#and just like 5 boxes fit in the car so it kinda feels like a waste lol
silouvertongues · 10 months
moving day 😵‍💫
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abbysdruidess · 1 year
•._.••¯´´•.¸¸.•headcanons about married life with abby [w nsfw]•._.••¯´´•.¸¸.•
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wc: 1.1k
tags: tooth rotting fluff, smut, dom!Abby, dom/sub dynamics mentioned
a/n: lmk what you guys think abt this one:)
this is kinda in the same universe along with the abby proposes to you and wedding hcs, so if you haven't you could check them out-though this one could also be read as a standalone<3
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ꜱꜰᴡ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
❦ you guys put a lot of work into your little dreamhouse™️ and are extremely proud of it. As an out and about lesbian, Abby took up a woodworking project and built a library that fits right into the wall of your living room. Which you were extremely supporting of, because it gave you the lovely opportunity to ogle your wife in a tank top and work pants, huffing, red faced and wiping sweat from her forehead in your backyard. You set an alarm and every couple of hours you bring her some cool water or lemonade with fruit and brush some locks of hair out of her dewy face<3
❦ she's also one of these people that don't believe in bringing in a handyman to fix any faulty appliance in your household. She has a huge, neon yellow tool box stashed away somewhere(you still aren't sure exactly where) that magically reappears everytime your car won't start or the air-conditioner starts making a noise. And 90% of the time Abby gets the job done, running on pure willpower and spite alone. When she doesn't and you guys have to bring someone else to do it, she just goes "Pfft, I could have totally done that. I just didn't cause I thought I might break it.". "Of course honey", you reassure her with a kiss on the cheek. You don't have her saved in your phone with an image of Bob the Builder for nothing.
❦ you guys are over at her dad's place a lot. When you were looking for a house, you made sure to get a place near his so you could visit whenever. He has a photo of you two from the wedding in his mantlepiece making the goofiest faces imaginable and every single time you visit Abby pesters him to take it down while you shit yourself laughing in the background.
❦ also, when your step-siblings Yara and Lev join, it's absolute chaos. You guys probably end up having an impromptu food fight and flick celery sticks at each other.
❦ if you have any hobbies such as knitting/playing instruments/writing etc she's fullly behind them and will always ask you to show her your progress. She's pretty proud of it as well, and smiles a little excitedly like :D
❦ please sing to her. It doesn't matter if you haven't sang a day in your life and it sounds like tires screeching on asphalt, it calms her when her baby sings to her. Will think you have the voice of a choir of angels no matter what and it is the only thing that can effectively put her to sleep. Bonus points if you play the guitar as well.
❦ Abby is really into reading(probably why she got that library built in the first place) and has one permanently etched in her night stand. She strikes me as one of these people that is a fan of the classics and doesn't read anyone that came after Hemingway. Until for her 26th birthday someone gifts her books from like Stephen King or Alison Bechdel and initially she's hesitant but eventually they grow into her and are stationed into her Hall of Fame shelf.
❦ whenever either of you is sick, you insist to pamper and care for one another. During the winter months Abs has a cold or the flu every month or so, and you have to actually fight her to take the day off and rest.
-Baby, you burning up. If you go to work you'll just get worse.
-I'm *cough* fine. I honestly feels 10 years younger. I don't get what the big deal is.
❦ you two definitely exercise together. Either you always go to the gym together-although you're not there as often as she is. Abby exercises religiously 5 times a week and that exercise will take place with or without you, but she would be damned if she didn't love when you tagged along with her. Either you guys have set up a little home gym with some basic equipment like mats, a treadmill, these bouncy balls and a weight lifting bench. Of course, you spot her, because you will take up any offer to ogle at her putting those big, powerful guns she calls arms to work. She reciprocates by insisting to hold your thighs while you do sit ups. And she inevitably ends up squeezing them like balls of dough.
ɴꜱꜰᴡ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ
❦ when you first met Abby in your early 20s, you though it was natural for a woman her age to have such a heightened libido. After all, she did get around a lot for someone that looked like her. And that instict to fuck you senseless never abandons her-Abby is in a constant state of Wanting to Fuck, and is game whenever you are.
❦ Your sexcapades have included(but are not limited to): empty libraries, locker room showers, back alleys of clubs and just about any sturdy furniture in your house.
❦ she is a total beast when it comes to lovemaking, and can go anywhere from 2 hours to all night long, although most sessions end when you tap out bc you know you'll be sore tomorrow.
❦ even though everyone knows you're Mrs and Mrs from the ring on your finger, Abby wants to reassure that, by marking you as hers. Hickies, bites, anything is game. And she loves the slight sting of the scratch marks you leave her when she hops in the shower the morning after. She calls them claw marks affectionately.
❦ Loooves strapping you to positions she can utilise her muscle strength, like flatiron or missionary with her arms propped up. When you're scissoring, she wants to be the one with her legs on top, grinding her pussy into yours like it's nothing.
❦ I think Abby has this very hard dom image, and while she wants to take over during sex and feel like the one in control, she also needs to be taken care of. She works hard from day to night, and her past partners haven't been exactly accommodating to her needs. So whenever she's particularly exhausted, crawl under the covers to give her some head. Or in the shower. Or in the couch. Or under the dining table. She definitely cums fast when you suck her clit, it gets extremely sensitive and swollen while you're in between her legs.
❦ Is an occasional squirter, and also loves to make you squirt. It happened once as you were riding her face, and she just. slurped it all up. You lowkey passed out on the spot as your knees almost gave up.
❦ cuddling with her afterwards. There's still some resounding bliss in the air, as you both treasure the moment, your limbs all tangled up. You leave small kisses all over her sternum as she tightens her grip around you. If you're too exhausted, you fall asleep immediately, if not you just glance at each other through heavy lids with lovestruck eyes. You sleep like a baby and wake up feeling as refreshed as ever.
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send me an ask if you guys would like me to elaborate any of these<3
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cryptomiracle · 8 months
hoodie with a s/o hcs?? :D
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Tysm for the request, it means a lot <3
These aren't ordered, I usually categorize hcs but not this time!!
he keeps a photo of you with him at all times, one in his pocket, and one in his wallet.
He has so many photos/videos of you, he genuinely does adore you
he especially likes to take candid photos of you when you're doing random tasks, whenever he's away from you, he'll scroll through his phone's gallery looking at the many pictures of you, they remind him of his home, with you.
he still actively pursues cinematography and gets you to star in his little films.
he's a heavy sleeper, and when he sleeps he spawls all of his limbs out, kinda like this "🤸" taking up the whole bed
If you wanna sleep, you're either gonna have to sleep on top of him, or on the couch cause that man is NOT getting up.
he has a box fan going at all times, all year round, no matter what season it is.
He's a morning person, he'll be up at 5 in the morning filled to the brim with energy, no coffee needed.
Sometimes, he'll accidentally wake you up, but he always makes up for it by making you breakfast.
he listens to yacht rock (america, the doobie brothers, steely dan.. the works)
he has a slight southern accent, but it's not too heavy.. until he says something like "oil" or "white" then it really comes out
he has a few freckles on his back
He enjoys tracing your features, gently gliding his fingers against your eyes, nose, cheeks, etc.
Sometimes he'll just look at you and smile, like if you're doing laundry or dishes he'll just stare at you with a grin, admiring you.
he enjoys a little gossip I won't lie
He's the type to sit in the car with you after picking you up from work, and let you tell him all about whatever drama is going on at your job.
If it's something REALLY messy, he'll ask you about it later.
He drives an old, blue and white 1972 Chevy C-10
he follows you around like a lost puppy, a creepy, kinda off-putting puppy that you don't know is there unless he wants you to know, but a puppy nonetheless.
He keeps mental tabs on people you interact with, he won't follow them around or anything, but he remembers things about them.. their name, age, how you know them, their home address, etc.
You'd be surprised at how much you could find out about a person online
The quote "I'm not a stalker, I'm an investigator" fits him perfectly
he has to make sure you're safe, it's a dangerous world out there yk.
he never ever talks to you about his emotions, or how he feels, unless you ask him directly. but all you'll get in return is:
"Honey, I'm alright.. really."
"I'm fine, how are you though?"
"Can we talk about this later?"
he feels that his problems are his own to deal with and that he shouldn't bother you with them.
when you two fight for whatever reason, (which rarely happens because he purposely goes out of his way to avoid making you upset) he has a habit of gaslighting you
he'll say things along the lines of:
"I understand but.."
"I never said that.."
"we talked about this.."
he only really manipulates/gaslights you when he's genuinely worried you may leave, (even if you aren't actually going to) he uses it as a way to make sure you stay.
for him, there is no stopping point unless knows 100% that you're gonna stay.
He will literally fall to his knees, and break down in (fake) tears in a public area and BEG you to stay with him.
He doesn't get embarrassed by it because he knows it's "necessary"
If an argument is getting too heated, he may bring up your ex-partner(s), or people you just went on dates with before you two got together, even if it didn't go any further than that. Especially if you didn't tell him about them previously.
Don't ask him how he knows about them, he'll immediately take that chance to shift the blame onto you, asking why you didn't tell him about them beforehand if you had told him about them earlier, he wouldn't have had to go digging to find out about them.
when he does that, It's really just him grasping for straws, usually in an attempt to change the subject.
If you couldn't already tell he's a smooth talker, not just in a manipulative way.
he is such a flirt, there's rarely a conversation between the two of you where he doesn't slip in a little flirting, whether you pick up on it or not.
He's sneaky like that
Since we're on the topic of him being sneaky, he's a bit of a thief.. he'll steal your things and carry them with him whenever he leaves you for more than one day at a time.
that old T-shirt you haven't worn in a year that was sitting in the back of your closet collecting dust? yeah, that's his now.
If you collect little trinkets, you'll definitely have to buy a lot more of them because he'll steal them and hide them away in the glove compartment of his truck.
He doesn't steal with malicious intent, he'll return them eventually (except for the trinkets) he just feels like he needs something of yours, other than pictures to be close to you when he can't be, yk?
Something that smells like you, to remind him of what he has waiting for him at home.
Kind of like when you randomly catch a whiff of a nostalgic smell from your childhood, how it brings you peace, even if it's only for a second.
honestly, he's not very big on physical touch. he does enjoy having little intimate moments with you, like cuddling or playing with your hair, but other than that.. he's never one to initiate it. unless of course he really needs your touch.
just being in your presence eases his mind, you're like a lighthouse standing still in the vast, dark, uncontrollable ocean he considers "his life"
You're the only person in his life whom he feels he can be truly vulnerable, truly safe with.
which is why he won't let you go, no, can't let you go. you're the only stable thing in his life, and he'd be damned if he just let you walk away.
I've decided to try a new writing style cus I like rainbows and stuff! ^^
I will be re-reading this later, please tell me if you spot any errors !!
Also, I apologize for this being short, but I kinda ran out of ideas so-
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eggcompany · 7 months
Kids who were never children
Just a cute short fic were Dean and Cas get turned into 5-6 year olds and Sam and Bobby have to take care of them.
“Fuck!” Sam shouted as he scooped up the two piles of clothes, grabbing both little boys and as much of their clothes. The witch was gone in a spit of smoke, sticky substance absorbed into their skin, shrinking them down and aging them down. 
“They’re… 4?” Bobby asked as he watched the two little boys sleeping in the backseat floor of the impala. They were small… wobbly on their feet. All cozied up under Cas’s trench coat covered up by shirts that could fit three of them in each. 
“Probably. Cas can’t talk and Dean… was he like this when he was actually this young?” Sam asked, wiping a hand over his face as he leaned against the car. Bobby was kinda… happy looking down at little Dean Winchester. He remembered why Dean was that little. Before he realized what it meant that they couldn’t go home… or that his mother was gone. When he was still giggly and sweet and like carnivals and cotton candy. 
“Well… he’s got to be 4 or 5… he was like this right when your father started after yellow eyes.” Bobby supplied and started trying to think of what happened or what they were gonna wear or anything else. Sam blew out a breath… he was a big brother now… shit.  
“Hey Dean, how old are you?” Bobby asked as he finished taking Dean's temperature. Cas was useless, health wise, he was still an angel. The boy kicked his legs where they dangled off the edge of the box he was sitting on, some old wooden box of ammo that Bobby had been going through. 
“Umm, I dunno. I can’t really count. You’re like a million years old like a like a dinosaur. And Sammy’s like… twelve, I think.” Dean said looking at Sam, he knew Sam but… didn’t know how. 
“Why are you saying I’m old? That’s not very nice.” Bobby said and gave Dean a stern look which caused the boy to look shocked and confused. 
“But… but you have grey hair I thought grey meant you’re old. I’m sorry.” Dean said and started to cry. Bottom lip starting to tremble, big green eyes welling up with crystal tears, chest starting to jump with quickened breath. 
Bobby shushed him and patted his back. 
“I understand that’s okay, that’s alright. I am old aren’t I Sam?” Bobby said and kept a steady patting on the boy’s back. Sam chuckled and nodded. 
“Yeah totally, super old.” Sam said which made Bobby roll his eyes but Dean nodded. 
“So it’s okay?” He asked and looked at the two grown ups. They nodded. 
They have got to find a cure. 
Castiel was sitting on the floor, feet covered by way too big socks, an old tattered pillowcase caught in his hand. He’d found the thing somewhere, it was white and stained with gold embroidery on the edges. He always had it towed behind him. Bobby had said it was probably a hex bag or a motel’s when bags got lost. Castiel seemed to never wanna let go of it, always pressing it to his cheek or rubbing it lightly over his eyes. It was probably more than tears and snot than fabric, Cas was always crying. Always feeling too much all at once, frustrated and confused. 
He was crying, thumb shoved in his mouth. Eyes welled up and dripping. 
“Cas? What’s wrong man?” Sam asked and looked down at the kid. He was pretty cute. Eyes huge and glittery all pudgy and soft and fluffy. He was sitting with his legs straight out in front of him, back straight like a board, shirt hanging off him where it was safety pinned at the neck to keep it on him. 
Sam was checking in on him, seeing if he had to go potty since Dean had already wet his… shirt? Whatever, Dean made a mess and Cas hadn’t been to the bathroom in over a day. 
Castiel just mumbled and made uppy hands at Sam who sighed and bent down to pick him up on his hip. 
“Sah…ah” the little raven haired boy tried and shoved his face in Sam’s shoulder. 
He didn’t talk. Couldn’t. 
Sam guessed it was because angels just knew how to talk and were never really babies, never had to learn. Dean talked fine but Cas just… babbled on like he knew he could make sound but didn’t know how to make words. He often just repeated sounds, bu bu bu, tuh tuh tuh, chuchuchu. He made sounds that were almost words, like he knew a word but couldn’t shape it. 
“Yeah yeah babble babble. Aren’t you like a million years old? Are angels ever babies?” Sam asked and rubbed the kids back. Castiel sniffed and his breathing slowed down as he calmed down.
“Whoo-oo huh bububbubub” the kid said and wiped his face back and forth across Sam’s shirt getting tears and snot all over it. But that was the state of most of their clothes. Bobby usually had a sleepy Castiel over his shoulder and Sam often had to rock the kid to calm him down. 
“That one I got. Dean’s out getting clothes with Bobby. Can you say Dean? Huh? Say Dean, Dee-ean” Sam said. Bububub or anything with bub in it was usually referring to Dean and bou or anything ‘ou’ was usually Sam or Bobby. 
“Bububbub” he mumbled again and pulled at Sam’s shirt. He just toyed with it, a frustrated look starting to carve itself onto his chunky face. 
“Alright, how about bubba? Huh say bubba?” Sam tried and walked to the kitchen. Honey on a spoon has been the only thing to calm the baby down. Honey or having all the TV’s and radios playing static loudly. 
“Bub bub bubbubbubu bubba” Cas babbled and sat on the counter cross legged. He was a small kid, a few inches short than Dean and at least five pounds lighter. Probably clocking in at 36lbs and 41 inches tall. Dean was a bit bigger, even as a kiddo. 
“Good job. No more crying, we'll see Dean in a few.” Sam said and handed the kid a little spoon with honey on it. He carried the kid back to the living room and stuck him in front of the TV and turned on a kids show, something about letters and sounds. He dug into some books trying to find anything that didn’t just say ‘wait it out’ . 
“Sammyyyyyyy, we’re hooooooome” Dean yelled as he pulled his little backpack behind him as it was filled with clothes and stuff. Bobby had called around a bit and had scavaged up enough clothes. And a few toys. And had gone and bought a few things. Dean had picked out most of it, making sure he got stuff that would make him look handsome and that would make Cas look ‘purdy’. 
Sam walked through and patted Dean’s back as he hugged his legs. It was weird to be the oldest now. Weird to see Dean so giggily and light, there was still so much joy twinkling behind his eyes. 
“Hey buddy” Sam said and watched his brother struggle to pull the heavy bag across the floor, refusing to ask for help like always. 
“We got clothes and stuff and stuff for Cassy and and we got him a dolly. Well I found a teddy bear with clothes on it but Cas’ll like the dolly with the bear's clothes and then I can have the teddy bear.” Dean explained and pulled the bag to the library where Cas was usually sitting on the back of the couch watching. 
Perching really. Sitting cross legged on the back of the couch. The cushion had started to sag from where he’d climb up and sit, look out the window. 
“Cassy Cassy come here, I got clothes that’ll fit.” Dean said. He’d already changed into a pair of jeans and a little brown hoodie and a pair of dinosaur printed sneakers. 
He started pulling out clothes, mostly jeans and flannel and hoodies and a few pairs of overalls and some nice button ups. He pulled out a few packs of socks and t-shirts and two packs of underwear. 
He had made Bobby buy a pack of underwear for each of them, they couldn’t share. Dean had gotten a pack of soft briefs that had stripes on them, and Cas a pack of boxers with mountains and mooses and geese on them cause Cas liked animals. 
Cas turned and looked at him, pillow case stuffed in his mouth a bit and slobbery. He looked interested, sliding down the cushion to sit on the actual seat. 
“Yeah, here I’ll help, I’ll help Cassy put them on.” Dean said and looked at the grown ups who nodded and went to put away the snacks that Bobby had thought to get. Mostly cookies and snacks and juice boxes. 
“Ah, nuh” Cas yelled out and then there was a thud. Sam rushed into the library and Cas was dressed but Dean was pushed back onto his butt on the floor. 
Cas had on a pair of black jeans that were too big, a white t-shirt and a soft tan zip up jacket. But there was a sock on the floor in front of him and one in Dean’s hand. Cas was crying, sniffling, hands searching for his pillowcase that was set to the side. 
Sam was about to come in and ask if they were okay but Dean was up hugging Cas. 
“It’s okay, Cassy, you don’t gotta wear socks. But you should ask papa to roll up your pants cause you’ll fall down.” Dean said and Cas nodded and Dean found a towel to wipe at Cas’s face. It was actually one of Sam’s flannels but he didn’t care, he just wanted Cassy to stop crying. 
“I got you something too here move this stuff…” Dean said excitedly and dug out the rest of the clothes, throwing them onto the chair and sat down on the floor which Cas mirrored. There was a decent pile of clothes ranging from only a little big to would fit them in a decade. 
Cas cocked his head to the side looking interested in what Dean was doing. The dirty blonde boy was digging in the big backpack and pulled out different toys. 
“I got some cars and papa got us these cause they look super duper fun see you’ll like them” Dean said and pulled out the different cars and such and the box of magnet tiles which Cas took and turned over a few times before setting them to the side and looking back at Dean. Though he didn’t seem it, he was very excited to do whatever a magnet tile was. 
“And I got this bear, see he’s for me, I’m gonna name him Barney.” Dean explained and handed the bear over for Cas to hug once and hand it back to Dean. It was for him, though it was a very nice bear, fluffy and cozy and looked like the bear from TV from the blue house. 
“And I got you… this! It’s a dolly and it looks like me so you don’t gotta be lonely.” Dean explained and pulled out the doll. It had had its hair chopped off so it was short and brown and was a simple cabbage patch doll wearing a little flannel and a pair of jeans. 
Cas looks at with wide eyes and takes it into his hands and holds it to his chest, bringing his knees up to cage it in, close to his chest, squeezing it tight. 
“Lubbu lu lub nov… nov eh” Cas tried to say like he knew what he wanted to come out of his mouth but didn’t know how to make it. He cried and held the doll close to his chest, not letting go at all. His eyes squeezed tight and hugged it, he felt… a lot. Good a lot. 
“Yay! I knew you’d like it and and now we can wash your binky cause it’s all slobbery. And papa got us sleeping bags since you keep falling outta bed. So we can have like a sleep over like a real one.” Dean explained and set up his cars on the edge of the desk. He sat the bear up against the couch. 
They’d been sleeping in the panic room, sharing the cot while Sam or Bobby slept in a chair that they had dragged down there. However Cas rolled and moved around a lot in his sleep and often fell off the cot and hurt himself. Plus Dean had nightmares a lot and sometimes he hit Castiel and then they both cried and then they had to be cuddled back to sleep. 
Plus Bobby had bought them really cool sleeping bags that had space and cars on them well a space one for Cas since he usually loved space stuff. And Dean got the car one so they could sleep on the floor and not get too cold and Bobby said they’d make a blanket on the floor too. 
Just like a sleepover like the one on TV with Big Bird! Dean loved Big Bird. 
“Beb? Beh bah?” Cas asked, looking at Dean confused. He didn’t know about… any of that. Sleeping was for bed under the blankies. Not in a bag. 
“Uh sleeping bag. It’s like a blanket that zippers up and and they’re super cool. You'll love it, it's like getting hugged allllll night!” Dean explained and Cas smiled; he liked being hugged. 
It was time for them to get cleaned. Sam agreed to get Dean in the upstairs bathroom and Bobby would clean Cas in the downstairs bathroom. They had been putting it off for three days now. They just kept saying if they broke the curse, if they could make them grown. So far they’d only read that they had to wait it out and that it could last a few days or… well they would grow up again eventually. But they wouldn’t stop looking  because they couldn’t hunt without them. And Sesame Street was getting old . 
Sam made sure the water was warm and that there were towels and such waiting on Dean, who had his arms crossed still dressed at the door. 
“You can’t make me. I don’t wanna.” He said and Sam stood over the little boy. Dean was stubborn, somethings never change. He had a tough look on his face, staring right back into Sam’s eyes. 
Sam sighed, tired, and shook his head. He picked the kid up by the armpits, throwing him under his arm and pulling off his socks and shoes. 
“No! No Sammy, I don’t wanna! I don’t wanna bath no no no!” He said and kicked around and Sam held him over the tub still in his clothes. Sam held onto him tightly, not wanting to drop him or anything but also done with Dean. He was not cut out for this and Dean was just so… ugh frustrating. 
“You either get in the nice warm tub and let me get you washed or we can stand in the yard and get hosed down in the cold.” Sam said and Dean looked scared. Sam was looking… scary like he was mad and and Dean hated being cold. He hated being cold. 
“No no I’m sorry I hate cold I don’t wanna be cold no no please I’m sorry” Dean started to beg as he felt like he couldn’t breath, like he wanted to run away. He started trying to wiggle away again but Sam put him back on the floor, holding his shoulders. 
“Alright. Alright. Come on then, no clothes in the tub.” Sam said and Dean started to try and pull his shirt off. 
“I’m sorry Sammy, I don't wanna cold bath.” Dean apologized and Sam helped him untie the shoelace that was tied around her waist to keep his jeans up. 
“It’s okay. And you’re not the only one getting a bath Bobby’s giving Cas one too. You’re alright.” Sam reassured him and put Dean in the tub and took his clothes to throw in the laundry bin. 
He didn’t look to see the boy was starting to hyperventilate, terrified of being in the tub alone. Dean hated baths, hated being in water, hated the cold feeling of the actual tub, he felt scared. 
Dean was not alright, he kept shoving and kicking and got water all over the floor and got soap in his mouth and it was a disaster.
When they finally got done, Sam was soaked, and Dean had nearly passed out from fear and stress. Sam gave up trying to get him dressed or anything else, ending up wrapping up in a big towel and put him on Bobby’s bed. 
Sam wondered how Bobby was doing, had to be better than him. Had to get better than getting soaked and getting half the bath water on the floor. 
Cas was doing better. Quietly had followed Bobby to the bathroom, little hand holding onto his finger. Cas got lost sometimes even in the house, he’d forget where he was and he’d end up standing in a corner and wait. 
He was a very polite and good kid. 
He did get Bobby soaked entirely. 
“Alright buddy in the tub. You stink like a wet dog.” Bobby said as he dug around to find some wash clothes. Cas was standing beside the tub naked when he turned back around. Clothes messily folded in a pile next to him. 
He didn’t have any… junk . Weird but easy to clean, Bobby thought. Angels are freaks but meh could be worse. 
“Alright up and over” Bobby said and lifted the angel up and put him in the tub. The boy sat down and started playing with the bubbles that were floating across the top. He liked bubbles. He didn’t like eating them though when he put some in his mouth and tasted soap. He made a face and decided that they were better on his hands than in his mouth. Like the markers were. 
Bobby got to work running a cloth over him, reapplying the soap every so often from his toes up to his dark hair. Cas sat still, letting himself be moved around as Bobby needed. He just made shapes in the bubbles and watched them drip off his fingers when he raised his hands up out of the water. 
“Alright head back, gotta rinse out your hair.” Bobby said and pulled the boy's head back, his big blue eyes staring widely into his own. Booby brought a cup up full of water, one hand ready to scrub the suds away. 
“Quit starin’ at me ya idg- shit!” Bobby said but was soon thrown over onto his butt. He was slapped in the face by something… soaked and fluffy. 
He looked up at the… sight before him. 
Cas was still playing with the bubbles, holding some in his hands. Behind him however were a pair of small pitch black wings waving around in the water flicking and dunking into the water like they had a mind of their own. 
“What the… Cas? Your wings are out…” Bobby said as he knelt back up to the tub, amazed at the very… bird like wings that were soaking themselves in the water, tops still dry. 
Cas looked over at him and shrugged. 
“Dir’ee” he said and laid back so his wings were all underwater, he shook them all around under the water and then sat up making uppy hands. Cas felt very relieved being clean but now he was done.
Bobby stared at him as he lifted the kid, who didn’t seem to weigh any more than when he was put in the bath, and set him back on the floor. He stared at Cas as his wings soaked the towel covered floor under him. 
“We’re gonna have to blow dry you, son. You’ll flood the house at this rate.” Bobby said and grabbed three towels from the rack. He patted the boy dry with one, putting it under the flooding wings when he was done, wrapped one around him under his wings, and finally carefully trapped the wings to the boy’s back and wrapped a towel around them. Cas held his towels up, he liked the feeling of the towel tight on his wings. 
“Alright?” Bobby asked and Cas just yawned. Baths were a lot of work. Or maybe it wasn’t the bath but the manifestation of his wings that made him suddenly feel so sleepy. 
“Are ya tired? I think these things might be using up all your energy.” Bobby said and gave the joint of the wings and light smack. Cas nodded and rubbed at his eyes, wobbly on his legs. 
“To bed then” Bobby announced,picking Cas up to his hip, and grabbed the last dry towel from the rack on his way out. Cas nodded and threw his arms over Bobby's shoulders and shut his eyes. 
After a short guidance by Sam, Cas was laying next to Dean, an old quilt being thrown over them. Cas being placed on top of a towel for extra measure. 
“This is gonna suck until they grow up. I read that it can take years .” Sam groaned as he cleaned up the floor for Bobby who buttoned up a dry shirt. Bobby sighed. It would be great to learn about angel wings though, he had to admit. Flying toddler…. Ugh. 
They went back to reading until the boys woke up. However luck smiled on them. 
“ Cas get your junkless junk off of me! It’s frickin’ weird man!” Dean yelled as he shoved the naked man away from him on the bed. Sam was first to open the door and see them both holding towels around their waists, grown. Castiel was barebacked again though and Dean was looking frustrated. 
“Angels man, friggin weirdos.” Dean said and pushed past Sam to say hi to Bobby and then go to find his bag and his pants. 
Cas was standing in the room, blank expression pasted on his face.
“Excuse me” He said and soon his body was covered again as it usually was. Sam came up and patted his back. 
“Good to have you back man, gotta say you’re a pretty cute kid.” He said and Cas looked at him and then down at himself. 
“I’m far more helpful in this form. I… didn’t dislike being a child though. Angels are created fully formed, we do not really experience… complete helplessness that is childhood. It was somewhat enjoyable.” He stated and soon Bobby was interrogating him about his wings and such.  
Dean had disappeared into the bathroom though, bag gone. Dean pulled his clothes on and stood at the sink. 
Fuck . 
He looked up at himself. It was nice to be tall and not feel scared all the time but god … it felt good. Cuddling with Cas at night and being cuddled and loved on and getting to experience his emotions in full. He felt… so much lighter than he had before. 
Huh… he actually kinda felt…. Happy. He looked back up at himself. The teddy bear would be shoved under the backseat and never mentioned again but it was… it was coming. 
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okay, okay ep. 5 & 6: holy shit that was one hell of a ride wasn't it? (maybe whoever is reading this also saw my panicked posts from wednesday, yes I was losing my mind)
I'll try to do this as structured as possible but I can't promise anything so prepare for it to be just as all over the place as wednesday's episodes.. get ready, buckle up I have a lot of things to say:
first and foremost: FUCK YOU TAEHYUNG!! I was trying to be nice last time giving him a second chance and all because yk, I thought maybe just because he was annoying once, doesn't mean he has to be all the time but fuck was I wrong.. is he genuinely so stupid that he doesn't realize how his words affect jaewon or does he just straight up choose to ignore it?? or is it simply the mixture of both because wtf dude?? this guy is so blinded by his jealousy it's crazy like bro, how about you try and make it less obvious?? and considering how angry and uncomfortable he makes me (and jaewon) I was sooo glad jihyun and aeri were there and so happy to see they quickly picked up on how jaewon reacted and then decided to team up against taehyung (rightfully so)
especially jihyun (my cute little bean) was so attentive the entire time he really took one look at jaewon and immediately recognized something was off.. and because he was watching him so closely his reaction to jaewon slamming his hand on the table came almost naturally
moving on to aeri, I still think she's a bit much but that's probably because I'm introverted as fuck and she's clearly not.. I do really like her and jihyun's dynamic and loved their little class-skipping-shopping-sequence like you go besties!!
back to the junior-senior get together: that cut to jaewon being absolutely wasted was kinda scary and really shows how much he's struggling with everything and that he doesn't know how to properly cope with it.. and this little part of dialogue really stuck with me so once again props to jihyun for this simple yet very deep response
"you're not acting like yourself."
"hey, what is 'acting like myself'?"
"that's up to you."
I just feel like jaewon never heard something like this, he always had to fit into this box that the people around him created for him so someone saying who you are is up to you is complete news to him
harsh cut to jaewon waking up and the flashback with his brother: that shit hurt!! for some reason I expected his brother to be closer to him age wise (not that this would make him dying any less horrible) but when I saw jaewon with this little boy that just shattered me and jaewon just sitting there sobbing and desperately trying to put the camera back together was so painful to watch
skip to the beginning of episode 6: the scene of them in the car was also kinda hard to watch seeing jaewon so out of it like he wasn't even fully there (a quick round of applause for lim jisub who portrays this haunted look very well) apart from that I really liked that even though jaewon didn't answer jihyun's question he didn't let go and kept asking until eventually he gets an answer from jaewon
and now we're at a point where things started to get a little confusing for me:
while watching I felt like something was off, I couldn't pinpoint what it was (most of the time my brain has all the pieces of information but I can't put them together) but the episode felt different and then I saw a post on here (I tried not to read too much because I wanted most of this post to be my own impression) that said we might be seeing everything from jaewon's blurry, medication induced view which is why some things don't seem to add up and I think that's true or at least somewhat close to what was happening
I was actually debating which route to go with because so many possibilities about what was actually happening in ep. 6 came to my mind at first I actually thought jaewon might've overdosed in the car and ep. 6 didn't happen at all but were a hallucination or nightmare (what made me think that was the weirdly bright lighting and everything looking kinda blurry which always was an indicator of a dream or something unreal happening in any sort of media I've ever seen) but I don't think so anymore I would actually go with what I mentioned above and this blurry look comes from jaewon's medication
OOOR they chose this lighting to show how this entire trips feels like a dream because it's only jaewon and jihyun, completely separated from other people and far from their actual lives so of course that feels somewhat dream like
what I'm trying to say is: I don't think the entire episode was fake
I think making it all fake would be a waste of an episode and judging from the rest of the show so far it doesn't really seem like something the creators would do.. I think?? (maybe that's why I want some of the theories here to be true so bad because I don't want this episode to be wasted as a dream or whatever)
I would also agree with others that jihyun is probably fine, maybe a little shaken and scared but not physically hurt.. I think we see the accident happen from jaewon's pov and he's imagining it way worse than it is
nonetheless that shit scared me, how the entire mood switched and went so dark all of a sudden and then jaewon screaming jihyun's name.. I think the worst part were the silent credits and damn, that silence was loud.. let's just say, I cried..
alright, I think that's it.. I kind of lost focus in the end so idk if I actually said everything I wanted to but I think I covered most of it
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the-trinket-witch · 2 years
Twisted Fears AU Statement 3: In A World of My Own
Statement of: Student 5 of Class 3-B, Cater Diamond and some woes regarding the next school break.
Statement Begins
“This thing on? Kay, guess so. I…don’t know what the Seven’s the matter with me. Everybody’s getting hyped for next break and I just…ain’t. 
Okay, so, my folks make us move around…a lot. Us, being my sisters and me. Moving day is always something that sits in the back of my mind. I’ve actually got pretty damn good at packing, at this point. It hasn’t helped me make a lotta friends-any friends- to be honest. I almost can’t remember what any of my old friends looked like. But I remember this old game I used to play. I don’t know if I can do it anymore or if I remember exactly how, but it goes like this:
When my sis’s would be super annoying and making me redo stuff they wanted me to make ‘cute’ or something, I’d usually tuck up in my room. ‘Cause of how many boxes we had, I usually kept some stuff in a box on the inevitability it’d be packed up again. But I found I could take the stuff outta the box and tuck away in it. It was…quiet, real quiet. Nice actually. But it must have been my imagination, or I took a nap or something, but I opened the box to get out and…it was still quiet. I thought my sisters were trying to screw with me-pop out and scare me or something. but…Nothing. I looked all over the house and nobody was there. No cars in any of the driveways, nobody in the house, nowhere. And honestly? I liked it. I had, even if it was just a dream, the whole place to myself. I got to finally, finally have some space for me. I got to have the day just for me. I don’t remember all I did that day, but I figured, cause it was a dream, to just hop back in the box and go back to sleep. 
I woke up and my sisters were calling for me. They said I was gone all day, but I told them I was just taking a nap. They looked real confused but bought it. I couldn’t help think about it for the next few days. So…I tried it again. And once again I had the whole house, somehow, to myself. It kinda became the one place I could just get away from it all. 
But then we had to move again. I marked the box so I wouldn’t lose it, and in no time we were back on the road. I can’t say I miss anybody; again I don’t remember them. I remember that first week, though, getting all unpacked that just that feeling that everyone I tried being friends with would always just disappear. I hated it. It got pretty bad, and I would usually spend most of my time in that lil world of just me. I just wished I had somebody-anybody-I could have stick around for more than a couple years. It about made me wanna rip myself in two, at least having two of me would be better than nobody. And it somehow…happened. Another thing I don’t remember exactly, but just a surge of, what I found out later was, magic and I suddenly could see…myself? Staring back at me. It was the first kinda magic I’d ever done. You could say we really hit it off; two peas in a pod. We bounced off each other and suddenly my own lil world wasn’t so lonely anymore. Eventually we got to being able to split into 4-makes playing 4-square a lot easier. 
I told my parents about my magic and they were so excited. My sisters even congratulated. But it always seems like, with me, the best things never last. With three other Caters available, my sisters thought to ramp up all the games and demands and stuff they kept dragging me around to do with them. It didn’t help that even having my splits in that lil world of mine kinda wore its novelty out, too. There’s something oddly lonely about having multiples of just you to hang out with. They do what you wanna do, and only come up with stuff you would think of. 
When you grow up, those lil nooks and crannies you used to be able to fit in, ya can’t anymore. That was it with that box. But, we’d just moved again, and this time we got to stay til I took off for Night Raven College. By then I more or less grew out of that box. I ended up finding some of the friends I made back in primary when I first got a Magicam, and it was sorta nice to see how they were all getting on. And we all started following each other, which kinda got me into photography. People loved seeing the stuff I posted, not just my old pals. More and more people started following, leaving comments and likes on everything. I’d never had that many eyes on me. 
Part of me said that I finally did it: I finally have friends. I knew better than that. None of them knew me. They knew somebody who has my name and face and posts stuff I do. But it’s not me. I think I’m about as alone as ever, and I have a whole dorm of guys living around me. The worst part about all this…some of them, make me want to try again at this whole ‘friendship’ thing. There’s also that part of me that just wants to push everybody away, cause I don’t wanna get hurt again. Doesn’t help I’m already in my 3rd year. Next year I gotta get an internship and am basically gonna be off-campus all year. I’m not gonna get to see anybody all year except for like, special events. Maybe that Leona-Guy’s got something going with that whole ‘getting held back’ thing. Dude’s freaking 20 and still a 3rd year. -sigh- Whatev’.”
“Hey, Cater, You testing out that ‘anonymous audio diary’ thing Crowley put in?”
“Oh, Hey Trey, dude. Wassup?”
“Nothin’, I’m getting some stuff prepped for Riddle. Here in a sec I’m gonna try showing him how to make ramen. You wanna be taste tester?”
“Legit? I’m in. As long as I can get everybody in a pic before digging in!”
Statement Ends
Yikes. Well it’s certainly interesting to hear when he got it Unique Magic, that box is definitely interesting to hear about. Gonna assume it was just a kid’s imagination, but not gonna lie, getting a whole world just like this without anybody sounds kinda like a dream.
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
AGH I CAN'T STOP WORKING! I only have 3 more beads to go! I really wanted to get to bed early tonight because I'm really tired but... I just can't stop now, I'm so close. I already Brillo-prepped them too, so all I have to do is the final buff.
Alrighty, that only took about half an hour to wrap up. The beads are all done, they look great and they're all strung on a doubled piece of hemp for now. It was so long ago that I prepped these... I don't even really remember my plan. I think I was going to make this a knotted bead necklace, but I don't know if I wanted to add a clasp to it or have it be closed. I don't know if I have enough beads for that. I guess we'll see tomorrow.
Big day, lots of accomplishments. I woke up after about 5 hours of sleep, but got back to sleep pretty quickly, didn't even get out of bed. That was a relief. I had dreams about being with my ex, which was... difficult. And alien. But I shook that off and started my day. Yoga was nice today, I did some Factorio over first meal.
I went straight to work on my griptape to finish it off. I loved the vibe of listening to Heilung and painting on the floor, so I went with their live album. It's really good. All I had to do today was the highlights, and I knocked that out. Did a big photoshoot and... it's done!
Then I decided to relocate my suncatcher to a position where it can catch more light throughout the day. Where it was, it only really caught light between 5-7PM. I'm hoping this new spot will give it more light access. I had to run a string through an eye bolt mounted in the ceiling. That eye bolt was about 16 feet off the ground. So I took a big line of hemp twine and tied a rock to the end of it, and reached it over from my loft about 6 feet out to the eye bolt with one of my carved staves, and fed it into the hole with a second staff, the one I usually go walking with. It was a hell of a workout holding two oak branches by the hilt, trying to maneuver a rock through a 1" diameter hole like 5-6' away. But luckily, I picked a good rock. It fit snugly, but I got it through and it worked first try. So that's all rigged up and good to go, and super adjustable too.
Then I showered and headed out to the skatepark. When I got there, there were 6 people there. A group of 4 kids that looked college age, and two people closer to my age that looked like a couple. I did my usual thing, showing up on my hybrid board with the AirPods in, getting my trick board out of my backpack, finishing my apple and then off I went. It's weird going to the skatepark by myself when everyone else there is a group. For me, at least. And I'm actually starting to wonder... are my AirPods sending the wrong message?
Like... I keep my volume super low and transparency mode on for safety, if anyone wants to chat I can hear them clear as day. It's a really good habit to stay in, especially when riding on streets, so you can hear cars coming. But I'm kinda wondering... does me wearing headphones send the message "don't talk to me"? Because today was the first time someone talked to me, and I feel like it was almost a fluke? Meh, that's too harsh. It was entirely thanks to her, it was 100% the woman's initiative that made it happen.
This chick who... is most likely younger than me but somewhere around my age... was standing next to me when I was skating a low box. I was really bashful being one of the worst skaters at the park. I can talk all day about how skating is not a competition and it's just you trying to improve. And I bet most of the people at the park did not give a shit. But I was pretty self conscious, I often feel like I'm just gonna get in the way or something, it's... not helpful thinking. And you know, sometimes I have good days and I don't care at all... and some days I have days like today. But I pushed through it.
The woman was short, blond, very thin. Like... almost concerningly thin. And had a lot of tattoos, including a face tattoo. This wasn't the first time I saw a face tattoo in person, but the first time I saw a decent sized one, and on a female. And it was a new experience. I'll put it that way for now and elaborate in a minute. She complimented my grip tape and I said "thank you, I did it myself." And she seemed genuinely blown away, like she legit didn't believe me. And I was like, "yeah, I did," and then said, "I'm a professional artist." I really don't know why I keep adding in the word professional. From the second I got home I've been trying to convert kicking myself over that into... "it would make me feel more comfortable if I dropped the 'professional' part. I can just say I'm an artist, that's fine." It's always the little things that get you caught up, right?
She immediately asked if I had an Instagram. I was literally going to post my progress photos of making the grip tape before leaving, and I decided not to so I could get more skate time. She gave me her phone and had me add myself to her Instagram. The whole thing was just, so goddamn alien to me. Just having another human speak to me, let alone a female around my age, let alone a human in person in close proximity to me, and having an actual conversation... it was just... I got really "what do I do with my hands" pretty quick. But that was a cool moment, it meant a lot to me.
However... yep, there's always a however... my anxiety was on the prowl today. And what I'm realizing... it's not a fun realization, but it's important. Some of the most important are the least fun, I'm starting to notice. Anxiety is... judgement. It kinda has to be, right? Like... anxiety is a defense mechanism put in place to keep you safe, right? So... what anxiety does is scan the information it's receiving and... forms a judgement of whether that is safe or a threat. Information = speaking in front of 1000 people. Anxiety = you might screw up, you might do bad, people will laugh, people will emotionally hurt you because of that. Reaction = piss yourself and avoid. So, anxiety functions as an intermediary step between information gathering and reaction. And it is quite literally a step where you are judging and categorizing info based on your past experiences.
So... what I saw was... a super thin girl, like gaunt-in-the-cheeks thin, with a face tattoo and... a big scar on her shoulder. And my anxiety reminded me that I'm in a city now. And flashed back to last summer when my highschool "best friend" told me vivid horror stories - I mean straight out of Trainspotting or Requiem for a Dream horror stories. And flashed back to the last person I met on the side of the road, who was obviously high as fuck. And I got anxious. I was afraid she was a meth head or something. I feel bad for making that snap judgement. And hell, maybe she is, who knows? But like... was it really fair of me to be cautious around her when she had given me no reason to be afraid?
I often feel like a dog that has been adopted from a shelter. Only... I haven't been adopted... I'm just sorta... out here. Alone. Trying to human, somehow. I'm always trying to keep myself safe, at all times. Wow, it's almost like I have PTSD or something, weird...
But yeah, I feel bad about being judgmental. And... despite her being around the same ability level as me... I tried to keep a little distance from her because she was there with a guy. The guy had a buzzed mohawk and was really good. Like... I'm always just in awe when I get to see talented skaters in real life, and I get so intimidated. I really hope to get over that some day. But it's just how things are for now. But I tried to keep my distance from the chick because... I didn't know if they were together and I didn't want him to get the wrong idea. I obviously have pure intentions and I'm just trying to make friends... but yeah. Anxiety can be very convincing.
So... I just kinda went back to skating, doing my thing. I got a lot more comfortable with the FS half cab. I'm really starting to understand it a bit more now. When I try to whip it around, it just does not work. But if I just sorta... pop and hop, and not worry so much about facing forward right away? It works pretty smoothly. But what completely made the trick for me was just facing backwards while I set up. That just made the trick possible.
I did some pretty long boardslides on an old railroad tie that was there. But that thing was sticky as hell, and I'm not brave enough to wax something at a skatepark, honestly. Not that I have wax... I got a bit more comfortable with my nosemanual position, but I'm still figuring it out. I did a few runs of ollie onto a small box and FS 180 off. So yeah, more practice. And I had a good time. I think I was there for a good hour and I was the last one to leave.
When I left, I passed by the couple who were waiting for a ride. The guy and I exchanged our first words saying "have a good one", as I rode by on my hybrid board like some kind of cyberpunk hippie. XD After all that intimidation and "not wanting to upset him", he seemed very nice. Then I was back in bliss-mode riding down the roads with tunes on, carving and cruising. That thing is so much fun to ride, I swear. My only complaint is that my back trucks might be a tad bit too loose, but it keeps me going at a slow pace so its not so bad. And then the couple passed by me again about 2 blocks down, and we all waved at each other. So that was a good vibe to end on.
So the whole like "I was being judgmental and distant and kinda anti-social" self-flagellation didn't really start until well after I got home. And I've been pretty good at keeping it productive. I think a good habit to get into is... instead of going "why did I do ____, that was dumb..." Let me give an example. Introducing myself as a professional artist. I was kicking myself because of that. I don't like it, but when my depression and my anxiety team up... I'm severely outmatched, so... sometimes I don't win. What I'd like to do is... instead of going "why did I introduce myself as a professional artist, I have under 100 followers and she can see that, that's embarrassing," I would like to try... "ooo saying 'professional artist' is a little difficult for me right now, maybe next time I can just say 'artist', that might feel a bit more comfortable." I think that's a much more gentle way of going about it, and it's actually actionable instead of just being harsh and self-disciplinary.
Self-discipline is fucking useless when you don't have context or a plan. It's just punishment for having experienced something. It's useless and harmful. The most important part of any uncomfortable moment like that is... integrating the lesson learned. Focusing on that, rather than dwelling on the mistake portion and laying into yourself, is a really good way to break self-abuse cycles. Not easy to do, but it does good.
So, for example... I was being harsh on myself for judging this chick. Specifically, for judging her because of her scars, which she obviously can't help. And... getting personal (but I mean duh, it's a journal...) - it kinda reminded me of an ex of mine that used to cut herself. And that... was a difficult memory. Let me be super clear here, that association of mine? That's not fair to her. But it's part of what happened for me. And my self-protective centers started screaming "be careful, be aware, you've seen this before, she might self-harm".
Welp. After I got home? I skimmed over her Instagram. And she had X-Rays from a broken collarbone. And I mean fucking shattered. And I just felt so fucking bad. And I was like... I mean, in hindsight, it's hard for me to even understand how I would jump to a conclusion that someone would cut or burn themselves in such a visible and odd location. But... trauma brain does weird shit, and swears it has the best intentions.
So... what I'm struggling to do is find a way to convert that... I mean, it's clear I'm still beating myself up over it and I still feel shameful. But that's not only not healthy, it doesn't lead anywhere. I just beat myself over it until that part of my brain is tired or moves on to something else. That's... not a great way to live life. So... I'd like to actually get a lesson out of this. And I think the lesson is to not judge quite so hastily. Not assume so much.
I think a huge part of that is isolation. A huge part is being alone and having to keep myself safe. And lately I've just been erring super on the side of caution. So... I'm giving myself forgiveness for this, it's been a struggle lately. And if I see her again, I guarantee she will have had zero idea any of that happened. She probably just thought "oh, he just wants to skate," and then went and skated herself.
I just so often feel so compelled to apologize to people for things like this. Because I have so many fears of the judgement of others myself, that I have to brute force through just to take the trash out sometimes. Judgement of my skin condition. Judgement of the unique combination of frankincense, nag champa and dragon's blood that I wear instead of deodorant. Judgement of me being 36 at a skatepark and struggling to ollie on a 8" box. Judgement of be having AirPods and a hybrid board. The things that some people (like me) would go "holy shit, that's really cool!" (remember, that's a judgement too...) That force has kept me in isolation for a long time. And the more that stuff like this happens? The more I realize that those judgmental anxiety fantasies? They live in my head. That hyper-judgmental force... lives inside of me.
It lives in other people, too. Sure. Don't get me wrong. The "former friend" I was talking to the other day was being super judgmental of entire demographics based merely on... a font. Which... ironically... was the exact demographic he was from... He was ripping on "fake blue collar" people, who don't even know how to use tools and shit... and I was just... it took everything in my power to not be like... "dude, I have met your parents and been to your childhood home that was in the suburbs! I've lived here way longer than you have and I've only lived here since I was 11!" And it started to hit me. And I bet this is like... a thing, you know? Projection... right?
To find something repulsive or terrifying in others, outside of ourselves... but it's really the repulsive or terrifying thing within us. And despite me often being compulsively compassionate, I often find myself being harshly judgmental. Not nearly as much as the past, and not even a fraction of a shadow of my parents... but it's there, and it showed its ugly face today. And honestly? I'm not sure how to manage it.
Because being judgmental? Profiling people? It can keep you alive. It can help you read a situation where, otherwise, you would've gotten mugged. But being in survival mode 24/7 is no way to live, and no way to build any form of relationship. Be it a partnership, a friendship, or even an acquaintanceship.
So yeah, a lot of thoughts today. But the big things of the day - finished the grip tape (phase one), finished the beads, strung the suncatcher, and posted a photo time-lapse of the grip tape to Instagram. With music I wrote in the spring, too. Finally found use for all those random riffs I write. Time lapses, social media videos.
So yeah, feeling a big sense of accomplishment. So... I'm going to actually let myself feel that for a minute because I'm realizing... I've kinda just been turning all of this into a life lesson and I haven't really taken time to celebrate victories here. I met two new people, and they could very well turn into new friends if they frequent the park and live nearby. I finished the mandala on my grip tape. I finished the beads. I did some circus act stringing a rig on my ceiling hook. I posted one of my art pieces in a public forum. I got a lot done, and I should really be proud of that.
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yamagucji · 4 years
Embarrassing moments
warnings. just for shits n giggles, 14+ readers preferably, mentions of vomit, poop, choking, etc.
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HINATA was extremely constipated and needed to use the bathroom quick. but there’s a long line to the mens bathroom (what’s the occasion anyway??) and he’s standing all the way at the back. poor hinata felt a fart coming so he just couldn’t... hold it in. mans SHARTED. shitted and farted at the same time. it stunk so bad that the guys in front of him said, “damn, you need the toilet more than me,” and let him cut in line.
USHIJIMA and tendou stopped to pet this dog during their walk. tendou’s conversing with the owner while toshi’s petting the dog. dog likes it, it’s all good. until... it got bored and decided that toshi’s butt smelled good. dog just wouldn’t stop sniffing his ass. “please, stop smelling me,” toshi says with desperation, which now catches the others’ attention. the owner has to pry their dog away from toshi’s ass cheeks, please. the awkward tension kinda dies down until tendou utters, “so, what’s your secret? what product are you using?”
YAMAGUCHI drank water in the middle of silent class reading. this boy started choking— and i mean choking on his water. you can hear his muffled coughs in the distance and when you turn around to look at him, his face is all red and his cheeks are puffy. none of his classmates say anything but you can practically feel second-hand embarrassment oozing around. the assistant teacher even has the audacity to say, “drink some water.”
KENMA’s calling this one his last try. he sticks his remaining coins into the slot and tries to get the brand new nintendo box thats in the machine. mf has been going at this for over twenty minutes now. his pouch is empty and there’s a crowd of kids waiting for him. no miracle happens in his last try (shit got stuck!!) so he has to move away only to watch in horror— as the kid after him manages to get it. you’re gonna have to hold kenma down before he hunts that kid with every bit of his soul.
DAICHI had a fat one coming in, that’s for sure. thought it was a free real estate just because everyone else in the camp seemed asleep. so he let that monster fart come out (even partly stuck out his thigh for better airway). whole team was awake in a matter of seconds. nishinoya’s jumped off his sleeping bag and asking everyone if they heard that “loud bang.” tanaka’s over here sniffing around because he knows that no one has got some kind of bomb that stinks.
SAKUSA’s not gonna admit to this one. but one time he opened a bathroom stall (it was unlocked) only to find that it was occupied. there are no words to accurately describe just how horried the sight was. sitting on the toilet was a man taking a shit, with his dick on full boner mode, staring back at sakusa. they only made eye contact for just 2 seconds but sakusa’s seen enough. he’s heard enough too, when said stranger asked him, “you wanna join me?”
ASAHI projectile vomited at the theaters. you should’ve known it was a bad idea to take him out to dinner before going to watch a scary movie. man had no courage to tell you he had an upset stomach nor tell you he’s not a fan of horror. it’s twenty minutes into the movie and he’s poking your arm— but you don’t notice because you’re too engrossed. another twenty minutes, and a jumpscare comes on. man beside you vomits like there’s no tomorrow. ya’ll spend the rest of the movie secretly trying to clean his throw-up.
TENDOU was watching anime in his dorm peacefully. until... the whole shiratorizawa team opened the door just in time for the show to switch up to an inappropriate scene. out of all the times they could’ve walked in, they really had to come when 2d clown man was moaning and fighting a kid? tendou scrambled to close his laptop but now he’s just staring back at his teammates; silent, except for the fact that his show is still playing and you can still hearing moaning in the background.
TSUKISHIMA turned his house upside down and still couldn’t find his glasses, nor his extra pair. he was about to leave bare eyed until his mom caught him and forced him to wear his sports glasses. yeah, the one with the whole strap and everything. mans looked like a fool coming to school with it on. people who didn’t know it was his sports glasses mistook it for swimming goggles. he’s so utterly humiliated now, he can’t even bite back when hinata or kageyama says something.
GOSHIKI... i don’t even know what to tell you. who let this kid go further into the lake by himself? it’s all fun and games for everyone until you hear an ear-defeaning shriek by your one and only goshiki. he’s yelling out, “help me! please! help!!” the lifeguards start kicking in and everyone’s trying to make way. is he drowning? is there something there? no for god’s sake. you find out he just made it 5 ft deep and happened to swim over a bunch of seaweed. never take him swimming again.
ATSUMU decided to check himself out using someone’s car window. he’s fixing his hair, picking at his teeth, and even checking to see if he has any boogers. all of a sudden the window rolls down and there’s a senior citizen staring back at him. “boy do you think my car is your mirror?” the man says in a gruffy voice. atsumu’s knees nearly buckle from how scary this man is and how embarrassed he is of all the four minutes he probably spent with this stranger.
SACHIRO’s job as a vet sometimes makes him do really questionable shit (from an outsider perspective). once he had to ejaculate someone’s dog in front of their owner. uh huh... jack them off, for the sole purpose of examining the dog’s semen. he’s never felt such a wave of regret wash through his body during that whole procedure. it didn’t help when the owner was looking at him mortified, nor the fact that it took such a long time.
OIKAWA does this thing were he shows up unexpectedly behind iwaizumi and slaps his ass. everytime he does it iwa always hits him back (but not the ass). today he learnt his lesson when he mistook a stranger for iwa and slapped the guys ass from the moon and back. when i tell you just how quick all the blood drained from oikawa’s body when the man turned around— you can hear a bag of chips fall at the other end of the aisle and it’s the iwa, who had to witness that whole ass-slap event.
ARAN is gonna knock the shit of the miya twins one day, he swears to god. they sent him a mysterious video during his morning walk, where he stopped at a busy street. it starts off quiet, so he goes to turn the volume up full blast. damn video suddenly started blaring ‘lick my pussy and my-’ please... he’s shaking. passerby’s are looking at him with distaste. aran’s now flushed from embarrassment and running towards the miya house. you can guess what happens next.
BOKUTO walked into the wrong house. spent a whole ten minutes rummaging around the kitchen because his friend said to “make yourself comfortable, i’ll be on my way.” little did this man know that there’s a whole family upstairs waiting for the cops to arrive because they think it’s a robbery. poor bokuto, dragged out of the house by some cops but had no idea what was going on. man was literally just vibing— thinking he was in his friends house.
OSAMU swore this size pants still fit him (hint: it doesn’t). he’s walking through the snack section of the store, lightly limping because damn his dick can’t breath. his truth is tested when he goes to pick something off the lowest shelf and his pants literally go, ‘let er rip.’ fabric tore, and what’s worse is that he was wearing onigiri undies. osamu goes to check if there’s anyone else in the aisle and there is— a group of underclassmen girls from his high school.
KUROO tried to make his chemistry presentation more interesting by putting in jokes. he thought they were funny; kenma even huffed a breath. kuroo’s at his third joke by now and literally no one has laughed. not a single one. except for kuroo himself, who’s awkwardly laughing in a dead-silent room. man was embarrassed. other people are getting second-hand embarrassment by the way they avoided eye contact with him. he vented to kenma later only for kenma to say, “it wasn’t funny. it was just stupid.” poor kuroo.
SUNA accidentally connected his bluetooth to the bus. you know, the one that drives all of inarizaki to their games. wanna guess what the fuck he might’ve been listening to? it’s porn. he’s watching porn in broad daylight. suna doesn’t realize what the issue is until he goes to turn up the volume and notices that the sound is off. he take his airpods off and that’s when he hears pure moaning sounds blaring inside the bus. everyone’s laughing— except for kita and their coach who’s still outside. mf calls himself lucky for that.
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thegreatstoryteller · 3 years
Delivery Swap
This one is a birthday story for my friend @swappwas​
It’s been a long year for everyone! Normally I wouldn’t do this kinda thing, but I decided to splurge and buy myself something nice for my birthday. Or at least the chance for something really nice. I signed up for this subscription service where you get this new crate of things monthly. It’s different for each person that purchases it. For some they got something as mundane as tickets to a local football game or incredibly detailed anime figurines. For others they got all expense paid trips to Montreal or a self driving car! None of that interested me though. Apparently there were rumors of devices that had the ability to change your physical appearance, even items that swapped people’s bodies. 
Now as one of the only guys I know that stands a little below 5 feet tall with not a powerful bone in my body, you’d understand why I’d be interested in something like that. Even if it was just a rumor, why not give myself a little birthday wish of a chance that something this life changing could happen. So there I was, waiting and hoping for something to happen. Needless to say I was disappointed.
My birthday came and went, while I got an email saying my package had been delayed due to postal issues. I got a coupon for a new crate and a guarantee that my package would be arriving soon. They even guaranteed the contents of my box would leave me and only me satisfied. Weird wording, but with my expectations already crushed I sort of just sulked till I heard a knock on my door. From outside I could see a large man holding a package in his hands.
“Better late than never, I suppose,” my mumbled voice stifled before this postal worker thought I was talking to myself. 
When I opened my door I gasped at the sheer size of the huge hairy man before me. Whoever this guy was, he looked nervous for someone who seemed so big. He was holding a large package with the label of the company I’d ordered from.
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However upon looking at the box it looks as if it was already opened and resealed. Before I had a chance to ask about it, suddenly the man was shoving the package right in my face. It probably wasn’t intentional, it's just that the height difference was already too much. Caught off guard I stumbled with the grip and dropped the package right between us!
The contents of box spilled to the ground and a small cylindrical device rolled out. Once it finished rolling there were three small beeping sounds and a low vibration tone that shook the room. 
Suddenly my entire body felt funny, as if this sound was calling my skin to crawl all over. I felt like I was shaking but I was standing completely still. It looked like the delivery man was also feeling something similar as he clutched his chest, accidentally flexing his muscles through his ill fitting uniform. 
“What the hell is going on?” I tried to yell, as the low vibrational tone was nearly deafening. I took  a step forward to try and pick up the device and my foot felt like it was spasming. It was like a bunch of pins and needles entered it in a non piercing way, as it writhed a bit. But not just that I could see the seams of the socks I was wearing stretch! I could feel the flesh beneath expand in such a strange way. Each toe felt like it was stretching, enlarging, and gaining mass with each pulsing vibration. Before long the high pitched sounds of tearing cut through the low vibrations and large tanned foot emerged from the sock.
From there my outreached hand came next. It grew larger and quicker than my foot, the callouses and thick digits already replacing my slender hand. Soon the hand of an experienced lifter is now attached to my arm. I fall back in surprise but the vibrations only increase. Before I hit the ground my legs and chest take on additional mass and my shirt and pants are next to be blown to smithereens. With a heavy thud, shreds of clothing that once fit my meager frame  are in shreds as I smack right into the floor.
I cry out in pain but the sound that comes out is deeper and more anguished than I ever heard. Soon the vibrations are too much and I pass out. The last thing I see is the delivery man writhing similarly on the floor, only now he looks paler… and his uniform looks like it’s hanging off of him. 
“Fuck!” was the first thing I heard when I woke up. I tried to get to my feet but my body felt so heavy. My head was also pounding and pretty sore from my fall. To my astonishment I didn’t expect to see myself  pacing around my house nearly nude banging on the metal tube that had been in my package. 
“This is what I get for messing with expensive shit. Oh good you’re awake. What the hell did you do to us?” my twin said stomping towards me. Though with my stature I was never one to charge forward at someone, so this didn’t seem too intimidating. I immediately scrambled away and to my feet. Unfortunately I became disoriented as I stood up and up and up. This unfamiliar vantage point reawakened my fear in heights but also confirmed what I thought was a strange dream. I looked to the left and jumped back as I saw my reflection. There I was, standing taller than I’d ever been, in the body of the delivery man. Nothing but my tight boxers remained on, though now they looked skin tight. There was no trace of my old body anywhere on this dark skinned hunk before me. I immediately stumbled into a chair behind me and started to pant. “I… I didn’t do anything. I had no idea- I mean I didn’t know what that even was!” I said in a panic
“Of fucking course,” the former delivery man said. “That’s the last time I listen to that guy. He said these packages had valuable stuff in them. Said I could pawn them off for thousands! Said being a delivery driver would be even easier!” My former body just paced around and tossed me something. 
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“That’s your wallet now! If you don’t want to be stuck as a broke bodybuilder, you’ve got to figure out how to change us back!” the delivery man said.
I quickly opened this wallet and saw my new name. Pablo Mattos, 6’5, 280 lbs. Seeing those stats seemed impossible, yet here I was, a literal new man. I couldn’t help but flex to admire my new muscles. I realized that my chest and underarms even felt freshly shaved despite looking hairy still.
I went back to the box where my device had come in and noticed a small slip of paper. I picked it up with my new huge hands and began reading the instructions.
“Um… Hey Pablo. I’m sorry about all this… I think I could fix this. Can I see the device real quick?” I ask
Pablo walks up to his former body, the staggering height difference making him blush, and hands me the device. With a turn, a click, and another buzzing noise, a second flash went off. I rub my eyes and smirk, memories of Pablo’s former life filling my head. 
“What just happened?” Pablo said, dazed and confused as I began to smile realizing what I’d just done. 
“You were… I was just delivering a package. Here you go. I’ll just grab my things and be on my way… enjoy your new life.” And with that I grabbed his former uniform, secretly palmed the body swap cylinder, and walked away. 
The day after my birthday I left my old life behind and decided to start a new one. I didn’t leave Pablo with a bad life. He’d be well off financially at least, while I could rough it as a bodybuilder in the meantime.
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I quickly got acquainted with the gym he’d visited frequently. Working out was a lot more appealing when you’re the biggest guy there. Not to mention I was able to solve his little financial problem when I decided to open an Only Fans. Trying out different looks is easy when I’m so naturally hairy now. I can shave one day and grow a full beard in a week. Even man scaping my new hair chest and arms is becoming a fun novelty for me!
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 I think it’s safe to say that I got really luck with my latest TF Industries Subscription. When they contacted me a month later asking for a review of how I liked their products I couldn’t help but give them a ringing endorsement! I even attached a picture of the new me.  Whether or not they realized what would happen when they guaranteed my satisfaction, I don’t know. But at this point I don’t think I care. I’m gonna enjoy being Pablo for as long as I want!  Happy Birthday to me!
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Whacky Gotham, Goofy New York, and Chaotic Paris.
(part 1) (part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
Chapter 1: Genius Little Ladybug
It all started when Sabine Cheng and her parents moved from China to America, where she met a rich boy named Tony, they weren't the best of friends at first, but they would always get into crazy shenanigans because of Tony. Sabine always finding a way to get them out of it. After a while they were practically inseparable, they had each others backs, both in the good times, and the bad.
So when Tony lost both his mother and father in a tragic car accident, and had to take over his parents company, she was there to try and ease the pain. It helped a little, but the boy changed and blocked out many people, only keeping a select few close to him. His personality changed, and he started to act differently, it saddened Sabine, but she knew it was his way of coping with his lose.
She would oftentimes find him crying silently in his office. When Tony opened a branch in Paris France, he was paranoid something would go wrong when he wasn't there, so he had Sabine become a sort of co-CEO for the Paris branch. Over the many years of her being a sibling-in-everything-but-blood to Tony, her intelligence was much higher than everyone in the company, other than said boy.
She moved to Paris not long after, always keeping an eye on both the Paris branch and Tony ( because god knows what would happen if she didn't do so). She even met a baker named Tom Dupain. Eventually dating, and marrying him. Tony wasn't the most eager when he heard of Tom, but he accepted him as family (not because if he didn't Sabine would knock some sense into him). He practically exploded with excitement when he heard we would be an uncle a few years after Sabine's wedding.
Tony was there in the waiting room with Tom, when Sabine was having the child ( Tony denies not having a mini heart attack when the nurse came in). Both men looked at the beautiful child through the glass. Tony was put to tears when he read her name "Maria Dupain-Cheng" and was comforted by a teary Tom.
When Maria was 9 months old, her Uncle Tony came to spend time with her, and talk business with Sabine. None of them expected Maria to crawl her way into their conversation and say "Uncle Tony" in the sweetest most adorable laugh both adults had ever heard. Tony had a massive grin on his face, and gave Maria a big hug and lots of kisses saying " I knew i was your favorite hahaha, and you're only 9 months old. Sabine I think we got a little genius on our hands." Sabine was just as happy and told Tom to hurry and grab the camera.
"Come on say it one more time my dear Maria, show your papa who your favorite adult is" Tony said with a very wide grin.
Maria giggled at her uncle's happiness, clapping her hands. "Uncle Tony, Uncle Tony" Tom just smiled giving his baby girl a kiss and handing Tony 10 Euros.
Tony continued to visit his little genius niece over the years. Maria ended up getting the best education a kid could get, becuase his logic was " If she is a genius (which she is) then she is going to have the best education money can buy, for nothing is to much for my Little Genius Maria!" and with that she could officially be called the smartest kid in all of Paris... heck probably in all of Europe even! So when she gained a passion for fashion at 4, Tony didn't hesitate to get her, her very first (kid friendly) sewing set. By the time Maria was 5 she already knew how to speak and write in French, English, Spanish, Russian, and is learning Mandarin.
Maria had met Chloé when they were both 6, although they weren't really friends, they were polite to each other, which surprised a lot of the other kids their age. She had met Alix a few months later. She spent a lot of the time she wasn't studying with her friends, Alix would get in trouble with another kid on the playground, Chloé would criticise the other kid, and Maria would talk to Alix and then apologize to the other kid. Overall, they had a good dynamic going on, and they (as 7 year olds) promised to always have each others backs to the very end.
When Maria was 3½ months away from her 9th birthday, Tony was kidnapped. Maria just broke down, she wanted to help her Uncle, but she didn't know where he was or how she could help if she did. For three months Maria would only speak to Chloé and Alix (they were kinda shocked to find out she was related to THE Tony Stark). A few days before her birthday, Tony came to their home, with rolls of fabric, flowers, and 'I'm sorry cards'. Maria jumped into his arms crying asking what happened, and "If you're the smartest man on the Earth, why the Heck did it take you so long? How did you get out? Are any of your vital organs hurts? Do you need to go to the Hospital? An-"
"Hey slow down My Little Genius Maria, I'm ok. 1, They didn't really give me much to work with at first, and there is only so much a genius like myself can do with so little resources, and time before your Birthday. 2, I made an anime mecha suit and flew out guns a blazing. 3, Nothing I can't live without. and 4, No because I'm spending the week with you lot before a conference I have in about 10 days." He said while holding his small little genius  in his arms.
Wiping away the tears she looked her Uncle in the eyes "Wait, you 'made an anime mecha suit and flew out guns a blazing?' How does it work? what's its power source? And why do you have a weird glowing device in your chest?!" He had a lot of explaining to do.
That week, in her words was 'The best week of her life.' She was really happy for the first time since the Tony-napping happened, although she was sad he had to go, she knew  he was safe, and that she didn't have to worry (as much) now.
When Maria was 13, both Tony and Sabine decided to have her go to public school with her friends. After hearing this Maria called for a meeting, her two commanders (Alix and Chloé) came for the meeting, and had a talk on how she should go about her first day of public school, asking questions like 'How do non-homeschooled kids act? What are their personalities like? What interests do they have? Are some barbaric like Alix is sometimes? Will they like me? Am I allowed to talk to Chloé in or only out of class? What are the seating arrangements? Who do I sit next to?' the list goes on. They were all excited to finally all be in the same study environment, now all they had to do was wait for their first day.
The night before her first day Maria may or may not have slept well due to her excitement, she woke up a little later than she ever would have preferred, getting breakfast, her clothes, the 'greeting sweets' (as Alix called them) and heading out in a slight panic.
On her way out she noticed an elderly man with a cain crossing the street, and a car coming a little faster than what was allowed, she pulled the man out of the cars way without losing any of the sweets, after making sure the man was ok, she gave him a sweet before saying good day and heading over to school. She never noticed the man walking away without the use of his cain.
She still got to class on time, when her teacher walked in she greeted everyone in the class "Bonjour, je m'appelle Maria Dupain-Cheng, c'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer! (Hello, my name in Maria Dupain-Cheng, it is a pleasure to meet you!)" after the introductions she sat down in the empty seat next to Alix, both giving a fist bump, and a smile to Chloé, who looked away as if she didn't care (the girl had an image to keep after all). When class was over she handed out the sweets and went with her friends to lunch. During lunch, one of the other students from a different class was mocking one of their classmates that Maria remembered as Ivan, for having a crush on Mylène and not saying how he really feels to her. Ivan ran off into one of the locker rooms, and Maria decided to go and comfort him, she explained that she overheard what happened and that he should try and tell Mylène about his feelings, listing many different things he could do or say, and that he should stay positive.
Ivan thanked Maria afterwards and went off to write a song for Mylène. Ivan later showed Mylène the song he wrote for her, but was teased by other students near them, Ivan ran away not wanting to be embarrassed more.
Back in the classroom Alix and Maria are sitting and talking when everyone hears crashing and screams outside, the class looked out to see a giant rock thing destroying everything  on its way to the school. The teachers sent the kids home in an attempt to keep them safe.
When Maria got home she noticed a small box with writing she didn't recognize, she carefully opened it, instantly releasing a glow of bright red-ish pink light.
"Greetings Maria Dupain-Cheng, I am Tikki, the Ladybug Kwami of creation and good Luck, it is a pleasure to meet you." Maria couldn't believe her eyes "Mon dieu..." was all she could say, before going full interrogation mode "You're a Kwami? What is that? How are you floating like that? How am I able to understand you? Do you have some sort of ability to communicate in any language?How did you fit in this box? w-"
"There is no time, Paris needs you! I can only explain the powers I grant and how to use them, so please listen carefully."
Soon Maria was running in a red suit with black spots and amor. She ended up facing the 'akuma' as Tikki called it in a stadium, meeting her partner (a blonde furry she decided) for the first time.
"Bonjour m'lady, so what's the plan to take this thing down?"
Without hesitation she explained her plan " The plan is for you to have your Cataclysm ready, I'll give you a signal when it's your-"
"Cataclysm!"  The boy proceeded to use his ONE attack on a GOAL POST!
"I said to wait for a SIGNAL! Now you only have five minutes before you power-off."
"Oops" The blonde was really wasting her more useful braincells. After the boy was thrown out of the stadium, Maria was left to fend for herself, and she did really well, considering this was her first non(but sort of) official villain fight, up until she lost her footing and was knocked into the side of the stadium. The akuma was gone before she could get back, more and more people were turned to stone, but it showed just where Stoneheart was heading.
She arrived at the Eiffel Tower, where blonde was fighting stone people, he just managed to get away and actually listened to the plan this time.
They defeated Stoneheart, Maria gave her speech to the villain, and did a fist bump (though at this point Maria just wanted to get some sleep), when a reporter came to interview them.
"What are your names, and where did you come from?"
"My name's Chat Noir an-"
"Ladybug, and we're hear to protect Paris from Moth-Man, as much as we would love to give you a bit more details, we don't have much time at the moment" right on que their Miraculous' beeped signalling they had 2 minutes left " Stay safe, and positive, Bug-Out. "
"Well done Maria!"
"Thanks Tikki." and with that Maria went downstairs to get something to eat, when she saw her parents watching the news.
"Earlier today Paris gained a villain and two heroes: Ladybug, and Chat Noir. Many of our viewers submitted pictures and videos, but only one of Ladybug came out clear."
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"Thank you Ladybug and Chat Noir for protecting us, bonne journée à Paris."
"Maria you're taking self-defense classes starting tomorrow" Sabine spoke, though Maria didn't have any complaints, plus it'll help when fighting akumas so it's a win win.
"Yes maman."
•~~~~~later in Maria's room~~~~~•
"Ok, so you're basically goddess of creation personified into a cute little Ladybug creature?"
"Kwami, but yes."
"And you've existed since basically the Big Bang?"
"... how are you able to float like that? How are we able to talk without any ancient god language in the way? And what other kinds of um kwamis are there?"
"I float with magic. Yes their is a language only for the Kwami, but we've learned every other language in existence, so there would never be an issue with communication. And to your last question, there are many different kinds of Miraculi all over the world, some even across the universe, so I am unable to list every single one in existence, but there are just as many Miraculi out there as there are starts in the sky."
"Impressive... does that mean I could learn magic?"
"As a human you are limited to what you can do with magic, but you have a strong creation soul. So yes it is possible for you to learn basic magic, I can teach you some life magic to help you heal quicker if you get hurt outside the suit. You can also learn other types of basic magic based on what Miraculous you are most aligned to. Surprisingly you have a close affinity to most of my brothers and sisters that are here in Paris."
"Are they in the hands of other Miraculous users?"
"... aside from Chat Noir, only two: one belongs to the Guardian, and the other to Hawkmoth."
"What are their names?"
"...Wayzz is Kwami of Protection, and is the partner of the Guardian. The other is Nooroo Kwami of Transmission, Hawkmoths Kwami.
"Ok, so then I assume the 'Guardian' is who you were with until now, right?"
"That is correct."
"And how was I chosen exactly?"
"The Guardian chose you because he saw your kindness in action, and sensed your strong Creation Soul, he has only ever been wrong once, but I can tell you will be a great Ladybug, maybe even one of the few who achieved a higher sence of life."
"... I feel like you kind of described a Sage, also how would he have seen an act of kindness, I mean, I got my things, went out helped an older man with a cain, wait."Maria squinted her eyes at Tikki as if looking for something.
"The elderly man's the Guardian isn't he?"
"I get it, you don't have to tell me, it's all apart of the 'plot' like some show, I get it. Welp, good night Tikki, have to get up early tomorrow."
"Good night Maria." Tikki never messed up so badly before, then again she never had a user with such a strong Creation Soul before either... Maria is something special.
And Tikki was right, she excelled at Life Magic, learning a fair bit of healing, luck and slight plant manipulation and communication magic. Tikki wasn't sure if she should be proud of her Bug, or scared at her fast learning skills.
A few weeks passed and Maria was thankful for the self-defense classes, she even started doing her own training routine with Tikki guiding her. She didn't like that her partner was a flirt, it got distracting and almost got Chat killed a few times. She often wondered 'what the hell did I do in my past life to get a partner like this?'
Tony Stark was called by Sabine to meet her earlier than they had planned, she informed him that Paris now has a villain and two heroes.
"Ok, so what's the problem? We agreed to put Maria in self-defense classes so she would be safe... is it a boy?! Don't tell me it's a boy, she's to young to be dating!"
"It's not about a boy."
"Then what is this about?"
"She's Ladybug, *sigh* I swear she gets it from you Tony. She learned it from your dumb@ss, and it didn't help the need to protect people she loves when you got kidnapped. I need you to teach her how to be a good hero, good combat strategist, and to give her your support. She already has a tactical mind, I'm proud in a way that she shares your bravery."
"Ffffffffudge... ok, where is she?"
After a slightly awkward conversation Maria started to get even more training, and became a pretty much badass on the field, she incorporated the known fighting styles of: Black Widow (her favorite hero), Captain America, Deadpool (favorite hero to some degree), Daredevil, Wolverine, and some moves from famous villains like, Kraven The Hunter, Red Skull, Doctor Doom, Scorpion, Shocker, and Taskmaster ( her favorite villain). And she used ALL of those skills in battle, it was damn impressive to watch, and then Sabine had a talk with Tony.
"Ok Tony wtf? I asked you to teach her how to fight for protection when she's out there, But you turned her into a complete badass, I mean none of the akumas have lasted more than 10 minutes with her! I want to hug you and kick your @ss at the same time."
" Sorry not sorry Sabine, but she is our Genius Little Ladybug after all."
First fic, wahoo (mario stile), hope you're all having an Absolutely wonderful day, stay safe, and stay positive, BUG-OUT!🐞💮🐞
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Tag List 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
1st place★: @animegirlweeb ☕
2nd place★: @jumpingjoy82
3rd place★: @zalladane
4th place★: @jayjayspixiepop
5th place★: @arty-shadow-morningstar
6th place★: @smol-book-nerd
7th place★: @irontimetravelflower
8th place★: @fandom-trapped-03
9th place★: @meme991001
10th place★: @buginetye
11th place★: @blackroserelina
12th place★: @jessigurl-design
13th place★: @adrestar
14th place★: @moon5608
15th place★: @little-bluestar
16th place★: @batgirljr72
17th place★: @myazael
18th place★: @our-preciousss
19th place★: @wolf2118
20th place★: @nyx-in-line
21st place★: @kking13
22nd place★: @lunerlover2024
23rd place★: @moonlightstar64
24th place★: @corporeal-terrestrial
25th place★: @kashlyn
26th place★: @tbehartoo
27th place★: @heart-charming
28th place★: @solangelo252
29th place★: @t1dwarrior-of-earth
30th Place★: @lady-phoenix-of-tardis
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n00dl3gal · 3 years
Like Old Times (Father-Son Bonding AU)
A direct sequel to the “Expiration Date” fic, which I’ll link in a reblog. I’ve also posted all my fics in this AU to AO3!! Thanks again to @thetriggeredhappy for their help and just generally being a cool dude, and the Scoutsune Discord server for indulging my brainrot
No warnings beyond family schmoop!
Less than an hour after the bread monster incident, the Administrator called for a ceasefire. “Only while your base is repaired,” she said over the TV screen. “BLU is quite disappointed in this negligence- as am I. Regardless, you may use these three days as you see fit. Go home, stay here- whatever you do, no more bread monsters.” The screen turned off with a click. 
Scout exhaled through his nose. He was thankful there was no mention of him or Miss Pauling’s woodchipper. 
Spy decloaked behind him. “Less time than I wanted, but c’est la vie.” Scout looked at him over his shoulder. “I’m meeting with an old contact during our break,” Spy said in Italian. “Would you like to come along? It’ll be like old times.” 
Scout’s brow furrowed, but he nodded. At least this way, he’d get out of helping Engie and Heavy with repairs. And possibly meeting Miss Pauling’s woodchipper. 
“Excellent. Our flight is at 7 AM tomorrow.” 
“We’re flying commercial?” Scout asked, also in (more hesitant) Italian. 
“Our destination is continental. We’ll leave the base by 5:30.” Scout groaned as Spy started to leave. But- wait, he hadn’t- 
“Oi, where are we going, anyway?” he called back in English. 
Spy paused to look at him and smile. “Boston.” 
“Why do we always get the ass-crack-of-dawn flights?” Jeremy asked groggily, reclining his seat.
“They are the ones with first-class seats available,” Raphael replied. He took a sip from his mimosa. 
“Yeah, cuz God forbid you fly coach for once.” Jeremy shifted, trying to get comfortable. “Hey. Have I ever been to Boston before?”
Raphael didn’t answer immediately. His lip sucked in, as if in thought. “Yes. When you were very, very young. You wouldn’t remember.” 
Jeremy nodded. He wanted to ask more, there was something Raphael wasn’t saying but… well, he was never a morning person. He fell asleep before the plane even took off. 
. . .
It was mid-afternoon by the time they landed in Boston. Jeremy was never fond of long flights; having his legs cramped like that for extended periods of time was murder. He was half tempted to take a jog around Logan International. Raphael, on the other hand, was ushering them both to the car rental. “Can’t even get a stretch in, huh?”
“Unfortunately, we are expected by 4, and I would hate to keep my contact waiting,” Raphael explained in French, accepting the keys from the girl at the counter. “She’s not a very patient woman, in some regards.” 
Jeremy huffed but didn’t argue. He just followed his father to the rental, tossing his suitcase in the backseat. “Y’know, the girl at the counter-” 
“We will not have time for you to go out on a date, Jeremy.” 
“No! No, it was- her accent’s kinda like mine, it’s weird,” Jeremy said. Raphael started the car. “Cuz I’ve only been here as a baby, and I got mine from TV and shit. It’s just… really strange, is all.” 
Raphael made a quiet noise of agreement. “Some of the shows you watched as a child were filmed here. It’s not as complex as you think it is.” 
“Yeah, probably not…” 
The pair lapsed into silence as Raphael drove. Storefronts and high rises morphed into houses. It had been a while since they were in a residential area. RED, for understandable reasons, kept away from civilians. 
Raphael took the roads with practiced experience. Sure, it had been implied he knew the area. If he had a contact here- one with a house, presumably- he must’ve spent time here. But this- this was far too familiar. A bit suspicious, actually. 
Eventually, Raphael slowed in front of a more rundown Brownstone. Still quite nice, just needed a little work. It felt… welcoming, in a way Jeremy couldn’t name.
“Lotta cars,” he observed as Raphael parallel parked. “Must be a party going on somewhere.” 
“Hmm, perhaps,” Raphael said, turning the car off. “Would you mind ringing the doorbell for me? I need to grab something from the trunk. Ask for Sara Jane.” 
OK, now Jeremy knew something was up. He was never the one to make the first contact, that was always Dad’s job. Jeremy might be a full-grown adult, but there were some things that didn’t change. This was one of them. 
Still, he nodded. He climbed up the front steps and ringed the doorbell. He heard- multiple voices from inside, predominantly male, but they quickly silenced themselves. A TV, perhaps? They really ought to get that flower box on the second story window fixed- 
The woman who opened the door was a bit shorter than him, though not by much. She was wearing a simple dress, hoop earrings, and flats. Her hair was dark, curved to her chin. But her nose and earlobes felt… achingly familiar. Like Jeremy saw them all the time. 
“Um, hi, I’m looking for Sara Jane? My name’s-” The rest of his speech was knocked out of him as the woman launched herself at him. Jeremy braced for an attack, but quickly realized she was… hugging him. 
She was hugging him, sobbing, and choked out the word “Jeremy.” 
Wait. He knew that voice. He had only heard it a few times in his life, few enough he could count them on one hand, but he knew it. “M-Ma?” he whispered. 
The woman- Sara Jane- Ma looked up at him, still crying. Her hands found his face as she observed him. “Y-yeah, sweetie, it’s me, it’s-it’s your ma,” she said. 
“Ma!” he laughed, tears of his own dancing down his cheeks. He hugged her back, practically lifting her off her feet. “Oh my God, Ma! I-I never thought I’d-” 
“Oh Jeremy, sweetie, look how tall you’ve gotten! Last I saw you, you fit in my arms! My baby, my handsome baby,” she spoke over him. She rubbed circles into his back as they embraced. It felt so, so right. 
Jeremy laughed even harder. “Are you kiddin’? I got it from you, you’re beautiful, Ma!” He stared at her, trying to commit every mole and wrinkle and perfect flaw to memory. “I can’t believe- oh my God, I’m actually meeting you!” 
“It was long overdue,” another voice said, as Raphael joined them on the front stoop. “I had put it off for safety reasons, but considering our current, ah, situation… I felt it was worth the risk.” 
Sara Jane squealed, pulling Raphael into the hug as well. “You’ve been taking good care of my boy, you promise me, Raphael?” 
“Don’t worry Ma, he’s the best dad I could ask for, considering,” Jeremy teased. 
“Oh, don’t I know it. Called me up last night and told me to get the whole motley crew together. Even managed to get Melvin to bring his twin daughters, bless his wife’s heart,” she explained. 
Jeremy blinked. “Uh- Melvin? Daughters?”
Sara Jane laughed. It sounded so much like Jeremy’s it practically hurt. This was his mother. Lord, he’s finally seeing her. “Melvin’s your older brother, sweetie. Eh, sixth oldest. Bobby’s the oldest.” 
“I have a brother?”
“Oh honey, you’re the youngest of eight,” Sara Jane said plainly. 
“...fuck,” Jeremy whispered. 
. . .
He didn’t just have seven brothers. He had seven brothers, four of which brought their wives, one who brought his boyfriend, and three who brought their kids. And the kids totaled to an additional six, counting the babies. 
It was… an admittedly tight squeeze in the living room. 
Sara Jane introduced Jeremy. Jeremy had been expecting to be treated like a stranger. He had vanished when he was a baby, after all, and his younger-older brothers probably wouldn’t remember him at all. 
And yet, it was like he knew them all his life. 
They teased him and punched him playfully and acted so friendly, so familial it nearly made Jeremy break down. He was still crying from meeting Ma, but being dogpiled with so much affection was suffocating. In a good way. He had seen on sitcoms the intrinsic bond between family, and while he felt it with Dad, they also risked their lives nearly daily. But it was real, it was here, and it was wrapping him in a warm blanket. 
Despite the chaos and the sheer number of people, Jeremy didn’t feel overwhelmed. He laughed and played along with their jokes, cracking some back when he could get a word in. Scott ragged on his dog tags, he countered by pointing out the hole in his pants. Michael told him he was still a shortass, he replied with “it takes one to know one.” Elliot and Ricky were the closest to actually getting hurt, and that was only because Jeremy elbowed them both so hard they nearly fell over. 
For the first time in 25 years, Jeremy understood what “home” meant. 
The kids were especially curious, eager to meet their uncle and step-grandfather. Within seconds, young Rebecca- only four years old- was challenging Jeremy to a race around the house. “I’m the fastest kid in the world,” she bragged, puffing out her chest. 
“Oh yeah?” Jeremy asked. “That a fact?”
“You wanna test me? I beat Johnny Three-Legs at running, and he’s got three legs!” Jeremy laughed and stood from the couch, letting her lead him outside. “On the count of three, OK?”
“You’re on, pipsqueak,” Jeremy teased.
“Onetwothree GO!” Rebecca yelled, taking off in a sprint. Jeremy knew that, by all accounts, he should beat her. His legs were longer, she didn’t have the proper running stance, and it was his job to be fast. That’s what he got paid to do. But some small voice was telling him to let her win, so he did. “Ha! I told ya!” 
“Ya sure did,” he replied, mock panting. “Look at you, a freaking blur on the green. You’re goin’ to the Olympics, kid.” 
Rebecca beamed and hugged his leg. “Promise, Uncle Jeremy?” He nodded because, after that display, there was no way he could speak without squeaking like a chew toy. 
Rebecca skipped back inside, past Raphael, who was watching on the stoop. “You’re a natural with children,” he observed. “I used to do the same thing when you were that age.” 
“Wait- wait, really? You sure fooled me,” Jeremy said. 
Raphael rolled his eyes. “What’s my job again, mon lapin?”
“Yeah, yeah…” Jeremy leaned against the railing, watching Raphael’s cigarette smoke in the wind. “Hey. Uh… thanks for arranging all of this. You really didn’t need to.”
“But I did. I meant it when I said this was overdue. I’ve been wanting to introduce you to the rest of the family for a while, but have been unable. Then that whole ordeal with the supposed tumors, and-” Raphael exhaled slowly. “It wouldn’t have been fair to you if you died without knowing them. I would’ve never forgiven myself.” 
Jeremy punched his shoulder lightly. “Don’t be so hard on yourself, pops. It all worked out, we’re still kicking, and that roast chicken Ma’s making smells incredible. Everything’s perfect.” 
Raphael finished his cigarette and smiled. “Oui. It is.” 
. . .
While Sara Jane had been able to get the rest of the family here, it was a school night. Kids needed to be tucked in by 9:30, so most of Jeremy’s brothers were gone by 8. Elliot was staying overnight, as was his boyfriend. Otherwise, the house quickly went from bustling to barren. 
It gave Jeremy a chance to explore his would-be childhood home.
He made his way upstairs, pushing open one of the doors. It led- to little surprise- to a bedroom. It was set up like a nursery, with a crib in one corner and a toddler bed in the other. Toys were scattered about across the floor. 
He heard Sara Jane sigh behind him. “This was your room, you know.” Jeremy turned to look at her as she flipped the light switch. “That crib… I had put you to bed the night your father planned to fake his death. I was in on the whole plan, naturally. He wanted to hold you one last time, so I said OK. When I woke up the next morning… you were both gone.” She exhaled slowly, grabbing onto his shoulder. “I wrote both of you off as dead, but I knew what had happened. Honestly, should’ve figured it out before then. You hadn’t woken me up crying,” she joked. Her eyes were watering. 
Jeremy hugged her, pulling her close. “You never took the crib down?” 
“By the time I was ready, Bobby’s wife was pregnant, so I kept it up for my grandbabies. I knew- I knew you were out there, sweetie. Both of you.” She kissed his cheek, squeezing him.
“I-I never got to be a normal kid, really,” he confessed. “I mean, Dad did his best, gave me comic books and board games and stuff, but-but I never went to school or made friends or anything like that. I-I didn’t even know I had a family. It took me forever to even realize I had a Ma. An-and everything I did-” The tears were flowing again, more freely than earlier. “Ya missed me losing my first tooth, and potty trainin’, and all that stuff parents should know about. I-I’m sorry,” he whispered. 
Sara Jane wiped his cheek dry. “Don’t apologize for what your father did, Jeremy. And definitely don’t apologize for me not potty training another kid. Besides… hold on, I’ll be right back.” She made her way down the hallway. Jeremy didn’t follow, instead deciding to examine the crib. This was where he grew up. It was a simple crib, obviously well-used. Not worn-down, mind, just… used. It had a history. A history that Jeremy wanted to decode, but unlike his dad’s ciphers, he didn’t have the key. 
“Took me a second to find it,” Sara Jane said. She handed him what appeared to be a scrapbook. “Raphael- he wrote when he can. Taught me some basic codes, would send out letters whenever you’d leave a town. Never left a return address, but…” Jeremy flipped through the pages, moving to sit on the small bed. The letters were all coded but appeared to be about how much Raphael missed Sara Jane. Updates on Jeremy’s growth. Letters from a father to his lover and son’s mother. 
One page jumped out to him, though. “I remember this,” he said, running his fingers against the paper. It was a simple drawing of a young boy, holding a catcher’s mitt, and a taller man next to him. “I drew this after Dad took me to my first baseball game, for my eighth birthday. I thought I lost the drawing after we skipped town, but- he sent them to you?”
Sara Jane nodded. “And I kept them all. Oh, honey, the day I first heard your voice on the phone- Mikey can tell you, I damn near fell over. You sounded so happy, and even if I couldn’t see you, that’s all a mother wants.” Jeremy leaned against her and she shut the book. “That’s all a mother wants, sweetie. To see her kids be safe and happy.” 
“I am, Ma,” he assured her. “I promise.” 
They sat like that for a while, with Sara Jane commenting on various letters and drawings in the scrapbook. Apparently, Raphael sent her money when he could- more frequently now that Mann Co. paid so well. She also had a rough idea of their current occupations. “I figure, if you and your father are working for the same company- with his skills, there’s gotta be a whole lot of nonsense going on out in that desert.” Jeremy laughed at that because she wasn’t wrong. “But I also figure since he raised you right, he’ll keep the both of you safe.” 
“I keep him safe too, don’t worry,” Jeremy added. “Uh- listen, it’s touching and all you kept the crib, but I don’t have to sleep in it, right?” 
They both had a good chuckle over that. Their laughs were in perfect harmony. 
. . .
The next two days were a mix of learning the family history and exploring Boston. It was the offseason, so there weren’t any games going on at Fenway, but Jeremy still got a picture in front of the park. Sara Jane took the pair to a restaurant that served “the best damn clam chowder in the contiguous United States.” Which, incidentally, led them to discover Jeremy was allergic to clams. Thankfully they didn’t have to go to the hospital- he just sort of immediately got sick before it passed- but it did suck.
It was damn good chowder, though. 
They went down to the harbor where the Boston Tea Party happened. It was crowded with people, resulting in them not staying long. Jeremy was a bit better with crowds than Raphael, but neither was great with them. Came with the job. Getting overpriced memorabilia from a nearby gift shop, though, went over much more smoothly. 
When not out on the town, Sara Jane dug out more scrapbooks and photo albums, catching Raphael up on what his stepsons had been up to. She showed Jeremy pictures from Ricky’s first school play to Scott opening up his butcher shop. Graduation pictures, wedding pictures, baby pictures- it was all there, and Jeremy devoured it. He wanted to know these people. He wanted to know his family. And he did. He learned about Michael’s stint in the Navy, Melvin meeting his wife, how Bobby’s son could dribble a basketball for twenty minutes straight. He learned about how his parents met. How Raphael loved each of Sara Jane’s children, even if they weren’t biologically his. How Jeremy wasn’t planned- few of the kids were - but they were both so, so happy to realize he was coming. 
He also learned that, while diner food would remain the undisputed king, homemade meatloaf came pretty close. 
. . .
The only problem came when it was time to leave. It wasn’t that Jeremy didn’t want to return to work, or leave his Ma behind. Sara Jane wasn’t even torn up over losing her son and lover again. It just felt like there was so much left to say, to do. There was uncertainty as to when they’d be able to return. “We get time off for Smissmas, I know that’s months away but I’ll be here, I promise,” Jeremy swore, hugging Sara Jane for the eighth time. 
“You better,” she said, squeezing him tightly. “You have 25 years worth of gifts to catch up on, not to mention birthday gifts-”
“Ma, you don’t have to go that far,” he whined. He was touched, sure, but the thought of that much luggage was truly frightening. Oh God, he was going to have to get gifts for everybody, wasn’t he? What do kids even want for Smissmas? 
“Hush, let me spoil my baby,” Sara Jane told him, kissing his cheek. “Oh, Jeremy…” 
Jeremy nodded. “I know, but I’ll call. I’ll write, too. Send pictures if I can.” 
“I’ll make sure he does,” Raphael assured her. Sara Jane stood to kiss his lips, with Jeremy looking away pointedly. “You have my word, ma petite chou-fleur.” 
“Alright, alright- now get going, I don’t want you two missing your flight. That boss of yours sounds like she’ll tear you both a new one if you’re late,” Sara Jane said, shooing them away. “Love you boys!” 
“I love you too, Ma!” Jeremy shouted back, for the very first time. 
The drive back to the airport was quiet. Jeremy stared out the window, watching his hometown- he had a hometown- pass by. “Hey, dad?” he asked, still looking outside. Raphael grunted to acknowledge he was listening. “One of these days, our contracts with Mann Co. are gonna expire. We’re gonna have to find new jobs.” 
“Yes, that’s correct,” Raphael said. He tapped a rhythm against the steering wheel. 
“And-and I was thinking when that time comes… maybe we could come back to Boston. Find some gigs out here,” Jeremy suggested. 
Raphael sighed. “Unfortunately, being a spy means that you don’t have the option of retiring, Jeremy. Not until you’re unable to complete your job. At that point, though, you’ve probably died a dozen times over,” he explained. “Even if I could retire, settling down somewhere so close to people I care about- I would still have enemies.” 
“Right. ‘Course,” Jeremy said. “It’s OK.” 
“That being said,” Raphael continued, “you have the luxury of youth and not being tied down to such a career. If you want to find a job in Boston after we finish with RED, there’s nothing stopping you.” 
“But people will still be after me, since I’m your son. And you wouldn’t be around.”
“Every child leaves their parents someday. And you’re strong, Jeremy. You can protect yourself and your family.” Raphael smiled. “I don’t believe Sara Jane needs much protecting, but I do worry.” 
Jeremy laughed. “I mean, did ya see the muscles on Scott and Michael? Guys can probably bench press a tractor!” 
They both chuckled before settling into quietude. Eventually, though, Jeremy had to break the silence. His voice was barely above a whisper. “I love you.” 
“I love you too, mon lapin.”
“...so your nickname for Ma is fucking ‘little cauliflower?’ What the hell, Dad?” 
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goddessofmischief · 4 years
Noah, Part Six - Peter Maximoff x Reader
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5
When you were kids, you and Peter had lived under the same roof for almost five years.
And this was the longest he had ever gone without talking to you.
It was absolutely...
You knew he’d interrogated Noah - something you wanted to be mad about, but just couldn’t be.
Peter deserved answers, and you felt guilty for not giving them to him. Especially after you'd seen the way he looked at you, the night you went out to dinner with Alex.
The night you explained everything.
But if Peter was allowed to grill your son...
Well, couldn't you?
“Hey, Noah,” you said, crouching down beside your son. “I know you’ve kinda... noticed, that things have been a little different.”
“What,” said Noah, in his soft, lispy voice. “What, that you and Daddy aren’t together anymore?”
Your eyes widened, and you released him, feeling as if you’d been burned.
“Daddy? Why’d you.. why would you call him that?”
He shrugged. It was the saddest thing you’d ever seen.
“I don’t know. He's around all the time and he teaches me things...”
“Well, so do I!”
“You protect me, Mommy. You protect me, an’... an’ you fight the bad people. It’s different.”
Noah sounded so sure. You wished you could be as certain as he was.
“What about Alex, huh?” you asked, smoothing his hair down. “Did you like him? He was cool, right?”
“Yeah. I guess.”
You huffed.
“Can I see Da-”
“Peter,” you corrected, forcefully.
“Can I go see Peter now? He’s s’posed to teach me today -- how to play tennis by myself.” “Don’t you want to spend the afternoon together, love? We could... we could read. You like that... don't you?”
Noah shrugged again.
“I guess so. I don’t really have to learn it, anyway. Peter says as long as he’s around, I’ll never have to play by myself.”
Your eyes welled up with tears.
“Well,” you managed, “I guess... I guess you’d better go.”
“Will you be okay?”
“Yeah, ‘Oah. I’ll be fine. I’ll just... stay in.”
“Sure you don’t want to come?” asked Noah.
You shook your head. He leaned in, whispering in your ear, as if he was going to tell you a secret.
“B’cause... Peter said he misses you.”
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t smile.
So Peter Maximoff was kind of an incredible tennis instructor.
And surprisingly patient, in a way he never had been with you.
“Okay, buddy - that was great, but just a little to the left - oh,” he muttered, noticing you. “Hey, Y/N.”
You gave him a half-hearted wave.
“Peter,” said Noah, seriously, “You promised we could do some racing.”
“I know, buddy, but... it’s kinda windy today. It’s not the best conditions.”
Noah crossed his arms, pouting.
“Okay,” said Peter, giving in. “Alright... meet you back here?”
“Meet you,” agreed Noah, taking off.
Several moments passed. You couldn’t see either of them, but... suddenly, you felt a sharp burst of pain in Noah’s mind.
Within moments, Peter reappeared speeding out of the woods, carrying your son.
“The dummy broke his arm,” said Peter.
“He’ll be okay,” said Peter, attempting to comfort you. “S’ not so bad. One of the disadvantages of our powers are... you break a lot of stuff. Often limbs.”
You smiled, slightly.
“I know. He’s a tough kid. But I’m gonna wait up with him, anyway. As a kid, when I was sick, or hurt... I needed a lot of attention.”
“Oh, I remember,” Peter chuckled. “We thought you were dying.”
“Well, you were kinda dramatic.”
“Oh, like you weren’t, at that age.”
He shrugged.
“That’s, uh... that’s fair. Listen... if you’re staying with Noah tonight... you want me to stay?”
“Why?” you asked, bluntly.
Peter shrugged, again.
“I don’t want you to be alone.”
Hesitantly, you allowed Peter to sit down on the couch, beside you, tucking your head into his shoulder.
When you woke in the morning, he was gone.
You knew it was time to go.
Xavier had taught Noah enough to control his powers, you reasoned. Sure, it wasn’t exactly what you'd hoped for - but he wasn't a full fledged X-Man yet, after all. He had time.
And, most importantly, you had fulfilled your duty as a mother.
You had ensured that Noah was safe.
Sure, you wouldn’t be able to pursue learning your own skills - but did that really matter?
A nagging voice in your head (probably Jean) told you that it did.
It also told you that you were running away from your problems, like you always had.
And also that you should brush your teeth.
“I don’t understand, Mom,” said Noah, reluctantly taking your hand. “Why do we have to go?”
“Because we’re done, love. We accomplished... what we came here to do. It’s time to go back to the real world. We can’t hide here forever.”
He nodded, slowly, and you hoped he understood.
“...Is Peter coming?”
You threw Noah’s suitcase in the trunk of your car with a thunk.
"No,” you said, quietly. “No, he’s... he’s not.”
Noah’s face went blank.
“What? Mom, we can’t-”
“That’s all, Noah. I’ve made up my mind.”
You helped him into his car-seat and climbed into the front, taking one last look at the Mansion before driving away.
Quietly, Noah began to hum something.
“That’s pretty,” you mused, softly. “What is it?”
“A song Peter taught me. He said it was your song.”
You swallowed.
Noah began to sing.
“If I could save time in a bottle, the first thing that I’d like to do... is to save every day, till eternity passes away... just to spend ‘em with you...”
Oh, no fair.
Peter was playing dirty.
“But there never seems to be enough time... to do the things you wanna do, once you find ‘em... I’ve looked around enough to know, that you’re the one I want to go through time with...”
Turn back, your brain was screaming. Turn back, turn back, turn back-
A car pulled up alongside you.
And it was Peter’s head that hung from the window, a megaphone pressed to his lips.
“Pull over!”
He almost ran you off the road.
“Pull over!”
"Mom?” asked Noah, in an eerily calm voice. “Are we gonna die?”
“No, love,” you said, decisively, pulling the car over. “No, I’m just gonna kill Peter, that’s all.”
“Y/N, I have to talk to you-”
“Are you crazy!” you yelled, slamming the door behind you. “Who drives like that? Are you-”
“Listen to me!” Peter shouted, jumping out of his car.
“I love you! And I don’t care that Noah’s not my son, okay? I’ll raise a hundred children, Y/N. With a hundred of your boyfriends, if it means I can be with you.”
Your eyes welled up with tears.
“...Can you put that down?”
“It’s too loud,” you whispered, trying not to smile.
He knelt down, opening up a small, metal box.
“This is the Hope diamond,” Peter said, seriously, “And I stole it. But Xavier told me that it’s worth kind of a lot, and I don’t know if that means anything... but I thought it looked kinda cool, and I wanted you to have it-”
“Okay,” you agreed, quickly. “Okay, yes, yes, I will!”
You threw your arms around Peter’s neck and kissed him, deeply.
“I love you!” you shouted, feeling every emotion cross over you at once.
“I love you!” he shouted back, so happy he could barely breathe.
“And... I lied to you.”
“Noah’s your son.”
Peter's express went blank.
“What? Why would you say-”
“I just needed you to want to marry me... because you wanted to marry me.”
He stumbled back, looking dazed - and for a moment, you were afraid you’d lost him.
“Get out!” Peter shouted, suddenly, absolutely screaming with happiness. “I’m a dad!”
“You’re a dad!”
This time, it was Peter that threw his arms around you, and you reciprocated.
Hey guys! Just a reminder, the story doesn’t end here.
I’m gonna continue to write in the ‘Noah’ timeline, but you can find the whole series under the title ‘All and Then Most Of You’ in my masterlist.
I plan to cover Peter and reader’s time at Xavier’s, and of course, their life as a family!
Many of these fics will be standalones that fit with the overall series
 If you have any ideas for the series, or adventures that Peter, Noah and Reader should go on, please send ‘em in!
Also, credit to the Office. As I mentioned in the first chapter, I borrowed some of the dialogue for this chapter from one of the last episodes.
@fangirl593-at-221b @amourtentiaa @that-random-nerdy-person @no-mercy-bby
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erensonly · 3 years
Cuddle Buddies (Bakugou x Black! Reader)
          ~Chapter 8: Moving Into The Dorms~
0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6.2, 7
Love Maze (song for chapter)
(don't play the song yet)
"Y/N, get up." You felt someone trying to shake you awake. "I ain't gon tell you again. Let's go." Groaning, you sit up, disoriented.
"C'mon, get up and start packing. You gotta have all this stuff in that dorm by tomorrow. And when I come back you better be up. I'm going to get you some boxes."
Mama walked out of the room. Going to the bathroom to do you morning routine and get the day started.
Grabbing a suitcase, you go to your closet to try and decide what you want to go with you and what you want to stay.
Deciding to take most of everything in the closet, you start to stuff them in the suitcase. Going to your drawers, you start to grab stuff to try and put it in the suitcase.
Hearing your phone ring, you go to pick it up. Seeing it's Bakugou, you answer the Facetime, and put the phone down to continue packing.
"Why am I looking at the ceiling?" Here he go, you thought.
"Because I'm busy. Why did you call?"
"Because I may or may not be outside..."
"And why-" hanging up the phone, you walk down the stairs and go to open the door, seeing Bakugou at the door. "Why are you here?"
"Not happy to see me?" He pulled you in for a hug. Wrapping your arms around him, he leans in for a kiss. Smiling, you kiss him back.
Finally pulling away, you grab his hand, dragging you to your room. Seeing your suitcase and clothes on the floor he asks, "Where the hell are you going?"
"I have to move into the dorms by tomorrow, so I'm getting my stuff ready," you continue packing.
"... need help?" that's sweet.
"Um... I have some stuff on that vanity that I want. If you could put that in a box for me I would appreciate it." Going to get a box from mama, you walk to her room to see where she put them.
"Mama, where did you put the boxes. I think I only need a couple."
"I put them in the hallway next to your room. By the way, is somebody here?"
"Yeah, Bakugou is here helping me pack some things. Wanna come say hi?"
"Maybe later. Finish packing."
Walking with a few boxes, you hand one to Bakugou and put the others down.
"Ugh," you groaned," finally finished. Thanks for helping me Baku-"
"Don't call me by my last name."
"Ok Katsuki. Thanks for helping me pack. Now I have to move this to the car and into my dorm."
"Let's go, we can get food on the way back."
Katsuki grabbed the boxes while you grabbed your suitcases. He put everything in the car while you went to tell mama that you were leaving.
Getting in the car, he puts a playlist on shuffle and starts to go towards the school.
⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅ Seeing the U.A building, you get out of the car, not excited to have to stay here for the rest of the year. "I think mama said Aizawa should be here to show me my room. Let's go."
Going to find Aizawa, Katsuki grabs your hand, walking behind you. Not seeing your teacher anywhere in the common area, you're just left confused. "He's probably in his room. C'mon," he lead you towards Aizawas room, knocking on the door.
"Who the hell- Oh it's just you. Let me show you to your room." He sluggishly walked in the opposite direction.
After walking for a little while, he points at a door. "Here's your dorm, right next to Asui and in front of Bakugou. Do you need anything else?"
"Nah, I got it, thanks." He walks away, leaving you two alone. "Come on Y/N, hurry up and get your stuff, I'm hungry."
"Don't rush me."
Going to spotify on your phone, you play Love Maze (by my faves ofc. play song) you start to sing along.
Cause I'll be in love maze Cause I'll be in love maze
Hearing the beat of the song always put you in a good mood. You start to sway with the beat of the song, taking things out and putting them away.
Katsuki grabbed a box and started to place things where you directed. Still singing the song, you turn to grab a poster of of the box to put on the wall, but noticed that Bakugou was slightly swaying with the beat as well.
"I take it you like the song," you laughed at him and his slightly stiff movements. "Shut up. You're just jealous you can't dance like this." This dude-
"Yeah right. Gimme your phone." Handing you his phone, you add this song and all your other favorite songs to a new playlist.
(i'm so bad at syncing songs but forget it. gotta keep the story going)
"Oo, this is one of my favorite parts," you rap along.
But I don't wanna use my head I don't wanna calculate Love ain't a business Rather like a fitness
Turning to look at Katsuki, you start to sing to him,
Let them be them Let us be us Love is a maze damn but you is amaze yeah
He blushed, not looking you in the eye anymore. You grab his hands, trying to get him to dance with you. "C'mon 'Tsuki, dance with me."
Feeling the rhythm of the song, you feel him start to loosen up a bit, dancing with you. Even though he couldn't understand too well what was said in the song, he still enjoyed it.
Baby just don't give a damn
Getting ready to hear your next fave part of the song, you bend down a little, getting ready to really get down on him (iykyk)
Hearing the beat change slightly for a second, you move your ass to the beat. Standing up straight, you both start to move with the beat, syncing each other, his hand on your waist and yours reaching back to grab the back of his neck.
Just looking into each other's eyes, indulging in each other's company. Staying there for a while you pull away. "Let me finish putting this away and we can go eat, k?"
"I want Chinese food."
"Did I ask what you wanted?"
"I will make you crash this car right now. Don't play with me." Obviously he was joking, so you naturally played along.
"I don't wanna die with yo big headed ass," he laughed. Deciding to play with his emotions a bit, you pretend that it hurt your feelings.
Furrowing your brows, you cover your face and start to fake sniffle, trying not to laugh. He glanced at you for a second, not being able to turn his full attention towards you due to him driving.
"Why are you crying? I didn't mean it," he rubbed your thigh. "Ok, we can get Chinese. You can get whatever you want." His tone was softer than usual.
You couldn't believe he actually fell for it. Not being able to hold in your laugh anymore, you burst out laughing at him. He look appalled. How could you just play him like that?
He scoffed and took his hand off your leg. "You ain't getting shit now." He was pissed that you played him like that. His temper is short as hell.
"Baby I'm sorry," you continued to laugh, "don't be mad at me. I didn't mean it."
"Whatever." He kept driving in silence. Was he actually mad at you? It wasn't that bad. You kinda felt bad.
Arriving at the restaurant, he got out the car, still silent. "Are you still mad at me? I'm sorry, don't be mad." You reach up kiss him, thankfully he kisses back.
"Don't play with me like that. I really don't wanna hurt you," he hugged to close to him. "Now, let's get you fed," he grabbed your hand, walking in the restaurant.
Getting in the car with a full stomach, you groan. "I'm so full and tired."
"When aren't you tired?" Here he go being a smartass.
"Shut up. Take me back to the dorms so i can sleep and call my mama."
The drive home was quiet with music playing quietly. Getting out of the car, you head to the door so you can go to your room. Seeing everybody in the common room you wave at them and kept it pushing.
Crashing on the bed, you sluggishly grab your phone, clicking on mamas contact.
"Hey mama, just wanted to let you know i'm at the dorm and i'm ok."
"Alright. You got everything set up?"
"Alright, try and get some sleep and make sure to call me tomorrow."
"Alright, love you." Hanging up the phone, you try to go to sleep. Tossing and turning. Just feeling restless. You were genuinely so tired, but your mind wouldn't slow down, it kept thinking about that day.
Big Head🐥 can you come to my dorm
Bakuboy💥 Yeah What's wrong??
Big Head🐥 cant sleep
Soon after, you hear someone knocking on the door, the coming in. "Why can't you sleep?" He sat next to you on the bed.
I cant tell him that yet. I want to but... not yet
He knew you knew why you couldn't sleep, but he wouldn't push it. Not yet. "Probably because you're wearing these uncomfortable clothes. Go get changed."
Changing into comfy clothes, you go back to lay down. "Come cuddle me."
"You heard me. It's ok if you don't want to though."
"I'm not supposed to be in here. But for you."
He turned off the light, laying behind you. Wrapping his arm around your waist, he soothingly rubbed his thumb on your stomach. "Go to sleep pretty girl."
Humming, you snuggle into him. Feeling your mind quiet down a bit. You slowly fall into a deep sleep,feeling safe.
and that's a wrap. this was alright, slightly rushed but🤷🏽‍♀️ um if you didn't like the song choice then idk what to tell you exactly. anyway i hope you enjoyed this chapter. there will be tings starting to unfold in the next chapters coming out so be on the lookout for that. have a good rest of your night/ day 🖤
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psychewithwings · 4 years
Pregnant s/o hcs: Mirio, Bakugo, Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida, Tamaki
SFW, just super fluffy 
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If you don’t think this man is tearing up when you tell him... uhhh you’d be wrong
He is crying over you and so happy, will kneel and just kiss your tummy 
And when you’re in bed that night going to sleep, every few minutes he will nuzzle in closer and whisper, “hey guess what? We’re gonna have a baby” 
Anytime he says he loves you now he says it to your tummy too 
“I love you Y/n, I love that you are mine and I love that you’re going to be the mother of my child” *bends down* “And I love you too baby” 
He will have a really hard time waiting until the second trimester to tell anyone but once he is able, everyone will know, and he’s going to have a party in your honor. 
He will treat you like a queen, back rubs and foot rubs...
I feel like when you first tell him you’re pregnant he will come home a few days later with a box... when you open it, it’s a maternity dress, and its actually really pretty, with lace and silk, and nice and stretchy... 
“I know you don’t need it now, but I saw it when I was out and thought it would look perfect on you...”
He will compliment you every second of every day, will trace your stretch marks and tell you they make you beautiful because it’s all part of you becoming a mother, it’s a natural tattoo, a reminder of how you’re growing a life inside you
He will want to throw a gender reveal party 
And no, it can’t be as simple as balloons popping out of a box, he’s gotta have something extravagant to celebrate like fireworks, monster trucks, or a paid actor dressed as a baby
You’re having his baby! This is a pinnacle moment in his life and he is not about to have some basic ass party
Mirio is definitely the kind of guy who thinks you can’t have sex because it could hurt the baby, you will have to make a very embarrassing call to your doctor about that... 
He is looking forward to owning dad sandals (who are we kidding he prolly already does)
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This man will shit himself, make sure he is sitting down
“Bakugo... I’m pregnant”
“I’m having a baby! You’re gonna be a dad”
He’s really happy and excited, he has no doubt you’ll be an amazing mom but he’s kinda worried about him being a dad... 
Am I fit to raise a kid? Will I be a good dad?
He will probably start working more and almost go on over drive... He will start coming home later, picking up earlier shifts... And when you ask him, “Katsuki, are you not happy about the baby?”  He will kinda break down and tell you “No of course I’m fucking happy about the baby, I just want the world to be safe for our kid... and I only have 8 months till then and-” He drops to his knees in front of you and he’s tearing up. You’ll get onto your knees too and just hug him, “Katsuki, you can’t fix the world before we have our baby,” you’ll look at him lovingly as he realizes how absurd he was being. “But we can prepare to be the best parents we can be...” “Prepare? We’re already gonna be the best parents.”
Okay, Bakugo hypes up the baby too, like...
“Katsuki, come here! The baby is kicking!” *he puts his hand on your tummy* “Baby’s so strong, just like us,” *grabs you and kisses you* “I knew we made a fucking perfect kid”
He will try kill anyone who oversteps the boundary with the bump (like touching the bump without asking)
“OI EXTRA, you wanna take your fucking hands off my woman and my kid or do  I have to do that for you...” 
Bakugo would be very unnecessarily competitive in birthing class
Will wake you up in the middle of the night at least once, he’s just laying on his back staring wide eyed at the ceiling... “What if I explode the baby?”
You’ll roll over and look at him annoyed, “you won't explode the baby,” 
He will settle again once you give him cuddles 
You cannot tell me that he would not be your biggest cheerleader when you’re actually giving birth, “PUSH, FUCKING PUSH DUMB ASS!” 
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This man freaks out for a sec... cuz daddy issues. But he has a strong resolve so he will come out of it quickly and decide how to 
“Shoto, you aren’t anything like Endeavor, you’re going to be an amazing dad”
He will be extremely happy, but his excitement will be softer
Everyday after you tell him he says you’re glowing
He will want to cook you special things because it’s healthy for the baby, or so his mother told him
Speaking of his mother, she taught him how to knit when he went to visit her in the hospital so you’ll find him knitting little hats and bootie and jackets for the baby
He will nest just as much, if not more than you do
You’ll find him awake at 3AM trying to put together some bullshit ikea thing for the baby with the tiny allen wrench they give you for free. “Shoto, come back to bed... we can do that in the morning” “But the baby needs somewhere to sleep,” “Yes, and I’m not due for another two months”
Shoto is already so soft but I think he would be softer
Like when you fall asleep on the couch, he gets home and just cuddles up to you and asks your bump how it’s day was. He will talk to the bump until you wake up and then he just pepper your face with kisses.  
He is the only one of all these men who doesn’t shit himself and die when watching the birthing tape. I think he would be calm and say something like “a woman’s body is made to carry and deliver a child, there’s nothing to be frightened of.”
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When you tell him, he’s gonna cry
He will want to call his mom right away  
Midoriya is the kinda guy to have a box of his things from when he was a kid stored away to give to his child (it’s all All Might merch but, ya know)
He definitely panics and worries if he is going to be a good father but he takes all that anxiety and just turns it into energy to care for you with
He is already signing you up for birthing classes 
This man would take you to all your doctors visits, acupuncture appointments, prenatal massages, and even a strange healing session done in the back room of a health good shop (don’t worry, he checked google reviews, 346 people, and 5 stars) (You weren't sure about it at first, but you felt very at peace afterwards, def worth the 5 star review)
He just really wants you to be happy and healthy
It would be understatement to say he treats you like a queen... he treats you like a goddess, and he tells you everyday how grateful he is that you’re his love and giving him a baby. Especially when you feel insecure about how your body is changing
He will want to make the nursery Hero themed... with an All Might wall decal... you’ll eventually opt for something a little less... exuberant like jungle animals or something. But the compromise is the All Might mobil that spins and says “I am here” while playing twinkle twinkle little star.
He will read to the bump, and sing to it because he wants the baby to know his voice
Will make a ‘goodnight’ song with you for the baby to sing to it every night 
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Tenya is so excited and immediately starts thinking of things he needs to do for you and baby
The day after he will come home with a bag from the store full of prenatal vitamins and herbal teas that are safe to drink 
“My love! I have brought you Evening Primrose supplements, it’s supposed to help with your delivery.” 
I think he has name ideas picked out already and is very excited to show them to you. They are all related to the Iida family.
He would ask his brother for advice and would be so excited to tell him when it’s time. 
Don’t even worry about pregnancy brain. Iida’s got you, he will help you remember everything you need to know and he will be patient with your cloudy thoughts. 
Iida is so matter of fact tho, I can see it coming off as insensitive, especially when you’re dealing with mood swings.
“Darling, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you it’s just that those chips make your stomach hurt and I was only trying to-” “YOU JUST DONT WANT ME TO BE HAPPYYYY!!!!!!” “My darling, I want all the happiness in the world for you, you are the mother of my child, I- please don’t cry” 
He really loves you a lot and he will learn to be a little gentler with you during this phase of the pregnancy
Braxton hicks contractions (the little fake contractions you get during the third trimester, closer to the due date) will send him into panic mode. 
But he is also so organized that he is R E A D Y 
You clutch your stomach and inhale sharply and sit down, he’s already running to get the hospital bag and getting the keys for the car. 
(The hospital bag includes, diapers, baby clothes, blankets, stress balls for you to squeeze during contractions and a birth mix which includes mostly Baroque composers but theres a few taylor swift and harry styles songs because he thinks it would be cool if the baby was born to Adore You, because Iida adores you and that baby so much)
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He is terrified
But ultimately knowing that he has a child on the way actually does wonders for his confidence because he wants his child to have a good example and he doesn’t want the child to inherit his crippling shyness
He really is there for you and much like Shoto, shows it in a soft way
Tamaki is so food oriented already that he is especially considerate of your cravings and would probably try them, no matter how weird they are
Pregnancy makes you super hungry but thats okay because Tamaki is a brilliant cook
Tamaki is also very sensitive to the knowledge that it will change after the baby is born and that he has you all to himself for just a little while longer
He is going to take you on special weekend trips, like a sleepy beach town to just relax and eat good food
He will also take you on extra dates because he just wants to soak up your time together as a couple
He is very aware of how much work you’re doing constantly to carry his child and he will want to spoil you 
“Y-you’re just so beautiful, a-and you chose me, and now you’re carrying my child...I just... I love you so much and thank you for letting me be yours b-because you make me so happy.” 
He will freak out when he sees the birthing tape
“I-I am so sorry, I can’t believe I’ve put you through this... you’re- you-  This is all my fault...” *panic panic panic*
But when you’re actually in labour he is very supportive, he will just apologize while you’re screaming in agony and wish there was something else he could do other than bring you ice chips...
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
My little brothers revenge part 3
The next 2 weeks flew by after that, with the only strange thing being that Justin started to have A LOT of close call's with getting to the backroom on time and was leaving a ton of skid marks in his pants, and that Justin had also apparently seen the error in his ways and had asked to try and host a D&D session for Alex and his friends to make up for everything he'd done.
Naturally of course Alex wasn't sure about whether or not to trust Justin, but then the bully had gone out of his way to get permission from their parents for Alex to have all of his friends over while they were gone for the session to happen.
"I just think with how rough he's had it lately, he could use a treat, and it'll be a good bonding experience for us since he's kinda too small to play football with me and the guys." Justin had said, acting sheepish.
After that Alex had dialed back the amount of ex-lax he'd been sneaking into Justin's drink's since he felt just awful about trying to make Justin a diaper boy when he was being so nice.
Of course Ben warned him it could just be a trap and to keep up the treatment (and had asked for pictures of Alex next time he had a uh-oh accident as payment for his words of wisdom) But Alex choice to believe in Justin, a choice he would come to regret.
With their parents gone Saturday morning, most of the day was spent with Alex helping Justin go over the rules for the campaign in the morning, and then hanging out and playing with his friends in the afternoon while Justin went out to hang with Grizz and Rayne.
"Man, hard to believe that Justin is being such a cool guy." Lyle said and winced as they were walking back from the park, having played a game of touch football with some younger kids (and having gotten their butts kicked, which only confirmed Alex's belief he was NOT meant to play the damn game)
"areeee you sure he's on the up and up on this?" Kyle asked, rubbing at his arm where a 5 year old had punched him.
"What? Guys come on, it's the four of US vs. him if he tries anything. we can take him!" Alex said full of misplaced pride and swagger even as he had a slight limp.
"..you realize a group of five year olds just whooped us right?" Max asked, Pausing to spit out more dirt from when he'd been driven into the ground.
"Yeah but there was a equal number of them to us and they were all sneaky like ninjas." Alex said, waving a hand. "Sides, worse case go for the nuts. it's like the weak spot on the death star."
"You've been going to your mom's self defense class again haven't you?" Max asked and chuckled.
"...Maybe." Alex huffed.
"heh, just don't" Lyle started.
"Scream out 'he's got my purse!' this time." Kyle finished and the rest of the losers club laughed while Alex blushed and fumed.
"Guys it was ONE time, let it goooo!"
While the losers club was out and playing their little games, Justin and the boys were getting everything ready for the pampering.
as it turned out the old crib wasn't going to be big enough for even just one of the boys, while the old playpen might of fit two at most though it would be cramped.
Thankfully two solutions provided themselves in this, their darkest hour in the form of finding a old car seat of Justin's that looked big enough to MAYBE hold Alex, and a old high chair that would hold Max for sure.
"So..how are we going to hide ALL of this upstairs? I know Alex and his friends are dorks, but their not stupid." Grizz asked.
"Oh, what if we went and put like sheets over them, and tell them their ghosts!" Rayne suggested eagerly.
"...Rayne buddy why don't you go have a juice box." Justin said, patting the hulking boys back.
as the muscle bound boy headed up to the fridge for some apple juice, Grizz and Justin exchanged looks.
"Man, he's our friend and everything, but Jesus.. does he eat paint chips or something?" Grizz asked.
"Go ahead and ask him, I'll go and get the bucket to mop you up after he creams you." Justin chuckled. "Ok ok..back to the problem at hand..We could Make get the high chair in the broom closet, and the playpen all folded up in the linen closet. Car seat, I dunno.."
"Yeahhh whole lotta time to waste between getting them pampered and getting them in they're seats." Grizz agreed then added with a blush.. "and I didn't go though all the humiliation of buying 4 packs of those discount diapers just for them to go to waste."
By now Rayne was coming back down the steps with his juice box and smiled and waved a hand.
"heh, Yes Rayne?" Justin asked, waiting for the stupid idea to come out.
"What if like, you have the playpen and stuff all set up down here but hidden behind some stuff and we just send up the gaming area down here. you can claim you wanna set a atmosphere for the game, capture the feeling of going though a dungeon." Rayne said and smiled big time.
"...H-U-H..Man Rayne, you need to drink apple juice more often!" Justin chuckled. "Good idea!"
"nah, then i get the poops." Rayne said but grinned big time.
"..Noted?" Grizz said/asked with a sweat drop.
It was after supper, and with bellies full of Pizza and root beet, the boys made they're way down the dusty (though not as dusty as before) basement, the twins semi hugging each other as the basement's lights only worked in two of the four areas, casting long scary shadows.
Max was mostly ok, though he could of sworn he'd seen something move out of the corner of his eye.
"Uh..Alex,Justin, you guys sure you don't have rats?" he asked, a twinge of worry in his voice.
"Oh yeah, we get checked regularly, Dad's TERRIFIED of them, it's why we can't go to Disney world." Alex said, laughing though he was getting a little bit creeped out being in the basement after dark.
still he wanted to try and support Justin who clearly was making a effort. plenty of large blankets had been rolled out onto the stone floor and a coffee table was set up in the middle, not on the blankets but they were bunched around it.
there were books and note pads and pencils and dice, all the great makings for a table top game and Alex turned to smile at his friends as they took in the site.
coming around the table and looking at the set up, the boys all whistled and Alex smirked at his friends under the pale light of the basement.
"See? I told you guys we could trust Justin!" he beamed.
"heh, Oh?" Justin asked.
"Yeah, the guys were kinda worried you were gonna pull something." Alex said, rubbing the back of his head. "Buttt I knew you were trying ..to.." Alex trailed off as he saw the look on his brothers face.
"Yeahhh about that, maybe listen to your friends next time." Justin advised.
"Whatever! It's four on one Justin, we CAN and WILL kick your butt!" Alex said, balling up his fists and looking over his shoulder to his friends.
The twins and Max nodded back and got ready to fight but Justin didn't look too concerned.
"oh no, Four little dorks who already got their butts kicked by five year olds and they're threatening me. what ever will I do. Oh woe is me." Justin said, putting the back of his hand to his forehead in a dramatic fashion then grinning and snapping his fingers. "Oh wait, I know..Grizz, Rayne, wanna help me get our soon to be slaves dressed and ready for they're new life's of cooking, cleaning and doing homework for us?" Justin said.
two shadows moved out from behind a pile of boxes and indeed there was Justin's buddy's.
"Oh, by the way, feel free to fight back, but anyone who does gets a spanking. if your GOOD little boys, we'll get you dressed with minimal fussing." Justin added.
Alex of course chose to fight, as did Max since he had to have his buddies back.
the two of them lunged at Justin going for a combo knee and groin attack but Justin caught Alex in the air and just hoisted him over his shoulder with Alex's head and arms over his back and yanked down Alex's pants with his free hand and started to slap the boys butt, getting howls of pain from him.
Max meanwhile had gotten his ankle grabbed by Rayne as he went to leap and was tugged back and put under Rayne's beefy arm and much like Alex, pants were yanked down and his butt was slapped, Max howling away as Rayne giggled and gave Justin a silly grin.
"it's like I'm playing the bongo's!" he giggled childishly.
Lyle and Kyle meanwhile had taken inventory of how sore they already were, how big and strong Justin and his friends were and had just stayed put, holding each other hands while Grizz looked down at them and smirked.
"heh, so your gonna be good boys?" Grizz asked.
Both twins nodded then jumped at the sounds coming from their friends.
"H-hey! stop that! They'll-" Lyle started, looking at Alex and Max who's buns where getting red even with their undies protecting them.
"-Be good boys like us! Come on, Please stop?" Kyle finished, wincing and fighting the urge to bury his face in his brothers shoulder.
"Hmm I dunno.. Alex, are you gonna be a good boy or make your widdle friends into liars?" Justin asked, pausing for a second.
Alex of course had been beating on Justin's back, for all the good it had done him and was now stood in front of Justin, tears running down his face and pants around his ankles.
Likewise, Max was set on his feet, though the tears weren't as free flowing and he gave a glare at the Twin's who suddenly found something VERY interesting to look at at the floor so they could avoid eye contract.
"Hey now, none of that Maxie, those two might of just gotten you out of the 5 minutes spanking we had planned." Justin said.
"F-Five Minutes?" Alex whimpered, and put a hand to his sore butt. it already hurt so much from just 30 seconds!!
"well give or take a bout 30 seconds." Justin said and smirked.
a hissing sound was heard and it didn't take a genius to figure out what it was, as Alex started to sob heavily as a puddle started to form under him where his accidents wasn't being soaked up by his pants.
"well, I'm gonna count that as a third vow to be a good boy..what do you say Max, wanna make it four for four?" Justin asked.
"Rot in hell! I'll never give in!" Max vowed.
Never as it turned out lasted all of anther 40 seconds then Max had a accident too. Following a quick clean up that would keep the boys from making puddles all the way up the stairs, Justin had Alex and Max take a quick bath together to both boys embarrassment, with Justin supervising to 'keep them out of trouble' while the Twin's mopped up the piddle accidents and got the wet clothes in the wash under the watchful eyes of Rayne and Grizz.
since the cat was out of the bag so to speak Rayne and Grizz had the twins help them bring the supplies for tonight's fun up into the living room, the urine smell in the basement being a big deciding factor.
The twins had a very good idea what was gonna happen as they carried the packs of diapers upstairs for the bullies, as well as a bag of dirty socks.
Well ok, the twins knew what the diapers and baby furniture was for, but the socks stumped them.
"Um..Mister Rayne?" Lyle asked, and held the bag up with one hand, the other being used to hold his nose.
"Hmm? me? Oh I'm just Rayne kiddo. what's up." Rayne said, confused at first but then smiling.
"I think I get most of what your planning, but why the stinky socks?" Lyle asked, looking over as Kyle was being a super good helper and getting the playpen set up, even though the look on his face made it clear he didn't wanna be helping at all.
"Oh the socks are for..are for.." And Rayne trailed off, and rubbed the back of his head, then turned to Grizz. "Hey Grizz, what are the socks for again?"
"We're gonna get the babies who aren't doing homework to wear them on both hands, one hand for the ones who are, and use about 3 socks per hand and tape for make shift baby mitts." Grizz called over.
"Ohhh yeahh..So that." Rayne said and smiled brightly.
"B-But why stinky socks? I don't wanna get athletes foot on my hands!" Lyle whined and whimpered.
"Oh! this part I do 'member! it's cuz you won't be tempted to try and tug'em off with your teeth after those socks have been on me and Justin's and Grizz's feet!" Rayne said, ever so proud of himself that he'd recalled that much.
"I..but..Ewwwww!" Lyle whined and started to cry.
"oh hey hey, look, it's just kinda fair if you think about it!" Rayne said, pulling the smaller boy into a hug.
"H-How so?" Lyle sniffled.
"well we're gonna hafa smell you guys when your blort your diapers. So see? it all works out!"
Somehow not only was this NOT a comfort for the twins, but started Kyle bawling too.
With Alex and Max washed nice and clean, they huffed and pouted as they were marched down stairs in just they're towels and were greeted to the site of of Lyle and Kyle (Aka mentally labeled the traitors in both boys minds) sitting side by side in Alex's old playpen wearing nothing but three pairs of dirty white socks on each hand that were taped up at the wrist with green masking tape and at least 4 pairs of white and pink diapers around their hips.
Finishing the look off as a bib around each twins hip, Lyle had Big bird on his while his brother was rocking cookie monster.
"Heh, nice touch with the bibs!" Justin commented. "I was gonna let them keep their shirts on."
"Well you know, I found a box of them in the basement and thought, why not?" Grizz said.
The twins had tear stains on their cheeks and Justin raised a eyebrow at that.
"Did they have to get spanked too?" He asked.
"Oh nah, just had a little sob feast. kinda shocked it didn't happen sooner. they ARE babies after all." Rayne giggled.
"So what do you have picked out for our two little naughty boys to wear?" Justin asked, chuckling and yanking the towels off of the younger boys who yelped and covered themselves despite the fact that A) they had both already seen everything B) so had Justin and C) they we gonna have to move their hands once they were diapered.
"Well I was thinking something retro, and classy at the same time." Grizz said, taking on a snobbish voice and making the other bullies smirk. "Something that screams 'I'm a big dumb baby slave, but at least I can do homework.' You know, a look for the ages."
"I see I see. Looks like you two little brainiac's get to do our homework while we supervise the good boys. And Don't even THINK of fucking it up. We'll be taking all SORTS of pictures of you dweebs in all your big baby glory and won't be shy about sharing it with your classmates." Justin chuckled and then pointed over to the changing mat's on the floor.
"J-Justin come on, do we HAVE to wear diapers?" Alex tried one last time.
"Alex I'm shocked, don't tell me you WANNA run around in the buff all night!" Justin said.
somehow the boy's blush got worse and along with Max he scrambled over to the changing mat's without further argument.
thickly diapered and one hand in the make shift baby mitts (Left hand for Alex and right hand for Max) and sporting Elmo themed for Max and Oscar the grouch for Alex, the last two of the loser's club was living up to it's name.
Max had been put in a old wooden high chair which even as small and shrimpy as he was was still a tight fit and had the bullies English and Social studies homework out in front of him.
Alex meanwhile had oddly easier been strapped into a old car seat and pulled up to the coffee table and handed the Math and science homework.
"Since when do you even get this much homework over one weekend?" Alex had asked, eyes going wide.
"Oh yeah, we asked for extra homework to make up for our falling grades. our teachers loved we were trying. So again. Don't make us look bad." Justin said and ruffled Alex's hair, making the huffy diapered shrimp squirm and try and get away.
"I can't believe I actually thought you were turning over a new leaf." Alex huffed and sulked.
"Honestly, neither could I, but you just wanted it to be true sooo bad~ Though I'm not without a degree of mercy." Justin chuckled and at that moment Grizz came in and set a baby bottle full of milk on Max's tray, then on in reach of Max.
Meanwhile the twins were being handed one each by Rayne and just took them with some difficulties in both hands and started to drink, they they wrinkled they're noses.
"heh, I guess the socks kinda keep you from fully enjoying the moo juice. Ah well, not my problem. I expect that ba-ba drained in a hour little man, I don't need you getting all dehydrated with all the crying and pissing you've been doing." Justin snickered and after handing Alex his ba-ba, walked away.
For a tiny split second Alex was tempted to grab the bottle and toss it at Justin, but then his common sense kicked in stead and he went to work, pausing every so often to drink the oddly sweet milk.
The twins tummies were starting to hurt as they chugged down they're milk but with the lack of room in the playpen and their stinky sock mitten's they weren't sure if they were gonna be able to pick the bottle back up if they put them down.
Since they had maybe already lost they're friends after betraying them before, they had silently agreed to just try and be the best big babies they could tonight since there was no point in getting a spanking now anyways.
"Sheesh, I guess that sob feast they had really dried them up. Careful little guys you're gonna give yourselves gas bubbles!" Rayne said, looking almost legitimately concerned.
"heh, don't tell me you're going soft on us man." Grizz teased, lightly elbowing Rayne side.
"Huh? no, I just don't wanna have to burp them and risk getting spit up on me."
"..You uh, Know their not REALLY babies right?" Justin asked after a second. "So I don't think that's gonna be a worry."
the mental image of being held in the bullies arms and being burped like a oversized baby wasn't exactly appealing to Kyle who slowed his chugging down but Lyle seemed to speed his up.
"..heh, I think one of them WANTS to be burped!" Grizz said.
Tugging his ba-ba out quick Lyle went to defend himself but in stead let out a massive belch that did kinda make his tummy feel better.
Kyle on the other hand took the other option when it came to gas relief as before anyone could say anything about the burp, a muffled long fart came out of Kyle's behind and the boys eyes went wide as saucers making it clear who had cut the cheese.
"Sheesh, couple of Gas holes over here." Justin laughed then wrinkled his nose, taking a step back. "Ugh, If his FARTS smell this bad.."
"yeahhh Maybe we shouldn't of put all that laxative powder in there." Rayne said, rubbing the back of his head.
With THAT announcement all four boys who had been taking a drink, Lyle having just put his bottle back up to his mouth dropped them and looked at the bullies.
"Rayne, they weren't suppose to know about that." Scolded Justin, then he grinned like a Cheshire cat.
"oh..uh sorry. How can I make it up to you?" Rayne said, while all four of the diapered losers club squirmed and whined in their baby prison's.
"Guess who gets to change all four stinkers himself?" Justin asked.
"Grizz? that's not fair he did- ...OH!...oh." Rayne started to argue, but then his face lit up as he got it, then fell as he got it.
Hearing about how the milk had been tainted, Alex grabbed his and was trying to pry the lid off to dump it out when Justin came over and shook his head.
"Ah ah ah, Bad baby brother! I guess you're gonna have to take a homework break so big brother can bottle feed you." Justin scolded, getting Alex out of the car seat and into his lap while Justin sat on the floor, pressing and rubbing the nipple on Alex's closed mouth.
"Open up little man, it's either you drink your special ba-ba and make 'present's for big brother or I get out the enema kit mom got for dad." Justin said.
Alex's eyes widen and he stared at his brothers face, wondering if Justin would really actually use that horrible looking thing on him..then recalling he was currently dressed like a big baby and opened his mouth.
"Good boy! Guess i could of just made you drink it on your own with that threat..eh, Your kinda cute like this. In a total loser big baby sorta way." Justin snickered.
Alex suckled down fast and hard, just wanting to get it over with and glared at Justin, willing himself to be able to make his asshole of a big brother end up crapping HIMSELF before Alex fudged his huggies.
As the cramps started to build in his tummy, Alex didn't think that was going to happen.
Seeing Alex being bottle fed by his brother and Grizz coming over Max gulped and gave a sheepish smile.
"I..Don't suppose you could just take the nipple off so i can chug this and get it over with huh?" He tried.
"heh, I suppose so. at least then I don't have to worry about burping the nerdy baby." Grizz said and started to unscrew the top. "But just so you know, if you try and just dump it out, I'll be tanning your ass for 5 minutes strait, then just giving you a enema."
Whether it was the threat itself, or the fact Max had loaded up on fluids on the way home he'd never be sure, but the poor boy gasped and whimpered as a hissing was heard and he soaked his diaper.
"Heh, We got our first wet diaper! Man, you must have a hair trigger bladder huh?" Grizz asked, and offered the opened ba-ba to Max. "Bottoms up soggy pants."
Whining softly but knowing he was stuck (in more ways then one with his diaper bloating out in the high chair) Max gave a week smile and drank as fast as he could.
The twins meanwhile had been given new instructions by Rayne who had decided if he was gonna have four sets of poopie diapers to change, he might as well get a cute site first.
The nicest of the three bullies (if only due to his lower IQ) he'd understood when Lyle and Kyle hadn't been abler to get they're ba-ba's picked up between the cramped space and the baby mitt and had picked up their bottle's and handed them to the other.
"Um..Rayne? I-I had more of my ba-ba gone." Kyle said meekly. "This is Lyle's."
"I Know, I want you to bottle feed each other, it'll look so cute!" he said and then with a big of shuffling around got them facing each other. "Your twin brothers so you're both close..So go on, help you brother drink up!" He encouraged them both.
Knowing better then to argue, the Twins shifted around and worked out how to get their arms out of the way of the other then both were drinking up, eyes closed and noses wrinkled from the smell of the socks, and the mini poots that were escaping almost constantly now as they were almost finished their ba-ba's.
As such with they're eyes closed they didn't see that Rayne had grabbed Justin's camera phone (After losing three cells of his own, Rayne wasn't trusted with one anymore.) and snapped a few pictures of the cuteness in front of him, and when they finished he fished them both out of the playpen and had them each put a head over one of his shoulders, apparently having gotten over his stance on burping them.
As they felt the big strong pats on their back and looked at each other over the simple giants shoulder, both twins wet their diapers at the same time but just like how they normally talked, one would burp then the other then the first one, back and forth till Rayne was sure he'd gotten all the gas bubbles out.
The twin's weren't sure how they felt about this, since Clearly Rayne was strong enough to support BOTH of them with just one hand making them feel even smaller then before, though it DID feel good to get all that gas out even if they're tummies were still cramping big time now.
"Feel better little guys?" Rayne asked, smirking.
Lyle started to nod while Kyle went to say something, but that was when the ba-ba's special ingredient kicked in. Both twins stiffened and little gasps came out of their mouths but that was nothing compared to the torrent of muck that poured out of their backside as the pink and white diapers rapidly expanded and even with the slits cut in them it was clear they were rapidly approaching a overflow point.
"Sheesh, that didn't take long." Grizz said, holding his nose.
"Oh man, their fucking toxic!" Justin complained.
between the sick sounding wet farts you could HEARD the diapers crackling as they fought to keep up but it wouldn't be till the diapers were fully loaded that they Twins would snap out of their shocked silence.
Rayne went to say something to comfort them but it was like a shrill alarm going off as both twin once again started wailing and crying, and Rayne winced, his own nose wrinkling.
"Uhh.. Can I just go and hose them off in the back yard?" He semi shouted, trying to be heard over the twins.
"Are you kidding? they'd alert the whole block as to whats going on!" Justin said, gagging a little. "Oh Man..I did NOT think this though..."
"Well what did you expect a dirty diaper was gonna smell like?" Alex huffed, though he was making grossed out faces too, plus knew that was his future."Sun shrine and rainbows?!"
"Also it's WAY too cold out to clean them up outside anyways Rayne, you'll make them sick."Max pointed out
"You two, shut up and get back to work. and Rayne..I know we were gonna make them sit in it but for the sake of everyone noses, change them now....and uh, take them to the basement to do it." Justin huffed.
Rayne nodded and off he went with the little stinkers and Grizz turned to Justin.
"Ahhh.. maybe we'll just use the pictures of them, but let them take dumps in the potty..I mean.. " he was saying, moving to go and open some windows.
"Ngggh, you might be onto something there." Justin said, then noticed Max and Alex exchanging looks and smirking. "..what's with the looks?"
"It seems to me, like the balance of power has shifted." Max said with a evil grin.
"Unless you WANT us unleashing hell in our diapers over and over again, you're gonna knock all of this off now, and hand over the pictures." Alex said smugly.
"Are you REALLY trying to threaten us with stinky diapers?" Grizz asked, half amused half in disbelief.
"If you thought the twin's were stinky they don't hold a candle up to Max, and Justin you know how bad I can be when I'm NOT loaded with ex-lax."
"..Mistakes have been made." Justin groaned, face palming.
"Are you kidding me?! I went though all that embarrassment and blew all that money on diapers and we're gonna cave in now?" Grizz huffed, looking pissed.
Max left out a poot and that fresh tears to the bullies eyes.
"Consider that a preview of whats to come." Max said and gave a evil laugh. "and tick tock guys.. us 'babies' can only hold it for sooo long~"
"Look Grizz, I'm sorry but unless you wanna be the one helping Rayne change diapers." Justin started to say, cut off by Rayne's cry of horror from the basement. "Then the plan failed."
"This is fucking bullshit!" Grizz huffed and then stormed out of the living room, grabbing his jacket.
"Grizz come on! wait!"
"No way man, screw you! I'm going home!" Grizz growled back and took off, slamming the door.
"...Well I hope your happy now!" Justin huffed at the big babies.
"Oh, we will be.. but first.. socks off and let us out of our baby prisons." Alex said, then smirked. "and don't worry, I have a feeling the diapers WON'T be going to waste."
For the first time since this little war had started, Justin felt a pang of worry.
In the aftermath, only the twins ended up messing their diapers and once Rayne found out the plan had fallen though he sulked and huffed and stormed off home too to do the extra class work that no one else was gonna do for him now.
The Pictures were turned over as promised and Justin figured Alex just deleted them, never suspecting that they were kept for blackmail power of a sort later on, and while no one else had a smelly diaper that night, all four boys kept wearing one just in case.
The twins were forgiven by Max and Alex after a bit, mostly due to how traumatized they seemed from having made such big stinkies and having to get cleaned up and had sucked on their thumbs when they weren't playing video games with Max and Alex, though they had conked out hard shortly after.
Justin, as the last bully standing, got the 'honor' of taking the shovel and going out to the trail to 'bury the treasure' and was less then happy when he came back and got told to go to bed and rest up, he was going to need it.
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electricsockhead · 4 years
☽ Girls Night ☾
BAU + this picrew
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 ⋮ @psyxhic-angels @altsvu @ssa-sarahsunshine @thisdeathtollbringsnopeace @emilysblackturtleneck @vamppupp @moreidsdaughter
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Below the cut are some hcs/a little story of what happened on this specific girls night!
- Food
- Mentioned Fainting (dw no one actually faints, Spence is just really gay)
- Derek & Spencer (narrator acknowledges the gays tho)
- JJ & Penny (could be read as a ship or friendship, up to you!)
- Tara & Emily (could be read as a ship or friendship, also up to you!)
Spencer is insecure about wearing something they’re not used to so Penelope wears the same thing to match so they feel less insecure 🥺💓 (if this is in here like 500 times it’s because tumblr kept deleting it, and now I don’t know what it’s saving anymore 🙃)
Emily is back on her emo phase because she found a witch hat at the bottom of Penny’s closet so she went with an outfit to match it.
Penny gifts JJ with a sheer pink top eith white butterflies.
JJ tried not cry. She fails and ruins her make up.
Penelope has to re-do the bottom of the hearts and JJ keeps apologizing but Penelope just says it’s ok and kisses her cheek
Meanwhile Spencer and Emily are having a karaoke match trying to see who can sing the highest note (they’re both horrible at it but Spencer ends up winning)
Tara shows up a little late because she got stuck in traffic.
She automatically joins Spencer and Emily and ofc beats them.
Not only can she hit the highest note she can also hit the lowest note.
By the time they’ve tired out their voices, jj and Penelope are just looking at them from the bed trying to control their laughter the whole time.
Then Spencer, Emily and Tara make a bet to see who could reach the kitchen first.
Tara also wins because the other two can’t even run.
They use the gay as an excuse
Doesn’t work because Tara’s also gay
Upstairs, Penelope finds an old bin full of pride pins when she was looking for something else for jj.
She shows it to her, and (still closeted) JJ takes the lesbian one and pins it on her top pinning both fabrics together.
She looks away cuz she was scared to see Penelope’s reaction.
Penelope gives her the biggest hug and tells her she’s proud of her for trusting Penelope with this.
They go downstairs to find Spencer and Emily drinking water out of tupperwares.
Tara says it was their punishment for making her run while they just walked.
Penelope laughs and sets the bin on the kitchen counter and the three of them scramble through them finding their own pins.
They’re all out so it’s no surprise no one goes for the only “straight ally” pin
Then jj walks in kinda shy, and they notice the pin they all smile at her.
Tara gives her a hug and so does Emily. Spence just gives her an awkward thumbs up but she understands.
They eventually go out for dinner and they run into Derek.
He sees them all with their funky clothes and pride pins and feels automatically underdressed (not that he’d ever admit it out loud).
He notices that Spencer is a little shy but he showered them in compliments that he hopes helps make them feel less awkward but it only makes Spencer flustered and blush like crazy.
Then he notices JJs and pin flashes her the brightest smile and gives her a tight hug full of silent “I’m proud of you”s making her feel accepted 🥲.
Penelope tells him to join them for the rest of the night so they go back to her place again to get Derek ready.
While Penelope is trying to find cute tops she owns that would fit Derek, she instead finds a little box with head accessories.
She hands Spencer a little unicorn horn and they automatically put it on, giggling and taking a white and yellow flower crown and went to give it to Derek.
Penelope found a blue one for herself, and a pink one that is the exact color of JJ’s top so she sprints outside to give it to her and went back inside to keep looking for something for Derek.
Derek, in the meanwhile, had found the pride pin bin and was looking for his pride pins.
He was already out to the team but for some reason Spencer didn’t know so when they saw that Derek had separated the mlm one to the side and was still looking they nearly fainted.
Luckily, they didn’t, instead they managed to hand Derek the little crown as Derek removed the demiboy pin and shoved the bin a bit to the side.
Derek automatically put it on and gave them the goofiest smile saying “how do I look?!”
Spencer tried not to faint again, wanting to say “really fucking cute” but opting for “good” instead.
Penelope called Derek, and showed him the black flowery turtleneck she found and how “YOU HAVE TO WEAR IT, IT'LL LOOK SO CUTE!!!!”
He sighed and put it on but also puts his sweater back on and Garcia was kind of disappointed at first but the flowers were still visible so she was ok with it.
During all of this, Tara, Emily and JJ were outside on Pennys balcony.
Emily and JJ were playing with the little Nintendo switch that JJ brought (it was Henry’s and Michael’s) while Tara smoked and tried not to laugh whenever they’d start bickering.
Eventually they all went out to dinner, settling for pizza and made their way to the supermarket afterwards to buy snacks.
The snacks consisted of:
5 bags of popcorn (that they all knew would probably taste like plastic but they liked it anyway).
A couple packs of cookies -> Oreos, chips ahoy, even graham crackers.
Some chips -> layes for Derek and Spencer (they shared), Tostitos for Tara, Doritos for Emily, Cheese-itz for Penelope, and ofc, the Cheetos were for Jayje and and Jayje only!!
And a few drinks -> a 6 pac for Emily and Derek, lemonade for Spencer and JJ, Red Bull for Tara and one of those dunkin iced coffees for Penelope.
After they got their snacks, they headed out to an abandoned parking lot they went to occasionally that didn’t belong to anyone (and it was technically illegal for them to be there).
Penny had brought a projector and a couple blankets so they sat there and watched movies all night.
Emily and Tara kept throwing popcorn whenever something cheesy happened on screen (all gay ofc, Penelope isn’t putting on no h*t movie).
Meanwhile Derek and Spencer leaned against the hood of Penny's car, Derek had his arm around Spencer and Spencer had their hand on Dereks chest. (they occasionally glanced at each other because 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈).
JJ and Penelope were sitting next to Tara and Emily but they were actually enjoying the movie and going “aaaawwweeee 🥺🥺🥺” whenever something cute would happen
(as opposed to Tara and Emily who pretended to be throwing up going “EW LOOOOOVE!! CANT RELATE!!!”).
Eventually the sun started to rise again and JJ had fallen asleep with her head on Penelope’s lap, and Penny had fallen asleep with her head on Emily’s shoulder.
Emily was in the middle of “how Elsa was a total raging lesbian-” when her alarm went off.
Tara, who was listening like her life depended on it, automatically glared at the phone like it had just done the rudest thing.
Spencer was sitting on the hood of the car, and had fallen asleep leaning on Dereks shoulder.
Derek was standing in front of them and kept running his fingers through their pretty curls and placed soft kisses on their head.
Spencer woke up with Emily’s alarm and so did JJ and Penny.
They all decided it was time to home, so they went back to Penelope’s.
Her and JJ went right back to sleep, cuddling on Penny’s bed, while Spencer and Derek took the couch.
Emily and Tara kept up their conversation of lesbian characters until they got tired and eventually fell asleep in the middle of the floor.
They all woke up with headaches and back pain :)
The End
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