#and tbh i’m just over the stunting
larrylimericks · 2 years
With scenes that showcase his bedmates, ‘Massive Orgy!!’ is how most fixate; But it’s just pillow fights And little spoon rights And one private, romantic, male date.
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diejager · 11 months
who's the cruelest yandere out of the cod men in your opinion 😵‍💫 i wanna say price, but i'm interested in your own view!! ☄️🫣
Hmmmm I, honestly, never put much thought to who’s the cruelest of the bunch, but I am inclined to agree with you.
We all know Price, he’s an authoritative figure, he’s a Captain after all. With the rank and power of a captain, plus how successful his missions are, I’d say he’s also very respected. And we all know how respectable people hide dark secrets, no?? Price can be nice, but he can be as mean and cruel as he’s nice. He can be really cruel if he wants to, he doesn’t have a clean slate either, not with that stunt he pulled in MW1.
In my opinion, if given the opportunity (either as a yandere or simple a dark character) he’d be down right cruel, he’s a captain, he gets what he wants and what he wishes. With rank comes power, and with that, not much can stop him. He can still be sweet and soft, as any man, but he doesn’t shy from degrading and spanking. He might actually enjoy spanking, with a bit - a lot - of rope and handcuffs, it lets him have a lot more of control over you.
I’d put König somewhere behind Price tbh, he’s higher in ranking and power than Price, but he doesn’t do much about it, since PMC’s work differently than the military. I will say, however, that he can be rough and mean, cruel in a possessive way to show you who you belong to and who owns you. Bullying and possessiveness has a link in psychology (or so I’m told), and that just adds to the fire that makes König mean and imposing.
He’d definitely use his height and weight against you, pinning and degrading you in the cruelest way he can, a bully of some sort, but one just for you. König’s a dark man, as well, keeps his secret as close to his heart as he keeps his face hidden under his veil. He’s real physical, being bullied means that no one really wanted to be associated with him for fear of receiving the same treatment, so he grew up as a lonely kid. Which fuelled his possessiveness and jealousy. He’s extremely touch starved, it makes him like the thought of owning and belonging to someone physically and mentally.
Soap is third on the list, since he’s a bit more reckless and rowdy. He likes having his way, with how headstrong and boisterous he is, it’s at least expected that he likes getting what he wants. He’s not exactly cruel in a hitting or verbal way. He’s more of a “push over the limit” kind of cruel. He forgets your limit with how enthusiastic he is and it goes from nice to mean.
He’s not necessarily doing it on purpose, he’s just too enthusiastic! He’s a giver, but might give too much. And too much of good becomes bad. He’s a tad bit rough, beard burns and bruises, but he truly means no harm. He loves physically, kisses and hugs, hard hugs but only to show how much he loves you. Even as a darker character, he might be slightly more violent and degrading, but remember, he’s still headstrong and honest in the remake.
I put Ghost farther down cuz, well, he’s lived in a toxic household with an abusive father. He knows what it is to be hit, to be thrown around and to be berated for something he was innocent of. So while he is cruel to others, blunt and brutal with his words, he won’t raise a hand or his voice against you. It’s true that some of those that were abused grow up to become a cruel, callous and cold person, but that’s why he joined the military. It helps him control his sudden bursts of anger rather than taking it out on someone he cares about.
Even as a yandere or a morally grey character, if he learns to love someone, he’s not going to act out abusively. He knows what a toxic environment does to a person. He’s a soft carer, showing that he cares by memorizing your habits, your preferences, your little kinks and anything that makes you quirky. He might be a bit rough and mean, but he’d specify that he means none of it. After care is really, really important.
Lastly, Gaz, meh bby. Couldn’t do wrong in my mind. He’s precious and adorable. He’s dependable and likes to be praised and appreciated. I find it hard to imagine Gaz as someone cruel and demeaning. He likes being acknowledge for the things he’s done well, being given kisses and loving words. He’s a soft lover, he cares and gives a lot, but he loves being told how good he is.
We see how compassionate he is when he was first introduced in MW1, he doubts and hesitates, but always wants to help do good. He might have a slightly grey moral compas, but it’s extremely light when compared to Price and Ghost. He wants to help and means good, might be the reason he joined the military. Being strong and reliable to the person he cares about, to love you with all he can give. He’s not mean or degrading, unless you ask him to play the part, he won’t.
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haikyuubby · 1 year
𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 - 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬!
❀ , ☼ - featuring: death the kid, soul, blackstar, maka, tsubaki, liz, patty, and crona.
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death the kid
• good luck
• in a relationship, he’d want you to look as symmetrical as possible to him. (i’m outta luck 😍)
• he’s the typa guy to lint roll ur clothes if he sees a piece of dog or cat hair on them.
• dtk is definitely anxious and an overthinker in a relationship
• his love language is gift giving
• he’s not really into too much pda, but if someone starts eyeing you when you’re with him, he’ll start holding your hand or put his arm around your waist.
• he def needs a s/o who has a lot of patience.
• overall he’d be a pretty good boyfriend
• basic teenage boy
• what more can i say
• likes pda
• his love language is physical touch
• he def always have a arm around your shoulder or waist most the time
• he likes when you take care of him
• yk making sure he’s okay, tending to his wounds and such
• he’d be a pretty chill bf, he is the jealous type tho
• slightly annoying boyfriend
• maybe more than slightly
• but if you’re already dating him you should know about his…beaming personality by now
• he’s always doing things to impress you
• like crazy stunts and trying to fight randos
• he def gets super worried abt you if you get hurt or sick
• very protective over you
• love language is words of affirmation
• he’s also another jealous type
• and immature
• but super loving
• a good s/o
• puts all her trust in you to do the right things, have her back, etc
• not really the jealous type but if she does happen to get jealous, she’ll be quiet about it
• she’ll cook, clean, basically do anything for you
• she loves when you compliment her, anything about her tbh
• not really too into pda, but a little hand holding and hugging is okay.
• her love language is a mix of gift giving and words of affirmation
• very good gf
• she doesn’t rlly get jealous because she trusts you and she knows that she has nothing to worry about
• her love language is physical touch
• she loves when you hold her hand or when you give her small kisses on the cheek
• she loves it when you rake your hands through her hair
• she also loves when you feel her up (🤭)
• overall she’s pretty chill, but she does get nervous about some things
• and any time she does, she goes to you right away.
• very mature
• she is just simple in a relationship
• like don’t lie, don’t cheat, and it’s all good
• she knows when she’s in the wrong, and she’ll call you out for the same thing too.
• only gets jealous when it’s justified
• like if someone started flirting with you right in front of her
• her love language is quality time
• good gf
• she’s just a ray of sunshine tbh
• only time y’all have relationship problems is when she feels like you aren’t giving her enough attention
• her love language is physical touch
• she’s always on you in some way
• her favorite way to be on you is by piggyback riding
• she doesn’t rlly get jealous tbh
• she don’t think of things that deeply 😭
• oh my
��� VERY anxious s/o
• they don’t rlly know what to do
• for like anything
• so crona’s always like “Am I doing this wrong?” when it comes to ANYTHING in the relationship
• def needs a s/o that can give lots of reassurance and has patience.
• crona would get jealous often, and it would be obvious
• love language is def quality time
• you just have to be patient with crona, if something happens and they don’t understand what they did wrong, you’d just need to be able to explain everything in GREAT detail so crona understands.
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quiltedgold · 2 years
baby blues - jimmy mcgill
pairing: jimmy mcgill x f!reader
genre: smut. 18+ please
wc: 2.9k
contains: unprotected sex (ALWAYS WRAPPIT BEFORE YA TAPPIT KIDS), age gap (early/mid20s reader), use of pet names “sugar”, “kid”, and “sweetheart”, hint of sub!jimmy if ya squint but both him and reader are switchy tbh, gratuitous eye description because gahdayum bob odenkirk’s eyes are MESMERIZING, ya that’s p much it
notes: back from the dead to share my silly lawyer smutfic with the world. haven’t finished bcs yet, so this takes place early s1! don’t take this too seriously because i didn’t either :) more ppl gotta get crackin on the jimmy fic train tho bc there’s a sad lack of content. anyway enjoy!
The first thing you noticed about Jimmy McGill were his eyes. Entrancingly blue, fringed with dark, delicate lashes. They drooped slightly at the outer corners, giving him that sad-puppy look. Even through the TV screen and newspaper article, his eyes stood out.
His other features weren’t too hard on your eyes either: that cutely crooked mouth that moved a mile a minute when it wasn’t screwed up in thought, a nice strong nose, neat hairstyle with a stubborn cowlick that you noticed him brushing aside out of habit. And of course, the gentle lines of his face, mouth, and under his eyes that only added to the basset-hound look he had going.
You weren’t sure it was him at first–the hero you’d seen on TV, a lawyer who scaled a billboard to rescue a worker in danger. The paper had gotten a kick out of his heroic stunt and you’d seen his face on the front page the very next day. Yet here he was now, across the bar, alone and nursing a drink, and the similarities were undeniable. This definitely was Jimmy McGill.
And gee, was he handsome. Normally you’d end it there; text your friends with an omg you guys guess who i saw at the bar?? and move on, but you already had a few drinks coursing through your system, were a few stale weeks out of a breakup, and ready to try something new.
You grabbed your purse and scooted off the barstool, adjusting your skirt and checking your top before strolling over to where he was sitting.
“Hi, this seat taken?”
Jimmy started upon hearing your voice, shaken out of whatever trance he’d been in, and blinked a few times. Your heart skipped upon having those eyes, those gorgeous blue eyes trained on your own. “Huh? Oh. No, no. Be my guest,” he gestured at the empty seat.
You thanked him and slid on to it, signaling the bartender over.
“I’ll take a martini, please.”
“That can go on my tab–thanks,” Jimmy said to the bartender.
“Oh, thanks! You didn’t have to.” You flashed your most charming smile at him, and he perked up a little. Always worked.
“My pleasure. I gotta say, though, you look a little young to be at a bar.”
You wave his implication away with a roll of your eyes. “I’m legal, I promise. Just young for my age, that’s all.”
“Hm,” he smiled. “Alright, miss…?” You supplied your name in response, and he repeated it. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”
“You might laugh at me for this, I’m sure you get it all the time…” you tucked a hair behind your ear, glancing at your shoes demurely. “I thought I recognized you from that news story. Jimmy McGill, right?”
Jimmy illuminated. “That’s me, alright! Though I gotta admit, the hero stuff is more of a part-time gig,” he said with a wink. “My day job is law.”
“Law, huh?” You knew this. You’d already looked him up. Still, you pretended to be surprised and a little impressed. “Wow. What would I have to do to get you as my lawyer?”
He chuckled, face a little pink, either from the alcohol he’d already consumed or your shameless flirt. “Just don’t go falling off any billboards.”
“That’s probably a good start,” you said.
Your drink arrived, and then your second and third as the two of you continued your conversation. Jimmy was sweet–a charmer, but you sensed there was a lot that was genuine about the way he listened to you speak and avoided flicking his gaze down to your cleavage, despite how much you wanted him to. As heat collected in your stomach from the alcohol and your growing attraction to him, you stopped listening to the anecdotes he supplied and began paying more attention to his hands, the ring on his pinky, the way he placed one hand on your knee and began rubbing his thumb lightly on your bare skin, how the pads of his fingers were just slightly rough and how nice his touch felt, how his soft blue eyes bored into yours.
Eventually, you reached your limit.
“How would you feel about getting out of here?” you interrupted, voice low and suggestive.
With no hesitation, he replied. “Best idea I’ve heard all day.”
Before you knew it, the two of you tumbled out of a taxi and through the door of Day Spa and Nail (weird place to live, but hey, who were you to judge?). Jimmy locked the door behind the two of you and then stopped rather awkwardly in the lobby, dragged out of his inebriated haze by his surroundings. The room was dimly lit, the only light coming from the back area and the curtain of fairy lights decorating the door. It was cozy, but he seemed more embarrassed by it than anything.
You sensed this change immediately and approached him to rectify it, backing him slowly against the glass front of the store.
“Do you bring girls here a lot?” you said, one hand toying with the collar of his dress shirt.
“Can’t say that I do,” he chuckled sheepishly. “Couldn’t tell ya why. Maybe it’s the decor.”
“I, for one, like the open floor plan,” you hummed, sliding your hand down to his tie, playing with the tail of it. “Don’t mind the full length window, either.”
Jimmy swallowed. “We can always head to the back, if you want. This is a little public.”
“You know what?” you said, tilting your head. “I kind of like it that way.”
Gripping the knot of Jimmy’s tie, you tugged, leading his face down to your level, and captured his lips in your own. He groaned, melting into the kiss and bringing his own hands up to cradle your head, knotting his fingers in your hair.
The sound sent shivers down your spine and you opened your own mouth a little wider, returning his pleased noises with a few of your own.
Jimmy, without breaking the kiss, spun you so that you were the one backed against the glass. He pressed his body into yours, deepening the kiss and caressing your jaw with deft fingers.
“Shit, kid,” he huffed in between kisses. “Definitely wasn’t expecting this to be how I ended out the night.”
“From the moment I noticed you across the bar, this is how I wanted it to,” you returned lowly, pressing an open-mouthed kiss below his ear.
“Ah, geez,” he said (if you didn’t know any better, you’d say whimpered), breaking away to hold your face in his hands and examine your blown-out eyes. “Look, not like I’m complaining or anything, but why me? Why not someone your own age? I mean, you’re so gorgeous, you could get anyone you wanted, honest.”
“I’ve never much been into guys my age,” you admitted. “Not daddy issues or anything like that, just… older men are more attractive to me, that’s all. And bonus points if they’re famous.”
“Famous,” Jimmy repeated. “Don’t say that, it’ll go straight to my head.”
“Good,” you said, carding a hand through his hair with an experimental tug at the roots. “That’s where I want it to go.”
Jimmy keened, diving back in for another kiss. Meanwhile, you were at the perfect vantage point to observe the salon, and it caused another idea to blossom.
“Any desire for a massage?” you asked, and steered him over to the row of chairs. “We don’t have to pay for these, right?”
“No, no. But why…?” he asked, squinting.
“Sit down. I’ll show you,” you instructed.
He obeyed without further question, loosening his tie and situating himself in one of the plush seats. You grabbed a remote and quickly figured out the controls, setting his chair at a low setting, then set it aside.
He watched you curiously, waiting for your next move. Flicking your eyes towards his crotch, you couldn’t help but notice the tautly stretched fabric. You licked your lips.
As smoothly as possible, you slipped off your shoes and climbed into his lap, straddling his form with one of your legs on either side. You watched his face as you positioned your core right over his crotch, wiggling a little for good measure, and he gasped.
“Ah, shit, kid…” he groaned, hardness pressing up against you. “Sorry, lemme adjust myself–”
You grabbed the hand he’d moved downwards to shift his erection by the wrist and brought it up to your mouth.
Slowly, slowly, you slipped his pointer finger into your mouth, lathing over the callused skin with your tongue and teeth. He moaned at the sensation as you added another finger, then three.
To be frank, his erection’s throbbing presence against your clothed heat was making it near impossible to focus on the task at hand.
You removed his hand from your mouth and pressed yourself against his chest, laying a feather light hand against his jaw and whispering, “I want you to fuck me, Jimmy McGill.”
“Jesus, kid,” he hissed. “You’re gonna be the death of me.”
The two of you scrambled to undo his pants and shift his boxers aside to free his dick, your panties not far behind. You didn’t even bother to shuck your skirt off, instead allowing his large hands to shimmy it up to your waist, squeezing at the softness there with a whimper.
“Wait, wait a sec, do you have a…” He palmed his forehead, flushed pink and sweaty.
You hovered over his rock-hard erection, teasing the tip of him at your entrance. “I’m safe. I’d rather you fuck me raw. Is that okay with you?”
“Is that okay? Jesus, what a question. Yes, absolutely, just please, please, I don’t think I’ve ever wanted something so badly in my life,” Jimmy begged, hands falling to your thighs and squeezing hard, resisting the urge to buck upwards into you.
You paused a moment before committing, drinking in the sight beneath you. Jimmy McGill, looking positively debauched. Unkempt hair, cheeks the color of cherries, a light sheen of sweat shining in the warm ambient lighting. His eyes were the definition of puppy-dog, the sweetest blue you’d ever seen, swimming with want, eyelashes fanned across his lids as he blinked heavily. The first few buttons of his shirt were undone, and almost without thinking, you dipped your fingers inside and trailed them down the light hair on his chest. He sucked in a shuddery breath.
“One more time?” you asked. Jimmy understood.
“Please,” he croaked.
You plunged your hips down, fully sheathing his length within you. The sensation sent sparks across your eyesight and you cried out, squeezing yourself around him. Jimmy reacted in kind, throwing his head back with a whine and jerking his hips upward to attempt to bury himself deeper. The two of you began to search for a rhythm, him canting upward with an arm wrapped firmly around your waist, you grinding in circular downward motions in return.
It didn’t take long to align, the two of you quickly establishing a steady rhythm to follow, listening closely for the other’s pleased moans and adjusting movements to allow for more of them to spill out.
You clutched Jimmy’s arms, his chest, carded your fingers through his hair, splayed your hands on his stomach for balance. He palmed your breasts, your ass, your thighs, each touch sending electricity straight to your core, but his hands always seemed to migrate back to your waist, which he gripped firmly and used to guide your movements, an action you were grateful for somewhere deep in your lust-addled mind.
You also quickly learned that he was a vocal partner, which made sense knowing his personality and profession. He let his mouth run, moaning about how good you were for him, how pretty, how much he needed this. At one point you could have sworn you heard him hiss “That’s my girl,” and you nearly came right then and there.
Soon, his movements began to speed up, thrusts becoming messier, and you knew he was near his peak. Truth be told, you were surprised he’d lasted this long at his age, but you certainly weren’t complaining.
Clutching your flanks, he pushed himself up to press against your chest and you wrapped your arms around him, twisting your fingers into the back of his dress shirt.
“Sweetheart, I’m close,” he huffed. “Where do you want it?”
“Inside,” you answered without hesitation. “Please, please, inside.”
Jimmy choked out a laugh. “Don’t have to convince me, sugar.”
Upon hearing the pet name, you clenched your walls involuntarily and whimpered.
“C’mon, you can’t–can’t do that…” he groaned. “Ya like being called sugar, huh?”
You couldn’t summon up a reply, nearing your own climax.
Jimmy, seeming to sense your proximity, snaked a hand down to your cunt and quickly located your clit, rubbing in small circles with the callused pad of his thumb to match the speed of his thrusts.
His touch sent a jolt up your spine and you squealed, to which he let out a hoarse chuckle in your ear. “Feels good?”
“Fuck, Jimmy, yeah. Please, please, I’m close…”
“Me too, kid. Just… a little… more…”
He increased the intensity of his ministrations on your clit, sending fresh waves of pleasure through your body, sending you soaring over the precipice of an orgasm. Tremors rached your body, radiating outward from the source of your pleasure, where Jimmy was still circling his thumb. You cried out a string of expletives, sagging against him when the pleasure started to seep out of your system.
Jimmy wasn’t far behind. A few more thrusts and he was coming, clutching your waist in a bruising grip as his seed flooded your insides. He released a shuddering breath and let his forehead fall against your shoulder, collapsing back into the still-undulating massage chair. Your ragdoll form fell with him. The two of you caught your breath in silence, listening to the slowing beats from within each other’s chests, slowly descending from your intense highs.
Slowly, you lifted yourself from his hips, his length slipping out of you followed by globules of white, collecting in little puddles on his soft stomach. You stared at his juices for a moment, then experimentally swiped a finger across them and stuck it in your mouth, sucking to evaluate the flavor.
Salty, bitter. Run of the mill. Except, his had a hint of sweetness, an aftertaste that bloomed after a few moments in your mouth. Interesting.
Your gaze raised, and you realized he’d looked up from your shoulder. His eyes were trained firmly on the finger in your mouth, and his pupils were blown as wide as the sun.
“Jesus, where have you been all my life,” he wondered aloud, then screwed his face up in that cute way you’d observed earlier at the bar, his mouth disappearing into a crooked line. “Nevermind. Don’t answer that.”
You giggled tiredly, grabbing a towel from a nearby table to wipe up the cooling cum on his skin, then collected it from your own leaking hole.
He smiled lazily, twirling a strand of your hair between his fingers. “If I were twenty years younger and in shape, I would suggest we go another round.”
You set the rag aside and pressed a kiss to his lips, sweet and lingering. He leaned into it, corners of his lips turning up against yours.
“I would have to agree,” you said, pulling away and trailing a hand across his jaw. He gazed up at you with those hooded blue eyes, gentle adoration practically radiating. “But I’d like to get cleaned up. I don’t want this salon looking like a crime scene when the ladies come back in tomorrow.”
Jimmy clucked his tongue. “You’re right. Bathroom’s down the hall on the right.”
You reluctantly hauled yourself off his chest and headed to the bathroom, legs sore from the intense upwards-downwards movement you’d sustained for the past fifteen minutes.
When you returned, Jimmy was finished tidying up the salon and waiting awkwardly outside the door to his room slash office. He wiggled a pile of clothes he had clutched in one hand.
“Change of clothes, ah, if you want them. You don’t have to stay, of course, I can call a taxi, or go back to the bar and get my car–”
“I’d like to stay,” you replied, taking the clothes from him with a peck. “Thank you.”
Snug in the law firm t-shirt and worn sweatpants he’d lent you, you watched as he set up his room’s nighttime configuration, tittering in amusement at the soft curses he let out when the futon mattress got stuck on the frame. Once he’d set the bed up, fretting abundantly about which side would be more comfortable and which pillow you might prefer, the two of you crawled in and you slotted yourself against his side, resting a hand on his broad chest.
From this position, you could peer up at him and meet his pretty blue eyes, and he could see you staring.
“See something you like, kid?” he yukked, half asleep.
“Mmhm,” you said. “Your eyes. I’ve been looking at them all night. They’re beautiful.”
Taken aback, Jimmy blushed. “Can’t tell you I’ve heard that before. Maybe it’s why I get all the ladies.”
“It’s how you got this lady,” you teased.
“What, that wasn’t my incessant charm or stunning fashion sense?”
“No, but that might have been a small part. The eyes were most of it,” you said, drawling the ends of your sentences as your brain urged you into drowsiness.
“Hm. Good to know,” Jimmy conceded, and the two of you fell into a sleepy lull.
You heard his heartbeat slow, pumping steadily against his chest, and the sound drifted you safely into contented oblivion.
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corpsekitsune · 1 month
Requests open? If so could u please do some Yandere Shadow The Hedgehog Hc’s please <3
You didn’t specify if you wanted platonic or romantic so I’m just going to do both.
Cw:SWEARING ((this is is written by a teenager and oh boy do I talk like one)), Yandere content, bad formatting
((This is all over the place and super old))
Depending on when in the timeline it takes place is whether or not he’s violent towards others.
SA2 shadow is stunted
He’s angry that he even allowed himself to care about someone again.
Whether it be platonic or romantic he isn’t happy that you matter to him.
Sonic Heroes shadow is so infatuated, he wonders if he knew you before
He wants to know more about you but he’s too busy struggling to remember who he was
But that doesn’t really matter you asked for general headcanons
In romantic scenarios I imagine him being extremely old fashioned
Going so far as to get you roses and write you letters
Letters that seem a bit concerning but it’s Shadow so it probably doesn’t mean anything right?
Platonic Yan Shadow is adorable, makes sure you’re eating correctly, shares his dark brooding thoughts with you
Tbh I don’t think he’s the stalker type??
He just knows you so well he believes that watching you would prove unnecessary
He’s a very attentive person to those he cares about imo and will remember something you told him MONTHS prior
He’s really good if you’re bad at remembering things but that’s just Shadow
With Shadow, I genuinely believe with how much trauma he’s had he’d naturally even without the tag yandere be insanely protective of you
He’ll cut off people he deems unworthy or not good for you without much of a thought
Platonic or Romantic he’s not letting you get hurt, just the thought of you getting a scrape on the knee sets him off
He fucking hates it loathes it even
Also he’s not very violent just super threatening
I know he seems like the calculated type of yandere but he’s an emotionally stunted dork
He sees himself above others in most cases but with you it’s different
Platonic, he sees you like Maria
A faultless being
Romantic, he wants you so desperately to pull him up and save him
“They can fix me.” Type shit but you don’t he built like this.
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mykneeshurt · 1 year
Beg - Soap x AFAB reader
Soap fucks up on a mission and needs to beg for forgiveness
Warnings - 18+, explicit smut, dom/sub ish, p in v, submissive soap, power imbalance, roughish sex, just porn tbh
I have horrific ovulation pain and can’t sleep, so re-worked one of my old fics for Soap. I love this gif so much. He’s so fuckin cute. Anyway enjoy
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‘What the fuck was that Soap?!’ You screamed as you slammed the door to your office. ‘You directly disobeyed an order Sergeant.’ Pinching the bridge of your nose you tried to steady your breathing. ‘He was gonna kill the you! And what you’re ok with that?!’
‘They weren’t gonna do shit, and you fuckin know it. You just wanted to be a fuckin saviour.’ You threw your hands up through sheer frustration.
Soap approached your desk, his combat boots echoed on the polished wooden floor. ‘What you want me to say? I ain’t gonna apologise for puttin’ that piece of shit down.’ You glared at him from behind your desk. ‘I’m not asking you to apologise John. I’m fucking furious with you. Do you even realise how much you’ve cost us with that stunt?!’ You were physically shaking, inside and out.
You didn’t want to be mad at him, in the long run he probably did you a favour by killing him. You didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, or if there was anything Soap could do right now to make it up to you.
You stood up from your chair and trudged to your office bar. ‘Want one?’ You said bluntly to him. He chewed his cheek, jaw tense, he was holding back. ‘Yeah.’ His gravelly voice cut through the tense atmosphere. You poured two Malt Whiskeys on the rocks and took a sip before handing Soap his. He swirled the liquor around before taking swig, his eyes locked with yours.
He’s a prick, but he’s gorgeous. Fuck. The butterflies raged in your stomach.
’That wasn’t my first time having a gun to my head John.’ you said calmly. You eyed your drink watching the dim orange glow of the lights bounce off the ice. ‘You kinda get used to it being in this line of work. You of all people should know that.’ you said bluntly. He grunted nodding his head. ‘What is it?’ You asked, perching yourself on the edge of your desk.
Soap thumbed the rim on his glass, his jaw working overtime. He didn’t like how well you could read him. You were a calm to his chaos, whether he wanted to admit it or not. He felt safe with you, after the multitude of missions you’d been on through the years, there was unwritten trust between the two of you. His innocent blue eyes flitted around the room before resting on your face. He licked his bottom lip and shook his head to side, a small grin swept across his lips.
‘Seein’ you like that? With a gun to your head. Reminded me of that hostage we lost in Moscow.’ You were stunned. You’d never seen Soap so vulnerable. ‘Needed to save you’ cause I couldn’t save her’ he continued. You peered at him over your crystal glass. His face appeared genuine, genuine concern for you and your life.
You sighed, ‘As … sweet as that is you had no right. We’re a team, and I’m your superior, you disobeyed me.’ He hung his head still thumbing the rim of his drink. ‘I know.’ he said softly. Seeing him like this shouldn’t have turned you on as much as it did. But seeing the way he berated himself for letting himself care about you, seeing him become so vulnerable, it gave you an idea.
‘Johnny?’ You whispered as you placed your glass down, your eyes lingered on the glass. His azure eyes looked up at you, waiting for you to scold him again. ‘Do you trust me?’ He re-adjusted himself in the chair, his hips bucked slightly, he brought him thumb to his mouth and nipped it gently. ‘Yeah?’
Soaps eyes widened. ‘What?’ You stood up, and adjusted the right pencil skirt that hugged your curves. ‘I want you to kneel and I want you to beg for my forgiveness.’ He twitched in the chair, you’d never been dominant in this way with him before. His eyes darted to the floor and back to yours.
He slowly slid to the front of the chair and sunk to his knees, never breaking eye contact with you. His combat boots creaked as they settled into their new position. He looked up at you with doe like eyes, a small smirk brushed across his lips. ‘Ma’am’ he grunted. Your heart was racing.
You had one of the 141 task force, in your office, on his knees.
You sat on the edge of your desk and placed your black patent stiletto on his collar bone, elongating your leg. His jaw clenched and rippled, not once breaking eye contact. ‘What to do with you McTavish? What. To. Do.’ You pushed your heel into his shirt and into his skin, pain wasn’t the aim of this. You knew he could handle pain well.
‘You disappointed me today Johnny. That will not do’ you cooed as you sipped your drink. ‘You can’t take away my disappointment, but I can take away your pleasure.’
Soap was knelt upright, attentive, taking in every word that slipped past your lips. You knew Soap had always wanted to touch you, feel your skin on his, you’d caught the way he looked at you.
He loves being in control. So, naturally you were going to deny him this. ‘You don’t touch me and you don’t close your eyes. Otherwise I’ll stop. Do you understand?’ You pressed your heel further into his skin hoping to cause a mark.
‘Ma’am’ he grunted, his eyes darted to your heel on his chest. He bowed his head and kissed your shoe, his breath lighting up on the black material. ‘Good.’
You stood up and placed two fingers under his chin directing him to stand. Soap slowly stood, his eyes took in every detail of you as he rose. Once stood above you, you stood inches away from him, you could see his forearms twitching with frustration at your rules. He was desperate to touch you, to feel you beneath him. Desperate to break you.
Pushing him backwards he resumed his position sat in the chair, hips splayed, legs apart. You climbed on top, straddling him. You leant into his neck and nipped it slightly before nipping at his ear, letting out a small faint moan. He was tense. You undid a few buttons on your black silk shirt revealing a tease of your cleavage. Soap watched your every move, drinking you in.
You bit down on his collar bone intending to make your mark on him. He gritted his teeth trying to hold in a moan. You lifted your head and lent into his face just shy of his lips. His thick, soft lips. ‘Mmm, good boy. You’re doing so well.’
You bit his bottom lip while your raked your nails through his hair and scalp. You gripped his hair and pulled back exposing his strong neck, pulse visible just beneath the surface. You ran your tongue along his pulsating artery and bit down again, harder. Soap bucked his hips against you, you snaked your hand down to his hard cock. ‘Shhh all in good time’ you whispered into the nape of his neck.
You were impressed at his restraint, he hadn’t moved once. His hands firmly by his side. Time to up the anti.
You sat up on your knees and slowly brought your middle and ring finger to his mouth. ‘Open.’ As he opened his mouth you inserted your fingers for him to suck. He complied. He watched as you inserted them into your wet pussy. Grinding your fingers against your spot, your other hand wrapped around his throat.
You pressed your forehead against his, breathing heavily against lips. Lazily slurring his name in between breathless moans. His breathing quickened, his legs twitched beneath you. You quickened your pace, chasing your high, hips swaying back and forth over him. He watched you wide eyed, seemingly unable to process the scene in-front of him.
He was right where you wanted him.
He was breaking.
You brought yourself close to the brink of orgasm but stopped. Slowly you brought your fingers to his mouth to taste you. He slowly sucked off the juices from your fingers and grazed them with his teeth. A small whimper broke deep within him.
Holding his gaze you undid his belt and trousers, the touch of your hand on his cock was enough. He released the breath he didn’t know he was holding, a smile broke out across his lips as he threw his head back. A guttural moan came from his throat as you worked his cock with your hand, smirking as you did so. He moved his hips in an attempt to feel more of you stroke him. You snatched his head back up to look at you, your eyes dark with desire. ‘What do you want Johnny?’ He swallowed hard, his mouth dry.
‘You’ he whimpered, his voice cracking with pure need.
You straddled him again before placing a deep needy kiss on his lips. ‘Then take it.’
This was all the permission Soap needed, he grabbed you by the waist and lifted you onto his hips. He stood up and slammed your back onto your desk. He pushed into you, both of you letting out a breathy gasp as he stretched you open. His rhythm was brutal. He reached down and gripped your throat, his other hand grasping onto your hip. ‘God fuckin Damn’ he whispered under his breath. You raked your nails along his arms, moaning his name in between breaths.
Bringing your one had down to your clit you rubbed small circles as Soap slammed into you. The sound of skin on skin echoed in your office, you arched your back, legs wrapped around his waist. He ran his thumb across your lower lip ‘I’m close’ he muttered.
‘Cum for me Johnny, cum for me’ you mewled. His thrusts slowed, they became deeper. Just as he came in you, you found your own release. You caught a glimpse of him, his eyes rolled back as he bit his lip gripping onto your inner thigh.
As he was coming down from his high he placed his arm by your head and lent down to kiss you. Sighing into the kiss you cupped his face, ‘good boy.’ Soap stifled a laugh and his cheeks blushed a rosy pink.
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mexicangela · 1 year
okay. so. about tedbecca.
this is long and i apologize i just have thoughts. first, the fakeout in the beginning was cruel. BUT i was willing to forgive because tbh it was kinda funny and i’m not convinced that the “morning after” tension between ted and rebecca didn’t make everyone, everyone, think for just a second that they had slept together. y’know, like, if there was never any chemistry there, why the fakeout to get tedbeccas excited/cut them down and antis worried? did the reason for ted, beard, and jane being there really make a ton of sense? no. therefore, it really does feel like it was just something they wrote in to be mean and, like. come on, guys. why be mean? second, their talk in the stands??? you gotta be fucking kidding me. rebecca welton poured her fucking soul out to ted and he didn’t have a thing to say about it other than that “i’ve already made my decision” bullshit? didn’t even offer her a hand or hug of comfort? how out of character was that? he seemed so stoic through the whole episode, like he was stunted. which, maybe has to do with his being sad about leaving but still it threw me off. jesus, talk about “subverting expectations” or whatever. also, the things rebecca was saying? “you go, i go”? the ultimatum of “either we both stay or we both leave” and then her saying they’d both go only to take it back in the end? be so fucking for real right now. the offer to pay him insane amounts of money then telling him there was really no kind of monetary compensation that could represent how much he meant to the club (and her), the proposed solution to bring his child and his child’s mother over to london for him to stay (it is one thing to offer to get henry over, but to extend the offer to michelle is something else)? those aren’t things regular old friends say/do for each other, i’m sorry. listen, i love my friends but that’s a lot to offer anyone. you really have to love someone to be willing to do all that and cry real tears while begging them to stay, to choose you, to choose the home you’ve made for yourself. third, the airport scene gutted me but AGAIN i was kind of at peace with it. it would have at least left it super open ended and allowed the fanbase to imagine what could have happened afterward, y’know. like the whole “rom-com leave-cute” thing was another mean thing to do because where was the rom or the com about that?? why do that? but like i said, i would have been at peace with it because, dear god, the way rebecca was looking at him (again, ted gave us almost nothing but whatever. not even a tear? ugh.). i mean, she was looking at him like she wanted to say “stay. choose me. choose your own happiness.” also i know she’s loaded but WHO BUYS A FIRST CLASS TICKET JUST TO GET PAST SECURITY ONLY TO SAY GOODBYE TO A GOOD PAL? doesn’t make sense to my little pea brain!!! sudeikis, make it make sense (unfortunately for me and everyone around me i still love him)! there really should have been an “i love you” and not even necessarily in a romantic way. these two are supposed to be soulmates, cosmically connected, there’s not supposed to be one without the other and all we got was…”thank you” and a head nod? like, yes, thank you. thank you for showing me warmth and kindness and grace. thank you for reminding me what my strength looks like. thank you for being there for me. yes, yes, yes, thank you! but an “i love you” really would have been wonderful and i’m actually sad they didn’t get to hear it from each other. fourth, the way nameless boat dude came back in like a fucking generic ass early disney prince was just lame. i thought it was lazy. here we have a rebecca who is devastated that this weird, funny, kindhearted american football coach who shoved himself into her life and her heart has just left to go back to kansas and this little dutch girl trips and suddenly rebecca’s found happiness? it’s frustrating. really, it is. like i’m happy rebecca has a shot at happiness and a family, but she just as well could have had it with ted, who is admittedly very similar to this dutch man. i don’t get it. this is where it well and truly lost me. fifth (this one’s a three parter, sorry), where’s ted’s happy ending? because i don’t think it’s a life of volunteering to coach children’s soccer. i know people have been implying/worrying that ted and michelle reconcile but i don’t see that happening. ted, at his core, is still the man michelle left. he’s still overly optimistic (although we didn’t see that in the finale, like what?), he’s still punny, and let’s be real, he’s still a mess. i didn’t see the resolution to his arc. in fact, returning to kansas feels like a regression. he literally ran from kansas. that’s the whole reason he went to richmond in the first place. what changed? why is he going back now? for henry, yes, of course, that’s understandable. and at the same time, within the show we’ve been shown that the bond of a father and child is not always enough to get dad to stay/be a good and decent father (i.e. ted’s father, i.e. james tartt sr., i.e. rebecca’s father). this isn’t, of course, true for ted and henry, but i think it’s a point to make concerning everyone saying things about the child-parent bond being end-all, be-all. for some people, that’s true. for others, it isn’t. it isn’t a jab at anyone or the parent-child relationship in general, it’s just the truth. this is a coin that has two sides, y’know. got off course there but anyway, henry also could have gone to london, which i think might have been the best thing for him anyway, he seemed to have a good time there and he would have had a whole band of new brothers with all the himbos. michelle isn’t a bad mother by any means, but she’s got her own shit to work through if the whole doctor jacob thing was anything to go by. i also don’t think the show did all that great of a job showing us that henry had this super deep connection with his dad, but maybe that was just me lol. regardless, i still understood the bond and its importance and of course ted wanted to be there for his child. that part does make sense. the way it was gone about felt like a disservice though. ted’s expression at the end there doesn’t scream happy. he looked rather sad to me, like something was weighing on him still. and i’m sure there was. i don’t think he’s at peace with himself yet, or happy. maybe he’ll get happy in kansas. i hope he does. but getting to see rebecca’s “happily ever after” and not ted’s hurt my heart. guess i was hoping they would actually subvert the expectations and have him stay in the home he’d made for himself instead of going back to the place where he lost so much. why did he have to give up his found family and the job he loved (and was still actively learning about!! offsides!!) and the best friend he made and the support system he found (which, no matter your age or your progress, you always need a support system) and the community that had come to love him andandand- all ted did was sacrifice to make other people happy and better and this feels like another sacrifice because his mom guilt tripped him by saying something he already fucking knew (sorry i’m not a fan of dottie). i just don’t get it. how is his happy ending going back to the root of all his problems and staying there? just sucks, really, even if it was always the obvious outcome. sixth, i’m just mad all the signs lead to nowhere. the matchboxes, the army man, the bantr fakeout (will never, ever be over this one), the hotel room fakeout where they cut from rebecca to ted in the room and then he opens the door and it’s sassy, the romcommunism, the soulmatism. it wasn’t all for nothing, of course. their friendship is so important and i love it, but this ending felt like a big fuck you to it too because ted was so…distant. it almost felt like he didn’t care that much that he was leaving rebecca and it makes me super upset. all of this is based on the one-time watch from last night but tbh i don’t know if i can handle watching the episode again right now. it really did hurt, especially the way rebecca looked at him at the airport. tbh nothing can convince me she wasn’t at least a little bit in love with him. and, yes, i know. henry is ted’s everything and that’s so admirable and it’s not all about romance, and it’s not. but just let me believe what i want to believe. let me find the joys in the media i consume and if it’s the hope that two attractive, single, middle aged leads could have gotten with each other in the end and figured out how to be happy together, then so be it. i just hate seeing the hate from all sides, honestly, and a lot of people are legitimately really mean about it when this show is all about being kind. ted lasso is a beautiful series and, at the end of the day, it’s just another piece of media that the audience is free to interpret and pick apart however they want to. me, personally? i will continue to live in my delusional little world where ted and rebecca figure out that they belong together/i will pretend the last 10 minutes of the finale didn’t happen. thanks for coming to my tedtalk.
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kurapikasjudgement · 1 year
C: Miya Chinen X Reader
W: The reader is extremely quiet and rarely talks. Swearing, Second person, Dear is used sarcastically, Can be read as platonic or romantic
E: I may or may not have based this off of a fic I read
Synopsis: Just some Miya head cannons based around the reader not speaking. A short story at the end reveals your first time talking to him
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In the beginning, he didn’t understand it
He would try to get reactions out of you, which you gave just not verbally
But eventually he accepted it
And he learned to love that about you
How can someone have the most unfathomable amount of rizz to be able to pull without ever speaking?
I don’t know I’m asking you
Anyway, you two would hangout a lot
He would basically just show up at your house and whisk you away
You would skate together or he would make fun of people while you giggled
You guys are kind of a menace together tbh
But he’s always protective of you
You already had a hard time making friends because people tended to call you weird or just not even attempt to interact with you
So when he shielded you a bit, you didn’t mind at all
But one day it went to far for his liking
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Some random asshole at the S made fun of you, so he challenged them (of course). And just to prove how much better he was, he pulled some fucking crazy stunts. He landed them because it would be embarrassing to attempt something you couldn’t actually do, fall, get hurt, lose the race, the whole thing. Despite this, you couldn’t help but worry for his safety. After he absolutely demolished them, he skated over to you.
He scoffed, “Serves him right after he-“. You cut him off with a tight hug.
“Miya, dear, don’t ever do something so dangerous again. Especially for the sake of me. Promise me.” You said with a fake smile on your face. Miya was stunned, that was the most he had ever heard you speak. No, that was the first time he heard you speak.
“Did you just-“ You cut him off again.
“Promise me, Miya.” You looked into his eyes with tears pricking the corners of yours. He sighed and a slight but genuine smile found its way on his face.
“I promise. But only if you speak to me more.” He bargained. You smiled and nodded your head.
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do you have any headcanons about daeron ii's and myriah's daughter-in-laws?
Oh boy DO I!!!!! I’m gonna organize them in lil bullet point forms cause I have so many thoughts abt them!
- Honestly I think it might be a bit weird to say but I think she was the westerosi equivalent of a goth skater girl. Like, there’s probably some old painting of her in Blackhaven as a teenager where she has dyed black streaks in her hair and way too much eyeshadow with a medieval skateboard (horse). I need this to be true in my life
- Her betrothal to Baelor I imagine was to ease up relations with the marcher lords since they probably weren’t too happy about the Dornish having a strong influence on the throne. I wouldn’t be surprised if Myriah suggested the match, and they happened to pick Jena because she was the closest to Baelor’s age
- That being said though, their match went pretty well! I mean for a while it was pretty obvious that Jena and Baelor were basically a pr relationship but over time they did come to care for each other! They didn’t really have the slow burn romance that Daeron and Myriah had but they still had some kind of affection
- She did have her kids pretty young, but not really early in the marriage because I have to believe her weird late teens goth angst was why she named her kids Valarr and Matarys of all things or it might kill me
- If I could give her a friendship with any of her sisters in laws it would probably be Aelinor? But they weren’t like friends friends, they were just able to get along pretty well because they grew up in the same region even though their interests are wayyyy different from one another
- Ngl she probably had some crazyyy beef with Dyanna. Like, those ladies could not sit next to each other at the family function cause it either ended with them fighting (mostly about who’s kids are the worst),or them ganging up to bully another noble while absolutely hammered on some of that dornish red
- Also it needs to be said, Jena was probably absolutely a stunt queen when she had to grow out of her goth phase. Like, she went to the Alyssa T school of Being a Bad Bitch because she probably went riding and sailing with her kids all the time while they were still babies. If Baelor had a dragon she’d be bullying him to take her flying literally every day and get it to shit on the roofs of people she doesn’t like. Myriah’s mentality was “Oh I’m gonna be queen so I have to be careful about what I do” while hers was “Whoah I’m gonna be queen I can do (almost) whatever the hell I want!!”
- Unfortunately tho, it’s highly likely she died with her kids during the great Spring Sickness, but to add tragedy for flavour I think she died after both her sons. Rip queen :(
- Okay so figuring out the whole timeline/relation with her kinda drove me insane, but my theory for the time being is that she’s Elaena’s stepdaughter through Ronnel, which does make her technically cousins with Aerys through marriage? I think she’s still probably a few years younger than him tho
- I also kinda think Elaena’s behind this betrothal a bit tbh- I think Aelinor really liked Elaena but saw her a lot more as a mentor she aspired to be like rather than any kind of surrogate mother figure
- Personality-wise girlie’s a completeee introvert. Like, I think she wants to be social and charming and all that, but she got that social anxiety that makes it so she’s scared to talk to people and spends most of her day inside reading
- For her hobbies….. I can see her being big into reading and research but idk I also really like the idea of her being big into poems, she likes really analyzing people from a distance and writing lil blurbs about them to spend the time. She’d literally rather die than share any of her works with anyone though, even if it’s really flattering to them lol
- So, I think her social circle’s kindaaa limited to the royal family, I think her best friends would be Aerys, Alys and Shiera cause I think that’d be kinda fun (and also I think she had a bit of a thing for Alys cause….. yuh) :)
- She and Aerys probably slept together like, once on their wedding cause they were completely convinced they would only have to do it one time…. They both regretted it
- And ngl despite the Horrors™️, and the whole of house Targaryen dropping like flies I think she was a lilll glad that Aelora was heir? Not because everyone else before her died, mostly due to the fact that she really liked Aelora specifically and maybe liked to pretend she was her daughter whoops
- Anyways my fun lil tragedy for her is that she outlives pretty much everyone she loves <3 she’d still be kicking during Maekar’s reign as a sorta dowager queen but she’s not doing much with that title, I diagnose her with…… death via heart attack while trying to write her will
- Honestly this lady reads as a complete social butterfly to me lmao. Like, really bubbly, charismatic, and likeable as a person- I think she came in as a companion for Daenerys and both Daeron and Myriah decided to set her up with Rhaegel just cause she was really kind (and being from a major house definitely didn’t hurt either)
- For hobbies I can absolutely see her as a lady that was just crazy for birds lol- and that’s an interest I could see her bonding with Daeron over! She loves hawking and keeping some pet songbirds and feeding ravens, ngl I could see her and Aelinor working on a giant bird encyclopedia together lol
- When it comes to her and Rhaegel, I don’t think it was really love at first sight? Like, I think they got along and did eventually bond after the twins were born, but they only fell in love a few years into their marriage
- Speaking of the twins though! I really don’t think she was cool with the idea of them marrying, honestly it kinda horrified her but she saw how weirdly close they became and tried to cope by justifying that they’d be better together than apart with other people cause…. Tbh how the hell else can she get over the fact that her own children are marrying when that hasn’t really been the norm for a bit-
- Oh and she was especially nottt at all happy about Daenora marrying Aerion. Since by then I can imagine she’s lost both her husband and oldest children, she would be f u r i o u s that Maekar would even allow her last daughter to marry his craziest son, even if he wasn’t the one who suggested the match in the first place
- Girlie probably didn’t stay after Aerion died, like- she was quick to pack Daenora and Maegor and haul ass back to the Vale. No she didn’t give a flying fuck that they were considering her grandson as heir, they’re living in the Eeryie forever now!
- She did miss Aelinor after she left though (clueless about Aelinor’s kinda gay feelings rip) so the two probably shared a lot of letters, but I think Alys passed not too long after being back in the Vale from….. honestly imma say slipping on a toy and cracking her head open. At least one of these gals gotta have a sorta silly death
- Ngl she’s probably second to Alys in being one of the sweetest in the group, but she takes NO bullshit from anyone. As stated before, she’s ready to throw down with Jena at the drop of a hat but tries not to start too many fights
- She and Maekar married out of love. To me!!! Like, idk they don’t seem like a politically advantageous match, so in my brain Dyanna was probably the daughter of one of Myriah’s ladies in waiting and the two ended up falling in love as teens cause idkkkkkk that’s kinda cute <3
- As for hobbies: absolutely cracked at weaving. 85% of the decorations at Summerhall are her tapestries and the other 15% are crafts by other artists that she really liked. She probably weaved most of her childrens’ baby clothes herself and regularly gifts handmade crafts to her family and friends
- Idk if she really had a favourite with any of her kids, but I can kinda say for certain that she definitely had a hard time with Aerion because she felt like she needed to be overly strict with him specifically which….. probably maybe perhaps gave Aerion some mommy issues idkkkkkkkk
- I like to think she had a cat at some point too, and when it had kittens she gifted them to each of her kids but they mostly became general household cats over time (except for Egg’s cat, that was his own and it…. Found itself at the bottom of the well whoops-)
- Canonically she died first out of the gang, and the narrative implies that she died giving birth to Rhae but I’m ignoring it because one fic I read a while ago had her die from breast cancer and honestly while it’s still tragic it also makes it so Dyanna’s not reduced to “woman who died in childbirth #67” which gets some originality points from me
Idk these are all my headcanons, I hope you like them! <3
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kayloronmain · 6 hours
so I haven’t seen or heard anyone else talk about this but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. if it’s haunting you too, let’s connect
I’m talking about all of the references to 10 in the London Night 3 acoustic set surprise songs… what does it mean?
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first up, Us with Gracie Abrams
And if history's clear, the flames always end up in ashes
And what seemed like fate, give it ten months, and you'll be past it
Out of the Woods has no reference to 10 months but oh baby we’re gonna be coming back around to that, don’t you worry
next, Is it Over Now? which references 300 takeout coffees later which is widely presumed to mean days and works out to approximately 10 months
Let's fast forward to three hundred takeout coffees later
And finally, Clean
Ten months sober, I must admit
Just because you're clean, don't mean you don't miss it
Ten months older, I won't give in
Now that I'm clean, I'm never gonna risk it
Is she saying in 10 months she’ll finally be clean? That’s brings us to sometime in April, which tbh this is longer than I thought this would be going on and assumed she’d wrap everything up by New Years. But it could be she has something planned. The Eras Tour may be ending, but something else is beginning.
side note: with all these mashups and reuniting sister eras and mismatched 1989 outfits, does anyone think we’re getting multiple sister albums, or maybe the sister albums will be revealed in some way? like the reputation costume appears to be missing half of the outfit... I still need to formulate my thoughts on this
so taylor parades around mr beefcake on stage and then drops 10-10-10 in her surprise songs
I don’t remember her hinting at 10 before so I did a little googling
I decided to look up if taylor did anything notable on that date and found this…
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she released mean which she literally sang the night before along with thanK you aIMee and castles crumbling. burning bridges and people screaming that they hate her once she reveals what she has been building but to all the people who never saw her, all you’re going to be is mean
and if that wasn’t enough, then I found this!!!
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I told ya we’d get back to it. are we out of the woods yet? are we in the clear yet? nope. but with the stunting that’s obvious. and “my security team does not like getting [lost in the woods]” … does not like the stunting and hiding and all the extra coordinating. I truly cannot imagine what it takes to manage. And ultimately it would be better for her to live one life ☝🏼 instead of a double one ✌🏼 (I have more to say on this countdown topic as well but that’s another post)
but where might we be in 10 months?
10 as in October? I never really considered October as a release date but maybe an announcement?
if you made it this far, what do you think?
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kawaiiocelot · 4 months
Hi! It is I, currently in possession of a query
How do you interpret Durgetash with Wren and Gortash? I'd love to see more about their dinamic!
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HI HELLO THANK YOU FOR THE ASK EVEN THOUGH I AM A MILLION YEARS LATE TO ANSWERING IT!! I wanted to do more art for this but alas, I have been so busy and in my free time I’ve been working on writing and cosplay stuff instead!!
BUT!! WITHOUT FURTHER ADO!! Allow me to give some info on my personal version of Durgetash aka Wrentash or Wrenver.
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Some of this is kinddddaaa subject to change since I haven’t finished Wren’s playthrough yet and haven’t decided 100% what his fate is gonna be hehehe.
To me they’re both such emotionally stunted idiots who fall deeply and grossly in love. Both finally finding someone else worthy of admiration and who matches their ambition. Someone to perhaps be an equal at last.
Ughhhhh I just love the Blasphemy of Durgetash, it's delicious.
Wren definitely feels A LOT of weakness and guilt as well as confusion when he starts to catch feelings for Gortash.
He’s definitely never felt this way about another person before. Just never saw the need to tbh. Never desired to. But with Gortash something clicked intellectually and physically.
I see them having some interesting build up, both trying to make sorts of things in their heads and if this is a bad idea. But they’re both so drawn to each other. They’re fated. (Sometimes I like to say fated to die together in every universe to make myself extra sad)
Pre-tadpole Wren is a little less deadpan and a little more freaky and fiendish tbh, BUT he definitely does not handle having romantic feelings normally.
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Anyways he doesn’t kill him and lets his feelings torment him.
I think Wren never realized how touch starved he was until Gortash?? Like I never imagined physical touch to be one of his love languages but uhhhh it might actually be lol.
I always imagined Gortash being casually touchy with him at a random moment. Like a hand on his shoulder?? Or hands accidentally brushing together?? And this just HITS Wren. He feels a little feral. And I think they keep having moments like this. Gortash of course catches on. They keep pushing each other's boundaries and what not. Very back and forth, very playful, but still dramatic like a dance.
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Constantly finding excuses to spend more and more time in each other's company. 
But I can definitely see them squabbling a lot and play fighting. 💕
And one day it just escalates into something more intimate,,,,,,
Lots of pent up feelings and ferality.
And I think something just SHIFTS and they really become something to each other. Not necessarily labeled but it’s SOMETHING and it's strong.
As I mentioned, Gortash makes Wren realize how touch starved he is so in time I think he becomes REALLY CLINGY with him. Wren is more of a physical being who prefers actions to words so I think he’d be all over him when they get to that point lol.
They both have their respective plans prioritized of course but they just can’t resist each other?? They fill some void for each other that neither knew they had and I think that’s why they become so attached at the hip.
Wren will?? Listen?? And somewhat behave for pretty much only Gortash??
Wren really likes to bite and claw and mark and I think most Durgetash shippers agree that Gortash would be into that. 🖤
Gortash chew toy confirmed.
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 ANYWAYS I know this is getting long but I do have a few other quick tidbits about them.
I know they’re “serious baddies” and what not but I think they have many moments of just being silly and cringe and playful with each other?? To an extent?? Healing inner child vibes.
Gortash gifted Wren the dagger earrings that he wears.
Even tho they are very close, Wren still fantasizes about killing Gortash lol. Just Durge things. <3
TADPOLE WREN IS A BIT DIFFERENT. I’m still playing Act 3 so I haven’t decided how everything is handled. Wren obviously doesn’t remember him. :’) BUT he has this weird connected feeling to him still ever since Gortash’s name was first mentioned. He collects every note, letter, and book that contains Gortash’s name because reading the name makes him feel weirdly closer to remembering something. No joke, he steals every poster of him in the city as well (I can’t believe those things weigh more than a pound each!! My little twink does NOT have the strength stat to carry around much more LOL).
Upon meeting him again, Wren still does feel an inexplicable connection to him but also wants to hear him out because Gortash is the only one who allegedly remembers him but is genuinely not meeting him with immediate animosity?? And like, is actually giving him some slight answers about his past?? While everyone else just seems to want to confuse him or kill him. And he’s a bit of a control freak so he’s desperate to learn about his past and clings to anyone who can help him with this.
ANYWAYS THAT'S ENOUGH OUT OF ME FOR NOW!! Only time will tell what else I decide to write for these two but these are the basics~ They’re grossly and chaotically in complicated love.🖤
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louisisalarrie · 3 days
heyy, what relationship do you think louis has with F? I know you don't believe that's his son, but personally I have many doubts on the whole thing and one of the main reasons is that i think he genuinely cares about him. I mean the way he talks about him and everything, and i dont mean interviews only, for example that time after a show when he met a little fan and he asked them how old they were and then he said something like "my little F is 7", he just said that bc he wanted to, so why would he do if he doesn't care about him? and I'm not saying that proofs that's his son, I'm just asking bc most larries that I see they claim that lou doesn't give a fuck about F, but I think he really does
hello lovely! if you are having doubts and want more info, check out this tags page that has a heap of bbg content from over the years that may help you make your mind up. and thank you for being respectful of what I believe even if you’re not sure 100% where you stand on it. so thank you and great to have you here!
I’ve touched on something similar to this before, in which, we know how much louis loves kids. him and his little sisters and bro, young fans, his sisters’ kids etc. like every situation we see him with a kid in, he lights up. same with Harry
anyway, I think bbg got out of hand and when it became far more long term and he had to be pictured with this child, he probably felt very frustrated and shitty that it got this far. He probably feels bad for the kid that his family got him involved in this, and now this kid won’t ever have a normal life. and so, he’s hung out with this kid every once in a while, watching him grow up, and I can imagine he probably does care about him a lot. He’s a very caring guy in general, and so under the circumstances, he’s trying to make this work the best he can.
He’s not gonna sit there and be like “gross kid get tf away from me” lol, but he’s balancing this distance of not being too close to become such a permanent fixture in his life, and not hurting this kid’s feelings. Again, it’s hard to know what F believes as he’s only like 8 or so, so I’m not sure how much they’ve divulged with him, but I’m pretty positive he’d know louis isn’t his dad by now tbh. but louis probably just feels shitty and wants to at least have the kid spend time having fun with him, rather than miserable for a life he didn’t choose.
Re your comment about him talking about F to the fans… in my opinion, bbg is now at the level of pretty much a strictly fan service stunt, and has been for a while now. we get the little gap filler articles from bored journalists like “all about louis tomlinson’s son!” etc. every once in a while, but otherwise it’s not really gaining him much publicity these days. he’ll mention him when he does those random Twitter chats, interviews here and there, and we get our annual Christmas photo (nothing for Father’s Day this year tho cough cough), but the GP don’t… care about it. But we as fans who follow his sisters’ accounts and are more invested, bbg is brought up for us. So because it’s not shoved in our faces from the press all the time, it’s easier to keep going with it by doing a mention about it here and there.
they still have this stunt as a bombshell to drop when necessary, though. Louis could gain some mad publicity with the end of it and still come out looking good, so it’s kinda just there until they find a suitable time for it to drop, which I have a feeling will be soon since it is so fan focused now.
lining up the end of stunts with releases/other big press news etc. is also quite tricky. this one has to be delicate because it’s got a kid involved, too.
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countessklair · 1 year
You are SO right about zava and i feel like everyone is missing the point of his character??? Its not about jamie needing to grapple with not being the best, it’s about jamie watching someone else come in and be as big of a prick as he was, if not more, and ted + the entire team allowing him to get away with it. Jamie and nate have been painted as foils of each other, and im sure at some point well get a scene where he confronts ted about exactly this….after all jamie still thinks ted chose to send him back to man city because he was bad for the team, and seeing someone else be brought onto the team despite being known for his bad attitude has got to sting.
Like ted is the protagonist. To an extent every other character’s arc needs to serve his. And if the point was just for zava to come in and force jamie to accept he’s not the best, i dont see how that could possibly serve ted in anyway, especially because in the process zava has completely stepped on ted’s efforts to create a team full of camaraderie and teamwork. Idk maybe im missing something but i just cannot see it any other way!
PERIOD!!! YOU’RE RIGHT AND YOU SHOULD SAY IT!!! Ted’s going through it right now dealing with Dr. Malpractice back in Kansas (and isn’t THAT a can of worms), but Ted’s both the main character AND the focus of this season, same way Rebecca was in season one and Nate was in season two. So Ted’s BOUND to do some growing and healing now that one fourth of the season is over, at the very least he might be able to ‘wake up’ and realize what’s actually going on with Zava, especially if Jamie comes and talks to him about it again.
and you’re SO RIGHT about Nate and Jamie being foils. they both struggle with not being the center of attention and with flashy change, but they dealt with it in very different ways. Jamie, unlike how Nate dealt with it last season, immediately brought his concerns to the coaches in a respectful and ELOQUENT way that focused on the team as a whole and not just Jamie, and he acknowledged that it was (a bit) hypocritical of him to be the one voicing these concerns BUT WHO WOULD KNOW BETTER THAN JAMIE??? and instead of pouting about Zava or pulling the petty ‘I’m hurt I can’t practice’ kind of stunt, he does his job and he celebrates with his team and he’s focusing on how to make himself better, not drag anyone down. because Jamie’s not the same guy he was in season one or even season two. he’s taking accountability, while Nate hasn’t (yet?? idk but I think we will get a redemption arc).
and like you said, it’s all gonna come down to Ted. because this is the Ted Lasso show, literally. it’s not the Zava show. the writers and everyone didn’t make the show so Ted could just sit back all season. at some point he’s going to take the reins back as coach, and tbh it might be both Jamie and Roy coming to him to do it. but it won’t be because Jamie’s throwing a tantrum or being jealous, it’ll be because Jamie’s been right all along
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deepperplexity · 6 months
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Prompt 21: Star Of Wishes [B8]
Pairing: Snape x Fem!OC
POV: First, OC
Setting: OC’s home -> Severus’s hidden place
Continuation of: Prompt 2. Restless Waiting, 3. Snowballing, 7. Stormy Reunion,  8. Rosemary For Holly, 16. Keep Warm, 19. Hope & 20. Returning Home
A/N: TODAY WE WRAP UP SEVERUS’ STORY! I’m super drained, tbh, but I so loved writing this part and giving everyone that HEA even if it doesn’t happen until the very end so to say 😂🙈 We do get some lovely smut though, hope you'll enjoy the emotional ride of the intimacy too 🤭 This might be the last long fic for the year. I have 0 time, I have no idea how I’m gonna be able to write the next 3 fics and get them up but I’ll manage somehow 😂 I still don’t know what prompt 23 and 24 will be this year, I do know that tomorrows prompt will be the one I use to wrap up Turpin’s story — how, I have no idea yet. We’ll see 😂👍
+A/N: This part of the serial contains a relationship dynamic in the beginning that can be extremely toxic and dangerous when real, but this is FICTION, and as the author I have created this relationship with the intention of it being trauma-healing, safe, loving, and no harm have or will come to any of the characters due to the relationship or any acts of either of the characters. If you feel this relationship matches yours, PLEASE take a step back and really evaluate if you are in a dangerous relationship - if your partner is treating you in a manner that isn’t loving or safe.
Tags/TW’s: Kisses, embracing, Harsh and Soft Touching, Apologising For Ones Behaviour, Slight Snark, Trying Ones Best, Stunted Emotional Development, Confessions of Regret/Hurt/Anger/Fear/Pain/Lacking Knowledge/Love/Affection/Trust, Explicit Description, Dark Sexual Past, Gentle and Caring Touches, Hints At Past Sexual Abuse/Coercion/Rape (not graphic or described),
Word Count: 4.7k
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It had been over seven months since the day I thought my heart would stop. The day I found him more dead than alive in the Shrieking Shack. The day a strange little elf was sent to me with a message from someone a mere boy, which led me to find the man I loved so broken — poisoned, snake venom slithering through his veins no magic could have stopped. But my mom, she stopped it. My mom, a muggle who the Dark Lord so much detested, had won over his own snake.
The year had passed in a blurry ordeal of pain, love, recovery, and healing. But still, there was so much healing needed I could barely wrap my head around it. Christmas was upon us, and I hadn’t the heart to decorate our home. The home we ended up sharing, just me and Severus. At first, it was to get away from everyone and give him a chance to heal, but it changed about a month ago. A month ago, it became something different, an emotional journey for the two of us one could say. Spewed words of hatred, panic attacks through dark nights, long stretches of time without a word spoken from him, my dear broken man.
I didn’t give up, yet yesterday, when he’d so viciously barked at me about the time I’d decorated his office and how stupid I’d been to do such a thing — well, something broke in me. I hadn’t decorated our home, I hadn’t put up anything related to Christmas despite it being the 21st of December now and my most loved holiday. I’d simply allowed our home to remain barren, for his sake, as he seemed to hate the holiday with a vengeance unlike any I’d ever seen.
“I’ll take a walk,” I called through the little house, not expecting any response. The cold winter air greeted me but there was no wind, not a sound from beyond the bubble the little house sat in at the very end of a clearing in some ancient forest I still had no idea of the location of. I could only apparate there since I knew what it looked like.
My heart ached for the man left behind in the house while stepping into the night. No matter what, I wouldn’t give up on him. He had every right to be broken, hurt, lost — but sometimes I had to take some time for myself to find the strength and courage I needed to go on when his hatred and pain shined too brightly. Sometimes, I was the only one around he could lash out against and even if it hurt beyond anything else to hear such foul words in his voice directed at me, I still loved him more than anything and the nights when I held him tight I just knew it would pass. Eventually, time would heal his wounds and I’d still be there. I would never abandon him, something I knew he feared above all else yet he always showed I was free to come and go as I pleased. He knew what it was to be trapped, he didn't wish that for me in any sense of the word.
The snow crunched beneath my shoes, I slipped on my mittens and shoved my hands into my coat’s pockets while walking ahead. Above me, just before I left the clearing and the trees would obscure the sky, I saw the little stars speckling the darkness. I paused for a second to just look at the enormity of the universe, to get perspective perhaps, or simply allow myself to think of how small things can mean so much in the enormity of it all. A falling star streaked by, and I couldn’t help but close my eyes and send a wish to it. It was a childish thing to do perhaps, but I wished for Severus to allow me to help him and be close with him. Some day it might come true, he’s trying already…
I walked around for nearly two hours, until my toes were numb and my cheeks beyond chilly. Just breathing, imagining a happy Christmas with him. “In the future, when he’s healed… Maybe then…” I murmured to myself as I stomped off my boots and stepped back into our little home.
I lost my breath.
When I left, the house had been dark, dreary, void of all things Christmas but now… Now there were decorations everywhere. Eternally burning candles, perfectly green garlands, golden ornaments, and red bows littered every surface, door frame, and window. The house had turned into a Christmas-littered haven perfectly decorated to my own taste, almost as I had decorated Severus’s office a year ago — just slightly different colours.
“What in the world,” I whispered as I dragged off my fluffy mittens and shrugged out of my coat. “S-Severus! I don’t mean to alarm you but I think Santa broke in!” I called, my brain not able to think of another reason why our house looked like Christmas heaven. “No, love,” he murmured as he appeared in the doorway to the living room beyond the hallway I was moving through. “I am apologizing,” he continued and the sweet look of guilt and hope covering his features made my heart ache.
“Severus, what-, why?” I asked as he straightened and reached for my hand to tug me into his arms. I followed without any resistance. I always wanted to be in his arms, one of the many things I always wished for while I nursed him back to health physically after my mom had saved his life. “I said dreadful things.” “You’re trying, Sev.” “No, you are trying, Linna—” he exhaled the words into my hair “—and I’m constantly making it harder for you.” “Healing takes time, Sev. It takes time.” “It gives me no right to take it out on you, you have done nothing but stand by me.” “I always will, I won’t abandon you.” “I almost wish you would, it would be easier to be in misery than… deal with it all.” “Oh, stop, you’re a strong man, you can deal with it.” “Love, you overestimate my abilities, and underestimate your importance…”
For a long moment, I said nothing, just thought about his words — the sweet ones he now spoke and the hurtful ones that came out when we tried to process his trauma. It wasn’t easy to stay, wasn’t easy to take it and not retort or yell or scream or cry. But the hardest thing I had ever done was stay away from him, nothing else came close to it.
“Will you forgive me?” he asked, his voice low and nearly that of someone frightened. “I-, Severus… you don’t need my—” “Your forgiveness is the only one I need.” “I won’t forgive you then,” I said softly. “I won’t forgive you until you fight harder.” “Love, I—” “No, you’re the strongest man I’ve ever met. I’m nothing compared to you and I have nothing to equal your pain and hurt, your strength, or your bravery, so if I only have this one thing to hold over your head I bloody well will, Sev.” “Feisty today, are we?”
His voice was teasing, yet the hurt and fear still lingered behind it all and I couldn’t help but feel even more love for the man who dealt so poorly with his own emotions — he’d never been allowed any, so how would he ever know how to deal with them properly? I did the only thing I could think of, I hugged him with all my strength until his arms wrapped around me and I felt some of the tension leave his body. “Silly man,” I whispered. “You really need to learn how to deal with your emotions.” “I’m… I am trying,” he confessed and I knew he spoke true. He was trying with everything he had and I’d be with him every step of the way.
We stood there, for the longest moment, until I felt the urge to explore all the Christmas decorations he’d filled the house with. “I thought you hated Christmas with a passion as strong as amortentia’s power to make people go insane with obsession.” “I do.” “Then, why?” “You are the obsessed in this case,” he chuckled. “So, for me, then?” He merely nodded but I smiled warmly at him. It was a giant act of care and love on his part, it only made me love the holiday even more.
We walked through the little house, I looked at everything he’d done in a sort of stunned silence until we got to the bedroom. “Really?” I asked and arched a brow at him, he shrugged while raising his own brows in a sort of “what?” kind of expression. “Rosemary?” “Well…” he murmured as his cheeks took on the tiniest hint of pink, barely there but significant enough for me to notice after having gotten to know him so well the past few months. “I love it,” I said and kissed his cheek gently. “It’s perfect,” I continued while allowing my eyes to rest another moment on the rosemary twigs replacing the holly — just like it had done a year ago.
“Love, I truly am sorry… I shouldn’t have said the things I did, or done it in the manner I did.” “I know, and you know, and it’s in the past.” “It is not in the past,” he said and sighed. “I fear I’ll never be able to… To…” “Sev, schh, it’s okay. You’re learning. Have you ever had a right to express yourself? Or even have feelings at all?” “No.” “So you’re a baby.” He sneered at that, almost recoiling. “If you think about it logically, you’re as able as a child to deal with your emotions and when children feel truly safe with someone they’ll act up, they’ll cry and scream and get pissed because they feel it’s safe to show their emotions and, eventually, with the help of safe adults they learn to communicate and deal with their emotions in a healthy and proper manner. Yes, you’re a grown man, but you’ve never had the chance to learn or become comfortable with your emotions.” “I’m comfortable with you.” “And I am with you, we can both show our emotions, and right now your emotions aren’t under control but that’s not your fault. You’ll learn, grow, and become able to handle it eventually.”
Severus simply stared at me. It felt like an eternity passed while his eyes seemed to dig themselves into mine. Eventually, he drew a long breath. “You are far too good.” “I’ll be anything you need me to be.” “I merely need you, just as you are. If you… if you are willing to be patient, with… me…” It sounded as if he had to push with all his might to say the word in a calm and collected manner, as if he felt a need to either spit them out or say nothing at all. It warmed my heart and I nodded gently, smiling up at him as I took his hands gently in my own. “I’ll always be patient with you,” I said and leaned up to kiss him. His thin lips pushed harshly against mine while he tugged me closer.
He backed me up, toward our bed, and gently laid me down without our lips ever leaving each other. “Severus?” I asked, my heart hammering too hard while my entire body tightened warmly under him. “If you don’t want this, say so now, love.” “I-, I do…” It feels like I’ve waited all my life for this moment. “But are you ready?” I asked in return, remembering all the times he’d recoiled at my soft touch or jolted at a sweet caress of his cheek. Loving touches, as I’d learned over the past months, wasn’t something he was used to or even knew how to deal with.
“I want to try,” he confessed after another kiss. “Okay,” I whispered and he kissed me again while his hands roughly caressed my sides. His kisses turned harsher and he bent my legs to fit himself between them. I simply moved with him, allowed him to lead the way while I avoided touching him, keeping my hands above my head even if all I wished to do was strip him and ravish him with all my love and adoration, thousands of kisses and hundreds of soft caresses — with all my warmth.
His hands travelled up my arms until one of them clamped around my wrists before the other tore open my blouse with a jerk. His breathing turned ragged, his hand clamped around my wrists harder while he undid my pants with his free hand — tugging at the buttons too harshly.
“S-Sev,” I whispered against his lips. All his motions halted. He looked down at me, his eyes darker than ever. “I won’t run away,” I whispered. “Even if you don’t hold me down, I won’t touch you unless you allow it,” I continued. “I-, I don’t know how to… How to do this…” His voice was a mere murmur, a deep droning of a confession barely audible. “I know. I understand. But I do… Let me show you?” I asked gently while holding his eyes with my own.
He hesitated, a fear of what was to come in those onyx eyes of his, while I laid utterly still despite the need to love him clawing at my skin with a burning desire. He nodded, a stiff motion, while he slowly released my hands.
I sat up and he backed off the bed, standing between my knees. I looked up at him, not making any quick moves but standing up while he took a step back and his fists clenched. “Will you let me lead?” I asked. He merely nodded. “No, Severus. I need you to say the words.” He looked bewildered for a second before his fists unclenched on a deep exhale. “You lead.” “Thank you.”
I gently reached out while he stood absolutely still. “I’m going to undress you. And then you will undress me, slowly.” He nodded at my words and I got to work with the buttons of his shirt, not letting my fingers tremble while he watched them work. I tugged the shirt off his shoulders without touching his skin, dragging the fabric down his arms while searching his eyes before it floated to the floor. I undid the belt of his pants, then the button and zipper before bending to tug them off as he wore no shoes.
He lifted each leg for me to remove the pants fully while simultaneously slipping my finger within the hem of his socks and taking them off at the same time. I heard him draw a shaky breath as I rose before him as he stood in just his boxers. He was such a beautiful sight in the candlelight and I couldn’t help but look him up and down while my cheeks heated, no matter how hard I tried to control my own emotions for his benefit.
“Now, you undress me in the same manner. But, you can touch me if you want to.” He nodded at my words and as he reached for my already open blouse I caught a glimpse of his unsteady fingers that seemed to be both stiff and trembling. But he managed to undress me in a somewhat slow fashion, even if he didn’t look at me while he did so. His eyes flickered all over the place as if he didn’t know where to look.
When he stood up we were only in our underwear. I was strangely relaxed while he seemed tense. So I stepped closer, my eyes seeking his, and allowed my hands to reach out. “I’ll touch you now,” I said and his eyes found mine. He looked terrified, but he didn’t move away as my hands reached his chest dusted with dark hair so soft to the touch I wanted to moan at just the sensation of him. “Touch me, Severus, feel my body. It belongs to you,” I said gently to encourage him to dare. “I-, I have never in-, in this manner,” he confessed. “Tell me how you’ve done it, share your experiences with me while we do this gently.” “Love… No,” he said, a darkness to his voice. “Tell me, and touch me.”
I allowed my hands to stroke down his arms, slip to his hips, and go up along his sides until I could spread my fingers over his chest — his heart pounded. Then his hands reached out for my hips. “It was rough,” he began while his uncertain fingers began exploring my body in a jaggedly jumpy fashion. “Never out of care or, want… A necessity, sometimes something done without my approval. Merely for the… mission …” “Never again, darling,” I whispered while my hands explored his back and my front went flush against his, forcing his hands to slip behind me as well.
I kissed his collarbone and allowed my lips to slant up along his throat until I met his jawline. “This will only ever happen if you want it,” I assured him and his fingers stiffened at my lower back while I felt his cock press against my pelvis. “I can’t talk about it,” he confessed. “Not like this,” he continued and I nodded before kissing his cheek. “That’s okay, Sev. Will you still allow me to lead and touch?” “Yes…” “Say stop and it all stops.”
I stepped back and took off my underwear before ridding him of his. As we stood face to face I searched his eyes, tried to read what few emotions he showed, I found none truly alarming so I continued to kiss and caress him before we ended up on the bed. He was stiff beneath me, but I kept kissing and caressing his upper body while snuggling myself between his legs.
“Love…” he murmured. “Yes, Sev?” “Are you-, do you truly wish for this?” “Yes. I want all of you, all you are willing to gift me.” “All?” “Yes, all . There is no part of you I don’t love. I want to be close to you, care for you, love you.” He seemed to soften beneath me at that. “I will try,” he said quietly while his hands finally began to caress my skin, travelling along my sides until his fingers reached my face and he pulled me closer before kissing me softly.
I moaned into his mouth and kissed him back with all I had while still keeping the pace slow and the touch gentle. His thumb caressed my cheek and the kiss ended. I began stroking his side, travelling from his ribs to his hips before lifting myself a bit to reach his cock. He exhaled deeply as my fingers wrapped around him and I began stroking him gently, each movement measured and controlled to be gentle and comforting.
“It-, it feels good,” he whispered as he laid back fully, relaxing and taking in my touch. “I’ll always make you feel good, Sev,” I said, my voice too low but I was desperate to keep my control when all I truly wished to do was ravish him and have him fill my aching cunt. But we both needed this, he needed this to be different and I wanted him to feel safe and adored with me — as he always should feel.
I worked him to the point of him moaning deeply beneath me, my hands touching and stroking, my lips slanting and kissing, my mouth whispering sweet words of adoration and care. The room turned too warm, his breaths came harder and his muscles tensed beneath me while my core turned slick and needy.
“Sev, I’m going to ride you,” I said, making sure he knew what was about to happen before I did anything, giving him the chance to stop me. But he didn’t, he merely looked at me with warm eyes of want even if a small sliver of worry still lingered within the onyx colour.
I climbed atop him, guiding his thick cock to my entrance while straddling him. He looked up at me, his hands landing on my thighs as I began to sink, allowing him to slip inside and fill me up deliciously slow. He groaned and threw his head back as I took him to the hilt. It felt too good. He felt too perfect within me.
His hands flexed, his fingers digging into my flesh, and I moaned his name while taking in the sensation of being with him. I had dreamt of that moment for so long, wondered what it would be like, what he’d feel like, how he’d react — never had I imagined I’d be the one leading. But with Severus, things were always different.
“Love,” he groaned as I began riding him slowly. “You feel so good, Sev,” I moaned as my cunt adjusted to his size. “Belinna,” he moaned. “I-, I can’t,” he continued with a strain to his dark rumble of a voice. “Want me to stop?” I asked while keeping on riding him in slow motions, steady rising and falling, using all of my power to not allow the frenzy building within me to take over. “No, no don’t stop,” he groaned as his fingers dug themselves into my flesh with a grip so tight I wondered if he’d leave marks on me from his desperate hold. “But I can’t, I can’t hold out,” he panted while I felt his entire body turn nearly solid beneath me.
I’d only barely begun, but I wouldn’t take away his pleasure or deny him a release he so obviously needed. “Then let go, darling,” I said while I upped the pace a tiny bit. “Just let go.” “ Belinna ,” he moaned in a near prayer as I splayed my hands out on his chest, leaning forward to find a new angle to take him. He jerked beneath me, his jaw clenched tightly while his hips bucked upwards, and I moaned as he came undone beneath me.
His cock jerked with me, warm waves coating my insides while I kept riding him steadily while my hands felt the hammering of his heart. “You’re so good, Sev,” I praised while he groaned deeply. “So good, darling,” I continued and he moaned a strange sound of relief and something darker. I slowed my pace until I stilled fully, not chasing my release.
I watched him, the pale skin with a slight tint to his cheeks and little beads of sweat across his forehead, and couldn’t help but be filled with a desperate need to comfort him. He looked strangely satisfied but confused, tense but relaxed at the same time.
“Sev, are you alright?” I asked while stroking away a few stray strands of his hair. He looked up at me, I was unable to understand what his eyes were filled with though. He just looked at me, his chest still rising and falling rapidly, while I felt him soften within me his hands released their grip on my flesh.
“I-, I don’t know,” he confessed. “That’s okay,” I said and leaned forward to kiss his hooked nose while he slipped out of me, a gushing of sticky cum flowing out of me. “We’re a mess, would you like to shower with me?” I asked with a smile even if my entire body was reeling with the need to come. He shook his head and I nodded before kissing his thin lips gently. “I’ll be right back, I don’t like cleaning up with magic.”
I handed him his wand after having stood and went to the bathroom on shaky legs. My insides pulsed and his cum streaked down my thighs. I locked the door and stepped into the shower, the warm water cascaded over me and I reached down to find the release I so desperately needed while his moans and groans filled my head from mere memory. His cum and my slick covered my fingers as I stroked myself into a trembling mess, taking support from the wall while biting down on my lip to not make a sound. I made quick work of it all, finding my release swiftly only to rush through cleaning myself.
I grabbed my robe from the hook on the wall and left the bathroom while cinching the sash around my waist. When I stepped into the bedroom Severus sat on the edge of the bed, dressed in a new shirt and his black silken pyjama pants. He was leaning his elbows on his knees, a hunch to his shoulders and a stiffness to his back.
I walked up, sinking down on my knees before him. “Sev? Are you alright?” I asked anew but he shook his head. “What’s wrong?” I continued while wrapping my hands around his where they were entwined before me. “Is that how it’s supposed to be?” he asked quietly. “What do you mean?” “Soft, caring… Warm …” My eyes widened as he looked up at me. “Sev… Darling… Yes, it’s supposed to be all those things. It’s supposed to feel only good.” My heart screamed at the torment and confusion in his eyes while he looked at me so intently that I felt as if he were trying to enter my soul.
“What do you need, darling?” I asked while squeezing his hands. “Need?” “Yes, what do you need from me?” “Nothing you haven’t already given too much of.” “Okay, what would make you feel safe and cared for right now?” I asked to change his view on the question I was asking. “I-, I don’t know.” “Cuddles?” I asked. “Or alone time? Food? Words of affirmation?” I kept going to try and jog his thoughts about it all. I knew what I wanted but what I needed was to comfort him in whatever manner he needed.
“I usually prefer some cuddles and snuggles after getting clean, and talking about what felt good and what didn’t,” I said to open up about my own wants to hopefully make him see it was okay to ask for something more, for what one needs. “There was nothing about that which did not feel good, love,” Severus murmured, his eyes cast down on our hands. “I’m glad to hear that.”
“Would you like me to stay or give you some time?” I asked after another moment. “Don’t leave,” he whispered. “Stay. Please…” The confusion and worry in his voice was heartbreaking but that he asked me to stay warmed me. “I’ll stay, for as long as you wish.” “Forever. I wish you to stay forever,” he said and I felt my eyes water at his honesty. “I love you, Severus.” “I love you too. And I am trying, I am truly trying, Belinna.” “I know,” I said and reached my hand up to caress his chilly cheek.
He leaned into my hand, a small smile across his lips. Such a difference to just a few weeks ago. “It may sound foolish,” he began quietly, “but I… I wished on a falling star for the bravery needed to be closer to you. It fell across the sky just as you left for your walk.” “I-, Sev, I wished on that star too,” I confessed and he blinked at me. “I wished for you to allow me to be close to you…” “Is that so?” “Yes…” “Star of wishes, perhaps we needn’t wish on stars in the future…” “Perhaps we can simply… talk with each other more?”
Severus reached up and cupped my face, smiling softly while I placed my hands on his chest. His heart beat steadily beneath my palms and warmth seemed to envelop the two of us among the garlands and candlelight. “I wish for nothing more than a future where we can speak openly,” he said gently and I felt as if I were melting on the inside. “Let’s make that future a reality, together.” “Together,” he echoed and kissed me deeply. My wish came true, and my hard work and patience were rewarded in the end. My own little Christmas miracle…
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A/N: WAAAAAAAH!!!! Gosh, frikkin darn it, I love this so much and it's so sweet and they are so loving and caring and waaaaah..! I hope you enjoyed the end to this Rickmas2023 serial as well darlings! 🥰👏
+A/N: I am so so so sorry I haven't had the chance to reply to comments/reblogs yet - I am itching to do it and I will get to it as soon as I have a chance to and life isn't going crazy (I love and adore that you comment and reblog darling! I really do!) ❤
Q: Do you feel ready for 2024? A: I am so so so ready for 2023 to be over, it's been the most insane year and I can't quite wrap my head around it now that we're on the home stretch - how did I manage all I managed this year?
TAGLIST: @lizlil @snapefiction @darkthought15 @monstreviolet @flowerdementia @marvelschriss @once-upon-an-imagine @ravennight41 @caseydoodles98 @slytherinprincess03 @theconsultingdetectiveswife @grimmyhild @monster-energies @myobscureimaginarium @snowblossomreads @eternal-silvertongued-prince @cherryglossie @setsuna-meiou31 @helena211 @a-queen-and-her-throne @justsaturn0 @turvi @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @sunnylikesfrogs @mamawolfsmith16 @dianilaws @sassanoe @snapesrn @bernadette-peters12 @sammy-13 @smartowl999 @castleofthorns @serenanight87 @leah1243
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thewritingginger · 2 years
;) Alphabet - Manjiro “Mikey” Sano
More Alphabet HCs :)
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers Letters: M, A, N, J, I, R, O Warnings: 18+, Mentions of sex
Enjoy ~
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M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Mikey is a slut for short skirts, dresses, or shorts
If you’re showing your thighs or more he will not be able to stop staring and touching your legs if you’re near/on his lap
If you visit the Bonten office and touch him while around others
I’m talking casually rubbing his shoulders while talking to the others or placing your hand on his thigh under the table or giving him a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room for a moment —it all may lead to you bent over his desk later oop
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Sleepy boi
If time allows it, he enjoys a post-sex nap
Spooning is his jam!
Likes it when you pet his hair
But he softens out after sex, that afterglow hits different especially when he can relax in it for a while
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I don’t think Mikey is really into being called Daddy
Or calling his partner Mommy/Daddy
He doesn’t think it’s gross, it just doesn’t do anything for him
If he got called Daddy he’d probably be stunted for a second even if he doesn’t stop actively having sex/ whatever he was doing
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Doesn’t do it often tbh
He’ll mostly masturbate when he’s gone from his partner for a long period of time & need that release
Phone sex is preferred when he’s gone on business
If he uses some thing it’ll probably be a pair of your panties, whether he’s smelling them or have it wrapped around his cock
Never been a big porn watcher, mostly just uses his imagination and memories of things you’ve done together
A go to is imagining you sucking him off
Likes to use a lot of lube/oil/lotion when he jerks off –the wetter the better in his opinion, especially when he’s imagining your mouth wrapped around him or pumping into your tight hole
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He can be a bit of a softy, unless he’s being rough 😉
He likes facing you when having sex
Pulling your face close to his, his forehead resting on yours on in the crook of your neck
Not much a talker for the most part
A few broken up praises may come out, especially nearing his end
Likes looking into your eyes during sex –even when you aren’t making love
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Yeah he’s game if you really want to
He enjoys a routine of sorts and having a set list of things you do regularly
He never finds it boring or repetitive
Kinda a If it ain’t broke don’t fix it mindset
Is willing to try anything once if it’s something you really want to do
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Prefers receiving it —not that he wouldn’t go down on his partner, he could spend hours between their legs teasing them till they are a whiny mess
But Oral sex is probably his preferred form of stress relief
He likes both stroking his partners head & guiding them up and down his shaft and face fucking them —depending on his mood
Really likes using oral as a form of teasing/edging rather than just used for for play
He’s good with his tongue but his fingers are even better and he uses that to his advantage 😉
Although he mainly uses it on his partner as a form of forplay or torture he also enjoys making them finish on his tongue —especially if you don’t have a lot of energy for sex but he still wants to satisfy you
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Hope you enjoyed that Feedback and Interaction is always appreciated :)
💛 ~
~ Masterlist ~
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reasoncourt · 5 months
if anyone is wondering why i care about taylor swift discourse it’s genuinely just because i think people lose their point in their hate for her. and they lose perspective.
like she’s actually not the most evil woman in the world. she gives her workers insurance (bare minimum) and good bonuses (she’s mega rich so also bare minimum) and she buys carbon credits (bare minimum but also opens an interesting convo - i.e. how much should we value carbon credits?). she doesn’t use her voice enough imo but she also doesn’t speak out of turn (i.e. she doesn’t pretend to be well-versed and authoritative on topics she has no knowledge in (arguably she should educate herself on certain topics but tbh i’m inclined to view it as a positive that she doesn’t introduce global political issues beyond “trump bad” to her crazy af fan base… like she could do more but i also don’t have much faith in her politics cause she’s so so so out of touch so i prefer the silence)).
an important note here is that i do think she’s absolutely fucked for not condemning the genocide of palestinian people (especially when she’s supposedly close friends with the hadids who are outspoken on the issue and would greatly benefit from her public support (obv she shouldn’t just speak out bc it affects her personal friends but the fact that she isn’t speaking out when she has personal friends is honestly bizarre to me)).
but she's not unique for any of this. she does more than most of her peers and also way less than she should. that's all i see.
and yet ultimately it’s like - people side with kanye when he put a naked wax figure of her in his music video without her consent when she was 25. that situation was obviously misogynistic but people hate her so they largely glossed over it and decided she deserved it for "lying"about a phone call she didn't lie about. people also seem to think it’s funny that football bros are making ai porn of her (arguing she “deserves” it) despite that line of thinking obviously being detrimental to all women and especially those who are so much more vulnerable than her. people got angry at her for donating $250,000 to help with kesha’s legal fees in her case against ‘Dr. Luke’ because they considered it a publicity stunt even though taylor swift wasn’t the one to make that donation public. people called her performative for taking a man to court for sexually assaulting her and only asking for $1. and obviously they would’ve criticised her for asking for more.
the thing that really aggravates me is that there is so so so so so much to criticise her for. but it’s so so so so so obvious that a lot of people just hate her and don’t actually have any legit problem with the things they say they have a problem with. their favs could do the exact same thing and they won’t find any issue with it. cause they just really hate taylor swift and won’t step back a bit in order to just critically think about what their principles are and how those principles apply to this situation with taylor swift and whether they’re actually consistent with those principles and will apply them to someone other than taylor swift.
there are such valid points and important discussions i see being completely missed because the complaint is about Taylor swift and people seem to be incapable of thinking beyond the fact that they just, first and foremost, hate her
and let it be said that this is not a taylor swift defence post. i could not give a single shit about her specifically. i do find her music fun and nostalgic but i also think it deserves more criticism than it gets (but that’s not what this post is about). it’s just that she’s one of the most talked about people in pop culture and i feel like legitimate and productive discourse is rlly hindered by people’s disproportionate focus on her
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