#and probably captured some wild witches herself
drachenfalter · 10 months
Just had a disturbing thought.
The reason that Lilith Clawthorne is accepted back into society so easily after everything is that her victims* usually didn't survive.
(*victim meaning the people most hurt by Lilith's actions as a member and eventual leader of the Emperor's coven. Almost exclusively so called "wild witches", like the people we see at the beginning of Agony of a witch.) (Also, Eda is the exception to that rule, but only because she's Lilith's sister. We have every indication that Lilith did not treat any other wild witch like that.)
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none-prob · 1 year
I write about a character per day
Day 13: Philip Wittebane/Emperor Belos
I have had my fair share of thoughts and even at some point comparing him to freaking George W. Bush. I mean, he had his turning point with Lilith's punch, faked evidence to cause witch genocide, fear mongered the power of wild magic, and caused absolute chaos under the cover of a classification system. But I have to give credits where credits due, Belos is a really well-written villain.
Belos is an excellent manipulator. One who successfully fearmongered like the entire island against wild witches. It took a long time for him to get his own army, gain the citizens' trust, and follow his orders, even the ones that would actually kill them. The moment he successfully gained the trust, the knife will stab in the back. Lilith was also a victim in this. She was promised a cure for her sister's curse, even at some point being used to pitch against her own sister, only to realize the lies under his mouth.
Hunter is probably one of the biggest victim of Belos. Someone who was his right hand man, his nephew, and Belos used it so successfully to isolated him from the open world, as well as built the trust in him. Even at the end of King's Tide, Hunter is still shaking and doubting himself when Belos used that nurturing voice to manipulate him again. It's insanely powerful, one of the weapons Belos used so well, and the only way Hunter broke through, wasn't just his willpower, it was for him to see Belos for who he is.
We even saw this strategy working on the Collector, a villain-victim hybrid whose villain side finally showed up in Season 3. Belos had used the Collector to the maximum, only to betrayed him again, like he did with Lilith and Hunter. And even after all of that, he still managed to possessed puppet Raine and once again to get the Collector into fighting our Hexsquad.
So I want to talk about Elsewhere and Elsewhen for a bit, because this was when we found out about Belos' turning point. He already had his own hatred towards witches, they bullied him, but he couldn't find back. But now, he hated them even more, found the tools he needed, and ready to take over everything. This is an important point, because neither Luz or Lilith had to be responsible for his crappy behaviour. Luz and Lilith helped him reached the Collector, but it was always him who decided to react that way. But oh boy he made sure he would not let Luz forgot about it.
With the vast majority of the people following Belos' rules, he still had some of the rebels who wouldn't. And he had two options. The first one is gaslighting. And it apparently did damage on Luz, as she starts self-doubting and regretting a lot. Guilt-tripping is an incredibly strong and dangerous strategy, as it starts causing chaos within the other group, and weaken the victim. Luz once she found out she accidentally helped Belos, she couldn't help herself. She can't be frank with her friends, or do anything, as she can't stop feeling guilty about herself. This is why I said Belos' writing is good. A good mix of traditional Disney villain with a more modern villain type.
The second way to get the rebels is of course, violence. Belos had successfully built a narrative that is so strong within the people, vilify "wild magic", legitimate and praise "coven". This is a textbook right wing strategy, their purpose is to drive the narrative for them, pushing the people who were supposed to be on one side into against each other, and at the end take them all out. He got the military ready to capture all the wild witches, time and time again trying to capture Eda. With the downside of violence being losing the trust of people, Belos even sugarcoated it as "helping wild witches joining the society", when in reality, he wanted to control.
One of my favourite quote by Malcolm X is "A fox is always more dangerous in the forest than the wolf. You can see the wolf coming. You know what he's up to. But the fox will fool you. He comes at you with his mouth shaped in such a way even though you see his teeth, you think he's smiling and take him for a friend." Belos is that fox. A slimey, greasy, dangerous fox. A control freak. He is, in that sense, a really well-written character.
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OKOK BT all this Hunter discourse, which btw is very valid. I just havent see a Luz one yet??? like after being revealed that she HELPED Belos literally. Belos' sentence saying "I wouldnt be so judgmental now" then fucking revealed it to this kid that hey look at that, you fell for it too. This kid is literally so fucked in the head already from the past few days, then u get dumped all this. BABIES NEED THERAPY
Omgomgomg SO.
I think I read a while back somewhere that Luz has some type of guilt complex. Which we've seen from the end of season 1 to beginning of s2 ish. In which she probably blames herself for a lot of bad things that has occurred already and this kid will risk everything to correct it:
• Getting expelled with Gus and Willow and literally becomes a dummy to test out The Blights dangerous creations jsut so THEY (not including her) can get back to Hexside?
• Eda getting captured in s1 and almost getting her petrified that Luz risks her only way home and her whole life to save her??
• Remember that scene where she overheard Eda talking to Lily about them cutting back on apple blood for Luz but she took it in a wrong way believing shes a burden so this fuckin kid literally goes on a suicide mission just to get some snails and make it up to them??
Theres probably more but.. Like Luz has a horrible way of taking everything that happens and blaming it on herself. So after that revelation in Hollow minds? It probably the heaviest, biggest, most painful fucking slap on the face. Coz now she has herself to blame for E V E R Y wild witch that has suffered in the hands of Belos through the years. You guys have to understand, this 14 year old kid is most probably thinking this. Try and wrap your head around that.
And no I'm not blaming Luz here. I dont think anyone is. Belos/Philip Whatabitch is just a fcukin manipulative, psychotic, murdering asshole who is responsible for this.
Luz's mind is probably like, "if I didnt teach him. If i didnt help him. If I wasnt so desperate." Like baby just wanted to find a way home but accidentally helped a mass murderer.
Titan, I doubt they're gonna explore that too deeply in the show. But what we've seen so far tho.. when Luz thinks she fucks up BIG TIME, what does she do? She will make up for it even MORE.
Aha we're in danger.
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I wanted to make a fic of Eda comforting Luz or just exploring Luz's emotions after all that but I havent coz I'm still in shock after that hollow minds ep 🤡👍🏽
Edit: I made a fic here !!
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3laxx · 3 years
Maternal Feelings
There she was.
Her tiny granddaughter.
She had a bit lighter skin than Luz and just about Amity’s hair color. And she was so damn tiny.
Eda found herself getting scared, suddenly. This was a really small kid. This was like, a stupidly small child. She would not hold that baby for any number of snails.
Eda meets her newborn grandddaughter for the first time.
I don't know man I'm just chucking out words rn like I'm running from something.
But I had this thought of Eda meeting a very small child and my stupid brain was like "We can do that instead of sleeping" xD
So yeah, have this incredibly fluffy oneshot about Eda coming to terms with her Momma feelings and adjusting to being a grandma.
I just really wanted Eda to get emotional over a baby
Don't even ask Idk
Have fun reading! <3
Ao3 / FF.net
Eda had never been the most maternal.
Not in her youth, not when she had found King, and not when she had sort of adopted and sheltered Luz until she had graduated and been able to stand on her own two feet.
Not when King had taken her name and not when Amity had asked her for Luz’s hand, which had in truth just been a mockery of her parents’ traditions and had given Eda nothing more than an excuse to drink some apple blood with her future daughter-in-law.
Of course, she had seen Luz as a daughter at some point, had called herself her mother, had cared for her.
She had made their meals, had helped Luz with the homework – even if that had disgusted her – she had taught Luz and King everything she knew, she had tucked King in, cared for Luz when she had gotten sick or sad. She had of course done everything in her power to make sure her kids were content and happy.
That didn’t mean she had felt as though she was a mother. She had liked pretending to be the sort of crazy aunt, in charge of all the bad decisions.
But she had never seen herself as maternal.
Well, she supposed that came from not really setting any rules. When she had been younger, she had always been under the impression that mothers had to set rules, educate their children, and raise them. She had never really raised King or Luz.
She had just sort of made them laugh, given them food, and then they hadn’t left anymore. Like the free-loaders they were. Kind of like pests, actually.
It had always made them laugh if she had called them that. It had made her laugh.
Because she loved them, of course. She didn’t know love alone could turn her, the irresponsible, free-spirited wild witch a mother.
She supposed she had been a mother for King and Luz. Without setting rules, without all the raising stuff. She supposed her kids had turned her the littlest bit maternal.
Was it normal for friends to stay up at night and change the cold applications on Luz’s forehead in the hopes of bringing her fever down? Was it called caring and loving when she went out of her way to get King’s favorite toy, to get Luz the food she could actually digest, to make sure King was free of fleas and bathed and tucked in at night?
Did it make her a mother if she risked her own life to ensure they could lead a happy life?
Eda never knew the line between loving, as friends, and maternal.
Raine had started calling her out on her maternal feelings once she got the littlest bit protective of Luz.
Well, it wasn’t her fault that everything made her jump after Belos had almost – had, in fact – killed Luz on the day of unity. It wasn’t her fault that she woke up at night in a cold sweat, rushing to check on her daughter in the room next to hers sleeping peacefully, only to return to a sleepy Raine dazedly grinning at her with a smug, shit-eating expression of “Told you so”.
Every time, they would roll over their mattress in her nest and wrap an arm around her waist and tell her she was such a sweet mother.
Well, she was. She was the Momma of the Owl House.
But maternal?
Eda supposed she was.
After all, even if friends would do the same as her, a mother would make sure everything stayed safe and protected in her house. Making sure there was food on the table that Luz could eat. Making sure King was feeling loved, despite having discovered his past.
Making sure Luz had all her school materials, spending money on icky, stupid books. Giving her an allowance. Keeping her and King safe.
Well, Eda had never really tried finding a definition for maternal. All the love she had gained for King and Luz had just been that to her – love. And it had been enough.
She had loved calling herself Momma and had loved treating Luz like her daughter and King like her son, and she had loved calling them her kids. She just supposed the word itself – maternal – didn’t exactly describe what she was. She, herself, as Eda the Owl Lady, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles, an agent of chaos and the most daring criminal history had ever seen.
She had just assumed a mother wouldn’t call herself these titles.
Seemed like her view of a mother had been wrong.
Any person could be a mother, a parent, a father, or anything remotely close to this. And she supposed, caring for Luz and King, taking them in, giving them food, kind of did make her a maternal person, while never losing her pride as a criminal and generally irresponsible person.
A mother.
Well, whatever a mother was, or whatever maternal feelings were, or whatever she defined herself at and whatever she did for Luz and King.
Here she found herself, fidgeting next to her spouse, her excited teenage son in tow who was already towering over her height, in front of the healer’s coven building.
Whatever a mother was, she would probably feel that way. Well, Camila – Luz’s other mother – next to her other side was buzzing in excitement just as much as she was. The two women exchanged a glance before Camila gave her a small smile and she felt Raine taking her hand.
King gave a groan when he finally placed his claws on Eda’s and Camila’s shoulders and pushed them up the three steps into the main entrance, rolling his eyes.
After Belos had been taken down – after he had actually very much killed Luz, Eda had just brought her back to life – Luz and her friends had taken on graduation while the Boiling Isles had experienced a change in the government. Covens were no longer used to steal or limit magic. Instead, they had been used as a way to form a working parliament, with an elected group of government heads. After the gang had graduated, Luz had worked towards getting a way back home while helping establish a stable government form from the makeshift temporary one they had managed to create after Belos’ defeat. Luz had actually helped them quite a bit by telling of experiences made in the human realm, where politics were apparently a lot more twisted than here on the Isles.
Eda and Lilith had been elected as part of the group forming the government, even if Eda had dropped out after one or two periods, while her sister had taken charge like it had been the most natural thing for her.
Discovering that politics hadn’t really been up to her alley – she was way more interested in rebellions than anything else – she had begun building a legal business since she didn’t have to fear being captured anymore. It had gone pretty well.
Raine had started working in the government as well as Amity, while Luz had started working to mastering all forms of glyphs she could find, admitting her studies to the academics, and shortly after, had been offered to become a teacher at Hexside by Bump to teach magicless witches and demons glyph magic.
After traveling the Isles and working on her studies, Luz had accepted and finally settled down with Amity. It really hadn’t been a surprise to Eda when Amity had come to her and Raine with a ring and asked them to marry Eda’s daughter.
After already asking Camila that is.
Eda faintly felt King pushing her into the cool building that smelled like disinfectant – a nifty cleaning drug from the human realm that Luz had introduced them to – before hearing herself asking the receptionist where the room of the Noceda-Blights was.
A kind of bored-looking demon sighed and looked the room number up in the list, before pointing them in the direction. Again, Eda’s feet felt like they had been planted into the tiles below her.
Only after Raine gave her a light push, she moved again.
So, the world now had some sort of order. Nobody was forced into covens anymore, and the coven seals had been removed, setting the magic free again.
Raine and she had married shortly after her daughter had accepted Amity’s proposal, and now, ten years after Luz had first set foot on the Boiling Isles chasing after her book, Eda found herself feeling more maternal than ever. Whatever that meant.
Her hands were fidgety, and not even Raine’s steadying grip could calm her. Camila tried not to look around too much, even after so many years of knowing the Boiling Isles and having visited her daughter regularly, she still wasn’t used to all of it.
Stopping in front of their room, Eda tried breathing through. King sighed again, but Raine shot him a glare and he shut up. At least her spouse understood that this was a big step for her. Looking to her side, Camila tried another smile and Eda nodded at her.
“If you want to, you and King can go ahead. I’ll-… I still need a minute.”
More than willing, Camila accepted. She knocked, and upon hearing Luz’s call, she stepped in. Eda shuffled to the side to let King through, so he could duck through the doorframe and maneuver his broad shoulders in without hitting anything. The door closed and Eda breathed through once more, feeling Raine’s grip tightening.
“How do you feel?”
Shooting them a grin, Eda turned, shrugging and trying to play it cool, “Old, honestly.”
Laughing, Raine pulled her aside to the row of chairs and made her sit down.
“No, I mean, how do you feel about Luz and Amity?”, they tried again and Eda sighed, staring at the blank wooden door with the small eighteen next to it.
“… Proud. I’m proud of them for making this commitment.”, looking back to Raine, she added, “And kind of scared. I haven’t really been the most-… Well, involved.”
Unimpressed, Raine lifted an eyebrow.
“… You’re kidding, right?”
Groaning, Eda shrugged again and leaned back, before closing her eyes, resting her head against the wall.
“I-… I never made the commitment they made. King has his father and Luz has her mother. I was more a friend to them than a mom. Sure, I liked seeing myself that way, and they liked seeing themselves as my kids, but-… It was fun having them. King had always been mostly independent and Luz was already a teenager when I met her. I’ve never-… Well, been around-…”
Raine softly placed their hand on Eda’s hands that she had folded in her lap and when she opened her eyes again, the gaze of her spouse was humored.
“Come on, Eda. How hard can it be to be a not-grandmother?”, at the joke, Eda groaned, “It’s not much different to being a not-mom to your kids.”
Grumbling, she got up again before straightening her back and nodding.
“You know what, you’re right. That kid is family now and whoever the hell cares what a mother or a grandmother is.”
A little confused, Raine got up after her and pumped a fist, albeit half-heartedly.
“That’s the spirit?”, they laughed and Eda huffed, before knocking and getting her own call to be let in.
The room was warm and humid. Eda let in Raine and quickly closed the door after them, not to let too much of the warmth escape, before turning back to her daughter.
Luz looked tired when she approached them.
Well, that wasn’t a surprise, given that she and Amity had arrived in the hospital two days ago before their little daughter had been born just this morning in the earliest hours. She had probably been awake all this time to be there for Amity.
Giving Eda a big hug, she nuzzled her face into the crook of her mother’s neck, before deeply breathing out. Eda could tell that Luz had just overcome a big step for herself.
“… I’m glad you’re here…”, she breathed and Eda wrapped her arms around the now-grown woman, tilting her own head into the embrace. The younger witch snuggled close while Raine squeezed past them to join Camila and King around the crib next to Amity’s bed.
Eda tried so hard not to cry.
This was a happy occasion and she would sure as hell not shed a tear about this. Just when she pressed a little kiss to Luz’s head, a tear rolled into her dark curls as well. Well, there went this promise.
“I’m proud of you, kid.”, she whispered and Luz held her tighter, smiling against her neck, “I’m so, so proud of you. If you ever need some help, I’ll do my damn best to provide.”
Sniffling, Luz nodded, before parting from her.
The exhaustion was evident on her face. She wiped her cheek before Eda placed a hand on her shoulder and caught her gaze. They exchanged a silent smile, then she looked up and around her daughter to her future daughter-in-law on the bed, obviously exhausted as well.
Amity gave a small wave, but it was obvious to see she was under the influence of some strong sedatives. That was the logical thing to do, Eda supposed, to keep her from acting protective over her child while all her family and friends wanted to meet the newest family member.
Witches only carried six months until giving birth, before incubating their pup for another three months. Which was why this room was so damn hot.
But upon giving birth, new mothers would also become a lot more protective of their pups than humans would. Luz had been new to all of this and Eda had had to educate her on the reproduction of witches, because Amity had been too busy laughing. Well, Eda had laughed as well, but not as hard as Luz’s fiancé.
Looking back to her daughter, she finally noticed the bandage she was wearing around one hand. Smirking, she gestured to that.
“Don’t tell me your weak nerd arms gave in.”, she joked and Luz huffed, rubbing the bandage with the healing sticker.
“Amity just had to transform her hand into a damn abomination while in labor. Seriously, who even does that? She sliced my hand right in half.”, grumbling, she looked back to her fiancé and gave her a small smile before looking back to Eda, “I almost missed the birth because the healers had to patch me up first. But there won’t even be a scar because they had my hand reattached just a second after it happened.”
Still grinning, Eda punched her shoulder, then Luz leaned closer to her, lowering her voice.
“Just don’t tell Mami. She’d lose her cool.”
Shaking her head and laughing, Eda walked past her.
“I won’t, don’t worry.”, after making her way around the bed, she sat down on the edge and caught Amity’s dazed gaze, taking her hand after permission, “Hey Minty. How’re you feeling?”
“… ’M good.”, the young witch slurred, trying a small smile, before breathing through and looking to the side where she kept her pup in view, “… Tired.”
Eda nodded, cupping her hand with both of hers, before softly patting the back of her hand.
“Lily will be here this afternoon to look after you two. Your siblings are still in Latissa on Government business, they asked me to tell you because they couldn’t get a hold of you. But they’ll be back tomorrow.”
She could tell that was a lot of information for Amity to process so she made a note to tell Luz as well. Leaving the witch to try and observe the room again – probably to make sure it stayed safe for her pup – she turned to the crib now finally.
There she was.
Her tiny granddaughter.
She had a bit lighter skin than Luz and just about Amity’s hair color. And she was so damn tiny.
Eda found herself getting scared, suddenly. This was a really small kid. This was like, a stupidly small child. She would not hold that baby for any number of snails.
Camila seemed a lot more comfortable around the baby, though. She had respected Luz’s wish to leave her in her crib for the time being, so Amity could get used to so many people around her pup so suddenly, but she was already reaching in and brushing the tiny thing over her cheek.
Well, okay, that seemed easy enough. Eda could do that, someday, when the kid was like twelve or something.
King and Luz were talking about something while Raine looked just about as amazed by the small creature as Camila was.
Sensing their amazement and figuring that Raine didn’t exactly have that much experience with children, either, Camila took the hand of Eda’s spouse and guided them down into the crib, brushing their knuckles against the incredibly soft skin of the baby’s cheek.
Amity didn’t even flinch at that. Either the sedatives were really strong or she felt incredibly comfortable with the people in the room. Looking back to the young witch, Eda confirmed the latter. Through half-lidded eyes, Amity was leaning back against the pillow, her other hand that was not held by Eda draped across her belly, while she was calmly watching Camila guiding Raine’s hand against the infant’s cheek.
She wondered how much Amity had actually adopted Luz’s family as her own once her parents had been imprisoned for their crimes against the public.
Judging by her calm reaction, she didn’t mind them being around her and her loved ones in the slightest, even in the now starting incubation period. Finally, Luz leaned around King and reached into the crib to lift her little daughter up and cradling her close to her chest. The baby didn’t even wake up, which made Eda chuckle.
“She’s got your sleeping habits, kid.”
Amity’s hand in hers shook when she started laughing alongside the older witch and Luz flushed in deep red when her mother confirmed.
“Sometimes, not even me shaking her would wake her up to school.”, Camila added and Luz huffed, bopping the infant in her arms.
“You guys are being mean to me in front of my daughter.”, she tried pouting, but King deadpanned.
“In front of your sleeping daughter. She won’t hear any of this.”
They started laughing again while Luz couldn’t suppress a little smile herself while looking down at the infant. When they had all quieted down a little, Luz pressed a soft kiss to her daughter’s forehead, before approaching Camila. Shooting a gaze towards Amity first to ask her permission, she then placed the baby in her mother’s arms and kept her hand cupped on the baby’s head, smiling.
“That’s your abuelita, mija.”, Luz mumbled softly and Eda almost felt her own heart breaking with the light sniffle Camila gave. After all these years of calling Luz her mija, Luz starting to use that label for her own daughter now made the human tear up.
While Camila greeted the little pup, Eda turned back to Amity whose head was softly nicking every time her eyelids fell. She had to be exhausted.
Tugging on her hand, Eda got her attention, then she lightly pushed the crib away to get up and adjust Amity’s pillow for her.
“C’mon, let’s get you lying down. We’ll take care of your pup.”
A sleepy gaze crossed with Eda’s but before Amity could object, the older witch was already adjusting the settings of the mattress to be flat again, before helping Amity lie down on her side.
“You can stay awake for as long as you want, but you should be comfortable with it at least.”, shooting her a grateful gaze, the younger witch yawned, then she adjusted the blanket around her future daughter-in-law and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, “Don’t worry about your pup, okay? Luz is taking care of her.”
That seemed to soothe Amity. She mumbled a soft “thank you” towards Eda and curled up a little, before continuing to watch the scene before her, the blinking of her eyelids already getting slower.
When Eda turned back to Camila, she discovered that Luz had taken her daughter back already and was safely cradling her before going around the crib and catching Eda’s gaze.
She knew that Luz wanted her to say hi, too.
“Luz, I’m not so sure about holding-”
Chuckling, her daughter adjusted the baby, before taking Eda’s hand.
“You can greet them like this first if you don’t wanna hold her. Or you can sit down if you like.”
Huffing, Eda fidgeted shortly, before rubbing her hands together and breathing through.
“Just, uh-… Sitting would be nice. I’m-… Holding the bat kids was an entirely different thing, you know? They could fly. Your kid can’t fly.”
Luz had to laugh at Eda’s rambling, pulling on her hand, she ushered King out of the chair by the window, before letting her adoptive mother sit down in it. Camila helped out by placing a pillow on Eda’s lap, then she was all set. Luz studied her face again.
“If you’re too nervous, you don’t have to hold her. I can hold her over your lap if you want to.”
Trying to wave her off, Eda forced a laugh.
“Pfft, you can just say you don’t trust me holding a baby, kid.”, she tried to joke around, but Luz just gave her a smile.
“If you feel uncomfortable, you don’t have to. That’s all I’m saying.”
But Eda wanted to. She definitely did kind of want to hold the tiny fragile baby that Luz had made together with her fiancé. Even if she was nervous and a little bit scared and so amazed by how small such a tiny thing could actually be, she did kind of want to hold that baby. Patting the pillow, she finally breathed through, then she opened her arms.
“Okay, I’m ready. Bring it, kid.”
Smirking at her antics, Luz leaned in and kneeled, then she slowly placed the baby in Eda’s arms. It was so tiny. It was so stupidly tiny, it wasn’t even as long as Eda’s forearm. Hiccupping, the older witch instinctively cradled the tiny, tiny infant in her arms and a warm feeling overcame her.
A really warm feeling.
If that was maternal feelings, then Eda swore she was going to be the best dang grandmother she could be for that child.
She brushed over her temple and the baby squirmed slightly. Apparently, she had woken up sometime during Camila holding her and was now kind of fighting against the snug swaddle blanket she was trapped in. Eda didn’t even notice she had tears in her eyes when she already felt the first tear rolling down her cheek.
“Wow… You’re my granddaughter now, hm?”, she asked and that tiny thing yawned, her arms struggling in the swaddle, before softly smacking her incredibly small lips. Eda found herself smiling immediately, “Titan, that’s new.”
Luz’s hands undid the blanket that was wrapped around the baby, then Eda laughed tearily when the infant stretched, her absolutely tiny fists stretching up to her face and rubbing her cheeks. She was apparently waking up and while she knew that incubating infants didn’t open their eyes yet, she found herself wondering what eye color the child would have. Adjusting the baby, she cradled them closer, then she smuggled a finger into the fist and giggled in delight when the baby grabbed it, despite not wanting to open the fist at first.
Looking up to Luz, who was still kneeling in front of her, she managed a smile, her teary expression probably matching the one on her daughter’s face.
“She’s perfect, Luz. But, let’s be honest, you two made a stupidly small baby.”
Laughing under tears, Luz nodded then she brushed over her daughter’s head and pressed a small kiss to her forehead to which the baby responded with a huff.
“Yeah, when I first held her, I was so scared she’d just slip right through my arms. But I think Amity would have killed me if I had so much as stumbled so I concentrated really hard not to let that happen.”
Eda’s gaze shot up from her granddaughter to her future daughter-in-law who was calling from the bed, her words slurred from the sedatives and sleepiness, but still very much poised if needed.
“… You better not drop our child, Luz.”
Raine had to laugh at that and went to soothe the new mother, while Eda turned back to the baby in her arms with a smile.
“Titan she’s small…”
The following few minutes were pretty much filled with tearful giggles and a very excited King who almost knocked the crib over when Luz called him to say hi as well. When Eda and King had calmed down a little, Camila had taken Luz outside for a little mother-daughter walk in the nearby park and King had gone with them for snacks. The older witch got up and carried the baby back to the crib, smiling when she lifted them up to her face. Resting her forehead against theirs, she kept like this for a moment, before stopping in front of the crib.
Amity had fallen asleep by now, even if she was flinching with every littlest sound her daughter made, so Eda looked over to Raine.
“Wanna hold the baby, too?”, she asked and Raine blushed.
“I’d-… I’d rather wait until she’s a little bit older.”, she admitted and Eda nodded before still gesturing her spouse over. Raine got up from the edge of Amity’s bed and joined Eda, putting an arm around her waist while Eda still cradled the baby close, taking care not to jostle her too much.
She yawned again and from the corner of her eyes, Eda saw Amity’s eyes opening, unfocused and probably very much still asleep but still attentive to her daughter. Chuckling, she turned back to Raine.
“Boy, I’m sure glad I only had two adoptive children.”
Shrugging, Raine caught the baby’s fist with their free hand and tickled their tiny fingers, but she wouldn’t open her hand this time.
“I’m sure you would’ve made a great biological mother as well. As you’re already a great adoptive mother, too.”
Shrugging, Eda brushed over her temple again, leaning into Raine.
“Nah, I’m glad I never had a baby. I don’t think I would’ve wanted to go through that.”
“Fair enough.”, Raine whispered, but their tone indicated that they had stopped listening to Eda, engrossed by the child in her arms. She softly kicked, which caused them to chuckle, before she settled back against Eda’s chest, curling in slightly and breathing through, apparently getting ready for her next nap. Raine sighed softly.
“Honestly, I’m glad I never had a baby, too. But having a grandchild is amazing.”
Grinning, Eda kissed their forehead, before carefully maneuvering the baby back into the crib and swaddling them the best she could, watching her breaths deepening and calming as she fell asleep again. Then, Eda pushed the crib next to Amity’s bed, to which the young witch immediately responded by reaching into the crib from the side and resting her hand on her daughter’s belly. Smiling, Eda took Raine into her arms and watched as both her future daughter-in-law and her granddaughter slept peacefully, leaning her head against Raine’s.
“… You’re right this is amazing.”
She already knew that this child would have the two best mothers she could ask for. And she knew that her entire family, including her furry uncle, three grandmothers, and one grandparent, and their twin uncle and aunt would do their damn best to make sure this child had everything she needed.
Smiling, Eda reached down to brush over the baby’s cheek and pulled Raine closer.
Maternal feelings or not, this was amazing.
Let me know if you liked it!
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sepublic · 3 years
Random thought based on your essay about fairytale tropes and how they apply to Hunter. Belos taking a page out of Snow White and sending Hunter to get rid of Luz- whether capturing or killing her. And Hunter can't do it and that is when he leaves.
In a way, we kind of got something very similar to that, in Separate Tides?
Hunter is tasked by Belos with killing the Selkidomus, for some unknown, probably inane reason. Hunter is representative of Belos, who is the ‘Evil Queen’ in this scenario, and being a teenager who secretly has a sweet heart, and obviously doesn’t want to do it…
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So in a way, Hunter offloads the task to Luz, who sort of has her own Huntsman moment- Where she can’t actually bring herself to kill the Selkidomus, so she tricks Hunter with a fake corpse made of plants! That’s a neat parallel to how in Snow White, the huntsman can’t bring himself to kill Snow White, so he instead tells her to flee –just as Eda tells the Selkidomus and her child to flee- and brings back a pig’s heart, claiming it as evidence of the deed.
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While Luz doesn’t bring over anything physical, she DOES manage to fake her quarry’s death and even conjures a false corpse in its image- Something that Hunter ultimately accepts… So yeah, you have that storybeat from Snow White, redone but with Hunter as both the huntsman, and Evil Queen! Like if the huntsman couldn’t bear to do the task so he instead had someone else do it for him, becoming the Evil Queen in this dynamic- And ended up fooled himself!
Plus, who knows? Maybe Hunter deep-down suspected Luz’s ploy, or at least could’ve personally checked… But he didn’t want to kill the Selkidomus, so he chose plausible deniability in saying that he was legitimately fooled- And rolled with Luz’s story when he reported to Belos!
So with Hunter being both straightforward and a subversion, he’s both the Evil Queen in this story, but also the Huntsman who has a crisis of conscience… And Luz gets to fulfill her role not as the princess, but the oft-overlooked side character who saves her to begin with!
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From a more literal perspective, perhaps we’ll even have a parallel between Eda and Lilith, at the end of Wing it like Witches… Lilith can’t come back empty-handed and neither can Hunter, so like Eda with the ring, Luz takes pity and offers her sibling-parallel something to indicate at least some success on Hunter’s part, to lessen the blow of failure; Possibly the mask shard from Belos? I’ve always wondered if it’d play a role, and maybe it one day will in regards to Belos lore… But with how I’ve compared it as a potential parallel to Eda’s ring, this would only cement that if Luz gave it to Hunter!
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Then Hunter could prove himself in Belos’ eyes, by helping to ‘redeem’ his uncle’s honor by reclaiming this lost trophy, taken from him by a wild witch… Hunter didn’t QUITE capture Luz nor get his objective –probably the portal key- but the gesture alone could somewhat please Belos’ pride here, maybe even congratulate his nephew for making a proper example and redeeming himself, through his uncle’s honor!
Of course, if this IS a parallel to Wing it like Witches, then… Let’s hope we don’t get an Agony of a Witch parallel immediately afterwards, with Luz and Hunter fighting one another, getting emotional and vindictive and downright spiteful, and one defeating the other. Which, with Luz and Hunter being both parallels but also contrasts to Eda and Lilith, maybe this duel would result in Luz being the victor in capturing Hunter, setting him up to recover in an environment away from his abuser.
…And who knows? Maybe we’ll finally see Eda’s ring come into play in this scenario- Perhaps Hunter performs a ‘trade’ with Luz of his own suggestion, which would be a neat callback to him prompting ‘deals’ with others for the sake of kindness in Separate Tides. Hunter offers Eda’s ring in return for Belos’ mask shard, and Luz readily agrees, which leads to a sweet moment that affirms Eda as a mother figure in Luz’s eyes, and not just King’s…
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Of course, with how the scrying potion is set up, and with the general magic trope of certain spells requiring a piece of a target, such as a hair, or perhaps something important to them- We might see Lilith’s scrying potion, or something of similar effect, utilize Belos’ mask shard… Perhaps to look into HIS backstory- While Belos uses Eda’s ring to keep an eye on the members of the Owl House. That’d be an eerie moment of parallels where both witches gaze upon one another, not aware of what the other has been pulling off, and thinking they alone have the advantage here.
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sergeantsporks · 3 years
Whatever It Takes
Rating: Teen and Up, Gen
TW: Self-harm, attempted suicide, emotional manipulation
“While I’ve got you here, want to hear the complete history of wild magic? I’m sure you’ll find it very interesting, considering that you’re old enough to have lived through it.”
“I am not, you little brat. Shut your mouth, I don’t want to listen to your voice.” 
“Yeah? What if I don’t want to shut up? What if I feel like singing?"
Hunter is a difficult prisoner to keep, and Lilith and Eda are about to find that out the hard way.
Ch 4/4: Set Free (to fly into another cage)
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3
“… Lilith? Do… do you really hate me?”
Lilith jumped at Hunter’s slurred voice, twisting to look at him. His eyes were only half-open—the sleeping potion hadn’t quite worn off yet. Still, she reached for her staff, just in case. He was still white as a sheet, and his hands were shaking uncontrollably. “You’re still in shock—I’m going to go get more—”
“Do you?” he pressed, wincing at every word. His palisman stared at her judgmentally, protectively wiggling down further into Hunter’s hair.
Lilith twisted her hands in her lap. “I… I hate what you represent. Emperor Belos. The coven I served faithfully for thirty years of my life that threw me out like trash. My replacement, my failure, the fact that there’s always someone better than me, someone more favored, someone born better than me in some way that I can never catch up to with hard work.” She sighed. “But… the weight of being coven head will crush you. I hate what you do for the emperor, but at the end of the day… You can be annoying, but I can’t hate you—in another reality where I didn’t have Edalyn, I would be you.”
The barest ghost of a smile crossed his face. “You… wish you could be me…”
Lilith snorted. “Yeah, right, brat.” She took in a deep breath. “Let me ask you something: why does it matter?”
“Why does it matter if I hate you or not? You’re a loyal coven member, right? And I’m a traitor. By all rights and purposes, we should hate each other. You have Belos—why do you need my love?”
She got up, going back to the kitchen and grabbing another bottle of sleeping potion. “I don’t know why I’m bothering. You probably won’t even remember this,” she murmured, uncorking the bottle, “Alright, sleep for you until your nerves settle. You look awful.”
Hunter’s hand twitched, like he was trying to grab her hand, and his palisman fluttered down to his shoulder, chirping comfortingly. “I didn’t try to kill myself because I failed,” he mumbled. His dazed eyes stared into hers desperately, like he needed her to understand what he was talking about. “It was just that I was more useful to Belos dead.”
A chill ran down her spine, and Lilith’s hands shook as she held the sleeping potion to his mouth, tilting it back. He fell back asleep as his palisman nuzzled his face, and she tossed the empty bottle down onto the table, her hands still shaking. She tucked them into her lap, willing herself to be still.
Still, she couldn’t forget his magenta eyes locked onto hers, and how desperate they looked.
Titan, that had been freaky.
Lilith could imagine being so scared of Belos’ disappointment, so scared of the punishment he would met out that she could despair and take her own life.
But the idea of willingly tying the noose around her neck because she thought it was what Belos would want-!
That was a level of loyalty—really more border-lining on blind adoration and worship—that she couldn’t understand.
Lilith briefly thought about calling Eda and telling her about this disturbing new development, but she shut her mouth before she actually made a sound.
“Hootcifer?” she called faintly.
The house demon was at her side in a moment. “I heard, Lulu.”
Lilith rubbed her temples. “Can you just… keep an eye on him for a bit? I’m going for a walk. I need to clear my head.”
“You can count on me!”
Lilith patted her friend’s face absentmindedly and wandered outside.
She’d always known how Belos was, she told herself, she’d always known how good he was at manipulating people.
She’d just… never quite considered the ramifications of only having Belos as an influence. Coven training, and old self-preservation habits still kicked in on her sometimes. But at least she’d had a different upbringing. She could take a step back and remind herself what was right and wrong.
No, she realized with sudden clarity, she didn’t hate Hunter at all.
She just pitied him.
Eda traipsed down the stairs to see Hooty rocking a passed-out Hunter back and forth, singing some demon lullaby about eating bugs to him while Hunter’s palisman flew frantically around him, pecking at her house demon. She had to stop and stare at that for a moment, just trying to figure out what was going on.
“Do I want to know?”
“Lulu asked me to watch him! I think he likes my singing, he hasn’t woken up yet.”
“Uh, yeah, that’s because he’s drugged, Hooty.”
“Oh.” Hooty dumped Hunter back on the couch unceremoniously, and his palisman fluttered down, warbling angrily. “I guess drugging your kids to go to sleep isn’t a parenting choice I’d considered.”
“Drugging my—Hooty, he’s our prisoner, not a new kid! Are you kidding me? He’s the Golden Guard!”
“Tell that to Lulu.”
Eda pinched the bridge of her nose. Oh, no. “Explain that statement right now.”
“She feels bad for him.”
“’Bout time. Of course she feels bad for him, everyone feels bad for him, he’s a tragic-faced little angst-ball, that doesn’t mean we’re going to adopt him! He’s tried to kill us several times, for titan’s sake!”
Hooty flopped down over Hunter, earning more angry tweets and pecks from his palisman. “I think he’s fun. He reminds me of Lulu. You keep him prisoner, I’m going to be his friend!”
“Hooty, that’s very nice of you to offer, but we already established that we’re not going to torture him. Get off of him before his bird has an aneurism.”
Eda heard a knock on the door, and she gestured frantically to Hooty. “Hide the kid!” she hissed.
Hooty swallowed Hunter whole.
“Oh—okay, that happened. You are going to spit him back up, Hooty.”
He nodded unconvincingly while Hunter’s palisman went ballistic, flying up and down the length of Hooty’s neck, chirping anxiously. Eda ignored them, opening the door to see Darius standing outside. “Coven head. How nice.” She stepped outside, closing the door behind her, hiding the Hooty situation. “Get off of my lawn.”
“Oh, I’m not here to pick a fight!” Darius said, his voice oozing with fake sincerity, “I came to inform you that I’m relatively certain I saw the owl beast! And it attacked me!”
“Aw, really? Shame. Well, you know how it is! That thing’s a wild animal, can’t control it!”
Darius sniffed. “Disgusting creature. Yes. But I believe that someone else may have been controlling it.”
It took every ounce of Eda’s very limited self-control not to haul off and punch him in the face. The owl beast inside her snapped angrily at the insult. “Ohhhhh is that so?”
“Yes. One question for you. Where. Is. Your. Sister?”
Lilith turned on the path back towards the Owl House. She shouldn’t leave Hunter alone with Hooty for too long—she adored her friend, but he could be a little much to some people.
She froze in her tracks as she saw Darius, talking to Eda. Eda gave her a go away look.
“NO, Darius, my sister has NOT been controlling my owl beast form,” she said loudly, “I don’t know WHY you’d think that, and I CERTAINLY don’t know where she is!”
Lilith ducked around the back of the house, coming in the kitchen door. If Darius found Hunter—it was all over. She ran into the living room, but Hunter wasn’t there anymore.
Then she spotted Hunter’s palisman fluttering around Hooty’s face, tweeting angrily. She pointed one finger at the ground. “Spit him up, Hootcifer.”
“Eda told me to hide him.”
“I’ll take care of that now. Spit him up.”
Hooty retched, and coughed up a roughly Hunter-sized owl pellet. Lilith tore it apart while Hunter’s palisman perched on her shoulder, watching anxiously.
“There, see, he’s fine,” she told the bird, lifting Hunter up, “He didn’t even wake up.”
The cardinal settled down on its witch, warbling softly.
There was a loud bang from outside, and a lot of yelling. “GET OFF OF MY PROPERTY!” Eda yelled, her voice rising to the shriek of her harpy form.
Hunter’s eyes fluttered open, and he stared up at Lilith. She promptly dropped him.
“Ack! Sorry.”
Hunter blinked, disoriented. “Wha—what’s going o—”
Lilith drew a plant glyph, vines tangling up Hunter’s hands before he could grab his palisman. “Darius is here,” she whispered, “He’s looking for me—and by extension, probably you.”
Hunter’s face, surprisingly, paled at that. “Eda won’t beat him—you only beat us last time through the element of surprise. This time, he’s made the first move.”
“Yes, and I’m sure you’re quite pleased with that.”
He shook his head, white as a sheet. “Don’t let him find me,” he begged.
Lilith’s heart thudded in her chest, barely daring to hope… “What? Why not? This is what you wanted, isn’t it? To go back?”
“No! Not like this! If Darius finds me, then Belos will know I was captured, and—I have to get out of here!”
“And go where? I’d love some suggestions as to where I can stash you.”
Hunter bit his lip. “We can help each other,” he said suddenly, “I’ll make a deal with you—let me go. Emperor Belos won’t be as angry if I’m just late.”
“Yeah, I see how that helps you. But I’m still dead meat.”
Hunter shook his head. “If Darius doesn’t find me here, he won’t know what you did. If you let me go, Lilith, I promise that I won’t tell the emperor what happened. I don’t want him knowing that you captured me any more than you do, trust me.”
“Ugh—yes, yes, I know how it is. I trust you on that, at least.”
“Okay. It’s settled, then. You let me go, and I pretend like this whole thing never happened. Eda might get in a little bit of hot water for fighting a coven head out there, but everyone gets off scot-free, more or less.”
“It is not settled! You’re really going to go back?! You’re so scared of him finding out you got captured that you’re going to lie for the rest of your life about what happened, but you’re still going to go back to him?”
“Of course I am—Belos sent Darius to rescue me. He wants me back, Lilith, he didn’t give up on me!”
Lilith thought her heart might just snap in two. Just when maybe she’d gotten close—this really was the worst time for Darius to show up looking for him. “Ah—titan, Hunter, he doesn’t actually care about you! He doesn’t care about any of us! He’s just using you!”
“Well—maybe that’s enough. To be needed, useful. Please, Lilith.”
Lilith looked down at his pleading eyes. What would happen if she said no? He’d keep trying to escape, only for her to drag him back? What if she wasn’t watching as closely one day, and he succeeded at killing himself? Could she live with herself if that happened? And that was assuming they even got out of this situation. She sighed, untying his hands and grabbing his coven staff from Eda’s weapon room. “Let’s go.”
They snuck around the fighting Darius and Eda, soaring up into the sky on their staffs. Lilith touched down with him outside the keep, holding out his staff. “How are you going to explain what took you so long? And why you look like…” she gestured to his blood-stained clothes. “…that.”
Hunter dropped his palisman staff, and his bird transformed back into its live form, perching on his shoulder. “…You’re right, I need something believable.” He looked at her, then down at his feet. “Lilith… you know how it works… Eda could never…”
Nausea swirled in Lilith’s stomach. “Oh, no. Hunter—”
“The healers will take care of it, I’ll be fine, I just need an excuse.”
“I—I don’t want to… Titan, Hunter, Belos is not worth this.”
“Do it quick. Before I change my mind. He squeezed his eyes shut, putting his hand in his mouth.
“Are you—”
“Just do it!” he growled around his glove.
Lilith sucked in a deep breath, and brought her staff whirling around into the side of his knee with a crack. He bit down on his hand with a strangled scream, and she caught him by the arms, lowering him gently to the ground while his palisman warbled comfortingly to him. “It’s not too late to come back. We can figure out something for Darius—you don’t have to go back.” Please don’t go back.
His eyes shined with that same weird, uncomfortable light that they had when he’d told her that killing himself was what Belos would want. “He—needs—me. I want to go back.”
Lilith sighed, and gently scooped Hunter’s palisman up in her hands, straightening up. “Hey,” she said softly to it, “Take care of him, okay? Make sure he has a voice other than Belos’. I’m sorry that I can’t get through to him. Maybe you can.”
The cardinal nodded and gave her wrist an affectionate peck before turning into solid wood. Lilith tucked the palisman into Hunter’s cloak and mussed up his hair, tucking a twig into it. “There. So you look the part.”
He smiled weakly. “Thank you, Lilith.”
Lilith squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, then sat back on her staff. “Don’t thank me, Hunter. Not for this. Never for this. If I really cared, I’d take you far, far away from here.”
“This is where I belong.”
Lilith shook her head, flying back towards the owl house and trying in vain to forget about the injured boy she’d just left behind.
No one belongs here. Certainly not you.
 Eda growled, twisting and straining against the abomination goop pinning her to her own wall. Darius tore through the house, holding Hooty at bay by sticking his mouth shut with more goo. Eventually, the abomination-man slimed his way back. “She’s really not here.”
“Of course not,” Eda snapped, “Get out of my house.”
He snarled at her. “You seem to have an awful lot of control for just a dumb beast. You’d better hope that I forget about this, Edalyn.”
And then he was gone, his slime following him. Eda let out a sigh of relief, switching back to her regular body. “Alright, Hooty, cough up the kid—hey, where’d his palisman go?”
“Lilith already took the golden guard!”
As if he’d summoned her, Lilith touched down from the sky.
Notably without Hunter.
“Liiiiliiii,” Eda singsonged in a you’re-in-trouble voice, “What did you do with my prisoner?”
Lilith clutched her staff tightly, looking down to the side. “I let him go,” she said softly.
“You did WHAT?!”
“He won’t rat us out, don’t worry.” To Eda’s surprise, her sister’s shoulders started to shake. “I forgot how alone you feel in the coven,” she murmured, “Like no one can help you, and it’s all you can do to survive.”
Almost all of Eda’s anger immediately dissipated, and she wrapped an arm around her sister’s shoulders. “Ohhh, okay. Okay. He’ll be alright, Lilith.”
“I wanted to protect you, and I was worried he’d keep trying to kill himself if we kept him, so I left him, but he won’t be okay, Eda, no one there is okay, and I just left him there to protect my own stupid skin!”
Eda rubbed her sister’s arm. “Hey, you did what you thought was the best of a lot of bad options. There wasn’t a scenario where everyone got out okay. He can hold out for a while, Lilith. He has his palisman. And if you want, we can kidnap him again some other time, okay? Better yet, we can send Luz, she’s very good at making people like her and rebel for her.”
Lilith snorted a little bit at that. “Thank you, Edalyn.”
“Send me where?”
Eda whirled around to see her apprentice standing on the path, King behind her. “Oh! Hey, you’re back! Uh, on some errands, of course! Lilith ran out of elixir!”
Luz nodded to Lilith. “Oh, hey! What have you two been up to?”
Eda and Lilith glanced at each other. “Nothing,” they said in unison.
“Ah, Hunter. You’ve returned.”
Belos watched his nephew struggle to kneel, biting his lip so hard it bled. “Emperor Belos—I apologize for the delay in my return.”
“Darius said he left you behind fighting the assassins.”
Hunter nodded.
“A couple of low-life thugs—no one important.” Hunter made a vague gesture at his bloody clothes. “I took care of them.”
A lie. Belos knew that the owl lady and her sister had been behind this, and he also knew that they were still alive. Which meant it wasn’t their blood staining his guard’s clothes. Interesting. He’d let the boy get away with it for now, but if Hunter started to make a habit of lying to him, he’d have to find a way to quash it. “And your injury?”
“Sustained in the fight. Again, I apologize for the delay it caused. It won’t happen again.”
“No. It won’t. See yourself to the healers. I need you healthy.” Belos watched him haul himself up, leaning on his staff for support. “I’m glad you’ve returned, Hunter.”
Hunter limped to his bed with a sigh, collapsing on it and rubbing his knee. The healers had mended most of the damage, but it was still sore. His palisman fluttered out of his pocket, chiding him.
“It doesn’t hurt that bad. I’m okay, I promise.”
A disgusted chirp.
“Don’t talk about him like that! He’s the emperor, there’s appearances to keep up—even if you get hurt.” Hunter held out a hand for the bird to perch on. “Hey—he was happy to see me. Lilith doesn’t know what she’s talking about.”
His palisman gave his hand a disdainful look, and fluttered up to his shelf, fluffing up its feathers.
“Well, fine! Be that way.” Hunter flopped backwards on his bed. Somehow, the room seemed emptier than it had when he’d left.
Why do I need Lilith to like me?
He shook himself.
Forget her. You’re home. Belos needs you. And that’s all that matters.
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i-love-hobbies · 3 years
(This isn't an anti-Eda, anti-Lilith or anti-Bump post. Just read this fully, please!)
Murder and violence are not ok!
This whole thing started literally after s1ep2 where Eda murdered a dude on screen.
What am I talking about?
"It's just a cartoon. Don't read too much into it."
I don't have a very strong opinion on this but I'm not a fan of normalizing murder. Also "Heroes that are genocidal maniacs, kill the villain cause he's awful." sounds extremely cringe.
And why are you reading a post that analyses a part of a cartoon right now?
"Death is normal on the Boiling isles, so that makes it ok."
Woah, woah! WHAT?
If everyone used that logic, slavery would still be a thing.
Just cause it's normalized in a culture doesn't mean it's less harmful or that everyone that comes from that culture does it.
It can be used to explain someone's actions, but not excuse them.
The ignorance of context.
1. Eda's murders
First I wanna point out that it was never emotional, it was all calculated. Remember when Tibbles scammed her, she didn't attack him back. None of her kills are revenge. She has always had something to win from them.
She has murdered two people, probably more, Adegast and Tibbles.
If she didn't kill Adegast. I can see this going two ways. He would starve to death, which means she put him out of his misery or he would slowly go back to full power which ties with Tibbles.
Batman kills the Joker.
No they are not as bad as the Joker but they would have continued trying to hurt her untill they got the idea of killing Willow and Gus in their sleep. TIBBLES KNEW THEIR ADDRESS!
Also if they were willing to do this. Who knows what else they have done to other people too. By doing this she has saved more lifes than she has taken (mostly kids).
Plus this willingness to kill is probably the reason Luz can go to school. Eda's enemies know that if they become an actual treat, things won't end well.
Her enemies are criminals. They are not stupid enough to think that she is helpless without magic. Especially now that she isn't running from the law.
- Now on to almost killing Amity in s1ep5 by making Luz cheat. That was messed up but not that badly.
Witches are harder to hurt, there were healers around who would help a Blight. She saw Amity use abomination so she knew mainly her traps were gonna be activated by a non-living thing.
Luz was going to be injured if that didn't happen. Amity was not in control of her strength and I don't think Lilith thought this trough. Though both sisters would have probably intervened when this got out of hand.
She also isn't the one to force Luz into the fight as many people have said. She has never on screen forced her opinion on someone else except in s1ep9 which was to protect her from school and changed in that episode. Luz just couldn't leave cause quitting ment never being able to perform magic.
Now I know that the right thing to do here was for her to try talk things through. I'm just saying it's not as bad as it seems.
2. Eda's scamming
To get my point across I'm gonna compare it to Wordlob.
Hers is the equivalent of you trying to buy gold and getting plastic. His is the equivalent of you're desperate for a cure and he promises to give it to you and then steals all your money and leaves you to die.
You're not going to try to buy gold when your desperate are you?
Scamming can take different forms and hers is the least harmful.
And consider this, what else can she do to put food on the table with her two adopted kids, Hooty and Owlbert. She can't find a legal job, cause that would be helping Belos, she'll die before she does that and she definitely knows ways to disguise herself but that puts her at risk as well.
3. Lilith's redemption arc still works
Yes, she did murder a bird in s1ep18, but the way it talked and acted. It seemed like it was mimicking speach.
Yes, she did almost kill a child, but she has made up for it probably in that week and a half that we didn't see considering this is the Boiling isles and everything is trying to kill you.
Plus, Eda only talked about the curse, considering "You hurt Luz, you cursed me!" She is not the person who would forget about her kid.
Bonus, she did make up for it on screen as well. In s2ep2 she saved King from Eda's experiments. In s2ep3 she saved Luz and King with her ice glyphs, when she could have just left, giving time for Eda to get them out of there. If Eda didn't show up Lilith would be dead.
4. Bump's jokes
- Dissecting Luz
I don't know why everyone talks about Bump and Amity trying to dissect Luz. They weren't certain if this was going to kill her. They weren't certain if she was alive. All they knew was that the lie will be broken if this would kill her.
Yes, they did try to catch her later on, but not to kill her. They wanted to make sense of what's going on and hopefully find her parents so she gets at the very least a talk on why she shouldn't do this.
Willow just overreacted which in return made Luz do the same.
- Bump's detention room
This room is a hypnosis one. Hypnosis is a job in real life. It can be dangerous but that can also be said about therapy if the therapist is bad. Depends on who does it.
"Impressive still alive!" This is a joke.
If a hypnotic session is stopped in the middle, you'd be too relaxed to be able to move. He was fine, he just needed some time.
- Bump's add
Everything that attacked Matt was alive. He probably did something to piss them off. But yeah Bump should have done something.
- Detention track
Guys knowing what he did for Willow in s1ep3, it's obvious that he was in a lot of stress. If he did what he did in that episode regularly. You just touch an orb and byeeeeee. Then this place should have been crowded.
Plus the wall with troublemakers' names had what six names and a portrait of lord calamity. Eda left school before three decades. And that's all we got.
He was probably not gonna keep them there even though he said so. He probably wasn't even planning that.
- Grom was very messed up. I have nothing to say except I wouldn't be surprised if the Emporer's coven forces this to be a thing and refuses to send actual adults, so the kids learn from a young age or whatever.
- Same with the photomemory class.
- "Bosha got away with murder. I can't say I approve, but at least she's trying new things."
This was a joke. Bosha's parents definitely have influence. His hands are tied like usual so he has learned to make jokes out of it. Plus since when are principals responsible for what happens out of school grounds.
5. The bat queen
She is a protector of palismans and I don't think she started to kill until the government was against her (I'm talking about her cave having bones all over it.)
I can't say it's completely justified like I did with Eda. But I don't see a way out of it where palisman wouldn't be extinct.
Now let's see our vilians' behaviour
1. Adegast
He was trying to kill Eda for his business by using a child as a bait.
2. Tibbles
He almost murdered four children so his stand is revenged.
3. Piniate
Is keeping people captive and literally is making them helpless as a punishment for not writing a book.
4. Demon hunters
They were gonna trow kids off a cliff. I'm not sure why actually.
5. The cat ladies
They were kidnapping children for their cafe.
6. The "coven" inspecture
She was stealing all the magic from none other than kids for power.
7. Wordlob
Who knows how many people have died, lost their jobs and so one, cause of his scams. All for money.
8. Warden wrath
He cut Eda's head so she goes out with him. Captures people for nothing.
9. Odalia and Alador
Alador was not stopping Odalia from trying to kill Luz. In their mind this was gonna help in combination with their child abuse, with their daughter helping their business. Everything they have done for now is for their business.
They backed up when Alador saw an opportunity for THEIR BUSINESS.
10. Kikimora
She tried to murder a child, cause of jealousy. Uses her authority to make the system even worse, cause how dare them look in her direction.
11. Belos
Is abusing a child and abused Lilith. Is the reason that palisman are getting extinct. Wild magic= death sentence. Basically created a horrible authority system that has created a lot of suffering and who knows how many it has killed. Probably all for power, though we don't know completely.
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adoras-jacket · 4 years
Ok so for next episode we gave ”Agony of a Witch” and I honestly think it will be a wild ride (and I'm terrified!) , just look at the promo and now a picture for the episode:
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Resume for the episode:
On a school field trip to the mysterious Emperor’s Castle, Luz strays from the group and into danger.
I checked again the promo and took some images that might be from ”Agony of a Witch” so here are some of my thoughts.
So tell me what you think! :D
• First we can see that all hexside students will go to a field trip to the Emperor's castle.
•But knowing that Luz is naturally really curious, Willow, Gus and her will strand from the group.
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• Luz has her hoodie on so she might be hiding she is human.
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• I think Willow and Gus would try to help her so she could escape from someone or something, then as she finds herself alone, she might hear Lilith's voice. Talking to someone, that someone being the Emperor himself.
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Probably we will be finally introduced to Emperor Belos, or at least see a glimpse of him and then for the next episode ”Young Blood, Old Souls” we will finally meet the main antagonist of the series.
Luz’s skills as a witch are put to the test when she attempts the impossible.
• And maybe in that episode, Luz will have to face Lilith on her own in order to save Eda and King.
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- Was Lilith finally able to capture Eda? She said she would come back for her and not alone.
- Maybe the only way she could have captured her and King, is if Eda became her cursed owl form without the elixir (just like the promo shows). Making her incapable to do magic to defend herself and King. All of this could happen while Luz is at school.
- Lilith said the Emperor had great plans for Eda, maybe he can use her magic to become more powerful? A reason why only the emperor's coven can use all types of magic.
- I also hope we can get some backstory to Eda and Lilith's past.
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lionofstone · 3 years
I did this for the other books in the Spider Prince Trilogy series here so I thought it would be fun to go through the playlist for The Witch Hazel Tree as well! It’s fun to go through the playlist and explain what songs I choose and why
You can find The Spider Prince trilogy here. You can listen to the playlist on Spotify here.
Without further ado, the breakdown! This is long and there will be spoilers. 
1. Scared Of The Dark - Lil Wayne, Ty Dolla Sign 
Edna is, of course, scared of the dark. It’s something she mentions a few times, mostly through her internal monologue, and is something she feels highlights her generally fearful and anxious nature. It’s also something that she wants to overcome—and does, through the course of the book! 
I'm not scared of the dark I'm not running, running, running No, I'm not afraid of the fall I'm not scared, not at all Why would a star, a star ever be afraid of the dark?
^ She’s trying to convince herself (and others, especially the Spider Prince) that she isn’t afraid. Why would a star be afraid of the dark? This is something that kind of comes full circle, because by the end of the book she could express this sentiment genuinely 
There’s also some lyrics here that fit her & her friends: 
And I'm married to my pride, I ain't never, never cried
^ The Spider Prince
I got eyes like marbles, if I cry they sparkle
^ Edna (especially chapter 29) 
You know I can read your mind like I'm the author
^ ...Author 
I'm behind the trigger, what if I am the target?
^ Eddie 👀 
I just really like this song for the gang, what can I say? 
2. Golden - Harry Styles 
For these playlists, I tend to only choose songs that are, for the most part, from the main/pov character’s perspective. This song breaks that rule. It is much more from the perspective of the Spider Prince towards Edna. When they go to the sea, he tells her that her sparks are ‘the exact colour of the setting sun’... golden. 
You're so golden I'm out of my head And I know that you're scared
^ He is also very aware that she’s scared, and that she is, in one way or another, scared of him. But he finds her incredible and interesting, and always has. He wants to compliment her but keeps fumbling it. 
3. Least Favourite Only Child - Leanna Firestone 
This song! Man. It really captures the feeling of being misunderstood or, potentially, unwanted by your parents. Edna’s relationship with her family is rocky at best, and although none of these lyrics perfect fit her lived experience, the feelings are absolutely there. 
Guess I'm not that wild And I don't wanna stay Her least favorite only child
^ Edna has gone against her parents wishes quite dramatically, and even before then felt stifled by their expectations and rules. The way they limited her, intentionally or not, was probably a huge contributing factor to her anxiety. So, she’s ‘not that wild’, even in the moments where she wants to be. 
I just wanna feel different Than what I've felt before
^ Poor girl just wants to find her place and change her circumstances, and she’s been led to believe that the only way she’ll truly be able to is by breaking her curse. 
Also there’s quite a few questions in this song and I like that just because it means that Edna could sing along to at least some of it. 
4. This Side Of Paradise - Coyote Theory 
The Spring Equinox is here. Edna is overwhelmed, but surprisingly (at least to her), holding her own. Still, she needs a break. She goes to a clearing and sits by the fish. The Spider Prince joins her, and they have an emotionally honest conversation for the first time. 
So if you're lonely, no need to show me If you're lonely, come be lonely with me
^ They are both, in their own ways, unsure of themselves and their place, and are able to find comfort in being around each other and experiencing that together. At least until the Spider Prince messes it up. 
Are you lonely? Passion is crashing as we speak You seem so lonely You're the ground my feet won't reach So if you're lonely Darling, you're glowing If you're lonely, come be lonely with me
^ He asks her to call him Spi, giving her a right that no one but his best friend has. Edna is left floundering, a little, because of this. They’ve argued, and the moment has fallen apart because of it, and yet he had opened up to her and she still has a desire to further understand him. 
5. Gossip - Sleeping With Sirens 
This song is mostly here for the inexplicable Edna vibes it gives me. I really couldn’t explain why, but while I was outlining I heard this song and my mind went ‘Edna’ and here we are. 
I wanna live fast, I wanna die free My blood is pumping, why can't you feel my heartbeat?
^ I feel like this ties well to Edna at this point in the story. She’s been trying to live her life and not hold herself back. She’s also currently running, with Darling, away from the Heartland and towards some sort of safety. She’s overwhelmed and scared, she’s confused by the gold around the snowbird and concerned for Spi. 
I got that new sound, and when I come out I'll be your nightmare, I'm coming for you don't be scared
^ This is something that Edna feels about the new presence in the forest. Like it’s something new and difficult, something nightmarish, and she needs to convince herself not to be scared of it. 
6. Bud Like You - AJR
Edna & Author friendship!!! Edna knows that she can rely on Author, Eddie, and, by extension, Nuisance to come and support them in their endeavours against the Queen Mother. She suggests inviting them, and the others agree. Author, of course, agrees easily. She’s reliable like that. 
If I need a pick me up Would you come and pick me I could really use a bud like you
^ The sentiment of these lyrics is applicable here; Edna is asking for an assist and Author is there in an instant. 
7. Body - Mother Mother
Once again, this is more for the vibes than for the actual lyrics. Edna is feeling a pressure to do something but doesn’t know what. Eddie is in the Heartland, disguised as a spider; Author and Nuisance are fighters; Darling and Gretel are powerful witches; Pan is the king of Lockswood, even exiled. Edna, however, is tired. She’s tired of her curse, of her apparent inability to do anything about it. 
And take my hands, they'll understand Take my heart, pull it apart
^ Her hands, which she uses for her magic, are probably the first place she feels it. There’s also matters of the heart: Spi wants her to be less afraid of him and she’s sure how to do that, or what that would feel look like. 
She’s just feeling very useless and worried, which isn’t a new feeling for her, but it’s certainly an exhausting one. And then Natalie arrives, with Eddie as a prisoner, and Edna is left uncertain of what to do...
8. Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz 
Okay, I’ll be honest. This song doesn’t really fit anymore. Originally, Edna’s familiar was going to be able to talk to her, but I scrapped that pretty early on. This song was meant to represent a sort of conversation between them, with 2-D’s lyrics being Edna, and Del the Funky Homosapien’s being the snowbird.
I got sunshine in a bag I'm useless but not for long The future is coming on
^ ‘Sunshine’ as a reference to her golden sparks (the colour of the sunset), and the remaining lyrics about her finally realising her potential doesn’t have to remain untapped. 
Finally someone let me out of my cage Now time for me is nothin' 'cos I'm counting no age Now I couldn't be there now you shouldn't be scared
^ The snowbird’s reassurance to Edna. Being ‘let out’ and finding Edna, connecting to that ageless, familiar magic, and helping Edna to let go of her fear, as well as a sort of apology for not being there before. 
Like I said, the conversational elements were dropped from TWHT, but I still like the vibes of this song for Edna & her familiar. 
9. Human - Maggie Lindemann 
Prompted by the arrival of her familiar, Edna contacts her parents and discovered the truth about her curse: her parents got her cursed in exchange for her life, and lied about it for twenty years. This is a sort of desperate plea for them to understand how they affected her and made her feel lesser. 
And if you saw through my eyes you'd understand why I wish I was human I wish that I could say shit like you did
^ They have never really tried to understand her or the way she speaks, and she’s trying to get them to understand how difficult it is to not be able to speak the same way that others around her can 
You don't even know, you don't even know Nobody knows it like I
^ The realisation that they don’t understand and probably never will, and that even with their apologies, they aren’t really trying to understand. 
10. Body Talks - The Struts (feat. Kesha) 
Edna goes to Spi—someone who does understand her, both on a surface level by understanding her speech, and on a deeper one in that they understand each other’s inner workings and opinions, or at least they’re starting to. 
And he kisses her. 
Never underestimate the importance of body language. 
Two eyes like the sun Go ahead, keep your distance from me Soon you're gonna come
^ Edna is taking control and taking risks, trying her best to overcome her fears and assert herself. She wants to go to him, and so she does. He wants to kiss her, so he does. They’re learning together how to go for and get what they want. 
Your lips are a conversation That face is a song If it's my imagination Stop me if I'm wrong
^ But Spi still worries that she’s afraid of him, and she can’t yet say that she isn’t. The situation gets away from them. They leave off on a down note. 
11. Wondering - Olivia Rodrigo, Julia Lester 
After reading CATSP, my friend Vic suggested this as an Edna song and she was SO right, although maybe not in the way she expected. 
Following her conversation with Spi, Edna is plagued by questions of what that was and what she wants to it be, as well as wondering what would be different if she could undo her parents actions in the past, and who she would be without the curse. 
It's like nothing makes the questions go away What I'd give to see if the grass was greener
^ This is just. Peak Edna. Nothing makes the questions go away indeed, especially now that she knows there’s no guaranteed way to break it
If I could go back and change the past Be a little braver than I had And bet against the odds Would I still be lost?
^ If she could go back to that night with Spi, how would she approach it differently? Could she have? Or is this sense of being lost a necessary step that she needs to go through? 
Even if I woke up in my dreams Would there still be something I'm missing If I had everything, would it mean anything To me?
^ If she woke up in a world where she wasn’t cursed, would she still want him? She realises pretty quickly that it doesn’t really matter, because she wants him in this life. She loves him, and wants him to love her.
12. Feels Like Falling In Love - The XCERTS 
This song has a bit of a double meaning; yes, she’s falling in love, but also, in a metaphorical way, she’s learning to use her magic in new and powerful ways and that feels like falling in love with herself. Despite her curse, despite the years she’d spent feeling trapped and closing herself off from the world...she is powerful. And she loves it. 
And I've been running in, running in circles, in circles and wasting my, wasting my time Yeah it feels like falling in, falling in, falling in love
13. Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes 
This is just... the absolute peak of powerful songs in my mind. The gang are working together to sneak into the Heartland and rescue the Spider Prince, even if their plan is poorly constructed. Edna is feeling herself and is going to go get her man. As she should. 
And the feeling coming from my bones Says, "Find a home"
^ She’s making Lockswood her home! Ahh! 
14. I Don’t Know If I Should - Juli Strawbridge 
Seeing Spi again is a powerful thing in it’s own right. Edna is much more sure of herself this time around, but the scared, nervous person she was at the beginning of her journey is still a part of her. 
And you're moving with precision, our subtle collisions Piecing me together in your peripheral vision
^ They’ve been keeping each other close, in their peripherals, for a long time now. This is how they’ve started to build their relationship: carefully, nervously, slowly. 
I don't if I should like this but I do I don't know if I should keep on finding you I don't know if I should play along If these games don't mean right, if they don't mean wrong I don't know if I should like this but I do
^ Edna does like this. More than she thought possible. It’s new and scary, but she knows that it means something to her; it’s not right or wrong, necessarily, but is something. 
I don't know if I should still hang on If this leaves with the moon, if this dies with dawn
^ They make the decision together: this is worth hanging onto. Even when it’s scary and awkward and they don’t know what they’re doing. This isn’t going to die off, not before they give it a real chance to succeed. 
Edna goes against the Wild Hunt with magic that shouldn’t work against them; surrounded by her golden sparks, she goes against them, and she wins. This song inspired that scene. 
You'll never know a single thing about me Until it's far too late
^ No one knew this sort of magic was possible, and even if Natalie had said anything to the Wild Hunt, they may not have fully believed it until they saw it themselves. Of course, by then it’s far too late. 
And nobody believes you now You're bleeding magic out somehow And nobody believes you now You're bleeding magic
^ Edna is overwhelmed by the sparks. They’re pouring out of her in a way that she can’t control. It really does feel like she’s bleeding magic...
16. She’s So Gone - Naomi Scott 
I feel like this one is pretty self-explanatory. She’s changed so much and doesn’t feel like the same person she was six months (or even a month) ago. 
Broke away Learned to fly If you want her back, gotta let her shine So it looks like the joke's on you 'Cause, the girl that you thought you knew She's so gone (she's so gone)
^ Edna left Fairy Hill, left her family, and become something new & impossible. She’s embracing what she’s capable of and learning that it’s so much more than she thought it was. 
Here I am, this is me And I'm stronger than you ever thought I'd be Are you shocked? Are you mad? That you're missing out on who I really am
^ This is specially directed at her parents, who don’t get to know, at least not immediately, what and who she is. 
17. you should see me in a crown - Billie Eilish 
Again, mostly vibes rather than anything super direct. Edna is embracing her power and her position within Lockswood. She’s part of the Autumn Court. Spi even calls her princess, which is loaded but doesn’t scare her. 
You should see me in a crown (you should see me, see me) Your silence is my favorite sound (you should see me, see me)
^ Edna is glad of her position and excited by her power. Also, she enjoys being able to make Natalie shut up. 
ALSO this song is a little bit from Winterbloom’s POV as well, as she takes her position as a princess as well. Winterbloom my love...
18. Fearless (Taylor’s Version) - Taylor Swift
THIS SONG. It is the peak of Edna/Spi. 
Pan is restored to the throne and rain pours through the Heartland. Spi takes Edna. to the witch hazel tree. He teases her, she flirts with him, and they begin the rest of their lives, unafraid. 
The best part is that this song could be from either of them POV wise :) 
And I don't know how it gets better than this You take my hand and drag me head first Fearless And I don't know why But with you I'd dance in a storm In my best dress Fearless
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gothdaddyissues · 2 years
The Devil Came To A Small Town
Story Summary: In a bougie small town, a local witch strikes up a business relationship with the newly-arrived Satanic Church, setting in motion a series of events that lead to two misfits falling in love
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Chapter Four available on Ao3
or under the cut (~5000 words)
PS - you can jump into this chapter without reading the others if you're just looking for a good time... 😉
THE DREAM - Izzy has a dream evoking her wild past and the skull painted man... and things get smutty.
⛧ Playlist for this chapter ⛧
Tags: OC female, Cardinal Copia/Papa IV, smut smut smut, Dom Papa IV, dubious consent (it's dream sex), rough sex, oral sex, rough oral sex, choking, dirty talk, dom/sub dynamics, unprotected sex, No Beta (we die like Terzo), Google Translate Italiano
Catch up here: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 |
Saturday night at The Sanctuary was always the busiest. It wasn’t just the townies, but all the ultra-fashionable goths from the city would show up too. And it was Darkwave Dance Party night, so she knew it would be full of the fun, freaky types.
She was bored. Restless and horny. She wanted to drink until she was nice and loose, wanted to get lost in the seductive beat of the music. To dance, and hopefully get a little action if she could find the right guy to grind up against.
She made her way up the steps of the old Abbey, clad in a skin-tight, sapphire blue velvet slipdress and high-heeled, black leather thigh-high boots. This was an outfit that always got attention, and attention was what was craving. Her long, dark hair was flat ironed stick straight, her black winged eyeliner sharp enough to stab, her lips painted blood red. She was on the prowl tonight, a huntress in search of her prey.
She could feel the beat of the music from outside, recognizing it immediately as Love Like Blood by Killing Joke. A great start. The bouncers let her right in, knew her on sight as a regular. Her friends were probably already inside, but that didn’t matter to her. Tonight wasn’t about hanging out with her usual crew. She wanted something new and different to keep her occupied.
The main hallway was a sea of pale faces, studded leather, and black lace. She sliced through the crowd to the Vampire Lounge - the bartenders there poured a little heavier. The walls were hung with red velvet curtains and ornate brass sconces. Richly upholstered Victorian furniture was scattered between carved wooden tables and coffin-shaped bookcases. Tall candelabras stood every few feet, black candles dripping with melted wax. Long-haired Lestat wannabes lounged about, sucking on Hookah pipes and sipping Guinness Snakebites. Boring boring boring. Not why she was here.
The next song started - She’s In Parties by Bauhaus. Another favorite of hers. She took a seat at the bar, hailed a bartender, and got herself a Dirty Shirley with extra maraschino cherries. She took a deep swig, then sucked two cherries off of the plastic pick into her mouth - sticky, sweet, and juicy. It gave her a moment to survey the crowd, looking for potential suitors for the night. Lots of familiar faces and a few she didn’t recognize. Alas, no one stood out.
Until she caught a glimpse of him. Brief. Too brief. But enough of a look to build intrigue. It was the painted face that captured her attention at first. Sure, almost every face in this building was painted in some form. Not like this though. Stark-white skin with deep black circles around his eyes and a sharp, perfectly defined black contour that ran across his cheekbones and mouth. Skull paint. Dramatic much? Unique though. His salt-and-pepper hair was brushed back from his face, definitely an elder goth-type. In the few seconds she watched him she could feel the heat building low inside her. Yep, this was the one. He seemed a bit dangerous, and she liked that…. And also a little familiar? A spark of recognition, even though she was quite sure she’d never seen him here before. But as quickly as she had seen him, he turned away and disappeared into the crowd.
She downed the rest of her drink and ordered another, scanning the room to find him again. Was that him? The back of a jacket, distressed edges, elaborately laced from collar to hem, straight down the spine. He was heading for the Chapel, where the dance floor was. She followed, fresh drink in hand. She was feeling warm and fuzzy. Was it the alcohol or was it arousal? It didn’t matter - she was reveling in it either way.
The Chapel was across the main hallway from the Lounge, and the hallway was suddenly extremely crowded. So many people. They were an annoyance to her. She was searching for him. She’d catch sight of him, and then he was gone again. There and gone. There and gone. For a moment, she panicked, feeling like she might drown in this sea of bodies. But she worked her way through as the crowd ebbed and flowed, sluggishly pushing her forward towards the Chapel entrance like lazy waves rolling towards the shore.
She crossed the threshold into the Chapel, the ancient stone flooring throbbing with the beat of the music. This was once a place of worship, but now instead of an altar, there was a DJ booth. Instead of a crucifix dangling above, there was a wall of speakers. Pulsating lights hung from the soaring, arched ceiling, illuminating the writhing mass of people on the dancefloor in red, blue, gold, and green. Couples, groups, grinding, kissing, fondling each other under the stained glass windows. A hot and sweaty den of debauchery, profane and blasphemous. Sanctuary, but only for the wicked.
The DJ segued into the next song. Lucretia My Reflection by Sisters of Mercy. Oooh shit, she loved this one so much. She took one more deep drink from her glass and abandoned it on a nearby table before stepping onto the dance floor to sway and sashay to the music. She raised her arms over her head and twirled, letting go of inhibition…
There he was, her skull-painted prey, making his way through the crowd along the side of the dance floor. The mass of people parted to make room for him as if they were commanded to. Perhaps they could sense the power in him, the same sheer magnetism that was drawing her to him and making her ache inside. She continued to sway, watching him move, watching him work the crowd, seeing how they gazed at him in awe. Suddenly, he stopped, turning towards the dance floor and staring directly at her.
She could finally get a good look at him now. The artfully distressed jacket and matching skin–tight jeans. The black vest and silk shirt with a high collar and ruffled cuffs that almost completely covered his gloved hands. The royal blue cravat tied around his neck. The perfect goth daddy. Only then did she notice his eyes - one green, one white. That pang of recognition hit her again. He seemed so familiar to her.
She continued to writhe to the music as he stared down his nose at her, not relinquishing eye contact, looking every bit like a dom ready to tame his brat. Like he knew that was exactly what she wanted. Heat was pooling in her core. She had never needed a man so badly in her life.
The tables had turned. Now she was the prey, and he had her perfectly in his sights.
She closed her eyes and ran her hands over her body, from her ass to her waist, sliding up over her breasts and across her neck into her hair, all while dancing seductively. If he was going to stare, she might as well give him a show, right? When she opened her eyes again, he was gone.
She faltered, stumbling a bit as she stopped still on the dance floor, her eyes desperately searching for him in the crowd. Before she could turn to look around, she felt him. He was right behind her, his gloved hands coming to her waist, slipping down to her hips and gripping them tight, tight enough to bruise. He pulled her body against his, her back pressed to his front. She could feel how hard he was against the swell of her ass.
Oh yes, this is what she wanted. Needed. Craved.
The song faded into the next: Night Shift by Siouxie and the Banshees. A slow, sexy beat, dark and dreamy, just like the man holding her. It was hypnotic.
She slid her hands down and placed them over top of his, encouraging his tight grip as she rocked her hips to the beat of the music. Her ass wriggled back and forth, back and forth, teasing him further. He moved with her, rolling his hips into her in a luscious grind. She closed her eyes and dropped her head back against his shoulder, lolling to the side, lost in the sensation of his body on hers. His head dipped down, his lips barely ghosting over her exposed neck as he breathed her in, nuzzling her with his nose until his mouth was at her ear.
“Well, aren’t you a sexy little thing?” It was a whispered growl. “Did you come here to play tonight, gattina?”
His voice, his accent, sent a shiver right through to her core; his breath in her ear gave her goosebumps. She mewled in response, unable to form a coherent thought.
He turned her then, his gloved hands at her waist to move her so they were face to face. He pulled her flush against him once more. His left hand took a firm hold of her ass, his fingers digging into the pliant flesh while his right hand slid up to the back of her neck, bringing her face so so close to his and trapping her there. He lowered his forehead to hers, their noses brushing against each other’s, lips a hair’s breadth from touching. They stayed like this for a few moments, swaying together in time with the music. She felt his leg nudge hers apart, slipping in between them, his thigh pressing firmly against her. The hand on her ass nudged her forward and then pulled her back, over and over, slowly and deliberately, until she was riding this thigh, gripping onto the lapels of his jacket to keep herself upright. She was gasping, lost in the stimulation, completely in his thrall.
“Will you let Papa have his way with you, dolcezza?” he asked, his voice dripping with honey.
She nodded, enraptured, staring up at him through heavy-lidded eyes.
“Ah-ah… Words. Use them. I need to hear you say it. Or I stop, si?”
“Yes! Yes, please. Please Papa,” she whimpered. “Anything you want.”
“Anything?” His lips were at her ear again: “Be careful what you wish for, gattina.”
He backed off of her, taking hold of her hand and making his way off the dance floor and out of the Chapel entirely. She clutched at his hand with both of hers, staggering behind him in a daze. He sliced his way through the crowd expertly, as if he were intimately familiar with the layout of the building, leading her down the main hallway and through one of the back doors that led outside. The chill of the night air hit her overheated skin and set her shivering, but nothing but this man would tame the heat inside of her.
He led her to the old greenhouse that stood a few feet away. It was dilapidated and overgrown, with weeds and vines making their way inside through the broken windows. But there was privacy here, light streaking in from the main building providing enough illumination to see, yet still enough shadow to conceal them from view.
Once the door was open, he led her inside first. She stood breathless as he shut the door and turned to her. His face was half shadow, half light, the stark contrast only accentuated by the skull paint he wore. His one white eye practically glowed as he approached her, slowly, like a predator. It was equal parts terrifying and arousing. She instinctively backed away with each step he took toward her, even though she wanted to be ravaged by him. The thrill of the chase…
“You said you’d do anything,” he reminded her, taunting her as continued to approach and she kept stepping backward.
“Yes Papa,” she whispered, “And I will.”
They were quickly approaching the far wall of the greenhouse that was shared with the Abbey proper, made of stone bricks instead of glass. He picked up his pace, reaching out to her as her back hit the wall. Instead of touching her, he clamped his hands onto the brick, one on either side of her head, trapping her there while he stared down at her with a burning gaze, his pupils blown black with lust.
"So beautiful," he whispered, “Un giocattolo così grazioso per me.”
She was entranced by his eyes, only looking away to glance down at his full, parted lips, anticipating the kiss that had yet to come. It was a tease now, his lips so close to hers, his body pressing her hard against the wall so she could feel the large bulge of his cock against her thigh. Wholly intoxicated by the weight of him, the scent of leather and smoky spice, she couldn’t bear the wait any longer. She grabbed hold of the cravat hanging from his neck and wrapped it twice around her right hand, using the leverage to pull his lips to hers. It was a bruising kiss, hard and rough, wanton and sloppy and desperate. Her other hand went to the back of his head to hold him there against her lips. They were both groaning into each other’s mouths, knowing that this was only a prelude to more pleasure.
Finally, his hands were on her body, dragging the thin straps of her dress off her shoulders before tugging the bodice down to expose her breasts to him. The punishing kisses continued as he explored her flesh, his gloved hands covering her breasts, squeezing them, teasing each already-hardened nipple between a thumb and forefinger. He pried his lips away from hers, sucking and biting his way down her neck to the hollow of her throat before licking a stripe down over the swell of her breasts and taking each nipple into his mouth in turn, swirling around them with his tongue. She was whimpering, shuddering under his ministrations.
“Such sweet sounds you make for me,” he murmured against her skin, nibbling kisses back up across her chest to her face, eye to eye with her again. “But do you think I can make you scream, hmmm? Will you cry out my name when you cum for me?” He kissed her hard, sucking at her lower lip and nipping it with his teeth.
“Yes, Papa,” she said, her breath shaking.
He smiled wickedly, “Good girl.” He reached for her dress again, taking hold of the material bunched up under her breasts and sliding it further past her waist and over her hips until it slipped down her legs and landed in a pool at her feet. His eyes tracked the fabric as it fell but quickly darted back to hers once he saw that she was completely bare underneath it. “Well, well, you did come to play tonight.” The gloved hands were running all over her naked skin now, buttery smooth and hot. He kissed her once more and leaned in to whisper in her ear: “No more teasing. Spread your legs.”
She obeyed without hesitation and he wasted no time, expertly sliding the fingers of his right hand between her legs and into the soft folds that were already soaked in anticipation. The feel of the leather there was delicious, unlike anything she had experienced before. It had her moaning immediately. His left hand gripped her under the chin, his thumb and fingers on either side of her neck applying light pressure… with the promise of more. He tilted her chin up, forcing her to maintain eye contact with him.
“So wet for me already,” he purred, his fingers making contact with her clit, stroking and teasing. “So, so needy. You came here to get fucked tonight, didn’t you?” She gasped as he easily slid one finger inside of her, then a second a moment later. “Is this what you wanted, tesoro?” His thumb was on her clit now, applying sweet pressure there while his fingers pumped in and out of her at a languid pace.
She arched her back off of the wall, pressing herself into him, her eyes fluttering shut in blissful pleasure. His grip around her throat suddenly tightened.
“Eyes open,” he ordered. She complied. “You didn’t answer me. I asked you a question.”
“Y-yes Papa,” she stammered, “I… I wanted this.”
“Is this all you want?” He rubbed her clit harder.
She was getting close, the tension building heavy in her core. “Oooh….” she whined, “N-n-no”
He brought his face right up to hers again, their eyes locked. “Tell me. Tell me what you want, and perhaps I will give it to you.”
“I want…” she gasped, “I want you to fuck me. I want your cock.”
His eye contact was unwavering. “Good girls say ‘please.’”
“Please… P-p-please, Papa,” she begged.
“Mmmmm,” he cooed, finally satisfied with her reply, “I like the sound of you begging, dolcezza. I like it very much.” His fingers continued to work her as he slowly lowered himself to his knees, trailing light kisses down her body as he moved. “You will have this cock.” He lapped at her breast. “I will fuck you and make you mine.” His tongue swept from her sternum to her belly button. “But first, I want to taste you.”
He knelt between her legs, his fingers still buried deep inside of her. His free hand gripped her thigh and lifted her leg up and over his shoulder to ease access to her dripping wet heat. His thumb left her clit to be replaced with his tongue, at first lapping softly down through her folds to her entrance then back up to swirl around the center of her pleasure. He moaned at the taste of her, the vibration sending shockwaves through her.
“Papa!” she cried out, beyond caring if anyone heard.
That was the response he wanted. He moaned again, leaning his shoulder further into her, lifting her leg higher to press her harder into the wall, his hand firmly on her ass. She was completely at his mercy. His fingers went deeper, twisting, looking for that sweet spot inside of her to make her come undone. When she gasped and shuddered, he knew he had found it. He continued to tease it and sucked her clit into his mouth.
She couldn’t take much more. She had been on the verge of her orgasm before he even put his mouth on her, and now it was the point of no return. It was just too good - his fingers and his tongue worked her in ways she had never experienced, but somehow exactly as she needed. She slid her hands into his hair, grabbing fistfuls of it and holding on while she rocked her hips back and forth in time with his tongue, moaning shamelessly. He encouraged her, the hand on her ass supporting her as she chased her climax.
“Papa, Papa.. please don’t stop. Don’t stop!” Her legs shook as the tension within her finally snapped. “Papa… fuck! Jesus fucking Christ…” she swore and wave after wave of pleasure rolled through her, her hips undulating in time with his tongue as he worked her through it, unrelenting. He did not stop until he had wrung every last whimper and gasp out of her and she was a panting, trembling mess.
He removed his fingers from her gently, and slid them into his mouth, sucking away the wetness as he stood, humming with satisfaction. He took her into his embrace, one arm around her waist and one on the back of her neck, holding her through each shattered breath as she came down from the ecstatic high. “Mmmm, deliziosa. Così buono. Una ragazza così brava per me,” he whispered praise in her ear. His lips found hers, capturing her in a feverish kiss.
She could taste herself on his lips, and it thrilled her. She wanted more. She wanted all of him. She wanted to make him squirm and shudder as he had done to her. She broke off the kiss, using her tongue to swipe his slick-coated chin clean, then slid her tongue back into his mouth. He groaned, rolling his hips into her, pushing her back upon the wall, his cock painfully hard and straining against the seams of his skin-tight pants.
Before he could ask, or command, she was on her knees before him. Her hands gripped the front of his thighs and she leaned forward to place a sweet, gentle kiss on the bulge in his pants. She felt him tense up, a strangled “Fuck,” escaping his lips. She slid her hands down to his knees, up the back of his thighs, then splayed out her fingers to grab his ass and give it a good squeeze. Her hands lingered there as she nuzzled into his crotch, earning another groan from him. She looked up at him and saw his head tilted back, his eyes shut, enjoying the way she was fondling him.
The fastening of his pants was laced up like a corset and tied in a bow. She took the end of the string between her teeth and pulled to untie it, before walking her fingers up and across his waistband to work at loosening the lacing. He sighed as it came undone, no doubt relishing the pressure release. He looked down at her then, and his hand came to the top of her head, his fingers weaving into her hair as she peeled the fabric away to free him from his confines. He was bare underneath and his cock sprang free as she pulled the waistband down to his thighs. She expected him to be big after feeling him grinding on her, but she was not prepared for the size revealed… thick, hard, and ready for her.
“Suck me, principessa,” he hissed, those hypnotic, mismatched eyes locking with hers again. It wasn’t an ask, it was an order.
With her eyes still on his, she opened her mouth and skimmed her tongue around the tip, lapping up the pre-cum that was already leaking. Her tongue swirled and licked before her lips parted around him, taking him in with a hint of suction. She flattened her tongue and bobbed up and down the shaft, slowly easing the length of him into her mouth while bracing her hands on his thighs. He inhaled sharply, his fingers gripping her hair tighter now. She moaned around him, savoring the heavy feel of him on her tongue, the taste of him, and the tension of her hair wrapped in his fist.
He was moaning too, his eyes transfixed on her mouth. He was nodding, encouraging, and vocal - “mmm-hmm” and “yes” and “good girl” slipping from his lips repeatedly - but he still let her control the pace. She worked him deeper, deeper, until she felt him hit the back of her throat. Then she did it again. And again. She held him there for as long as she could, before coming up for air and stroking his length with her tongue once more, over and over.
Now he was groaning with each thrust, feral and animalistic, knowing that she was capable of taking the full length of him. He grabbed her hands off his thighs, taking tight hold of her wrists and bringing her arms up over her head. He bucked his hips, pushing her back flat against the wall again and pinning her arms against it. She couldn’t move. She was trapped and at his mercy as he face-fucked her, rutting his cock as deep as he could down her throat, while she sputtered and gagged on him. She didn’t know how much more she could take.
Without warning, he withdrew from her mouth and pulled her up to her feet by her arms. He turned her to face the wall, his hands positioning hers flat against it before sliding down her body to her back, forcing her to bend at the waist and step her legs backward to assume the position. She knew what was coming next.
His left hand gripped her hip hard, the leather of his glove burning hot on her skin. With his other hand, he set his cock against her entrance, teasing the tip of it up and down her slit. She was already moaning in anticipation.
“This is what you wanted, yes?” he growled. “You want this cock inside you?”
“Yes, Papa. Please…”
“Then take it,” he snarled, pushing all the way into her with one quick thrust. It knocked the breath out of her.
But he didn’t move. He was still, buried to the hilt, giving her a moment to adjust to him. There was an initial hint of pain as she stretched to accommodate his size, but having him so deep inside was exquisite. She clenched around him, her walls throbbing. He leaned over her, his hand coming up to cover hers on the wall, his fingers curling around hers. He peppered quick kisses along her shoulders and the back of her neck. It was unexpectedly tender considering how he was using her just moments earlier…
Until he stood straight again, his hands at her waist, pulling his hips back slowly and then forward into her. His pace was slow and deliberate at first, each thrust dragging along the delicate bundle of nerves deep inside her that he had found with his fingers earlier. She matched his rhythm with her own, pushing back against his thrusts to hit that spot harder, just so.
He snapped his hips harder, his pace intensifying, a jumble of words and groans tumbling from his lips. “Yes dolcezza… yes… f-fuck! So good… brava…. Bellissima…” He wasn’t going to last long at this rate, and neither would she.
His hands left her waist, and in a moment returned. He was holding something soft and silky in his hand. A scarf - the blue cravat he had worn around his neck. Now it was sliding around hers. He laid it taut around her throat and pulled… not too hard, but hard enough to cut off her air. Her right hand went to her neck, trying to grab a hold of it, to loosen it to no avail. He had it wrapped around his fist, twisting it tighter with each thrust of his hips. Her head tilted back towards him, her back arched, and she was seeing stars, gasping for breath. And he was groaning like an animal, his pace frenzied. His free hand fell between her legs, his fingers finding her clit and stroking her hard.
“Cum,” he demanded, “Cum for me now.”
The lack of oxygen dizzied her, enhancing the pleasure in the most brutal and unexpected of ways. One last swipe at her clit and the orgasm slammed her, her hips jerking and her knees buckling in ecstasy.
“P-p-papa…” she choked out.
The scarf loosened and fell away. He leaned forward again, his chest on her back, nipping at her shoulder before biting down hard, sending more ripples of twisted euphoria through her. Both of his hands came to the wall, covering hers with his own as she tried to hold herself up. His hips stuttered, his thrusts erratic. “Mine,” he snarled through gritted teeth, “Mine.” One final, powerful thrust and he spilled inside of her, moaning in pleasure and release.
They lingered there for some time, he still leaning over her back, his hands still on hers, their fingers entwined. Breathless, panting, blissful. Soothing kisses across her back and shoulders, his tongue laving over the tender spot where he bit her.
Carefully, he straightened up, slipping out of her as gently as he could. She whimpered at the loss. He helped her stand, peeling her hands off the wall and massaging her palms and her arms to ease the strain. He turned her to face him and took her in his embrace, planting more kisses to her hands, her fingers, her throat, her mouth - everywhere that had endured his domination. She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes as his hands caressed her body and he comforted her with whispered words of praise. “Such a good girl for me, principessa. Mia dolce ragazza. Amore. Mia Bella…”
He kissed her then, soft and sweet. Her hand went to his cheek as she deepened the kiss, his mustache tickling her upper lip before she pulled away, pressing her forehead to his.
“Copia…” she murmured.
She opened her eyes to look at him. It was no longer the skull-painted man. It was the Cardinal. Her Copia.
“Ti amo, Bella,” he whispered.
Izzy bolted upright in bed, gasping. She was covered in a sheen of sweat, her body tingling from the aftershocks of the orgasm she’d just had. She clutched at her throat as if the silk scarf was still choking her.
It took her several moments to come back to reality. The bedroom was dark. Poe was staring at her, annoyed at the interruption of his sleep. She was panting, her hands covering her face, rocking back and forth to soothe herself.
“Holy shit,” she whispered to herself. “HOLY SHIT.”
She flopped back down on her bed, taking a pillow from beside her and wrapping her arms around it as she curled up in the fetal position and tried to calm herself.
“It was just a dream. It was just a dream. It was just a dream,” she repeated out loud. As if that was going to change anything.
She knew it in her gut, but this all but confirmed it: the skull-painted man she had dreamt about was Copia.
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luzswonderland · 4 years
Thoughts on “Young Blood, Old Souls”
So, we’re finally here, the season finale. This season went by so fast and yet so much has happened to these characters. I won’t be making one of these for a while, so I’ll just get into it.
I like the little recap we get in the beginning of the episode about Emperor Belos and the Boiling Isles. It really sets the tone for the episode.
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Luz has really improved her upper body strength since the beginning of the series. From lifting Amity during Grom and at end of the Grudgby match to now holding giant axes.
“My weak nerd arms!”-Psshh. Yeah right 😄
“Me and Eda don’t always see eye to eye, but I do consider her family.”-Aww King 😢
I really want a backstory on how these two met so much
I thought about it, but I didn’t expect Emperor Belos to have an interest for the human world. I wonder what his endgame is?
“But you... promised me.”- I knew it. I knew she was going to get owned. The dumbass deserved it. It’s just sad that Eda has to pay the price because of her decisions.
Lilith is not my favorite person right now 😐
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The fact that Eda is being petrified for not joining a coven and doing “wild magic” is pretty wild. Jail time I get but turning someone to stone is too harsh. Guess that’s how Belos has stayed in power for so long.
“Lilith. She cursed Eda. She captured her own sister. She is the worst.”-That’s right Luz, get mad, get angry!😠
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Love how Luz and King get sent to the Conformatorium. Reminds of a running gag that appeared in some cartoons I used to watch back in the day. 😂
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“You let the human escape, and you drew her a map?”-These are some of the worst guards ever 🤣 LMAO
Wow! Luz is a monster. She’s grown so much. We love to see it. 👏
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Eda and Luz’s conversation was great. You can tell this is a bond that will be hard to break despite the two only knowing each other for a short period of time.
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“Talk to the glyph, witch.”-I really like that line.
Ok, I’m glad we got confirmation that Luz’s magic does not work in the human world.
Young Eda and Lilith are so cute 😚
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So basically, Lilith cursed Eda for nothing. I don’t know how I feel about that. Yeah, I know Lilith probably didn’t know that Eda was going to forfeit the duel, but to go as far as to curse your own sister, with a curse you knew little about, because you felt threatened, is too far. Lilith could have spoken to Eda about her feelings and get an idea about how Eda felt about being in the Emperor’s Coven before the match. I initially thought Lilith cursed Eda because she was forced to do so and not by choice. It’s going to be very hard for me to warm up to Lilith after finding out about this.
Yay! We get a confirmation on Gus’ dad. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think we first saw him during “The First Day.”
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Willow took the words right out of my mouth. The petrification of Eda is too cruel.
Also, did Willow lowkey plant seeds for a revolution? It looks like a lot of people agreed with what she said.
The confrontation between Luz and Emperor Belos was amazing. It sets up a lot. Also, Luz stood her ground against one of the biggest foes on the Boiling Isles and sacrificed her way back home. I’m worried but I’m proud at the same time. 
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“The Titan has told me to spare the Owl Lady’s life”-Okay, so the Emperor’s just using his ability to speak to the Titan as a way to manipulate the public. Gotcha🙃
Lilith redeemed herself a little bit by taking some of the curse’s effects away from Eda. And oooh, different eye colors.
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So Eda is drained of her magic. 😥 But I’m glad Luz is agreeing to return the favor and teach her about drawing glyphs and producing magic.
What is this “Day of Unity”???
And hello what’s this???? A portal to the human? A doomsday device? Both??? This is Gravity Falls all over again and I love it.😲
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Also, I saw they changed Eda’s eye color for the outro. Nice!
And there we have it, this season is over. This was a strong way to end the season and foreshadow a lot of plot points that will come in the next season.
This episode gave us more backstory on the Clawthorne sisters, lore on the Boiling Isles and what Emperor Belos’ main plan is. 
It also gave us a lot more of Luz’s confidence. Luz was never really a girl who didn’t speak her mind or do what she thinks is right, but she really popped off this episode. Everything from her magic, to the dialogue with Lilith and her confrontation with Emperor Belos was really good. She has really grown from that girl we saw in “A Lying Witch and a Warden.”
Also Luz is stuck on the Boiling Isles until further notice. So now her and Anne from Amphibia have a lot more in common than we think.
I’m not sure if this is my favorite episode of the season or not, but it’s definitely up there. I might make a post ranking all the episodes of the season, now that we are in HIATUS 😫
I hope this hiatus is not too long, but this whole season aired in the span of seven months, which is faster than I expected, so you never know. 
But I really had fun with this show and am curious to see where it goes next. This fandom has grown so much and the people that I have interacted with are so creative. I can’t wait to share this show’s first major hiatus with you guys. So until next time....✌
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alias-b · 4 years
sins of my youth. 017
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Billy Hargrove x OC! Evie Fenny~ Also posted to my AO3
Summary: It was common knowledge that Billy Hargrove hated Hawkins. Hated Cherry Lane. Even loathed the strange girl next door. Evie Fenny wasn’t too fond of the chaotic Cali transfer either. An awful high school tradition sparks a chain of events that changes everything, ultimately bringing two frayed souls together.
A/N: New chapter! Sorry, it's late! Took a while to edit this one. Evie's birthday bash comes with a flood of feelings and heavy smut! Billy struggles with his heart when emotions get too real. xoxo
Ask box & Tag list are both open!! Come and chat with me after! :)
Chapter 17: Heart-Shaped Shadow Box
   Monday was strange. News spread like wildfire. Carol Perkins and Evie Fenny had a civil interaction. See it and be amazed. All’s well in the animal kingdom again.
   Order restored. Clouds opening. Roll on snare drum followed by velvet curtains.
   Even the snow was thawing to wet slush.
   It all happened at Tommy’s dented locker near the English hallway’s corner. Evie stopped. Hit her mark flawlessly. Found the light. Flashed a pleasant smile which earned Carol’s lip twitching in response.
   And the crowd went wild.
   “Tommy and I are sitting with you. At lunch. Might want to warn Steve and Heather to put the claws away. We’ll come bearing gifts even. Well...promises of gifts we'll deliver on later. Not school-friendly.” Carol fished for a pack of mints in Tommy’s pocket. This was clearly not up for debate.
   “Consider it an early promise for your birthday.” Tommy had added with a beam of teeth.
   “Sure. Cool. See you guys.” Evie held a book to her chest and continued to her locker. Switching items around before she went back to meet Billy at his. Spotted the faded leather of his jacket and ducked a little to sneak upon him.
   A feline on the prowl ready to overtake the dominant male lion.
   "Did you know you're the only girl around here who doesn't cover herself in that Love's Baby Soft crap? The grown woman perfume gives you away, chica." Billy spoke without turning. Evie's made an annoyed sound and dropped her shoulders, inches behind him. "Not a complaint. I like the thrill of it."
   Blue eyes peered to see her there and Evie got the urge to stick her tongue out as a child would. Didn't want to tempt Billy though. Or did she?
   "Yeah, yeah." Air blew a curl from her face. One shoulder nestled into the locker next to him. “Feels weird today.”
   “You’re not getting into a fight for once.” He remarked, smacking metal shut to lean back against it while the student body bustled along. Eyes slipped down and Evie pouted, straightening.
   "My eyes are up here, Hargrove." Two fingers rose to gesture at them.
   Little extra work put into her eyeshadow and lipstick today. Little extra time picking out outfits that weren't for Fredrick. Can't go wrong with a loud print that looked like it was out of a creepy hotel's carpet. Or a short skirt with her tights. Evie felt especially positive about her body today.
   She didn't eat anything bad this morning. See. She was getting better. She was stopping because she was in control and could stop this sickness at any time she wanted.
   "Sure. I'll get there." Gorgeous lashes batted to knock the wind out of her, but Evie puffed. Billy's gaze lifted, flicking with amusement because she was too easy to rile up. Too easy to get blushing. "Must feel weird," he'd repeated, "no battle."
   “That could be. Farewell badass reputation. I knew you all of two days.” She sighed for dramatic effect and he actually smiled, head shaking before an arm swept around Evie’s shoulders. Pulled her taut and flush into his fire.
   For once, she didn’t look at anyone else.
   Leaned into Billy and walked along as if she was meant to be there.
   As if they didn’t look funny together.
   That was a beautiful thing this morning. Something that made her feel full and in control.
   “Weirded me out when Mona let me in to collect Max and you three were snoring on the pull-out.”
   “Sweet that you carried Max home.” Evie teased. “What a good big brother you are.”
   “Yeah, just when I warm up, she edges off me.”
   “How’s that?” Evie peered up at his face.
   “Don’t know, she hasn’t been her annoying self. Growing up or whatever. Might be all her friends.” Billy only shrugged. “Snappier at me. Quieter. Guess I deserve it. She stays out of dad's way, but he has an opinion on everything she does.”
   “She’s a teenage girl. We all have our moments. I'm sure it's not easy for either of you.” They turned down another hallway. Billy stiffened so she allowed him to change the subject.
   “I did have good luck on my Saturday quest.” He sounded genuinely triumphant. Lips turned into her curls to mutter. "Small victories."
   Around them, lockers shuffled and smacked about. Chattering students moved to let them pass. Evie Fenny on the arm of his royal highness, Billy Hargrove. King. What a lucky girl she was.
   If they held her echoing heart to their ears, they'd probably hear rich ocean waves. Evie wondered if Billy had reached deep within in, if he'd find twinkling sea glass and opalescent shells
   “Yeah, you were gone the entire day, where’d you go?” Evie had laughed and he stunned her with the flippant reply. 
   “Got your birthday present.”
   Evie came to a halt at the corner. Spinning to see him. Billy batted his lashes again, smirking.
   “What? It is the 27th, right? Wednesday?” He winced like perhaps he’d been wrong.
   “How and where did you get that info? And you remembered it?”
   “I have my ways, Evie.” He bit his lip. Scanned her. “Surprised I got you something?”
   A blush damned her to hell.
   “No, I just… A little.” Evie looked away at the trophy case. Saw them reflected and straightened up. Shuffling back. One hand rubbed at her collar. Illusions faded like dying lights. Too easily.
   "Well, believe it, I'm full of surprises."
   “My mom is doing something small at the salon that she thinks I don’t know about and then I’m going to Heather's. Party on a school night. Her parents are out this week so free reign in the mansion.”
   “I might have heard something about that.” Billy shrugged, peering away so she could take him in.
   Freckles stunning and sparkling crystals for eyes. Endless ocean waves under a balmy sun. Evie wondered for a moment if perhaps he was oblivious to how candidly beautiful he was some days. 
   She inched toward him. Forgot their reflection. Forgot the students with eyes that burned. Saw Billy glanced back and froze. Caught. 
   “You ever think…?” Billy gave this squint to study her there. Thought he saw flecks of gold within her eyes. Sparking at him. Drawing a charge. New stars giving birth he might be able to count if he looked deeper.
   “Yes...?” Evie hushed, just barely edged up on her toes. Billy never finished it. "I do."
   "Do? Do what?" He flushed there. Sounding vaguely drunk. Inch back toward her.
   Two magnets pining from a distance. Drawing ever nearer.
   "Think. Long and hard." It came out a saccharine whisper. “I think too much in fact.”
   He gave this dumb, little chuckle. Unable to grasp his thoughts. Unable to share them.
   “I think about things I can’t control and I get so mad.” Evie scoffed. Thought her eyes watered due to the intensity. “I can’t stop even though there’s very little I can control. It's like time and space. I can't... But, I know that, Billy, and I can't seem to stop.”
   Abrupt, she pushed up to her toes. Captured his lips. Just hard enough to make her point explicit. Hard enough to send him all aflutter. Bursting to pieces from every vein. A might wave crashed into them both. Swept them away. She stayed close enough to finish the thought. Made him drink it down.
   "And I think you're made of that same stardust." Evie swooped around him. Left Billy dizzy as the bell rang. She didn’t look back at him. Only smiled to herself and let curls bounce as she slipped off.
   Billy spun on his heel to see her. Left drunk in a billow of honey amber. A smile overtaking his expression. A warm tint in his freckles.
   He could have blamed her eyes with their hold. Could have blamed her hair and the way the light illuminated it just so. Hell, he could have blamed that damn perfume. The concoction of oils and lotions you'd find listed in an old witch's spell. Although, she was from New Orleans, so perhaps voodoo. He tried to rationalize it. Make it purely sexual. Make it rough and tumble.
   Either way, too much became clear. Evangeline Fenny was beautiful and she was going to ruin him. And Billy was going to let her do it. Any number of heartbeats it would take, he was going to succumb. This sin he'd be begging for again and again. This lovely sin that filled his soul until it burst.
   A red hot ribbon would noose his heart and twist out to Evie's own. They could sink and float and be just fine. The thought of being tethered to something tangible didn't have to feel like a cage and muzzle. It could be freeing too. Sprinkled in their signature stardust that gave it an ethereal filter. An iridescent shimmer.
   Even if it terrified him to the core.
** ** **
   Evie didn’t need to prep Steve and Heather for Carol and Tommy’s impending infiltration of their lunch table. More news in the animal kingdom.
   Princess Heather and Duchess Carol caught whispering at Heather’s locker between second and third.
   Truly fascinating. Pan in close for a better look.
   Evie passed them and could only blink. Almost running into Robin on her way to Yearbook.
   Heather and Carol standing close to each other as if they hadn’t been in a nasty fight the week before. Giggling and hushing tones. Carol traded a bobby pin from her hair for an elastic Heather had tucked into a coin purse shaped like a pair of cherries.
   That was a serious transaction in girl world.
   Carol tugged playfully at Heather's tee, hand poised to her lips to whisper before the other girl was nodding. Evie had a thousand questions but decided not to bother. Red hair swept to flick as Carol turned to go. Following Evie because they were in Yearbook together with Nancy and Jonathan. 
   Usually, they sat across the room in opposite corners. Today, they shared a table.
   “Heard the bio classes moved the dissections this year up to March.” Carol made a face and sorted through science club photos. Seated across from Evie to work on some new pages. 
   “I always skip school those days and do some make-up work later. I’ll take the grade hit.” Evie grimaced.
   “I just partner with Tommy, make him do it, and he’ll get us a solid C plus.” A shrug. Their teacher flicked on some hippy music they liked to pass the time. Lazy class. “Do a bunch of shots after.”
   “Yeah, I can’t even handle being in the room.” Evie stacked some finished sections aside. “How are things between you and Tommy?” 
   Carol peered up briefly between making little notes. Blew a pink bubble and popped it.
   “He’s still my number one slice. I don’t know, I thought he’d get weird about the whole thing. Kinda shocked me.” She mused, shifting pictures about. “I did say he’s gonna marry me one day. Pretty sure. I mean we’re plenty stupid and we fight. But, we’re allowed.”
   “Good, that’s...good.” Evie felt eyes blaring holes. Stared at the page she was reworking.
   “Feels like you got another question in there, Fen.”
   “I don’t know.” Shoulders hitched higher. Evie tucked some curls back and smacked her mauve lips.
   They sat in silence under dim fluorescent lights for a few minutes. Carol paused to apply a fresh layer of gloss in her tiny compact. Flashed the mirror at Evie’s eyes to bug her.
   “Hey.” One hand swatted aimlessly when she was blinded. Carol snickered, slapping the mirror shut.
   “You’re really into him aren’t you?” A head tilt. “Billy.”
   “Things...shifted after the dance. He asked me out. Then, I asked him out. We sorta went out together. Nothing official. I don't know what's a date and what isn't with him. I don’t. As I said, I don’t think he does girlfriends. I don’t think I'd make a very good girlfriend either.”
   “Not with that attitude." A scoff. "Have you asked?”
   “You’re overcomplicating it because you have major, major trust issues, Evie.” Carol deduced easily. Too easily. Evie sat back. Opened her mouth to protest and shut it. “Billy might have issues too. But, if a guy screws up and spends two months following you around trying to make it right. Not really sleeping around. Obviously it’s crossed his mind. Just quit dragging and ask him. You might like the answer.”
   “I don’t know, sometimes I think it’s supposed to be like a fairy tale. Without all the...ugh.” Evie cringed at herself. Nails tapping the rhythm of a new song she was working on at home.
   “Make the fairy tale happen. Be like Cinder-fucking-ella. Cinder-Evie.” Carol leaned in to roll her eyes. “Evie Fenny wants romance in Hawkins. Some of us can’t even get cable, you know.”
   Evie snorted. Peered up so both of them laughed. Tension fluttered.
   “Just slam him into a wall and ask. Billy will respond to that." A wink before she got sultry. "Lick his balls or something. He’ll probably get the hint. Boys aren't complicated.”
   “Oh, god.” Evie was still giggling silently. Tried to keep it down under the music playing as students went to go develop some photos. Nancy and Jonathan saw the two and couldn’t help whispering. Odd sight. “I kinda have already.”
   “No, shit?” Carol bit her lip. "Evangeline, you absolute harlot."
   “I mean,” Evie blushed, “we’ve done stuff. Just not gone all the way.”
   “Look at you. Ugh, I know he’s good in the sack. I just do. Tommy and I even talked about it cause we’re like that. We hinted inviting him in once at a party and he was too busy mooning over you at that time.” Carol fiddled with a purple gel pen. Played coy. Tongue in cheek. “Tommy’s not bad, we get a lot of practice in though.”
   “Billy...he puts cologne or something...down there. Makes the taste weird.”
   “Uh.” Carol groaned. “You know, I bet Tommy picked up that trick from him cause he started doing it after Billy rolled in. I fucking knew that Cali boy would be a bad influence.” A sly look followed. “Evie Fenny is getting it. And she could be actually getting it if she weren’t a damn coward.”
   "I am." Evie covered her face.
   "Just..." Carol shrugged and tugged one of Evie's hands down by the wrist. Voice low. "Just think about how good it'll be when he's undressing you. Kissing your neck. And those hands. The thing he might whisper in your ear... Look at you blush."
   She released Evie with a light laugh, continuing.
   "Don't make it rocket science. Ask him. Get the orgasm you deserve, Evie. That's my motto."
   “Not terrible... We get heated and during times I’m actually about to tear his clothes off, we keep getting interrupted. It’s like some evil force is against us. I don't know, I still get weird when he touches my body and I'm trying to stop.”   
   Carol only flashed her teeth.
   “Maybe your luck will improve. Burn some more incense.” 
   Evie only hummed in response. They mulled over pages again. Traded images to find the perfect shots.
   “Gonna ask you something, you don’t have to answer because it’s stupid.” Carol’s voice dimmed. Eyes unable to raise for the first time as she tapped her nail. “Do you, like, miss him at all? You know who.”
   Evie blinked at her.
   “That’s not stupid... Ah, sometimes. I don’t think it’s exactly him I miss. Maybe just the good times we did have. Talking. Feeling important and indispensable to someone. The times he held me or gave me things or included me in his life as if I could actually fit. Maybe it was wrong and fake, but he saw something in me and he wanted that to love him back. I’ll bet it did if anything.”
   “Oh.” Was all Carol said, nodding. “Did he put those bruises on you last week? Tommy saw you.”
   “Yeah,” Evie cleared her throat, “and Billy found out. He’d picked up some stuff beforehand. I tried to end it and Fredrick didn’t want to and then he got scared. Tried to scare me which got violent. But, Billy, ah...beat the shit out of him.”
   “I think Tommy would have done the same...if he had a chance. He talked about it. Jumped right into macho man talk when I...when I told him. Looked like he might cry when I told him how long it really went on. He believed me and my own mother didn't.” Carol exhaled a sharper breath.
   "She didn't want to hold the blame," Evie piped up. As if she knew the horrible truth of motherhood and life and what colors should never go together. How some women weren't meant to be mothers and some women weren't meant to be daughters either. "Some mothers...they can't handle the fact that maybe they brought the monsters home. They were blind. Not all of them manifest under our beds, they get put there by people we trust."
   "Miss Mona have bad boy luck?"
   Evie peered aside.
   "You could say that." She paused and had this brief moment of repetition and ferocity. Repeat something. Believe it. Harder each time. "My father though, he loves me. More than anything. He'd be here right now if he could. He would. I made him so happy." This almost manic smile tugged her lips desperately. Carol saw a flash that resonated, but Evie snuffed it. "I bet Tommy is doing what he can to support you, even if he's a little lost about it."
   “These boys. Acting like they can chase all our demons away or something. Scared when we try to do the same for them.”
   “Right. Our demons aren’t remotely tackled, they’re mildly concussed.” Evie agreed. Softer eyes lifting again to meet Carol’s across the way. “I guess trying is what matters most though.”
   They both seemed to accept that gentle sentiment.
** ** ** 
   Mona Fenny was terrible with surprises. Always giddy and singing along to music to drown that out. Bopping against the wheel as she drove Evie into the salon. Parked around back, smiling bright.
   “You go on first, baby. I gotta get some bags out of the truck.”
   “Oh, boy.” Evie pushed out. Mona plucked her from school early that Wednesday. Made her gussy up a little extra. Red sweater dress with a black belt. Gold glitter over her smoked eyes. Red lip to match. Pretty patterned lace tights and boots. Green bomber pulled close, she trudged inside. Through the backroom and out into darkness. 
   Lights flicked to blind her. Spots dancing.
   “Surprise!” A chorus of sing songs. Music picked up. Dolly Parton of course.
   Evie plastered a smile and gawked as if she hadn’t expected it. All the salon ladies. Heather. Susan and Max. Claudia offering a cake decorated with pink and periwinkle buttercream flowers. Candles dancing.
   Evie closed her eyes and made a wish she held close to her heart before blowing them all out in one go. This one would come true.
   “Thank you, ladies.” Evie peered around at the salon decorated in gold streamers.
   “Lets get some cake passed around now. I’m sure these girls have some excitement planned.” Mona clapped her hands and ladies dispersed. “We’ll do gifts and our dinner this weekend. You’re eighteen and you don’t want to spend the night at your mother’s salon.”
   She kissed Evie’s cheek and licked her thumb to wipe the pink print aside.
   “Thank you, mom,” Evie felt something heavy in her gut, “I love you.” Mona was trying so hard to make this nice for her. One day. Then she'd disappear back into her slinky dresses. Into her work. Into those adult parties. Into another man's arms. Away from Evie and whatever glimmer in her daughter's soul was so frightening.
   “I love you. Go sit. We’ll bring the cake over.”
   Evie crossed to Heather.
   “You pack a bag? We’ll take you to school tomorrow.” She bounced in a seat when Evie nodded. “Sure you don’t want to do anything else tonight? We could see a movie.”
   “Nah, a bonfire. Roasting marshmallows. Chinese take out and wine. I just wanna hang out with my friends. Plus, it’s a school night.”
   “Ah, let loose a little. For your birthday.” Heather shrugged as slices of cake were sorted around. Max sat alone in the corner, picking at her piece when Susan left to go to Mona and chat.
   "One sec, Heath," Evie went to Max and sat down. Slow as if she'd scare the younger girl off. “Hey.”
   “Hi. Uh, thanks for having us. My mom keeps telling Mona you guys have made us feel welcome here and all.” She pulled the sleeves of her grey hoodie lower. “She gave Mona some gifts for you to unwrap later. I hope you like them.”
   “Yeah? I'm sure I will. We like you. Can’t wait to open those also.” Evie scanned her. “I had fun, you know, at the sleepover. We should have more.”
   “You don’t think I’m a dumb little girl?” Max peered up. Finally took a bite. Odd to see a growing teenage girl so disinterested in a heavily frosted cake.
   “No, you’re smarter than most of the kids at school.” Evie wondered briefly who could have put that thought in her head and made it stick. Didn’t take long to figure out who. Mad Max was being slowly worn down.
   And she was so small here. So fragile and thin. Evie couldn't help picturing a shadow looming over Max's red hair. The tiny amount of force it'd take to knock her off her feet. Neil in a drunken stupor gunning slowly for the other fresh target in his house.
   “You can come over any time. I have a lot of movies and Blue likes the attention. She's a needy little thing.”
   Max pressed her lips. Gave this small half-smile.
   “Thank you. I'd like to hang out more. I'm only friends with one girl around here and she's being homeschooled until next year."
   “Can I hug you, just as a thank you for being one of the coolest girls I know?”
   Surprise etched.
   “Okay.” Max practically threw herself into Evie’s arms the moment they set the cake aside. Thin fingers bunched up the fabric of Evie’s dress so she cupped the back of Max’s head and held her.
   “It’d be cool to have you as a sister. We could team up on Billy. My skateboard and your roller skates. I saw a pair hung up in your room.”
   “I mean, we could still do that now.” Evie laughed. Tipped Max’s chin up. “You’re gonna be okay.”
   It seemed to resonate. Heather joined them as they ate their fill of cake. Evie unwrapped a couple small gifts. Jewelry and craft supplies. Fabrics she’d wanted and makeup. 
   Heather whisked her away to Loch Nora after some farewells. They practically bounced into the big house. Ordered a ton of food before they got the fancy fire pit out back started so it’d be ready later.
   The doorbell rang.
   “Steve!” Evie perked after answering. Let him squeeze her in a hug. Practically plucked her from the floor which earned a surprised giggle.
   “Got you something, it’s small.” He smiled sheepishly and offered a little box. “You’re a tough girl to buy jewelry for even if you wear a bunch. You know that, Eves?”
   “No, I’ll wear just about anything.” Playing coy, Evie gave an endearing sway.
   “You hardly take the music note necklace off and I’ll never find earrings better than the ones you make.” He swept a hand through gorgeously styled locks. Cracked a pleased grin. "I notice things."
   “Ah. Fair.” Evie poked his chest. Heather waved when she came in from the back. “My dad got me this necklace from one of his trips. Sometimes, I’ll change it or wear something with it.” She touched the gold chain.
   “I found this at a fancy vintage joint,” Steve explained as she opened it. An ornate brooch. Stunning sun and moon. Soft expressions attached with two looping chains. Decorated in shimmering opals.
   Evie stared at it. Had this panicked thought about the one Fredrick gave her. The glittering ladybug.
   The one she swallowed that had not come out yet.
   “Do you like it?” Steve broke into her thoughts. Evie blinked and shook her head to smile.
   “It’s beautiful, thank you. I’ll pin it on my coat now.” Evie kissed his cheek and bounded off. Left Steve there to blush a sweet, dewy pink.
   More doorbells. Clicking incessantly until Steve groaned and opened it. Billy followed by Tommy and Carol coming up the path from another car.
   “Password?” Steve played his bratty self.
   Billy cocked his head and charged in to put Steve in a headlock. Messed his hair up while he got slapped at as Tommy cackled on the way in.
   “Jesus, Holloway, I forgot about your digs here. Bigger than Harrington's place. No offense.” He waltzed by with Carol on his arm. Left Steve and Billy to wrestle.
   “Hey, boys! Not on her birthday.” Heather got between them. "I agreed to this very strange joining of two groups out of love and friendship. We're all cutting the shit now."
   “He started it.” Steve shoved off and reached to ruffle Billy’s curls. Got a hard swat for it. "We're still burying the hatchet." Beating up creepy teachers brings boys together, he figured.
   Evie liked all of them, that was good enough for Heather.
   "Dick." Billy jabbed back.
   Tommy peered back at Steve. Old times. New surroundings. New mindset. The other boy shrugged at him, lighthearted.
   Evie poked her head around the corner. Blinked in surprise.
   “Hey, all… No wonder Heath ordered the entire menu.”
   “We come in peace, Fen.” Carol removed her coat and Tommy presented a couple of bags.
   “Also, we brought the wine and weed. As promised at that first lunch.”
   “I just said to get wine...but, I won’t complain. We can only smoke it outside. The smell will linger and my dad won’t like it.” Heather winked, coming to take the items. “Thank you, guys. We have food coming. Movies. S’mores for the fire pit.”
   “Look who's trying to behave on her eighteenth.” Carol winked. She shared this look with Heather that Evie didn’t notice. Billy stared at her. Watched nervous hands smooth out her dress. “Hargrove, didn’t you bring the lucky lady a gift? Be a gentleman and present it.”
   “Left it in the car.” He cocked his head, signaling for Evie to fall in stride next to him. Without her coat, she clasped her hands behind her back and followed him back outside. Down the stone steps.
   "Still weird?" Tommy came to Steve, hands in his back pockets.
   "Honestly, yeah." He nodded as Carol went after Heather out back. Both of them plotting.
   "Does suck about the princess. We know you liked her and all."
   "Ah, she's happier with Byers. Things happen. Guess it's part of growing up."
   "How about we drink a bunch tonight and start some shit over?" Tommy clapped Steve's arm, earning a cracked smile.
   "I'd like that."
   Outside, Billy and Evie crossed to his Camaro.
   “Glad you guys came. Might be boring, I said nothing too exciting.” She puffed cold air. Billy opened his trunk and fished for something wrapped in newspaper.
   “We...didn’t have fancy wrap so I used the Sunday cartoons. Only part of the paper I can get my dad to let go.” He winced, handing it to her.
   “No, I love the funnies.” Teeth etched at her lip. Evie met his eyes to open it.
   “It’s a little fragile.” He warned. Evie peeled the paper away and blinked a couple times.
   A thin shadow box with a tarnished black frame. Inside pinned was a luna moth. Dainty specimen all glowy in moonlight.
   “Whoa. How-?”
   “I found it in this old antique shop up in the city. Hidden way in the back. They had a bunch of them, different bugs. I don’t know, it made me think of you.” He explained. Too delicate like he might shatter. Evie ran her fingers along the frame. An object of wonder and curiosity. “Kinda strange and pretty...and you’re damn strange and pretty.”
   She gave this breathless snort. Snapped out of it. Looked up at Billy’s eyes with this vulnerable sort of expression crossing.
   “I really love it. Thank you.” Evie took his chin and kissed him. Felt that same sensation whirl that made them both dizzy.
   Billy pushed his forehead into hers. Brushed their noses and dropped aside. Let his head rest on her shoulder. She smelt the blond hair and felt it tickle her neck. One breath hitched.
   “Let’s get back. I’ll put this in my bag so I can hang it up at home.” 
   Evie held it close as they walked along. Not looking at each other or touching. They wouldn’t be able to handle it. She figured this gift is what her heart had always looked like. A deep, dark shadow box with a pretty moth fluttering inside behind glass. Waiting to be seen and admired. Waiting to flit out and feel the wind and sun.
   Going inside, she wondered if Billy had known that. If he placed their stars just so because he knew how they fit together.
   Tension sprang through laughter over take-out boxes. Trading and gorging on food while a horror flick played before them. The Funhouse. Seated on the floor around the coffee table against the sofas and chairs. Odd gathering of souls.
   Tommy was a squirmer. Kept hiding in Carol's shoulder. Steve felt himself looking around. He had his friends back and more. This could be nice again. He hadn't been social since everything fell apart with Nancy. Befriending Heather and Evie was a good start.
   Billy’s leg bumped Evie’s and she gave this blush like someone caught them being obscene. Settled into him for the last half of the movie when they were full and the night rose outside. Billy felt a spark as Evie hid in his chest at a jump scare. Chuckled to himself to play it off.
   Evie Fenny watched horror movies for a living, she just needed a reason to play dumb and get close to him. But, she wasn't gonna admit that. Being tucked under his bicep was too good.
   “Psst, hey.” Evie said in his ear. Billy slid his eyes to see the TV light play on her expression.
   On the expensive screen, a rat-like vampire snarled. Mutated and warped with saliva on his fangs.
   “That’s you.” She hitched a squeal when he pinched her side. Pulled in closer by his arm.
   Carol and Heather were still shooting each other looks. Mugs of cheap red wine got passed around. Bloomed cherries in everyone’s cheeks and mouths. 
   They gathered around the fire outside. Roasted marshmallows and lit up joints. Heather’s family had a fancy pit built into the ground and a stone seating circling it. With most of the snow gone, they all bundled up. Carol draped into Tommy as they shared a smoke.
   “Steve, eat this one. I made it special.” Evie flashed a crooked, devious smile. "For you."
   “I don’t trust you.” He laughed, opening his mouth before she stuffed it in. Marshmallow fluff covered his lips until they cackled. Steve pushed a fresh one back at her that melted chocolate over her mouth. Evie giggled and caught Billy staring as she licked her lips. Wanting to lap it up himself. 
   "Did I get it all?" Evie faced him, breaking the moment. Billy reached up with his thumb and swept it under her bottom lip. Saw her tongue shift like it might jet out before he pulled away and licked the pad.
   "Now, you did," he winked.
   At that point, Tommy and Steve caught on to Heather and Carol's little knowing looks. Took some eye-fucking to get there but they made it.
   Heather was pleasantly blazed. Leaning back with her feet up on the stone. Sighing. Evie puffed and passed a smoke back to her. Started to blow out before Billy angled her face at him. Inhaled some of the pot to enjoy it.
   "Tommy, who supplies your shit?" He hummed.
   "Hill Valley, they supply all the locals. Stoner who gave it to me swore it made you fucking time travel, I think he was right."
   "Go back in time and stop this asshole from beating my keg record." Steve snatched the joint next, gesturing to Billy. Only got a rough laugh in response.
   “So, we’re all fucked. But, I have rooms. Lots and lots of guest rooms.” Heather mused. “I’m so rich and popular, guys.”
   “We had no idea.” Carol faked a gasp. “Prissy drunk.”
   “This is so weird.” Evie rubbed her cheek, lulled into Steve so he put the smoke between her lips with two fingers. Let her inhale it before she puffed out. “All of us, I mean. It’s weird. Life sucks and we’re just like...friends now.”
   “It’s like we wasted all that time on stupid shit when we could have been doing this.” Carol decided with red eyes. Everyone nodded in response.
   Evie fell the other way and put her head on Billy’s shoulder. Slowing, they stared at the flickering fire. Smoke rising to purge whatever was here before.
   "We still gonna share a lunch table after this? Acknowledge each other?" It was Steve who spoke up.
   "Nowhere else to go." Billy reached out to take the joint from him and finish it. That was agreed upon too. Wasn't the worst sentiment at this hour.
   They came down from the wine and pot. Simmered. Put the fire out and trailed back into the house. Watched half of another movie before they started to split off.
   Steve passed out on the biggest couch so Evie covered him in a blanket. Stopped Billy and Tommy from drawing on his poor, sweet face. Gave him a kiss on the temple for good measure.
   “Think it’s time. Midnight. Happy Birthday, Evie.” Heather mashed her into a tight hug. They all left Steve to snore and wandered upstairs. Changed and washed up.
   Billy disappeared down the hall to one of the bathrooms. Evie emerged a bit later from Heather's room rubbing her nose.
   “Tommy and Carol can use this room." Heather was in the hallway gesturing. "Steve’s on the couch. Hey, Eve, you want to use the third floor? Sheets are fresh. The birthday girl should get the best and biggest guest room. Right, Carol?”
   "I couldn't agree more, Heather. We left you something special on the bed. It was too big to wrap."
   Snickering followed.
   “Sure...sure…” Evie ruffled her hair out, not listening. "Night."
   “Enjoy your present,” Carol gave this little sing-song. Arms crossing as she watched Evie climb the steps. Waited until she was gone to plant a slick high-five on Heather. “Idiots.”
   “Totally.” Heather went off to bed.
   Evie pushed the door open and jumped a mile at the same time Billy spun, dropping his shirt.
   “Oh, sorry, they said…” It dawned that Evie had just been tricked. “They told you to sleep here?”
   “Yeah, Heather said...oh.” He clicked his tongue and smiled, head shaking because he had to look away. It was all too good.
   Evie pressed the door shut and planted herself against it. Locked it idly. The snap sparked Billy to attention.
   “I’ll be having a little chat with them about this. It's...um...” She scanned him in his jeans. Saw muscles twitching under flesh. Wet her lips.
   “Yeah, I’ll be getting down on my knees to fucking thank her.” He marched over. Kissed Evie hard against the doorway then brought her flush into his frame. Hands trailing down the curve of her back.
   She hitched a gasp and got one arm around his neck. Felt about to turn the lights down. Moonlight spilled in. Full and bright. 
   Billy’s hands were under her shirt. Bunching it up. Palming her bottom. Tracing the lace edge of her underwear to playfully snap it. They stumbled around toward the bed. Evie on her toes pulled him down for more kisses. Felt like no amount would be enough.
   “Not a motel, but I think we can make this work.” Billy got pushed into the plush covers. Sat up to let Evie climb into his lap. They looked at each other. Stilling.
   "Is this okay?" She mumbled and he only nodded.
   Breathing deep until hearts pounded in perfect sync. Evie cupped his face. Opened her lips against his until Billy gave this visceral moan.
   Fingers slipped under the tee again. Squeezed her breasts. Hurried the fabric up so he could taste her skin. Evie shuddered and tipped her head back. Grinding into him. Pulling his hair because he was ruining her already.
   Because Billy Hargrove was about to be her beginning and end.
   Because she was fine with that.
   “Evie...” Billy groaned. Fingers pushing into her flesh. He sucked little flower petals into her chest. Tongued her nipples to hard, rosy buds. Evie felt one hand wander down into her panties. Cried out at the two digits that slipped against her experimentally. "Yeah?"
   “Y-Yes. Like that. You feel so good, Billy.” She attacked his neck. Kissing and nipping until his legs shook. She would ruin him just as well and he'd already tried to make peace with it.
   Billy brought his fingers up to suckle them. Shifted to wet her nipple and lick the arousal off. Two strong hands, turned them to throw her into the mattress. God, his muscles. Evie felt him crawl up her body. Hovering to just look at her with spun gold spilling around his neck and crown. 
   Felt more intimate than anything they’d done. Just looking. Taking a body and soul in.
   Billy started pulling her shirt off. Going for her panties to toss the flimsy fabric aside. No resistance followed. She wanted him to look. Wanted to be seen. Maybe it shouldn't have felt so incredible.
   Eyes watched her surrender there bathed in the moon. Evie rubbed her thighs together. Covered her breasts with her arms. Billy’s chest heaved. Mouth sweeping down to kiss her until the resolve melted. He pinned her wrists playfully and kissed down her neck, stopping to inhale that perfume.
   "You're pretty." Lips nudged her insecurities up and away. "So pretty."
   Billy brushed dark curls from her shoulders and cheeks. Began to peck soft kisses everywhere he could. Mapping her face out. Every so often she found his lips to steal one back. A soft breath grazed her ear.
   “Lemme see you, too.” Evie got a hand free and cupped him boldly. Billy jolted into her palm. Moaned. Beautiful beyond words. He let her push his pants down and stroke him. Gazes melted together and he stopped her only to toss his jeans aside, up on his knees to breathe even.
   Evie pushed up only to marvel at him. Reluctant hands lifted. Smoothing down the hard contour of his chest. The line of those hips. She wanted to map him out as well.
   "You're beautiful." She brushed her mouth against his hip. A true Eros.
   Billy combed his fingers into Evie's hair, tilting her face up so he could curve over for a lengthy kiss. Moaning when she praised him. Wordless with her simple touch. Explored all the exposed honey skin. Counting little freckles. Billy nuzzled his nose into Evie’s, pressed their heads together, and breathed her in. All of her. 
   “Gonna eat you out.” He nipped down her chest, pushing her back into the bed. Evie tensed on instinct but nodded. Wanting it. Saw those lashes flutter before he buried his mouth into her mound. 
   She cried out into her palm. Spine arching so his taut arms wound under soft thighs. Held her hips to adjust. Spread her open for his tongue. Devoured her shamelessly. Pornographically.
   Billy liked to make noise. Like to force it out of her too. He flicked his tongue inside. Lapped up toward her bundle to tease and cradle it. Slight stubble made red swatches on her tender skin.
   What did she like? What made her pray for mercy?
   It left Evie to twist around. Hands grasped for the sheets. She gave him her voice willingly. Gave him every beat and sigh and pulse. Billy made this obscene suckle against her. Crawled up with slick lips so Evie pulled him into her frame. Kissed those pink lips. Licked into his mouth. Tugged at gold locks and ran her hands along his back.
   Billy was nudging between her legs before Evie shifted so they were on their sides. Shocked him with a murmur.
   “I want to be on top first.”
   “What?” He actually laughed lightly. Pecked her mouth. “No, no, sweetheart. I’m on top.”
   “I called it first and I'm the birthday girl.” Evie pouted. Pushing him on his back playfully. Billy came up on his elbows. Brow furrowed.
   “You’re serious. But…” He sounded breathless when her hand smoothed down to stroke him. Persuading. “But, I’m the man. It’s our first time. The man’s supposed to be on top the first time.”
   “Says who? You’re so cute when you say dumb things, Billy.” Evie taunted, kissing his cheek. “There’s no rule. Maybe I wanna be the man...if you really wanna put it that way. You’ll get a turn. Maybe. You might convince me.”
   He smiled when she winked at him. Evie kept up her persuasion. Swung her leg over his hips. Kissed up his neck because she knew it would make him into putty. Billy could only shudder.
   Evie let her weight rest against his frame. Snuffed out every voice that told her she couldn't be desired and sexy. Billy moaned at the feel of her too. All of her. Grasped fleshy hips and ran his hands up sloping curves. Evie pressed into his chest, curls spilled over her shoulders.
   “I might really die if I don't feel you soon.” Billy just marveled up at her. Cupped her breasts until Evie sighed into his touch. A blush spread over her cheeks. She captured his mouth in response.
   Eyes met and she gave this little nod so he followed it. Muscles tensing. 
   “I want to feel you, too.” Evie licked her lips so they adjusted a bit together. She came up and gave him a few slow pumps. "Do you really wanna feel me, Billy?" His shaft pressed flush into her folds. Hips rocked slow. Torturing.
   Looking clouded, he nodded and tried to find some words.
   "Fucking, please. Evie." He tilted his head back. Chest heaving. “You, uh, took your pill?”
   “Like clockwork.” Evie shuddered. "I want this. You."
   Billy looked down and gave her thigh an encouraging squeeze, biting his lip as she positioned him. Starting to sink down. They both cursed aloud. Went tight after a shared quake. Evie mounted him. Let him fill her all the way up with her hands flat against his chest. 
   “That’s it. Fucking perfect.” He was muttering while she whimpered quietly. Massaging her hips so she’d relax. “You don’t have to move yet. Feel so fucking good. Look at me, Evie.” 
   She did. Darkening eyes peeking through a curtain of curls he moved aside.
   “I got you, Angel. I got you.” Billy lifted for a kiss. Bucked slightly inside her so she gave this experimental rock into him. Mouths brushed together and he whispered. “Fuck me.” 
   He begged that. Begged for her. Only her. Evie pressed him back down. Tilted her head aside at the feel of him pulsing. Started to move with some fervor. 
   Fingers squeezed her hips. Left marks guiding her into his thrusts. Both of them sinking fast. 
   “Mm, Billy.” Evie arched there against the moon and stars. Let them fill the room with her voice. She hitched a cry when he gave her ass a playful swat. Urged her to go faster. Billy wiggled and came up a bit. Pulled Evie all the way down and drank her moan into his lips.
   He held her there, biceps flexing when his hands went around her back so he sat up fully. Teeth nipped at her chest and he undulated up inside her. Took some control back.
   "H-Hey..." Evie was slipping fast. Mouth parting while she clung to his shoulders. "I'm the man."
   "It's your birthday," Billy mumbled into her throat. "Little worship is what a pretty girl deserves on her birthday. Don't you think so?"
   Fingers pushed between her spread legs. Worked her until a cry muffled into the crook of his neck. Evie curved into him. Clung. Rode him harder.
   “So good.” Billy managed again. “Pretty, pretty, pretty.” He pulled her hair. Exposed that creamy throat to his mouth once more. Tormented her until Evie’s resolve melted so he could flip them over. Another cry echoed. Hips pushing with force deep into her. She gripped his shoulders, legs curling around his hips. 
   “Billy, please…” Evie mewled under him. “More.” She tucked some blond hair aside sweetly. Both of them slicked and wanting. Connected utterly. 
   Billy was so ample with her body, chasing her fears away with his hot touch and lovely kisses. He hovered over Evie. Pulled out and looked down to where their bodies met. Loved the sight of himself disappearing inside. One hand brought her thigh higher for a better look.
   "Flexible girl. I'll keep that in mind."
   Evie fluttered around him. Reached down and touched their mixed arousal. Played with herself while he watched and started to find his pace. She licked her digits of their slick. Let him have a taste after. Billy laced their fingers and came down to watch her eyes.
   Panting. He really began to pound into her until the bed was rocking with them. A filthy sound of skin slapping together with each thrust joined their gasps. He didn't care if this whole damn neighborhood could hear them.
   “Love the way you squeeze me.” Billy’s thumb was back against her. Tormenting perfect little circles that had her whining. Evie had this out of body moment like she was watching herself writhe on the bed. Billy Hargrove fucking her stupid. Praising her. Touching her. Uttering nasty things about how she was all his now and he could spend forever making her feel so good. “Gonna come inside this sweet, little pussy after I make you quake. You wanna come for me, Evie? That’s my fucking girl.” 
   “Oh, fuck...fuck, I can’t stand you.” She tightened around him. Eyes rolling back. Relishing his touch so he sped up. “I’m right fucking there, Billy, don’t stop. Stay with me. Stay…” She cupped his face. Found those drunken lips.
   “Don’t have to stand, I,” he shuddered, “I got a perfectly good face you’ll be sitting on later.”
   Cheeky little shit.
   Evie actually laughed. Thrilled. Pulled him all the way against her body, arms under his and around his taut back. Billy stopped all the dirty talk to whimper.
   She felt so good. He didn't know it could feel this good.
   “I’m yours, Billy,” Evie decided at last with a flutter of glowing moths escaping the heart-shaped shadow box carved into her chest. Happy. She so wanted to be his. Mouth against the shell of his ear. “All yours.” Her thighs shuddered and he felt her entire body lock. A graceful arch went through it. “I’m c-coming.” Evie managed so he stroked harder. Made her gush around his cock with the sweetest sound he’d ever heard. Kept thrusting to draw it out as she squeezed him too tight. Chanting cries of curses mingling with his name. All sin.
   All his.
   Billy couldn’t even warn her. He held out as long as he could and began to fuck release inside her. Both of them wrapping tighter around each other. Still trying to rock through it like they were lying on a warm beach being caressed by sweet ocean waves. Evie sagged, out of breath as he collapsed against her body. Still rutting like an animal to finish himself. 
   Gasping, Billy came up to pull out. Watched his own release sink out of her. So fucking hot, he couldn't help pushing it back in. Evie tensed. Overstimulated when he pressed dainty kisses to her tummy and chest. 
   Blue eyes came up to meet her brown ones and something broke. Shattered. Flooded out. They both locked in to feel it. Billy looked at her and the sensation consumed him utterly. Betrayed him. He stared and couldn’t look away. Frozen. Ruined. Evie blinked up at him. Spread open and hair splayed. Reached up to caress his jaw with her brow furrowing.
   “Billy, you’re shaking.” She swallowed to catch her breath. Eyes searching him. She tipped his head forward to kiss his warm temple. Lingered with sweet promises. Both of them on fire and slicked in glowy dew. “I got you.”
   He still trembled so hard. Unable to stop. Let Evie bring his head to her collar so she could pepper more kisses into his hair and comfort him. 
   Billy stared out at nothing. Floated in this sort of subspace while Evie brought him back down to touch the Earth. Gentle as she could. They held each other there. Evie still kissing him. Petting him delicately and humming in his ear. Idly, he let his fingers whirl into her curls.
   “Are you alright? Billy?” She tried again. Massaging his shoulders while he listened to her beating heart. Something wet splashed against her neck as he shuddered. Sniffling once.
   “I just…” He came up. Let awareness flit back. Got near silent. I think I’m happy. "I'm fine." The feeling spread a cold under his bones. "You?"
   Billy cupped her head for a lazy kiss. She smiled up at him.
   “I'm okay. Better than okay.” She soothed again. “I got you.” Naked, they wound around each other. Got under the covers and laid twisted together.
   “Evie.” Billy choked on air. Chest sinking. He had to let one truth out. Just one, he owed her that much. And it ached. “Gotta tell you something.”
   “Yeah?” She sunk into his chest. Held. Evie braced like it might hurt her too.
   “You know you're... You're the best thing about this place.” Billy squeezed his eyes shut. Let her hold him tighter in response. Let Evie give up some of her warmth to him because he needed it and she just liked to see him happy and safe.
   “I didn’t know it could feel like that.” She began, fingers making shapes into his chest. Evie opened her heart. Let him admire it. "Billy, I want to be more with you. Like...Like a girlfriend. This sounds silly. You don't have to say anything. I just...I don't want to run from you because you make me happy. I think I might make you happy too. We're... You were right about a lot. The stars and all. Despite everything, I think we were supposed to find each other and it feels good. I want to be yours-"
   Billy tilted Evie's chin up. Hushed the truths with his lips. Nuzzled her so she'd relax back into him. He couldn't reply. The syllables wrapped around his throat and choked him. And Evie trusted him. So, she didn't ask for them. That made it ache more.
   Placing her head upon his chest when they shifted again. Billy went very still. Stared at the ceiling and wiped his eyes as she dozed. Fingers combed into her hair to coax her off to an easier slumber.
   Billy just laid there. Felt numb. Felt too much. Couldn’t look down at Evie nestled into his body. 
   He stayed there two hours. So still. So lost. So found. 
   These sensations that tried to drown him. They were creeping like dark gossamer veils over his eyes. Unable to be near Evie, he eased out from under her. Rubbed his eyes. Felt like she seared his skin down to bone and marrow.
   He knew it was wrong. Knew it might hurt her. Would hurt her.
   She let him into her heart and he was running. Eros fleeing Psyche the moment she held that candle to his being and saw him for what he was. One speck of wax dripping hot upon his flesh. Blinded by that light, he probably didn't see her crying there after him. Selfish boy.
   Billy thought he would be sick. Tremored there. He just couldn't stop it. Couldn't explain it either.
   And he just couldn’t be near her anymore. Fuck.
   But, he promised. He promised her. He wanted to keep it and instead scrambled to dress. Empty eyes still staring at nothing. Billy finally peered back. Scanned Evie comfortable on the bed. He could have gotten back in. Woken her and told her that he wanted to be all hers too.
   “I’m sorry.” He whimpered.
   It hurt. It hurt too much. Billy actually had to rub his chest. Tried to numb. Tried. All this time they spent together and now he just couldn’t be near her. She broke him. Billy felt himself climbing too high. Up toward the stars. Falling to pieces.
   Aimless steps brought him outside. Into the freezing cold. Away from Evie’s touch and amber perfume. Away from this girl who gave him exactly what he wanted and it was just too much. He couldn’t hold it. Didn’t want to see it shatter before him.
   So, Billy got into his Camaro and drove off. Far away as he could to the edge of Lover’s Lake. Up a hill so he could see the quiet city before him. Evie would wake up. Feel the change that he promised he wouldn’t give her. 
   “Fuck!” Billy crumbled aloud. One fist pushed into his teeth. Quivering until the tears fell hot. Huge and wet down his flushed cheeks. Unable to stop the flow, Billy dropped his head. Began to sob louder than he ever had in his life.
   Because this would break her in turn. Validate everything horrid she thought about Billy Hargrove. Because he should have stayed in that bed mapping more kisses down her spine. Instead, he convinced himself that they weren't made of the same stardust. They couldn't be.
   Evie's heart-shaped shadow box was hung too far from reach amid untold galaxies and when Billy rose to admire it, his wings melted like Icarus before him because that's what he deserved. That was always what he knew he deserved.
   All he could think about was his mother in that tub. Neil's boot squelching his back and the meaty wack of a belt. It wasn't possible for him to be something that could be tangible and loved. Evie had been right. Stars were placed in a certain order and that couldn't change. He'd been stupid. Hopeful.
   He was the coward. This got too real and he couldn't just let himself have it.
   And what made it heavier was the pure thought of Evie waking alone to confirm her biggest fear.
   "I'm sorry." Billy kept chanting these words that were so often too difficult for him. They wouldn't stop this time. "I'm sorry..."
A/N: Local boy crushed under the weight of his own emotions. Eeeep, I finally let them do the deed. Someone make them a 'congrats on your sex' cake. Please if you enjoyed leave words below or chat with me in my ask!! Thank you all so much!!
TAGGED:: @80sbxtch @nottherightseason @orxhidshavana   @alagalaska​ @alongcamedolly @kellyk-chan @10blurredsmoke10 @charmed-asylum @unmistakablyunknown @lukespatterson
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tomeandflickcorner · 3 years
I was tagged by both @revanmeetra87​ and @snowbellewells​. Sorry it took me so long to get to this.
1) Entrapta (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
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Okay, while I like the majority of the characters on this show, Entrapta is the most interesting.  While she is one of the good guys, she’s still a bit of a wild card in regards to her passion for technology and science. In fact, this even leads her to briefly joining up with the show’s antagonists, since doing so would help her achieve more in regards to her ongoing research on the planet.  But even beyond that, everything about this character is so unique and interesting.  Even her voice perfectly captures her personality.  Oh, and she even has prehensile hair, too, as the above GIF demonstrates.  No idea how she can do that. but that just further demonstrates how original she is.
2) Professor Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter franchise)
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This is one formidable witch. While she is a very strict teacher at Hogwarts (which is understandable as she teaches Transfiguration, which is apparently a tricky branch of magic), you can still tell she deeply cares for her students, both current and former.  Beyond that, this is a woman you do not want to mess with.  After all, anyone who can take four stunning spells straight to the chest at her age and still live to tell the tale is clearly made of strong stuff.  The fact that the woman who portrays her in the movies is my all-time favorite actress is just icing on the cake.
3) Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist/Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
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In most shows, you’d think the female childhood friend of the main protagonist would be reduced to that of a simple love interest.  But while she and Ed do develop romantic feelings towards each other as the show progresses (particularly in the Brotherhood version), that’s not Winry’s defining role.  She actually serves a purpose as Ed’s mechanic, charged with handling the maintenance and repair of his automail (the show’s equivalent of prosthetic limbs). The fact that she’s an automail mechanic alone is impressive, considering it’s a career that requires a combined knowledge of robotics, anatomy and the nervous system.  But it’s even more impressive when you remember that she’s still a kid throughout the show’s run. By the time the show ends, she’s still only roughly 18 years old.
4) Toph Beifong (Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
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Probably one of the best disabled characters I’ve come across.  Toph was the only child born to her wealthy parents.  Because she was born blind, her parents believed she would always be helpless and completely dependent on them, so they responded by keeping her sheltered away, to the point where most people didn’t even know the Beifongs had a daughter.  However, Toph was anything but helpless, and not only did she learn how to use her innate gift of Earthbending to ‘see’ by sensing the vibrations in the ground, but she became and Earthbending master at the young age of 12.  She even managed to discover the advanced art of Metalbending, something that had previously been believed to be impossible.
5) Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time)
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What can I say about Emma that I haven’t already said?  She was the best modern-day fairy tale princess there was. And her gradual transition from being a closed-off and emotionally stunted woman to someone who learned that love was strength was truly inspirational.
6) Shuri
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I think I loved her almost instantly.  She and T’Challa had amazing sibling energy, making for one of the best brother-and-sister duos I’ve seen from the MCU so far.  And it never ceases to amaze me how brilliant and intelligent this 16-year-old girl is.  I mean, she’s in charge of Wakanda’s science and technology department.  And just look at all the stuff she came up with! (Tony Stark who?)  I can’t wait to see more of her in the next Black Panther film.
7) L3-37 (Solo: A Star Wars Story)
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Yeah, I know L3 was a droid, but she clearly had a female programing.  There you go.  I don’t care what anyone says, this character was awesome!  And she did make some very good points about how Droids in the Star Wars universe were treated.
8) Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
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People who don’t like Donna confuse me.  Yes, when she was first introduced, she seemed like a shallow and vapid woman. But as time goes on, you realize she’s actually a very smart, capable woman.  And she’s also very compassionate and caring as well. (Case in point the episode where she encounters the Ood.)  The sad thing is, she doesn’t see that for herself.  She really thinks she’s nobody special.  And those negative feelings are frequently nurtured by her own mother, who never seemed to hesitate to put her down and imply that she’s useless. In short, Donna really is a tragic character who deserved so much more.
9) Blue (Jurassic World films)
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Before anyone can say anything, it was stated that all the dinosaurs created by the Jurassic Park/World labs were engineered to be female.  So she counts.  Anyway, I adore Blue.  If she dies in the next film, I’m gonna be so mad!
10) Tangina (Poltergeist Trilogy)
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Okay, so I’m kinda clutching at straws here.  But I was struggling to come up with a person to fill this final slot.  Still, Tangina was an awesome character from the instant she was introduced.  She’s strong and confident in her abilities as a psychic, but still kind and compassionate.
Tagging: @jessie-sparky @lillpon @thesschesthair @hollyethecurious @smol-fangirl-bean @ograndebatata @naiariddle @thebigmick284 @xemmaloveskillianx​ and @daxx04​
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Midnight Striga: Fairy Tail/Owl House Cross Fic Episode 2 Part 2
Hello all, here’s another chapter of Midnight Striga! Everybody Clap Your Hands!!!
“So Luz, what kind of magic are you gonna use to help deliver these potions?” King, ‘innocently’ asked.
Luz snorted. “Hopefully none. As much as I would love to just bulldoze through everyone who ends up bugging me, causing trouble is just going to lead to trouble. Plus, that potion I took may have gotten me energized, but it’s a quick fix.” She glanced down at King. “It gets me up to a point where I can function normally, but if I exert myself, like using magic, I’ll end up burning through a lot more energy than I should. I really don’t want to end up captured by some creeps because I lost my temper and got too tired to defend myself.” She carefully made sure not to mention the unspoken “again” of that statement.
King huffed, but didn’t try to push it. “Fine. But just to let you know, while Eda’s probably right about people not caring too much about you being human, you should expect some of her stupider customers to try and cheat you.” As magnanimous of a King as he was, King was nothing if not blunt and to the point with his subjects; he wasn’t going to have his latest vassal humiliated by fools stupid enough to underestimate her.
Luz snorted. “Pfft. If these guys are dumb enough to short change me, than they’ll have to answer to Eda. And, to make sure she knows just how much to shake down punks like that for, I’m planning to write up a list of who pays me what amount, so Eda can see for herself.” Luz finished, a satisfied smirk playing across her face.
King giggled mischievously. “Oh, the looks on their faces when Eda comes calling is gonna be priceless!” As Luz herself cracked up at the thought, the two friends laughed all the way into town, the slight gloom that had been hanging around them since leaving the Owl House all but gone.
As they finally approached the town, the two had markedly different reactions. Luz gave a wry grin, a mix of apprehension and eagerness crossing her face. King, on the other hand, just gave a tired grunt at the sight before him; in the end, the town was no different than any other day.
King turned a side-long glance at Luz. “You sure this’ll go alright? I wasn’t kidding about people here being willing to take advantage of you.”
Luz just grinned back. “Eh, nothing I haven’t had to deal with before.” King wanted to ask, but was prevented by the pair of arms suddenly wrapped around his torso, lifting him off the ground.
“OH MY TITAN YOU ARE SO ADORABLE!!!!” The Witchling who was responsible for King’s predicament squealed. The echoing squeals revealed that the Witchling in question was just one of a group. The lead Witchling, a girl with a pink tone to her skin, purple-fuchsia hair, and a third eye, was currently cooing over King, who was vigorously struggling to escape.
“And enough of that.” Having realized what was happening, Luz easily yanked King from the girl’s grip, plopping him on the ground.
“Hey!” The girl shouted, her group pulling up behind her. “Who do you think you are?!?”
Luz cocked an eyebrow, completely unimpressed by the almost stereotypical display. “I think I’m late for my deliveries,” she gestured to King, “and he’s the one guiding me around. Later.” Her piece said, Luz turned on her heel, swiftly walking away from the annoyance.
Said annoyance rapidly grew red in the face at the blatant dismissal. She reached out for the human, expecting to stop her. “Do you have any clue who I am?” Just as her hand touched Luz’s arm, her wrist was caught, painfully twisted to the side, all while Luz’s eyes stayed fixed to the map King was holding up to her, effortlessly dragging the witch along.
Luz idly responded to the girl, clearly not paying attention. “I don’t know, and I don’t particularly care. I’ve got a lot more important things than dealing with a kid on an ego trip.” As the girl started struggling against her grip, Luz released her, sending her sprawling into the dirt.
“My name is Boscha, remember it!” The girl, Boscha apparently, shouted. “And I’m not going to take that kind of disrespect from a human of all things!” With her declaration made, Boscha quickly cast a fireball, holding it aloft for a second before chucking it.
“Light-Make: Shield.” Not even turning to the oncoming threat, and utterly heedless to the rapidly growing muttering of the bystanders, Luz effortlessly blocked the, by her standards, mediocre fire spell launched her way.
Finally bothering to turn to the Witch, Luz gave her an unimpressed stare. “Cute. Try that again, and I’ll send you to your parents in a full body cast.” Still holding the shield in place, Luz dismissed it, and headed on her way.
Boscha couldn’t breathe. What just happened, it should’ve been impossible. That was one of her best fireballs, and a human of all things blocked it with magic! Light magic, the most basic magic of all times! How was that even a thing!? Humans can’t use magic, everyone knew that, so how did a weakling human block her flames? She didn’t understand. As her mind started to spin, Boscha’s legs grew weak, buckling under her as she fell to her knees. What just happened, it couldn’t be.
Even as her followers (friends, her brain whispered), shook her shoulder, she wouldn’t respond. Eventually, Skara decided enough was enough, and hoisted the other Witch over her shoulders, visibly exerting over the strain of lifting Boscha’s more athletic body. Boscha didn’t respond. What just happened, she needed to understand.
Utterly indifferent to the stir she had created, Luz carried on her way, following King’s instructions to navigate to the letter. As they worked their way down the list, Luz couldn’t help but feel progressively more and more annoyed. Every time the customer opened the door, she either got screamed at, an attempt to eat her, or both. And to add injury to insult, over eighty percent of the customers had short-changed her!!! Needless to say, Luz was in a pretty bad mood after a few hours of dealing with that.
Luz groaned aloud, utterly exhausted from the ordeal. “Ugh, this is so annoying!! Everyone, absolutely EVERYONE, on the list acted like I was diseased or a wild animal!! I get it, humans aren’t normal here, but did they have to act like I was some half-trained pet!?” She growled.
King hummed, hiding his own frustration. Any insult to his court was an insult against him, so of course he wouldn’t stand for it. “As much as I hate to say it, that probably isn’t that far off. When me and Eda said that humans aren’t thought too highly of here, we meant it. They treated you like a pet because, to a lot of people, you might as well be one. Humans aren’t just seen as weak, they’re also seen as pretty dumb too. Sorry you had to find out like that, though.” And he meant it; Luz was one of the few people who consistently treated him with respect (so far at least), so seeing her disrespected was seriously frustrating.
Luz shot him a crooked grin. “Eh, it’s no big deal. I’ll just have to put more effort into changing their minds than I thought. That’s all.” She hummed to herself, idly tuning out the memories of the last time she had been treated as a “pet.”
King gave his best shot at a grin. He didn’t really get Luz all that much, but if she was gonna try, the least her King could do was offer his support of a worthy goal, and the respect of the masses is always a worthy goal. “Still, we got one last person to check off the list before we head home; some guy called Adegast.”
Luz groaned. “Ugh! If this turns out like all the rest, I swear I am going to burn his house to the ground. Seriously, if this had been one of my novels, we’d have already been recruited by some kind of quest granting Wizard and drafted into a mission against the forces of evil. If this guy doesn’t at least treat us with some basic decency, I am going to lose it.” Luz was seriously done. Today just seemed to keep getting worse, and she was almost at her wits end.
As they arrived at the destination, King and Luz both pulled up short. Standing before them was, to put it bluntly, a fantasy-style castle you’d see in a fairy tale. Luz sent a sideways glance at King. “I’m guessing castles in Bonesburough are new to you too?” She tried to play it off, but her battle instinct was itching.
King gave a wary nod. “Yeah, that’s definitely new.”
Before they could continue, however, the doors of the castle opened on their own, a mystical-looking fog spilling out. Striding forth was, by all accounts, a stereotypical wizard, beard, staff, robes and all. Luz was instantly suspicious. “Hello travelers! Are you the ones sent to deliver to me my potions order?” His voice was deep, one could even call it wise sounding, but to Luz and King, it just sounded like trouble. A familiar bitterness built up in Luz’s throat.
Shaking her head, Luz brushed off her personal feelings, putting on her most pleasant expression, no reason to needlessly antagonize a customer, after all. “Hello sir, we’ve got the potions you ordered right here!” She held up the sack of potions, now heavily depleted compared to how it started, and tried hard to hold in her dislike of the situation. Her suspicions increased when the “wizard” closed in.
“Nonsense! Please, come inside, come inside! You two must have worked yourselves to the bone handling such dreadful deliveries.” Before they could protest, he hurriedly ushered them inside, revealing an opulent interior. “Please, make yourselves at home, I insist!”
“As nice as this all seems,” Luz began, hesitantly rubbing her arm, “We really do have to get going soon.”
“Adegast’s” eyes widened in apparent distress. “But young lady, you’ve only just arrived! Please, you and your companion simply must join me for some tea!” He gestured to his table, tea and scones already set out and ready. The alarm bells were ringing even LOUDER in Luz’s already wary mind.
“Luz, let’s go, this guy’s seriously creepy!” King fervently whispered.
“Trust me, I know.” Luz murmured back. “But if we offend him, Eda might permanently lose a customer.” And like hell was Luz going to sabotage her Land-lady’s business just because one of her clients gave her the willies.
As the two reluctantly sat down, Luz did her best to keep a pleasant look on her face. King allowed his concerns to ease as he dug into the scones, focusing on them over the eeriness of the situation. “Adegast” leaned forward. “I dare say, I never thought I’d see a true human before mine eyes. Pray tell, how did thou find thyself upon our fair Isles?”
While Luz was sure this guy was hamming it up way too much, she felt caution was better than full-blown paranoia, and decided to answer. “To be honest, an animal stole my book, and I followed it to here.” Her eyes caught sight of something; a small cart loaded with potions. “Do you run a potions business yourself?” The sinking feeling was getting stronger.
“Adegast” nodded, a pleased gleam in his eyes. “Indeed, I run a small stand of procurements for those in need.” The admission did nothing for Luz’s nerves; if anything, the pit in her gut grew deeper. “But enough about me, what about you, dear one?” It took a lot for Luz not to snap at the overly-familiar title. “I see something special in you…”
Luz recoiled. “Me!? Special!? Oh no, nonononono, you’ve definitely got the wrong girl.” She wasn’t bluffing, as experience had amply taught Luz that, personality aside, she was utterly ordinary as a person in terms of abilities, nothing exceptional about her beyond her own determination and stubbornness.
“Adegast’s” eyes shone with sparkles; Luz found it creepy. “But you are!! I believe you to be the one to complete the great quest!” 
Luz pulled up short at that. “A quest?”
“Indeed!” The self-seeming wizard stated. “You are the one who can retrieve the Celestial Staff, and vanquish the great evil plaguing these lands!! Look, I even have a map!” He revealed the map, and while it certainly looked old, all of Luz’s instincts were on edge. Still, she put on a cheerful face, hiding the bitterness building inside.
“I-I thank you for this quest, sir.” She stated as politely as she could. “As soon as I return to my master, I will inform her of this development.” With her piece said, she stood up, bowed, and dragged King out the door, “Adegast” waving them off behind her.
“Pfft. Chosen one. What a load, eh Luz?” King joked, clearly in disbelief of what the “wizard” was trying to pull. King froze at the look on Luz’s face; cold-blooded hate was etched across her face, almost stone-like in how still it was. “Luz?”
Luz’s face cleared, a look of tired despondency on her face. “Sorry King. I just… I just want to get home.” With that said, she and the demon made their way back to the Owl House, neither saying a world over what they had experienced.
As they crossed into the house, the two pulled up short. Before them, sprawled across the couch, utterly coated in trash and feathers, was a completely exhausted Eda, the snoring form of Hooty laid across her torso.
Luz’s face fell into a deadpan. “He got into the potion, didn’t he?”
Eda turned a weak glare her way. “No duh kid. This menace was ripping his way around the house for HOURS!!! I couldn’t even stop him, all I managed was to minimize and repair the damage, and wait for him to tire out. Say, why are you all looking so glum?”
King glanced at Luz, before speaking up. “One of the customers said she was some kind of chosen one, or something.”
Eda blinked, before cracking up in tired laughter. “A Chosen One!?!? Pleeeassseee don’t tell me you believe that kind of malarkey!?”
Her laughter stilled at the baleful glare Luz leveled at her. It cut deep, just how much pain was in it. Luz gave a grin, one filled with the kind of bitterness Eda usually only saw on herself after a run-in with Lily. “We’ve got a saying in the Human Realm: fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” With her piece said, Luz marched up the stairs, heedless of the concerned calls from behind her.
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sepublic · 3 years
Eda’s Requiem!
         Ukla! Derwin! Amber!
         We got NAMES y’all… And Scooter Crane, the previous head of the Bard Coven, who has retired! No relation to Raine Whispers… Wonder how Belos felt about Crane retiring, or if he preferred a younger replacement for whatever role the Coven Heads are playing?
         Because… Well, firstly- WE FINALLY see Kikimora’s other eye, and it’s red! And she’s able to activate the coven binding (so confirmation that Coven Heads are bound) to restrict and potentially mind-control Raine… Well, at least Raine is alive and not a traitor to Eda! BUT DANG IT RAINE WWWHHHYYYYY!!!!!
         Also, needing a group of people to activate a powerful spell, and being unable to kill them for it?! This is just like the sacrifices from Fullmetal Alchemist… Though if it’s anything like the ‘Sacrifices’, then the Coven Heads MIGHT be okay! If Raine doesn’t know, it’s probable that the others like Darius and Eberwolf are unaware… But who knows, Belos may have left out Raine due to their obvious recency! I could definitely see OG coven heads knowing the specifics of the plan…
         And all nine coven heads, to represent all nine forms of magic, united to form magic as a whole- And likely to draw power from each of the nine forms of coven binding! Because this episode confirmed what a lot of us suspected, that the coven bindings form a dual purpose- Not JUST to restrict magic, but to even DRAIN IT for whatever spell Belos will use to merge the realms! The question I gotta ask is- Will witches still have magic leftover?
         Or will Belos COMPLETELY drain witches of their bile-based magic through the coven bindings?! With what I said about Belos controlling all of bile-magic… Does he plan to hold all of magic in his grasp, for him to hand out in the form of those magitech staffs that he can control! Just like with Hunter… He’s creating multiple ‘Hunter’s… Witches without bile magic, and with the Demon Realm fused with our world, glyphs and wild magic beyond that are gone as well!
         This dude is NUTS… He’s planning to destroy most of magic, and then keep it all to himself, that parasite! All magic comes and goes through him, HE is the source of magic… And I bet Belos wants to use that magic to heal his curse! Or not, because…
         We see how Eda’s curse can mess with magic, and how she can low-key transmit the effects to her surroundings through Bard Magic, endangering even herself, Raine, Darius, and Eberwolf in the process! If Belos has a similar curse, will HE use his curse and transmit it through the coven bindings to drain and/or destroy the magic of others?! And he accepted his curse for that precise reason?!
         If so, Eda having her own curse could come into play here, but I’m not sure how…
         …ALSO KING’S FATHER IS ALIVE?!?! And looking REALLY small… Well, I guess that kills off the theory that he’s about the size of the Titan, right? Unless he shrank… Yeah, the Shrinking Demon theory makes a lot of sense, OR he’s used his powerful magic to make himself small! The latter seems probable, and if so…
         HE KNOWS KING IS ALIVE I did NOT expect this to work out so quickly! Okay but then this probably means that King’s father wasn’t forced to abandon his son like, thousands of years as some of us speculated… It maybe, probably, WAS that recent, after all- Which means that King’s father must’ve been the leader of a generally remote and hidden society, if Lilith doesn’t know about it, even though it existed when she was member of the Emperor’s Coven!
         Oh dang… Did Belos ransack the island and capture/kill off everyone? Or was everyone a bunch of Jean-Luc’s…? And he absorbed the Jean-Luc’s, maybe converted them into the fleshy magic HE uses now?! And what is this fleshy magic… Did it lead to his own curse, or just make Belos more powerful? Is it related to the idea of reviving the Titan, or the Day of Unity, or whatever!?
         And if he’s been operating… Why did he abandon his son, after all?! Maybe Lilith was right… Or, he managed to escape Belos’ capture (because now I think it WAS Belos he fought after all), just in time to find Jean-Luc and his son missing? If so, he might’ve escaped VERY recently, like right after Echoes of the Past!
         Are we going to see him in Knock, Knock, Knocking on Hooty’s Door? Will it take him a while to travel? Is he going to leave King now that he’s with Eda, while he focuses on other things? That’s kinda harsh, but maybe he plans to come back… Still, it shouldn’t hurt too much to pay him a visit! Unless that’s not King’s father but some other relative, or a subject of the same species.
         Not gonna lie, when King announced his plan, I was legit concerned… Because if King brought up his ‘father’, what if Belos found out and realized who King really was- Leading to him being targeted?! And it’s not out of the question, either… Eberwolf sure was interested in that video, huh? And they’re a beastkeeper, so they’d know a lot about demons, including a potential king… Oh boy.
         On another note, we got to see the other Coven Heads outside of their Emperor’s regalia- As I suspected, they have normal outfits, like Lilith! And they look GOOD… I have to wonder, do we see Darius and Eberwolf together because like Raine, they’re also second-generation Coven Heads? They seem relatively young, though I guess you can’t really tell in Eberwolf’s case. With how we see a student who resembles Darius in Eda’s flashback, and how Darius has a specific message for Alador…
         That might’ve been him after all, as Al’s classmate and potential rival! If so, Darius and Alador having a petty dispute and rivalry is HILARIOUS to me… Darius is probably some sort of Abomination Purist, and thinks that magic should be restricted to the witch themselves, while Alador prefers to externalize and ‘taint’ it with machines, the way Belos would! I love this, two artistic geniuses who are both valid, but despise the other’s style for some inane, pretentious ‘art’ reason! First Mutran and Chirox, now Darius and Alador…!
         It also makes Alador’s suggestion that Amity could replace Darius all the more hilarious, because this rivalry could very well be mutual! Or, Alador legit doesn’t care, he’s just in it for power… Who knows, maybe he lowkey always wanted to get that leg up on Darius, for personal and/or pragmatic reasons, but he went with Odalia because she insisted on the Emperor’s Coven! But then he saw his opportunity to get what HE wanted, and is now encouraging Odalia to go along since it makes more sense anyway?
         It’s not just Odalia who’s using her kid to outdo a rival, it’s Alador too! With poor Amity as proxy… This reminds me of that time I suggested Darius adopting Amity. Looking at his personality now, I kind of doubt it- But that’d be such HILARIOUS karma for Al, wouldn’t it?! Also, a lot of those wild witches that Eda and the BATTs freed… They looked like some of the witches in that crowd for Odalia and Alador’s presentation!
         So do the two of them know who they’re selling to, and do they care? Or have they been considering a stake in the rebellion for their own benefit- Which would put Darius and Alador at odds with one another, with Amity between! Speaking of which, love that Amity, Emira, and Edric cameo, and WILLOW WITH CLOVER!!! We need more Willow and Clover, I’m really hoping we get at least a solid B-plot focusing on her…
         We also got to see palismen for other kids, AND that Glandus Grudgby athlete I always liked, the dragon one- Not just here, but after appearing in the previous episode too! Ukla, I love her name and I love her mom! And amazingly enough, we see GAVIN, and he managed to win! I wonder what his interview was like, if he did it to get his dad’s attention, etc. With Darius showing up in this same episode, and King talking about getting his father’s attention through the interview… Are they preparing for the revelation that Darius really IS Gavin’s father?! I was skeptical, but now…!
         And again, I love Darius, and his rather ‘cleanly’ attitude for a dude who can literally turn into sludge. It fits the general look, outfit, and pristine vibes he has- He very much looked like some yoga instructor or skincare routine expert, so now I headcanon he very much uses his goop for that purpose. I’m glad to see more of Abomination Magic, it seems that Darius can turn himself into that stuff- Did he convert his ENTIRE body, or is just a temporary type of change that can be done, back and forth? Kinda reminds me of Belos…
         And Eberwolf! They summoned a pretty vicious-looking Rat Worm, are a bit of a werewolf, and it seems Beastkeeping Magic allows them to access the abilities of other animals… Or unlock/enhance their own, as a potential demon? I’M SO HAPPY we got names for these two, and ACTUAL appearances and voices and dialogue and interaction! Well mostly with Darius, Eberwolf didn’t say much, whatever!
         AND KATYA! NOT KATYA! I was wondering where she was and if there was a specific reason we never saw her again after the first episode, and there is! She’s contributing to an undercover resistance, and now her, Amber, and Derwin are back at the Conformatorium! My heart broke for her… Hope we see the BATTs escape again! AND DAMN, Belos… You worked quick and hard on rebellion, huh- You barely gave Raine time to breathe and exist, basically a day or so, before you caught them!
         I mean, arguably it was Darius, Eberwolf, and Kikimora… But the plan could’ve gone through him, so I dunno. Regardless, Raine… DANG IT of course we’d have to lose Raine, but I was hoping they’d escape and go into hiding as a public outlaw! Kikimora, going after our faves that are introduced each episode since now… First Hunter, and now Raine! Let Raine adopt Hunter or at least bond over their mutual hatred of Kikimora… Also, does Kikimora have a personal connection to coven bindings and their creation, or is she just able to activate them as Belos’ right hand? I sense something coming up with her, something major…
         RAINE! They were inspired by Eda, and… DANG IT NO SINGING, but I guess actual music works! Also, we understand the title now… Eda’s Requiem is a cursed distortion of Raine’s Rhapsody! Will we see Eda use it again in Raine’s honor? Again, I’m concerned… And Raine, RAEDA IS REAL YOU GUYS! Sure there’s the, um, complication of Raine’s capture and potential brainwashing… Which Lilith thankfully avoided because SHE isn’t coven-bound;
         But like!!! They’re an ITEM! And I guess Raine and Eda sort of split up because Raine wanted to do good in the Bard Coven, only to realize it’s all baloney? Dang it Raine… But yes Raine PLEASE come back ASAP! And I adore how them and Eda were fully prepared to take down Belos, though I have to wonder- If Belos needs everyone, why didn’t Raine just insist on being absent for the Day of Unity? Did they feel the need to be more proactive than that anyway –because stopping the merging wouldn’t stop the coven-bound witches and the actual dictatorship itself- and/or would Belos just find any replacement? Maybe drag in Crane from retirement if need be?
         Dang… Also, yeah- Their induction was VERY recent if we’re getting the official announcement! I wonder if Darius, Raine, and Eberwolf are second-generation, and that’s why we see them grouped together- They look younger, compared to the rest of the coven heads, who resemble their banners! Obviously the Illusion Head looks young too, but y’know… Illusions can hide his age, probably. I wonder if Darius and Eberwolf had any involvement in Raine’s rise as second-generation coven heads, and if there was any betrayal felt? Probably not.
         I wonder how Belos will cover this up, assuming Raine isn’t just straight-up brainwashed… They had to go on a secret mission? Maybe even claim that they DIED, while Raine is kept alive for the ceremony- While Belos chooses literally any schmuck to replace them? Would Eda know or find out, what does she think…?
         ALSO YES this episode is discussing and acknowledging Eda’s Empty Nest syndrome! And how she doesn’t feel worthy as Luz and King’s mother! And how she’s hopeful for a moment that Luz will stick around, how she says it outright that she can’t replace Camila nor King’s father… BUT THEN KING CLAWTHRONE IT’S LITERALLY THAT ADOPTION PAPER MEME!!!
         I was willing to leave out the King Clawthorne tag for my own sanity, but NOW I must! To respect them, and KING… Kudos on you for wanting to start off! And the fact that he accepts her as his mom, especially in the wake of realizing his true past as a little kid adopted by Eda… Now he’s embracing it! Oh my god… That was so SWEET, and how King says he still loves his father but also has Eda too! Luz, take that into account…
         I love how Eda has a similar dilemma to Luz in that she thinks the others don’t really need her as much… She thinks she’s not good enough and recent setbacks, having Lilith leave, the curse- Maybe they impacted her more than we thought! And Raine is like NO Eda that’s nuts, you have kids… THEY CALLED THEM HER KIDS!!! We speculated with Lilith and Gwen but finally RAINE calls out Luz and King as Eda’s kids, and how Eda tries to deflect but can’t!
         And Raine is like SCREW SACRIFICE, you have kids to look after! I wish we could see them meet Luz and King… And I hope Eda tells them about Raine! But maybe not, she wouldn’t want Luz to feel any guiltier… Though this DID save Eda’s life, so maybe she does say it? I just hope Luz doesn’t blame herself for Raine… And Rainstorm! Of course… What else could we have expected, they’re a real storm! Seems meek to us… But remember, in the Isles, rainstorms are DEADLY!
         Silly at first glance, but Raine IS potent… It’s just too bad their tenure is so brief! But Raeda is basically canon, so…! But god these two were ready to DIE TOGETHER, and I love how Raine calls out Eda on her self-sacrificial nonsense, that even if they have their own parents, Luz and King value her too! It’s a BIG family, thank you Raine! I’m glad to see someone give advice to Eda for once, and it’s Raine, who took to heart what she said as a peer, and is echoing it back!
         With Luz and King as kids, it makes sense that Eda wouldn’t use them as guidance… And Lilith is a huge mess- But RAINE! Raine actually loves Eda and cares for her, they’re a fellow adult! They can be someone she can vent to, or could’ve been… WILL be! I wish we got more Raine… But yeah, this episode basically confirms that Raine’s friendship helped keep Eda sane throughout the curse, when she couldn’t count on Gwen or Lilith, and presumably not her dad, for help!
         King… GOD, the pain and panic when Eda thinks she’s being left behind, but she doesn’t make it anyone else’s problem! But then King ends up affirming that he loves and appreciates her and is sticking around, KING…! Also dang King really is the reverse of that ‘Adoption Papers’ meme actually… Where he’s like I’m being adopted! And Eda is holding back tears and asks by who? And King hands her the papers and tells her to sign there.
         All in all a HUGE episode with many pivotal character introductions, connections hinted at, confirmations, etc.! We got major development and acknowledgement of Eda missing Luz and King, and how they still value her… We got SO MANY NAMES and Palismen it’s unreal, we even got to see an unexpected return! Perry, Gavin… And the Glandus and St. Epiderm principals, I’m side-eyeing the Glandus Principal!
         We also finally got a better look at Bard Magic, how it can effect things through sound- But if you can’t hear, it won’t effect someone! So it seems to transmit itself through noise that goes into objects, and then ‘echoes’ off of them to increase its power and take hold… But if the sound doesn’t travel through a witch, it’s useless! Interesting… Bard Magic would be great in combination with others- Opponents have to keep their ears muffled, which means they’re functionally deaf and can’t hear other attacks from behind!
         We got the reveal of ‘captains’, and presumably other ranks in the Emperor’s Coven- So that might be who that unique covenscout from Latissa who mourned Hunter is. And the covenscout with the blue plume from the trailer, are they a captain? A higher rank? I dunno… BUT YES, so much to this episode, and I love it! We got Coven Head lore, and I hope to get a better screenshot of the other Coven Heads in their regular attire… Wonder what happened to Eberwolf’s leech, or if it’s just a casual ride, with the Rat Worm as their main battle steed? Either way I love them!
         Eda lost Raine, King might mope because it seems his father hasn’t responded… And Luz, she has a lot in general to be concerned about- Hence why Hooty is picking them up next episode! The episode we know LEAST about, I feel… So it feels the most blind and has the potential to blindside us because of its innocuous name! 
        Will we see the curse manifest? Will Eda’s grief over Raine give it strength, or will she try another requiem in honor of Raine, only for the curse to seep into something, maybe SOMEONE, such as Hooty- And take hold! Also dang we finally got that gag of Hooty trying to eat the poor Echo Mouse… GIVE US THE WITTEBANE LORE, you! And also the Owls of Ga’hoole reference, I thought he hated them, hence his alliance with the Duolingo Owl? Or is he trying to claim their name for himself in victory and spite?
        So much to look back for and repeat… And I liked Raine’s coven banner, too! Damn, they really played us by having Raine briefly escape at the end, didn’t they?
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sergeantsporks · 3 years
Nowhere Else to Go
Rating: Teen, Gen
Graphic depictions of violence, Major character death.
TW: Self-harm, mentioned child abuse, emotional manipulation
Chapter 1/4: Houseguest
The titan's plan wasn't some glorious purpose. Hunter found that out the hard way. And now there's not many places he can turn to.
“I’m going to get more elixir.”
“Thank you, Mother.”
“I will be gone for a few hours.”
“You’ll be okay alone for a few hours?”
 Lilith looked up from where she was poring over a few of the ancient scrolls her mother had picked up trying to heal Eda—even if they were mostly hoaxes, there was likely a grain of truth in them. “Yes, Mom. I’m sure I can handle a few hours on my own.” Probably better than I do when you’re hovering over my shoulder.
Her mother paused at the door. “Love you, sweet flea.”
“Love you too, mom.”
And then she was gone. It was an… odd sensation, having her mother so worried about her. Caring so much. Lilith could almost understand why Eda had felt so smothered.
That didn’t mean it was a necessarily bad feeling. Just… different.
Lilith stretched and yawned, rubbing her eyes. Alright. Time to stop staring at bogus documents before she started needing to wear glasses all of the time again.
A knock at the door echoed through the silent house, and she frowned. No way that her mother was back yet. Lilith scribbled a few glyphs down  on scraps of paper and approached the door slowly, opening it with a jerk. The world tilted and dropped away beneath her.
Belos was at the door.
He’d come to finish her off—
What if her mother came home?!
“Lilith—” Belos started.
Lilith didn’t give him the chance to get any further. She slapped one of her light glyphs, squeezing her eyes shut as the flash went off, then went on the offensive, kicking Belos in the chest.
“I might not be the witch I used to be, but I am not powerless,” she hissed, sweeping his legs out from underneath him and tracing a quick ice glyph in the dirt to make shackles of ice that locked him in place.
“Wait!” Belos yelped, “It’s not—I’m not—Lilith, I’m not the emperor!”
“That is just about the worst ploy I’ve ever heard. Any last words before I rid the Boiling Isles of your rot?”
“You were the one who burned a shelf of library books because you were using wild magic!” he yelped in a very un-Belos-like voice.
It was an incredibly random detail to bring up, and filled her with a really ridiculous amount of annoyance given the situation she was in. “That brat! He promised he wouldn’t tell you!”
“I didn’t!” Belos protested, then after a second, “Hey, brat?! Really?!”
Waitasecond. Lilith squinted at him. “…Golden Guard?”
“Not anymore,” Belos replied sullenly.
Right. There was probably a reasonable explanation for this. “You… hit a growth spurt? And changed the outfit?”
He didn’t reply. Lilith heard something that sounded suspiciously like a sniff. “Are you… okay?” she ventured.
“NO, I’m NOT!” he burst, “Uncle Belos, he did—I don’t know, something, and now I’m stuck in his rotting body, and I… I don’t understand!”
A single tear rolled out from under Belos’ mask, and Lilith ripped the thing off.
Oh, that was gross. Lilith stumbled back with a yelp. “What is that?!”
“Oh, what, like you turning into a great big owl monster is any better?” he retorted.
“Yes! Yes it is!” Lilith melted the ice shackles, squinting at him. “What… what happened?!”
“I don’t know,” he repeated, sitting up, “It’s a curse of some kind, but he never told me anything about it, I just…”
“No, wait, better question. Why did you come here?! We’ve never gotten along—what are you playing?”
He looked away, his hands balling Belos’ robes up into fists. “I… didn’t know where else to go.”
“My sister would have been a better bet,” Lilith said flatly, “She seems to be making a habit of collecting strays recently. Let’s see, misplaced demon king, human, bird worm—yes, I do believe a kid trapped in the body of her worst enemy would fit right in.”
“You think I didn’t consider that first? But I’m willing to bet that’s exactly where Belos will be going. If he plays the runaway card, your sister will be putty in his—or my, technically—hands. And I don't think they'd listen to me while I look like this.”
The momentary flare of hurt that Eda was, once again, the first choice, was almost immediately overturned with the thought of Belos sneaking into the owl house. Lilith ran for her mother’s crystal ball. “I’ve got to warn her!”
The golden guard hesitated in the doorway, watching her as she opened and slammed shut cabinets. She glanced at him. “What?!”
“Can I—you never answered—”
“What? Yes. Fine. Come in. Try not to get that weird face slime on the floor, my mother will freak.” Lilith tore through the cabinets. “Oh, come on! I know she has one! Hey, guard boy, help me look.”
“Don’t call me that.”
Lilith rolled her eyes, performing a smarmy little bow as she opened another drawer. “Oh, do lower thineself to help such a peasant as I, Golden Guard, sir.”
He scooted a little further into the house, checking under the couch. “Just Hunter. Please.”
Lilith paused, mid-slamming of a cabinet door. “That’s your name?”
“Of course it is!”
Of cOuRsE iT iS. Lilith finished slamming the cabinet shut. “Pardon me, but you never deigned to tell me! Or Kikimora!”
“The human never told you, though?”
“The hu—Luz? Oh, of course you told her. Sure. Why not? I suppose I’m always the last to know.” Lilith opened one last cabinet. “Oh, finally!” she pulled out the crystal ball. “Owl House. Edalyn Clawthorne.”
The ball went hazy, then re-asserted itself to a lovely view of Hooty’s face. “LULU!!!!!”
Despite the severity of the situation, despite the fact that Hunter-in-the-body-of-Belos was standing right there—hiding behind the couch, actually what was he doing there?—Lilith felt a smile creep over her face. “Hootcifer! Hey, the Golden Guard hasn’t shown his face around there, has he?”
“Bad but sad? Noooooope!”
“I resent that nickname,” Hunter muttered from his hiding spot.
“Okay. Good. I need you to make sure he doesn’t come in, and if Edalyn tries to bring him in… let him know exactly why it was so hard for me to capture my sister.”
“Okay! Any reason why?”
“Belos is up to something. I can’t tell you much over the crystal ball, I don’t know who’s watching. But the Golden Guard is part of it, and you can’t trust him. Don’t let him in, no matter what sob story he sells.”
“Got it, Lulu!”
The crystal ball faded to its usual blue color, and Lilith knelt on the couch, peering over the back at Hunter. “…What are you doing?”
“I’d think it was pretty obvious.”
Lilith thought she just might strangle this kid before the day was out. “Okay, fine. Why are you hiding behind the couch?”
“Because I look like Belos, and if they saw me here, they’d probably come swooping to your rescue.”
Lilith crossed her arms. “Maybe I’ll let them. So what if Belos was using you? He used all of us, you’re not special. At least I was trying to help my sister and fix the mistake I made. What’s your excuse?”
“I… don’t have one.”
“Wonderful.” Lilith grabbed the back of his robes, yanking him up to his feet. “Out. If Belos comes looking for you—”
Hunter grabbed her wrist, panicked. “Please don’t kick me out! I don’t…”
“Have anywhere else to go, I know.” Lilith twisted her arm out of his grasp. “Fine. Fine. Luckily for you, I’m trying to be a… better person.”
Hunter snorted.
“Do you want to stay here or not, brat?”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Then stop acting like one! Belos told you that you were special, and you believed him. This body swap thing? That’s why you were special, okay, it wasn’t because you had some great purpose, you weren’t meant to save anyone, or make the world a better place or any of that, you were just the perfect vessel for him to stick his slimy soul in, so don’t act like you’re better than me, because you’re not.”
Hunter jerked back, his lip quivering. Lilith took in a deep breath. Okay. Maybe that had been a bit too far—she had to remind herself that this kid was Luz’s age, just about, and he hadn’t really had anyone but Belos. “Belos was… good at making people do what he wanted. He uses people and then throws them away. I know. I get it. I’ve been there. You don’t even realize what he’s doing until he’s already cast you aside. But you’re here now—you know what he’s like, you know what he does. Welcome to Belos’ garbage can, Hunter. You better get used to it here, because Belos isn’t taking you back.”
The door burst open. “Lilith, who are yelling a—”
Lilith whirled around to see her mother standing in the door. She dropped the sack she was carrying and summoned her staff. “YOU!”
“Mother, wait—”
Too late. Her mother practically flew across the room, delivering a flawless blow to Hunter’s gut. He stumbled back, tripping over Belos’ robes and landing on the floor. Lilith’s mother raised the staff again, bringing it down on his head.
Lilith grabbed her mother’s staff before she could hit Hunter again. “Wait, Mother, it’s not what you think! It’s not Belos—it’s the Golden Guard!”
“Please stop hitting me!” Hunter yelped, his arm up to shield himself from any more blows.
“The… Sweet Flea, I’m not sure that’s any better.”
Lilith gently pried her mother’s fingers from her staff. “It’s… complicated, but he’s not working for Belos anymore. Long story short, he needs a place to stay for a bit, and… if it’s okay with you—”
“If it’s okay with you, Lilith, it’s okay with me. If you’re sure he’s not up to anything.”
Hunter’s hands twisting Belos’ robes as he told her he didn’t have anywhere else flashed through her mind, and she nodded. “I’m sure. He’s… just a kid. An annoying one, yes, but.”
“A kid,” her mother sighed, “When I find the real Belos…”
“I’m sure it’ll hurt,” Hunter squeaked from the floor.
“I do apologize for that.”
Lilith hauled Hunter back to his feet. “Alright, alright, let’s find somewhere for you to take a nap, you look awful.”
“I… don’t think a nap is going to fix this.”
Lilith’s mother sloshed a bottle of elixir in one hand. “No, but I know what might help!”
“I… I don’t know. If fixing this curse was that easy, I think Belos would have—”
Mrs. Clawthorn uncorked the bottle and shoved in his mouth while he was talking. “Who said anything about fixing it? Make it manageable, perhaps, if what Edalyn and Lilith have told me is true. Drink your potion and take a nap.”
“It can’t hurt,” Lilith said quietly, “I think.”
Hunter did drink the elixir, then spit the bottle out with a grimace. “Okay, that’s horrible.”
Lilith pulled him upstairs to… Eda’s old room. “Don’t touch her stuff,” she warned, “I’m going to see about getting you something else to wear, you keep tripping on those robes. You should fit into some of my dad’s clothes.”
“Okay. Uh… I… appreciate it, Lilith.”
Lilith froze halfway through the doorway. “Sure,” she managed, “Just… don’t sell me out to Belos.” She quickly shut the door. Her mother was waiting down the hallway.
“What is the story, Lilith?”
Lilith shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other. “Hunter… he’s been in the Emperor’s Coven since he was a kid. No magic to speak of, but he could do impressive things with a staff. We… never really got along, that’s just the way it was there. We were always competing for Belos’ favor, at each other’s throats to stay on top. Belos… always said that Hunter was special, and that the titan had plans for him. Turns out… that plan was… to steal his body. It was never the Titan’s plan, it was always Belos, planning to get out of his own cursed body.”
“Is there a way to reverse it? To switch them back?”
“I don’t know. Hunter doesn’t seem to remember what happened—it might just be shock, though. Maybe he’ll remember more about what Belos did, and we can reverse this—but we’d probably need his body back, and I’m not sure we’ll be able to find Belos.”
“One problem at a time, Sweet Flea. Let’s focus on getting him settled in, first. How long do you think he’ll need to stay?”
Lilith crossed her arms. “Long enough for me to explain the situation to Edalyn, at least, at which point he’s probably going to ditch us for her.”
“Oh, Lilith. Don’t think like that.”
Lilith glanced back at Eda’s room, making sure the door was still closed. “Actually… I… I don’t think he has that much time left,” she said in a low voice, “Maybe Emperor Belos just was inconvenienced by the curse enough that he decided to make the switch. But… I’m thinking taking over Hunter’s body was an escape plan. For when he got close to… you know.”
Her mother gasped. “You think…”
Lilith folded her arms, hugging herself. “The elixir might hold it off. Give him more time. But… probably not enough time for us to reverse this.”
“We… we can’t just give up, can we?”
“I’m not going to give up,” Lilith promised, “I’ll keep looking. But… I’m just saying that it might be all we can do to make him comfortable before… before the curse finishes what it started and… Hunter dies.”
Ch 2
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