#and omega's a growing girl she needs food
ct-hardcase · 1 year
still thinking about how wrecker was only full for the first time on pabu and how that explains. a lot about his general attitude
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cannellee · 2 months
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UNVEILING FATE (serie) : part 1, next up : rin
alpha! kakucho x omega! reader (bonten)
— stuck working in a brothel to keep you safe from hunger, you're tasked to entertain a particularly dangerous and influential mafia group. however, you're met with a delicious smell which could only belong to one person, your soulmate...
my masterlist : ☆
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"take this with you and don't mess up or you'll have some problems with the higher ups", your friend shoved a tray in your hands, her serious eyes looking at you.
the plate was full with tea and other delicacies you had been trained to serve over the past few weeks.
"I heard they're part of a huge business, wouldn't want to get on their bad side honestly", you eye her up, feeling yourself grow more uneasy at each confession. she seemed to catch on your nervousness.
"don't stress y/n, I'm sure you'll do a fantastic job! just breathe and everything will be fine okay?" you nodded hesitantly, readjusting your grip on the tray.
you felt your friend brush her hands through your hair one last time, tightening the fabric on your waist to make it look more snatched the way clients like them usually liked it.
you inhaled deeply, counting on the things you learned alongside the other girls. all you needed to do was look pretty, serve them the tea and stay quiet on one of the corner of the room, until one of them eventually finds you to his liking and takes you to a private room.
you walked through the long hallway, already hearing the shattering of glasses and aggressive discussions, while silently greeting the other omega who just came out.
upon hearing the various voices through the closed door, your confidence died down in the blink of an eye. that would be your first ever night with a costumer and you were deeply afraid of what was waiting for you.
you swallowed nervously the lump in your throat, clearing your throat and mustering the courage you needed. you needed this job, you couldn't fail.
you made sure to keep your scent down, stress making it definitely more sour than what most alphas liked, and finally, you opened the door.
the loud cheers didn't stop and you relaxed a bit when none of them seemed to pay any mind to the new intruder. they were all too absorbed in their conversations to even look your way.
that thought alone should have pushed you further into the room. it should've calmed you down enough that you would walk up to them and put the pastries on their table.
and yet, you did none of that. all too paralysed by the foreign scent, enveloping you as if to prevent you from smelling anything else. it was strong, commanding, but all too comforting to even feel threatening.
you didn't feel like moving, you wanted to remain in the warm embrace of the pheromones casually claiming you without you knowing. it didn't feel suffocating and you would've fight whoever asked you to leave the room.
you breathed in deeply, the room now silent and looking at you. you ignored them, eyes now frantically searching for the source of such a nice scent, and then you found him.
black eyes, long hair and a calm aura surrounding him which made you crave for more, needy for his touch even though you didn't know him.
and then he got up, went up to you and... growled, with anger in his eyes.
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kakucho felt disguted.
he never frequented brothels and was sure to keep it that way if only his boss wasn't the one to invite them here.
he watched the other executives already eyeing up the women working there, casually making advances and booking a room for later.
when they sat down around the huge table, workers after workers came in. ran looked ecstatic, loving the way their position could get them such a spectacle, and carefully judged each of them until their plates were full of food.
the meal was calmer, with kakucho's own scent turning bitter the longer he witnessed his colleagues' doings.
then came the desserts. this was over soon. he'd be able to get out of this place full of so many different pheromones it nearly gave him a headache.
kakucho wasn't by any means someone like ran or sanzu, who both easily found pleasure in such displays, loving the way omegas would flock around them and throw themselves at their feet.
kakucho didn't like the lingering looks from the women he obviously didn't intend to spend the night with. he cared too much about his job and too little about his own private life to actually pay any mind to love or sex.
fuck, he just wanted to get it over with so he could go and complete the work he had started a few hours prior to his boss calling him over.
he sat on the side farthest from the door, a strong scent around him to keep the workers away while he finishes his drink.
he didn't hear the door open, he wouldn't have looked at the person entering even if he did hear her.
but her scent.
kakucho was suddenly hit by a mind-blowing sweet scent, the sweetest he had ever smelled. his nose instantly picked up those new pheromones, inhaling deeply to keep the scent close.
he didn't realise his own pheromones started spreading like crazy, instantly reaching out to the pretty stranger right in front of him.
the other executives all stopped, intrigued at the scene in front of them and at how their usually cool headed friend was a second away from drooling.
you looked cute, adorable even, totally out of place and definitely not suited for such a place. what were you even doing here ? a lovely bite-sized omega like you was sure to get all the unwanted attention of all the perverts coming here.
god, you looked so innocent, kakucho didnt think he had ever seen such a pretty omega, your scent sent him into a haze like never before.
but despite the seemingly perfect moment, your presence was still bothering him. you couldn't possibly be working there. what were you doing with a tray in your hands ? and that dress ? you looked beautiful wearing it, but it was the usual clothing a girl working here would wear.
kakucho was growing even more mad the second he connected the dots and his already present annoyance only worsened.
what do you mean his omega was working in a brothel ?
he looked at you, watching as you eyed him with big doe eyes and a candid expression. you looked so sweet. kakucho couldn't believe he had found his one and only soulmate in a brothel.
while kakucho wasn't fond of spending his time doing anything other than working, he spared a spot for his partner. the thought of having a fated partner made his romantic heart melt, he had a soft spot for you and you were going to be the only one aware of it.
this is probably why he got up so aggressively and stopped abruptly in front of you, with nothing but pure rage at the treatment of his omega.
that's why he growled. not at you, but as a warning to whoever put you in there and accepted that you work for gross men, unaware that it was actually your first night.
he couldn't believe other men had touched you. were you scared ? did those people do bad things to you? how hard your life must have been that you would end up here...
his thoughts were racing, each one worse than the precedent. kakucho was having none of that and swore to get you out of here the second he laid his eyes on your much smaller form, looking up at him as if he was your saviour.
kakucho felt compelled to now take his responsibility as the alpha you waited for your whole life.
and similarly, kakucho felt deeply protective of you, alpha instincts urging him to shield you away from the flawed world which had done you wrong while soothing all your worries away. he had never felt so in touch with his instincts before, feeling them growing inside of him to push him to act the right way his omega mate would expect.
he felt so angry. but he had to swallow that down and make sure you were alright first. so he toned it down, putting on a genuinely kind smile, one nobody ever saw him with.
"don't worry, I'll take you away from this awful place. I'll offer you a much better life, you don't have to worry about anything anymore, m'kay?"
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sopebubbles · 10 months
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Master List
Synopsis: in a world where alphas, betas, and omegas live along side modern humans as second class citizens, you've fallen through the cracks of a society that wants to take everything wonderful from you. Luckily a timely encounter with the boys just might save your life.
Chapter summary: Yoongi takes you on a date
Warnings: slight angst (mostly talking about her past), mentions of past abuse, homelessness, fear of abandonment
Honestly yall its a lot of yoongi and oc being freakin soft 😩
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Yoongi was only slightly disappointed to find you awake and making breakfast with Hobi in the kitchen when he came in after eight in the morning. He'd kind of been hoping to be able to take a peek at you in your nest, just to see for himself that you were as safe and cozy as his other omega had promised (many times) that you were last night. Although he hadn't been gripped by the same agonizing fear he had known for the month you were gone, he still hated being away from you so long last night, and he'd texted both Jimin and Hoseok multiple times last to assuage his anxiety (and his guilt). They'd promised him that you had nested just fine, had eaten well and seemed perfectly happy with Jimin's company before peacefully going to sleep. It was cute just how much he worried about the details. 
"Yoongi!" You said his name brightly when you saw him and rushed over to give him a hug. You were too energized from a good night's sleep and the cup of fresh squeezed orange juice Taehyung gave you to be self conscious about it. You didn't seem to notice the flour on your cheek until Yoongi brushed it off with a smile. "Oh sorry. I'm probably getting you dirty," you said as you tried to pull away. He held you close. 
"I don't mind. Good morning," he hummed as he rubbed his chin over the top of your head. 
"M-morning." Yoongi's arms tightening around you turned to jelly when you'd been solid only moments ago. 
How can he be so warm? He must be tired and hungry.
"Can I get you some pancakes?" You offered, and he finally loosened his hold.
"Only if you eat some with me. Have you eaten yet?" 
You shook your head. "But I need to help Hobi."
The omega waved a hand at you without looking back. "I can handle it. If your alpha says eat, then it's time to eat. Which you know. She kept saying she didn't want to eat until you got here," he added just to make you squirm. A small whine escaped your throat, drawing the attention of all the men, whether they intended to look your way or not. "Careful, girl. Your whines have power here," Hobi smirked as he set two plates in front of you and Yoongi on the counter. 
You sat down and ate quietly for a few minutes while Yoongi tried and failed to pretend he was paying more attention to the food than to you. Jin and Jungkook were laying on the couch, nearly falling back asleep after stuffing themselves before anyone else got up. Jimin had gotten up to take your place helping Hobi while Taehyung and Namjoon sat at the table sharing the newspaper. 
"What do you want to do today?" Yoongi asked after several minutes. 
You swallowed and cleared your throat. "I have to work later."
Yoongi's fork froze halfway to his mouth. "What? why?"
You shrugged. "I work Saturdays."
"You work six hours a day, six days a week?" You nodded. "That's too much."
"I-I thought you d-didn't mind me working…"
Screwed it up already. Now you'll see how he really feels. The pancakes in your stomach turned to lead. 
Yoongi could see you getting nervous, watched you grow even smaller. "No. No, I don't," he managed, forcing his voice to be calm. "I don't mind you working if it's what you want.  But that's a lot. Thirty-six hours is almost full time but no benefits. That just seems…sketchy."
You tilted your head at him. "What do you mean?"
"Just that it seems like your employer is taking advantage of you. Do you get any benefits?"
"Well, I get heat leave."
"But what about health insurance? Vacation? Extended sick leave? What if you get pregnant?" Yoongi could feel all the air leave the room and wished he could take the words back.
You shook you head and spoke softly, "Yoongi, I'm not–"
"I know. I didn't mean that. I'm an idiot. I swear I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying, those are things you'd expect in a full-time job."
You shrugged. "It's not like I have a lot of options, Yoongi."
"I know," he sighed. "I just want you to be treated fairly."
You stood from your stool and walked toward the stairs. "People like me don't get treated fairly."
Yoongi got up and followed you, catching your arm as gently as he could. "I'm sorry. For what I said and how I said it. I know that you've been doing the best you could, and I have no right to judge that. Everything is okay." His hand laid hot against your neck, thumb stroking just the bottom edge of your scent gland. When he felt your shoulders relax, so did his. "Come finish your breakfast, and when you're ready I'll take you to work."
You turned worried eyes up at him. "You worked so hard, alpha. You must be tired. I'll finish, but then you need to go to sleep. Jimin and Tae will take me."
The corners of Yoongi's mouth turned up in a placating smile. "Okay."
He watched you walk back to your seat at the counter and pick up your fork, ignoring the eyes of the others as he joined you. He wanted to talk it through with you more, but he wasn't going to make you do it in front of everyone, and he didn't want to get into an argument before you went to work all day. Instead, he asked you how your night was and what you did the day before, and you plastered on a smile that slowly became more natural while you told him all about nesting and your newfound love of pillows.
When you'd both finished eating, you took your plates and washed them along with the others, no matter what Hobi said. You couldn't sit down and relax now. Doing so would only create nervous energy you wouldn't be able to dispel. You'd have to spend the rest of your day in motion. Yoongi followed you again when you went up the stairs to change for work, and you'd be lying if you said it wasn't a little annoying.
At the top of the stairs you turned to look at him. "Are you going to follow me around all day?" You snapped. 
Yoongi took a step back. He honestly didn't even realize how close he was. "I'm sorry. I wasn't intending to." He rubbed a hand over his eyes and you could see how tired he was. 
You crossed your arms over your chest. "What are you doing?"
He sighed. "I was going to sleep like you'd suggested. I think I was following you because…"
He wants to sleep in my nest. 
The realization dawned on both of you. "It's not time yet," you said softly, but eased your defensive stance. 
Yoongi met your eyes with equal tenderness and smiled a little. "Yet?"
"Yet," you confirmed.
Somehow the idea that there was a future nest he would be invited into was enough for him. "That's alright."
You turned on your heel to walk to your room, but he called you back. "Would you like to go on a date with me tonight?"
"A date?"
"Yeah. If you don't have any plans."
You raised an eyebrow at him. "Why?"
He chuckled. "Well, I told you we could date as part of our courtship, and I would like to get to know you better."
"But…" you looked at him with an expression of such utter confusion that he wished he had a camera to document it. 
"But what?"
"I just…I don't want you to force yourself to take me on a date if you aren't attracted to me."
It was Yoongi's turn to be utterly lost. "Whatever gave you the idea that I'm not attracted to you? I'm your alpha."
"Yeah, I know, but I feel like you're just doing this, taking me in because you want to protect me, because I'm so helpless and pathetic. And you were so cool about not breeding me. Plus you have all the guys, and so I just guessed you weren't thinking of me that way." You wilted under Yoongi's amused gaze. 
He snorted. "Princess, I do want to protect you because you are incredibly vulnerable, but that doesn't change my attraction to you one bit. And there's a whole world of intimacy between protecting you and breeding you. It's vast and we should go slow, but a date is a good start. That is, unless you aren't attracted to me."
Blood rushed to your face as you felt put on the spot. What kind of omega wouldn't be attracted to the alpha he was? What person wouldn't fall for his gentle, caring demeanor? But you couldn't possibly admit to it.
Yoongi stepped closer to mark the top of your head with his scent. The embrace only lasted a few seconds before he pulled away, but it still left you weak in the knees.
"I don't have anything to wear."
Yoongi shrugged. "It will be very casual. No one will see you but me. You can wear pajamas for all I care. Bonus points if you wear one of my hoodies."
You smiled at that thought. "Okay then."
"Good. Then I'll see you tonight," he told you before he turned and went into the pack bedroom to sleep. 
Yoongi was pleasantly surprised to find an apple-scented pillow in his usual spot and let himself enjoy it for a few minutes before his memory from last night came back to him. 
He had brought a patient to the emergency room of the hospital he had brought your ex-alpha to a few nights ago. After they filled out some paperwork, Yoongi and his partner took a break. His motivation was unclear, even at the time, but he found out what room the alpha was staying in from a nurse that liked to talk to him whenever she got the chance. She told him that he was still in the ICU, but that he was in a coma, and hadn't woken up since the night he was brought in. When he found the room, there was a woman inside. A tall redhead, an alpha as well, if Yoongi wasn't mistaken, so he steered clear, but it had stuck with him the rest of the night.
When he heard you, Jimin and Taehyung leave the house, Yoongi got out of bed and went to the living room where Jin and Jungkook were still on the couch.
"Is everything okay, Yoongi?" Jin asked when the alpha only stood over them without saying a word. 
"I need to ask you some questions. Legal questions," he clarified and sat on the coffee table opposite them. 
"What's on your mind, hyung?" Jungkook sat up to give him his full attention. 
"I found out last night that her ex-alpha–"
"His name is Sebastián," Jungkook added. 
Yoongi growled. "He's in a coma. And I just need to know what's going to happen to her if he never wakes up. And I guess, what happens if he does?"
Jin sat up and shared a look with Jungkook before he spoke. "If he doesn't wake up, there would most likely be a grand jury investigation, which would determine who, if anyone, was responsible for his death."
"In that case, the blame would likely fall on the driver, since she has already been charged with drunk driving. It would be manslaughter," Jungkook added. 
"But she said she pushed him, in her statement. That won't matter?"
Jin shook his head doubtfully. "She could get charged, but in my experience, if you put that girl in front of any judge or jury, there's no way they wouldn't chalk it up to self defense. If he does survive, it wouldn't even make sense to press charges for assault. He wouldn't look very sympathetic. But whether or not she's charged criminally, if he dies, his family could bring a wrongful death suit to civil court. But again, it will be hard to make her look like a perpetrator, especially since they're both Lykos."
"You seem confident that she'll be okay?"
"I am," Jin assured him. 
"But what if she had a motive?" Yoongi worried. 
"You mean because they knew each other?" Yoongi nodded. Jin thought it over, rubbing his finger along his lower lip. "The prosecution would have to prove she meant to push him into traffic and not just to get him off of her. In that case, she'd just need to be coached not to take the bait."
"Could you do it? Would you take the case? If it came to that, I mean." Yoongi didn't know any other lawyers, and he certainly didn't know any he thought he could trust with something like this more than Jin. 
He must have been able to read that emotion in Yoongi's eyes because Jin nodded. He wouldn't take that trust for granted again. "If she needs me to, of course, Yoongi. I'll do anything for you."
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You were surprised when Yoongi said he was taking you to a drive in theater. You'd hardly been to any movie theaters at all in your life, and never a drive-in, but you liked the idea of it. There were lots of benefits to it. You got to go out to a public place, but sitting in his car was relatively private. The movie removed the pressure to make conversation, but on the other hand, if the movie wasn't very interesting, you could talk through it without disturbing anyone else. It was really a perfect idea for a first date. 
He'd urged you to take a nap when you got home since the movie wouldn't start until later, and you were glad you'd taken his advice. You didn't have much to choose from when it came to clothing options, so you simply put on a clean pair of jeans and the mustard yellow hoodie he had loaned you a few days ago. Yoongi seemed pleased enough with your ensemble, repeating his compliment of how nice you looked in that color. He wasn't dressed up at all either, wearing a pair of ordinary jeans and a baggy long sleeve shirt. You wouldn't know it because he wouldn't say such a thing, but there wasn't anything you could wear that would look more appealing to him than his own clothes, because they made you look like you were his. He beamed at you when you came down the stairs to leave with him. 
"Do I look okay?" You whispered to Hoseok. 
He pinched your cheek. "You look adorable. He loves it. Believe me." He winked at Yoongi over your head and the alpha held out his hand to take you to the car. "Don't come home too early," he instructed as you went out the door together. 
Once you got settled in the front seat, Yoongi cleared his throat before he started the engine. "This is for you," he said as he handed you a brand new Samsung phone.
"Oh, I–"
"Before you say you don't need it, just consider that it's for me. I want you to make sure that you have it with you and it's on all the time. I told you that it's important for me to know where you are, so I can keep you safe, so you need a phone. And don't worry, it's not like the newest model or anything. Besides, remember you're agreed to let me provide for you. So just accept it. It has all of the pack's numbers saved already, in case you ever need one of them, and they all have your number already. I'm your emergency contact," he rambled.
Instead of offering any protest you smiled softly and unbuckled your seat belt to lean over and kiss him on the cheek. "Thank you, alpha," you said before you leaned back into your spot. You may have wanted to refuse, but he was right, it was for him and not you, not really. If he needed you to carry this thing around in order to feel more secure, that shouldn't be hard for you. 
You weren't prepared for more gifts when you got to the drive-in. When you found a spot to park, Yoongi told you to wait while he got out of the car and went to the trunk. You looked anxiously through the back window, but couldn't see anything that gave away what he was doing. Eventually he pushed a large gift bag and picnic basket through his open car door before he joined you again. 
"What's all this?" You wondered, looking at the tissue paper sticking out of the huge bag at your eye level.
"Why don't you open it and see?" He teased. 
You narrowed your eyes at him as you got up on your knees to be able to look over the bag, but your scrutiny only made him smile. Pulling out the paper piece by piece revealed two soft round pillows inside, one lavender and one orange.
"I figured you needed some pillows for your nest. I thought these could remind you of me and Jiminie."
Your cheeks and your eyes burned as you pulled out the two pillows, almost ball-like except for how plush they were. They squeezed nicely in your arms when you held them to your chest.
"Do you think they'll be okay?" Yoongi asked, beginning to feel nervous when you didn't say anything. 
You buried your head in them to hide your wet eyes. "They're perfect." Your words were muffled, but they still warmed Yoongi's heart. When you collected yourself, you placed the pillows safely back in the bag and set it aside. "What's in the basket?"
"Oh, I asked Hobi to put together some snacks for us. But if there are any other treats you want, I'll go get something from the concession stand." Yoongi opened the top of the basket and you both reached for the box of raisinets at the same time. You whispered an apology while Yoongi plucked them out. He opened the box and handed it to you. "I'm going to go get some popcorn. Do you have a drink preference?" 
You shook your head and he got out once again to go get more snacks. You shoved a few raisinets into your mouth and put the rest away. Then you pulled out the soft orange pillow from the gift bag at your feet and held it close again. You wondered if he'd already scented it, or if it was your imagination that applied the orange aroma. 
The longer he was gone, your mind began to wander. It was hard not to think about all the first things you were experiencing lately. Your very first completely safe, self- made nest, your first drive-in movie, your first date. It had felt like you'd been living for years, in the most raw way possible, but maybe all you'd done was survive, and only barely. These new things seemed so small and insignificant to you when they were only abstract ideas, things you would live without because you didn't need them to survive, but now they felt monumentally important as each one carved a memory in your heart. And each one was available to you only because of Yoongi.
The man at the center of your thoughts broke through them when he returned several minutes later carrying a large bucket of popcorn, which he handed to you, and a large coke that he balanced on the dashboard. 
"Is everything okay?" He asked, taking in your expression, which remained pensive as he settled into his seat. 
You forced a smile, not because you weren't feeling it, but because it wasn't a thing you were accustomed to showing. "I'm fine. I…" you searched for something to say that would take you away from your thoughts. "I didn't even ask what we were seeing."
Yoongi chuckled at himself. "Oh. Yeah. It's actually a horror movie. I was actually hoping we could see the comedy that's playing on the other screen, but it was sold out, so this one was left. But if you don't like horror movies, I was thinking we could just sit and talk. Or we could leave. Or if we're really bored we could turn on the radio station for the comedy and watch it with the horror scenes."
You laughed at his ridiculous idea, but thought it actually sounded kind of fun. "Well, I do like horror movies, but option three also sounds interesting," you admitted with a smile that almost stopped his heart. 
Yoongi cleared his throat as he looked out the window. "There's still like twenty or thirty minutes before the sun sets and the movie starts. Maybe we can still talk?" 
You began to get the feeling that this was what he actually wanted to begin with. He had said he wanted to get to know you, and you supposed he had a right to know the person he was taking in, but at the same time you didn't want to overwhelm him with all of your baggage, at least not in one night. 
"What do you want to talk about?" You hedged, shoving a kernel of popcorn past your lips. 
"Well, I just really want to know more about you, but I don't want to be unfair, so you can ask me anything you want to," he offered, turning in his seat to look at you. 
"I don't know what I could tell you that Jungkook hasn't already. I mean, he must have run a background check on me, right? And he would have told you before he let you take me home?"
Yoongi shook his head. "Jungkook hasn't really said much, actually. I mean, yeah, we do know about, um, where you were before you came to the city," he said diplomatically. 
"You mean jail?" You asked provocatively. "You can say it. Unless it makes you uncomfortable, which I understand." You knew you shouldn't be getting your hackles up with him. He approached the subject gently and here you were, striking back with your claws out like the alley cat that you were. You closed your eyes to try to calm your racing heart.
He placed a hand on your shoulder. "Y/N, it's okay. I'm not judging you. No one in the pack is, either. You're not the only person to get arrested, you know."
You opened your eyes and looked at him incredulously. "Have you been arrested?"
Yoongi nodded his head. "When I was sixteen. A friend and I stole his uncle's car and went for a joy ride. I was just a passenger, and I hadn't presented yet. They dropped the charges."
"Wow, grand theft auto," you chuckled and he did too.
"My point is, we all have a past. I mean, some of us more than others, but you're not the only one."
You eyed him uncertainly. "Did he tell you what I was arrested for? I wasn't just arrested Yoongi. I spent six months in county."
Yoongi nodded. "I know, but I'm not judging you for what you had to do."
You shook your head with a wry laugh. "That's the thing. I didn't do it. I mean yeah, she made me go out there, but I promise you I didn't sell my body. Honest. That was my first night. I may have been naive, but I'm not an idiot. The first guy I talked to was a cop, and I knew it. I could spot him easy, so I offered myself up and I let him arrest me. And when they charged me, I pleaded guilty. Do you know why?" Yoongi shook his head, dark eyes locked on yours. "Because going to jail was better than going back to my alphas."
Yoongi kept his face neutral despite the anger he felt bubbling below the surface of his skin. He'd never ever question your decision, but he would always feel angry that your situation was so bad that jail seemed like a viable alternative for you. 
"You said alphas?" He questioned when he managed to speak. 
"Two of them," you said with a nod.
"And one of them was female?"
"Yeah, they were husband and wife."
"How did you meet them? I mean…he's so much older."
You grabbed the coke from the dashboard and took a long drink to clear the lump in your throat. Yoongi's eyes never left you, but you tried to ignore him. "I met her first. I was on the streets. I was almost seventeen by then, but I'd been on my own for months. She just started talking to me one day when she was volunteering at a soup kitchen…offered me a place to stay. And I was desperate enough to not question it."
"So she just…took you in off the streets?" You nodded. "And then what?" He asked as if your story was the one he had bought a ticket for tonight.
"And then…and then everything seemed normal for like a week. They just seemed like a regular couple. They had a spare room and they needed help around the house, so I would clean and take care of the house in exchange for living there. It was several days before I realized they actually wouldn't let me leave. I hadn't really been on heat suppressants yet, and when that time came around I found out that the real reason they wanted me was because they wanted babies. They couldn't have any on their own, so they would use me. Like some fucked up puppy mill," you choked out.
Yoongi reached over to pat your back, but you flinched away from him, and he could understand that you wanted your space after such a revelation. He took his hand back and tried to think of something to say when all he wanted to do was rage on your behalf.  But he knew it wouldn't do you any good. "It makes sense that you were so frightened when two other strangers took you off the street. You must have been very scared."
You looked him straight in the eyes. "It's only been a few days. Shouldn't I still be scared?"
It wounded Yoongi deeply that you felt that way, but he could hardly blame you. He knew it wasn't about him exactly. "I'm sorry. I know there isn't really anything I could say to reassure you that you're safe with me but–"
"It's okay, Yoongi. I do feel safe with you. It's different. The way I feel when I think about you. When I'm near you…I feel safe but…" you looked out at the narrowing strip of pink sky to your left. 
"But what?"
"I've been taken in so many times when I think I'm at my lowest. When I was abandoned as a baby, when I met those other alphas, when Eli came to play big brother. And never, never has any of it actually made me safe."
"I hope–" Yoongi could feel the tears at his water line, but they would stay there. He bit his lip and looked away as well. "I hope you'll stay long enough to know that you will be safe in our home."
You looked back at him finally and noticed the collar of his unbuttoned button-down shirt was crooked. Reaching over to straighten it, you assured him, "as long as you keep it safe for me, I won't have anywhere else to go."
Yoongi took your wrist gently before you had the chance to pull away from him. With his fingertips against your pulse point, he could feel the strong, steady beat of your heart, not high enough to be panicking, but still a little anxious. "I will do everything I can to make you feel safe," he promised.
Before you could make any kind of response, the lights over the parking lot shut off and images began to play on the screen in front of you. Without another word, Yoongi released you in order to fiddle with the radio, tuning it to the right station for your movie. You both settled back into the seat, facing the screen, with a mountain of snacks in between you. You each tried your best to focus on the movie, but you could feel it every time his eyes slid toward you as he watched your profile instead of the characters on screen. Every time you turned to look at him he recentered his attention, but he was fooling no one. Several times your hands brushed when you both reached into the popcorn for a salty snack, and he would chuckle awkwardly before pulling away. 
You both tried to focus on the movie, but the truth was that it did nothing to hold your attention, not with Yoongi right beside you.
"There's something I don't understand," you said abruptly, causing Yoongi to look quickly between you and the huge screen. The movie had been pretty straight forward, to the point of being pretty boring. 
"Why do you like me? Why me?" Yoongi laughed openly while you pouted. You pulled your feet under you and turned to face him straight on, giving up any pretense of watching the movie. "Don't laugh. I'm serious. I mean. I don't know. I guess I'm trying to understand your intentions because I want to believe that this won't be like before but I…I'm scrawny and dumb and there's nothing interesting about me. I'm not even pretty enough to make up for it all. And there are plenty of needy omegas in this city. So what could you possibly want me for?"
Yoongi's humor subsided, and he turned the radio down before moving to face you as well. His expression was serious but his eyes still held light. He reached over to brush back your hair so he could see your face in the scattered light from the projector. 
"I don't think attraction is ever really about those things. Not how someone looks or what they have to say, but how those things resonate with you. It's an elemental, a chemical thing. I just like you. Maybe that's why Hobi and Jin think we're fated mates."
"Fated mates?"
"I don't know. It's kind of…lykos folklore. Sort of what saps think of as soulmates. Like, it just feels right with someone, like you're linked to them even though there's no real reason. There's no proof that it's real. It's just a feeling I guess. But they say it only happens with alphas and omegas. And I don't think I believe it. I don't know if you feel that. But I do feel drawn to you in a way that I never have with anyone else. I don't even think attraction is the right word. I just feel like…I need to be with you."
Yoongi's eyes never left your face while he talked and you didn't realize you were holding your breath until he stopped and you inhaled so you could answer him. "Maybe that's why my omega wants me to trust you even though everything else tells me not to. Like, I should be terrified of you, but I'm just not. I just want to be good so that I can stay."
You didn't know you were leaning toward him, nor were you fully aware of the words you spoke or how they made Yoongi's heart race, but when he brushed his fingers along your cheekbone you suddenly leaned back, blinking rapidly to regain your composure.
Yoongi coughed and pulled his hand away, reaching for candy to occupy his fingers. "I guess I should be honest with you about my intentions," he said with a shrug. "Because I know they aren't entirely altruistic."
You swallowed, but kept your eyes on him. His words made you nervous, but you'd hardly call it fear. "What do you mean?"
"Maybe it's a little dark. Or maybe all alphas feel this way. I always knew I was an alpha before presentation, because I always wanted people to depend on me. I always wanted to be in charge, to be a provider, to have the people in my life need me even more than they wanted me. In a way, the attraction I have, the love I have for the others, that's the unbelievable thing. With Jimin, with you, I felt from the first time I met each of you that you needed me. You wouldn't survive without me. And I liked that. Do you think that's kind of sick?" He wondered. You couldn't tell if he wanted an answer, or if he wanted you to be a little bit scared. But still you didn't feel it.
I don't think I will survive without you, your inner self echoed. 
You reached out to him, let your fingers graze the back of his hand. "I'm not sure. I'm not the best judge of what's normal and what's not. But it sounds right to me. I think to myself sometimes, I don't know how I've survived this long. I should be dead. Omegas…we aren't built to make it on our own. Sometimes it seemed like my death was right around the corner, but I don't feel that way anymore. The last two days have felt like the safest days of my whole life," you admitted. 
Yoongi's chest felt tight, like his heart would burst through his ribs if you kept talking. He turned his palm up so he could slot his fingers through yours. You sat in silence for a moment, letting him hold your hand while he tried to keep his breathing steady. 
"I don't understand why you're not pack alpha. Is it because Seokjin makes more money?" You wondered after a minute as you brushed back his chin length hair with your fingers. 
Yoongi chuckled. "If we're getting technical, Taehyung makes the most money in the pack."
Your eyes bulged in surprise. "But I thought Tae didn't work."
"He doesn't have a job in the strictest sense, but reclusive artists are often the most sought after. His paintings sell for a high price tag to collectors."
You hummed thoughtfully. "Maybe I picked the wrong alpha." 
Yoongi tugged on your hand playfully, making you giggle. "I always wanted to be a pack alpha. When I was younger I tried to establish my own pack but…it just wasn't right. I didn't have a lot to offer back then. I've never had Jin's resources. And then I met his pack, and I felt very comfortable with them. It was easy to fall in love with each of them so quickly. But they were already complete before me. I felt surprised they even wanted me. So I let go of that dream. It's been over five years now."
"But then you met Jimin, right? Did you think about starting a pack with him? On your own, I mean?"
Yoongi shrugged. "An alpha and a beta isn't much of a pack. You can make a pack without a beta, but without an omega? What's the point?" He looked at you through his eyelashes, but then quickly away. "Besides, Jimin and I both always wanted a big pack, and he clicked with Jungkook and Taehyung right away. It would have been selfish to take him away just because I wanted to be in charge."
"You're my pack alpha though," you murmured, sending a shiver down Yoongi's spine. He could only nod. "Good."
He lets his eyes close and for a minute you just watch him breathe steadily, happy that he seems content with you. But as seconds slip by you begin to feel that it might not be enough. Maybe it was silly, but you felt so much closer to him after all you'd both said, and holding his hand wasn't physically close enough anymore.
"I'm kind of cold," you told him quietly, taking him from his thoughts. 
"I can turn on the heat," he offered, letting go of your hand and reaching for the ignition. 
"Or maybe you could just hold me?"
The corner of his mouth tugged into a smile. He helped you move all the snacks to the backseat of the impala and moved closer so you met in the middle. You huddled into his side as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you legs over his. You let out a quiet, happy sigh you hoped he didn't notice. 
"If you wanted to cuddle all you had to do was say so," he whispered to the top of your head. 
You turned your face into his shoulder. "I'm working on it," you mumbled. 
He smiled and ran his fingers through your hair, dragging his fingernails gently against your scalp. "You're doing great, princess."
You made a noise Yoongi wouldn't only describe as grumpy and turned your face up at him. "Why do you call me that?"
"Because that's what I want you to feel like. Because princesses have everything they need provided for. And because you're special just because you're you. But if you don't like it, I can call you something else."
You nestled into him again. "Well, when you put it like that."
Once again, Yoongi turned up the volume on the radio and you both at least pretended to pay attention. Although the movie in general was pretty innocuous, you took advantage of one lame jump scare to bury your face into his neck. Yoongi held his breath as you nosed at his scent gland, causing his light, happy scent to fill the car around you. He let you stay in his arms until the end of the movie, and although you didn't fall asleep, it was an easy mistake for him to make. He scratched teasingly at your side to rouse you when the screen went dark. 
"Are you ready to go home, princess?"
You tilted your head up to see his features illuminated by the lights of other cars as they made their exits. You'd practically forgotten that there was anyone else there. Your head nodded sleepily, and Yoongi reluctantly moved you over to your side of the seat. When he moved behind the steering wheel you moved back to the center seat and strapped in the seatbelt there so you could stay close to his warmth.
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No matter how old you get, the urge to stay up on a Saturday night always remains. Yoongi could tell by the soft footsteps moving about the second floor that the pack are just settling in for the night, brushing their teeth and for the most part discarding unnecessary items of clothing before staking their claim to their spots in the nest. Everyone was home for once, and they'd all sleep soundly. Even you. Even Yoongi, although he knew that it still wasn't time for you and him to share space for that activity. You climbed the stairs sleepily with Yoongi a few steps behind you, making sure you didn't slip as you swayed precariously. His hand went quickly to your hip, grabbing hold of the fabric there when you tripped over the top step. The noise brought Hoseok to the bedroom door.
"You didn't get her drunk, did you, alpha?" Hobi asked from the half open door. Yoongi rolled his eyes, because the omega knew that wasn't the plan.
"No, just sleepy," you yawned as you rubbed your eyes. 
Jimin squeezed past Hoseok to give you a goodnight hug. "You smell like you crawled out of an orange." He giggled, "apples and oranges."
Yoongi blushed while the two of you said your goodnights. 
"Do you need any help getting ready for bed?" Hobi asked softly. He'd helped you take apart your nest earlier today so that you could keep practicing. 
"No, I think I got it. And I have new pillows," you whispered happily.
"Okay then," he smiled back. "Yoongi, I'll see you in a minute," he said, and the instruction to your alpha was clear, just in case he didn't already know where he would be sleeping tonight. He closed the door and the two of you were cloaked in darkness except for a sliver of light from a lamp Hoseok left on for you in your room. 
"Are you going to tell them what I told you earlier?" You asked after a moment passed with nothing but the sound of your breathing. 
"I won't, if you don't want me too. But no one is going to judge you if you're–"
"No. I was just thinking it would be better if you did. That way I don't have to tell it six more times."
Yoongi nodded. It was a vulnerable thing you had shared, and it couldn't be easy to talk about with others. "I read once that if you talk about your trauma repeatedly, like you're telling a story, it can start to feel more like a thing that happened and not something that's still happening to you."
You cringed at the thought. "I think I'd still rather have you explain it. If you don't mind."
"Of course," he agreed easily, anything to make you more comfortable. 
"I had a good time tonight," you admitted after another quiet moment where neither of you seemed to want to leave. 
Yoongi's smile was becoming semi permanent. "I'm glad. Get some rest. I'll see you in the morning."
He took one step closer to you and leaned down to kiss your cheek, but you turned your head up in such a way that you caught his lips with your own. You froze in surprise, and even more shockingly, he didn't move away. Yoongi took another step into you, so your chests were just touching. His hand went around your back to keep you steady despite intensifying the angle of your kiss. Still, it remained chaste even as it went on. His lips were hot and soft and just slightly moist, but he seemed content to press his mouth just gently to yours for another moment longer. Then his lips finally left yours, he whispered his goodnight and disappeared into the pack bedroom. 
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😃😃 they kissed! Who wants to scream about it?
Permanent taglist: @lilacdreams-00  @wholockian1 @babycoffeefire @theatren3rd @bri-mal @jikooksgirl19 @jaiuneamesolitaiire @marvelfamily3000 @borahae-reads @yoongiigolden   @staerryminimini @valhallawhispers @m4gg13-g @i-have-no-life-charlie @hellokittiesxbae @pamzn
Taglist: @ellesalazar @rinkud @osakis-gf @scuzmunkie @queen-in-the-shadows @toughbook @zariaskz @chansbaybygirl @cryingpages @coralmusicblaze @alex--awesome--22 @singukieee @welcometomyworld13 @juju-227592 @bangtanflirt @wittyreader @nyrovieeie @welcome418 @guinhosletters @lifeistooshorttowasteyourtime @moon-cupcakes @passionandsuga @zvrjkb @m0v3m3ntsblog @kykyxstandler @writingwithmai @moocow778 @ladyalicesbookstore @yoonseokerist @deejay08 @momoasenthusiasticreader @littlestarstinyseven @bittersweetbaylee
@im-sinking-in-mud @iloverubberduckiez-blog @someshinesomedont @kungsoonie @neverthefirstchoice @kameko-ko @sehun096rainbow
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insomniakisses · 1 year
Not So Soft
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requested? no
idol: chaeyoung (Blackpink)
reader type: fem, omega
warnings/notes:  smut, semi public sex, slight possessive nature, omegaverse, knotting, mate marking, bathroom sex, rosie has a dick, fem reader, alpha Rosè
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Rosie was probably one of the softest alphas going, hating the idea of becoming a totally possessive and rude Knotthead like many alphas were. She was always kind and considerate to your needs, her personality sometimes making people mistake her for an omega. Which often lead to people assuming you were single.
Now, Rosè is pretty level headed and can usually deal with that happening quite pleasantly and in a calm matter. But the two of you hadn’t seen each other in weeks and not being mate-marked the only real sign that you were taken would be her scent. Due to the not seeing each other not one part of you smelt like her.
Unfortunately for an aloha with poor judgement you were an easy target, pressing up against you in the line as you waited to order your food for the date. Well, to say your girlfriend was pissed would be an understatement. You barely had chance to puss him off before she shoved her way between the two of you. Glare hard and a deep growl slipping past her lips, “Mine.”
Scoffing he took a step closer to you, smirking as he released some alpha pheromones “Don’t see your mark on her, I can show her a real alpha”
Lunging forward she was seconds away from punching him square in the face had you not whined. Snapping her head in your direction her gaze going incredibly soft at the sight on your trembling form, before realising why you were feeling so weak. Anger rising at the ever growing scent of this wannabe alpha infront of you. Grabbing your wrist she drags you to the bathroom, locking the door behind you.
Leaning you against the sinks she wraps her arms around you, nuzzling deeply into your neck laying soft kisses to the sensitive area. It isn’t long before they become more heated as she sucks and bites at your skin, your body reacting with an embarrassingly loud moan that has her smirking cockily.
“Needy, babygirl?” Her hot breath fans across your neck as she lowers her mouth, hands making quick work of unbuttoning your shirt, kissing along your stomach muttering about how much she loves you and wants to claim you.
Unclasping your bra she latches her mouth onto your sensitive bud, your body arching into her touch. Shuddering and mewling at the coldness of her hand when she pinches the other. Knee slotting between your legs.
“R-rosie mhh!” You moan when she pulls you down harshly guiding your hips along her thigh, cock bulging in her sweats.
“You want it? Want my cock like a good girl? Hmm fuck”
Wet patch forming as precum beads at the tip she pulls away, releasing her cock. Sweats pooling at her ankles.
“Bend over baby” she all but groans out, jerking her shaft as she speaks readying herself for you.
Bending over the sink you cant help bite your lip in anticipation, whining needily when she pushes your skirt up. Uncaring that the whole restaurant could probably hear you. Pulling your pants to the side to rub the tip agains your folds, teasing you with a harsh slap to your ass.
Yelping in surprise you push back greedily silently pleading for her to push in, which she does thrusting harshly till shes flush against you. Hands gripping your hips she takes off. Her pace fast and rough, her possessive side showing when she reaches around you to grab your throat.
Pulling your upper body agains hers as she lightly chokes you, sucking harshly at your jaw making sure to leave plenty of marks her pace never slowing.
Your mouth falls open unable to stop the moans falling from your lips, the sound of flesh meeting flesh and her thrusting into your dripping heat filling the room. Your first orgasm wracking three your body, yet her thrusting never stops.
“Who. Do. You. Belong. To.” Thrusting harshly between each word the removes her hand from your throat to rub your clit, lips latching onto your neck and shoulders. Continuing to mark every but if skin available. Her knot beginning to push into you with each thrust.
“Y-you r-os-ie!” Your voice shaky and uneven getting loader as she pushes her knot in with a deep grunt. “Mine.”
The force of her thrust and the feeling of cum spilling into you in hot spirts causing you to fall over the edge body shaking in her arms as she bites down in your neck, mating you to her.
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
For Want of Honey
Summary: You're a beekeeper on Pabu, and Echo is one of your best customers. You like to think you're friends, and a long conversation on a hot summer weekend changes your relationship forever.
Pairing: TBB Echo x F!Reader
Word Count: 1245
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @kiss-anon
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You hum a quiet tune under your breath as you carefully set jars of honey out on the table in front of you. And then you set the bags of honey candy in their basket, and turn to pull out some homemade honey butter from where you store it on the trip between your home and the market.
And when you turn back to the stall you’re greeted by a blonde head of hair and dark eyes focused on one of the rolls you made fresh this morning.
“Good morning, Miss Omega.” You greet with a small grin as you lean on the table.
Omega’s gaze sheepishly snaps to meet yours, “Morning, Miss Bee.” She greets, “Your rolls smell really good. Did’ya make them this morning?”
“I did indeed. Would you like one?”
“I didn’t bring any credits,” Omega admits.
“Well, that’s alright. I won’t tell if you won’t.” You hand her a roll and grin as she immediately shoves it in her mouth, “Your brothers not feeding you, kiddo?”
“She’s eating us out of house and home, I swear we go to the store once a day and we never have enough food.” An amused voice pipes up from the side, and you turn and grin at Echo.
“I can’t help it,” Omega mumbles, her face reddening, “I’m hungry.”
You wink at Omega, “You’re a growing girl. Besides, based on how tall your brothers are, you’re going to be a tall woman, which means you need those calories.”
Omega grins, “See Echo, I need to eat so much.”
Echo smiles at his sister, “I heard.” And then he shakes his head as she runs off, “Thank you for humoring her, and for feeding her. How much do I owe you?”
“For my best customer?” You joke as you favor him with a warm smile, and you’re rewarded with him nervously rubbing the back of his neck and his ears burning red, “No charge.”
He smiles at you, a small shy little smile that makes your smile grow wider, and he moves to stand fully in front of the stall, “Well,” He says, as he studiously avoids your gaze, “Do you have anything new for us to try?”
“Just the same stuff, I’m afraid,” You reply, “I haven’t had time to experiment, since I set up the new beehouse.”
“Another new one?” Echo asks, surprised. “How many do you have now?”
“That was number eleven.” You say with a delighted grin, “I’m thinking I’m going to try and make some meade…well, once I figure out how. I would hate for it to be bad.”
“I don’t think anything you make could ever be bad,” Echo says in return, his gaze serious as he looks at you, though when you beam at him, he quickly looks the other way, the blush covering his ears spreading down to his neck.
You giggle, he really is too cute. “Well, thank you for the compliment, Echo. But you should have tasted some of my first attempts at candy. They were awful.”
“I have a hard time believing that. You’re always so sure about everything.” Echo’s gaze flickers to yours, and he flashes a small smile, “I’ve always admired that. You don’t let anything get under your skin.”
You shift some of the jars so that they look a little nicer, “Well, I used to. When I was a kid. And then I moved out and cut out my toxic family, and it turns out that I’m not actually hotheaded. I just react poorly to people digging at my insecurities.” You pause and then flush, “Sorry! I’m not, like, trying to trauma-dump on you or anything! You’re just really easy to talk to-”
Echo laughs and shakes his head, “It’s okay. I don’t mind.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yeah. I am.”
You sigh in relief, “That’s good. Here, have a roll. I made them this morning.”
Echo takes a roll with an amused quirk of his lips, “Thanks.” He takes a bite and is quiet for a moment, “You know,” He finally says, “I was a lot more confident before…well…” He motions to his scomp, “When I was whole.”
You don’t say anything for a moment, thinking on his words, “You know…you still seem really confident to me.”
“Sure, about fighting, and about military stuff. But anything else-”
You’re already shaking your head, “Echo, you come and talk to me week after week. You put up with my flirting and my jokes, and yeah, you blush and get a little flustered sometimes, but you never stop coming. That sounds like confidence to me.”
Echo pauses, and then his gaze snaps to yours, “Wait. Flirting?”
“...ah.” You sit up, and tuck your hair behind your ear, “You didn’t notice that-um…you can forget I said that.”
“No, no. I want to hear more. What’s this about flirting?” He asks, and you watch, amused, as he settles into his skin in a way that you’ve only seen glimpses of in the months you’ve known him. 
“It’s really not that important-”
“I need you to understand that there’s literally nothing more important to me at the moment than this.” Echo says with a grin.
You laugh softly, “Honestly, I thought you knew, and that was why you kept coming back.”
“I keep coming back because I like the way you smile at me.” Echo counters, “You smile at me like…well…like how women normally smile at Hunter.”
“I like you. I think you’re funny, and you’re fun to talk to, and you come to my stall every week.” You pause, and then you favor him with a small smile, “You know, you can always come to my farm. I won’t make you leave.”
He stares at you, surprised, “I…really? I thought that you’d be busy.”
“Oh, I’m always busy, but I can give you a suit, and you can follow me around while I work.” You grin at him, “I wouldn’t mind.”
“I might take you up on that offer.” Echo replies with a small smile. “Although,” He says slowly, thoughtfully, “I was thinking-”
“Well, you know that the fireworks festival is at the end of the week, right?”
“I’m aware, yes.” You say with a laugh, “The flyers have been everywhere for the last month.”
“Do you want to come to the festival with me?” Echo asks, “Like. As my date?”
You beam at him, “I would love that!”
“You…you would?”
“Honestly, I was going to ask you if you hadn’t asked me. I was just trying to work up the nerve to do it.” You admit.
“You were nervous?”
“I wasn’t sure you’d say yes. Now it’s not a concern.” You grin at him, “Also, aren’t you supposed to be watching Omega?”
Echo blinks at you. Twice. And then he curses, “I have to go!”
You giggle, and press a small jar of honey into his hand, “Here you go, on the house. Maybe you can stop by my place tomorrow? I’m a pretty decent cook, even with things that aren’t honey related.”
Echo twists the bottle between his fingers, and he grins at you, “I’ll be there.” And then he slides the jar into the cloth bag that he’s carrying. He flashes one last crooked grin and a wave, and then he vanishes into the swelling crowd.
And you giggle in sheer delight, before you calm yourself and start humming a delighted little tune. This is going to be the best thing ever!
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sensei-venus · 1 year
poly! alpha! hawk x robbie x female reader headcannons
•At first its a rocky start between the two alphas, Hawk can't stand Robby half of the time because of his smart remarks and Robby can't stand Hawk because of his stupid comments. Both of them are neck and neck moat of the time. Their constantly musking when in the same room together, it's out of pure spite.
•When Reader comes along things change drastically. They no longer care about each other and instantly turn their attention to her. Fighting is in the back of their minds now that they are interested in something totally different and new. It's a cute little omega that gets all of their attention now.
•They buttheads when they find out that the other likes the omega in question. Robby wants to keep it private while Hawk fully wants to publicly fight over the omega. Robby doesn't want to make a spectral of it. Hawk likes the idea of a public claim on her. Once again they are at odds trying to get at each other. Everyone at the dojo is a bit standoffish as the two state taking things to a new level. Sparing and training lessons get more tense as the two fight it out. Growing and yelping at once another while pinning the other down.
•They only stop when Reader asks them both out to the mall. They silently agree to not try anything in front of her. They walk around the mall with her and hang out. All three of them relax as time passes. They end up sitting in the court yard eating. Passing food to the omega from off their plates. It's in that moment that the two alphas start to realize that the girl makes them act more civil. Not out of just trying to peace keep around her but in general.
•After that day they actually stop trying to go for each others throats. Being around each other isn't that bad after all and they actually start to get along pretty well.
•It takes a while for them to realize that they have started to grow feelings for each other. It also makes them realize that they can simply shear the little omega. The idea sparks them into a full blown make-out session in the back of Hawk’s car before they part and decide they need to actually ask out Reader. They can't leave her open for any other alpha to snatch up and start dating her.
•After weeks of courting she finally accepts their advances. She is open to dating both alphas as long as they don’t try and fight each other. That idea is gone from her head the first times she sees them kiss in front of her. Then they pull her in and take turns kissing her as well.
•Lots of lunch date’s, on Hawk of course. He loves taking his two mates out and letting them gorge themselves on fancy food. It’s cute to watch Robby slowly warm up to the idea that he doesn’t have to worry about eating to much because of money. He eats all he wants and both Hawk and Reader make sure to get leftovers. The way his cheeks puff out as he eats is adorable to them.
•Hawk actually likes to read so he will occasionally read out loud to both of his mates. The two cling to him as they listen to him read. Robby likes when he picks out new books from the library thy have adventure plots, his favorite are apocalypse themed books.
•They scent the crap out of each other when they officially start dating. When they go out they make sure all three of them are completely coated in a thick mixed layer of their scents. You can’t tell where one scent begins and another ends. It’s a big fat mix of thick alpha musk and light sweet omega. It’s intoxicating. It’s a unique smell.
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song inspired Echo x f!reader ❤️
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fluffins for our boi Echo because Reader loves him so.
smol warnings: Echo being a little insecure for like .2 seconds
word count: 2782
🎶 body on fire - slaves 🎶
Echo can’t remember when it happened. Why it happened. He just knew that he was feeling… something. He needed to protect you. He needed to be there for you. He needed to know if you felt the same.
He couldn’t tell. Honestly, he couldn’t tell if you were even interested in anyone at all. The same glances he felt attracted to were also the same ones you gave to everyone else. That was just how your body language was, nothing to read into. But you were still so beautiful to him. He loved the way your eyelashes fanned across your cheeks when you were looking down. He could trip over the way your lips pressed together in concentration. Sometimes your tongue stuck out a little bit if the concentration got too heavy. It made his heart swell. 
You joined the batch as a caretaker for Omega when she first began to travel with the boys. While Omega quickly displayed that she was more than capable of taking care of herself, Hunter didn’t make you leave. You were also way more patient than Tech at small electronics repairs. You kept the ship clean. You knew some basic first aid. You did the shopping when they were on a friendly planet. Instead of just being Omega’s caretaker, you were the Marauder's caretaker. The boys were happier at the state of living and Omega was thankful to have a female role model and example. Hunter secretly was more than grateful since it meant not needing to learn about a growing teenage woman and have those certain discussions. 
You never pushed to go on missions with the team, despite how badly you wanted to. Clone Force 99 was quickly becoming the family you never had, so of course you clung to them. You weren’t really a combatant no matter how much you thought you could fight. Staying behind was safe. You were able to fly the ship at a moment's notice (Tech really hated the idea at first, but eventually you caught on).
There was a lull in work for now. Usually the team would fly back to Ord Mantell, but there wasn’t any reason to do so. The planet you were on now was beautiful and peaceful. The team slept outside under the stars. There was a fire every night where food was cooked. You took Omega on hikes to find flowers. For those instances, it felt like the war never happened or put an emotional toll on everyone in the galaxy. It seemed like peace was always present. What war? What genocide? What betrayal of the Jedi?
Tonight was another one of those nights. You and Omega were chasing glowbugs in the nearby field while the boys circled around the fire. Everyone has eaten and is usually wearing down for bed at this point.
Hunter couldn’t help but notice that Echo had watched you with a daydreaming look in his eyes. Hunter nudged his boot forward to collide with Echo’s. “You okay over there?”
Echo looked at his brother with a start. “What?”
Wrecker leaned toward Echo. “Gosh, even I picked up on that, Echo.”
Echo tried to feign confusion, but even with Tech’s glance on him he couldn’t deny it. “That obvious, huh?” he said with a sigh.
Tech spoke up next, “I do recognize this habit of yours as well. You have filled most of your evening staring at the girls. Were you also wanting to participate in the activity of catching bugs?”
Wrecker laughed wholeheartedly. “Echo is definitely interested in bugs!”
Echo looked down toward the fire while rubbing the back of his neck. Was it that obvious? If Wrecker noticed, then of course you noticed. 
Hunter nodded his chin toward Echo. “Why not go chase down some bugs with the girls? I bet it would be a good bonding experience.”
Echo glanced over to the spot where you and Omega were giggling over a glass jar between the two of you, lighting up and fading periodically. He stared at the fire again, trying to find some kind of courage in the crackling heat. Echo sighed again and pushed himself to his feet. He didn’t move for a while but eventually made his way toward you and Omega.
Omega took notice of Echo first. “Echo! Look at this!” She ran toward him and held the jar up. 
Echo took care in his handling of the jar and saw all of the bugs light up at different intervals. “That’s so fascinating, Omega.”
Omega beamed brightly and turned to you as you jogged over next. Echo instantly stood up straight. 
“Echo, give me your hand,” you said through some small chuckles. 
Echo’s face tinted red, but no one could see it in the dark. He sheepishly held out his hand, palm up. You braced his hand from underneath with one of yours then cupped your other hand over his. 
“Are you ready?” you asked him, meeting his eyes for the first time this day.
He gulped and nodded, and looked down at his hand. You moved your hand away, leaving a small glowbug on his palm. It wandered around aimlessly through the lines on his hand. You were still holding his hand from underneath. You were kneeling toward his hand to see the insect closer, and started tracing a path before it with your finger. Echo’s breath was stuck in his throat as he tried to gasp. His eyes were torn between looking at you and the glowbug.
Omega looked into Echo’s hand too. “Isn’t it amazing?”
The bug took off to the sky and Omega gave chase. Her laughter made you smile wide. Your eyes followed her as she ran after the bug. Your hands then abandoned Echo’s hand which he noticed right away. His gaze tore from Omega to his hand, then to you as you were still watching Omega. Eventually you looked back to Echo.
“I’m so happy that she gets to feel that joy. She may be your sister, but she’s still a kid.”
Echo grinned. He’s always liked the way you referred to her as his sister, then the boys as his brothers. Even though they all know that they are clones, calling themselves clones, he felt more human when you didn’t use the word clones.
“Omega loves you,” Echo said. He almost tacked on a “as do I” but chickened out. 
“What about you?” You then turned your body to face Omega, as did Echo.
Echo stumbled over his words, “W-what?”
“You love her, too. Doesn’t that bring you joy?”
Oh! “Yeah, yeah I do. It does, it really does.”
“Sometimes I wonder what kind of life you all could live if you settled down. You guys wouldn’t need me anymore. Everyone would know how to take care of Omega. You all already know everything I know.”
“Not need you anymore? What are you talking about?” Echo practically yelled this in a defensive tone.
You were surprised to say the least. You looked at him with a small gasp of fear in the corner of your eye. “I… did I… I mean–” you started to stutter and found trouble in forming words. You took a deep breath and tried again. “I uh… I thought that you were coming over here to tell me that the team didn’t need me anymore.”
Echo’s face screwed up in intense confusion. “Where did you get that impression?”
You gestured at Omega vaguely. “Look at her. She’s just–she’s happy and she’s learned all she needs from me. I think I’ve overstayed my welcome.”
Echo can’t believe the words coming out of your mouth. He said your name firmly. “Listen, I didn’t come over here to tell you to leave. I don’t think any of us want you to leave. Yes, you have been a great influence to Omega and we appreciate that so much. I don’t know if you know this, but… you’re also part of the squad. You take care of all of us, and I wish I could tell you how much that means to my brothers.”
You looked downward at your hands and Echo’s heart fluttered a little. It was the way your eyelashes touched your cheeks that always made him weak. 
He started reeling through all of the feelings and memories he cherishes with you. Your smile, your laugh, your care, your voice, your hair, your eyes, your hands (oh god those hands), your intelligence… he could go on and on.
It was the way your hair would blow through the breeze, similar to the one now. He wished he could feel those strands flow through his fingers. The scent of your shampoos overtook the refresher each time you used it, and he could also smell it when he’s this close to you. It was the way your shoulders were bare in this sunset, highlighting your freckles and tone of your skin. He wanted so badly to brush his thumb across your shoulder, damn, even your collarbone as it crossed your chest. 
As you fidgeted with your hands, Echo wanted so badly to feel that touch of yours on him again as when you handed him the glowbug. You were so soft and gentle and giving. Your touch still leaves a ghost of a grasp on him, he realizes and clenches his fist. Those same hands that have given him help and healing. He didn’t know he needed those things, and he probably would have been fine for the rest of his life if he never knew. But he does.
You wave your hand in front of Echo’s face. “Are you in there?”
Echo twitched and answered with a small sound. “I’m sorry.”
“What are you sorry for?”
Echo chose his next words carefully. He glanced around to try and find Omega and only panicked for a moment until he saw her back at the fire showing the team her glowing jar. Echo took a chance, and placed his hand on your bare upper arm.
“I… I don’t want you to go. No one does. I wish you would stay, if you wanted to.”
You looked up into Echo’s eyes with that sparkling wonder he adores so. “I want to stay,” you whispered. 
Echo smiled at you, and cursed his body and past for taking his other arm. He would give anything to have that limb again, just so he could touch you. He wanted to feel more of your warm sun-kissed skin than just with his one hand. He braved the storm and rubbed small lines on your arm with his thumb. 
You closed your eyes momentarily as you let yourself feel that touch. He had no idea how much you wanted him to do this. He had no idea how long you had been waiting.
He whispered your name. “I didn’t know that I needed you. I had this idea of what the rest of my life was going to look like. I didn’t imagine someone like you would come around. And I… I know I’m not…” Echo tilted his head back and forth as though he was trying to rattle a sentence free. “I never thought I’d be… this,” he said, taking back his hand and gesturing to himself. 
You instantly missed that touch on your arm. Your hand touched the space now vacant and observed it. Did you dream that? He was touching you, right?
Echo noticed your movement. Did he offend you? “I’m not whole,” he finally added. “I didn’t have control of the outcome of my life, especially after being captured.” Echo sighed. He felt like he was saying all of the wrong things. He was nervous and rambling and unintentionally talking himself out of telling you how he felt. He opened his mouth to speak again but stopped as your hand grasped his upper arm, the arm with the prosthetics. 
You examined the place where the skin joined the metal. “Echo,” you started, then looked into his eyes again. “Echo, you’re beautiful. Just the way you are.”
Echo held his breath for so long that he felt a stinging in his one eye. He had no idea he was forming a tear until your other hand wiped it away gently. 
“I don’t want to leave. I want to stay here. With you.”
He still couldn’t find the words to fill the space. Was he dreaming? Was he asleep on his blanket by the fire? Without even thinking about stopping, he raised his hand to cup the side of your face. In return you leaned into his hand and took a step toward him. He was in disbelief, but this was real. The warmth of your skin was in his hand right now.
“Did you think I didn’t notice?” you said to him with a smile on your face and in your voice. “I hoped you liked me. I really wished that all those looks you shot my way were something. Tell me that I read into that right. Tell me you feel the same.”
Again, he’s in awe. You’re telling him you feel the same? Your hand on his right arm snaked its way around his waist and you leaned into him. Echo swore you could probably hear his heart beating incredibly fast. “I… I’m in love with you,” he told you, ending the sentence with your name. 
You tilted your head up to meet his gaze. Echo’s hand landed on the back of your head to caress it and finally finally move his fingers through your hair. “You mean it?” you asked.
Echo’s face softened with a smile as he nodded. “I mean it. I love you.”
You smiled at him, your turn for tears to form in your eyes. “Oh, Echo. I have loved you since I met you.” Your eyes started to close and he found you leaning toward him slowly. 
Echo was scared, but he knew what you were asking. He pulled you as close as he could and pressed a nervous kiss to your lips. He felt how nervous you were as well, and straightened his stance. The both of you were caught in a hot gaze, just admiring the souls behind the eyes of their partner. 
From the direction of the fire, the both of you heard a loud, comical gasp. Echo twisted his torso to turn and look at his family while you leaned around Echo to see them. Neither of you pulled away.
Wrecker was an exaggerated expression of surprise while Omega sat on his shoulders. “Ooooooo Echo’s got a crush!” Wrecker said in a singsong tone. 
Omega laughed out loud. “FINALLY!” 
You and Echo exchanged glances, leaned back into comfortable positions and shared another small kiss. One of your hands caressed his face and he fell into the feeling. He has dreamt about this for so long. He had no idea this could ever be a reality. 
“You are so beautiful, cyar’ika,” Echo told you. 
In response, you melted into him. “One day I hope to show you how absolutely wonderful you are, Echo.”
Hearing you say his name again prompted another quick kiss in which you both giggled into.
That night, you and Echo shared a blanket as you both sat next to the fire. Everyone else has made up their makeshift bed in the grass or retreated to the ship’s racks. Echo watched the way the fire reflected in your eyes with adoration. He didn’t know how you were fighting sleep until he noted that your eyes were fluttering closed and open. 
Wordlessly, he grabbed another blanket from nearby and wrapped it around you and guided you to lay down next to him. You didn’t fight him on this motion. Laying down, you both faced each other. Faint flames danced in dull lights across each person’s features. Hands met between the both of you and you pressed your forehead to his. 
You smiled audibly. “I’m not dreaming, right?”
“I’ve had this dream so many times, and it’s never felt as real as this.”
You raised your hand to trace his cheek, then his jaw. Echo closed his eyes and sighed into the motion. 
“Yeah, you’re right. What am I going to dream about now, now that this one has come true?”
Echo chuckled. “Well, here’s an idea,” he suggests as he leans forward to draw you into a deeper kiss than the ones you’ve shared so far.  
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reallyromealone · 2 years
"don't worry you two! We will make sure they are safe and have fun!"
(Name) and Eddie were currently babysitting or "watching over" El, Max and Will for the weekend as Hop and Joyce went to go see Jonathan at university for the weekend.
"So I was thinking tonight we would order a pizza and maybe go pick out a movie" (name) said as he let the pups situate themselves, the three all very attached to the sweet Omega as all their parents were either alphas or betas so the presence of an Omega was always nice, especially when it was (name).
The three tweens always loved (name), the man being their protector since they were little and took on that role for any of their friends.
"Do you need help with anything?" Max asked the pregnant omega, the young Omega practically idolized (name) who chuckled sweetly "don't worry hun, you three just relax alright?"
That didn't stop the alphas and Omega from helping the Omega any chance they got and absolutely refusing to let (name) lift the cots or set them up and make (name) sit down and not move a muscle.
After the area was set up the three began figuring out what to order for dinner when the phone rang "can someone grab that for me" (name) said as he struggled to sit up, far to round and the couch to comfortable to get up and Will jumped to grab the wireless phone and bring it to (name).
"Munson residence, whose speaking?"
"Hey angel, you order food yet?" Eddie's voice warm like honey rang in (name)s ears and the Omega smiled a bit "not yet, why?"
"The gremlins wanna come over for dinner along with Robbie and Stevie"
"Alrighty, they staying for the movie?"
"Probably, how goes it on your end? YOU THREE BETTER NOT BE DRINKING ANYMORE COFFEE!" Eddie suddenly yelled out, voice muffled as he most definitely scolded Mikey Dustin and Lukas who made a hobby of stealing sips of Eddie's coffee to piss him off.
"All's good, pups are set up for the weekend and helped me set up their sleeping areas, might go grab ice cream for dessert"
"I know what I want for dessert" Eddie said lowly into the phone and (name) just rolled his eyes, not even bothering to give the horny alpha what be wants "well we better go, tell the ducklings to behave or else"
"Love you baby"
"Love you too"
When he hung up he noticed the pups staring at him giddily "were getting ice cream for dessert?"
"And toppings, I have cravings"
When the four left (name) noticed how they basically flanked him "you want eggos for breakfast Ellie?" (Name) asked the young girl who eyed the frozen waffles with great interest "can I?"
"We can grab you some syrup too"
In the end the kids each picked one thing as a treat along with the ice cream, chocolate and blueberry syrup and ice cream.
(Name) also got a pregnancy craving snack.
When the entire pack arrived (name) was positively preening at the sight of them all and the rest of the kids swarmed him to check on him and tell him about their campaign and such.
It was wild to (name) that they were almost teen-teens and not his little pups anymore.
"(Name)? What's wrong?" Mike asked worried as (name)s eyes watered "you guys are growing up!"
The pups hugged (name), the Omega playing with Wills hair and kissed the crown of Lukas' head, they were already developing their own unique pharamones and the milky scent that came with pups was fading.
He wasn't ready for this.
Eventually (name) calmed down and the pizza came and per usual (name)s eyes were to big for his stomach and slowly pushed his slices to Eddie who kissed his cheek lovingly.
"So what movie you get?" Robin asked as she took a bite, everyone glancing at the metal head who looked proud of himself "the lost boys!"
No one safe for Steve and Will had many complaints as they gathered to the livingroom and made (name) sit his butt down and was handed a bowl of ice cream as Eddie sat beside him and the group all watched the film, entranced by it.
By time the movie hit the mid section (name) was already passed out in his mates arms, snuggling into his chest while Eddie rubbed his belly lovingly "I'm gonna take (name) to bed, be right back" Eddie said softly as he grunted slightly but managed to lift his mate.
Tucking (name) into bed he looked at the man who gave Eddie everything.
A chance.
Unconditional love.
And soon a pup.
Eddie was always in awe at him, the Omega not afraid to indulge in his Omegan habits and still put him in his place when needed not to mention be a good friend and and support for the pups.
He didn't know how he managed to seduce Dustin's brother back in high school but he definitely wasn't complaining.
"I will be back soon baby, sleep well" and with a gentle kiss Eddie left his very pregnant omega to sleep and make sure the pack didn't destroy the apartment.
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minniethemoocherda · 1 year
Sins of the Past: Flashbacks
Summery:  A collection of drabbles set in my modern au where the Bad Batch raise Omega after rescuing her from the abusive hands of their mother. In this chapter the bad batch return from their weekly grocery shopping adventure. 
A/N: MAJOR WARNINGS for this chapter. Scroll if you don't won't spoilers for this chapter. Echo deals with a PTSD flashback of the car crash that caused his twin's death. I am so sorry for the angst of the past few chapters! I promise I'll focus more on the comfort than the hurt in the next chapters! Xxxxxxx
"Careful!" Echo reprimanded as Tech drifted into their drive. The Marauder screeched to a holt, inches from their front porch.
"I did not hit any structures or pedestrians." Tech replied because for all his brother's need for precision, that was his parameters for a successful trip.
Excluding their bumpy landing, Echo did consider their trip successful. It was The Bad Batch's weekly outing to the supermarket. And buying enough food to feed five grown men and one growing girl was no small feat.
As the resident cook, Echo was usually in charge of shopping. He never minded it but he knew his half-brothers used to find it a bit of a chore. That was until Omega came along of course, who before coming to live with them had never even been to a supermarket before so she loved their weekly adventure of food shopping. And Echo couldn't blame his brothers for enjoying the most of her happiness before the novelty wore off. So shopping had become an entire clan occasion with all of them piling into their old van, which must have been struggling with all of the added weight if it's engine's continued growl despite being in park was anything to judge by.
"Perhaps we could take the Marauder into Cid's garage for a check up?" Echo suggesting, handing Omega the lightest of their shopping bags as they all climbed out of the van.
Tech opened his mouth, no doubt about to protest that there was nothing wrong with his baby when the van proved him wrong by blowing a gasket.
The tailpipe exploded with smoke, filling the air with burnt metal.
The ash went straight to Echo's head, clogging his mind with fog.
He tried to rub the smoke from his eyes. But his arm didn't respond to his thought. Why couldn't he move his right arm?
Echo glanced down to see a shopping bag fall from his limp fingers to his feet. Which didn't make any sense. Why would he have a shopping bag when he had been at a party?
Echo felt a warm tone reverberate through his side and out of the corner of his eye he could see the familiar golden brown skin of his brothers. Yet he couldn't figure who it was. There had only been Rex and Fives with him in the car. And Fives was the one besides him in the back so it had to be him, even if he couldn't make out the birthmark of his names sale on the side of his forehead or the patchy attempt of his goatee.
But Fives' hair wasn't that long and he didn't normally wear a bandana Echo supposed that they had been to a party. Maybe they had dressed up for it? Why couldn't he remember?
"... carry him inside Wreck-"
Wreck? Yes they had been in a wreck. Echo's legs swooped from underneath him. He felt like he as floating as gravity shifted around him as someone carried him inside a nearby building. Through the smog it looked a lot like Uncle Ninety-Nine's house.
They placed him down on a large bed in what Echo thought had been the living room. It felt larger than the small twin bed in the bedroom jed shared with Fives. Perhaps it was a hospital bed. Had they gotten there already? It had felt too quick but Echo couldn't get a grip on time.
At the end of the bed he spotted a child with golden brown skin and dyed blonde hair. Only one of his brothers had hair like. He kenw they were teenagers but Rex still looked too young standing there.
"... call Rex..."
Why would they need to call Rex? He was right there.
The only one from the crash who wasn't here was Fives. Where had they taken him?
"F-Fives?" He croaked, surprised by how rough his voice sounded. He hadn't remembered drinking anything at the party. Unless someone had spiked his drink. That wouldn't have shocked. He felt like he was stuck in some drug induced haze.
Echo had no concept of how long he lay there. Time seemed to simultaneously stretch and stop.
But eventually he glanced up in the doorway to see ... Rex? But that was impossible. He looked own at his side but it wasn't Rex. They were girl. But Echo didn't have a sister. Not until-
Then it all came flooding back to him.
His half-brothers. The crash. Jango leaving. Finding Omega.
And Fives
Oh God Fives.
Rex held him together as the world crumbled and reconnected itself around him.
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darthsydnious · 1 year
Every Girl Needs a Bra
The market seems busier than last time. Omega’s eyes were as wide as dinner plates as she took in the new sights. Maybe it’s just because we’re going to a different part, you thought, straying from the food and general supplies in search of a clothing store. You fought the urge to hold onto Omega like a toddler, afraid she was going to run off to look at something. “Stay focused, Omega. We have a time limit.”
“I am focused,” Omega said as she leaned behind you to look at the jewelry stand as she passed. You rolled your eyes. Affectionately. Maybe you was picking up too much from Crosshair.
Finally, you made it to a clothing store. You looked around to make sure that they would have something appropriate for Omega, since she was the whole reason you went on this shopping trip anyway. Satisfied, you let Omega loose in the store. You shuffled around, looking at the various items the store carried. Crosshair could probably use another pair of pants, you thought to yourself. You picked up a pair of denim pants and held them up. “Ugh. Too short.”
“Hey!” Omega called out from across the store. “I have a question!”
“Be right there!” You folded the pants back up. You hated when people left clothes for the workers to fold. You made your way over to where Omega was standing in front of the underwear section, eyeing a colorful sports bra.
Omega turned to face you, one hand reaching up towards the rack. “Can I get a bra?”
“Uh, yeah, of course. Bras are essential.” You started looking through the rack for one that you thought might be Omega’s size.
“Oh. Cool.” Omega smiled and started looking at the different colors. “Whenever I ask Hunter, he always says no.”
You stopped and stared at Omega. “What do you mean, he says no?”
Omega shrugged. “He says that they’re too expensive and I don’t need it.”
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. I’m going to fight that man. “Omega, that’s just silly. Every girl needs bras. They’re just like underwear.”
Omega looked up at you and said, “I’m a girl, but I’m not a girl like how you’re a girl.”
You raised an eyebrow.
Omega sighed. “I’m a girl, but I’m also a clone. An unaltered clone.”
Then it clicked. That’s why Hunter thought it wasn’t essential. You blinked a couple times and said, “Well, like I said. Every girl needs bras. Pick out whatever you want.”
Omega slammed into you and hugged you so hard you couldn’t breathe. “Thank you so much!”
“No problem, kid.”
Omega carried her bag with all her new clothes in it, smiling all the way back to the ship. As you got close enough to see the fire pit that the boys had built, Omega skipped ahead to go show everyone what she got.
Hunter met you halfway at the edge of camp. “She seems happy,” he said, a slight smile on his face as he looked back at her.
“She is,” you said. You put your hands on your hips. “I bought her a bra. She said you’ve never let her get one.”
Hunter sighed and crossed his arms. “It’s not like she needs it,” he whispered. “We need that money to buy food and supplies right now.”
“Are you serious right now, Hunter?” You could feel your temper flaring. “If I have to go without a couple of meals to make her feel better about her body, then so be it. Since you’re so worried about money.”
You huffed and attempted to walk around Hunter before he grabbed your arm and pulled you back. “We can’t just go spending money on things that we want when we should be saving for things that we need.”
You yanked your arm out of his grasp. “Do you remember what going through puberty was like for you?”
Hunter seemed taken aback. And confused. “Yeah? Not a super fun time.”
“I bet! All of a sudden you’re growing hair in weird places and your voice cracks because it’s getting deeper.” You crossed her arms and cocked your head. “Now put yourself in Omega’s shoes. If all that wasn’t fun for you, imagine how Omega’s going to feel. And then tell me she doesn’t need a bra.” You rolled your eyes and looked over at the fire pit where Omega was showing Tech her new shirts.
“I didn’t… think about it like that.” Hunter took a deep breath and ran his hand through his hair. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize to me,” you huffed. “Apologize to your sister.”
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hannibalzero · 10 months
Can you provide anymore background on Arthur when he was 13, or his childhood? I love your headcanons.
I would be happy too, but just a heads up it’s a bit dark. 🙃. Arthur is the oldest of the Morgan clan. Nora, Yvette and Emily where his little sisters. (Actually canon sisters! I didn’t know until 5 minutes ago.) Beatrice ran off in the middle of the night with her beloved little girls. Arthur looked to much like Lyle for her to take him with her. Let that man have the boy he wanted so desperately.
Really quick, Beatrice going under the name Bea moved to a Chicago with her ‘honey bees’ and worked in vaudeville. She married the theater owner and made her babies into stars. They are a group of popular singers, Emily became a actress in silent movies. Think Mary Pickford. Nora living up to the Morgan name even if she didn’t use it, killed her first husband and became one of the first “merry murderesses” to win over the courts and win her freedom…along with a stage show. Yvette is a popular romance writer who’s novels make most fine ladies clutch their pearls.
Arthur doesn’t know any of this. Just thought his mama and sisters ran off and got killed somehow. He was hardly six and left with Lyle. The memory of his mother and sisters are very fuzzy now. As fate would have it, Arthur has one of Yvette’s books. “The wreck less bandit and the runway bride.”
Lyle, wasn’t good to Arthur but he wasn’t mean ether. Arthur was just there, not to be spoken too and given orders to do. Arthur kept quite, cleaned the guns he was given. Cooked whatever food was around and patched Lyle up when he was hurt. Hard work is a corner stone for Arthur Morgan. It’s always waiting for him. Always expected of him. What else would Arthur do?
Lyle was caught strangling his(?) pregnant prostitute, mistress in a drunken rage in broad daylight. By the time Arthur made it to town to see what was happening? Lyle’s boots where swinging in the air. The sheriff gave Arthur, Lyle’s hat and gun belt. Told Arthur to get outta town. Arthur hardly got a old trunk of his mamas and that poor old horse ‘black jack’ loaded up and road out of the old mining town. Arthur was eleven. Just because I’m evil the town was Colter but when rdr2 starts Arthur doesn’t recognize it, the house Dutch, Hosea, Molly and Arthur share was the home Arthur was born in.
So far everything goes by canon, Arthur was saved by Dutch and Hosea. Welcomed into the family, thought to read and write, honestly talk too. Arthur flourished under Dutch and Hosea’s guidance. But Arthur was growing up and much to everyone’s shock, he presented as an omega at the age of 13. Still young, he didn’t know why this would cause trouble.
Scouting out a new job with Hosea around a horse ranch. Arthur met Nicholas, a handsome young alpha that was 13 years older than Arthur. (26) His attention was focused, addictive and would sweet talk Arthur so nicely. Yeah he groomed Arthur promising him they would be married and mated. Arthur won’t have to be a thief anymore, he would be spoiled and loved. Safe…Arthur believed him. Wound up pregnant, ran off to be with Hosea and Bessie. They where trying to go straight (Dutch broke his bond with Hosea for Grimshaw at the time…then Abigail…then Molly.)
Arthur wouldn’t hear Hosea and Bessie, Nicholas loved him. He would love their puppy. Arthur gave birth sometime during the fall, once Arthur was healed enough to ride a horse. He loaded up Isaac and went to be with his mate.
Nicholas rejected him, claimed the puppy wasn’t his and that Arthur was a whore. Arthur killed him and fed Nicholas to the pigs. He stole everything he could before going back to Dutch. Dutch welcomed him back with a hard backhanded slap across the face, rings cutting into Arthur’s face. It’s where those scars on his chin came from.
“I don’t need no omega bitch. I need a enforcer, an alpha son. Fix it or get out.” Dutch held Issac “….keep those god dammed legs closed.” He ordered Arthur.
Arthur did just that. Changed himself to look like an alpha as much he could. He bought a potion from someone in the swamps to change him into a alpha. Brought legendary animals to be made into talismans. Maybe it was just Arthur growing up, maybe it was the effort he made to be an alpha. smoked up a storm and hides his scent with that awful smelling pomade.
(Tw child death) so I’m changing this part, Isaac got sick. He wouldn’t nurse, wouldn’t sleep. No matter what Arthur did he couldn’t help his son. Arsenic from Mrs. Grimshaw under Dutch’s orders when Arthur was out running jobs. Grimshaw would do anything for Dutch. Arthur would never know this, he just knew Isaac got a fever.
So that’s all I have so far! I know this is dark but this is Arthur’s past so far!
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All Grown Up: "ALN" Story (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Modern Domestic AU [[REUPLOAD]])
By the time that April rolled around, Steve couldn’t believe how fast time had flown. Sure, that was true for the past twenty-four years, but that didn’t change how quickly the months leading up to the wedding had gone. And when Ollie arrived on their doorstep with his overnight bag on the last night of him being an unmarried man, Steve couldn’t help but burst into an overemotional heap of tears.
“Pops,” Ollie sighed, setting down his duffle and hung the garment bag with his wedding suit on the hook by the door.  Wrapping the petite omega into a tight embrace, Ollie soothingly marked his father’s back, “Why are you crying?”
“Because you’re all grown up,” Steve wetly explained, a sniffle adding a silent exclamation point.
“Oh, c’mon, Mr. B,” Tony tried to lighten the mood. “He’s still the same guy who sits in his boxers on Saturdays, eating Froot Loops, and getting his ass absolutely handed to him in Symbol of Freedom.”
Wetly chuckling, Steve weakly reprimanded his son’s childhood best friend, “What have I told you about that language?”
Tony hugged the older omega and teased, “You sound like my mom.”
“Good,” Steve sniffled, patting him on the back.  When they pulled away from the embrace, Steve joked, “Maybe then you’ll listen to one of us.”
“Please,” Tony good-naturedly scoffed.  Stroking his hand over his groomed goatee, “I’m a grown up now.”
Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes and gestured for the two men to enter further into the house so the rest of Oliver’s half of the wedding party could join them.  Idgie, a petite beta woman, entered with a bright yellow duffle over her olive-brown shoulder and a garment bag with her bridesmaid dress.
“Hi, Mr. Barnes,” she smiled, greeting their omega host.  Seeing how Steve was trying – and failing – to contain his tears, she reached into her bag to pull out a travel-size package of tissues.  “I figured at least one of us would need tissues tonight.”
“Thank you,” Steve wiped under his eyes.
While the older omega blew his nose, Cori good-naturedly teased, “The hall closet is practically full of packs of tissues.”
“I wanted to be prepared,” he defended himself.
“No teasing pops,” Bucky told the kids. Pointing at Oliver, he added, “Just wait until you go through this.”
Playfully, the twenty-four year old rolled his eyes but didn’t argue. After all, no matter how much one thought they were prepared to watch their kids grow up, they weren’t.  Steve sure as shit wasn’t, and he doubted that his kids would be when the time came.
And here comes more tears.
“Pops,” Oliver good-humoredly scoffed, wrapping him up in another hug.
After the other bridesmaid, Tavi, entered the house, Finn did too, closing the door behind them. The young alpha quirked a brow but didn’t say anything. He was used to Steve’s emotions by now.
Instead of bringing more attention to his openly weeping omega father, Finn carried the garment bags with his and Kit’s suits, and the girls’ dresses further into the house.  Informing, “Mrs. Moore cast a prosperity spell for our house.”
“Did it cost extra?”  Bucky deadpanned.
“Oh, definitely,” Finn mocked, hanging their dry cleaning up. “In fact, that was the only charge on the receipt: Prosperity spell for nine.”
Bucky swatted at his son over the back of the sofa, making the younger man laugh. The bond flooded with affection, and Steve couldn’t help but feel as though he was going to drown in the love that he had for his family.  Especially when Ian brought the rest of the garment bags inside and made sure to ruffle Bucky’s tousled gray hair.
“Okay,” Bucky stood from his spot on the couch, thankfully, gaining the attention of the room. “I’m positively starved.  Let’s order food.”
“Sounds good to me,” Tavi approved.
“Good,” Steve agreed, sniffling. His tears momentarily drying as he went into the kitchen to get his charging phone.  “What sounds good?  Hmm?  Ollie?”
“Well, I wouldn’t be opposed to some Thai,” Bitsy answered instead of her older brother.
Playfully, Oliver rolled his eyes and swatted at the teen as he decided, “I’m in the mood for burgers and curly fries.”
“Burgers and curly fries it is,” Steve smiled.
Pulling a bottle of red wine from her bag, Tavi admitted, “I’m not sure how well this will pair with that.”  Setting that on the counter, she pulled out another bottle, “So, I brought vodka just in case!”
Nodding, Tony pulled the curvy woman closer.  Kissing her on the cheek, he claimed, “At least one of us is prepared!”
“I’m more of a tequila drinker, but this works too,” Ollie decided, taking the bottle from his friend.
“Now, I just feel foolish,” Ian started, leaning against the kitchen counter. “All I brought was root beer for floats.”
“That’s good too,” Steve assured, marking his back.  “You know how much dad loves root beer floats.”
“He’s right,” Bucky confirmed, “I’d have an IV drip of it, if I could.  That and pop’s… well…”
Leaving it open-ended allowed for everyone’s imagination to roam wild.  Steve facepalmed while the kids groaned in annoyance and disgust. Oliver shoved his father and said, “Ew.  Just ew.”
“Agreed,” Steve shook his head.
Bucky cackled, of course.  Knowing that his part was to be the embarrassing parent. And let it be known that he was never going to pass up an opportunity to make their kids cringe.  No matter how old they were.
When he made his way over to Steve, the omega swatted at his mate and muttered, “Dirty old man.”
In reply, Bucky smacked a kiss to Steve’s cheek.  Making the kids exaggerate their annoyance and causing the alpha to laugh heartily. And really, what else would anyone expect?
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kpopomegaverse · 3 years
Not So Soft - Alpha Rosè
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Warnings: smut, semi public sex, slight possessive nature, omegaverse, knotting, mate marking, bathroom sex, rosie has a dick, fem reader, alpha Rosè
Rosie was probably one of the softest alphas going, hating the idea of becoming a totally possessive and rude Knotthead like many alphas were. She was always kind and considerate to your needs, her personality sometimes making people mistake her for an omega. Which often lead to people assuming you were single.
Now, Rosè is pretty level headed and can usually deal with that happening quite pleasantly and in a calm matter. But the two of you hadn’t seen each other in weeks and not being mate-marked the only real sign that you were taken would be her scent. Due to the not seeing each other not one part of you smelt like her.
Unfortunately for an aloha with poor judgement you were an easy target, pressing up against you in the line as you waited to order your food for the date. Well, to say your girlfriend was pissed would be an understatement. You barely had chance to puss him off before she shoved her way between the two of you. Glare hard and a deep growl slipping past her lips, “Mine.”
Scoffing he took a step closer to you, smirking as he released some alpha pheromones “Don’t see your mark on her, I can show her a real alpha”
Lunging forward she was seconds away from punching him square in the face had you not whined. Snapping her head in your direction her gaze going incredibly soft at the sight on your trembling form, before realising why you were feeling so weak. Anger rising at the ever growing scent of this wannabe alpha infront of you. Grabbing your wrist she drags you to the bathroom, locking the door behind you.
Leaning you against the sinks she wraps her arms around you, nuzzling deeply into your neck laying soft kisses to the sensitive area. It isn’t long before they become more heated as she sucks and bites at your skin, your body reacting with an embarrassingly loud moan that has her smirking cockily.
“Needy, babygirl?” Her hot breath fans across your neck as she lowers her mouth, hands making quick work of unbuttoning your shirt, kissing along your stomach muttering about how much she loves you and wants to claim you.
Unclasping your bra she latches her mouth onto your sensitive bud, your body arching into her touch. Shuddering and mewling at the coldness of her hand when she pinches the other. Knee slotting between your legs.
“R-rosie mhh!” You moan when she pulls you down harshly guiding your hips along her thigh, cock bulging in her sweats.
“You want it? Want my cock like a good girl? Hmm fuck”
Wet patch forming as precum beads at the tip she pulls away, releasing her cock. Sweats pooling at her ankles.
“Bend over baby” she all but groans out, jerking her shaft as she speaks readying herself for you.
Bending over the sink you cant help bite your lip in anticipation, whining needily when she pushes your skirt up. Uncaring that the whole restaurant could probably hear you. Pulling your pants to the side to rub the tip agains your folds, teasing you with a harsh slap to your ass.
Yelping in surprise you push back greedily silently pleading for her to push in, which she does thrusting harshly till shes flush against you. Hands gripping your hips she takes off. Her pace fast and rough, her possessive side showing when she reaches around you to grab your throat.
Pulling your upper body agains hers as she lightly chokes you, sucking harshly at your jaw making sure to leave plenty of marks her pace never slowing.
Your mouth falls open unable to stop the moans falling from your lips, the sound of flesh meeting flesh and her thrusting into your dripping heat filling the room. Your first orgasm wracking three your body, yet her thrusting never stops.
“Who. Do. You. Belong. To.” Thrusting harshly between each word the removes her hand from your throat to rub your clit, lips latching onto your neck and shoulders. Continuing to mark every but if skin available. Her knot beginning to push into you with each thrust.
“Y-you r-os-ie!” Your voice shaky and uneven getting loader as she pushes her knot in with a deep grunt. “Mine.”
The force of her thrust and the feeling of cum spilling into you in hot spirts causing you to fall over the edge body shaking in her arms as she bites down in your neck, mating you to her.
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seollenda · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could take a HC/ABOverse request with Mamamoo!Alpha x Reader!Omega where member and reader have been dating for a few months and reader asks her alpha if she would like to spend her heat with her for the first time since dating? Just wonder how each member would reply to that and how they’d fair around reader during a heat. Could be NSFW. 😉
oooohoo thank u for the prompt anon xxx nsfw under the cut
yong would be surprised even though it was pretty obvious you two were crazy about each other/it was going to be a deep domestic relationship from the beginning
super excited but also very serious about getting it right
is just as stressed/attentive about the non-sexy parts of managing your heat as the mating part
speaking of, she’d be kinda shocked at how hard it hits her when the time comes, she’s never felt so intensely attracted to anyone before
she’s always been a bit of a domme but she finds herself really enjoying herself with you
she grows to really enjoy spending your heat together, is just the best companion in every sense of the word
was just waiting for the day you’d ask
starts crying when you ask her (much to your bewilderment)
gets genuinely anxious about taking care of you until you have to be the one to reassure her that it’ll be ok
nervous wreck until you ask for her that first night and then suddenly everything falls in place for her and it all makes sense
mating is tender and careful and to your needs, aftercare is just as loving
she’s always wanted kids but she really gets starry eyed during pillow talk now
is so excited, for every step of it all
showering you with gifts and food and whatever else she thinks you’d need, helps you nest
~high tension~ as in keeps the party going and also…
sex is great with her already so heat sex is kinda wild
let’s herself get greedy, especially at your request for more alpha out of her
wheepup is just the cutest and sweetest even when she lets herself go
is shy when you express you want her to spend it with you, but of course says yes
realises she’s not really sure what it means but in typical hyejinie fashion she just jumps into it
is just the sweetest softest girl about it and about keeping you taken care of and fed
her domesticity really comes out, honestly your heat pheromones brings out the caregiver in her just as much as the mating instinct
not to say mating with her isn’t great….because it is
she’s always known what you like in bed and is excited to find you’re even more responsive now, encourages her to get even more into it and enjoy herself even more
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thestruidora · 3 years
The Avengers (MCU) Fanfiction
Rating: Explicit
WARNINGS: This story will contain but it’ll not be limited to explicit 18+ content including Obsessive Behavior, Smut, Shower Sex, Edging, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Fluff, Oral Sex, thigh riding, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Jealousy, Possessive Behavior, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Dominance, Submission, Knotting, Scenting, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Rutting, Rut Sickness
Category: F/M
Pairings: Steve Rogers/Reader, Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov
Summary: Steve was never quite sure if he truly was an alpha. Genetically he should be, coming from a long line of alpha males. But due to the several health conditions in his youth, his poorly functioning body never presented. But now, because of the serum reacting to his true designation, a terrible case of rut sickness takes hold of the super soldier, threatening his life. Being a beta, Natasha can’t offer him what he needs, and since omegas are rarer today then ever, she is forced to hire a foreign girl to tend to Steve during these desperate times.
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Author’s notes: Did y'all miss me? Yeah, I'm sure you didn't.
If anyone is interested in getting to know the magical music genre called forró, I chose a couple of classics that I feel like definitively played on the reader's first and only June Party: O Xote das Meninas Xote Dos Milagres Cintura Fina Morena Tropicana
Shout outs: @captainchrisstan, @keenkiddeputynickel, @danidv011, @ballyhoobarnes, @pophbfdsxa, @crashbarbie, @readermia, @musicnowandforever661, @bianaguipa, @deezy-061 Thank you so much for your guy’s support!
For those who missed it: Chapter One >> Language Barrier Chapter Two >> Bilingual Chapter Three >> Miscommunication
Chapter Four
She can still remember the laughter. The giggling that came from the back of her throat as she threw her head back, a smile full of teeth spread through her lips. The exhilaration of being with her friends, dancing her heart out.
It was her favorite time of the year. The sounds of the June Party moving on her feet. The rhythmic vibrations of the music's beat coursing through her. The songs, the speaking, the dancing: all at once ringing in her ears. One of her very first alcoholic drinks running through her veins along with all the spinning making her dizzy.
She was the happiest she’s ever been.
Every year her older cousins would travel to the countryside of Bahia's state, where the June festivities were the most elaborate. Her mom, so controlling, so protective, would never let her go. But on the year of her 14th birthday, she begged a little more strongly, pleaded a little more fervently, and now there she was.
It was so much more than she could ever have imagined. Bigger, louder, an explosion of newness to her senses. A big contrast to her secluded life in the city, because everybody knows that being a woman is hard, but being an Omega is harder.
Her mom was mated only a few hours after presenting, a few hours into her first heat, to a man she barely knew and definitely did not love. But still, she was one of the lucky ones. She could have been robbed, kidnapped and trafficked. Because Omegas are rare and the demand is huge, so presenting as one was as good as a death sentence.
But she was still young, she still got time.
And now, finally outside of her mom's vigilant eyes, with her girlfriends dancing by her side and the pulse of the *forró guiding her body she could allow herself to be carefree.
“Rapaz, que secura!” Lana screamed, complaining about the heat.
“É, tá um calor desgraçado.” Gabriela agreed, fanning herself with her hands, droplets of sweat trickling down her forehead and into her exposed cleavage.
Y/N simply laughed at her friends, they were a couple years older than her, but not necessarily more mature. Of course it was hot, they’ve been dancing for a long time, and even in the open space with the night air hanging over them, the place was so crowded that they would barely move while trying to get to the open bar.
She watched as the girls got their beverages, gobbling them down as if they were the first drinks they had in ages. But suddenly, the permanent smile that had been plastered on her face throughout the night died, something curious shifting inside of her. It was a unique feeling, one she never experienced before. It had started as a tightness in her lower abdomen, but it was growing into a sharp pain.
“Você tá bem?” Lana asked if she was ok, noticing the grimace in her features.
She tried to shake her head yes, but it came out the exact opposite as she doubled down on herself, her hands pressing on her stomach as she frowned, the pain becoming unbearable. Were these cramps? Was she about to get her period in the middle of this party?
But no, it wasn’t that. Somehow in the back of her mind, she knew this was different. She had begun to sweat, but not from the crowd or the dancing, there was this intense hotness forming within her.
She noticed a couple of men standing on the edges of the party space, in the shadows, almost camouflaged. Their eyes were predatory, fixated on her, they shined with a sinister glow, reflecting the flickering red light of the bonfire. Her friends called to her, guiding her to walk across to one of the tables, helping her sit down. When she looked again, the men were gone. Was she going mad?
“A gente vai ver se encontra Ibuprofeno, fica aí.” Gabriela said this time, or was it Lana again? They left, said something about looking for painkillers, she wasn’t paying attention, the pain was too much and so were the smells. All of the sudden, she felt like she could smell every single thing and every single one in the whole place.
She could smell the perfume, and the liquor, the sweet and the savory foods, altogether but also individually, it was overwhelming. She could smell the people, not their body wash or their shampoo, but their true scents. Some were warm and some were cold, some too strong and others too bland. And then there were two that were getting closer, too close, and these stung in her nostrils. Her vision had gone blurry and she couldn’t tell much of what was happening around her at that point, but she knew she wasn’t alone.
Shaking from the pain, shivering even though she was burning up, she looked up just fast enough to get a look at the two men from before, standing right behind her. One of them covered her eyes with his hand and the other covered her mouth. A muffled scream and a couple of weak punches were all she could do before they pulled her up from her chair, completely immobilizing her.
She trashed and struggled about, but to no avail. They were big and strong and she was small and frail.
“Shhh, Omega.” One of them whispered in her ear, and as if under a spell, she did just what was asked of her, her free will hushed. Something about his voice, and their touch, turned the pang in between her legs into a tingle.
And that’s when she knew: she had presented and this was her first heat.
They dragged her pliable body into the woods of the rural countryside, the sway of the forró getting left behind, her mother’s voice playing on a loop inside her head, “Be careful”, she always said.
Everything went dark, she could only make out flashes of information. The roughness of their hands and the graveness of their voices as they spoke to each other, laughing to themselves about how much she was worth, the way they sniffed at her neck, exhaling with satisfaction.
At some point, the grass of the forest turned into asphalt underneath her feet, and she was blindfolded and tied up, her lips taped as she was thrown into the back of a car. She could only whimper, her heat burning inside of her.
Shifting in and out of conciseness, she couldn’t tell how long had passed, couldn’t differentiate hours from days anymore. From time to time she would feel the prick of a needle going into her arm, and then it was all darkness again. She remembered being cold, shivering about as more rough hands grabbed at her. Were these the same ones from before or no? Had Lana or Gabriela reported her missing? Was anyone coming for her?
Eventually, it all stopped.
There was a cushiony softness below her, a thin sheet of fabric above her. When Y/N carefully tried to open her eyes, for the first time in what seemed like forever, she was greeted by light. Not the warm sunshine that often peeked through the windows of her bedroom in the mornings, but a cold, harsh light that came from a singular light bulb attached to the ceiling.
No longer tied or muzzled, she slowed sat up in the single bed, looking around. There was nothing covering her figure but the bedding, not even underwear. She found herself in a tiny room: four concrete white walls, a small barred window and a closed door.
Her heat was over, she could feel it, no more fire burning in her loins. She disentangled herself from the bed sheet, getting up too quickly, ignoring her nakedness and the dizziness, heading straight for the door. It was locked, of course.
Finally feeling sober enough to allow the rage to bubble up inside, she began to furiously bang on the door with clenched fists, kicking it, screaming at the top of her lungs.
“Hey!” A male voice boomed just outside, appearing suddenly, as if he was already waiting right there. “Yapma!” He hit the metal of the door, hard, making it shake slightly.
She retreated, startled, analyzing the situation. She had no idea what he had said, but gathering from the brutality with which it was uttered, it couldn't have been good. She didn't even know where she'd been taken, but she had an idea why.
More male voices were spoken on the other side of the wall, in that language she did not know. Something electronic beeped, then it let out a subtle ping sound, and just like that the door was sprung open. Two men walked in, the first thing she noticed was the gun one of them was carrying, while the other came in with a paper file in his hands. She backed away into the corner of the room, trying to cover her exposed chest and genitals with her hands, their big Alpha bodies taking over the space, making her feel even more intimidated.
“Nasıl hissediyorsun?” The one with the file said to her, his words sounding like a reserved recording to her brain. He was older, maybe in his late forties, greying hair at the top of his head, a light blue suit framing his ample shoulders.
When she didn’t answer, simply stood there against the wall, trying to control her labored breathing and the sheer fear that had taken over her body, causing even her inner organs to shake, he gave her a once over, opening the file and scanning through whatever was written there.
“Brazil, huh?” He arched one of his brows. “Can you understand me now?” He asked her, deliberately enunciating every word.
Y/N swallowed the sigh that was trying to leave her lips, staring at the gun, wide-eyed.
“Dumb bitch.” The man in the suit murmured to himself, snapping a finger in her face, getting her attention. “You’ve been on sedatives for a long time, little one. How are you feeling?” He said it as slow as he could, as if speaking to an animal. “Do you got a tummy-ache or a headache?” He rubbed his belly while saying ‘tummy’ and touched his temples while saying ‘head’.
She only frowned at him, a crease forming in between her eyebrows. He scoffed, leaning forward, letting his light-colored eyes roam over the valley of her breasts.
“Or maybe you’re just cranky cause you didn’t get no Alpha dick inside that tight little pussy yet.” Before he could finish his words, she was already propelling the whole weight of her body into her closed fist as she punched him in the face, fear turning into fury.
“Oh!” He growled, covering his bleeding nose, quickly walking away from her, face contorted in pain. “Shoot her!” He yelled at the other man, who promptly pointed his gun at her.
“Não!” She shouted out, closing her eyes and attempting to protect her face with her hands. A blunt sound echoed in the room and she felt something sharp go into her leg. Before she had enough time to come to the conclusion that it was tranquilizer dart, her eyes rolled back into their sockets and blackness welcomed her once again.
Five years had passed with her locked in that place, slowly forgetting where her mom’s face wrinkled the most when she was angry, or the exact shade of her eyes, the particular timbre of her voice. Y/N was slowly going mad, losing all hope of ever being rescued by the hero that always came to her in her dreams.
She was fourteen when she was taken, highly prized for her young age and virginity. They tried to sell her to the highest bidder many times, but she fought like an Alpha. Biting, roaring at anyone that came too close. Some of the men even began to doubt she was a real Omega, but ever so often her heat came and it reminded them. Emir, the big boss of the operation, sometimes would come to her doorstep during those times, tap at door and use his Alpha voice, laughing when she had to bit her own lips to control the moans his presence was causing.
But in the end, she wasn’t genetically compatible with anyone, and even those that wanted her for her fierceness were disappointed to find that her DNA did not match with theirs. A part of her was happy she had never been sold and probably never would be, just for the simple satisfaction of knowing that her body wouldn’t give those men any profit.
So there she stayed, locked up, imprisoned, hearing the sounds of the other girls crying in their rooms while she got on her tiptoes, trying to catch glimpses of the outside world through her only window, waiting.
It had been a while since she last saw Emir when the door made it’s telltale beep and was opened by him, but this time, he wasn’t alone.
“Hello there, my Latin beauty.” He smiled an evil smile at her, but she didn’t pay it any mind, focused on the redhead woman that was beside him, looking at Y/N with sorrow in her eyes. “See, Widow? I told you my girls are gorgeous, look at her.”
The woman let a displeased noise at his words, coming closer to Y/N, who gave her a distrustful look.
“Hi, I’m Natasha. What’s your name?”
“It’s Y/N.” Emir answered for her.“Oh, and she doesn’t talk.”
“Excuse me, what do you mean?”Natasha turned to him, her short red locks moving with her.“She’s mute?”
“Nah, she just doesn’t know any English.”
“Oh.” She gave the girl one more pitiful stare, but Y/N felt like she was looking right through her.
Leaving the facility was like a dream and a nightmare all at the same time. While finally being free was wonderful, Y/N knew that such freedom would come at a cost. The woman, Natasha Romanoff, wasn’t the best at Portuguese, but knew enough of it in order for them to communicate.
Y/N didn’t say much when they gave her a suitcase full of brand-new clothes and guided her out of that God-forsaken place. She didn’t say a word when a dark-haired man tried to take the suitcase from her hands, Natasha said his name was James and that he was only trying to be chivalrous, something about the 1940’s that she didn’t quite understand.
She remained quiet as Natasha tried her best to explain to her that a man’s life was at stake, that Captain America was dying of a terrible rut sickness, and that he was compatible with her and her alone. That yes, she had been bought like cattle, but it was for noble reasons, because Steve Rogers was an honorable man, a hero and his destiny was in her hands.
She kept all of her thoughts to herself as Natasha pulled up a ‘Rut Companion’ contract, stipulating that once Y/N had served her purpose and Mr. Rogers was out of danger and well, she would receive a large sum of money and could walk away from all of this, go anywhere she wanted and do whatever she pleased. Even after signing it, she resigned herself to silence.
And of course, she didn’t say anything when they boarded a jet to the United States, not even a word about the fact that she was actually fluent in English.
Please feel more than welcome to request your name to be tagged and do check out my Patreon to get your own custom made story!
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rosequartzwriting · 3 years
Pairing: Captain Rex X Fem! Jedi Reader
Description: You and Rex decided to settle down after your reunion post order 66, but he is still in contact with those of the beginnings of The Rebellion. When Rex needs help on a mission, he calls The Bad Batch to come to his and your new home planet. Hunter decides that Omega should stay with you for some lessons about life on your homestead on Sorgan, where you spend time with the little girl.
Warnings: Spoilers for The Clone Wars season 7 finale and The Bad Batch, ideas of baby making, food
Word Count: 4.3k
A/N: Part 2 of Over Now | THIS MADE MY HEART FEEL SO FULL!!! I’d protect Omega with my life no questions asked. And thank you to my two beta readers for this one, Emily and Liz!
Masterlist | Fic Reading Recs | Ao3 | Quotev | Coffee
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Your and Rex’s little home on Sorgan was everything you both had dreamed of. A life away from war and from the Jedi Order, away from the rules that prevented you from being together. The sun was bright and the life around your homestead was thriving. Birds sang and the river was sloshing along its way, sounds that relaxed Rex from the stress of the recent months. Just being here, listening to the quiet whistle of the breeze, brought him peace.
Rex was, and always will be, a soldier. So he was still in ties with Saw Gerrera and those forming a rebellion against the newly risen Empire. He was currently doing some work for it on the holopad in his lap. That side of him will never be left behind, but he was happy to have sanctuary as well as still be fighting for the Republic. 
He looked up from his holopad to look over at you, his now wife. You were tending to your garden. Busying yourself with it was one of your favourite past times. Something about watching you work on it as well reminded Rex of how much you both would talk about the possibility of running away from the war and what a more simple life together could look like. It looked like this, he thought.
When it was time to part with Ahsoka, after many tears and long embraces, Rex had asked her to marry the two of you. She accepted with honour and made you husband and wife on the spot, making the little ceremony as simple but as special as she could. After that, you both were sad to separate from her but she wanted to move on her own path.
By the simple fact that you both were now married and that you could finally be together, there seemed to be a little more hope in the galaxy.
Rex had set up on the bench beside the garden to work through what he was tasked with to help the rebellion. You were picking the vegetables that were ready from your growing garden. And you looked up from your busyness to glance at Rex. He had this scrunched-up look on his face as he stared down at his holopad. Confusion and a touch of frustration that came off as comical. You suppressed a laugh, getting up from your seated position and bringing your basket of your harvest to walk towards your husband.  
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
“Ran into a snag. I need some more information. Not sure where to find it.”
“I’m sure someone can direct you to what you’re looking for. Ask around Saw’s contacts. You’ll find something.” You reassured him.
Rex knew you were right and went right to work to message some of the people he knew with a nod.
“I’ll leave you to it.” You said, acknowledging his business and determined energy. “I’m going to forage for some berries in the forest later. I found another patch of bushes this morning, I can get some more to sell at the market for extra credits.”
“Sounds good, sweetheart,” Rex replied, still not looking up from his work as his fingers typed a message out. You rolled your eyes at him and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead before heading inside the house.
Rex already got a reply from someone with the information he needed. The file of the person he needed to find appeared on his screen, it was a wanted criminal file. He exhaled a tense breath. He was no bounty hunter, but he could maybe go looking himself. But he couldn’t go on his own, not with the now stronger stakes that his life held. He always needed to come back home to you. 
So he needed some help. And he knew just the squad to call. 
“We’re here!” Hunter called out once the ship came out of hyperspace.
Omega perked up before rushing down the ladder of her makeshift room. Her little footsteps clanged on the metal floor as she ran to the cockpit, eager to look out the ship’s window. She stretched up on her tippy toes to get a better view of the planet outside, and a soft gasp escaped her.
“That’s Sorgan? It’s beautiful!”
Tech came up behind her, “Sorgan is lush with a lot of foliage and animals. Perfect place for a homestead. There is also plenty of native villages as well as a few bigger towns.”
“Probably why they picked it,” Echo chimed in, “(Y/N) was always in love with planets like these. On missions, she would never shut up about how beautiful somewhere would be.”
“It’s so...green!” That’s all Omega could say, she was too excited to go explore and see what Sorgan had for her. It was also true, all you could see was just green.
“It sure is, isn’t it?” Hunter said, looking down at an enthusiastic Omega. He was so fond of how fascinated she was by everything around her. Seeing her be excited about things never got old.
Pretty soon, their ship was descending closer to the surface and following the coordinates that Rex had sent them. The more they travelled, the more there was. Trees and lakes and swamps and villages and endless seas of green.
Omega was trying to see everything but she was just a little short to see out the window completely. Wreaker noticed this and decided to help her. He picked her up and let her sit on one of his shoulders so she could see everything that was out there. She was grateful because now she could see into the vast forest of life.
“We’re getting closer,” said Tech, who was managing the navigation.
Hunter pointed, “That looks like the place,”
There was a clearing among the trees coming up tucked beside a river, and there was a house and a parked ship. As they got closer and ready to land, a figure came out of the house wearing white and blue clone armour with the helmet tucked under an arm.
“There's Rex!” Echo called out, a hint of joy in his voice. 
Omega smiled and began waving out the window, hoping Rex could see her. Wreaker joined in the waving and so did Echo. Even with the distance still between them, they could see Rex give a little wave.
They parked the ship a little ways away from the house and Omega was dying to go outside. She was practically bouncing on the spot while waiting for the hanger door to open. Once it did, she stepped onto the grass and the breeze rushed past her. She breathed it in and it smelled so fresh and so clean, smelled of the trees and the grass.
She determined that it was her favourite smell in the galaxy. 
“I love it here!” She exclaimed.
“Already? You just got here.” Hunter had come up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder.
“It’s so pretty. And it smells nice!” She smiled up at him.
The Bad Batch then made their way to meet up with Rex. The last time they had seen Rex was a few months ago when he helped them remove their inhibitor chips. 
Hunter and Rex exchanged a brotherly handshake. 
“Thanks for coming on short notice,” Rex said.
“We had some time. Bounty jobs are running dry right now.” Hunter replied.
“Well, I’ve got one for you,” Rex smirked.
Then someone else came out of the house, someone who Omega did not know. It was a woman dressed in a light set of robes that blew behind her in the wind. Her silhouette reminded Omega of something, but she could not place her finger on it at the moment. The figure came to join the group.
You were overjoyed to see the boys of squad 99 again. It had been forever since you had last seen them, and that had been before the war ended. And after greeting them all with a delighted smile, you dashed up to Echo and gave him the biggest hug.
“I’ve missed you so much, Echo. Thank The Force you’re all runaways,” You said, thrilled to see an old friend again.
“It’s been a long time, Master.” He replied, and after your hug, he gave you a salute with his artificial arm and droid probe.
You laughed and gave him a small one in return, “I’m no master anymore, ARC Trooper.” He chuckled at that.
“Master?” Omega burst out, then realization hit her and she understood what your flowing robes had reminded her of, “Oh! Were you a Jedi?”
You looked down at her and nodded warmly.
Rex put an arm around your shoulders, “Omega, this is (Y/N). She’s my wife.” 
“Wife?” Echo said with a smirk, “I should have thought so.”
You laughed, remembering the time back during the war when Echo had caught you and Rex once after sneaking off together after a mission. The two of you had begged him to stay silent. He had, fearing for his life. You had thought your secret died with him when you lost him at the Citadel. 
Omega looked up at you and gave you a happy little wave, “Nice to meet you.”
You were immediately in love with her. She was the most adorable thing you have ever seen.
“Took a page out of Cut’s book, I see,” Hunter commented, gesturing to the environment around them.
Rex shrugged, “We have, for most of the time anyways. I’m still in ties with rebels. Which is why I called you here.”
While Rex was talking to his brothers and started to brief them on his situation, a butterfly passed by and fluttered above Omega’s head. She looked up at it in awe. “What’s that?”
You smiled, “That’s a butterfly.” It continued to flutter around. You reached up a finger to it, calling to it in your mind and through The Force. It landed on your hand, its blue wings catching the light and making it looked like it sparkled. You dropped to your knees to Omega’s height so she could see better.
Omega gasped, “It’s so pretty.”
“It is, isn’t it.”
“I’ve never seen an animal like that before.” She was so curious it made your heart flutter, like the wings of the butterfly when it took off.
“Really?” You said, “So many pass by all the time. Sometimes they’re in groups, big ones. Lots in the garden, too.”
“You have a garden? I’d love to see it. Maybe we can see more butterflies!”
She was the cutest.
Tech was mumbling something about a tracker on their target, but you paid no attention. Neither did Omega it seemed. The two of you chatted, you telling her about the things you do on your homestead. She listened with dreamy eyes.
Hunter turned from the group to watch you both. He smiled, “I have an idea. (Y/N), is it alright if Omega stays with you for a while? I think she would like to learn more about the animals and plants.”
Rex looked over too and nodded, “She can help you with the garden and foraging. It would be good for her.”
“Really? I’d love to! Can I?” 
You could not say no to her, “Of course, there’s lots of work to do around here.”
“I can do it!” She said with a bounce in her step.
“You sure you don’t want to help us catch the bounty guy?” Wrecker asked Omega with a bit of a sad tone in his voice. 
“There’s plenty of time for things like that with us. Might be good to let her play around somewhere peaceful for a change. Let her be a kid for a bit.” Hunter replied.
From the way he looked at her, you could tell that Hunter was her father figure. So you told him, “I’ll take care of her for you. Teach her a few things, too.”
“I know she’ll be safe with you,” Hunter smiled at you, giving you a playful salute.
“Of course she will. Now, I’ll watch her and you boys take care of my husband for me,”
“Of course we will, (Y/N).” Echo laughed.
Tech interrupted the nice moment by saying, “I have connected to the bounty’s tracker. He is a few planets away. We could be back within a couple hours.”
“We should head out right away. Let’s get this bounty!”
“Oh yeah!!!” Wreaker ran right onto the ship while yelling. You noticed that he has not changed a bit.
Everyone rolled their eyes as the boys went to board The Havoc Marauder. But you stopped Rex by lightly grabbing his wrist and he turned back to look at you.
“Be careful out there, please.”
“Of course, cyar'ika. You don’t have anything to worry about. I’ll be back.”
You both always have this small conversation before he leaves for jobs for the rebels. And he always pulled you in for a hug and a quick kiss. He then joined his brothers again while you blew one final kiss to him.
“Bye!” Omega waved from beside you.
Rex and The Bad Batch got on the ship and took off, you and Omega still waving them off.
You had to get done a few tasks this afternoon, and Omega did not want to sit still. Your experience with children had been working with younglings during your time as a Jedi. You were honestly so happy to be in a position like that again, even though this time it would not be lessons on meditation or lightsaber combat or kyber crystal hunting.
The main job that you had for today was to gather food. Tasks included harvesting more from the garden, going into the nearby forest for berries, and fishing for krill in the river. You needed to eat and sell things for credits, so it was a common job for you. So you and Omega had gathered a few baskets and started with the garden.
She loved just looking at it and told you how beautiful it was. There were plenty of sprouting vegetables coming out of green stalks that Omega didn’t know the names of. But she wanted to know, and she wanted to taste them all too. The girl helped you pick all of the big and ripe ones and soon filled a basket with an array of purple, green, yellow, and red vegetables. You had taught her the names of everything, how you took care of them, and how surprised you had been that they had sprouted so fast.
Then after the two of you watered the soil after finishing with harvesting, you took her hand and made your way to the nearby forest. Basket in her hand, Omega admired the deeper greens of the trees and bushes that inhabited the forest. You lead her to the patches of berries you had found, picked a few, and handed her the handful to taste. It was like there were hearts in her eyes from how sweet and flavorful they were. Then the two of you got to work with picking. She had filled her basket quickly despite eating berries along the way.
After baskets of berries and vegetables were put into the house out of the sun, it was time to head to the riverside. The water ran slowly past the homestead and into the distance towards the forest. Omega looked down into it and could see little glimmers of silvery-blue swim by, and she was curious about what was below the surface.
With a net that had been stretched over a frame in your hands, you kneeled on the grass and said, “Okay, watch this.”
You dunked the net into the water and quickly swished it around before pulling it back out. Small, squirming crustaceans littered the net, their shells a flashy blue colour with beady black eyes. Omega smiled like she recognized what they were.
“We had krill on Kamino! We ate them all the time.”
“Really?” You dumped the caught krill into the basket, the first of many.
“Yeah! The entire planet is covered in water so we had plenty of seafood.” Something about the fact that Omega was getting a little taste of home here, even though she never wanted to step foot on that planet again, made her heart feel more full.
“They can be pretty tricky to catch. Wanna give it a try?”
Omega rolled up her sleeves and held the net in her hands. She could see the flashes of the krill in the water, so she tried to copy the movements you had done. She dunked it down, tried to trap something in her net, but she came up empty. 
“Don’t worry, it does take a few tries to get used to it. You just need to practice.” You took the net back from her, “Watch me again. You kinda need to trap them and you have to be fast.”
You demonstrated again and came up with more krill, shaking from being out of water. After adding to the pile, Omega had the net once again. A sense of focus washed over her face as she prepared herself. 
She dove in and came up with a catch. A much smaller one than yours but it was a start. “I did it!”
“Good job! That was very good! Keep practicing and you’ll be a pro.”
The two of you spent a while at the riverside fishing for krill. You had caught a good amount, enough for you to cook up for you and her as well as some for the boys for when they returned. Which was a lot, you knew how much clones could eat. Thankfully the river seemed stocked today.
After cooking up the krill and some of the vegetables, you and Omega were sitting outside in the grass under the sunshine. Rex had commed in and told you both that they had found the bounty and would be returning soon, so the two of you were just waiting for them. Sitting around a roaring fire pit, you both were munching on the vegetables and krill and some of the berries you picked as well, throwing the shells of the krill into the flames. You were telling her stories of your time of being a Jedi while she listened with attentive ears.
Omega looked so content just sitting there. Listening to your stories and eating what you had made her. The excitement in her eyes had never faded for a single second today, and it made you realize something. You had thought about it before but now you felt more strongly about it. 
The idea of having a child. One you could teach about life and this beautiful planet and tell your stories to as you had to Omega. A curious little version of you following you around at the ankles. Starting a family on your beautiful homestead.
You and Rex had brought up the idea only once or twice. That was a while ago and you both were too caught up in how impossible it felt, how being a clone and a Jedi in the middle of war made it seem like it would never happen. Yes, there was fear that it might accidentally happen but you both were always careful. But you had said that if the circumstances were right, then you would love to have a child. And Rex had agreed. 
But now that the circumstances were right, you were thinking about what he would say. It had been a few months since the war ended, but was it too early? Rex was often busy helping the rebels, so maybe now was not the right time.  Or maybe you were thinking about the subject too much. 
A growing sound cutting through the sky snapped you out of your thoughts. Sure enough, it was The Havoc Marauder and everyone was back. Pretty soon, everyone was sitting around the fire while listening to Omega talk a mile a minute about what she did today. And you had listened to how their job went. They had caught the bounty and gotten the information Rex needed, deciding that the clone force would take their target to their connections to retrieve the reward. The afternoon evolved into casual chatter and eating as the sun began to dip towards the horizon. Stories were exchanged as you caught up with the Bad Batch and bonded with Omega more.
The calm and the happiness you felt from sitting around with all of them, on your new home planet safe away from war despite problems still happening in the galaxy, it made you realize that you were finally at a peace that was more valuable than any peace you had felt as a Jedi.
It was getting dark now on your home on Sorgan, and the Bad Batch had to leave now. Omega had a saddened look on her face, the light from the fire warming her face as she looked at you. She held back a little while her brothers stood up to get ready to head to the ship. 
“Thank you for today, (Y/N). I had a great time,” She said, her voice sounding so grateful, but still laced with her sadness.
“You’re welcome, hon. You all are welcome here anytime.”
Hunter smiled, “Thank you for watching her.”
“Anything, anytime, Hunter.” You smiled back at him.
Hunter took out a pouch from a pocket and tossed it over to Rex, who caught it with ease. “For your troubles, Captain. We’ll be bringing the bounty to our contact for the reward. You should get a cut as well.”
Rex looked down at the pouch of credits before shaking his head and walking over to hand it back to Hunter, “We don’t need this. We’re thriving here, have enough credits and extra support from the rebels. Your squad is gonna need it more than we are.” 
Hunter and Rex shook hands while exchanging a smile and Hunter took back the credits. “Stay out of trouble,”
“That’s what we said to each other last time,” Rex remarked, and they both laughed.
Rex looked over his shoulder and saw you and Omega in a long hug. 
“Come back soon, okay?” You said to her, hands on her shoulders.
“Yes, ma’am!” She said with a giggle.
You reached over and grabbed a little basket that had those berries that the two of you had picked together. “You take these and share them with everyone later.”
“Thank you again, (Y/N).”
“I should be thanking you,” You insisted, “I enjoyed having you here.”
She gave you the most adorable smile.
“Come on, Omega,” Hunter said. 
Omega went to join her brothers and you joined Rex. After one last wave to them you said, “May The Force be with you all,” You watched this light in the little girl’s eyes sparkle at your words and it warmed your heart. As they boarded their ship, you and Echo exchanged one last salute that made you feel nostalgic. 
When they took off, you and Rex went inside after extinguishing the firepit. 
Rex went into the bedroom to take off his armor and to change out of his blacks. But he left his helmet on the table as he went. After you tidied the kitchen a little, you found yourself the helmet it in your hands. Holding the cold material, you looked at the painted patterns and the tally marks. When Rex came back he saw this dreamy depression in your eyes while looking at it.
“You alright, sweetheart?” 
“Never better,” you answered, “Just thinking, I miss the armour sometimes.”
Rex smiled. He only wore it now when going on missions for the rebels. It was an unconscious thing he did to put distance between your old lives and the new. It helped him to focus where his priorities lied now, but occasionally reminiscing about the past when he needed to pull it back on.
Other things clouded Rex’s mind. Earlier in the evening, he watched the way you and Omega had interacted. An instant bond that had formed, like you had been a teacher, like a mother. It made him think about what it would be like to have a child for yourselves.
Rex snaked his arms around you from behind while you still looked at his helmet. He wanted to say something about it. But his voice caught in his throat. He desperately tried to force something out.
“Um, cyar'ika? I wanted to ask you something.”
He felt your body slightly stiffen in his arms. His next movements were slow while he talked. He took his helmet from out of your hands. “Seeing you today. With Omega,” He placed the helmet back on the table and intertwined his fingers between yours. “It got me thinking,” He turned you around to face him. “There’s no rush, but,” He looked at you with genuine love and gentle seriousness. “When you’re ready, I’d like to have children.”
He watched your face soften before taking his face in your hands, holding his cheeks tenderly. “I’d love that,”
The thought of having a child was exhilarating and a little scary at the same time. There were small anxieties that were in the back of his brain, like if he would be a good father or not. Would he pass on his growth acceleration gene? What if something went wrong? He tried not to think about it anything like that. But knowing that you would be the mother of his children made it seem less scary.
“It would be a great life growing up in a place like this,” You said, a light in your expression that made Rex feel like he was the luckiest man in the galaxy.
“It would be.” Rex replied, leaving kisses on your palms and having them travel to your knuckles. “Just give me the word,”
“I’ll give it a thought,” You replied with a nod, “But I will absolutely start a family with you,”
Rex pulled you in for a soft kiss, one so gentle and intimate that made you only focus on him with no other thoughts interrupting you both. 
TAGS: @justanothersadperson93 @wolffes-eye​ @elizabeth7567​
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