#and loki was already suicidal before the bifrost and odin KNOWS loki was doing everything to prove himself but all he says is... no???
worstloki · 4 years
To get you ranting again, explain how loki was abused by Odin please
bold of you to expect a rant
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#okay so basically the most interactions they have in the mcu is in Thor 1 which is great because it establishes how abusive Asgard was#namely Odin#so we know Loki's been ignored and treated less as a kid and learnt not to ask questions when he had them#because kid loki opens his mouth to ask about how there can be 1 throne but both born for it and he CLOSES HIS MOUTH#because earlier he asked a question and ODIN IGNORED IT COMPLETELY#so we know 1. loki was smart and picked up on behavioral cues easily so he definitely had the emotional maturity to feel bad about that#and 2. odin's been doing this since he was a kid and favouring thor so the whole codependency really shines through (golden/dark child)#he also didn't tell loki what his own race was and lied about it??? in a racist society?? i don't even know what kind of abuse that is#psychological and physical i'd guess#that's a thousand years of memories that weren't good to begin with tainted with THAT trauma#thank you internalized-racism-that-odin-did-nothing-to-prevent#the iconic HUAERGH and other character's silencing Loki too (namely Thor) implies it's a common enough thing for Loki to be silenced/ignored#the entire vault scene was a mess#it basically shows that Odin... didn't care for Loki#even if we assume his wording was clumsy because he was tired or whatever other excuse they still lied to him for over 1000 years#and loki was already suicidal before the bifrost and odin KNOWS loki was doing everything to prove himself but all he says is... no???#like???????#okay#and the double standard is so real because when Thor and Odin did genocide/war/enslavement/established ruler-ship it's fine#but when loki does it (and not even ONE PERSON asked how he was or why he did it despite him being morally fine for millennia??)#suddenly it's a huge deal and there's a big fuss and loki's in isolation for life#no earth vacation for him or way to measure his worthiness through a trial#nope#everyone just gives up on him off the bat#frigga's gaslighting isn't mentioned because it aint odin but that's fine odin does enough verbal abuse in the sentencing scene instead#and the wack psychological deal of putting him in prison alone for that long and saying he wont get to see him mother??#not to mention whatever the &*^% Ragnarok tried to pull with odin 'acknowledging loki as his son' like??? b*tchboi?? apologize???#if anyone here needs to forgive the others and accept them as family it's Loki?? what was Odin on?? he's lucky Loki is selfless so it worked
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...Story Imagine...
((An AU with Loki a story Inspired by the movie "Tale of Tales".))
(Y/n) is the dear daughter of Odin and Frigga, the beloved Princess of Asgard, and only younger sibling of Thor. However, despite the title and the luxurious life of Royalty (Y/n) was saddened for her father never gave her the same attention as he does for Thor.
He refused her request of being skilled in fighting like her brother, and instead forced her to play music, ignoring the fact of her mother being a skilled fighter with the sword. When she asked to go to parties held in other Manors, in hopes of making friends, he again refused and instead hired more ladies in waiting for her and set up a party in the castlr where she was forced to stay by her father and mother's side while Thor had fun with his friends and was surrounded by women, Which lead to her latest request.
(Y/n) asked Odin that she wished to pursue love in hopes of marriage and happiness. But again Odin refused, and was even enraged by her request, which made the young princess run to her room crying.
Later that night Odin is berated by Frigga, telling him how he cannot keep their daughter close to them forever, how she is now a young woman who deserves to see not only Asgard and it's people but have friends and even lovers if she wanted. Wanting to please his wife but still refusing to let his dear daughter go Odin Comes and idea.
He brings his family together and tells them that he agrees to allow suitors from all 9 realms to come pursue his daughter's hand in marriage. (Y/n) cheers in excitement and goes to hug her father, Thor feels uneasy of the new of his little sister leaving him to marry some man, Frigga was the only one who looked at her husband with weary eyes. When she asked him further he revealed a request that only when it's met shall he accept his daughter to be wed.
Poor (Y/n) was too happy to ask first and immediately agreed and that's when Odin said, that he will put an item from his treasure room in a box and if the suitors guessed correctly what item is it then and only then will he let them take not only (Y/n)'s hand in marriage but also the item held within the box. Such news upsets both mother and daughter, while thor thought it would be good fun.
The word spread all over the 9 realms of the competition that Odin was holding and almost all came forward. First, it was only Asgardian Noblemen who guessed wrong each time, which upsets (Y/n) because not only did she see a few whome she fancied, or the obvious enjoyment in her father's face, but also of how unfair the game was. Odin's treasure room held many items and only few do the realms know of, not (Y/n), or even thor know how many items are in there, which means that no-one would be able to guess what they don't know.
Months pass, and even the creatures from other realms could not guess the item inside the golden box. By now they were just repeating guesses, Thor and Frigga tried to assure her that there was still a chance, while Odin only said how it was meant to be for her to stay here.
One day all Asgard is shaking in fear for the new suitor was none other than Loki Laufeyson, Prince Of Jotunheim, and with him came 3 frost giants as escorts. When they entered the throne room, everyone backed away in fear except for thor who came forward with his hammer demanding why are they here. It was Odin who stopped his son and told him that he allowed the Jontunheim Prince to try his chance. Both Frigga and (Y/n) who was hiding behind her mother were shocked of how much joy Odin was having from rejecting his daughter's suitors that he allowed their enemy's son to win his daughter's hand.
Loki approached the box and stared circling it, he observed with such thoughtful and focused gaze ignoring the murmurs that echoed through the throne room. When Loki tried to touch the box Thor stopped him saying it was against the rule to touch it.
Loki: "The box is forbidden to the touch?"
Odin: "Yes."
Loki: "is the item magical?"
Odin: "It is."
Loki: "Is the item one of your treasures from your glorious battles."
Odin, eyes narrowed: "......"
Loki just smirked knowingly, his eyes met (Y/n)'s, and if the princess wasn't so terrified she would hace noticed how his red eyes softened lightly before looking back to the all father.
Loki: "The item inside the box is none other than my people's relic which you had stolen..."
Frigga, Thor, and (Y/n) noticed how Odin suddenly had his calm demeanor, to those who knew him like his close family knew that it means he is troubled.
Loki: " the item inside the Box is... The Casket Of Ancient Winters."
Everyone looked to the allfather, waiting for him to deny it but after a long silence Odin clenched his staff and slamed it lightly to the ground, which caused the box to open, revealing the Casket. Shouts of protest filled the room, accusing the Prince of cheating that he didn't deserve their princess. Odin only lifted his hand stopping his people before saying...
Odin: " As King of Asgard I am forced to follow my own word...my daughter along with the casket are yours."
The frost giants started to cheer for their Prince. (Y/n) overwhelmed and shocked by this ran out of the room crying, refusing to believe that her father gave her away as if she was one of his things that he keeps. As she reached her room princess (Y/n) contemplated suicide but it was Frigga who came to stop her and comfort her, before saying how Odin was wrong for what he did but he cannot go back against his word.
Preparations were made for the princess to leave with Prince Loki. She saw how Thor started breaking everything is the castle in protest for his union, he even tried to take his sister away and forbid her from leaving with the Prince but it was Odin stopped him in fear of starting another war. As you bid everyone goodbye without sobbing for you cried all your tears already, Odin tried make rules but was stopped by Loki.
Loki: "With all do respect Odin, you have no rights to make demands or requests for the moment I was correct princess was already mine... And only she can make demands."
This caught you off gaurd for two reasons, the first was you didn't expect him to give you any right as his "Wife" and second, he didn't even mention the casket, which was already being carried by one of the giants along with your luggage. Everyone turned to you waiting for you to say something.
(Y/n): "I... I wish to still be able to visit my home."
Loki: "As you wish."
You probably should have asked for more but the shock of what happened today was too much on you that still being close with your family was plaguing your mind. Thor escorted you and your "Husband" to the Bifrost and all the way he kept throwing threats to Loki, promising great painful death if he dared to harm you in any way Loki just ignored him, saying "Yes" and "Of course." To entertain him.
In Jotunheim, it was very cold that you'd have freezed immediately if they didn't already supply you with a lot of clothes to keep you warm, you also notice that there wasn't a big welcoming like the ones you father would hold to Thor. As you continued to walk you could see from the distant the throne of Laufey surrounded by warrior Giants, which made you stop in your tracks with fear, Loki noticed that and instead of forcing your forward as you thought he placed a hand on your back which you barely felt because of the heavy coat and he whispered.
Loki: "I promise you on my honor that no harm shall come to you. They may look intimidating but will never hurt you."
Your eyes met his red ones and you saw the sincerity, which encouraged you to keep going. When you came face to face with Laufey, he went to this speech on how his son had made a fool of Odin and returned with not only their rightful relic but also his daughter as his wife, everyone cheered and you had to bite your tounge to not try and defened your father. He maybe did something unforgivable but he was still your father.
From here on out the story would continue with Laufey wanting to take the casket and plan to conquer Asgard and other realms, but Loki stops him reminding him thay HE was the one who came up with the plan upon learning of the competition, HE was the one who went there and faced the allfather personally, That HE was the one who risked not only his but also the safety of a few of his people. That everyone including his father laughed at him because they never believed he would win.
Unlike his father, Loki doesn't want anymore war, that enough blood was sheed from both sides and he hoped that his marriage to princess (Y/n) would start an alliance between the two realms. Which was difficult because neither side wanted to submit first. When (Y/n) would go to Asgard Odin would ask he of the numbers of the frost Giants and how strong they were, when Loki I'd aslone with his father he'd try and remind him of the great advantage they have now.
There is a moment where Thor would come with his friends to try and "Rescue" you from Loki.
But during all that Loki would try and woe (Y/n) even using his magic to give himself and appearance of an asgradian to not only assure but be able to touch her hand and even kiss her in the future.
He'd let her learn to fight and hold a weapon because even the female giants were warriors, what's stopping his wife from becoming one. Because of the size difference Loki would personally be the one to train you. When you ask to be able to explore he would take you through secret passage to other realms so you may enjoy them.
That's all I have so far, but it will have happy ending promise.
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thesaltofcarthage · 5 years
I finally get the anger about Thor: Ragnarok
I’ll admit it: I saw it the first time in the theatre and loved it, because it seemed funny and fresh. And it was absolutely what started me on the Thorki Spiral, which I hadn’t shipped before.
It was also where I really started to get emotionally invested in the MCU, and started plumbing more of the meta depths online, and understanding the character arcs beyond the plot arcs. And of course I’ve spent two years on this blue hellsite, enjoying the GIFs and the fics and the art.
But I didn’t actually rewatch the movie.
And last night I sat down to rewatch it, and... wow.
Wow, it is really not funny.
I recall reading a defense of Taika Waititi’s choices in this film, and how he is deconstructing colonialism and puncturing the White CisHet Male Hero myth, and I totally get all that. All the NZ/Aussie voices and aboriginal cultural influences are genuinely refreshing.
But I also recall reading Waititi’s casual dismissal of the Thor comic canon, and how he viewed Thor and Loki as “rich spoiled boys whining about their problems.” How he sees Loki as an “emo goth kid” who needs to grow up. How he deliberately ignored everything which had come before. And I recall reading about Hemsworth’s boredom with Noble Thor and how he longed to do more comedy.
The problem with Ragnarok is that Waititi views the protagonists as bad guys.
Bad Guys need to be punished. They need to lose.
I was intrigued by how Odin, by way of Hela, was framed as a conqueror, and how that part of history needed to be acknowledged and rejected. But: 1) Odin was already previously presented as a bad guy because of his shit parenting 2) the narrative re-rejects that point of view by redeeming him on the cliff in Norway just before his discorporation. Odin is never punished for his conquering rampages. He never has to acknowledge what he stole, or how he hurt people or entire cultures, or make reparations. He never has to admit what he did to Loki. He just gets to melt away and join Frigga.
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In Waititi’s view, the White CisHet Male Heroes who think too much of themselves and need to be taken down a peg are... Thor and Loki. The title character and the canonically queer/pan/genderfluid outsider.
Yes, Thor and Loki are played by White CisHet Male actors. That does not make both characters White CisHet Males. (And let’s be clear: while there’s a lot of White CisHet Male Privilege going around which can certainly stand to be dismantled, “White CisHet Male” isn’t automatically equivalent to “evil jackass.” Thor’s identity as a White CisHet Male doesn’t mean that by definition the narrative has to break him.)
Loki was not a conqueror in the MCU — not the way Odin was. Loki’s “conquest” was canonically forced at the hand of the actual enemy, Thanos, who tortured and brainwashed him, and was controlling him via the Mind Stone.
Loki is not a colonizer. Loki is an outsider, an Other. He may present as White Cis Male, but he doesn’t have to, and he hasn’t always. There’s the wink from Jeff Goldblum and the implication that Loki was sleeping with him to “gain his favor,” but this is presented as more of a joke on Loki than anything else. And that’s what the entire narrative does: repeatedly make Loki the butt of the joke.
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Poking fun at the people in power is a well-worn narrative device. Using humor to puncture legend, to remove power from people who claimed it illegitimately and at the expense of the less powerful, is a classic function of storytelling and should absolutely be celebrated.
Mocking Thor’s pompousness? Keeping him off-balance? Cutting his hair, having him whack himself in the head with Hulk’s sparring ball? Sure, why not. Because Thor is the hero. He is the center of the narrative. He is the one who has taken power and needs to learn to live without it to grow.
Except... that was the arc of the first Thor movie. Thor is not the arrogant shitheel he used to be. And Thor doesn’t grow or change in Ragnarok. There’s no character arc. He just... blithely sails on, pursuing what he thinks is right. Granted that what he claims to be pursuing is “saving the people of Asgard,” which is a noble and selfless goal, Thor personally doesn’t change. He’s as goofy and blustery in the post-credits stinger as he is in the pre-credits scene where he’s dangling in chains.
The only moment which can remotely be framed as “change and growth” is “Are you ‘Thor, God of Hammers’?” Which, again, could have been really powerful, as Thor learned that he didn’t need the literal mark of Odin’s approval (a measure of his “worthiness”) to channel his divine powers, but it ended up being an admittedly kick-ass action scene. And he’s never shown as being utterly helpless without Mjolnir; the hammer is an excellent weapon, but not his only one.
And Loki? Loki doesn’t have power, not in the narrative sense. Loki didn’t rampage over entire realms, not of his own volition. He did not steal or kidnap. Loki was never in line for the throne; that is, again, the entire plot of the first Thor movie. Loki has nothing to puncture. Attacking someone in power to even the scales is justice. Attacking the powerless is just bullying.
Which is what it felt like Waititi was doing, over and over: bullying Loki. Dr. Strange, who has been studying sorcery for what, 18 months? can outwit Loki, who has been a seidmadr trained by the seidkona Frigga for over a thousand years? Strange sends Loki into a portal where he is falling for half an hour?
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When did Loki fall last? Off the Bifrost. When he was committing suicide. When he was captured by Thanos, who then tortured him for six months.
Oh yes, that’s something to make fun of. But Waititi wouldn’t know that, would he, because he made a point of ignoring the characters’ histories.
Thor being casual, callous, even rude, to the beloved brother he thought had died in his arms years ago? Thor putting an electrical torture device on his beloved brother, the man he defended to the entire Avengers, the man he refused to surrender to Midgardian authorities, and leaving him there to suffer? Thor mocking his beloved brother, telling him he needs to change and grow? Loki is the bloody god of chaos. How is Loki the character who hasn’t grown and changed?
But Waititi wouldn’t know any of their past interactions, because he made a point of ignoring the characters’ histories.
Waititi just saw the most superficial possible reading of these two characters and assumed that they were ripe for punishment — that they needed to be reduced. Which is what he did, proudly. So when the fandom reacts and complains that he’s disrespecting beloved characters, what he hears is that we’re defending White CisHet Male Privilege.
Waititi thinks he dismantled two copies of Obidiah Stane. The fandom saw him bludgeoning Bisexual Steve Rogers, Pre- and Post-Serum. You don’t pick on the little guy. You don’t reduce your hero.
Thor and Loki’s rich and complex history, even just in the MCU, is completely ignored. It’s reduced to the throwaway line of “You faked your death” (which is not what happened) and “I mourned you! I cried for you!” and Thor’s anger that Loki managed to survive. Not relief that Loki is still alive, but offense. And if the script had explored that more — “Why did you pretend to be dead? Why did you hide in Odin’s guise? Why didn’t you find a way to let me know what happened? If you were hiding as Odin, why didn’t you act as Odin?” — I would even have bought that. There is, in fact, a lot to unpack there. But that would have meant exploring everything that happened off-screen between the Thor movies. It would have meant studying that history, acknowledging it, and expanding on it. And Waititi saw Two Spoiled Rich Kids and had no interest.
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The problem with Ragnarok is not the humor, or the outsider perspective from a Maori director. The problem is that the creator chose the wrong targets. I have learned in the past two years how many fans have come to identify with Loki the outsider, and Waititi deliberately chose to remain ignorant of that aspect of the character. He created two strawman versions of the characters and proceeded to tear them apart.
I am less hopeful now for Thor: Love and Thunder than I was. I don’t know how important Jane Foster’s storyline is in the comics, but if he ignored Thor and Loki, it’s not unreasonable to imagine he’d ignore Jane’s history too. I may have defended Waititi’s Ragnarok before. I won’t do so again.
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enchantedlokii · 4 years
If You Were Here
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mentions of death, implied/referenced alcoholism, depression, implied/referenced suicidal tendencies, language
Characters: Thor Odinson, Loki Odinson, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, James Rhodes, Stephen Strange, Wong, Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, Groot, Mantis, Nebula, Bruce Banner
Mentioned: Thanos, Scott Lang, Amora, Eitri, Frigga, Odin, Vision, Heimdall, Brunnhilde, Korg, Miek, Jane Foster, Hela Odindottir
Thor sat on a rock, glancing around at everyone around him. Now that the battle was over, those who had lost their friends and family finally had the chance to reunite. He saw Steve with Sam and — what was his name again? Bucky? They never really met, but Steve had mentioned him from time to time. Clint, Natasha, and Wanda were standing nearby, Clint talking on his phone with a small smile on his face.
A little farther away the young boy — he called himself Spider-Man? He looked far too young to be called a man, but Thor wasn’t going to judge. — was talking excitedly in front of Tony, Pepper, and Rhodey. Dr. Strange was watching nearby with a small smile, a short, round man standing next to him.
The Guardians were crowded a few feet from them, laughing at a joke or some funny story. Rocket had said that Thor could come with them when they leave Midgard, but he wasn’t so sure he would join them yet. He knew that they were already a family. While him and Rocket had become good friends since the Snap, he didn’t want to intrude.
Thor felt something hit the back of his head and let out a growl, bringing his hand up to rub it. From the dust, he guessed it must have been a rock. A surge of anger flowed through him, because who would dare throw something at him while he was mourning? Couldn’t they see that he wasn’t in the mood to jest right now?
He picked up Stormbreaker and started to stand, turning to face whoever had bothered him. He didn’t realize that everyone around him had fallen silent. Maybe if he had, he would have realized who his provoker was sooner. Instead, he didn’t realize until he saw long, black hair. His eyes widened at the sight and he dropped his weapon. “Loki?”
“Hello, Brother.” Loki looked the same as he had on the Statesman. Down to the fact that his skin was pale and bloody and his eyes shone with pain. His hair was messy and knotted and his clothes were dirty. “I’m here.”
Thor looked him over for a moment before running forward and wrapping around him tightly. He noticed his brother flinch a bit, grunting with pain, but he still relaxed slightly, letting his own arms wrap around Thor hesitantly. “I thought you were dead.”
“I, um, I was. Seriously this time.” Thor pulled him away to look at him. He remembered watching his brother die. He had watched Thanos snap his neck. He had said there was no resurrections this time. He was really dead. “You know I’m telling the truth, Thor.”
“I don’t understand. . .”
“Maybe I can help with that.” The two looked up to see Dr. Strange coming closer. “He speaks the truth. I came after the Statesman exploded. I still had the Time Stone at the time, and was able to use it to reverse his death.”
“Hold up, hold up.” A new voice cut in. Bruce — BruceHulk? — was coming from where he had been helping Scott with the Quantum Portal. He looked shocked and slightly offended as he glared at Dr. Strange. “You acted like you didn’t know who Thanos was.”
“I had to do what I had to do.”
“Can someone please explain what is going on here?” Loki asked, looking from Thor, to Bruce, then to Stephen. “All the sorcerer told me was I was needed for another time. I am extremely confused.”
“I still find it ironic you call me a sorcerer when you once learned from an apprentice sorceress,” Stephen grunted, smirking as Loki’s eyes widened with surprise. “Yes, I know about her. I know everything.”
“We don’t speak of Amora,” Thor murmured, noticing the hurt look in Loki’s eyes. “Come, Brother, let’s go somewhere private and I will explain all that has happened.”
Thor summoned Stormbreaker again and Loki gave him a look of confusion. “Where did that come from?”
“Eitri,” Thor shrugged, raising the axe and watching the amazement in Loki’s eyes as the Bifrost appeared. He seemed almost dizzy as they reappeared in Norway, not far from New Asgard. He swayed a bit an Thor grabbed his arm to steady him. “You okay?”
“Just give me a second,” Loki huffed, leaning against Thor slightly. “Apologies, it’s only been a few minutes since this fight for me.”
“Sit down,” Thor insisted, lowering his brother to sit on a rock. Loki didn’t protest. He sat down and slowly let go of Thor. “Do you need anything? We’re not far from New Asgard.”
“New Asgard?” Loki murmured, raising an eyebrow. Thor took the moment to switch to more comfortable clothes and saw Loki’s eyes widen again at his appearance. He looked in his eyes and must have noticed the distant look that always haunted his eyes now. “Brother. . . You’re not okay, are you?”
“Not now, Loki,” Thor sighed, shaking his head. “You’re hurt. You’re basically half-dead right now. You were dead. We’re going to take care of you first.”
“No, Thor.” Loki stood, still a bit shaky, and looked his brother in the eyes. For a moment he was silent, but Thor could tell that he was on the brink of losing his temper. “Thor, I know that d*mn look and I’m not going to let it slide. I am not going to live on a planet that hates my existence without my f*cking brother.”
Thor was surprised to see tears starting to shine in Loki’s eyes. He had seen them there many times before, but it was never for him. He never thought that Loki could cry for him. “I’m here, lillebror,” Thor told him softly. He held out an arm and let Loki fall against his chest. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Loki balled up a fist and weakly hit Thor’s chest. “I know that look,” Loki cried. “I know that look, storebror. Please. You’re hurting. I know. I can see it.”
“Loki, look at me.” Loki pulled away and looked at him. “You’re right. I’m not okay. I am hurting. But you have to listen to why before you freak out on me, okay? Let’s sit down and talk.”
Thor waited for Loki to nod before leading him back to the rock and sitting next to him. Memories of them talking like this when they were younger flooded his memories. There was a time that whenever either of them were upset, they would sit and talk it out. It was something Frigga encouraged, and it usually did help. But that stopped after what Odin saw in the Godseye Mirror.
“After. . . After what happened on the Statesman, I went to Eitri to craft Stormbreaker,” he started. He might as well get the whole story out of the way while Loki was listening to him. “Thanos was heading to Earth to take the Time Stone and the Mind Stone, and I knew that I needed to get to Midgard to help Bruce and the others. I got there in time. I was relieved. Vision was still fighting. Thanos wasn’t there yet. . . But he ended up taking the Stone anyway. He had it. He had all of them. And I stabbed him with Stormbreaker, but it didn’t kill him. He used the Stones. He wiped out half of all creatures. Told me I should have gone for the head.”
Thor felt a hand on his knee and sighed, closing his eyes. “I felt like I had failed. I was meant to avenge you and Heimdall and all the Asgardians he killed that day, but I failed. Not only that, but it was my fault that humanity was destroyed.”
“Thor. . .”
Thor shook his head. “We went back and found him. He had used the Stones again, and we thought that now that we were all together. . . All of us that were left, anyway. . . We thought we could overpower him and use the Stones to bring everyone back.”
“He destroyed them,” Loki murmured. Thor nodded, glancing over at him. He had forgot that his brother worked for Thanos at one point.
“He destroyed them,” Thor confirmed. “I. . . And I killed him. I killed him even though it meant nothing. Because everyone that I loved was gone.
“Val and Korg and Miek. . . They helped me set up New Asgard here, but it wasn’t enough. I locked myself away. They were the only ones who were allowed to see me unless I came out for supplies.”
“Supplies?” Loki questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“Alcohol. Food. . . That was about it,” Thor admitted. “Spent most of the day playing Fortnite with Korg and Miek. I just kept drinking, hoping that I would finally reach my limit, but it never happened. Five years and it never happened.”
“Hold up — five years?!” Loki asked. “It’s been five years?”
Thor nodded slowly. “About a month or so ago, Bruce and Rabbit came and found me. Told me they thought they had found a way to bring everyone back. I didn’t feel like I should come back with them. I. . . I didn’t feel like I should be considered an Avenger anymore, but they convinced me to come back.”
“And how, exactly, did you bring everyone back?” Loki asked. “The Infinity Stones are gone. That shouldn’t be possible.”
“Stark figures out time travel,” Thor shrugged. He saw Loki’s eyes widen a bit. “We split up and went to collect the Stones from different times. Rabbit and I. . . We traveled to Asgard. When the Aether was in Jane.”
Loki thought for a minute, and Thor guessed he was trying to place the time in his mind. Then a dark look clouded his eyes. “That would have been when I was imprisoned,” he murmured.
Thor nodded sadly. “I. . . It was the day mother died,” he admitted, lowering his head to his hands. “I spoke to her. I tried to hide, but you know there’s no hiding from mother. She told me to leave the sneaking to you.”
Thor smiled over at Loki and saw him return it sadly. “I wanted to warn her, but she told me that I was there to fix my future, not save hers. I. . . I think she knew she was going to die, Loki.”
“She visited me earlier that day,” Loki said quietly, his voice sad. Thor looked over at him again, curious. Their mother was not meant to visit Loki. No one was meant to. “The last thing I told her was that she wasn’t my mother.”
“I’m sure she knows you didn’t mean that,” Thor assured him. “She knows everything.”
Loki chuckled, the laugh wet from the tears that were gathering in his eyes. “Odin said that she would be proud of me,” he recalled. Thor remembered their father saying this after they found him in this spot. Loki had cast a spell on him that took him years to break. “I don’t know how she could be, though. I was never the son she wanted me to be.”
“She loved you, Loki,” Thor pressed. “And I believe she would be proud. Maybe you weren’t perfect, but neither was I. What matters is that we learn from our mistakes. That’s what she always said, remember?”
“Yeah. . . Yeah, I remember. I just. . .” Loki trailed off, glancing out at the water. “I fulfilled the prophecy.”
Thor realized what he meant immediately. He remembered the feast. He remembered the terror on Odin’s face. He remembered finding Loki listening to his and Frigga’s conversation through a goblet. He had immediately known that it was Loki that Odin had seen in the vision. Of course it was Loki. He was the secret sorcerer. The god of mischief.
They always knew that Loki would bring Ragnarok to Asgard, but something about it seemed off to Thor. “I don’t think that the prophecy was what Odin thought it to be,” Thor told him.
“The Godseye Mirror was never wrong, storebror,” Loki muttered. He was looking at his hands, and Thor guessed he was remembering how he and Amora broke the mirror trying to see the vision that was given to Odin.
“But Father was many times.”
Loki’s eyebrows knitted together as he thought. Thor saw the change immediately as Loki realized what he meant. “You think Odin was confused?”
“Odin saw one of his children leading an army of the dead,” Thor reminded him. “You didn’t do that, Hela did.”
“He saw one of his sons, Thor. Not just one of his children,” Loki reminded him.
“He thought he did,” Thor countered. “No offense, but you and Hela resemble each other quite a bit. If I didn’t know better, I would think I was the adopted one. Perhaps he saw her and thought it was you.”
There was a flicker of hope and desperation in Loki’s eyes. Thor smiled at it, letting his muscles relax as he saw the change in his expression. “That. . . That actually makes sense.”
Thor nodded in agreement, standing up. At first he just stared out at the water, then he turned and reached out a hand to help Loki up. “Let’s go into the city and have your wounds checked. Then you can rest,” Thor insisted. “You have living quarters in my home place.”
Loki froze, his face reflecting a mixture of emotions that Thor didn’t automatically recognize. For a moment he was worried his brother might deny the request, but when he spoke, his voice shook with emotion. “You have a room for me? Even. . . Even though you thought I was dead.”
“Of course,” Thor smiled weakly. “I. . . I wanted you to have a place if you ever came back. I thought I knew it was final this time, but I couldn’t push past the thought that it might have not been. And I’m glad now that I listened to myself.”
Loki looked lost for words. He looked around, his eyes darting here and there as he processed what Thor was saying. Then, before Thor understood what was happening, he felt arms wrap around him and a face pressed into his shoulder. Loki was hugging him. “Thank you, Brother.”
Thor returned the hug tightly, lowering his head until his face was in Loki’s tangled hair. “Of course,” he whispered. “I love you.”
“I. . . I love you too, Thor,” Loki breathed. Thor couldn’t remember the last time he heard his brother say that. It must have been before he was cast out of Asgard so many years ago. “Always, more than anyone else.”
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Don’t Let Go
TITLE: Don’t Let Go
AUTHOR: brightsun-and-darkmidnight as well as @melodylnoelle
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki's life if he did not let go at the rainbow bridge... (After the Bifrost being destroyed.)
RATING:  Explicit
NOTES/WARNINGS: Depression. Thoughts of suicide. Odin is a dick. Thor is an asshole but still cares about his brother. Frigga is a concerned mother but puts the image of the Odin family first. Okay… everyone still treats Loki badly.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is my thoughts of what it might have been like if Loki did not let go. This is set immediately after the Bifrost being destroyed. Loki has a lot to sort through...
My Ao3: brightsun_and_darkmidnight
*FINALLY..Read the warnings. Once you agree you can handle it...
 ~ ~ ENJOY  ~ ~
He stopped and turned towards Thor with apprehension.
"There is someone I would really like you to meet."
"Meet? Who could you want me to meet?"
Sif and the other three came looking for someone then noticed Loki and Thor.
Thor studied the group and then looked as if a piece was missing. "Where is she?"
Volstag yelled, "She ran off again!"
"Perhaps she just doesn't want to talk to anyone." Sif grumbled in annoyance.
Fandral's charm showed as he spoke with high regards, "She is a shy thing but she is beautiful."
Thor smiled and patted his friend, "Fandral is not wrong." Turning to Loki, Thor smiled. "Have you met mother's new student?"
Loki thought back to the quiet girl that would be seen only with his mother and no where else. "The lady with light brown curly hair?"
Thor smiled, "Yes that one. We all think it would be amazing if you could talk to her. Try to get her out of her shell."
Loki answered with a denial, "I haven't said a word to her, neither did she to me. Now if you excuse me I am going to meet with mother."
Loki walked away with annoyance. "As if I could get acquainted to someone those fools wish me to meet."
However… Loki noticed how quiet the woman was with all the times she would be present before Loki would walk off. There was something about her that pulled Loki's gaze to her. She was nothing like Thor and his friends. She was quiet, kept her distance, respectful, and she held her head down most of the time. Loki noticed her curly thick hair seemed to always be hiding her face. The most Loki seemed to see her move was to glide her hand over the hair blocking Loki's view. She was indeed shy.
The only times Loki ever seen her was when in Frigga's presence.
As well as hearing about her constantly running away from Thor, the warriors three, and Sif.
Loki was wondering if maybe he could become a friend of hers. Loki was not one to assume a lady was not able to handle themselves but Thor could be heavily annoying. Perhaps he could learn her secrets of evasion...
Thus, it was a game of trying to see more of the unique woman. 
"What are you doing?"
Loki nearly jumped out of his skin at being found but turned with a grin.
"Hello Mother. I was looking for you." The person he was actually searching for was not with her.
"If you are looking for Alexandrite she is in the gardens underneath the elder tree."
Loki fiddled with his hand as he looked normal otherwise. "What would give you the impression I was."
Frigga rose an eyebrow with a knowing smile, "why else would you be sneaking around all of my favorite places to teach?"
"Just looking for you to discuss dinner."
Frigga hummed, "I am certain you know I go to the healing wing at this time. However, I am late so you will do me a favor. It seems to be a coincidence that she is going to be with me for dinner in my study."
Loki's eyebrows raised then furrowed, "I didn't know that."
"Of course you did not. She doesn't know yet because as my favor, you are going to ask her."
"I was asking you for dinner."
"You better go before that girl wonders off, she is very difficult to find when she doesn't want to be found."
Frigga shooed him away and Loki began his search. True to his mother's words Alexandrite was under the tree. He approached quietly but she glanced up from the book. 
"Im sorry prince Loki. The Allmother said I could stay. I can leave so you can.-"
"No. Stay." Loki gave her a smile after his quick reply. "You like this spot as well?"
"It very beautiful. Everything is pleasant here."
Loki gestured to the bench, "may I join you?"
Her eye, uncovered by hair, looked near the tree before quickly going to the book on her lap. "If I could stay."
"Of course." Loki sat and watched her read the page of a book. It was an advanced healing spell on transformation. Loki tried to read her face but most of it was covered with her hair. Loki chose not to comment on the book but would ask his mother later. That book Loki put himself into many difficult situations when he was learning how to shape shift.
Loki had slithered around the garden, awed at how everything in the garden looked so much bigger in this form.
He had finally perfected his shifting with his mother, having worked every day until she was confident that he could do it unsupervised. To celebrate, he decided just to give it a little more practice for the day in the form of one of his favorite animals.
He was, however, surprised at how the sun seemed so much brighter in this form, and decided to make his way to a nice place in the shade to admire the garden from.
He was almost there when a pair of feet appeared in front of him, and a smiling Thor beaming down on him.
Oh great.
“Well hello there, little snake.” He bent and picked Loki up at an awkward angle. “How did you come to be in the gardens?”
Loki wriggled in his grip, trying to get himself down. The more he moved, the firmer Thor’s grasp was, not willing to let him go.
Thor was overly excited. “I should bring you to my brother! He would love this.” Still holding tightly to Loki, he started running back inside.
Loki’s head bobbed to the pace of Thor’s footfalls, making him hit his head every time. It was becoming incredibly uncomfortable to remain like this. He needed to get Thor to put him down so he could turn back. He did the only thing that he could think to do.
He bit him.
“Ow!” Thor only slightly loosened his hold, but kept Loki in his hand. Rubbing his arm, he continued down the hall, at only a slightly slower pace.
Ok, that’s quite enough of this, Loki thought after another few minutes of Thor searching in vain. Thor’s hand had moved and was squeezing harshly on Loki’s lungs now, making it hard to breathe.
A glimmer of gold overtook Loki as he turned back into his normal form.
What is this?” Thor asked aloud as he let go, dropping Loki to the ground as he did.
“Ah, it’s me!” Loki stood, drawing his dagger and stabbing into Thor’s forearm, right over the bite wound. “Next time do not hold snakes so tightly, you fool. You were suffocating me!”
“How was I supposed to know it was you?”
“Well if I used my seidr right, you weren’t, but that’s not the point.”
“And the point in stabbing me was what?”
Loki shrugged. “You made me uncomfortable, I made you uncomfortable. We are equal.”
“This is what you call equal?”
“Oh, stop your sniveling, brother, you are fine.” He slid the dagger away and gestured a hand behind him. “Come on, then, I shall bring you to the healing room.”
"My mother, I, was wondering if you would like to join us for dinner." 
She paused in running her finger along the script. "That is a very nice offer." 
A smile was pulling her lips but she frowned. Loki's chest felt a little tight at the sight of the confliction in her lips. Loki shifted to try to ease himself from the sensation in his chest. An ache forming prematurely but hopefully the wrong assumption of rejection.
Her voice was quiet in her confession. "I don't like crowds and I know the dining hall is always filled..."
Loki smiled nervously. "It seems she has already taken that into consideration… She wants to eat in her study tonight."
Loki waited as Alexandrite played with her extremely thick hair. He watched her hair go back to the curls as she pulled on a strand a little. "I think I need to train more. The Allmother is planning on putting me through a test soon."
Loki hummed as he gestured to the book. A silence enveloped the area for a moment before Loki could think of how to get more time with her.
"In transformation?"
She turned her head towards him and his breath steadily left him as a calm overtook him. Her facial features were as if made with soft clay, rounded and curved to highlight her eyes. Her exposed eye was a captivating series of greens and blues. She quickly glanced away and Loki wondered if he stared at her too long. 
He hoped he did not offend her.
Although, Loki wondered what the rest of her face looked like. To see both of her eyes must be just as mesmerizing.
Her fingers gliding over an image of a wolf had Loki pondering how many forms she could take.
Finally an answer. "In sorts. She is helping me expand my transformation choices. I am pretty new to this."
Loki smiled at fond memories… "My mother is an excellent teacher. I am sure you will do well."
Alexandrite closed the book and stood with a small, but perfect, curtsey. "Thank you prince Loki. I shall try to make it for dinner. I should go practice before seeing your mother again."
Loki stood as well, "I hope to see you for dinner then, and goodluck."
She bowed her head as she walked swiftly to the farthest exit point that went to a long hall. Loki thought for a moment before going the same way. He was rude to not ask to escort her and he could help her train. Seder was not something to practice alone. 
He was about to call for her but she was already gone… 
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magicmastered · 5 years
What Universe does Thor: Ragnarok Take Place In? Part One
Let’s be clear. If you like Thor: Ragnarok, or don’t want to see criticism of it, I suggest that you: a) don’t read this, b) filter your tags, c) block me, or d) some combination of the above. Now that we have that out of the way....
A cinematic universe (like the MCU) is a set of movies that all take place in the same fictional universe and share continuity with each other. This means that they share characters, settings, and timelines with other movies in that cinematic universe. To give a recurring character in a cinematic universe contradictory timelines and/or personality traits is to violate the entire point of having a cinematic universe.
Thor: Ragnarok is labeled and marketed as an MCU film. Certainly it shares some settings with other MCU movies, and some characters have the same names and faces. However, that’s as far as it goes. Several characters that T:R shares with other MCU films have noticeably altered personalities, inexplicable within the fictional universe. Two even have different and contradictory backstories. Continuity is destroyed.
Allow me to explain.
I’ll start with the backstories. Thor and Loki’s specifically, beginning from the start of the movies.
According to the interviews and commentary from Thor (2011) and a book about the movie (I believe it’s called Thor: Heroes and Villains), Loki has always tried to be a good son and brother to Odin and Thor respectively. He usually talks Thor out of bad situations. Loki got a rough deal compared to Thor, who didn’t know what ‘no’ meant. As shown in the movie and deleted scenes, criminal activity is something new to him (“Loki’s always been one for mischief, but this is something else entirely”). He prefers to negotiate rather than fight (he talked to Laufey before Thor could make things violent, and would’ve gotten everyone out safely if not for Thor’s temper and bloodlust), and though he’s a skilled fighter, he doesn’t enjoy it. Loki looks out for Thor and co. (he saves Fandral and Sif during the Jotunheim fight, and he references a battle where he got them all to safety by hiding them). He thinks ahead to make sure things work out safely (he tells a guard to tell Odin that they were going to Jotunheim). As a child, he was quiet, curious, and insecure. Odin raised him and Thor to believe that both of them had a chance for the throne, but only one of them would get it—implicitly, whichever of them was ‘worthier’.
The next part of the timeline review will focus more on Loki, considering that it’s more relevant to the topic. I’ll keep motives listed with actions where they fit, seeing as they’re a major issue (as I’ll expand upon later).
(I’m leaving out details of the interrupted coronation because I plan to write a meta on the subject at a later date.) The Jotuns were let into the weapons vault to interrupt Thor’s coronation; his reaction was meant to show (as it did) whether or not he was ready to rule. Loki, when he told the guard to fetch Odin, had no idea that Thor would get banished; he looked shocked and told Sif and the Warriors Three as much.
Upon receiving a major hint that he’s a Jotun, a race Odin raised him to hate and fear, Loki confronts Odin about it in the weapons’ vault. Odin falls into the Odinsleep. Frigga gives Loki the throne, since he’s next in line (this is how succession works, for those who don’t know—king, crown prince, any younger princes). Loki, having had his identity, already mangled self-worth, and entire life shaken to the core, decides to use this power to prove to Odin that he’s a worthy son. This means he needs Thor out of the way, so he tells Thor that Odin’s dead and his banishment is permanent to ensure that he doesn’t try to return. It means he needs to control everything happening on Asgard to make sure whatever else he does goes as planned, so he orders Heimdall to let no one through the Bifrost and tells Sif and the W3 to stay put. It also means he has to do something drastic that Odin can’t not notice. Maybe something to do with ending the war that Odin was so angry about. So Loki goes to Jotunheim and invites Laufey to come to Asgard with a few guards to ‘kill Odin’, intending to kill the Jotun king—his blood father—to save Odin’s life. The ‘assassination attempt’ will provide him with the solid reason he needs to erase any doubt that he’s really Asgardian, and to end the war as Odin’s family has been venerated for ending wars for the last couple generations. Genocide. He can’t be a Jotun if there aren’t any Jotuns left.
(Side note: I realize that genocide is wrong. That’s not the point. The point is that Loki doesn’t, since everyone he’s been taught to look up to has either done it or attempted it; it’s literally part of the culture he grew up in. I’m not excusing him for it, I’m explaining him.)
But then Heimdall, Sif, and the W3 commit treason. Now he’s got problems. He takes care of Heimdall himself (notably Heimdall struck first), but Sif and the W3 are on Earth already, where Thor is. They tell Thor that Loki’s betrayed them. Thor’s shocked; it’s unlike Loki. Loki panics and sends the Destroyer to stop them before they can bring Thor back. Thor assumes that the Destroyer’s there for him. Loki, now angry as well, has the Destroyer backhand him in frustration (it’s arguable whether or not he meant the blow to be deadly). Well, he’s probably kept them on Earth for now, but he has to hurry things up. He brings Laufey over and kills him just as he’s about to kill Odin. But then Thor shows up and he’s angry. Loki blasts Thor through a wall to buy himself from time and initiates genocide-by-Bifrost. Thor comes back and tries to stop him, despite the fact that he was trying to get the same result three days earlier. Loki, visibly breaking down, can’t stop now—he’s desperate, he’s rapidly lost his mind, and his brother is trying to stop him from doing the one thing he thinks will finally make Odin acknowledge him. So he fights Thor. Thor eventually hits the Bifrost hard enough to break it. Odin wakes up and catches them both before they hit the black-hole-looking thing the Bifrost made. Loki pleads for his approval; Odin rejects him. Loki gives up and commits suicide.
Unfortunately for him, he has absurdly terrible luck, so he not only survives falling into the black hole-looking thing, but falls through who-knows-how much space after it and proceeds to land where Thanos finds him. Since he shows up with what looks like burn marks in a deleted scene, appears in his next movie with visible signs of heatstroke, and the interview quotes describing his experience go like...
“...it was like the worst place imaginable...”
“[he had]...several brushes with death...”
“...was like being captured in a terrorist cell...”
“Anything that would’ve happened to a runaway child who ran into the wrong people, happened to him.” (or something like this. I don’t remember the exact quote, but it’s to this general effect.)
“Harrowing, and scarring for life...”
...he has a really bad time. Considering that Thanos has a thing for torture (check out GOTG 1 and 2 and Infinity War), it’s pretty safe to assume that’s what happened. It certainly explains how Loki goes from wanting to die to claiming to want to rule Earth. And he’s in for worse if he doesn’t deliver up the Tesseract (“You think you know pain? He will make you long for something as sweet as pain”). Hence, Avengers (2012).
Odin becomes relevant for a moment here. Fast-forward to Loki’s trial. Odin condemns Loki far more harshly than he did Thor for almost the same crimes.
Fast-forward to the Second Battle of Svartalfheim in Thor: The Dark World. Kursed’s beating Thor into the ground. Loki’s just finished off the other Dark Elves who were still there. He sees that Thor’s in trouble, grabs a Dark Elf blade, and stabs Kursed all the way through the back and chest with it. (I’m not sure if he grabbed the implosion weapon from another Dark Elf or if it was just hanging on Kursed’s belt.) Kursed turns around and impales him (note the solid body) on the end of the blade. Loki activates the implosion device, when he can’t know that Kursed will toss him away before it goes off. Thor cradles his (solid!) body, and Loki seemingly dies.
Later, Loki heals to some degree. What now? If he goes back to Asgard with Thor, Odin will either have him executed or throw him back in solitary confinement for the rest of his life. Odin will punish Thor and co. severely as well. If Loki doesn’t go back to Asgard at all, he could run into Thanos. That means he has to go back to Asgard, but he also needs Odin out of the way. So he returns to Asgard in the form of a guard and overpowers Odin. Thor thinks he’s dead. If he lets Thor spread the word, Thanos will stop looking for him. Thor’s handled his death before. He allows Thor to keep thinking that he died honorably.
Now. Thor: Ragnarok.
According to Thor: Ragnarok, Loki’s been trying to kill Thor for his entire life. He’s been stabbing Thor for no reason since he was eight. Thor patiently puts up with this. Odin does nothing about it. Loki betrays Thor constantly. Loki completely faked his death. The only reason Loki’s ever had for doing things is that he’s a trickster and can’t help himself.
How can Loki have tried to kill Thor for his whole life when he’s always tried to be a good son and brother?
How can Loki stab Thor for no reason while being the quiet, reasonable one who doesn’t like fighting?
How could Thor patiently put up with Loki’s assaults when he’s always been hotheaded and violent?
How could Odin ignore Loki stabbing Thor all the time when he favors Thor and doesn’t let Loki get away with anything?
How could Loki betray Thor constantly when his betrayal in Thor (2011) clearly comes as a massive shock to Thor?
How could Loki have completely faked his death when the solidity of the body that Kursed grabbed and that Thor held make it impossible for the death to have been an illusion?
How could his only reason for doing things be that he’s “a trickster” and “can’t help himself” when his reasons, as stated above, range from wanting to prove himself to Odin (killing Laufey; attempted genocide on Jotunheim), keeping Thor out of the way (lying about Odin’s death), avoiding torture (Avengers (2012)), utter desolation (suicide attempt), delivering punishment for treason (freezing Heimdall, sending the Destroyer), and protecting himself and Thor and co. (taking out Odin and keeping his survival secret)?
Both statements in each set cannot simultaneously be true.
Thor: Ragnarok contradicts the prior MCU. There is no continuity.
With no continuity, there can be no cinematic universe.
@lucianalight? You said you were interested?
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wintersxsoul · 6 years
Ancient Love (3)
Summary: Loki never thought he would fall in love with a mortal, but much less that he would lose you as fast as he did. But…did he really lose you?
Pairing: Loki x Female Viking!Reader
Word Count: 868
Warnings: Mentions of death, suicidal thoughts, angsty as fuck.
A/N: So the next part is going to be the end, I hope you are patient with me and don’t murder me uwu ily.
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No matter how fast he ran, how quick he tried to heal you with his magic, it was all for nothing. All he had left was your cold limp body, soaked in water and your own blood. He held you tightly in his arms against his chest trying to control his thoughts, since Frigga had always told him he needed a clear mind to cast such a complicated spell.
“Y/n please, stay with me...please.” He begged, cried and shouted until his throat was hoarse. He sat in the heavy rain crying with you in his arms, desperate to wake up from the nightmare he thought he was having.
Loki got up still holding you when he realized it was already dark. Time passed without him noticing or caring at all, all he could feel was the emptiness spreading all over him. He needed to let you go but the idea of burning your body was too much for him to handle.
Behind the waterfall in the lake there was a small cave secluded, hidden by the water and a curtain of ivy. He knew that was the perfect place for you, amongst nature and undisturbed, silent.
“I’ll come back to see you, my love. I will always come back.” Loki pressed his lips against the cold stone of your grave, hot tears running down his cheeks. He started sobbing again, the agonizing pain threatening to kill him, or at least that’s what he wished that could happen. Green light flooded the little crypt, his magic concealing what the cold stone walls hid.
“Farewell, guard my heart for eternity.”
Moved by rage and the deep sorrow, Loki went to the village asking for Carson. He remembered the first day he met you, how scared you were of that man coming after you, so Loki thought he had something to do with your death. Everyone that saw him shivered in fear and answered courtly that they did not know where Carson was. After searching in a few more houses, he found the man drunk and shouting at one of his companions.
“What have you done to her?” Loki pinned Carson against a wall, his dagger already making the skin of his throat bleed.
“Wh-what do you mean? I don’t know what you are talking about.” Loki couldn’t notice, blinded by his emotions, that the man was being totally honest. He asked him over and over again about Y/n and what he had supposedly done, but after receiving negative answers, Loki opted for the fastest solution; death. Not satisfied with killing Carson, he then proceeded to slaughter the whole village, burning it down to ashes.
“Mother…” He cried in Frigga’s arms like a child when he arrived to Asgard, Odin just stared at him in disgust and Thor wasn’t even around.
Loki found himself at home, sitting down against the old musty wall of the cave, your cave, untouched after all the time that had passed.
“You would be proud of me, I’m sure. I know I tried to justify my mistakes in the worst way I could, but I really thought I was avenging you. They promised me I could rule this ugly world that took you away from me.” Loki let out a sigh and shook his head, trying to stop the haunting images of all the tortures he had to endure after he let go of his brother’s hand in the Bifrost. “You know, I really thought I was finally going to die. I wanted to die so bad to be with you again, but as always, plans are not my biggest forte.” He let out a snarky laugh and wiped the tear that fell from his eye. “After all these years and everything that I have lived, everything that I have done, my heart still aches for you. I still miss you like the first day without you.” He stood up and smiled at your grave, taking the candle and concealing the place once more.
“Oh dear, I forgot to mention tomorrow I’m seeing a healer for my mind. Tony Stark, I told you about him last time, he said that it’s going to be good for me, that this therapist is the best one in the whole world.” Loki shrugged and left the cave without looking back. Thor was waiting for him in the Quinjet with Steve and Bucky, ready to go with his newfound family. Now he truly understood why Thor loved the avengers so much, why he found so hard to go back to Asgard before Odin died.
Loki would be lying if he said he wasn’t excited and nervous to meet the therapist. He knew he needed to open up to someone and even more knowing that his friends actually cared for his well-being. As Steve said to him once before “being fully happy means you have to let go of your past and learn from your mistakes”, always so righteous but he had a point and Loki knew that. Letting go was hard for him because that meant getting over you and he wasn’t prepare for that yet, but the Norns had different plans for him.
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noxketch · 5 years
Reasons why Ragnarok Loki was a bad portrayal of the character.
Now, I know, A LOT of people love Thor Ragnarok. A lot of people also love Ragnarok Loki, mainly for the reason that he was happy and carefree, which already, is completely unlike Loki. There were just so many things wrong with him in that movie, not only the fact that suddenly he was all rainbows and sunshine, but just everything about him seemed... Wrong. Lemme list a few things that I find either utterly illogical, or just plain weird about this movies version:
First five minutes of the movie, and already we spot an issue. When Thor arrives on Asgard, he states that Loki (or "Odin" at the time) had been neglecting his duties as King and let the nine realms fall into chaos. So you're telling me that Loki, who has been after the throne his ENTIRE LIFE, finally got what he wanted, and then he just, threw it all away???
The play. Now I'm not saying Loki isn't the type to put a play on about himself because as well all know, he is. But a play about his own death? That was important to him, sure it wasn't real, but that isn't something Loki would joke about as if it meant nothing. Especially when you know that in the original script it wasn't an illusion.
His arrival on Sakaar. There were so many things wrong with that scene, so to start:
He's talking about falling off the Bifrost. He was literally sat there, laughing and joking about the day his entire life went to shit, as if he wasn't tortured for years after. Now the play I could let slide, but this? No, that IS NOT something Loki would joke about, not under any circumstances.
The implication (well, depends on how you see it, I don't think it happened but most people do, so I'm adding it to the list) that he slept with the Grandmaster. Loki may be fond of his home comforts but even he would not lower himself to such standards to get a nice place to stay. Loki is a master of illusions, a trickster, someone renowned for his ability to talk his way in and out of things, not a damn prostitute. Loki respects himself too much to do something so desperate.
Changing his suit colours. Yeah I know, it's a very silly and seemingly stupid thing to point out, but hear me out. Loki has ALWAYS worn green and black, didn't matter where or when, those are HIS colours. Changing his appearance is like changing who he is, why would he suddenly be ashamed to be himself?
Moving on to the prison scene. Loki admits that Hela is far more powerful than them and that they stand no chance of defeating her, fair enough, he's not wrong. What bothered me is the way he didn't even want to try. His people are under threat of total annihilation, the nine realms are in peril and he's like "nah bro let's just stay here and chill screw our people they're all dead men walking anyway lol". Also considering he goes on to attack one of the most powerful beings in the universe with a knife, you'd think he'd have at least tried to challenge her.
Betraying Thor. I mean, predictable much? Not like any of us saw that one coming *sarcasm intensifies*. Again choosing the Grandmaster over his brother and his people, Loki betraying Thor I get, but to do so, willingly condemning his people to death just for a bit of cash? (I guess you could see the subtext to it as him saving his brother from walking into a suicide mission but I dunno, it didn't seem like it)
Last but not least, just the general vibe that he gave off. He was all happy and fun and carefree, which is pretty much the opposite of everything loki is supposed to be. I mean I love him but as a Loki stan you gotta accept his chances of having a happy ending are close to nill, that's just what being a Loki stan is. He's not
Now I'm not saying everything about Ragnarok Loki was bad, there were good points. Him trying to get Thor talk to him and understand his feelings when he visited him before the battle with Hulk. His redemption and return to his brother and his people. Him laughing at Thor being Hulk smashed. Putting Odin somewhere safe and the sheer sadness in his eyes when he died. Seeing the magic he used on Brunnhilde (don't see his magic often, made a nice change). But all in all, the bad outweighed the good. I want to see Loki happy, but not as a cheesy over the top caricature.
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sherzasboss · 6 years
Loki is not a Villain PT 5
*starts breathing fire*
This … is where I start getting hot under the collar.
Ok, so. Heimdall fucking well commits treason by letting the other Traitors onto Midgard. There’s no escaping this fact. Hemidall himself even confirms (if reluctantly) that he is bound to obey Loki as he is (supposedly, given he betrayed him as well) Odin.
Loki then - as is his right as king - goes ‘LOL NO, BYE!’
Hemidall INSTANTLY tries to fucking kill Loki.
Keep in mind that up to this point, NONE of the traitors have anything more than a suspicion that Loki is up to no good, nevermind actual evidence. Heimdall was willing to *kill* Loki over a mere *suspicion*
Anyone wanna take bets on him knowing that Loki is a Jotun? Especially given his powers? Which, again, says *horrifying* things about Asgard and/or Hemidall himself re: Jotuns.
Then he lets more Jotuns into Asgard. This one is on a lot of peoples’ ‘villain’ lists too, but not mine because HELLO, assassinating the ruler of an enemy country is a time honored tradition here on Earth.
I’ll give Thor a little credit here, and say that he does TRY to, you know, not make things worse. On Earth, he deliberately essentially offered himself as a sacrifice in exchange for Loki not killing folks, too. So he’s clearly learned a thing or three and at this point, I don’t think he’dve CARED that Loki is a Jotun. Before his exile, it was a lot iffier, but once he got some sense knocked into him, yeah. Loki is his brother and that’s all he seems to care about, in future movies. The whole Jotun thing barely comes up at all, and only in Avengers, with that ‘he’s adopted’ remark. The entire time he tangles with Loki in this movie, he’s trying to talk Loki down off the cliff he’s on.
Unfortunately, at this point, Loki’s brain has gone out to lunch and isn’t wanting to come back. He’s more or less completely lost the plot, and deliberately antagonizes Thor into fighting him.
Loki is suicidal. Or right on the verge of it, at this point. Remember, literally everything he thought he knew about himself and the people around him has been called into question. On top of that, he got made King. Then on top of THAT, he had five people (four of whom purported to be at the very least allies, if not friends) becoming backstabbing traitors.
Loki then tries to Bifrost-genocide the Jotuns. While more or less batshit crazy and *definitely* suicidal as fuck. Which, can we say ‘diminished capacity’. Again, this is not truly ‘villainous’. Wrong? FUCK yes. But Loki is nowhere NEAR being in his right mind and capable of making decisions. Which automatically disqualifies him from villain status. He needs a shrink, some seriously heavy duty meds and a few centuries the FUCK away from Asgard, not a jail cell.
Thor destroys the Bridge to stop the would-be genocide, and Odin fucking apparates out of nowhere to save both their asses. Seriously, how the FUCK did Odin get from his bedroom to the middle of the goddamned bridge in, what, like a minute? Less? He snags Thor, Thor snags Gungnir, and so does Loki.
At this point, Loki is on the razor’s edge. If he’s not actively suicidal already, he’s right on the fucking cusp of it. And then Odin opens his big, fat, hypocritical, lying, scheming, bastard mouth and says probably the one thing guaranteed to finish the tailspin Loki is on.
And Loki tries to commit suicide. He actively *lets go* of Gungnir. His hand does not slip, or anything along those lines. He deliberately, purposefully opens his hand and *lets go*.
And let’s be real here, he was not planning on surviving that shit. Not with a severely fucked up Bifrost beam and the Void below him. He might be able to travel the ‘back roads’ to the various Realms, but THAT was not a back road by any description of the term.
And when it was all said and done, Asgard fucking CELEBRATED. Now, before Dark World came out, there was a lot of speculation that that was, indeed, the proper Asgardian response to death. But we all saw how they responded to the Queen’s death in Dark World, and they for fuck sure weren’t throwing a party. So I’ma call bullshit on that party being their version of a funeral/wake. That, folks, was Asgard going ‘Yay, that fucker Loki is dead!’
Which, again, says *horrifying* things. About Asgard. Because while his last acts were certainly horrifying, he’d been alive for almost a thousand years by this point. I don’t think a handful of bad acts in the last week of someone's life would be quite enough to turn an entire country from even ;eh, he’s all right to ‘Yay! He’s finally dead!’. So it’s safe to assume they thought very poorly of him.
And this is a big ass problem because if you do the math, Loki was *at most* 21 when this shit went down, in human terms as regards Asgardian lifespans. So these folks were being really uber shitty to a KID until about a hundred and fifty years (at the most) prior to this movie (if we use 18 as their ‘age of adulthood’).
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The problem with saying Loki ruled Asgard longer, and was a better ruler of Asgard than Thor,  is VAST.
 First off, Thor didn't have a fucking chance. He ruled for only a few hours if even before Thanos came and slaughtered the Asgardians because of LOKI stealing the tesseract in Ragnarok. You can not compare their ruling based on time. Thor needed the time to be away from Asgard to learn to be a good man, and to know his limits and when not to be a spoiled brat chasing war for no reason, and to learn what was important about ruling people/learning more about what it meant to truly protect people and the things/places he loved. He has major character development through the series that makes him a good king because he recognizes that the title requires more than sitting on your ass eating grapes watching bad theater. 
The way they rule... Originally if he had been king in the first movie, Thor would have had Asgard at war at every turn. It would have been chaos. But after everything he's been through, going from God/Prince/Future King to Mortal/Weak to Slave/Possession (for someone's violent amusement )the character development changes how he would have ruled. He thought only for the best of his people, got half of them to safety with Valkyrie, and fought -most likely with the intent of dying for his people- until he had nothing and was completely broken. Thor's actions in Infinity War are flat out suicidal and fueled by rage and depression. He's lost everything - and it all started with Loki allowing Jotuns into Asgard to prevent his intended rule. But at the same time, Loki helped him be a better fit for a king by doing so. But Thor didn't have a chance to prove himself a worthy and good king before Thanos came and fucked shit up because Loki couldn't keep his hands off of the Tesseract. But, that brings the question of if Thanos would have come either way. Loki owed him the debt from his failure after all. But in both scenarios- he came because of Loki. Loki has ruled twice. Let's talk about instance number one-    to get the title of king he a)let enemies into Asgard b)caused 4 deaths and showed zero remorse for what he'd done c)Had Thor banished (you can argue if this was intentional or not based on the movie and one of the Thor guidebook which says he intentionally goaded Thor into going to Jotunheim to get him in trouble with Odin) d) Only got it because Odin went into Odinsleep (you guys joke but this dude was already in poor health-poor enough for his enemy to take notice of his weakness- add the stress of his 1st son being banished because 'well fuck he's just like the banished child and needs to learn not to be' and the stress of Loki finding out who he really is/that originally he planned to use him and Loki refused to let him explain further and instead went full out pissed and yelling at a weak old man) 
Now there is that deleted scene where Frigga gives him the title BUT IT DOES NOT FIT INTO THE MOVIE. Rewatch it, try to place that scene. It doesn't fit. Loki is playing King before he speaks with Frigga in that deleted scene- which was shortened and edited in after he's already playing king. It does not fully apply to the canon of the movie because of this technicality. So for all we know- he took the title without Frigga's knowledge. So during that first rule, what did Loki do? A)closed off the Bifrost to prevent Thor's return B)Sent the Destroyer to kill Thor, and even told it to destroy everything in the little town Thor was in -with no regard for the lives which could be lost because of his actions. C)Allowed Laufey into Jotunheim, and let's be real Laufey could have easily turned around, stabbed Loki, and then gone off to kill Frigga and Odin. D)Let Laufey hit Frigga, played perfect hero son only after Laufey was already on top of Odin about to stab him, and pretended not to know a thing, like 'Lol how'd he get here idk mother but I'll protect you even though he already flung you across the room' 
Loki's rule should technically end when Thor returns. But even then, Loki has Gungnir, which is basically saying he's still in some way in charge and what does he do with this power? He takes the kings staff to the Bifrost with the intent of destroying an entire planet after already murdering his biological father/a king, putting Asgard in danger, and his own king and queen-his adoptive parents, in a very dangerous position. -Frigga may be good with small knives but she was struggling with that sword.
Let's move to rule 2. 
Take into consideration everything he did in Midgard-   bringing an alien army to attack the planet, killing over 80 people in like 2 days, causing destruction and chaos in New York which would later lead to the problems in later MCU movies that take place in Midgard (Spiderman Homecoming is a good example) and let' not forget having mind slaves he completely damaged. All of this was in his conquest to gain enough power to be king. But we know Midgard was never the end game for Loki- it was always Asgard. And remorse? Yeah, not really there. He has a brief moment of 'It's too late', but he uses that to stab Thor- meaning he was likely playing on Thor's emotions knowing Thor would fall for his puppy eyes. 
So Loki's imprisoned (for showing no remorse and acting like everything is just a silly children's game-and Odin knows where it is headed because of Hela), he's not in any way a king or ruler of anything, but even in his cell he inadvertently causes Frigga's death in hoping to send Algrim/Kurse to Odin and Thor. 'I don't think the people of Asgard would take kindly to a king who murdered their predecessor' -So I'll send someone else to do it for me. (Because who is next in line if Thor and Odin die? Loki, you know if they hadn't decided to do that fuck up of 'lol Hela is their older sister now', but I digress.) The fact is Loki never shows real guilt or remorse until he realizes he is the reason that Frigga, the only person still giving him any chance and sneaking around to speak with him, died. So the story goes -he sets off, helps Thor, even protects Jane, and then fakes his death. Again. Both times were different though- I believe he truly believed he'd die if he let go of Mjolnir's handle based off the tie in Avengers comic-they believed Loki would be torn to shreds by the world tree. But in this fake death, it's all Loki. He gets up, brushes off, returns to Asgard. 
So how does he get to be king the second time? He curses Odin, banishes him in Midgard in a retirement home -and never checks up to be like 'oh yeah whatever happened to dad?'- which leads to Odin being a homeless vagabond just chilling in Norway waiting to see his sons one last time. In the meantime, Loki gives Thor what he wants and sends him to Midgard. Of course, Thor says he returned to Asgard once in AOU- but did he really? He would have caught on that Odin wasn't Odin if he really had. (Really it's a shame they wouldn't let Joss focus on Thor like he wanted) - So that mention of going to Asgard in AOU-let's assume Loki was off doing Loki things and avoiding Thor. Which leads to Thor traveling the universe for YEARS trying to find answers about the Infinity Stones. -A mess Loki helped make worse, but that began in Captain America. (Thanks, Red Skull.) 
So what's Loki doing while Thor's off trying to save the universe? He's ignoring Asgards duties, which leads to the Dwarves slaughter and the gauntlet being made (of course he may have thought he had the real and only gauntlet in the vault).  Loki gathers up some bad actors, writes his own little play, erects a giant statue of himself, MOCKS FRIGGA'S DEATH by making his 'sacrifice' in avenging her a total joke in the play and by laughing at it, and maybe even hoes around with the servant ladies that surround him while he watches the play. Which if he did- further mocks Frigga and Odin. 
Thor arrives and calls him out on his shit, his reign is pretty much done for. But Thor doesn't get the chance to rule, he has to clean Loki's mess and get Odin, and then he has to clean Odin's mess with Hela. Thor tries to prevent Hela from reaching Asgard, but Loki shouts for the gate to be open-if Heimdall was in charge of the gate and saw this shit he would have kept it closed. Just saying. So Loki gives Hela an opening to put Asgard and its people in danger- which if she had won in the end, would have led to death and chaos across the universe. But that's not how the story goes. Thor and Loki get thrown into Sakaar. Loki's been there for weeks and is just mingling and partying, making jokes about his first death, and while he's stolen ship passcodes-is making no real effort to leave and go fight for his people. But that is all Thor is worried about and wants to do. Even when Thor is a slave, locked up and unable to do much but fight to get his freedom, he only thinks of returning to Asgard to save the people. Loki even tries to prevent Thor from doing so for money.-and possibly being petty that Thor would not go with his plan to escape together and ignore Asgard, let it burn. Thor escapes, he fights for his people- and Loki turns up afterwards, only to ham it up and be a big diva like 'LOOK I AM BRINGING A BIG SHIP AND I AM SAVING YOU ALL WITH IT' -yes, he fights, yes, in the end, he pledges allegiance to Asgard, but his actions prior to his Infinity War death are not the actions of a good king, only a selfish man. He and Thor both understand ruling well, but they both understand different aspects, and Loki's is the toxic form, while Thor's is the good-natured and humble form. Combining them together=great king. 
If Thanos hadn't of come, Thor would still have people to care for and rule over, but he doesn't. He has nothing. He's a space hobo now. His rule would have been much longer than Loki's, and, in an ideal world, they could have learned to work together to combine their understanding of what it means to be king. But that world doesn't exist.
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imagine-loki · 7 years
The Powers That Be
ITLE: The Powers That Be
AUTHOR: wolfpawn ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki discovering a hidden mutant when he realises they are at risk of being found by S.H.I.E.L.D. who experiments on mutants, he is the one to help them.
RATING: Teen and Up
Alexia stood listening to Heimdall as he confirmed what Odin had said, Loki had been swallowed by a large serpent. "I cannot say if it was intentional or not; there were others close by, he may have done so to ensure their safety."
"You don't need to try and save my feelings."
"I am not renowned for such," Heimdall shrugged. "I am merely stating what occurred as I bore witness to."
"The Allfather has his methods."
"I am not stupid, I know he is trying to just make me go there, all guns blazing." She commented.
"And your plan is something else?" The guardian asked curiously.
Alexia thought of what she would have to endure if she was caught there, for a moment, she thought of everything that had happened when she was last on her home planet, the guns, the metal table, the lab coats, all with one purpose, to destroy her. She thought of the attack on Asgard, her eyes even wandered to Heimdall's arm, bright pink scars marbled the entirety of the forearm, it was hard to tell if a single inch of the arm was left unscathed. "I don't know."
"On the contrary, I believe you do."
"If they get me…"
"They will have to get close enough to first." She looked at the large golden clad god. "You have fought and won against far more deadly creatures than mortals."
"They didn't have guns."
"What do you think some of those weapons were?" Heimdall questioned. "No mortal possesses a gun as powerful and destructive as the ones you have faced already." He informed her.
Alexia frowned and looked at the portal again. "What is happening now?"
"Thor is trying to process his loss while also make his way to where the serpents that still live reside, the others follow fearfully."
"I still cannot see a sign of him."
"I never said goodbye," she noted sadly before inhaling. "Open the portal."
"Farewells cannot reach the dead," Heimdall commented as he walked to the centre of the room and placed his sword in the portal key, the room beginning to spin immediately to allow Alexia travel.
"No, but I can make those who did it suffer." She swore as she walked toward the glowing light and was pulled across the realms.
As the Bifrost closed once more Heimdall nodded slightly, "Indeed you can, and by the Norns, you will." he stated, walking to the edge of the Bifrost once more so to watch her actions closely. As he did so, Odin's raven flew into the Bifrost. "She seeks retribution, her fear is forgotten," he informed the animal.
In the palace, Odin sighed in relief that she finally made her way to Midgard. Hopefully, with Alexia's aid, they would succeed and Loki's sacrifice would not have been for nought.
Thor trudged forward slowly through the mud feeling downtrodden, those that surrounded him not knowing what to say. The water seemed to darken as the clouds continued to move forward towards them, the temperature falling slightly as they walked. After a few minutes, a humming noise caught their attention and the Avenger's and warriors looked around to see a Helicarrier overhead.
"What do they want?" Romanov asked aloud.
"It is seldom good," Barton answered.
The Helicarrier landed and Fury exited the ramp. "I hear we have a bit of a snake issue."
"You are of little help here, you are sending your men to be slaughtered, they cannot hope to last but a moment against these beings," Thor stated, not even looking towards the Director.
"Look this is…"
"A suicide mission," Thor answered with a growl, "If a being such as Loki was swallowed whole by one, then you mortals are only an inconvenience to the situation as you have nothing to bring to it only your deaths and I grow weary of deaths." he walked on, ignoring the others.
"Thor is not dealing with the loss of Loki well," Volstagg commented.
"Why not, this is about the fourth time he has pulled this stunt, I expect we'll find him later sitting down to a cup of tea and a crumpet asking us what took us so long," Stark replied.
"So that actually happened? Loki was swallowed by that thing?" Fury questioned.
"We believe so, yes," Romanov answered.
"He willingly allowed it eat him, he did not care about dying," Wanda informed him. "I cannot sense him now."
That caused Fury to say no more on the subject, but to also acknowledge the severe danger that they were in by going forward. "Where is she?"
"Alexia did not come back. Her previous experiences left her a tad wary of helping," Stark glared at Fury as he spoke. "Wonder who's to blame for that."
"I had nothing to do with that."
"No, but you are director of S.H.I.E.L.D. you have to accept some part of it. Even when you came back, were those that did those things punished, were the records of Alexia removed to allow her to be safe if she was to come back?" Stark challenged. Fury said nothing. "Exactly."
"She nearly sank a Helicarrier!"
"Just because for once the one S.H.I.E.L.D. attacked was stronger than S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't make it any less of a case of self-defence," Bucky stated.
"You should not even be free considering what you have been responsible for," Fury reminded the Super Soldier.
"I am in good company on that front so."
There was no response to that, but nor did the director heed Thor's advice to leave. The journey to the lake merely became more intense, as none seemed to know what to say or do, and all were all too aware that at any moment, they could be attacked once more, and not know of it until it was too late.
As a rumbling sound began to resound once more, everyone stilled, trying to find out where it was coming from. At first, Thor looked to the sky, wondering if it was the Bifrost, it sounded so akin to it, but as the ground began to shake, he knew that they were not that lucky. Calming himself, he tried to do as Loki had always done and tried to sense where the creature was, sure enough, he felt the rumbling, so light at first, begin to become stronger and stronger, before beginning to weaken again. "It will come up behind us." He stated, looking behind the gathered group. They watched as sure enough, a couple of hundred feet away, the Helicarrier began to shake slightly, before the front end of it fell towards the earth. As those closest the exits inside began to flee, but before too many could make their escape, the other half of the Helicarrier began to sink as more of the ground began to give way.
"GET IT IN THE AIR!" Rogers bellowed, looking at the aircraft.
Fury and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that had come with him, armed to try and take the serpents could only watch as their workmates' terrified screams rang through their headpieces. "The engines won’t start, they are too covered in earth." Fury stated quietly as some voices over the earpiece made some fraction of sense. "They can't get out."
"We could really do with a miracle about now." Barton looked to the sky as though willing someone to help.
As though on queue the earth shook again, but rather than the Helicarrier falling down further into the ravine, it seemed to push upward. They watched in shock as the ground around it split open more, but the earth seemed to push the aircraft back onto level ground, all of the earth coming loose from the blades of the engines as it did so.
"How…?" Wilson asked, looking at the almost unscathed Helicarrier. "That should have…"
"It appears your request for a miracle reached a God." Volstagg chuckled.
"Or Goddess." Sif smiled knowingly.
The Avengers looked at each other, not comprehending what the Aesir warriors were implying. Thor looked around, searching for a sign of Alexia, knowing such power and actions could only be of her doing, but there was no sign of her. Looking to the sky, he wondered was it the Bifrost he had heard, had she heard of Loki's fate and finally decide to intervene, he had hoped so, but with no sign of her, he could not tell, merely continue to hope.
Alexia ensured the Helicarrier was secure on the side of the ravine, ensuring the earth beneath it was reinforced to make sure it did not buckle and fall. She felt the serpent, thrashing to get free of her grasp, she felt it gasping for breath as she had the rocks around it tighten more and more to close its airway, to crush it slowly to death. It had been weakened already, she could almost feel its injuries as though she was touching them with her hands rather than getting the rock to do so. Beside her, she had sourced more flames to create her little fire companion on Earth as she did on Asgard. "I think our friend should suffer a little more," she stated before part of the fox seemed to melt like a puddle and slide along the grass to the ravine, leaving no trail behind it. When it reached where she had the snake held, it too took the shape of a serpent, though more of a cobra in appearance and slide into the gaping mouth of the creature, so desperate for breath, and scorched it from the inside, as she crushed in from the out. In its weakened state, it lasted mere seconds before it hissed for the final time and perished, the flames within it dying with it. Pleased with the results, Alexia looked to the fox beside her again, who had grown a new limb once more and indicated for it to follow her, the animal doing so willingly. She looked at the small cavern that seemed to be too small for her to enter in front of her and scoffed, making a simple hand movement and the rocks cracked and split, allowing her to walk forward without concern. For almost a mile, there was little of note on her journey, the cave going deeper and deeper under the earth's crust, the fox beside her providing her with light as she went further and further down.
At last, the descent ceased and the air was cold and damp around her, telling Alexia that the water source she sensed almost two hundred feet above her through the rock was the large lake she had landed close to. The passageway led to a large cavern, which seemed to only echo the drips of water that leaked through the stone. Sensing there was something else close, she had the fox increase in size, to give her more light, and allow her to see more. A loud hiss on the other side of the cavern told her what was there, ensuring to be ready to use the fire and rock immediately, she stepped forward more to see if she could find the creature. As she came to the centre of the cavern, she had the fox divide in two and become two smaller foxes, sending one forward to illuminate the area she had heard the hiss. Sure enough, very quickly a pair of large green eyes with slits for pupils came into view, and soon after, the scales of a large green serpent with them, brown markings then began to become recognisable before finally, two large fangs, one bearing a torn shred of material Alexia had seen all too often before.
Stepping forward, she glared at the creature hatefully for what it had done, for taking Loki from her, she started to increase her pace, thinking of what way to make the creature suffer most. But then its head dropped slightly and something else came into view that caused Alexia to pause, trying to compute what she was seeing. "How?"
"Lexi?" came a pained response. "Run! Go!"
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