#and musa’s also white
vicontheinternet · 2 years
If I showed you this with no context you’d never guess it was a live action adaptation of winx club never mind that they did flora twice and still lightwashed/whitepassed her.
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floralovebot · 7 months
Hi, I want to ask your opinion on something. You made a post that said changing the Winx's races is bad. I agree that it's not okay but I have a question about Helia. I thought he was Native American when I was a child but you've said he's Asian. Is it wrong to think he's Native American?
I had to think about how to answer this for a while tbh! Sorry for the late reply
Anyway, I probably could answer this with a simple yes or no but I really feel like I should explain my answer.
I'm pretty sure you're referencing this post! Anyway, the biggest issue with race changing the canon characters of color is that when you do it, you're participating in erasure. Again, it's not more representation to, for example, make Flora asian - it's erasure because you're intentionally erasing her being latina. Now like I said, I don't have an issue with like,, children not noticing their canon races or ethnicities. It's perfectly fine if a little kid sees characters as something else! The problem is grown adults ignoring and erasing their canon races.
When it comes to Helia specifically, he is very much coded as asian, specifically east asian. I want to clarify that it's not explicitly canon. Rainbow has never stated what race he's supposed to represent and they've never said if he was based on a real person. We don't even know what planet he's actually from! So his race is all coding. However, that coding is still,,, fairly obvious. And I specifically want to touch on how Rainbow depicts their east asian characters versus their indigenous characters.
Most of their east asian characters have either dark blue, black, or brown hair and more narrow eyes. Like,, that's their go-to when trying to make a character Noticeably asian. They're also fond of putting their asian characters in traditional clothing (like qi pao or hanfu) rather than casual clothing. I added Helia at the very bottom so you can see how he compares to other, canonically asian characters.
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While Rainbow has absolutely depicted asian characters in offensive ways (espero...), it's usually pretty respectful. Meanwhile,,, their depiction of indigenous characters is... anything but.
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Like before, I put a picture of Helia so you can compare him to the canonically indigenous characters. As you can see here, their depiction of indigenous characters is,, extremely racist! It follows a lot of racist stereotypes like red skin, face paint, headdress, feathers, etc. Just,,, all around Not Good. And you'll notice that Helia doesn't really "fit in" visually. That's not to say that he has to look like that to be indigenous but remember that this is an animated show with intentional designs made by white people. If he was meant to be seen as indigenous, he would likely share more characteristics with these characters (like having darker, red-toned skin). Again, their depiction of indigenous characters is extremely racist. I don't think there's a single indigenous character in winx that doesn't look like a walking stereotype out of an old cowboy film. Unfortunately, Helia would absolutely look different and more like those racist designs if he was meant to be indigenous.
Now, to actually answer your question. Is it okay to see Helia as indigenous, and specifically indigenous to the americas? Well... as Helia's racial coding is still just coding and not explicit, it's not a crime if you don't see him as asian. Like,, while I do absolutely think he was meant to be seen as asian, it's still technically ambiguous enough that it's not a Bad thing if you don't see him as such.
That said, you need to be extremely careful with how you think of and portray Helia as indigenous. I've talked before about Rainbow including quite a few stereotypes about east asian men with Helia, and unfortunately, most if not all of them, can also apply to indigenous men. For example, Helia is calmer and wise (often shown to give advice in poetic ways), connected to nature (ie, birds, plants, Flora), frequently meditates, etc. These are all common stereotypes for indigenous men. I'd actually recommend reading this wikipedia article!
Anyway, seeing him as indigenous isn't inherently wrong, but there's absolutely a chance that you're picking up on indigenous stereotyping rather than coding or a headcanon. Like the long hair, connection to nature, the pacifist comment, the weird and kind of cryptic one-liners he occasionally has... Unfortunately, a lot of the indigenous!Helia headcanons/redesigns I've seen have been really racist. And the common reasoning for why they think he's indigenous often comes down to these common stereotypes.
So like,,, god I know this is long but honestly the answer is complicated. It's not a simple yes or no. It really, really depends on why you think he's indigenous. Like. Just ask yourself yknow? Why do you think this? Think of an actual reason that isn't just "vibes". And if you're creating any kind of content, even if it's just daydreaming tbh, how are you depicting him? Is there even the slightest hint of a stereotypical depiction? (And again, please research stereotypical depictions because there are a lot and quite a few contradict each other)
If you're confident that you're not stereotyping him, then honestly, it's not that bad to see him as indigenous. I do ask that you try to see and understand him being asian coded, as I do think that's important, regardless of whether or not it's in your face explicit. However, it's not like. a crime if you don't see him as asian. Just be very, very, Very careful with how you think of and portray indigenous!Helia.
Also,,, I didn't know quite how to fit this into the rest of the post but,, while it's not Bad for you to not see Helia as asian, you should think about why that is. For example, there are still a lot of people in the fandom who don't see Nabu as asian, despite his coding being extremely in your face and honestly canon at this point. But because he has darker skin, he's from Andros, and he was with Aisha, a lot of people assumed he was black. That's not inherently a bad thing, but some of those people get really mad when others point out that he's very much south asian which,,, is a bad thing. I understand the feeling of losing rep and wanting to protect that, but you shouldn't bulldoze other groups to do it.
I'm not sure what your opinion of asian Helia is, but if you're like,, against him being asian or refuse to see that very intentional coding just because you really like the idea of him being indigenous,, you should think about that and reassess things.
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starlooove · 9 months
I got a point you can’t just take away rep bc you feel like it with your hcs. You literally have other characters to claim as other races bc their skin tones don’t matter (Bloom, Stella,Tecna) but sure take away Musa and Flora as if their skin and race isn’t important to their character just say your racist and accept that because you can have ANYONE ELSE. How about you go fuck yourself!! Y’all love making anything about yourselves. You aren’t the only other race in the world besides white people. 💀
It’s also extremely weird that you keep tryna do these one liners that’s like “brown people exist” or “you aren’t the only race in the world besides white people” when I already spoke on that in the reply which makes me think you saw the hcs and rushed to respond without comprehending anything I said which,whatever, but back to the first point; I think you see diversity and representation as purely skin deep and it’s lowk kinda weird. Someone being black and Latina, makes them black and Latina. The blackness doesn’t take away that they’re Latina. If you think it does it’s because you value pale skin and idk man that’s kinda weird it honestly tracks that you’d be too pussy to admit it with ur chest.
#this lowk reminds me of ppl saying it would be fine for miles to have a blk live action actor#who wasnt Puerto Rican#as if it’d be difficult to find a darkskinned puertorriqueño#or even ppl saying miles got a different curl pattern to reflect his Latino heritage 💀💀💀💀#as if afrolatinos can’t have 4C#come off anon and we can talk if u want my DMS are open#or come off anon and send an ask#honestly I just wanna know if you’re white tryna have this convo with me#It’s giving cracker#and i rlly wanna know if u extend the same energy towards artists who whitewash characters which is an actual recognized racist tactic#like Id bet money you don’t but I still wanna know#OHHH#i also think it’s interesting that you didn’t react the same way to Aisha being blasian that you did to Musa#like i already had the hc but I included it just bc I knew you wouldn’t#Bc it’s literally just anti blackness#but anyways#i also think it’s so interesting that when it came to yt characters u said their skin doesn’t matter#but When u came to musa and Flora you said skin AND race. as if they’re the same.#and Im like 10000% sure you think race is skin deep but it’s not I promise#like the Convo on race is extremely complicated and convulted atm but I promise you we all at least know race isn’t just skintone#which is like. the basis of ur entire issue.#read a book ma#also#‘y’all make everything about yourselves’#sends an anon ask bc of smth u presumably saw in a tag or 9 note post#aint no way
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dragcnflame · 10 months
seeing the poster for the new winx reboot knowing it's going to be watered down again and that they're already trying to pull a 'it's the great dragon but a dark version!' enemy story. and it's the black circle to like plz. tecna looks like she's going to be a robot, minimal crop tops and stella in the blandest outfit.
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remnants · 2 years
y'all are so fucking annoying. when netflix winx came out y'all shit on it so hard and now here y'all are anticipating season 2. like dogs at the table for scraps. 😒
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doodlegraveyard · 9 months
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Gal!!!!! She’s not a princess in this version but she is a famous pop star and a more important part of Musa’s arc. My version of Musa’s home planet is distinctly more sci fi so I was going for that + Kpop idol vibes
[Image description: redesign for Galatea from Winx. Her winx form is a white shorts and top set in the style of a sci fi jumpsuit crossed with a marching band uniform. She wears a futuristic headset with antennae in the shape of angelic wings. The wing like flares also decorate the bottom of her jacket and shorts. The buttons on her cuffs are shaped like gold quarter notes. Her gold wings have markings resembling a treble clef. End description.]
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
Something with Riven from fate, like its first day of school and everyone get to know each and there is this pretty y/n thath turns out to be Ric's girlfriend which no one from winx expected.
Just a little thought 😅. But feel free to do anything you want.
I really do like this, and since I will be hyperfixating on fate again anyway, already am almost, let's go
also I changed your prompt up a little, because I liked this idea better, but hopefully you can still enjoy it as I did!
"So, you're from where, exactly?" Aisha tilted her head to the side and smiled, but you were still nervous enough that you grabbed onto your books until your knuckles turned white.
"Your hair looks really pretty, how do you get it to look that healthy?", Terra interrupted before you could answer, also grinning, but only making your anxiety even worse. You smiled again nervously, readying yourself for the answer to her question, before Stella butted in.
"Why are you transferring in the middle of the year, anyway?"
You bit your bottom lip, your books daring to slip out of your hands, forcing you to hold them even tighter now. You had arrived here maybe an hour ago, gone into the headmistress' office, taken all your new books with you and made your way to your dorm, and been stopped by the girls you'd be sharing it with in the middle of the hall before you could even take two steps further.
"Guys", Musa sighed, and your eyes snapped to where she was leaning on the railing next to you. "Give her space to breathe. She can't answer any of you if you talk over each other."
You smiled gratefully at her and she smiled back, which lifted the weight on your shoulders a bit, and the ache in your chest and the one in your stomach just the slightest as well.
The others mumbled their sorrys, still all eyes fixed on you.
But then you heard your name being called from the other side of the hall. And for the first time since you had got here, you turned without pondering what everyone else would think of you. A huge grin spread on your face.
"Riven", you breathed.
He was coming towards you, quick and smooth, and his arms were around you almost a second later, and you saw his smirk for just the blink of an eye before his lips were on yours.
He kissed passionately, he always did. But he also kissed slowly. Deliberately. He kissed like he wanted to savour every moment, every touch, every single time.
When he pulled back, he was chuckling. He pressed a kiss to your jaw and one to your neck before you managed to open your eyes again. And even then you were blinking hazily up at him, waiting for another kiss and another and another. Usually, he never stopped. But you supposed this wasn't usually.
Oh, no this was not usually. This was "standing in a hallway in the middle of a new school and snogging your boyfriend". Oh, wow.
The blush that spread on your cheeks was one comparable to barely any you'd had before. You turned back around quickly, biting your lip, then realising that was probably the wrong thing to do, so you let out - something, yeah, some kind of sound. Not a word, definitely not a word. But something indeed.
Bloom was the first of them to recover. She raised her eyebrows and looked at you, then at Riven, then back at you.
"So when we did that introduction thing, you simply forgot to mention you were dating- him?"
Her tone was teasing, but still laced with confusion and shock, so much that she could not hide it. You chuckled, that nervous tingle raising in your stomach again.
"I didn't know it was that important", you muttered, almost choking on your own words as Riven slid his arms around your waist from behind and rested his head on your shoulder. You knew just from his gesture that his grin was unmatchable in this moment. It normally made your chest swell with pride, but right now, your anxiety had the upper hand.
"I just- I can't believe you are dating him", Bloom went on. "I mean, we don't know you well yet, but you just seem..."
She trailed off, obviously not wanting to hurt your ego. You bit your cheek.
"Different?", you offered. She nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, people are always surprised", you admitted.
Riven started planting kisses on your neck, working his way up to your jaw again. You kicked him in the shin, but he only chuckled into your ear.
Bloom looked disgusted, but her expression was nothing against Musa's. Who looked like she would vomit in a second.
"Riven, that's fucking repulsive", she complained, straightening her back and already taking a step back. Heat rushed back to your cheeks. Well, you were doing a fantastic job at a first impression.
"Not my fault you're reading my fucking mind", Riven countered. You scoffed at him.
"Yeah, we're still gonna leave you guys to it", Aisha interrupted. Even she was looking somewhat put off. "Uh, introductions have been made, and you've got some days to settle in so- just. Please keep to his room. We have a strict no boyfriend rule since some... things happened."
You noticed the look she gave Musa and had to hide a smile despite your embarrassment. The friendship these girls had - you thanked whatever gods there were for being put right in the middle of it. You already had taken a liking to the lot of them.
They said quick goodbyes and left, chatting and waving at you until they rounded the next corner.
"Riven, you bastard", you laughed when they had disappeared, turning around to him, pushing your books into his arms as he grinned at you.
"I love you so much and I missed you more than you could ever imagine, but couldn't you have waited five more minutes instead of interrupting me? I have to live with these people for quite a while!"
He only chuckled and pulled you back in with one hand, holding your books in the other, kissing you as you raked your hands through his hair and cupped his cheeks and crossed your arms behind his neck and lost any sense of time or place you'd had before. Yeah, you were indeed dating him.
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foodsies4me · 3 months
AWG but Alec has a warlock mark
Tagging @ariella9melody and @buglersholiday because you both asked for this prompt that ended up in Cat's POV because the majority of Alec's POV would have been a mixture of "don't speak to Magnus Bane", "don't speak of Magnus Bane" and "don't tell Catarina about Magnus Bane"
Catarina stares at the young teenager, barely more than a child, in front of her. She takes in the nervous way he’s clenching and unclenching his fingers, his eyes darting every so often to a smiling Magnus, who is discussing some last-minute details with Elder Musa.
The boy is clearly uncomfortable with Magnus being there and Catarina is still trying to figure out if that’s due to his parents or something else. She doesn't think it's the usual shadowhunter bigotry, though, which is a relief because she wouldn’t want him to fight to overcome self-hatred on top of everything he already has on his plate.
“So, Alec,” she says, “- are you fine with me calling you that? Or do you prefer something else?”
“Alec is fine,” he nods, eyes darting over to a slowly approaching Ragnor. “But - uh, I thought you were sending me back to the institute, so,” another look sent Magnus’ way and a sigh of relief when he leaves, “Why am I here?”
“I’ll make a portal for you,” Catarina reassures, trying not to scare the young teenager away or make him think they’re keeping him captive, “But you’re here so we can schedule a training regimen for you that wouldn’t interrupt your shadowhunter duties.”
Catarina tries to keep her voice even as she says this, trying to ignore the same impulse that had pushed several of the Elders to mention the word ‘kidnapping’ in more than a joking manner. Because it wasn’t enough for Alec to be in an immense amount of danger just by existing. No, the Lightwoods also had the fantastic idea of letting a thirteen-year-old patrol.
Alec furrows his eyebrows together, “Why?”
“To teach you how to control your magic,” Catarina says, confused by Alec’s sudden confusion. He had been the one to seek her out, after all, panic and fear were visible in every line of his body when he asked her for help because his glamour runes refused to work any longer.
Catarina had been confused at first, wariness and compassion in equal measure had put her on high alert, her magic scouring her surroundings for any other angelic signatures, which led to her only catching half of Alec’s explanation.
That confusion had faded the moment Alec had raised his shirt and twisted around to reveal white, opalescent scales that gathered into small diamond-like shapes along his spine. A warlock mark.
Catarina had been quick to contact Magnus and the other Elders despite the panicked request she keeps this between them. Something like a shadowhunter-born warlock, one that could bear runes unlike Tessa, was not something she would have been able to keep to herself. Not when that very fact put Alec into a world of danger.
Still, it had taken her nearly an hour to get Alec’s okay. The promise of blood oaths that would prevent her and the Elders from sharing the information with anyone else enough to finally convince him.
That's how they ended up in their current situation, though, Catarina is starting to realize there was some miscommunication somewhere down the line if Alec is asking her why she would help him train his magic.
“But you glamoured the…my back,” Alec says, eyebrows still furrowed in confusion. “That’s all I needed.”
Catarina gentles her voice, “Untrained magic is dangerous magic,” she says, repeating the sentence her own teacher had installed into her at a young age.
Alec somehow looks even more confused.“But I don’t have magic,” he corrects, breaking his parade’s rest to scratch at a spot over his chest. “I’m pretty sure I would have noticed if I had.”
“Maybe it’s weaker because of your angelic blood,” Catarina muses, walking over to her couch and inviting him over. “But I can assure you, you do.”
Alec presses his lips together, “I don’t want to be a bother,” he says, sounding old and painfully young all at once. “You mentioned you’re a nurse and I don’t want to take up your free time to accommodate my schedule.”
There’s something infuriatingly adult in the way he speaks, a maturity that comes from being forced to grow up past your age. Then again, she thinks sardonically, being used like the Nephilim equivalent of canon fodder will do that to you.
Seriously, a thirteen-year-old patrolling. Most warlocks wouldn’t let their children or apprentices brew a harmless beginner's potion by themselves at that age.
“I’m sure we can figure out something that would work out for the both of us,” she says, conjuring a pen and a notepad that she holds out to him. “Now, what about you write down your schedule and I write mine down.”
Alec does as ordered and starts writing down his weekly schedule to her growing horror. Starting at half past five in the morning, Alec's days seem to stretch well until midnight on the nights that he isn't patrolling and that will just not stand.
"As a nurse, I'm obliged to tell you that the recommended amount of sleep for a child your age is eight to ten hours a day."
"I'm a shadowhunter, not a child," Alec says with an assertiveness that doesn't come from defensiveness, but from being told the same words over and over again. "And I think I'm finished."
Alec hands her the schedule and Catarina tries to read the different categories Alec has written down: training, trainees, paperwork, Max and Leo, archery practice, patrol, sparring with Jace, sword practice, studying, rune practice, and story time.
"Training and trainees?" she asks, wondering what the difference is between both categories.
"Training is for Jace, my parabatai, Izzy, my sister, and I. The trainees are what we call my little brother and his best friend, they just turned three and are learning their basic forms. I'm helping them."
Catarina nods to show she understands. She supposes she can't fault Alec for wanting to be a good brother and help his little brother with his training, even if the thought of a three-year-old needing to learn how to fight is horrifying to even think of.
"And Max and Leo?"
"The New York Institute isn't a kid institute, so Max and Leo don't really have anyone to play with or keep them busy."
Catarina nods again to avoid asking about the amount of 'Max' as well as 'Max and Leo' time as well as 'Trainee' time that has been penciled in. Instead, she summons a cup of hot chocolate for Alec to have something to distract herself and him with. Then, after he's taken a few sips, eyes brightening in delight - and oh, she wouldn't have taken him for a sweet tooth - she asks about the strangest entry.
"What about paperwork? Is that similar to the studying and rune practice?"
Alec shakes his head, slowly lowering his cup on the coffee table, "No, it's just - when mom and dad are away to other institutes or in Idriss, I have to do the paperwork," he says with a careless shrug.
Catarina looks down at the schedule, looks back at the young teenager on her couch, and back at the schedule. Then, she bites down the question that is burning on her tongue.
After all, the answer is staring at her in the shape of a frankly ridiculous schedule that Alec wrote down without a second thought.
This means the story time entry, the entry that takes place twice a day at the same time every single day, right around what would be the usual bedtime for a three-year-old, is exactly what the word entails.
Catarina didn't think her personal opinion on Maryse and Robert Lightwood could sink any lower.
"Your studies are they with a teacher?" She asks, looking at the few spots those take. She wouldn't be able to ask him to do the paperwork he shouldn't be doing over at her apartment, but maybe she can convince him to take his studying sessions here.
"Not anymore," Alec says, "I just get the study material and the homework I need to finish. Why?"
"Well, then I suggest we broaden your studies during those hours," she says, circling the study hours on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday the days she usually has off. "That okay with you?"
Alec is still looking at her with a confused expression as if unsure of what to expect from her. "If that's easiest for you," he says, hand coming to scratch that spot on his chest again, "But I can adapt. I just have to be there for Max when he wakes up and when he goes to sleep, but the rest I can switch around."
Catarina had an inkling he would say something like this.
"Don't worry, this would work out the best for both of us," she reassures, hiding the anger behind a kind smile and another cup of hot chocolate. Then, she gives Alec his promised portal with a promise to see him on Thursday and dials a number she knows as well as her own.
Magnus picks up on the first ring. "Chocolate or alcohol?"
"Both. As well as a plan on how to murder the Lightwoods if you'd please."
"That bad?"
Catarina thinks of patrolling at thirteen years old, thinks of the hellish schedule and the fact that Alec is apparently single-handedly raising his little brother, is semi-raising his two other siblings as well, and all that on top of not quite running the institute in his parents' absence. .
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devilheartsblog · 5 months
So I’m making a Winx rewrite and decided to doodle some ideas and explain them below
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I think it was a missed opportunity since Orgon is literally the Wizard of absorption and should have the ability to mimic powers after stealing them instead of absorbing their strength. I also changed the White Circle to be a weapon against the Wizards without any Earth Fairies being trapped inside of it cause in my rewrite they’re all dead (except Morgana and Roxy). Maybe they’ll appear as ghosts or something.
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I don’t really remember if Roxy had mommy issues but I’m giving her that and her dad wife issues. She left haphazardly and Klaus didn’t get his memory wiped of her, so he resents her for leaving and essentially abandoning him and Roxy. Roxy would want to know of her mother more which makes them clash
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Riven being jealous and butting heads with Musa was the only melodrama I thought fit, but the whole Jason Queen record deal thing isn’t really brought up after Season 4. And yeah here Jason Queen’s offer to Musa ends up putting a wedge in their relationship because that means she’ll be staying on Earth while Riven returns to Red Fountain, kinda like a couple separate worldwide which is quite hard for him.
I’m actually not 100% sure if it’s cannon, but it’s cannon in my rewrite soooo yeah
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This is a weird one but HEAR ME OUT-
So Duman gets badly hurt and Nabu helps right? I didn’t like the idea of the wizards pretending to be allies before backstabbing the good guys, then Nabu dies and they just became lame. I plan to give most wizards a redemption arc and it starts with Gantlos and Nabu trucing for a bit to find a cure for Duman’s illness (caused by the white circle casting some spell on them, hence why they destroyed the other white circles). Gantlos gets Nabu’s help since he’s a wizard, the most cooperative and it’s the least awkward option. I like to imagine he calls Nabu a rookie in sorcery lmao
That’s it for now, and I have the first 2 episodes done for the rewrite
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berniesrevolution · 1 year
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DES MOINES, Iowa — Wearing bright yellow Crocs, carrying a backpack and holding a clipboard stacked with papers, Ahmed Musa listens intently to a student. You would be forgiven for thinking Mr. Musa was a student himself; it is ​“staff dress like a student” day during spirit week at Theodore Roosevelt High School, and Mr. Musa looks the part.
Then again, Mr. Musa, 24, was a Roosevelt student not too long ago. He graduated in 2017.
He is talking with senior Jackie in a second floor hallway. She is animated, her purple and white braids falling across her baby blue N95 mask as she explains a problem. She is the president of the K-Club and there was an incident among members. The K-Club, she says, is about all things K-pop, from Korean music to food to movies to fashion. Mr. Musa laughs — he thought it was the ​“Kulture Club.”
Jackie goes on to give a broad overview of the situation: Racist and homophobic memes were posted in the group’s online chat of several dozen members. Tempers flared and arguments spilled over from social media into the classroom. Then a shouting match erupted during a club meeting. Fortunately, it didn’t come to blows. Members contacted the club’s teacher-advisor who contacted the school’s ​“restorative practices” team.
As a restoration facilitator, Mr. Musa’s job is to listen to problems and help students find solutions. Talking with Jackie that morning was the first step (a ​“prerestorative conference”) toward a formal ​“restorative circle.” Restorative circles are a group activity meant to help repair harm and restore relationships.
Jackie was one of several students I spoke with during two week-long visits to Roosevelt this year — once in the spring and once in the fall — to witness the school’s implementation of its new restorative practices program. Vanessa, a freshman struggling with the transition from remote learning during Covid, and Yonathan, a sophomore caught with drugs and weapons at school, were also among them. (Students involved in the RP program are referred to by first name to protect their privacy.)
Before the pandemic, armed officers known as ​“school resource officers,” or SROs, from the Des Moines Police Department would patrol the school hallways. But during the summer of racial justice marches and protests after the police murder of George Floyd, students, parents and community members spoke out against SROs at Des Moines School Board meetings. In the end, the police contract with the schools was terminated. After scrambling to make remote schooling work during the long, mournful slog of the pandemic, Des Moines Public Schools (DMPS) were left to find a way to reimagine school safety — and fast.
The district moved quickly to implement restorative practices, an increasingly popular educational model for school safety, violence prevention and mediation.
The 2021 – 2022 school year was a huge opportunity with the highest of stakes: DMPS could become one of the only districts in the nation to succeed in concurrently removing SROs and implementing restorative practices, or the district and its students could be thrown into crisis.
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Restorative practices (RP) derive from ​“restorative justice,” which is used to bring together, in mutual agreement for mediation, the victim and the perpetrator of an offense. The goal is typically restitution for harm caused while helping the perpetrator restore community ties.
In education, ​“practices” is often swapped in for ​“justice” because it involves children who aren’t in criminal proceedings. Formal conflict resolution, after a dispute or rule-breaking, does play a role, but RP is also proactive, explains Anne Gregory, a Rutgers professor and one of the nation’s leading RP experts.
One core proactive practice is ​“check and connect.” This might be as simple as having teachers and staff say hi to each student as they enter the school, or asking a student between classes how their day is going. When there’s an issue, students can then sit down with a trusted adult to build ​“their own insight into themselves and what’s driving their behavior,” Gregory says.
Gregory emphasizes that relationship building is a two-way street. These micro-interactions of ​“check and connect” also change how teachers see students. They undermine ​“overgeneralization [and] negative stereotyping” and create space for understanding, Gregory says. When a student has ​“attendance problems,” for example, the right mindset involves ​“thinking about and understanding what’s going on for the family of that student that morning in getting out the door” — which is a ​“very different approach,” Gregory adds, from ​“sending a police officer to your house the fourth time you’re truant.”
(Continue Reading)
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eretzyisrael · 6 days
The “movement,” in turn, while it recruits from among students and other self-motivated radicals willing to put their bodies on the line, relies heavily on the funding of progressive donors and nonprofits connected to the upper reaches of the Democratic Party. Take the epicenter of the nationwide protest movement, Columbia University. According to reporting in the New York Post, the Columbia encampment was principally organized by three groups: Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), and Within Our Lifetime (WOL). Let’s take each in turn.
JVP is, in essence, the “Jewish”-branch of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, backed by the usual big-money progressive donors—including some, like the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, that were instrumental in selling Obama’s Iran Deal to the public. JVP and its affiliated political action arm, JVP Action, have received at least $650,000 from various branches of George Soros’ philanthropic empire since 2017, $441,510 from the Kaphan Foundation (founded by early Amazon employee Sheldon Kaphan), $340,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and smaller amounts from progressive donors such as the Quitiplas Foundation, according to reporting from the New York Post and NGO Monitor, a pro-Israel research institute. JVP has also received nearly $1.5 million from various donor-advised funds—which allow wealthy clients to give anonymously through their financial institutions—run through the charitable giving arms of Fidelity Investments, Charles Schwab, Morgan Stanley, Vanguard, and TIAA, according to NGO Monitor’s review of those institutions’ tax documents.
SJP, by contrast, is an outgrowth of the Islamist networks dissolved during the U.S. government’s prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) and related charities for fundraising for Hamas. SJP is a subsidiary of an organization called American Muslims for Palestine (AMP); SJP in fact has no “formal corporate structure of its own but operates as AMP’s campus brand,” according to a lawsuit filed last week against AJP Educational Fund, the parent nonprofit of AMP. Both AMP and SJP were founded by the same man, Hatem Bazian, a Palestinian academic who formerly fundraised for KindHearts, an Islamic charity dissolved in 2012 pursuant to a settlement with the U.S. Treasury, which froze the group’s assets for fundraising for Hamas (KindHearts did not admit wrongdoing in the settlement). And several of AMP’s senior leaders are former fundraisers for HLF and related charities, according to November congressional testimony from former U.S. Treasury official Jonathan Schanzer. An ongoing federal lawsuit by the family of David Boim, an American teenager killed in a Hamas terrorist attack in 1996, goes so far as to allege that AMP is a “disguised continuance” and “legal alter-ego” of the Islamic Association for Palestine, was founded with startup money from current Hamas official Musa Abu Marzook and dissolved alongside HLF. AMP has denied it is a continuation of IAP.
Today, however, National SJP is legally a “fiscal sponsorship” of another nonprofit: a White Plains, New York, 501(c)(3) called the WESPAC Foundation. A fiscal sponsorship is a legal arrangement in which a larger nonprofit “sponsors” a smaller group, essentially lending it the sponsor’s tax-exempt status and providing back-office support in exchange for fees and influence over the sponsorship’s operations. For legal and tax purposes, the sponsor and the sponsorship are the same entity, meaning that the sponsorship is relieved of the requirement to independently disclose its donors or file a Form 990 with the IRS. This makes fiscal sponsorships a “convenient way to mask links between donors and controversial causes,” according to the Capital Research Center. Donors, in other words, can effectively use nonprofits such as WESPAC to obscure their direct connections to controversial causes.
Something of the sort appears to be happening with WESPAC. Run by the market researcher Howard Horowitz, WESPAC reveals very little about its donors, although scattered reporting and public disclosures suggest that the group is used as a pass-through between larger institutions and pro-Palestinian radicals. Since 2006, for instance, WESPAC has received more than half a million in donations from the Elias Foundation, a family foundation run by the private equity investor James Mann and his wife. WESPAC has also received smaller amounts from Grassroots International (an “environmental” group heavily funded by Thousand Currents), the Sparkplug Foundation (a far-left group funded by the Wall Street fortune of Felice and Yoram Gelman), and the Bafrayung Fund, run by Rachel Gelman, an heir to the Levi Strauss fortune and the sister of Democratic Rep. Dan Goldman. (A self-described “abolitionist,” Gelman was featured in a 2020 New York Times feature on “The Rich Kids Who Want to Tear Down Capitalism.”) In 2022, WESPAC also received $97,000 from the Tides Foundation, the grant-making arm of the Tides Nexus.
WESPAC, however, is not merely the fiscal sponsor of the Hamas-linked SJP but also the fiscal sponsor of the third group involved in organizing the Columbia protests, Within Our Lifetime (WOL), formerly known as New York City SJP. Founded by the Palestinian American lawyer Nerdeen Kiswani, a former activist with the Hunter College and CUNY chapters of SJP, WOL has emerged over the past seven months as perhaps the most notorious antisemitic group in the country, and has been banned from Facebook and Instagram for glorifying Hamas. A full list of the group’s provocations would take thousands of words, but it has been the central organizing force in the series of “Flood”-themed protests in New York City since Oct. 7, including multiple bridge and highway blockades, a November riot at Grand Central Station, the vandalism of the New York Public Library, and protests at the Rockefeller Center Christmas-tree lighting. In addition to their confrontational tactics, WOL-led protests tend to have a few other hallmarks. These include eliminationist rhetoric directed at the Jewish state—such as Arabic chants of “strike, strike, Tel Aviv”; the prominent display of Hezbollah flags and other insignia of explicitly Islamist resistance; the presence of masked Arab street muscle; and the antisemitic intimidation of counterprotesters by said masked Arab street muscle.
WOL’s role appears to be that of shock troops, akin to the role played by black block militants on the anarchist side of the ledger. WOL is, however, connected to more seemingly “mainstream” elements of the anti-Israel movement. Abdullah Akl, a prominent WOL leader—indeed, the man leading the “strike Tel Aviv” chants in the video linked above—is also listed as a “field organizer” on the website of MPower Change, the “advocacy project” led by Linda Sarsour. MPower Change, in turn, is a fiscal sponsorship of NEO Philanthropy, another large progressive clearinghouse. NEO Philanthropy and its 501(c)(4) “sister,” NEO Philanthropy Action Fund, have received more than $37 million from Soros’ Open Society Foundations since 2021 alone, as well as substantial funding from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Ford Foundation, and the Tides Foundation.
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rasenkaikyo · 1 month
⛩ Hinako Daigo ⛩
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Thank you @chadhunkler and @shroudkeeper for tagging me! 💜
I don't know who I should tag! So if you see this if you wanna do it/haven't done it for an alt or something, tag me and I'll make sure to tag in the future.
Name: 大悟の日和子 Daigo no Hinako
Nicknames: Hina
Age: 26 summers
Nameday: 16th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Race: Raen Au Ra
Gender: Cis Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Profession: Shrine priest/kannushi, healer-adventurer.
Physical Aspects
Hair: Dark brown into black.
Eyes: Dark purplish-red with pinkish limbal rings.
Skin: A mid-deep brown
Tattoos/scars: A number of trace scars, most notable a slash scar near her right shoulder and a burn scar on the same side of her abdomen.
Parents: Katanobu Musa (father, deceased) and Honoka Daigo (mother, missing)
Siblings: Kanako Daigo (younger sister)
Grandparents: Morimoto and Komachi Daigo (maternal grandfather and grandmother, both deceased).
In-laws and Other: Kirisame Akiudo, Kagetora and Sakuya Daigo (cousins), Misuzu Kurenai (step-cousin).
Pets: Bakusan (tapir), and a number of pets shared with her partner, including Raiken and Hayate (shiba inu), Sakumi (hawk).
Abilities: Hinako displays great potential with manipulation of qi, in controlling elemental magic and in healing. She has a closeness with the unseen world and can commune with various spirits, and exceptional perception of the qi around her.
She also stands versed in martial arts as part of supplementary training, in kenjutsu and primarily bajiquan, and is stronger than her initial presence suggests.
Hobbies: Weaving, botany (per her training), exploring, playing music, trying new foods.
Most Positive Trait: Extremely genial.
Most Negative Trait: Has often kept her troubles to herself.
Colors: Purples, pinks, green, white.
Smells: Flowers, petrichor, moss, incense.
Textures: Grass, silk, wood, stone.
Drinks: Teas
Other details
Smokes: Not at all.
Drinks: On occasion she may partake in umeshu or sake, or share a drink with another when being social.
Drugs: None such.
Mount Issuance: A white falcon of her village so aptly named Yuki, and at times in Eorzea a horsebird called Mogumogu.
Been Arrested: Detained on dubious grounds mostly, including once by Imperials in occupied Doma, and in Gridania out of suspicion towards her practices.
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twsthc · 10 months
twst ethnicity & language hcs 🦇
THANK U EVERYONE ON TWITTER WHO SUBMITTED HCS!! This thread took me forever, pls forgive an punctuation/general writing inconsistencies or spelling errors
warnings: none
last updated: apr 11, 2024
some collective headcanons:
i think the characters who are close to each other share words with each other and everyone kind of mixes things up (projecting)
"que... 为什么 es 你的 kouting 说了吗?!"
???? i hope this makes sense
all of them swear in their native languages when angry (minus riddle)
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Riddle: White British & Kinh Vietnamese, speaks Vietnamese
╰Mom: 🇻🇳 Dad: 🇬🇧
this hc is based on my vietnamese friend whos mom is the same as riddles
thank you for the hc nhi ily
Ace: Filipino, speaks Tagalog
constantly using "nanay mo" (your mom) insults
Deuce: Han Taiwanese & Yamato Japanese, speaks (正體字) Mandarin
╰Mom: 🇹🇼 Dad: 🇯🇵
his mom and ahgong speak hokkien and he doesnt, he also struggles to read traditional characters
his mom gave birth to him when she was a teen and she doesn't know the father so he's not too connected to his JP side
Cater: Hispanic Filipino of British Latin descent, speaks Filipino and Spanish
Trey: Malay Indonesian, speaks Indonesian and Malay
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Leona: Tanzanian, Kikuyu Kenyan, Malian (Mandinke)
╰Mom: 🇹🇿🇰🇪 Dad: 🇹🇿🇲🇱
i know he sucks his teeth all the damn time
tsk get out of my way herbivore tsk ugh tsk
ghana is one of the only african countries that still have a monarchy
also the lion king is based off of Mansa Musa the Malian king so YA
Ruggie: Afro-Brazilian & Gullah, speaks Southern Tutnese, Gullah, & Brazilian Portugese
╰Mom: 🇧🇷 Dad: 🇺🇸 
projection beam
uses tutnese to be sneaky, Gullah with his grandma
i know the soul food in his house on sunday goes CRAZY
more connected to his Gullah side because his grandma is AA and he doesnt know his brazilian parent, but does try to learn more about the culture just for himself
Jack: Inuit Alaskan, Tarabin Bedouin Afro-Egyptian, speaks Arabic
╰Mom: 🇪🇬 Dad: "🇺🇸"
no one submitted hcs for jacky wacky...
well he speaks the Masri dialect methinks
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HONORABLE MENTION: someone said they hc the octatrio speak Danish with an Omal dialect!
Azul: White Italian/Hawaiian/Afro-Hatian, speaks Hatian Creole and some Italian
╰Mom: 🇮🇹🇭🇹 Bio dad: Hawaiian
His step dad is also Hawaiian so he was able to keep that culture as well
Apparently octopi are very important to polynesian culture! very interesting
The reason the tweels don't let him cook is actually because all of his creations come out so spicy and flavorful it started scaring white customers
Floyd: Okinawan Japanese/Afro-Bajan, speaks Japanese & Patois
╰Mom: 🇯🇵 Dad: 🇯🇵🇧🇧
I think the tweels are more connected to their Japanese side than their Caribbean side, but Floyd says "gwan" all the time so who knows
He often mixes Japanese and common language. Not because he isn't fluent in common language but because he wants to
When cooking he tries to combine both cultures (sooo much curry...)
Jade: Okinawan Japanese/Afro-Bajan, speaks Japanese & Patois
Both Japan and Trinidad and Tobago have really cool tropical landscapes so i think hed be super proud of his ethnicity (AKA the greenery from where hes from)
AH i forgot to mention, but to keep up with the islander theme from the OG movies i think the tweels would be more from the Okinawa region
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Kalim: Punjabi Pakistani, speaks Urdu
ok i said this on twitter but i think he tries to learn Arabic for Jamil (he's awful at it but he is TRYING!)
i also said methinks he likes how the word for "no" in Arabic sounds like "la"
whenever jamil tries to make him productive he goes "lalalala" and thinks hes the funniest person in the entire world
Jamil: Persian Iranian, speaks the Syrian Arabic dialect & Urdu
always talking shit about people in arabic
especially kalim, but kalim doesnt know how to say "lazy bastard" in Arabic yet so he is oblivious
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Vil: Jewish German-American, speaks Hebrew, French, Russian, & Spanish
╰Mom: 🇩🇪🇺🇸 Dad: 🇮🇳
looks almost completely white
she speaks so many languages mostly for her acting career
Rook: Zulu South African, Baoulé Ivorian, Canadian French, speaks French
╰Mom: 🇨🇮🇿🇦 Dad: 🇨🇦🇿🇦
when they came to NRC they weren't fluent in the common language but sam (louisianan, speaks French Creole) helped them, as well as vil who speaks french
now theyre more fluent in common language but still has a thick Montreal accent
has that phlegm-y "h" sound in the back of their throat
Epel: Laz Turkish & Southern American, speaks English and Kartvelian
╰Mom: 🇹🇷 Dad: 🇺🇸 
when speaking english he has a little southern accent :3
hes always confusing the languages he knows if the words are too similar, he also has a little Turkish accent
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Idia: Romani Greek & Turkish, white Puerto Rican, speaks Greek and Spanish
╰Mom: 🇵🇷 Dad: 🇹🇷🇬🇷 
cursing people out in rapid greek and/or spanish in COD lobbies
i also think he learned like 3 Greek poems just so he could qrt people on twitter who he disagreed with
"those who can not obtain the grape will say it is sour" but like in Greek
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Malleus: Han Chinese, speaks Mandarin, Gaelic, & a shit ton of other languages
mostly speaks Mandarin
can read/write traditional and simplified characters!
HONORABLE MENTION: someone hced him as having Jewish descent and speaking Hebrew!
Lilia: Mongolian & Chinese, speaks Cantonese, Mandarin, Gaelic, and a shit ton of other ancient languages
i think he speaks with a Northern Chinese dialect in Mandarin, I dont speak Canto or Hokkien so idk about that srry :,3
he drawls his 儿s a lot methinks mostly to get a point a cross
Sebek: Egyptian, Nenet Russian, Han Chinese, speaks Cantonese & some Gaelic
╰Mom: 🇷🇺🇪🇬 Dad: 🇨🇳
is trying really hard to be fluent in Gaelic so he can impress malleus
he already knew some Gaelic but just basic words/sentences
Silver: Han Taiwanese, Tibetan, & French speaks Mandarin
╰Mom: 🇨🇳🇹🇼 Dad: 🇫🇷
the difference between Taiwanese pronunciation vs Chinese pronunciation is that it sounds... "softer" (?)
with his character as a whole just having more slurred, soft words makes sense.
maybe he knows how to say like "hello" and "please" in Gaelic because he was pretty young when Lilia brought him in and he naturally picked up like... two words
also i hc he is tibetan because the wiki page said sleeping beauty is set in the himalayas? so i just ran with it LOL
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winxwiki · 8 months
On the W.i.t.c.h. vs Winx Club plagiarism case
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According to this forum user that has spoken to active Disney Italy artists, Francesco Artibani took the character designs sheets and proposed them to Rainbow before the official W.i.t.c.h. comic came out.
Officially, Artibani has said that he was called by Rai "to make sure Winx was not too similar to W.i.t.c.h.; Disney was fine with me working on it". That's odd, since he's credited as a writer on Winx, not as a consulent or anything like that (there is a fashion consulent on the team, for example).
The W.i.t.c.h. project started in '97, while Winx started in '99, both while Sailor Moon Sailor Stars was done airing in Italy. The Magica Bloom Pilot was approved in 2001 by RAI but Iginio Straffi decided to scrap it in 2002, albeit parts of it were salvaged (according to his Rimini Comix interview, likely for episode 1). If W.i.t.c.h.'s italian 2001 release influenced the pilot's retooling is unknown, though storywise Winx was already set in stone according to Iginio. It was only the artstyle that needed retooling.
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Timeline by user Iku
It's curious though that Magica Bloom did not have a diverse cast, as Flora and Musa were white. Musa was also redesigned the most.
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To make the spy rumours worse, official Winx art taking poses from W.i.t.c.h. does exist:
this concept art of Flora which has never been inked and colored
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Various comparisons from a russian website
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It's also well known by credits that Disney and Rainbow had freelance artists working left and right. The italian comic and animation industry at the time was just very small.
The lawsuit Disney made focused on the brand, genre and name instead of investigating further on character designs and ideas being tossed around despite NDAs. Could it be that Disney didn't want to make enemies of their best writers and artists?
Afterall, Artibani still works for both Rainbow and Disney to this day and so do many others... despite claiming of having left for 6 years in 2004. While working on the W.i.t.c.h. cartoon and Monster Allergy (while it was under Disney).
Either way, don't be shocked, as this is common in magical girls. Wedding Peach was one of the earliest Sailor Moon "clones" made by ex staff of the series and Izumi Todo's team at Toei constantly references itself and other properties with Precure and each new series even in official art (Tokyo Mew Mew? Doremi? Sailor Moon? Precure A La Mode has it all!).
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oldshrewsburyian · 11 months
hi, I have a question: for context, theres the tumblr blog "writingwithcolor" for giving advice on how to represent poc. They got an ask from someone wanting to write historical fiction with ppl from medieval Europe and the middle east interacting, asking how to include the negative opinions the cultures had of each other: the ME seeing Europe as "dirty and uncivilized " while Europe saw the ME as effeminate, so they asked how to include these opinions without demonizing either culture.
They asked: "They asked "Do you have any advice on including these views in a narrative without validating the idea of Europeans as the 'victims' or without unnecessarily juxtaposing the more-advanced middle east in the middle of a golden age with their less advanced European neighbors"
The reply they got was basically "actually, the Europeans were stinky barbarians". They stated "one of these regions thought diseases could be cured by blood-letting and huffing toilets while the other was inventing algebra It’s difficult to argue that Europe was doing well by any metric after the collapse of the Roman Empire. "
They gave examples of other cultures being "light years ahead" of Europe, such as the Moors "revitalizing Spanish and Sicilian civilization through agriculture, architecture, astronomy and restoration of Roman sanitation systems", king Mansa Musa giving out so much gold he destroyed the local economy and the giant junks of the majapahit empire as examples of non-european civilizations outdoing Europe. They implied that anyone objecting to Europe being portrayed badly has "white fragility".
What is your opinion on this response? Is it fair to Europe to portray them as inferior?
Oh, I've seen that question and response. I think I've even replied to it. It's bad. It's bad because, as a post I reblogged earlier today says, historical accuracy matters. Also, it seems to play the sort of zero-sum game that I see elsewhere on the internet, which wants to gleefully reverse old and oppressive narratives... only to create new narratives with new acceptable categories of exclusion. Do I think that more attention in secondary and post-secondary education should be given to premodern societies around the globe? of course! I teach premodern global history all the time! But here's my bigger problem with this sort of "Europe bad and backwards" sneering, even bigger than the "it's wrong" problem.
This sort of measurement of societies "outdoing" each other is based on Eurocentric categories which were and are used to uphold white supremacy, colonialism, classism, and ableism. I alluded to this in an earlier exchange with you. To say that a society (I'm deliberately avoiding the term civilization) is automatically "superior" or "more advanced" when it has certain kinds of technology, or certain kinds of social and political organization, or certain kinds/degrees of wealth, or certain kinds of literacy, or certain kinds of religious belief (or lack thereof)? That is an imperialist script! Because this is Tumblr, the Negative Reading Comprehension Site: I'm obviously not accusing people who are doing a lot of emotionally taxing and important work of deliberately reinforcing imperialist (etc.) scripts. But reiterating inaccurate stereotypes based on Vibes/Wishful Thinking is bad no matter who does it!
Please reflect on the narrative of "the replacement of a multi-continental empire with decentralized political and legal structures was obviously Terrible" and on why, exactly, that was easily accepted when Edward Gibbon was writing his Decline and Fall... in late 18th-century Britain. Yeah. Also, that "more advanced Middle East" narrative has a history that is Orientalist and othering in its own way (ooh, all that exotic learning! the baths! the gardens!) It assumes, for one thing, that there's no contact and exchange between the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates ("Moors" is a racist term, by the way) and their neighbors. If the representation you've given is accurate, it also follows old/outdated scholarship in representing Spain as somehow not quite European because of all the Muslims in it/ruling it, which... yikes. And, at the risk of pointing out the very obvious: ancient Rome, whose art and literature and 'civilization' were so long so admired in Europe, was a slave society. I'm not going to wring my hands about its disputed fall.
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emoxxzombie · 15 days
Winx Club Character Essays: Musa
Quick disclaimer: this is basically me just rambling (so be warned.) While I will present already known canon information, I will also be sharing my own hcs. So pretty much how I see Musa based on canon. Please keep that in mind as you read through, as I'm sure many of your guys' views on Musa are different from mine. Another thing that I'd like to add is that this "essay" specifically discusses Musa in the earlier seasons of Winx, since the writers did change her personality up a lot in the later seasons. Anyways, with that out of the way, let's get into the actual "essay"
So, let's start off with what we already know about Musa, shall we?
Musa is the fairy of music, and was born on the planet Melody. Her birthday is May 30th, and she is 16 years old during the first season of Winx. She is the daughter of Matlin and Ho-Boe, and her on-and off boyfriend being Riven. She is an aspiring singer and musician. Among her friends, Musa scores the best grades in her schoolwork. She's a bit of a loner and is one of the most tomboyish among the other Winx. Musa is very emotionally vulnerable, and offsets this by appearing strong and resilient, often times putting up a strong front.
Now, let's look a bit more into her personality. At times Musa can be quite a snide, as seen with Stella and even Flora in the earlier seasons. She is also short tempered and moody. We see her get quite defensive over herself (as well as her friends.) She's not afraid to get in people's faces if it comes down to it. Musa is a good listener too though. For instance, in s2 when Aisha/Layla had just transferred to Alphea, and felt like she didn't fit in, Musa was right there for her and comforted her when she needed it most.
I want to go over Musa's appearance now. She has a light skin complexion (close to pale), dark blue hair, and dark blue eyes. Clothing wise, in s1 her main civilian outfit consists of a single strapped red tank top, a purple bicep bracelet (that usually appears on her right bicep but you'll sometimes see it on the left), sagged baggy blue jeans that expose her pink underwear slightly, and red sneakers with white soles. I personally, think that Musa likes to dress for herself and doesn't give a shit about what others think of the way she dresses. She dresses for herself, not for the approval of others. Her clothing is another way she expresses herself freely, besides music. Non canonically, I think that Musa also likes to wear a lot of alternative leaning clothes. She mixes components of mall goth, punk, and skater into a sort of streetwear look. She's not that into makeup, and when she does decide to wear some it'll usually just be basic black eyeliner.
For interests, we obviously know that she loves to sing and play instruments, her favorite being a concert flute. She also likes to dance and party. But, let's look into some of my personal interest hcs for her. She likes to skateboard and can do numerous tricks. She may not be as good as Layla might be, but she's definitely good. She loves to watch horror and romance movies. Psychological horror is her favorite but she'll watch almost anything horror. She isn't much into reading and prefers to avoid it (unless it's for studying purposes.) But, she does enjoy graphic novels and comics. She likes to go on late night walks, which help her clear her head and think clearly. When she's not able to go out at night for a walk (for whatever reason), she'll usually stay up until 3 AM playing videogames with Tecna. I have more interest/hobby hcs but I'll stop there.
Now let's talk relationships. We already know who Musa's father and mother are. Her mother, Matlin, died when Musa was a very young child. I've already talked about her relationship with Riven before and have shared a brief bit of my thoughts and views on that so I'm not going to delve into that here (but I'd love to make a separate blog post about it sometime!) When she first met Bloom, she didn't really like her, but not too long after, she started to be able to tolerate her, and then they became friends. In s2, she grew very close to Layla, and they quickly befriended each other. They're best friends (and I will forever be mad about the writers deciding to randomly cut off their friendship in the later seasons.. but I'm going to completely ignore that rn.) Musa is also close to Tecna, but not as much as she is to Layla. She doesn't have many friends outside of the Winx, but that doesn't bother her, she's very happy with the friend group she has.
I could write so much more about Musa, but I think that this post is already long enough as is. To anyone and everyone who actually read all way the way up to this point I literally love you sm omg 😭. Winx is something that I'm really passionate about and it's been one of my biggest hyperfixtations for as long as I can remember.
I plan to write more character essays on some of the other characters from Winx, not sure when, but I'll get to it eventually :).
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