#and nobody knew about the jegulus
tisajest · 10 months
Exciting angsty dynamic I want to add to one or both of my fics:
Sirius had a crush on James, he eventually got over it for the most part once James got with Lily, but it nevertheless never fully went away. Even after James died. Sirius’s feelings towards James are kinda fossilized at what they were when James died.
When he learns that James and Regulus saw each other in Hogwarts, he loses his shit for many reasons, including that he ends up projecting his old crush onto James. He initially thinks that James only dated Regulus because he actually wanted to date Sirius and oh there are so many mixed emotions in that.
Especially since that was one of Regulus’s insecurities about their relationship at the time and it causes him to lash out.
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glass (I took some creative liberty with this one) - Jegulus Microfic - @into-the-jeggyverse - word count: 213
James was never supposed to see. It was supposed to be a secret. Something Regulus literally took to his grave, never to be revealed to anyone under any circumstances.
He was careful. So careful to make sure nobody ever saw. But of course, James Potter was smart. And damn sneaky.
"Hi, Reg!" he announced himself one day, arriving as if out of nowhere in the alcove Regulus thought nobody knew about. And how, Regulus wondered, did he even know he was there?
But Regulus didn't have a chance to ask, because both of them were distracted right away.
"Merlin's beard," James gasped, grinning and pointing at Regulus's face. "No fucking way!"
Instantly, Regulus snapped the book he had on his lap shut, an reached for the bridge of his nose. "None of your business, Po-"
"Reg, you make fun of me all the time! You never leave me alone about it! And you have them, too?" James asked gleefully, almost jumping with joy.
"No," Regulus grumbled, but it was no use. The reading glasses in his hand did, in fact, exist.
"Awww, baby," James said, coming closer and placing a kiss on his cheek. "They look adorable on you, if it's any consolation."
And Regulus refused to look up as he blushed scarlet.
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silverameco · 11 months
i loooove the idea of Sirius knowing about jegulus since the beginning, before everyone else, but nobody knows he knows, not even James. but like, come on, the two people he knows the most on this earth ? of course he knew.
as time goes on, he notices people start knowing too, and they keep coming up with excuses to cover for James, and Sirius just finds it so funny so he doesn't tell them he knows
until one day, Remus and Sirius find themselves alone in the dorm (while Pete is in detention or wherever) and Remus is like "hm.. i suppose Prongs is-" and Sirius just casually says "probably fucking my brother. c'mon now Moony cuddle me pls"
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wolf-star-chaser12 · 2 months
Little Notes
| Little Notes - word count: 2874 - jegulus/starchaser oneshot
no warnings |
James knew he should give the book back to Regulus, but the sticky notes inside made it almost impossible. When he opened the book to see whose it was, he didn’t expect to see several sticky notes with Regulus’ handwriting inside. 
James meant to give it back right away, he did, but the sarcastic comments and responses to the boring history book made it automatically interesting. It didn’t help that James also had a slightly massive crush on the book’s owner. 
James wanted to know everything about Regulus, Sirius was only so much help after all. He felt guilty, reading the first few notes. It felt like he was trespassing on something private even if it were only witty remarks as to why people throughout history were stupid and what they could have done better. But if he wanted to know Regulus better, there was nothing more intimate than knowing one’s thoughts.
James' curiosity overpowered his guilt. So he spent the next hour reading through the boring history book, only made better by Regulus’ remarks. At first, it was just chuckling and little huffs of laughter, but then it grew louder and louder. After three warnings to keep quiet by Madame Pince, he was finally kicked out of the library for laughing too hard and loud.
James walked up to the Gryffindor tower, wiping away tears as he remembered the whole ass paragraph Regulus wrote on why Dumbledore was incompetent and could have easily been defeated by Grindlewald. James respected their headmaster, but Regulus had some pretty strong points as to why he wasn’t truly the strongest wizard.
The Marauder’s room was strangely quiet but a quick look at the map showed that Sirius and Remus were in the astronomy tower and Peter was in the greenhouse probably checking on his plants. Another quick look showed Regulus in his room with Crouch and the Rosier twins, along with Marlene’s girlfriend, Dorcas.
James smiled as he thought of their little group, he always wondered how they managed to become friends with Pandora, but nobody could turn her away. Then again they probably didn’t need to since she was Rosier’s sister. But why Dorcas was friends with Crouch and Rosier remained a mystery. She insisted they were secretly soft and refused to let anyone know it, but she also admitted they were as insane as they appeared.
James was caught up in thoughts of Regulus and his friends, but mainly Regulus. He definitely needed to give the book back to him tomorrow. But he also wanted to know more about him. Just then, James had a brilliant idea. He would respond to each of the little comments, even the paragraph.
James spent the better part of two hours writing little responses on the sticky notes. At one point he wondered where Regulus got the sticky notes but then he quickly dismissed it thinking it wasn’t important. He was the most productive he had ever been, writing silly little responses to Regulus. If only he were this productive with his actual schoolwork. By the time he finished writing responses, Peter had already fallen asleep and Sirius and Remus stumbled in, hand in hand. 
“Prongs! You’re still awake? Don’t you have quidditch practice in four hours?” Sirius asked.
James looked at the clock that every dorm had— the only clocks that worked throughout the school, just so they could get up in time.
“Shit, I got carried away. But so do you, in case you forgot.”
Remus’ brows went up in surprise. “You’re doing homework? You? James Potter?”
“Yeah, yeah.” He rolled his eyes. He decided to go with it since he didn’t want anyone to know yet about his maybe not-so-little crush. James knew Sirius would be fine with it and support him, but things were still tense. After Regulus ran away with him, they were still trying to figure out how to be brothers again.
Thankfully the couple left him alone and he soon put away the book, falling deep asleep.
If James weren’t the captain of the quidditch team, he would strangle himself for making him get up so early. He wasn’t going to complain, it was worth it responding to all the little notes and getting an up-close look at Regulus’ mind.
James didn’t know when he would be able to see Regulus, at least not until dinner. Even then, he would probably be in the kitchens, away from everyone else. They didn’t have potions that day— Regulus was so smart he was in the seventh year’s class. James sighed as he thought about how smart Regulus was, how beautiful and deadly. It was his own fault when Sirius snuck up on him during the practice he was supposed to be leading.
“Okay, that’s it. Practice is over,” Sirius shouted. 
The team looked relieved to be dismissed even ten minutes earlier.
“You can’t do that,” James said in disbelief. 
“I can, I will, and I just did. Besides, you’ve hardly been leading practice today. Marlene is doing all the work.”
James felt a stab of guilt. Was he really so caught up in his thoughts of Regulus that he wasn’t able to focus on quidditch? Apparently so. He flew down with the rest of the team, hoping to avoid his best friend for a moment longer. 
“Not so fast.”
James grunted as he was pulled back hard by his quidditch jersey. He and Sirius stared at each other before James began to run his hands through his hair nervously.
Sirius sighed. “What happened?”
“What do you mean?”
Sirius punched James on the arm. “Don’t be dumb. What happened?”
“Noth– nothing happened I swear mate.”
Sirius glared at him. It was unnerving how much the Black brothers looked alike. They practically looked like twins, the only difference was their height, hair, and eyes. Not to mention the way they held themselves. But their glares could kill. Luckily for James, he was practically immune to the death glare.
Suddenly, Sirius’ eyes lit up with mischief and sheer joy. “You were thinking about someone, weren’t you?”
James grinned, unable to help it. 
Sirius gasped, “You weren’t doing homework last night were you?”
“Nope,” he continued smiling.
“What were you doing?”
James shrugged. “Eh, just writing.”
“Who is it?”
James' smile faltered then. Sirius wouldn’t be mad, but was it the right time? Regulus made him so happy with his mean comments and sarcastic responses. There had to be something wrong with James, but if there was nothing wrong with Regulus, then what was so wrong with loving him?
Oh. It wasn’t a slight crush. No, it was so much more wonderful than that. He, James Potter was in love with Regulus Black. As simple as that.
Sirius seemed to misunderstand James’ silence for something else when he pulled him in for a hug. James held him tight, not caring that it wasn’t something most boys did. But Sirius was his brother, he would gladly hug him any time.
“I won’t judge you, or be mad. You know that right?”
“I know. Just don’t know if it’s the right time to say anything.”
“That’s okay, you don’t have to. Do they make you happy?”
With no hesitation, James responded, “Yes.”
They pulled away from each other, and James’ hands were still on Sirius’ shoulders. “He makes me so happy, you have no idea.”
“Oh yeah?” Sirius said. 
“I’m just worried he doesn’t feel the same.”
“Well, if he doesn’t, it’s his loss.”
James grinned even wider. “If he doesn’t, I’ll woo him.”
They left the pitch and headed down for breakfast. James hoped he would see Regulus, even if it was in passing. James knew he and Regulus had a gap between classes around the same time, he would try to find him and give him back the book.
When the time came, James was buzzing with excitement. Just the thought of being able to talk with the beautiful boy made his heart soar. He knew he was cheesy and romantic, but that wouldn’t stop him. Looking at the map, Regulus seemed to be walking from Ancient Runes to the library. Much to James’ delight, he was alone.
He rushed through the halls, only slowing down whenever he saw a professor or prefect— even though he needn’t worry about prefects since he was Head Boy. James arrived shortly before Regulus did, which was perfect because he could say he had just found the book.
Regulus looked like a dream with his curls framing his pale face. He always looked perfect— at least that’s what James thought. Regulus walked up to the table where he left his book and looked confused for a second when he realised it was gone.
“Regulus,” James said breathlessly. “Hi.”
Regulus scowled but his ears turned slightly pink. “Where’s my book James.”
He called me James.
“Wher– oh! Here.” James handed him the book, trying not to show his nervousness. What if he didn’t like it? What if it made him mad? 
“James, why did you have my book?”
Regulus’ green and grey eyes were so pretty, James could get lost in them forever. “I just found it, I figured you didn’t want anyone to accidentally take it or put it away so I was going to give it to you but you just got here.” He was rambling and he knew it. But the boy in front of him made his mind melt like butter.
Regulus looked at the book suspiciously before saying, “Thanks.”
They stood there awkwardly for a few seconds. 
“Right, I’m leaving.” Regulus walked bruquely past James and out of the library. 
James was too dazed from counting Regulus’ freckles— he counted fourteen before he left. James wanted to feel a little disappointed at the interaction, but Regulus didn’t outright insult him or ignore him for once, so James was more than happy. He walked out of the library and to his next class with a lovesick expression.
Regulus didn’t immediately think there was anything off about the book. James seemed to be telling the truth so he wasn’t worried. He walked to his next class and met Pandora on the way.
“Did James give you the book yet?”
Regulus stopped and looked at her with a confused expression. “How did you know?”
“I know all sorts of things.”
“I know that,” he said exasperatedly. “But you know everyone’s secrets and little details. This wasn’t even a secret.”
Pandora giggled. “Of course it wasn’t a secret. I saw him take your book last night after he got kicked out my Madame Pince for laughing too loud. I was going to grab it myself but he got to it first.”
Wait what? “Last night?”
Pandora nodded. 
This instantly made Regulus suspicious of the book, but he wouldn’t be able to check it until he finished this last class. All throughout Transfiguration, Regulus’ thoughts kept straying to James and the book. Pandora said James was kicked out for laughing, but why was he laughing? Surely he wasn’t laughing at his notes, was he? 
“Panda?” he whispered, quietly enough so Professor McGonagall wouldn’t catch him.
Regulus hesitated. “Why was James laughing last night?”
Pandora smiled sweetly, instantly knowing what Regulus was really asking. “Your little notes you always make.”
Regulus felt dread pool in his stomach.
“Don’t worry,” she said. “He wasn’t making fun of them, he kept muttering how funny you were and how smart too.”
Regulus felt a funny little flutter in his chest. He tried to concentrate on the rest of the lesson, but his thoughts were filled with James and his laugh. Oh, how he would give anything just to hear James laugh. The things he would do to be the one making him laugh. 
He was gone for James Potter, his brother’s best friend. 
There was no way someone like James would possibly like him. After all, he was only “Sirius’ little brother.” James would never see him any other way. Impossible.
Pandora leaned into him again. “Maybe when you stop blushing and daydreaming about him, you should open the book.”
If Regulus wasn’t blushing before, he sure was now.
As soon as Transfiguration finished, Regulus tried as subtly as possible to rush to his room. Judging by Pandora’s smile, he wasn’t that subtle to her.
When he got to his room, he noticed the curtains around Barty’s bed were spelled shut and there was a silencing charm around it. Thank Salazar, Regulus would kill Barty first and then Evan if they forgot it again.
Regulus closed his curtains but didn’t bother putting up a silencing spell. Opening the book, he had no idea what to expect, but it was not this— little notes under his little notes. Butterflies erupted all throughout his body and he knew he was sporting the biggest blush ever. He read through the notes like his life depended on it. James’ notes were variations of his if he had said something sarcastic. 
“Pathetic. I could do better.”
“Could you?”
“Honestly, I’ve never seen so little common sense from someone. There’s a reason history is documented just so people don’t repeat it.”
“Clearly this guy doesn’t understand that.”
“I could’ve done that in half the time and with less mess.”
“I would love to see that happen.”
“She left obvious traces. I wouldn’t have gotten caught.”
“She truly shouldn’t have left the gloves there.”
Some were actual notes that gave his opinion, meaning James took the time to read through the passage of a class he was no longer in, just to give his insight. It was the most adorable thing Regulus had seen. The giggle slipped past his lips before he blushed in embarrassment at the noise.
A dramatic gasp sounded from Barty’s bed. “Did you hear that Rosie?”
Regulus shoved the book under his pillow.
Evan pulled back Regulus’ curtains with delight. “It was actually Regulus.”
“Impossible,” Barty said.
“Bat, do you think someone is using polyjuice potion?”
“No one is dumb enough to sentence themselves to death by impersonating Reg.”
“I’m right here,” Regulus scowled.
“You just fucking giggled,” said Evan.
“Shut up,” he growled. Regulus shot them a glare that made them fidget from nervousness. 
Barty dropped it, surprisingly. “We’re about to go to dinner, you coming with us?”
Regulus sighed. “I’ll meet you there.”
They smiled and left the room. 
Regulus spelled his curtains shut and cast a silencing charm this time. He grabbed his pillow and screamed into it before dissolving into giggles. He put the pillow back and took a few breaths to regain his composure before heading to the Great Hall.
James swore he wasn’t stalking Regulus, maybe, but when he looked at the map and saw Regulus heading towards the Great Hall, James jumped up and nearly ran to intercept him. He didn’t know what he was going to do or say, but he would figure it out.
Turning the corner, he nearly tackled Regulus to the ground. The boys jumped back before either one could get hurt. Much to James’ delight, he noticed Regulus blush from his ears to his neck before he scowled.
“Do you ever pay attention?”
“To you, yes,” James smiled.
Regulus gaped and flushed a deeper red before he found his words. “You shouldn’t go through other people’s property.”
“Yes, well, it’s technically not yours but the library’s.”
Regulus raised his brow. “Why?”
“Why what?”
Regulus cleared his throat. “Why the notes?”
James hesitated. “Because… You never really talk to me— in fact, this is the longest conversation we’ve had. It felt like it was the only way I was going to talk with you.”
Regulus studied him carefully, visibly relaxing. “I’m not, I don’t.” He took a deep breath. “I’m not good at talking.”
“I know,” James smiled fondly. 
“Then why bother trying?”
“I want to get to know you, Reg.”
“But why?” he asked softly.
Forget wooing, James would just tell him. Maybe not that he was in love, but that he had feelings.
“I like you. As in, I fancy you and want to date you.”
Regulus stared at him with wide eyes. When he still hadn’t responded, James began to get nervous.
“I-I mean of course, if that’s something you’d like. I probably shouldn’t have sprung this on you since you don’t like talking about feelings or feelings in general. But I like you and I was planning on wooing you but then I thought it would be better to just tell you but you probably don’t like me back and I should’ve stuck with wooin–”
James’ rambling was cut off. Because Regulus Black kissed him. He was kissing Regulus Black. In the hall where anyone could walk by and see them. 
He was kissing Regulus.
“I’m not good at talking.” Regulus looked at James. Green and grey on hazel eyes. “But I can try to show you.”
“I’ll take anything and everything you have to give me.”
“It’s not very much, James.”
“It’s everything to me.”
“Even the little notes?”
“Even the little notes.”
James took Regulus to the kitchen for their first unofficial date. It might have taken them longer than necessary because James kept stopping to kiss Regulus.
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v7lgar · 5 months
@jegulus-microfic | cease - may 4 | 831 words @ecstarry @godsofwoes @bellaxisworld prev part next part
“You are unavoidable.”
They waited for each other to talk, but they didn't. James felt like fainting, or maybe that was the alcohol in his veins, who knows?
His mind was racing, he wanted to scream at him, he wanted to shake him until he pulled the words out of him. He couldn't do it, and he was never good with silence.
“James, you are married.”
James closed his eyes shut, his words stank like a needle. He was right, of course. Fuck, he was right.
“I am aware.”
“Then what is the meaning of this?”
James was on edge, he was tiptoeing around the edge, and he knew he was going to fall into the pit anytime.
“Look,” he forced out the words, “Regulus, this isn't easy, okay?”
“I guess—”
“No, no. Don't fucking talk, okay? Just listen to me. God, you don't have any idea how hard it is for me to talk right now. I don't care if you don't talk, I don't care if you end up hanging up on me. I just need you to listen.”
Even though he expected him to talk again, Regulus didn't. He did what James said, he stopped and started to listen.
James took a deep breath and inhaled deeply, his eyes were still closed.
“It was a mistake to invite you to my wedding, I'm going to forever regret it.”
“Why?” Regulus asked, his voice was tiny, almost whispering and maybe he was hurt.
“Ever since then, I can't stop—” he couldn't say it, he couldn't admit it, he didn't want it to be true. Yes, he thought about it. But telling his feelings and thoughts was something else. He was going to make them real. He still didn't want it to be real.
But, at this point of this misery, what choice he had left?
“I couldn't stop thinking about you, about us.”
Saying out loud made it ten times worse but, he felt as if something lifted off his chest. Now he was sure that he should do this. It was wrong but he didn't care. For the last two years, this feeling ate him alive. He couldn't tell anyone, not to Sirius, not to his wife and for sure not to his parents. There was nobody but Regulus. He would understand, and even if he didn't, James had no choice.
“It's funny, isn't it? I was the one who broke up with you and got married but look at me now. Calling you because I have been bearing these thoughts every day for two years.”
James took a sip of his whiskey and continued, “I know how this sounds, believe me, I know. I just— it's just—”
He began to laugh, squeezing the bridge of his nose, he felt everything in an unbearable amount. This wasn't fair, nothing was fair.
“James, calm down—”
“I can't fucking breathe, and I tried. Fuck, I tried to stop thinking about you, I tried to forget how you tasted, I tried to erase the memories of holding you in my arms, but you are just— I can't shake you under my skin. The more I try to stop, the more I think about you. And this is— this is just— it is not fair, okay? Not fair, I have a wife for god's sake! A wife, Lily, my Lily.”
He didn't notice when he stopped laughing and started letting the tears down on his face, it was torture.
“You have your Lily,” Regulus replied with a dry voice, “Yet, here you are.”
“I am here, yes,” James said, “I am at your mercy, and I hate every second of it.”
He took a deep breath, “ I hate that telling you all of this is making me feel better. I've been suffering for so long, knowing that confessing my feelings to you is going to be my salvation. But this felt wrong, having all these feelings as a married man. I am fucking married, Regulus.”
“I am aware, James. I was there, watching you make your vows to each other. I was there, remember?”
“Why did you come? Why did you join my wedding, Regulus?”
“Because,” Regulus said, “I wanted closure.”
James slowly sank to the floor and palmed his face. He couldn't talk, it was impossible to function. Maybe doing all this was his way to destroy everything he had. He never considered himself as a destructive person, but now, all he could think of was shattering everything he had cared for, for Regulus. This had to cease to an end, he knew it, but he didn't have the heart for it.
“Did you?” James asked quietly, “Did you get your closure?”
Regulus waited for a minute.
“Yes,” he said, breaking James’ heart in pieces like he did to Regulus years ago, “I got my closure.”
James couldn't say anything in return.
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ch0k3herwithaseaview · 7 months
@jegulus-microfic | feb 20 shiver | words: 864
yeah, so, someone said they would like a part 2 to this so i wrote it. i don’t know if it’s any good but here it is, hope y’all like it (also sorry for all the mistakes, english still isn’t my first language)
next part 👀
“He just stayed over for dinner, Sirius. It was a ‘thank you’ for helping me with Gigi” James repeated for what felt like a hundredth time.
“Oh, I know your ‘thank yous’. Don’t try to fool me, I haven’t met you yesterday” Sirius laughed through the phone. James was surprised his best friend didn’t get mad at him for spending the evening with said friend’s brother.
He was expecting the man to throw a tantrum about it, that’s why he called Moony and asked for Sirius as soon as Regulus left his flat with the dog.
“You know, it’s kind of your fault. Why would you leave your phone to your brother? If you hadn’t done that nothing would have happened!”
“So, something did happen?” James heard the cheeky smile even though he couldn't see it and simply groaned at the response he received. Sirius could be his best friend, who James loved dearly, but he could also piss him off like nobody else.
“Don’t change the subject, just- why did he have your phone? I really was terrified with the whole situation and as if it wasn’t enough I almost got a heart attack because you really didn’t have your phone and I didn’t know who got my address, and if they wouldn’t ki-“
“Okay, James, breathe” he heard from the other side. He did just that. “Now, stop spiralling. He had my phone, because I left it there on my way to the venue. He was fucking with you, you know how he is” Sirius explained calmly and James felt a little better. But then “While we’re on the topic of fucking-“
“I’m hanging up” his bestie just barked a laugh at that.
“Yeah, Reggie’s here anyways, I have to pester him now. Bye, love ya” and with that Sirius ended the call.
James breathed heavily and slumped into the couch. Excluding the Gigi incident, the evening was really nice - he and Regulus prepared the butter chicken together (using tofu instead of chicken since Reg doesn’t eat meat). They laughed at what the vet said about them not being good uncles to the dog and talked about their lives. James knew from Sirius that Regulus went to art school but still listened eagerly as the younger man talked about his latest project.
“You should come to the opening. I think you’ll like it” Regulus said midway through his dish. He also smirked when James started choking on his rice. After a moment he calmed down, whipping his face with a napkin.
“Yeah, of course, I’ll try to make it. When is it exactly?” he asked, pretending like nothing happened just seconds ago. Regulus laughed at him, sounding so very sweet again, and James tried to hide the small smile and blush that appeared on his face.
“Next Friday at 8” the black-haired man replied simply, going back to his meal. He looked so soft and peaceful sitting at the table, the older man felt a need to squish him tightly, because what the fuck - how can someone look so pretty?
With James’ internal crisis and Regulus’ quiet chewing they fell into a comfortable silence. It was new to James - usually, while eating with his parents and friends, it was very loud, everyone talking and laughing all the time. But it was nice - to just sit and enjoy a dinner together.
When they were finished Regulus took Gigi and said he’ll drop her off at Sirius’. James just thanked him again, walking the other man down the hall. When Regulus was out, he turned over his shoulder and smiled warmly.
“See you next Friday” he said and walked to the elevator. James didn’t even have a chance to reply as the younger man disappeared behind the metal door.
He took another deep breath and went to his bathroom, taking a quick shower and preparing to go to sleep. He was halfway through his skincare routine when his phone beeped. As always, he didn’t bother checking it while he’s having his alone time, but as soon as he laid his head on the pillow he opened the unread message.
Sirius is fucking mad
Whatever he says to you - do NOT believe him
He’s delusional, I swear
It’s Regulus, by the way
James felt a pleasant shiver going down his spine. Regulus didn’t ask for his numer, but apparently took it from Sirius’ phone. Sneaky little thing he was.
didnt expect you to be not only a murderer but also a thief
and i know your brothers mad ive known him half my life
I’m not a thief, I’m THE thief
If I managed to steal your number maybe I’ll be able to steal some of your time ;)))
James laughed at that.
yeah sure
you can steal as much of my time as you want
The reply didn’t come right away. He could see the three dots appearing and disappearing every now and then, though. And when it finally came, James just smiled at it.
You’re being cheesy, please don’t act like that at the opening
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arkieve · 4 months
June 12 - Challenge | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 898
Regulus doesn’t notice him at first. He rarely ever notices what goes on in his train car when he has his earbuds in and the music blends with the scenery outside the window. But his airpods make their familiar noise of despondent beeping, warning him of their inevitable death, and pull him away from his usual daydreaming.
While rummaging through his bag and placing the earbuds in their case, he gets this odd feeling in his stomach, and then, he hears him. 
With his heartbeat in sudden uptick, he follows the voice that’s slightly obscured by the din of the car and sees him. And oh, that odd feeling is familiarity. Familiarity like he hasn’t known for the past two years.
He’s in the middle of a phone call, tucked into the corner of a four-seater, and the person on the other line must be funny because James throws his head back, molars on display and his hand comes up to cover his mouth in a futile attempt to stifle his laughter. It booms all the same. 
For a second there, he’s the boy Regulus once knew, and Regulus can’t help the instinctive pull of his lips into a smile.
Hello there, you.
He could easily walk up to him on stiff legs and say hello. James would remove the bag he’s put beside himself and make room, not because it’s Regulus, but because James is accommodating like that.
Regulus would ask James about his mother and casually mention the time he ran into her at the supermarket eight months ago. He’d conveniently leave out the part where he ducked behind a stack of discount soup. Or how he sprinted out of the building and got caught running out with a pack of toothpaste he didn’t pay for. 
James would ask about his job and Regulus would give a noncommittal shrug and say “You know how it is,” and of course James would know. 
James would probably lean back against his seat, bottom lip between his teeth, a smile pulling at the ends. He’d look at Regulus contemplatively before something in his mind goes ‘fuck it’ and he’d ask Regulus if he wants to go grab a drink. Regulus, with prior engagements he cannot break under any circumstances, would probably say yes.
They’d find themselves at a nondescript café nursing respective drinks and letting the ambiance cut away at some of the awkward gaps in their conversation. James would pick at the sugar sachets and create his famous sugar mountains, he’s sure of it; that’s the one thing he can bet on James still doing. 
He’d hold himself back from mentioning how he still makes his tea the way James taught him, how he uses the same obscure phrases James picked up from his favorite cult tv shows – except nobody ever gets it, and it always comes out too stilted. 
He has shaken most other habits; he no longer reaches for James’ favorite brand of juice while grocery shopping and he no longer looks to his side when somebody does something particularly stupid to share a look with James. The thing with James, for all his sunshine exterior, is that he could be a little mean when he thought he could get away with it, and he could always get away with it when in Regulus’ presence.
At some point Regulus would remember how much he loved James. He’d have to bite his lips to stop himself from asking if James had taken the chunky, knitted blanket with him when he left because he couldn't find it last winter, and he’d always wondered. It was his after all.
James would huff, pause his fiddling with the sachets, and look up at him in challenge. The familiar argument of who bought what would arise, and it’d be as if two years never passed. Like they still had their little apartment downtown, Friday night movie marathons, and late nights under the glow-in-the-dark star stickers they put up on their bedroom ceiling. If the nights were long enough, James would spiral into an existential crisis and land on the topic of past lives.
“Do you think we’ve met before?” He’d ask. “Will we meet again?”
Now all they’ve got is a collection of seats between them. That, and ten tentative, awkward steps to break the distance of two years’ worth of nothingness. 
Regulus would concede the challenge, because easy bickering with James would feel like turning a rusty cog, and he doesn’t want James to discover the awkward tone he’s developed during their time apart.
Their meeting would probably end not long after that. They’d go their separate ways with fragile reassurance from both parties to meet again sometime soon– soon being between next week and never.
And that would be it.
He’s had his fair share of breakups. They always leave something behind. But James, oh, James, he took something. Regulus is more than convinced now that he has James in front of him again. 
He looks back at James, who is now preoccupied with his phone, smiling stupidly at the screen.
Yeah, he took something, alright. 
He could. Walk up to him, that is. It’d be so easy. 
So, so easy because it’s James.
Instead, he grabs his bag, adjusts his scarf, nuzzling into it to fight off the oncoming cold, and gets off at the next stop.
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 1 - Opening Ceremony
@wolfstarmicrofic August 1, word count 732
Because I am an absolute nutter, it looks like I'm swapping the two series I did last month over so now we have part two of the Apple Core series that was a Jegulus story but now it's following on as a Wolfstar. I'll link the pervious Jegulus series if any one wants to read that first. Hope you enjoy.
Previous Jegulus part First Jegulus part
“Come on Remus, get the banner higher, like James’s side. Yes, that’s better. Perfect.” Sirius directed from the floor while James and Remus balanced precariously on chairs outside the café. Sirius and Remus had just bought it for a relatively good price. He’d sunk everything he had into it, well what he had left after getting them the nice flat. It was just typical that this place went on the market with a perfectly adequate flat above it the day after they exchanged contracts for their flat. Sirius had made a fuss about it at the time, but he believed everything happened for a reason. He had this niggling feeling that he and Remus were not meant to live in the flat above the café, so he put it out of his mind and got to work.
The café had been a disaster. They’d had to rip everything out to the studs and start again, but that meant they could use the space however they wanted. They did as much as they could themselves to keep costs down, which basically meant telling James what they wanted and pointing him in the right direction. 
But today was opening day and Sirius was nervous. What if nobody came? What if this was a colossal waste of money, and he was just a waster like his parents had told him over and over as he was growing up? His thoughts turned to his brother for a second. He hadn’t seen him in 5 years and had no idea what he was doing. As far as he knew, Regulus still lived in that house with them. He quickly put an end to that train of thought. He highly doubted he’d see or hear from Regulus any time soon. 
He stood back to appraise their handiwork. He grinned a face-spitting smile. The banner proclaiming Open for Business proudly hung under the shimmering blue-tinged white letterings of their shop’s name, Howlin’ at the Moon. He just needed to add the finishing touches, and they’d be ready for the grand opening ceremony. He ran back inside and began to drag out the piece of rolled-up red carpet, the velvet ropes and the big red ribbon. When he was done, he jumped around with glee and checked his watch for the time. They still had two hours.   
Effie and Monty turned up to help make all the samples. He and Remus had kept it simple. Shots of their signature coffee blend and miniature cheese toasties, which were normal cheese toasties artfully cut up by Monty himself. 
“Sirius look,” Remus physically spun him around to face the glass front of the shop. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Already there was a huge crowd waiting patiently for the doors to open. 
“Mum!” He called into the back, “We’re going to need more cheese toasties, a lot more,” Effie came round to see what was going on and gave him a big squeeze. 
“You’re going to be amazing darling,” She whispered into his ear as she planted a big wet kiss only a mother could give on his cheek. “And don’t think you can sneak away Mr, you’re just as much a part of this family as the others are,” Effie wrapped her arms around Remus, who’d been trying to avoid her kisses, and held him there while she covered his face with red lipstick. 
“How many times do we have to tell you, Moony,” James snickered from the other side of the counter. “You can’t run away from her, it’s best just to accept her love and be done with it,” Remus grumbled at him and made rude gestures when Effie’s back was turned as he tried to wipe the red stains off his face. The clock chimed and it was time to go.
Sirius swallowed nervously as he took in the crowd. He was standing with an oversized pair of scissors in front of the door, preparing to make a speech. He took a deep steadying breath and felt his body tremble. Remus came and stood beside him, and together they introduced themselves and welcomed everyone to their café. Holding the scissors between them, they cut the ribbon and watched it fall to the floor as the local paper took a photo of the event. They opened the door and the crowd surged forward. Howlin’ at the Moon was officially open.
Next part
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pearl-fee · 5 months
Summary - Sirius finds out about Jegulus. (Word count: 425)
“Padfoot, do you think that if I threw the ball you could catch it mid-air?” James sounded more excited than he should for just playing fetch with a dog.
Sirius jumped and barked signaling yes, so James wound up his arm throwing the ball as far as he could. It was just the two of them playing next to the forbidden forest, nobody to see Sirius change between Padfoot and his normal self freely.
Sirius flew towards the ball and just as James was about to cheer for him something or rather someone had come up from behind. Two arms snaked around James' torso, knowing who it was and without thinking he melted into it for a brief second before abruptly pulling away.
“Jamie?”, Regulus sounded hurt and confused. 
James was looking back and forth between Regulus and Padfoot who was now marching back with a ball in his mouth. 
Regulus looked at the dog and then at James, “I didn’t mean to startle you. I had seen you playing and wanted to say hi. But c’mon James another stray really?”
Padfoot was closer now practically at James' feet, “No! Sorry I haven’t seen your brother anywhere, have you tried looking for Remus maybe he’s seen him?”
James was staring into Regulus' soul looking impossibly red, but he didn’t understand and reached a hand up to James' forehead, “Jamie are sure you're feeling well? I never said anything about Sirius, I said-”
The words that were forming in Regulus mouth fell flat when the dog that had been standing next to James was now his brother.
Sirius was staring at Regulus, something like a silent conversation between the two brothers. James had no clue what to do besides stand there and wait for one of them to speak.
The black brothers didn’t hate each other like they did only a year prior to but they weren’t at all what they used to be. It was a fragile relationship still. 
Nonetheless, James began to speak when Sirius looked towards him, “I-” but it was cut short by a single slap across his face.
“HOW AM I MEANT TO TAKE THIS? JAMES! HOW?” There really was no stopping the conversation that was going to happen later at this moment anger was the only thing on Sirius’ mind. The hurt would come later but for now, James knew what he had to do. 
James took off, almost falling when he turned to start running knowing if Sirius caught him he would probably end up in the hospital wing.
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addisonstars · 9 months
"you've been on my mind so long i cant deal with it"
written for day 6 of january for @jegulus-microfic with the prompt "exclude" totaling 265 words
School was a bitch. Everyone knew that. Nobody really wanted to be here; maybe except for the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws, but even still, they probably would have liked to do other things rather than sit in classrooms and listen and learn. 
James had to find a way to make the time go by, he had to find a way to get him to the end of the school year. That reason may have been the lovely Regulus Black, but no one had to know. If James went out of his way to see Regulus, if he sat on the side across from Regulus, facing him in the dining room, nobody had to know. 
If James hated every class without Regulus, but tried his damn hardest in every class with him, nobody needed to know that. Honest to Merlin, every class except the ones with Regulus seemed pointless. He was passing all of his classes with flying colors, but the ones with Regulus he showed off a bit more in, showed Regulus what he could be getting if they were to somehow, magically date. 
James was still a little stumped on the logistical part of how to…confess…his love to Regulus. Every time he started to prepare a little speech for it so he would be ready for it when the time came, he came to a wall. It was like someone had just pressed the ‘off’ button on his brain. He couldn't think anymore, his brain seemed to only chant “Regulus, Regulus, Regulus.” 
And to be quite frank, James wasn't mad about that. Who could be? To think of only Regulus Black, the Slytherin Prince, the handsome and cunning boy, is a dream come true for James. 
i too, am like james. (title from the song "pistol" by cigarettes after sex!!!)
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accio-sriracha · 16 days
Shouting From the Rooftops.
A Jegulus Oneshot
(Prompt: Try. From a random word generator.)
~~~ ~~~
"We can't go through this again, James. I gave you my final answer." Regulus hissed as they walked through the corridors to the Slytherin dungeons.
James persisted anyways, nearly having to jog to keep up with Regulus' brisk pace, "I don’t understand why you hate the idea so much. I thought you liked being with me?"
Regulus groaned, "I do, you know I do, but what you're asking is impossible."
"What's so impossible about this? We're already seeing each other in secret, Reggie. I don't want to hide my feelings for you anymore!"
James knew he was being too loud, he didn't care. So what if people over heard him? So what if people stared?
James was in love with Regulus.
And he wasn't ashamed of that.
"Keep your voice down." Regulus muttered, "You shouldn't let people hear you. You know what they would think-"
"I don't care what they think."
"I care. Did you ever think about that?" He snapped. James scoffed,
"Why the hell do you think I've kept my mouth shut for the last three months?" He stopped walking, needing to catch his breath.
Regulus came to a stop just in front of him, staring at him with the hardened expression James had grown used to whenever they talked in public.
James sighed, "I want to see your smile, and not just in your bedroom. I want to sit with you in the sun and laugh and be who we are without all of these fucking secrets."
"These secrets are what's keeping you from being harassed by the entire school." Regulus rose an eyebrow, "I won't put my infatuations above your safety. No matter how much you beg."
"And what if I don't get harassed? What if nobody cares? Your brother is gay. He's been openly dating Remus for three years and nobody gives a shit about them."
"They're different-" Regulus started.
"How? Because you're a Slytherin? Because I'm a Gryffindor? Merlin, if people really cared that much about inter-house relationships you'd think there'd be a lot less of them, wouldn't you?"
"No. I'm not finished." He huffed, "I don't want to hide you anymore. I want to take you to hogsmeade with me and my friends. I want to buy you butterbeer and be ridiculously fucking corny and hold doors open for you and give you my jumpers when you're cold. I want those things with you, Reggie."
"I want them too. It's not that I don’t..."
"Then why won't you just try?"
Regulus exploded then, "Because I can't! You know I can't! This is wrong, I-"
"Why?" James asked, cutting him off, "Who says this has to be wrong? Who says I can't love you exactly how you're supposed to be loved? Who says you're not allowed to love me back?"
"What about my brother?" He whispered, "What about Sirius? You're just going to waltz up and tell him you've been seeing me in secret?"
"Why not?"
"I'm not going to be the one to tell him i've been sneaking around with his best friend behind his back!"
"Then I'll tell him! I will gladly be the one to tell him the good news, because that's what this is. This is the best thing that's ever happened to me, Reg. Sirius is my best friend and I hate keeping things from him. You know how badly I've wanted to tell him about you."
"He'll never forgive us." Regulus looked away, "He won't understand. I'm his brother, your his best friend."
"He'll understand. I know he will. Just give me a day. Please. Just one day. If you don't like it we can pretend to break up, I swear."
James kept going, not wanting to hear whatever excuse he came up with this time,
"I want to love you, Regulus. I want to walk down the halls holding your hand. I want to scream at the top of my lungs from the towers that you're mine. I want to give you the entire fucking world. Please just let me try."
There was a long silence. James tilted Regulus' chin so they met eyes. Regulus' were brimming with tears,
"Fine." He whispered, his voice breaking, "We can try."
And that was all the confirmation James needed.
He kissed him. It was deep and agonozingly beautiful. He kissed him until neither of them could remember how to breathe.
"I love you." He whispered against Regulus' lips, "And I don't care who knows it."
Regulus knew he should hesitate, he should look around to make sure nobody was watching, but something about the way James was smiling at him, something in the earnestness in his voice made him soften,
"I love you too, Jamie." He murmured.
And they kissed again. Right there in the middle of the hall.
They went straight to the Gryffindor common room, Regulus' restless hand tucked neatly in James' sure one.
When they told the others, Sirius was the first to hug them, congratulating them on coming out.
"We've known for a while, mate." Sirius smiled, ruffling James' hair, "It's good you finally felt ready to tell us."
The rest of their friends followed suit in congratulating them, the room was filled with smiles and laughter. James had never felt so happy.
And that was it.
From that point on the pair of them went everywhere together, they ate their meals side by side, they took strolls by the lake with their fingers intertwined. They went to The Three Broomsticks and everyone could see James holding open the door for him, putting down the money for both of their drinks as Regulus fidgeted with the tag on his jumper, the tag that read J.F.P.
And if you happened to hear shouting that sounded an awful lot like James Potter's voice coming from the astronomy tower, it's best to keep walking, he'll be there for a while.
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
disagree - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 197
"Can I ask you something?" Sirius mumbled into the silence, the dark of James's room hiding either of the boys' reactions.
"Hm?" James responded, already half-asleep.
"How long have you liked my brother?"
Immediately, James was awake. His eyes popped open comically, and his heart made a valiant effort to escape through his ribcage. "I-what?"
"Don't argue with me, Prongs. I know you better than anyone. You stare at him like you used to stare at Evans," Sirius's voice cut through the dark insistently.
And that was the thing. He'd told nobody. He'd barely admitted it to himself. But now that Sirius had said it out loud...it did nobody any good for him to disagree.
"Yeah," James murmured softly, finding that he couldn't hold back a smile at the thought. "For a while, I think."
Sirius's chuckle made James grin even more. "It just had to be my brother, huh?" And James knew that he was joking from his tone, which made him even more relieved.
But the answer came to him without having to think about it. "I...don't think I had much of a choice. He's just...everything, you know?"
"Hm. Gross. It's time for bed, mate."
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coyotelip · 1 month
jegulus microfic: important || canon compliant, angst || @into-the-jeggyverse || wc: 920
“Do you really think you're important enough to shamelessly raise your voice when nobody asked?” Lucius's voice is muffled and sounds like a snake's hiss. 
Regulus can understand him, can see in his raised eyebrows and tense lips how unhappy Lucius is that he's not his master's pet today. That he wasn't the first to offer his help at the Dark Lord's request and didn't get his usual praise. 
The thought of Malfoy's precious ego being hurt pleases Regulus, but his words continue to echo in his subconscious throughout the rest of the day. 
“Do you think you're important?” It depends. Did he think he was important to their dark cause, did he make a contribution to this war? A year earlier, Regulus would have said yes, intoxicated by the feeling of freedom and power. Just come of age, listened to his father's eloquent speeches about the noble future of their family, which now rested on Regulus' shoulders, and having the inspiration to prove himself, the boy believed he was only a step away from success. 
But the bitter truth was that with each passing day, with each meeting of their dark gang, Regulus saw more and more clearly how insignificant he was in the bigger picture. The gazes of his fellow deatheaters turned from curious to bored and didn't even linger on him, as if they didn't even recognize his presence. You can't make yourself important here by being smart enough and sharing the Dark Lord's views. No, what makes you important is your unquestioning service, your willingness to throw yourself into the heat of battle.
“Oh, they certainly think it's important, but to you? What's important to you personally, Reg?” a familiar voice comes to mind. 
The library is empty at this late hour, which pleases Regulus. He knew that sooner or later he wouldn't be able to hide from James Potter any longer, he was too stubborn to be satisfied with a simple farewell note, which Regulus had used to try to end whatever it was between them. 
“You don't understand, Potter.” Regulus is trying to end this pointless conversation and get back to the dormitory as soon as possible.
“Oh, so we're on those terms now? Potter?” his voice was filled with irritation, along with concern. “I don't need to understand the whole situation with those crazy psychopaths and their speeches they're forcing on you. I only need to understand you, and I understand you. You need to have at least some good reason, at least something that is dear enough to you to make this decision. No one is going to join the obviously losing side of a war just because of their parents' imposed views, Reggie.” 
The now familiar nickname threatens to shake the steadiness inside Regulus that he has been building up so diligently over the past few weeks, weighing the pros and cons. Holding himself together, Regulus swallows before answering. 
“You're an idiot to declare victory in a war that hasn't even begun.” 
James takes a step closer to him, and inside Regulus struggles with the urge to either back away or close the distance between them and remind himself one last time how his arms feels. He does not move. 
“I admit, I may be an idiot, but only because you've always been smarter than me. Smarter enough to realize that it's foolish to express support for him now, when he's gaining strength. You are important, Regulus, your name is important, and if you speak out against him, it will weaken his authority. You can do it, you can change something!” 
James gestures expressively with his hands during this impassioned speech, taking another step toward him. As if by getting closer he has a better chance of convincing the guy. 
Regulus wants to respond sharply, wants to make James understand that it doesn't matter what's important to him, only what's right for his family. They rely on him, on the rightful heir, he really is important to them, and Regulus desperately clings to that feeling.
But the words are stuck in his throat under the stubborn gaze of the big brown eyes so close. Regulus presses his lips together and closes his eyes, trying to ground himself again, to find his inner strength and hold on to his own. But the feeling of warm fingers on his cheeks knocks the air out of his chest. 
“You're too important to me and I can't lose you like this, Reg, please.” 
The lump in Regulus's throat grows bigger at the desperation in James's voice, but he only squeezes his eyes shut, forbidding himself to look because he knows he can't take it. The pleading in James's eyes would make him want to drop everything and run away with him anywhere, but he can't do that. 
He continues to keep his eyes closed and remain silent, not letting himself melt at the feeling of the warm palms now holding his face. And his silence is all the answers James needed. 
Sighing heavily, he presses his lips to Regulus' warm forehead one last time, leaving him alone to pull himself together. 
Regulus takes a few moments to pull himself together after Lucius leaves. His fingers cling to the gold ring with the bright ruby, twisting it nervously as the words he heard long ago echo in his mind: 
“You are important, Regulus. You can do it, you can change something!” 
It is only when he is on the very edge that Regulus finally finds faith in these words. 
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lightvialamp · 9 months
january 8 - converse || @jegulus-microfic || wc: 579 || cw: mild panic attack
The morning after his mother told him that he would never be close to anyone because he didn’t know how to converse properly, Regulus called James. Heart in his throat, and maybe on the verge of passing out– he wasn’t quite sure, he listened as the dial tone gave way to the click of a phone being answered on the other end of the line. 
“Hello?” James sounded as though he had just woken up, and Regulus could picture him, sleep-mussed hair and sunlight dripping into the collarbones that he knew like the back of his hand. 
“Regulus?” Concern etched into James’ voice as Regulus tried to muster up the courage to say… anything at all. Panic laced through him as he realized that in trying to prove his mother wrong, maybe he was doing the opposite. 
“Hey. Breathe. In and out, c’mon, Reg, it’s just me,” James soothed as a shuffling noise from the other end of the phone indicated he was now sitting up.
Regulus breathed. Settled.  
“Okay. Uhm. Goodmorning. Okay, so. I know we’re going back to school in a few days, and I’ll see you there, obviously, but my mom said something about… uhm. Okay. No, hold on, let me start over,” Regulus rambled, trying—and failing—to remember what he had rehearsed in his head before deciding to just throw caution to the wind. “Right. Okay. I love you. And. You don’t have to say it back, and I know we’ve only been dating for eight months, but I do, I love you, and it’s really actually quite terrifying, and I’m not sur—” 
“I know.” James’ voice came through the receiver, just loud enough to interrupt Regulus’ mess of a confession. “I know you do, and I’m not sure what your mom said to you, but you don’t need to convince me of anything. I love you too, obviously.”
Maybe Regulus actually was going to pass out. “You do?”
“Yeah, Reg, I do,” a smile obvious in his voice. 
“Right. Yeah, okay.” Regulus felt a choked sob make its way up his throat, and he fought to push it down. Even so, his voice came out as a croak when he said, “I was going to tell you in person. I had a whole plan and everything, but. I don’t know.”
“We can do that too, if you want,” James offered. “I’ll pretend to be surprised and. The whole thing. You know. I would like that. If you would.”
Regulus couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face at that, already thinking of the checklist he had in one of his notebooks and the seventh year Ravenclaw he might have to blackmail in order to get use of the quidditch pitch during his and James’ only coinciding free period. 
“Yeah, we can do that.” Regulus took a breath. “Thank you. For. Everything. Being you. Etcetera.”
A huffed laugh from James and a quick, “Nobody says ‘etcetera’ out loud, Reg.” A pause and then a more serious, “No need to thank me. I’m so happy to be here. And you do the same for me.”
Ten minutes later, Regulus’ phone on speaker beside his head as he stared out the window, James’ voice was washing over him, something about a prank and Sirius and the blackboards in all the classrooms.
He breathed in. His mother didn’t know him. Not like his friends. Not like James. He breathed out as the new day’s sunlight washed over him.
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my-moonagedaydream · 9 months
Excepts from the first three chapters of my jegulus coffee au fic that make me scream
Chapter 1 - Rise and Shine Love
“Meanwhile, as the clock neared 8:00 am James tried taking someone's order but stared at the person. They were gorgeous. Their eyes shone in the light from the windows, they held themselves with such grace it was captivating. You would think James was watching someone launch a rocket ship into space with the look on his face.” (James you’re very obvious)
“You’re fucking kidding, you’re James Potter?”
“Oh, so you know me?” James asks smiling even higher
“Of course I know you, my brother talks about you like you’re a god.” “
“James’ face tingled and he knew he may burn those who flew too close. But he was far too careless to even fathom Regulus being one of those people.
Although when Regulus sent that text he knew he may be flying too close, but not close enough. He had to try harder this time.”
Chapter 2 - Runners High (the song by MUNA)
“Oh, what would Regulus be wearing? Oh, screw it he would look good in anything what was he thinking?” (James babe…)
“oh but Sirius is going to look so good tonight. He sent me a photo of the outfit he’s wearing tonight and I nearly left work early. Sorry James…” (Remus honey we know you’re in love with him)
“Oh, Regulus looked good. So damn good. How was James going to get him? God James was screwed. He was reaching so far out of his comfort zone but god, he had to try didn’t he?”
“That stupid smile. God, how could he look so good? How is Sirius friends with all the hot people? First Remus and now James? He really needs to get out more and find his own hot people.” (Reg babe you have hot friends too)
“After all he had been heartbroken and what else does a heartbroken teenage boy do than write poetry and song lyrics?”
“I mean I wrote more than half of their songs, half of which are absolute hits. If you think I’m prideful, you’ve seen nothing.”
Chapter 3 - Sunlight (yes like the hozier song)
“That was until Regulus Black walked through those doors ready to wreck James from the inside out. His steps never faltered but boy did James’ heart. “
“His name rolled off James’ tongue as if he was toying with it.”
“Regulus finally looked at James and caught his eyes. They were glowing like sunlight. Like the light hit them perfectly and made them shine just enough so it never outshone the sun.”
“That nice ass smile James loved so much. “
“Did Regulus have a lover? Oh probably. He’s the prettiest person known to man, of course, someone already hit him up.”
“It was heavy in symbolism but James knew something was hiding even further than the between the lines. It was hiding in the depth of the lyrics where nobody except Regulus would understand. “
“James said his name like it was honey that just melted off his tongue.”
“Some people walk with a pep in their step but regulus? He walked with pure assertiveness. Despite the aura surrounding him, his eyes lit up the moment he looked at James. It was almost like he’d found sunlight after years in a dark cave. “
That’s it the fic is called The Secret to the Sun and the Stars (my username on ao3 is PH4N70M) have a great day :)
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hottestpangirl22 · 4 months
“Why are you actually up here, James?” Regulus wondered. “I’ll be able to tell if you lie.” The last part wasn’t completely true, but Regulus knew James was a bad enough liar to just give up on fibbing anyway.
“What if I just don’t tell you?” James asked mischievously. Regulus gave him a scathing look. James just grinned back at him.
Regulus leaned closer to James, crowding him, yet also not crowding him at all. They stood in the middle of the balcony, James could have backed away if he wanted to. Still, he held perfectly still.
A glint in James’ eye. James swayed closer to Regulus. Neither of them backed down.
Regulus pulled his wand out of his back pocket and pressed it to James' neck. “I’m not someone to be messed with, Potter. I’ll only ask you once more, why are you up here?”
James leaned into the wand at his throat. Regulus could feel his pulse reverberating through his wand to his hand. James’ heart beat was loud. Symbols smashing together, announcing his presence.
Regulus wanted to reach out and touch his neck, his face. James was probably warm. Like the sun. Like sitting in front of a fire. Even now, Regulus could feel the heat wafting off him.
“Don’t seem so sure about hexing me now, do you?” James smirked down at him.
Regulus sighed. This game had gone on long enough. “On the contrary.” He said.
Hey, so. I'm writing a jegulily fic where jegulus get together first and then kind of woo Lily together. Nobody dies. I promise.
If you're interested, click here!
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