#and more importantly. why did the pictures turn out so nice.
ourlordapollo · 1 year
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Had an absolutely baller time filming cosplay TikToks alone in my living room last night lmao
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Jack’s Birthday Edition
this is so short i’m sorry
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liked by jackhughes, lhughes_06, and 8,643 others
yourusername happy our birthday to my soulmate, my ex husband, and most importantly— my other half! we’ve been stuck together like glue since the first day of kindergarten and i don’t know who i would be without you. growing up with you is obviously the best thing to ever happen to you, because you turned out to be a pretty sick ass human being (you’re welcome)!
i remember back in kindergarten when we first found out that we have the same birthday and were so excited because we were so close. we decided that it means we had to be best friends forever! sorry that i later upgraded my best friend to the better model (i’m not sorry)!
in all seriousness, howdy rowdy, i’m so thankful to have you in my life. you made our move to michigan less scary than i thought it would be, and i wouldn’t have survived if not for you. you’ve always been so special to me. i’m so proud of you! i’m so proud of what you did this season, and i’m proud to call you my brother.
part of jacky’s birthday present was some wonderful news, and he has kindly demanded that i share it with everyone! when i am changing my name after mine and trevy’s wedding, i will also be changing my middle name to rowden. it was mom’s idea! she said she loved the idea of twins having the same middle name, and since we do have the same birthday, and i’ve been inducted to the family, i asked her if i could change my middle name. to my delight, she said yes! (he cried when i told him, which made me cry, which made mom cry, which made quinn and luke cry, so the family was really a mess tonight!)
p.s happy birthday to my favorite rookie, wyatt johnson! please score on quinn next season <3
i love you with at least 90% of the atoms in my body❤️ happy birthday!
tagged jackhughes
view all 186 comments
jackhughes i love you, too soulmate❤️ your post won’t be as sentimental! (we didn’t cry!)
yourusername bitch <3
jackhughes yes <3
trevorzegras (yes they did)
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras (nobody asked)
_quinnhughes you choose some amazing pics, sissy
yourusername you should listen to the advice on the last one!
_quinnhughes jack is not a baddie
yourusername it’s our birthday! we’re baddies, you jurassic bitch
_quinnhughes best friend contract!
yourusername birthday clause!
jackhughes @_quinnhughes ✨suck it✨
njdevils we thank you for these jack photos🫡
yourusername anything for my fans <3
_alexturcotte hey um… y/n, our love, WHY WAS I CUT OUT OF THE SEVENTH PHOTO
yourusername you pissed me off last week
yourusername calm down, you big baby
jackhughes fight! fight! fight! fight!
colecaufield @_alexturcotte ✨suck it✨
user33 happy birthday!!!
user18 i always forget sissy is a stars fan
trevorzegras must be nice
jackhughes she doesn’t let us forget
_quinnhughes she doesn’t let me specifically forget
yourusername @/trevorzegras @/jackhughes @_quinnhughes cry. babies.
user09 i cry every time y/n reveals more childhood stories
lhughes_06 i’m offended i wasn’t in the childhood pictures
yourusername in my defense… you were infant so we weren’t cool like that yet
_quinnhughes yeah, moosey, gosh
jackhughes somebody’s self obsessive
lhughes_06 i hate all of you
yourusername those teenage hormones of yours are wildin
lhughes_06 @/yourusername i hate you most
jackhughes @/lhughes_06 don’t talk to your mother that way! it’s mother’s day!
user54 i want what y/n and jack have omg! happy birthday!
john.marino97 what? no photo creds on the first pic? (ps happy birthday hughesy!)
yourusername psa to everyone: johnny m wouldn’t leave jack and i alone one night at the hotel and he stalked us and took the first picture! but i love it, so no harm 0.5 foul!
john.marino97 0.5 foul?
jackhughes @/john.marino97 congrats, man! you got off easy!
john.marino97 thank you?
trevorzegras @/john.marino97 now you’re catching on!
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hiramaris · 1 year
Kiss It Off Me
Chapter Summary:
And what does Haley do when things don't go her way? She sabotages. So it wasn't a surprise when Haley's mouth opened and the next words that came out were ones she never intended to say. It was a defense mechanism, a way to push people away before they could hurt her. "If it weren't for those horrendous clothes, you might actually be pretty," she blurted out, regretting it as soon as the words left her lips.
Pairings: Haley x Fem!farmer
Disclaimer:  I do not own Stardew Valley or any of the related characters. Stardew Valley is created by and owned by ConcernedApe. This fanfiction is intended for entertainment only. I am not making any profit from this story. All rights of the original Stardew Valley story belong to ConcernedApe.
Warning: None so far? Just Haley being her usual self
Okay, so originally in my AO3 this is meant to be a Haley x OC and I have already created a solid description for my character. However, I thought it would be much better if I changed it to a reader-insert instead tho I'll probably keep some physical descriptions that I had already inserted, so sorry about that. Also, if some of y'all have already read this in my AO3, expect some minor changes.
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Gif from loriedarlin.tumblr.com
Spring 1
Haley rises with the grace of a blooming sunflower that she is. It's finally Spring!
No longer will she suffer from the icy chill that makes her toes feel like they're about to fall off, none of that ridiculously nasty snow that forces her to use that Yoba awful boots she had hidden at the deepest part of her wardrobe, and just as equally terrible gloves that hinder her from using her camera let alone her phone when she finally got that once in a blue moon occurrence of perfect lighting outside.
And most importantly; no more dry, frizzy hair.
She could finally continue her tan!
Oh, the endless possibilities that await her in this new season. So much to explore and experience. Haley is positively bursting with excitement, eager to dive into all the joys, and wonders what something new Spring has planned for her.
When Haley expected something new, She didn't mean new 'new' like a new person but new as in something exciting like a freshly arrived parcel from the shop she ordered online, or perhaps a new conditioner that makes her hair bounce and makes it shinier that Yoba could mistake it as the sun. 
Her expectations were already at rock bottom with Pelican Town being the dullest place on earth.
But why oh why did she even bother to expect?
"The new farmer's coming today, just so you know," Emily casually mentions as she washed their dishes that morning.
Haley scrunched up her face. She had already forgotten about it. Why bring it up again?
"Oh, goody. Another reason to avoid the Townsquare today."
Emily turned to her with her typical condescending look she learned to hate. "Hay, you don't have to become BFFs with her right off the bat. Just say hello and try not to be your usual mean self. You'll thank me later."
"And I don't have to introduce myself within the day, Em." Haley crossed her arms, standing her ground. "This is no classroom where you need to acquaint the new kid on her first day." 
"I know." She sighed as if she was having a conversation of repetition with a toddler and she's running out of patience. "Just be nice to her, yeah?"
Haley didn't answer. With camera tucked carefully between her hands, she left the kitchen without a word. Emily never fails to make her feel like a child being taken care of by her. Like she's in dire need of a babysitter and without her guidance, Haley would be nothing.
It's infuriating really. 
She wouldn't let this ruin her day.
Today was going to be a good day. Emily's incessant nagging couldn't change that. Besides, she probably wouldn't even meet the new farmer. It was already past 10, and the girl was most likely already mingling with the locals or resting in that old cottage of hers.
She can still take pictures back in Marnie's ranch. then she can hang out with Alex in his place. Go back home exactly during Emily's shift on the Saloon and then she'll have the whole house to herself while she can finally cook something edible without Emily breathing down her neck.
Yes, that would be ideal. Today is a good day.
Just as Haley stepped foot outside 2 Willow Lane, she was greeted by a tall, unfamiliar woman strolling by her house at an infuriatingly slow pace.
You held a whole map of what she assumed was the town's which was big enough to hide your whole face, and as well as hinder your vision to notice Haley on the side, much to her relief.
Are you the new girl?
All that she can tell is that you have the darkest hair she has ever seen in her whole life. It was shiny, and ridiculously long, too which kinda compliments its wavy nature. 
Also, why the hell are you in a dress shirt and a tie?
Haley may be a bit far behind the books but she's sure as hell that isn't the right attire for someone who'll work on a farm.
If Haley didn't know Lewis is the mayor, she'd probably think you're the new mayor with your totally immaculate wardrobe— a dress shirt and a tie, perfectly flattened slacks, and a pair of leather shoes that probably look expensive.
Shit. Are you really the farmer? Or just a visitor?
Oh, no. Are you turning around? Oh, Yoba, she is!
Haley scrambled to her feet. Not sure if she should bolt inside the house, run to the Townsquare, or what. 
With her probably last brain cell that saves her from the utter embarrassment of being caught checking out the new farmer (absolutely not, the disgrace), her own body moves on its own. She grabbed her camera and positioned herself like she was taking a photo of the least appealing subject she had ever captured in her life— Emily's cactus.
Please not now, Yoba. Not now.
She found herself praying to the deities she no longer talked to when she felt your eyes burning into her back. She had probably taken a load of mediocre photos of Emily's plant when she finally felt the farmer leaves.  
She breathed a sigh of relief when she turned around and found the street empty apart from her. Only then did she notice how fast her heart was beating against her chest.
Thank Yoba for saving me from that mortifying introduction.
Why is she even nervous anyway? She didn't even see me. Even so, that was so embarrassing.
Wait, no.
Embarrassed, not nervous.
Only embarrassed, nothing else.
The word nervous and Haley doesn't fit. In fact, it should never ever be used in a single sentence. Haley doesn't get nervous, ever.
She was just caught off guard, that's all. 
Next time, she'd prepare an introduction so fantastic that you would be left with the impression that Haley is too good for you— kind and never mean, but still way out of your league.
Just you wait, stranger. She thought determinedly, trying to ignore the voice at the back of her head that sounded suspiciously like Emily, asking her if she was really sure it was going to be a good day.
Haley doesn't really know.
"Did you meet Y/n?" was Emily's first words when she arrived home from her shift.
Haley remained sprawled on the couch, flipping through the pages of her fashion magazine for this season. The struggle was real, trying to choose between the blue skirt or the pink shorts.
"Who?" she asked, her eyes still glued to the glossy pages.
"The farmer, Hay." She can feel Emily rolling her eyes at her.
"Oh," Haley feigns interest, barely lifting her gaze. "That not-so-tall, dark-haired farmer with a fashion taste of an old woman ready to retire from her corporate job?"
Emily gasped, and Haley turned to look just in time to see her scandalized look. To be fair, you don't look that bad. You also tower over Haley for a couple of inches and your fashion sense isn't the worst that she has seen in her life. Haley wouldn't be caught alive admitting that aloud though, especially not in front of Emily.
Lies are an easier language to learn after all.
"Don't tell me you just insulted her on her first day?"
"Of course not." Haley protested, magazine long forgotten. "I saw her but I didn't even talk to her nor she even tried. The doofus was so busy with her stupid map to even see me."
Looking back at the scene made her feel embarrassed, relieved, and offended at the same time.
Like how could you not notice a true beauty in front of you? Her face alone was enough to catch the attention of all the people in the area. She's not crowned flower queen for nothing yet you just walked passed her like she's just an average woman!
How dare she?
But on the side, it would have been embarrassing otherwise for Haley to be caught alive staring at the newcomer with wonder in her eyes.
Would anyone really blame her though? It was perfectly natural to size up the competition in terms of beauty.
And it's not like she noticed how broad your shoulder was or how your lean physique perfectly suited your chosen profession. Not at all, pft.
"Still, you could have said hello," Emily tries to reason with her, oblivious to the internal conflict turning on the gears of Haley's brain. 
"Why should I? I'm not the new girl, aren't I?" She shrugged indifferently, turning back to her mag once again. "And what kind of lame name is Y/n, anyway?"
"Haley." There's that tone again.
"What?" she snapped.
"Don't even start. Y/n is actually nice." Emily chided softly, her eyes boring into Haley's like a disappointed mother. "You said it yourself, this isn't high school anymore. Being mean doesn't get you anywhere."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Haley bristled at the insinuation, standing up to face Emily with a fierce expression. "Are you saying I'm directionless just because you have a job, and I don't?"
"I'm saying that being kind is always the right choice," Emily's calmness only fueled the anger she felt. "And trust me, it doesn't cost you anything to be nice to someone. But being mean can cost you more than you think."
Haley remained tight-lipped, not wanting to argue with her sister anymore. Emily seemed to mistake her silence for compliance.
"I'm just trying to look out for you, okay? Sorry if I came on too strong," Emily consoled her, giving her a pat on the head. "I'm off to bed now, gotta wake up early tomorrow. Goodnight, sis."
As Emily headed off to bed, Haley was left to ponder the events of the day—
No fantastic photos in Marnie's ranch because the nasty smell of animal waste was enough to drive her back to her entry steps, and the risk of running across the new farmer is greater there so, no.
As for Alex, forget it, she didn't have the stomach to endure his stench after playing with his ball all day. Her only option was to head back home.
Emily left early which is a good thing but when Haley went to the kitchen to finally practice her baking skills, she only found out that they had no more eggs. She could have run to Pierre's to get some but she isn't really keen on doing the shopping herself. That's Emily's forte, not hers.
And now, she's been lectured by her sister like she's some rebelled teen.
What a good way to start the year, huh?
Yeah, today is not a good day. 
Spring 2
Haley was out with her camera in Cindersap Forest just by the river. Unlike yesterday, it seems Marnie was just as bothered by the smell of her animals and decided to deep clean her ranch or whatever. So, the air was fresh and crisp, allowing Haley to breathe deeply without cringing.
The weather was ideal for taking photos— partly cloudy with a gentle breeze that carried delicate flecks of pollen through the air.
Despite her aversion to dirt and anything that possibly has germs in it, Haley loved taking pictures of nature. Behind the camera lens, she felt a profound connection to the world around her. She was in her element, lost in her own world, and nothing else mattered. Once she found the perfect subject, she was determined to capture it, no matter how dirty or injured she might become.
At this time of the year, the river looked especially magnificent in the soft light, and the falling pollen added a magical touch to the already enchanting scenery.
Just as Haley was about to snap the perfect shot, she heard a little squeak that was impossible to ignore. She turned her head to locate the source and was delighted to discover a...
The little creature was the cutest thing she had ever seen, second only to the bunnies she had spotted at Marnie's ranch last year.
Haley raised her camera, ready to capture the moment forever. As if sensing her intent, the little guy let out another adorable squeak before darting off toward the deeper part of the forest where the weird old guy with the tower lived. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if it was worth it to follow the squirrel, but her impulsive nature won out in the end.
With ragged breath and hair slightly disheveled, Haley finally caught up to the squirrel. And then, as if time had stopped, she stumbled upon a sight that took her breath away.
There you are, the farmer— Y/n, she reminded herself, with your back hunched over as you fed the little guy a handful of wild walnuts that you had foraged from the forest.
No longer did you look like the poised and polished woman in your dress shirt, tie, and slicked-back hair. Instead, you wore a well-worn jumper over a faded farmer's shirt, with your hair loosely tied up in a haphazard ponytail. 
You looked... different.
It was as if you belonged in this community far more than Haley ever could.
Maybe it's the clothes, or maybe it's the way the little squirrel was so comfortable in your presence.
Before she knew it, Haley's body moved on its own, and she instinctively raised her camera to capture the moment. It was a picture-perfect moment that spoke to her soul, one that was raw, genuine, and brimming with vulnerability.
For years she hadn't seen something as picturesque and just raw and so vulnerable as this.
Suddenly, you whirled on your spot with wide eyes.
Wide, so gray, very surprised gray eyes, and your just as dark eyebrows rose so high it disappeared behind a thin curtain of bangs. The little squirrel darted behind a bush in fright, startled by the sudden flash of Haley's camera.
It felt like ages before Haley's fried brain decided that maybe it was time to finally move and stop making a fool out of herself for the second time around. You are just as frozen, your hands still holding three walnuts suspended in midair.
"Uhm," you started, voice soft and hesitant. Finally standing from your place, Haley could just stare at how tall you are in this proximity. You let out a small smile. "You're the girl with the camera yesterday, right?"
Haley could only nod. The words dying on her tongue. Her brain is still short-circuiting in all ways possible. 
"Oh..." Haley breathes out, her heart racing as she takes in the sight before her. "You're that new farmer girl or whatever, aren't you?"
Just how the hell did the gray get so green though? She wonders as your eyes bore into her with piqued curiosity. Was it the lighting and the green scenery that did it?
Good Yoba.
Is it possible for someone to be blessed with a nose this fine, so shapely up close? And don't even get her started on how a farmer could have such luscious, shiny hair when Haley has to spend hours just to get that shine and bounce that she likes.
What kind of mouth is that even? It's so small yet so plump. It doesn't look chapped though. You don't seem to be a lip gloss type, so you must be using chapstick regularly. That's good.
And wait, were you talking?
"Huh?" she mutters to herself, catching herself from zoning out once again. "Oh... I'm Haley." She manages to respond in what little she had caught up from your ramblings. 
She only understands the word grandpa, Zuzu City, Y/n, and new. 
You smiled and that's all that it took for the accumulating embarrassment to flush on Haley. It was too bright, too happy, too much and Haley couldn't handle all that.
For the first time, she's at loss for words, flustered, and was that her being nervous? 
In a desperate attempt to regain control, Haley shook her head vigorously, hoping to shake off the ridiculous embarrassment that was consuming her.
And what does Haley do when things don't go her way?
She sabotages.
So, it wasn't a surprise when Haley's mouth opened and the next words that came out were ones she never intended to say. It was a defense mechanism, a way to push people away before they could hurt her.
"If it weren't for those horrendous clothes, you might actually be pretty," she blurted out, regretting it as soon as the words left her lips.
Your smile evaporated in a split second and Haley almost missed it immediately.
"Excuse me?" You looked offended, and Haley could easily admit that she didn't like your eyes when they were darkened like this. 
"Actually, never mind." She replied, steady and fast. Hoping the farmer didn't really hear her stupid comment. 
Just what the hell is wrong with me anyway?
You pursed your lips and went silent for a second or two as you turned and rummaged on your rucksack which Haley hadn't noticed before. "Here," you held out a freshly picked daffodil, and Haley almost swooned. Almost.
Her lips parted in a soft gasp. "For me?"
"Hmm. It kinda looks like you." 
Haley's lips curved into a small smile. "Thank you."
You hummed in acknowledgment, but you didn't return the smile. Had Haley gone too far with that comment earlier?
Haley rarely feels guilty. She always tells herself that she doesn't have anything to apologize for. Her parents didn't, so why should she?
But right now, that dreadful feeling came resurfacing. It's suffocating. 
The silence is suffocating.
"It's my grandpa's." After what seemed like forever, you turned to her with a small, almost nostalgic smile. You must have noticed Haley's questioning look. "These clothes are his," you clarified. "I moved here with nothing but myself after I decided spontaneously that I can't live a life as I had in Zuzu's." You gave out a low chuckle.
That's why you looked like that yesterday. It makes sense now. The guilt now creeps on her like a palpable living force. Emily's words came echoing at the back of her mind.
Being mean can cost you more than you think.
The apology is at the tip of her tongue yet a small part of her, the mean one, kept telling her it was just a harmless comment and that she meant nothing of it. How could she know it was your grandpa's? Or that you suffered back in your old city and you're finding a fresh start here?
Because you didn't even give her a chance to know her before you judged her. This Emily conscience of hers is really starting to scare her. But she's right, she did judge you immediately. 
"Sorry, I didn't mean to be so grim." There's that smile again. "Uhm, sorry to cut this short but" you stared at your watch. "I still have to tidy the farm up; you know it's not exactly the cleanest place right now. I just took a break to feed the little guy. I'll catch you later, Haley."
Haley didn't even have the chance to say goodbye.
Or even apologize.
She sighed as she watched you retreat back to your farm.
"How do you say sorry?" Haley asked hesitantly, her voice barely above a whisper. She never saw Emily abandon her sewing machine that fast. In record time, she sat beside Haley who chews her bottom lip, clearly troubled. She barely even touched her fruit salad and that's something.
"What did you do?" was her only question yet Haley found herself telling her sister everything. 
Yep, today isn't a good day, too.
A/n: had to delete the other one due to some minor changes again.
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fruitcoops · 11 months
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Fic O'Ween Day 12: Goosebumps, with part five of the firefighter/ EMT AU! Coops, Leo, and Layla belong to @lumosinlove, fest header belong to @noots-fic-fests!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
TW extremely brief mention of bodily fluids (one sentence at the beginning)
Five hours and forty-four minutes. He had been bled on, puked on, grabbed, yelled at, and nearly toppled. His only spare pair of pants was now bound up in a plastic bag. Miracle of miracles, Sirius’ shirt was the only thing that hadn’t been damaged in the miserable afternoon. It made a great undershirt. It would also need to be washed at least four times before he could even dream of returning it.
Layla stared at a spot above his shoulder in the opposite jumpseat. One side of her eyeliner had been completely smudged away; the other, smeared sideways to her temple in a smoky trail.
“Nice job today.”
“That was a lot.” Layla nodded mutely. His heart pulled for her, a little bit. Even if their cases had been run-of-the-mill, nearly six hours of back-to-back calls would wear anyone down. He nudged the tip of her shoe with his own. “You’re learning fast. I saw some good work out there.”
“I’m…” She blinked slowly, then shook her head. “Wow, I think I fell asleep sitting up for a minute.”
“It happens.” In time, she’d learn to sleep wherever she could catch it. “When does your shift end?”
“Almost done, then.”
The ambulance went over a bump, rattling the near-empty shelves and bashing Remus’ tailbone against the back ledge. “Sorry!” Leo called through the small window to the cab.
He had mostly given up hope that he’d see Sirius in the next twelve hours. His shift wasn’t over until midnight, and Sirius’ started at six the next morning. If he made time between his dentist appointment and calling his parents, he might be able to stop by in the afternoon, but it would be a stretch if he wanted to get any laundry done. And, Christ, that was a chore he couldn’t delay for another week. He liked those pants. More importantly, he now knew just how much Sirius liked them.
Something stirred in his belly at the thought. Warm hands cupping his ass and sliding over his flanks with astonishing care. Sirius had felt him up enough that he could probably make a Model Magic version of Remus’ body on touch alone—and wasn’t that a thing to picture. Somewhere between rounds two and three, Remus remembered kissing the backs of Sirius’ thighs. Pale skin and dark hair above the bare, sensitive bend of his knees. They slotted so well in his palms. Sirius had looked like glory itself when he peeked over his shoulder to look.
“What’re you thinking about?”
Remus jumped. “What? Nothing. Sorry, nothing, why?”
“You’re all frowny.”
Thank god for that. “Just…the day.”
A vague and reliable excuse. Layla snorted. “Tell me about it.”
There will never be a day when I tell you about this. Remus hoped his laugh didn’t come out too strained. “Seriously.”
They took the next turn a little wider, sending their final two ointment boxes sliding out of place. He fixed them blindly while the city center rolled past through the back windows. Did Sirius still have scratch marks on his upper thighs?
Another bump knocked the thought from his head. “We’re home,” Leo singsonged from the driver’s seat. “If anyone needs me, I’ll be in the showers, wondering why I chose this life path.”
“Mood,” Layla mumbled.
“I’m also Grubhubbing a sundae, and you can’t stop me.”
One of the last functioning neurons in Remus’ head lit up. “Get me one.”
“Get your own.”
“I’m your boss.”
“You make more money than me.”
“Yes, let me flaunt my extra fifty cents an hour,” he countered dryly. “Every night, I rub my quarters together, just to flex on you. That beautiful sound of a handful of nickels.”
“…I’ll see what they have.”
“Good rookie.”
He didn’t wait for the ambulance to stop before opening the doors. The familiar ka-chunk of the lock coming free was music to his ears—a sweet, sweet anthem of freedom, the promise of a lukewarm cup of coffee and a maybe-stale donut from the break room.
And Sirius.
Sirius, sitting on one of his packed and labeled inventory bins.
Remus stared.
“Go ahead,” he said absently. “I’ll catch up.”
Layla hopped out with a groan. Six hours was a long time to be up and down. Remus was sure his feet would ache the same when he stood. If he stood. Sirius’ hair stuck up at the back, like he’d been running his hands through it.
Remus loved when he did that.
He just. He really did like him, quite a lot.
Keep me.
What had he been thinking? Six hours was a long time to wait. He had told Sirius he’d be right back. It was his day off; why hadn’t he left after it was clear Remus wouldn’t return?
He supposed he could ask the same question about that morning. God, could it really only have been a few hours since he felt Sirius’ bare chest against his own? They had practically been spooning with how tight they were tangled in each other when he woke. Remus hardly remembered falling asleep, only aware of the pleasant ache in his muscles and the humming pleasure in his belly. Pure satisfaction. Pure comfort, at having Sirius hold him like more than a friend.
He watched Leo wander off. Sirius didn’t seem to have noticed. He didn’t so much as flinch when Remus stumbled off the rig and beelined for him, not until Remus stopped in front of him, unsure what to say. I want you I like you I’m sorry please kiss me again, I still get goosebumps thinking about the way your mouth tastes with adrenaline.
Sirius blinked up at him, full lips and glossy lashes. His bone structure was fucking criminal. “You’re back,” he said, so soft and sweet and genuinely happy that Remus’ stomach flopped over itself. Sirius stood, tucking his phone into his pocket without a second glance at it. He was just—big. And tall. And gorgeous. Remus now knew precisely how solid his chest was, and how nice it was to kiss. “Did you have a good day?”
Remus stepped forward and planted his face directly into that chest.
“Oh,” Sirius laughed. It vibrated against his forehead; he closed his eyes. Arms came up around him, hands settling at his nape and the small of his back. He knew he smelled awful. Sirius didn’t seem to care as a tentative kiss nestled on the top of his head and melted Remus’ insides out his throbbing feet.
He sighed. Sirius smelled all warm and spicy. Detergent, cologne, or simply the way he was? Remus couldn’t wait to find out. “This is nice.”
“Yeah.” The delight was back. Sirius pushed the breath from his lungs on a squeeze. “Yeah, it is. I like this.”
“I’m gonna kiss you,” Remus mumbled. “Gonna kiss you so good. Just…two seconds.”
“You can kiss me whenever you want.”
“Two seconds.” It was so dark in his new haven. Sirius’ lungs moved calmly, steadily. His heart rate was a little fast, but nothing to worry about. Remus let his ears go foggy and pressed closer, nuzzling into the space between his collarbones.
Sirius kissed the top of his head again, less hesitant this time, before resting his chin there. “Long day?” he asked after several seconds. Remus hummed. “Sounded like you guys didn’t get much of a break.”
“Mhmm.” He turned his head to the side and rubbed his cheek over Sirius’ sternum. He couldn’t count the number of times they had sat together on the couch or at the table or in the window seat, legs intertwined while they worked through their days. Separate snacks at first, then a single bowl to share once they knew each other’s favorites. It had been nice, to have someone there. Someone to talk to, someone to listen, someone who understood.
But this…this was so much better.
Sirius’ thumb stroked a short path along his spine. It zinged all the way into the base of Remus’ skull. “I sweated through your shirt,” he muttered, pushing his head further beneath Sirius’ chin. “After I stole it from you by accident. Sorry. I’ll wash it.”
He felt Sirius’ smile on his temple. “Keep it. Looks better on you.”
“Think I left mine at your place.”
“Guess you’ll just have to come back and get it,” Sirius whispered playfully. Remus couldn’t help a grin, raising his head despite the pounding drowsiness behind his eye—he had barely opened his mouth to retort when there were lips brushing his own, a wordless request. He granted it easily.
This was different than the rushed promise on the ambulance. Different than last night’s smoky, need-fueled passion. He let Sirius lead, tender and questioning, then pushed into it a little more. Have it, he tried to say. Take it all, it’s been yours for a while. The words may not work, but he was willing to bet Sirius would understand anyway. His lower lip was chapped on one side when Remus ran his tongue along the seam, giddy and dizzy with the kiss-buzz of chasteness.
That was good. It was all good, if Sirius would keep making noises like that. He brought his hands up to rest on narrow hips (marked with a tiny scar just above his thigh, which Remus was so fucking glad he knew now) and gave a little more, pushed a little harder. Sirius’ hand cupped his jaw and the right side of Remus’ brain powered down.
“Hm—wait, wait.”
His attempt to lick forward into Sirius’ mouth was stymied by sudden distance between them. Not far—he could still pick out each fleck of quicksilver in Sirius’ unfocused eyes—but far enough to be frustrating for the part of him that was enjoying turning his thoughts off. Remus went up on his toes for more, but Sirius pulled away. “What?” he whispered, though they were alone. “Did you—are you mad at me?”
“No,” Sirius said hurriedly. His hands soothed down Remus’ sides in a long drag that sent tingles through each cell. “God, no, I’m trying to—” His cheeks went a touch pink as he glanced around them and coughed lightly. “Uh, I’m trying to calm down.”
“Oh. Oh.”
Remus hadn’t even thought about that. He was pretty sure he was too tired for his body to consider arousal, aside from the inevitable spike of desire for a soft place to land for two to eight hours. Sirius’ mouth was so nice, his body so warm, that it was all too tempting to get lost in it.
Sirius’ tongue darted out to wet his lower lip. Well. Remus supposed he might be able to feel something other than pure exhaustion, if he tried. “What time do you get off?”
“Whenever you want me to,” Remus answered immediately, then felt himself redden at the arch of Sirius’ brows. “Fuck—sorry. Midnight. My shift’s done at midnight.”
The fingertips on his back had become an extraordinary distraction. Sirius looked almost shy, so at odds with the animated boy he knew against this backdrop that Remus wanted to memorize every inch of it. “Can I…” Sirius began, then trailed off as his blush darkened. His thumbs hooked around Remus’ hipbones and paused there, lingering on bare skin. “Can I maybe take you to dinner? Or a diner?”
“At midnight?”
“I know a couple places.”
Remus frowned. “You have work tomorrow.”
Sirius gave a sheepish half-shrug. “We could nap together. Today, I mean. If you want.”
“I smell horrible.”
“You smell fine.”
“I’m soaked in dry sweat.”
“I don’t mind.”
“I—” That was it for excuses. That was all he had. Every defense against Sirius was dust in the wind. He smiled, and stood on his toes again to kiss one scruffy cheek. “Yeah, sounds good. Let me wash my face and grab some water. I’ll meet you in the bunks.”
Sirius’ eyes crinkled, and Remus fell for him all over again. “I’ll be waiting.”
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idolish7imagines · 3 months
hii um can i rq yamato or mitsuki having their first kiss w the reader in a (different unit/band?) concert. uhhh character paid for his ticket but reader got in bcz theyre a photographer n stuff…. ty…
Izumi Mitsuki x Reader :: Capturing a Kiss through a Lens
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Typically Mitsuki would like to spend his day off cooking, relaxing, or having a casual night out drinking, but tonight was a different story.
Tonight he'd agreed to go with MEZZO'' boys to see an indie band that both Sogo and Momo had previously reccommended, and since he didn't feel like being a couch potato or practicing some dances at the dorm, he figured it'd be a good night to go since the tickets weren't pricey.
He just wanted to see what the hype about...and also you saying you'd be attending might've been a factor.
"Mikki is only here because (Y/N)-chan is going!" is a complaint Tamaki had been toting with them from the moment they got in the car to the start of the concert.
There was a nice crowd, but nothing that'd get the venue feeling stuffy, so that was nice. The boys would obviously have to be wearing disguises as to not get spotted and more importantly, not take attention away from the actual performers.
His attention is quickly turning to Tamaki suddenly chiming up and excitedly waving his hand in the air, your name being yelled loud enough to ring through the admiteddly small venue.
Sogo quickly raises up a hand toward his mouth to silence him (which was hard enough considering they were all wearing masks) as to not direct any unwanted gazes your way, you were already a photographer so thats noticible enough on its own.
Mitsuki meanwhile, feels his body become a bit warmer as you make your way over to the group, a casual yet knowing smile gracing your features. He can't even hide his smile, feeling as if anyone looked his way they'd practically see it even through his mask.
You exchange your greetings to everyone and explain why you were there, to which they all listen despite the noise all around them that could easily drown the conversation out.
"Well, sorry to bother you while you're on the clock." Mitsuki says, but by the tone you can tell there's a little tease in it.
"Don't worry about me, I can enjoy the concert and look for good angles and the same time." You reply a bit smugly.
"I guess that's a formidable photographer for ya." He reaches back to rub his neck. You didn't miss that he bothered to compliment you. "I assume you'll be moving around a bit then though, instead of standing by us." A small laugh escapes you, one that has his heart beating a bit faster upon hearing.
"I'll be back around, don't worry." .::.
The speakers were nearly at max volume, filling the venue (and outside of it) with the melodic sounds of the indie band. Penlights weren't really a thing in this scene, but people did raise their hands, something Tamaki quickly caught onto and joined. Sogo was a bit more reserved as always, but the sparkle in his eye when hearing music he enjoys wasn't missed.
Mitsuki himself had joined in on the hype, the energy of the room was infectious, as it should be at a concert.
So much so in fact, he nearly forgot that you were moving around the venue taking pictures. Your camera's flash wasn't on, making it much more discreet and less disruptive to the audience.
You nearly scare him as you quietly slipped by his side again, only seeing you at the corner of his bright orange irises.
Which, unbeknownst to him, you'd been looking into before he even fully turned to you.
Even in the ever-changing hues of the room with the mood lights above, you'd never mistake the color of those eyes and hair.
Wrapped up in your trancelike line of thought, you hadn't even realized he'd pulled his mask down, apparently asking you something judging by his expression. He'd likely thought you hadn't heard him the first time since he felt the need to take the mask off.
Feeling bad you hadn't heard him, you lean in closer so he could repeat himself.
His cheeks seemed a bit flushed and his brow furrows slightly, but he doesn't back away.
"Are...you enjoying the concert?" You could hear him more, but could telll he was going out of his way to not yell in your face despite the music and audience noise since you were already in close proximity.
"Oh...yeah.." You say. Directly after the words left you, you were worried your voice was a bit too low for him to hear.
Though, seeing his adorable smile return to his face, you quickly could tell otherwise.
"I'm glad." He says. Your faces still being inches away from each other..perhaps even closer than you'd started.
"...Mitsuki?" His name comes out a bit more vulnerable sounding than you'd intended.
Maybe it was the music that had the both of your adrenaline pumping more than usual, and with that, usually came more risk taking.
And yes, maybe it would've been better to get proper clarification, but the looks you and he were giving each other, and the fact neither of you bothered to distance yourselves..
Soon, you find the sweet sensation of Mitsuki's lips on yours, sending electricity through your bodies. His fingers soon found a place upon your cheek, resting there gently.
Thankfully his fellow group members were too immersed in the spectacle in front of them to notice. This would be awkward to explain on the way back to the dorm.
As your lips part, your eyes flutter open to meet his once more.
He certainly won't be leaving with Tamaki and Sogo tonight, thats for sure.
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itsbubbleteataro · 5 months
Like We're Gonna Die Young
Warnings; drugs and alcohol, getting clean, relapsing SLOW BURN - not edited
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It seemed like it was Alastor's lucky day, having had tea with Rosie, gossiping about the happenings in Cannibal town as well as speaking about the dammed hotel. Taking his time, strolling through the streets, his mind lost in throught about the woman he saw in the video on that blasted modern contraption Angel Dust owned.
Who was she and why did she have such information on Vox?
More importantly, why wasn't it the information itself just sticking, why was her facial expressions staying in his mind? The way she was so confident when she confronted Vox, the ways her lips moved as he presumed she song.
He shook his head. It was awful. He just needed to get his information then she would be rid of his thoughts. Surely it would work out that way.
It had to be nothing more than a fad he resigned himself to.
Strolling through the town, making his way to the ends of Canabal town he spotted your form, speaking with none other than Cassie.
Strolling over to greet, with a flourish of his hand and a slight bow, he introduced himself, even if he was offput with how closely you resembled a dog,
His voice was stiffer and harsher than he intended for a greeting, but it would have to do.
"My name is Alastor, the radio demon. I couldn't help but notice you are from a small picture show. I saw the way you had Vox wrapped around claw, I positively had to know how"
You looked nervous. Rubbing your arm, gently scratching at your skin. Again you were trying again to go clean and sober. You were starting to feel withdrawals.
"O-oh! That. Cassie gave me the information. I'm just the messenger. I'm (y/n) by the way"
You continued to scratch your arm as Alastor crooked his head to the side, the sounds of bone crunching and crackling as he did .
"Just the messenger?"
He asked, clarifying one more time, to which you nodded. He then let out some sort of hum, sounding like a bee stuck in a jar. It hurt your ears to say the least.
He turns on his heel back facing you, his red coat fluttering softly as he does,
"Terribly sorry. Thank you for your time"
And with that, he left.
You scratched your arm, a little harder. It was really starting to bother you now. Just a small hit, a little one, it would make it stop. No, you reminded yourself. Your clean.
You turned back to the sidewalk, muttering and mumbling to yourself as you walked.
Failing to pay attention to where you were walking, you bumped into a certain spider demon.
After apologizing to each other Angel Dust realizes something is off. The scratching of your arm, how you look tired, been through hell one could say.
"You alright toots? Are ya?"
He tilts his head to the side. You nod. He sticks out one of his many hands,
"Angel Dust. I know a place that can help. That is if you want any"
"(Y/n). That would be nice"
Without any further explanation, he leads you towards the hotel after stopping by your place for a few bags of your belongings, then getting whisked away to the hotel, the entire time you and Angel Dust speaking. Mostly about getting clean, a shared goal the two of you have, and thus becoming fast friends.
Hand in hand Angel Dust took you to the Hazbin Hotel, where he swiftly introduced you to Charlie. Charlie Morning star was bouncing off the walls after Angel Dust introduced you to her. She was happy that another sinner had decided to check in.
You then crossed path with Alastor, finding out that he was the manager of the hotel. He again bowed to you, ever the gentleman, helping you with what belongings you had and helped you get settled into your room, telling you to inform him if you needed anything, then taking his leave to let you settle in.
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ser-corviknight · 1 day
Day 24 - Bar
Opening the door, Ralitza stepped in from the cold, shaking off the snow that was trying to cling to her clothes fur. She hadn’t been in this damn city for more than a few hours, and already it was starting to get on her nerves.
‘How in the hells had those two managed for so long?’ She thought incredulously, because between the looks she had gotten for not being hyuran nor elezen, and the damn weather—
She was already done with the city, and were it not for that earnest plea written to her, she’d likely already be turning around to head back, potential profits and travel time lost be damned. But that letter…
She didn’t know X’vett that well. Of him? Of the troubles he could inadvertently get into, and various things about him and odd little off hand comments from over the years? Oh yes, she knew those well enough. Well enough at least to know that he wouldn’t’ve sent that letter without a reason, and if what even half of what he had written was true…
She shook her head, trying to chase that line of thought away, no use in worrying about things that may not be true. (Even though in the back of her mind she can picture earned green eyes and a voice that she knows can’t lie for shit.)
No use dwelling. Besides, while her friend may not be as naively optimistic as his cousin, he was damn steady and they hadn’t seen each other since he came to these shores. They could use a reunion over some drinks, and it’s been a while since they’d caused some trouble.
‘Good thing that when I had asked around I was directed here,’ Ralitza thought as she descended the stairs, ‘Doubt there’s any other au ra in this place besides him, let alone another xaela.’ They’re not exactly known for leaving the steppe afterall, let alone Othard, and considering she had asked several people and was directed here as soon as she’d mentioned the horns and scales— they wouldn’t even let her finish her description before either muttering something about “heretics” or directing her here to The Forgotten Knight.
‘It’s nice in here,’ she decided, ‘Good ambiance.’ It was warmly lit, and there was music from a bard in the corner, as well as the sights and sounds of good spirited patrons. But most importantly, it was warm.
Weaving through the tables and patrons Ralitza approached the bar, whoever’s on staff would be able to both be able to point her in the right direction for where exactly within the establishment her friend would be, as well as a potential alternative to where to spend her nights. X’vett had written that he and his cousin’s host had more room for her to stay there and had offered it to her, it never hurt to assume nor to have other options.
A warm stiff drink also never harmed.
Which is why only after receiving one and downing half of it did she start her inquiries anew, starting with where exactly her friend could be, “I’m looking for a friend of mine, bit taller than me, has scales and horns shaped like—“ Ralitza gestured with one hand in the vague shape of them and was pleasantly surprised that as soon as she did so she was pointed off towards a corner by some stairs that were leading further down.
After thanking the bartender, she picked up her drink and made her way through toward where she had been pointed. Only to slow and pause in confusion when the man she was pointed towards was not who she had been looking for.
She couldn’t quite stop the baffled “Who the fuck are you?” from slipping out, and was only a little annoyed with herself when it turned out that she had said it just loud enough for the other to hear it. 
This stranger turned his head to glare at her, face set in a scowl, “Find another table. This one is taken.”
Ralitza didn’t back down from the unspoken challenge in his gaze, “And yet I was told I would find the person I was looking for here and you’re not him.” She took a step forward, brow lowering offering a challenge of her own.
“So why not you and I solve this, hmm?” She hummed, barring her teeth slightly as he started to stand. It had been a while since she had a nice brawl.
‘And it looked like he wasn’t a stranger to one either,’ she thought as she gave him a once over, taking in his stance and already half mourning the rest of her drink, ‘Ah well. Even if it means I’m back out in the cold, I’ll at least have some answers and be one step closer to finding the idiots.’
And then all at once the building tension was broken when a voice called out over the murmur of the other patrons, “Ralitza!”
She broke eye contact, and half turned toward the top of the stairs where the voice had come from — though she didn’t drop the challenge from her stance, not yet — and saw the enthusiastic waving of the miqo’te with the taller form of her friend trailing behind. Ralitza only half registered that her would be opponent did the same, in apparent recognition of the voice.
Still with a certain uneasy tenseness to it, they waited as the other pair made their way over, neither one moving beyond an occasional side eye, each wanting to make sure they weren’t about to get caught unawares. 
Stopping in front of them, X’vett beamed up at her, either not noticing or outright ignoring the near miss of a fight he had inadvertently interrupted, “I’m so glad you managed to make it! I wasn’t sure you’d even get my letter and manage to get into the city, let alone so quickly!”
He then turned to the scowling man, “And Sid! I did say I would bring my cousin to meet you though,” he added with a pause, looking between the two xaela who were exchanging wary glances of their own, “Looks like you might’ve beaten me to that.”
Ralitza stepped forward toward them, noticing the still tense undercurrent, “And miss an opportunity to see my favorite pair of troublemakers? Never!” Taking a moment, she took in the form of her friend, and if anything, it looked like the letter she had gotten was putting things lightly.
She looked at her friend directly in the eye, “You look like shit Tsolmon. The hell’s happening? Last I heard form your uncle you were down south still.” Ralitza had an idea of course, but if she was going to help — and she would damn it — she needed to know from him.
Without waiting for a response from him Ralitza looked down toward X’vett, “As you know Edgy over there,” she gestured with her head toward this “Sid”, “you can keep eachother company while your cousin and I have a chat.”
With this, she grabbed Tsol by his arm and while not dragging him, as he did go willingly, pulled him toward the outside so they could have a chat.
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larcenywrites · 2 years
headcanons for young tony realizing he's in love with you
Actually I feel like this deserves a little more than hcs ♥️ sorry if you prefer it that way! I got a little carried away actually lol, I suppose I could always redo it 😅👉👈
Falling In Love
Why have you stuck around? It was a question he often found himself wondering lately. No one else seemed to stick around. No matter how loud he made them moan or how many fancy clothes he dressed them up in. They didn't want to hear the rich kid with everything set up for him complain about it. They didn't want his softer side after acting so domineering and aloof for so long. They didn't want to try and work with that snarky temper of his that was hot at first.
But you didn't seem to mind. A nice turn of events, but odd. Was something wrong with you? You knew he was an asshole right? One with petty problems and no real skills in romance under that cool façade. You must know, because he'd snapped at you more than a time or two, and for the first time he felt guilt settle behind his sternum when he did. He realized he missed seeing your bright eyes turning to call his name when, after his bite, they were tearfully turning away with a frown. For the first time, he knew he had to fix it, and the relief he felt when you hugged him back left him breathless and weak. It was how he felt when he looked into your eyes after you chased after him after a fight with his father; and listened so attentively while he ranted about it. And again. And again. And then some more about the fancy degree at a fancy college that was all well-paid for, and all lined up to take over that well-paying family business. He was understood, heard. Safe.
Safe? That didn't make much sense, but he didn't know what other word to use when he was so relieved to have you laughing on his pillow and silently playing with his fingers when you curled up next to him. Always there no matter what he seemed to say or do. He didn't have to be scared to say or do anything. More importantly, he didn't feel quite as... well, safe when you weren't around. He was so closed off again. Naturally reverting back to that hard exterior and numbing every other emotion. Something about it was scary. He didn't want to feel like that anymore. Not now after you brought so much color with you and let him have it, too. Because what happens when you don't come back?
Why did he care? Why did he care about you? Why was he thinking so much? More questions. He always moved on sooner than they could, anyway. With no harm done- to him, at least. But what if you moved on? For once, the thought bothers him. There's an odd burn in the center of his chest when he thinks about it. It doesn't feel good. He has to stop himself from breaking his own heart.
Heartbreak. Is that what it is- ahem, would be? Something he's been accused of plenty of times. They're right about it; it doesn't feel good. He's gotten away with offloading it onto the other party when he realizes they're starting to get the real picture, but the thought of doing it to you somehow hurts worse. Because you got the real picture a long time ago. And still, you remain by his side. It's scary, the thought of being left. Somehow he's pretty sure that by now, you aren't leaving. You aren't. He can finally let his walls down. And while that should sound scary, he's excited; so prepared to love someone back that actually loves him.
Love. So that's why he cared about it so much. That was why the thought hurt so much. It's why the burn in his chest makes him want to hide in the safety of your arms and never come out. It's what that innocent look in your eyes was when you traced your finger down his nose and gave him a silly smile. It's what he felt when you tucked yourself into the space below his chin and left his cheeks blushing with a goodnight kiss before leaving him standing alone on your front porch. It's why he wanted to wrap his arms so tightly around you and whimper into your neck while he fucked you as hard as he could- because that was the only way he knew how to express his emotions and this emotion was far too complex for him to know how to handle yet.
It was eerily similar to the burn he felt- heartbreak, he decided it was- but this was more like a nice warmth that radiated from the center of his chest while the other was more of a condensing ball of fire. He'd always been jealous even of a pretty one-night stand getting hit on, but that angry flame was never present like it was even when you were just talking to someone. Maybe it was connected- maybe he is afraid you'll leave. You make him feel extra better when you're back at home, curled on top of him with your hands around his neck and nose in his hair. It's time like this when he realizes his dependency on you that he thinks: surely you've never loved anyone else this much. He can't bear the thought. Maybe you have, but he deserves it more. He has to make sure you know that, but he also needs to give you a reason to keep loving him right? Surely just him being him isn't enough. It never was before. But frilly dates and expensive gifts suddenly feel... cramped? More disingenuous, maybe? No, those aren't the right reasons, are they? Not when you have more fun pulling him along through the park and don't seem to mind bandaging him up for the second time this week. You deserve something better, but he realizes that the only reason you need is him. He feels bad again for doubting the purity of your love.
Pride? Is that a normal feeling he should get when you excitedly run to hug him after he'd been gone for a week or two, or when you came to him with your problems instead of it being the other way around for once? No, it's not the kind of smug pride when he got to show off his current toy and make everyone else jealous, and know that, for a week or so, he could easily get as much fun as he wanted from them with no strings attached. No, not that kind of pride. You want to see him as much as he wants to see you. You're holding him to your chest while patiently letting him vent. You're coming to him to find comfort in his arms when you've had a bad day. It means that, for once, he's done something right, and he's actually made someone feel happy. Someone depends on him now for something and he's figured out how to give it to them! Enough for you to want to stick around, at least.
He'd never felt so many emotions at once, and there you were, looking over at him with at least three different ones. And with just a look, you made him feel all of them too. For once, he smiled.
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landofzero-archive · 1 year
Nagisa Ran - A Nice Day to Have Every Once in a While Chapter 1
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Writer: Yuumasu
Season: Winter
(Location: Arcade game center)
Nagisa: …… This is the game center?
Jun: That’s right~. Isn’t it lively?
Nagisa: …… On stage, I’m often exposed to loud noises and bright lights but…
…… This feels different. It’s like I’m drowning in waves of electronics.
Jun: Hmm. Are you getting overwhelmed? Do you need to take a breather?
Nagisa: …… No. I was just overwhelmed by experiencing such an environment for the first time.
…… I’ve gotten used to it, so I’m fine now.
Jun: If you say so. If you start feeling bad, don’t hesitate to tell me okay~? If something happened to you I’d get put six feet under.
Nagisa: …… Of course. It would be sad if Jun died. I’d be sad… as would Hiyori-kun and Ibara.
Jun: Haha, what about those two~? Well, I’ll be stubborn and keep living. There’s still a lot I wanna do.
…… Hm? Could that be Anzu-san?
Nagisa: …… Makoto-kun’s here as well. …… Ah, they noticed us.
…… Anzu-san, Makoto-kun. Good afternoon.
Makoto: Good afternoon~. You’re with Nagisa-san today aren’t you, Sazanami-kun?
Jun: Yep. That one next to you… Heeh, it’s just you and Anzu-san, huh?
So I guess that means you two are on a date this time♪
Makoto: Huh?! A date?!
Nagisa: …… Jun, what do you mean “this time?”
Jun: I’ve happened to witness Anzu-san and Yuuki-san walking with each other a few times—
At some point I overheard Trickstar say they’d take turns walking Anzu-san home.
But this location? And it’s just the two of you? …… You see what I mean?
Nagisa: …… I understand what you’re saying.
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Makoto: I-It’s nothing like that! Nagisa-san, please don’t look so convinced with a smile like that!
We were on set together today and decided to hang out and have some fun afterwards~
Jun: Ahaha, I’m kidding♪ Thank you for your hard work.
Nagisa: …… Anzu-san, is something wrong? Is there a game you want to play with the four of us?
Makoto: Ahh. The dance game back there in the corner seems to be two v two.
I talked a bit about playing it with everyone the next time we all went to the arcade. If it’s okay with you guys, why don’t we play it together?
Jun: Sounds good~, I’m in! What about you, Nagi-senpai?
Nagisa: …… A dance game? I’d like to try.
…… I’d also like to team up with Anzu-san.
Makoto: With Anzu-chan?
Nagisa: …… Yes, if that’s alright with Makoto-kun. Jun and I already dance together frequently.
Jun: Even if we danced together, it wouldn’t be anything new. What do you think, Anzu-san?
Nagisa: …… You’re nervous that since I’m your partner you’d only drag me down?
…… It’s fine if you do. That’s why I’ll be there to support you. Isn’t that what cooperation is about?
Jun: Wow, you always say the coolest lines.
Let’s work together and do our best, Yuuki-san.
Makoto: Yep! Let’s do our best, Sazanami-kun!
(1 hour later)
Nagisa: …… This is the first time I’ve played something like this, but it’s very fun.
…… Most importantly, Anzu-san seemed like she was enjoying herself despite being nervous at first.
Makoto: Haah, I’m tired… Nagisa-san is so impressive, you didn’t even break a sweat.
Jun: For that guy, this kind of exercise is like a warm-up for his shoulders.
It sucks to end with a loss so why don’t we find another game and wrap things up on a high note?
Makoto: I agree. But what to do next…
…… Speaking of, Eden did a collab with a fighting game didn’t they? Why don’t we play that?
Jun: Ah! I completely forgot, that game was the reason we came here in the first place.
I was so busy that I procrastinated on checking it out and time passed so quickly… Then when I told Nagi-senpai that we should check it out soon—
He said he’d never played at an arcade here before, so I took him here.
Nagi-senpai, what do you wanna do? Are fighting games alright?
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Nagisa: …… I’d rather not. I want to look around the arcade some more.
…… Anzu-san, can you accompany me? It’s a large store so I’d probably get lost easily without help. Hm?
…… In the meantime, you want to take a picture of me looking around the arcade for the Feature Live?
…… Alright. Do as you please.
(10 minutes later)
Nagisa: …… This floor is full of glass cases with stuffed animals trapped inside.
…… Anzu-san, are these “crane games?”
…… I knew it. In the past Hiyori-kun had given me a stuffed animal before saying “I got it from a crane game.”
…… I see. This is…
…… I also want to get Hiyori-kun a present, but I don’t know how to play this. Do you know how to, Anzu-san?
…… Could you play as an example? Thank you– I’ll observe it as a point of reference.
…… Hm. So the arm moves once horizontally and once vertically, and you can use this button to decide the position.
……? The position was correct, so why didn’t it lift up a stuffed animal?
…… Hmm. So there are tricks depending on the prize, just aiming straight above won’t guarantee you’ll grab the prize.
…… I understand the gist of it, so let me try now.
…… I was able to grab the stuffed animal, but it fell along the way. The claw couldn’t bear the weight…
…… It’s more complex than I initially thought. How interesting.
(A while later)
Nagisa: …… I got two stuffed animals with chains at once. I didn’t know that could happen.
…… Alright. I’ve played all the crane games around here, let’s see what other prizes there are…
…… Huh? Ibara?
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cinematicsoph · 10 months
case 143 [chapter 4]
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Case 143 - Chapter Four [PERSONAL TOUR GUIDE]
Rating: PG
Warning: brief mention of anxiety
Picture/Word Count: 722 words and 4 pictures
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   Never in your life did you expect to be standing in front of the JYPE Building. Yet here you are. 
   After getting coffee with Jisung, you two headed to the building together. You were expecting to be extremely awkward around the boys at first, especially after spilling to them that you're a fan, but it hasn't been. Jisung has been nothing but kind to you; holding the doors open in both the car and cafe, paying for your drink the first time meeting you in person, and walking with you to the JYPE building. It feels straight out of a fanfic.
   Standing in front of the JYPE building feels like a dream, and you’re starting to regret that coffee because it is not mixing well with your already nervous stomach. You don’t even realize you stopped walking until Han turns to you.
   “Y/N? Are you okay? Hey,” Jisung walks over to you and snaps his fingers in front of your eyes. You flinch and look at him. He’s really close, why is he so close? His eyes are so pretty up close, they’re shining so bright it looks like stars. He’s so pretty, how have you never noticed how pretty he is? Fuck, you’ve been staring, you probably look like an idiot!
   “Sorry…I’m just really nervous. What if you guys hate me? Or I end up being terrible at my job?” You start to panic more and your breathing becomes uneven.
   “Hey, I think you’re starting to have a panic attack. Let’s just sit down for a second and breath, okay?” Jisung guides you to the nearest bench and helps you sit down. He kneels down in front of you and looks up at you. “Y/N, you wouldn’t have gotten the job if we hated you or thought you weren’t good at your job. You’re here because we thought you would fit in and make the team fun and you’re good at your job.” He’s speaking in a very calming tone, and you feel your breathing start to calm down.
   “Thank you, Jisung,” you say quietly. “I really appreciate it.”
   “Of course. Now let’s go introduce you to the chaos.”
   No amount of SKZ Code marathons could’ve prepared you for meeting the Stray Kids in person. They were just as, if not more, chaotic as they seem online.
   You’re going to fit right in.
   “Hey Y/N! It’s nice to see you again,” Bangchan walks over and hugs you. You’re surprised he remembers you. As the leader, he was the only member asked to participate in your interview, you had no idea you were that memorable. You hesitantly hug him back and right before you start to process that you’re getting an actual Chan hug, he pulls away. “Welcome to JYPE, again. I already showed you around a bit but I can show you more now that you’re an actual employee! And most importantly, I'll officially introduce you to the guys."
   The guys. Fuck. You were so focused on talking to Chan, you didn't even notice that Jisung had walked away. Chan starts leading you to the meeting room that you recognize from some of their livestreams. Jisung is talking to Minho so you feel a little less guilty about accidentally ignoring him.
   "Guys! It's time to meet Y/N!"
   After meeting the guys and laughing until you were convinced you had abs, you realized how right Jisung was. You were here because they thought you'd fit in, and they were right.
   "Okay! That concludes the tour and meeting the guys. Still want to be our stylist, Y/N?" Chan turns to look at you as you all finally stop laughing.
   "There's no doubt in my mind," you say with a huge smile on your face. You've never felt more sure of anything.
   "Perfect! You're welcome to stay or go whenever you'd like!"
   Jisung gets up from his chair across the table from you and makes his way over. "Usually I wait until I've known someone for longer than a week to say this but I told you so!" He lightly shoves your shoulder with a huge grin on his pretty face.
   "Yeah, yeah. I get it," you laugh and jokingly roll your eyes.
    "Hey, this may be stupid and you probably have stuff to do, but would you like to go explore with me?"
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a/n: hey guys, sorry this chapter took a while and was shorter than usual. it's almost finals week so i am STRUGGLING but we live !!!! i hope you enjoy and let me know if you want to join the taglist :)
© quimby_sophi, all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or repost
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the-himawari · 2 years
A3! Sumeragi Tenma - Translation [SR] Festival of Blooming (2/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Tenma: It’s perfect, as expected.
Yuki: I made it properly, after all.
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Tenma: In any case, it feels kind of weird that I’m wearing the same clothes as you.
Yuki: It looks awkward even from my point of view. But it’s fine once in a while, right? It’s not that it looks totally off.
Tenma: That’s fine then… Ah, hold on. Let me borrow some of your sewing tools and fabric before I start my skit.
Yuki: Oh, sure. Let’s see. I’ll lend you these. Here you go.
Tenma: Thanks… Alright, I’m ready. Here goes nothing. “…I’m done trimming, so next I’ll match the fabrics… Ah, should I call Taichi before that? He should be home at this hour.”
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Yuki: (Mm, is this me when I’m making costumes…)
Tenma: “Done. Alright, I’ll start stitching with the sewing machine.”
Yuki: (I’m always making our costumes with such a serious look on my face, huh?)
Tenma: “Urgh, this sucks. The thread came loose from the machine…” “*Sigh*, guess I’ll do it over again.” “…Nice, it’s finished! It came out perfectly, just like how I imagined!”
Yuki: (Do I smile like that when I complete a costume?)
Tenma: …What do you think? I did a bang-up job, didn’t I?
Yuki: …Your handwork was questionable though. Or rather, you didn’t have to act out the times I make mistakes too.
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Tenma: Well, it’s more realistic including that, isn’t it?
Yuki: *Sigh*. Being shown your failures is the worst. …But the skit itself wasn’t bad. I realized things about myself I wasn’t aware of…
Tenma: What’d you say?
Yuki: Nothing. Anyways, why did you decide to do a costume-making skit?
Tenma: Ah, that? I thought about a lot of different activities. But in the end, the reason is because you look the happiest when you’re making costumes. Besides, the one who sees you working on your costumes in our room the most is me, your roommate. If I was going to play you, my roommate, then I figured that was the only way to go.
Yuki: Hmm…
Tenma: Hey, I gave you a sincere answer and that’s all you’ve got!
Yuki: Well, that was the point of this exercise, wasn’t it? More importantly, we have to take your polaroid picture now.
Tenma: Geez, why are you bringing that up…
Yuki: Come on, hurry up. I’ll take a really nice shot for you.
Tenma: Why are you so eager?
Yuki: That’s none of your concern, hack. Okay, strike a pose. This might become merch, so do a cool one.
Tenma: S-sure…
Yuki: Ah, turn your body this way a little more.
Tenma: You’re being really fussy…
Yuki: It’s pointless if your sweater isn’t visible. Okay, I’m taking it.
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Yuki: Yep, looks nice.
Tenma: It sure does. My expression is on point too.
Yuki: The fans will love this, won’t they?
Tenma: Of course they will.
Yuki: Hey, can I write “worn by Sumeragi Tenma” and sell this sweater? I’m thinking of opening a store on a flea market app.
Tenma: HAH!? That’s obviously a no! (Don’t tell me—is that why he put so much effort into making a new one for me…!?)
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Yuki: Alright. Then why don’t I give you this sweater and you can wear it all the time, take pictures, post them on inste, and walk around outside advertising it?
Tenma: Over my dead body!
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thatseventiesbitch · 2 years
People like to say Donna’s a bitch, but Eric’s a complete asshole towards her. Sure, Donna can be a little mean and step out of line. But Eric’s vindictive and does not treat her well
Thanks for the ask!
Oh boy. Here I've been such a staunch Donna defender, but now I have to defend m'boy Eric Forman! 😂
Eric has his not-great moments. And then he has his flat out bad ones. But I'd never characterize him as an asshole, and more importantly, Donna says that he treats her well. 🤷🏻
In S2xE3 "The Velvet Rope", Eric asks Donna why she's with him. The bouncer wanted to know. She asks what he said, and Eric said he couldn't think of a reason. Here's what she says:
"Hm. You know, come to think of it, I can't either! What I need to do is find a guy who's like, totally different from you. Maybe big, and dumb, and you know, not nice to me. Oh, and no sense of humor so when I tell a joke he doesn't get it, I mean that's a real turn on."
Or in S2xE19 "Parents Find Out", she tells Bob,
"[Eric]'s treated me like a queen since the day we started dating."
But, that said, Eric definitely fucks up a few times throughout the series, and he's lucky Donna's such a good forgiver. I've said this a lot - that it's strange how some people act like Donna always wronged Eric, and never vice versa. See my essay - Is Donna 'Toxic' In Her Relationship With Eric? (Hint: no.)
Eric is often self-centered and sometimes petty with Donna, especially in the first half of the series. He likes to win, he always competes with her. He's stubborn and wants everything to be done his way - which is the traditional way. And Donna's not. But he realizes that he's been sabotaging his relationship with Donna in the season 4 finale thanks to his parents', erm, pep talk? and they are happy together until... well. Until he messes it up again at the end of S6.
Eric's like the epitome of hurting Donna/doing the wrong thing with the right intentions. Like when he didn't show up for their wedding (well, rehearsal dinner) which was one of the - if not the - worst things he ever did, in my opinion. But he came back, and he admitted to Donna that he only did it because he was afraid they were making a huge mistake and didn't know how to tell her. I think it's a bad excuse, lmao, but Donna forgives him. Probably because she was thisclose to doing the same thing.
Sidebar - I would have loved if that storyline ended this way instead. Picture Donna and Eric both ditching out the night before the wedding, and then running into each other. *Feels another 'What If' story brewing...*
Africa was a selfish decision right from the get-go. He needed money for school and had to get creative - cool, yeah. But deciding to move to a different country for a year without running it by Donna - and then acting offended and confused when she was upset by it - was selfish, and when he tried to play it off like it was 'for their future', Donna saw right through it and called him out. Which is part of what I enjoy about their dynamic.
Donna always forgiving him even though he's a dumbass is another part of their dynamic. For me, it works because Eric is a loveable dumbass who shows he's capable of reflecting and changing. Donna messes up a lot, too, as she learns how to be in her first relationship and Eric often forgives her just as gracefully. I repeat myself, but it's why I love them.
Long story long, I can be frank about Eric Forman, and he isn't perfect. I don't like to watch perfect characters. I don't know about you, but they bore me.
But for all of his flaws, Eric is also:
a loyal friend (and son and boyfriend)
he stands up for what he believes in
he's reflective and he learns and grows from his mistakes
he cares about other people's feelings - even people he doesn't particularly like, like Mitch
really funny
...I could go on and on. I love me some Eric Forman. 😊
In fact, I perused my .gifs file and pulled some of my all-time favorite Eric Forman moments for everyone to enjoy. He ain't all bad. 😉
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dgknightblue · 2 years
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The picture depicts Rise Raph and Leo but:
Here’s a crossover idea.
Okay so I don’t know how it got to this point but let’s say one of the versions or a handful from different versions get teleported to the hidden city.
They were kind of confused but since they’ve met each other, they stick close. Then they hear something in a alleyway.
“Look I know for a fact that you’re too old to be hitting on me, so drop it.”, they stumble upon a red eared slider being cornered by a random mutant (yokai) that probably smells as cheap as they look.
“Oh come on, you probably have a few years I could wait.”
“No. I’m waiting for my big brother. You know ones usually nearby, right?”, they grit out.
“I don’t see him coming sweet heart, you look like a girl that likes fun don’t you?”
“I’m not.”, they glance and notices someone approaching.
“Besides my big brother’s here.”
“Just what can that noodle arm do huh?”
“I meant the red one.”, they smirk.
The random brute tenses as he feels a glare behind him. He turns to see a turtle with some muscle on him and a horrible glare.
The red eared slides away and behind them.
“I found my brother! Loved to chat but I have places to be! With my brother!”
The turtle twitches because he can feel the slider anxiously gripping the back of his shell. Other turtles show up.
“Yeah, why don’t you be on your way Hm?”, he snarls.
The random brute runs off scared. Once the slider deems it safe, they somewhat collapse in relief.
“Oh thank goodness! You saved my shell there. Sorry about that, no one usually approaches me. Mostly when my brothers are usually not far behind. You guys hungry? I know the best pizza place. I’d show you myself, but kind of need to go to my step dad for a hot second.”, the slider rambled with a smile.
“Well pizza would be nice, but why isn’t your step dad with you right now? If that isn’t too much to ask?”
“Hm…. We’ll I do like bad mouthing him every chance I get….. however it wasn’t his fault he ditched me. This time. He’s on probation for some pretty dumb things, don’t worry about it. So of course some public service is bound to happen.”
“Ah I see… we’ll can you give us directions then?”, said one of the turtles.
“Even better!”, they had them a map that’s locked onto the ‘Run of the Mill’ pizzeria.
“Cool, never seen one of these. How’s it work?”
“Uh tap here to undo the location lock and then touch this to open the voice thingy. If you don’t have a specific place to go, then the nearest one would pop up and tap it again to lock it. Anyways, that’s it.”
The slider turns to leave before stopping and turning a round with a glint in their eyes.
“When you get there- just say the best customer they’ve ever had wants them to charge your food to Baron Draxum. A little pay back for ditching me is well deserved after all.”
They laugh at that.
“By the way, where did you get your mask? Blue is my favorite color and I kind of ‘lost’ mine…”, they blushed when they said they ‘lost’ their mask.
“Uh sorry I got mine from my…dad.”
“Oh yeah me too, but I’ll have to look at one the illegals stalls then.”
“Yeah my family kind of *cough* destroyed the whole city *cough* totally has nothing to do with me! I’m blameless!”
They finally left them.
“Think that was one of us?”
“Probably considering they asked about a mask.”
“More importantly, got the guy tied up?”
“On the roof.”
“Good let’s get a bit information from him before getting that pizza.”
“I think it’s cute that, probably, Leo has a vindictive personality.”
“Also kind of worrying.”
“Yeah.. anyways what will we do to get him to talk?”
“I say smack him a round a little- especially for scaring the little blue.”
“Good idea, but we don’t know if the consequences-“
“Don’t worry about that. He won’t be talking about this to anyone.”
They go to the roof.
At the pizza place, they do as instructed and the owner groans.
“What did pepino do? He likes to make a mess. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience.”
“Oh he didn’t do anything! This a thank you for helping him.”
“Some creep was hitting on him when he was alone.”
“Wasn’t he with his step dad?”
“Uh Accidental ditching apparently.”
“Aie that Draxum wasn’t much of a role mole to begin with. I’ll have your pizza ready soon enough, please don’t be like little pepino and make a mess.”
A rabbit waiter asks what they want to drink.
“How was Leo anyway? Did he look obnoxious?”, the rabbit asked.
“Eh he seemed fine, why?”
“He does not have a clue what person space is.”, the waiter huffed before leaving.
“What a weird world this is.”
“Yeah, doesn’t seem like New York to me.”
The pizza arrives and they eat. They were amazed by the pizza. The slider shows up with a sheep man.
“Hey guys! Meet my step sheep. He’s the one paying <3”
The slider sits at the table while his step dad stands. He glared at them all.
“Why must I pay for these whelps meal?”
“Because they helped me when I really needed you <3”
“You could have handled it yourself.”
“Ah but here’s the thing.”, an angry glint in the sliders eye.
“You and my family have already caused quite a mess yourselves and making another scene just after the punishment ruling would not look good for my dad or my brothers.”
“The only reason I’m in trouble is-“
“You didn’t stop them and they dragged you with them. That’s on you.”
The slider then ignored him in favor of continuing to eat and the sheep gave up his money, not wanting to get into an argument.
“Oh I never got your names. I’m Leo Hamato, Battle Nexus champion and certified hero if I do say so my self! But you can call me Neon Leon.”
“Ah yes, self proclaimed fame the best kind of hero.”, the rabbit waiter showed up.
Dropping the pizza on the plate, Leon practically melted into a love struck smile.
“Oh hiiii Usagi, I missed you <3 want to hang out later?”
Usagi rolled his eyes and placed drinks on the table along with Leon’s.
“You know juuust thing huh? You’re really cool <3”
“Leo, if your brothers saw you after curfew they’d kill me.”
“Why? You’re my best friend and you’re strong <3 and fast <3 and smart <3!!”
Usagi stays quiet as he deadpans, feeling the glare of the other turtles at the table.
Oh good. His family grows and my pain extends.
“Oh where are our manners? We haven’t introduced ourselves either.”, a tight smile.
(Of course the other turtles have aged, Leon is still 16 though)
“I’m… Daniel.”
“I’m… Milo.”
“I’m… Ronald.”
“I’m…. Laramie.”
(IDK about ages)
Eventually blah blah they get back before anyone found out they were from other universes.
“Laramie” gave his mask to Leon.
Now imagine how they’d find out of other universes.
Maybe Leon shows up to another universe, doesn’t know at first when they see one of them.
Or more sudden visits to the hidden city.
(How come we don’t ever start in the hidden city? I thought it would be a good idea.)
Which turtles come here? Besides them being one of each.
Anyways bye!!
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kuma829 · 2 years
Decorate♥Crimson Chocolat Festival Epilogue One
Aww~ My junior got his beloved girl, a great accomplishment. I guess I’ll congratulate him even if it’s hard for me~?
Cast: Koga, Kaoru, Rei, Keito, Kuro, Souma
Author: Yuuki Yoshino
Season: Winter
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Koga: Hyah! Finally, it’s our time to shine!
Kaoru: Hey, hey, Koga-kun. What’s Adonis-kun upto?
Koga: Eh? Adonis has been lookin’ at some crushed up box for a while. It’s probably gotta do with Anzu and chocolates or somethin’.
Kaoru: You think so too!? Ugh, there’s so many things I have to ask Adonis-kun, like why on Earth is the box crushed.
But, when he looks at the box with such fondness, it just feels wrong to ask so bluntly about the situation.
Aww~ My junior got his beloved girl, a great accomplishment. I guess I’ll congratulate him even if it’s hard for me~?
Rei: Kaoru-kun, you’re talking like a nice, understanding, senpai, but…
That box he so fondly admires isn’t from Lady Anzu.
Kaoru: Wh, Then who gave it to him…? How do you even know that, Sakuma-san?
Rei: Kukuku, I’ve been here long enough, and I know all that happens.
More importantly, Kaoru-kun wants to know who exactly got him that box of chocolates.
It is a gift from his beloved child, you see.
Kaoru: Beloved… Child?
Rei: Tenma-kun. Adonis’s cute junior. That is the person behind the chocolates. You can breathe easy now.
As a side note, it seems like Tenma-kun enlisted Lady Anzu’s help in making the chocolates.
He asked her to not tell his seniors that he was thinking about giving them all chocolates.
Kaoru: Huh, so that was why… Anzu-chan was acting so strangely because…
Rei: That’s right. It’s because she was so dedicated to keeping her promise to Tenma-kun that it caused a peculiar misunderstanding. 
Kaoru: Ah… So it’s like that..
Koga: Oi, vampire bastard! Hakaze-senpai! Adonis too!
The Knights finished and AKATSUKI took to the stage, and everyone’s ravin’ about how fuckin’ spectacular it is!
It’s apparently nothin’ like their usual shtick, but still somethin’ good. All these females are makin’ a big fuss about it, just as much as the Knights performance!
Rei: Heh, AKATSUKI, hm?
Let’s take a look see, then. I wonder what kind of performance they entertain their customers with, I have to say I’m intrigued to see myself  ♪
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Keito: ♪~♪~♪
(Heh, the audience is thundering, especially from our existing fans. Well, it’s not bad by any means, actually I’d say it’s remarkable how their voices seem to leak out of their mouths so effortlessly) 
Kuro: Woah, what a hell of a audience, eh? Ya think we could even beat the cheers Knights received?
Keito: Kiryuu, we’re in the middle of a live. Wait until we’re done to chat.
Kuro: I know, I know… But talkin’ to ya like this reminds me this is still our Hasumi. When you were performin’ back there it was like ya were a completely different person.
Keito: How could I be anybody else? And, hey, you’re also performing in a completely different manner that I never thought possible. When you turned around to give the audience that look…
Kuro: Oh, I’ve been practicin’ ever since Hakaze taught me. At first I was scared ‘bout the staring part…
But I did some of my own experimentin’, and arrived to a picture perfect angle, and, well, that’s how it’s done.
Souma: ♪~♪~♪
Kuro: Haha! Kanzaki is also performin’ so readily.
Just brushin’ up his hair a bit will excite the customers enough to “kyaa” away!
Hey, Hasumi, those UNDEAD guys came to check us out too. They look dumbfounded, don’t they?
Funny that, weren’t they the ones who taught us all our moves?
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Whoops, I ended up talkin’ when ya said to wait until we were done, huh? Well, let’s get back to the main event and entertain our guests with our singing and dancing, shall we?
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Keito: (Kiryuu, you instantly captivated the audience, of course, you’re my trusty partner after all. Thanks to you, I’ve been robbed of my spotlight feature)
(But I am the leader of AKATSUKI, and so I must do everything in my power to show a performance that can rival yours. I’ll have the whole audience under my spell)
Happy Valentine's Day… ♪
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lianahayze · 1 year
Shadow and the Midnight Misery: Chapter 13
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Hi everyone! Welcome to chapter 13. If you've missed a chapter or just want to reread, here's the masterlist. Enjoy!
Chapter 13. Pictures
I'm sweaty.
I don't know if it's because it’s hot or if it's my nerves, but my skin is sticky, and I have to adjust myself in the seat when I feel sweat rolling down my back. I lift up my legs slightly, wincing as they make a wet noise.
I look at the people as they pass. None of them look uncomfortable, so it makes me think it's just me. Still, I'm generally never this hot.
I'm back at Garver. With my journal in my lap, I'm waiting to meet with Dr. Norris. The secretary told me she's running late, and, for some reason, it’s put me on edge.
I look to the right when I hear my name. A girl with red hair walks towards me. I squint. She looks familiar, but I can't quite place it. Its only when, she sits down next to me that I remember.
I smile. "Tally. Hi. How are you?"
"I'm fine. How's life on the outside?"
"It's fine." I pause. "Actually, it's kind of shit, but I guess things could be worse.” I almost say that “but at least I’m not stuck here” but realize that it would probably be insensitive.
"Why are you here, then?"
"See Dr. Norris." I clutch my notebook. "I have a lot to talk to her about."
I laugh nervously. I don't know how I'm going to tell her about my last couple of days, but I need to. More importantly, I sort of want to.
"That's good," says Tally. "I don't meet with Dr. Norris, but I hear she's great.” I shrug. Whether she's great or not I don't know. It's not like I have a lot of experience with shrinks.
"Everything around here is the same."
I notice that she sounds slightly sad as she says it. Though I wasn't expecting anything to have changed, I wonder if she was. Maybe she's bored? Would it be rude if I asked her how long she's been here?
I decide not to be so blunt. Instead of asking her directly, I say, "You really seem to have a good feel for the place."
She nods. "What would you expect," she says, "especially since I've been here almost six months?"
My eyes nearly pop out of my head. Six months? What exactly did this girl do? I remember her saying something about drugs, but what she so hooked on them that she’d actually been in her for six whole months?
Shock must be evident on my face because she giggles, saying, "It's okay. It's a long time, but I'm getting to know myself better than I have before. Everything will work out in the end."
She sounds confident, like she has a plan. Still, I can’t help but wonder about her. Besides the drugs, maybe there’s some other reason why she’s been here for six months?
"Shadow?" I look over at the front desk. The secretary is standing up, leaning forward. "You can go ahead back."
I thank her and turn back to Tally. "It was nice talking to you again."
She smiles, but there’s something about it that makes me uneasy. “You too, Shadow. Maybe we’ll run into each other again.”
I try to come up with something to say but am unsuccessful. In the end, all I can do is nod, stand up, and head to Dr. Norris’s office. I glance over my shoulder and look at her; the expression on her face creeps me out, but I wave back at her.
I walk down the hall, stopping in front of the office. It's becoming a habit, taking a couple of seconds to calm myself. Therapy is supposed to make me feel better, but all it does is make me feel anxious. I know Dr. Norris is here to help me and that’s she’s probably seen worse, but it’s absolute torture, talking about myself for an hour. I can do it for interviews, but this is different. In interviews, I can lie, stretch the truth.
But here, all bets are off.
I take a deep breath and knock; as always, Dr. Norris meets me at the door.
Large smile on her face, she says, "Shadow, you seem to be doing well." Do I? I feel like I look like crap, but that could just be all of the sweat. "Come in." She moves out of the way and I walk into her office. She shuts the door as I sit down. She goes to her own seat, saying, "So tell me: what's new?"
Before I even say anything, she's typing on her computer. It unnerves me even further, but I do my best to ignore it.
"Um. Not so much." I put the notebook down on the desk. "I've, uh, tried to do the whole journaling thing."
"Yeah? How's it been going?"
I’m not sure how to respond. Mostly, I get two or three sentences down before I give up, but effort should count for something. I just don't want to tell her it hasn't been going well and get a lecture.
"Well. I've been trying."
"Trying is good. Do you think it's been helping?"
Again, I don't know how to answer, so I settle on a little white lie. "I think so."
"It's... It's good to get my thoughts out."
"That's good. How are things with the band?"
The band. Hmm. The rest of the last rehearsal had been weird. Maybe it had been because of my lack of energy, but I really hadn't wanted to be there. I'd gone along with whatever they'd wanted to do, happy not to be making the decisions for once. They'd also kept looking at me like they didn't know how to handle me, like they were afraid I was going to snap at any moment. They'd been on the defense, and even in my tired state I'd been able to tell.
"I still don't really talk to them, and we argued the last time we met up, but--" I shrug "--honestly, I just don't have the energy for it anymore." Leaning back in my seat, I sigh. Part of me just wants to say fuck it and let them think whatever they think. After all, I've done my best to convince them I'm fine, and they still don't believe me. At the end of the day, if they want to think I'm just some drugged up alcoholic, that says more about them than it does about me. As long as I can still work with them--even if we're no longer friends--does it matter?
"What was your argument about?" asks Dr. Norris.
"Wyatt thought I was high."
"Were you?"
I know she’s required to ask, but it doesn't stop me from being annoyed. "No. I was just tired."
"Are you not sleeping?"
I wonder if she's asking because she can prescribe me pills or if she's asking because she wants to learn more about my sleep pattern.
"Most of the time I am--at least, I don't toss and turn all that much."
"That's good."
"Sometimes I do struggle to sleep, though. That’s not a new thing, though. It happens every once in a while."
"That's happens to most people; it's completely normal. I'll have other patients who, ever six to eight weeks or so, will go several nights in a row barely getting any sleep, but, once it's over, go back to a normal sleep pattern. There's probably an explanation, but as long as it's a repeatable pattern and doesn't affect them too much, it's not really cause for concern."
But do all of those people have hidden childhood traumas?
Actually, given the fact they meet with Dr. Norris, they probably do.
"I don't think it happens every six to eight weeks," I tell her. "It just sort of happens every once in a while."
She's typing as we speak. I watch the keystrokes to decipher what she’s typing but come up with nothing. "Is it happening more often?"
I shake my head. "I don't think so." Then again, it's only been a couple of weeks since I've been trying to limit drugs and alcohol, so who knows? Maybe it will start to happen more frequently, but I really hope not.
"When you have these sleepless nights, do you notice anything that happens that day before? Are you eating anything out of the ordinary? Are you drinking more than usual? Anything like that?"
I don't think so. If it were just a matter of eliminating something to stop my nightmares forever, I would have figured it out by now. Instead, they just happen. No real rhyme or reason.
"Do you just have trouble falling asleep or do you have trouble staying asleep, too?"
She's spending a lot of time on this, and it's starting to make me nervous. If I'm not careful, she'll start asking me questions about stuff I don't want to talk about.
I think before I answer. "It just depends."
Naturally, her next question is, "On what?"
"Uh." I fidget around in my seat. What does it depend on; what does it depend on? What can I say to get her to move on?
"I dunno. Maybe it happens when I'm sick?" That’s clearly not the case, but I run with it. "Like, if I have a cold or fever?"
The way she looks at me makes me worry that she can see right through my lie. However, a second later, she says, "That could have something to do with it." She goes back to typing. "There's definite correlation between being too hot or too cold and getting a good night's rest. Do you feel like you've been running a fever recently?" I shake my head. "Have you checked?"
"No, my temperature's been fine."
Well, current moment notwithstanding. Dr. Norris's office is a little cooler than the lobby, but not by much.
She starts to list symptoms. "Fever, sweating, chills... All of that's common with withdrawal. So, if you wake up freezing or covered in sweat, it's probably not how physically cold or hot your room is."
It would be hard for me to have withdrawals, considering I haven't fully given up everything. "I don't think that's what it is."
"Sounds like you've thought about it. What do you think it is then?”
My heart starts to pound. I begin to get queasy as I look anywhere but at Dr. Norris. I don't want to talk about this--I really, really don't. I just want to convince her that I'm fine enough not to need these sessions, and that's not going to happen if I tell her everything.
"I just think... Maybe I have a lot on my mind." Probably wanting me to continue, she nods but doesn't say anything. "Maybe it just happens when I'm stressed?"
I think back. I'm not sure the exact date of the last time I had one of those dreams, but there's a good chance I was probably overwhelmed with something. I try not to get stressed out a lot, but, when I do, it's not something that just goes away. It stays with me for a while, sometimes several weeks.
"If you're not getting enough sleep, you might be thinking about not getting enough sleep and thinking about it is going to make you not get enough sleep."
"So, I could be doing this to myself?"
“Potentially. For example, when I was younger, I went through a period where I had some pretty bad back problems following an accident. I wasn't sleeping, and because I wasn't sleeping my body couldn't repair itself. Because my body couldn't repair itself, my back hurt more... So forth and so on."
I'm surprised that she's sharing with me. I thought the whole point of this was for her to get me to talk, not the other way around.
"What I'm trying to say," she continues, "is that it's important--really important--for you to try to maintain a normal sleep schedule. It might be difficult for you right now because you're waking up in the middle of the night or tossing and turning, but make sure you're going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. It'll help."
I tell her that I’ll try.
"So, what are you worried about?" I tilt my head to the side, not sure what she means. "Are there any challenges or anything coming up that'll make it difficult for you to stay sober?"
Beyond that stupid dream, I don't believe so. The other night, I'd really wanted a glass of wine--that would have put me to sleep--but instead I'd chosen to nurse my glass of water all night. It hadn't been as satisfying, but at least I'd been hydrating.
"You mentioned the band earlier. Have they been supportive?"
I almost laugh. "I think they think they've been supportive." She asks me what I mean. "They were super overbearing when I first got out, but now we don't talk."
"Is that okay?"
I shrug. "It's what it is." I can tell she doesn't appreciate my answer, but she doesn't say anything. I lean forward. Hands on the notebook, I begin bending the pages. "You want me to talk to them."
"I think you should, but not if you don't think it'll help you with your recovery."
I take a moment before responding. "I talked to Dean." Then, realizing I’ve never told her about Dean before, I add, "He's one of my friends outside the band. It was a good conversation."
"Does he know about your stay here?"
I shake my head. "I want to tell him, but..." I lean back. "I dunno. It's hard." I cross my arms. I look forward past Dr. Norris to the window. It's a nice day outside, but I'm glad I'm indoors. I've never been one to spend all day outside, but now I don't want to go out unless I absolutely have to.
I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I pull it out but otherwise ignore it. I slide it onto the table facedown.
"It's just that I still think they were in the wrong."
"What were they in the wrong about?"
"Forcing me to come here. Giving me crap about when I show up late to practice. Actually, I don’t think I even have to be late. At the last practice, I was on time and Wyatt was still rude. It's starting to feel like they're doing everything to get me to quit so they don't have to fire me."
As soon as the words have slipped through my lips, my eye widen. I gasp. Wait, could that be what they're doing? If they're being assholes to get rid of me... Well, it certainly explains a lot.
Dr. Norris must have been reading my mind, for she asks, "Do you think they'd do that?"
"I don't... I don't know." I look at her. "But maybe that's something I should find out." My phone goes off again, this time the buzz creating a loud noise as it vibrates against the wooden table. As I reach for it, Dr. Norris says,
"Okay, so we're at time. What do you want to accomplish over the next week?"
"Huh?" I take a quick peak at my phone. Just an email. "Oh. Um, working with the band?" It’s the correct thing to say—what she’s expecting me to say.
"Are you sure?" I nod. "You're comfortable attempting that within the next week?"
"Yeah." I don't really want to do it, but I know I'm going to have to eventually.
She stares at me for a moment before making her decision. "Okay. I'll expect a full report when we meet next." We both stand, and she walks me out. "Don't forget to schedule an appointment on the way out."
I tell her I'll see her soon and head out. Once I've made my appointment for next week, I head out to my car. Just as I'm about to get going, I remember my phone. I check it, opening the email.
Shadow-- Hope all is well since the last time we spoke and that you had a chance to review the article proof. Call me when you get the chance, but the article's going in a different direction than what we originally intended. Talk soon. --L
I frown. What does she mean, they're doing something new? I still haven't looked over the original. It's on my to-do list and I should probably get around to it before publication, but I just haven't.
I buckle up and back out of the space I'm in. As I make my way down the winding hill, I find Larissa's number and call her. I put it the phone in the cup holder as it rings.
"Hey, it's Shadow. I just got your email."
"Shadow! Hi, do you have a couple of minutes?"
"Yeah, I'm just in my car." She asks me if I'm alone, which makes me even more nervous. "Yeah. Just finishing up some errands. What's going on; why are you changing the article. The one you sent me looks great."
A small lie never hurt anyone.
I hear her sigh. "So, we've had a couple of things come up, and I was advised to reach out just to get your side of the story before we run it. It's just standard procedure."
I get it. If she prints something false, especially for an interview piece, it won't look good on her.
"Maybe we should set up a few minutes to talk," she says. "I don't want to bother you while you're driving."
"It's fine; it's not going to be another hour before I get home. What is it?"
I wait for her to speak, but she never does. Thinking the line has dropped, I look down at my phone and tap on the screen. She's still there; why isn't she saying anything?
"Shadow, there have been some pictures." Pictures? What is she talking about? "After we posted online about the upcoming article, someone messaged us saying they had some photos of you."
My heart starts racing. What type of photos could they possibly have? I try to think back to all the recent parties I've been to. Most of the time I wake up sharing a bed with someone--often times someone I don't know. Are there pictures of that?
Maybe they’re just pictures of me partying in general. I don't try to hide my lifestyle from my fans, but I don't always broadcast it. No one likes a sloppy drunk, especially if they're a well-known person.
Trying to piece it together myself, I ask, "Who sent them?"
"I can't tell you, I'm sorry." The strange thing is that she actually sounds it. "I can't share them with you, and I can't tell you where I got them from, but I'll describe them to you."
"Okay." So focused on my phone, I'm barely paying attention to the road. I almost blow through a four-way stop but manage to break in time. I let out a sharp breath.
"There's a rumor going around that goes in hand with this, but we'll talk about that in a sec."
"Larissa, just tell me."
"I--I mean, we--have pictures of you--several pictures of you--leaving and entering a place called Garver Institute. Are you familiar with it?"
I slam my foot on the breaks so hard that if I hadn't been wearing my seatbelt I would have flown through the windshield. There's no way she could be serious. Garver? Someone took pictures of me at Garver? But who? I was completely out of it when I was there for those three days--and I assume it was for those three days, not one of my appointments--but I would have noticed someone snapping pictures of me. Even if they’re using a phone, people think they're being secretive, but they aren't.
"I know how easy it is to Photoshop stuff and people are always going to start rumors, so I wanted to give you a chance to speak." I don't say anything. "I want to give you the chance to comment before we run it. Making updates to the article won't take me any time." Again, I say nothing. "Shadow? Are you still there?"
I should answer her. I should tell her something--anything!--even if it's not the truth. Make up an excuse.
But what do I do instead?
Panicking, I hang up the phone.
Thoughts? What do you think will happen next?
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trying my hardest to "#FOR MY FILES" this but raven boy/shane wright and also raven boy/mason mctavish. why does he have so many canadian bulldog shaped bfs. more importantly mason/shane and that picture of them cradling the u18 trophy. the vibes between them are completely undecipherable and also logical at the same time. i want more
all very important thoughts, anon. and pondering the vibes among those three has prompted me to write a little more into the single existing scene with mason and connor and shane that i have in my top secret raven boy files, and i will give that to you below the jump. contains no explicit material regarding minors but if anybody is squeamish about minors existing in an a/b/o world this probably isn't the WIP for you.
Wright starts shuffling the pizza boxes around, consolidating the spare slices into one box and stacking up the empties.
Guenther flicks his last hand of cards toward the center of the table. “Knock off the omega bullshit, Shane.”
“Fuck off.” Wright tries to close the lid of the overfilled box, jamming it down over the rest of the pizza. “I’m an alpha.”
The room’s too quiet, like all the sound’s been absorbed into the padded partitions that section off their quadrant of the hotel’s conference center. Guenther’s mean laugh breaks the silence. “Son, your balls haven’t even dropped yet.”
“I got tested,” Shane insists, indignant as everyone else around the table laughs. “They said my levels are super high.”
“That doesn’t mean shit.”
Privately, Mason agrees with Guenther. The genetic test is maybe 70 percent accurate before you present. Not worth paying for, his dad said. Said Mason could prove himself just fine without some bullshit lab report.
“Scouts care,” Shane mutters, and no one tries to tell him he’s wrong. They’ve all heard that a doctor signing off on an alpha prediction can be enough to bump you up a team’s draft board.
“Nobody knows, though.” Zelly flicks the edges of his cards through his fingers. He probably worries about it more than most of them do. He’s the kind of small skills guy who’s probably spending his draft year trying to prove he won’t turn out to be an omega. “It’s not like any of us are going to be MacKinnon.”
It was big news when MacKinnon presented early. Showed up at the combine reeking of alpha and everybody knew what Colorado was getting at first overall. Knocked Seth Jones right out of the top slot, even though eventually he turned out to be an alpha anyway. Most first rounders do. Although the ones who don’t usually come from the U.S. program like Jones did.
Zelly looks around the table in search of agreement, but everyone’s looking at Mason. Mason keeps his hand still, fighting the nervous instinct to rub his knuckles over his beard. He wishes he’d shaved after all. But he was winning when he left Switzerland, and he wants to keep winning here.
“You have got to be an alpha,” Guenther pronounces.
“Seriously,” Stanks agrees with him. Guys are nodding.
Two seats down from Mason, Connor isn’t. His face is impassive as always, hard to read. But he’s got an awkward set to his jaw with his lip curled back a little, same as he did on the bus from the airport when nobody wanted to talk to him. Mason’s starting to figure out how to read him. Or at least he can tell Connor fucking hates any topic that might remind somebody he’s fifteen years old.
“What do you care?” Mason leans back in his chair. “You lining up to suck my alpha dick?”
Guenther’s voice is loud over the laughter. “Wright might be.”
“Fuck off,” Shane snaps. It must be hard for the little robot to deal with something he can’t control. No matter how hard Shane tries to work hard and do the right thing and ace the genetic test, he can’t predict how he’s going to present. Mason’s never seen him get even the least bit rattled before. Usually Shane’s the guy you want talking to the refs. He’s a good captain. Nice to everyone, no special treatment for the guys he likes. You can’t even tell who he likes. Maybe he actually hates all of them.
“Okay, stack ‘em up.” Mason shoves his chair back from the table and slots his poker chips into the cardboard box without bothering to sort them. “I’m going to bed.”
Chips click together and someone gathers up the stray cards and shuffles the deck to put away. Guenther and Stanks start arguing about the pot for tomorrow night’s game. Mason picks up his water bottle and falls into step with Connor on the way to the elevator.
The awkward conversation lingers around them like a bad smell. Mason can’t think how to change the subject. Connor’s quiet next to him. He hits the elevator button with the base of his water bottle. The doors open and the up arrow chimes almost immediately.
They’re the only ones in the car. Connor leans back in one corner and lifts his feet off the floor, boosting himself up with his hands on the railing that runs around the edge of the elevator. “Can I ask…” One of his slides threatens to fall off his foot and he points his toes upward to catch it. He lowers his feet back to the floor. “Never mind.”
“No, what.” Mason’s pretty sure he knows what’s coming. He looks up at the floors ticking off on the panel. 
“You don’t have to tell me.” The elevator starts to slow.
“It’s okay.” The numbers stop at their floor. Mason slips his keycard out of his pocket and balances it on opposite corners between his thumb and forefinger 
“You didn’t say…” Just before the doors open, Connor finally spits it out. “Are you an alpha or what?”
“Shit, I don’t know.” The vestibule on their floor is empty except for a glass-topped table with a vase and a fanned-out set of magazines about things to do in Texas. The flowers in the vase might be fake. Mason can’t tell.
The ice machine rattles in its alcove as they pass. “You haven’t presented?”
“Don’t look so surprised.” Most people don’t present at eighteen. Every year there’s some group advocating to move draft eligibility back to age 20 or 21. It’s always based on some bullshit about growth curves and developmental years but everybody understands the real advantage for teams would be knowing more about what they’re getting, dynamic-wise.
“I don’t know.” Connor rolls his eyes. “You just look…” He waves his hand like Mason’s self-explanatory.
“It’s the beard, isn’t it?” Mason rubs his knuckles over it. He does like the beard.
Connor snorts. “Yeah, probably.”
“You love it.” Mason shoulders Connor into the wall next to the door of their room. “Maybe it’ll rub off on you.” He scrapes his jaw against the side of Connor’s face, feeling reckless and giddy. Connor yelps, startled, and hip-checks him out of the way. Mason stumbles sideways across the hall. He keeps getting surprised by the power stored in Connor’s short frame. He lunges back at him, jamming his chin against Connor’s cheek. “C’mon, get some beard.”
Connor shoves him away with both hands on Mason’s chest. “Dumbass,” he says, but the tense set to his jaw is gone. He might even be smiling.
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