#and lily and ripper were sisters
gaysonlyocean · 1 year
the best in existence whoever blessed us with cats thank thou my cat reminds me of my old cat. :[ i love them dearly -silly
oh i get that hold on
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i have this saved on my laptop and i have had it for YEARS, this is adder (black cat) and lily (white cat) two of the three cats i grew up with, we had another called ripper (really ripley, like from alien, but she was nicknamed ripper and it stuck) but i dont have a photo of her saved :(
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sideprince · 1 year
'I am about to attempt to break into your mind,’ said Snape softly. ‘We are going to see how well you resist. I have been told that you have already shown aptitude at resisting the Imperius Curse. You will find that similar powers are needed for this … brace yourself, now. Legilimens!’ Snape had struck before Harry was ready, before he had even begun to summon any force of resistance. The office swam in front of his eyes and vanished; image after image was racing through his mind like a flickering film so vivid it blinded him to his surroundings. He was five, watching Dudley riding a new red bicycle, and his heart was bursting with jealousy … he was nine, and Ripper the bulldog was chasing him up a tree and the Dursleys were laughing below on the lawn … " ... “Did you see everything I saw?’ Harry asked, unsure whether he wanted to hear the answer. ‘Flashes of it,’ said Snape, his lip curling. ‘To whom did the dog belong?’ ‘My Aunt Marge,’ Harry muttered, hating Snape.
OOtP Ch. 24
‘We thought we’d just have a few words with you about Harry,’ said Mr Weasley, still smiling. “Yeah,’ growled Moody. ‘About how he’s treated when he’s at your place.’ Uncle Vernon’s moustache seemed to bristle with indignation. . . . “The point is, if we find out you’ve been horrible to Harry -‘ ‘- And make no mistake, we’ll hear about it,’ added Lupin pleasantly. ‘Yes,’ said Mr Weasley, ‘even if you won’t let Harry use the fellytone -‘ ‘Telephone,’ whispered Hermione. ‘- Yeah, if we get any hint that Potter’s been mistreated in any way, you’ll have us to answer to,’ said Moody. Uncle Vernon swelled ominously. His sense of outrage seemed to outweigh even his fear of this bunch of oddballs. ‘Are you threatening me, sir?’ he said, so loudly that passers-by actually turned to stare. ‘Yes, I am,’ said Mad-Eye, who seemed rather pleased that Uncle Vernon had grasped this fact so quickly.
OOtP Ch. 38
I'm far from the first to point out the correlation between these two moments and the implication that Snape, having seen Harry's memories of the Dursleys' abuse, alerted the rest of the Order who then acted on it (and there's some good meta out there on how it's not until an adult speaks up for Harry that action is taken, even though the Weasley kids tell their parents about his mistreatment as far back as CoS, but I've read miles of meta this week and literally can't find the link).
The idea that Snape watched Petunia stand there and laugh at Harry with her family, having known her as a child. The idea of him, of all people, noticing the overlarge clothes and malnourishment and various signs of neglect. The idea of him having dedicated his life to protecting Harry in order to make amends for his role in Lily's death and to make her sacrifice worthwhile only to see that her sister actively and deliberately failed to do the bare minimum when he was entrusted to her care.
The idea that Snape only realized that the scene wasn't a one-off bad memory, that it was Harry's family finding entertainment in his torment, because he recognized Petunia and put two and two together.
The second Snape gets a glimpse into Harry's childhood he sees neglect and abuse. He's never liked Petunia and probably hasn't thought of her in years and here she is, in a memory, the face he knew as a child all grown up now, laughing derisively with the same cruelty she showed Snape himself years earlier but now directing it at her sister's child instead of taking care of him when Snape is risking his life for the kid. I can imagine his anger went well beyond just giving him a different perspective on Harry and this insight being the first moment he saw Harry as more than just an echo of James.
The idea that Snape knows Harry is bound to keep going back to that house because of the magical protection it gives him, while also knowing that this is all the protection he's afforded there. There's a parallel in there to Snape's own choices as the books progress, between the lesser of two terrible choices.
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itsthemysterykids · 2 years
God, I loved that story! Do another!!
Coraline: Once upon a time in a far away village, there were four women who shared a home, and surprise, surprise, they did not get along. They especially didn’t get along with their step-sister, Lili. But they just call her CinderLili, all ‘cause she slept by a fireplace and got some cinder on her. That’s how mean nicknames start
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*At her used-to-be home, Lili is scrubbing the carpet, then her stepsisters approach her*
Mabel: Make sure you clean that tea stain real good so I can come back here and spill more tea.
Lili: Well, there goes all our female characters. Anyway, you two are gonna regret being mean to me someday.
Coraline: When are we ever mean to you?
Lili: That time you told King Midas to give me a back massage. *She hits the brush against her back so they hear metal clanging* Now I’m dealing with that.
Coraline: Someone mad they didn’t French? *Flashes her golden teeth*
*The stepsisters are now in the den having tea, and Lili is putting logs in the fireplace*
Lili: Why did you ask me to clean the fireplace, then start another fire?
Coraline: It’s fun watching you clean. *She kicks over a bucket of ashes* ... Clean that up.
*A messenger arrives blowing a horn*
Neil: Hey y’all, hey y’all! The residents of this house are invited to the prince’s royal ball!
Mabel: Why didn’t he just post it on FairyGram?
Neil: King forgot to pay some bills. *Hands Lili a scroll then leaves*
Lili: *Reads the scroll* The king is holding a ball at the castle to find his son a wife!
Mabel: Well it won’t be you, because you’re not going.
Lili: Come on! I do everything around here, and I don’t ask for anything!
Coraline: … Okay, you can go.
Lili: Seriously?
Coraline: If you have a dress to wear! Boom!
Mabel: And you don’t got a dress!
*They leave the den*
Lili: Oh, just you wait…
*That evening, Coraline and Mabel are dressed up and ready for the ball*
Coraline: Okay, we’ve used up our female characters, so our stepmother is offscreen.
Stepmother: *Offscreen* Okay, girls! Let’s make mommy rich!
*They are about to leave*
Lili: Wait! *Runs down the stairs wearing a ball gown* You said if I had a dress to wear, I could go to the ball!
Stepmother: *Offscreen* Who told you that?!
Mabel: How did you even make that so quickly?
Lili: Well, I have an eye for fashion, and I have pretty quick hands.
*The mice who made her dress are watching from the stairs*
Mouse: Unbelievable.
Stepmother: *Offscreen* Well I don’t care. Girls, tear up her dress!
Coraline: Don’t you need like a seam ripper for that?
Stepmother: *offscreen* Just do it.
*The two tear up her dress leaving it in shreds. Lili stares in shock for a moment, then runs off crying to the farmhouse*
Lili: What did I do to deserve this? I have been nice and innocent my entire life!... *Music begins to play and animals surround her without her noticing* All I've ever known, about who- *She takes note of the animals* Aaahh!! VERMIN! *Starts swatting them away* Get away! Get away! *They run away* Oh, my God! They probably had rabies!
*Suddenly, a blue light that appears before her, and transforms into Norman*
Lili: Who the hell are you?
Norman: I’m your fairy godbrother.
Lili: Don’t you mean “Godmother”?
Norman: No, she and the fairy god-aunts have to take care of Sleeping Beauty. Anyway, what would you love more than anything?
Lili: This is amazing! I want Belle to admit she had Stockholm syndrome when she married that beast..
Norman: … How about a way to get to the ball?
Lili: That works too.
Norman: Okay, I need some mice, a dog, and an apple.
Lili: Don’t you mean a pumpkin?
Norman: Apples are less messy. Now go find some mice and a dog.
*A few minutes later, Lili comes back with the mice and a dog*
Norman: Bibbidi bobbidi boo! *Turns the mice into horses*
Lili: Damn.
*Norman then turns the apple into a carriage and the dog into a coachman*
Norman: Okay, almost done. Now for the dress. What are we thinking? Flowing and breathable? Maybe someone short?
Lili: Just something nice to wear to a ball.
Norman: Gotcha. Bibbidi bobbidi boo! *Transforms Lili’s torn dress into a beautiful blue ball gown*
Lili: It’s beautiful!
Norman: Check out your shoes.
*Lili looks down to see…*
Lili: Glass heels?
Norman: Yeah, and if you wanna keep all your toes, don’t tap dance.
*At the castle, the ball was in session, and everyone from town was there*
Mabel: Wow, everyone from town is here.
Coraline: Even Lady Pacifica of Northwest
*Somewhere else*
Dipper: Man, there’s nobody cool at this party.
Wybie: All these royal types are inbreeding, wall-eyed, buck-toothed British guys who have to be wheeled around under a blanket.
Old man in wheelchair: I say! Wherever is Grandmama? She would so enjoy the festoonities!
Neil: That’s not even a word.
Raz: *Walks through the crowd* Hi, how are ya?
Stepmother: *Offscreen* Your majesty, these are my daughters. And one of them would love to be your princess.
Coraline: See anything you like?
Mabel: Oh, I’m so elegant and fancy.
Raz: Yeah, okay. Stick around if I can’t find anyone else. *He walks around and bumps into Lili. They are immediately awestruck* … Okay, first off, obviously. The dress. Wow.
Lili: Oh, thank you.
Raz: Wanna dance even though I just met you?
Lili: Love to.
*Ballroom music plays and everyone dances around the room, while stealing a few glances at the mystery girl. Lili and Raz are about to kiss, but her phone rings*
Lili: Just a sec. *She answers her phone* Yeah?
Norman: Yeah, so I forgot to mention something. The magic wears off at midnight.
Lili: What?!
Norman: It’s 11:59, you better get the hell outta there!
Lili: … I gotta go! *Runs out the ballroom*
Norman: Hey, where are you going?!
Neil: You touch it, you buy it!
*Lili runs down the stairs and her heel comes off. She leaves it, goes in her carriage, and rides it back home*
Raz: *He picks up the heel* Wait! You forgot your heel! Eh, what was the point in that? She can’t hear me.
*Back at the farmhouse, Lili sits in her torn dress*
Lili: We almost kissed. Now I’ll never leave this place and be a rich do-nothing wife!
*The next day at the castle. The head knight approaches the prince*
Wybie: We still haven’t found her. My knights and I have searched far.
Raz: … Have you searched wide?
Wybie: … Well…
Raz: Nevermind, I’ll find her myself.
And so, the Prince set out to find his mystery girl. He searched all over the kingdom, except for in the south, which, even in fairy tales was… Let's say ‘loud’. He then arrived at Lili’s home
*In the living room*
Raz: Okay, you know the rules. Whoever fits this heel, will be my princess. Or prince. I’m Bi. *He is about to try the shoe on Mabel*
Coraline: Oh, there’s my heel! I must’ve lost it during gymnastics. *Bends backwards* This could be your life!
Lili: Enough!
Coraline: How did you escape?! I locked you in the closet!
Lili: I busted down the door!
Mouse: *Holding a key* Unbelievable.
Lili: Did you seriously forget what my face looks like?
Raz: The room was very dark!
Lili: Uh-huh. Gimme the heel.
*Raz hands her the heel, and as she puts it on, surprise, surprise, it’s a fit*
Mabel: *to Coraline* How is it that shoe only fits her? We wear the same size in shoes.
*Coraline shrugs*
Raz: So you wanna get married?
Lili: And leave this dump? Yes! And as for you three. Bye Felicias! *Leaves with Raz*
*And so, the two got married even though they just met, and Raz couldn’t remember what she looked like*
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Runs in the Family CH. Three
Book: Prisoner
Title: Chocolate and Flying Aunts
Words: 1950
Warnings: Slight language, mention of drunk driving 
A/N: Sorry this was late! I was having some trouble finding my word document. Hope y’all enjoy!
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter 
RitF Masterlist
Harry Potter Masterlist
It was a semi-peaceful summer up until Aunt Marge came to visit for two weeks. The moment she got there, she was all over you and Dudley and very mean to Harry. You tried to stay away from her and to study for your next year at school, but since she couldn’t find out that you were a witch, you had to do that at night. She wouldn’t let you anywhere with Harry so that was out of the question too.
 You had just about had enough of her and her dogs for a lifetime and was happy that her visit was almost over. It was at dinner when Aunt Marge went too far. You were sitting in between your mom and brother, Marge in front of you. She was making comments about Harry and his parents and when she called James a drunk and other nasty things, you frowned.
 “Aunt Marge, please stop,” you said. “That’s not true.”
 “Of course it’s true. That’s how they died, isn’t it? The bastard was driving while drunk!”
 That made you angry and you clenched your teeth together. Right as you did that, the glass Marge was holding exploded. Your mom let out a small scream and your eyes were wide.
 “I have a firm grip, Petunia. A very firm grip, so don’t fuss,” Marge said. She started to wipe up the mess and you exchanged a look with Harry.
 Aunt Marge told Harry to clean up and while he was doing that, she started talking about Lily.
 “It actually has nothing to do with the father, it’s always the mother. You see it all the time with dogs. If there’s something wrong with the bitch, there’s something wrong with the pup.”
 “Aunt Marge!” You said. She went to say something but Harry interrupted her.
 “Shut up!” Harry yelled. Aunt Marge only smirked and held her finger up.
 “Let me tell you—“
 That was when she saw her finger starting to swell. Everything happened so fast after that. Aunt Marge kept expanding, her clothes ripping and buttons popping. When Vernon tried to get up and help Marge, Ripper started biting his ankles. That was when Marge started floating. She bounced off the ceiling and you went to stand by Harry.
 “Well, isn’t this a sight?” You muttered. Your parents were panicking and it took everything in you and Harry to not laugh.
 “They’re going to expel me,” Harry said.
 “Then they’re going to expel me too.” Harry looked at you and you shrugged. “I’m pretty sure that the glass exploding was me, not you. But it was definitely you who blew up Aunt Marge.”
 “I’m leaving, come with me?” Harry said.
 “We shouldn’t leave, Harry,” you said.
 “I don’t know what Vernon is going to do. I’ll take the blame for all of it.” With that, Harry raced up the stairs and you could hear him throwing everything in his trunk before coming back downstairs. That’s when he came face to face with Vernon.
 “You bring her back! Bring her back and put her right. Now!” Vernon screamed.
 “No. She deserved what she got,” Harry said. Vernon went to strangle Harry and your eyes widened.
 “Keep away from me,” Harry said, holding out his wand.
 “You can’t do magic outside of school.” Vernon’s voice was shaky.
 “Yeah? Try me.”
 With that, Harry left and your dad turned to you.
 “You didn’t do anything to stop him. Why?”
 “What?” You said, confused.
 “Why didn’t you stop him?!”
 “Daddy, I can’t do any magic outside of school. You just said that to Harry. And besides, even if I was allowed, I don’t know how to help her without hurting her,” you said.
 Vernon let out a frustrated yell and stomped back to the dining room. You watched him leave then turned to Petunia.
 “Why didn’t you try to stop Aunt Marge from saying those things?” You asked her.
 “She was your sister and you’re going to let someone tarnish her name?” You sounded disgusted and shook your head in shame. After looking at your mom, you started to go upstairs.
 “I don’t want to hear it! All of you just let her say those nasty things and it makes me sick. I’m going to my room.” You heard your mom call after you, but you ignored her.
 After you got into your room, you closed the door and started packing. You had a feeling that someone from the Ministry was going to come and set things right. A few minutes later, your suspicions were proved correct. There was a knock on the door and you went downstairs with your trunk.
 “Is this the Dursley residence?” A voice said.
 “It is.”
 “Ah, good! We have someone for you.”
 You peeked down from where you were on the stairs and saw a dazed Aunt Marge.
 “Marge!” Vernon said.
 “She’s alright and will have no memory of the incident.”
 “Who are you?” Petunia asked.
 “My name’s Kingsley. I’m also here to pick up Miss [y/n] Dursley,” Kingsley said.
 “Why?” Petunia asked.
 “We thought that she might want to join her cousin.”
 “But it’s still weeks before the start of term.”
 “Well, ultimately it’s up to her.”
 They all looked at you and you shrugged.
 “I’m packed and ready. Let’s go,” you said. You walked down the remaining steps and looked at your family. “I’ll see you later.”
 Vernon looked like he was going to explode, he was that angry. Petunia just looked sad and Dudley wasn’t paying any attention. Kingsley held out his arm and you took it. Within a second, you were at the Leaky Cauldron.
 “Go right upstairs. Room eleven is where you will find Harry. That will be your home for the rest of the summer,” He said.
 “Thank you.”
 He tilted his head and disappeared. You took a breath and walked upstairs. You knocked on the door and Harry opened it.
 “[Y/n]?” Harry said. “What are you doing here?”
 “Someone from the Ministry brought me here,” you said.
 “Your parents let you come?”
 “They didn’t want me to, but I was told that it was my choice.” You smiled. “I didn’t want to leave you alone for the rest of summer.”
 The next few weeks were nice. Everyone at the Cauldron was super nice and friendly, always making sure you and Harry were comfortable. Since your parents didn’t give you any money, Harry loaned you some so that you could get your books for the next term. He also bought you a broom since he knew you were going to try out for the Hufflepuff team and that the school brooms were awful.
 When it came time for the start of term, you happily packed everything up. You had gotten a letter from the Weasley’s saying that they were going to take you to the train that morning and you were excited to see your friends again.
 You woke up before Harry did and you got dressed before heading downstairs. All of the Weasley’s and Hermione were already there and you walked up to the twins.
 “Hey guys!” You said, trying to put your arms around their necks.
 “Bloody hell!” Fred put his hand over his heart.
 “You scared us, [y/n].” Both of them were being overdramatic and you laughed.
 “My plan was a success then.” You gave them a grin then hugged them. “It’s good to see you guys.”
 “You must be [y/n],” a woman said. You turned and saw a man and woman coming up to you.
 “Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. It’s nice to finally meet you,” you said. You held out your hand but Mrs. Weasley pulled you into a hug.
 “It’s nice to meet you too, dear. Harry didn’t tell us that you were a witch so I was surprised when Arthur told me we were picking the both of you up today,” she said.
 “I didn’t learn I was until after Harry had left last year,” you said with a laugh. “It was a surprise to him too.”
 “Well, you’re always welcome with us.”
 “Thank you.” Molly smiled at you and patted your shoulder before walking away.
 You said hello to the rest of the group, shaking your head at Ron and Hermione arguing and waving to Harry when he appeared. Walking with the twins, you sat down with them and began eating breakfast.
 After breakfast was over, it was time to leave. You all piled into some cars that were waiting for you and made your way to King’s Cross. When you got there, you said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and walked with Ginny and the twins to a compartment.
 “So I take it Egypt was fun?” You asked as you sat down. “I heard Ron going on and on about it.”
 “It was. We saw loads of mummies and tombs,” Ginny said.
 “I learned a little about Egypt in school. I’ve always wanted to go.”
 “We’ll take you with us next time,” George said.
 “Yeah. It’ll be loads of fun,” Fred said.
 The four of you talked and laughed for the next couple of hours and were all very confused when the train started to slow down.
 “We can’t be there already, can we?” You said. Fred wiped some of the condensation off of the window and frowned.
 “I can see something moving outside,” he said.
 “What?” You and George went to look outside, and you saw multiple shadowy figures floating. You tried to look closer, but then the train came to a sudden stop and you flew back onto the seat, landing in Georges lap.
 “Sorry,” you said.
 “It’s fine.”
 “What’s going on?” Ginny said.
 That’s when the lights went out. The train shook a little bit and the windows started to ice over. Looking around, you saw something approaching your compartment.
 “Guys,” you whispered.
 The figure opened the door and you grabbed George’s arm. It was awful. The only thing you felt was the freezing cold and that hope was leaving you. It left as soon as it came and you whimpered, falling back against George. He wrapped his arm around you and you looked over to find Fred holding Ginny’s hand.
 “W-What was that?” You whispered, voice full of fear.
 “I think it was a Dementor,” George said.
 “But why were they here?” Fred asked. A knock sounded on the door and you stifled a scream.
 “I didn’t mean to frighten you,” a man said. He held out some chocolate and George took it gingerly.
 “Eat it. It’ll make you feel better.”
 You took a bite and instantly felt better. You looked at the others and saw that they were the same.
 “Thank you,” you said softly. The man just smiled then left the compartment.
 The rest of the ride was spent in near silence, the four of you worried it was going to happen again. You rode with them up to the castle after the train stopped and gave them a wave before going to sit at the Hufflepuff table.
 Before the feast happened, Dumbledore made a couple announcements. He said that Hagrid was going to be the Care of Magical Creatures professor and that the man who had given you chocolate on the train was going to be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Now you knew why he gave you that chocolate. Then Dumbledore mentioned the Dementors.
 “Hogwarts is going to play host to the Dementors of Azkaban until Sirius Black is found and captured,” he said. He warned you about them and told you where they were going to be. You held back a shiver and the feast started soon after.
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Pairing: Stiles x Ripper!Vampire!reader
Season: 2 of TW and 6 of TVD
A/N: this is a Teen Wolf and The Vampire Diaries crossover. THERE ARE SPOILERS FOR TVD SEASON 6!!!
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Ah, the joys of being a 167 year old vampire: taking a human life and then drinking their blood. Or, drinking the blood and killing the human in the process. Whichever came first. 
Y/N was a ripper, like her brother Stefan and her mother Lily. Well, when her humanity was turned off she was a ripper. She didn't turn her humanity off often, well not as often as her two older brothers. But, her brother just died!
Bonnie and Damon were on The Other Side when it basically self-destructed. Stefan made it back, but Damon didn't.
Y/N was always closer to Damon than Stefan. She was so similar to him that they got along better. When she was old enough, they messed with the slaves and maids by pranking them. The two Salvatores even messed with their horses.
She was heart-broken when Damon went off to fight in the war. He would send her letters every week, sometimes multiple times. Damon loved his litter sister so much. But when he went his own way just like Stefan, he couldn't bare to see her face. Y/N, once was again, was heartbroken. Her father died, her mother died from consumption, and Stefan and Damon left.
Y/N had always been a fierce girl, she always stood up for what's right. So, when she realized that Katherine was using her big brothers back in 1863, she confronted the female vampire. To keep her secret, Katherin killed Y/N. But what she didn't know was that the newly turned vampire brothers saved their sister, meaning there was vampire blood in her system when she died. The brother's had slipped some blood in their sister's tea. Somehow, the the youngest Salvatores inherited the 'ripper gene' and became rippers, Stefan being worse than Y/N.
Before moving to Beacon Hills, Y/N stayed in Mystic Falls her entire life. But, she got word of other supernatural creatures that were way different than the ones she was familiar with. For example, a kanima. So, she moved to Beacon Hills where she meet Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, and Derek Hale.
She moved there in their freshman year. Because Y/N had turned when she was 15, she looked old enough to be a freshman. She immediatly was drawn to the Hale/McCall pack, finding a particual interest in Stiles.
All was well until Stefan called her and told her that Damon was gone, for good. She completly lost it. She screamed and cried for days. She couldn't bare to lose him. So, she turned off her humanity.
Which leads us to this moment: Y/N feeding on a random guy in the woods at night.
Y/N sunk her teeth into the boy's neck. She had no idea who he was, but all she knew was that she was hungry. Sucking the rest of his blood, she let his body drop to the ground of the preserve. Before she fed on him, she compelled him to stay quiet and still. She then looked into his mind and saw that he was single. Not really caring though, she fed on every last drop of his blood.
"Y/N," a familiar voice spoke behind her. She turned around and saw Stefan standing there. Y/N smiled and walked towards him. But, when she looked in his eyes, she saw something. He turned his humanity back on.
"I see you've turned your humanity back on," she snipped. Stefan nodded. Y/N nodded and shrugged.
"Good for you, brother," she said, but without sarcasm surprisingly. Stefan nodded and stepped forward, taking his sister's hand.
"Yeah- Caroline came by with Enzo and helped. You should turns yours back on, too. It's been 4 months. You've killed thousands, if not millions," he said softly. Y/N shook her head.
"I want more time. More blood," she said, a dark tone to her voice as she said ‘blood’. Stefan sighed.
"Damon wouldn't want this," Stefan whispered. Y/N's eyes hardened.
"Don't speak as if you know what he'd want. No one ever does unless you’re like Jeremy freakingGilbert and can talk to the dead," she spat. She wrenched on her hand out of her brothers. She started to walk away from him until he spoke again
"Stiles is worried about you. He's the ne who called me to try and talk you back into your humanity," Stefan's voice rang through the preserve. Y/N paused for a moment. But she continued to walk forward, away from her brother.
Something flickered inside of her.
Y/N was sitting on a bench by a lake with her eyes closed. She was mulling over what Stefan said. Stiles cared enough about her to call her brother.
Speaking of the spazz, Y/N heard tires squeal to a stop and a door slam. Smelling her favorite scent, which had become a recent thing, she didn't had to look to see who it was.
Stiles walked over to his favorite girl, noticing her peaceful state. The wind blew and made her hair blow in the wind and her eyes were closed as she basked in the sunset.
He sat down beside her and looked at the sun setting over the lake.
"I heard you called Stefan," she spoke after alsmot five minutes of silence.
"Yeah, i was worried about you. I wasd worried about the effects of this once you turn it back on," Stiles spoke. Y/N looked over at the honey-eyed boy and sighed.
"I-I don't wanna turn it back on for that reason. I know for a ripper I shouldn't still feel my sadness and the dread of turning it back on. But i do, and I don't know why," she spoke. Stiles nodded and took her hand.
"I understand, but do it. I'll be there to help you through your grief, along with Allison and Lydia. Scott, too. Heck, even Derek. You know he likes you. If not for yourself, do it for me. For Damon," Stiles spoke softly.
Tears rolled down Y/N's face as he spoke, meaning her switch was flipped back on. Stiles noticed this and pulled her into a hug.
"Oh my gosh. What did I do?" she sobbed. Stiles just shushed her and pulled her into him. wrapping one arm around her waist and the other around her head to cradle it. Y/N screwed her eyes shut and clutched onto Stile's flannel like a life-line.
"It's going to be okay. You"ll be fine," he spoke quietly into her h/c hair. Y/N sobbed into his shoulder, getting his flannel wet.
"Damon.... Damon's gone," she sobbed even harder after she said it. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks. Her brother was dead.
Y/N began to hyperventilate. Her brother was dead. He was gone. He was never coming back.
“He- He's gone Stiles! He's gone and I never said goodbye!" she sobbed. It was getting harder to breath, she was heaving. Stiles noticed this and pulled back. He put his hands on her shoulders and looked deep into her e/c eyes.
"Y/N/N, breathe. Come on, breathe. Listen to my breathing and try to match mine," Stiles repeated.
Y/N was looking into his eyes, but not seeing. She was hearing his voice, but not listening.
When he realized that speaking to her wasnt't working, he moved his hands to cradle her face. He stared into her eyes, trying to get her to focus on just him.
Stiles' touch on her face jolted her to reality, one where she wasn't constatnly berating hersef and feeling guilty. Once Stiles noticed that she was focusing on him, he smiled.
“That's it. Breathe. In. Out. In. Out," he breathed. Y/N nodded and took a shuddering breath.
After a few deep, shuddering breaths, Y/N got her breathing under control. Stiles' eyes never wavered and neither did his hands. He kept his hands cradeling her face and he wiped her tears off of her cheeks.
"Thank you, Stiles. You have no idea how much that and you mean to me," Y/N said, smiling softly. Stiles smiled as well and nodded, bringing her head down to place a lingering kiss on her forehead.
“Of course. Anything for you."
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scorpio-karma · 4 years
Would Vicki have been more interesting as a newborn vampire than Caroline?
Now I’m going to preface this by saying that I don’t hate Caroline. I did enjoy watching her character, but I also saw where her functionality ended which was about the end of season 2, maybe mid season 3.
So I saw a version of this question on reddit and it got me thinking. First about the fact that Vicki was always a character who was meant to die, so as result they did put much care into her characterization. And second, what characterization was actually put in to Vicki as a character. 
Now she was never really all that liked and even by me  but I remember reading this comment about that did change my perspective.
Vicky. Alcoholic, unemployed and irresponsible mom which basically makes Vicky the main breadwinner of the family prior to her death. Deals with it in a bad way via drugs. Tries to keep her brother from it and supports him. Was nearly raped by Tyler Lockwood (remember she kept saying "no" and he kept on going? Yeah, that's sexual assault) but Jeremy was thankfully around to stop it. Treated like dirt everywhere she goes and has no support system other than her brother (who is younger and she wants to protect in her own way). Compare her to Elena: lost her parents but her aunt Jenna was infinitely kind enough to take her and Jeremy in (meaning that Elena did not have to drop out and become the main breadwinner), from an affluent family, her brother might have gotten into drugs as a result of parents' deaths but so far he's sticking to the non-lethal stuff (mostly weed), and has the unconditional love and support of family and friends. Honestly, I kept on wondering why people were going all "poor Elena" like she was the only orphan in town and nobody ever did anything for Matt and Vicky. Honestly, I was waiting for someone to make a comment on the classist double standard but nobody did.
Vicki to most people was kind of an annoying character who had no direction so her death wasn’t really that sad, in that none of the audience was mourning her. But her death did have impact. It added stakes, stakes that essentially disappear because of Caroline. She was the first newborn Vampire that we saw (I can’t quite remember if Logan was turned before or after this) and was the audience’s first experience with bloodlust, heightened emotions, and all those “bad” things that come with becoming a vampire, but most of all the short life span one could have if they didn’t get this in control. She was part of the reason why we all feared for Caroline’s life when she turned at the beginning of season 2. That she’d lose control and have to be killed because she would be “irredeemable” which in hindsight is ridiculous logic. The only reason Vicki became “irredeemable” and needed to be killed is because she tried to kill Elena, meanwhile Caroline actually killed someone and no one (besides Bonnie) batted a lash. 
But anyways, had Vicki not died, had she been the one that they took a chance on, I think it might have been more interesting. Now Vicki is a mess of a character for I guess random reasons because like I said before they didn’t spend too much time on her characterization. What we do know is that she had a crush on Tyler. Though she was the older sister she acted a lot more like the younger one. She was in love with Jeremy, or rather being treated with respect for the first time which does add a nice layer to why she does some of the things that she does. She’s stereotypically what happens when everyone treats you like trash--she doesn’t know how to accept kindness. And she’s selfish, although I wouldn’t exactly call the desire to live selfish, but she does put her own wants and needs before others by putting them in danger by being around her. Which plays into her other and most prominent quality which is she’s impulsive. And I think that would have made her a bit more interesting a newborn vampire and would have been better at illustrating the struggle.
By the end of season 2, actually by the middle of season 2, Caroline had pretty much mastered being a vampire which is why everyone says she’s better as a vampire than human. And due to this the stakes of becoming a vampire severely reduced. No longer did you really fear them becoming an uncontrollable monster that needed to be killed and by the time Elena becomes one it’s almost not a big deal. Elena does struggle, but like Caroline by mid-season it’s not much of an issue and her “struggle” becomes a Delena plot device to the point that I actually do wonder if she was really having issues or was it the sire bond because she has no issues with control after it’s broken unless you count the “hallucinating” thing which I don’t.
Vicki built this presidence with vampirism and turning that deteriorates (along with a lot of other lore in this universe) because it’s made out that the only people with controls issues have the “ripper gene” which is flimsy at best since Stefan is the only one who has it despite the fact that Lily does too, but shows none of the traits. 
Then there's the dynamic with the Salvatores. Caroline and Stefan do have a nice friendship, but with Vicki's background as an addict I can't help but think of the possibilities of how her and Stefan relate to the other, but even better, them back sliding together. Think season 6 humanityless Steroline, but actually good and in season 1. I don't know about you, but I found Stefan hella boring in the first season until the Miss Mystic Falls episode and he almost kills Amber Bradley. Now this is a symptom of the bigger problem of Elena hindering characters, but it would be great to add some good character moments along the way.
And then there's what she could have added with Damon. Now I've mentioned this before, but I'll say it again, Damon's treatment of Vicki was one of the few things he did that made sense, especially when using the "it's what vampires do" excuse. He feeds on her, when she keeps surviving his attacks he decides to invest in her and turns her, and all their sexual encounters were consensual. Literally all the vibes they wanted for Damon's character were achieved with Vicki without all the unnecessary rape.
And then last, but not least, there's the added dynamic with Matt. He could still go full vampire hatred and it would be so much more nuanced with Vicki alive than with the noncommittal version with her dead. He could go full Gordon Walker from SPN and there might be a point to keeping Matt around.
In conclusion, Vicki was a character who's potential was wasted, and once again, a character with more relevance than Caroline. Seriously, so much screentime was wasted on her.
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vvakarians · 4 years
World lore and Arc 1 Character lore from Melrose: City of Monsters! This world is a story that myself and my boyfriend @thecoffeerain
Maxime and Victor belong to my boyfriend! 
Charlie’s Twitter | Charlie’s P a t r e o n
Info under the cut!
Melrose is a city just south of New York City in America, it’s a small town that is unassuming at first but is filled with dark secrets. Vampires, witches, werewolves, and humans exist together, though in a vaguely dysfunctional way. The government broke the news about vampires and werewolves only five years previous, though they’ve lived in society for far longer than that. At this point people are getting used to them living among the human population, but knowledge about magic is still kept under wraps. Vampirism, lycanthropy, and magic comes from a disease that is both highly contagious and genetic. Once you have it, you have it for life, eternal or not.This information is primarily for the first arc. MC information will be updated with each arc.
Father Charles ‘Charlie’ Larousse-Robineau
Pronouns: They/them
Occupation: ‘Priest’
Bloodline: Vampire, former Human, Crowley Lineage
Maker: Belladonna Crowley, the Duchess
Origin: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Love Interest: Victor Talbot
Father Robineau is a charming and well traveled individual, having been born in the 1860’s to a fur merchant and his musician wife. A tragedy struck the family in the early 1880’s when Charlie’s father snapped after a fight between them, and he supposedly killed both Charlie’s younger brother Jean Marie, as well as their mother, brutally with an axe. Charlie barely got out alive, killing their father in self defense. After getting medical attention they fled to England, hoping that their extended family would take them in.When they didn’t, Charlie settled in Whitechapel, hired by a brothel to be a charlatan, medic, and overall fluffer for the girls there. It is there where they fell in love with a woman named Lilith Brown, or Lily, as she preferred. They were best friends and messed around with each other, but Lily turned their courtship down. Sad but understanding, Charlie continued to work as a charlatan, only to watch as their friends would begin dying one by one. People suspected Jack the Ripper and would lend no help to the people affected. As we know, the killer was not caught, and unfortunately one of the last to be taken would be Lily.Whether it was Jack, or a copycat, Charlie was determined to figure out who it was. Driven near mad by grief, Charlie called out to anything that would listen while attending the autopsy of Lily. Who would show up would not be their savior, but their Devil. A woman calling herself the Duchess. She promised Charlie power to find the person who harmed their friends in exchange for a favor at a later date. Charlie was then sacrificed on an altar far below Whitechapel, but to what goddess or entity, they did not know. All they know is that they were opened up much like the corpses on the autopsy tables in the morgue, and then drained of all blood, turned into a bloodthirsty monster. Then abandoned on the streets. After becoming feral and accidentally slaying two people, Charlie turned themself in, though they were quickly turned over to the Vampiric Council of the United Kingdom. This is where they were rehabilitated by Delilah Ainsworth and her husband Aegis Stone, then allowed to return to the USA. Though it was still hard to find a food source and the only thing they could think of to get a large group, but not have to worry about too many people finding out -- was build a congregation. This of course backfired and they made more of a cult than anything, and one of their cult members developed an unhealthy obsession with them. His name was Cedric.When Charlie saw what they had created and tried to disband the cult, Cedric intervened, but a few weeks afterwards Charlie would poison his blood supply with silver, enabling them to flee. After that they never saw Cedric again and would go on to serve in World War II before settling down in Melrose in the 1940’s, creating the cathedral they now work in, St Januarius’, but making sure that a cult never happens again. Thankfully with blood bags it’s become less of an issue.Their life changes though when a man named Victor walks into their church…
Victor Talbot
Pronouns: He/him or they/them
Occupation: Sex worker / Artist / Cat Wrangler
Origin: Sussex, England, United Kingdom
Love Interest: Charlie Robineau
Victor is the only child born to a surgeon and an art lecturer. He spent quite a bit of time with his mother who taught him all about Hinduism and the ways of their culture. As a child and throughout his school life he was bullied for being larger than his peers; this made him quite shy and destroyed his self esteem. He did find a love of dance though when he would watch Bollywood films with his mother at home, and then at school he got involved in modern dance. Though it was in secret, as he did not want his peers to bully him further. As he kept at it, Victor lost weight and began eating better, becoming how he’s seen today. Which of course gained him attention and popularity where there was none before. 
While studying medicine, as his father had proclaimed he would as all of the men of his family had, Victor found that he could help people by giving them the medicine they needed but couldn’t necessarily  afford. He then began to sell narcotics to addicts to cover the cost of the extravagant lifestyle forced upon him by his peers. A tragic accident occurred when the man he was seeing stole from his stash and OD’d, then was brought to the hospital where Victor was doing his residency. Victor did try to save his life but the man ended up dying. Of course he came clean about it to his dad, who was the chief of surgery at the hospital, but Victor’s dad told him to keep quiet about it lest he lose his job. Unfortunately, the damage was done and Victor became haunted by the loss of life at what he believed was his hands. Unable to cope with what he had caused, he began to take the pills he used to sell and became hooked. After a severe mental break having spent too many hours on shift he was suspended and dismissed from the program, now having to deal with being haunted continuously with what he’d done.
He would then fall into a drug spiral where he stole his father’s script pad, implicating him in his stealing, which got his father suspended. During this time he began taking street drugs and getting involved in the party scene, all to whisk him away from the trauma he suffered. This cycle only stopped when a tragedy happened for a second time. Another man he had been seeing died while they were together, and he woke up to his lifeless body in the bed. It’s here that Victor blacks out and does not have much memory of, only remembers waking up in the hospital and being convinced to go to rehab. 
After being released and having his parents hovering over him every second of the day, he relapsed, then was cut off by his mother and father. He would then sell all of his belongings, or what he could, and bought a ticket to America where he would be picked up by the infamous Red in Melrose, New York. It would be here that he’d meet Father Robineau at the St. Januarius Cathedral…
Hazel Coldbrook
Pronouns: They/he
Occupation: Personal Assistant + Receptionist
Origin: Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
Love Interest: Maxime St. Martin
Hazel was adopted at the age of six by a Jewish doctor and a First Nations professor of linguistics at one of the universities in New York. He was put into the system after his father lost custody following a terrible car accident that killed his mother. He did have two younger siblings that were sent to different homes, he never saw them afterward. Hazel did have an older adopted sister named Morgan, who was often cruel and rude to him. She got him into a lot of trouble and often got him bullied by other children at school, more than he already was. It didn’t help that he was starting to have issues seeing and hearing things, on top of paranoid delusions. 
His parents did their best to set him up as much as they could, and he did get better eventually. Therapy and medication got him on the right track, though his night terrors do plague him still. Once he went away to college, Morgan was cut off from the family around the same time after she was arrested for violent breaking and entering. They didn’t see her for a while after that, though at one point she did make a brief appearance. Morgan chased after him and one night broke into his dorms while he was with his girlfriend, Willow. She was killed after trying to wrestle Morgan away from him, and he was bitten by Morgan. Thankfully, he survived, but he did find out that his sister had been turned into a vampire. 
Charlie found him in the dorm shortly after the attack, having gone hunting during a blood bag shortage. They took him to the hospital and then offered him a job as a PA at their church, helping transfer all of his college credit over to the local community college where he is now studying psychology and theology. During his time in Melrose though, he begins attending drag performances at a local club and comes upon a gorgeous drag queen...
Maxime St. Martin / Enzée Bytten
Pronouns: He/him (She/her, in drag)
Occupation: Club Owner/Drag Queen
Bloodline: Vampire, former human, Seraphim Lineage
Maker: Gabriel
Origin: Saint Martin d'Oydes en Ariège Pyrénées, France
Love Interest: Hazel Coldbrook
Maxime was born in a small, self contained village where he did not leave much until his late teens. Unfortunately, the reason why he left was not a matter of simply being sick of the small village life, it was due to a much darker purpose. A man named Gabriel had come to the village and infected the residents with vampirism, causing them all to turn on each other night by night. This was but one prong in a grand scheme to build an entire army of vampiric soldiers indoctrinated with Gabriel’s radical beliefs about humans and vampires. Maxime --being young and impressionable-- followed his Maker in his footsteps, having a sort of love for him that one could only have for a Maker.
As the decades went on, Maxime would turn people he met and attempt to sway them to their side of things, but became infatuated with human culture as he went. Eventually he saw the error of his Maker’s ways and began planning a rebellion against Gabriel. Maxime even managed to convince a human soldier who he had picked up during World War II, who he would then turn after he would get severely injured. You could say the plan went off without a hitch, though there were many casualties and a lot of fighting.
Eventually he would move on to the states where he steadily sunk into his trauma, though he would find a club to make his own in Melrose. There he would build a reputation of being cold and calculating, but as Enzée he is warm and lively -- or rather she is.Le Syndicat is where Maxime would meet Hazel, who had just come to the bar for a drink…
Vampirism, lycanthropy, and magic all come from a single source. Different strains of diseases that all come from one person, who thus far has been lost to history, as well as the war that led to the werewolves and vampires becoming tense with each other. Vampires come from the strain that needs blood to survive, but also an undead host. It attacks all systems aside from the nervous, and shuts most of them down. They do process blood but not in the same way that a human would food. Their waste system is completely cut off and their stomach has become oddly misshapen, different. It ‘digests’ the blood and filters it back through the body so that the vampire can use it as a source of energy when healing, keeping them young, and making sure their body doesn’t rot from the inside out due to their functions being cut off. The disease is parasitic in nature this way, but eventually becomes symbiotic. Vampires need blood to survive and can be affected by blood born illnesses, though never die. At least usually. In the cases of aggressive cancers and autoimmune disorders, it can kill the host, but it’s very rare. Those with vampirism can only be turned after being fed on, drained, and then made to drink the blood of a disease carrying host; be born as a Stillborn, or be born as a fully fledged vampire. They are ever immortal, cannot eat human food unless it has blood in it and even then they cannot eat a lot of it, though this is not the same for liquids, and every bloodline has a ‘feral’ type that is different from another. Reproduction is a bit of an unknown for vampires. There are creatures called Stillborns that are the successful offspring of a vampire and a human, or are the human offspring of a vampire when the disease becomes recessive. Almost always the disease is terminal and it kills them, then resurrects them from the ages 19-31. Scientists think this could be the peak age range for humans healthwise, which is why the disease stops their aging as well at that time. Otherwise, vampires can have offspring with other vampires, however it is unsure how. It could be that their reproduction systems come alive when with a compatible partner, but no one knows for sure and it isn’t full proof. Even so most vampires, just as they will do with humans to prevent possible Stillborns, will wear protection when with other vampires. It is whispered that there are ways a vampire and a werewolf could also have child, but seeing as one is dead and one is alive, that is skepticism at best. Vampires who are born from other vampires age very slowly until that 19-31 age range and then suddenly stop. They can of course be created when one is fed off of or drained, then made to drink the blood of a host. These vampires are called ‘newborns’ and are often very attached to their makers. They acquire a Bond, which is crucial for a newborn, though they don’t always get that treatment from their Maker. A newborn without a Bond will have issues trying to feed and they often become feral. If they do form a Bond, they will feel drawn to their Maker for decades if not for life. Some may need extra care and attention, even touch when they’ve been turned. The stage when a newborn becomes a stable vampire varies from bloodline to bloodline. Becoming feral is usually something a vampire wants to avoid. It happens when they are too hungry and have been starved of blood for too long, or sometimes when they experience very strong emotions. The form of being feral varies from bloodline to bloodline, just as it would for werewolves. When being fed off of a human will feel the pain of the bite but then a euphoria will settle, which is dangerous at times. A pheromone is also given off that makes them smell and taste amazing to a human (such as saliva and skin, this is not a reference to cannibalism lmao), which was once so they could draw in prey to better feed off of. In Melrose, vampires and werewolves live together in a tenuous harmony. Again no one really can point out why they have tension but still that thought has lived on in more traditional, and older people of both kinds. They try not to encroach on the others territory and spaces, and their councils work together along with the human government when needed. Vampires answer to the Vampiric Council of their country when a crime has been committed or they need other governmental help. Currently the hub for vampiric activity is in two parts. St. Januarius’ Cathedral, and Le Syndicat, respectively a church and a nightclub. The church is a safehouse for all werewolves, vampires, and humans , and the nightclub is well...a nightclub. One is ran by a charming but seedy priest, and the other is ran by a cold, but sweet once you worm your way into his heart.
Werewolves, like stated above in the vampire section, come from one large strain. There was a war a very long time ago but no one really knows that anymore, and there’s just some strain among the more traditional folks. Werewolves can be born with lycanthropy, or they can be turned; though werewolves can have offspring with humans at the normal rate unlike vampires. Their children tend to be hyperactive and need a lot of attention to keep their instincts under control, much like newborn vampires. They burn off a ton of calories and usually need to be on a high calorie diet because of this as well as high in iron, which becomes worse during a full moon. Changing in and out of their forms, whether it be bipedal or all fours, tends to burn off a lot of calories and consume a lot of energy. Werewolf kids need that extra supervision so that they don’t hurt themselves during the night, but they will learn to cope as they get older. Pain management those nights is a must, a lot of werewolves keep a well stocked medicine cabinet. Being turned into a werewolf is not as a rampant problem as people used to think, it never was. Usually they can only turn someone during a full moon when their saliva has more kick to it and is full of the lycanthropic strain, which their body has on a cycle much like a period. However, they can turn someone on the odd night but it’s usually just before or just after a full moon, and they will not get the chance to turn someone during a full moon that time around. Werewolves also often experience PMS like symptoms close to the full moon, no matter what gender they are.
Their hair grows very thick and fast, usually covering their entire body in a peach fuzz and growing more prominent on their arms, chest, pubic area, back, head, etc. Sometimes the back of their hands and feet as well. They see exceptionally well in the dark, usually have the speed and strength to rival vampires, and are always on the taller side. Though there are some exceptions, especially for human born wolves, or those turned into one. Aging is slow for them, some can live up to three hundred years before they pass on. Werewolf society usually comes in the form of a pack, designating an Alpha and Betas (usually two to three) in their own way and coming to them for advice as well as governing matters. They have their own council and converse with the human or vampire government if needed. How they govern is really up to them however, just as it is for vampires. In Melrose there are smaller packs everywhere, and a bigger one out on the edge of town. This pack has recently elected (through a physical challenge of the previous Alpha) Dante Kāne as their Alpha, and he has two Betas : Serj Allgood, and Ty Hacon. The previous Alpha, a man named Gunner, is a very traditional man who put into practice not so great things (drug running, not so safe sex work, etc) but Dante is slowly trying to ease the pack into doing better things.
Magic is an inherited trait, usually through a distant tie to the strain that gave the world vampirism and lycanthropy, or it is learned. Witches can be born to any human, werewolf, or vampire; though most humans still believe magic to not be real. It can also come in the form of anything, blood magic, rituals, soothsaying, fortune telling, necromancy, green magic, etc. It all exists all at once. Some believe in gods, some don’t, it’s all up to the person.
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LGBTQIA+ Historical Romance Novels with Ghosts, Ghouls, and Gothic themes 2019 - Updated October 17
A list of titles that either came out after the last update in 2018 or were published this year. Many series!
Gentleman Wolf by Joanna Chambers
- An elegant werewolf in Edinburgh…
1788. When Lindsay Somerville, the most elegant werewolf in Paris, learns that the man who held him in abject captivity for decades is on his way to France, intent on recapturing him, he knows he must leave the Continent for his own safety. Lindsay cannot take the risk of being recaptured—he may have been free for a century but he can still feel the ghost of his old chains under his fine clothes.
… on a mission…
While he’s in Edinburgh, Lindsay has been tasked with acquiring the “Naismith Papers”, the writings of a long-dead witchfinder. It should be a straightforward mission—all Lindsay has to do is charm an elderly book collector, Hector Cruikshank. But Cruikshank may not be all he seems, and there are others who want the papers.
… meets his match
As if that were not enough, while tracking down the Naismith Papers, Lindsay meets stubborn architect Drew Nicol. Although the attraction between them is intense, Nicol seems frustratingly determined to resist Lindsay’s advances. Somehow though, Lindsay can’t seem to accept Nicol’s rejection. Is he just moonstruck, or is Nicol bonded to him in ways he doesn’t yet understand?
Note: this is the first book of a duology – the story continues and will complete in the second book, Master Wolf.
A Hidden Beauty by Jamie Craig
- Student of letters, Micah Yardley wants one thing: to meet the poet Jefferson Dering. After hearing his idol speak at Harvard, Micah travels to Jefferson’s home in nearby Wroxham, entertaining visions of discussing poetry over dinner and drinks. What he experiences exceeds anything he ever anticipated. Jefferson finds Micah mesmerizing and passionate, everything he has ever wanted. But after getting caught in a compromising position with another young man a decade earlier, he exiled himself from Boston and from affairs of the heart. Jefferson represses his longing for Micah, but his tumultuous emotions cannot be contained. Micah denies the truth of his desire for Jefferson. Jefferson refuses to act on his passion for Micah. But all it takes is a single kiss in Wroxham's haunted church to change the course of their lives ... and ignite the flame that could fulfill a generations-old promise.
Deosil by Jordan L Hawk (Whyborne & Griffin series finale!!!!)
- Whyborne, Griffin, and their friends have faced down cultists, monsters, and sorcerers. But their greatest challenge is now upon them. On the return voyage from Balefire Manor, Whyborne receives the worst news possible: Widdershins has fallen before the onslaught of the Fideles and their servants. There’s still time to stop the return of the Masters, but that window grows shorter by the hour. Together with Christine and Iskander, Whyborne and Griffin must reach Widdershins to face the ultimate test—and decide the fate of the world, once and for all.
The Ingenious Mechanical Devices series by Kara Jorgensson (bisexual, pansexual, asexual, persons with disabilities, and POC characters in this series!!!)
Book One = The Earl of Brass
- Eilian Sorrell is no stranger to cheating death, but when a dirigible accident costs him his arm, he fears his days of adventuring are over. As the eldest son of the Earl of Dorset, Lord Sorrell knows he will face a bleak future among London's aristocracy unless he can escape. On a quest to return to his old life, Lord Sorrell commissions a prosthetic arm, but the craftsman isn’t quite what he expected.
Fenice Brothers Prosthetics is in trouble. Hadley’s brother is dead, and she is forced to pick up the pieces and finish what he started. When clients begin turning her away, she fears she will fail until she crosses paths with the enigmatic Lord Sorrell. In exchange for a new arm, he offers her a chance at adventure in the deserts of Palestine.
Beneath the Negev’s sand lies something far more precious than potsherds or bones. A long lost crystal city has been found that could change Eilian and Hadley’s world forever, but they aren’t the only ones who know its secrets. Will they make it out alive or will they, too, be buried beneath the desert sands?
Shinigami by Xia Lake
- A coming-of-age love story between an orphan and the heir of the richest family in the Land of Yamato. The human world meets the yōkai in a power struggle for the fate of Fujiwara no Hirotsugu. While he battles to find his own path, Hirotsugu finds solace in a boy who will become his secret friend, then his salvation, and then as they become adults together, the love of his life.
The Sea May Burn by Rose Lerner (Part of the St. Lemeston universe, a f/f retelling of Jane Eyre!!!) COMING SOON!
- Goldengrove’s towers and twisted chimneys rose at the very edge of the peaceful Weald, a stone’s throw from the poisonous marshes and merciless waters of Rye Bay. Young Mary Palethorp had been running wild there, ever since her mother grew too ill to leave her room.
I was the perfect choice to give Mary a good English education: thoroughly respectable and far too plain to tempt her lonely father, Sir Kit, to indiscretion.
I knew better than to trust my new employer with the truth about my past. But knowing better couldn’t stop me from yearning for impossible things: to be Mary’s mother, Sir Kit’s companion, Goldengrove’s mistress.
All that belonged to poor Lady Palethorp. Most of all, I burned to finally catch a glimpse of her.
Surely she could tell me who cut the strings on the guitar I found in the music room, why all the doors in the house were locked after dark, and whose footsteps I heard in the night…
Lost in Time series by AL Lester
Book One = Lost in Time
-  Lew Rogers's life is pleasantly boring until his friend Mira messes with magic she doesn't understand. While searching for her, he's pulled back in time to 1919 by a catastrophic magical accident. As he tries to navigate a strange time and find his friend in the smoky music clubs of Soho, the last thing he needs is Detective Alec Carter suspecting him of murder. London in 1919 is cold, wet, and tired from four years of war. Alec is back in the Metropolitan Police after slogging out his army service on the Western Front. Falling for a suspect in a gruesome murder case is not on his agenda, however attractive he finds the other man. Both men are floundering and out of their depth, struggling to come to terms with feelings they didn't ask for and didn't expect. Both have secrets that could get them arrested or killed. In the middle of a murder investigation that involves wild magic, mysterious creatures, and illegal sexual desire, who is safe to trust?
We Met in Dreams by Rowan McAllister
- In Victorian London, during a prolonged and pernicious fog, fantasy and reality are about to collide—at least in one man’s troubled mind. A childhood fever left Arthur Middleton, Viscount Campden, seeing and hearing things no one else does, afraid of the world outside, and unable to function as a true peer of the realm. To protect him from himself—and to protect others from him—he spends his days heavily medicated and locked in his rooms, and his nights in darkness and solitude, tormented by visions, until a stranger appears. This apparition is different. Fox says he’s a thief and not an entirely good sort of man, yet he returns night after night to ease Arthur’s loneliness without asking for anything in return. Fox might be the key that sets Arthur free, or he might deliver the final blow to Arthur’s tenuous grasp on sanity. Either way, real or imaginary, Arthur needs him too much to care. Fox is only one of the many secrets and specters haunting Campden House, and Arthur will have to face them all in order to live the life of his dreams.
The Clearwater Mysteries by Jackson Marsh
- Book One = Deviant Desires
The Victorian East End lives in fear of the Ripper and his mission to kill rent boys. Silas Hawkins, nineteen and forging a life on the streets could well be the next victim, but when he meets Archer, his life changes forever. Young, attractive and rich, Archer is The Viscount Clearwater, a philanthropist, adventurer and homosexual. When Archer suspects the Ripper is killing to lure him to a confrontation, he risks his reputation and his life to stop the madman's murders. Every man must play his part, including Silas. A mashup of mystery, romance and adventure, Deviant Desire is set in an imaginary London of 1888. The first in an on-going series, it takes the theme of loyalty and friendship in a world where homosexuality is a crime. Secrets must be kept, lovers must be protected, and for Archer and Silas, it marks the start of their biggest adventure - love.
Highland Haunting: A Townsend Halloween Story (The Townsends) by Lily Maxton
- For the past few months, Ian Cameron and Robert Townsend have been settling into their new life together, but when a series of odd events occur at Llynmore Castle, Ian begins to suspect that he's being haunted. The question is, is the spirit malevolent or benevolent? Does it want to harm him or warn him of something to come? As Halloween draws closer, the ghost becomes stronger. Ian and Robert will have to trust each other and trust themselves to find the answers they need before it's too late. *Highland Haunting is 16,000 words and features the main characters from A Scot's Surrender
The Haunting of Heatherhurst Hall by Sebastian Nothwell (f/f!!!)
- Heatherhurst Hall
Cumberland, England
American heiress Kit Morgan is heartbroken at the wedding of her dearest school-friend. At her lowest moment, she is rescued from her agonies by the mysterious and alluring Alexandra Cranbrook, sister of a visiting English baronet. Alexandra is beautiful, charming, and effortlessly beguiling. Kit cannot help but fall in love with her.
When Sir Vivian Cranbrook proposes marriage, it seems natural for Kit to accept—if only to live with the woman she desperately loves.
But the Cranbrook’s ancestral home of Heatherhurst Hall is not all it seems. The attic is forbidden. Strange scratching noises echo from within the walls. Wraiths stalk the corridors by night. And worst of all, Alexandra’s love has turned to scorn.
Still, Kit is determined to earn her happily-ever-after and save the Cranbrooks from the horrors of Heatherhurst Hall.
If only she could know Alexandra loved her in return.
~The Haunting of Heatherhurst Hall is a Gothic romance rife with horror and heartache, wherein an American heiress makes an ill-advised marriage to bring herself closer the woman who’s stolen her heart.
Read by Candelight series by Gillian St. Kevern (7 book so far, with m/m and f/f love stories!!!)
- Book One = The Secretary and the Ghost: A Gothic Paranormal Romance
Pip Leighton is in a fix. His sister’s marriage hinges on him staving off the family’s impending financial ruin by taking the job of secretary to Lord Cross, a reclusive man with a temper befitting his name. Developing a passion for his employer was not on the cards. Neither was getting caught up in the deep mystery surrounding Foxwood Court and its resident ghost, but Pip has never been one to shirk a duty. As Pip delves deeper into the past, he discovers that his only hope for a future with Cross may depend on a man long dead—a man with a curious resemblance to himself.
The Gentleman Attraction: a short victorian mm paranormal romance by Connor Peterson
Emerson Mallory never mixes business and pleasure. His eyes might wander but he certainly wouldn’t risk his professional reputation over a tryst. Not even for a silver-haired scoundrel who clearly knows his way around a bedroom and makes his heart race with just one look.
When a flirtatious train ride turns into a weekend in close quarters, Bennet Clarke doesn’t agree that it would be best to leave their attraction at the door. He gave up worrying about human sensibilities the night he became a vampire centuries ago, and right now he wants more than one taste of Emerson’s charm and unnerving ability to see past his cavalier masks.
Their host has a few secrets of their own and a madcap plan that requires Emerson to enlist Bennet’s help. When the inevitable happens, Emerson begins to think that maybe Bennet’s way of looking at things isn’t so bad. Bennet, however, is faced with a dilemma. Keep up the ruse, or confess that Emerson has no idea who he’s gotten involved with.
Amidst the flurry of activity surrounding their host, the two men will have to keep their affair secret, plan a successful party, and decide if forever is too much to ask.
Spellbound: A Paranormal Historical Romance (Magic in Manhattan Book 1) by Allie Therin
- To save Manhattan, they’ll have to save each other first… 1925 New York Arthur Kenzie’s life’s work is protecting the world from the supernatural relics that could destroy it. When an amulet with the power to control the tides is shipped to New York, he must intercept it before it can be used to devastating effects. This time, in order to succeed, he needs a powerful psychometric…and the only one available has sworn off his abilities altogether. Rory Brodigan’s gift comes with great risk. To protect himself, he’s become a recluse, redirecting his magic to find counterfeit antiques. But with the city’s fate hanging in the balance, he can’t force himself to say no. Being with Arthur is dangerous, but Rory’s ever-growing attraction to him begins to make him brave. And as Arthur coaxes him out of seclusion, a magical and emotional bond begins to form. One that proves impossible to break—even when Arthur sacrifices himself to keep Rory safe and Rory must risk everything to save him.
Hayden Thorne is reissuing many of her LGBT romances this year, with some of the most original content in the genre. Many are YA options, but very enjoyable for adults!
Extensive 2018 Halloween List 
Since links have been failing in Tumblr, here is the URL for Halloween 2018: https://lgbtqiahistoricalromance.tumblr.com/post/188457088709/lgbtqiahistoricalromance
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marcus-vice · 5 years
Black Clover Character Ages!!
Just a heads up,
Only doing ones that were introduced in the anime that have cannon ages!
Also going from youngest to oldest!
Just putting names no pictures!
Marie Adlai- 10
Noelle Silva-15
Mimosa Vermillion-15
Asta-(15/at the start\) 16 now
Yuno-(15/at the start\) 16 now
Sekke Bronzazza- 16
Rebecca Scarlet- 16
Leopold Vermillion-16
Klaus Lunettes-18
Sol Marron-18
Solid Silva-18
Magna Swing-18
Luck Voltia-18
(Elf) Fana- (24 as an Elf) 19(as a human)
(Human) Fana- 19
Gauche Adlai-19
Rill Boismortier-19
Charmy Pappitson-19
Hamon Caseus-20
Fragil Tormenta-20
Langris Vaude-20
Kirsch Vermilion-20
Finral Roulacase-21
Rades Spirito-21
Siren Tium-23
Vanessa Enoteca- 24
En Ringard-24
Alecdora Sandler- 24
Nebra Silva-24
Finesse Calmreich-25
Lemiel Clover-25
Marx Francois-25
Zora Ideals-25
Gordon Agrippa-26
William Vangeance-26
Henry Legolant-26
Sister Lily-26
Dominate Code-26
Charlotte Roselei-27
Dorothy Unsworth-27
Yami Sukehiro-28
Jack the Ripper-28
Gueldre Poizot-28
Fanzell Kruger-28
Vetto-(25 as an elf) 28 now
Nozel silva-29
Fuegoleon Vermillion-30
Zara Ideale-30
Heath Grice-31
Acier Silva-32
Mereoleona Vermillion-32
Revchi Salik-32
Augustus Kira Clover XIII-35
Lotus Whomalt-36
Julius Novachrono-42
Orsi Orfai-55
Theresa Rapual-65
Witch Queen-100+
And thats it!
If I missed anyone let me know
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celtics534 · 5 years
I Don’t Care
Written for the SIYE “First Time” Challenge. Inspired by I Don’t Care by Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber. A muggle AU where Harry and Ginny have never met.
Read on: FF.net, AO3, and SIYE
“Come on, mate!” Seamus yelled over the chest-pounding music. “Stop being such a spanner.” 
  Harry glared at his Irish friend. “I told you I would come with you, not that I would enjoy myself.” 
  “But sitting in a corner is so --” Seamus made an obscure gesture with his hands. 
  “So ‘ Harry ’?” Harry supplied, giving his friend a sideways smile. He still couldn’t understand why Seamus had begged him to go to this damn party. Not once had Harry expressed any interest in going to a house party hosted by Dean (Seamus’ old school mate). Harry hated loud noises and really wasn’t that fond of people, which was why he always let Seamus lead any interviews they conducted during investigations. 
  Seamus just laughed, thumping Harry’s shoulder with his wide hand. “That’s right.” Across the room, a chant started as Dean chugged down his pint. Without a second glance at Harry, Seamus was gone, joining in the shout. 
  Harry felt himself relax. This was what he preferred when forced to be at a party -- being able to keep to himself. It wasn’t that he hated everyone... no, he just didn’t fit in with any of these people. He’d rather nurse his drink, hope that Seamus forgot he was here, and try to sneak out the back door rather than go anywhere near what they were calling a dance floor . 
  “Ah, I found my fellow party hater.” A voice spoke somewhere to his left. Harry turned to see an incredibly attractive redhead. He’d always had a thing for redheads, but this woman -- If Harry had been a cartoon character, his jaw would be on the floor. 
 The woman smiled at him, and even in the horrible blue and green lighting, Harry could see an adorable dimple near a cluster of freckles. 
  “Mind if I join you?” she asked, gesturing to the empty armchair beside him. 
  “Uh --” Harry mentally slapped himself. “Yeah, of course.” 
  The redhead sat down, taking a minute to settle herself before leaning forward and holding out her hand. “I’m Ginny.” 
  Harry shook it, surprised by the strong grip and calluses. “Harry.” 
  Ginny’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Harry, like Harry Potter?” 
  Here we go , Harry internally groaned. People always looked at him differently once they knew his name. The fact that his parents had died taking down Britain's most notorious serial killer since Jack the Ripper was not something he wanted to be known for. Everyone knew about the son of Lily and James Potter, who had been left an orphan because of Tom Riddle. 
  “You and Ron had that midnight duel with Malfoy.” Ginny laughed. “Ron came home during the winter holidays and told me that story!”
  It took Harry a moment to realize what she’d said. “That stor -- yeah!” Harry felt his lips curve into a smile for the first time that night. “Yeah. It was great. We had fake swords that Ron threw aside to punch Malfoy in the nose. But how do you --” It was like a lightbulb went off as he connected the dots. “Ginny Weasley...as in Ron’s little sister?” 
  “Not my preferred title.” Ginny let out a little laugh. “But it’s true. Ron is my older brother.” 
  Harry had heard stories about Ron’s annoying little sister for years. She and her brother, Percy, had been accepted into a prestigious independent school while Ron the rest of the Weasley brothers had been in the same district as Harry. But surely this couldn’t be the “pain in the arse” sister. She seemed too… 
  “I feel like I already know you.” Ginny took a sip from her glass. “Between Ron and the twins. You’re famous!” 
  After only an hour of conversation, Harry felt Ginny was the most incredible person in the world. Not only was she beautiful, but she was also kind, considerate, and funny. 
  As the night turned into the early morning, Harry was unable to look away from her lips as she told amazing stories, wanting nothing more than to kiss them. He was never like this. When it came to women, he tended to admire from afar until he plucked up the nerve to give it a go and pitifully flirt with them. He was awkward on a good day, especially when it came to a beautiful woman.
  With Ginny, he was still awkward... but there were none of his normal flustered ramblings. He was talking with her smoothly, which in his book was close to a miracle. Because with a girl like Ginny Weasley, he should be on the floor in a floundering puddle. But Ginny… she was just so real . No one else in this damn house felt like that. Hell, he could count the number of people who felt like this on one hand. 
  "So, what did you do?" Harry had his face close to Ginny's under the pretense of hearing her, but really he was just enjoying what he assumed was her perfume. It was some sort of flower that he couldn't name, but God, it was one of the best things he'd ever smelled. 
  Ginny grinned as she shrugged nonchalantly. "I had to jump."  
  "So you just jumped off a cliff? Not even knowing how deep the water was?" 
  "It was that or be known as the team chicken."
  Harry shook his head, his smile reflecting hers. "And you couldn’t have that." 
  “That’s right.” Ginny laughed. “I knew they wouldn’t kill their new star striker.” She shrugged with a proud smirk on her lips. 
  “I would love to give cliff diving a go,” Harry mused, taking a swig from his bottle. 
  Ginny gave him an appraising look. “I could take you, see if you’ve got the bollocks to jump.” 
  “There are other ways for you to check that.” The words were out of Harry’s mouth before his brain could form a roadblock. “I -- I mean.” He started to splutter, something he’d impressively avoided up to that point. Fuck, that is not something you say to a mate’s sister, Harry!
  Instead of dumping her drink over his head, though, Ginny gave him a coy smile. “I’d be more than happy to conduct multiple tests, if you’re up for it.” 
  Harry’s brain short-circuited. He had no idea what was happening or where to go from there. He knew his mouth was hanging open, but he couldn’t seem to get his body to listen to any instructions.
  Ginny laughed.“But there are some first steps that need to be completed before we can test out my hypothesis.”
  “Which,” Harry cleared his throat, “Which steps are these?”
  “Oh, you know.” Ginny shrugged. “Dinner one night. Movie another. I’m not the kind of girl who skips the basics.” 
  “Dinner.” Harry let the word roll his tongue as if it was the first time he’d ever said it. “Dinner. Yeah -- um -- are you free tomorrow night?” 
  Ginny beamed at him. “Now I’m not.”
  Harry honestly couldn’t believe his own luck. Here was an incredible woman who wanted to go out with him, and not just for his name. “Great. I can pick you up at seven?” 
  “Seven sounds perfect.” Ginny pointed to his phone that had been sitting in front of him on the coffee table. “Can you unlock that?” 
  He did as he was told. Once the home page glared brightly at him, Ginny took the phone and started clicking buttons. After a minute she handed it back to him, with the screen displaying her contact information. 
  “Now.” She grabbed his beer and downed the remaining drink. “Shall we dance?”
  Harry’s brain was still lost in another universe (which might have explained his answer), but he managed to say, “Hell yes!” 
  “I don’t care.” Seamus laughed, taking another large gulp from his cup. “Emma Watson is fit as fuck. And that’s just what I’d want to do if I’d meet her. She'd be the best shag of my life.”
  Harry snorted, which he could barely hear over the deafening music blaring throughout Dean’s house. Somehow, Seamus had convinced Harry to come to another party. It was all a blur in his mind how he agreed, but his girlfriend had said she would come too. Inexplicably, knowing Ginny was coming made everything better for Harry. Just the thought of Ginny coming to his rescue lessened the knots of anxiety in his stomach.
  Before Harry could give his mates a cheeky response, arms wrapped around his shoulders and warm breath surrounded his left ear. “Hello, luv.”
  Harry twisted his neck to find himself enveloped in red hair. “Hello, Gin.”
  Ginny pressed a kiss to his lips. “Come with me to get a drink?”
  Without hesitation, Harry stood up. Seamus made a pointed gesture. “There he goes, lads! Leaving us to be with a bird.”
  Harry grinned at his mates. “She’s my own Emma Watson, can you blame me?”
  “She’s the best shag of your life?” Seamus asked with glee. Ron, however, groaned.
  “I don’t want to know, Harry.” Ron pointed his bottle at Harry. “I’m fine with you dating my sister, but I don’t want to know anything.”
  Harry didn’t speak, he just winked at Seamus who laughed and waved him away. “Don’t keep her waiting then!” 
  It took Harry a moment to make it through the crowd. His eyes were hyper-focused on Ginny’s long red hair. Finally, he reached her. She was pouring punch into a plastic cup. Harry bound his arms around her waist, letting his lips fall onto her neck. 
  Ginny tilted her head, allowing him better access. “If you keep this up, we won’t stay for our agreed hour.”
 Harry smiled into her skin. The previous night, while laying in his bed after an hour of not talking, Harry had complained about being stuck at parties for too long. Ginny had laughed and said they would only stick around for a few hours. Harry had then used some of his individualized negotiation tactics he saved only for her. In the end, he was able to shave three hours from their allotted party time and was able to have another hour of silence. 
  “Works by me.” Harry ran his tongue over a small cluster of freckles by her ear.
  Ginny’s breath hitched. “I’d hate to leave without saying hello to everyone” She put her freshly filled cup down on the table and twisted in his arms. Her mouth connected with his, and just like that, the loud music and people faded into nothing. The only thing that mattered was the way her fingers played with his messy waves and how her tongue worked with his. 
  “Then again.” Ginny pulled back, a coy smile on her slightly swollen lips. “I could make rounds and be ready to leave in fifteen.” 
  Harry kissed her again. He couldn’t believe that only a year ago she’d found him skulking in the corner of this very room, hating everything and everyone. She made him feel like he could deal with anything, all of the crowds, any bad nights that happened. 
  Harry shifted his attention from her mouth, up her jaw, stopping beside that cluster of freckles again. “Shall we dance, first?”
  Ginny let out a low laugh.”Hell yeah.”
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koltarmi · 6 years
things i noticed/liked/thought while i was watching anastasia live ver 2.0
This past summer, I got the chance to go see Anastasia again and was lucky enough to see it with a whole new cast! At that point, Zach Adkins had become the principal Dmitry, Molly Rushing was Anya, Ken Krugman was Vlad, Max Von Essen was Vlad, Lily was Vicki Lewis, and the Dowager was Janet Dickson. 
Details are below:
Act 1
Kelli Youngman did an extra twirl trailing behind the rest of the Romanov sisters
Dima sounds real pissed especially in the beginning of he song. He gave off a kind of old movie conman vibe with the attitude and accent in "A rumour"
Ken did some preening in "a rumour" when talking about hobnobbing with the Royals
Dmitry yells "WE'LL BE OUT.” in the attitude one would say, "BYE, WE OUT BITCHES”
My first crush ever was on the animated Dmitry solely because of that belt on "the biggest con in  history" gave me chills every damn time. I was so pleased that Derek exceeded my expectations and I was always worried no one else could compare, but damn was I wrong because Zach did as equally well on that.
Instead of raising a chair in defence, Dimitry hides behind the couch he was lounging on.
Zach's Dimitry doesn't have the biting sarcasm of Derek's version, which is great. Who would want to watch the same performance after all? It's softer and he drawls his witty remarks which still have the same amount of sting as Derek's Dmitry who's remarks are quick and blunt.
Ken's Vlad does this over the top bow when he introduces himself to Anya.
Molly's version of Anya and Zach's version of Dimitry reminded me more of the dynamic between the two in the movie.
When Vlad teaches Anya how to walk properly, she sticks her arms and out and sort of bounces along which Vlad then mocks doing the flappy arm thing from “Paris Holds the Key”
Ken's Vlad adds a lilting tone to the end of some sentences giving them a touch of humour.
Anya's breakdown in “Learn to Do It” is not teary. In fact, it's the complete opposite. She is absolutely pissed off.
Vlad does a tsking sound when Dimitry tries to argue with Anya while she's angry.
When Dmitry steps on Anya's foot while they're dancing, Vlad looks so exasperated and says, “Just... just...just...” cue loud sigh. 
When Anya kicks Dmitry's shin, a scolding voice.
The third time around he takes in a deep breath and counts in a higher pitched tone. 
Dmitry looks so offended when Vlad says Russian was for common folks like him. 
The Russian telephone that works line he chuckled for a long time before realizing oh fuck his boss didn't find that funny.
When Anya is brought in, MVE's Gleb doesn't use intimidation. He acts more like the good cop.
When he does realize who he's talking to. His demeanour changes and he stutters before dismissing the officers with a wave of his hand and a "eep" like noise (this is like the best I can describe it).
After he says it's the uniform and the office that make the bad impression, he proves it by plastering on a wide grin.
In the last refrain of “The Neva Flows”, Anya sings the refrain along with him playing the part of a loyal comrade who knows better now, except she stops when he sings, “The Tsar lies cold”.
The drunk guys aren't as excited when they tell that the Tsar is drinking his vodka in hell. Instead the sorta half mumble and sound tired.
Love the way James Peirce says, “Girrrrrrrrrlfriend” and how the group of them sway in a circle to look at Anya.
Molly chasing after those guys while screaming was adorable and hilarious.
In the beginning of “My Petersburg”, for the first few verses Zach sort of says-sings them, belts on the first “Petersburg” then goes in to full force singing into “I've bartered for a blanket/stolen for my bread”.
At the end of the first verse, he nods his head forward and tells Anya, “Come on.”
Zach growls the line “rough company” and holy shit i was shook.
Why did they cut Anya and Dimitry singing “You and I on the fly/just in time” I love it so much.
His response to Anya when she says that neither of them has a family is so earnest it hurts me. Derek's Dmitry says it hesitantly almost forgetting he's conned Anya into this, while Zach's Dimitry is softer and assures her that her family is waiting for her in Paris and I honestly don't which interpretation I like better because I love both of them.
The tone he uses when he tells Anya the object she's holding a music box is exactly the same when he tells her it's broken and that made the audience chuckle.
When Anya opens the music box, Dmitry throws his hands up, rolls his eyes in exasperation, and walks away when Anya opens up the music box on her first try. 'Of fucking course she got it open on her first try,’
When he asks her how she opened it, he sounds more curious than he does confused.
The seats we had this time were way closer to the projections on the wall and holy shit, they look even more magical up close that I wanted to touch them. 
My sister teared up by the end of “Once Upon a December” because the song made her so sad and nostalgic at the same time. 
Dmitry sounds so regretful when he tells Anya that they don't have enough to get out of Russia.
They drop a coin when Dmitry tries to give Anya back her money and for the rest of the scene and the next one, I kept worrying someone would slip on it. 
When she talks about how stubborn Dmitry is she says the part about him being almost as stubborn like her in a somewhat bragging tone.
Molly's singing when during the little reprise of “In My Dreams” about the diamond is just absolutely gorgeous.
Man, Constantine Germancos and the rest of the ensemble singing “Stay, I Pray You” gives me chills everytime. Hearing it live is just so much more gut wrenching than the album. For the first stay, I pray you, he holds the word “stay” a little.longer and DAMN.
Anya rolls her eyes and gets up to walk around the train when Vlad says he loved the diamond studded watch more than Lily.
Lyrica Woodruff and Kristen Smith-Davies made a really an exaggerated motion of scooting over when Zach had one foot on the bench that got a chuckle out of a few people.
Anya slides off the top of the bench she's sitting on when the train comes to a sudden stop.
When the jump off the train the scene turns black, but for some reason this time the lighting from the two offices (Gleb's and his superior officer's, which was on stage right) made it bright enough that you could see Molly, Zach, and Ken hurry offstage
MVE's “Still” 👌🔥✔👌✔👌👌🔥✔🔥🔥🔥👌
When Vlad says that Anya will break his heart, he laughs it off. But when Vlad tells her how he'll never see her if she's accepted as the real Anastasia, the realization of his friend's warning hits him like a ton of bricks.
TBH, a little disappointed Dmitry didn't bound offstage like a young goat, he just ran.
Molly's smile is absolutely radiant when she finishes “Journey to the Past”.
Act 2
Vlad's shaggy beard is gone when they change into their fancy Paris clothes.
Zach is a much better dancer than Derek. The boy's talent lies in his voice not his coordination while Zach seems to be a better balance between vocal power and dance. 
The look Anya and Dmitry shared as they circled each other was goddamn magnetic and when he offers a hand to dance and she gets twirled away by someone else the look on his face is so disappointed that it wrecked me. 
Molly's “Crossing a Bridge” is so full of hope it makes me emotional. Her voice singing that song is so pure???!! Like that's the only way I feel describes it correctly.
I don't remember if Christy did this, but when Vlad announces he's going to try find Lily, Anya reaches up to neaten Vlad's bowtie in a good luck gesture of sorts.
Vicki Lewis' Lily is not as comedic as Caroline O'Connor's. She has much more serious and drier humour, which perfectly compliments Ken's Vlad.
The best way I can describe it is Vicki's Lily is basically a Vodka Aunt ™
This Count Leopold is less slimy more pompous.
MBP's Dowager is full of grieving and sadness while Janet's Dickson's is tired and bitter. Also the way she drags the word “Cleaveland” with disgust was pretty funny. 
The way she sings “tell them/no more” she really puts emphasis on the “no more” which makes her sound so defeated. 
At the entrance of the Neva Club, Lily says this to the doorman after greeting her a good evening: “The only good thing it means there's one day less.” She then laughs and says she's being Russian and with a deadpan expression and tone she looks out to the audience and says, “I love life.”  which is such a big mood. 
When everyone is passed out at the Neva Club during “Land of Yesterday”, Vicki's Lily is dancing and drinking from an empty vodka bottle without hands before she wakes them all up by belting a high note.
When Lily and Vlad go outside to talk and she acts cold to him, she very purposefully drops her handkerchief and Vlad rushes to pick it up.
During “The Countess and the Common Man”  when Lily says she loved him, Vlad pauses for a few seconds looking for the right words to say before hesitantly replying, “You loved me,” which got a chuckle out of the audience.
The two really drew out the part where they're exhausted. Vlad was finding his pulse while Lily took a breath and stretched. 
Ken and Vicki really went at it. Like she straight up was feeling up his butt. 
The part where he belts “the Common Man”, Vicki wrapped herself around his leg which made them look like the cover of bodice-ripper harlequin novel. 
MVE's reprise of “Land of Yesterday” The man has a voice like velvet. 
When Dmitry rushes in to reassure Anya, he sounds so genuine and honest. It's clear he's head over heels in love with her and he's forgotten the whole thing is a con. 
After Dmitry sings his part in “In a Crowd of Thousands” Anya scoots a little closer to him when he sits back down at the bed. 
So when Anya sings that young Dmitry was “not too clean”, Derek used to act jokingly offended but Zach's Dmitry is just so enraptured by Anya telling her side of the story he's just smiling at her the whole time like wow pro tip get yourself a zach's version in Dmitry who looks so lovingly at Molly's Anya cause that's true love. 
That loving smile becomes a look of shock, confusion, and the slightest bit of hope when Anya goes, “And then he bowed.”
I LOVR THE WAY MOLLY SAYS, “You didn't have to. I remember.” It's not surprise or shock at the sudden memory. She says it like a fact. Water is wet, fire is hot, the sky is blue, and I remember the boy on the street who made me smile, it was you. It's been you all this time.
The rush towards each other, so utterly happy, but then Zach's Dimitry suddenly realizes what's he doing and freezes. He pulls away from Anya and that look on his voice is so similar to the look he had in PHTK when she gets spun away from him. 
So I timed this as soon as they walked offstage, Zach had about 55 seconds to change while Molly had about 70 seconds to change.
Quartet of the Ballet, man. The lyrics are the same, but sung by different people who have different interpretations of the same characters is whole new damn experience. 
Zach and Max's voices went really well together and I want a duet between them immediately. 
In “Everything to Win”, Zach sings beautifully and then says "wHY PANIC NOW??” and resumes his lovely singing which got a chuckle out of the audience. Boi looked like he was gonna lose his goddamn mind. 
When Anya comes out, he asks her in a hopeful voice, “What happened?” and her stoic facial expression turns into one of complete and utter betrayal and anger.
The confrontation between Maria and Dmitry is a totally different tone, because neither them holds back and basically yells in the other's face.
“I was hungry and desperate when I met you, but I wasn't dishonest. I hate you for that.” She says the last sentence so quietly you can almost miss it, but damn if that doesnt hurt I don't know what would because we've seen an annoyed, violent, and angry Anya. This quiet anger and betrayal is so much worse.
When they're back in the hotel and Anya is packing her things, she throws the doll Dmitry bought her and it falls to the ground. And when she's ripping  Vlad a new one, she rips the medallion looking thingy from his suit and throws it on the ground.
Again, Janet's Maria is again tired and bitter and it really shows in the scene between her and Anya.
When Maria and Anya hug, Dmitry is in the background, the doll she threw away in his hand.
Just like in “Land of Yesterday”, Vicki's Lily belts a high note to silence the press in “The Press Conference”
The confrontation between Anya and Gleb is just so intense. He tries playing the good cop card again, when it's clear she won't fall for it, he becomes more clear with his threats. 
I remember seeing video of Christy adding this move in The Neva Flows Reprise where she falls back into the chair and Molly does it as well, she backs up into the chair as if this conversation physically hurts her and pushes her back, defeated into the chair, head slumped.
When he demands one last time, who she is, we see the Anya we know and love return in full force. Her head and spine that was slumped straightens as she stares him down and walks toward right into his gun, proudly declaring that she is The Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevena Romanov.
And it seems her confidence and courage in her identity weakens Gleb's. His hand shakes as he points the gun at her chest. He tries to point it at her head, but that just weakens his resolve and he crumples into the ground, dropping his gun. (If I haven't made it clear, I fucking love MVE's interpretation of Gleb)
The whole conversation between the two after this is softer and filled with quiet understanding and regret. And they part as comrades both knowing the truth.
The way Zach's Dmitry says, "I don't want to be in love with someone I can't have," is so bitter like he believes that now that Anya is proven to be Anastasia he will never be worthy of her love, which he is 110% wrong.
Molly's Anya says the line about her first kiss with a prince like a fact. 
When they kiss, Dmitry is shocked like his wildest dreams has come true before he realizes this is real and just gently kisses her back.
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elejah-wonderland · 6 years
I Can Dream About You/3
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Elijah Mikaelson x reader
Another time...another place... A Rock’n’Roll Fable
AU TVD/TO story
With Klaus Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, Caroline Forbes, Rebekah Mikaelson, Stefan Salvatore and others
a/n: I just want to say thanks to everyone liking this story and reading. Love you to bits. xoxo
tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @elejahforever
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Stefan arrived at the Salvatore Mansion parking his bike in front of the main entrance, together with his biker mate Enzo. The walked inside in their muddy biker boots, smelling of machine oil, not caring about where they now took off their jackets. Lily Salvatore, having heard the bikes pull in got out of the lounge to meet her son.
 "How I've missed you"- the woman now moved to her son giving him a kiss on the cheek, which Stefan let her, just to please her. He didn't like her molly-cuddly ways, so he quickly moved away.
"Can you please put the jackets away- if your father sees them with that sign on the back, you know how furious he would get"- Lily asked in a sweet mellow voice.
The jackets had a black reaper sign at the back with the name of his biker gang- RIPPERS.
"I really don't care if he sees it or not. I am not staying long. I just came to get some stuff"- Stefan walking now up the stairs to his room. 
Lily was now slightly agitated and she hurried after her son, trying now to talk to him to reconsider leaving the family altogether.
"He didn't mean it. You know how furious he gets, but then when he calms down, he sees sense"- Lily said referring to the very heated argument Stefan had with his father Giuseppe the day before, adding-
"Your brother is getting married tomorrow. Will you not be standing as his best man?"
"I am. I promised Damon, and I will do it. But that's the last family thing I will do."- Stefan said.
"Oh, Stefan, why are you so stuborn. See, how Damon changed. He found a good girl, he will start a family- what will happen to you?"
"Come on, mom. Damon is doing this for the money." - Stefan said.
"It's not true. He loves Rebekah."- Lily said.
"Keep telling yourself that."- Stefan shot back at his mother.
Lily's eyes now watered. She could not believe, or accept that her sweet little boy changed so much. She blamed it on the bad company he kept, turning him into, what she considered, bandits. She tried to get him away from the bikers and get him back to be her golden boy. But after having felt the taste of freedom, and not having to live according to his father's rules, there was no turning back. 
So, how did Y/N get involved with the likes of Stefan Salvatore? 
Well, after Elijah left, without  giving her any particular explanation, she went from shellshock mode, into sadness, which transformed into anger and then not caring much. And at that point when she was lingering between anger and not caring  much what will be, she hooked up with Stefan at a New Year's party in the Diner. Which was roughly some six months after Elijah had left. And so they went from seeing one another on occasion, to seeing one another quite frequently. He treated her good when they were together. They had fun. It was nothing heavy, and she didn't want it to be, and neither did Stefan. She swore to herself she would never fall hard for a guy, like she fell for Elijah. 
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She was in love with the dapper SEALs marine from the first hello they had exchanged when they met at the Mystic Fall's Lake Fest, nearly four years ago. And it was bliss, even though her parents had reservations about her dating seven year her senior. When they met, Y/N had just turned 18. But since he was the most responsible Mikaelson, they didn't mind. He had already had a rank of commander in the Navy Seals. And he was reconsidering retirement and getting out of the force. But there were not many people like him around, so very capable, honourable and reliable, and the Navy couldn’t  let him go just yet, granting him only free time till further notice. It was unheard of, but in certain occasions, certain operatives got more than some ordinary military officer would get. 
After hellish five years of service as part of the special operative forces, living a life that was strictly about the operations, returning home to Mystic Falls, he plunged into what some would call just a normal life, completely giving himself into all that it offered. He enjoyed the time with his family, his sister and brother. Letting himself fall in love. Same as Y/N, he had fallen hard. The military and his operative life seemed to be a different universe, he had blocked out, as if someone compelled him to do so. 
He had told Y/N bits and pieces of what his military past, but he could not tell her exactly what he was doing and definitely not about the ops. And whenever she would start to ask more questions, he would override the conversations kissing her, or talking about some every days stuff, her stuff- or his family's, like he wanted to completely erase that he was a navy officer. 
"Let's talk about how beautiful this sunset is"- he would say as they sat down at their favourite spot at the pier-"navy life is so boring. We're like robots sometimes, everything is 9:00 this or 15:00 that- I love to watch the colours the sun paints tonight- or - how the rays play out the brown shades of your eyes"- looking at her like no other looked at her before. Kissing her like no other did before, making love to her like no other made before.
And then all was gone one day- just like that. Puff. Only a letter remained and a heart that stopped beating with the love. At least with the love it beat for him. 
At the Mystic Falls Lake, now, Y/N  stopped crying. She looked at herself in the review mirror. Her eyes were all puffed up. 
“No more crying over him. This is done.” - she now put the engine on and drove away from the place. As she got back to the house, she tried to wash it with extremely cold water, hoping to reduce the puffiness. She hated feeling the way she felt. All mushy. But, it could not be helped. The emotions she had bottled up for a very long time now played like someone let million butterflies boxed up loose. She now flashed back at the brief moment earlier as his hands on her arms, him being so near her. She now gulped shivering up inside. 
A knock at the bathroom door, hearing Caroline's voice brought her back to reality. She answered her friend that she would be out in a minute. Y/N now wiped her wet face off with a towel. Running her hands through her hair she took a deep breath, and then got out to meet her friend.
As she got out, Caroline noticed immediately that she had been crying.
“What’s happened?”
Y/N now had to tell her what had happened earlier at the Mystic Lake.
"He went there? Oh! That means he is still hung up on you"- Caroline said enthusiastically.
"And so what if he is. What's the point. He will leave again. Maybe already in a few days when the wedding is done. And I am so stupid to even cry over someone like him. I wish I had never met him."- Y/N said with an angry tone.
"And what if he is not"- Caroline said.
"Please can we talk about something else- like are we going out to the movies."
Caroline was not so happy about Y/N swaying of the subject. She would want to now dissect every detail of the conversation, of the move he made, her friend made, what his facial expression was. And, of course make an elaborative plan how to get the man of her friend’s dream back. But, she understood that Y/N wouldn’t want to rake through her heartache involving this particular man, and she now said somewhat resigned with a huff-
"We can do. Streets of Fire are on. Or rebel without a cause"- Caroline said.
"Streets of Fire"- Y/N chose.
"So- how about the non-bachelorette party?"- Caroline asked-"she didn't invite you even though you are Stefans +1"- by she the blonde meant Rebekah.
"Are you kidding me? She would rather have her head shaved than invite me. And who wants to be with those five fakes anyway"- Y/N now referred to Rebekah's female clique. 
"You're right"- Caroline said.
"Plus, I don't think I will go. He will be there"
"Elijah is her brother, of course he will be there.”
"Exactly"- Y/N said.
"But, you are Stefan's +1"- Caroline stressed out again.
"I can't be around Stefan now. Last night-  when he kissed me and we started - you know- but- when he touched me- I could not be with him. I don't know why- I pushed him away- and he left pissed off-"
"Seriously? Did you really push him away?"
"I did. Told him that I was tired and - never mind. I really have a headache. Can we have a rain check. I really don’t feel like going anywhere.”
"Oh, no. You can't stay at home. It would look like you are pining over him- Elijah I mean. And everyone will be out on the town tonight. It’s the bachelor and bachelorette night of the year I also heard there will be a chickie run tonight. De Martels are organizing it. It's all a hush thing- but everyone who is everyone will be there. You can’t miss this.”
Chickie run or a chicken race was a illegal race thing, where guys test their gall and bravery by taking their cars to the cliff and racing them towards the edge. The first one who jumps out is considered chicken.
Y/N hated such things. And she only went once to it back in High School.
"I am not going there."- Y/N said-"it's such an immature thing to do."
"Right. Movies then"- Caroline said.
"Yes, the movies. Ok. Let me change." - Y/N now went to her wardrobe and started looking at the dresses and sweaters. Finally she got her skinny jeans out and decided to wear a white shirt with it. She put her new red high heel shoes, and wrapped a short red scarf around her neck. Deciding after a while what to do with her hair, she pulled it up in a ponytail.
“Ready”- she said to her friend as she got out of the bathroom, giving herself one more look in the mirror.
Earlier, at the Mikaelson Mansion
After the meeting with Y/N at the Lake, Elijah went directly back to the Mansion.  And straight to their gym, down in the area of the cellar. He took his jacket off- put the boxing gloves on  and got all of his frustration out on the punching bag.
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Klaus walked in the gym having been told by the many wedding staff that they saw Elijah go down to it. Elijah was still kicking the soul out of the bag.
"I gather you were with Y/N"-his brother remarked. 
Elijah stopped for a second, sweat dripping down his forehead now looking at Klaus-
"What is it? You don't have to check upon me. I just- I will be fine."
"Sure you will."- Klaus said-"ahm- well, Kol and I are going to the bachelor thing. Well, we are crushing it. Wanna come- you can actually punch the real face out of Stefan Salvatore"
"Not interested. We may not like the Salvatores, but Rebekah does. At least one of them. If he comes to the wedding with a busted lip, she will have your guts for garters."- Elijah now took the boxing gloves off adding-"This is my mess. I left the girl broken hearted. It has nothing to do with him." - Elijah grabbed his jacket now and walked out of the gym. 
Klaus followed him continuing to talk him into going out with them anyway. Maybe he would find someone else. Y/N could not be the only woman, surely, Klaus egged him on to look somewhere else.
"Not for me" Elijah said as they walked upstairs to their bedrooms-"why are you bothered so much about me. How is your love life? Kol tells me you and the bartender got close more than once. Forever playing the field? She seems a sweet woman"
"Camille? Well, yeah, she is sweet. But she doesn't move me"- Klaus said.
"Father will expect grandchildren soon"- Elijah said.
"Are you serious? What I am supposed to put shackles on just because he wants an heir. Rebekah is giving him one"
"But you are the first born"- Elijah now joked at the expense of his brother adding-"you know what he is like. Old school- Rebekah will be a Salvatore tomorrow, so- "
"So, you go and find someone and make him loads of grandkids. You're the marrying kind, which brings me to the point- you were so in love with Y/N, and I know she was crazy about her- how come you didn't ask her?"
Elijah now gave Klaus a serious look-"You're seriously asking me this"
"I am seriously asking you this"- Klaus said.
"Did you not see me the way I was when they got me out of that wretched place? By some strange providence I made it alive. And with my body limbs in tact"
When Elijah was rescued from the Burmese prison, Klaus went with Mikael to the Navy hospital in California where they transported Elijah. They could barely recognize him. He was skinny, malnourished. Had broken arm, leg. Beaten severely and mentally tortured. The op went horribly wrong as one of Elijah's squad was a traitor. Elijah spent more than  a year and a half recovering in California. No one knew about it, except for Klaus and Mikael and they were sworn to secrecy. The real truth was kept from Esther, as well as Kol and Rebekah.
Klaus now just nodded his face serious as well, muttering a sorry.
Elijah hated bringing all of that up and now told his brother that he would go get a shower and joined them a little later. 
All the time in California, he worked hard on his recovery. Mental and physical. All that time, as well as in prison, Y/N was always on his mind and in his heart. The thought of her had made him survive when he thought he would break down completely. Many times, during his recovery he would go to the phone and stand there wanting to make a call. But what could he say. And it would not be fair to her to drag her into his messed up world. She should be free to live a life without difficulties and study. He didn't want to take her away from her studies. Little did he know that she would abandon her pre- med and settle to be a nurse instead.
As he was leaving the Mansion, he caught up with Rebekah, who was going out herself-
"Please, make sure they don't get drunk like skunks. Damon, too. I want a nice day tomorrow. That goes for you, too "
"You have my word Miss Mikaelson"- Elijah saluted the blonde.
"Don't joke, Elijah. I'm serious"- Rebekah slapped him across the arm.
"I'm not joking. That's my mission for the night. I know what they are like"
"Good. I'm so happy you're back."- Rebekah said scampering away as her friends now arrived in a car to pick her up.
Elijah got into his Porsche and drove off as well.
The full moon smiled down at everyone that night. The bachelor party as well as the bachelorette party started off as usual. Drinks, dance, strippers appearing in each party. Elijah keeping a watchful eye at his brothers, till the De Martel brothers and friends appeared- crashing the party and causing everyone to  end up on the Mystic Hill on a dare. It was, of course about the Chickie race thing.
No matter how hard Elijah tried to convince Damon and Kol not to get into it, nothing could be achieved.
"You of all people know what honour means. This is not the navy, but I have to keep my honour up there"- Kol spat drunken at his brother.
Klaus, who had a bone to pick with Tristan anyway now said that he would go against him.
In all that craziness, Stefan arrived with his biker mates. Y/N and Caroline followed having heard in the diner about the race taking place.
She was a bit surprised seeing Elijah there, but it was soon clear that he tried to stop all of them involved from doing something stupid. And then, something extraordinary happened. One of Stefan's Ripper biker mates punched Lucian as he spat at the biker about something, which blew into a big punch up. In all the madness now Stefan, who was fuelled earlier by Enzo about how he saw Y/N and Elijah together talking sweetly to one another,  went  to Elijah swinging a punch at him. Elijah gave the biker as good as he got. Seeing what was happening, Y/N could not keep away as she knew this was about her now went to separate them, wedging herself between them- "STOP IT"- "ARE YOU MAD- ENOUGH! "
As both men felt their jaws now looking at each other with raging eyes,  someone shouted that cops were on the way, Stefan looked at Y/N meaning are you coming and she shook her head slightly meaning  a no. He just waved with his hand at her a whatever running away to his bike disappearing in the night with his friends.
Elijah now grabbed Y/N’s hand and they ran to his Porsche, her now shouting at him that she has to get Caroline.
"I saw her get away with Klaus"- Elijah said-”come on. We got to get away”
"Are you sure?"- Y/N asked.
"Yes. Don't worry. He'll take care of her."-Elijah replied.
"Ok"- Y/N said slipping inside Elijah’s Porsche now. Him pressing the gas full on, with the car screeching, they literally flying away from the place into the night.
-to be continued-
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the-blind-geisha · 7 years
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Inktober Day 18: Emmett Frye
Thanks for all of the love and support of my version of Emmett Frye. It means a lot to me~.>
Name: Emmett Frye
Age: 20 by the beginning of the Jack the Ripper DLC
Birthday: August 8th 1868
Sexuality: Straight
Birthplace: Whitechapel, London
Family: Father: Jacob Frye (active)
           Mother: Lindy J. Frye (active)
           Wife: Lily Ann Voss (active)
           Children: Marina Frye (daughter: deceased)
                       Damian Frye (son: deceased)
                       Lydia Frye (daughter: active)
                       Victoria Frye (daughter: active)
                       Essie Frye (daughter: active)
Known scars: There are a few scars on his stomach where Emmett was attacked during his first blooding.
Favorite weapon: Cane-sword.
Known quotes: “Well, that wasn’t very gentlemanly of you.”
“You should have seen the front—then the term ‘stallion’ would have been accurate.”
“Well met.”
“Now, see here!”
“Playing the violin soothes me, love. I could tamper with the strings all day and night and forget there is even a war going on. Is there something I should play for you, my dear?”
“I do not believe Templars are villains or fiends—some are just as righteous in their views as Assassins are and some can be just as evil and vile as some in our ranks have proven to be. To say they are murderous fiends is looking at the world in black and white, and I prefer my spectrum to be in shades of gray.”
Brief back story: Born out of wedlock, Emmett was mostly raised by his mother while his father did his best to be around and care for them both while tending to his Creed. Finding the Assassin life to be exciting, Emmett desired to take to the Creed at a young age, causing friction between his mother and father.
As problems began to arise with Jacob drinking, him having issues without his twin sister and with the instability of Jack the Lad, Emmett watched his family life further deteriorate as the two divorced when he was a young boy. Upon the problems occurring, Jacob began acting more like a mentor than a father figure to Emmett, and their relationship became strained and disjointed with Emmett viewing his father more as a brother and mentor than a father, though calling him ‘father’ respectfully.
Feeling responsible for their failed marriage, Emmett, often than not, hold’s their happiness above his own (more so his father’s than anything, as he hated Jacob was losing so much around him). With his mother constantly worried for him, Emmett tries his best to send letters to her on a weekly basis when able or frequents her home when he can. While he knows his mother is cross with Jacob and feels he is to blame for Emmett taking to the Assassin’s Creed, he still tries to remain civil and neutral between the two.
When his father began taking up training prostitutes in regards of the Creed later on in life, Emmett joined him and fell in love with the young Lily Ann Voss. When the threat of Jack the Ripper was on the rise, Emmett did everything he could to protect her, knowing that Jack would murder Lily Ann just as a means to get revenge on his ‘younger brother’ for always being the more beloved and ‘perfect’ of the two as Jack harbored resentment towards Emmett (though the feeling was slightly mutual in some regard as Emmett felt left in the shadows by his own father whenever Jacob would tend to Jack over Emmett in some cases.)
When Jack was dealt with and peace returned to Whitechapel, Emmett married Lily Ann and the two had their first child within less than a year’s time. All children were trained in the means of the Creed (though Lydia resisted the idea at first), and sadly enough Marina and Damian met their end on the field, causing horrible, inner conflict with Emmett and his gray views on Templars and Assassins.
With his two children having fallen under his guidance, he left the other three children’s training to his father and aunt, worried to fail them in return. During this time, Emmett was usually sent on missions about the world with his wife but did everything in his power to keep in touch with his family and return to continue being a father to his three remaining children.
When Jacob warned Emmett that Lindy would probably die soon, Emmett returned from his time in Japan to be by her side till she passed away. Knowing that his father would pass away sometime after (as the two had reconciled and mended their marriage), Emmett remained beside his father till four years later when Jacob too passed away peacefully in his sleep. He had the two buried side by side and visits their graves on their birthdays and Christmas.
Personality: Emmett is very attentive and alert. He tries to watch people’s body language and mannerisms closely to understand if something is wrong since his own father would rarely speak of his troubles to the point Emmett had to read between the lines with him. This causes Emmett to pick up on things others miss.
He has a bit of a playful personality (no thanks to Jacob) where he will crack underlining crude jokes, even if the time is not the best for them. Because he was trained and even raised mostly around women (his mother and aunt) more than men, Emmett is a bit cleaner and careful of his appearance as well as clean about his and his father’s living spaces respectfully, though won’t be afraid to get dirty for fun or for a mission should it be called for him to.
Personal notes: Emmett wears and holds onto Jacob’s old top hat, as it is a reminder of how his father used to be: so sarcastic, witty, happy, and full of life back when Emmett was a small boy. Whenever he is nervous, idly thinking, or upset, he is often seen fondling with it as the feel of it against his fingers is a comfort and a distraction to better times.
- He prefers to fight with the cane-sword and a revolver though will use throwing knives, brass knuckles and the like if in a bad fix and needs other methods of fighting.
- Because of the drunken bouts Jacob would have, Emmett swore to never fall prey to alcohol for his problems; thus, he rarely drinks and prefers tea instead.
- He has a few scars on his lower abdomen where the first man he tried to assassinate got the upper hand on him when Emmett hesitated in his first blooding.
- He learned to cook from his mother and often tried to cook for his father, who was too stubborn to learn.
- Whenever he talks to his father, Jacob, he talks to him like a brother or a friend—not even caring how crude the conversations can get.
-It is possible Emmett knows about his father being bisexual, and if that is the case, he keeps it a heavy secret even from his mother and fellow family members as not even Lindy knows.
-Sometimes Emmett has a younger sister name Gabriella, but that depends on who is the mother as Gabriella belongs to Oreana in their alternate world. In The Fall series where he first appeared, he has a younger brother named Gabriel whom he adores and wishes nothing more but to have a better family life than he did.
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🌺 ~
This time, Danny had known she was coming. Luckily, he had been riding a rather vigorous upswing in his mood for a few days now so he had had plenty of time to prepare the house for her arrival. It wasn’t going to be long, as her letter had indicated, but he was happy to her have her all the same. He had spent his days preparing at a leisurely pace, taking full advantage of the three day heads up. 
First order of business had been chasing away Fenton Works’ musty smell with some sunlight and music. His blinds stayed open now - he wondered if the neighbors noticed - and he had even cracked a window open in Jazz’s room. The effect had been almost immediate as the uncharacteristically perfect outside air wafted through the house, carrying a summer breeze and the distant noise of the city. He had been half-tempted to never close his dear sister’s window ever again. 
Next, he had focused on cleaning. And what a productive afternoon that had been. During the day, when the sunlight reflecting off the house’s glistening sheen of a protective shield was his only witness, he had blasted the music he hadn’t listened to or thought of in years. Humpty Dumpty, he had learned, was perfect for vacuuming or dusting - chores which required lots of movement. The hand-banging rock of his youth reignited a sense of rhythm in him and the house was spotless, top to bottom, in record time. He had even been so moved with the thrums of the bass, he didn’t think twice about vacuuming his parents’ old room, sliding their window open a generous few inches as well.
Ladies First, a band that far exceeded Humpty Dumpty in philosophical undertones and a fresh hip hop sound, however, lent its up-beat tones and catchy lyrics to less physical chores. Danny really shouldn’t have been as surprised as he was with just how many lyrics he remembered, even while intensely focusing on wiping down the kitchen counters. The words rolled off his tongue without a second thought and his chores were done in spotless form.
By the end of the day, the thick carpets had been mapped with vacuum trails, the kitchen smelt of lemon and disinfectant, a breeze had shaken the blinds upstairs, and he had really forgotten how much he missed singing. And he had still had an entire day left to plan and prepare a meal before she was supposed to arrive.
That part had been easy; people who had done a lot of traveling didn’t want heavy or greasy food. They were tired from the trip, but usually filled with excitable relief at finally arriving at their destination. They wanted something light but satisfying, often times familiar, and always homemade. He wasn’t much of a cook - not a single Fenton had ever been able to successfully create a meal beyond flattening food stuffs between two pieces of bread - but he had been raised a scientist. And cooking was a technical endeavor, a recipe a rule book, and the ingredients his chemicals. 
Plus, knowing whom exactly he was expecting to serve was a rare advantage he had this time and he wasn’t about to screw it up. So, after some quick deliberation between a few different recipes the lab downstairs had been happy to print, he had decided on a spicy jambalaya over rice with a side salad.
Once the ingredients had been gathered and the crock pot prepared, all that had been left to do was wait. 
He didn’t panic when she was a little late. He simply turned down the stove, stored the salad ingredients back in the fridge to avoid wilting spinach, and waited. The longer he had to wait, though, the harder distracting himself had become. The enjoyment he had found in his CDs wouldn’t percolate, the evening news didn’t interest him, and the minutes kicked and screamed against their own advancement. 
He reread the letter, (she didn’t specify when exactly she had expected to roll into town), double checked the date (cell towers didn’t lie, so there was no use in booting up the old computer downstairs to make sure he hadn’t fallen into a black hole), and resigned himself nervously to his fate: it would be a long wait. 
Calling was out of the question. That was obvious in the fact she had sent a letter in the first place. He didn’t understand the specifics, he didn’t know the specifics, but he understood the code nonetheless. Don’t call. I’ll be there. Just wait. 
So wait he did. 
The usual seven o’clock program was starting on the TV - he wasn’t interested in seeing random people win money, he just needed assurance that, outside his living room and kitchen, the world really was still there - when his senses perked up. Someone - a powerful presence - was nearing. He could feel them like the air before a storm or the deja vu of a dream just out of reach.
In no time at all, Danny heard footsteps nearing the property. In a sizable physical effort to not act like an anxious - and extremely lonely - homemaker, he decided he would not rush to the door and fling it open with gusto. Yet. Instead, he rushed into the kitchen and started emptying the fridge of its partly prepared salad ingredients. 
Darn her for almost making the spinach wilt. 
There were two knocks, the only purpose of which were to act as a warning that she was coming on in, before she pushed the door open and came on in. 
“I’m here.” 
“Kitchen,” he called out, giving the jambalaya one last stir. He didn’t need to turn to know she had entered. “Good trip?” 
“Long trip,” she whined, collapsing heavily into her usual chair, bags forgotten in the living room.
“I’m sure.” He glanced back at her, switching off the stove. “So it went well, then? You okay?” He didn’t know the specifics of her situation, but he knew enough. And the modest black dress she was wearing, the retrospective slump in her shoulders, and her twice retouched eye makeup told him everything else he was missing. 
“It was hard.”
He brought the pot over, carefully depositing it onto the table. “They always are.” 
She sniffed, and he saw a little color return to her puffy eyes. “Is that jambalaya?” she wondered hopefully, sitting up and taking in the rice and meat mixture before her. 
“Or something similar. New recipe, haven’t tried it yet. But rice and salad on the side just in case.” Taking her offered bowl, he scooped her a moderate helping. The chunks of meat and shrimp soaked up the brown rice, the smell of the diced celery and spices making her mouth water. It didn’t smell as wild as she usually preferred the Creol dish, but Danny was a Midwestern Caucasian boy. Chili peppers were probably as hot as he could handle. Besides, she wasn’t in the mood to wipe at her nose again today. 
“Looks really good,” she said, a long forgotten hunger in his stomach bubbling to life as she waited for him to fill his own plate. 
He smirked and sat. “I tried. But if it’s a little overcooked, that’s so not my fault.” 
She went for the beef first. “Maybe don’t put it on so early next time.” 
“Maybe I’ll try something not as time consuming next time,” he replied quickly, snagging a pile of spinach. 
Around another mouthful of celery and rice, she nodded. He had won that round, no questions. 
“What? I brought you a souvenir.” 
Danny’s first instinct really should not have been what it was, but before any other thoughts could register, he was gaping at her in curious shock. 
“From a funeral??”
She snorted at him and rice very nearly went up her nose. 
“Yeah? And? The guy was a jerk, anyway!” 
“Taz!” he gasped, grinning. 
“What? He was! I only went because they couldn’t find enough pallbearers!”
Chuckling, he propped one elbow on the table and leveled a look at her. “Look, Taz, I think I know a thing or two about respecting the dead here. So trust me when I say stealing from a funeral is the number one way of getting cursed. Like, it’s practically guaranteed. Whatever you snagged from that guy is guaranteed, one hundred percent, undeniably haunted.” 
The huntress mirrored his position and returned the look with a raised eyebrow. 
Danny smirked at her. 
“So what’d you get me?” 
In the living room, Taz rummaged through her leather travel bag, taking out the odd item and setting it on the couch beside her. Her pistol, a small tiki statue which Danny frowned at curiously, a black travel case of toiletries, a box of bullets, sneakers, another small statue that got even a deeper frown from the ghost boy, and a stray, unmatched hoop earring joined their equally mismatched companions littering the cushion. 
“Ah, where did that stupid thing go. I bet anything Ripper grabbed it behind my back, the jerk,” the huntress was muttering, completely oblivious to the ever deepening frown on Danny’s forehead. It might’ve just been him, but he was fairly certain one of the tikis just sent a rather flirtatious wink his direction. 
“Oh, there it freaking is,” Taz sighed, pulling something out and handing it to Danny. He took it curiously. It was a third wooden ornament - though luckily this one was completely faceless - about two inches tall and four wide. It was shaped into a water lily, only the pointed petals were shorter and numerous in number, folding out from the center in perfect top down symmetry. A symbol in the language he didn’t recognize was branded onto the underside, and the edges of the many petals were polished and singed black. 
She expected him to now understand the symbolism behind it, so the huntress was quick with an explanation: “In many lesser known Middle Eastern cultures, the water lily is a sign of tranquility and happiness. It’s seen as a sign of good luck and hospitality since it only grows around water. Which, in the desert, is often a hard commodity to come by.” 
A small frown wrinkled his brows as he inspected the small gift, her words sinking in. 
“So…. did you just give me a flower?” 
She gaped at him for a moment, but quickly recovered with a growl. “It’s a symbol of good fortune and kindness!” 
“Yeah. A fortunate and kind flower!” 
“Well fine! If you don’t want it–” 
“Back off!” he hissed, clutching the statue to his chest and twisting away. “I like the lucky water flower statue thing!” 
Taz chuckled, sitting back and shrugging. Technically, she got him to keep the gift so she was counting that as a win. Which meant, for the evening, they were tied. 
“Where’re you gonna put it?” she asked, watching with satisfaction as he more thoroughly inspected the small item. 
“Probably on my dresser somewhere,” he replied, trying and failing to figure out which way was up for the symbol at the bottom. He nodded forward. “Or the coffee table or something. Somewhere people can see it.” 
That was all the thanks she would push for, so she took it with a quiet nod. “It’ll probably float if you put it in water.” 
Considering what she said, he tossed it into the air a couple times, testing its weight in his hand. “Probably,” he finally concurred, leaning forward and resolutely setting it in the middle of the table. 
“So. You want any dessert?” They had sat around and reminisced for a couple hours after dinner, and while the dishes still begged to be washed, he figured the huntress would appreciate one more late night snack before heading off to bed for the evening. 
She raised an eyebrow suggestively. 
“You have cheesecake?” 
Standing, he gave her an obvious look. “For you?” 
That was a yes, a blatant yes, and was all Danny needed to tip the scale. Admittedly, Taz would have happily forfeited their silent game of the evening if it meant a raspberry cream drizzled slice of heaven. 
She couldn’t repress a silent chuckle as she starting scooping her belongings back into her back. How did he always know exactly what she craved? 
That little wooden water lily stayed on Danny’s coffee table until the end of his days, a silent welcome to the infinite number of guests Fenton Works had housed over the years. Young or old, male or female, from this dimension or the next, everyone knew the doors of a certain haunted building on a certain street corner in a certain town of Amity Park were always open for them. Whether they needed a place to layover for the evening or a stop to recover from serious wounds, they were welcomed, invited, and expected to stay at Fenton Works, the one with the little wooden lily on the coffee table. 
And if Danny ever figured out the mysterious symbol on the bottom was the residue of a $2 price tag from a thrift store a few states over, he never told a soul. 
Asked by @tazaki-theredknight-blog for the leave a 🌺 in my inbox to give my muse a flower meme. 
Got a question for the mod or muse? Ask away! 
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melyaliz · 7 years
Summary: Jennifer when Jason dies and when he comes back. 
 Pairing: none really, 
Notes:  This had a bunch of pieces to it but I wanted to keep it clean. And by clean I mean 6 pages. (Kill me) I kind of want to do one where Jason meets Faith as Guardian Angel too. 
Tagging: @royslittleharper​ @guns-n-lilies​ @the-shadow-of-atlantis​ @coffee-randomness​ @daisyboobear​ @werewitchling​ @nightwing-rules​
Before Jennifer left she promise to keep up her book club with Jason. They had started the tradition when Jason had a book report on the Scarlet Letter and Jen said she loved that book so she read it with him. They ended up staying up all night talking about the meanings and similarities in today’s culture. After that, they started to read all books Jason got for school as well as anything else Jennifer could find just for fun. They had done everything from Young Adult to classic novels to even a bodice ripper that Jen found at a drug store.
So on Friday when her phone buzzed she grabbed her notes and picked up. Yes, she had notes, Jason would always make fun of her when she pulled out her notebook while acting like he didn’t even read the chapters. But Jennifer knew he was just as excited to talk novels with her.
However, it wasn’t Jason’s name that popped up on her phone it was Dick’s.
“Hey Dick, ” she said something in the back of her head buzzed. Something was wrong she could feel it.
“Hey Jennifer,” something was very wrong, she could instantly tell by Dick’s voice. That kid couldn’t hide anything from her. She could feel her heart beating quickly in her chest. Please God, please don’t let it be what she thought it was.
“What happened?” She demanded, “where’s Jason”
“Jennifer… it was the Joker.”
“He killed him. It was a bomb”
It was Tea’s death all over again. Jen didn’t even know she was on the floor until she felt her free hand gripping the carpet so hard she felt like her fingers were going to break. She just sat there with the phone to her ear as the world tilted around her. Why was it so bright in here? Was she going to pass out?
“Jen… Jen are you there.” Dick’s voice became desperate.
“I have to go”
“No wait! Don’t hang up!” Dick cried as he heard the click of the phone.
Her body racked with sobs as she curled up in a ball on the floor of her bedroom. Not again, not again. Just wake up, this was a nightmare. Why was this happening to her? Why did this keep happening to her? Make it stop, make everything stop.
Everything was rushing through her brain as she lay there curled up. A million voices shouting in her head.
She didn’t even realizing she was screaming until she felt her father’s arms wrapping themselves around her.
“Jennifer? My God, what’s wrong?”
“Jason’s dead dad, he’s dead.” saying it aloud make it all that more real. As if washing her over in ice cold reality.
Her father didn’t say anything, just pulled her closer to him stroking her back, “I’m here,” he finally whispered, “just let it out.”
“It’s my fault dad,” she cried burying her head in his chest as her body racked with sobs. “he asked me to say, I should have stayed.”
“Don’t,” her father pulled her away wiping away her tears, “you can’t blame yourself for this. This is the fault of Gotham. They take so many before their time.”
Years later she had moved back to Gotham with her sister. Her parents gone with everything else that had once been her stable family.
She sighed as she stepped off the tram looking around the station. “Hey Gotham” she whispered walking slowly toward the entrance of the subway. She could have drove back from New York but something about taking public trans just seemed more, communal. All the people around her going about their lives, it was like reading a book with a million stories running around her.
It was a cold crisp night, she could have hailed a Taxi but it was only a few blocks to her apartment. She just needed to stretch her legs, it had been a long week at the institute and she relished the silence for just a few moments. Just to be alone with her own thoughts.
“Hey there pretty lady.” Really Gotham? She had been gone for a whole week and this is how they greeted her? Oh Gotham, you are like the most abusive boyfriend, or girlfriend, let’s not be sexist here Jen.
“Can we maybe do this another time?” she asked, “I’m tired.”
They just chuckled advancing on her. One had a blade which he was flipping back and forth “or how about you don’t struggle and it’ll go quickly.”
“Or maybe we’ll take our time” the other laughed, he was missing his two front teeth which, for whatever reason, reminded Jen of when her sister lost her front tooth during a fight. Faith had gone around trying to squirt water out of the empty space. She vaguely wondered if he had tried that too. 
“Or we could just pretend you guys weren’t here.”  a voice said behind her. For a second she thought it was Dick. They had been texting all day about his theories for season two of West World which they had planned on watching that night. However, her suspicions were quickly stifled by the click of a gun and the sight of the two men dashing away for their lives. 
Nope, not a bat-friend.
Turning she was greeted by a man in a red helmet and leather jacket.
“Well thank you… Red helmet man” 
“Red Helmet man, I like that.” he chuckled holstering his guns.
“Thanks, I’ve been thinking about going pro. You know, be that person who names all the superheroes.”
“I’m no hero.”
She paused taking a step back her hand going to her pocket. “Well, thanks for the assist Super-not-hero”
He nodded and Jennifer decided not to push her luck and continue on her way.
“Of course Cerveaux.”
It was so quiet it could have been the wind. It could have been her imagination. But it wasn’t, she had heard it. The sound of it making her stomach drop as if she had jump jumped into a pool of cold water. A chill filling her body. 
“What?” Jennifer turned around, eyes wide. 
But he was gone, disappeared into the night like a shadow. Or Batman.
“I wouldn’t go in there if you value your life.” Faith said as Dick walked into the batcave. She was sitting on the top steps that lead into the cave playing with a batarang.
Dick had stopped by Jen’s apartment wanting to welcome her back with some Pizza (Faith’s favorite) and wine (Jen’s favorite). He had been busy these past few months since the appearance of a certain red helmeted man and was glad to take a night off.
However, when she didn’t show up and wasn’t answering her phone he knew something was wrong.
Which had lead him to the cave.
Where he could hear Jennifer yelling at Bruce.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you” Faith called out as Dick quickly descended the stairs. 
At the sight of him Jennifer turned her wrath from her uncle onto him.
“You knew! You knew and you didn’t tell me. You’ve been lying to my face for months!” The anger in her eyes was so pure it frightened him a little. Yes, he had known what he had done. He knew the moment he found out Jason was alive. But he had his reasons, he had wanted the timing to be right. 
“Oh come on Jen, he’s not right.”
“Jason is alive! Did you feel like I wouldn’t want to know that? Bruce I get, Bruce always has his motives. But you? We made a promised to never keep anything from eachother! I… I could punch you right now.” She spit her last words at him like venom as Dick reeled back in shock as if she had really punched him.  
“Jen please…” Dick felt sick, she had never been this mad at him, ever. Slowly he reached out toward her, “I thought…”
“Don’t” she hissed taking a step back tears welling up in her eyes, “Don’t talk to me right now.”
And with that, she stormed out.
“Fuck” Dick snapped running his fingers furiously through his hair. Just when they had slowly started to go back to that place. That place they had use to be at, he had to go and do something stupid. He knew what Jason’s death had meant to her. What not telling her would have meant.
The ride back was a silent one on Faith’s part while her sister screamed at the top of her lungs in 4 different languages. Their Uncle’s name came up a few times, Dick’s came up more.
By the time they got back to the apartment Jen was all out of words.
“Do you want… anything?” Faith asked tugging at her yellow beanie, “Besides Dick’s head up his ass. I mean I could do that too, I guess, if you really wanted.”
“No, it’s fine.” Jen mumbled. “I’m just going to sit outside for a while. Go get some rest.”
Jen sighed as she sat outside, her head in her hands as she let her mind race. Trying to quiet all the millions of thoughts flying through. All that guilt washing over her. All that betrayal. All that fear.  
“So I’m guessing they didn’t tell you.”
“Jason!“ she jumped up as the red helmeted man stood in front of her. Jen stood there for a moment just looking at him everything coming crashing around her. Jason sighed taking his helmet off running his fingers through his hair.
"Hey Cerveaux”
She hugged him. Pulling him close to her, long and hard. She hugged him like she should have before he left. Held him like she was worried he would slip away again.
“Hey woah, are you crying?”
“Yes!” She snapped causing him to laugh as she looked up at him, crystal eyes bright with tears. “Why is it so damn hard for this family to admit when they are feeling anything?”
He ran his fingers through her hair a small smile on his lips, “that’s why we have you.”
"I’m sorry.”
“Wait, what?”
“I’m sorry I left you. I blamed myself every day for not being there when you needed me the most.”
“I’m sorry you were in pain, I’m sorry I didn’t try harder. I’m sorry you’re carrying around this weight now.”
It was Jason’s turn to hold her. “You really aren’t made for this shit are you, ya big emotional wreck” Jennifer let out a soft chuckle burying her head in his chest.
“Shut up.”
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fanfictionlive · 7 years
What do you think of this fanfic I wrote?
Setting: It is prisoner of azkaban and Harry potter has just blown aunt marge and left the house, but the accidental magic reversal squad is yet to arrive...
Aunt Marge had become blow and was bouncing around on the ceiling. Her fingers were like salami. "I told the boy that I didn't want any funny business!" yelled Vernon. "I hate him and all his freakishness!" Although... I suppose Marge did have it coming. It's high time somebody to did something to reign in her abrasiveness, it's just a shame it had to be that little freak. His sister's dog had calmed down the moment Harry had left the house, but Aunt Marge was still blow.
"AAAAAAAHHH get me down!" Screamed Aunt Marge, amid much terror and panic. "I'm going to die and it's all that freak's fault!" Aunt Marge wanted nothing more than to see Harry Potter finally get the beating he deserved. Next time I see him I'll have ripper tear him to shreds!
Aunt Petunia had closed all the curtains. "Oh my world, what are the neighbors going to think?! That horrid boy!" Secretly, though, Petunia was glad someone had finally made her sister-in-law shut up about Lily. Petunia just stood in the corner of the room awkwardly as Aunt Marge floated around and an irate Vernon fumbled all over the place.
This whole fiasco was affecting Dudley quite differently, however. He was having flashbacks to the time Hagrid gave him a pig's tail, but was secretly glad Aunt Marge had been made into blow due to her spiteful presence. Unbeknownst to the others, Dudley seized the opportunity to stuff as much food from the table as he could into his shirt, and waddle into the lounge to watch TV.
Before long, there was a knock on the front door. "Don't open it!" Cried Petunia. "It's probably the neighbours!"
"Good! They'll be able to help." Snapped Vernon, unwilling to put up with any of his wife's paranoid nonsense.
"Tell them to do something quick!" Marge hounded at Vernon, as he scuttle out the room to go answer the door.
On the doorstep stood three robed, strange-looking men with silly hats. "My name is Cornelius Fudge," declared the one in the middle. "I am the Minister for Magic, and we are the accidental magic reversal squad. This here is Kingsley Shacklebolt," he said, gesturing to his left. "And this here is Mad-Eye Moody. May we come in?"
"Yes, get in here quick and put my sister right!" Commanded Vernon. The Wizards followed him in to the dining room, where Aunt Marge was still floating around.
The squad all pulled out their wands, pointed them at the Fat Lady and cried out "FINITE". A long, large fart noise filled the room as Aunt Marge started deflating and was lowered to the ground. Before she could gather her senses, Kingsley pointed his wand at her again and cast Obliviate. "We must wipe her memory of this whole ordeal, and you are never to speak of the flight of the fat lady every again."
"Thank you," responded Vernon. "Now get out!" The three wizards promptly left as Aunt Marge came back to consciousness.
Aunt Marge sat back at the table and took a large sip of brandy. "So, Petunia. What's for dessert?"
submitted by /u/FartsLikeaBalloon [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans http://ift.tt/2hRubJn
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