#and qualify to make a discourse blog!!!
mars-ipan · 2 years
guys help i feel the desire the NEED to rant about something i am not qualified to rant about but i’m more qualified than a solid chunk of the people ranting so .
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*Clanking pots and pans together *
I have a message for all the tin hatters and misogynists in the Tumblr fandom.
28th August, The Year of Our Nerd 2024
To Whom It May Concern
It has been precisely one year and one month to the fact that I first came across this malady that has been plaguing our fandom. Other fandoms have been more or less unfortunate in this regard. What started as a lighthearted joke has now turned into a toxic, vile, festering wound. For a long time I either ignored these blogs and their opinions or very politely tried to dismiss them. For an even longer time I was made to feel that I was in the wrong. After all we live in a free society and all of us believe int he idea of freedom of speech, freedom to hold whatever views and beliefs, and freedom to express those views and beliefs. But the very same citizens of these free society's in today's world are also facing a dilemma: how far does this right go? Is it unconditional? Is it absolute? Or does it qualify to some form of check or some form of necessary derogation under exceptional circumstances? When do those circumstances arise?
Most of us have come to an understanding in regard to the question, though all of us may not agree to it: it is understood that where your right to exercise your freedom offends and restricts my right to do or causes in any way for me or anyone else to feel endangered, then that is where we draw the line.
Reading @do-angels-dream-of-starry-seas 's post today I have come to the conclusion that the time has come to draw that line. It is a question on where we stand as a fandom if we let such bigotry and such hate prevail any longer.
I want to let everyone know where I stand. I have nothing against fanfiction. I have nothing against RPF. People have been creating RPF since time immemorial. If not for RPF a large amount of literature, film, music and other forms of art would not exist. Shakespear's Histories are essentially RPF, Hamilton is RPF, Netflix's The Crown is RPF, Le Morte d'Arthur is RPF, Baz Luhrman's Elvis is RPF and so is Andrew Dominic's Blonde. You may like some of it, you might dislike some of it. You might even be vehemently against some of it. But that's all it is at the end of the day; fiction. It doesn't hurt anyone. The real problem arises when people start becoming unbale to differentiate between fiction and reality. And that's no better than thinking that just cz someone played a serial killer in a movie means they're evil irl too.
It becomes suffocating for others to exist in these spaces when the delusion that the RFP is real transcends to take an even worse shape namely hating the real people involved in said person's life. How could you justify hating on their real life partners just so you can satisfy your delusional belief that these men are actually in love with each other.
Maybe it springs from a need to justify our lives in terms of conspiracy theories in this growing pandemic of untruths and fake news. Maybe it springs from some deep rooted internalized misogyny. Who can say?
Before I move on I want to highlight some problems with the wntire tinhatter discourse.
The existence of a PR. I want to clarify this here and now. PR works for important, famous, insanely rich people whose global fame makes their identity a part of the public domain so much that their entire image needs to be curated to meet certain requirements. PR works for Taylor Swift and Leonardo DiCaprio and Barak Obama. Who is does NOT work for are people who are only locally well known, live reasonably ordinary lifestyles, and have a painfully insignificant following outside their own cultural context.
The idea that one picture or a five second video can tell the truth about someone's entire personal life. It cannot. It never will. Body language is not even a science. Body language is misleading. Facial expressions are misleading. I am writing this right now with the most bland expression on my face. People around me think I'm writing an email. My internal emotions right now are another story. Moreover no one owes anyone any sort of information on their personal life, their love life, their mood, their life choices or whatever. Their lives are not public property. Please respect that.
The women are the villains. This blatant misogyny has become intolerable as the days go by considering most of these posts are written by women themselves. The whole controlling wife, poor meek guy trope is so fckng infuriating. When did we wake up to a world where women hold the reigns and an adult white upper middle class male cannot tell her that he wants a divorce. I thought this only happened to unprivileged women in third world countries who cannot file a divorce bcs then she will be left penniless and socially disgraced. The women baby trapped them. Of course they feel responsibility for the kids now. Child birth is the second most painful experience after being burnt to death. No woman does it for the pleasure of it nor for some strategic benefit that it will serve her. And diving birth to not just one but many. And then raising them. That's not easy! Secondly, having children is a mutual decision and process. If only women could make babies we'd get rid of men for good lol! (this is a joke plz don't @ me) If someone decides to have children with someone, and we're not talking just one accidental pregnancy or sth... we're talking several kids over the years.... then they probably have that level of attachment, love and commitment to their partner. It's just common sense.
Absolute cynicism. Anything Georgia and Anna do is met with cynicism and their words are deliberately twisted to mean the opposite. While D and M will be applauded for speaking up for a cause , when G and A do the same they are shouted down as pretentious or that PR made them do it. When D and M show affection towards each other that's all real and true but when G and A show affection to their partners it fake and a PR stunt. Moreover the way they interact with their partners is also completely misunderstood. Anna is more private and subtle about her gestures of praise and affection. But from what she does show publicly we know that she absolutely adores her partner and her kids. Georgia on the other hand has her own way. She teases, makes jokes, pokes fun at him, but she's also literally the woman the is being ultra-horny for him on Twitter and Instagram in front of everyone else. And I think that comes from the fact that they were friends first and lovers second and they have maintained that playful friendly relationship with each other. Still she is accused of never being appreciative, being cringey, possessive, creepy and always bringing him down. Oh and we never talk about how Michael next to never promotes Davis's achievements. In fact no one else I know does it. Literally the only person is Georgia jumping up and down going "This is my partner! Have you seen them! Have you seen how awesome they are! I love them!" Not just that, these tinhatters have such double standards that while D's neurodivergent traits are being praised, G takes the rap for it. She's a careless mum, an unworthy partner; none of her professional achievements matter. She is fighting her dyslexia and neurodivergence to achieve something but the tinhatters will make ableist remarks to bring her down. But they don't just stop there. They accuse her of abuse, rape and cyber harassment. Pray that she doesn't find out because accusing someone of that can get you behind the bars hon!
I know that none of this is going to disappear over night. We fight the fight every day and we hope that tumblr goes back to being the safe space it once was. But till then, it is important that we stay strong and stay together. I have had people come into my ds with links and other stuff that made me want to jump off a cliff. I have been subjected to some horrendous lies, all in a bid to convert me. Sadly that's not happening babes.
So I just want these tinhatters to know that if you're here, then we're here too. And no matter how much of this toxic bile you keep spewing we'll keep washing it away. And that @dtmsrpfcringe and @goodomenswarning don't have to do it alone. If you wanna go at them then come at me bitches!
And I'm not scared to call y'all out @ingravinoveritas @letscoffeebreak @nightgoodomens
@invisibleicewands @climb-dtennant-like-a-tree @thetardisisbluandroseistoo and others but mainly you guys cz you're the ring leaders. Gon on block me if you want to I don't care! Or better, send me some of those creepy asks you guys send Tori. At least it would take the burden off her!
And now before I go @dtmsrpfcringe You're a champ and we love you and we stand with you!!!
Yours Sincerely,
Meena. x
curator of TheGeorgiaTennantBlog
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Welcome to Danganronpabestgirls!
I’ve seen a handful of tournament blogs popping up and decided to join the fun, so I’m hosting a tournament to determine the favorite of Danganronpa’s female characters!
Rules/disclaimers(?) before I start:
This bracket will only include characters from the main games. Please please please do not ask me “Where’s [character from x novel]?” or “You forgot [obscure side character]?” I don’t know every single character ever mentioned in the franchise and it would take forever to add every single person, so I’m only including characters from the main games.
Similarly, please don’t ask me about gender discourse. I’ll make a short, one-day qualifier poll regarding Chihiro Fujisaki’s placement on the bracket once this gets some attention, but other than that I’m taking no requests.
The polls will last for one week before I reblog with the results. You can submit propaganda via an ask and I’ll tag it with the #propaganda tag. Try not to be too mean to each other in the notes while or after the polls are running <3
The “reasons” behind voting always feel like a source of conflict to me so I want to make something clear: this tournament is about which character is your favorite! It can be about personality, general aesthetic, how important they are to the plot— anything! This is no “which character is OBJECTIVELY the best” competition! This is about having fun! It’s a popularity vote— feel free to share what you love about the characters you pick!
On a more personal note, I’m pretty busy right now with schoolwork as I get further into the year. Result announcements or posting propaganda might take awhile! Please be patient with me as I am a human being who has to do other things.
No, I don’t know what I’m going to do with this blog after the tournament ends and a winner has been decided.
I’m turning on anon asks with faith that you guys will be nice. Hate towards me will be blocked immediately, but feel free to submit any propaganda or just ask a question!
Let’s have fun, okay?
(to get this off the ground a bit I’m gonna tag @dr-killer-tourney blehhh sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged, haha.)
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self-dx-culture-is · 10 months
Welcome Post
This blog is inclusive of everyone who has a self-dx! All submissions should start with "Self dx/diagnosed culture is" (or a more specific version, such as "self dx autistic culture is").
I will ignore any posts asking me to diagnose them (as I'm not qualified), and I request that no one ask for help in self-diagnosis either. If I can find reliable resources, I will link them below, under the cut.
Feel free to vent, but let me now so I can tag it appropriately. If you would like, you may also request that reblogs and/or comments be turned off for that post.
Anons are welcome!
Since we've been getting some lately, I wanted to state that while I have nothing against sending people financial aid, that is not the purpose of this blog and we personally are uncomfortable sending money over the internet due to paranoia. If we start getting too many, we probably will start deleting them as it's somewhat stressful to even post them for others to see the request. This is not directed at anyone and is just a general statement so everyone is aware.
Claimed Anons may be found here(link)!
My Extensive DNI (/sarc)
NSFW content and blog followers (this makes us very uncomfortable)
If you come here just to spread hate or fakeclaiming, including anyone who uses "narc/histrionic/antisocial/borderline abuse" or uses "[all Cluster B terms]", "delusional", "insane", etc. as insults or otherwise misuses them.
Anyone who encourages harm relating to any disorder (e.g. pro ana, pro contact)
Transid (Transabled, transage, transrace, etc.). People with BIID are not included in this and are welcomed to interact.
(More may be added if incidents arise.)
About the Blog Owner:
We are an endogenic system and may be collectively called (the) Werewolf Pack. Our collective pronouns are She/They.
We have professionally diagnosed Amblyopia, Sensory Processing Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, and Avoidant Personality Disorder. We have self-diagnosed Synesthesia and Visual Snow Syndrome, and are questioning Schizotypal Personality Disorder, Schizoid Personality Disorder, Autism, and ADHD.
Base Account: @kpopwerewolf(link)
Tagging System:
All posts will either be tagged as either "self dx culture is" or "not culture is"
All triggers are tagged as: "tw [trigger]"
Vents are tagged as both: "tw vent" & "vent"
Positivity posts are tagged as: "positivity"
Negative posts are tagged as both: "negative" & "negativity"
Discourse/Syscourse will be tagged as: "tw discourse / "tw syscourse"
Tagging for promo: @paranoia-culture-is, @abnormalcultureis, @ndcultureis, @adhd-culture-is, @adhd-culture--is, @autism-culture-is. @autistic-culture-is, @depression-culture-is, @disabled-culture-is, @dyslexia-culture-is, @dyscalculia-culture-is, @no-empathy-culture-is, @ocd-culture-is, @posic-culture, @tourettes-culture-is, @schizospec-culture-is, @schizotypalpd-culture-is, @schizoid-culture-is, @schizopositivity, @synesthete-culture-is, @cluster-a-pds, @cluster-c-pds-culture-is, @cluster-b-culture-is, @ppd-culture-is, @aspd-culture, @bpd-culture-is, @hpdcultureis, @narcissisticpdcultureis, @avpdcultureis, @dpdcultureis
(If you want your link removed let me know!)
DSM-5.pdf - Google Drive(link)
What Is Plurality? – Plurality Resource(link)
powertotheplurals.com | Resource & articles for everymany - Dissociative identity disorder and other forms of plurality.(link)
More will be added as found! Feel free to suggest resources you've found helpful yourself!
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jotun-design-party · 10 months
Contest Submission Rules
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Jötun Design Party is a Marvel Loki fanmade character design contest, dedicated to encouraging artists to be more aware of racist visual shorthand to make a more inclusive fandom space for artists of color.
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If your submission is found to rely on orientalist or otherwise racist imagery to make Loki seem more alien, more attractive, etc, your design will not be considered/your submission will be disqualified. [#orientalism] is a featured tag on my blog, where I have shared informational posts on the topic. You can also check the [#FAQ] tag on this blog. I also encourage you to do your own research on the topic to ensure the design fits within the guidelines.
No AI generated or AI enhanced art. The design must be completely designed by you, not imags generation.
Your design must be created for the design contest entry. Modifying your old Jötun designs is allowed, but there must be significant changes to the design as to differentiate it from your previous works.
Entries will be judged based on design, not skill.
You are allowed to include designs for multiple characters (ex: Jötun!Thor, Angrboða, Fárbauti, etc.) as well as for multiple versions of Loki (Ikol, Stories, Kid Loki, etc) so long as there is at least one Loki design submitted.
However, as shipping discourse can get incredibly out of hand, please refrain from submitting ship art to the contest.
Your drawing should be a full-body, with a clear view of the design(s), and clear color and lines. Shading/finished lineart is not necessary! The design(s) simply must be visible enough to tell what is going on in order to qualify.
Do not put down other contest members; any and all competition should be friendly.
Informational blurbs about your Jötun headcanons are not only accepted, but encouraged!
Tag @jotun-design-party in your submission, and tag your piece as #jotun design party !
Winner Information
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The first place winner will receive a full-body drawing of a character (original or otherwise) of their choice.
The second place winner will receive a half-body drawing of a character (original or otherwise) of their choice.
The third place winner will receive a bust-shot drawing of a character (original or otherwise) of their choice.
*i am not comfortable creating fanart for harry potter or dsmp
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Intro, About & Submission Rules
Hey hey hey! This is another "_ Culture Is" blog but dedicated to Monsterkins!
About Me: This blog is ran by one mod - you can call me Aster! I use any pronouns other than it/its and I am 17. My main monsterkin is Werewolfkin (which you can probably tell from the theming of the blog) but I'm also revenantkin & robotkin amongst other theriotypes & fictionkins. I'm aromantic, asexual & genderqueer. I'm also a maladaptive daydreamer.
About the Blog: This is a "culture is" blog! People can submit relatable posts for the monster kin community using that format. Submit by sending an ask. Both spiritual kin & psychological kin are welcome here. I'll also reblog monsterkin related content that you guys might find interesting! So stick around if you want that I suppose? I'm also open to general asks about kin topics, my experiences and life in general! Happy to share kinfo too. Feel free to tag me in things I might want to reblog/engage with (as long as they do not transgress my submission rules).
Who counts as monsterkin? Short answer: anyone who wants to. This blog is aimed at classic monsterkins, cryptidkins, alienkins - even deity, demon and/or robot kins are welcome if you feel at home! Monsterkins from existing media/monster fictionkins can also interact (I'm a phantomkin from Minecraft!). I'd also love to see submissions from otherhearteds, synpaths, copinglinks and questioning kins - this blog is about community!
Submission & Ask Rules:
+ No graphic vents or graphic gore mentions. I'm just not in the place to handle that!
+ No NSFW.
+ No Discourse or Politics. This just isn't that sort of blog!
+ No External Links.
+ Start submissions with Monsterkin Culture Is, *insert species* kin culture is, questioning monsterkin culture is etc etc etc...
+ Kin & Madd related advice/help asks are welcome! Don't ask me for general life advice though, I'm defo not qualified!
+ Shoutout posts are also permitted! (E.g shoutout to my fellow space obsessed werewolves).
Tag Guides:
#howlingatthemoon is for my personal rambles/experiences
#thebitingblogger is for any monsterkin related content I make
#musicalpaws is for songlists/playlists
#packmeeting for any submission/reblog games I'm hosting or responding to asks.
#daydreamden for anything maladaptive/immersive daydreaming related.
Search xkin culture is (x being species) to see all relevant posts.
General posts will be tagged with the relevant kintypes & blog tags.
Image Description: A thin banner with a black background and neon white stars.
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writeblrsupport · 9 months
Let's talk
Hey all! Let’s chat a little! There’s been a bit of inactivity for both myself and Locke recently. I’ve been dealing with some IRL issues, and I know Locke has potentially been shadow banned. It hasn’t been easy trying to keep up with this blog, but by the gods we've been trying! We're hoping to bring more activity once the holidays are over, and hopefully Locke can fix whatever issue is going on.
With that being said, there's some things Locke and I specifically wanted to bring up in order to keep going down a few positive path for this blog!
Organizing posts
Going forward, Locke and I will be working on organizing posts. There's way too many in our backlog for us to realistically edit them all, which is why we'll try to organize them via these tags. Our pinned post will be updated with these tags once we figure this out!
#boosts — for sharing snippets that other people have wrote
#answers — when one of our mods sends out an ask, it will be tagged here!
#asks — these are for mass asks we send out to people!
#support — for our support posts
#admin: (user) — for specific mod posts!
#TW: (trigger) — current we have triggers for bigotry, violence, abuse, death, drugs, harassment, and dysphoria. If you think one should be added, let us know under a post!
#discourse — for any discourse posts that may show up.
What would you like to see?
Is there anything you'd like to specifically see in this blog? We want to make sure our content is the best it can be in order to help you all, so please give us any feedback through reblogs, replies, asks, submissions, etc.! Any feedback is welcome!
And finally, new blog admins
This is the last big thing. We would like to bring on at least 2 other members to help us with this blog. If you would like to join us, please send a message to @basalamander-corner and tell me about yourself, including what makes you think you're qualified for said position! We really need people we can trust, and people who can be strong pillars for the writeblr community.
That being said, we do have some restrictions on who will be allowed to apply, and that's the following:
You must be 20+. No exceptions.
You should have at least one blog (whether that's your main blog or your side blog) that focuses on writeblr!
You must have Discord for ease of communication!
Please be aware that as an admin of this blog, you may be subjected to dox/death threats, harassment, bigotry, and other nasty or sensitive content. If you want to be a mod, you'll need to be able to deal with these via deleting the posts and not interaction, since that's what they want. We also need people who will be strong pillars of positivity in this community, people who are willing to show kindness and empathy towards everyone around us! You'll also be expected to community thoroughly with the rest of the admins. As an admin, you'll be expected to reblog posts, share support, send out asks, and more!
Once again, please contact me if that sounds like something you're interested in! You can contact me here on Tumblr or on Discord, where I also go by basalamander!
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moodr1ng · 4 months
(making my own post after being in someones replies again lol) i do think there was kind of a Moment on tumblr in i wanna say circa 2019-2021 where a lot of the accumulated biphobia that was present in the lgbt community at large and in particular on tumblr sort of blew up into a number of bi bloggers starting to talk a lot more on the subject and make a lot of posts explaining the material consequences of biphobia, the lack of support bisexuals have always gotten from the rest of the community, the specific biphobic opinions/takes that are popular both offline and in online communities, and also a lot of conversations about bisexuality, what its like to be bisexual, what it means to us, a ton of education on bisexual history, a lot of trans and nonbinary bisexuals talking about how bisexuality interacts w our genders, etc. at the time and being involved in all of this tangentially it felt a bit like a sort of tumblr bisexual renaissance where the pot finally boiled over and a ton of us started to be really loud and in your face about bisexuality and biphobia. i think this was a major reason for why a lot of takes that had previously been very widespread and either accepted or at least treated as debatable (thinking about butch/femme discourse for example) got rolled back and a lot of people who had been very casually biphobic all over the place suddenly changed their tune, switched their public opinions, and started sharing a lot more of support for bisexuals (though, tbh, i dont think i have seen literally one apology for past biphobia).
i do think there was some discourse that went a bit too far and ended up counterproductive (ive personally rolled back a lot of my past anger about the pansexuality vs bisexuality shit into a view that i think is a lot more charitable and community-oriented), but overall bisexuals on here did a lot of work to get heard, get understood, and get some much-needed support by the rest of the lgbt community, and there were also a lot of behind the scenes conversations where bi people created spaces like very active discord servers where bisexuality was explored in-depth among bisexuals, which tbh i largely credit for me being able to comfortably identify as bigender.
but, well, this Moment of bisexuals being loud and proud about bisexuality and refusing to continue to tolerate biphobia was met with, like, extremely caustic and vicious backlash which has led SO many bi bloggers who i followed, knew, was in servers and dms with, was/am friends with etc to either quit tumblr or move to new blogs where they only keep around vetted people and no longer widely engage w the topic of biphobia. my alter ran one of those blogs which i dont think could have really been qualified as popular, but which had a ton of constant interaction and some really big posts, all of which led to daily biphobic harassment as well as scrutiny of every other part of his identity and repeated cruelty about things that it was incredibly inappropriate for people to attack him on - some of you who followed him will recall the repeated attacks and accusations of ableism for his 'weird' typing style, despite a disclaimer on his blog that he types like this bc of autism+adhd+did, as well as a lot of vitriol and aggression which i think was at least partially racially motivated. like, im not even willing to disclose the url or his name here because im STILL paranoid about getting harassed years after he deactivated, which, like many others i know, he did because the constant biphobia was so bad for his mental health that the blog even just continuing to exist was not sustainable.
im not sure to what degree the conversations that were started on here during this time are continuing - im not seeing much of it anymore, but then again maybe im just not following the people having them - but it certainly feels like that Moment has died down now, though i certainly still feel the aftereffects in how a lot of people have changed their stances on bisexuality. it does feel like an acute loss still that so many bi people were effectively shut down and harassed off tumblr or into silence and reclusiveness by the backlash to bisexuals speaking out (and this especially imo affected bisexuals of color, especially black bisexuals, as per usual on tumblr). i miss the posts i would get to read daily as well as the very active discord servers and other conversations i got to be privy to at the time. i think this, as much as the discussions on biphobia themselves, rendered very explicit the degree of biphobia thats present within the lgbt community. as soon as a number of bisexuals got fed up with it and started to talk about it openly, the open and unashamed biphobia also ramped up.
ig the thing im stuck on is - were not talking about it as much, but all the people who dedicated themselves to harassing bisexuals into silence for years are still here. some stances have been changed and a lot of performative "we love bisexuals!" posts got shared but ultimately the work is still cut out for us going forward. however, i dont think i or my alter will be doing any of that work on tumblr in the future. the focus will have to be on real-life community to spare ourselves the backlash that comes from speaking about this on here.
idk, not sure how to end this whole tirade. i just happened to be thinking about all this earlier today and a mutual brought it up again just now so its on my mind. i do still miss that sense of heightened bisexual community that came from all of this. i personally not only was able to re-identify as bisexual after identifying as gay for a few years bc these conversations led me to reevaluate my sexuality in a more accepting light, but also i unlearned a ton of internalized biphobia which i had not only tolerated but often strongly believed myself, usually with a sort of self-flagellating notion of "i have to bow down to the rest of the community and accept that my opinion is inherently lesser because bisexuality is an inferior sexuality" which i only stopped believing after being in these bisexual communities. ig i just have to be content with the circle of bi friends ive built both online and offline and what benefits ive gained from these discussions.
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meyerlansky · 1 year
gonna get REAL snippy about some disk horse tonight: i am real fuckin' fed up of seeing everyone who felt impacted by the idea that astarion might be asexual or aspec in some way feel like they have to qualify their interpretation of a canonically sex-repulsed character openly discussing that sex repulsion in a way that is very resonant for a lot of asexual people. i am really fucking tired of the fact that everyone talking about astarion maybe even possibly being some variety of aspec feels COWED into couching it in "it's just a headcanon, it's just something that felt important to me personally! i'm not saying anyone else has to agree, it's just that it resonated for me."
i get not wanting to impose your reading of the text on other people���there are a fuckton of posts floating around about how that's a shitty thing to do and how x read isn't any more canon than y read and people who insist x IS more canon than y are jerks. and i don't disagree! people who insist there's One Canon in a choice-centric RPG are fucking dicks.
but i was also here in 2014, at the peak of exclusionist discourse, when every single time someone said "it's not that i have a problem with asexual people, i just wish they weren't taking up the resources meant for [REAL gay people/rape survivors/people dealing with comphet/etc]." what they actually meant was "I will not be satisfied until you shut the fuck up and never talk about your experiences in a place where i have to hear about it again". and it fucking worked; people recloseted themselves, blogs centered on the aspec community deactivated, real life organizations stopped explicitly including asexuality in their documentation when they had the previous year. for a solid three years, the only time any "big name blogs" mentioned asexuality was to make a joke out of it. i watched this shit happen with my own two eyes.
i don't have a problem with people who disagree with my reading of a character as asexual. i don't have a problem with allosexual people who say "this same thing resonated with me too, just in a different way" and move the fuck on. what i do have a problem with is the implicit vibe that comes up any time asexual and aspec people decide to talk about their experiences and things that resonated with them that we shouldn't take up too much space when we talk about that, because there are other people who don't feel that way and their interpretations deserve to be heard too.
i have not seen a single person on the acestarion train saying "you HAVE to think of him as asexual." i have seen multiple comments saying people who do see him as asexual are delusional or reaching, or that it's insulting—to whatever other identity—to read asexuality into his sex-repulsion. and i am really fucking annoyed [not at all surprised, but annoyed nonetheless!] that not only does the compassion for different takes not go both ways, but that people discussing their resonance with astarion from an asexual/aspec perspective are instinctually or habitually ceding ground by couching it in "you don't have to agree!" kind of statements, when that should be the fucking baseline for every single conversation about any characterization choice in, AGAIN, AN RPG BASED ON INDIVIDUAL CHOICE.
and i don't have any way to express this to the people that i actually have an issue with, because, again: asexual people relating to a character that's not explicitly stated to be asexual is treated as a joke at best and an attack on other identities at worst. but at this point, to me, calling a reading of astarion as asexual/aspec a "headcanon" is minimizing what it actually is: an interpretation of the text, supported by both dialogue and action[s], that is not monolithic but is no less "canonical" and/or rooted-in-the-text-itself than many, many other readings of his characterization, intended by the character's creator[s] or no. you're not going to catch me apologizing for how i read the character and how his dialogue resonated with me. and i don't think anyone else should feel like they have to apologize for it either.
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redcomet-stims · 5 months
Hullo internet people, I've decided to make a sideblog to try making stimboards, just wanna keep everything organised :)
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This blog has NO DNI, and will take ALMOST any request you want. With that, though, comes no discourse. Or arguments. I want to make visually stimulating moodboards, not fight with you.
I'm not completely child-safe all the time...but I'm not NSFW at all...I'll take requests with "adult" sources, but won't use blatantly adult content at all :)
Do not expect consistent posting, but I try to post frequently!
Also, if you are requesting a character that isn't from something in my fandoms list, I would prefer you add a theme(s) (or maybe tell me a bit about the character if you so desire 🤫). It's not required, but it would be nice and would help me out! If you don't, I'll be fine though, but I might have a few inaccuracies, may go more off of appearance, or generally may not make something as high-quality as I could. I'll try my best to gather information and make it accurate nevertheless ^^
And just a note: if the things I write on my stimboards don't make sense, are rambly, or sound weird, it's probably because I make pretty much all of my stimboards late at night 😭 I am a massive night owl and like working on them later in the day because I feel like I can focus better on them, but sadly I am also not always the greatest at putting out my thoughts coherently at night 🙏 And yeah my image IDs might not always be the best due to working on them later too
Inbox: 11
Jermbonation (Regretevator) stimboard for anon
Pocoyo (titular character) stimboard with blue, toy blocks, and numbers for anon
Stimboard based on myself(?) for anon
Titanic stimboard with thalassophobia, broken metal, fog, and an anxious theming/aura for anon
Paimon (Genshin Impact) stimboard with orange, brown, and alarm clocks for the anon who requested Centorea Shianus :3
Vinchen Adencia (Guide to Reincarnation) with blue/black, fire, lightning, and combat theming for @/pennyroyald
Nyarlathotep (Lovecraftian text) with the unknown, tentacles, and red sand for @/pennyroyald
Teruko Okura (Bungo Stray Dogs) with playful themes and weaponry/fire for anon as a gift for @/kimisbunny
Marcille Donato (Delicious in Dungeon) with insects and fog for anon as a gift for @/askmarcille
Nanamine Sakura (TBHK) for anon
Oomph (band) for anon
Requests: Open, but may be slow at this point ^^
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If I forget warnings, I'm so sorry and I'll edit it in as soon as possible.
I don't warn for hands, food, and uncommon phobias, but I will ALWAYS warn for blades/other weapons, medical imagery, gore/blood (fake or not), and flashing images!!!
My older boards don't have alt texts as of the moment!
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Blacklist, whitelist, and fandom list under the cut so that this post doesn't IMMEDIATELY look a mile long!
My blacklist and whitelist! My blacklist is stuff I either don't feel qualified to do or just don't WANT to do. My whitelist is stuff I would love to do or am interested in.
Blacklist (only a few things):
Countryballs/Countryhumans (Hetalia is cool, though ^w^)
Agere/petre boards for fandoms I'm not familiar with or don't have a theme
Shipping real people
Zoophilic, incestuous, or large minor/adult age-gap ships (This rule does not apply to vocal synths, since they usually have no canon.) (Also, if you want to request a ship that falls in this criteria and is from a fandom in my fandoms list, you're free to ask, just know I might decline.)
Anything on my fandoms list, of course
Pride flags
Ships, as long as it's easy to find information on them!
Alterhuman stuff (FYI, alterhumans (fictionkin and otherkin specifically), I'm one of y'all 😁👍)
Real people and V-tubers, as long as it's not in a weird way.
NSFW sources, but only if it would be relatively easy to find SFW pictures
Sources that people usually don't accept (whatever people put on their blacklists all the time, idk. I see Hazbin Hotel and Boyfriend to Death and stuff like that all the time on those lists so stuff like that?)
Niche medias!!! I wanna know!!!
Music-themed boards
Slightly suggestive themes (no sexual nudity involved please why would I want to put that)
Vocaloid/vocal synths in general
Touhou Project
Mobile Suit Gundam
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Cowboy Bebop
Toilet-bound Hanako-kun
Project Diva
Needy Streamer Overload
Project Sekai
If what you wanted to request doesn't fit the whitelist or fandom list but isn't in the blacklist, STILL feel free to request!!!
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onesaltyerik · 2 years
Deranged Ramblings of A Technoblade fan
Ok I don't know how to blog for shit and I've not slept in two days so yall are now gonna suffer as I throw out my thoughts to the universe.
Technoblade, the character, is often depicted as wearing a corset and while I've not seen anyone complain about it being "unrealistic" because lets be real here the SBI is made up of a perpetually tired bird man, a bard with a habit of destroying countries, a vaguely anthropormorphised to straight up anime elf prince pig depending on the artist, and a Tommy; a corset is the LEAST of one's worries ya know?
Anywho, corsets on a warrior. Being a semi-qualified art historian and an enthusiast in fashion and medieval armour, it is ACTUALLY plausible!
As the common discourse goes, a PROPERLY FITTED and NON-TIGHTLACED corset is actually very comfortable to wear. They were literally designed to support the chest and help with posture despite the common modern idea of the corset being cruel and blah blah blah literally everyone who's worn a proper corset can vouch that it's actually quite comfy. (Myself included, shut up men can wear corsets too.) And depending on the type of corset, they can be very flexible to allow for movement. The type of corset would be the one to look at when determining realism, in this case we got full corsets that are kinda like vests, underbust corsets, and mid corsets. Your full size corset provides the most support as it distributes the weight of the bust around your waist and shoulders, with some types of underbusts doing similar. Seeing as unless c/Techno has a bust size in need of support, this probably isn't gonna be the one worn most in battle as, while corsets can be moved pretty easily in, they were not made in the intention to be worn into battle.
An underbust would be more flexible and still provide any sort of support, and a mid-torso corset probably wouldn't provide the same amount of support but would still help with supporting one's back, especially when riding a horse or walking for a long time and trust me good back support is a BOON when you're wearing armour. On that front, while a corset that has boning made of baleen, metal, or bone might provide some protection to slashing attacks, and distribution of impact to an extent, against an arrow/axe/well placed sword strike, not great. That's the point of wearing a gambison and armour in general. A gambeson acts as a means of keeping armour from touching the skin and chaffing, as well as providing an extra layer of squish between the body and the weapon. You can actually just wear a gembeson when fighting in a pinch, it won't exactly protect against an axe or flail or mace or arrow, but much like a corset slashing damage will be diminished.
So, as for wearing a corset while also wearing armour, to look fashionable but still provide protection, I would say the best way to do so would be to wear a mid-torso corset with a gambeson style interior, and a crop top style gambeson over the top and half-breast plate over that. Would I wear it into battle? Absolutly not. Would it provide protection during a display of power in a parade? Yes. Is it better than nothing? Also yes. Am I going to draw this at some point? Absofuckinlutely! The more likely form, and one that would be very interesting to see that I have yet to see any artist (so far) make, would be a wasp-waist style of breastplate armour. At that point you basically have a full on metal corset that's way more effective than just wearing the weirdly layered bits of corsetry and armour that was previously mentioned. Anyways, I am sleep deprived and have definitley missed a few points but I hope whoever has read this enjoyed the ramblings ok goodnight.
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sophieinwonderland · 11 months
As the only "out" radqueer in our system (some of the others use sublabels like erotiqueer, but only in private), I wanted to thank you for... Y'know, not making incredibly out there assumptions instead of listening!!
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Here is another bit of old discourse left in my askbox due to ask anxiety. But today is an ask box clearing day!
Anyway, you're very welcome and I'm happy to be able to provide a safe space for people to share.
Even if I'm saddened to learn that I'm not a literal deity. 😢 /j
Seriously though, if you all happen to be reading this after all this time, have a great day and thank you for your patience! 😊
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I really don't feel I'm qualified to speak on this.
Despite what a certain anti-radqueer blog thinks, I am not, in fact, a "literal radqueer God."
I'm honestly not even a God of any sort. Or a radqueer. Or even that literal, really. 🤷‍♀️
The radqueer label encompasses a large number of people with several different factions. Some of those factions do have legitimately dangerous beliefs.
But the thing is, I'm an outsider to all of them.
I'm not familiar with the ins and outs of the community enough to educate anyone on it. I have my hands full just trying to understand the intricacies of the plural communities.
So I would advise talking to actual members of the radqueer community who would understand it far better than I do.
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vidreview · 10 days
[originally posted march 30th 2024]
it's been a minute since i've done one of these, for a whole host of reasons. the biggest one is that i just haven't been watching very much youtube lately, on account of spending my time making youtube instead. in February i released a scripted essay about the German time travel murder mystery show DARK, while in March i posted an unscripted conversation piece about all the movies i own but haven't watched. i've got a lot more planned for this year, but we're here to talk about other people's essays, not mine. so let's do that!
"Yellow Paint" by Caleb Gamman.
i've talked about Caleb Gamman on this blog before, and no doubt i will continue to do so. he's a fantastic and criminally underrated essayist whose materialist approach to media analysis is a model for the kind of thing anyone making video essays ought to aspire to. nominally about the discourse over yellow paint signposting interactible objects in modern AAA video games, this essay is a disgusted and exhausted act of passive aggression (which turns into regular aggression by the end) against the ways social media and corporate greed have engendered an atmosphere of deliberate ignorance and illiteracy towards games, traditional media, news, politics, everything. it's an entertaining and vindicating watch, full of great points argued with genuine conviction.
"PS1 STORIES - 3D SHOOTING MAKER" by Blue Bidya Game.
this one i found through a friend posting about it. we're looking at a review of a very specific PS1 "RPG Maker" spinoff dedicated to 3D rail shooters a la Star Fox --which is an instant sell for me, a long-suffering Star Fox enjoyer. but it's just as much an in-depth history of the Maker franchise as a whole, which is a lot deeper and more interesting than i ever could've imagined. a lot of research went into this, a task i can only imagine was made incredibly difficult by the language barrier. it's a great little video that packs a lot of charm into its 31 minute runtime, but what i find even more remarkable is Blue Bidya Game's mission statement: "I do sentimental videos on every game in the PS1 library alphanumerically and region-free until I die. Let's get weird and look through low graphical detail windows together. What do you think is out there? What could be just past those blocky hills?" at time of writing, there are 36 videos on Blue Bidya Game's channel, the vast majority of which are below 2000 views. if the quality of this single essay is even remotely indicative of the rest of his catalogue, then this might qualify as one of the most exciting & slept-on works of historical games journalism out there. if you were a fan of Tim Rogers' "Let's Mosey: A Slow Translation Of Final Fantasy VII" series, i think you may have found your new favorite youtube channel. you're welcome
"VR's Greatest Hope, We Thought - Half Life: Alyx Four Years Later" by Brother Burn.
there was a time when i believed wholeheartedly that VR was my beat. i futzed around with the Oculus DK2 at the University of Oklahoma tech lab in, what, 2014? and had my mind blown by the experience of riding a virtual roller coaster. in 2016 my roommate and i went halfsies on an HTC Vive, which arrived on our doorstep the very day that Donald Trump won the presidential election. more on-the-nose symbolism you couldn't possibly ask for-- that is, assuming VR software development & investment kept up its then-rapid pace long enough to support total quadrennial escapism, which it absolutely did not. don't get me wrong, i found a number of titles to love; i made a video about perennial VR classic Beat Saber in 2018, but was plenty charmed by the likes of Arizona Sunshine, The Gallery, Vanishing Realms, Zombie Training Simulator, and especially the fast-paced climbing game To The Top, whose only weakness for me was the limited number of tracks in its (admittedly good) OST with no ability to easily import your own tracks instead. yet for as much as i liked these games, vanishingly little about them was so far beyond what was offered by the tech demos present in Valve's VR pack-in The Lab that you couldn't get an approximately similar experience by just playing that instead. alas, the horizon of possibility for VR games hit something of a ceiling once all the most obvious ludic experiences had been more or less perfected.
anyway, this video by Brother Burn is at least in part about that. i never played Half Life: Alyx, but it certainly seemed positioned to be "VR's Greatest Hope" at the time and so i was naturally drawn in by this essay's title. what it confirmed for me is that i'm glad Alyx exists, but don't feel an especial need to play it. he talks at length about the stealth level "Jeff", which sounds cool as hell and is something i could never under any circumstances subject myself to. i cannot handle horror in VR. there's a section of Arizona Sunshine set in an abandoned mine that i had to psych myself up to finish for three weeks. so it's good, in that respect, to get a breezey overview of Alyx from someone who isn't a Half Life superfan (like me), who gets motion sick in VR easily (also like me), and who clearly came up during a very specific era of youtube (ditto). Brother Burn's style is a time-capsule from 2017 in all the best ways. post-Game Grumps, pre-Breadtube, high effort editing with a lightly self-aggrandizing sense of humor, lives maybe two or three doors down from Errant Signal; i dunno what to say except i find his work charming. that he has less than 2000 subscribers at time of writing is as unfortunate as it is unsurprising.
"remember fingerboards?" by Jeffiot.
this may quietly turn out to be one of my favorite video essays of the year. a history of skateboarding with a history of finger-skateboarding along with a personal history of both into a genuine loveletter to what is objectively a very silly activity? oh yes, thank you very much, i'll take two. the section where he first tries fingerboarding is so surprising and charming, and everything that follows is like… i dunno, freeing? there's something about this video that feels like a substantially relieved exhale, as it's the first really niche thing Jeffiot's done since the astronomical success of his Skull Trumpet essay. the scariest part of being Suddenly Popular after such a long time being totally invisible is the looming specter of What Next. the temptation must've been there to just keep on doing videos investigating the origins of Weird Internet Ephemera forever, since that clearly resonated with a lot of people. instead, here he is doing something totally unrelated, in a realm that none of his new subscribers are likely to be interested in --a supposition at least momentarily supported by the fact that this video only has 14,000 views after a single day (compared to the 100k+ views his last few hit). that number will surely go up, but for the moment i think it's illustrative of the fact that every channel's subscriber count actually contains at least two, probably more, discrete pools of audience. 155,000 subscribers is impressive and substantial, but how many of those people are there for Jeffiot, and how many are there for More Skull Trumpet? all things being equal (which they very much are not), i see that 14k viewership number as a soft indication of Jeffiot's dependable long-term viewers, the people who'll follow him down whatever blind alley he wanders through.
i plugged Jeffiot in the previous roundup, with a lot of time spent analyzing the phenomenon of running a small channel that suddenly gets huge because of a single viral hit. when i wrote that post in january of this year, he'd just exceeded 50,000 subscribers after having only 5,000 a few weeks prior. now, two months later, he's got over 155,000 subscribers. this makes Jeffiot's channel a really useful case study in how one translates good luck into good fortune. the most notable development in my opinion is that quite a lot of Jeffiot's back catalogue has seen an immense increase in viewership as well, something that simply does not happen unless there's a palpable and immediate and consistent qualitative energy shared between the old stuff and The Thing That Went Viral. when i say that the job of a video essayist toiling in sub-5k-views obscurity is to lay the groundwork for getting lucky, this is exactly what i mean. Jeffiot's stuff is high-effort, surprising, and thoroughly entertaining across the board, unique in subject matter yet somehow broadly approachable (that he's clearly very influenced by the work of Tim Rogers over at Action Button is, i'm sure, just a coincidence). i really hope that Jeffiot doesn't take the relatively low viewership of this fingerboard essay as a Failure and vow to stay away from such seemingly off-brand subject matter in the future. it's not a failure (i mean, god, i'd kill for a video of mine to even break 5k in a single day at this point), but rather an indication of confidence and direction. the best artists and creators will walk their path whether you follow them or not. there's no being true to what compels you which also permits universal success, and any attempt to the contrary is a great way to strangle your soul to death. the successes float you on from the sinkers. views and subscribers don't have a linear relationship with monetary success on youtube (unless you rely exclusively on ad revenue, at which point you're already fucked and should probably check a calendar to see if it's still 2015), yet it's so easy to get spooked by them because youtube wants us to be obsessed with analytics. somehow, i think Jeffiot's smart enough to avoid such pitfalls.
"The Mass Extinction Debates: A Science Communication Odyssey" by Oliver Lugg.
this one was suggested to me through my askbox. what strikes me most about this video is how it spends 45 minutes building up the context leading up to the debates about what actually caused the extinction of the dinosaurs, so that you understand what they really represented beyond a simple who's right/who's wrong. i had no idea this was such a recent thing-- 1996, man. that's so in my lifetime. i've always thought the asteroid theory was just uncontroversially true, it never occurred to me that there would have been a combative dogma against it in the scientific community. this is just a good, fun, enjoyable and educational video essay.
"Everyone But Me Is Wrong About The Cornetto Trilogy" by Innuendo Studios.
this is an essay refuting the semi-popular assertion that the Cornetto Trilogy (Edgar Wright's Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World's End) are about stunted manchildren being forced by circumstance to finally grow up. instead, Ian Danskin argues, these films are about stunted manchildren who refuse to change until circumstances beyond their control forceably change the entire rest of the world in a way that allows them to never have to grow up. this is one of those essays that's clearly been on the backburner for a long time, delivered with a real sense of frustration and desire to correct the record on something that seems, to Danskin, transparently obvious.
i liked this essay a lot because (to get a bit inside baseball) i'm dedicated to finally producing my extremely-long-in-the-works essay titled Everyone Is Wrong About LOST, about how everyone is wrong about the tv show LOST, by the end of this year. a big question for me in writing that essay has been what tone to strike, how much indignance i should show, where the line between funny and annoying lies. this essay did a lot to clarify that question for me, which is only that much more edifying because Ian Danskin has been at this since 2014. his original essay, This Is Phil Fish, was a big inspiration for me when i first started thinking i might want to try my hand at this gig, and his work ever since has remained some of the most consistently good and clear argumentative writing on the platform. any time he posts a new essay is a moment of quiet celebration for me, especially on the rare occasion he does traditional media analysis like this instead of the equally excellent but generally dry rhetorical analysis he's been doing with the Alt-Right Playbook for the last 6 years. it feels somehow poetic to once again have the path forward in my work clarified by a creator who inspired me an entire gender ago, like somehow despite all that's changed i'm still being true to my WAIT HOLD ON WHAT
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well i guess i'd better hurry up and make this fucking LOST video, huh?
<- ROUNDUP #4 | ROUNDUP #6 ->
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↳ ☆ “ hello! we are the numinous council! „ ˗̖́
☆ “ contents „
↳  system info
↳  frequent fronters
↳  boundaries
☆ “  system info „
↳ collective name: numi, numinous, or the council; responds to jan
↳ collective pronouns: he/ze/it/she
↳ body age: minor
↳ member total: 169+
↳ system type: traumagenic + polyfragmented
↳ other: audhd (autism + adhd), anxiety, minor dyslexia, bpd, npd, hEDS, pots
☆ “  frequent fronters „
↳ 🫧 jan ♫ host/core/chameleon ♪ he/it/ze ♩ trans masc + queer
↳ 🪷 pond/paradox ❀ host/composite/positivty holder ⁂ she/her ☺︎ femme + aroace-spec queer
↳ 🔮 futaba sakura ▚ cohost/overseer/fictive ☕︎ it/she/xe/nya/pix/sh3/byte/cli/ey ⚠︎ agender femme + ace/queer
↳ ☣️ dexter erotroph ◈ cohost ◉ they/xey/he/it ▣ masc/neu + aroaceflux
↳ 🎭 the mimic ♛ chameleon ♜ ???/??? ♞ ??? + ???
↳ 🐟 gillion tidestrider ☔︎ cohost/trauma holder/fictive ☾ he/sog/it/ze/lun ⚓︎ masc (fish) + ace/demi/bi
↳ 💉 sub S.T. mine ✹ subsystem host/fictive ✧ he/it/voi/haz/sci/beep/zip ⚡︎ masc adjacent + bi/queer
↳ ⚰️ emizel tucker ☠︎ prosecutor/fictive ✟ he/dae/fang/it ✸ masc + gay/queer
↳ 🍵 dr. takuto maruki ☕︎ local therapist/fictive ✍︎ he/ze/it/they ⚕︎ masc neutral + ace/bi
↳ 🎸 lukas graft ☠︎ ex-host/ex-cohost/protector/trauma holder ⚡︎ he/it/they/ze ⚔︎ masc + bi
☆ “  boundaries „
please DNI if your blog revolves around anything that qualifies as NSFW. this includes but is NOT limited to: highly suggestive or outright sexual content, gore, self-harm, etc.
please DNI if you engage in syscourse or system discourse. i have zero interest in prosecuting people struggling with the same thing as me. if you are a system or if you’re a singlet or even if you’re a secret third thing, you are welcome to interact as long as you are civil.
please DNI if you engage in discourse about mental health or physical disability legitimacy. as a physically and mentally disabled system, we’d like to avoid ableist sentiments.
↳ general boundaries
✔︎ DMs, tagging, sarcasm, asks, mutuals
 front requests, doubles, source talk, source mates, joke insults or threats, nicknames
✘ unreality, flirting, phobias, asking for personal info, asking for contact info
p.s. if you say you’re a system, or anything else similar, we will believe you. you are like us, we are like you. whether you are high amnesia, low amnesia, high communication, low communication, many alters, few alters, or whatever other differences you have that make you all you, we will accept you and believe you. <3
↳ ☆ “ meeting adjourned! „ ˗̖́
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lovinggreeniehours · 6 months
hi i'm anya/arion/arin (i use he/it/other)! this is my selfship blog!
pspspspsps i could be your period drama obsessed mutual,,,,i could be your toxic yaoi mutual,,,,,,,,, or your eldritch horror mutual,,,, you wanna follow me sooo bad,,, no but for real though, never hesitate to interact with me!! i like talking to people!!
f/o list!
tag list form!
commission info!
current hyperfixations: genshin impact, punishing gray raven, epic the musical, various ocs
tags and extra information under the cut!
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i interact from @ari-shipping-stuff, and i moved here from @arisarchived
there is occasional horny talk here, which i will either tag with #suggestive or #nsfw depending on the gravity of it
i am not very great with sharing most of my f/os, but it would be best if you asked me about sharing information directly because it probably varies a lot between them. if i follow you first, i'm most likely okay with it
(the only ones i am sure im uncomfortable sharing are the ones in my favoritism standard)
dni if you come to bring discourse at my door <3
random information
i'm a heartless aro, and i think it reflects a lot in how i selfship
in addition to the above, none of my selfships are romantic. technically speaking, my relationships would qualify more as a qpr, but i prefer to keep labels out of it
not a minor
non-fandom forever interests: greek mythology, cephalopods, aus and au-making, music, period dramas
fandom-related forever interests: obey me!, percy jackson, the folk of the air, rwby, ouran high school host club, dungeon meshi, ninjago, kaminomi
#ari.stuffs - rambles
#ari.art - art/drawings
#ari.writing - fics
#ari.asks - asks
#ari.mp3 - music-related
#narcissus posting - venting/crash/npd-related (feel free to block this because i tend to get more than a little unhinged here)
#other ships + #other s/is + #(name).tag - for friends
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sister-lucifer · 6 months
speaking as a traumagenic and autigenic osdd system/collective, prejudice against endogenic and/or non-traumagenic plurality is the antithesis of mental health advocacy. non-disordered plurality is exactly that — being multiple in a way that doesn't negatively impact the multiple's/system's/collective's/etc.'s daily life, at least not in a way that would medically or generally qualify as disordered (ex. with amnesia, issues with accountability, struggles with bodily control due to switches, among other debilitating symptoms of a dissociative disorder).
plurality in many, many forms has been around for centuries, whether as a naturally occurring phenomenon, a spiritual practice, a therapeutic practice (for one example, i highly suggest a bit of reading on internal family systems. it's a highly effective therapeutic practice involving internal communication within the human psyche), etc., etc., etc. i could dig up a carrd site for resources for you if you'd like to read more on the subject, but it's not serious enough to tell people to kys over it.
the violent attitudes toward non-traumagenic plurals within internet spaces do nothing to solve any sort of issues that disordered plurals face from ableists in both the real and virtual world. the idea, particularly, that non-disordered plurals want to steal resources from disordered plurals for some malevolent reason or another, is unfounded in that... why would non-disordered plurals need those resources when they don't need to manage debilitating symptoms? the logic isn't there.
the point is — just like within any other marginalized group, we achieve more together, working against actual issues like a medical system that is founded off of ableist practices and medical "professionals" who don't actually give a shit about their patients, than we do with a cartoon cloud of flying limbs and infighting.
i fully expect a rather nasty response to this from anyone with a hatred of non-traumagenic plurals, but i wanted to address YOU and your acknowledgement that you can't act as an authority on a mental difference that you don't have, by providing a non-prejudiced perspective on a rather vicious "discourse" front on this website.
thank you if you've read.
girl shut the fuck up
you cant just wake up and decide to be a system. you cant just not have trauma and be a system. can you just get off my blog. like actually. if i see you in my inbox again it’s a hard block and i’m making fun of you
also where did i tell anyone to kill themself. be fr
DID/OSDD/what have you isn’t just a quirky thing. it’s formed from trauma. it inhibits every day life in ways you could not fucking imagine.
i don’t wanna see bullshit like this in my inbox ever fucking again, are we clear?
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