#and saying that hes dating his brothers fiance
Hey, I really liked your Dick Grayson sfw and nsfw alphabets! When you have the time, can I request either of those for Jason Todd? Thanks 😊
Jason Todd SFW Alphabet
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Author's note: Of course! I planned on doing his anyway after finishing some of my drafts. But that's taking a little longer than I thought it would. CW:
Alphabet Under the cut!
Affection: How affectionate are they? How do they show it?
Jason isn't really affectionate, at least in open places. He's got way too many people wanting his head on a pike. Family and friends know you two are dating; however, if someone on the outside saw you two, they would have no idea. However, when you two are alone, his true colors bleed through. His personality is similar to that of a huge dog that hasn't figured out they can't be a lap dog anymore. Laying his head on your lap while you do your own things. He is reading a book, and you do one of your hobbies. Just decompressing from the day Comfortably in science and enjoying the other's presence. Will 100% fall asleep if you start playing with his hair.
Best Friend: What are they like as best friends? How would you become best friends?
Unless he needed to ask you for something, you would probably have had to make the first move toward friendship. Jason gets very lonely, but trying to meet new people on his own accord is not part of his personality. If he approached you, it would be one of two things; 1. You did something that impressed him, or 2. Dick was pestering him about meeting new people too much, and he caved to make Dick leave him alone.
Cuddles: Do they like to cuddle? How would they?
Jason hesitates to cuddle at first; it's not that he hates it, but more so, he fears it. For the most part, positive physical interaction is a foreign concept in his body. For the first few times he cuddles, he will flinch, and it doesn't matter which one of you enacted it. But once he gets to the point of cuddling, where you two can cuddle, he is relaxed? Your fate is sealed. You've created a monster! Anytime you're not busy in the apartment, it's cuddle time, and no protests are allowed. Will get pouty if you have to get up.
Domestic: Do they want to settle down? How good are they at cooking and cleaning?
Jason is one of the Batfam members who would settle down in a heartbeat, even if it's just for a year or two. He craves at least some normality. But if he does, no one can protect the ones he loves, at least not well, in his opinion. Unlike his brothers, Jason is an excellent cook and even a chef with his skills. One of his favorite early memories is helping and learning to cook with Alfred. He's also very good at cleaning, partly cause his spaces are the bare-bone things to live in. However, he likes to clean his apartment or space once weekly as a coping mechanism. It's something he feels he is in complete control over. However, if you find him randomly deep-cleaning a room or his apartment. BE AFRAID; he's not okay, no matter how often he tries to tell you he is alright. For him, that is grippy sock stay levels that are not okay.
Ending: If they had to break up? How would they?
Like Dick, if you two broke up and he was the one that broke it off, it was due to him having an episode. But unlike Dick, it would be out of paranoia. Jason would make himself believe that your life will be destroyed. or you'll die because you are dating him. He would most likely ghost you and not actually break up with you. Because the words would pain him too much to say out loud. Only coming to his senses after the episode has passed, realizing his actions, and imminently finding you in person, terrified he fucked up everything between you both.
Fiance: How do they feel about commitment? How long before they pop “the question”?
Jason didn't want marriage for a long while, too terrified that it would make something go wrong. However, the longer the relationship goes on, nothing terrible happens like he expected. The more the thought of marriage would come into his mind. Asking what your thoughts on marriage are one night while cuddling.
Gentle: How gentle are they? Both physically and Emotionally? 
Jason is incredibly gentle with his partners, partly due to his personality and partly because he fears accidentally hurting you. He's a little rough around the edges emotionally, though, mostly because he's not used to being a completely open book to people.
Hugs: Do they like hugs? What are their hugs like?
Jason hugs like a dad coming home after a long trip. He'll hug your waist and lift you, keeping you in his arms with the biggest smile. He'll kiss your forehead while you feel the warmth of his body around you.
I love you: How fast do they say the L-word?
Jason would be extremely slow to say the actual' I love you' wording, but he would make up for it in physical affection and words of affirmation. Holding you as close as he can while telling you how much you mean to him and how great of a partner you are to him. So, people may mistake it for love bombing, which added to his other behavior. But it's because it's so hard for him to verbally tell you he loves you. He feels he needs to say it to you in other words, so you know how much his heart bleeds for you.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? What would they do?
Jason gets super jealous; he won't control who you talk to or anything like that. He knows you have a life outside your guy's relationship, and it's not his place to manage. But he's protective of you and gets jealous when others flirt with you because, in the back of his mind, it's hard for him to believe someone would date him. So he's worried that you'll find someone more accessible to love, and you'll give up on him. Does it sound balls off the wall crazy? Yes, but mental illness is rarely something that likes to make sense.
Kissing: What are their kisses like? Where do they like to be kissed/ kiss you? 
Jason loves it when you kiss places on him that are generally done on the submissive partner, such as his knuckles, neck, forehead, etc. He finds them so comforting and feels very loved.
Little ones: How are they around kids?
Jason is great around kids unless it's his brothers. Generally speaking, though, he's very good with kids. Sometimes, he understands what's okay for a kid or not. He'll let a toddler he's watching fidget with an unloaded gun if they are very interested in it. But he'll explain to the kid in terms they understand gun safety and how you know a gun is loaded or not. Telling the kid you never treat a gun like it's a toy. It is a 100% safe choice for a kid to go to if they can't find their parent.
Morning: How are they during the mornings?
He's a morning person but a lazy morning person. He'll wake up at 5-6 and do dishes, eat, and do morning stretches, but he will not do any actual work until around noon. God forbid the poor man has a morning shift, no matter what his day job is. He'll be the grumpiest man in the world, but he hides it well from clients/ customers. Some of his coworkers get very confused of this very quick change of mood, but others just see that, and think 'Same brick wall dude, Same'.
Nights: How are they spent with them?
He is a huge Night Owl, wither that be doing the bulk of his work at Night, or having a nice cuddle session with you while having a smoke on the fire escape of the apartment. He is a very light sleeper, or deep sleep with every hour or so waking back up. He also has a lot of night terrors, so he tends to avoid sleep, ESPECIALLY if you are staying over at his place. He has a lot of 'what if i hurt you..' paranoia.
Open: When would they start revealing things about themselves?
Try to get Jason to open up, is like trying to open a can with no can opener. You may have be in a relationship with him for 5 years, and still not know everything about him. Not because he doesn't trust you not to use that against him. But because he struggles with knowing WHEN to open up about things in a relationship. He wants to make sure your twos relationship is a healthy as it can be, which every now and then dose end up causing problems. Especially when he's having a ptsd episode and you feel helpless within how to help him through it.
Patience: How easily angered are they?
He tries to be a laid back person, tries to be, is the wording there, he doesn't have a hair thin trigger, but sometimes his trauma just gets triggers by something he doesn't even see the connection to, so he's in a pissed off fight response for a bit. He does, however go to anger management therapy to try and help these behavior issues. But somethings slip through the cracks before they can be brought up in therapy. This does not stop him from bragging to his siblings, that he's the only one taking care of his mental health.
Quizzes: They remember everything or nothing about you?
It's like a scale, sometimes he remembers everything, other times he can't remember your favorite hoodie, (it's the one that's been used as a pillowcase for 3 months, because he missed holding you). He can dissociate for a long awhile, but him also bottling up his emotions plays a bigger role in this.
Remember: What is their favorite memory in the relationship?
The first time you fell asleep while cuddling with him. You both were watching cheesy 90s slashers for Halloween night, snuggled in almost a cocoon of blankets and snacks. When he turned to check on why you had been so quiet, you had falling asleep while being snuggled so far into him, that he half expected for you to fuse into his side. The amount of trust you had for him, the emotions he felt was too much and he ended up crying for the first time in years. the tears feeling like they were burning his eyes, but it's still a memory he holds closest to his heart.
Security: How protective are they? How would you protect each other?
No matter what your appearance is, wither that be tall and lanky or short n stout. Jason tends not to need a lot of physical protection, but you are most defiantly the protector of his emotional peace and social battery. Think of it like a Pitbull done with his guarding of the house for the day, so runs to their favorite human to become the biggest cuddle bug on earth. That's Jason Todd, (He's very Resurce dog coded, don't blame me, blame DC). He very much, however, is scary looking guard dog for you. He could kill someone with his death glare sometimes.
Try: How much effort would they put into dates, gifts, anniversaries, etc?
Jason puts an extreme amount of effort into your anniversaries, gifts and dates! He's not a social able person, so don't expect fancy Lucious dinner dates at a 5 star restaurant. They make him very uncomfortable, thinking everyone's eyes are on him. But he will make you the most romantic and gushy homemade dinners, your favorite flowers or candy. Cooking Red type pastas with red wine or cooking a Hispanic dish that learned while growing up around crime ally.
Ugly: What are some bad habits of theirs?
He has a bad habit of pushing you away, instead of telling you what's up. For better, or for worse. Sometimes it's because his crime lord days caught up to close to him, and for your safety he pushed you away. Or on the worse side of things, he's terrified you'll look at him as a monster or not understand where he's coming from with his trauma and his poor mental health, so he tries to keep them from you as long as possible, until he has no choice to tell you, or lose the relationship he has built with you.
Vanity: How concerned are they with their looks?
Honestly, Yes and no, like he cares about his looks more than a person would think, but like.. slightly more. He's not gonna shower every single day on the dot and shave his pubic hair into a sharp clean design. But he absolutely cares about keeping up good hygiene. Though he does have issues with cleaning his teeth, nothings rotting in there, but he is brushing his teeth waaay less than he really should be.
Whole: Would they feel incomplete without you?
No, unless you two date each other until your 4 years into retirement and you die of old age. He will be able to feel the same before you to started dating, because he feels incomplete on a regular basis. Like he isn't able to do enough, BE a enough for anyone to see him how he is as a person now.
Xtra: Random headcanon for them?
Jason use to smoke weed, especially in his teen years, regularly. But now he smokes cigs, problary Marlboro's or Lucky Strikes maybe Camels , and eats edibles every now and then to help with muscle pain and mood swings. (he still hasn't figure out if meds are worth not being able to have a beer whenever he wants.)
He knows he has PTSD, maybe C-PTSD, however he's not quite sure or not that he has BPD or a similar disorder, he's mainly just not internally ready to know the answer to that part of himself just yet. He's barely processed his feelings towards his Mother, so he's not there yet in his healing journey.
Yuck: What are some things they don’t like, in general, or in a partner?
if you have bad few of poor people or think poor people are only poor because they chose to be. Than I'm sorry, but Jason is more likely to pop a bullet in your head than he is to see you in a good light, let alone a romantic one.
Zzz: What is their sleeping habit?
Either waking up every 1 to 2 hours, or only sleeping 30mins to 3 hours and then staying up for the rest of the night or start cleaning or smoking a cig outside.
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skyrigel · 1 month
Brother's best friend! Simon who's always so smitten and sweet to you. Bringing along sweets and snacks whenever he comes over.
Brother's best friend! Simon who casually tucks your hair back, asking you bout' your day and listening and doting on every word.
Brother's best friend! Simon who takes you for a ride on his motorcycle, buying you ribbons and scarfs.
Brother's best friend! Simon who would fight with your brother if has to, to make your wishes come true.
Brother's best friend! Simon who agrees with you when you say, you can date whoever you want until it's Joe from class B, and he's beaten to pulp the very next day.
Brother's best friend! Simon whom you share your first smoke with, coughing and laughing as he bumps your nose.
Brother's best friend! Simon who expects a kiss on cheek too, after you say bye to your brother and absolutely goes pink when you place a chaste wet kiss on his face.
Brother's best friend! Simon who takes you on prom along so you don't feel left out, kissing you sweetly so you know how it feels.
Brother's best friend! Simon who gives you a summer job in his garage, watching you grow into a bigger person.
Brother's best friend! Simon who likes watching you in your summer dress hopping around and helping him like a good girl when he asks for some tool.
Brother's best friend! Simon who spreads your leg on his desk, lowering his mouth while your eyes connect with his, melting into a puddle when his tongue swipes along your clit, humming with your sweet juices.
Brother's best friend! Simon who has your legs in his lap as your brother and his fiance go on about their first meet while your friends are laughing.
Brother's best friend! Simon who goes crimson when you catch the flower bouquet your sister in law tossed, kissing your forehead so proudly.
Brother's best friend! Simon buying you a car when you graduate, watching you proudly when you drive up to your new shared home, going absolutely crazy when the wall is decorated with a huge poster, WILL YOU MARRY ME MRS.RILEY !
Brother's best friend! Simon hugging you as you melt in his big arms, “That's not a question baby !” you half laughed and half sobbed, “I am gonna fire you if you say no.” he kissed your forehead delicately.
Brother's best friend! Simon who marries you with the twilight in his eyes, the same when you were sixteen, kissing you sweetly as fireworks go ablaze in your head.
Grim Reaper!Simon
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bohbee · 2 years
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Genshin characters reaction when someone's creeping you out
Part 2
Part 1
Characters: Zhongli, Xiao, Kaeya, Diluc. Ayato
Warnings: Creeps, Creeps touching you, sexual connotations [Diluc, Zhongli] Violence [Xiao], empty threats [kaeya]
Notes: if they're immortal you're immortal!!
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Your relationship with Ayato hasn't been released yet. People did know he had proposed to a person, though. This allowed both of you to complete your moving process without people bombarding you. You walked just outside of Kamisato Manor after you had just finished emptying your old house. Now, it was time for relaxation. Or so you thought.
Being such a renowned family meant people were always waiting outside of the building, ready to ask questions. They were often moved by the guards, but a few stragglers would always stay in place. You walked along a slightly glowing path, enjoying the fresh air before you walked back. "Uh- excuse me!" An unfamiliar voice called out to you. You turned around, "Hello?" The man smiled at your response. Usually, people would just ignore him. "Why, hello! I - uh happened to see you walk out of the Kamisato Manor.... are you perhaps Mr.Kamisatos lover?" His response was blunt and straight to the point, causing your blood to drain from your face.
"No, no, of course not, haha, I'm just here to visit an old friend." You did a little victory dance in your head at the quick lie you made. The male nodded. "So that means you're single... are you not?" His body got closer to yours. "Well, I- uh- it's complicated!" You stumbled over your words, a pink hue from embarrassment flushed your face. "Seems to me that you are blushing~" he got even closer, causing you to walk backward, but you bumped into something.
You go to turn. However, a familiar sturdy hand placed itself on your hip. The males face drained from any blush it had, his eyes widening. "Why are you pushing yourself on this person?" The noble voice rang out through the air. The man bowed down "S-sir I promise I wasn't. We were just about to go on a date." The creepy male was stumbling over his words, Ayato held an amused smile. "Really? Well, I didn't think that my fiance would get tired of me that quickly" Ayato stated.
The male looked up, shocked. He apologized far too many times and ran off like prey. Your fiance knelt down a little and kissed your ear ever so slightly. "Don't worry about it. He won't say a word, " You nodded and turned around, softly kissing his lips. "You're truly amazing, Mr.Kamisato." he smiled at you, giving you another kiss, leading you back to the manor. "As are you, soon to be Kamisato"
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Clicking and clacking glasses could be heard all around the tavern. Tonight was particularly rowdy. People were celebrating the 'fall' of Dvalin. This was definitely the most filled night this Tavern has seen. You turned towards your husband, smiling softly. He walked over to you softly, placing his hand on yours before turning back to his work. Whenever it got busy, you would help him make drinks while he washed the glasses and made food.
"Hey, hot stuff." A voice rang out. You assumed he wasn't talking to you. I mean, it was often for those to flirt near you, so you just continued to do your job. "I'm talking to you." Finally, you look up only to find an adventurer drunk out of his mind glaring at you with hungry eyes. You shivered uncomfortably, going back to work. 'Hopefully, if I ignore him, he'll go away.' However, when you turned, he grabbed your wrist. "H-hey!" You said causing him to smirk.
"A whiney one, huh?" You pull your arm back only for him to yank you forward, half of your body practically across the counter. Kaeya quickly alerted his older brother, Diluc whipped his head around, watching you struggle against the grasp of the man.
The Tavern got quiet, everyone watching Dilucs Wrath as he marched towards the male. His hand gripped the adventures arm, "Watch it!" The drunken male said. "Out." Dilucs tone was cold, making the males grip on your arm loosen, and you slid away. Kaeya and Venti rushed over to check on you. "You can't just kick me out! Who even are you?!" Diluc smirked, "I'm the owner." He grabbed the male by his collar and shoved him out the door. "Come again, and your consequences will be detrimental."
The Tavern went back to its usual business, and Diluc knelt down beside you. Kaeya and Venti moved out of the way after he thanked them. "I'm so sorry, I would've done something sooner." You shook your head as he grabbed your arm, assessing the bruises you had. "It's fine Luc, it happens, plus now everyone knows not to fuck with my husband" he blushed at your words and kissed your arm. "Go ahead and sit with Venti, I'm going to close early." You nodded your head, pecking his lips softly.
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You walked out of your house, making your way to the Knights of Favonius to drop your fiances lunch off. It was a soft breezy day, the sun was out but it wasn't too hot. You made your way up the stairs, carefully not to drop the food. However, as soon as you made it, a fatui member stared down at you. "U-uh hello." You mumbled a greeting and went to walk your way. However, their hand grabbed your arm. "Not so fast," your heart dropped at their actions. People were around, but no one really seemed to notice how uncomfortable you were, so they went on with their day.
"Is there a problem?" You asked nicely, trying to avoid any problems. "Every day I see you, every day you bring food to the Knights, and you ignore my hellos. Why is that?" You were genuinely confused. You knew he never said hello to you. In fact, you made note of him always being stone cold. "There must be a misund-" your voice was cut off by his grip tightening. "You think I'd say it if it was a misunderstanding? Hm?" His voice was filled with fury, you weren't sure what had caused this but you really didn't want to deal with this.
"Listen, I really don't know what's happening. I'm just trying to give my fiance his lunch. " The male smirked."What if I don't let you? " His dark demeanor made your blood drain, and your hands started to shake. However, a hand grabbed your shoulder. "Then I'd have to take you out myself." You fiancé appeared out of the blue, "Yeah, you're not getting away with that. You're under arrest for harassment." He quickly motioned the other Knights to detain him.
He looked back towards you. "You're just irresistible, huh my love? Everyone wants a bite, " he joked around, trying to lighten up the mood, which worked. "Don't worry, my love magnet, I'm off for today."
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When it came to dating the anemo yaksha, it meant you HAD to be safe, and if there was any situation, you needed to say his name. But in this one situation you couldn't. A knife was held up to your throat, your arm already aching from being slashed earlier. A singular treasure hoarder behind you. He was randomly yelling commands, causing you to start to hyperventilate. The man smiled at your 'weak' reaction. "Who would've thought... I got lucky after all, huh? " His free arm snaked around your waist as the knife slightly pierced the skin on your neck, a small amount of blood dripping down. You winced and whispered a quiet help. "Go on yell, at this hour no one will hear you," he tightened his grip on you. His breath disgustingly touching your neck. "I'm gonna kill you." The knife dug in deeper. "Xiao," you whimpered quietly. The man went to ask what you said but was quickly slashed down.
It didn't end there, Xiao lost it. You turned away, but your ears still picked up on the slashing of the treasure hoarders body. It quickly came to an end, and Xiao ran over to you, his mask now off. His hand lifted your chin, exposing your neck. "Archons," he muttered and quickly lifted you up, teleporting you to his room in the inn.
"Sit." You did as he said and sat on the bed, slowly removing the fabric from your arm. Your hands shook heavily from the traumatic events that you had just gone through. "Hey. Look at me." The calm voice said, you oked up at your beloved, "I'll help you fight, okay? The demons on the outside and in here, " he poked your head softly. You tackled him in a hug, "Thank you so much," he stumbled back but wrapped his arms around you. "It's my duty, now sit down so I can fix you"
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You sat at the teahouse with your beautiful husband, Zhongli. It was a calm tradition the two of you had for hundreds of years. After your duties, you would both meet up and sit in silence while drinking some warm tea, most of the time reading a book or draw. He excused himself to use the restroom, you nodded and continued to sketch out some drawings.
However, a red-haired male sat down beside you. "What's that there?" You stared at him, he looked awfully familiar. "Do I know you?" His freckled face turned towards yours. He leaned in a little two close to your comfort, causing you to back up a bit. "No, but I can teach you who I am." You shook your head "That won't be needed." The male smirked and grabbed your pencil "Oh yeah then-" he was introduced by a booming voice "Childe. Leave."
He smirked and bowed down, leaving after blowing you a kiss. You look up at your husband, heavily confused. "What was that?" The geo Archon didn't answer. Rather, he grabbed your shoulders, bringing you into a passionate long kiss. "It was a nuisance trying to take What's mine"
This highkey sucked💀
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bad268 · 6 months
hector fort is so fine but he looks so intimidating and that s hwo the team is used to seeing him. because of this he would also date someone who looks intimidating but is acc rlly soft. I feel like he would give the best hugs in the world according to the fan clips.
I imagine the reader/his gf/s/o coming ti watch a match and the team is so used to seeing him looking all tough that when he sees reader he gets all soft.
they also expect the reader to be intimidating despite their (short) height but they both go soft the moment they hug each other. as they get comfortable while cuddling together the reader just stast playing with his hair and he practically melts and the rest of the r just like huh ?
Intimi-Duo (Hector Fort X Fiance! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/FCB
Requested: Clearly (this may or may not have happened to my brother-in-law and sister lol)
Warnings: Alcohol mentioned
POV: Second Person (You/your)
W.C. 1240
Summary: Secret entanglements get revealed when SOMEONE has too much to drink.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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You were both known for looking intimidating. It was only natural for you to gravitate toward each other. You were the head of the FC Barcelona PR team, and he was, obviously, a player. While many would say that you should not be in a relationship (if they knew), you were childhood friends and eventually high school sweethearts, and now, you were happily engaged. Granted, you did wear your engagement ring on your right hand most of the time, so no one knew about it outwardly.
Back to the point, you were known for being ‘small but mighty’ as people said. You were shorter than most of the team, but you more than made up for it with your cold demeanor and quips. Anytime someone mentioned your height, you would snap back, regardless of who it is. Granted most of the time, it was the team, so technically, you were above them, and you could snap back at them. The only person who never made a comment was Hector.
The team noticed it, but no one would ever say anything in fear of retaliation from him. Or from you for that matter. They knew Hector was not nearly as intimidating as he looked, but he could if he needed to be. It was just his thing! 
One thing the guys tried to do after every win was set Hector up with someone. Every win, without fail, the team would go out for a celebratory dinner and some of the guys would go out drinking afterward. Hector was one of them, but you were not. Club hopping was not your scene, but you understood that he would want to hang out with his friends after a good match.
Tonight was one such night. However, what made this celebration different was that they secured their place in the FIFA World Cup semi-finals for 2026. After rallying back from everyone saying they wouldn’t make it, they did, and they were determined to make it all the way.
Throughout the dinner, all they guys talked about was going out afterward and having a blast. A couple of the guys made jokes about setting each other up. It was all fun and games until one of them directed the joke at Hector. 
You, being sat across from him talking to one of your PR team members, did not hear the joke. You also did not catch the glare he threw at the boys. It was not until he kicked you from under the table that you looked up at him. 
“What was that for?” You snapped before realizing who it was. You let up on the glare a little, but not enough for anyone besides Hector to notice. 
“Tell them I don’t need to be set up with anyone,” Hector complained as he leaned forward on the table. 
“Boys, if he says he’s fine, he’s fine. I get it. Some of you, I’m not naming names, can’t take care of yourselves and want someone to do it for you, but Hector is clearly fine with his current situation,” You lectured as you gave pointed looks to each of the guys. “Plus, look at him. What sane person is going to give him a chance?”
“Ouch,” Hector gasped while the guys laughed. “I asked you to defend me, not roast me!”
“It’s my job to keep you in your place,” You smirked at him. To the team, they read it as the PR manager keeping their team in line, but to Hector, he knew the jab was a joke towards him. “If it’ll make you feel better, I’ll go out with you guys and make sure they don’t try to set you up with anyone.”
That’s where you are now. Leaning against the bar, nursing your second alcoholic drink of the night. Yes, this was your last one because you knew that these boys were going to get plastered and need someone responsible to drive them home. Plus, you were banking on them needing at least an hour or two more before they decided to tap out. That would give you enough time to sober up.
Just as you turned to the bartender to ask for your favorite non-alcoholic drink, a couple of the guys came up to also get refills and shots. Most of the stuff they were saying was unintelligible, but it was funny nonetheless. They were talking about the different people they found attractive, what kinds of shots they were going to take, and placing bets for who was going to tap out first. 
All of a sudden, you felt arms wrap around your shoulders as a person hid their face in your neck. Immediately, you recognized the hold as Hector and placed your hands on his forearms, anchoring him to you. You tilted your head to the side to give him more space as he rubbed his nose against your pulse point.
You turned to face him, leaving feather-light kisses to his forehead and around his face as you played with his hair. “Is someone drunk?” You teased quietly, but it was clear that the boys heard you over the booming music. Their mouths were agape, watching the two of you but not interfering. They were in shock. How is it that the two most intimidating people they know become such softies with alcohol?
“Why aren’t you wearing your ring?” Hector whined, unwrapping himself from around your shoulders to grab your left hand. “I know it was there this morning. I know ‘cause I put it there.”
“Mi amor (My love), it’s on this hand,” You chuckled as you showed him your right hand. He immediately grabbed your right hand and looked at the ring skeptically before moving to take it off. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“You are mine,” He said simply as he put the ring on your left ring finger. “I didn’t pine after you for years for you to wear our engagement ring on the wrong hand.”
“We decided to keep it a secret, mi vida (my life). I was just doing what we agreed on,” You tried to reason, but he was not having it. Once he placed the ring on your finger, he kissed your knuckles before leaning onto your shoulder again. “I think it’s time we get you home.”
“I’ll go anywhere with you,” Hector flirted as he side-eyed you. This caused his teammates who were still standing at the bar to snap out of their shock as they all jumped over each other to talk to you.
“When were you going to tell us?”
“I thought we were friends!”
“Is it bad I want to call you guys the intimi-duo?” That one caught your attention, making you snap your head towards Pedri, the one who asked it.
“What the hell is an “intimi-duo’?” You laughed as Hector hid from the attention his teammates were giving you.
“You are both intimidating in your own ways, and now we know, you’re engaged,” Pedri explained with a light laugh, “I thought intimi-duo would be funny.” 
“I could get used to that,” You laughed with him as you moved to stand up. “Honestly, boys, I would love to stay and chat, but I need to get this big baby home.” You gestured to Hector, who was leaning heavily against you, almost asleep. “Do any of you need a ride? I’m a lot more sober than you lot.”
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graysdarling · 3 months
〡𝓡. singh ˎˊ˗ sfw alphabet.
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- summery: sfw alphabet with ravi <3
- warnings: nothin probably
- words: 1455
reblogs and comments are appreciated ⭑.ᐟ
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a = affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?)
i feel like ravi would be super affectionate. his love language would be physical touch, so he’d pepper you with kisses and everything.
b = best friend (what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?)
he’d be like the best best friend. he would definitely make your friends go “wait—the two of you aren’t dating?!” and stuff like that. if we’re going with the a good girls’ guide to murder plot, you’d meet at a coffee shop. you were a waitress taking his order. you knew about all of the rumors but you weren’t really interested in them. you wouldn’t lie, you were kind of scared, but then you found out that he was really nice and kind. you then decided to help him find out about his brother along with pippa.
c = cuddles (do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?)
he would love to cuddle. he would be fine with it if you didn’t want to, but if you did, he would immediately jump onto you and lay on top or your chest. i feel like he’d move a lot while sleeping, so the two of you have many different ways of cuddling.
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
ravi wouldn’t mind settling down with you. if you’d ask, he would immediately agree. but, ravi can’t cook for absolute shit. you would have to cook for him—and if you can’t cook, best BELIEVE the two of you will be eating out 24/7.
e = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
oh he would try to be kind as possible. idk why he would break up with you, but if he did, he would also start to cry and try to end it off with good terms.
f = fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
oh he would be COMMITTED. no other women in his life fr. i feel like he’d want to take it slow, but he’d sometimes imagine marrying you.
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
ravi would be gentle and loving with you. he would also play fight with you, but lovingly. if that made sense.🤕
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
he hugs differently depending on his mood. if he’s happy, it’s tight hugs and laughter. if he’s sad, it’s like he’s clinging onto you for dear life.
i = i love you (how fast do they say the l-word?)
im pretty sure that ravi’s the type of person to be a middle person. as in, not too fast, but not too long either. probably the first person in the relationship so say i love you. and when he does say it, he MEANS it.
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?)
i can’t see ravi as a jealous person. sometimes he might pretend he’s jealous just to tease you. but IF he does get jealous, then he’s pretty clingy. he’ll still act the same, but he’ll be holding your hand more, waist, ect ect when the person’s around.
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
probably either or. a quick peck or a passionate one. it depends on his mood. he tends to kiss you on your forehead a lot, but he also likes to kiss you directly. likes to be kissed everywhere most likely.
l= little ones (how are they around children?)
hit or miss. he might love them sometimes, he might hate them sometimes. either way he’s slightly awkward with them. when he loves them though, best believe you’ll be getting father and child vibes.
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
totally “let’s stay in bed for a little while longer.” if you don’t feel good, then he’s totally making you breakfast in bed even though he’s half asleep.
n = night (how are nights spent with them?)
movie nights. MOVIE NIGHTS.
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
i feel like he would start to reveal things whenever. just like little facts about him here and there, then sometimes you learn about his past. either way he respects your boundaries.
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
VERY patent. the type of guy to be a lover, not a fighter. he isn’t easily angered but if he’s like MAD MAD, he’ll most likely just stare at the dude and let you go at him tbh
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
will definitely try to remember facts about you. sometimes mentions them in a conversation and you can’t help to swoon over the fact that he remembered. if he does forget though, he’ll try harder to remember the fact that he forgot.
r = remember (what is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
all his moments with you are his favorite. but most likely, it’ll be whenever you told him that you love him back.
it wasn’t a bad location, you realized. the two of you decided to go on a walk and ended up in a forest. it wasn’t scary, necessarily, it was cozy actually. to you at least. ravi was next to you, holding your hand as you both continued to walk down the path of the forest trail. it was now or never, because you wouldn’t be able to say this later. “hey, ravi?” you broke the comfortable silence and he turned to you. “yeah, lion?” you softly smiled at the nickname. “so, uhm, remember that time—where you told me you loved me?” he stopped walking at your hesitation. he turned his body to you, fully, and looked at you with eyes filled with worry. “yeah—but, listen, you don’t have to say it back if you don’t want to—” “no,” you quickly shut him up. “that’s the thing. i do love you, ravi.” he blinked a few times. “what?” “i love you, ravi.” you saw the smile on his face before it formed and he quickly picked you up by your waist before spinning you around.
s = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
he isn’t that protective of you, since you know some-what how to protect yourself. he knows that you could handle yourself.
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
full effort. except for the everyday tasks those come easily for him. your anniversary? full on date, bouquet, dress, everything. lowkey male-wife vibes tbh
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
there would be NO BAD THINGS UP WITH THIS MAN. but realistically, it would be him not standing up for himself. if you’re a people pleaser too, you’re gonna have to start to set some boundaries for other people for him. if you aren’t, teach him how to set boundaries.
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?
he doesn’t really care if he looks good or not. but with you, he’s a whole nervous wreck. “does this look good?” “will they like these?” “does this match?”
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
yepeypeeyeppeuuep. not in a way of like OH NO YOU COULD NEVER LEAVE HIM☹️☹️ thing but in the when you leave—now, i don't wanna get sappy—but it’s like apart of me is gone. because you’re like his other half. like the missing piece of a puzzle to him.
x = xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
he likes to write. EYAYDYEZYEYDYES.
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
probably anything toxic or doesn’t treat his friends right. like i said, he’s a people pleaser to the point of his friends. THAT’S when you go over the line (even tho he doesn't really have friends lets just pretend he does for the sake of this one😳🫶)
z = zzz (What are their sleep habits?)
moving around a lot. this man could never stay still in bed. he could be scooping you when the two of you go to sleep, then when you wake up, he’s literally on the other side of the bed lying down at the end of it.
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 @reminiscentreader @nqds @never-enough-novels @sophiesonlinediary @tornqdowarnings @imaseabear
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naoristerling · 4 months
Beomgyu fanfic recomendation | Tumbrl ao3
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moonstone (why didn't you tell me) - choi beomgyu
|11,4k @healingpage casamento de best
After a painful betrayal by her fiance and a backstab with her close friend, Y/n is heartbroken. When her best friend, Beomgyu, discovers her called-off wedding, he brings her to the land of Japan, believing that over the course of the four day trip, he can convince her to come home happy, or to at least move on from the guy. But his plan goes south when Y/n finds a note on his phone, about his actual feelings on her previous relationship.
i can't swim, idiot ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ choi beomgyu | 11,7k @beom-pyu bests fingem ser casados
choi beomgyu x fem!reader , tags: best friends to lovers au , beomgyu is annoying(ly cute) , fake dating? nah... fake married? bingo! , reader is so fed up with beomgyu how is he still alive , fluff , black cat x golden retriever dynamic ??? , hinted bisexual!beomgyu happy pride month , hinted pining , nsfw , some cliche moments bc who doesn't love a good cliche
the only exception | beomgyu x reader | 12k @byeomtori
love at first sight au, summer love thingy, lots of reference to paramore's the only exception and txt's our summer, pda
white dress | 3,8k @fairyyeo
Beomgyu encontra s/n e a chama pra sair depois do seu turno, motoqueiro
➵ sk8ter boi -> c.b | 4.5k @gyusrose
you never thought in a million years to be attracted to a boy like beomgyu. His baggy clothes, scrappy shoes, long hair just wasn’t a click with your elegant dresses, tight skirts, ballet dancer- self , but somehow he managed to steal your attention.
ditto / cbg | 3.5k @huenation
the day arrives where beomgyu, your angel, is leaving you, you realize you have nothing left to lose
FESTIVAL | 7.7k (I can't @ the author, but she is in the comments)
you thought this year's festival was going to be a bummer like last year's, until you found yourself stuck spending the three whole days of it with that pretty guitarist boy that caught your eye.
「 Camera Shy 」 | 14.4k @koqabear
“You’ve always tried to live an honest and responsible life; never spending money on anything ridiculous, scoffing at the things other people would be so willing to drop their paycheck on. But when life gets hard, you’re bound to give into your guilty pleasures, right?”
Hey Emo Boy! | 9.4k @koqabear
He worked at the Spencer’s store in the mall— you worked at the Claire’s store right in front. What can you say? Match made in heaven.
You Are My Queen Now | 194k @wildernessuntothemselves
Growing up as a child of a minor lord, you had it instilled in you since a young age that you needed to find yourself a rich and affluent husband that would not only provide a comfortable life for you, but would also help further your family’s position in the court. So it was of the utmost importance that you remain a virgin in order to land such a coveted husband. 
The problem lies when the man you secretly love, Prince Beomgyu, suddenly and unabashedly propositions you. 
Rare and Pure (cbg) | 21.5k @elix8r
“But to love something despite. To know the flaws and love them too. That is rare and pure and perfect.“
- Patrick Rothfuss
Choi Yeonjun was the love of your life, the one you were unequivocally sure the Moon Goddess had chosen for you. His younger brother, Beomgyu, on the other hand, didn't even register on your radar as mate material. But fate, as it often does, had other plans. One night was all it took for your entire life to flip around as you found yourself accidentally mated to your childhood friend. Now, you're left grappling with the emotional wreckage of it all as you are not only struggling to feel the unbreakable connection that mates are supposed to share with Beomgyu, but you're also dealing with the harsh reality that your dreams of forever with Yeonjun will never come to fruition. It's a bitter pill to swallow, and it's forcing you to reevaluate your very sense of self. Your wolf clearly had some serious explaining to do.
idle town | c.bg + the city that never sleeps | c.bg
| 40k @petrichor-han
it’s always been beomgyu and (y/n), (y/n) and beomgyu. the two of them against the world... well, against the mean old cashier at the local grocery store anyways. (y/n) has always dreamed of leaving her small town and travelling the world, but beomgyu has always been more than comfortable in the only home he’s ever known. when (y/n) gets the option to finally live her dream and live in a big city hours away from their hometown, beomgyu has to choose between loving her and letting go.
brand new, full throttle! | 5.2k @hwangyu
beomgyu finds out you're the perfect way to get under his stepfathers skin.
모기 / MOGI — [c.bg]. | 14k @hannie-dul-set
in which all of your life, you and beomgyu have been stuck together like glue whether you liked it or not. and as much as you want to change that, life seems to have different plans.
「 PRETTY PRINCESS 」 part IX ─ 'do you trust me?' @beomiracles
taking a wrong turn in the 4th dimension Beomgyu finds himself two centuries behind his own with no way back, though meeting a pretty princess like you, does not seem so wrong.
to know him is to love him, and i do | 9,8k @niningtori
you love beomgyu more than anything. you just wish he loved you, too. or you finally break up with beomgyu and move on, but as for him? maybe he's starting to realize too little too late.
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joeys-babe · 9 months
Joey B Imagines: Rocky Mountain Way*
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Summary: Flashback. You take Joe on a trip with your family to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. It was an annual trip your family took every year when you were a kid, and this year, you took your boyfriend Joe for the first time.
Warnings: Smut, fluff
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Just the Two of Us
December 4, 2023
(y/n’s pov)
Today, Joe and I were leaving for Colorado with my family.
My parents have been taking me and my two brothers on this yearly trip our whole lives, and this year was my first time taking Joe.
I was the oldest of my two brothers, being 27.
The middle sibling, Tanner, was 21.
The youngest, Harrison, was 18.
Harrison was a senior in high school and had a girlfriend, but he wasn't allowed to take her with us on our Colorado trip.
Tanner was bringing his fiance, Lucy, though. They had been dating since the 8th grade, and Tanner knew from the beginning she was the one. He just wanted to wait to propose till they could celebrate their engagement with drinking.
As soon as they were both 21, he proposed.
Crazy that my little brother got engaged before me, but I know Joe is taking his time. It’ll happen eventually, I hope.
Lucy had been coming on the Colorado trip with us since they graduated high school. My parents found her and Tanner mature enough to share a room.
When Joe found this out, he was slightly offended as to why he hadn't been invited to come.
I had to break it to him that he had been invited every year since we started dating at twenty years old.
And that I had declined the offer from my parents before even asking him.
Joe was annoyed, confused, and a little hurt. He thought it was because I didn't want him there.
That couldn't be further from the truth.
The real reason I didn't want to bring Joe? Sex.
When I told him, Joe laughed at my reasoning, but it was a genuine worry.
Since we started dating in 2017, Joe and I have pretty much, at least, had one round of sex a day.
Of course, there were some days missed since then because life got in the way or we were too tired at the end of the day, but it slowly became a part of our daily routine as a couple.
Why would this be a problem, though? Why would this make me decline an invitation for my boyfriend to go on vacation with me and my family?
I’m not comfortable having intercourse under the same roof as my family.
There were no problems for me if it was under the same roof as strangers or friends, like quickies in an event bathroom or a friend’s bedroom at a get-together. It was purely just my family.
The thought of my parents hearing me make a sound or the headboard of the bed hitting the wall… made me want to puke.
Eventually, though, I gave in to Joe and told him he could go with us this year.
My only stipulation? No sex the entire trip.
Joe happily agreed, saying he could go a week without it, but here we were…
Day two, and Joe was lying in bed next to me, complaining of unresolved horniness.
“Baby, please. We can be super quiet, and you can ride me so the bed doesn't move that much…” - Joe
“Convincing, but no. You knew what you were getting yourself into when I agreed to let you come.” - you
“I know, but I was way in over my head. It's been 48 hours, and I already can’t stop thinking about sex.” - Joe
“Typical man.” - you mumbled
“You don’t feel it?” - Joe
“Feel what?” - you
I asked in a slightly apprehensive manner, hoping he wouldn't just say “My dick”.
“Slightly deprived?” - Joe
“Baby, you're not being deprived… but, no I don't. It feels a little weird going two days without it since it’s become a part of our routine, but no I don't feel deprived.” - you
“Yeah. Maybe I am just a typical man.” - Joe
He rolled over to where his back was facing me, and I started to get worried that he might think I was mad at him.
Reaching out to rub his muscular back with my hand, I scooted closer to him and laid my chin on his shoulder.
“I shouldn't have said that earlier. I'm sorry, Joey.” - you
“It's okay, I guess. Goodnight.” - Joe
“Goodnight, Joe. I love you.” - you
I leaned my head over to place a kiss in the crook of his neck, and Joe laced his fingers with mine of the hand that was lying on his stomach.
“I love you too.” - Joe yawned
December 9, 2023
It was the day before Joe’s birthday and the last day of the trip.
When we woke up this morning, everyone was gone already, probably already at the slopes.
Surprisingly, Joe had gone snowboarding with us every day and he was pretty good at it too.
It wasn't too surprising, though, because Joe Burrow doesn't half-ass anything.
That includes the snowball fight that broke out between us while we were snowboarding yesterday.
I had jokingly thrown a snowball at Joe while we were discussing which path to take, and it unleashed a whole war.
Joe didn't hold back or go uneasy on me. He was throwing them pretty much as hard as he could, football-style, and I ended up on the ground.
In the end, Joe lay in the snow next to me, and we made a no-snowball-fight truce for the rest of the trip.
My family would be in the mountains for a few more hours, skiing, sledding, and snowboarding.
So Joe and I had the cabin to ourselves for the majority of the day.
After eating breakfast while cuddling up on the huge couch, Joe asked me what we should do with our alone time.
“Wanna get in the hot tub? We can drink some champagne and just relax.” - you
“Sounds amazing.” - Joe
Joe leaned into me and pressed a kiss to my lips before we hopped off of the couch and went to our room to change into our swimming clothes.
I went out onto the deck first because Joe had to stay back for a second to use the bathroom.
It was absolutely freezing outside so I immediately hopped into the hot tub and cranked the heat on.
A few minutes later, Joe came running out onto the porch with champagne and two glass flutes for us.
“Holy fuck, it's cold!” - Joe ran
Laughing at his little run, Joe launched himself into the hot tub, his big body making the water splash over the sides.
“Joe!” - you laughed
“Sorry…” - Joe gave you a sheepish smile
Joe got settled next to me and gently grabbed my legs to drape them over his lap.
“May I interest you in some champagne?” - Joe
“You may.” - you giggled
He handed me both of the flutes and uncorked the champagne. My eyes lingered on his sexy, veiny hands.
After pouring the bubbly liquid into the glasses, Joe stood up and moved to the other side of the hot tub to put the bottle on the table.
I couldn't help but stare at my boyfriend’s trained, muscular body. His toned torso and built chest looked even more appealing as the beads of water ran over them.
When Joe turned around, I felt a flutter in my stomach… and in other places as the defined muscles in his back flexed.
“Lookin’ good, Joey.” - you purred
Joe settled back down in his spot and sent a flirty wink my way, those big hands finding my thighs to place them in his lap yet again.
We clinked our glasses together and took a sip, Joe resting his hand on the inside of my thigh.
“I love you.” - you
“I love you too.” - Joe grinned
I ran one of my hands up Joe’s torso before keeping it against his chest.
“Since no one’s around… wanna make out?” - you
Joe laughed at my forward question but nodded his head before leaning forward to kiss me.
The kisses were feverish and rough. Joe’s tongue slid into my mouth and tangled with mine.
Eventually, Joe pulled me onto his lap and gently grasped my hips to start moving me on him.
It didn't take long for me to feel Joe get hard in his swim shorts, and I broke away from his lips.
Joe’s usual pink lips were red and wet with my saliva, and he looked so hot like this.
“I need you.” - you
“Take me then.” - Joe
I reached down to palm Joe through his shorts, relishing in his groan before moving the waistband away from his stomach.
Joe’s erection immediately sprang out of his shorts, and he winced at the feeling of the hot water around his cock.
Feeling the need to hurry, I maneuvered myself to hover over top of Joe and sank onto him.
He slapped a hand over his mouth to stop any loud sounds from leaving his mouth. Joe wasn't usually loud during sex, but after a week without it, I wasn't surprised when he muffled a loud moan.
“Take your hand off.” - you
“I- don't wanna be loud.” - Joe
“It's hot, I promise.” - you
I gently took his hand off of his mouth and started moving on him.
The expression on his face told me that he wasn't going to last very long, and I decided to do something that I'd never done.
“You’re not allowed to come till I say you can, okay Joe?” - you
“Fuck… okay.” - Joe groaned
Joe’s dick twitched inside me when I said that. He must like it when I take charge.
“You feel so good.” - you moaned
“Missed you, baby.” - Joe
He buried his head into my neck and moaned lowly, I could tell he was feeling self-conscious about being louder.
“I love it when you moan… so hot.” - you
After moaning myself, Joe removed his head from my neck and looked at me with an appreciative smile.
“Really?” - Joe
Just after he asked that, his cock bottomed out, and the tip brushed against my cervix, causing us both to moan.
“See? So damn hot.” - you
My walls squeezed his length and Joe finally felt confident enough to moan louder… and fuck.
“Joey, oh god!” - you
“Shit, I'm close.” - Joe groaned
“Don’t come yet.” - you
Joe nodded his head but a couple of minutes later, he couldn't wait any longer.
“Please? Can I come?” - Joe
“Not yet, wait, Joe- fuck.” - you
With every movement of my hips, Joe whimpered. I could tell he was starting to get overstimulated but I wanted to finish at the same time.
“Baby, please.” - Joe whimpered
“Just a little longer.” - you moaned
“Shit!” - Joe grunted
I started moving faster, and Joe was writhing beneath me. He was biting his bottom lip so hard that I was surprised that he hadn't drawn blood yet.
Shakily, Joe moved his hand towards where we were connected and circled over my clit with his thumb.
“Mmm. Shit, baby.” - you moaned
Joe was panting in my ear and his cock continuously throbbed deep inside me.
Feeling myself getting closer to my release, I slammed my lips against Joe’s and started hotly making out.
After a few seconds of kissing, I slowly broke away from him, pulling his lower lips between my teeth before letting go.
“Come for me.” - you
Almost immediately Joe grabbed my hips and slammed his entire length as deep as it could get.
“Fuck, y/n!” - Joe moaned loudly
Just as he was shooting his load deep inside, I came around his length, and we moaned into each other’s mouths.
Joe hunched over into my chest, his head falling onto my shoulder. I rubbed over his back to comfort him.
“You okay, Joey?” - you
I kissed his temple sweetly, and when he didn't answer I pulled his head away from my shoulder.
“Mhm. Think I passed out for a sec.” - Joe mumbled
“I kinda got carried away.” - you giggled
“S’all good. It was kinda hot.” - Joe
“Yeah?” - you
“Yeah.” - Joe cuddled back into your neck
An hour later, we had taken a shower that Joe almost fell asleep twice during and were now cuddled up on the couch.
Joe lay on top of me, his head buried in my chest as I simultaneously played with his hair and rubbed his back.
He had fallen asleep right after I started the movie.
I giggled when I thought back to what he told me right before falling asleep.
“Shit, I'm so tired after that, but I think it's safe to say that Rocky Mountain Way is the best sex we've had. We seriously need to buy a hot tub for the house.” - Joe
Of course, this man is already thinking about sex again.
“Is the jacuzzi bathtub not enough?” - you laughed
“Uh-huh.” - Joe
“I'll start looking for one.” - you
“Good. Love you, bab-” - Joe
I waited for him to finish his sentence, and when he didn't I went to look down at him.
Before I could, though, little snores filled the air.
Laughing to myself as I pressed a kiss to his forehead, I shook my head looking down at his sleeping face.
I'm so glad I finally decided to take him with me.
Authors note: idk what to say really.
Request included in this fic;
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AITA for exposing my sister-in-law's secret during a fight?
Ok, this one is going to need a bunch of context.
I (29F) started to date my fiance F (31M) when I was 26. While he is the sweetest person ever, his family is a bit difficult and it was hard for me to fit in. They are a very traditional family of Japanese descent, very rich too, and his mother MIL (60sF) had a dream of seeing all of her three sons married to other rich girls of Japanese descent. I am white and from very humble origins, so I was not very well accepted at first. The thing that bothered me the most was the constant comparisons to my brother in law BIL's (34M) wife SIL (33F), who is rich and of Japanese descent. I was deeply in love with F and decided to fight for my place in his family; I started to take Japanese classes and ended up really good at it, and I was also the one who took care of MIL after her appendicitis' surgery. She recognized my hard work and we became closer and closer, at the same time she realized SIL didn't make the same effort for her and the family as I do, and she started to be very vocal about how I was her favorite daughter in law and how SIL should do better and try to be more like me. Suddenly, the tables have turned and SIL was the one being compared to me, no the other way around.
Of course she didn't like that at all and started to antagonize me and criticize every small thing about me. She would complain my dog would bark too much (which she did, but SIL was a little mean about it), and when my dog died, she made a comment about how finally she wouldn't have to hear her barking anymore (that stung a lot since I loved my dog with all my heart and she was like a baby to me), she would also complain about my apartment every time she visited me, saying it was too cheap (as I said, I come from humble origins) and her newest topic of complaining are my earrings: I like to wear cute and funny earrings (only at work and family gatherings, I don't wear them at social events or anything like that) and she always talks about how I'm too old to wear them and how tacky it looks. F and I noticed she's been progressively meaner the closer we get to our wedding (three months from now) and think she's trying to scare me away before I become an official part of the family.
One last piece of context: some months ago, F told me in confidence about how 6 years ago SIL's brother and sister in law died in a car accident and left an orphaned boy of 4 years old. SIL was the little boy's only family, but she refused to take him in saying she already had too much work with her own son (who was also 4 at the time). That didn't go well with the family; MIL and my father in law (who was alive at the time) assured her they would help with the kid and she would have all the support, but she simply didn't want the boy, so he was sent to the system. That was something MIL never forgave her for, since family is everything to her, and it was something only MIL, BIL, SIL, F and his younger brother knew. He told me that in confidence and asked me to not tell anyone. I promised I wouldn't.
Now for the actual situation.
Our last family dinner was one of F's cousins' birthday, so all the extended family was around. No kidding, I think there were around 60 people there or more. SIL, once again, decided to mock me about my earrings (little cherry earrings, very cute) and talked again how I was to old to wear them, how they were kid earrings etc. I've been tolerating her bullshit for so long now and after her comments about my dog's death, I was more sensitive than usual, so I snapped back and said that it's not because she dresses herself like an old lady that I have to do the same. She got angry at that and a proper fight started; we saying worse and worse stuff to each other while everyone stopped to watch. It ended up with her mocking my upbringing and calling me a gold digger, accusing my of only being with F for his money. That really struck a nerve because I heard that before at the beginning of our relationship and it always hurt my feelings, since I genuinely love F. Before I could even think about it, I said: "At least I'm not a heartless bitch like you. How's your nephew doing, by the way? Oh, you have no idea, right? Since you put him in a fucking orphanage!"
She got speechless after that and left the place, went straight to her car with BIL and went home. I didn't hear from her or him since them. F is furious with me since he told me that in confidence and now all the extended family knows SIL's secret. MIL doesn't care at all; she never got over what SIL did to that little boy and it's been a while since SIL isn't in her best graces.
Now that I'm calmer I feel a little guilty for exposing SIL like that, but she was always so awful to me that I can't really feel that bad. Mostly, I feel bad for BIL, with who I always had a good relationship and even defended me back in the day when the family didn't accept me very well. Now he's not talking to me either and, as far as I know, he's also not talking to F.
What are these acronyms?
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chao-thicc-hcs · 1 year
hii! just saying, i really love your work so much! i wanna request something if that’s fine with you! could you maybe do tr characters accidentally slapped you across the face?? (pls have both haitanis brother and sanzu like i need them hehe) thank you! <3
thank you so much, anon! 😭 a/n: sanzu is an absolute word-vomit i'm so sorry i wrote this at 3am
Slapping you across the face.
ft.: haitani brothers, sanzu haruchiyo
warning(s): mentions of slapping, rindou being absolutely fucking toxic and controllng, crying, mentions of depression, suggestive, mentions of sex.... and sanzu
genre: angst, no comfort (for now, there might be part 2, who knows?)
READER IS AFAB! not proofread, will be edited further
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Your lover was usually very calm and gentle with you. During the occasions where you had arguments, he'd not react abruptly, nor raise his voice. He'd always be calm, soft-spoken, wich oftentimes susbided your flames.
But today was different. He was annoyed and bitter, because he got into a fight with his brother, and such things impact him greatly. You however, didn't know the reason he was so pissed. It was a day where both of you had agreed to go on a date in a lavish restaurant, venting and ranting to each other about work-related stuff. Ran was quiet, however, and his stare was blank, as if your voice was equivalent to a fork being scratched on a plate. You noticed this, and quickly reacted.
-Ran, what's wrong? You've been bitter this entire day and evening.
-None of your business, Y/n.
The coldness in his voice caught you off guard, and not being called by the usual "babe" or "my dearest" definitely hinted to you that you shouldn't push his buttons further. But you couldn't shake the feeling that was eating you on the inside. You wanted to know more, and somehow help him out.
-...Actually it is, you're my fiance, and I want to know more-
-Just shut up and eat your food. You've been nagging me to go out to this restaurant and now you aren't even looking at it.
You blinked slowly. You felt like shouting at him, but kept your cool and sat quiet, eating the now tasteless pasta in front of you, not wanting to cause a scene in such expensive environment.
The ball of emotions was dormant until both of you arrived home. The second you stepped foot inside the apartment, you threw your bag to the side and threw your earrings on the counter.
-What the fuck is wrong with you, Ran? This entire day, you've been letting out all your nerves on me. You kept pushing me, threw remarks at me, grimaced every time when I tried settling things with you... If it is something about me, you better tell me like a man!
Ran just stood there, his eyes wide, eyebrow twitching at the sound of your voice bumping inside his skull. The man approached you and the last thing you knew, his hand connected with your cheek, turning your whole body to one direction. Your head remained turned, for you weren't even able to process what the man you were so eager to call "your husband" in the future laid his hand on you.
-Didn't I tell you to shut up? Weren't you taught common human decency, hm? That when someone tells you to shut up and leave them alone, you should do so?
You didn't want to cry, but bitter tears found their path down your now red cheek. What broke you more is the nonchalance Ran looked you with at this very moment, his tie already loose and blazer thrown on the ground. He seemed so much bigger and intimidating than usual, his eyes piercing holes through you.
-Oh, is that so..?-you smiled wobbly, your voice shaky.
You didn't utter a word anymore, but through forced smile and watery eyes, you took your bag and ripped off the necklace he gifted you on your graduation day a few months ago, throwing it on the ground. Ran seemed unbothered, but knowing him for over 6 years, you always spotted the hidden emotions behind his stare, especially when he so desperately tried being tough in a fight like this.
Not wasting any more time crying in front of what you called your "fiance" with so much joy, you stormed off the apartment, almost stumbling from the wave of emotions that you felt warming your body up.
The shutting of the door, followed by the echoing of your loud steps on the stairway outside, left Ran alone with his own regrets. Never in his life had he thought he'd feel so... empty yet kind of relieved. Relieved because he let out his anger, empty because he did it on you, and now he probably lost you forever
The night wasn't easy for him. Ran hated staying up all night, but the emptiness and serenity in the room were suffocating for him. He missed your voice, he missed the way you breathed in his neck, being the big spoon most of the time. He knew you'd not respond to his texts nor pick up his calls, hell, he didn't even bother charging his phone, because the only reason he even used in in the first place was gone.
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Sometimes your boyfriend's insecurities overcame him, and it often lead to atrocious quarrels between you two. No matter how often you'd say you had eyes only for him - he'd never believe you and fall down into yet another depressive episode where the whole world is to blame for him.
Today was no different. There was a big bag next to your wardrobe, and you stared at it for a while, slouched onto the bed, sighing deeply. You knew it was risky, but the dress was so beautiful, so gorgeous that it was an impulsive purchase. Rindou gave you full access to his card, and he rarely checks it.
You slipped it on, and for the first time in maybe months, you enjoyed the view of an expensive, shiny material wrapped around your figure, the poofy sleeves hugging your arms you hated so much perfectly. The dress was royal blue, the cleavage was deep, it had a beautiful slit and you even ordered a jewelry that wrapped around your thigh with Rindou's initials.
You hoped honey will start dropping from his eyes the moment he sees you in this dress, even getting aroused by how beautifully the fabric and color complemented you.
You heard the front door closing, which sent shivers down your entire body, and suddenly the plan you had in your mind dissolved into thin air, blankness replacing it.
-I'm home.
His voice lingered into your head. Unaware of your surroundings, it felt as if everything began fading into white, dulling your senses. You loved hearing him say these words, which propelled you to throw yourself on his neck and plaster kisses on his face, but now, you were hoping to not hear them at least for two more hours while mentally preparing yourself for whatever was spinning in your head.
-Um, hello?
The creak of the door pained your eardrums. You were fiddling with the material of the skirt on your chest, taking short, tense breaths after Rindou's presence hit you from the back, his strong aura suffocating you. The thud of his suitcase made you jump.
-H-hey, Rindou. - you said meekly, turning around to face him
You were tense. Your chest felt heavy and you felt like your stomach shrunk and moved around your abdomen. Rin analyzed your entire figure, visibly unsatisfied with your current appearance.
-Y/n. What is this?-he growled, approaching you with a slow yet heavy gait
-This is a dress I bought to show you... I know you like this color on me, and I-
-It's too fucking revealing, Y/n. What are you trying to do, huh? You know damn well what I think about rags like these.
-Rindou, can't I have nice things on me for at least once? For fucks sake, I am wearing this dress for you, I want you to drool over me and just touch my body, is this too much to ask for?? I even have your initials on my thigh!
Rindou's expression changed abruptly, forming from annoyance to sheer fury and disdain. He grabbed you by the fabric of the poofy sleeves and pulled you closer, causing it to rip.
-Maybe if you didn't have such trash taste in clothing, I'd be pleased. And the thigh jewelry? The fuck were you thinking?? You want to be watched, eh? You want others to see your thigh??
By this time his voice got louder and louder, making it feel as if the inside of your head is shaking. But you cursed yourself for even thinking that he'd be any different. Ever since the incident with his brother calling you "hot", he's gotten worse and worse, sinking deeper into the pond of insecurities he was born in.
Your overthinking slowed your reactions, and by the time you came to your senses, you felt a burning sensation on your cheek. He laid his hand on you, and he was on his knees in front of you, head laid on your thighs, asking for forgiveness.
-I'm sorry.. sorry... sorry, Y/n, my love, I got too-
You shushed him up. You kept your gaze glued onto the door in front of you, legs urging you to stand up and go away, disappear, evaporate from Rindou's life. His eyes were filled with what seemed shame, self-hatred... even more than usual. No more were you influenced by his gentle caresses, no more you felt the same spark as before.
Rindou couldn't stand looking at himself in the mirror. Everything reminded him of you. The body mist you left in his room, the towel you'd use for your hair, and the last bits of your sweet, enticing scent that tied his braincells into a heart knot, forcing him to bury his head into the pillow you slept on, inhaling it.
30 missed calls.... over 100 messages until you blocked him. He searched for you everywhere - every nook and alley. He'd always randomly get the feel of you being around, or even hiding behind a sinister street.... alas you were never there.
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His voice echoed throughout the bar, or more precisely - the private room he'd booked for the both of you in the Haitanis' club.
You were embarrassed by your boyfriend's attitude, placing a hand in front of your face in a pathetic attempt to hide it and tone down the soul-eating feeling of your boyfriend being an absolute douche. The night was supposed to be lecherous with the just both of you in this room, talking, kissing and probably even unabashedly fucking in front of the entire staff.
-For fucks sake, Sanzu! You're so loud and obnoxious!
By the time he night progressed this far, Sanzu was high as a kite. Paired with the amounts of alcohol he had ingested by now, there was no salvation from the sweet curtain of drunkness that was in front of his eyes.
You were pissed. Not long before your date, he was gone for around 5 days. Full-on no contact. He didn't answer your texts nor calls, and it had you worried sleepless for days. He eventually came back, and as always - he'd take you out and throw all his money on you, buying you all the shit you lay your eyes upon, just to glaze your eyes and cease your nagging, making you forget that he'd do the same shit again.
He thought that problems are solved through material goods. Clothes, expensive dates and good sex, but soon you began realizing the toxicity you were put through from him, commencing from him gazing at other women to straight up disappearing for days. Who knows what he could've done?
But here you are, yet again, positioned in his lap, taking a shot of what seemed to be one of the best whiskeys you ever tasted, making you forget for a split second the mess your boyfriend is. The liquid warmed you... a little bit too much before a wave of dizziness washed over you. The only support you had was your lover, who had his hand wrapped around your waist, squeezing it.
You hated... no - loathed yourself for falling weak for his lukewarm excuses and attempts to win you back and have you moaning and murmuring under his touch.
-Y/n, you're so fucking boring. You don't let me have fun at home, and I ain't letting you hinder my fun here too.
He gruffly said, suddenly pushing you away. You plopped onto the couch. The alcohol brewing inside of you propelled you to a bold move you'd usually not make. You abruptly stood up and spilled the remaining liquid you poured yourself, all over his suit.
-The fuck are you doing?!
-The fuck does it look like I'm doing? All you've been doing is acting like I am some kind of side hoe. Doing all kinds of hurtful shit and then trying to make up to it by spoiling me...
-But I managed to succeed til' now, right? Why can't you just shut up and accept it again this night.-he retorted and tried to clean his clothes
Your fury couldn't be concealed even under the finest mask there is. You were panting from the build-up pressure inside of you the entire night. The buttons of your shirt were threatening to rip apart from the deep, frequent breaths you took.
-So I am going to continue being the only one fighting, huh? I will be the only one who loves truly and wholly? Is that it? You're going to treat me like some kind of used towel, huh??
The force you gripped his collar with was tremendous. Blue eyes stared at you in both confusion and frenzied fury. His arms were twitching, almost as if he wants to hit you.
Which he did in the blink of an eye, without a drop of remorse or holding back. He gripped your cheeks with his fingers after, forcing you to kneel down and look at him.
-You shut your filthy mouth or I am going to make you meet Satan himself, Y/n. You'd witness the other 50% I've been holding back to release since the last fucking time someone irritated me!
Terrified eyes analyzed his facial features. Vein protruding on his forehead and eyes filled with contempt and sheer malice, making you feel inferior, crushing you with just a simple stare back. No word was uttered from your mouth, nor you didn't move.
He didn't seem to have any quills about harming his "precious gemstone", as how he called you in the first few years of dating. You were shattered like glass, and your own pieces turned against you and impaled you with force, digging deep, hence you were blaming and cursing yourself for staying with him after Bonten was formed.
The night was young, and so were Sanzu's intentions of punishing you until you lose your voice from screaming.
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©chao-thicc-hcs; reblogs are deeply appreciated
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
Time and Night Endless have a problem. Their darling son Dream has been dating a man completely not of their class, a shameless and uncouth ruffian, by the name of Hob Gadling. While they did make their disapproval known, they were inclined to leave it at that, as surely this was merely a rebellious phase on Dream’s part; at some point he would come to his senses, end the relationship, and settle down with someone more suitable.
Except they have heard through the family grapevine that not only has Dream not come to his senses, but he is in fact planning on proposing to the dreadful man. That he has in fact purchased a ring already! Clearly something must be done.
They arrange a private meeting with Hob and offer him fifty-thousand pounds to break up with their son before the proposal, preferably publicly enough that they can be sure he did it, and so it decreases the likelihood of reconciliation.
Hob only hesitates for a moment before agreeing.
Time and Night walk away from the meeting feeling incredibly smug that they’ve saved their dear son from an inappropriate relationship with a blatant gold digger.
Hob walks away from the meeting pulling out his phone to call Dream. “Hey love, how would you like to con your parents out of a shit ton of money?”
Three days later, Dream and Hob have a giant blow-up fight in the middle of a friendly gathering—Desire was there filming the whole thing and had gleefully uploaded it to every social media platform they have, so the Endless parents can see for themselves. It’s pretty ugly: there’s accusations of cheating, loud negative allusions to their sex life, Dream even throws in a “my mother was right about you” for good measure. It’s a goddamn disaster of a shouting match that ends in the world's messiest breakup.
Time and Night would be horrified by the scandal if they weren’t so pleased with the results. Hob Gadling may not be an acceptable partner for one of their children, but at least he certainly does deliver. They wire the money to him with absolutely no remorse, considering it money well-spent.
A week later, a new video is uploaded to Hob and Dream’s social media accounts: the two of them side-by-side, leaning into each other's touch like love-drunk teenagers, fingers entwined and sporting beautiful engagement rings, as they announce their reconciliation and engagement.
“Communication has always been the key to a successful relationship, and all we really needed to do was sit down and talk to each other like adults. Any issues we may have had have been resolved, and if it weren't for the people close to us who didn't want to see us fall apart, we might not be here today,” Hob says, grinning ear to ear. 
“I would particularly like to offer my greatest, most heartfelt thanks for our upcoming marriage to my parents,” Dream says with an evil glint in his eye. “They not only engineered our reconciliation, they selflessly gave fifty-thousand pounds of their own money to help pay for the wedding and honeymoon. We can't thank them for their kindness and support enough.”
Hob then grabs his fiance and dips him before kissing the life out of him, and that’s where the video ends.
Night faints and Time breaks a priceless vase.
(Desire also gleefully shares this video on the same platforms as the first one, and helpfully tags their parents with it to boot. It was actually fun scheming with their brother for the first time in a long time, and they may or may not be planning to stitch the two videos together into a small tasteful movie as a wedding present (and perhaps providing a copy to their parents as well))
I love the "evil parent offers main character a lot of money to break up with love interest" vibe. Whatever happens you just KNOW its going to end badly for the parents!
And really, they should have known better. Hob is a shameless ruffian and an experienced conman, OF COURSE he was going to pull some kind of trick. He's actually really pleased because he was worried that Dream wouldn't get his perfect wedding, because Hob’s meagre salary won't stretch to a big budget. With the "generous contribution" from mum and dad, Dream can make his gorgeous goth wedding fantasies a reality.
Dream has an amazing time at the fittings for all the wedding outfits, and Desire even has a hand in designing the most gorgeous jumpsuit for Dream to wear at the reception. They're totally invested in this wedding and keep feeding Dream and Hob information about their parents latest plans to sabotage the big day. This leads to Dream getting in touch with their estranged younger brother, who is thrilled to a) be invited to the wedding and b) provide security on the big day! He's built like a brick wall so no attempted shenanigans will get past him.
There won't be any trouble at the wedding, anyway. Hob has a few of his old pals on the job, and they will make sure that the Endless parents are tragically prevented from reaching the venue on time. So sad. Its okay though, because Desire will be putting together a beautiful wedding movie for everyone to watch after the honeymoon!
When asked by their society friends about their new son in law, Night and Time will grit their teeth and smile. He's a very... resourceful man. Not what they'd imagined for Dream, but he seems happy enough. And there was a prenup, so it can't be that bad if (hopefully when) they get a divorce.
Yeah.......they're never getting a divorce!
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happeehippie · 6 months
instagram j.b.
summary: follow along with joe and his fiance evie as they go through joes football career.
*face claim is yasmin quintana*
series masterlist.
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liked by millyg, lahjay10_, and 629,937 others
evie: 🤍🤍🤍
view all 5,829 comments…
user: did you notice that you made top 10 hottest NFL wags?
> evie: the peak of my existence
user: OK! This is so freaking cute
user: and what happens when i have to go to therapy over this?
> evie: we love therapy?
joeyb_9: all of my favorite things in just a few photos.
> evie: lots of happy moments..
user: how did you get a photo with my in laws?
user: you’re all so happy together i’m obsessed!
user: not momma and papa burrow!!
> evie: truly the best people ever. 🧡
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liked by lahjay10_, evie, and 736,828 others
joeyb_9: Jon Snow
view all 8,626 comments…
user: kiss me now
user: Joe sucks
millyg: joe burrow is cool.
user: trashhhhhh
user: mr. can’t win a superbowl
evie: winter is coming 😉
user: goat frfr
user: they know nothing about jon snow
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liked by joeyb_9, millyg, and 976,629 others
evie: onto the next..
view all 6,839 comments…
user: can i say ur the cutest ever
> evie: pls do
user: go bengies
> evie: bengies all dey!
user: the fact you never miss a game? get a life.
> evie: in the wise words of dani rojas.. Football is Life
joeyb_9: babe in the jungle. 😍
> evie: 🥰
user: love the fit!
user: Ev are you back to hanging out in the comments??
> evie: i’m always hanging in the comments
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liked by bengals, evie, and 742,096 others
joeyb_9: Uninvited Guests
view all 11,836 comments…
user: you are HIM joe burrow
user: Joe you the best
user: snow shiesty
user: sad sorry qb
evie: my favorite/least favorite time of the year. i need a new coat.
> joeyb_9: don’t be a baby, you’re supposed to be the queen of the north. 🥶🥶🥶
user: proud of you joe!
user: jealous of the snowflakes
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liked by joeyb_9, lahjay10_, and 974,140 others
evie: mills said it’s getting too cold for this shit
view all 4,829 comments…
user: i played against joe in fantasy this week 😭
> evie: rip
user: isn’t this fit kind of basic?
> evie: ouch
joeyb_9: you can have my hand warmer
> evie: the sacrifices you make 🥰
user: i will never understand your relationship, he’s famous he can have anyone he wants.
> evie: it’s the people who know the least that always have the most to say..
millyg: i am never going to a playoff game again. not in this weather my guy.
> evie: you’re kind of lying dude
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liked by bengals, lahjay10_, and 960,002 others
joeyb_9: The journey continues
view all 6,728 comments…
user: does joey b reply?
> evie: our text messages are proof that he doesn’t
user: keep moving forward
lahjay10_: we be back brother
evie: boo kc
> joeyb_9: what do they say? tomato tomato?
user: somebody stop KC
user: joe shiesty for president
> evie: i support this
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liked by joeyb_9, bengals, and 827,017 others
evie: *gasp* she’s not wearing a joe burrow jersey!
view all 8,600 comments…
user: congratulations to the Bengals! what a great season!
> evie: 🧡🧡🧡
user: i’m sorry but can i marry ur bf?
> evie: not if i get there first 😉
user: who dey no matter what
joeyb_9: is this what it feels like to be cheated on?
> evie: it’s not what it looks like…
user: not me being behind you while you pounded back these ultras! you’re the best!
> evie: i was totally sober. 🥴
lahjay10_: nah if you gon wear anybody jersey number shoulda been mine!
> evie: i can see this was a major mistake
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liked by joeyb_9, millyg, and 639,927 others
evie: goodbye goodbye goodbye.. you were bigger than the whole sky. (what a season joey, i luv u).
view all 7,510 comments…
user: it broke my heart they lost..
user: who dey nation is proud of this team
> evie: forever..
user: leave joe and date me instead.
> evie: omg, usually it’s the other way around. i’m glad someone loves me!
joeyb_9: i can’t get enough of you.. thank you for being so supportive. 🤍
> evie: it’s a wonderful life with you.
user: i want you and mama burrow to post together more often.. i love her
> evie: my game partner for life and one of my best friends. we love mama burrow.. 🧡
evies ig stories
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impishtubist · 2 years
double date
Behold, the dumbest thing I have ever written. I inflicted this on a handful of Discord pals a while back, but you know what? Everyone should be made to suffer from my terrible writing 😂
“Padfoot, calm down.” Remus lays a hand on Sirius’s, stopping him from further shredding his empty straw wrapper. 
“I am calm.”
“Mate, you’re literally vibrating.” James is sitting on Sirius’s other side, and he puts a hand on Sirius’s knee, stilling his bouncing leg. “It’s just Regulus.”
“Just Regulus?” Sirius hisses. “I haven’t seen him since I was seventeen, James! This isn’t just Regulus, this is huge!”
“I know,” Remus says soothingly. “But you being a nervous wreck isn’t going to make this any easier.”
Sirius sags a bit in his seat. “I want this to go well, Moony.” 
“It will. This was his idea, after all. That’s promising, isn’t it?”
“S’pose so.” Sirius straightens in his seat, brightening a little. “Think it’s a good sign that he wants to introduce me to his boyfriend, too.” 
“It was sweet of him to suggest a double date,” Remus says, casting James a significant look. James shrugs, unapologetic.
“Like I’m going to pass up a chance to see Baby Black and his boyfriend,” he says cheerfully. “What do you think? Think Reggie’s dating a Muggle?”
Sirius’s entire face lights up, and he cackles. “A Muggle! Oh, Prongs, that’d be brilliant. Might put Mother in an early grave, too.” 
The door opens then, and Regulus steps into the pub. Sirius goes completely still, eyes wide, so Remus raises a helpful hand to flag him down. Regulus catches sight of them, and hesitates for a moment before making his way over to their table. He’s followed by a tall man with long black hair and--
It’s Snape. 
Regulus is dating Severus fucking Snape.
The waiter appears at their table at the same time Regulus and Snape do. Remus raises his hand.
“Five Firewhiskeys, please,” he says while James and Sirius openly gape at the newcomers. The waiter smiles politely.
“A round for the table, then?”
“Oh, no, those are all for me.” 
The waiter departs, and Regulus pulls out the chair across from Sirius. Snape’s eyes flick between James and Remus, and he eventually chooses the seat across from Remus. Remus gives him his biggest, most wolfish grin, and Snape quickly looks away. 
“Brother,” Regulus says. 
“Reggie,” Sirius squeaks. “What the fuck--”
Remus digs his fingers into Sirius’s thigh. “What Sirius means is, it’s great to see you.” 
“Yeah,” Sirius says, his voice only slightly strangled. “Yeah, Reggie, it’s great to see you. Thanks…thanks for suggesting this. And for bringing your, um.” 
“Fiance,” Regulus says.
“Fiance?” Sirius and James burst out, looking horrified. 
“That’s great, Regulus,” Remus says through gritted teeth, kicking Sirius under the table. “Isn’t it?”
James recovers first. “Yeah, it’s--that’s great. Love is…great.” 
Sirius draws a deep breath, visibly pulling himself together. “I’m really happy for you, Regulus. Shall we, um, decide what to order?”
The waiter returns with Remus’s Firewhiskeys, takes their food orders, and goes off again. Sirius clears his throat.
“So, um, Severus,” he says, and the name sounds like it only pains him a little to say, “what is it you do?”
“I’m the Potions Master at Hogwarts,” Snape says. Remus cringes inwardly--those poor students--and knocks back his first shot. 
“What about you, Regulus?” he asks.
“Regulus doesn’t work,” Snape cut in. 
“Doesn’t work?” Sirius repeats.
“He doesn’t need to.” 
“That’s right,” Regulus says. “I’m…taking care of the household.” 
“But you wanted to be a potioneer,” James says, and he sounds pained.
Regulus stares at him. “You remember that?”
“‘Course I remember it,” James says quietly. “Thought you’d be brilliant at it. You wanted to open a shop in Diagon Alley and everything. What happened?”
“Oh, er, nothing. It’s just…not really for me.”
“That doesn’t sound like you at all.”  
The tension at the table increases tenfold. Remus takes a second shot. 
“If that makes you happy, Reggie, I support it,” Sirius says abruptly. “It…sounds great. Staying home and…looking after Severus’s…things.” 
“I’m a trophy husband, too,” Remus says with a wink. “I have no complaints.” 
Regulus gives him a tight smile. “Yes, I’m sure I’ll…get used to it.” 
“He’ll take care of the children, too,” Snape says, and Remus chokes on his third shot. 
“When the time comes,” Regulus says hastily, patting Snape’s arm. 
“I think you’ll be singing a different tune on our wedding night,” Snape purrs, and Remus grabs Sirius’s wrist before he can draw his wand. 
“Yes, when is the wedding?” he asks.
“This summer,” Snape says. “That leaves us with plenty of time to ensure that he’s with child by the time term begins.” 
“What, you’re going to knock him up and then leave him?” James asks. 
“Yes, we agreed that was best,” Regulus says.
“If it makes you happy,” Sirius says again, though this time it’s through gritted teeth.
“Indeed. There’s no need for me to be around for…the unpleasantness of pregnancy,” Snape says, waving a hand. 
“Raising children is very, um, rewarding,” Remus says quickly, while Sirius makes a noise like a wounded animal. The room’s getting a bit blurry, and he feels very light. 
“Rewarding, yeah,” Sirius says in a high-pitched voice. He clears his throat. “R-right, Jamie?”
“Yep, yeah, greatest thing I’ve ever done. I love staying home with Haz,” James says. “‘Specially now that I only have him half the time.” 
Regulus’s eyes snap to James. “You broke up with Evans?”
James blinks. “Er, yeah. Divorced about a year ago. We’ve been doing the whole co-parenting thing and it’s going really well, though.” 
Light pink dusts Regulus’s cheeks, and--oh.
Oh, that would make sense. That would make so much sense. How had he missed it?
Remus grabs his fourth shot and polishes it off. He then raises the fifth shot and says, “A toast!” 
“A toast?” Regulus, James, and Sirius echo.
“To the happy couple.” Remus pushes Sirius’s glass at him, water sloshing over the sides. “C’mon, Pads. Toast your brother and his--and his happiness.” 
Sirius lifts his glass, looking like he’s swallowed something sour. “Er--right. To Regulus and Sn-Severus. May you, um…” 
“Have a very happy life together,” James jumps in when Sirius falters. 
“Right, that. And…love one another forever?”
“And be fruitful and multiply,” Remus says cheerfully.
Now it’s Regulus’s turn to look like he’s tasted something bitter, but Snape practically leers. 
“Oh, we will,” he says, leaning in to kiss Regulus.
Snape is thrown out of his chair and crashes into the wall behind him, cracking his head on the bricks before landing in a crumpled heap on the floor. 
“James!” Sirius exclaims in outrage.
“It wasn’t me!” James protests.
“It was me,” Regulus says with a sniff. “Honestly. The nerve of him. I told him I wanted to wait until the wedding night.” 
Remus hands his last Firewhiskey shot to Regulus, who downs it without blinking. 
“You’re not in love with Snape,” he says, and Regulus pulls a face.
“Of course I’m not.” 
“Then why did you tell me you were bringing your boyfriend to meet us!” Sirius demands. 
“Because it’s what people do, Sirius,” Regulus says. 
“What people?”
“People who are meeting their estranged brother and his husband for the first time in years!” Regulus sighs. “I can’t go on a double date with my brother if I don’t have a date.” 
“Wait, did you--did you pretend to date Snape and then get engaged to him just so you would have a reason to reach out to me?”
“Well, he didn’t think it was pretend.” Regulus sniffs again. “I’m very convincing, you know.” 
“You didn’t--”
Regulus’s lip curls. “Of course not. I told him I was a virgin and waiting for our wedding night. I should probably be insulted by how easily he bought that. Potter, what are you doing over there?”
James blinks at him. “What?”
“This is a double date, isn’t it?” Regulus gestures at the now-empty chair next to him. “I need a date.” 
“Oh!” James scrambles over to the other side of the table. “Right, of course. Hello.” 
“You look amazing, you know.”
Regulus blushes. “Yes, you’ve been staring at me since I sat down. Awfully rude of you, with my fiance right there.”
James looks pained. “He’s not your fiance anymore, is he?”
“Merlin, no.”
“What,” Sirius whispers to Remus, “is happening right now?”
Remus pats his shoulder. “I think the wedding is still on.”
“Different groom, though, right?”
“Oh, yeah, definitely.”
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nicohischierz · 8 months
twins??: nico hischier x devs!player
tagging: @ivy-34, @francesfarhadi, @hzstry8, @cixrosie, @itsnotgray, @estapa94, @trevs-swiftie, @heartz4hischif you want to join the taglist let me know!!
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"this is really good shea," you praised the boy.
the newest member of the hischier household was showing off his newly acquired cooking skills. it was also because nobody was in the mood to cook.
seamus had decided to join the devils after completing his four years at michigan. saira was now two years old and thrilled to have another 'brother' along with connor.
the little girl had started speaking occasionally, her first words being "con-con".
saira sat on your lap as you fed her some of seamus eggs, taking bites for yourself as well when a wave of nausea hit you. you passed your daughter to her father and ran to the nearest bathroom.
the boys could hear the sound of your retches and promptly pushed the eggs away from them. "hey I had nothing to do with that," he whined.
nico placed saira on the floor before following you to the bathroom. "schatz, are you okay?" he asked, peering his head around the door.
you flushed the toilet and washed your mouth before facing your fiance.
"do you think we can make an appointment with doctor michaels?” you whispered.
nico stared at you.
"dr michaels? your ob/gyn. why do you need to see your ob/gyn?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
it took a second for your words to click in his mind before nico was wrapping you up in his arms. nico bent down and kissed your lips.
"are you sure?" nico asked, gently pressing a hand to your stomach.
you shrugged. "i took two tests, one said negative and the other was positive. then when lindy was talking about dates I realised I missed my period, so I got to wondering if I was actually pregnant or not," you explained.
nico brought you in for another kiss. “whatever she says, we do this together” he promised.
you nodded and kissed him one more time before going out to your friends.
isla gave you a look asking if you were okay and you nodded. “do you guys think you can watch saira for a bit? neeks and i are going to the doctors for a quick check up,” you asked your friend.
“woah why can’t connor and i watch her?” seamus asked, just as he dropped a pan. the boy smiled sheepishly and turned away.
“is everything okay?” connor asked.
you nodded and squeezed his arm. “i’ve just not been feeling well so we’re going to see what’s wrong,” you told them before grabbing your things.
the group stayed in your home, looking after your children whilst you and nico headed to your appointment.
“well y/n, i’d like to say congratulations on your pregnancy,” dr michaels congratulated when she checked the ultrasound.
nico grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles.
“if you see over here, this is baby number one and right there is baby number two,” she pointed towards your two babies.
“hold on did you just say baby number two?”
you and nico asked. dr michaels looked at the two of you and smiled.
“i’d say you’ve got a week of hockey left at best,” she advised.
you and nico looked to each other.
it wasn’t ideal that you were pregnant in the middle of the season but you and nico knew what you had to do.
“is everything okay?” connor asked as soon as you guys walked into your apartment. timo had saira laying on his chest as the two of them slept. isla and jack were looking at baby’s names for their little boy whilst luke was on the phone with his girlfriend.
nico handed him the ultrasound and smiled.
isla caught sight of it and squealed.
“no way!” she ran over to you and hugged you.
you nodded and hugged her, tears streaming down your face.
“we’re having twins,” nico announced.
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eclipsedrgn · 1 year
𝐀 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐥
Batfamily x Reader || Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Summary: Jason may be rough around the edges, but he goes through hell to gather everyone you love for a very special day.
Credits: Music belongs to Khloe Rose, I changed the lyrics a bit to match the theme. Photos aren't mine, unfortunately I forgot to check the owners of it.
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5 whole years.
1825 days since he laid his eyes on you, the most beautiful girl he's every known. His girlfriend, his soon to be fiance.
Jason thought to the first time he met you, a complete accident, you weren't even suppose to be there. But there you are buying recipes to a pesto pasta you love making when a group of Black Mask's gang decided to rob the grocery store you were in. Jason was tracking the gang for a while, for territory reason, and saw the hostages.
He decided to attack.
He killed 6 of the men.
Jason found you crouched down at the milk aisle covered in blood, in front of you was one of the gang members, he guesses the 7th member dead on the ground.
"I-It was an accident" You whispered shakily, "He was going to attack me"
"Don't worry about it sweetheart" Jason says, his voice activator on, "He's a bad man. He doesn't deserve to live"
The next time he saw you was when he finally returned home to the Manor after many months of anger and anguish against his adopted father. You were standing there emotionless, you were going through a moment, you were missing your parents as they just dropped you off at Bruce's whilst revealing he's your biological father.
Jason placed a hand on your head, ruffling your hair. "You'll get used to it. You're a Wayne now. You gotta act like it"
You started to see him differently, not a sister-brother kind, but a more romantic side.
It was the gala when you officially started dating. You were wondering the hallway when you bumped into Jason, Bruce was going to introduce him back to the family while you are going to be known as his biological daughter. Jason was having a panic attack, guilt slowly eating him with how he treated his family when you kissed him.
"I'm sorry" You said, "You wouldn't calm down"
"Don't ever say sorry" he whispers against your lips as he presses them back to yours.
And now 5 years later, a lot of kisses and makeouts, dancing in the halls of the manor. Jason knew you were the one and he was ready.
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Jason flew to your hometown where you grew up, he asks threaten Tim to give him the address where you used to live. He knocks on the door and your mom answered the door. Your mom loves Jason and she would remind you everyday you guys talk to each other. Jason takes out the small red box revealing the ring inside, a custom ring that you always talked about when you get engaged, it was beautiful.
His next stop was your friends, childhood friends, school friends which ever he found. Jason told them about his plan, which was to fly them to Gotham to surprise you. You have been telling him how much you missed them.
Jason flew back with his heart full, his next plan was to prepare. You didn't want a big engagement, a simple yet thoughtful one was the one you like. So he decided to do it in the backyard of the Manor, in the beautiful garden that Alfred works so hard.
He (finally) asks his brothers and sisters for help.
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The day of the engagement was perfect, the sun was shining, not too hot for you to sweat and not too cold for you to have a sweater on. Stephanie, Cass and Barbara took you out to do your nails, god forbid they let you get engage with plain nails. While Jason and the boys went to get the backyard ready.
"I can't believe today is the day" Dick comments while carrying boxes. "Are you excited?"
"Of course I am" Jason grumbles, "Are you sure this is the color she likes?"
The colors consist of beige and while.
"Trust me Jay" Tim grins, "She's been playing sims lately and she's been decorating with these colors"
"She always plays sims" Damian mutters as he passes by.
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Once the decorations are up, the boys went to their rooms to get ready. With a shaky breath, Jason nervously straighten his shirt as he stared himself into the mirror in front of him.
"She will love it, Master Jason" he hears Alfred.
"Do you think so?" Jason quietly asks.
"Do you trust her?" Alfred asks, his hand on Jason's shoulder.
Jason nodded, "With my life"
"Then you know, deep in your heart that she will say yes" he says.
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You wore a pretty light pink off shoulder sun dress with matching pink flats. Barbara curled your hair while Steph did your makeup, you questioned why they're dolling you up but you shrug knowing it's typical for girls to do this once in a while.
Once your finish, Stephanie sent a text to Jason with a thumbs up who replied back that he's ready. You four made your way to the backyard.
"What's going on?" You asked giggling.
"Alfred demanded Bruce to do a family picnic in the backyard, so we are now on our way there" Barbara lies.
The curtains on the main floor are shut, covering what's really going on, but you didn't question it. You reach towards the doornob, not noticing Steph bringing out her phone to record as Barbara did the same.
You open the door as the music starts playing;
Well, I guess the third time's not a charm Nursing a three times broken heart And down the rabbit hole again
Your eyes widen as you see the boys including Bruce and Alfred standing on each side of Jason as he smiles when he spots you.
I put myself in another world Where I can be any other girl 'Cause I don't really wanna face it
Cass places her hand on your back as she gave you a soft smile, she whispers. "Go on"
Your heart flutters as you began your journey to your boyfriend, you notice the white-pink petals on the floor, your favorite colored flower that you told Jason on your first date.
'Cause, if it isn't real You can pretend all you want It's all you'll ever need "That's not healthy, " they said "To live in your head" But it hurts a lot less to me
You covered your face when realizing the song that was playing, the song you became obsessed with once it came out. You love this song. And everyday, it reminded you how much you love Jason.
The man of your dreams.
I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be I spend all of my time imagining What it would be like if they existed My parents tell me I should look for one in real life But I get let down by both the bad boys and the nice guys I'm tired of giving more than I receive So I'll just stick to the boys Who don't know me
To you, Jason was the fantasy boy you've always wanted, the one who loved you with all your heart. The one who made you smile, laugh and cared with all your being.
Oh, I hid his number, I almost called Like, maybe he's hurting after all I can't afford to be that naïve I'll just keep wishing it was me In that ending scene Where they're meeting up halfway And they're kissing in the rain It's a little bit cliché But I love it anyway
Memories of the two of you flashes before your eyes, the good and the bad, tears starts to pool in your eyes as you approached Jason. His hand out as you reached for him.
"Hi" You whispered.
'Cause it's better than when you're walking home And the rain starts pouring But you're all alone
"Hey baby" he whispers back as you both a bit further from the family.
I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be I spend all of my time imagining What it would be like if they existed My parents tell me I should look for one in real life But I get let down both the bad boys and the nice guys I'm tired of giving more than I receive So I'll just stick to the boys Who don't know me
You appraoched a lovely scene of fluffy pillows with your favorite drink and favorite snacks you love to eat while being in the lair.
You start to gasps as tears fell, Jason's hands cups your cheeks wiping the tears with his thumbs. "Hey baby, breathe"
"I'm sorry" You cried quietly.
"I love you" Jason begins, "5 years ago, our journey began when you kissed me in the halls of the Manor to calm me down and I knew, you are gonna be the person in my life who's able to do that"
I'd rather keep on dreaming of someone I'll never meet (Ohh-oh) than give love to another one who won't choose me
I'd rather keep on dreaming of someone I'll never meet (Ohh-oh) than give love to another one who won't choose me
"I can't..." Jason sniffs as his tears falls slowly, "I can't imagine my life without you. You are someone that I can't imagine living my life without and I have... I have to make you mine. Forever"
"Oh fuck" You cursed knowing what's coming next as you covered your face.
Jason chuckles at your reaction, "(Y/N) (L/N), you have been the love of my life, my girlfriend, my whole world..."
Getting down on one knee, Jason brings out the small red box opening it to see the ring that sits there.
"Will you marry me?"
I fall in love with boys I see on a TV screen The ones in books who are as perfect as they can be I spend all of my time imagining What it would be like If they existed My parents tell me I should look for one in real life (ohh-oh) And I've found my love that sits under the night skies (ohh-oh) I'm happy of giving more than I receive (oh-oh) So I'll just stick to the boy who do know me
You nodded frantically as you jumped into his arms shouting "YES!" the entire family cheers as Jason places the ring on your left finger and kisses you passionately.
And I've found my love that sits under the night skies (ohh-oh) I'm happy of giving more than I receive (oh-oh) So I'll just stick to the boy who do know me
You pull away as you felt three heavy weight on you, you grinned as you felt his brothers hugging you tightly as you squeal when seeing your family and friends running towards you.
"You did this?" You asked Jason with a wide smile.
"I bought your friends and parents here to see you get proposed" Jason smiles pecking your lips.
"You remembered" You whispers.
He nods, "Of course I did, how did you think I pulled this off?"
You gave him the brightest smile as you flash your ring towards your family and friends who greeted you.
Jason stood there with his family, congratulating him as he smiles watching you hugging the people you love. He pulled it off, the tiredness, the nervousness he felt finally went away when you said yes. Now, Jason knew, the next step is sealing the deal.
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heavenlytouches · 15 days
hey! I really love your work. I thought that maybe you could do Charles headcanons (SFW and NSFW), like you did with Logan.
Much love :]
Hello sweetie! Aww thank you so much for a great request and kind words (and feeding my James McAvoy obsession). I love and adore every single one of you ^^ El <3
Charles Xavier- SFW! alphabet
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GN reader
<3 (SFW)
Charles Xavier alphabet headcanons
YOUNG! Professor X
(Charles Xavier- NSFW alphabet)
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Charles Xavier
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a - affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection)
Tell me if I'm wrong but Charles seems like a really affectionate person
He's a definition of -physical touch-
Charles would hug you/hold you whenever he can- holding your hand or just keeping his hand on your thigh
Before his missions or before entering Cerebro he would make sure to GET his comfort hug
"Didn't you forget something, my love?"
b - best friend (what would they be like as a best friend?)
You and Charles know each other from the earliest days so ofc you are besties
He is a great person to be around with, he's fun, chill and loves hang outs
Charles protects you like a big brother (from boys, animals, mutants even yourself)
Just then when you notice how protective he is, you start to question your "friendship" status ;) "C'mere hon, who knows what they want." (YOU KNOW MR TELEPATH)
c - cuddles (would they like to cuddle? how do they cuddle?)
He adores them!!
Cuddles relax him, he's young but he's got soo much on his mind already
Charles would love to lie down on your chest, closing his angelic eyes and relaxing
When he would feel stressed or scared he would just come to you and press you to his heaving chest
"You are my escape, my miracle."
d = domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Charles would be CRAVING such life
I feel like he's really chill person on the inside, just wishing the best for you and others
Settling down in a quiet place far away from society sounds appealing to him, bonus points if you're coming with him
"Love, I was thinking.. there's one nice place in Scotland-"
e = ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He would not do it, not sorry
I feel like Charles would be more emotional in general out of all X-men dudes
Charles would come to you and try to calm himself down, failimg miserably, tears streaming down his freckled cheeks
Whatever the reason is, he would try his hardest to fix it
"I-please... I can't.. we'll figure it out together, right??"
f = fiance(e) (how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?)
Charles loves this idea but it would be hard to focus on commitment in a world full of chaos
I think he would want to get married but ofc when everything feels right and you don't have to be afraid no more
Sneaky dude would use his powers to see and buy the exact ring you want
"I know I can -see- your anwer but please.. say it out loud, love."
g = gentle (how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Say whaever you want but he's an angel, I don't want to hear anything else
He would be so gentle to you, apologising after anything, running to you
Charles would always be your person, he would understand you or at least would try, he would never give up on you
He would be also gentle when it comes to physical affection, peppering you with kisses and gentle caressing
"You know I'm always here for you, right?"
h = hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?)
His hugs are warm and calming, he would wrap you in his arms, playing with your hair
Man loves hugs, what can I say
Charles would just open his arms waiting for your warm embrace, absent-mindedly drawing small shapes on your back
I feel like he would also sniff your cologne/hair because it calms him down (not in a creepy way TwT)
"You smell so good dear, oh my~"
i = i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?)
Charles would wait for a few dates until saying the L-word
When the two of you would be sitting under the starry sky on a warm summer night- you could notice him from the corner of your eye, looking beautiful as ever with his fingers pressed to his temple
Once he would know your toughts and honest feelings he would compose himself and just confess
When you'd return his feelings, the feeling mutual- Charles would jump to press you in his warm embrace, his ocean eyes glowing happily
"God, how much I love you."
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?)
Charles would be jealous but a -normal- amount
If he saw you talking to Logan or Magneto- he's fine, he knows they just like your company and they don't want anything else from you
Of course if there was somebody flirting with you he would appear out of nowhere, pulling you to him and kissing you so that the person gets the hint
His power move would be controlling their mind from afar, making them do something stupid and embarassing to make you laugh
"You...you will pour that beer all over yourself..do it."
k = kisses (what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)
Charles would love your kisses, giving in anywhere and eveywhere no matter who's around
His kisses would be gentle and soft, moving with rythm
He would love kissing your lips and gently caressing your cheeks or pulling you closer by your waist
I feel like he's okay with any type of a kiss, he is your man and you can kiss him wherever you want- lips, forehead, neck, abdomen- you name it
"A-aww love.. That tickles-"
l = little ones (how are they around children?)
Something tells me that he wouldn't be a fan of this idea
Poor man is obsessed with protecting others and it already gives him many problems so he would instantly think he would be a terrible dad
Charles would be scared, the world is a strange and awful place to bring kids into
If you explained it to him, if you want kids and you explained him how much you really want them maybe, just maybe he will give in
"I'm sorry I... I don't want them to get hurt here.."
m = morning (how are mornings spent with them?)
It IS mentioned he doesn't need sleep so-
He would be already -awake-, looking at you with his beautiful blue eyes, his freckles glowing in faint morning light
Charles would wrap you in his arms the second you wake up, nuzzling his nose in your hair, enjoying the comfort of his fav person
"Good mornin' dearest. Slept well?"
n = night (how are nights spent with them?)
Charles would like to talk to you until you fall asleep
He would be happy it's finally only you two, enjoying in long-craved privacy
Settled in his arms, his thumb caressing your shoulder- you would get the best good nights' sleep
I feel like he would tell you various stories and adventures just to help you sleep
"Shhh hon, just focus on sleeping, okay?"
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
His mind is an open book (no pun intended) and he can read your mind at all times- he would share everything with you because he feels like that's the only fair way
Charles is one of those people who would notify you about everything, even him going to the bathroom
On a deeper level, he would love your connection and he would love to be able to share everything with you
You would be the anchor in stormy seas of his mind
"You are a great listener love, thank you."
p = patience (how easily angered are they?)
Charles is the most patient person you know
If you think he was patient around Eric, surprise, he's 10x better with you
He would explain everything to you, show you, even draw you pictures if needed
He usually just goes in your head and tells you very important things so nobody could inerrupt you two and his explaining ("explaining")
"This one is really important...ready? I absolutely adore you."
q = quizzes (how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Charles is master at remebering things about you
You are his main priority (and saving the world, your hero) and ofc he knows EVERYTHING about you
I think he even knows you better than you know yourself
Anyways, if he forgets something important by chance- he can always go in your head, take a deep dive and magically "remember" it a second after
"Yes darling, of course I remember your dog's birthday. How could I forget?"
r = remember (what is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
This one is adorable, it's deffo how he confessed to you
It was a warm night, stars were dancing in his eyes and you could feel a strange tension between you two, he seemed nervous
Charles sat next to you on a soft grassy path, looking at you with such loving gaze, his temple propped up on his hand
You felt a rush of electricity in your body and moments after, Charles moved closed, his rosy lips inches away from you
"I know how you feel,,, but please tell me. I want to hear you."
s = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)
He is naturally really protective person
Charles would keep you safe like he's holding a drop of water on his palm
He may come off as emotional and soft but when your safety is in question he's ready to destroy everything and everyone who hurts you
Just a slight touch to his temple, his eyes glowing with rage and he could make absolute chaos
t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Charles is an old romantic
Walks in the park, stargazing, cinema and kisses, romantic dinners, dances, romantic vacations- he's all that and a bag of chips
He loves you and he's not ashamed to show it, let the whole wide world know
"Darling, I was thinking..wanna go to dance with me?"
u = ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?)
I feel like he wouldn't allow you to go on his missions with him
Not even close
He knows you love him and he really DOES need you by his side but he doesn't want you to get hurt
Human or mutant, you're staying at home
Charles wouldn't make it out alive if something happens to you
"Love, we talked about this... please just listen to me once."
v = vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
Charles is a beautiful man but he's always worried about his looks
If his hair sticks out at odd places, if his shirt matches his jacket, this and that
You would have to re-assure him that he's the most perfect man you've seen
Man's acting like he's not the prettiest dude on earth
"Are you sure? I think this one matches my eyes waay better-"
w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)
It's you and him, end of story
He would feel lost without you, his other half that fitts him so well
Charles would sometimes be so worried about you he'd be having nightmares and full-on night terrors
"Are you here?? Love?? I'm sorry just.. a bad dream, yes."
x = xtra (a random headcanon for them)
You can't tell me this man wouldn't use his powers against you
If you two were fighting he would sneakily take a peek in your mind
Thinking about chocolate? About cuddles? Even puppy or just a basic -I'm sorry"'s? He's on it!
"Something tells me you're craving chocolate so...I got you this"
y = yuck (what are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn't like cruel people
Mutant, human- if you're cruel to others, especially the ones who need your help, he's out
If you are this way and he really really really likes you, Charles might try to change you
"No, no, look. They are friends, you see?"
z = zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?)
His sleeping habit is: HE DOESN'T SLEEP
I saw somwhere that Professor X doesn't need sleep so, here you go
Charles is your bat, he's literally almost crawling on the ceiling when you are asleep, bored
Most of the time he would just cuddle you and keep you safe, your soft breathing relaxing him
"Good night dear, see you in the morning."
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Yaaaay James McAvoy!!
Hope you liked this drabble <3 I can create more multifandomcontent; remember, requests are always welcome!
I love you guys so much
El <3
(all images were made by: El via canva & paint)
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
How do you feel about the fact that angels and demons are non-sexual beings in Good omens?
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Anon #1: Well, this is a great question and I appreciate you sending it in for me to answer. Including the other Anons here since they are relevant.
I actually have a lot of feelings about angels and demons being non-sexual beings in Good Omens, which I will do my best to explain. I think the first thing I have to do is make sure I understand what you mean by non-sexual. I know Neil has said that angels and demons do not have genitalia "unless they make an effort," so by that measure, we can say angels and demons are genderless beings (agender or genderqueer perhaps as well, depending on the angel or demon). That, to me, is distinctive and not the same thing as non-sexual, which I consider to be beings who--by design or choice--do not engage in sexual intercourse.
The other thing we have to consider is the distinction between book!Good Omens and TV show!Good Omens. I have not finished reading the book, but it is my understanding that Neil (and Terry, of course) established the angels and demons as genderless in the original text. When the show was adapted for television, 30 years had passed since the novel was published, and so much had changed in that time, so a lot of things were updated to have Good Omens more align with the sensibilities of the modern era (one example is Neil talking about Crowley's aesthetic as an early '90s "Wall Street" type and how they had to figure out what the equivalent of that would be in the present day).
One thing that hasn't changed very much, however, is the portrayal of gay/queer people in the media. For much of those intervening 30 years, gay and queer people were shown as stereotypes--flamboyant, one-dimensional caricatures who existed as "sidekicks" (the "gay BFF") or object lessons for the straight characters (I would say this was especially the case in the late '80s and '90s with the AIDS crisis).
By this time, gay and queer people could exist on TV, but only if they were non-sexual/sexless. One example of this is Blanche's brother Clayton on The Golden Girls. After he comes out to Blanche, he brings home his fiance Doug in a subsequent episode, which has Blanche indignant. "I don't really mind Clayton being homosexual, I just don't like him dating men." Another example is Will & Grace, which aired in the late '90s. Will was a gay man who was one of the main characters, but while we constantly saw Grace falling into bed with random men and all sorts of escapades related to her sex life, we were never shown Will in any sort of similar situation. He could be gay, and he could be Grace's BFF, but he couldn't have a sex life of his own. It was this idea that gay people could exist in abstract terms, but not in the concrete reality of what it meant to be gay. Homophobia disguised as "acceptance."
So when I see/hear the word "non-sexual" in relation to gay and queer people, this is what comes to mind. What I also think of is that the absence of gay male sexuality (as for the majority of the show, Aziraphale and Crowley are male-presenting) is not the same thing as the presence of asexuality. I think it's been remarkably easy for Neil to take credit for that when it doesn't seem to have been his actual intention, and it also removes from him the responsibility of portraying that specific aspect of a non-heterosexual love story.
One thing I want to be very clear on is that I am in no way trying to put down anyone's head canon or what any reader or viewer may see in these characters, and I will never say that anyone's head canons are not valid. But when we are talking about the canon--in other words, what is actually on the screen--I feel like there is a tendency to overlook what Michael and David are actually doing with these characters.
In addition to what I mentioned above about gay characters on TV in the '80s and '90s, the other thing you absolutely could not do as a gay or queer person was fall in love. This is alluded to more in the example above from The Golden Girls, where Blanche is horrified that her brother wants to marry a man, until Sophia finally helps her understand:
Blanche: "Oh, look, I can accept the fact that he's gay, but why does he have to slip a ring on this guy's finger so the whole world will know?" Sophia: "Why did you marry George?" Blanche: "We loved each other. We wanted to make a lifetime commitment. Wanted everybody to know." Sophia: "That's what Doug and Clayton want, too. Everyone wants someone to grow old with. And shouldn't everyone have that chance?"
Here we are now, over 30 years later, and some people still don't want everyone to have that chance. Some people think two people of the same sex can't love each other the way a man and a woman do. Because queer love--and especially love between two men--is still looked at as "less than" and inferior to straight love.
This is the world Michael and David grew up in. This is the social and cultural climate they saw and navigated their own sexuality and identity in--'80s Britain, Margaret Thatcher, Section 28. Where being gay or queer wasn't just immoral, it was illegal. Your very existence alone was stigmatized, pathologized, and criminalized. And they are bringing that lived experience into the roles of Aziraphale and Crowley, albeit in different ways.
To me, Michael is playing Aziraphale as a repressed gay man. A man who--much like David--grew up in the faith and was made to believe that his natural feelings, attractions, and desires were wrong, shameful, and disgusting. We see this with Gabriel deriding Aziraphale for eating sushi and enjoying other Earthly pleasures, and it would be logical to think that it's taken a long time for Aziraphale to feel comfortable with the foods/drink/books he likes and the pleasure they bring him. Similarly, it's taken Aziraphale a millennia to find the one being who makes him feel comfortable with the desires he has. The being who is the exception to every rule Heaven ever laid out, who encourages Aziraphale to be himself in every respect. And that's Crowley.
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In this scene in the Bastille (which I know has been analyzed a thousand times and a thousand ways), when Aziraphale looks at Crowley like this, the desire rising up in him is more than obvious. The wide eyes, the heaving bosom, and of course the smoldering up-and-down glance all speak to this--he is, quite literally, checking Crowley out, without shame, possibly for the first time ever. Even though that desire is not outwardly expressed in GO season 1, it does not mean it doesn't exist--only that Aziraphale letting himself feel this (and Crowley being the one entity who allows him to feel this) is the first step in a very long journey away from that lifetime of repression.
In terms of Crowley, I feel that David is playing Crowley as a gay man who is afraid of commitment because he has been hurt in the past. There is a feeling of impermanence to Crowley--that, despite being a celestial, immortal entity, he doesn't like to hold onto things because deep down, he believes they will eventually be taken away. He knows who he is, but is all too aware of the consequences that come with it. So he does not get attached, because to him, attachment equals pain, and he believes nothing is worth that risk.
In the church scene in 1941 (which, again, so much has already been said), Crowley saves Aziraphale's books from the wreckage. It's been said by many that Crowley fell in love long before this (which I do think is true), but for me, I feel like this was where we saw that Crowley was truly "attached" to Aziraphale. He rescued Aziraphale from the Bastille, and he saved Aziraphale from the bombs of the Blitz, but in grabbing the books, Crowley isn't just saving Aziraphale's body--he's holding onto a piece of his soul. For the first time ever, Crowley has found something that isn't temporary, and after a millennia of cynicism, Aziraphale is the one entity who makes him feel fully and wholeheartedly ready to commit to something.
This is what I have seen and perceived in the portrayals of Aziraphale and Crowley that Michael and David have given us. I absolutely do 100% believe that asexual folks deserve representation--representation that is clear and specific, not just a side effect of Neil not wanting to show these characters expressing outward sexual desires--but I do not believe that is how Michael and David are playing the characters. It's not enough--or at least it shouldn't be--to have characters of marginalized backgrounds just standing in the room, or to say, "This one's gay," "This one's nonbinary," "This one's asexual." Including these identities in the fabric of the story means doing what Michael and David have done, which is showing these people or beings as three-dimensional, as fully realized characters who happen to have that identity, rather than as ticked boxes representing a certain identity on a checklist.
And to the Anons mentioning the Radio Times article (which seems like it came out a hundred years ago now)--Anon #4 particularly--I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me, but I could not disagree with you more.
First of all, I have no idea where in the world you got that Aziraphale and Crowley's romance was explicit in season 1, because it was absolutely anything but. Three days after they posted that, RT posted another article seemingly backtracking on everything they'd previously said (as if we'd all somehow pulled a Gabriel Jim and forgotten everything about the first article). The phrase "Could romance be on the cards after all?" is in the bloody headline of article #2, which to me says that RT is going to go in whichever direction the wind blows--to create engagement and generate clicks--but also that it is very clear what they meant by "conventional" in the first article. I do not get the feeling that Radio Times--a mainstream publication that seemingly publishes any story they can farm from social media--was thinking of ace or aro identities or relationships when writing that. Even a tiny little bit.
Even a queer-centric media outlet like Pride today published an article saying the first season of GO lacked LGBTQ+ representation. Obviously, I do not at all agree with this or with several other things mentioned in the article. But what I am challenging folks to do is think about what this is really saying. By the end of GO 1 season, everyone accepts and assumes that Madame Tracy and Shadwell are a couple. She makes eyes at him, they have dinner together, and no one questions them being a couple, even though they are not shown being physically affectionate. Aziraphale and Crowley do exactly the same things, but no one (speaking of the larger public, outside the hardcore fan base) assumes they are a couple.
Maybe what that means, then, is that "representation" that requires you to squint and turn your head in order to see it--like Aziraphale and Crowley holding hands on the bus--isn't really representation at all. And by Neil "not wanting to label" something, it seems to suggest that committing to a label or embracing that gayness is something he is not comfortable with--for any number of reasons--and is why we could have a meaningless love scene with a straight couple that does not have a real connection (Newt and Anathema), but couldn't have a meaningful love scene with a gay couple that does have a devastatingly profound and powerful connection.
So yes, those are my thoughts on the angels and demons in Good Omens being non-sexual, and what that means in a larger cultural/societal sense. I know that when GO season 2 comes out in a week, I could be proven completely wrong about everything I've just said, and I will have no problem with that at all. I fully trust what Michael and David will bring to the roles of Aziraphale and Crowley, but my hesitation stems from the limitations they will potentially be up against, in terms of the script/storyline (and is something I have felt from the interviews we've seen with them this past week).
I'm hopeful for the best, though (as always), so we'll just have to see what happens...
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