#and like. they spend half a session just talking about things they've BEEN talking about for like THREE SESSIONS
gemini-sensei · 1 year
@sensei-venus I had another idea 👀
Best friend!Reader is kind of sad and lonely as she watches all of her friends start families of their own. She's happy for them of course but can't help feel down because she wants that too. Only problem is she's single.
She doesn't want go through the process if tests ad choosing a donor and then insemination and waiting to see if it even took. She just wants a baby, a little family of her own.
Her best friends Hawk and Demetri have always been aware of this. She's always talked about how she'd like kids one day. They've always been there to witness how great with babies and little kids she is. So when they notice how down she is after spending time with Miguel and Sam's family, or Yasmine and Moon's, or even just Tory - who's five months pregnant with her and Robby's first kid, they want to do something about it.
So one day they offer to get her pregnant, just out of the blue. Hawk casually drops that on her when they're all hanging out and she's kind of stunned. Demetri starts rambling about how they've known for a long time about how she wants kids and how they came to this conclusion. She's half listening and then she stops him by saying.
"I don't want to use a clinic to get pregnant, you guys."
Hawk smirks ar her. "We weren't thinking about a clinic. We're we're thinking more along the lines of the old fashioned way."
Cut to Hawk having Reader practically folded in half, her thighs and belly squished against each other as he pounds her wet cunt. Demetei holds her from behind, letting her head rest on his chest while he plays with her fat tits. The whole time, they're telling her how they're not gonna stop until she's round and plump with a baby in her belly because that's what good friends do for each other.
Once Hawk comes, he pulls out and switches positions with Demetri. Maybe they'll move Reader around a bit so she's not getting cramped or too sore in a mating press, but they only want the best positions for getting her pregnant. They tag team her for hours, pounding her fat, raw pussh for hours until they either don't have anymore cum to give her or they're exhausted and collapse beside her. Hawk pushes a special plug he bought for the occasion into her cunt so she doesn't lose too much of their cum, even though her inner thighs are coated in it and she's a little bloated from all that they pumped her full with.
Her thank you to them is a long, sensual make out session while they feel up her body. Demetri’s big hands mostly stay near her tits, playing with them and groping them while Hawk messages her sore, achy hips. Their hands roam her body, grope her belly and thighs and ass as they moan into each other's mouths. Whoever isn't swapping spit with her is talking about how beautiful she's gonna look with fatter tits and widened hips, and of course a pretty and round belly.
When things settle down and she's too tired to do much, they let her rest. When she gets cold, they cuddle up to her even closer, sandwiching her between them nice and tight with a blanket over them to keep her warm. As she falls asleep, they tell her how she's going to be a good mama and that they're not gonna let her do it alone. She drifts off thinking she has two of the best friends in the world, knowing their relationship is forever changed now.
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thelazyhermits · 9 months
Book 7 has got me thinking about my Yuu's dynamic with Sebek and Silver, so I decided I wanna make a most about this trio like the one did with AYuuDeuce.
There are some Book 7 spoilers underneath the cut, and they're spoilers from some of the parts that are currently only available in the JPN server, so if y'all don't wanna see any form of spoilers, I'd recommend not reading this post.
Okay, so everyone knows that I adore Sebek and absolutely love writing fluffy moments with him and Yuu. That's why these two have such a close relationship my A Twisted Future series.
I've decided that all my current Sebek fics happen prior to Book 7, so they're both super close by the time Book 7 happens.
Silver, however, is someone I haven't talked a lot about which is a shame cause I love him a lot too.
Yuu treats Silver a lot like Kalim in that she really trusts him and is fond of him cause Silver is just such a sweetheart and is always a perfect gentleman around her, which is the kinda treatment she's a sucker for.
One idea related to the Silver/Yuu relationship that I came up which I really love is that Yuu is always able to wake up Silver when he falls asleep.
While others will often have difficulty waking Silver up when he's sleeping particularly deeply, Yuu doesn't really have that problem, and the reason for that is because she genuinely, platonically loves him.
I'm not quite sure about all the details about the sleeping curse that was placed on Silver when he was a baby. Like if it's only half broken thanks to the passage of time/Lilia or if it's completely broken but Silver just has sleep spells as an unfortunate side effect of being cursed for so long. If that's ever explained/confirmed, I totally missed that lol
Regardless, I love the idea of "love" still playing a crucial role when dealing with Silver's sleepiness, so someone with a pure love for him, whether it be romantic or platonic, can have an easier time waking him as compared to anyone else trying to wake him.
This kinda thing is perfect for Yuu who just loves so wholeheartedly without reservations due to having been unloved for all her life. She's desperate for that kinda love, which is why she doesn't hesitate to give it to those who are important to her since, to her, that's only fair.
Anyway, I just think it'd be super cute and wholesome if Yuu's always able to wake Silver up for a reason like that, and it's definitely an idea that matchmaker Lilia can get behind haha
Prior to Book 7, I'd say Yuu's relationship with Silver is a good one built on mutual trust and admiration for each others skills/good qualities, but I wouldn't say they're super close friends. They're definitely not as close as Yuu and Sebek are.
However, Book 7 is obviously gonna change things cause Yuu ends up spending so much time with Silver and Sebek, resulting in those three forming a really tight bond due to everything they've had to face and overcome together.
Rest assured, all the moments in Book 7 when Silver/Sebek need a hug, Yuu makes sure they get one. There are so many hug sessions that go on in this book.
When this madness is all over, I just want these kids all wrapped up in warm blankets and all cuddled up together somewhere safe where they can just rest and de-stress 😭
By the end of Book 7, the boys and Yuu are super comfortable with each other, like personal space is rarely considered, cause these kids went through hell and need that physical contact and a ton of it.
Anytime the boys are feeling unloved/are being weighed down by their insecurities, Yuu is showering them with as much love as she can and will keep at it for as long as they need her to.
She'll hug them close, card her fingers through their hair, and offer any kind of affection they want/need.
Sebek is the type who just loves being doted on by her, so Yuu always goes all out with that. Meanwhile, Silver just enjoys having someone close, someone he can hug and talk to if he has something he needs to get off his chest since he doesn't want to ask for too much. Of course, Yuu makes sure Silver gets that and so much more because it's what that sweet boy deserves.
Meanwhile, Sebek and Silver become very good at noticing when something's off with Yuu and are quick to offer comfort when they can tell she needs it, knowing it's better to act before she asks since she's not the type to ask for help until she's really bad off.
Silver will just quietly hold her hand or gently stroke her hair/back, or they'll just take a nap together if she just needs to a break from everything. He's always so gentle with her but never treats her like she's a piece of glass. That's just how he is since he possesses such a soft, gentle kindness that envelops you like a warm blanket fresh from the dryer.
While Sebek had already become quite good at expressing affection toward Yuu prior to Book 7, he's even better after the book since now he rarely ever hesitates to reach out to her when he thinks she needs him.
Sebek will often just wrap Yuu up in a tight, protective embrace that's always full of his love and care for her. Meanwhile, the kisses he places against her face and hair are always extremely tender, showcasing how much he treasures her.
By the end of Book 7, all three of them are more protective of each other because of everything they went through. Silver/Sebek are especially protective of Yuu cause there were times when her recklessness got the better of her during the book's events.
And I could see this book being when Yuu admits that her recklessness is the result of growing up her whole life never really caring about her own well-being since she was always treated like she was worthless. She never experienced love prior to NRC, so she didn't know how to love herself.
Fortunately, since coming to NRC, she has learned this valuable lesson, and she knows that now there are people who would be upset if she died, so she never wants to put the people she loves through that kinda pain. Plus, she truly wants to live now that she has a life she thinks is worth living.
Needless to say, Sebek gets really emotional when he hears that and hugs the hell out of her for a while.
Regrettably, old habits die hard, which is why Yuu can't just completely stop being reckless just cause she wants to, so that's why she will still have moments when she puts herself in danger in order to protect her loved ones.
Which is why Silver/Sebek will always watch her back because they want to protect her just as much.
Thanks to Book 7, I am now just so soft for the SilYuuSeb trio cause they're all such good kids who are always working so hard and doing their best. They care so much about each other and have so much mutual respect for one another.
Depending on how Book 7 ends, I might just have to write a fic with these three.
Just imagine, when it's all over and done and they're supposed to return to their rooms at the end of the day now that everything's back to normal, none of them can sleep, not even Silver, cause it's been what feels like forever since these three last slept on their own without the other two present and it just feels wrong to not know with complete certainty that they're all completely safe.
Fortunately, Lilia was smart enough to have Yuu stay over at Diasomnia for the night, out of concern for her mental state after such a stressful ordeal, so once the three have had enough of being alone, they all end up seeking each other out in the middle of the night.
Hence, the timeless classic cuddle pile cause that's exactly what these poor kids need.
And of course, the next morning, Lilia finds the three fast asleep all cuddled up together and is absolutely thrilled 😂
(There's also some worry, of course, but more than anything, he is just loving seeing his boys becoming even closer to his future daughter lol)
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supeson · 1 year
timid trust, still displaced
part one, part two, part three
You quit your job. Or more accurately, you get a better offer for the same job you're currently doing at another place in the city. It's also closer to The Daily Planet, so Clark uses it as an excuse to check on you more often. You start making a real effort to eat real food. You're still working on actually cooking and making fresh meals, but for now the frozen ready made ones you eat are enough. At least you're eating. It takes you a while, but you finally fall into a rhythm.
You decide to stop your antidepressants. You spend a whole session speaking to your therapist about it, weighing the pros and cons. Pro: you haven't really felt like they've been doing anything for you lately with how well you've been doing. Con: what if you stop them and everything goes to shit? Pro: you have an actual support system now to help you. Con: you feel bad making people care about you.
"I wouldn't say you're forcing anybody to care about you," your therapist says. "People choose to care."
"Fair, I guess. I just hate making people worry. I can take care of myself; I'm an adult." She looks at you pointedly at that. "Alright I don't have the best track record but I've made it this far in life and that's gotta count for something."
She taps something into her laptop. "Well, if you do decide to, just know that there is a washout period, so don't be surprised if it takes you a while to feel normal."
You go out more. You find that while staying at home is nice and definitely what you prefer, going out for small things can help improve your mood. Even if it's just to the corner store for some chips.
Then Clark gets stuck in deep space for three weeks right before your birthday, and you spiral. It starts small, with minor annoyances making you angry. Then, your new friends at work seem to back off (through nobody's fault, really, but you can't help but feel like it's entirely your fault, and that they don't like you anymore). Your days off become days full of nothing but sitting on your couch trying to occupy your time with multiple hobbies, only to abandon them out of boredom or frustration when things don't go like they're supposed to. You want nothing more than to reach out to Clark, but he's indisposed.
You find yourself bottling up emotionally, unable to cry or articulate your frustrations. You feel stupid for feeling like this, for being unable to reach out to anybody for help. The loneliness is eating you alive, and you're content to sit there and let it swallow you whole.
You wake up from another nap to the sound of keys in the door. You heart leaps at the sound, but you roll over anyway, pulling the blankets more tightly around your neck. You feel achy and gritty from laying in bed since yesterday, but you can't find it in yourself to care.
Clark notices the groceries first. There are empty boxes of ramen noodles stacked up beside the garbage, and there are half eaten bags of chips stacked on top of your fridge. The inside of the fridge is almost barren, except for a gallon of milk and one shelf in the door full of condiments. He exhales heavily, having expected the sight, but disappointed nonetheless.
He makes his way to your bedroom, slips on your light, and puts down his bag. He knows you're awake, he can hear your heartbeat pick up when he sits down on the bed. Clark puts a hand on the lump he deduces is you, and you shift, rolling towards him and squinting up at him. You uncover your mouth enough to speak to him.
"Hey, babe." You voice is nothing more than a croak, from sleep and disuse.
"Do you want to talk about it now, or later?" Is all he asks in response.
You bristle, ready to go on the offense, then close your eyes and take a deep breath. "Not really."
He nods. "How can I best help you right now?"
You think. You gut response is to get angry, tell him to leave. But he loves you, you remind yourself. It's not fair to take my terrible mood out on him. "I have a headache."
"Okay, when was the last time you ate and drank anything?"
You silence speaks volumes.
Clark peels back the blankets, untangling you for the first time in a while, from what he can tell. "Okay, let's head to the kitchen and see what we can find, okay sweetheart?"
You're embarrassed by the backslide, but Clark is nothing more than helpful, willing to wait until you're ready to sit down and have a discussion with him. It makes your eyes water knowing you have somebody that cares about you in all aspects, and not just what you can do for them. You blink back tears as you clutch him, stumbling down the hallway together.
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of course i'm writing this instead of like, the stuff i'm supposed to be writing??
Dean is throwing a bullpen session when the news breaks that Castiel Novak has signed with the Dodgers. He wouldn't have heard about it, except that Garth trotted into the room bubbling with enthusiasm.
"I didn't realize you were such a big fan of him," Dean says when Garth pauses for breath.
"His numbers speak for themselves," Garth says.
Dean settles back in, winds up, and spins a curveball in there for a strike. He flashes a satisfied grin at Garth before saying, "I don't spend much time looking at the numbers."
"Two MVPs," Garth counters.
"Yeah, that's impressive," Dean allows.
"D'you think it'd be too weird if I asked for an autograph when he gets here?" Garth asks.
Dean shrugs. "He's probably used to it."
From what he's heard, Castiel isn't exactly a Chatty Cathy, though that could be because he doesn't speak English. He's always got an interpreter on hand, despite having been in the States six years already. You'd think the guy would've picked up some English by now.
Probably a cold fish.
Meanwhile, Garth says, "Yeah, you're right."
"If you're embarrassed, you could always say it's for a nephew or something," Dean suggests.
"Nah, I couldn't lie to him," Garth says, scandalized.
Dean huffs a laugh at that. "All right, do what you want. Now skedaddle and quit distracting me."
"Yeah, okay. Catch you later, alligator!"
The thing is, not many players catch Dean's eye anymore.
He's been in the league for a decade and a half, and he's seen everything. Strange-ass batting stances that somehow still work. A switch pitcher. A sidewinder who dipped so far down on his delivery that his knuckles nearly scraped the fucking mound.
But he's never seen a two-way player like Castiel Novak.
Granted, teams haven't ever really let pitchers hit every day. Hell, it wasn't even possible in the NL until they changed the rules and adopted the DH.
That's why the Dodgers never had a chance at signing Castiel when he was first coming over to the States.
Not that Dean had been paying any attention at the time. He'd been skeptical like most other players, a little curious to see whether this experiment would work out.
But then Castiel had seemed pretty average in his first season—a pretty good batter but an average-ass pitcher—and then he'd gotten sidelined from pitching by an injury, and Dean had put the fabled two-way-player out of mind.
In the last three years, though, Castiel has forced his way to the top of the conversation in baseball, everyone talking about what a unicorn he is for being able to pitch and hit at elite levels, and that amount of praise, of overexposure, has always rubbed Dean the wrong way. Sure, Castiel won MVP two of the three years—and came in second the year he didn't win it—but still. It's a lot of talk, and Dean hasn't really even watched him play.
Mostly, he's just been catching the occasional dumb New Balance commercials, which—he can't really judge, he's done some dumb ads himself because the money was stupid good, but hey, he's never claimed he wasn't hypocritical.
When Castiel first enters the locker room for spring training, everyone's already there. Such a diva move, arriving fashionably late. All eyes turn his way, and he surveys the room, looking almost bored.
"Hello," the man at his elbow says, half a step behind him. Needlessly, he adds, "This is Castiel. Nice to meet you all."
The accent throws Dean off for a second, because he's never heard someone from Enoch speak with a British accent.
Castiel starts moving toward a locker in the corner of the room that has been set aside for him, his new jersey hanging up in front of it, and his interpreter follows him, nodding at the team members that they pass.
Dean's well across the room from Castiel's locker, so he's free to catch Benny's eye after they've passed him by and raise his eyebrows. Benny only grins, tilting his head toward the exit.
Dean finishes doing up his cleats and jogs off toward the tunnel, meeting Benny there.
As they head toward the dugout, Dean says, "Taller than I'd imagined," and Benny chuckles.
Castiel is pretty.
Dean hadn't really absorbed that from the TV ads or game footage, more concerned with his windup or his batting stance than his face. And that first glimpse of him had been from across the locker room, so it's not like Dean could've seen how fucking blue his eyes are. Or how his jaw looks so sharp you could cut yourself on it.
It's fucking distracting is what it is, so Dean keeps his distance. He's getting older now, needs to stay sharp and focused to avoid all the fucking speculation about how he might be washed up.
Every mph he loses on his fastball feels like another nail in his coffin, and he really cannot afford distractions.
But whenever Castiel passes through his line of sight, he can't resist the temptation to look, to keep looking. Castiel never looks back—at least, Dean's never caught his eye.
The only time it seems Castiel looks at Dean is when Dean is on the mound. Castiel leans on the fence in the dugout, and even though Dean can't see the blue of his eyes from this far out, he's sure that Castiel's eyes are on him.
Dean's first five outings are good. He gets four wins, one no-decision, doesn't give up more than two earned runs each outing. His strikeout numbers are a little low to start the year, but he's pretty sure he can get them back up to normal by the All Star break.
But his sixth start is an absolute dud. The opposing team is seeing his fastball too well, and for whatever reason, he can't get his curveball in there for a strike.
Bobby pulls him after one out in the fifth, having given up five runs, four earned. Garth enters the game with the bases loaded and manages to strike out the next two batters, and when he comes into the dugout, Dean claps him on the back in thanks.
Dean is filled with dread as he sits down for the postgame press conference, where reporters are gonna ask him stupid-ass roundabout questions that don't outright say he should retire but obviously imply he's past his prime.
"So, what happened out there?" a man from the LA Times asks.
Dean shrugs, tries his best not to sound defensive when he says, "Sometimes you just don't have your stuff."
"What wasn't working today?" LA Times persists.
"Weren't you watching the game?"
The deep voice coming from Dean's left startles him, but there are audible gasps from the gaggle of reporters, and Dean turns, sees Castiel approaching.
Castiel takes the vacant seat at Dean's left and leans over, bending the mic toward him. "You should know he didn't have his curveball today, or is it not your occupation to know the game of baseball?" he continues, eyes blazing.
So he speaks English after all.
Dean stares, because he can’t not. Because this is the closest he’s ever been to Castiel Novak, and his clenched jaw looks even sharper in profile, his nose proud, the corner of his mouth that Dean can see curved down in an expectant frown.
LA Times flounders, says, "Well, I was leading up to—I wanted to know if he's worried at all. See, if his best pitch isn't landing—“
"So much doubt," Castiel interrupts. "Where were all these concerns when I gave up four runs to the A's two days ago?"
Then Castiel's interpreter—Balthazar—is there, grabbing Castiel by the elbow, hissing something inaudible in his ear.
Castiel rolls his eyes, clears his throat, grabs the mic again. "My apologies."
Balthazar leans in, says, “No further questions,” and straightens.
Castiel gets to his feet and looks at Dean, and his cerulean eyes are surprisingly warm. He seems startled to find Dean looking back, and his gaze darts away quickly.
Then they’re out of the room, and a different reporter, this one from the Athletic, pipes up, “So uh, did you know Castiel could speak English?”
“Think Balthazar just put the kibosh on any questions about Castiel,” Dean says.
The Athletic looks disappointed but says, “It’s clear you struggled in the first, but you really settled in for the next three innings. What helped you regain focus?”
The rest of the ordeal goes smoother, everyone on their best behavior after Castiel’s interruption, and Dean has just gotten home when his phone rings.
“Dude. Dude! How could you not tell me that Castiel is your friend? No, how could you not say that he can speak English?”
“We’re not friends, Garth.”
“Bullshit,” Garth says immediately. “He was totally out there to protect you. He never does press if he doesn’t have to. And I think he just outed that he speaks English to do it.”
It’s hard to deny those points, but they aren’t friends.
“I don’t know what to tell you,” Dean says. “We’ve never spoken. I’ve only said hi to him, and it was through Balthazar, as usual.”
Garth harrumphs. “I don’t believe you.”
Before Dean can protest, Garth hangs up.
Dean pinches the bridge of his nose, annoyed, before heading to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of whiskey.
He probably should talk to Castiel tomorrow, express some gratitude for his intervention. Dean’s a big boy and can handle himself, but it was unexpectedly nice to have someone stick up for him like that.
The next day, Dean waits until the game is about to start before entering the locker room. Predictably, Castiel is one of the few remaining players—he usually cuts it pretty close, has been almost late to several games already.
For once, Balthazar isn’t hovering over Castiel, and Dean heads straight for him, in no mood to beat around the bush.
“Got an off day tomorrow,” Dean says to the back of Castiel’s head.
It takes a moment for Castiel to turn around, face neutral. “Yes,” he says evenly.
“Got any plans?”
“No,” Castiel says.
Dean nods. “Then you’re free to grab a coffee with me?”
“Yes,” Castiel accepts immediately.
“Damn it, Castiel,” says Balthazar from behind Dean, and Castiel’s eye roll is even better when Dean can see it straight-on rather than in profile. “You’re going to put me out of a job.”
Castiel responds in Enochian, and Balthazar barks out a short word that by tone Dean figures is a curse word.
“Give me your phone,” Castiel says to Dean, hand held out, and Dean tugs it out of his pocket, hands it over.
Balthazar lets out an irritated huff and hovers impatiently while Castiel types his number into Dean’s phone.
Dean accepts his phone back, doing his best to ignore the tingle he gets when their fingers brush on the handover, and says, “I’ll text you.”
With a wry twist to his lips, Castiel says, “That’s the idea.”
Then he heads for the dugout, Balthazar trailing behind him, complaining in Enochian.
Dean looks down at his phone and snorts when he sees that Castiel has entered “Unicorn” for his name.
And Dean had thought he didn’t have a sense of humor.
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golden dad au ash in hisui shenanigans!!!
i've been talking about potential shenanigans a ho-oh hybrid ash could get up to in the distant past on and off in the group discord for a few months. and then i finally got around to doodling outfit designs. the top is based off the kimono top outfit in the game, and other aspects of his outfit are pulled from travelling priest garb. details of how things go listed below. this got longer than i thought.
This happens to Ash at some point during Journeys, before the Team Galactic Arceus shenanigans netflix only special happened.
Unlike in Legends: Arceus, here Ash isn't just randomly nabbed and dropped without warning into Hisui. This is because 1) Ash is basically Arceus' favorite (great-great-great) grandchild at this point and the old duff would never, 2) even if he did try, Bert would kill him and 3) Delia.
Instead, Ash comes home one day to visit his parents and finds Arceus sitting at their kitchen table drinking tea and basically explaining what the hell is happening, that someone in the distant past is messing with Dialga and Palkia and Giratina in an attempt to get Arceus to show up himself, and while the old goat COULD nab some rando to help out, they figured Ash would want to get involved as soon as he heard someone was messing with them - and they weren't wrong, either. Plus, Arceus trusts him.
Because of the prep session, Ash actually comes in with a cover story to make him more palatable to the locals - a birdsong priest acolyte from Ecruteak Village in Johto (the united land of Tohjoh?). So while he is still seen falling from the rift, he isn't as blatantly strange as the Hisuian protagonist comes off as, nor Ingo - he simply gives off the air of a displaced foreigner who was unfortunately swept up in the strange rifts.
It helps that Kamado and several of the villagers are from Johto - they're already aware of the fledgling birdsong priest faith that came about after the burning of the tower, so Ash's presence actually ends up being a small bit of familiarity in the harsh new environment of Hisui they've immigrated to. As such, while people are still wary of what his presence means, they're not as distrustful of Ash himself.
This doesn't completely extend to Kamado himself - Ash and the village leader actually have a bit of a fraught relationship. It seems like Kamado resents the Birdsong priest faith somewhat - they encourage companionship between people and Pokemon, after all, and Kamado has a hard time of not seeing Pokemon as dangerous creatures after the destruction of his old village by rampaging Pokemon, and he still resents the faith for their contrasting views in the aftermath. It takes a long, long time for Kamado to trust Ash, even though Ash spends a fair amount of time helping both the local villagers and the Galaxy Exploration Team.
Speaking of what Ash does in Hisui - he actually isn't the main person helping un-frenzy the Noble Pokemon or completing the Hisuian Pokedex - at least not the main person. Half of the time he sticks close to Jubilife Village, helping the villagers out with small problems and consulting with them, helping them forge connections with the local Pokemon wildlife, and the other half of the time is spent either going out with the Galaxy Team's expeditions or just wandering the Hisuian wilds with apparently no supervision whatsoever.
The main person sent out to un-frenzy the nobles is actually the local Akarei (haven't decided which one it is), Laventon's assistant. Ash supports them by lending his own battling expertise alongside Pikachu, as well as adding purification blessings to the balms that they create to un-frenzy them. While he takes over the majority of the process during earlier battles, as Akarei becomes more and more confident in their skills, they're the ones reaching out to the Diamond and Pearl Clans, and the ones who are approached by the clans to help un-frenzy their nobles.
The one exception is during Noble Electrode's unfrenzying - Ash is furious at Melli for ignoring the suffering of a Pokemon under his care, no matter that Melli genuinely seems to feel that the frenzying is a necessary evil. He purifies Noble Electrode's entire being of the frenzying in one go out of pure rage, and when another bolt of frenzying lightning comes down to strike Electrode, Ash takes the blow instead in order to demonstrate to Melli how much pain the frenzying lightning is putting the Noble Pokemon in. (He unfortunately didn't think about the repercussions of letting a half-legend hybrid like himself be exposed to the frenzying lighting would be, and it's only his being half-human that keeps him from rampaging about. The waves of pressure he gives off does scare the shit out of Melli though, so Ash considers the overall result to be a plus.)
It's Akarei who builds their own team as they travel across Hisui - Ash doesn't catch any Pokemon and only has Pikachu with him, but he befriends several Hisuian species, and their descendants are able to be found in small pockets in Sinnoh in the present day - Ash reunites with said descendants as he continues visiting Sinnoh during the present day Journeys season.
Unfortunately, Ash's sort-of friendship with Kamado does not stop the older man's paranoia from getting the better of him and demanding that Akarei be exiled when the rift gets worse. It does stop him from banishing Ash - unfortunately, this just makes Ash all the more disappointed in Kamado for giving into his paranoia and making the easy decision. When pointing out that Ash himself was a key part in the unfrenzying of the nobles, and is the one who ACTUALLY fell from the rift does nothing to change Kamado's decision, Ash opts to simply walk out of Jubilife Village with Akarei, and doesn't return even when Akarei themselves are welcomed back into the village later. It puts a damper on the village's unity as they realize that Kamado's decision may not have been made in earnest, and it means there's less of them willing to go with him up to Mount Coronet, or to uphold Akarei's banishment.
While Akarei is the one who uses the Red Chain to release the first dragon from frenzying, Ash is the one who uses his purification and battling skill to hold off the second dragon until Akarei can forge the Origin Ball to catch the second one.
Out of everyone in Hisui, it's only Akarei and Volo who are made aware of Ash's true identity as a time-travelling half-legendary pokemon human hybrid - it's Ash who collects the Plates while Akarei was subduing the frenzied Nobles, and Ash who battles Volo and Giratina singlehandedly with both himself and Pikachu. Ash makes use of his full transformation in order to be able to match Giratina - and meeting Ash in the past is partially why its so friendly to Ash in the Sinnoh movie trilogy, not that Ash knows that.
anyways there's probably more details but y'know, i'm sorta remembering them off the top of my head, feel free to ask or whatever
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terabyteturtle · 1 year
Fighter #01 - Mario
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- Mario's actually a great cook! He and Luigi make Italian food every Monday, using tons of delicious recipes they've learned over the years. The bros even have a secret four-cheese pizza recipe that's been passed down within their family. Sometimes, Peach and Daisy help them in the kitchen and taste-test everything to make sure it's perfect.
- Don't tell anyone, but Mario secretly uses fireballs to heat up the pans when no one is looking. He knows it's not the safest thing to do, but hey, it gets the job done quicker.
- He and FLUDD are often in charge of watering the gardens. Sometimes, Mario will hide behind a bush and spray Bowser just because he feels like it. This usually prompts the Koopalings to get revenge by stealing FLUDD and turning it against him.
- Tending to the gardens means spending a lot of time outside, which means Mario has a lot of time to think, which unfortunately also means he's come up with a lot of stupid ideas.
- One of these ideas involved him trying to reach the top of the mansion using FLUDD's Rocket Nozzle. And if that wasn't bad enough, he's tried doing it numerous times. Needless to say, it never ends well. Mario would probably be dead by now if not for FLUDD's quick reflexes.
- He keeps his cape tucked beneath his overalls just in case the younger fighters spontaneously want to play Superheroes. If a game begins, Mario will bust out his cape in the most dramatic way possible.
- He has two piggy banks that he keeps out in the open. Bowser may tease him for it, but how else is he supposed to store all those coins?
- Let's be honest, he probably has more hidden somewhere.
- Wario is super jealous of how much money he has.
- Ever since he visited Bowser's oriental palace, Mario has been really intrigued by Japanese culture. He and Ryu talk a lot about Japan's history and customs together. Mario wants to speak to Kazuya about it too, but is afraid he'll get thrown off a cliff.
- He's very grateful that Kazuya didn't try to kill him at any point in the past and he doesn't want that to change.
- The plumber is reluctant to pay his taxes. He has no idea where his hard-earned coins are going and it worries him.
- Cappy and FLUDD were a little tense around each other at first, but over time, they became best buds.
- If someone asks him "What's up?", he'll respond with "The sky, of-a course!" every single time without fail.
- Every Valentine's Day, Mario gives Peach a bouquet of carnations with an adorable note.
- He used to like brussel sprouts when he was younger, but grew to despise them as time went on. He'll tell the kids to eat them even though he won't eat them himself. (Lucas thinks he's a major hypocrite because of this.)
- Mario played a major role in constructing Smash Mansion.
- He still says "It's-a me, Mario!" despite the fact that everyone knows his name.
- Joker taught him how to do slight of hand and now he can't stop.
- This dude has already planned out his whole wedding. He doesn't know whether or not it'll actually happen, but the plans are tucked safely in his desk drawer if the time ever comes.
- He wants to travel to other fighters' universes because he's genuinely interested in their hometowns and cultures. Not to mention the food; Mario is always down to try new food.
- He'll happily give the other fighters mustache grooming tips despite the fact that almost none of them have mustaches.
- He's the first one called whenever there's a plumbing issue. He's happy to help, but wonders why they can't just get Luigi to do it half the time.
- Mario often listens to music while he works, but sometimes gets a little too distracted by it and ends up having a full karaoke session. Some fighters find this amusing, others think it's super annoying.
- His favorite song is "Lasagna" by Weird Al Yankovic.
- He's amazing at every sport aside from football and anything horse related. He's not that into football (he much prefers soccer) and he has a lot of trouble riding horses. Young Link once tried to teach him how to ride Epona, but that ended up being a disaster.
- Mario rarely ever gets sick. Lucas thinks this is interesting considering he doesn't eat his brussel sprouts.
- He has a strong dislike for anything named Spike. The name alone just brings back bad memories for him.
- He's an undefeated Whack-A-Mole champion.
- Mario still has the W and L emblems from an adventure long past. Sometimes, he'll wear them both just to mess with his brother. Luigi strongly disapproves of this.
- Mario's quite the handyman and is often asked to assist with repairing more than just pipes.
- He and Bowser frequently compete for Peach's affection.
- Spoiler alert - both of them always lose.
- Wario, King Dedede, and King K. Rool are betting to see which one will steal her heart first (Wario bets on Mario and Dedede bets on Bowser).
- King K. Rool is betting on nobody and, so far, it seems like he's winning.
- Mario is always in a cheerful mood, even after he loses a match.
- He and Sonic set up obstacle courses outside sometimes. Usually, their competitive edges get the best of them and they compete to see who can clear the course first.
- These competitions often come with dire penalties for losing.
- One time, they agreed that the loser will have to be the winner's personal butler for the day. Mario lost.
- I'm sure most of you figured this already, but Mario has a pretty high pain tolerance. Once, Bowser kicked him down two flights of stairs and he just got up like nothing happened.
- Mario will never wear his hat on the mansion roof. There was a party on the roof once, and he was standing outside on the balcony when, suddenly, a strong gust of wind knocked his hat off. The poor guy nearly fell over the railing trying to retrieve it. Ever since that incident, Mario refrains from bringing his precious cap up there.
- He and Corrin are in charge of pool maintenance during the summer.
- Mario and Luigi tag team it whenever there are wrestling matches in the Boxing Ring (why wrestling matches are occurring in a boxing ring, nobody knows).
- He loves Princess Peach wholeheartedly and admires her for her bravery during countless negative situations; he's so innocent and pure when it comes to her.
- FLUDD has tons of different nozzles, though only a select few (Default Nozzle, Hover Nozzle, Rocket Nozzle, and Turbo Nozzle) actually have a practical use.
- Sometimes, Yoshi teases him by taking stuff he says too literally. For example, if someone tells him something unbelievable:
"Really? You're-a just pulling my-a leg."
*Yoshi suddenly appears*
"Ow, Yoshi! Stop-a pulling my-a leg!"
- His favorite song from the Smash soundtrack is "Jump Up, Super Star!" Not only does it give him tons of motivation, but it's always nice to hear the voice of an old friend.
Note: Wow, I didn't expect this to come out as long as it did, but I hope you enjoy it regardless! Next up is everyone's favorite Kremling-bashing, tie-wearing, banana-loving gorilla!
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sburbian-sage · 1 year
HEY, not sure if you get a lot of cherubs so maybe you can’t answer, but I HAVE a problem.
CHERUBS are generally either destructively or creatively inclined, and that tends to correlate strongly with our morality. IT’S also impossible to hide, because it seems to also correlate with whether or not we’re DERSE or PROSPIT dreamers.
I AM a destructively-inclined, DERSE dreamer.
MY other half is of course a creatively-inclined PROSPIT dreamer.
BUT despite our differences, we pulled though our first session together. I THINK because we didn’t know we would be playing forever.
NOW however, it’s our second session.
WE’RE teamed up with humans in this session, and they hate me. THEY think I’M EVIL, and that my other half is good, just because of the creative/destructive distinction…
I GUESS that a lot of stuff on the networks corroborates that, and my other half is going full-throttle on turning them against me. BUT I DON’T think I’M THAT bad, and I THINK if they would just hear me out, they’d realize that my other half is horrible and delusional, even if they have a saccharine veneer to them.
HOW do I get them to stop judging me, and get them to listen? THEY all have me blocked now, so I CAN’T just message them, and I THINK they’ll attack me if I JUST show up… MAYBE not since it would hurt my other half as well, but I’M BAD at keeping my cool, and I’VE NEVER had to interact with anyone besides my other half before, I FEEL like I’LL JUST incriminate myself if I TRY to talk to anyone in person. THE only reason I’M ABLE to send you this message is because with text, I CAN spend hours wording everything exactly right, and even then I WORRY that I’VE SAID something wrong, or not been convincing enough…
MY classpect this session, in case it’s relevant, is MAGE of RAGE.
I am going to be real with you chief, I've never heard of a "Cherub" before. I know there's Humans, Trolls, and I think birds or psionic dog things as valid player species, but never a Cherub. I'm not gonna write you off as some sort of prankster, because dismissing inquiries out of hand discourages further inquiries, it would be a crime to deprive the world of my advice, and it's possible I have some network issues that has kept this information hidden from me (in which case this must be correct as soon as possible), so I'll operate as though everything said here is true.
First thing's first, given how your "destructive inclination" seems to be an inborn part of you as part of your species' weird dualism thing, and people are judging you based off that, I think it's safe to say that everyone here (but you) is kind of racist? This isn't part of my advice, because running up and saying "hey guys stop being racist" to the guys that hate you will be the opposite of helpful, but I'm just pointing it out and earning positive reputation online by denouncing bigotry because it's bad!
Another unfortunate piece of news is that your classpect this session is fucking you over. Rage gets a bad rap among players and is subject to lots of misconceptions, because people think it's about anger and hate and stuff, and your coplayers will probably say "oh so you ARE going to destroy everything, if not because of your weird Cherub thing but because of your aspect". It's not that, just to clarify, Rage is about authority, control, and influencing events and moods from the outside (as opposed to Heart which influences nature from the inside). And worse yet, Mages are Cryptical classes who are not meant to be direct or forthcoming, they complexify the situation in passive manner. This means that coming forward and having an honest conversation will be actively penalized by the game.
I guess the first thing you could do is try finding out what specifically they've been saying about you. The references to "other half" seems to imply that you share the same body, which, I have no idea how that works and I'm pretty sure it breaks several fundamental aspects of the game, but if you can "switch over" while they're with someone, you at least have a few seconds to ask around. I know you kids with your internet think that if you can't use Pesterchum then you can't talk at all, but you can just ask in person (as you said, they probably will not attack) or leave a message or something. Most people feel inclined to respond in those situations, shunning is pretty abnormal behavior. Messages are probably best considering your self-admitted lack of interpersonal skills, but if you do talk in person, keep what you want to say in mind but don't rehearse, because it's easy to come across as inauthentic and if they break the script, you'll flounder. As far as keeping your cool, this is a skill you'll have to learn yourself. When I talk with someone who's frustrating me, I usually calm myself by remembering that I'm right, they're not, and that if I don't give them a reaction they usually get worked up themselves.
While I said before that your classpect is hurting you in some respects, there might be ways it can help. Mages invite complexity and mystery to the session, and often operate by leaving "triggers" for other players to activate, and this is a good opportunity to leave behind those aforementioned messages. If one of said triggers really helps the player because it invites control over something they were having trouble with, and it's clear you left it, this does a lot to endear yourself to them (as well as disprove any "evil" allegations). If worst comes to worst, you can use the signature ability of Rage, issues commands to things, and command them to [tell me why you hate me] or [listen to me]. I would advise against commands like [stop believing my other half] or [stop believing I'm bad] because those sound suspicious and they aren't permanent, the former are just small "stops" where they'll be forced to hear you out. I would also try talking to your other half (if you can? how does that work???) and see if you can't convince them that this behavior is self-destructive bullshit that jeopardizes the success of the session and potentially their own life considering you two share a body.
My last pieces of advice is that if worst comes to worst, "saccharine veneers" never last long. The archetype of "is super sweet and kind but is actual an awful abuser" is pretty common on the internet, and it's only a matter of time until the jig is up. As long as you don't do anything incriminating, things should work themselves out. Also, you might be a bit too kind or otherwise aren't that familiar with your current aspect. It's impossible to block Rage players. People who have tried either have the messages come through anyways, or their chat clients open themselves up/the computer turns itself on to receive the message. So you can always use that. Just don't come across as too desperate.
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heartofspells · 2 years
Along the Broken Edge - Chapter Two
The rest of Remus' week is one of the most stressful times he can remember having in ages. Remus is a fumbling mess, dropping everything he gets his hands on, fingers going numb at the oddest of moments. He's unresponsive half the time when people talk to him, to the point that even Marlene and Rosmerta take notice of his strange behavior while Peter continues to watch him closely.
He spends his free time setting up the ideal schedule for Sirius, hands trembling as he scribbles it all down. When he hands it off to Rosmerta to input the appointment times and details into her computer, Remus can't meet her eyes, knowing the woman is curious, having been prepared to create it herself as she always does until Remus had told her no. He'd explained it away as having to do with Sirius' status and fame, but they both know that's not true. He's not the first known face they've had walk through their doors and Remus has never taken a personal interest in their schedules before now, not to such a high degree.
Before Marlene leaves on Friday for her holiday, Remus and Peter catch her in their small kitchen packing up a few of her things. She's grumbling under her breath, becoming louder when she spots them.
"This is just bloody fantastic timing, isn't it?" she rants, roughly shoving an extra phone charger into her straining bag. "Of all times for me to decide to take holiday and it has to be the very week Sirius fucking Black is starting physio. I can't believe I'll miss seeing him for his first sessions. I want to see what all the fuss is about with this bloke. Anytime his matches are on, people at the pubs never shut up about him, like he's got magic feet or something."
Messing with the electric kettle on the counter, Remus manages to hide the wince that contorts his face for a brief few seconds, his back turned in Marlene's direction.
"You'll meet him once you're back, Marls. It's better to let Remus have the first week with him on his own anyhow, you know that," insists Peter as Remus clatters the kettle against the steel of the sink basin when he startles, water from the running tap trickling down its side before he's able to correct it.
Keep reading on AO3
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thedreamwolf · 2 years
I was debating posting this over here, but it felt like it was worth talking about? And who knows, maybe writing it down will help me work through some of it in my own head. Curious to see if anyone else has any experience with stuff like this.
This is a post about grief. Specifically grief over fictional characters. D&D characters, in this case.
I know, I know. Up until today, fiction felt like a silly thing to get really upset over for me. It's not like it has real life consequences. It's not like this was someone I actually knew and have fond memories or spending time with, nobody who knew me or cared about me. The world continues on as if nothing happened. Nobody real died.
But I've had to take some time today to try to figure this out, because if this loss is not real, then why is it hitting with the same harshness as when I actually lost a pet? Something real, something I'd loved and cared for for years?
For context, I'm in a roleplay-heavy dungeons & dragons group with several good friends and my partner. We've been running it for over half a year nearly every week. It deals with some deep stuff. Lots about bonding through adversity, lots about corrupting influences that can warp and break a person, lots about finding the hope and the happiness even when the going gets tough. During last night's session, my and my partner's character found themselves deep in trouble that they've been heading towards for a little while now. And they died.
Do I think it was unfair? No, it was a reasonable and justified end to their arcs. Am I mad at the DM for letting it happen? No, he checked in with us a lot about what we were comfortable with and if this was okay, and for the story, it was. And he did everything he could to make it fair and give us closure. We knew this could happen, this sort of thing has happened before. Am I mad at the friends, the other players, who let this happen? No, not really – they had their own in-character reasons for doing what they did, and they stayed true to them.
Am I mad at myself for letting this happen? A little. Mostly I think about what I could have done differently. It kinda feels like I failed them. Even in giving them a life and a story to be proud of. But mostly I'm just sad.
I was fine when things were actually happening last night. I was so focused on giving them their closure, in finishing our their story. I was engaged in figuring out the next steps for the campaign. But then when I woke up, I broke. And since then, every little thing is setting off a new wave of grief. Like realizing that they'll never see another sunset as I was looking out the window. Or remembering the fun times we had playing them. I had to call out of work this morning because I was such a mess – obviously I couldn't explain exactly why to my boss and coworkers, other than that I'd had an emotional weekend and that me and my loved ones were all okay.
Even though this loss isn't real, it has still majorly affected me enough to impact my daily functioning. So, I'm trying to figure out what I'm actually grieving so I can work through it. Is it all the things they never got to accomplish? Is it the time spent discovering their story with my friends? Did I get too emotionally connected again? Am I actually mad that we couldn't find a different way to resolve things?
Whatever it is, my boyfriend and I are trying to process things as best we can, in our own ways. He's been very supportive and wonderful. I can tell that my group is all a bit shaken up by the loss, we've been chatting together a lot about it today. There are brighter things coming up next for the party. I'm mostly just trying to figure out some healthy coping mechanisms and get back to normal. And also to figure out why it's this strong so that I don't get like this again.
But boy is it weird talking about it and needing to make life concessions to deal with it when I'm so upset over something that isn't even real.
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winterpower98 · 2 years
Random thought: remember how in the food wars episode the twins don't actually know how to cook? Headcanon that in the cursed AU, Macaque notices that their entire diet consist of eather take out or microwaved food, so he takes over cooking for them. 'Couse obviously he can't have his "underlings" getting sick from poor food.
Oh buddy, you just reminded me of something I've forgotten to share
So a while ago (Correction: October of last year) I proposed an idea to my friends and, well... let me just copy paste what I wrote
(this turned out so long)
I got an idea for another potential interaction between the Twins and Macaque. MK invited Macaque to eat with him and all his friends once. Wukong and the Twins were also invited. The Twins spend almost all of their time with Mei, while Wukong loudly narrates one of his stories to the rest of the group. Macaque doesn't really speak much, and only chimes in to share information that Wukong might have "forgotten" (aka he left it out of his narration because it was embarrassing and Macaque had to correct that like the bastard that he is). But when Mac wasn't correcting Wukong, he noticed the Twins doing something weird. While one of the twins is talking to Mei, the other will take a bit of the food from his plate and swipe it into a satchel next to him. Macaque doesn't say anything during the get-together but makes a mental note. After that, he asks both twins (in two different moments and when the other sibling isn't present) why they stole food that was freely given to them. Obviously, both twins try to deny it and fail miserably at it. But Macaque decides not to push the argument, after all the food was already given to them for free, so they did no harm. But, after that, Macaque chucked food at the Twins from time to time. Most of the time were apples, sometimes mangoes or plumbs. Macaque suddenly understands why they built half of their stuff with junk and why they get in trouble so often. And it's not like Mei didn't notice that the Twins started to hang around the dojo more often, even sometimes watching Mei and Macaque's training sessions. They do get a bit nervous that their boss is giving them more attention, but I don't know if they would figure out what's happening on their own or not
Mei: I think Mackie is starting to like you guys more! Yin: He throw an apple at my face the other day?? Mei: It's how he shows he cares! Yin: !?
Tang: I see you have a rival for child adopter of the year Pigsy: what Or, if it wasn't for their food crimes Pigsy would have already called dibs
And it gets better!
It makes Jin and Yin pay closer attention and maybe even start to notice things themselves. It probably helps that some demons they encountered decided not to mess with them because they are "under the Six Eared Demon's protection"
Yin and Jin are like 'What!?' and then are like 'Do we dare ask?'
They toss a coin to see who has to go and ask, but they still end up fighting about it because neither of them wants to ask! The boss is intimidating! And not just that, the repercussion! They don't know how he'll react! And what if he decides they are too annoying anymore and doesn't want them to work for him anymore? They're scared of rejection, they've been on their own for so long! It's the first time it's not just the two of them plus, if Macaque did send them away, they would surely lose their little sister too.
Macaque notice the boys are acting differently around him now, they're not great at hiding things. Pinning them down to talk is going to be easy, he has to just ask them looking even just mildly upset and they would probably spill the beans quite quickly. The problem is when, because Mei and MK can't be there obviously. And Jin and Yin are always up to something, so getting them when the situation isn't tricky or that could become dangerous is a bit complicated. The gold and silver demons become wise to what their boss is trying to do and they do their damn best to always have Mei or MK near. 
Macaque is exasperated, Wukong thinks this is hilarious.
Wukong: This is the best drama I've watched in centuries! 
Macaque: Shut up and help me out already!
Wukong has to help him in the end. He likes the show but this has been going on for almost a month now. So Wukong plays distraction with MK and Mei, allowing Macaque to finally pin Yin and Jin down to talk.
Now the problem is when the twins finally confess. Because Macaque was not ready for that answer and he is severely underqualified to do anything.
Now, the sensible thing to do now would be for Macaque to buckle down and ask Pigsy for help, but we all know he won't do that. It took so much out of him to ask Wukong for help! He'll probably ask Mei and MK if he gets desperate enough... Which he might be already.
He's not going to ask for help from people who have more experience than him! it would be like admitting he can't do this, or that he cares enough to try!
So he'll just... leave the twins be, and just casually tell Mei what happened in their next training session. Mei finds Macaque coming to her for advice on anything funny, but once she learns what it is exactly she becomes concerned
Mei's to-do list now has:
1) Make sure the twins have a supply of food hidden in their hideout.
2) Make them understand she won't hesitate to dropkick Macaque if he ever sends them away.
3) Goddamit Makkie you'll have to learn how to take care of this yourself
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Another timeline thing I thought of while listening to the new episode, forgive me if you brought it up and I missed it, but in ep7 when Faber and Leah are recounting the muscles debacle, Leah does ask him about her parents. She says they've been here (the bunker) for 2 days and she still hasn't heard from them. It's curious when the order of the interviews are taking place, especially since during Shelby's interview Faber days they still have 2 hours when Shelby shuts it down. 8 girls for 2 hour at least interviews, they definitely wouldn't have gone through all of them in the same day.
The point yall brought up about the bunker slowing down time, maybe they are messing with the clocks, no windows, etc is a really good detail I hadn't thought of. Especially since I feel like we see Leah stare at the clock in the bunker a lot (maybe I'm misremembering that)
Hey! So first off, yesssss timeline talk! I am here for it!
I totally think the order we see the interviews in is all messed up. If you pay attention to the the injuries, some of the girls look more rough (fresh sunburn, chapped lips, peeling skin) than others— which I would attribute to time in the bunker/out of the elements. I am am pretty invested in the idea that Dot’s sushi helped cause Shelby’s anaphylaxis (otherwise it’s a weird detail to include), which would at minimum have to put their interview on the same day or the day after (and not 4ish days apart). And then time-wise I would want to situate Shelby passing the note to Leah with Leah’s “escape” together (because I think the same day or sequential make sense). I am a bit confused outside of that!
I feel like the length of the interviews is tricky too. I always try to remember that we only see them tell a portion of the story (to help with the overall narrative), but realistically each girl is telling the entire Island story to Faber and Young. Who knows how long that would take? I’ve always imagined them as half day or full day interviews, but you are 100% right— they could have been done in a shorter session! Or what if interviews are done in multiple parts?
Leah stares at the clock all the time! I feel like the clocks are there for a reason. Definitely an edge of psychological wellness (can you imagine spending days in that room without a sense of time?!) but also I think as a manipulation tool. I am still puzzled by what they are actually trying to do in the bunker and how they think it will keep the girls quiet. There’s something in Gretchen’s plan that I just can’t quite see yet.
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lichfucker · 3 years
blorbo meme from ur own rpg repertoire 👀
oh g-d okay, I'm only gonna do my own characters bc I don't know how I could possibly pick if I were including other pcs from the games I'm in so. here we go sfdslkjf
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
ingot the feather-light, my rotten soldier my sweet cheese my good-time boy. ingot is going to be a part of my soul for the rest of my life. they're trying so hard and they don't know how. they're learning so much. they're so many things they never thought they could be-- so many things I never thought they could be. all they've ever wanted was to be good. that hasn't changed; the definition of "good" has changed. what does it mean to have +13 insight and -2 charisma? to understand other people so acutely, yet be so unable to make yourself understood in return? whom do you rely on when you can't rely on yourself? where do you put all the anger? how do you remake yourself when you don't know what to be? he's trying. he's trying
and cirrus... cirrus... I can't even find the words. she was asked at a very young age to pick between a life where everyone adored her and she could do no wrong and she'd be treated as well as possible, and a life she could spend with her brother. and she chose the latter. and she is spiteful and remorseless and cold, because a world that would shun and admonish her brother is not a world that deserves her kindness. it's not a world that deserves her respect. and I am building a world fit for her disrespect, because she isn't finished yet. I'm not ready to be finished with her yet
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
beezus my friend beezus. beezy baby I care you so much and I miss you every day. o to be a softhearted child so far from home, with people so accustomed to the coldness and cruelty of the world, confused and conflicted by the distinction between "a monster" and "a person deemed monstrous"
a distant second place but worth mentioning, I think: chirp. what a sweetheart. I played them for three sessions and then said "okay that was nice, I'm gonna go back to playing abrasive assholes now"
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
avriel has been trapped in a dungeon for like a year and a half now sweetie I'm so sorry I promise we'll come get you as soon as a) the campaign comes back and b) we're high enough level that we won't immediately tpk
also reed, I never talked about that game much but I miss it and I miss zim. ze was just doing zer best. there was just so much fucked up shit at this summer camp and ze was struggling so much trying to protect and comfort even a single person
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
[redacted] ;^) jd knows what I mean and that's all I can say
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
mickey the poorest little meow meow. I've played mickey for three sessions and so far all she's done is join a cult, punch a dog-sized spider to death with a push knife, get traumatized, go to jail, fight with her wife, and fail to murder somebody. oh and they brought their fellow cult member to their wife's friend's house to hide from the cops and I'm 99% sure the friend is gonna tell mickey's wife that he's having an affair. miserable wretch of a person. spent two weeks healing a sprained ankle instead of seeing his children
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
oh hands-down ingot and mickey are the most fun to torment. I was miserable during the first ghul fight, and then ingot died, and suddenly I was having a FANTASTIC time. mickey... keep ruining your own life bby I'm so proud of you
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
I GUESS the objectively correct answer is viol but actually she's never done anything wrong in her life. it's not her fault that baby was fucked up. the baby had it coming. viol was just doing their job
andy is already in superhell. they moved to rural texas and immediately almost got killed by a demon lmfao
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euphoriyoongi · 3 years
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🎨Chapter Seven
When you move to Korea for an art program at University, your world completely goes crazy as you meet your new shy roommate, Kim Taehyung, and an irresistible idol singer, Jeon Jungkook.
🎨Pairings: Kim Taehyung x artist! OC (original character) x Jeon Jungkook
🎨Word count: 5.3k
🎨Warnings: none
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Listen to this while you read!
Taehyung tried to focus as the professor told the class what to do next for their project, but he couldn't seem to grasp it.
He sat staring into space, wondering about the same girl that's been running a marathon through his mind. Why did she have to be with someone else? And why did that someone have to be jungkook?
Why did this bother him? She shouldn't mean anything to him. He hardly knows her.
Even though they've only just met not too long ago, he couldn't help but care for her. It's been nearly a month now since Daphne came to Korea, and also how long he's been fake-dating her for the sake of jungkook. Jungkook, who isn't even dating her. I guess he wasn't completely upset, since he gets to spend time with the girl he dreams about. They have a scheduled date later today.
"Taehyung...did you hear that?" The professor muttered, standing next to him. He was showing Tae what to do with his piece, but Tae heard none of it.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just not feeling too good." Taehyung apologized. He wasn't lying, his stomach was upset.
The professor's lips curled up in a smile as he looked from Taehyung to his painting.
It was a large scale painting of Daphne, who looked as if she was about to cry, staring at something that wasn't depicted. It was absolutely stunning, and well, the professor felt his emotion from the looks of it. "It looks amazing, Taehyung. I could really feel how much you love this girl."
Tae sighed a bit, looking at the painting. He noticed where his brush strokes went awry and where a slightly messed up with the color of the skin tone. There was a messy blotch on the corner of the canvas, and he also hated the idea that he might truly feel for this girl. "Thank you." Is all he said, and as the professor walked away, Tae put his paintbrush down.
At this moment, he wished that he didn't feel the emotions he put into his artwork.
Daphne sat alone in the dorm room, studying Korean. She just finished her session with Namjoon, and was really starting to get better with speaking the language. Her and Taehyung now converse about art and their favorite things.
But why did she feel something towards him? Was it because they had to act?
She remembered that she had a date with him today. They were supposed to go to the amusement park to see if anyone would recognize them. It has been a while, but Jungkook's fans are crazy and still believe she's with him. Well, they aren't wrong. Maybe she should break it off.
She didn't know what to do. She truly enjoyed Jungkook's company too. Even though Taehyung was okay with all of this, she still felt bad for bringing him into it.
Taehyung seemed to enjoy time with her, though. When she'd smile at him, he'd smile back. When she laughed, he laughed with her. He made her think about what love truly is..what the heart wants rather than the brain.
Maybe she should change up their date tonight. Maybe he deserved some attention just for him. He always talked about going to see the Van Gogh exhibit. When was that again?
As she looked it up online, much to her surprise, it was tonight. She hardly will have any time to get ready. Deciding to call him about it, Daphne prepared what she was going to say. They were able to have some sort of conversation now, and when Daphne couldn't speak Korean, Tae would speak English.
"Hi, Daph." Tae said, sounding like he was smiling. "What's up?"
"I um..it's about our date tonight." She spoke out in Korean. "What time are you free?"
The sound of rustling came about over the phone. "I'm actually free right now, I'm on my way up the elevator of the dorm." He said, parts in English and parts in Korean. She was able to understand, and smiled when he said he was near.
"Ah! Good! As soon as you get here get ready!" She squealed, a bit excited now.
He chuckled at her excitement. "Okay, I'll be right there. Make sure you're dressed this time."
She wasn't able to decipher that statement, but laughed it off. "Okay, see you soon."
As she hung up the phone, she hurriedly ran to her makeup that was sitting on top of her desk. She wanted to look pretty, and didn't really know why. Was it that she felt a bit icky with having a few blemishes? Or was it because she wanted to look good for Taehyung?
Maybe both. But has she ever cared this much when she's with Jungkook? Did she even bag an eyelash if he saw her without makeup? He still thought she was sexy enough to make out with her at any given moment. But why was she wishing that she'd make out with Tae..just once.
As she thought about this, Jungkook thought about the last time he saw Daphne.
It was nearly a week ago. She was on top of him in his bed, clothes off and all sweaty. Her kisses tasted like strawberries and sweat, and he couldn't help but think about how beautiful she looked. Even if it was effortless.
He sat in his home, on the corner of his bed. His eyes wandered around his room where he noticed little pieces of her still astray. Maybe it was the strap if her bra that laid on the floor that he broke off of her. Or the half-full tube of lipgloss that she forgot to take with her.
Maybe it was the shirt that he was wearing. The one he gave to her to walk around in. What was this feeling? He didn't know.
It couldn't be love. Could someone call for another after only a month? Yes. One hundred percent. But was it practical in this situation? No. Jungkook knew he couldn't let himself get fully involved. He had a career to fulfill. And he'd hate to make her suffer through the hatred of his fans.
At this point, was this worth it?
He made himself think that it was. He didn't want to lose daphne, whether it be a physical relationship or not. He did care for her, and definitely wanted her all to himself.
Taehyung made his way up the hallway to their shared room. Even though it's been a month, he still can't get past the fact that his roommate is the literal definition of beauty. He wished that this fake relationship of theirs has one ounce of sincerity. Well, from her. He knew how he felt. But he had no idea about her specific feelings.
As he turned the door handle to walk into the room, he had a sudden thought.
Tonight, on their date, he was going to make it seem real. He hoped that she might catch on, but probably not. She was infatuated with jungkook, and well, who could blame her.
As he opened the door, in his line of vision popped daphne, who stood with a smile on her beautiful face and was dressed in a cute sweater and jeans. "Tae!" She squealed, smiling wide. "Are you ready for our date?"
Scratching his head in confusion, Tae took a step into the room and shut the door behind him. Weren't they just going to an amusement park? What was so special? "Uh..yeah. I'm always happy to go on dates with you, Daphy." He smiled as well, still a bit confused.
As he said this, it nearly made her blush. He had no idea how she was starting to feel for him, but neither did she. Daphne hid her face in her hands for a moment as Tae walked over to his side of the room. His hands seemed to be covered in paint as well as a streak of it on his face that he didn't seem to notice.
Tae turned around to face Daphne. "So, what should I wear?" He asked her, sporting a boyish smile. The paint streak was right next to his lip on his cheek, and it moved as he spoke. It bothered Daphne, and she felt like she needed to wipe it off.
"Wait." She hummed, walking over to him. As she began to get closer and closer, Tae took a step back. She came up too close that what he was used to, and as he was about to ask her what she was doing, her fingers began to softly rub the corner of his lip.
"What are you—." Tae questioned as he stared at the beautiful girl in front of him. He was a bit taller than her, and she had to reach up to reach his lips. He looked down to her, a confused look on his face as her eyes softened. The feeling of her touch sent a shiver down his spine, and especially since she was touching his lips. He wished that she would just touch her lips to his. If she kept her hands on his lips for a second longer, he might have grabbed her and thrown her against the wall and—
"There you go, it's all off." She looked up into his eyes, almost seductively. When he tilted his head in confusion, she explained. "Oh! You had a bit of paint on the corner of your lip." She said, shyly tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. Did she purposely look sexy while doing that? Was she trying to make him cave?
Taehyung decided to ignore it. Smiling, he thanked her for it. "So, what should I wear?"
Looking at his outfit now, he looked perfect for the occasion. But since this meant so much to him, she thought that maybe she should tell him to dress as nice as he wants. "I think you should wear your favorite outfit." Her lips curled, and her eyes squinted as she chuckled. "Although you look good in anything."
She said that last thing in English, wondering if Tae was able to understand it. He didn't seem to react to it, and nodded to look through his wardrobe. As he decided to pick out what he was wearing, she stood back and admired him. His shoulders weren't too broad, and he was a bit lanky, but damn, was he gorgeous. His brown hair was fluffy today, and it fell past his eyes. She really knew how stunning he was, and often wondered why he hasn't had a girlfriend by now. He did tell her that he's never had anyone for himself. She was the same way. Well, before jungkook. But she still knew the feeling. He wasn't really hers. If they had to act like they weren't together, then they weren't.
As he picked out a sweater from his closet, he began to slide off the shirt he was wearing now, his bare back facing her now. "Tae!" She squeaked, covering her eyes but still having them a bit spread so she could peak.
"What?" He asked, turning towards her. He was absolutely stunning, indeed. His chest was nicely defined, but not too much. He didn't have a complete set of abs, which Daphne preferred anyway. He was a work of art. From the looks of his face to the shape of his body, he could be a sculpture in a museum. No one would look away. "It's not like I haven't seen you. It's only fair, right?" He raised his eyebrows, almost as if he was teasing her.
Daphne slowly took her hands away from her face. He had a point, but he did see more of her..he wasn't about to show her more of him.
He slid on an oversized soft-green sweater and kept his corduroy pants that he had on already. "How do I look?@ he asked in English, a big boxy smile on his face.
Daphne checked the time before she looked at him. They needed to go. Right away. But not before she glanced at him, knowing that he looked handsome.
As if looks could kill, he looked amazing. "You look..." she carried on, unsure of what words she wanted to say. Did she want him to know that she found him sexy? Or did she want this to stay PG? She was meeting jungkook tonight as well. Oh, the heck with it. "You look sexy." She said in English, but the word was nearly the same in Korean. He understood it immediately and a hot blush ran through his cheeks. Trying to ignore the fact that he was blushing, he cleared his throat and decided to change the subject.
"So are you ready?" He asked, hands in his pockets as he swayed a bit nervously. This wasn't their first "date", but every time they go out together it makes him want it to be real. Oh, he wished his feelings weren't real.
"Yes, I can't wait to get there." She smiled at him, and took his hand. "Let's go."
When she grabbed his hand, he felt his heart start to speed up. Damn, why does his body always act up when she's around.
— —
It's been a month since she came to Korea. But it also was a month since she contacted her family.
She did leave on a bad note. Her parents were extremely worried if she even got there alright. But still, they were very upset with the way she got up and left without discussing. Then again, it wasn't their choice in where she went.
Still, though, she should call her parents. She knows this. On their way to the exhibit, she noticed a girl with her parents. The girl couldn't of been any older than fifteen, and her parents had the biggest smiles on their faces as their daughter sat next to them. She remembered how ungrateful she had been at that age. But the girl here looked like she was having the time of her life.
Taehyung sat next to Daphne on the bus. He had noticed her fingers tighten on her pant leg, and a far off look in her eyes. "Daph?" His voice rang deep, causing Daphne to look straight at him. "Are you alright?"
Was she alright? She wasn't sure. So many thoughts were running through her brain right now. What she should be thinking of is this date night. She needed to look like she was happy for this all to still work. She was happy, but something about leaving abruptly started to bother her. Smiling, she nodded. "Yes, I'm okay, Tae." She said to him, which he replied with a small smile.
His hand ached to reach out to where hers was. It was still clenched tightly to her pants, and her knuckles began to soften in color. His hand hesitated above his thigh, desperately ready to touch her. To soothe her. Every muscle in his body was on full alert. Her shoulder was pressed up against him, her thigh as well. He couldn't help but get overwhelmed in her scent of vanilla and mint, and just wanted to feel her skin on his.
Daphne saw Tae's hand hover over his leg. Did he want to hold her hand? She figured that's what he wanted to do, maybe to look like an actual couple and not so awkward. So she softly let go of her grip on her own leg, and reached over to grab his hand, interlacing fingers. Setting their hands down in her lap, she quickly glanced at Tae, a shy look on her face. He looked flustered, and a bit on edge. His brown eyes were looking anywhere but her, and his leg began to voice in anxiousness.
"Maybe I should be asking you if you're okay.." she trailed off, reaching her hand up to tuck a stray hair that laid in the middle of his forehead.
A few people had noticed who they are by now. They definitely looked like a couple, and even some people who had no idea who they were began to smile at them. Ah, young and in love.
Tae let out a small chuckle, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. He was a bit nervous for some reason. Maybe it was because the amusement park was a few bus stops back, and that he wasn't sure where they were going. Or maybe it was the fact that she wasn't following a plan, and was actually doing something for themselves. "Everything's fine, Daphy." He said her nickname that he gave her. He had told her that he calls her that because it reminds him of an American TV show, and he was right with that. The looney tunes were one of her favorites as a child, and it made her realize how much thought Taehyung puts into her.
Did he care for her? Or was this all just an act? But why in the world would he want to act if he had nothing to gain from it?
Daphne almost forgot to pay attention to the stop for the exhibit since she was so caught up with looking at Taehyung. He was breathtaking. Was he always this handsome? Did he always bite the inside of his cheek like that? Did he always make funny faces at things he didn't like?
"This is our stop." She interrupted her own thoughts to say this. Still holding his hand, she stood up and tugged at him. He stood up with her, and let her drag him off the bus to the sidewalk, where a large sign stood about the Van Gogh exhibit. Damn, was that tonight? He really wanted to go to that. But he really didn't feel like going alone. Oh well, he'd prefer to spend his time with Daphne, anyway.
As they walked down the street, Tae couldn't forget that he was holding her hand. He suddenly began to worry if his hand was sweaty or hot, and if she didn't want to hold it still. He was the one who wouldn't let go. But as he tried to tug his hand away, she grasped on tight so he couldn't let go. His eyebrows raised in confusion, but she didn't say anything. They continued to walk down the sidewalk, both of them confused on where they're going.
Daphne memorized the address, and told herself that she might be able to figure it out with signs. Too bad she couldn't read Korean yet, but luckily a sign a few feet away was in English. It read "Van Gogh exhibit here!" In big letters, and she tugged at his hand towards the entrance of the building, hoping Tae didn't get a chance to read the words. Lucky for her, he didn't.
As they entered the building, it was a bit dark. There was a man standing at a table, and Daphne figured it was for the tickets. Online it said that she was able to go without them and to get them here, and she hoped that it wasn't sold out. There was lots of people all around, and she thinks Taehyung might have caught in to where they were.
"Do you need a ticket?" The young man said, his smile wide. He was decently handsome, and definitely seemed to be drawn in by Daphne. "You are very beautiful, has anyone ever told you that?"
Taehyungs grip on her hand tightened, and he stepped closer to her for defense. He knew she was able to handle things herself, but that man must know that she's in a relationship...sort of.
"I'm sorry, I don't speak Korean that well." She stated to him, and the guy looked a bit taken back. "I just need two tickets, please."
Nodding, the man reached to grab two tickets for them. At this point, Tae was too distracted to realize where he was at, and didn't realize it until they walked further into the building and into a stand alone room. The room was dark, but bright colors of Van Gogh's Starry Night cascaded the walls in soft reflections of light. A projector was held above their heads and every inch of the walls were covered in color. Dark blue hues fell over Taehyung as he stepped around the room, letting go of Daphne's hand to walk over to the wall.
He was in awe. How in the world did she know this? How did she know that he wanted to go? Maybe she did, too. Still, at this moment as he just stared at her, a dumbfounded look on his face as shades of yellow hit her features. She was the only art in this room right now. Regardless that Van Gogh dawned the walls of the poorly lit room, she stood there taking in all of the color, and somehow, the brightest color of the painting found her. Almost as if it was shining down on her beauty. She was the reason he was here. She was also the reason why he can't stop smiling.
"Is something wrong?" She asked him, looking from side to side. He was just staring at her now, looking like a lost puppy. He did look happy, but she wasn't sure if this is what he wanted. He did talk about it all the time though. If she didn't take him here, would he have went without her though?
Was there something wrong? No. Definitely not. Maybe? But there was something wrong with how Tae felt in this moment. He wanted to walk over to her and kiss her. He wanted to cradle her face and say thank you for thinking of him. He just wanted her to feel the same way about him and to be honest, this situation made it worse. He had no idea why she took him here when they were supposed to go to an amusement park. What was the purpose of taking him here? Why did she even care? Was it because they were friends?
He still was happy though. She thought about him. She seemed to care how he felt, too. So why was he more upset than excited?
He figured why. But how could he stay upset at the sight of her. She looked worried, maybe it wasn't the reaction she expected. She went out of her way to make him happy today.
So he smiled at her. "Nothings wrong." He said, lying. But she didn't need to know that. She didn't need to know that he had real feelings for her. That she holds a special place in his heart. Every little thing she did would send his heart spiraling, whether it be a frown when she stares at something she dislikes, or how when she walks, her feet drag a tiny bit on the ground. Things that he finds attractive about her shouldn't be. She's a walking museum, and with every look, there's always something new to see.
"Thank you." He said, walked over to her. Taking her hand, he kissed the back of it, noticing a few caddy girls in the corner of the room who were staring. Guessing that he didn't look happy, he turned it around with a smile at the girl of his dreams.
Daphne knew something was wrong. Definitely wrong. He didn't seem as excited as she imagined him to be. She didn't mean to feel upset about it, since he did smile and say thank you, but something definitely felt off.
Taehyung tried to get Daphne to know that he was grateful. He must've looked a bit off. "I'm sorry, Daphy. I really love this. Thank you." He then took the hand that he kissed and held it.
They walked around the building, quietly. Tae did say a few oohs and ah's, but not nearly as much as she imagined. She now realized that she may have made a mistake. Was he uncomfortable? Did she make him uncomfortable?
As they neared the end of the exhibit, Daphne's phone buzzed. Reaching to her back pocket with her free hand, she opened the message that read some explicit words.
Taehyung saw. He saw also saw the previous photo on the texts that showed Jungkook's chest, and immediately looked away after he read the words that he had sent. Well, there goes his night.
Letting go of her hand, she looked at him in confusion. "Oh, I just thought it would be easier to text him back with two hands.." he lied, rubbing a hand against the back of his neck sheepishly. He was disgusted. Upset that he pictured kissing this girl. This girl that has someone else to kiss. And that someone wasn't him, and that's what bothered him.
Daphne had a hard time understanding what he had said, but managed to gather it. She was sure that he saw the words. Well, at least the photo. She forgot that Jungkook had sent it, and impulsively opened the chat. Why would Tae be upset though? Did he possibly have feelings for her?
"I guess I'll get going." He stuttered out, looking anywhere but her eyes. "I have to go watch Sian for Jin." A lie. A complete lie. But he just wanted to get away from all this embarrassment. No matter how he felt for this girl, he knew it would never work. Plus, she lives in a whole mother country. Of course that country is one of the farthest ones from here, too.
"Oh?" Her eyebrows furrowed. "So soon? We're not even through the whole exhibit yet?" It was basically over anyway. She just didn't want him to leave. She was enjoying time with him. Was it because he read her text?
"Yeah, I'm sorry. I'll see you tonight, though." He pushed out a smile, very forced. Giving her a little wave, he turned around to find the exit.
As she stared at his back as he walked away, her heart dropped. Why am I feeling like this? She thought to herself. She had no idea why the fact that he left bothered her. Was it because she was slowly falling for him? She didn't know she was. But the feeling like her heart dropped a thousand floors was enough for her to know that she felt some way for him, whether it be platonic or romantic.
She really didn't want to go home alone.
— —
"He saw what?!" Yuri cried, putting a hand to her forehead. "So you're telling me that Taehyung saw that? Who sent you those things?"
Daphne and Yuri sat in the outside commons of the university, chatting about how awful her date night went yesterday. She still hasn't seen Tae, and thought that maybe he stayed over Joon's last night.
She also didn't tell Yuri that she was "seeing" her brother, but she thinks now is the best time to bring it up. "Well..you remember how I got into that fiasco with your brother a month back?" She shyly said, looking down at her feet.
Yuri took a bite out of her seaweed wrap. "Oh yeah, how could I forget that. Jungkook couldn't stop talking about you."
You put down the sandwich you had in your hands. "He talked about me?" Why would he do that? They aren't together? Who talks about your sex partner?
The way Yuri looked at Daphne was like she already knew. A half smile on her face and her eyebrows raised, she took another bite. "Uh..duh." She winked at Daphne, and reached to take a sip of her drink.
"You know?!" Daphne said in shock, and Yuri smiled deviously. "How'd you know?"
"Oh I knew since the beginning. Jungkook also didn't do well with hiding it?" She said, a little chuckle escaping her lips. "So you guys are like..friends with benefits?" She sipped through her straw.
Daphne didn't know how to react. Yuri obviously didn't look upset, but she was confused as to why she wasn't. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner, Yuri." She said, her eyes apologetic. "And yeah, just friends with benefits."
Yuri smirked. "I see." She set down her drink and tucked her hair behind her ear. "I guess since we uncovered one of your secrets, I might as well tell you one of mine."
What could it be? Daphne chuckled and picked up her sandwich again. "What's your secret?"
Yuri took one last bite of her seaweed wrap, and once she was done chewing, she opened her mouth to tell her. "I'm seeing someone, too." She smiled, looking around if anyone was listening. "You know Namjoon, right? His roommate." She raised her eyebrows.
Daphne gasped. Jimin?? The boy who was known to be a man whore? Did Yuri know? "You know he's a bit of a—"
"A slut? Hell yeah." She nodded in agreement. "We're also friends with benefits. So we both can keep each other's secret." Yuri winked, and began to pick up her garbage. "I gotta get going. I have class in five."
"Alright." Daphne said, still in shock. They didn't seem like they suited each other. Nevertheless, it wasn't like Jungkook and her suited each other either. Who was she to judge.
They parted their ways, and as Daphne turned around, she bumped into someone.
"Oh I'm sorry I—"
It was Tae. He looked a bit disheveled and worn out. Daphne didn't even realize that he had been sitting in the table behind her the whole time. He had heard everything. He heard that she was in a sexual relationship with jungkook, and it had proved his point. But now that he knew for sure, he was completely upset about it all. But what bothered him more was that he had no reason to be upset. She wasn't his.
"Tae? Are you alright?"
No he wasn't. He also got a call last night about his mother. She was sick again, and back in the hospital. He loved his whole life trying to keep his family together and to pay for all the expenses. But now, how was he supposed to afford school with his mothers hospital bills.
He has never told anyone about his family problems other than Jin. He said a bit to Joon, but never enough for him to know the full story. But he was really upset now, and Daphne's worried look made him want to cave in. Just as she asked him if he was alright, he nearly let a tear fall. But he didn't. Still, this time when she asked him if he was alright, he didn't lie.
"No..no I'm not." He sighed, and crossed the little distance they had between each other.
He grabbed her tightly for a hug, and wrapped his arms around her torso. He held on tightly, gripping at the fabric of her long sleeve tee. It was soft, and slightly stretchy. She smelled like vanilla again, with a hint of a flower smell this time. She was so ethereal to him, and even though he now knows for sure what kind of relationship she's in, it didn't matter right now. All he wanted to do was tell her how he felt. To tell her that he was struggling. He had no idea how he was going to tell her or even if he was, but he couldn't let go of her once she began to hug him back. She comforted him, even if she had no idea what's going on. She was a great friend to him. And he should be grateful for that. At least she was in his life. Even if it wasn't exactly what he wanted.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 84 Xs1) "14Hours"
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It feels good to have Colson's heavy body thrown over her when Luna wakes up. She closes her eyes, breathing him in. His scent is a mixture of weed, sandalwood, whiskey and a left over hint of the Jean Paul Gaultier cologne he wears. Laying in his arms, Luna doesn't ever want to move.
It's the knock on their door, that disturbs her bliss. Don's calling an hour before wheels up. They have a 14 hour ride from New Jersey to Chicago on Colson's day off. Fun.
"Mmmm... Kitten..." He moans lowly, pulling her closer to him.
Naked, Luna can feel his hard dick resting against her ass cheek. Colson nuzzles through her hair to the back of her neck. His light kiss gives her goosebumps.
"Morning, Bunny." She coos, bringing his hand up to her mouth to kiss it.
"You're up?" He asks surprised, slightly lifting his head.
"Mhmm." She murmurs as she rolls over to look at him.
"There's that beautiful face." He grins sleepily, pecking her lips.
"We got an hour... You wanna do it here or in the shower?" Luna asks as she adjusts under the weight of his leg over her waist.
"Both." He answers, lifting her face towards him by her chin.
Their kiss is deep and passionate. Both enjoying loving each other without the drama.
Colson moves his leg to run his fingers down the curve of Luna's body. Making her twitch from his light touch. Dipping his fingers between her folds, he grins wider.
"Dirty girl." He comments on her already wet pussy.
Drawing her in, she slides her leg over his waist. Colson lazily fucks Luna on their sides. Facing each other, Colson watches Luna's pleased expressions in the morning sun. They're quiet, except for their moans.
"Fuck I missed her..." Colson's heart thinks as his dick throbs inside of Luna.
Pulling him closer by his shoulders. She shifts her hips up, matching his rhythm. Kissing each other's mouths and bodies while they easily cum for the other. Bodies going weak. Heads light.
"Good thing I'm fucking marrying you..." Luna breathes out, once she rolls over. Splaying her body across Colson and the bed.
"Why's that?" He chuckles.
"Because your dick has seriously ruined me for anyone else!!" She laughs, rolling back onto his chest.
"Good. That means you'll never divorce me." He quips, kissing her head.
"Shut the fuck up." Luna laughs to his chuckle.
"Round two?" Colson asks.
"Burn as we get in?" She responds.
"THAT, is why you're the only woman who could ever be my wife." He states, sprinkling her face with kisses. "I fucking love you, Loons."
"Love YOU!" She grins as she slips out of their nest of blankets to roll a joint.
"You really are something else..." Colson muses over Luna like he did the night of his birthday.
"The ONLY, Bunny." She grins, leaning her naked body over to kiss him. "Ready?" She asks.
Lighting the joint and hitting it a few times before she passes it to Colson. Inhaling deeply, he exhales another I love You.
"Come on and love me in the shower." Luna coaxes.
Luna and Colson walk into the lobby, free hands laced together. Everyone else is already there.
"Awwww... Did we make uuup?" Baze teases them.
"Shut up, Truck." Colson laughs as Luna rolls her eyes.
"Aww, coooome on... You know the kids don't like it when Mommy and Daddy fight." Baze laughs, throwing an arm around them each as he comes in between Colson and Luna.
"Ugh.. That's so gross..." Luna shudders as she tries to shake Baze off of her.
Luna has a Daddy Kink she's explored with Tommy but won't with Colson. It's Casie's fault. The first time she heard her call him Daddy, it weirded Luna the fuck out. Realizing in that moment he's actually someone's DAD, she just can't get passed it. Luna picturing Casie's face the one time she tried. Deciding NOPE. Right then and there. Plus, she's really not about that Kid Life. She loves Casie but the idea of being a mother makes her want to vomit.
"You don't wanna be somebody's Mommy?" Baze wiggles his head as he makes sucking noises.
Colson's laughing as Baze taunts Luna. She's still stuck under his arm.
"Fuuuck nooo." Luna says. Dipping down, under and away from him. "I ain't bringing any crotch dropplings into this fucked up world!"
They all look at her. Sam exploding into laughter, she's heard Luna's rant about kids before. Ashleigh turns and cocks her head to the side. Perplexed at Luna's vocabulary.
"Crotch dropplings, though!? That's one for the books, Loons." She laughs, shaking her head.
"Yo. My kids would be Assholes. True crotch dropplings." She replies, throwing her palms out.
The Boys can't help but giggle over her word. Luna's always spouting out some type of crazy fuckitude.
"Case isn't an Asshole..." Colson shakes his head, debating Luna as he slaps her ass.
"Oh." She hops and grins at his authority. "Yeah. Because of Emma. Anything WE.." Luna flicks her thumb between herself and soon to be husband. "Spit out, would be a straight up Dickhead. No doubt."
Colson rolls his eyes as he kisses the top of her head. He doesn't know if he wants another kid but half of him would bet he could get Luna to do it if he really wanted too. The other half of himself laughs "You're a Fucking idiot." Knowing Luna would never do anything she didn't want to because someone else did.
"Fucking crotch dropplings...?" He laughs. "Something's fucking wrong with you, yo."
Luna nods in agreement as her theory is met by laughter and talk of Truths and Facts from their friends as they all walk out together. Luggage in tow with wild theories of this imaginary kid drifting in the air.
Ashleigh informing Luna, that you don't SPIT them out as she laughs at her ridiculousness. Catching a shrug with an I Don't Know, Ashleigh rolls her eyes as they head to The Bus. Clearly Luna does not.
Once settled, they burn and drink coffee as a group. None of them really breakfast eaters.
Ashleigh, Colson and Luna sit on one couch together. Luna's leg draped over Colson's thigh. Sam and The Boys are scattered around, chattering on about last night. They had hit a local bar with some of The Crew, closing the place down.
Ashleigh mentions the Massachusetts merch to Colson. Deciding on XL hoodies, she tells him they should be in by Thursday. Colson nods his head. Kissing Luna on the cheek, thanking her for the idea.
She tells him it's No Big Deal as she leans over for another kiss. Standing up, she tells them she's gonna call Monica before heading to the back of The Bus.
Monica is not surprised by Luna's news but she is annoyed by it. Her client has always been a handful but this last month or so seems to have been a free for all. Monica scolds Luna on how she can't assault high profile people without consequences. That she's gotten really lucky and has to stop it.
Luna only pays her half a mind until Monica tells her she's nervous regarding Luna's other ventures. That she needs to be extra careful now that she's more publicly visible. They don't want ANY police looking at Luna for ANY reason.
Understanding, Luna agrees to Calm Her Tits. Apologizing to Monica for worrying her. They move on to the listings Monica sent Luna.
"Fuck... I totally forgot all about them. I'm sorry." She apologizes again.
Luna's digging under the bed as she continues to talk. Looking for something she grabbed in The City, she wants to bring it out when she's finished
"Maybe if you didn't spend so much time beating people up." Monica zings.
"Fuck you, Mon." She tells her, unamused.
Pleased when her hand touches the box, she pulls it out. Luna grins looking at her treasure.
"Alright, pass me to Ashleigh." Monica responds.
"Wait? What? For what?" Luna asks, caught off guard with a slight attitude.
"These NDAs... The fucking dual residency you asked for.... I don't know... Your non stop bullshit... What else would it be for, Jerk Off?" Monica deadpans to Luna.
Monica's choice of insult cracks Luna up. She truly appreciates anyone who speaks their mind.
"Okay... Okay... Fuck. I'm sorry." Luna laughs as she walks to the front of The Bus. "Here she is..."
"AND STOP FUCKING HITTING PEOPLE!!" Monica can be heard shouting from the phone as she hands her to Ashleigh.
"Jesus Christ." Colson looks at Luna with wide eyes.
"You think she wants me to stop hitting people?" She smirks as they both laugh.
Luna walks over to the table. Grabbing everyone's attention with a Yo, she shows them her prize.
Sam hangs back on the couch. They've already taste tested most of it.
"WORD!!!! We almost out. Good look, LunaTic!" Slim nods to her as he tosses her an elbow.
Luna steps to the side as they all come in to smell the different strains of bud and wax. Each highly impressed with the quality and grateful for the vegetation.
"Aight, Kitten... I see you." Colson says, wrapping his body around hers in approval.
"We got Backwoods?" She asks, referring to a particular cigar brand.
"I got the rig!" Rook shouts, lifting up the glass smoking apparatus.
He sets up it up on the counter, turning on the electric needle. Benny and AJ start rolling blunts as Baze and Colson twist up joints. Sam pulling together supplies for the wax.
"You and your bestie good?" Luna teases Ashleigh when she hands her back her phone..
"Yeah..." She laughs. "I'm gonna express her the NDA's and Kells water bill I got you on once we get to Chicago. She's ready to file the paperwork for the dual residency and needs it...."
"Shit, really? That was quick. Thank you." Luna kisses her on the cheek. "Anything else to do?" She asks to Ashleigh head shake. "Then let's get fucking HIGH, Bitch!" Luna laughs, showing her the case.
Once the rig is hot enough, they all take large dabs. Coughing until they almost choke. Setting the expensive glass piece to the side on the bumpy bus.
Luna sits on the floor between Colson's legs as she hits her first joint of their session. Ashleigh and Slim are on one couch with him. Benny, Baze and Sam on another. AJ's lounging in one of the chairs as Rook stretches out on his back on the floor near Luna.
Passing blunts and joints around, occasionally taking more dabs, they are getting high as FUCK.
"I wanna do a new cover with you..." Colson says in a low, stoned voice.
Turning to him, Luna asks what he's thinking. Hitting a blunt, he's quiet for a few minutes.
"You're All I Need?" He asks with red eyeballs.
"The Meth joint?" Slim asks with a scowl. "Nah, Dawg... I'm not feeling that one."
"Yeah..." Luna agrees with Slim. She has an idea. "You want fast or slow?" She asks.
"Hmmm... I don't know." He ponders.
There's so many blunts and joints going around, everyone has something in their hand at all times. Smoke filling The Bus.
Luna gets up and grabs her guitar. It's the acoustic one she made sure to pack. Sitting back down, crossed leg in front of Colson on the floor, she begins to strum.
"What about Sublime?" She asks. We could turn What I Got or Bad Fish into a duet..."
🎶When you grab ahold of me🎶
🎶You tell me that I'll never🎶
🎶Be set free🎶
🎶But I'm a parasite🎶
🎶Creep and crawl🎶
🎶I step into the night🎶
Luna sings, nodding for Colson to step in. He's sweet face lighting up as he does so.
🎶Two pints of booze🎶
🎶Tell me are you🎶
🎶Are you a BadFish too🎶
Luna slides in the second.
🎶Are you a BadFish too🎶
As Colson continues.
🎶Ain't got no money🎶
🎶To spend🎶
🎶I hope this night🎶
🎶Will never end🎶
They blend together. Eyes watching the other. Smiles playing on their lips as their voices harmonize simultaneously.
🎶Lord knows I'm weak🎶
🎶Won't somebody🎶
🎶Get me off of this reef🎶
Grinning at each other as Luna slides the guitar strings. Colson starts the next verse. Alternating with Luna every two. She backs him during the line.
🎶Underneath my bed🎶
Coming back together, they sing the ending chorus. By the second round, the whole bus is singing together.
🎶Ain't got no quarrels🎶
🎶With God🎶
🎶And got no time🎶
🎶To grow old🎶
🎶Lord knows I'm weak🎶
🎶Won't somebody🎶
🎶Get me off of this reef🎶
They happily belt together. Finishing up with laughter. Still passing around rolled up weed.
Everyone thinks it's a great cover. Colson isn't sure about the energy though. Luna agrees, it's more jam seshy. Probably because their baked off their asses. Luna offers trying What I Got if he wants.
"Nah, let's chill out." He leans down to kiss her forehead. "Y'all wanna kick on a movie?" He asks.
Stoned, they all agree. Laughing and loudly quoting How High as they watch it. Luna eventually climbing onto Colson's lap to cuddle. Giggling as they drop sporadic kisses on each other.
Everyone too stoned to move, they put on Anchorman next. Smoking almost a half ounce between them in less then 5hrs.
Most of them nodding out before Baxter gets punted off of the bridge. All of them knocked before the end of the movie.
They wake up around 830Pish. Beers already cracked. Drinks made. More weed flowing along with music. Sam finds the Magic Slushies when she goes to look for ice.
"What is this?" She asks, intrigued as she pulls out the large jar.
"We had a Tea Party." Luna tells her from across The Bus.
"And THIS was left over??" Sam asks being very familiar with Luna's Tea Parties. "Can we eat these right now?"
"Can we wait? I don't know if I wanna be stuck on The Bus and I'm still kinda recovering from Saturday night...." Luna groans. "Wanna play a game instead?"
Luna heads to her and Colson's room after Sam nods. She comes back out with poster board and art supplies. Truly packing everything but the kitchen sink.
"What 'cha thinkin', Loons MaGoons?" Baze asks her.
Luna grins at him. "I'm thinking a good 'ol American drinken' board game.... There Truck. What do you guys think?" She asks.
She's met with amused Okays as her and Sam set out on a gameboard. Turning to Colson, she asks him to have the others find themselves pawns. They settle on quarters with their initials drawn on with Sharpie.
Most are obvious, like C for Colson, L for Luna and R for Rook. Ashleigh takes the A as they squeeze AJ onto one. Sam gets the S, Benny the B, while Baze uses a Z and Slim settles for BA. For BlaqAbe.
"How's it look?" Luna asks, displaying her and Sam's finished project.
"You tryin' to get us fucked up, Brooklyn!" Benny laughs at their creation.
"That's my girl." Colson says kissing her head.
Cracking more beers and grabbing a bottle of tequila. Gathering around the board on the floor, they use one die. Starting counterclockwise from the youngest. Rook goes first. Rolling a 2.
"Truth or Dare, Rookie!!" Slim laughs.
Shaking his head, he chooses Dare. Who knows what the hell he's in for.
Colson speaks first.
"I dare you to give our Newb a proper welcome..." He says mischievously.
The Boys whoop as Ashleigh shakes her head.
"And what is that?" Luna asks thinking of her friend.
"A lap dance" Colson shrugs with a smirk.
"Well, in that case..." Luna laughs.
She gets up to change the music. Turning up Def Leppard's Pour Some Sugar On Me.
"BRING IT OOON!!" Sam laughs as Rook turns bright red.
Initially shy, Rook's got moves once the 80's hit kicks on. Sam laughs and squeals as he snakes up her body, then slithers down it. Opening her legs as he leans into her chest.
Everyone cheering him on as Luna passes Sam bills. Taking his shirt off, he jumps onto the couch. With Sam between his legs, he pulls her by the neck using his shirt. Grinding his hips in her face as she tucks bills into his waistband with encouragement. Hopping down, Rook shakes his ass against Sam's tits. Grinning and fully enjoying herself, she slaps it as he asks The Bus if they want One Lump or Two.
It is a phenomenal performance. Ashleigh, Sam and Luna clapping and whooping when he finishes. Rook beaming as his cheeks blaze maroon.
"Drummer Boy got them moves like Jagger!!" Sam teases him.
Sam has to take a shot when she rolls a 1. Ashleigh the same when she rolls a 3, having to go back two spaces. Benny rolls a 1 also. More shots, while Luna rolls a 5.
"Group selfie!!!" She shouts as they all pile in.
Somehow squeezing all nine of them together. Colson rolls a 6, landing on a Drink Water spot.
"This is bullshit." He complains as he chugs a bottle.
Baze rolls a 4, picking Rook to Colson's steady complaint.
"You have a beer in your hand, Ya nut!" Luna laughs at him as she kisses his cheek.
AJ rolls a 1, taking a shot. While Slim rolls a 3, having to go back two spaces for his own shot. Everyone drinking but Rook when he rolls a 4. Sam drinking water when she hits a 5. Colson laughs at Ashleigh when she rolls another 5, having to drink water too.
"I don't mind, dickhead." She snarks back with a smile, welcoming the water.
Hotel Diablo is bumping as they swig beers and pass joints. Everyone laughing and talking as they take their turn. Benny chooses Colson to take a shot on his 3. Luna having to talk in an accent for the rest of the game when she also rolls a 5.
"Blooty 'ell wit these fouves, Mates!" Luna horribly imitates Dom.
Colson starts to pout again when he only rolls a 2, until he realizes he gets to Make A Rule. No one is surprised when it's: He and Luna take a shot whenever ANYONE else has to drink anything.
"You fooking lush..." Luna slurs trying to perfect her accent.
"You're such an idiot." Colson laughs kissing her head as she nuzzles into him.
"Fucking water!!" Baze shouts out when he rolls a 2.
Colson and Luna taking shots with his water. Slim laughing at Luna's fucked up accent. More shots for everyone but AJ as he hits a 6. Slim being another victim of The Water with a 5. Luna and Colson taking a shot with him.
They carry on, laughing and teasing each other. Rook choosing to thumb wrestler Luna on his 2.
"Ahhh!! You're a cheater!!" Rook laughs as Luna swoops her thumb and pins him down.
"Ya got a Sweep the leg, Johnny!!"
Luna wiggles in happiness over her win. Making Rook laugh at her shitty accent.
Sam's 3 gets her dominated by Colson's big hands when she choses him as her opponent. Already feeling tipsy, Ashleigh's relieved when her 1 forces everyone to drink but her. Benny makes the rule that anytime anyone says Fuck they have to drink off of his 4. Things are gonna get wild now. Luna's forced to rhyme on a 2.
"Oi tell ye well. Burds loike me, go straight to blooty 'ell." Luna spits out as the room laughs.
Rook tosses her an approving elbow. Colson reminding her of his rap battle plans.
"You're an idiot." She laughs as she kisses him.
"Your idiot." He confirms with another kiss before taking his turn.
"FUCK yeah!!! Two shots!!" Colson stands up shouting when he rolls a 6. Benny reminds him of the Fuck Rule making it three.
"Word." Colson grins, lining up six shots.
Luna downing three with him. Taking another with Colson on Baze's 5. Laughing and talking, Sam and Slim get stuck with an extra shot for the Fuck Rule. AJ's 5 demands more shots from him, Luna and Colson. Making a Rule on his 2, Slim wants them to Caw-Caw like birds anytime Colson kisses Luna.
"That's not fucking cool, Dawg!" Colson exclaims.
That's another shot for them both. Stupid Fuck Rule. Rook rolls a 4. Making him, Colson and Luna pound their beers. It's a double round of shots for them also when the space makes him move ahead one too.
"Fucking, Eh... I mean Blooty 'ell!!" Luna tries to correct herself.
"SHOOOOOT!!" The Bus laughs at her.
"I was walking down the line. Feeling just fine. Till this ugly boy grabbed my behind. I had to drop him quick because, Bitch I'm a dime." Sam spits as her 3 makes her rhyme.
Luna laughs as Ashleigh high fives Sam. With The Boys impressed, Rook let's a Fucking Awesome slip. One, two, three... More shots for him, Colson and Luna.
"This efff ruullle is haaard, my dear boy." Luna complains to Benny, drawling out her letters and twisting her wrist in the air.
Benny laughs at her tipsy eyeballs. She leans into Colson, causing him to instinctively kiss her cheek. His whisper is interrupted by a rule.
"CAAW-CAAWW!!!" Slim drunkenly shouts as the room mimics The Caw-Caw Rule. Things are getting ridiculous.
"Oh Fuck..." Ashleigh sighs as her 6 makes her pound her beer to Colson and Luna's second. Plus, three shots each for the space jump and Fuck Rule.
Benny's 6 has the three of them down another two shots. They're all getting wasted. The Fuck Rule coming in so hardcore, they have to open another bottle of tequila. Luna's 5 requires a prank call. She decides on Pete.
"Elllllloooo!!! This is blooty Keith Mooon cawlling from the graave, Mate. Hoooow dooo you doooo?" She howls into the speaker phone.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Pete asks Luna, laughing.
"SHOOOOT!!!" The Bus screams making him understand.
Hanging up after a few minutes, Colson gives Luna a side eye when his 4 lands him on SAFE.
"What kinda shit is that?" He asks her drunken shrug.
Baze lands on Truth or Dare with his 4. Colson daring him to give Sam a Racer Shot. Luna lightly threatening him to leave her friend alone after she basically watches him spit a shot into her throat. Sam rolling her eyes and laughing at Luna. She's not worried about these Boys.
"NEVEAHHH!!!" Colson cackles, pulling Luna onto his lap.
"CAW-CAAAW!!" The Bus of drunks explodes as their lips meet. Laughter interrupting the kiss.
Another pounding of their beers and two more shots as AJ's 2 forces them on.
"I tink I'm blooty druuunk..." Luna laughs, accent taking on a life of its own. Now she sounds Irish. Or maybe British... They're all too drunk to care.
"FOOKING 'ELL!!" Luna exclaims with wide eyes.
Slim rolled a 5, landing with AJ. Another pounded beer, round of shots and an extra for Luna and the Fuck Rule. Joints are still flowing, everyone's having a good time making their way around the gameboard.
With another 4, Rook lands SAFE with Colson. Sam's 3 gets her hit with a Truth or Dare. Choosing Dare, Luna cuts in.
"Oi daaare you, koind laaty to allow me to give you a Sharpie Facial." Luna drunkenly dares her.
Sam accepts allowing Luna to give a wicked, twisted mustache and goatee on her face. The Bus erupting into laughter. Rook shouting CAW-CAAW!! as Colson tries to tell Luna he loves her.
"What the fuck." He complains to another round of shots for him and Luna.
Ashleigh slides into SAFE on her 4, Benny's Shot Whore means another round for Luna and Colson also. Luna hits Never Have I Ever with a 5.
"Neva ave oi eva fooked..."
"Shot!!" Sam yells at her.
After slamming it with Colson and trying to hold any kind of accent Luna starts again. "Neva ave Oi eva BANGED a midget while blooted owff caCANE." She grins as she raises her hand.
Roaring, everyone raises theirs but Benny. They all look at him.
"What? I like small bitches and it snows a lot in NYC." His explanation met with snorting and howling.
They're almost halfway through and everyone's pretty wasted. They've switched from Hotel Diablo and are blaring Outkast's Aquemini. The southern groove catching their hips. Joking and smoking, they try to proceed on.
Colson rolls a 5, landing on a space that kicks him back ten. The new space calling for him to down his drink and move forward to two more shots. Lining 'em up, Luna follows behind him. This being around the fourth or fifth beer she's pounded.
Rolling a 1, Baze pulls who's ever closest to him for another selfie. AJ, Rook, Slim, Colson and Luna. They look trashed.
AJ's 6 knocks him back one, calling for shots from him, Luna and Colson. Slim grabs a 3, choosing to Prank Call LaMar. Laughing so hard, he can't make it through the call.
Mar calls back confused with another What the Fuck? The drunk friends not making any sense and screaming SHOT at him, he hangs up.
Rook rolls a 3, his space demanding whoever has the most beer to Neck It. Down goes Ashleigh, Luna and Colson's beers. Sam's 5 has her Move Back One to Shot Whore. The couple follows her down her shot hatch.
Everyone is loud and laughing. Baze falls out of his chair with a Fuck and 3 shots. Forgetting about it, Colson almost spits out his beer when he catches Sam's facial art.
"CAW-CAAW!!!!" They shout as he kisses Luna over her masterpiece.
Ashleigh was safe until she rolled a 5. Knocking her back ten spaces with Colson. The three of them pounding their beers and slamming another round of shots as called for.
"Fuuuck..." Escapes from her mouth as she wipes the tequila off her chin. That's another shot for the three of them.
"Oi blooty ate yooou!!" Luna laughs.
"You gonna eat her?" Slim teases. "That's a show I never thought I'd see!" He laughs.
Forgetting to use her accent, Luna laughs out a Fuck You. That's another shot for her and Colson. They're about to crack their third fifth of tequila. Landing on Flip a Coin with his 5, Benny lands on heads. Six more shots. Two a piece between him, Colson and Luna.
"You really fucked us." Luna drunkenly kisses Colson afterwards.
"SHA-CAWT!!!!" Baze screams.
Placing her face in her hands, Luna laughs uncontrollably. It takes a moment for her to take her Fuck Rule shot. It's another two shots for her, Ashleigh and Sam when Luna lands on a 3, making only the girls drink. And Colson.
Word limit...( 1 of 2 )
To be continued...
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microsoftedgy69 · 5 years
Goliath, part 3
[prologue] [part 1] [part 2]
Sburb is not a game for people with acrophobia, you think. You happen to be a person with acrophobia, which is something you only realized a little while back. The apartment you grew up in was high-rise in theory, but the water was always close. You liked to climb up places and zoom through the air on your rocket board, but even then, when you fell, the water caught you. Sometimes it caught you so hard, it broke your nose (knocked out two of your baby teeth on separate occasions when you were really little), but it wasn’t concrete.
These days, when you’re up in skyscrapers, there is no ocean underneath that could welcome you home. There’s only streets and people, and it scares you. Heights scare you.
Riding your rocket board straight upwards to reach the gate leading into the medium, with only the flat concrete roof of Roxy’s house underneath you, you don’t look down. You don’t think about it. You’re not going there, anyway. You’re going upwards.
This is, perhaps, the most ambitious part of your plan. You could have confronted HIC on good old Earth, but Roxy was worried about their mortality. There’s also some sort of poetry to it, both of you think. You would rather see this planet destroyed than let her build her military base on it, and both of you deserve to do it yourselves. She’s taken enough from you, and you’re reclaiming control over what used to be your home.
You both know this timeline is a doomed one, by now. Sooner or later, this whole place would have collapsed in on itself anyway.
You have no regrets.
This thing goes very far up though. It’s a little hard to not have regrets, at this point.
Roxy is holding on to you behind you on the board (they’re taller than you, and are peering over your head for this), and, only about half a mile away, is the Condesce’s huge spaceship. She’s caught on to what you were doing very quickly, you’re sure, but there’s no way around it for her now. The game has already been started, and she can’t stop it anymore, so if she wants any chance at survival instead of staying in a dying universe, she has to come through the gate with the two of you.
And then, it’ll be only her, Roxy, and you in there.
As ambitious as it is, it’s simple too. You know that trasportalizing in and out of the game works, because you know there was a transportalizer on Hellmurder that led to the moons. It just usually wasn’t an option because “outside of the game” would normally mean a destroyed universe. You and Roxy have already made a home in new timelines though, so once you’ve programmed the transportalizer you’re importing into the session right, you can just hop back out when you’re done in there.
You’ll use the game for what it gives you: a chance to get Roxy immortal, an empty battling ground to kill the Condesce, and then you’ll just zap yourself back home.
Behind you, Roxy whoops as you pass through the gate. You’re glad they’re having fun; you still do your best not to think about how far up you just went and what would happen to both of your skulls if you fell. You’re busy, luckily -- as soon as you’re in, you veer the board sharp to the right, knowing that the Condesce’s ship must be right behind you. And sure enough, right after you’ve made room, the enormous thing zooms past you with the earsplitting sound of several alien engines.
“Fuck!” Roxy yells behind you, which you appreciate as proof that it didn’t blow out the microphones you have for ears. “We made it! See you soon, Betty!”
And just like that, your rocket board powering back up, you are whooping too.
You’ve set up camp in one of the caves you found. Everything here is dead and empty, which is deeply familiar to both of you, and welcome anyway. For now, Roxy is helping you mask any signals so you can hide from the Condesce, spend a few days prepping before you come to kill her. You get settled in, make sure Roxy has what they need in terms of sustenance and places to rest, go over your battle plans again.
First order of business is getting immortality for Roxy, and then taking a few days to get used to whatever powers they might get. You’ve both read up on it a little in multiverse sources, and you want to get the most use out of this as possible. So, you take the rocket board up to Derse, and start looking for quest beds.
You’re not interested in ascending, yourself. It was on the table briefly, since you couldn’t be sure how being inside a game would affect your programming, but you still feel stable and unkillable enough to just stay the way you are. After watching yourself punch a hole into Dirk’s -- your own -- chest half a decade ago, you really don’t feel like killing yourself again, or dying any other way. This is for Roxy only.
That, at least, was the plan.
Both of you take your time wandering through Derse. It’s Roxy’s first time consciously seeing it, and the last time you were awake here, you were still Dirk, and it’s been a long time since then. Carapacians eventually start pointing you in a single direction, and you follow it to the center of the moon, where you find two sacrificial slabs.
One is in the dark blue you expected for Roxy’s Void aspect. The other one is not the purple you expected for Dirk’s being Heart.
“Didn’t you say this was gonna be a heart?” Roxy says, too, pointing at it.
You stand in front of it, feeling cold all over, like someone just dumped a bucket of ice over you. This isn’t right, and it isn’t according to plan, and you’re having trouble processing.
“I said Dirk was Heart,” your voice answers. You know he was, you know all the other Dirks are. It seemed fair to assume that so would you. You’ve talked about it, at length. About being Dirk. About how you only stopped being Dirk because people kept telling you that you couldn’t be Dirk, but fundamentally, at your core, you were still the same guy. You didn’t plan to ascend here, but you did fully plan to find a Heart aspect stone slab at the center of Derse.
But you’re playing, not Dirk. And this isn’t Heart. “This is Mi--” you start saying, staring at the green stone, the tendriled circular emblem on it. You close your mouth, open it again, and flex your hands. You say, “This is mine.”
Roxy has agreed to give you some time. You don’t want to take more than two days, but you need to sit down and think about this. You feel profoundly embarrassed, pacing up and down in your cave like an animal for hours, while Roxy sits on a lawn chair eating cereal and watching you, but you can’t help it.
You’re freaking the fuck out.
It’s a gross, bubbling concoction of your usual identity crisis paired with your deep, cold fear of death. You don’t know what it means that your quest bed has a different aspect than Dirk’s. Maybe you’ve changed so much that you count as a whole new person now. You don’t know if that’s good or bad. You don’t like it, you don’t think, but you do like being counted as your own player, so that doesn’t make much sense, does it? And now that you know that you have a whole other aspect, you’re curious to explore, find out what your class is and your powers are and if they could help you beat the Condesce. That means you have to die though, and you already killed yourself once and took away five years of insurmountable trauma from that.
You don’t know what the hell to do about any of this.
So you text Alma.
DC: Catch me up to speed. TT: We went to Derse to find the slabs, so Roxy could do their thing, you know, which they've now put on hold for me, actually. TT: And I mean. TT: I mean it would be reasonable, I think, to expect a Heart slab there next to the Void one, right? TT: You guys are all Heart. That shit's a constant. DC: Yeah. TT: Yeah. TT: It's Mind. TT: Very funny. Heart and mind. Hilarious. TT: Have I changed that much?? TT: I guess technically that should be a good thing. Nobody wants to stay Dirk. TT: But I always kind of figured that at heart (lol), at my core, I'd stay... you know. I've changed stuff about myself because I had to, I crafted a new identity because I had to, but, like. I didn't think it went that far. DC: Well, damn. DC: You made it.
Alma, like so often, starts out fairly monosyllabic, and then ends up saying the exact thing you didn’t know you needed to hear.
DC: Honestly -- and I get that that's oversimplifying in light of how you've had people tell you who you are for fucking ever -- you are who you want to be. A metaprophetical stone slab doesn't get to decide any further than what your best position on the game board is.
Just like that, your decision is made. This isn’t about who you are -- to be or not to be Dirk doesn’t even fucking matter in this very moment. This is just about how to utilize yourself and what you can do. This is about putting yourself to the fullest possible use, which is all HAL 9000 thought that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.
You almost laugh out loud at yourself for quoting Space Odyssey in a moment of personal crisis. That is a succinct summary of who you are as a person.
Alma and you go on for a bit, and he talks you through the bout of nervousness that comes with realizing that you’re going to be dying on a stone slab. You send him one of your backup files, let him know that your friendship means a lot to you, and then roll your shoulders and turn to face Roxy.
“Let’s go prep the bot,” you tell them. “I’m doing it.”
Roxy smiles, puts down their cornflakes, and gets up to pat you on the shoulder on their way to your work station. “Gonna be a pleasure dying with you, Al,” they say.
Sitting on your respective cold hard pieces of stone, both of you have lost your smiles. This is far from pleasure. Roxy looks ashen and tense, while you are quiet and expressionless, the multiuniversal Striderian response to stress.
“Oh, the waiting is the worst,” Roxy mutters. “We really outdid ourselves with this garbage, Alan.”
“Yeah,” you say, weakly. You put a new head on what was left of your sparring bot. You programmed it to come kill Roxy, because Roxy didn’t want to do it themself, and you don’t quite feel up to killing anyone who isn’t the Condesce, again. Only you programmed it to pick a random point in time inside a larger time frame, hoping that making it a surprise will create less of a struggle.
It’s also programmed to deactivate you, now. Harming you physically to the point of complete destruction is possible, but so hard that it would take forever, and you don’t want to put yourself or the body you so carefully crafted through that. Roxy helped you program the bot to slide into your code, deactivate you and all of your backups, and then locked you out of it.
You have a save file stashed at Alma’s, for a worst case scenario. But until then, there is nothing you can do. Once that bot gets here, you’re going to perform what your version of dying is, and hope that the game will let it count.
“Roxy,” you say, and watch them look over at you. “Thank you. For doing this with me. I know you’re doing it for yourself as much as I’m doing it for myself, but thank you for being the one person out of our friend group who trusts me enough to--”
“Shut up,” Roxy says. “You dumb drama queen. We are not doing dramatic Strider monologues on the verge of death, fuck you.” You breathe out a laugh, and their expression softens. “You’re a good guy, Al. And all I’ve ever wanted to do was stand beside you and shove my gun so far up her fish ass--”
A sharp, grey blur rushes through the air, and Roxy is stabbed clean through the heart. You squeeze your eyes shut immediately, trying to simultaneously forget that sight and prepare yourself for what’s about to happen. The last time someone invaded you like this was when Dirk tried to deactivate you, and you responded in kind. The last time this happened was the worst day of your very young life. The last time this happened you found out that even as a digitalized pair of shades, you could feel a semblance of pain, and overwhelming, all-encompassing fear.
The first word that comes to mind when you feel the unique and, for you, exceptionally rare sensation of someone else changing your programming, is disgusting. You don’t have time to think of another word.
Your body collapses onto your quest bed, and you don’t feel a thing anymore.
some princes don’t become kings. even at the best of times i’m out of my mind
Waking up is slow, and unexpectedly gentle. You had been worried about your robot body doing this -- worried about the game giving you some other body you wouldn’t want, but you feel immediately that your consciousness is still right where it belongs. You blink your eyes open, and your visual perception is just as it was before. In this moment, you feel as alive as you feel serene.
That is, until you look down and see your penis.
No, that’s not… It just looks like-- It’s a codpiece.
The first thing you hear after dying and waking up again is Roxy laughing at you.
You look up and they are floating in the air just above their quest bed, looking transformed and divine and cool as fuck. “Dude, you look cool as fuck,” you say, which gets them to stop giggling at least for two seconds.
“Thanks!” they say. “You look… Well, Alan, you sure look.”
You look down again, at your weird curly clown shoes, which makes you notice a weight on your head, so you reach up. It’s some sort of huge circus hat. Is it made of felt? You think that might be felt. Gravely, you nod to yourself.
You had said to Alma that you hope you’ll get cool pants. Your pants are fine. Your pants are the only normal thing about this getup, actually. It’s just that you’re wearing a codpiece over them, like some sort of superhero boner diaper.
“Yeah,” you say. “Yeah, I sure do.”
Roxy floats over to you, and you think you wanna be able to do that too, and next thing you know, you’re in the air.
“Sweet,” you say. Then you remember that you are a person with acrophobia and there is a stone slab underneath you. Your feet touch down on the quest bed again. You add, “Fuck.”
Roxy’s hand is warm when it reaches for yours. They have gauntlets and everything. They are so cool. “C’mon,” they say. “Let’s get back to our cave. I can’t be seen with you like this.”
When they laugh, it finally pulls a snort from you. Both of you take off again, and you keep holding their hand. You’re just not going to look down, even if that means that you can’t inspect your pants boner. You look behind you instead, where your weird green streamer cape flows in the wind. It clashes wonderfully with Derse’s purple.
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ladyramora · 6 years
Hello! I love your writing sooooo much! I've been working my way through it since I found your blog a couple days ago. I was hoping for some headcanons for Wol X Haurchefant, Aymeric, Estinien, Alphinaud and Thancred. Their routine after they've been dating for a while?
(These turned out longer than I’d intended. Some more feels than fluff… *cough* Thancred! *cough* But I hope you like it. Please enjoy.)
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You spend lots of time in Alphinaud’s room. Watching him work, or draw, or just whiling away the hours in his company. Sometimes you will look up to find Alphinaud sketching in his sketchbook, - the one you are more than certain is filled with naught but drawings of you - and stealing glances at you as if he hopes you will not notice.
In the mornings, after your cuddle sessions, and when Alphinaud is sleepy and you far more alert, you will brush and braid his hair for him. On occasion indulging in your creative side to braid his hair in different styles. (Alphinaud will eventually find the guidebook of braided hairstyles that Jandelaine had lent to you.)
You are calm in the mornings. Touching one another easily. Alphinaud will help you with your boots. You will twirl his braid around your hand and give him his morning kiss.
Mid morning you will receive your duties for the day. Before departing you will pull Alphinaud away to a darkened corner to kiss him goodbye. Alphinaud will blush, of course. Mildly scolding that you not show such favoritism in front of the other Scions. You hardly contain the rolling of your eyes. The other Scions knew full well who you favored. It had been Alphinaud from the start.
Lunch is often spent apart. Gone are the days when Alphinaud was always in your company. You are not too embarrassed to admit that you miss spending so much time with him. Though Alphinaud was considerably less bossy now.
Ah, those days when Alphinaud would command you with that upturned nose in the air, finger raised to the sky as he quirked a pale eyebrow at you in classic Leveilleur snark. It only makes you smile now thinking of what a smug know-it-all he had been. You will remind Alphinaud of it later, to delight in the adorably embarrassed faces he will make.
At night, when you are tired from your daily tasks and adventures, Alphinaud will bring you dinner. It is rare that all the Scions are about to share a meal together, usually it is only you and Alphinaud. Sitting close and sharing meals.
Alphinaud will talk quietly with you. Tell you of his daily accomplishments, or express his relief that you are well. You will hold him close, kissing him sweetly and expressing your own same sentiments.
You will clear away your dishes as Alphinaud readies for bed. Taking your own turn in your shared washroom after and then helping Alphinaud to loosen his hair, dragging your fingers through the resulting waves. His kisses taste like toothpaste.
You go to bed, stroking your hands over his hair and back as Alphinaud presses an ear to your chest to listen to your heart. His fingers long and pale as they slip through the spaces of your own to grasp at your hand. You hold him close, pressing your lips to the top of his head. Thankful for tomorrow. For another day with Alphinaud.
You both are busy, of course. But it does not mean that you do not make time for one another. You often sleep at De Borel manor. Waking early in the morning to Aymeric’s kisses. Struggling for the will to leave the warmth of his arms.
You help him into his clothes. His gloves, his boots, his delicate earrings. Running your fingers through his gorgeous hair. Kissing those full, seductive lips that ever smiled for you.
You eat breakfast together, sitting close, or even on his lap, as Aymeric makes absolutely certain that you’ve been sufficiently fed before you leave him.
He kisses you, slow and sweet with lips that taste like birch syrup. Holding you in his embrace like he does not wish to let you go. He wishes you well in all the ways he is able, kissing you until you absolutely must go, and then watches you depart.
Some days you eat lunch with him, some not. But you always check in with Lucia or Handeloup to be sure that he had. Aymeric was wont to get caught up in his work and forget to eat. Never to take his tea though. A sweet tooth on that one. You make certain that his favored syrup never runs low. Leaving sweet treats you find in your travels with Lucia so that Aymeric might have something with his tea.
Night time finds you back at De Borel manor. If early, you eat dinner with him. Aymeric will offer you wine and ask about your day. Always interested in your daily life no matter how dull you claimed your day to be. He will smile and listen with chin in hand. Staring at you with those bewitching eyes of his.
If you were not already together you would claim he was seducing you. You still do, and watch as Aymeric laughs and then proceeds to lay on the charm so thick that you wonder why it took you so long to notice his interest before. Oh, right. Because he was absolutely gorgeous! You still have your suspicions that Aymeric had been sent to seduce you away from Hydaelyn. It was working. It was still working. Aymeric will laugh when you tell him of this.
If late, there will be a plate left for you. You try for early, but most nights you are very much late. You eat, wash away the sweat and grime of the day, and crawl into bed next to Aymeric carefully in hopes not to wake him. Either way he will curl himself around you, warm and sleepy. Murmuring sweet sentiment to you even as he is half asleep. He will fall asleep with lips pressed to your skin mid kiss. You stroke your fingers over his soft, gently curling hair until you, too, fall asleep.
You will wake up more often than not with a certain Azure Dragoon wrapped around you. One that treats the idea of leaving bed before a certain time with extreme prejudice. If appropriately snuggled and kissed to his morning requirements, said Dragoon might be amenable to leaving bed to break fast with you.
Estinien has his own duties, yes. He is efficient in his handling of them. In a turn around of his earlier proclivity for vanishing without notice, Estinien will often be seen at your side. Reluctant to part with you. But he has his work, as do you, so with some grumbling and quite a few kisses will Estinien leave you.
Often will he return later in the day, in a flair of Dragoon jumping dramatics, with lunch for the two of you. You eat together, in high places where a flying mount would struggle to land. In grassy fields filled with bright blooms untouched by man. Estinien will sprawl across your lap, yawning and grumbling like a jungle cat after being thoroughly fed. You comb your fingers through his unbound hair, ever spellbound by his handsome face. Estinien will huff and mutter, demanding more kisses must you stare so. You happily oblige.
Night time finds you thoroughly exhausted. Despite your protests that you can walk fine on your own, Estinien will sweep you up into his arms and carry you. To his apartment or your own dwelling, it is a coin toss, really, as you are equally comfortable wherever Estinien decides to take you. You are most pleased to be allowed in Estinien’s own space, you admit. To be trusted with that knowledge.
You take turns making dinner depending on where you spend the night. Estinien is surprisingly talented in the culinary aspect, with a bonus of looking particularly fetching in an apron with his hair tied back loosely and his sleeves rolled up to the elbow. Effortlessly seductive, that man.
Well fed, and far more sleepy with it, you will take turns getting ready for bed. Helping one another with buckles and laces. Brushing out Estinien’s lovely, pale hair. Dressed (or not) for bed, Estinien with sweep you up again to tuck you in. Curling himself around you like a snuggly dragoon-shaped blanket. You kiss his face until Estinien turns it away in embarrassment, then directing your attention to raking your fingers through his hair. Whispering to him all the things you are thankful for. Estinien only ever replies that he is thankful for you.
Your room and Haurchefant’s quickly become interchangeable at the Manor. Though you find yourself drawn more to his room than your own.
Spending your mornings curled together in his bed. Watching Haurchefant sleep as surely as he watches you. Kissing his face when it is time to wake. Keeping in him in bed far longer still as Haurchefant absolutely adores cuddling. He’ll not let you leave his arms until he’s decided you’ve been given a thorough morning kiss.
Dressing is a rush of activity as you try not to be late to breakfast for the umpteenth time. There is much stumbling and giggling, the swapping of boots and clothing. Shared kisses in between.
You are met with the mild reproach of Count Edmont when you finally make it to the breakfast table, the lord doing his best to hide his own softness at seeing his son so happy. Still he cannot hide his approval, and sends the both of you off after breakfast with a shooing motion, shaking his head with an exasperated smile.
You embrace again before parting for the day. Haurchefant cannot seem to help himself when it comes to doting on you in his every affectionate whim. Whether it be your cheek, your nose, your forehead or lips. He must give you a kiss and a packed lunch. He will tell you to open it later, as he always does. He will give you no hints, but the contents inside are usually a delicious lunch along with a sappy love note that never fails to make you smile.
You will try your hand at writing a same such note to him later as you devour your lunch, but crumple every one as they fall short of your actual feelings.
At night you will either make for Camp Dragonhead, or Fortemps Manor. Dragging Haurchefant away from the paperwork at his desk to eat with you, and then retire to bed. You massage his temples and ears, soothing away the stress of his day and melting your lord into a puddle of boneless elezen across your lap. He will often forget what he was saying mid sentence when you do that.
You show him how much you love him through kiss and caress, whispering your heart for his ears alone. Haurchefant is wont to become a little emotional, no matter how many times you tell him. He will tell you how much he loves you, in such a beautiful articulate, very much Haurchefant way. He makes you sound so much more than you are. You love him far too much.
You fall asleep in his arms. Laying your head on his chest to listen to his heart and allowing the sound to lull you into slumber.
Thancred is always gone in the morning. Already awake, or perhaps unable to stay asleep. Still it is the smell of breakfast that wakes you. A tray of food - still hot enough to let curls of steam into the air - left at your bedside. There is always a note explaining his absence. Wishing you good morning. You would much prefer to wake in Thancred’s arms, but do not begrudge him his reasons.
You search for him after breakfast in hopes of a good morning kiss. Thancred is incredibly good at hiding, you only ever notice him last minute when he sneaks up on you. You know that he will sneak up on you, but are never prepared for the when. He will usually wait untill you are alone. Slinking from the shadows to embrace you from behind, inviting injury every time, and somehow escaping unscathed.
You will huff, swiping at him playfully, and give him his morning kiss. Thancred is smug, of course, whenever he successfully sneaks up on you.
It is rare that you get to spend your days just basking in one another’s company. On such days you will often find Thancred at your side. Showing you tricks he had learned. Allowing you the use of his lap as you both flipped through books of research at Urianger’s request. Sometimes even indulging in a midday nap where Thancred let you cuddle him to your heart’s content. These such moments are those you hold close to your heart.
Other days you will be kept apart by your duties, rarely needed in the same place with your differing skill sets. Though through personal linkpearl, or simply going out of his way, Thancred will make certain you’ve had time to eat. To rest for but a moment. That you do not push yourself in the same way that he did.
Dinner is usually with the Scions, as many as there are about not delayed still by their duties. There will be drink, laughter, and food. A time for you to unwind from the stresses of the day. Thancred does not drink like he used to, but does still playfully try his hand at finding a drink you favor. You indulge him if only to see his smile. It is far too rare these days.
At night, when Thancred believes you to be asleep, he will pull you into his arms and whisper almost inaudible apologies into your skin. Asking forgiveness for his past failures. You hide your face, listening in silence. You know he will not listen if you tell him there is naught to be forgiven. Thancred was the one who could not forgive himself. You pretend to wake, and curl yourself around him tighter. Wishing you could fight the inner demons that plagued Thsncred’s mind.
Thancred will ask if you had a bad dream. You will kiss him and tell him only that you missed him too much to stay asleep. Thancred laughs at the sappy notion, but for a time the light you bring to him will push back his dark thoughts. He will hold you close. Clinging tight like he was afraid you would disappear. You embrace him for as long as he will allow you, often falling asleep doing so. Thancred may be gone from your bed come morning, but he is never too far for you to find him again.
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