#and suddenly he has to explain this statement. and kinda explain that he lied about breaking up w ronan
unganseylike · 4 months
for others who disliked adams greywaren ending, what do you think about the part of his ending with transferring schools?
Personally, i can see arguments for transferring (in terms of adam not having his fantasized perfectly linear path to success), but i want to see him stay and deal with his lies and mistakes. ik that sounds mean, but i intend it in the kindest way possible. like it could be helpful for him to distance himself from the person he invented at harvard and try again, but i want him to contend with that and reconcile his invention with the person he really is; i don’t think they are mutually exclusive!
maybe this comes down to your opinion of his crying club- whether you think theyre really his friends or not- but to me, i don’t think this effort to build community was wrong, even though it was unhealthy that he had to lie about his background to do it. i think adam needs to think about why he had this drive to create a friend group and why he felt like he couldn’t be the same person he was in henrietta. i want him to feel like he can be honest with the crying club, or at least that he can his genuine self with people outside the gangsey. he doesnt have to suddenly dump the whole truth on them, but i wish he could slowly let himself trust them, as they have trusted him with their troubles.
Obviously it was important for him and his character arc to leave henrietta and for him to want to leave behind the person he was there (and the fact that everyone there knew he was poor and a victim of abuse), but i’d like to see adam stay in place somewhere and work through who he is there. I feel like if he leaves and starts somewhere new, he’ll still have that instinct to leave behind this old version of adam and reinvent himself.
what do you all think? i know we all hate the adam becomes a fed thing, but wasnt sure what opinion is on this part
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akirathedramaqueen · 3 months
How Moxxie was born in two places at the same time?
So, err... I might've missed something, but I was thinking about one potential hiccup in the Moxxie's story.
In the Harvest Moon Festival, Moxxie is being mocked by Mille's dad for the desire to compete in games, while Moxxie says: "I was born here, too. I have some fat in me!" It's easy to deduce: 'here' means Wrath ring.
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Besides, Blitzø mentions his employees are from Wrath during conversation with Stolas, cementing in stone that somewhere around that period Moxxie's birthplace was the same as Millie's.
But here comes the other episode, Exes and Oohs.
The whole episode revolves around Moxxie, and we learn, suddenly, that Greed ring is "his old stomping ground".
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And that question, "Oh yeah, this is your old stomping ground, isn't it, Moxx?" comes from Blitzø. Who claimed a couple of episodes earlier a contradictory statement.
The episode doesn't seem to address that, no one mentions, "Hey, that wasn't what he said before".
My theory is that it's not that deep, and chances are writers either forgot Moxxie was originally from Wrath, or deliberately decided to abandon it, making a new canon instead, which, I don't argue, is a much better fit for him. He didn't look like a creature from Wrath at all, and his history with mafia which reminds of La Cosa Nostra or something, collides well with his love of art, more complicated language, and character design in general.
But I am going to do some mental gymnastics here and stretch it a bit to try to fill the gap and explain, how so is Moxxie suddenly has two birthplaces.
For the contradiction to disappear, we need to address the general issue of neither Blitzø nor Millie having the correct information about Moxxie's origins.
With Millie, it's easier. I could easily imagine Moxx wanting to impress her and lying about where he was from, and then going along with it, never correcting it. It's just a small lie, and it's not like he was going to introduce her to his father who he wanted to never see again. This won't explain why Millie didn't react at the revelation that Moxx lied to her, but she was curious why she never got introduced to his father, so... I think this kinda checks? Maybe she was worried about not knowing Moxxie's family more than 'hey, didn't he tell he was from Wrath?' nagging question.
But it's harder with Blitzø. Blitzø himself makes two contradictory statements. Though, if to really pull the owl on a globe (see? SEE? HA! ahem sorry), I coooould say that the second occurence didn't mean "your birthplace", but rather "the place you lived in for a very long time", so then we could assume that in Blitzø's mind, Moxxie was born in Wrath, then moved to Greed and spent there a considerable amount of years. That would've made sense. Again, Blitzø doesn't ask any questions and is not amused by his knowledge to be wrong, but neither does Millie, so we just leave this at that.
Or, both could be true - Moxxie's mother could be from Wrath, father - from Greed, so he could have been born where his mom was but was very little while they moved, so he doesn't have any actual connection to the place, hence no cultural connection and no, as he says himself, 'fat'.
(kinda offtopic): FUNNY THOUGH, how the first thing he says in Exes and Oohs is: "You know, I checked the scale today, and it said I lost two pounds this week... I AM NOT FAT!" Yea-yea, it's the reference to the previous episode, where Loona ridiculed him for his weight, but couldn't help but notice that it also connected to Moxxie saying "I have some fat" in the episode where he claimed to be from Wrath
I wonder if there could be a better explanation, but this is what I came up with. :) The show is usually so good at foreshadowing and narrative, I was surprised to find something like that, but it was fun to try to salvage the thing anyway. :D
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Hi Ozzy!!!!! I have a request for you!!!! Kinda inspired it from mc's friend meets their Lis
Imagine if felix accidentally summoned mc's childhood bestfriend (like Celina). Once they meet mc they are like:
Friend:"....." , mc:"......" , Friend:"..why are u so fucking ugly bro ?" *both of them wheezing* mc:"BRO HOLY SHIT I MISSED YOU-" ,Friend:"BRO I MISSED YOU TOO- " they are hugging each other like mad. Mc asks them how they got in Astraea and they say they don't know after they drove mc to their fan expo, they felt dizzy and suddenly found themselves in this strange place. After that mc never leaves their friend, they shows them around the place, introduces them to their Lis and maybe get teased
Friend:*ruffle mc's hair*" look at you bro finally getting laid!"mc:"one of us has to do this job at some point, bro" , friend:" Hey!"
Also mc's friend are teasing for being furry (because they are dating sage)
......Ok M3 didn't expect that , seeing mc so happy, so open because I mean come on they found someone like them from earth, someone they can relate to them, someone who knows all their weird earth references, someone WHO actually know and they happen to be their best friend. That something that kinda bothers them. They say to themselves they are not jealous, why would they be jealous of someone who knows mc since forever and knows everything about them and probably has a better to win them over since they are already close?.........ok maybe they are a little jealous so they hide it that until mc takes their friend to show them more places of Astraea and ofc take their Lis with them because they know the area better than mc.
Mc and their friend are talking to each other the whole time and Lis are kinda the third wheel (ofc they are annoyed but won't show it because mc looks happy) but suddenly someone comes by them and point at mc and their friend and says "you guys are really a cute couple" in front of Lis
y'know anon? valid.
GN!Reader, I guess you could call this hurt/comfort?, Felix has the braincell today
Felix Escellun
You and your friend are trying not to laugh because That Is Such A Silly Statement!! And you guys manage to give an awkward little 'oh thanks' because what are you even meant to respond to that with? Once they're gone you back to talking with your friend, eagerly explaining how Yes You Can Do Magic! You turn to Felix - to ask him a question or to get him to agree or whatever - when you notice he looks,,
,,,c,,,, constipated?????
Okay no that's not it try again. You can do it. I believe in you.
But also,, also,,,,
oh he's annoyed
Obviously you ask him what's wrong. He opens his mouth, hesitates. Mulls over his words for a moment.
'Its n... Actually... Darling, may I speak to you for a moment? In private?'
'Ooooh MC is in trouble~' 'shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you' ':P' '>:/'
Anyways you tell your friend to stay put for a second and let Felix pull you off to the side.
He looks nervous, fiddling a little with his hands. When you gently reach out to him, he takes your hands and starts playing with your fingers. It's a nervous tic of his.
'I... I understand that I am the last one to get to be jealous, considering the whole Rime situation-'
'....Your jealous face looks like constipation.'
'......... *Pouts*'
No but all jokes aside, Felix has been in a long term relationship. And while he does enjoy being dramatic, I also think this type of problem is something he knows it's best to address sooner rather than later, and being direct is key. Frankly he should have brought it up earlier but he wasn't really sure how to. And he explains that to you all while avoiding your eyes. He loves you (gods he loves you so much it hurts to breathe sometimes), but you've been unintentionally blocking him out a little bit in favor of your friend and it hurts. And he just... Wants to know where you stand.
That's all.
And whatever answer you give he'll be fine with-
*noise of a heart breaking a little*
You hug him fiercely because you didn't even realize you were doing that!! You were just happy to see your friend again but you never meant to leave Felix behind like that!!!! And he gives this little relieved sigh as he hugs you back and you can feel the tension melting out of him because this has been bothering him so much
He needs Stella to walk on his back because boy is knotted back there
When you say that there's absolutely no feelings between you and your friend and there never ever will be, he believes you.
He trusts you, y'know?
But also now that you're all on the same page he is going to cling to your arm and pout and whine when you're leaving him out a little too long. He's gotta have some fun being over-dramatic, y'know?
He starts becoming friends with your friend too. They start having their own inside jokes and references.
Anisa Anka
Once the passerby is gone you go back to trying to explain whatever it is you were saying when your friend flinches away, looking over your shoulder.
'Hey Anisa can you not try to kill me with your eyes?'
When you turn around Anisa is smiling innocently but you also get the sense that there's something horribly violent and gremlin-like right beneath the surface of her adorable smile
....... ?
She grabs your hand and laces your fingers together and now she's walking in between you and your friend and keeps cutting them off when they try to speak.
,,,,, wow you have never seen her like this. You can't decide whether to laugh or be worried.
You guys stop at a pastry cart. You buy yourself and your friend something and ask Anisa what she wants and she just (still smiling innocently) says she doesn't want anything
... alright worried it is.
You shove some money into your friends hands and rattle off a list of things to get and then drag Anisa off.
Once you guys have some room to talk you (lightly) grab her by the shoulders and look her in the eye.
'Alright, out with it. This is your favorite dessert cart. You never pass up a chance to get snacks.'
'I have no idea what you're talking about love :) I'm just not hungry right now :)'
Man it must be even worse than you thought.
You frown at her. Not out of annoyance or anything like that, but out of worry. And you can see the way she winces a little when she notices that.
'I-I promise I'm fine...'
You shake your head and pull her into a hug, nuzzling your cheek against her stress-poofed hair. You know something is wrong. You also know she hates lying to you and always ends up coming clean. It's just a matter of waiting.
About ten seconds later she sighs and hugs you back.
Ooh her arms are so strong.
'It's just... I don't want to lose you...'
Because your friend knows so much about Earth stuff and makes you laugh all the time and you spend so much time with them and they probably don't have an evil genocidal tyrant for a father...........
You cup her cheeks in your palms and kiss the tip of her nose. Yeah maybe your friend knows more about Earth stuff but Anisa knows more about Astraean stuff.
'What does that matter?'
Well that's the point. It doesn't.
Once you reassure Anisa that She Is Your Brave Strong Knight, you guys go back over to where your friend has an armful of snaccs. Anisa devours her portion because She Really Really Really Wanted Snaccs.
She still walks in the middle of you guys but this time it's because your friend is trying to explain Earth references. Anisa is taking notes.
Sage Lesath
As soon as the stranger is out of earshot you and your friend start fake gagging because Ew. Gross. And of course you're laughing a little because it's probably not the first time someone has made that mistake.
You turn to Sage to see what face he's making and
Maybe he's
Or over
He's gone.
You and your bestie look around the immediate area, but he's nowhere in sight. Not surprising. He can be fast when he wants to. But why the hell did he run off like that without even saying anything? He does that every once in a while when something particularly interesting has caught his attention and he's zoned in in it, but he's always close enough you can easily find him.
Not this time.
Your friend obviously agrees to help you look for him, and off you two go asking passerbys and looking for clues.
Is it any wonder your search leads you to a tavern?
There's your skrunkly cat boyfriend. He's hunkered down at the far corner of the bar, half-hidden by shadow. It's been nearly two hours now so he's a lot of drinks deep. Honestly you're not sure you've seen him quite like this before. He looks so,, overwhelmingly,,, tired.
You tell your bestie to hang out by the front end of the bar, then go to check on Sage. His left ear flicks when you approach but he doesn't look up at you, instead staring into the amber dregs of his glass.
'Wha's wrong? Your date end early or somethin?'
Yeah he's drunk.
'You tell me. You're the one that ran off.'
'Didn' wanna intrude'
'Oh for fucks sake Sage.'
You grab the glass out of his hand and slide it back down the bar and away from him. He makes a frustrated noise and reaches for it, flattening his chest against the bartop, and that gives you the perfect chance to lean your weight on his back and trap him in place. He hisses but there's no real threat behind it. And when you wrap your arms around his waist and mush your cheek against the space between his shoulders, he goes silent. His tail flickers against your knee before looping around your thigh.
It takes a couple minutes of wheedling and coaxing before he mumbles that he left because, like he said, he didn't want to get in the way of your little 'date'. You and your friend have been inseparable since they got here. And he's glad you have someone familiar here, he really is! But you have all these little inside jokes and shared memories and references he could never understand and you're just so happy with them and so maybe you'd be happy with them-
Kitty cat has never had a relationship before so he just has absolutely no idea how to cope with this sort of thing. He's so used to feeling like he doesn't deserve love that of course he's going to assume you'll dump him for someone you've got more history with. He wouldn't blame you.
It's at that point your friend comes over and makes a gagging noise because Ew?? Being With MC???? That's Disgusting??????
And you're like Ew??? Being With Bestie????? Nasty Stinky Gross?????????
You cuddle up to Sage and reassure him that just because you and your friend are close doesn't mean you two would ever date. Besides, they aren't a sexy-dangerous mercenary with adorable ears, now are they? No they aren't.
Kiss the top of his head and promise that you aren't going anywhere. That calms him down a lot. Though if you really wanna make him feel better you could try kissing-
Anyways try to give him more attention and a lot of kisses and he'll be fine. Hold his hand when you guys go out. You can try explaining some of your Earth references but I think he's gonna zone out really quickly and get distracted on how cute you are when you're talking.
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atozfic · 3 years
pairing: park seonghwa x fem!reader | warnings. infidelity, the reader is kinda a brat and seonghwa is not okay with that, creampie, mentions of marking, brief nipple, clit play. word count. 923.
“how are you still so. fucking. tight?”
his thrusts punctuate the words he speaks against your neck between the countless bites and kisses. he knows the boundaries between you both, knows to never leave his marks on you, but he wants to throw caution to the wind and give in to his desire to ruin your relationship. he wants, selfishly, to be the only one you let into your life, not just into your pants.
“...even after all the times your little cunt has taken my cock.” his rambling continues much like his thrusts. everything he's saying seems to swim around in your head, echoing and tugging you closer and closer to the edge, tempting you to just let go and allow yourself to be held by seonghwa only.
“maybe your dick’s just too small to leave any lasting impact.” the drag of his length against your velvet walls is electrifying, lighting up the nerves all over your body as he tugs at one of your nipples with his teeth. 
“pretty sure you cried the first time i fucked you, kitten.”
“those were-” your own mouth betrays you as a moan slips out despite your attempts to suppress it, causing seonghwa to smirk because he knows. he knows the tip of him is beginning to repeatedly brush against that lethal spot inside of you, turning your brain to mush and your limbs to jelly. “tears of regret, asshat.”
he laughs, knowing how full of shit your statement is. when this little affair began, it was nothing more than a drunken accident. in theory, there wasn’t much you both liked about each other and neither of you put the effort into hide this fact. most of your mutual friends had even once made a bet on how quickly you both would start an argument. one night, the argument just went too far. 
or that’s what you prefer to tell yourself, it sounds nicer than admitting the underlying sexual tension that you’d both created over the months. one time, you’d promised this to yourself. one time and that was the craving out of your system forever. 
it took you no more than nine days to break that promise, showing up at his door after an argument with your boyfriend. 
and now? you can hardly remember what it feels like to be touched by someone other than seonghwa. yes, it's so wrong, but it feels so right.
“turn around.” seonghwa breaks your train of thought, pulling out of you with a hiss as his hands manoeuvre you into the position he wants: ass up, your dripping slit on display while your face is buried in the sheets. you’d asked him just last week why he liked to fuck you like that, to which he lied. because, how could he explain that it was easier to detach himself from his feelings when he didn’t have to make eye contact with you, to watch your face as he overwhelmed you with pleasure?
seonghwa quickly gets back into the pace he’d set before, driving his cock into you with determination. the skin on your hips stings while he digs crescents into it with his nails, a death grip keeping you in place for him to use you like his own personal fleshlight, his favourite little cocksleeve. its his hand snaking round to rub your clit that finally breaks your resolve.
“hwa!” you practically whine his name, fuelling his ego more. there’s no sight prettier to him than you begging for his cock. “i’m gonna- fuck-”
“you’re gonna what, darling?” neither of you acknowledge the sudden new pet name, far more endearing than his usual use of kitten or whore. “gonna cum for me? make a mess all over my cock? huh?”
you don’t get the chance to reply as your orgasm flushes over you suddenly, your walls tightening around him as you paint him in your juices. seonghwa does his best to keep pace, fucking you through your high. the hands which had previously gripped your hips, now rub softly at your skin, holding you in place as he leans down to kiss along your spine.
with his own high approaching, his thrusts grow sloppier and his sweet moans reach your ears. when he feels you purposefully clench around him, seonghwa topples over the edge of sanity, his frame collapsing on top of yours as he milks himself into you, filling your hole with his seed. 
you both just lay there, sweat coated bodies stuck together as you try regain your breaths and he softens inside of you. you can’t help but whine as he slips out, rolling over to lay next to you, no words being exchanged and no glances being shared. 
you’re the first one to finally move, doing your best to find your discarded clothing and dressing yourself as quickly as possible. it’s not till you check your phone and see the notification that you realise you’re late for the reservation. you really should be more concerned with how little guilt you feel, if any at all. 
“go run along to your date, i guess.” seonghwa speaks carelessly, ignoring how much he wants to ask you to do the opposite. to stay with him, to realise what you could both have if you’d just stop being afraid to end your loveless relationship, to see he desired you in ways so much more than just physically.  
but, alas, he’s a coward. 
“just remember who’s cum it is staining your pretty panties while you’re sat across from him.”
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shortprince-cos · 4 years
More Truths Than Dares
Summary: After "The Double Closet Incident" as Patton so calls it, Patton and Janus have a talk at their friends' sleepover.
Ship: Moceit (Patton x Janus)
Warnings: Smoking, claustrophobia mention, truth or dare. Tell me if I need to add anything else!
Note: This is a direct sequel to "In A Closet"! You can read this without reading that, but it'll probably be confusing!
"Oh, I didn't know he was invited."
All Patton had done was walk in the door. He hadn't even said hi, or hugged Roman yet, he just walked in the door, and Janus was already on his back for just existing in his presence.
It was going to be a long night.
"Yes? He's my best friend, you know!" Roman defended as he brought Patton to sit on the couch with him and Logan.
"Wow, rude." Logan said.
Roman made a series of offended noises. "You're my boyfriend! So obviously Patton is my best friend!"
As the two quickly dissolved into playful banter, Patton stood to go put his overnight bag in Roman's room, hearing Janus whisper something to Remus and Virgil as he walked by.
Just ignore it, he thought, not really in the mood to argue today. Especially not after what Patton had dubbed ‘The Double Closet Incident’.
It was disastrous. Not only did Patton get locked in a closet with Janus, who has claustrophobia, he discovered that he may have a thing for men. Who knew?
Roman. Roman probably knew, especially after he had adopted Patton into their little friend group. And if being gay was a contest, Roman would be the judge.
But...it was normal to feel that way, right? It wasn't weird to feel embarrassed when someone got up in your personal space, was it? It wasn't abnormal to blush when someone said kind words to you, or odd to imagine yourself in different scenarios with someone you saw on a daily basis and they were-
Wait, what was he doing again?
Patton sighed as he set down his bag by Roman's bed. Those were thoughts for another day. He was supposed to be having fun at his best friend's sleepover, after all!
Patton put on a happy face and went back to the living room to join the others, finding that Roman and Remus were wrestling over something, Logan and Janus were debating, and Virgil was scrolling on his phone. Yep, it was going to be a long night.
After breaking up Roman and Remus' tussle, watching a couple of movies, and other various shenanigans, Remus decided to gather everyone up in his room to play truth or dare.
If Patton learned anything from watching the others' turns, it was to always choose truth when Remus picks you.
"Double D, Truth or Dare?" Remus asked excitedly, even though he already knew what Janus would say.
Remus grinned like a shark. "I dare you and Patton to stay in my closet for one hour together."
Both Janus and Patton went pale.
"I...lied. I meant truth." Janus quickly said, hoping that Remus would let up.
"Nope! Too late! Now, you and Patton have to get in there, have hate sex or something, and come out in an hour!"
"Uh- we can't!" Patton exclaimed suddenly, and then all eyes were on him.
"What, are you afraid of the dark or something?" Remus teased.
"Um- no- well, kinda- but no. I- uh- have claustrophobia."
Janus looked shocked, to say the least. Thankfully, everyone was still looking at Patton.
"Yeah, small spaces are absolute torture to be in, and I would prefer it if none of us did stuff that involves small spaces, because then I'll worry about them!" Patton rambled quickly, trying to get all attention on him.
Remus rolled his eyes. "Ugh, fine. But you guys still need to do something together."
Patton blushed a bit, and Janus sighed, looking relieved.
Eventually, Remus gave up, and just dared Janus to eat shaving cream.
The rest of the night went smoother, and Patton ended up telling a lot of weird secrets, but not very important ones.
Eventually, everyone was asleep in either Roman's room, or Remus' room. Everyone except Patton, who couldn't get his brain to turn off.
Patton reluctantly got out of his sleeping bag, and made his way to the front door, maybe some fresh air would clear his mind.
Turns out, he wasn't the only one who had that idea, because as he stepped outside, he found the one and only Janus on the porch, smoking a cigarette.
Before Patton could turn back around, Janus saw him, and nodded his head in acknowledgment. Well, no going back now.
Patton silently sat down in the wooden rocking chair next to where Janus was standing, staring off into space a little before speaking up.
"You-you know that smoking is bad for you, right?"
Janus' lips curled up in a small smile as he chuckled. "I'm aware. Don't worry your pretty head, I only do it when I'm stressed."
Patton decided to ignore the way being called pretty by Janus felt and focused on the other part of that statement. "What are you stressed about?"
Janus blew out a puff of smoke, and suddenly Patton was very distracted by his lips.
"You. You're...different than how I thought you'd be." Janus said solemnly, drawing in another breath.
"Is...is that a bad thing?" Patton asked quietly, looking down to the floor.
Janus glanced at Patton with an indecipherable look on his face. "To be honest? I don't know. On one hand, you're actually a decent person."
"Thank you?"
"And on the other," Janus continued. "I've treated you like s**t for no reason other than spite."
"...It's okay-"
"It's not." Janus interrupted.
They sat in silence for awhile, trying to figure out if the other still wanted them here or not.
"Why did you think I was a bad person?" Patton asked quietly.
Janus huffed. "It's complicated."
"I mean...we got all night."
"...true." Janus sighed. "I think it's because ‘nice’ people don't usually want anything to do with me, and when they do, it's usually for the wrong reasons." He explained. "So when you started talking to me...I don't know, you reminded me of all the wrong people."
Patton's heart broke. He reminded Janus of some probably terrible memories, and had probably been hurting him just by being around him! No wonder Janus frowned whenever Patton walked in a room!
"Janus, I'm so so sorry, I never knew-"
"What are you sorry for?"
"I- That I remind you of some terrible people in your life-"
"Patton," Janus rest a hand on Patton's shoulder, making him blush. "You don't have any control over who you remind me of. Please, don't apologize for that."
"Well- then you can't apologize for being reminded of those people either!" Patton argued.
"I didn't say that, I said I was sorry for treating you terribly!"
"Well, then, I guess you're forgiven!" Patton retorted.
Janus looked at him in shock, as if Patton had just said a bunch of profanities, before quickly looking back to stare off into the distance again. His cheeks were red, but Patton convinced himself that he was probably cold out here.
"You're...too forgiving." Janus mumbled softly, as if he was talking to himself.
"I think that's a good thing." Patton replied.
Janus huffed. "...Thank you." He said, looking at Patton with a small smile on his face. "For everything."
Patton blushed. "Y-Yeah. No problem."
Janus looked at him with a disagreeing look on his face, but let it go.
They settled into comfortable silence as Janus threw his cigarette away and Patton almost fell asleep.
The second time Patton had to force his head up, Janus huffed.
"You should probably get to sleep."
As if on cue, Patton yawned. "So should you." He said sleepily, rubbing his eyes.
Janus chuckled. "Fine. I'll go back to bed if you do."
"Okay, fine. You have a deal."
Janus had that stupid, self-satisfied smirk on his face that he usually wore that made Patton feel fuzzy inside.
"Good," He smirked. "See you in the morning."
"Yeah. See ya."
Janus ventured into the house, Patton following a few moments later.
Patton felt like he was getting into dangerous territory with Janus, but instead of feeling concerned, he felt more excited than ever.
Hi guys!!!! Its been awhile! So, this is an au that ive fallen in love with, so i wanna keep writing for it! If you guys have any name ideas, send em my way please!
General Taglist: @resident-crow-goth @macademmia @theantisocialghost @foreverfangirlalways @emo--nightmaree @moxy--sanders101 @quinnthequeer @gattonero17 @trashno0dles @tranquil-space-ninja @chaotic-murder-muffin @lugooble @sander-crossing @princess-rosie @sleepyysoot @hi-its-tutty @lookingforaplacetosleep @sarcasmremovedsoul @corkeecoderyt @drarrymalecsolangelo @private-snippers @girl-who-reads @emy-loves-you @reptilian-with-scallions
Ask to be added or removed!
Reblogs are appreciated!💖
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shysneeze · 4 years
good enough (draco malfoy x fem!reader)
Good Enough
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Draco Malfoy x fem!Slytherin!Reader 
*based loosley on the song ‘line without a hook’ by ricky montgomery*  
Request: can I ask for Draco x reader where the reader is sassy, but also kind Slytherin (like one of the kind Slytherin)?? And Draco has a huge crush on her? Super fluffy? ~ @lennylangdraws 
Warnings: low self-esteem, angst, smidge of house stereotyping, i don’t know the meaning of fluff im so sorry 
Authors note: you asked for fluff and I have no excuses for how this turned out except this song has been stuck in my head for weeks now. I hope you like it anyway despite the angst... i tried to make it fluffy make up at the end?
Also, I’m not saying this is a prequel to vulnerable love, but it kinda fits... pretty sure it makes vulnerable love hurt more though.)
Draco wasn’t sure it was possible to want back what he’s never had.
He never knew being stuck in the awkward phase of being an ‘almost couple’ is something he could miss, that he’d ever long to feel the heat that would creep up his cheeks when their eyes met, to feel the nauseating butterflies flap in his stomach when she smiled at him or the jolt of nervous energy that would rip through him whenever their fingers accidentally grazed each other’s under tables or in corridors.
Yet now that those little things are beyond his grasp, he’s desperate for them again, desperate for her. It might be easier to miss her if she were gone, rather than just sitting at the other end of the Slytherin table, or across the room during classes, it would be easier not to see her, the constant reminder of what he’s allowed him self to ruin.
They weren’t supposed to get along, every conflicting personality trait dooming them to a life as enemies. Everyone knows her, the ‘nice’ Slytherin. It’s a title given to her by her classmates, the too-cocky Gryffindors who can’t see past Slytherin’s bad reputation as bullies and snobs, a bad-reputation fuelled by Draco Malfoy himself.
No one could have expected them to end up the way they did, dates in Hogsmeade or hushed conversations by the common room fire in the early hours of the morning and afternoons spent by the lake. No one could have expected them to get along so well.
Draco knows that everyone has expected this though, for them to fall apart before they’ve even had the chance to begin. It’s what they’ve expected of him all along after all, to break her heart.
He’s pretty sure he hasn’t got the right to be looking for her like this, seeking her out desperately to get her back, once again deluded into believing he ever had her in the first place. He’s the one who called it off in a moment of certainty that it was the right thing to do, a selfless act. And so it’s wrong for him to be here right now, back in their secret spot.
She’s exactly where he assumed she would be, curled beneath the tree she was always affectionately calling theirs. His entire body tenses painfully at the sight of her, face hidden in her palms and body shaking, not from the cold, but from the trembling of barely silenced sobs.
He wonders if it’s his racing heart that she can hear that alerts her to his presence and has her looking up from her hands, teary eyes meeting his in surprise. Then, she pulls her brows into a well-justified scowl and a lump forms in Draco’s throat that he can’t seem to swallow.
“What are you doing here?”
An incredibly valid question for which Draco can only provide selfish answers. It seems silly to tell her that he’s hear to win her back, and futile given her growing anger. Yet he won’t be able to live with himself if he doesn’t, miserable without her.
“I miss you.” He gulps honestly. “Truthfully, I’ve been a mess without you.”
“Merlin, Draco.” She gasps out a laugh of disbelief. “Maybe you should have thought of that before you started ignoring me. Frankly, that isn’t really my issue.”
“I know.” He sighs apologetically. “I know, I didn’t mean-“
“Just get it over with, Draco.” She rolls her eyes. “Say your piece and leave me alone.”
He nods, taking hesitant steps forward towards her, the frost coated grass crunching under foot. She avoids his eyes as he takes a seat beside her, staring determinedly at her lap and making a conscious attempt to hide the quickly accumulating tears.
“Aren’t you cold?”
She lets out a loud exasperated sigh and refuses him an answer. He agrees with the sentiment of it, regretted the stupidity of it the minute it left his lips. Still, he leans forward to pull the Slytherin scarf from his neck and twists himself to allow him to wrap it loosely around hers, fussing with it until he’s reassured that she’ll be warmer for it.
“You looked cold.”
“Tis’ the season.” She mumbles sarcastically.
Her sarcasm is another thing he’s missed from her, and it draws a momentary smile to his face. Then, the moment is over, and his eyes have fixed on the tear stains painting her cheeks, proof of his own fatal mistake.
“I’m so sorry, (Y/N).”
She scoffs.
“Two weeks overdue.”
“I know.” He agrees sheepishly. “I know, (Y/N).”
“Then why are you only here now?” She questions. “Why did you do it in the first place? You can’t just act like you have feelings for someone then disappear and ignore them for weeks!”
Her voice wobbles and cracks at the end, much to her own dismay, and each breath she takes is jagged in the way one’s always is when trying to conceal tears. He watches her press the balls of her palm to her eyes in frustration, letting out a small whimper that has every inch of him aching with remorse.
Part of him, a self-preserving part, tells him to lie. It’s a side of himself he’s grown to hate recently, the side that pushed him into this mess in the first place, and so he knows better than to bargain with it again. So, with a deep breath, he chooses to tell the truth, he chooses to be vulnerable.
“I’m not good enough.”
Although exhaled in a whisper the revelation is startlingly loud. Perhaps its due to the serene quiet always felt on crisp cold days like today, where the sun hangs low in the sky and the lake lies unimaginably still, or perhaps it’s the raw honestly in the statement that makes it seem so alarmingly bold.
She blinks at him, lips parting in surprise and brows furrowing in confusion or concern, Draco isn’t sure. He can hear his pulse in his ears, a slight trembling in his hands that he knows has nothing to do with the chilly breeze. He’s done something profound, terrifying even, and opened that vulnerably part of himself to someone, with no control over what happens to it next.
“What?” She manages.
“Everyone knows it, (Y/N).” He explains nervously. “I’m a terrible match for you.” 
“Who the hell is everyone” She frowns. “Since when did they matter?”
There is a certain protective edge to her voice that he doesn’t deserve, but it replays itself in his head over and over, clinging to it for hope. It takes him a moment to let it go again, to push it down and answer.
“They’re right.” He sighs. “You’re too good a person for me, I’m too Slytherin.”
The concern instantly leaves her eyes, she sits forward with an urgent look of disbelief and another of her signature scoffs. She’s giving him an inspective look, trying to figure out if he’s serious, or if he’s suddenly picked up a new, strange sense of humour.
“You’re kidding, right?”
He isn’t quite sure what to say and his silence fuels another disbelieving shake of her head.
“I am a Slytherin, Draco.” She exclaims. “No matter what those big-headed Gryffindors are always saying, I was sorted into Slytherin and I’m proud of it- you’re supposed to be proud too, not agreeing with those stupid stereotypes.”
“It’s different.” He exhales in frustration. “I am those stupid stereotypes!”
Draco Malfoy has never been considered modest.
Self-confidence isn’t a trait earned in the Malfoy family clan, but rather inherited between generations, a birth right bestowed upon them the minute they are old enough to understand. It’s a confidence Draco has always been comfortably protected by, unwaveringly sure of his own self-importance gifted to him by his ancestors
Yet something about the infamously kind (Y/N) (Y/L/N) has him constantly falling apart at the seams with the need to be good enough for her. He’s never met anyone like her, no one so capable of making him question the unwarranted self-importance he was raised on as a Malfoy.
Even now, wrapped unceremoniously in his scarf, late falling orange leaves lying in her hair and her cheeks stained with tears, he’s never felt so undeserving of a person in his life. She’s a lady, and he’s just a boy, he’s heartbreakingly inadequate.
“I just want to be someone you can be proud to call yours.”
With his eyes solemnly fixed on his lap, anywhere other than her reaction, he jumps slightly at her cold fingertips on his hand, prying them from the tightly curled fists he has no recollection of clenching and slipping her fingers into his.
“Draco, look at me.” She pleads softly. “Please.”
He does so slowly with her encouraging squeeze of his hand, she’s smiling at him, sympathetic, but unpatronizing.
“I am proud.” She states softly, but confidently. “I don’t want some perfect golden boy, I want you, Draco.”
Three words he never knew he needed from her, ‘I want you’, and they fill a space in his chest that was gaping for reassurance. She’s amazed him again as she always does, she has a talent for making him speechless than no one else has ever mastered.
“You’re so harsh on yourself you haven’t even realised how much you’ve grown, Draco.” She informs. “You’re not the bully you used to be, you’re not the carbon copy of your father anymore, and I’m sorry that no one has allowed you to move on from your past to see your present.”
She smiles sheepishly at his dumfounded expression and gives him the moment he needs to collect his thoughts and process it all. Then, slowly, he’s shaking his head in surprise, letting out a soft sigh.
“You’re too good to me.”
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” She jokes. “I think I straightened that misconception out already.”
“No but- you’re just so…”
The heat burning his cheeks is worse than ever before, he feels almost overwhelmed by it all, her compliments, her smile, that genuine look in her eyes that convinces him she’s unwaveringly sure of every word she’s said.
“Thank you.” He blurts finally. “Especially after I- well I ruined it all.”
“Yeah, I won’t lie, you really fucked up.” She admits. “But you’ve made an honest recovery…”
“Thank you for giving me a second chance.” He exhales gratefully. “You didn’t need to do that.”
“I was going to tell you to piss off after the ‘are you cold’ bit to be honest.” She chuckles. “Stayed because you gave me your scarf- which I’m stealing by the way.”
“Take it.” He urges, a smile finding his lips for what he’s sure is the first time in two weeks, since his misguided decision to end their almost-relationship. “Take whatever you want from me, it’s yours.”
She lets out a shaky breath and gulps. She purposely drops her gaze momentarily to his lips before retuning them to his eyes again, a gesture that has his eyes widening and the tips of his ears turning scarlet. Slipping her fingers from between his, she tentatively cups one of his cheeks, fingertips grazing the red colour blossoming on his pale skin.
“Can I kiss you?”
“I-“ He chokes. “Yes.”
She smiles nervously, reassuring him that he’s not the only one flustered. Then, curling her free hand around the lapel of his jacket, she pulls him closer with eyes shut. Their lips are cold when they meet, and slightly chapped by the cool air, but neither care. Draco places a hand on her waist, pulling her somehow closer as their lips begin to move hesitantly together. She lets out a soft content sigh, sending a breath of warm air into the kiss and causing him to positively melt inside. She’s done it again, completely incapacitated him with such a simple thing as a kiss.
“You’re going to be the death of me.” He exhales.
She lets out a giddy laugh as she pulls back, forehead still pressed to his and eyes still shut.
“There are worst ways to go than my lips.”
He knows, he’s very quickly decided that’s the only way he ever wants to go.  She presses her lips to his again for a split second before pulling back completely, he aches for the feeling again, greedy for it now that he’s felt it once.
“Next time, talk to me.” She pleads. “If you ever feel like you’re not good enough, I’ll be there to convince you otherwise, but don’t just disappear.”
“I won’t.” He assures. “I never meant to hurt you.”
“I know that, Draco.” She smiles sadly. “I just want you to know that you can talk to me.”
“I do.”
The hard part, that initial step, is over. He’s leapt into the unknown, flung himself into the terrifying depths of vulnerability, and there is no going back, but he never wants to, he never wants to leave her again.
“Also if I ever hear you speaking shit about our house again I swear to-“
She’s cut off by his lips once again on hers, startled only for a minute before she’s grinning, grateful to see his confidence returning. She can feel his own grin on her lips and the vibrations of a light laugh before he’s pulling back again.
“Consider me warned.”
“Good.” She exhales. “Or I’ll be confiscating your tie next.”
(Authors note: its not my favourite but if i rewrote it one my time i was flinging my laptop out my window... its not particularly proofread.)
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maribatshipper · 4 years
Miraculous Damienette Reader Insert
A girl with H/C, H/L, H/S hair walks into College Françoise Dupont, looking for a certain bluenette, her E/C eyes glimmering as she sees the bluebell-eyed teen in one of the classes. The bell rings & she walks into the classroom & runs straight for the other girl.
"NETTIEEEEE!" She exclaims, surprising the bluenette.
The redheaded teacher asks, "Who are you? This-"
The girl laughs, "Oh, I am Marinette's cousin Y/N who just came back from Australia!"
Suddenly, a girl who's hair reminds Y/N of a horse's butt smiles, "Oh, I remember Australia. I went there last year & had some of that deliciously sweet stuff they called Vigimite."
Y/N laughs her butt off. The girl looks offended.
"That is the funniest thing I've heard in weeks! You can't even pronounce it!" Y/N laughs.
"Hey, Why are you laughing at Lila? She was just trying to connect with you!" A brunette with glasses frowns at Y/N.
"Because, this Lila girl obviously has never been to Australia. Vegemite is certainly not sweet. It is a savoury spread the locals put on bread. Next thing she's gonna be telling me is that they ride Kangaroos to school & the Koala Bear is actually a bear & they throw a shrimp on the Barbie! It's not a shrimp, it's a prawn! Kangaroos are wild animals & it's only called a Koala BEAR because it looks like a living Teddy Bear!" Y/N exclaims.
"N/N, calm down." Marinette sighs.
Y/N nods, "Sorry. Oh, you said something really important on the phone, Nettie!"
Marinette blushes, "It's nothing, really."
"We'll talk about it on the way to my apartment!" Y/N smiles.
Lila starts crying, catching Y/N's attention.
"Why are you so mean?" Lila cries.
Y/N goes full savage mode.
"Oh, forgive me. I didn't realise saying hello to my Cousin makes you blush!" She sasses.
The brunette girl glares at Y/N, "How dare you hurt Lila's feelings!"
Marinette sighs, "Alya..."
Y/N cuts her cousin off & laughs, "Seriously? If she's all upset because I love my cousin, then her family hates her, which I'm not surprised with the outfit she's wearing, & don't get me started on her hair! Are you trying to look like a dog's hind leg? You'd think that a girl who's on the magazines would at least model good clothes, & know how to MODEL! Honestly, you'd think Agreste would pick a good muse. I've seen 27 different kids here with much better fashion sense than you!"
Everyone gasps at Y/N's statements about Lila. Lila ends up crying her eyes out, but Y/N keeps smirking.
"I think you've caused enough trouble, Y/N." Alya sneers.
Y/N glares, "Like all of you have caused trouble for Marinette?" in a deathly serious voice.
Marinette hides under the table. If there is anything she has learned from the family reunions, it's that you do NOT get Y/N mad.
"You know, Marinette can sue the lot of you with what you've done. I've done my research on the lot of you. You, Alya! Your blog is crap! All it's used for is spreading Miss Rossi's lies. You call yourself a truth-seeker but you only see what you want to see." Y/N hisses.
Alya goes to object when Y/n gives her a look that can shut up politicians.
"You, Max! You believed a serviette-"
Marinette interrupts, "We call them napkins here."
Y/N continues, "A napkin could gouge out your eye! Dude, you're wearing glasses! Unless the paper had acid on it, the only thing it could've hurt is your cheek, glasses, or forehead! Use that brain you were given!" She turns to the Teacher, "Bustier, you make Marinette do all the work keeping your pupils in place, when that is your job! She's been doing everything except teaching the class. My cousin is spread as thin as Vegemite should be, & you all expect her to do more than her fair share! & don't even get me started on the texts I've seen!"
Marinette's eyes widen in shock.
"Did you say texts?" Marinette whispers.
Suddenly, a purple butterfly flies into the room & lands on Y/N's belt, absorbing it as a neon butterfly symbol appearing over her face.
"I'mma stop you right there, Moth-butt. YOU are one of the reasons I'm mad, so I suggest you remove this little insect before I crush YOU like one. NOW!"
The class stares in shock for a while before Y/N falls against one of the desks, the butterfly symbol disappearing & the butterfly forms again to fly away when Y/N grabs it, holds it by both wings with both hands & rips it apart, killing it.
"May that be a lesson to that man." Y/N smirks, "Now, I'm taking Marinette to my place & you can bet that your life is about to become so much harder! Somewhere out there is a tree that's working tirelessly to supply you all with oxygen. Go find it & apologise! Let's go Nettie."
Y/N grabs Marinette's hand & walks away.
"Now that that's out of the way, What's this about a boyfriend, Nettie?"
Marinette's a blushing mess.
"You don't have to answer my questions right now, but be careful in Paris, Ladybug." Y/N smirks.
Marinette exclaims, "What!? No! I'm- I'm not-"
Y/N laughs, "Whatever you have that fools all of Paris, even the world, doesn't work on your cousin who designed supersuits. There is also E's influence."
Marinette sighs, "How?"
Y/N ignores her question.
"Speaking of which, What Do You Think You're Doing?!"
The slightly older teenager instantly switches to lecture mode, whacking Marinette with newspaper.
"You taught me everything you know, which helped me with E, & I watched you with pride as you impress Agreste with your hat & created the album cover of Jagged Stone that hits the top of the charts like a high note, & you go running around Paris rooftops in a Polk-a-dot spandex ONESIE?! I'd think you'd at least get a decent supersuit! No more! We're going to design you a REAL suit in my office! No cousin of mine is going to be running around Paris in PJS!"
Thoroughly intimidated, Marinette stares at Y/N in shock. She barely sees this woman, & out of everyone in Paris, the family that she rarely sees figures out her identity! She just keeps staring shocked while Y/N drags her to a tall office with many supersuits lined on the walls, then takes her measurements.
"I... I don't know how you found out-" Marinette starts.
Y/N cuts her off, "I'm not going to tell anyone, Nettie. I've seen your fights against the Akumas. You're in a defensive battle, & need to keep your identity secret, even from your parents. Believe me, I can keep secrets, & I can't even tell you why."
That would be telling. Marinette knows Y/N used to be a superhero fan when she was younger, & it seems to have carried into her adolescence.
"That's not it N/N, I don't think my suit can change. I didn't design it, it's magic." Marinette frowns.
Y/N pulls out pieces of paper, "That would explain your powers, including why it took my 10 tries to recognise you. You & your partners must have Perception filters. You & Cat Noir's powers do seem to be in line with luck. Clearly you have some influence over your powers, so maybe that could extend to your suit? I mean, I did see that Pharaoh report. It's obvious your powers are older than you. Maybe even inheritable, & I doubt your predecessors wore spandex PJs."
Suddenly, there's a doorbell ring.
"Who's visiting?" Y/N asks.
She walks towards the door to see a young man with green eyes and dark hair.
"Damian Wayne? What do you want this time, Demon?" Y/N scoffs.
Marinette gapes. Her cousin knew him?
"Wondering why my girlfriend wasn't at home but was here." Damian scoffs.
Y/N turns to Marinette, who's smiling sheepishly.
"He's your boyfriend?! Now I feel kinda feel bad for putting a prank in his room. Oh, uh... Don't go in your room for the next 2 weeks, Demon. Does he know?"
Damian glares at Y/N while Marinette nods.
"Good, I can talk about it with him in the room. We'll design anyway, & you start practicing manipulating the suit’s design in private. In 2 months from now, I want to invite Ladybug to E's latest collection first hand, as some of the pieces have been inspired by her & her partners, & I do not want my cousin showing up looking like she put on an oversized toddler onesie, embarrassing herself, E, & I. If you can't change it, we'll make an oversuit with some of your boyfriend's tech. Maybe a jacket or armour. You'll look amazing!" Y/N natters.
Damian gives Marinette a deadpan look.
"What is she talking about?"
Marinette sighs, "She knows I'm Ladybug."
Damian sighs in annoyance.
"Oh please! Like it was that difficult to find out who the Batfamily was, Robin. The entire world is full of idiots. The only ones that figure it out & go public about the info end up dead. Also, I'm your family, Nettie. I'm supposed to protect you. But if your out there saving Paris, I can't do that. Just be careful, Nettie."
Marinette's eyes widen with an idea. Damian notices.
"No, Angel."
Y/N giggles at the nickname given to Marinette, remembering Damian's nickname.
"Opposites really do attract."
Ladybug is now seen swinging from rooftop to rooftop with a jacket with a hood that goes over her ears, with the design "La Mode" printed on the back, a new Fox hero, Kitsune, beside her, E/C eyes shining.
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(Not my picture, I just googled it. Add a bit more armour on it.)
"You ready, Kitsune?" Ladybug asks.
Kitsune nods, "Ready as I'll ever be, Buginette!"
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stxrrywildflower · 4 years
pride and joy
pairing - bau team x teen!reader
summary - you feel neglected after rossi reconnects with joy
warnings - none
word count - ?
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you had to find out from morgan of all people what was going on with your dad.
like most days, you had headed right to the fbi building directly after school. whenever the team didn’t have a case, you just met rossi at quantico and stayed until he headed home. sure there were days where you went home instead but you loved being around the bau team, especially because they were more then happy to joke around and even help with homework.
today was no different. rossi had given you your own personal visitors pass awhile back. after flashing that to the security guard with a smile, you were let in and headed over to the elevators.
spencer and emily were the ones to greet you when you stepped out into the sixth floor. “oh hi!” you greeted, not expecting to see them out of the bullpen. “hey y/n, we have to head down to the police station to pick up the usual batch of reports. everyone else should be inside,” emily explained.
with one final wave to the two agents, you pushed open the glass doors and stepped in. just like emily and spencer had said, almost everyone else was in the bullpen. j.j. and derek were talking at their desks while hotch was up in his office. the only issue was that your dads office was completely empty.
derek smiled when he noticed your noticed your presence and motioned for you to join them. you grabbed a chair from one of the desks and pulled it up so you could sit. “little rossi! how was school?” derek questioned. you laughed slightly at the nickname. “eh it was okay. i’m just happy summer vacation is soon,” you started, “hey where’s my dad?”
“i’m not one hundred percent sure but i think he’s out for a late lunch with joy,” derek replied, looking towards j.j. for confirmation.
“yeah he’s with joy,” j.j. piped up from her desk.
you spun around, extremely confused at that statement. “who’s joy?” you asked.
both j.j. and derek’s heads snapped up at your question. you could tell a silent conversation was going on between the two as you just continued to look back and forth. “you don’t know?” j.j. finally said. “know what? you’re kinda scaring me,” you spoke shakily.
derek motioned for you to follow him. you left your backpack by his desk and walked up to the conference room. j.j. was right behind you though she stopped in to talk to hotch. finally, once she returned, the two stood in front of you while jumped up and sat on the table. “can you please just explain what’s going on?” you pleaded.
“my dad has another kid?” you spoke up after j.j. and derek has explained, “i have a sister.” the combination of desperation and slight anger in your voice made both of the profilers shoot you sympathetic looks. “look y/n, this whole thing has been a shock to him and he’s just trying to reconnect with her. but trust me on this, he loves you all the same,” derek reasoned.
you really didn’t know how to describe how you felt. the only emotion you could feel was betrayal. your dad had been gone recently, not to work late but to go reunite with his secret daughter he couldn’t even tell you about.
“i’m going to head home. dad isn’t here anyway so i don’t want to bother you,” you mumbled, getting off of the table. j.j. and derek looked at each other once more. they knew it must have been like a bomb of information being dropped on you. “i’ll lead you out,” j.j. offered. derek shot you one more smile as you exited the conference room and headed down the catwalk.
you didn’t get to confront your dad for two or so days. in that time, you did everything you could to attempt to distance yourself in such a short period of time. you didn’t go to the bureau after school but instead headed home to do homework. dinner was easily avoided as you had lied and said you had studying or didn’t feel great.
except, tonight you were set to watch henry while j.j. and will went out for a friday night dinner. you could avoid your dad as he was cooking on the stove and you needed to go through the kitchen to leave the house. sure, you could do continue pushing the confrontation off but if you did it tonight, you could leave and further distance yourself. after choosing the later option, you grabbed your bag and headed downstairs. once in the kitchen, you drummed your fingers against your thigh, waiting for the right moment to say something.
“why didn’t you tell me about joy?”
the question made rossi stop cooking for a split second before turning to face you. “what?” your dad asked. you knew he had heard exactly what you said.
“i went to the bau a couple days ago and you weren’t there. so i talked to morgan and j.j. and they told me you were out with someone named joy. well of course i asked who joy was and,” you trailed off at the end.
“look y/n,” rossi started. you cut him off, “all you had to do was sit down with me and explained the situation. but instead, i had to find out from one of your work friends that i have a sister. how do you think i feel?”
“figlia i’m sorry. i wanted to get to know joy before actually introduced you,” rossi attempted to reason.
“whatever, i have to go to j.j.’s anyway. her and will asked me to babysit henry tonight,” you sighed.
“you didn’t tell me that,” rossi commented.
“man i wonder what that’s like rossi?” you fired back. after picking up your bag once again, you left the house without another word.
that was the exact moment rossi realized he had really screwed up. you only ever called him ‘rossi’ when you were extremely mad. it only happened once before, when he had gotten hurt in a case and you had scolded him in the hospital.
j.j. knew you were upset the second she answered the door, still clipping a necklace around her neck. “hey j,” you spoke quietly, shuffling slightly out of pure nervousness. “i talked to my dad. well i mean define talked.”
that was explanation enough for j.j. as she pulled you into a gentle hug. “i’ll have plenty of time to dwell on it while me and henry hang out. you two go have fun,” you smiled, motioning to will who was just coming down the stairs. j.j. moved around the house, grabbing the last couple things she needed. “alright we’re heading out. you know where everything is and i’ll text you on my way home,” j.j. informed you. with one final goodbye, the two parents left the house.
after cooking dinner and playing with henry for a little, it was time to put the young boy to bed. he had been pretty resistant as always but after you promised to read a bedtime story, he was happy to go to bed. you read him one of his favorites. by the end of the book, henry was already closing his eyes. you smiled down at him before shutting off the lights and heading downstairs.
while henry was asleep upstairs, you turned on the tv to a random movie while you curled up on the couch. this was common for you, j.j. had been pretty direct with letting you know that you could watch whatever while you were over. as the movie played on, your mind began to drift into the current situation you were stuck in.
part of you understood your dad reasoning. while your understanding was pretty small, you still sort of got it. if joy was absent from his life for so long, he had the right to reunite with her and make up for the years lost. but was he replacing you? it sure felt like that.
but the other part of you was angry. you grew up having the bau team as your extended family and pretty much siblings. now, you had a sister. sure the whole relation was a bit twisted but joy was still your sister. you had every right to be owed at least an explanation on the whole thing. you didn’t even have to meet joy. correction, you didn’t even know if you wanted to meet joy.
it was incredibly dumb to be crying over but you couldn’t help the few tears that fell down your cheeks. you and your dad never fought. this whole thing was becoming increasingly stressful and not being able to talk to your dad was making it worse.
j.j. and will were back by the time you had managed to calm down. the profiler saw right through your facade of ‘i’m fine’ when she asked how you were. nonetheless, you had brushed off their offer of payment and headed home. watching henry was no issue and you were always willing to help.
by the time you arrived home, all the lights were off meaning rossi was most likely asleep. you wquickly got ready for bed, slipping under the covers after that and relaxing in for the night.
you ended up making the ultimate decision to just push all the emotions you were feeling in the back of the head. if rossi was genuinely more happy, then you needed to be a supportive daughter. it was the least you could do.
for the next week, you put on smile around your father. when school didn’t keep you busy, you always ate dinners with rossi or sat with him while he did paperwork. joy was rarely mentioned, and you were slightly thankful for that.
“dad! i’m home!” you called once you entered the house, slipping off your shoes first. “i can’t stay for super long. j.j. needs me to babysit again in i think about hour.”
your earbuds were still playing your favorite song as you shuffled through the house, swapping out your school bag for a backpack you took whenever you either went somewhere or babysat. before leaving, you figured you might as well get something to eat.
when you entered the kitchen, you stopped dead in your tracks. standing by the coffee machine was a brunette woman, dressed in a simple outfit of jeans and a sweater. she must have noticed your presence and turned around to face you, a slight smile forming on her face.
after taking your earbuds out of your ear and tossing your phone on the counter, you swallowed nervously. who was this woman? you knew rossi would never let anybody in the house and she didn’t exactly look threatening.
“ah, welcome home figlia. school okay?” your dad asked, suddenly appearing in the kitchen. you nodded as a response, keeping your eyes focused on the still mystery woman. “well y/n, i figured it was finally time for you to meet joy.”
your eyes widened slightly. standing right in front of you was the woman who had been on your mind for over a week. the woman who was your sister. and here you were, standing directly across from one another, neither moving to initiate a conversation.
“y/n this is joy. joy this is y/n,” rossi introduced, motioning back and forth. “well i need to head back to work. hotch had a case file he needed me to look at.” you absolutely couldn’t believe what your dad was saying. he was just going to leave you? not even bother to stick around to see how this would play out?
when rossi finally left, the door closing with a thud, joy finally turned to make eye contact with you. “so you must be my sister,” she started. “i could say the same for you,” you replied. a tense laugh was shared between you two.
“can i hug you?”
the question itself took you slightly off guard. “we just met and you already want to hug me?” you asked though your tone was extremely light-hearted. “i mean yeah, if it’s okay with you. i’ve missed out on way to many years with both you and dad. i just figured a hug could be the perfect start to our new sibling bond.”
with a smile on your face, you stepped forward hugging joy tightly. the whole thing just felt natural, like a hug you would receive from a sibling after something good happened in your life.
when rossi returned a little bit later, just like you, he stopped once he entered the kitchen. joy was cooking over the stove, most likely a lunch for the two of you as you talked on and on from the counter. the senior profiler just smiled at the interaction.
he finally had his pride and joy together at last.
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fellulahh · 4 years
Lucifer x MC x Satan Fic, Part 31/???
Read Parts 1-30 here!
Despite already hearing everything, Satan didn’t want to be reminded of MC and Lucifer. He only wanted to hide away from the pair of them.
Sighing, he eventually switched off his D.D.D, throwing it to one side as he cursed to himself.
It’d been a week since the ball, and the House of Lamentation was eerily quiet. Although the brothers weren’t aware of any of the dramas that happened, they all eventually worked out something was off after not seeing Lucifer, Satan, MC and sometimes even Asmo for days.
Lucifer had completely dropped off the grid. Nobody had seen him since the ball and he very rarely messaged their group chat. And when he did message, it was to inform everyone that he wouldn’t be present at dinner.
Meanwhile, MC stayed in her room, trying to focus on something other than Satan or Lucifer. Well, at least she tried to focus on something else. She found it particularly hard to study when Satan was ignoring all of her messages; how was she supposed to focus when the demon she loved had neglected her?
It got to the point where MC started going to Satan’s room but it was always to no avail as he kept the door locked. And every time her soft voice called to him, Satan would be on the other side; his heart breaking at the sound of her.
But no, he couldn’t let her in. If he saw her it’d only hurt more; Satan just wanted to allow MC to be happy and not confuse her with whatever it was that happened between them. But most of all, he didn’t want to risk the chance that he’d see MC and Lucifer together.
Although it killed him to ignore her, he had to do it to stop feeling anymore pain.
Over time, MC began to wonder what she could have done wrong. Was it because she went and slept with Satan after the ball? It couldn’t be surely...he seemed happy to see her? Or maybe he changed his mind about everything and decided he didn’t want to be so close to MC?
Either way, the human was torturing herself, weighing up the endless possibilities on why Satan had suddenly shut her out. And with every day that passed, her heart cried for him more.
“Mm.” MC hummed as she stared down at her D.D.D screen, reading the countless messages she’d sent. “One more and then I’ll stop.”
‘Please Satan, can we just talk? I don’t understand what I’ve done wrong - I miss you’
Meanwhile, laying on his bed trying to read a book, Satan’s body grew tense when he felt his D.D.D beside him vibrate. Without even having to look at the screen, he knew who it was.
Picking it up, he read the message from MC before returning to his book. He needed more time before he could find the courage in him to be happy for the human.
And that time wasn’t now.
Realising he couldn’t focus on his book now because MC plagued his mind, Satan let out a heavy sigh. It was early in the morning so not many other brothers would be awake. Therefore, deciding it was the best time to leave his room, he got off his bed and made his way to the door.
As he walked down the hallways in the direction of the kitchen, it was just as quiet as he suspected. Although he kept a stern exterior and solid mind frame, his fragile little heart was fearful that he’d turn a corner and see Lucifer and MC together.
Thankfully, unbeknownst to him, that would not be happening.
Eventually making his way into the kitchen, Satan prepared his breakfast to take back up to his room. He was so engrossed with his culinary that he hadn’t heard Mammon enter the room.
“Satan?” He questioned in disbelief, “where have ya been?!”
Hesitantly turning around, Satan met eyes with his older brother. “I’ve been busy reading.” He answered at least somewhat truthfully.
“Ah right...” Mammon nodded, “I was beginning to think somethin’ had happened.”
“Why?” Satan questioned, curious as to where the white haired demon was going with his statement.
“Well I haven’t seen MC in about a week...” he sighed. “She’s basically disappeared.”
“She has?” Satan asked surprised.
“Yeah! She won’t even let me in her room, every time I ask her if she’s free, she tells me she’s studyin’” Mammon explained, raising his hands. “I mean she does answer my messages but she won’t let me see her! She always has an excuse.”
Suddenly Satan felt some doubt. He hadn’t realised MC had been hiding away too. But why?
“And don’t get me started on Lucifer.” Mammon continued, “he doesn’t even answer any messages anymore. What could he possibly be so busy with?!”
“Oh..” Satan mumbled, assuming that both of their lack of presence was because they’re too occupied...with each other.
“Like what’s goin’ on?!” Mammon asked in despair. “Even Asmo’s acting kinda funny! If I start talkin’ about MC around him, he tells me off for trying to bother her.”
“Maybe she’s just sick, Mammon.” Satan lied with a sigh, “I’m sure she’ll appear soon.”
“I don’t get how you’re not bothered.” Mammon stated, “you and MC were inseparable just two weeks ago and now ya don’t even know what’s wrong with her?”
Satan hadn’t anticipated Mammon being so straight to the point. Was it really that obvious how much tension there was in the house now?
“I don’t know what to tell you.” He stated simply.
Mammon eyed up Satan suspiciously. Even he wasn’t convinced by the fourth eldest’s lies. Judging by the miserable look on his face, I don’t think anyone would be.
“What?” Satan questioned, noticing Mammon’s stare.
“Nothin’.” He shook his head, “I just think there’s somethin’ ya not telling me.”
Brushing past Satan’s shoulder, Mammon left the room to leave the blond haired demon to his thoughts.
His judgement was completely clouded as he began to wonder if he’d been overly dramatic.
Nevertheless, he still trudged his way back up the stairs with his breakfast to hide in his room once more.
Meanwhile, across the house, Asmo was making his way toward MC’s room. The pair of them had been messaging each other non-stop with him trying to distract her mind all week. However, sensing that MC was still wallowing, Asmo decided it was finally time to go and see her.
It had been days and MC still seemed to be upset about Lucifer so Asmo decided it was high time that they went out and had some fun!
He had high spirits as he approached her door. His knock was enthusiastic and he awaited eagerly for her call.
“Sweetie, it’s me!” He singsonged.
“It’s open.” She mumbled from the other side.
Stepping inside her room, Asmo’s face fell the moment he saw her. MC looked no happier than what she did a week ago.
Was she really that hung up on Lucifer?
“MC I know I’ve tried to avoid talking about it all week so you didn’t have to be reminded, but are you really still this upset about Lucifer?” He questioned, stepping up to her bed before sitting beside her, “I told you before it’s not worth getting upset over - you did what was right for you and sometimes that’s the only thing you can do—“
“This isn’t about Lucifer.” MC quickly interrupted, “yes I’m still upset about that but I can live with it now.”
“Then what’s wrong?” Asmo asked confused.
MC turned away momentarily. A small pout appeared on her lips as her stubborn heart was reminded of the fourth eldest.
“He won’t talk to me, As!” She spoke up, voice cracking. “Satan’s been avoiding me all week.”
“What?” He asked lowly in disbelief, “what’s he been doing?”
“He won’t answer my messages, my calls...I’ve even been to his room and every time I’ve tried to talk to him through the door he won’t answer. I don’t understand what I did wrong? Did you say anything to him?” She asked desperately.
“No!” He quickly fired back with, shaking his head.
He could tell MC was expecting him to give a reasonable explanation for Satan shutting her out judging by the hopeful glint in her eyes. But even Asmo was baffled by his behaviour.
It didn’t take a genius to tell how upset this was making MC.
“I thought there was something there.” MC spoke quietly, “I suppose I misread everything. He probably saw himself as a rebound...”
“I know he wasn’t a rebound.” Asmo said reassuringly.
“Then what else is it?” She asked him. “It’s not like Satan at all to ignore me; he’s never acted like this before.”
“Maybe he’s just too engrossed with his reading.” Asmo tried to swiftly conjure an excuse.
“Is that the best you’ve got?” MC asked him with furrowed eyebrows.
Shaking her head, she leant into Asmo’s side as she rested her cheek on his shoulder. “I’m just so grateful to still have you, As.”
“Well I’ll always be here for you, you know that right?” He smiled to himself, wrapping an arm around MC.
“That’s what Satan said.” She sighed.
It killed Asmo to see MC like this; especially because she was hurting over Satan. Asmo knew that the fourth eldest was blatantly in love with MC, there’s no way his sudden disappearance from her life was because he didn’t want to be with her.
No, there had to be something else.
Asmo spent another ten or so minutes with MC, trying to make her at least smile. In the end, he stated that he was going to make the pair something to eat but in reality it wasn’t the kitchen he planned on heading to.
It was Satan’s room.
“I’ll be back in a moment, sweetie.” He stated as he got off the bed to head to the door.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to help with breakfast?” She asked.
“Absolutely.” Asmo nodded, “you just wait here, I won’t be long.”
“Okay.” MC smiled appreciatively as she watched him leave.
Let’s face it, Asmo is the true MVP in this story.
What are your thoughts?!
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letsperaltiago · 4 years
right next to the right one
Nothing special but here is a small, 100% fluff moment from very early Peraltiago. I imagined it taking place somewhere in between ‘New Captain’ and ‘The funeral’. Enjoy 💕
Read on AO3
It’s their first night together – or, more like, the first night they go to bed together without ripping each other’s clothes off in the heat and heaviness caused by four drinks.
They’re at Amy’s place this time. Jake is nervously fiddling around her bedroom trying to get ready for bed without interrupting or getting in the way of whatever punctual night routine Amy Santiago must have. They did just have their first date a few days ago, and maybe there are a lot of sides to her that he hasn’t met yet; although it doesn’t take a genius to know that surely Amy has some kind of step-by-step pattern she walks through before heading to bed.
Or that’s what he thinks. Suddenly she reemerges from the bathroom, only five minutes after first leaving the bedroom, and looks completely calm and ready for bed. Not freaked out because she’s running behind schedule or missing steps. No kind of ritual seems to be playing out and Jake has to admit to himself: he’s slightly confused.
“That was fast?” Jake quizzes from where he’s standing by the foot of her bed still dressed like he’s about to leave and Amy frowns. Both because of the statement, which sounds more like a question, but also because she thought he too would be ready for bed by now.
“You sound confused? I just removed my makeup and brushed my teeth – it doesn’t take that long.” She cocks her eyebrows telling him that no, not all women spend an hour in the bathroom… Jake feels bad for questioning her, and all women out there, but is quickly interrupted by her picking up on him being far from ready for bed.
“But why are you still dressed? Get in bed, silly!” She chuckles and gets into bed on what he assumes is her usual side. He secretly hopes that one day the other side will become his. Too soon, he thinks and shakes it off. One step at a time.
Jake contemplates whether or not he should explain himself but quickly figures that it doesn’t matter. Her lack of strict routine just tells him that she’s relaxed in her own home, around him, and that he likes - a lot. Also, Amy looks really cute in nothing but an oversized NYPD-shirt and panties.
“Oh, yeah sorry. Just didn’t know where to put my stuff and I didn’t want to like…” he shuffles nervously to the free side of the bed, probably looking stupid, and he hates that he’s so nervous. By no means does he want her to notice; maybe think she’s the one making him nervous. Actually he just likes her so stupid much that he’d rather stand there and look stupid than mess up her room or do something else that’ll give him away; do something that’ll let her know he isn’t the one for her. “… I didn’t want to Jake up your room.”
She’s just gotten under the covers, sitting against the headboard with her current book in her lap, but seems to forget about it and suddenly freeze on the spot with her eyes on him. Not in an accusing way or with an expression that lets him know he needs to leave; rather a look of warmth and appreciation… Maybe even a hint of amusement. Then she crawls across the bed to his side and stands on her knees.
“Jake…” she grabs him by the hoodie and pulls him in so that he stands as close to her as the edge of the bed will allow. Everything she says comes out with a special warmth radiating from her lips and eyes, something he’s only ever seen in her. “I appreciate the thought, but… You’ve already Jake’d up my life so a little Jake’ing up my bedroom won’t hurt me. Okay?”
The way the words fall from her lips, full of calmness and serenity, has him pacified without delay. The soft peck to his lips radiates a welcoming feeling Jake can’t deny. Confidence slowly seeps back into him, and he finally feels as if he can answer her searching, soft brown eyes.
“Okay,” he’s finally able to let down his shoulders, his overall guard, and return her smile with a matching radiation of serenity and calmness.
It’s so stupid how much he likes her, he thinks. It partially scares him although never enough to chase him away. Before he even has the time to realize it, as if it’s second nature to him, he rids himself of his clothes. Few minutes later his outfit is, somewhat, neatly hanging on a chair nearby. He smiles sheepishly and Amy chuckles, nodding in approval: perhaps he’s not too bad at this after all, he thinks and falls into Amy Santiago’s bed.
Everything is so brand new to the both of them yet quickly falls into a rhythm that feels normal: everything from Amy reading her book by his side to the way the Jake’s late night cartoon’s flicker in the background without bothering her.
Amy feels it too. The normality of the new them. For the past few days they’ve been together, Amy’s already wondered many times: how? She puts down her book and lies down on her side to get a better look at his side profile.
She can’t tell if the cartoons that deserve credit for calming him down, causing him to zone out of reality, but Amy enjoys this side of Jake. The Jake that is just… there. With her.
She wonders, after going through what they both went through to get to each other, how she got so lucky? Suddenly, very out of nowhere, she finds herself fully focused on the mand beside her and something feels just a tad different. All night she’d felt so nonchalant, so easy going about him being around, that it didn’t occur to her just how lucky she is and now she can’t stop wondering, over and over, how? How is he here after all their ups and down, exes, friend zones and whatnot?  
It falls out of her before she can comprehend it or try to stop it, and as soon as his head calmly turns to look at her Amy knows she has to carry through with this. The shifting colorful light from the TV casts a warm shadow on the side of his face that is turned away from it, and Amy halts for a second taking in the sight in front of her. The man by her side is so gently, so easily tuned in to her and the flickering lights enhances all of her favorite facial features. Features she can kiss now, whether she believes it or not, and features she gets to run her hands and fingers along if she wishes to.
“Hey,” he answers with a soft smile inviting her to speak her mind, because of all people, Amy Santiago alwayshas an agenda. Jake knows.
In contrast to how ready she felt just seconds ago, she all of the sudden, now that the first word is out and the attention is on her, feels so shy. Probably has furiously blushing cheeks too. Knowing Jake, he’s probably already noticed.
“What’s up?” he tries.
Amy considers not speaking her mind, instead just joke it off like they often do. Most of the time that’s a fine solution… But this moment, for some reason, feels more important. Like it’s not supposed to be brushed off. Amy genuinely has some things on her mind.
“I just,” she cuts herself off nervously biting down on her bottom lip. “I just can’t believe we’re here… Like, together.”
If her blush wasn’t very evident before then it definitely is now, and she has to look away from him just to keep calm. His eyes, especially with the soft look he has right now, all of the sudden seems so overwhelming. In the good way. The scary way too. Just a year ago she would’ve never believed anyone telling her that Jake Peralta would come to make her feel this way.
“I know.” Jake chuckles and Amy dares to look back at him. He’s looking straight ahead again but this time not at the TV, she can tell. He looks deep in thought, smiling, and Amy feels less scared. If the man of a thousand issues is smiling at the thought of them (she hopes) then everything is probably alright.
“Like even after everything that’s come between us, constantly demotivating the process like… wrong timing, being undercover, Sophia, Teddy…” she trails off realizing just how many odds have been against them for the past two years or so.
He slowly nods in agreement still staring into air with a small smile on his face as if he’s seeing something she isn’t.
“Yeah… To me, the whole thing with Teddy was never that demotivating though. On the contrary.”
Amy’s eyebrows dip into a confused frown.
“Really.” Jake finally turns his head to look at her and the flickering lights make him look that more handsome, like in a movie scene, all over again. She loves when he looks at her, even if it’s just been a few days. If Jake was the last person to ever look at her, just like he is right now, she would die happy. Somehow it feels like he’s done it for longer – maybe he has and she just hasn’t noticed?
“This is going to sound super dumb, but every time I saw you with him I was bummed out, yes, but it also made me even more sure: I wanted to be the one to be with you. I wanted all the small moments he got with you… Like siting at Shaw’s making you smile and laugh while drinking beer; competing with you about dumb stuff that only we care about and everyone rolls their eyes at us; picking you up from work – even though we literally sit across from each other, I now realize as I’m saying it out loud.”
They both chuckle in unison but on the inside they both feel their hearts burst with joy at this small confession. Silence, a comfortable one, takes over. Amy sees his face switch to the one he always put on when he’s being serious and genuine. Her heart skips yet another beat.
”I guess I kinda always knew I wanted be where he was standing, you know? Next to you. Holding your hand even, if I was really lucky.” He chuckles but so softly that Amy can tell he’s still being serious.
Amy nods, entranced, and if it wasn’t for what said next then the moment definitely would’ve been a fully and completely soft moment - alike nothing she’d ever witnessed Jake Peralta in before. The man beside her is nervously fiddling with his fingers and she can tell Jake has crossed some emotional boundaries with this confession tonight. Which is also why she doesn’t comment on it when he flees the intensity of the romantic moment with a joking remark.
“And if that isn’t motivation for ya then I don’t know what is.” His voice switches to the goofy tone he speaks in most of the time and soft Jake slowly fades away, into fun Jake with his still tall walls up. Although Amy knows he means every word he’s just said. That is enough for her; enough to keep her cheeks blushing and lips in the shape of a moved smile. Enough to keep her around for what feels like will be a long time.
“Well…” she scoots over to his side of the bed and pulls his head down to press a playful kiss to his cheek, like a schoolgirl would to her crush, and it’s Jake’s turn to blush. She pulls back but stays close, turns his head with her hand bringing them nose to nose. She’s still blushing but she doesn’t care. He can see her colors - all of them.  
“Here you are, Peralta. And it feels so much better having you here.”
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sirensmojo · 4 years
Hunted Species - Geralt x Reader x Yennefer
Summary: During the quest of a Dragon which could grant any wish, Geralt keeps an eye on Yennefer that keeps an eye on you that keep an eye on Geralt, which leads to unforeseen outcomes.
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Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of sex & comedy II sassy!reader, witcher!reader, love triangle
Word count: 2,476
A/N: kind of rewriting episode 6.
When you heard about a hunt of an old dragon, you thought it was a great deal, a great purchase, or just a way to get away from here and discover uncharted territories. Even if you never allowed yourself in those areas for another witcher was already occupying the territory and to one witcher belonged one area, it was either ignoring precepts and instructions or living a life full of boredom and sorrow. You’d even heard a mage will be there, a so-called Yenefer and as if it wasn’t enough, the witcher will join the team, Geralt Of Rivia.
When you heard about a hunt of an old dragon, you thought it was a great deal, a great purchase, or just a way to get away from here and discover uncharted territories. Even if you never allowed yourself in those areas for another witcher was already occupying the territory and to one witcher belonged one area, it was either ignoring precepts and instructions or living a life full of boredom and sorrow. You’d even heard a mage will be there, a so-called Yenefer and as if it wasn’t enough, the witcher will join the team, Geralt Of Rivia.
You’ll probably look like a supernatural scout band.
At the moment, you’d preferred focusing on gathering your essentials and get mentally prepared for this new challenge. Although you hated to stay in one place and fulfilled the need to always be on road as soon as you could, neglecting the sedentary life, the kingdom became too small. You soon enough got fairly tired of it, this whole trip was the only exciting sparkle you could hang on in your life, not to be overly dramatic. 
On the J day, your bored self paced up and down the streets of the main city you’ve worked in, Chastisey. With such a name, no doubt why you were chastised. On your back was hanging a large hessian bag with some spare clothes and utensils for when you’d sleep in the forest. The thin material collided with the sheath of your huge sword at each of your heavy steps. No need to mention you couldn’t wait to drop foot in the other kingdom.
Two days and a half later, here you were, facing the Witcher Geralt Of Rivia. His eyes widened when hearing you too were a witcher. Not that you've waited for another reaction from him... or anyone. 
"Is that you the witcher of Chastisey who people talk about?" Asked Yennefer, suddenly interested in you for the first time since you got in here. Every head of the areas turn to you and the mage, as she gladly continued her tail "Your people say of you you're the fiercest of all, human and creatures put together, they seem to respect you very much," she giggles, her voice dripping in sarcasm. "Yeah, we share a strong bond," you nodded. 
They all start to laugh and give you sympathetic looks and smiles while he chuckles. "I bet you know what she's talking about, huh? What about you, Mr. Of Rivia?" You raised a brow. Yennefer muffles a laugh as your stare pierce Geralt's imagining shield. His head abruptly turns to you before dropping down as he grunts. "Yeah that's exactly what I'm talking about," you added out loud as if nobody was here. "A man only speaking by groans and curses, what a reputation," you finished as the murmurs stop. The previous looks of sympathy changed into worry as their eyes flickered between you and the other witcher. Yennefer squinted her eyes, what were you trying to do? She thought. "And you, a mage that gave everything to end up wanting everything back to have the only thing you could never have," you chuckle as you lift your cup to your lips. A giggle escaped your lips before you sip your mead. 
Now everyone was uncomfortable, Geralt looking at you, eyes narrowing as the mage in question looked at the fire in desperation. 
"Can I ask what was that?" He asks as you were laying with the horses. "She wanted to play, I just gave her a taste of her own medicine. Don't worry she's a big girl, she'll be alright," you bluntly let out without an ounce of bitterness. Geralt didn't know if he should laugh or be mad at you, so he reluctantly grunts remembering you made fun of that too. "That was a bit much, for the first words leaving your mouth since we meet," "First impression if everything Geralt, don't you live with humans?" You asked wincing as if he said the stupidest thing ever. He looked over at you, confused, but didn't add anything. "Are you not traveling with your boyfriend, Jaskier?" You ask out of nowhere, which made the man frowning even more, "boyfriend?" He raised a brow. "A man, singing praises of another man in order for him to be liked by other people, a boyfriend," you explained with ease. He choked on his drink as you glimpse of the smirk drawing at the corner of his lips. "So he not here?" You ask again, running out of patience. "No, he is" He let out as motioning his hand to Jaskier talking to some men. Geralt hassled to give you what you wanted, expecting you to leave him alone after that.
He was wrong.
Three days later, you were still stuck with him as if your life depends on it. He wasn't so sure how to react, if it was only on him he would ask you to back off but as Yennefer seemed to be occupied with her little pet accompanying her. What he didn't see happen were you to be with her anytime you weren't around him. Saying you were above being glad that you came here, even it if was to search for a Dragon that you didn't even believe existed, was an understatement. Indeed you found life with other non-humans more than satisfying and full of unforeseen development. Whereas it was the glares that Geralt throws to the man that seems glued to Yennefer or even the desperate stares he would throw at her, hoping she would come back. You found it even funnier that you could discuss the witcher's deeds with Yennefer when she felt lonely at night. Not that she will ever admit she felt lonely all the time. After the death of her escort, she kinda let herself be herself around you, even more seeing you were patient with her, but still being sassy at times, making her laugh.
"I could never catch those looks you're talking about Y/n," she shook her head. "Come on, don't act like that with me. I know you see it, more often than you'd like to say." Your brows raised as you filled your cup with more mead. "It doesn't matter anyway, not now." "Why not?" "Does anyone ever told you to stop getting into stranger's business?" She snapped. "You are no stranger, neither is Geralt," "Lies," she hassled to retort. 
"How?" She lifts her glimmering eyes to you, a glimpse of curiosity dancing behind her facade. "How can I lie Yennefer?" "I don't understand"  "It's you lying now," you titled your head, brows high looking her up and down. 
She suddenly got up and started to walk away, "Okay! How can you be that annoying but still speaking the truth!" She turned to you and closed her eyes a bit before coming near the fire again and sat beside you. "People lie, that's all they do," "So you surmised I could lie," "Don't you?" Her eyes find their way to yours, even if her head stayed down. You shook your head and for the first time, a smile curled your lips. "Humans lie, but even their kin still find a way to believe in each other anyway." You lowly let out. "I thought you were just making fun of me the whole time." "I was" You agreed. "That doesn't mean I don't see the truth lying behind you livid eyes and the walls you think you build up high," You sing, quite pride of the fact you managed to make it through her guards. "I don't like you," wrinkles appearing at each side of her eyes, looking at you. "Yeah? I don't either," you shrug.
"So you see my truth? If I follow your statement," she engaged the conversation back, ignoring your comment. You give her a steady look, as she swallowed. How uncomfortable you could make people around you was something you never understood, but that you gladly welcomed at this moment, as long as she'll be uncomfortable, she'll open up to you. That was all that mattered. "There was something between us for a time, but there's nothing left of it now," she throws a bough in the fire. You remained silent, looking at her movements. "What can lovers bring, I wonder. Besides silly pleasures, it seems anything life has to offer is deception." She exhaled deeply, shaking her head. "You're disappointed in me?" You suddenly demand, out of the blue. Her eyebrows joined before she stops moving, still gazing at the dancing flames. "It's not like I wait for anything from you," she nonchalantly shrugs. "Indeed," you nodded. And before her mind could even get the meaning of this, her body that understood turns to you, her lids fluttering. A second later, she frowned even more before glancing at the woods in confusion. "Yeah," you spoke. "I don't even know what I could expect from you," She openly speaks. "Nothing, honestly," you chuckled. She looked at you again and neared her face to yours. "I didn't mean tha--" You tried, as she kissed you. She pulled away before you could even close your eyes. "I let you in before I could even think about it," she murmurs for herself. Her lips came crashing onto yours once again.  As you were about to kiss her back, she pulled away once again, "Because I didn't wait for anything from you," she continued mumbling. 
This time, you pulled her arms towards you, before your mouth encountered hers in a blissful kiss. She kissed you back, with as much haste and appetite as you, lips moving together in a moment that failed to pass. You finally let go, out of breath, your eyes snapped open to her. "I didn't put you in a case," she continued her thinking. You rolled your eyes and came to her lips again to definitely shut her up, your hand dawdled on her thigh as your free one find refuge on her cheek.
The next morning, you woke up all naked in a bed and a tent that had nothing to do with yours. After you moved away your hand that was initially shielding you from the rays of the sun, you catch sight features you knew you previously touched and kneaded feverishly. "Yen?" "oh you're finally up, then get changed and out of my space," she hissed between gritted teeth as placing her fur on her shoulders. "Oh come on!" You deeply huffed as you dropped your head back on the pillow.
No need to mention you spend the rest of the day together, even though she made some teasing remarks here and there to annoy you. You knew that game and were heartily playing it with her.
"I don't think it is necessary," "Ask Y/n about what's necessary," she giggled thinking about the nasty things you did earlier, while eating like she didn't say a thing. The group exchanged some stares before glancing at you then the mage as wrinkles appeared at the corner of your eyes, in anticipation of Geralt's reaction. He swallowed whatever was in his mouth and clenched his jaw throwing the rest of the meat on the ground. Jaskier looked at him in frustration. 
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albertasunrise · 4 years
No More - Chapter 3
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Summary: Frankie has been your best friend since you were in the 2nd grade. You were each other’s first’s, he, your first love and as you’d both gotten older you always somehow fell into bed together after one too many drinks with the boys. You don’t know how much longer you can keep this up but fate has other plans for you both and events are set in motion to decide for you.
Warnings: Angst, Vague description of Breastfeeding 
Pairings: Frankie/ Reader
Benny stays glued to the spot, looking at you in disbelief as the words you’d uttered swirl around inside his brain. Frankie was the father of your baby? How was that even possible? His mouth moved but no words fell from his lips. You didn’t even notice, just continued to stare at the tiny infant in front of you.
‘Would you like to hold her?’ Asks a nurse as she comes to stand beside you.
You don’t know what you want at that moment. A part of you wants to hold her and a part of you feels like you don’t deserve to. You’d lied to your best friend, to Frankie about who the father of the baby was and now he was fighting for his life whilst you got to sit here, fine and well, and fawn over your new daughter.
‘I don’t know.’ You answer, feeling yourself getting a little nervous ‘What if I hurt her?’
‘You won’t.’ She replies with a smile ‘She’s small but she’s healthy. You’ll be fine to take her home when you're discharged.’
‘But she’s early!’ You exclaim, a little panicked ‘Isn’t it dangerous.’
‘She’ll be fine I promise.’ She replies, giving your shoulder a small squeeze ‘It's perfectly natural to feel nervous. She's your first and she's premature so you're naturally going to feel like she's made of glass. You don’t have to hold her now. We can bring her to you later if you’d like.’
‘That would be nice.’ You reply, smiling at her before allowing yourself to look at Benny.
You knew you had some explaining to do. You just didn’t even know where to start or how to explain the decisions you'd made that had led you to conceal the fact that Frankie was the father of your baby from them all… but most importantly from Frankie. You're taken back to your room a short while later and are greeted by Will leaning against the wall outside your door, his expression all to easy to read. The nurse coming to a stop just outside the door to allow you to speak to your friend.
‘How you feeling sweet?’ He asks as he bends down to hug you.
‘A little sore.’ You reply, giving him a weak smile.
‘You seen Fish?’ Asks Ben.
‘Yeah.’ He replies plainly, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands.
‘How is he?’ You ask, your voice shaking a little.
‘He’s in a bad way.’ He replies, letting his head fall back against the wall ‘He’s hooked up to a vent. Tubes are coming out of him left right and centre and he’s black and blue. Doc said that his vitals are a little stronger so that's a positive.’
‘Stay with her. I’m gonna go see him.’
You flinch at Ben’s refusal to use your name and Will doesn’t miss the sudden shift in the atmosphere either. His eyes flit between you and his brother, noting that Ben won’t even look at you.
‘What’s happened?’ He asks, tilting his head to one side.
‘Fish is her kid's father.’ Spat Ben, nodding at the nurse ‘She lied to all of us.’ He finished as he shuffled passed his brother and disappeared down the corridor.
The nurse pushes you back inside your room and helps you back into your bed, Will staring at you in shock the entire time as he processes what his brother told him. When the nurse leaves, he continues to stand there for a while and an awkward silence fills the air.
‘What the fuck does he mean Fish is the father?’ He finally pipes up and you allow the tears you were holding back to fall ‘How?’
‘We’ve been sleeping together for years.’ You state, noting Will's eyes growing wider ‘We always kinda ended up in each other's beds after too much drink. For him, it's just a release but I’ve been in love with him for as long as I can remember. I tried to end it so many times but he has this power over me.’
‘Fish was still with Emily when your baby was conceived.’ He states and you nod grimly ‘He uh… He turned up at my place asking why I’d blanked him at Bens find and why I'd not been hanging out with you guys and he ended up coming on to me. I wanted to stop it but… It killed me that he’d cheated with me and that's why I went MIA for a while.’
‘Why didn’t you tell him the baby was his?’
‘You heard him! He and Emily got a fucking abortion because he doesn’t want kids!’ You growl ‘After the movie night he confronted me about it. Asked me if it was his and told me if it was he’d want me to get rid of it.’
‘It was just easier to keep it from him.’ You sob, wiping your eyes with the back of your hands ‘I wanted her so badly but he didn’t so…’
‘I need to tell you something but it didn’t come from me.’
You look at him quizzically, waiting for him to elaborate on his statement but you can see the internal struggle that is raging inside him, this was obviously not his secret to tell.
‘Fish was gutted that Emily wanted to get rid of the baby.’ He says and your stomach sinks ‘She was the one that wanted to get rid of it not him. He went along to keep her happy but ultimately that's what drove them apart in the end.’
Suddenly it all made sense. That night when he’d come to you, how he’d admired your pregnant form and worshipped it. When you thought back to that night you remembered how he'd been so careful of your bump but his lips had also paid it particularly close attention to it.
‘Why did she want to get rid of it?’
‘She said she didn't want it. She’d told him it was for the best. That with his history he wasn’t fit to be a dad anyway. It had killed him but he loved her and he thought she was right.’ He replied, sitting down in the chair beside your bed ‘When Ben told him about how you were happy and excited about becoming a mum he realised that she’d taken that chance away from him and well… You know the rest.’
‘That’s why he said it.’
‘Said what?’
‘The night he asked me if the baby was his.’ You clarify, tear-filled eyes locking with Will's ‘He told me that no child deserved to have a dad like him… That he’d be a shit dad. He thought that because that's what she told him.’
Will simply nodded and you couldn’t help but sob. Your heart split in two as you contemplated the possibility that he’d die never knowing that he had a daughter. Your thoughts were interrupted by a nurse wheeling in a clear plastic cot, your baby wriggling inside.
‘You think you’d like to hold her now?’ She asks sweetly, scooping the infant up into her arms ‘She’s quite hungry so perhaps we can try breastfeeding her.’
You hold out your arms and watch as she carries the tiny bundle over to you, laying her gently in your embrace before working to loosen your gown. Your eyes are fixed on your daughter. She was the image of him with her sun-kissed skin, dark brown eyes and brown hair and you feel your heart expand inside of you.
‘Here.’ Says the nurse as she helps you position the baby so she can latch on to your breast and you gasp as she starts to suckle ‘Hows that?’
‘Weird.’ You giggle, looking at Will who’s in awe of the spectacle unfolding before his eyes ‘It feels so strange but in the most amazing way.’
‘She’s gorgeous.’ Says Will sweetly, grinning at the tiny creature in your arms ‘She’s so freakin’ small though.’
‘Well, she is a month early.’ Says the nurse, chuckling at his words ‘But she’ll grow quick. She’s a lucky little girl.’
The nurse then brought your daughter to you several times a day to feed and you felt yourself getting closer and closer to her with each visit. She was already a verbal little thing, something she definitely didn’t get from Frankie and you sit there for hours having one-sided conversations with her as she gazes up at you with her expressive eyes. You’d not seen Ben in two days. Will had told you he’d not left Frankie’s side, only when he was kicked out and then he went home. Will spent a lot of time with you, keeping you up to date with Frankie’s condition and hoe Ben was coping with everything.
‘He’s been taken off the vent and they’re happy with his progress.’ Says Will as he rocks your daughter in his arms ‘You got a name for her yet?’
‘I kinda want Frankie to help me choose one.’ You reply.
‘So you’re going to tell him then.’
‘After what you told me the other day I can’t, not, tell him.’ You reply ‘I don’t expect anything from him but he deserves the choice to be involved in her life.'
‘Will! Fish’s awake!’ Exclaims Ben as he practically bursts through the door.
‘He is?’ You ask, practically beaming at the news.
‘Yeah.’ Ben pants ‘Docs just checking him over but he’s awake.’
The baby starts to cry and Ben notices that it's his brother who’s holding her. His eyes flit between you and Will as he stands and bounces her in his arms in an attempt to soothe her, her cries soon turning to small sniffs as she calms down. You noticed the way Ben’s watching her and you smile at him, his eyes comically wide. You remember his face when he'd seen her on the ultrasound screen. His reaction to hearing her heartbeat. When he'd learnt that she was a girl. He'd pleaded for copies of the pictures despite not being the father and it had made you all the more excited for her to arrive. So that he could meet her.
‘You wanna hold her?’ You ask and his head whips towards you.
‘Can I?’
You nod with a smile and he eagerly takes her from his brother, grinning down at her as she gazes up at him. He studies her for a moment before looking up at you again.
‘She really does look like him doesn’t she.’
You nod, letting out a small chuckle as you watch him practically dance with her around the room, his smile growing wider when her little hand reaches for him.
‘I’m going to tell him, Ben.’ You state ‘I realise now it was wrong of me to keep this from him. I don’t want anything from him. Just want to give him the option to be part of her life.’
‘He won’t want to let her go once he sees her.’ Says Ben softly as he looks up at you once again and beams ‘She’s literally perfect.’
‘Let’s just hope she doesn’t get Frank’s nose.’ Will jokes and you all erupt into laughter.
‘Thanks for picking up the carrier and stuff.’ You say as you hug Benny ‘Although none of the clothes I have for her are going to fit.’ You groan upon stumbling onto that realisation.
‘Got that covered.’ Replies Will, handing you a gift bag filled with babygrows for 8-month premie babies along with special nappies.
You can’t help the tears that come, practically throwing yourself and at him ‘Thank you so much.’
‘You ready?’ Asks Ben, motioning down the corridor with the carrier that contained a conked out infant.
‘Yeah.’ You reply, your nerves evident in your voice ‘I just hope he doesn’t hate me.’
You’d not seen Frankie since the accident. The boys had agreed to come with you when you told him about his daughter and despite the fact you had back up, you were still terrified of telling him. Ben carried the baby as Will walked beside you, keeping an eye on you as you were still a little wobbly on your feet. When you arrived in his room you were greeted by the warmest smile, those familiar brown eyes taking away the worry for a moment as you walk up beside him.
‘I’m so glad you and the kid are okay.’ He says, squeezing your hand as you take his in yours.
‘Yeah, we’re okay.’ You reply ‘How are you feeling?’
‘Like I’ve been in a car accident.’ He jokes, wincing a little from chuckling ‘Where’s the squirt?’
‘She’s right here.’ Says Ben as he carries her over, stopping beside you and placing the carrier on the chair at your side.
Frankie studies her, smiling as he watches her wriggle and yawn before opening her eyes and staring at him. He sucks in a gasp as he locks her gaze, a single tear escaping from the corner of his eye as they just watch each other. You watch them for what feels like an eternity. The way she looks at him, it's like she knows that she's a part of him and you can't help but smile at that thought.
‘She’s…’ He pauses, finally braking her gaze to look at you ‘She’s mine isn't she?’
You simply nod, your heart racing in your chest as you wait for the inevitable onslaught of angry words that he was about to throw at you but they never come. Instead, you watch him sob as he returns his gaze to his daughter, smiling at her through his tears as he opens his mouth to speak again.
‘Can I-‘ He hiccups as he tries to calm himself ‘Can I hold her?’ The look in his eyes is one you'd never expected.
It's a mixture of confusion, shock and what you swear is pure, unadulterated love and you feel all the worry and terror you'd felt about telling him disappear like a puff of smoke on a windy day.
‘Yes! Yes of course you can Frankie.’ You say as you turn towards her and unbuckle her from her carrier, hushing her as she whines a little from being moved so suddenly.
She immediately settles the moment she’s in his arms letting out a big, gummy, yawn before falling asleep. He doesn’t speak for a while he just watches her sleep, chuckling when she twitches or squeaks and he wonders what she’s dreaming about. Wonders if she knows he’s her father.
‘She’s perfect.’ He says finally, still looking at her ‘What’s her name?’
‘I wanted to name her together.’ You state and he looks up at you in shock ‘If you want to that is.’
‘Yeah!! I uh... I’d like that.’
‘We’re going to give you two a little privacy.’ States Will as he smiles at you both ‘We’ll see if we can find some decent coffee.’
You watch the brothers leave before returning your attention to Frankie who’s gently rocking his baby girl in his arms, humming a tune you recognise from when you were kids. A tune that his mum had hummed to you on the day you'd found out your parents had died and you cried yourself raw in her arms, rocking you gently until you'd finally succumbed to exhaustion.
‘Frankie I’m sorry I lied. I-‘
‘It doesn’t matter now.’ He interrupts, beaming down at the tiny bundle in his arms ‘All that matters is that she’s perfect and she’s ours.’
‘I don’t expect anything from you.’ You state and that elicits a confused look from him ‘You can be as involved as you want. I don’t expect money or-.’
‘You don’t want to raise her together?’ He gives you a bemused look.
‘Well of course I do but she’s going to need to stay with me mainly for a while. Then we can look at her staying with you. Take it in turns to have her weekends or whatever.‘
‘I mean us being together. Raising her as a family.’ He clarifies and your a little shocked by his proposition.
Of course, you want nothing more than to raise her with him. To wake up to him every morning. To take it in turns doing night feedings and to watch her grow, but you know he doesn't love you and so you know it can never be. That it'll never work and so you have to push the idea from your mind. You need to be realistic.
‘Frankie… I get what you’re trying to do but I don’t want you to be with me just because we have a baby together.’ You state ‘We can’t play pretend. We’ll make each other miserable and that’s not fair on her.’
He wants to tell you that it wouldn’t be pretend. That he loves you and always has but he knows he's a little late now. That you’ll only believe actions now. His words will mean nothing. He's decided not to commit. Decided to walk out on the one thing he had that kept him grounded and so he knew that he had work to do. He had to prove his love. Instead of pushing it, he returns his attention to the thing he’d never realised he’d wanted. Or needed.
‘What about Emma?’ He pipes up, changing the subject completely.
‘The name Emma... For her.’ He clarifies as he motions to the sleeping baby in his arms.
‘Emma.’ You test it on your tongue ‘I like it.’ You reply as you stand beside him and gaze down at the tiny thing you’d both created ‘She looks like an Emma.’
‘Yeah.’ He pauses as he looks up at you, something in his eyes making you weak at the knees ‘, Yeah she does.’
Chapter 4
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Between The Lines (a Zack Addy fanfiction)
Request for @iamcheese13 : If you’re still taking fanfic request for Zack Addy from Bones, can I have Zack finally being released from prison and having a heart to heart with his ex-girlfriend, who is now happily married and has a child? Thank you!
Author’s note: This fic is... angsty, and kinda took on a life of it’s own. I got a long of inspiration from the song Between The Lines by Sara Bareilles. Reader x ex Zack, reader x Aubrey. Enjoy!
“Zack lied,” Dr. Brennan said, looking at you with more emotion in her eyes than you had ever seen. Instantly, the wind was knocked out of you, and you sank down to your knees...
“Y/N, Y/N!” Your eyes shot open, suddenly shocked back to the present. “Hey, honey, are you okay?” your husband asks. “Oh, uh, yeah James, I’m okay,” you respond, offering up a smile that you hope looks more reassuring than you feel. His expression softens. “Nervous about today?” Before you could answer, your daughter comes bounding in. “Mommy, mommy!” she cries out, more energy in her short 4 years of life than you’d ever felt. “Mommy, can I come with you today?” she smiles at you brightly. “No, love, mommy has some, um... important grown up things to do today,” you hazard a glance at your husband, who smiles at you. It would almost have been convincing if you didn’t know him so well. “Besides,” you continue, “Daddy is taking you and Christine to the aquarium today.” That’s all it takes, your daughter perks up immediately, kisses your cheek, and runs back to her room. “Speaking of today, are you sure you want to do this alone?” James looks at you intensely, not bothering to hide his concern. “Temperance and I need you to watch the girls today, and... I need to do this on my own,” you say, placing your hand on your husband’s cheek. The phone interrupts your staring match. “Aubrey. Yeah, yeah... okay, I’ll have her at the courthouse in 15 minutes, and pick up Christine after.” James ends the call with a sigh, and then looks at you again. “That was Booth, you ready?” he asks. “Uh, yeah, I think so,” you bite your lip nervously, “Let’s get little one and get out of here.”
20 minutes later, and you’ve kissed your husband and daughter goodbye, and sent them on their way. Standing outside of the courthouse, your mind begins to wander. You’d witnessed dozens of hearings before, even a few in this very courthouse. But none like this, none so close to you personally. Caroline Julian snaps you out of your thoughts when she walks up. “Mrs. Aubrey, are you ready?” she asks. “Um, I believe so,” you say shakily, “can I see him?” “I’m afraid that will have to wait until after, cherie, he’s already inside.” Caroline ushers you inside, your heart rate quickening with every step. You say brief hellos to Hodgins, Angela, and Dr. Brennan, quickly assuring Temperance that the girls are safely with Aubrey and well taken care of. Everyone walks into the courtroom, but you hang back. Tears prickle your eyes, and you take a deep breath before steeling your nerves and walking in yourself. You find your seat without looking up from the floor. You take another deep breath, and allow yourself to look up. A sudden and nostalgic feeling takes over as your eyes meet Zack’s, just like they always had. You blink, and suddenly...
You’re 22, chasing Booth like a puppy dog, and practically skipping up the steps to the Jeffersonian’s forensic platform. “Sorry for the boring field trip while you’re still in training, Y/N, but the squints have some new evidence for the case I’m on,” Booth explains, swiping his card for entrance. “Don’t be sorry, this is awesome,” you’re smiling so hard you think your jaw might break. Though you’d never let on to Booth, you were mostly excited about getting to interact with Dr. Brennan’s adorably awkward assistant. As if on cue, Zack looks up and notices you. He smiles shyly in a way that makes you feel like you could do backflips...
You blink again, and here you are. Almost 10 years have passed, and you’re a wife, a mother, a different person, having to watch the first man you ever loved testify on his own behalf about a crime you had always known he couldn’t commit. You and Zack had been dating for 2 years, and had recently moved in together when everything had come to light. The explosion that sent Zack to th hospital had prompted Booth to give you a temporary leave of absence, so when he called you in a desperate tone, telling you to get down to the Jeffersonian, you were panicked. “Zack lied,” rings through your head, even all these years later. The events of the past decade of your life play in your head like a movie. You’d visited Zack every week, like clockwork, even years after the rest of your friends had moved on. That was until... until Sweets died. After everything you’d been through, losing someone you’d considered a little brother sent you into a dark place you thought you’d never escape from. Aubrey had been your rock. When you met him, your life fell into place. Before you knew it, you guys were married, and then your daughter was born. They were a glimmer of hope amidst the nightmare, but your heart would always partly remain with Zack.
Temperance puts her hand on your leg, bringing you back to reality. “Would the defense like to make a final statement?” the judge asks. “No,” Zack says, “I would prefer for the evidence to speak for itself.” You smile, almost against your will. Same old Zack. “Actually, I would like to say something,” Temperance says, looking at you for silent permission. You squeeze her hand as Caroline gives her permission as well. “Now, I typically speak on evidence, but today I would like to speak on Dr. Addy’s character,” tears prickle in your eyes as Brennan continues. “Working for me, Dr. Addy assisted in incarcerating over 50 murderers. Even while he was institutionalized, Zack attempted the impossible- to find a cure for Dr. Hodgins’ paralysis. Now it’s true, he made mistakes, but I still believe, in my heart, that the world would only benefit from his return to society. Thank you.” The tears were flowing freely now, and you thought they’d never stop as the judge addressed the room, stating that she would overturn Zack’s life sentence, and he would only need to finish the remaining 13 months in the mental institution. You release a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding, and give Zack a huge smile as he turned to look back at you and Brennan. You exchange goodbyes with Caroline, thanking her for, as Temperance put it, “doing enough to keep her job.” You know if it wasn’t for her, you may have never seen Zack again.
You walk out to the lobby to say goodbye to Temperance, and check a few texts from your husband, assuring you that he and the girls were having a great time. Your breathing quickens as Zack exits the courtroom, and starts walking toward you. You smile nervously, “Hey! Er, congratulations, um... I-” Zack cuts off your rambling with a quick embrace. “It is so, so good to see you, Y/N,” he says, holding your shoulders and looking in your eyes. The years had definitely changed him, as they had done to you as well, but his eyes were still exactly the same as you remembered. “Um, how long do you have before you have to go back?” you ask, though your subconscious berates you. “About an hour, I believe,” Zack looks at you quizzically. “Well, let me take you out to lunch, we can go to the diner like we used to?” The last part comes out as a question as your nerves get the better of you. “I would like that very much,” he smiles.
The two of you walk to the diner in silence, a few times you almost start to say something, but your mind is running wild with how you’ll explain this to Aubrey later. You guys decide to take a booth in the back, hoping it would give enough privacy for the conversation you were currently terrified to have. You thought of James, your daughter, your new life. A life you loved, but a life that had always seemed... lacking. There had been a Zack shaped hole in your heart for as long as you could remember, and now here he was in front of you, and you couldn’t think of a single thing to say. “Are you alright, Y/N?” Zack asks you. His face is filled with genuine concern. “I’m... yes, I’m okay,” you reply, “I’m just finding myself at a loss for words right now.” Zack smiles understandingly, and you can’t help but be amazed at his emotional depth. When the two of you were together, you had always seen Zack as compassionate and wonderful, but that part of him rested far under the surface compared to now. “It has been quite some time,” he nods. Your face reddens, suddenly mortified by how long it had actually been. “I am not angry with you, Y/N,” Zack says, “I do hope you realize that.” “But,” you start,”I’M angry with me, Zack.” “I do not know if I understand what you mean,” he replies. Your heart pounds as the floodgates in your brain finally open. “I never should have stopped seeing you,” you admit, “but after Sweets died, I just... I lost it.” “As did I,” Zack says solemnly, “Dr. Sweets was a very good man.” “One of the best,” you say, allowing a tear to slip down your cheek. Zack reaches up and brushes it away, and smiles at you. You smile back, caught in a moment that seems suspended outside of time, of reality. Zack lowers his hand and looks away. “I noticed your husband and daughter were not with you today,” he says, his voice sounding far away. “Oh, uh, you... know about them?” you ask awkwardly. “Not that I was trying to hide the from you or anything, I just...” Zack allows you to trail off, and smiles sadly. “Hodgins has attempted to keep me updated about everyone’s lives, when I asked him about you, he knew he couldn’t lie to me.” “I can’t lie to you either, I never could,” you tell him, “I suppose that’s why I just stayed away.” “As I said, it has been a very long time,” Zack repeats, “and I am happy that you are happy.” You wipe away another tear, and pull out your phone to show Zack a few pictures of your daughter. You know Zack has never exactly been fond of children, but his eyes light up as he talks about how much she looks like you. You put your phone away, and sit in silence for a moment. “Zack,” you start, suddenly feeling overwhelmed. “Yes, Y/N?” he asks. “I’m just, I’m so sorry,” you begin to cry again. “Sorry for what exactly?” he looks confused. “I’m just sorry,” you begin, “Sorry for not coming to see you, sorry for being so busy at work while we were together, maybe if I had been more attentive when you’d gotten back from Iraq, maybe things would have been different now.” Zack stares at you intensely. “Y/N,” he says, “I need you to know that none of this is your fault. Everything that happened with the Master, it would have happened regardless. You are not to blame, just as you are not to blame for your life moving forward.” You cry silently, your mind reeling from everything he’s saying, and everything you’re feeling. “Zack, I still love you,” you admit shakily. He puts his gloved hand over yours on the table. “But,” he says softly, nodding with understanding. “Yeah,” you whisper, “But.” Your phone lights up with a text from Caroline, letting you know that Zack needs to get back to the courthouse.
The walk back is anything but silent, the two of you laugh and tell stories about your lives from almost a decade ago. You smile at all the inside jokes he still remembers, the hole in your heart beginning to shrink. Too soon, Zack is escorted into a van heading for the institution. “I’ve waited all these years,” you think, “what’s 13 more months?”
You’re left standing outside the courthouse alone, waiting for a cab to take you back home. Back to Aubrey, back to your little girl. Back to your life.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 4 years
I have a question. I'm new to this, but I've fallen in love with Vmin. I'm kinda familiar with things, but the thing that has me confused is Tae's come out of your imagination tweet. TKrs said Jkrs and Vmin fans have lied and spread misinformation, that Tae told the girl to come out of her imagination, because she said SHE was looking at pictures of JK. In other words, saying JK is his. That just sounds dumb to me. I don't think Tae would embarrass a fan or claim JK like that. What is the truth?
It's so easy to fall in love with vmin, isn’t it?
Thank you for reaching out to us about this and for trusting us enough to clarify this properly instead of spreading misinformation of our own, which we’d never purposefully do because what even would be the point of that? Spreading misinformation won’t change the truth anyway.
So, in order to answer this I went onto twitter to look for translations from our trusted OT7 accounts, but much to my surprise (but was it really a surprise?), I couldn’t find tweets from accounts I distinctly remember being present that day and translating Tae’s words, which raises the question of what happened to those tweets? Did certain people pressure them into deleting them? Or am I just not smart enough to find them?
Either way, here are four that I did find from trusted translators who, as far as I’m aware, have no shipping bias and translate their words 100% the way they’re written without infusing them with their own agendas. Why I’m highlighting that so explicitly will be important later.
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Based on these four, which match the translations from all accounts on that day, it’s easy to see that they are more or less the same, their meaning exactly the same, none of them deviating in any kind of manner. Neither what the ARMY posted, nor Tae’s reply.
Using the method taught at school when learning languages and grammar we can ask “who loves Jungkook oppa?” to determine what the ARMY meant. So, what is the answer? Taehyung oppa who loves Jungkook oppa, yes? Therefore, it isn’t the ARMY who loves Jungkook and looks at his picture to fall asleep, but she’s advising Tae took look at pictures of Jungkook. The mere presence of Tae’s name in her post basically contradicts the idea that SHE was the one looking at pictures of Jungkook.
Now, of course, someone could argue that in Korean, due to it being a heavily on context relying language, oftentimes the use of I and me is omitted because, contextually, you know the person speaks about themselves. But even if we were to add I or me into the ARMYs post, it grammatically simply wouldn’t make sense, would it?
“to look at photos of Jungkook oppa who Taehyung oppa loves” -> “I to look at pictures of (…)” doesn’t really work, right? Alternatively, you could change it to “I think you could look at pictures of (…)” but that changes the sentence too severely to be what she was going for, and also wouldn’t fit with the supposed alternative translation T*ek*okers claim exists.
Then, someone could argue (which I’ve seen happen) that the “me!” with which the post starts is an indicator that she meant herself and not Tae, but that again doesn’t work since Tae had asked for methods to fall asleep and the “me!” meant that the ARMY had an idea for him and wanted Tae to pick her/read her post.
Lastly, hypothetically, IF the post meant that she looks at Jungkook’s pictures as a way to fall asleep because SHE loves him, would that really be something so out of the ordinary? Think about it. Day in and day out, every hours and every minute there are posts being made by ARMY about how much they love the members, long letters being posted, short posts, all of it. ARMY proclaim their love for Jungkook all day, every day, so why would Tae suddenly, after more than six years of that being a thing, reprimand an ARMY for it? Why would he suddenly feel so threatened or jealous that he’d feel the need to do something as drastic as call her out in such a manner? He wouldn’t. None of them would. If anything it’s the reason why they come onto weverse in the first place, especially Tae. To see that love and support from ARMY, to feel loved.
Regardless from which angle we look at it, the ARMY said and meant for Tae took look at pictures of Jungkook because, according to them, he loves him. Which I’m sure he does, but not the way the ARMY implied.
So, where did this misinformation come from and why? I’m sure we all know the answer to both parts of that question.
Where? Shipper spaces, and more specifically a certain infamous YouTube channel which very quickly jumped on the issue and created an entire alternative way to explain the translation, pulling supposed evidence based on an alleged translation from a Korean person, twisting the statement so that, in the end, this alternative version arose and was spread among shippers. Even though all OT7 translators unanimously translated it differently, even though those speaking Korean told her it isn’t true and that she was making stuff up to fit her agenda.
Why? Because otherwise it wouldn’t look good for shippers to continue what they do, and because otherwise those who earn big sums of money with analysis videos would lose their income. And we’re not speaking of like 5k a year but more like 50k+ a year. That is a significant amount. Plus, it would mean having to accept that years’ worth of analysis and theories were false, that they all bought into something that wasn’t real, that they’ve all fooled each other, and that’s something you don’t want to believe. So, either people completely ignored the existence of that reply, spread the alternative version, or blamed others for spreading misinformation on purpose because they hate their ship.
All of this to say that an ARMY told Tae to look at a picture of Jungkook whom he loves, implying romantic love, and Tae did not like it, enough so to tell that person to get out of their imagination. That isn’t a mistranslation or misinformation, and it has nothing to do with J*k*okers or vminnies. The only ones who tried to twist his words were T*ek*okers because his words did not fit their agenda. And I’m not saying that because I’m a vminnie, or because I dislike T*ek*ok (which I don’t), but because it’s the truth.
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lemonpeter · 3 years
STARKER, by Peter B. Parker
Chapter 9: Hurt/Comfort
A/N: we started joking that we should call this chapter ‘hurt/ no comfort’, bc it turns out that neither of us actually know how to write comfort :) the things that happen in this chapter will make more sense soon, we promise. but for now, we’d love to hear what you guys are thinking!
thanks so much for reading! (and thanks for being understanding about this chapter being late; we’ve both been really busy, and sometimes brains just don’t cooperate <3) - Bloo and Bri 💕
Warnings: subdrop, traits of borderline personality disorder (ie splitting), g*nshot wound, discussions of wounds and wound care, angst
Masterlist ao3
A choked off whine slipped from Peter’s lips as his eyes flew open. He screwed up his face, expression twisting into something pained. His chest somehow felt tight and hollow all at once, making him conscious of every single breath he took.
Sitting there, tucked up in the gym mats, he tried to clear his head, rid it of the unsettling fog, but found that he couldn’t. And his body...it felt like it wasn’t his. He felt trapped in his skin, like it was closing in on him.
The sudden low that he was experiencing was strong enough that it had pulled him out of the illusion entirely, his body trembling.
He tried to focus on what was around him, but it was hard when he felt so disconnected. He could feel cold globs of cum drying against his skin and causing his boxers to stick to him uncomfortably, his cock spent and sensitive as a few tears trickled down his cheeks. Wiping one away, he stared blankly at the wetness on the back of his hand.
What the fuck was going on? He hadn’t even realized that he was crying.
Everything felt wrong. His brain still felt floaty from his headspace, but it wasn’t in a good way anymore. He felt disconnected, floating without a tether to ground himself with. Gone was the happy and content feeling from before. This kind of floating... It was terrifying, and all he wanted was to feel real again.
But he couldn’t seem to quite get there.
His breaths became shorter as he started panicking, frantically trying to grab at the floor beneath him. But there wasn’t a surface to hold onto, just smooth, cold rubber. It didn’t help rid him of his distress in any way.
He knew that what he needed was Tony. But Tony wasn’t there.
Peter had heard of sub-drop, but he’d never felt it firsthand before. Obviously.
And even going into the scene, he hadn’t thought it was something he needed to worry about. It surely hadn’t crossed his mind while everything was taking place. Tony was gentle, perfect and sweet to him, even as he pushed his limits. Drops only happened to people with uncaring doms, right? And...it wasn’t like any of that had actually happened, so surely there was no reason for him to experience any after effects?
Peter was left alone to fall, just waiting until he finally felt connected to his own body again. Being grounded again took what felt like forever. But at least it happened eventually.
He felt sick. His skin was crawling and it all felt wrong. Like he had been taken apart and then put back together again, but the pieces had been jammed together, put back incorrectly. Puzzle pieces forced to fit.
All he wanted was to be held, to feel safe and protected. But there was no one there to hold him.
He was alone. He was always alone.
When he realized that, he truly started to cry in earnest. His eyes stung as more tears built up and spilled, falling in quick succession when he squeezed his eyes shut. A sob shook his frame and he pulled his knees up to his chest before wrapping his arms around them in an attempt to make himself as small as possible.
He was convinced that he’d never felt as empty as he did in that moment. Any pain from before was forgotten, incomparable to the sadness that was suddenly overwhelming him.
Tony left him alone.
Peter knew that it was too good to be true. He knew that he would never really have Tony, that Tony couldn’t protect him. Not in the way that he needed to be protected. He was stupid to think that he would be allowed to have something good, even in his own mind.
He never got to keep the good things.
But despite how much he was hurting, and the fact that he could feel the whole thing falling apart right beneath his fingers, he knew that his life with Tony was the only thing keeping him together. It was the only good thing he had left, the only chance he had at feeling even the most fleeting moments of happiness.
He had nothing without Tony, he knew that.
So, wiping the tears from his face, Peter sniffled, reaching for the glasses. He bit his bottom lip to stop it trembling and took a shaky breath.
He needed comfort from Tony, and if he had to get it himself, then that’s what he would do.
Because he was in control.
Pausing in the doorway of their bedroom, Peter took a moment to simply look at his husband.
Tony was stretched out on the bed, leaning back on what was an absolutely absurd amount of pillows and fiddling with some sort of schematic hologram that was being projected from the tablet in his lap. His hair was a mess, sticking up in all directions, and there was a wrinkle between his eyebrows. His eyes were narrowed slightly, one of his hands was cupping his chin.
Peter recognized it as his concentrating face. He’d always found the expression ridiculously endearing, and now was no exception. He could feel some of the resentment he’d been harboring begin to melt away.
The engineer didn’t seem to notice the younger man’s presence, continuing to manipulate the projection, fingers splaying out in various gestures as he tried to work out the problem.
Peter cleared his throat softly and shot a gentle smile in Tony’s direction when he finally looked up. “Um. Hi, Tony.” The fingers on his right hand fidgeted with his wedding band.
“Hey baby,” Tony sighed, giving Peter his own tired grin. His eyes flickered down to the younger’s hands, then back up to his face. “What’s up?” He began to close out of whatever he was working on, eyes shifting between the holograms he was moving and Peter’s face as he waited for him to respond.
Cocking his head to the side, the brunette slipped his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “I, uh, was thinking maybe we could go for a walk?” It came out like a question, even though he had intended for it to be more of a statement. “Wanna get out of the house for a bit, get some fresh air. Wha’d’you think?”
“I think that sounds great, Pete. I could use a break from this anyway,” Tony said, finishing up. He took a minute to roll his shoulders, groaning as he did. “God, I’m getting old,” he muttered under his breath as he pushed himself up off the mattress so that he could walk over to his partner. When he reached Peter, he leaned against him for a moment, pressing a kiss to his temple. “Let me grab some sunglasses and shoes and I’ll meet you by the elevator, okay?”
Once they were down on the street in front of the tower, Tony had suggested that they walk a few blocks to the park, maybe grab something to eat on the way back home. When Peter had agreed, they set off down the sidewalk, making small talk and just enjoying each other’s company.
It seemed that everyone had the same idea as them, families and joggers and couples populating the large open area when they arrived.
Tony reached over to grab Peter’s hand, lacing their fingers together as they continued walking through the crowded park.
Peter glanced down. He thought about pulling away from the touch, not really sure if he wanted Tony holding his hand. He was still pretty upset from the drop. He was feeling much better, hence them taking a walk together in the first place, but he hadn’t forgotten how he’d had to figure things out all on his own. Far from it.
Sure, it wasn’t exactly Tony’s fault that the sudden endorphin drop had caused the illusion to glitch, but he was still upset. He had been left alone and miserable.
He didn’t pull his hand away, though. But he kept thinking about it.
Tony did nothing to suggest that he noticed anything was wrong. He was unaware of Peter’s thoughts, of course, but he didn’t seem to notice the teen’s hesitation regarding the contact either. Which was probably a good thing, honestly. Peter didn’t like confrontation and he wouldn’t know what to do if the older man brought attention to his behavior.
But it also kind of bothered him that Tony wasn’t paying attention. Which was stupid and probably untrue, but his brain wouldn’t let go of it.
In a moment of fleeting irritation, Peter did pull his hand away sharply and tucked it into his pocket. Maybe now his husband would finally realize that he did something wrong.
Because he had. Right?
The older man looked at him, blinking slowly in his confusion. “Peter?”
“Yes?” His tone was a little snappy, which he hadn’t necessarily intended. He needed to try and relax again. But it felt like he was wound too tightly, a rubber band whose elasticity was about to be pushed past its limit.
He didn’t know what would happen when the tension finally snapped.
He could see Tony watching him out of the corner of his eye, but he didn’t look at him again. He kept his eyes forward as they walked.
“Talk to me,” Tony encouraged, trying to reach for his hand again. When Peter didn’t pull away or react negatively, he laced his fingers with the teen’s. “What’s wrong, baby?”
Peter bit the inside of his cheek. Hard. He knew that he couldn’t explain it. There wasn’t a way to tell Tony about the drop without explaining the illusion. And obviously that wasn’t going to happen.
But what else could he say?
“I just feel kind of off. I don’t really know how to explain it.” Not technically incorrect. But he knew that it wasn't really the answer that his husband was looking for.
Tony’s eyes were burning holes into the side of his face. “I’m sorry for that, honey. And that’s completely okay, everybody has off days, but I just… But did I do something? Because it kinda seems like I did….”
Peter finally glanced over at him, expression softening at the look on Tony’s face. He’d taken off his sunglasses and seemed sincerely apologetic, despite not having a clue what he had done. And he looked worried, too. Worried about him. “I...it’s okay, Tony. It’s- You didn’t do anything.” Lie. “I’ll be fine. Just feeling weird today, like I said.”
“Okay….” Tony sighed softly, nodding. His fingers squeezed Peter’s hand lightly. He let his eyes rove over his husband’s face for a moment, looking like he had something else to say, the words poised on the tip of his tongue. But all he did was quirk the side of his mouth up in the slightest hint of a smile, though Peter could tell it wasn’t quite a real one, staying silent as they kept walking.
Peter was quiet too, keeping his eyes trained on the sidewalk as they made their way through the park. He knew that it wasn’t Tony’s fault that he hadn’t been there to take care of him. That was just the reality of their situation; they couldn’t be together all the time. But the teen couldn’t get past the fact that he just hadn’t been there to help at all, no matter whose fault it was. It stirred something deep down inside of Peter, something hurt and upset and desperate. Something he hadn’t really known was there before.
It was a feeling that he wished he could just force down, back to wherever it came from. Ignore it until it dissipated.
But he kept coming back to the complete hopelessness that he’d felt as he sat on the floor of the compound.
Exhausted, dirty, and disconnected. With no one there to help him get better. Abandoned. It felt like he would never feel happiness again. Desolate.
And on purpose or not, it was all Tony’s fault.
“Are you ever going to tell me what’s going on?”
Peter felt irritation flash hot through his veins. “What are you talking about, Tony? I just told you that it’s nothing, just a bad day. Just drop it.”
“I- That’s not what I mean, Peter, I’m sorry. It’s just that…” Tony squeezed his hand gently, taking a deep breath as he tried to search for the right words. “Well...I don’t know. I guess I’ve just been feeling weird too, kind of off? I realized that I don’t...remember much.” And the last thing that he could remember from before he and Peter got together wasn’t exactly something he wanted to dwell on.
The older man paused for a moment before speaking again. “I tried to ignore it because everything else felt...good. Perfect, even.” He gave his husband a small smile. His eyes betrayed him though, revealing his confusion and anxiety. “But then the thing that happened with your aunt…,” he trailed off. “Something’s happening and I can’t just pretend it’s all okay. Not anymore. Peter, what’s going on?”
Peter just looked at him, heart pounding. There was no way this was happening. Tony shouldn’t have remembered anything about what happened with May. He’d made sure of it... Hadn’t he? “What? Nothing is going on, Tony. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He just needed to try and manipulate the situation slightly, to ensure that this time Tony forgot all about the disaster with May.
Tony frowned at the panicked look that was overtaking Peter’s face, wanting answers but worried about causing his husband any distress, knowing that he was already feeling vulnerable. “Peter, I need you to tell me. Who...what am I, baby?”
Peter heard the words, but they didn’t register immediately. He just watched Tony, the way his mouth moved and how his expression went slightly...sad? Yes, he definitely looked sad.
But then his brain processed what the other man had said and it hit him.
Tony knew. He really knew.
How did he know?
“What?” Peter froze, pulling his hand away again as he slowly took a few steps back from Tony. Was that his voice? It sounded far-away, like he was disconnected from his body again. No, no, he wasn’t going to let that happen. He never wanted to feel like that ever again. He just had to focus and fix the situation. That’s all it was, just a small fix.
He closed his eyes, trying to focus long enough to make the small adjustment to the illusion. But he kept getting distracted by the distant feeling, and the reminder of his anger from before. It wasn’t working. He huffed out of frustration, dread prickling under his skin. Why wasn’t it working? “Tony, I don’t-“
“Please, Peter,” Tony said gently. His eyes flickered down to Peter’s hand that was now hanging limply by his side. He softly shook his head, looking back up at the teen. “I just want to know the truth, whatever it is. It’ll be-”
The rubber band snapped.
“Don’t you dare tell me it will be okay or fine or whatever the hell it is you're about to say!” Peter was all but yelling, unable to keep the bitterness and pain out of his voice. He stopped walking completely, turning to face the older man. His eyes were wild as he glared up at Tony before looking away as he continued to speak. “You have no fucking right to say that Tony, you have no idea how I feel! You don’t know what it’s like to try so hard and always end up so fucking alo-”
There was a loud sound, almost a pop, that caused his eyes to open again from surprise, having closed them as he blinked back tears of frustration. His head whipped around to see if the older man knew what was happening, concern overpowering his anger, when the words died in his throat.
Red. All Peter could see was deep, dark red, spreading across the fabric of Tony’s white t- shirt. And the shocked look on his husband's face, his eyes wide with disbelief as he moved a hand to feel the spot, just underneath his heart. Right under where the arc reactor used to be.
Tony had gotten shot.
But what? No. No, no, that wasn’t right. Tony couldn’t get hurt. He wasn’t supposed to get hurt. Peter was only trying to correct the things he had somehow overlooked, get rid of the memories the older man wasn’t supposed to have, not-
“Peter?” Tony’s voice was a mumble as he touched his fingers to his chest, pulling away with red stained tips.
“Tony,” the teen choked out, tears stinging in his eyes again. How the fuck had that happened? He didn’t- He hadn’t meant to do anything like that, Tony wasn’t supposed to get hurt. He couldn’t-
He couldn’t leave Peter again.
“I’m so sorry,” he choked out, the first tears falling. Peter pressed his hands to the wound on his husband’s chest in a weak attempt to rectify the situation. He shifted his body, easily supporting most of Tony’s weight as the man’s legs started to give out. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to do this. You’ve gotta believe me, Tony, I- I didn’t- I swear I didn’t mean to-”
Tony’s face was pale as he leaned his head on Peter’s shoulder, taking a shuddering breath. The sound terrified the younger man. “You didn’t...Peter, you didn’t do this.”
Peter shook his head quickly, choking back a pained cry. He didn’t want to believe that had done it. But there was no other explanation, how else would it happen? He was the only one with control in the illusion, despite the way he ‘let’ Tony be in charge during their scene the other day.
(Although that fact was seeming more and more questionable as time went on.)
He pushed Tony’s shirt up with a trembling hand after wiping his own eyes, looking blearily at the wound. It went clear through, back to front.
“Fuck, Tony,” he breathed, ignoring the blood that was dripping over his fingers. The sensation barely registered. He just needed Tony to be okay.
Maybe if he focused he could actually fix it. It had to work, there was no other option. He just... needed to focus without getting upset again. Because clearly that had only made things worse.
So much worse.
He tried to narrow his attention again, one hand pressed lightly over the injury and the other helping to support Tony as he closed his eyes. He was in control. He could make Tony better again.
Peter felt Tony’s hands cover his own and he opened his eyes, lashes still wet with tears that fought to spill over.
“I’ll be okay, baby,” the older man said quietly. He blinked slowly at Peter, trying to convey with his eyes that his trust in his husband was as strong as ever. “I know you’ll make sure I’m okay. You won’t let anything happen to me.” Maybe he didn’t know what exactly was going on, but Peter was obviously playing some sort of role in the things that were happening. He just wasn’t sure what. And trying to find out clearly hadn’t done him any good. “Let’s go home.” His voice trembled despite how he tried to sound calm.
Peter looked at him, breathing hard as he looked around. The park and the people around them carried on as if the past few minutes never happened, oblivious to the situation and his distress. Which he guessed was a good thing. Maybe. The contrast was jarring, regardless. “Home...yeah, let’s...go. We should go home.” He could keep trying to manipulate things on the way so that Tony would be okay and...maybe he’d actually get him to him to forget about everything that had happened on their walk.
He clung close to Tony, and he knew that he wouldn’t have been willing to let go of him even if he hadn’t needed to help him walk. He couldn’t. He had to make sure that his husband would be okay, and touching him allowed him some assurance that he was for the time being.
The teen regretted how angry and upset he’d been before. What happened hadn’t really been Tony’s fault and he knew that. It was all his. He’d known that the whole fucking time. It was just so easy to be hurt when he was alone and vulnerable like that.
But he wasn’t alone. At least not in Tony’s eyes.
Or… Or maybe he was since Tony was figuri-
No. He couldn’t think about that, thinking about that was only going to make things worse. He had to focus on Tony.
Despite his best efforts, spending the entire walk home watching Tony worriedly, Peter was unable to make any kind of progress in closing the wound in the older man’s chest. Tony’s body got heavier the closer they came to the tower, and by the time they reached the elevator, he was breathing shallowly as Peter supported all of his weight.
Grunting in pain as they stepped out into the foyer of the penthouse, Tony grit his teeth. “We gotta do something about this hole, Pete.” Sweat was rolling in beads down his forehead and back, soaking his already saturated shirt. “Don’t-,” he swallowed roughly, knuckles white as he clenched his fist. “Don’t wanna pass out.”
Peter nodded slowly, his reaction time slowed with his stress over the situation. Tony’s words made his heart go into overdrive again, because fuck. That was a fucking possibility, wasn’t it? Tony could lose consciousness- He could actually bleed out, even, despite the wound not being immediately fatal. Peter felt sick. “You need to stay awake,” he agreed quietly, voice shaking, unable to say the other words out loud.
If he remembered one thing from his own mishaps, it was that staying awake was vital with an injury. Especially such a serious one. Life-threatening. But he really didn’t want to think about it that way.
(Didn’t want to think about the way he’d felt cold as his eyes slipped shut on the dark train, body screaming with every breath, every pump of his heart, sure that he was dying. Sure that he’d get to be with Tony again-)
What was he supposed to do? Hell, what could he do? He clearly couldn’t get the wound closed by trying to mentally control the situation. (But why? Why was nothing working? The illusion was still up and running, so he obviously was still directing it.) So he needed to take another approach.
He wasn’t the best at doing stitches, only using them when he absolutely had to, on the wounds that he knew would take too long to heal, the ones that would catch May’s attention, but maybe that would have to do. He morbidly thought that at least he wouldn’t be the one feeling the pain this time. It probably wasn’t even the ideal response to the situation. Actual medical professionals would likely have other, more effective methods of intervention. Tony had a hole straight through his body. Peter didn’t care. It would have to do. He’d try just about anything to make Tony stop bleeding, at this point.
He silently guided Tony to their room, still supporting most of his weight as they walked. He was tempted to just hold the man in his arms, as it would certainly allow them to reach their destination faster, but he didn’t want to cause Tony any further discomfort by jostling him any more than what was necessary.
Once they were in the bedroom, he helped Tony sit down on the bed. Then once the older man seemed (relatively) comfortable, Peter reluctantly pulled away. Only to find a suture kit, but he still felt guilty.
The whole fucked up situation started because he felt alone, now he was leaving Tony alone when he needed Peter the most. Even if it was only for a couple of minutes.
Peter didn’t have to search for a kit long. Once he was able to focus, he made sure there would be one in the next drawer that he opened. Because of course there was, of course it worked. All he had to do was think of it, conjure it into existence.
Sure, he could make the equipment he needed appear on a mere whim, but he couldn’t save Tony from his own fuck up that he’d caused in the same way.
That was just fucking perfect.
He tried not to break the faucet as he turned the water on, frustration bleeding into anger.
As soon as he had the kit in his now clean hands, he rushed back to Tony’s side.
“How are you feeling now, baby?” Peter asked weakly, all of the fight that had built up in him in the bathroom disappearing at the sight of the older man. He didn’t know what he was hoping for. Maybe the wound had miraculously healed. A delayed reaction from what he’d tried earlier, or even just responding to his desperation. Anything.
Tony just gave him a pained expression, face somehow paler than it had been before. Not exactly promising. His eyes were glassy as he blinked up at Peter, mouth twitching when he grit his teeth.
“Okay...well, I found the first aid kit. So I can try to...try to fix this, okay?” Peter’s voice shook slightly despite his attempt to steady it. Even though he knew he was mostly talking to himself, he didn’t want Tony to know how afraid he was.
As if the panicked set of his eyes and the frantic way his once again blood-stained hands were jerking around trying to find something to do weren’t giving him away. He ripped Tony’s t-shirt in half, exposing his chest as he tried his best to wipe away the excess blood with some cloths he’d brought from the bathroom.
There was no real response from Tony, just a vague imitation of a nod and a grunt from the pain he was in.
Maybe… Maybe he could at least try and take away some of the pain first.
“Tony,” Peter said softly, lips trembling as he leaned down to press a kiss to his sweaty temple. “It’s gonna be okay.” He took a shaky breath, letting his eyes slip shut as he stayed in that position, curled around Tony’s body. He thought about the way he’d felt after those extra strength painkillers he’d received after his fight with Liz’s dad. The warm, thick, fuzzy feeling.
After a moment he opened his eyes again and sat up, gingerly pressing his fingers to the skin just to the side of the wound. “Can you,” he swallowed. “Can you f-feel that Tony?”
The older man groaned, squeezing his eyes shut. “Yes,” he bit out. “Of course I can feel that.” He took a labored breath. “Fuck, Pete, it hurts.” His voice was a whimper, or at least the closest thing to one the younger man had ever heard come from him.
Peter’s heart lurched in his chest and he immediately pulled his fingers away. Fuck, fuck, so he was going to have to do this without any kind of relief for Tony. “O-okay, okay,” he said unsteadily, mostly in an attempt to calm himself. He could do this.
He opened the kit that was beside them on the bed and pulled out a bottle of sterile water (there was alcohol too, but Peter knew that it would do more harm than good on such a deep wound) and a smaller kit with everything needed for suturing: suture thread, a needle driver, a couple different curved needles, and some scissors. There were forceps too, but he’d never had the patience for using them.
“This is, uh, this is probably gonna sting a bit, T, I’m sorry,” Peter whispered, looking up at Tony’s face as he uncapped the plastic bottle. “I’ll try to be quick, I p-promise.” All he got in response was another nod that was simultaneously jerky and sluggish. God, he was so out of it, and this was going to hurt so bad, Peter knew it. “Here, wait,” the teen rushed out after a moment, yanking his shirt off. “Open your mouth.”
Tony complied, making soft noises of discomfort as Peter placed some of the fabric in his mouth.
“Bite down on that, okay?” Taking a breath, Peter began to pour the clear liquid into the wound. He let out a pained cry of his own as Tony immediately began whimpering, the veins in his neck and head bulging as he pushed back against the pillows, teeth clenched around the bunched up t-shirt. “It’s okay,” Peter sobbed out, putting down the bottle and narrowly resisting the urge to run his hand through Tony’s sweat-soaked hair. He had to keep his hands as clean as possible. “It’s okay, Tony, I’m gonna fix it. I- I love you, I’m so sorry.”
Once he was satisfied that he wasn’t going to trap any bacteria inside Tony’s body, and Tony’s wails had quieted down to soft whines, Peter opened up the package of needles. He grabbed one that looked to be about the right size and threaded it with the suture line before securing it in the grip of the needle-driver. “Ok-kay Tony, here we go.”
His left hand manipulated the torn skin into the correct position while his right pushed the tip of the curved needle through. Peter gagged at the resistance he could feel, pausing and squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to breathe through the nausea. He had to do this, for Tony.
Peter placed a few interrupted sutures in the front of Tony’s chest, letting out a shaky sigh when the last was secured and the surface of the small wound was closed. He knew that the only reason Tony hadn’t yelled his throat raw was because his brain wasn’t processing the pain anymore. “You did so good, Tony,” he breathed as he blinked over at the man who was shuddering with his own labored breaths before looking down at his bloodied hands.
Sitting the tools down on the sterile pad he’d laid out, the young man’s hands moved to clutch at his husband. “Baby,” he said gently, voice calm now that he had fallen into the rhythm of his actions, satisfied now that he knew that he had a way to take care of Tony. A way to help him. He could take care of Tony the way he’d wanted Tony to take care of him. “I’m gonna roll you over now, okay? I need to stitch up the e-exit wound now, on your back. You’re doing so good, it’s all gonna be alright, T.”
After placing two stitches in the skin of Tony’s back, Peter took the kit back to the bathroom. He came back with a few warm, wet washcloths that he used to wipe the blood from his husband’s body.
Tony let out a soft whimper at the touch, his features crumpling in discomfort. “Pete,” he breathed, blinking wetly.
“I know,” Peter murmured softly. “But it’s all done now, you’re gonna be okay.” He went about settling the older man properly in the bed, stripping him of his jeans and pulling the sheet up over his legs and abdomen.
The blood-soaked comforter turned operating table had been pushed to the floor along with Tony’s shredded shirt, another blanket having been dragged out of the linen closet to be draped on top of the wounded man.
Peter sat down on the bed gently, right at Tony’s side. He wasn’t going anywhere else, this was where he needed to be. He had to take care of Tony. He wasn’t going to leave him alone.
One hand held onto his husband’s, the other finally moving to gently stroke through the older man’s hair. He knew that always tended to relax Tony when he was stressed.
Tony’s eyes slowly opened up to look at him, a slight smile tugging at his lips. Well, as much of one as he could manage. “Hey, baby...” He closed his eyes again. “Should’a been a doctor, Pete,” he sighed.
Peter tried to give him a smile back, but it was just as weak as the older man’s. The adrenaline that had allowed him to focus and successfully tend to Tony’s wounds was seeping out of him, leaving him feeling drained and overwhelmed once more. “Hey, Tony. How are you feeling?” There was a pit in his stomach as he waited for an answer. He was worried that Tony would hate him once his head was finally clear from the pain. He couldn’t lose Tony here too, he couldn’t-
Tony being alive but wanting nothing to do with him would be even worse than the man dying again.
As he started panicking, Peter completely missed Tony’s answer. He was lost in his own thoughts as he spiraled further and further into the chaos in his mind.
Tony’s hand lightly squeezing his brought him back to the present, grounding him. The older man always knew just what he needed. “Peter? You okay, honey?”
“What? I’m- yeah, I’m fine.” A huge lie. But he didn’t need Tony to worry about him. All his husband needed to worry about was healing and getting better. “How are you feeling?” He repeated his question.
“I already answered that.” Tony laughed weakly, making a face when his chest throbbed at the action. “You keep spacing out on me, baby. I’m feeling alright, not too bad. It takes a lot to get me down.”
That was definitely true on some level, at least. It seemed like Tony would keep fighting no matter what. The reactor, the palladium poisoning Rhodey had told him about, the...the stones. It was both endearing to Peter, the way the man persevered despite the damage done to his body, and completely terrifying. Although he’d thought he wouldn’t have to worry about the terrifying part here in the illusion.
But Tony got hurt anyway.
The older man shook Peter out of his thoughts once again when he started speaking. He was frowning softly, and Peter could tell that it was half playful and half genuine concern. “Why are you just sitting there? Come here. If you’re banishing me to be in bed, you can at least lay here with me.”
Peter slowly nodded, moving to lay down next to the other man. He remained on top of the covers to be sure he stayed clear of Tony’s injury, not wanting to hurt him, but still cuddling up to him as best he could. He couldn’t stay away. The mere thought of being away from Tony made the panic in his chest rear its head again.
And the regret. The guilt.
He’d fucked up. He knew he did. Everything that had happened was all his fault.
But he could fix it. And it would actually work this time. He was in control of his actions, he could handle some of the issues directly. He’d care for Tony while he healed, try to figure out what the disconnect was with his influence on the illusion, and make him forget all about this horrible situation. And he’d be sure to take away memories of the confrontation from May that set the entire thing into motion
Peter knew that he could fix everything. It had to be possible. He still had control over the situation, and Tony was going to be absolutely fine after some TLC.
He just needed to do some more patching on EDITH’s neural pathways within the STARKER program.
That would surely take care of things.
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writing-the-end · 4 years
LoL Chapter 39- Periapts
A Wizard Hermits tale (AU, designs, ideas belongs to @theguardiansofredland)
How many hermits does it take to find protection amulets? And not bring home even more junk like a target run? And what do they do when the Guild of Gedeon discovers them?
“Grian, those shoes are worthless for you- you already have wings!” Iskall waves his arms, exasperated by his shopping buddies. In the midst of the Redland bazaar, the hermits have separated out to find supplies they both need and could use. Iskall tones himself down as two Gedeons walk by, the entire area going quiet and watching as the council guildmembers march on. What are they doing in Redland?
“Yeah, but you don’t. You guys could use it though!” Grian buys the sandals without second thought, and without haggling for the price. Mumbo groans. They have yet to even purchase a protection or repelling item- or any amulet. He’s not sure if Grian understands saving money, and can only look away, across the busy, bustling bazaar to see who else is having better luck. 
Hypno can’t help but play with the dowsing rods in his hands, only for xB to grab one rod before the two pieces can cross paths. “Those aren’t a toy, give me those things. Do you want to summon a storm?”
“It could be useful! A big storm to battle off a husk storm!”  Hypno grins, before patting his hands against his friend’s shoulder. “It’s alright, man, we can grab some talismans right after this. But this is too cool to pass up!” 
Together, with xB’s innate kipling knowledge of enchantments, they pick out a few talismans. Wards against harm and unfortunate thoughts. Removing the law of attraction, or at least easing it. Two of the talismans were mass produced, before xB advised Hypno that unique amulets were likely stronger, picking through boxes and glass cases full of strange, vibrant pieces. 
But it doesn’t take long for xB to get distracted on his own. Reeling back when he sees it. “Whoa, I didn’t know these still existed! I thought the last of the moodium ores have died out!”
“But xB, we’re supposed to be looking for amulets.” Hypno mimics xB, but he’s grinning. “What even is it?” 
“It’s a mood ring!” xB’s voice rises and falls to make it sound mysterious. 
Hypno isn’t much impressed. “You mean the trinkets you get from the candy store as a kid?” 
“No! Those were inspired by real mood rings. Watch this.”  xB slips the ring on, and covers the pink, round cut gem and closes his eyes. Hypno snickers, watching for the stone to change color just because of xB’s body heat. His snicker fades, lip quivering as he feels globs of hot tears fall from his eyes. What the hell, why is he crying? Why does he feel so sad? 
“You…” xB’s grin and a wiggle of his bejeweled finger is all he needs to see to know what’s happened. “Asshole! You changed my emotions!” 
“No, I didn’t. You were already sad about something, I just amplified that. I also can smell that you didn’t brush your teeth this morning.” xB covers his nose, pulling off the ring before taking a deep, relieving breath. 
Hypno isn’t sure what he’s sad about, but it was obviously there. He wipes away the tears, large droplets and streams down his cheeks. Ruining his cool guy attitude, just crying in some random shop in the middle of a bazaar. He looks around for something to raise his epic points, but becomes distracted when he sees three Gedeons roughing up a shopkeep, demanding some kind of council tax he never heard of. In fact, all of the bazaar is quieter than other times he’s been to Redland. As if a nightmare patrols with Sidero’s henchmen. Perhaps that’s what saddens him. Even here, the Council’s influence is felt. 
Further down, nestled in an arcade offshoot, Ren, Jevin, and Cleo are in the middle of an intense battle. Not with swords or magic, but words. 
“300 rupees.” Cleo declares, holding up the protection talisman. The sigilized stone dangles in the air, twisting and casting it’s armoring gaze out on the bazaar.
“800, little lady.” The portly merchant reaches out, threading his fingers around the cord and starts to pull it back.
“350, and you get to keep your fingers for calling me a lady.” Cleo lays her other hand on the hilt of her sword, smiling a demure grin, her sickly green skin stretching for him to see. 
“Fine.” The merchant untangles himself from the fight and the amulet, grumbling under his breath as he takes the money from Jevin’s outstretched hand. “I dunno why people are suddenly buyin’ up all the protection amulets. There some kinda guild war about to break out?” 
“Not exactly.” Ren snickers, before trodding out of the tent and back into the sunlight. If he were on Eremita, he’d stretch out and sunbathe, sunglasses perched just so that he can see the clouds make their own creations in the sky. His daydream is ruined, however, when he feels a rap against his rear, tail tucking between his legs. 
“Hey boy, wanna get the stick?” Jevin teases, waving a snarled old staff for Ren. 
The mixed-up mage isn’t amused- though, the werewolf in him does make his heart beat in excitement to chase a stick. “My dude, I’m not even a real werewolf. I just know I rock a tail and ears.” 
Cleo shakes her head. “This is ridiculous. Who would waste 2000 rupees on some stick? These merchants are out of their mind. Now I see why Scar left his home.” 
“That’s not just ‘some stick’ li-” The merchant stops when a flash of metal glints against the sun, backing up until Cleo sheathes her sword again. “I- it’s a shift stick. It’s a one time use, takes the holder back in time a minute. A do over, a chance to fix a mistake. Perhaps even more useful than any stone necklace. One of a kind, and for such… unique customers like you, I’ll lower the price to 1500 rupees.” 
Jevin pulls out 5 gold rupees, before Ren and Cleo can say anything, and clutches the stick. “Totally worth it.” 
“How do we even know if it works?” Ren isn’t sure if it does exactly what it claims to do. They may have bought the most expensive branch in the world, but Jevin refuses to let it go. 
“We can ask Xisuma. He can check or something, he’s a smart guy.” Jevin shrugs. They have enough money, especially with how well Cleo’s haggling has gone. They could buy three shift sticks with the money they’ve been given, and still have enough to buy even more talismans. 
The three wander along the bazaar, meeting with other hermits on their way. BDubs and Keralis show off an entire chest of shielding stones, while Scar is laden with more golden amulets than anyone. When Cleo presses him on how he managed to find so many unique and powerful charms, he only smiles. “I know a thing or two about the trade business.” 
“Those are the dragon spirits on them.” Cub points out the twisting, dancing dragon. Without wings and the white pearl accents, it’s easy to identify which of the spirits is depicted. Ashtios, the Northern Wind Dragon. Another depicts winged dragons, finned dragons, sheared dragons. Fire, water, and earth. The spirits and sages that aided the gods to create the earth, and who provide median between the two realms. Nothing is more protective than a dragon, and they can feel the strength in the spell of each amulet. 
Down the bazaar, the hermits jump at the sound of metal clashing and magic being cast. Followed by yelling, Keralis and Doc are chased from a shop. The shopkeep waves her broom at the two. “What kind of freak eats a bug in the middle of my store! Get back here you cretins!” 
Doc’s gruff snicker is only matched by Keralis’s whimper. “But it was gonna help us. It was just a noisy locust.” 
The two escape from the bazaar, disappearing into the crowds of Redland. BDubs points in the direction his friends just escaped, blinking away confusion. “Should we be concerned about them?” 
“Keralis is with Doc, he’ll be fine.” Xisuma waves. “Besides, their grown men.” 
“Looks like we weren’t the only ones who got distracted by other goods.” Cleo nods her head at the books in X’s arms. 
Xisuma looks offended by the statement, and stutters over his breath to explain himself. ‘The-these are ancient works! They could have important information about dark magic!” He looks at the stick Jevin’s holding. “What kinda crap are we bringing home now?” 
“We have flying shoes.” Iskall holds them aloft, Grian preening the white feathers flat against the golden laces. 
“Dowsing rods and a mood ring.” xB keeps the metal rods far away from Hypno, who seems all too keen on starting up a hurricane in the city.
“And what we hope is a stick that can turn back time.” Jevin holds it up. “Otherwise I’m going to use this stick to beat that merchant for lying.” 
Lucky for Jevin and the merchant, Xisuma can feel the magic in the whorls of the wood. “I’ll say, these are all pretty impressive. Useless for our cause but… temporal magic is difficult. Were all our rupees wasted on things we didn’t intend to buy?” 
“Not the Convex!” Cub grins, hefting the smaller of the duo over his head, blue embers gleaming from their eyes. “We have enough protection amulets to destroy whatever Dolios got!” 
Xisuma opens his mouth to answer, but another voice cuts through the air, his own faltering and fading against his mask. “Now what reason could you have to go against Magistrate Dolios?” All of the hermits turn, seeing a squadron of members from the Guild of Gedeon, red tassels that mimic the Council’s golden ones fluttering in the wind. Behind them, the broom wielding merchant sticking her tongue out at the hermits. “Wait a minute- I think I’ve seen these scum before.” The center mage points at Mumbo. “You beat me in the duel!” 
Xisuma meets his gaze with TFC, both with their eyes wide. Behind him, Iskall rolls up his sleeves and snaps his gloves tight, ready for a fight. Mumbo’s fraught voice whispers out from beneath his mustache. “No one bought any smoke bombs, did they? Anyone?”
The guildmembers hear his words, and three magic circles rise. Mumbo shrieks and hides behind Grian. “Why did we have to send our two best fighters to Alphasgard?” 
Wind blusters against the hermits, tearing flags against their poles and sending the bazaar into chaos. Grian’s wings open, flight feathers brushing against the stone walls on both sides of the bazaar. He beats his wings down, and a gale force wind sends the bucket-headed goons of the Council knocking into one another, rolling down and into the mudcaked gutter. “Alright, I think the shopping spree is over guys. Time to bounce!” 
One second, the head mage is on his feet, the next he’s collapsed on the floor, snoring. Hypno’s wild purple magic circle twists in his hand, eyes blank and full of sleep while he searches his own mind. Digging through his dreams. The other two wizards slip their way out from the gutter, sharp spines of one’s spell driving forward like horns of a bull. But a dense fog appears in the midday sun. 
It’s also bright blue. Beef turns, taking the sudden cover as his chance to escape. All of the hermits follow suit, though Joe remains a few paces behind to follow Hypno. “Blue fog that smells faintly of cotton candy...I would love to study your psyche and dreams one day, my dear friend Hypno.”
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