#and sometimes its fine! ya know its just things you normally eat thats why you have all those components already
nerdie-faerie · 4 months
It's miscellaneous vegetables pasta sauce time!
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stocious · 1 year
bisexual carl thoughts
so listen, we got robbed of some bisexual content in the show with fiona’s exit so me and nosho ( @creepkinginc ) got talking and you know what? bisexual carl. we’re here for it. so we made him a boyfriend. meet ben.
carl brings his first ever actual boyfriend to sunday family dinner and at first the gallaghers are kinda confused because ben looks like a nobody. he has a boring name and a boring look, very average, nothing special about him. carl has had a slew of very interesting women and he’s with this guy? makes zero sense.
until ben opens his mouth. it makes sense then.
they learn he’s a baker and works at a bakery close to the police station and that’s how they met (”cops and dounts, huh?”) but ben had to give his number THREE times before carl got the hint. because why would a guy flirt with him? it took him a minute alright.
but ben also tells them he’s been a park ranger in new mexico where he’s from, a construction worker, for a while he worked with removing snakes and shit from peoples houses, you know, normal ben stuff.
at which the gallaghers tell him the story about carl killing the bald eagle hoping to get a laugh outta the guy
but he looks dissapointed and says he wishes he was there so he could show them how to prepare it properly. which then send him into a story about that time he killed and ate a poisionous snake.
the gallaghers just stare but carl nods and looks like its the most normal thing ever. ben informs them that they have to remember to bury the head should they ever have to do that because you can still step on it and get poisoned.
he then goes on to tell them about other wild animals you can eat. seagulls, snails, bugs, possums. and how to best prepare them.
alright so ian spots his tattoo and asks about it. its a ruler on his forearm and ben just shrugs and tells them he uses it to measure fish he catches sometimes. you never know when you have to measure something. its handy at ikea and when you gotta make sure a hole is deep enough. a hole for what? oh you never know when you need a hole with just the right size.
they keep talking and frank/monica/parents comes up and ben tells them about his survivalist father who dropped him in the woods one time with a swiss army knife and a lighter and he had to find his way back home. by himself. at 12.
(thats also the time he ate the snake. ya boy had to eat)
there’s just this distinct feeling ben could build you a house and do your taxes, but he’s also the typa guy who could tell you the best way to make a body dissapear and how to make a deadly weapon out of a paperclip and a stick. mcgyver style.
eventually it turns into this thing where everybody just waits for him to piggyback of whatever story they tell with a ”that reminds me of that one time…” and they all just KNOW its gonna be something outta the left field. just ben stories.
ian voices his concern about ben being a red flag to mickey but mickey’s like ”firecrotch, you married ME. if we turned out fine im sure ben and carl will be fine too. he’s weird as fuck but i kinda like the dude. good for carl the little pyschopath”
eventually they wanna add him to the gallagher group chat but he doesnt use facebook. or any social media sites. but he does have 17 different apps for hiking trails and apps for identifying plants you can eat or not eat and a compass app and— all the apps but not facebook. sorry.
so yeah, ben looks like he wouldnt make sense with carl but they get it now. he makes total sense with carl.
(i wrote this on my phone and didnt spellcheck so take it for what it is)
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Im finally watching The Owl House instead of just seeing spoilers on Tumblr so Im gonna live-post my reactions cuz Holy shit do I have some things to say right now-
1. Camila sounds nothing like I imagined
3. Eda sounds nothing like I thought????
4. Luz… baby… you didn’t see the door with a giant eye and- ya know what- not worth it
5. Why is Eda not sus about a human? I am definitely missing something
6. Is Alex Hirsch the voice for the guard?
7. Why hand come off?????
8. Luz is self aware. This is good.
9. HOOTY??????? THE FUCK????
10. Luz! Don’t just grab people and creatures!
11. Wait- have I been mispronouncing Luz’ name? I thought it was Luhz not Looz
12. Eda! Blackmail and manipulation isn’t cool!
13. by the way both Earth and Boiling Isles conforming places are so disgusting like the fuck
14. Luz I love you and im concerned by your lax reaction to this new world
15. the warden is disgusting
16. h- thats not how physics work??? how are the doors opening???
17. Eda you’re great for protecting the child first
18. Luz is so cool for rebellion tho
Done! I think Im gonna rewatch each episode again when I don’t pay attention enough so I can write these. Hard to remember my questions if I pay attention too hard but ya know I wanna express how I feel too
1. wait these people are overreacting sometimes. the snakes and spiders? yeah absolutely valid to run. The sausages and eyelids???? Y’all overreacting. I mean the wasted food sucks but like its obviously just sausages guys. The eyelid thing is just something at least one kid does every year and its gross but not scream and run worthy. These people are so rude. At least the principal and Camila are concerned about Luz cuz of her seemingly not recognizing what is and isnt real vs just being dicks about her hobbies. It could be much worse in that way. Also Camila worrying about Luz’ lack of friends is good, too. Some kids do fine alone, but most really do need a support system other than family.
(ugh why is the next line down here thats so annoying)
2. Boiling Isles is like- lawless??? Clearly the warden gets away with his crazy arrests (kinda like Warden from Danny Phantom) cuz he’s just a dick. Like how is the guy selling person-eating icecream allowed but a fanfic writer isnt???? Like this is all clearly a reference to queerness cuz like fanfic doesn’t bother anyone else unless you see it out whilst that icecream could absolutely hurt some random civilian. The shit queer people used to and still get in trouble for with no valid reason- this also could be referencing race as well cuz it is disgusting how many POC are arrested or hurt due to plain racism rather than justice by law.
3. oh my godex I have been saying Luz’ name wrong! I thought it was Luhz! Is it Looz cuz its short for Lucida? Also the fact Eda thinks she’s clever for a human makes me worry everyone in Boiling Isles will think Luz is dumb just because of her species which is hella speciest and yeah im worried
4. ): giraffes are cool. Eda why
5. I kinda hate Hooty not gonna lie. Also ??? Eda why you leave your stuff outside ???
6. I just realized that the Conformitorium may actually be a proper prison that just has too many lax laws. Also how tf did does Luz open and close the door????
7. Luz’ willingness to just trust Eda is concerning. Also the BK crown is funny. Eda is a softie
8. oh the doors are opened normally itd just hurt ouch. Is the scene of them falling done by that Baxter dude cuz its kinda smooth af
9. I really hope Luz’ speech means something to kids and teens. It feels cringely bad to me but im also literally 20 so its not meant for me
10. Luz… you cant just offer up your services for ANYTHING! Standards! Boundaries! Her age is showing here. (what is her age? is she like 12?)
11. That photo thing is absolutely real. Some people think its a dramatic movie thing but Ive done it genuinely. Who had the sleeping bag? Eda or Luz? Also love her phone case. Cannot imagine sleeping without a blanket.
Properly done this time! I think I’ll watch the next one once through then ask questions though cuz this took far too long. Ill remember the questions eventually.
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Hey lovelies.
Got you a Dewey x reader fic.
Reader coming out as ace (asexual) while Dewey is playing the guitar and the reader lounging on his lap. Fluff and angst ahead. All aboard! Fair warning... its quite long...
Hope you enjoy. 💜
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You and Dewey had been friends since kindergarten. You were as thick as thieves. Being able too see your best friend everyday since you two were roommates only made things better.
Dewey was a incredibly bouncy, happy person. That much you guys had in common. You both were as enthausiastic as you were chaotic sometimes. And when you were having one of 'these' days... the ones when you just woke up grumpy, you could find comfort in the small things in each other. He would give you one single look and knew what kind of day it was. It was on these days that Dewey proved himself being the man, the myth and the legend you believed he was. He would make sure your favorite tea was ready in the morning, with just the right amount of honey in it. And he would do anything to crack your mood up during the day. Including some 'sick' dance moves on random moments, and playing requests you had on his guitar always calmed your mind. In return you knew that playing guitar hero cleared his clouded mind, and spontaneous dance parties always made him smile.
Long story short, you'd be there for each other.
The thing was that lately you came to realise that some things were different for you then they were for him.
You always pictured yourself with a partner as loving and caring as Dewey was. You just KNEW he was your favorite person in the world. It was just... difficult. The whole situation had been difficult. There had to be a person in this universe who wanted to know what made you tick. Besides Dewey. Right?
That was a question your head had been occupied with the last couple of months.
Of course you noticed Dewey going out. On dates. With actual girls.
He wasnt the most popular guy you knew, but damn... he had some charm in that authentic and warm personality he had. He also was kinda cute, you had to admit. But you were 101% cool with him dating. Even helping him pick out outfits and scolding him for forgetting garlic on date-night is a no-go. And when he wouldnt come home at night you would smile to yourself, because you was happy for the dude.
So why werent you out there? Dating? Again? You tried. Hell... you tried so SO hard to actually like people.
Liking wasnt the right word. Cause liking people wasnt that difficult. You could love the personalities of people in a heartbeat. Loved the way they laughed, or the freckles on their face, or the way they sat. You'd loved the way they talked about what drove them, what they were passionate about. You loved so many people. Yet you loved no-one.
You came to realise lately that you were kind of different. For instance: Dewey could swoon over a girl he saw for one second. One moment he was chilling with u at your local bar, the next moment you saw that sparkle in his eyes... And with a wink, a pat on your shoulder and a VERY bad attempt to moonwalk away from you, you knew you didnt had to wait up for him.
That was fine. Never bothered you actually. It was a signal you guys had created. Dewey also knew that when u werent in the mood or okay with leaving alone, you would put on a pouty face. That would be his que to get the random-chick's number, promising to call her, before excusing himself to her and drop back on the barstool beside you.
You liked it that way. He was free to go. As were you. He was your buddy. Your parnter in crime. That was the way it was.
You were just frustrated with yourself the last couple of months.
You could look at a man or a woman and be like: jeez, you are pretty. Look at that adorable face!
You would walk up there, talk to them. Now... that wasnt the hard part. The hard part came after that.
When you talked to someone, wether it be a beautifull quirky women or a handsome kind lad... there always came that moment that they would give a 'certain' comment. Or a glance up and down. Or let their hands wander little bit... and the magic would be gone for you.
Totally gone. Your mind would just go: 'nope'. You would find their smile attractive. But when everyone else's knees would give up at their bedroom eyes they gave you, and them saying something like: "you look like i could eat ya, wanna get out of here?" you would just feel nothing. Besides of getting noxious at the idea of them looking at you that way...
Dewey noticed you getting more silent as you internly struggled with this a while. After 'just' men, you started some online research and tried something new. There was a period u had labeled youself as bisexual. But the label just didn't fit right. You tried the word: 'lesbian' for a month or 3.
Dewey had again proven to be an actual legend, after you told him you might not be straight. He was so pumped for you, buzzing with excitement and acceptance when you told him. He bounced up and down on the couch and offered to go to gay-bars together. You even had to keep him from hanging the actual rainbow-flag out of the window, to support you. Dewey suspected you had just been a late bloomer, so he was more then excited when you seemed to make some steps into the date-world, and wanted to make sure he helped you out were he could.
But that wasnt it either. Being bisexual or lesbian was not what made you you as well.
You had been desperately looking for a label to fit you but you couldn't quite put your finger on it.
Dewey would notice your online research by accident. He got up from his jamming session at the couch and ruffled a hand tiredly throw his brown locks. You was on a date. With... amy? Agnes? He couldnt quite remember. He chuckled, while opening your computer, hoping you'd been having fun.
He was looking on an article about ACDC he came across a while ago, when the google question popped up in the browser history. He frowed, but clicked anyway. "I dont feel sexual attraction towards people. What's wrong with me?"
A pang of guilt creeped through his chest. Did he totally miss all that? Y/n had fun with people in bars right? She was on a date right this moment... with... Anne, or whats her name again?
Dewey poundered, he would always see you laughing and having fun while chatting to strangers. 'God... you was so likeable it was super-easy for you to make new friends.' But after he put some more thought to it, he couldnt quite remember the last time y/n talked about having a crush. Or kissing someone. She didnt even talked about her date today enough for him to be able to remember her name. He felt a bit sad about it but Dewey had to find out what you were feeling, so he clicked through the rest of the history page.
You actually tried to kiss Alma today, you'd been seeing her for a while... You two had a lot in common and you liked the way she practically buzzed with excitement when she talked about mountainbiking, smiling as she did so.
'it only seemed like the right thing to do' you forced yourself to think that... 'Alma deserved that much, right? She'd been so kind to me...'
After your date Alma reached out to softly grab you by your hip, pulling you towards her. 'Well... here goes nothing...' you thought as she brought her mouth closer to you.
But right when your lips were about to meet, it felt wrong. A panic rose in your chest and before you knew what happened you turned your head slightly and kissed her cheeck. You was infuriated with yourself. 'How could you! After date #3. Were you mad? What was wrong with you?!'
The girl in question seemed just as baffled as you. She smiled a sad smile to you, before giving you a side-hug and catching her train to go home.
You sighed, dropped your shoulders as you slumped home. 'Side-hugs are not good. They're not 'relationship-material', you fool." You wanted so bad to be 'normal...'
By the time you was done walking home you reached a new low-piont in your self-esteem. Thats when you noticed u had a missed call. Dewey. You sighed. He had been SO happy for you to be dating. Enthausiastically helping you with your outfit and even what kind of perfume you should wear. You were not only a dissapiontment for yourself... but for Dewey as well.
You quickly wiped away a tear. Damn this. Damn this shit. Damn this day. You just didnt felt it. Again.
All you wanted to do was to jump into a hot shower, eat some pizza on the couch and lounge on the couch, revel in the safe comfort of Dewey.
You were not dissapionted by the smell of your favorite pizza already stalking towards you on the way to your front door. You smiled a bit at that.
Dewey had seen you crying through the window of your apartment and already planned to do something special for you, since you had such a hard time lately and he had been too oblivious too see it. So he decided to make you your favorite pizza, and just be there for you when your date didnt worked out.
You opened the door and was greeted by a dancing Dewey in his boxershorts and old band t-shirt. He was smiling at you while hopping of the cough while The Pretender of the Foo Fighters blasted through your appartement. He headbanged towards the speakers and you managed to get out a small snort. Your neighbours had to hate you guys.
Wiping your nose you tried to smile at him. But failed miserably. You stood in the middle of the living room feeling small and stupid. Your lip was quivering and you wanted to wipe the tear away that was spilling down your cheeck.
All in that moment Dewey was by your side, wiping away the tear that you inteded to brush away yourself.
You smiled sadly at him, through your tears and sobs. And you heard him mumble your name while pulling you into his arms. "Its okay love. You're okay. Im so proud of you." He started petting your head softly with his calloused fingers and holding you close. He knew this was a big step for you, and didnt asked any questions about your breakdown. Or date. He wanted you to tell him when you were ready. Untill then there were no words needed.
You got out of his loving embrace when you heard something beeping in the distance. "Dew! The pizza!" You smacked his arm and while muttering a "fuck" under his breath, he took a dive towards the oven.
He smiled a lopsided smile to you while striking a ridiculous pose, using the towel in his hands as a cape. He sing song: "i am the pizza heroooooo and i present you your favorite pizza, mylady...." You couldnt help but cackle at that. "Your a weirdo Dew... but thanx pizza-king."
You two ate on the couch after you took a shower and dressed in your favorite sweats.
After Dewey had put away the dishes he dropped on the couch with you and grabbed his guitar. You went to lie with your head on his lap while he was tuning the strings. You listened to him fumbling with some wires and relaxed at the familiar sound and the rise of his chest above you. He played some chords untill there was a rythem in them and you felt your clouded mind become clearer.
You were relaxing against him when you heard him mumble your name... "hey y/n, wanna hear anything particular?" You shaked your head no.
He hummed in response, playing the tune of your favorite song anyway.
Dewey softly started singing:
"And i don't want the world to see me.
Cause i don't think that they'll understand.
When everything is made to be broken.
I just want you to know who i am...."
You felt the tears behind your eyes prickling. With a soft poke in his chest you whispered with all the courage you had left: "...Dew... Dewey..."
"Hmmm...sweetheart, whats up?" He replied softly.
You sighed, rubbing your hand against your forehead, gathering some more courage. You muttered: "I ehm.... I think I need to tell you something Dew..."
He went to put his guitar away. Shifting slightly so you was lying with your head on his lap, and he could look you right in the eye from how he was sitting. He grabbed your hand ,that out of stress had been clutching your own sweater, and placed his hand around yours. Squeezing lightly in encouragement. He smiled at you. It was an understanding smile, full of love and patience. You could cry at that alone. But swallowed your tears away, there had been anough crying today you decided.
Dewey saw you swallow hard and brought your clutched hands to his mouth and kissed them. "You can tell me anyting babe. You know that right?" You hummed in response.
Knowing you could trust him but also feeling incredibly scared and anxious... you stuttered: "Dew... i think... there is a reason i dont... i think i might be..." he squeezed your hand one more time.
You took that as an encouragement and mumbled the words that were nagging you for the past few months, your nerves barely made your voice louder then a whisper: "I think... ehm... I might be asexual Dewey..."
You felt like you could throw up. Or cry. Or both. You actually were about to bolt and do just that, untill you heard a familiar voice bringing u back to the present moment.
"... y/n... love... youknow..."
You coulndnt even hear full scentences of what Dewey was saying. His voice fading away, your nerves making it hard to fucus. He noticed your absence and your shallowing breathing, your breaths becoming faster and shorter with each one you took in. You couldnt even look at him while saying that. You were a pathetic coward... and now he would finally see you for the freak and the outcast you were. He would be disgusted and think you were a robot and leave you... You took another shaking breath...
A feeling brought you out of your shallow breathing. You noticed familliar calloused fingers glide through your hair. Combing through it and massaging your scalp softly. A smile appeared on your face, his movement was slowly getting the darkness outof your head. Finally you dared to look up towards Dewey. He was softly humming to you. His voice always calmed you, definetly right in this moment. His humming grounded you, while he was softly playing with your hair. You felt his other thumb circle softly on your hand he was still holding.
He smiled a soft smile at you, whisperening: "Hey... your back with me princess?" You nodded slowly. Tears spilling on your cheeks once again. "y/n, sweetheart, i love you the way you are. Always did, and always will. You are you. And if that is being asexual, then that's totally okay and i will be here for you. Every step of the way. Im so proud of you..."
He wiped away your tears, and while you choked out a "thank you Dewey", he kissed you on your forehead.
"Im so proud of you coming to terms with yourself. You dont have to do anything you dont want, okay? Dont ever feel obligated to date anyone just to feel 'normal'. You are you, y/n. And you are enough."
You smiled at that and yawned. The emotions of today suddenly making you very tired. "Dew..." you mumbled sleepy.
"You may do the head-massage more often... it feels nice"
He chuckled at that, pinching your nose playfully. "Thats a deal... now off to bed with you, miss platonic."
You chuckled sleepily. Admire-ing his bad jokes even at this time and moment.
"Thanx Dewey..."
"Anytime babe..." he awnsered.
You stood up, your head and body suddenly heavy with sleep. Your mind drifted for a moment, but came back to the presence of Dewey sofly poking your side. You giggled, he knew you were ticklish there, and you swatted his hand away when he tried to do it a second time. He chuckled at that, glad he made you laugh again.
You looked at the floor. Anxiety bubbling in your chest at the nagging question in your head. Could you ask him this? After all that just happened? Would he still take you serious if you did? It wasn't sexual but still as intimate as you could be, and you didn't want to seem like you weren't serious. Since... well... people... sometimes mistook cuddles for sex. You still felt anxcious and conflicted, but didn't want to sleep alone. You took a big breath, looking a bit tired and sleepy up at him. Heart thumping nervously in your chest as your hands started to sweat. You glanced at his face and when you saw a half smile creeping up his face you knew you could ask him anything.
"Dew.... would you..." you had to stop because a yawn was bugging you. You continued after wiping your face sleepily, still anxious: "would you mind sleeping with me tonight? I... just... really dont wanna be alone right now. I need some cuddles." You confessed, biting your lip as you waited for his response. Anxiety slowly spreading in your chest as you waited at his awnser.
Instead of awnsering with words Dewey got up from the couch and pulled you into a big hug, once again petting your hair while holding you tight. You sighed and felt the tension leaving your body as he held you. "Of course..." he mumbled sofly in the crook of your neck. You took a big breath through your nose, nerves calming as you were surrounded by the familiar smell of Dewey. A familiar smell of tea-tree-oil, a bit of sweat and a hint of pizza from your dinner. His body was warm and his stubble tickled your neck as he held you close. You felt safe in his arms, and less troubled. Your mind cleared with every breath you felt him take in as the two stood there together. His hands seemed to wipe every anxious, stressed thought you had away. His calloused fingers still combing trough your hair affectionately. You sighed back at him, relaxed by his caring touch: "Thanx Dew...."
When you lay in your bed, later that night you fell asleep quite quickly. You knew you wouldnt be alone. Dewey snored a little in his sleep, and you couldnt help but smile. Feeling safe in his strong arms as he hugged you in his sleep, you felt his calm breath on your neck. The last thing you thought before drifting off was: 'Its gonna be fine. Im gonna be okay. Dewey is with me. Whatever i happen to like or not like, feel or not feel...
Dewey is here. Right by my side.'
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Tagging: @paxenera @heknowshisherbs @hoodoo12 @large-unit @little-miss-shy-goth @thats-specific @vicunaburger @ironmansuucks @bugdrinkss @go-commander-kim @stranger-strings
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noahhernandez · 4 years
2/9/2015 v. 8/11/2020
1:Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie. My favorite movie is Scream, and it started when I saw the midnight premier of Scream 4 with my dad back when I was in 8th grade, then Scream 1 came on AMC late on night and I just really like it
I still think Scream is one of my favorites, but Halloween has jumped up there just because I am obsessed with all things horror really lol. I started to love Halloween because of the new trilogy.
2:Talk about your first kiss. It’s really not that interesting but really like embarrassing. It was with my first boyfriend and I had just turned 15 and we were at the school just walking around and we went into the band hall and I was like ok im leaving and he was like wait and we kissed and i was like o
the same ! 
3:Talk about the person you’ve had the most intense romantic feelings for. I never really have had intense feelings for anyone. I d k
One my exes- I mean we were dating for awhile so that’s pretty intense to me. 
4:Talk about the thing you regret most so far. I regret… Nothing really I mean, I have done really bad things in my life, but i don’t regret them
I regret failing like 2 semesters of college lmao and almost dropping out. If i didn’t then I would 1- would have been done earlier and 2- would have already completed a year of grad school but IDK also another is wasting lots of money in 2017-2018
5:Talk about the best birthday you’ve had. The best birthday I’ve had was.. Idk This year was was nice I saw Iggy Azalea in concert, then I celebrated my friends’ birthday then mine and it was just everyone got to get together so ya this year my 18th
For my 21st birthday I went to Portland, Oregon and spent the weekend there and it was pretty and my first time there so it was nice despite what I think about PDX now. I don’t even know what I was doing for my 19 and 20th birthday lol. 
6:Talk about the worst birthday you’ve had. My 17th birthday because I was stuck 2 hours away from home with a bunch of nerds doing a band competition 
That is still probably my worst birthday. I forget to mention that I was gone literally from like 7am to midnight. They werent a bunch of loser nerds, they were my friends, but I still wish I was just at home lol. 
7:Talk about your biggest insecurity. I am skinny, but not fit. If I eat anything I get this like stomach and it makes me so sad. and ever since I got a job I work odd hours and I eat a lot of fast food and I’ve gained 10 pounds in 2 years and I guess i’m insecure about my weight
I am still insecure about my weight, and I probably weight like 5 pounds more than I did when I made this post 5 1/2 years ago. 
8:Talk about the thing you are most proud of. We have band banquets for band, and I only went my sophomore and junior year, and seniors give out awards to underclassmen that are just jokes really, and both years 4 different seniors gave me an award for being the biggest gossip in the entire band and I was proud of that lol
Well since then I have graduated both high school and college. I am proud that I finished college !! A BS in Psych. Proud of myself that I got promoted (in 2017) at my job; i’m proud of myself that I have my own apartment, and blah blah basically just doing regular adult shit. 
9:Talk about little things on your body that you like the most. I like my nose because of how perfectly fixed it is. I also really like my freckles/moles/dark marks idk what they are exactly, but they’re on my face and they look great
I still feel the same way about this, maybe add my eyebrows- they’re not like clean and nice they’re just expression markers on my face that i love.
10:Talk about the biggest fight you’ve ever had. I got into a fight with my old friend Angelica and that was almost 4 months ago and we used to be best friends and now we never talk.
When Janett didn’t talk to me all summer of 2019 because I told our other friend Angel something
11:Talk about the best dream you’ve ever had. I cant remember one 12:Talk about the worst dream you’ve ever had. I can’t remember one
13:Talk about the first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time. The closest thing i’ve had to like sex was being locked in a back of an SUV with a stranger drunk as fuck and naked and its embarrassing
Just awkward and nothing to which I expected. 
14:Talk about a vacation. When I was 16, the high school band took a trip to Hawaii, and all my friends were in band so it was great. We did a lot of things, we toured Pearl Harbor and even played a few patriotic songs on the USS Miss. and our hotel was on Wakiki beach. I went snorkeling in some beautiful water and shit and idk just walked all around Hawaii having a great time omg we got on stage at the Hard Rock Cafe and sang with German people i miss it
Hm that was fun. But I.. went to NY with my ex and that was pretty cool because I literally love New York, and I went to NOLA two years ago (today actually) and got miserably drunk so that was fun too 
15:Talk about the time you were most content in life. Probably just in the middle of junior year when everything and everyone was going with the flow
I feel like 2016 was a very content year because I remember nothing about it. 
16:Talk about the best party you’ve ever been to. Idk which one to talk about the one where I had a lot of fun and risked my life or the one where there was a lot of drama stirred up and drank myself to sadness. 
I haven’t really been to a party? I have gone out and had good times. Really anytime my friends and I go out I am having a good time 
17:Talk about someone you want to be friends with. I am already friends with people I want to be friends with
18:Talk about something that happened in elementary school. I kissed a boy on the back of the head and i told I just fell onto his head
Let me think of another one. Back in like fourth grade my friend was in a wheel chair and his backpack was falling from the back and I was trying to grab it and i was only 3 feet tall i couldnt see over or wasnt paying attention and i crashed him right into the bookshelves at the library. 
19:Talk about something that happened in middle school. A girl was mad at me because idk why lol and she pushed me in the hall way and I fucking flew across that hall on the floor and hit the wall she’s pregnant now
When I was in 5th grade (which is considered middle school in my district) I was standing on the play ground and someone threw a stick at my head and it knocked me the fuck out and I was bleeding from my temple.
20:Talk about something that happened in high school. In Jr. Year I was pulling into the parking lot but I was texting and I accidentally put half my car on grass area near the side walk luckily it was 7am and only one person saw me do it lol
One summer going into our senior year we had a party at Michelle’s house. First of all we were very drunk and Coby’s parents were like we are coming over and we cleaned TF UP so fast and sat on the couch and turned on I Know What You Did Last Summer and his parents were like interesting and and left and then we continued to drink anyways- we started playing truth or dare and my friend Angelica was like I dare u to kiss Anthony (someone I had liked prior) and he wouldnt and we started attacking him and calling him homophobic and hitting him with pillows lmao- him and I are still friend-ish
21:Talk about a time you had to turn someone down. I can’t think of something right now.
Literally anyone on grindr.
22:Talk about your worst fear. I’m afraid of having no career and being stuck doing something I hate and living paycheck to paycheck
Yeah, I’m scared of that still but I.. think just like being broke and jobless. RN with the pandemic we aren’t really working and still getting gov’t assistance, so.  IDK being a real real adult scares me a lot. 
23:Talk about a time someone turned you down. I can’t think of a time :)
One time in like 2016 maybe idk - this dude told me to come over and he lived far like not that far maybe 25 minutes lol far for me anyways I got to his apartment and there was a gate code and i asked him what it was and he didnt answer and it was like 2-3am and nobody was coming in or out and so i was like damn this sucks lmao
24:Talk about something someone told you that meant a lot. Nothing really has meant a lot to me. Everyone tells me the same thing over and over again and its so surface level
I still can’t think of anything but I’m sure the friends I have met since this and my friends Faith, Michelle, Peter, and Alisa have said something supportive that meant a lot to me. 
25:Talk about an ex-best friend. Angelica Ramirez. She was my best friend for only 3 years, but together we went through A LOT of shit. We started out senior year just fine, but she lied about a few things and made a lot of us feel like crap in October. I won’t lie, I do miss her. We have too many memories to just forget, too many funny stories and great adventures. She helped me with too much, and sometimes I think about how I cut her out of my life and I mad a bad choice. But only time can heal things and I have moved on and truly found people that won’t make me mad every 30 seconds. 
Brianna Pajak, I don’t remember anything about her except she was poor and we stopped being friends because she always wanted to fight and be annoying. 
26:Talk about things you do when you’re sick. Lay on bed on my computer and watch TV
I normally just suffer and cry about wishing I was healthy again.
27:Talk about your favorite part of someone else’s body. Their…!!>>>??? 
I must have nice hands and ur nose must be nice too! so nose and hands. lol
28:Talk about your fetishes. none
yeah I don’t have any lol not that I can think of. 
29:Talk about what turns you on. Idk i really like kissing and touching and this is awkward. 
30:Talk about what turns you off. bad breath by
that and ugly/rough hands, acne sorry i know it is natural but, shorter than me lol, white people, long hair on guys, and thats about it i think hm i am single yes 
31:Talk about what you think death is like. I think its like idk its scary tho
um idk i dont like thinking about death because i literally want to cry when i think about it. 
32:Talk about a place you remember from your childhood. I remember being in trees a lot
My step grandma’s a lot because my parents were working and she would watch us. She passed away about a month ago :( 
33:Talk about what you do when you are sad. I usually only tell one person and that person is Alisa and I cry sometimes to her and expect her to make things better and she does thank u
I be doing the same thing, I text someone and that person could really be anyone but it happened the other day and I texted Bri and she was very helpful. 
34:Talk about the worst physical pain you’ve endured. I have no idea, I’ve never broken pulled strained twisted fractures or anything i have no life
I still haven’t done any of that stuff to my body. I also have burn scars but I did not feel those when it was happening. I would just say i guess my wisdom teeth coming in because I did not get them removed. I have 3 out lol.
35:Talk about things you wish you could stop doing. Pushing potential love interests away 
I have had some ‘love interests’ since this post, but it’s been about a year now since and I kind of push away the opportunity of getting close to someone. I also need to stop being a bitch sometimes. 
36:Talk about your guilty pleasures. eating 
I would say idk eating was a stupid answer. 
37:Talk about someone you thought you were in love with. never
I was in love and i didn’t ‘think’ I was in love. I don’t know what you mean by talk about them, they were my partner but we broke up hehe.
38:Talk about songs that remind you of certain people. Fireflies by Owl City reminds me of my 7th grade crush Fancy by Iggy Azalea reminds me of my two friends Michelle and Alisa idk anything else
um Idk. i rly cant think  39:Talk about things you wish you’d known earlier. I wish I would have known that
That it’s okay to tell people you’re struggling lol . That is okay to fail sometimes (school).  40:Talk about the end of something in your life. everything is just about to start
When I ended how to get away with murder I wish I never did I love that show with all my heart. 
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avdolluvr69 · 4 years
Monster Hunter Xbalanque AU pt 1
✌️ there isnt much to this, theres nothing exactly bad unlike most of my self indulgent stuffs. Just a introduction. I have no idea what to add onto this i just write bro.
1285 words
In a world of monsters and beast there would obviously be sorts of hunters to take care of the ones who wreak havoc on the world.
Not many are up to the task to go against these creatures, but some do. Theres many different types of hunters and many different types of monsters.
There was dragon and serpent hunters, they primarily take down the beasts for their riches or scales. They get a lot of money. But then theres just your average monster hunter, taking down more basic monsters. Werewolves? Vampires? Demons? You name it and they hunt them.
And in your average small town in the beast infested kingdom, walked a hooded figure. He wore the pelt of a wolf, head and all. A trophy to show what he was, a hunter. He walked through the streets of the town, swerving out of the way of pedestrians.
As he made his way, he suddenly stopped in front of a bar. Lanterns dangled in front of the entrance of it. The man took a deep breath before he entered, pushing the door and walking into the bar.
It was mostly empty, like the usual. No one really came to bars anymore, especially at the time of night it was. Many people feared the terrors of randomly being taken by a vampire to be feasted upon or being jumped by a werewolf from the alleys. Stereotypical, it never actually happened.
As he scanned the area, two hooded figures caught his eye. A younger girl and an older man, both bearing normal hoods unlike his, sat at the front of the bar, chattering away. Before anything else, the girl turned her head toward him. She smiled before waving him over.
"Xbalanque! C'mere!" She yelled.
Xbalanque made his way towards the two. Sitting beside the girl as he spoke.
"Hey Jing." He said to girl then he leaned forward to see the other man. "Hey Hachi." He waved and leaned back. As he did Jing Wei began to speak excitedly.
"Hachiman was just telling me about the minotaur that he fought off!" She explained, motioning her head to Hachiman so he could speak.
"Yeah, it was a territorial one. Just terrorizing the local kids. Surprisingly didn't eat any so I kind of just chased it off. Didn't think it was a threat. Told 'em if they saw it again i'd take care of it."
Xbalanque smiled slightly.
"Sounds like you got off easy today. Im glad you didn't kill it though. Haven't heard of a minotaur sighting in ages. Glad to know theres still some left after that whole minotaur hunt for the one that ate that royals kid." He said with a small laugh. Xbalanque remembered how they almost went extinct, just because locals all were ganging up on them and killing them in hopes they had gotten the one who killed some random rich guys son. It was a big bounty but Xbalanque hadn't cared for it.
He didn't like the idea of going around and killing innocent minotaurs. Thats what had happened. Xbalanque has always had a rule when he first started.
Never kill an innocent monster.
They existed and only wanted to live, just like himself. If they weren't killing or destroying they didn't need to be killed. Jing Wei and Hachiman on the other hand, they did what they needed to. Sometimes they respected the rule of not killing an innocent monster, but most of the time they just killed, took their bounty and left.
Xbalanque didn't hate them for doing it, nor does he try to stop them. Its what life is like. Not killing certain monsters is a preference for himself. Its mostly because he couldn’t bring himself to kill an innocent creature. Especially when he can see the fear in their eyes, its just inhumane.
Just before, Xbalanque had defeated a devious werewolf. It had crossed into a farmers lands. Quietly took some of the farmers animals. Before one day it decided to kill all of his cattle. Sheep, cows, pigs and chicken. All gone within a night, all that was left of them was a bloody mess. Xbalanque knew that a wolf didn't need to eat that much to eat.
He remembered the fight with the wolf. He remembered the murderous gleam in its eyes as it recklessly attacked him. Xbalanque had gotten a gash on his back, he only turned away once to try and dodge the wolf as it had tried to ram into him. The wolf almost got him there, but since it was so careless and only counted on its raw power. Xbalanque quickly turned the fight to his favour and killed the wolf with a swift strike to its gut.
As he thought about what had happened he was interrupted by Jing Wei's voice.
“So how was your hunt? The wolf cause ya trouble?” She asked, tiltIng her head. Xbalanque let out a small laugh.
“Yeah I guess. Really angry and aggressive. But thats what made it easier to take down.” He explained. “I got a gash on my back but thats all.” Xbalanque motioned to his back. "But I'm fine now. The farmer was nice enough to give me the cash and stitch up my back and all that." He smiled, the farmer was a nice man and even gave Xbalanque more money then he said he would.
Afterwards it was mostly chatter about the other two hunters trips. As they talked Xbalanque ordered himself a drink, he didn't find the need for alcohol and just got himself some water.
As he took a sip from the water, Jing Wei spoke about what she had done. Another farmer called her in to take care of a pack of fairies. Even though they seem innocent a pack of them can cause great damage to crops.
"The lil buggers were hard to move. I couldnt find the leader!" Jing Wei exclaimed, putting her hand up exaggeratedly. Hachiman tilted his head to the side to look to Jing Wei.
"So what did you do?" He asked. Jing Wei gave him a smile before laughing.
"I burnt their nest and chased the rest away!" She giggled before taking a sip from the cup she had in front of her. Hachiman gave a small chuckle before he leaned forward to see Xbalanque who was on the other side of Jing Wei.
"Ey Xbal, some guy asked me to do a job for him. But I think you'd do it better than me." He explained to Xbalanque. As he spoke Xbalanque raised an eyebrow, before smiling.
"Huh making me do your job for you just after I finished mine?" He said with a laugh. Hachiman furrowed his eyebrows before stuttering.
"I didn't mean-" before he could speak anymore Xbalanque interrupted him.
"That was a joke. Tell me more, im interested." He told Hachiman, taking a sip from the drink he had gotten.
Hachiman gave out a small huff before he spoke.
"Well, this guy who seemed real panicked came to me and asked for some help against this weird monster thing." He explained. "Said it was purple, had tentacles? And was planning on invading cities. He said it took him prisoner and he just barely got away. He looked rough too. Thought maybe you'd want to handle it considering you love killing the bad ones."
Xbalanque raised a brow, tilting his head.
"Yeah that sounds like a problem." He muttered. He gave thought to it. Did he want to go on another mission? It seemed like a threat, invading cities isnt something to be taken lightly. But one thing lingered in his mind
Could he take it?
...Why not?
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kingsofneon · 4 years
ya into koala x robin? Ya got some headcanons over there, fam??? 👀👀👀👀 also how are u this fine day i havent been in here for so long omg
bro femslash is like the only thing where i multiship hard. u think i multiship other times....nah. ladies? good.
ok we headcanon for Koala bc she has like no canon personality (i know she does but like “nami rip off but a spy” is so boring + even with the bits that are original there is NOT a lot this needs a longer post to explain do it later) so its rough-and-tumble tomboy transgirl with a solid latch on I Will Feel As I Like Now That I Have The Freedom To, and usually that’s mainly happiness and confidence but also ooooooo boo injustice gets under her skin like crazy. Also hard-working and eager to fight, always wears shorts under her skirts etc. (Iva: you’re ruining the line of your dress!!!!!! Koala: i would rather ruin my dress than ruin my night when i flash everyone bc i needed to kick someone in the face) + Robin, macabre and VERY clever, always watching, always ready, and they get to know each other quite well during the 2Y skip
Koala. is a sucker. for older women. for competency. the concept that she and sabo hate sharing this kink. hysterical. and robin is. so competent. so clever. And also THE ARMS im sorry but koala absoLUTELY has Fucked but also she’s like twenty and horny and there is not a lot of time for fucking when you are trying to save the world!!!!!!!!!! (her words).
Robin has not fucked (by choice), and thus has never bought extra body parts into the scenario so she has no idea why Koala starts blushing during training when extra limbs come in to play or they spar together and koala gets held down
but obviously she has to put it together her brain is just Like That and. she is spy blood, in her BLOOD man. 
Koala getting held down makes the start very simple, and then leaving an ear on Sabo’s blind side for a few days to finally catch when he and koala hang out without mission stuff (sabo will know because those two are. idiots. and have no secrets. everyone on the base knows this) and koala is like GOD sabo she’s so BEAUTIFUL and SMART and oh my GOD and rants about it for like twenty minutes (sabo starts trying to shuffle his paperwork to her desk) and robin listens to all of it, like. mAINLY BC SHE’S TOO FLUSTERED TO REMOVE HER POWER
bc like look robin knows she is elegant and beautiful and powerful and is self-aware-
but also. she grew up an orphan, abused, called ugly, literally called a demon and hunted for money, people are not honest with her, that’s why she spies, and to-
to hear this bubbling honesty overflow from koala’s mouth, in desperation of koala’s feeling. 
and also yes koala is horny but 95% of the stuff she says is how beautiful robin is and how clever and did you notice this little thing that no-one else noticed and she does THIS thing and she likes this koala is horny but horny for AFFECTION TOO
idk how to end this but hey thats what nsfw is for
koala gets very good at eating out
and also at convince robin to practice the multiplication of body parts that she would not normally experience. 
they try it a few times because it’s very good but also robin has a lot of issues and so they don’t do it often
robin absolutely owns a strap. i mean koala does too but she. wants to worship robin, wants this all for herself, annnd, when being slow and steady she wants her hands and her tongue and herself involved, not a toy you know. also sometimes it hits against her dysphoria, especially bc robin is like......koala has put her on this pretty high pedestal, and it makes a few uncomfortable Things pop up during sex that Koala didn’t realise she had, in regards to ladies
Koala likes wearing pretty things but prefers seeing robin naked. kinda especially bc it makes when robin uses her powers more obvious and she thinks that’s pretty
of COURSE multiple arms becomes a thing very quickly when koala brings it up
robin is always down to experiment, they both think of so many ideas. Koala starts off with more bc. she’s been thinking longer. but robin comes up with really sideways things
ALSO ROBIN APPLIES SOME OF THEM IN BATTLE coughs im not saying anything but gigantesco + clone practice totally started in the bedroom bye
koala dies when robin shows them off in training practice. robin thinks it’s funny to tease her in public
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starlight-starwings · 5 years
The Adventure Zone Season 2 quotes.
Unfortunately the quotes I saved between seasons 1 and 2 were lost because I got a new phone, so this is starting with episode 6 of Amnesty. If anyone has good quotes from the first arc, experimental arcs, ans the live shows during the experimental arcs, feel free to add or send them.
• - listen... ok, we could... agdgsbjsbuhah. how they eat and breathe... its just a show, just relax
- technically the .. waste water systems and the regular water systems of a city or not connected, and so like theres a lot of.. a lot of ways to figure it out. But yea, maybe you get the idea that this thing doesn't.. it can.. it.. is weird man...
• hey there adventure zone lovers. I dont know if that means you love adventure zone, or you... heh heh heh, ya know.
• - can you feel it?
- the idea of feeling is kinda weird-
- close your eyes and tell me if Im doing it
- well you already did- ok.
- close your eyes. Did I do it?
- you did it
- aaahh, I didnt
- ok. This is not a fun game for me
• - its our first day here!
- yeaa. Like... Let me ask you about the fucking... cast of Friends
- youre talking about Matt Leblanc and Matthew-
- Ah fuck.
- ah shit
- damn
- son of a b- he's good, he's real good
• - Don't I have to roll?
- we have not played dungeons and dragons in so fucking long!
- Here
- what are you rolling to do?!
• - tell me, is patience one of your more valued v-
- yes!
• Hey. No ideas bad. It just wasn't good.
• - I got eleven? You got any cash on you?
- uhh yea I happen to have nine bucks right here. Griffin cant prove otherwise.
• listen Pidgeon, here's the thing: I... love... to... practice fishing. But... the running water... frightens me. Its called hydrophobia. And I would love to practice my cast in a real water environment, where I can get in a large body of water, where I can guarantee that running water wont be a factor. And I would just love to practice my casting in a guaranteed still body. But here's the other thing! Sometimes if you do it in a lake, thats what youre thinking, a fish will bite it. And normally thats ideal but Im just trying to practice casting. If like.. when you dont want to catch em. Thats when they're biting. Ya know what I mean? I need a still body of water, that I can guarentee won't move, to practice my fishing casting.
• - Noooo
- are you sure?
- yeaaaaa
- Beause its our podcast!
- noooo
- we're actually doing our own podcast
• - Make uhhh.... check. You're gonna need to make a check for this one
- I got the gum. But I have the gum
- It's good gum; you'll have advantage on it.
• Cause I mean a 4 legged octopus is a horse.
• - What does control water do?
- Merle can- well gee wiz. It makes spaghetti! What do you think control water does?
- whats the fucking card say?
• Good you know my sister Jane was doing missionary work in Honduras and normally I would spend the uh, holidays with her. But uhh I had some friends come in from uhh out of town. And uhh... I wanted to communicare this to anybody who might be listening somehow, and I thought this might be a more organic way of uh, doing it.
• um... nah so ok right... so... the pizza hut sign... started to fall, cause of the weather. And he ran up there on a... fire escape, and tried to... push it? With a bat? Dammit. Nah. He just pushed it. And it fell. But then he fell. Cause he got shocked. I bet. Mmmm. I didn't see. I was in- Ah shit. Alright. Hey folk- hey guys. Rewind. I- hey guys rewind a second. Aahh fuck. I was inside I didn't see. Anything. I don't know. This man. I do know this man. His name- fuck. Alright. I'm met.. high net... here... Mmmm, alright. So, This man's is name is Ned. And he's uh.. friend of mine. And I dont know what the hell happened to him. But you know this guy. He's always getting into something. I don't know. I was in the building. I almost got killed by a pizza hut sign. I might be in shock.
• Write the fucking story with me! We are New York Times bestselling authors!
• - Ok. Go ahead. Uhh where are your wings? Obviously you can't see them right now because I'm wearing my disguise. Would you like to see my wings?
- Yes.
- I don't know you very well, so no, not- not quite yet.
• Aw Juno this is so embarrassing. Um last week, uhh, my truck got beat up, and I... I had to take it over to Whistle's. And he wa- while he was fixing it up I had to borrow yours to run out uh... to- to do a check on... a body of water. In... the... tree... zone... forest. Fuck. It was a body of water in the tree zone. And I had to check on it in your car. And when I- I drove your car, without asking, and... I think I left my... pants? No. Wallet? Money. I left my wallet in your truck and I was wondering if you could go look for it real quick.
• - a goat..
-well. No its.. i mean you look at the legs you can kinda see... yea...
- its pan!
- no were not crossing over
- there no crossover here sir. No.
• - oh thats easy. All you have to do is press that red button right there.
- and what will that do?
- itll give you the key sphere
- well hold on....
- merle casts zone of truth!
- so what happens when I press that button?
- the red button? Itll give you the key sphere
- what will the blue button do?
- it'll kill ya
- what would the other frankenstein tell us?
- well my companion over there always lies. He'll tell ya to hit the blue button.
- oh okay. Its kinda one of those- ya know what Im gonna check his flavor real quick
- ok.
- I flip the lever
- No that'll kill me!
- the other Frankenstein sits up and says oh hey! Im Frankenstein. A lot of people say Im Frankenstein's monster but-
- yea yea yea. Ok we get it. Uh is this Frankenstein in the zone as well?
- uh yea.
- These buttons over here what will the red one do?
- oh the red one? Its the key sphere one. I would've told you its the blue one.
- ok I slam-
- No listen. Listen. No listen. Listen listen listen. Hey. Stop wait! Im the liar Frankenstein.
- I hit the red button.
• - Merle casts shield of faith
- ok. On whom?
-um.. it surrounds a creature of my choice
- yeap. So..
- time to make that choice
- that is kinda the question I asked
• - are you a grief counselor?
- yea you a grief counselor?
- I do have some counseling experience, um, but right now think of me more as your friend.
- I could really use a grief counselor I think more than a friend at the moment. I got-
- ok then Im a grief counselor, yes.
• - and Im gonna roll 2 d6... god almighty... hatchy matchy...
- howd you do, Justin?
- Well I got a 4 on that one, Trav. Which is, what we call in the biz, we call that bad. That is less than ideal.
• A charisma check. Okay. Hahahaha! That's a threeee.
• I know how you young people talk: It was rad.
• hey! Hey man fucking bigfoots behind you dude, drive! Jesus Christ! Hey Ive been skitching this whole time brother, Im really sorry but you gotta fucking drive right now dude, come on! Im vulnerable as hell! Come on! Dont make me fight bigfoot, I want thinking through this shit, go! Im not gonna fucking fight bigfoot.
• No, you know what- I'm gon- ya know what? It's fine. Ya know what? Its fine. Its fine. Im gonna- it- thisll be fine. Thisll actually be fine. Uhhh Im gonna cast lightning bolt on the tank. I thought about it, thisll be fine.
• - dont worry, the rest of us will take care of this. I think the best plan is if the three of you go up the spire to face the final confrontation alone
- why is that the best plan??
- cause theres exactly enough people outside- robots outside, that we'll need all of the army...
- but then why dont we wait and help you kill all of the robots?
- we'll kill them and then we'll all go up together
- theres no time!
- what are you talking about were just fighting a bat- theres plenty of time
- we got a whole other act!
- huurrryy
- okay we'll hurry, yes fine, yes.
- good luck
- well now dont say that! You said to go on ahead!
- I'll remember you
- this passive aggressive stuff...
- youre sending mixed signals. Should we stay and-
- the doors that ive just invented shut behind you.
• Okay uh, Hollis. Let me ask you something: Okay, on the other side of this portal- im gonna lay it out for you. Alright. Are you ready? One hundred percent honesty. On the other side of this portal is another world. Just like, the same scope and size of ours, with a population of people, and... just like us. People just like us. Right? And... think about this. In... lets say West Virginia alone, not even the whole world, the whole earth, west Virginia alone, right. How many people do you think there is, a per capita ratio, thats murderers to just regular people? Right? So what if somebody said "there are murderers in west Virginia, so we're gonna march into west Virginia and kill everyone there, cause they might be murderers." Right so what if the only thing you knew about west Virginia is that some murderers came from here? And you said "so let's just go in and wipe everone out"? You would come in and wipe out the whole state, and murder innocent people, just in case they might be murderers. What does that make you, Hollis?
• - Aubrey what... what are you?
- Oh I'm bisexual.
- Do all of bisexuals have this power?
- Yes.
• - uh lets jump right in
- im in. Already. I actually got in before you did. Just to make sure the water was okay.
- oh how is it? Hows the scene doing?
- the scene is good. Im already in it, but because the narrator has not joined us we are locked in... stasis. We are characters in search of an author as it were, in the pernella play.
- so theyve been there for 2 weeks? Or whats up?
- theyve been there for 2 weeks. Locked in perfect stasis, until time itself should turn its gaze upon us and let us resume our merry roles in this play called existence.
• - did you get the part where we're gonna find the quail and just crush its heart or whatever?
- its uh- its- it- its quell
- yea thats what I said, quail
- you said quail like a big ol bird
- wait what are you saying?
- yea quail
- no quell
- quell?
- quell
- quail?
- quell
- kwäil?
- listen- listen kwaiell
- quail!
- you said quail. Its quell
- the mothman uh, grabs your wrist duck and looks at the watch on it and says 'boy howdy I sure hope that those arent several minutes that we will need to uh prevent the apocalypse. Because they are gone now.
• - Ju- Ju- wait a minute. Juno? Juno Devine?
- yes shes-
- Juno Devine is- shes in the forest service? (Switches to character voice) Ahh-ha! Well that makes a lot of sense! She- she loved the forest. That- ahh...
- that is... did you just do a player to character cross-fade?
- that was so fucking wild Ive never seen anything like that on this podcast
- that melted my brain
- it was like Clint started the sentence, and then Thacker ended the sentence
• I can roleplay a gay elf with magical powers. I dont think I could roleplay someone who likes beef jerky
• We've all been trying to help people right? And sometimes you fuck up. Sometimes people get hurt, sometimes you can't- sometimes you act and you do things, and you're wrong. And if you let the fact that you fucked up stop you from trying to help again, thats... thats the real mistake. Ive fucked up so many times. You cant be afraid to help. Because yea, you might hurt. But you also might help. You just have to keep helping. Dont be afraid. Im not.
• - query: are the extraterrestrial invaders engaging in deception? 89.84% affirm
- now listen. You all don't know Duck like I do. Believe me, he can not engage in deception to save his life.
- he's also an employee of the federal government!
- it skyrockets up to 98.64%
• It makes sense right? Great power; great responsibility. But you know what people forget? Is that the green goblin dosen't swing up to your door everyday and blow your whole life away and in one moment you have to figure out what to do, ya know? The responsibility is every day. Its every moment, and it's- every time I pick one of those saplings up and I put it in the ground, and pat the ground around it, and I pour water on it, and I think about our childrens childrens childrens children will breathe the air that this thing makes, and Minerva, thats power. Thats my responsibility. I dont have to fight no more. I did it. And now Im gonna grow.
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kanasmusings · 6 years
[Translation] TsukiPro Special CD - Starry Sky Collection Track 2
Tumblr media
Yay~! This time, it’s VAZZROCK!! Next one is Mamoru and Koki’s and then the rest of the Yaminabe series dramas ww
Thank you once again to Deea for the files~! Please don’t ask her as per her request, thank you!
Also, Sho briefly mentions the story behind Lyra the constellation so, please do give it a read to understand it completely ^^
※ Please don’t re-post these translations without permission. Instead of reposting, please just like/reblog instead ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
Track 02: [心揺さぶる音楽を -こと座 ベガ-] “Music that Shakes the Heart – from the Constellation of Lyra – Vega”
Mamiya Takaaki, Kira Ouka, Onoda Sho, and Nadumi Ruka
  MAMIYA: Everyone, thank you very much. We’ll leave the rest to you.
SHO: We’ll leave it in your care.
SHO: We’ll be taking our leave now.
OUKA: Thank you very much for today.
RUKA: Thank you~!
  SHO: Now then, thank you for the hard work once again.
MAMIYA: Good work.
OUKA: Great job.
RUKA: Yay~! We all did well!
SHO: With this, VazzRaji’s first season recording is now finished.
SHO: Our party with the staff is over as well and now all we need to do is return to the dorms.
SHO: I heard that if we go straight home from here, it’s not that far but…
SHO: Takaaki, do you want to call a taxi?
MAMIYA: Ah, that’s right. Let’s call for one by the main street.
MAMIYA: But, uh… Can I ride a different one (from yours)?
OUKA: A different one? Where do you plan on going?
MAMIYA: Don’t look at me with such cold eyes~ I just feel like going for a little walk.
MAMIYA: If I walk from here to the dorm…
RUKA: If we’ll trust the map application, it’d take about 10 minutes!
MAMIYA: See? That’s what he said. It’s not really that far.
MAMIYA: I was just thinking of walking around to feel a bit refreshed.
MAMIYA: That much is fine, isn’t it?
RUKA: Ah! Then, I’ll do the same~! I don’t really like the smell of taxis and I try avoiding them as much as possible.
RUKA: Also, I ate a looooott of meat and rice so I wanna exercise a bit!
RUKA: And so~ Takaaki-kun, can I go with you~?
MAMIYA: Of course, you’re welcome to~! Let’s take it easy together, ‘kay?
RUKA: Alrighty~!
OUKA: (sighs) Ruka, if you walk back to the dorms from here, won’t it override your calorie intake?
RUKA: Non, non, non, Ouka-kun~ Doing things when you feel like doing them is important, too!
RUKA: In other words, there’d be no feelings of guilt lingering!
OUKA: Is it like that?
RUKA: Yes, it is! It’s kinda the same as when women go shopping.
RUKA: “Oh, I might find some use for this,” they say and then they end up buying more than intended~
RUKA: In my case, I say “I’ll lose it all in practice tomorrow” and then I eat as much as I can!
RUKA: If you say that, you won’t feel as guilty! Doing the things you love sometimes is important, too~
RUKA: It’s essential, right~?
OUKA: I see… That’s deep.
MAMIYA: By the way, I only want to walk, okay?
SHO: Yes~ I don’t really have any feelings of guilt but, can I join you for your night walk?
MAMIYA: Oh~ Sho, you wanna walk, too?
SHO: Yes, I’m the same as you, Takaaki.
SHO: Heading straight back to the dorms feels like a waste and somehow, I’m in the mood to walk, too.
SHO: I had so much fun a while ago that I feel like wanting to enjoy your company for a while longer.
MAMIYA: In Sho’s case, isn’t it just because you had too much to drink?
MAMIYA: You’re looking quite pale, y’know~? See? (Mamiya touches Sho’s hand) Your hand’s a bit warm, too.
SHO: (chuckles) Is that so? Well, maybe it is, since Takaaki’s hand feels cool and nice.
RUKA: Were you bad at handling your alcohol, Sho-kun?
RUKA: Like, your head feels floaty whenever you drink?
SHO: Hmm… I don’t think I’m particularly bad or good.
SHO: Though, it’s true that my head feels kind of floaty but, it doesn’t really go beyond that.
RUKA: Heh~ I’ll remember that~
SHO: Hm? Why would you want to remember that?
RUKA: When I know what my friends’ limits are, I can help them when they’re troubled about what to drink next or when they’re about to pass out, right~?
RUKA: I can handle my alcohol well so don’t hesitate to rely on me, ‘kay~
SHO: Thank you. Ruka’s very kind and reliable, huh?
MAMIYA: ROCK DOWN’s bonds are so dazzling~
MAMIYA: Alright! Then, Ouka will go home first in a taxi and then—
OUKA: Wait. Do you really think I’m that much of a loner to go home by taxi when you’re all walking?
OUKA: (Ouka grabs Mamiya by the necktie) You should at least lie in a situation like this.
MAMIYA: (with a pained voice) O-O-Ouka-kun… Ouka-kun? Don’t pull my necktie…! My neck’s gonna fall off…!
MAMIYA: My neck’s gonna snap…!
RUKA: (smiles) VAZZY’s bonds are so tight, huh~!?
SHO: Ouka, calm down~
OUKA: Tch.
RUKA: So, that means~ Ouka-kun’s gonna walk with us?
OUKA: I am. Now that that’s decided, let’s get going.
OUKA: Let’s go. Hurry up and go.
RUKA: Yes sir~
MAMIYA: Y-yes…
  RUKA: (singing) ♪ Let’s go on a walk, let’s go on a walk~! ♪
RUKA: (singing) ♪ I am the great Ruka-kun~! ♪
SHO: (chuckles) Ruka’s in a good mood, huh?
OUKA: I’d understand if that was his energy after drinking but, I’m surprised that he’s naturally like that.
OUKA: In a way, he’s pretty energetic.
MAMIYA: That’s to be expected. Ruka’s a stage actor after all.
MAMIYA: I think he’s got more energy than a certain someone here~ He’s got pretty great stamina.
OUKA: I see.
SHO: I’m so sorry, Ouka. We ended up going home by walking.
OUKA: Ah, no. If I’m being honest, I was the same as everyone else. I felt like going for a walk.
OUKA: That’s why you don’t have to mind it.
MAMIYA: Oh my~! You’re quite honest with Sho, aren’t you, Ouka?
OUKA: If someone tells me something directly, I answer as honestly as I can.
OUKA: That’s all there is to it.
MAMIYA: In other words, you’re rebellious when it comes to me?
RUKA: (smiles) Walking like this together with everyone feels kinda nice, huh~?
RUKA: The food and alcohol during the staff party was great, too! I’m extremely satisfied~
RUKA: I’m super happy!
OUKA: Ruka, your voice is too loud.
RUKA: (laughs) I’m sorry, Ouka-kun.
RUKA: I’m feeling good and the wind feels so nice~ I just got taken in by the atmosphere. (to Sho) Right~?
SHO: Hm? Yes~ (to Mamiya) Right?
MAMIYA: (to Ouka) Right~?
OUKA: Ruka and Sho aside, when Takaaki does it, it’s disgusting.
MAMIYA: So mean!
RUKA: Alright~! Sho-kun and I passed!
MAMIYA: Discrimination is not good, Ouka.
OUKA: Don’t hold on to me, you drunk.
MAMIYA: I didn’t drink any though~
MAMIYA: I only drank like, one beer and about two or three ciders.
RUKA: Me, too! Normally, I’d drink so much more but, I have to wake up early tomorrow.
RUKA: Hm… But, Takaaki-kun, Ouka-kun, Sho-kun, and I are kinda a rare combi so—
RUKA: Going home so early just kinda feels like a waste…
SHO: Even though you say that Ruka, Gaku asked me to take you home safely.
RUKA: Ack! That bastard…!
MAMIYA: As expected from his partner! He can read you like a book~
OUKA: You laugh at him and all that but, you need to wake up early for filming tomorrow, too.
OUKA: Walk properly, get home, and then go to sleep.
OUKA: Don’t tell me, “let me watch one video before going to sleep,” got it?
MAMIYA: (groans)
SHO: (laughs) Looks like he can read you well, too~
SHO: Although Takaaki takes his work seriously, there are times when he indulges himself, huh?
SHO: Just like me~
RUKA: I-I don’t think that’s something you should be smiling about, Sho-kun… (laughs nervously)
OUKA: Good grief… So, our leaders have the same weird tendencies.
SHO: Please don’t abandon me.
  SHO: (gasps)
RUKA: Hm, what’s wrong, Sho-kun?
SHO: Look, Ruka. Since there are no buildings around, you can see the stars properly.
RUKA: Ah! It’s true!
RUKA: Woah~! Since when did I last see the stars like this~?
OUKA: We might have seen them but didn’t really notice them much.
MAMIYA: So, they can be seen properly even in the city, huh~!
OUKA: The stars I saw from my relative’s house when I was younger were even more amazing.
MAMIYA: Heh~ In the countryside?
OUKA: In Okayama Prefecture’s prefectural border.
OUKA: I was in elementary school back then probably. I went there about 2 or 3 times during summer vacation.
OUKA: In any case, the stars were so beautiful that I’d lay down and look up at them until my mother came to scold me.
OUKA: It’s such a vivid memory that when I close my eyes sometimes, I feel like I can still see them.
OUKA: The scent of incense, the squeaking of the wooden floorboards, the sound of the wind chimes, and the starry sky spreading from the night sky.
RUKA: When I imagine Ouka-kun with stars, it makes for such a perfect picture that I get scared~
RUKA: Ouka-kun, you really love stars, huh?
OUKA: I guess. I love them.
OUKA: Not just the stars but the universe in general. When it’s shown on T.V. I end up watching it completely.
MAMIYA: This is my first time hearing that~
OUKA: Have I not told you…?
OUKA: Don’t you generally prefer conversations where you can talk of anything compared to half-hearted ones that don’t fit your interests?
OUKA: It feels good to be able to talk about what you love, doesn’t it?
MAMIYA: I see~ That’s such a great reason that’s so fitting of you, Ouka.
RUKA: I love stars too but, not on a realistic scale, I guess.
RUKA: I love things with star designs! They can be cute or cool~!
RUKA: Oh, and they’re good luck~!
MAMIYA: Oh! Now that you mention it, I feel like a lot of your t-shirts and bags have star designs on them!
MAMIYA: Don’t you have shoes like that, too? Ya know, the ones designed with stars for buckles and stuff?
RUKA: As expected from Takaaki-kun! You’ve observed well, huh~? Those are my favorite~
RUKA: It’s the one I decorated with the make-up artist backstage! It’s the only one of its kind in the world~
RUKA: I wear them to feel in the mood before a play!
SHO: You really take acting seriously, huh~ Leaving it to luck is not manly, was it?
SHO: Though, you give me the impression that you would leave it to your own abilities.
RUKA: (laughs) That’s correct! That’s exactly it!
RUKA: Whether it’s luck or abilities, the one that wins in the end is the me who practiced a lot.
RUKA: The only superstition I believe are good luck charms, I guess.
RUKA: I usually feel like giving it my all when I’m acting since I can~
RUKA: Though, there are a lot of people on stage who believe in superstitions.
SHO: True. I think I have the same way of thinking. The world is not so simple that we can win on luck alone.
SHO: But, we can’t completely undermine luck and being lucky. That’s about it, I guess~
RUKA: Yep~! Samesies~
  SHO: (chuckles) Hey, does everyone know the legend of Vega from the Lyra constellation? It’s one of the brightest stars in the Summer Triangle.
MAMIYA: That’s pretty sudden~ The Summer Triangle constellation is uh… Altair, Vega, and… Ah, Deneb! It’s that one, right?
MAMIYA: The only thing I know about it are the stars’ names.
OUKA: I’m the same.
RUKA: Wow, you’re amazing! I didn’t even know the stars’ names!
RUKA: I only know the words “Summer Triangle”.
SHO: (chuckles) That’s exactly it.
SHO: Lyra is the constellation that’s shaped like a musical instrument. It’s the lyre that appears in Greek mythology.
SHO: The story goes is that it’s Orpheus’s lyre up in the sky.
SHO: The legend says that Orpheus went to the Underworld to reclaim his departed wife.
SHO: He offered his music to the King of the Underworld and managed to charm him.
SHO: Though, it seems like he failed with his initial plans of bringing his beloved back.
SHO: I’ve been told this story when I was young and I remember admiring the music that was supposed to have swayed even the King of the Underworld’s heart.
SHO: I just remembered that suddenly.
RUKA: I feel like Sho-kun’s violin can shake the heart of the King of the Underworld, too~
SHO: No, no. I still have ways to go.
SHO: I think that the violin is something that I still have to learn for quite a long time.
SHO: It’s never-ending and it makes me feel a bit scared but, it has its own charm, too.
OUKA: It might be quite similar to the reason why I admire the universe.
OUKA: Something that we want to chase for an eternity.
RUKA: Ah, that kind of phrasing is perfect for my ideal stars!
RUKA: Something that we admire for eternity is something that we’d yearn for for a long time!
RUKA: Isn’t that cool~?
MAMIYA: I feel you. Though, it’d be a plus if I can make mine shorter.
MAMIYA: See? Just like those stars spreading above our heads right now.
MAMIYA: I can see them all the time and I feel like I can reach my hand out to them. They’re always watching over us.
MAMIYA: I was just thinking that it’d be nice if the fans thought of us like that, too.
OUKA: “Watching over” is so like you.
MAMIYA: Right?
SHO: Right now, we are the ones being watched over by the stars, huh?
SHO: Let’s continue to do our best so that we can become those kinds of admirable people~
RUKA: Yeah!
RUKA: (singing) ♪ Let’s go home, let’s go home~! I am the great Ruka-kun~! ♪
OUKA: Like I said, your voice is too loud.
MAMIYA: Alright, let’s sing together in a moderate tone then~
MAMIYA: Alright, Ouka, you too~!
OUKA: I won’t sing.
  SHO: (chuckles) We’ll continue to make music that will shake your heart one day.
SHO: Beautiful and dazzling music just like the stars that’s dedicated for you.
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission.
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dragonwitch77 · 6 years
Subcon Apartment ch 3
Looking for a doctor was harder than anyone expected. Not to mention one that specialized for certain conditions the young girl portrayed.
For one thing, she clung to Snatcher’s side like a lifeline. Barely leaving his side even for a moment. He seemed to take it in stride, but they could see, or rather smell, his limitations when he did get those few rare moments away from her. Thankfully, Snatcher managed to be on his, surprisingly, best behavior with the child as she clinged to him.
“You’re taking this surprisingly well Snatcher darling.” Grooves commented at one time. He only got a gruff huff as a response from the taller male.
Another trait the child showed was that she liked to hide when Snatcher was out. It scared the living day lights out of everyone when it first happened, though she did reappear when Snatcher came back. He wasn’t joking when he said she was shy. The girl couldn’t look anyone in the eye much less say anything. Not even Grooves, a people person at heart, could get her to open up to him.
Cookie was the one who worried most about the young girl. She kept asking Snatcher questions like where did you find her? Which abandoned building was she in? Why is she so thin? What had you been feeding her? Where did she sleep? Is that shirt the only thing keeping her covered? Should we give her a bath? Does she tell you if her wounds hurt? Or where she got those scars? Why haven’t you wrapped them in bandages yet?
The look of annoyance was becoming a common look on Snatcher’s face. Even more than the Conductor’s.
However, her heart was in the right place for the young child. Cookie had made it her sole job to put some weight on the small girl and got every opportunity she could to make something for her to eat. Soft foods mostly. She was still worried about the child’s digestive track.
The job for searching for a doctor somehow landed on the Conductor. The old man had numbers of different doctors and specialists on hand. “Back problems. N’ a few accidents on set.” He handed Cookie a list of numbers. “They should be good ‘nough. Or at least know what tae do.” He pointed to the numbers that he circled that he deemed to be good enough to try.
“Thank you Conductor. Maybe we can try calling one of them later.”
“Or never! That’s an option!” The two adults glared into the living room. Snatcher was splayed out on the couch with the child resting on his chest. “What? If they aren’t good enough then we shouldn’t bother.” He shrugged, earning an eye roll and growl from the two.
It was midday on a Monday when a doctor was finally found. An old friend of the Conductor who had once been a doctor to his own kids long ago. He was pretty much retired but he still took house calls time to time.
The Conductor smiled as he opened the door. “Phylum! Nice tae see ya again ya old cougar!” Conductor pulled his old friend into a hearty hug.
“It’s nice to see you too you haywire.” Phylum smiled, patting the Conductor on the back. “So what’s with the sudden call out of the blue for medical attention? None of your little ones have gotten themselves hurt have they?”
“Pfft! Oh no! Not one of mine! They’re all big n’ have their own wee lil’ ones tae worry ‘bout.” The Conductor ushered his friend inside. “Sorry fer the call last night. Ah know it was late but the relief of findin’ a doctor kinda clouded me mind.”
“It’s fine. No troubles here.” Phylum looked about the living room. “So, where’s my patient? You didn’t give me much detail over the phone when we talked.”
“The spook has her.”
Phylum looked at his friend questionably. “Spook?”
“Snatcher. The one Ah told ya ‘bout last Thanksgivin’ visit.”
Phylum nodded his head slowly, humming in thought. “Ah, yes, him. You showed me that scar he gave you from a ‘little’ argument.”
The Conductor huffed but said nothing.
“So, my patient is a girl then? I hope you aren’t trying to set me up with anyone. Maisie wouldn’t be too happy about that.”
The Conductor scoffed, punching his friend’s shoulder in playful mannerism. “Yer awful ya old cougar! Besides, the lass is a weeeeee bit too young fer yer taste. Not tae mention she’s… uh… well… maybe it’s best tae see fer yerself.” He cupped his hands together around his mouth. “OI! SPOOK! THE DOCTOR IS HERE! GET YER SORRY BUM DOWN HERE WITH THE LASS!”
“Was that necessary?”
“Kind of.” Conductor shrugged, leading his friend to the couch. “He stays up in the upper floors sometimes, though most of the time he tends tae live in the basement.”
“Still not much of a people person I take it?”
“Not in the slightest. Can you believe that? N’ the nerve of him! If Ah had ownership of this place, he would be right out the door!”
Phylum chuckled a little. “I’m certain that he would be out on the streets given what you’ve told me. He certainly doesn’t sound like… like…” Phylum frowned, feeling a small cold shiver go up his spine. He glanced to the hallway, finding golden eyes glaring at him from around the corner.
Phylum jumped, his heart pounding in fear as the eyes bore deep into his very soul. “There ya are ya bum!” Conductor’s voice snapped Phylum out of his terror. “Took ya long enough tae get—!”
“Shh!” The other male hissed, stepping into full view. To Phylum’s surprise, this male was tall. Very tall. Seven feet in height or more in fact if he had to guess. His skin was pale and his build was thin. He seemed to have a theme for purple as his pants with a dark shade of violet and his vest was also a dark shade of purple over his white shirt. Shaggy dark hair reached past his shoulders, his bangs hanging over his eyes with their golden shine peeking through between strands.
The whole demeanor of this fellow screamed unwelcoming and danger all around him… had he not caught sight of a small bundle held in his long arms. “Kid’s asleep.” The man muttered darkly.
“Well the doctor’s here. She can sleep after he’s done lookin’ her over.” Conductor huffed, getting up from his spot on the couch and plopped down in a worn-down red armchair. “Best he gets it done n’ tell us what the damage is now then later.”
The younger male glared at the Conductor but said nothing as he took his spot on the couch, turning his focus on Phylum. The golden eyes looked at him questionably, darting up and down that made the old man feel… uncomfortable. “This guy is the one you had called up?”
“If yer questionin’ my choice in doctors, bum, Ah’ll have ya know he’s the best there ever is! Treated all my young ones when they were me grandkids age.” Conductor huffed, crossing his arms. “If there’s anyone we can trust with this, it’s him.”
“You really know how to put pressure on me old friend.” Phylum chuckled, though there was a hint of nervousness as he turned to the other occupant in the room. “You must be the infamous Snatcher my haywire friend spoke about.” He smiled politely, holding out a hand for him to shake.
“Uh, Phylum? Ah don’t want tae give ya any frights or nothin’ but best tae keep yerself a good distance away from him.” Phylum looked at the Conductor questionably. “New people tend tae make the spook a little edgy n’, eh, they tend tae… ‘lose’ a finger.” He quickly retracted his hand, looking at Snatcher frightfully.
The younger male stared at him before his mouth slowly went into a grin. And not the type of grin that Phylum liked. It was a type of grin that flashed all his teeth and the corners of his mouth reached to heights that he was sure were impossible for normal mouths to do when grinning. And the canines this man had were impressively long if not a little sharp looking.
This was a grin of trickster of dark deeds.
Phylum really didn’t want to be around this man alone.
It was at that moment that small bundle in Snatcher’s arms started moving. The younger adult quickly lost any interest in Phylum and turned his focus on the bundle. “Hey kiddo. Did the old timer wake you up?”
Phylum watched as Snatcher, ignoring the Conductor’s angry sputtering, pulled back some of the blanket aside and revealed a small tired face buried in the fabric. Blue eyes blinked tiredly up at Snatcher, letting out the biggest yawn. “I know I know. I don’t like my naps getting interrupted too. But the doc’s here, so you have to be awake just for a little while okay?”
The old doctor took a chance to scoot a tiny bit closer to Snatcher, adjusting his glasses on his face. From what he could see, her skin was pale too, though not as pale as Snatcher’s skin thank goodness. Her hair was a mess, short and dirty. He could see a scar behind her left ear, though he was sure that it would fade out with time. Little button nose, thin cheeks, dark bags under her eyes… this didn’t paint a nice picture.
“I’m surprised she’s even alive.” Snatcher frowned.
“What’d ya mean doc?”
“I mean with her condition she would likely be dead just about now.” Phylum answered as he set his stethoscope in his bag. “But most of that would be due to starvation. She’s very underweight, smaller than what children her age should be at, and these scars she has.” He took one of the kid’s arms, pointing at certain scars on her skin.  “They looked to have been done intentionally.”
Over in the kitchen, the Conductor did a spit take. “WHAT?!”
“Whoa whoa whoa! Hold up old timer! What do you mean intentionally?! You’re telling me someone do this—” Snatcher pointed to the wounds. “On purpose?!”
“Unless she did it to herself at a younger age with a steady grip, there’s no other explanation for them.” Phylum shook his head, letting on of her arm. “Thankfully those scars aren’t too deep. They’ll fade some in time, but I’m not sure if they’ll ever fully go away.”
Snatcher was in shock. “Someone… did this to her…” He looked down at the small child sitting on his lap. She was curled up with her legs tucked in, staring at the old doctor intently with caution and fear. If Snatcher wasn’t there, he was sure she would have taken off running.
“Peckin’ ifreann!” The Conductor cursed, stomping into the room and taking Phylum by the collar of his shirt. “This isn’t some sick joke tae ya is it Phylum?! No one in their right mind would do somthin’ like that tae a lil’ girl! Ah mean look at her! She’s jus’ a wee thin’! Who would be peckin’ stupid enough tae do such a thin’?!”
“I don’t know! What I do know is that someone did do this to her, and whoever did must be sick in their mind to do such a thing.” The Conductor stared at his friend for a while before releasing his grip, storming off in a fit.
Phylum watched as his friend disappeared behind the corner, sighing sadly before turning to the younger man seated on the couch. Snatcher had his arms wrapped around the girl, holding her close to his body. “… As far as I can tell, there seems to be nothing wrong with her. On the outside. I’ll have the blood samples taken to a lab to see if she has anything in her system we should worry about… If I may ask, how did you ever come across this child?”
Snatcher shrugged. “Found her in an abandoned building all alone. Couldn’t just leave her there ya know?”
Phylum hummed. “Well, it’s certainly a good thing you did. Otherwise who knows what would happen… anyways, I best be off and send these samples in soon. My recommendation would be to put some weight on her and keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.”
Snatcher just huffed as the doctor left the small apartment.
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scenessystem · 5 years
rant about family life time
Open secrets are i think the true thing that links all abusive familes (along with trauma)
Like we all know my dad hits my mom. I just watched my mother be hit like we all know
We all know me and my sister have both tried to commit suicide
We all know about my dad's addiction. People who just like beer don't get yelling angry when someone doesn't bring it home. They dont give it to 10 year olds. You don't sigh because thats another bottle on the floor
We all know how much he insults and underminds us. We can only complaine lightly. Never talk about a pattern, never be really upset then its just too far
We all hear the yelling, ive sat with my sister covering our ears. But nothing is wrong right?
My mom pinned me down to the bed in her derillum but we don't say much. She rants about silly scissors for hours so we can't sleep but we dont say anything. Doesnt matter that me and my sister habe been scared when she gets like that but we dont do anything
We don't say suicide, ptsd, bpd, anorexia, binge eating disorder, depression, abuse, rape, or assault. sometimes depression if wete lucky. And if we come close its about someone else or the science never about us
We dont talk about the multiple times ive almost died even when others we're with me in the room
Why talk about how many times my dad threatend our family dog and how that sent us to tears
Why mention when our mom threatend to leave us
I think that's like a thing. We all know somethings wrong but we dont say it. Eveeything is always fine inside. Were not even dysfunctional other people are. We're normal never mind the pain.
Ya feel?
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so yesterday i went to the hospital and had a HUGE reality check from a customer who frequently comes in my store (she was one of the crisis clinicians on call)
just a lil background. i went to the hospital because my bulimia has been out of fucking control. i passed out on Monday, and purged so much on Wednesday that i almost passed out again. i also went because my suicidal ideation wasnt improving.
so i get there, check in, they do all my vitals, and hook me up to 2! mothafuckin ivs. one because i was really dehydrated, and the other because my potassium was severely low. they hooked me up to an ecg machine to monitor my heart rate or beat or some shit. all i know is when i went in there my heart rate was 158 and its supposed to be like 75-100? ya bitch was tachy.
so after i got a very supoortive talking to by the pa about how dangerous it was and how im basically wrecking my body and *will* die, they called the crisis clinicians. they came and asked me all the assessment questions, like have you been feeling hopeless, suicidal, aggressive, risky behavior, etc. AND EVERYONE THOUGHT I WAS FUCKING MANIC. like ???? ok. and i know that i always deny when im manic because why tf am i manic if im being medicated ? but i digress. anywho, i told them, just like i told my therapist that i dont feel manic. *side note* i rarely experience euphoric mania. so, to all you bitches who get to be ecstatically destructive, suck a butt. so i explained to them that this was NOT a mixed episode. because i wasnt spending money, and i was sleeping 10+ hours a night. my sleep and my budget are huge indicators of mania.
so we talked and talked and i got really raw with these women because i had to be clear that i didnt want to die, i just needed to stop feeling how i feel, how often i feel it. and i feel like that's true for a lot of suicidal people. we genuinely want to be happy and lead normal healthy happy lives... but when we cant, and we like discouragingly c a n t. you think of a way out.. and these two women were sooooo helpful.
it is REALLY hard having coexisting mental illnesses. especially when they all trigger each other. and the women were like yea bipolar is hard. yea bipolar is stupid. and yes its soooo fucking complex. but the one who's my customer said "that doesn't mean you are. youre so insightful about what you need. we can tell youve had a really rough time tackling this, but youre so young and you have so many lessons to learn." FULL STOP. so i was like what Tina. what lessons do i have to learn ? and she tilted her head to the side, extended her arm and said "how to manage your disorders". and then went on to explain that it iss so hard, and ive been dealing with it for a long time, so of course im frustrated. and even though they won't go away, i have to be willing to help myself.
if im throwing up all the time, im not taking meds. if im not taking meds, literally every single thing gets worse. and i guess what im struggling with most right now is the knowledge that its not going away. im going to have bipolar disorder for the rest of my life. im going to have to overcome disordered eating, then work every day to keep myself healthy.
i guess what im trying to say is these women validated the fuck out of me. they didnt tell me to be grateful or thankful for anything. they didnt tell me i have to look on the bright side or to not focus on the bad, because they know how the disorder works. they told me i have to be willing to help myself through it. i have to be willing to talk to my therapist about my struggles. i have to be willing to follow a food plan and take my meds. i have to be willing to tell my psych when my tolerance is growing instead of being worried about getting 3 more blood tests. and that was honestly better than what a lot of people say.
everyone wants to be sorry when you're depressed. "im sorry". "oh man, im sorry". "im so sorry you're dealing with this". like ya... me too. i dont want people to be sorry for me -sympathy is fine or whatever- or everyone wants to offer their advice. what they would do. what they think you should do.. and honestly, sometimes all we need is someone to listen and be supportive. let me talk about my horrible ass day, without you saying im being negative. let me tell you im having a hard time eating, without you telling me to just eat. let me cry, without you trying to make me smile. im not broken, my chemicals will balance out. but allow me the space to hold hands with my feelings. yea it gets scary... its scary for me too 😒. but it doesn't always need to be fixed. sometimes you just have to ride the episode out. most times i just have to ride the episode out. and it's haaaaard, but it's okay. its usually when i feel really lonely and misunderstood that i get suicidal. i feel like i can't talk to anyone and i have to save face. i have to be who people want me to be, and that's so damaging. suicidal ideation most definitely comes out the purple, too. i can be minding my business, and BOOM. but its a symptom of a bigger issue. just like the bulimia. its a symptom of a bigger issue. and my bigger issue is unresolved trauma and a mood disorder thats wreaking havoc over my mental estate. and i KNOW that. and sometimes i just need to be reminded that im sick. im not broken. im sick. and anyone with a mood disorder knows its a larger scale with different extremes, and triggers are plentiful.
anyway anyway. they kept me over night to make sure my heart rate beat whatever stabilized, i ate something, wouldn't die of an electrolyte imbalance, and wouldn't come home and take all my lithium or overdose on oxy. but im home now ! and while i am obviously still depressed, ive managed to shower, eat and keep down half a bowl of oats, get rid of all the pills ive stockpiled, and make myself a nice hot cup of tea. and yaknow, like eat a banana lol.
im not happy, but i feel heard and seen. and that shit REALLY makes a difference.
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kaibuntsu · 7 years
A Human’s Curse
Sequel to The Accursed Scritches.
Long gone the days where I turned into black goop every time I was touched with just a tiny ounce of affection. After weeks—months—of you petting me and nuzzling my snout, which you keep insisting to call ‘the snoot’, I have become hardened. Sometimes you lament my lack of melting and you made it your life’s mission to make me turn into goop again.
Did that ever work out, I wonder? So I ask you, without sounding too...eager to know.
“Eh, I guess I failed,” you answer. Your voice express disappointment, but your face beams, a smile stretches across your pale skin. I see that you mean to have a little laugh, but your entire body already discomforts you before you even made a sound. You have never been able to laugh freely anymore since your body started to fight against you.
“But that’s okay,” you continue, “I miss the way you just splatted and become goop, but that’s not the most important thing.”
I scowl, confused. “Why isn’t it important? You always find joy in my embarrassment. I even dare say it was what kept you going.”
“You have a point, but that’s not what I mean, silly!” You look up to me while your weak, bony hand reach out to meet the one arm I have left. Your hands grow ever so cold these past few weeks. Your eyes drift to blunt stubs where my other five arms once were. I feel self-conscious that you look at my disfigurement so silently so long. You keep doing that time and time again. “Tell me again how you lost all but one of your arms?”
A heavy sigh came with a hiss from my mouth. Again with this question? “I lost them to fights against other demons. I’m a Greater Demon, please do keep that in mind. I have a lot of competition.”
Then, you scoff. “So you went into fights five times and each time you lost an arm? What, did you like do an arm-splitting kamehameha kind of thing every time you fight?” I do not understand what you were talking about; sometimes you just spout the oddest of words out that small mouth of yours. You do not even give me a chance to ask what you meant. “You’re a sucky fighter and a suckier liar, you damn snake.”
“Would you look at that, your first insult to me. And it’s horrible. Horrible as in that is the most gentle insult anyone has ever thrown at me.”
“Whatever! Shut up!”
“You shut up! You’ll only hurt yourself.”
You laugh even harder, you even force your body to bear with it, even though I know from how you clutch your chest as you struggle to get a sound out. You really want to feel this laughter, don’t you? Even your poor bodily condition cannot stop your desire to have a good time with me.
Your laughter quiets down into some giggles as your eyes gaze at me again more gently than they ever did. There is something eerie in that gentleness, I have no idea what it is and why I feel so. “Do you still remember what your purpose was, when I accidentally released you three years ago? You wanted to eat me, didn’t you?”
My cold heart skips a beat; I cannot believe you remember while I forgot. I cannot tell you that I forgot. That makes me sound stupid and I believe I have made a fool of myself in front of you too many times to let you have this one. “I lost my appetite,” I reply, not entirely making an excuse.
“Because I’m an unappealing food? I mean, don’t blame ya. I’m like...zero percent nutrition at this point.”
“No, that’s not why.” I stop myself. I hesitate; why I stopped attempting to eat you is very...undemonic of me. I feel disgusted just humoring such thought, but another part of me feels I should not feel such contempt. Demons are beings driven mainly by impulses and emotions, after all.
“You can eat me now.” Your words brought a snowstorm all over my elongated spine. “I have nothing left for the world. Buuuuut, I definitely have something that you can take—”
“If you’re going to say something cheesy and flirty, I swear to Batara Kala…!” I stop you, even raise my fist to show you that I mean it. Your mouth opens to continue and confront it with a hiss. When you keep persisting to say it, I hiss louder and show my fangs. That only made you scrunch your face in an attempt not to laugh too loud again as your body just hates you for laughing so hard earlier on.
“Alright, okay, you win this round, Wormy.”
“Since I win, then will you do me a favor and get a rest? No more joking around.” I drag your blanket up and cover your frail shoulders. You let out a small content sigh as I bring you warmth with my gesture.
“You’re not going to go out and pick a fight with other demons this time, are you?”
“That was my plan, initially.”
“Well, cancel it. What if I wake up in the middle of the night, don’t find you here, and feel lonely? I never make you feel lonely.” I take a long moment to consider if I should accept or deny your request, but you—at least your glare—are not giving me much choice.
“Tch, fine. I will humor you this time.”
Hearing me succumb brings back your weak smile. “G’night, then. Luv ya, Wormy.”
I do as you said, but my serpentine muscles twitch, itching to slide away into the night. Have you no idea what would have happened if I hadn’t lost my arms? I guess...I never really told you about that. Yet, you called me a liar earlier, so I suppose you have an idea. I suppose you were not joking when you let me eat you.
I loom over you. You are asleep so I have no need to constrict you with my silvery scales. My jaws loosen, gaping as wide as I need to fit your whole body in one swallow. I take another good look of your face, how peaceful you seem and how your last little smile you gave before falling asleep seems to burn itself onto your face permanently. If only I can stare at this peacefulness forever.
My jaws shut tight, with you in front of my lips. I cannot bring myself to eat you, even if I am able to, even when you have given your permission. I just do not have the will to wrap my mouth around you and swallow you whole. And with that, the small tremors that always course throughout your body ceased, air stops blowing out of your nostrils, your body becomes colder than mine.
You knew, didn’t you, that this is coming, whether or not I eat you? You wanted me to be the last thing you see? You fear of feeling lonely? What about me? Did you not think if I will feel lonely?!
...No, you probably did. And it probably torn you apart inside.
You called me a liar? I think we both know who the bigger liar was…
In the distance behind me, I heard the sound of wood cracking, as if it had been violently split by an axe. I wonder what cause the noise that distracted my conflict of feelings, and it was a small box. Or should I say the small box. The very small box I was trapped in and released from three years ago. It broke...how? After so many times it had been lost to fires, crushed by heavy objects, even by a crumbling building at one point. Why, after all the hazards that happened upon it, did it break?
I pushed myself towards it and inspected the accursed box. The lid somehow broke on the hinges, while its surface full of cracks and chips and scorch marks, so is the rest of it. As if the effects of the hazards that fell before upon it finally appear themselves, and with that, breaking my curse. I am once more a freed demon. I should feel elated, yet my cold heart feels, well...cold. What point is there being free?
It starts to glow all of a sudden, the bottom of the box. I lift it closer to eyes, inspecting what appears to be a short archaic scripture, written in gold, and in a style of language that is riddling. A common style among monks and wisemen. It details the key to my release and I throw the box across the room as soon as I read it.
Stupid humans and their stupid trickery! They call demons cruel yet they toy with our impulses! Make me care about someone—someone normally I consider food—and use their soul as ransom for my release! Disgusting, sickening, horrid humans!
My long body feels weak, the turmoil makes me lose control of my form. The first thing I can think of is rushing, as much as my half-goopy body can rush, to my human. For some reason, I feel like it is the only way to help me maintain my form. I crush the lifeless body under my long, droopy, disfiguring body, my one only hand desperately cups the face I have come so fond of.
You! I will not let you go so easily! I will not be free and lonely at the same time! You will be with me! I know where to find you! And I will find you and you will want to be taken by me! I will make you my second head if I have to! Despicable humans and their lies and trickery...after I claim back what was mine, I will bring destruction upon you all.
I cradled my human’s body, curling my disfigured set of scales around the cold frail skin, engulfing it entirely in black sticky goop that is soon creating black smoke out of it, as my being boils from all the strong heat of grief and rage inside me.
I am lonely.
I am livid.
I am suffering.
All because a human loves me, and I love the human back.
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all-i-wanna-write · 7 years
🎃 Wanna One as supernatural creatures  👻 - Hyung Line
[ Masterlist ] [ In honor of just making this blog as well as spooky spooks fest coming up in a few days, here’s a Halloween inspired Wanna One imagine! It’s lengthy for a first post so it’s under read more. 👻 Maknae line will be posted tomorrow! 
- Admin V ]
Yoon Jisung 
a very gentle vampire
you wouldn’t think he would be a vampire upon first glance
like he looks so happy and sunshine-y all the time that it doesnt seem like it
but then you know guanlin saw him sipping blood from a coffee mug labeled “#1 sucker” and that was that
he also had to convince guanlin that he didn’t go around randomly feeding on people
no one knows his age
“a wise man never reveals his age.”
“isnt it secrets?”
“shh daniel, go eat your red meat.”
he may be a creature of the night but he is literal sunshine
he works as a doctor 
ha ha vampire as a doctor how generic
he genuinely likes helping people with his vast knowledge that he collected over the many many years hes been here
he lives in the little home above sungwoon’s shop
he drinks the packets of blood he gets from work that no one uses and is generally good about his feeding
he only ever needs to feed once every two weeks or so 
when he’s missed out on a feeding session due to something he secludes himself from other people until sungwoon is able to make a replacement blood supplement for him
when he goes without blood for a prolonged period of time his eyes turn red 
he tries to maintain his manners but he can only hold back the urges so long
don’t hurt his children he will bite
hes very protective of those he has deemed as family
because he didn’t have a family for as long as he can remember
so the members are his family
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Ha Sungwoon  
he has everything
tonic for sickness? 
got it
potion to make someone fall in love with you?
he sells those
yes, but he keeps it in a vial for some reason and no one knows why
he is following in the footsteps of his previous master and is running the old shop
which has been altered to look more like a store to blend in with society more
“people were looking at the place weirdly hyung”
“i liked how it was daehwi!”
“get with the times hyung! :(”
sungwoon didn't really grow up in society when he was training so he doesn't really get why he cant just rant about rabbits feet and troll leather and its magical properties in public
or why you cant just have this hut looking thing be inbetween large corporate buildings
the place where a lot of the members actually live is above his store 
but yeah he is a potion maker if you want to be real about this and he sells potions that generally are just used for pranks and makes the big money.
but he also is the one to help jisung when he cant get blood in time and never charges him.
actually he never charges any of wanna one.
he denies any statements about being soft as “i owed you a favor im just repaying it”
“you made me hot chocolate hyung”
“you didnt trip me that one time thats why”
don’t let that tsundere attitude fool you hes soft for the members
overall him as an alchemist doesn't change much
he just has much more stuff
which = mess = angry minhyun
but overall he is a very smol potion maker who helps his friends with their ailments and cares a lot despite denying such 
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Hwang Minhyun 
a literal Angel™
no really hes actually an angel
you can literally almost see the halo above his head
and he does have wings! 
he just hides them
because he knows that walking around with large hulking wings is not normal in society 
he came to earth a long time ago and is mostly done with humanity but still tries
its just hard sometimes
he came upon jisung a long time ago and despite,,, beliefs he had at first about what jisung was
(he literally tried to throw garlic at him and jisung just stared at him and laughed so hard he cried
minhyun was really confused)
he came to understand jisung and the two are close friends
nowadays he volunteers at local community centers and pounds
he says that he is a very responsible being but no one believes him
especially when he came home drenched wet holding a kitty in his jacket
“why didnt you just use your wings to cover you and the cat?”
“ill be honest, i didnt think of that at the time.”
he cleans the home they all live in because they are all such messes
well not all of them
actually its really only jaehwan
which he doesn't understand cause jaehwan is literally a ghost
he sings whenever he cleans and its the prettiest thing to hear 
it enamors all of the residents of the humble home
tl;dr don’t hurt this precious man you’ll have a horde of angry supernatural after you
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Ong Seongwoo
actually he’s just fully human
with a catch
he hunts down demons
not the ones who try to live peacefully like jisung
the bad ones that cause harm to people and other beings
a Good Demon Hunter ™
he doesn't necessarily live in the home with the rest of the gang 
mostly due to the fact he really cant put any of his equipment there without giving minhyun a heart attack
who wouldnt get the scare of a lifetime when you see someone casually polishing a large katana that had blood on it
but hes basically there 24/7 when he doesn’t have a job to do
like it’ll be three am and daniel would be getting up to get a drink and nearly go wolf and attack in surprise at seongwoo casually sitting on the couch watching tv eating some ramyeon 
daniel does help him with his job sometimes! but seongwoo doesn’t let him go to the dangerous ones
a. cause he cares about daniel
b. jisung would actually kill him
hes still a jokester and plays pranks with the others
tells spooky stories about demons hes hunted to rile up the kids
is then told off later by jisung who had to deal with daehwi nearly shooting his head off with a spell and woojin setting fire to his bed in alarm
when hes on the job tho
hoo boy
he turns so serious, a complete opposite from that jokester persona he puts on around the gang
there are a lot more jobs around halloween than any other time because hallow’s eve is when demons are at their highest activity rate
so that means he gets no sleep as he hunts down demons
he doesn’t stop until his job is done
so you could not see him for weeks
then all of a sudden hes just there eating corn flakes like
“sup, how ya doing?” 
and he’ll have his arm in a cast, multiple limbs wrapped up, and be limping
but is just so casual about it
save this man
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Kim Jaehwan
so funny story
hes dead
no like
he died a while ago but
hes a ghost now
hes learned how to manifest his energy in a more physical being though!
but this is also a bad thing because
he plays pranks
all the time
and he haunts sungwoon and minhyun so imagine how fun that must be for them
everyone jokingly calls him a banshee and says to move on already but they don’t actually mean that
he knows that too
so he just blows a kiss towards them and laughs as the cringe away
when he does become a more physical version of himself, he likes to play the guitar when minhyun sings
the combo is lovely
he lays on the other members who complain
and he just goes 
“i’m a ghost you cant push me off thats disrespecting the dead”
they threaten with salt and its like wow suddenly he has to go water his roof
one time someone managed to break in and he scared them so bad by floating through the doors
he didn’t actually know that there was a burglar he was going to go try and get one of those vials that sungwoon made that lets him eat food so he can eat something
hes now the guard dog for the house. 
he doesn’t remember how he died, no one does, and he doesn’t like to talk about it
overall, he’s a very mischievous ghost who does care about the people he haunts. 
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Kang Daniel
alright i think a lot of people saw this one coming
our boi is a wolf
actually, he’s pretty young for a wolf
he still has a hard time actually turning and prefers to just stay human to eat his food and do other things
he’s getting the hang of it don't worry
he has his hyungs and friends to help him
when he is able to turn he is just a big fluffy dog to be very honest
one time when they were having a picnic at the local park and daniel was in wolf form for the day, seongwoo jokingly threw a ball for daniel to catch, thinking he wouldn't
daniel chased it all the way into the forest and brought it back
needless to say he won’t be able to live that down
“so pup, did you eat dinner yet”
“hyung stop, it was one time”
he cant really eat a lot of produced stuff well
it doesn’t sit right with him
he cant have chocolate either
which really bums him out
que sungwoon to the rescue again with a potion for everything
so he lives off meat and vegetables
but he is somehow able to eat gummies just fine
which he is scolded for but he still does it anyways
he dances in his free time when he isn’t in school
or you know hunting
he doesn’t hunt often, and when he does it is only with small creatures
he feels bad afterward and doesn’t come out of his room for a while
poor wolfie
a living heater v.2
helps seongwoo with his hunts 
as in he tracks them but isn't allowed anywhere near the site for his safety
he complains but begrudgingly goes back 
he’s just a big ol dog who wants to eat what he wants and dance in peace 
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yokina-hoshi · 7 years
rain // izuku x tsuyu (( COMPLETED!! ))
"Get home safely Midoriya!"
"C ya Deku!"
"Ugh, See you guys on Monday!"
Today, Izuku Midoriya had decided to take a different way home than he normally would. This route was different. It was prettier and scenic, and Izuku felt as if he needed to get some things of his chest. Most of all, he needed time to put his worries to bed.
He stepped out of the school, head down in deep thought, gripping the straps of his signature yellow bag tighter. The farther he walked, the deeper his thoughts and steps went. By the time he was passing the station, he had already forgotten how many steps he had taken. His brows furrowed as a train track blocked his steps. The gates were down as the train past by. It blew past him, green hair swaying in the wind, leaves dancing across the cloud stricken evening sky. e
He was worried about school (as usual)
He was worried about All Might (as usual)
Although, there was one thing on his mind that was rather unusual. Izuku was worried about Tsuyu. Tsuyu had seemed really upset about something the past few days, it was hard not to notice since Izuku was so observant. One of the small things that he had noticed was that Tsuyu had started avoiding Ochako for some reason, and they were normally seen together as they were the best of friends. Izuku thought that Ochako would have noticed it by now, but she claimed that she only thought Tsuyu was spending some 'time away'. He had also noticed Tsuyu slip out of the classroom several times at lunch break when Mina and Tooru where raging on about something fun and spectacular, and she would normally walk out with a face of boredom. Though it is a very well known fact that the frog had (most of the time) a fixed expression, but Izuku could recognise the hesitation in her eyes. Sometimes, Izuku would end up looking for her, and in the end finding Tsuyu dozing off on one of the benches somewhere around the school. Most of the time, she would either wake up or he had to wait for her, seeming as if it was his duty to bring her back to the classroom on time.
The thing that worried Izuku the most was her sudden change in honorifics. She would normally go around calling him 'Midoriya-chan' but that had changed for the past week, and she started being more formal and calling him 'Midoriya-san' or just leaving honorifics out completely. Izuku was clearly shocked by this, and he really wanted to know what was going on so he could help her out in any way possible.
He mentally sighed. 'guess I have to go talk to her... I hope she wont mind.'
A drop of cold water cascaded down from his forehead, making him look up to the sky.
'plip. plip. plip.'
slowly but surely, the sky started to grow dark with electric blue clouds, letting out a slow drizzle of rain.
"A-Ah!! Its raining!!"
'good thing I brought an umbrella. Thanks mom!'
Izuku pulled out a folded, plain looking, see through umbrella from his yellow backpack, extending it and hovering it underneath the rain drops above him. The ground underneath him grew dry as the glass like droplet fell from the hood of his umbrella.
Izuku's pace got quicker the faster the rain fell. though the rain was intense, the skies were still clear and bright, which was a rare phenomenon for the green haired boy to be experiencing.
Izuku walked past houses by the river. He walked past vending machines full of hot and cold drinks alike. He walked past the setting sun. Though, nothing could compare to who he saw along the way.
His eyes widened as he stumbled across an open grassy plain.
A certain green haired girl was sitting in the middle of the plain, shimmering droplets of rain cascading down her bow tied hair. Her head was shifted upwards, taking in the embrace of the cold rain.
Izuku stood there for a while, not knowing how to react. Though the rain was cold, he could feel his cheeks heat up. His heart rate began to grow faster. Not often would he feel this way about someone. Though, he never really knew what love meant.
He started to hesitate over his next actions, debating silently in his head if he should approach Tsuyu or let her be. He tightened his grip on his umbrella and took a deep breath, stepping forward.
'All I know is that Tsuyu is in need of someone, someone who can help her. Someone who can stand by her side and listen to everything she has to say. I can be that someone!'
Izuku slowly paced forward, making sure not to startle Tsuyu. She seemed like she was at peace, he didnt want to disturb that peace.
Taking one more breath, Izuku softly placed his hand on top of Tsuyu's shoulder. The said girl seemed a little shocked, rapidly turning around to catch a glimpse of the person who had confronted her.
Izuku flashed a sheepish smile, lowering his umbrella down to hover it over her head. His jacket slowly became soaked by the bitter rain, but he didn't mind. As long as Tsuyu doesn't catch a cold, he doesnt care. He always was reckless after all.
Tsuyu's eyes widened at the situation before her, rain droplets slowly making its way down the sides of her face. She turned her head to look down, expression full of thought.
"Why- why are you here?"
Tsuyu's previous remark had caught Izuku by surprise, shocked by Tsuyu's sudden reserved manner. Normally the teal haired girl would openly say whatever was on her mind, no double takes. He frowned a bit and slowly moved over to Tsuyu's side, sitting down next to her in the cold evergreen grass. He slowly loosened the grip on his umbrella, resting it against his soaked shoulder still covering the two of them from the calm rain.
Izuku looked at her again, this time giving her a knowing smile. He knew how hard it was to open up about feelings. This time he received a different reaction, one that was longing.
"Midoriya, you know I always say what's on my mind."
Izuku just simply nodded, more water falling from his abnormally curly green hair. Tsuyu slowly placed her hand on top of Izuku's scarred one, causing him to flinch a little.
She sighed, refusing to meet with Izuku's eyes. The next thing she said was completely unexpected.
"Izuku-chan, I think I like you."
The said boy just sat there, staring into Tsuyu's large eyes, letting what she said sink into him. His eyes widened as he realized what she meant, quickly recoiling in a huge blush, causing the umbrella to fall from his shoulder exposing the two to the rain.
His shocked face completely contrasted tsuyu's calm and collected face. She wasn't afraid anymore. She didnt want these unwanted feelings to eat at her heart anymore. She would face these problems head on, just as she always did. Tsuyu Asui loved Izuku 'deku' Midoriya.
Izuku didn't know what to say, nor what to do. He wanted to help Tsuyu out, yet love was something he was rather unfarmiliar with. Sighing, he tried to reply.
"I-I d-dont kn-now what t-to say..."
Tsuyu carried on staring at izuku in a relaxed manner, urging him to tell her the truth. After some thought, Izuku knew what to say.
He moved his free hand over tsuyu's, looking into her eyes underneath the cold rain.
"I... I'm not sure if I can return your feelings tsuyu-"
"Thats ok. Thats fine."
Izuku looked on in confusion, mentally scolding himself for saying something wrong.
All tsuyu did was give izuku one of the warmest smiles she has ever gave, and slowly started to stand up. She walked away slowly, Izuku watching.
"its alright if you can't say the same."
And with that she walked away.
Yet she stopped.
She felt the warm embrace of a hand holding, telling her to come back. Shocked, she turned around to meet its owner.
"Tsuyu pleasd don't leave. I didn't mean it in that way... I meant, maybe, just maybe, I could learn how to return your feelings."
Her eyes widened a bit, not expected that answer. After a while, she smiled. She understood now.
Izuku may not be an expert on romantic feelings, yet he knew that deep down, he admired the girl in front of him greatly. He didn't know why, he couldnt answer how. All he knew is that he wanted to take this opportunity.
Out of sheer delight, tsuyu jumped at Izuku, hugging him. Izuku could feel the nervousness bubble inside him, but thats fine. He began to enjoy this feeling. He slowly hugged her back, still trying to get used to these new feelings.
Without warning, tsuyu kissed izuku on the cheek, leaving him as a blushing mess. He quickly let go of tsuyu, bringing his scarred hands up to his red face. All she could do was laugh.
"I- I think... I really like you Tsuyu. I re-really do."
Giggilling, she moved over from her spot in the wet flowers to rest her forehead on his own, smiling.
"Me too."
They stayed like that for a while, blue flowers dancing in the cold wind.
Izuku nervously took tsuyu's hand in his, flustered. The two stood in front of the polished brown doors of 1-A. Today was the day they were going to reveal their relationship to the class. Nervously blushing, they slowly walked in, hand in hand.
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theday · 7 years
🎁’ 🎄 heck u im gonna send both :-)
im u copying the ‘ also undercut i rly never shut up huh
compliment(s): are u ready my dude . buckle in bc this is an amira love post now >:-D OKAY FIRST. amira youre so sweet and???? really fucking lovely overall i knwo you get weird sometimes but thats fine and its become a normal thing to see and i have come to enjoy it as well BUt when you start loving mister so’h’n its cute i love it plus ur a giant full of LOVE and nut idk ur also rly pretty thank u for blessing my eyes and fufck god, youre so cute that selfie of u in that yellow hoodie? my life [tick emoji] saved ! ALSO UR FUCKING GIFS..... listen i dont know shit about gifs colours or anything but your gifs are always so WaRM and nice looking???? like i know u make an effort to not wh*tewash the monstas and just , thank you so much i owe u my whole life ?? also saw you made some tutorials b4 wow . legend... a helpful legend.... thank you again also i literally never shut the fuck up but this shouldnt even go here but i love seeing ur opinions on things?????? a real eye opener and idk ;-/ id give u my heart if u asked me 2 tbh.. let me move on b4 i hit character limit i dont even think that exists but if it did i wouldve hit it by now
why i followed you: helllo o worm. so right okay so yes! i dont think i had anyone else followed at first?? like nobody from the click i think but i needed a shownu blog to follow bc i wasnt feeling shownu love enough so i foudn yOU resident shownu lover 69 so i was like huh this is GREAT PERFECT so i followed obviously and then sent some anons bc . to love the shownu i must kno why he is loved correct ?yes! so i sent the asks tm and you replied so niccely going off tangent as usual but ufrjkc u replied so nicely and so full of love i rly mcdied let me tell u! so ya i followed u bc i need more shownu (love) in my life 
what i like most about you: i feel like i already answered this question but lets go again :D LISTEN YOURE SO NICE JDKSJKJDK ??? YOURe always looking out for ppl im gonna pull receipts straight out of my ass bc of my fish memory but i remember you were getting sh(t anons but didnt want to turn anon off bc of showho anon and wtf....... ur so sSWWEEETT i love yoU!!!!! and goDT i already mentioned this but i love seeing ur opinions on things and oh  fuck i remember ur not afraid to stand up for your buddies....!!!! one time (many times really) someone stole one of ur pals’ (forgot whoomst) gifs and u really went and called them out legend^2... idk i love seeing you ??? and the things u believe in... i like seeing u ...LIKE stand ur ground yes thats the phrase youre jjust really great wtffhgh I LOVE you...... youre so kind and very friendly!!!!! you always talk to the mutuals outside of your click and i think thats great!!! (whoever says otherwise can go eat the dirt i walk on) i love you sorry i told u 2 go eat dirt not rly tho im the better worm 
tldr i love you amira have a good night!!!!!!!!!!!!
mutuals send me ‘🎁’ for a compliment or send me ‘🎄’ for why i followed you / what i like most about you!
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