#and now i want to get married :( and be loved when I'm old and grey or greying
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tarjapearce · 4 months
Papa, You're Getting Old
Soccer Family! Miguel x Reader
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Warning: Fluff, slight smut, suggestive towards the end, introspection, body perception and insecurities. Married couple rants and moments, no proofread.
Summary: Miguel finally notices his white hairs, comfort ensues.
A/N: Like Miguel, got a mini crisis when I spotted my first white hairs today 🫠. Then remembered mom had them around my age too so jsksk. Then remembered (x2) I had this one sitting forgotten in my files jsksk, been forgetting this AU lately :'). Help.
A/N 2: Nearly done with the moving. So we're back, I guess? jsksj.
Soccer Family Masterlist
Papa, you're getting old.
Gabi's words had unintentionally pierced through his skull, engraving with emphasis the old part in his brain after his girl found out the couple of white hairs peppering his wavy locks. He was getting older.
Fourty years of his life had gone by within the blink of an eye. When did time got itself some wheels to roll faster? Who gave it permission to do that? Yet Gabi's words lingered in his thoughts longer than they should.
He was getting old. And the silver strands popping here and there, discreetly in his gorgeous hair you loved sinking your hands into, were the irrefutable proof to understand time never stopped, not even a single second.
For the umpteenth time, he brushed his damp hair away to see if he discovered more of them, and to his bad luck, he did. Specially on the front and side bangs.
He scowled at his reflection and pursed his lips. His body still kept the musculature his younger self nurtured. He truly never believed people whenever they said that exercise kept you active and young looking.
And besides the greying hairs on his head and some on his chest, the fine lines turning a bit more prominent on his features, he looked almost the same.
The same man you had been sharing a good chunk of your life with. Almost sixteen years to be more exact if you counted those two dating years. And now he was growing old.
Miguel didn't want to admit it, but sometimes his age reminded him that his body wasn't the same anymore.
You'd often find him sleeping midway in the couch during movie nights, or his office, whenever work from home was done. Sometimes, his body would ache out of nowhere, but in truth it was mostly his bad posture due his size.
Other times, his grumpiness ran rampant through the day, leaving his coworkers to deal with it, cause he didn't have the heart to pollute his home with his bad vibes. A term  Gabriella kept including during the conversations at night to talk about her unlikeable classmates.
And now, he was glaring at his reflection for daring to do such thing as graying. Even the happy trail you loved to nuzzle had a couple of white hairs.
"You're winning that staring contest, mi amor."
Your little laugh, earned a brief chuckle from him as his shoulders slumped, and if almost sixteen years of knowing eachother had taught you something, was to perfect to a T the understanding of his body language.
You came closer and hugged him from behind, keeping his towel around his hips in place while spanking his plump ass in the process, earning another airy chuckle from him.
"Wanna tell me why, you're glaring harder at yourself this time?"
His arm wrapped gently around you and caressed your waist, pulling you closer to his chest. Yours and his reflection in the bathroom mirror staring right back.
"I'm... getting old, mi reina."
You blinked before looking up at him to have a proper view of what he meant.
"More like aging like a fine wine, Miguel."
"No. You don't understand. Look at this," he pointed at the pluck of white hairs peeking out from his roots, "I didn't have them a few months ago and now I've got a bunch of them. Everywhere!."
You smirked, "Everywhere?"
"Mi amor." He warned and you giggled, pulling him down for a kiss.
"Relax, they look gorgeous on you."
"Oh, do they now?"
With a sigh, you took his hands and gave him that look, he knew by heart as a 'really?'
"I've known you for... How long?" It was your turn to hold onto his narrow waist, holding him exactly the way his hands held yours at the beginning.
"Almost sixteen years." He mumbled, still glueing his eyes on the decaying version of himself.
You nodded and looked at the mirror. Together and close, like most of your pictures together. As always.
"Basically almost half of your life. I met you when I was twenty one, gave birth to our Gabibi by twenty three, enjoyed her for ten years, then we almost made Benjamin in the car."
He snorted and nodded, tittering silently at the sudden memory of the cops calling you out in the lookout spot.
"Almost." He mumbled and you nodded.
"Almost, yeah. But we made him! And look at him, being the smartest boy in his class."
Miguel nodded, fond of his boy's achievements.
"And now we have Rosie. Crawling and trying to walk up in every room we put her in."
"Remind me to baby proof the stairs."
You smiled and smacked his ass, "What I'm trying to get at, Papa. Is that, those white hairs in your head and body are only a beautiful proof that you've lived and loved the right way. Look at us."
You pulled him down for a peck, and cupped his cheeks, making him to look your way.
"You, Papa, mi amor, mi niño hermoso, are the best everything I've ever get to experience. And I'm honored to be the one that you're growing old with."
His eyes softened and his hands trapped yours to then kiss them.
"I'm having white hairs too! Like, the other day a kid called me señora to get me pass his ball. SEÑORA!"
His chuckle turned into a soft and genuine laugh.
"Like, the audacity!"
"You're my señora." He murmured in the side of your head, kissing it afterwards.
"Damn right I am." You nodded proudly," Like we're Mr. and Mrs. O'Hara for a reason."
His smile turned sweeter as he placed your hands around his neck and sat you before him in the sink, looking down on your eyes.
"Would you love me-"
"If you were a worm, yes. I would."
"Cállate" he laughed and cleared his throat, "I mean, you... You still want this?" He pointed at his graying hair and chest.
"That question is offensive in itself."
His eyes darted away, but your soft and gentle hands made his gaze to hold against yours again.
"I'd love you if you were bald, had extra pounds, all tattooed, piercings and stuff, a worm, hell, I'd love you the same if you were an alien."
His brow quirked, but snorted, genuinely amused at your rambling.
"I'd love you the same even if we're going through natural changes as growing old. And yes, I'd still fuck and make love to you all the same." Your hands rested on his hips.
"Oh really?"
"Obviously. That makes me worried though. You're entering a dangerous zone where women see you even more handsome. And I'm not one to be jealous, but all of this," You tapped his butt gently, "is mine."
He pecked your lips with a loving laugh. "I'm all yours. And you're pretty jealous."
"Well, yeah, I'm not sharing your dilfness with anyone. Not when I have these for myself." Your hands squeezed his firm butt and spanked it, he pursed his lips, trying his best to suppress a bashful smile.
"And I'm pretty sure in a future our caretakers would find us having sex in the most random of places in the hospice."
That pulled a merry laugh out of him to then kiss your lips.
"You're crazy."
"For you, always. But in all truth, they'll have to put me in quarantine, because I'm still jumping your bones. Even if I have to use a cane, or ask for assistance to the nurses."
"You'd be lucky if still works."
Your eyes rolled and your thighs pulled him closer to you, between your legs. His teeth bit softly his bottom lip as your hands roamed up his chest, eyes widening partially at the sudden bold move.
His soapy clean smell tickled your senses, after all, you had caught him post shower.
"Trust me, it works wonders."
He groaned when your hand slid between the folds of his towel, cupping him with a light squeeze.
"Yeah?" He half mumbled, half moaned into your lips with darkening eyes. Your touch ever delicious, and sparking the arousal only you managed to ignite in his body. Your scent remained forever etched into his brain, almost conditioning him into enter a needy mode whenever desire oozed from your pores.
You nodded with a needy 'hmm' while your hand stroked him, as if with every movement you'd jerk and caress away all those insecurities out of his mind and body.
"Definitely, mi amor."
His hips stuttered into your gentle grip, heaving a deep and shuddering breath hovering over your inviting lips, relieved and proud to see your eagerness to have him. Gray hairs and all.
The silver strands mattered little, specially when you were set into worshipping and honoring your vows.
"I think I'd love to test it's performance, just to make sure."
A crawl rolled down his spine upon your words. He loved when you talked in his language, it turned him on im such a way he didn't know it could make that part of his cortex tingle. But this moment, had him delivering sweet pecks and kisses down your neck, drunk in your softness and want for none else but him.
You still wanted him, flaws and all. He still made you a mess. And that made his cock to twitch.
"Shall we go to the testing area then, mi reina?"
His flushed and broad tip poked urgently between your clothed folds and inner thighs, hoping to slip in your scorching tightness and wreck you completely, like in his younger years.
However, as much as he wanted to take you right there, the privacy of your room offered him more space to bend and meld you at his whims. Without saying much, he threw you over his shoulder and rushed to your bedroom, thrilled for the upcoming long hours of exhaustive, mind splitting testing.
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linkspooky · 4 months
It's not just the fact that Hori decided to kill a lifelong victim of grooming.
My two favorite comic book storylines are New Teen Titans Judas Contract, and Uncanny X Men's Inferno. They both feature villains / victims (Madelyne Pryor and Terra) that die at the end of the story. Terra is specifically fifteen years old and a victim of sexual grooming.
However, both of these stories are clearly written as tragedies. It's clear from the start that these are tragic stories not only meant to get us to sympathize with the victim turned villain but also the failure to save a clear victim is meant to make the heroes look bad.
Let me just list off all the shit Scott Summers put Madelyne Pryor through.
Fell in love with her only because she looked like his ex girlfriend Jean. Even though Madelyne specifically stated before getting into the relationship she didn't want to be jeans replacement.
Married her, and refuses to take time off to the point where he misses the birth of his own son leaving Madelyne at home to deliver her baby on the floor.
When he finally retires and they move to Alaska together he gets a phone call that Jean is still alive and abandons his wife and daughter for weeks to go back to his high school girlfriend.
Madelyne is attacked by a group of supervillains while Scott is away and just barely manages to escape but loses her baby.
She joins up with the x men to look for scott only to find out in the time she's been gone Scott had already gotten back together with Jean.
She is tricked into making a deal with a demon who wants to overthrow ilyanas control of limbo (she thought it was just a dream and the contract to sell her soul didn't matter).
She used her newfound power in order to find her child Nathan only to find Mr sinister there who reveals that Madelyne was a clone of Jean Grey, her entire life was a lie, she was made to breed with cyclops and produce a baby for sinister.
At which point madelyne snaps and decides to burn everything to the ground and kill her own child.
It's clearly telegraphed as a tragedy. The reference to Medea is pretty obvious. Madelyne had no chance from the beginning, however even in this tragedy Scott specifically forbid any of the heroes from using lethal force on her. Jean and Maddie mindmeld at one point and Jean literally begs for Maddie not to die and that she should live on to raise her son. They even throw a funeral for Maddie afterwards because be no one else would ever mourn her.
Not only do the heroes look bad, especially Scott for not being able to save her, they do at least try to talk with her, use non lethal force, and beg her at one point to let them help her.
On the other hand not only did Deku never engage Shigaraki Tomura once, just the vision of a crying child in front of him. Deku doesn't look like a failure for failing in his goal to save him he's still the greatest hero, they don't hold a funeral for Shigaraki, Dekus last words are about how he doesn't forgive Shigaraki (and therefore he deserves to die i guess because deku is the punisher now). Deku doesn't even give Shigaraki the respect of calling him by his preferred name he just calls him Tenko who was the only person Deku cared about saving.
It's not just about a victim dying it's about how the story promised us over and over again the kids were going to save the villains in the final act, that this was going to be an optimistic story about the new generation being better than the old.
Only for Horikoshi to deliver something entirely different. If I'm watching punisher I know what I'm getting into. I'm here to watch Frank Castle shoot mobsters. If Batman picks up a Tommy Gun and starts shooting mobsters that's bad because Batman wouldn't do that shit.
There's writing a story that's tonally inconsistent, or changing your plans for how a character is going to end late in the game and then there's this.
Which is basically narrative gaslighting. Where one thing is clearly happening onscreen but the narrative needs you to believe those gaslights clearly are not dimming.
I know Deku made no effort to save Shigaraki when he explicitly said they OFA is a power for saving but not killing, but don't worry Deku became the greatest hero anyway, and this is still a happy optimistic ending!
Horikoshi isn't looking for treasure in the house. Those gaslights aren't dimming. You're clearly being hysterical, woman.
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ozzgin · 8 months
Heyyy just checked your masterlist and saw that despite you being into obey me! fandom, you don't have a fic. I'm married to Solomon in my mind so how about a situation where the reader (fem or gn your pick) is equally in love with this old man and begs him to recreate that time potion which made him immortal. Oh? Did i mention i want him to be a yandere? Please do that as well ^^
I love me my morally grey wizard ;)
I have 3 unfinished drafts for Diavolo, Barbatos and Satan on my Wattpad, but it was around the time I started getting Baki related requests here so I haven’t had the time to continue them. This goes for everyone reading, if you see a fandom title with no works you can always request something! :) This blog is only a few months old and I wasn’t writing much before (twice or thrice a year if I was generously inspired), so the variety is rather limited still. (I also finish requests at the pace of a snail, sorry about that)
Yandere! Solomon x Reader Headcanons
Featuring your fellow human classmate and now soon-to-be husband who couldn’t be happier about your wish to spend an eternity with him.
Content: gender neutral reader, obsessive behavior
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It started rather subtle. Just idle curiosity at first, a mere feigned surprise that was quickly swept aside for more important matters. Sure, Diavolo bringing another fellow human to the Devildom, especially one without any powers, was at least mildly intriguing. Your situation was as tempting as a puzzle to fiddle with in between tasks. Beyond polite offers to help you handle the new challenging environment, Solomon was not planning on prying further. Then the surprises begun to queue one after another. To think that you had barely learned your way around and somehow still forged a contract with one of the devilish siblings. Then another. And another. Fascination crept its way in and the greatest sorcerer found himself begging to learn more about the mysterious (Y/N).
Naturally such fascination should’ve had an intellectual grounding and nothing more. What is it about you that has caused such a ruckus across RAD? All he needed was an answer. Yet he discovered much too late how embarrassingly involved he’d become. Childishly clutching his D.D.D. in the middle of the night, wondering if you’ve already fallen asleep, and grinning when the screen lit up with a response from you. Cancelling all plans the instant you’d ask - casually - if he wanted to join you after class to check out a new café. No, of course he had nothing else to do. Yes, it’s definitely a lucky coincidence that he’s always available when you want to hang out with him.
Once he accepted he was madly in love with you, he began fretting over all possible obstacles. The demon brothers, life after RAD. He’d never engaged much with other humans and his charisma only covered superficial pleasantries. How was he to properly convey that he’s - mildly put - obsessed with you to the point where rejection won’t be taken lightly? Uh oh. Closer to a threat than a confession. Thankfully the Heavens were gracious and you immediately returned his affections. No need for potions or hexes (not that he would’ve…he had them prepared just in case). He remembers it to this day, years after, the wide, innocent smile that you so generously bestowed upon him. Almost like a premonition, he knew you’d be the person to marry. Something he never considered in his long, lonely life.
You lazily lift your hand and admire the ring again. Solomon is quite clumsy and forgetful, but he goes all out for the things that matter. The proposal had been planned to a dizzying amount of detail and you couldn’t believe how much thought he put into it, with many aspects you otherwise assumed he’d forget or omit. Yet staring at the intricately carved band adorning your finger now, you can’t help the pang of melancholy blooming in your chest. Solomon lifts his gaze from the book he’s reading, sensing your discomfort. “Something bothering you?” He inquires with a hint of worry in his voice. “What happens after the wedding?” You demand, turning to face him. “Oh my. I personally prefer to focus on the present.” He answers with a chuckle. “Sure, because you don’t have to worry about your future. It’s mine that will end at some point.” His eyes widen and his hands are suddenly cold. He’s been so entranced by your company that he didn’t even entertain the idea of a potential end to it. He almost strokes his cheek to soothe the hard slap of your words, leaving him in a frightened stupor.
Oh no. No, no, no. Within the blink of an eye he finds himself standing before the alchemy shelves, rattling the bottles for the right ingredients. You didn’t even need to mutter a word. He knew exactly what you’re thinking of. How shameful of him to have caused you this distress in the first place. You’re young, and time for him has lost its human meaning, so your mortality hadn’t crossed his mind this entire time. He would’ve found a solution for it later, most certainly, but he didn’t expect this postponement to make you so anxious. His lips are quivering and his slender fingers are visibly trembling. Partly from the fear of almost failing you as your future husband, partly from the excitement of what’s about to come. He always imagined there’d be nothing more beautiful and precious to witness than you in your wedding attire as you tie the knot. But now? Oh, how ravishingly tempting and seducing, the fact that he can listen to the mundanely repeated words of “Til death do us part” and stare down its meaning until there’s nothing left of it. Not quite. Not for you two. The veil will be lifted and your face will radiate eternity.
After all, nothing will stand between him and his fated soulmate. What’s death to a wizard of his caliber?
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1-800-kami · 9 months
a belated holiday drabble but... imagine doing a gift swap with GOJO SATORU except he pulls the biggest surprise card on you at the end.
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"okay... favorite color!" gojo's on the opposite end of the table, reading off the list of gift categories you had to get each other on his phone. you both put each other's gifts on the table at the same time: he got you a fluffy blanket of your favorite color, and you got him a pair of reindeer socks adorned with satoru's favorite.
"i'm hogging this blanket for myself, baby." you tease, and your boyfriend laughs, but it's not that usual carefree laugh that you often hear from satoru. this laugh was shaky—like he was nervous about something. you brush it off for now, but keep his nervousness in the back of your mind.
“…something that reminds you of them." he's reading off the next category, and you gently push the other gifts aside to put the new ones on the table. you simultaneously place the gifts, and he smiles at what you got him: kikifuku. this surprises you, because normally, satoru'd be bouncing off the walls at just the mere mention of mochi.
your worry is replaced with excitement as you see the gift satoru had gotten for you: a pack of the snacks you'd been craving for a while. "you know me so well."
"how could i not?" he says with a cheeky grin, and satoru looks at his phone, exhaling shakily at the final category. it's now or never. "something to do together."
"i didn't really know what to do for this category..." you sheepily mumble, pulling out a puzzle set and placing it on the table full of gifts. "i hope this is okay-"
you're stunned into silence as satoru wordlessly places his gift on the table. this idea certainly was out of the picture, but you're not complaining.
an engagement ring.
you let out a watery laugh as you stare at the glittering diamonds, soon to be on your fingers. so this was why your boyfriend—or should you say fiance? —was so nervous. you're fighting the urge to walk across the table to attack satoru with kisses. "when i first saw this category, i knew it was too good to pass up, because of course i want to spend my entire life together with you. you're the only person i'm willing to share my kikufuku with—and i'm perfectly okay with you hogging the blanket even though i'm freezing my ass off in the winter. id also love to do that puzzle together, baby.
i could talk for hours on end, but what im saying is that i love you. i love you so much, and i want to spend the rest of my life with you until we're both grey and old and we have little grandchildren running around our house. i’m so nervous right now, you don’t even know, but, y/n l/n…..
will you marry me?"
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 4 months
Bruce Wayne and some kind of fluff thing please?
Top-down in a convertible, sunshine, and a beautiful woman in a sundress next to him- it almost made him forget that he was older than you were.
Until he looked in the mirror and saw the grey at his temples when he glanced behind him.
Still. It was... Intoxicating. He couldn't help it as you sang the love songs on your play list at him. It didn't matter that earlier in the week when you were dressed down and taking the kids shopping a reporter mistook you FOR A NEW KID.
It wasn't exactly a May-December romance but... still. The constant implication he was a cradle robber was getting to him. You had a career before he married you and you had to quit. You'd been a model and an actress. But- now you were a housewife. An unconventional one, sure but-
He pulled off on to an over look and turned the radio down so you could admire the view and the sunset for a moment, "Sweetheart," he started, taking your hand to kiss it, "Are you happy?"
"Why wouldn't I be?" you ask him, turning his hand over to kiss his palm.
He smiled a little and tilted your chin up smoothing wind blown hair out of your face before he took off your sun glasses, "Is that a press-facing answer or how you really feel?"
"Bruce," you laugh, "the only thing I want more of is laid. But we have a house full of kids and you have a whole double life to deal with- I'll just have to cope."
"My poor neglected wife," he purred, nipping your lip before he kissed you. "I'd like to remind you we don't have kids tonight."
"We didn't have kids last night and you were brooding-"
Bruce smiled ruefully, "I was too busy feeling old and sorry for myself," he admitted.
"Is that all?"
"All?" he asked raising an eyebrow.
"I could have spent the night reminding you it didn't bother me when we got married-"
"It might someday," he pointed out.
"Bruce," you snort, "My grandma married someone old enough to be her dad and they were happily married until he died and had like 6 kids. No one thinks you're my dad. People are just really concerned about what goes on in our bedroom."
"6 kids?"
"Listen Brucie," you pout, "This was before birth control. You keep bringing them home. The most you're getting out of me is one and then I'm getting a mommy makeover."
"Two would-"
"You're out all night," you remind him, "and if you're not sleeping all day you're-"
"Okay," he said holding his hands up in surrender as he stole another kiss, grinning. "Point taken."
"But back to my only complaint. We don't have kids tonight at all and I want-"
"And I want a happy wife," he promised, "pulling out his phone to cancel the reservations. Room service and champagne in the jacuzzi it is."
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sunkissedscribbles · 17 days
Only Thing That Keeps Us Apart...
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pairing: theodore nott x borderline!fem!reader
genre: angst
tw: mental illness, SA, suicide
word count: 1735
summary: theo has to leave you on his father's will
a/n: @inksoakedparchment i hope this is what you wanted<3
playlist: IF NOT FOR YOU – Måneskin / TIMEZONE - Måneskin / THE LONELIEST – Måneskin
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dividers by @chachachannah
You miss him. How could you not? He was your best friend, your saviour, your boyfriend. The man you were supposed to end up with; marry and have children with. How did you two end up like this? – You’re wearing the old clothes he left at your place before he simply disappeared and erased himself from your life. He left – without any explanation, a note, or any clue about where he was going.
As if he were dead.
As if your love didn’t mean anything.
Your flat is cold and empty without the sound of his stupid whistling while doing the simplest of things like chores, him arguing with the old cooker in Italian when it won’t work properly, without his bright personality he’d only let you see, or the bickering over meaningless things like what film to watch – what film to get bored of in the middle and have a better idea on what to do instead, rather.
Now that he left your life like that everything seems so dull and boring, so dark, so pallid and achromatic. Life seems to have slowed down and the once clear sky you have seen daily during Theo is grey and so overly clouded that the sun won’t shine through the thick layer.
Sometimes you feel like he was just a game of your imagination, like it has completely fooled you. But how could he have been fake? It was so real, too real, even. If you really try you can still recall even the littlest of touches, like him brushing his nose against yours in the morning to stir you awake or the way he held you against his body to reassure you you’ll be together, forever.
What a bullshitter.
There'll be no summer There'll be no spring If not for this love of mine Thornes without flowers Bars with no drinks If not for this love of mine
All the lights All the parties would just fade out Shut them down
He didn’t want to leave, but he didn’t have a choice. He had thought after Voldemort’s defeat things would be different; lighter, easier, and that he’d have a sharper vision of your future together.
Was he naive?
Why on earth had he even thought his father would get sent to Azkaban if he survived the war? Why did he think he’d get a chance to start over, with you?
He had plans, just like you.
Italy – it was his plan. He wanted to take you there, take you home with him, all the while he would have told you about his mother who he lost as a kid. He would’ve shown you all the best places and the best food, and he knew exactly where he wanted to propose to you. Hell, had he bought the ring before he got the call… The plane tickets were purchased, and his place in Italy was all set for the two of your arrival.
And all his plans now are going down the drain because of the family business.
He memorised your landline number – he remembers every time he walks past a phone booth, but he knows he has to stay sensible and responsible. He wants to tell you he’s losing his mind without you, he wants to run away from his father and the literal mafia he’s the leader of but that would only put you in danger. And that’s the last thing he wants.
But what if…
Now I know you're sleepin' Where I'm supposed to be in Wish I could've stayed Only thing that keeps us apart Is seven thousand miles, running like a mad dog Only thing that keeps us apart Is a different timezone So fuck what I'm dreaming, this fame has no meaning I'm coming home Only thing that keeps us apart Is a different timezone
You’re trying to move on – but how could you if these memories of you during Theo just won’t leave your mind?
That one time he was walking down the hallway at your place when he suddenly stopped by the bathroom. It was a thing you two used to do – leaving the door open so that you could still talk whenever either of you was in the bathroom.
“Is that blood?” he stared at you half-sitting, half-lying in the bathtub with one leg on the edge of it, a razor in your hand. His face went completely white as he thought you were hurting yourself on purpose, until he noticed the razor.
“...No?” you raised an eyebrow until you saw the red liquid along your shin. “Oh, shit, it is,” you laughed it off with a shrug. You shouldn’t have – he quickly sat down on the edge of the tub and held you an infinitely long lecture about how not to cut yourself with a razor while tending to the little wound. Little did he care that you had another leg to be done that evening.
Or the memory of your first kiss? All he said was ‘woah’ but you understood him perfectly. No wonder he went in for another to devour you.
But there was the time he tried to braid your hair. He had no idea what he was doing, and your explanation of it with your hands and sentences like ‘this over that and the other that over this’ didn’t help the slightest.
But it hadn’t always been happy all the time, either – there was a reason for him to be scared you were self-harming that night in the bathtub as you had a tendency for depressive episodes.
Before Theo, you had no idea what to do with your life – you had been down so bad you didn’t see the light anymore and your episodes were starting to get to your head – you couldn’t handle them properly and you felt like you could never get your life back from the hand of an external force. So when he found you in the Astronomy Tower with fresh cuts he wouldn’t have left you alone. You had many arguments because of this, because of your BPD.
His presence irritated you at first – he was like a lost puppy, running after you–
"Let's put that down, principessa," he stared into your eyes as he reached for the blade in your fist. There was something about his eyes, about those blue irises that were so effective of getting anything he wanted out of you, and that gaze that seemed to be staring right into your soul.
–but you got used to it after a few weeks and warmed up enough to open up to him. It hasn't been difficult to talk about your mental illness anymore, not like this, that he knew what the worst he could expect from you was. Because he showed you that he really did care about your well-being. And because he loved you, even at your worst.
Yes, he did fall in love with your worst and as time went on and your relationship progressed your mental health only improved during Theo.
You're still the oxygen I breathe I see your face when I close my eyes It's torturous Tonight is gonna be the loneliest
He fell for you. It took him some time to give in to his heart, and for you to accept that you're loveable but you did it. You both did.
He's counting the hours, the time difference – he has been since he had to go, and he can't stop thinking about you. He was a player before you, a man as well as a kid during you – but who is he now? He can't find the answers to his current existential crisis. You probably think he's dead. And you think that perfectly. His life has lost its meaning without you, no colour, no more Nirvana, no Billy Jean, no dancin' if you're not part of his life anymore.
'How could I wake up How could I sleep How could I be someone?'
So, what if...
Tomorrow, I got another plane, I'm not gonna take it Mm, instead, I'm gonna fly straight to you, I paid double for the tickets And I don't give a shit about the contracts that I signed And they can say whatever, we'll be making love, I'm fucking you tonight
Your flat is cold and empty – it's his first remark. He walks farther in, calling out for you, "Y/N? Tesoro, I'm home!" and he's waiting for the moment you run out of the bedroom or from the kitchen to greet him with a fist to his nose for leaving you and kiss him senseless right after.
He walks into the bedroom – no sign of you.
Then into the kitchen.
Where the hell are you?
He spots you in the bathtub, fully dressed. "Y/N! I've been calling for you for minutes, honey. What are you–?" he takes in your pale complexion as he walks closer to you.
Closer to your cold and lifeless body.
The realization hits him like a dozen rocks
"No, no, no," he crouches down next to you, seeing the clear and sharp cuts. "Fuck! Please wake up, please wake up! Y/N, this is not funny. Stop this... Please, baby..." he lets out a ragged breath, trying to collect himself. He lifts your hand to check your pulse.
And just waits,
and waits.
He can't let you go. "Had I not told you to be careful with the razor?" he cries out. You couldn't have died, right? You must be hearing him, must be playing a very sick game with him. No, no, you're alive. You're alive... right? He starts tending to your wounds but deep down he knows there's no point in doing so. You're not gonna wake up. He can't look at your face, he's not strong enough as he knows there won't be a smile on it. The smile he loves so much.
The smile he loved so much.
You were lost and afraid before Theo. You were happy and stable during him. But there's no after Theo. There never will be. Not for you. And you’ve known it all along.
You'll be the saddest part of me A part of me that will never be mine It's obvious Tonight is gonna be the loneliest You're still the oxygen I breathe I see your face when I close my eyes It's torturous Tonight is gonna be the loneliest
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tag list: @inksoakedparchment @mqstermindswift @reys-letters @girllblogging777 @yelanare
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perfctvelvet · 3 months
I love love loved thé Jenna ortega fic, could we get a p2 plzzzzzzzz?????
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Endless Summer; Jenna/Reader
Summary: Jenna is back for the Summer, but this time Y/n changes her approach.
Content: 2nd POV. Infidelity, reader's softer/nicer side comes out, angst (with a happy-ending), kissing, fingering (reader receiving), teasing.
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It's the hottest day of the year on record. People from the neighborhood were either laid out by the pool, baking in the sun, or inside under the blast of cold air. Summer was never your favorite season. Sure it's branded as the time of year when all the fun can be had but all it did was cause agitation and weird pressure to always be having fun.
The arguments in the family home were frequent during the summer time. Your parents argued as if you and brother were still little kids that they had to find a way to entertain. Usually the two of you would bond of your shared annoyance, but this year was different. Maybe one of your parents passed down the arguing gene because your brother was fighting with his girlfriend nearly everyday.
You were surprised that Jenna was still around. You were even more surprised that she would agree to spend the entire Summer with your family. It doesn't seem possible that that little situation you two had hasn't crossed her mind since. Surely she would expect it to be way too awkward to be around you, but she agreed to come anyway. Neither of you had really spoken to each other, and it's not because you still dislike her. How would anybody be able to talk to her when she was constantly fighting with your brother? Your parents...well at least they were married. Your brother and Jenna's relationship barely cracked the one year mark and they were bickering like an old married couple. Day in and day out someone in this house was furious and it made your head spin. You were always marked as the "moody" one who wasn't happy with any decision, but after this Summer, you deserve an apology!
"Well turns out we won't be going to the state fair because you father agreed to work a Saturday!"
"Okay, it's not a big deal, mom. Plus last time we went everyone got food poisoning from that hot dog stand. Remember?"
"Whatever...I'm going to the mall."
She stormed out with her purse thrown over her shoulder and a box of Marlboro Reds in the other. You don't know when she picked up the habit of smoking, but the grey hairs and extra lines in her face gave it away that she was stressed as hell. Both of the relationships you were surrounded by this Summer gave you zero hope and only affirmed your hook-ups-only behavior. Seeing everyone, especially your parents, crash and burn in these tightly wound relationships made you adverse to them. Maybe you could find someone to work it out with and leave harmoniously, but you aren't going to hold your breath for that moment.
Not even five minutes later after your mother's dramatic exit, your brother cam e bolting down the stairs, a complaint about Jenna on his lips. It was like the universe was giving you sign after sign.
"She can be such a bitch sometimes."
"Hey! Don't call her a bitch!"
"Oh so now you like Jenna?"
"It doesn't matter if I like her or not, don't call another woman a bitch in front of me!"
Sometimes you just wanted grab your brother by the ear and twist it in the same manner you would when you two were both ten years younger. Your parents had problems, albeit ones that could be solved with more communication, that were valid. Paying for a mortgage, other expenses, and your brother's college would cause anyone to crack. That was a lot of pressure for most people. They're getting older, crankier, and their patience has worn thin after raising two kids for more than two decades. You could see why they argued. Your brother and Jenna however were just kids. What would they even fight about? Where they're going to eat tonight? Who's party their attending? They seemed so young and naive compared to the real world problems owned by your parents'.
"She's always on my ass about something. I already have a mom, I don't need another one."
"Okay, well what are you doing wrong?"
"Why do you assume it's my fault?"
"I don't know Isaac, maybe it's because I know you? I've only been here for three weeks and so far I've watched you leave her here to go hang out with your high school friends. Don't you think she feels a little isolated?"
"She can come with me if she just asks."
"Who wants to hang out with Jake and Billy? Do they still make fart jokes and play with that whoopie cushion? They're grown ass men in a twelve-year-old's body, who wants to be around them?"
He sighs in frustration before rubbing his face in his hands. Your little brother needed to face the music; he's not built for a relationship. And you're not just saying that because you have your own thoughts about Jenna.
"Okay well...maybe I don't want to be tied down," he sounds so unsure of himself as he speaks. He looks around to make sure his girlfriend is nowhere in sight before continuing. "I just sort of miss my freedom. I really like Jenna and she's a great girl, but maybe I'm just not ready to commit."
"College boys are never ready to commit," you laugh.
You've seen your fair share of college relationships end because one party wants to continue on partying and that is usually the guy in the relationship. It was kind of sad seeing your little brother going through the same thing.
"If you don't want to be with her, you need to tell her. Don't keep her here all Summer just to dump her when you go back to campus."
"I didn't say I wanted to dump her!"
"Okay well you need to figure out what you're going to do, or else you're going to spend the Summer making each other miserable!"
You could tell Isaac wanted this conversation to end. You were broaching a truth that was too hard for him to face right now.
"Whatever...I'll be back in about two hours."
They say daughters are more like their mothers, and sons their fathers, but that couldn't be more untrue in this household. Your brother was avoidant just like your mother. And while you picked up on some of those traits too, you found that you weren't like either of your parents. Maybe in the past you were, but that changed the day you told them your date to homecoming your sophomore year was another girl.
Now your mother is racking up the credit card bill at the mall, your brother is probably heading to his weird friend's house, and your father is God knows where. That leaves you alone in the house with Jenna. You had a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach. Since that encounter with her you softened on Jenna. You were being a little bit of a bitch to her when she first came around and then you fucked her. You know you confused the shit out of her and that wasn't fair. You struggled to get the words 'I'm sorry' to come out of your mouth all of your life and it wasn't going to be easy now. But this was the first time you two were alone since that night. It's been months.
When you go upstairs to your brothers room you find that it's empty. You know she isn't downstairs, so they're is only one place she could be.
A week after that moment between you and Jenna, your mom found bikini bottoms in the jacuzzi. She called you to ask you about and you told her they were yours. They belonged to Jenna, but you didn't mind taking the blame. Surprisingly though she was didn't chew you out, but that resulted in her and you father moving it from the balcony to the backyard. It had been perfect on the balcony because it was so private, but now if you want to lounge in the hot tub you run the risk of one of the neighbors seeing you.
They replaced the jacuzzi with some lounge chairs thinking that their children wouldn't be enticed by some simple chairs. What they didn't understand that their balcony felt like an escape. It caught the breeze in the right way and faced away from the neighbors. It was relaxing and the perfect place to clear your head. And that's where you found Jenna.
She sat with her feet dangling over the concrete edge and she was holding onto the railing. You slid open the screen door and somehow she didn't hear it. You hated to disturb her, but you needed to talk to her.
"You know if you fall you can sue the shit out my parents. Maybe even pay off the rest of your college."
You try to lighten the mood but your joke falls flat when you see her face. She looks as if she's been crying with her eyes slightly puffy. Seconds later she turned away from you. You felt guilty despite not having done anything. You were on your best behavior, but you have this sinking feeling that you played some sort of role in everyone's agitation this Summer. So you join her as a way to keep her company.
"I heard everything."
"What do you mean?"
"I know Isaac wants to break up with me."
You heart drops at her confession. You didn't think about the possibility of her hearing the conversation you had with your brother. Now you feel awful.
"No, no, it's okay. At least you were defending me," she gives you a half-hearted smile. "I should've seen this coming though. He'd rather spend time with his boys than be with me no matter where we're at."
"Let me guess, he does this on campus too?"
Jenna nods her head in confirmation. You hate to bash your brother so you keep your mouth shut, but inside you're berating him for being so careless.
"Jenna, I don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything. It's not your fault," she lets out a heavy sigh, one that makes your guilt feel deeper. "I called my parents, I'm going to be leaving next weekend. I'll break up with Isaac on Friday."
Everything about tonight has left you in a state of shock. The last thing you expected though was what just came out of her mouth. You felt remorseful that it had to get to this point, but largely you felt that way because you feel like your chance at a proper apology is now gone. To anyone else maybe it wouldn't matter since Jenna was going to be out of the picture anyway, but to you it did.
"Well if I can't be excuse my little brother's shitty behavior, then I can excuse mine. I wish I could change how things were between us last time."
"You mean you barely saying a word to me and then making me eat your pussy in a hot tub?"
You stared at her, mouth open in shock at how bold Jenna had become. She enjoyed seeing your reaction, finally feeling like she had the upperhand around you.
"I'm just messing with you," she continues. "I know I was probably annoying and coming off as a try-hard in the beginning. Now I just feel like there's not point anymore. I get a little sarcastic when I'm jaded."
"Well I would be a liar to say I'm not stunned by all of this, but in all honesty if you were like this from the beginning I've probably would've liked you instantly. I know that sounds shitty, but we're both making confessions today."
"Can I make another confession?"
"Go for it."
"I liked our night together. You were a little bit too mean for my liking, but I don't think I've felt the same amount of pleasure since."
You had called it the moment you two separated that night that Jenna wasn't use to sex like that. You smugly declared in your head that Jenna would be thinking about it over and over. Now that you've got confirmation about that after her telling you she's going to be leaving for good, you don't feel like taking victory laps. Instead you feel a little sad knowing this is going to be your last moment alone together. It was bittersweet.
"Well my confession about that night is that I thought about it my entire drive home. Knowing more about you know I guess I feel a little bit shitty about it and wish I could override it with another moment."
Jenna focused less on the confession of your internal feelings of shame and more on what was between the lines. You wanted another moment alone with her to do something similar but under a different circumstance. She was blinded by her own desire of needing someone to be there for her to stop herself from kissing you. Her night was suppose to end going to the beach tonight with Isaac to look at the stars, but instead it was going to end with her finding comfort in his sister.
Jenna's kiss was much more powerful than you expected. This side of her felt more true and honest than that happy-go-lucky girl she first met. You wish you'd seen right through that act and got through to her in a different way, even if she says she liked it. Her lips dance against yours in a bruising kiss. You feel her tongue poke at your lips and you let her in. You kiss her as if she was something more than just a hook-up because that's what she needs, and you need to feel better about yourself.
You feels her arms wrap around your neck when she fully turns her body to you. Her legs no longer dangle over the dangerous edge of the balcony. She presses her front into you and you hum in delight. She feels so warm and her lips taste so sweet, but it was a different flavor chapstick that she used this time. Everything about her seemed so different that you struggled to be in control. But, apart of you didn't care about who is or is not in control of the situation. You let things happen naturally, and it felt naturally to let Jenna guide you this time.
"I want you to take your shorts off," she says between kisses.
Each second passes and she seems more and more desperate for the affection. She was touched starved to say the least. You give her what she wants and slide off your lounge shorts without breaking her kiss. She presses into you once you're just in your panties and you yield. Your back meets the rug that replaced where the jacuzzi use to be. Her hand comes between your legs and she rubs your clit through your panties. You don't mean to break the kiss but you throw your head back and moan in delight.
"Fuck Jenna!"
She loved hearing your moans more this time because something about them sounded so different this time. She takes this moment to place her face in your neck and suck at your sensitive skin. She could feel you melting beneath her. You embraced every moment instead of shying away or trying to change anything. She keeps rubbing your clit just to feel your hips rise and legs shake. You can't keep yourself still because the pleasure is too good. A wet spot appears on your panties and you can feel just how sticky you are now. Your pussy was beginning for more attention instead of being touched behind a barrier of fabric. And Jenna could feel that.
Jenna slides her hands into your cotton panties and she moans feeling your slick against her hands. It makes her grow wetter in her own panties. She glides straight over your clit and her fingers slide into your pussy with ease. You let out a blissful sigh instead of a full blown moan. You love the feeling of her nimble fingers filling you up.
"You like that? You like that Y/n? You like me being on top and fucking you with my fingers?"
In that moment she wasn't your little brother's girlfriend, she was a girl who shared the same feelings as you. Fucking her in this capacity felt much more natural that you questioned whether she got with the right sibling.
You don't respond to her. You just close your eyes and let her fingers pump into you. She curls them inside of you and massages your sweet spot and you swear you're seeing stars. She pulls away from your neck to sit up and look down at you. She can see how hard your nipples are through your tank top and it makes her desire grow even more. She bends down again and catches the fabric between her teeth. Jenna exposes your tits and quickly takes your nipple into her mouth.
"Yea! Just like that! I really, really like that!"
You were desperate for release and Jenna loved that. It wasn't the control, but the fact that she was apart of something where both parties were excited for each other. So much with Isaac felt one-sided that it warped her perspective on what she wants. You weren't doing anything to her yet she felt like you were giving her so much.
"I want to make you cum," Jenna sounds just as desperate as you now. "I want you to cum for me, Y/n."
You nod your head fervently. It was like you were saying 'I'm sorry' over and over again and she was accepting the apology. She overwhelmed you with her fingers in your pussy, mouth on your tits, and now her thumb pressing against your clit. Your moans were turning into weak whimpers and you release all over her fingers. There was no room for embarrassment, just nothing but pure pleasure. Jenna, of all people, made you feel like you were in heaven. You wanted to show your gratitude for her, so instead of letting the post-orgasm lull hit you, you grabbed her face with both hands and crashed your lips against hers. It's been so long since you've kissed someone intensely or even felt like this. Everything feels so heightened that it makes sense you blurted out, "I want to eat your pussy," in between a heated kiss.
It was only fair that you ate her out, and you were more than happy to end up between her legs. She laid down where you once did and you pried her legs open. She wore a skirt and the smallest panties you've ever seen.
"Did you know this was going to happen?"
"It wasn't for you," she admits, "but I'm glad you're the only one who's ever seen me wear something like this."
The fabric was so thin that her pussy almost swallowed it. It left nothing to the imagination and it was interesting to see Jenna wear something like this. With cheap material like that, it was easy for you to rip it off of her body. She squeals in amusement and sits up so she can watch you take the first lick of her needy pussy. Instantly her taste floods your senses. You feel her hand intertwine with yours as you begin to move your tongue across every inch of her swollen pussy. You loved how she felt against your tongue and you cursed yourself for not doing this last time. You lick and suck at her, producing the lewdest sounds imaginable. You hope the sound doesn't care in the soft breeze, but you also don't give a fuck anymore. The only thing you could think about was Jenna. You rub the underside of her thigh with your other hand and keep her legs nice and spread for you. She can't pull her eyes away no matter how fast it makes her heart pump.
"Y-You're so good at this," she whines.
You had put your ego away to show that you were sincere, but it was like she was calling it to come out. Hearing her praise you only made you work her pussy some more. You wrap your mouth around her clit and suck on it. The attention makes her shake and grab onto the back of your head. She pushes your face into your pussy as if you would even dare to move away. You wanted to leave in this moment forever; the moment where you lick and suck her while she moans in pleasure for you. You hum against her wet pussy and that sends her overboard. You feel the flow of cum drench the lower half of your face and you don't pull away until you lick up every drop.
It was all the desire she still felt inside of her that made Jenna crash her lips against yours for one more sloppy kiss. Her cum mixes with both of your saliva in a lewd way. Jenna never gets this nasty during sex but she did not care just like you didn't.
The sun has completely dipped over the horizon before you two finally calm down. You lay with back flat against the rug, staring up at the sky while Jenna grabs the remnants of the panties you ripped off of her.
"I accept your apology, Y/n," she says as when she finally joins you, laying her body next to yours.
"Thank you."
It's the last thing you said to her with just the two of you alone. She didn't wait to Friday to break up with Isaac, in fact she did it the next day. Jenna took the dissolving her relationship easier than Isaac did. Your mother used it as an excuse to do something that wouldn't require everyone to join now that there was some awkwardness to that. She would take you and Jenna shopping to have "girl time" aka time where she could rant about your father and blow off some steam. It seemed weird that her now ex-boyfriend's mother was still being so kind to her even though she wasn't obligated to, but she embraced it. You and her didn't get to talk much over your mother's new stories of life, but that was okay. You don't think this is going to be the last time you see Jenna.
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cyarikasmoon · 5 months
Rest Now
Bad Batch Hunter x reader
Summary: Hunter returns home after saying goodbye to Omega. *Set just after the Season 3 epilogue scene*
Pairing: Bad Batch Hunter x f!reader
Word Count: 1,539
Warnings: Bad Batch Season 3 spoilers, married Hunter, older hunter, fluff, comfort, cuddles, HUNTER DESERVES LOTS OF CUDDLES AND KISSES
Divider by @freesie-writes & @snotbuggle
A/N: I truly adore this show and just wanted to write a little piece for Hunter. He did so well and is such a good father figure for Omega. That epilogue meant everything to me. I wish we saw older Crosshair and Wrecker, but I'm also quite glad it was a final moment between those two. It was always meant to be them. I will love and cherish them forever.
I hope you all like this. It's a little rough and rushed, and it's just raw emotions being processed onto a page after the finale, but I still wanted to post! Enjoy! x
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It’s almost sunrise when you wake up. You sleepily reach out, cold underneath the sheets, and you realise the familiar warmth of your husband is gone. Your eyes blink open with a frown as you pat the bed, almost to make sure he is actually gone. Sitting up in the bed, you blink blearily, taking in the room. It’s dark, but your eyes adjust quickly, the faint lighting of a new day approaching helping you see the dimly lit room. You roll over the bed gently, and you see his boots are gone, and his overshirt that he had left hanging over the edge of the bed last night.
The entire house is quiet, which almost makes you confident that Batcher is gone as well. You let out a soft whistle, a quick two-tone note. Nothing like the loud army shrill your husband does to call the lurker hound. When there is no distant sound of barking, no heavy pads of paws on the ground, you sigh softly.
Gently getting out of bed, you move to pull on your trousers and the quickest shirt being one of his thick, long sleeved ones. As you slip it on, you breathe in the smell of him and let your shoulders sag. It wasn’t normal for him to be gone this early. His side of the bed had been cold when you had felt it. He had been gone for hours. At least Batcher would be with him. You hope, anyway.
Pulling on a quick small pair of boots, she moves towards the door but pauses by the window as she hears voices outside. As she peers out, she sees Wrecker and Crosshair standing talking. Crosshair is almost silent with his words, speech always raspy and quiet but sharp. Wrecker, thinking he was being quiet, was still quite loud. But the early morning rays indicated it wasn't long till the residents of Pabu would awaken.
Crosshair strokes his chin gently, fingers brushing over the soft wisps of grey turning white hair. His hair finally growing back in revealed it to now finally be more silver white than the original grey it used to be back in the days of the Republic. Wrecker still stands tall, and the body is still accumulating so much muscle, but he looks softer, rounder. Years of enjoying and actually living life and eating good food. His lips are drawn into a tight line from where you can see, his jaw covered in a soft wiry fuzz of scruff - the start of a beard that is accentuated with fine white hairs now amidst the dark ones.
The flurry of quick hand movements between the two have you frowning before you all hear a distant bark. You glance through the window to the right. Coming up over the hill, the rising sun casts light across the path as the old lurker hound ambles up the street. Batcher picks up speed slightly as she spots Crosshair and Wrecker, forever excited to see them. It’s then you see your husband, not too far behind Batcher. He walks slowly, his head down slightly, but he looks up as he spots his brothers.
He seems to stand up straighter then as he notices them, almost instinctively falling back into the roll of Seagerant after so long. Crosshair gets up slowly from where he had knelt down to stroke Batcher, leaving his prosthetic hand to rest on the back of her neck as he faces Hunter. Wrecker’s eyes are full of apprehension as if he knows what Hunter is to tell them, but he desperately doesn't want it to be the case.
When Hunter reaches them, you watch as he simply nods his head and says a few words. The three brothers stand in silence for a moment. Whatever news he had just shared, it brings a sombre moment, but then Wrecker’s smiling. He makes a comment, followed by a booming laugh. Crosshair's face twists up into an amused smirk, and he replies with his own comment. Your husband says something else, and they fall silent for a moment. It’s then Crosshair takes a step forward and rests his hand on Hunter’s shoulder, and they share a look. Before anything can be said, Wrecker envelopes them into his arms, a signature crushing hug from the big man that has them all smiling and reminiscing.
Wrecker puts them down, and they all share a final smile. It’s then the old girl barks, and Crosshair rolls his eyes fondly, the hound sticks to his side, ready for her breakfast. They all seemed to nod and head off in their own separate ways. A new day is beginning after all. As Hunter turns towards your home, you move and gently open the door and lean in the doorway and smile at him.
He glances at you and pauses for a moment, a fond smile on his face before he continues to walk forward to you. Like second instinct, you hold your arms open and let him hold you close and tight against him.
“Hi.” You whisper to him.
“Hey.” He responds softly. His voice reserved slightly, like when he’s lost in thought.
“Hey, come back to me.” You whisper softly, leaning back to cup his tattooed side of his face, fingers brushing over his dark beard.
His eyes tell you everything. They’re tired from being up so early. They’re full of love and adoration for you. They reflect peace. They show sadness. You smile sadly then, as you realise. This is the look of a father who has just had to let go and say goodbye. No matter how much he doesn’t wish for it to be the case.
“Omega?” You ask softly, stepping back, so you both gravitate back into your home.
He nods then. A small smile plays on his lips, his eyes softening.
“She left first thing in the early hours of the morning. Thought she could sneak away.” He chuckles, a gruff noise in his throat.
“She spoke about the Rebellion so often. It was only a matter of time before she would want to go help.” You stroke his cheek as you watch his melancholic expression.
“I know…” He breaks away so he can sit and take his boots off, and you do the same. You both leave them by the door, and he rises to stand in front of you again.
You hold your hand to him, and he instantly takes it.
“You’re a wonderful father, Hunter. I know it. Your brothers know it, and Omega knows it.” You whisper to him, taking both of his hands.
His thumbs stroke along your knuckles in a soothing motion for himself and for you. His left thumb focuses on running across your ring. He raises his eyes to look into yours.
“You’ve raised her wonderfully. She is such a bright, beautiful young woman now, and the Rebellion is lucky to have her.” You say and then grin. “You practically prepared her for this.”
He huffs and rolls his eyes fondly at you, lips quirked up into a small smile.
“I was once told battle droids were easier to handle compared to raising a kid.” He muses. “They weren't wrong.”
“Hunter, love, she’ll be fine. She knows you’ll come if you need her.”
“I’d be there in a heartbeat.” He promises, and his voice is so strong and earnest. You could never not believe him. The sergeant shines through in that moment.
You lean forward and kiss him softly, and his hands move to hold you close. Your foreheads then meet in a keldabe kiss, and you smile at him.
“C’mon old man, let's go back to bed for a bit.” You tease him with a grin.
“Who are you calling old man? The days are just starting.” He rolls his eyes and tries to hide his smile.
“And you’ve hardly slept.” You argue back, nudging your forehead against his. “C’mon, a little nap won’t hurt anyone.”
You lead him to the bedroom and smile as you help him take his overshirt off and drape it back over the edge of the bed. Laying down, he holds you close in his arms and still keeps his eyes open and watching you.
“You’ve done so good, love.” You whisper and lean forward, pressing gentle kisses across his face. “It’s okay to miss her. It’s normal. We all will miss her. But she’ll be okay. She’ll come back one day. Now you can rest.”
HIs eyes close as he embraces your touch. His breathing relaxes.
“Rest love, I’ve got you.” You whisper as you watch him drift off. “We’ve got you. You can rest now.”
You press a final kiss to his brow, right below his bandana, before you lay your head on the pillow next to him. The sun has risen now. You can hear the residents of Pabu begin their day. Birds in the distance. You swear even without enhanced senses like Hunter, you can hear the ocean. You look at him one final time before your eyes drift close. It’s a new day. They're here and alive. How exciting it is to live. To live and to love. To do whatever they want.
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aliveinacoffin · 1 year
Kinda request
hi! I just wanted to ask if u could write a fic of any fandom and character of ur choosing! I enjoy reading your fics so much and I would love to read one of your own liking! Thank you and have a great day <333
i love you guys so much i literally would eat a baby for you guys PLS 😭😭 decided to write a gta v fic with micheal because GYATT damn do I love him, also sorry this took so long, I have like, a trillion fics to write 🥲
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Wedding Ring
You knew Micheal was married with a wife and kids, and that he went through hell and back to keep them safe and alive. When he goes off this crazy adventure and he has to hide from the cops, where does he go? That's right, the woman who he has been sharing a bed with the last four years.
Fem!Reader: She/Her pronouns and descriptions
TW!: NSFW, cheating, ghosting, manipulation
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It was a nice and sunny day, something that was usual for a city like Los Santos. Still, you took advantage of this fact. You were lounging in your backyard with nothing but a swimsuit on, trying to suntan in peace with your music playing loud as possible, enjoying the feeling of the sun's hot rays on your skin. 
That peace was quickly disrupted.
"Why the fuck are you playing music so god damn loud?" A familiar gruff voice barked from behind you. You snapped your eyes open, quickly sitting up to see the offender who disrupted your peace and broke into your house.
"Oh Michael." You groaned, laying back down on the white pool chair. The separated plastic part of the white chair dug in a satisfying way into your back.
"Seriously, Jesus it's eleven in the morning." Michael stumbled over to your phone, angrily smashing the side buttons.
"Damn who shit in your cereal? Or maybe drink would be better." You scoffed, pissed that he was even here. The old man hadn't contacted you in months, ghosting you after he fucked you in some shitty motel near sandy shores. 
"An old friend of mine and my whole fuckin' family." Michael mumbled, and you watched him behind your black sunglasses approach the bottom of your sunbleached chair, resting his hands on your ankles. He looked down, light green eyes watching his hands trave circles in your ankles. With his motions, his gold wedding ring glittered in the California sun.
"Why are you here?" You asked, not bothering to move from your position hands resting on your stomach. Your fingers suddenly felt very bare.
"I just wanted to see you, is that such a crime?" He shrugged, but his hands started to trail higher, now rubbing on your calfs. 
"Well, aside from the fact you haven't spoken to me in months, let a lone texted me. No, I guess not." You pulled your legs away, sitting on the side of the long chair. You still watched him, hands grabbing tightly on the metal, burning the palms of your hands.
"You know how it is, life gets in the way." He tried to wave you off, shrugging his shoulders. Michael had already taken off his suit jacket, white shirt looking grey with your vision. So he expected you to just hop on his dick right away?
"Yeah, I'm sure it does. With your wife and family keeping you busy." You got up, walking over to grab your phone and speaker.
Michael didn't say anything to that, instead he just watched you. He silently followed you inside, stopping you from closing the sliding glass door on him.
"Seriously Michael, why are you here?" You growled at him, not bothering to spare a glance back at him. You stopped at your sink, resting your knuckles on the metal appliance. His heavy footsteps followed you, and through the window above the sink you saw him come up behind you, watching you.
"I just have a lot of stress, and my therapy is always telling me to get rid of it." Michael's large hands rested on your hips, still watching your face.
"Then go to your wife. I'm obviously not anybody to you." You looked down, unable to meet his watchful gaze. Instead, you regrettable made eye contact with his ring. "Go home, go to your fuckin' over priced shitty therapist and your shitty family that your always whining about." You snapped, but you made no motion to move away from his hands.
"They left me." He admitted lowly, and that made you look up. Michael was not an honest man, he was a lying hypocrite who constantly cheated on his wife. He was always the type to skirt around the truth when it harmed him and constantly complained when he could. The man had left a life of crime, that much you knew, and ever since had regretted it.
"Why?" You asked softly, making eye contact with him again in the window. It was hard to see him, with your glasses and the bright sun outside, so you opted to take them off, making the appeal of Michael much clearer. Though, you couldn't stand stand look at him.  Michael loved making eye contact with you, for a reason you never knew. But it absolutely pained you to watch his eyes fill with want and desperation. 
"I'm not a good man. I chase things that I'll never get, things I can never keep." He leaned over your back, breathing into your neck. He pushed your hips back, pulling you flush against him. His hands wormed their way under the elastic of your bottom, rubbing and pinching the fat there. He pressed gentle kisses into your neck, lightly nipping the skin that was presented to him.
"Is that right? What about the things you have?" You knew for Michael no matter what he did, no matter what he got, nothing would ever be good enough for him. The perfect life he could have in his own expensive mansion is ruined by his own self hate and incompetence. 
He just scoffed at that, like the very notion of his luxury car and permanent retirement from life was so hard, something to just be brushed off like nothing.
"What about me? When will I stop being enough? Or have I already?" You asked, stopping his movements. He had already gotten the strings halfway down your ass, reaching just the top part of your bottom. Michael stilled, unmoving against your warm body.
"No, I can never get enough of you. I had to work on my marriage, but I never stopped thinking about you." Michael admitted, and that made your head hung low. You knew he was prone to just saying whatever would get him into your pants. He always knew what to say the exact words that would make you drop to your knees.
"Or maybe because I'm some pretty young thing who won't give you crabs." You tried to lighten the mood, tried to tease to cover up the aching hole the older man had unknowingly made inside you. He had created a Michael shaped hole in your heart that made you mourn during random hours of the day, and when he would fill it in the late hours of the night it soothed your bleeding heart.
"Hah, maybe." That made you tear up, eyes fluttering while he slipped off your bottoms, groping you fully. You could feel his hard on pressing into you, demanding its way onto you.
He slipped two calloused fingers down, tracing up and down your slit, gathering the wetness that has accrued.
"You act so fucking bratty, but you're so god damn wet." He barked in your ear, mocking you as he slipped a finger in. You sighed, rocking back against his fingers, wanting, needing more. Who knows when the next time he'll come back? 
If ever.
"Come on, you know I can handle way more than that." You rushed, wanting to just get this over with and never wanting this to end.
He tugged on your hair, pulling at your scalp.
"Don't rush me, just shut up and look pretty." Michael's past actions would attest to that, he loved it when you argued, when you threw fits and pouted, he loved every minute of it. Because he knew that if he pushed you for enough, you'd beg for his cock, you'd be crying and whining for it, you'd be crying for him.
Michael never was the one to love a submissive woman, would he like to have one? Sure, any man would. But after a while it would get boring, there'd be no angry sex, no makeup sex, there'd be no back talk for him to shut up. Plus, it would be like speaking to a void, nothing important would actually be said, just a blank woman who agreed to everything and anything.
"Then fuck me silly, hey, that rhymed!" You laughed, before a moan got caught in your throat. Two more fingers shoved themselves into you, stretching you out quickly. It would've hurt more if you weren't already wet and near painfully horny. In truth, Michael was the only man you've slept with in a while. You've had flings with other people, maybe one or two serious relationships thrown in, but when you met Michael, an old depressed angry father, right up your alley might you add, at that disgusting old bar, well, everything and everyone else was thrown out the window. Then, you started seeing each other regularly, you dropped all the people you were talking to, even the sweet girl who had really taken an interest in you, and he had stopped going to cheap hookers, instead going to you solely to satisfy his sins.
He said nothing in response, merely just resuming his harsh treatment of your body, curling his fingers inside you beautifully, his memorization of your body never once faded. Your moans grew louder, curling into your counter until your stomach pressed painfully into the sharp edge.
"Just put it in me already, you old fuck." You spat, trying to push back against him. Michael pulled his fingers out, slapping your ass painfully.
"Watch your mouth when you're begging for my cock." He growled, nonetheless, he pulled down his zipper dutifully and fished himself out. He slid himself up and down your slit  wetting himself with your juices, bumbling and pressing into your clit over and over again. It drove you absolutely crazy, unable to buck and finally just put himself into you. You arched, trying to entice him as much as you could, white knuckle gripping the sink. 
Finally, finally he slowly slid into you, and you both let out a low groan. Michael must've been impatient, since he thrusted his way fully into you, filling you so fast it felt like he was in your ribs.
"Fuh-fuck Micky." You whined, and he wrapped his arms around your middle section and boobs, holding you tight while he absolutely rammed into you. Usually, because of his age and inactivity, he preferred to be on the bottom, let you do all the work. But he must've missed you, maybe he was pent up, or maybe he was taking his anger out on you. Either way, it felt heavenly, his thick cock ramming into you, feeling him drag inside you in and out at a brutal pace, not allowing you to think. 
"Of course you like that, huh? Like my cock inside you, treating you like some cheap slut." He growled in your ear, and it would've made you wetter than you already were if you couldn't feel the cool metal digging into your boob. The reminder of what it meant searing into your soul. You hummed lowly, darting your eyes away from him, finding the counter suddenly interesting. Michael seemed to sense your mood shift, and slowed down, but he never stopped. Instead taking to shallow thrusts inside you.
"What's wrong?" He asked, more annoyance in his voice than care.
"Nothing, why'd you slow down?" You lied through your teeth, trying to buck your hips and resume his pace. But he held you tight and close, even if Michael never really worked out, and was closer to fifty than forty, he still had years worth of muscles underneath.
"Because your poutin', now tell me what's wrong?" He asked again, tone sharp and asking to be tested.
"Your ring." You spat out, feeling slightly ashamed.
"What about my ring?" Michael snapped at you, fully stopping his movements.
"It's digging into me." You knew that wasn't the only thing that bothered you, it haunted you almost everyday knowing you were technically a homewrecker. He had two kids and a wife waiting at home for him, and even if he complained about them, even if both him and his wife cheated on each other constantly, it was still wrong. Usually when you complained about his ring he moved his hand, or set it down gently to the side. But not this time.
Michael groaned, and in one swift movement he threw the ring across the house, and you heard it cling! loudly behind you.
"Michael-" You started to reprimand him, but he bent you over fully on your counter, and let you go. He placed his hands on the counter, using it to slam into you again.
"Oh fuck!" You yelled, eyes nearly rolling into your skull.
"Told you." He was breathless, and you could feel the warmth radiating off of him. 
"To-told me wh-what?" You squealed when he pressed that delicate spongy spot inside you, making you see stars.
"I needed you, all I can think of is you. All your annoying remarks, the way you feel around me, how you look at me like I'm not an absolute piece of shit." Michael leaned down, pressing his head into your neck, nuzzling into you.
"Then why'd you leave?" You managed to gasp out, feeling your orgasm steadily appeared. That wave of pleasure was slowly crashing closer, it made the thoughts in your head become less coherent, nothing mattered aside from the way Michael made you feel.
"I didn't have a choice, I didn't want to. Had to. I never stopped thinking about you." He lifted one hand, and trailed it down, circling your aching clit. You keened, clamping down on him while your vision whited out. Michael grunted, fully pressing himself into you, and you could feel him filling you up, painting your soft walls white.
You both took a minute to breath, still connected while you panted. Slowly, slowly he pulled out of your over-sensitive walls, leaving you achingly empty. You and him just stood there, panting, unmoving.
“So, you gonna dip, or are you going to hang out here for a bit?” You asked, still a little breathless. There was that bitterness again because no matter what Michael said, he’d end up leaving one way or another.
“I think I’ll hang out here for a little bit.” He shrugged, and as you spared him a glance you watched him tuck himself away, not bothering to clean himself. 
You sighed, hobbling over to your bathroom to grab a wet wipe to clean yourself up.
“Whatever.” You called out. “You know where the door is.”
Michae did end up staying for a week or two, sleeping in the same bed as you and spending any time he could with you. For a second you believed he really did change, that he really did want you, instead of what you could offer.
But one day, when you came home from work and called out to no response, you realized he was gone. You sighed, split between wanting to check under the couch or living your life with as little damage to your psyche as possible. 
The former side of you won, your heart pounding in your ribcage. A new wave of sadness ushered over you, your heart aching as your stomach turned, pain overtaking your whole body.
He took the ring with him.
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megalony · 1 year
Safe and Sound
This is a new Thomas Shelby (Peaky Blinders) imagine that will have a follow up part. I hope you all like it, this was requested by the lovely @musicistheway I hope you like it hun.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @avyannadawn  @noonenuts @sleepylunarwolf @coverupps @anonyymoouussssss​
Summary: Grace tries her luck with the famous Tommy Shelby but she doesn’t have a chance when he’s married to his teenage sweetheart. So she plots her revenge on his little family.
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Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, Tommy took a second to tangle his fingers in his hair before he tried to stand, fighting the tiredness overwhelming him. It had to be early, there was scarcely any daylight breaking through the gap in the curtains. The room was illuminated in waves of grey and just a few mustard yellow streaks that told Tommy it was early, probably before six in the morning.
His eyes did another tired sweep of the room, confirming that (Y/n) wasn't in bed with him and that was probably the reason he was awake now.
His legs barely shuffled across the carpet and finally started to move properly when he plodded down the stairs, trying to keep his steps light enough that he didn't make much noise. He didn't want to wake the three-year-old asleep in the other room upstairs.
The lamp beside the sofa was switched on bathing the living room in dim lighting but there was a river of light coming from the kitchen.
Tommy followed the light like a beacon, squinting the further he got until he walked into the kitchen. He leaned his weight into the doorframe, crossing one leg over the other and his arms over his chest while a soft smile broke out on his face.
There she was, the one thing in the whole world that could give Tommy a full night's sleep and battle the memories that plagued him to keep him safe and sound asleep. (Y/n) was hovering near the oven, a frying pan of bacon and eggs sizzling away on the stove but what made Tommy's smile brighten was how (Y/n) was stretched up on tiptoes, an arm reaching out like she was aiming for the sun in the top cupboard.
All his other senses seemed to come flooding back to him and his ears finally switched on to the sounds in the kitchen. He could hear the oil in the pan spitting out around the bacon and he could hear the music from the radio playing very quietly from the windowsil near the back door. And he could finally smell the breakfast cooking in front of him that made his stomach growl and tighten and show him how hungry he really was.
"Need some help?" His voice was laced with sleep but still as deep and low as ever.
"I'm sure you do this on purpose,"
Dropping back down to her feet, (Y/n) turned to look at her husband who simply grinned. Tommy himself wasn't freakishly tall but he was taller than her and therefore (Y/n) knew he liked to hide things from her. He would pupt things on the top shelf- just like he had done now with the teapot- so (Y/n) couldn't reach and had to clamber onto the worktop or give in and ask for his help.
She felt his bare chest press up against her back and his fingers curled around her hip, giving her an assuring squeeze before he reached up to get the pot down for her. 
"Thank you," (Y/n) mumbled quietly, closing her eyes when she felt Tommy's lips moving to press against the side of her neck, hovering over her pulse like a vampire waiting to strike and tear her apart.
"Why are you up so early?"
It wasn't like (Y/n) to be up before Tommy, he was always up and dressed and out the door before her, save for the few occasions when work permitted him to stay in bed until eight or nine in the morning. He didn't like waking up without (Y/n) in bed next to him, it wasn't natural.
"We couldn't sleep so I thought I'd make a start on breakfast." (Y/n) could barely speak when his lips kissed along her neck until his teeth were grazing over her jaw and his hands snaked around her front until his palms were pressed against her stomach over her nightgown.
His name passed through her lips in a groaned whisper when he continued to nip at her jaw and his body became glued to hers, pressing every ridge of him into her. He made it very hard for her to shuffle over to the oven to move the pan before their breakfast was burned.
"Aren't you hungry?"
"Hm. Very."
A gasp broke free of (Y/n)'s lips when he spun her around and backed her up into the worktop. His fingers roamed over her thighs and quickly dipped beneath her gown and the pads of his fingers skimmed up her legs until he was gripping her bum. Between kisses to her jugular, he whispered 'up' against her skin before effortlessly lifting her up onto the counter so he could move between her legs. He got as close as he possibly could until her bump was glued to his abdomen and his teeth bit down on her neck, taking a devouring bite.
Her legs hooked around his waist and her heels dug into his lower back over the top of his boxers which coincidently, was all he was wearing. She could feel his hands roaming back around until he was holding her hips and his index fingers were prodding the waistband of her underwear.
Whatever she was about to say was swallowed by his lips devouring hers but it was his turn to groan when (Y/n) looped her arms around his neck and tugged at the short strands of hair at the back of his head.
"Tommy," (Y/n) breathed through his name, barely able to see straight when she opened her eyes and her mind was clouding over until she was barely coherent to her thoughts anymore. She moved her hands from his neck round to his cheeks and cupped his face in her hands, bringing him level so she could taste his lips.
She could feel him smiling into the kiss that left her lightheaded and when she looked into his deep blue eyes, she could have gotten lost forever. But (Y/n) knew Tommy's ever alert mind had clicked onto the sound she could hear.
"Daisy's awake," He muttered quietly before stealing another kiss, and then another until (Y/n) felt like she was going to black out.
Tommy looped his arms around (Y/n)'s back beneath her gown and splayed his fingers out across her back, keeping her as close as he could while he turned his head towards the doorway when the small patter of footsteps got closer. And he smiled to himself when (Y/n) leaned forward to tuck her face into the crook of his neck, looping her arms back around his neck, loosely this time.
"Morning daisychain."
He watched in amusement as his little girl trotted over to him and latched herself onto his legs. He wasn't sure how long they all stayed there, tangled around each other like vines. It could have been a few seconds, it could have been minutes or even an hour but Tommy didn't care, he relished in the comfort both his girls gave him.
That was, until his name came booming from the other side of the front door and John's voice filled the kitchen.
Unlike in John's house, Tommy actually locked and double bolted the front door. He wasn't taking the risk of an enemy or a drunkard from the Garrison trying their luck and walking right into his house. Not with both girls here. Tommy had more enemies than John and in John's house, it was always family who came in without knocking, not strangers.
Scooping Daisy up into his arms, Tommy crossed the living room and unlocked the door, allowing an unamused expression to paint his previously happy face when he looked at his younger brother.
"What do you want at this hour John?"
The discomfort on john's face was crystal clear by the way his lips curled down and his eyes raked up and down Tommy's figure. He couldn't remember the last time he had seen his brother in nothing but his boxers. He was always promptly dressed and ready for the day when they saw each other. Even when Tommy had been shot a year ago, he had only stripped his shirt, not his trousers.
John managed a smile at the little girl who deadlocked her arms around Tommy's neck and burrowed into him, fighting off the urge and need to go back to sleep.
"There's a problem, at the shop. Some of the bets have been ransacked..."
"You'd best come in then."
Tommy turned round and walked back through to the kitchen as John took the signal to follow and shut the door behind him.
"Morning John." (Y/n) smiled over at the younger man who had become a brother to her since she was a teenager. She had known the Shelby's for so long and been married to Tommy for long enough for them to be her own family now. They took her in from the moment Tommy asked her out on a date, it was an instant family that she couldn't love more if she tried.
"Morning (Y/n), I need to steal Tommy, problem at the shop."
"Not before breakfast you don't, you all need to eat." (Y/n) crossed her arms over her chest but she smiled despite the news that Tommy was going to be leaving earlier than planned today and probably for a lot longer.
"You heard the lady, sit down." Pointing to the table, Tommy beckoned for John to take a seat. Tommy for one would never defy (Y/n), she made the rules and he lived by them and he certainly wasn't leaving on an empty stomach. He needed to get dressed anyway soa  few extra minutes with his girls having breakfast wouldn't make that much difference.
"Tommy..." (Y/n) pressed her lips together and looked up at her husband through her lashes when he turned to face her.
She dug her hands into the edge of the counter and slowly started to swing her legs back and forth until he edged closer until he was stood by her side, resting against her leg. She could feel the shiver that burst down his neck when she hovered her lips over the shell of his ear and breathed against his neck.
"I'm stuck,"
He had lifted her up onto the counter but she couldn't serve up breakfast if he didn't help her down again. She wasn't jumping off the counter, not with the extra weight of the baby weighing her down and putting her off balance.
Silently, Tommy gently prized Daisy from clinging to his neck and handed her over to John. The little girl whined quietly when Tommy let her go but she quickly nuzzled into John's blazer, frowning nonetheless.
"I got you, love." Tommy hooked his hands under (Y/n)'s legs, squeezing her bum playfully before he pulled her close and slowly lowered her back down. It was going to be hard to leave her this morning.
A tired sigh tumbled past Tommy's lips as he leaned his elbows on the murky bar and arched his back out, clicking his spine into place.
He didn't know what time it was and he didn't really want to know either. The sun was far away now and the moon was high up with the stars, that told Tommy all he needed to know. It was late and he needed to go home.
The voices in the Garrison started to blur together until all the laughs, the burling brawls and the clinking of glasses meshed into nothing but static in Tommy's ears. Both his brothers were sat in the small adjoining room next to the bar and though the closed door kept their voices at bay, Tommy could hear them both getting rowdy with each other. Aunt Polly had gone home a little while ago and now that the talk of business was over, it was time for Tommy to retreat home too.
After one more drink.
He tapped his empty glass down on the bar and dragged a hand through his tousled hair before someone appeared in front of him.
"What'll it be?"
"Shot of whiskey, for the road."
"Leaving already Tommy?" Grace swiped a rag across the bar in front of him before she turned to find the specific bottle that Tommy had been drinking from tonight.
Saying nothing, Tommy just nodded his head and waited patiently for his glass to be refilled. It was time for him to go home, (Y/n) and Daisy would be waiting for him and he hadn't seen them since the early hours of the morning when trouble arose. It had taken all day to sort the mess out at the bet shop but now it was done and the evening's meeting was over, Tommy could go home to his girls.
"You look stressed Tommy, anything I can do?"
He didn't like the way she leaned over the bar towards him or the smile on her lips. Something about Grace seemed to set Tommy on edge whenever he was around her. It was probably because she was always trying to get close, begging for conversation and closeness that he didn't want.
Deep down, Tommy knew what Grace was after but it was something he wasn't prepared to give.
To further his silent point, he began to slowly spin the wedding ring clad on his left hand. The gold band made slow circles around his finger in a soothing motion that was comfortable and familiar to Tommy with how many years he had worn it. He let his eyes flick from Grace, to the ring and back again before he downed the shot she poured him and pointed for another.
The gold band was a second skin for Tommy now, he'd been wearing it since he was twenty, since before the Peaky Blinders and back when John was a pre-teen terrorising the streets. Since he wore it, Tommy's eyes would never stray to anyone else, not like some of the other blokes in his family and his hands never wandered unless it was (Y/n) within his reach. She kept him on the hypothetical straight and narrow, she kept his mind clear and his course straight. She created the rules Tommy made the Blinders live by, kept them from going too far over the edge into the darkness beyond.
"No, nothing you can do other than refill my glass."
Something akin to burning annoyance flooded Tommy's senses when Grace's hand reached out and her finger sweeped across the ring on his finger. Stopping his repeated action of spinning it around while she tapped the gold band and for a moment he thought she was about to try and take it off.
"You sure? I know all sorts of ways I could help, and I don't see your wife anywhere."
The closer she leaned over the bar, the tighter Tommy's hand clenched around the whiskey glass until he was close to shattering it into pieces. Why was she doing this? what did she have to gain from winding him up when she knew he was the one in charge? She had nothing to gain and everything to lose.
"Yeah, well, the Garrison is no place for a pregnant lady." His voice was quiet enough that Grace could barely make out what he'd said.
(Y/n) was a frequent visitor of the Garrison, especially with all the meetings and family business they held here. But on a night like this, when they were out for drinks and brawls started, Tommy didn't want (Y/n) anywhere near when things usually got hectic. He wasn't taking the risk of someone barging past her or starting a fight and having his pregnant wife getting caught in the middle of it all.
Tommy could feel himself rattling, trying hard to contain the rage burning within him when Grace's hand trailed up his arm until her arm was hooked around the back of his neck, reeling him in so they were both leaning over the bar meeting halfway.
He could see the way she was biting down on her lower lip despite the smile she wore like the cat that got the cream. She wasn't used to not getting her way, Tommy could practically feel that radiating off her.
When Tommy's lips curved up into something resembling a half smirk, Grace's eyes lit up like a wildfire. She leaned closer until their noses were almost brushing and parted her lips, feeling his breath mingling with hers.
She was finally getting somewhere with him. It had taken weeks of agonising over what to say, how to act, how close to get without risk of being put back in her place in a not so kind way. But now, she had both arms hooked around him and his face was one inch away from kissing her. This is what she had been searching for, what she had been trying to make happen. Closing her eyes, Grace leaned closer.
A gasp tumbled past her lips and her eyes flashed open to be faced with a wider grin on Tommy's face than she had seen before, but it wasn't exactly a smile. It was something deeper, darker, sinister like a straight line cracked up at the corners.
His fingers were curled around her neck, keeping her hovering over the bar and with a little more pressure, he stopped her from breathing. Her crimped hair fluttered around her face like curtains trying to protect her but nothing could save her from Tommy's mean streak. He pulled her closer until her stomach jammed painfully into the edge of the bar and she was forced to press one hand against the bar to steady herself. While her other hand came up to dig her nails into his wrist, willing him to release her.
"My lips are for my wife only."
The crooked grin stayed on Tommy's lips after he roughly released Grace, throwing her back to her side of the bar before he stood up.
That should be a lesson learned to her. She needed to stop her advances and pesky intuition and burdening, nosey questions that were getting on Tommy's last nerve. He wouldn't be telling her again and he wouldn't be putting up with this any longer. This was his pub that she could easily be fired from and his town that he could run her out of without breaking into a sweat.
She needed to be careful who she messed with.
Tommy grabbed the cap from his coat pocket and placed it neatly over his hair before he turned on his heels and aimed for the door. It was time to go home.
"You'll be sorry."
Who was she trying to kid? What could she possibly do that would make Tommy sorry for killing her advances that he didn't want? As if he was going to be sorry for leaving her here in a flux while he went home, happily, to his wife.
"Fuck off."
"Come on then, who are we meeting?" Polly leaned back in her seat and took a long drag of her cigarette whilst she crossed one leg over the other. A devilish smile curved around the cigarette and and raised a brow at her nephew who sat opposite her at the table.
They were waiting in the main bar of the Garrison for two business associates to arrive, then they would head into the private room for a chat. Polly had no clue who they were supposed to be meeting, only that Tommy wanted her with him rather than his brothers and that gave her a boosted sense of pride.
She was the one who ran the business while he was away and she gave him the advice he always needed, whether it regarded the business or the family.
"A new trade partner," Tommy took a swig of his drink before he checked his pocket watch. If they weren't here in five minutes they would be late and the meeting wouldn't happen. Tommy wouldn't wait around when he had better things to do, nobody made the Shelby's wait.
"Right, well I-"
The air of smoke Polly inhaled got caught in the back of her throat, causing an awful coughing fit. She dropped the cigarette into the ashtray on the table and leaned forward, patting her chest but Tommy could see her eyes were locked on something behind him.
Had the trade partners arrived? Did Polly know them by face or name or even personally?
Tommy watched her regain her breath and composure but the way she stood up so rigid and tense made him very uneasy and he stood up with her although he wasn't sure why. He turned around to see what had gotten her attention so quickly and feverishly.
It was John.
The younger Shelby brother barged through the doors to the Garrison, his cap disgruntled on his head, his shirt a little skewed and his hands bloodied, but it was what he held in his hands that had caught Polly's attention.
He was gripping a dark purple button up coat that sent Tommy shivering in his polished shoes. It was the coat he bought (Y/n) just before Daisy was born, it was what she wore day in and day out no matter the weather or occasion. It was her favourite and (Y/n) never went anywhere without it. So why was John holding it in his hands? Why did it have splatters of blood on it?
A shockwave rattled through Tommy as he and Polly barged past the tables and rounded over to where John was stood. Within a second, Tommy wrenched the coat from his brother and took it in his own hands to examine it. The coat was damp and wet like it had been dropped in a puddle, but he knew it was (Y/n)'s. Undoubtedly.
"Where did you get this?" His voice was strangely dark with a malice tone but it was the look in Tommy's eyes that sent John reeling.
"Where have you been? What's happened?" Polly appeared at Tommy's side in an instant but she could see tears threatening to spill over in John's eyes. He needed to talk but he knew whatever he had to say wasn't going to go down well with his big brother or his aunt.
"It was out in the street, j-just there near the road. Is it...?"
"Where the fuck is (Y/n)?"
Tommy knew no one would have the answer, John wouldn't come in here blundering about like a fool if he knew where (Y/n) was or if she was alright. But he needed to know where the Hell his wife was and what had happened to her for her coat to be left damp and bloody in the street like this.
It had to be a warning sign. Someone had taken his wife to spite him and if Tommy didn't find her, anything could happen to her and he couldn't allow that. He needed to have (Y/n) back safe and sound in his arms now or he might just go insane.
Throwing the cap from his head, Tommy clenched the coat in one hand and dragged his fingers through his hair, pulling at the strands until a few clusters of hair wrenched out and got stuck between his fingers. This couldn't be happening to him. He couldn't be dealing with this.
Every part of him began to shake and he spun round on his heels, trying to look ruond the bar to see who was here and who was watching. Was someone sat in the shadows that he hadn't noticed before? Was someone waiting to see his reaction and laugh in his face and taunt him for not knowing where his wife was? Was this some trick or sick, twisted mind game he would have to play to get (Y/n) back?
The coat dropped from his hand and he stormed across the pub in an instant, reaching out for her when she tried to walk out the back and avoid his unfiltered rage.
"This is you. What have you done?" Tommy dug his fingers into Grace's upper arms so tightly that he knew bruises would be left in his wake but he didn't care.
She had told him that he would be sorry for pushing off her advances on him. No one else would dare go for (Y/n), no one would try and do anything to her when they knew the penalty for messing with his wife would mean death. Grace had been the one to watch him like a hawk since the moment she got here and she had been watching him tonight, noticing him, filling his glass without saying anything which wasn't like her.
Usually she would taunt him, flirt with him, try and get some kind of answers or useful information out of him. Tonight she hadn't said one thing to him and he took that to mean she had accepted his warning and was giving in her game of trying to flirt with him.
Maybe it was a sign of guilt instead.
"What have you done to her? Where is my wife?!"
He wasn't in control of himself. One moment Tommy's hands were on Grace's arms and the next, he had his fingers wrapped around her rather delicate throat and he squeezed. He squeezed her flesh until he could feel her trachea beneath his fingertips and he could dig his nails into her skin.
Grace stumbled back until she was backed into the bar, her knees buckling from the pressure but she was held up by Tommy's hands. Her face turned as red as the blood on (Y/n)'s coat and the veins started to pop in her eyes. Her delicate lips parted, gasping for any air that she could get but Tommy wouldn't relent. If anything, he added more pressure until he could see her mind shutting down and for a moment he didn't think he was going to stop. He thought he would strange her until she had no life left within her and he could happily bury her with the rest of the unnamed dead in the cemetery.
It was Polly and John who clawed at Tommy's arms and managed to wrestle him free from almost killing the barmaid. They all watched her slump to the floor, clawing at her chest and heaving for air like a wild animal about to die.
"She did this! It's her, get her talking!" Tommy frantically pointed and swatted at John until he got the hint and hoisted Grace roughly to her feet. He would have to take her somewhere to interrogate her because Tommy clearly had some inkling or knowledge that she knew what was happening and he was almost always right.
Tommy watched his younger brother drag the barmaid towards the exit before the whole world seemed to crash down around him and he stumbled into Polly for support.
"Tommy, what is it?"
"Daisy. Where's Daisy? Who has her she was with (Y/n)!"
He couldn't breathe. Dark hands wrapped around his lungs and nails pierced into them letting out all the air he had savoured, suffocating him from the inside out.
Where was his baby girl?
(Y/n) had been at home with Daisy today, she didn't say anything about going out anywhere and now something had happened to her. That meant that Daisy was either taken with (Y/n) and could possibly be tortured or she was somewhere else, alone and unsafe.
"She wasn't- I didn't think... all there was was the coat." John didn't even think about his niece when he found (Y/n)'s coat. How horrible did that make him? She didn't even cross his mind. He stared at the familiar coat and a slither of dread crept down his spine at the thought of someone hurting his sister. He bolted from the street to find Tommy, to let him know and find out how they could get her back to safety. He didn't even contemplate the thought of his niece being taken or lost.
Pushing past his brother, Tommy set out in a sprint away from the pub with Polly in tow behind him keeping a steady pace in her heels.
If nothing of Daisy's was left for him to find, maybe they hadn't taken her. He wouldn't put it past Grace to take Daisy too if this truly was her doing but he hoped, he prayed, she wouldn't. She had never seen his daughter, never crossed paths with her in the street and Tommy would never let his daughter in the Garrison.
Each breath Tommy took felt like a knife was piercing his chest over and over, leaving him spluttering and gasping as he bolted down the street towards his home on Watery lane.
For once, the door was open. That was a bad enough sign in itself because Tommy always locked the door from the moment he married (Y/n) and he made it clear even when she was home with him, the door was to be locked.
"Daisy? Baby it's daddy, where are you? Daisy!" The more he spoke, the more desperate Tommy became until he was roaring the words so loudly he almost shook the walls to their core. He needed to find her, he needed to find his baby and make sure she was okay. If she wasn't here he didn't know where he would look.
Polly bypassed him into the kitchen, about to check the garden as Tommy jumped up the first few steps on the stairs before a low, wailing caught his attention.
When the wailing got louder, Tommy stumbled back down the steps and almost ran into the kitchen before he stopped.
The cupboard.
He struggled with the cupboard door before finally sending a kick into it and wrenching it open.
There she was. There was his little girl, curled up in the corner of the cupboard beneath the stairs, clinging to one of Tommy's black Peaky coats that was wrapped around her like a blanket to keep her safe and hidden. Her pale face was beet red and stained with tears like she had shed a river and her hair was tousled around her head, matching her dads. But it was the desperate, howling cries she was letting out that broke Tommy's heart completely.
"Daisychain, baby it's daddy. Come here,"
Tommy went down on his knees and slowly reached out towards Daisy but he was surprised when she flung herself at him. Her face, wet with tears, burrowed into his neck and she sniffed and dribbled onto the collar of his shirt. Her arms deadlocked around his neck and she pressed her body into him, scutting beneath his coat to stay protected.
He burrowed his nose in her hair and took a slow, steady breath, trying to stop himself from fainting.
She was here in his arms and she didn't look hurt, only shaken and petrified. (Y/n) must have hidden her away in here when she knew something was happening.
"I've got you sweetheart," With a deep breath, Tommy stood up and took a few steps back as Polly came over and wrapped an arm around them both, tears of relief in her eyes.
"Where's mummy?"
"I'm gonna go get her, sweetheart. I promise."
Tommy kissed the top of her head and slowly rocked her in his arms, letting tears fall down his face. It had been so long since he cried. Nobody saw him cry anymore, he wouldn't give them the satisfaction. The only time he had properly cried since before the war was when Daisy was born. He had her safe and sound in his arms, but he couldn't answer her question because he didn't know where his wife was.
He had to find her.
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
It was always fun when they got together, but this was a special occasion. In three days, Katara and Zuko would be married in a private ceremony attended by just close friends and family. In four days, they would have the lavish royal wedding to be attended by world leaders, nobility and whatever Fire Nation citizens would fit inside of Caldera. In five days, Katara would be crowned Fire Lady in a ceremony at least as lavish as the royal wedding. Tonight, though, it was just the six friends in Zuko's suite, reminiscing, catching up and drinking perhaps a bit too much.
It was well into the earliest hours of morning before everyone started drifting off to their rooms. Sokka and Suki, the proud parents of a six month old who was just beginning to sleep through the night, went first. Then Zuko, who was extremely reluctant to leave, but had business to take care of in order to make sure his honeymoon would be uninterrupted. Toph left soon after Zuko. She had fallen asleep on the rug in front of the fire, but when woken, she insisted she was just resting her eyes. Katara chuckled at her friend, but managed to convince her to rest her eyes in her own bed. The sun would be up shortly, so she was getting ready to go to turn in, too. Aang, though, lingered at the table they'd all been sitting at. He knew where his room was, so Katara thought nothing of letting him take his time getting there.
"Going to bed already?" Aang asked as Katara stood up.
"Yeah," she nodded, stretching her arms over her head. "I have a last minute meeting with the wedding planner before lunch, and then I was planning to spend the rest of the day with my dad and Gran Gran."
"I can't believe you're getting married," Aang said, shaking his head. "It doesn't feel real."
"Tell me about it," Katara laughed. "We've been planning this for a year, and it still feels like we didn't have enough time to plan."
"You think it's too soon?" Aang asked.
"Absolutely not!" Katara replied emphatically, a wide smile spreading over her face. "I was ready to marry Zuko three months into dating him. We only waited as long as we did because he wanted to make sure I'd be comfortable here." Aang was silent for a long moment, and Katara was starting to feel fatigue creeping up on her. She was about to say goodnight, when Aang spoke again.
"Are you sure about this?" He said it so quietly Katara wasn't sure she heard him correctly.
"What?" she asked mid yawn.
"Are you sure about this?" Aang repeated a bit louder. "About him?" Katara's brow drew down in confusion.
"Of course I'm sure," she let out an incredulous laugh. "This is a lot of effort if I wasn't sure." Aang shrugged.
"I mean, it's not too late to back out," he said. "If you decided it wasn't what you want." Katara blinked hard and shook her head. The alcohol and the late hour must have been getting to her. Nothing her friend was saying made any sense.
"I'm not backing out," she said. "Wait...did Zuko mention something about not wanting-"
"No!" Aang said quickly. "No, that's not...I'm just...Why him?"
"What?" Katara felt as if every nerve in her body had suddenly been electrified. She gaped at Aang in shock. He sat at the table, fidgeting with his half-empty cup. He took a breath and squared his shoulders. He turned his wide, grey eyes up at Katara.
"Why did you choose him?" he asked. "Why Zuko? Why not- why not me?" Katara was at a loss for words. She knew Aang had had feelings for her once, but that was years ago. They were adults now, and she thought he had long since moved on.
"I love him," she told Aang simply. "I've loved him a long time. Longer than we've been together."
"But I love you," Aang said. "I've loved you since I first opened my eyes and saw you there." Katara shook her head.
"You love an idea of me," she said. "You love that I took care of you. But Zuko...he loved me in my grief, and my anger. He loved me when I wasn't kind and sweet. He loved me when I wasn't at my best." Aang snorted and thew back the rest of the contents of his cup.
"So because I didn't encourage your worst parts I didn't measure up?" he demanded. "You chose him over me because he didn't expect better of you?" Katara gasped as if she had been slapped. Then she got angry.
"For your information, Zuko pushes me to be better all the time," she snapped. "He just doesn't pretend that my anger is out of character for me. He listens to me vent. He lets me be upset. He doesn't expect me to put on a smile and pretend like the situation isn't as bad as it is."
"I'd let you be upset!"
"Oh please!" Katara snorted derisively. "The day after Ozai captured my father, you wanted to go play and got annoyed when we wanted to plan our next steps!"
"I was a kid then!" Aang protested. "I wouldn't do that now."
"You think I just got over that?" Katara demanded. "Aang, you are my friend, and I love you, but you haven't done anything since then to prove that you care about any of my feelings that are inconvenient to you! And that's fine. That's our relationship because I am the one who takes care of you. That's what you needed from me. But, Aang...I my feelings were never going to turn romantic from that. You're like my little brother. Sometimes my son. I can't turn to you the way I turn to Zuko. He's...he's my best friend."
"I thought I was your best friend."
Katara sighed. In nearly ten years, Aang had come a long way from the boy that she and her brother had rescued from the iceberg, but perhaps not as far as she thought. She could see the traces of the kid she'd taken care of in the sag of his shoulders, and in the way his mouth turned down in his disappointment. For an instant, Katara wanted to pull him into a hug and comfort him, but she knew that wouldn't be the right move here.
"You are a friend I love dearly," Katara told him. "But I can't turn to you with my problems. I can't be my full self with you. If I had chosen you, it would've been for the wrong reasons. It would've been because I thought you needed me, or I was afraid of hurting your feelings, or I felt like I owed you for defeating Ozai."
"What's wrong with any of those reasons?" Aang was near tears at this point, and Katara felt awful. Still, she reasoned to herself, it was kinder to kill any hope of her he had been harboring.
"I wouldn't be choosing you because I love you," she told him. "I was never in love with you. If I chose you, it would've been because I felt obligated to, and that wouldn't have been fair to either of us. We both deserve to be loved for who we are completely. I have that with Zuko. I hope you let yourself find it with someone else." Tears were flowing down Aang's face now. Once again, Katara had to hold herself back from pulling him into a tight embrace. If their friendship had any chance of lasting, she knew she this was a wall that needed to be built high and strong.
"There's no one else in the world for me other than you," Aang said. Katara sighed and shook her head sadly.
"I really hope one day you'll realize that's not true. Goodbye, Aang."
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axlrosesrealwife · 1 month
-"I think I might want one"-
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It was 1989. March to be exact. Axl and I were attending one of my best friend's parties. She just turned 28, Axl and I being 27.
My friend has been married for at least 4 years now. And has two kids. Both girls. Grace, who was 3, and she just had another daughter less than 6 months ago, her name is Avery.
"You sure this is the right house, Gracie?" Axl, my boyfriend of 7 years, asked me, as we pulled up to my friends house. Oh yeah, Axl and I were childhood best friends, and, we caught feelings for each other when he started out in 85' with his band.
"Axl, this is her house. I've been here too many times to count." I said, laughing a bit, as I looked out the window at the 5 cars outside. 2 more cars also pulled up at the same time we did.
"Just making sure, don't wanna get the wrong address and just show up to some persons house." He said, also laughing, as he pulled the key out of the ignition, taking off his seatbelt.
"If it was the wrong house, they're wouldn't be people getting out of their cars with presents." I said, watching as people headed up to the front porch with a few presents. "You ready to head in?" I asked Axl, getting my seatbelt unbuckled.
"Yeah, I'm ready." He said, giving my thigh a gentle rub, before he spoke again. "Also, I know I said it earlier, but, you look beautiful today, baby." He said, still rubbing my thigh, as I turned to look at him.
"Thank you, baby. I'm just glad you agreed to come with me. I know you don't like getting the attention put on you when we're out, but, I seriously appreciate you coming with me to this party." I said, looking into Axl's grey-green eyes, which almost seemed to shimmer.
"I would do it, Gracie. Because I love you, I don't care if I get noticed, or getting the spotlight on me for a little." Axl said, now gripping my chin, kissing me quickly, but, being gentle at the same time.
With that, Axl and I got out of the car, getitng our two presents out, before making sure it was locked, before we headed up the cobblestone pathway to the front door.
A few hours had gone by, and Axl and I enjoyed ourselves at the party. I got to spend some time with the birthday girl herself. And yes, Axl got noticed, which usually happened, especially if we went out.
I was looking around in the backyard for Axl, but, he wasn't even outside with me and the rest of the party goers.
"Emily, have you seen Ax?" I asked my best friend, aka, the birthday girl, as she sat with her significant other.
"Inside, you should go see him." She said, with a smile, as she looked at me. I nodded, heading back inside.
I walked into the living room, only to find my boyfriend holding my friend's 6 month old daughter in his arms. While her 3 year old, Grace, was showing Axl all of her toys.
I stayed silent, just wanting to watch the three of them.
"This is pinky, my kitty!!" Grace said, showing Axl her stuffed pink cat plush.
"Is she friendly?" He asked, smiling at the toddler, watching as she jumped on the carpet.
"Soft and friendly...." Grace said, with a smile, making the stuffed animal kiss Axl, then her little baby sister.
"Aww, she is friendly...." He said, playing along, as he held Avery, gently rocking her in his arms.
I stayed silent, just watching them. Finding this adorable as can be. I knew Axl wanted to have kids one day. After all the shit he went through during his childhood, he wanted to be a father. And he was gonna make the best one some day.
Avery of course began to coo, as she looked up at Axl.
"Oh yes sweet girl, coo all you want to...you're so pretty..." Axl said, looking down at the 6 month old in his arms as he gently ran his finger along her small cheek
"I love my sissy" Grace said, as she giggled so happily. She planted herself on the couch, right next to Axl, stuffed kitty in her arms.
"I'm sure you do little one. She's precious....and so are you." My boyfriend spoke to the tot, as he looked at her.
Axl finally caught me just standing there, and so did Grace. She immediately climbed off the couch, running into my arms, after all, she was like a niece to me, so was Avery.
"How long have you been standing there for?" Axl asked me, as I picked Grace up, holding her on my hip.
"Not too long...." I said, with a smile, as I tickled Grace's tummy, which made her squeal. It also made Axl smile, as he chuckled again.
"You know, Gracie. I'm thinking I really want kids...maybe 2. Or 3." He said, staring at me, with the brightest smile possible.
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greycaelum · 2 years
Hello,how are u?
I've been a fan of your writing for a while now,and im really in need of some comfort
If you can,could u pls write a oneshot gojo x fem!reader where reader is also a sorcerer and one year younger than gojo and they've been friends for so long,and one day reader's mother talks about her marrying someone she doesnt like (her mother tells it from kindness) and it messes reader up to the point of panic attack and crying?and she calls satoru so he could help her calm down?
(you decide whether reader and gojo are in a secret relationship or not.)
Im in need of comfort rn and i would love to see ur writing on this matter
Kaleidoscope Series—Love Me Now, Love Me Never Chapters: {Pacify Her}
—Gojo Satoru X Sorcerer Reader
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𑁍 Synopsis:
"Dear..." Your mother's voice called you, and her eyes held you in softness. 
"Why didn't you ask me, first Mother?" Your heart felt as if it was made of sand collapsing as you realise the betrayal.
"Because we know this will be your reaction. You work tirelessly, barely coming home. I simply wish for someone to care for you. Someone who will look out and care for you."
"I could take care of myself." Your eyes watered. Why? Why are you deciding on my life without my opinion?
𑁍 Genre: angst to comfort, traditional arrange marriage
𑁍 WC/CW/TW: (2k)— spoilers for anime only! mentions of teen years & Hidden Inventory Arc, arrange marriage, secret relationship— use of endearments (baby and sweetheart), crying, locking self in the closet, implied panic
𑁍 A/N: Hi sweetheart, work has been keeping me, I'm sorry that this one took a while even though I tried to do it as soon as possible, I hope everything will get better soon and this one helps to comfort you. Sending you a very tight hug! —Grey,
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He's obnoxious.
Gojo Satoru in his teens is a menace. One that crawls up on you every time he spots your shadow to pull your hair and poke fun at you.
You've known the man since your first year in college. Nanami often looks at you in worry and helplessness whenever Gojo Satoru comes over to tease you. Haibara looks up to him and would often join in the fun, unbeknownst of your irritation.
Good old day, you've come to treasure deep in your heart. When everything was easier. When life seems to be lighter.
You came from a fairly influential sorcerer clan. Prized for your reversed curse technique that paved your way in the jujutsu society in the less physical struggle over brutal means. But that didn't spare you from stomaching the horrendous scenes curses can inflict. Haibara was the catalyst of your life's turning point.
Everyone started falling out. You see your raven-haired senior left without a goodbye, leaving nothing but the biggest tragedy in your generation. Nanami left as well, unable to take the bullshit of the people behind the power sacrificing the lesser ones as pawns to maintain their status and influence. And Satoru...
"Are you leaving?"
On a cold night, he found you staring at the stars under the tree nearby the training grounds. A bag strapped on your back, and normal clothes you'd wear for your day off. You could see exhaustion brimming around him even though he was in the shadows.
"Everything is in shambles." You sighed, tucking your chin on your knees. "Are youleaving?" You watch him slip his hands into the pockets of his pants and look up at the sky.
You watch your senior's face, he looks so young as you trace his jaws to the softness of his cheeks, the faint glimmer in his ocean eyes from the slit of his sunglasses holds the weariness he has to suppress for so long, slipping through the night.
You have to think again that this man is just a year older than you, still, a teenager in adolescence that is forced to play soldier. Gojo Satoru has become so distant you can barely recognize the youth despite the pretty face he has.
"I can't." He answered after a long time.
And you just know the indifference of that answer. The feeling of being unable to walk away despite wanting to.
"Thought so. Guess we have a long time annoying each other, senpai." You chuckled and stood up, dusting yourself and turning in the direction of the dorm you started walking.
A force collided against your back and your ears are being rubbed until you squirm and glare at the perpetrator.
"Uh-huh? Looking forward to that brat." He just grinned and ruffled your hair.
You can't pinpoint it anymore. Was it when you covered him with your overcoat so he could just hide and swallow his exhaustion as you sit beside him, holding his hands inside his Infinity? Or was it when he started finding you every day, dragging you with him and Shoko? Or was it when he took your hand and your heart felt at peace amid the chaos?
"I'm tireddddddd~" Satoru let out a long sigh and rub his face against your back while his long arms wrapped around your waist, keeping you perched on his thighs.
"Satoru, there are people outside!" You tried squirming away, even pinching the man off of you but to no avail. He's latched unto you like a leech. It's so embarrassing to be caught like this, the only ones who knew are Ijichi, Shoko, and Principal Yaga. Other than that, you're viewed as Satoru's favorite kouhai. Unbeknownst to them, you and this menace have been going out since you were 19.
"Who cares?" He pulled down his blindfold and batted those pretty lashes. Satoru blew you a kiss and giggled at your sour expression. "How could you be so cute? Just like me." He coos at you.
You turned away huffing with your arms crossed over your chest and let yourself be cradled into your beau's arms.
"I have to go to the ancestral house later, my Mom asked me to come. Just reheat the food I left in the fridge and don't stay up late."
Satoru nodded and shifted you to the side, tucking your head underneath his chin.
"Should I pick you up?" Satoru quietly asked, even though he already knows the answer.
"No, they'll get suspicious." You bit your lip. "I'm sorry..."
It's been years and yet your relationship is kept behind the curtains. Satoru has never thought he'd be one to be kept a secret, but after your persuasions even though he badly wants to drive off the men lurking around you whenever they think you're single. Risking your safety to prove your relationship is not enough, he agreed this is for the best.
"Nothin' for you to be sorry for sweetheart." Satoru kissed the top of your head. "Just call me when you're done then I won't worry much."
Being brought up in a more dynamic and liberated childhood, growing up, you know you had it easier than other sorcerers. Your clan may not be part of the elites, but it is an established and recognized clan that is important to the jujutsu society for the special ability of reversed curse technique.
"Mother," you called the regal woman talking with your distant relative.
"Dear, we've been waiting for you. How about you changed into comfortable clothes first then look for us in the study?" She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.
You did as you were told, changing into a furisode prepared for you and led down to the study. When you opened the door you found your grandmother, and mother waiting inside. Seeing the stern look on your grandmother's face you suddenly felt the pressing matter this talk is about to make. Your heart pounded and anxiousness started filling you up as you took a seat across from your mother.
"It's the time for you to get married Y/n. Do you like any man right now?"
"G-Grandmother?" You stuttered and look at the straight-faced woman in disbelief. Her eyes held nothing but seriousness. It's as if he could slice through anything with her gaze.
"You've never brought a man home, I'm afraid you'll be a spinster if I do not intervene. The son of the Chiba Clan is a proper and respectable man. He can provide for you and keep you safe." There's finality in her voice that has no room for your reason. When you look at those eyes, you see your Grandmother has already finished everything before you could speak anything about this matter. "Life is short, in this world we're moving. Don't waste that time being all alone." Your Grandmother stood up and pat your shoulder, she quietly left the study leaving you and your mother.
"Dear..." Your mother's voice called you, and her eyes held you in softness. 
"Why didn't you ask me, first Mother?" Your heart felt as if it was made of sand collapsing as you realise the betrayal. You never want to be angry at her. You know she loves you and looks out for the best of your interest. But this one simply breaks your heart.
"Because we know this will be your reaction. You work tirelessly, barely coming home. I simply wish for someone to care for you. Someone who will look out and care for you."
"I could take care of myself." Your eyes watered. Why? Why are you deciding on my life without my opinion?
Your mother looks at you, and sadness clouds in her eyes. "I'm very sorry, but please try. You give yourself away too much in your work, is it so bad to wish that you have someone stay by your side?"
"No mother. But I—" Satoru's face flashed in your mind. Really, you were just scared to be used out of political means so you hid your relationship. You knew it was unfair to Satoru who loved you regardless of anything but he never asked you to go against your principles just to give in his wishes. He has always valued you more than anyone's opinion. "—I will never any man besides the one I chose."
Your tears threatening to spill. But you kept it in. And walk out of the door despite your mother's call. You ran to your room, having a hard time keeping yourself focused from the trembling of your hand.
You shut your door and ran to the closet, squeezing yourself inside the large and dark wooden wardrobe. With shaking hands, you held your phone and ran through your call logs. Every ring you feel your heart hammer against the cages of your chest, your feet getting cold despite the socks. Static ringing through your ears.
"Baby? You coming home?" Satoru's groggy voice, answered.
A sense of relief flooded you as you listen to the faint shuffling in the background. You wanted to cry, but you bit your lips so you could hear his breathing. 
"Sweetheart? Somethin' wrong?"
"'T-Toru," you hiccuped, angry at yourself for sobbing hard.
"Why are you crying? Where are you?" Worry filled in his voice. "I'm coming to get you." You heard hurried footsteps and the slight panic in his voice.
"Baby? Are you there? Don't hang up alright?"
"Toru, 'T-Toru, Toru," you chanted in desperate sobs, grounding yourself in his name despite the darkness you're in.
"Yes Baby, I'm here. On my way to fetch you. Calm down alright. I'm here."
You shut your eyes close. Wishing the next second you open it Satoru is in front of you. But every second that ticks, the colder your palm gets, the harder your heart pounds, dreading the mere idea of marrying a stranger you barely know. Your throat is constricted, and your chest heaves out the intangible pain seeping into your heart.
To give up Satoru? Not a chance.
"Open up baby," the call turned off and a knock bumped your wardrobe. "We're going home, sweetheart." You could hear the panting that the person is trying hard to mellow down and calm his voice.
The door opened and Satoru squatted down. His clothes are disheveled from the hurry. Your bleary eyes locked on him and you saw his shoulders slacken, but they immediately squared up as he beckon you out of the closet.
You didn't have to be told twice, crawling out and into his arms, your clutch his shirt as his arms wound around you.
"What happened? Tell me so I can understand what upset you, sweetheart." He coos to you, settling you between his propped knees while pressing a kiss on your temple.
His cool spicy scent invaded your panicking senses. The more you listen to his heart the slower your breathing gets and eventually, you're pushing yourself closer to him, throwing your arm around Satoru's neck.
"They thought I'm not in a relationship and arranged a marriage partner for me."
You felt Satoru's grip over you tighten. He didn't speak but you could feel his sour mood.
"Are you scared?" He moves you to look him in the eye. A flicker pass through his eyes, but before you could recognize it, that pained glint was gone.
"I'm upset." You replied honestly.
You know your mother never meant to hurt you. But your family is meddling in your life too much that it's not even needed. How could they decide on it before asking you when you'll be the one living that marriage?
"Who am I, baby?" Satoru cup your cheeks and pressed your foreheads together.
"You're Gojo... you're my Satoru." You whispered, warmth spreading in your chest.
"Mnn, that's right. Who would dare take you away when you have me, sweetheart?" Satoru opened his eyes and could see the steeled resolve in those ocean eyes.
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned images(s) and songs(s) used, belongs to their respective owner(s)
General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gummy-dummy @tender-rosiey
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swissboyhisch · 1 year
You're My Favourite
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Pairing: Auston Matthews x Reader
Summary: A visit to your family goes wrong when Auston meets your Aunt
Word Count: 1451
Warnings: Family drama and fat comments
Request: From Anon Can you please write me an angsty imagine with Auston Matthews! Have such a thing for that man 🫣
A/N: I don't know if this is truly angsty but I'm quite happy with this. Sorry if it isn't what you wanted
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Today was the day Auston was meeting your family. It happened to be your mum’s birthday and she was having a family dinner. Auston had already met her and your half siblings, but he was yet to meet your aunt and nana.  The pair had travelled to come visit for her birthday. Something you weren’t looking forward to. Well not your grandmother because you love her. Just your aunt.
She was known in your family for favouring your oldest sister. Everyone knew it; all your siblings, your mother, your nana. Even your closest friends. Your sister was the daughter she never had yet you couldn’t make her proud… Despite being a world champion in your own sport. She on the other hand was an academic turned personal trainer. She is married now with a kid, your niece Chloe. One that your aunt adored as well. 
You and Auston pulled up to your childhood home in the outskirts of Toronto. It was a quiet area that you enjoyed growing up in. By the amount of cars in the yard, you two were the last to arrive. Auston grabbed out your container of homemade brownies plus the birthday present before the pair of you made your way inside. 
A variety of footsteps were heard. Included the pitter patter of your niece. The 4 year old rounded the corner, running straight at the two of you. “Uncle Auston!”
The man besides you laughs as he lifts up Chloe into his arms. She was quick to wrap her arms around him, starting to tell him about her first few weeks at school. Your mum hugged you first while Auston was busy with your niece.
“Happy birthday Mum.”
“Thank you baby,” Mum smiled, “I’m glad you and Aus could make it. I’ve missed you both.”
Auston passed Chloe to you before getting a hug from your mum as well. They had been close over the years of your relationship with the hockey player. He loved being close to your family, coming over for dinner whenever the pair of you could. When his schedule allows it that is. 
“Happy birthday,” Auston grins, handing her her birthday present. The pair of you had gotten her a bottle of her favourite perfume bottle and some other bath products. Oh and a voucher for a day at her favourite spa. “I’m looking forward to the pizza for dinner.”
“Well now you two are here we can get started on making them.”
Everyone gathered in the kitchen, around the dining table where the pizza making station had been set up. Both you and Auston greet your siblings and the couple partners. Then your nana walked in. She was your typical grandmother, short, grey hair with a warm smile. One that was always a welcomed sight.
“Hello sweetheart,” Nana smiled. You had to lean down to hug the woman. “How have you been?”
“I’ve been good thanks. Nan, this is my boyfriend, Auston. Aus, this is my Nan, Sue.”
Nana brought Auston straight in for a hug. “It’s lovely to meet the boy who treats my little girl like a princess.” 
Then came your aunt. She stood beside your mum. Just like every other time, she didn’t hug you, no smile. “Hey darl.”
“Hey, this is my boyfriend, Auston.”
She nodded in return. One you got a lot. And one that Auston knew pisses you off. After years of treatment, you were used to it but it still made you mad. Your Aunt’s eyes looked you up and down. The judgy look all too familiar. Her eyes in particular came to stop at your prominent scar running down your abdomen. It was one you were proud of as well. Auston spotted this and was quick to pull you in, hand resting on the scar. He had worked hard to get you to finally think it wasn’t ugly. He wasn’t going to let a judgy family member make you think otherwise.
Without so much as another word, the rest of your family started talking again. Making the pizzas was easy. Auston and yourself agreed on a simple pepperoni pizza. You snuck to the garage to grab yourself and Auston a drink. Well you shotgunned one before grabbing two cans and heading back to the kitchen. 
Whilst waiting on them to cook, everyone sat around the table on the patio. Your Aunt sat beside your eldest sister. Asking her about her life and everything in between. You watched on as no-one asked you about your life.
“How’s training been?” Nan asked you. Someone finally deciding paying your attention.
You explained what’s been going on recently with your sport. Talking about your up and coming competitions. Everyone else was listening but your Aunt. Auston noticed this. Watching how while you talked passionately and excitedly about your passion, your Aunt just scrolled through her phone. He knew this was also the first time in a year that she had seen you. 
Mid sentence she cut you off, directing the attention of everyone to your sister. Auston saw you deflate. Your confidence that he loved is gone before his eyes. He slipped his hand through yours, leaning over to press a kiss to your temple. You leaned into him for comfort. 
“I’ll help you mum,” You spoke up when your mum went to pull out the pizzas.
Auston watched you go back into the kitchen with both your mother and nana. Leaving him with your siblings and your aunt. 
“She’s put on weight, yeah?” Your aunt pointed out, looking at the woman beside her.
Your sister hadn’t ever seen how you were treated. Or never realised. Sure, you had spoken about how she was the favourite. But never had she heard your aunt so blatantly speak like that about you.
“She’s been working hard during her training,” Auston replied. 
Your aunt shrugged, “She’s always been fat.”
He couldn’t believe it. Someone who definitely was classed as obese had the audacity to make a comment about his active, healthy girlfriend. 
“I’m just looking out for her,” Your aunt dismisses. “How is she supposed to keep her superstar boyfriend if she can’t look after herself?”
A pizza was slammed down on the table in front of her making her jump. To Auston’s horror, you had heard her comment. Something that he knew would trigger you. Especially after the issue of all the fan comments you had to contend with mentally. All the hate comments. 
“I just can’t please you, can I?” 
“Oh please, stop complaining.”
Your mum had come out of the kitchen to the sight of you seething off to the side of your aunt. Auston was on the edge of his seat. Everyone else around the table looked uncomfortable. 
“You okay?” Your mum asked you. 
You shook your head, “I’m sick of being the disappointment.”
Without so much as another word, you sniffled and left. Probably to go hide in your old bedroom. Everyone just watched you leave the patio. Auston stood up to follow. Not before turning to your aunt. 
“She’s known she wasn’t the favourite since she was 15. But she still never spoke badly about you. And yet you can’t be nice to save your life.” He looked around at your siblings, all sitting quietly. He knew that you and your oldest sister were the only one blood related to your aunt. Your other siblings were through your sister’s dad’s side. “She puts up with you because of your family and is told to respect her elders. But I won’t let you talk about her like that.”
Auston left everyone outside and followed in your footsteps. He could hear your sniffles from down the hallway. He knocked on your bedroom door. Once he got a quiet come in, he opened the door. Your bedroom was so you. It was the only way he could explain it. You were sitting on your bed,  a pair of airpods you had found in your room in your ears. It was your way of escaping your feelings. 
“Hey,” Auston whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead before taking a seat beside you. 
You didn’t say anything, only handed him a bud. Your favourite song was playing. Auston pulled you onto his lap, wrapping his arms around you. Letting you snuggle into him for comfort. 
“Thank you.”
Auston chuckles, “How do you know I did anything?”
“I know you Aus,” You mumble, pressing a kiss to his lips. 
“I’ll always be on your side. You’re my favourite and that won’t ever change.”
“What about your mum?” You ask. You know he and Ema are close. 
“She’ll be happy knowing I found the girl I want to marry.”
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @daisysthings
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for-tymora · 5 months
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The Tilling Family
I finally was able to finish my designs for Maeve (pre-Nautiloid) and her family! Here we have her mother, her father, her step father, and her two half brothers.
Explanations under the cut!
Erevan Maeve's father. He was an elf, a sorcerer, and an adventurer. Her mother met him when she was a young woman, no more than 20 or so, and became immediately enamored by his charm. She describes him to Maeve as a being of otherworldly beauty- but there's not a single painting of him in the house. He disappeared right before Sirona gave birth to Maeve, and she believes that he left because he didn't want to be tied down by responsibility. Though, he could very well be dead. Maeve has never met him.
Sirona Maeve's mother. She owns an apothecary in the lower city! She's a nose-to-the-grindstone type of woman, and values productivity above all else. She's not a hard ass, per se, but she expects a lot out of her children- especially Maeve. She thinks she has gotten over being left behind by Erevan, but she's simply bottled it up, and projected her fears into her family. She still loves them deeply, but out of this fear comes her expectations. No magic. Follow in my footsteps. Derwood Maeve's stepfather. He married Maeve's mother when she was around two years old, so he's been a father to her for most of her life, and she regards him as such. He works in the fish market, rowing out into the Grey Harbor nearly every morning to fish until dusk. He looks and sounds gruff (a man of few words), but he's mostly a big softy. Maeve owes her calluses and her gentleness to him. Cael Maeve's Middlest Brother. Being so close in age, they were incredibly tight growing up. They would get into all sorts of trouble in the Lower City streets, and he would defend his older sister tooth and nail from any wayward glances from their peers. Now that he's grown, he's started an apprenticeship as a potter, and takes a great deal of pride in it. He's got that nose-to-the-grindstone attitude from their mother, and values his hard-earned work ethic. Maeve misses him- he works too hard. Reed Maeve's Youngest Brother. Maeve remembers him being born! He's supposed to be apprenticing under Derwood as a fisherman, but he spends most of his days with his head in the clouds- and their parents just let him, much to Maeve's chagrin ("How come I'm expected to become mom, but he can just do whatever he wants?"). He says he wants to work towards being a Flaming Fist, but this is mostly because he thinks they look cool. Now that he's slightly older, and Cael is out of the house a lot, he and Maeve hang out more often, and have become close. She cares for that knucklehead, even if he drives her insane.
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