#and the maine are my favorite band in the world !!! their love shoes are my absolute favorites
ittyybittybaker · 11 months
i got exactly one (1) like on that post with tags about Andrew And Neil having A Moment during Taxi (a song by The Maine) so here's a small snippet of the fic i'm working on where that appears !
Taxi - The Maine
( I recommend that you to the song for the Full Effect, but its obviously not required)
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What is this fic about? Basically it's the most self-indulgent thing i could possibly write: the foxes go to a music festival, Neil sees a set from a band called The Maine and becomes a Fan. He learns why people like live music so much, learns to let go and have fun at shows, and has Many Emo Moments while listening to their music. Basically, if you wanna read a fic about Neil experiencing some emotional healing while listening to music from a band that you don't know, this is the fic for you!!
*note: i haven't written any kind of published fic so please be kind to me !! this is completely unedited and is straight from google docs so it might be pretty rough.*
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5283 · 1 year
hear me out hear me out (hanji's lyricism appreciation rant incoming)
why do jisung's lyrics hit me in the weakest spots ...... the wordings he uses.... it's definitely that, but it's also how vivid the imagery that he creates is..?
his imagery has a similar aftertaste as one of my favorite korean indie bands has (achime is the name of the band btw) – they have this particular kind of rawness and this childlike innocence to how they word things in lyrics. yet what really pulls at my heartstrings is that what they sing about aren't child-level topics at all – they're very much adult worries – meaning they're complex and multifaceted YET they're being conveyed through rather simplistic and very familiar everyday imagery. there's this song about a little boy losing his shoes at the beach, his mom shrugging her shoulders saying "the sea must've taken them away" and the boy just crying. i've lost count how many times i've cried to that song, but like the storyline is such a simple everyday happening, you know? what jisung's lyrics do to my heart is very similar to what achime's sound + lyrics do to me.
han's lyrics are spectator-like and extensively descriptive. they give off an impression like he's describing events from 3rd person's pov. that it's the observer in him just laying out what they observe rather than being the main character who experiences and then relays what they experience first hand. han's lyrics feel like the narration of a movie rather than the actual action of it; there's this certain detachment to feelings/situation that's present. although his lyrics usually talk about inner experiences/feelings, at the same time they're not necessarily emotional in a dramatic sense (which expressing emotions naturally IS dramatic because it's emotions, something not governed by any sort of rationality, right) but no matter the intensity of emotion, he doesn't get caught up in it and simply narrates what's happening to the subject of the lyrics.
compared to changbin's lyrics, for example, where he more so uses dramatical expressions to convey the intensity of his feeling states. changbin speaks feelings through feelings straightforwardly like "i am sorry for liking you, i'm sorry if that's a sin", han speaks feelings through ideas, images and tries to describe the feeling accurately as in "snow is falling, erasing everything that's left in me, i loved you, snow is falling and we are falling apart".. changbin writes like he's the main character and he's speaking about what he feels and thinks yet han's writing is a narration of what the main character of his story does/feels, as if recording everything and almost like it doesn't have a say or any power to decide what happens to the person of the lyrics although it's their own feelings we're talking about here.
in ex where the lyrics go "i'd like it even if you cursed at me" and "curse me to your will" - the way i see it, han could never write a sentence like that, you see. because of how directly dramatic and directly emotionally-charged it is compared to his more detached description-like style of writing, where the lyrics are no less emotional but the emotion you get from them is second-hand, not direct, the feeling comes at you when you parse the image hanji's expressing through the lyrics first.
han's writing is fairytale-like (pun intented..?) and each of his songs draws you into a story, into a whole other world, make you a silent observer of a situation as if you were there.. even if you didn't ever experience the feeling that's being conveyed through the lyrics, han writes them using allegories and such particular imagery that even without experiencing the feelings yourself you can very well relate to it.
am i the only one who feels this way?? every single of his songs is so special to me, i just kept thinking why they are like that to me.
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seafoamchild · 10 months
i can hear the crickets tonight. the air has cooled off a bit, finally. it's been so hot lately and we don't have air conditioning. i haven't spent that much time in the great outdoors this summer. and that is okay, because in previous summers i've been outside a lot and done a bunch of hiking. this summer i've just been working and going to shows and seeing friends and partying.
yesterday i went to another street festival in riverwest and it was so... riverwest. misfits, punk bands, tattoos, people with no shoes, reptiles, people with mismatched shoes on. i found a fabulous skin tight dress with a slit up the side and it was sparkly blue like the rainbow fish. i tried it on and it looked so good on me that a random lady came up to take a picture.
then i wore the dress out later that night to the wine bar where one glass of wine turned into three and then we went to the tiki bar which is always a terrible idea. as soon as we got there i saw so many men staring at me in my dress. i was drinking a lot and people kept buying me shots. this happens every time i go to that goddamn place. this one older dude (who was honestly kind of hot) was very into me and being very frank about wanting to have sex with me. drunk me of course loved the attention. i love to be a tease because it makes me feel powerful in that moment, i guess. i love flirting and making men want me and then disappearing. you can want me but you can't have me. it feels almost like playing a character. i see these men eyeing me up and thinking about sex. but they don't know anything about me. they don't know how funny i am or that my favorite color is yellow or that i can speak several languages or that i've traveled all around the world. and they don't get to know.
i was thinking about how much my relationship with luke sucked. he was so unkind to me. and i really think he resented me for being well-liked and fun to be around. he could not handle having a girlfriend who was funnier and far more magnetic than he could ever be. i truly think he was jealous and that he took it out on me by invalidating my feelings whenever i was down. like "oh everything is so easy for you and everyone likes you so you have no reason to be sad". but then he would show understanding to other people who were going through depression. so it was apparently just me who wasn't allowed to be depressed. and THEN after the infamous night at Chill on the Hill when i called him out for making the evening so fucking awkward and weird and it did NOT have to be that weird, he had the audacity to say to me "you don't get to tell me how to feel". bitch what? that boy has the emotional intelligence of a cinderblock. all in all he's a decent dude but fuck him for making me feel like i was too much. he just wasn't enough. not kind enough, not empathetic enough, not funny enough, and certainly not smart enough.
i have my shortcomings too. i think i have been really unnecessarily mean to men, especially since i broke up with luke. just leading them on and then disappearing. like i said, i relish the attention. but it's just so unnecessary to play with people's feelings like that. especially with austin. i really tormented that dude. or elliott. i straight up ghosted him.
and i need to address my issues with drinking and doing drugs. i have really poor impulse control. and i've been so messy. last night i was throwing up into trash bags next to my bed until 3am. it feels normal because a lot of my friends and coworkers are into partying really hard. but i'm starting to not really like how messy i become. i think alcohol is the main problem, actually. i think i can handle myself on drugs but when i mix them with alcohol that's when shit gets to be too much. i've even put off scheduling a therapy appointment because i don't want to talk about this but i know i need to.
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dryades-angeli · 1 year
Pure Boredom
1. What’s your sexual orientation? Asexuell, - Heterosexual with tendency to being Bisexual.
2. What are you obsessed with right now? Santa Claus von Divine Gate, but Anime in generall.
3. Ever done any drugs? Nope. And I never would.
4. What piercings do you want? My five Earpiercings are enouh for me.
5. How many people have you kissed? Two. The Wheiro in my School and my first boyfriend.
6. Describe your dream home. A greek Villa with Pool near the beach.
7. Who are you jealous of? Of Artist´s who can better draw then me. But I don´t blame them, but take it as movitation to get better with my drawing skills.
8. What’s your favorite show to binge? I don't drink. So I have no idea. xD
9. Do you watch porn? I watched three Softporns out of interest.
10. Do you have a secret sideblog? Yes, I do.
11. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? Straight to Japan and Egypt. May Greece, too.
12. What’s one of your fantasies? Becoming a famous Mangaka or Author, so I can support my family..
13. Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced? Eow. NOO!
14. How would you spend a million dollars? Giving the half to my parents, a little bit to my brother and the rest... I am wishless.
15. Are you in a relationship? Nope.
16. Do you follow porn blogs? A few NFSW pages dedicated to Anime&Manga couples. But other than that, I'm not a big porn fan.
17. Are you angry with anyone right now? Yes. With my mother. I have no idea how you can make so much fuss and one too many hung towels.
18. What tattoos do you want? More butterflys please. Or Angelwings on my shoulder blades.
19. If you could change your name, would you? What would you change it to? Nope. I am satisfied with my name.
20. What is something you’re obsessed with? My PC/Computer maybe.
21. Describe your best friend. I have none. But just very good friends.
22. Tag someone you think is hot. @mikotofubar xDDDD
23. Who are five of your favorite bands/musical artists? Evanescenes Sarah Connor Todrick Hall Citizen Soldier RIELL
24. What are three places you want to travel? - Japan - Egypt - Greece
25. Describe your perfect Friday night. Sitting in front of my PC, drawing and listing good Music.
26. What’s your favorite season? Summer. The hotter the better.
27. What’s your pet peeve? ...idk. Stones in the shoe
28. Who is the funniest person you know? Miss thousend names. One of my good friends and already engaged with her girlfriend.
29. What’s the most overrated movie? The Star Wars films. I´ve never seen a bigger shit than that. My father loved it, but telled me, Neflix´"Wedneyday" is something for kids.
30. Tag someone you want to talk to but have been too shy to message. My old school crush.
31. Do you like paper books or ebooks better? My dear mother gave me once a ebook. But it wasn´t mine. I already have enough devices that I have to think about charging. I don't need another book like that. I also love the feel of paper on my fingers.
32. If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick? The world of Divine Gate. I would marry Santa
33. If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like? I think like now. Just stuffed.
34. What’s your coffee order? I really hate coffee. It was to bitter for me. I prefer cocoa.
35. Do you have a crush on anyone? Not now, if an Animecharacters doesn´t counts.
36. Do you still have feelings for any of your exes? One ex. And NO.
37. Have any tattoos? Yes. The devilish butterfly from the Gena Showalter books on my collarbone.
38. Do you drink? Just a little on special occasions. But I can't stand too much alcohol either.
39. Are you a virgin? It's really nobody's business.
40. Do you have a crush on any of your mutuals? No...
41. How many followers do you have? 123 on my main Tumblrblog.
42. Describe the hottest person you know. I like the actor of Gideon de Viliers, Jannis Niewöhner. Brown chinlenght hair, blue exes, tick eyebrows, broad lips and shoulders, ghigh cheekbones...
43. What’s your guilty pleasure? Reading erotic books and Mangas.
44. Do you read erotica? Yes. But I like it when a really nice love story is told around it and there is no mindless banging around.
45. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on? I had never date someone.
46. How many people do you follow? 123 people, as I said. Why is that so important?
47. If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick? No one.
48. Describe your ideal partner. Kind, playful, humorous, loves childs, protective instinct, honest. I like men who are a little bigger, broad-shouldered and maybe (not a must) have slightly longer hair.
49. Who do you text the most? Idk. I would say, my pack.
50. What’s your favorite kind of weather? Sunny days, warm weather.
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kicktwine · 2 years
here r some more silly things about yaonggi because I’ve been thinking about my splat oc for the past four days
she has always liked music a LOT, but never wanted to be in a famous band. in her spare time she makes weird low bass breakcore with a ton of classical instruments and chopped up vocals. koya is her favorite person to pull clips from, followed very closely by old enemy octoling recordings.
she’s actually a pretty angry person, despite being super cheerful and a lot calmer nowadays! she does crave Violence, but doesn’t want that to be how people see her anymore. The music thing is how she expresses that. all of her visuals are of extinct predators
her name is probably not her original name. Kitt and Charlie helped her with it, she doesn’t remember what it was
she is obsessed w button up shirts. they’re so loose and colorful
she cannot stand skirts. they are too loose and colorful
She has webbed fingers and toes! I based her off a blanket octopus mostly, she cuts her tentacles shorter, but is a Fast swimmer and if she let her hair grow out it would grow down like ribbons in the back. And because she’s a blanket octopus she has poison resistance (they are immune to Portuguese man o war venom!) and could shake off marginally more of the zombification thing than was expected. She’s still preddy lucky
her snaggletooth is not a species thing. She just has a huge fang for no reason.
she has a fondness for salmon run. Also, must check the entire map before anyone starts, just in case there’s someone there. she doesn’t want anyone to do what she did
her favorite food is cup noodle because that’s the first surface food she had with a friend. But her second favorite food is salmon also she tried to eat little buddy at first
for the first few months she stuck very close to Charlie just because everything was REALLY new and she did not speak a SINGLE word of inklish. Besides scattered lyrics, anyways. Charlie is pretty intimidating looking, like an experienced bodyguard in x rank, but she’s a sweetheart. And a bit of a goober. Who taught her how to make puns
dualies main. She likes the dodge
i should make a cute ref… meruz has a cute ref template
yaonggi also really loves stickers and grilled food, and even though she tends to wear one pair of shoes into the ground, she makes sure they are COOL sneakers
she has a faded greenish stain on her right forearm and a faint offcolor splotch on her chest
she likes to stain her claws bright colors, it was an octarian fashion statement and dang it she likes how it looks. Sometimes she stains the entire forearm and hand too
she thinks lil Judd is really cute. she wants to pet him every time she sees him. kinship
she also thinks deep cut is REALLY COOL, and wouldn’t have minded doing the bandit thing WITH them… unfortunately she, isn’t that familiar with off the hook or squid sisters. She thinks capt 3 is cool though. Maybe a bit of a loser, but a really cool loser.
she still kinda thinks the world of dj octavio. she didn’t want to fight him
still doesn’t get the sleeping in thing. Does get the staying up late thing. This is a problem
she sucks at tableturf. she threw the table at baby jelly and apologized PROFUSELY
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David Attenborough adventures around in his old age playing with a lemur and turns to the camera and be like
Behold this beautiful yet terrifying Cosmos and the plucky bands of happy bountiful plants and critters that play together there.
I think that's what we all really love about him. If you can learn anything from David, learn to see the world that way. It's what he would have wanted.
He's not dead or anything.
Good God! No! He's fucking rich and happy living his best life ever.
He's just never going to read this and go "This!"
It's just you me and the 10 other people in this Tumbler backwater echo chamber Tumbler stashed me into who have even glanced at "Behold this terrifying dessert and the happy bountiful plants and critters that play together there." Let alone read anything more.
Well, my fellow weirdos, we have no gods or kings, and saviors are looking thin, but we got a few prophets. David is one of them.
Watch David's Nova episodes. They're his masterpieces. Marrying his love and unchecked wonder with FUCKING NOVA! It's like David met Goliath and they raised a child together after deciding not to fight after all.
Anyway I'm high and I'm starting to ramble.
See the world more like David doesn't mean "believe in everything he says and does"
I'm sure he's got some questionable views and has abused his place a bit with the ladies or whatever. But have you seen his peers? He's about 95% perfect other than all his cultural baggage that he's been so desperately trying to overcome all these years and was so excited to help his other Whites finally get with the program too! Look how much he's grown and helped us all to grow up even more!
He's more of a saint than a prophet then. Well, watch the Nova Works of Saint David Attenborough to learn how to see the world with more wonder and, I'm just wildly guessing because I know absofuckinglutely nothing of his personality life and his views on anything. And let me tell you. I want to keep it that way. If someone needs justice get them justice. If something heinous in his past comes up I want to know all about it. But I think he's just a decent White British guy with a bit too much money power and privilege even for his saintly good. He seems to have handled it about as well as Saint Fred Rogers. I don't want to learn nothing more about Fred's problematic shit. I'm sure it's nothing any of us wouldn't had done in his shoes. Given all he was. And sometimes a guy just fuckers it all up on a whole fucking lot. So fucking what. We basically know what he's like.
I have to admit to somebody and my therapist will laugh at me to much. But if Mister Rogers ever turned out to be a kiddie diddler or some shit I might kill myself. At the very least I'll have a lengthy existential crisis. I might have a major breakdown.
I gotta let that man be a Saint, but Jesus just shined out of that man so brightly and he loved me so much when I was at a very vulnerable age. His love was like another family member watching over me for an hour every single morning.
Every single morning Mister Rogers loved me and talked to me and played games with me and took me on adventures with him and introduced me to his friends and co-workers and all the cool people we meet along the way. And he helps me see the world around me a bit more for a moment and I always appreciated that. Those were often my favorite parts. Whenever we watched Mister Rogers in church daycare or something, because we'd all just sit down and watch for a whole hour it felt anyway. The only time kids minds world wander was during the educational segments. Those were the commercials and the kids could get up to stretch a bit or just go play and work off some energy while the handlers were paying attention.
I loved the educational segments. I kinda talk like them sometimes at the zoo with the kids. It's creepy.
Which is probably why I gravitate towards a decent guy like David. But this is all just a sideshow.
The main point is Behold this beautiful yet terrifying Cosmos and the plucky bands of happy bountiful plants and critters that play together there!
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flowerboycaleb · 3 months
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wanted to post more over here and had the idea to do lil reviews for albums from years past. i'm gonna try to post a review for this series, as the name suggests, every thursday!! this week we're looking at a masterpiece and career defining record from one of the greatest jazz artists of all time: Let My Children Hear Music by Charles Mingus!!! also feel free to follow me on rate your music and twitter <3
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Let My Children Hear Music - Charles Mingus
◇ release year: 1972 ◇ genres: third stream, experimental big band
By the mid-1960s, following two masterful albums for the Impulse! label and some other releases here and there, Charles Mingus’s output had slowed tremendously. He was largely out of the spotlight during the spiritual jazz revolution as well as the advent of jazz fusion towards the end of the decade. However, had he been active during this time, I doubt that he would’ve played into a lot of those sounds. In the early 60’s, On albums like The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady and Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus, the “angry man of jazz” had begun to play around with big band music and had incorporated a lot of classical music influence into his compositions. It was an interesting change of pace for someone whose music had always felt so raw. Those two albums are now regarded as some of his best and I have to agree. This shift provided extra layers to his music and gave him a whole new world to explore. A world he would continue to explore nearly a decade later in his unfortunately often overlooked masterpiece Let My Children Hear Music. 
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Charles Mingus, 1972
The album opens with one of my favorite Mingus compositions. “The Shoes of the Fisherman's Wife Are Some Jive Ass Slippers” is a dynamic and impressive piece. There’s so much happening here musically, but it all feels carefully orchestrated. Opening with some ascending brass instruments with a tuba providing this ominous bass to it all before giving way to an incredible saxophone part. It sounds very theatrical. From there we get to the meat of the song with what sounds like a classic Mingus piece except way more fleshed out. Every piece of this orchestra plays a crucial role. I get chills every time around the 3-minute-10-second mark when that piano comes in and has to fight for your attention briefly before becoming the main focus for a few moments. It’s such an incredible moment and shows off how talented Mingus is as a composer. This song manages to fit in so many twists and turns and each one feels more exciting than the last. 
The classical music influence is very much present on the second track, “Adagio Ma Non Troppo,” but it still has that Mingus edge to it. I love the cello playing on this track and it juxtaposes the horns on here which often have a sort of urgency to them. This song also utilizes a lot more woodwind instruments than the previous which mixes in nicely with the grand, weighty brass throughout the piece. “Don’t Be Afraid, the Clown’s Afraid Too” is probably the most experimental track here as it features, what I believe are, recordings of various zoo animals undercut by a drumroll and a very shrill, almost electric trumpet. Very offputting stuff, but it sounds so cool. This song features some callbacks to other jazz tunes. At one point, the piano playing is a reference to Duke Ellington’s “Take The ‘A’ Train” with its distinct twinkling piano part at the beginning. Towards the latter half of the song, the band shifts into this almost circus-like sound. I don’t know a better way to describe it, but it fits the theme of the track very well and shows the album’s range. It is also during this part that the band pays tribute to several Charlie Parker compositions so I think this song might act as some kind of tribute to some of the jazz greats of the 1950s that Mingus admired. It’s important to note that Mingus played with both Parker and Ellington over the years. The latter of which Mingus was very open about being inspired by and you can draw plenty of comparisons between their composition styles. Another note, perhaps the title of this song is in reference to his 1957 record The Clown. Maybe Mingus is harkening back to these jazz legends of years gone by and saying “I’m afraid of where the genre is going.” Maybe Mingus predicted the catastrophic arrival of Kenny G! Conversely, maybe he’s using it as a torch-passing moment, “don’t be afraid” in the face of the wild experimentation that had been happening in the genre at the time. I could be reading far too much into this, but it’s cool that so many conclusions like this can even be drawn in a song with no words. Reissues of the album following the 1992 CD release include “Taurus In the Arena of Life” as the next track and it’s good! It’s the shortest song here by a lot at a bit over 4-minutes, but it has plenty of great moments. Like the matador-like sound at certain moments, which again fits the theme of the title. He’s so clever. It also calls back to some of his flamenco jazz endeavors on records like Tijuana Moods and songs like “Group Dancers (Soul Fusion) (Freewoman and Oh, This Freedom's Slave Cries)” from The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady. Ultimately, I’m glad it’s here, but it isn’t my favorite. I just consider it a little bonus.
The second side of the record kicks off with “Hobo Ho” and it’s another one of my favorite Mingus pieces. That thumping bass at the beginning gets me every time. It’s another example of how cinematic Mingus could get. This sounds like the soundtrack to the coolest movie never made. The directions this song takes you in are just so exhilarating. Towards the halfway point, the orchestra gets this sort of woozy sound to them. It’s almost waltz, yet way more hard-hitting. That bass I loved so much returns to lead into the finale of the song and it’s amazing. This leads into the darkest song here, “The Chill of Death (Recitation).” In this chilling piece, Mingus recites a poem he’d written decades prior. The music sort of reflects that older, almost sinister nostalgia as well. Again, I feel a bit like a broken record, but it’s cinematic. It sounds like the backdrop to an old radio drama. His gruff voice puts so much power behind these words. In the poem, he makes a woman the personification of death that “charms” him to his demise. It’s a great moment that shows Mingus’s trademark humor even when handling subjects like death. 
“The I of Hurricane Sue” closes the record and, like “Don’t Be Afraid…” earlier, it features some sound effects. This time it’s wind and rain instead of zoo animals. The music plays on over it and the sounds can faintly be heard beneath them before returning in full-force at the end. Similarly to the opener, the middle part of the song is very reminiscent of classic Mingus yet more layered. He sounds so confident as both a bandleader and composer here. It feels almost like a victory lap after an amazing album.
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Charles Mingus, 1972
According to some, Mingus described Let My Children Hear Music as “the best album he ever made” in the original liner notes to the album, but I can’t find a confirmation of that. If true, it would be difficult to disagree with him. I believe this album is one of his two masterpieces, the other being The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady. This was a triumphant return for one of the greatest jazz musicians of all time. It is easily his most ambitious album and that ambition pays off wonderfully. This record gets a lot of acclaim in jazz circles, but I’m hoping one day this record can break through those barriers and get the reputation it deserves as one of the greatest albums of all time. 
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ thanks for reading <3
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fenimores-book-nook · 8 months
My Passions
I thought starting my first blog-type post about my passions would be a fun idea. Right? Yeah. Anyways.
I've been told I'm a passionate person and frankly, I believe I am. I can get very..very passionate about, well, my passions. I have a lot of passions but I'm not going to be listing all of them. And it isn't going to be some boring, normal list. No. There will be PICTURES! There will be EXPLANATIONS! And there will be EXAMPLES! Now lets get this passion going!! (I'm trying to hype you up, is it working?)
~ Passion No. ONE ~
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*From Pinterest. ;) (I'm also extremely passionate about coffee and autumn but we'll get into those in another post)
READING. I love reading. I've loved reading since I could read. I think. But honestly though, I think I'm a picky reader. And..okay..I'm going to admit something that's hard for me to admit. And I don't want you to think of me any different. Okay? I've committed a crime. A Reader Crime. More than once. Multiple times, actually. *big breath* I've started books before and...DIDN'T FINISH THEM. *heavy exhale* Okay. You know. It's out there. Look, I have a terrible attention span. I won't go too in depth with how abysmal it is, but let me just give you a quick example. The other day--two days ago--I got out the vacuum to, you know, vacuum. But, I wanted to change clothes into something more comfortable. So I dashed up to my room and as I was in my closet I got frustrated at my clothes and how full my closet seemed. I had been wanting to go through my clothes anyways so what better time to do it than right that second? So I did. But, I not only went through that one closet of clothes but ALL of my clothes. And shoes. And then I vacuumed. So, yeah. That's how bad it is. And it's not like I'm picking up The Fault in Our Stars, reading halfway through and then putting it back on the shelf. I wouldn't do that to Hazel and Augustus. It's happened with books that can't keep up with my horrible attention span. And it isn't the book's fault. So. There's my justification.
Now back to the actual passion I've been meaning to make this first point about. (there's another example of my attention span) Reading is one of my all-time favorite activities to partake in. It's quite literally a break from reality. Well, I guess with the types of books I read. Maybe not with all types of books. The types of books I read are strictly fiction. Unless it's under the category of being some kind of self-help book. But we won't get into those today. I'll just give you a book recommendation that basically tells you what kind of books I am head over heels in love with.
The Delirium trilogy by Lauren Oliver. Oh. My. Goodness. I. kajngkafn. I can't put into words how much I LOVE these books. Delirium is first, then Pandemonium, and Requiem. I don't want to give any spoilers but it's a dystopian romance trilogy. It's set in a world where Love has been outlawed and named as "Deliria," a disease. You follow the main character, Lena, until the third book, Requiem, you start reading from another character's point of view, switching back and forth between theirs and Lena's. I won't say any more, but I'm just saying, you GOTTA read it. It's my favorite book series and probably the one I feel the most passionate about.
~ Passion No. TWO ~
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*(Lookie, more coffee)
WRITING. This probably is not a surprise to anyone at this point, even if this is the very first time you're reading my writing. But writing is just such a big part of my life that I had to include it. I sound like a very academic-type person, I know. I was more academic than sporty when I was in high school, if you're wondering. I was very much a band/music/art/english student. Again, probably not a surprise. I would say in middle school I was more sporty, or I had the mindset that I needed to be so I was in volleyball. (worst. ever.) Then, Freshman year I was in tennis, which is quite a fun sport but it would've been more fun if I would've won any of my matches. It's also a challenging sport. Much more than you think. Anyways, once Covid hit I decided not to do it anymore/wanted to just not do sports anymore. Honestly, one of my better decisions during my high school career.
Enough backstory, onto writing. I've been writing ever since I can remember. Similarly with reading, I have probably been writing since I could write. I didn't write anything other than journal/diary entries at the start. I knew I wanted to write more than that but I just didn't know what. I can't remember my FIRST EVER fiction piece of work that I wrote, but I can remember the first story I wrote that I felt the need to turn into a book. But no, no. Not just one book. But three books. And no, you will not be able to find these anywhere out in the published world and probably never will be able to. At least, not more than a snippet that I'll include in this post.
But before I give you that gloriously written snippet, I'll give you some backstory on this trilogy I felt the need to write. It follows the life of a young wolf named Winter. Oh, yes. It's one of THOSE books. She goes through many different things in life; growing up with siblings, having to leave her home alone, and eventually finding love and creating her own family. The story even includes an evil wolf with magical powers that happens to be--*GASP*--HER HUSBAND'S FATHER?! Yes, yes. Very surprising.
I did say it was three books, although, I had all the intention to make this idea into three books, the third one would follow the lives of Winter's children, switching perspectives. Yes, I had plans. And yet, it was never finished. I even included pictures. Yes, pictures. "Illustrated by the Internet." No joke, that is printed on the orange folder that holds book number one: The Winter Wolf. (wow, such a creative title)
Now for the wonderfully written snippet I've chosen:
"Lily and Runner were sure that she wouldn't make it. But, they decided to name her anyway.
Unexpectedly Winter, made it. They had seven cubs now.
'I can't believe it made it!' Rose exclaimed.
'ROSE! It, is a she! Therefore, she is your sister! Treat her fairly!' Lily scolded."
Wow..that is worse than I remember. Just for gits and shiggles, I'll include all the names of the wolf family. The parents: Runner and Lily. The children: Bomber, Beast, Bullet, Rose, Grassy, Blossom, and Winter. So...do with that what you will. In my defense, I started this story when I was eleven years old and finished it at twelve. It's 58 pages long with google docs and has--oh geez--28 chapters. That is..wonderful. I still think it's pretty cool that I wrote a book at eleven years old. Even if it's terrible.
All jokes aside, writing has helped me in so many ways. I can't tell you how many times I bottled up feelings and when I finally forced myself to write down whatever was bothering me, I felt ten times better. Now, I do different kinds of writing. This is one form. A form I've been wanting to try more often, so bear with me. Another is journaling. Yes, I've been writing diary entries for my entire life. I have countless notebooks filled with my struggles and ideas and just everything. Every now and then I'll crack an old one open and laugh at my ridiculous tantrums that made me feel like, "LIFE IS NOT FAIR!!" Silly little me. I also still do some fiction writing. Better now, obviously. I've written and finished another book and have partly written another since the wolf trilogy. The finished book was the first one I was actually serious about publishing and then I realized that it isn't..very..good. The partly finished one is much better and I was also pretty serious about publishing but you kind of have to finish a book before you publish it. And it still has a lot of work to go through. I'm not sure if it'll actually go through that work. But maybe it isn't meant to.
So, writing. Yes. Writing good. Writing passion. Writing life.
~ End of passions FOR NOW ~
I decided to keep it at two since I blabbed on a lot longer than I thought I would. I mean, they are my passions. So it makes sense.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this pretty random post and I hope you'll find inspiration to write about your passions. 'Cause everyone deserves to ramble on about their passions at least three times a month. (I definitely do that more than three times a month)
Goodbye lovely human!
~Thalia <3
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lem-cup-rev · 2 years
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⭐️👧 (2020)
Okay I kind of love this movie. But not on its own terms. I have the strong sense it wants me to buy into something pretentious and wondrous. But I’m just here for a strange, surreal drama.
I knew we were off to the freaking races in the first scene where our boy is gobsmacked by the apparition of a colorful Oz girl in his grey Kansas world. It’s pretty commendable for a director to convey lots of information in a short time, and this must be the speedrun record for establishing a Manic Pixie. The rest of the first act retained the feeling that ⭐️👧 is a creature under glass and it’s not really weird to stare at her or follow her around cause why wouldn’t you be in awe of her? There were so many amazingly uncomfortable scenes where we just zoom way in on her being all gentle and innocent and singing and hold for a really long time, and it feels like the camera wants to make out with her so bad.
The funny thing is, yeah, her charm works on me! If a woman like that was in any other movie, I would have a crush on her in an instant. But I think when all the other characters are enamored with her like she’s a character in a movie, it feels remarkably weird!
So all that was basically a blast in the bad movie way. Also, her song is horrifically catchy. Also, the initial story with Leo and his tie was really sweet and genuinely compelling!
Let’s talk about my favorite character in the movie. My favorite character is the short-haired girl who seems to be ⭐️👧’s first friend at the school, who we constantly see with her, who is never acknowledged or speaks. She looks like a lesbian and I love the idea of her being ⭐️👧’s bestie. Who are you, background girl?
The idea of ⭐️👧 single-handedly making the whole school care about life again and become winners is so funny. She is the rain that woke the mud frogs from their slumber!! Although speaking of, I think the boring, awkward townwide depression was portrayed really strongly, it had a striking touch of realism. I think the conceit of ⭐️👧’s performances relies on a kind of movie magic that makes us believe the music is intimate and exciting in a way it would not be all the way from the bleachers. We slip into a kind of music video mode – seemingly more so every time – and the overall effect is kind of amazingly surreal. I liked imagining it was a horror movie where a girl-shaped being is using psychedelic mind-altering magic to control a town. Initially it feels like a blessing as everyone is excited and happy about life, but it’s in an eerily fake wrong-feeling way, and it's only a matter of time before the other shoe drops…
When everyone turns on ⭐️👧 is when I knew this movie was special. So, do I really not understand football culture, or is it insane for people to hate her for comforting the injured opponent? I couldn’t believe it for an instant. But that just told me this story completely operates by its own rules, and the emotional drama within that strange world is awesome. Hillary’s assassination of ⭐️👧’s character was pretty unreasonable, I think she’s pretty clearly about as genuinely selfless as a person can be, but that scene was still so exciting. And then when she got normified and Leo was all for it, it was amazingly uncomfortable and like a horror movie in the complete opposite way from before! How could you, you mild and unassuming boy? Thank goodness she turned back at the competition thing. I like that her speech kind of wasn’t directly about anything in the movie? Or at least I didn’t see the connection? She wasn’t stating the main themes, it was like the character was just genuinely sharing some stuff on her mind that she thought was deep.
At this time I’m just going to throw something out there. If anyone, a cute and quirky girl perhaps, wants to request my favorite song of a live band and then peer pressure me into going onstage to sing it with them… I wouldn’t mind. Just saying.
I was so caught off guard when ⭐️👧 disappeared again at the end!! It really kind of makes her less of a starring character and more of a Jesus figure for this town. She moved on when her work was complete. Bye, I guess!
Oh yeah, and the mom stole all the scenes she was in, as moms frequently do. Her performance was so natural and charming. It just made me go ‘wow, yep there’s just a real actual mom in here!’
I had forgotten there was a sequel!! I can only dare to hope it will do for Manic Pixies what Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure did for evil rich girls. I can’t freaking wait.
Tune in next time for ⭐️👧… IN HOLLYWOOD!
(Will she, perhaps, echo the story of Grace VanderWaal’s iconic 2021 bop in learning that she shouldn’t assume what she doesn’t know when it comes to the alluring yet manipulative world of showbiz??)
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purplesurveys · 2 years
Do you have a bad reputation? I dunno. It would depend on who you ask.
Have you ever gone through a bad breakup? Yes, though I’d say it was largely bad on my end. I nearly self-destructed to death, while on the other side of things I watched that ex looking happier and freer than ever after driving me out, as if we weren’t best friends in the last decade, and in a relationship for more than half of that decade. That was the lowest, and the littlest I’ve ever felt. But everything’s good now! I’m back to being grudge-y, which has always been the main course of action for me anyway lmfao. Forgiveness isn’t in my vocabulary.
Do you believe in Jesus? Nope. I think I’ve always innately doubted him and the entire concept of Christianity because religion class always confused me. I didn’t know what it was for, and I didn’t understand why I should do nice things because a man got nailed to a cross. Anyway, I decided on my own to let go when I was like 10 and have been atheist since.
Has anyone ever used a cheesy pickup line on you? Uh probably, most likely in my previous relationship.
Are you hard of hearing? I struggle to a certain extent. Like I hate getting on calls because signal is always unpredictable and I get anxious about the possibility of going “What was that?” 100 times.
Would you ever want a statue made of you? Please never do this for me.
What's the name of your best friend? Angela is the name of one. Andi is the other.
When did you last go for a run? I don’t run, but the last lengthy walk I did was last Thursday when I walked from Rockwell to Poblacion. I did NOT expect to walk that day and thought we were gonna get to our destination by car – ended up with bleeding blisters all over both feet because I wore the most walk-unfriendly shoes lol. Luckily both Kata and Bea both had band-aids and helped me and my feet out.
What is something that gives you good vibes? Being in a bar with just the right lighting, ambience, music, and drinks.
How many bones have you broken in your life? I’ve never broken anything, fortunately. I’ve only had sprains, and for both instances it took place in the same spot - my left foot.
What did you last search for? I looked up the Tumblr of my favorite fanfic author to check if she’s posted any new Tae-focused stories. She hasn’t, but I might start the ongoing series she has which revolves around Jungkook lol. What color are your lampshades? It has a white cover and a brown base.
Where are you currently? In my room, at my workspace.
Has anyone ever called you dumb? Yes.
Do you have any cats? Nope.
What were you doing last time 3am came around? I was already asleep by then last night. I might stay up that late tonight though considering it’s already nearly 1 AM.
What's your favorite love song? Hmm. I don’t listen to a lot of romantic songs, but I’d say Yellow by Coldplay is an exceptional classic.
What all did you do last night? It had been my first unbusy Friday in a month and was ecstatic as all fuck about it, so I stopped work at 6, made my associate stop work at 6, didn’t make any plans to go out with anyone, and stayed cooped up in my room while I passed level after level on In The Seom, hahahaha.
What last let you down? Redditor Armys being less than enthusiastic about More when I went through the r/Bangtan subreddit this afternoon.
How many lights do you have on? I don’t have any right now. Normally my night lamp would be turned on, but I don’t feel like illuminating my little survey space at the world at the moment.
Have you ever had vertigo? Eh, I wouldn’t say so. Has your house ever been robbed? No.
Are you currently tired? I should definitely start turning in now but it’s already the latter part of the weekend and I want to hold out and stay awake for as long as I can.
When did you last get a haircut? Nearly a year ago.
Do you ever use the slang "sheesh"? I do.
Have you done a breathing exercise recently? No. Those have never worked for me.
What food/drink did you last waste? The savory crepe and hot chocolate I had earlier at a restaurant. I didn’t get to finish them.
Have you ever had collard greens? Idk how that translates to Filipino but I’ve probably had them since we do put tons of veggies in our dishes. I’m sure I’ve encountered it at some point.
Do you or would you ever live on a coast? No, and I honestly wouldn’t. I prefer to be in the city.
Are you a cry baby? There are scenarios and thoughts that make me tear up easily than others, but I wouldn’t call myself a crybaby. I’ve definitely learned to harden up in the last year.
If you have a partner, do you have a song? I don’t have a partner. Have you ever dug a hole? What for? Only in the sand, at beaches. I’ve never really had a reason other than wanting to see how deep I can go.
Do you spend too much time in your room? I do, only because I work from home and my room is the quietest area I can be productive in. I certainly wouldn’t stay cooped up here for days on end if I didn’t have such a setup.
Have you ever fainted? What from? Yeah it used to be a semi-regular occurrence especially when I was younger. I was horrible at staying hydrated back then.
What is something that is "just like heaven" to you? Late night drives. My favorite thing.
Who is someone you know who is gorgeous? A schoolmate of mine. She’s an influencer now and I totally get it, she’s super pretty. 
Do you know a Chelsea? Several people. It’s a fairly common name where I’m from.
Would you rather kill or be killed? That’s an awful question.
What's a good habit you have? Setting up a to-do list every single day. It’s really helped me meet my goals more efficiently and easily, and it’s kept my accounts moving at a steady pace.
Would you rather have 12 fingers or 12 toes? Toes, because I barely show them off anyway unless I’m home.
What's the sweetest, best pie you've ever had? Oooooooh this is tricky; I’ve never been a sweet pie person. My alma mater does have a signature tart recipe that I’ve always loved, if that counts? It’s pie crust slices with guava jam/jelly spread on top, and it’s always held a big tart-shaped place in my heart.
What did you last try to do? Applying for this new job. I’m a couple steps in the door at this point, but it’s been frustrating so far because part of the process was a timed exam wherein I had to craft an entire deck for them in an hour. I took it last Friday and it was stressful and that entire time I was just thinking if such a test was necessary.
Have you broken anyone's heart? Yep.
Do you have brown eyes? Really dark ones, yes.
Are you currently barefoot? Yes.
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dweemeister · 3 years
The complete list of films featured in 2021′s “31 Days of Oscar” marathon
What follows is the exhaustive list of all 403 short- and feature-length films featured on this blog over the last thirty-one days for the 31 Days of Oscar marathon. This number is up from last year’s count of 327 and is the second-highest number of films I have ever featured in this marathon (behind the 410 films from 2016). Despite the number, this remains only a fraction of the nearly 5,000 films that have been nominated for Academy Awards. This year’s marathon was harder to plan than usual due to the fact it was presented in alphabetical order - with the exception of any write-ups I did.
BREAKDOWN BY DECADE 1927-1929: 7 1930s: 44 1940s: 63 1950s: 63 1960s: 46 1970s: 25 1980s: 29 1990s: 28 2000s: 25 2010s: 43 2020s: 30
Year with most representation (2020 excluded): 1940 (ten films) Median year: 1964
And now, the list. Best Picture winners and the one (and only) winner for Unique and Artistic Production are in bold. Asterisked (*) films are films I haven’t seen in their entirety as of the publishing of this post.
A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001)
Ace in the Hole (1951)
Adam’s Rib (1949)*
The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
After the Thin Man (1936)*
Airport (1970)*
Aladdin (1992)
Albert Nobbs (2011)
Alexander’s Ragtime Band (1938)
All Quiet on the Western Front (1930)
Almost Famous (2000)
An American in Paris (1951)
Anastasia (1956)
Anatomy of a Murder (1959)
Annie (1982)
Around the World in Eighty Days (1956)
Arrival (2016)
Au Revoir Les Enfants (1987, France)
The Awful Truth (1937)
Babe (1995)
Baby Doll (1956)*
Ballad of a Soldier (1959, Soviet Union)*
The Band Wagon (1953)
Bao (2018 short)
Ben-Hur (1959)
Berkeley Square (1933)
The Best Man (1964)
Better Days (2019, Hong Kong)*
The Big Chill (1983)*
The Birds (1963)
Birds Anonymous (1957 short)
Black Orpheus (1959, Brazil)
BlacKkKlansman (2018)
Blue Velvet (1986)
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006)*
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2020)*
The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
Brief Encounter (1945)
Brotherhood (2018 short, Tunisia/Canada/Qatar/Sweden)
Cabin in the Sky (1943)
Calamity Jane (1953)
Carol (2015)*
Casablanca (1942)
Casino (1995)*
Charade (1963)
The Circus (1928)
Citizen Kane (1941)
City of God (2002, Brazil)*
Claudine (1974)*
Closely Watched Trains (1966, Czechoslovakia)
Coraline (2009)*
Da 5 Bloods (2020)*
Dances with Wolves (1990)
Death in Venice (1971)*
Destination Moon (1950)*
The Devil and Daniel Webster (1941)
Down Argentine Way (1940)
Dunkirk (2017)
Easter Parade (1948)
The Edge of Democracy (2019, Brazil)*
Educated Fish (1937 short)*
El Cid (1961)*
Elmer Gantry (1960)
The End of the Affair (1999)*
Ernest & Celestine (2012, France/Belgium)
Face to Face (1976, Sweden)*
The Fallen Idol (1948)
Fantasia (1940)
A Fantastic Woman (2017, Chile)*
Far from the Madding Crowd (1967)*
A Farewell to Arms (1932)*
A Few Good Men (1992)*
Five Easy Pieces (1970)*
The Five Pennies (1959)
The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T. (1953)
Flower Drum Song (1961)
Flowers and Trees (1932 short)
Flying Down to Rio (1933)*
For All Mankind (1989)
For Sama (2019)*
Forbidden Planet (1956)
Forrest Gump (1994)
42nd Street (1933)
Four Days in November (1964)*
The Four Feathers (1939)
The 400 Blows (1959, France)
Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)*
From Here to Eternity (1953)
Funny Face (1957)
Funny Girl (1968)
Fury (1936)*
Gandhi (1982)
The Garden of Allah (1936)
Garden Party (2017 short, France)
Gaslight (1944)
Giant (1956)
Gigi (1958)
Gladiator (2000)
The Godfather (1972)
The Godfather, Part II (1974)
Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1939)
Gorillas in the Mist (1988)*
Gosford Park (2001)
Grand Hotel (1932)
Grand Prix (1966)*
The Great Beauty (2013, Italy)
The Great Race (1965)
The Great Ziegfeld (1936)
Green Book (2018)
Green Dolphin Street (1947)*
The Green Mile (1999)*
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (1967)
Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (1957)
Gunga Din (1939)
Hair Love (2019 short)
Hallelujah (1929)*
Hamlet (1948)
Hamlet (1990)
Hamlet (1996)
Hangmen Also Die! (1943)*
The Happiest Millionaire (1967)
A Hard Day’s Night (1964)
Harlan County U.S.A. (1976)
The Harvey Girls (1946)
Heartbreak Ridge (1986)*
The Heiress (1949)
Hell’s Angels (1930)*
Henry V (1989)
Here Comes Mr. Jordan (1941)
Hero (2002, China)*
Hidden Figures (2016)
The High and the Mighty (1954)*
High Noon (1952)
High Society (1956)
Himalaya (1999, France/Switzerland/United Kingdom/Nepal)*
Home Alone (1990)
Honeysuckle Rose (1980)*
Hoosiers (1986)
The House on 92nd Street (1945)*
How the West Was Won (1962)
How to Survive a Plague (2012)*
I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang (1932)
I Married a Witch (1942)*
I Never Sang for My Father (1970)
I Vitelloni (1953, Italy)*
I Wanted Wings (1941)*
I, Tonya (2017)*
Ida (2013, Poland)
Imitation of Life (1959)
In Cold Blood (1967)
In the Absence (2018 short, South Korea)
In the Heat of the Night (1967)
Inherit the Wind (1960)
Inside Daisy Clover (1965)*
Inside Moves (1980)*
It Happened One Night (1934)
It Happened Tomorrow (1944)*
It Should Happen to You (1954)*
It’s Always Fair Weather (1955)
Jackie Brown (1997)*
Jammin’ the Blues (1944 short)*
Jaws (1975)
The Jazz Singer (1927)
Jerry’s Cousin (1951 short)
Jesus Camp (2006)*
Jezebel (1938)
Jim: The James Foley Story (2016)*
Joe’s Violin (2016 short)
The Journey of Natty Gann (1985)
Joyeux Noel (2005, France)
Judgment at Nuremberg (1961)
Julia (1977)*
Juliet of the Spirits (1965, Italy)
Kagemusha (1980, Japan)
The Karate Kid (1984)
The Killers (1946)*
The King and I (1956)
The King’s Speech (2010)
The Kite Runner (2007)
Knights of the Round Table (1953)*
Knives Out (2019)
Kundun (1997)*
La Ronde (1950, France)*
La Strada (1954, Italy)
La Traviata (1982, Italy)*
Lady Be Good (1941)*
The Lady Eve (1941)
The Ladykillers (1955)*
The Last Emperor (1987)
A Letter to Three Wives (1949)
The Life Ahead (2020, Italy)*
Life is Beautiful (1997, Italy)
Life with Feathers (1945 short)
Lili (1953)
Lilies of the Field (1963)
The Lion in Winter (1968)*
Little Caesar (1931)
A Little Romance (1979)
Little Women (2019)
Logan (2017)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Lost Horizon (1937)
Love Affair (1939)*
Love Story (1970)*
Loving Vincent (2017)
The Magic Flute (1975, Sweden)
The Magnificent Ambersons (1942)
Malcolm X (1992)
The Maltese Falcon (1941)
A Man for All Seasons (1966)
The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956)
The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
Maria Full of Grace (2004, Colombia)*
Meet Me in Las Vegas (1956)*
Meet Me in St. Louis (1944)
Mighty Joe Young (1949)*
Milk (2008)
Million Dollar Mermaid (1952)*
The Miracle Worker (1962)*
Mon Oncle (1958, France)
Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday (1953, France)*
Mutiny on the Bounty (1935)
My Fair Lady (1964)
My Favorite Wife (1940)
My Favorite Year (1982)
My Night at Maud’s (1969)*
The Narrow Margin (1952)
The Natural (1984)
Nebraska (2013)
Network (1976)
Night Must Fall (1937)*
Nightcrawler (2014)*
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
Ninotchka (1939)
Nowhere in Africa (2001, Germany)*
Odd Man Out (1947)*
The Official Story (1985, Argentina)*
Oklahoma! (1955)*
Oliver! (1968)
On Golden Pond (1981)*
On the Riviera (1951)*
On the Waterfront (1954)
One Day in September (1999)*
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)
One Foot in Heaven (1941)
One Hour with You (1932)
One Potato, Two Potato (1964)*
Only Angels Have Wings (1939)*
Our Town (1940)
Paisan (1946, Italy)
Pal Joey (1957)*
Pan’s Labyrinth (2006, Mexico)
Paper Moon (1973)*
Parasite (2019, South Korea)
The Parent Trap (1961)
A Passage to India (1984)*
Patton (1970)
Pelle the Conqueror (1987, Denmark)*
Period. End of Sentence. (2018 short)
Persepolis (2007, France)
The Philadelphia Story (1940)
The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945)
Pigs in a Polka (1943 short)*
Pillow Talk (1959)*
Pinocchio (1940)
Places in the Heart (1984)*
Poltergeist (1982)
Portrait of Jennie (1948)
Precious (2009)*
The Prisoner of Zenda (1937)
The Private Life of Helen of Troy (1927)*
The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex (1939)*
The Producers (1967)
Psycho (1960)
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Purple Rain (1984)
Puss Gets the Boot (1940 short)
Pygmalion (1938)
Quiet Please! (1945 short)
Quo Vadis, Aida? (2020, Bosnia-Herzegovina)*
Rachel, Rachel (1968)*
Ran (1985, Japan)
Random Harvest (1942)
Rashômon (1950, Japan)
Rasputin and the Empress (1932)*
Rear Window (1954)
Rebecca (1940)
Red River (1948)
The Red Shoes (1948)
A River Runs Through It (1992)
Road to Perdition (2002)
Roma (2018, Mexico)
Saludos Amigos (1942)
Same Time, Next Year (1978)*
The Secret of Kells (2009)
Sense and Sensibility (1995)*
Sergeant York (1941)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954)
Seven Samurai (1954, Japan)
Shadow of a Doubt (1943)
The Shape of Water (2017)
Shaun the Sheep Movie (2015)*
She Done Him Wrong (1933)*
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949)
The Shootist (1976)
The Shop on Main Street (1965, Czechoslovakia)
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Silverado (1985)
Singin’ in the Rain (1952)
Sleeping Beauty (1959)
The Smiling Lieutenant (1931)
The Snake Pit (1948)*
Song of the Sea (2014)
Sounder (1972)
The Sound of Music (1965)
The Spanish Main (1945)*
Speedy (1928)
Speedy Gonzales (1955 short)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spirited Away (2001, Japan)
Stagecoach (1939)
A Star is Born (1937)
A Star is Born (1954)
A Star is Born (1976)*
A Star is Born (2018)
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
Star Wars (1977)
Starship Troopers (1997)
The Sting (1973)
A Stolen Life (1946)*
The Story of Three Loves (1953)*
The Story of the Weeping Camel (2003, Mongolia)*
The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946)*
The Stranger (1946)*
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
Strike Up the Band (1940)
Strings (1991 short)*
The Sundowners (1960)*
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927)
Superman (1978)
Sweet Bird of Youth (1962)
Swing Time (1936)
T-Men (1947)*
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013, Japan)
Tangerines (2013, Estonia)*
Tenet (2020)
Them! (1954)
Theodora Goes Wild (1936)*
Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo (1944)*
This is Cinerama (1952)*
The Three Musketeers (1948)
Three Orphan Kittens (1935 short)
Time (2020)*
Timecode (2016 short, Spain)
Tom Jones (1963)
Toni Erdmann (2016, Germany)*
Top Hat (1935)
The Triplets of Belleville (2003, France)*
The Truman Show (1998)*
12 Angry Men (1957)
Twilight of Honor (1963)*
Two Girls and a Sailor (1944)*
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Umberto D. (1952, Italy)
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964, France)
Unforgiven (1992)
Up (2009)
Vertigo (1958)
Victor/Victoria (1982)
WALL-E (2008)
Watch on the Rhine (1943)*
Waterloo Bridge (1940)
Weary River (1929)*
West Side Story (1961)
Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (1968 short)
The Wizard of Oz (1939)
Wolfwalkers (2020)
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
You Can’t Take It with You (1938)
Zorba the Greek (1964)*
The 15 nominated short films for the 93rd Academy Awards
The 8 nominees for Best Picture at the 93rd Academy Awards, including the winner, Nomadland
Until next year’s ceremony, folks - February will be here before we know it!
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natromanxoff · 3 years
Queen live at Civic Auditorium Arena in Omaha, NE, USA - September 13, 1980
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Fan Stories
“I don't know if anyone has ever been able to appreciate a rock concert as much as I did when I saw Queen at age 7. I knew the order the songs were supposed to be in, the way the stage was supposed to look, and what the band was supposed to do. And everything happened perfectly. Except for that damn mustache. Late summer 1980, I was pestering my mom to take me into town to get candy. She said, "Do you really want to get candy, or would you rather get tickets to see Queen?" I stopped in my tracks and started being the nicest boy you could imagine. I thought maybe she was kidding, but knew she wouldn't kid me about something like that. I guess my dad had already OKd it too. Like Axl Rose once said about Queen: "They meant everything to me." We drove all the way to Omaha to get tickets: they were $9 in advance, or $11 the day of the show if still available (though now I'm not sure how they weren't sold out immediately). I'm still not quite sure why Queen was playing smaller arenas at that point, since I think they had already begun playing stadiums. Finally, September 13 arrived. I was in 2nd grade. Ads had been all over the radio for this concert. One of my baby-sitters and two of her friends rode up with us also, and they went off on their own when we got there. The show was one of those infamous "general admission" things, so our seats depended solely on how early we arrived. I think we got to the arena at about 9 am... almost a full 12 hours before the show actually started (much longer in 7-year-old hours). A single word, "QUEEN", was boldly displayed on the marquee above the many doors where small lines were beginning to form. Excited bands of people were running/gathering everywhere. Queen was one of the biggest five bands in the world at that time: "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" was on the charts, The Game had just been released, and "Another One Bites the Dust" was soon-to-be released as a single. We picked one of the lines and got ready for what was indeed halfway dangerous: the growing mob of people ready to run in when the doors would open. This was a big issue of the time, as it was the year before that 11 people were crushed to death at the turnstiles of a Who concert. (An episode of the TV show W.K.R.P. in Cincinnati even focused on this.) People were starting to press onto the transparent doors trying to look inside, when suddenly there was the sound of tires screeching from the street: a white limousine honked twice and sped around the corner toward the other side of the arena, and was gone within seconds. The "big kids" screamed and ran after it; I was too small to do this, but we got better places in line! When everyone came back, they said they actually saw Freddie and John get out of it and be scuffled into the building before getting attacked by the mob of people. In the meantime, others around us were starting to talk to my mom. Two of them were a man and a lady who were apparently on date, and they ended up even staying by and sitting by us through the show. Some other people also offered to kind of stay around my mom and I to make sure I'd be safe on the way in. A couple of times, a big fat drunk guy yelled out, "Who's your favorite group?" and of course everyone yelled "Queen!"
Now people were beginning to bang on the doors of the entrance. I think the doors finally opened at around 11 am. When they did, we and other people from several sides of the arena moved in, towards those coming in from other doors on opposite sides: within seconds, everyone had funneled from outside to stopping cold in the lobby, having basically run into each other. This is exactly where everyone stayed for the next two hours. A human shield of several people were intact around my mom and I preventing my being crushed... and all I could see for two hours were a bunch of butts! Once in awhile someone would try and lift me up to see all the people. From the distance, the drunk guy again repeated the "Who's your favorite band?" line a couple of times, realizing that more people could hear him now that he was indoors and echoing, and everyone gave the appropriate response. By the fifth time, only the drunk people were responding to him, and by the tenth time people were laughing and moaning. Every so often, some loud music would come out of the arena like a band was tuning-up, but it wasn't Queen music so everyone figured it was just the opening act. At 1 pm, the turnstiles were finally opened. I was kind of keeping my guard around me as everyone pressed forward, and everything was moving faster the closer we got, but by surveying the area I thought I'd be safe. I had my ticket in my hand. The guy from the couple was going to try and enter first, then me, and then my mom. When I got to the turnstiles, my mom and the guy grabbed my arms on both sides and completely hoisted me over. A surprised old man tore my ticket while I was in mid-air. Suddenly, we were standing relatively calmly inside: the difficult part was over, and we were at least safe from here on out. People were still running everywhere and screaming, but the hallways were pretty big so it wasn't too dangerous as long as we stayed toward the edge. Most people were still outside, since we were somewhat early. An older 12-year-old tore around the corner, then his '70s-style tennis shoes screeched against the floor and he fell down for a second as he decided to which way to go. We knew we were sort of on a mission to walk fast toward a balcony and just get seats instead of wandering around indecisively like others. We went straight up toward the second level balcony, as others ran the opposite way down to the main floor. My mom and I and the people we'd befriended walked right next to the wall, and I pressed against it while just a few feet away scattered groups of people would sometimes run by full-speed. I would have wanted to be on the main floor, but my mom had previously explained to me how, unless we were in the balcony, we would have to actually stand through the whole show (there weren't any chairs on the main floor) and would hardly be able to see anything. Plus, along with the horror stories of people running in at the beginning of a rock concert, I had also heard how people supposedly got crushed to death against the stage... so sitting in the balcony was just fine with me. We got two seats in the front of the second balcony, just by the railing to the balcony below. We were on the right side of the arena, about halfway back, so we couldn't complain. Now, I knew this was the beginning of the biggest wait: sitting in the same spot from 1 in the afternoon to about 9 at night.
The main parts of the stage I liked (from viewing the pictures in my Live Killers album) were intact: the steps were lined with lights under Roger's drums, and middle of the main stage had a small plank stage that stuck out for Freddie to walk on, where the crowd could touch him but not too easily. Most of the instruments, and all of Roger's drum set, were covered in giant sheets of plastic. I'd never seen such big speakers; I had a flashback when I saw the black and white photo to the right because that's what they looked like with the house lights up. Throughout the afternoon, the lights in the arena would go out, then come back on... like we were being teased. Finally when it was about time for the opening band, the lights went off longer than usual and the band took the stage. The opening band was someone we had never heard of, and my mom and I both can't even remember who it was now (two people have e-mailed me saying it was a band called "Dakota"). I don't think they had any hits, and then apparently disappeared soon after. The crowd tolerated the first two or three songs. Then, every song ended with "Just one more song!" much to the audience's vocal dismay. I went on a trip to the bathroom, and they were still playing when I came back. Then they left. Ten minutes later, they came back and said "Just one more song!" and I think they played three. People were yelling, "We want Queen!" People were getting harsh to the point it was just uncomfortable even seeing the band on the stage. Everyone cheered when they left. The lights came back on. Another two hours. Just seeing them walk across the stage would have been enough for me, so at that age I really couldn't comprehend being in their presence for a whole two-hour concert. This wait was easier though because every second we knew the show could start. Seeing Queen still seemed like it was too good to be true, like some act of God would occur just before the show to prevent it. Then, the lights went out. There's no feeling like the wait in total darkness just before a Queen concert. It was 10 minutes of black and the loudest screaming I'd ever heard. I remember it was "scary" and so I think Brian might have also been playing the weeping guitar sound like the beginning of the We Will Rock You concert video. It was a good scary feeling though, like going up the first hill of a roller coaster. After several minutes of intense darkness and the crowd screaming, when I felt like my ears didn't have room for any more sound to enter (though I loved it), the even louder sound of thunder clapped across the arena with an incredibly blinding light. I could see everyone on the main floor have to turn completely around in unison toward the back of the arena because the lights were so bright. I kept trying to glance at the stage to see what was happening, but it was too bright to see anything... plus, in between the flashes, it was too dark to see anything. It was sort of an unnerving state, being totally blinded in that big of a place with that many people, and coming to the realizaton that it would be unthinkable to actually move around and that we were basically helpless. I was holding my mom's hand. Queen had the whole crowd paralyzed in their tracks before the show even began.
I'm not sure if the lights all rose up like in the We Will Rock You video or not (since we couldn't see), or if they were already raised because of the opening band. Eventually the thunder and noise turned to music. Finally, through my wincing, Freddie Mercury was suddenly in front of my own little eyes on the front extended stage in all the smoke. I'd never even seen a celebrity in person before, much less my idol at the time. I didn't think they would open with the fast version of "We Will Rock You" for some reason, since that's at the beginning of the Live Killers album and I thought they would want to do something different, but was surprised that they opened with a non-Queen song: "Jailhouse Rock". The stage looked similar to that in the We Will Rock You concert video, with the smaller panels of lights replacing the single giant panel from previous tours; however, I'm certain there was at least another entire, higher level of moving lights (not only from seeing them at the concert, but also looking at the pictures for years afterwards). The lights in the We Will Rock You video seem extremely cut-back. Instead of one row of panels of lights across the back of the stage, the panels were all over the place and the ones above the band moved straight up and down on poles and tilted back and forth. There were also little men somehow sitting amongst the panels who manually operated at least a dozen spotlights, and more guys doing this from a small section hanging down from the ceiling at the middle of the arena. Since the spotlights were directed from the top of the arena, there wasn't a big bulky spotlight booth in the middle of the main floor taking up space, and the audio booth was placed along the right side of the arena (down not to far from us) so it wasn't in anyone's way. In the darkness between a lot of the songs, flashlights darted around the stage... we couldn't figure out if it was the band or engineers setting things up. Thankfully, no one came out on stage before the show to announce the band (I've always thought this is really cheesy). Freddie had on those red leather pants with the blue knee-pads... and, unfortunately, that ugly mustache! "What do you think about my new mustache?" Freddie asked. (Mixed applause.) "Some people don't like it, but I just say 'fu** 'em.'" (Crowd goes wild.). Freddie drank some water, then tossed the rest out onto the crowd along with his cup. He tossed his tambourine out later, and I couldn't imagine what it would actually be like to touch it. Freddie also had that long silver microphone stand that he always danced around with in the videos. He was running all over the place; one second he was on the plank at our side of the arena, the next at the other side. The three high school girls who rode up with us were excited because when he went to the end of one of the planks he ended up level and close to them in the balcony (but upset because, had one not been on crutches, they would have stayed on the main floor where Freddie tossed his tambourine!). Once or twice I remember looking into the middle of the arena and some kind of explosion occurred in mid-air (apparently launched from the lighting duct at the top of the arena). There weren't that many lighters in the audience, but instead everyone was using those green glow-sticks that come out around Halloween (I think these were new at the time). The audience kept throwing their green glow sticks up on the stage until at times it was covered, and more than once Brian kicked off some back into the audience (and I think he might have been getting upset but I'm not sure!).
There were numerous parts of the show I knew had to be there... and they all were. The first was the "scary" sound effects and section of "Get Down, Make Love", where Queen showed off their lights. (At that age, I thought the erotic sound effects were simply supposed to represent the monster breaking-in on the cover of News of the World). Smoke shrouded the band, as the panels of lights took over and moved around to the audience's ooohs and aaahs. My mom and I were trying to figure out what was on Roger's bass drum, since it didn't look like an album cover; it turned out to be the white "face" design, also in the We Will Rock You video. Back then, concerts didn't have big video screens, so we just had to use the binoculars that we'd brought. Some spotlights were gathering on Freddie and Brian as they went to sit on two stools toward the right of the stage, and my mom got excited because we knew "Love of My Life" was coming. Freddie announced, "This is our first time in Omaha... " as the song started, and got the crowd to sing along like on the Live Killers album. Meanwhile, I had become a source of info for those around who wanted to know what the songs were; every time a new song would start, people would ask me what it was! I really don't know if anyone has ever actually been able to appreciate a concert as much as I did that night: I was only 7, but had every album except the first two, and knew every song they played except maybe two or three. But what's interesting is how fans often wish they could experience how a "classic" band was 20 years prior... and this is strangely how I felt I was experiencing the show, because at my age it seemed like Queen had been around 20 years. There were parts of the show, including the stage design, that were "legendary" to me, but were only 2-3 years old in reality. Now, 20 years later, they're legendary to everyone else. Periodically, the guy next to me changed the tape in his "hidden" tape recorder. We knew the show was close to the end when "Bohemian Rhapsody" began. Everyone clapped to the pre-recorded opera section, and as the Live Killers liner notes say: "The audience and the lights take care of the rest." The crowd went nuts when Roger hit the famous gong at the end.
I think there were two or three more songs, and then everything went black for about 10 minutes. Could it be that they were actually not going to play the standard "We Will Rock You/We Are the Champions/God Save the Queen" closing? The house lights may have even come on for awhile, then went back off. A few people were starting to leave, and I kept telling my mom that they had to end the concert that way, because that's the only way a Queen concert ends... but then even I was having doubts. Finally, the yellow lights around the gong all turned on, pointing directly on Roger, who started the drums of "We Will Rock You" and everyone stomped their feet and clapped. Of course "We Are the Champions" was next, and Freddie shook some of the hands flailing in front of the stage while singing it. I remember there was one hand jumping up and down that never got shook! Freddie bent his neck way back when he sang "... of the world!" at the very end like I knew he was supposed to from videos on TV, and we hoped for another song but knew that was probably going to be it. A grand finale of Queen's famous pyrotechnics began shooting everywhere from the stage, the lights were all moving around, and everyone was jumping all over in the aisles. Soon the pre-recorded Night at the Opera version of "God Save the Queen" did begin playing...but, nobody really sang to it since this is America and no one knows the words! At this point, I tried to make sure I was truly fathoming what it was like to actually see the band members in front of me since they'd be gone soon. Freddie was still dancing around and danced out a little door behind the drums, and the rest of the band followed one-by-one, with John being last as he waved to everybody one last time. The lights flickered and moved some more to the rest of the song, slowly going dark along with the rest of the arena, with the final rise of the crowd's applause. Perfect. Except for that damn mustache. We walked down what seemed like endless spiraling stairs on the way out...extremely slowly this time. My ears had that weird "ringing" feeling like everyone said I'd have, but that I'd never experienced before. Spotlights were panning the sky outside. We said goodbye to the couple we'd been with during the show. A guy in his late 20s started talking to us on the long way out; he laughed and told me how he'd also had to argue with his mom who said Queen would never come to Omaha. My mom asked him if he thought I'd even remember the whole thing since I was so little. He looked down at me, saw my grin from ear-to-ear, and said, "He'll never forget this."” - Jim
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themurphyzone · 3 years
Pinky the Snowmouse Ch 1
Summary: On a lonely Christmas Eve, a lab mouse finds himself unable to concentrate on world domination. When an ACME scientist claims to own a magic silk hat, Brain initially dismisses it as superstitious nonsense, but finds that this boast could hold more truth than he could ever imagine.   
AN: So I posted this idea back in May (I know, nowhere near Christmas season) but it made for such a viable fic that I had to do it. Besides, I wanted to write a great Christmas fic since I focused more on Halloween last year. 
This fanfiction is also a tribute to all the Christmas specials we love so much every year, from the Christmas Carols to the holiday specials in our favorite cartoons to the Grinches and Rankin-Bass features.
Ch 1: That Old Silk Hat
AO3 Link
It was Christmas Eve, the day bolded and highlighted on the calendar, topped with a picture of Snoopy and his doghouse decked out in festive accessories.
Impossible to miss the overly cheerful music, the jingling bells, and the calls to be charitable to the poorer, less fortunate beings of the world.
Except humans never practiced what they preached.
No matter how much they claimed to care, Brain knew they never would. All of those charitable feelings would vanish as soon as Christmas was over, and they’d go right back to wallowing in their ignorance.
If they truly wanted to be charitable, they’d recognize Brain as the indisputable ruler over the world. But since humans always looked down on non-humans, it was an uphill battle with no end in sight.
But that was just fine with Brain. He wanted to be recognized for his merits and intelligence. He wanted to accomplish something other than achieving the lowest times on maze runs.
In time, his efforts would be rewarded. The bitter defeats would gradually transform into sweet victories.
But for now, he was unable to make headway into world domination since all the ACME employees had gathered by the main entrance, waiting for 3 pm to roll around like a class of bored schoolchildren who desperately wanted to go home.
If the higher ups were expecting all these mediocre scientists to show up for work and be productive on a snowy Christmas Eve, they were sorely mistaken. They were only here to collect their paychecks and didn’t care about scientific progress at all.
One lab tech popped a CD full of classic Christmas songs into an old stereo, and a chorus of Feliz Navidad began. Several scientists spun in their chairs, absentmindedly sucking on candy canes.
Brain was just as impatient as they were, but at least he’d be productive with his time once they all left.
“So ya got any plans, Bill?” a scientist asked.
“Go home,” Bill replied with a shake of his balding head. “Sleep because there’s no way I’m getting any shuteye with the twins bouncing off the walls for their presents tonight.”
“Kids are gonna be like that,” a lab tech spoke up. “I had to stop mine from taste-testing the cookies she wanted to leave out for Santa.”
Laughter rang out from the group, everyone taking turns to relate Christmas mishaps with their families. Soon almost every human joined in on the camereradie, except the most eccentric and inept scientist of them all.
Dr. Henry Hinkle was a man who claimed to bridge the fields of science and magic. However, he was woefully mediocre in both departments, and Brain had long ascertained the man had faked his credentials. Even Hinkle’s fashion sense was peculiar, as his gray lab coat was cut into the style of a magician’s fanciful tailcoat. With his brown handlebar mustache, he seemed more like a harried time traveler from the 19th century than a modern citizen.  
His most prized possession was a tall silk hat with a pink flower attached to the band. Hinkle often claimed it was a magic hat, one that performed wondrous and mystifying deeds far beyond human comprehension. Hinkle was attached to that hat, and nobody had ever seen him in public without it.
Hinkle stood apart from everyone else, an outsider from the science clique. He frantically paced back and forth, desperately trying to get the so-called magic hat to perform properly.
"Say, Hinkle? Didn't you have a gig at the elementary school last week? How'd that go?" Bill called, and all eyes turned to Hinkle, whose eyes nervously flicked back and forth at the sudden attention.
"Swell, very swell," Hinkle mumbled as he nervously fiddled with his hat. "Those little ankle-bi...I mean those delightful, darling angels were floored by my magic."
A woman scoffed and rolled her eyes in disbelief. "Yeah, right. My son was part of that class, and he thought it was the worst Christmas party he'd ever had. How embarrassing that you can't shuffle a deck of cards."
“Madam, I will have you know I can shuffle a deck with my eyes closed and one hand behind my back!” Hinkle retorted. He flicked his left sleeve, and an entire card deck slipped out and spilled onto the ground. As Hinkle bent down in a hasty attempt to get the cards back in order, a small wand, several rubber balls, and colorful scarves tumbled out his other sleeve.
Nobody bothered to help Hinkle out with his misfortune. His coworkers elbowed each other, pointed fingers, and snickered among themselves instead.
The situation was far too pathetic to be humorous.
Brain wasn’t surprised by humans anymore. Peace and goodwill toward their fellow men didn’t exist, though the holiday season claimed otherwise.
It was now 2:40 pm. Only twenty minutes left in this humiliating performance, and Brain could formulate his next plan for world domination without further interruption.  
Hinkle quickly stuffed the mess into his coat pockets. Then he straightened up, pulling on both ends of his bowtie in a vain effort to appear calm and collected once he was finished.
“If your hat really is magic, show us a few tricks!” Bill jeered, and the other employees joined in with challenges of their own.
“Oh, I will. And all of you will feel silly for doubting me after I’m through! Silly, silly, silly indeed!” Hinkle shouted. He tried to remove the hat from his head with a graceful flourish, but clumsily dropped it instead.
He chuckled nervously, a bead of sweat running down his forehead despite the chill.
“As with any exercise, a good magician always warms up with the basics,” Hinkle declared as he showed his audience a small red ball. “For my first trick, I will put this red rubber ball into my magic hat like so, and presto change-o, I have five red rubber balls to-”
He tipped the magic hat upside down. A single red ball bounced out, rolling along the floor before it hit an unimpressed lab tech’s shoe.
“-go,” Hinkle finished dejectedly. He peered into the hat, futilely shaking it as if the other four balls would pop out. Once he realized that wouldn’t be the case, his shoes scuffed the ground in shame as he picked up the single red ball and dropped it back into his hat.
“Look on the bright side, man! You produced invisible balls without trying!” someone called, garnering laughter from the rest of the audience.
Hinkle’s face turned red.
And while the scorn wasn’t directed at Brain, he thought the heckling was an unnecessary endeavor. There was little point in prolonging the man’s misery, no matter how incompetent or delusional he was at magic tricks.
“N-now, as I said before, that was just a warm up,” Hinkle said, nervously tugging at his collar. Then he pulled a small pink scarf out from his pocket, spilling several cards and dice onto the floor again. “But my second trick is sure to amaze you! Watch as I place this scarf into my hat and let the magic focus, now hocus pocus I say, and out come green, gold, and...gray?”
To nobody’s surprise, there was only a lone pink scarf in Hinkle’s hand. “There were supposed to be endless scarves attached to this…” he muttered. It fluttered out of his hand and back into the hat.
But nobody was paying attention to Hinkle anymore. The clock struck three, and the dull atmosphere changed to a holiday-induced fervor as everyone pushed and shoved their way to the front so they could card out and leave.
Brain crept to the front of his cage, one hand resting on his crooked tail as he prepared to unlock the cage and make headway into his plans as soon as they left. He was brimming with viable ideas, and they needed to be written down before he forgot them.
“EVERYBODY, WAIT!” Hinkle bellowed over the noise, and his colleagues turned to him with annoyance written all over their faces.
Brain gritted his teeth. Just let them go already! Was that really so difficult?
“I have one more trick, yes, just one more teensy trick up my sleeve! A real one, I assure you! You won’t be disappointed!” Hinkle said, rubbing his hands together frantically. He emptied his pockets, tossing props everywhere in a vain attempt to find something useful.
Then Hinkle donned a pair of white magician’s gloves, his eyes falling right on Brain. And Brain realized he was about to be conscripted as an unwilling volunteer.
Since his usual tactic of biting fingers until he was left alone wouldn’t work on gloved hands, Brain beat a hasty retreat to the back of his cage, intending to use the exercise wheel as further cover.
But he only made it halfway to the wheel when the door opened and gloved fingers pinched his tail, dragging him out of the cage and dangling him over the magic hat for everyone to see.
“Watch as I transform this ugly lab mouse into a beautiful dove!” Hinkle yelled, and just as Brain processed the insult, he was unceremoniously dropped into the hat. He fell right on top of the rubber ball, knocking the wind out of him. “Abracadabra alakazam!”
Brain pressed himself against the inside folds of the hat as he tried to catch his breath, but he was only given a moment of reprieve before he was snatched up and thrown into the air, as if Hinkle expected him to grow wings because of a nonsensical phrase.
He slammed against the window and fell to the table below, shaking his head to clear away the stars circling in his vision. Every part of his body ached, agony starting from the tip of his tail and snaking up his spine. Slowly, he sat up and checked himself over in the window.
There was a distinct lack of avian features in his reflection, as he expected. He had a new break in his tail from the rough treatment, but there weren’t any other new markings.  
Everyone stared at Brain in silence, and the only sounds were barely suppressed squeaks of disbelief from Hinkle and a chorus of Deck the Halls.
Then there was a booming laugh.
“Prettiest dove I’ve ever seen!” Bill said, to the mirth of his coworkers.  
Brain’s ears flattened, and he wanted nothing more than to sink into the ground and disappear forever.
His fists clenched at the sound of their mockery. He never chose to be involved in this ridiculous demonstration. Or deal with their scorn and stupidity every day. Or live at ACME Labs at all, where he had to suffer through experiment after experiment on top of attempting world domination and failing every single night.
“Come back! I have trick cards! Magic 8-balls! I’ll saw something in half and put it back together, I swear!” Hinkle shouted at the scientists’ retreating figures as they all carded out and stepped into the bitter chill of winter. They shuffled through the snow-covered property and into their vehicles, not wishing to be delayed any longer.
The prized silk hat crumpled in Hinkle’s hand.
“Bah! The only thing this junk hat’s good for is the trash can!” Hinkle snarled as he hurled the hat at the wastebasket by the door, but it only hit the nearby wall instead.
Then he stomped out the door, slamming it shut behind him.
Brain peered out the window, his breath forming a small patch of fog against the cold glass as he watched Hinkle trudge towards the city. He waited a minute to ensure Hinkle wasn't coming back, then rushed over to a drawer where he'd hidden a roll of blueprints and writing utensils.
He was finally, blissfully alone.
Strands of colorful Christmas lights twinkled along the walls, casting a festive hue onto the unfurled blueprints.
Solve for x. Cube the most wonderful time of the year. Multiply by pi.
Peppermints, candy canes, and chocolates were mixed together in a snowflake-patterned bowl. Brain snacked on one of the chocolates as he scribbled a preliminary design for a machine. The candy was bittersweet on his tongue.
Sodium and chloride to form an ionic bond. Three irons needed to balance the equation. Symbol H stood for the hap-happiest season of all.
Only the scratching of his pencil, the hum of a heater which barely worked, and an old, droning carol. The Christmas bells subdued, the computers shut off.
And hearts will be glowing when loved ones are near. Loved ones are near. Loved ones are near...  
There was a wet spot on the blueprint, directly over where he was trying to write. Frowning, he rubbed out the excess moisture, but only succeeded in smudging his numbers. He started over in an empty space, only for the wetness to appear again. Annoyed, he flipped his pencil around and rubbed the grayed area with his eraser.
The blueprint ripped.
Though the hole was tiny and didn’t affect the rest of his work in the slightest, it seemed that his plan had failed before he’d implemented it.
And it occurred to him that he’d never considered how the machine would function or how it would help him accomplish his takeover.
His face felt strange, so he rubbed his cheeks to get rid of the sensation. His hand came away damp.
He was crying.
It was that stupid song’s fault. He dropped his pencil and walked over to the stereo, slamming his hand against the stop button just as the song reached its end.
The sound cut off immediately.
Only the dying thrums of a malfunctioning heater now.
The silence was overwhelming.
Christmas media always said the holiday season was a joyous occasion for family and friends, a time for reflection and rebirth as the year wrapped up and began anew.
But it was just propaganda. Nothing more than lies so people would praise themselves as right and virtuous and loving when they were nothing of the sort.
Brain splashed cold water onto his face, ridding himself of the useless tears. Then he looked out the window. A light flurry had begun, the clouds low and dreary gray. The land was already blanketed in snow from the blizzard on the winter equinox, and temperatures hadn’t warmed up since.
And while there were footprints in the snow from passersby, much of the surrounding property was untouched.
Maybe that’s what he needed.
An opportunity to numb himself, to walk around in the cold and discard these useless, empty aches in his chest.
He tore up his blueprint and threw it away. He was better off starting over after his stint outside.
Then he put on his winter gear, nicked from a doll somebody had brought in as a donation to a toy drive, but now lay forgotten in the lab.
The thick white jacket was comfortable and padded with extra fluff. He threw the hood over his head and tucked in his ears, then pulled on his snow boots and gloves.
As he wound a long piece of string around the window latch, he caught sight of the silk hat that laid beside the wastebasket, considered nothing more than trash since it wouldn’t do what Hinkle wanted. The rubber ball and scarf was still inside, crumpled and forgotten.
Magic wasn’t real. It was simply the art of misdirection and illusion. Or a word the uneducated used to describe occurrences they couldn’t explain with science.
Despite his beliefs, Brain built a simple pulley system with thick yarn and an empty spool to haul the silk hat up to the counter.
He could use the hat for extra fabric. Repurpose it. Shrink it so he could have a formal hat for himself.
He opened the window, allowing the cold wind to numb the exposed fur on his face. With all the flurries, he’d probably regret this decision later, but that wasn’t anything new. Then he dropped the loose end of the string outside and tugged the knot around the latch. Once he was satisfied with the knot’s tightness, he dropped the silk hat into the snow-covered bushes below.
It was ironic, how he experimented with chemicals and complicated machinery every night, but didn’t know what he was doing with a simple hat.
Maybe that humiliating demonstration had messed with his mind, overriding all his logic and planning capabilities.
But it seemed like such a flimsy excuse, not providing a satisfactory explanation as to why he’d dragged a so-called magic hat outside on what was supposed to be a simple break.
Brain slid down the string, his boots crunching against the snow as he landed. He stuck out a gloved hand, catching several flurries.
No two snowflakes looked alike, they always said. But their crystalline structures couldn’t be seen without a microscope, so they were nothing more than white powder to the naked eye. He rolled the flurries in his palm until they formed a tiny snowball.
It gave him an idea.
But...it was childish. Stupid.
Yet he found himself rolling snow anyway.
This patch of the property was completely undisturbed, so he had a nice layer of clean, white snow untouched by human footprints to work with.
Nobody was around to see him. And it gave his hands something to do instead of remaining idle.
He quickly found that rolling snow into a spherical shape per the typical snowman wasn’t as easy as television depicted. The snow didn’t want to move in the way he wanted, and it came out as a lumpy, ovular mound that happened to be the same size as him.
He kicked aside a thin, whiplike twig that had broken off from one of the nearby bushes as he gathered more snow to form the head. Then he reconsidered and picked up the twig.
In his hands, it looked very similar to a mouse’s tail. One that wasn’t broken by mishandling.
While he didn’t have the height or the tools required for a full-sized snowman, maybe he could create a snowmouse instead.
He carefully threaded the twig into the backside of the mound, curling it around so it resembled an actual tail.
Then he brushed extra snow away from the front, smoothing out the mound until it had the snowy equivalent of legs.
The head was more difficult to sculpt, but he managed to create something that would be recognizable as a mouse’s head, with two small snowballs forming the ears and a muzzle that jutted out. He would’ve made the muzzle smaller, but the increased size was necessary to counterweight the ears. Lastly, he slid two sticks into each side of the snowmouse to serve as arms.
The snowmouse was twice Brain’s height, and while it had the proportions of a mouse, it was ultimately just a cold white body with three embedded twigs. No personality, no splashes of color.
Anyone could easily miss or step on it.
The snowmouse would be gone by next week, once the temperature rose above freezing. No trace of his handiwork would remain.
Such was life. Short and brutal, with nothing to show for it.
The faceless snowmouse seemed oddly alone, the only other thing besides Brain in this wintery courtyard. There wasn’t anything for either of them here.
“Sorry,” Brain said, unsure of why he was apologizing to something that couldn’t hold a conversation. He’d wasted far too much time here. He had to get back to his plans. “I’m going inside.” 
A chilly breeze blew, and Brain held fast to his hood so it didn’t come off. As he turned to the lab, he saw the silk hat become airborne, flying several feet until it landed by Brain and the snowmouse.
He didn’t think the breeze had been that strong.
But the strangest part was how the hat was much smaller than before. It wouldn’t fit a human anymore.
Even the red rubber ball and pink scarf shrunk. And there were several pebbles that hadn’t been there previously, though Brain guessed they could’ve just gotten inside when he’d dropped the hat.
Brain stared at the items, then back at the snowmouse.
“Just this once,” he sighed as he draped the scarf between the main body and head, then placed the rubber ball at the end of the muzzle for a nose.
Two of the pebbles became unseeing eyes, though Brain was at a loss of what he should do with the other two pebbles. He tried using them as a replacement for buttons on the body, but that didn’t seem right. And placing them on the cheeks just looked awkward.  
Brain held a pebble in each hand, stepping back to determine the placement. But he didn’t find anything satisfactory.
He was about to discard the pebbles entirely, but then he noticed that the snowmouse seemed to have an odd pair of buckteeth sticking out at the end of its muzzle with the way he held the pebbles.
Perhaps he should’ve left it as a matter of perspective. It was stupid. It was silly.
But Brain stuck the pebbles on the underside of the muzzle anyway.
The snowmouse looked ridiculous with its red rubber nose, pink scarf, and pebbles for eyes and goofy buckteeth.
Another breeze picked up, and one of the snowmouse’s stick arms waved, moving up and down like it was saying hello.
Like it was...friendly. Alive. Happy.
Slowly, Brain approached the snowmouse. He placed one hand on the snowmouse’s body, balanced on his tiptoes, and threw the silk hat on top.
For reasons Brain couldn’t explain, the hat just seemed to go with the rest of the snowmouse.
And then he caught himself.
What a ridiculous concept.
Creating a snowmouse wasn’t his worst transgression, if he’d just left it at the creation process. No, instead he had to go personifying it! Assigning qualities that shouldn’t be designated to inanimate objects!
Snow wasn’t alive. It was water. That’s all it was.
“You’re snow. You’re just a pile of frozen water!” Brain yelled, turning away from the snowmouse. Enough with these idiotic fantasies. He was going inside, back to the cruel reality of trying to take over the world. “You’re not alive, so just leave me alone! Quit toying with my perception!”
He stomped towards the window, but only made it a few steps before an odd sound gave him pause.
“Toys? Narrrrrf! That sounds like jolly good fun! Can I play with toys too?”
Brain looked over his shoulder, and promptly tripped over himself in surprise.
A pair of bright blue eyes was looking back at him. Actual eyes, not pebbles.
And the snowmouse was talking.
End AN: I feel really bad for calling Brain ugly. *sobs*
I actually kinda find writing Hinkle’s dialogue fun. A bit of a strange character to crossover with, but fun. Hocus Pocus the Rabbit won’t be making an appearance. 
Also some changes will be made from the original Frosty the Snowman cause some parts of the cartoon don’t make sense. A greenhouse at the North Pole, really?
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daisiesforlacey · 4 years
The Costuming and Coloring of JATP : Part 1 - Julie Molina
I’ve seen so many of these posts and I wanted to make my own! I love costuming and color theory in film and I thought I’d do my own take on jatp! Please keep in mind that I am by no means an expert and this is only my thoughts, and feel free to add your own interpretations and thoughts :)
Heads up this is a super long post (I won’t be coving all of Julie’s outfits, only the ones that have significant meaning)
And none of this could have been possible without Soyon An, the costume designer of jatp! All referenced quotes and information for her can be found here, here, and here
One of the main difficulties of costume design is having the clothing fit the period, tone of the piece, and the character. The characters have to wear the clothes, not the other way around. Who is this person? What are their conflicts? How do they look at the world? What do they value? How do they grow? Just some examples of what good costume designers ask. 
They can also be used as a subtle tool to show who each character is; how we dress is a reflection of ourselves.
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Ok so we all know she is an absolute queen with AMAZING fits, even from the start of the show! I’m going to go chronologically, just to make it easier on all of us!
Julie starts off the series in a baggy yellow sweatshirt over her blue and white shirt, her painted jeans, fluffy slippers, and a set of necklaces! (Actually we first see her at school, where she wearing a flannel instead of the sweatshirt, but the same concepts apply) This already gives us A TON of information on her!!
Her necklaces include a Virgin Mary pendant, a nod to her heritage and religion and one of her own name, which we can assume is a gift from someone special to her
She puts on the sweatshirt after she gets home and bombed playing in front of her class. Idk about you, but I always want to wear sweatshirts and comfy clothes whenever I feel down, so I infer that that is what Julie is doing! 
There is also something to be said about the visual irony between bright yellow smiley face on the front and Julie’s own grieving
(Also can I just say that I love that Julie is allowed to be a teen and wear silly slippers because their comfortable clothes. I am so tried of teenagers being over sexualized and as a brown girl myself, it’s wonderful to see these multidimensional non white characters!)
Her own painted jeans, (also pretty baggy) and sneakers as said by Soyon An, are painted by Julie! (We also see her creativity later when drawing a cupcake on her mic for Luke’s bday, but that’s another post)
Her creativity seems to have no bounds, and it’s obvious that from the start that this is how she expresses herself!
If you want to get really analytical, one could say that the bright yellow covering up her blue collar could show how Julie herself is trying to cover up her own sadness
The blue and yellow also come up in another scene of hers with Luke, but that is another post entirely
She’s most likely Catholic and cherishes her religion and family
She’s not feeling too confident in herself
She’s crazy creative and talented
She’s trying to mask some sort of sadness
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Julie then moves to plaid pants and a cropped lavender blouse (Which I absolutely adore!!!) 
She has just met the boys, and Luke gave her that little pep talk in front of the studio and is now wearing form fitting clothes!
DON’T TWIST THIS: She’s wearing these clothes because she now feels more confident in herself and is ready to sit down and play Wake Up
Julie is wearing more subdued colors; the focus isn’t on her outfit, that’s not where the color is. The color is lighting Julie from behind. The focus of the moment is Julie and her music.
You’ll also notice the lighting behind her shifts from the cold early morning, to the sun rising behind her, again, very poetic. The sun is literally rising on Julie and it is a new dawn for her, and the start of the show itself
Not to mention Wake Up which is literally about moving forward and... waking up lol
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This is maybe one of my favorite performance outfits of her! (Who am I kidding, all of them are my favorite)
Julie is wearing a camo jumpsuit with patches and her signature sneakers
The patches, once again, show us that Julie is creative in many ways along with her shoes
I love that all of her outfits seem like the average person could make them and wear them. Yet, these characters are still teenagers and are discovering their own personal style, which can be sort of outlandish. It really works to ground the show in reality with all of the kooky happenings
Julie is once again wearing her necklaces, and we can infer that she wears them all of the time
In this outfit (with an added Double Trouble tshirt underneath), she also sings Flying Solo. The jumpsuit is a reflection of her friendships with the guys and Flynn!
And this outfit with Bright??? Chefs kiss. This is the subtle characterization I live for!
Julie’s actress, Madison Reyes’, mother is in the armed forces. She and Soyon wanted an outfit to pay homage to her, and I think the camo works perfectly
By this time we already have a good grasp on who Julie is
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Julie is wearing a neon blue leotard, silver white pants, fishnets, her drawn on white sneakers and a rainbow chunky sequin cloak. She also find a drum major’s cape from the music room. She has her hair in the same cornrowed way as she does in Stand Tall, with pink, red, and blue ribbons.
While I may be jumping the gun this early in the post, I love this detail. This is her fantasy which ends up coming true in the final number and that is just beautiful
Julie’s fantasy outfit in I Got the Music is so extra and wonderful
This is Julie’s idealized self; it is bright and unapologetic and you can’t help but notice her. The outfit is purposefully outlandish and completely unrealistic
This is the first thing that clues you in that this is a fantasy; she does a quick change from her previous outfit. You can also see that her trio of necklaces aren’t there.
She keeps some elements from her actual school outfit, the pants and presumably the leotard, they just get an upgrade
Ok now onto the breakdown:
These are her school colors
This is the first time we see Julie in blue since the first episode. So far, we have seen her in muted tones. This time the blue is vibrant. This signals to the viewers that she is not hiding anymore and has almost reclaimed the color
Soyon specifically said she wanted a hood for Julie such as the Virgin Mary is traditionally depicted with a head covering
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Julie is wearing her school colors loud and proud with a cropped LFHS reddish hoodie, underneath is a bright blue leotard, a blue belt, and white distressed jeans and fishnets
Julie is now fully in her element and has formed a band with the boys!!! Woohoo!
If you recall, in this episode, Julie also interacts the most with Carrie and Nick up until now; the two characters rooted in her school life.
Most everything I said in the previous section is here too, just a little toned down.
One thing that I see in this outfit is that she’s wearing a little bit of the boys’ themes; Luke’s blue, Reggie’s red, and Alex’s denim and grey. 
This is also the day that she gets into the conflict with the boys, they go to Bobby’s to get revenge, lie to her, and bail on the dance. I see this as them becoming closer and then falling farther apart.
Julie is also wearing fishnets and socks, which mirrors Dirty Candi’s performance of Wow. This is a wonderful detail to show that the two aren’t so different after all.
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I love this outfit and I will forever be mad that we never got to see her perform in it
Julie is wearing her mothers mesh tie dye top, a black tank top, and loose black striped pants
THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT: This is the first time we see her wear her mother’s clothes, a physical representation of her coming to terms with her mother’s death!!!
This is also when Flynn comes up with Julie and the Phantoms, another big milestone. This is when they were supposed to make a mark on her school
(Ofc we all know this is when the boys bail...)
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The next day, Julie is wearing a powder blue floral dress, sneakers, with a white t shirt and a cream colored cropped fluffy jacket (this is most aligned with my aesthetic)
Again, this shows that she is experimental with her clothes
 It is also worth noting that Soyon does a good job with establishing that she is a sneaker head, I mean have you seen her kicks????
Now is a good time to talk about character colors: good media will establish a color per character. This helps viewers easily distinguish who they are and how they connect to others. Characters may wear these colors a lot or have significant moments in these colors
The colors also have their own meanings which apply (we’ll look more into this in the Stand Tall dress)
Luke is blue, Julie is purple (as we will see later on), Alex is pink, and Reggie is Red
When characters wear another character’s color it signals to us that they will be having a ‘moment’ with the other character (getting along after fighting, learning something new, etc.)
Alternatively, if a character is wearing colors opposite to another, you know they will clash
In this episode, Julie goes to Luke’s house and learns more about him and Emily AND SHES’S WEARING HIS BLUE!!! BIG MOMENT!!!
Notice a character’s colors and when another character wears them, they will be having a ‘moment’
If the color in the scene isn’t on the character, the focus isn’t on them, maybe it’s on the emotions of the scene or other characters
Colors WILL signify emotions; yellow is happy, blue can be sad or calming depending on the shade, red can be passion or anger. If a character wears a lot of one color, you can predict their emotions
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Ok no hate, this is definitely not my favorite outfit. It gives me mad Shake It Up vibes, not that that’s bad, just not my thing.
Julie performs Finally Free in a teal and black dress/shirt, silver biker short, a black vest, and arm bands
It has been confirmed by Charlie and Madison that this is when Luke realizes he like Julie, which makes sense as you see that she is wearing blue (She will now start wearing more of these cool tones)
She is also wearing arm bands, something Luke does often
Her vest is also the same one as the girl from the beginning, which we all know by now is Rose, her mother!
She has upcycled the vest and added her own special twists to it! It also helps for us to see connection between Rose and performing
You can also see a dahlia pin, her mother’s favorite flower. These often make an appearance! (They’re also purple)
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It’s Edge of Great Time!! This is maybe the most iconic outfit!
Julie performs in a white blouse with butterflies, her hair also with butterfly clips, her pants are constructed beautifully with black and white panels. She finished the outfit with black and white combat boots and more butterflies!
Soyon specifically said that the butterflies represent Julie coming out of her cocoon and coming into herself, like a butterfly would!
This is truly her most powerful and performance worthy outfit and sucks all of the attention to her
Julie’s clean contrast of black and white also make her stand out from the rest of the band! The combination is often a symbol of power and truth! (Think judges robes)
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Time to get some tissues, Unsaid Emily, it’s your turn!
This is what I consider Julie’s most average and basic outfit, but there is a lot to analyze here: A magenta sweater and jeans.
This sweater is her mothers; meaning it is probably a comforting item for her, seeing as she is about to have a very emotional moment, calling back to that yellow sweater in the beginning!
Also see how this has blue, pink, and red designs, and I’m sure by now you can tell what I am going to say: These are the guys colors! 
She’s going to have a heartfelt moment involving them, and it fits. This is one of the emotional climax’s of the show and this is when she becomes even closer with the Phantoms
You can tell, just from her standing on the steps of Luke’s house what is about to go down (Well maybe not all of the tears, but still)
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Julie goes to check on the guys in the studio in a blue floral shirt and blue jeans
These are once again, Luke’s colors, but are slowly becoming THEIR colors. She wears these when she is saying goodbye to her best friends
This is also the outfit that Julie’ wears when she finds them after the performance and they haven’t crossed over. 
It makes perfect sense that she is wearing all blue when SHE AND LUKE HUG!!! (And then all of the boys too in the best group hug ever)
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Of course we’re gonna end the post with this absolutely ICONIC outfit!
Julie is wearing a purple dress with purple tulle, a bedazzled leather jacket, and her hair IN THE SAME STYLE AS I GOT THE MUSIC!!!
Lets go one by one:
The dress is a Balmain dress that Soyon got for $500, then she completely deconstructed it and made it to fit Madison! that’s incredible
This is the climax of the show: the boy are ‘doing their unfinished business,’ Julie is playing the Orpheum, and what color is she wearing but PURPLE! What color are dahlias? PURPLE! What color has had the most significance? PURPLE! What do red, blue, and pink make up? PURPLE! PURPLE IS JULIE’S CHARACTER COLOR
You’ll also notice that her jacket has pink, red, and blue accents, the colors of Alex, Reggie and, Luke, to show that they have become a part of her and she is now a part of them
That’s the same for her hair
It shows how she has now achieved her dream, her make believe world is now her reality
I really think we’ll see more of Julie in purple in the seasons to come, now that she has found herself
I hope that you all have learned a little about color and costuming in this post! Once you get the hang of it, it becomes really fun, like a puzzle!
I hope to do more of these with the rest of the characters as well!
Feel free to add on your own ideas and interpretations!
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ship-wreckedrp · 2 years
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This task has 2 parts to it. This first part requires all participating ship-mates to submit their answers to the following questions to the main:
Who is your celebrity crush?
What is your favorite color?
What are 2 of your favorite hobbies?
What do you do for a living/what is your occupation?
Fill in the blank: “I am one of the world’s best ____”
Fill in the blank: “I am one of the world’s worst ____”
It’s your night to pick a movie. Will you pick something action-packed, laugh out loud funny, or something in the family-feelgood genre?
About what range is the number of shoe pairs you own: around 10, 20-30, 40-50, or 60+?
When it comes to fashion, are you more about wearing what looks good or wearing what feels comfortable?
About how long does it usually take you to get ready to go out: 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 1 hour, or >1 hour?
What cuisine is your favorite?
Are you almost always early, late, or on time to events?
What is your favorite season in the year?
Which metal do you prefer: gold, silver or rose gold?
Are you more of a homebody or are you full of wanderlust?
Where do you rank on the competitive scale: not at all, only for fun things, or competitive about most things?
Are you more logical and methodical (left brained) or creative and artistic (right brained)?
When sleeping, do you consider yourself a bed and blanket hog?
If you could have a private music performance, what 1 band or artist would you have perform?
Which version of shower singer are you: I don’t, I might if a song’s stuck in my head, or just about every shower is my own private concert.
Please do NOT share your answers to these questions with other ship-mates. We’re going off of the honor code that submitted answers are not being shared by other ship-mates.
Everyone participating has until the evening of Sat. February 5th to get their answers submitted, at which point, part 2 will be posted! The more direct and concise your answer, the better yours (and other's) chances will be at part 2.
Part 2 of this task is coming soon!
REWARD: The winners of this task will receive permanent access to the bungalows and a shot at earning a key to The Love Shack. Ship-mates who already have bungalow access will have a reward choice (in addition to a shot at earning a Love Shack key): a dinner date with a ship-mate of their choosing, or a cash prize valued at $500.
OOC: If you are playing multiple characters, please submit a separate response in-character for each of your OCs. If you have any questions, feel free to pose them here in IM, in my Discord DM or in the group’s Discord!
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m-y-fandoms · 4 years
[Aoi Asahina, Sonia Nevermind, Chiaki Nanami, Rantarou Amami, Ibuki Mioda] x reader imagine: comforting an insecure guitarist s/o after their band plays live
Request: Oh my god, are DR blogs coming back again?? This is the third new one I've found this month!! Really happy about that.  Great writing so far by the way! Could you maybe do Asahina, Sonia, Chiaki, Rantaro, and Ibuki (separate) comforting an insecure, guitarist S/O after they just performed a live show with their band? And like, the S/O is really worried that they sucked even though they did well? Oddly specific, I know. Would appreciate it though! Cheers!
Thank you for this imagine request and being so specific about what you want while still giving me a lot of creative freedom! I immediately had some simple but cute ideas about this! - Mod Kokichi
Gender Neutral reader, a few brief lewd humorous lines, but SFW otherwise.
Aoi Asahina
- You were nervous, pre-show jitters shuddering through your body, but you couldn’t back out now.
- Not when your super hot, super excited, super supportive girlfriend had hyped you up just before the show.
- “Stage fright?! How’d you even get into a band in the first place with that mentality?!” Hina teased you backstage, mere moments before going on out to preform. She saw you chuckle nervously, not taking her joke as well as she’d hoped.
- She took your hand firmly. “Look, you know that face you love, the one I make when I’m thinking about pastries?” She continued.
- “The one that makes you look like a chipmunk?” You answered flatly.
- “I don’t agree, but yes! That one! When you’re scared up there, imagine me doing that face! Or better yet, I’ll be front row, in the V.I.P. standing section anyway. Just look for me there!” With a peck on your cheek, she gave you a determined look before pushing you toward the stage and disappearing.
- “H-hina!” You stuttered, but it couldn’t be helped, it was time.
- To your surprise, the nervousness went away as your band was about half way through the first song.
1. The attention is mainly on the lead singer.
2. You were focusing on playing too much to fully take in the screaming crowd.
3. You were actually enjoying yourself.
- As the first song ended, however, the music fading out and the crowd going wild, you felt that little pinch of panic settle back in. There was no music to focus on and protect you, just a hundred faces to look out upon.
- Your eyes darted back and forth over the audience, searching. Your breathing came out a little heavier, until your eyes landed on a lean, curvy, athletic figure, with tanned skin and a smile sweet like honey...no, like doughnuts
- She put her hands up near her face like paws, closing her eyes in an open-mouth smile. You smirked, nodding and strumming your strings once again.
- At the end of the show, fans flooded to the hallway that connected the venue’s main hall to the dressing rooms backstage, reaching out to try and grab band members, hoping to take how an autograph or lock of hair as a souvenir, and you rushed through, sweating and ultimately disappointed with the overall performance you put on that night.
- Hina was already waiting in your temporary dressing room for the night, standing and throwing her arms around your neck before praising you endlessly.
- “S/O, that was amazing! That third song, I felt like the bass shook the place! It was intense, like the final lap in a freestyle race, you know?! We gotta bring Sakura next time. I think she’d really get into the pull of the steady rhythm!” Her little dramatic expressions, her brow knitted together passionately as she spoke...she reminded you every day why you fell in love with her.
- “You...you really liked it? I thought I was kinda just going down further and further in quality as the show went on. I felt like shit by the end…”
- “Are you kidding me! It was fantastic. I think the whole audience was immersed. I know I was! Hey...you better not have all these groupies flocking you looking for a piece tonight!” She teased, hugging your arm!
Sonia Nevermind
- Sonia was extremely excited to go to a public concert. Anything that brought her closer to commoners, to feeling like she belonged around ordinary people was just swell to her.
- Even better that it was in a country foreign to her, where she could be immersed in the cultural norms and behaviors.
- Even better that she was watching the one she loved play.
- She was afraid that you’d judge her when she first admitted her love for the occult, horror, and all things gothic and metal.
- You thought that was pretty hot.
- So there she stood, in the front row of your concert, in a poofy green dress with expensive jewelry and accessories decorating her frame. She stuck out like a sore thumb, but Sonia, blissfully unaware, felt like one of the normal people.
- She jumped when the crowd did, her fist in the air, entranced by each note that came from your instrument.
- Sweaty metal-heads and ravers bumped into her endlessly in the tightly packed crowd, and she couldn’t care less.
- You looked amazing up on stage, and she felt like she was a part of some fan fiction she read once.
- You know the trope, where the reader is in the crowd at a famous band’s concert reluctantly, and her favorite member locks eyes with her and either pulls her on stage with them or takes her backstage after the show and ravished her!
- And she felt her love for you and your musical talent swell within her heart.
- After the concert, she met you outside the back door of the venue, and you were shocked silent at her appearance.
- “S-Sonia are you okay??” The tights under her dress were ripped, her bracelet missing some jewels, the bow tie falling out of her blonde locks, which by the way looked like a rat’s nest. Topping the look off were the pit stains under her arms and in the valley of her cleavage.
- “I’m sorry. I knew this would be a shitty experience. I shouldn’t have brought you. The music was bad anyway, huh? I shouldn’t practiced more.” You looked down in shame, before she nearly tackled you, her arms around your neck and kissing you everywhere, up and down your face and neck and chest.
- “D-do not say these things! Tonight was the b-best night of my life!!!” she sputtered, too excited to enunciate. “You looked like a hero in this J-Drama I watched years ago! Like the protagonist Sawayama Keito!! And I??? I was your romantic love interest, the plain Jane in the crowd, Ito Aiyaka!”
- “You really enjoyed it that much?” You could smell the body odor and adrenaline pouring off of her, very un-princess-like, but you couldn’t care less, grinning like a fool.
- “I love you, Sonia, you crazy kid.”
- “Play for me again tonight, in the dorm room…” she spoke desperately.
Chiaki Nanami
- Chiaki did not want to be in that crowd that night.
- A short, skinny, lazy, introverted girl at a live concert full of rabid fans and no seats? Standing room only?
- She briefly mentioned this to you days before the show, not wanting to hurt your feelings. It was something mentioned in passing, in her normal flat and tired tone.
- “I hope I don’t get stepped on...maybe I can bring my Gameboy and play when things get too wild?” She mused, leaning back on you as you prepared to start practicing on the edge of the bed next to her.
- You loved Chiaki, and you knew how to take her hints by now.
- “Chi, you don’t have to go if you don’t want to. I know crowds aren’t your thing.”
- “No, I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” she smiled that lazy, half-lidded smile. She loved you too, and she wasn’t about to be the only one on campus not there to support you. She yawned and took your guitar from your hands before falling asleep on your lap.
- You thought the gesture was cute, but inside you were a bit irritated. You’d told her many times prior to that night that you needed all the practice you could get, and that you were afraid of bombing. So why would she purposely stop you in the middle of practicing?
- Oh well. You leaned back, memorizing chords and lyrics in your head until you, too, passed out
- The night of the concert, Chiaki stood in the front row, her backpack strapped to her front, oddly snug on her chest and obviously on backwards, but it was easier to access her Gameboy and fidget toys in case she needed to retreat from the overwhelming noise.
- She told herself they were just for emergencies. She was there for you, and frowned thinking about how you’d feel if you looked down off the stage and saw her not paying attention.
- People piled in, and soon your band came on stage. The lead singer introducing you all.
- Chiaki was already feeling like the ceiling was lowering, like the people around her were far too close, and looked down, hoping seeing just the dark venue floor and her shoes would calm her, one hand on her backpack for security.
- “Oh!” She gasped, her little bangs flying up and her eyes widening like saucers as the lead singer sang the first notes. Three notes, that’s all it took.
- “Aha~aha ah ah...ha~uh huh huh…” the lead singer breathily voiced into the microphone, and Chiaki smiled wider than she had in months.
- You met her eyes on stage knowingly, smirking at first, then suddenly anxious that you might slip up or disappoint her. You strummed two loud, vibrating notes, stern and piercing through the air.
- Again the same two notes, before you joined the singer by the microphone, inhaling before singing in harmony:
- “In you~ and I, there’s a new land~ yeah~he heah!”
- She relaxed, tilting her head back as the sound waves overtook her.
- “Angels in flight~”
- “My sanctuary. My sanctuary, yeah~”
- You didn’t tell her you’d be doing covers that night. Video game covers, nonetheless. Her head shot up, looking at her phone quickly. She looked at the date.
- February 14th.
- Man, she spaced out often…but this…
- She blushed furiously, and her eyes locked with yours. You grew nervous, playing even harder. She swooned and let herself get lost in the bass.
- You played iconic video game themes all night, and by the end, Chiaki was more overwhelmed and exhausted then she’d ever been, but in a good way.
- When you walked into your dressing room back stage with flowers you had hidden earlier, she accepted them with a flush of her cheeks.
- “You didn’t need to do all that...s/o...this was…”
- “Y-you didn’t like it? I was nervous for a month planning this gig. I know I’ve still got a ways to go with playing live but-“
- “I loved it.”
- “What?” You weren’t convinced.
- “I loved it. Every second. I’m sorry I didn’t get you a gift, I didn’t even realize.”
- “Gifts don’t mean anything to me, Chi. You’re all I need.” you pulled her into your chest for a tight embrace. “You’re My Sanctuary.”
Rantarou Amami
- Rantarou was so excited about seeing your debut concert, snatching the tickets as soon as you presented them to him.
- “Can I bring along my sisters, too, S/O? They’ve been wanting to hear you play ever since I first mentioned that you were in a band.
- “Of course, but...I don’t know why they’d wanna all waste a Saturday night on my shitty band. We don’t even play that well ye-“
- “Silence!” He picked you up by your waist and squeezed you until you couldn’t breath, much less put yourself down with a self deprecating jab. He kissed your cheek playfully. “You’re sexy and the way you play guitar is sexy. I listened you practice all night the other day!”
- “Y-you did? I didn’t even see you!”
- “Huh...” he scoffed, “ maybe because you were lost in your passion, becasue news flash, you’re good at it, stinker!” He pinched your cheek, always knowing how to make you flustered. “Yeah, I heard every single note, and even peaked in once or twice, seeing you stroke those strings so tenderly…” He forced you against the wall, his hot breath against your ear “ I wish you’d stroke me like that.” You face ran hot and you roughly shoved him away, him giggling like a fool.
- “Okay, okay you win, Amami, bring whoever you want!” You stomped off with a huff.
- The day of the concert, the entire front row looked like a field of spring grass, the large family of green-haired siblings shouting before you even began your first song. You shook your head at Rantarou and his many sisters, half-embarrassed, half-flattered. You felt your hands stumble across the strings, Rantarou giving you a thumbs up and a wink.
- After the show, you couldn’t run off the stage any faster. You ran into the staff room backstage where refreshments and spare equipment were usually set out, and were greeted by a row of Amami’s swarming you and praising you, talking much too quickly and all at once. 
- Rantarou simply let his sisters flock you, asking you to teach them to play, to help them meet hot musicians you knew, to learn to read music. You felt your ego rise, flustered once again at the hand’s an an Amami.
Ibuki Mioda
- Ibuki shouted to the band backstage, tuning her guitar and hyping up the other members. She noticed you a little out of place, looking a quite queasy and apprehensive.
- “S/O! The hell are you doin’ over there! Hudddddddle up!” She pulled you by your shoulders.
- “I don’t know why I let you force me into joining the music club...I shouldn’t have mentioned my interest at all…” you grumbled.
- Months ago, Ibuki had heard you, her darling and adorable s/o mentioning that you played guitar in elementary school, and wanted to listen in on her band once practice one in awhile. Well, that was the end of that. She decided it was time to freshen up your skills and get you comfortable with the strings again. Now here you were, moments from your first live performance since you were 10 years old.
- “Whaaat! That’s like, a major no no, that low energy, ya dig?!” She held your hand, swinging it back and forth with a feral look on her face. “You’re bitchin’! And Ibuki is bitchin’! And tonight we’re gonna set the stage on fire!”
- The show went on as planned, you and Ibuki on guitar while she screamed into the front mic. Your drummer just barely cut through the vibrations of your combined sound waves, and you buckled down and reminded yourself that with Ibuki at your back, that stage was yours. That audience was yours.
- Plus...who was staring at you when Ibuki was up front, looking like that, acting like that. That passion, that intensity, it’s what drew you to her in the first place.
- The crowd roared viciously, opening up a mosh pit in front of your neon gothic goddess of a girlfriend, and you couldn’t have found her more attractive than you did right now, her arms swinging open, releasing the guitar and simply bellowing into the mic, commanding the hellish pit in front of her like one of the succubi from Gundham’s wild tall tales.
- You suddenly felt so unworthy of her in all her glory, simply providing the backup and harmonies.
- When the show ended, you and Ibuki equally carried each other back stage to the school’s stagehand room, leaning on each other’s sweaty bodies for support.
- “Sheesh, that was straight fire tonight, s/o, huh?! Immolation on the stage, in the fleeeesh!” She shredded an air guitar in front of her before collapsing on a folding chair. How did she still have any energy at all?! You scoffed incredulously. “ Ibuki was worried for a second there, but we pulled it off! I knew we’d be amazing!” Huh???
- “You were worried?” You quickly realized what she probably meant, “Oh...like nervous that I’d mess it up for us?” Her eyes widened, a shocked look on her face as her hands flew up to her hair.
-“What? No! Ibuki was worried about Ibuki~” She grimaced.
- “Why would you ever be nervous, you’re the best musician for miles around.” You drank from a water bottle before tossing it to her. She caught it in one hand, downing it.
- “Hey, Ibuki gets worried too~” She winked at you, a flirty glimmer in her eye as she held up a heart made from her connected hands. “But s/o is Ibuki’s rock! Partners in crime, yeah? No need to worry with you at my back tearing it up!”
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