than any after party, too.”
You close your eyes as you listen to his heartbeat slowly going back to it’s normal pace. “I’m really proud of you, Jimin” you then mumble into his skin. He chuckles. “Did I fuck you that good?” Frowning and pinching his arm, you say “No!”, resulting in a genuine laugh from him. “I mean because you’re so close to fulfilling your biggest dream. You’ve come so far, baby.”
His amused smile becomes gentle as he nods and moves his hand to stroke your head, his hand smoothing down the nest that has formed on your head. “Do you remember the night on the football field?” he suddenly asks, his voice almost a whisper. Opening your eyes before you nod, you smile softly. “Of course…” Playing with a strand of your hair, he goes on. “That night, we saw a shooting star. And I wouldn’t tell you what I wished for.”
You grumble. “Yeah, I’m still curious.” Chuckling once again, Jimin says “Back then… I didn’t wish for our band to succeed. I didn’t wish for a chance as a musician. I didn’t wish for anything that I’d usually wish for.” Listening, you move your head to face Jimin. “All I asked for was for you to stay with me. All the way.”
Feeling the beating of your heart increasing in pace and your eyes starting to water, you were left speechless. “But then… We made that promise. I kept my wish from you, thinking it wouldn’t become true if I told you. That’s so ridiculous, isn’t it?” he says, smiling in shame when he realizes how superstitious this was. You shake your head, giggling quietly. “It is ridiculous, because you definitely wasted a chance for a wish there.” you say, looking him dead in the eye as he mocks offense. “I promised to stay with you forever. And I’m not one to break promises, ever.” Extending your pinky finger, you hold it up to your heads.
“Alright, same for me” Jimin smiles, now an amused curve to his lips rather than the bashful smile from before, and links his pinky with yours before refreshing the seal of your old promise with a kiss to your lips. 
"You know... This is the cheesiest thing you have ever said after sex." you suddenly deadpan, grinning at your embarrassed boyfriend's blushing cheeks as you both break out into quiet giggles a second later.
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Thank you for reading this One Shot. Let me know how you liked it! 
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– Pluto 🌑
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heyy, if it's okay, would you write something about the boys (poly or an individual idm) and the hanahaki disease. preferably the reader likes one or all of the boys but they don't respond, it could end w/ fluff or angst. I completely understand if you don't want to though xx
Okay, so I had to look up what hanahaki disease was, but I’m totally down with this. I’m kind of using this opportunity to write a fic about two of the boys that I think need love the most. This is gonna be full of angst for multiple reasons, and I did change the plot just a little bit to make it slightly angstier. I hope you enjoy!!
Word Count: 2788
Warning: NSFW, angst, cursing
Coughing Up the Sun (Paul x reader, Dwayne x reader)
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Hanahaki diease. You had been familiar with it, but you never thought it would happen to you. You hadn’t even known that you’d been a carrier until you became friends with a particular blonde rocker.
You two had just been friends at first. You’d met at a concert, and you’d quite literally bumped into him. He’d been thrashing and dancing wildly along with the music, and he let out a loud, 
“Yeah! Mosh pit!” When someone pushed you from behind and you bumped into him. He bumped you back, and he quickly said, “Shit, my bad.” When he nearly knocked you into the sand. He grabbed you before you could fall, and your eyes had met crystal blues. He gave you a wide, lazy smile and offered to let you on his other side, where things were a bit more tame. He had an infectious smile and a laid back attitude, and he was far from shy. He talked to you practically the entire night. He made sure you were okay, and eventually managed to weasel out of you that yes, this was your first rock show. He helped keep you out of the pit for the rest of the night, and guided you out of the crowd after the show. He’d told you his name and asked for yours, and the two of you had been friends ever since.
You only saw him on the boardwalk. While you had only just met, he warmed up to you immensely. His personality shined brighter than the sun, and his smile was warmer than any mid-day rays. When he saw you on the boardwalk, he practically screamed your name. When you turned around, he was bounding up to you like an excited puppy. At first, you just thought that the two of you would be really good friends.
You tried to ignore the way his smile made your stomach flutter, or how his hair always seemed to frame his face so perfectly. And those eyes? They were were your favorite shade of blue. You nearly lost your voice every time those eyes would stare into yours. He always teased you for being quiet, but, truth was, you normally weren’t. You clammed up whenever you saw him, and he left you at a loss for words. He could make you laugh the entire night, and your heart would practically beat out of your chest whenever he would join. Only for it to ache every time you had to leave.
Then, the scratching started. You itched your neck. You felt like you had something stuck in it, no matter how many times you would clear your throat. When you saw Paul that night, he looked a little worried. He offered to get you some water, and, when he left, you coughed. It had only been a single cough, but something had climbed up your throat. You reached into your mouth, and pulled out a single yellow petal. Like a sunflowers.
You knew what this meant. Your heart sank, and you quickly crushed it in your hand and tossed it away before he could see. He handed you the water, and you drank it down quickly. It did nothing to ease your throat, but you thanked him anyways. He smiled at you, and suddenly you wished you had never met the beautiful boy in front of you.
It didn’t keep you away from him. You knew it was stupid. There were only a few ways to get rid of the disease. You either had to get it surgically removed, fall out of love, or have him love you back. The last option seemed impossible, especially when you saw how easily he won any girl over. You would watch as he’d win girls presents from the claw machine, how he’d lean down and whisper sweet, flirty words in their ear, and how he’d lead them to the beach. Of course, he’d never be seen with the same girl twice, but it did nothing to ease the scratchiness in your throat. The constant growth of the flowers that crawled towards your lungs.
You became familiar with his other friends, and even started coming back to the cave with them. It would hurt your heart whenever one of the boys would tease you by calling you Pauls girlfriend, and it would ache even more whenever he would quickly deny it. He’d say you were like his little sister, and you could feel the flowers grow from his subtle rejection. After a short while, they stopped making those teasing comments. You never knew why, but you were grateful. Every rejection made the flowers grow, and they’d inch farther and farther down your throat.
Paul pushed you to hang out with the boys more and more, and soon they were your friends too. David’s authoritative aura, Dwaynes quiet nature, and Marko’s mischievous air became all too familiar. Sometimes they would ask that you ride with one of them instead, and Paul would encourage it. You’d feel the flowers inch up your throat, and you’d choose Dwayne each time. 
He was Pauls opposite. He was quiet and mysterious, the moon to Pauls sun. It would offer you a small amount of relief to be out of his rays, and you’d like to think his darkness starved your flowers of the sunlight they so desperately needed to grow. He’d follow behind the rest, and would be clearly careful when it came to driving. As if he was carrying precious cargo. He was the only one who didn’t make you dizzy or want to puke when he drove. The wind would whip through your hair, but you wouldn’t be afraid. You could rest your head on his shoulder and close your eyes, enjoying the ride instead of being so scared you screamed the entire time.
Dwayne was always like that. While Paul did his best to get a reaction out of you, Dwayne simply stuck to your side. You found that he didn’t make you nearly as nervous, even if most people were intimidated by him. You saw the kindness behind his quietness. He’d ask you what you wanted to do, ask you about your life and your dreams, and hang onto every word. He wouldn’t crack jokes and switch to a lighter topic. Sometimes you’d have conversations so deep you’d almost forget that Paul was even there. Almost. When he told you things about himself, you listened. You knew it was rare for him to talk, and even rarer for him to share, so you took those moments seriously. You’d always nod and smile, encouraging him to go on. Quickly, the two of you were almost as close as you and Paul.
You’d been drinking and talking the entire night, and one of the boys had asked what your favorite flower was. You’d subconsciously scratched at your throat at the mention of flowers, and your throat burned. It willed you to cough, to push the petals out of your mouth. But you resisted. You’d forced yourself to grow used to it. The more you coughed, the quicker it would progress. You, stupidly, wanted as much time with him as possible, even if it only made you worse. It distracted you from the randomness of the question and you blurted out your answer,
“Daisies. I like blue ones.” You said, and the boys hummed in response. Blue, like Pauls eyes. You were sitting in-between Dwayne and Paul on the couch, and you didn’t notice how three of the boys looked at the brunette. You didn’t notice how he looked at you, how his arm wrapped around the back of the couch behind you, or how his fingertips gently brushed the tips of your hair. His touch was so light, you couldn’t even feel it. Quickly, Marko asked Paul the same question. He thought for a moment, and you ached to cough. To let the petals rush out of your mouth and give you momentary relief.
“I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it before. I guess, I don’t know, maybe-” The flowers were tightening in your throat, pushing up, up, up, and you couldn’t stop yourself from saying,
“Sunflowers.” You interrupted. The air changed, and all the boys looked at you. They looked confused. “You like sunflowers.” You clarified, and four pairs of eyes stayed trained on you. You refused to look at any of them, especially into the blue eyes besides you. You were desperate to cough. It felt like you had an entire sunflower in your throat, and you cursed him inside your head. Of all flowers, why one of the biggest ones? Paul replied,
“Yeah, I guess so. I used to eat the seeds when I was a kid.” He said, and you nodded. Of course. It made sense. It wasn’t the flower, it was the seeds. That night, after Dwayne drove you home, you’d spit up the very seeds Paul had told you about.
You were running out of time. You knew that now. You couldn’t stop yourself from coughing anymore, and were hesitant to go to the boardwalk. You couldn’t control it. You couldn’t control the petals that escaped your mouth, and your parents had nearly had a heart attack when they saw you cough up an entire sunflower at dinner. They yelled at you, cried, and asked why you hadn’t told them. They told you that you needed to get the surgery as soon as possible. You asked them for one more night. You just wanted to enjoy his rays for one last night, before the warmth inside you was snuffed out.
Paul seemed to have other plans. He’d been ignoring you almost completely the past few weeks. He busied himself with a new girl almost immediately, and you were left in the company of the other three. You sat next to Dwayne on the railing, and you could feel the flowers inching in both directions. Not only up your throat, but down towards your lungs. Soon, you’d suffocate. When you watched him with that girl, you almost wished you already were.
You hadn’t been surprised when David and Marko left your side. They went to go find their own amusement for the night. Dwayne wasn’t the type. He would keep you company, and had been for many nights. But, for once, his darkness offered you no comfort. He cleared his throat, and you thought he was trying to get your attention. You turned your head just as he coughed, and you saw the strangest thing. You watched a few petals fly out of his mouth. Daisy petals. Blue ones. You stared as they floated down to the wood of the boardwalk beneath your feet, and his head was quick to snap to you when you looked up. You’d seen. You knew. Suddenly, you felt an entire flower coming up your throat. 
You turned away as you coughed, hacked, and yanked out the flower that threatened to choke you. Dwayne was at your side in a second, and he watched as the sunflower fell to the sandy dunes below. It burned, like you had just coughed up a white heat. Like you had just coughed up the sun. He rubbed your back, and you had tears in your eyes when you looked up at him. Neither of you said a word. Both of you knew. The tears flooded over, and Dwayne pulled you into his chest. You knew it was cruel, cruel to him in a way that you could certainly understand, but you needed the comfort. You needed to have someone hold you. Someone who understood. He took you off the boardwalk and into the sand, and he held you as you let your heart ache for both of them.
You two sat in the sand, and he rubbed your back and shushed you as your sobs wracked through you. Paul didn’t love you, and he wouldn’t love you. You knew why now. He wouldn’t come between Dwayne’s chances, especially if it meant suffocation. Whatever chance you had was gone the minute Dwayne coughed up the first petal. You wanted to be angry at him, punch his chest, scream at him. But you couldn’t. Instead, you let him pull you into his lap, and he let you empty your feelings into his neck. 
You wished you loved him back. But, his eyes were brown instead of blue. His hair was a straight and brown instead of a mess of blonde waves. He rarely smiled, and he rarely laughed. 
But he comforted you when you cried. Even when you were sure by doing so he made the own flowers crawl down his throat. He didn’t warm you like the sun, but, instead, he calmed you like the night. He swallowed you up in his arms, like how the darkness swallows up everything it touches. He was quiet and he was calm, but, in that moment, you realized he still shined. Pale like moonlight, but a light nonetheless. You’d seen it in the rare smiles he’d given you. You sniffled and sighed into his neck, and you tightened your arms around his shoulders. For a moment, you thought you could. Then, you decided you would.
You lifted your head, and you stared into his dark eyes. He stared back, and they showed no clue as to what he was thinking. At least to untrained eyes. You had been around him long enough to see that he was unsure, and maybe even a little sad. You didn’t think when you leaned in, and pressed your lips against his. He didn’t move, and you kissed him harder. You willed the flowers inside your throat to die. Of course, that wasn’t how it worked, but it wouldn’t matter by tomorrow. You’d get the surgery, and you’d forget any feelings you had for Paul.
Finally, he kissed you back. He held your jaw and there was an eagerness that you’d never seen from him before. He kissed you passionately and slow, and his lips were so soft and plush against yours that you didn’t even mind that you were left breathless when you pulled away. You pulled away for air, and he pulled you back in the moment you sucked in a breath. He rolled you over and he kissed you hard, and you could practically feel that he was willing you to love him instead. To cure the flowers in his throat. It would take time, but you knew it would be easier when the ones in yours were gone. You kissed him like he was a life-line, even though you were technically his.
He made love to you on the beach, and showed you what it would mean to be his instead. Soft, gentle touches and the soft sound of skin slapping against skin. Calloused hands running down your chest, caressing instead of grabbing. Stubble scratching lightly against your neck as he kissed down your throat. He pulled moan after moan from your lips, and he held you as if he’d break you. You tangled your hands in his hair and wrapped your legs around his waist. You pulled him closer, begging a love for him to bloom inside you instead. Your name was a mantra on his lips, and he pressed his forehead against yours as he came closer and closer to his release. When you two finished, his was the name that fell from your tongue.
He drove you home that night and he kissed you the same as before. It lingered with unspoken words, words that you didn’t need to hear. The petals spoke loud enough. You got the surgery, and the feelings you felt towards the blonde-haired boy were gone when you woke up. Your heart was no longer occupied, and you realized just how fresh the air felt going down your empty throat. You sought out Dwayne the next night you went to the boardwalk. You didn’t know if you’d be able to love him the same way you’d loved Paul, but, when you looked at the blonde, you didn’t feel an inkling of what you felt before. It was gone completely. His smile was just a smile, and his eyes were just eyes.
Dwayne wasn’t your sun. He didn’t burn or blind you with his rays. He didn’t make you so nervous that you couldn’t speak. He made you calm, serene. He comforted you and held you close. He kissed you and he never looked at anyone else. He whispered words to you he’d never say to any other person. His smiles became more and more frequent, and his rumbling voice became music to your ears. He was your moon, and you complimented him like the stars. Your worries slipped away when Dwayne stopped coughing. Soon, he told you that he didn’t even feel a scratch in the back of his throat. It was gone, and you knew what that meant. You loved him back just as much as he loved you.
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