#and she isnt going to ever date me again. i need to realize that
angelicstalker · 1 year
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natspookie · 1 year
match made in uni
☆ teacher college au ; strict adviser!nat (science teacher) x coadviser cute!reader (english teacher)
— im sure school isnt the same for everyone butttt for me in each class we have a teacher assigned as our advisor!!! they also teach classes
— longass oneshot because i’ve been working on this for two months……
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soon, it was the beginning of a new school year at nyu. natasha, a science teacher known for her strictness, is finally getting her own advisory class.
natasha walks over to to her desk at the large, wine colored faculty and the new paper at the bulletin board catches her eye.
the list of co-advisors and advisors for this school year. natasha walks towards it and racks her eyes for her name and sees another beside it.
advisor - co advisor
Romanoff, Natasha - Y/l/n, Y/n
Barnes, Bucky - Rogers, Steve
Maximoff, Wanda - Barton, Clint
natasha furrows her eyebrows at the unfamiliar name next to hers.
“wanda, who is y/n y/l/n?” natasha turns around to the other redhead. if anyone were to know who and what, it would be wanda.
wanda was always the first to get on campus, natasha second.
“oh! she’s the new english teacher. very sweet young woman, maria accepted that job in harvard, remember?” she says with a sweet smile.
“you know this how?” natasha takes her seat in front of her desk, beside wanda’s “i bumped into her as she was given a tour, you’ll love her as your co- advisor!” natasha gave a hum.
she didn’t meet you till 2 weeks before the school year started. a faculty meeting was held at the auditorium. natasha walked in, expecting to be second, but was now third. she saw wanda and a y/h/c talking.
“nat!” wanda waved her over as the y/h/c turned her head to see natasha approaching “natasha, this is y/n! y/n, natasha”
“y/n” you smiled, extending your hand for a handshake “romanoff” she shook your hand once and dropped it “oh- of course, y/l/n then” you laughed as she nodded, taking the seat beside wanda.
natasha wouldn’t lie, you were attractive. she just didn’t know you enough. the meeting soon started, briefing what would happen when the students came. the list of advisors and co-advisors came up, making each person familiar with who they were working with.
after that, natasha soon realized your desk was beside hers at the faculty. you didn’t have much but some flowers at the side and sticky notes up.
natasha didn’t see much of you till the week of school starting itself. “wanda, do you happen do have y/l/n’s phone number?” “why don’t you ask her yourself, flirty” wanda giggled
“not in that way, genius. we need to prep our classroom” “sureeee… here ya go” wanda gave a post it as natasha grumbled, taking it.
Natasha Romanoff
Y/l/n, if you’re free please meet me
at our assigned room tomorrow. Thanks.
— N.R
Y/n Y/l/n
Sure! Around what time? :)
Natasha Romanoff
11AM Sharp.
Y/n Y/l/n
Got it! See you there!
“nat why are you being so dry to this poor woman” wanda looked over natasha’s desk as she hid her phone to her chest. “snoopy” “dry texter” “Well she’s my co-advisor! I’ve never had one and I like to handle things on my own”
“A, you’ve never even been an advisor, you need help. B, she’s kind, don’t break her. C, she’s pretty, maybe date her” wanda winked again “oh fuck you” natasha rolled her eyes “romanoff! we’re in school” “oh come on, I hear you swearing at little maximoff all day”
11am the next day came and each advisor and co had to decorate their own classroom. natasha and you decided to just make it as simple as possible. you two were decorating with quiet music playing from a vinyl player.
“sorry if ever i’m being rude or dry, i don’t trust people easily” natasha said, breaking the comfortable silence as she hung up decorations over the board.
“i don’t blame you, you did just meet me last week” you let out a chuckle as natasha climbed down the short ladder “natasha” she extended her hand “y/n” you shook it “I think this is good enough” natasha looks around the decorated classroom, satisfied.
“mhm… hey, wanna grab lunch? i know a great place around here” you suggested “why not”
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you and natasha walked over to a café after lunch for come coffee “order?” she asked you as you took a seat “iced caramel macchiato please” she nodded and ordered for you both
natasha told you about her many stories as a teacher. “yeah this one time some kid threw a fit and ripped all the pages from their book” natasha said with a low laugh “oh lord” you shook your head with a smile
“what about you? is this your first teaching job?” natasha tilted her head “sort of? i was a student teacher for 2 years before i graduated this year”
“oh, so you’re like fresh out of college?” “yup, i kind of retook a year in grade school though so i was like a year or two older than my batch mates. they graduated 22 and 23 and me, 24” i shrugged sipping on my coffee. “that’s nice”
“what about you?” “my age? i’m 36.” your eyes widened at that “look, i know i’m old but at least don’t make it obvious” natasha laughed lowly “no! no i just- you don’t look it at all, i honestly thought you were in your 20s” you chuckled “well thank you, i’m flattered” natasha smiled
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the morning of your first day, natasha handed you an iced caramel macchiato and you blushed as she remembered your order. “nervous?” she smiled, taking her seat beside you.
natasha wore a black betau top with cream wide leg trousers. you wore a lace flare top with flare pants.
“sort of, i have 3 classes today. they’ll probably hate me” you groan and take a long sip of the coffee “unlikely, you’re very likable. you may even take wanda’s place as nicest teacher. but if they ever disrespect you or any of that, i will personally have a chat with them”
“i really appreciate you, natasha” she nodded and stood up, extending her hand “time to have our first advisory class” she winked and you chuckled, shaking your head.
“good morning class, i’m ms romanoff, your advisor this school year. and beside me is your co-advisor, ms y/l/n. i’ve been teaching at nyu for 5 years and this is my first advisory class. i will also be your science teacher.” natasha said with a straight face as she turned to look at you before looking back at the students
“hi! good morning, i’m ms y/l/n, your co- advisor and english teacher this school year! it’s my first year teaching and i look forward to getting to know everyone” you smiled
natasha briefed everyone on general instructions and the schedule. english as first period today and science as last.
“that’s it, be good everyone, thank you” natasha stopped her presentation and all the students went off to chattering. you opened your laptop, opening your slides when natasha whispered behind you. “good luck, you’ll do great” she winked and you thanked her before you heard the door shut.
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if’s been a month of teaching with natasha. you were cleaning up your things as your finished your class when natasha walked in, her class being the one after yours.
she made small talk to you while setting up her own things. she made you laugh when a student suddenly asked. “ms y/l/n! you’re a lesbian, correct?” your eyes widened at the topic
“excuse me, i don’t think it’s appropriate to ask a teacher that.” natasha shut them up as you both left the classroom, sharing a laugh
you had slipped out the fact you had a girlfriend in college to natasha on one of your café hangouts so she probably got the hint.
"what got them to ask that question" natasha chuckled "well the boys keep asking me out and i keep declining them. but don't they get they are students?!" “oh trust me, it gets better. i’ve had my fair share of questions and-” natasha halted her words when she got the hint some students were whispering as the both of you passed by the halls.
“what are they whispering about?” “i’m actually not sure as well” you said “well i’ll see you after class” you waved to natasha, making your way to the classroom.
“ms y/l/n, i don’t mean to invade your privacy or anything but- are you and ms romanof dating? everyone has been talking about it and- i- i just didn’t want to assume” a student came up to you and you choked on your spit
“i- um- no! and i’m sure ms romanoff wouldn’t fancy the idea of students talking about her love life.” you shook it off with a smile, thoughts racing through your head. no way natasha would go for you.
“students are saying we’re dating?!?”
"hey, you've been staring intently at that paper for awhile, you alright?" natasha tapped your shoulder, standing beside you.
"this interpretation is so..." "so.." "read it for yourself" you lifted the paper up to natasha "pick a line from any shakespeare poem and interpret it... the answer was..”
'my chosen poem is 'o never say that i was false of heart' and my line is 'as from soul, which in thy breast doth lie', i think it means shakespeare approves of lesbians’"
"you can laugh" you said as natasha let out a loud laugh, covering her mouth. you looked up and you saw natasha smile widely before looking into your eyes.
time went by too slowly when natasha cleared her throat and handed you back the paper. “it’s funny” she stated, sitting back in her seat. the silence was now awkward.
of course she wouldn’t go for you. “yeah” you whispered and stood up. natasha watched you as her words died in her throat.
the next few weeks were you avoiding natasha as much as you could, and her doing nothing to fix it.
you had a particularly rough week with taking an extra class since wanda was down with the cold. you happened to have a love for history as well.
the papers to grade were twice as much now. you rubbed your forehead in frustration as you were the only one on school campus.
“y/n?” you turned around to see natasha by the door “yeah” you murmured before turning back to the papers. “it’s 1 am what are you doing?!” she walked over to your desk and saw the amount of papers scattered.
“go home” she stated “not done” you whispered, leaning on the palm of your hand “you can continue tomorrow, dekta” natasha let the nickname slip but was thankful you were too out of it to notice
natasha started filing the papers for you as you rested your head against the desk. “i can take homeroom alone so you don’t have to get in till 10am, ‘kay?” she helped you stand up as you murmured a yes.
“you won’t fall asleep driving?” she asked and you shook your head. “safe travels” she watched as you drove off.
the next morning students frowned at the loss of their favorite teacher in homeroom. “alright, we finished a few minutes early so… any questions?” natasha asked and received many raised hands
“yes, diana?” “where’s ms y/n?” natasha softened at the mention, not going unnoticed by the students “she- she’s taking a rest but will be here for your 3rd period”
“is her girlfriend taking care of her?” a student piqued. natasha stiffened “whatever ms y/l/n and her partner do is not relevant.” natasha looked at her watch and grabbed her stuff “have a good first period everyone.”
natasha couldn’t help but feel a weight on her chest by the thought of you having a partner that isn’t her.
unbeknownst to her, the students were ready in their cupid skills.
“i’m telling you, diana! she frowned and got all cold again by the mention of ms y/n having a girlfriend!” the student argued. “what if we sent fake flowers to her desk and ms romanoff got more jealous!” “that’s so childish!” “well- i am a teen?” the students bickered but quickly got quiet when their next subject teacher came.
the next day natasha’s mood got worse upon seeing roses on your table, with a note. you came a few minutes after hers.
“morning ms romanoff” natasha tried to hold her tounge at the downgrade from natasha to ms romanoff.
“morning y/n, you know you can call me natasha, right?” you nodded but smiled at the flowers on your desk
“girlfriend?” she asked and you laughed “no” you opened up the card to see a horrible pickup line that made you laugh.
“people ask me what blush i use, i just show them a photo of you and i’m all roses” you read out loud to natasha.
“corny” she snickered “yeah? you can do better than that, romanoff?” natasha spun her chair to face you “as a matter of fact, yes.” “try me” you smirked “oh you’ll see.”
since then, every morning you would get to your desk with a pickup line from natasha which were undeniably good.
it’s been four months of teaching when you left quite frantically that piqued natasha’s interest,
“what’s the rush?” she chuckled “gotta date” you shoved your stuff into your bag “bye wanda, steve, bruce, tasha!” you left before a reply
“hope she gets laid” wanda muttered, earning a slap from natasha “what! i’m being supportive!” natasha grumbled in response
the next day, natasha was surprised to see you and wanda earlier than usual. “morning nat!” wanda greeted and you forced a smile to her as well “what’s wrong?” “she stood me up… i got a lot of work done last night though” you leaned back in your seat
“i’m sorry y/n/n” natasha set her stuff down and handed you the daily pickup line. she smiled when you laughed. “how do you never fail to come up with a bad one?!? this is like number sixty!” “one of my many talents” natasha winked.
“imma get coffee, be right back” you left and wanda immediately said “ask her out.” “what?” natasha looked at wanda “come onnnnnn! it’s been 4 months” “should i really?” natasha asked quietly and wanda shrieked a yes. a small smile was forming on natasha’s face at the idea.
the next day natasha came even earlier than wanda and set roses on your desk.
natasha fiddled with her pen when you walked in “morning wands, morning tasha” you sat on your desk and smiled at the roses. wanda quietly snuck out the door. “are these from you?” you smirked, jokingly at natasha. “yes, and this is for you, natasha said seriously and handed you a post it. in specific, a sticky note that asks you out. this one finally has her name signed on the bottom.
“i- of course” you smiled at natasha “great! i- um- i’ll pick you up tonight at your place” “alright” you smiled widely “i have a thing- i’ll be back” she nodded as you left.
you kept all post its from natasha and she was in awe when she saw them in the box.
the students all went crazy when they saw you both kissing online.
wanda was a bridesmaid at the wedding.
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
so after Digital Circus came out, I've been having extreme Pomni brainrot, with her joining the horde of comfort characters for me. I'll like to request B, C, D, G, I, K, L, O, Q, R, T, V, W, X and Z. I'm so, so sorry this is a ton, if you wish you can do half of these requests. also sorry if I'm late by any chance
Fluff alphabet with Pomni! (1)
cracks my knuckles dont feel bad for asking for so many letters! if i didnt want people requesting so many for one character i would have put a cap on it!! i admit im not sure how long im going to do the fluff alphabet, i guess for however long people send in requests for it
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BONDING- you guys bond by trying to find the exit/j but also not entirely a /j since now that i think about it i can definitely see it. otherwise a lot of your bonding comes from you showing pomni around outside the tend, since she still hasn't had the chance to explore the rest of the grounds
CUDDLING- small spoon simply because she is very small and needs someone to ground her to reality. very soft and squishy, its like holding a squishmallow
DATES- if this were the real world i can see pomni being a coffee shop person, but since it isnt... hmm.. i think dates mostly stick to spending time together in one of yall's rooms
GIFT GIVING- pomni does not give me vibes that they give you large things for gifts regardless of availability... they seem to be more of a handy small trinket person, "hey i saw this and thought of you and figured it might be of use to you" type of deal
IN HOUSE ADVENTURE- since pomni is still new to the endless possibilities of whatever it is caine cooks up for you guys, she gravitates towards you, out of trust and comfort mostly! you guys are kind of 50/50 in terms of if you guys actually function well as a team and solve whatever you need to do to reach the end goal caine has in mind
KISS- she cups your face, i think.. i can see it, very shy about it too, she will immediately pull away all bashfully. mouth kisses are her default, both giving and receiving
LOVE LANGUAGE- quality time and words of affirmation make pomni feel loved! its also how she shows her love, as well! especially the quality time, but as well as acts of service!
ODDITY- obviously this is likely going to be an issue for a while since shes new, but she is a bit. off given her trying to get used to being in the digital world. but just give her time and youre golden! though, i dont think pomni is ever going to fully accept being in the digital world
QUIET TIME- down time between you two is usually spent with the two of you sitting together in one of the common areas or your rooms. each doing your own activity while existing in the same space, fairly comfortable silence.. you two dont do everything together, and thats a-okay
ROSES- i think pomni would, tying into the "hey i thought of you" thing! pomni would not be opposed to being given flowers, pomni looks like a buttercup enjoyer
TUNES- first song that popped into my mind, no explanation.. maybe i miss beach bunny..
VALENTINE- in the real world she would treat you to a night in, with a few movies as well as your favorite snacks. probably gives you some flowers again.. in the digital world, the options are more limited... perhaps you two check out the carnival by the tent? the games there arent rigged.... probably...
WANT- they want someone who will actually listen to what shes trying to say and achieve, to be taken seriously. sure, a lot of the time in the pilot pomni is freaking out because shes coming to the realization that shes trapped, but i until we get more there isnt much i can say for her.. for now..
ZZZ- very sound sleeper, actually! tosses and turns every now and then but nothing too excessive, add that in with the cuddling segment and you guys would be pretty well rested after a night together, if you needed sleep in the digital world
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mangooes · 1 year
With you i feel at home. -----------------------------------------------
It has been a few days after the express crew and (name) split up in admist of the xianzhou chaos. Everything was hectic, for (name). As the healer of the Astral Express, she wasn't there to help her friends for the fight as the xianzhou needed assistant in the medical field as many soldiers that got hit by mara struck was being taken care of. "This feels like forever.." (name) kept thinking about how her friends are doing... 'where are they anyways? and how have they been doing? are they safe?' thoughts after thoughts kept coming through her head as her minds drifts off to her boyfriend, dan heng, when she first set foot to xianzhou she remembered on how dan heng refused to come with them due to his past. (name) despite dating the said boy for almost a few months, knew that her boyfriend might needed privacy and she was totally okay with it, afterall it takes time to open up past wounds. Her anxious look was seen by the vidyadhara healer that asked for her assistance. "Hey you okay there? you seem really worried." Bailu asked with a hint of curiousity. "Yeah im okay, im just worried about my friends.." (name) replied. Bailu tilts her head.. "Ah yeah about that i was about to take you to Scalegorge Waterscape, your friends are there safe and sound, so you dont have to worry about anything!" (name)'s eye widden in shock and relief, "please take me there now!" Bailu nods, "come on follow me!" As they both set off towards scalegorge waterscape.
"Here we are, ill go check on the soldiers, you can catch up with them." Bailu said, "Thank you so much!" (name) as she rans towards the center of the place. 'Please be okay.. please be okay...!!' "(Name)!!!!Here!!" As the voice of March rings through the ear. "March! You guys!!" (name) shouts as she ran towards her friends and hugs them. "I- im so glad you are all okay, i was scared and worried something might have happend.." (name) said in between breaths as she realized someone missing from the group hug.. 'wat where is dan heng?..' (name) thought as she looked towards a man with draconic features who resembles dan heng so much as her eyes widden. "Dan Heng.... is that you?" (name) said as she reaches to touch his cheeks. The said man just stayed silent, avoiding eye contact.. "You must have hated me now that ive been hiding things from you, im sorry.." He said with whispers as his eyes widden with the warmth that he feels as he looks down to see the beloved hugging him as if her life depends on it. "I dont care about anything, im just glad i can see you again." (name) said as tears ran down her cheeks. Dan Heng return the hug with his long scaled tail wrapping around her hips tightly as if afraid of letting go as he kisses her cheeks with a smile, "I love you.. ill promise ill make it up to you." (name) looks up to the teal colored eyes looking at her with affection and warmth as she said, " And I love you most, because with you I feel at home." The bystanders could only watch and stayed silent while smiling as to not disturb the moment.
My first ever time writing in this platform and to start off with a Dan Heng scenario! I fear that i will never move on from the 1.2 cut scenes! Also sorry for misspelling cuz english isnt my first language! <3
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iamnotoriginalphil · 2 years
hi i love your writing so much!! would you maybe write larissa x autistic normie reader where larissa tries to flirt with the reader many times but the reader isnt great with understanding social cues and thinks her crush on larissa is unrequited and that larissa is just friendly? and larissa gets a bit insecure thinking shes being rejected but realizes that she should maybe just be more direct with her intentions? thank you so much in advance if you do decide to write this <3
It's definitely clueless, I'm not sure how much it reads as autistic, but I hope that's still acceptable.
“You look wonderful today.”
You looked up, not expecting to be approached while you had your morning coffee. Larissa, the most beautiful woman you’d ever seen, was sliding into the chair across from you, her own cup of coffee in her gloved hands. You smiled, reminding yourself not to say anything to make her uncomfortable.
Which mostly meant not letting her know about your crush.
“Thank you,” you said.
You took another sip from your coffee, stopping yourself from telling her she looked wonderful every day. Because she did. That was just fact. Only then she might know you had a crush on her and you weren’t willing to ruin your friendship with her. She was always so friendly with you.
“You know, when the sunlight comes through the window like that, you seem radiant,” she said.
No other friend gave you as many compliments as her. It’s possible that might be something that was more common at Nevermore. Being a normie, you’d never been invited up to the school. Larissa was the only outcast you really knew. It might just be an outcast thing when being friends.
“Truly lovely,” she said.
“Oh,” you said, “thanks.”
She looked at you over the rim of her coffee cup and all you could think was she was the lovely one. Her red lips were turning up in a small smile and her blue eyes were like the colour of the ocean on a clear day. You had to wonder if that would be a weird thing to say.
Instead you just sat in silence.
You never knew how to navigate these conversations with her. She was always so nice to you, friendly in her compliments, and you didn’t know how to do that without slipping into showing your feelings. Because you knew she couldn’t feel the same way that you did. She was so amazing and you were just you. You were so ordinary. And sometimes awkward.
She was never awkward.
You finished your cup of coffee, placing it down on the table. You took a moment to look at Larissa, finding her already watching you. You averted your eyes again, pushing your chair out and standing.
“Have a good day,” you said.
She caught your hand as you moved past her. You paused, looking dow, finding your heart fluttering at the physical contact. She was looking up at you, her eyes wide and lips downturned. You knew that look couldn’t mean anything good.
“Darling, I’m just going to ask it, because I need a straight answer, and while I think you’re going to say no because you’ve made your disinterest in me pretty clear, I would like to hear it said so I can know to stop,” she said.
“Um, okay,” you said, not sure what she was talking about.
“Would you like to go on a date with me?” she asked you.
You had not seen that coming.
“I would like to take you on a date,” she said, “it’s okay if you don’t want that.”
“I do want that,” you replied, “I thought you didn’t like me like that.”
“Why would you think that?” She sounded so confused, “I’ve been flirting with you for weeks.”
“I thought you were just being friendly,” you said.
“You thought…” She blinked, “I told you that you have very kissable lips.”
“I thought maybe at Nevermore that was… a normal compliment for a friend,” you said.
“No I just wanted to see if you’d be interested in going on a date with me,” she said.
“Of course I am, but why didn’t you just ask?” You shook your head.
“I was testing the waters in case you said no,” she replied.
“Why would I say no?” Her line of thinking made no sense, “you’re you.”
“But you might not like me,” she said.
“Who doesn’t like you?”
“Plenty of people.”
“That can’t be true.”
She shook her head, a slow smile spreading over her face. That was better. You knew her smiles only ever meant good things. Especially when they were directed at you.
“So you’d like to go on a date with me?” she asked.
“Very much so,” you replied.
“Wonderful” she said, giving your hand a squeeze, “I’ll call you to sort out the details. Do you like surprises?”
“Not really.”
“No surprises then.”
Her smile was radiant in your memory as you walked away, waiting for her call.
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petrigrof-doomed-yuri · 2 months
i hate petrigrof.
just kidding. i do not. kinda.
note: this post makes petrigrof seem toxic. its not toxic. its just very doomed.
this is part one of my talking about the things i hate about petrigrof! because theres a lot. its. its insane.
i hate fionna and cake the series. just kidding again, but i hated the they way handled them. it felt so.. incomplete. which the series isnt over yeah, but simon basically was like “yay! im happy again!” at the end so im gonna pretend all the relationship building is over.
this also isnt the only time im talking about the fionna and cake series with this, because thats where we get most of our content from. but yeah anyways eyebrjdbsmd
i hate how simon was made out to be the bad guy and like betty did no wrong. which, did simon do something wrong? yeah he did. he didn’t consider how much betty gave up to fulfill his dream and stuff etc etc.. but betty is a grown woman. shes her own person.
this like also kinda harmful stereotype of women wanting to do what the man wants but i digresssssss 😁😁
but anyways, betty is her own person. simon never asked her to do any of it. like, yeah i agree simon is really stupid for no realizing it. yeah i think simon shouldve known better, but then again.. this isnt anyway his fault.
the fact though, is he never asked for her opinion on things. THATS the problem. but that wasn’t really ever talked about, so its kinda just.. bbbbllllleaaaaggghhggghh…
another thing about betty is that she should definitely be hold accountable. but also, to be fair, she thought “wow simon is my idol and is soooooo cool” and then started dating him. like babe i love you but why would u do that… there was such a horrible power balance because she read his books before and she thought of him as something higher because of that. so of course she subconsciously gave up all of her dreams for him. which sucks but i feel like she needed to learn how to stand her ground.
i am NOT blaming her though. at all.
she just was OBSESSED over simon to the point she wasnt her own person. which sucks, but she needed to learn to let go and move on.
dont get me wrong though.. i love these two so much!
i think definitely with a longer relationship (they were only together for about 5 years or under and didn’t even get married) so they were early-ish in their relationship so they didnt work out any of the kinks. and thats what sucks about them! they didnt have enough time to you know, have a relationship.
i think these two with enough time couldve been something great and its so sad they couldn’t get the life they deserve:( i love them sm
(i didnt cover all of my points here, so later down the road i may rewrite this LOL)
(also i didnt re read this so uh. sorry for the mistakes!)
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letitiaslabyrinth · 1 year
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warnings: feels. like a lot of them. talks about mental and emotional abuse. Shuri goes o f f. angst, angst ending in fluff, y'all get a happy ending this time dw pairing: Shuriri word count: 2.5k A/N: LISTENNNNNNNNN I know I'm late with this alright? I knowww but I'm here now so 😭 also my bad for dipping for like a week? maybe more than that but I'm gonna be honest this fic was kicking my ass cause I was going through a lot while tryna write. needless to say there's so much projecting in this it's c r a z y. anyways even tho this took me so long, im still not satisfied with the ending but i digress since i need sumn to give yall ignore any and all mistakes cause this isnt proof read.
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It had been a month since Riri told Shuri she wasn't going to forgive her and it had been the worst month of both of their lives.
Shuri had basically overwhelmed herself with her work in the lab. She never left—she practically slept there most nights. 
It's not that Shuri had things to fix with the suits, hell, she didn't even bother looking at them because they reminded her of Riri, but she needed something to keep her hands and mind busy so she just worked on small projects.
People started to notice, obviously, but nobody said anything. It’s not that they didn’t want to, it’s the fact that they knew Shuri wouldn’t listen. She was in her own world right now—her own safe space and anybody who tried to break her out of it in any way would be yelled at. 
Okoye walks into the lab, rushing to Shuri’s side as she almost falls over. “kumkanikazi wam kufuneka uphumle," (My queen you must rest) she says, helping Shuri sit down.
“I’m fine, Okoye.” Shuri brushes her off and tries to stand, only to nearly collapse for a second time. Okoye sits her down again.
“You have buried yourself in your technology for the past month, Shuri. You are hurting your body.”
Shuri sits there for a second. Her head drops, making her sit up straight. “Alright, maybe, I should take a nap-”
“In your own bed,” Okoye interrupts.
“Yes, in my own bed, Okoye.” Shuri rolls her eyes in fake annoyance before leaving to go to her room.
Once she’s there, she takes a shower first. The water feels so nice against her skin that she doesn't wanna get out. 
Over an hour later, Shuri stepped out of the shower. She wrapped her towel around her body and made her way to her bedroom. She dried herself off and put on a pair of clothes then sat on her bed. It was quiet. She didn’t know how to feel with no foreign noise or voice in the background. Shuri shakes her head and puts her phone on her bedside table. That’s when she sees it. In the crevasse between the bed and the night stand was a photo. Shuri picked it up. It was a picture of her and Imani. It was their first date. Shuri can feel tears starting to form and puts the picture down. She closes her eyes and wraps her arms around her chest, slightly rocking side to side. She hasn't taken any time for herself since her breakup with Imani and now that she was, it… actually, Shuri didn’t know how she felt. At least, not exactly. Yes, she was hurt. Yes, she was upset, but what else? Imani had put Shuri through so much mental and emotional manipulation that even when they broke up Shuri didn’t realize it. Shuri doesn’t know if she should feel relieved now that she knows or not. In all honesty, realizing that she was basically nothing more than a plaything for Imani to control, realizing all the sleepless night and petty arguments would only ever end in Shuri apologizing whether she was in the wrong or not, realizing that her and Imani did have something real before things went south, it hurt.
Over the five years that they’ve known each other, they’ve broken up and gotten back together again a number of times. Shuri knew she shouldn’t have given in to Imani when she told Shuri that she had changed but Shuri missed her. I mean, could you blame her? Imani wasn’t the only person in their relationship and she wasn’t the only one who made the mistakes.
This breakup was different, though. It was final. Shuri and Imani had had an actual conversation, over text, about their relationship. Of course, Shuri had been the one who reached out first but when Imani told her she was tired of going back and forth, that was it. She left her alone.
Memories of how they were before they made anything official ran through Shuri’s mind. The midnight calls that would end up with Shuri falling asleep first because of how safe she felt with Imani. The constant texting and inside jokes they had with each other that no one else understood. The sound of her voice, her sweet, pretty smile that she always flashed at the camera, the future plans they had made with each other. Shuri had felt like she had met her true love, her first love. Ironic, huh? That the first person she ever dated would be the same person she would be with five, ten, twenty years later. Shuri had opened up to Imani about so many things. Things she would deny if somebody had asked her about it. Yes, Imani was Shuri’s first girlfriend but she made Shuri feel like they would never leave each other. Like they would stay together forever.
Shuri’s phone buzzes, the sound freeing her from her own mind. She lets herself go and wipes the tears she didn’t even realize had fallen. 
Ima ❤️
Shuri dropped her phone. She got up, pacing around her room. So many questions started falling into her head all at once. She couldn’t think. She could hear her heartbeat in her-
Incoming call from Ima red heart
Shuri gasps, “Fuck!” 
Tears swelled her eyes. Why was Imani reaching out now? Just when Shuri was trying to start her healing process. Shuri sunk to the floor, head in her lap, hands over her head. She let her ringtone play out but even when it stopped she didn’t make any efforts to move.
She ended up sleeping there
Shuri hears Okoye’s voice when she starts waking up. Okoye’s shaking her and checking her vitals with her kimoyo beads.
“Okoye, I’m fine,” Shuri groans. Her side hurts from the way she slept but she barely even remembers sleeping.
“My queen, you have a visitor downstairs in the common area,” Okoye says.
Shuri prayed to Bast that it was Riri instead of Imani. "Tell them I'll be down in a second."
Okoye nods once before leaving.
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"Imani?" Shuri says, causing her to turn around. She looks… different. A good different. But Shuri won't let herself fall for that trick again. "Why're you here?"
"I came to apologize." Her voice is different, too. It sounds more mature than Shuri remembered. "I was tryna reach out to you last night so that we could actually schedule a day that you weren't busy so I could come by but you didn't answer so I figured an apology in person would be better."
Shuri keeps her guard up while Imani talks, her arms folded over chest. "I don't forgive you."
Imani stays quiet for a few seconds. "What? Shuri, I said I was sorry."
"Yeah, and I do not forgive you. You put me through hell, Imani, and I know you didn't seriously come here thinking that those two words would make you forgive you for everything. And, to be honest, I would tell you how fucked up in the head I am because of you, but knowing you, you'd probably use it against me in the future, if we even talk. So, why don't you just save both of our time and tell me why you're really here."
"Fine." Imani takes a deep breath. "I wanna try this again. I know I hurt you, and I am sorry, Shuri, I was going through a lot at the time we were dating and I projected my emotions onto you, which I shouldn't have. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I can't live without you."
"Then don't," Shuri shrugs.
"Live without me."
Imani smiles. "I knew you'd understand -”
"Oh, no no," Shuri cuts her off, shaking her head. "I'm not saying we can get back together, Ima, I'm telling you to kill yourself. You know, since you can't live without me, just don't bother living at all."
"Shuri, what the fuck? What's wrong with you?"
"What's wrong with me is that my ex-girlfriend who mentally and emotionally abused me for years came into my house uninvited, gave a half-ass apology where she tried to turn herself into the victim, and then had the balls to ask me to get back together. That's what's wrong with me. You've ruined so many friendships I had and now thanks to you, I can't get them back. You knew I had never dated a girl before and you took advantage of that." Shuri raises her finger as Imani was about to say something. "And before you say it, no, we cannot just move on like we've done in the past. I deserve someone better than you. Someone who doesn't treat me like shit and doesn't ruin relationships I have with people just because they're insecure about themselves. So, do us both a favor and get the hell up outta my house. And if you can't find the exit on your own, Okoye and the other Dora will gladly help you." Just as the words left her mouth, Okoye and a few other Dora Milaje soldiers came from the shadows, spooking Imani.
"This isn't over, Shuri," Imani says while she's being rushed out. "You'll come running back!-”
"Oh, for bast's sake," Okoye says, rolling her eyes and pushing Imani out the house. "Make sure she leaves the city," she tells two of the Dora. "I do not want to see her here or anywhere in Wakanda again."
"Yes, General," They say in unison, escorting Imani off of Shuri's property.
Okoye turns around and sees that Shuri's sitting down on the couch. "Shuri, are you alright?"
Shuri nods. "Uh huh."
Okoye sits next to her. "You're crying," she says softly.
Shuri doesn't make any effort to wipe her tears or even hear what Okoye's saying. She's too busy replaying the "conversation" her and Imani just had. She hadn't expected to go off like that. She knew she was angry but she didn't realize she was that angry. Her words, her voice, her tone. 
"Can you give me a moment alone?" Shuri asks Okoye and Okoye nods once and rubs Shuri's shoulder before leaving the house.
Shuri sat on the couch until the sun went down. She didn't realize she had been staring into space for so long until she felt her eyes getting heavy. She gets up slowly and drags herself to her bed, falling into it once she's close enough. She holds her legs against her chest and continues staring into space.
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Riri paces herself in her head. Stop acting like a pussy and just knock, she says in her head. She takes a deep breath and knocks on the door. It opens slowly.
"Riri?" Shuri opens the door completely. "What're you doing here?" Shuri looks…like hell. Her voice came off so quiet Riri had barely heard her. There's bags under her eyes and they're red and puffy. She's been crying.
Riri rubs her hand on the back of her neck, "I wanted to talk to you."
"I thought you didn't want anything to do with me," Shuri mumbles. Her tone isn't harsh or anything, it's soft again. Despite Shuri's words, she opens the door fully, stepping out the way to let Riri inside.
Riri walks in slowly and sits down on the couch, Shuri sitting next to her.
"I know what I said to you the last time we saw each other was harsh, Shuri," Riri says after a few minutes of silence. "And I wanna apologize for it."
Shuri tilts her head, "Ri, you don't have to apologize for-" 
Riri shakes her head. "No, I do. I'm assuming you and Imani broke up before you came to see me and instead of understanding where you were coming from, I brushed you off. You didn't deserve that and I know it's no excuse but the only reason I did is because I like you. That's why it hurts me so much when you cut me off."
Shuri pauses. I like you. Like. Not liked. Like. 
"You… you like me?" Shuri says slowly. "Like, present tense, Ri? Like, like like?"
"Yes, like like, Shuri," Riri says smiling.
"Even though I hurt you?"
Riri shrugs. "Everybody makes mistakes. Don't worry about it."
Shuri stays quiet for a few seconds. "So, what now? Are you…my girlfriend?"
Riri turns her full body towards Shuri, looking her in her eyes. "Can I be your girlfriend, Shuri?"
"Yes." Shuri's answer is immediate but she means it. She likes Riri. She's always liked Riri. Riri was easy to talk to, Shuri always found herself at Riri's apartment whenever she and Imani ended up fighting.
"Should we watch a movie?" Riri asks.
Shuri nods. "You can pick, I'ma go freshen up a little bit and get some blankets."
It's been four months since Shuri and Riri have started dating. 
Shuri's happier now, way happier. Her mental health since she and Riri have gotten together has slowly improved. It's taken some time but when Shuri finally opened up to Riri about what she went through while dating Imani, Riri almost booked a flight to LA just to find her. Shuri had to beg her not to because she knew how that would end and she didn't need her new girlfriend ending up in jail because of her ex.
"Mama, can you come here for a minute please?"
Shuri pauses the TV and walks over to Riri, who's in the kitchen. "Yes?"
"I want you to try something for me." Riri puts a plate of food in front of Shuri as she sits down on the bar stool next to the counter. Shuri's confused at first, she doesn't know what the dish is, but before she can ask the question, Riri speaks up, "It's ground beef and rice. You told me you'd never actually had it before so I decided to make it for you."
Shuri smiles at the fact that Riri remembers. She takes a small bite at first then a bigger one. "This is good, Ri," she says with her mouth slightly full. "Like, really fucking good." Riri covers her hand over her mouth to hide her smile but Shuri can still see it from the way her cheeks go up.
Shuri finishes her plate in a matter of seconds. Riri had been making meals for Shuri ever since she found out she had barely been eating and despite eating being difficult, Shuri finished her food every. single. time. 
"You like it?" Riri says, still smiling, "Like, you really like it?"
"Yes, Ri. It's so good." While Shuri goes to put her plate in the sink, she kisses Riri on her forehead. "You should definitely open that restaurant you've been talking about."
Riri chuckles and sits on the counter. "I want to, but to open a restaurant, first, I need money. Then, I need a vacant lot, and then I need employees and-"
"Baby, I have money. I have people and friends who can work for you."
Riri shakes her head, "No, no, I wanna make it there on my own, and I'd love your help but I don't want the foundation of my restaurant to be you cause then I'm gonna feel like I owe you for the rest of my life."
"I get it, Ri. I want to help you, I do, but since you wanna make it on your own, I'll let you and when you do make it on your own, I will be there with you."
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riribabymomma · 2 years
Paper Airplanes
A/n:This is just the beginning of it
“Ri i cant keep doing this with you anymore it isnt healthy”You looked at her as tears started to form in your eyes 
Argument after argument, fight after fight you were tired, Maybe it was a mistake falling in love with your best friend knowing she was a player and didnt do relationships 
“y/n please I promise you I will change i just need time” As much as it hurt for you to let her go you had to in order for you to properly heal you’ve been through so much being with riri the constant cheating,lying,sneaking around
Soon you had to come to your breaking point you knew exactly what you were getting yourself into when dating ri she was a definite player but you loved her ever since yall were in high school 
She walked to you wrapping her arms around your waist and placing her head on your chest “Please dont leave me ma please” You sighed wrapping your arms around her shoulders holding back your tears wanting to be strong you knew how riri got into her player phase 
You tried to break her out of it but soon realized you cant help anyone who doesn't wanna be helped she cried in your arms begging you to stay with her she did this every time you tired to leave her but not this time you pulled yourself back kissing her forehead
“Ri I love you so much, but you have hurt me time and time again and I cant take it anymore until you figure out what you want i cant be with you”
You softly smile at her and lift her head up kissing her one last time before grabbing your bag and heading out the dorm
You and her were high school sweethearts everyone loved y’all but they never knew what went on inside your relationship
Riri was never physical with you and she never hit you even tho she would get super angry when y’all argue
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bridgyrose · 1 year
Bowsette (remake) by the Chalkeaters, but it's Pyrrha, Jaune, and Weiss
Pyrrha frowned and rolled her eyes as she watched Jaune try once more to ask Weiss out, jealousy starting to rise up in her. Of course she knew Weiss would never agree to a date, but part of her still felt that there was something about her that kept pushing Jaune away. All she wanted was for him to talk to her the same way he did to Weiss, to see her the same way instead of just a teammate. Afterall, he was one of the few people who never put her on a pedestal and seemed to treat her like a person instead of some untouchable trophy. 
“I can help you with him.” 
Pyrrha nearly jumped and turned around to find Cinder behind her. “I’ll be fine on my own.”
“Will you though?” Cinder asked as she walked around Pyrrha. “Havent you ever wondered why he’s fascinated with Weiss? Why he’d rather pursue someone who will never have him instead of the person right in front of him who wants him more than anything?” 
“I dont want him more than anything.” Pyrrha sighed and looked back at Jaune as Weiss rejected him again. “I… just want to make him happy in a way that I know Weiss could never.”
“Then he just needs a little push.” 
“And what exactly do you mean by that?” 
Cinder grinned and pushed a small vial into Pyrrha’s hand. “Make him drink this and let him know that you’ll be there for him. Once you do, he’ll finally understand you.” 
Pyrrha looked over the vial, gently shaking the clear liquid inside. It looked like it was nothing more than water and popping the cork off didnt give an odor. She slowly put the cork back in and hesitantly tried to hand it back to Cinder. “And if I dont want to do it this way?” 
“Then do you really think you can win his heart? Its not hard to tell that you are smitten by him, and it doesnt take much to realize that he’s been silently rejecting you the entire time you’ve been trying to get him to notice you. This will give you the push you both need in order to ensure that he no longer looks at Weiss and is only for you.” 
“And this wont change him?” 
“Depends on what you define as change.” 
Pyrrha nodded as Cinder started to walk away, her fingers gripping around the vial. Of course she didnt want to use it, but if it did end up helping Jaune get over Weiss, then that wouldnt be much of an issue. She sighed and started to make her way over to Jaune, slipping the vial into her pocket. “I see she rejected you again.” 
“I dont know what I’m doing wrong,” Jaune said as he stood back up. “I’ve been doing everything my dad told me to do, giving her compliments and trying to win her heart, but… I dont know, maybe I’m not trying hard enough.” 
“Or you’re going after the wrong person.” 
“That couldnt be it. Not that I’m not saying I’m wrong, I know she’s the one for me.” 
“And if she isnt?” Pyrrha sighed and gripped the vial in her pocket, slowly slipping the cork off. “She’s busy looking for someone else while someone else has been by your side this whole time. Shouldnt you be looking a bit closer?” 
Jaune thought for a moment. “Ren has Nora even if they arent exactly together together, so I dont want to mess things up with them-” 
Pyrrha quickly pulled Jaune and pressed him up against a wall and slipped the liquid from the vial down his throat. “I’m talking about me. I’ve been here by your side the entire time, Jaune. You know Weiss wont see you the same way I do, so why bother going after her? I’m right here.” 
Jaune coughed for a moment, more startled than anything as the liquid started to take effect. “You’re… you’re right. I… I guess I have been neglecting to notice you here. But you’re Pyrrha Nikos and Weiss… Weiss is right. I’m a nobody that has no chance with you.” 
Pyrrha felt her heart snap for a moment as she closed her eyes to keep herself calm. “You were the first person I met who didnt know who I was. That, to me, matters more than anything else. You dont treat me like others do as some… unattainable goal. You treat me like a person, like a teammate. Please quit going after Weiss.” She slowly opened her eyes and smiled at him. “No matter what she says, I’ll be here for you. Videogames and all. If you’ll have me.” 
“I… thanks Pyrrha.” 
Pyrrha paused for a moment as she watched his eyes flash black for a moment before going back to the blue she recognized. “We should get back to the dorm and rest. Its been a long day for classes and I cant image you want to do much after that rejection.” 
“A little rest. I can go for that.” 
Pyrrha smiled at him, her own eyes flashing black before going back to their normal emerald green. She couldnt place it, but it felt as if a weight had left her chest as she held Jaune close, feeling protective of him. All she had to do was protect her prince no matter who came for him.
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possessionisamyth · 2 years
things i need to unpack
-the gender thing
I remember bringing up the possibility of talking T to a sister in university to which she immediately dissauded me saying i didn't need it and shouldn't do that, no idea what her intentions were or if she was trying to be supportive but i guilted that idea out of me by doing research and convincing myself its not worth the effort, i still dont know if i think its worth the effort or not, but i do need to sort through this
i also remember discovering the term androgynous and running with it only for a group of well meaning friends to further prod me on the definition as if that weren't enough (this was during the time where a bunch of lgbt terms were being brought back into the normal language while others where being created) so I don't blame them but it did kinda make me hate labels if mentioning one meant id be asked to constantly elaborate
-the sexuality thing
I floated between a lot of labels as i was learning them, the first one being bisexual since in highschool there was only gay straight or bi, and a lot of queer online discussion changed between me graduating high school and me leaving university
did latch onto the term "demisexual" when it dropped because it felt like me, but was questioned again when trying to explain it and was told "isnt that just what everyone does?" didn't take this response as maybe they were on the same wavelength and proceeded to have the most uncomfortable and irritated relationship with the concept of asexuality ever since, resorted to sorting myself into simply having a low sex drive and maybe not having met the right person yet, didn't help that the people i was dating or interested in at the time were all some level of shitty or uncommunicative sometimes with the bonus of expectations on me I couldn't meet
realizing now that ive guilted myself out of the idea and it just mixed in with my weird and fluctuating relationship with my body making me feel justified for being a dick
-other thoughts
Also realizing now my people pleasing habits, desire to not be a burden on anyone, and letting my own feelings be ignored or bottled up for the sake of other people's comforts did just as much hindrance for my personal journey as learning all the new information helped said journey
i lashed out at people i shouldn't have, over stepped boundaries i didn't comprehend, and came off all wrong when i was learning to set my own boundaries and trying to hate myself less, there were a lot of pivots trying to curb that self hatred, some better than others, others that resulted in me having to navigate around these coping methods i no longer need and no longer help me
I think i do have a lot of unspoken anxiety about whether im allowed to be angry or sad or upset about myself and my relationships because there have been many times where i try to voice those feelings and I'm told I shouldn't respond that way, and ive unfortunately done the same to others, and i think i do need to let myself sit in my bad moods so i can actually process them instead of trying to constantly shove it to the back of my mind and pretend it isnt there
and i can recognize ive said things that have hurt people or made them upset because of all of this shit ive listed and i cant go back and fix most of it because my running into those people are very slim and thats just the nature of life
But, i think to really sort of heal I'll need to start saying whats for me and that what i say is enough
So I think i am demisexual and androgynous nonbinary and I think if i ever want to start taking T that'll be my decision and no one elses and i still have to unpack the baggage and the guilt but i can keep moving forward, and if those labels change than thats good too and it wont be because someone else made me feel bad directly or by accident for making a decision
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dethbug · 2 years
OHMYGOSH FOR THE VALENTINES SELF SHIP ASK AND FOR LOFFMAN OFC!,!.!: the ship of all time 😌😌 the ship to ever ever ever
Darling, hugs, love letters, and smitten!!! >:3
HEY YOU. i love you. i would do doodles for this but my energy is looooowwww rn so youll just have to go by my descriptions for rn but i will doodle it later hehe :)
~ darling ; what outfits would you both wear on a date? feel free to show pics!
dates in hoffman's mind are "going to a fancy restaurant" or "going to a fancy dance" OR SOMETHING like he always approached dates as ... "they need to be extravagant/big" -- overtime ive shown him that anything can be considered a date......essentially ive shown him the joys of a nice night in,, with fort making and shitty baking ^_^ SO THAT BEING SAID it really just depends what we end up doing for a date night!!!!
when we get all dressed up for something fancy, he is always sure to match with me (i.e. a burgundy tie to match with my burgundy dress) -- it was a trend that started from our first fancy date and it was completely unexpected,, and seeing how much it made me melt,, he never stopped... it definitely stayed an unspoken thing
"...I like that tie." "I like your dress." (cue the knowing smiles + intense eye contact)
for a simpler night in, we just stay in our pajamas :) i am one to wear one of his shirts + shorts or sweats ,, and hes just a sweats guy. yeah he rocks no shirt , his honkers are out for the world to see. sorry abt that
~ hugs ; are you and f/o affectionate / open about your relationship in public?
yeah. we're annoying as fuck im SORRY. im just the type to always be holding on his arm, or his hand --- and hes the type to always have a hand on the small of my back, or an arm across my shoulders, etc etc
he isnt afraid to kiss in public - THAT CAN MAKE ME RLLY EMBARRASSED AND FLUSTERED THO so its him that initiates the face hold + gentle peck just to see me get all red (he chooses his timing w that tho - he is a trickster. a fool if you will.)
~ love letters ; are they good at expressing how they feel? what’s their best way of letting you know they love you?
it took hoffman some time to express any sort of emotion around me. ever since everything that happened with his sister, and ... how he coped with his grief :( ... he learned how to keep his emotions locked away and buried deep, deep down. hence why us falling in love/getting together at all is such a slow burn - bc he tries to bottle all his emotions away AND we start out ...strongly disliking one another (YA LOFFMAN IS ENEMIES TO LOVERS LMAOOOOO he fell first tho. i can talk abt the timeline of this for hours . i will spare yall for now but pls shoot me an ask if ur curious @ anyone who may be reading this)
but over time ... once he finally is in touch with that side of himself again... him expressing his love is very quiet. he speaks more-so through physical touch + acts of service/gift giving,, as hes never been good with words. but ,, he loves taking care of me. whether thats when im sick, or im overwhelmed, or he just simply wants to because he wants to. (he also loves holding me any chance he gets.....hes a very soft person at heart, not that hed want anyone to truly know that tho hehehh)
~ smitten ; was it easy for the people around you and f/o to figure out you liked each other? did they get involved in you getting together at all?
I THINK THAT GREATLY DEPENDS ON WHO IT IS. i think amanda knew first because ... partially its bc shes my twin and knows me as well as she knows herself , and could see through WHAT I THOUGHT WAS my "hatred" for him (that comes with its own drama tho tbh) -- but on the other side of the coin, i dont think kramer/lawrence were quick to realize it at all
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dr4cking · 3 years
hiyaaaa can I request a draco that hates everyone except y/n of course he’s so overprotective over her and so soft!?
The Only Exception.
draco malfoy x reader | fluff | anon requested.
a/n : hii this is my first time ever writing a fluff because i was only good at writing dirty things lol but i tried so i hope this meets your expectations and thank you for requesting! <3
“get out of my sight, potter” draco shouted pointing at his best sworn enemy, harry potter himself. he walked past him not even glancing at him but bumped his shoulder on purpose making harry lose a little balance.
“oh get lost, malfoy!” harry clapped back after regaining his balance, hermione and ron already holding him by his shoulder preventing him from punching the blonded guy.
“what did you just say?! serpenso-“
“draco lucius malfoy!” draco throw his wand away as soon as he heard the familiar voice shouting at him from behind, his favorite voice.
“oh- hello y/n! h-how are you?” draco turns around to meet his lovely girl, his voice shaking nervously as he looks into her eyes but quickly laughed it off, harry potter scoffed at the scene in front of him before motioning his friends to follow him.
“dont think i didnt see what you were gonna do, draco. thats not a good idea, you know?” y/n pick up his wand from the floor and clinging onto his arm dragging him to their house.
“i know i know, im sorry y/n but he’s just so annoying and i cant stand him!” draco whines dramatically making y/n rolled her eyes at his usual obsession.
“i think you’re obsessed with him, draco. why dont you date him already, hmm?” y/n jokingly said, poking his cheek to tease him even more making draco scrunched his face in disgust.
“y/n please dont make me run to the bathroom and throw all of the food from my stomach into the toilet” y/n was laughing hard at his dramatic words holding her stomach, it secretly brings a smile and a blush onto his face but he quickly hides it.
as they making their way to their house, draco didnt stop rambling about potter and making fun of him giving the girl no chance to stop her laughter.
the next day comes and draco was sitting peacefully in the great hall with y/n sitting beside him, that was until blaise zabini, his best friend took a seat in front of them.
“hey mate, i was looking for this, can i have one?” blaise said as he snatches the chocolate frog from him and shoves it into his mouth, he hummed at the taste making draco gets angrier.
“piss off, zabini!” draco yelled out loud getting annoyed, his action enough to make all the slytherins turning at him. y/n beside him only can shake her head in embarrassment.
“draco be nice, look around,” y/n whispers to him, her fingers stroking his arms softly to calm him down.
“but it was my favorite y/n and this idiot just ate it!” draco protested at his best friend in anger who only give him a sly grin, y/n rolled her eyes and drag him out of the great hall, again.
“you can always have mine, draco. dont be so dramatic” y/n took out her chocolate frog from her pocket and open it feeding draco the chocolate who gladly eats it with a happy smile back on his face. she chuckles at his cuteness.
y/n walked downstairs with her best friend, pansy parkinson, she was looking for her man but he was nowhere to be seen.
“pans, you can go first to the class, i’m gonna look for draco before he’s gonna be late, i’ll meet you there” pansy nodded and leave but not before giving her best friend a kiss on the cheek making both of them giggles.
y/n look around to find a certain blonde, she hadn’t seen draco since the last class, she continues looking around to find him and thats where she found him, with the first year in front of him, she already knew where is this going.
“you better finish this by the end of the day, if not you know the consequences.” draco whispered to the first year giving him his homework, he threatened him while pulling out a few galleons to him, the little boy was shaking in fear and only nodded at his order.
what draco doesnt realize is y/n already stood behind him, tapping her foot and crossing her arms, draco froze at the tapping sounds knowing immediately who it was, he gulped before turning around.
“really draco? threatening the first year to doing your homework?” y/n turns around to leave him, disappointed with his way.
“wait- y/n im sorry, please!” draco grabbed her wrist, pleading at her not to leave him, she was still pouted at him.
“apologize to this little boy over here and take back your offer, draco.” draco wanted to open his mouth in protest but quickly shutting it when he sees the seriousness in her face, he turns to the boy who was still looking at them in confusion.
“alright, im sorry little guy, my bad i guess?” y/n shot draco a disapproving look making him mutter a real genuine apology to the first year.
“okay, now give your galleons to him draco”
“but he didn-“
“draco you made this poor little guy traumatized” he sighed and placing his galleons on the boy’s hand making him smile at both of them.
“i’m sorry about him, okay? i promise i’ll make sure he wont get anywhere near you again” y/n smile at the first year and he nodded returning the smile and thanking her before he left.
y/n turned back to draco who is already frowning looking away from her, she chuckles and grabbed his jaw with her hand, pecking his lips trying to get his happy side back.
“dont do that again draco, in all seriousness.” draco could only nod at her.
“besides that, we could always have a reason to have study dates, right?” y/n winked at draco making him gives a cheeky smirk to her.
it was a nice day for draco, no potter no weaselbee, basically anyone hasnt step in on his way, yet. he was walking with a happy vibe through the corridor to find his favorite girl, excited to wrap the girl in his arms.
then he found her, her familiar hair color seems to be stand out in the middle of the crowd. but the only problem is, she isnt alone. what in the wizarding world is cormac mclaggen doing right now?!
draco hurriedly makes his way to the pair with jealousy bubbling up inside him and when he already stood behind cormac he pulls him hard by his collar causing him to fell to the ground making y/n screamed instantly at this but draco quickly get beside her and hug her by her waist.
“draco! why did you do that?! oh my god cormac, are you okay?” y/n asked the mclaggen boy worriedly, taking her hand out to help him up, he shots draco a death glare.
“oh please y/n he’s totally fine, he's just weak and dramatic to get your attention” y/n shakes her head at draco in disagreement, scolding him for his previous behavior.
“draco, are you mental? i was just asking y/n about this homework, c’mon man you seriously need to relax” cormac was totally annoyed by draco, anger radiates off of him.
“yeah i will relax once you disappear from our way, now shoo shoo” y/n cant help but stifled a laugh at draco, she gives cormac an apologetic smile and motioning him to leave.
“no need to be like that draco” draco’s hand never leave her waist as they made their way to draco’s prefect room.
“he was getting too comfortable with you” y/n disagrees and reassuring him that it wasnt his intention.
“you look so hot when you’re jealous draco” y/n chuckles putting her arm on his back returning the gesture, a blush tinted onto his cheeks.
“yeah? how about i show you what’s hot in my room, hm?” y/n smacks his head with her other hand, cant control her laughter anymore.
“y/n?” draco called out interrupting y/n who was reading him a book.
“i love you so much, thank you for putting up with me” a smile plastered at y/n’s face from ear to ear, her heart melting at his words, she put the book on the nightstand and turns back to draco cupping his cheeks in her hands, capturing his lips on her kissing him softly showing him her love that she cant even described, draco kissed her right back with the same passion, smiling into the kiss.
“you’re a prat, but you’re my prat.” and with that, draco knew he was falling so deep for her and he has no plan to stop it.
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technowoah · 3 years
could you pls do a karl jacobs x reader with 9 & 11 from the fluff prompt list? fem or gn pronouns are fine!! <3
Crush Culture
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karl jacobs x reader blurb!
Thanks for the request!! I hope you like it 💓
9) "Dumb ass I love you" "That was aggressive-"
32) "Oh shit you're Jealous?!"
(They changed the number from 11 to 32 btw)
⚠︎ swearing, jealousy, angst, fluff at the end, not that much dialouge, unrequited love, I didn't proofread..sorry
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Karl was such a sweet and caring soul. He would do anything for anyone, but sometimes that got in the way of your plans.
You and Karl lived in the same area, well you both found out you two lived in the same after planning to do a streamer meetup to show both of your fans. He had thought you lived further away, so when you both showed up at the selected place at the same time you both realized you live in the same state.
Ever since then you two hung out more and more, fans thought you two were dating because of how many times you showed up on Karl's streams instead of your own. You both debunked the idea multiple times but fans still insisted that you two were lying, jokingly saying that you were replacing Sapnap.
After a months of hanging out, having sleepovers, listening to his laugh, looking into his eyes, you started to slowly fall for the man. Especially with all the time he's willingly spending with you. He invited you to shoots with the Mr. Beast crew and after that you both went to Taco Bell, and that became a regular thing for you two.
The falling point for you is when Karl started to get touchy. He started hugging you from behind at random times, draping his arm over your shoulder, jokingly tries to kiss you during streams. At some point in the day Karl had to have a hand on you shoulder or at least two hugs. It made you want those hugs more often, and it slightly bothered you that he gave those out to anyone.
It was selfish of you to think like this, but isnt that human nature? It was a new thing for you to want to be with someone this much. It felt like you had to go all out to get Karl to notice you wanted to be with him. You started reciprocating his hugs and small touches, started making plans more often, sending little hearts after text messages. You could've told him your feelings toward him, but that wasnt your forté. At least right now.
Karl didn't notice the change in your attitude. Maybe he thought that his actions were rubbing off on you. You were so close to straight up saying "I love you" to him at this point. Looking back, you thought that your advances werent good enough, so right now you didnt try that much. You really wanted to be with Karl, but it seemer like it wasn't the time right now.
When you made up your mind that you wouldn't confess, Karl seemed to find someone. Her name to you was "candle girl", she was a girl who worked at a candle store that Karl had a crush on. He talked about her with a smile, the smile that you loved. He told you how she looked, and how sweet she was and how he went out of his comfort zone to talk to her.
Karl talked about her so highly you seemed like a second thought to him. He talked about her on stream while you were there too and you had to act like you were happy for him when in reality, when you wanted Karl to talk about you with the same gleam in his eyes like he talked about "candle girl".
It was one particular stream where you finally blew a fuse.
"Okay so me and y/n are going to head out. This stream was fun! Thank you all for joining." Karl exclaimed.
The chat went fast as Karl tried to pick out comments. You were swaying back in forth in your chair just wanting to get to Taco Bell before they closed. The stream ran longer than usual and the only thing you two ate where popcorn and Monsters.
"Where are you going? We're going to Taco Bell as always." You answered the question that someone commented.
"It's a tradition we have!" Karl added on.
"Y/N is replacing Sapnap? Yes I am hopefully." You said jokingly, knowing that would get clipped.
There was a pause, Karl was about to end his live until a question came up about if he has a crush on someone. You knew the rant about the candle girl was coming soon so you braced for the heartache you were inevitably about to face.
"My crush? There's this girl that works at like a Bath and Body Works you know? And I really like her. I actually got het number!" Karl turned to you when he said that last part.
"You did?" You asked stunned.
He laughed like he was surprised at himself.
"Yeah! Aren't you proud? Im a man now!" Karl joked around.
You mumbled an incoherent sentence, clearly not wanting to hear what he had to say about the girl. It was selfish of you to be jealous that he wasnt talking about you that way. Karl finally ended the stream and closed everything on his computer before the two of you headed out to his car.
You sat in the passenger side and he climbed into the drivers seat. He turned the car in and you both sat in the car not talking only with the radio playing softly in the background. It was a comfortable silence, but you wanted to say something, anything, but it wasnt coming out of your mouth. Seemingly the universe was for you because the text message on Karl's phone finally made you speak up.
"Oh!" Karl exclaimed as he opened his phone.
"Whos the text from?" You asked.
Karl laughed, "How'd you know?"
"Im a genius aren't I?" You smiled.
"Yeah you are. Its the girl! She texted me." Karl said while typing on his phone, clearly focused.
He kept doing so while smiling at the textx sent back and forth. It was uncomfortable for you while Karl and the girl texted quickly.
"I was actually anxious if she was gonna text me back or not. She's actually a fast typer-"
"Can we just go to Taco Bell." You interrupted Karl.
"What's wrong?" Karl put his phone down, but the notifications were still glowing in his screen in the dark car.
"I dont know. Just drive."
"No Y/N tell me."
"Karl I'm hungry lets go, please?"
"Not until you look at me and tell me whats the matter!" Karl pressed on.
"I said it's-
"Okay! Dumb ass I like you!" You shouted finally fed up with his pressure.
"That was aggressive-" Karl laughed after that.
You shouldn't have said that. His eyes widened at your sudden, agressive, confessions. It was embarrassing. You were about to get out of the car, your eyes kept staring at your lap or anywhere else, but Karl's way. Karl placed a hand on your shoulder while his phone was still blowing up from text messages.
Karl suddenly gasped and started laughing.
"Oh shit, You're Jealous?!"
You immediately looked towards him with confusion in your eyes. "Yeah I am! You're talking about this girl you like, you have this glow in your eyes when you talk about her, and I know it's selfish, but I want that."
Karl leaned over the armrest and kissed you on the cheek while you stared out of the front windshield.
"There's no need to be jealous!" Karl said as you both stared at eachother.
"I like you Karl. If you haven't figured it out yet." You laughed slightly.
"I like you too." Karl smiled wide and you matched his smile.
"Wait!" You started again. "What about the other girl?"
"Oh yeah about her." Karl started to laugh. "Its just a small crush. The real crush I have is you. I get so giddy when we spend time together and when I get a small text from you. Everything."
You both were leaning against the arm rest, Karl leaned his head on your shoulder as your hand rested in his hair. It was an akward position, but that didn't matter right now. Taco Bell could wait
"Maybe I was trying to make you jealous." Karl spoke up.
"No!" Karl laughed. "I'm not that smart."
"Well everything worked out in our favor." You spoke up.
"Yeah. I love you, but you knew that already." Karl sat up and gave you a smile.
"I love you too Karl Jacobs."
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noritoshiikamo · 4 years
worth my time
pairing: noritoshi kamo + fem!oc genre: porn (is fingering enough to call it porn??) without plot ish??? tags//warning: established relationship // slight smut???, fingering, emotional drained reader, reader dated character but then forced into arranged marriage and doubt the whole rs note: unedited, lowercase intended, just me and my nori brainrot dont mind the plotholes and everythingn, its not accurate according to the manga/anime like i just wanna feed myself and i haven't write in ages pls sent some ideas so i can get my lazy brain going, english isnt my first language im sorry if i murder it  directory: read the first part | second part | third part | bonus
“how long have you known?”
noritoshi shrugged, bringing the cup of tea to his lips. the way he took time to answer her question drove her mad. “noritoshi, how long?” her voice strained. “would it make any difference if i’d known today or 10 years ago?”
her eyes shot wide opened, “10 fucking years?”
a small smile appeared on his lips as he lowered the cup, “hypothetically.” she grabbed one of the pillows from the pile on the bed and threw it to his face, embedded with what little left of her jujutsu power. they have been going on for hours and she was clearly too stubborn to let it go. it was clearly weak; he dodged it with a flick of his wrist switching the pillow’s trajectory. “you’re a fucking asshole,” she gritted through her teeth, falling on bed as wave of anger and sadness crashed through. “you think i wanted an arranged marriage? you think i like having every aspect of my life set since i was a child and scrutinized? i’m a bastard sitting on a throne. unlike you gojou clan, i had it much worst.”
she pulled her hair, fighting the tears that was already streaming down, “it’s not a competition. we are in the same school, i sat next to you for years and you’re telling me you have no idea that i’m your future wife, bullshit!” her eyes flickered as she threw the next close thing within her power’s vicinity; a vase. something hit the vase midway, breaking it into ashes and she watched as a drop of blood stained the floor. he broke it with his power. “you can throw every single thing in this room, y/n, but it doesn’t stop the fact that we are already married.” it was that one sentence that completely broke her. falling on her knees, she let a cry out, clutching on her chest as she cried to her heart’s content. this can’t be happening to me, no, no, no, her mind echoed as she forced herself to surrender to the fact that they are married. it’s not something easy to undo. it pained him to see her like this, but his wife needs to understand that he could do nothing about it. she cried for what seems to be like hours, the sleeves of her yukata wet from the tears and sweat. she fell on the floor to her knees, resting her body against the bed before finally looking up to meet her husband’s eyes. he could see defeat in her tired eyes. “we dated each other,” she sniffled, “was that real or was it just you scouting for your future wife?” her words sound like venom to him “i know you won’t believe me, but it was real. i would still marry you even if the marriage isn’t arranged.” noritoshi stood up, his barefoot echoed on the floor as he walked to his weakened wife. her body was hot, he suspected the skipping (refusing to eat) meals, raging and throwing tantrums after another had put her body in so much stress. he reached for the sash, trying to undo her yukata and she freaked out. grabbing his wrist, she shook her head, “what are you doing?” she asked shakily. “would you listen to me for once? you need a cold shower, you’re burning up, it would help.” she stopped fighting. his tone was a mixed of annoyance and tired. dating him made her realized that noritoshi has a high level of patience; but not right now. letting go of his wrist, she slipped the yukata off her shoulder herself, whined about how she disliked cold shower below her breath. he wore a small smile as he hoisted the naked girl up. it’s a small victory on noritoshi the husband, he’ll savor it for now. 
the girl kneeled on the floor of the shower as noritoshi slowly ran the shower head slowly up her body. her arms wrapped tightly against her chest; she cursed every time the cold water reached new part of her body. ignoring the fact that his yukata was getting wetter, he kneeled behind her and let her rest her back against his chest. with the shower gel, his body froze every time she whined at his touch. something about the way she whined under his touches made him weak. he wants to kiss her stupid face so badly. “it’s cold,” she mumbled, her eyes closed as he ran his palm against her stomach. he pressed a kiss on the side of her face, “better?” he asked as his hand travelled lower. her eyes widened. he continued his kisses, down her jawline and her neck, bruising every spot as his fingers traced a lazy circle on her clit. she moaned out a throaty yes. he continued to whisper sweet nothings into her ears, promises of how he would take care of her, how he’s going to be a perfect husband, how she would be a perfect wife, how they’ll live happily together. she nodded her head in delirium, the pleasure of his fingers had her grinding her back on his crotch and emptying her thoughts. she could barely think straight. “tell me you’re mine,” he commanded, slipping a finger inside, “i can take care of you, baby,” her eyes rolled back, his words were not helping, it was just pure gasoline thrown into a burning fire. “nori, i want to cum,” she muttered, clutching desperate on the now two fingers. she felt his warm breath on the crook where her shoulder meet her neck, his fangs brushing threateningly against the sensitive skin. “open your mouth,” he urged, she whined at the lost feeling of his lips on her neck. she felt something dripping between her lips, his thumb brushing the lower lip. it painted her lips red. it tasted metallic, almost like a blood. it was his. he watched in satisfaction as his blood marking appeared on her right eye. he can control her blood, heightened her senses, throwing her body’s sensitivity off the wall, driving her off the edge with every spot of her body he touches; it sends pleasure twice as much. it wasn’t long until her velvety wall spasmed around his fingers. her body jolted forward; her shaky hands pressed against the wet tile preventing her from falling face first as orgasm washes out. she could barely make any noises, her throat was so dry, she felt like it might bleed.   she won’t deny that the orgasm eased her pain, but she would deny if he dared brought it up; he would not get the pleasure of knowing she enjoyed that.
his palm brushed against her thigh, causing her to look up. he raised his eyebrows in question which she brushed it off with a nod. she grabbed his hand and steadied herself up.
“i’m okay,” she voiced out.
he undressed, continued their shower from square one. they’ve done this before; sharing shower after mission washing blood off each other but this time, it feels different. she sighed at the pleasure, letting her hands rest against his toned chest. we are married, the sentence echoed in her mind as he massaged the shampoo on her head. never ever she thought that this is how she’ll be married. it’s not like she dreamed of a huge wedding. he did throw a small gathering, respecting her boundaries and her anxiety but everything just moved so fast. her parents are dead, her only remaining family is satoru, a distant cousin who finds it a no issue for her to marry her boyfriend. it is not an issue for her to marry noritoshi kamo, she loves him so much, but not like this.   she wished she had more choices in this.   he hummed a song, a habit of his that he caught from his mother, a lullaby his mother always sings. she wanted to hate him so much, for befriending her, making her fall in love with him and then forced her into a marriage. but when she opened her eyes and stared up into his, to see such loving look in his eyes, it weakened her. her heart is a wreck. “why do you do this to me?” she whimpered, slamming her fist into his chest. he refused to answer.
she was tired of his silence.
he turned the shower off, opening the glass door letting waft of cold air out. he left to fetch her towel and she stalked toward the nearby mirror. “how long until the thing wears off?” she asked when she caught a glimpse of herself. she reached to touch the blood marking on her eyes. he wrapped the towel around her body, hugging her from behind and through the foggy mirror, he brushed his thumb on her cheek, whispered something she couldn’t catch as the mark subsided.
“this doesn’t change the fact that i’m mad at you.”
he laughed it off, “i didn’t say it does. you always feel better post orgasm, you know how i know it?” he kissed her temple, eyes burned into hers, “because i dated you.”
her teeth gritted in annoyance.
“you think if i dated you to scout my future wife, i wouldn’t waste my time learning how your body responds to me, the way you yearn for me,” a kiss fell on her neck, “learn how well you control your shikigami and goes through lengths to teach you how to use my bow,” another kiss went up her jaw, “teach you my own blood techniques because god, why jujutsu needs to be such an exclusive thing,” arms went around her waist, “worried sick every single time utahime send you off for a mission, taking care of your wounds, being there to catch your reckless ass,” his breath lingered on her ears, “completely falling in love with you wholeheartedly for 3 years. i’d abandoned my father’s choice. you are arranged to be my wife, on my own accord. i choose you. you weren’t my father’s choice, but even in million years, even if sukuna’s vessel reincarnated again and again, even if the world split open and sent you miles away, even if i’m not the head of kamo clan,” his hand grabbed her chin, hard and forced her to meet his eyes, his words send shivers down her spine, “i would still choose you.”
she’s completely putty in his hand. she let out a soft whine as his body abandoned her, his warmth gone and came the cold biting her bare skin. her eyes followed the back of the man as he stalked to the wardrobe leaving the girl alone to ponder on his words.
“now, wouldn’t it just be a waste of my time, my wife?”
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annabellelupin · 3 years
Perciver (Percy x Oliver) Headcanons
They first met on the train ride to Hogwarts after Percy tripped over Oliver's luggage that he left out in the aisle
After a short argument, Percy went to find an empty compartment, only to find they were none and didn't have much of a choice but sit with Oliver
He was very annoyed to hear that he was more interested in quidditch than actual studies
"I can't wait until I can try out for the quidditch team next year"
"You know there's a lot more to Hogwarts than just quidditch right?"
When the train arrived at the station, Percy was more than happy to leave the compartment and the "annoying quidditch boy" behind
Unfortunately for him, the hat sorted them both into Gryffindor, meaning he would have to deal with and share a dorm with the obnoxious and impulsive jock for the next 7 years
Most of their first year, they completey ignored each other, finding the other extremely annoying
In their second year, Oliver became the Gryffindor quidditch keeper after he did amazingly at tryouts, which Percy wasn't too happy about
He thought that he wasn't taking anything that wasn't quidditch seriously, and he wasn't exactly wrong
Oliver always seemed to insist on putting off homework to practice quidditch
Percy tried to convince Charlie, the current quidditch captain, to kick him off the team multiple different times
"I agree that he should focus more on his studies, but he's the best Keeper Gryffindor has had in years. I can't just kick him off the team. We need him. Maybe you could just try to help him out a bit, you know, encourage him to study more,"
"He'd never listen. He's a complete moron and doesn't care about anything that isnt quidditch,"
"Well you're a complete moron that doesn't care about anything besides your studies but I'd still help you out if you needed it,"
Percy decided not to go Charlie's suggestion to help Oliver out, thinking that it would be a waste of time and continued with his earlier plan to simply ignore him completely
However, half way through third year Mcgonagall offered Percy a chance at some extra credit, and of course he agreed before she even explained what it was all about
She explained to him that Oliver wasn't doing very well in transfiguration and if he continued doing poorly, he would have to be removed from the quidditch team so he could focus more on his studies and when she had discussed the matter with Charlie, he suggested having Percy tutor him
If it wasn't for the fact that he'd hate to go back on his word and disappoint Mcgonagall, he wouldn't have done it at all
Although he didn't hate the idea of tutoring such a moron much less
He tutored him for the rest of third year, and neither of them were too happy about having to associate with the other as much as they did
Fourth Year, Oliver was appointed quidditch captain by Mcgonagall (and just as Charlie had requested)
Percy continued to try his best to ignore him, although it was becoming harder and harder to do since they had most of the same classes
One night a few weeks before the first Gryffindor quidditch match of the season, he found Oliver alone in the Gryffindor common room with rolls of parchment and quills everywhere
"Finally decided to do a bit of studying?" Percy asked in a mocking tone
"No actually. I'm working on strategies for the quidditch game. Not that you'd understand," Oliver retorted as he took out another roll of parchment from his bag
Percy grabbed one of the pieces of parchment paper and examined it closely
After he took a look at a few others, he quickly realized how well Oliver was at strategizing
"These strategies-"
"Let me guess, are terrible and not as good as your brother's?"
"I was going to say genius,"
Oliver quickly looked up at him to try to see if it seemed like he was lying or not
"You really think so?"
"Of course I do, we both know that if i didn't think they were good I'd just tell you,"
"Thanks" Oliver replied awkwardly
"Might I offer a few suggestions,"
"I don't see why not,"
For the rest of the night, the two boys continued to discuss quidditch strategies for the upcoming game
After that night, they started to talk to each other a lot more, slowly realizing the other wasnt so bad after all
Percy even agreed to tutor him once again, as long as he actually tried to put forth the effort
They quickly became friends and often stayed up late into the night, talking about quidditch and exams and helping each other when ever they needed it
Their fifth year was definitely a bit more complicated than that with Percy being busy with prefect duties and Oliver with quidditch
It seemed as if the less time they spent together, the more they both realised how much they actually liked each other
About half way through fifth year, Percy's good friend, Penelope Clearwater, asked him if he was seeing anyone
"Do you have a girlfriend?"
"Perhaps a boyfriend then?"
"Well what about Wood? You two seemed awfully close last year,"
"He's just a friend"
"Mhm sure he is,"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean just friends, don't look at each other the way you two look at each other,"
Percy thought about what Penelope said a lot over the next few days, slowly becoming more and more confused as to how he felt about Oliver
He also kept thinking about how even if he did like him, there was no way Oliver felt the same- or even liked boys for that matter
It seemed like Oliver had a new girlfriend every few weeks, never sticking with one for long
Percy began ignoring him on accident, and Oliver was quick to notice but chose not to say anything, worried that he had done something to cause Percy to be mad at him
The silence continued between the two for the rest of that school year, and wasnt addressed until the beginning of their sixth year
"Percy, we need to talk,"
"About what?"
"Did- did I do something that upset you last year?"
"Of course not. What would make you say that?"
"Well its just that you kept ignoring me is all,"
"I'm really sorry about, I wasn't meaning to its just-" Percy took a deep breath in and decided to be honest with him "It's just that Penelope suggested that I liked you and then i started thinking about it and slowly realized that what she said was true so I accidentally started ignoring you,"
"Wait, you like me?"
"I know it's stupid and that you don't feel the same,"
"What do you mean? I've had a crush on you since fourth year,"
"I thought I had made it so obvious,"
"I- I never realized once. But if you do like me, then why do you keep dating so many different girls?"
"I was trying to make you jealous. I honestly don't even like girls,"
"Wow. I feel so stupid,"
"Me too,"
After that they decided that they wanted to be in a relationship together, but wanted to keep things a secret for the time being
The rest of their sixth year went pretty smoothly, and everything went really well until seventh year
During their seventh year, they weren't able to talk much during the day since both were really busy (Oliver with quidditch and Percy with head boy duties)
They still always tried to make time for each other tho
After losing the match to Hufflepuff, they snuck out of the castle and got some butterbeer and Percy attempted to cheer Oliver up (it did work in the end)
Later on after Gryffindor won the house cup, the two ended up just cuddling and kissing in their dorm room instead of joining the other Gryffindors in the common room party since Percy wasn't fond of all the noise
Once the two left Hogwarts a few weeks later, they both decided to keep in touch by letter and meet up when they could
When the Quidditch world cup was announced, Oliver offered to buy Percy a ticket for the seat next his, but he respectfully declined, already planning to sit with his family
Despite this, they spent a lot of time together while there
Almost immediately after the quidditch match ended, they snuck off together and ended up snogging by a lake not too far from where they were camping
Unfortunately Charlie found them kissing when he went to go look for Percy, and both of them became extremely flustered
"I uhh, we were just, umm, Oliver what were we doing again" Percy stammered, getting redder by the second
"Umm well weren't you just trying my butterbeer chapstick" Oliver replied, not trying to make eye contact with either of them
"Yes of course, and now that I have, I'll just leave" He tried to walk away but Charlie grabbed his arm before he could
"Wait just a minute Perce. I know that you and Oliver are dating,"
"What?? Why didn't you tell me that we were dating Percy?" Oliver lied, trying to act like he had no idea of what's going on
"You're not helping," Percy scolded his boyfriend
"I just saw you snogging him, if you're going to lie to me, at least try to do it well" Charlie mumbled
"I don't mind you two being together, and I promise I won't tell anyone" he added
"Thanks," Percy sighed
"So wait, you're not going to kill me for kissing your little brother?" Oliver asked jokingly
"Of course not" He laughed. "Bill probably would've though,"
"Well I'm just going to go back to camp now. I assume dad's wondering where I am," Percy attempted to walk away again
"One more thing,"
"What is it?"
"I just wanted you know that I think he's a keeper," Charlie laughed loudly
Oliver quickly joined in on the laughter and Percy groaned out of annoyance
I'm just going to leave this off here since its already really long but if you want me to write some more post Hogwarts Perciver hcs or any ship or character hcs, let me know (you can comment on this post if you want me to make more Perciver hcs and tell me through asks or dm for other character hc requests)
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ynscrazylife · 3 years
Okay so I had an idea. Agatha x reader where they're both witches and not controlled by Wanda so they're undercover like agatha is in the show except they're wives. After Wanda has the twins agatha jokingly says something like "just imagine that being us" when seeing vis and wan looking after the twins or like "can't you wait until we have a kid/kids" sorta thing and r gets really nervous and starts acting kinda weird for a few days after. Agatha gets concerned something's wrong with r but isnt sure why but knows it started around about the same time Wanda gave birth and although she doesn't realise at first, especially after what agatha said. When she confronts r, r breaks down and starts crying because tehy really don't like the idea of having kids, not in the fact of they dont want to be pregnant or anything like that but they just hate the idea of being a parent at all even if the child was adopted. They've known this for a long time but never told Agatha because r was afraid she would be mad or not want to be with her anymore.
R tells Agatha and she says it's fine and has always been mutual on having kids like if she has them, great, if not also great. And then it ends with agatha consoling r and them just being cute. So basically a really fluffy ending. Sorry this is really long but I thought of it after a friend saying something about kids and that, like what I'm saying about r, I really don't like the idea of having kids. It just makes me really uncomfortable, not in a self doubt way or anything it's just really not my kind of thing. There's a good chance this probably goes completely against your thoughts but if you don't mind writing this I'd be really happy (but obviously okay if not) and I really like this idea in general. I love your writing, have a nice day (and again sorry this is so long).
It’s You and Me
Summary: Agatha comforts and reassures Y/N when it comes out that she doesn’t want kids.
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As Agatha sat on her couch in her home in Westview, a spell book open on her lap, she couldn’t help but come to a certain realization she had been ignoring which was creeping up on her for the past couple hours: she couldn’t solve this problem with a spell. 
Agatha had been noticing that for the past couple of days, her girlfriend wasn’t exactly ting like herself. Y/N had cancelled the date they had planned, wasn’t answering her texts like she usually did, and hadn’t come over to her house since . . . 
That day when they were at Wanda and Vision’s! 
Agatha and Y/N hadn’t been that fond of the couple ever since they realized how Wanda was controlling the town, but they had to play their parts. They were there to visit Wanda and Vision’s children who Wanda had just given birth to . . . but nothing had happened that day, right? They spent the whole day together . . . nothing would happen that Agatha didn’t know about it. 
Unless she was the cause of it.
Agatha played the day over and over again in her mind, nitpicking at every moment, determined to find out what had caused this. She had to figure it out at some point . . . she was Y/N’s girlfriend after-all! 
The brunette blinked and then her eyes widened like a light bulb had went off above her head . . . 
“Ohhhhh! They’re adorable, Wanda! Makes me think when Y/N and I will have our own kiddos runnin’ around the place,” Agatha had exclaimed when they entered the house and saw the twins, not thinking much about her words.
The second those words left her lips only someone who knew her well would notice the shift in Y/N. She immediately became quiet, still playing her fake role but not as energetic as she had been. Y/N had a muttered a “Yeah!” and put a smile on her face, but as Agatha imagined her face in her head, she saw how the corners of her lips were being pulled and how the enthusiastic glint had left her eyes. That was it. That had to have bothered her. 
But why? Agatha couldn’t figure that one out, and she spent the next half hour running through all the possibilities, but couldn’t it narrow it down to just one that felt correct. So, she decided to go over to her girlfriend’s house and ask. 
Almost ten minutes later, Agatha had put on her coat and was now knocking on Y/N’s door. After a bit, it swung open and when Y/N saw her girlfriend, the fake smile on her face fell and she gripped the doorknob, resolving to her gloomy look. “Hi,” she said, shortly and quietly, mirroring her texts as she leaned against the doorway. 
“Can I come in?” Agatha asked, not wanting to have this conversation outside. 
Confusion swept across her face but nonetheless she nodded and stepped back, opening the door fully so Agatha could enter and walking into her house. Agatha took it upon herself to lock the door behind her and follow Y/N, them both sitting on her couch in awkward silence for nearly a minute, which felt like forever to Y/N and just a millisecond for Agatha. 
“Y/N, I’ve been thinking about why you’ve been acting so . . . off. I realized it was going on ever since we visited Wanda and Vision and I talked about kids,” Agatha began, clasping her hands together on her lap and watching Y/N carefully. 
Y/N stilled, immediately knowing that Agatha had figured it out. She let out a short breath, not needing her girlfriend to continue, and slumped her shoulders, holding her face in her hands. 
Agatha watched her for a moment, not expecting this reaction. When Y/N picked her head up and Agatha saw the tears starting to stream down her face, the witch went into worry mode and stood up from her seat to sit next to her love. 
“Darling, what’s the matter?” Agatha asked soothingly as she wrapped an arm around her girlfriend, pulling her close. 
Y/N sniffed, wiping her tears away. “It’s just - when I heard you say that . . . I got worried that you wanted kids. We haven’t really talked about it, but . . . honestly, I don’t want to have kids and I haven’t wanted them for a while. I just got scared that you did and that it would ruin our relationship,” she said, rushing some parts out. 
Agatha took this information in with a breath, feeling awful that Y/N had worked herself up over this. “Oh, hon. I’m okay with having kids and I’m perfectly okay with not having kids, I’m so sorry,” she said, pecking Y/N’s lips. 
Y/N thought and then nodded. “You sure?” She asked, not totally convinced. 
“Yes,” Agatha said, smiling. “Hey, you wanna watch a movie?” 
Y/N smiled, too, and nodded. Agatha stood up to get the remote and get Y/N’s favorite movie on the television while Y/N got blankets, wrapping it around them both when the brunette sat back down. 
“Are you sure you’re okay with not having kids?” Y/N asked again a couple minutes into the movie. 
“Yes,” Agatha answered again, not being able to help a chuckle. 
Y/N nodded, satisfied, and kissed her girlfriend, and then allowed herself to enjoy the movie, happy to have the worries about their relationship behind her. 
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