#and shes also training to be the most emo class??
d20-ritz-stimzz · 1 year
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" Hold on! Vomit! Vomit! "
🗡 📝 🗡 × 📝 🗡 📝 × 🗡 📝 🗡
Penny Luckstone !
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rain-day-today · 1 month
A few more baby fairytail headcanons because their the found family that haunts me in my dreams🫶🏽 these are a little more natsu and gray centric cause those are my favs
Gray and Natsu did not have a place to live until they were in the guild for like a year . There were too many parentless orphans running around and not enough people to keep track of them, so It was couch surfing hot potato like nobody’s business.
Natsu’s stuff was scattered to the high heavens. You would find his sandals in Laxus’s room, bag in the Strauss Siblings place,any clothes were scattered between Erza, Cana and Levy. Really its a miracle he had clothes at all considering the fact he also refused to wear a shirt his first month( “you don’t needs shirts in the forest snd their itchhhyyy” ) . Gray was a bit better and just had a card board box that he took to people’s house when he decided (without the person’s permission) to crash there for the next week. Ironically,The two would always end up trying to crash with the same person on the same night. Natsu would be climbing into the room through the window right when Gray was breaking in by picking the lock.
Speaking of which, Everyone but erza can pick locks. Lissana is the fastest followed by Cana and then Natsu. Mira just broke the door down.
Whenever they were smaller and Erza went on a job with Levy they had an unspoken understanding to only speak like they were from medieval times. There were alot of questions afterward and more lost in translation.
Little Cana would cut and dye everyone’s hair. She Once dyed natsu’s hair black, mistaking the hair dye as extra shampoo-y shampoo
That was the worst week of Natsu and Grays life. Whenever they were out in public together they got mistaken for brothers.
*cana and laxus dying of laughter*
*maco and wakaba choking*
natsu and gray couldn’t look at each other that entire week.
EmoTeen!Gray discovered the girls taste in books after being locked in the library closet during “book club”
Natsu knows exactly what Erza and Levy read. super hearing y’know? He wont admit to it but he knows not to be in the guild whenever those high pitched giggle start.
Laxus gets severely motion sick. He used to deal with it by using those stupid looking motion sickness glasses every time he got on a train. Now he just sells his soul to the devil (mira) for a bottle of magic elixir ( straight vodka) that lets him pass tf out.
Erza lost an Erza look alike contest once
Mira lost a Mira look alike contest
Lissana won both of them back to back
Natsu has a collection of hand me downs that he refuses to wear or get rid of. Most of them are Erzas old armors or things gray stripped and forgot about, but he has a little of everyone. His favorite one is Laxus’s old big coat.
Elfman does a little quote of the day thing in the guildhall
Elfman once got all the fairytail kids including s-class Laxus, Erza, and Mira to Jump Guildarts. No one knows the outcome because at some point all the smaller kids got knocked out with only Erza,Mira and Laxus left awake and they wont tell who won.
When they were younger there was a cute skate park the girls would visit often, thats why they can do all the cool skate board tricks.
Levy bought a motorcycle after getting the money from her first “big” job
Natsu once put a tin full of mentos in multiple buckets of coke in the guild hall infirmary
One time gramps was feeling really down and kids did a little play to cheer him up. They did sleeping beauty with Levy as Sleeping Beauty, Cana as the prince, Mira was maleficent, and Laxus as the prince’s horse. Gray, Natsu, and Elfman were obviously the fairies. Erza wasn’t in the guild at the moment much to her dismay. The play genuinely went incredibly well except instead of waking the princess up with a kiss, Cana head butted Levy so hard it caused Levy to pass out.
Little Valentines Day scenario
(No i do not care that its may)
The first year they were all together, Natsu and Gray got in trouble with Erza the day before valentine’s day. Them hearing everyone gush about wanting someone to give them something, decided that the best way to apologize (save themselves) would be to give her a bunch of valentines day candy and presents. They gave them to her at the guild with cute cards and she was so so happy she started to tear up. This marks Erza as the first person among them all to get a Valentine present.
The others were silently seething, which turned into alot of teasing “ Aww looks like Grays got a crushhh,” “ Look at natsu being all gentlemen like , Erza must be a special special girl,” Erza promptly beat them all up for it, and Gray and Natsu were successfully in their mission to save themselves!
They did feel kinda bad afterwards seeing the others look longingly at Erza quite large pile. Natsu sneakily went out and bought some more chocolates to hand cheer everyone up, gray joined in because “No way am I letting flame brain be liked more then me!” They obviously fought, which melted the chocolates. No fear however! Natsu tempered the chocolates to perfection and gray used his magic to make fun molds.
The next day they handed them out and now its a tradition. On Valentine’s day you get candy from the boy of your dreams, the next day Natsu and Gray give you a creepily detailed mini you made out of chocolate.
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susagnon · 4 months
Eri’s princess’ guard
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That was kinda uncool, Mirio. Especially coming from a senpai. Just look at this pained, fake laugh.
Inappropriate introduction of Monoma from Mirio aside, I like Monoma’s interactions with Eri because we get to see more of his character beyond its flanderization. During the sports fest, Monoma was quickly established as being a very observant and intelligent person... and then those traits got banned to the backseat in favour of his obsessive rivalry with 1-A.
Personally, I'm not too bothered by that shtick: I read someone's interpretation about how Monoma's "hate" of class 1-A, is just his love for 1-B that comes out in the most annoying way - but it's a pity, that the majority of his appearances got boiled down to mainly that.
However, Monoma has also been shown to be quite sensitive and considerate of other people’s feelings:
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He elbowed Aizawa - a teacher who's well-known to be strict - when the latter phrased something in a very blunt manner, which might have made Eri sad. He's specifically the one who looked after Eri during the almost riot at UA's emergency shelters. Just like the rest of UA’s students, Monoma is a capable hero-in-training, and a good kid at heart.
Being around Eri gives him opportunities for his dramatics to find a more positive outlet, and to show a gentlemanly side worthy of his design.
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Eri Claus' cuteness making people skedaddle over to her.
I found it very cute how Tokoyami’s eyes lit up, when Eri appeared at 1-A's Christmas party. There were five 1-A kids who came over to the door to greet Eri: Deku, Uraraka, Asui, Kirishima - all who were involved in the Shie Hassaikai raid - and Tokoyami.
I can see 1-A's resident emo-kid having a soft spot for children in general. But to me, his reaction here seemed almost like he and Eri had met each other before.
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Ojiro, it's fine, really! Tokoyami will tell you that Eri's worthy of the sword's power.
Which makes me wonder about their first interactions: Eri is a very kind girl but she’s also a young child who was traumatized by thugs, who constantly wore plaque masks around her. On the other hand, the novels have shown Tokoyami to be a hit with another little girl, who got lost at the amusement park.
Tokoyami talks and carries himself like the plus ultra chunnibyou, but similar to Monoma, I can see his dramatic language being popular with young children. Tokoyami's also very kind and usually on the more patient side. I imagine he and Eri would've approached each other tentatively but became fast friends.
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Tell me this isn't cute af.
To Eri, Deku and Mirio are her personal heroes and older brothers. But Monoma and Tokoyami are her fairytale prince and dark knight respectively.
And now I wonder about interactions between Monoma and Tokoyami. Monoma's 1-B vs 1-A shtick aside, I feel like those two might get along with each other well.
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ummmlife · 9 months
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Poor, sad, miserable teen!Nanami
Warnings!: post Haibara's death Nanami ; teen nanami ; angst (?) ; fluff (?) ; nanami×reader ; she / her pronouns reader ; reader is Nanami's (check on the translator) senior (aka Gojo's age) ; headcanon, drabble, idk, i wrote. if something doesn't makes sense, my sincerest apologies for not knowing how to speak english properly 🫠
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We already know that teenage Nanami was a very pessimistic and unsociable person. While our adult Nanami is an exemplary person who knows social norms well and follows them perfectly, teenage Nanami was not like that. He was trained to be an adult from the young age of 15 (I assume because of Itadori's age).
But what events happened to turn Kento Nanami from an inexperienced (emo) teenager to an exemplary adult?
Tragedies, that's what happened.
In our modern society we know and understand that child labor is something inconceivable and even illegal in many countries, I mean, it is written in human rights. So we could assume that Jujutsu society operates the same way... Hahaha no. Good grief, if that were so there would be no such thing as manga/anime (Akutami you're cruel).
Why would we believe that in a society commanded by conservative and traditionalist elders, who (and this is my thought) surely rejoiced when Japan was a colonizing empire during WWII, would protect children? In this cruel world you learn to survive, and burdened with the curse of being a Jujutsu Sorcerer you have no escape.
So Nanami, against his will and coming from a family of non sorcerers, is forced to settle in this rotten society.
If being a sorcerer is a very low possibility, probably much lower than winning the lottery, it would not be difficult to expect that in a single class there would be one or at most three Jujutsu students. This was the case with Nanami and Haibara. Two kids with completely different personalities and motivations who, by the vagaries of the universe, ended up in the same situation together (and with the same fate awaiting them. Crying).
Nanami, yes, was a pessimistic, introverted, grumpy teenager, but at least he had Haibara with him who, even if he never said it out loud, gave him hope that maybe and just maybe being a sorcerer wasn't so bad.
Hell only knows the pain and despair the death of his only friend caused Nanami.
To be born into a faded world only to meet a rainbow and then have it snuffed out by a typhoon, yeah, it wasn't easy. Nanami could even understand why Suguru Geto, who by the way Haibara was a fan of, decided to become a Curse User. For Nanami himself the temptation was so much, so palpable and easy to choose. But he knew that: 1. Haibara wouldn't have liked it, 2. Following Geto's path would have mentally exhausted him more and 3. He couldn't afford to hurt more fellow Jujutsu Sorcerers.
That is why Nanami was only looking forward to his graduation day, but silently. He wished to simply disappear, not only from the Sorcerer profession but also from this world.
Nanami was lost, mired in depression and no one seemed to care. If everyone was so busy minding their own business then he had to mind his own life as well. Go on missions alone, study alone, fight alone, eat alone, live and wait to die alone.
— "Are you sleeping well? I notice you're more exhausted than before."
Maybe he wasn't as alone as he thought, maybe he mattered to someone: his senior.
Another sorceress a year above him, a classmate of Gojo and Ieiri. A sweet and caring girl for whom, at some point when Haibara was still alive, Nanami felt loving feelings for her begin to surface.
— "Yeah... I'm fine."
Lying is bad but worrying others is worse.
Nanami was eating lunch, alone as usual, a sandwich he made himself. Sitting on the stairs outside the school listening to the cicadas and the sound of the leaves on the trees moving in the soft autumn wind. His senior sat beside him, in complete silence, knowing full well that Nanami is not a big fan of social interactions.
— "I hear you've perfected your innate Cursed Technique..."
Still, she tries to dialogue with him. At least a little bit.
— "Yeah…"
Nanami might feel uncomfortable, but the closeness of his senior makes him feel calm, it makes him feel peace.
In a world where children are forced to live and think like adults in life and death situations, the company of someone who is at least a little more mature is comforting.
— "I miss him too, you know? Haibara."
It hurts, it hurts so much. Nanami stops eating as he feels his stomach twist with the memories of that fateful day when Haibara was killed because of a mistake by the adults, they sent them to their death and it was all because of a mistake. Nanami closes his eyes and breathes in an attempt to calm his anxiety.
This has happened before, indeed, it happens every night. Nanami hasn't been able to sleep well since the Haibara incident, having no one to comfort or hold him when he cries his soul out before trying to sleep.
That's why the moment he felt his senior's delicate hands bringing his head to her shoulder to comfort him it completely threw him off. It felt good, warm for the first time.
— "If you keep holding back you're going to end up hurting yourself even more."
That sentence alone was enough to make Nanami completely break down in tears. It was the first time in years feeling comfort from someone in such an intimate and satisfying way.
Nanami cried, hugged and clung to his senior as he had never done with anyone before, only maybe with his mother when he was a child. He couldn't contain himself when he felt her lips gently pressing against his crown of his head, it was like a dream.
— "Can I ask you not to leave?"
It was so embarrassing but so necessary for him to ask that. Her senior's soft and sweet smile was like a gift to his aching heart.
— "I don't plan to go anywhere."
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*sobs* Emo Nanami, so cute ‹𝟹 must protect!!!!!
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charm-u-later · 4 months
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MY SILLIES ɞ˚‧。⋆𓍢ִ໋🎀
Take A Look At My Carrd For More Info About Me!! Find It In My Pinned ♡
(A ton OC info under the cut)
HERE'S INFO ABOUT EVERYONE!!! Going In Order From Left To Right 😋 Also Pricilla Isnt Mine Shes My Girlfriend's!!! @puppistars
Elsie Swanson
☆Daughter of the girl (unnamed sister) in 'The Six Swans'
☆Pansexual + Trans (She/her) // Royal w/ Rebel ideals (ex. Briar)
☆Pet muntjac deer, named Mirabella
☆Cursed to be mute until her story is complete, she uses an AAC tablet to communicate
☆Ever is her ex, but they still get along
☆She's Student Crowncil treasurer
☆Her BFFAs are Cedar, Fiore, Pricilla, and Ever
☆She's friends with Rosabella, Darling, Lizzie, and Cerise
☆She loves history and art!! In her free time she weaves her own lace, crochets, and sews
She often makes lace for Lizzies designs, so she can get exactly what she's looking for
☆She was my first OC!! Her main references were from Ashlynn so they look pretty similar- She's still in the redesign process to move more away from that but for now shes cute :D
Ever Charming
☆A Charming destined to be the prince in 'Fairer than a Fairy'
☆Bisexual (He/him) // Rebel
☆Pet otter, named Storm
☆His magic touch is looking through relective surfaces to see the other side, whoever is on the other end cannot see or hear him
☆Elsie is his ex, but they still get along
Has never been with Fiore and has no interest in her outside of friendship
☆He doesn't like extracurriculars, but he'll occasionally be found helping Student Crowncil for Elsie
☆His BFFAs are Elsie, Sparrow, and Melody
☆He's friends with Pricilla, Fiore, Raven, and Cerise
☆He's like. Kind of insufferable
"Thats not even REAL music" "Can you even name 5 songs????"
Do NOT engage with him in a record shop
☆My most recent OC!!! I Hate Him!!!!! /pos Hes a gross little emo boy and I wanna shake him around violently (lovingly) I referenced Dexter as well as a lotttt of Pinterest photos of random emo and hipster boys
Pricilla Paonne
☆Daughter of Princess Rosette from 'Princess Rosette'
☆Sapphic (She/her) // Rebel
☆Pet toy poodle, named Princeton
She dresses him up with little bows
☆Allergic to Peacocks, she only likes them for the aesthetics
☆Her younger sister will be taking over her destiny in her place
☆Dating Fiore
☆She's a cheerleader on Feybelle's team
☆Lana Del Fey's #1 fan on Spotify (Spotifairy?)
☆She has a secret Lana Del Fey tumblr
☆Will get into heated arguments with Ever about "real music"
☆My girlfriend's OC :) I dragged her in,,, (Hi Keiran :D)
Fiore Fairest
☆Daughter of Fairer than a Fairy (the princess) from 'Fairer than a Fairy'
☆Lesbian (She/her) // Royal w/ Rebel ideals (ex. Maddie or Cedar)
☆Pet dog named Barcus, and pet cat named Keanu (pets given for her story)
☆Her magic touch is sending messages through reflective surfaces, although she can't see what's on the other side
☆Dating Pricilla
☆She's one of the Dragon Games players
☆Her BFFAs are Elsie, Darling, and Rosabella
☆She's friends with Ever, Raven, and Cerise
☆She loves her hero classes, training is one of her favorite activities and she spends a lot of free time working out
☆She's a good leader and very confident, but she can also be bossy and judgemental
☆My 2nd OC!! She's based mostly on the Dragon Games line, as well as tiny references to Darling and Holly
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applejuiceyjuice-art · 8 months
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i assigned schools to the main cloutchase cast
MY TRUTH (additional info and other picks):
tumblr - death: He’s maybe the only one who would pick the emo school and also it’s probably the best school in the game. It can heal, stack, do damage, has decent HP, there’s nothing they can’t do. Although typically considered a support class, death wizards are very capable on their own. Tumblr would be the type to take the best class and handle himself. He might also be one of the only people in the main cast who knows anything about the game currently, and picked Death because of this.
twitter - storm: Twitter doesn’t really care that much about wizard101. He picked storm because it’s the strongest, but quickly found out that he can’t survive in a fight. I chose this because storm players are toxic and can be rude when they don’t get any support or if someone plays in-optimally, which I imagine Twitter would do. He might be trying to be a min-maxxer first time getting into it.
amino - myth: Whether amino knows anything about the game or not, they would deliberately pick the goofiest class which would be myth. You summon silly monsters as your gimmick. On that note, Amino would also pick the moon school and transform into a gobbler to fart on enemies. I think like 0.1% of players picked moon (my brother is one of them). My other reasoning for this pick is that nobody plays myth, so Amino would play it. Sure it isn’t a support class, but people actually play support while fire and storm are both considered better at hitting than myth.
discord - life: Discord is a people pleaser, and wouldn’t even come to the spiral unless one of his friends convinced him to. Because of this, he would be a support class to help them. Life is the only class that specializes in healing, which is similar to other games he might play. It’s more versatile than Balance because healing can be useful for anyone of any class while blades are only good for stacking. Death could be an interesting pick as it’s literally self sacrificial, but it’s healing is not as good. Life can learn the necessary support skills from Balance and Death while Balance and Death cannot learn life’s best healing spells or use them well. Life players are considered nice people who think for others and not themselves.
tiktok - fire/ice: So, I know there was a resurgence of this game on TikTok a while ago but I don’t actually think she knows much about the meta. This is based on nostalgia, so many kids actually specced into a secondary school, usually life. I personally was a fire student who spent training points on Storm as well as Life to cover my disadvantage and heal. As you can imagine this is a complete waste of points once you get to higher levels. I had the wooly mammoth card that i could only cast if i had max pips which was basically useless, but I did it anyway. That is TikTok. Except she is Ice school with a fire secondary. She might have life up to satyr, too. I could’ve picked another dual type but I think fire/ice suit her best.
insta - fire OR… death?!: Instagram is someone who can and will do everything by herself. I thought about giving her death for solo pve because of this, but I don’t think that’s her style at all. Instead I gave her fire because out of the three hitter classes, it’s the most neutral one. It’s balanced, and it’s not a support school, meaning she would be playing a leadership role. Fire is pretty good for solo pve if I do say so myself!!! I think fire suits her as a determined person as well.
twitch - storm OR ice: As a certified Gamer(tm) Twitch actually does know how to min-max the game and not be a little bitch about it. I mean sure she can get just a LITTLE toxic, but she would never fault other players for mistakes. Now I did say that death is the best all arounder, but storm hits the hardest and can sweep a match in one round the fastest, making it the min-max pick. I thought of this just now, but Twitch would have a second wizard that is ice for pvp. Ice is considered good in pvp for being an absolute tank and that’s kinda the main strat. I don’t play it so i wouldn’t know personally tho.
youtube - fire: Unlike Insta, YouTube picks fire because he’s a blaze firehammer type. Like many niches of YouTube, w101 is one that he never really looked into until maybe more recently with the TikTok resurgence and some other popular YouTubers diving into it. He probably thinks fire is cool and lively like him, and as a hitter school would always wanna show off his variety of cool spells even if they weren’t that good (me using Krampus Lol). He would’ve farmed Loremaster before the lame crafting update :/ and used any Loremaster spell even if it wasn’t his class. YouTube would pick the moon school for this reason too LMAO. He might have a storm or life secondary.
ao3 - ice: Ice has the highest HP in the game and like I said before, is the tank class. In a typical high stakes battle, Ice goes in first to taunt the enemies and draw attacks towards them, protecting their hitters and supports. Ao3 would be a protective type, and he’s pretty used to defending his library already. Even though ice is broken in pvp allegedly, Ao3 would only engage if it were to protect someone’s honor (or his own) lol.
wiki - balance: Of course wikipedia would pick the one literally called “balance”. It has no weaknesses and is not strong against any other school. Although it can hit sort of alright, the cards they get are kind of bad, as they need a lot of pips to cast anything decent. This may be because they specialize in blading, which boosts attacks and passes turns. They also have a little healing, so this combined makes them a support class. Wikipedia is not really a leader, even if we push him into that position, and would rather pick a supporting class instead. Similarly, balance can be pushed into the hitter position with a little setup.
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jordanraye47 · 2 months
Modern High school AU total drama
So as a modern high schooler myself, I decided to try and ‘categorise’ the total drama gen 1 into high school ppl ig. Idk. Except teenager behaviour and jokes.
Heather: Never in any class, and if she is; that’s not her class. Practically runs around the halls with a Louis víton (I can’t spell) bag (Y’know the brown and yellow ugly ones with LV) And probably doesn’t wear too much makeup, but it definitely creases and keeps insisting that she’s clean and has no makeup. Kinda mf to act gay ass hell with her friends, like sit on their lap and make weird as jokes and then be blatantly homophobic. The cheerleading teams capitán and basically just bosses everyone around. She’s also flyer.
Courtnry: Oh my gosh. I have a Courtney in my class. I’ll us fucking tell y’all about her. She doesn’t hesitate to scream when she doesn’t get what she wants, and has even taken over for a substitute teacher cause they ‘weren’t good enough at their job’. She never wears her hair down and always has some braid or something. Uses glasses but refuses to admit it. Has ONE subject she fails so bad. For my class it’s science but Courtney definitely fails smith like French or geography. Bridgette tired to help her but sometimes Courtney is too stubborn and spiteful to accept help (real)
Lindsay: Sweetest girl ever. She’s a girls girl. People are well aware of how dumb she can be, so some either help her steer away from bad people, or are the bad people. She always has lipgloss on her and lash serum infused mascara. She ACTUALLY has good makeup and skin. She gets pimples and breaks outs occasionally but doesn’t think too much of it. Also cheerleader. She’s either side or flyer depending on what preformwncr.
Gwen: maxi skirts. Oh my god EVERYONE calls her emo. I mean who can blame them. (I just remembered I’m taking a 2 hour train tomorrow and I’m very excited) Also gwen constantly draws on her hand and is always down for helping someone do their eyeliner. She’s good friends with Geoff, and someone’s gets jokingly shipped with him by people that doesn’t know them that well. Bridgette understands how the other student are and trusts both gwen and Geoff enough to know that Geoff isn’t cheating. Also she just likes to see them get along. She has aSHIT ton of mesh black tops. I know it she told me.
Bridgette: ALSO CHERR GIRL. She’s back due to her streanghta annd liability. and Bridgette doesn’t have too good access to water around her school, so she only gets to do it during weekends to holidays. Also I’m only doing girls on this list (for now) so I need to include a little Geoff. Geoff gets high and has somehow gotten Bridgette involved in it. (I said expect teenager things so you get teenage things). He has drugs on the parties he throws but Bridgette is way more responsible than him. Also she has her hair down a lot, but is the victim of her hair being braided evertime she sits close to one of her friends for more than 2 seconds.
Leshawna: Everyone knows her. She gets involved in every kinds drama that happens at the school. Also she comforts those girls crying in thr bathroom stalls. Although she’s mean at times, she onto does it to people who deserve it. And he’d standard setting is to be nice to people. (Like she was to Eva in island.) Has goddes braids. She told me it’s true. Idk I’ve always had a vision that she’d love those. Also she’s a good braider. Like crazy good.
Izzy (she’s my fav be prepared): She has a small friend group around her and rarely interacts with anyone outside of that. It’s not like she’s one anti social girl. She just quickly grasped the knowledge that people thought she was weird, and just distanced herself (real). Her friend group is mainly Noah, lindsay, tyler, duncan, cody and sometimes courtney (we love the breakfast club here) ALSO SCARLET SND ISZY ARE SISTERS AND NOBODY CSN TELL ME OTHERWISE. anyways. Most people either see her as really loud or has no idea what shes like cause she’s constantly sprinting though the halls. She has a counsellor and everyone knows, but she refuses to show up to any session and/or meeting cause she has watched too many phsycological horror movies and is afraid of being put in some mental hospital (real pt.2) Also she’s the kinds mf to laugh and then js 😶. Like completely silent dead for thr next hour. And nobody knows why.
here’s pt2 but it’s js Heather and Izzy I’m tired
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number9robotic · 2 months
(so remember a few months ago I said I wanted to make a list of characters for a fighting game? It has a name now lol)
RAPTURE ACADEMY is a superhero/alternate history project centrally focused around the Rapture Academy and Institute for Superpowered Opportunists, a school thinly designed to raise supervillains. Primarily focusing on the stories and systems around a bunch of kids with intensely dangerous powers enrolled in a private academy headed by imprisoned supervillain No. 1 Angel as part of an internationally-backed plea deal. The kids are alright.
Anti (Canadian) - Analog horror-themed hoodie kid with dark powers (makes everything they hit distort like a broken VHS tape), surprisingly nice and wholesome and probably the least likely to actually become a career villain.
Hellbound ("Eastern European") - Princess sacrificed to a draconic ritual, became a half-dragon berserker who spends her time bound in magic chains. A demure sweetheart when lucid, murderous beast otherwise.
The Vigilante Smog Monster/"Smoggy" (Australian) - A swamp monster summoned by an indigenous tribe searching for a protector, can turn into sludge and murder smoke, wears enchanted wooden masks.
Twintails (Japanese) - two students in one! A male wizard apprentice and a female ninja apprentice from rivalling clans that were fused together by a trickster yokai; one person is in control at a time, they swap from sneezing.
IDKYS/I Don't Know You, Sorry (Filipino) - Aspiring idol/daughter to high-ranking entertainment execs with a literally hypnotic voice. Placed in school with a voice-to-computer TTS mask in order to be taught a lesson in humility, is the class queen anyway.
Magnus VI (American) - Indestructible cyborg cowboy built by a mad science firm who can explosively self-destruct any joint in his body before reassembling. Extremely arrogant. No one touches his hat.
Metal Alice (French) - Daughter of a supervillain who died and was brought back as a haunted animatronic unknowing that she died. Is a walking portal to the ghost dimension who can pull out all sorts of phantasmic metal weapons, from scissors to chainsaws.
Hot★Shot (Chinese) - Cocky martial arts prodigy, has fire abilities, up-and-coming superstar. Basically thinks he's the protagonist of a shounen fighting game, is a colossal asshole from it, yet is the popular jock regardless.
Vioelectrolysis (Motswana) - Upbeat mad scientist-in-training who fights using a giant modified fire-extinguisher that mixes chemicals for deadly use, as well as a bigass flail for deadly use. She may or may not be a mutant.
White Slate (Greek) - A living statue accidentally created by a mad artist, has the ability to turn people into stone with his touch. Is missing a face, sometimes paints one on for intimidation points. Mostly an emo boi who paints a lot.
zZomnia (Pakistani) - Phoneaholic teen haunted by nightmares that double as guardian spirits with insanely powerful weapons whenever she's asleep or is on the verge of it. Is constantly sleepy. Leave her alone.
Bitter Batter (N/A) - Just an ordinary girl with no superpowers, but a baseball bat, a silent death glare, and murderous intent. Originally a teen vagrant before being enlisted in the school. The most "normal" student and also the most fn terrifying
Moonlight Rosebloom Powderpuff of the Unside Neverlandian Court (Scottish?) - A bubbly (alleged) fairy noble from a (disputed) faraway realm hidden in a (presumably) magical garden. Wields (conversely very real) magic. It's very pink.
Ryvr Sticks (Ukrainian) - A scarecrow infected with a paranatural fungi giving him sapience, regeneration abilities, and hallucinogenic powers. Indisputably the class clown and source of gossip. Is a wicked breakdancer.
No.1 Angel (███) - Headmaster, part-time supervillain, full-time asshole. thinks he's a superhero who deserves to protect humanity but then gave another superhero cancer using his light manipulation powers for trying to stop him.
Panopticon (███) - head of security, a silent dude in black armor and an old-timey diving helmet who sometimes appears unacknowledged to stare at everyone in class, in hallways, or off campus. Powers unknown.
Señor Heartpuncher (Mexican) - Teacher of self-defense. Retired lucha-themed super with a long history of being a hero, but once had a heel-turn and became teacher because he owed a favor to No.1 Angel. has the ability to absorb and reflect kinetic force, perfect for teaching kids how to hit punches then tank them
Drill Instructor Friday (Brazilian) - Teacher of phys ed. Acts like the scariest and most intense drill instructor you can think of. She's also a genuine werewolf. Comes up with some of the funniest PG-13-level insults imaginable and then punishes you for laughing at them.
OfOz (Haitian) - Teacher of paranatural arts (magic, anomalies, anything "supernatural"). Pretty chill and charismatic expert in the field, is able to split his soul/body separately. Only one half of him is teaching classes, other half is doing supervillainy elsewhere in the world.
DDDD (South Korean) - Teacher of technology arts. Is the head of a megacorp developing devices for supers, mostly villains. Teaches remotely from the other side of the world using a mini-mech suit that she pilots from her office. It has weapons. She forgets this. Frequently rants about her competitors and has to be reminded by her secretary to stay on topic.
Sir SPECTACULAR!!! (Swiss) and The Virtuoso (German) - Teacher and assistant teachers of theatrics (getting students to figure out their gimmicks/brand/performances as supers). They used to commit "theatre crimes" together with SPECTACULAR!!!'s super-conductor powers and Virtuoso's super-VR tech, turning cities into musicals. After turning the state of Oklahoma into a musical, they've settled down teaching kids and enjoy it.
Mr. Professor Von Ruin (Austrian) - "Teacher" of ethics (the legalities and philosophies of being a super). he is actually a cat. a super-intelligent, talking cat, pet of a supervillain, but a cat. he doesn't really teach, so his period's just a free block.
Miss Brutalist (Swedish) - Teacher of logistics (resourcing and management of being a super). No powers, actually runs a business designing HQs and lairs for various supers. Most of her assignments involve getting students to do paperwork for her projects.
Dr. Infinity-Plus (Hungarian) - Teacher of general sciences and maths. Has incredible foresight/caculation abilities, which drove him... not quite "insane" but very jaded, paranoid, and antsy. Will often derail classes to vent about existentially terrifying concepts. wears a Rubik's cube-like helmet to dampen his mind.
Sewn Chaos (Azerbaijani) - Teacher of home economics. Former career super before using her textile-manipulation powers to design costumes for others, helps the kids figure out their costumes. genuinely like everyone's favorite grandma up until she shares stories of all the f'd up villains she worked with. Good times!
DREADNAUT (Russian) - Head librarian. Ghostly cosmonaut afflicted by paranatural forces while on the moon, now has gravity powers but is stuck in a fugue state. manages the school's library containing vast resources... which is constructed upside-down in order to make it harder for kids to access.
Gutwrencher (Czech) - Head nurse. A zombie in all but name, has a flesh-mending/regeneration factor she can use to heal herself and others. Is constructed out of various necrotic body parts and stitching that often come apart at inconvenient times. Some students are attracted to her and don't know why.
Mr. BRB (Italian) - Head janitor (and also the only one). He's a necromancer who summons ghouls to help do the cleaning for him but often still leaves things dirty. Mostly chills out in his office to record his personal podcasts and offer advice to kids who ask nicely.
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blnk338 · 1 year
Glitter Anon here. Can we learn more about the 831? Like: What kind of shenanigans would they get into? Who was baby? Their yearbook labels? Just fun things.
[I am using Nadya's name in place of Reaper's!] (Said is pronounced as Sai-ee-d)
Task Force 831, better known as Team 831 or the 831, was a group of American Special Forces soldiers led by Captain Phillip Graves. Active for roughly five years before the unfortunate death, injury, and disappearance of them, the squad handled sensitive and dangerous operations outside of the United States, mainly in the countries of Adal and Urzikstan, with minor missions within other west Asian, Eurasian, South American, and European countries.
Captain Graves enlisted several decorated forces to serve under him in the force. Lieutenant Rose Achebe, Lieutenant Marisha Gallagher, Sergeant Tahoma Johns, Sergeant Isabella Okazaki, and newly promoted sergeants Angeline Navarro, Rodrigo Cassidy, and Nadezhda Said.
Other teams and staff largely regarded them as never being anywhere without another-- the task force were at each other's hips all the time; eating together, training together, etc. Often on breaks, they'd spend plenty of time at Graves' house in Austin for get together, weekend trips, BBQs, you name it!
Rigo was largely labeled as everyone's little brother or the baby of the team. He never seemed to mind it and actually, maybe even enjoyed the pampering and babying from his friends. Rigo's callsign used to be "Teddy" considering how soft the 831 was on the guy (he's largely just called by "Rigo" now). He was obviously deemed "Class Clown" in his senior year's yearbook!
Nadya, Nads, Nadder-- the firecracker of the 831. Previously deemed [callsign recall failed, reboot system and try again later], a title well-earned for her strength in the field, she was the life of the motherfuckin' party. She was always on booze for the 831 parties and always knew the best places to get food. Smiling from ear to ear constantly, those outside of the 831 hardly saw her without the blinding grin. Known in high school as "The Emo Kid."
Angeline, Angel, Angelina-- the gentle giant of the team. Towering over plenty of the other sergeants, her 6'2 stature often scared the living shit out of those on the battlefield. Callsign "Maverick," she'd sweep through buildings in minutes, wiping out anyone who stood between her and her team. ...But she was also the 831's beauty specialist. Gentle, steady hands could do the finest eyeliner and best contouring you could ever see. Though she was quiet, the affection she had for her team was obvious-- this loving, caring woman spent her breaks from the military fostering kittens. Voted most likely to go into professional sports because of her height in high school.
Izzie was the team's gym junkie. Christ on a cracker, this girl never drank alcohol, never (sometimes) went to be late, never touched anything that could've even been deemed unhealthy (think of her as the ultimate health nerd)-- and she did what she could to keep the others on the same path. Izzie "Legs" Okazaki could power through a hot battlefield and make it out the other side like she was Secretariat, corralling the rest of the team into safe positions while she laid down cover fire. Was Prom Queen her senior year!
Homa, Johnny-- he was definitely the heart of the team. A bit of a worry wart, the firearm specialist had a heart of gold amongst the blood and guts of the field. "Birdie" had an eye out for his team at all times, firing a shot into the head of anyone who stepped too close to his armored companions. It was impossible not to like him, but damn... did he love a little gossip. This boy was pretty and popular, winning Prom King in his junior AND senior years of high school.
Mari was a bit skittish in her years as a lieutenant. Sure, she was strong, commanding, but she held a secret insecurity that was chipped away at by the support of her captain. Graves knew she had some doubts, so he did everything he could to encourage the woman, turning Marisha into the headstrong Lt. "Textbook" Gallagher for her strict regiment toward the rules and precise knowledge of military action and code. Luckily, she's largely been called "Gallagher," or "Galla," since her time as a Captain. She was captain of the Mathletes in her middle and high school years.
Rose, Rosie-- aptly given the callsign "Thorn," was probably the most lax lieutenant you could have. Pretty much owned the phrase "if I didn't see it, I don't care." With that being said, she was well respected because of her hands-off style of leadership. She was held as a responsible guide, letting the lower ranks fuck around and find out, then teaching them how to not do it again. Loved by many, the woman made sure to keep the anxious members of the 831 as chill as possible. Oddly enough, she was voted for "Teacher's Pet" in her yearbook!
Finally, Phillip Graves, the kind-hearted Captain of the 831. He collected them with the hopes to turn them into a strong, powerful team, and boy, was he not disappointed. He cared for each of them like his own children (since his actual kids ended up being taken in the divorce), making sure they always came back in one piece. It's a wonder as to why he didn't cry when he found out their helo had crashed in an untrackable location.
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today, for madrid day (may 2nd), i'm doing my top 10 favourite madrid metro / train stations !!! as you would imagine this is gonna be very subjective and honestly i could've done it even more personal to me but i didn't wan to dox myself too much <3
anyways, everything will be below the cut, hope you like it :)
10. RECOLETOS (C1, C2, C7, C8, C10)
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recoletos is just a stop away from atocha, and it's located at the start of the salamanca district (in the recoletos barrio), the wealthiest and fanciest part of the city, but just close enough from the city center where you are next to a lot of important stuff. personally, i've been here multiple times mostly to visit the national archaeological museum, which shares building with the national library, just opposite of the station [right pic]. it also has one of the prettiest boulevards in the city, paseo de recoletos [left pic], that goes from colón square to cibeles square, and is always super full of live. i love walking from it to the banco de españa metro stop, in cibeles, it's super pretty!!!!
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plaza de españa, or, in the madrileño dialect 'plazajpaña', is one of the main reunion points in the city. a ton of teens hang out here and, in fact, it's known as a meeting point for emo, otaku, and k-pop kids. needless to say, i used to come here a lot when i was younger, and even now when i hang out with my uni friends we meet up here. there was a very dramatic reformation of the square from 2019 to 2021 [see left vs right], which i absolutely hate cause it removed almost all green spaces. the only thing that remains of the original square is the don quijote monument, which honestly is pretty good, i really like it!! also, that big ass building you can see in all three pics is the edificio españa, and at one point was the tallest building in the country! it still serves as a good guiding point when you want to return here, i've used it a lot of times myself. here the largest and busiest street in the city starts, gran vía, and there's also some busy and well-known streets that start here like princesa street or my most visited one (alongside gran vía), leganitos street, full of asian restaurants and supermarkets (again. otakus and k-popers). it's also the closest station to the temple of debod, my favourite part of the city so if you know me irl you've probably been here with me lol
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i have a love-hate relationship with this station, and everyone that has used it might have similar feelings i think. so, nuevos ministerios is one of the main transportation hubs of the city, specially in regards to trains, as you can see above. in fact, i had to go here every year while i was in college, cause the only way to get to campus was by the C4 train line and nuevos ministerios is in my most-used metro line (line 10), so i always switched between metro and train here. which was not great. nuevos ministerios is notoriously one of the most confusing stations in the city; and i got lost several times despite using it every single day. but, honestly? that's what kept me humble. every day was an adventure in nuevos ministerios <3
no but really, i grew to love it. it's located right in the business hub of the city, in fact just outside of it is AZCA [left pic], the closest thing to a CBD madrid has (alongside las cuatro torres). it is also on the paseo de la castellana, one of the main arteries of the city and where a lot of offices are located [right pic]. i've been around this station tons of times, either going to my middle egyptian classes after uni that were located 10 minutes away from nuevos ministerios, admiring the christmas market in december, being stressed going to a job interview, or buying last-minute gifts in the shopping center in AZCA. i don't think i could hate it even if i really want to. she's my nemesis, but she made me who i am.
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tribunal is probably the most popular station, especially among young people. it is located in the center, in the university barrio, right in the middle of fuencarral street [left pic], which is the most hip and popular street for young people and has a sorta hipstery vibe with it. it also runs through the malasaña and chueca barrios, respectively the arts/counter-culture and LGBT hubs of the city, so once again. i think you can pick up the vibes. the buildings here are super pretty and i think tribunal constitutes the center of the places where people from madrid like to hang out, instead of tourists. outside of tribunal station is the madrid history museum [right], a pretty nice and underrated museum with an absolutely insane façade. one of my favourite museums, the museum of romanticism, is also pretty close, and i've been to both multiple times, can't recommend them enough!
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aluche is so so special to me. so, aluche station is the center of aluche barrio, in the latina district. latina is one of the poorest districts in the city, but this is pretty normal; most outer districts are more poor than the central ones. it is also a pretty accurate depiction of what a normal barrio looks like, where most people of madrid live. i regularly go here cause it's my closest train station, and more than aluche, i have friends from different barrios of latina and have been to a lot of places here pretty regularly, so latina is like a friend to me. and aluche station is the crown jewel, she's never failed me once, 10/10 no notes <3
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you know this one was coming. atocha is the largest and most important train station in the country. not only all local train lines go through here, but most long-distance trains start here. if you take a train to madrid, this'll probably be your first taste of the city. it is also in a really good spot; i've gone to protests here, to pride, to women's day rallys, to the nearby reina sofía museum [right pic], home of 20th century art like picasso's guernica; to the unesco world heritage paseo del prado and the prado museum, the largest in the country; to the caixaforum, a smaller museum with temporal expos; to the royal botanical garden; to the retiro park... as you can see, you can find practically anything here, it's a great starting point. and i haven't even mentioned the national anthropology museum, the thyssen-bornemisza museum, the best barrio of the city aka the barrio de las letras (where tons of writers have historically lived and where different verses and quotes can be found engraved into the sidewalks), or the fact that inside atocha station you can find a tropical garden with turtles and fish [left pic]. honestly she's the best girl, i love her.
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moncloa is probably my most used station right now. it is the main bus hub in western madrid, and it's located just outside of ciudad universitaria (university city), where the main university campus of the city is located. this makes it extremely popular with the young crowd, and it's right next to argüelles, one of the main party areas of the city. i used to walk to class from here during my master's, i still do it when i have to go get a book from the library, and it's always a delight to cross the parque del oeste (most underrated park of the city imo) [right pic], i have so many good memories listening to music through that area, it's one of my safe spaces. it's also the meeting point of me and my closest friends everytime we hang out in madrid, so we always end up hanging out around here. again; it's probably my most used station right now. also, just as plaza de españa is notoriously an otaku and k-poper hangout, moncloa is famous for the 'pijos de moncloa', posh students of the private catholic university CEU san pablo that are always there and usually contrast a lot with the rest of students (especially the arts and humanities ones!). in moncloa you can also find the faro de moncloa, an observation deck of the whole city [left pic], tho i've never been there (i'm scared of heights okay). princesa street also starts here. oh! and outside the station there's the arco de la victoria. i almost forgot about it.
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ópera is the best well-placed station if you want to show someone around the city i think, and it leads you straight to the busiest but also prettiest parts of the city so it was an easy choice. also the ramal!!! y'all know how much do i love the ramal <3 so yeah, ópera is right outside of the royal theatre, and by the plaza de oriente, the hedged square next to the royal palace. even though i fundamentally disagree with monarchy, it's a really beautiful area, honestly. also, sunsets by the palace are !!!!! the almudena cathedral is also there but eh. it's not great. also, on the other side of ópera station is arenal street, a super pretty street with iconic locales like that one makeshift bookshop i always see every couple of months in this website, or the chocolatería san ginés, that allegedly has the best chocolate con churros of the city. also, arenal street ends in puerta del sol, which is literally the center of the city. like you couldn't go more center than sol. so yeah. great place, great station, 10/10.
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a station that has been covered in vinyls of trees and nature and has an exit right in the middle of the retiro park aka a unesco world heritage site that acts as the main park of the city (like hyde park or central park)???? of course i was gonna love it. i love retiro park with all my heart, it's one of my favourite areas of the city, and it has my favourite event of the year, the book fair !!! apart from the park, just outside retiro station is the puerta de alcalá, madrid's most iconic monument that has a sick song about it. i don't have anything else to add. just. 💞retiro 💞
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she means so much to me... príncipe pío is one of the largest stations in madrid, and is a transportation hub of metro, train, and bus (she's got everything!!) there's a shopping mall inside the station [left pic], and it's one of the starting points of madrid río [right pic], a sprawling area next to the manzanares river. it's very convenient for me to get there, so i've met up with tons of friends here that have made this place even more special, and i've also used it as a desperate place to get something to eat after or before a concert / musical with my sister and / or cousin, or as a way to get to a concert in la riviera, a famous concert venue in madrid río. also, just outside the station is the puerta de san vicente and the campo del moro (the gardens of the royal palace), and it's also not too far from my belovedest temple of debod; i usually start at plaza de españa and end up here or vice versa. in conclusion, príncipe pío is the best station (i almost forgot the ramal!!!) and i wouldn't be anything without her. she's my friend and she's my whole world. i love her with all my heart <3
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crownreaper368 · 5 months
ORV x PJSK crossover au
Virtual Singers!
They will be like empty sekai with personality similar to our dearest reader to rid me of my depression.
They mostly wear goth-ish clothes. (Not completely)
Hatsune Miku has dark blue-ish hair with stars in her eyes (Imagine it however you like) + hearts
Most of their style is going to be based on Korean style.
Name: ruined sekai
This sekai is based on subways with a statue of a demon sleeping on the train seat (it's a item purchased from shop) it boosts Dokja's talent.
There are other items like a laptop (or pens) for Han Sooyoung, A gaming set (or a pocketwatch) for Yoo Joonghyuk and historical or translators for Yo Sangah.
You can also buy bookshelves to boost the whole team... (Can someone give me more ideas??)
Their untitled song is ways to survive (Ik, I'm VERY creative)
Characters and their personal info
Kim Dokja
A bookworm, always referencing random quotes from random books no one knows.
A sassy squid with PTSD as a backup personality
Metally, not okay
A transfer student from Korea, studying in Kamiyama High school
2nd year, class C
Father is dead and mother is in jail.
Plays wind instruments.
He didn't find WOS unfortunately...
Han Sooyoung
Writer, she is a successful writer of "sss-grade regressor"
A black cat who is a (somewhat) nice person
Mentally stable-ish
1st year, class D
Also a transfer student from Korea, studying in Kamiyama high school
She transfers here without telling her 'parents' (not like they give a shit)
Lead singer and songwriter
No apocalypse because no one wrote WOS
Yoo Joonghyuk
A gamer, constantly called a protagonist by Dokja and Sooyoung.
An emo bastard, very edgy
Nowhere near mental stability
Transfer student..
2nd year, class D
Moved to Japan with his sister to live with his teacher and her boyfriend
Not the protagonist but still a MC in Dokja's heart..
Yo Sangah
Loves to learn new things, currently hyper fixated on learning a new language. (Sponsored by duolingo😔)
A demon disguised as a a warm hearted person
The most mentally stable out of them all
Transferred to Miyamasuzaka girls high school
2nd year, Class A
Plays the guitar
Ran away from home with her brother to Japan.
A natural translator
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yamchaisawesome · 5 months
So a while back I was talking about a quirkless Deku’s fighting style. Now I have a strong urge to talk about everyone else in his class in this AU. This will mostly be story changes but in some characters’ cases there will be entire personality overhauls.
Yuga Aoyama: We’re keeping the whole (Redacted) thing but now he’s even more conflicted about it as he sees Izuku do well without a quirk.
Mina Ashido: She is literally the exact same. No complaints. Love her to death.
Tsuyu Asui: She’s good.
Tenya Iida: Stain actually manages to get away in this AU and acts as a wild card for the rest of the series, working with whoever best suits his ideals in the moment. Tenya still wants to murder him in cold blood but attempts to hide that fact from everyone who would get in his way.
Ochako Uraraka: keep her pretty much the same pre sports festival. After her fight with bakugo, she realises that being a rescue hero still often requires confrontation. Instead of just going for martial arts like the manga, she realises that the main issue was that she couldn’t get close to bakugo without being blasted. The solution? A giant fuckoff suit of armor with holes for her fingertips replaces her original hero outfit. Her quirk’s endurance is trained so that she can stop the extra weight from impeding her movement. Also just involve her more. I miss her.
Mashirao Ojiro: Him and Izuku are actually pretty close since Ojiro considers his quirk underwhelming and has been bullied in the past for it.
Denki Kaminari: As we’re changing Mineta entirely, he will no longer be his accomplice in his pervy schemes. Instead; we shall take Brock from Pokémon’s gimmick and have him flirt (poorly) with most new women he meets, then either get interrupted or promptly rejected. This is a recurring thing with hagakure.
Eijirou Kirishima: Same as canon. It’s hard to improve on perfection.
Koji Koda: I genuinely don’t know what to do with him.
Rikido Sato: Same as Koji.
Mezo Shoji: emo.
Kyoka Jiro: also emo. They’re besties with shoji. Also has a crush on Momo but refuses to tell her.
Hanta Sero: Tape boy acts as class clown and is izuku’s study buddy. They compare how he uses his quirk to Deku’s support items and vice versa.
Fumikage Tokoyami: Goth. Jiro and him have a bitter rivalry but will band together if someone says they’re both goth or emo to correct them (sometimes violently).
Shoto Todoroki: Same as canon- though he could have another running gag of doing things exclusively to piss off his dad.
Toru Hagakure: Sweet and Bubbly with a gag of being considered the hottest girl at school. Think Lucy from OG Dracula pre vampirism. Also for peace of mind, we’re giving her a hair suit like Mirio. She’s a high schooler come on guys.
Katsuki Bakugo: He’s the exact same at the start but his arc is a bit different. The longer he stays at UA, the more his strength based worldview starts to crumble. The character most involved in this arc of his is endeavor. Bakugo starts to quickly notice how the number 2 hero, while solving more crimes, is still only the number 2 hero because of his lack of friendliness and cooperation. After he stops being an ableist piece of shit, he’s still an asshole. Like he’s still very angry all of the time but he cares a lot about his friends and stops other people from acting like he did.
Minoru Mineta: He is very different. First of all he’s a strategist above all else, using his quirk in interesting ways like setting traps and attaching them to ropes to pull people away from danger. Secondly, he still has a perverted side, but is way less of a creep about it. He’s respectful and normal about women, if a bit awkward and bashful. When Deku first enters his dorm he’s genuinely shocked to see the absurd amount of hentai he has under his bed. Finally he’s one of Deku’s best friends. It’s funny and they both share a love of heroes, tactical minds, and a history of bullying.
Momo Yaoyurozu: Better costume obviously (hair suit like Mirio or something) but also just More Of Her. Come on. She’s great and underutilized.
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myaekingheart · 1 year
1. Ichiraku! 2. The Uchiha Compound 3. The Academy! 4. Free Space 👀
1. Ichiraku Ramen 🍜
• Teuchi was constantly on-call during Kushina's pregnancy because she was known to wake Minato up in the middle of the night desperate for a bowl of tonkatsu ramen.
• Teuchi and Ayame live in a very small apartment right above the ramen shop.
• When Jiraiya would get writer's block, he would go to Ichiraku for a bowl of ramen to help get the creative juices flowing.
• Iruka spent so much time at Ichiraku both eith Naruto and to help fill the void while he was gone with Jiraiya, that he and Ayame grew rather close and eventually ended up in a relationship together. They go on to get married and have a son, Hiyamugi, named after a Japanese noodle dish.
2. The Uchiha Compound 🔥
• The Uchiha compound was built in Konoha's District 4, an omen for the clan's downfall.
• All the buildings in the compound are built to be especially fire resistant and durable thanks to the high concentration of fire jutsu among the Uchiha.
• The Uchiha compound was one of the less damaged portions of the village when Pain attacked.
• The compound remained exactly the same as it was when Itachi murdered everyone; no one bothered to clean the place up after the fact nor did they care enough. Sasuke consequently had nightmares for six weeks afterward.
• Seeing as most police officers in the village were Uchiha, following the massacre, they had to conduct a large recruitment project for new officers. Many of Konoha's citizens did not want to touch the police station after what had happened, feeling uncomfortable and like it was a bad omen. Ultimately, many tokubetsu jonin were heavily encouraged to join the police force.
3. The Academy 🏫
• The academy has four grades: freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior. Seniors are usually 11-12 years old, juniors 10-11, sophomores 9-10, and freshman 8-9.
• Young prospective ninja can take the entrance exam as young as 3 years old, though it is heavily discouraged except for in times of war and in extraordinary circumstances ie prodigies like Kakashi.
• Children can also enter preschool as young as age 3, though the most common age group is 7-8 years old. The preschool is in a building attached to the main academy and requires no entrance exam. It teaches students the basics like letters, numbers, shapes, reading, and basic math.
• Typical academics are taught in academy classes, as well, but usually through a ninja-colored lens. World and local history, chakra natures and elemental science, necessary botany and zoology, geometry to calculate the trajectory of attacks, etc. are all common aspects of the curriculum.
• Pre-war, most children who did not pursue the ninja path had to be wealthy enough to rely on private tutors for education. If they could not afford a private tutor, they often had to learn through real-world experiences helping with their parents businesses. Therefore their "curriculum" was much more real-world based such as financial math.
• Postwar, a public school for civilian children was founded and placed next to the ninja academy.
• Most teachers have a second job or take missions alongside their teaching for extra money. Teaching oftentimes does not pay the bills.
• The academy has two stories, four basic classrooms, a small library, a front office with a records room and clinic, teacher's lounge, and a small lunch room. Postwar, they add a cafeteria for children who cannot bring their lunches.
• The school courtyard has a training ground for physical education, one of the four main tenets of academy curriculum.
• The four main tenets of the academy curriculum are physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Physical curriculum revolves around the student's physical capabilities (agility, speed, stamina, mastery of ninjutsu and taijutsu, etc). Mental curriculum revolves around the student's intelligence (understanding of the material, battle tactics and formation, mastery of genjutsu, etc.) Emotional curriculum revolves around the student's emotional maturity and control (remaining calm and clear-minded in stressful situations, handling heavy topics such as death and injury, resisting psychological manipulation, etc). Lastly, spiritual curriculum revolves around a student's understanding of and relationship with their own chakra network and chakra nature (being attuned with the elements, meditation, etc.) All four of these tenets work in tandem to build the foundation of a successful and skilled shinobi.
4. Free Space: Unohana Antiques Shop 🏺
• The Unohana Antiques Shop was founded by twins Komori and Rojin Unohana. It is equal parts thrift store, pawn shop, and museum for the unwanted mysteries of old Konoha.
• The shop's establishment was inspired by Komori Unohana's penchant for collecting odds and ends, namely mismatched souvenirs from the many ninja missions of her youth.
• The antiques shop is one of many small businesses in the village, especially those founded by Konoha's oldest and finest. Other businesses in the same league are the Kawakubo Kimono Shop, Kaminoki Book Store, the dango shop, Fumeiyo Fortunes, and Kenshin Smithing.
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
NIGHTGOWN ANON HERE omg what if im NIA? short for NIghtgown Anon :) maybe that could be a writing name for me? idk lol im shit at writing decent stories
- Poe x Artist Reader: Reader illustrates the covers for Poe's books (accidentally put boobs instead of books the first time haha)
- Poe x Cook Reader: You were the Guild's chef but now that it was abandoned, Poe hired you to cook for him!
- Poe x Doctor Reader: Aw man he got hurt. Don't worry! Doctor Reader is here to bandage him up!
- Poe x Retail Reader: Reader didn't choose Retail. Retail chose Reader.
- Poe x Vet Reader: Karl
- Poe x Idol Reader: Now it's random
- Everyday you shower Poe with face kisses to wake him up, he gets extremely flustered, even though you've been doing it for years. You keep doing it just to wake him up
- Poe is like Reader's shadow at parties, constantly clinging to her because of his shy nature.
- Reader and Poe both die in a corner at parties because they're shy.
- The reason Poe was able to meet Reader was because he hired someone to go outside and do errands for him (ex: get food)
omg my brain is melting i have so many more ideaassss but THEYRE NOT COMINNNGGG
okay so first of all NIA is SUCH A CUTE NAME OMG it kinda sounds like a j-pop star name lmaoaooaoaoaa anyways. you're nia now i decided. you don't have a say in the matter /j anyways i have things to say about all of these.
poe x artist reader who creates illustrations for his novels lowkey gives me Dorian Gray vibes? like imagine reader going to a library or a bookstore or something one day and seeing one of poe's books and on the cover it names the author and illustrator side by side and it hits them...T-T also what if reader was originally a fanartist of his books or something and he saw their fanart and he liked it so much that he hired them to be his official artist and reader just combusts lol (sidenote i'm sure poe has some great man milkers)
poor reader who was just hired to cook for a bunch of mean bougie people and is now stranded and jobless in another country T-T fortunately they still have poe. i get the feeling that poe is secretly pretty picky with his food but he's just too shy to say anything most of the time. ranpo eventually comes along and you totally get 'he asked for no pickles'd lmao. STOP WHAT IF YOU DECIDED TO TEACH POE HOW TO COOK (cus it's just easier than having to modify your recipes to accommodate him all the time) and you have like one of those cliche foodfight moments <3 and of course ranpo is your resident taste tester. (IMAGINE KARL PUPPETEERING POE LIKE IN RATATOUILLE STOP)
i can't come up with a scenario atm where poe would get hurt because he's a paranoid boi. but maybe like ranpo accidentally did it or something EITHER WAY. you are his little doctor <3 maybe you're like a training doctor for the ada under the guidance of doctor yosano? there's also a bit of a forbidden love aspect because a relationship between a doctor and a patient is unethical afaik so ooooo drama. maybe you're yosano's sister as well, idk make it even more dramatic lol (protective dadzawa moment)
currently trying to get a job in retail atm, never been there but from what i've heard it's an absolute nightmare. poor reader is probably getting harassed by karens each day and poe is her very calm and quiet respite :) he just seems to easy to assist in a store, even if he does stutter a bit. plus you can lowkey take a couple minutes to just hang out with him under the guise of 'helping a customer' akjsskkssjsjsjks. reader tells poe that she's really just there for the money, saving up for a nicer place or something, and poe's like 'i can buy a place for you /gen' because let's face it he's rather out of touch with us lower middle class folks. reader is like. well then
imagine you're a vet just vibing at work and one day some 1800s gothic emo author bursts in with his pet raccoon in shambles because he thinks said pet raccoon is seriously sick or something. nah turns out karl just ate a spider or something and threw it back up (definitely not something my dog does). and although you did no work whatsoever poe is so grateful for your help (he might cry). whenever karl gets even a little unwell from then on poe comes straight to you because he's always wracked with worry for his lil guy T-T BOOM you two are in love because of a raccoon
poe x idol reader THIS one right here gave me a lot of thinks to think. either you were friends before you became an idol or he was just a fan of your music but like you two somehow meet and it's just funny cus...old fashioned author guy and bubbly trendy idol...it would be so nice of you if you got poe a little pair of earplugs to wear at your concerts when it gets too loud but so he can still enjoy your singing <3 he gets backstage passes and all that special treatment and stuff. also is it really an idol story without some kind of arc involving dating rumours and drama? technically you're both kinda famous cus author and singer- but imagine if your fandoms clashed and were always fighting nooooooo T-T
this one where you kiss poe awake is SOOOOO so cute and i wanna write it now. you and poe could be old ass great grandparents together by this point but he'd still get shy when physical affection <333333 but like he's not complaining. what better way is there to wake up than a kiss from your loved one? he thinks it's very romantic and probably writes poems about it
i personally would have no problem with poe clinging to me (not only am i in love with him but i'm clingy and touchstarved myself) so everyone else would just have to DEAL WITH IT if they wanna talk to me but poe is also there. by the end everyone would know who he is lol (also they probably think karl is cool too)
now if reader and poe were BOTH shy...tbh two seconds in they'd just look at each other and decide to leave snksjakdhakjh if you guys don't know anyone else there then why stay? plus parties aren't really your scene anyway, maybe a cafe or library date would be better for the two of you. You'd have a lot more time and privacy for things like that <3
so like presumably the relationship between poe and assistant!reader would be mostly business, but of course a little friendly as well. so of course RANPO (or dazai lol) has to come into the picture and probably makes some maid joke and that gets poe thinkin...thoughts...about maid outfitssss~ maybe he buys one for youuuuuuu~ and maybe he thinks it looks really pretty on youuuu~ tbh this is mostly just a self indulgent pwp prompt lmaoo
this. was so long. i hope you liked this stuff nia pls feel free to add on if you have anymore ideas <3 ALSO YES I SEE YOUR CAPITALS AND I'M VERY PROUD 🌸🌸🌸🌸 I HOPE YOUR DAY IS SPLENDID AND YOUR BRAIN WORKS MORE FERVENTLY THAN EVER
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jackoshadows · 2 years
Jon is often seen as a sullen, brooding, emo bastard and an introvert. However the text indicates that he has an ability to make friends wherever he goes. In fact GRRM’s themes of brotherhood and his cast of funny and loyal friends is a big part of what makes Jon’s story so much fun to read.
Robb Stark is a big part of Jon’s life. Jon describes him as ‘his rival and best friend and constant companion’. Robb has more mentions in Jon’s POV chapters than even Arya. They grew up together, learned together, played together. It’s interesting that Jon doesn’t get along with Theon Greyjoy. There’s an element of rivalry there for Robb’s affections, but also their different personalities seem to have prevented their getting along. Theon describes Jon as ‘Sullen’ and jealous of Theon’s high birth, not really understanding Jon as a person. The Robb we meet in AGoT however demonstrates empathy towards Jon’s situation and even protectiveness – he is concerned for Jon after he visits Catelyn and defends Jon to Catelyn’s accusations of future treachery. It’s also possible that Robb’s decision to marry Jeyne Westerling was influenced by how Jon was treated.
As mentioned above, Robb features heavily in Jon’s chapters. Jon wants to break his oaths and help Robb fight the Lannisters, he thinks of his childhood in WF playing in the snow with Robb or listening to Old Nan’s stories. Even when Stannis offers him WF, it’s memories of Robb he recollects. When he says farewell to Sam, it’s the snowflakes on Robb’s hair that he remembers.
And of course there is Samwell Tarly. The best friendship in ASoIaF in my opinion. There are obvious comparisons here to Frodo and Samwise gamgee. Samwell is as loyal and as wise as Samwise. Jon lost a trusty companion when he send Sam off to the Citadel, but Sam also gets to meet all the people important to Jon like Bran and Arya and most probably in the near future Tyrion and Daenerys.
Jon’s relationship with Arya in a lot of ways defines his relationships with friends and lovers alike. GRRM has stated that ‘Jon Snow has me in him’ and I think this reflects in Jon’s soft spot for the outsider, the underdog. As GRRM says it:
My Game of Thrones is told by outsiders of both types. None of them fit comfortably into the society into which they’ve been born, and they’re all struggling to find a place for themselves in which they’re valued and loved and respected, despite what their society considers their deficiencies.
There is Arya herself for whom Jon makes a special sword so that she can train and learn and do what she likes and be herself. Samwell Tarly, who cannot fight, for whom Jon rallies the other recruits to help him and even approaches Maester Aemon to find Sam a job more suited to his talents.
Jon’s fellow graduating class  – Pyp, Grenn, Toad, Halder, Matt. Mummer’s boys and the sons of winesink owners. He apologizes to them for being a bully and helps teach them how to fight, getting loyalty and friendship in return. It’s his friends that bring him back and prevent him from being a NW deserter leading to that classic line about honor from Jeor Mormont. 
Jon’s relationship with these friends does become complicated as he becomes Lord Commander and feels that he cannot hold friendships with the men he commands. He distances himself and some of his friends like Pyp feel that he has become arrogant. Jon also sends his friends away to other castles, and I really hope they all get to meet again.
There’s Tyrion Lannister to whom he holds out a hand in friendship because he recognizes a fellow kindred spirit. Tyrion is moved to emotion by the gesture. In book 5, Jon reflects on how they parted  as friends and Tyrion’s status as a kinslayer. No doubt their relationship will be central to the story later on.
Jon also fosters friendships with the older men. Dolorous Edd for instance is a good and trustworthy friend. Jon spends time in the forge with Donal Noye talking with the smith and Noye trusts that Jon has not turned deserter. There’s the new recruits like Iron Emmett.
There there’s the Freefolk and friends like Tormund Giantsbane - Tall-talker, Horn-blower, and Breaker of Ice, Tormund Thunderfist, Husband to Bears, the Mead-king of Ruddy Hall, Speaker to Gods and Father of Hosts.
 ”Well met, Jon Snow. I am fond o' wargs, as it happens, though not o' Starks." - Tormund Giantsbane
Mance Rayder points out that Tormund likes Jon Snow and from Jon’s own POV we see that this friendship is returned. So much so that towards the end of ADwD, Jon is making plans with Tormund instead of his first stewards, builders and rangers. Jon is also friends with Leathers from whom he learns the Old Tongue
Jon can even count a Giant among his friends – Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun. He makes special provisions for Wun Wun, spends time talking to him and even introduces him to Selyse!
I loved Jon’s interactions with Alys Karstark and would count her among Jon’s new friends. He helps her out and she pledges to help him in whatever way she can, by sending him whatever men she can afford to spare.
There’s a parallel here between Jon Snow and Arya Stark in the friends they make along the way. Their friends are mostly not nobility, but of the smallfolk. They both tend to form packs wherever they go. The difference being of course Arya feels that her pack abandoned her, whereas Jon abandons his pack deliberately because he feels that a leader cannot get too close to the men he commands. Jon sending most of his friends away and trying to be a lone wolf, leaves him without much of a sense of the hostile mood of some of his men.  
In a sense, The lone wolf dies but the pack survives is also as much about friendships as it is about family and unity. If TWoW comes out, there is a chance we will see how Jon’s friends at the Watch react to his assassination and it’s not going to be a pleasant time for the mutineers.
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archived-kin · 3 years
genshin modern au cheat sheet
i’m planning to do more pieces set in this au, so i’ve put together a quick list of the characters i'm planning to write about/include!
there are three main groups here - the zhao family, the ragnvindr family and friends, and the Miscellaneous Pals™
(the next volume in this au is going to be a xiao piece, and that should be up within the next two or so days!)
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1. the zhao family
zhongli, 36: history professor at the local uni who also plays the guzheng very well, tea-enjoyer, a very proud and supportive dad who loves his kids more than anything in the universe - probably unironically has so many pictures of them in his wallet
xiao, 23: taking a degree in psychology at the local uni, has a cool motorbike, bit of a control freak, doesn’t like surprises, will drop-kick you if you look at him or his sister funny, wants a cat but his dad’s allergic, never really grew out of his emo phase
yanfei, 19: baby of the family, prodigy lawyer-in-training, far smarter than many people give her credit for, likes building snowmen, has to protect her unsuspecting dad from Evil Salespeople looking to make some extra money
xiao and yanfei are biological siblings, and zhongli adopted them when xiao was 11 and yanfei was 7. the circumstances of this adoption is a mystery that none of the zhao family members seem willing to divulge…
the zhao siblings can have a little bit of tragic backstory. as a treat.
basically they were born into poverty and often went hungry for days on end. biological parents were distant and neglecting (though not actually physically/emotionally abusive - yet.)
when xiao was caught shoplifting bread and fruit from a local grocery store so that he and yanfei could actually eat, both parents went ballistic and kicked him out the house in the middle of one of the coldest winters the town had seen
poor kid was practically freezing to death out there, and yanfei raised such a fuss back in the house that mum slapped her square in the face to get her to shut up, which xiao saw through the window, and he promptly decided that he Was Not Putting Up With This Shit for any longer
immediately went to a neighbour’s house and told them what was going on, neighbours promptly called cps, and an investigation was launched
parents were deemed unsuitable for raising kids and (after a lot of back and forth) the two kids were taken into care
meanwhile zhongli was kind of sad because he had no friends or family in this town and all he really did was write articles, read books, and mark work
then one of his co-workers mentioned hearing about xiao and yanfei’s story and it hit zhongli so hard that he immediately rang up the adoption centre and ended up taking them in
and from then on both yanfei and xiao were very happy and healthy because zhongli was literally the best dad ever and put everything into taking care of them
2. the ragnvindr family (+ friends)
diluc, 29: budding businessman who still works at his dad’s cafe but is looking to open up his own company some time soon, still buys himself juice in those little cartons with the straws, still doesn’t know how raising bread works?? how does it get bigger???
diona, 7: diluc’s adopted daughter who has her father firmly under her thumb, bit of a spitfire but can also be the sweetest kid ever, enjoys making ‘potions’ out of grass and flowers and water (diluc can and will actually drink these potions because his love for his daughter knows no bounds)
kaeya, 25: diluc’s idiot little brother who’s changed majors at least five times and still doesn’t really know what he wants to do, practises fencing and horse riding in his spare time like a nerd, spoils his niece rotten
lisa, 26: the first of kaeya’s three roommates, has a degree in english and could easily have gone on to become a leading scholar but chose to instead open a bookshop that gets way more business than expected because she’s pretty and men and women alike are all simps
albedo, 23: the second of kaeya’s roommates, bit of a genius, has already started his chemistry phd, is almost concerningly pale and exhausted at all times, has not gone a day without breaking one of the cups for at least two years
venti, 21: the third of kaeya’s roommates, studying music, acts way older than he is sometimes but is mostly just a child, asks at least one of his roommates to marry him every day without fail, was and still is both a music and a theatre kid
lisa’s actually the one who owns the roommates’ residence because it’s on top of her bookshop
i was going to keep the whole ragnvindr family trauma thing but i decided that diluc deserved to be happy in at least one au so the brothers are still happy brothers :D
unfortunately that means that i’ve transferred a lot of the family trauma over to diona
essentially her mother died when she was a baby and her father, draff, turned to alcohol to get him through the stress of raising a child alone. unfortunately this led to him drunk driving one day, and he crashed the car into one of the wall’s of diluc’s dad’s cafe.
draff died on impact since he was in the front seat, but three-year-old diona managed to pull through despite her injuries. one thing led to another, diluc ended up taking care of her for a bit while the authorities sorted the whole thing out, but then he got too attached and decided to adopt her permanently
now diona has a dad, three uncles and an aunt who are all willing to shower her with all the love she deserves :’)))))
3. the Miscellaneous Pals™:
xiangling, xingqiu, chongyun, 17: local high school kids, they’re all kind of dating each other, low-key got adopted by xiao at one point, guoba is xiangling’s guinea pig and they all have joint custody over him
barbara, bennett, razor, 17: also local high school kids, also kind of all dating each other (but a lot more tentatively), regulars at diluc’s cafe, almost never seen apart
lumine, aether, ??: they keep showing up here and there around town to climb a tree and just sit there throwing leaves at people on the streets, then disappear. no one knows who the fuck they are
tartaglia, 23: nicknamed childe by his friends, also known as Mr Moneybags, is always just hanging around the local uni campus but doesn’t actually study anything there. his real name is ajax, but he thought that was lame so he gave himself a cool new one
eula, 24: new teacher at the local high school, her father used to be headmaster and was notoriously cruel to his students so everyone’s kind of wary of her, but she’s just really sweet and wants the best for her pupils :(((
amber, 21: number one eula defender, teaches the younger kids at the local primary, likes bunsen burners a little bit too much, still can’t remember how to spell the word necessary
hu tao, 25?: shady local mortician who may or may not practise illegal things, was kind of dating yanfei at some point but zhongli sent her packing as soon as he realised who she was, no one knows what her deal is
xiangling’s already a budding master chef and has received several offers from culinary schools, xingqiu is planning to study literature/language at uni but also might just go straight to trying to get a book published, chongyun is going to continue the family tradition of studying the supernatural with maybe a side job at xiangling’s future restaurant so that he doesn’t end up with no money if he doesn’t get any supernatural work
barbara is planning to go to medical school and also sings/dances in her spare time, bennett still doesn’t know what he wants to do but is considering carpentry among other things, and razor is dead-set on working at either a zoo or an animal shelter when he’s older
tartaglia never leaves the house without at least three pocket knives and a water pistol. he’s never had to use them yet, but you never know...
eula and amber live together and are probably dating but they’ll both just dodge the question if you ask them about it
they’re most definitely together though because on eula’s birthday amber brought her entire class of little kids to say happy birthday and bring her flowers
(incidentally amber is diona’s teacher)
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