#and like the wind i disappear
classicallyyours · 8 months
My Lovers, as seasons
Have some thoughts I’m on my high horse and fall makes me romantic and I’m thinking about the men I simp for and simply????? When am I not lol every lover is for every season but I hyperfixate on them the most during these times of the year. 
Summer is for Bokuto Koutarou. That big bright smile and high energy is for the sunshine and the beach and hikes and experiencing warmth. For going out and exhausting yourself after a full day of excitement and fun and joy. He is literal sunshine (maybe tied with the sun himself Hinata Shouyou) and it’s impossible to not feel warm and loved by his gaze alone. In the intensity of summer days and the long summer nights; the deepest conversations are born out of summer. And Bokuto is there for all of it. When you’re with your friends and the fireflies are twinkling in and out, he’s there. When you’re sitting by the beach campfire sharing secrets and stories, he’s the one whose lap you’re pulled onto. His big arms caging you close to his chest. When you’re by the dock on the lake, staring into the night sky, you’re teaching him the constellations. He’s so tender in the summer, moving fast and slowing down. He wants to experience it all with you. (See also: Gojo Satoru, Hinata Shouyou, Kirishima Eijirou, Miya Atsumu, Rengoku Kyoujurou, Daichi Sawamura)  
Fall is for Nanami Kento. The leaves slowly changing is for the man who wants to slow down. The soft romantic atmosphere is for the steady lover. As fall comes in and says hello, so does he as he anchors himself into your reality, grounding you and bringing you warmth in the autumn chill. Scarves and boots and turtle necks are for him and him alone. Apple orchards, pumpkin patches, harvest festivals - you’re taking him to all of it. And he is joyfully, happily, easily loving you in all of it. Nanami just wants to take life easy, and fall is the easiest season, arguably. Nature is taking her sweet time cooling down from the hot summer intensity. He wants to see you among the changing leaves, he wants to hug you close to him when the air nips at your skin. Soup season is his season!!! Jackets and sweaters and tenderness… a kiss to your cheek and your hand locked in his… this man adores you, I fear.  (See also: Kuroo Tetsurou, Hanta Sero, Azumane Asahi) 
Winter is for Miya Osamu. Hearth and home are the definition of the man. A hot meal and being cozy and making you feel at home are what he does best. He’s the lover you come home to. When the cold and ice and snow are harsh, he is there for you to warm you up and help you relax. There is never emptiness in the winter with him. There is always a little fire light in the darkness for you, waiting when you return. Osamu is so big and warm and cozy and I’m just telling you, trust me, please; this is y’all’s season. Christmas and New Years, warm drinks and hot bowls of ramen or curry; cozying up together amidst the chill is everything for the both of you. Every other season is so busy for him, but winter is finally the time he gets to slow down. He’s the only person who you don’t isolate from when the days get short.  (See also: Katsuki Bakugou, Aizawa Shota, Kenma Kouzme, Getou Suguru, Tomioka Giyuu, Miguel O’Hara) 
Spring is tough, and hear me out, but spring is for Shinsou Hitoshi. NOW I KNOW he is also soft and slow and gentle, so fall or winter might seem like the natural tendency, but he is spring. He comes to life when the rest of the world does. Hidden pockets of the world growing and changing are where he thrives. Taking you to little places of sunshine as you both awaken to a new lil world. Cafes and gardens and tenderness as spring gently returns things to peace. He is the first flower blooming amidst the melting snow, the first smile you see when you are drowning in work or stress. He’s tenderness as you soften yourself back up to the world as the biting winter dwindles away. He’s the first heart you open yourself up to after shutting yourself off all winter long. He’s home - always.  (See also: Sugawara Koshi, Kaminari Denki, Midoriya Izuku, Shinazugawa Sanemi) 
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knuckykazooie · 23 days
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Panel redraw
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mondaymelon · 4 months
ignore the fact i disappeared that was simple winter hibernation ( still sick and coughing out my lungs btw )
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for a basically nonexistent context it’s currently 1:50 am my paper is literally just on my mattress hello hard surface who and this is the most abhorrent lighting and i COOKED (dubious) 🔥🔥🔥‼️🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🌶️🌶️✨🌶️😋😋🌶️😋😋🥺🥺💖💖✨✨
one of my ocs grgrggrjekslalksj I need to talk about them more on here nyways yeah uhm bye read the tags thanks
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chr0n1c-ag0ny · 7 months
I think Bram and Lovecraft should find a (probably haunted) ship that just drifts out in an anomalous and liminal, to put it frankly, odd, bit of sea, forever a drift, surrounded by nothing but fog, no wind, no rain, no waves, no storms, just quiet. I think they should hole up there and sleep for a couple hundred years. yeah. I think that would be nice.
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regallibellbright · 8 months
I have long believed that there has never been a career, in any fictional universe, as inherently thankless, fruitless, and utterly hopeless as that of the Hylian Archeologist.
This only reinforces that to me. I unironically love this explanation. I love that it comes alongside Zelda being a Hylian archeologist alongside multiple supporting characters.
“Sometimes the things you study abruptly disappear. It just happens. You try intensely to understand what they are before that happens, because no matter how much you understand any given subject there will always be far, far more mysteries than you can even comprehend. This probably wasn’t the first time and it won’t be the last. How many ancient civilizations came before this that likewise disappeared without a trace, long before you or anyone you know was ever born? You don’t know. You will never know. Those records probably disappeared too.”
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snappydragonsclaw · 10 months
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Cadet moments
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alatusxiaoo · 1 year
just dropping by to post this
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rush-the-stars · 12 days
C I E L O . 🧍🏾‍♀️
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this is about bounty hunter wolfwood isn’t it 😁😁
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mobofficial · 2 months
ohhh one of these days . I must queue up some anemone talk posts about kenjaku + yuji (now that the manga has sort of split itself off from them completely) / prowl (SO many thoughts. big shoutout to ollie for the meteor that killed the dinosaurs with this guy) / the constructicons (I AM MAKING THEM MINE) / DELPHI ARC. SPECIFICALLY FIRST AID. AND PHARMA
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beautifulscreaminglady · 10 months
"the Midwest is boring" idk for me the fear of getting the roof of my house ripped off in the middle of the night keeps things fresh
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kitkatt0430 · 1 month
Talk Shop Tuesday: What's one goal that you're working towards and what steps are you taking to try to achieve that goal? Why is this goal something you want to achieve? <3 -@fieldsofview
So my main goal this year is to have fewer Works In progress - both on the small level of unpublished fics/chapters and the bigger level of chaptered fics/series.
This is to a.) clean up my WiP folder(s) on my computer, try to move stuff that's been sitting there for a long time into the done pile and b.) to close out some of my unfinished works on Ao3 so that I can celebrate them being done!!! Or at least having made progress on them, which is still worth celebrating. I've got a number of WiPs right now and a strong desire to cut down on them, so that's why I set this goal.
The new Arrow Redux series that I started this year has actually been in service of this goal despite technically being a new series on Ao3. It's a WiP that's been sitting in my folders for several years now so it's been good to actually not only make progress on it but to be three fics in posting-wise with a bit written for the fourth fic. This is one that I had a lot of scattered notes for in addition to random scenes written for it (though not all actually work anymore) but it's definitely nice to get that sense of accomplishment at finishing pieces of this series instead of the "meh" feeling of closing the document unfinished once more.
It is admittedly a bit of a vague goal in many ways since I'm not specifying specific WiPs and series, but sometimes if I push too hard on one thing then I wind up burning out fast because I'm trying too hard. But considering I finally got the third part of Thaw completed (thus finally closing out the series) and made progress on two other open series, I think I'm doing pretty good at achieving my overall goal for the year.
Steps I'm taking towards this goal are
trying not to start new WiPs that I know I can't finish in a week or two which I've been surprisingly successful at
I don't open my fic files with the goal of completing them, just at adding to them. Often if I approach it with the 'i just want a little progress, don't have to finish yet' attitude then I wind up getting back into the groove of things more easily after re-reading what's there so far. And then it does wind up finished after all.
I do want to make progress on my older unfinished fics/series the most, so I'm also re-reading what I have so far. It's the best way to remind myself of what happened and where it's been headed... and sometimes also to realize that maybe it needs to move in a new direction. Once I've refreshed myself on what's there, it's a lot easier to move forward on what isn't.
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emburial · 2 months
I love all my friends/mutuals, I really want to start posting my art or be more out there but agh posting seems draining and I just don't feel comfortable anymore!1
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caffeinatedopossum · 10 months
If you do relapse, please be safe about it, okay?? We can't control what you do, but try to be safe as you can.
Thanks 💙 I will try my best
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bravevolunteer · 5 months
i have had. Such a chaotic day
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jvzebel-x · 7 months
cops when they see a red light&four lanes of traffic in their way: ‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️
cops when they see a speed trap camera in a school zone at 8:00am on a monday while they're going 75mph: 🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨
cops when there's unclaimed money+drugs in the impound&they need to beat out the twelve other patrols trying to get there to "help check it in": ‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️
cops when they had a bad day&they need to get home to beat their spouses+kids about it: 🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨
cops when they need to show up anywhere where there might be guns or knives or pointy sticks or people who know kung fu or have radioactive superpowers: .........😶‍🌫️........
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pink-octopede64 · 1 year
A Somehow Long Post About 2 Lost English Dubs of an Anime Adaptation of The Wind in the Willows Nobody Heard About
Hi! My name is Pinkoctopede and I’m a huge fan of The Wind in the Willows. While the book is a classic with many adaptations, what most people don’t know is that there was an anime adaptation made in the 90s. I’ll give a brief summary of what the anime’s is in general but I’m gonna go more in depth with its lost english dubs. And I’ll put it under the keep reading section so I won’t clog anything up.
What it is:
Tanoshii Willow Town (楽しいウイロータウン) is an anime series made in 1993 with 26 episodes lasting around 20 minutes. The first 3 episodes follows the original book but after that, it focuses on the other adventures of Ratty, Mole, and Toad which noticeably, they are now kids with Badger still being an adult.
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Lost dub #1 (Saban): 
In 1996, Saban Entertainment decided to get the rights to the show and dub it in English with some now known voice actors (Kathleen Barr, Janyse Jaud, etc). It only aired on Network 10 in Australia as a segment on a TV show called Cheez TV for 2 months from December 2000 to January 2001. Outside from the end credits, it’s completely lost with so little information nor footage.
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2 other languages have dubbed the Saban version: Spanish (Pueblo de Sauces) only have 13 out of 26 episodes on Youtube while German (Abenteuer in den Weiden) is completely lost with only the audio of the opening theme being available. Strangely, German did release 3 cassette tapes which is basically the only home media release Saban has but still lost.
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Lost dub #2 (Enoki Films USA): 
Before Saban, Enoki Films attempted to dub Willow Town in 1996 but differently: instead of doing the whole series, they took the first few episodes and edited into a 75 minute movie simply titled The Wind in the Willows. Little is known about the dub since it was never released on VHS nor DVD. All that is out there is the opening theme on Youtube which was taken from the Greek copy of the film.
The only confirmed place it did came out however was on a defunct streaming service called Reeltime.com. Currently, its other locations is at 2 libraries in Malaysia as VCDs and Library of Congress.
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So my main goal is to find these dubs although it has been extremely difficult. Saban only aired for a short period of time on top that I’m not Australian and I cannot go to Malaysia nor LoC to get the Enoki Films USA version. It’s the shame because I do love the anime but it is hard to find a good way to watch it due to its general obscurity. Hell, even the Japanese dub is lost with no way to watch episodes nor getting the VHS tapes online. 
You don’t have to but I really do appreciate help or at least spread some word about it (because let’s be real: spending a literal year looking for lost media and making little progress is exhausting). 
If you actually read all this, thank you so much! This has been a lost media search of mine for a long time and I really do love it when people do hear me out despite not sounding as cool as other searches like Nintendo’s Slamfest 1999 or Clockman. Take care! 💝
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