#and nature reclaimed his body
nat-space-obsessed · 5 months
Day 6: Immortal AU
I guess the Everlasting Trio ain't so everlasting lmao
Danny's hair is a little funky but I tried!!
I had fun drawing bones!
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had a locked tomb dream in which one of gideons lowkey-only-bc-she-glosses-over-it-in-her-narration powers was teleportation as in she fucking kept teleporting and didnt seem to notice or think it was weird and when people called her on it she was like ‘yeah its called flash-stepping i read about it in some ancient-ass comic books i dug up in a back corner of the library on the ninth’ and everyone is like ‘???’ bc she says its not a necromantic technique bc everyone who did in it the ‘comic books’ (only the sixth know what manga is) she read was a warrior and most of them used swords so clearly its a secret advanced cav technique. and, she says, its not like it uses any spooky necro stuff, its ‘just a matter of honing yourself until you can move really fast’ so it might look like ‘teleportation’ to all of them but clearly that just shows that she got really good at it and is better than all of their fancy smancy ‘properly trained’ cavs. anyway, it turns out that using flashstep as the framework is the only reason why its been short line-of-sight bursts for her until now, once the penny drops she can straight up pop between planets. also she at one point mentions how ‘the wind’ roars really loudly in her ears while doing it and it turns out thats the sounds of the feral river ghosts bc she is, and i cannot stress this enough, constantly taking brief dips into the river. 
#also this time canaan house was derailed by a teleportation accident and they all ended up in bayou country#which in my brain was only at like. somewhat apocalyptic levels of having rotted and been reclaimed by nature rather than 10k years worth#i assume my brain drew some l4d connection here bc gideon ended up stealing a white suit from a dusty wedding store which didnt quite#achieve the full tower prince look but which did passably reach 'nick l4d cosplay' a#also yes the rest of the planet was still pretty haunted. not canaan house mad science lab levels of haunted but it was definitely#more active of a haunting by which i mean there were zombies and creatures and ghosts and during the first of the regular possession checks#that the canaan house crew ended up instituting after a few incidents it was discovered that gideon and harrow#were both possessed at least a little by wake and alecto respectively and possibly counted as being lyctors bc like. gideon just by existin#had ended up tying wakes soul to the conglomerate pile of earth-ghost souls that constituted johns lyctorhood with alecto and that by#maing a connection to harrow like she did alecto also tied harrow into the same. when john showed up towards the end he defended his#sabotage of other attempts at lyctorhood outside the technique defined and oushed at canaan house as being bc it gets 'way too complicated#and messy (both necromanticly & in terms of personal drama & trying to keep track of who is where) to allow multiple bodies running around#as part of the same soul network#also to escape the first gids had to take everyone one by one to the ninth#bc its the only other planet shes been on and thus knows how to get to#and 1) everyone is like damn yall live like this? 2) the secrets of the ninth are exposed to the whole canaan crew by this 3) everyone is#severely adversely affected by going through the river like this and gideon is mostly like 'dont be a baby lmao just walk it off'#4) yes its still cytheria and yes she is having the time of her goddamn life. whatever the fuck is going on with *gestures at the ninth* is#both something shes possibly the only one equipped to fully understand how insane it is and also revealing to her so much about potential#ways to kill john that she is just rolling with it despite the fact that dulcie latched ontoher when gideon took her through the river and#is fully attempting to possess her with the full support of the sixth
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I’m a fierce believer and defender of Smooth Brain Astarion (affectionate).
I love that, if left to his own devices, he ends up dead in a ditch. I love that this pasty menace of an elf is a walking disaster. I love that his brain produces one coherent thought per day, only to have it backfire on him later on. I love that his first choice in freedom is to unapologetically be the worst version of himself. Because it makes sense. 
That’s what abuse and trauma do to your brain—they fuck with it. 
And in Astarion’s defence, the man didn’t have to use his brain for nearly 200 years—it’s probably the very thing that kept him as alive as he can be; to survive 200 years of pure shit. 
And what use is his brain when his days and nights are dictated by someone else for as long as he can remember? When he has no say in what clothes he wears. When he doesn’t get to choose what or when to eat. When his body and mind aren’t his own, distorted by torture and hunger and self-loathing, forced to obey his vampiric master. Why use his brain when his survival depends exclusively on his abuser’s whims? 
Astarion could’ve come up with the most brilliant plan possible to escape Cazador or save a mark from their doom, but he never stood a chance of succeeding—which doesn’t mean that he didn’t get punished for trying (or even thinking about it) anyway.
Existing under Cazador was a game he couldn’t win, so why bother playing? 
And it’s only by chance that Astarion’s autonomy is returned to him literally overnight. It’s only natural that he’s overwhelmed by his newfound freedom. How is he expected to make sound decisions when he can’t even recall a time when he could do and say as he pleased? 
Of course Astarion is a walking disaster when he finds himself on that beach after the Nautiloid crash—and he’s fully aware of that! That’s why it’s so crucial for him to get on the player’s/other companion’s good side.
He’s self-aware enough to be so insecure about himself that he would rather trust a stranger’s capabilities than his own. 
Being a catastrophe of a person is part of Astarion’s character journey. Not only does he have to reclaim his personhood, he has to learn how to depend on his own brain again and I think that's such a painfully beautiful, important message Baldur’s Gate 3 sends. 
Because healing isn’t pretty. Nor is it easy.
You’re not alright the moment you’re free of whatever horrors you had to live through—and that’s ok! There’s time and room for you to adjust. 
And the moment Astarion feels more or less safe within his new environment, when he’s fed and treated like a person worthy of respect and consideration, his insights, skills and perception are crucial assets to the group.
Astarion knows his art and literature, and although his little remarks are unhinged at times, he's genuinely witty. Even his objections are, considering the circumstances, absolutely legitimate.
Personally, I love seeing Smooth Brain Astarion become more and more secure in his judgement the more Tav/other companions trust and support him.
Astarion is smart, his brain’s just been stewed for nearly 200 years.
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writing-fanics · 7 months
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underneath the willow tree [everything stays]
Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
[summary: he left you waiting in the garden and slowly nature reclaimed you]
Let’s Go
In The Garden
You’ll find something waiting
Your laughter seemed to echo throughout the garden. You were always so cheerful and full of joy, that was your gift after all bringing joy to others in Heaven and Earth. You sat there in the garden, waiting for Lucifer. He promised that he'd meet you in the garden, as he had something he needed to tell you something very important.
You were naive and innocent and unaware, of his infidelity. How he'd been spending time with Lilith, sleeping with her when he was supposed to be meeting up with you. You were blissfully unaware, of how your very own fiancee is cheating on you.
He was drawn to Lilith, Adam's wife, because of her independence, which made him infatuated with her. Unfortunately, he was unfaithful to you, and you were unaware of his infidelity.
You believed that your relationship was flawless and were looking forward to the upcoming fall wedding. Between you and him, and you wondered what he had to talk to you about.
Maybe new adjustments to the wedding?
As you waited for your fiancée to return, you spent hours standing amidst the serene beauty of nature, listening to the sweet melodies of birds and the soothing sounds of nature. You were filled with a sense of innocence and contentment, as you played with the ring on your finger - a symbol of your love and commitment to your significant other, Lucifer.
You giggled as butterflies landed on your nose and then flew away. You began humming the songs that Lucifer would sing to you. As the sun slowly started to set, you looked up at the sky and whispered, "He's been gone for a while." Despite this, you continued to wait.
and waited
and waited
The passage of time seemed to have flown by as you looked down at the ground. You noticed that roots had wrapped around your legs and your hand had been in the same position for so long that you felt rooted to the spot.
You couldn't help but frown as you wondered if you were doing everything correctly. Had you accidentally missed seeing Lucifer? And where was your fiancée? It was difficult to tell, as it had been a long time since you last saw him.
You found yourself weeping while standing there, wondering where he could be, as the cold breeze sent shivers down your spine. Your legs felt rooted to the ground, making it impossible to move a single step.
As you stood there, you noticed something strange happening to your body. You felt an unseen force pulling you down, and before you knew it, roots had wrapped themselves tightly around your legs and arms, preventing you from moving any further.
You struggled in vain, but the roots only grew tighter and stronger with each passing moment. As time went by, you realized that you were slowly transforming into a tree-like shape, and your tears fell to the ground like rain, watering the soil. The roots that had once trapped you were now a part of your being, intertwined with your limbs and coursing through your veins.
You couldn't help but weep, and as you did, your tears began to take on a life of their own. They sprouted from your body like leaves, delicate and dainty, resembling the graceful branches of a willow tree. You were no longer just a human; you were a part of nature, forever frozen in time, a poignant reminder of what once was.
It wasn't until centuries later when the King of Hell, arrived in Heaven for the centurial meeting he had a few minutes to spare. He'd seen and walked passed the willow tree that rested in the courtyard of the courthouse.
As he sat underneath the huge oak tree in the park, he couldn't help but notice the strange looks he was getting from passersby.
Perhaps it was because he was dressed in a suit and tie, an unusual sight in a public park. But he didn't care, he just wanted to enjoy the peaceful surroundings. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through the branches of the tree, and some leaves fluttered down around him.
As he brushed them off his lap, he noticed something small and shiny land on his thigh. When he looked down, he saw that it was a ring, a familiar-looking ring. His eyebrows shot up in surprise, and he couldn't help but wonder how it ended up in his lap.
As he held the ring in his hand, he couldn't help but notice the delicate engraving on the band. He began to read the words, and with each passing second, his heart sank deeper and deeper.
He felt an overwhelming sense of guilt and heartache wash over him as the true meaning of the words became clear. It was as if the words were a painful reminder of a past mistake that he could never undo.
‘To my love, my everything,’
- Love Lucifer
Everything stays
Right where you left it
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fanfictionera · 8 months
My Queen (BuckyxReader) Smut
A/N: I have always wanted to write a Sex Pollen fic but every time I tried to write one it didn't feel right. Finally I started writing and the vibes started flowing. I wanted filthy smut but with emotion and feeling and I hope that I achieved that. Either way I am super proud of this and I hope readers enjoy!
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Synopsys: The reader and Bucky are sent on a mission where they are exposed to what is referred to as Sex Pollen. Their feelings for each other are forced to be faced.
Word Count: 6,218
Warnings: Sex Pollon, Friends to Lovers, forced sex (due to drugs), sprinkle of Angst, Bucky, SMUT, SMUT SMUT SMUT. SO LITTLE PLOT.
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My Queen
Bucky stood in the back of the Quinjet, checking over his person. It was like a ritual for him, starting from the top he would check every strap and belt, double check each gun and knife blade. His body swayed, compensating for the slight lurch of the Quinjet before it leveled out.
“And we have touched down,” Y/N said from the pilot's seat, with a press of a button her chair spun around. She came up behind Bucky gently tugging on his back harness. The back of the Quinjet dropped down, revealing several structures in a clearing, surrounded by trees. They began to make their way to the larger building in the center. The clearing was shrouded in a dark gray filter as the misty fog creeped its way through the trees, under a sky blanketed by cloud cover, reclaimed by nature. A scan showed no signs of human life, which was little in the way of relief.
They silently approached the front door before stepping into the building. A home. The remnants of one anyway. They entered the kitchen, with a table still made. Flowers in a porcelain milk jug left dead, wilted and dried in the center. A plate sat next to a folded newspaper. Y/N could feel the shift in the air as soon as they walked in. The weight of the secrets of the house, hidden behind the semblance of a quiet life, mixed with the pure evil that seeped from its walls in tendrils made Y/N uneasy. 
They progressed through the first and second level of the home. Although every surface was covered in a thick layer of dust each room sat pristine, frozen in time as if the owner just ceased to exist. One of many of Hydra’s calling cards.
They made their way back outside and to the side of the house. Y/N turned scanning the tree line as Bucky yanked and cleared away brush that covered the storm doors nestled against the house. Nature revealed the chained and padlocked metal doors.
Bucky pulled the chain, breaking it in his metal hands. The parts slipped through his fingers like sand. The doors opened with a gut dropping creek revealing a set of stairs leading down into a dirt floor cellar. 
“Ladies First.” He waved his hand as he motioned his hand forward, his eyes scanning behind Y/N. 
She walked forward, “What a gentleman.”
The cellar was packed hard, the air was stale and stagnant. The wooden shelves that lined the stone wall held glass jars full of canned food. 
Bucky walked to the corner, moving a basket out of the way, revealing a hatch. 
The ladder led down to a concrete room, with the only doorway being a gated elevator shaft. An electrical box was mounted on the wall. Bucky opened it and began to check it over before pulling the large handle down. It made a large metallic thunk as Bucky forced the handle down. A soft wiring noise began to buzz.
Bucky pulled the metal gate to the side, ushering Y/N into the car, he closed the gate after he stepped on and reached for the hand crank on the side. Slowly the metal gears began to move and creak as the elevator descended. “Why does every Hydra base have a creepy elevator?” Y/N asked as she took in the rust-streaked walls of the shaft illuminated by dingy yellowing lights that flickered as they warmed up. 
“Günter did suggest rainbows and butterflies, but as you can see, he was outvoted.” Y/N tried to hide her smile as she rolled her eyes.
The elevator came to a stop as it reached the bottom of the shaft, pulling the gate aside again, they found themselves in a storm of destruction “What is this place?”
“It's a lab, was a lab.” Bucky looked around, “I don't believe I was ever here, but it's where they developed all kinds of fun.”
They began to clear the room, flashlight in hand. Tables sat disheveled and tipped over, their contents scattered. Papers littered every surface like confetti. Various medical equipment and hardware mixed and mingled with the papers, while every box of a computer was shattered or broken. As if someone punched every screen. Several lighting fixtures hung from the ceiling, attached by a few wires, while others found their way to the floor. Bucky held a dangling light to the side, letting Y/N walk through before following.
She scanned the room as she took another step, a loud popping crunch noise made her jump, she looked down, lifting her foot, to see the glass shards sprayed across the floor. 
Bucky laughed as he pushed past her. “You’ve been playing to many zombie games,”
“Shut up.” She walked behind him.
Bucky laughed again as he held his arms out, doing his best zombie impression, ‘Brainsss.” He turned to grab her head. “No brainsssss”
Y/N shoved him playfully, "Can we just do this and get the hell out of here?" Bucky chuckled as he clicked on his flashlight and continued sweeping the lab with a smug smile on his face. Y/N wasn't going to lie, nothing about this place made her feel good. She wasn't sure if it was because of its history or its current state, either way she was very much looking forward to leaving. 
As they continued into the next room, Y/N eyes came to rest on Bucky’s back. They trailed across his harness, how it spanned across his wide shoulders. The dim lights still highlighted the muscular lines built into the metal of his arm. Bucky paused for a moment, pivoting on his heel to double check a dark corner. His face was concentrated, eyes trained. She couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to have them trained on her. 
She shook her head, focus, she mouthed to herself. With the room cleared they were moving forward again; her eyes came to the back of his head and down his back. They slowly trailed down to his ass, framed perfectly in his tactical pants, the seams accentuating his curve. 
Suddenly Bucky stopped, looking up at a mess of chains, “Let’s see what's behind door number one.” He put his flashlight between his teeth as he began to roll his sleeve up his flesh arm. 
Y/N watched, entranced by the simple action, she glanced up to see Bucky watching her. He smiled around the flashlight; he reached up with this metal hand taking the source of light. He took several steps toward her before bringing his hand up to her jaw.
“That’s what does it for you?” he swiped his thumb against her bottom lip before swiping his thumb down, pulling her lip with it. “Is it my arm?”
She nodded.
“Or is it my fingers?” Her eyes dilated as Bucky chuckled leaning forward, “Do you want my fingers?” She could feel his breath against her skin as he walked behind her, his flesh hand reaching around, grasping the toggle of her zipper. She could hear each tooth unzip as he pulled the zipper down its full length. The coolness of the metal left a tingling sensation as he followed in the zipper wake, his palm slid down her stomach, closer to her aching core. Her breathing became heavy as her head began to spin.
“Hey,” Bucky’s voice sounded firm, the look of concern evident “Are you okay?”
The world came crashing back in a blink of her eye. Her eyes snapped open to find Bucky standing in front of her, still messing with the chains. She shook her head trying to shake off the ghost feeling of his touch. Y/N took a deep breath, her brow began to pull together, "Do you smell that?” She takes another deep breath through her nose, “It's almost sweet, floral, its faint.”
Bucky looked at her puzzled, the air around them smelled musty and old. Then the realization hit him. "Shit.” With the chains forgotten, Bucky grabbed her arm and pulled her back down where they came, “Where is that vile you stepped on?”
His touch was distracting, “Over, over there, I think?" He let go of her, "What's going on?” Y/N asked as Bucky began searching the ground.
He turned still looking, “Just, please, we need to find it.”
She walked back over a row and kicked a pile of papers, a cracked vile rolled out, “It's right here.” The end was still intact, the label holding the shards together.
Copulation Stimulant 
Y/N’s eyes read over the label, “Is this?” She looked back down again hoping she read it wrong, “This is, oh my god--no-no-no-no.” She dropped the vile again, the realization setting in, her hands coming to her face as she rambled, “I can't do this, this has to be some cruel joke. Yeah? It’s labeled wrong? I can’t actually fuck my best friend…I can't--”
“Oh, come on now,” As Y/N began to spiral Bucky knelt down to confirm his suspicion, "Best Friend!?" He tried to joke, to keep Y/N with him. "Nat might fight me for that title."
"Stop. I'm serious. You don't understand," She began shaking slightly, overwhelmed as the tears began to fall down her cheek. 
Bucky's smug smile dropped from his face as he took in Y/N’s state, his eyebrows knitted together.
Y/N's chest tightened as she looked up at him. “I can’t fuck my best friend because I’m in love with my best friend."
"Sweetheart" The word came out of Bucky’s mouth like an exhale as he took in her words. 
“Oh my god, am I going to fuck my best friend, who I’m in love with, for the first time in a dingy old Hydra base." Y/N's mind was moving a million miles a second. A heat began to spread from her core, she took a deep breath. 
“Come on,” Bucky gently grabbed her arm, "Not here, let's get back to the Quinjet, okay?”
Y/N shook her head as she let Bucky lead her out of the bunker. She could feel the heat spreading throughout her body, like water slowly trickling down through the soil, saturating each grain as it was pulled down by gravity. It felt invasive. 
The Quinjet bay door began to close as Bucky climbed into the pilot's chair. Y/N sat in the back, her breath becoming heavy. "I'm getting really hot." 
“Like little pin pricks of heat all over your skin?" The Quinjet shook slightly as it rose into the sky.
"Yeah-h" Y/N said as a sheen of sweat began to cover her face. 
"It's hitting you faster." He quickly flipped some switches before getting up out of the chair, he grabbed a med kit duffle bag out of the closet before kneeling in front of her.
Y/N's brow slowly pulled together, "Why?"
"It's designed for super soldiers." Bucky began as he pulled out and cracked a jelly ice pack, instantly making it cold before placing it on her neck. "Which means it's stronger for you."
Y/N felt the sting of the cold radiate, "Okay, okay…okay. What's going to happen?" Her head swirled as she placed her hand over his that held the ice pack, grounding herself. “Be honest.”
Bucky took a deep breath, unable to pull his gaze from her pleading one. "Your adrenaline will slowly rise, until your heart feels like it's going to burst and every cell in your body is vibrating." He flipped the ice pack to the other side of her neck. "It's going to alter chemicals in your brain, driving up your sex drive and arousal." His chest began to heave as he began to feel the effects. “At the same time, it will lower your inhibitions and block all sense of self control.”
Y/N took a deep breath through her nose. "And sex is the only way?"
"No, we can ride this out." Bucky said as he also breathed deep. "It will be torture, an ache of a pain that will thunder through your existence. Every second you resist will feel like one second closer to death, but it won't kill you."
Y/N fought through another wave of heat before responding, "I don't know what to do. It's getting hard to think."
"Yeah." Bucky knew what was to come. How many hours they would have to endure if they waited it out. He dropped the ice pack, now warm, before bringing his hands up to the sides of Y/N's face, pulling her focus back. "Listen to me," He took a moment, “Never in a million years would I have wanted this to be our first time." He let out another grunt as he fought another wave, a smirk appeared through it. "I planned on asking you out, on a real date, before I led you to my bed. To treat you like a queen. My queen.” Tears threatened the corners of Y/N's eyes. Her heart was beating in her ears, and it felt like years as they leaned forward, their foreheads resting against each other. “If we do this now, it won't be like that, you need to know once I start, I will not be able to stop. You will not be able to stop."
Her fingers came up dragging down the edge of his scruff-covered jaw line. “I understand. I trust you, please, I trust you.”
The moment his lips touched hers everything stopped. Bucky physically felt Y/N's body relax as her lips began to move against his. She snaked her hands up his chest and behind his neck before pulling herself off the back of the chair and as close to him as she could. 
Y/N got lost in the intense high created, everything slowed down and hazed over. A dull, mind numbing, wave of emotions swirled in her brain as all sense of time was lost till eventually it wound itself into a ball and exploded against the back of her eyelids. The heat began to fade, leaving a chill across her skin. Her head felt empty and tired. Mentally she couldn't string two coherent thoughts together. Her body felt loose, and her eyes watered as a tear slid down. 
"Hey, it's over." Bucky was catching his breath as he held her head in his hand, looking into her eyes, "it's over," her gaze was distant. 
"Shit." Bucky held onto her, held her close as he began rummaging through the duffle bag, "Come on, there you are." Bucky returned to Y/N, "Y/N, doll, I need you to take this. It will help, can you do that?"
Y/N Glanced down at the small syringe in his hand, "What is it?" The words slurred and tired.
"It will let you sleep till we get back and Bruce can help." Bucky replied softly. 
The tears began to stream down her face, "I'm feeling everything. At once."
“I know. It’s the drug, a side effect.” Bucky took her hand, “Sleep will help.”
“Okay,” Y/N shook her head as she sniffled. Within moments of the liquid entering her blood stream, Y/N's eyes became heavy, and her body relaxed as she drifted off. Bucky gently maneuvered her, placing her on her side across several seats. He fixed her suit, now ripped wide open from navel down to her exposed thighs, her breasts out on display. He pulled the sides of the fabric, covering her the best he could before he grabbed one of the packs of the on-board pillows and blankets, ripping it out of its packaging. He positioned the small pillow under her head and draped the blanket over her body before cleaning himself up and making his way to the cockpit. 
Bucky listened and waited for her to fall into a deep sleep before grabbing the headset. "Friday, please connect me with Steve and Bruce."
"Right away," Friday responded as two small transparent screens appeared in front of Bucky's face. 
Steve's face was scrunched as he slowly woke up, "Hey, what time is it?"
"Two." Bruce replied as he did a double take, pulling on his glasses, "In the morning."
"There's been a situation," Bucky's voice was low, Steve's attention was immediately caught, and he finally took in Bucky's appearance, "We came into contact…with a substance," Bucky looked back again making sure Y/N was still out, "It was developed by Hydra for their breeding program, they called it copulation stimulant, but everyone referred to it as sex pollen." As the Quinet silently made the trek back to the compound, Bucky filled them in.
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Bucky tossed and turned in bed, he rolled over, sheets tangled around his legs and stared up at the ceiling. Taking a deep breath he reached over for his phone, the screen turned on showing it was only mid-morning. 
He rubbed his face before kicking his sheets off and sitting up on the edge of the bed. He stared down at his floor, his mind taking over sucking him back into that moment. Flashes of Y/N's face, filled with fear, overwhelmed with emotions and emptiness played on repeat. 
He blinked away the images as he made his way out of his room. Bucky walked down the hall towards Steve's room. 
Steve sat at his table; papers strewn about as he caught up on his paperwork. He heard the knock before Bucky walked in. 
"How are you feelin'?" Steve asked as Bucky slumped into a chair, aimlessly picking up a piece of paper, setting it back down, not interested. 
"How is she?" Is all Bucky asked. 
Steve pushed a tablet towards him, "Medically speaking, she's okay, nothing more than a few bruises."
Bucky looked down at the screen, a mission report, currently on the recorded incidents page. His eyes instantly skimmed and settled on Y/N's list of injuries before swiping through the rest of the report.
"I decided not to include the details." Steve continued as Bucky sat the tablet down with an exhale. Steve slowly set down the pen as he leaned back in his chair slightly. "Buck, how are you?"
"Angry." Bucky shook his head. "For me to go through it again, fine. But not her."
"Did Hydra use this stuff often?" Steve's brow pulled up softly. 
Bucky's lips flashed a sad smile with a huff of a laugh, "It cycled through. They called it a compliance tool." He looked at his friend, "Sometimes they would call it a reward." 
"Jesus." Steve let out under his breath. 
“They had an endless supply of compliance tools and rewards.” Bucky shrugged slightly, "I'm okay Steve, honestly.”
"I was going to go check on her in a bit.” Steve leaned forward and picked up his pen again as he glanced up at the clock on the wall. "Bruce gave her something to help her sleep more, rest is probably the best for her right now, so she probably won't be stirring for another hour or two." Bucky nodded his head slightly as Steve spoke.
Steve watched as Bucky began to slip back into his thoughts. "Hey," His voice pulled Bucky's eyes to him. "You guys will be dancing around each other again soon enough."
"I told her." Bucky's confession came out softly. "How I feel, right before I railed her brains out in a fit of uncontrollable horny rage." 
“I’m sorry, what?” Steve sat staring at his friend, “You thought, that after being exposed to a chemical weapon used to sexually exploit their victims, yeah this is a good time to confess my feelings to the woman I’ve been absolutely obsessed with since the first day I saw her?”
"Yup," Bucky popped the p, "In my defense she confessed first.”
“Unbelievable,” Steve pinched, “Why are you two like this?”
“In love? Or Insane?” Bucky asked back with a shrug,
Steve crossed his arms as he leaned back, “Go talk to her you jerk."
Y/N’s room was dark, every curtain pulled tight and not a single light was on. She had woken up several times only to roll over and fall back asleep, not wanting or ready to face the world yet. She lay on her belly, letting herself lay there, her head spiraling with thoughts. She grabbed for her phone, the brightness from the screen making her recoil, it was already close to two in the afternoon. She rolled back over onto her back, staring up at the ceiling. 
“What's wrong with me?” She asked quietly to herself. 
She never wanted to experience sex pollen again, it scared her to her core to have her own free will taken away. Her heartbeat picked up as she thought about it, a panic slowly bubbling. She took a deep breath, “We can ride this out.” His words echoed in her head. “I wanted to take you out on a date. Treat you like a queen. My queen.” Her heart stuttered a moment as she took another deep breath. 
A knock at her door drew her attention. Slowly she rose from her bed, just as she approached the door another soft knock came. She reached for the handle and opened it to find Bucky standing with a paper bag in hand.
She stared at him, her words stuck in her throat, “Team ordered out, I got your favorite.” Bucky held the paper bag up. “I, um, I wanted to check in and.."  He paused as he shrugged.
Y/N could see the anxiety and pain behind his eyes. She stepped closer to him, her hands coming to the sides of his torso and sliding back, as she hugged him. 
As if on que Y/N stomach growled and she let out a small laugh. She pulled back, taking the bag from Bucky. “Thank you, I don't think I ate anything in the med bay when we got back.” She turned into the room, “Wanna come in?"
As Y/N walked back in, she flicked on a few lamps, creating a soft glow. Bucky closed the door behind him, unsure of what to do. Her desk was sitting just far away to be awkward but the only other place to sit would be her bed, somewhere he had never thought twice about before as he would just sit down or jump in. Now? He was acutely aware of his actions, and it created a ball of anxiety in the pit of his stomach.
“Bucky, you're welcome to sit on my bed.” Y/N noticed his hesitation.
He shrugged. “I didn't want to make you uncomfortable.” 
“You aren't” Y/N said as she pulled a plate down from a cabinet in her Kitchenette. 
Bucky paused for a moment before taking a deep breath, "What's going through your head?" Y/N stopped what she was doing, food forgotten as he continued. "Be honest."
Y/N turned, leaning against the counter, to face him. She crossed her arms as she took a moment to bring her words forward, "Did you mean what you said?" her question was soft and quiet. "Your queen." She blinked her gaze up to his.
Bucky let out a huff of a laugh, the corner of his mouth pulling up, “I remember the day you arrived at the compound.” He continued. “That morning Steve and I were set to leave to go on a recon mission. We were going back to the Siberian Hydra base; I hadn't been back since the airport incident. I was an absolute mess leading up to it.” Bucky looked down at his hands as he absentmindedly followed the lines and seams of his metal finger with this flesh. “I probably shouldn't have gone.” He paused again. “I had come so far, the words out of my head, a family around me and I had finally thought I found peace. Yet the moment I stepped back into that room, I looked upon that pit with that monstrosity of a machine still sitting there. I lost it. It instantly triggered a spiral of anger and I felt pushed right back down to my lowest existence.” Bucky kept his eyes trained on the floor. “Steve watched as I destroyed the machine, before helping me calm down. We got the answers we needed, well Steve got the answers we needed. When we got back, I was so far stuck in my head, but then I heard this laughter, it was light and contagious.” Bucky looked up at Y/N who was giving him her full attention. “Your laughter.”
“I followed that sound, until I saw you. Sitting at the counter, a smile on your face and I swear I had never seen anything more beautiful in my life. For the first time since I could remember I could feel this spark of a flame ignite inside of me.” Bucky continued. “This spark that created light and hope and feeling. It only grew. Day after day. It grew with your kindness and confidence. Your strength and your intelligence. That day you took Steve down, he played it off, but I knew that you had genuinely taken him by surprise, I could see it in his eyes. So, I let myself fall in love, I let that light grow into a raging blaze. Until I found myself trying to muster up the courage to tell you while simultaneously trying not to take you where you stood. Ask me again, ask me if I meant what I said.”
Tears were building up in Y/N’s eyes, “Did you mean it?”
"Every word." There was no hesitation in his response as he didn't look away. "I would worship every inch of your mind and body, if you'd let me."
The world began to fade away as Y/N's heart began to beat faster. Bucky's words swirled in her head as she tried to comprehend their meaning as if she couldn't believe them. Bucky sat patiently watching as Y/N slowly walked up to him. Her gaze uncertain, he could feel the tension in the air, as the line they both were hesitant to cross was quickly approaching.
Y/N tentatively stepped between his legs. She could feel the tug of war between her anxiety and adrenaline as she reached to touch his face. She moved her thumb across his jaw, Bucky could see her mind taking off.
He brought his hands up to rest on her hips, "Look at me." Y/N stood quiet for a moment as she took in his unwavering gaze. "What do you need?”
Y/N took a deep breath, "To be your queen.”
He gently pulled her closer. His lips pressed against hers, a tingling sensation ran through her body. Y/N felt Bucky’s hands gently slide down to the crook of her knees. He pulled her up onto his lap, sliding his hands over her thighs following the curve of her ass, before pulling her flush as he deepened the kiss. His lips moved against hers with a gentle urgency as they began to get lost in each other. In that moment, nothing else mattered - no worries or fears, no past or future. There was only the heat of the moment, the electricity between them.
Y/N let her fingers sink back into his hair, tugging slightly, as a low moan tumbled from Bucky’s mouth. “I need more.” Y/N said as Bucky kissed down to the nape of her neck.
He slid his hands up under the hem on her shirt, letting them slowly trail up her sides. Her chest heaved as his thumbs ghosted the underside of her breasts. 
She pulled herself off him, sliding herself back to stand between his legs again, slowly she pulled her shirt up and over her head. He reached up and pulled his own shirt over his head, discarding it. He leaned back, picking up his hips as he pulled his pants down, kicking them off. His length sprung up to full attention and Y/N’s eyes dilated. She stood back admiring Bucky, taking in his sheer size, she bit her lip as her core began to pulse. 
“Come here,” Bucky’s words pulled her in like a lure.
As she climbed back on his lap her hands came to the side of his face and pulled him into her lips. A breathy sigh of a moan escaped Y/N. She lifted herself up on her knees, pushing him slightly back to get to the right angle. She could feel his tip resting at her entrance.
Bucky nudged her nose with his, getting her to look at him. She held eye contact as she slowly slid down, feeling herself stretch around him until she bottomed out. A broken gasp fell from Y/N as the feeling of fullness made her body shutter, Bucky’s stomach twitched in response. She slowly began to roll her hips. His hands squeezed her thighs as he let out a swallowed moan. Her pace quickened until her hips began to fall out of rhythm as she desperately chased her release. 
"That's it sweetheart," His words of encouragement doused in an aroused tone. He felt her sides flutter. He could feel her pressing down on him. He kissed the edge of her jaw as his other hand cupped the back of her head before slowly sliding his lips down her neck. Grazing over her nipples. Another flutter. Her hand slid up into his hair and gently pulled him closer, pressing her nipple to his lips.  The way she took what she wanted made him feral. "Fuck" Bucky whispered. The sound was low and guttural, skittering over her skin like wildfire. 
With every heavy breath a moan escaped. With the last roll of her hips her orgasm exploded through her. Y/N's let out a choked moan as her knees clenched together on either side of Bucky. She felt his metal fingers splayed across her back and his flesh held onto her waist. 
Still fully seated, She let her head fall onto his shoulder as she attempted to catch her breath. Bucky pressed his lips to the other side of her neck before tipping her head back up to see her face. She felt like she was floating in euphoria.
"Feeling good?" Bucky's hand cradled her head. 
A smile spread on her face as she nodded into his hand. "I need more."
Bucky pulled her face to his, guiding her to his lips. Kissing her slowly as he reached his hands behind her, sliding them down her back. He began kissing down her neck and chest as she leaned back slightly. He sucked a nipple into his mouth, feeling Y/N pulse around his sheathed member. He let it fall from his mouth watching the soft skin bounce slightly before latching on again. Y/N squirmed, grinding down, desperate for any movement. 
Bucky gripped her hips and pressed her down further as he worshipped her chest. "James," His name came out as a broken whine. 
"Say that again." Bucky instructed, "Say my name."
"Ja-ahhhh-mes" He sucked her nipple again as she spoke. 
He smirked slightly as he slid his hands under her ass and stood up, Y/N held on as Bucky turned them around and dropped her on the bed. Y/N rubbed her thighs together from the loss of friction. Bucky watched for a moment before Y/N let her legs fall open. Splayed fully open for him, Bucky instantly crawled over, his breath against her sex making her shutter. His lips trailed kisses up her stomach. 
“How many nights have you imagined me like this?” A low chuckle came from Bucky, “Not just nights, and not just this.” He sucked her nipple between his teeth, making her gasp, before he soothed the shock away with his tongue. Y/N’s fingers ghosted over his hairline as she slid them back into his hair, he looked up at her and his eyes darkened as he sunk down and ran his tongue flat against her core. 
Her fingers curled, pulling his hair as her back arched off the bed. Electricity buzzed and exploded up over her body. His hands gripped her hips, keeping her from going too far.
Y/N fell further into bliss as Bucky explored her folds with his tongue. Soft moans spilled between her breaths. She gasped as he slowly inserted a finger, moving it in and out, then two, he felt her walls constrict as he slowly moved and curled his fingers. Y/N began to rock her hips against his face. His lips captured her clit sucking softly before pulling back, letting it fall from his lips. Y/N’s mouth fell open as the filthiest moan fell from her lips. 
He began rubbing his lips and tongue against her in a smooth pattern that felt like a love letter. Her hands gripped his, slipping back to his wrists as she writhed with him, completely letting him guide her over the edge. 
A choked moan came as Y/N’s legs squeezed Bucky’s head. She involuntarily curled up. Bucky wiped his mouth as he sat back on his knees, bringing his fingers up, sucking them clean.
He reached down and grasped her thighs, pulling them up and over his. He leaned back down, letting his hands slide up her torso, up and under her breasts, as his lips found hers once more. 
Y/N could feel his tip at her entrance, and it sent a shiver down her spine. 
She clung to his shoulders, nails dragging across his skin as he slowly pushed himself to his base. She felt the stretch as Bucky began to roll his hips, slowly dragging himself in and out. He began to pick up his pace, to read her body and follow her needs. Y/N hand snaked back around Bucky’s neck, as he sat back up on his knees, she clung to him as he continued his relentless pace. Y/N gripped onto the back of his neck with one hand as she found his knee with her other hand, propping herself up. There was no need however, as Bucky held her up, with his metal hand firmly on her ass and his flesh arm wrapped around the small of her back. He watched as her eyes rolled back into her head, his lips catch and dragged up her neck before sucking on her pulse.
Y/N’s body trembled as she fought to hold back, selfishly wanting more yet not knowing if she could take it. 
She felt her core wound as tight as it would go, unable to hold on to it any longer, she let go. Her body shuttered and Bucky could feel her orgasm pulse around him, squeeze him. He continued, fucking her through, dragging her out as far as he could. He was close and couldn't take it anymore. He let Y/N fall back onto the bed, as he pulled out and finished on her stomach. 
Their breathing was heavy as Bucky leaned over once more, bringing his hand up to Y/N face, her eyes glossed over in euphoria. “Are you okay?’
“Yeah,” She shook her head as she let out a sigh, “More than,”
A smile spread across Bucky’s face as he kissed her, “I am going to go get the shower ready for you, is that okay?”
Y/N Shook her head again before gently pressing her lips to his. “I need to lay here for a moment.”
“You just lay here and look pretty,” Bucky pulled himself off the bed.
Bucky walked into the bathroom, turning the water on to let it warm up. He quickly washed himself and cleaned up before setting up the bathroom for Y/N. He pulled a fresh towel out, placing it in the warmer next to the shower. A purchase that at first, he thought was ridiculous but has since rescinded that opinion. 
He heard Y/N soft pitter pats as she walked in, the steam beginning to form and build. “All set, towel is in the warmer.”
“Thank you,” Y/N said as she made her way to the shower.
“Don't be too long, your food will get cold.” Bucky kissed her forehead before he left Y/N to clean up as he went back out and continued to reheat the food, he had gotten for her. While the microwave hummed, he stripped the bed and stretched new sheets from corner to corner. Laid out the blankets and pulled them back slightly ready for Y/N to crawl in. 
He pulled down another plate for himself before playing up the food. Just as he finished cleaning up Y/N walked out. “Smells good.” She came up to Bucky’s side, wrapping a hand around his arm, leaning against his shoulder. “I am so hungry,” a laugh escaped Y/N, her head moved slightly as Bucky moved his arm. “Go eat, I’ll be right there with some water.”
“Thank you,” Y/N grabbed the plate and took a deep smell through her nose and smiled. “You really did get my favorite.” She said as she settled in on the bed and took a bite.
Bucky sat a cup of water down on her side table before crawling in to join her, “I know. I know all your favorites.”
“Oh?” Y/N asked as she took another bite. 
“And I have the rest of the night to figure out the ones I don't know.” A blush spread across Y/N’s cheeks. 
“I am looking forward to it.” She smiled as she glanced over at Bucky. “I could get use to this queen shit.”
“Oh, you just wait Doll,” Bucky replied. “I am just getting started.”
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decayedgloria · 1 year
sundress szn
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ft. Capitano, Dottore, Columbina, and Arlecchino
Summer’s finally come, so you decide to wear something that fit the occasion- much to your lover’s excitement.
Tags: First 4 harbingers x afab!reader (minus Pierro and Pulcinella), nsfw under cut, established relationships, Capitano may be ooc bc we have nothing on this man lmao, mdni
Word count: ~2.2K, not proofread
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Capitano was ever the hard worker. If he wasn’t in his office at Zapolyarny Palace, then he was off fighting in the name of the Tsaritsa, far away from your home in Snezhnaya. Naturally, you miss him dearly- and clearly he had observed how you seem to linger around him more often when he’s around, or how much more clingy and desperate you’ve become in bed. Arranging for a short trip to Natlan, his home nation, you had hoped to reclaim the time you lost with your husband.
The climate in Natlan was drastically different from Snezhnaya. It was warm all year round, and this time it happened to be particularly hotter than any other season. You had packed clothes accordingly, though it was hard as weather like that never shows itself in the coldest nation in Teyvat. Though there was one piece you purchased that caught your attention, and you knew for sure your husband would absolutely love it on you.
Capitano sat on the edge of the bed, patiently waiting for you to get ready. His hands found themselves fiddling with the hem of the loose linen shirt he donned, which appeared to be tight on his massive, defined body, though he did not mind. He was proud of his physique, even more so at the fact you seemed almost obsessed with his broad shoulders and muscled arms. Chuckling to himself, Capitano finds it hard to resist you, his little wife.
“Dear, are you ready? We have the whole day ahead of us.” Capitano called out. You shuffled around in the bathroom, putting on the final touches of your makeup and making sure everything is in place before you emerge. Immediately, his eyes were on you- more specifically, the garment that you had chosen to wear. It was a sundress, of course. It was sheer, but not so much that it didn’t cover anything. It was perfect for the hot weather, especially its length, or lack thereof. Barely reaching over your ass, in fact.
Somewhat shyly, you give a little twirl in front of your husband. “Do you think this outfit is okay? I wasn’t sure it was my size so…” He had foregone his mask for the day, which gave away to his surprised face, blushing and staring as if he was hungry.
“You look amazing, my dear.” As you turn back to face Capitano, you were suddenly greeted with your husband’s chest. Leaning down, he places his large hands on your hips, giving them a light squeeze that illicited a giggle from you. He buried his face into the crook of your neck, taking in your tantalizing scent and grinning as you pull him closer towards you. 
“Irresistible, in fact. I think this is just the right size for you.” His voice was low, almost muffled as he placed light kisses on your skin. You sigh, running your fingers through his long hair, traveling lower onto his chest and then feeling the familiar shape beginning to form in your husband’s pants. You almost laughed when Capitano groaned at your touch, who unconsciously moved closer to you to relieve himself some.
“I thought we had plans for today?” Your honeyed voice only added to his increasingly needy gestures. He couldn’t help but let his hands roam across your body, touching and squeezing at your curves through the dress. Your small stature, so soft against his, in a dress that accentuated everything he loved about you…
Well, he did say that you both had the whole day, so why not spare a few more hours together?
As his lovely lab assistant and partner, Dottore decided to bring you along with him to an expedition in Sumeru to collect some sample for his latest research endeavor. At first, you were hesitant and a bit confused as to why he didn’t just send one of his clones or subordinates to go fetch it instead, but he had insisted that the sample was of “utmost importance” and that only he would be able to verify its integrity, whatever that meant.
So that’s how you found yourself in the sweltering desert heat, sitting in a tent that barely blocked out the sun. Your sweat had drenched your clothing since the early morning, so a change of attire was in order. As you sift through your belongings, you groaned as you realized you’d only been packed clothes that the Fatui deemed “suitable” for Snezhnayan summers- that is, clothes that were still too thick to wear. 
You sigh as your eyes scan the room for another solution, stopping at the shopping bag you had left on your desk. The little free time you had before entering the desert was spent shopping around Port Ormos, in which you had purchased a dress you thought was cute. You weren’t expecting to wear it so soon, but it wasn’t like you had much of a choice…
Dottore worked on his paperwork, writing his report in a different tent from your shared one. Engrossed in his research, he barely noticed your presence enter the tent, nor did he notice the dress that barely clung onto your body. He hummed in response to your greeting, hearing you shuffle around and do the tasks you were assigned. 
It just so happens that the moment Dottore looks up happens to be the same moment you bend over to pick up some books on the floor, much to his wide-eyed pleasure. Your behind was deliciously accentuated in the new garment you wore, barely peeking out of the dress. In a flash, Dottore’s focus was taken away from the papers in his hands and instead was aimed at you, his cute little lab assistant.
With not much noise he rose, making his way over to you in silence as you gather all the books in your hands. You hadn’t noticed your lover’s presence until you feel a firm grip on your hips, suddenly knocking you against Dottore’s familiar legs. You let out something in between a gasp and a sigh as you crane your neck to look at him, slightly embarrassed as you felt his growing erection rub your ass.
“Now, you know I’m a busy man, darling.” Dottore’s husky voice sent a shiver down your spine. “So what’s with the distraction?”
“Look, it’s how outside and this is the only thing I can wear-“ A moan escaped your throat as you felt a sharp smack land on the plush of your behind. He smirked, shushing you as he pressed you closer against him. His hands grew erratic as they clawed at your dress, almost ripping it apart while he touch any and every port of your soft skin.
“A punishment is in order, don’t you think?”
You sighed as you walked through the Palace greenhouse, on what seemed like your tenth lap of the day. Columbina had promised to meet you there after meeting with the Tsaritsa, but it had been hours- surely, a meeting wouldn’t take that long would it? 
You gaze dejectedly at the lily flowers by your side, blooming in spite of the coolness outside. The greenhouse felt like summer all year round, allowing for plants like the one you had in your hands to bloom effortlessly every year. It was quite impressive, such a large structure protecting plants from all over Teyvat from Snezhnaya’s cold. 
Given that, it really wouldn’t make sense to wear your normal Fatui uniform here, so you opted for a dress that you hadn’t worn in ages, and clearly it showed: the dress was a little tighter on you than you had remembered, accounting for the muscles you had gained while training, and it certainly was too short to comfortably move in, but the humidity of the room left you little to no choice. 
Your mind was somewhere else when you feel a hand snake around your waist from behind, relaxing when you catch a glimpse of magenta strands from the corner of your eye. Columbina made herself comfortable holding you so, nuzzling into your neck. Her quiet, melodic hums filled the air as you turned to look at your lover, a smile blooming on your face.
“What took you so long, love?” You gently tucked a strand of her long hair behind her ear, admiring her beauty. She chuckled, pleasant and light, before burying herself into you once more. 
“The meeting is still going,” she purred, her hands now barely grazing your hips and waist. You blush as you realize what she’s doing, glancing around to make sure there weren’t any idle soldiers or officers. “it was too dreadful. Sneaking out to see my lovely wife was much more important than some trivial talk of war tactics.” Oblivious to your growing panic, Columbina pulls you closer as she moves her lips against your own, smiling gently.
It didn’t take long for the kiss to turn passionate, with gentle pecks now turning into harsh smacks as your tongues worked against each other. With each kiss, your hands clawed at Columbina’s clothes, shredding off layers as her hands tug at your hair. 
Haphazardly, you both managed to find a nearby bench to continue your liaison on more comfortably. As you breathe heavily through your swollen lips, Columbina places herself over you, smiling as she dips down for a kiss one more time.
Ever since Arlecchino was dispatched to Fontaine by the Tsaritsa, her mind was utterly consumed by you. Not that it normally wasn’t, thoughts of you always permeated her brain one way or another, but at least in Snezhnaya she was able to have you physically there to meet her demands- wether it was an affectionate cuddle or something more intimate, your presence was always just a call away.
However, ever since landing in Fontaine, Arlecchino’s thoughts only consisted of two things: the mission at hand, and you. How she missed the way you would saunter up to her, tease her in a way nobody else would dare, and how your legs would stay quiver and shake around her cheeks every time her tongue explored inside you-
Ah, she was getting carried away again. Arlecchino groaned internally at the paperwork that was placed in front of her, glaring as if it were an enemy. Well, in her mind, anything that kept you away from her was considered an enemy to an extent…
A knock on her office door snapped her out of her thoughts. Sighing, Arlecchino commanded them to come in, placing her chin on her palm, bored as ever. Her face must have conveyed some sort of annoyance as the poor fatui agent that came in visibly shivered a little, lowering their head as they said their greetings.
“What is it?”
“There’s a letter from Senzhnaya, my lady.” She did not miss the quiver in their voice, “It’s from Lady (Y/N).” As the agent reached out to give her the envelope, Arlecchino all but snatched it from their hands, all of her attention now devoted to the piece of paper in front of her.
“Leave.” Her voice left no room for reply, with the agent thankfully getting the hint and scurrying away. Once the heavy doors of her office closed, her ruby eyes inspected the envelope intently, taking in every detail that you may have left her. Just as quickly as she snatched the letter, she opened it, revealing its contents: a neatly folded letter, and what looked like a thin sheet wrapped with something.
She wasted no time in unfolding the letter, taking a note of the way the package smelled just like you- sweet, almost sickening. Her lips curled into a grin as she read the words that danced across the page, her heart leaping at all the praise and sweet nothings you seemed to litter across the paragraphs that you had written. How much you missed her, and yearned for her; all of it made Arlecchino’s head dizzy with pride and delight.
She was too absorbed in reading and rereading your letter that she had forgotten about the other item that you had delivered. Tilting her head, she gathered the thing in her hands gently, taking off the wrapping to reveal a picture taken with a camera- a picture of you, clad in what Arlecchino could only describe as barely a dress. A sheer fabric that did little to conceal your cleavage or your thighs as you pose, somewhat scantily, in a move she was sure was made in order to highlight your curves.
Arlecchino’s fingers subconsciously gripped the photo tighter, a shot of warmth suddenly coursing through her body. She sighed heavily, pink dusting her sheeks as she felt the familiar sensation of aching in between her legs. Tentatively, she took off her gloves and slowly travelled her fingers to the zipper of her pants, breathing growing ragged as she frantically tried to relieve whatever spell you had cast on her.
What a tease.
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A/N: here it is! writing this lowkey killed me :,) but i really hope yall liked it. its not full on smut (i dont trust myself to write those with the harbingers just yet for fear of mischaracterization) but its what i can manage. really, im just testing out the waters.
can you guys tell i have a favorite? lol. itll have to be split into two parts since its long enough.
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 months
Bound By Fate ~ LF
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⤜ PAIRING: Fae!Felix x Human!Fem!Reader
⤜GENRE: Fantasy au, Fae worlds, fae talk, description of different worlds, “enemies” to lovers,soulmates, “mates” defeating an evil queen, love, slow burn?
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - July 2024
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You adjusted the grip on the leash as you walked through the woods with your dog, Max, who was tugging you along the new path you'd found the week before. You'd been desperately looking for a new place to take your dog out and when you found this place online you hadn't been able to resist. It wasn't that he couldn't be around other dogs but Max seemed to flourish more when he walked alone with you rather than having the distraction of other dogs around you.
It was an old abandoned road that used to lead to a mining site but it was now just a peaceful path for dog walkers or horses to take a stroll down. It had some reviews online that you'd been reading about but none of the descriptions of photographs had done the place justice.
The path where the old road used to be, was now almost unrecognizable under a thick blanket of grass and wildflowers that surrounded it. The pavement was cracked and fragmented, nature reclaiming it at every inch you looked around.
"Easy Max," You giggled a little as he excitedly began to dive through the long grass in front of you, his ears flapping every time he bounced around. Tree-lined the pathway, providing a sense of peace and privacy and even filtered out the sunlight that was above.
Everything was peaceful, not a single sound of other civilisation around as you listened to the resulting leaves, the chirping of birds and the occasional scamper of whatever woodland creature was around.
"Max..." You trailed off as Max stood to attention, almost as though he could hear something you couldn't and he slowly began to lower to the floor, his eyes fixated on something behind some trees.
Something in the air changed, the calming sense of serenity you had been feeling was wiped away in one swoop and replaced with a sense of dread. You didn't believe in much but what you did believe in was if everything went silent in the middle of nowhere, it was a sign to leave.
"Let's go," You whispered, softly tugging on Max's lead but he barked, his tail down between his legs before he lunged at whatever had caught his attention through the trees.
"Easy! Max!" You screamed, trying to gain control of him but he continued to pull and you felt a chill run down your spine as you ventured further into the woods, a silent warning telling you to turn and leave.
"I'm telling you, no one would even know it's here." Someone said, your head shot around in search of anyone that was around but there was no one, no one at least where you were standing.
"She just wants us to take a look, we look and we come back. It's not that hard, once we're back through the portal shuts and no one would even know one has been opened. The same voice said again. Either someone was very high on drugs or you'd walked in on a set for a film, who talked that way? You frowned looking around for what was making noise when you spotted it.
It looked like a window but floating in the middle of the air, light pouring through it as you saw snow inside.
"Shit, the prince is coming. S-Shut it down!" A nasal voice said before rustling was heard, you turned away from it shaking your head thinking you might have lost your mind for seeing and hearing such things.
"Well, that was weird." You whispered to Max, about to pull him away when you felt something tugging on your bag, you grunted a little at the tug.
"Looky what we found." The same voice from before said before you felt a rough tug on your back and you flung backwards, hitting the floor with a thud and groaning loudly.
You stared up at the sky which was now a dark grey colour and snow fell down around you, your body ran cold as you stared up at the sky.
"What the fuck-"
"Morgath is going to love you," The voice from before grumbled before you were dragged to your feet, your eyes scanned over the tall trees surrounding you, the air was so cold that you could see it.
"Who-" Before you had a chance to ask, who or what had grabbed you, an arrow shot through the sky before the man - thing? - holding you hit the floor with a bang and you screamed, scrambling away from him.
"Shh, shhh." A second voice called out, arms wrapping around you before a hand was placed over your mouth and you struggled against the grip until you heard it, more people talking in hushed tones.
"She sent us to find the mortal so we're not going to fail our Queen," Whoever was holding you scoffed but kept you pressed against them, your eyes wide as you listened more.
"This must not be where the portal is. Damn him, always giving us the wrong coordinates," The footsteps retreated as did the person's grip on you and you scrambled away, turning to face whoever had been holding you.
You felt a jolt of recognition as if you had seen him before but you were almost certain you'd remember someone so beautiful. You opened your mouth to speak, but the words caught in your throat. The man was tall and broad, his ears pointed as you stared at him he was breathtakingly beautiful, with sharp, elegant features and hair that seemed to shimmer like spun gold, even with glittery pieces through it. His presence was commanding, yet there was an air of melancholy about him.
"I've been looking everywhere for you," He whispered without thinking but you stared at him, your eyes narrowing as you tried to figure out who he was.
"Who-" You barely had a chance to finish your question before the man rudely cut you off,
"You shouldn't be here," Was all he had said, his voice smooth but laced with an edge of irritation at the idea of you being there with him and you felt your ego take a hit. It wasn't as though you'd been asked to be dragged through the damn portal.
"I—I didn't mean to intrude," You stammered, feeling strangely self-conscious under his intense gaze, your eyes went over to the body on the floor but the men stepped in front of your view, blocking the dead body from your eyes.
"I was just walking my dog, and someone grabbed me." You uttered, looking around, the snow around you was making it hard to stay warm and your body was shivering thanks to only being dressed in shorts and a tank top. Your heart sank as you thought about Max back home, you hoped he'd run home since he knew the way but it didn't make the guilt weigh on you any less.
"That much is obvious," he replied curtly, his eyes flicking to your outfit briefly before returning to you, no expression written across his cold face. You suddenly felt yourself feeling self-conscious and you folded your arms across your chest to cover up yourself,
"This is no place for humans." You bristled at his tone but couldn't help being captivated by his ethereal beauty. The man was dressed in, he was wearing a crafted tunic that was a pale green colour with silver embroidery stitched through the fabric. Paired with some form-fitting trousers and a pair of sturdy boots fit for walking through the woods. Clasped around his neck was a dark cloak that looked warmer than what you felt right now.
"I didn't know. It’s not like there were any signs saying 'Keep Out'." You grumbled at him, having enough of his dark and broody attitude toward you. It wasn't as though you'd walked right in. His expression softened slightly, but his demeanour remained aloof.
"You need to leave. Now." He practically growled, his eyes darting around the forest in case anybody else was around and listening in to the conversation.
"You think I don't want that? My dog is left behind..." You hissed at him, looking around you before taking a cautious step closer to the man who had been holding you moments before.
"What is this place? Who are you?" You finally found the courage to ask and the man hesitated, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his features. Almost as though he seemed upset you hadn't known who he was.
"My name is Felix," he said finally, glancing at you and sighing a little. You were already here there was no use hiding what he was or what the place you were standing in was.
"And this is Eldoria, a realm not meant for your kind." His words were cut off, almost as though he wanted the conversation to end as much as quickly as possible
"Eldoria..." You echoed, the name feeling strangely familiar on your tongue. You couldn't help but think maybe you had read about it as a kid? Why did this place feel so familiar to you, why did he? Your eyes lingered on him once again, trying to figure out where this man had been before.
"I didn't mean to trespass, Felix. It's just... there's something about this place that feels like—"
"Like you belong?" he interrupted sharply, his eyes narrowing at you before a dry laugh left his throat and you couldn't help but feel your heart break at the laughter. He didn't need to be so harsh about it,
"You do not. Go back to where you came from. For your own safety." You wanted to say so much to him, you had so many questions but it was obvious he was not in the mood for any kind of games with you and you sighed.
"Whatever." You bit back at him, slowly walking to where you thought you'd been dragged through, your body shape was on the snow but the portal you'd come through was gone. You stared around waiting for something, any sign of it coming back but there was nothing there, not even evidence of it being in the way before.
"It's closed," Felix said flatly from behind you as if it was basic knowledge for you to know, your fists clenched at your sides. You had no idea what you'd done to make this guy hate you so much but clearly, he did. Irritation brewed inside of you,
"What do you mean it's closed? How do you expect me to leave if it's closed?" You asked, a mixture of frustration and desperation in your voice as you span around to face him. If it was closed how did he expect you to get home? Teleport? Felix stared at you coolly, though his eyes betrayed a flicker of sympathy making you frown a little. He'd never shown any kind of sympathy to you before, why start now?
Sighing a little he turned to look at you, his eyes staring into your soul as you felt your chest flutter. There was something about the brown in his eyes that felt so familiar to you, almost as though you'd stared into them before but couldn't quite place where.
"Portals to your world are rare and unpredictable. This one has sealed itself. Another exists, but it lies on the far side of the kingdom." Hearing this your shoulders slumped, how long was it going to take you to get back home? How were you even going to make it through the woods alone?
"How far is it?" You asked, looking at him and letting out a small sigh. You weren't sure how you were going to make it to the next portal but you weren't just going to stop.
"A several days' journey," Felix replied, his tone shortened. He stared down at you before clearing his throat, he knew there was barely a chance of you walking through the woods without being spotted and he knew he'd need to step in. Reluctantly.
"And it's dangerous. The realm is not safe for humans." You looked up at him, his expression was unreadable as you waited for any sign of him offering to take you.
If this place was so dangerous why was he here? Why had he been in the area when you'd fallen through, or rather had been dragged through?
"I don't have a choice, do I? I need to get home, since you're so adamant I shouldn't be here," Felix hesitated, his cold façade slipping for just a moment, a flicker or something else on his face as you stared at him. Realistically he knew that there was going to be no other way for you to get home, he knew he was your only hope but he needed to maintain distance.
"I will guide you," he said finally, swallowing a lump in his throat as he watched you closely looking for any sign of unease from you. He would need to find a way to get you through the Kingdom without being detected and your outfit was going to draw eyes to you, and the smell of you. Humans smelt incredible to certain creatures in the woods and it would take only a moment for something to catch you.
"But understand this: I am not doing this out of kindness. Your presence here is a threat to Eldoria, and the quicker you leave, the better." You frowned, feeling a pang of hurt at his harsh words.
"I get it. You don't like me or my kind. Let's just get this over with." You scoffed, tightening the bag around your shoulders and looking at him as he nodded his head.
"Good," Felix said curtly, turning to lead the way through the woods, throwing a glance over his shoulder.
"Stay close and do exactly as I say. There are many dangers in these woods, and you are ill-equipped to face them." You tried not to give him a snarky remark.
As you walked through the snow, you couldn't help but steal glances at Felix. Despite his cold demeanour, there was something about him that drew you in, something that felt inexplicably familiar. You wondered what secrets he was hiding behind that icy exterior but you shivered a little, gaining the attention from him and he felt his stomach sink at the thought of you getting sick out here.
"Why do you hate humans so much?" You questioned after a long stretch of silence. Felix stiffened sliding off his coat before wrapping it around your shoulders, telling himself it was only to mask your scent.
"It's not about hate," he said quietly, almost as though he didn't want to admit it to you but he knew it was going to be a long couple of days if he didn't admit the truth to you, or at least part of it.
"It's about survival. The presence of a human in Eldoria is dangerous. The queen - as she likes to call herself -, Morgath, will stop at nothing to destroy anyone who poses a threat to her power." Your heart skipped a beat, a threat? You barely knew how to walk without stumbling over your own feet. How could you ever be a threat to some Fae Queen?
"And do you...think I'm a threat? I'm a human I can't do anything" Your voice had trailed slightly and Felix glanced back at you, his eyes piercing into you before he held his hand up and shook his head needing this conversation to stop.
"Morgath has spies everywhere. If she learns of your existence, she will hunt you down and I can't describe the kind of things she will do to you." He looked ahead of him, there was a cottage coming up soon and he was hoping to find you something else to wear. Something to hide you and mask the stench of your human-ness.
"My hostility is a necessity, not a choice." He added you swallowed hard, realizing the gravity of the situation. You didn't feel like being tortured by someone because you were merely a human.
"I understand." You whispered, stepping closer to Felix as the two of you walked together. If it was that dangerous there then you were going to stick to him like glue.
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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a twilight glow over the snowy forest as you and Felix approached a secluded lodge. By now you were practically freezing to death as you clutched his jacket around you tighter, your knees feeling weak.
"We need to make a quick stop here," he said quietly, glancing around for any sign of someone else in the area but the place was clearly abandoned.
"You can't keep walking around smelling like a human. It's too risky." He said as he began to walk toward the lodge. Its wooden structure was nestled among the towering trees, ivy creeping up its walls making it look as though it belonged there in the woods. Felix halted, turning to you with a serious expression.
"And how exactly do I fix that?" You mumbled, sniffing yourself trying to figure out what made you smell different to him. The two of you weren't too different, in appearance maybe. Felix's cheeks coloured slightly at the sight of you cuddled into his jacket, a sight that both surprised and intrigued you.
"There's a lodge here that belongs to a Fae family I know." He looked over at the door, trying not to let the sadness overwhelm him as he took in the sight of the place.
"They aren't home right now. We can find you some clothes that will help mask your scent." You nodded, following him up the creaking steps to the lodge's front door, wondering why there had been such a glum expression masking his face. Felix produced a small, intricate key from his pocket and unlocked the door, gesturing for you to enter, his eyes casting a glance behind you as he locked the door.
Inside, the lodge was cosy and warmly lit by the soft glow of enchanted lanterns, Felix snapped his fingers before a fireplace in the middle of what looked to be a living room lit itself startling you a little. The air smelled of pine and lavender, a welcome contrast to the tension of your journey here. If you were home you'd curl up in front of the fire and sleep for the night.
"This way." He whispered, leading you to a small bedroom before opening the wardrobe. He rummaged through the clothes, occasionally glancing at you and then looking away quickly, his ears tinged pink at the sight of you looking around.
Your hands ran over the bed sheets as you wondered who might have lived here, it was a beautiful home.
"Did your friends go on vacation?" You quizzed, glancing back over at him as he pulled out a soft green gown and then reached for something else.
"Not quite, they'll be back though." It almost sounded as though he didn't believe it but before you could push him more on the subject he turned to face you.
"Here," he said, handing you the gown as well as a warm-looking shawl.
"This should fit you, Sharm and you are almost the same size." He uttered the woman's name and you couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy but you had no idea why. You had no claim to him. He didn't even like your kind.
You carefully took the dress, your fingers brushing against his for a brief moment as he felt a jolt run through his skin. You noticed the way his breath hitched and smiled inwardly at him.
"Thank you. I'll, uh, change in the bathroom." You nodded behind you at the separate room and Felix nodded, stepping out of the room to give you some privacy.
As you changed, you couldn't help but marvel at the dress's quality. It felt cool and soothing against your skin, the material imbued with a faint, pleasant fragrance that seemed to blend perfectly with the forest's natural scent.
When you finally stepped out of the room, Felix was waiting in the small living area, pretending to study a map on the wall with his hands behind his back. He turned, his eyes widening slightly as he took in your appearance, he hadn't expected it to fit you so perfectly but the gown seemed as though it was made for you.
"You look... it fits well," he said, clearing his throat as he stopped the compliment from slipping from his lips.
"And it will help mask your scent." He finished, turning his attention back to the map, you slowly began to walk toward him, kneeling in front of the fire wanting to warm up a little before heading back into the snow.
"Not bad for stolen clothes. Do I smell sufficiently Fae now?" You laughed a little, sparing a glance at him and noticing the smile on his lips and a blush on his cheeks.
"Much better." His gaze was on you again as he took in your appearance, his eyes slowly drinking just how beautiful you looked in his world. Finally, he'd gotten a good look at you in a nice lightening and he couldn't help the way his heart skipped a beat. Clearing his throat he reminded himself of why you were here
"Now we just need to—"
"You didn't pick that dress just because it masks my scent, did you? You actually think it looks nice on me." You smirked noticing his glance from before, Felix's blush deepened, and he turned away slightly.
"It's practical. That's all." He said it so formally you almost would have believed him, you got up from the floor and laughed a little, stepping closer to him.
"You know, for someone who's supposed to dislike humans, you're being awfully considerate. Taking me home, giving me clothes. You could easily hand me over to Morgath and be done with it,"
"No!" He yelled, the lanterns practically shaking as you stared at him, shocked that he'd been a little loud and stern with you.
"I have my reasons for getting you home," Felix replied, his tone softer than before. He met your gaze, and for a moment, the tension between you seemed to dissolve.
"This isn't easy for me, either. But keeping you safe is important. If I'm caught with you it would very much mean my head on a spike, something I do not need to happen." Something that no one in Eldoria needed to happen, he was the one thing standing in Morgath's way of gaining full power. With him around there was still a slim chance he could take back his throne.
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through your chest at the thought of him keeping you safe.
"I appreciate it, Felix. Really." Felix nodded, averting his eyes once again.
"Have you warmed up enough?" He questioned, gesturing back to the fire that was burning hot behind you, your body had warmed up quickly thanks to him but you nodded a little.
"We should get going. The lodge won't be safe for long." As you wrapped the shawl around your arms you looked at him, unable to resist a small quip at him.
"You know, if you keep being this nice, I might start thinking you don't hate me after all." You teased, but Felix paused with his hand on the door handle, a small smile tugging at his lips.
"Don't get used to it." He said in a teasing manner, not being able to keep the smile on his lips from growing. You laughed, and for the first time since you'd gotten to Eldoria, you felt a flicker of hope and something else deep in your chest.
Despite the danger, despite Felix's cold exterior, you sensed that there was more to him than he let on and you were going to keep pressing him for information.
"So are you going to tell me more about this place or do I have to beg for tiny bits of information?" You asked with a giant smile, trying to catch up to him as he strolled through the woods, a deep laugh falling from his lips.
"What would you want to know?" He arched a brow, turning to look at you as he kept walking with you, your eyes never leaving his even though you had no idea where you were walking, it was as though your body just knew the route.
"What other creatures are there here? You're clearly Fae and I'm assuming the queen is?" You looked at him and then in front of you, Felix smiled to himself. He'd never really had someone in his Kingdom he had to explain anything to before and it filled him with a small bit of excitement and he knew he couldn't be silent on your trip. Besides the way your eyes lit up as you questioned him only filled him with more eagerness to fill you with information.
"There are many things here, different kinds of Fae. The Queen is..." He stops for a moment trying to think of the words to describe her.
"She was made Fae, human first though." He rolls his eyes,
"But someone took her and created her for Evil, not knowing it would ultimately be the death of him as Morgath overthrew him," He glanced at you, you were clearly still listening to every word,
"Damn, Karma is a bitch here too." A laugh fell from his lips once again.
"I suppose it is,"
"Isn't there anyone that could stop her? I mean, if no one wants her in power why doesn't anyone try to stop her?" If only it was that simple, people had been trying for almost two years but she was too powerful.
"She's queen, she has many followers who will do anything to see her succeed. Including killing any Human." He nodded to you and you bit your lip, remembering the Fae that had dragged you through to this world.
"Not everyone believes in her though, there are some... admittedly very few, that want her gone and people have been trying for a long time to throw her out of power." You nodded along with him, happy you were having any kind of conversation with him. As you walked you were about to step over a log when he reached for you, his arms enveloping you right away before pressing you to his chest, his heart racing so hard you could feel it. The two of you sat on the floor as he caught his breath,
"Traps," He whispers as he points down, a trip wire on the floor before angling your head up to see the giant net above it.
"Shit, t-thanks," You stuttered, turning to face him, his face inches away from yours as you let out a small and shaky breath. Your heart practically racing but not from the trap, from being so close to him.
"Anytime," He breathed out, his eyes lingering on your face fluttering down to your lips before looking you back in your eyes.
"Felix..." You whispered, almost as though you didn't want to talk or ruin the moment, whatever kind of moment was happening between you. He inclined his head closer and you almost touched lips when a twig snapped and he turned to see what it was.
"We should move," He rushed out, carefully getting to his feet and holding out his hand for you. You stood up, your chest crashing into his as you both stared at one another again, neither of you making an attempt to move from the spot you were in.
"Yn." He breathed out, his hand running over your cheek as you felt your heart flutter, your mind completely ignoring the fact that you had yet to mention your name to him.
"Am I going to forget everything once I'm home?" You couldn't stomach the thought of it. You were almost scared to remember it, knowing what was out there but never going to be close to it again but part of you never wanted to forget the way he was making you feel. A flicker of something you couldn't read ran across his face before he put some distance between you, clearing his throat.
"I'm not sure." He mumbled, going back to cold silence as you made your way through the forest, being extra careful of where you were looking in case of traps.
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The moon hung high in the sky, casting a pale glow over the forest as you and Felix trudged through the snow once again. The night had grown colder, the chill seeping into your bones as fatigue began to overtake you. Felix had underestimated how cold you were going to get since it hadn't really affected him all that much and he felt guilt crushing him. The two of you had been travelling for hours, the path growing steeper and more treacherous. He'd been trying to make the trip as quick as possible trying not to get caught with you. He needed to get you out of there as quickly as possible.
Felix glimpsed at you, noticing your slow pace and the way you stumbled over roots and rocks. Your breath came in laboured gasps and you could barely keep your eyes open as yawns escaped you. He could see you were nearing your limit and he needed to do something about it. There was no way you'd made another hour on foot.
“Yn,” he said, stopping and turning to you as much as he didn't want to stop he didn't really have much of a choice when it came to how tired you were.
“We need to find shelter.” You shook your head stubbornly, adamant that you could continue without needing a break.
“I can keep going. We have to keep moving.” Felix sighed, stepping closer to you, clearly, you were too tired.
“You’re exhausted. We won’t make it far if you collapse.” Before you could protest, your legs gave out beneath you, and you fell to your knees, hissing out in pain. Felix was by your side in an instant, his strong arms lifting you effortlessly as he stared down at you.
“Felix, I’m fine,” You grumbled, though your eyelids were heavy with sleep, you didn't want to stop not when he hadn't shown any signs of getting tired yet.
“Clearly,” he replied dryly, shifting your weight to carry you more comfortably, your body was tense in his arms and he breathed into your ear.
“Just rest. We’re almost there.” You nodded a little, your eyes slowly becoming too heavy for you to keep open but you didn't want to stop. Part of you worried you'd fall asleep and never see him again.
"What if this is just a dream and I never see you again?" He chuckled softly at your innocence,
"You'll see me when you open your beautiful eyes in the morning." He let out a low laugh and you snuggled against him, a yawn taking over you.
"Another compliment? I should feel honoured," You breathed,
"Go to sleep, Yn," He urged, you whined at him and shook your head.
"Felix..." You trailed a little, he'd said your name twice now but you'd never even told him it,
"Hmm?" He asked dryly, his eyes forward as he navigated his woods, his eyes straight ahead as he tried to make his way with you in his arms.
"I never told you my name." You whispered before your head lolled against his shoulder as he continued through the forest, his body tense as he realised he'd said your name and hadn't meant to.
Felix moved swiftly but carefully, his keen eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of danger, he needed to get you out of there sooner rather than later, he'd already let too much go.
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After what felt like an eternity, the two of you arrived at a small, secluded lodge nestled among the trees. Warm light spilt from the windows, and Felix approached the door, knocking softly, or attempting to with you nestled in his arms. Your head snuggled closer to him as you let out a small whine at the sudden movement.
A moment later, the door creaked open, revealing an elderly Fae woman, her eyes scanning over Felix before she gasped, her eyes widened in surprise and then softened in recognition.
“Prince Felix,” she whispered, stepping aside to let him in, her eyes scanning over your sleeping frame as she stared at the sight of Felix.
“Come quickly. We’ll keep your presence secret.” She told him, bolting the door shut and blowing out the light that let people know there was a lodging available inside.
This had been one of the many places Felix could come and still feel a little control over his Kingdom, Mary was one of the few people left in his world who cared he was the true owner of the throne.
Felix nodded his thanks and carried you inside of a small room. The lodge was cosy, with a fire crackling in the hearth and the smell of fresh bread wafting through the air. Two other Fae, a middle-aged couple, looked up from their seats by the fire, their expressions turning to concern as they saw their Prince carrying a person in his arms.
“We need a place for her to rest,” Felix said quietly, his eyes glancing down at you as he took in your sleeping appearance. You appeared so peaceful in his arms and he hated how perfect you seemed to mould against him.
“Of course,” Mary woman replied, leading him to a small bedroom at the back of the lodge. She pulled back the covers on a neatly made bed, and Felix gently laid you down, pulling the blanket over you and gently running his hand over your cheek, his heart racing as he stared at you. You stirred slightly but didn’t wake, your eyebrows scrunching together at the sensation of Felix being gone and he smiled weakly to himself.
“Thank you,” Felix said, stepping back and watching you for a moment before returning to the main room where the Fae who had been watching waited for an explanation.
They motioned for Felix to sit by the fire, offering him a cup of warm tea, which he accepted gratefully, sipping on the liquid and sighing to himself. He knew that they were going to have questions, anyone would.
“Who is she?” the middle-aged man asked, his voice hushed, almost as though he was scared one of Morgaths spies was around ready to pounce.
“She’s a human,” Felix replied. “She stumbled into Eldoria. I’m helping her find a way back.” The elderly woman shook her head, he already knew what they were going to say to him and he wasn't ready to admit it to himself.
“She’s not just any human, Felix. We can all sense it. She could be the one to save us.” Felix’s expression hardened, there was no way he was going to put you in that kind of Danger. There was no way he was going to subject you to that kind of torture.
“Don’t speak of that. She’s not here to fulfil any prophecy. She’s just a girl who got lost.” He hissed out, apologising for his outburst and sighing. The elderly couple left the room as Mary narrowed her eyes at him, she'd always managed to speak freely to him.
“But Felix,” She insisted, her eyes earnest as she ran her hands over his shoulder, rubbing softly.
“The prophecy speaks of a human who will break the curse. You know this.” Of course, he knew it. The damn thing had been drilled into his mind from the moment Morgath had taken the throne from his father but the Prophecy had been much older than that, older than any Fae that Felix had encountered.
In the ancient annals of Eldoria, written in the language of the Fae and etched into the sacred stone of the Elder Tree, there exists a prophecy that has been passed down through generations. It speaks of a time when darkness would fall upon the land, and a saviour from another world would emerge to restore light and harmony.
It had all been something told to children to make them sleep at night, Morgath was nothing but a nightmare until it all finally came true.
"She could be the one and you know it, you already feel it." She mumbled to him and it was true but Felix stood abruptly, his jaw clenched. He'd known it from the moment he'd seen you standing there that you were the one to fix everything but he wasn't going to put you through that. The second he'd locked eyes with you he remembered you, he'd always had fleeting visions of you, his soulmate. The visions had become more vivid as of late and he knew it was because you were closer to one another than before.
But you were human, you were breakable and would grow old. Felix was doing this for your own good, you deserved to be with someone of your own kind. The moon goddess had made a mistake making you mates.
“I won’t let her be used. She deserves to be in her own world! We’re getting her home, nothing more.” The room fell silent, the fire flickering as he shook his head. Felix turned away, staring into the fire, his thoughts a tangled mess of duty and protectiveness. He couldn’t deny the possibility that you might be the one the prophecy spoke of, but he also couldn’t bear the thought of you being thrust into such danger.
Mary placed a hand on his arm and smiled weakly, running her hand up and down his arm.
“We understand, Felix. We’ll help you both as best we can. But remember, sometimes destiny finds us, even when we try to avoid it.”
Felix nodded, though his resolve remained firm. He wouldn’t let anything happen to you. Not if he could help it.
"Don't forget while you're protecting her...You're also pushing away your own happiness." She whispered before disappearing into her own room, leaving Felix to stare into the flames.
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The first light of dawn filtered through the small window of the lodge, casting a gentle glow over the room and you stirred, slowly waking to the comforting warmth of the bed and the smell of something delicious cooking nearby. You sat up, blinking away the remnants of sleep, looking at the small room you'd slept in and smiling to yourself that this all hadn't been a dream and you still had some time with Felix.
"Good morning," A woman said kindly, her eyes crinkling with a warm smile when you finally emerged out of the room. Your eyes danced around the kitchen she was in and she looked at you, almost as though she was in awe of you.
"I hope you slept well." You nodded, stretching your sore muscles.
"I did, thank you. Everything smells wonderful." You whined as you took in a deep breath to get another sniff making the lady chuckle softly, ladling a fragrant stew into a bowl bringing it over to you and leading you toward a table.
"Eat up. You need your strength." She told you, rubbing your back softly as you accepted the bowl gratefully, the warmth of the stew seeping into your hands.
"Is Felix here?" You asked as you took a cautious sip, savouring the rich flavours. Mary smirked to herself at you already asking about him. It was clear to her that you cared for him already and even if you hadn't realised you were soulmates something inside of you felt attached to him.
"He went to scout for the morning, I think he wanted to check nothing would happen to you both on the walk today," She smiles, sitting across from you and taking out a knitting needle before knitting while sitting there.
"Oh. Did he eat?" You asked softly, your eyes never leaving the bowl of stew in your hands as you slowly lifted another spoonful to your lips and carefully ate.
"You care that much already?" She smirked and you felt your body heat in embarrassment as you went back to eating in silence, Mary stilled and leaned forward.
"Don't worry dear. I made sure he ate and I've packed you both a lunch as well." She told you while stroking her hand over yours and you nodded a little,
"You're very sweet." The woman waved a hand dismissively, she'd been working this Inn for a long time this was something that was completely second nature to her at this point.
"It's nothing, dear. We're happy to help a friend of Prince Felix." Your food caught in your throat at the mention of him being a prince but she gave you nothing else on that.
As you ate, you couldn't help but notice the woman's eyes occasionally flickering to you with an expression of curiosity and something else—something that looked almost like reverence.
"Is something wrong?" You finally asked, lowering your spoon. The woman hesitated, looking around to make sure Felix wasn't around before clearly choosing her words carefully.
"It's just... unusual to see a human in Eldoria. Especially one who arrived the way you did." You frowned a little, surely there had been stories of other humans coming into the world.
"What do you mean?" You laughed awkwardly and she sighed, sitting down opposite you again and holding your hands in hers, nervously glancing around to make sure the cost was clear.
"There are old stories, prophecies really, about a human who would come to our land and—"
"Mary, that’s enough," Felix's voice interrupted sharply from the doorway, your heart picked up as you glanced over at him. He stepped into the room, his expression stern and cold like the one from the forest the day before.
Mary glanced at him and then back at you, her eyes filled with a mixture of apology and caution as she realised how scared you looked now.
"I’m sorry, dear. I didn’t mean to alarm you." She breathed out, walking into the kitchen as Felix approached, his gaze locking onto yours.
"We need to leave soon. The longer we stay in one place, the greater the risk." He mentioned, glaring over at Mary who was now avoiding his gaze at all costs. You looked between Felix and Mary, sensing there was much being left unsaid and you hated the thought of being left out.
"Felix, what is she talking about? What prophecy?" You questioned, standing up from your chair and looking at him but he avoided your gaze, shaking his head as he went to collect the bag Mary had prepared for you both. Filled with food and things for the road you might need.
"Lix." You breathed out, the nickname slipping from your mouth as though it was second nature and Felix's body froze, slowly turning to look at you, his expression softened slightly, but his tone remained firm.
"It’s nothing you need to concern yourself with right now. Our focus is getting you back to your world safely." Mary stood, her hands wringing together as she studied you closely, she knew Felix would never harm her for speaking the truth but he was a friend and she didn't want to lose him as such.
"Just know, Yn, that you are special. More special than you realize." Felix shot Mary a warning look but didn’t say anything further. Your curiosity burned, but you knew pushing Felix would get you nowhere, right now at least. Maybe you could pester him more on the road since you'd have nothing else to talk about but right now it was clear he wasn't going to move on the matter.
"Thank you for the meal and a place to sleep." You said to Mary, finishing the last of your stew before bringing her the empty bowl, she took it from you, placing it down as Felix made his way to the doorway.
"Let's go." He urged impatiently but Mary wrapped her arms around you, taking in a deep breath and you hugged her back.
"Stay safe, child. Keep him on his toes," She whispered to you. As you were about to pull away she tightened her grip.
"Trust your gut." Was all she said before Felix gently took your arm in his, guiding you toward the door.
"We need to keep moving. There’s still a long journey ahead." You spared a glance over your shoulder at Mary who looked away and sighed.
As you both stepped out into the morning light, you couldn’t shake the feeling that you were a part of something much larger than you understood. The weight of Mary's words lingered in your mind, a puzzle you were determined to solve.
"Did you sleep last night? Do fae even sleep?" You asked, rambling a little as the two of you stepped into the woods again, a chuckle left Felix.
"I think I preferred you sleeping, much less questions being sent my way," You playfully glared at him and looked down at the snow that hadn't even melted despite the sun burning above you both.
"Yes I slept, I sleep just like you." He explained, holding your hand as he helped you cross over a log, his hand lingering in your embrace as the two of you walked together.
"I'm sorry I fell asleep," You uttered, you hated that you'd slept in his arms but it had been the best sleep you'd had in the longest time.
"Don't be, you're human, you tire easily. I should have expected it," Felix hadn't meant for the way it had sounded, so harsh and as if he looked down on you for growing tired.
"Why does the snow never melt?" You asked, trying to break the awkward tension between you and Felix raised an eyebrow.
"It seems your sleep has refuelled your brain then." He teased softly and you stared at him,
"I can ask about the world or I can ask about the prophecy, your choice." At the mention of the prophecy, you noticed his throat bob nervously and he let out a deep breath.
"The snow is a present from Morgath, an eternal winter she called it," He rolled his eyes a little. The woman had always had a flare for the dramatics.
"And how did she become Queen...seeing as you're the prince." You tread carefully around the topic. Mary had let the words slip this morning and you hadn't known how to bring it up to him.
"Mary let that slip did she?" He cocked his eyebrow while shaking his head. Mary had always been crafty when it came to him, he knew he should have stayed with you that morning to make sure nothing was mentioned about the prophecy, he was just glad Mary had neglected the soulmate part of the discussion.
"An accident I'm sure." You smirked, biting on the inside of your cheek as Felix rolled his eyes,
"Hmm, I'm sure." He muttered not sounding entirely convinced of the fact. Mary knew how to play people and she was playing both of you perfectly together.
"She married my father, who mysteriously died a short months later ready for her to take over."
"But surely the crown would fall to you?" Maybe it was different here but usually, a queen would never rule alone.
"We tried that, but Morgath was power-hungry. Demanded that she get the thorne only it hasn't exactly worked in her favour." He laughed softly as though he was in on a joke you hadn't known and you frowned a little,
"Meaning?" He stopped walking and held you in place, standing behind you and placing his hands on your shoulder. Your body stilled in his, relaxing a little from his touch as he leaned down toward your ear,
"Watch those trees," He whispers in your ear, your skin heating from the contact as you let out a breathy sigh. You stared over at them, waiting for something, anything, to happen but as you were about to turn and speak to Felix you saw it.
The tree slowly parted ways and sunlight was bleeding through, not an inch of snow below it, all of it beautiful lush grass and wildflowers.
"I'm the heir, the rightful heir to the throne and the kingdom knows it. It's why it still bends to my will, why some of her people fear me." You turned to stare at him, your eyes scanning his face as he smiled down at you, his fingers brushing over your cheeks to remove some of the snow that had fallen on your skin.
"She's been trying to kill me ever since," Your eyes darkened and he could have sworn he saw a flash of red in them before it faded. Your anger boiled deep inside of you at the thought of someone ever harming him.
"Why?" Your voice shook as you stared at him, your eyes brimming with tears at the thought of anything ever happening to him and Felix felt his heart clench. He was already revealing too much to you.
"She'll finally have the Kingdom at her will, she'll be able to do whatever it is she wants," He whispered, his hand gently cupping your face in his as he went to wipe away a fallen tear, you placed your hand atop of his stopping his action in place.
"And the prophecy...it'll stop her?" Felix's hand dropped from your face and he turned away from you, the trees moulding back together to hide the sunlight.
"The prophecy is a story, fictional. Made up by the people of this Kingdom who are scared." He grumbled, walking ahead of you and forcing you to catch up to him.
"If it's just a story why won't you tell me it?" You grunted as you tried to keep up with him, Felix only slowing down as he realised how far behind you were from him.
"I don't wish to bore you." He deflected quickly,
"We've got nothing else to talk about so unless you want to walk in absolute silence-" Your breath caught as Felix spun around, pressing your back up against a tree as he leaned down close to you. His face inches away from yours as his eyes bore into yours,
"Lix?" His finger lifted to your lips and she shook his head, his eyes on you but his mind clearly somewhere else as he listened to what was going on behind him.
"Morgath said she can sense it, the filthy thing is here somewhere." A voice cried out, it was navely and high pitched and you could have sworn you saw Felix shiver as he stared down at you.
"Be quiet," He whispered before disappearing right before your eyes, you reached out to touch him and he was still there. His hands held yours tightly as you watched two creatures stalk by you.
One was a wolf, the size of a bear as he sniffed around, stopping and staring in your direction. Felix could feel your heart racing and he pressed himself closer to you, your heart stilling as you waited for the wolf to pass.
"You find something?" The navily voice asked as the second creature turned to see what the wolf was staring at but it let out a growl before continuing away from you and Felix and in the direction of Mary's lodge.
Once Felix revealed himself and you, he wasted no time in grabbing your hand and quickly pulling you through the forest, his eyes focused in front of him.
The encounter had only hammered it in harder that he needed you out of there, that no prophecy about a human breaking the curse was going to be worth losing you if Morgath or any of her minions found you here. He wasn't going to let a single thing happen to you.
"Lix, please." You pleaded with him, your breathing becoming erratic as you tried to keep up with him without tiring yourself out. The nickname sent shivers down his spine as he was thrust into the memories of dreams about you. The two of you. Except they couldn't be true, you needed to be out of here before you were killed.
"We can't stop, you have to get home."
"Please...I-I just need a minute." You cried out before he finally stopped, taking you through a secluded area and sitting you down on a log, his face pale as he stared around.
"Why are they so adamant to find me?" You questioned, staring at him as you slowly caught your breath once again.
"I told you, it doesn't concern you-"
"I'm telling you! I want to know considering if they find me I'm dead, I'm pretty sure it damn well concerns me," He was slightly taken back by your boldness and he smirked a little, he should have known his soulmate would be able to hold their own when the time came. Taking in a deep breath he looked at you, he knew if you were anything like him you were going to be stubborn enough never to give in.
"It's a story we were told as kids, okay? Don't think about it too much." He told you before sighing,
"When shadows stretch across the Fae lands, And the queen of darkness takes her stand, A foreign soul, pure and bright, Shall cross the veil in the dead of night. From realms afar, where mortals dwell,
A human heart will break the spell, Bound by fate to a prince of old,
Their union is forged in stories told. Through trials dire and love concealed, The truth within shall be revealed, With courage strong and sacrifice, The cursed land shall pay the price. The kiss of life, with power untold, Will shatter chains and darkness fold, As light returns to Fae once more, The saviour’s heart shall love restored. In unity, both worlds shall see, A future bright, where all are free,."
"That's it?" You stared at him, you had to admit you'd been expecting more ever since you'd learnt about it that morning. It sounded more like a riddle than a prophecy someone was supposed to uphold.
"I told you, it's a fictional piece told to us as kids." He rolled his eyes a little and you stilled, staring at him with an arched brow.
"So fictional the Queen of Darkness happens to be real?" You slowly raised from the log you had been sitting on and Felix scoffed, shrugging his shoulders and turning to face the way you needed to go.
"A coincidence." He uttered harshly at you.
"Lix." You breathed out but he was already gone, walking ahead and trying to forget the way his nickname sounded on your lips
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The two of you walked in silence for what felt like hours but the sun was still high in the sky when Felix decided to make a camp, parting the trees once again before pulling you inside and letting them shut around you both. It was spacious enough for you to rest and for Felix to get food out,
"I didn't mean to upset you," You finally whispered, your eyes watching him as he shook his head,
"You have nothing to be sorry for, I just want to get you home. I don't want anything to happen to you." He whispered, his back to you as he got the food out that Mary had prepared for the two of you. You needed food before the two of you continued on but he was rationing it so you could get another two meals out of it at least.
"But if I can help...I will." You pushed him on it and his fingers clenched around the flask he was holding,
"The risk isn't worth the cost, you need to go home where you can be safe."
"Please," He turned to look at you, kneeling in front of you as you finally noticed tears in his eyes. Your hands slowly moved to cup his face in your hands and you slowly ran your hand over his cheeks. As long as he'd been yearning to feel your touch on him he didn't want to risk anyone finding you killing you for their own sick pleasure and destroying him in the process. He'd never recover if he lost you.
Knowing you were in the human world would be torture but not as much torture as it would be to lose you completely.
"Okay...I'll leave," You whispered, smiling weakly as you let him go, his back to you once again as he finished preparing you some food, both of you falling into an uneasy silence once more.
Your mind going back to the prophecy, if you could help him you wanted to do everything in your power to do it.
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The sun had once again set, and the forest was bathed in the silver light of the rising moon, Felix could see how tired you were getting and he sighed to himself. It was one night of rest and the two of you could be at the next portal by the next afternoon if he was lucky enough not to run into any more trouble. He cast you a nervous glance, you'd been quiet ever since lunch and it worried him, if this was all the time he was going to get with you he wanted to spend it talking to you.
"Soon you'll see Max," He offered a small smile but you nodded at him, glancing over at him and smiling weakly.
"He probably ran home, my neighbours probably watching him." You whispered, wondering if you were going to go back to a bombarded questioning about where you'd been.
"Time works differently here," He admits to you, it was probably something he should have mentioned when you first arrived but between saving your life and seeing you in person it had thrown him through a loop.
"You'll go back to find it's only been about four hours missing," You stared at him and nodded a little, too tired to question him more on it and he hated it. He wanted to hear you say something, anything, even if it was a snarky remark about him, anything.
"Yn...Are you tired?" He asked, his voice full of concern as he stepped in time beside you. You refused to look at him, staring straight ahead as your eyes grew heavy.
"A little but I can keep going if we're close."
"We're not." He answered quickly, a little too quickly but if you'd noticed you didn't let on that you had and he smiled.
"There's a clearing just up ahead with an abandoned cabin, we can spend the night in there." He told you as he carefully brushed his hand with yours, taking it into his grasp and walking with you off the main path.
You emerged into a small clearing, where a secluded cabin stood hidden among the trees. Its stone walls were covered in moss, and the roof was partially obscured by overhanging branches but even from where you were standing you could see it was falling apart.
“We’ll rest here for the night,” Felix said, pushing open the creaky door and letting you inside.
“It’s an old hideout we can use. We’ll leave at first light.” He told you as you nodded, stepping inside and immediately noticing the double bed against one wall and a fireplace on the other. It was more of a bedroom than a cabin and your heart skipped a beat at the sight of one bed.
“Where are you going to sleep?" Felix followed your gaze, his expression remaining impassive though a faint flush coloured his cheeks.
“I’ll take the floor,” he replied curtly, not wanting to put you in distress at the thought of sharing a bed, besides, he wasn't sure that if he slept beside you he'd be able to hold back his feelings anymore.
“You need the rest more than I do.” You frowned, feeling a pang of guilt at the thought of him on the cold and hard floor after everything he had done for you.
“You don’t have to do that. We can share the bed. It’s big enough.” You stepped closer to it and Felix looked at you,
"Fine, but stay on your side," He pointed a look at you and you couldn't help but smile at his serious tone.
"Deal. But there isn't any-" Before you could mention the lack of pillows or anything to keep you warm a bright light flashed in the room before it was engulfed in a warm light, the sound of the fire crackling behind you both.
"Fit for a prince," You giggled noticing the bed was now covered in pillows and sheets to keep you warm through the winter night.
After eating you lay on the bed, stiffly side by side as you listened to the fire cracking on the other side of the room.
"Thank you for helping me, Felix." Felix glanced at you, his eyes softened by the flickering flames as he stared at you.
“I’m doing what’s necessary. Keeping you safe is important—for Eldoria and for you.” You smiled gently, sensing the weight of unspoken words in his tone but not pressing him any more than you had today. Right now you were just glad the two of you were speaking again, it had been your own kind of hell not speaking all afternoon.
“Still, I appreciate it. You’re not as cold as you pretend to be.” Felix’s lips twitched in what might have been a suppressed smile.
“Don’t get too comfortable. We’re not out of danger yet...We've still got a trip tomorrow,” He whispered as you yawned, your eyes slowly shutting as you nodded,
“I know,” You replied softly, your eyes slowly opening to find him again.
“But I’m glad I’m not alone in this.” For a moment, silence fell between you, filled only by the sounds of the crackling fire and the distant hoot of an owl. You shifted, trying to get comfortable on the bed, your leg brushing against Felix’s. You froze, feeling the warmth of his skin through the thin fabric of your clothes.
“Sorry,” You murmured, starting to pull away. Felix’s hand gently caught yours, holding you in place, enjoying the feeling of being close to you, even if only for a night.
“It’s alright,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper, his heart getting the better of his mind as he shuffled closer to you on the bed.
“Get some rest. We have a long journey ahead.” Your heart raced at the unexpected contact, but you nodded, settling back into the bed. Felix released your hand and turned onto his side, his back to you, though you could still feel the tension in his body from the contact the two of you had shared however brief.
“Goodnight, Lix,” You whispered, closing your eyes for the final time that night, too tired to open them again.
“Goodnight, Yn,” he replied softly. As you both lay there, the boundary between you slowly dissolved as you both sank into a deep slumber, Felix's body moving on its own as he wrapped himself around you pulling you flush against his chest. His own body gave in to the fact that you were there even if for a short while before you returned home.
While the two of you slept you'd not noticed that someone had followed you deep off the trail and watched the house while you slept, waiting to pounce.
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The morning sun peeked through the holes in the ceiling, waking you up as you enjoyed the feeling of being in his arms, leaving your eyes shut for as long as possible. Both of you knowing the other was awake but neither making an attempt to move or start your journey together,
"I don't want to go," You finally whispered as Felix tensed from behind you. If he was a selfish man he would have begged you to stay, if he was the King he would have begged you to help but he needed you to go home. He needed you to be safe.
"You must," He whispered, his arms leaving you as he got up, straightening his outfit before snapping his fingers to remove everything he'd bought with him in the night. The sheets and pillows disappear in seconds and you rise from the comforts of the bed.
There was a certain tranquillity in the air as the two of you began your walk that morning, a quiet anticipation that neither of you dared to break with words. Felix walked a little slower than usual, his steps deliberate, as if savouring every moment of your time together.
You noticed his uncharacteristic pace but chose not to comment on it. Instead, you walked beside him, your fingers brushing against one another, enjoying the silence and the unspoken bond that had grown between you.
As the two of you walked, neither of you noticed the snow melting behind you, leaving a trail of sunlight through the trees and wildflowers finally sprouting in the ground, almost as though the Kingdom was reacting to the two of you together.
You stole another glance at Felix, your heart saddening as you realised your time together was coming to an end rather quickly.
“Felix,” you said softly, your fingers wrapping around his own as he stilled,
"Is everything alright?" He looked at you his expression indistinct for a moment before he nodded, smiling weakly at you.
“Yes. Just... thinking.” In fact, he was in a heated debate with himself. His heart and his brain raging against one another fighting a way to keep you with him. You smiled gently, accepting his vague answer for now and continued walking together. Neither of you noticed the silent figure lurking in the shadows, watching your every move, too lost in your thoughts or one another to notice anything else.
As you finally reached a clearing, the shimmering portal to your world came into view, Max was waiting there with his tail high in the air, barking into the portal almost as though you'd only left minutes before, it's light ethereal and inviting. Your heart quickened, torn between relief at the sight of your way home and the sorrow of leaving Felix behind.
“We’re here,” Felix said, his voice tinged with a mix of emotions. You didn't move toward the portal, you merely stayed still looking at him and waiting for him to tell you to stay.
“Felix, I—” Before you could finish, a dark, monstrous figure lunged from the shadows, its claws grabbing Felix and pulling him away from you as you let out a scream. You reached out but Felix was ripped from your grasp, thrown to the ground by the creature's immense strength. The wolf from the day before was towering over him, pinning him to the ground.
“Felix!” You cried, rushing toward him. But the wolf growled turning his attention to you as it snarled, blood dripping from its mouth.
“Yn, run!” Felix shouted, his voice strained with effort. But you couldn’t leave him, you'd never leave him alone like that. Searching around you grabbed a fallen branch from the ground, wielding it like a weapon, and charged at the wolf. The beast swiped at you, knocking the branch from your hands, but you didn’t back down.
"Go!" Felix managed to breathe, if the wolf wasn't attacking you then there was a small chance no one knew you were human and you still had the chance to get out of there.
"GO!" He screamed out before the wolf stepped on his arm, the bone snapping as he screamed. The scream made your stomach drop and your heart shatter.
"YN GO!" He finally boomed out, staring at you with tears in his eyes but you shook your head. Suddenly, a blast of light hit the wolf, sending it stumbling back. Mary, the elderly Fae woman, emerged from the trees, her hands glowing with magic.
"Hurry, child!” She called out, prepared to save Felix the second you left but she could sense your hesitation and the look on your face as you took in the bloody sight of Felix.
“The portal won’t stay open forever!” You stared over at the portal and then back to Felix, The creature was recovering and quickly advancing on Felix again. Your resolve hardened and you shook your head, there was no way you were leaving, you didn't care how dangerous it was. You couldn’t leave him to face this alone.
"Yn." He warned as Mary held off the wolf, drawing it away from you as you stood Felix up from the floor, wrapping his one good arm around your shoulder.
"I'm not leaving you, Felix, I don't care," You grumbled, groaning as you shifted your body to accommodate Felix's weight.
"We need to get you somewhere safe, to heal." You whispered but as you began to walk you stilled. A woman stood there with fiery red hair and a sharp face stared down at you, an evil smile spread across her lips as she took in the sight of you both together,
"So, the prophecy unfolds," Morgath hissed, her voice dripping with venom as she stared you down, trying to intimidate you.
"The human girl and the Fae prince. How touching." You felt your blood run cold as Morgoth’s gaze locked onto you. Felix immediately stepped in front of you, his stance protective. It didn't matter that he was already wounded he wasn't about to let her lay a hand on you.
"Morgath," he growled, his voice low and dangerous.
"You won’t touch her." He added as you reached for his hands, trying to steady him, he was in no position to fight
"Romantic...but very ill-advised my darling stepson." She smirked at him, laughing a little as the chilling sound echoed through the forest.
"You think you can protect her? You, whose power has been dimmed by my curse? How pathetic." With a flick of her wrist, Morgath summoned a dark, shimmering blade, its edges crackling with dark energy. She advanced towards you, her intent clear aiming to kill Felix and you shook your head.
"No!" You cried, trying to push Felix aside out of her way.
"I won’t let you hurt him!" You screamed, moving him out of the way but Felix was faster and stronger than you. As Morgath lunged with her blade aimed at you, Felix threw himself in front of you, taking the full force of the strike. The blade pierced his side, and he gasped in pain, collapsing to his knees.
"Felix!" You screamed your throat hoarse, dropping to his side as Morgath stepped back, a triumphant smile on her lips.
"Such noble sacrifice," Morgath sneered. "But futile. The human will never save Eldoria." She spat out as Felix pulled the blade from his side, hissing out in pain. You stared down at him, your eyes filled with tears as you cradled him in your arms. His face was drained of all colour, and his breathing was shallow.
"You have to go..." He whispered, his voice barely audible as he held onto your arms but you were applying pressure to his wound, refusing to leave his side for even a second.
"No," You sobbed, clutching him tighter as tears gushed down your cheeks.
"I won’t leave you. There has to be another way." You cried heavily but Felix shook his head at you, smiling weakly through his final breaths. Morgath watched with a mixture of amusement and annoyance at the scene unfolding before her.
"Your defiance is pointless. The prophecy is a lie. There is no saviour." Felix reached his hand up, cupping your face as tears fell down onto him and that was it.
A flash in your mind before everything became clear, all of the dreams you'd had ever since you came of age, a faceless man you'd never quite been able to picture in your mind but who would constantly visit you in your dreams. Images coming clearer of you and Felix together, spending time together in your dreams, he'd always been there. It was how he knew your name and how you'd slowly remember his nicknames. Your dreams had slowly been drifting back into your memory as you spent more time together.
Your heart ached with despair, but as you looked into Felix’s eyes, you felt a surge of determination as you stared down at him,
"I love you." He breathed out, blood trickling from his lips as Morgath began to laugh erratically, knowing she was close to getting everything she'd ever wanted but your mind went back to the day before. You remembered Felix's words, the prophecy, and the power you'd felt within you.
"I love you too," You whisper, looking at him as he frowns a little. With trembling hands, you leaned down and kissed Felix, your lips soft against his.
A brilliant light exploded from the point of contact, enveloping them both not letting anybody from the outside see in. Morgath shielded her eyes, stumbling back as the light grew brighter and brighter.
As you pulled away you stood from the floor, grasping the blade that had been the one to injure Felix and you turned your attention on Morgath who was stumbling, aiming her hands at you but nothing came of it.
"What's going on?!" She screeched, snow around her melting as you smirked a little as you realised what was happening. The kiss had been the one thing to break the curse.
"The prophecy," You whispered, realization dawning on you as you realised everything had been true.
"This changes nothing! I will destroy you too!" She cried out, snapping her fingers but nothing happened, the wolf and Mary emerged from the bushes behind you, her arm around the creature as it snarled in Morgath's direction.
Felix stepped forward, his hand still holding yours taking the blade from your grasp before kissing your cheek softly.
"No, Morgath. Your reign of terror ends now." He said through gritted teeth. With your combined strength, you faced Morgath together, as she scrambled to get away and sink back into whatever hole she'd crawled from. But it was too late The power of your bond, now fully awakened, surged through you both, creating a barrier of light that repelled Morgath’s dark magic.
You felt the energy within your response to Felix’s, your hearts and souls intertwined as your fingers found one another, your eyes never straying from the woman before you. As Morgath attacked, you countered, your combined power overwhelming her. With a final, desperate scream, Morgath was consumed by the light, her form disintegrating into nothingness.
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As soon as everything had calmed, you heard the birds and other wildlife slowly begin to awaken and you slowly turned to Felix, your eyes searching his.
"Felix? Are you...?" You could barely finish your sentence, you felt him dying before, you felt him dying in your arms and you were almost sure it was over.
"I'm here, Yn. Thanks to you." He chuckles, running his hand over your cheek as Mary smirks at you both.
"The curse is broken. The land will heal, and so will our people."
Felix nodded his head as he stood beside you, your hands still intertwined. The portal still shimmered behind you both, but it no longer represented an escape. It was a choice, a path to a future the two of you could shape together if you wanted to try.
Now there was no threat to you he wanted you to stay, he needed you to stay after having you so long but if you wanted to go home he would never be the one to stop you.
"Yn," Felix said softly, his eyes locked on yours before flicking over to the portal, Max still waiting for you with his tail in the air.
"Whatever happens next, I want to face it with you." Your eyes dragged away from the portal and back at him,
"Your kingdom needs their king."
"And their queen," Mary spoke from the distance, earning a glare from Felix but you giggled at him running your hand over his cheek,
"She's right...If you want a Queen that is," He looked at you, he was ready for you to leave and hadn't stopped to think you would want to stay with him.
"You're my other half, Lix, I can't even dream of leaving you," You breathed out almost as though you'd been reading his mind and he wrapped himself around you, bringing you into another kiss.
This time there wasn't a flash of magic but you felt your body explode against his as you wrapped your arms around the back of his neck and pulled yourself closer to him. Butterflies erupted inside of you as fireworks went off.
"I love you, future Queen of Eldoria," He whispered, a bark separating you both as you turned to find Max wriggling in Mary's arms, jumping free and pouncing over to you both.
"I guess someone else wants a new life here too," Felix chuckled, kissing your cheek softly before you reached down for Max, cuddling him in your arms.
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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the ancient forest of Eldoria. In a secluded grove, a sacred ceremony was about to commence. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and the trees seemed to hum with anticipation.
You stood in the centre of a circle of ancient stones, your heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nervousness, Felix had explained all of this to you weeks before not wanting you to be scared but it still worried you a little. You wore a flowing gown of silver and green, crafted by the finest Fae artisans, its fabric shimmering like moonlight. Your eyes sparkled under the sunlight and you glanced a look at your mate who was holding your hand firmly in his own,
"Are you ready?" Felix asked, his voice gentle but filled with excitement. He'd been pushing off the ceremony for as long as he could, trying to make sure that you were truly ready for it. You nodded, your gaze unwavering from his as you smiled brightly.
"I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life." You giggled, earning a clap from Mary who had been watching the two of you. She stepped toward you both holding a crystal chalice which was filled with a glowing liquid, you eyed it up before nodding at her,
"By the power of the Elder Tree, by the light of the moon and stars, we gather here to witness the transformation of Yn, who has proven her heart and soul are one with the Fae." The grove filled with a soft, ethereal light as the incantation continued, Felix squeezed your hands, his eyes never leaving yours.
"You’re about to become one of us," he whispered, pride and love evident in his voice. Though he'd never forced you into it, you could see how excited he was for this. The two of you would age slowly together for many years to come. You smiled, a tear slipping down your cheek from how happy you were to spend the rest of forever with him.
"I’m ready, Felix. I want to spend eternity with you." Mary brightened her smile as she slowly handed the chalice to you.
"Drink, and let the magic of Eldoria flow through you." Carefully you lifted the chalice, feeling its warmth against your palms. Taking in a deep breath you gave Felix another smile before you drank, the elixir cool and sweet as it travelled down your throat.
As you finished, a radiant light enveloped you, lifting you off the ground, Felix's hand slowly left yours as he watched in awe as your transformation began. Your hair shimmered like spun silver, your eyes brightened with an otherworldly glow, and delicate, iridescent wings emerged from your back fluttering softly as you slowly floated back down to the ground with a graceful landing.
"How are you feeling?" Felix questioned as your wings continued to flutter, your eyes finding his as you stared at him. Everything was so much brighter...everything was just so much more. The lights were brighter, the sounds louder but nothing overwhelming and you could feel everything. You could feel the flowers growing beneath you and hear Felix's heart from where you stood.
"Felix, I feel... complete." You breathed out before he rushed into your arms, his wings unfurling to wrap around you both
"You’re more beautiful than ever," he murmured, kissing your forehead softly both of you forgetting those who had come to witness the ceremony.
The gathered Fae cheered, their voices a harmonious symphony celebrating the union of their prince and his beloved after so long. You and Felix turned to face them, your hands still intertwined, your love and unity shining brightly.
"I'm going to marry you under this tree," He whispered to you, just low enough for you to hear him and you giggled at him,
"Oh? And what if I decline?" You teased but he wrapped himself around you, dipping you lowly as he leaned in toward your lips.
"As if you would," He smirked, kissing you deeply as the fae around you erupted in cheers once again.
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tatterings · 1 year
Halstarion headcanon of Halsin's love
Obviously, NSFW under the cut... but my headcanons of Halsin's intimacy style with his vampire love. <3 full disclosure i have not proofread this lol
Warning - minor mention of Astarion's trauma
(EDIT: If you like this content you'll definitely like what will be in future chapters of my current Halstarion fic!)
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Halsin is the ultimate soft tender dom. Checking in for Astarion’s consent with a head nod or a raised eyebrow. Any tenseness he feels in Astarion’s body, any time Astarion’s eyes glaze over or stare into the distance (because trauma is not something you heal from after having sex once on top of a grave, it's not magically gone. It takes time and healing so this still happens occasionally), sexual intimacy is paused/stopped. Other intimacy is an option, to give Astarion a safe, soft space. For example, he would whisk Astarion away to a bath and climb in with him, lathering bergamot-scented shampoo into his hair, massaging the vampire’s scalp and neck. Or he would pull a blanket over them both, and pull Astarion to his chest and read aloud from the book they’re finishing together.
There’s absolutely no way Halsin can sit still; the man has trouble shifting into a BEAR with passion. He would buck his hips against Astarion’s teasing. He’d grind on the bed as he opened his lips over the pretty pink tip of Astarion’s throbbing cock and lapped at the sensitive slit at the tip. His hands would be in so many places at once seeking stimulation and movement. Most of the time, he’d have one hand reaching upward, fingers interlaced with Astarion’s fingers. Because, he knew, two squeezes meant slow down. Three meant stop. They’d never had to say it verbally. Halsin just knew.
He’d be absolutely down for letting Astarion take him. He’d encourage it. He wants his heart to experience all of nature’s pleasures, including being top. He’d cede control to Astarion willingly, freely, whenever asked and more. His generosity knows no bounds.
He’d be a filthy talker in bed with his vampire love; but a sweet one. “Can you come for me, Astarion?” he’d say, intentionally edging his partner at first, until: “My heart, let yourself feel bliss; one more time, come for me my dear one.” And “My darling Astarion, you’re sweeter than the ripest blackberries, the purest honey,” as he uses his wide tongue to lick Astarion’s spilled ecstasy from his pale lower belly.
Speaking of talking, he’d be so full of praise for Astarion. Astarion, who had experienced only insult or hollow praises about his body, finally experiences someone speaking to him in earnestness, in love.
He’d kiss Astarion’s bite scar, running his tongue and lips over the pinpricks. Reclaiming a mark of slavery and instead nibbling in the same spot out of love. Removing the stigma, the pain from the bite, to replace Astarion's association with a mouth on his neck with ecstasy, pleasure, and consent.
An aftercare CHAMP and I’m not talking like bdsm stuff, which might or might not be something Astarion is into, but even just general sexual intimacy aftercare. Halsin would still focus on making Astarion feel good about his body for more than just sex. He’d lay beside his vampire and rub the pads of his fingers on Astarion’s back, massaging his lat muscles, sore from pulling his short bow. Braiding his white hair in French braids, just to take them out and braid them again. Always, of course, offering his neck to Astarion after any particularly vigorous lovemaking so his little pale love is in tip-top health.
Also Halsin is just fucking super smart and would protect his smaller lover and make sure Astarion isn’t harmed when Halsin takes him. He’d formulate some sort of lubricant that also has healing potion qualities, so any potential lack of preparedness is a non-issue.
Halsin’s so intuitive, that when he is inside his lover, he would know precisely when he is at just the right spot. He would have 0 complaints about moving only an inch or two at a time, back and forth, to almost unbearably focus on Astarion’s prostate, no matter how agonizingly tempting it would be for himself to bury himself to the root.
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fallow-hollow · 5 months
Hiii I am Dying of nervousness sending in a request for the first time but could I get Mithrun and a gn!reader? Nothing else needs to be specific, just that (sorry if I am making it difficult for you ^^')
body heat
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…ft! mithrun x gn! reader
…tags! fluff, post-canon, spoilers for manga and ending, established relationship, cuddling
…word count! 955
…notes! don’t see a lotta mithrun content out there, so i’m happy to write for him! i hope this meets your expectations anon!!
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“Mithruuuun,” you whined, unable to see your lover even when looking over your shoulder. “C’mere with me and light the fire already, it’s so cold in here.”
Mithrun shot you a glance from where he stood a distance away, despite the fact that you couldn’t return it. “Is it? I can’t tell.”
His flat tone of voice made it even more obvious that the elf truly knew nothing of the agony you were experiencing, imbuing you with a sense of lighthearted frustration. Tossing your head back, you would groan,
“Of course you can’t tell, you’d wear a flowy tunic even if it was a blizzard outside! Now come help me!”
Without as much of a sound to warn you, the man suddenly appeared at your side, causing you to both jump and squeak from the spontaneous nature of his movement. Scratch that, knowing him, it was probably teleportation. Hardly necessary, considering how close you were, but you wouldn’t put it past your lover to do such a thing just to scare you. What a tease…..
“I don’t mind helping you, but sometimes I do wonder if you choose not to do it on your own just to spend time with me.”
Now, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for Mithrun to say something like this completely genuinely, but the ghost of a smirk gracing those gorgeous features of his let you know that he was most certainly poking fun at you right now. He could be so arrogant sometimes… not that you truly minded.
Ever since Mithrun had recently retired to live with you in the still fledgling Golden Country, you’d noticed him start to become ever so slightly livelier at times. In the past, he’d always said he was grateful that you didn’t meet him when he was so pompous and flippant, but to you, a few snarky remarks here and there didn’t bother you at all. If anything, it meant that he could reclaim his old self while also embracing the new, which made a hopeful prospect for your shared future.
While you were in the process of pondering these feelings, the man beside you went right ahead with his magic. Though he mainly specialized in teleportation magic, any self-respecting member of the Canaries, former or otherwise, knew how to do something as simple as create some flame. The firewood you’d piled up caught almost instantly, creating a blaze that was perfect in both size and temperature.
“Thank you.” You acknowledged him with a nod, figuring that was all he would do. It seemed that Mithrun had other plans, however, judging by his choice to lift up one end of your blanket and wedge himself into the space next to you. A bit confused, you shot him a glance. “I thought you said you weren’t cold?”
He hummed. “But I want to be with you.”
Want. It was such a strange word to hear from Mithrun. For the longest time, he insisted he was unable to want anything at all, aside from the burning need for vengeance. Even now, he struggled with things like eating or sleeping. So to hear that he wants you, of all things…
You did nothing to hide the smile on your face. “You always can, you big goof.”
Whenever the two of you snuggled, your lover never really knew where to put his hands. This rang just as true now, with his arms awkwardly hovering on either side of you, unsure where to grasp or hold. With an almost practiced sense of effortlessness, you guided him to wrap both arms around your waist, positioning one at a time.
For a man so strong, he was quite pliant under your touch. One could easily say that it was his own apathy causing such behavior, but on the other hand, it was nice to believe that he chose to do so of his own free will.
He certainly had no trouble plopping his head down on your shoulder, completely unbothered by the way his cheek was squished from the proximity. How could someone be so battle hardened yet so…..cute?
“You comfy?”
The elf hummed affirmatively, the sound slightly muffled by the close contact. You allowed one hand to snake behind his back and rest comfortably on his hip, meanwhile the other grasped the edge of the blanket to keep it snugly wrapped around you. Honestly, Mithrun could probably be in the strangest position imaginable and still consider himself perfectly comfortable, so you weren’t entirely sure why you asked. It just felt… nice to check in on him. Like the right thing to do, no matter how obvious his answer may be to you.
Soft crackling sounds served as the backdrop for these thoughts, all while your lover remained still and relaxed by your side, having some ponderings of his own. Without you, Mithrun often found it difficult to settle down. He was getting a little better at knowing when to rest and eat in recent days, but even at times where he was well aware of the tiredness weighing him down, it was difficult to want to rest. Especially when what he wanted even more was to wait for you.
With you, he was able to feel at ease in a way that he still struggled with for the most part. Just like that dwarf had told him, even vegetable scraps could grow anew when placed in the soil and cared for. Maybe you were the earth, and he wanted nothing more than to relax while surrounded by you. He really wasn’t great at metaphors, so he couldn’t quite tell.
Of one thing, though, he could certainly be sure.
“I think that it should get cold more often.”
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m00nlight-ramblings · 7 months
Soul Meets Body
After the final battle with the Netherbrain, you and Halsin have found solace in what was once the Shadowlands. Domesticity and nature interweave with your every day life now that you are parents, but for the past few months, something has been missing. Halsin shows you how much he's missed your body.
Pairings: Halsin (dad!) x fem reader (plus sized after giving birth)
Warnings: SMUT, p in v sex, oral (female receiving), breeding kink, body image issues, swearing, angst, hurt/comfort. 18+ MINORS DNI
Word Count: 5.2k
Requested: yes
A/N: As a plus sized fan fic writer, I hardly see plus sized stuff, especially for Halsin so I decided to write something! This fic deals HEAVILY with body image issues of a plus sized reader after giving birth, so please read with caution if that is a trigger for you! ALSO: based on notes and patch updates from Larian, the Shadowlands were renamed the Reclaimed Lands, and in original notes for Halsin, his last name was Silverborough! So that's why those details are included. Also also dad Halsin is my fave ok bye.
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The sun hung high in the sky midday, casting beautiful shadows through the leaves of the trees. The nearby laughter of children cascaded throughout the village, leaving a permanent smile on your face wherever you went. Your baby Lora, wrapped snug in a sling on your chest, cooed as you weeded the perimeter of the village, tossing the uprooted plants in a basket for Halsin to use later on.
Little feet scampered past you, calling your name in greeting as you knelt in the soft earth. Every time a little voice graced your ears, you perked up - what a life you were now leading, filled with such hope and joy. You felt lucky from the moment you woke up, to the moment you went to bed, for three reasons: the beautiful children that graced the Reclaimed Lands, which was once the Shadowlands, your beautiful daughter Lora, and of course, Halsin.
Your life had taken on new meaning once the final battle against the Netherbrain was won. Throughout your journey, you thought that the one thing you wanted more than anything was to return to your old life - to go home to the familiarity of Baldur's Gate. But when you had met Halsin - and subsequently fell in love with him - everything had changed, and you found yourself back in the Reclaimed Lands with the Alderman himself, becoming the unofficial parents of more children you had ever expected to have.
Of course, some adults came to the Reclaimed Lands to start anew as well - people pushed out by the curse returning home, or some wanting a fresh start. The little village you now claimed as your own was growing by the week, and nothing filled your heart more than knowing the love you and Halsin had put into cultivating the safe space.
A mere two months after you had gone home to the Reclaimed Lands, you discovered you were with child, baring the tiny bulge of Halsin's baby. It was no surprise to either of you - the elf who wanted to do things "as nature intended" acted on those natural instincts as often as they found him, and the idea of starting a family together was something both you and him couldn't get out of your head.
Once you had become pregnant, Halsin was unsurprisingly the perfect partner. Caring and attentive, you never needed nor wanted for anything. As if he could read your mind, before you could even ask, Halsin would appear with whatever you seemed to crave. Whether it be the particular berries near the river you seemed to want at night, a massage under his giant hands, or even a shoulder to cry on whenever your ankles swelled or back ached, Halsin was there to provide for you.
Your lovemaking never ceased while pregnant, either - in fact, your sex life with Halsin seemed to do nothing but increase. Often times, you caught Halsin staring at you while you absentmindedly cleaned up after dinner, or played with the children during the afternoon - his eyes falling to your growing belly. At night, while you sat on top of him, legs wrapped around his hips as he thrusted into you, he sucked and nibbled on your swollen breasts, his hands gently caressing your belly and large behind.
"How beautiful you are," He would breathe into your ear, your bodies slick with sweat, "Creating this beautiful life inside of you. You are ethereal...I am in awe. I am not worthy of your beauty." He'd cup your cheek and suck on your bottom lip as you quietly cried his name, tears overflowing from your eyes from both pleasure and love.
When Halsin was feeling more territorial, taking you from behind, but still being more gentle than usual, he would lay his chest flat on your back so he could be as deep as his cock would allow. "Knowing that everyone can look at you and see that I did this," He would grunt, his thrusts strong and pleading, "Knowing I filled you with my seed. That I love you so often and so well that the future is growing inside of you. I need it. I crave it," His would say through gritted teeth, "Everyone knows you're mine. And I am yours. Forever."
Once Loradove was born, your sexual appetite had basically ceased. Nights that were once full of screaming and thrusting and panting were now full of changing diapers, aiding cries, and soft lullabies. Halsin, of course, was the most doting father - taking Lora without asking so you could rest, playing with her so you could do some chores, or even doing the chores himself. He was the perfect father - you knew his urges to have you were increasing tenfold as every month passed that you didn't make love. But you also knew he would never complain...thinking only of his sexual urges made him feel selfish, you knew, and he would never want to act selfishly towards you.
It had been five months since Halsin last touched you in that way. Truth be told, it wasn't just that you were too busy with the village and children and your own daughter to have sex. You also couldn't bare to look in the mirror at your newfound "mother" body. A body that, once, when fighting goblins and monsters alongside Halsin and saving Faerun, was taut with muscles and curves. Now, your belly was soft and expanded, the defined muscles you once had nowhere to be found. Stretch marks decorated you stomach and thighs, and you needed a completely new wardrobe. You dreamed of being the type of mother you had known throughout your years - weeks after giving birth somehow going back to what they once were - small and desirable.
You only felt ugly. Looking at Halsin's body, rock solid and sexy, there was absolutely no way - in your mind - he could have found your softness alluring, especially when he had met the smaller, more attractive version of you. The idea of being fully naked in front of him used to send shivers down your spin and make your heart race, but now, it was enough to make you cry.
A child's playful laugh snapped you out of your day dream, your hand limply holding on to a bundle of mugwort that you had pulled a few minutes prior. Shaking your head, you placed it in the basket near your feet, watching Halsin appear into the village around the bend. A few children had run over to him, immediately hanging on his large limbs like he was a tree branch. He smiled and lifted them in the air, sending them flying before he caught them, gently kissing their temples and placing them on the ground.
As his usual way, he scanned the village, his eyes softening when they found you. You stopped weeding and stood, your smile matching his. A few moments later he was by your side, the children trailing behind him. He bent his head to give you a soft kiss - one that still gave you butterflies.
"My heart," He spoke gently, his hand immediately finding your waist. You winced inwardly as he gripped the soft rolls of your side. He slowly pushed back the cloth wrapping that hid Lora's face, and when her eyes met his, she instantly cooed. The smile Halsin reserved for her appeared on his face, and he gently pulled her from the cloth, holding her close. "My little one. How beautiful you are! Were you helping your mother today?" He eyed you, his eyes glittering. You chuckled.
"Quite so. If she wasn't swaddled, I'm sure she'd be reaching for the belladonna to try and have an afternoon snack," You sighed, smiling and wiping your brow, "She's lucky she's so cute."
"Cute?" Halsin asked, his eyebrows raising, "She's magnificent. Breathtaking. She is perfect...cute is nowhere near the word to describe Loradove Silverbough." Suddenly, Lora screeched, causing Halsin to furrow his brows immediately.
Laughing, you gently placed your hand on his bicep, "I think she also is tired."
He chuckled, pressing a small kiss on her cheek, "I will put her down for her nap. Go, do whatever your heart desires, my love. I will see to it that you have the afternoon for yourself. Daddy's got it from here." He winked, causing you to blush.
How the word "daddy" had changed in your lexicon in 9 months.
A few minutes later, you found yourself at the nearby creek on the outskirts of the village, your sweater off and laid beside you in the afternoon heat. Your feet dangled in the cool water, the laughter of the children still around you as you dozed in and out of a nap in the sunlight. Moments like this one were not rare - with Halsin, it truly was a partnership, splitting responsibilities 50/50.
When you opened your eyes again, the sun was setting, a sure sign of heading home. It was almost dinner time, you knew, which meant that you had spent at least a few hours dozing off by the creek. Your feet, wrinkled from being submerged for so long, felt chilly as you took them out of the water. Holding your shoes in your hands, you made the short walk home, passing by the children being herded inside by the adults.
As you opened the front door to your cottage, a whiff of food hit your nostrils, sending your stomach growling - some sort of roast was being prepared, with the sounds of banging pots and giggling coming from the kitchen.
"My heart!" Halsin cried, "Is that you?"
"Yes, I'm home, Halsin." You shouted back, dropping your shoes by the door.
"Lora! Mama's home!" You heard Halsin proclaim, to which Lora responded with a delightful squeal. You smiled, wiping the immediate happy tears from your eyes.
Lucky, lucky, lucky.
As you rounded your way to the kitchen, you found Halsin plating up dinner, Lora in her little feeding chair, bits of mushed food all over her face. She immediately reached for you when she saw you, so you scooped her up, grabbing a towel from a nearby table and wiping her face gently.
"My precious angel, you eat like such a little whirlwind." You murmured, kissing her eyelashes. She cooed and grabbed at your hair as felt Halsin's hand on your shoulder. Turning towards him, he smiled and leaned down to kiss your cheek, then slowly moved to your earlobe.
"My love," He breathed, his voice low. A shiver went down your spine as you leaned into his body. Your eyelids fluttered shut, the familiar feeling of comfort warming your body. He sighed contently and ushered you towards the chair nearest you, "Sit, my heart. Dinner is ready."
You sat, opening your eyes again and smiling. He placed the plate in front of you, and was about to take Lora from your hands but you shook your head, holding her closer.
"I missed her."
Halsin chuckled and sat across from you, "Of course. If she gets too rowdy while you try to eat, I'll put her back in her chair." He made a face at Lora, who made the same one back - their version of a secret handshake.
Idly chatting about your days, you ate dinner slowly, savoring the moments with the two of them. Soon Lora was starting to fuss, alerting the two of you to her nearing bedtime.
You bathed and dressed her, putting her down in her crib while Halsin washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. Walking into your bedroom, he was discarding his clothes for the night, slipping into the bed the two of you shared. As you walked in, he smiled.
“Did she go down easy?” He asked. You nodded.
“For the most part. Some tears when she realized that it was bedtime, but she was so exhausted that she went down almost as soon as her back hit the bed.” You took a sleep dress from your closet, putting it over your day clothes. Underneath the dress, you slipped the straps of your shirt off, and then your pants; the way you had gotten changed every night since Lora was young. Halsin said nothing of the intricate dressing, but you knew he watched you every night, probably wondering why his love wouldn’t stand naked in front of him. You turned and he smiled softly, patting the bed next to him.
As you laid next to him he tucked the blankets to your collarbone, kissing your forehead. “Early night? I have quite the day ahead of me tomorrow.” You yawned and nodded, nuzzling into him.
“Yes. I, myself am also exhausted.”
Halsin blew out the lamp and wrapped one of his strong arms around you, falling asleep almost instantly. You closed your eyes as well, but sleep came harder for you - the nap you took earlier in the day apparently robbing you of sleep this evening.
After an hour of tossing and turning, Halsin’s voice spoke in the dark room. “My love…are you alright? Your stirring woke me.”
You huffed as you moved on your side, throwing your arms at your side in the blankets, “I’m sorry, Halsin. I’m having a hard time falling asleep.”
Halsin was silent for a moment, but you felt him move closer to you, as he had drifted a bit during sleep, an arm wrapping around your waist. He started to pepper kisses on your neck, his breath hot in your ear. Eventually, his hand lightly palmed at your breast, your nipple gently pinched in between his fingers.
“Well…if you can’t sleep…maybe we can make use to the extra time given to us.” He whispered in your ear, rolling your nipple in his hand. Your heart fluttered, but you felt your stomach drop. Gently pushing him away, you turned to him.
“Halsin…” You started, unsure of what to say. This wasn’t the first time Halsin had tried to have sex with you since Lora was born, but every time he had tried previously, your excuses of being tired seemed more plausible. Now that it was five months, you weren’t quite sure what to say.
The hand that palmed your breast found its way to your cheek. “Please, my heart. Talk to me. I don’t want to pry, especially after you have given me the gift of our beautiful daughter…but why won’t you let me make love to you?”
In the darkness, you felt like you could cry. How could you explain to this man - this sweet, caring man - how you felt so uncomfortable with the idea of sleeping together? How you were afraid to show him what your body had become…how you were afraid that, if he saw you, he wouldn’t think of you the same?
It wasn't as if you didn't want to have sex with him - your heart stirred often when you saw him. There were so many nights where you just wanted to reach out to him - to bury his head in between your legs, or take his member in your mouth. Often you were so pent up with sexual frustration that when Halsin left the cottage, and Lora was down for a nap, you had to pleasure yourself in order to find some sort of release.
As his thumb stroked your cheek with such care, you knew it wasn’t fair to him to leave him in the dark like that. To leave him wondering if he had done something wrong, no matter how embarrassing your reasonings seemed.
You swallowed your nerves, placing your hand on his. “My body…” You started, your voice low. You could already feel the tremble in your voice as you held back tears, uncomfortable with your admission of these feelings, “My body is not the same as it was when we first met. When we…first fell in love.”
“Of course it isn’t,” He spoke plainly, “You have given birth, given Lora the gift of life. It is as nature has intended it - change is inevitable, and your body is meant to change when you grow full as one does when pregnant, my love.”
“No, that’s - that’s not what I meant,” You sighed, trying again. “What I mean is…my body is not…as nice as it was when we met. As…beautiful. As…sexy. I’m afraid you’ll look at it and be…disappointed. Dissatisfied.” Though you couldn’t really see him, you cast your eyes down to your sleep shirt, unable to look in the direction of his eyes.
A large span of silence passed. Slowly, he lowered the hand cradling your cheek. Heat rose in your body, flushing your cheeks.
"How...could you say something like that?" Halsin eventually asked, "Your body is beautiful, no matter what it looks like. You think a little softness will deter my yearning for you?"
"It's not just 'softness', Halsin," You said, the tears spilling from your cheeks, "It's...rolls. It's stretchmarks. Dimples and expanded skin where there was none before."
Suddenly, the oil lamp on the bedside table was lit. Halsin stared down on you, his brows furrowed in sadness. He took your face in his hands, kissing away the tears that had spilled.
"Oh, my love," He sighed in between kisses, "If only you could peek inside my heart...inside my brain. So you knew that my words match how I really feel, that I am not exaggerating," Pulling away, he smiled softly and looked into your eyes, "Your body. Is beautiful. It is a beautiful work of nature - of art. Your size does not dictate how badly I want to be inside of you. Your soul does. I love your body in every way it comes...would you stop stirring for me if I had added rolls and marks? If I had dimples on my thighs, or added skin on my belly?"
You smiled at his tenderness, which you always somehow knew he would respond with. "Of course not."
"So please know that when I mean my body stirs for you, I mean it. I would never want you to feel pressured or uncomfortable, but know that I have fantasized about ravaging you ever since the cleric gave us permission to make love after Loradove's birth. If you'll have me...please let me show how much I yearn for you."
You bit your lip, looking at him. He was completely nude - as he slept every night - and was on top of you. The very sight of him was causing an ache in your core, and you pressed your thighs together. Slowly, you leaned your head forward, pressing your lips to his.
At first, it was gentle, but as you felt his body press into yours, you very quickly found yourself get carried away, your tongue pressing into his mouth. Very gladly he opened his mouth, his tongue dancing with yours. He immediately wrapped his arms around your waist, and as you felt his erection press into you, you moaned. Nervously, you reached down to the hem of your sleep dress, but desperate to feel Halsin's skin on yours (and to get it over with), you grabbed the dress and pulled it over your head, discarding it on the floor.
It was over with.
The one thing you had been so anxious over - finally being naked with Halsin again - had finally happened. You had discarded your clothes in front of him, being fully naked with him for the first time since you had given birth. Holding your breath - wracked with nerves - you watched his eyes take your body in. He didn't speak for several moments as his eyes moved from your head, all the way to your feet multiple times. He moved one of his hands from behind your back, to slowly tracing lines down your body, sending shivers up your spine. Dipping his head to your body, he started to slowly kiss you, gently planting kisses on your stomach, on your thighs, paying extra attention to the stretchmarks that covered your lower half.
Finally, he looked into your eyes, and you realized they were glassy with tears. He shook his head slowly and he enveloped your lips in a kiss that was so passionate, it knocked the wind out of you. When he pulled away, he cupped your cheeks once more.
"For you to think that you are anything other than beautiful is a thought I never want you to have again," He spoke, his voice low, "I covet every mark, every dimple, every soft roll on your body. Regardless if you gave life or not...your body is a beautiful work of nature, and if I need to make love to you every night in order for you to see it, I will gladly sacrifice." He smiled lightly, kissing you again. Shivers ran up your spine as he lowered his fingers to tease your clit, his fingers weaving in between your folds. Once he felt how wet you were, he moaned into the kiss, "Silvanus help me, you're going to make me finish before I even start."
His touch sent shockwaves through your system - five months of your pent up sexual desires for Halsin were starting to unravel, causing you to careen to your orgasm faster than you ever have in your life. As Halsin rubbed circles on your aching clit, you whimpered, your arms finding their way around his neck. He held you close as he brought you to him, leaning you forward so you were mere inches from his face.
"My gorgeous, gorgeous, girl," He whispered, kissing your temple. The combination of his increasingly deep movements on your clit, and the tender whispered nothings in your ear was leaving you overstimulated.
"Halsin...I'm already close." You whined, gently biting down on his shoulder. He chuckled and growled at the bite, taking his fingers off of your clit and inserting two of them inside your cunt.
"Already? My heart...I'm afraid I will be sending you over the edge many times tonight if that's how long you are going to last." As he pumped into your pussy, you threw your head back, pressing your back into the bed. Quickly, he slid down your body, gently kissing you along the way. He never stopped pumping his fingers, but as soon as his head reached your core, he pressed your legs open with his nose to suck on your clit, taking it in his mouth in its entirety. He moaned loudly, his tongue lapping over your entire pussy, the wet sounds emanating from the two you absolutely sinful.
Arching your back, your vision started to fuzz as you squeezed your eyes shut. As you looked down at Halsin, he seemed absolutely enthralled by you, his face reminiscent of the eating a delicious meal. His fingers curled upwards as he continued to switch between sucking on your clit, to lapping at your folds with his large, flat tongue.
"Gods, I'm going to come!" You whined, gripping his hair as he sucked. He didn't deviate from his movements, completely focused on making you feel his ecstasy. As you bucked your hips into his face, your orgasm crashed around you, Halsin inserting one more finger to pump into you to send you over the edge.
You screamed his name, so loudly you felt like you were going to blackout. Halsin continued on for several moments before he pulled away slowly, taking in the sight of you writhing underneath him. His chest was heaving as he gripped your thighs, his eyes dancing as he took you in. When you finally calmed down enough, you opened your eyes, looking into his.
Immediately, you burst into tears.
"I was so scared to do that." You confessed, your tears spilling over. You laughed, embarrassed, as Halsin leaned forward to kiss you.
"Never," He said, his tongue sliding on your lower lip, "Never be scared with me. Never again."
Resting your hands on his solid chest, you felt your desire focus, watching Halsin stroke his cock above you. You moaned at the sight of him - large, and beautiful, and fucking perfect.
You would never go this long without him again.
"Halsin, if I don't have you inside of me soon, I think I'm going to go crazy." You said, reaching down to help him with his strokes. His mouth fell open and he lolled his head back, murmuring your name. He took your hand from his erect penis to his mouth, kissing it gently before he lined himself up with you.
"Anything you desire, my heart." He said, before taking your hands and pinning them above your head. He held your wrists with one hand as he slowly slid inside of you, never breaking eye contact. The further he slid in, the more you two moaned, brows furrowed. Once he bottomed out, he growled. "Hells - I do not think I'll be lasting too long, either."
You laughed and he chuckled, winking at you before he began to thrust. Slow and deliberate, he grunted with his movements, his name falling from your lips like a prayer.
You couldn't help but moan - there was no trying to stay quiet anymore. The past few months of not having Halsin had made you so pent up, that any touch from him seemed to cause your core to stir.
Picking up his pace, the headboard creaked. Halsin palmed at one of your tits, dipping his head to suck on your nipple. You arched your back so he could take you deeper in his mouth, and soon, he started to suck on the skin around your nipple. Heat rushed to your head as waves of pleasure continued to spread throughout your body.
As the two of you fucked, you were sloppy, messy. Noise and juices and movements shared between the two of you with no regard, with no holding back. Both of you were desperate for each other's touch, your whole body felt like it was on fire.
Eventually, as Halsin thrusted into you, he spread your legs with his other hand, abandoning your wrists above your head. After he spread your legs, he pressed one of his large fingers to your clit, circling it slowly.
"You, are so beautiful," He spoke, every word accentuated with a thrust, "The most beautiful creature nature has ever created. The most beautiful creature I have ever seen."
"Gods, Halsin - you make me feel so good. You fuck me so good." Your whimpers were bordering on incoherent as he fucked you, but it didn't matter. You were safe - you were fucking the love of your life, and Hells did it feel good.
"That's it," He spoke, moving your legs so you were on your side. He stopped thrusting for a moment to adjust you, closing your legs on his cock so he could thrust deeper, "That's it, my beautiful goddess," He be began to thrust again, and palmed at your tits, "I love this body. You are so beautiful. I love you."
"I love you too," You moaned, your back arching, gripping the sheets underneath you, "Daddy, I love you."
Halsin's eyes were set ablaze at your words. Your use of Daddy before Lora was around during sex, but you had a feeling that it took on a whole new meaning while you fucked him. He smiled, wiping the sweat from his brow. You could tell by his thrusts that he was nearing his edge, which was soon for Halsin.
It seemed the five months had the same affect on him, too.
"Daddy's fucking you good?" He groaned, grabbing a fistful of your ass. He squeezed hard before winding his hand back, giving you a tight slap on one of your cheeks, "You like it when Daddy fucks you like this?"
"Yes!" You screamed, grabbing hold of his forearm, "Gods, you make me feel so good!"
His grip on your ass tightened as he started to switch between his thrusts - slow and measured, and rough, pounding into you so hard his cock coming in contact with your cunt made a loud SMACK noise with every movement. Your walls clenched around him as he roughly gripped your hips, his hair becoming wet with sweat. Every time you clenched around his cock he growled, a noise that reminded you of an animal - feral, full of wanting.
"You're going to make me come," He said, his chest heaving. The sound of his cock and balls slapping against your wet core filled the room at an increased pace, and he didn't stop. "I'm going to fill you, my heart."
"Fill me," You commanded, looking into his eyes. Halsin groaned and leaned forward, his forehead touching yours. With three more thrusts, he growled and released, filling you with his orgasm. A silent scream came from his lips, followed by him murmuring your name over and over again. He bucked his hips a few more times to drain himself in you before he slowly slid out, immediately cradling you in his arms.
Both of you were panting, sweating, but you didn't care. You were holding on to each other for dear life, thankful for how the night turned out.
Halsin kissed every inch of you from your chest up, cupping your face with the utmost care. Pulling away, he looked at you.
"You put the stars in the sky, my heart," He spoke, gently kissing you. "The moon...the sun...they pale in comparison to your beauty," Gently running his hands over your body, he titled his head, "How do you feel?"
Still catching your breath, you smiled at him, "Incredible. Beautiful." You answered, honestly.
Halsin's face lit up and he pressed a kiss to you again. His tongue found its way into your mouth, and soon, his body was pressing against yours again, his pent up desire found his movements.
"If you give me just a bit of time, I would love to make you feel beautiful again." He spoke, sending shivers up your spine. Brushing a piece of hair out of your face, you were about to reply.
Suddenly, Lora cried from her room. Both of you stopped in your tracks, and when you realized she wasn't going to stop, you bot started to laugh. You went to get up from bed, but Halsin gently pushed you down, springing up himself.
"Rest, my love. I have her," He started to walk out of the room, but turned back quickly, "When I come back into this room, you better not have put your clothes back on."
You giggled and titled your head, feeling seductive for the first time in Gods knows how long, "Mr. Halsin, if you don't watch yourself, you're going to have put yet another baby in me."
Halsin's eyes darkened, and you knew you hit his desires on the head. His cock twitched and he coughed, trying to control himself. "Who says that's not the plan?" He asked, before slipping into Lora's room.
You laid back down on the bed, your breathing returning to normal. From the other room, you heard Halsin speaking softly to your daughter, singing her a lullaby to get her to go back to sleep. Pulling the covers over your body, you relished in the feeling of the blankets on your naked skin. Sighing happily, you moved your legs around in the bed, the sensation spreading warmth throughout your body.
How lucky you were.
If you liked this one, don't forget to leave a comment - it’s so so appreciated ❤️ Thank you all for reading!
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charlesoberonn · 1 month
My take on the Avatar origin story:
About 50,000 years before the show, humanity learned how to bend the energy within themselves. This allowed them to perform feats of strength and ability beyond their physical limits. And using these abilities they started expanding across the globe.
Wherever they came to dwell, they dominated over the other lifeforms, eventually leading to the extinction of many species. This angered the spirits, especially the Spirit of the planet itself, whose long-standing balance was thrown off.
In retaliation to rid herself of this nuisance, the Spirit of the world caused great volcanic eruptions, storms, tidal waves, and earthquakes to kill the humans. Humanity was driven to near extinction, with only 10,000 humans remaining. These humans gathered in an isolated valley, the last safe place on the planet.
But rather than finishing them off there and then, the Spirit of the world grew curious and even empathetic towards the humans. The compassion they showed one another, the care in which they cultivated their new home. The Spirit didn't understand how humans could be so ignoble and violent and at the same time so virtuous and kind.
And so the Spirit chose to be reborn as a human, to try to understand how humans work. And thus the first Avatar was born.
Her name was Hizda, and she was born with a frail body to a family of little means. Despite this disadvantage, she was loved and cared for by her parents and her community.
As she grew, she struggled with leaning to bend the energy within her. She thought she'd be weak for the rest of her life. Until one day she extended her energy outward, and rather than bend the energy within, she bended the elements without. A feat only a few animals were thought capable of.
Word of the miraculous girl quickly spread across the valley, reaching the ear of the Great Chief. An old man who remembered the outside world, he was wary of the girl. He believed her to be an agent of the Spirit which killed their people not a generation prior. And so he sent out his son to kill her.
Not wanting her community attacked, Hizda fled the valley into the outside world, with her closest friends coming with her despite her protestations. The Great Chief's son pursued them with his own agents.
Across her journey she met many spirits and creatures who had reclaimed the abandoned lands the humans left behind. Naturally, they were apprehensive of humans, but Hizda convinced them she meant no harm. She learned of the damage her ancestors had caused and vowed to help repair it. And she met the creatures of the elements and learned from them to control her powers.
After a year on the run, she confronted the Chief's son who pursued her all the way to the North Pole. The two fought and Hizda won. But instead of delivering the killing blow, she spared him. And she convinced him to help her convince his father that a new way was possible.
Hizda and her friends returned to the valley and confronted the Great Chief. He rejected her and ordered her dead still, but she could defend herself. Half of all humanity sided with her, but half still sided with the Great Chief. It seemed like humanity's destructive nature could not be changed.
But then the Chief's son surprised everyone when he proposed to Hizda. Aghast at his son's behavior, the Great Chief had a change of heart. He abdicated his responsibility, making Hizda and her husband (the new Chief) and leaders of humanity.
Under their leadership, humanity made peace with the spirits and began the long process of rebuilding the scarred world.
Later in life, Hizda and the Chief had four sons. Each of them inherited one of their mother's elements. And in time, their children would inherit that element, and so on and so forth. And thus benders came into the world. Each son would become the forefather of one of the four nations.
In her old age, The widowed Hizda returned to the valley of her birth. She found a Banyan tree and meditated under its shade, trying in her dying days to understand the nature of humanity, the world, and herself. She realized in the end her nature as the reborn Spirit of the world. But she also knew that there was so much still left to do. More to build, more to resolve, more to heal.
And so, instead of returning to her spirit form, the Spirit of the world's Avatar chose to stay human. And as her life as Hizda ended, the Spirit was reborn in a new human body, and the Avatar cycle was born.
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just-a-ghost00 · 1 month
Who is your divine counterpart?
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Please if you know the original artist who made these images, can you tell me so I can quote them. Thank you <3
Group 1
Celebrity look alikes - Mamamoo's Hwasa, BTS Suga, Joe Anoa'i aka Roman Reigns, Jonathan Good aka Dean Ambrose / Jon Moxley
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Let me tell you group 1, the one thing all these people have in common : they are absolute dorks and I love them to death. To analyze this a bit further, you will notice that there are more masculine figures than feminine. Though Suga is pretty balanced in both energies. Hwasa as well can be pretty masculine in her own way. They also have quite long hair, especially the guys. All of them have rather dark hair and dark eyes. Even if Jon's hair can be a bit lighter and his eyes are somewhat blue, they tend to look dark as well. We have different cultural backgrounds being represented : Samoa for Joe, South Korea for Hwasa and Suga and Ohio for Jon. All of them are quite athletic and a little shy around strangers. However with the ones they love they go all out. So those could be traits of your person. Let's investigate further. Most of them are mutable signs (Suga Pisces, Roman Gemini, Dean Sagittarius).
Physical traits - Hierophant, Magician, King of pentacles
One thing that is striking about their appearance is how strong and trustworthy they look. They have a regal air to them that intimidates people. They appear as quite closed off upon first sight. They also look smart and very attractive. There's a lot of Venusian qualities to this person. They dress well, they smell good, they are naturally beautiful but they also take really good care of their body. They have a strong body structure. The feminines tend to be curvy. The masculines tend to have broad shoulders and defined arms. Physically, they give off very serious vibes. They may look uptight or have that so called RBF (though I don't like that term that much). All these cards together make me think that they look unapproachable and that they would hex the shit out of you if you ever cross them. Think of Minerva McGonagall.
Personality traits - The Explorer, The revolutionary, Get curious
Your counterpart is someone that is very open minded and curious. They have a thirst for knowledge and like to challenge themselves. They are incredibly passionate and bold, self confident, adventurous. They tend to follow their inner compass and morals even though it may get them in trouble. They are not afraid of being criticized or being alone. They are ambitious and they know the path to success can be a lonely road. They are a rebel at heart and a free spirit. They might not be as much into traditions as other people in their family or in their business field. This person likes to innovate and go into unknown territories. Differences do not scare them. They can get along with anyone as long as they have a heart and an open mind. They like to create, to find new ways to do things. They are a natural born leader. They can be stubborn, sometimes arrogant or hard to deal with. They have strong morals and tend to be set in their ways. When they have an idea in mind, they are unstoppable. They have a broad imagination, a knack for charming and talking their way out of situations. They can be a bit kinky. They are willing to shift their perspective in order to understand people better. They can be pretty understanding and adaptable.
Possible jobs / hobbies - Strength, Reclaim, White Numen, Underworld, King of pentacles, The Sage
Your counterpart could work in any job requiring strength, creativity, stability, patience and resourcefulness, a certain degree of competitive spirit. So think about fitness, professional level sports, being a member of a big company, being an artist, working freelance in any field. Looking at the tarot cards it does give me the feeling that this person is working alone most of the time. They have a lot of control over their career and the direction they want to go in. So if they work in a company, they would most definitely occupy an important position. This person likes to fight. But their fight seems to be more against their own demons. They enjoy going to the gym, taking care of their body, improving their health and spirituality. They like to learn especially if it can benefit their career in any way. They are the type to pick up a new skill because it would benefit a project and avoid implying other people. They take pride in doing things on their own. This person could be into martial arts /combat sports like boxing, wrestling, taekwondo, judo, karate and so on. They could be a teacher. If not, I get a feeling that they are often looked up to by their peers. This person could have two jobs : one they do publicly/during day and one that is more private / during night. They take interest in unconventional forms of creativity or occupations, things that may be seen as shady / dark by most people. It could be occult arts, horror movies, hardcore porn and stuff like that.
Letters and confirmation signs : A I O G B B K G E O P X W L H -> leo, boogie, pookie, bio(logy), geo(graphy), wale, Hola, Ali, babe, Babi, Kobe, whole, egg, Exo, box, boob, big, philo(sophy), Phil, Paolo, hope, gage, phobia, book, pale, Paige, page, pole, beg, bake, peak, beak, gig
Group 2
Celebrity look alikes - Liv Tyler as Arwen, Hwasa, Jessi and Kai from GazettE
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Okay let's analyze what we got here. Many of these celebrities are of Asian descent. They are mostly feminine. We can note a common thread in the fact that all of them have rather long hair and very intense gaze. All of these celebrities are intense people that are not afraid to go after their dreams and to speak their mind. The feminines tend to have very full and beautiful lips. All of them have a very alluring aura. For those of you who might not know all of these celebrities, we have from left to right and top to bottom : Liv Tyler who played Arwen in LOTR, Mamamoo's Hwasa, Kpop solo artist Jessi and Kai, drummer of the Visual Kei band GazettE. Most of these celebrities are artists and they are fixed signs (Hwasa Leo, Jessi Aquarius, Kai Scorpio).
Physical traits - 3 of cups, Queen of cups, 9 of cups
This person is very feminine in their appearance, soft, flowy, welcoming. They appear as very nurturing. They have a motherlike presence to them that instantly makes people at ease. They may look aloof or dreamy. They are pretty cheerful and optimistic. So they probably are the kind to be smiling a lot. They have sparkles in their eyes and a very childlike look to them. So round cheeks, very bright, big and round eyes. They could be a bit petite. They are more on the curvier side. They could like to wear hats or head bands and stuff like that. Jewelry is also a key feature of their look. They tend to wear oversized cloathes or at least comfortable clothes. They like to feel good in their shoes so they would wear clothes that makes them feel the best first, even if it might shock people. Think about Hwasa and her "no bra scandal". In many ways this person could look like a doll to others. They appear as very kind and friendly. There is something about their appearance that is very pure and sweet. So they would prefer simple clothes over classy clothes, or maybe they like to dress like the younger generations. They basically go with the flow. They could have a very particular way of walking. One that makes them look like they could slither their way through things. They are very flexible and they have a lot of meat.
Personality traits - Get curious, destruction, trust
This person is really curious and open minded, they have a happy go lucky type energy but their mind can often times get the best of them. They may tend to compare themselves to others a lot or to overthink. They may struggle with mental health issues. They are a trust worthy peron and they are also faithful. They like to learn and be mentally stimulated, as it keeps their mind busy. This person can be very observant and smart. They have very strong transformative abilities. Though they know a lot of lows, they always find a way to come back stronger and make the best out of any challenge they are going through. They are incredibly resilient and strong minded. They are very opinionated.
Jobs and hobbies - Black Numen, The Observer, Strength, The Wildling, Lovers, Power
Your counterpart's job involves transmuting knowledge, resilience, communication and helping people find their truth. So this could be teaching, coaching, anything related to spirituality or psychology. This person is definitely into divination arts such as chiromancy, tarot, palm reading. They could be into martial arts and reading. Singing could also be something that they enjoy. That or flirting lmao They love to talk. Maybe they have a podcast or something. They are pretty creative so really it could be anything. They like to dig deep and investigate. So they might enjoy TV series about crimes or psychology, podcasts that are empowering. They may enjoy working out for some. But I have a feeling like for some, intimacy could be a way for this person to relax. They view bedroom activities as a hobby lmao
Letters and confirmation signs :
O D A B L Y V W M V G G Z Y C -> YMCA, yoga, Yoda, bald, Zac, May, vocal, wavy, God, gay, BL, Cody, Maggy, dog, doggy
Group 3
Celebrity look alikes - Stray Kids Seo Changbin, Jonathan Good aka Dean Ambrose, Mark Calaway aka The Undertaker, Kate Beckinsale as Anna Valerius
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These people are super cheeky. They may be very intimidating (I mean we got The Undertaker here) but they are huge softies. All of them are rather masculine in their energy. All of them have hair that tends to get wavy. We are looking at people who have rather dark hair. Some of them have dark grey/green eyes. No matter the eye color they tend to have a fierce gaze and dress in darker colors. All of them are fit and quite tall. They have a strong body and a strong mindset. They tend to be lone wolves and have a hard time asking for help. They would do anything for the people they love. All of them are fire signs (Kate and Changbin are Leos, Jon is a Sagittarius and Mark is an Aries). All of them have strong morals and don't hesitate to speak their truth.
Physical traits - The Sun, 2 of swords, 4 of wands
They have freckles and their skin tends to be tanned. Their skin is glowy. They have a balanced body figure and are pretty agile. They look sturdy, strong, reliable. People feel at home next to them. So they can definitely have big arms that give the best cuddles, a very comfortable chest to lay your head on. They appear very outgoing and bright. They look like they shine. They are definitely attractive. Their beauty is one that is popular, conventional, a bit trendy. So in terms of fashion, this person would follow the trends of people their age or people of the same culture. Their fashion style can also be quite versatile. They look like they are husband/wife material. What is and isn't husband/wife material varies on people. But usually these terms are used for someone that looks like they would make you feel safe and loved, would take good care of you and match your expectations of a partner. So this person definitely appears as trustworthy.
Personality traits - Manifest, The Alchemist, Movement
Your counterpart is horny most of the time. They have a lot of drive and passion. They are a good manifestor and a bit of a trickster. They can turn anything to gold. They are very crafty and good with their hands. They are quite stubborn but also resilient. They are very adaptable and can handle difficult situations pretty well. They are not afraid of challenges and to try their hands on different things. They are very skilled and witty. They're also very smart and have a lot of healing abilities. Since they've been through a lot, they can spot negative patterns pretty well and find creative ways to counter them. They tend to be harsh on themselves. They have a lot of venom that they tend to repress. This person is likely to have anger issues. They can't stay still. Their mind is constantly working. They can anticipate a lot of things and see into the future. They can take a new idea and make it fit to their own style, sometimes making it ten times better than the original one. They have a very sexy personality. People tend to be drawn to their mind.
Jobs and hobbies - page of pentacles, surrender, knight of pentacles, reclaim, 3 of pentacles, the void
I definitely see this person sharing their knowledge with others and helping younger people reach their goals. They could also be attending college. Some of them may be involved in spiritual and religious practices. They could be spending a lot of time giving to their community, doing humanitarian work, going to Church or any place of cult. For some of you, your counterpart may have decided to change their career and gave up their position to go back to school. They could also be into anything that is related to the body, appearances, learning and sharing. So fitness, modeling, dancing. They could be into meditation or just spending time in nature, far from people to recharge their batteries. They could be into hunting, fishing, camping, gardening, farming. This person may be going through a spiritual awakening and leaving behind hold habits or patterns to live a healthier life. So if they were struggling with addictions or their body image, for instance, they've decided to heal that part of themself and work on it. They could also be a farmer for some of you.
Letters and confirmation signs :
Y G R H E C B P I F A R S L E -> Paris, Fabrice, chase, cars, bars, lace, years, sale, RBF, fly, air, rice, chief, gears, biceps, abs, selfie, selca, fears, far, celeb, Alice, clear, Claire
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Thinking about Astarion having to deal with his reclaimed mortality once the initial euphoria of it is wearing off: 
When he’s startled from sleep, woken by his own racing heartbeat. 
Him jumping at the movement in the corner of his eye, only to find it’s just his own reflection staring right back at him, puzzled, before he watches his cheeks redden with embarrassment. 
The sun slowly losing its appeal as time goes on because Astarion keeps getting nasty sunburns after days spent outside, trying to make up for centuries confined to darkness. Whenever he comes home with itching skin and drenched in sweat, he finds himself almost missing hiding in the shadows. 
The odd sensation of feeling more and less at the same time: while some of his senses are now dulled to better suit mortality, others feel heightened to the point of sensory overload—a gust of wind feels like fire licking at his skin and he gets so very anxious whenever he loses Tav in the crowd, unable to distinguish them by the once divine scent of their blood any longer. 
Since he has a reliant supply of his own blood pumping through his veins now, he’s feeling aroused so much easier and more often than not at quite inconvenient times. He enjoyed having sex with Tav before, but now that he’s mortal again, he finds that he’s having to overthink intimacy once again—where his desires used to be driven by burning hunger, lust now feels like a pleasant, more natural bodily reaction. Having to seriously consider contraceptive measures, should his partner be able to get pregnant, is also a rather novel experience for him.  
Bathing still feels as good as before, at least. But where he spent hours in the bathroom out of pointless vanity then, Astarion now has to wash himself because his body would stink of sweat and, well, life otherwise. It will be years before he openly excuses himself for having to use the bathroom whenever nature calls.
And food—food would be the hardest to adjust to. It takes a lot of trial and error to find something that pleases his virgin taste buds (although he swears there’re some odd pieces of memories flashing in front of his eyes whenever he's snacking on wild strawberries or awfully sweet citron tarts). He ends up acquiring a taste for raw cookie dough, shredded cheese and sardines, eating little else for the next two years or so. To everyone's astonishment, he's gotten food poisoning only once or twice.
Astarion is no stranger to pain or injury, but he’s appalled by how long it takes to recover from the most minor cuts and bruises. It’s a well-kept secret between him and Tav that his first common cold had him convinced he was dying for a fortnight straight. 
Crying is much easier now, too.
Ironically, it’s mortality that forces Astarion to strive for more permanent, detail-oriented plans for the future. Now that life is finite, he wants to use the time he has wisely. He might keep travelling the realms until he breathes his last, or settle down, eventually. He might learn a new profession or accumulate some wealth in less honest ways. Maybe, one day, he wants to have a family, heirs to whatever he decides to make his own. 
Once Astarion has come to terms with being a mortal elf again, he realises living is not just about a beating heart. Living is about having endless possibilities but limited time. Choices and decisions that lead to only one thing: death. 
Now that Astarion is living again, he finally understands that death is just another part of the journey.
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iburnedmyselfalive · 7 months
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┃synopsis what can i say, ur ex jus’ does it better 🤷‍♀️
anakin x fem reader !!
┃18+ not proofread sorry loves ;( , minors dni !!! alllll that kinky shit yk it
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"yeaaah, she missed me, uh huh" anakin's voice dripped with arrogance as he teased, his tongue flicking over your pulsating core with a devilish hunger, claiming you as his own.
his soft bed sheets clenched tightly in your fists as you sat up while he held your legs spread wide, his tongue delving deep into your core with a hunger that sent electric pulses of pleasure through your body.
“yeah, you gonna confess ‘bout how he tasted you?" he demanded, his voice dripping with possessiveness and a hint of sadistic pleasure, as he shook his head from side to side, intensifying your sensations.
"mmmphf!" you whimpered, the sound muffled by your grip on his golden locks, you were grippin’ on for dear life, only driving him to chuckle, the vibrations sending waves of heat through you.
it had been two long years since you two parted ways, but anakin's jealousy burned hotter than ever when he stumbled upon a picture of you with your guy friend. sure, maybe there was a drunken hookup once, but it meant nothing. ‘course anakin, with his intense and obsessive nature, had somehow deduced this.
despite the tumultuous nature of your past, you couldn't deny the raw attraction you still felt for him. the bond between you blazed brighter than ever, fueled by lust, desire. anakin was more than ready to reclaim what he believed was rightfully his, and you found yourself eagerly surrendering to him.
"tell me somethin’, he never had you like this huh, makin’ you feel this good?” his voice dripped with a cruel edge, his gaze piercing into yours, daring you to deny him.
"no, no, fuck! It only feels good when you do it," you cried out, your voice tinged with desperation as you shook your head, knowing there was no escape from his relentless control.
"mhmmm, s’what i thought, look at how wet you are. s’fucking hot," he observed, a smirk of satisfaction curling his lips as he relished in your need for him.
"jus’ shows how much you need me, yeah? i bet she's cravin’ something else. not my tongue though, yeah, my fingers?" he taunted, his words laced with mockery, a cruel grin spreading across his face as he toyed with your desires.
you whimpered in response, your protests falling on deaf ears as he continued to torment you with his teasing touch.
your body convulsed with pleasure as he traced slow circles around your clit, his movements calculated to drive you wild with need.
"mmm, my cock, s’what you need huh?" he inquired, his voice dripping with dominance, his eyes glinting with sadistic satisfaction as he awaited your eager affirmation.
his sudden departure only intensified your whines, the sight of his chin glistening with your juices made you want to cum on the spot. with a self-satisfied chuckle, he sauntered over to the nightstand, his movements exuding a cocky confidence.
"you're quite the amusing one princess, s’fuckin’ funny" he teased, a smirk playing on his lips as he retrieved a sizable dildo from the drawer. it was impressive, but nowhere near the size of him.
"ani," you whimpered, your voice laced with yearning.
"yeah, exactly the shit I wanna hear," he growled, nodding his head in approval.
“gonna hear you moanin’ like that for me huh? begging for my cock ‘stead of this pathetic little toy?” each word dripped with teasing cruelty as he toyed with your desires, relishing in the dominance he wielded over you.
your breath hitched as he expertly guided the toy into you, with a cocky grin, he leaned back to admire the scene before him, his eyes alight with a smug sense of satisfaction. "aw, s’the matter, princess? been so long, you jus’ forgot how to take cock yeah, poor thing” he teased as he watched the toy disappear inside you.
“how do you plan to handle me, hmm?" he goaded, his tone laced with seductive vanity.
you whimpered in response, your fingers grasping at him desperately, craving his touch, he could sense your neediness.
the heat between you intensified, fueling a hunger that could only be satiated by one thing, his cock.
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guilty-ff · 2 months
𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐏𝐭.5
ᡕᠵ᠊ᡃ່࡚ࠢ࠘ ⸝່ࠡࠣ᠊߯᠆ࠣ࠘ᡁࠣ࠘᠊᠊ࠢ࠘𐡏 ˚⁎⁺˳ .
Previously: After years of brutal torture by Francis, Y/N finally escaped, fighting her way out of the lab and fleeing into the dense woods. Each step was a struggle, but she knew she couldn't stop. With the guards on her heels, she disappeared into the shadows, determined to reclaim her life.
This story takes place between the second and third movies (warning: not 100% movie/comic accurate)
Pairing: Wade Wilson/Deadpool x (fem!)Reader
Genre: Angst, revenge, Fanfiction, Marvel
Warnings: Movie Spoilers! Explicit content, swearing, torture, mental health, weapons
Word count: 3640
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The slums were from now on her home. Y/n had escaped from the clutches of the facility, but the scars of her past- both mental and physical- were still engraved deeply in her body. The nights were the hardest, when the world around her was quiet and the memories screamed the loudest. She lived in a cramped, old apartment, the flickering neon lights outside her window casting shadows on the walls.
It had been weeks since her escape, weeks of hiding and laying low, blending into the filthiness of the city. Here, she was just another face in the crowd, another soul struggling to survive. But she was different. She could feel the darkness within her, the uncontrollable power that surged through her veins. She had to find a way to control it, to suppress it before it consumed her.
Y/n spent her days looking for information, piecing together bits of knowledge about mutants, about powers like hers. She searched through the back alleys and seedy bars, listening to rumors and whispered conversations. Slowly, she began to understand the nature of her abilities, the twisted gift that had been forced upon her. But understanding was not enough. She needed control.
One night, in a ed bar that reeked of sweat and stale beer, Y/n finally found a lead. She had been sitting at the counter, nursing a glass of cheap whiskey, when she overheard a conversation between two men at the next table. They spoke in low tones, their words slurred from alcohol, but Y/n's ears caught every word.
"Essex House... that place was a nightmare," one of the men muttered, his face half-hidden in the shadows. "They did some real messed up shit there."
The other man, a burly figure with a ashen beard, nodded grimly. "I heard they had a way to control mutants. Some kind of device."
Y/n's heart skipped a beat. She leaned closer, pretending to adjust her coat as she listened.
"Yeah, I know a guy who used to work there," the bearded man continued. "Big guy, real quiet. He hangs around here sometimes."
Y/n did not waste any time. She slid over to their table, her movements smooth. "Mind if I join you?" she asked, her voice low and steady.
The men exchanged a glance, then shrugged. "Sure, why not?" the bearded man said, gesturing to the empty seat.
Y/n sat down, fixing them with a piercing gaze. "I couldn't help but overhear. You mentioned Essex House. I'm looking for someone who worked there. A guard, maybe?"
The first man, looked her up and down suspiciously. "Why do you want to know?"
"Let's just say I'm looking for answers," Y/n replied, her tone leaving no room for argument. "If you can help me, I'd appreciate it."
The bearded man scratched his chin, his eyes narrowing. "I don't know his name, but he's usually around here. I'd be careful, though. He doesn't like to be bothered."
"Point him out," Y/n she said, her eyes scanning the bar.
The bearded man nodded toward the far corner, where a large figure sat hunched over the bar, nursing a drink. "That's him."
Y/n followed his gaze and saw the man- a huge, muscled frame with a shaved head and a face that looked like it had seen more than its fair share of violence. He was a mountain of a man, his broad shoulders hunched over as he downed another shot of whiskey. There was a darkness about him, an aura of danger that warned others to keep their distance.
Y/n thanked the men and made her way toward the bar, her eyes never leaving the figure in the corner. She did not approach him directly, instead choosing to observe him from a distance, waiting for the right moment. 
The man continued to drink heavily, oblivious to the world around him. It was not long before he started to show signs of drunkenness- his movements sloppy, his head nodding as if fighting off sleep.
Now. This was her chance.
Y/n moved swiftly, her steps silent on the worn wooden floor. She slipped behind the man, her hand reaching into her coat to retrieve a small vial of chloroform and a cloth. In one fluid motion, she pressed the cloth over the man's face, her other arm locking around his throat.
The man struggled, his instincts kicking in despite his drunken state, but Y/n was quick and precise. Within seconds, his body went limp, his heavy frame slumping against the bar.
She wasted no time. With the strength born from desperation, Y/n dragged the unconscious man out of the bar, navigating through the back alleys until she reached her hideout.
The basement of an abandoned building, it was cold and damp, the walls lined with old newspapers and broken furniture. She had set up a small, makeshift interrogation room- just a chair and a bare light bulb hanging from the ceiling.
Y/n tied the man to the chair, securing his wrists and ankles with thick rope. She stood back, her heart pounding as she waited for him to wake up. The adrenaline was still coursing through her veins, her hands shaking slightly as she paced the room.
Finally, the man moved slightly, his dazed eyes blinking against the harsh light. He groaned, tugging at the ropes before realizing he was restrained. Panic flickered across his face as he looked around, his gaze settling on Y/n, who stood before him with a cold, determined expression.
"What the hell—?" he began, his voice stammered from the lingering effects of the chloroform.
"Shut up," Y/n snapped, stepping closer. "I'm the one asking questions. You're going to answer them."
The man's eyes narrowed, anger replacing his initial fear. "You've got no idea who you're messing with."
"Oh, I think I do," Y/n replied, her voice icy. "You used to work at Essex House. You were a guard there."
The man's expression hardened, his jaw clenching. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Y/n's patience was wearing thin. She had spent too long hiding, too long searching for answers, to be stonewalled by this brute. She leaned in, her face inches from his, her voice low and menacing.
"Don't lie to me," she hissed. "I know what they did in that place. The experiments, the torture. I know about the children. If you think I'm bluffing, you're sorely mistaken."
The man's boldness stopped for a moment, but he quickly recovered, sneering at her. "You don't know shit."
Her hand moved faster than he could react, striking him hard across the face. His head snapped to the side, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.
"I said, don't lie to me!" Y/n shouted, her voice trembling with fury. "I know what kind of monster you are. I know what you did to those kids. Now tell me about the device that suppresses mutant powers."
The man spat blood onto the floor, glaring up at her aggressively. "Even if I did know, I wouldn't tell you."
Y/n's fist connected with his jaw again, this time with more force. The man groaned, his head lolling forward as he struggled to stay conscious.
"You have no idea what I've been through," Y/n said, her voice barely above a whisper. "The things I've seen, the pain I've endured. If you think for one second that I won't make you suffer, you're dead wrong. Now, talk."
The man's resolve began to crumble under the weight of her words, the fear returning to his eyes. He took a heavy breath, finally giving in.
"There's a wristband," he muttered, his voice barely audible. "It was designed to suppress mutant powers. But that place... it's gone. Some kid blew it up, the whole building came down."
Y/n's heart raced as she absorbed his words. "Where can I find one?"
The man hesitated, his gaze darting around the room as if searching for a way out. Finally, he sighed in defeat.
"Maybe there's still some in the storage rooms beneath the building. But it's dangerous. The whole place is crawling with security, even now."
Y/n stared at him for a long moment, her mind racing. She had what she needed, but the anger still burned within her, the memories of those children haunting her every thought.
"And one more thing," the man added, his voice a broken whisper. "There were others involved in that explosion. A man in a red and black suit... mutants from the X-Men... and some scary guy with a teddy bear."
The mention of the man in the red and black suit made Y/n's blood run cold. Wade. The man responsible for her suffering. But she pushed the thought aside, focusing on the task at hand.
"Thank you," she said coldly, before slamming her fist into his face one last time. The man's head snapped back, and he slumped in the chair, unconscious.
"You deserve much more, you little piece of shit," Y/n muttered, her voice thick with disgust. She untied him and dragged him out to a nearby street, leaving him there to be found. She had no use for him anymore.
The ruins of Essex House stood before Y/n like a tombstone, a monument to the atrocities that had taken place within its walls. The once impressive structure was now a gutted shell, its walls burned and crumbling, overtaken by creeping vines and nature's slow reclamation. The air was thick with the stench of decay and rot, a fitting aura for a place that had been a living nightmare for so many.
Y/n moved silently through the rubble, her senses heightened, every sound increased in the stillness of the night. The moon hung low in the sky, casting long, sinister shadows that danced across the broken ground. 
She had checked out the area earlier, avoiding the main entrances, which were still patrolled by security teams guarding whatever was left in the aftermath of the explosion, a few months ago. She needed to find the storage rooms beneath the building, where the guard had said the wristbands might still be.
Her heart pounded in her chest as she walked through a craggy opening in the wall, her eyes scanning the darkened interior. The building's skeleton remains were a labyrinth of broken beams and collapsed ceilings, the floors plastered with rubble and shattered glass. Every step was a calculated risk, the floorboards creaking ominously beneath her weight.
Y/n made her way down a long corridor, the walls covered in peeling paint and faded sceneries that had once depicted happy, smiling children- an ironic touch for a place that had been anything but.
Her breath stuck in the throat like there's a blockage as she approached a large door at the end of the corridor, its frame cracked and splintered. The guard's words echoed in her mind, urging her forward. She pushed the door open, and stepped into a vast chamber that had once been a laboratory.
Y/n's breath stopped as her eyes landed on the twisted metal chair in the center of the room. It was unmistakable- a torture device designed to restrain and torment its victims. The cold steel of the torture chair, the searing pain of electric currents coursing through her body. The sight of it brought a wave of nausea crashing over her, memories of her own time in such a chair flooding her mind, the mocking laughter of Francis as he watched her suffer in agony.
She was strapped to the chair, her wrists bound with cold, hard metal. The room was dimly lit, the air thick with the smell of disinfectant and blood. Francis stood before her, his cold eyes glinting with sadistic glee. He was dressed in his usual black combat gear and white coat, his arms folded as he watched her struggle against the restraints.
"Ready for another round, sweetheart?" he sneered, his voice dripping with malice.
Y/n's heart pounded in her chest, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. She was drenched in sweat, her body trembling from the aftershocks of the last session. She had lost count of how many times he had done this to her, how many times he had pushed her to the brink of death, only to pull her back and start again.
"Please... no more," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
Francis chuckled, his laughter a cruel, grating sound that echoed in the small room. "Oh, I'm just getting started," he said, reaching for the control panel beside the chair. His fingers danced over the buttons, and a low hum filled the air as the machine powered up.
Y/n's eyes widened in fear as the currents of electricity surged through her body, her muscles spasming uncontrollably. The pain was unbearable, like being ripped apart from the inside. She screamed, the sound tearing from her throat, but there was no one to hear her, no one to save her.
Francis watched with detached amusement, his expression one of mild curiosity. "You know, it's fascinating," he mused, his voice calm and measured. "Watching how much pain a person can endure before they break. You're tougher than most, I'll give you that."
Her vision blurred as the pain reached a crescendo, her mind teetering on the edge of unconsciousness. But she held on, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing her broken. She had to survive, had to escape, no matter what it took.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the currents stopped, and Y/n slumped in the chair, her body limp and exhausted. Francis leaned in close, his face inches from hers.
"Don't worry, darling," he whispered, his breath hot against her skin. "We'll keep doing this until you learn to behave."
Y/n snapped back to the present, her hands trembling as she stared at the torture chair. The memories were like a vice around her chest, squeezing the air from her lungs. But she could not afford to break down now, not when she was so close. She forced herself to move, to search the room for the wristband.
The storage room was hidden behind a steel door, half-buried under rubble. Y/n unlocked it with a crowbar she had found earlier, using all her strength to pull the door free. Inside, she found a small, windowless room lined with shelves. Dust coated everything, the air stale and suffocating. She searched through the shelves, her hands moving frantically as she searched for the device.
Finally, her fingers closed around a small, sleek wristband, its surface smooth and cold to the touch. This was it- the device that could suppress her powers, that could give her the control she so desperately needed.
But as she pulled the wristband from the shelf, a shrill alarm pierced the air, the sound reverberating through the building. Panic surged through Y/n as she realized she had triggered a security system, her heart racing as the distant sound of footsteps echoed through the halls.
She had to get out, and fast.
Y/n bolted from the storage room, clutching the wristband tightly in her hand. She sprinted down the corridor, her mind a blur as she searched for an escape route. The footsteps were getting closer, the shouts of guards filling the air.
She spotted a window at the end of the hall, its glass cracked but still intact. Without hesitation, she launched herself at it, her shoulder slamming into the glass. The window shattered with a deafening crash, and Y/n tumbled through the opening, her body twisting in midair.
The world spun around her as she rolled to her feet, glass shards cutting into her skin. But there was no time to stop, no time to recover her injuries. The guards were right behind her.
Y/n ran, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she sprinted through the darkened streets. The sounds of pursuit faded into the distance, but she did not stop. She could not stop. Not until she was safe.
Finally, after what felt like hours, she slowed to a halt, her body aching and exhausted. She had made it. She had escaped, and she had the wristband. But as she stood there, alone in the shadows, the memories of Essex House lingered in her mind, a reminder of the horrors she had endured- and the revenge she would soon unleash.
Y/n sat in her dimly lit hideout, the cold, metal wristband clasped tightly in her hand. She had waited for this moment, the promise of control over her powers finally within her grasp. With a deep breath, she slipped the wristband onto her wrist. A series of tiny, almost inaudible clicks signaled its activation. She felt a slight hum of energy ripple through her body, a sensation that was both foreign and strangely comforting.
"Okay, Y/n," she whispered to herself, her voice barely more than a murmur in the silence. "Time to see if this thing really works."
Her heart pounded in her chest as she picked up a small, sharp knife. She took a moment to steel herself before pressing the blade against the palm of her hand. Slowly, deliberately, she drew the knife across her skin, wincing as a thin line of blood welled up. She braced herself for the familiar agony of her powers activating, but to her astonishment, the pain remained localized. The cut did not heal as it usually would.
"It works," she breathed, a mix of relief and awe in her voice. "It actually works."
She wrapped her hand in a bandage, her mind already racing with the possibilities. For the first time in years, she felt like she had a measure of control over her life, over her destiny. She was not just a victim of her circumstances; she could be the master of them.
Over the next two years, Y/n threw herself into training with a passion that bordered on obsession. She perfected her combat skills, mastering various martial arts and weapons. She trained with knives, guns, and swords, each session pushing her limits further. Her hideout became a makeshift dojo, littered with training equipment and weapons of all kinds.
Her reputation in the slums grew as she took on hitman jobs to fund her training. She became a ghost, an unseen force of retribution for those who could not fight back.
One evening, she was approached by a woman with bruised arms and tear-streaked cheeks.
"Please," the woman begged, her voice trembling. "My husband... he beats me. I can't take it anymore. Please, make him stop."
Y/n looked into the woman's eyes, seeing the same helplessness and desperation she had felt so many times before. "What's his name?" she asked quietly.
"Jack. Jack Thompson. He works at the docks," the woman replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
Y/n nodded. "Consider it done. He won't hurt you again."
Two years had passed since Y/n had escaped from Francis, two years of relentless training and hard-earned survival. She decided it was time to visit her own grave, a symbolic gesture to honour the person she once was. She made her way to a small flower shop, her mind set on finding the perfect bloom.
As she approached the counter to pay for a single white lily, she saw a woman laughing and chatting with the shopkeeper. The sight made her freeze. It was Vanessa. Alive and well, her smile as bright as ever. Y/n's heart clenched painfully in her chest, pulling her hood that covered her face even more down. She quickly paid for the flower and fled the shop, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and anger.
She reached her grave, a simple, unadorned headstone with her name etched into the cold marble. The vase next to it was empty.
"I see," she whispered, her voice cracking with emotion. "Forgotten and abandoned, even in death."
She knelt down, placing the lily in the empty vase. "I can't remember my old self," she said softly, tears welling in her eyes. "She truly did die, as well as her trust in you."
Her thoughts turned dark as she slowly stood up. Wade had saved Vanessa, she realized, her mind piecing together the puzzle with cold clarity.
He must have used Cable's time travel device during the Mutant Rehabilitation incident to go back and save her... but he left me to die.
As she turned and walked away from the grave, she could feel a rising tide of hatred surging within her, anger directed at Wade for abandoning her, for choosing Vanessa over her.
Later that evening, Wade approached the same grave. He was dressed in his red and black costume, the weight of his grief and guilt heavy on his shoulders. In his hand, he held a brand-new flower and a polished vase. He had not missed a single visit, always coming back to this lonely, forgotten corner of the cemetery to leave a token of his sorrow and love.
As he knelt down to place the new flower in the vase, he noticed the fresh lily already there, wilting slightly in the cold night air.
"Who...?" Wade muttered to himself, confusion furrowing his brow. He looked around, but the cemetery was empty and silent.
He placed his own flower beside the lily, a pang of sadness piercing his heart. "I'm sorry," he whispered to the grave. "I'm so damn sorry."
He stood there for a long moment, staring at the headstone as if willing it to give him some sort of answer, some sign that she knew he had not given up on her, that he still mourned her every day.
But the silence of the graveyard offered no reunion, only deepened the gap of misunderstanding that was growing between them, unseen and unspoken.
As Y/n made her way back through the slums, her mind was a storm of emotions. She was determined now, fueled by a dark purpose. She had been forgotten, left to rot in the shadows while Wade had moved on, living his best life with Vanessa.
A twisted sense of revenge began to take root in her heart, and she knew that the next time she crossed paths with Wade, it would be on her terms. And when that day came, there would be a reckoning.
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cloudsanddust · 5 months
I’ve been obsessing over shadow knights recently so I prepose a thought.
We know Shadow Knights are glorified zombies who are practically decaying, right?
Well what if Shadow Knights could go into a sort of hibernation like state? Being reclaimed by nature?
Like a shadow knight enters the over world and is tired of the village life but also the knight life. So they opt to lie on the forest floor and enter a deep slumber as nature tries to reclaim them. Unfortunately due to them being a shadow knight nature can only reclaim so much. Everything around the knight decays while a tree covers their body, protecting them. These trees look different due to the dark magic the shadow knight is giving off. So instead of normal overworld tree, a tree from the nether sprouts in place.
Immortal knights do this because they feel it’s the closest thing to death.
Not fully fledged knights do this because they fear they might harm their loved ones.
It’s a death like sleep but the knight can be awakened if the area around them is disturbed a good bit.
Examples are: Floods, Earthquakes, Tornados, construction work/drilling in the ground, constant destruction to the tree, etc.
So imagine the mcd world slowly turning into the my street world and Laurence entered this type of slumber back during mcd. Later he is awoken by reincarnations of his friends in the modern my street world.
Just a silly thought touching on Shadow Knights decaying 🤗✨
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