#and that’s how he was able to unlock his true potential
kawaiiiuniverssse · 1 month
I guess all the Ninjago homophobes forgot that Cole literally unlocked his true potential by coming out to his dad.
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sbggarakungfood · 4 months
Why Jay Deserves the Villain Arc (why it suits him)
His name is Jay Walker
He has Cliff Gordon's DNA. Cliff Gordon. The one who has the book of "wooing women", who of course targeted the master of lightning, and oh right! He's an actor, I'm sure it's easy for him to pretend to be someone else, being perceived as "cute" by Libber, to be able to get her, though I'm still wondering why's she suddenly being chased when Jay was still a baby, making her run away alone with baby Jay, who potentially has the elemental power of lightning, and putting him in the junkyard so that her baby can be safe, so then the former master of lightning FINALLY can DISAPPEAR. Jay isn't like Cg. because Ed n Edna raised him. But let's make a big deal out of it anyway. (he still has his charm though).
Jay planned to destroy the top floor of a building TWICE. And SUCCEEDED. He wasn't even a villain that time. Can’t wait to see how many buildings he'll destroy when he unlocks his villain true potential.
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There's a possibility where Jay would throw away the moral values for a mission. This has been proven in s5 when he suggested thievery when he took the lead.
This post. (Not just about the biting thing) I know it's a tease but listen at how easy for him to threaten somebody. He threatens to zap Kai, next season, he threatens to bite Cole. Even though he didn't do it, threatening the main characters is supposed to be a villain thing.
There's a chance he'll laugh after he electrocutes somebody. Then electrocutes them again.
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Experienced in having a cult.
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lilbagdermole · 1 year
It's common knowledge that Zuko and Aang, throughout the duration of ATLA, are a mirror of one another; a reflection of each other - not necessarily opposites but parallels.
So whilst I was analyzing the finale of the show, I noticed a really interesting parallel between our two protagonists:
Zuko was close to dying in his final confrontation with Azula and what pulled him back up, what saved him from dying was water. More necessarily Katara's healing abilities - but nonetheless, his opposing element saved his life.
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On the other hand, Aang throughout his harrowing fight against Ozai utilizes Earthbending time and time again to save himself, techniques that we've come to associate with Toph (rock armor and seismic sense). And to access the Avatar State, that had since been blocked, Earth had been the ultimate catalyst to unlocking his Seventh Chakra.
And if we take into consideration what Guru Pathik told Aang - to unlock the Seventh Chakra he would have to let go of Katara. In a sense, this could have been a visual representation of how Aang lets go of his love for Katara, and how Toph (Earth) could take up that role.
Earth, his opposing Element, saves his life.
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It's also interesting that our protagonists' conclusions and destinies are integrally tied to the aforementioned girls. Destiny and Fate are two major themes in ATLA, alonside the moral lesson shared to us by Uncle Iroh about the unity of the four elements and how each element can learn and grow from the other.
Zuko's destiny to bring honor to Fire Nation whilst also challenging his conflicting natures (Sozin vs. Roku; Ozai/Azula vs. Iroh) would have never come into fruition had it not been for Katara. Katara was the first person (other than his Uncle) to show him genuine compassion and humanity, she was the first person to glimpse into his true, kind and gentle nature. Additionally, had she not fought alongside Zuko to defeat Azula and save his life, he would have never been able to step up to the Throne and fulfill his destiny. Thus Katara is linked and bound to Zuko's destiny.
Aang's destiny was to restore peace to the world and end The One Hundred Year War. The Aang we meet during Book One - is timid and soft, a strong bender and with limitless potential, but he lacked the confidence, the back-bone, the grounding to step-up to his duties as the Avatar and defeat Ozai. Katara coddled him and never challenged him to look beyond himself. It's only after meeting Toph does Aang begin to confront his opponents with a different viewpoint, he gains a certain matureness in himself and suddenly we see him step up into his role and responsibilities. Toph's Earthbending not only saves him from death but it also gave him the strength to face his destiny. Thus, Toph is linked and bound to Aang's destiny.
It would have tied a lot of unexplored themes as well as provide a more satisfying conclusion (Aang entering the Avatar State because he followed through with Guru Pathik's lessons instead of pointy rock triggers it) and it would have been cohesive with the narrative thematic of ATLA.
I'm still astonished at how badly Bryke fumbled the bag with their romantic sub-plots. 🗿
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Basic Intro to SATS
General Summary of sats
State Akin To Sleep (SATS) is a phenomenon that originated with the teachings of Neville Goddard, a spiritual philosopher and spiritual teacher of the 20th Century. His teachings suggested that we can use our imagination and mental contemplation to access a ‘state akin to sleep’ or SATS, in which we can gain deeper insight into the universal laws and principles of life. By free-associating with ourselves and our environment, we can tap into a powerful source of wisdom and understanding to manifest our dream life.
SATS can be accessed voluntarily and at will, enabling us to explore deep levels of consciousness, gain clarity and peace of mind and truly understand and manifest our desires. It is said that this practice enables us to access wisdom that lies beyond the physical plane, and to gain deeper understanding of our deepest hopes, dreams, and desires.
The benefits of SATS are numerous. It has been said that this type of inner contemplation can help us find peace and harmony in our lives, as well as providing clarity and focus on our purpose. It can also help us manifest our dream lives and desires.
Neville and Sats
Neville Goddard was a spiritual philosopher who encouraged unlocking our full potential via creative visualization and believing in a higher power, claiming that “imagination creates reality”. He believed that when we are able to access this inner state, known as a state akin to sleep, then we are able to manifest our true desires.
So what exactly is this state akin to sleep? Neville Goddard explains it as a state of “focused concentration” where we become so focused on a particular thought or concept that time no longer exists. He states that “suspension of intellect loosens the conscious mind from the physical seat of the conscious ego and allows one to enter an inner creative state where time stands still.”
This state is often referred to as a deep meditation but there are other ways to access it. Neville Goddard suggests that when you go to sleep, you should begin by visualizing and describing a certain outcome, or an idea which you would like to bring into being. He states that “if you haven’t already succeeded in bringing your desire into existence, practice regularly by concentrating on the desired result and life will take on a magical quality.”
This practice can be done during any part of the day, although Neville Goddard suggests that it be done during sleep to experience a more trance-like state. He advises that “by returning to this creative state often, you will become more aware of your own power and ability to direct your destiny.”
Other methods
Neville Goddard's teachings highlight the importance of entering a state akin to sleep in order to manifest your desires through the Law of Assumption. Here are some methods to enter the state akin to sleep and a tutorial on how to use them effectively.
Methods to relax
1. The Pseudo-Sleep Method: This involves closing your eyes and imagining a scene that implies you already have your desire. Repeat the scene until it feels real, and persist in the feeling of its reality until you drift off.
2. The Relaxation Method: Lay down in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. Take deep breaths and focus on relaxing your muscles one by one, beginning from your toes to your head.
3. The Counting Method: Count backward from 100 while focusing your attention solely on the numbers. Allow yourself to become fully absorbed in counting and let go of any other thoughts or distractions.
4. The Affirmation Method: Choose a positive affirmation that resonates with you and repeat it silently or out loud until you feel calm and peaceful. This can help you to clear your mind and focus on your manifestation.
5. The Visualization Method: Visualize yourself in a peaceful and calm place, such as a beach or forest. Surround yourself with all the things you desire and embrace the feeling of gratitude for their manifestation.
6. Using subliminals, or waves of your preference
Tutorial on how to enter the state akin to sleep in 5 steps:
1. Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won't be disturbed.
2. Choose whichever method resonates with you and practice it consistently.
3. Take deep breaths and focus on relaxing your body and mind.
4. Introduce your desired scene, affirmation, or visualization and imagine it as if it is happening now.
5. Persist in this state until you drift off to sleep, allowing your subconscious to absorb the manifestation of your desire.
Remember, the key to entering the state akin to sleep is to focus on the feeling of already having your desire, and to persist in this feeling until it becomes your reality. Use whichever method works best for you, and repeat it daily until you achieve your manifestations
1. What is a state akin to sleep? A state akin to sleep is a state of relaxation where the conscious mind is quiet, and the subconscious mind is open to suggestion. It's an important part of Neville Goddard's teachings and the manifestation process.
2. How does Neville Goddard's teachings relate to manifesting and reality shifting?Neville Goddard's teachings focus on the power of imagination and assumption to create your reality. This is the foundation of both manifesting and reality shifting.
3. What is manifesting?Manifesting is the process of creating/achieving something you desire into your life using the Law of assumptions. This is accomplished by focusing on the feeling of already having your desire and assuming that it's already yours.
5. How do I enter a state akin to sleep?You can enter a state akin to sleep by using methods such as visualization, relaxation, counting, affirmations, or imagining a scene that implies that you already have your desire.
7. What is reality shifting?Reality shifting is the process of intentionally shifting your consciousness to a different reality. It’s really just another word for manifesting in my opinion.
9. Can I use a state akin to sleep for reality shifting?Yes, a state akin to sleep can be used as a tool to shift your consciousness to a different reality. This is done by assuming the feeling of already being in the desired reality.
11. How often should I enter a state akin to sleep?It's recommended to enter a state akin to sleep daily until your manifestation comes to fruition or your desired reality is achieved. But use it however you desire
14. Can I fall asleep while in a state akin to sleep?Yes, it's possible to fall asleep while in a state akin to sleep. Just assume that you’ll wake up with your dream life/ desires.
15.How long does it take to manifest my desires using a state akin to sleep?The time it takes to manifest your desires varies depending on the your level of belief, and assumption. Persisting in the feeling of already having your desires is key to the manifestation process.
16. Can I use state of akin to sleep to enter the void state? Yes, you can use it eveything
17. What’s the void state? A state of pure consciousness
18. Is the void state and Sats the same thing? No. The Void state simpily put is a pure state of consciousness. SATS, is a state of deep relaxation and rest. Both are used to manifest or achieve your desires “quickly.”
19. Can I move and scratch and still achieve sats. Sure. It depends on your assumption but it never hindered me.
My recommended subliminals, waves, and other helpful videos to achieve SATS
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Something that I was kind of wondering about is if April has some specific Ninpo powers like the Turtle’s have or if she simply has the same Ninpo abilities that most of the Hamato Ancestors have had
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We know that there are some base Ninpo skills & abilities that most Hamato Clan members have shown such as weapon transformation or outfit alterations & Hamato Ninpo also seems to slightly enhance the users natural agility, speed, strength & durability but the Turtles seem to also have powers specific to themselves as well.
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The Turtles all seem to have some abilities that seem specific to themselves on top of their regular Hamato Ninpo; Leo has his portals & teleportation abilities, Raph has his constructs, Mikey has his chains & Donnie has his mystic tech.
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It is possible that the Turtle’s own specific powers manifested in the way they did due to their powers taking shape in ways that they were already kind of familiar with as Mikey, Raph & Leo had already kind of gotten used to the powers they used with their mystic weapons & though Donnie didn’t really use mystic powers until he unlocked his Ninpo he is an inventor so Donnie was already used to designing things the same way he designs things with his mystic tech.
However I have also seen some people say that the Turtle’s mystic powers might have possibly manifested the way they did due to their specific personalities & wants.
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If the Turtle’s specific Ninpo is powered by their own personalities & wants then it is possible that their specific powers manifested in possibly some of the best suited ways for them.
With Raph who is the protector of the family, if his specific Ninpo is powered by his desire to protect his family then it might make sense that his powers developed as constructs making him able to shield his family better or to take blows for them
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For Donnie if his specific Ninpo is possibly powered by his creative mind it possibly makes sense that his powers would manifest as a way that lets him invent to his hearts content.
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For Mikey if his specific Ninpo is possibly powered by his hope & belief it might possibly explain why Mikey has so much mystic potential if the phrase “as long as you believe in yourself, you can do anything!” really is true for Mikey then it might explain how he is able to do what he does.
If he believes that he can throw a ship or a building, he can. If he believes he can open a portal to save his brother, he will
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For Leo if his powers are possibly powered by his duty to his family then it might explain why his powers manifested as portals as what better way to get to his family when they are in danger or quickly get them out of danger than the ability to teleport?
But then what would April’s specific wants & desires be?
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April: I’m not- I’m not one of you
Karai: Oh my child, you have always been one of us
For April it seems as though her wants are about feeling as though she is truly part of the family
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Which might be why when April unlocks her Ninpo we also see brief flashes of what looks like the history of the Hamato Clan, of course it might possibly be due to Karai’s spirit but a possible theory that I have seen a few times is that April’s specific Ninpo might possibly involve having the ability to access & harness the history & techniques of the Hamato Clan.
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pandemonium-kidz · 19 days
Ninjago Headcanons - Fire Element
Some Worldbuilding stuff starting with the Fire element.
So Kai (and fire elementals in general) have kind of an inner flame. This inner flame will vary on intensity in normal days depending on the weather.
If its too hot outside Kai's body temperature will lower to compensate for the weather and avoid overheating but he will feel sluggish/sleepy, when this happens the best he can do is take sunbaths to get the warmth his flame won't give him [Like a Lizard].
If its too cold Kai will felt like he's burning, this will dry his skin and make him incredibly thirsty, it also tires him out more because he's using more energy, he's gonna be a bit more active/awake but if he doesn't have the necessary energy to keep the flame at the necessary intensity then he's probably gonna pass out.
So there's this thing that if his body tried to acclimate too fast to an incredibly sudden change on the temperature then his inner flame will make his temperature clash either giving him fever to the point of Hyperpyrexia or get his temperature so low that causes Hypothermia. (The flame can acclimate, but not suddenly, in the case of trying to do so is not uncommon for said flame to have trouble controlling how much it has to upper or lower the temperature which causes the crash)
This is specially dangerous with snow and water, for the suddenness and quickness is Water, since water is quick to cling to his body and suck the temperature out; the colder the water the easier and faster is for him to get hypothermia, meanwhile Snow works similarly but is effects take more to settle on, however is more dangerous if left without intervention since the cold lasts longer and is more difficult to revert. In these cases the best way to restart the flame is an active campfire.
He's also kinda waterproof and fireproof, the heritage of merlopian genes [I don't care if that book is non-canon] makes him just a bit better at handling water than previous fire masters but not by that much, unlike Nya who definitely benefits more from the waterproof abilities
Here's the thing, he's (and Nya) aren't 100% fireproof, in your daily life sure, they are, but in an hypothetical case you could put him on a very high fire and he would resist... For some time.
At some point if the temperature of the fire is high enough and constant it'll not only overload him (which can also cause a temperature clash) causing his inner flame will also start to go down because is trying to compensate for the temperature outside but his "fireproof" body also will start to wear out eventually making him able to get burn. Think of its like oxidation, a decent amount is fine but it'll eventually break his barriers causing harm.
When he uses his powers he uses a lot of energy he constantly needs water and food (something he shares with Jay), the first because he can enter on a dehydration state very quick and the second for energy, depending for how long he used his powers he might need to moisturize his skin. Also their bones tend to get a dark to black coloration, Kai's particularly are black, Ray's are more dark maroon for example.
Funfact: He didn't had a clash on the volcanoes because he unlocked his true potential which gave him a boost and temporarily immunity, otherwise he would've quickly overheat and his flame would've eventually shut down because of how hot it was.
A lot of this is cause because he's not a pure elemental (See Nya merging with the sea) so his physical form is what causes a lot of these limitations, is the same with the others too, where they able to become their elements most of these problems wouldn't really exist.
Ps. The more he uses his power the better is his body at managing changing temperatures fast and better resistance to high temperatures. It still can hurt him tho but is less likely to happen the more he gets used to his powers, S1 Kai and DR Kai have very different limits.
Ps. 2. He does have an affinity with fire-related animals, this is however tricky as there aren't a lot out there, unlike Nya who has afiinity with general sea animals Kai's pool is limited to creatures like dragons, phoenixes, etc.
This is an affinity, he has an easier time getting to common ground with them, it doesn't mean he can actively let's say, speak dragon.
Ps. 3. Fire (and heat) elementals like the sun, they swear they sometimes hear it whispering to them... Kai thinks the sun is loud and is this close to get a water gun.
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hawkflame999 · 6 months
Ninjago headcanon #1-5
AU where the three descendants of FSM actually inherit Dragon-Oni features
Garmadon, Wu, and Lloyd being part oni, CAN shapeshift and usually use this to hide their true forms, instead shifting to their human ones, unless it's only friends and family around. (or if the circumstances demand it)
Garmadon’s “true form” looks like how he usually does, except he has huge gold dragon wings coming out from his back shoulder area, ringed with black because of his oni blood, that he actually can fly with. He has a gold tail similar to a Night Fury's, with the tailfins being black. He also has black oni horns with a swirl of gold and dark gold dragon ears. His eyes are purple both because of his element and his Oni blood and they glow when he allows them to. His teeth are sharp, too. His hands are clawish (Like his hands look normal but they have all the claw abilities and all). He has some gold-tipped black spikes like a night fury’s coming out of his back.
When Garmadon was in that form where he had the red eyes and all, his wings, tails, spikes, horns, and such were all black.
Wu’s “true form”  looks like how he usually does, except he has huge gold dragon wings coming out from his back shoulder area, that he actually can fly with. He has a gold tail similar to a Night Fury's with the tailfins being gold. He also has white-gold slanted-back dragon horns, with a swirl of black because of his oni blood, and dark gold dragon ears. His eyes are golden both because of his element and his Dragon blood and will glow if he allows it. His teeth are sharp, and his hands are claw-ish (Like his hands look normal but they have all the claw abilities and all) and he also has some gold-tipped black spikes like a Night Fury’s coming out of his back. 
Lloyd didn’t even realize he was shapeshifted during the years at Darkly’s Boarding school. When he began staying with the ninja, his uncle explained about being Dragoni (dragon-oni-sometimes- part-human hybrid) and taught him how to return to his true form and shapeshift, and how to fly. Lloyd didn’t need to learn Dragoni-tongue, he already knew it instinctively. 
Lloyd’s “true form” looks like how he usually does, except he has gold dragon wings, coming out from his back-and-shoulder area, ringed with green, that he actually can fly with. Like his uncle, He has a gold tail similar to a night fury's, with the tailfins being gold but with green at the tips except for the very tips of the fins being gold again. He also has gold horns, with a swirl of black because of his oni blood, with more black than his uncle but less than his father, slanted back like a dragon’s but not as much as his uncle, and dark gold dragon ears. His teeth are sharp, his hands are claw-ish (Like his hands look normal but they have all the claw abilities and all) and he also has some green-tipped gold spikes like Night Fury’s coming out of his back. His green eyes glow when he allows them to. The green-and-gold scales were able to glow after the Final Battle, except for his eyes, which were able to glow from the start.
AU where Morro gets turned back into a human in DotD and proceeds to take over as the oldest sibling for the rest of the series. (after the others begin to trust him of course)
“Jay Gordon Walker are you even trying to not have that thing explode!?!?”
“Kai Smith, how many times will I tell you to stop setting your room on fire.”
“All I’m asking for is one freaking patrol where you don’t say a word you shouldn’t even know, Nya.”
“Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon Spinjitzu. For the last time, Why were you up at  3:00 AM.”
“Zane you’re fine. You have common sense.”
The ninjas’ eyes’ reflect their elements. And when the ninja unlock their true potential, their control over their eyes comes. 
Zane’s are ice blue, Jay’s are electric blue, Cole’s eyes are dark brown, almost black though sometimes the same yellow-orange that came when he went Spinjitzu Burst, while Kai’s are fire-colored. Nya’s are teal but a bit greener, as in sea colored. Lloyd’s are green. Morro’s were gray. Wu’s are gold both because of his element and his Dragon blood. and Garmadon’s are purple, both because of his element and his Oni blood. Their eyes will glow if they allow them to.
They can reverse the effect and make their eyes dark, the way most people’s eyes are- but they mostly do it in public so it’s harder for their identities to be found out.  
The shade of the color depends on their emotional state. When they are sad or talking about a “You don’t want to know” subject, or such, the shade of color in their eyes will get darker. If they’re in a good mood, they’ll get brighter. Sometimes it’s the opposite. (Cole’s turn light orange sometimes- he loves creeping his father out that way) 
When Lloyd was little and still at Darkly’s, one of the older kids, Tatheron, trapped him in an unused room. There they beat him up and hurt him seriously with a needle. As a result, Lloyd has trypanophobia- extreme fear of needles. 
The other ninja found out about it sometime when he was still a kid, when he got a gash on his arm. Wu said it needed to be stitched and Lloyd proceeded to panic, even ran off in fear. After being forced to catch him and bring him back to the Bounty, Lloyd tearfully confessed what happened  to the ninja after his Uncle Wu calmed him down, and the ninja + Wu ended up waiting till he fell asleep to do the stitches.
After that, Tatheron may or may not have come home one day with a broken nose. 
At first Lloyd was terrified of the ninja, and they didn’t realize this at first. They only knew that they’d barely see him while on the Bounty. 
Then one day they found him hiding inside a big vase and realized that for some reason he hid from everyone in general 24-7. 
They found out that the kid’s at Darkly’s were hurt for even little stuff like being slow to answer. And that Lloyd had grown up thinking that everyone would hurt him. And that it was gonna take a while to gain his trust.
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merakiui · 3 months
Surreal horror has always been one of my favorite types of horror because of the unsettling atmosphere and the reality-bending and you wrote it so well! You did amazing when you wrote the dream sequences in DRU, and now to actually read a whole dang fic with the theme?? With Trey of all people???? OTZ OTZ OTZ You've unlocked so many new possibilities with his Doodle Suit, truly the Gaslighting King of all time 👑👑👑
AND THE SYMBOLISM!!!!! please please please please ramble about them if you want-- I'm having so much fun rereading this fic again and again. The Violet Butterwort caught my attention cause isn't that a carnivorous plant? 👀👀 Trapping insects in its leaves like a certain grass-haired man??? 👀👀👀
Anyway, all I'm saying is, Trey is not the only chef around cause you definitely COOKED with this one 🔥🔥✨✨
I'm so happy it tickled your brain! I adore surreal horror in film and writing. There's just so much potential for the craziest of things to happen! Dream sequences or sequences that feel like dreams are some of my favorite things to write. The ones in DRU are also just as surreal. <3 I originally wanted to write this concept with Jade (Kalim was second on my list), but I decided upon Trey in the end because I think he suits the surreal horror vibes so well! Doodle Suit + the power of seamless gaslighting........ what a terrifying combination.
I wanted the story to feel obscure and almost like a trip with the imagery and descriptions. Sort of like the vibes in Alice in Wonderland. Just,,,,, utterly bonkers.
👀 you are very right about the butterwort hehehe!!! As for other symbolisms/details, these are the main ones in the story! I left out some of the symbolisms of various lines or words because that would make for such a long analysis of my own work. ^^;;;
It is under the cut due to length (forgive me)! A warning for mentions of sexual assault and drugging!
✧ the binary can be translated into messages. :)
✧ the feeling of itchiness - feeling as if you don't fit in your body after it's been violated. Feeling like something (trauma/blocked memories) is beneath your skin and you can't get it out no matter what you do. Also, itchy as in discomfort.
✧ grass - this is meant to be Trey. It's how Reader views him throughout the story.
✧ violet butterwort - as you noted, it's a carnivorous plant that traps insects! It's also a symbol of resilience and a common charm used to ward off supernatural evils.
✧ birthday cake with 20 candles - the plot is that Reader and Trey are/were in a relationship and on Reader's twentieth birthday Trey drugged their tea (chamomile) and had his way with them when they were half-conscious. Thus, Reader was never able to indulge in their birthday cake because Trey took it all. Cake can also be a metaphor for Reader's body.
✧ the line "it will take twenty more..." is in reference to the healing process and how it's going to take Reader time to heal from everything.
✧ xylophone chimes/broken glass - the juxtaposition of something sweet-sounding with something jarring.
✧ the white rabbit - a sense of innocence/comfort lost.
✧ "Soups are easy to eat. Easy to slip special sentiments in." - a reference to drugging.
✧ "Soup is what becomes of your brain when your body is too itchy." - disassociation during something traumatic (in this case, sexual assault).
✧ the hedge maze that never has a true exit - the feeling of being lost and trapped and never having a real escape.
✧ the grass bow around the white rabbit's neck - the obsessive and unhealthy hold Trey has on Reader. How he can't let them go.
✧ static - lots of noise and amidst the noise there's Trey, whose own voice is sometimes static and other times soothing enough to cut through the static.
✧ the sequence of "it's here and then there and then here again..." - an allusion to the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland when he's giving Alice directions, but they're all over the place.
✧ every time the grass whispers or speaks - things Trey told Reader when he assaulted them.
✧ "In and out. Out and in. In and out. Out. Out. Out. Incessant itchiness. Get it out." - double meaning for breathing but also the act of sex (thrusting).
✧ the questioning of "that didn't just happen, did it?" - how Reader feels in the aftermath. But also just a general question in response to gaslighting. A consistent questioning of one's reality.
✧ Reader's association of the word "gross" with cake (especially birthday/confetti cake) - it ties into the above and also the part in the story about favorite foods and memories.
✧ teeth falling out - usually, in dream interpretation, this symbolizes a recent loss or mourning of something lost.
✧ hyperdontia - the horror of having a mouth and a voice but never being able to use it because it's so clogged with teeth, so no one will ever listen to or hear the things Reader desperately wants and needs to say.
✧ Frozen Charlotte dolls - Victorian era dolls that could float in the bath. They were also baked into cakes. They're called Frozen Charlottes based on a folk ballad called "Fair Charlotte," which tells the tale of a young girl (Charlotte) on her way to a ball with her lover (Charlie). It's dreadfully cold out, but she frets over the fact that wearing a coat will prevent everyone from seeing her pretty dress. She freezes to death on her way to the ball and arrives in her carriage as a frozen corpse. I think these dolls are fascinating and so cute, so I just wanted to compare teeth to Frozen Charlottes. The description of having a dozen tiny dolls stuck in your throat made for unpleasant imagery, so I wanted to write it!
✧ "A black rabbit blinks up at you with its milky-white eyes. Its nose twitches. Once. Twice. Thrice. A loud gust slithers through the field in which you currently observe, surrounded by decaying greenery and wilted wildflowers. They sprawl endlessly, clawing at the horizon beyond with broken fingers. You watch monochrome tones sway, dried petals flaking off like scabs against a battered, bloodless sky." - this is the same paragraph as seen in the beginning, only certain details have been changed. It's a hint at some sort of cycle that Reader's just only beginning to see. Idyllic beauty is no longer so blinding now that Reader sees what they didn't notice before.
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tobiasdrake · 15 days
(Re: The Ginyu Post) 1. If Ginyu had only ever body changed with other mutants, then that might explain why he hadn't encountered the same problem he did with Goku. Goku's power requires a lot more skill to access. 2. Not really relevent to anything but I just want to note that we also see someone who may be a Namekian Mutant: Nail, who Friexa clocks at about 42,000. Though he's also the personal guard of the Grand elder, so it's also possible he reaped the benefits of unlocked potential like Krillin did
Yeah, Nail is pretty amazing for such a short-lived character.
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Vegeta should be grateful that the Ginyus showed up because this was probably about to end badly for him.
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Jeice's line here has been through some fixing. The original version had him astonishedly reading that Vegeta's battle power is coming up to 20k. This, of course, doesn't seem that impressive since he was said to have been 18k on Earth and, in fact, read at 24k earlier in this very arc.
The line was later revised to set Vegeta's current BP at 30k, following his zenkai from Zarbon.
Viz hedges their bets here by using the original 20k number, but adding "And still rising!" Which is still kinda janky because now Burter's reacting with astonishment to an explicitly lowball estimate of Vegeta's ki.
Either way, uh.
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Yeah, if Vegeta had succeeded in starting shit back there, he was about to find out real fast and in a hurry why you don't fuck with the Grand Elder's bodyguard. Nail was about to happen to Vegeta in very much the same way that Recoome later did.
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Pictured: An approximate estimation of what Vegeta didn't realize he was volunteering for back at Saichoro's home.
It is a pretty popular theory that the reason Nail is this powerful is because he's already had his dormant power drawn out by Saichoro. It is the logical conclusion. Saichoro can draw out a person's dormant ability from someone and there doesn't seem to be any reason he wouldn't do that for his personal bodyguard and attendant. He does it for Krillin, Gohan, and even Dende.
This is never confirmed nor refuted in the manga. The only explanation ever offered for Nail's power is that he's Senshi Taipu or a "Warrior-Type Namekian". This sets him apart from those earlier 3k BP Namekian fighters, as Saichoro notes that he's the only Senshi Taipu on Namek.
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Viz says "true warrior" in place of Senshi Taipu which is kind of a slap in the face to those other guys. Now it just sounds like he's shit-talking the dead. Rude.
But the idea is that Senshi Taipu is the other special class of Namekian. The other being Ryuzoku or "Dragon Clan", the sorts of Namekian mystics who do things like create Dragon Balls. The Nameless Namekian was Ryuzoku - and a prodigy Ryuzoku, at that.
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It's weird to me that one is a "Taipu" and the other is a "-zoku". We have Ryuzoku, the corrupted Mazoku, and Senshi Taipu. Why isn't that one a -zoku? But I digress.
Something interesting to note about this is that it retroactively implies explanation for how Piccolo was able to reincarnate himself stronger.
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"He broke off a piece of himself that's even more powerful than he is because, uh, of reasons." Kind of a weird thing for him to be able to do, right? Why doesn't our Piccolo ever spit out an egg and make Piccolo III who's 8x more powerful than Piccolo? If spawning copies of himself that are superior to the original is a thing he can do then that implies some brand new options.
The Namek arc implies some explanations. During the Frieza battle, Dende explains to Piccolo that he's Senshi Taipu, so he can't learn mystical arts like healing magic.
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But the Nameless Namekian and by extension God and PIccolo were Ryuzoku like Dende. So the implied retroactive explanation for how Piccolo was able to make his new self more powerful is because he reincarnated as Senshi Taipu, trading in the mystical package for pure battle power.
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coffee-master · 4 months
Would Lloyd still get kidnapped by the snakes and Garmadon would have to help the Ninja ?
Would Nya find her true potential the same way Kai did ?
Yes, unfortunatelly Lloyd would get kidnapped and they need Garmadon.
How would Nya find her true potential?
Unlocking her true potential would be diffrent to Kai. They are two diffrent people who have other weaknesses.
So what's blocking Nya form unlocking her true potential?
Guilt Nya feels guilty towards Kai. She feels like she owns him something.
To explain everything when they were young Kai had to take care of Nya. During this time it wasn't easy for both of them, especially since Kai was still a child.
He had to find work, so he could provide money and food for both him and Nya. During her childhood Nya could often see Kai working very hard and often comming back home and immiediatelly going to bed, because he was so exhaused. He was always tired and on his hands she could always see wounds and scars from overhelming work.
After a while Kai also dropped out of school, because he couldn't work and study at the same time. It was simply too much for him, so he decided that, he'd only work instead.
Even though Nya wanted to do the same to support him, he refused and told her to go to school, so she would be well educated. He wanted her to have easier in the future.
During her childhood Kai was amazing brother, who cared deeply about her. He played with her, fixed her clothes, helped with simple stuff, bought or cooked meals and always smiled.
Even Kai's best efforts, he wasn't able to hide their poor situation and at some point Nya was able to notice. She was very cleaver girl.
Kai sacrificed so much for her.. His time, energy, health, childhood.
Seeing her brother sacrificing so much for her made Nya feel guilty, to the point when she started to ask herself if it would be easier for Kai if she wasn't there.
But the breaking point was when she noticed one time that Kai didn't eat anything on purpose so that it would be enough food for her.
Often their financial situation had ups and downs. I those times when there wasn't enough money for food, Kai lied to Nya that he had already eaten or wasn't hungry, so that she could eat.
But one time the brunette was able to catch him, drinking lots of water to numb the pain in his stomach.
This memory became deeply embedded in her mind and every time the situation in their home wasn't good, she started asking herself question.
Would it be better if I wasn't here? - If not me Kai wouldn't have to work that hard, to support two people. Maybe he'd still go to school. He wouldn't be so tired-
Nya just feels guilty.
She feels as if she's an albatross around Kai's neck. That she's holding him back or she isn't doing enough for him, as much as he for her.
Every time she got a present form her brother, she'd be excited because of it and then later sad, feeling like she doesn't deserve it.
But she didn't tell anything about this to Kai, thinking she'd make even more problems for him.
So she kept quiet.
Then suddenly there was a time, when Nya took a part in the technical competition and won. The brunette always loved building and at the teacher's urging, she applied. At first it was nice and funny experience for her, but then she recived a cash price for the first place.
That's when something new started. Nya won money and finnaly could help his brother.
In that moment she felt usefull, like she could help Kai and the fact that he was proud of her achievement made her even more motivated.
Nya started participing more in this competitions. She was determined and hard working.
To get some money she had to won first places. To achieve her goals she had to be the best.
If she wanted to be the best her projects had to be perfect, she told herself. There couldn't be any mistake.
Because when she was the best she could make a diffrence, she can help or even protect him.
Druing this time her guilt turned into light obsession over being the best, which had a big impact during her life as a ninja.
In the pilot when sceleton attacted Smiths Kai was kidnapped instead of Nya, because he kinda sacrificed himself.
Kai preffered that they'd take him instead of his dear sister. He'd do anything to protect her.
Meanwhile Nya was devastated, but also determined to get her brother back. That's why during her training with master Wu she was working very hard and became a ninja.
Later after she got Kai back they moved in.
Nya was actually very happy. They had new home and everything in abundance. She was very happy, because she could train with her new friends and Kai didn't need to work anymore.
Of course nothing would bring back his childhood and that time, but it was better than nothing. But at least now Kai could do anything he wanted and be safe.
But then as we know things started to get complicated and snakes appeared.
Kai & Lloyd's relationship improved and later Nya found out that Kai was Samurai X.
At first she was very mad, because she hated the man who stole her project, but then she felt confused.
Nya felt confused and angry, because why her brother had also to risk and fight for her? Why couldn't he just stop looking for her and simply enjoy his life?
Nya was angry, but once again left those thoughts only to herself.
And later we come to the (s01.ep10) when ninjas are going to safe Lloyd and go for the blade.
Kai didn't stay at the Bounty, because he wanted to make sure that his brother will be safe. So he went with the others.
During the missionin the end Llod, Nya & Kai are stuck in the vulcano and here Kai & Nya argue.
Kai: Nya c'mon we need to go! I've got Lloyd.
Nya: Then go! *still tries to take the blade*
Kai angry: Nya the whole place is going to errupt! Please take my hand!
Nya stubborn: I can do it myself!
Kai irritated: Why won’t you let me help you?!
Nya yell angrily: Because you’ve already done enough for me!
Kai confused: ..Nya what- What are you talking about?
Nya: *just realised what she had said and is terrified*
Nya: You sacrificed so much for me- If not me.. So let me just take care of you as you did for me!
Kai finally reasiling: Nya-
Nya desperately: Please, let me stop being your burden-!
Kai: You've never been!
Everyone: .....
Kai: Nya, you don't need to be the best or even good. You've always been enough for me-
Nya: Stop! If not me-!
Kai: Without you I wouldn't be here.
Nya shocked: ....
Kai: If not you, I wouldn't have strengh to fight. You were my motivation to keep going. Every time I felt like everything was breaking, you were the one that help me go through this- *smiles genuinely*
Nya: *smiles and takes his hand*
After that Nya found her true potential.
Nya played an important role in Kai's childhood, when their parents were gone.
If not she, he'd have been at his breaking point.
That little girl made him smile every time he felt bad and didn't make him feel lonely. Nya made him less scared and give him hope.
At that time he also made two promises:
I'll protect you at all cost.
I'll never leave you.
[Siblings elemental change AU]
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draconicsparkle · 3 months
So @snivyartjpeg shared their warmup doodles in the discord server of a kokolight vampire au. And I swear, as soon as I saw it, my brain instantly desired to make something based off of it. How could I not?
Not much to say on this honestly. I just wanted to write something fun based on the cute doodles! So enjoy!
Vampires existed. They lived and breathed in the same world as humans. That was an undeniable fact. Yakou knew this and accepted this.
But what he had not expected was for one of his own employees to be one.
His first clue had been a few bloody tissues left in the trash can. As far as he knew, no one had been having intense nosebleeds aside from possibly Desuhiko. But no clients had come to the agency and no… magazines were here. So the possibility of the disguise detective being the bleeder was minimal.
So at that point, he tried to subtly observe his employees a little more.
He instantly ruled Fubuki out as the one hiding their true status, as she couldn’t lie to save her life. Desuhiko was ruled out too, as he was not very good at convincing. So he surely wouldn’t have been able to talk someone into providing blood. And Yuma? Obviously not, as the small rookie detective couldn’t hurt a fly.
Which left two contenders. Halara and Vivia.
This was where the search got a little more difficult. Those two were incredibly guarded individuals, not letting much slip past their walls. They could keep secrets no problem, and their poker faces were solid.
But after some watching, Yakou thought he nailed it down.
Vivia Twilight.
It seemed obvious once he connected the dots. The man always appeared to be sleeping during the day, as vampires were typically nocturnal creatures. His skin was pale, like he didn’t have great blood circulation as vampires tended to suffer from. His ability to be incredibly stealthy when he needed to. And the constant insistence that he wanted to die someday. Perhaps a mindset he got from needing to drain people’s lifeblood to survive.
And in addition to figuring this out, he also discovered who Vivia must have been feeding off of. Yuma Kokohead.
The two of them had gotten close since they started working together. It was fairly common to see them next to each other, whether it be naps, talks, or eating regular food. So he was certainly easy to access as a food source. Yuma also was fairly agreeable and could be convinced easily. He always wore that navy blue scarf, concealing his neck and potentially hiding the bite marks.
It all fit in Yakou’s mind. Surely he had figured it out.
But he couldn’t put the thought to bed until he had concrete proof. So he devised a little scheme.
It had started with sending Halara, Fubuki and Desuhiko out to do some jobs. He also claimed that he had errands to run, so he gave instructions to the last two. “Stay here in the agency and keep watch over the place. If clients come in, entertain them until I return. Understood?”
Yuma nodded with a beaming smile. “We won’t let you down, Chief!” Vivia hummed his agreement from the fireplace.
“Okay then. I’ll be back in an hour,” he told them. Then he left the submarine.
To his credit, he did go do some errands to kill time. But he returned to the sub after half an hour. He knew that by giving them a time frame, they might try something while they believed themselves to be alone with no interruptions. So it was the best time to try and get his proof.
He carefully unlocked the hatch, descending into the hull and turning around. The lights had been turned off, but the sound of clothes rustling was audible. Vampires preferred darkness over light, so this was a good sign. But he needed more information. So he took some sneaky steps towards the room’s opening, until he was just barely hidden. Then he suddenly rounded the corner.
And what he found there had not been what he expected.
Oh, there was a vampire in his submarine alright, but the glowing red eyes and bloody fangs didn’t belong to who he had thought. Yuma’s eyes shone in the dark as they turned towards him while perched on Vivia’s lap. His tongue darted out to lap up a tiny trickle of blood that was dripping down his chin.
Meanwhile, Vivia had been sitting upright on the sofa, head tilted to the side and his neck exposed with several bite marks now on display with his coat off. The lazy detective opened his eyes upon feeling the vampire stop, then caught sight of the flabbergasted Yakou. “Oh, hey Chief,” he called out, acting as though nothing was wrong.
“Wha-? But… I thought… Yuma’s the vampire?!” he managed to exclaim, running a hand through his frazzled hair.
“Uh… sorry? I wasn’t really sure… how to tell you,” the rookie said with an embarrassed tone. “But it’s okay! Vivia helps me with my blood urges, so there’s nothing to fear!”
Yakou rubbed his temples, trying to not get overly upset that his theory had been the complete opposite. “It’s fine, it’s fine. If you got it under control, then I see no reason to worry.” He sighed, then reached for the light switch. “Turning on the lights now. Close your eyes.”
He waited until the red glow vanished from the room, then flipped the switch. He grabbed the grocery bag that he had left near the hatch and entered the room again, ready to discuss things with his employees.
But when he returned, Yuma had somehow vanished from sight. Only Vivia was in the room, busy with tying a dark bandage around his collection of bite marks. “Uh… where’s Yuma?” he asked, very confused on where the rookie had disappeared to.
Vivia smiled. “He gets sleepy after a meal. And… he insists on resting with me.”
Yakou was about to insist on a better explanation when he noticed a new shade of lilac on the taller detective’s hair. Walking closer revealed something quite endearing.
A small purple vampire bat with Yuma’s signature hair antenna was nestled into the green hair. He let out a yawn, then snapped his jaws closed and snuggled deeper into the locks. That, Yakou would admit, was adorable.
“I see. Well, I’ll leave you two to rest, I guess. I’ll try to be quiet,” he told them, then finishing the journey to the kitchen to put the groceries away. He did try to keep his promise, and worked as silently as possible.
Once everything was put away, he peeked into the lobby again. Vivia had retreated to the fireplace, the tiny bat still in his hair. Both looked dead to the world.
That was good, he supposed. Better to let them get some relaxation time while they could before the next big job. And the sight was enough to heal his wounded pride as a detective.
He turned his eyes away from the pair, settling down in his chair and opening the newspaper. Time to get back to business.
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mollysunder · 7 months
Jinx, Viktor, and Ekko: Zaun's Messiest Trio
I really can't wait for season 2 of Arcane, mostly to finally see Jinx, Ekko, and Viktor interact. All three have this dynamic where every person has a reason to be suspicious of the other, but each would absolutely benefit if they managed to work together.
Despite the fact that Viktor hasn't met either Jinx or Ekko, all three still manage to (or at least will) know something about the other characters, which colors the bias of the others when they meet next season. I decided to list out a few of the ongoing threads on what has happened and what could happen between Ekko, Jinx, and Viktor based on that.
Ekko and Jinx:
Ekko doesn't know that Jinx stole back the hexgem during their fight.
Will Ekko feel partially responsible for the coming war between Zaun and Piltover because he let his past with Jinx stop him from killing her on the bridge?
Ekko doesn't know Jinx set him and the Firelights up to take the fall for the hexgem heist and the explosion on the bridge. Has this happened under Jinx's direction before?
Jinx may or may not have more firelight bombs stationed near his base
When it's revealed that Jinx robbed Jayce's apartment with Ekko's help in the 1st act, will that only further tie Jinx's past crimes to the Firelights by Piltover's establishment?
There's a theory that Ekko saved himself and Jinx by knocking away her grenade. Would Jinx know that if it were true?
Does Jinx know that Ekko has a giant mural that includes a younger version of herself?
How many times did Ekko try to reach out to Jinx? What was the final straw?
How many Firelights has Jinx personally killed? How many were on the wall?
Is "Boy Savior" a nickname Jinx sarcastically came up with, or is it something from before Silco's coup?
How does Ekko feel about the fact Scar is the Firelight that tries to take a killing shot of Jinx the most often?
Jinx and Viktor:
Jinx fired a rocket in Viktor's direction during the finale, potentially putting him in a position where his work with the hexcore is exposed.
Will Viktor resent Jinx for the actions she's committed and the lives she's cost since she sparked the war?
Jinx is technically the reason Viktor and Jayce were able to partner with each other in the first place
Viktor likely learned from Jayce and from attending the last council meeting that Jinx was responsible for the attacks since her capture was a part of the negotiation terms. He may have also learned that Vi was the one to inform the council.
Will Viktor be the one to tell Jinx it was Vi who gave her name to the Council?
Both unknowingly share Singed as an advisory source. Viktor goes to Singed for help with the Hexcore, and Jinx wanted to send the hexgem to Singed when she was having trouble unlocking hextech.
Singed is the source of both characters' transmutations through Shimmer.
Viktor knows how to defuse Jinx's bombs. Can he do it again?
If Viktor knew he could get Shimmer from Singed, the source of it, then how much does Viktor know about the Shimmer trade in Zaun? Does Viktor know about its other key actors like Jinx and Silco?
Jinx understands that hextech really just connects humans to the "realm of heebie jeebies" , like she grasps the danger. Does Viktor understand that, or was he too desperate to care?
Since Viktor spent a part of his youth assisting Singed and saw Singed's Shimmer transfusion surgery of Rio. Does that mean when Jinx and Viktor meet, he'll understand exactly what Singed did to Jinx that saved her life because Singed did the same to Rio?
Viktor and Ekko:
Ekko most likely only knows about Viktor through Heimerdinger, which will color expectations of Viktor's motivations
Ekko doesn't know that Viktor gave Singed (Silco's ally) access to hextech related blueprints.
Will Viktor learn that Ekko is also partially responsible for his and Jayce's meeting? If Ekko hadn't cased Jayce's apartment, Jinx and family wouldn't have blown up the building, which is how Viktor learns about Jayce's research.
Viktor might know that Jinx is responsible for the hexgem heist and the lives it cost, but the only physical evidence he saw was a grenade covered in Firelight symbols. Viktor might first assume that Jinx is associated with the Firelights.
Will Heimerdinger reveal to Ekko some new terrible details of Singed's history and fall from grace as it becomes apparent that Singed and Viktor are working together, further biasing Ekko against Viktor?
There's a theory that Sky is related to the Firelight with the bird mask. If the theory's true, then when it gets out that Viktor accidentally killed Sky, he's immediately alienated himself from Ekko's faction. If the theory's wrong, he'd still be an irresponsible man who got a fellow Zaunite killed in the eyes of many.
How would Ekko feel learning that Viktor was asked to represent Zaun in the peace deal despite the fact Viktor hasn't lived in Zaun for years and he's affiliated with Silco's associate Singed?
This is what I could think of on the fly, there's definitely more I'd add later. I just really hope we get more into these different Zaunite perspectives. I always felt like Arcane and League in general are too interested in pairing stories for Zaunites with a Piltovan foil, especially in a way that focuses on "reconciling" class issues. I want to see Zaunites that lived under the same conditions and reacted differently because of very minute differences in resources and chance in opportunity that became foundational in forming their perspective actually interact. Let them be strong together or tear each other apart!
The former plz tho!
Or just let them talk to each other! You know Ekko never actually spoke a word to Jinx in the first season?!?!? Not when they were kids, not in the timeskip.
Update: Turns out Ekko was created to have Viktor as one of his primary enemies. It seems pretty one-sided on Ekko's part, but we'll see.
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certifiedfreec · 3 months
“It seems as though Shelley insists the true monstrosity lies in humanity rather than Frankenstein’s creation.”
“Well, yeah, the monster was left completely alone because the doctor couldn’t bear to look at him after he brought him to life.” You vigorously wipe down one of the tables in the nearly empty coffee shop as you answer the sole guest that’s left. “It upset him a lot. He even says something to him like, ‘I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel.’”
“Hm.” A thoughtful pause. “‘Satan had his companions, fellow-devils, to admire and encourage him; but I am solitary and abhorred.’” Grey eyes skim the quote’s faded page, large hands clasping the worn cover. A prized first-edition print he had quietly boasted about earlier that evening. “It’s as if the doctor was so blinded by his need for recognition that he failed to recognize the potential consequences of his experiment. Such hastiness. I’m curious as to what inspired him, or rather pushed him, to play God like that in the first place.”
Tossing the rag into a bucket of cleaning solution, you sigh amusedly. “Probably just entitlement. But anyway, Boss, shop’s closed. I’ll be happy to hear your musings again at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning.”
Truthfully, you didn’t mind this guy’s presence at all; he did this often, at least a couple of times a week when he could, staying for hours on end to delve into his books and pick your brain on their contents while sipping your coffee. It started a good bit ago, and the second he silently breezed through the shop’s door you had an inkling that you’d be seeing him a lot. He made note of a classic piece resting behind the counter that you’d brought from home that day, and the slow parts of your shifts were soon filled with rich discussion about the stories you’ve both read- a welcome break from the monotonous routine of pulling shots, steaming milk, and taking complaints from the middle-aged women who insisted they ordered their drink “extra hot.” Quickly, he grew to become your favorite regular; he had quite the heart for literature and art, and he was fairly easy on the eyes too.
He lets out an appreciative chuckle. “Well, I’ll be sure to remember my alarm, then.” His low voice has the heaviness of sincerity as he teases you, and you could almost swear it was flirting. He carefully closes the book before tucking it under his arm, standing to his full height. Albeit not the tallest, he’s still able to look down at you. “I’d quite like to hear your thoughts on Dr. Frankenstein’s innate motivations.”
You fight the blush that threatens to tinge your cheeks, halfway tempted to keep the doors unlocked just to talk to him some more. However, this could be a double-edged sword for you; you’d be here all night chatting with him if you allowed that discrepancy. Then you’d be too tired to comprehend all his reasonings the next morning when he’d want to debate all over again.
“I mean, I’ll be off in about fifteen minutes,” you blurt out, not fully realizing the forwardness of the unspoken invitation. An invitation that is met with surprise from your normally nonchalant regular.
There’s a small smirk tugging at the corners of his fine lips as his eyebrows raise slightly at you. “Very well. Where do you suggest we take this conversation, then?” He is all too impressed with this turn of events as he sets down his book to collect a few haphazard mugs, bringing them over to the sink for you. The small action, while also being another discrepancy, nearly makes you swoon. “On second thought, don’t answer that. I know just the place.”
Your heartbeat surges when you wonder about his implication, taking the mugs from him and plopping them into the soapy water. His stormy grey eyes watch you with interest as you take care of the nightly closing duties, cleaning the tableware before setting everything in its proper place.
“It better not be Frankenstein’s laboratory,” You halfway joke, curious as to how this night could unfold with the guy you’ve always regarded as the friendly yet handsome customer. Another part of you is wary, but he only shakes his head, sending the choppy black locks that framed his face into a gentle flurry of movement.
“No, nothing like that at all,” is all he answers with a reassuring smile and a chuckle. Concentration lost on what may lie ahead with him, you’re barely able to focus on counting out the register as you lock it up and grab your bag. “If you say so,” you reply with a small smile. With a flick of the light and his chivalrous door-holding, you’re both out of the shop and securing its entrance with your key before you turn to your good-looking regular.
“Where to, Boss?” You’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little nervous about venturing somewhere new with him.
“It’s a surprise, but I think you’ll like it.” His tone is genuine as his dark tresses flutter in the night’s breeze, walking beside you and guiding you toward a vibrant ramen joint nestled a couple streets away. “Oh, and don’t feel like you have to call me that. I’m Chrollo.”
Chrollo. What an interesting name- yet it fits him perfectly. You say it aloud, which seems to satisfy him. Moments later, you feel his hand cradle the small of your back with the same tenderness of his beloved book as you reach the restaurant’s doors, and it sends heat along the entirety of your skin. Part of you toys with the thought that this could be the beginning of a story of your own, bound in cloth and published in ink for you two to analyze over coffee later.
This creation might be much more beautiful than Frankenstein’s.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It’s a lovely evening as expected, and Chrollo drops you off at your doorstep with a warm promise to debate literature outside of your work hours again. He’s everything and then some- charming, collected, unafraid to banter with you, and part of you is honestly disappointed that the evening doesn’t escalate further. Still, you’re vibrating with giddiness, unable to rest as you think about your quasi-date with him, and you’re already imagining what kinds of stories you’ll talk about next.
After a few hours of finally sleeping, you’re awoken by a panicked call from one of your coworkers early that next morning. Something about the store’s register being wiped empty of its change, and that’s all you need to hear to be there in record time. Once you arrive, you scope the scene and the coffee shop is perfectly kept the way it was last night, save for the now desolate register. You inspect it carefully, shocked at how meticulously the cash had been removed, and the results of your search make your heart pound. The only items that surface are your door key along with small slip of paper with some elongated handwriting. It couldn’t be.
Your entire being blanches when you read the familiar words straight out of Shelley’s book:
“I seemed to have lost all soul or sensation but for this one pursuit.”
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spinchip · 1 year
uhgmmm silly little mysterious element swap between da ninja
I give you angst (my specialty) TW: Panic attack
When Lloyd had suggested Zane use his bow to channel his energy, Zane hadn’t been expecting much. After the artifact had scrambled their powers around, the others had gleefully been playing around with their new elemental abilities while Zane wasn’t able to summon so much as a flicker. Zane was so far behind the others that the novelty had worn off for the rest of them, and now they were impatiently waiting on Zane to get some sort of a grip on Lloyds power so they could confidently go out searching for the other half of the Sphere of Will- the cause of all their problems.
Zane had tried everything. He meditated, he trained, he tried to relax, he even drank the same tea as lloyd usually did in an attempt to hone his skills and still- not a spark of green. Sometimes, Zane could feel it deep down in his belly, but it wouldn’t grow and spread through him. Wu had suggested a mental block, but Zane couldn’t fathom what. He was the first of his friends to unlock his true potential, the first to get some of the more complicated katas Wu taught them. He wasn’t used to this kind of struggle.
All that to say that when he picked up his bow, his expectations were low. Based on the others reactions- Kai had molded a couch out of rock for them all to slump into- they weren’t expecting much either.
Lloyd stood next to Zane, “Alright Zane, lets see if this does anything.”
Zane could shoot a bullseye with his eyes close standing on his head, but when he brings the draw string back he doesn’t have an arrow notched. He focuses all his processing power into imagining the shape of an arrow notching into the bow, trying to pour green energy into a tangible shape he can fire. The power in his gut swirls like it’s trying to grow, pulsing at the bottom of his chest like a heartbeat.
Nothing happens.
He lowers the drawstring, disappointed. “I do not understand.” He says without sighing, despite how he wanted to.
“You’re not the only ne who struggled,” Nya attempts to console him, “Remember when Jay set his hair on fire? Or when i blew out half the lightbulbs in the monastery?”
“Yeah! And I’m sure Ice is a lot different than Lloyds power.” Kai agrees.
Lloyd once again tries to explain how he uses his powers, “I think you’re thinking about it too much.”
“Ice is a lot of thinking.” Cole confirms with a groan, “Trying to make a snowflake gives me a headache.”
“My power is more instinctual, something you have to feel rather than think. Don’t imagine the shape of an arrow, try thinking of why you’re forming it.” Lloyd pats Zane on the shoulders, “Like what you’re fighting for.”
Zane nods and exhales purely to center himself. Telling a robot not to think was like telling a fish to take a walk in the desert, but Zane would try to empty his mind. He even went so far as to shut down the background multitasking programs he had running, leaving his mind completely blank.
He pulls back on the drawstring, lines the sight up perfectly with the bullseye across the courtyard and tries to call on the power. Nothing happens. He closes his eyes, refusing to give up, focusing on the feeling of the string on his finger sensor pads, the cool air around him, even the sound of Lloyd breathing next to him. Power stirs.
He fought to protect his family. He called upon his power to keep the people he loved safe.
Protect those who cannot protect themself.
It washes over him in a snap, power surging up through his chest, around his shoulders and down to his fingertips in sickening pulses. It burns.
He’s felt this before.
The courtyard vanishes, he’s suspended in the air, his shoulder taut and agony ripping through him as he stares the overlord in the face. He’s going to die. He has to die for his family. Gold scalds him as it pours down his face, his face plate cracking and breaking along the weak seam and leaving him exposed and raw. The overlord is laughing. He’s all alone. His body is going numb, the seams along his shoulders popping as energy overloads him. He can’t tell if this is happening in the past or the present, phantom pains rocking through his body.
The string of his bow is digging into his fingertip, he struggles to cling to it. Gold chokes him. The comforting warmth of the green feels white hot. He can’t think.
He opens his eyes and a brilliant green bolt of energy is nestled into his palm. It’s so bright it blinds him, and on the edges- just barely- are flickers of gold. Fear slams through his system so fast it causes his knees to buckle and he stumbles a step back. The arrow grows bigger, wild and unkempt and Zane feels so deeply afraid he doesn’t know what to do.
He lets go of the string and the arrow explodes.
It tears across the courtyard like a neon laser and when it hits the target- dead bullseye- it obliterates it down to atoms. It rips through hay like tissue paper and smashes a hole through the stone wall of the courtyard, shooting off into the sky before exploding like a firework at the very end. When Zane released it, it caused a miniature explosion in his hand too- green balls of energy popping, and the force of it send him off his feet.
He slams back on the ground, confused and rattled. Panic has settled into every inch of his mind and he can’t get his thoughts straight. Where is he? Is this the courtyard? Where is the overlord? Did he succeed?
He’s holding- why is he holding his bow? Why is the string snapped and burned?
He turns over onto his hands and knees and tries to calm down. There’s smoke around him, the ground smoldering. His fans kick on. He’s overheating. Ice. He needs ice. Why can’t he summon ice?
A hand touches his neck and he jerks, looking up at- Cole.
“What happened?” He asks, “Where- is everyone safe?” He did something bad. Dangerous. His friends were here. He wasn’t alone.
Cool frost trickles down from the spot Cole was bracing him, and the chill brings a calm to Zanes body. “Everyone’s fine.” Cole confirms firmly, “It’s okay. You’re okay.”
He closes his eyes and breathes, helping his internal systems cool and struggling to centering himself again. After several long moment, the panic fades and leaves him empty and worn out. His limbs are still humming in the after image of that power. He’s in the courtyard, he was supposed to be practicing with Lloyds power. It takes more effort than he expects to sit up but he does it, and finally looks at the damage.
A ditch is cut into the stone of the courtyard, their bow target is a handful of splinters now, and the monastery wall has a brand new entrance.
“I did that?” He asks the obvious.
“If I ever need demo on my house at least now I know who to come to.” Jay jokes.
“What happened?” Lloyd asks, offering Zane his hand.
He’s not quite sure he can stand yet, but he takes Lloyds hand anyway, “You power, it feels incredibly similar to the golden power.” Zane says tightly.
“Yeah, I know.” Lloyd is puzzled now, “The green energy is part of the golden power.”
“Master Wu was right. It was a mental block, one I was not aware I had.” He drags a finger over his cheek just to check that his face plate hadn’t split in that same, familiar spot.
“Block? What blo-“ Lloyd stops abruptly, “Oh.”
Zane stomach churns at the thought of attempting to use the power again, “Lloyd, I am unsure If i will be able to even begin to use your element.”
“You have to.” Nya reminds him with a wince, “That’s what makes it work.”
He closes his eyes again and tries to steady himself, “I cannot continue today,” He says finally, “We can try again tomorrow.”
“Okay, Zane.” The atmosphere is subdued, “Whatever you need.”
He has to have Cole help him inside, his legs too shakey to keep his footing.
It isn’t until he’s in the bathroom that he realizes he’d cried.
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breathlessmorro · 4 months
Hi, I love your destinyshipping content I discovered this ship thx to your content and I am obsessed with this ship now. Is it possible you could share some more of the au's and or headcanons you have for it?
Yoinks you into my hive mind
Happy to have you here!! Our little corner of the fandom may be small, but the Destiny is STRONG! And of course I've got tons of au's and head canons for these idiots! They own a fraction of my brain!
My au's for them; your generic, "Morro Returns During the Day of the Departed," AU, where he has to earn everyone's trust and slowly realizes that he is a good ninja, and he always was.
My, "Morro and Kai take over Skybound" AU, where Morro and Kai play the roles of Jay and Nya in Skybound respectively.
My Morro's Teas AU, which has Morro come back during the DoTD, but he works at Wu's Tea Shop instead of being a ninja.
My Samurai Morro AU, which is where Morro secretly teams up with Pixal and becomes Samurai X.
Then there's the SCP AU, which I... Haven't totally abandoned but also haven't spoken about in forever lol. Kai is a Security Guard turned Class-D, and Morro is an SCP that's basically a sentient gust of wind.
Destinyshipping Headcanons part I lost track years ago and I'm not counting anymore.
Kai is the one to teach Morro Spinjitzu. Seriously, anyone else who tries just can't seem to help him get it down. Kai however? Instead of making Morro run the training course, he forces him to go through the motions during a sparring session. Morro eventually realizes the movements are the same, and spins himself right into Kai's arms on purpose on accident
They race on their elemental dragons all the time, but Kai never wins against him. After all, Morro is the master of Wind for fuck's sake, he was born to be in the sky. Kai doesn't mind losing to him though, because it's also the happiest he's ever seen Morro since he reached his true potential.
Speaking of - Kai was essential in helping Morro unlock his full powers. Even if he redeems himself, it takes ages for Morro to realize that he never needed to become the green ninja. It isn't until he hears Kai's story, how he realized he needed to protect the Green Ninja instead of becoming him, that he's able to accept it. After all, if Kai of all people could come to terms with being ordinary, surely he can as well.
Oh. My. God. The yelling these two do. Every day they're "arguing" over something new. Either Kai's breath smells, or Morro's hair is messy, or the room is a mess. These petty ass hoes fight about EVERYTHING! It's all harmless, but the main reason these two may end up moving into their own place is absolutely because of the yelling.
Kai's parents absolutely LOVE Morro! Maya is a little more wary at first, because she knows Morro's past and only wants what's best for her boy, but Ray is the most supportive thing in existence. He's happy that Kai has someone, and he welcomes Morro into the family with open arms.
Bonus: Garmadon teasingly called Kai his nephew once because of the relationship and Kai has since not been allowed to be alone in a room with him again for both of their safety.
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melodyfsoul1 · 7 months
Sth I find interesting after watching the Loki Series Finale, and seeing everyone's reactions to it, is that you can immediately tell what someone's priorities were for the ending (ships aside)
Because depending on what your priorities for the Story or Loki as a Character were, people are either really hyped / optimistic for the future ... or just really freaking depressed right now.
Like on the positive side we have Loki:
- finally finding his "Glorious Purpose", his place in... well "outside" the world/ universe, becoming an even greater being, while his story comes full circle
- reaching his full potential, unlocking new powers, new magic, and being the God of Stories
- becoming one of the most powerful beings in the MCU, and hey maybe he's even able to travel freely through time now and not trapped at the space outside of time
- creating Yggdrasil and protecting it, and by that, saving his friends and the Multiverse, being a true hero
But then on the other side we have the more pessimistic view of Loki:
- finding his "Glorious" Purpose, taking over the burden of a throne he realized he never wanted, but doing it because it was the only option he saw to save his friends and the multiverse ( though I wouldnt even call it a choice, he just resigned himself to accept it because the other options where helping the current HWR, killing Sylvie, risking a universal war or death by spaghettification....)
- making the ultimate sacrifice by chosing to "give everyone else a chance at life" over his own needs, his own future, his desire to be with his friends...
- now having the huge responsible of keeping the multiverse alive & intact for all eternity
And do we even know if he can travel freely through time? (I hope so), but how much power does it take him? What if protecting Yggdrasil means he cant leave the space outside time? That would mean he is trapped there, for all eternity, alone, having to watch over his friends without actually being able to interact with them. He will be able to see that they are okay (hopefully), but he will never be a part of their lives again.... Loki, the very character who explicitely said he doesnt want to be alone...
So depending on how you view it, the ending was either really epic, with Loki getting several upgrades and creating a new era for the MCU
Somewhere between bittersweet and incredibly dreadfully tragic with Loki making the ultimate sacrifice, losing everything he just worked so hard to keep (after all the struggles of his original timeline too with Thanos) with Loki probably never being part of any of their stories again, damned to eternal loneliness.
(I'm personally more the 2nd type... I do get the others point of view, it was epic and Loki unlocking his true potential as the God of Stories is insane, GOS Loki is one of my faves in the comics. And my GOD the imagery of Yggdrasil was freaking gorgeous.
But... my main priority was "Loki, for ONCE, getting a chance at life, to be himself, live, with his new found friends/ family at his side..." so you can guess how freaking sad I am over the ending... hell I dont even care about the ships, I just didnt want him to be alone... I just wanted him to have a friend...
Its like, no matter what or where, whether its the OG Timeline Loki, or L1130 or even in the comics... Loki is meant to be a sacrifice for the "greater good" or to suffer trying change or even help, like he did in the comics as Kid Loki and Agent of Asgard.
That being said, I still cling to the hope that Loki can either freely travel through time now or somehow find a way to get in contact with his friends again... of them finding a way to get to him... please, Marvel, I need a Loki who is allowed to be happy, he certainly deserves it.
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