#and talking about books
whereimfeminine · 3 years
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No one asked, but I also blew through my reading goal this year (which I think was like.... 15). Finished my last book of the year (the mercies) tonight, which made for 51.  Also tried to read a lot more contemporary fiction than I usually do, I generally read nonfiction and out of date books I can get at a used book store.. alas.  Here are 10 of my favorites, not in a specific order.  If you want to share your top ones too, pls consider yourself tagged! 
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chainsaw-dick · 2 years
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alatariel-galadriel · 2 years
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“Jason? Is there a reason you’re dragging that man?”
“He’s unconscious. Makes walking hard.”
love that jason is a pedantic lil shit in every universe
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glitterghost · 2 years
Being ace can be pretty isolating at various times, for varying reasons that I don't feel like I have to explain because if you are ace, you probably get it.
#asexual#ace#pride#vague post but you know..*gestures to nothing*#i dont think i even need to expand on this#aromantic#could be thrown into this as well#things are just sometimes frustrating when people dont get it#if you read tags cook bc here we go a bit#there is always this talk of being left behind or being forgotten about or whatever#and yeah its true and when things happening almost in succession that makes it even more aware and apparent that yeah you kinda do get left#behind a bit*#so many ppl want marriage and or kids and its like#what about the people that want to hold on to things as they currently are?#to friends and books and cats and fictional feelings#and the way some ppl you know talk about how people gradual drift apart?#like thats a full on decision#thats not always a mutual thing#people leave at times and another person that might not be ready to end that connection with a person has to navigate their way through it#on their own#but like society is so weird to people that dont want the predictable life path#as you get older questions become are you married#do you have kids like its expected#where are the questions like whats the latest book youve read#whats your current favorite fandom#what makes you happy or brings you joy or whats a good thing about today?#not sure where im cycling down into with this bc theres too much to touch on#but not everyone wants sex or kids or marriage or crippling responsibilities of adulthood#sometimes we just want a hobbit hole to disappear into#a friend to text or pizza to eat or something funny to laugh at
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egophiliac · 2 years
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this started as a reply to someone but got out of hand when I remembered what Trey’s unique magic does, and therefore what the cutest solution to white queen Riddle would be 🌹
and then it very quickly spiraled out of control
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eggdrawsthings · 2 years
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drop dead gorgeous 😌❤
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theflurtifly · 3 years
u guys know theres other movies and books than hp right. like you dont need to and cannot "find ways to read/watch hp without supporting jkr". unless youre literally doing literary research, engaging with it knowing about jkrs shittiness is a form of support. fucking read something else
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tio-trile · 2 years
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Gideon the Ninth sketches I did while reading and still trying to figure out what everybody looks like
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icannotgetoverbirds · 2 years
Fat people deserve better.
We are not repulsive. We are not vile. We are not appalling.
We are people.
If my existence "promotes obesity"? Good!
You want to know why?
I am not promoting the idea that someone should become obese. I am not going to attempt to police someone else's body and lifestyle like sizeist people do.
I am promoting the idea that people of all sizes are deserving of the bare minimum of basic human respect.
This should not be a radical idea. This should not be something we have to fight about.
99% of the time? Being fat is not a choice. And you know what? Even if it was - even if I was shoving big macs into my greasy fucking maw every 2 hours?
I would still be deserving of basic decency.
I would still be deserving of proper medical care that takes into account things other than my size and diet.
I would still be deserving of comfort, of clothing that fits.
You want to know the worst part of all of this?
Fat kids deserve better, and all too often, they don't get it.
Fat kids deserve to be able to be active without being mocked for the way their body moves.
Fat kids deserve to be seen as children rather than medical problems that need solving.
Fat kids deserve clothing that fits them and makes them feel good about themselves.
Fat kids deserve to eat, and to eat good food.
Fat kids deserve to eat cake at birthday parties like everyone else.
Fat kids deserve to go trick-or-treating like all the other kids.
Fat kids deserve love. Fat kids deserve respect.
Fat kids deserve a proper childhood without having to pay a toll of trying to change their bodies.
Fat kids deserve acceptance for their bodies as they are and as they will be - not pleasantries about how they'll grow up to be skinny, so they don't need to learn to love themselves before then.
Fat people deserve better.
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aaronstveit · 3 years
i know it’s been said before but no book character will literally ever be as iconic as peeta “if it weren’t for the baby” mellark. like in book 1 when he confesses to having a crush on katniss on live television, that’s strategic. he knows he won’t win the games but he can help keep katniss safe and send her home and get district 12 a victor. but in book 2 he’s like “well we’re all gonna die and there’s no stopping the games so i’m just gonna fuck shit up and make every capitol official’s life a living hell for as long as i can” and then he does. nobody is doing it like him
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foundfamilynonsense · 2 years
Can I just say this really quick? I read the Percy Jackson series as a 12 year old blonde girl.
(A 12 year old blonde girl with dyslexia and ADHD, no less.)
Blonde Annabeth means nothing to me. I have never felt disrespected by some sort of dumb blonde stereotype… i have been blonde (with dyslexia and ADHD) my entire life and never called a dumb blonde. In fact, I think the struggles I’ve had with My learning disabilities have been softened because I was a little blonde girl and people were patient with me. The stereotype just doesn’t exist anymore if it ever did. I do not need Annabeth to be blonde, I do not want Annabeth to be blonde. No one needs Annabeth to be blonde.
Now Black Annabeth. Now that’s the good shit. That enriches her arc. That makes so much sense. What a good idea. I honestly can’t think of a single black character with learning disabilities. If they do it right? I can’t fucking wait.
So anyone saying that Annabeth was important to little blonde girls hurt by the dumb blonde stereotype? Do not believe them. I was the little girl they are trying to use as a scapegoat and I could have cared less, even back then. When I was 11 I did not need a blonde role model. You know what I needed? A black protagonist I could relate to. I needed to be exposed to the racism little black girls face. I was ignorant as fuck back then, probably still am. Black Annabeth would have helped me. And it will help black girls who are still looking for positive, smart representation.
So anyway anyone who’s against Black Annabeth can stay away from me please thank you goodnight.
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before i got into comics, i never understood why comic book fans were so angry about everything. like why? calm the fuck down
and then i got into comics and now my conversations start like this:
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i’m sorry, i get it now
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wheatormeat · 2 years
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I HATE it when girls die
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"You are different."
"How so?"
"Look at everyone else. They are merely words while you are poetry."
Timothy Joshua
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aszmxm · 2 years
"أحب الحديث معك رغم أني لا أملك ما أقول.“
“I love talking to you, even though I have nothing to say.”
~Mahmoud Darwish
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fairycosmos · 3 years
i like when men think you’re mysterious and quiet but really they just didn’t ask you any questions about yourself at all
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