#and now she wants to call me to say that shes encouraging me to pursue my dreams like... this always fucking happens
quibbs126 · 1 day
Can you do a Baguette x Coffee Candy fankid if you havent already?
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Sorry for the kind of terrible rough sketch, but I’ve finished with Coffee Bun Cookie
Alright, let’s see about her character
She doesn’t work in the TBD like her parents, but she does still have to deal with a lot of paperwork and office spaces
One thing I’m aware of is that the TBD is supposed to be a secret, people aren’t supposed to know it exists outside of those who work there, probably because they deal with time travel. So the idea was that Coffee Bun (and likely other TBD kids, aside from maybe String Gummy ones) wouldn’t be part of it. Though I’m not really sure what she does know of it, considering both of her parents work there
I’m gonna be honest, I’m not too sure how to approach that question, because Ovenbreak doesn’t give us an answer as to how much TBD family members, would know about their jobs, because it isn’t necessary for us to know. And it becomes even more pressing of a question when you’re making a kid for at least one of them, someone who should probably know what their parent does for a living. And it’s made even worse in this scenario because both of Coffee Bun’s parents work in the TBD. So what do they tell her? Does this fly under the radar for her, and if so, how? This isn’t an answer the game gives me because none of characters there are parents, and so it isn’t necessary, and probably won’t be
I don’t know, maybe Baguette retired after Coffee Candy made manager, and she was Coffee Bun’s stay at home mom
Also sorry, getting back to Coffee Bun now, I just had to get that out of my system
So Coffee Bun works a normal office job, though she has a bit of a passion for drawing, and has had a long standing habit of doodling on papers. She considers it more of a hobby and doesn’t really think she can make a career out of it though, so it mostly goes unnoticed. Her parents did try to encourage her to maybe pursue it further when she was younger, because she has talent, but she insisted it’s not that big enough of a deal to her
And if I’m being honest, that’s about all I have on her. I really don’t have much on her character. I made up the office job thing right now as I’m writing, because I didn’t have anything for her other than being paper related, since I drew her holding paper. I’m not really even sure an office job fits her design, she looks to me like more of an artist, nothing about her screams “office worker”. Maybe in current day it is something she wants to pursue a bit more, but she still needs money, so she sticks with her regular job
Maybe I’ll rework the character description later, I don’t know
Anyways, on to the design I suppose
So her name is based off of these coffee buns, which I got as a suggestion. She’s called that because it is bread (I think) and contains coffee
Coffee bun:
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Okay, if you couldn’t tell earlier, I’m just gonna say it here, I didn’t really know what I was doing with Coffee Bun
I made her rough sketch ages ago, and I quite liked it, I just…never really knew what to do with her. I kind of just made something up here because I thought “why not finish her now?”
Also personally, I’m dissatisfied with her outfit. I didn’t know what to do with it, and she’s kind of just wearing something generic, which is a far cry from her parents’ distinctive outfit designs
She doesn’t really even have coffee buns anywhere outside of her head, which again, I already made prior and is probably the best part of her design
I mean her outfit is supposed to be browns and yellow because of the color of coffee buns, with it being brown on the outside (and they seem to range in darkness of brown, as seen in the images), and light yellow on the inside, but that’s about it
I feel like this is something I struggle with when it comes to character designs, especially with my Cookies. I can give them distinct hair, but I never really know what I’m doing with outfits, or how to relate them to their ingredients (granted, maybe that’s because I’m someone who has no sense of fashion and only wears T shirts and sweatpants/leggings every day). I also just don’t know how to make accessories, especially distinct ones
And that’s another thing, I feel like I don’t really connect the characters back with their ingredients, especially with fankids. They’re more arbitrary than anything meaningful. But then I also don’t know a lot most of the ingredients I choose, and I don’t know how to learn that information, or I can use something similar as a basis for the character
Like take for example, the new Cookie teased this morning. She looks to be made of strawberry Pocky, and she’s a drummer presumably because the shape of Pocky is similar to drum sticks. It’s such a simple connection and it gives you something for the character. But I’m not able to make those easy connections, and it frustrates me to no end and leaves us in situations like this
…Sorry I got carried away again. This post feels more like me ranting about my struggles with making characters than much about the character herself. Apologies to the person who requested this for loading your request with all this
I mean, in a vacuum, Coffee Bun isn’t half bad of a design. But it’s the fact that she looks so bland next to her parents and the fact that I had nothing for her at the end that makes me bring her down in my eyes
But I suppose you can disregard me if you want and enjoy her if you want to
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robotpussy · 10 months
when you express your feelings to one of your parents and they take it as a personal attack..................
#like no because i was telling my mum for years that i cant just have a film degree and then walk into the industry#i kept telling her i have to make my own stuff to build up my portfolio cause the reality is they don't give af abt degrees#they just want to know if u can do what u say u can and she would constantly discourage me from making my own stuff#and now she wants to call me to say that shes encouraging me to pursue my dreams like... this always fucking happens#i will say i need to do something and she will disregard it or or shut it down and then years down the line she will tell me#to do what i was suggesting years before that... and when i tell her i said this years before she gets upset and starts yelling#when i told her shes been constantly discouraged me from making my own stuff for 3 years she started telling me its not true#because she helped me apply to a bunch of film residentials etc when that's not what im saying???? im saying when i#told her i wanted to work on personal projects. just because im excited she would shut it down immediately im not talking abt#you helping me find out about the bfi film academy??? but now she wants to push me to do it.... telling me about it like I've never#spoken to her about this before. she still has the mentality of no matter what age you are everything you say shouldn't be taken into#account because im older than you and i automatically know whats best. this happens all the time#all i can say is she actually apologised because in the past she used to never say sorry. i would just tell her im sorry and we'll leave#ot at that but atleast she said sorry. even tho she kept saying 'im sorry if u felt i discouraged you' like she still doesn't believe#what im saying. unsolicited advice but the advice is just shit i said to her years before..... its so infuriating#its why i rarely ever talk to her
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empress-simps · 3 months
Missed Hints
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Fem! Reader CW: Language Genre: Fluff Summary: Remus Lupin wanted to make his feelings known; he is trying numerous ways to tell you, but you are simply quite oblivious to the poor boy’s advances.
Note: Am I a bit too obsessed with Rems? Probably. This one's a bit shorter than the rest. Enjoy reading! Pictures used are from Pinterest, credits to the owners!
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Sometimes, all Remus wanted to do was run into a wall to knock himself out.
Maybe it’ll help formulate a reason why you couldn’t pick up his signals and actions that he wants to be more than friends. Please cut this poor boy some slack; he’s literally done everything he could to hint that he likes you.
The problem is that you are quite oblivious- being as dense as the castle walls in Hogwarts. Although this hasn’t stopped Remus from pursuing you after several pitiful (also quite funny) attempts, if anything, it made him work even harder to let you know he fancies you.
“Y/n, wait up!” Remus calls out to you, leaving his mates, who were whispering words of encouragement and ‘good luck’ to him. Hearing your name made you turn around, a book in your hand, as you smiled at the taller boy. “Remus, hi!” He smiled, walking beside you and settling in at the same pace as you. Suddenly, a friend of yours piped up, “Y/n, we have to go get something in the dorms; stay with Remus, yeah?” before you could even reply, they were rushing to leave. Remus could only blush as your friends shot him a thumbs up before escaping the scene, trying to stop the giggles escaping their mouths.
It was all up to him now.
“Erm, so how were the holidays?” he asked, trying to act casually as he placed his hands in his pockets. The question made you hum, your eyes lit up. "Oh, it was wonderful! We spent the holidays in Canada, lots of snow, I made a snow man and visited some parks.” She nods, holding her book closer to her chest, seemingly lost in thought. “It was also freezing.” Remus hums in agreement. “Is that so? I’m glad you had fun.” He smiles, and you both walk towards the great hall to have dinner.
You looked up at him with a bright smile and said, “Tell me about yours, Rems! I’m sure it was also fun.” Remus blushed, hearing his nickname roll off your tongue so casually. Even after all the years you’ve known each other, simply calling him by his nickname that you specially made for him has an effect that never faded away. “Well, it was just simple, really. I just stayed at James’ and had fun.” He shrugged his shoulders, smiling at you. He could care less about his holiday shenanigans, preferring you just talk his ear off about every little thing you did, he will absorb what you say word by word, like a sponge.
 "Well, James is quite an interesting person.” She hummed in agreement, Remus felt his eyebrow twitch, a small twinge similar to jealousy creeping up into him. What about him? Do you think he’s interesting too? Was Remus someone who could be worthy of your time?
 “Yeah, that bloke was conjuring up some pranks to pull this year.”
You let out a small giggle and oh merlin please take the poor boy to Madame Pomfrey because he thinks his poor heart can’t handle all the feelings he has towards you. Remus Lupin is such a simp.
He clears his throat, trying to muster up some courage as he asks you the million-galleon question. “So, are you free tomorrow? It’s Hogsmeade day.” Remus smiles, thankfully, his clammy hands are kept under his pockets, making his nervousness almost unnoticeable. Your eyes lit up “Oh! I forgot, but yes, I am free tomorrow.” Remus saw his chance and took it. “Great, how about we hang out in Three Broomsticks?”
For Merlin’s sake, please make this turn into Lupin’s favor. He’s done too many ways to confess to your clueless self.
“That would be fantastic! I can bring my friends along, and you can bring James, Sirius, and Peter too!” you clapped your hands excitedly, not noticing how the werewolf visibly deflated as you exclaimed. Right, might as well reject him right now on the spot to end his misery.
He could probably shout “I love you” and stare at you directly- but you’ll just think he’s talking to someone behind you. Remus had also tried to pass you a note containing his feelings for you back then. Grabbing it without much of a thought, you passed it to your friend, thinking he wants you to give it to her, who shakes her head and sighs, looking at Remus.
The rest of the Marauders and your friends think Remus’s plans of confessing to you were a lost cause.
“Our poor Moony…” Peter frowns, as James shakes his head. “At this point, Moony should just kiss her.” Sirius sighed, feeling pity for his friend. “She would probably think it was a friendly kiss.” Peter snorts, trying to control his laughter, James glared at Sirius jokingly before pushing him. “Bugger off Pads, Y/N’s just… super innocent? I guess.” They resumed watching the two from a distance, a look of anticipation evident in their faces.
“I was kind of hoping it’ll be just us?” Remus grins nervously, sitting beside you as you reach the Gryffindor table. You took a bite out of the apple pie from your plate before replying, “Sure, it’ll still be fun. You’re a great company, Rems.” She smiles, before resuming on eating the remaining apple pie slice. Little do you know the simple compliment you made had a tremendous effect on Remus.
“Moony, your smile hasn’t left your face ever since Y/n agreed. Stop it, I’m getting scared.” Sirius states, Remus turns to look, a hint of a small dopey smile on his face. “Hm?”
“Oh merlin, Y/n broke him.” Peter blanches. They were smacked upside their heads lightly by James. “Come on now, don’t rain on his parade. Moon’s just… well- over the moon.” James laughs lightly, Sirius snorts while Peter tries to hide his smile. Remus rolled his eyes playfully, opening his trunk to pick out the clothes he’s going to wear tomorrow. “Whatever, now help me decide what to wear, you sods.”
“Rems! Over here!” You exclaimed, standing on your tiptoes, arms up and waving in his directions. Remus smiles, maneuvering through the line of students waiting to get out of Hogwarts and to Hogsmeade. “Y/n! you look… pretty.” He blushes, drinking in the sight of you. Remus could swear on his life that he saw a light shade of pink dust your cheek as you tucked a stray hair behind your ear.
“Thank you, I like your sweater. It suits you.” You said, eyes going over his body and one of Remus’s signature sweaters. You can’t deny it; you like what you see, you were pulled from your thoughts when someone spoke.
“Oi! Get a move on you half-blood and goody-two-shoes! Holding up the bloody line is what you’re doing!” Evan Rosier, a Slytherin student complained a few feet away from you and Remus, Mulciber and Dolohov backs their fellow Slytherin and friend up. He snarls, those blokes, looks like they’ll have a new target for one of their nasty pranks.
“If I were you, I would shut my mouth.” Remus warns, standing in front of you, blocking your frame from their view.
Evan raised one eyebrow, amusement swimming in his eyes. “What are you going to do? Pesky little Gryffindor like you are always running around trying to be brave.” He taunts, moving closer to their direction.
“Rems, I’m fine. Let’s go, yeah?” She gently tugs the sleeve of his sweater, he looks down at you, his expression softening. “Alright then.” He threw one last warning look at Rosier over his shoulder; that punk needs to just wait and see what’s going to come and bite his ass.
The two of you are sitting in the Three Broomsticks, talking about basically anything under the sun. Well, you mostly talked while Remus just listens, humming and sometimes sharing his two cents on the topic you are on.
“Rems, thank you.”
Remus’ eyebrows shot up in confusion, “Thank you? What for?”
“Earlier, Evan Rosier.”
“Ah, that prick. It was nothing, y/n.” He offers a gentle smile; he wants to touch your hand that was directly across his from the table but ultimately deciding against it, the last thing he wants to do is make you feel uncomfortable.
“Thank you for being my friend. You’re an amazing person who deserves the world.” She smiles, slowly taking his hand onto hers and squeezing it tightly.
He felt a crack in his heart. “Yeah, you are too.” He managed to choke out, offering a wry smile.
Friends. Is that it? Is he just one of the many friends you have in your life? Is he a friend that will slowly drift away after you graduate from Hogwarts? Merlin, he would even count himself lucky if you invited him to be at your wedding, and if he wants to push his luck then he might even be the godfather to one of your future kids.
You furrowed your brows, “Is there something wrong, Rems?” He looks at you, quickly shaking his head. “Nothing’s wrong. Why do you ask?” You hummed, “Well, you have this kind of haunted look on you when you’re bothered about something; you’re doing it right now.”
Remus blinks, even he himself wasn’t aware of that. He closed his eyes and sighed; fuck it. He’ll push his luck to the extremes by confessing his love for you. Doesn’t matter if you see him as just a friend, you deserve to know.
“Y/n, I have to tell you something.”
“Of course. What would that be?”
“Well, I don’t know how to tell you this without being upfront about it…” He starts, you urged him to continue; well, here goes nothing.
“Y/n, I-“
“Two butterbeers, correct?”
Remus wants to pull his hair out of frustration as the server walked towards them and set down the butterbeers they ordered, interrupting his speech. You smiled, thanking them before turning to Remus, who was frowning.
“What was it you were trying to say, Rems?” You asked, sipping your butterbeer.
“I like you, a lot. Ever since we met.” He simply blurts out quickly, as if he’s scared someone is going to interrupt again. You blink slowly, setting your butterbeer down gently.
“I like you too, Remus.”
“No- you don’t understand,” He shakes his head as you furrowed your eyebrows, utterly confused.
“I fancy you, love.” He emphasizes, taking both of your hands into his large ones, looking at you straight in the eyes, completely serious. She widens her eyes ever so slightly, her heart rate speeding up a bit.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I’ve always fancied you too, Rems.”
Remus felt as if the time slowed down, his heartbeat pulsing faster, eyes blinking owlishly, his jaw slack in shock.
Did he hear that right? Please tell him that he heard that right.
“I-I… I gave you hints, love!” He sputtered, “But you’ve just ignored them every single time!” She frowns, “I didn’t notice…” Remus agreed, “Forgive me, but you were quite oblivious.” A small smile was on his face.
“You could’ve just said outright that you fancy me, Rems.” She chuckles, a faint blush on her cheeks.
“If you like me too, then why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want to force you.” She said, looking at the beverage in her hand. His eyes softened, “Force me? To what, love?”
She sighs, looking up at him. “I didn’t want you to force yourself to try to love me just because I feel that way for you.”  Before Remus could even speak, she opened her mouth again, “I know you, Remus. You would’ve tried either way, that’s just who you are.” She chuckles, sipping butterbeer before continuing.
“You have a heart of gold, Rems. That’s one of the things I love about you.” She rubs her thumb across his scarred knuckles gently. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, the simple and gentle touch made his spine shiver.
If this was some kind of dream, then he would be more than happy to not wake up.
“Can I kiss you?” He breathes out, making you giggle. You stood up from your seat and leaned towards him, you can feel and smell his peppermint toothpaste fanning against your lips, beckoning you closer.
“You don’t even have to ask.” You closed the distance between you and sealed both of your lips with a kiss.
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chaenniz · 1 year
hello! i recently saw the nwjs kiss reaction thing (ans it was so good huhuhu), is it okay to request the same for lsrfm? thank you!
LE SSERAFIM X READER ;; how they’d react if you were a great kisser
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A/N i'm craving a half cheese half pork corndog 😪 genre ;; fluff
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sakura miyawaki
sakura knew that pursuing her dreams of becoming an idol would be extremely tough. the toughest part though? losing contact with you.
throughout her years with hkt48 and akb48 sakura was able to keep in frequent contact with you, her childhood best friend.
however, things took a turn when she had debuted in iz*one, as the group slowly started skyrocket in fame.
sadly, this meant that sakura’s schedule was getting more and more packed with each passing moment. no matter how hard she tried to keep in touch with you, the feeling of exhaustion would win after 18 hours of promotions and shooting.
when iz*one disbanded, you were the first to call her, asking her how she was. from there, things had started to pick up again, you even encouraged her to try out for hybe’s latest girl group, now le sserafim.
a couple months after the hugely successful debut of le sserafim, they announced they would be holding a fansign in seoul.
so there you were, nervously waiting in line as the next person was called up for the fansign. you were disguised, wearing a dark outfit with a black mask and black hat. you wanted to surprise to sakura, having flown from japan and learning some korean.
eventually, it was your turn and you nervously walked up to the first person. eunchae, you knew her as the maknae of the group, she was a little shy at first, but was comfortable to be around.
next was yunjin, the american of the group. you were able to converse to her about your experiences in america, finding that you both got along pretty well.
third was chaewon, le sserafim’s leader. having overheard your conversation with yunjin, she follows up by asking if you’ve been anywhere else. that’s how the topic of languages and travelling was brought up between the two of you. similarly to yunjin, you both got along pretty well.
penultimately was kazuha, 1/2 of the j-line in le sserafim. you surprised her by greeting her in japanese, to which she replied happily to as well in japanese. you both talked about the differences here in korea than in japan, once again getting along with the le sserafim member.
finally, you had reached sakura. you took your seat in front of her, greeting her stiffly. sakura was a little thrown off, but greeted back nonetheless. before saying anything else, you remove your hat and mask.
since you kept your hat and mask on for the other members, they were curious as to what you looked like. they couldn’t help but sneak a peek towards you, and god, you were stunning.
you had grown more mature since the last time sakura’s seen you. after almost a decade, you had gotten taller, almost reaching 5’10. your cheeks not as puffed up and chubby as they were when you were still kids. your entire body definition was definitely more prominent and leaner now too.
sakura was the most surprised though, “y/n? is that really you?” she asks, a bit shocked.
“in the flesh.” you respond, grinning.
you and sakura enjoy your time catching up with each other, sadly the 5 minute timer interrupting your lovely conversation.
before you stand up to leave however, sakura asks for you to head to the back area and wait, already receiving the go ahead from staff and management after pleading for a little while.
you go towards where sakura told you to wait. almost an hour later, you were enveloped in a bone crushing hug.
“you should’ve told me you were coming!” sakura exclaims.
you shrug, “an element of surprise never hurt anybody.”
the other members ask how you two know each other. you and sakura explaining everything to them. after getting acquainted with the other members some more, sakura does something you never expect.
she cups your cheeks with her two hands and kisses you. although surprised, you respond back. the two of your lips moving in perfect synchrony, and her lips even better than you imagined.
you pull away first, feeling a little out of breath, as did sakura.
wow, was all the two of you could think after that spontaneous kiss.
kim chaewon
chaewon has never thought of herself as a great cook, but it’s the thought that counts right?
you had just come home from the dance studio, telling the girls that you’d be staying to practice more so you’d be home a bit later than them.
as you unlocked the door into your shared dorm with chaewon and eunchae, you set down your bag and lazily took off your shoes, tired from the extra practice.
you lock the door behind you before picking up your bag and walking through the hallway. at some point during your walk however, your nose picks up on the very faint scent of something burnt.
worriedly, you hurried into the kitchen, only to find chaewon trying to cook what seemed like kimchi-jeon.
you wrap your arms from behind her, causing chaewon to startle a little. she soon embraces your touch after, realizing it was only you.
“what happened?” you chuckle.
“…i don’t know” she answers truthfully, a faint blush evident on the tips of her ears from embarrassment.
“i’m assuming eunchae’s asleep?” you ask, your eyes forming into a crescent shape.
chaewon turns off the burner and sets the pan onto a different grate before finally facing you. “yes, she wanted to stay up though and greet you”
your eyes flickered back and forth from your girlfriend, and to the burnt kimchi-jeon on the stove. “i’m sorry i-“ before chaewon could finish her sentence you cut her off with a kiss.
the kiss wasn’t like your heavy make-out kisses that usually led one thing to another, this kiss was slow and filled with love.
chaewon lets out a small gasp, touching her lips as the two of you separated. “don’t be sorry jagi, i love that you did this for me” you grinned.
chaewon answers back with a smile that reaches her eyes, “let’s order takeout?”
you both laughed at the situation as you kissed chaewon once again.
huh yunjin
despite being one of her school’s “it girls” yunjin has never actually kissed someone, a little help never hurt anybody right?
yunjin screamed into your pillowcase before shooting back up towards you, “am i doomed, y/n?”
you couldn’t help but stifle a laugh towards your best friends over-exaggeration. “yunjin, don’t worry about it, not having your first kiss yet is pretty common these days.”
your best friend rolled her eyes at you, “you don’t get it y/n! what if i finally get the chance to kiss someone and i completely suck at it!”
“i’m sure you won’t” you reply, “anybody would be blessed to have been kissed by you…” you mutter the last part.
“what was that?” yunjin asks, not properly hearing you the first time.
“its nothing, don’t worry” you respond quietly.
yunjin raises a brow at you before furrowing them once again. after a few minutes in silence, she finally raises her voice to ask a question.
“y/n, can you help me practice?” yunjin asks.
“help practice with what?” you ask, a bit confused.
“kissing, duh” yunjin answers, as if it was the easiest question in the world.
your brain crashed, yunjin wanted you to help her practice kissing?
“w-wouldn’t i be taking your first kiss?” you respond, still a little surprised.
“i’m okay with that” she grins widely.
your brain crashes for the second time before quickly rebooting itself when you notice yunjin patiently waiting for your answer.
“…alright, come here” you motioned for her to come closer.
yunjin shuffled across your bed, now directly in front of you without much space between you two left.
“just follow my lead, okay?” you told yunjin, to which she nods.
you lift yunjin’s chin as you press your lips onto hers. you attempt to deepen the kiss, which she allows. the two of your lips moved in synchrony.
you broke off the kiss after you felt yunjin start to run out of breath. butterflies swarmed you stomach, and unknowingly to you, yunjins as well.
“how was that?” you ask, a little unsure.
“let’s try that again.” yunjin answers, a little too quickly.
kazuha loved ballet with all her heart, but ballet could never compare to you.
having started ballet at 3 years old and continuing on until the present, it was no surprise that the university personally hand-picked kazuha to represent their school in a nation-wide ballet competition.
anyone with a pair of eyes, and at least one braincell can tell that kazuha is incomparable and in a league of her own when it came to her favourite activity.
kazuha was grateful for this opportunity of course, being carefully chosen out of the many people who could have competed brought her a sense of pride, even if she wasn’t entirely vocal about it.
although it’s no surprise that tough times were to be expected. kazuha laid flat against the dance room’s wall, chugging down a water bottle.
kazuha’s chest rose up and down unsteadily. lungs absolutely worked out from her over-the-top, but still awe-striking performance.
you took a seat beside kazuha, “you’re amazing, zuha”
kazuha shifted her gaze from the mirror to you, who came from her blindspot.
“y/n? i thought you went home already?” kazuha asks.
“i’ve barely seen you today” you pouted, “besides, what kind of girlfriend would i be if i didn’t support you every step of the way” a smile gracing both parties.
“you’re such a sap” kazuha starts grinning as well
“my words are only meant for you to hear, kang juha” you beam teasingly.
you leaned in for a kiss to which kazuha reciprocates immediately.
kazuha's lips were oh so soft and felt like they were made to kiss you and you only. the tingling sparks of electricity that stemmed all the way back from you and kazuha’s first kiss never left, if anything, probably heightened.
kazuha pulls away first, “the full government name? really?” she grins.
“i've gotta enjoy it while it lasts,” you return her smile. kazuha looks utterly confused however, tilting her head to signify that.
“because either you’ll be taking my last name or i’ll be taking yours pretty damn soon”
hong eunchae
hiding things from her four protective unnies was a harder task than eunchae thought.
being born just a couple days before eunchae meant that you were treated and coddled by the other members the same as her.
to le sserafim, you and eunchae were their two babies, and that meant restrictions on a lot of things.
one of which, and most prominently, was the no dating rule. let alone even a tiny crush.
but of course, rules were made to be broken. that’s how you found yourself in eunchae’s room instead of your own after a particularly draining day of schedules.
“baby, come closer, i wanna cuddle” you ask, currently underneath a thick blanket with eunchae on her double sized bed.
eunchae happily obliges, patting her shoulder so that you can rest your head on it. underneath the blanket, her fingers intertwining with yours.
you listen to eunchae talk about her day, despite having spent it together, it was always entertaining to see things from her point of view.
during nights like these, the two of you would talk about anything and everything that came into your mind, a big reason as to why eunchae fell for you so hard.
“are you sure you’re not tired?” you question.
eunchae shakes her head no, her gaze catching onto yours.
“that’s weird, you’ve been running through my mind all day though” your lips tug into a familiar gummy smile.
eunchae blushed at your pick-up line and you hum in response, enjoying her response to it. “maybe i should kiss you to make you shut up” eunchae suggests out loud, as if thinking to herself. her eyes forming crescent shapes.
a teasing smile plastered onto your face again, you start sputtering out some of the most random things. a thought dump, if you will.
eunchae takes it upon herself to press her lips against yours. the kiss was innocent and sweet, accompanied with the perfect rhythm between the two of you.
you both pull apart contentedly, foreheads resting against each other.
“well that was effective” she jokes.
you glanced over to her digital clock, ‘1:04 AM’, it read. knowing that the two of you had a schedule at 6 AM when you both woke up, you ushered for the two of you to fall asleep. just one problem, you both had forgotten to set an alarm.
that’s how the le sserafim unnies found the two of you cuddling underneath your thick blankets 15 minutes before you were all set to leave.
after waking the two of you up, and getting dressed hurriedly. the unnies wouln’t stop teasing the two of you the entire car ride to the set.
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i feel like the sakura one was super long, i’m sorry 😭😭
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ma-yawntu · 3 days
mine, all mine. v.
chapter five: bad idea
pairing: neteyam x female!metkayina!reader
summary: you knew it was a bad idea to get closer to him... so why was it so hard to stay away?
word count: 3.2k
warnings: mentions of injury, blood, bruising, fluff
now playing... wait a minute! by willow
series masterlist
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The more you thought about your almost-kiss with Neteyam, the more you came to realise that it was probably for the best that nothing happened. Maybe you weren’t thinking clearly in the moment, too wrapped up in the rush of adrenaline you felt after punching Ao’nung’s friend in the face. You were frustrated and vulnerable and your brain seemed to turn to mush when it came to Neteyam; which bothered you a lot, because how could a boy occupy so much of your mind completely unimpeded?
You found your sister back in your family’s marui, silently thanking Eywa that your parents were still occupied with the little incident at the beach, likely still scolding your little brother for his lack of self-control. Tsireya sat on the ground in the middle of the marui, rather aggressively chopping vegetables to prepare for last meal later on. 
“Reya?” You called softly, tail swishing behind you anxiously. Tsireya looked up at you, eyes blown wide and you could read her thoughts in an instant. She opened her mouth slightly and you quickly brought your hands up as if surrendering. “I know what you’re going to say.”
“You were kissing him!” She whisper-shouted, ears pinning flat against her braids.
“We didn’t kiss, Tsireya,” you rolled your eyes, “you made sure of that.”
Tsireya sighed, dropping the knife with a soft clang and resting her palms on her folded knees. She looked up at you, her eyes wide with a mixture of slight hurt and curiosity, her hairless brows furrowed, “how could you not tell me?”
Your shoulders relaxed at her words, your eyes closing as you sighed shakily. You hadn’t uttered a word about your time with Neteyam to your sister while she talked your ear off about Lo’ak, to you it seemed pointless to mention; it would never happen between the two of you. She was your sister but it wasn’t that simple– Tsireya had freedom when it came to choosing who she would one day be mated with, she was allowed to look freely without the pressure of disappointing your parents. But not you– your life had been planned from the moment you were born, there was no way your parents or the village would allow you to pursue a forest Na’vi born from an ex-sky demon (as your mother put it), the notion was absolutely preposterous. 
“It is not that simple, Reya,” you breathed.
“I am your sister,” Tsireya stood up, crossing the room to grab your elbows gently. You avoided her gaze for a moment until she tugged on your arm, forcing you to look at her, “with me, everything should be simple.”
You breathed out slowly, lips forming a tight line, “it will not work– it cannot work between us… If mother and father find out…” You didn’t know how to put it into words to convey the uproar it would cause, but your sister understood, her shoulders dropping and her lips forming a tight line.
Tsireya paused for a moment before meeting your eyes again, “how do you know if you do not ask them?”
You wanted to laugh at that, you knew she was only trying to be optimistic but any optimism you had for your life had been squashed long ago, “you know what the answer will be, Reya.”
“Neteyam is hard-working and kind– he would have been the Olo’eyktan of the Omatikaya one day if it weren’t for the Sky People… There have been worse odds,” she shrugged. 
“You encourage me too much,” you scolded gently.
“It is my job,” she grinned.
You wrestled with her words for a while, occupying yourself with preparing fish for the last meal while Tsireya left to gather more herbs. You wanted to believe your sister with every ounce of your soul– believe that maybe, maybe, your parents would allow you to see Neteyam instead of forcing these horrendous meals with possible suitors down your throat. But deep down you knew it simply wasn’t possible– your parents wanted a Metkayina man for you, someone who knew the ways of the water and knew how to lead the people… anything other than that would be out of the question.
Your ears pressed flat against your hair at the sound of your father’s booming voice. Your father, mother and younger brother barging into the marui, your father’s hand wrapped around the base of Ao’nung’s kuru. 
“What was that?” Your father spat. Ao’nung’s body was slightly slouched, a bruise blooming just under his eye from where Lo’ak had swung on him. Your father let out a frustrated noise, “they are guests here, you do not cause trouble!”
Ao’nung didn’t answer and your mother hissed in annoyance before her eyes found you. You stood up almost instantly as she bounded toward you. Her warm hands found your face, moving your head around and pulling on your shoulders and arms, inspecting you for injuries.
“What were you thinking, maite?” she hissed, your eyes downcast as she spoke. “You do not encourage a fight!”
“I am sorry, mother,” you bit the inside of your cheek, knowing it simply wasn’t worth it to argue.
“Are you?” Ao’nung barked. You rolled your eyes as your parents whipped their heads around to look at their son. “You did not defend me.”
“You were being a skxawng,” you retorted.
“Maite!” your father yelled, silencing you in an instant. Your father eyed you for a moment longer before he let go of your brother, pushing him toward you, “fix him up.”
You wanted to scoff, instead you looked at your mother with a look that begged for her to fix your brother’s injuries instead of you. She looked at you and sighed, “we will speak of this later,” she said before glancing briefly at Ao’nung, she turned back to you with a frustrated sigh, “you will keep an eye on your brother.”
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“Ow!” Ao’nung hissed as you pressed a cloth to the graze on his cheek.
You clicked your tongue and rolled your eyes, “don’t be such a baby.” You flicked his forehead before continuing to work on the raw grazes along his skin. If you were honest, you weren’t being overly gentle with him like you were with Neteyam– mostly because you thought your brother was asking for it by being such a jerk to Lo’ak and Kiri.
“You’re not going to lecture me?” He questioned after a beat as you gathered some cooling balms to help ease the burning sensation of his wounds.
“Seems pointless,” you retorted, “you do not listen to me.”
“Rich coming from you of all people,” Ao’nung rolled his eyes.
You elected to ignore him and continue rubbing balms into his damaged skin. You remember the first time you did this for Ao’nung, he was barely seven years old and had scraped his knee on some coral while playing with some of the bigger kids. You had only just started your tsakarem training but you’d been patching up your own injured knees since you were younger than him. 
You remembered how he was trying to put on a brave face, his bottom lip wedged between his teeth as you gently washed away the sand and blood. You remembered how you held his hand as you applied a balm and dressing to his little knee and how you caught his little tears with your thumb and told him–
“It’s okay to cry when something hurts, Ao’nung.”
You often wondered what had changed in him as he got older, why the two of you butted heads once he reached his teenage years. At first, you were sure it was because the two of you were so different and you firmly believed he was arrogant and rude… But as you got older, the more you realised you butted heads so much because you were far too alike. 
“You should stay away from him,” Ao’nung muttered.
Your eyes glanced up at him and you were completely unreadable– a trait lovingly gifted to you by your mother. It drove your brother crazy how emotionally flat and withdrawn you could be. Your movements hesitated for a moment before you gathered more of the healing balm onto your finger, rubbing it into his graze. Your brother hissed at the pain and you rolled your eyes, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I’m serious,” Ao’nung retorted. He knew you knew what– or rather who he was talking about. 
“It is none of your business.”
Ao’nung rolled his eyes, “you are my sister, that makes it my business.” You didn’t answer him because since when did he care what you did? You focused on rubbing oils into the bruise on the junction of his neck and shoulder instead of dignifying him with a response. Ao’nung watched your hardened expression and sighed, “Mother and father will not allow it–”
“Don’t you think I know that, Ao’nung?” You snapped, staring daggers at your brother. Ao’nung noticeably stiffened.
Your brother stared right back at you, his jaw clenching angrily. You didn’t need him telling you what a bad idea it was for you to be spending time with Neteyam– you already knew everything he was thinking because you’d already thought it yourself. 
You were pulled from your thoughts when someone cleared their throat, your ears perking up at the sound. You turned to the entrance of the healing marui, noticing Lo’ak standing there awkwardly.
“Lo’ak,” you nodded your head at him, praying to Eywa he didn’t catch on to what you and your brother were talking about. Lo’ak quickly curled his fingers at his forehead before gesturing to you. He too had bruises, not as many as Ao’nung but a few on his face with his knuckles sharing the same purple colour as yours. 
“Could I talk to Ao’nung?” Lo’ak asked, his jaw clenched. 
“Sure,” you sighed, putting your balms down beside you and shooting Ao’nung a warning look, “be nice,” you muttered through your teeth.
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“What is wrong?” Teyoa drawled. 
You had been upset, stuck in your own head about everything going on with Neteyam and you found yourself at the fisherman's marui helping Teyoa and a few of the other elders descale the fish from the most recent catch. You hadn’t realised you were rather aggressively descaling the fish in front of you, nicking your fingers on the sharp edge of the scales.
“Nothing,” you retorted. Teyoa shared a look with the other elders, trying to suppress a smile at your lame retort. 
“It does not seem like nothing,” Teyoa replied with an airy laugh. 
You didn’t respond, electing to fold the cuts of fish in thick palm leaves. Working with your hands helped you to calm down, helping to focus your mind on the task in front of you instead of fighting with yourself about moral dilemmas. Teyoa watched you from the corner of his eye, noticing your rather sloppy folding technique given your bubbling anger. 
“Have you been practising?” Teyoa asked, attempting to move the subject away from whatever was bothering you. 
You sighed, shoulders slouching at his question which was a resounding no. “I have not had time,” you sighed, dejected. 
“There is always time, you must make time,” Teyoa shrugged. You gave him an unimpressed look, lips pursed in annoyance. Teyoa chuckled heartily, “I think you have an opportunity.”
“How so?”
“You have some of the best archers in all of Pandora staying in your village… Perhaps you should seek assistance?” Teyoa suggested with a shit-eating grin. 
Your mind immediately blinked to asking Neteyam; embarrassingly quick you might add. You knew Neteyam was likely one of your only options; he would keep your little secret from your parents and your meddling brother. Teyoa was right, the Omatikaya were some of the best known archers in all of Pandora, it would be stupid of you to not seize the opportunity. But it also meant spending more time with Neteyam… Perhaps alone with Neteyam. 
“You hesitate,” Teyoa drawled, effortlessly peeling the skin of the fish back.
“I do not,” you retorted, offended. 
“Then you should go and ask,” Teyoa’s eyes flickered behind you. You turned your head, watching as Neteyam stood on the edge of the beach helping Tuk and Kiri searched for shells ankle-deep in the water. You felt a smile tug at your lips as Tuk held up a particularly pretty shell in front of Neteyam, watching as he enthusiastically applauded his youngest sister.
You dropped what you were doing, wordlessly leaving the fishermen’s marui to approach Neteyam and his sister’s at the beach, Teyoa grinning to himself as you left. You watched Neteyam and Tuk, suppressing a giggle at how Tuk kept giving handfuls of coloured shells to Neteyam while Kiri took her time inspecting every tiny shell she found.
“Whatcha guys doing?” You called softly, watching how Neteyam’s ears pricked up quickly at the sound of your voice. Tuk quickly snatched her pouch of shells from Neteyam’s hand and held it behind her back with a suspicious toothy grin. You quirked a brow at the youngest Sully, “what are you hiding, Tuk?”
“Nothing!” she quickly retorted, swaying side to side on the balls of her heels.
You rolled your eyes playfully, “you know, the best shells are in the shallows of the reef just out there,” you pointed toward the edge of the reef where you could easily see other young Metkayina children looking for shells. Tuk followed your finger, her eyes sparkling. “You’ll find the most colourful ones out there.”
Tuk’s little face lit up and she quickly snatched Kiri’s hand, “Kiri, come on!” She exclaimed as she started wading into the water, splashing water all over you, Neteyam and Kiri.
“Slow down, Tuk!” Kiri called, slightly irritated. With an annoyed groan and a roll of her eyes, she quickly made her way after her sister, leaving you and Neteyam standing ankle-deep in the water.
“Are there really shells out there?” Neteyam asked curiously, a hint of a smirk in his voice.
You turned to him with a slightly offended expression, “you think I would lie to a seven year old, forest boy?”
Neteyam held his hands up in surrender, “you’re right,” he chuckled. 
A beat of silence fell over the two of you and you suddenly became nervous– since the last time you were alone with Neteyam you almost– almost– kissed him. Neteyam could tell you had something on your mind by the way your tail swayed behind you a little faster than usual and how you anxiously fiddled with your hands. 
The two of you took a breath. 
“Was there something–”
“–Could I ask you something?”
The two of you pulled your mouths shut, a smile tugging at Neteyam’s lips as you tried to suppress a smile, covering your mouth with the back of your hand. Neteyam shifted closer, “what did you want to ask?”
You were getting cold feet being put on the spot, thinking of just pretending it never happened and returning to your mediocre life. But the way he was looking at you made you feel so warm and in the end– Neteyam wasn’t scary, he would never make fun of you.
You sighed, “I need to ask– I wanted to… Could you–” now you felt dumb, unable to get the simple question out. Neteyam listened to you intently, his gaze making your skin feel hot. You averted your eyes for a moment, clearing your throat. Neteyam began to laugh softly and you frowned, “don’t laugh at me,” you whined.
“I’m not, I’m not.”
“It kind of seems like you are,” you retorted, crossing your arms over your chest and cocking your hip out with an unimpressed frown. 
“No, it’s just–” Neteyam stopped himself, staring at you with such fondness for a moment, “you’re adorable.”
You felt your cheeks heat up at that and you became embarrassed, “shut up.”
Neteyam could only laugh and you rolled your eyes playfully turning on your heel to return to the village. Neteyam followed after you, too curious to let you go without knowing what it was you wanted to ask him, “hey, wait– didn’t you want to ask me something?”
“My better judgement tells me that what I wanted to ask is stupid and I’m better off not asking at all,” you called back, your tail swishing behind you and curls bouncing between your shoulder blades– Oh how Neteyam wanted to play with your hair– “But you’ve piqued my interest,” Neteyam retorted, still chasing after you as you moved rather quickly through the village toward the thick mangrove forest. 
“Consider me flattered,” you replied coyly, turning to walk backwards and shoot him a playful smile. 
Neteyam blindly followed you into the thick of the forest, truth be told he would have done whatever you told him to do no matter how ridiculous. He watched as you stood at the base of a rather tall tree, a small carving etched into the smooth bark. You reached up on your tiptoes, pulling a rather well-hidden heavy bow from twisting branches. He watched you, his tail flicking around curiously.
You held the weapon behind your back and looked up at him, “do not laugh.”
“I won’t.”
“I’m serious,” you pressed, gaze narrowing at him.
“I promise,” Neteyam crossed his heart in a similar manner that Tuk did when you first met her and you could only grin at the gesture. 
You sighed before bringing the bow in front of you, holding it close to your chest. You kicked around some leaves with your foot, unable to look him in the eye. You hummed in annoyance, “I want you to teach me.”
Neteyam’s eyes widened a fraction, his eyes glazing over the crafter bow in your hands. It definitely wasn’t the best he’d seen but also not the worst and considering Metkayina used spears almost exclusively– it was pretty good for a first try. 
“Teach you?”
You frowned, heart drumming in your chest, “I am okay but I could be better.”
Neteyam’s eyes met yours and the corners of his lips perked up in a smile, “why me?”
You rolled your eyes, getting the feeling he was only trying to flatter himself by putting you on the spot and making you nervous (it was working). “Because…”
Neteyam tilted his head, catching your eyes again and silently encouraging you to continue. 
You hissed in annoyance, “Because I trust you, okay? And I cannot have my parents knowing I do this or Eywa forbid my brother.”
“You trust me?” Neteyam grinned.
“Don’t make me regret it,” you retorted.
Neteyam chuckled softly, “you are lucky, I used to train the young hunters at High Camp before my family moved here.”
“Those poor children,” you gave an exaggerated frown.
“Hey,” Neteyam playfully scolded, “I was a good teacher.”
“I’m sure you were, pretty boy,” you retorted, hips swaying as you started making your way toward your secret little part of the beach, Neteyam hot on your tail.
“You think I’m pretty?” Neteyam questioned with a shit-eating grin.
You clicked your tongue and rolled your eyes, “I am teasing.”
“I feel like your teasing is always based in truth.”
“You are wrong.”
“I don’t think I believe you.”
“Are you going to teach me or not?”
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a/n: i know i've been gone forever but i'm back!!!
taglist: @s0urw00lf, @peqch-pie, @greatsstuffsposts, @lavzxx, @quaint-and-curious-being, @rivatar, @msblacklupin, @ineedmentalhelp123, @ravenxx88, @alicetweven
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rosefilledpiano · 5 months
Hihi! I hope your having a wonderful day today and are taking of yourself!
Leo Valdez x daughter of Aphrodite who's really into stem. Her father always encourages her to pursue math and engineering and as she grew up she also really liked fashion and now kinda combines the two! She finds out Leo can make fire out of nowhere and creates a dress that sets on fire like katniss's? Idk I just thought it was really cool. Ok have a lovely day!!! <3
Leo Valdez x reader (I dunno what to call this-)
Leo absolutely loves your intelligence and your love for STEM, since he loves it too
He totally gets your love for fashion, too. Even if he does just wear a T-shirt and jeans half the time (he's the type to wear sketchers so please, for the love of the Olympian gods, please help this man. Nothing wrong with sketchers, but he wears the kid ones bc they're the only ones that fit him-)
Back to the topic, though, he loves staying up at night with you just talking about ideas and stuff
When you first meet, he's already head over heels in love. Bonus points if you're strong, he loves being picked up
I like to think you'd meet through Annabeth or Piper since you're smart and a child of Aphrodite, it makes sense to me
"Hey, who's that girl over there?" Leo would ask Annabeth during the tour of camp, pointing to what looked like the prettiest girl he'd ever seen who was currently sitting outside the Aphrodite cabin, drawing on what seemed to be a blueprint.
"Oh, (Name)? She's a daughter of Aphrodite. Super smart. Why do you ask?" Annabeth would respond, glancing over at you before looking back at Leo.
Leo, not really knowing what to say, would stay silent until Annabeth spoke up.
"...want me to introduce you to her?" "Please."
When you find out about his fire powers, he's honestly nervous.
He isn't sure if you'll be accepting or not, and he doesn't want to lose you, too
So when you're just like, "Can you help me with something?" He instantly says yes.
Once Leo actually sees your dress, he's literally drooling
He knew you were beautiful, but seeing you in a dress that he helped make is just something that makes him so happy
Expect to hear a lot of "You're gorgeous" or "Kiss me" once you show him, lmao
It's currently pretty late (for my standards, anyway) so I'll be ending it here. Good night/morning, and take care!
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northstarscowboyhat · 4 months
How did Starlo and Ceroba begin dating in your AU Would there be any conflict because of Cerobas last marriage ending so tragically?
First off, anon thank you for giving me an excuse to gush about Staroba. They have taken a hold of 95% of my brain. This might be a bit of a ramble, but I will gladly share my thoughts on them!
So before Clover arrives in the Underground, I imagine anything romantic between the both of them was kind of out of the question. I HC Starlo is still pining for Ceroba years later, but he's pretty discreet about it. That's his best friend, and she's recently lost her husband and daughter. He's going to be there for her emotionally, but he's not about to complicate things by pursuing his feelings. I imagine even if he hasn't really moved on from her, he's resigned to the fact that it'll only remain as pining from afar.
Meanwhile, on Ceroba's end, she isn't really thinking about romance. She's very much wallowing in her own grief and misery, so to her, Starlo is the only person she has left in her life, but he's just her best friend. There may be some feelings beginning to build, with living with Starlo and spending so much time with him, but nothing she really actively thinks about. She's too consumed by the terrible situation and struggles she's neck deep in.
It isn't until Clover comes around and chooses to stay in the Underground that things change. I HC that Clover chooses to live with Ceroba after the Pacifist ending. Starlo and the gang cleaned up her house anyways, so why not live in it again and make better memories? Because Ceroba's house is close to the Wild East, Starlo visits a lot, not just for Clover but for Ceroba too. Now that they're both working on their own issues and moving on, becoming healthier people, they're able to properly hang out and emotionally support one another and enjoy each other's company in a way they haven't for a few years. This is where Starlo's feelings really kick into high gear, and it's gotten to the point that everyone in their family and friend group notices.
("Dude, you like, totally wanna marry her," Mooch says, hardly bothering to contain her smug smirk. Starlo yanks on the brim of his hat to conceal his reddening face and begs her to keep her voice down, lest Ceroba hear it from across the bar counter.)
Though Ceroba is a lot more subtle about it, this is where her feelings begin to grow too. She realizes that Starlo has always been there for her, even if his actions weren't always the right ones his intentions have always been focused on doing things for her sake, and that she wants him around, maybe more than just a best friend. It gets to the point that the house feels lonely whenever he leaves from a visit. It probably takes a lot of internal strife and struggle to reconcile with her feelings. Letting another partner into her life after she's mourned her first husband is a massive and frightening step to take, after all. She knows Chujin would want her to be happy and live her life to the fullest after he's gone, but it's still a lot to take in.
I imagine once a few months pass, with encouragement from Starlo's friends ("C'mon boss, Clover calls you Pa and Ceroba Ma, you two are practically already raising them together!"), he tries to confess his feelings to Ceroba. He probably fumbles it a few times; not just because he's still shy and awkward under the sheriff persona, but because he really doesn't want to ruin his relationship with her, nor hurt her after everything she's been through. Ceroba, of course, notices this. Probably after the second or third bumbling attempt of him trying to tell her in privacy how he feels, she gently cuts him off and comes out and says it; she reciprocates his feelings, and she would love to start a new chapter of her life with him.
Thus, they begin dating! Everyone's happy for them, especially Clover and the Feisty Four, who has been privy to all of their subtle and not so subtle flirting and obvious pining. Starlo and Ceroba were already raising Clover together, but now it becomes a lot more overt. After they date for a while, Ceroba invites Starlo to move in so he can spend more time with her and Clover and be a proper family. He does so, gladly - though he probably does shed a tear or two moving out from the house he shared with his posse.
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 3 months
The whole discourse about the privacy/secrecy/support thing has been sitting with me for a few days (I mean other than it always does to a certain degree) thanks to all the excellent discussion happening and I know I'm not saying anything that hasn't been said a million times before, but I think what we're seeing and what we're going to learn (e.g. from TTPD) is that it wasn't just the support issue, but how it was shown/handled.
We've all gone out of our way to show that introversion =/= lack of support. Someone can be shy, reserved, etc. and still show up for their partner, whether in public or at home. To chalk any of the differences up to the clash between introversion and extroversion is unfair to folks who count themselves among either tbh.
@thisisctrying said something the other day that hit the nail on the head about how if that support had been offered in private, there very well may not have been a Joever to begin with, or at least not at this point in time. (Sorry for loosely paraphrasing, and for namedropping you! Long time listener, first time poster.)
If this were a case where the "shy" partner said, "I am really uncomfortable with the spotlight personally and do not want to court it, but I will support you in your ambitions and offer you whatever you need to make them happen and make the glare bearable," I suspect that would have gone a long way to making Taylor feel seen and comfortable in pursuing her goals in the way that she now has. Again, that might have been more akin to the balance that seemed to have been struck around 2019 from what we can see, but even speaking in a general sense, there are lots of couples out there, celebrity or not, that have similar approaches where there are highly driven people and busy careers involved.
(A famous example being Dolly Parton's marriage. Tbh I know next to nothing about her and Carl, but she's always heralded as an example in this regard, because her husband is famously uncomfortable with the spotlight and hasn't accompanied her to public events in decades, but she's said that she never minded that because that was always work to her, and what was important was that he supported her in pursuing all her career goals and basically ensured she had a place to call home to return to at the end of the day.)
We're kind of in a brave new world with her current relationship because it felt like, at least at the start, we were maybe watching her figure out her boundaries in real time as to what she was comfortable with or not and adjust accordingly. Like so many have said, I fully believe the extreme privacy thing was initially driven by herself and her experiences in 2016, and she needed that quiet time to recover from all of the things and figure out how to exist in the world again.
Stating the obvious, it seemed like eventually privacy was equated with secrecy, turning the relationship and the celebrity into the elephant in the room and something to never be spoken of to the outside world. People are free to choose whatever works best for themselves and their relationships, and for some the separate public lives might work, but the “kept me like a secret but I kept you like an oath” theme is all over her work and it’s clear that it’s a sore spot for her, because she’s been made to feel shame just for the life she leads so many times in the past.
What I’m trying to say is that it’s pretty obvious something Not Great was happening behind the scenes, which didn’t just amount to “she wanted to be a public celebrity and he wanted to be a private hermit.” (Also, in case anyone forgot, this is a person who also chose a public-facing career who also has to engage in press for it, but I digress.) As her career reached new heights post-folklore, if she had the support at home to do all the things without judgment and with encouragement, and in turn offer the same support to her partner, she may have very well lived just fine with that, not unlike Dolly Parton’s case.
By reading between the lines in all the press since, as well as comments on tour and general ~vibes~ with TTPD teasers, it seems like one of the issues was that that was likely not the case. There was all the stuff that we saw — the reticence to acknowledge each other in the media (particularly on one side), the lack of public support even at events at which they were both in attendance for their respective jobs, the great lengths they went to not to be photographed together at events they attended yet no problem taking pictures with other friends and coworkers, the jobs that separated them, the withdrawing from the public even for work accomplishments, etc. Which could all be manageable if a couple chooses to do so together and are not inherently a sign of trouble in themselves.
But what we’re seeing now I think is a reflection of the things we weren’t seeing then, and it seems to indicate some very deep hurt. (I know, call me Captain Obvious.) And like so many have been saying, it feels likely that that part of that hurt is rooted in that very lack of private support where a person would expect it from their partner. Obviously as a Taylor fan blog I’m going to be more inclined to understand her side of a story, but tbh, it’s also because… this is sooooooo common, and something I’ve experienced in my friend group. (@taylortruther is right when she says most breakups are the same one way or another lol.)
One partner is resentful of the other’s success, or resentful that the other’s priorities begin to evolve as new experiences unlock new goals, or feels the other’s ambitions are not worthy of pursuit, and coupled with perhaps their own struggles in the same domain, it’s easy to see where that can chip away at the other partner’s morale and faith in the relationship. I know I’m just speculating here, but I also don’t think it’s totally unfounded. (Again, because a) I’m picking up what she’s putting down and b) it happens to sooooooo many women even among us dull normals.)
With all the pointed mentions about how much Taylor feels supported in her current relationship and how she in turn loves to offer the same show of support to not only her partner but other loved ones, how she’s stepped out more in the last year to a whole host of events, how she’s mentioned feeling like she locked herself away for years and she’s just proud of her partner and happy she can show up for him even if the chaos around it is unsettling, it paints a picture of what perhaps was happening before last year.
To feel like you’re all alone in carrying the weight of the relationship (or burden of it), of twisting yourself into knots to accommodate the other person’s boundaries (or insecurities) but not feeling reciprocity for your own has to be so painful. (The idea that it may have been even darker and to have a partner not only be unreceptive to your own needs but even perhaps resentful/dismissive/belittling of them is even more painful to think of. I guess we’ll find out when TTPD comes out if that was the case, too.)
At a certain point, that lack of acknowledgement will force your hand to be able to reclaim yourself. And it feels like the further removed Taylor in particular is from it, the more she moves from being sad about the life she felt she gave up by leaving, to angry at the life she felt she was giving up by staying. Especially being in a relationship now where it seems like everything comes much easier, where she can be open about the person she’s with and show up for them, all the stuff that seemed as challenging as climbing Mount Everest in her past is nothing more than a molehill at best in her current life.
TL;DR: I don’t think it’s privacy that inherently spells doom for a celebrity relationship like this; it’s the mutual support and respect that does. If Taylor had felt that in the later years of her previous relationship, I think we could be seeing a different, though not necessarily unfulfilled, person right now in 2024, who’d be happy on tour but whose personal life would look a little different. But it seems like by losing that support she lost parts of herself, and we’ve seen her reclaim that in spades in the last year, and perhaps to degrees she didn’t even realize she could from before all the Bad Stuff started happening in her young adulthood.
I know this was extremely long-winded and unnecessary, especially about total strangers we only know through scraps fed through the media, but I just always bristle at this idea that issues like these boil down to “personality differences,” as though one person wants to live in a city and the other on a remote island, or some shit like that. The whole support (and gender tbh) issue is one that’s just very close to my heart because again, I have seen it play out with so many of my friends in long term relationships and marriages and I just think people in relationships (and women in particular in some circles) deserve better than to feel like they’re being, well, tolerated.
#thisisctrying and taylortruther sorry for tagging you two!#can remove if needed!#but you guys made me think a lot#this was inspired by a conversation i had with a friend the other day#where she relayed an argument she had with her partner#who basically felt slighted that he wasn’t getting acknowledgement for all the housework he does — which is. just. the dishes#and she was like ‘wow congrats you’ve done the dishes — i do every other fucking thing to keep this household afloat in ways you see#and don’t see and i never ask for praise because it’s just stuff that needs to get done because that’s how you support your family’#and it just reminded me that some partners (and a certain kind of man in particular) just… think their struggles take precedence#when their partners drown in them everyday but keep things afloat out of necessity and are never recognized or supported for it#(my friends have shitty husbands/boyfriends can you tell lol)#long post#again the way i just feel like i know the vibes of ttpd in my bones are 😵‍💫#i feel like i have a lot more thoughts but I’m trying to be more gracious and less parasocial so#also just want to again defend the introverts of the world by reiterating that being introverted does not mean unsupportive#being a shitty partner does though!#writing letters addressed to the fire#it’s also just like… i feel like if Taylor had had even a modicum of the support in private and even public she needed#she’d probably still be with you know who and wouldn’t have considered leaving let alone doing it#because it would have felt like enough and like it was what was needed for both of them#whereas we’re seeing a completely new side of her open up now because this is the first time she’s ever had that support from a partner#in her adult life at least#and it’s like it’s opening up things she didn’t know she needed or wanted
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therapycat21 · 5 months
ARN One shot- The Grammys
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Description: Y/n L/n gets the call she is being nominated for a Grammy. Will she win?
ARN Series Masterlist Regular Masterlist
I sit on the couch almost in tears waiting for Stacy to call me about the nominations. I can barely focus on anything even when Travis comes and sits beside me and holds my hand in his warm grasp. I jump as my phone starts to ring on the coffee table in front of me, I look at Travis frantic “Girl you better answer that phone!” he laughs before grabbing my phone and pushing it into my shaking hands. I press the accept button and put the phone on speaker. “Hey Stace” I greet her, my voice shaking a little “Hey, I can hear it in your voice, don’t worry, okay? I’m gonna look now and then I will tell you, alright?” she says, you can hear the nervousness in her voice as well.
“Okay, let’s do it.” I tried to say enthusiastically. I look over to Travis as we wait for her to log into everything and see him setting his phone up on record to capture this moment. I give him a small smile and he grabs my head into his hand and pulls my forehead towards his mouth “You got this! I know you do baby” he says before Stacy is back on the phone “Okay I am logged in, are you ready?” she asks “yep, let's do this”. 
We sit in silence before Stacy gasps and you can hear her start to laugh and somewhat cry simultaneously. “Oh my god! You were nominated SEVEN TIMES!” She almost yells into the phone. I jump from the couch in joy “Ahh! Oh my god!! Are you serious?!” I ask as Travis is dancing around the room in joy and talking into the recording on his phone “SEVEN GRAMMYS BABY!! LET’S GO!” He fist bumps the air repeatedly before panning the camera towards me “You did it baby! I knew it!”.
“Oh god, thank you so much, Stace, seriously I couldn't have done it without you!” I tell her. We finish the phone call, still on a high from the news. I plop on the couch and rub my hands down my face “Ugh, I can’t believe this is happening” I tell Travis as he sits back on the couch next to me pulling my body towards him, and plastering my face in kisses and wringing my body from side-to-side in excitement  “I did not doubt this baby” he says in my ear.
Travis and I are seated at our table in the big award room talking and mingling with a few other celebrities as we are alerted the show is gonna be starting soon. Travis and I turn our attention to the opening monologue by comedian Tina Fey.
“Okay, so we have had a pretty crazy year, we went from assault at the Oscars to Y/n and Travis being married! Crazy right? ” The camera pans to me and I start to laugh while Travis is throwing his fist in the air twice. “Okay so we are now ready for the first award of the night,” Tina says while panning to the giant screen behind her and the Grammys narrator starts to speak and announce the singers nominated, including me “And now for the best album of the year, the winner is POSITIONS BY Y/N L/N!” Tina says before the camera pans once again to me, I cover my mouth before standing up with the help of Trav and throwing myself into his arms, he kisses the top of my head repeatedly and hugs me from side to side. Travis gently lets me go before ushering me to go toward the stage. I walk through the crowd and finally make my way to greet Tina as she hands me the award and congratulates me. I stand in front of the microphone, holding the awards, still slightly shaking. 
“I can’t even fathom this happening, even just being nominated was special enough but to know I was capable of even being included in this category with the other amazing and talented women of this industry makes me thankful and I want to thank every single one of my fans for bringing me to where I am today, I want to thank my mom, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have pursued this career or thought myself capable if it wasn't for you encouraging me every day, and also to Stacy, thank you for sticking by me through it all, and last but not least, I would like to thank my husband, Travis I never thought I would have found someone so loving and appreciative and caring in my life and I am forever grateful every day I get to live life with you. Thank you, everyone, soo much!!” 
The crowd claps and hoots loudly as I finish my speech, I can still hear Travis as he is loudly exclaiming his appreciation and love for me in the crowd. I give the crowd and camera one more smile before walking to the side and leaving the stage.
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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
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quotergirl19 · 1 year
I’m convinced that Colin started seeing/taking an interest in Penelope the moment she mentioned arming herself with her dreams to face the realities of real life at Anthony‘s wedding. There was a tiny throw back to Penelope asking Marina how she wound up with child and Marina tells her about how her relationship with her true love George began with cake. It parallels to Penelope’s romantic relationship with Colin also beginning with cake.
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Penelope talks about arming herself with her reveries to face the realities of real life and we can tell Colin admires that because he does that too. Remember Marina snapped at Colin that he needed to wake up, and stop acting like he could still rescue her. She’s married now, she’s not for him and he needs to snap out that fantasy and not waste his time or attention on her any more. Instead Marina suggests that Colin should focus on people he makes happy and she specifically mentions that he has Penelope as though Pen is already his, which gives Colin something to think about, because Penelope is not like Marina, she’s a lot more like Colin.
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Penelope doesn’t tell Colin he’s a boy who needs to wake up and stop living in a fantasy, Penelope tells him she believes it’s necessary to dream. Penelope admits she uses her dreams as a coping mechanism for life among the ton. Until then we see Colin drinking and using alcohol to cope and here’s Pen coming along to tell him he doesn’t need to drink, he needs to allow himself time to pursue his interests, because eventually he will discover his true purpose and until he finds it, it’s perfectly fine to dream. Penelope doesn’t want to change Colin or belittle him, she doesn’t call him a boy because she already sees him as a man with tremendous potential. Penelope encourages Colin to keep dreaming until he finds his purpose and for Colin, that is the sort of encouragement that motivates him and makes him feel happy and understood.
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That’s when it clicks for Colin, but I don’t believe Colin is as confident as he appears, especially after Marina. With Marina he had never been hurt, he didn’t play games or guard his affections because he had no reason to but now he’s fearful of disappointment or more heartbreak. Plus Penelope is his friend so it’s likely he won’t want to risk their friendship on uncertainty. Thats why he says Marina told him Penelope cares for him and would never forsake him. He’s looking for a sign that Penelope might have feelings for him. He wants to believe Penelope cares for him but he chooses to ask in an indirect way to guard his affections. So while we know that what Marina said was that he makes Penelope happy. Colin is not confident enough to just ask Penelope if she cares for him, but he knows her well enough to read her face and when he said he believes she cared for him and would never forsake him, Penelope lit up which made him very happy. That’s when he smiles, locks eyes with her, and they have a little moment.
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I believe that was the shift, and from that point on, Colin is focused on himself and Penelope and sees them as a team. Colin will look after Penelope and protect her, she is special to him, she would never forsake him, she is constant and loyal, he can confide in her, he can be himself with her and trust her. Maybe looking after Penelope and keeping her happy gives Colin a small sense of purpose at that moment.
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I especially love how he clearly doesn’t care about Prudence or Portia, he confronted Jack Featherington to protect Penelope. She thanks him for protecting “us,” and he says he will always look after her. Not her family, her, because she’s special to him.
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Back to their conversation at Anthony’s failed wedding, when Penelope lowers her eyes from his looking towards the wedding cake, Colin says, “we better nab a piece of cake before it’s all gone,” and he goes to get them cake. It didn’t feel like he was just getting cake for himself, he went to get them a piece cake. Now please excuse me while I latch on to the fact that Colin did not say he was getting them each a piece of cake, no he said, “we better nab a piece,” meaning ONE piece of cake for the two of them. As though they were going to share a piece of cake. Who shares a piece of wedding cake but the bride and groom? And hello! This was my immediate thought👇🏼
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Colin, the constantly eating, food obsessed Joey Tribbiani of the Bridgertons is going to share food with Penelope. We saw Eloise unwilling to share candy with Benedict or Anthony but she handed her box of candy right over to share with Penelope in season 1.
I’d love to see Colin happily share something with Penelope in season 3 so his family can all be like, whoa Colin never shares his food.
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Team Polin all the way 💛
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noahmullariii · 2 months
I've been thinking about how much I adore Tonks and Remus' dynamic but physically cannot ship them because my brain is being weird about their fucking age gap. this is so frustrating. they would have been so lovely for me if Tonks was like at least 27 in 5th book. Ronks (yeah I'm not calling it Remadora, Tonks hates her birth name ffs) would have been my ride-or-die alongside Jily and Wolfstar for sure.
because literally nothing else that Ronks antis consider deal breakers for them matters to me - not the fumbled way they get together in canon, not them getting married so quickly, not Tonks getting pregnant, not the assumed queer-coding of both characters (which I personally see, don't get me wrong. but it's assumed and who the fuck says they can't be queer4queer anyway?). sure, the nuclear family narrative being pushed so quickly and thoroughly onto them is peculiar but who says they didn't want to make the most of their time during a war? I love wartime drama and they would have been my shit if it weren't for... well. Tonks being 22 and Remus 35 when they meet.
I just can't ship big age gaps unless the youngest character is closer to 30 than 20. which is infuriating, because Ronks is objectively more fascinating because of their gap. my fucking loss, don't you think?
anyway, after thinking of ways I can make Tonks older without hurting the story, I began wondering whether her age is narratively important, and yes, turns out it very much is - for Harry.
Tonks being 22 in order of phoenix makes her the closest of Order members to Harry's age (Weasley twins don't count because they're Ron's brothers first, order members second for Harry) and the one Order member Harry can relate to the most in his youth and desire to fight. She almost perfectly parallels marauders and Lily in first war and represents the fun of the fight, the fire of youth, the confidence of a new recruit, the safety of relatability for Harry. She's one of the biggest inspirations for his newfound dream of becoming an auror. Harry needs Tonks among those older, battle-worn, cautious, secretive adults who don't take him seriously and never look him in the eye, because he wants to be what she is even before realising it and only reflects on it after spending time with her.
all in all, Tonks being 22 matters quite a lot for Harry's story.
now, we have no way of knowing whether Joanne came up with Ronks storyline prior to Tonks' introduction, but it shouldn't matter for their relationship, not in Joanne's opinion - Tonks' youth already fulfilled its narrative role in order of phoenix and stopped being an important asset of her character in half-blood prince.
oh, but unfortunately it still matters in the grand scheme of things, Joanne. you don't just introduce a young adult character (I'm 21 myself and gods, 22/23 is barely more mature), chuck their established age out the window and pair them up with a character in their mid-to-late thirties. and of fucking course it makes sense for a 23 year old to be down bad for some scruffy 36 year old man, it's incredibly realistic! this 36 year old man acting upon such crush is a little questionable, but still realistic (and we know Remus is very flawed, so I'm not surprised). but you know what isn't realistic at all?
Molly - a 46 year old woman, married to her high school sweetheart, mother to 7 children, 3 of which are close to Tonks' age - being extremely supportive of actually engaging in that sort of relationship, going as far as reprimanding Remus for not committing to it. I'm sorry, what? Molly might have some flaws as a mother, but she is nothing if not protective of her kids and those in their age range. She genuinely becomes somewhat of a mother figure for Tonks during their time in the Order, and I just cannot for the life of me understand how Molly could encourage her to pursue Remus and vice-versa, instead of consoling Tonks in her tragic crush and making sure Remus doesn't even look at her like that.
Minerva - an even older woman who taught both Remus and Tonks at Hogwarts, witnessed Remus becoming an adult from his graduation in 1978 up until 1981, then saw an 11 year old Tonks start Hogwarts 3 years later in 1984 - chiding Remus for not being "brave" enough to commit to such relationship. first of all, why the fuck is she involved in that narrative at all? it's none of her business??? she's not in any pseudo parenting role for either of them, unlike Molly, so I never understood why she even has a place to voice her opinion about their romance. second of all, even if it was her business, Minerva - a professor who witnessed both Remus and Tonks grow up so many years apart - would realistically feel pretty weird about such relationship.
those aren't problems with the ship itself, but rather the way Joanne implemented their romance in the story. I think it would be more realistic if Ronks was some kind of fucked up forbidden romance from other characters' perspectives. the way everybody is so instantly supportive of them is quite jarring to me.
interestingly, when I read hp for the first time at 11 I was quite adamant in my belief that Tonks was in love with Molly up until that scene in half-blood prince. a very weird belief for a kid, I know. I just only liked girls at the time and was relating to Tonks quite a bit since her introduction, so I guess I unconsciously decided she was a lesbian even without knowing that term yet. I also had a crush on my teacher in 4th grade and she was quite similar to Molly... yeah, this girl was projecting too much. I didn't pick up on Remus' queer-coding until I fell down the rabbit hole of lgbt discourse at 14, but was pretty shocked to read about Tonks falling for a man at 11. she was so like me until she wasn't :) it's pretty funny to think about now.
in conclusion, I'm hella jealous of those of you who don't have weird brains and can enjoy Ronks to their fullest potential. their canon writing has its issues but they're more interesting for it, truly. I'll stay in my no fun corner, headcanoning them as lavender married, queer-platonic, bisexual besties co-parenting Teddy Alastor Tonks.
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greeniegreengreen · 1 year
Hi! Can I request gojo x falling in love with his booty call who's in denial that he loves her and she lives him?
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A/N: First request on this account and I'm so happy about it!! Took a while to do because I had an assignment due last Sunday.
College Au - Gojo Satoru x Fem!Reader - FWB to Lovers
Warnings: Suggestive themes, Mentions of Alcohol/Tipsy Folks, MDNI & Ageless Blogs will be blocked
Word Count: 1809
I hope you enjoy @diavolosbaby!!
Wish me luck
Phone clutched in his hand as he stared back at the text. Deciding to not reply to it, he put his phone face first on his desk and redirected his attention to the lecturer.
He wasn't able to focus on what she was saying though. The message clouding his mind along with questions of his own.
She had told him about her crush on Nanami. He had encouraged her to pursue it. She had mentioned how their arrangement would have to come to an end if she wanted to proceed with a relationship. He had said he didn't mind.
So why did it bother him she was really going to ask him out?
Why did he harbour so much hate for himself for playing the supportive friend in this?
They were just friends that fucked. Heavy emphasis on friends. They weren't exclusive or getting to that point. So this shouldn't bother him that much.
His phone vibrates again and he's quick to pick up on the pattern. He had customized it a while back to make it easier to identify when she had sent him a message.
Not wasting a second he unlocks his phone and immediately regrets doing so.
guess who has a date this Friday~(˘▾˘~) you're gonna help me pick an outfit right
Heart dropping he tried to type back a reply. Of course Nanami would agree. In the little group they had it was very evident Nanami liked you back.
He should be a lot more excited for you but for some reason he can't bring himself to it.
Maybe the loss of his daily fuck was what made this an issue for him?
It had to be. The only reasonable explanation there was in his head.
The end of class could not have come fast enough.
With the worry on his face as he packed his bag, Geto took notice.
"Didn't understand what Mrs Wagner was saying again?"
He paused his packing and looked up at his best friend.
"It's not that." He shoved his laptop in it's pocket and zipped up the bag. "I'm just thinking."
"About?" He watched his friend get up from his seat and toss the bag onto his back.
"Don't worry about it." he tried to get Geto off his case. "It's nothing serious."
Geto gave him a doubtful look but decided to let it go as they left the hall together.
Walking through the courtyard on their way to their apartment Geto's phone went off. He pulled it to see who had messaged him. Gojo not taking notice to it as he was stuck in his thoughts.
"Oh?" He voiced after reading the message. "Nanami got asked out by [Y/N]. Now that's a pair I didn't expect to happen."
He replied back to the text.
"They'll look cute together, no?" Looking to his right at Gojo who despite not being present before was fully aware of everything Geto was saying now. His clenched jaw an indication to that.
"I doubt." He disagreed.
"Why not?" He asked, curious to hear what Gojo would say.
"They just don't click." Like she and he did.
"They could. A relationship is all about learning about the other." he looked ahead as they were slowly approaching their building.
"Even so, they barely spent enough time together." Unlike they did.
"True. Haven't seen them have a conversation for longer than 10 mins" He looked at him thoughtfully. "I still think they could make it work."
"I highly doubt that." Gojo said with a roll of his eyes.
He may not have been looking at Geto but Geto was sure to take note of every little twitch that pulled his face. The slight furrow of his snowy eyebrows, the tick in his jaw. He wasn't happy about this news and it showed.
"By some chance," he started as they got in the elevator and Gojo pressed their floor. " Would you have a crush on [Y/N]?"
Gojo's head turned to look at his friend for the first time since they left the class. He tried to read his facial expression to see if it was a joke of a question he was being asked.
None. Geto was dead serious.
No one knew about the arrangement as per your request. So Gojo not wanting to anger you and continue what you had going kept his mouth shut. Not even his best friend got an inkling to what was going on. The secrecy of it all did make it more exciting.
But a crush?
On [Y/N]?
"No, I don't" He turned to look ahead of him as he exited the elevator.
Reaching their shared home, he pulled out the keys to unlock the door. Geto not far behind him.
"Well it looks to me that you're jealous." He said.
Stumbling with the lock at that statement, he got it in and opened the door.
Is that what he was feeling?
"If you like her, now would probably be the best time to tell her. Nanami seemed awfully excited by the sound of his message." He set his bag by the couch and plopped down on it.
Gojo made a beeline to his room not wanting to hear any more of what his best friend had to say.
Upon entering he dropped his bag on the floor. Fell onto his bed face first face and laid like that for a bit.
"Okay okay waait." you slurred as you and Gojo sat on his bed with an open bottle of wine between you two that you shared swigs of.
The party going outside his room basically shook his door from how loud the music was being played. It was times like this that he was glad he and Geto agreed to moving into a Student Residential instead of a normal setting.
His fellow peers were too busy getting drunk, sleeping or minding their own business to care about another random party happening on a Saturday night.
"I never pegged you for the submissive type." you gave it some thought, or as much as your just above tipsy mind would allow.
Gojo grabbed the bottle between you two and chugged down a bit letting the sweet liquor take over his throat. "Well it'd mostly depend on the person in charge. I can't just submit to anybody ya know."
"So," you took the bottle from him and swung it back finishing it's contents, "If it were me?"
You got on your hands and knees and crawled the short distance between you two, making sure that once you got close enough to get on your knee in front of his sat body making him look up at you.
He brought his hands to your waist as his pupils dilated in the blue sea that were his eyes. You slowly caressed his smooth face with both your hands before moving one to his hair, pulling it back a little more till he was looking at you through his fair eye lashes.
"Well if it were you I don't think you'd be able to handle me right." he said, voice barely above a whisper but loud enough to hear over the music that thumped his door.
He moved his hands up and down your body feeling you up before slipping them under your shirt and gripping the skin that was there.
"is that a challenge pretty boy?" you started closing in on his lips.
"And what if it is?" he was visibly excited.
"Then I'm gonna have to take you up on it." your breathe fanned his lips before securing yours on his.
The day after you had found yourself in his bed naked in his arms. You may have drunken a lot but you sure as hell were not that drunk to forget everything that happened.
Getting out of the bed and looking for your clothes must've been what woke him up. He watched you in silence get dressed before deciding to make it known he was awake too.
"Morning." he greeted giving you a little jump.
"Oh, morning Gojo."
"Oh, first name basis now?" you teased.
"I had you screaming it, I don't see why we'd have to revert back to my surname at this point."
He was right. If anything after last night's event, reverting back to how things were was going to be weird.
"So," you started trying to figure out how to word what you were about to ask while looking for your bottoms. "Friends?"
"Personally...I'd like to keep this going." he looked at you expectantly awaiting your response.
You paused your search to look at him. He was very much still in his birthday suit with his covers on his bottom half.
Would you like to go into an arrangement with the same man you had a what you define as a high school crush on?
Would it be a good idea?
Well, if you were least likely to end up in a relationship with him why not just have a little fun with this.
Fuck it.
"I'm up for it."
He gave you a lazy smile before getting up from his bed. You watched his sculpted body leave his covers and make his way towards you.
"What you want to pinky promise to this?" you let out a little laugh.
Arm snaking around your waist while the other went to cup your cheek.
"I was thinking of something a lot better."
That was about 4 months ago.
Nothing really changed from where you two stood as friends other than the fact you fell harder for Gojo each day while unknowing to Gojo himself he was in the same predicament.
Sure he enjoyed the sex but he enjoyed your company as well. Jus having you around to talk to or watch a movie or go on a random adventure or coffee shop hangouts or having study sessions together made his day.
He loved the way you laughed at his dumb jokes and the smile you gave him that you didn't really give to anyone else. He loved getting to cuddle you while watching a series you found together. He loved hearing about your latest interest and the excitement you held behind each word.
He loved...
He loved you.
He's a fucking idiot for not understanding that so soon. it was right in front of him.
But you liked someone else.
So what does it matter.
A lot. It matters a lot.
He got out his bed to grab his phone in his bag.
What was he doing?
Pulling up your chat obviously.
Was he going to confess his newly discovered love for you over text?
Why of course not.
He was going to invite you over. A lot needed to be discussed anyways.
come over? we need to talk
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What did y'all think though? It'd be nice to get some feedback since I haven't written for quite some time now.
So um,,,this is gonna be getting more parts than this because I didn't reach the cutesy ending I wanted to. I also didn't want to make it too smutty since I wasn't sure if you'd like it but if you would like the stuff they do inbetween I can write those seperately!!
Will go through at a later stage to edit it.
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razorblade180 · 1 year
Tea? Venting? I don’t know
Ya know it’s kinda crazy I can still find people who absolutely can’t forgive Jaune for trying to court Weiss a few times but yet these same people recognize that Weiss and Blake are no longer a racist and a terrorist respectively.
Like I would understand if he was unhealthily obsessive, Weiss was genuinely pissed about the experience or actually told him directly to stop doing what he’s doing because it bothers her, but she truly couldn’t care less at the time and chalked it up to a boy after her name.
Canonically speaking, he flirted with her the first day, asked if she wanted to hangout after school one time, and then asked if she would go to dance with him potentially. After that he saw her pursue someone else and he went about his life. Was he a little cringe? Absolutely. But he never devalued or disrespected Weiss for his own selfish reasons? Not once. He’s just a dude who genuinely liked a girl for reasons he explained and gave a few separate and respectful attempts that weren’t “date me” but scenarios to hangout and talk.
Also, nobody ever wants throw shade on their friends who kinda encourage him to try again, or at the very least not stop immediately because Weiss wasn’t actually bothered nor was Jaune legitimately going too far.
Now I know someone says “If someone says no to a hangout then clearly-” Listen, I get it, and I understand. Real world speaking, people should have that level of self awareness and respect to try once. However, the real world also has many people that have the mindset that courting should involve someone being persistent and playing hard to get must be done. It sucks. Can’t stand it, but also those people aren’t just going to go away. At best it’s a case by case basis were individuals know to be respectful and communicate.
Back to the fictional show though, I’ve also seen people comment “I can’t believe he never apologized.” Bruh, Weiss and Jaune save each other often and talk kindly to one another. Weiss has no ax to grind with him about their history so why do you? She’s not losing sleep over it. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if both of them missed the teenage drama of Beacon Days. Would it be nice if they had a conversation and he brought up how cringe he was towards her? Yeah it would be a sweet moment but also funny from Weiss’s perspective because she’s 100% self aware enough to know that him getting hung up on that flaw is so wild compared to thinking about her former flaws. I can totally see Weiss downplaying it for her own sake by going “Don’t worry about it. We both said and did some…embarrassing things back things back then.” As she tries not to think about how she drew Sun and called him a filthy faunus. 💀
In Summary, Weiss ain’t trippin about it, so why should you? They’re literally friends.
By the way, we don’t have a have single legitimate scene of Blake acknowledging to Yang that leaving without a word letter to give was really fucked up, and yet they’re fine and dating. If you can accept that unspoken apology, you can accept this.
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chitsangenthusiast · 1 year
for awhile now i've been craving to do a fic/scene to this song but no earthly clue how to write it where it adequately matches the energy of the song and isn't a song fic
so imagine with me: marine biologist sokka, famous rocker zuko, and a night of karaoke
naturally, their entire thing starts with a concert.
zuko's playing in his home city, and all sokka needs to do is take an hour train in to see one of his favorite bands. easy enough, he's made the same commute countless times, and absolutely worth it, even if it means he's going alone when no one else's schedules line up to be able to tag along.
except the forecasted snow hits harder than it was supposed to during the concert, putting any outbound trains out of commission as well as any hopes for an uber willing to drive him the hour back to home. it's bad enough that he wouldn't risk asking his friends to come out to him, especially not katara, who was already on call tonight and whose probability of going into work just sky rocketed.
which means: a hotel. which means: he's pissed, and if he's going to be unexpectedly forced to spend the money to stay a night in the city then he's at least going to go waste more money and get blasted at a local dive bar he knows.
the older couple sitting next to him who he'd been commiserating with get up to brave the weather at the exact moment zuko walks in.
(the next morning, sokka wakes up to the distant sounds of zuko saying he got late check-out for him, then again to an empty room and a phone number scrawled onto the hotel note pad laying next to his dead phone.)
//fast forward, where zuko is trying to enjoy lunch with his friends in the city, except the paparazzi are relentless. but fate had granted it to be a beautiful day, with the bay sparkling invitingly, and one of the best seafood places happens to be on the route to sokka's favorite lunch spot.
they make eye contact across the street, and zuko pursues.
//fast forward, through several more nights spent together, several more paparazzi issues, a classic airport scene, the kiss that finally seals the deal.
//linger on the moment when zuko sneaks into a conference sokka is attending. the one with an importance that had been alluded to for the past month, where sokka even refused to schedule anything together in the two weeks leading up to it, the one where he laughed at the idea of zuko attending it as a show of support, but also hadn't explicitly stated he didn't want him to find a way to get in.
so zuko does, and he finds out that what sokka had vaguely described as a podium presentation was actually the keynote speech, given to a packed auditorium.
zuko knew sokka was smart, but he didn't know he was 'on the fast track to being renowned in his field' smart.
(it's hot, all that easy intelligence and confidence as he watches sokka just totally in his element. he jokes to mai later that he can't believe he fell in love to a total nerd.)
//linger on how, once he's said it out loud, the thought never leaves his mind.
//fast forward to (finally) karaoke night. sokka can sing, but zuko's never succeeded in getting him to sing along to one of his songs, despite sokka's unabashed proclamations of how big of a fan he is. until tonight (thank you katara and ty lee), and—oh.
zuko had encouraged him by saying he'd provide back up vocals (it's fun to watch sokka squirm at the idea of singing along with the lead singer of the song he's about to perform), and sokka declared he's going to face the tv the entire time to avoid seeing ty lee's phone bc of course she's recording to some social media live—
he forgets about the camera halfway through, forgets their friends are even in the room despite their cheering, because he loves this song, loves the theatrics, and he'll be damned if he doesn't do it full justice like he does every time he sings it. especially when he whips around, caught up in the vocals and the dramatic sway of his performance, and catches sight of zuko on the couch, microphone fully forgotten in his lap as he stares wide-eyed and open-mouthed at him.
sokka is hitting every note, every emotion that the song demands. he's doing perfect, he is perfect, and when he sidles close enough zuko can't help but cling to his legs, desperate and breathless as he stares up at him, utterly enraptured. he yanks on sokka's belt loops, tries to pull him down, an unconscious action fueled more by his pounding heart than any desire to end the performance—the last thing he wants is to end this—but sokka doesn't indulge him until the very end, during the small space of a breath right before the last few lines.
"together bound in madness," he sings, shakier then zuko performs it, sweeter then he could ever make it, then bends down to kiss zuko soundly, putting as much of his everything into this kiss as he is singing zuko's song, and only sokka is able to hear the rattled gasp zuko releases when he slips his hand into his hair to cradle the back of his head.
when he pops back up to do the big finish, his hand remains nestled in zuko's hair, grounding him. he savors both the iron grip on his hips and how zuko's head lays boneless against his palm.
the last ringing note, the end of the song, and sokka barely gets in a steadying breath before zuko is frantically tugging him back down to his mouth.
in the background, simultaneously hazy and so, so clear, he hears mai: "i can't believe we just watched zuko fall in love."
and yeah. yes.
he absolutely just did.
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incesthemes · 27 days
One thing I find interesting is that Sam and Dean who are as we all know very open about their sex lives with each other…with one exception. (I’m only talking kripke era) Ruby. When Sam is telling Dean about him and Ruby getting together it is the only time in five seasons where Dean cuts Sam off not wanting to hear more. Ruby who is the only other character to call Sam “Sammy” and not be told “only he (Dean) can cal me that.”
Ruby is the biggest relationship other than John to impact the boys. She is the wedge, the only person to be jealous of. Sam can hookup with girls on hunts but only the once. This is more. And she knows all about how dangerous their lives are more so then they do at the time. Creating jealousy and suspicion. She takes care of Sam and that’s Deans job. She never hated his freak qualities encouraged them when Dean shamed them (out of fear).
She nurtures Sams most hated aspects of himself. But also when he feels the strongest. When he can use this curse to help people. If he helps enough people will it scrub his blood clean?
so okay i'm working on 7-month old memory with ruby because i'm still only on season 2 in my re-rewatch but let's compare ruby and meg (i feel inadequate because i have such extensive notes about meg now but nothing about ruby lol).
they both occupy the same narrative role: to influence sam down the path of his destiny. they flirt with him, get close to him, say what he wants to hear, all to bring sam closer to his fate. they do this through manipulation so that sam will embrace his path and stop running for it.
dean is the diametric opposition to sam's fate, (narratively) the only person in the world who can stop him. this goes the opposite way as well: their choices in the story are between their fate and their brother, and it's only by choosing their brother that they ever manage to avoid their destinies.
so what both meg and ruby do is pull sam away from dean. this is subtle, and they go about it in different ways. meg is aggressive and encourages sam to hate dean, turn away from him. this is an appropriate tactic given the context in which she meets sam, because he and dean are fighting and separated and she's trying to embolden sam to strike out on his own and leave dean behind.
ruby on the other hand can't use that same strategy. they've already entered into a codependent relationship when she shows up, and if the choice is between literally anything else and his brother, sam is going to choose his brother. so ruby uses that against him and becomes dean: and not just dean, but an idealized version of him. the problem, of course, is that this idealized version of dean is the version of dean which is enabling sam to pursue his fate. sam wants dean to accept him and love him warts and all, so ruby does that in dean's place—and that's the danger of it all. she makes his fate out to be desirable and alluring, using dean's voice all the while to seduce him. ruby is not dean: she's just using his likeness to blind sam and manipulate him into fulfilling his destiny. choosing ruby isn't the same as choosing dean, and therefore in choosing ruby sam is unable to avoid destiny.
by all accounts it makes sense for dean to hate her: he not only has legitimate reasons not to trust her, but she's also manipulating sam by impersonating him. she's trying to take his place, and obviously that is going to make his fear of abandonment flare up.
but on the other hand, dean reacts completely differently with meg, even though she too embodies dean's fear of abandonment and represents sam leaving him. instead of being repulsed by her, dean pressures sam to fuck her and even after they figure out she's bad news, dean continues to tease him about this fabricated love affair they had going on. dean's reaction here is understandable too—he's displacing his fear and sense of inadequacy via sexual commentary because he believes sam is going to leave him for a girl.
both reactions are understandable given dean's psyche, but what makes them different? my current assumption is that dean simply learned from meg's example. she was obviously deeply traumatizing to both sam and dean in different ways, and meg is also the origin of dean's firmly held belief that demons are liars. so he's not quick to trust ruby, and she doesn't give him many reasons to trust her, at least when put against her red flags. monsters (especially demons) are also generally repulsive to dean, exacerbated over the years of battling against their respective fates. dean is disgusted by ruby, so he wouldn't want to know what she and sam are up to in bed.
on the other hand, ruby comes to embody just how thin the tightrope sam's walking actually is. sam shouldn't trust her, and he doesn't at first, but this is his fate we're talking about here. she worms her way under his skin and convinces him it's all okay. dean is probably not so blindsided by her because this isn't his fate—he's not faced with the allure of this path the way sam is. his direction is different, and he's blinded in different ways that sam can see straight through just as well.
it's kind of like how dean is exempted from the revenge arc in season 1: he stands on the outside of the conflict because he is in fact its opposing force. where sam is blinded by his fate, dean can see things for what they are and (try to) guide him back to the family. sam does the same thing for dean too because as i said, choosing the brother over everything else is the only way for them to avoid their destinies.
so way too long story short i think that's probably why ruby disgusts dean so much: she disgusts him, and he can see past her facade because he's not drawn in by fate the way sam is. he has no reason to trust a demon and no extenuating circumstances that would sway him to consider it, either. ironically, this just fuels the conflict and drives the wedge between sam and dean deeper because ruby's manipulation is just so complete and so perfect. there was no correct choice: sam was doomed from the start and there was nothing dean could do to stop it.
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sophieinwonderland · 11 months
We are very pissed at the anti-endo response to the endogenic system venting at the fact that they would have died without their headmates and they come swinging in “oh we don’t hate your existence just stop being on our spaces!!!1!!”
Let us tell you a story of why that fucking sentence doesn’t make sense.
I’ve known my headmates for years. I knew who they were and we were going through life as best we could. The problem was we never had the right words to express what my headmates were to me and back then systems were not known or demonized. We heard about them here and there but nothing we had pursued because I was so focused on my life.
3 years ago I had discovered my sexuality and decided to join a server with beings that shared this identity with me. That’s when I first ran into systems. They were using a bot and everything. I didn’t know what that was so I read up on what plural kit was to make sure I was respectful of their existence. I’m going to say out right that this server is very hostile to any questioning system because the owners forbade any kind of system discussion cus they didn’t want system discourse on this server. You know what this catered to? Sysmeds. The system accountability was so loose that an anti-Xenopronouns headmate got a slap on the wrist while we got shouted at because how dare we hurt the mod’s friend. During this time we’re starting to question our plurality but we couldn’t speak about it at all so we continued to be in denial. The only good experience that we had is making a friend on here and moving to a private chat they had encouraged my in-sys partner to talk because they saw me talk about her and wanted to hear what she had to say. I made a Tupp for her and it was like shocking when she took over my hands for the first time in my life. She was stunned too when she was able to talk about herself without me having to do so. Still didn’t believe we were a system still.
Eventually we left that server because of how poor the moderation is. We then decided to join a self-shipping server because I incorrectly assumed that my in-sys partner was my fictional other but like I had no words to accurately describe my relationship with her at the time. I was getting desperate to find the right words. Now that sever was all fun and games for about 2 months. Literally two days after celebrating our anniversary we got banned. Without warning mind you and we saw that server got erased from our sidebar with our own eyes. The server owner had to be pushed by a mod to “explain” what happened only to give a vauge response of “gatekeeping”. The mods that pushed the owner to explain then thought it was bs then started talking about the reason why I was banned. They said that we were questioning about being a system and that was a no-no because they just got a very anti-endo on the mod team who mind you is underage in an 18+ server and the owner hated us so much that they would find anything to hit us with. The mod in question is a system but they had to hide behind “kins” to not get targeted by said anti-endo. They couldn’t do anything for us and just told us to find a different place. This was our breaking point. My protector and partner decided to stop talking to anybody outside of the system since she thought it was for the best.
I have given up hope that I could ever find the words to our existence. These 3 months after I didn’t go out to find a space for an identity. A place to call home because of every step lead to us being unwelcomed.
One day I ran into an Alterhuman server promoting their safe space for robots and anyone interested in learning about the robot side of the community. The sigh of relief when we saw that the rules stated they support good faith identities and that included endogenic systems. Not going to lie when we saw very active systems in this space we were nervous. So for the first month I never questioned my system hood and just stuck to being an “singlet” and just talk about my nonhuman experience. Over time we just saw how free the systems were able to talk about their experiences and just being happy in the server in general. I couldn’t hold back our trauma from being denied access to a space to talk and question. I broke down in the vent channel about our experience the past year and just being confused if we are a system or not. The server owner stepped in and said we are welcome to ask questions and even take the label of being plural if we wish to. Not just one or two- but four individual systems came over in support for our questioning being a system or not. We didn’t start doing that right away after all we were nervous but, a few days later my partner decided to talk once in the chat. She was rusty and very tired but she wanted to test the waters. When nothing happened we continued to explore this part of ourselves we denied for so long.
To the surprise of nobody we are indeed a system. This entire story is about how much damage that sysmeds did to other communities outside of plural spaces to the point that a system that was trying to find themselves got trapped in a loop of rejection and denial. Our story is not the first of its kind nor is it the last.
Anti-endos you can continue to keep your heads in the sand and look away from the damaged you’ve created for questioning and uncertain systems or reflect on why there is suddenly a rise of servers that don’t want systems to talk about their experiences and just being hostile to all systems.
Thank you so much for sharing your story and experiences. All of this was so horrible, and I'm sorry you all had to go through this.
This story is becoming all to common, and it's everything we're trying to fight against. I talked about bigoted and exclusionary servers not too long ago with the Alterhumans Things Discord.
To many of these anti-endos, the spaces we're invading are just... any spaces anywhere. Like this person in another post:
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The "anti-endos just don't like endogenic systems coming into DID/OSDD spaces" line is just a lie.
It's frankly insulting to our intelligence as system exclusionism spreads through online communities like cancer, hurting not just endogenic systems, but also any traumagenic and disordered systems that don't fit the mold.
Again, thank you so much for taking the time to share your story. It was incredibly well-written.
I hope that now that you're out of those spaces, you can keep healing and working together. Sending my love to you, your partner and the rest of your system. 💖💖💖💖
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