#that’s so lgbt coded it’s not even funny
kawaiiiuniverssse · 1 month
I guess all the Ninjago homophobes forgot that Cole literally unlocked his true potential by coming out to his dad.
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andyeddieeee · 4 months
What Your Favorite Band of Brothers character says about you (revamped and based on personal experiences)
Winters- You’re either a pretty level headed person or your life is in complete shambles and you find comfort in characters that know how to handle stress.
Nixon- You love a good self destructive character and more than likely see yourself in them. Also, how is your undiagnosed mental illness treating u lately?
Lipton- You just want to be held and cared for so bad it’s not even funny anymore.
Speirs- You most DEFINITELY read wattpad stories as a kid. The mafia kind. You’re also unnecessarily horny on the internet and probably say he’s “Lana-coded.”
Roe- You love a good tragic and tortured character, I’ll give you that. You also listen to boygenius and love religious imagery.
Babe- I’m gonna take a wild guess and say you’re on some type of lgbt or autism spectrum.
Liebgott- You have a really weird self-confidence complex and read a LOT of enemies to lovers. I’m lowkey scared of you even though you’ve probably never hit anyone in your life.
Webster- You’re an artist at heart and view the world in a way that might set you apart from your peers. You can never and will never tell if that’s a good or a bad thing. Also you call grown men “babygirl.”
Guarnere- You have TERRIBLE taste in men and can never tell the difference between being mean or flirting.
Toye- Ditto ^ but also may I add you probably have a thing for people in uniform.
Buck- You are a very simple person. You like everything to just be kind of normal and calm all of the time. Sometimes you dip your toes in the water, but it’s more of a once a year kind of thing. Your favorite superhero as a kid was Captain America.
Luz- You are just cool. Very Ferris Beuller, Bill and Ted, Matthew Lillard kind of cool. You’re also probably transmasc or into guys to some degree.
Shifty- You’re either one of those “omg smol bean” people or you just love a good ray of sunshine kind of character. Your favorite pony as a kid was probably Fluttershy.
Malarkey- I’m so deeply upset just looking into your eyes dawg you need to take a nap and book a therapy session. Not a single one of you guys is completely and totally stable.
Renee- You so desperately wanted this show to pass the bechdel test and wished more women were included in the production. You’re also into women.
Perconte- You’re either really cool or you’re really annoying. No inbetween.
Bull- You really liked the SNL “Big Boy” skit with SZA
Muck- You want to be the funny friend so bad and you’re still not sure if you’ve earned that title yet. Mad respect though bc I know ur ass has seen supernatural in full. More than once.
Welsh, Penkala, Spina, Talbert, Grant, Martin, Penkala, Hoobler, Skinny- Either you’re lying to be different or you genuinely love a good underrated background character.
Blithe- Mm you’re lying lol
Sobel- Hey, girl! What the fuck!
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trubbishrubbish · 10 months
New Raincode interview confirms something that I was not surprised to see.
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Highlighted part was translated with DeepL.
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Basically, Kodaka did not intend for Halara to be non-binary or be a positive LGBT rep.
I'm not surprised this is the case becuase Kodaka is still a cis guy and he really did not take to heart all the criticisms people had about Danganronpa when he made Rain Code. A lot of his bad writing choices are still in Rain Code like perverted jokes involving minors and racist character designs, of course when it comes to writing about gender, Kodaka would not write with a progressive mindset.
That said, Halara is still sending a social message, despite Kodaka not wanting it to be that way. Everyone in game respects Halara's gender. they never refer to them with he/she pronouns and there is never a point where they reveal that Halara was lying and they are actually a man/women.
Even when Shinigami, who calls Halara, "Hellara," pokes fun at if Halara is a man or a women, still respects their gender and pronouns
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When Yuma is wondering about Halara's gender, he doesn't ask them because he thinks it would rude to suddenly spring this question up on them.
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All this is sending the message that even if you question a person's gender when it isn't clearly defined as "male" or "female" you should still respect their identity no matter what as it's the polite thing to do.
And Halara's gender being unspecified means it can be anything from non-binary or agender or even a gender Halara themselves made to suit them.
It's funny how Kodaka can't write a good LGBT character on purpose, it has to be by accident. He accidently wrote Halara to be a positive nb rep.
So while referring to Halara as non-binary may technically be against the creators intention... Who fucking cares, the creator can't force people think about the characters he made in same way he does. They are going to think about characters in the most fun and LGBT positive way.
Sometimes craft even better versions of the character that the creator did not.
Link to the full interview:
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mahoutoons · 4 days
no, the sailor moon 90s anime is not more feminst than the manga
i've seen people herald the 90s anime as this beacon of feminism just because it focuses on the relationship between the inner senshi instead of usagi and mamoru's relationship. there's this idea that the manga being more about romance makes it inherently less feminist than the anime. but i want to shut that idea down.
people keep circulating these three screenshots to prove the 90s anime is this feminist masterpiece
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but just a scene prior in the SAME EPISODE, rei calls usagi ugly COMPLETELY UNPROVOKED
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yes there's teasing between friends but come on. usagi didn't even do anything to warrant being compared to a monkey.
and speaking of rei... she's so heavily lesbian coded in the manga. literally her nightmare in the dream arc is getting married and settling down in the trad family sense. which she destroys with her akuryo taisan like the lesbian queen she is. also her distrust of men is a big part of her character in every adaptation... except the 90s anime which made her boy crazy and have that plotline where she gets with mamoru for a while for the sake of a rivalry with usagi!
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there's the whole jealousy thing with chibiusa which is honestly weird no matter the adaptation and idk why ANYONE thought that was a good idea. but its somehow WORSE in the 90s anime. at least, at the very LEAST in the manga she actually communicates with mamoru about her insecurities and the whole jealousy thing only lasts in the black moon arc (which continues staying the worst arc regardless of the adaptation). in the anime... it lasts well into the end of supers... TWO SEASONS after usagi found out chibiusa was her and mamoru's daughter!
and lets talk about how they made usagi jealous over small things in supers! look i get it, she's a teenage girl and she gets jealous easily. but when you get jealous of a child who is also your future daughter and an old woman your boyfriend tried to help, that's when you have issues. there's an entire fucking episode where she stalks rei just because mamoru is staying at her house for a day!
and the most egregious thing which makes me laugh at any claim of the 90s anime being much more feminist than the manga.. is how they handled prince demande. you know, the guy who kidnapped and sexually assaulted usagi? in the manga and crystal, he's killed off unceremoniously.
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but guess what ikuhara, the feminist king who knows to write SO MUCH BETTER than naoko, did. he tried to make demande sympathetic. he made usagi sympathise with him.
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yasssss ikuhara you go make the pedophile sexual assaulter sympathetic, you feminist king! you definitely know SO MUCH BETTER than naoko!
and people thought crystal was antifeminist? get outta my face with that at least crystal didn't try to make the fucking borderline rapist sympathetic, he disintegrated in a pile of dust like he deserves.
you might be thinking "get outta here no one says the 90s anime is more feminist than the manga". well yes people do. you'd be surprised. i went to an old anime confession blog and found these posts back when crystal was still new and still had a MASSIVE hatedom
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and these are just some of the posts. there's so much more. people who dared to enjoy crystal were called misogynistic for... liking a show. even today i see people bash naoko for the smallest things while praising ikuhara as a feminist king and lgbt ally who did more for the community than naoko (which is funny because the 90s anime has an episode where makoto has a crush on haruka and the girls are like "nuuuuuu mako you can't date haruka you're a girl" which wasn't in the manga). when he wouldn't even have been able to make the anime without naoko's manga.
there's an interview with naoko takeuchi where she says that the difference between the manga and 90s anime was that the 90s anime had a male perspective as it was directed by men while the manga mostly had a female perspective as it was written by a woman.
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and it honestly really shows when you watch the anime again.
was the 90s anime progressive for its time? yes. is the manga peak feminist literature? no. you can prefer the 90s anime over the manga but don't go acting like its inherently more feminist than the manga just because it doesn't focus as much on the romance aspect. the manga focusing more on usagi and mamoru's romance doesn't make it inherently less feminist.
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kingwuko · 2 months
I'm rewatching rememberances & oh my GOD people cant tell me that the writers weren't writing wu with gay coding in mind 😭 I was at the part where Mako said "i had to realize who i was without a lady in my life" and Wu was like "i know what that's like" and then everyone silently looks at him for 2 seconds? and then he hesitates and is like "only because im absolutely swimming in dames they all love me 🤭". obviously the writers couldn't explicitly have their LGBT characters confirm their identities because of nickelodeon but its so blatant and extremely possible that wu is actually gay and hits on women and talks about them constantly (even though hes really weird about it) as a way to overcompensate. and when you think about it the character he has the closest relationship to is...Mako😭
I have SO MANY FEELINGS about remembrances. Normally 'flashback episodes' are kinda just filler, bottle episodes. But something about remembrances just HITS DIFFERENT.
Mako saying "I realized I had to figure out who I was without a lady in my life." will forever replay in my brain... Wu's response to it is so fucking funny I laugh every time. "I know what that's like." says the guy who has not been shown on screen to successfully interact with a woman besides grandma Yin. Sure buddy.
Also I will never get over the fact that Wu says the words "I was born that way" like WAAAAAT. You cannot tell me the writers, who were in the process of crafting a subtle sapphic story for endgame korrasami, wrote those words without knowing the implications. CMON.
And listen Mako's entire story is about his past relationships, like BARELY touching on the larger story. He just sat down for 10 minutes explaining to Wu that he's single and he and his exes are just friends. Why Mako. why. why did you need to explain that to WU.
And the fucking. homoerotic sparring of it all. @buckybarnesss always calls it 'the intricate rituals of male touching' lmaoooo. Every time Wu gets in Mako's face, clutching his arms, close enough to kiss... I'm just like. can I reach into the screen and nudge their faces together. Just a little nudge is all it would take. Look:
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The writers and animators fucking KNEW what they doing. There's no way they didn't. its such a gay episode.
and lets not forget the sapphic side of things in that episode. Asami's like "I thought you might be cold so I brought you some hot tea." To KORRA. Korra, who grew up in the FRIDGID SOUTH POLE and is also a FIREBENDER who could warm herself up easy. Gurl.
and like. even outside the queer coding in this episode, it's just delightful. the fucking little chibi popups in his flashback. Yin implying that Bohai cheated on her in scenario as convoluted as Mako's love triangle. Tu dropping the most accurate and eloquent assessment of Mako's issues in a single sentence: "it seems like you're so afraid to disappoint anyone that you end up disappointing everyone." TU. WUT. WHEN DID TU GET WISE. Tu and Wu high fiving.
In conclusion. Remembrances is top tier Wuko content. It's way more than a flashback filler episode.
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Round Two
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Danny Fenton
"His only stable clone is of the opposite gender, he's hiding his identity from his parents, and a lot of other details people have compiled"
"That entire post about reasons why Danny is trans
The main plot of the show can be read as a metaphor for being queer
Danny is the only boy who wears a shirt to the waterpark
There was a stable, female clone of him named Danni
One ghost attempted to touch his chest and he immediately and forcefully pulled back while seeming extremely uncomfortable"
Guy Gardener
"He is so transgender to me. He’s a trans man in my eyes. He’s canonically bad at naming things (cat named katt, replies 'good name' (serious) when told that they were calling a guy 'the weird' because all the readings on him are so weird, best code name he could come up with was 'warrior') so naming himself Guy is a natural fit. He gets alien shapeshifting/healing powers at one point which results in him being genuinely concerned when a teammate jokes about him possibly being pregnant. There’s also a comment about how 'even your voice has changed'. He overcompensates with his masculinity. In his main team (the justice league international) he mostly only gets acknowledged to be yelled at, sometimes because he deserved it, but sometimes because he’s taking up space (which will happen to trans mascs in lgbt spaces a lot) (and the whole jli is very queer coded so…). And in the post 2011 DC universe (New 52) most characters treat him in a hostile manner even though the reputation for crudeness he’d built in the 80s was retconned so he basically gets a negative reaction for no reason which again mirrors the trans masc experience in lgbt spaces. He’s also been subjected to two different genderbend storylines, a one shot in the 90s and an ongoing story in the 2010s."
"Many reasons - because I said so, because he is bad at naming things (names his cat 'Katt,' thinks 'The Weird' is a good name for a thing that is weird) so him coming out and naming himself 'Guy' is not that absurd (and its also really funny), his whole character predicates upon trying to meet masculine standards and also being criticized when he DOES meet those standards (very common experience amongst transmascs specifically), he also tends to seem to overcompensate his masculinity… um, which is also a common transmasc experience. He really likes being a man. Very transgender. But also I mean, I said so, so it's true."
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penn-dragon · 4 months
There’s nothing trans about franky… Odo has not said anyone on the ship is gay.
LMAO I have a couple things to say to this
1. They’re actually all gay, Oda told me personally
2. I’d like to invite you to Google what headcanon means
3. Oda hasn’t said they’re straight either (except to me, because he told me personally they’re all gay). One piece has SO many canonically LGBT characters. They’re not explicitly labeled as such because Japan has even stricter rules surrounding that than the US. It’s all about the coding and subtext, if you can’t pick up on it that’s… kind of on you and your own reading comprehension. You probably read The Great Gatsby and thought Nick Carraway was straight.
4. The fact that you singled out Franky is SO FUNNY because I can only assume that means you agree that Robin is trans
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oxydiane · 2 years
it’s so funny to me how wolfstar was like, the most popular ship in the 2000s right after poa came out and the rowling bitch tried to kill it so hard she nerfed sirius and married remus off with the single most lgbt coded woman in the series. i remember reading about tonks for the first time, this shapeshifter with short pink hair and thinking oh yeah she’s a LESBIAN. and she kind of succeeded even, it quietened down for a few years but they have come back with vengeance
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kalfui · 4 months
hiya, sent the looooong ask way back down. it is nice to see that there is a community of people that enjoy canon!alastor, I'm glad I sent that in order to see more of us chiming in.
still, feel like I put us on a bit of a sad train there, so balancing out on your blog with some favourite things about the character:
that he doesn't really like men, but gets on very well with women and that women also very much enjoy his company in return -- vaggie sooomewhat exempt, but to be fair, he did make a deal with her girlfriend, and also he did end up helping her with the commercial, so even she's got more respect from him than I'd argue any of the guys in the show (also isn't she genuinely smiling when he pops up again at the end?) I'd really want to go into deepdives of each of his relationships with women (charlie, rosie, nifty, mimzy, vaggie, heck potentially carmilla and susan too) that we've seen so far. wonder if he'll get on with cherri bomb too if she sticks around the hotel
something about a guy who women feel somewhat safe around, because there's a sense that he's not about to hit on them or objectify them, but just enjoys their company and is in return also very charming and a great conversationalist
(this of course quite funny considering his past as a serial killer, but hey, what character in this verse aside from charlie hasn't got a very messy past with murder)
also I think all the people around him can tell there's a queerness to him that isn't definable by the classic "lgbt" because of how he presents -- I like the way this show managed to hit on some of the overlap between aspec identity and other forms of queer identities, that is, alastor is very camp, and there's a history of aspec people being folded into other queer spaces and having similar manners of conduct and codes of being. I just think the way alastor moves and speaks is wonderfully well done, and not just when he's being a little weirdo on purpose
that being said, also like his weirdo "not-necessarily-trying-to-freak-people-out" traits, like the neck craning. this isn't me talking about him as queer necessarily, it's just something I do as well, especially when trying to understand what's going on or listen better. next time I watch I'm going to pay attention to when he tends to do that
but the being a little weirdo as someone that has always felt like an outsider to how people are "meant" to be and embracing that and enjoying that, rather than angsting about it, especially in a story where there is an underlying theme of romantic love throughout, alastor being there and that not being his drive makes the themes its hitting on so much more rounded (and presumably will continue to do so)
I really like that he doesn't know, because of that invisibility x 100000 during his lifetime (asexual was coined in the early 20th century but it wasn't widespread, nor do I know if there were communities of people who claimed that term as early as the 1920s -- but probably not in louisiana in any case!) especially with regards to the aromantic part of the equation. it's quite nuanced in its depiction (amir talked about liking that too -- that he wanted it spoken aloud so it was there, but it wouldn't make sense for alastor to know)
I am also very into rosie knowing and what this says for her as having a sort of "matchmaker of the village" vibe to her, that she's kept up with the newest queer lingo, but that she's also not told alastor/potentially hasn't even floated the idea properly to him outside of that joke + maybe other jokes?
things we don't know so much about/anything about: I'd be so into knowing more about his relationship with his mother, and how his aroaceness also ties into the otherness/not being easily definable of a creole background, and more about the struggle during his lifetime of potentially feeling apart from what other people are -- since this show overlaps a lot with horror all over the place, I like that his background includes being a serial killer, it has Thematic Deliciousness and fits with the show generally (like I said, who hasn't got a messy past and probably killed some people on this show?) -- but how his becoming close to people is over the radio, with that disconnect between body and voice (relatable to me again) and being able to reach people through that voice whilst it still being on his terms, not how society demands connection, and also through his murders, which in a lot of cannibal murder narratives (hannibal, raw, yellowjackets, ravenous, etc) the idea is about getting close to people, as well as exploring dis/respect of others. basically -- how did alastor feel about the people he killed? were they people he wanted to be closer to, or people he despised, or both? I lean towards the second, considering how he tends to unleash demon form against characters he thinks are beneath him/deserve pain
also in the future, am very excited to see how he'll function both as a very dark grey moral figure who's on the "good guys" team, but who also perhaps will want eventually to get closer to the people of the hotel (he seems to genuinely care, considering he pushed mimzy away without knowing he had an audience in husk), but lack the language of how with the amount he's cut himself off from deeper connections, potentially with an underlying feeling there of "connection = romance" his whole life, and the only ways he's had of dealing with that is by being superficial with people around him/the constant powerplays. basically -- what will it take for him to be genuine and vulnerable around people?
although that being said, clearly rosie, nifty, and mimzy like him enough to have been a part of his life/afterlife for a good long while (not that nifty has much of a choice, but she also definitely likes him)
also wonder what it would take for him to cede control and trust that someone would help him simply because. I think with his background of being an outsider, being callous and taking what you can get however you can get it, only to have someone get their hooks into him through that deal, is such a great, complex little tragedy, and whether at some point he'll be able to escape that narrative or be doomed by it, excited to see. and I think this does play into his being aroace, because of the way this is an invisible, but oh-so-tangible lacunae in someone's life that makes people shun you and treat you differently. as much as I'm into how it's not angsty for him to move through the afterlife the way he does, I wouldn't be averse to some (more) angst related to needing to be in control because it's the one thing that has kept him together his entire life/afterlife, and ultimately the impossibility of that
basically: Great Alastor Altruist and the continued fallout from realising he really did almost just die... for the sake of his friends. and whether that will push him at first into being more closed off/manipulative, or if he'll embrace-ish the idea that he (gasp) likes these people. bit of both probably
saw a post somewhere that talked about how alastor would like velvette the best out of the vees and might even get on with her, and I'm adopting that as a headcanon for now. I just think they'd be such a great odd friendship from the outside, but at the same time it really works + of course vox would hate it
(also one last one that's more salty: other characters potentially going "hey, love might help alastor to open up more" and him getting justifiably very angry at having to assert his boundaries. on the one hand I wish it didn't have to be something as blatant as this for people to get with the programme, on the other, that episode in bojack horseman where todd and his girlfriend are both ace and he goes to dinner at her parents house, and they're both extremely allosexual, is one of the best episodes of tv ever, so sometimes a big stick is what's needed)
this got long, ending it here, but could go on forever. the TL;DR is that I enjoy how rich a character he is, and how that plays into the wider themes and arcs of the show, and how his aroaceness has existed thus far in the show as simply There in mannerisms, including the spectrum of disinterest-disgust when people either talk about romantic or sexual things, or whenever angel tried to hit on him to begin with, but also just the flick of the wrist, the crane of the head, the playful way he interacts with people whilst also practicing vigorous assertion of his own boundaries, the way he weaponises his smile, etcetc. and in subtle things like his easy friendships with women, and how all of the above plays into his character arc of creating distance between himself and other people, whilst asserting control over situations by literally being The Radio Demon, and so on. there's a whole analysis of this particular character as aroace being The Radio Demon that one could do. and that I also like his background and hope we get to see more of it/confirm it more
Oh my god, Anon. You are simply amazing. Thank you so much for both your earlier ask and this one, I'm so glad that because of your ask, many other people have been sharing their thoughts with me, and it makes me very happy! I love how you worded this! You're saying everything I couldn't find the words for. Thank you so so much! As I don't have much to say other than how much I appreciate and agree with you, I'll leave your ask out in the open for everyone to read because this is simply wonderful, I can't wait for the shows future, and Alastors future. He's such a lovely character. I can't help but love him way too much, and reading through this made me happy that others also love his character and just how much they do, too! I'm glad other people share my opinions and are curious about what will happen next! My inbox is always open for thoughts, theories, and whatever else you could say about characters canon personalities, characteristics, relationships and etc!
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Cells at work manga masterlist
(Fun Fact did you know: Cells at Work has a 2nd season, and although there will be no more new episodes, spinoffs are constantly releasing, so you can still enjoy fresh new cell content even now!)
✓: Completed
*: ongoing
X: not officially translated as of November 2022
Cells at Work (the original) ✓
Cells at Work: Code Black ✓
Platelets at Work ✓
Cells at Work and Friends ✓
Cells at work Baby ✓
Bacteria at Work ✓
Cells Not at Work ✓
Cells at Work Lady ✓ X
White Blood Cells at Work / Cells at Work White Brigade ✓
Cells at Work Illegal * X
Don't know what to read/start with? Recommendations and trigger warnings under the cut!
Cells at Work (The original manga): A nice series that teaches you the basics of cells, mostly immune cells but they do include some gut immunity in the 2nd season, filled with a nice balance of angst and fluff, includes a prominent ship although it isn't the main point of the series and they don't actually say out loud if they like each other romantically or anything.
TWs: Includes a lot of blood, slicing of knives/violence in general, cancer (anthropomorphized, but they do say the word a lot of course), violently biting things until they gush out blood/whatever they're made from
Cells at Work: Code Black: An angsty series, a lot of sadness in general, although it looks like a gender swap of the original, the contents are also very opposite to the original. This series takes place in a different host body. Not fluffy, bad work environments, cells suffering in general. If you love seeing little fictional people suffering or want a reason to take better care of your body, this is the series for you!
TWs: Blood, violence, actual bazookas/guns, nsfw topics like unsafe sex and others, major and minor character deaths, drug mention both beneficial and unbeneficial, attempted suicide, ACTUAL suicide, depression, cancer
Platelets at Work: A very nice and fluffy series about the children of Cells at Work, takes place in the body of the original CaW manga, features the platelet team we all love and their master Megakaryocyte. It's a very nice slice of life series that talks about the platelets doing their best and being children, very cute 10/10.
TWs: Tbh, I'm not sure, maybe i can reread it and see, but i don't think there's anything worth a warning.
Cells at Work and Friends: My personal favorite, features a Killer T cell with social anxiety as it's protagonist. A great slice of life that doesn't have much about education of biology. A lot of misunderstandings, a lot of funny and relatable moments, I'm sure all of us can relate to at least 1 of the chapters.
TWs: Blood, slicing and dicing and violence, eating and dead bacteria/viruses that would usually be very gorey are censored, depression and suicide mention (from one specific character, you can avoid him if you like and still enjoy the series), sewing needles on specific chapters, mention of nsfw
Reply if you'd want me to reference which chapters have the trigger so you can avoid it while still enjoying most of it
Cells at Work Baby: Much like the original, featuring 2 red blood cells as the main character instead of a white blood cell, just as educational as the original and all the characters are in a cute chibi style.
TWs: Blood, slicing, a little violence but it isn't as bad as the original, character death
Bacteria At Work: I have yet to read this fully, but i have read the first chapter, full of pretty men and talks about gut bacteria and dietary stuff.
TWs: Unknown (to me)
Cells NOT At Work: More of a slice of life compared to the original, it is quite educational on the development of red blood cells. Real LGBT rep, a wide range of characters and dynamics, made me very emotional, though i haven't read the last volume.
TWs: Mention of death/character death, and maybe slicing and killing in the last volume
Cells At Work Lady: Because this manga has yet to be translated officially, i have yet to read it, but it talks about the anatomy of women, from periods to pregnancy, there is quite a lot. They also include pretty men!
TWs: NSFW mention, slicing and dicing of various things, potentially more that i am unaware of.
Cells At Work Illegal: Lastest CaW manga spinoff to be released as of writing, the name speaks for itself. Usage of drugs, smoking, drinking, and potentially many more. It is untranslated, so I cannot truly understand what it is about, but thats the gist of it. Also the main characters might be potentially a little gay
TWs: Drug usage, a lot of slicing and dicing and blood, NSFW (not just mention I'm pretty sure)
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pokemenlovingmen · 1 year
A mlm pokeimagines blog? In this economy? God where have you been all my life.
Apologies in advance if its a long ask lol
Seriously though you would not believe how happy I got when I saw this blog pop up! Barely any mlm reader stuff so finding you got my lil poke men loving heart all excited!
If requests are open I was wondering if you could do Emmets reaction to a male reader who loves the fact that Emmet is so blunt? I've seen some stuff like this in the past were reader loves Emmet DESPITE him being so blunt but I love him because of it!! I find it useful and charming!! I have a hard time understanding most people because I'm bad at picking up subtext and stuff in conversation so characters like Emmet that are just blunt and honest are always appreciated!
Also, claiming 🐗 boar anon in advance lol
Hi hi boar anon!!! I’m glad you like my blog so much! I literally made it bc I couldn’t find enough male reader content, and as a trans guy that gendered language is really affirming to me. Also not being courageous enough to get into a relationship with real human people lmao I gotta be gay somehow!! Literally all of you who’ve come to visit me on this blog are so sweet. I changed the blog description up for a reason, it really does feel like I’ve invited a bunch of funny gay guys into my living room and we’re all sitting in a circle whispering about boys. Doing this makes me feel so stupidly comfortable in my own skin and so much like a part of the LGBT community when I’ve had to stand on the sidelines most of my life, I just can’t explain how stupidly therapeutic writing imagines for fictional men from a fictional monster battling game is LMFAOOO
And we’re always here for supporting the autism shit lol, you can pry my autistic submas out of my cold dead hands, my submas will always be pretty heavily headcanoned and a post appreciating those verrry autistic coded traits is a huge win for me :) Emmet deserves to be loved for just being Emmet
Straight (Gay) to the Point— Emmet x Male Reader
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⚪️ — Emmet and Ingo have grown up with a lot to be self conscious about, from their appearances to the behavioral quirks they share and the quirks they don’t. Kids can be cruel when you’re neurodivergent so different. So when you get together with Emmet and he comes to realize you LIKE his speaking patterns, he’s floored.
⚪️ — Emmet has always had a lot to say, but he’s quite bad at phrasing things. Compared to his brother who is a constant stream of consciousness, just prattling on about anything and everything that crosses his mind once you get him into conversation, Emmet needs to carefully plan out each word and it never comes out how he wants. Sometimes it feels like with his more approachable appearance (even if some call it creepy) and Ingo’s ability to talk (even if some say he rambles too much), they’re just two halves of one fully functional person. But you like him. Not his brother. Not him and his brother. You like him. How crazy is that?
⚪️ — He doesn’t have time to waste on careful wording. Do that, and he’d be plotting his course of conversation for ages. And he’s rather aware of that fact, so one day, he offhandedly mentions that he’s sorry his bluntness can be so off-putting, and he really hopes he hasn’t said anything to offend you.
⚪️ — Imagine his surprise when you said the contrary! When he heard you liked him because he said exactly what he meant, and he was always so clear-cut and easy to understand, it was like a fuse blew in him. Growing up, he’d always heard the opposite, and while Ingo never criticized him for it, plenty of other people did call him out for being rude when he didn’t mean to be.
⚪️ — He feels verrrry comfortable in conversation with you, yes indeed. Your sense of communication with one another is very strong and any conflict gets resolved very quickly. Emmet is happy to just talk with you and not have to pretend to have conversational skills he doesn’t have. You like him, his brother likes him, that’s all that matters.
⚪️ — He wants to talk with challengers on the Battle Subway more freely, so he’ll often come to you about the best ways to translate the things he wants to say into more “socially acceptable” ways of saying them. Of course, he’s also fully aware that he can come to you and not need to jump through all those hoops.
⚪️ — Since he’s so comfortable with you, he’ll say just about anything to you or around you and knows he can say things to you that will make you laugh, while others would just shush him for it.
⚪️ — After all, nothing makes you laugh quite as hard as sitting on your bed only to hear “OH DEAR! THE GALVANTULAS ARE MATING ON THE SOFA!” from across the apartment. Like cool Emmet, you definitely did NOT need to hear that—also please make them stop??—but that got the best laugh out of you you’ve had in a while.
⚪️ — He’s genuinely just so funny without trying. Another iconic moment you can recall is when, on a Friday night, a particularly inebriated woman was getting a bit too comfy with Emmet, which he was oblivious to at first, too preoccupied with the joy of battling. When you did tell him, though, you ended up laughing your ass off as he gasped and ran off with great urgency to apologize to the woman, as he was unable to reciprocate her advances due to both being taken and, I quote, “a homosexual”.
⚪️ — You’ve definitely made him a lot more comfortable, even in public situations, which he doesn’t seem to realize. The Battle Subway staff has regularly mentioned Boss Emmet has been way chattier than he used to be (which still doesn’t mean anything dramatic, but it’s a big step to him and that’s all it needs to be!) And anyone who has a problem with Emmet’s mannerisms can answer to you.
⚪️ — You’re more than just Emmet’s boyfriend, you gel perfectly into his family. And granted, that family is only Ingo, both of their Pokemon teams and Elesa ever since she basically adopted them, but it’s perfect anyway. It’s not like Emmet has been telling his brother about how much he wants to marry you eventually or anything.
⚪️ — You have literally so many Joltik grandchildren already.
⚪️ — Since both of you can struggle with reading other people, you often put your heads together to try and figure things out. (If it’s anything like the attempts at two neurodivergent people trying to use their combined knowledge to socially navigate that I’ve been a part of, it probably accomplishes nothing, but at least you can both relate to each other’s struggles and have a good laugh about it at the end of the day.)
⚪️ — He acts like a little kid with a crush around you and when he’s not working, he follows you around like a lost puppy.
⚪️ — He also knows that when he’s specifically feeling insecure about his mannerisms, he can lean on you for comfort, because you unashamedly love that about him. All of it. One night, after a particularly rough day, you remember him cuddling up to you and getting teary-eyed about how much you love him.
⚪️ — Please stay in his life, okay?
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tennessoui · 9 months
honestly doctor who! ahsoka having her own companion is very galaxy brain. i actually have some other suggestions for ahsoka time travel companions:
1) sabine
(she just becomes increasingly smug as the mission goes on and ahsoka keeps failing, then increasingly frustrated because she realizes that she is stuck with ahsoka. i do think she would shoot anakin or palpatine in at least a couple of the timelines.)
2) bo katan
(bo katan spends most of the time fighting with ahsoka and obsessively trying to obtain the darksaber. this backfires when anakin begins to suspect bo katan of being the secret sith lord. ahsoka and bo katan are forced to fake a relationship in order to get him off their back at one point. they accidentally become jedi-mandalorian married in at least one timeline before a humiliated ahsoka resets the timeline anyway. now bo katan is uoset because their fake marriage isn’t real anymore and brings it up saltily at least once every reset.)
3) kaeden
(no coherent thoughts just kaesoka 😔)
4) mace
(at first he is shook because of how truly degenerate some of the timelines get, but also he manages to kill palpatine in at least one of them and he’s pretty pleased with himself. other than that, i feel like he would take a “we should stay and fix the damage we’ve inflicted” approach as opposed to ahsoka’s “hit the reset button now” mindset. he would also pick up at least one hobby along the way, like idk crocheting or fishing)
5) yoda
(ahsoka spends most of the time miserably trekking around with a little green gremlin in her swagpack, aka swag backpack. he keeps giving her cryptic advice on how to deal with the situation until she realizes the best action is inaction. by the end, they decide to sit on the beach and just eat sandwiches together while they watch anakin throw a tantrum over the sand while obi wan sighs because he just wanted to try out surfing)
6) luke
(this is actually the canon backstory for how ahsoka and luke met. dave filoni just didn’t tell us because he didn’t think it was important enough to mention.)
7) count dooku
(this one doesn’t really have any explanation, i just thought it would be funny. bonus points because count dooku approves of obi wan but fucking hates anakin and so this is basically his personal hell. he nearly tries to kill ahsoka at one point, thinking that he will be freed, only to realize he’ll be stuck in the timeline with anakin and obi-wan forever. thus causing him to rescue her and hit reset. while ahsoka tries to matchmake anakin and obi wan, count dooku is constantly trying to break them up. at one point anakin accuses him of being homophobic and obi wan attends a support group for lgbt adults whose parents won’t accept their marriage and count dooku gets offended because he is NOT homophobic, he is just a hater. if anakin and obi wan have 1 opp, it’s count dooku. if anakin and obi wan have 1 million opps, it’s count dooku + an army of 999,999 droids. if anakin and obi wan have 0 opps, count dooku is dead. etc etc)
Note: I would put also R2 or Chopper as candidates but they don’t really seem like good companions to me on account of them being aggressively Dalek-coded.
i think all of these work in different ways and you have put it together so beautifully - i think it makes so much sense!
in my mind since none of this is really happening, ahsoka's companion could definitely change every so often as the Force pairs her with different people in an attempt to show her a different lesson....it's not actually the person but an aspect of their personality that could help ahsoka heal and maybe even appreciate the love obi-wan and anakin share
(except dooku. dooku wasn't supposed to be there and it's his actual force ghost. he's just such a strong hater that the force could literally not keep him out of this liminal space)
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kiloskywalker · 1 year
HOLY CRAP YALL WHAT AN EPISODE!  SO GOOD ON ALL FRONTS NO NOTES ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL thanks to @chaotictarlos again for screaming crying and throwing up with me. I have a super early call time and three flights tomorrow so my thoughts are going to be kinda brief but holy shit. -Already 5 minutes in and i was getting high heart rate notifications from my Apple Watch -APD comes off so fucking useless in this episode like did they do ANY investigating at all?  Seriously its ridiculous.  They missed the false wall, they missed the ash in the fireplace?  Like who is this detective and where is Detective Washington?  But you know who was one of the best detectives?  FUCKIN’ TK STRAND!!!!!!!  HE’s come a long way from misidentifying statues as people!  NO ONE is gonna stop him from finding his man. -Carlos you smart SOB, making that connection with Trudy.  Also him talking about Gwyn and her love for TK being flowed through him...fucking wrecked me.  I miss my mom and I hope I find someone like that.  Carlos balancing his need to scream for TK standing right there but also trying to protect him from the crazy lady with a knife, can you imagine. -Ugh both Ronen and Rafael were SO GOOD in this episode.  Probably the most intense we’ve seen from either of them, especially with Detective!TK.  Sidenote, Ronen’s instagram stories were so funny.
-Okay also, some of these one liners were so good.  Even if they were in stressful situations.  The serial killer adjacent old lady being more of a LGBT ally than my own father lol: “I love the gays!”  Also new favorite Owen line: “I’m a fireman.  Our codes are like: Fire!” -I swear to god the last five minutes of this episode aged me like 20 years.  SHE WAS SO CLOSE TO HELPING CARLOS!  THEN TK AND GABRIEL WERE SO CLOSE TO HIM!  UGH!!!  Who else had TK having to do CPR on Carlos.  I can’t wait for the residual trauma for the two of them!  I know there’s limited time for that but that’s why we have fic writers. -ALSO, the B plot was crazy: I’m getting real pissed off with the FBI.  They clearly have no idea how to run this investigation, they are treating their asset (Owen) with more contempt than the people they are trying to catch.  Clearly Owen is scared/uncomfortable with their plan and they are doing nothing to assuage that.  Like my god. -I also can see how they are going to set up an inevitable conflict between TK and Owen which I know Ronen has teased in previous interviews, why the two of them have kind of drifted a bit.  I’m excited for that conversation to come, I can’t imagine how TK is feeling at this moment.
ALSO: “Are you kidding, you died!”, “Yeah, look who’s talking” I MEAN,  exCUSE ME.....Fiancés that have-their-heart-stop-and-literally-die together, stay together. AND REMEMBER: ALL ROADS LEAD TO THE WEDDING All in all, an absolutely fantastic episode.  I can’t wait to read some fics about it.  I have a really early call time tomorrow (0500) and three flights (Orlando-Houston-Chicago-DC) so idk how available I’ll be, but I’d love to talk more about it with yall!
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caughtonwebcam · 1 year
Unpopular (?) sp/sp fanon opinions
Tweek is taller than Craig
Kenny and Wendy aren’t genderfluid
Towlie is annoying and I can’t stand PC principal.
Mr. Garrison used to be really funny, but now he’s just kinda eh.
Cartman needs to be “human chili” and “I’m gonna give Kyle AIDS” evil again. It’s so entertaining
I’m sad that Stan and Kyle aren’t as close as they used to be :(
Pip and Scott Malkinson are cute, but are very one dimensional and bland.
I really like Heidi as a character and I wish they used her more.
I miss when Butters was the innocent one. He’s still less crass than the other boys but he doesn’t stand out as much.
I really wish Stan’s alcoholic and gender identity arc were expanded on more. Could’ve made for some really good episodes.
South Park isn’t transphobic. While I do somewhat disagree with some of their stances (like Gerald wanting to become a dolphin is not the same as being trans and the infamous “Board Girls” episode (which I PARTICALLY get),) I thought “The Cissy” handled the topic of trans issues really well.
Tweek and Craig need more episodes together
Stan and Wendy need to break up for good already. The on again off again is getting really old.
Newer Randy is funny, but has been so flanderized compared to earlier seasons it’s kinda ridiculous.
We need more goth kids
Kyman gets way too much hate than it deserves.
Shelia Broflovski is so incredibly unlikable that she isn’t even fun to watch. I want to smack the shit out of that bitch idk why.
Why does everyone think Kenny is pan? He’s clearly straight. I say that as I hc the other characters with lgbt hcs but honestly someone like Stan is so bisexual it might as well be canon (and yes, I am bi myself so I can say that) I also feel Kyle is ace coded soooo... but Kenny has never shown a possible interest in guys.
While I enjoy the irony, Cartman becoming Jewish just feels so out of character and hard to take seriously. I know that was the point and was meant to highlight Kyle’s emotions towards him, but it’s so cartoonish he might as well have been fucking with him. Like, who the fuck names their kid Menorah? I still like the concept, tho.
Stan was unnecessarily hostile towards Kyle in Post-COVID. Surely, you would have moved past your differences after forty years.
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mahoutoons · 1 year
i really do not get all the hatred sonamy fans get in the sonic fandom.
"but they're so toxic!!"
so are all other ship fandoms. i've had experience with toxic shippers of other ships. but you won’t see me generalizing the ship's fandom over them. every ship has its fair share of toxic fans. so why is it that only sonamy fans get all the heat for being toxic? i'm not denying that there are bad eggs in our fandom but i don't think its fair yo act like we're a special breed of toxic. i've seen fans of other ships with r*pe on amy yet people don't use them to generalize the whole ship's fandom.
"they think their ship is canon!!"
in the 2000s-2010s, maybe we did have a lot of fans who thoight that way. but nowadays whenever sonamy fans claim its canon, its always done in a joking way. its what fans lf literally every other ship do. i've seen people jokingly say "x ship is canon" because character a looked at character b funny. but no one ever attacks them for it. so why is it that only we get attacked when a lot of the time we aren't even serious?? we KNOW our ship will never actually be canon. we KNOW sega has no intention of changing their dynamic as of now. we're just having fun with the moments we're given. especially in recent media. why do y'all froth at the mouth over that. don't like it? just ignore and block.
and to be honest? as sonamy is now, it can be considered semi canon. like, give me a platonic explanation of the "amy, i should've made up my mind sooner" line in frontiers. IF sega decides to make them a couple, their dynamic still won't change. it'll still be very subtle except they're actually a couple now and you won't even notice it. and even then no one's stopping you from liking other ships. and if they are, well the block button exists for a reason.
"but the fanfics-"
i have my beef with old sonamy fanfics. but i have a feeling the people who made them were young kids and teenagers. i'll bet a lot of them have grown up now and have better things to do in life. now i hardly see any sonamy fanfic that villainizes sally or makes sonic an asshole for the sake of angst. the more extreme shippers from the 2000s-early 2010s should not be used to judge shippers today.
imagine if i used the sonadow shippers i encountered in 2014 deviantart, who were mostly allocishet girls who shipped them because they fetishized gay men, made both of them extremely ooc (anyone remember the terms seme and uke?), and of course hated amy for getting in the way of their ship, to judge the sonadow shippers of today who are now mostly mellow and enjoy their ship in peace, it wouldn't be fair now would it?
"the age gap is problematic!!"
most of the ages in sonic make no sense! there's a line in sonic forces where infinite claims sonic has defeated eggman for decades, and sonic's only supposed to be 15. granted using sonic forces may not be the best example but it shows how little sega cares about the ages. and now they've even been renoved from sonic channel. AND even ian flynn himself has said not to worry about pairings like sonamy and knuxouge because there's nothing wrong with them.
and i KNOW people are gonna take this to mean "so shipping things like s0nt@ils is okay now??" no, because tails is still coded as a little kid. sonic and most of the cast are coded as teenagers.
there's people who ship tails and fiona, and that's an actual toxic ship with an actual problematic age gap. but they don't get half the heat that sonamy shippers get.
"sonamy is a ship for the cishets"
really now? i guess my lgbt cars has expired guys. maybe that's a good thing because i was born and raised in a country where its illegal to be lgbt and my parents are kinda religious. and even the country where i'm originally from is pretty homophobic despite gay marriage being decriminalized. who knew all it took to solve those problems was to ship sonamy?? thanks guys.
do you see how stupid that logic is? a fucking ship doesn't determine your sexuality. i don't want to kiss women any less because i ship sonamy.
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clefclefairy · 10 months
very very quick post on current Fandom Woes that i want to throw out so i can put it out of my head and go do important things (making sword)
1: 'ugh this is so OOC just make OCs if you're going to do this' and how does fandom treat OCs, exactly? do you RT people's OC art? do you call OCs "cringe?" do you ask questions about people's OCs? do you commission art/fic of people's OCs? do you think you're the arbiter of what "in-character" is for an entire fandom?
2. i was there 3000 years ago, gandalf, and so i can say with confidence: "he would not fucking say that" used to be unilaterally applied to any LGBT content. any fucking queer ships would be told "this is OOC, they've never said they were gay in canon!" and if you tried to explain like, basic subtext or the long history of queer-coding to some internet rando they would just call you a stupid fangirl. i'm not saying that's always what is happening now, but i am saying that this is where that attitude can and did lead, and still leads for certain queer headcanons. (try calling a character trans coded. see what happens!)
3. sometimes people just want to have fun. sometimes people just make jokes that do not align with their view of the canon characterization for fun. sometimes people just like to mash their current favorites against a thing they like or find funny. acting like this is killing fandom rather than simply personally annoying you is ludicrous.
4. again, not every post with this attitude is saying this, but given the current social climate surrounding AI art/AI chatbots/AI fanfic and the complete and utter disdain for fanfic writers and artists, "why even write this it's so OOC" feels very...entitled. you don't know what emotions, life experiences, formative media, styles of interpretation, and methods of critique/analysis someone brings to any given character. everyone brings themselves to the table of fandom and that's supposed to be a good thing. (coda: there are some ways people can willfully misinterpret characterization and be incorrect. people can also just be missing necessary context in their analysis. people just might not be good at analysis and interpretation. piss on the poor, etc., but outside of malicious willful misinterpretation, this isn't like. evil. you can just block and move on.)
5. i don't care if a fic is OOC to my personal interpretation of the character. i really, truly don't. i hit the back button and move on. you don't know why someone writes or feels the way they do about characters, and sometimes people don't want to write OCs! they want to process whatever's going on in their life with their favorite characters! and that is fine! even if it doesn't make sense to anyone but them! even if it isn't good! fanfic and fanart needing to be good is bullshit. you can't and shouldn't try to quality control free writing and art like you would professional work. (coda for the piss on the poor website: this does not include malicious hate speech and imagery. it DOES include topics you personally find unappealing. not everything is for you.)
6. fandom is a collaborative community experience and not everything is to your taste. you don't know why someone writes or creates or draws what they do, or why they're doing it. have a private circle of friends to bitch about stuff you don't like together. trying to make other people behave in ways you don't find 'cringe' or write and draw what you want, for you, isn't happening. block and move on, mute and blacklist, use your back button on fanfics, and mind your own business.
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