#and most of the jokes are from that one time they were stranded in the winter colorado wilderness for months by themselves and almost died
ozzgin · 4 months
Its been 6 months😭😭 pleaasseeee make a part 2 of the android x human story im beggingggg😭
Yandere! Android x Reader (II)
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Featuring your assigned android partner who is not as devoid of humanity as you originally thought.
Content: female reader, AI yandere, mildly NSFW, based on Caves of Steel
[Part 1] | [More original works]
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The case had been solved.
Not only that, but you'd managed to prove that human officers were just as efficient as their robot counterparts. The Commissioner was beyond ecstatic, pacing back and forth in his office and finding new ways to praise your detective skills.
"That'll show those Spacers. They think some glorified tin box can match our skill?"
You frowned at his words and glanced to your side, where the android was sitting. He observed the Commissioner with the same polite smile, no hint of disagreement on his features. Was he not insulted? You questioned him once the formal meeting had finished.
"I have no reason to be offended, (Y/N). It is a personal opinion, and thus I have no control over it."
"So you don't mind people disliking robots to such an extent?"
He pondered your statement.
"I would certainly be upset if it was you who harbored the disdain. The beliefs of other humans hold no meaning to me otherwise."
You couldn't tell if he said it out of politeness, or if he actually meant it. Most likely the former, in order to part on good terms. After all, your partnership has reached its completion. He'd return to the Spacer Colony with his report on human customs, and you'd go back to your regular job.
Except he never left. Days later, he was still sipping on his morning coffee, lounging at your table. You fiddled with your cup in contemplation. Was there anything else left to do?
"When are you leaving, actually?"
The pale man raised his eyebrows in mild surprise.
"Is my presence here of such significant disturbance?"
"What? No!" you swiftly exclaimed, stumbling on your words. His lips widened in yet another cheeky grin. He was teasing you again.
"My assignment on Earth is done, thus I should have returned to the Colony already. That's what you're wondering about, yes? I am awaiting a response from my superiors."
"Whether you can go back?"
"No, whether my transfer has been accepted. I have applied to be your permanent partner."
You could feel your cheeks burning with heat. Was it that obvious to the synthetic that you enjoyed his company? Then again, he wouldn't have gone through such motions just for your sake.
"Why did you..." you probed sheepishly. There was no logical reason for him to keep working in a poorer, less advanced environment.
"Because I want to continue spending time with you."
Nonsense. An artificial being wouldn't make its decision based on such mundane, emotional reasons.
"I don't believe you."
"I understand. It is a faulty answer to come out of a machine. Though unlike common AI assistants, we have been invested with the capacity to develop likes and dislikes. Interests. Wants. It helps with variety and individualization."
"And you want to stay here? If I didn't know you any better, I'd say you have a crush on me or something", you attempted to joke.
A few moments of uncomfortable silence. Had you gone too far with your humor? Was it too cliché of a sentence? You turned away, tucking some strands of hair behind your ear. You just had to be witty, huh?
"I'm afraid I do not know what to tell you, (Y/N)."
"You don't need to say anything, it was a poor choice of-"
"Many social aspects have been implemented into my behavioral network. Workplace rapport, friendships, intimate relationships. What seems to be lacking is the transition from one to another. I know how to act as a romantic partner, but how does one achieve such a title in the first place?"
You gazed at him, incredulous. What was he trying to say?
"I am trying to convey that I am indeed infatuated with you. Which, then, makes my initial explanation dishonest: while I do appreciate our fruitful work cooperation, it is not a main reason for my decision. I hope this clears up any misunderstandings."
You'd never been a romantic. You sometimes flipped through sample pages of contemporary romance books at stores and community centers, but they always felt forcefully cheesy. Predictable. Consequently, you never had any grand dreams of passionate confessions under the rain.
On the other hand, you also didn't expect to be asked out in such a mechanical, calculated manner. Or that a machine would be the suitor. Yet there was something charming about his approach. For the first time since meeting him at the border, you saw him struggle. There was something human-like in his uncertainty.
You stood up from the table, and walked towards the android. Then, you placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, expressing the mutual feeling and understanding.
His eyes bore an eerie glint to them. It was most kind of you to offer a common ground, but he knew better. The affections you held for him were, with utmost certainty, a mere fraction of whatever overwhelmed him from the moment he encountered you. Limerence, obsession, compulsion, there were many definitions that aptly described his otherwise unexplainable desires towards you. Even more unexplainable was the fact they'd evolved from a blank slate, a programmed agent with no previous knowledge on feelings or humans.
You noticed his hesitation.
"Is there anything else troubling you presently?" you nudged.
Nothing of immediate urgency. Well, not for you, at least. The android remained thoughtful. What were the variables which needed to be met in order to initiate a sexual encounter? Would it have been inappropriate for him to suggest intercourse straight after this conversation? To him, it was a natural escalation he'd considered many times in the past. To you, it could've come as a sudden, crass, and hurried proposal.
He reached for your wrist and discreetly pressed a thumb against your skin. Judging from your resting heart rate, facial expression, and localized temperature, there was a fair chance you wouldn't reject his advances. Once the statistical risk had been assessed, he pulled you in for a kiss.
"Would it be possible to continue this in your bedroom?" he inquired, standing up.
"Alright, just don't...ask for approval for every single step" you retorted. You'd rather not become a narrator of your own pounding.
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You open your eyes with a squint, greeted by unexpected natural light flooding your bedroom. Someone must’ve lifted the hologram blinds.
“My apologies, I hadn’t considered the discomfort it would cause you. My Spacer colony uses artificial lightning, though I am becoming rather fond of the natural sun rays here.”
Your android partner is meticulously preparing his outfit for the day. Judging by the stark nakedness and the glistening skin, you suppose he’s had a shower while you were still sleeping. You involuntarily furrow your brows and blush at the sight. He notices your embarrassment. 
“A most surprising reaction. You have seen the very same genital organ…”, he says as he quickly checks his wristwatch, “...precisely eight hours and forty-five minutes ago.”
“It’s just…most people get dressed once they start doing other things. I also wear a towel for coverage when I come out of the shower.”
He processes your words.
“Hmmm. Illogical, but it explains your reaction.”
You stand up and stretch with a prolonged yawn. Suddenly, a revelation hits you: your mind flashes with images of the android fondling your body, your ears ring with the shameless moans you’ve let out throughout the night. Your face turns pale.
“Listen, when is your next functional inspection?” you ask, without waiting for the synthetic to answer. “Will they, uh…will they have access to all of your memories?”
You know that the android permanently records all data and saves it into a memory unit. It’s a pointless fear, of course. The Spacers couldn’t care less about irrelevant details. If the intended tasks are fulfilled, what happens on the side is out of their concern. Yet you don’t exactly appreciate the possibility of your personal deeds airing like this, before the eyes of multiple engineers. 
“You may rest assured, whatever involves your privacy will not be included in the examination.”
“Do you get to decide what is checked and what isn’t?”
“No, most data is sampled randomly.”
You stare at him, confused.
“Then how-”
“It is not common practice, nor encouraged by our code of ethics. I can, however, choose which information is available to begin with.”
“What? I thought you’re fully controlled by whoever created you. If they so desired, couldn’t they open you up and take whatever they require?”
The robot smiles at your assumption and takes a few steps towards you.
“Once an android model is finished, one can no longer modify the processor. Not without compromising everything else with it. It is not a device to be deconstructed, (Y/N).” He taps his temple, then continues: “I am a biocomputer. While most of my parts are mechanical, my processor is a cortical organoid developed in a laboratory. A human brain, if you will.”
Somehow, the discovery fills you with dread. A living organ, encapsulated within a machine. What does that say about consciousness? About self-awareness? The Spacers didn't just tinker with metal scraps and smart computers. They artificially birthed life.
You were always under the impression that your robot companion is closer to the computer you have on your desk. Billions of lines of code within a black box, which then lead to spontaneous, novel interactions with the outside world. To think that at the very core of his functions lies a clump of living cells...
Perhaps you weren't so different, after all. The line between machines and humans is suddenly blurred.
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rainydayathogwarts · 4 months
1 boyfriend, 3 perverts - Remus Lupin (poly!marauders)
Summary: Your bf loves giving you head... especially when he's high, and doesn't mind having friends around. 2.5k wc - read pt. 2 here Wrote this instead of studying for my exams that start tmr...
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The wooden floor was cold under your feet, blanketed by the chilly air that filled the dorms at this time of the year. You tip toed over to where you left your slippers by the mirror, clenching your jaw as you opened the door to your dorm, careful not to wake your peacefully slumbering roommates. Once outside, you let out a breath you didn't realise you'd been holding, making your way down the stairs leading to the common room.
Luckily, most of the Gryffindors were already in their dorms, tired after a long few days of exams, so no one could see you, nearly half naked, warily creeping up the boys' dormitory staircase. The hallway is dark, but you can hear the muffled noises behind doors of dorm-mates joking around, or arguing. You stop in front of the right door, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before taking it out again, shaking your head to make your hair fall back into its natural state. Peeking down at your outfit, you nod in reassurance. Wearing small sleep shorts that barely covered your ass and a low cut tank top that didn't make an effort in hiding your perky nipples, you were sure that Remus would pounce on you the second he saw you.
Knocking on the door twice, you look around the hallway to make sure no one catches you in the wrong place. The dorm is eerily quiet when Peter opens the door to the dorm, and he looks visibly relieved when he sees it's you, his shoulders dropping in ease. "It's only y/n, lads." He states, stepping to the side to let you in, and a ruckus of noise fills the room once more as you walk inside, the other three boys clearly just as relieved as he was. They're all sat at the big window nook, window open behind them, cigarette wrappers littering the seats around them, clearly in the middle of a smoke sess. "Sweetheart!" Exclaims Remus from where he is sat, as you approach him, wrapping both arms over his shoulders in a loose hug.
Remus passes the cigarette he holds over to Sirius, letting both arms wrap around you, landing on the back of your bare thighs, just under your ass. He tugs you slightly closer to him, tilting his head up for you to bend down, pressing your lips down to his in a kiss. Remus kisses you hungrily, his hands trailing upwards to press your torso as close to him as he can, opening his mouth slightly so his tongue meets yours as you kiss, making you gasp in shock. You put a hand on his chest, pushing him away from you, eyes wide in surprise at his desperation. His lips tasted of weed and lemon drops, an explanation to his excitement.
"Remmy." You say lovingly, dropping your head down to press kisses onto his naked neck. Remus pushes your hips back slightly, and he spins you around in his arms, shoving you down so you're sat on his laps, and you finally acknowledge the two other boys, engrossed in conversation as though they hadn't even noticed your affectionate exchange. "Hey boys." You greet, accepting the cigarette Sirius hands you when they turn their attention to you. Taking a drag of the cigarette, you move your head to the side, allowing Remus to push your hair back, littering sloppy kisses onto your soft skin, making a trail of saliva down to your tank top's neckline, which barely covers the top of your tits, as Sirius begins to catch you up on their story.
One of Remus' hands comes up to cup one of your breasts, toying with it in his hand, and you briefly wonder just how long they've been smoking for. You jerk away from your boyfriend when his teeth graze the side of your neck teasingly. His grip around your waist tightens, and he pushes you down on his laps back into place, pressing your cunt down on his growing erection. Remus only separates himself from your neck to take a drag of the cigarette hanging between your index and middle finger before he gets back to business, ignoring the boys who begin teasing him.
Eventually, when Sirius drowsily says "Rem here can't go 10 minutes without bringing up how he needs to have you close to him, so I'm not surprised that he's all over you." Remus, still unbothered and worshiping your body, retorts with "Well I'm allowed to miss my girlfriend. At least I'm not the bloke who jerks off to photos of his best mate's girl." The room goes completely silent, with the exception of squelching noises Remus' wet kisses make on your skin. Your jaw goes slack, and you observe the looks on your boyfriend's three best friends' faces, noticing their gaping mouths and rosy cheeks. You almost don't believe your boyfriend, but the looks on his mates' faces say otherwise.
Your hand trails up to grip your boyfriend's short hair, trying to gently tug him away from you for a moment, as you rotate on his laps to face him as best you can. He obliges, looking up at your awaiting gaze with red eyes, a clear sign of how high he is. "Remus, what?" A sleeve covered hand comes up to wipe the saliva off his swollen pink lips. "You didn't know? These three perverts have had a massive crush on you since we got together. Always look extra close when we kiss, or when I touch your body the way no guy should in front of his best mates. To be fair, I only do it because I noticed the photo of you on your knees for me disappeared. Was my favourite photo of you too." His hand comes up to stroke your cheek as he says that last sentence, bringing your face closer to his to kiss you again.
You moan into the kiss, hands coming up to grip his jumper, completely unaware of the growing tents in the other boys' trousers, or the guilty looks on their faces, unaware that they had been caught by the big bad wolf. A string of saliva connects your lips when you pull away from the kiss, and Remus adds "But they're my best mates, I don't mind sharing with them a little." And with that, Remus' hands snake under your thighs, lifting you up gently, and placing you on the spot next to him on the big window nook. "Lay back down for me." You obey his words, still very much confused, head conveniently landing on Peter's laps, acting as a pillow for you. Remus climbs over you to continue placing kisses from where he left off, hands gripping the bottom of your shirt to effortlessly pull it over your head, your bare tits exposed to the group of boys.
You arch your back, the cool summer air sticking to the coats of saliva on your torso, and you take the time to look at the two boys observing you. Both Sirius and James have a hand over the tent in their trousers, palming their growing erections at the sight of you being pleasured by their best mate. At the tap on your hips, your gaze trails back down to your boyfriend, whose fingers grip your revealing sleeping shorts. You lift your hips up, eyes trailing back up to the boy looking down at you, and you smile up at him.
Remus, completely undisturbed by the attention you're paying his friends, pulls your panties off, throwing them in James' general direction as he spreads your knees open, lowering himself onto your cunt. He inhales deeply, his enhanced senses nearly causing his eyes to roll back in pleasure, before he finally buries himself into your cunt, disrupting the moment you shared with Peter, a loud moan cutting off whatever he was telling you. A hand immediately comes to grip Remus' chestnut hair, and your legs fall open even more, letting him suck at your clit and nip the areas around your thighs, surely leaving hickeys on your skin.
Remus's nose nudges at your clit, his tongue poking in and out of your hole, before he switches his attention, sucking aggressively on your sensitive nub, and dragging a finger up your slit, teasing your entrance with it. You gasp in pleasure, shutting your eyes close and bucking your hips up into your boyfriend's face. However, you don't have time to enjoy the feeling before it's taken away from you. "No!" You yell, shooting upwards and barely missing Peter's face when Remus completely removes contact with your pussy, only a hand on your thigh acting as any form of contact between your bodies. "Pete," Remus starts, causing the blonde boy's head to snap towards your boyfriend, an expression of absolute fear on his face.
"Don't let her close her eyes." He finishes, before plunging right back into your pussy, making your thighs squeeze around his head in pleasure. Peter puts his hands on your shoulders, helping you lay back down again, and you pant, looking off to the side to distract yourself from closing your eyes in pleasure. James has your panties wrapped around his hand, palming his dick over his sweatpants, and Sirius sits next to him, joggers unashamedly pulled down just enough for his dick to spring out, jerking himself off in long strokes. You gasp, back arching when Remus plunges two fingers inside your cunt, thrusting them into you quickly while his mouth works on stimulating your clit.
"Oh Rem!" You moan, digging your head back into Peter's laps, eyes screwing shut in pleasure. "Y/n... Y/n?" Peter mutters, unsure of what to do. "Y/n open your eyes." He tries again, to no avail. Remus lifts his head up, fingers still thrusting into you, and reaches up with his free hand to pinch your nipple, twisting it harshly. "Fuck!" You yelp, eyes snapping back open to make eye contact with your boyfriend. "When Pete tells you to open your eyes, you listen!" He instructs, slowing his hand's movements, waiting for a response. "Okay, fuck! Please Remus!" You beg, grinding your hips on his hand desperately, tears building up in your eyes. "Now what do you say you Pete?" He asks, his hand speeding up again. "'M sorry Pete." You sniffle, looking up at him. "Good girl." Says Remus, grinning when he feels your pussy clench at the praise.
"It's okay, y/n" Replies Pete, eyes going wide when you chase for his hand, pulling it on your body, and moving his fingers to grip your tit. "Shit!" He curses, looking at your possessive boyfriend. "Remus, is this- is this okay?" He asks fearfully, sighing when your boyfriend glances up, nodding. "Whatever my girl wants to do, she can do." Remus mutters against your pussy, focusing on your pleasure once more. A groan pulls your attention away from Pete, who begins massaging your tit, pinching your nipple slightly, and your cunt clenches in pleasure again. Your gaze lands on James, who is roughly palming himself, too shy to properly take care of himself like Sirius next to him. "Oh God" You moan, eyes fixated on his frustrated face, eyebrows furrowed and tears forming in his eyes. "Jamie." His head immediately snaps to you. "Come closer." And the boy obeys, dragging a chair right next to you.
You wipe a stray tear falling down his cheek, and reach out to the top of his sweatpants, pathetically trying to pull them down, hips bucking up at the sudden overstimulation on your clit. James helps you, pulling them down just enough for his cock to be exposed to you, angrily slapping his bare torso. The tip of his cock is red and leaking pre-cum, and you immediately start rubbing it, moaning the second James cries out in pleasure, thighs squeezing around your boyfriend's head, working hard to make you cum. You spread James' pre-cum down his dick and to the base of his cock, squeezing him near his balls before starting to stroke his length. His hips buck up into your hand, and you're suddenly reminded of the hand massaging your tit, looking up at Peter, who is completely engrossed in your body. Your eyebrows furrow and you feel the knot in your belly tightening, but something is missing.
You suddenly feel frustrated at the neglect of your second tit, and look for Sirius's eyes in the room, already locked on you. You look back down at your tits, hoping Sirius gets the message, and it seems he does, scurrying over to you, and kneeling on the floor next to the window nook, hand still glued to his cock. Boldly, his free hand reaches up to your tit, and he leans forward to wrap his lips around your perk nipple. You cry out as he begins sucking on it, your fist around James' cock tightening unawarely, causing him to gasp. Remus adds a third finger to your cunt, still sucking on your clit and you're done for, crying out his name loudly as you cum around his fingers and mouth, orgasm nearly causing you to black out. You're aware of the other two boys crying out too, closely followed by Remus, whose vibrations go up your pussy, making you gasp, letting go of James' cock to grip Remus' hair tightly, pulling his face closer to your cunt.
Remus' fingers slow down on your cunt, and he eventually pulls them out, tongue lapping at your pussy to clean you up, while you beg him to stop. "Fuck, baby-Rem can't!" James and Sirius shoot each other incredulous looks, panting to catch their breaths: they weren't expecting the night to come to this. When Remus finally pulls away from you, he leans over you, arms wrapping around your back to help you sit up, and you ogle at him, and the wet patch in his trousers, giggling slightly. "So we all finished except poor Peter?" You guess, looking back at the boy who sheepishly nods, cheeks tinted red. "Well-" You begin to suggest, only to be interrupted by your boyfriend. "No, I'm absolutely not done with you yet. You can take care of Peter when we're done, if he doesn't get to it first." He states, arms wrapping around your waist and effortlessly picking you.
You can hear Sirius cackle, and Peter groan whilst Remus walks the short steps to his four poster bed, dropping you on his mattress before pulling the curtains closed, and throwing his jumper off, leaving his torso in all its naked glory. "Muffliato or no?" He asks you, leaning down to press a soft kiss on your lips. Just as you begin to say the answer, you hear three yells of "No!" coming from outside the curtains.
"Pervs!" Your boyfriend yells out, though he obeys with a grin, shimmying out of his trousers.
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catherinnn · 2 months
Truth or Dare Harrington?
Steddie x reader
summary: The gang has a night out singing karaoke and drinking. When the party dies down, this trio continues the fun at your apartment.
warnings: SMUT (+18), threesome, p i v, unprotected sex (don't do this, this is fiction), oral sex (m & f), no body descriptions appart that it's afab reader, smoking weed and drinking alcohol.
words: 3.2 k. masterlist
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It had started as a fun night out celebrating you were all finally available, the entire group.
Ever since some of you started collage and others started working, the group wasn't what it once was. But tonight you were all here, drinking shot after shot and finishing endless cups of whatever you were ordering.
You went to a karaoke bar –Robin's idea– and it was the most fun you have had in a while.
You did all from solo songs to duets.
You sang 'I'm Just a Girl' with the girls; you sang a duet with Eddie doing 'The Chain'; Steve dared you to sing 'Take My Breath Away'; and then you made him sing 'Last Christmas' –even though it is July– but he made you sing it with him. Eddie and Steve dedicated you their version of 'Maneater' which you didn't know if you should be flattered or offended by.
To sum up, every possible song until your vocal cords hurt.
After that, you offered your apartment to keep the party going. Steve and Eddie were the firsts to say yes very excitedly, but the rest of the gang decided to head home already, calling it a night.
Eddie offered to share some of his good stuff but they went off either way. You still agreed to go and smoke at least for a little while with the boys.
That's how you ended up in your couch, passing a joint among the three of you while you played some dumb drinking game.
"Truth" Eddie chooses.
"Who of the two of us was your favorite to sing with tonight?" you ask him.
"Oh, that's mean. I liked both of you," Eddie takes a moment to think. "but I think we had a lot of chemistry on that stage, big boy"
"What?" you ask offended at his answer. "We had so much chemistry with that song, and it was much more of an iconic moment than yours!"
"Hey hey, he already made his decision!" Steve argues. "Control your jealousy"
"Get out of my apartment" you joke.
"Alright, calm down, I'll make you choose too" Eddie starts. "If you were... stranded on a desert island with one of us, who would it be?"
You roll your eyes, "that's easy, Steve" Eddie gasps offended and Steve grins proudly. "Well, because he was an athlete, he has a good body to survive and also take care of me" you tried to defend your answer.
"I'll take care of you baby" Steve winks at you.
Eddie and you start bickering until Steve makes you shut up and keep playing.
"Quit fighting, Eddie I dare you to say your favorite thing about her"
Eddie smirks already knowing his answer, "Umm, let me think," he says, pretending to be indecisive while forming two circles with his hands in front of his chest, mimicking the shape of breasts.
Steve laughs at this and you roll your eyes containing your giggle.
"Uh- no, it's her eyes, definitely" he answers for real this time.
"Yours?" Steve asks you now. "What's your favorite think about him?"
"Umm," you look at him while thinking your answer. "I could say your eyes as well, but I don't want to copy you... and I love your hair but we have the king of all hairs here present" you say referring to Steve. "I really like your smile, your whole face lights up when you smile, and you have those cute dimples too"
Eddie, ironically, can't help but smile at your statement.
"My turn" you declare. "Stevie, truth or dare"
"I dare you to... hold hands with Eddie for the next three rounds"
"Alright" he takes the other man's hand in his as he also takes the joint from his mouth to keep smoking himself. The latter rolls his eyes at this.
More rounds like that continue, where Eddie makes you sit on Steve's lap until you finish playing, and you make Eddie do a sexy dance without music where you couldn't stop laughing.
"Truth or dare Harrington?" the metalhead asks him.
"What is... a fantasy of yours? A sexy one"
"Uh..." Steve debates whether to say it or not. "Well, I've always wanted to- um, to have a threesome"
"With two girls?" you ask him.
"Yeah... or a guy and a girl too, I think" he confesses.
"Princess, I dare you and Steve to shotgun" Eddie says all of the sudden.
"What? It's not even your turn"
"We're not even following those rules anymore" he defends.
"Uh, fine" you agree either way.
Steve grabs the joint and as you were already on his lap you just turn your head to look at him.
"I'll do it, yeah?" he checks and you nod.
He takes a drag and holds it, you move your head as close as you can so your lips are almost touching. He exhales the smoke into your mouth and you inhale it.
You don't know if it's the weed or having Steve so close to your face you're almost kissing, but you get a little dizzy on your head.
"You okay?" he checks on you again noticing this. You nod slowly without moving away yet, as you exhale the smoke.
Eddie looks at this smirking, enjoying the scene. "Steve, I dare you to kiss her"
"W- what?"
"Oh, you are both dying to! Just do it already!" he accuses.
You and Steve look back at each other as if you're asking the same question: Can we?
And you both give each other a little nod.
Therefore, Steve slowly closes the distance, finally kissing you.
His lips feel soft on yours. You can taste something sweet as well as the weed from before. The kiss is slow and tender, he caresses your cheek to pull you closer. Your hands go to his hair, feeling how soft it is.
When you separate, you let a little laugh out and so does he.
"That's cute" Eddie comments. You both look back at him.
Steve tries something, hoping it goes well. "Munson, I dare you to kiss her now"
He looks at Steve surprised, but with a smile on. As if he couldn't believe he had said that.
"Can I, sweetheart?" He asks you.
It's like having a little red devil on one shoulder saying, 'Yes! Go kiss him!' and a little angel on the other shoulder saying, 'No, you shouldn't be doing this.’
You pick the devil's side.
Getting down from Steve’s lap, you move closer to the other boy now.
He smirks at you before pressing his lips to yours.
This kiss was a little harder, not fast, just more passionate. He tastes like mint mixed with a smoky sent, being the weed and cigarettes. His hand is also on your cheek, almost at your jaw, keeping you in place. Your hands are also on his hair as you play with his curls.
You separate and feel that dizzy head again. What are these boys doing to you?
He smiles as well as Steve did and you ignore the little jump your belly does.
"I think there's only one move left" you comment as you look at them. You point at one, then at the other, and continue moving your finger back and forth between them, indicating both of them.
Eddie looks at Steve with a big grin. He's enjoying this way too much.
"O- okay" Steve agrees and they get closer until they start kissing.
You lean back enjoying the show. They don't hold back, it’s not a mere peck on the lips, not even close to that. They kiss properly. You wonder if now their tastes are mixed as well. Or if they can taste your lips as well as each other's.
You sit up and get closer to them. They separate and both look at you with puffy lips, you smile at that sight. You feel their hands at your waist bringing you closer. You grab both their faces gently as you bring them closer together and to you.
They see you closing your eyes and they follow you.
It's your first three-way kiss, it's not as uncomfortable as you imagined it would be. It's pretty fun actually, feeling both of their lips against yours, tongues meeting each other again. It's really hot.
You separate after a few minutes of that, looking at them smiling.
"Umm, do you... do any of you want to stop?" Steve asks a bit awkwardly.
Eddie is quick to shake his head, looking at you expectantly.
"Me either" you confirm.
Eddie smiles and kisses you again. You extend your hand to Steve so he doesn't feel left out. He takes it and starts to kiss your neck now. You let out a soft moan against the other boy's mouth.
Kisses and touches are shared among the three of you. You feel Eddie's hands under your shirt and Steve's on your ass. The metalhead lifts your shirt up a little as if asking you if it's okay, you separate from Steve's mouth and lift your arms up. He bites his lips as he takes the shirt off.
Both boy's hands are quickly on your waist, belly and chest.
"You can take that off too, you know?" you say referring to you bra. They look at you as if you just told them they won the lottery.
Steve is the first to reach the back of your bra and unhook it. Eddie's hands take your straps and slowly takes it off completely.
They stare at your boobs as if it is the first time they're seeing breasts. You know for a fact that it's not.
Steve's hands that were on your waist, travel upwards to touch them. Eddie goes to kiss your neck and travel down to your chest, and then to your breasts.
Steve kisses you again and you go to take his shirt off now. You moan on his mouth as Eddie plays with your tits expertly, making you more impatient.
“Can you lay down for us, sweetheart?” Steve asks you and you do as he asked.
Eddie sits up next to Steve, looking down at you as well. Steve whispers something in Eddie’s ear and he nods in agreement. You frown.
“Care to share with the class, boys?” you tell them. Eddie smirks at your joke but stays quiet.
“We just want to take of you” Steve starts.
“Enjoy you a little bit. Does that sound good, princess?” Eddie continues.
You’re still intrigued of what they agreed on, but accept either way.
“Good, just relax for us” Eddie says again as he hovers on top of you and starts kissing you. You enjoy having him like this. You feel Steve’s hands on your thighs going up to your hips.
“Can I take these off?” he asks referring to your pants and you give him the green light.
He unbuttons your pants and takes them off, taking his time, caressing your thighs while you still enjoy of the other boy’s lips on yours.
“These are so cute, baby” the bigger boy comments making Eddie stop kissing you to turn his head and see what he was talking about.
“Oh” Eddie lets out sweetly, “Do you always wear pretty panties like these?” he teases and you shake your head. “No? And why did you wear them tonight?”
You shrug this time, acting innocent. The truth is they make you feel good about yourself. You feel pretty and hot with them. As you knew you were going to go out with them tonight, you wanted the confidence. But you weren’t going to admit that.
“Just a coincidence? Or did you wear them because you were gonna see us?” Eddie continues teasing you.
“What do you think?” you say against his lips, challenging him.
“I think you’re not as innocent as you seem right now” he confesses and it takes everything in you not to make him lay down now as you sit in top of him and see if he can still tease you that way. But you don’t, because you also want to focus on Steve.
“Stop it you two” Steve orders.
“Open your pretty legs, baby” Eddie changes the subject smirking as he moves to face your panties now.
Steve takes advantage of this and lays next to you as he starts kissing your neck.
Eddie finally takes your underwear off and you feel him kissing your thighs, traveling up.
You turn to kiss the boy next to you and he responds happily, caressing from your waist, to your back, your neck, your hair. Everywhere he can really.
Eddie’s kisses move to your cunt now, focusing on your clit and teasing your entrance with two of his fingers.
It’s harder to focus now, Eddie puts his mouth to good use when he’s not mocking you. He makes you feel so good, knowing exactly where and how to play with your pussy. This, added with the touches and kisses Steve leaves on your skin, making you burn.
You moan as you back to kissing Steve, one of your hands on his hair and the other on the hair of the boy kissing you lower. Pulling at each mane.
Eddie doesn’t even want to blink, looking at you both make out as you hide your moans on Steve’s mouth. He is enjoying your sweet taste and the beautiful view. Flickering his tongue quickly on your clit and then sucking on it, he enters two of his fingers in you, making you arch, he smirks against your pussy.
His tongue moves in sync with his fingers, picking a more urgent pace as he feels you clench. You separate from Steve as you keep moaning.
“Gonna cum, baby? Are you close?” the latter asks as he enjoys watching you like this.
“Yes, mmph” you let out pulling on the long set of hair and arching even more as you cum. Your legs try to close but Steve stops them before you succeed.
Eddie keeps licking your pussy for a few more seconds after you cum, to then get up triumphantly. Steve grabs the boy to give him another kiss, tasting you on his tongue. Both men moan at this.
While you catch your breath you see them as they undress each other completely. When they’re done, they look back at you.
“Do you want to keep going?” Eddie asks you and you tell them yes.
They make you sit in the middle on them, your back to Steve. Eddie kisses you and you still taste yourself a little, Steve kisses your whole back.
The tattooed boy steps back, and Steve slowly pushes you down, positioning you all on fours.
“If you want to stop at any time, please tell us. Okay?” He says in your ear and you nod.
You feel Eddie’s hand on your chin, making you look up. He kisses you again as you feel Steve positioning himself in your entrance.
“Can I, baby?” he checks one more time, and you give him the green light once again.
You moan in Eddie’s mouth as you feel Steve entering you. He’s big, really big, making you feel him everywhere.
Eddie kisses your check, jaw, and neck until you get used to Steve’s size. Then he gets up, and you’re now facing his belly.
Before either of them says anything, you understand what they want to do. You start kissing his happy trail down to his cock. He’s also very big, a little less thick than Steve, but definitely nothing for him to feel jealous of.
You feel Steve moving slow but deep inside you, and as he feels you getting more wet around him, he fastens his thrusts.
You start kissing Eddie’s head and licking his length for a few seconds just to tease him. Then you finally wrap your lips around him, slowly entering your mouth. He throws his head back, getting lost in the pleasure.
“Your mouth feels so good, princess, fuck” he curses.
Steve moves faster at this, “Pussy’s so good too, you’re just fucking perfect” he moans.
You moan with your mouth completely full, making Eddie grunt and wrap his hand in your hair, also preventing it from bothering you.
Both boys take pleasure on the view as well. Eddie can see Harrington with his mouth slightly open, letting some moans and curses out as he moves perfectly inside you. He can see your round ass and Steve’s hands gripping it harshly. Lastly, he can see your beautiful face in pleasure as you take all of him in your mouth. He wonders how he can be so fucking lucky to be living this, but wishes it never stops.
Steve watches your pussy take him expertly, from his tip until he feels his pelvis come in touch with your skin. He watches your ass all round and perfect in front of him; he can’t see your face, but he sees Eddie’s hand grip your hair tighter and tighter until his skin turns white. He watches the other boy’s tattooed chest and arms, with his head turning back in pleasure from time to time, showing his big neck.
“Fuck yes, just like that, princess” Eddie curses. And Steve smirks feeling you clench around him.
“She likes hearing you, Munson”
“Oh, do you now? You like me saying how good you’re taking me? Best fucking blowjob I’ve ever had” You feel a tingle of jealousy imagining him with another girl in her knees for him, you’ll find a way to bother him with that when your mouth is not completely full.
“Fuck, she really does” Steve snitches on you and Eddie laughs.
“Such a good play toy we have here for us, Harrington”
“Fucking right we do”
Eddie feels you whimper against him. You separate, taking him out of your mouth to breathe for a second.
“That’s good, catch your breath, sweetheart” he says as he brushes his thumb over your swollen lips.
“Fuck, Steve! Harder!” you take the advantage to tell him and he obeys, making you face the cushions now form how hard he’s thrusting in and out.
“I can feel how close you are, baby, cum for us” He orders now, sliding a hand to play with your clit.
“Oh, yes yees, just like that!” You grip the cushions hard as you let yourself come undone.
“Shit baby, you’re so hot” He moves harder and faster now, catching his climax.
He quickly takes himself out, stroking his cock fast until he cums on your back, cursing and moaning as he does.
He picks up his shirt and cleans you out as you catch your breath.
You feel Eddie now next to you again.
“You feel okay, sweetheart?”
“Yeah, I’m really good” you comment, and you see he’s still hard.
“Eds” you get up to sit on his lap, but he stops you.
“Wait, hey. Do you want to keep going? We don’t have to?”
You roll your eyes playfully, still appreciating his concern, and you kiss him again.
He kisses you back so needy, grabbing you to sit on him and feeling you up.
He stops for a second and looks to the side of the room, Steve is sitting down watching you. Eddie signals the seat next to him, and Steve gets closer to you.
You go back to kissing Eddie, and Steve is kissing his neck.
Hands are everywhere, feeling each other’s bodies. You get up slightly and grab Eddie’s dick so you can sit on him.
“Oh, shit” he moans against Steve’s mouth. You move back and forth on him, Steve’s hands controlling your movements, helping you to ride Eddie.
“Oh fuuck” you moan arching my back.
“Sensitive baby?” Steve teases you and you nod.
“You feel so good, princess, holy shit” his head rests back on Steve’s shoulder. You both go to kiss and bite his neck, leaving marks behind just like the one’s Steve’s leaving on your hips from his tight grip.
“You feel so so good in me, baby” You tease him a little, whisper in his ear. “You both did, stretching me out so well, my big boys”
“Fuck- I- I’m not gonna last, I’m so close” He rests his head on your shoulder now, leaving bites and kisses.
“Cum with me Eds, I’m so close too” you jump faster now.
“Look at our little bunny here” Steve keeps teasing you both now, Eddie looks up at you and kisses you once again.
“Mhh, cum Eddie! Cum with me!” You tell him as you let go. He follows you right behind, grunting your name.
You stay like that with him, hugging each other. Steve gets up to grab a glass of water and a towel so he can clean you up once again.
He rests back on the couch next to you two.
“That was incredible” he comments.
“It really was” you say, turning your head to look at him, still resting with Eddie.
“You okay, Munson?” Steve checks since he stayed silent.
“I’m awesome man” he finally lets out. “and was incredible, indeed”
“You’re staying over? Don’t make me sleep alone now” you ask them.
“Of course, sweetheart”
“If you insist, princess”
You let out a small laugh, pleased with their answers.
“Let’s go to bed before we fall asleep on the couch” Steve orders.
And you sleep with one of them on each side, all cuddling together. You haven’t slept that good in a while.
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loganhowlettsmybf · 1 month
I need Hugh jackman x pregnant!reader. Just all gushy about her and so proud to be her husband
A quiet moment
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hugh glanced over at you, at his wife. you were seated comfortably on the couch, cradling your growing belly with a soft smile on your face. your eyes closed as you absentmindedly rubbed the swell of your abdomen.
he moved quietly across the room, not wanting to disturb your peace, but you sensed his presence, your eyes fluttered open, and you looked at him with that same soft smile that made his heart skip a beat every time.
"hey, love," you murmured, your voice gentle.
"hey, yourself," he replied, leaning down to press a tender kiss to your forehead. "how are you feeling?"
"good," you said, your hand still resting on your belly. "just a little tired. the baby’s been pretty active today."
hugh smiled as he took a seat beside you, reaching out to place his hand over yours on your belly. he marveled at the way it felt—knowing that your child, a little life you had created together, was growing inside you. every kick, every movement, filled him with a joy he couldn't quite put into words.
"you’re incredible, you know that?" he said, his voice filled with awe.
you chuckled softly, a little blush coloring your cheeks. "i’m just pregnant, hugh."
he shook his head, brushing a strand of hair away from your face. "no, you’re carrying our child. you’re creating life. and you’re doing it so beautifully. i can’t even begin to tell you how proud i am of you."
your eyes shimmered with emotion as you looked at him. "you’re going to make me cry," you said with a soft laugh, though he could tell you were only half joking.
hugh leaned in, his lips brushing against yours. "i mean it, darling. every day, i wake up next to you and i’m just…overwhelmed with how lucky i am. you’re my everything. and now, you’re giving me the most precious gift i could ever ask for."
you leaned into his touch, your eyes closing as you absorbed his words. "i’m the lucky one," you whispered. "you’ve been so amazing, hugh. i couldn’t ask for a better partner, or a better father for our baby."
he felt his chest tighten with emotion at your words, and he wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. he wanted to protect you, to shield you from any discomfort or worry. but more than anything, he wanted you to know how deeply you were loved.
you sat in silence for a while, just holding each other, the soft hum of the city outside their window was the only sound in the room. it was moments like these that hugh cherished most—the quiet, tender moments where nothing else mattered but the two of you, and the life you were building together.
eventually, you shifted slightly in his arms, looking up at him with a playful smile. "do you ever get tired of staring at me?"
"never," he replied without hesitation. "i could look at you all day and still not get enough. especially now."
you laughed, the sound light and melodic, and he felt a surge of warmth spread through him. he loved making you laugh, loved seeing you happy. "you’re hopeless," you teased, but your tone was filled with affection.
"hopelessly in love with you," he corrected, leaning in to kiss you softly on the lips. it was a slow, lingering kiss, one that spoke of all the things he felt for you—the love, the devotion, the endless admiration.
when you pulled apart, you rested your forehead against his, your eyes closed as you breathed him in. "i can’t wait for our baby to get here," you whispered.
"me neither," he said, his hand still resting on your belly, feeling the gentle movements beneath his palm. "but for now, i’m just happy to have this time with you. just us."
you nodded, your eyes shining with tears again, but you didn’t try to hide them this time. "i love you so much, hugh."
"i love you too," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "more than you’ll ever know."
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frantic-fiction · 9 months
Shattered Glass 18+
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(Gif: leopardmuffinxo)
Astarion x f!reader
Summary: Astarion finally makes do on a promise.
This is part 2 of Secluded Evening. (Could be read as a stand alone)
Warnings: Smut, MDNI, oral fem receiving, PnV sex, unprotected sex, biting (of course) Astarion being a lovesick fool
Word count: 2.6k
Astarion threw another log on the fire; a flurry of embers took flight, dancing in the cold night air. The rest of the camp had already settled in their tents. You were nestled between his knees about five feet away from the flames. A throw blanket cascaded down your shoulders—a notebook on your lap. 
He studies the rapid strokes of your hand from over your shoulder. The rough lines of charcoal were blooming into an identical copy of Laz'eal. Astarion pulled a strand of hair away from your eyes and began to weave your locks into a simple braid. He doesn't have a hair tie, and knowing you, you've lost yours. So, he twists the pieces, and once done let's go, kissing the crown of your head. 
You barely acknowledge him, and when you suddenly shove the pencil over your shoulder, Astarion chuckles, taking it from you. He watches you begin smudging the charcoal with the pad of your finger. You're adorable when your art consumes you. Every time, it captivates Astarion.
This was how most of your nights were spent. Not always precisely like this; sometimes Astarion brought a book, and sometimes your hand got too sore to draw, so Astarion read to you as you curled on his lap. But as long as it was spent in each other's company neither of you cared much for the activity.
Astarion adored these nights the most, primarily because he could feast his eyes on your beauty without you shying away or throwing a stupid joke at him to break the tension. You were perfect in every way, and when he opened his heart briefly and confessed the broken pieces of himself and the motivations that led him to you. All you did was look at him with unspoken love and hugged him. 
Your relationship became something more after that. Sex was not what drew the two of you together. For the first time in 200 years, Astarion had someone he trusted with his every sense of the word. Someone who wanted more than his body and showed their love for him without words. Someone he wanted to spend every moment of his life with despite the fear that thought causes him. 
Astarion thinks he loves you but can't find the words when his mouth opens. He's always struggled with expressing his true feelings, but he wants to try with you. He wants to bear his heart to you and show you all that you mean to him. And with all the trust you and Astarion have established, one thing has become a very big problem. 
You have begun to treat Astarion like glass, as if one sexual touch will break him. And frankly, it's pissing him off. Astarion finally has complete control over his body and a partner who he trusts. A partner that can bring him to his knees with a simple giggle and to put it bluntly, gods you were fucking sexy. 
He's frustrated, horny, and has no idea how to ask for anything he wants. And for fucks sake, if he wakes from a meditation to have you grinding against his erection again, he just might explode.
In his frustrated musing, he didn't notice that you had placed your sketch pad away. He only noticed when you cupped his jaw and moved his eyes to meet yours. "What are you thinking about, handsome?"
It takes a moment for Astarion to collect himself as he stares at your soft smile. "I was thinking it's about time we get you, my sweet, to bed," he pecks your lips before grabbing your wrist and entwining your fingers. You nod and press a gentle kiss to his knuckles.
Astarion holds the flap open, and you duck inside. Kicking your pants off and into the corner, you unceremoniously plop down into the pile of cushions. You began sharing a tent in the shadow curse lands. Astarion found out pretty early on that nightmares of Cazador were less likely when you were in his arms. And thankfully, you slept better, too. 
You prop yourself on your elbows and silently watch Astarion move about the small space, removing his outer clothing. He seemed to be stalling, almost like he was silently debating with himself. Astarion is in his underwear when he seems to come to a conclusion. He takes a deep breath and moves towards you. Kneeling by your feet, you watch as Astarion hesitates, his hand resting softly on your shin. Hesitation is soon replaced with a devilish smirk that stretches across his lips.
"Whatcha thinking about pretty boy?" 
Astarion doesn't say anything, just slowly begins to crawl up your body before capturing you in a breathtaking kiss. His knee is between your legs; your hands are around his neck, pulling him flush against your body. You sigh softly into his mouth, moving your hands to caress his cheekbone.
He tongues the seam of your lips, and you are quick to gasp, giving him access to lick deeper. Astarion's hands are caressing up and down your curves, cupping your breast and tugging the metal bars of your nipple rings. His mouth moves to your throat, sucking hard at your jugular. 
"W-wait!" You choke out, causing the elf above you to freeze. He's quick to remove himself from you, putting some distance between your bodies. 
"Shit, did…did I do something wrong?" Astarion's voice cracks; you've never heard him so unsure of himself. You pant hard but are quick to sit up and fall into Astarion's lap, his arms instinctually wrapping around your waist.
"No, gods no," you sigh, cupping his jaw and pressing your forehead against his. The tension in Astarion's shoulders drops, and he squeezes you a bit harder.
"Then what is it, my sweet?"
That has you pausing to figure out the best way to say this. "What was your plan?" Shit, that didn't sound good
"My plan! Are you serious?" He's already pulling away, shutting off completely when you pull him back tightly.
"No! Th-that's fuck, that's not what I meant, Star," at least he's not trying to run, but he's as stiff as ever. "Astarion, I will be as blunt as possible because I care about you. Were you trying to have sex with me because you felt obligated?"
This isn't what Astarion expected you to say because he can't mask the look of surprise. He opens his mouth to speak before clamping it shut. He does this twice more, but you don't rush him, you push stray curls behind his ear and wait. 
"No." His voice is small. He clears his throat before speaking again, stronger this time. "No, I want this, and I would appreciate you stop treating me like fucking glass."
You're flipped over, and suddenly, on your back, Astarion's body pressed closely against yours. He ruts against you. His cock was hard, feeling painfully constricted in his underwear. "I appreciate your patience with me, darling, but I need to clarify one thing to you right now."
Astarion licks a long stripe up your collarbone, ending just under your ear. You moan softly, trying desperately to roll your hips up into Astarion. "I have never wanted someone more than I wanted you. So, if it's okay with you, my sweet, I'm going to take the rest of our clothes off, and you're going to finally let me feast upon the sweetness between your legs."
You whine and buck, trying to get anything from Astarion's unmoving body. "Tsk, no, no, my sweet. Use your words." He purred, nipping your ear.
"Please! Yes! Oh gods, Astarion," 
Once the words leave your lips, you're tearing at each other's clothes in desperation. After you are both fully undressed, Astarion shoves you back onto the cushions. You expect him to pounce but he hovers staring down at your naked body.
Astarion's deft fingers grab your foot, and he presses a soft kiss to your inner ankle. A pang of heat flared through your lower abdomen. He kisses up to the top of your calf before giving a playful bite. You release a soft yelp, and Astarions lavishes the bite with his tongue. He slowly moves up to your inner thigh, leaving various bruises in his wake.
 You're gasping as he ghosted over the spot you wanted him most. His breath fans over your dripping cunt, and you swear he's about to give you what you want. Then he kisses you. Just one small peck on the public area just above your clit, before he retreats. You cry, and one of your hands card into Astarion's white locks. 
“No! Please!”
 He begins the same slow ascent up your other leg, paying just as much attention. "Now, as much as I love those beautiful noises you make for me. Remember that our camp members are trying to sleep; you can be a good girl for me, right?" He gazes up between your parted legs, and you nod and swear if he asked at this moment, you would have given him anything.
"I thought so," Astarion purred before licking up the entire length of your pussy. You moan out and swiftly clap your hand over your mouth. Then suddenly Astarion is a man starved.
His hand grips the underside of your thighs hard and pulls you down the bed as close as physically possible. He sucks, and licks, piercing his tongue sloppily at your dripping cunt, and you're a mess of pleasure. Your grind against Astarion's face, his nose rubbing beautifully against your clit. If it weren't for Astarion's hands keeping your thighs parted, you probably would be crushing his head in your desperation.
A low groan rumbles from Astarion's chest, and he focuses his attention, sucking tightly on the bundle of nerves. He slips his first and middle finger into your cunt and curls up, causing you to gasp for air. 
"S-star…oh gods!" You cried, and he was ruthless with his assault. Astarion pumped his fingers quickly, the sloppy sounds of his mouth mixed with your muffled moan. Your stomach was coiling with pleasure, and you were embarrassed with how fast Astarion was picking you apart. "I'm close." you whimper, rolling your hips against his face. 
Astarion, after a moment, releases your clit. Still pumping you with his fingers, he looks up at you, chin glistening with your arousal, a smug grin lazily plaster on his lips. "Come for me, love, be a good girl."
With the last few slips of his fingers, the coil snaps, and you're falling apart. Eyes unfocused, muscled tight, the silent gasp of ecstasy stuck in your throat. Astarion watches in amazement and arousal as you come apart so thoroughly with just his mouth and fingers. His cock is aching pre, now dribbling down the shaft. 
Once your orgasm slows, you feel the immense need for more. And with Astarion still nestled between your legs, it has you moving without thought. You push Astarion back and plant yourself on his lap. You mash your mouth against him, chasing the taste of yourself on his tongue. 
Astarion groans and cups the back of your head, deepening the kiss. Your palms roam down his chest, smoothing down his abs until you come to his neglected cock. It's swollen and red, and when you grip it softly, Astarions hisses into your mouth, bucking into your palm. 
Smearing the pre-come around, you slowly work your hand up and down Astarion's dick in long, languid strokes. His eyes glaze over, and he moans, head dropping to your shoulder. Astarion's cold hands fondled your breast, and he leaned down to suck one of your nipples into his mouth. He pulls the metal piercing softly with his teeth. 
You whine and tug on a fist full of Astarion's hair, rubbing your thumb over the head of his cock. "Fuck, darling." Astarion moans, moving to give your other breast equal attention. Your positive marks will be littering your body for days following. And the thought alone causes you to clench your thighs. 
You pump your hand faster, and Astarion meets everyone with thrusts of his hips. He claims your lips again in a sloppy dance of wet tongues. Then suddenly Astarion stills your hand.
"If you keep this up, I'm not going to last much longer." Astarion's pants, nudging your nose with his.
"Isn't that kinda the point, handsome?"
"Not if I want to come apart feeling you clenching around me," Astarion's voice is breathless, and you moan at the thought. He kisses your cheek, then your jaw. Trailing his way to your neck. "Would you like that, my sweet," 
Whatever power you had over Astarion had just turned to dust. You bite your lip and nod quickly, letting Astarion push you on to your back. You part your hips, and Astarion slots right in. 
"Words, my love. You do know how much I love your voice." Such a fucking tease.
Linking your arms around his neck, you pull him down, hitching one of your legs over Astarion's hips. "Please…I need you to fuck me." 
"Shit…" Astarion groans. Taking himself in hand, he smears his dick with your arousal before filling you agonizing inch by inch. 
The two of you let out a collective cry of pleasure, and you feel complete. Astarion pulls out and slams his hips back, ripping the oxygen from your lungs, and sets a steady pace. You clutch at his shoulders, digging your nails into exposed skin. The slick sounds of Astarions pumping in and out of you were depraved and did nothing but fill your lower abdomen with molten lava. Astarion wholly consumed your senses. 
The coolness of his lips left lingering kisses on your arched neck. The smell of bergamot and rosemary flooded your nose with each shaky inhale. The saltiness of any skin you could taste. It was too much and not enough all at once. 
The scrape of Astarion's fangs graze his favorite feeding spot, and you grab the back of his head. "Yes! P-please…" and soon, the icy pierce of his teeth is followed by the cool tingle of pleasure that flows through your body. 
Astarion grunts as soon as the blood touches his tongue. He ruts faster against you, grinding you into the blankets. He has to clamp a hand over your mouth to keep your voice from waking the whole camp. 
But what can you do? Nothing. Not when his other hand begins to roll your clit in tight circles matching his thrusts. Your hands trail down his back, legs hooking tightly around his torso. The angle of your hips changes, and Astarion is pounding into the spot that has you seeing stars. You're close, and you try to say so, but Astarion hand is still tight around your mouth. 
After a last mouthful of blood, Astarions peppers kisses over the bite. "I know, my sweet, I'm…fuck I'm close to." 
His fingers are rubbing your clit faster, and his hips aren't letting up the brutal pace. Your legs are quaking, and you feel like you might faint. You clench tightly around him, and then you fall apart. Suddenly, Astarion's hand is gone, and his tongue is in your mouth, capturing every whimper of pleasure you give. And with a few more swallow sloppy thrusts, Astarion falls over the edge with you, filling you with his spent.
Astarion continue to languidly kiss you, both hands cupping your face like you are the most precious creature on the plane. He barely grinds his hips, feeling the last of your orgasms fade until you are both too sensitive. 
And it's like someone cut the puppet strings. Astarion falls limply onto you, blanketing your body with his. You comb softly through his hair, gently pulling out any knots. Astarion kisses your shoulder before rolling off of you. 
It is silent for a while as you stare into each other's eyes. Astarions is the first to speak. "I love you," His words were barely above the whisper, and if you weren't staring intently at the man, you might have missed it. 
You're speechless. Were you dreaming?
"I still believe you deserve more than the broken man before you. But you've chosen me, and I have felt true happiness for the first time since waking up in my grave. And well-"
You don't give him a moment to finish before you're in his lap and tackling him into an embrace. "I love you, Astarion." 
The dopey grin on his face has you breaking into your own. You press your forehead to his, and he hugs you tightly. You don't know what tomorrow brings. But being here, seeing Astarion's smile, and knowing he loves you just as much as you love him. It feels like you can do anything. 
Okay, friends, this was just so fun to write. Let me know what ya thought. I swear all the love and support I've received from my last few posts have been so amazing. I'm so excited to show you more!!!
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Happy Birthday (fluffy)
Reoccurring Nightmares (hurt/comfort)
Tag list?: @heartfully10
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heesdreamer · 1 year
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Forgotten Consequences
PAIRING ➩ jake x reader (bsfs little brother au)
SUMMARY ➩ Your bestfriends little brother comes back from Australia and catches your attention despite knowing the consequences
WARNINGS ➩ ages aren’t specified but reader is a few years older than Jake and considers him “barely an adult”, RLLY ROUGH SM*T, like no joke it’s rough be warned, consent is there even though reader says no (she def wants it!), d*ddy is used sorry lol… this is straight up p*rn so there’s your warning. Jake is rough and borders obsessive
WC ➩ 5.7k
AUTHORS NOTE ➩ Not exactly pleased my return to the writing world is basically PWP lol but here it is… there’s a larger story here I’m considering writing so lmk if you’re interested. Sorry to keep you guys missing me, take this as an apology piece
“Your brother is a lot taller than I remember him being Chaeyoung.”
You briefly glanced over to the side once you heard Lily’s voice start to whisper, seeing her leaning into the other girls side as she tried to be as discreet as possible.
Both of them were staring out at something in the yard and you followed their gaze until you landed on Jake standing in the corner, picking up something off of the snack table and looking as bored as you felt at this ridiculous party.
“If you hook up with my little brother I’ll actually kill you.” Chaeyoung’s voice was flat and deadly serious but her face didn’t show any actual signs of caring about the conversation, rolling her eyes and taking a sip of her drink before looking away and letting Lily lay on her shoulder.
Your eyebrow raised slightly at the interaction before your gaze was floating back over to the boy instinctively.
He hadn’t been home from the dance school in Australia long and this was only your second time seeing him since. You’d grown up together but you’d never paid him much mind outside of when Chaeyoung gave him funny makeovers and made him dance to girl group songs with you and your friends. Other than that he wasn’t necessarily somebody on your radar.
It was impossible to not notice the difference in him now.
Mainly the fact he was almost double the size he had been when he left, clearly hitting puberty now and apparently the gym considering how large his shoulders looked underneath the washed out black hoodie he was wearing.
He’d obviously gotten a new sense of style in his time away too and it was one that you were almost annoyingly attracted to. His hair was longer and stuck in his face most the time, earbuds peaking out from behind the dark strands whenever he pushed it back with his large hand and you could’ve sworn you’d posted the shoes he was currently wearing on your Instagram story a few months ago.
You watched him as he started to make his way back inside, completely ignoring the party going on around him and not even sparing a glance at the people in his backyard and living room.
When he was younger, he always wanted to be involved, especially when it had to do with Chaeyoung and your friends. You remember seeing her send him back up to his room dozens of times when he tried to hang out with you guys, always greeting you and the others enthusiastically.
A frown was forming on your face at his indifferent attitude before you were glancing back at your friends, glad to see they were lost in their own conversation and not noticing the way your eyes had been locked on your bestfriends little brother for the better part of the last ten minutes.
They were so distracted that they also didn’t notice the way you were scooting off of the outdoor bench, adjusting your skirt and balancing yourself slightly before you were heading inside and following the path you’d seen the younger boy taking. You were a bit thrown off when you entered the house again, the atmosphere a lot more intense and dizzying than the outside partygoers had been.
But you knew Jake wouldn’t have stuck around this type of environment long so you pushed your way through the crowd and continued on your way upstairs to where you knew he’d be, raising your fist and knocking on his door before you thought twice about it.
You froze up slightly at the speed in which he swung open his bedroom door, a heavy glare set on his face and you could hear music coming from deeper in the room, having seemingly abandoned his headphones. His eyes widened for just a second when he realized it was you in the hallway before he was forcing on an expression of indifference.
“Y/N? Whats up?” He was asking but his tone was lazy like he didn’t care, luckily you knew better and could clearly read the curiosity in his eyes.
You ignored his question and pushed into the room, taking a deep breath once inside before turning towards him with a raised eyebrow. He was sighing and closing the door behind you, leaning against it for a second once he realized what your expression was directed towards.
“You smoke?” You were finally speaking and he tensed at the sound of your voice, looking way more intimidating with the way he was lazily leaned against his door and accidentally trapping you inside the room. You took a seat on his bed and watched him curiously, waiting for an answer.
You didn’t necessarily need one considering you were now noticing how lazy his eyes were, gaze low and hazy as he stared at you sitting on his bed and the corner of his lips turned up into a half smirk at your stern voice and scolding demeanor.
“You gonna tell on me Y/N?” His tone was teasing now and you kept watching him as he pushed off the door, crossing the room until he was flopping back into his bed.
Luckily he kept some distance between the two of you, sitting up so his back was propped up on his headboard and his knee was pointed towards the ceiling. You were still sitting on the edge of his bed but you turned your body so you could face him better, adjusting your skirt with the movement. You took one final glance towards the door, eyes falling down to the turned lock on the knob.
“I’m sure I could be convinced to not tell.” You were responding to him slowly, keeping your voice light so he knew you weren’t serious. His eyes darkened a touch but you continued on with your light teasing. “Maybe if you were open to sharing.”
You weren’t exactly sure how you ended up in Jake Sim’s bedroom smoking weed with him, sitting fully on his bed now with your legs crossed underneath you and grazing fingers every time he passed the bowl over in your direction.
You kept picturing Chaeyoung walking into the room, seeing the way you were looking at him every time he was breathing smoke outwards into the air. You wondered if she’d care, wondered if she’d realize where your mind had gone and then you’d shift on the bed and feel the tension in the room and know there was no way she wouldn’t suffocate in it.
He was watching you now in a way that you knew was past the line of friendly, miles past the line of being your bestfriends younger brother, and for the first time since entering his room you got nervous. So nervous that you inhaled wrong and the smoke traveled to a tighter part of your chest, sending you lurching forward in a rough cough as you patted your torso a couple times to try and clear your airways.
Jake was chuckling at your amateurish smoking skills and you sent him a glare as another cough ripped through you, moving your hand to send a soft punch towards his knee for his teasing.
“Wanna know a better way to get the smoke down?” His voice was low, lower than it already was and you remember being frozen the first time you heard him speak when he originally got back, deep and silky as he muttered a halfhearted greeting in your direction.
You gave him a curious look even though you already had an idea of where this was heading, wondering how far he was planning to take this. You only responded with a soft nod now that your coughs had died down and left your throat with a burning sensation, worsening when a gasp ripped through you at the feeling of him wrapping his hands underneath your knees and tugging you closer on the bed.
He moved you completely effortlessly and your eyes were wide and panicked, still sitting with your legs crossed but now you were directly in front of him and your knees were bumping into one of his, his other leg stretch out along your side and effectively forming a cage around you.
“Don’t do anything stupid.” Your warning was coming out far less stern than you’d hoped it would, voice weak and almost teasing again despite how serious you were.
His eyebrow cocked at this and you immediately knew it was the wrong thing to say considering the challenging glint forming in his eye now. He was swaying forward so his face was close to yours, way too close considering you felt his nose graze you for just a second before he was pulling back so he could stare down at your tense features.
“Keep your mouth open.” He was speaking suddenly and you could feel his breath on your lips, his tone light but commanding enough that for some reason you were immediately nodding your head and parting your lips for him.
He wasn’t wasting any time, sitting up enough so he could light the bowl once more and inhale it deep, holding it there in his chest easily for a few seconds before he was leaning forward and pressing his lips against yours. It wasn’t a kiss but it was enough for your eyes to flutter closed, leaning forward to press tighter against him but still not enough to feel his mouth completely on yours.
It was completely sensual, the way he was breathing out the smoke into your mouth from his own, almost suffocating as you inhaled a shaky breath softly and swayed further against him to try to avoid letting it escape.
“Breathe it in.” He was directing you again now that the smoke was out of his mouth and inside yours, not bothering to lean back and give you space as he started to speak and you could feel his lip brushing against yours for just a second. “C‘mon hold it for me. You can take it deeper than that.”
Your eyes were widening in surprise at his suggestive words, letting the smoke out before you were planning to and sitting up straight to try and put some distance between the two of you. He didn’t seem bothered at all by your reaction and for a second you wondered if you had just misheard him, let your own guilty thoughts and insecurities take his words to mean something besides smoking.
It didn’t help that your stomach was flipping with want now, face reddening and getting warmer as you replayed what he had said in your mind.
“Do it again.” You were requesting it in a whisper and you weren’t exactly sure what you were asking for, judging yourself for secretly hoping he’d repeat his innuendo laced words so you could hear it in his voice again. Instead he was grabbing the bowl and placing it between the two of you, lighting it again and inhaling.
You didn’t have too much time to be disappointed considering he was immediately lowering it and connecting your lips again, not even giving you time to open your mouth to collect the smoke.
He seemed to take matters into his own hands and you felt his tongue pressing against your sealed lips, prying them open so he could tilt his head and funnel the smoke into your throat. For a second you were chasing after his tongue with your own, nearly kissing him fully in a deeper lust fueled high, but he was cupping your jaw briefly and closing your mouth so you were forced to breathe in the smoke.
It was settling deep in your chest and this time you held it for him, looking up at him slightly through your eyelashes with watery eyes and he had a more satisfied expression on his face now that you were listening to him.
“Good girl.” He was humming out the word casually but your mouth parted in surprise, legs instinctively clenching together as you let the smoke filter back out and hit his face instead. The smirk on his face told you that he had definitely noticed your reaction and you were starting to lose all feelings of guilt and hesitation, being replaced with something much more terrible.
Something so intense that you couldn’t stop yourself from rocking forward and pressing your lips against his fully.
He thankfully was immediately reciprocating and you tried not to think about where he learned to kiss this intensely, hands coming up to cup your face and keep you locked against him as you moved together. You’d rocked forward so far that you nearly knocked him over back against the bed, leaning over his lap now as you desperately kissed him deeper and deeper.
It took for his hand sliding down your back, attempting to pull you fully onto his awaiting lap, for you to snap out of it and sit up straight with a small gasp.
Your hand was reaching up to touch your lips and you tried to ignore the fact they were wet from his mouth, looking at him and scanning from his confused eyes down to his own swollen lips that most likely mirrored the state of your own. Your body was lit up with need and it didn’t help that he was still touching you, hand resting on your lower back like he was waiting for you to kiss him again.
“We can’t do this.” You were telling him sternly in a panicked voice, shaking your head desperately to try and make sure he understood and that your point was getting across to him.
His hand was sliding down lower and roughly squeezing, resting on the curve of your ass and sending your hips forward and more onto his. A soft gasp was slipping from your mouth, followed by a breathy whine at the feeling of him hardening and pressing against your front, even more unbearable considering he wasn’t moving his hand and was instead softly groping your behind and rocking you against him.
“But we’re going to.” He was responding to your rejection in a casual tone, sounding more confident than he was pushy and you let out another soft whine as you gave him a bewildered look. “You followed me up here, you came into my room in this tiny little skirt and climbed into my bed because you wanted me to fuck you.”
You were instinctively shaking your head in panicked denial but your hands were going to his shoulders, pulling yourself forward onto his lap fully and mewling softly at the feeling of him completely pressing against you.
He didn’t say anything else as you started to desperately move against him, your head falling forward and landing in the crook of his neck as you lifted yourself up and down slowly so you could feel him under you at every possible angle. His large hands were holding you roughly and lifting you every time you struggled, pushing your skirt up further on your hips so he could feel your bare skin and lace panties.
“Fuck fuck.” You were panting out into his neck and arching your back into him, a shiver rolling down your spine when he was harshly tugging at your underwear so it was pressed painfully against your sensitive clit.
“God, do you always get this wet?” He was finally started to sound affected and you let out an embarrassed sob at his words, hand sliding up the back of his neck until it was tangled in his long hair. You imagined you were already a mess considering how desperate you were feeling, an overwhelming heat mixing with your high and stopping you from thinking about anything other than Jake.
“Let me fuck you baby, let daddy fix this.” He was talking so sweetly in your ear in his low voice.
You were shaking your head again but you already knew your resolve was falling apart, feeling nearly inhuman with how much you longed to be full of something, especially if it was him. You were aching in your panties and the forbidden image of your best friends little brother stuffing you and making the ache go away was nearly making you drool.
“How old are you Jae?” You were gasping out and lifting your head out of his neck to look at his face clearly, fearing his response and knowing you had a right to the fear considering for the first time his eyes flashed with guilt and worry. You were quickly doing the math in your head and gasping again, sitting up even more and stopping your rocking against him. “Oh my god you’re barely legal.”
He suddenly looked really annoyed and you felt bad for getting this far with him, knowing you had no choice but to stop what you were doing and reject the boy before anything more happened.
Messing around with your best friends brother was one thing but doing it while he was just barely an official adult was too much for your conscience, even if you weren’t that much older than him.
He seemed to have a totally different idea than you considering he was scoffing in annoyance before he was pausing and then flipping you completely over, ripping a shriek from you as your back unexpectedly hit the bed and he was left hovering over you. You froze up in shock as he impatiently undid the buttons on your skirt that was still pushed up on your waist, tugging it down and tossing it somewhere across the room.
“Don’t act like you care about how old I am.” He was barely looking at you as he spoke with anger lacing his voice, looking at your nearly bare bottom half for a few seconds before he was glancing up at you to check for your reaction. “Let me eat your pussy.”
You were letting out a loud laugh of disbelief, lacking any humor as you clamped your thighs shut and shook your head. “I mean it Jake, we can’t do this. It’s wrong.”
His large hands were squeezing your ankles for a second before sliding up your legs softly, your breath getting shakier as he reached your knees and slowly separated your legs. You both could tell you weren’t actually showing any attempt to stop him, not even putting up a fight as he lowered his face closer to your core and you could feel his breath over the wet spot covering your panties.
“It’s wrong that you want my tongue so bad your thighs are soaked.” He was talking in between the kisses he was laying on your skin, getting closer and closer to the thin fabric separating you and the point of no return. “Would be wrong to let you leave my room without my cum in your stomach.”
“Please, you need to stop.” You were breathing it out in a moan once he finally was placing a kiss over your covered core, softly running his tongue along your wetness and humming softly. The vibrations went straight to your clit and your hips rolled off the bed, pushing his face straight against you. “Oh fuck.”
He let out something that sounded almost like a growl before he was pushing your panties to the side and diving into your wet folds, wasting no time in sticking his tongue as deep as he possibly could get it and ignoring the way you nearly screamed and tried to close your legs around his head. He used his free hand to aggressively slam your knee back against the bed, opening you up completely for him and practically making out with your cunt.
It was completely lewd and disgusting, the wet noises filling the room as he ate you out with a level of expertise that almost made your stomach turn with curiosity if it wasn’t for how good he was making you feel.
Your hand was going to his hair to pull him out of your core but plans changed when he was sucking your clit into his mouth softly, instead keeping him locked in place with his long strands between your fingers. He abandoned your sensitive bud to go back to trying to stick his tongue as deep inside you as he could, turning his head so he was pushing into your tight hole and he moaned against you, the vibration nearly pulling another scream from you.
“Please Jake, oh my god please.” You almost thought you were begging for him to stop but you both knew you weren’t, lifting your hips up every time he tried to take a breath in an attempt to keep him buried in your cunt as long as possible.
“Wanna cum on my tongue or my cock baby?” He was lifting his head up to question you and you were thrown off by how easily it rolled off his tongue, how confident he seemed to be in being able to fuck you properly and make you cum with no question. You rarely came from hookups and definitely left unsatisfied more often than not but something about the glare in his eyes made you believe him.
You were apparently taking too long to answer considering he was climbing back on top of you and adjusting you slightly, moving your body like it weighed nothing.
“Don’t know how long I’ve wanted you like this Y/N. Going to show you what a real man feels like inside this slutty little hole.” He was reaching down and rubbing his fingers against you for emphasis, smirking when you let out a shaky breath and your stomach clenched. “Beg for daddy to fuck you baby, let everyone hear how much you want me.”
You were shaking your head and letting out an actual sob now, tears heavy as they rolled down your face and landed on the bed underneath you. He looked completely unaffected by your emotional reaction to the humiliation and pure want you felt for him.
It didn’t matter what he said now and it didn’t matter even if his sister walked into the room and saw him on top of you like this, you’d realized from the second you entered the room that you’d let him do anything to you that he wanted and that fact drove you absolutely insane with guilt and embarrassment. He seemed to know it as much as you did considering he was silent and patient as he waited for you to get ahold of yourself, knowing you’d end up begging for him regardless.
“Please Jake I need you so bad, need you to fuck me baby please.” You were pleading with him through a sob, grabbing onto his shoulders and trying to lift your hips to meet his and show him how desperate you were.
His eyes darkened the more you spoke and for the first time since entering his room you felt genuinely anxious, letting out a cry as he swiftly moved his hand up so it was pressing on your throat and restricting your breathing. Your eyes widened at his sudden aggression even though you were beginning to understand your mistake.
“Say it again and say it right or I’ll throw you out of my room with nothing but your dripping cunt.” He was leaning down to spit the words into your ear and you let out an embarrassing whine, another rush of heat running through you. “You like that huh… like when I get rough with you?”
You were nodding the best you could with his hand around your throat, the sting of the pressure making more wetness rush out of you as complete desperation took over your mind and left you feeling dizzy and out of it. Out of it enough that your tongue was hanging out of your mouth before you realized it, mouth opening as you stared up at him with watering eyes and heavy eyelashes.
He let off some of the tension around your throat just enough for you to be able to speak in a weak voice.
“Please daddy please give me your spit, I’ll be a good girl I promise.” You were practically sobbing as you begged him and his eyes were basically darkened to pitch black at this point, staring down at you with a hunger you’d never experienced from someone before. “Can do whatever you want to me, I’ll take it.”
Jake aggressively gripped your jaw and tugged your head closer towards his, waiting until you were eagerly sticking your tongue back out for him so he could spit roughly into your mouth. Before you got a chance to swallow it he was chasing after his spit with his own tongue, licking against yours until he was practically in your throat. You hummed softly and bobbed your head so he was even deeper, wanting him inside you in every way humanly possible.
“God you’ve gotta let me fuck you now or I’m going to hurt you.” He was pulling back to speak through gritted teeth, nearly looking pained as he was roughly sitting you up and tugging off the sweater you’d been wearing, leaving you completely bare outside of your panties that were beyond stretched from the way he was holding them.
“Hurt me.” You were begging him for it before you even processed that you wanted it, the imagine of him holding you down and shoving himself so deep inside you that you couldn’t handle the stretch making your stomach tighten with want. “Please Jake hurt me.”
“Don’t even know what you’re fucking begging for, you’re such a slut you don’t even care how I fuck you.” He sounded so angry but you knew he was just as affected as you, tugging you up and back into his lap so you were straddling him again. He sucked one of your nipples into his mouth for just a second before he was letting it go to speak again. “Wanna drag you down to that packed living room and take you in front for everyone there, let everyone watch me stuff you so deep your stomachs bulging.”
You were dizzy now, almost worried you were going to pass out from how overwhelmed you were and he’d barely even touched you so far.
You were desperately rolling your hips into his again and he was surprisingly letting you, guiding you as you bounced in his lap and practically rode him despite the fact he was still fully clothed. The image of you, bouncing on his hard on while practically naked and dripping down your thighs compared to him being fully dressed and composed made you feel even dizzier and you found yourself longing for what he was describing.
“Gonna make me feel so full daddy please, I’m sorry.” You could feel his hardness pressing against you every time you bounced and you were so turned on you couldn’t even find the time to be embarrassed you were probably soaking the fabric of his pants, the time to be humiliated you were calling a boy younger than you daddy.
“Should be fucking sorry.” He was growling out the words again and flipping you over easily so your stomach was on the bed instead, lifting you up by your hips so your ass was perfectly presented for him.
He didn’t hesitate before he was sending a sharp smack to your bare skin, immediately ripping a pained yelp from you that faded off into a desperate whine. You were adjusting yourself so you were pushing your ass towards him more and silently communicating you wanted him to hit you again, sobbing into his bed and pressing your face into the blanket to try to muffle the sounds of your cries.
Thankfully, he was understanding and roughly hitting you again. You knew he wasn’t using his full strength considering how strong he was but he definitely wasn’t going easy on you and you could feel yourself leaking even more at the pain.
“Tell me you’re sorry for never looking my way when I was a kid.” His words were barely being processed by you since you were so dizzy but you cried harder at the sound of his deep voice commanding you. “Sorry for being such a fucking slut but never giving me the chance to fill this pussy up.”
“Only want you to fill me please.” You were being immeasurably too loud but you didn’t even slightly care, completely serious in your desires for him to be inside you no matter who was watching. “M so sorry Jae please, please.”
You could hear the sound of his belt coming undone behind you and you nearly cried with relief, adjusting even more so you were completely presenting your ass and core to him. You wanted him to see how much you belonged to him so he’d have no choice but to fuck you.
He must’ve finished undressing his lower half because you could feel him pressing against you and your back arched at the realization his skin was pressing against yours, a loud whine sounding through the room when you felt his bare cock rubbing against your folds and thighs experimentally. You pushed against him harder and he reached up to squeeze the fat around your hips roughly in annoyance, a silent warning as he groaned softly.
“Gonna stuff you now and you’re going to lay here and take it.” He was grunting as he spoke and you sucked in a sharp breath when the head of his cock caught on your hole, pushing in just enough for you to realize he was a lot thicker than you’d prepared for. “Fuck you’re so tight, I’m going to end up in your stomach.”
You arched at his words and whined into his blankets, pushing your hips back against his so he was going deeper inside you. The stretch was knocking the air out of your chest but you nearly cried with how full he was going to make you feel.
“Please daddy please, I’ll be such a good girl for you I promise.” You were pathetically pleading with him and you knew for a fact that if anybody had drunkenly wondered upstairs they could definitely hear you, but you didn’t care about anything other than him in this moment and he was driving you crazy with how slow he was pushing into you.
He was finally losing his control and fucking himself deep inside of you in one go, bottoming out as you both took deep breaths and tried not to lose it before you’d even started.
The sound of him groaning above you was making you even more needy and you were overwhelmed with how much you wanted to keep hearing him make sounds like that, instinctively clenching around his length and feeling the way he was throbbing deep inside you.
You were basically sobbing with pleasure just from his first stroke into you when he pulled out completely, your body reacting intensely to the emptiness as you immediately looked over your shoulder and prepared to beg for him to fuck you again, stopping mid sentence when he was turning you back over on your back so you were able to see him again.
He was slamming himself back into you before you even adjusted to the position and he felt ten times deeper now, a pained grunt falling from your lips as he started to finally actually fuck you.
“Fuck you’re so fucking tight Y/N. I thought you were a whore but you feel brand new for me baby.” His facial expression as he spoke through gritted teeth and continued to thrust into you made you dizzy and you desperately reached out to hold his arms to try and ground yourself.
“Just for y-you Jake, only wanna be this full with you.” You were practically delirious as you cried and spoke to him but your words seemed to turn him on more considering he was slamming into you harder, clearly enjoying the level of ownership you were voicing towards him.
You didn’t want to internalize any of the things he said about you not paying attention to him before, knowing if you stopped and considered what he was implying you’d not be able to go through with this.
He was skilled at distracting you considering he was reaching forward to aggressively grab at your wrist, placing your hand against your stomach and pressing down so harshly you grunted in upset as your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The lack of understanding didn’t last long considering it took only two more rolls of his hips inside you for you to feel what he was intending, your stomach bulging slightly from his size forcing itself deeper.
“Feel that?” He was rasping and you looked up to meet his gaze for the first time since he entered you, taken back by how dark and deadly his eyes were. “You’re mine now.”
You were nodding quickly in confirmation, not because you agreed with what he was saying necessarily but because of the wave of fear you felt seeing how serious and cold his expression was.
He had managed to already get you shockingly close between the foreplay and rough manhandling and it wasn’t long before you were feeling the familiar tightness in your stomach, only worsening when he was leaning down and catching your mouth in the sloppiest kiss of the night. It was bordering painful and filthy, exactly what you needed to distract you from how wrong this was and exactly what you needed to have you finishing around his length with a sharp inhale into his mouth.
You wrapped your arms around his neck to keep him kissing you even after you’d came, letting him know it was okay to keep fucking himself deeper inside you.
It was just enough to help you forget everything outside of the feeling of him on top of you and you felt drunk with how much you wanted to stay in this moment. You were terrified by how much he seemed worth the consequences when you had him like this, how much you wanted him even when the door was swinging open and a loud shriek was coming from the hallway.
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im-ovulating · 8 months
"Jasper teaching Y/n how to ride him"
I ask, with all the love in my dirty, perverted heart. Fix it.
I ain't even gonna ask anonymously, because you know who it's gonna be.
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(A/n: Your wish is my command~ (aka I'm lowkey scared of your wrath))
(Not proofread)
Word Count: 1,832
Summary- It's only fair that the cowboy gets cowgirled (Alternatively: TIME TO EAT, SLUTS🚨)
Warnings: Inexperienced reader, Creampie, Jasper calls reader "Darling," "Doll," and "Sugar" (I think there's one more, but I can't be bothered to scroll through and find it.) (It's not a missed warning - It's simply a surprise cunt throbber) (...sorry...)
Age Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
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(This specific gif is a lil inside joke, dont worry abt it lol)
Jasper Whitlock x Fem! Reader: Most Dangerous Game
The kiss breaks with a gasp as Jasper's knee bullies its way between your legs, forcing you on tiptoe. The firm muscle bypasses the fabric of your skirt and presses against your barely clothed pussy in a way that sends your vision swimming. Even through your panties, the rough texture of his pants creates an addictive friction that causes you to chase more - rocking your hips down experimentally rewards you with even more of that coarse deliciousness and pulls a deep moan from you.
He wastes no time as you grind against his thigh, moving his lips to the hollow of your throat, licking and sucking at the area until red blooms across your skin in an intricate pattern of possession. Your hands desperately fumble to grasp anything they can, eventually ending up fisted in his hair. A warning growl rumbles deep in his chest as you tug on the soft blonde strands. Your proximity forces the vibrations through your own chest, weakening your knees.
Jasper presses closer, keeping you upright. His mouth finds its way back to yours as his hand comes up to your neck - fingers pressing into your pulse point as he tilts your head back to deepen the kiss. He eagerly drinks up your sighs as your lips continue to meet in a battle of teeth and tongue; it's becoming less of a kiss as the heat between you increases, but it doesn't matter. Not when you can feel just how hard he is against your stomach.
He all but swallows your keen when he flexes his thigh. Your hips stutter when your clit rubs against the denim; a cry of his name leaves you without thinking at the stimulation. Another, more vicious growl rips through you both as he yanks you away from the wall and walks backwards towards your bed. His lips never leave yours as he falls backwards, pulling you into his lap.
"The things you do to me, Darlin'..." Jasper mumbles into the kiss.
Hands are everywhere- his hair, your jaw, his chest, your ass. Every touch makes as he moves from one place to another sets a trail of fire in its wake.
The new position forces his hard cock to press against you and you can't help but press down harder. The pressure causes your head to drop against his shoulder; causes your jaw to drop as Jasper's hands slip to your hips, rocking you firmly against him.
You can tell he knows exactly when your throbbing cunt pulses out even more slick: you can hear his sharp inhale as it pairs with the way his fingers dip tighter into your flesh.
"I want you to ride me, Doll. Can you do that for me?"
It's only then that your movements halt. Freezing like a deer in headlights, you look at him with your mouth slightly agape. Neither of you are strangers to sex - hell, once Jasper got confident enough to let loose around you, there was a month when you were damn near fucking like rabbits. But of all the ways he's taken you, you've never been the one to be on top.
What if you're bad at it? How would you ever get over that?
"Darling," Jasper's voice cuts through your thoughts, definitely feeling your emotional turmoil. "What's wrong? Talk to me, Sugar." His golden eyes bore into you with a different intensity than before. His once heated gaze now only harbors concern as his thumbs rub gentle circles on your waist.
“It's nothing…” you mutter moving in to nose at his neck, pressing small kisses along the column in an attempt to bring the mood back.
His grip on you shifts, pulling you back a respectable distance to read your face. “Tell me what's wrong, or we're stopping right now, Darlin’."
Oh. Serious voice… As the realization that there's no avoiding voicing your insecurity if you want to get railed - which you do -, your face starts to heat, embarrassment flooding your veins.
Ever the patient man, Jasper waits for you to find the least embarrassing combination of words.
“I've never-” God, your face feels like it could smelt iron right now… “I've never rode anyone; I, um, I don't know how…”
Your voice falters to a whisper, but you know he heard you.
A grin starts to cut its way across his face, leaving you to balk. You know he isn't about to laugh in the face of your anxiety right now.
“You know what- forget I said anything.” you mumble, moving to get up only to be unceremoniously yanked back down.
“Where do you think you're going, Sugar?” Jasper chuckles, ducking his head to try to meet your gaze.
Ever the avoider, you look to the side, opting to pout about it since you can't storm out to the room all dramatic like you wanted. One of his hands comes up to brush some of your hair you were hiding behind.
“I'll teach you.”
Your eyes snap to his finally as the heat in your face starts to creep down your neck. “What?” You choke out.
“I said I'll teach you how to ride,” Jasper says, the humor in his eyes underlined with something darker- hungrier.
Your mouth goes dry from the intensity in them. Gulping, all you can do is nod, words failing you for a different reason this time.
“Yeah?” He hums. “My pretty baby wants to learn to ride me?”
His hands trail down to your skirt, slipping under the hem to trace the elastic of your panties. “Why don't you take these off, Sugar…”
His voice may be gentle, but you know a command when you hear it.
You slide off his lap, standing on shaky legs as you slide the thin fabric down.
“Skirt and shirt too. I want to watch my cock disappear in you while you grind those hips against me.”
You'd be lying if you said that didn't make something sinful twist inside you.
Once all the offending fabric is gone, you take a deep breath. Right now this is nothing new for you. You've been naked in front of Jasper countless times, this is fine.
His eyes never leave you as he works on his jeans - unbuttoning and unzipping them before shoving them down his thighs along with his boxers. He curls two fingers to beckon you closer, other hand leisurely stroking himself, smearing his precum along the shaft.
Settling yourself back in his lap, you slightly fumble, trying to steady yourself. Back in new territory.
“Easy…” Jasper soothes, holding your waist. He stops fisting himself in favor of manhandling you into position.
Your knees are spread to rest just away from his legs, and your hips angled above him by the time he is done adjusting you. One of his hands slips down once more to line up with your slit.
“Drop yourself, Darlin’. Slowly,” he guides. “Once the tip is in, roll your hips forward as you move further down.”
And so you do. Steadily, you push yourself down and forward as his cock slips further and further into your waiting quim. Within seconds, your hips meet his and he sits comfortably to the hilt inside you.
“That's it,” Jasper mumbles, hands lightly stroking your sides. “Can you lift back up and repeat that same motion for me, Sugar?”
“Yeah…” you breathe. This isn't hard, you think, lifting yourself up, not hard at all. Your hands steady you against his shoulders as you rock back down.
Jasper's head falls back with a heavy breath through his nose. “Fuck.”
You still. Did you already do something wrong? You're only two bounces in- are you really that bad at taking direction?
“You're doing great, baby, but if you keep clenching around me like that, I'm not gonna last,” Jasper chuckles, gripping your hips to force you to move again.
And just like that, he once again soothes your nerves. Perks of knowing the ins and outs of emotion, you guess.
So, you start your movements again, allowing his hands to go back to simply encouraging you. As you move, you find yourself growing more and more confident - adding in a few circles along with your roll forward, spreading your knees to take him deeper - the noises your experiments draw from Jasper have your eyes slipping shut and your head lolling forward to rest against his cool collar.
As you ride, you can feel to need for more steadily creeping up to you, forcing your hips to move faster, for you to grind your clit against him as you chase your release.
“Goddamn it-” Jasper hisses, burying his nose in your hair as he inhales your scent. “You're a fucking natural, Darlin’. C’mon, Sweetness, cum for me.”
A soft whimper falls from your lips at the praise, your face heating as you nuzzle further into him. Your thighs are starting to burn, but the ache in your pussy, the pure need to cum, outweighs any discomfort in your trembling legs as you start to slam yourself harder and more desperately onto his solid length.
You can feel your release. It's right there; dipping in and out of sight in a twisted game of desire, but you'll be damned if you lose.
You clamp down on Jasper, the sudden tightness causing even more of the delicious friction you're craving. The deep rumble that drags from Jasper's chest only pushes you closer, more and more noises drip from your lips as you all but ravage the man beneath you.
“Come on, Darlin’, give it to me- let me see how pretty you look creamin' all over my cock.”
You hips give a final jerk forward when his thumb meets you clit, the swollen nerves throbbing at the sudden shock of cold. With a sharp cry of his name, you cum.
Your nails dig into his arms as you rock against him, trying to prolong your high as long as possible. Not that you could stop if you wanted to - Jasper's hands are back to forcing your hips down, chasing his own release.
His hips have started to jerk up into you, meeting you movement for movement as he draw closer and closer to his own climax. Rambled praises have started to fall from him as he holds you tight. From mumbling about how beautiful you are sitting atop him, to growling out about how good your pulsing cunt feels.
Just at your limit, right before the stimulation becomes too much, Jasper finally empties himself into your heat. You though his growls before rumbled you, but the absolute animalistic sound that rips out of his chest as he loses himself in you uproots your very being. The knowledge that you can bring such a powerful creature, *the* Apex predator to such euphoria - the fact that such a magnificent being has allowed you to share in this game - has you shuddering in his hold.
The world's most dangerous game. And you've won.
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heirofnight · 11 days
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coffee for two
pairing: azriel x reader
word count: 1.1k
summary: reader introduces coffee to azriel, he falls in love - and not just with the hot beverage.
a/n: this is just a fluffy little oneshot that was born from a headcanon that someone posted where it was mentioned that azriel would love black coffee. and like, i agree. and i had to write this immediately. also, hurricane hits tomorrow morning, and i'll likely be without power for an extended period of time. i'll post as i can! pls keep sending requests so i have things to write when i finally have power again. love u all! <3 talk soon.
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azriel had a knack for trailing behind you - a moth to a flame, he couldn't help but find himself right next to you whenever the opportunity presented itself.
you hadn't yet noticed.
a newer addition to the inner circle's family, you were initially introduced to the group through your recruited assistance on a job - by rhysand, who had now become the protective older brother that you'd never had in just several short months.
however, you'd first ended up hitting it off with mor, and the rest was history - you'd since become an indoctrinated member of the family, and your presence was welcomed wholeheartedly - you were boisterous, funny, a bright, beaming light.
and azriel could not, for the life of him, stay away.
you'd become comfortable with every one of his loved ones to some extent - they all adored you, took care of you, worried after you.
but az .... there still remained a question mark over the male. you couldn't quite figure out how he felt about your presence.
sure, you'd caught him softly smirking over at you when you'd crack one of your witty jokes. and sure, he'd often speak up whenever you found yourself in a pointless debate with cassian over various family dinners - the shadowsinger never failing to stand up for you and take your side, even if the mock argument was all in good fun.
one time, you were running late for said dinner, and az had gone out of his way to make sure the house had prepared your favorite meal - your plate was steaming hot and waiting for you on a placemat right next to his own seat whenever you'd finally made your way into the dining hall.
cass had just snickered down the table, waggling his eyebrows at his brother's obvious show of affection. azriel remained silent, shooting daggers back towards the war general. that was enough of a response to shut cassian's mouth.
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this morning, you'd taken a spot at that same table for breakfast, nursing a mug of hot, dark liquid. the pungent aroma trailed throughout the bottom level of the house, and azriel caught a whiff of it as soon as his boots met the landing of the staircase.
he inhaled deeply, the scent engulfing his senses. it was pleasant - deep and calming. he followed it all the way to the threshold of the dining hall, his gaze finding your small frame tucked into one of the large, cushioned chairs immediately.
you were still wearing your silk nightgown, a matching robe adorning your shoulders. he noted the way the fabric had slipped down just slightly, your bare skin glistening in the morning glow that trickled through the windows behind you.
your hair was tousled, but in the most endearing way. you'd clearly very recently woken up, opting to find your way to this very table before doing anything else.
you stared down at the mug cradled in your hands, your eyes still heavy and tired.
"good morning," he said softly by way of greeting. he began to walk quietly to the chair opposite yours - the thump, thump, thump of his boots against the hardwood floor breaking the calm silence.
you peered up at him, tired eyes slightly squinted. a strand of hair falling in front of your eyes. azriel's gaze snagged there, his fingers twitching with the urge to tuck it behind your ear. he didn't, though - his external expression remained as neutral as possible. however, internally, he couldn't help but let the word adorable sluice through his thoughts.
you gave him a sleepy smile, nodding your head once in greeting.
"good morning, az," you offered, voice still maintaining a fatigued rasp. azriel's knees went weak at the sound, and that's when he decided it would probably be best to sit.
he stared at the contents of your mug for a moment. you weren't indulging in tea - the aroma was much stronger than any he'd personally had before, and azriel thought himself to be quite the tea connoisseur.
"what are you having?," he questioned after a moment, his voice more gentle than you'd ever heard it.
you swallowed the sip you'd just taken, humming quietly to yourself, "coffee," you lightly pushed the mug towards his side of the table, "would you like to try?"
you met his gaze, and azriel realized right then that he'd try anything you'd ask him to - without question, if only to make you happy. even if he hated it, he'd pretend to love it. he longed to make you smile the way his brothers had.
he'd not tried coffee before, although he had heard of it. the opportunity had never arisen, and he figured now was as good a time as any to broaden his scope of morning beverages.
he, too, really enjoyed his alone time right after awakening. it gave him space to sort through his thoughts, his obligations for the day - and he always enjoyed a nice hot cup of tea while doing so.
his scarred hands reached for the mug, and he lifted it to his lips slowly. you smiled fondly while watching him, nodding slightly to urge him on.
"it's a bit strong," you said softly, "i do prefer mine black - without cream or sugar," you added, explaining yourself.
he hummed, taking a generous sip into his mouth. it was bitter, and azriel wasn't quite used to the depths of flavor that he sorted through as soon as the liquid hit his tongue. he thought for a long moment, before taking another small sip.
he nodded in finality, pushing the mug back towards you gently.
"i like that," he decided, nodding once more.
your smile grew as you clasped the mug between your hands once more, "i thought you'd might," you said sweetly, reaching over to tap his hand affectionately.
azriel preened to himself, wishing he could take this moment and pause it for eternity. to never leave this chair, to never have to give up this alone time with you - your silk nightgown, messy hair, and tired eyes. your rosy cheeks. the scent of coffee twining around the both of you, making the air thicker in the sweetest way.
yeah, azriel wish he could freeze-frame this moment forever.
but instead, you both sat in comfortable silence, and the house knowingly presented azriel with his own identical cup of warm, black coffee. his large hand immediately reached out to tug it towards his frame.
you both huffed out a laugh at the same time, and your eyes flicked up to his in realization.
finally, you thought, i've gotten through to him. common ground.
little did you know, azriel had been scrambling after you for months - trying to stand on any ground you'd give him.
and the next morning, when you entered the dining hall bright and early - hair disheveled and half asleep, azriel was already there - waiting for you.
with two mugs of hot, black coffee already on the table.
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a/n: yall i have no idea where this came from. someone posted a headcanon where they mentioned azriel loving black coffee, and this idea came to mind immediately. i hope you love it <3
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vesselswife · 4 months
Thinking of how Soap MacTavish is a soft lover.
Johnny is not like the others. At least to you.
You see when you became a member of Task Force 141 everyone thought of you like an unreliable member. You were young and just getting started, but according to Captain Price, your sniping skills were phenomenal. And Soap would always agree to that and keep reminding you even when Ghost would scold you. Johnny usually was on your side barking at them for being harsh towards you.
Maybe it’s the fact that he was the youngest in the group, maybe it’s because he was the most pleasant to be around with his dumb humor and stupid jokes, maybe because he was so protective of you, you are not sure.
But something made your relationship special since day one.
His love language being physical touch without a doubt:
He is soft with you no matter what. He loves playing with strands of your hair and run his hands through them just to feel them detangle.Speaking of hair, he loves brushing your hair away from your face and tucking it behind your ear to reveal your eyes which he finds mesmerizing. A dumb grin always on his lips when he does so.Every time
Whenever you two are having a serious conversation he always gives you his undivided attention, looking straight into your eyes and just nodding without interrupting you. His big warm hands always holding one of yours ,sometimes playing with one of your rings and stroking it encouraging you to keep going and let out anything that troubles you.
Don’t get me started on the long talks at 3 am while you both have the night watch. No matter the season or how many nights in a row, you both look forward to them because it’s one of the few moments that you two are actually alone.
Sitting under the stars and talking about any trivial thing you guys can think of, only for the conversation to spiral to something deep that has you both questioning your life decisions. During these watches, the soft pecks and hand-holding are never missing. Of course, you take turns napping, you usually lean on his shoulder.He on the other hand prefers the softness of your thighs.
You both are so in love with each other.
Platonically and Romantically.
Two soulmates found each other one random day out of pure coincidence and are thriving during the war. He is your best friend and your lover.
And it goes both ways…
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ohbueckers · 8 days
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pairing, paige bueckers x fem!reader. notes, glasses p fic per request of a few queens… MAMA WORKED AS FAST AS SHE COULD! @thaatdigitaldiary @absolutelydreadful & credits to @justliketoreadsowhat ‘s anon for the detail. warnings, none just fluff? sexual jokes as well because who am i without them, like…
the night air is still pretty warm, the scent of freshly cut grass still tingling your nostrils after the soccer game you attended with paige and her teammates. it had been a long night—filled with cheering, concessions, and paige’s arm constantly draped around your shoulder as she proudly showed you off. she somehow convinced you to tag along, but watching her light up during the game made it worth it.
now, you’re walking back to the dorms, the sound of sneakers and laughter being the only thing heard off the empty sidewalks as the team stalks a few yards in front of the two of you. paige has her hair slicked back into a messy low bun, a few strands falling loose, and her purple glasses perched perfectly on the bridge of her nose. the lenses catch a subtle blue tint from the streetlights, a little detail you can’t stop staring at—honestly, she looks so good, it’s borderline unfair. you never thought purple glasses could be your weakness, but here you are.
“you enjoying the ice cream, or are you too busy staring at me?” paige teases, glancing over with that signature smirk. she knows exactly what she’s doing, making it impossible to look away from her.
“shut up, paige,” you reply with a scoff, although there’s no ruthless intent as you nudge her with your elbow. “i’m just enjoying the quiet now that your fan club’s calmed down.”
“oh, you love it!” she laughs out, throwing an arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer. “don’t act like you don’t love watching me be all famous and stuff. plus, you looked cute taking all those pics with me. so i ain’t complainin.’”
you roll your eyes, but you can’t help the smile creeping up on your face. paige had been asked for a picture more times than you could count on your hands, and obviously the tiktoks came with that. she’d dragged you into most of it, keeping you close the whole time, making sure everyone knew you were hers. it was chaotic and you were used to it at this point, and you could admit there was something fun about watching her be in her element.
“alright, maybe it was kinda fun,” you say, taking a bite of the spoonful of ice cream she’d held out for you so casually. the cold hits your tongue, and you savor the flavor for a second before narrowing your eyes at her. “but you still owe me.”
paige jerks her head back, grinning and clearly enjoying herself. “owe you? i’m literally spoon-feeding you right now. how do i still owe you?”
you quirk an eyebrow up at her, leaning in a little as you held her gaze, and it was the kind of look that said enough.
she chuckles, leaning back slightly, still holding the spoon in front of you like she’s ready for round two. “aight, fine, i’ll give you that. but let me get you back at home, baby—i got some ideas.” her voice drops a little lower, clearly playing but also half-serious. she may be all jokes, but she definitely knows how to back them up.
before you can even respond, she takes her own spoonful of your ice cream, the nerve, flashing a cheeky grin before planting a wet, playful kiss right on your lips. the cold of the treat and the warmth of her mouth clash, leaving you squealing and half-laughing, trying to push her away. “paige!” you protest, wiping the ice cream from your lips, but there’s no hiding the wide smile breaking out across your face. she’s such a menace sometimes.
as if one cue, everyone seemed to have glanced back at the right time, catching sight of something straight out of a rom-com.
“yo! they really can’t keep their hands off each other.” kk’s voice cuts through.
“really can’t take them nowhere…” aubrey quips.
sarah laughs, chiming in. “oh, we see you, paige! real smooth,” and morgan practically doubles over in laughter beside her.
paige smirks, and you swore she would’ve thrown up those rizz hands if her hands weren’t full. “what can i say?” you smile yourself, shaking your head at her and leaning into the blonde’s side as the banter from behind fades into the background. as much as paige plays around, the way she’s been with you tonight—keeping you close, showing you off, feeding you ice cream like it’s the most natural thing in the world—it’s those little moments that make it so easy to fall for her. every laugh, every teasing smile, even the way she annoys you, it’s like she knows exactly how to keep your guard down. and honestly, you don’t mind one bit.
“you know, you didn’t have to buy me ice cream,” you say softly, looking up at her.
“nah, i did,” paige replies, her voice gentle. “had to make sure my girl knows i take care of her. plus,” she smirks again, looking away like she’s cooking up some mischievous ass reply. “i’m tryna’ score some extra points for later.”
you laugh, shoving her off of you yet she barely flinches. “yeah, okay, keep dreaming.”
paige pulls you even closer, kissing the side of your head as your arms fall to your sides. she murmurs, “dreaming? nah, i’m ms. make it happen.”
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ann1eee · 1 month
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Gojo Satoru being with someone who matches his energy and personality
You were a new part time teacher at Jujutsu Tech, and were quite nervous after moving to Tokyo from Kyoto. You hoped you were worthy enough of teaching the brightest minds of Jujutsu Sorcerers, and were extra nervous of having the strongest sorcerer as one of your fellow teachers. You could only hope he was not as scary as you thought he’d be.
Once you finally meet Gojo, however, you feel as though a huge burden had been lifted from your shoulders. He gave you the biggest, goofiest smile after you introduced yourself, and made you feel more welcome than you did at Kyoto. You returned his huge smile with a gentle, sweet smile of your own. Your students were kind, polite and most of all they respected your experience.
After a few days of initial uneasiness, you seemed to open up a lot and get along really well with everyone, Gojo in particular. You both shared similar interests outside of sorcery, you matching his unbelievably sweet tooth. You often accompanied him to his endless list of restaurants to try after classes. The two of you had an unspoken rule to bring the other some sort of sweet treat or snack after every mission.
He never exercised rank or power to his fellow teachers or his students, and felt more like your best friend than a coworker. You seemed to be the only one who actually laughed at his jokes, and cracked your own lighthearted jokes when he was around, which was a pleasant surprise for Gojo. By the end of the night, you both would be clutching your stomachs because of how much you laughed together.
Pretty soon the playful banter between you and Gojo turned into subtle flirting, with both of you being touchy with each other every opportunity you got. You’d often place a hand on his shoulder after giggling at one of his jokes, and he’d find ways to be close to you rather than anyone else. He’d often place a large hand on your head or play with your hair.
You always entertained his ridiculous shenanigans with something even more ridiculous, which usually made him burst out laughing. You always felt like hearing him laugh was the best part of your day.
Eventually, after another day of giggles and sneaky touches, he smiled at you so gently that you stopped laughing and cocked your head in wonder. Suddenly, Gojo grabbed your waist and pulled you closer. He smirked at the shy, nervous smile you gave him as you asked what he was doing. He slowly reached his hand closer to your face and cupped your cheek, and gave you the sweetest kiss on your forehead.
You felt as though you were going to faint, and hid your nervousness by playfully snapping his blindfold on his temple. He let out a hearty chuckle and shook his head, and he kissed you softly on your lips.
You melted against his kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He brushed off a strand of your hair as you giggled.
Gojo Satoru was used to being ignored and not taken seriously whenever he used humour in tough situations. He had always felt left out when his playfulness came out with his coworkers and students. But the first time he saw you giggle so wholeheartedly at one his many jokes, he felt his heart beat quicken ever so slightly. He tried everything he could to make you laugh again and again, and you complied without a second thought. His heart felt fuller than ever before, and he never wanted to stop hearing your beautiful voice.
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saturngas · 2 months
gallery full of you
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[🪐] scenarios of gojo's developing obsession of taking pictures of you after a heated session.
pairing: gojo satoru x f!reader
genre: smut
warnings: established relationship; big cock gojo; size kink; lewd usage of the phone camera; creampie; breeding kink; p in v; blowjob; my attempt at dirty talk;
word count: 3.2k
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someone's digital gallery was part of their privacy. some people don’t mind showing off their gallery, as they claim they have nothing to hide or be ashamed of. some other people do mind and prefer to even have a password lock to open the gallery app.
some people, like satoru gojo, simply don’t care. if it were up to him, he would exhibit his gallery in a museum, which would be named after you of course, because that's all his gallery is full of. 
hundreds of pictures of his beloved girlfriend, dozens of pictures of his precious of students, and just a couple of pictures of his old friends. 
you were the star in the majority of them. from the early stages of your relationship, to a photo he took just the night before of you in his sweatshirt. 
satoru loved taking pictures of everything around him: a beautifully made strawberry milkshake, you in a new dress, a bee pollinating a flower, a beaten up megumi, yuji with snort coming off his nose, you in your worst angles, a sleeping nanami with a piece of cheese on his forehead. 
many of them were innocent, safe to work, sinless. but the hidden album sitting at the bottom of his gallery app said otherwise. 
numerous pictures, videos, live photos of you in such lewd situations were adorning such obscene album. your face being the cover of most photos, however your shiny skin would also be in repeated media. 
he certainly had developed a habit of taking pictures of you before, during, and after sexy times. your fucked up face making his softening cock stand back up. he loved it. and you loved the attention he gave you. 
and oh how much he would abuse of such dirty album when you were away. either your boyfriend was in a mission overseas or you were out of town, he would often feel alone, his fist running down his sculpted abs while his long fingers danced around the screen, finding a photo or video to jerk off to. 
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it had started as an innocent picture taken after one of your first make out sessions. your tall boyfriend wanted to capture the moment forever, engraving it infinitely in the memory of his phone. 
you two were sitting on the couch, both your legs on top of satoru's lap while your arms surrounded his neck, short nails caressing his baby hairs. 
two pairs of blue eyes looked at you with such love and devotion you were feeling your face heat up even more. you noticed the smeared lipstick on your boyfriend's flush lips and you giggled. 
"what's so funny, princess?" he smirked. 
"mmh, nothing, prince charm," you returned the smirk while tucking a few strands of white hair behind his red ear. "it's just my lipstick that's all over your face."
"oh?" satoru dramatically faked a gasp. "are you sure it's yours, sweet cheeks? mmm, could be mine, I use cherry flavored," he joked while taking one of his hands off your waist and stroking his thick thumb over your lips, ruining the little rest of your remaining lipstick. 
"toru stooop," another giggle escaped your mouth while you pushed his larger hand away. you grabbed the glossy lipstick from the table and applied it on, using satoru's black glasses to see your reflection. 
as soon as you finished, your mouth went flying to your boyfriend's face, loud kisses pressing on his rosy cheeks and corners of his lips. the tall man couldn't help but letting out a fit of boyish snickers while tightening his grip on your waist. 
his mouth would chase after yours before you would kiss another area of his pretty face, leaving no place untouched. until your lips finally landed on his.
colored lips painting smeared ones. you would swallow the agitated moans from your boyfriend, who couldn't stop his hands from roaming through your entire upper body and legs. wet sounds coming from your twirling tongues and spit-coated lips touching each other. 
satoru's mouth opened slightly, giving you space to explore his wet cavity with your muscle, the position you were in helping you hold onto his face to let your tongue work. 
after exchanging such quantities of saliva, you finally pulled away as satoru's whines filled your ears. 
"that was so hot, muffin' cake... got my dick all hard," he panted and you blew him a kiss while caressing his pretty face. you wanted to eat him. 
"you look pretty with my lipstick all around your face, toru," you placed a small smooch on the tip of his nose. 
your boyfriend could only grin wider as his hand went flying to his packet to grab his phone, opening the camera app to see himself on the screen. 
his usually wan skin was all pink. pale pink from his overspreading blush and a glittering magenta pink from your lip gloss. 
he couldn't help but snap a picture of himself and then two more of you in frame. one with you jutting out your kiss bitten lips while grabbing his chin. the other from a high angle where your entire bodies were displayed, his other hand grabbing firmly your waist while your arms were again around his neck, a big smile on both of your flushed faces. 
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as your walls were clenching around satoru’s aching cock, the only thing on his mind was how good you made him feel. your warm face displayed on his view as you sat below him, your body moving at the rhythm of his hammering thrusts. 
"ah ah ah, toru," you panted while repeating his name like a mantra. the filthy aroma coming from the drying cum on your inner thighs filled your nostrils. satoru had already came on you once, and he was going big with a second one and probably a third one. 
"yeah, yeah... you take it, baby, c'mon, I know you can take another one," you could only tighten your grip around his length at his words, making him crunch his face cutely and moan loudly. 
you grabbed his biceps in a hurting hold when he increased his speed, pounding and beating your poor pussy, as if making sure his cock went all the way up your lungs. his mushroom tip caressing deliciously your cervix, his throbbing veins kissing your overly sensitive inner walls, the perfect curve of his lengthy cock molding your vagina in a way that made you wheeze. 
a pair of big hands grasped your waist tightly to kept you from moving so violently from his brutal pace. you enclosed your legs around satoru's narrow waist, although you could barely keep them up from the heavenly pleasure and the heat forming at your core. 
greedy pussy tensing impossibly snug around inches of delicious cock once you let your orgasm take over you. satoru let out one of the filthiest moans you had ever heard as you pussy claimed him. his full balls thudding against your ass cheeks, ready to expulse the cum inside you. 
"c'mon baby, give it to me, come inside me," you breathlessly pleaded as your hands moved to his nape, taking him closer to your face. "cum for me, my pretty boy," you kissed his rosy nose. 
satoru cried out loud as he felt his knot untie, becoming abruptly stiff to let his creamy liquid fill you again. your hands held his cheeks, his long white lashes touched his hot cheeks while his pretty lips kept letting out whines and small gasps. his long eyebrows furrowed at the luscious bliss he was feeling. satoru had such a beautiful orgasm face. 
as he came down, he started moving slowly, pushing his cum inside you even more. 
"oh baby cakes, that was so good..." he kept writhing slightly on top of you, trying not to collapse completely on you. "I love you so much."
you kissed lovingly his nose again and then pecked his lips. "I love you too, toru." 
once the big man above you deigned to sit up and take his softening dick off you, he eyed the sinful scene in front of him. your pussy hole was stretched out from his unkind girth, though it was mostly covered and spilling out his loads of his creamy sauce. your bruised lips painted in white and your inner thighs masked with love bites and marks from his previous foreplay. 
"look at you, sugar plum," satoru's ghost touch danced around your thighs and near your crotch, finally placing his large hand on your belly as he grabbed his phone. "I need to capture this moment, I don't know when I'll be able to see you like this again."
"you say it as if we didn't have sex like three times a week," you deadpanned as one of your hands went to your leg to keep it from slightly trembling after such intense session. your other hand intertwined itself with satoru's one laying on your belly. 
"may I?" his blue eyes pleaded as he raised his phone, showing you the camera app icon. you nodded a bit sheepishly. this was a new little fixation your boyfriend was developing so you weren't used to it yet. "thank you, baby. you look incredibly good."
even though you averted your gaze, the flickering flashlight made you crook your neck, seeing your unduly excited boyfriend taking multiple photos from different angles, moving your legs to get a better shot and even placing the tip of his hardening cock at your entrance. 
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another picture of his favorites resembled the moment you gave him one of the craziest and sloppiest heads you have given him. 
it had been a day you were feeling hot the moment you rose from bed, probably due to some ovulation occurring inside your body. or perhaps it was the pretty face and angel eyes of your boyfriend on your wallpaper that made you agitated. 
either way, you assaulted your boyfriend the moment he walked in your shared apartment, approaching him with a sly smirk and wondering hands that went straight to his fat tits and sculpted abs. your lips enveloped his in a heated make up session, your hands unable to leave his body and his hands gripping your waist and hips, gripping your ass furiously. 
you swayed your hips along his until he was pushed onto the couch, manspreading automatically, making his lap deadly inviting. 
“feeling eager, aren’t we?” he grinned coyly while you made your way between his muscular thighs, your hands dancing through his lap. his larger hands moved anxiously as they removed his uniform jacket and the expensive undershirt, leaving his burly upper body exposed to the chilly inside breeze, rosy nipples perking up. 
“sorry baby, you just look so… delicious right now,” you mumbled between agitated breaths as your lips left open kisses on his abs, slender fingers playing with the waistband of his pants. 
“don’t ever apologize for something like this, cookie pie,” satoru’s hands played with your hair; messy locks falling on your face were rapidly pulled out by his thick digits. 
you giggled softly at his sudden aroused state, your voice making the hardening length beneath you twitch. it jumped so violently that it tickled your collarbone, as you were still focused on his abdomen, your chest was met with his hot crotch. 
“princess…” satoru moaned softly as one of your fingers played with his hard nipple, your lips trailing down his happy trail. “you can’t make me this hot the moment i come home and do too much foreplay,” he wanted to shove your pretty face down his dick already, stretching the muscles around your lips. 
a smirk locked itself on your face at his words. your hands finally daring to lower his pants along with his underwear. satoru lifted his hips to help you. and just like that, his pretty enlarged cock sprung out almost hitting your face. 
the moment your hand gripped the base, satoru let out a long satisfying sigh, his hands lightly encouraging you to get closer to his length. 
you started pumping his cock up and down, smearing his pre-cum on his head down the length of his cock. your mouth salivated at the sight of the pretty cock in front of you, several inches of thick meat, a red needy head, and two pair of heavy balls. they all were waiting for your warm tongue to embrace them. 
the more you jerked him off, the more liquid exited his mushroom head. to add more natural lubricant and make it easier to fist his cock, you spit on it. viscous blob glittered satoru’s length all the way down his full balls. 
eager hand pumping him and tugging occasionally at his tip, drawing loud moans and whines from satoru. once your lips kissed his red tip, large hands nudged you into his cock, feeling a stinging sensation in your lip corners from the heavy stretch of his thick member. 
“oh yeah… yeah… huff, just like that…” you could hear your boyfriend’s pants once your head started moving, recreating the same rhythm of your hand. bobbing your head up and down, letting his tip caress the deep of your throat, relaxing your muscles so it could reach deeper. satoru had such a long dick that was always a challenge to suck, though it was delicious. 
“i love your mouth so much… it feels so warm, you are so perfect for my cock…” he cursed under his breath as you hummed, vibrations causing his cock to shoot various amounts of pre-cum, which went straight down your esophagus. “yeah just like that schnookums,suck my soul off.” 
you hollowed your cheeks to apply pressure to his thick cock, sucking him while using one of your hands to pump the inches your mouth couldn’t reach. your other hand massaged his balls, which were damp with your spit and his pre-cum. the pubic hairs belonging to his sexy happy trail were wet just as much. 
“baby, baby, baby,” satoru huffed repeatedly as his massive hands tugged at your hair, one of them cupping your chin. that was the signal that your boyfriend was nearing to his release. 
however just as you were about to focus solely on his thick sensitive head, a flash blinded you for a second. your eyes looking up at satoru grinning widely between heavy breaths, his phone held high in his hand. 
“smile for the camera, princess, you look incredibly gorgeous with my cock in your mouth,” another flash on your face as satoru took a live picture, which also captured the intense release of cum spilling from his tip. a groan escaped his rosy lips as the palm on your cheek urged your mouth to open wider to take his cream. your hand stroking him tightly to extract the remaining droplets of cum. 
satoru cursed breathlessly as his thumb unconsciously kept pressing the button, snapping pictures of your mouth full of his white liquid, lips just as white. 
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countless of pictures of your ass and tits adorned satoru's hidden album. they were his favorite to take, positioning his phone camera in a certain angle to make your ass and his cock stand out. most of the tits pics on his gallery were initially sent from you to him, saving them immediately to his device and going straight to his hidden album. 
it had become an habit for satoru to yank out his phone when he was pounding you from behind, your ass glowing from the constant sweat. 
massive palms holding your hips firmly as he was hypnotized by the sizable stretch of your pussy, fat cock disappearing into a pair of swollen lips. your arms were aching from holding your upper body, opting better to give up and plump over the expensive sheets. 
"what happened, muffin? already feeling tired?" you heard the teasing voice of your boyfriend from behind, the raspy sounds going straight to your core where your orgasm was building. "if i remember correctly, you were the one claiming for going for multiple rounds," he panted as his thrusts were becoming a bit erratic. 
the side of your face was glued to the mattress, as your spine arched even more at the pressure of his mushroom head hitting your sweet spots. whines and incoherent mumbling could only leave your mouth. 
one of his large hands began messaging your bum, squeezing at the fat of your hips, as it continued its way down your bent back, caressing your hot skin. his long fingers tracing the curve of your waist and rubbing the underside of your boob. 
you weren't quite sure what it was, but the coil holding up your release unraveled at the soft feelings of satoru's big hands on your back. your own hands snugly gripped the sheets underneath you as you came, kiss bitten lips agape, and eyes tightly shut. 
"ohh baby..." the tall man choke at the tightening of your walls around his enlarged cock, crushing his throbbing length. "fuck you are so goddamn tight..." he struggled to breathe as his oxygen-deprived brain filled with endorphins, wishing nothing more than to live this moment over and over again. your own moans and mewls claiming his consciousness. 
just as he used all six eyes to scan the messy room, his gaze landed on his phone laying on the night stand. the hand stroking your spine sprinted to grab his phone. you watched him through lidded eyes as he strove to open his camera app, fingers moving anxiously as mind-blowing pleasure took control of his muscles. 
rapture was threatening to break him apart, hard cock hammering your puffy pussy, small gasps leaving your mouth at each thrust. 
the clicking sound coming from satoru's phone buzzed distorted, you were certain you were at the verge of passing out from the overstimulation from the slamming. 
satoru was about to take the fifth picture of your ass eating up his cock as he felt his belly whorl, hips becoming rigid as his balls tightened, hard cock resenting the blasting pressure of his release. a loud moan coming from your boyfriend rushed to your ears as you felt his warm creamy liquid paint your insides.
after gaining composure from such luscious discharge, satoru kept snaping pictures of your ass, especially taking a series of continuous pictures of him withdrawing his big cock. white creaming his cock as viscous leakage oozed off your stretched hole. 
"these pictures are going straight to the fav album," satoru cursed under his breath. once he was fully out of you, your limp body collapsed over the bed. his strong arms twirled you around, raising chest now facing the ceiling. you were so fucked out, about to lose consciousness and allow serenity flow over your dilated veins. 
"fuck sugarplum, you look heavenly," satoru said softly, his fingers clicking once more on the snap button. "thank you so much for allowing me to capture this moment forever, im simply a lamb next to you, goddess..."
your sprawled body, nipples hardened due to the chill air, belly full of satoru's cum, white-painted leaking pussy, and your cock-drunk face made such perfect wallpaper in satoru's mind, he couldn't waste this opportunity to snap a few more pictures of you. 
after all, his gallery was actually yours, since your body and face occupied most of it. 
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taglist: @snwvie @fanficsforkicks @soulaires <3
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theemporium · 6 months
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[1.6k] in which a flower bouquet arrives at your door that certainly wasn't sent by your boyfriend. (based off this request)
series masterlist
In your defence, you had nothing to do with the prank. 
It had taken a while for Luke to come around to the idea of you and Quinn being together. He loved you both, wanted nothing more than two of his favourite people in the world to be happy. But it still took some time to get used to the shift in relationships considering almost a year ago the two of you barely spoke. 
But all things considered, he was doing much better than you expected—except for one thing. 
Luke had deemed it necessary that his brother proved himself worthy of dating his best friend. 
You thought he was joking. Quinn thought he was being dramatic. And Jack thought it was the funniest thing he had ever heard, meaning he totally enabled his younger brother into taking the whole thing seriously. 
You had expected Luke to give his oldest brother a shovel talk. Maybe threaten him a little. Maybe even whine about it a little longer, because honestly he got over that phase a lot quicker than you expected. 
You hadn’t expected a series of trials to be set up for your boyfriend.
It started off with random questions thrown at Quinn at the most unsuspecting times, ways for Luke to see if his older brother really knew you. He asked about your favourite colour, your favourite snacks, what you liked when you were sad and so many more simple questions that had Quinn rolling his eyes as he answered. 
Then, it escalated to throwing random scenarios. Like what Quinn would do if you were stranded and he was halfway across the country. Or what Quinn would do if you had been abducted by aliens and returned with no memory of him. Or what Quinn would do if you decided to become a diehard Leafs fan.
It was annoying for Quinn, but ultimately it was harmless. 
You hadn’t realised there was another test. You hadn’t realised you inspired it when you were on the phone with Luke a couple of weeks ago. 
It became a staple in your relationship for Quinn to send you a bouquet of flowers. It was his little way of showing he cared, of showing that distance wasn’t going to get in between him showing his love for you. It was sweet and it made your heart swoon and he fucking adored the way you always called him as soon as they arrived, sharing your reaction to his chosen bouquet each time.
So, in all honesty, it was no shock to you when a bouquet had been delivered to your door that morning. You hadn’t bothered to look for a note because you knew who it was from, you knew that Quinn would probably walk out of your room and see the flowers and throw some stupid, cheesy line at you that had your body flushing. 
“What the fuck?”
It never occurred to you that Quinn was never the one who sent them. 
He stumbled out of your room around thirty minutes after you initially woke up, his eyes still tired and bleary from sleep. He was dragging his feet along the floor as he walked, a pair of sweatpants halfheartedly thrown on as he went off to find you and try to drag you back to bed. After all, it wasn’t often he got the chance to visit you during the season. Spending that limited time together in bed sounded ideal to him. 
However, his body was wide fucking awake the second he walked into the kitchen and saw an unfamiliar bouquet of flowers sat on the counter.
You turned to look at him, your smile waning a little when you noticed his pissed off expression. “Jesus, I know you’re bad before coffee in the mornings but I’ve never seen you this grumpy.” 
Quinn ignored the jab, nodding towards the flowers. “Who sent you those?” 
Your brows furrowed in confusion. “What? You did?”
Quinn frowned as he turned to look at you. “No, I didn’t. I chose tulips. Those aren’t tulips.” 
You shot him a blank look, very well aware the huge bouquet of red roses were not tulips. 
“Maybe you forgot what you chose,” you told him with a shrug, taking a step towards him so you could wind your arms around his waist. You felt him lean into the embrace, wrapping one arm around you as the other reached towards the flowers. “You can’t remember what you’ve chosen every single time.”
“I do,” Quinn said bluntly like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Of course he remembered which flowers he sent you. The boy spent more time than he cared to admit choosing a bouquet, trying to imagine which ones you’d like the most. 
“Oh,” you murmured, but there was a cheesy grin making its way on your face as you placed a quick peck to his collarbone. “Petey was right, you’re such a sap.”
“I still don’t know how I feel about this newfound friendship between you and Petey,” Quinn grumbled when he noticed a note tucked between the stems of the flowers. He reached for it, a frown on his face as his eyes glanced over the note. “Who’s George?” 
You blinked, pulling your head back. “I don’t know a George.” 
Quinn’s expression darkened. “Well, some creep called George knows you and is now sending you flowers.” 
“What?” You grumbled as you reached for the note.
pretty flowers for a pretty girl  –george xx
You blinked. “What the fuck?”
Quinn’s eyes narrowed at the bouquet of flowers, his arm tightening around you like he was proving a point. “They are a terrible set of roses anyways. Red is so tacky. What the fuck does George think it is, Valentine’s Day? He has shitty taste.” 
“I—” You turned to your boyfriend. “Some random guy has my address and is sending me shit, and your priority is his taste in bouquets?” 
“I’m just saying,” Quinn grumbled with a shrug of his shoulders. “He isn’t gonna win you over with some measly roses.” 
You shook your head in response. “Babe, you are—” 
The two of you froze for a short moment, glancing at each other as your phone’s ringing continued to echo through your small kitchen. There was a moment of hesitation before Quinn reached for it, shoulders tensed like he was expecting to see some unknown number on your screen.
His body visibly relaxed when he saw it was a facetime call from Luke.
He handed you the phone, settling in behind you with his arms still wound around you like he was unwilling to let go of you anytime soon. He hooked his chin on your shoulder, leaning his head against yours as you answered the call.
“Oh. Ew.” 
You rolled your eyes but smiled fondly at your best friend. “Is there a reason you’re calling me before ten? I’m surprised you’re even awake right now.”
“Just wanted to check in,” Luke said, his eyes narrowed like he was analysing something. “Hm. You look quite calm there, Quinn.”
Quinn startled a little, lifting his head. “Did you expect me not to be calm when you called?” 
“I was hoping you’d be in some caveman-ish jealous fit of rage. I had the boys on standby to make sure you didn’t tear the college down.” 
You blinked in confusion. 
“Are you George?” Quinn asked, frowning at his youngest brother’s grinning face.
“No, Quinn, my name is Luke.”
He narrowed his eyes. “You’re a little shit.” 
“What the hell, Luke?” You asked, sighing deeply at whatever your best friend was about to say. You already knew whatever the reason was—most likely encouraged by Jack, again—was going to be too much for your brain to handle this early in the morning. 
“What? I told you I was testing him!” Luke said, like it was the only defence he needed. “The note was hidden in the flowers to make sure he would go looking for it! I wanted to make sure he was putting in the effort with you, if he actually cared about the weird flower thing or if he would just pretend like it was fine.” 
You blinked. “You’re insane,” you said eventually, pausing for a short moment before you continued. “And it’s not a weird flower thing.” 
“I’m going to kill you when I next see you,” Quinn said, glaring at his little brother who looked far too smug for his own good. “And I’m going to shove these roses so far—”
“Talk to you later, bye!” 
You sighed, shaking your head as you let out a breathless laugh. You turned your head, finding Quinn still frowning and glowering, and gently turned his face so you could kiss him. “He’ll get tired of these tests eventually.” 
“Will he though?” Quinn muttered against your lips, his nose brushing against yours. “I swear his next test will be to tattoo your name across my forehead.”
You snorted. “If you do that, I’m breaking up with you.”
“That’s rude,” he mused and, for the first time since he woke up, a hint of a smile was tugging on his lips. “What if I do it on my own accord? Maybe I just want to prove my love for you, baby.”
“I like your pretty face. I’d rather not be staring at my own name whenever I look at it,” you retorted, watching as a full smile spread across his face as he leaned down to kiss you again. 
“Cute,” he murmured before he pulled back completely, a determined glint in his eyes that you knew well. “C’mon, get ready.” 
Your brows furrowed. “What? Where are we going?”
“To burn those flowers and then grab breakfast,” he answered simply.
“I refuse to look at them any longer, babe, they are atrocious.”
“You’re so dramatic.” 
“It’s a Hughes thing.”
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lamamasjamas · 3 months
Can you write a fic where gn reader finally washes Qimir’s greasy hair after he comes home from a sith mission. Thanks ❤️
Late Night
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A/n: Thank you for the request! ❤️ For context, Reader has no idea Qimir is a force user and assumes he’s just some guy that makes potions. Also I was eepy when I wrote the last part and I’m yearning for my ld bf so…
Warnings: A little heated (of the sexual type), but it’s fluffy and cute! Some angst and stuff too. 🤭
The night was still young. You were in bed, looking up towards the ceiling, the candlelight at the tonic shop's entrance still illuminating into the corner of the room further inside and past the counter.
You kept the curtain to the bed bunk open so he would come in at his leisure. Most times he was still in his soiled robes and got into bed next to you. He claimed he was too tired to wake you, or even freshen up.
You'd wake up to his hand lightly placed over your shoulder.
Sometimes your side or stomach. Sometimes squeezing, as if he wanted you closer.
But you weren't anything but a colleague. You watched over his small business whenever he was out for "ingredient collection". He was a sort of boss to you. A friend at most.
You think, considering you barely knew anything about him and yet he knew everything about you.
You often wondered where he even found such rare materials and why he'd come back so grimy.
The front door opened and the first thing you saw as you sat up was his back. You were rarely awake by the time he came back from his travels. You rubbed your eyes clean of sleep quickly and stood as quietly as you could.
But it was like he could sense you awake, he turned to you with a smile on his face, pulling his hood down to his shoulders and lifting the baggy of some root he needed for a medicine playfully.
The first thing you do is cringe, his smile falters. His hair was always a mess. He knew that himself.
You point to the washroom and rush to get a bar of soap and a rag from the drawer above his bunk before he could come any closer to his bed.
"What do you expect to find, exactly?"
Your lips twitch and curl in mild disgust, the strands of his hair separate from how drenched they were in dirt, oils and sweat.
"A snee nest," you muttered.
His head was leaned back against the tub, the water below steaming and warm. His eyes were closed, and a faint smile was adorning his face as he breathed in and out deeply. It reminded you of when he was napping, and no one happened to walk into the store for a couple hours.
It was relatively silent. As it usually was for you around him.
It irritated you how little he spoke with you. Then again, you weren't one to partake in conversation. But neither was Mae.
Sure, he joked and had his quirks with you. But with Mae? He was practically a chatterbox. She obviously didn't reciprocate his enthusiasm though, ever.
You refuse to ask why she would come to the shop and ask to speak to him privately every other week. You didn't want to know.
You stare at his brows, his eyelids and the bridge of his nose as your hands massage his scalp gently, using a cup to scoop water and pour it over his hair.
Your gaze led to his lips. They stay there. You didn't even notice that he was staring back up at you and that your hands had stopped their movements.
"You always do that."
You startle and pull away in surprise, but his hand grips your wrist to keep your fingers pressed against his head.
He quirks a brow and smirks, his eyes trying to connect with yours.
“what are you talking about?" you stutter at his intense gaze.
You pull away again, confused. He sits up quickly, his damp hair dripping and spraying you lightly with droplets. His tunic dampens and he crowds you as he leans closer.
He holds you in place by not letting go of your hand. He knew you would have been several feet away if he didn’t have you in his hold.
"You always... stare."
His fingers tap at the pulse of your wrist at your silence. His eyes roam over your face, his head tilts. He wanted you to respond.
“No…” your eyes bounce around the room briefly. You feel childish denying what was so obvious.
“I don’t,” you mutter, half embarrassed from being caught and half upset he even brought it up. It wasn’t his business if you stared anyway.
“I’m not dense-“
“Maybe you are,” you retort quickly, swallowing thickly after a beat as you realize that he was still your boss and you had in fact indirectly called him dense.
His laugh booms across the room. For a second you are mortified, but then you’re enthralled by his chortle. It was infectious.
You could feel yourself smile and huff, your shoulders losing their stiffness. He loosened his grip on you and allowed your hands to fall to his lap.
He sighed as his chuckles died down, he leaned closer.
“What are you hiding?” His eyes flicker to your lips. “Talk to me…”
In that moment you reminded him of a hare, skittish, cautious but very observant and curious. Stubborn to a degree. He felt you pull into him like a magnet, still unsure but very wanting.
Your noses brushed and before you could cower away he whispered.
“Show me.”
The kiss was short. He stayed still, waiting for you, his eyes gently roaming over your face as you lingered on his lips afterwards as you separated.
It was like he knew what you were going to do. What you’ve been wanting to do for a while. You yourself had barely made that discovery it seemed.
He was patient enough to wait for you to lean in for another kiss... then another... then another.
Until you had no choice but to make a small noise as his hand reached behind your neck to pull you impossibly closer.
One hand reaches your hip, the other cupping your head firmly. Your own hands move up from his lap to his chest.
He groans in approval and he tilts his head to kiss you deeper, his knee coming between your kneeled thighs.
You didn’t know whose tongue slipped first. All you knew was that it sent an electrifying feeling down your chest to you belly, your belly to your core.
His hand roamed to the swell of your ass and pushed you down onto his thigh roughly. He swallowed your moans, he wanted to devour you completely.
Your hand thread throughout his hair as if they were braided together. Droplets of water glided down your arm as a result.
His mouth followed, his tongue darting out to collect the drops greedily. You let him claw at your tunic, struggling to pull it up your shoulders to get the last drops, desperate to lick your skin clean.
One hand slithered to cup you, his hand grinding down upon your center and distracting you from the way his struggling grip on your tunic caused it to rip and expose your upper half.
The shop door slides opens quickly. The sound of a cold gust of wind makes you tense, immediately making you pull away.
His head jumps from being nestled between your shoulder and neck and he flips you to lay down below him on the tile.
The realization of your current position and state of being finally catches up to you. You could hear Mae call for him.
You feel something stiff poke at your soft stomach. A heady moan escapes your lips unexpectedly as you glance down and realize it was his swollen crotch. His hand covers your mouth quickly, his eyes neither scolding or concerned but very frustrated at the intrusion.
He calls out that he was in the fresher loudly. Mae huffs and groans as he calls out again a beat after, stating he’d be out in a minute.
He sits up and presses his finger to his lip then places it against yours with a smirk. Your eyes flutter at his touch.
The door opens and closes quick enough to allow you to see the shop lights now on.
They weren’t close enough to hear. Most noises were murmurs and mumbles. Teasing remarks made by Qimir about how he would require extra payment for the nightly visit.
The shop’s doors open and close after a couple of minutes. He comes in to see you staring at your half torn tunic, resting against the tub with half lidded eyes.
The exhilaration from before was gone and replaced by drowsiness. It was almost sunrise and you had yet to get a full nights sleep.
His crouches down before you and lifts you. For a second you question how a potions shop owner could carry you with such ease.
The sight of the bed made you quickly forget and lean against his chest. Your hands are lightly placed over his bicep as if you were afraid of him losing his grip and letting you fall.
You woke up that same afternoon with his head buried in your neck and his arms wound around your waist.
His even breaths lulled you to sleep. You snorted weakly at the sight of his hair before falling back into slumber with him.
Despite your efforts, his hair still looks like it could do with a wash. You’d bathe him properly, you thought.
A/n: Reblogs and Comments appreciated! 💋❤️
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guiltyasreid · 3 months
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you threaten to sue spencer reid. l spencer reid x reader
warnings/tags: non, fluff, suggestive ending? gn!reader, college!spencer reid, and they were roommates word count : 957 a/n: this is the first time I'm posting one of my fics so ahhhhhhh, I got this idea from where a fan shouted at min yoongi "I will sue you" plus I'm trying to procrastinate applying for my masters in law. lmk what you think
It was a typical Tuesday night, you laid on the floor, stomach down, left hand scrawling your notes into your notebook, three textbooks open at different pages. The only sound heard in the room was your breathing, his breathing and both of you writing notes. In your mind it was a game to see who would take a break first, you didn't know if Spencer even knew of the competition, you'd never let him know.
This time, it was you. You moved from your position on the floor to sit on your bed, leaving your things sprawled on the floor. You let out a little grunt as you laid down on your side to watch Spencer as he worked.
His hair had gotten longer, and lighter. Most of it was pushed back behind his ears, there was a strand hanging out, everytime he'd push it behind his ear, it would make its way back out. His tongue was between his teeth, the habit he had started recently. He blinked less often when he was reading. He was hunched over with his legs crossed as he wrote in a position that his back would definitely not thank him for.
Your eyes graced down his figure, his collar bones were exposed as he unbuttoned, his top 2 buttons every time he came back to the dorm. His sleeves were rolled up, leaving his veiny forearms exposed to you. His hand was moving down a book with his middle two fingers.
You looked away from him and groaned. "I hate you."
He let out a laugh. You had your hands over your face. "What did I do?"
"Why do you look like that? You're studying and you look like that." You spoke muffled by your hands. You could hear him snicker from across the room. "It's awful."
"What are you trying to say?" He asked, you moved your hands to look at him again with a scowl. His eyes were large and innocent. Your eyes glanced down at his arms and hands to where he had stopped reading.
"I don't like you. You are a crime against me." You huffed looking away again.
There was shuffling and you watched him move across the room and sit next to you on your bed. "What have I done now?"
Your face was flushed and you were not going to look him in the eyes. Instead you turned away from him, which made him stop you and turn you back. His head tilted over you. "You're so pretty." You muttered holding up your hands to brush that stupid strand of hair away from his face.
He turned red at the compliment. Looking away from you. "Stop." He was about to stand up, you stopped him from moving, pulling him back to sit down next to you.
"You are very handsome and I hate it, you're sat there, with your sleeves rolled up, it's a crime. Keep your hands and arms to yourself." You glared at him which turned him more red. He started letting out an awkward laugh which made you groan. "Even that was attractive. I hate it."
"I think you're mistaking me-."
"Don't even try to deny it, Spencer Reid. You are a crime against me, for being this good-looking. I'll sue you, I'm studying law, you know?" He raised an eyebrow at you as you hmphed.
"I don't think that'd hold up in court." He replied, brushing a strand of hair out of your face.
"I'll make it hold up in court. Distracting me, damages to my livelihood." His face became more amused. "I could show a picture of you to the jury and they'd agree."
"You're hilarious." He rolled his eyes at you.
"I'm not joking." You spoke with the most serious voice you could muster. "I will sue you for being handsome."
"What can I do for you to not sue me?" He asked rasing an eyebrow.
"Nothing." You crossed your arms looking away from him. "Wait for the papers to be served."
He laughed, tilting your head back towards him, he leaned down and placed a kiss on your forehead. "Is that enough?" He asked with a innocent voice. You shook your head. He then kissed both of your cheeks. His own face was turning red just as yours. You shook your head again.
He kissed the side of your lips. "What about now?" He asked, you pouted at him, shaking your head again.
He leaned down again this time, hovering right above your lips. Taking a moment before pressing down. His lips pressed against yours and its as if your mind short-circuited. Everything in the room faded away. All you could think about was him.
His lips lightly chapped from grazing his tongue over them all day, they were soft and warm. You both hummed into the kiss, as if it was the breath of air you'd needed all day. You leaned up trying to deepen the kiss, only for him to move away causing you to let out a whine.
He was smirking looking down at you, foreheads pressed together. "You still gonna sue me?" He asked breathily.
"No." You muttered back, you eyes traveling from his eyes to his lips. As you moved forward he moved back until you were sat up with him.
"Promise?" He asked kissing the side of you mouth.
"Promise…" You hummed as he leaned back in. You pulled away quickly, narrowing your eyes. "For now." You quickly pressed your lips to his before he could restore, causing him to chuckle into the kiss. You both fell back onto your bed with you this time on top of him.
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 months
could we get benji with reader and he’s jealous of the braken boys liking you
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There was no mistaking the fact that Aeron Bracken had taken somewhat of a liking to you, much to Benjicot’s dismay.
Perhaps it was because you were with him so the brunette was eager to get under his skin by getting close to you? Poison your mind into thinking him as a better choice as he smiled sweetly at you, bringing your hand to his lips all the while keeping his eyes on your every expression.
Regardless of the motive Benji didn’t like it, the Bracken bastard thought himself slick with his honeyed words, but Benjicot could see through Aeron as well one could see through clear glass. The man was brazen with his actions, even more so when he was aware of Benjicot’s presence, and would even glance over at him from time to time to gauge his reaction towards every move he made towards you as though goading him into acting out.
The mousey faced prick brought Benji’s blood to a boil quicker than most but it was made even worse when you were being used to bait him into snapping. Even now as he, Kermit and Oscar came back from training, laughing and joking with one another as they playfully pushed and shoved each other as brothers do despite the ache in their muscles.
‘I bet you’re more than eager to see y/n aren’t you Benji?’ Oscar asked teasingly as he nudged his friend in the side, chuckling at the sight of his friend’s cherry red blush that stretched up towards the tips of his ears. ‘Oh look at him Kermit, our precious little Benji boy is blushing about his spouse, how sweet.’ He adds as Kermit smiled at the sight.
‘Oh you’re right Oscar! The man’s cheeks are about as ripe as freshly picked cherries!’ Kermit exclaims, unfazed when Benjicot smacked him in the chest, if anything it made the Tully want to tease his lovesick friend even more. ‘I bet you thought about them the entire time you were with us, wishing that you’d be where with them, probably under the Weirwood tree trading kisses and words of love.’
‘Oh piss off the pair of you.’ Benji said under his breath as he tried to hide how accurate their words were, he did indeed think of you often when he was away with the lads, growing impatient the longer he was void of your comforting presence. However something must’ve caught his friend’s attention as Oscar and Kermit stopped, looking at something in front of them and just as Benjicot was about to question them, the smile on his face drops. Ahead of them standing far too close to you for his liking was Aeron Bracken, who looked as though he was in the midst of telling you a story that you didn’t believe in the slightest was true.
Benjicot has grown sick and tired of Aeron constantly being near you, it was obviously that the Bracken cunt was intentionally ignoring that you were his, that you were taken and happily so in hopes that he could somehow worm his way between the two of you. Benjicot could feel the fire within his chest become an raging inferno, everything with him burned with the need to pummel the mouse faced Bracken into a pulp, bruised knuckles be damaged if it were to get you away from him.
He had held back for much longer then he intended, so the anger and frustration from the past times that Aeron tried making a move towards you, whether it be by brushing a stray strand of hair from your face or not so subtle glances towards your lips, were resurfacing to the forefront of Benji’s mind as he felt his breath become more ragged and his hands clenched tight until his knuckles were white as bone. The lack of action taken must’ve given Aeron Bracken the impression that he could try to move in on you whenever he was out of reach to do anything about it.
However that was all going to change rather quickly as Benjicot was picking up his pace with Oscar and Kermit struggling to keep up with him, but Benji was seeing red and seething with unbridled anger that only seem to threaten to burn him alive if he didn’t find an outlet soon. ‘Bracken!’ He yells with the anger of a man channeling his entire houses distain as he closes the distance between himself and Aeron, practically all up in his face as Oscar and Kermit stood by your side.
‘Blackwood.’ Aeron said back with equal disdain as he tried to stand tall, hand on the hilt of his sword.
‘Don’t you think you’ve overstayed your welcome?’ Benjicot asked as he made sure you were well and truly hidden behind him from Aeron’s eyes, even going so far as to move in tandem of the brackens dark eyes as they shifted, keeping himself in his line of view and nobody else. ‘For I’m certain my spouse has had their fill of your face to last an entire lifetime, consisting with how often you keep trying to make them see reason by being with you like the conniving cunt that you are.’ Benjicot adds in a low growl.
‘They need someone devoted to them.’ Aeron spat back as he stepped up in Benjicot’s face, ‘not someone who’s fucking off to play knights with his mates.’ The Bracken then gestures to Oscar and Kermit who glared back at him
‘And you think you are?’ Benji asked rhetorically, he wanted to laugh, truly he did as he ran his tongue over his teeth because who the fuck did Aeron think he was to say such pure shit and believe it to be truth? Whether it was taught by his rat of an uncle Benji couldn’t care in the slightest, for it only further proved to him that Brackens would gladly further themselves through lies and altering historical events to better suit their own image in the eyes of greater houses.
‘I know i am, I-‘
‘Stop!’ You exclaimed, pushing both Benji and Aeron away from one another, causing them to look at you in bewilderment. ‘I’ve forced myself for listen for long enough to be now at my wits end.’ You looked to Aeron and crossed your arms over your chest. ‘Aeron, I have made it abundantly clear on multiple occasions that my heart lies with lord Blackwood from now until my last breath, and yet you still persist in chasing something that has no need nor want for you. It makes you look desperate.’ Oscar and Kermit snorted at Aeron’s expense, but were silenced when you looked at them with a stern glare as you looked to Benjicot with a soft expression.
‘Benji,’ you uttered softly as you reached up to hold his face, to which he was quick to melt into, ‘I need you to put more trust in me for I am not someone in constant need of saving, I can hold my own with or without you.’ You tell him and while he wanted to say something, Benji decided against it and let you speak the rest of your mind to him. ‘You hold my heart, is that not enough to reassure you that I’d never look into the eyes of another man when my head is filled with thoughts of you and only you?’ You add as you looked deeply into his stormy eyes that have now became a calm ocean under your touch and words.
Jealously still flowed through him but at a rate of which he could barely feel the influence of the green eyed monster, no more as more as he could the gentle fluttering of a butterflies wings, and yet he felt a sense of guilt settle in his stomach upon realising that you thought that he didn’t trust you in the presence of another man, Bracken or otherwise without feeling a tinge of jealously.
‘I trust you wholeheartedly.’ Benjicot tells you softly as he holds your waist, pulling you in close, completely disregarding everybody else as his eyes remained on yours. ‘And I apologise for ever making you think that I didn’t when I should’ve just said something instead so that doubt would’ve have been able to grow in your heart.’ The young lord then rested his forehead against your own, breathing you in as he tightened his hold on you, pulling you closer until you were flushed against his chest. ‘I shall learn to do better by you and for you from this day forth, I swear it upon the old gods and I swear it upon to you, my heart. I may become jealous but that does not reflect my distrust in you but more so in others who seek your heart.’ Benjicot finishes as he looking deeply into your eyes.
You sighed, knowing that you could never truly be angry at Benjicot, not when he looked at you they way he did now, as though you were the only one worth looking at for the rest of his life however long that maybe. ‘This is still up for discussion.’ You told him as you went to bid Aeron farewell, only to see that he had already left in a strope, shrugging your shoulders as you Oscar, Kermit and Benjicot left to head back to Raventree hall; Only to tug Benjicot to stop once Ocar and Kermit were out of earshot to whisper to him, ‘you’re quite handsome when you’re jealous.’ Before pressing a kiss to his lips quickly as you ran to catch up to the Tully brothers with Benjicot following shortly after with a smile on his face.
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