#and no medication is stopping them completely
januaryembrs · 1 day
hot chocolate!
(last one i promise)
reader & spencer who aren’t exactly enemies but they’re def not friends but reader always double checks if spencer’s fbi vest is secured correctly which in return makes spencer check her over as well and they’re always like ‘stop checking up on me and worry about your own safety’ and it just happens every single time and they swear up and down that they dislike eachother deeply (they need to make out)
BANE OF MY EXISTENCE | Spencer Reid x reader
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description: Spencer hates you, and you hate him, until it comes to protecting each other in the field
length: 0.7k
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His fingers wound through the back of your vest as you made a move to dart past him, trailing after Hotch as you loaded your glock. 
You felt a yank at your neck, his obnoxiously long arms giving you a firm tug back with little to no effort, all but making you stumble backwards as he forced you to stop, and his fingers were at your hip, adjusting the strap before you could ask him just exactly what he was doing. 
“Wha- Reid, let go, my vest is fine,” You snapped, huffing when he ignored you, in the interest of fixing your belt, his brow turned down into a frown. 
“Don’t come crying to me when you get shot in abdomen and suddenly you’re bleeding out, and you lay there and thinking, dang if only the smart FBI would have told me to adjust my kevlar, and I’ll be right there to point and laugh and say I told you so,” He huffed, his fingers making light work of the fiddly strap, tightening it until he couldn’t see a single inch of your shirt to the point he heard your breathing constrict, but he thought he’d rather you be a little uncomfortable than shot. 
“I mean, if I’m laying bleeding out I won’t really have much to say other than, Reid, get medical, I think they hit something serious, please don’t come to my funeral, you were insufferable enough when I was living,” You said, allowing your body to be tugged back as he started on the other side, because there was no use fighting it when he got in those moods when he always needed to be right. 
He paused, his brain catching up to your words and he drew in a silent breath, wondering if the other side of your jacket needed tightening even more, or better yet, if there was any way Hotch would make you stay in the car as back up. 
Spencer yanked the strap with a vendetta, ignoring the way you whined it was too tight, and his lips pursed together. 
“Would you relax, I was clearly kidding,” You said, thinking his mood had come from your teasing, because you seemed to know exactly what to say to push every one of his buttons, “What I would probably be thinking however is if you’ll be able to flag down a medic with your shoelaces untied,”
His gaze snapped to his converse, and sure enough the double knot he relied on seemed to have failed him, and his strings were hazard material as they dragged along the pavement, already mucky where they’d probably been undone for hours. 
“Make sure you do them before we move in, I’m not carrying your bone head out of there if we start taking hits and you trip over your own feet,” You snipped, and he finally released you, immediately leaning down to fix his own issues, completely missing the way your eyes trailed down to make sure he did the loops tight enough because you were being serious when you said it would loathe you to be the one to carry him away from the danger, though probably not in the way he thought. 
He huffed, standing back to his full height and giving his feet a wiggle in their shoes to make sure they were comfortable, and he looked back at you where you were watching him carefully, catching the split second where something close to worry pooled in your eyes. 
It snapped back into your usual cold demeanour when you realised he was looking straight at you, and you whirled you keep your back to him, inspecting your loaded gun some more as a way to busy yourself. 
“Try not to miss, it doesn’t look good on the reports when I have to save your ass twice,” Spencer snarked, and he practically heard the scoff before you even gave it. 
“That was one time, Reid, and it was only cause I couldn’t see past your stupid fluffy hair. You’re a cop, Reid, not a poodle, you don't need that much volume,” You snapped back, the two of you squabbling the entire walk to the building, until Hotch separated you for the sake of his growing headache. 
He just wished you two would talk things out before he seriously considered Emily’s proposition of locking you in the broom closet together.
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bonefall · 1 day
do you have any tips for writing a low empathy character who isn't evil? Or how to make an interesting apathetic character who's a thoughtless sort of evil? These are two different chatacters btw-
I tried looking up examples and stuff but uh. It's been a bit fruitless.
Honestly it's not too hard! Having low empathy just means we're bad at automatically "connecting" to the feelings of other people. You can come to understand it's not even a character flaw once you uncouple the idea that Empathy = Kindness. And apathy, well, that one's a bit more complicated imo.
Low Empathy
In English, it's just unfortunately super common to conflate Empathy and Compassion. To have compassion is to be aware of the suffering of another person, and ergo, want to help stop it. To be empathetic is to identify with and understand the feelings of another person. These are different things.
For an example in action; imagine a medic with a patient whose shoulder is dislocated, and xey'll need to pop that arm back in place in order for the patient to feel better.
A medic feeling EMPATHY for that patient is having an emotional response to what xey're seeing. Xey might have a tingly "ghost pain" thinking about the injury, and xey might feel guilty xey're going to put them in more agony, but also joy because this patient is going to feel much better in just a moment.
A medic feeling COMPASSION for that patient is thinking about how the shoulder must be causing a lot of pain, and knows xey have the skill to fix it. Xey know from xeir own experience that pain sucks and so it is a bad thing that needs to go away. It will hurt a little more for a moment, but then there will be immediate relief.
This is imo, why a lot of low empathy people are "bad at" comforting people without going to Autism College where they give you the scripts of Shit Neurotypicals Say. We're not trying to be selfish when we end up making "comfort sessions" about ourselves-- that's what we think empathy is, because we don't have a lot of it to really know what you want.
Like, doesn't it make sense to you? "I don't know what you're feeling. Here's a similar situation I've been though. I must know what you're feeling-- does that make you feel better? That you aren't alone? I think that's what empathy is, am I right?"
A LOT of low empathy people go into medical fields, the funeral industry, and disaster relief. We often really do want to help people so seek these fields out, or when we get there, just end up not getting burnt out like our high-empathy peers!
As for the apathetic character, honestly, I'd suggest thinking about your story's themes. Villains are very special to me and I always try to handle them with care. What are you trying to say is bad to not care about in your work? How does their apathy play into the story you're trying to tell?
A Captain Planet villain is completely selfish, and exists only to benefit itself by exploiting nature in some way. Then the Planeteers show up and punch it in the face. Boiled down to its barest, most simple essentials; "We have conflicting goals and so I will stop you."
Personally I find total apathy to be something not especially compelling in villains, for that reason. Like, if you really don't care about anything, why bother with the trouble of going against the protag? Motivation is meant to be MOTIVATING.
(also ngl I'm on the Shadow As A Hero sort of bandwagon where I find it much funnier for the simple apathetic cool edgy guy to be the funniest person on your tennis team)
Dungeon Meshi has TWO characters who struggle with apathy, and are both antagonists at some points in the story, but never villains. Shuro and Mithrun. The theme of Dungeon Meshi is the beauty and complexity of life, the value of living, and how our connections to others changes the people we are. Food is a metaphor for bonding, self-care, and understanding.
For Shuro, he begins the story as someone who's both been encouraged to bottle up his emotions for the sake of other people, as well as to not actually consider the emotions of those lower-born than him. He's from a very different place than the other members of his party, and this causes friction as class, culture, and sophisticated, refined, weapons-grade autism clashes.
When the woman he loves is eaten by a dragon, he doesn't stop to tell her brother and """childhood friend""" what he's planning, as if they both wouldn't run in and get hurt. He owns demi-humans. He doesn't consider his own needs or the needs of his rescue team of loyal vassals. As a result, he's too weak to continue, losing a fistfight with one of the main characters, Laios.
After this, he connects with him for the very first time, and reaches out to him by giving him an important magic item. There's even a MASSIVE moment where he outright tells Laios that his ability to be so open (read: not have to mask his autism) is something he envies, breaking through that veil of apathy he wears.
The story Dungeon Meshi is telling here is that it is important to value the needs of yourself and of others. Shuro's apathy towards his own needs in a bid to prove his love weakened him. In acting like he was above his old teammates, he never spoke to them like people to smooth out his issues. He's never even noticed how much his vassals love and care for him.
(and the incredible irony is not lost on me, that Shuro's name is because Laios mispronounced it and was never corrected... while Shuro never noticed that Izutsumi had the unwanted name "Asebi" forced onto her when she was "taken in" and made his slave.)
See how that comes back to the theme? Shuro doesn't exist to just "be some asshole" or act like a villain. He has a full character arc that contributes to the narrative.
For Mithrun? I won't even spoil it. Go read Dungeon Meshi. Watch elf depression. We love a king with strabismus.
If you ever need good personal resources on any stigmatized mental condition, I've found it's usually productive to go into the #Actually (Thing) tag here on Tumblr. You can find people posting about basically anything. I found a lot of really good resources on NPD that way.
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lucysarah-c · 1 day
Question my lovely Levi fanfic writer
First off: thank you for always feeding me, it’s glorious
Now onto my question: how do you think Levi would react to his S/O giving birth? I know for the time period they were kind of placed it, it could seem odd for men to be in the waiting room, what kind of person do you think Levi would be in the delivery
It’s giving acting like he knows what’s going on to keep his partner confident but definitely mentally freaking the fuck out
Hi! Hi! How are you?
Aww, no, thank you! Thank you for reading and stopping by my inbox to leave some love. <3 I truly appreciate it. <3
Oh, this scenario is one I think about often. I really love the show "Call the Midwife," and it gives a realistic portrayal of what giving birth was like in the past. Indeed, men were rarely allowed inside the delivery room. Typically, if they were brought in, it was because something had gone wrong, and they needed to make a heartbreaking decision between saving the mother or the baby—a terrible practice.
If Levi were forced to wait outside the delivery room, I can just picture him wearing away the marble floors with his pacing. He’d be thinking, "I should be in there," torn apart inside because he could hear her screams but also desperately hoping to hear the healthy cry of his baby and know his wife is safe. Levi isn’t religious, but he might find himself praying that night for a few hours. I imagine him muttering, "I should be doing something," and perhaps a member of the medical staff or Hange, there for moral support, might quip, "Your only job in this whole process was done the night you got her pregnant, shorty."
BUT! Let’s consider another scenario. Levi might take his wife to the hospital or perhaps choose to have the birth at home, as was common back then. When the midwives try to close the door on him, he’d insist, "I’m staying with her."
"Men aren’t allowed."
"And who’s going to stop me?" he’d reply, with that deadpan voice and deathly glare Zeke knows too well. Good luck opposing humanity’s strongest soldier. If he’s allowed in, Levi would stay with her the entire time, especially if she’s scared. He doesn’t want to miss seeing his child born, but his priority is being there for her.
He’d let her crush his hand and curse his name as much as she needs to. What’s the point of his strength if he can’t support his wife? I agree, Levi would pretend everything is "alright" and that he’s "calm," thanks to those Ackerman genes.
But the moment the baby is placed on her chest and starts crying with full lungs, and she seems alright—crying out of confusion and happiness too, probably—Levi would kiss her head, thanking her and praising her hard work. He’d feel his legs shaking, mostly because the situation was completely out of his control. There’s nothing he could do except tell her, "You’re amazing."
He might even feel his hands shaking as he holds the baby in his arms, sitting beside her as she rests. Levi would gently rock the baby, unable to stop marveling, saying, "He’s so tiny… but his hands are perfectly formed. He’s truly a tiny human… and you did all this."
She would hum in agreement, and for once, Levi would be the one saying, "Oi, try to be a bit more enthusiastic. Look how handsome he is… he looks like you."
She might joke, "Because we both look swollen, red, and a disaster?"
"Tch, no. I was going to say he has your nose."
I adore this one! I hope you like it too! Thank you for reading! <3
Stay safe!
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @angelofthorr @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @levisecretgfblog @searriously @blackdxggr @ackermanswifee @galactict3a @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-12345 Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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artificialbreezy · 22 hours
Finding Her: CHAPTER TWO
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AN: I hope you enjoy chapter 2! As always, this series contents dark content that may be unsettling to some readers. Please proceed with caution. Your mental health matters.
You can find chapter one here
You can join the taglist here
TAGS: @darling-millicent-aubrey @missduffsblog @thefallennightmare @as-above-so-below1000 @alastriaa @amelia-acero @eclipseeeetop @noahsbong @abiomens @lilrubles @badomensls @pathion @exephantom @honeytama @wild-child-7747 @areuirish @1toreyouapart @iluvmewwww75
WC: 1.4k
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Consensual non-consent, mentions of drugs (drugging a person and medical drugs), mentions of addiction, knife play, blood, stockholm syndrome, kidnapping, stalking, dacryphilia, possessive Noah, slapping, mentions of abuse, Noah has a monster cock in this story, asphyxiation, blind folds and bondage (sexually and not), branding, impact play, cock worship, collaring, degradation, d/s, face fucking, gags, orgasm denial, pet play (if you squint), toys
Staring at the letter in my hand, I couldn't help but shake. I was nervous, my apartment complex was safe. You couldn't get into the elevator without being checked in and approved. Who put these here? Why did they give me these? Maybe it was silly to worry. I must have met someone last night, and gave them my address. Yeah! That's what had to have happened. I sighed before grabbing the vase and moving it to my window sill in my kitchen. I may not know who sent them to me but might as well appreciate them, right?
I didn't let the slight panic from this morning stop me from my usual Friday routine. I threw my hair up, slipped on my sandals, grabbed my purse and headed to Jolly’s shop. I waved to the doorman on duty this morning and stepped out. Taking a breath of fresh air was all I needed to ground myself again. I was pulled away from my thoughts as I collided with the man in front of me. “Oh my god! I'm so sorry!” I spoke up, there was a quiet chuckle. “You’re okay, I swear. Sometimes I don't pay attention on my morning runs.” He spoke. “Oh! Dollie, right? You're friends with Nick. I was at the bar last night. I'm Noah!” My brain immediately went back to Nick telling me that Noah brought me home last night. A feeling of uneasiness came over me, until I looked from his fully tattooed chest and up to his beautiful brown eyes. Something inside me went from fear over a stranger being in my home, to the sudden feeling of safety. How did i go from panic to comfort by a complete stranger? I'm going to have to unpack that with Jolly as soon as I get to that coffee shop.
“Dollie? You okay? You seem a little in space now.” Noah’s voice brought me back down. “Oh, I'm sorry. Sometimes I just get in my head ya know. Um. Yes, I'm Dollie! I'm sorry I don't fully remember you. I remember you sitting down but that's about it.” Noah smiled down at me. Before I had much time to think, the words just came out. “I'm on my way to Jolly’s coffee shop. I usually help him out in the shop on my days off. If you want to join me, you're welcome too!” Noah nodded at me, “I’d love to, but I definitely don't want to overstep with you and your boyfriend.” I laughed at the thought of Jolly as my boyfriend. “Oh god. No! Jolly is in fact not my boyfriend. He’s just been my friend for years.” I saw a small smirk appear on Noah’s face. I reached down and grabbed his hand, “follow me, then!”
The walk to the shop was pretty quiet, but the shop was a 5 minute walk from my apartment. I pointed to the shop that was a couple steps in front of us, indicating this was it. “I didn't know Jolly owned this, knew he worked here but that's all. This is where Nicholas and I met Jolly. We come here every week before we head to the library around the corner.” My eyes widen, “I work at the library! I don't know how I've never seen you!” I spoke as I walked into the building, waving to Jolly who was behind the register. He smiled towards me and I watched his face change as he noticed Noah behind me. Mouthing later he nodded his head towards the end of the counter where I saw my drink already setting. Noah went up and ordered his drink, then worked his way by me. Reaching up, I sat my hand on his arm. “In 5 minutes, I'll be right back. I promise!” I mumbled before walking back into Jolly’s office.
As soon as I closed the office door I heard Jolly’s soft voice. “You two must've hit it off last night if you're bringing him on your help day.” Sighing, I was almost afraid my voice would give out. “Dollie, what happened? You're scaring me.” Deciding to not bring up the mystery flowers, I shook my head. “Jolly, nothings wrong. I promise. I quite literally ran into him, and invited him. I figured why not? He gave me a weird sense of comfort for barely remembering his name from last night.” He nodded at me and kept working. “Well go on, go talk to him. Fall in love and all that gross stuff.” He chuckled at me. “Haha, so funny! Shut up! I’ll work extra hard next week. Swear.” I spoke while crossing my heart, before walking out. I stepped into the dining area and noticed Noah was nowhere to be seen. “Dollie! That guy left this for you.” the barista yelled at me. The note read; I'm sorry, Doll. Work called and I had to run. Wish i could've said bye to your pretty face. Give me a call when you're free, and if you don’t. Well, then i'll see you thursday.
Walking into my apartment building the doorman handed me a letter. “Someone dropped this off for you right after you left earlier.” Smiling, I grabbed the letter and walked towards the elevator. There was nothing on the envelope but my name written in all caps. Ripping the letter open, I felt my heart drop. There was a polaroid of me this morning holding the flowers with Beautiful written under it. How did they get this angle? You can't see this from my window? This looks like it was taken in my living room. There's no way. No one was there, but me. Looking around the hallway outside the elevator, I saw no one and quickly made my way to my apartment. My heart felt like it was going to jump right out of my chest. This is weird. This is way weirder than I thought. As soon as I stepped through my door, I quickly locked the door. Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed my biggest knife and made my way through each room. Am I being overly paranoid? Maybe, but this dude took a photo of me inside my own home. I need to be cautious, just to ease myself. Maybe Nick or Jolly could stay with me for a couple days. No! That’s silly. My home is the safest spot for me. No one can get in here. I'm fine. I think the best way to handle my anxiety is taking Hydroxyzine. Can't be worried if i'm asleep.
It was almost too much. The feeling of his tongue on my neck, while he gently rocked his hips forward. Causing a groan to leave his mouth as I clenched around his cock. A silent way of begging for him to let go. “Please, Noah.” As if that was all he needed, he thrusted once more, before he filled me with his seed. The loud ringing of my phone ripped me out of the dream land where I was hiding. My phone showed a number I didn't know. Deciding to ignore it, I threw the blanket off of me. There was what felt like a puddle between my legs. I immediately pulled my panties off to see what looked like a man's cum settling. What the fuck? My phone started ringing again, that same number. Annoyed, I answered. “Hey Doll! I hope I'm not interrupting anything. Just wanted to make sure you got the note I left at the cafe.” I took a huge breath in, calming instantly. “Hi Noah! No not at all, I just woke up actually. You were in my dream, oddly enough” I chuckled out. Suddenly remembering my dream. “Oh god. Please ignore that. That was stupid to say.” There was a tone of embarrassment in my voice. “Please, I'd love to hear about it. Who knows, maybe I already have an idea.” He chuckled. “Excuse me? What did you say?” I mumbled out. “What? I said, I'd love to hear about it if you're comfortable.” When I did not respond to him he cleared his throat. “Doll, are you okay?” His voice was soft. Inviting, even. I don't know what came over me. This isn't like me. “I’m okay! I think I'm just a little tired. If it's okay, I think I should take myself back to bed.” There was a noise outside my front door, ignoring whatever response Noah said. My feet moved before my brain did. There was a piece of paper. Sat right in front of my door. Someone very clearly slid under.
You make the prettiest noises.
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bleedingintogold · 2 days
The medic leaned over his captain, wiping away the sweat on his forehead with a damp cloth. The man himself was out cold, as he had been for the past day. Tan skin had become a pale shade and a strong body had been reduced to a limp shell of itself. Heavy breathing became the only thing that showed he was still alive and struggling to be.
He wasn't getting better.
The wound had festered and the infection must have gotten into his bloodstream. Medic had been too late to notice and the captain had been too occupied trying to keep as many of his men alive as he could whilst completing their mission. The platoon stopped advancing yesterday when their captain collapsed right in front of them.
But the general had had enough. One man wasn't enough reason to abandon their assignment.
"He can't even sit up by himself, sir! He won't survive if we-" "We aren't bringing him. He will stay here," "With all due respect sir, this platoon needs their medic with them-" "I said that your captain is staying here. Not you," The medic's heart dropped when the general's words started to register. He was being ordered to leave behind his captain. His brother by everything but blood. "Look at him, medic. I doubt he will still be alive by tommorow. You're wasting your supplies," "General! He isn't dead yet! He just needs time-" "Time that we do not have, soldier. We will move by sunrise tommorow. We are advancing without him,"
A small whine answered the general before the medic could, making both men turn to the weak body on the cot. The general sighs as he walks to the young man's side, placing a gentle hand on a too warm forehead. The captain's eyes were hardly open, but he was conscious and had heard the whole conversation. "I'm sorry, son. You were a good soldier and one of my best men. But this mission is of higher importance," "My men...take care of 'em, sir," "I will. For your own good, you need to let go. You don't need to hold on anymore, son. You've done your part," The medic's hand trembled as he watched the two high ranks.
"m' sorry, sir...dying...is not as easy as I thought," "I know. Which is why I will help you. You don't have to suffer like this anymore, son," The general said as he passed the medic a small packet of white powder. "Sir?" "It's cyanide. Mix some into water and feed it to him tonight," "You're...you're asking me to kill him, sir?" "He's in pain, soldier. You're going to do him a favour,"
The captain was partially conscious now but he had seen the powder. Medic made the mistake of meeting the captain's eyes, seeing the fear in them under the haze of sickness. "I will allow you to bury him properly before we depart. Make sure it is done by sunrise," the general said before leaving the tent.
Medic cradled his captain's upper torso, the mixed concoction of poison ready in a canteen. The captain's head laid limp against Medic's shoulder. Medic noticed that his captain was trembling.
No, wait. It was him.
He was trembling.
A weak voice pulled the medic out of his haze. "Medic...I...I don't want to die," a voice he didn't recognize said, soft but shaky. "But...you're in...pain. You won't survive anyway-" "I don't wanna die...please...I'm scared..."
Medic put the canteen down, instead wrapping his arms tightly around his captain. The captain was built bigger than medic, but he seemed incredibly small in his brother's arms. "Okay. Okay. You're not going to die, alright? I'm not...I won't do it," "But...the orders..." "Fuck the orders. I am a medic. Your medic. My task is to keep the men alive, not kill them,"
The captain didn't answer, savouring the warmth of his brother holding him.
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textsfromthetva · 2 days
I would have made a post sooner, but I've been too distressed to even talk about this.
Mobius is sick. That's my cat, for the uninitiated. He started throwing up food Thursday night, like, a lot, so we went to the vet on Friday, who concluded he had a fever, but other than that and the nausea, there were no symptoms. So that's an infection, right? No telling where, but he got a shot of anty-nausea meds, a shot of antibiotics, and I got a box of catch-all antibiotics in pill form, and home we went.
Problem is, he kept getting worse. Cats do this thing where, when they feel a bit under the weather, they go 'guess I'll die 🤷‍♂️' and stop eating and drinking, like little drama queens. So you need to keep them from starving themselves to death until medication starts working. Friday night I had to start force feeding him, which in the case of cats means mixing wet food with water, forcing their jaw open, and using a syringe (without a needle, obvs) to squirt food into their mouth, holding their head back to force them to swallow. It's not fun for either party, and for 36 hours I did that every other hour, including throughout the night. But he continued to get worse. He was sluggish and dehydrated. I kept feeding him. No improvement. He was miserable, I was miserable, it was fucking horrible.
Sunday night we went to an emergency vet clinic, because I couldn't handle it any longer, I needed someone to have another look. She concluded that his fever had gone up, despite him being on antibiotics. This is obviously very troubling. She convinced me to pay for some blood work, just the basics, and he's insured, so whatever. I told her the Good Girl died two months ago, from FIP (feline infectious peritonitis). When she came back she looked very grim, and had brought scanning equipment. A ton of stuff was totally fine, but there was one thing, that was alarming. A number that should be over 8 in healthy cats, with 4-8 being troubling, and under 4 being 'that cat probably has FIP' was clocking in at a 3 for Mobius. But his red blood cells were fine and his organ markers were fine, so she did an ultra sound to look for fluids in his abdominal cavity, which is another sign of FIP. There was nothing. She's worried that it's just because we caught it super early.
But, we decided to proceed as if he's got a crazy infection, he got another injection of anti-nausea medication, new antibiotics, some fever-reduction pills, and an appetite stimulant that's a cream you rub on the inside of their ears, so it's absorbed through the skin.
He started perking up a lot. Still wasn't eating though. So this afternoon my mom stopped by with ten different kinds of wet food they had lying around (cat breeder behaviour), and we created a huge buffet on the kitchen floor. All my plates are in play. And eventually he started eating some shredded chicken in jelly. I don't know if you've ever cried from watching a cat eat, but I was fucking sobbing.
At this point, 12 hours later, I've had to refill the plate with that single fucking kind of wet food four times. He's almost halfway through a big can by now!
So I'm choosing to be delulu right now. I'm choosing to believe that those numbers were off because he hadn't eaten. Because he's completely back to normal now, behaviourally, and surely, surely he would not get better like this if he was fatally ill and about to die.
Anyway, if he does die I'm going to break. Just FYI.
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heradion · 3 days
Emerald Star ( a s6 off screen Sterek ficlet)
Set after this scene.
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As Stiles was finally given some medical attention and they had bandaged up his toe, he had calmed down and was breathing into a paper bag while a medic gave him some pills to help with the pain.
Derek had been asked to complete some formalities with the FBI and was taken away by some agents just moments before.
Stiles limped sitting carefully on the sidewalk by the road icing his toe waiting for Derek.
After a few minutes , Derek handed some papers to the agents before heading over to where Stiles was sitting .
" You're free to go ?" Stiles asked as Derek sat next to him
" Pretty much" Derek said " I see you're no longer screaming in pain, How's your toe?"
" Patched up for now,I'll be fine in a few days " He replied
" That guy said you're free to take a few days to recover before heading back " Derek said pointing at the agent in charge of the field operation.
" Of course he did" Stiles stated " They're worried that if this gets worse, I'd be able to sue them. Although I'm the one who convinced them to take me on the operation, I'm still an intern."
Derek nodded before standing up. " You could benefit from a few days off. Come on" He said reaching his hand out to Stiles who took it before carefully standing up
" You think you can walk? " Derek asked as Stiles handed the ice pack back to the medics
" I think so " Stiles replied trying to walk and wincing in pain
" Alright come on" Derek said putting his arm around his shoulder and one on his hip to help him walk to his jeep.
Derek helped him sit in the passenger seat before heading to the driver side.
" Where are we going?" Stiles enquired as Derek started the jeep
" My motel, it's a little further down from here" Derek stated
" You can drop me off at my motel and keep the jeep for the night " Stiles stated
" You'd better stay with me." Derek stated " For..uhm..your safety, so you don't end up injuring yourself more. "
" Oh, uhm Are you sure ?" Stiles questioned as Derek nodded
" Alright Can you stop by mine first? I gotta grab some of my stuff ." Stiles stated
Derek agreed as they drove in silence, a lingering sense of uncertainty and tension palpable between the two since the last time they had seen each other was when Kate had taken Scott.
Derek had left and decided not to look back at Beacon Hills which had bothered Stiles more than he'd like to admit because no one else seemed as perturbed.
Derek pulled over to Stiles motel and helped him to his room waiting outside as Stiles packed his stuff before checking out.
Derek helped him with his bags before they settled into an uneasy silence while Derek drove towards his motel.
Once they reached his motel, Derek grabbed Stiles's bag and helped him walk up to the room before unlocking it and letting him in.
Stiles walked in and crashed on the tiny couch looking around the room to find only one queen sized bed .
He pursed his lips wondering why Derek had told him to stay here when he had only one bed.
" Do you want to take a shower?" Derek asked
" Huh?" Stiles asked, his thoughts being interrupted.
" Are you going to take a shower or shall I go?" Derek asked grabbing a towel and sweatpants .
" You can go, I'll go after you" Stiles stated as Derek headed into the bathroom
Stiles dug through his bag to find a book to keep him occupied and was interrupted a few minutes later by a shirtless Derek walking through the bathroom door wearing only grey sweatpants with the towel around his neck as he dried his hair
Stiles lowered the book a little raising his eyebrows at the sight in front of him as Derek went to grab a shirt.
" Do you want to go now?" Derek asked wearing a black shirt that, of course clung to his body making Stiles roll his eyes
Does he always buy a size small? Stiles wondered before standing up and slowly grabbing a towel along with a change of clothes before heading to the shower .
" Are you sure it's safe to get your wound wet ?" Derek asked
" I'll just wrap a plastic bag around it, just to be safe " Stiles stated grabbing an empty take out cover he had stuffed in his bag as Derek looked at him questioningly.
" What?" Stiles asked
" Why do you have a plastic bag with you?" Derek asked
" It helps with panic attacks and stuff " Stiles shrugged
" it's not a hygiene thing, I'm very tidy , thank you very much " He snarked slowly limping to the shower
Once he had cleaned himself up, he headed out slowly walking with the plastic cover around his foot.
" You're gonna hurt yourself " Derek stated as Stiles sat on the chair by the side of the bed
" I'll be fine " Stiles stated slowly taking off the cover and placing his foot on the bed
Derek moved over so he was sitting by Stiles's leg before reaching over and holding Stiles's ankle gently putting it on his lap
" What are you-" Stiles asked trying to pull his leg away when Derek tightened his grp on his ankle not letting him move it.
" Calm down" Derek said looking at him " I'm only trying to help"
Stiles watched feeling a little uneasy as Derek's veins turned black and he felt a sense of relief on his injured foot before Derek gently placed it back onto the bed.
" Thank you" Stiles said rubbing the back of his neck nervously
Derek nodded before grabbing a book from his nightstand and moving further away on the bed to read .
Stiles narrowed his eyes looking at him wondering if he should let it go or say something about what was bothering him.
" Uhm, hello? " Stiles said as Derek turned to look at him " What the hell Derek? Where were you all this time and why did you just disappear after you left with Braeden ? "
Derek sighed placing the book down " That's why you've been giving me the silent treatment?"
" What, you knew I was pissed and didn't say anything ?" Stiles asked
" I was trying to give you some time " Derek said " and space "
" Time and space? " Stiles asked " What am I an astronaut?'
Derek rolled his eyes before saying " No , because I could tell something was bothering you, now I know it's cause of me."
" Of course it cause of you!" Stiles called out " Me and everyone else don't hear anything from you for months and the first day of my FBI internship you showed up on my screen as a mass murderer!"
" Why does it matter to you?" Derek asked
" Because it does, it just does." Stiles said " First you leave and don't look back , now you're getting caught up in this ?"
" I'm sorry, if I I recall correctly, you told me to have a safe journey and to enjoy when I told you I was leaving " Derek said shifting so he was sitting on the edge of the bed opposite to Stiles.
" Of course I did, you were leaving, did you want me to throw you a going away party?" Stiles quipped
" No, but when I told you I was leaving, that's all you said, then why is it bothering you so much now ?" Derek asked
" Because it does !" Stiles called out "Why is it so hard to believe that someone could actually care for you?"
"Because it didn't seem like it" Derek replied " If you cared, then maybe you should've said something more than have a safe journey. " Derek said furrowing his brows
" Like what ? What could I have possibly said to make you change your mind ?" Stiles asked throwing his hands up in defeat .
" You could've asked me to stay. " Derek sighed as he looked away
Stiles scoffed " Yeah like that would've made a difference "
" It would. " Derek said " I would've stayed if you had asked me to...but you didn't "
Stiles blinked in surprise at what he heard before leaning forward and resting his hand on his knee
" Derek I wanted nothing more than to have you stay" Stiles stated as Derek finally turned to look at him " But not because I asked you to...but because you want to."
" Beacon Hills was just a reminder for you of everything you lost, I know it got hard for you to stay and pretend like everything was fine.." Stiles shrugged " I'm not going to be selfish and ask you to stick around for my sake....not when you're unhappy. "
Derek took a deep breath shaking his head " I'm sorry I didn't call, I thought of it a lot but... decided not to because I thought it didn't matter to you."
" After everything we've been through, you still don't think I care ?" Stiles asked raising his eyebrows
Derek sighed, his gaze dropping to the floor, unable to meet Stiles' eyes. "I guess I was wrong."
They remained quiet , the weight of unspoken words hung heavy in the air, before Derek decided to break the silence by getting up to grab a pillow and heading to the sofa.
"I'll take the couch" Derek said and just when Stiles was about to protest,
"Stiles, You're clearly tired and need a good nights sleep more than me" Derek stated "Let's not argue about this."
Stiles agreed quietly before settling into the bed as Derek turned off the light.
Despite the words left unsaid, their shared history and the bond they shared spoke volumes, echoing through the silence that stretched between them.
(Part.1) / (Part.2) / (Part.3) /(Part.4) /(Part.5)
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damiansgoodgirll · 13 hours
Hii, could you please write a judgment day x reader? (platonic but can be romantic if you prefer)
where the reader gets betrayed by their tag team partner, and obviously they are devastated because they were really close.
(think like liv4brutality, for example).
the judgment day x reader (platonic)
ps : let’s pretend the judgment day is in smackdown for this plot okay? thank you 😙
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you and your partner zoey had a title match against bianca and jade and you couldn’t wait for that moment to happen. you both were so close to win the title that the moment zoey betrayed you and attacked you felt surreal to you.
you didn’t know why she did that, a couple of minutes before the match started she was talking about how she couldn’t wait to hold the title and now she was betraying you, leaving you and the whole crowd in shock.
even jade and bianca were shocked.
that definitely wasn’t part of the script.
of course the match ended immediately but zoey kept attacking you that not even bianca could stop her.
a few referees were able to stop zoey and separate her from you.
“are you okay?” bianca gently sat down next to you. you were currently bleeding. your nose was bleeding and there was a bruise on your head. but you were live and you knew you had to pretend that everything was part of the show, the blood as well, this wasn’t aew after all.
“i’m okay…” you whispered back.
a referee handed you a tissue to wipe some blood away and you did as they told you.
“we’ll help you backstage” jade said helping you up.
referees were taking zoey backstage and you kinda smile hearing the boos from the crowd but still you couldn’t understand what made her act like that. maybe there wasn’t a proper reason, you knew she wanted to have a solo push and being constantly put in tag teams wasn’t her thing but still, attacking you and hurting you was way too much.
she was one of your best friend and even if she did wanted that solo career push, she could have told you. you would have been glad to listen to her and help her with her career goals, you couldn’t justify her actions.
“wait here, medical stuff will be here soon” one of the referee said while he helped you sat down on a chair.
after a few minutes, a doctor came to check on you and apart from the bruise on your head and the bleeding nose you were fine. he gave you a week to rest but then you would be completely fine returning to your normal life.
so, apart from the bruises and the physical pain, now it came the emotional pain.
once you got back to your hotel room, you couldn’t help but break down. you cried in the shower, hoping that no one would hear your cries but your hotel neighbours were the judgment day, your best friends, so they obviously knew something was wrong.
they came back immediately after their segment and couldn’t wait to watch the rest of the show while eating dinner. they couldn’t explain what they were feeling when they watched you getting beaten up by your team partner.
they knew you and zoey we’re pretty close so they couldn’t understand why she would betray you like this.
“we should check up on her…” damian said and the rest of the group nodded.
only a few minutes after you heard a gentle knock on your door. you weren’t expecting anyone so you were kinda shocked when you saw all the members of the judgement day outside your hotel room waiting for you to let them in.
“hey guys…” you softly said let them in your room. they could notice your red eyes and tears on your face.
“are you okay?” rhea asked you.
you couldn’t even find the words to explain what happened that tears were falling from your eyes “oh y/n come here…” rhea embraced you into her arms “it’s okay…” she let you cry into her shoulders.
“it’s not okay rhea” your broken voice said “it’s not okay, why would zoey betray me like that? i thought we were friends, i thought she would care about our team and…”
damian noticed you started to panic a little “y/n take deep breaths…you need to calm down princesa, breathe in and out…”
“i just don’t understand…” you dry a few tears away, looking up at the rest of the group.
“we don’t either…what zoey did is unacceptable, but you shouldn’t let yourself down like this love” finn comforted you “i know it’s hurting and it will hurt for a while but everything will be okay…we are here for you love…” you smiled at him softly, thanking him for his kindness. finn was the wise man in the group, always knowing what to do or to say.
“finn’s right love…don’t let what happened going to your head, take your time and you’ll come back stronger than before, plus, if you get bored in smackdown, there’s always a special place for you in the judgment day…” dom said making you smile.
they team asked you to join them many months ago, probably way before jd joined but you always refused, aspiring for a solo career or tag teams position but now being in the judgment day didn’t sound so bad. the boys loved you, rhea loved you, and you knew they wouldn’t let you down.
“can i think about that?” you asked them.
“absolutely love, take all the time you need to think about it, whatever you choose, we’re always here for you and you know that…” finn smiled at you.
“thank you so much guys, for everything. i’m pretty sure my cries woke you up tho…i’m sorry for that”
damian softly smiled at you “your cries didn’t wake us up hermosa, we were just worried about you…we also saw you bleeding, are you okay?”
you couldn’t help but smile at their gentle care “no i’m okay i swear” you laughed “just a few bruises, the doctor put on me rest for the week but i’ll be back soon, nothing major thankfully…”
“great, we’ll see in a week what faction you’ll join” rhea smirked at you “we’re gonna let you rest now, you need it. if you want some company we are one door away, don’t hesitate to call us okay?” you nodded and thanked them for their support.
now you were left alone with your thoughts, joining the judgment day didn’t sound so bad in the end.
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hauntingkiki · 9 hours
Hi! I was wondering if you can do venture waking up from having a nightmare about reader dying and readers like lying right next to them and hears venture crying but reader try’s to comfort venture? Just some angst fluff please :c
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Hellish Night
Venture x Reader
2nd POV
venture scrambled into their room, tears poured out of their eyes, rolling down their cheeks and dripping on their clothing, skin and the wooden floor beneath them. “oh my fucking god.” they shakily sobbed, their mind backwards as they immediately forget where everything was located around their room.
their knees gave out from under them, catching themselves on their desk with a sucked in breath. their heart hammered against their chest, the scene from a few hours ago replaying in their mind.
“SLOAN!” you screamed, struggling against the strong hold that was around your waist. you threw your fists into the back of your kidnapper, trying to wiggle out of their hold.
sloan chased after you, stumbling as they tried to keep up with the pace. “Y/N!” they cried, reaching a hand out in your direction.
your kidnapper turned his torso, grabbing his mini gun then firing at sloan, dropping the weapon back to his side as he continued to make his way to the get away helicopter that drowned out the loud mini gun sound with the obnoxious whirling of the propeller.
venture was lucky that all the shots missed, punctuating the ground that was at their feet. venture came to a halt, skidding against the orange dirt as they started at the flying machine in front of them.
your attacker threw you off of his shoulder and onto the metal floor, enemy troops snagging you off the floor, trying to detain you but struggling as you kicked and bit, wiggling around.
venture covered their face with their arm, turning their torso away as the wind around the helicopter pushed them back slightly. when the wind slowly stopped, sloan peeled their arm away and cocked their head up towards the pink and orange sky, wide eyes, horror completely washing over their body as they watched the helicopter zoom off. they faintly noticed you reaching out the open side of the vehicle, getting pulled back by the troops inside.
it kept playing in their mind.
over and over and over again.
a hand shot over their mouth, wide eyes as they gagged, but thankfully swallowed it down. sloan started at the wooden floor beneath them, the wax having a faint reflection of themself.
they felt so stupid.
they could’ve prevented all of this from happening.
sloan should’ve been more cautious about the situation, they could’ve warned winston about their past encounter so he could’ve been kick out of overwatch.
sloan knew what he was capable of. fuck, they’ve seen it first hand! back at illios, talon and some of his troops came into the sight, including mauga.
groaning through gritted teeth, sloan pulled themselves off of the floor, whipping their head around to find the needed supplies they were going to need for this journey.
their eyes landed on their canteen that was hanging on their doorknob. ripping it off of the door, they stormed out of their room and into their kitchen, placing it onto the island before walking off.
they did this for about 15 minutes, going into different rooms and grabbing things that they were going to use.
letting out a breath they didn’t even notice, they stood in front of the island, glancing over all the items that were scattered around the countertop.
a first aid kit; full of gauze, wrapping tape, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol wipes and a lot of other shit sloan didn’t even know were medical stuff.
a canteen with backup water bottles.
a few snacks; crackers, chips, small baggies of fruit and some assorted sweets. anything to give them and you fuel.
a pistol that their grandfather gifted them with boxes of backup ammo.
and their drill.
with backpack in hand, they started to pack, trying to organize everything so it would fit into the pouch the best it could.
just as they finished filling up their canteen, a knock echoed through the room. turning the tap off, they twisted the lid on the metal container, gently placing it on the counter as they walked over to the door.
“angela?” sloan gasped when they opened the door, revealing the medic. their eyes looked around her face, brows knitting together. “what are you doing here?”
angela peeked behind sloan, getting a glimpse of their backpack and their drill. she sighed when they stepped over to the side, blocking her view from inside, even though they were too late. “venture, you can’t go there alone.” she muttered, adjusting her glasses before reaching out and grabbing their calloused hands. “lucio’s getting winston now; we’ll all go with you to save y/n.”
venture turned their head to the side, eyes glued to the ground. “i can’t wait, angela.” they huffed, looking her in the eyes, watching as her face slowly softened at their words. “she needs me. she’s my girlfriend for christ’s sake!” they chuckled faintly at the end, shrugging their shoulders.
the two fell silent, angela letting go of their hands with a nod. “go get her then.” she whispered, nodding in approval. “just…stay safe. and bring her back safely.”
venture started at her with slightly wide eyes, their lips parted at her words. they nodded faintly before nodding eagerly. “i will.” they reassured, running a hand through their chocolate locks. “when winston gets reported of it, you guys can head straight there.”
angela hummed in agreement, giving them a quick hug before running down the hall to alert the others about the situation at hand.
venture quickly put the backpack on, then their canteen around their body. they grabbed the gun and put it in their waist band before dragging their drill and walking out, making sure to grab a pair of keys with them on the way out.
locking their door, they made their way over to all the hero’s vehicles, speed walking over to their motorcycle. they got their drill adjusted onto the back of their bike before they hopped on, putting the keys into the keyhole and started up the bike. revving the engine a few times, they slowly drove out of their parking spot before accelerating and driving off.
coughs and hacks filled the room, the sound of liquid dripping into the floor faintly made it’s presence. shoes clicked around you as one of the soldiers walked around your hunched over body, all of the soldiers who took you hostage watched with chuckles and smirks as blood slowly started to cover the floor from their torture.
tears pooled into your eyes, your attention glued on the blood and spit mixture that dribbled down your chin and into your legs, rolling down your skin and spreading onto the concrete. you slowly turned your gaze over to mauga, your body shaking as you watched one of the soldiers try to coax him into joining the torture, but thankfully for you, he declined, staying in the shadows with his arms crossed.
“i’m going to ask you again!” a male voice spat, baton in his right hand. he got onto one knee, grabbing a fistful of your hair and yanking your head up, making eye contact with your wide, tearful eyes. “WHERE is the ffFUCKING ARTIFACT?!”
you shook your head against his hold, blood and spit rolling down your chin. “i don’t FUCKING KNOW.” you spat, blood spattering onto his mask that was covering his identity.
he let go of your hair and spun the baton in his grasp before swinging, landing a clean hit on your jaw.
you cried out, your head snapping to the right. you scoffed faintly, opening and closing your jaw before you spat out some more blood.
the soldier pushed you over with his boot, making you whimper as you landed on your fresh cuts and bruises. you brought your knees up to your chest, hissing as blood gushed out of your abdomen from one of the many stab wounds you’ve received. he raised his arm over his head, getting ready to hit you before pausing.
everyone froze, turning their attention onto the doorway as faint gun shots echoed throughout before a booming drill sound followed.
then silence.
your heart fluttered in your chest, pushing yourself up from your laying down position. you knew that clunky drill sound from anywhere.
venture walked into the room, blood slightly dripping off their drill and off their coat.
your eyes went wide, shuffling forward as tears started to pool into your eyes again. “VENTURE!” you sobbed, your body violently shaking as you wailed.
“GET EM!” a soldier from behind you called out, the rest of the soldiers (besides the one that’s next to you and mauga) started to shoot at the archeologist.
sloan dived behind a pillar, using the pistol to pick off some of the soldiers, groaning when they remembered they left their bag full of ammo back with their bike. tossing the gun to the side, their hands wrapped around the handles of their excavator before they burrowed under the concrete.
you watched your partner with a twinkle in your eyes, your lips parted slightly with a faint smile.
you were going home.
mauga slowly walked over to the soldier who stood a little ways behind you, clearing his throat to gain the man’s attention. once he had his gaze, he jerked a thumb over towards you. “she, uh…she won’t say anything.” mauga admitted, rubbing his neck as he glanced over to you before turning back to the soldier. “we just need to find someone else to tell us.”
the soldier’s eyes landed on a dagger that mauga was holding out to him. he gently took it from the inked up man, caressing the blade between his fingers, being careful to not cut himself with it. he slowly nodded, getting a comfortable grip on the handle. the soldier inched his way over to you, kneeling behind you and-
your eyes shot open, the coldness of the blade entering your skin before it quickly left. you slowly and shakily looked down, blood oozing out of your skin, soaking into your shirt. you felt the liquid trickle from your chest and your back, seeping into your pants.
breathing quickly became hard to do, making you put all of your energy onto a simple task.
the two men behind you quickly left, the dagger staying behind on the floor a few feet away from you.
sloan had their back towards you. their chest fell and rose rapidly, sweat building up and collecting in the blood that spattered onto their skin; they were covered, almost head to toe.
sloan snapped out of their odd state, turning to you with a grin before it quickly slipped of their lips, fear washing over. “y/n!” they gasped, dropping their drill as they ran over to your laying down frame. they slid on their knees when they got to you, rubbing a bloodied hand through their hair. “no…no, nonononono.” tears collected in their caramel eyes, gently lifting you up and holding you in their arms.
you wheezed, coughing as you felt the blood pool into your lungs, time quickly running out for you as you were drowning by your own blood. your own body was killing you.
slowly, you reached a freed hand towards your partner, sloan meeting your hand halfway as they leaned their head down into your touch, placing their bigger, calloused hand over yours.
tears were flowing out of venture’s eyes, dripping onto your face as they slid down. “i love you, cariño.” they whispered, their shoulders shuttering as they sobbed. “don’t leave me…please.”
you smiled meekly, caressing their cheek with your thumb, the blood on their face and on your fingers smudging into their skin. “i love you too, baby.” you muttered, taking a deep breath before slowly exhaling, your eyes closing for a brief moment. “i…” you sighed, before going quiet, falling limp into sloan’s arms.
sloan let out a gasp, clawing at the bedding that was placed over them as they shot up. their hunched over frame stared at the base board at their feet, their chest rising and falling quickly.
sweat rolled down from their temple, their shirt was drenched in the salty liquid, so they quickly tugged the shirt off, some of the left over sweat sticking to their chest from the shirt, but it seemingly disappeared once the ac kicked on.
their vision was a haze, impossible to see in the dark. they blinked a few times and their vision got adjusted to the darkness. they glanced around the room they were in, their eyes stayed glued to the right side of the room first. a bunch of maps, drawings, rocks and gems, history books and other things littered the side of the room; their side of the room.
slowly they turned their head to the left side, their eyes immediately shot down to the bed that they were in.
there you were. sleeping peacefully, your lips slightly parted as you lightly snored, your hands gripping at the sheets and comforter that coated your body.
sloan immediately broke down at the sight of you, relief quickly washing over them when they realized that it was all a dream, a nightmare more than a dream. they threw their face into their hands, their back pressed against their pillows and the head board.
their hics and weeps were quick to wake you up, your hand rubbing the sleepiness out of your eyes as you let out a yawn. “babe?” you yawned, fluttering your eyes open once you were done rubbing them with your knuckle. you let out a gasp, pushing yourself up into a seated position as you leaned over to the person sitting next to you. “sloan?! w-what happened? are you okay?” you panicked as you turned on the small lamp on your nightstand, the soft light casting a gentle glow onto the two of you.
your eyes darted around the backs of their hands, scooting your way in between their legs so you were front of them.
sloan peeled their hands away from their tear stained face, choking on their sobs as they struggled to make eye contact. “i…i had a nightmare..” they admitted, almost embarrassed that they were sobbing like this over a nightmare.
you nodded, showing that you understood, sincerity lingering in your eyes. “okay..” you whispered, your hands rubbing gently along their bare, muscular arms. you would be lying if you said you didn’t blush a little at the sight of their bare chest, a small skull with your favorite flowers in your favorite color on their left side immediately catching your eye. you shook your head, scolding yourself at the thought. you can think like that later, you cursed to yourself. “what happened in the nightmare?” your left hand reached out towards their face, gently cupping their cheek as you gently made them look at you, a worried look twisted at your face.
sloan swallowed thickly, their hand atop of yours. they also linked their other hand into your free one, immediately getting a reassuring squeeze from you. “you were taken by talon…” they started, their eyes flickering between your eyes as you watched them. “and you were killed.” they whispered, you almost didn’t catch it.
you let out a huff, a frown tugging on your lips as you brought sloan into a hug. “oh, you poor thing.” you muttered, rubbing a hand in circles along their bare back as your other hand got lost in their thick curls.
sloan dove their face into your chest, gripping at your top as their body shook once again, sobbing into your pajamas.
you shifted around as you comforted your partner, your legs straddled their hips as you gently shushed them, your chin atop of their head as you gently pressed kisses against them every now and then.
“i don’t want to let go.” they muttered against you, loud enough for you to hear it. they pulled away from your body, looking up at you as your hands cupped their cheeks, thumbs grazing under their eyes.
“you don’t have to.” you whispered, kissing their forehead. “i’m not going anywhere.”
sloan sniffled, nodding their head against your hands as they leaned into your right, kissing your palm. “i love you.” they whispered, hands snaking down to your waist as they pulled you closer. “so much.”
smiling, you bright them into a kiss, their lips chapped from the cold air that was being blasted into the apartment. “i love you too.” you muttered against their lips, pulling them into another hug.
that took so long to write holy😭 but totally worth it! (if you couldn’t tell, they’re my favorite character to write) i hope you enjoyed!
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aidenlydia · 2 days
I have seen that you are very open about supporting trans people and that your pronouns are they/them. How were you able to understand that you were trans? (If you are.) I've honestly felt so confused lately and don't have anyone I can ask about this. I love your ftm ghost art. I think it is amazing. I just don't know what to do or how I'll ever be able to figure out myself. Totally not your job but was curious if you had advice.
Not sure how helpful this will be, because my trans experience is deeply interlinked with my Dissociative Identity Disorder and Autism, so I'm sorry if this is a bit confusing.
What is Dissociative Identity Disorder
Dissociative Identity Disorder - Terms and Definitions
Autism and Gender
The reason why I go by they/them is because we're literally multiple people. Our two Hosts Aiden and Lydia (aka the alters interacting most with the world outside of our own head) are a man and a woman. We spend all our time together, sharing a body and the control over it.
We used to go by he/she, but people would only view us as a girl because of our body, so we switched to they/them. It makes more sense and feels better to be acknowledged together instead of Aiden being left out all the damn time.
Now bear with me here.
Though Lydia is a cis women, she grew up never belonging anywhere because we're autistic, so she feels like an imposter and a fraud when trying to connect to her feminity. Most days we barely feel human at all because we've been othered all our life. But she still views herself as a woman - motherhood in particular is a big important part of her.
Aiden is a trans man, but he doesn't mind our feminine body and doesn't plan on getting surgery ever. Testosterone maybe, but even that isn't super important to him at the moment. To him knowing he's a man is enough, passing isn't a priority at all. And because all of our Littles are girls he's rather protective of their body - any kind of medical procedure would cause a lot of fear in them.
He realized he's trans because he preferred a male name for himself, short hair and male clothing. It happened very quickly because exploring gender has never been an issue for us, it's fun and simply felt comfortable.
We do have two Agender Alters, but they don't come out in our regular daily life. They don't feel like anything really, they're deeply connected to nature and just want to exist as genderless beings, so they prefer not taking control of our body. It feels peaceful not being put into a box or defined by gender expectations and whatever other bullshit the world comes up with.
In the past we used to have another trans male Host, but he was suffering deeply from gender dysphoria. He couldn't stand the sight of our body or existing in it and became very self destructive about it. Until one day he just stopped coming out and hasn't been back since.
Before I even realized I had DID, gender wasn't really a concept to me. Same with names, it just didn't make sense to me why someone couldn't just change their name if they didn't like the one their parents gave them for whatever reason. I think of people as people, not boys and girls. Sure there are physical differences, but the meanings/genderroles we attributed to them are completely made up.
Folks love nagging me about how I draw my Ghost, but the truth is he can walk around looking like a cis girl and still be a man, I truly dgaf. So what if he's smaller and more delicate looking next to that big bear of a captain, that doesn't make him any less of a man.
The best advice I can give is you don't need to label yourself if you don't want to. You can experiment and just see what feels good. Maybe you'll find a label or make a plan along the way, but don't feel pressured to.
Common things people do is try out a different name, change their pronouns, create and play as video game characters of the opposite gender/sex (or gender non-conforming in general), listen to trans playlists/musicians, shop clothes/stuff in the other section (including underwear or things like jewelry ect), read books or watch movies about different kinds of trans characters, watch video essays about trans topics, create OCs or sonas, look at trans art and watch/read about other people's trans journeys.
Of course there are "what's my gender identity" tests you can take too, idk how helpful those are but I guess they can give you a bit more insight and maybe make you ask questions that you haven't asked yourself before.
Lastly here's a list of gender identities and definitions that might be beneficial to have a look at, as well as my trans resource list I put together last month about what can be done to change your gender in various ways
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stars-n-spice · 2 days
Clone OCs: Dusk Company
I made these guys waaay back in March (?) of last year and for some reason never posted them here-
Randomly I decided to go back to them because I think I stopped working on them simply because I couldn't decide on a name for the group/color scheme but I got ideas and the time/motivation to digitalize my initial doodles, so introducing members of Dusk Company!
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Dusk Company specializes in (surprise, surprise) stealth missions, thriving in the darkness and all of that. They're great to have when you need a retrieval or assassination mission done! Still working on their Jedis though.
Check out Dawn Company as well!
Close ups and brief Introductions under the cut!
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Commander Milo:
- Just thought it would be a neat name - Mom Friend (Squad jokingly calls him 'Commander Mom-lo") - 2W1 on Enneagram - Constantly stressed and worried over his men (it's a wonder he doesn't already have gray hairs) - A very good listener - Hanging on by a thread guys please do not push him, he is one really bad mission away from completely snapping
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Captain Eclipse:
- Eclipse because of night and also because he likes to 'eclipse' people and show off whenever he can - He's like subconsciously a show off though, he doesn't really mean to, it just happens - 3W2 on Enneagram - Has a tough time talking about his feelings and likes to pretend nothing is wrong and will laugh anything off - On a completely unrelated note, totally having nothing to do with all his bottled up feelings, but does someone want to hold him tenderly? He just wants to be held. - Incredibly stubborn to the point where it's almost reckless; has cheated death probably four times now
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- Just thought it would be a cool name - Sharpshooter - Mute, uses sign language to communicate - Tongue piercing and eyebrow slit just because - Cool older vod kind of guy; will give you candy before dinner and won't tell your parents kind of guy - 6W5 on Enneagram - Really great at keeping secrets - One of the more reasonable clones in the Company and keeps the others out of trouble (if only they'd listen and take his advice)
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- Got his name because he's a technology buff - Was born with a mutation in his eyes for some reason and now needs cybernetics (like Wolffe) to see - Has orange tattoos just because why not? - 4W3 on the Enneagram - Doesn't like to talk much and will talk when needed (so he gets along with Ranger pretty well) - Eyes give him an advantage in the dark (sees a little better than his brothers) - Eyes are also reflective when you shine a light on them in the dark and this has scared a few of his brothers shitless as a result
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Clicks + Buttons:
- A set, do not separate - Clicks has a nervous tic that causes him to make a 'clicking' noise, hence the name - Buttons likes to push buttons, both in a literal and metaphorical sense - Buttons is their pilot (he's not a great one but in his defense they haven't died from a crash landing yet) - Clicks is a 6W5 - Buttons is a 7W6 - Fives and Echo type of dynamic (Clicks is the only one who can tolerate Buttons) - Dye each other's hair
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- Clone Medic - Got his name because of all his tattoos and because he's the one to go to to get them done (he's got a ready steady hand) - Really chill kind of guy, has an incredible amount of patience - 9W8 on Enneagram - Keeps the Company together (is usually the voice of reason outside of Ranger) - Whattaman wattaman; knows how to treat people right - Extensive hair care routine
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ARC Trooper Shark:
- Thinks sharks are cool (pretend there's sharks in Star Wars) + used to bite people as a cadet - Are his teeth sharpened? Maybe. - Not much of a conversationalist; mainly speaks in grumbles, growls, and groans - 3W4 on the Enneagram - Usually grumpy and tired (he's gotta put up with all the other knuckleheads of his company) - Honestly has no idea how to interact with others in a normal way - Is a little off-putting but I swear he's trying his best. Maybe.
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ARC Trooper Leo:
- No real reason why he's named Leo, just thought it was a cool clone name - He's an ARC trooper and sometimes people question how and why - A little cocky and stuck-up but means well - Loves his time off (don't ask him what he does during it) - 7W8 on Enneagram - Dyes his hair that color; tends to dye it different browns/reds at a time - Got clawed by a juvenile Nexu once (hence facial scars)
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hahskeleton · 20 hours
helloo!! hope youre having a good day :3
was wondering if i could get a drabble of the dca helping reader with something medical? sickfic, stitches, yadda yadda. reader being embarrassed, the whole "i can do it myself" shabang. im a sucker for "patching up" tropes </3 im CURSED!!
Title: Sick but Fine
Word Count: 1,492
CW: nothing, just a lil bit of sick y/n
You hurried through the rain up to the huge doors of the Pizzaplex, feeling heavy-headed and congested. Your body ached and protested that you stay home today, but you couldn’t miss work.
To clear your head of any thoughts of sickness, you thought about how you were probably supposed to take the employee entrance, but why did it matter? Nobody would care, and nobody does. Besides, the front entrance has a much warmer welcome than the old door in the back.
But putting that aside, you rushed through the crowds to get to the daycare. You were already late, trying to push through the sea of people going to see the band’s show was going to make you even more late.
You swore half these people saw the show every day. How does it never get old? You never saw it more than once. Other than that, you only heard kids begging Sun and Moon to take them to see it. The answer was always no.
You finally made it to the doors leading to the Superstar Daycare, and as you entered the completely empty lobby, you sneezed. And you sneezed again. And again. And again. You stopped in the dead center of the room and calmed yourself down. You weren’t supposed to come to work sick. You had to do everything in your power to make sure that Vanessa didn’t find out you had a fever, she’d kick you out.
The final breath you took before you left the lobby was deep and long, and then you left for the stairs and went down to the entrance. Before you opened the large doors to the daycare, you rubbed your eyes and stood a little taller, trying to pass the I’m not sick look.
Finally, you pushed open one of the doors and stepped into the brightly lit daycare. A few kids ran around away from the rest of the children, and over by the ball pit was Sun playing who knows what with quite a few kids. He looked up at you, and his rays spun around, clearly quite happy to see you.
You waved and took your route to the main desk, setting your plastic water bottle next to the computer. “Sunshine!” You jumped, and though Sun did this nearly every day, his popping up suddenly caught you off guard each time.
You cleared your throat, “Hey, Sunny.” You smiled at him.
Sun leaned over the desk and watched you for a moment as you pulled out your chair and sat down. You heard the sunbot say your name with a bit of concern.
Your mind snapped to how you looked—probably a little under the weather. “Yeah?” You replied, acting oblivious.
Sun stood up straight and gestured his hands accordingly as he spoke, “You look a little rosy-cheeked today! Everything's all right?”
You nodded, “Yeah, why?” You lied.
Sun twitched, “Sunflower, you seem… are- are you sure you should be coming into work today? I- I mean, it’s not that we don’t want you here! Moony and I- I mean, you just look unwell, do you have…” He reached over the desk in an attempt to feel your forehead for a fever. You knew you were flaring up, so as Sun tried to place a hand on your forehead, you pushed it away and said, “I’m fine, Sun.”
He would frown, and then he groaned with displeasure, “If you say so...” You stood up from the desk and stretched, “Oh, could you grab the box of art supplies from the closet, please?” Sun chimed, his rays swaying blissfully as he walked along.
You nodded and left for the closet. Sun waved you off and then turned back to the children.
“Moony… I don’t think-”
“Neither do I. They are sick.” Moon’s voice rang from inside Sun’s head, the moon and the sun animatronics speaking through their shared headspace.
“What do you think...? Should we help? Or should we… leave them be?” Sun asked, looking back, scanning around for you even though he just sent you to the closet.
“Leave it to me.” Moon said without hesitation, immediately thinking up a plan.  
You took the box of art supplies from the closet, wandered back to the daycare, and dropped it on the counter. Sun turned around and sighed, then he called all the kids to the tables and signaled for you to bring the box over. You did as you were told and lugged it over, plopping it on the ground beside Sun. “Thank you, Sunshine!” He beamed with enthusiasm, digging through the box and grabbing what he needed.
You watched as he started to pass out the art supplies, and you started to space out.
You were tired. You felt someone tap your shoulder, and you snapped out of it, shaking your head vaguely as you realized Sun had been talking to you. “Sunbite…? You okay?”
You nodded, “Oh, yeah, sorry. I just spaced out for a moment.”
Sun’s brows knitted, but he just turned back to the kids and supervised them. Eventually he sat down and started to color with the rest of the kids, and so did you.
Before you knew it, nap time came around. You went back behind the desk and waited for the lights to go out. Maybe you could get at least five minutes of rest while Moon was taking care of the kids.
Finally, the lights dimmed and went dark. There were a few clicking sounds and the sound of shifting metal, and that told you that Sun and Moon were switching.
The next thing you knew, Moon peeked over the desk at you. "Hey, Moon.” You smiled at him.
He popped up onto the desk, crouching on it as a perch, “Hello, starlight~!” He hummed, his sharp teeth spreading in a wide grin.
���The kids are looking for you.” You said, looking past Moon. “I’m aware.” He jumped down from the desk and lingered behind it, “I’ll be back in a moment,” he whispered, heading off into the darkness to fulfill his job.
Just like he said he would, Moon returned to the desk. But you didn’t see him. He came stealthily from behind and grabbed you, pulling you off your chair.
“MOON!” You whisper-screamed, mindful of the kids that were sleeping.
He shifted you into a position in his arms where one arm held your legs, the other your back and head. He ignored your squirming and complaining and started to walk away from the desk.
Moon’s skyhook came down and attached to his back, and then he was carried up to the platform where his room was. “Moon, what are you doing…!?” You hissed, pushing to get out of his arms.
He walked off the balcony, detaching his hook, and went into his and Sun’s room. It was messy but cozy, with soft lights hanging from the ceiling that weren’t enough for Sun to come out, and blankets and pillows everywhere. There were cleaning supplies and other daycare products in some corners, too.
Moon carried you to a couch in the corner and plopped you down onto it. You tried to stand, but Moon pushed you back onto the red sofa.
“Lay down.” He demanded simply.
“What are you doing?” You groaned, folding your arms over your chest.
“You are sick. You need to rest, so I am putting you to sleep.”
“I am NOT sick! I’m fine!” You hollered in a mutter, standing from the couch and taking a few steps away before Moon inevitably pushed you back onto the couch.
“I don’t care whether you think you’re fine or not. You are going to rest because you are not fine.” Moon grabbed a blanket and a bunch of pillows. He lifted your head and placed a pillow behind you, then covered you with a blanket.
You shook him away, “I can take care of myself, Moon.” You took the blanket off and turned your body, planting your feet to stand, when you suddenly had a huge, painful coughing fit. Your chest felt like it was burning and on fire, and your throat was dry and sore.
Moon just watched you from across the room, arms crossed and a monotone expression. “So. How’s being fine going for you, Starlight?” He murmured, his eyes narrowing.
You shot him a glare, “All right, fine…” You laid back down and covered yourself up, “I’ll sleep…” You moped, turning yourself so you were facing the couch and not Moon.
You heard Moon shuffle closer to you, and then he sat beside the couch. You turned over and looked at him, but he didn’t look at you.
Your arm hung over the edge of the sofa, your fingers barely brushing the hard ground. Moon looked at your hand and thought for a moment before he mended his fingers into yours.
It was silent.
It was calm.
“Thanks, Moon…” you said under your breath, your eyes closing with heaviness and comfort.
He sighed, “Any time, Starlight.”
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Falling Slowly - Chapter 11
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Pairing: Tommy Miller x f!reader
Word Count: 5000+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: What started as a simple “wanting to make Tommy an actual daddy” turned into a whole ass fic. Is anyone really surprised? I absolutely adore Tommy and Daisy and would love to revisit them! 
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Falling Slowly Masterlist
Tommy Miller Masterlist
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The truck runs out of gas just inside of Teton County. We gather up our packs, keeping our guns loose in our hands but ready, as we march through the woods. Tommy had found a paper map of Wyoming, noticing that there was a small notation of a hydroelectric dam on it. He's convinced that this settlement will be near there and I admit, that's a great place to start looking.
We don't make it within 20 miles of that plant before horses and riders come from nowhere, immediately surrounding us, their faces masked. Tommy puts his arms out to shield us, knowing that there was no way he could shoot them all.
"What are you doing out here?" A man bellows at us, his horse snuffing, a swirl of air puffing out from his nose in the cool, fall breeze.
"We heard there may be a settlement around here. We're looking for a place to call home."
"You know anything about dams?" A woman speaks up from behind the first man.
"I uh, I was in construction. I know some things. I can take a look."
She stares at him from behind her mask, weighing our usefulness. "And them?"
"My wife can grow anything. And has some medical knowledge. My son..helps her."
Several long moments pass. I can't get a read on them. If they are from this settlement, I can't really blame them for being so selective. And secretive.
"You come here on foot?"
"For the last 50 or so miles. We had a truck. Still works, but no gas."
She nods. "Stash it?"
Tommy nods. "Just in case we needed it again."
"Smart man. Alright, you guys come back to town with us."
They offered us horses, which Jax hopped on immediately, his whole face lighting up with excitement. It had been years since he was able to ride. I'm still on the fence about trusting them. After a while, we see their gates in the distance, a little shotty and in need of, well, Tommy's expertise. But that's not what holds my attention.
"Is your town named Jackson?" Jax asks the woman.
She nods. "It is."
Jax laughs, a sound I hadn't heard in a very long time. "That's my name! Must be a sign, right mom?"
The gates open and I'm rendered speechless. It's a town. A whole ass town. People are milling about like everything is normal. The woman, Maria, starts to give us a tour, pointing out the town hall, the bar, clothing swap and repair, and little general stores. She takes us around and shows us the barns, slots for at least 40 horses, the herd of sheep, and the dairy cows and goats. Jax practically comes unglued from the Earth when seeing everything. Maria smiles at his excitement.
"You're 17, right?" Jax nods. "Well I think you should still attend school. At least to just get to know the other kids. But your official duty, in my opinion, should be with the animals. What do you think?"
"Yeah! Dad, is that ok?" Jax clings to Tommy's arm and he smiles patting his hand.
"Yeah, of course, bud."
Jax whoops and punches the sky, immediately apologizing to the chickens that had started frantically clucking and running around their enclosure.
But what really impressed me was our house, an actual house. Maria stopped in front of this beautiful 3 bedroom, two story house, complete with a front porch. It was like stepping into a time machine. They had cleaned all of the houses and kept them maintained, but the decor was exactly the same as it was on outbreak day 14 years ago.
Jax picked a room once belonging to a teenage boy, judging from the decor. We quickly unpacked our things and headed into town, getting a hot, fresh meal and trying not to overstuff ourselves. They gave us a small ration of food to take home, a carton of eggs, some flour, salt, yeast, honey, a carton of milk, and, much to Tommy's delight, a small container of coffee.
I was afraid that all of the time spent just growing up around us, and then on the constant move with the Fireflies would make it difficult for Jax to make friends.
I couldn't be more wrong.
Immediately, the kids from town were fascinated by Jax, asking him tons of questions about the outside, about him. He eventually takes off with them, going to movie night at the community center.
Tommy and I walk back home, his arm around my shoulder, tucking me into his side. "That kid made fast friends."
"I was so worried about that. Guess I didn't need to be."
"Nah. He's a good kid and they can see that."
We stop for a moment outside of our house, looking up at it. "This was a good move, Mr. Miller. I like it here."
I turn to look at him and he smiles, pressing his lips to mine briefly before we head inside, the early fall chill on the wind making us shiver slightly. Tommy starts to unpack the food while I take a quick shower, groaning as the hot water sends goosebumps across my skin. I hadn't had a proper hot shower since we'd left the cabin.
I lay on the bed wrapped only in my towel, finally allowing myself to relax for the first time in...years. I can't remember how many at this point. Tommy comes in and wolfwhistles at me and I try, and fail, to hide my smirk.
"Looks like they left a present for me on the bed," Tommy chuckles, attempting to sit next to me. I put my foot out to stop him.
"Nuh uh. Take a shower first, stinky."
He looks fake hurt, putting a hand to his chest. "How dare you, I smell delightful."
"Yeah to a group of flies."
He pretends to storm off in mock anger, shedding his clothes as he goes. He stays a bit longer in the shower than I thought he would, but I can't blame him. That hot water is too much of a lure. He comes out, towel wrapped around his waist, his hair wet and curling. His incision is healed by now, a small red line all that's left of the metal that nearly took his life. Tommy lays next to me on the bed and I curl into his side.
"Hey, darlin? I know you're all clean and sexy and naked next to me, and I so want to have my way with you. But do you think it could wait until morning?"
"Oh thank God - I'm so exhausted."
We both chuckle and burrow into the blankets, talking for a bit when we hear Jax come in, closing the door to the bathroom and taking a shower.
I haven't felt this safe in years.
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An electrified warmth, pulsing out from between my legs yanks me from sleep and I moan, my hands moving down and finding Tommy's head between my legs, his face pressed into me. My fingers grip his dark curls and I tug, loving the sound he makes when I do.
"Fucking hell, Tommy. Warn a girl."
He chuckles and my hips jolt. "Alright, well I'm warning you now, my beautiful wife. I'm not done with you yet."
Tommy makes good on his promise, sliding into me with practiced ease, my body taking him in greedily, responding to every touch, every kiss and nip. He digs his fingers into my hip, slowly moving me in time with his hips, angling himself to go deeper, hitting that spot that has me gasping his name, my fingernails digging into his broad back. His hips sputter, his head drops to my shoulder as be bites it, filling me with his warmth. He picks up his head, his nose lightly dragging across my face before kissing me.
"I fuckin' love you, Mrs. Miller."
"I fucking love you, Mr. Miller."
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Life in Jackson is good. We're all kept busy but a natural busy, not a frantic "is this the moment when we all die" busy. Jax settles in beautifully, finishing their school and learning more about animals and their care as he works with them. About a year in, he finally asks out the girl he had been crushing on since we got here, Lara and, a year later, they're already talking about marriage. Young love.
Tommy helps to fortify the walls, manging to tinker with the dam and get it fully operational. He admits he had virtually no idea what he was doing. He just banged his wrench around and it eventually turned on. He joins patrols too, but mostly stays inside the gates, making repairs and fortifications.
I help a little old lady named Lu with the garden. I had brought some medicinal herbs with us and we were able to propagate some more from the clippings, which works out great for the clinic.
New people do show up, but it's rare. Jackson is fairly secluded, and Maria pretty much forbids anyone from giving away our location. I can't blame her. If everyone knew about this place, it would be overrun in a heartbeat, our supplies spent. Not to mention the clickers that would likely follow a crowd that large.
But today is one of those days. Maria radioed in that 3 new people were coming into Jackson, and to ready the clinic. The doctor there called me in to help, as I often did when she needed it. She told me what to prep and I realized whomever is coming, one of them must be pregnant.
"Imagine trapsing this lanscape, pregnant," The doctor said, no trace of malice to her voice. A little pity and awe though.
The clinic door opens and the doctor greets the people. I turn around and drop the tray I'm holding.
Sarah. Sarah is standing in the clinic.
A man stands next to her and on her other side-
Rose and Sarah are alive and here.
"Sarah?" I choke out and her head snaps up, her round belly on prominent display.
"Aunt Daisy?"
"Holy fuck!" Rose gasps and I run to them, pulling them both into as tight of an embrace as I can manage, tears streaming down my face. I feel theirs as well. But when a small kick hits my stomach, I back up, apologizing to Sarah.
"Ah I'm sorry! I forgot! Come, the doctor will take a look." Sarah grips my hand, lacing our fingers together.
"Come with me?"
"Of course."
Sarah turns out fine, about 7 months along. She could do with a warm meal, some water, and a good shower. Sarah introduced me to her boyfriend, or husband, the second they can find someone who will marry them. He's a sweet boy by the name of Eli. We head over to the cafe and I point out all the places to Sarah and Rose and Eli. Once they get seated with food, I head outside, a smile on my face as I run to the stables. Tommy will be there with Jax, as he's repairing a broken stable door. I run, full on run to the stables, sliding inside the barn and coming to a stop in front of them, gasping for air.
"Mom! Mom, is everything ok?" Jax drops his hammer and puts his hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah...yes..." I take a few more deep breaths of air. "Sarah..and Rose...are here."
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Once they get settled in a house, conveniently across the street from ours, we bring them over for some hot tea. Sarah sips on hers, a little moan coming from her as it warms her up.
"So...how did..where is..."
Rose and Sarah exchange a look and I don't like it. Sarah nods at Rose and takes another sip of her drink.
"We stayed another year or so after you left. They seemed to buy the story at first, that you had all gone out on some family thing and just...never came back. It happens. But Joel suspected that they were getting suspicious. So he said we needed a way out, to find the Fireflies so we could find you. They demanded Joel go on a long run with them, taking them somewhere up above Maryland."
Rose nods. "Yeah, that's what I said. Anwyay, Joel said he'd go but we had to go with and that we were off limits. Well... nothing happened but some guys were being creeps and that finally tipped Joel over the edge. He killed the guy in his sleep and we left on foot. We were heading towards Boston. There's a qz up there. We figured we could find out where you were from there. We had to cross this bridge. But they caught up with us and the bridge couldn't hold everything. Not with all the old cars on it and it not being upkept for years. The bridge went down and..." Tears poured from Rose's eyes, silent ones pouring down Sarah's cheeks as well.
"Joel?" Tommy asks, barely a whisper.
Eli speaks up. "I wasn't there, but they told me." He puts his hand on Sarah's giving it a little squeeze. "The bridge collpased. Took out the raiders and they nearly died too. But they looked for Joel for days. Couldn't find him. I'm so sorry."
I started to cry, but it was less about the loss of Joel, whom I loved like a brother, and more for Tommy, who looked like he had lost a limb. He got up and walked out the backdoor, slamming it behind him. I followed him, gently pulling him to me as he crumbled against my chest, gripping my shirt as he wailed over the loss of his big brother.
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We eventually learned that Rose and Sarah ended up in a different qz than Boston, which is where Sarah met Eli. He was FEDRA but hated them, supporting the citizens in any way he could, even if that meant turning a blind eye to some insider trading. He and Sarah fell in love, but shortly after, the qz got violent, the people rising up against FEDRA. They managed to escape, Sarah finding out she was pregnant a few weeks later.
Eli had some Firefly connections, so they headed to their posts, eventually figuring out that we had left the Fireflies and relocated "somewhere in Teton County, Wyoming." And so they came here, hoping to find us. And being completely surprised to find Jackson City.
Sarah gives birth to a beautiful baby girl, Juniper, with her eyes, Joel's eyes. As Juniper grows, her hair becomes this beautiful carbon copy of her mother's, her curls bouncing away. Eli is a fantastic father and husband, always by his family's side.
Jax and Lara move in together and get married, Lara getting pregnant a short while after.
"I don't know if I'm ready to be a grandma," I say to Tommy while I look in the mirror. "Although I do have the greys."
"You'll be the hottest grandma I know." Tommy waggles his eyebrows as he pulls me to him, his tongue pressing against mine.
"If I'm a grandma, that means you'll be a grandpa."
Tommy looks shocked. "Holy shit. You're right. You still gonna wanna kiss this old man?"
My fingers wind in his shirt, pulling him down to me as I speak against his lips. "That's not all I'll do for this old man."
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"Tree! Tree, mommy!" Juniper jumps up and down, yanking on Sarah's coat as she pushes back from our table, shoving the last bite of egg in her mouth.
"Yes baby. We're going to see the Christmas tree. You guys coming?"
Juniper looks up at Tommy with her big eyes. "Great Uncle Tommy coming?"
"Sorry, kiddo. Not today. I gotta fix the barn roof before the big snows come in." Juniper sticks out her lip. "But I'll see you tonight for hot chocolate?"
She thinks, her little finger tapping her lips. "Ok!" She yanks on Sarah's coat again, half jerking her towards the front door.
"See you tonight, Aunt Daisy?"
"Yup. I'll have cookies too."
"Yay!" Juniper yells from the doorway. Sarah and her leave, the house considerably quieter when they do.
"Crazy to think that in a few months, there will be another little one running around here."
"Yeah. I can't wait."
"Me neither."
Tommy kisses me before heading off to the barns, finishing up the last of the roof work. The last snow storm took off some of the panels and so it needs to be repaired before the next big storm or we may lose a horse or 2.
Tommy walks back in 10 minutes later. "Forgot my work gloves."
"How did you forget those, Mr. Construction?"
"I got distracted looking at your ass."
"How dare you, good sir. I am a lady."
Tommy walks up to me, pressing his body to mine. "A lady that I had bent over this table last night."
I slap his chest playfully before kissing him again. "Oh wait. I'll walk with you. I got to pick up a couple things for the cookies."
Tommy walks me a few blocks, intending on turning left to head to the barn while I continued on to the main strip. But then we hear yelling, just making out Sarah's name. Tommy and I glance at each other, immediately anticipating the worst as we run towards the wailing sound. We come out of a side ally onto the main strip, half a block away from the Christmas tree. And there, at the bottom of the tree is Sarah, crying her eyes out, her body desperately holding onto someone. No, wait.
"Joel?" Tommy says next to me in disbelief. But then their bodies shift, and there he is. Joel, with his mop of now grey hair, grasping onto the daughter he undoubtedly thought he'd lost.
Tommy runs as fast as he can over to them, Sarah pulling him down into their embrace. Juniper, who had been standing there holding her mom's other hand, immediately jumps on Tommy and hugs him, her little fists digging into his arms. I walk up, wiping tears from my eyes and, to my surprise, Joel looks up at me and pulls me down to him, hugging me as tight as he can.
"I thought you were all dead," He says it so quietly in my ear, but I can hear the wobble in his voice.
"We're here. We're all..." I turn my head, looking into the small crowd of people. "Someone get Rose. Now!"
Joel snaps back from me, his eyes boring into mine. "Rose is here?"
I smile at him. "Yeah she fucking is!"
Suddenly his eyes look over my shoulder and I see the shift in them, know he sees Rose, and I know that feeling. The one of loss and relief, the pain that causes in your heart. Joel tries to stand but it's too late - Rose is there, dropping into his lap as she clings to him, tears streaming down her cheeks. He pulls back, cupping her face, his eyes roaming over hers.
"You're real?"
Rose nods. "Are you?"
He pulls her to him, their lips meeting and I look away, giving them a moment of privacy, marveling at the fact that our family is somehow together, at the other end of the country, even all these years later.
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As it turns out, Joel was not traveling alone. Ellie is spunky, full of attitude, keeping Joel on his toes. I love her already.
Tommy told me later about exactly why Joel and Ellie were here, what secret Ellie was carrying. That he has to bring her to the Fireflies so they can try and make a cure, an actual cure.
"And you think they can do that? They have the resources?"
Tommy shrugs, pulling his shirt over his head and exposing his bronzed skin, freckles spattered about, along with several scars. He starts to rummage through his dresser drawer, looking for a shirt to sleep in.
"Joel seems to think so."
"Hhhmm. I bet Rose will have something to say about it."
"She probably will."
I walk up to him, lightly brushing my fingers across his back. My arms slide around him as I press kisses into his back. He hums, his arms folding over mine. The warmth radiates out from his body and seeps into mine, relaxing me but also heating me up for very different reasons. I slowly move my hand down, dipping under the waistband of his sweatpants.
"And here I thought you said you were a lady." Tommy sucks in a breath after that last word, my fingers encircling him, slowly pumping him as he hardens in my grip.
"I want you to do un-ladylike things to me."
"Yes, ma'am."
He pulls my hand from his pants with a groan, from which of us I'm not sure. I turn to walk towards the bed and yelp, Tommy's hand lightly slapping my ass. He chuckles as I look fake shocked. I turn to him, my hand on my chest.
"How dare you sir! Ah!" He somehow reaches around me, slapping me on the other cheek, the shit eating grin on his face lighting up the room. He presses his lips to mine, but I'm not making it that easy. I pull back, turning to walk or run away, I'm not sure. But I know I'm not fast enough, Tommy's arms pulling me to him, caging me against his broad chest. One arm wraps around my chest, the other sliding into my panties. He moans as his fingers sink into me.
"Fuck, is this for me?"
"It's always for you, Tommy."
He continues to touch me, using his other hand to turn my head up, swallowing my moans with his kiss. The air electrifies and the mood shifts, both of us suddenly very desperate for the other. He pulls his hand from me and pushes me onto the bed, helping me to yank my panties down. They never make it off, just shoved down somewhere around my knees as he hikes my shirt over my hips. I'm already angling my body, my chest against the bed, Tommy's fingers digging into my hips as he gets into position. He pushes forward and I can't help the gutteral whine that erupts from somewhere within me, louder and more primal as his hips rut against me.
"My wife, the lady, begging me to fuck her."
I'm seeing colors now, my fingers twisting into the sheets to get some sort of purchase so I can push my hips back, driving him deeper.
"T-Tommy," It comes out more like a plea, a whimper of his name. But he knows me well, knows my body sometimes better than I do.
"I got you, darlin'."
He pulls me up, holding me against his chest again, one arm wrapped around me and one hand between my legs, touching me where it makes my legs shake.
"Come for me, baby," his voice rasps in my ear, low and sultry. And I do, I come hard, pulsing around him, his name chanting from my lips as I watch the colors dance around my vision. His hand stalls for a moment before pushing me back down, laying his body over mine as he continues to fuck into me a few more times before he comes, groaning and biting my back. He takes several breaths before pulling out, cleaning us both up before plopping back down on the bed. I scoot in next to him a minute later and he pulls me to his side, lifting my jaw with his finger to gently kiss me.
"You definitely know how to treat a lady."
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Joel and Ellie leave the next morning, much to our dislike. Tommy knew they were leaving, of course he did. I guess it makes sense. Less people out in winter time, less chance of a confrontation. Still, it made me uneasy and I wish they'd stay at least until spring.
What surprised me most was that Rose stayed behind. She was not happy by the looks of it, but she still showed her love to Joel, Ellie clearing her throat and looking anywhere but them.
"Listen, Ellie. I know we don't really know each other, but I want you to know, you'll always have a home here. Ok? No hesitation." I may have only met her yesterday, but I really liked this kid. She gave Joel the crap he needed and that won her all the points she needed in my book.
"Thanks. I'll probably just stay there in case they need more blood. But it's good to know." She gives me a quick, slightly awkward hug before nodding to Tommy and Sarah, who had just come walking up to the stables where we all stood.
"I can come with you, you know?" Sarah asked her dad when he pulled back from Rose.
"No, you can't. You have my granddaughter to take care of."
Sarah hugs him tight, and I swear I can see a tiny glint of a tear in Joel's eyes, his head slightly turned as he breathes her in, having thought he'd never be able to hold his daughter again.
"But I just got you back."
"I know, baby girl. I know. But this is important. You know I wouldn't go if it wasn't."
Sarah nods against his chest before pulling back, wiping tears from her eyes. She stands between Rose and me, watching Joel pull Ellie up into the saddle. Rose moves forward, brushing away some stray dirt on his pant leg and he leans down, kissing her once more.
"Remember what I told you, Joel."
"I will. I love you, baby."
"I love you too."
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Winter progresses, Lara getting further along in her pregnancy leaving Jax looking utterly lost as to how to help her.
"Just get her whatever she asks for and make sure to rub her feet. Oh! And when her belly gets big, stand behind her and lift it up. Your mom loved that."
"I just hated it when you had to stop."
Jax's smile fades and he turns serious. "I'm just afraid this one won't stick, too."
I cup his face. "Oh baby, sometimes these things happen. It just wasn't meant to be. But I'm sure this one will be running around and calling me grandma in no time."
Thank God I was right. Lara has her baby just as the winter snows start to melt, a beautiful little girl they name Emma, after Lara's sister who died saving her on outbreak day. She immediately has Jax wrapped around her little finger.
Our house is loud again, baby sounds echoing off the wood boards. I couldn't be happier. Tommy feels the same, his face lighting up whenever he gets to see Emma.
"I always feel like we're imposing," Lara confesses as she rocks Emma to sleep.
"Never. You are never imposing. Even if you just need a moment for yourself, you bring her right over," I assure her.
"Thanks, Mrs. Mil-I mean, Daisy. Sorry, that's still weird to say."
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The false spring ends, the final snows melting away as flowers and trees bloom. Tommy and I walk arm in arm down main street, intending on having a quick bite to eat at the restaurant before heading back to work. There's a small commotion at the main gate before it opens slightly. Tommy stops, pressing his hand above his eyes to shield them from the bright sun.
"Holy shit. It's Joel and Ellie."
We jog up to them, embracing them both. Something is different. Off, a little. I can tell something happened, but they're both back and safe and that's what we focus on. We head right into the clinic, Rose running and jumping into Joel's arms. He kisses her hard before setting her down, where she promptly breaks the kiss and punches his arm as hard as she can.
"Joel Miller, if you ever leave me again, I will find you and kill you myself. Do you understand me?"
A small smile tugs at the corners of his lips. "Yes, ma'am."
We take Ellie for a meal, allowing Joel and Rose some time to themselves. She's a little quieter than normal, shoving food around her plate for a bit before eating.
"Hey. Everything ok?" I ask, trying to put no pressure on the question.
She shrugs. "Yeah. I guess I'm just disappointed things didn't work out."
I hesitate for a moment before grabbing her hand and squeezing it. "You are fucking brave for even trying it. You're a bad ass."
She chuckles. "A bad ass?"
"Hell yeah!"
She shifts a little in her chair before resuming eating, a little more eager than before. I'm not sure what what on between here and Salt Lake, but I hope they can both come to terms with it. I'm sure they will.
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Emma sits on her father's lap, happily chewing on some food we'd cut for her from the absolute feast we've put together. Everyone is here, Jax and Lara and Emma, Eli and Juniper and Sarah, who is rounder than ever with their second child. Joel and Rose and Ellie, who asked to bring her new friend Dina along. We all sit at a big table out back, the late summer air warm but cooling as the sun sets whispering through the trees. The laughter is loud and smiles are all around as we all sit and chat long into the night. I push my chair against Tommy's, leaning my head on his chest as he wraps his arms around me. As I look out at everyone I can't help but be amazed and grateful that we're all here together, after all this life has thrown us, in this little corner of the world.
And how different my life would've been if some random drunk didn't hit on me at that bar, so many years ago.
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y2kbbie · 2 days
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ𝙏 𝙧 𝙖 𝙪 𝙢 𝙖 B ♡ 𝙣 dﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
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jack traven x traumatized!f!reader
content warnings୨୧:: "depictions of ptsd/trauma, mental illness including auditory hallucinations, drug and alcohol usage/abuse, relapsing, overdosing."
summary୨୧:: "after enduring the 1994 bus incident, both (y/n) and officer jack traven respectfully suffered with their own traumas after the fact. however, they would both handle and cope with their challenges in severely contrasting ways. will their trauma get the better of them as a couple, or will they work through the obstacles of flashbacks and haunting memories?" | 2.4k words
DISCLAIMER୨୧:: do not attempt to recreate any of the events that are depicted in the following. if you or someone you know needs help, please call the 988 suicide & crisis lifeline, and skip over this short story.
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It's been six months since the 'bus incident" that both (Y/N) and LAPD SWAT Officer Jack Traven endured, yet that would also be the day you and Jack met each other. That day was a catch 22 for the both of you, struggling with the grief while also trying to build up your relationship. Since Jack had his career path as a Law Enforcement Officer, he was always distracted and prioritized the safety of the town's civilians. However, that wouldn't be the case for (Y/N). See, on that day, (Y/N) was riding the bus to a job interview that you have been preparing for since the beginning of the month, and you weren't able to make it due to the bombing, leaving you to be both traumatized and jobless; left completely alone with your haunting memories over the hours of the day.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎One night, Jack was especially late after a long shift, leaving (Y/N) alone with your thoughts for longer than previously expected, which allowed them to swarm your head like a storm and pour onto your mind relentlessly. The memories were all so vivid still: finding out the bus was rigged, witnessing the old lady be dragged out from under the bus, and nearly being bombed yourself after Harry used you in his twisted scheme for quick money.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
The clock struck midnight, marking it the sixth hour since Jack should've been back home from his shift. It was typical for Jack to be late, but not ever THIS late...unless something happened. That mere concept sent (Y/N) into a frenzy, battling with your darkest fears until you blinked and suddenly found yourself racing for the nearby pantry and reaching out towards a bottle of Chassagne-Montrachet Morgeot 1988 and popped open the cap to begin chugging down the alcoholic drink that burned your throat as it went down every inch of your esophagus, making you gag and cough from the sensation that quickly caught up to you.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎By the time you pulled the bottle's neck from your lips, (Y/N)'s vision became dizzy, and — if you were to talk — you'd notice that your speech was quickly becoming slurred. However, this would not be enough to silence or even touch the voices that were clouding your better sense of judgement. As a result, (Y/N) dashed through the apartment and down the hallway until you reached the bathroom. Your heart pounded like thunder against the walls of your chest from the adrenaline rush, as if your body was trying to warn you against the actions that followed.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Without stopping to think, (Y/N) reached your hand out towards the medicine cabinet and snatched up a prescription pill bottle that you knew Jack would take for gunshot wounds or other injuries he may have gotten while out on the job. Not even reading anything on the label, (Y/N) began shoveling capsules of the medication into your mouth as you held it open.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎"Jack..." You call out to nobody, but a part of you believed that Jack would respond to you in your delirious state.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎And then, your vision begins to fade out into black as your eyes flutter shut. However, (Y/N) was also still up and conscious, making you stumble until you eventually find the door which led to the bedroom. Your heart was racing at a thousand beats per second until everything seemingly steadily drowned out, your hearing sounded as though you were sinking slowly into the ocean, and your body collapsed onto the edge of the bed; just barely able to reach the mattress.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎"Holy shit, (Y/N)!" Jack's voice roared through the apartment the very moment his eyes landed upon your unconscious form. Without missing a beat, Jack rushed over to (Y/N)'s direction and knelt down to the ground by your side. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎"(Y/N), wake up!" He pleaded while attempting to shake you awake you wake up, desperately praying that you didn't do what he initially believed you did upon first sight of the scene that laid before him and unraveled in real time.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Not wanting to let time be against him, Jack stretched his arms down and placed his palms firmly on your breastbone on top of each other and began performing rapid chest compressions while his eyes remained locked on yours, as if he believed that staring at you would make you wake back up.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
Desperate to get help for (Y/N) as quickly as possible, Jack rose up and hurried his pace to pick up his cellphone that he'd left on the kitchen counter once he came in through the front door of the apartment before he noticed that something was amiss. Each stride that Jack took nearly echoed through the walls from how silent the rest of the apartment was despite the chaos that was taking over his heart. Without allowing time to pass by him, Jack immediately dialed 9-1-1 to contact emergency services.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ As the rings of the call connecting sounded from the cellphone, Jack returned to administrating CPR on (Y/N)'s unconscious form, distressed by the sight he bore witness to after a long and tiring day at work.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "9-1-1, what's the location of your emergency?" The feminine voice of an operator greeted Jack after just a couple of rings from the other end of the line.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "I...I just came home from work, and found my girlfriend unconscious." Jack explained the situation urgently to the operator, trying not to be snappy in the midst of the adrenaline rush and fear of possibly loving his beloved girlfriend.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "Okay, sir. Is your girlfriend breathing?" The operator asked with caution against the distant sound of keys clacking in the background.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "No. No, I've been administrating CPR on her since I found her." He answered, cursing under his breath out of pure terror.
Everything else that the operator asked or said to Jack then was irrelevant to him, all that he cared about then was working to bringing (Y/N) back to life. His hands persisted with their pumps against your breastbone and chest, his grip strong and relentless while he stared hopelessly into your closed eyes.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ After what felt like an eternity, Jack would eventually hear the distant wails of sirens approaching the apartment. His head jolted up and whipped around in the direction of the front door, which he'd left unlocked for the EMTs (well, and because he quickly caught onto the evidence of the open pantry cabinet, half-empty wine bottle on the floor, and the open medicine cabinet would lead Jack to (Y/N)'s unconscious body on the very bed which they'd shared.) In the matter of no time, the EMTs would speedily transport (Y/N) to the hospital while simultaneously working to revive you.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
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It would feel like nothing to you, but it had been hours since (Y/N) was last awake and conscious; EMTs and Jack were beginning to contemplate if you were going to need life support, or if you were even worth the try to save with the state that you were currently in. However, Jack wasn't ready to give up on you — no, he was too damn stubborn to even think of that being a possibility.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ As a last resort, Jack pulled (Y/N)'s limp hand into his own before he tightly wrapped his fingers around the width of your hand, lightly shaking it once with a sense of determination flashing behind the barrier of his eyes. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "(Y/N), please, I...I can't lose you, too..." He began, his voice quickly yet involuntarily choking up as each word slipped from his trembling lips. "I love you, honey. Please...please, wake up..." Jack added as a final act of desperation. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
Tick...tock...tick...tock...tick... ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
With the seconds counting down on the clock and no response from (Y/N), Jack's grip steadily loosened on your hand as he closed his eyes tight, trying to escape from the nightmare that was unfolding in front of him. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "Officer Traven, I believe she may be in a...critical—" ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
Then, before the doctor would be able to finish his sentence, (Y/N)'s eyes began to flutter open. You were dazed and confused, but you were alive, and that was all Jack cared about in that moment. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "Jack..?" (Y/N) questioned. Although your voice was weak and strained after being unconscious for an undetermined number of hours (not to mention your speech being slurred from the hangover).‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "It's okay. You're okay, I'm right here." Jack comforted (Y/N) with his calm and soothing voice in an attempt to comfort you, knowing that you must be in a hazy state. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "Where...am I?" ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "We're at the hospital, babe." ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
It was then when all of those memories came flooding back into the broken dam of (Y/N)'s mind, causing tears to flow down freely from your eyes and down your cheeks. Jack would be able to catch onto the guilt that was behind the windows of your eyes, prompting him to reach his hand out slowly towards you until his fingertips lightly brushed up against (Y/N)'s right cheek.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "It's okay...nobody's mad at you." Jack said calmly, his voice comforting to hear again after all of those hours fighting against the aggressive whispers that were relenting in your mind while you waited and dwelled on what could possibly be happening to Jack while he was out at work.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "I'm sorry..." You mutter, unintentionally disregarding Jack's previous comment while all of the emotions overwhelm the clarity that you once experienced from the overstimulating high that you received from the handful of narcotics you ha d previously taken back at home.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "Shhh...shh, you don't need to apologize." Jack whispered to reassure (y/n), tightening his grip around your hand with a reassuring glimmer sparkling behind his eyes against the turmoil that was boiling in his heart, which ached at the sight of his lover in so much pain.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "But I—" Before (y/n) could mutter another word, she was interrupted by the familiar sensation of Jack's lips pressing onto her own, which were chapped after being unconscious and without water for an unknown amount of time.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "I should've called you, baby. And it was stupid of me that I didn't." He reflected on his past choices, going back to the recent past of when he was buried in work and wasn't even able to think of (y/n). It was clear to (y/n) that Jack had regret in his heart, and it only broke her own heart more.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "Don't you start blaming yourself." (Y/N) spoke up, exerting the most power behind her voice than she was able to so far, clarifying to Jack her stance on the events. She knew that what happened was to her own accord and it wasn't Jack's fault. But, (y/n) would still find herself becoming overwhelmingly emotional over everything, and Jack would notice the tears that began to prick the corners of her eyes.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "I love you, (y/n). More than you'd ever know." Jack whispered in his low and quiet voice, one that always made her heart leap inside of the walls of her chest.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "I love you, too, Jack..." (Y/N) murmured in response, leaning herself closer in towards Jack until he began pulling himself into her direction and their lips finally connected.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ That kiss would be different from any other kiss that (y/n) had shared with Jack, it was a silent promise that would be made between them. Things were going to be better from here on out, and no past of theirs was going to get in the way of the promising future their relationship held for them.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
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emeraldcreeper · 1 year
Biting maiming and killing the system of healthcare
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Me when I'm emotionally unstable again
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