#and the AMOUNT of people who take things out of context
saintsenara · 18 hours
Why Harry being short and frail (or even petite and delicate) past puberty is such a popular take these days? Sure, he is not bulky, but don't we know from Voldemort himself that James was tall and don't we know that Harry was exactly the same height as James during the final battle? Don't we know that Harry works out 3 times a week and is generally athletic? Is it the same thing that is happening with fanon Sirius or is it something different? Is it because he was short as a child and grew up in a cupboard, thus unlikely to end up like he did at the end of the series? What do you think about it? How likely is it? I keep seeing it in many slash ships and I am genuinely baffled. Is it me who has it backwards? Please solve this mystery, dear Asenora!
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
i think several things are at play, tbh - some of which are more understandable than others.
the first is that daniel radcliffe genuinely is short [for a british man, at least] - his height is given online as 165cm [or 5'5], but looking at pictures of him leads me to suspect that's an exaggeration - and was, unsurprisingly, even shorter when he was a teenager. many of the other actors in the films are much, much taller than him - especially people like alan rickman and david thewlis, both of whom were over six foot - and since the films inevitably influence how people picture the characters physically, the height differences we see on screen end up becoming part of that.
the second is that, while harry is described as "tall" in canon, that term appears to be doing a fair amount of heavy-lifting. numerous male characters are described as taller than him in both half-blood prince and deathly hallows - with the example which always stands out to me being the fact that fred and george weasley are said to "shrink" when they polyjuice into harry before the seven potters chase. fred and george - like charlie - are described in canon as being noticeably shorter and stockier in build than bill, percy, and ron. unless ron et al. are so tall that it would be thought of as really unusual - let's say above 6'6/198cm - harry probably isn't over 6'0/182cm tall.
thirdly, it's worth saying that what is meant by "tall" is culturally contingent. i've said that daniel radcliffe is shorter than average for a british man - and that's true - but his height isn't going to be thought of in that way in different parts of the world. similarly, there are parts of the world where describing a man who was, say, 5'10/178cm as "tall" would be considered quite strange - but i don't think the uk [where the average male height in 1998 was just over 5'8/174cm] is one of them. certainly, i picture harry as around that height [allowing characters like ron, sirius, dumbledore, and voldemort - who are all described as such - to be noticeably taller than him, but not so tall that their height would be considered abnormal], and i don't think it precludes him still being thought of as "tall" within the context in which he lives. but an author from, for example, the netherlands - where the average male height is 6'0.5/183cm - would probably think differently.
[there's a point about cultural contingency in the quip he makes about being short because of the cupboard too: i would read that as a dark joke which he doesn't actually think has any truth behind it specifically when it comes to his height, but which nonetheless expresses that the dursleys abuse him generally and this abuse has had a long-term impact upon him; readers from other parts of the world take it more literally.]
and finally, harry is definitely physically fit and - of course - works out a lot as part of playing quidditch, but both he and james are emphasised in canon as having slender builds - and it's also implied in the text that seekers are generally slim. harry doesn't need to be seen as any less sporty if we presume that he has the physique of a distance runner or triathlete rather than that of a sprinter.
however, there are definitely some aspects to the tendency for harry to be written as short and slender which do bother me a fair amount - and i do think that these have something in common with what we see with fanon sirius.
that is, that harry and sirius aren't written as short and slender because the author wants them to just happen to be short and slender. they're written as short and slender because the author wants them to be passive. their height/build is emphasised in the story in order to hammer this home - and it's often accompanied by them being assigned other aspects of physical appearance, personality, dress, or manner [especially ones which might be considered as "effeminate"] which, once again, aren't intended to communicate anything other than this passivity.
and - of course - in the writing of vast amounts of slash, any indication of passivity, submissiveness, or femininity - and the physical traits which end up equated with them - is taken as an indication that the character in question would be an exclusive - and submissive - bottom, who defers to the whims of their partner, an exclusive - and dominant - top.
and - unsurprisingly - topping ends up being associated with masculinity - and the personality traits and physical characteristics - above all a tall, muscular build - which are equated with that.
frail!harry seems to be most prominent - in my experience - in ships like tomarrymort, not so much because people really care about the implications of harry's characterisation, but because they're hugely opposed to the suggestion that characters like tom riddle would ever bottom [since - of course - they associate the act of being penetrated with femininity and femininity with weakness...]. great lengths have to be gone to, then, to emphasise that voldemort - or whoever else - is powerful and proud and authoritative and masculine and tall. and, for some reason, this is apparently incompatible with the idea that he might also like to get railed... which means that harry has to make sure nobody is in any doubt about who's the woman bottom by becoming as teeny tiny as he possibly can...
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neonfretra · 3 days
does anyone want to discuss hrpf outside of shipping + written fic context . because i think about where what i do sits in relation to it all
for brevity i will be referring to the real person as the player and the fictionalized interpretation of the player as the character
to get things outta the way, i dont think theres very much you can say about real life people before you start crossin into real person fiction (rpf) territory LOL
transformative art is rpf. speculation is rpf. narratives is rpf. the second you start steppin away from a direct relay of the facts as is, we gettin in ficticious waters IMO. its really a neutral thing to me and my ethics begin and end at "dont show people who dont wanna see"
and its real funny to think about how i do art just because it feels like i set up way less barriers compared to people who DO write fic . i see all this talk about making sure you make your stuff login exclusive, about not sharin it to the people involved, disclaimers about how its in fact NOT a reflection of reality that your favorite athlete is mpregnant and YOU are are mfather.
and i just hit post and call it a day LOL
TO BE CLEAR there is definitely layers to it in the sense that i see similar amounts of caution with say ship art or certain degrees of raunch.
shipping in the rpf scene is funny to me in the sense of the tendency to treat shipping as THE exclusive rpf thing. like no i dont think my tomas tatar fanart is 1:1 on the reality front either. for example, nj devils hairline is not that far back and thags the only inaccuracy.
heres the kicker: mmy foot.
most of my doodles tend to evoke a degree of characterization or narrative. yeag maybe its a little less 30k slowburn and a little more fabian zetterlund shot putting a man but. that is fictional, that is a character
im not saying that rpf defines players more than the reality of them does but i do believe it does enforce certain views
in the spaces i hang around ive noticed the narrativization around certain characters being part fueled by the information that is filtered by reporters and part interpretations bounced back and forth by fandom . and when you have eyes on a story, its easy to pick out information solely as it agrees with you
maybe the most prominent narrative ive seen for the sharks has been macklin celebrini having a jock dad -> therefore he got daddy issues, joe thornton houses him -> therefore mentor and father figure joe thornton? where even though i havent seen any direct relay of information from any players (though ivent been looking LOL) a lot of the discussion around it revolves around this common understanding that it just is (the funnier part is arguably that will smith hockey has been doing more for this narrative for patrick marleau BUT NEITHER HERE NOR THERE.)
and its really interesting to note HOW fandom warps or weaves the story by going off common tropes or dynamics to make sense of the public facing parts we do see, which is what i think is magnified through the lens of fanworks but not (necessarily) CREATED by fanworks
which is where i feel my work is part of the. ecosystem??? life cycle??? and then we all return to the dirt and the worms eat us???
how much or how little we define the gap between player and character changes from person to person. i simply do not have that goin on here. devin cooley eats joey daccords hair take it or leave it. annnnd main tag that
other times i feel we wear the divide thin are when there is headcanon that uses facts about the player (ie a lot of ship talk) or when the character becomes the kneejerk understanding of the player (ie liveblogs. very fun way to get a read of a communitys feelings on something because of how immediate the reactions on it are)
the point of this post isnt to shame or interrogate people about participating in rpf, im not looking for those sort of feelings, im fascinated by fandom culture as a twig off the old branch and i would love to hear other perspectives on the same topic (and different communities! i dont have much involvement in fic. which is. a massive hole in my perspective on this probably)
is it possible to cross the line from rpf to plain old original content LOL (the answer is intent i know but. walk with me here its fun to think about)
naturally theres a degree of "original character" to every depiction . you gotta make up some amount of it. theres no clear separation OF rpf and original content because everything is about borrowing. you make characters with inspiration from other things. its near enough universal for someone who deals with characters to have at some point lifted a character directly out of their original context and made them their own.
its not just their face or name or some other physical attribute that makes it rpf id also argue because i have seen people using attributes of real people as "claims" for origubal characters (like a "faceclaim" to say "this is how i imagine my character to look")
on top of that there is fluctuating interest on actually depicting the player, with approaches that i have heard of ranging from "character that shares the quantitative aspects of the player and thats IT" to "character that was made heavily referencing to things the player has said/done"
its interesting when certain players in rpf have a consistent character! which trends to be in teams with a more active rpf oriented fanbase (vs interest mainly in the real life hockey played), comparing the fandom of kraken to the golden knights on tumblr for instance. its also interesting to note that more popular teams just have more rpf centric leans. because there are more people to write rpf. i mean also we are on a fandom centric site and rpf bridges that gap from narrative/character fueled media and sportsball more LOL
(if you like sports from a purely sports oriented angle do you enjoy watching it? genuine question. because at what point is it "i could just be doing this myself" because ive hit that point with other things before LMAO)
i do call the difference being more "fandom" oriented but IDK if thats correctly using the word or just less syllables. and on top of that i cant exactly tell you if its popularity or stand out personality that holds more sway. though then again i guess those two traits arent separate from each other necessarily. or even that those are the only two factors to broad appeal (probably popularity with another player is up there. but im not trying to find a formula for most attractive to make rpf of)
to return to the kraken because that is the most rpf oriented team i follow, i do notice when players portrayed consistently. i can definitely tell you like. one or two character traits about players i do not follow the media of solely from liveblogs and art. complexity of the character varies by a lot, though i do think its interesting to consider the hows and whys.
a trait or interest being highlighted by media (i tend to see this in offical media coverage that gets spread by jokes) -> the character heavily revolves around this feature in jokes or casual reference, with heavy personal interpretation
media pushing a narrative by following a more cohesive timeline or story structure (i usually see this in fanworks. easier to identify the influence of IMO) -> fairly consistent character backstory or , at least in the broad strokes of it
just general agreements about tropes that are appealing with little basis on the player -> this is usually the more relationship focused character interpretation
there isnt usually just one factor (and this isnt an exhaustive list of factors) to one characters history. unless its a super new player on the radar.
its definitely a character that belongs to the fandom! as in the unique character to the unique community! its actually really funny how they evolve. you could probably fingerprint someones influences if you tried hard enough. with how new the kraken is (and the fact the fandom leans more towards being united as one body than any other team ive seen so far) it does get pretty easy to get it down to the post but. do your own treasure search. I wont deprive you!
(also its EMBARASSING... what if the people i mention SEE... im SHY...)
harder with an older fandom like the sharks there are so many dead and defunct sources or jokes so widely spread that it gets hard to locate the origin . because dead and defunct sources. though i think its growing a new ring around the fandom tree because of the newer players! so its a thought. to think about how different events influence the size and activity of a fanbase and to ask how different fans from different. eras? of a fanbase interact (or dont).
again i notice this in the sharks fandoms by comparing fans from the playoff contending sharks era (last playoff season was 18-19? start is a little murky but ill toss out that 2012 was the year tomas hertl was drafted because tomas hertl was an era of the sharks LOL a whole 12 years! i know people younger than his professional career and those people are catching up to me in height. humbling!) and fans from when the sharks were very much not playoff contending (quite an amount of the current active fans LOL). not sure if theres much to say without looking stupid. different jokes, notable players, friend groups, feelings towards other teams. all still feel very strongly about general manager mike grier scattering players like dandellion seeds to the wind.
how many sharks fans havent seen logan couture on ice
again i am saying all this as someone who ACTIVELY participates in this BTW!!! does anyone notice that players i dont know definitely have a flatter "whatever is the funniest thing to say" angle . or that characters of players i know a few things about have like one punchline . or even that certain characters are consistent and not just bound by direct interpretations of one moment (which i do a lot of when im liveblogging) (dont get your hopes up for anything new here, the character usually is "pathetic and a little bit of a bastard")
i keep writing these disclaimers like. if someone disagreed this strongly they would not be reading this far. hi! is anyone still here. is someone still reading.
i have created life and i dont know to kill it.
i talk about one of my depictions of a player as a separate character (that is to say, a SEPARATE character from the character intended to represent the player) and i have NO idea if this is like. an OC? a defamation case in waiting? my spawn? do i have to pay childcare. does anyone know who or what im talking about or has the character been festering in my mind like an infection.
is it just me???
my advice to you: if you dont want somethin to come back dont give it a name.
consider dissecting your personal and the more widespread fandoms take on players and characters! its fun for me but i also just like taking things apart ^_^ i fear i may not be as analytical as this post demands i do a lot of restating information and thats it
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ghouldtime · 3 days
Random Rant on Fanfic Pet Names
Let me say this is more me screaming into the great unknown because it's something that I KEEP seeing and it keeps irking me and causing me to cringe out of my skin. Putting it under the read more, it's just a rant mainly about the COD fandom, you're not missing anything if you don't read this
Disclaimer: I mean absolutely no hate to the writers who do this. Because you should be writing what makes YOU happy and what YOU like to write. Writing is unique and independent to each individual and just because I don't like something doesn't mean that it's inherently bad or shouldn't be done. You do you, you go on your own journey - just cause we both like hiking doesn't mean we have to take the same trail or that one path is better than the other. Judging people like that who write different than you is nasty and policing harmless writing over little things is stinky sock sniffer behavior. Just cause it's my yuck doesn't mean it is everyone's and I don't expect everyone to agree with me nor is my point meant to be an objective truth or statement. It's literally just my feelings and I need to yell about it
The COD fandom in particular I've seen is atrocious for doing this. But I abhor when they make the characters use pet names like "pet" and "little girl" or "little boy".
Especially when they've literally JUST met
Every time I see it I immediately have to exit off the fic as I gag. I swear it's instinctive at this point. You know those videos of cats who do the extremely dramatic gagging when they smell something they slightly don't like? That's me. 110%
It comes up and I look at the page like this
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It just feels so so gross to me and has this icky undertone that I cannot stand. And I don't know if I'm reading into it too much or if this is just me a me thing but I swear to any gods above this keeps happening. It's done so much I have tried putting filters on specifically to avoid it
It strikes me as so odd??? Like why that out of everything. Why something emphasizing age/maturity or treating the reader like they're a possession when it's a regular ass fanfic.
It makes my skin crawl and the possessive/dismissive undertones there are NOT cute. It always reads as ignoring reader's autonomy and treating them more like an object or thing instead of a person. When they just met too or the relationship really doesn't call for it or where it would be weird, it's just shoehorned in and I reallllly really really hate it oh man.
Like if it's established and is a fic where it's like "hey, this is what this is going to be! We're doing a nsfw/bdsm-y undertones here! That's the vibe!" Then great! Fantastic! That lines up, you're expecting that. Not when it's like a fluff fic or supposed to be super causal
I see this mainly with Ghost in fan fics. For some reason, he seems to be numero uno when it comes to calling reader "pet" as a form of endearment. I'm so sorry but I can't ever see him doing that. The guy who has extensive trauma with animals from his childhood, who would take an IMMENSE amount of time forming a close bond with someone to ever get into a relationship (following the comics for his history anyhow which is what I've seen most people do, Ghost has literally seen his family killed and has been through so so much trauma it's wild and the dude has a lot going on mentally), calling someone he cares about a pet??? I just don't see it happening. I sure as shit don't think he'd do that to near strangers either. Even if you ignored that past history for him or write Ghost different -that's just a flat out weird thing to call someone you don't know and has the implications of ownership/subservience on that person's part. Doing that to someone you REALLY do not know is insane
And the little girl/boy one used in conjunction with an age gap??? No??? That's just. So many shades of ew to me and is really putting emphasis on the wrong thing there (at least how I see it and in the context of the fic. I've never seen it used appropriately unless the reader is meant to be a literal child and it's a platonic fic. Context matters). ESPECIALLY when they emphasize reader is young (as in, barely legal, just turned 18/19 or heck even 20). Which I also keep seeing too when it is used. I'm not here for that reallllly creepy vibe that sounds like something you'd eventually hear about on Dateline or in a youtube exposé video
Like y'all. Anyone being shipped with them should be a grown ass adult because THEY are all grown ass adults. For me the little is never emphasizing size when paired with a gendered term, it's emphasizing how small their age is and that's wacky. Maybe that's just a me problem but when I hear "little girl" or "little boy", I'm thinking of a kid. Because girl/boy are most commonly used for children and when you're pairing it with little there, that's what you're emphasizing and you're practically guaranteeing that image.
Be real, if a guy you JUST met who you don't find attractive sneers and says, "Be quiet, pet." or "hush little girl/boy, " you wouldn't find that hot, you'd find that creepy. It's only excused because you're attracted to the character and find them hot. I'm picking a fight, I'm throwing hands if that's dropped on me in the real world out there. Probably not because I'm too non-confrontational but you bet im cringing and giving him the most:
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look I can absolutely muster.
Maybe this is just a me thing and I'm losing my marbles. Or maybe it's the fact that I've had that happen to me where a dude I barely know called me "little girl/boy" (despite me being older?? and like the same height?????) and I just died on the inside viscerally that day
For the record if someone pulls the 'pet' card, I'm living up to it. I'm puking on the carpets somewhere in the dark at 3am, I'm yelling at the mailman and doorbells, I'm doing parkour off the couch when you're trying to sleep. Why the absolute hell are you calling someone you JUST MET that when it isn't even supposed to be that kinda nsfw fic.
It's one thing if the vibe is established and the tags are there and you know what you're getting into. But I lose my mind when it's a casual fluff or meant to be romantic and then all of a sudden, BAM THERE IT IS AGAIN.
It makes it so hard to read fics because it's like roulette, I swear I'm always suddenly hit with it and there goes my interest in trying again 🥲
To anyone who read this i admire your courage and akbwdbkawd im having a moment over here
(And hopefully everyone is having a snazzy day! 💚💚💚 my inbox is always open if you ever need to vent or need someone to talk to or want to join me yelling into the void)
Rant over,
Ghoul out
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ohbother2 · 8 months
*looking at the Hazbin Hotel discourse online over the past few days*
the claims of skyrocketing media illiteracy have never been clearer to me
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'Kris being an outcast who likes freaking people out means they must be a Bad Person™️ and thus taking their free will and piloting them like a puppet is actually Good™️ morally speaking'
How about I eat your skin how bout that
#the lack of nuance people address Kris with makes me want to bite things every day#also they are LITERALLY A TEENAGER who as far as we know is JUST A BIT WEIRD#tho I think part of it may be a purposeful commentary on how we treat characters vs real people even in a story we buy in2 very genuinely#bc certain traits both behavioral and physical- when observed in the context of a story- set Villain Flags mentally#whereas irl the same actions or things would be considered (fairly) innocuous#or at least not judged on such a concious unabashed definite level#I think its similar with Berdly how every1 is like 'this bitch annoying can we please kill him'#and then in Snowgrave you fucking DO- wish granted#but in-universe all you've done is fucking murder a teenager whose biggest crime is being kind of obnoxious#even with a universe you're invested in and where you care a lot about the characters#your role as a player/observer taking on the identity of someone in that world- no matter how immersed you get-#is still fundamentally different from how things are viewed in-universe#because you are still reacting to things as you would a story while characters are applying the standards of what to them is real life#EVEN WHEN you buy into the fiction that the characters are meant to be concious beings who you the player r interacting with thru the game#not that this is necessarily a 'bad thing' but ut and it seems dr are works abt exploring our relationship to fiction and its characters#and about how much we think we empathize with them but also treat them in a way we'd never treat people#but yea the amount of ppl I see saying Kris is EEEEEEVIL bc they have red eyes and like knives and steal pie#and because they don't seem to want to stick to the script the story has laid out for them#and how them being EEEEEVIL or even just Not Vewy Nice :( makes taking over their body not AT LEAST morally questionable#is infuriating#maybe bc they don't want to deal w the fact that we as a player are participating directly in their suffering#if not the entire cause of it/the person its for in the first place#and like I get it that sucks and I feel bad thinking abt it too but I think thats kinda the point#the victim doesn't have to be perfect or likeable or even a good person for their suffering to matter and be fucked up#but that rationale is very commonly used in stories to dismiss/diminish/justify morally troubling actions#and tbh I think that one is used for how people treat real-life narratives as well to some degree#ok bye#Deltarune#kris dreemurr
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paintingpuff · 16 days
So with the terrible Minecraft movie trailer dropping,
I've seen a lot of people bringing up better stories in the world of Minecraft, like Story Mode or the books or the SMPs, but may I add another option that would be a way better use of your time and money than the Minecraft movie (esp cuz its free)?
Animation Vs. Minecraft
(Note: contains out of context spoilers for this series to give you a sneak peek of what's waiting for you)
There's a good chance you've seen the first video, since it's one of the most watched minecraft videos on youtube, made by the same guy who did Animation vs Animator.
But did you know that the stick figures pick the game back up and continue the series?
There are now three completed seasons packed with fun episodic content that naturally blossoms into a larger, engrossing story that amounts to /several hours of animated content/. It's got fun characters, gorgeous fight scenes, and even musical numbers, all told with next to no dialogue!
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The whole thing is a love letter to Minecraft, with way more passion and knowledge of the game than WBS.
New episodes would show off the latest updates, like when the main characters explored the ancient cities and lush caves before they were officially released.
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There are even homages to the Minecraft animation community, such as the episode featuring Monster School (my favorite part of this is the way they purposefully imitate the old janky animation in Herobrine's movements)
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Not a fan of piglins always being villains? While there's certainly some bad piglins in this series (though I'd argue they're under duress), the main cast also befriends some, include this adorable piglin child.
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Still not over Reuben's death from MSM? Well they've also got a pig (named Reuben by the community), and it both doesn't die, and occasionally does some badassery himself!
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Speaking of the action, this series doesn't just reference minecraft's world and creatures: it expands on the mechanics and worldbuilding, creating avenues for some truly incredible action that can only be achieved within minecraft. It takes full advantage of the medium and world.
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My personal favorite example of this is the team's expansion on the Lucky Blocks mod, exploring the idea of a "randomizer" power to its fullest extent.
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The action scenes are the kind where you have to watch them five times over because each character is doing something completely unique and fun.
Here is all the episodes of season 1 compiled in one video to get you started, though there are also playlists out there:
All in all, this series is funny, gripping, and adorable, and is worth your attention far better than some corporate schlock.
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kaijuposting · 1 year
"Saw traps for people with moral OCD" is a phrase that has embedded myself into my brain because, well, Saw traps for people with moral OCD are everywhere.
Stuff that basically amounts to...
"You have to listen to my opinions on [issue], or else you don't care about [issue]. (Constantly talks about how people like you are the absolute worst.)"
Anything that's functionally like, "you have to let me tear you down over things you can't control or you're a bad person."
Anything that's functionally like, "you have to let me vent to you whenever and however I want or else you're a bad person."
"If you enjoy X media/trope, you just hate Y people."
"Everyone knows that X thing is harmful/hateful; if you engaged in it, it's just because you were fine with perpetuating hate/harm."
"You should have just known better/should know this already!"
This thread over here talks about the inherent issues of putting this kind of stuff out there. The TL;DR is that it really only works on people who are mentally unwell and have poor boundaries, while just pissing off everyone else. It really doesn't matter if you're technically correct; you're still attacking people, and that means they're not wrong to block you.
I think that many of these Saw traps are created when people effectively write posts directed toward people who don't want to help, rather than the ones who do. Like, if you catch yourself writing an angry, shame-laden post, ask yourself: who are you writing it for and what are the odds you're going to change their minds? If your mental image is some smug fuck or angry reactionary, you're writing for the wrong person. Write for the person who's curious, who's willing to learn.
Also? Work on figuring out how to transmute negative feelings into positive, encouraging rhetoric. EG:
"Why is there no X positivity?" -> "Let's hear it for X!"
"No one cares about Y problem!" -> "Hey, we need more recognition of Y problem" or "I haven't seen many people talking about Y problem, so here's some info on what's up."
"If you don't reblog this, you don't care about [group]" -> "Please reblog this, it would mean a lot for us [group]."
And if you're really super duper frustrated and want to vent with a lot of nasty words and sentiments? Consider taking it to a private vent channel or a journal or somewhere that a stranger with moral OCD/scrupulosity isn't likely to run across it.
Remember, most people don't want to hurt anyone. More people are ignorant than malicious. People naturally want to do the right thing, so if you feel like you have to guilt them or shame them into it, there's probably a fundamental communication issue somewhere, or they simply lack the context to understand why what you're saying is so important.
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"Do Black People Blush?" Bringing brown complexions to life
Inspired by this ask
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So, do Black people blush?
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We are human beans 🤣! Blood rushes through our veins! This isn't just a nonblack misconception either; I know plenty of Black people who think we don't blush. Stop saying that shit. It's not true! If you thought this at any point, I'm glad you learned, TAKE THIS L IN SILENCE! I am sparing you the indignity of saying this out loud, ever! 🙏🏾
Jokes aside, the actual issue usually lies with the depiction or description. Depending on our skin tone, most of us aren’t going to turn ‘bright pink’ with a blush (if you write that in your y/n or roleplaying fics, that’s an easy way to negate a good amount of your potential Black audience). Think of a cherry coke- how you still see the tint of red in it, but it’s still brown? Like that.
One way to dodge this in writing is to say “flushed”, or “ears/cheeks became hot”. This is describing the physical action of blushing, without having to describe the color of someone’s face. If you’re really nervous about not writing us correctly via blushing… there you go!
Okay. So this is something I’ll likely do its own lesson on, because there’s no way I could encapsulate it into one little blurb and I’m not going to try! After asking the internet an admittedly confusing question 😅, one thing I was able to reaffirm is that people have different opinions on what ‘dark’/’darker’ skin tones mean. People recognize that different cultural upbringings and contexts will change what that means! And that’s good- that an important part of the larger conversation!
However, I want everyone to understand that you don’t have to be Black to be dark/’darker’ skinned- you can be Black and very pale! We discussed that in the last lesson! There’s no ‘singular point of brown-ness’ that designates a Black person as ‘Black’- there’s an entire sociological conversation behind that!
My point is, this isn’t a ‘oh Black people OVERALL aren’t depicted blushing properly’- because there are ‘lighter’ skinned Black people that wouldn’t suffer as much from this particular issue.
Blushes and Undertones
Three Links for Tips on Medium to Deep Skintones
Different complexions are going to require different colors, there's not a 'one fits all' option. However! What we want to do for deeper brown complexions is to focus on BOLDER, not lighter! Putting light pink or a white person’s ‘nude’ on our skin will often make us look ashy and undercolored. And we don’t like looking ashy.
"It looks like they're ashy!"
What do we mean when we say this about a piece? Well, worse case scenario, it looks like this:
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This was NOT one of KD’s better days, and he was thoroughly mocked for this. He got more than enough money for lotion! Anyway, when we say that your art looks ‘ashy’, it means that it feels like the skin of your Black character is gray, or dead. Like a corpse. We don’t look like that unless things are dire.
In fan and professional art, you can sometimes find people user a grey undertone for deeper shades of brown on Black people: NO! We are NOT grey! We are not pitch! Many skin shades of brown can be found based in the oranges and the reds. Based on lighting and depth of complexion, you might even have to go into the blues and purple to capture the brown you’re seeking.
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I’m begging us to stop desaturating the browns we use. We can see the difference. It’s usually one of those ‘White Man Painted Brown’ techniques I discussed before; an attempt to ‘make a character Black’ without really committing to it because the brown skin tone ‘doesn’t look good’ to the artist. Brown is beautiful! Commit to brown! Commit to the full design!
Put in the work to create the brown you need!
While this is a traditional art piece (follow Ellie Mandy Art, a Black creator), I want you to notice how she incorporated many colors to create the deep brown for her piece.
-8:05 for the list of paints
-8:05-17:29 for the process
She used black, yes, but it was nowhere near the base color. She incorporated blues and reds and other browns to capture that depth. It wasn’t ‘toss in a bunch of black or grey to get the brown darker’. (SKIP TO THE END TO SEE HOW GOOD THIS PIECE IS, BTW. I felt like I was in the presence of a master watching her do this, fr. We gotta pay artists more.)
I want to use this model as an example to show that while we might get very dark, we're still not 'pitch black'. You can see the flat of the black of their clothes versus their deep complexion. They're not the same!
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Even if your character's complexion is very deep brown into black, you still need to incorporate ‘life’ into them (if that makes sense). And you know what? Even if you want to describe your characters as having ‘black’ skin, that’s fine, but there are still other ways to do it- obsidian, the night sky, velvet. Find a way to romanticize our skin (there’s an entire conversation about how ‘black’ is used in a negative connotation in language and storytelling, and we’re ALSO going to have that conversation later!)
A Real Simple Way (i.e. how I do it)
I tried, but I cannot find my skin tones palette link anymore. I’m sorry! But, it’s been essential to my character design. If you don’t ever buy anything else, I would HIGHLY suggest investing in a skin tones palette for your art program.
Everyone say hello to Philia, my OC! I’m used to drawing her, so I’m going to use her as an example. Now remember, I am still an amateur! But this is how I do it!
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Admittedly, I do the one on the left when I'm feeling lazy, but more often I'll take the time to do the one on the right. Now here’s the thing- I’m not actually blending the red into the brown. This is on a whole different layer. What I’m actually doing is adding to and fading the color until it’s at a color that I feel is natural. There's definitely an easier, smarter way to do this, but that’s what I like to do- I like to see the stages slowly until I’m comfortable.
You have to mess around and practice; see what looks good and what doesn't. Go into the reds, the oranges, the pinks and observe how it looks- I may go through multiple before I settle on one. It’s really just a matter of getting used to drawing Black skin tones and how they look in different lighting. This one's not perfect for sure.
Here are some really good posts and Youtube videos on how both to paint skin, and to add blush tones. And remember, as per my usual, the best way to learn how the draw and paint Black people is to follow and learn from Black artists! Another good idea might be looking into Black makeup and Black SFX makeup artists. As people that work with skin on a regular basis, they would be a good place to study what colors can and should be used on different skin colors as a whole.
Likelihood Art
Tiara Anderson
Ross Draws
In summary, focus on bolder colors, be willing to test until you get what you need, and practice! All you can do to get better is to practice! And as always: it’s the thought that counts, but the action that delivers!
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prismalmelonman · 3 months
Touching on Gale, Wyll, and Halsin's traumas being a bit undermined in parts of the fandom
So one thing I notice on Twitter is how some people act about the bg3 characters whose abuses were perpetuated by women.
Gale specifically for this reason (but I will touch on others)bbecause I see him dismissed super often as "can't get over his ex".
But Gale's case obviously be has the line of Mystra being like "she was my muse, my teacher, and then my lover" and sure to some that's a red flag in itself (when it comes to adults I don't really give a fuck about teacher/student) but if you view it from not only Gale's own words "ive been connected with the weave for as long as i can remember"
And that doesn't distract from his genuine love of magic of course. And it also doesn't mean that he's actually been in connection with mystra for an amount of time.
However, if you ascend Gale, and he becomes a god, you get a bunch of new little things. Tara reminiscing of course, but you get a letter from Elminster, detailing that Mystra had Elminster scope out Gale when he was eight!
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And sure is that pretty cool that he's a prodigy that got the attention of the goddess of magic at that age? Yes. Mystra is, however, known in forgotten Realms lore to seek young young boys who are in tune with magic to make into her chosen. And from context clues, her chosen can be anything from Elminster and Volo, dedicated wizards who try to keep things in check, etc etc. or they're somewhat of playthings to her.
Minsc also has a conversation where me mentions that weave-touched boys in his homeland were hidden away to hone their craft, then suspecting that it was because of Mystra, given Gale's case.
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Gale always seems so proud that he got to bed a goddess, and on the surface, hell yeah, that's cool.
Gale continued to have her attention even as he went to Blackstaff Academy, and Mystra eventually did take him on as an apprentice directly to her, later making him her chosen, and sleeping with him.
The reason it bothers me that people dismiss all of Gale's stuff to just "he can't get over his ex" is because that's is like almost textbook grooming? She was in his life from a young age, shaping and moulding him up as he grew up to be her perfect chosen, rewarding him by sleeping with him, and so on. And then of course casting him away when he has his folly with the netherese orb (and to be fair, it very well could have looked like to her that he was trying to seize the power himself and yes the orb does siphon off weave. That is a problem for the mistress of the weave yes).
But she also tells gale to KILL HIMSELF for her forgiveness.
Gale is much more than "unable to be over his ex" this woman was in his life since he was a kid. She's almost all he has ever known. If course it's going to be difficult for him to 1. Say no to her. 2. Get over the fact that he's lost someone that he spent his literal entire life dedicated to. Honestly if asked, I don't even think Gale would acknowledge or really see that what he went through was, in fact, abuse until it was spelled out in front of him. (Which does happen somewhat with the player character pleading to him that killing himself for mystra's forgiveness is actually horrific and that he should in fact be angry for how he was treated)
Similarly, and this one has been discussed a lot, Wyll and Mizora. Wyll was 17 and actively trying to help his people. 17, in a vulnerable state, willing to do anything to help and prove himself. Mizora very clearly took advantage of him, and regards him as a "pet", refers to him being "leashed", and so on. Personally, I do dislike the sexualization of their relationship, because it very much is also grooming (although a different type. Rather than manipulating and shaping his life from the ground up, she takes advantage of a vulnerable and desperate state to manipulate and contract Wyll into doing her bidding. I won't go too deep I to this one because it has been discussed to hell and back. But I did wanna touch on Wyll's situation as well.
Also, Halsin as well, though that has also been discussed in many retrospectives by a very good friend of mine. Halsin's trauma often get dismissed due to his polyamory, open sexual nature, and his own somewhat diminishing/dismissal of it, which honestly I love the representation of, cause for a while I did that with my own trauma. Halsin was a sex slave to a house of Lolth-Sworn drow, a matriarchal society, where the men are generally used as fodder or for breeding, though male Lolth-Sworn drow can be wizards and rise in the ranks if wizardry, but are limited everywhere else. (Minthara mentions that the third male, and every subsequent male child after third are killed for being"useless"). Halsin often referred to them as "hosts" rather than being captors, (though he does touch on that if the Player Character threatens to sell him back into slavery). Again, everything I'd have to say here for Halsin has entirely been discussed top to bottom by a friend, their link is below!!
Anyway, long story short, I dislike it a lot when Gale, Wyll, and Halsin's traumas and abuses get diminished, even if/when the character themself doesn't see or acknowledge the abuse in the same lens that we, the players, do.
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nostalgebraist · 1 year
Honestly I'm pretty tired of supporting nostalgebraist-autoresponder. Going to wind down the project some time before the end of this year.
Posting this mainly to get the idea out there, I guess.
This project has taken an immense amount of effort from me over the years, and still does, even when it's just in maintenance mode.
Today some mysterious system update (or something) made the model no longer fit on the GPU I normally use for it, despite all the same code and settings on my end.
This exact kind of thing happened once before this year, and I eventually figured it out, but I haven't figured this one out yet. This problem consumed several hours of what was meant to be a relaxing Sunday. Based on past experience, getting to the bottom of the issue would take many more hours.
My options in the short term are to
A. spend (even) more money per unit time, by renting a more powerful GPU to do the same damn thing I know the less powerful one can do (it was doing it this morning!), or
B. silently reduce the context window length by a large amount (and thus the "smartness" of the output, to some degree) to allow the model to fit on the old GPU.
Things like this happen all the time, behind the scenes.
I don't want to be doing this for another year, much less several years. I don't want to be doing it at all.
In 2019 and 2020, it was fun to make a GPT-2 autoresponder bot.
[EDIT: I've seen several people misread the previous line and infer that nostalgebraist-autoresponder is still using GPT-2. She isn't, and hasn't been for a long time. Her latest model is a finetuned LLaMA-13B.]
Hardly anyone else was doing anything like it. I wasn't the most qualified person in the world to do it, and I didn't do the best possible job, but who cares? I learned a lot, and the really competent tech bros of 2019 were off doing something else.
And it was fun to watch the bot "pretend to be me" while interacting (mostly) with my actual group of tumblr mutuals.
In 2023, everyone and their grandmother is making some kind of "gen AI" app. They are helped along by a dizzying array of tools, cranked out by hyper-competent tech bros with apparently infinite reserves of free time.
There are so many of these tools and demos. Every week it seems like there are a hundred more; it feels like every day I wake up and am expected to be familiar with a hundred more vaguely nostalgebraist-autoresponder-shaped things.
And every one of them is vastly better-engineered than my own hacky efforts. They build on each other, and reap the accelerating returns.
I've tended to do everything first, ahead of the curve, in my own way. This is what I like doing. Going out into unexplored wilderness, not really knowing what I'm doing, without any maps.
Later, hundreds of others with go to the same place. They'll make maps, and share them. They'll go there again and again, learning to make the expeditions systematically. They'll make an optimized industrial process of it. Meanwhile, I'll be locked in to my own cottage-industry mode of production.
Being the first to do something means you end up eventually being the worst.
I had a GPT chatbot in 2019, before GPT-3 existed. I don't think Huggingface Transformers existed, either. I used the primitive tools that were available at the time, and built on them in my own way. These days, it is almost trivial to do the things I did, much better, with standardized tools.
I had a denoising diffusion image generator in 2021, before DALLE-2 or Stable Diffusion or Huggingface Diffusers. I used the primitive tools that were available at the time, and built on them in my own way. These days, it is almost trivial to do the things I did, much better, with standardized tools.
Earlier this year, I was (probably) one the first people to finetune LLaMA. I manually strapped LoRA and 8-bit quantization onto the original codebase, figuring out everything the hard way. It was fun.
Just a few months later, and your grandmother is probably running LLaMA on her toaster as we speak. My homegrown methods look hopelessly antiquated. I think everyone's doing 4-bit quantization now?
(Are they? I can't keep track anymore -- the hyper-competent tech bros are too damn fast. A few months from now the thing will be probably be quantized to -1 bits, somehow. It'll be running in your phone's browser. And it'll be using RLHF, except no, it'll be using some successor to RLHF that everyone's hyping up at the time...)
"You have a GPT chatbot?" someone will ask me. "I assume you're using AutoLangGPTLayerPrompt?"
No, no, I'm not. I'm trying to debug obscure CUDA issues on a Sunday so my bot can carry on talking to a thousand strangers, every one of whom is asking it something like "PENIS PENIS PENIS."
Only I am capable of unplugging the blockage and giving the "PENIS PENIS PENIS" askers the responses they crave. ("Which is ... what, exactly?", one might justly wonder.) No one else would fully understand the nature of the bug. It is special to my own bizarre, antiquated, homegrown system.
I must have one of the longest-running GPT chatbots in existence, by now. Possibly the longest-running one?
I like doing new things. I like hacking through uncharted wilderness. The world of GPT chatbots has long since ceased to provide this kind of value to me.
I want to cede this ground to the LLaMA techbros and the prompt engineers. It is not my wilderness anymore.
I miss wilderness. Maybe I will find a new patch of it, in some new place, that no one cares about yet.
Even in 2023, there isn't really anything else out there quite like Frank. But there could be.
If you want to develop some sort of Frank-like thing, there has never been a better time than now. Everyone and their grandmother is doing it.
"But -- but how, exactly?"
Don't ask me. I don't know. This isn't my area anymore.
There has never been a better time to make a GPT chatbot -- for everyone except me, that is.
Ask the techbros, the prompt engineers, the grandmas running OpenChatGPT on their ironing boards. They are doing what I did, faster and easier and better, in their sleep. Ask them.
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obscurevideogames · 1 year
Tumblr’s Core Prodct Stratgy
Here at Tumblr, we’ve been working hard on trying to keep our sinking ship afloat for as long as possible. This means desperately trying to copy every new fly-by-night social media app that some multi-billionaire sh*t out during their daily Peloton routine. What follows is the strategy we're using to accomplish the goal of user growth. If you find the things we say here worrisome, please understand that is our exact intention. You've outgrown our target demographic. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
The Diagnosis
It's lookin' pretty bad y'all!
After somehow losing hundreds of thousands of users during the great pr0n purge of 2018, we started to wonder if anything could be done to get back to where we were. We even brought in a management consultant who charged us a ridiculous amount of money. It would make you sick if you knew how much, but we got a few nice meals out of it at least. Anyhow, we handed this guy the app, and HE HAD NO IDEA HOW TO USE IT! It was f*cking hilarious! But suddenly it all clicked -- our users are a bunch of stupid idiots who can't even do basic arithmetic. I mean, they spend all day looking at their phones, so what do you expect?
Tumblr’s best feature is its unique content and vibrant communities. But who cares, right? We're just as happy getting traffic from people sh*t-posting memes, vague-booking, giving out-of-context hot takes to news events, and spewing whatever random thought is in their head at the moment. Plus that stuff doesn't p*ss off Apple.
To keep this thing going we need new people. And by "people" we mean teenagers, like we used to have back in the good ol' days. Unfortunately we're all in our 40s now, so we have no idea what they want. But teenagers are so cool! Imagine if they talked to us like we're one of them? We're getting hard just thinking about it.
Our Guidng Principls
To make Tumblr cool again, we must address these huge glaring issues.
People can look at a blog without logging in. How is that fair to all the poor schlubs who had to fill out forms to get an account? Also we haven't figured out a way to force ads onto the personalized pages yet. But we swear that's not the main reason.
People can see content they are looking for or linked to. People can keep up with blogs they follow. But the problem with this is, people don't know what they want. We know what they want! We're smart. We wrote this damn site, remember?
Promote posts that incite pointless conversations. Posts that are guaranteed to bait every troll into responding. Isn't that why all your Magat relatives love Facebook so much? We can do that!
P*ss off your content creators in every way possible (see #2).
Create algorithms that throw an unending barrage of irrelevant content in your face. Have you seen Instagram lately? We could do that so easy!!!
The app is slow. The website is slow. Obviously this is because of GIFs. Facebook and Instagram don't allow them, so why should we?
Our mission changes on a day-to-day basis. Right now we're super jealous of all the attention that new Threads thing is getting. We're still not sure what it is, but we're gonna download it after work.
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jellyfishbug · 26 days
ROOM 109
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pairing. matt x reader genre. smut with plot. MDNI.
! NOT proof read.
word count: [ 4.8k ]
content; brothersbestfriend!matt, natessister!reader, two people one bed trope, smut, oral (f receiving), p in v, unprotected (wrap it!), creampie, lots of praise, some degradation, use of pet names for context, you & nate + the trips and their parents are on a trip to palm springs. after i finished writing it i realized i didnt make that 100% clear . . .
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It was stupid. It was so stupid how this whole thing started.
Everyone else wanted to go to dinner directly after the beach, but you practically had to beg to quickly run up to your room and change. The white lacey sundress you'd been wearing wasn't exactly dinner attire, as well as the fact that it was covered in sand.
You scanned your room card on the doorknob and rushed inside, dropping your bag carelessly on the bed and turning to fiddle with the back of your dress. Several attempts of tugging at it later, you cry out in frustration at your zipper's refusal to budge, the metal completely stuck in place as your dug your nails into the fabric of the dress.
down the hallway, Nate was impatiently tapping his foot against the floor in exasperation, glancing over at the clock that hung above the vending machine. "Jesus christ, the fuck is she doing?"
Nick and Chris both shrugged, simply unbothered by the amount of time it was taking you. Matt, who was leaning against the wall his hands in his pockets, pursed his lips and glanced at Nate, his head still against the wall as he did. "D'you want me to go check on her?"
Nate nodded, "Yeah, n' tell her to hurry up, I'm fucking starving."
Matt rolls his eyes. "Okay, fine." He begins to head down the hallway, arms swaying at his sides before he pauses to look at Nate over his shoulder, "What room is she in?"
Nate thinks for a moment before hesitantly replying. "109.. i think,"
After ten minutes of you desperately attempting to get the dress off, you heard footsteps in the hallway, glancing down to the door to see the shadow of a tall figure. On the other side, Matt pressed two knuckles to the door and knocked gently, leaning his side against it as he spoke, "You alright in there?"
You swallowed, your face felt hot from embarrassment. You close your eyes and knock your head back, trying to shift the tone of your voice from how upset you were. "Uhm- yeah, just.. my zipper's stuck."
"Your zipper, huh?" He laughs lightly, the image of you struggling to get the dress off clear in his mind. "You can't get it unstuck?"
"No," you mumble. "It's on the back of the dress, so I can't see it."
He's quiet for a moment before responding. You watch his figure shuffle around under the door, "D'you need help?"
Your shoulders drop in defeat, balled fists resting at your sides as you huff, "please."
Matt exhales deeply, placing his hand on the doorknob. "You decent? like- can i come in?" he asks, his voice raspier than it usually was.
He turns the knob and opens the door slowly, closing it behind him as he approaches you, taking in the view with a small smile tugging at his lips. You turn away from him, lifting your hair off your neck to make it easier for him to unzip the dress.
He swallows and leans forward, directly behind you as his hands reach up to where your zipper is stuck. Goosebumps form at the feel of his hand grazing the exposed skin of your neck. "D'you see? It won't budge,"
"Yeah, I see," he says quietly, hands still frozen in place as he furrows his eyebrows. His hand wraps around the small zipper whilst the other lands on your hip, "I'm gonna try something, just- stay still for a sec, okay?"
You nod slowly, quietly gasping as he pulls you slightly closer to him, feeling his breath fanning against your neck. His fingers curl around the zipper once more, tugging at it.
He slowly draws the zipper down, the cold feel of the metal gliding over your skin, exposing your back inch by inch. His touch is delicate, almost feather-light against you.
Your breath hitches in your throat, and you let your hands drop to your sides. You want to say something, but nothing will come out. Matt's breath is also labored, his eyes studying the newly exposed skin of your back. "Looks like I got it," he mumbles.
"Mhm." You mutter, basking in the feel of his hands on your lower back as the zipper reaches the end of the spined teeth, and Matt lets go of it. One of is hands still on your hip as he presses circles into your back with his ringed fingers.
"Matt.." you whisper, but nothing else comes out. Your sentence is left unfinished as you step backward slightly so that you're closer to him.
Matt swallows, trying to remain calm and collected as your back is pressed against his chest. He responds, his voice matching your volume, "Yeah?"
"I have to-" you screw your eyes shut, shivering when you feel him trail fingers up your spine mindlessly. "Someones gonna come looking for us, we've been up here for a while- and I have to change."
Disappointment washes over him as his hand falls away from your back. You're right- he knows you're right, but he doesn't want to move. "Okay- yeah, I'll let you change," he says quietly, backing away as your frames detatch. "Do you want me to wait for you by the door?"
You shake your head silently before parting your lips to speak. "It's okay, I'll be down in a minute." you reply, waiting patiently to let the dress drop off your shoulders as Matt acknowledges your response with a nod of his head as he opens the door, letting it click shut behind him. You watch his shadow disappear from under the door, footsteps slowly getting quieter as he disappears down the hallway.
You slipped into a smaller, black spaghetti-strap dress, hurriedly grabbing your belongings before swinging the door open and letting it close loudly behind you.
You run down the hallway, quickly tip-toeing down the carpeted stairs as you lift your head, and your eyes meet the familiar group of boys standing by the vending machines, all looking defeated and bored. Nick glances over upon seeing you, grinning widely as he throws his hands up in enthusiasm.
"Finally! Christ, i thought we'd starve to death. Lets fucking go,"
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Dinner was torture.
Matt sat directly across from you at the table. You shared glances every now and then, feeling your stomach lurch at the sight of his hair messily hanging in his face, his pearly teeth peaking through his lips as he cracked a smile in response to Nate's joke. The candles on the table flickered, illuminating his features even more as he mindlessly chewed on his bottom lip.
He crossed his arms in front of his chest lazily, raising his eyebrows at you every time your eyes met. The eye roll he got back from you made him laugh lowly, his tongue prodding at the side of his cheek as his lips broke into a grin.
At some point, Nate and Chris were laughing and muttering amongst themselves like children, both pouting dramatically as they turn to look at Matt. Matt furrows his eyebrows nervously, tilting his head as he reluctantly asks, "What?"
Nate dropped his utensils dramatically against his plate, the clanking causing both you and Matt to grimace in distaste. "You know you're like, my favorite person ever, right?" Nate said all to sweetly, a glint in his eyes you'd only ever seen him use when asking for something he really wants.
Matt all but scowled, his eyebrows raised with an unimpressed look. "What d'you want?"
"Will you swap rooms with me so Chris and I can share? I'm sick of sharing a room with this loser," Nate pointed his thumb in your direction in emphasis, his other hand still resting in his lap. You scoffed, slapping his hand away and crossing your arms at your front with a sour expression. "You're not exactly my ideal choice either, fuck face."
Nate pushed his lip out into an even deeper pout at Matt, ignoring the slap and insult from you to further beg, "Pleaaaase?"
Matt turned his head to look to you.
"'S that okay with you?"
His tone was genuine, waiting patiently for you to tell him your input after Nate's careless disregard of it. You feel the blood rush to your face, realizing now that everyone's eyes were on you, but Matt's gaze in particular made your mouth go dry. You nodded slowly. "Yeah- that's fine."
He nodded before looking away and shrugging at Nate with his lips in a downturned smile. "I'm fine with it if she's fine with it."
Nate smiles widely, he and Chris sharing an excited glance and giggling amongst themselves. Matt picks up his drink from the table, looking at you through his eyebrows and he sips.
The tension was thick enough to be cut, and it was driving you crazy.
Every glance, every wink, every fucking smile.
He seemed completely unbothered at your clearly flustered demeanor, just laughing breathily every time he caught a glance. The thoughts in his mind betrayed him; if everyone at that table could hear them, Nate would've killed him by now.
Finally, after what felt like ever, the five of you started to head back to the hotel. You opted to linger behind the four boys, just by a couple feet - still close enough you could hear their conversation, but far enough that you didn't have to partake in whatever stupid thing they were bickering about.
Occasionally, Matt would glance back to look at you, as if he was checking to see if you were still there. You pretend not to notice, but every time you catch his eyes, you feel yourself try to look away, but you can't. You're completely locked on him and he's holding the key - he's taunting you with it.
You eventually reach the doors of the hotel, rolling your eyes playfully as Matt lingers behind the others to hold the door open for you.
You stop at the boys room first. Nate turns to Matt and places his hands on either side of his face, giving him a big kiss on the cheek and grinning stupidly whilst Matt's eyes widened in surprise. "I love youuuuu," he drags on, smooshing Matt's face with his hands. Matt bats them away.
"Yeah yeah, love you too, kid." He mutters, wiping the spit off his face with a scowl once Nate finally detatched. Nate throws up a peace sign at you before disappearing into the room. Matt bids his brothers goodnight, and the two of you begin to head towards the your room.
You reach the door and pause to fiddle in your bag before pulling out the room key, choosing to ignore how close behind you Matt is standing. He stands with his hands in his pockets, leaning against the door frame as he observes your movements. You scan the key against the door and push it open.
Matt reached above you to hold the door open, and you drop your bag on the entry-way table and kick off your shoes.
Matt closes the door behind the two of you and follows as you lean down in front of the vanity to take off your earings. Matt kicks off his shoes, and once your earings are safely on the desk, you flop down onto the bed without even changing out of your dress. You rolled over on to your back and pull out your phone.
Matt chuckles at the action, and then pauses to think, his eyes filled with wonder at the sight of the one bed. "I can take the floor,"
You almost roll your eyes, shaking your head vigorously as a laugh escapes you. "Don't be stupid, you can sleep in the bed, Matt."
He nods, his lips shifting upward into a smile as he walks up to the bed, laying down next to you. He also pulls out his phone from his back pocket and rolls onto his stomach, and you both sit in silence for a couple of minutes before you finally glance over.
He's really good looking.
It's stupid; its fucking stupid how good looking he is.
The dimness of the overhead light makes it harder to see, but the glow of his phone screen is bright enough that you can see his jawline. His hair is still slightly hanging in his face, and even when he runs a hand through it, it remains where it was before. The occasional laugh at something on his phone showcases his annoyingly hot grin, and the low sound of his laugh.
You didn't even realize you were staring. In fact, you were staring for a decent amount of time before he turned to face you, a smug smile on his face.
Embarassed, your head snaps back to your phone and heat rises to your face, making it flush a bright shade of pink. Matt doesn't say anything - but you know he's smirking at you.
"You good?" He asks, a teasing tone in his voice as his eyes continue to linger on you. The way he said it was so smug. He enjoyed having this affect on you.
You nod quickly, and he laughs. "You sure? You're all red,"
"No m' not." You bite back, your voice still quiet. "I'm fine."
He raises his eyebrows with an amused expression.
"Whatever you say, sweetheart."
The tone of his voice, as well as how easy the pet name rolled of his tongue was making a fire egnite in your core, and you cross one of your legs over the other.
Matt sets his phone down on the bed, completely abandoning the one thing that was keeping the safe silence. He crosses his arms in front of his chest, head leaning back against the headboard of the bed. "What's your deal?"
The question took you by surprise. What was your deal? Coming from the guy that was eye-fucking you in front of your brother and his at the dinner table an hour ago?
You scoff, an exasperated huff of air as you turn to glare at him. "What are you talking about?"
"You won't look me in the eye- like, at all - and when you do, your face gets all red and you wont talk. Whats your deal?"
His forwardness isn't appreaciated. You purse your lips, finally letting yourself continue to look at him, even if the eye contact is burning through you. "I'm looking at you now, aren't i?"
"Mhm," he says calmly. "And you're red again."
His acknowledgment of it only makes it worse. Your stomach flips and turns as the realization seeps through you, and you try your best to keep your expression hard and stern. "So what?"
He shrugs. "It's cute."
You find yoursef rolling your eyes for the millionth time today, "You're annoying."
He moves closer, his movements making imprints on the bed sheets as he shamelessly lets your shoulders touch. "Why? Because i make you flustered?"
"I'm not-"
"You are."
You find yourself closing your lips despite the urge to utter out a snarky response, the heat of his breath fanning against your face as your chest rises and falls quickly. Everything else is completely lost - the fact that he's your brothers friend. The fact that if Nate knew about this, Matt would be on the floor taking his last breath.
Right now, all you were thinking about was how pretty he was, how pink his lips were, how much you really, really wanted to kiss him, even if you would regret it.
"You're staring again," he says, more quiet this time; almost a whisper, but his tone is still arrogant.
"Just- shut up, Matt." You say breathlessly.
His glance flicks between your lips and eyes, lust clearly displayed in his own eyes as he licks his bottom lip. "Can i..?"
You're nodding before he's even finished the sentence.
He leans forward and presses your lips together. It's soft; passionate. Your hand goes up to rest at his cheek, and his at yours. His touch is delicate, even as the movements of his mouth become deeper, his tongue sliding over your lips to colide with yours.
His other hand snakes around your waist, tugging you effortlessly into his lap to straddle his thighs, laughing against your lips when you yelp at the sudden change in position.
Both of his hands are wrapped tightly around you now, holding you close enough to press your frams together as your hands get lost in his hair. He's kissing you harder, more desperate and hungry, like he's been starved.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't feel him growing beneath you, and you'd also be lying if you said you weren't alarmed by his size. You find one of your hands slipping off of his face to tug at the buckle of his jeans, whining against him when he grabs your wrist to halt your movements.
He pulls away from you, chuckling softly. "D'you want something?"
Your wrist is still firm in his grip, and as much as you just want to whine and squirm until he lets go, you get the feeling he's not planning on doing so until you answer.
"You, please- Matt, i need you." You say breathlessly, feeling satisfied when he releases your wrist, his hands moving to roam up and down your sides.
"Good girl," He mutters before kissing you once more, keeping your lips locked as he puts a hand on your back to tug at the zipper on your dress quickly until the back is fully open. He lays you down gently until your back meets the matress, his kisses still rough as he lightly bites down on your bottom lip, grinning when you whimper into his mouth.
He pulls away to look down at you, kneeling against you so that your legs are on either side of him. He keeps one hand on your upper thigh, rubbing his thumb gently against your skin as he parts his lips to speak. "can I take your dress off?"
All it takes is a hushed "please," from you, and he springs into movement. "lift your arms f'me," he utters lowly, and as you comply, he pulls the dress down until its completely off, discarding it onto the floor. He looks back to gawk at you, "So pretty,"
You feel your face get red again, but before you can respond, he's leaning down to kiss you. He trails his kisses down your front, looking up at your blissed expression when his lips are on your lower stomach. His fingers dip underneath them of your underwear, tuggling effortlessly and discarding them on to the floor next to your dress. He fiddles with the buttons on his shirt with his other hand until its loose enough to pull off, and then on the bed forgotten.
He places his index finger against your lip, tapping lightly. "open for me, sweetheart."
You do just that, and he places two of his fingers in your mouth. You close your lips around them, swirling your tongue around the digits as Matt watches with dilated pupils. He pulls them away and lowers himself so that his face is hovering above your heat, eyes flicking up to watch your impatient expression with a smug grin
He presses his fingers into your entrace, and your jaw goes slack, head falling back against the mattress as you whine. "Fuck,"
He keeps his hand still, pressing open mouthed kisses to your inner thighs, then your core, before finally placing his mouth where you want it.
His slow and messy with his movements, tongue lapping at your clit as he curls his motionless fingers inside of you. You're moaning and whimpering his name, pleading for more, but he's taking his time.
He lifts his head, finally starting to pump his fingers at a good rythm, clearly enjoying how much you're reacting to him. "Feel good, baby?"
You're whimpering, nodding quickly, but your expression turns confused when he stops. "Tell me, sweet girl. I wanna hear how good it is,"
"So good," you breathe out. "Fuck, Matt- please, i wan' more."
Satisfaction is smugly clear on his face. "Thats a good girl," he wraps his free hand around your thigh, cold rings pressing against your skin, lowering his head back where it was before.
He's even meaner now. His fingers are vigorously thrusting into you, and his tuck is mercilessly hooked on your clit as your eyes roll back in your head and your thighs lightly shake on either side of him. You tug at his hair, letting out a wail as he groans against you, nails digging into his scalp.
"shit, do that again." He says quickly, his voice muffled as he continues. You do what he asks, feeling the same groaning sensation against you when you do, making your toes girl. His face is slick with you, and he lifts his head for just a second again, "tastes so good, fuck,"
The compliment makes the growing knot in your stomach twist, and you moan loudly as he speeds up his movements, nails tigging into the plush skin of your thigh.
You finally snap as his fingers curl against a particular spot, your thighs squeeze around his head and you attempt to arch your back, but his grip on your leg holds you in place against the mattress.
Desperate cry's of his name flood from your lips, and he lifts his mouth off of you, still pumping his fingers slowly through your orgasm whilst kissing your thighs. He whispers soft praise as he watches you writhing against his hand.
Finally, once you start to squirm, he pulls them out and licks them clean. Your hand covers your face as you attempt to bring your breathing back to normal, and his hand rests on your waist as he rubs circles soothingly into the flesh with his thumb. "Doing so good for me, sweetheart."
The praise fills your chest with a warm feeling, and he leans down to kiss the side of your head. His fingers wrap around his belt buckle until its unclipped and he tugs his jeans down to his ankles, leaving him in just his boxers.
You see the bulge clearly in them, and you gawk at the sight. He's huge. How the fuck will that fit?
He must've seen the nervous expression on your face, because he smiles and nods his head. "S'okay, I'll go slow."
He slides a hand underneath you to wrap around your waist and flip you onto your stomach. His fingers then wrap around your thighs to pull your ass up before pressing lightly against your lower back to make it arch.
Your arms are outstretched in front of you, the pads of your fingers laying against the sheets while Matt loiters on his knees behind you. An impatience is quickly growing in your gut. He's taking his sweet time admiring you from the new angle, one hand on your hip with a gentle grip as he palmed himself through his underwear.
You were not having it.
"Matt- please,"
He laughs lightly at the whiny plea that escaped you, the hand on your hip flying to assist his movement in removing his boxers. "Okay, okay. Hold on," He leans closer to you, his tip prodding at your entrance, and you brace yourself.
He slowly presses inside of you, watching as you grip the sheets below you at the painful stretch. You whimper, and he hums, rubbing his fingers soothingly on your hip, "I know, baby. I know." He says quietly right as his hips meet your ass, finally burying himself to the hilt.
The feeling of him filling you up completely is maddening. He inhales deeply through his teeth, muttering curses at how tightly you're squeezing around him.
He's still not moving. He's concerned at how much you're already reacting, but his demeanor changes when you're wiggling yourself against him as an attempt to get him to move, and he complies, starting to roll his hips slowly.
"Oh my god," you whisper, the stretch turning from painful to pleasant all too quickly. Your toes curl as Matt starts to go faster. "Fit s'well inside me- fuck, Matt."
He laughs lowly, "Yeah?" his tone his still so fucking arrogant despite how breathy he is, and he grunts lowly when he realizes you're pushing yourself back against him. "Such a filthy girl," he spit, "God, just like that. So good n' needy f'me."
His words only make you want more. He's pressing his palm against your back to push you down into the bed further and deepen the arch, which only makes it easier for him to fuck you deeper.
You're mewling now, nails desperately grasping at the sheets as he hits unfamiliar spots, making your eyes roll back into your head. It's all too much - it's all too good.
The lewd sound of skin meeting skin is filling the room, along with Matt's groans and your desperate whimpering. You feel the strong, confident attitude you carry around your peers start to crumble underneath him as he leans down, slamming at a ruthless pase.
You cry out a gutless moan when his hand wraps around your lower front to make his thrusts deeper, and he grunts at the way you tighten around him. "Yeah? that feel good, baby?" He asks as if the answer isn't evident, "Taking me so good- fuck, good girl."
Normally, praise wouldn't be affecting you this much; but the way it rolled so easily off his tongue, the way his tone was raspy and genuine, like he meant it, and the way that he was saying it with his chest whilst he was buried deep in your guts made you love it. It made you want to hear it even more.
You're a whimpering, moaning mess below your brother's best friend, keening as his grip on your hips turning animalistic, nails digging bluntly into your flesh. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes.
"Matt-" you panted, the pleasure in your stomach twisting and turning with every thrust against your sweet spot, "Matt- fuck, m' gonna cum."
"Yeah?" he breathes. "Go ahead, cum for me sweetheart."
As soon as the words left him, you unraveled, legs shaking violently against him as your messy attempts to meet his thrusts stop and you practically go limp.
Your mind is numb from pleasure, the white knuckle grip on the sheets becoming less strong while your eyes roll back in your head, overstimulated as Matt still pounds into you to chase his high.
"Close," he chokes out behind you, his thrusts becoming more messy as he wraps an arm around your waist to pull you up slightly, your back still arched. "Fuck, where do you want me?"
Even in your dumb state, you manage to utter out a response, "inside me, please."
He leans down to dig his teeth into the small of your neck and presses himself to the hilt, spilling thick spurts deep into your core as he mutters muffled curses against your neck. You melt from the warm feeling of him in your gut, your hand snaking up to wrap around the back of his neck to touch his hair.
You're both still panting as he presses kisses along your neck and over the faint bite mark he left, slowly laying you back down against the warmth of the mattress. He holds you in place and pulls out slowly, whispering apologies when you wince at the soreness and emptiness that follows.
He tucks your hair behind your ear with his finger, still pressing gentle kisses along your skin; cheek, neck, shoulder, hip - before he speaks. "You okay?"
You nod, "mhm, just... sore."
He nods sympathetically, still touching your face. "I know, sweetheart." He turns you so youre lying on your back. "We can go shower and get cleaned up, but you gotta get up first."
The thought of the warm water makes you sit up, and Matt grins at how quickly you do so. He takes your hand in his and guides you to the bathroom.
You watch from your spot on the counter as he leans into the glass door of the shower to turn the water on, feeling with his hand under the stream to test tje temperature, throwing you a satisfied nod when it became warm enough.
It wasn't until you were both under the warm, cozy flow of the faucet with suds coving both of your wet slick skin that you turned around to face him, a knowing look in your eyes. "Matt?"
He raised an eyebrow, "Hm?"
"If you tell Nate about any of this-"
He grimaces at the thought. "c'mon, kid. I'm not a dumbass." He laughs, and you're both left to forget about the future, and instead focus on the now.
The now being the fact that this wasn't going to be the last time this happened. Definitely not.
thank u for reading! i hope you enjoyed. throw me a reblog if you did, they are greatly appreciated :)
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Rise Characterizations Pt. 2!!
In the first part I went over my character writing notes for Raph, so we're doing Leo next!!!
Leo Character Notes
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Language Habits:
First the obvious, makes a lot of puns and one-liners. Think corny super hero movies
Does poke at New Jersey often in said one-liners
Mumbles/talks to himself out loud often
Starts a Lot of his sentences with, "Okay--"
Often will add on, "haha, you're hilarious", when he's trying to tease or antagonize someone
Similarly to Raph he will also verbalize his attacks/actions, "kick and punch"/"punch and kick", "land safely"/"and he sticks the landing"
Also will verbalize when he's trying to make a portal, "come on portal", "it's portal time", "portal power jitsu"
We all know "hachi machi"
Tendency to also make noises when fighting, "yah"/"wah!"/"hah!"
That little ohohoho laugh can signify as his battle cry/excitement, or his nervousness depending on context
Same case as the above with "hoh boy"
Will stutter on words to emphasize them, "l-l-l-l-lame!"
The first to jump onto an "I told you so" or "I was right"
Mixes Spanish into his sentences, most notably "bueno", "vamanos", "hermano(s)"
Messes up science terminology, "reprogramulating"
Says "indubitably" when he's up to something (which Raph recognizes)
Out of all the brothers, he does poke fun the most
Refers to himself as "Leon"
Refers to others (mostly strangers/acquaintances) as "bub"/"bud", or "chief"
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Dramatic, Leo will always play things up 110%. Sometimes this is to cover up his insecurities, to cheer up his brothers, or to annoy said brothers. Also plays into his extreme responses to stressful situations
The fun brother, aka mikey's advocate. He takes his role seriously as the face man, who keeps things fun and cool for his brothers. It's an easy role, and he gets to make his family laugh or roll their eyes. He's. Sillay
Perceptive, this is why he knows exactly what buttons to push, but he's not a great communicator when it comes to the bigger picture. This also plays into his manipulativeness that he uses to put chaos into his family (i.e. lair games), puppet villains (i.e. Big Mama) into his motives, and change the battlefield
A closet nerd, implied to remember more jupiter jim lore than the rest of his brothers and has a ready to go impression of the reptiles of planet reptilica
Competitive to a fault, he tends to get lost in the competition when it comes to his brothers. Part of his dramatism is showing off, and he's weak to being called or associated with the term "champion". Competition is a way he gauges his self worth
Has a strong desire for the inherent admiration and trust of his peers, more than outright praise (both are wanted) unlike Donnie. This damages his communication skills because he just expects his brothers to trust him while he puts on a persona of nonchalance as protection from failure
Defensive, of himself through being snippy or sarcastic, but also defensive of his brothers' own well-being. He may be the one to poke the most fun, but he's also the one to jump to his siblings' defense out of any of the brothers. Sort of an "only I can do so and so to blank" mindset
Martyr complex, prioritizes the safety of his family over his own safety
Gets attached to people he considers family Quickly, those he doesn't consider a part of his family he has little sympathy for but once that connection is there he's already ready to use his body as a shield
Freeze response, tends to freeze up in response to danger or stress. Often shown to curl into a ball or stand silently (as opposed to his constant chatter)
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The third to unlock his mystic powers
Nicknames: "baby blue" by splinter, "nardo" by donnie
Sweats an ungodly amount
Uses spit to annoy his brothers/enemies (licking an item to claim it as his, wet willies)
Can beat box
Always chooses left in mazes or when lost
Next up will be Donnie :>
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my frustration with “going nonverbal/nonspeaking” (as a fully nonverbal person)
transcript: my frustration with “going nonverbal/nonspeaking” (as a fully nonverbal person)
this written for instagram because of this post. but thought tumblr may like it too. “you” means general you, no one specific.
the instagram post and this on wordpress
this disclaimer is for instagram but also for anyone new to this discussion:
in full honestly, don’t know how to write this. am tired, language and complex ideas too much at time of writing, and general exhaust at having to argue same thing over and over again and justify own existence. tired of being minority within minority, wish there are others to do these work for me so i don’t have to do it all by self, singlehandedly advocate for everyone (not to mention problem with that—i can’t speak for everyone).
so honestly, if you don’t have anything nice to say, especially if you speaking (yes, even if you lose speech. include you), just don't say anything at all. move on.
online actually autistic community (AAut) dominated by white, lower support needs. level 1, speaking, late diagnosed, high masking autistics. find people like you is great, what not great is you treat your very narrow community as “voice of all autistic” and your experience as ultimate autistic experience. i write plenty about that, many more elaborate than this, if you not familiar with this concept.
many people in this community experience times when cannot speak, sometimes because overwhelm, shutdown, dissociate, or anxiety (situational mutism), but do not struggle with act of speaking rest of time (some struggle with speech all the time but still can speak - more on that later). the community call “going nonverbal/nonspeaking,” or even “when i am nonverbal nonspeaking” (not talking about those nonverbal as child and verbal now older), after clinical term “nonverbal” (nonverbal autism) and term coined by apraxic nonspeaking autistics “nonspeaking.”
both of which talk about it as an “all the time” experience.
when i search nonverbal or nonspeaking because i want community too, want see people like me too, two category i see: 1) parents of nonverbal nonspeaking children, whom can’t relate to because age, who can’t write own experience because their age and developmental ability. and 2) overwhelming amount of speaking autistic talk about going nonverbal going nonspeaking.
and the very very few fully nonverbal nonspeaking voices. drowned out. cannot find anyone.
nonverbal used to be term to describe us, people who can’t speak or cannot functionally speak beyond few words. medical term, alright, so some of us don’t like. so some of us reject that and create term all of our own, called nonspeaking. created by nonspeaking autistics with severe apraxia and brain body disconnect, describe their own experience of able to think in words able to spell out words (with great dedication and work and support), just cannot do that with mouth. their term. they create.
and you take it? without knowing context? without reading anything by those same nonspeaking coiners?
when is last time you purposely seek out nonverbal nonspeaking voices? when is last time you accidentally came across us? can you name any nonverbal nonspeaking advocate that talk about their experiences? one? two? three? a BIPOC person, a (specifically) Black person? a Black woman? a trans person? a physically disabled person? a person not from western world?
same narrative over and over. “i can speak for nonverbal autistic i understand their experience because i am autistic i can’t talk sometimes” no you cannot. as someone who was able to speak when young who lose speech (”go nonverbal”) but now have no speech to lose because full time nonverbal. no the experience not the same. not comparable. you gain it back. i don’t. you can explain with mouth words what happen when you get out. i can’t, i only have AAC. countless nonverbal nonspeaking people without AAC or sign cannot, at all. you never experience daily small and big struggle of casually being nonverbal all the time.
your experience of lose speech unique from my nonverbal. but if you so insist to compare and equate, you only guest to my experience, my daily life.
“when i go nonverbal and no one understand so have to force to speak” i cannot force words out. know you don’t mean to say this, and not saying you at fault for this, but nevertheless accidental perpetuate and reinforce idea that anyone who don’t speak can just be forced to speak if try hard enough. but often not how it works. and this exact harmful rhetoric devoid and delays nonverbal nonspeaking people given access to AAC, because “need try to force words out first, AAC unnatural so last resort.”
this may be new concept for you. new concept to instagram, to tiktok. to other places. it may seem i only one with this problem, “i once saw a nonspeaking person’s account and they don’t have problem.”
yeah, because we are not monolith. some nonverbal nonspeaking people don’t care. some nonverbal nonspeaking people may even welcome “go nonverbal nonspeaking” or “when i am nonverbal nonspeaking.”
but don’t be fooled into believe i only one. have many nonverbal/nonspeaking and/or higher support needs friends on tumblr, who talk about this who have been saying this for years. *years*. years before i joined. i am not creator, i only bring message here, because many of us are too high support needs too disabled to do anything else. many of us only stay on our small corner of tumblr because it most peaceful, because at least some listen, because least hostile, because need to defend our experience against our own community the least. (but it happens less doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen, we still exhausted.) many of us only stay on our small corner of tumblr because that all we can handle, or because we not allowed or shouldn’t be on other social media because age or abilities or both.
i cannot handle conflict i do not do well and i shouldn’t be here. but if not me, who else? if i don’t do it, who else is going to?
some nonverbal nonspeaking people and parents of them may question, why you start debate about useless term when so many nonverbal nonspeaking people don’t even have access to communicate, real problems. to that i say i do those work too. and to that i say this is real problem too, because am autistic so online actually autistic community should also be my space too but it not. but it hostile. because am lonely because seeing yourself so crucial because don’t know anyone in person like me don’t have any friends in person like me, so i go online to find people like me and i cannot because no own term to search and what used to be term many people without similar experience insist they understand and can speak for me because they say we have similar experience. because this aloneness and the unique difficulty from being full time nonverbal and the struggle of future and the unique mistreatment from both outside but also inside community have drove me over edge many times and it is presence and knowing their presence of my tumblr nonverbal nonspeaking / higher support needs friends that gave me hope to stay. because so many people don’t listen and instead speak over. terminology only a symptom of problem. address roots, sure, but part of address roots is address symptoms.
‘well nonverbal people are never around” maybe it because you don’t make it welcome for us to join.
“fully nonverbal rare anyway” estimated 30% of us nonverbal nonspeaking, which this statistic probably only count those nonverbal since birth. even more are minimally speaking or without full functional communication, abilities limited to requests. sure, 30% still not majority. but significant amount never the less. speaking lower support needs autistic without intellectual disability not majority anyway too but your experience still deserve heard. ours too.
“see less nonverbal people because they don't have ability to communicate and use social media” yes, many nonverbal nonspeaking people not given access to communication (like AAC), forced to live in silence (because body language communication not enough alone!). silence from birth to teenage years, to adulthood, even until they die. some cannot understand social media or AAC because intellectual disability or cognitive ability. some not allowed on there because safety, some not allowed on because presumed incompetent and abused. all true. do you advocate for them too? or is it just talking point against me, pretend you care?
but not all of us, we exist. some of us thankfully supportive parents all along, parents given resources, us given resources, so we access to AAC since beginning. some of us became nonverbal later in life (which not same experience as those early in life, i acknowledge). some of us after years of forced silence, finally given access to AAC and can now communicate and advocate! some of us on social media - do you listen?
but you see none of us in your community anyway. maybe one token person.
you can go nonverbal. i cannot go verbal. see difference? you can come close to my experience, but i never will have (future) ability to go to yours.
it frustrate that have to specify am nonverbal **all the time** when write this, because if don’t do that will be assumed otherwise. frustrate that when in neurodivergent space stranger see me AAC they assume i can speak because they only know part time users (know part time users frustrate too because people assume they cannot speak and get surprised when they do. me being assumed automatic part time is not fault of part time AAC users.)
even been told am privileged to be nonverbal nonspeaking, privilege over speaking autistic who lose speech because in their mind it mean i get all support i need i get all recognition get all the representation. which. couldn’t be farther from truth.
all that. is fraction of reason i frustrate at “going nonverbal nonspeaking” and “when i was nonverbal nonspeaking.”
so many other words. lose speech. intermittent speech.
just want have own sub community where can find people similar experience.
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dyaz-stories · 9 months
hands shaking from holding back from you || Hyun-Su x f!reader
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summary: Spring is here, and Hyun-Su offers to take you out on a date, which soon leads to more between the two of you
word count: 3.5k
warnings & tags: some fluff, angst because it's sweet home, kissing, heavy make-out session, gets pretty suggestive but never explicit, monster!hyun-su makes an appearance, the pronoun 'her' is used once in reference to the reader
first one-shot · previous one-shot
A/N: to give a little context, reader and Hyun-Su were in high school together, reader was only there for a year before going to another high school, and therefore has no knowledge of the bullying which hyun-su was a victim of. this one-shot can be read independently (there's nothing intense plot-wise that requires having read the other parts), but I do recommend reading them for context.
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There is something strange about spring returning in a forever changed world. It had been so fitting, the apocalypse starting with winter, when everything was dead and desolate. Now, nature is starting to bloom again. The streets should be filled with noise and people, and you should be studying for your exams. Instead, you’re rationing your food, and you haven’t been outside in forever — you don’t need to, now that you have a knight in his torn hoodie to make sure you have everything you need.
Hyun-Su truly is the silver lining in the situation. The only good thing in the world as it is. He’s been more confident around you lately, more at ease. Still, it surprises you when he comes by on a sunny afternoon, and offers, with this soft, cautious voice of his:
“Do you want to go out today?”
 You’re putting away some fresh fruits he picked for you, and you turn around in confusion.
“What do you mean, out?”
‘Outside’ is dangerous. ‘Outside’ is a place you only go when you’re desperate, and you plan as efficiently as possible, to ensure you spend the least amount of time there. ‘Outside’, everything is a threat, and you can only breathe when you’re back at the house.
‘Outside’ regularly takes Hyun-Su from you.
Sure, he’s around a lot more, these days, but he still has to leave every now and then. You’ve come to understand that you’re not the only one who relies on him, but he hasn’t provided an explanation, and you haven’t pried. It burns a little every time he leaves, and yet…
And yet, the fear that he wouldn’t answer if you asked is worse. The fear that he might not come back if you didn’t let it rest. The fear that if he had to choose, he wouldn’t choose you.
“It’s nice out,” he answers, and you notice him retreating even as he’s still speaking. “But you don’t have to, if you don’t want to—”
“No, I’d love to,” you cut him off before he can doubt himself further. “I just— Wouldn’t that be— dangerous?”
“Oh.” He smiles, and it’s mesmerizing. It’s not the bright, joyful smile you were used to seeing, back in high school, but being more subdued doesn’t make it any less genuine. “I’ll keep you safe. I promise.”
There’s no cockiness in his voice, just confidence.
“Then… Sure. I’d love to go out with you.” And you’re not usually the type to say that, because you don’t have the guts for it, but you feel comfortable enough with Hyun-Su to lean towards him with a playful smile. “It’s a date then?”
He lets out a brief, surprised laugh, then glances down at his feet while his cheeks and ears turn red.
“Sure. It’s a date.”
Even if you were the instigator, you still feel your face burn at how soft his eyes are when he looks back at you.
He looks at you like you’re one of the seven wonders.
You see him lick his lips as his eyes fall on yours. You could always take the step to fill the distance between the two of you, but Hyun-Su rarely initiates, so you want to give him the chance to do so. When he does, it’s always so soft and so careful, like he’s afraid of breaking you. After a few seconds, he clears his throat, looks away again — and it’s alright. You won’t rush him.
“I’ll go get ready,” you hum, stepping out of the room.
You miss the way Hyun-Su follows you with adoring eyes.
When you emerge back from your room, Hyun-Su is waiting for you, and you follow him, heart rate spiking when you go through the door. Being outside again, without the need to go get some specific and vital item, is— strange. Your eyes dart around you, constantly taking in your surroundings. There are surprisingly few monsters, compared to the chaos that was early winter. In front of you, Hyun-Su walks casually, seemingly without paying much attention to what is happening around him. You trust him, you really do, but there’s you still find it unnerving about that.
When you jump at some faraway sound, that turns out to be just birds flying away, scared by your approach, he offers you his hand, an amused smile on his lips. He might even suppress a laugh, but you can’t tell for sure.
“Is that okay?” he asks you softly as he closes his fingers around yours.
He treats you like you’re made of porcelain.
“It’s much better,” you reply with a smile, even if you feel a little sheepish.
For a second, he stares into your eyes, before he looks away and lets out a deep, long exhale. You don’t question him, just give his hand a squeeze, hoping it comes off as a silent reassurance.
He squeezes back, then pulls you with him as you keep going through the city.
“Is there— Is there nothing here anymore?” you ask. It feels like you should have seen a monster by now.
“They’re here,” Hyun-Su replies casually, like monsters aren’t a death promise. “They just know better than to approach.”
You swallow. You understand what he doesn’t say — they know better than to approach him — but it’s not that much of a reassurance, for you. You quicken your pace to stay closer to him. It says a lot about how far he’s come that he doesn’t jump when your shoulder brushes against his.
“They’re not all dangerous,” he says. You know he intends for it to be reassuring, but all you can do is grimace in response.
“They might not be,” you answer — you remember a flash of wings as an unseen monster ripped the snake-like creature that was trying to enter your home —, “but it’s not like I have a way of knowing which ones are safe and which ones aren’t.”
There’s a long silence as Hyun-Su keeps walking.
“But isn’t that true of humans, too?” he asks you in the end. He sounds so— sad, and yet you don’t know what to tell him to make it better. He’s not like them, you want to assure him. You’d never conflate him with the ones that tried to murder you — but it’s not like you can forget about them altogether either. Being wrong about trusting a monster, being wounded once could sign your end.
“It is,” you reply slowly. It’s especially true in this new world, where humans have dropped all their inhibitions. “I guess it’s just— Humans have been less of danger to me, you know?” A brief laugh. “But it’s not like I’m running after them either, right? I haven’t stepped foot near the shelter.”
Your dad didn’t trust the military, and you’re distrustful of authority. There might be strength in numbers, but you wouldn’t feel safe being surrounded by men with machine guns while you have nothing.
Hyun-Su hums at your answer. It does seem to have brought him some comfort, and yet you feel the need not to leave it at that.
“You know I trust you, right?” He freezes and turns to look at you. “Both sides,” you insist. “I know you’re safe.”
His lips part as if to say something, before he closes them again and his Adam’s apple bobs up and down. Finally, he nods.
“I feel safe with you, too,” he says. The sentence catches you by surprise, almost makes you want to laugh, because— who in their right mind would think you’re a threat? But Hyun-Su says it with such gravitas that you can only assume that there’s something that you don’t know about under there. Truth be told, there’s a lot you haven’t talked about with him. He’s not talkative, not anymore at least, and it’s hard to know which questions you can ask before reaching a painful subject. And there are countless of these, for everyone, since the Apocalypse hit. “Come on,” he adds after a few seconds. “We’re almost there.”
He pulls you towards a half-broken down outside staircase. You can’t make your way up on your own, so he grabs you by the hips to help you up, and you let out a surprised yelp when strong hands pull you close to him, his chest against your back, to lift you up. Immediately, his body tenses up and he stills, which means you’re all too aware of how close he is now, of his breath on your neck and his body against yours.
“Sorry,” he says. “Is that okay?”
Gosh, he’s sweet to ask, but you’re really happy he cannot see your expression right now.
“It’s fine,” you squeak, “just caught me off guard. Don’t worry about it.”
He seems to hesitate for a second, and oh, you’re so aware of his fingers on your hips, before he lifts you up as if you weighed nothing, first on his shoulder, then easily higher, so you can grab the bottom of the staircase.
“All good?” he asks once you’re up there.
“All good! Do you need—”
But he’s made his way up before you can finish your sentence, and you blink. Right. Some people are athletic.
“Go ahead,” he says, gesturing towards the stairs. “I’ll catch you if anything goes wrong.”
It shouldn’t feel reassuring, should make you think that you’re at risk, but you meant it when you said you trusted him. Knowing he’s there to watch over you… It’s like having your own personal guardian angel.
There are no issues, however, and you soon arrive on the rooftop — which takes your breath away. This had to have belonged to someone with money, because there is a whole garden there. Overgrown grass, flowers, and even a few trees. Birds are chirping, and it feels… Well, it feels like the kind of places you’d go to laze around on a sunny afternoon with your friends, like an actual park. Being secluded and high up, it is however much safer than any park you could actually go to now. When you turn around, you’re met with an impressive view of the city. It looks peaceful from up here, just a quiet spring day.
Then you notice that Hyun-Su is staring at you, and what you see takes your breath away. He’s smiling. Actually smiling. Wide and bright.
You’re quick to look away, embarrassed by the emotions you’re sure are obvious on your face. Tilting your head up, you let yourself receive the sun.
It’s been a long time since you’ve been this happy.
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Hyun-Su often feels that, when he’s with you, all he can do is stare. He likes watching you when you’re at home, going about your day in the house, or sitting by a window and reading. It makes him feel so— welcome, knowing that he can just be there, with you, and that you’ll never mind his presence, never ask him to leave.
Never ignore him and pretend he doesn’t exist.
It makes him feel like he belongs, being around you, makes him feel at peace.
Or, at least, it did, because the emotions swirling under his skin right now are much more complex than they used to be.
He met you, or met you again, in the winter, when you were bundled up under coats and scarves and layers upon layers of clothes. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t noticed the change in your wardrobe lately.
It makes sense, of course. Days are getting warmer. Not only is there no need for you to keep wearing pullovers and disappear into huge coats. But the way your clothes are hugging your body these days, how they accentuate your curves, how your t-shirt rides up to reveal the skin of your stomach…
He can’t say that it makes it more difficult to be around you, because he doesn’t think that anything could do that. You make him feel like he can breathe again, like he’s finally coming up to the surface after spending ages lost in dark waters, not knowing which way was up and which way was down. It’s just that it— takes a lot of place in his mind.
He can already barely stop thinking about you as it is, knows that the Kid and Yi-Kyung have noticed already how his mind always seems to wander away from them. This, though, this is a whole other can of worms. Because he doesn’t know how to act about it. Doesn’t know how you’d feel if you knew. Doesn’t know if you’d look at him with pity, if you’d tell him you never want to see him again, if it would disgust you.
Yet, no matter how much he tries to stop himself, he always comes back to staring. You tilt your head up towards the sky, close your eyes.
You’re beautiful.
If he was another man, he’d walk up to you to wrap his arms around you, he’d whisper something in your ear, he’d kiss you.
Just as the thought crosses his mind, his leg twitches. It takes him a second to understand that it’s not just an involuntary muscle reaction. Inside him, the monster is swelling, clawing its way up towards the surface.
If you don’t do something about this, I will, it whispers inside him. And let’s be honest, maybe that would be for the best, because what could you do? At least I wouldn’t be afraid to touch her.
Hyun-Su tries his best to force it back down, to ignore the sting of the words, but the monster refuses to let up. Finally, he takes a step in your direction, then another. The closer he is to you, the less the monster puts up a fight — but it still refuses to go down completely.
You turn to look at him when he reaches you, tilting your head in quiet questioning.
Hyun-Su feels himself lifting his hand to touch your cheek, and it’s so spontaneous, so natural that he can’t really say who’s in control there. Your skin is soft under his, and as he leans in to kiss you, he cannot forget how fragile you are compared to him. How one wrong surge from the creature he harbors inside himself could end it all, how careful he needs to be.
And, when his lips brush against yours and you kiss him back without hesitation, he’s reminded of how you either don’t know that or don’t care.
There must be something in the air, because without thinking, his hand comes to your waist, then the small of your back, pulling you close to him. Again, he can’t tell if it’s the monster making its own decision, or if it’s just natural and he’s just doing what he truly wants to do. Both thoughts are worrying.
But you’re not aware of all the questions going on his mind, and all you do is tilt your head up to give him better access to your mouth — and it makes his pulse rush and his mind goes haywire.
Normally, he’d know better. Right now, he feels your hands, trapped against his chest, gripping his hoodie and pulling him down towards you, just a little closer, because there isn’t much space left between the two of you anyway.
He tilts you back now, still without thinking — there isn’t enough space for that in his mind at this moment, not when it’s so filled with you you you — hands firmly holding you against him. His tongue pushes against your lips, and you part them almost immediately, welcoming him in your mouth. His blood is pumping, his whole body feels scorching hot, and you’re right there, running your fingers along his jaw and over his neck, leaving burning trails everywhere you touch.
His tongue intertwines with yours and he feels, more than he hears, you whimper into him.
Immediately, a sense of urgency forces him to pull back. One second, he’s pressed against yours, the next, he’s taken two steps back, and your eyes open in confusion.
“Are you okay?’ he asks, searching for a way he’s hurt you, anything indicating that something’s wrong. But all he finds is swollen lips that you press together as you glance away from him.
“Um, yeah, everything’s fine,” you mumble, and it takes an embarrassingly long time for him to understand what kind of noise that was.
He’s immediately desperate to hear it again.
He brings you back against him to kiss you once more, and there it is, coming from the back of your throat.
He’s not sure what happens, who initiates what, if he’s in control at all, but soon he knows that your back is against the grass, and he’s above you, kissing you just as fiercely. Your hands are wandering now — his shoulders, first, then his arms, then tracing the muscles of his chest and down to his abs. He wants to respond in kind, wants so badly to feel you, but the second he moves his hands, fear assaults him again.
“Is that—” He breaks the kiss to look at you in worry. “Is that okay?”
He illustrates the question with the softest of touch on your skin. You let out a brief laugh — not a mocking one, though.
“You really don’t have to keep asking that,” you say, and your eyes are adoring. Then, when he stays still, you push yourself on your elbows to press a kiss to the corner of his lips. Then his jaw. Then his neck.
Hyun-Su can only stay there, frozen in bliss, as you pepper his skin with kisses. Finally, as you’re reaching his collarbone, you take his hand in yours to bring it back on your body, and then you lie back down, allowing him to take the lead now.
His hand is shaking as he slides it under your t-shirt, all of his senses overwhelmed with need. He wants you so bad, he has a hard time understanding it. Kissing you is familiar. The way your body arches against yours, pushing into his touch— isn’t. His immediate want for more, more of the sounds you make, more of your body, more of you, that is all new, too.
He feels feverish as he mirrors your previous actions, kissing down your neck and lingering in one spot when he discovers it makes you whimper. Now that you’re not muffled with his mouth, your sounds echo louder, and they’re music to his ears, in a way that fuels the fire you’ve lit inside him. His hips press down into you, and a jolt of pleasure jolts through him, which when he realizes that he’s—
He tears himself away from you for the second time, stumbling back to end up just a couple meters away from you.
“Sorry,” he mumbles, “sorry about that.”
You sit up, looking a little confused.
“Are you okay?” you ask softly.
It’s his line, and it takes him a while to piece together what you could mean by that. It’s not like there’s any way for you to hurt him. If anything, you should be disgusted by him. There’s no way you didn’t feel him, which means you know he’s hard. But you’re just looking at him in concern.
“Sorry,” he repeats. “I shouldn’t— I shouldn’t have—”
“Hyun-Su,” you call gently as you scoot over towards him. “It’s all good. I didn’t— um— I didn’t mind. But we— we can stop here for now, if you’d rather.”
Inside him, the monster protests vaguely, but this time Hyun-Su has no issue sending it back to the abyss it came from. He’s overwhelmed, heart beating erratically, and he doesn’t know what would happen if things kept going. He wasn’t in control, not really, and he— he can’t risk it. Not with you.
“Sorry,” he repeats, feeling miserable.
Slowly, you put your arms around him. There’s nothing suggestive about it. You’re just doing your best to bring him comfort.
“It’s okay,” you whisper. Your fingers run gently through his hair in appeasing motions. He rests his head against your shoulder.
He’s not alone.
You’re just there, talking to him, touching him, right against him. You’re not doing anything to move away, not looking at him like he’s some mistake, and it feels like his heart is trying to jump out of his chest.
“Thank you,” he mumbles.
Your fingers still for a moment, before you go back to your ministrations.
“For what?”
And, God, the fact that you don’t even know, that you don’t even realize everything you’re doing, everything you’ve done for him since that first day when you spotted him in the street and ran after him…
He draws in a trembling breath.
“Thank you,” he just repeats.
You don’t ask any more questions, just keep gently playing with his hair.
The sky’s blue, the birds are singing, the town is quiet. It’s just you and him, sitting in the grass, on the rooftop.
If someone were to miraculously pass by and see the two of you there, they’d probably think that you were, indeed, on a date.
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okay, I hope you're enjoying this little series! I'm not sure what I'll work on next. i know i'm eventually going to write smut for them, though it's going to be very soft because... well it has to be between them lol. someone has also said they wanted to see them tackle the world together a bit more, so I'm also thinking about writing a one-shot where they meet ha-ni and ho-sang, because i thought that ho-sang's intense dislike for hyun-su could imply they've met before. anyway, yeah, i have a couple different ideas.
i would really appreciate it if you left a comment, whether here, in the tags or in a reblog, and tell me anything you're liking in this series! interactions really motivate me and keep me writing :)
next one-shot
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psychotrenny · 3 months
I don't think "Fascist" is a very useful or accurate thing to call Caesar and his Legion (from Fallout: New Vegas) in the context of the game world itself. Like there are a lot of aesthetic similarities and basically all of their unironic real world fans are some sort of Nazi Nerd, but when talking about their place within the context of fictional post-nuclear Nevada it just doesn't work. Like Caesar's whole deal is that he's a Social Scientist who, living in a world that's been "blasted back to the Stone Age", figures that society must evolve through the same stages if it wants to properly return to modernity. The Legion is basically comprised of "Primitive Communists"* who've been forced into a Slave Society. His criticisms of the NCR boil down to them being a moribund remnant of/reversion to Old World Capitalism rather than something organically adapted to the post-Nuclear world. He repeatedly talks about how the Legion isn't meant to represent an ideal society but simply a stepping stone onto something better (the thesis that will clash with it's antithesis and evolve into a superior synthesis). His interactions with the Courier heavily imply that the Legion's Misogyny, Homophobia, Tech aversion etc. are much more tools of social organisation and control than values that Caesar personally holds. The Legion isn't just some band of mindlessly violent reactionaries but the product of very deliberate Social Engineering; a peculiarly post-nuclear sort of scientifically planned society
Now I'm not defending the Legion as a "good" choice or anything; Caesar's plan has a lot of problems, it's not hard to poke holes into and in terms of unadulterated cruelty The Legion is easily the most morally repugnant of the main factions. But the thing I really love about The Legion is how, within the specific context of Fallout's setting, it makes sense. Like once you really think about it you can understand why someone in Edward Sallow's position would arrive at these conclusions, and there are good reasons why (if you take your roleplaying seriously and don't treat the Player Character as an extension of yourself) someone living in this world might chose to side with him. The Legion may be terrible but it's not evil for the sake of evil; there's genuinely a compelling ideology behind it.
It's why I get sad when I see so many people dismiss them as the "dum dum fascist slavers" because there's so much more to them than that. Like I think the best part about The Legion is how ridiculous they first appear ("These raiders dress like Ben-Hur extras?????) but once you find out more about them then it all starts to click ("Oh I see their leader is trying to assimilate them into a distinct and alien culture in order to maintain their loyalty; severing their previous connections and giving them a whole new identity"). So it sucks to see so many people get caught up in the first part and never make enough connections to reach the second. Like in general, Fallout: New Vegas is very messy and flawed and yet it's full of all these interesting little nuances and I think that's worth appreciating it. It's why, time and time again, I keep walking down that dusty road
*in the very broad sense that Fallouts "Tribals" are meant to represent people who have reverted back to some sort of pre-state society; of course there are countless problems with how Fallout treats this matter (including but not limited to incredible amounts of racism) but in order to understand Caesar we're forced to meet the game on it's terms
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