#and the violin solo........perfection
enbyshads · 2 years
me when Live Life by Crush 40 starts playing
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jinnie-ret · 1 year
fallen angel
stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
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genre: hurt/comfort, some fluff at the end
content warnings: injury, hyunjin hiatus (but he still makes an appearance)
word count: 3k
If you enjoy feel free to send in requests as my asks are open! And let me know if you would like to join the taglist for when I upload more imagines :)
the stray kids members have two maknaes to comfort at the end of their 'I'll Be Your Man' cover. One upset because he thought he wasn't good enough, and the other an injured, fallen angel, left hurt because MNET hadn't done enough safety checks on their equipment.
pt 2
Practising the vocals for 'I'll Be Your Man' was difficult enough, trying to learn the choreography alongside it was hard too. But performing said choreography whilst being lifted in a harness too was even more difficult.
Y/N would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous. No, it wasn't to do with the heights, she could cope with that, but it was more the precision of her dance, and the fact that she would be hitting a high note in the air at the same time, having her own solo moment to shine. Maybe it would be different if they had multiple takes to make sure they got the right one. But with Kingdom, they didn't. She only had so many practices to ensure it looked perfect in front of her sunbaenims and friends. Yeosang and Wooyoung from ATEEZ had kept reminding her they were excited to see her performance. In the normal way, this would be encouraging, this time round, it only felt more daunting.
So when it came to the day of the performance, Y/N was unable to hide her nerves shining through.
"Y/Nnie, you good?" Han appeared in front of her, big brown eyes shining in concern as he watched the younger member zoned out in her own world.
"Huh? Oh yeah..." Y/N said dismissively, not really entirely sure how she felt right now, but her emotions showed more on the outside than on the inside right now.
"You've practiced this a billion times, you've got this," Han encouraged her, his hand resting on her shoulder whilst stylists were around the two making last minute adjustments to their outfits before they went on stage.
"Okay okay, I can do this," Y/N nodded, trying to hype herself up for the performance, breathing away her worries.
"Hannie! Y/Nnie!" Changbin loudly called them over to their group huddle where the rest of the members were gathered.
Y/N gave Han a thankful smile before they joined the others in the circle, Y/N slotting herself between Felix and Seungmin.
"Right, let's do our best, stay safe, and deliver what Stray Kids do best! Let's go! Hwaiting!" Chan led the small talk before they all cheered each other on and got into position on stage.
Y/N didn't have a part until the first group choreography part of the performance, where Han and Lee Know sang the chorus and led them through the gates. Felix, Han and Changbin then had their rap parts in a more hellish scene, where a dance break ensued, Y/N running off halfway through it like she was meant to, to get into position.
She was quickly harnessed by their supporting dancers and got ready for her solo part. As soon as she heard Lee Know sing out 'baby I just pray', she was slowly lifted into the air. Instrumental music played as she rose upward, stretching out her arms and legs and creating beautiful moments with them. And when her arms swooped across her long black hair, the other groups who were watching backstage were shocked to see it was a wig that was knocked off, revealing long white hair instead. As she rose higher, some large wings appeared on the screen behind her.
"Oh my god her hair!"
"Wow she's an angel!"
"That's my best friend! Let's go Y/Nnie!"
"So pretty..."
Now risen at the highest point in the air, Y/N began singing too, beautiful vocal runs flowing along with the violin in the background. Her moves ranged from static to more elegant moves too, and she feigned an expression as part of the performance like her soul had been taken away from her, sacrificed for the young boy to align with the storyline of the performance. She was then lowered as her movements became more frantic and dramatic, showing the desperate need to have saved a soul. At the same time, her wings dissolved behind her, the screen turning darker behind her.
"She's a fallen angel! Wow!"
"Oh wow..."
She continued to be lowered, and Y/N was beginning to feel a bit nervous now because she swore she heard a slight ripping sound from the cord she was attached to, yet she continued performing. It was until she was still 6ft in the air, that the cord actually did snap, and Y/N was forced to act quickly despite her shock to try and land. Despite the impact going straight through her left ankle, Y/N continued dancing until the camera panned away again, panting before realising she'd have to dance some more at the end of their performance too. She tried her best to keep her tears at bay, moving across the stage the best she could as she limped over to the rest of the boys. None of them noticed however, as they were in performance mode and hadn't seen her part of the stage from getting ready themselves for the next. And even the groups backstage had seemed to think the drop from the harness was planned, like it was part of her fallen angel character.
Her left foot was in agony, yet she kept going, her body twisting and turning whilst Han and Seungmin sung their hearts out, and Changbin rapped incredibly fast. She was relieved once it came to the end, and they were able to collapse to the ground, because ever since she fell that was all she wanted to do.
Once the lights came up, she cried out, hands over her face. It was then that she noticed she was finding it hard to breathe too, and she didn't know if it was another injury or if she was in so much pain from her ankle.
"Y/N what's happened?" Lee Know crouched down next to Y/N, thinking she was upset and tried to help her up but then she cried out in pain again.
"What's happened? Are you hurt?" Felix panicked, seeing the tears coming from the younger member.
Staff members from MNET rushed over, catching the attention of the other members.
"What's going on?" Changbin asked confused and worried.
A higher up crew member approached the group and began to explain what happened.
"There was a fault with the harness, the cord snapped as she was being lowered and so she suffered a slight fall. Good news is she landed it well so it still looked good on camera," they hurriedly tried to reassure the rest of the group, but their words did anything but that.
"She fell?!" Seungmin looked across at Y/N who was being comforted by a now angry looking Lee Know and a more worried Felix. Jeongin, who wasn't feeling too good about his own performance, looked worried for his fellow maknae.
"The harness broke?!? Why didn't you check it was safe?!" Chan exploded in anger at the MNET staff, because now one of his members was injured.
Whilst he continued to rant angrily at the staff, Han trying to calm him down, the rest of the boys gathered around Y/N.
"Ah it hurts," she cried through stuttered breaths, top half leant against Changbin as he had lifted her slightly into his arms. He rubbed soothing circles into her hands which gripped onto his so tightly.
"Where, Y/N? Can you tell us where it hurts, love?" Felix rushed out his words concerned for her, seeing the tears roll down her face.
"Landed on my ankle," Y/N whimpered, her breaths coming out short.
"Y/N you need to calm down, okay?" Seungmin patted her arm, thinking that she was working herself up even more, and not wanting her to feel even worse.
"Get a doctor here then!" Chan was heard shouting, which only made Y/N more upset.
"Hey, hey, hey, it's going to be okay, yeah?" Changbin reassured her gently, squeezing her hands tighter.
"W-what if I can't join the next performance?" Y/N shakily asked, eyes flitting back and forth between the boys who were her real comfort right now.
"We'll worry about that later. We're more concerned about you right now, Y/Nnie. Just breathe sweetheart, can you do that, hmm?" Lee Know spoke calmly, slowly taking off her shoe to reveal a swollen and bruised ankle.
"I'm trying to b-but it hurts to," Y/N says through stuttered breaths, tears still falling down her face.
"There's not a doctor here yet?" Jeongin questioned, wondering why someone on set hadn't arrived quicker.
"They should be coming over now," Chan informed them, before grabbing one of Y/N's hands, "we're going to get you some help, yeah? Just take some nice deep breaths, Y/Nnie."
Chan gave her the same advice as the others yet it wasn't working. Y/N knew it wasn't her panicking, but something worse.
"We keep trying to calm her down but she says it hurts when she breathes," Felix looks up Chan worriedly, and sees Han to the left of him with his clasped together nervously.
Some medical staff finally came over and lifted her onto a small bed to move her backstage and look at her properly. Y/N couldn't help but let out more whimpers of pain and the members tried to reassure her as they followed along.
"Only one person in here please," the standby doctor informed the boys, and that was when they decided Seungmin should go in with her. He was the most grounded at the moment, the other members either being too angry, worried or upset to remain calm like Y/N needed.
Seungmin gently held Y/N's hand as the doctors checked over her. With a slight press into her ribs, Y/N let out a loud yell of pain, Seungmin immediately whispering reassuring words to her and gently petting her hair.
"It's okay, it's okay, they're just making sure you're okay, Y/Nnie," he stumbled over his words, now wishing someone else was in his position instead because he feared he wasn't doing enough to comfort the younger girl and he hated seeing her like this.
"We fear you may have a bruised rib, Miss Y/N, you're going to have to seek medical help from a hospital," the doctor shook his head, regretfully informing them.
"No, no, I can't, what about the next performance, can't let the team down," Y/N cried, which was making her ribs hurt even more from the slight jolting of her body.
"Y/Nnie, it's okay, we'll figure out, but you need to calm down, jagi, because you'll hurt yourself more," Seungmin made sure she was looking at him as he said this, wiping her tears away with his thumbs, stroking her face gently.
"Ssshh, please don't cry Y/Nnie, we'll get you to a hospital and then we worry about the future, okay, come on now, that's it, well done," Seungmin helped her to relax, an arm gently wrapped around her shoulders as he stroked her hair to calm her down.
Whilst Y/N's examination was happening, Chan had noticed Jeongin's upset.
"Hey Innie, it's okay, Y/N will be okay," he patted his younger member's back, thinking that's why he was crying to himself.
"It's not that, I mean, I'm worried about Y/N, but I messed up in the performance and then seeing her hurt too was just," Jeongin couldn't finish his words, crying into the shoulder of his leader.
"Ah, Innie, you did good, which part?" Chan patted his back gently.
"I just did a terrible job as a whole," Jeongin sniffled, his voice thick from trying to hold back his cries.
"Hey, it's okay man," Chan hugged him again.
Felix came and hugged Jeongin too.
"Ah what are we going to do with our maknaes?" Han sighed fondly, patting Jeongin on the head, and it was then they saw Y/N getting wheeled out of the medical room and heading down the corridor past their room.
"Hey, hey! What's going on?" Chan called after some staff of their own who were with Y/N.
"They're taking her to hospital, think she's got a bruised rib," the JYP staff shook their head angrily.
"A bruised rib?!" Changbin said with wide eyes, trying to peer round at Y/N who was sat up straight, trying to remain calm with Seungmin who was stood beside her, looking stressed himself.
"Lee Know and I will go with her, Seungmin, you go home with the others, yeah? We'll update you," Chan instructs everyone.
Seungmin nodded and was immediately embraced into a hug by Felix, feeling guilty for relaxing but he couldn't deal with seeing his member hurt.
And off they went. Changbin stayed behind with the 00 liners and Jeongin, making sure they weren't too shaken up by what happened. Chan and Lee Know stuck to Y/N like glue, one of them always holding her hand or stroking her hair, even when she had been given some drugs for the pain and was unconscious.
"I can't believe this happened..." Chan sighed, brushing back stray hairs from Y/N's face. They were sat beside her hospital bed.
"Typical MNET," Lee Know sighed angrily, looking at the boot now on Y/N's foot.
Y/N then started waking up.
"Hey, sweetheart, how you feeling?" Chan was quick to check in on her.
"Feel, funny," Y/N giggled trying to sit up but then wincing in pain.
"Oh gosh, she's gone loopy," Lee Know playfully sighed, but he couldn't hide his worry for her as he gently leaned her back.
"Wow I have such handsome members," Y/N suddenly said, the drugs she was given making her delirious and spouting whatever was on her mind.
"What? Y/N?" Chan laughed at the girl who staring at the two eldest members.
"Did so well today. Good performance. All 9 of us," Y/N carried on, seeming like she had forgotten about her injuries for now considering she thought all 9 of them was there, when really it was 8 because of the stupid hiatus Hyunjin had to be on.
"It was only 8 of us, Y/Nnie, remember?" Lee Know warily reminded her, and it was then she teared up.
"Call Hyunjin, I miss him. Want to talk to him," Y/N pouted sadly, and they couldn't deny their maknae.
"He might be busy though, Y/N," Chan said gently, calling his fellow member anyways.
Fortunately he answered.
"Hi Channie hyung!" Hyunjin said brightly upon seeing Chan's face, which soon changed to Y/N holding the phone closely to her face, making Hyunjin cackle.
"Woah, Y/N, all of a sudden?" he laughed over the phone.
"Hyunjin!" Y/N yelled into the phone, causing Chan and Lee Know to shush her due to being in a hospital.
"Y/Nnie!" Hyunjin joyfully said back.
"I miss you!" she said into the phone, holding the phone higher up where Hyunjin could see she was in a hospital gown and had an IV in.
"Miss you too- huh? Are you in hospital?" Hyunjin sounded very concerned, and Lee Know and Chan could hear it in his voice that he longed to be with them right now to comfort her and reassure himself.
"Yeah. Because MNET are all dickheads who can s-" Y/N spoke her mind, until Chan covered her mouth so she'd stop speaking and Lee Know took the phone.
"Hyung is Y/N okay?" Hyunjin frowned.
"We were filming and you know she had that harness part? MNET didn't do enough safety checks and so the cord snapped," Lee Know shook his head angrily
"What? That's ridiculous! How could they just let that happen?" Hyunjin rambled from the other side of the phone, but Y/N in her more delirious state thought he was talking about her.
"You angry at me Jinnie?" she asked sadly, bottom lip wobbling.
"No no no, not at you, jagi, at MNET, because they're all dickheads, remember?" Hyunjin quickly calmed Y/N, trying to make her laugh by using her words, and he was successful in doing so.
"Hyunjin!" Chan scolded, yet their was a smile as he spoke and Hyunjin could hear Lee Know's laughter in the background.
"Please update me if she's ok, yeah?" Hyunjin bit his lip worriedly, wishing he could be with his memners right now.
"Of course of course, that goes without question. Talk to you soon, yeah?" Chan promised Hyunjin.
"Bye hyungs! Bye Y/Nnie!" Hyunjin waved them goodbye as the phone hung up.
"Y/N you can't shout like that," Chan facepalms and laughs, scolding her for her shouting earlier on in the call.
"You sounded like a parrot," Lee Know said bluntly, causing Y/N to smirk.
"You sounded like a parrot."
A sigh.
And another, Y/N copying Lee Know once again.
"Hyung make her stop," Lee Know whined, Y/N copying once again before he covered her mouth.
Chan managed to capture this on video and sent it to the groupchat to let them know how Y/N was doing.
[vid. attachment]
Y/N is up and doing better
haha Lee Know hyung is annoyed
well he did call her a parrot
ah Y/N is so clever like that haha
she learnt it from me
what did the doctors say?
Lee Know:
she's got a bruised rib, broken ankle, don't know how we're going to let her down gently about if she can join the next performance or not
I hope she can :(
she spoke to Hyunjin and that made her feel better
what can I say? I'm a natural healer
we miss you jinnie
I miss you guys too
but it's not long now, that makes me feel better
you know what is long?
which one of you let Y/N have her phone?
my d-dkfkfkfmfkfdkdkrkrkttt
Lee Know:
Chan did, but I've got it now. this one has gone crazy...
tagged: @oo-li
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woso-dreamzzz · 10 months
If Music Be The Food Of Love
Laia Aleixandri x Reader
Summary: Leila can't quite believe that Laia's bringing her to see the orchestra
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"Since when were you into music?"
"I've always been into music."
Leila gave her a deadpan stare, one perfect brow raised. "Not classical music. You told me when you moved in that classical music was the bane of your existence and if you found out whoever played it in the locker room, you would come down upon them with a vengeance."
Laia had forgotten that but she awkwardly clear her throat, trying to brush the comment away. "Things can change," She said," Maybe I've matured."
"Matured? Ha!" Leila replied," Sure, and pigs can fly."
"Look, if you don't want to be here then fine! Leave!"
"Whoa, whoa!" Leila held her hands up in defeat. "I never meant that. Thank you for the tickets, really. I was just questioning your newfound love for the orchestra. Sorry if I hit a nerve or something."
Laia ignored her friend as they filed into the auditorium, finding their seats in the box. "Hi," She greeted the other people in the box with familiarity as she took her seat, dragging Leila with her," Hello. It's good to see you."
"Who is your friend, Laia?" A much older woman asked, hands wrapped tightly around the walking stick between her legs.
"This is Leila, we play together. For club and country," Laia said, indicating to Leila who looked incredibly confused as to just how many times Laia, the self-proclaimed classical music hater, had been to see this orchestra.
"A different type of playing than this," The old woman joked.
"Very different to this," Laia agreed.
A hush descended upon the audience as the curtain rose and revealed the orchestra, a group of smartly dressed individuals in all black.
Instantly, Laia's eyes sought you out. She had no problem finding you. She never had a problem finding you - even though you sat closest to the audience in the first chair to the conductor's left. She was drawn to you no matter where you were and could find you in a crowd without a second thought.
Your face was a mask of professionalism but, when your eyes glanced to the box, the barest hint of a smile poked at the corner of your lips.
"Don't tell me that's why we've come," Leila hissed in her ear," Because you've got the hots for a violin girl."
Laia didn't get time to respond (not that she would, lost to the world staring into your eyes despite the distance between you) because the conductor cleared his throat, hand up to begin the concert.
Music of angelic quality filled the room but Laia didn't turn her gaze from you. Your eyes were slightly closed as you counted your beats and rests. Your violin was a snug fit under your chin and your bow moved over your strings with such experience and skill that it was obvious why you were the concertmaster.
Laia didn't stop watching you even when there was a flute solo. You caught her eye several times but mainly stayed focused on your conductor. But, every so often, your head would tilt the slightest bit to the side, towards the box that Laia was sitting in.
Your eyes would meet for a moment and you would instantly be transported back to when you first met her, in a hole in the wall café that served the best coffee in the city.
She had asked to sit at your table as everywhere else was full. You would later learn that it was just an excuse so she could finally pluck up the courage to speak to you.
You welcomed her into your booth and got to talking, about her football matches and your orchestra concerts. She confessed her hatred for all things classical and you invited her round to your place to listen to good classical music - because only people who heard bad classical music ever swore off the genre entirely.
Things had blossomed easily from there and soon she was sat in the family box with your fellow musicians' families, listening to you play with a soft smile and warm arms to welcome you at the end.
You adjusted your positioning as the introduction to your solo began to build. The music swelled before, one by one each of your fellow string sections dropped off. Your first violins accompanied you into the first few notes before stilling, letting you take the lead - your shining moment of the song.
You kept your eyes on Laia as you played, not really needing the conductor when you had played this particular solo many times to perfection.
It was actually the first solo you had ever played in Laia's company when she had demanded to hear your excellence on your third date, curled up in your apartment after a warm meal.
"Are we allowed to be here?" Leila asked in a hushed voice even as she took a flute of champagne from the waiter offering it to her.
"For the last time, yes," Laia said back, sipping her own champagne. It wasn't her alcohol of choice but your events tended to be fancy like this so she had gained an appreciation for it.
Leila let out a breath as she surveyed the room where the afterparty was taking place. "You never told me how much I owe you for the tickets. I mean, a box Laia? How much did this cost?"
"Nothing." Laia was only half paying attention, eyes focussed on each of the doors, trying to guess which one you were going to walk through. "They were free."
"Free?" Leila's voice was steeped in incredulousness. "Have you been donating to the orchestra or something? Those seats were fancy."
"Not quite."
You stepped through the door on her left. Your face held a single-minded purpose as you walked across the room. You took a glass of champagne on instinct, not bothering to look at the waiter as you joined Laia and Leila.
"Hi," You said.
"Hi," Laia said back.
"Hi," You said again.
You broke your gaze from Laia and turned it to her companion. You smiled. "You must be Leila, it's so good to meet you. I'm y/n." You held out your hand.
She took it and nodded knowingly. "Violin girl."
You giggled, taking a sip of champagne. "That's not a name I'm quite accustomed to. Usually, it's just the concertmaster."
Leila grinned. "I'll pretend that I know what that means."
"It means that she's second in command," Laia said quickly. She placed her champagne flute off to the side and wrapped an arm securely around your waist. "I'm very proud."
"I'm glad you could come," You said to Leila sincerely," It's nice to finally meet one of Laia's friends."
Leila looked between the two of you suspiciously, taking in Laia's arm and the way you leaned into her grip, practically laying your head on her shoulder.
"I take it I have you to thank for the box tickets."
Your cheeks coloured. "I get up to four free box tickets for every performance. I told Laia she could bring whoever she wanted."
"And is Laia a constant audience member for you?"
"Always." You pressed a kiss against her cheek. "Laia's been coming to shows ever since I made her fall in love with classical music again."
"Laia? Into classical music?" Leila laughed," You must be some persuader."
"I like to think it was my kisses that really sealed the deal."
Leila roared with laughter but Laia didn't care.
She dipped her head down to meet your lips. You tasted exactly like usual, a mix of fancy champagne and the chewing gum you always used before a performance.
You kissed her back just as sweetly.
"So," Leila said, wiggling her eyebrows," I'm getting the sense here that you two are an item."
"What gave it away? The kissing?" You asked.
Leila shrugged and Laia already knew she was going to regret introducing her friend to you. "And the eye fucking every time she looked at you on stage."
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otsanda · 1 year
So @sayuri-of-the-valley and I were talking about the music in Good Omens 2 and particularly the similarities and differences in the music that happens 'Before the Beginning' (that's the song title) and at The Kiss (that's not the song title) and I have accidentally developed Theories and had Thoughts, so I’m gonna share them in case anyone else wants to weigh in.
First of all, the general musical structure is similar. They are both dramatic moments that start quietly, grow to a powerful crescendo at the Big Moment, and then resolve more quietly again, but with subtle changes that make them feel very different. Without actually going through and checking it, they sound to be at roughly the same tempo (around 140 BPM) and comparable time signatures.
Now, I'm treating these two dramatic moments and the surrounding music as two songs, although in the soundtrack the music surrounding The Kiss is actually divided into two songs itself: I Forgive You and Don't Bother, so that's. Fine. I'm normal about that. I'm sure dividing that in half doesn't Mean Anything at all. I'm NORMAL about it!!! Ah... anyways.
The instrumentation for both Before the Beginning and The Kiss is also very similar. Both songs start with orchestral winds and strings and add a powerful choral part (on the same pure round vowel sound, no less!) on the big crescendo. Both add orchestral chimes (bells) for that epic religious feel. Both the nebula creation and the kiss were a revelation. Something like a religious experience.
And then both songs resolve featuring wind and strings again, among other instruments. The "after" part of both songs also features more pitched percussion (harp, maybe a celesta, glockenspiel, possibly a dulcimer or some other fun, ethereal pitched percussion in Before the Beginning, but interestingly a piano in Don't Bother). Ouch. That hurts.
Now, to me: the piano is possibly representing the nightingale, Crowley and Aziraphale's love of Earth and humanity, whereas the glockenspiel and etc. may be more representative of heaven. Just a guess. I would have to do more careful listening for a more solid theory.
I don’t have perfect pitch so it’s hard to tell without getting out my instruments or transcribing the piece, but I’m willing to bet ‘I Forgive You’ is in the relative minor key to Before the Beginning’s mostly major key (I *think* ‘Before the Beginning’ might be mostly in the key of C major and ‘I Forgive You’ in A minor, but I could be wrong). Regardless, the former is major and the latter is more minor, but otherwise a lot of the chord structures, especially at the big moment, sound very similar.
More on instrumentation: ‘Before the Beginning’ uses more (ethereal?) flutes in the wind sections and The Kiss uses more reed-based, (earthy?) winds like clarinet, bassoon, oboe, etc. Different feel, but the same kind of structure. Both moments heavily feature a big string section for the nice full orchestral sound.
Before the Beginning has a lot going on musically before the crescendo and it intentionally feels kind of chaotic and unformed bc each instrument family is doing something a little different, building anticipation, etc. and then at the big crescendo, they all come together. Very powerful. Then after the crescendo, we get a subtle, playful reprise/variation of the Good Omens Main Theme. The strings and the winds are no longer entirely together at this point. They’re sort of playing off one another, leaving space. Having a conversation.
By comparison, in ‘I Forgive You’ the wind/strings start off playing together, in a sad version of unison before the crescendo (they both knew the conversation they were having wasn’t going to end well but they fundamentally *understand* one another now; they’ve been talking for millions of years). And AFTER the crescendo of The Kiss, the song ‘Don’t Bother’ DROPS the majority of the string section and gives the melody to a solo violin (alone!!!!). Even worse (better) the strings and the woodwinds and pitched percussion are no longer playing together. This time, they aren’t even having a conversation. They’re musically doing a separate lines. It feels extremely lonely (because it is). The violin is very exposed. The piano is very exposed. Even the chorus sounds exposed (smaller group of singers?). This ALSO includes a reprise/variation on the main GO theme, but instead of being playful it’s extremely sad (as though you didn't notice). The rest of the orchestra is still there, providing background, but it's not the same.
The Biggest Decision (the song after Don't Bother) has a lot more of those ethereally coded instruments again. Harp, pitched percussion. Full string section. Angelic chorus. Aziraphale is making the hardest/worst decision to return to heaven.
And to round it out, once we get to "The End?" we are back to piano. Our duo is separated. Now in place of the solo violin we have solo cello and piano. Gutting. We get notes of the ethereal celesta (I think). The piano keeps us grounded, but cello is a big focus. We also get more of that haunting chorus and violin runs. And then we end with solo piano playing the same 5-note run three times. Alone. After every other instrument has dropped out. Very lonely.
Just for fun, (and to end on a slightly more positive note), I went back and listened to the ox rib music as well, which was surprisingly consistent with some of my theories from up above and also not on the soundtrack so although I'm sure it has a name, I certainly don't know it.
In the ox rib section, there are more instruments before the first big moment (when Aziraphale tries the food) that are going back and forth. Again it sounds to me like they’re having a conversation… tempting and being tempted. Winds and strings (strings are tremoloing like at the kiss for that sweet, sweet tension), but also brass instruments. We have some more ethereal sounding pitched percussion, especially *before* he tries the food but afterwards it... switches to piano! Like I said: Earth!!!
The choir is on a different vowel altogether for this part (more aggressive and ominous, a taller Ah instead of a round Oh/Aw like the first two musical moments). The choir is also much more rhythmic. Again, increasing tension. And, of course, after he tries the food the music supports the tension of the scene by gradually building, getting louder and bigger after the key moment has already passed. It's super interesting that Aziraphale trying the food is actually quite quiet, but the music grows quickly afterwards. Sort of the inverse of how the other two scenes play out musically! Fascinating!!
Anyways, let me know what you think I got wrong and what I missed and if I thought something was a celesta when it was actually a glockenspiel or something. I am thrilled and devastated by this incredible music.
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shreddedleopard · 9 months
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Okay people probably noticed this before and of course I know that violin = Sherlock and piano = William, but it only recently occurred to me that the repetitive solo violin beat at the start of ‘Catch Me If You Can’ in Morimyu Op. 2 is Sherlock’s rapid heartbeat which starts up after he notices Liam (YOOOO SENSEI!) and then the switch to solo piano but in the same rhythm after Sherlock has called William out as the LOC and he responds is William’s heart beginning to race with the thrill of their exchange.
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And then of course in the next song, ‘The Two Detectives,’ when they start to work together, we have the perfect interweaving piano and violin but in a similar ‘heartbeat.’
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Morimyu absolutely KILLED adapting this manga!!!!
Goodbye THIS is my Roman Empire.
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AHHH ok, let's talk about Lucifer and Alastor
I've been reading a lot of reactions to Hazbin: from the gushers who think the show is perfect to the hyper-critical who hate the show, the creator, and everything in between. I don't fall into any of those categories. I had a lot of fun watching it, but there were some things I liked, and some others I didn't. You know, as it's usually the case with any piece of media one interacts with.
I love reading other people's opinions. It makes me pay more attention to things I might have missed. BUT for Hazbin, most of the criticism I've seen boils down to two things: either "I, personally, didn't like it, so that means it's bad" which is not the hot take people seem to think it is, or just lack of media literacy.
I won't go over all the examples of that last point (there are plenty), but one example people are using to criticize the show --which I can't seem to get out of my head so now I have to write about it-- it's how out of left field it was for Alastor to think of himself as a father figure to Charlie.
My guys and guysettes, that's because he doesn't.
He does it to piss off Lucifer, because he doesn't like him. That's it.
"But they just met, why doesn't he like him?" I don't know! but let's go over some examples, shall we?
In the first episode, during Alastor's TV ad, we see a picture of the hotel, clearly drawn by him. I ask you to look to the bottom left where it says "No tacky circus decor! I promise"
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Do we know what he is referring to? Sure we do! the ring circus master himself! Lucifer Morningstar, whose whole schtick is circus-related. Clearly, Alastor is not a fan.
When Lucifer arrives to the hotel, did anybody catch Alastor's first reaction? (besides calling him short to his face, ofc)
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Do you see that trembling eye? He is PISSED. Why? Who the hell knows! But he clearly does not care for the King of Hell himself (if you force me to give you my opinion on this, I think it's because of Alastor's delusions of grandeur, and plain-ole narcissism, but that is a conversation for another post, if I ever gather enough energy to write it)
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He introduces himself and immediately does this. R-U-D-E.
Now, let's talk about the song itself, which, again, is clearly just an attempt to piss off Lucifer and not really about Charlie. At all.
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He only cares about Lucifer's reactions. Because he is not being HONEST. We can all see that? right?? I mean, it is pretty FREAKING obvious. He is just trying to get a rise out of Lucifer.
And now, the moment we were all waiting for, the infamous "call me dad" moment.
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Which had nothing to do with Charlie, and it was just another example of Alastor being the most annoying bastard alive. He is not even looking at her! He is staring Lucifer dead in the eye and saying "piss off shortie".
Why? Again, I dunno. Your guess is as good as mine. I hope we'll get the answer in season 2, because immediate animosity against the King of Hell himself is something I need some context for. Is it funny? Absolutely! I love that song! The violin solo? PURE GOLD (he he)
But for the love of Christ and the Antichrist, please stop thinking of "Alastor thinks of himself as Charlie's dad out of nowhere" as a valid criticism. As some have speculated, Alastor involvement with Charlie will probably have something to do with Alastor's deal and 7-year absence. If it's never explained, then sure, what the heck Vivzie?? please include it on the show!
There are PLENTY of things we could criticize about Hazbin (and people smarter and with more energy than me have done so already). But there are so many examples of "criticism" that are just examples of "I don't know how to interact with media anymore" and I beg of you to do better. This is a tiny example of the show showing and not telling, and some of y'all failed the comprehension test.
It is a fun show, guys. Enjoy it.
TL;DR: Alastor does not think he is Charlie's dad, ffs. He just wanted to piss off Lucifer.
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ruthplaysthesims · 10 months
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Molly Prescott 🖤🎻
After graduating high school, Molly decided to ditch the perfect daughter act. She dyed her hair black, and auditioned to be in Britechester's orchestra. Those violin lessons did not go to waste, as she is set to perform a solo at the Winterfest Ball.
Special thank you to @abysschildd-sims for the poses and violin
And Thank you to the following cc creators: @daylifesims, @rustys-cc
Magazine ideas inspired by @aashwarr and @largetaytertots
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prythianpages · 11 months
ACOSM | The Night she played the violin for her Father
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azriel x rhysand's sister (oc)
warnings: angst
summary: Valeria has a violin solo that doesn't end as she had hoped. ft possessive Az
A/N: this is an imagine among my collection that follow Rhysand's sister, Valeria. while I'm still working on them, you can find the masterlist for it here. I was able to update this so quickly because I had already written this awhile back. I probably won't be able to update again until next weekend.
Valeria had never been nervous to perform. Music was second nature to her, it flowed through her veins. She loved it. She lived for it.
The announcement of her solo for the Night Court’s annual concert was exciting and thrilling. She had poured her heart into her audition, dedicating countless hours to perfecting her performance. When she set her goal on something, she achieved them swiftly. The piece she performed was one composed by her grandmother. It had brought those who were in the audience during the auditions to tears and the orchestra’s conductor had recognized the tune immediately. He was the one who told her the song was an ode her grandmother composed for her beloved son, Valeria’s father. One that many struggled to interpret and perform with the same emotion her grandmother would. Doubts of favoritism nagged at her, fearing she only secured the solo due to her family name. Yet, the orchestra’s genuine love and praise for her silenced those concerns. They were overjoyed to have her join them.
As the performance date drew near, the initial thrill morphed into a relentless anxiety, all due to the daunting prospect of her father’s attendance. She had subtly reminded him a couple days prior and he had responded with a thoughtful hum–an interaction her heart clung to desperately.
 Valeria had rehearsed her grandmother’s composition countless times after the audition. Every chord was etched in her heart. She was confident in her abilities yet, she could do nothing to ease her nerves. What if she was not good enough for the only person’s opinion she cared for?
She hated how much power her father had over her, the weight of his approval was heavy.
Her fingers trembled slightly as she reached to clasp her beloved necklace.
“Allow me.” A voice chimed in, startling her but her body relaxed under the familiar and warm touch.
“You’ve got to stop doing that.” Valeria exhaled as her gaze met Azriel’s through the reflection of her vanity’s mirror, referring to the way the dear shadowsinger had gotten into the habit of sneaking up on her.
Azriel shrugged with a smirk, his shadows swirling around him. “You left the balcony doors open.”
Valeria hummed in acknowledgement, realizing she had indeed left the doors to her balcony open. It had become an unspoken invitation between them–an open balcony meant Azriel was welcome, making his nightly visits easier with the assistance of his shadows. 
As Valeria remained uncharacteristically quiet, Azriel sensed her nerves. With a frown, he turned her around to face him. He grasped her smaller hands in his, noticing the blisters on her fingers as he gently held them. A rush of relief washed over her, prompting her gaze to meet Azriel’s.
His hazel eyes radiated warmth and reassurance. “You’re going to do great today.” 
“What if he doesn’t show up?” Her bottom lip quivered, threatening to curve down into a frown.
“He’d be a fool not to.”
Valeria sighed, releasing her hands from his. “I should get dressed.”
“Why?” Azriel teased, his eyes raking over her form, barely covered by the thin and rather short night gown she wore. “I much prefer you like this…or with nothing at all.”
Valeria shot him a look. Her playful glare was overshadowed by the frantic flutter of her heart against her chest. Judging by the smug look on Azriel’s face, she wondered if he could hear it.
Azriel’s shadows rose, the black tendrils undulating like a cat’s arching back, sensing someone’s approach.  Lady Yvaine. His eyes locked with Valeria’s curious one. His head inclined toward her door, a silent goodbye shared between them.
Before vanishing into the shadows, he tenderly peppered her face with reassuring kisses, saving her lips for last.
Valeria was left blushing and flustered as her mother entered the room.
Valeria stood on the grand stage, her violin poised delicately in her grasp. The spotlight enveloped her like the moon, casting an ethereal glow as she drew the bow across the strings. The first notes emerged, pure and resonant, flowing seamlessly into the room. The melody echoed a hauntingly beautiful tale, painting emotions and stories of a mother’s love in the air.
Valeria’s eyes were closed, fearing to look at the audience and choosing to let the music absorb her completely instead. Her every movement was graceful, her passion intertwining with the melody she coaxed from her violin.
As the music surged, a tide of emotions rising and falling, she carried the audience on a journey through joy and sorrow. The song whispered secrets and dreams, unveiling a world of emotions that transcended words.
When the last note faded into a hushed silence, Valeria slowly opened her eyes, her chest rising and falling in rhythm with the lingering emotions. A thunderous applause erupted, reasoning throughout the room as her eyes searched the audience. She found her mother, brother, Azriel and Cassian. They, along with a couple of others, had risen to their feet.
Her eyes scanned the crowd in vain, searching for the familiar figure of her father. A wave of crushing disappointment washed over her, shattering something deep within so violently that she feared the entire audience could hear it. Her steps faltered, retreating as tears welled in her eyes.
The one person she had wanted to come was not there.
With a quick bow to the audience, she winnowed away, one singular thought echoing in her mind.
Worry washed over Rhysand as he witnessed the profound hurt etched across his sister’s face before she abruptly vanished from the stage. The audience around them were unaware of the shift in her face, attributing it to the emotion from her performance but Rhysand knew better.  He knew how much this performance meant to her and with each passing moment, he held onto hope that their father would eventually arrive. He turned to his mother, noting the shared look of concern.
“I need to go to her.” 
The words had slipped out of Azriel in a surge of concern that had been sparked by seeing Valeria hurt. 
Rhysand turned to Azriel, his gaze sharpening. There was something in the Shadowsinger’s tone that didn’t settle well with him. Something possessive, almost. Rhysand didn’t know what came over him next but he was stopping the Shadowsinger before he could disappear into his shadows.
“She’s my sister. My responsibility.” Rhysand firmly reiterated. “I’m going to find her.”
Azriel felt a burning sensation in his chest, causing his jaw to tense as he clutched the purple peonies he had picked for Valeria, the pressure making his knuckles turn white. Cassian, sensing the tense energy between the two, moved himself into both of their views. 
“We’re just worried too, Rhys.” Cassian said gently. “She’s like a sister to us…Right, Az?”
Azriel remained silent, though he made a conscious effort to ease his tension. He could feel Valeria’s pain and wanted nothing more than to rush and soothe her. Rhysand noted the silence but his priority was finding his sister so without another word, he winnowed away.
Azriel stilled when he felt Lady Yvaine’s hand at his shoulder. Her gaze was warm and loving as always, despite her concern over her daughter.  “Rhys will find her,” she reassured him with an ease that only a loving mother could provide.  “Do you and Cassian mind accompanying me back to the Moonstone palace?”
Valeria stood at the doors of her father’s office in the grand Moonstone palace. Her violin and bow were still clutched tightly in her trembling hands. She didn’t bother to knock, forcefully throwing the doors open with her powers. 
She had hoped to find him busy, drowning in his work and duties as High Lord. Her hope shattered into an overwhelming torrent of anger when she discovered him engaged in a casual round of chess with Keir. 
The words were bursting from her, charged with the weight of her dashed hopes. “Where were you?”
The High Lord remained fixated on the chessboard, seemingly uninterested in her presence, drawing a chuckle from Keir. Their indifference only fueled her simmering rage. “Can’t you see? We’re in the middle of something,” her father replied, dismissing her without a glance.
“You said you’d be there–”
“I promised nothing.” His tone cut through her like a blade.
“I practiced so much.”
Tears blurred Valeria’s vision as her hands, singed with pain from the blisters, clutched the violin and bow fiercely. Her voice shook with emotion, the words she wanted to add–”for you”--hovering on the edge of her lips. Fear and anguish held them back.
It was Keir who looked up from their chess game, casting a mocking glance her way. “As expected.”
She glared at Keir but her attention quickly turned back to her father. Though she knew she should leave before things escalated, she was too overwhelmed by her hurt to turn away.
“I spent these past six months trying to meet your high expectations. I listened. I obeyed. I kept my mouth shut. I–I did everything I could to be the perfect daughter. I thought you’d be proud…”
It was then that the High Lord, her father, lifted his gaze, finally acknowledging her presence. His cold violet eyes met hers and with his next words, he shattered the remaining pieces of her heart completely.
“Proud?” His voice was laced with an incredulous tone that mocked her. “Over you doing what is expected of you? Over you learning how to play a mere instrument?”
Both the High Lord and Keir shared a look, chuckling darkly.
“That is no reason to be proud, you child.”
 His voice was venomous as he reduced to her nothing and she recoiled back at the sting.
“Daughters,” Keir said, rolling his eyes. “Always so entitled. It’s why sons are preferred.”
“If that is all,” her father said as he returned his attention back to their game of chess. “Then you may leave before you cost me this game.”
Valeria ran to her place of solace within the Moonstone palace–the moon gardens. It was only once she confirmed that she was alone that she released the tears in her eyes. They ran down her heated cheeks.
Her violin and bow were still in her hands and at that moment, she hated them. All the blood, sweat and tears she had poured into her performance… She had been praised and applauded by her audience–including the ones she loved most–but she hated how the absence of her father’s presence reduced her hard work into nothing.
However, this hurt went beyond music. Valeria had exhausted herself over the past couple of six months to gain her father’s approval. When he had suggested she return to her etiquette classes, she did so with no hesitation. When she noticed he had a keen appetite for strawberries, she had baked the most delicious strawberry tarts for breakfast the following morning. When marriage had been brought up, she even humored the idea, despite her heart already having been claimed by another.
Everything she did was delicately crafted to ensure that she was worthy of being his daughter. Although her father was still not aware of her secret training sessions with the Valkyries, her practice became lacking as she shifted to activities that might please her father instead. The only sliver of happiness she allowed herself was her secret relationship with Azriel. She was not happy with all these changes, but she did so for the High Lord, her father. She had desperately clung to their shared love for music–hoping that it would be the last piece of the puzzle to appeal to her father.
Valeria threw her bow to the floor and stomped on it with her foot until it was nothing but broken pieces of wood and string. She felt as if she wasted her time with the instrument. Her violin went next. She raised it with both hands before slamming it down against the floor. It broke into jagged halves at the impact. She directed her hands toward the pieces, using her powers to destroy it further. She didn’t stop until her violin was completely just as shattered as her heart was.
She didn’t even register the presence of another until she felt hands on her face.
Valeria blinked the tears away, finding a worried Rhysand right in front of her. Her breaths were heavy and jagged as the pieces of wood beneath her feet. Rhysand kept his hands on her face, his eyes searching her face and body in search of any injury. 
“Nothing I do is ever good for him.” She sniffled. “It is literally impossible to please him.”
“Val, I’m so sorry.” Rhysand’s voice was soft and full of compassion and when he confirmed that there were no physical injuries, he let out a small exhale and pulled Valeria into his arms.
“I don’t know why I care so much anymore.” She admitted, burying her head into her brother’s chest. “But it hurts, Rhys. I hate and fear him at the same time.”
And then the tears were falling again as she began to sob uncontrollably. Her tears drenched his shirt as his hold on her tightened. He rested his chin on top of her head. “I’m sorry,” he whispered once more, uncertain of the words to console her.
Rhysand held her until her cries and sobs gradually came to a stop. He pulled away, leading her to sit at the edge of a grand fountain in the heart of the gardens. After a deep exhale, Valeria spoke.
“You can light a candle and he’d be proud of you.” 
 There was envy in her tone but no trace of anger or resentment directed toward him
 “I can light a candle and he’d scold me for my candle being too dim.” She let out a humorless chuckle. “Even though it would be just as bright as yours.”
Rhysand frowned and said nothing, acknowledging her words. He hated the truth of the situation as much as she did. She turned her body to face forward. Her violet eyes were distant as she continued.
“I excel in everything I set my mind to but somehow, it’s never enough. I have to reach out and find my place as the High Lord’s daughter but never forget my place as an Illyrian woman. I have to always be grateful for keeping my wings unclipped but never forget how quickly they can be taken away. I have to be strong but I cannot train. I can never be rude, never be selfish, never show fear.”
Valeria let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding and Rhysand’s heart broke. He knew his sister had been hurting for a while but he failed to realize the depth of her suffering all these years.
“I am always doing something wrong and somehow, it’s always my fault. I’ve been a failure since birth for something I had no control over. I should’ve just not been bor–”
“Oh, my sweet child.” Her mother’s voice interrupted, refusing to let her finish that sentence. She approached her children, kneeling before Valeria and coaxing her gaze to meet hers. “You’ve been nothing but a treasure and joy since birth.”
“I almost killed you.” Valeria spoke in a soft, subdued tone, her eyes reflecting a flicker of guilt. She had caused her mother so much pain at birth–something her father never failed to remind her of. “And the reason you can’t bear him another son.”
Lady Yvaine was shaking her head in protest, frowning slightly. She wiped the tears from Valeria’s face. “I give thanks to the Mother and Cauldron for your existence every day.”
She grasped both Rhysand’s and Valeria’s hands into her own, rubbing soothing circles onto the back of them. Warmth emanated from her brown eyes, filled with deep admiration for the children she had brought into this world. Her wings unfurled behind her, enveloping them in a motherly embrace as a radiant smile graced her face. 
“You two are enough for me. You mean everything to me and I love you both so much. Don’t you ever forget that.”
“We never will.” Rhysand finally spoke. “We love you so much.”
Valeria felt a flooding warmth in her heart. Her father may not love her as she yearned for but she was not alone. She had her doting mother and brother. They were enough.
She would no longer live beholden to her father’s expectations. She decided she was going to follow her own path to happiness, where she would live life for herself.
tag list:  @justrepostandlove , @kemillyfreitas, @thelov3lybookworm
A/N: sorry this one didn't have much of Az and Val but this is a pivotal point in Val's life. The last couple of imagines are building up to the storyline I have planned. But you got to see a glimpse of possessive Az and a suspicious Rhys lol.
idk if y'all are DPR Ian fans but he just released a song called "violet crazy" and I feel like it's a song that matches Val and Az so well. I added it to the playlist I made here. I listened to Billie Eilish's "what was I made for?" a lot while writing this as this imagine was inspired by the monologue in the Barbie movie.
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stars-interlude · 6 months
Final duet~
a/n: AHHHHH IM SOOOOOOO HAPPPYY WITH ALL THE NOTES ON THE XIAO FIC TYYYYYSMM honestly i think that the xiao fic was way better than the kazuha fic but i love both of them anyways enjoy this Scaramouche fic (idek where this idea came from)
☆ Parings: Pianist!Scaramouche x Femviolinist!Reader
☆Tags/Warnings: slight angst (if you squint), NSFW!!, a little bit of cursing
synopsis; pianist Scara always plays solo right? until you get booked by the same people for the same event and the two of you have to work something out to play and with a lot of fights and disagreements about what to play for this event you two decide on the perfect duet and could this blossom into something more than just orchestra partners?
[💿]- now playing
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Scaramouche always thought be would play solo. It’s just always been that way since he was young “You’ll be better by yourself” His mother would say. His opinion suddenly changed when you came into his life. He was in the practice room and suddenly you walked in “Oh, i’m sorry I’ll just go” you said before walking out “Wait who are you?” Scaramouche’s voice barely got your attention you turned back to him “i’m [name] and who might you be ?” you smiled as you introduced yourself “i’m Scaramouche it’s nice to meet you, I guess you must be going now” honestly you wanted to know more about him but you had other things to worry about.
As a recent you got booked for a wedding and you wanted to nail it down and of course you didn’t want to disappoint a couple on their big day. The wedding was in a month so you had time to practice as you were practicing you thought of how happy the people would be dancing to your melody it had already been an hour and that was enough for the day you thought.
When you got home you flopped into your bed and unexpectedly you get a text from the woman who booked you it was about how you would have to play with a pianist and she sent you his info and you looked and it was no other than that guy you saw today. You didn’t even have a second thought about him since you saw him earlier in the day. You look at the info and text him about practicing together and you to figured out a time and the practice room.
“Hi, it’s nice to see you again” Scaramouche says as you walk in “Yea it is” you didn’t want to rude or dry but you just really didn’t have much to say. When you two started playing Scara got really bossy “your messing up so much, Your playing it all wrong” the man got up from his piano bench to come over ‘to show you how to really play’ as he’s playing your violin you start to laugh because of how bad he was. He looks at you while your laughing and smiles, something you thought you’d never see. As the days of laughter and practice went on so did your relationship with Scara.
The day you were dreading finally came up the wedding. everything was going fine Scaramouche was playing piano before the bride went down the aisle and while she was walking you two were supposed to play the duet. Then you saw her and it was your time to play you were playing just like how you rehearsed. It was going fine until you played the wrong cord and Scara tried to match what you were playing but you messed up so hard that it screwed up how the bride walked. after that embarrassing scene the two of you go back to his car because he was the one who took you to the wedding.
“How could you mess up?” Scaramouche said with a stern voice “I didn’t mean to i’m sorry..” you didn’t know what more to say “we basically fucked up the whole wedding [name] you fuck up everything” he basically yelling at you for a mistake “Now how do I fuck up everything it’s your fault!” it was silent for a few minutes “it’s not just the music [name] you messed up how i saw music i’m supposed to be doing this solo” you looked at Scaramouche before you got out of his car “if you wanna be solo you can do this without me” as you walked away you could feel your breath get shaky and eyes teary
Being without Scara was interesting non of your other friends played instruments so you had to go to practice by yourself. as you play your favorites like you always did someone walked in and guess who Scaramouche “shit sorry” you had to process that it was him “Scara wait we need to talk” you put down your violin and walk up to him “[name] i’m sorry for what i said my anger got to the best of me” “i guess you could make it up to me”
Soon kisses turn to bites and Scaramouche ended up on his knees pleasing you “mmh Scara~ just like that hah” the aroma of rosin and sex was something you never imagined “[name] just wanna make you feel good~” Scara sucked and tongue fucked your cunt and you started grinding on his face involuntarily as the coil in your stomach tightened you could almost feel the wave of pleasure wash over you quickly. Scara got up and soon said “we should go back to my place”
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odillisea · 20 days
What instrument each marauder would play according to me and @whoahtherepal:
Regulus: Violin. First desk, first seat. Concert master and a fucking prat about it. Probably grew up playing piano and switched to violin later, and is the biggest sweat in the orchestra. No one wants to be first desk with him because he doesn’t have perfect pitch but he’ll still know and make sure to tell you when you play slightly out of tune
Marlene: Trumpet obviously. She’s the most stereotypical trumpet player ever
Lily: Bassoon, and she would be the biggest oboe hater as well because apparently double reed friendly fire is turned off. She could also maybe play euphonium but maybe that’s just because euphonium is a very gryffindor coded instrument
James: Oboe. Also later picked up alto sax and established himself as Terrible And Annoying but constantly playing Careless Whisper at any and every given moment. Possibly also trombone just because he likes the slide
Remus: Electric bass. He would mainly play it in a cover band with friends and does not give a shit about school band. He’s only there because James insisted (and because a certain heir of Black is there). Also even if it isn’t technically an ensemble instrument there is literally nothing else that he could possibly be and also we have an electric bass in our band. I’m so serious we thought about it for so long and there is actually nothing
Evan: Cello. Loves the instrument and initially picked it because Barty really wanted him to be the last member of his string quartet with Regulus and Dorcas
Peter: Flute. Not as invested in music as the rest of his friends but loves it nonetheless.
Mary: Viola. She wanted to learn violin but then she heard it and decided it was too squeaky and high pitched and liked the lower sound of the viola more. Wants to start a wind instrument so she can be with Lily and Marlene, but can’t decide on one and loves viola anyway
Pandora: Clarinet and harp as her main instruments but she also used to learn piano and still plays it from time to time
Barty: Percussion because pent up anger issues. Except he’s the craziest tryhard at so he would also play violin, viola, double bass, trumpet, flute, clarinet, and tuba. He’s that one guy that can play anything, but he would NOT be cooperative about it. The second that there’s other percussionists there he would ditch and go pick a random section to play with, but if he’s asked to help fill in to help with any missing parts he activates stubborn fucker mode and goes anywhere but where the conductor wants him
Dorcas: Euphonium and violin. First violin because she’s good but also the only one that regulus won’t be a prick to
Sirius: Flute. Sirius was actually so difficult because he’s such an electric guitar player, but we were trying to do this based off school band/orchestra, so this was our best attempt. He too would’ve been forced to play piano when he was younger like Regulus, and also would’ve had to pick a second instrument when he was older. Out of the instruments that his parents gave him the option of, the only non string instruments were flute and clarinet, so he went with flute. He wanted a wind instrument so he could be as loud and raucous on his instrument as possible, and decided flute over clarinet because it “fit his vibe more” (he saw punks out on the street with silver studs and spikes and jewellery and thought a silver instrument was close enough). He doesn’t really like typical band music though, and does not like school band one bit. He would be more the type of flute player that does solos in a jazz ensemble and somehow manages to fucking shred on the flute and sounds fantastic every time.
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sinsiriuslyemo · 10 months
Could you do a crash into me part 2? Something along the lines of Barba says you're cute or that and she is surprise. He tries to apologize, and they admit their feelings to one another, and have office sex?
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He was perfect. That was just the end of the story. Rafael was absolutely, flawlessly perfect. Well, you were aware that some may have been able to find some flaws in him, but you couldn’t. You never had. Even the things about him you typically found obnoxious, you thought were perfect because they were just so perfectly him. From the moment you stepped foot onto the sixth floor — the floor where ADAs went to become rockstars — and saw him talking to the woman just outside his office, you couldn’t take your eyes off of him.
Dark, perfectly coiffed hair, intense eyes though their color escaped you, and an air of sophistication you normally found pretentious, but somehow he carried it with so much grace that you wondered if he was perhaps a prince that had renounced his throne to come work in the office of the Manhattan District Attorney. His confidence was palpable, and when he moved it was like he was doing so to the sounds of a solo violin playing a majestic composition.
He looked up as you passed by and gave you a polite nod, which you promptly returned, adding a smile just for the hell of it.
Then, he spoke. And while his voice was quite appealing, his words were not so much.
“'That must be the new ‘rockstar.’”
You had already made it past his office, towards your shoe-box that had been labeled an office when the words were spoken. And in truth, had it not been for his tone, you might’ve taken the words as a compliment. But alas, you heard snark beneath the syllables and your jaw had clenched though you weren’t about to make your remarkable hearing known just yet. In fact, as you walked into the small, square room with only a desk and a bookshelf near the sole, tiny window, you vowed to make his life hell.
Why? Because you had clearly had a chip on your shoulder. Sure, you were the youngest ADA to ever make the sixth floor and yes, your experience in the courtroom amounted to the equivalent of a pile of shaved parmesan cheese — thin but bold — but that didn’t mean that you couldn’t hold your own with the big boys. And Rafael Barba had certainly revealed himself as a ‘big boy’ that day.
Especially when, at lunch, he came sauntering into his office with sushi — again passing you in the hall and again bestowing upon you a polite nod — and another lawyer from across the hall asked, “I heard you nailed that bastard Tomlin in cross. Is there any case you can’t handle?”
“None,” had been his answer.
If he was the best, then you would take care to measure up to his stature.
That first day of observing Rafael Barba had been eight months ago, and you had more than proven your worth. You’d always been talented — the fact that your work reflected such was of no shock to you. What did come as a surprise, however, was that the man you’d initially found annoying with his expensive and colorful three-piece-suits and his undeniable wit would become the star of all your fantasies.
It began with finally noting the color of his eyes — a warm and enticing green that you could’ve stared into for hours and in which you could often see a glimpse of sadness beneath the bravado. Then his hands became a fascination of yours, large with thick, prominent veins running over in just the right places and long fingers that you often imagine buried in the depths of your core. That stupid smirk that was often more condescending than playful and yet still managed to be charming regardless of its context.
How did he do that? How was he able to make you feel foolish and horny at the very same time?
A vow to make his life hell had quickly become an adolescent form of flirting where you would do or say things that you knew got under his skin. It had quickly become a pass time for you, and you had found amusement in ruffling his feathers, especially when he would express his aggravation by shooting a glare in your direction. The fire in his eyes would set your skin ablaze, making a shiver trickle down your form and a tickle bloom in your stomach.
When you had been tasked to sit second chair on a big case he was trying, you had taken the opportunity to double down on your efforts to be taken seriously. He seemed to be somewhat receptive to your assistance, but had mainly relegated you to the role of secretary, which had irked you beyond belief. Convinced he hated you, you had all but given up your flirting tactics. It wasn’t until yesterday afternoon, while you were reorganizing your bookshelf, that your hope had been reignited.
There you were, in your joke of an office, moving books here and there with Dave Matthews Band playing from your IPod when you glimpsed his reflection in the window beside the bookshelf. You half-expected him to announce his presence, but when all he did was stare, you decided to show off a bit. At most you expected him to make a quick getaway once you started taking the advice of Dave Matthews to ‘hike up your skirt a little more’ but instead he stayed. He stared. And from what you could tell from his reflection in the window, he had frozen. The only thing was that you had no idea if it was because he was interested or that he had simply been caught off-guard.
“Y/N?” you heard from your doorway, and turned to see none other than the man himself, a resigned expression on his face. “Great job this morning. I never would’ve thought to ask about his fantasy football team.” He inhaled slowly and deeply, his chest inflating noticeably. “It won us the case,” he said in his exhale.
You arched a brow, unable to help yourself. “Did that hurt?”
He squinted at you. “I’m trying to pay you a compliment.”
“I know, I’m only asking if it hurt,” you replied, the corner of your lips curling into an amused smirk.
He snorted, tilting his head down to look at his shoes for a moment before looking back up at you. “Maybe a little.”
“Well, thank you for the compliment. Maybe now you’ll acknowledge that I can do this job just as well as any of you.”
His brows knitted for a moment as he answered, “I was never under the impression that you couldn’t.”
“Weren’t you?”
He shook his head. “No. I just find you a little insufferable at times.”
“Oh-Em-Gee,” you replied with a feigned offense.
“See — that right there, that’s obnoxious, and I think you know how I hate it, which is why you do it.”
“I’m sure I have no clue what you even mean, Barba,” you answered in a gentle laugh.
He narrowed his eyes, but you clocked the way he was trying to suppress a smile, and your cheeks grew hot.
“Okay, fine. Maybe I find it amusing that you get all bent out of shape over an acronym.”
“Several,” he replied. “Not just one, and not just every once in a while either.”
“You’ll stop?” he asked hopefully.
“Sure.” There were plenty of other ways you had identified to get under his skin, you could afford to lose one.
“And the humming? You’ll stop humming obscure songs in the halls that later get stuck in my head?”
“Oh no,” you replied, shaking your head. “Absolutely-the-hell-not. I like my taste in music too much not to share it with the entire office.”
He snorted, shaking his head as his arms crossed in front of his chest.
You bobbed your shoulders. “Sorry.”
“Man, you’re lucky you’re so cute,” he replied. His face froze immediately after, his eyes the only changing feature as they widened in surprise.
He wasn’t the only one taken aback by his slip. Your heart, apparently finding hope in the remark, began to beat wildly against your chest. A thrill flourished in the pit of your stomach and your mouth went dry as you waited for him to speak again.
Cute. He thought you were cute!
He thought you were cute? Suddenly his starring the day before came into sharp focus. He wasn’t merely frozen in place from getting a glimpse of what you were like outside the context of legal work, he was interested. In you!
“You think I’m cute?” you asked, needing to hear it again from him, and in much clearer language.
“I…” He seemed at a loss, and you began to taper your expectations yet again. “Yes. I think you’re attractive.”
You licked your dry lips, teeth catching your bottom lip.
“Does that, um…” He cleared his throat and shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “Does that bother you?”
The smile that bloomed on your face seemed to put him at ease, even more so when you replied, “No.” You ran a hand through your hair nervously. “Actually, I think you’re attractive too.”
He blinked, taking a few steps forward into your office. “Wait, really?”
Whether it was a surge of energy from hearing that your attraction was reciprocated or merely a result of how sexy he looked standing in the doorway with that hopeful look in his eyes, you couldn’t be sure. Whatever it was had you taking long strides to throw the door closed behind him as your lips pressed firmly against his.
Your moan buzzed against his lips when his hands pulled you flush against him by the waist, and you both stumbled for a few steps until he had you pressed against the wall. His tongue flicked against your lips, seeking entrance while one hand cupped your jaw as his head tilted. As his lips ventured to the pulse point in your neck, your hands made work of loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt.
“Wait! Wait!” he exclaimed between kisses. “Maybe we shouldn’t. Not here, we’re at work.”
You knitted your brows. “Seriously? I’ve thought about doing it specifically here at least seven times.”
“Lucky number, I’d never think about it more than seven times,” you answered, kissing him again.
“That’s a little weird,” he whispered in a chuckle, his lips taking yours again as the hand on your waist fell to your hip.
“It’s not that weird.”
“What if someone walks in?” he asked, though, like you, he hadn’t moved in the slightest, his body still propping yours against the wall.
“That’s kinda kinky,” you replied, taking his lips again.
He groaned. “We should lock the door.”
“Yeah, we should,” you whispered, fingers resuming their task of unbuttoning his shirt while his lips found your neck again. “Or not.”
You stopped unbuttoning his shirt. “I mean, we can just keep most of the clothes on, that way if someone walks in, we can say we’re…” You couldn’t think of a valid excuse that would explain why you were both pressed up against the wall.
Looking up at you, he furrowed his brows as a smirk grew on his lips. “Yeah, I don’t think that’ll fly.”
“Probably not,” you mumbled. “Okay, you lock the door, I’ll bend over the desk.”
He stared at you for a moment, as though he was wondering if he’d heard you correctly. When you nodded is when he moved, going straight to the door to lock it as you made good and bent over your desk, lifting your skirt in the process.
“Fuck,” he groaned when he turned around and walked up beind you. “You have no idea how many times I’ve imagined this.”
“Hopefully no more than seven,” you said, wiggling your ass enticingly.
“No, no more than seven,” he muttered as he got to his knees behind you and bit down on one ass cheek while his hand swiftly came down on the other.
You yelped and moved your hands to grip the other side of the desk, biting down on your lip as he moved your soaked panties to one side. Rolling your eyes to the back of your head, you shuddered when his tongue slipped through your folds, teasing your entrance.
Arching your hips to give him better access, you let a moan fall from your lips as your muscles clamped, trying to trap his hot tongue with no success. Cool air touched your pussy as he moved back to pull your panties down your legs, and you wiggled your legs anxiously.
He didn’t leave you waiting long, licking you with the flat of his tongue in broad strokes from your clit to your asshole. Pulling your labia between his lips, one at a time, he took his time licking and sucking on every inch of your vulva before dipping his tongue between your folds, flicking against your opening. He moaned against you and lowered his tongue to play with your clit.
“Oh fuck!” you exclaimed, gasping, pushing yourself back against his face. ��Oh my god, that’s so good!”
Rafael moaned, sucking your clit deeply, both hands grasping your ass, holding you open for him. “You might wanna keep it down, a locked door doesn’t mean a soundproof room.”
You whined and pressed your lips together, bringing one of your hands down to cover your mouth. A gasp caught in your throat as one of his fingers sank into you, his head tilting to make room. Bucking back against him, you rode his finger, needing more but afraid that your please would alert your office mates elsewhere in the building. As another finger joined the first, your fist came down hard on the desk, shoving your files and phone right off the smooth surface.
“Please,” you managed to squeak, a moan stopped short at the back of your tongue when his fingers curled and began to massage your g spot. The pressure deep inside you quickly tightened until you were holding your breath, anticipating the release that inched closer… closer…
He stood suddenly, and you nearly sobbed when one of his large hands pressed down on your back. The clinking sound his belt made as he loosened it made your muscles flutter urgently, the promise of him filling you sending a fresh wave of energy through your body all the way down to your core. You suddenly became incredibly aware of how empty you were and widened your stance slightly, eager to feel him inside you. Your muscles twitched desperately, seeking out something to grip when he pressed himself against your entrance. Reflexively, your hips arched again, the small of your back dipping to present yourself fully to him. A moan caught in the back of your throat as he slid past your opening, and in one long, leisure stroke was buried to the hilt inside you.
Your muscles hugged him, as if to never let him go and it pulled a satisfied groan from him, keeping him still. He stayed that way until you began to squirm again, needing him to move.
Rafael pulled out just as slowly as he’d entered until just the tip of him remained before he surged forward again, his hips pressing mercilessly against your ass.
“Oh God, you feel amazing,” he groaned, repeating the acting again, his hands moving to gently hold your hips in place. After a few slow yet firm thrusts, he started moving faster, harder until his hips created a beat that cracked over your skin. The sting of it on your ass kept you present, feeling every ridge and vein along his thick, long cock.
“Oh fuck, that’s so good,” you sighed, resting your head against the desk and letting him use you for his pleasure. The tickles between your thighs were so delicious and intoxicating that it was as if he had always been this way with you. As if he knew every inch and quirk and need of your body, and had fine-tuned himself to be perfectly in sync with you.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve imagined this,” he mumbled, one hand stroking over your spine while the other kept hold on your hip, pulling you back into him.
“I-Is it as g-good as you imagined?” you asked between shuddered breaths.
“So much better,” he groaned.
Your muscles clenched around him, and you began to move back against him, looking over your shoulder, meeting his eyes.
“Fuck!” He pulled out.
“No!” God dammit, you were so close!
“Hang on, I just wanna look at you,” he replied, turning you around and pushing you back down onto the desk with a kiss as he slid back into you.
Whimpering against his mouth, you wrapped your legs tightly around him, your heels digging into his ass and using the leverage to drive him harder into you. From this angle, his cock dragged over your gs pot again and again, building the tickles in your pussy until it was all that existed for you. You looked up at him, hoping the look in your eyes was enough to convey your need to come.
He didn’t disappoint; with a smirk, he snapped his hips and reached between you with one hand circling your clit while the other hand clamped over your opened mouth. Your screams were muffled as the orgasm rushed over you like a tidal wave finally reaching land, drowning you in pleasure and all things Rafael. A moment later, he throbbed inside you, heat spurting against your insides and his cock flexing with each burst of his release. Body trembling, you undulated beneath him, savoring each after shock as it hit as a sting fell in your eyes, your skin on fire.
When you began to come back to Earth, you realized that your hair was stuck to your forehead, sweat had fallen into the corners of our eyes, and your body was ultra sensitive, even responding to his fingertips as they dragged over your ribs. His weight felt so good on top of you, keeping you present with him as he slowly lifted his upper body to look down at you.
“Fuck, that was amazing,” he groaned, kissing you deeply and moving your hair off your forhead with one hand.
“Better than amazing,” you answered, kissing him again, your fingers sliding through his soft, damp hair. “Question,” you said as he carefully pulled out of you, and helped you sit up. “Is this a one time, get-it-out-of-our-system kinda thing or is this a let’s-give-this-a-go kinda thing?”
He blushed a bit, fixing his pants while you pulled your panties on, muscles clenched to keep any of his essence from dripping onto the floor. “I mean, I’d like it if it was a let’s-give-this-a-go kinda thing. Are you alright with that or…?”
You grinned, biting your bottom lip as he started to drip out of you and onto the seat of your panties. “I am definitely okay with that.”
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tex-now · 4 months
Best Commissioned song from each character except I don't know anything about instruments and am bad at describing things.
Ichika (Hoshi wo Tsunagu): eh it's good. I don't really like any of her songs and this one is the best out of all of them. (I'm sorry bbg). Runner up is Made To Order
Saki (Tera Tera): What do you want me to say. Tera Tera is Tera Tera bro. Okay no lol it's a really good song and extremely catchy, the guitar is very fun and ichika saki and miku and a wonderful trio. Aioi is the runner up
Shiho (Peaky Peaky): I want 🎸🎸 to be 🎸🎸 legit-
What do you expect. The guitars. The basically trio of KAITO shiho and ichika. SHIHO. it's so catchy and funky and fun, which isn't normally something Leo/Need gets to be in their songs (which is fine I just wish they got more spunky stuff). Kaito is really well tuned and the guitar goes so fucking hard along with shiho and ichikas vocals. runner up is purpose
Honami (Flyway): literally gorgeous. Like. What else do I say. It's so different from Leoni's usual songs and it's better for it? Like the violins and whatever string instrument they're using is beautiful while still having some guitar or bass in there (I think) is just a wonderful mix of instruments and I wish they got to branch out more like that. Don't even get me started on the vocals HONAMI IS KILLING IT HERE. ichika's voice when the key changes is fucking amazing and everything about this song makes me want to scream. Ily honami. Runner up is Regulus
Airi (Momoiro no kagi): Holy fuck the everything about this song is just. Phenomenal. Everyone's vocals are on point, the instruments used are soft while still carrying, just like Airi's voice, like it was made for her (because. Well. It was.) This song is a lot different from her other songs and while I love (most of) them, this one is special to me because it's just so unlike her other ones and allows us to see a different side of her voice, one that's more melancholy. I'm going to stop here omg airi I love you sm. Runner up is Parasol Cider
Shizuku (Metamo RE:BORN): this song is so fucking stimmy and bouncy I ADORE it. The little click clacks in the background, the percussion doing absolute wonders, the vocals being so bouncy and matching the instrumentals perfectly, the buildup in the bridge (?) Is fucking amazing omg. Bopping so hard to this song it's so fun. Runner up is Hug
Haruka (Ai No Material): THE BEGINNING. THE SPARKLY SOUNDS. THE FUCKING VOCALS. everything about this song is so beautiful. I love everything about this song (except MEIKO'S tuning but. That's a whole other issue.) The chorus is so happy but in that calm, almost reserved way that reminds me of Haruka. It feels like floating on a teardrop. The guitar solo is good and so are all the parts after it omg. The soft quiet moment before the song picks up again for the end makes me want to bop my head i cant this song makes me so happy. THE ENDING ALSO. OH MY GOD. I CAN'T. I LOVE THIS SONG SM. runner up is float planner
Minori (World Wide Wander): this song is so fucking good. Why did y'all never tell me. This used to be in the bottom now it's one of my favorites. This song is so non-minori but it's literally perfect for her at the same time? The guitars, the overall... Vibe it gives off, you wouldn't expect a song like this from MMJ but they pull it off flawlessly. The guitars were an unorthodox choice but once again are actually really good. Also airi in this song omfg she sounds so good I can't- just. It's so catchy and fun I love it. Runner up is Teamate
An (Overthrow): I am so sorry An. This song is good. Rin's tuning is good and the chorus is great. The part where akito and an go off is good. I think this song does a good job of displaying everyone's unrest and upset after learning about such earth-shattering news. But it's nothing amazing to me. Runner up is Awake Now
Toya (Utsuro wo Aogu): everything about this song is so great. GOD. like. Holy shit Toya. The instrumentals are super good and do a fuck ton for the song, but the vocals are definitely a highlight in particular. Everyone sounds amazing and the girls acting as almost backup singers while still having their time to shine in the song is really charming to me. Of course the part where everyone says a part of their partner's name makes me want to rip at the walls/pos. But the part right after that makes me want to get up and scream omg. Everyone is on their A-game in this song and that makes this songs so fucking amazing omg. "Runner up" is blender
Okay so this was written pre-blender and now my opinions have changed blender is the best Toya comm but I don't feel like writing another analysis so it's the runner up
Kohane (Hitsuji ga ippiki): EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS SONG IS PERFECT. the vocals the tuning the instrumentals the everything. Everyone is pulling their weight and akina and jiena went OFF in the recording studio. The buildup is so fucking good you don't understand. And Akina's like. Rolling of her Rs at the end killed me dead/pos. Kohane got to shine in a way she NEVER does in other songs and really got an opportunity to show how she can fit so so well into grungier songs and also MEIKO'S tuning is good for once so we all knew this song was gonna be a banger. Runner up is Beat Eater
Akito (Cinema): This song singlehandedly made me love Akito. And it's the first song to make me cry. I LOVE Cinema. The song to me isn't catchy or anything that scratches my brain but it's so fucking good that I love it a lot anyway. The lyrics speak to me a lot because of my experiences with not feeling like enough, wanting to give up but pushing through anyway because maybe, maybe one day I'll be able to be someone with something. But the lyrics progressively get more hopeful throughout the song, and I get more hopeful along with them. I don't have to wait around for the day to come when I can make that day today or smth. Idk man that song fucks me up. Like. A lot. Runner ups are Moonlight AND CRaZY
Kanade (Tricologe): I don't have much to say about this song. It's funky and fun and literally Kanade's only good comm (I'm sorry samsa). The vocals are good and I like Miku's tuning in this song. Um. Kanade's vocals are really good. NILFRUITS being commissioned for Kanade of all people is really surprising but done really well. Idk man this song really is good I just don't have anything much to say about it. Runner up is Kanadetomosusora
Ena (Nomad): all of ena's songs are around the same level of good but nomad beats out the others because of just how much of an improvement the full version is. I Nandesu is good either way and so is Infinitely Gray, but Nomad's full version is so much of a glow up in comparison to the game version that I can't help but appreciate it more. That and mizuki and Ena murder this song with their phenomenal vocals so this one takes the cake. The instrumentals are as per usual good and the like. Idk what it is but the little high pitched noise that plays is so so good. I love it. Runner up is I Nandesu
Mizuki (Kitty): you know what this song shouldn't be my favorite. It's just. So. Fucking. Catchy. It was the song I listened to the most over the summer. I was playing it non-stop and it somehow became my favorite that way. The guitars in particular goes so fucking hard in this song for no gaddamn reason and Ena's "1, 2, 3, 4" followed by the mizumafu part was a fatal combination. This song was nothing to me at the beginning because I was low-key tired of electric guitar but this song is so absurdly good it kinda trumps that. How did this happen. Runner up is IDSMILE
Mafuyu (Bug): Everything in this song is perfect and it was my favorite song in the entire game for so long. You don't understand. The instrumentals the hard intense beats and the fast pace. It's addicting. The small little noises and vocals that they added are so so good. But what really majes this song is mafuyu. This song has the best vocals in the entire game and Mafuyu is the reason why. The buildup then the sudden key change with Mafuyu fucking belting like she never has before. I stim so fucking hard to this song. Niigo has literally never sounded better than in this song and no other Nightcord song has been able to top this one since. Runner up is Jackpot Sad Girl
Rui (Showtime Ruler): this song is really good I like it. The lyrics are super sweet the instrumentals are so fun and spunky and so very Rui. Everything about this song is Rui. The instrumental the lyrics the fucking 3DMV. The little robot sounds in the bg (listen with headphones to hear it better.) Tsukasa and Rui's solos nearing the end of the song are so fucking good. This song is the embodiment of fun and quirkyness and Rui in general it makes me sick I love this song. The guitars are also really fun. Runner up is Donketsu
Nene (Glory Steady Go!): NENE!!!! THE GIRL!!!! Now THIS is how you make a song featuring mainly a duet between the VS and the Character of the song (im sorry leoni ilysm just not your songs). Nene is so perfect in this song, she sounds so free and happy in a way she doesn't normally mainly because she gets so many solo lines WHICH IS A GOOD THING!! ITS HER SONG IT'S ABOUT HER!!! The others do a perfect job of enhancing nene's vocals while still having a spot to shine without taking the focus away from Nene. The line distribution in this song is masterful and that's one of the main reasons why I love it so damn much. The instrumentals are fun as fuck and encapsulate Nene really well for me, still being chaotic and fun (because it's wondersho) but still keeping that slight subdued-ness that Nene has. It feels like Nene letting loose and just. Letting herself be a bit less... Reserved? She sounds like she's having a good time I mean. Luka is tuned really well here and adds a lot to the song, which is a trend in Luka comms. The small chants and tiny little noises of laughter and screams and talking is just so great man. The moment before the final chorus where Nene is like "you guys are a headache but doing shows with everyone is super fun!" While slightly crying I fucking hate wandasho I need to run them over oh my fucking god they love each other so much. That's it. That's what this song makes me feel. The song doesn't just feel like Nene cutting herself loose it feels like her letting herself get caught up in the rest of wandasho's antics. She's letting herself be influenced by the rest of wandasho and by a result the song is more chaotic than what you'd expect from Nene. Because Nene would have never gotten to this point without her friends. Without wandasho. I'm gonna fucking cry omg Nene is literally the best character in this game omg. Runner up is Hoshizora no Melody
Emu (Kira pipi Kira pika): this song is perfect. It's perfection. It's literally one of the best songs in the entire game. Words cannot describe how much I love this song. The instrumentals are amazing, but they also don't go as hard in favor of letting the voices shine instead. And the fucking voices. Emu sounds really cute here, matching the songs tempo to near perfection, but honestly I have to give this song to the entire group as a whole (which makes a lot of thematic sense considering how integral her friends are to her as a person and by extent her story). The small little exchanges and rapid-switching from one singer to another does a perfect job of keeping the energy high and fanciful, and when the song does slow down, it feels just the right amount of somber (especially since this song is so happy otherwise) while picking back up in a natural and very impactful way. It mirrors the relationship in wondersho; whenever Emu is feeling down and needs some reassurance, the others are always there to pick her back up and help her get going again. this song feels like it's telling you a story; the story of Wonderlands x Showtime, the story of Emu learning to move on and go to her next adventure with her friends omfg I love Emu so fucking much I would kill for her. Runner up is Niccori ^^ Survey Theme
And last, but definitely not least...
Tsukasa (Mr. Showtime): Okay. Okay okay okay. This. Fucking. Song. I literally cannot type because I keep getting swept up in the fucking PERFECTION that is Mr. Showtime. This song is the best song in the entire game. And I do NOT say this lightly. The instrumentals. The vocals. Luka. FUCKING TSUKASA TENMA. Oh my fuckinf god. Everyone and everything in this damn song is fucking PERFECT, this is Wonderlands x Showtime pushed to their fucking limits with how fucking hard they can go with a song. This feels like something straight out of a fucking musical and I mean that in the highest of praises. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, is on their fucking A-game here. Tsukasa of course steals the show with his PHENOMENAL vocals, but Rui Nene and Emu are not taking a backseat in this song. Holy shit it is the opposite. They carry this song on their fucking backs (along with tsukasa) because if they weren't there the song would be SO much worse. Like so much. God this song is so smooth and seamless and mesmerizing, it's too easy to get swept up in the song and dance along with it. It makes you want to get up and dance. Actually no I'm nowhere near done this song makes me want to CRY OMFG. I'm abt to go into specifics about EVERYTHING be Warned.
Okay so the instrumentals are perfect. Literally perfect. The saxophone (I think) is THE MAIN REASON WHY THIS SONG IS PERFECT. i have no idea what kinda percussion that is in the background but it does a perfect job of keeping you following along with the beat so I never go off track. The piano is SO GOOD. I know it's most major appearance is in the beginning but you can hear it if you listen closely, right before the chorus, kinda like a lead-in to it? It makes me sick. Hitoshizuku x yamaP put crack cocaine into these instrumentals. And no I'm not done btw. I have no fucking idea what it is but the like. Percussion. In the part where tsukasa is holding the balloons (In the 2dmv) is great. And I love that part. The instrumentals atp have only stopped like once so the sudden lack of saxophone and other stuff makes this moment more impactful and makes it HURT I LOVE THIS SONG. Another thing I'd like to mention is that they have never gone so fucking hard on the instrumentals before. There are a BUNCH of subtle changes, such as putting more or less emphasis on an instrument and stuff like that. How do I say this the song feels like it follows along with the vocalists and adjusts things depending on the current mood of the characters. Dare I say. Like a musical
Idek what to call it but the SFX are also amazing. The tape reel in the part after the first chorus and the clapping before the Intermission part always gets me really excited. I'm also including the little small noises that the others make and classifying them as sound effects. Emu and Tsukasa's little cheer in the part right before the second chorus is so good I rewind it over and over again I hate them they make me sick.
And now the vocals. I am going to be going on an incoherent rant now. Tsukasa is obviously the lead but he's also the leader of this song, so yes he gets the most impactful parts but it also feels like he directs when the rest of the cast respond (0:19-0:23 is a good example of what I mean), like he calls and they call back to him i guess? words are hard. Anyway the vocals are so well coordinated and perfect. Every character gets to have their own moment and the way the song switches from vocalist to vocalist (a perfect example is 2:37-2:44 if you're confused) keeps the song from ever feeling stagnant which then means I always get distracted by it cause it keeps you engaged the entire time.
I'm not good at interpreting lyrics but the lyrics hurt me/ pos. Read them and you'll understand. The double meanings hurt meeee- tsukasa loves his friends so much he loves being an actor so much he wants to keep going he wants to hold on he wants to remember he is so full of determination and love and that is a potent combination. I love you tsukasa tenma. Can you tell I like tsukasa tenma. Fuckkkkkkkk. Runner up is 88* and Filament Fever
Okay that's it! You can definitely tell where my biases kicked in and it's very obvious I know nothing about instruments but otherwise I think this is okay. Thank you for reading and if you have any input to add please do I would love to hear it
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nuikasa · 4 months
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I'm sorry for the delay but this is going to be so long that I wanted to have a proper time to answer properly and perhaps, expand it more than I originally intended!
Tsukasa is a prince in this story and he is forced to marry someone from the next kingdom to get a peaceful truce and end war between them. Of course, he doesn't want to get married with someone he doesn't love but he doesn't have another choice but to give in, for the sake of his family and his beloved kingdom. He has never been in love before and has never for any meaningful relationships besides his childhood friends from the same royalty, often mistook his parent's praises as a form of love when he was only being prepared for when he will finally take the king title.
His perspective about the world changes after he meets Rui by chance, he takes the courage to leave his well builded perfect life and live his own life and no someone's crafted for him to live on.
Rui in the other hand is a wanderer musician that has lived his life the way he always wanted; he has always considered himself a free bird that flew away where the flow leads him to. He lost his parents when he was a teenager and now, and even so, seeing through the worst, he has become in a very gentle soul with time.
his only dream is to be able to performe in front of everyone around the world and bring endless smiles with his music, ceasing the pain and sadness some might feel, the same way he felt when he lost what he considered most precious to him. When he met Tsukasa he felt he needed that too, someone who would be willing to tell him the true about how to live his own life and not feel pity for him about it.
They immediately connect, as if they were meant to be. I think I got a bit overboard with this but I'll leave a small introduction of the au because I'm really so obsessed with them lmao.
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The story happens in the medieval era, most likely it revolves around a war between two kingdoms, Shirogane and Kurogane kingdoms respectively. They have been in a very heated dispute over the resources of their lands and military territory; these aren't the only kingdoms to exist but I'll expand on that in another post.
After numerous tries of reaching to a solution for their political issues, they decideed to sign a peace truce between kingdoms by celebrating a marriage between their royalty families to put an end to this endless discourse between them, of course this isn't going to be easy and in the end it won't end up well at all but that isn't the issue at hand for now.
Tsukasa is presented in the story to be the eldest son of the Shirogane kingdom's royalty and the next to become the next king on their land. Of course, the blonde, as much as he loves his family and his kingdom, deep inside he doesn't want to become in the next king and wishes to have a normal life but he has lived all his life to be the perfect son and perfect older brother. He spent his all life fulfilling his parents wishing and taking care of his younger ill sister that he loved very much.
As he grown into a fine young man, he kept filling up that perfect role of the elder son and the day where his fate will be tied to that empty perfect life has arrived, he is asked to assist to a royal ball to meet his future wife that was carefully selected to be his companion for the rest of his life. Tsukasa doesn't like the idea to meet someone he doesn't even know at all and marry them out of love, he always dreamed to find the right person he will fall in love and share their live together; this wasn't nothing he dreamed of and the slight idea made him feel sick but he kept playing his role only to fulfill his parents wishes because he always put others first before his own needs, it's what he was taught to do his whole life.
His father mentioned that they picked someone very uncommon but far talented for the ball to perfomance a violin solo for their entretainment. The only thing Tsukasa was told about this person was that he was a wanderer musician that traveled around the world to performance solo shows with his music and he was very good at it; making his own reputation reach the Shirogane Kingdom for them to pick interest on his perfomance.
Curious, Tsukasa waited for the night to come and to finally see with his own eyes, what this wanderer musician was capable of doing. And it happened right in front of his eyes, while he was sitting next to his father at the throne room; the young man dressed in black with a very peculiar hat with black lilies, presented himself in front of the king by the name of Kamishiro Rui, Tsukasa silently watched him adressing himself in front of the crowd and, once he was sure everyone was attentively watching him, he started to play one of his favorite songs.
Everyone was in awe with the musician, the melody was so beautiful that everyone stopped doing what they were doing just to listen to him. The prince was amazed by the music but not only that, he was also amazed by the way how he moved around as he played that melody, his eyes focused on his dear instrument; as if he wasn't really present there. Once the perfomance ended, everyone clapped loudly, cheered for the marvelous show the young musician pull off and Rui could only make a gesture, bowing his head in front of the king who was very pleased.
Tsukasa was speechless and after everything went back to normal, he wanted to have a chat with the newcommer musician but his father didn't let him, making him meet with who he was going to marry in the following weeks at most. The ball ended after that, Tsukasa felt sad that he didn't have the opportunity to even approach the musician to talk about his show and maybe know more about him; the only thing he knew about him was that he was going to stand a few days and then leave to the next town. The young prince had the bad habit to stay up till very late because he sometimes liked to stare at the stars from his balcony and make a wish, wishes that he knew that wouldn't make true if he didn't do anything about it, but still, he wanted to dream about going outside and find something for himself.
When he suddenly heard a distant melody, a melody he heard before. Curiosity took the best of him and he decided to sneak outside the palace towards where the source of the sound came from. He followed the melody til the huge royal garden that wasn't too far away from where his room was, which was casually at the back of the palace.
That's when he found Rui playing the violin alone in the middle of the night and that's when their story truly begins.
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katethewriter · 9 months
Would you be willing to write 25/8 again? I think you write Wandanat x daughter!reader so well!! <33
I was kinda thinking like Wanda and Nat forgot that Y/N had a concert and the only person to find out is Lena. But Y/N begs Lena not to tell bc she doesn’t want her moms to feel bad. And the next morning, there’s a whole moment: Y/N is super out of it and forgets her violin downstairs.
Soooooo, I def want to continue this work! I haven’t had much time this year because I moved to a new state and started a new job.
I will say this! You are exactly right! They forgot she has a concert. What reader never told them, is that she has a big solo that she has been perfecting for months. She wanted it to be a surprise, but looks like she forgot to factor in busy mom life into the plan. 😔
You are very close on another part, but that’s all I’m going to say!!! 👀
I do hope to continue writing in the new year!
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only10th · 6 months
Been thinking about Pianist!wwx and violinist!lwj playing together at a mall. Wei Wuxian likes to go to the mall to play for people, he loves taking requests, or plays some well known musical pieces and sometimes he’ll play one of this original compositions.
One day he’s playing “Rain” by Ed Carlsen, which is one of his favorite pieces to play when he's out and about. He’s just so caught up in the moment that he doesn’t notice a man standing next to him, pulling out his violin and just joining him on the piece with so much ease. His eyes grow wide but soon that sparkle he has shines brighter at how easy and harmonic both of them sound. He laughs, he smiles, he shows off while the mysterious violinist stays focused and composed, yet the passion drips into every note they play.
Their duet attracts a lot of attention, multiple people taking videos and pictures (plus wwx is recording the whole thing himself since he sometimes uploads the videos of himself playing online) this is the first time anyone has joined him in a duet. After they’re done, they look at each other breathless, a bright smile on wwx’s face while there’s the smallest curve on the mysterious violinist’s lip. Before Wei Wuxian could even ask for his name, he had already put away his violin and walked away. Wei Wuxian groans, annoyed he didn’t even get to know the handsome violinist’s name. Maybe they’ll meet up again.
He hopes they do. He had never felt such a connection with another musician before.
A few weeks later, Wei Wuxian is playing at a restaurant. This time he’s getting paid to do so, which is great! He can’t just let opportunities like that pass by!
So, he’s playing something classical to fit the mood. It is rather fancy, your food, of the size of a quarter, costing you an arm and a leg type of place. Wei Wuxian will never understand why people want to spend their money like that, but it’s because of places like this that he has a place to work. Well, if playing here during the weekends is even considered work. He enjoys it nonetheless.
Once he’s done with a piece there’s scattered claps through the restaurant. This won’t do, the people need to be entertained! Wei Wuxian sets his phone against the piano, already recording. There’s a smirk on his face, cause he already has the perfect piece in mind. Fingers hovered giddily over the ivory keys, an exhale leaving his lips and soon began to play.
The melody startles some of the clients, which makes Wei Wuxian chuckle under his breath. The tune is fun, like a little dance around the calm waters of the lotus lakes of his old home. It’s one of his original compositions, but he’s played it a few times before, so he wouldn’t be surprised if people knew it. Wei Wuxian lets himself get lost in the song, silver eyes fluttering close. A sense of pride fills his chest, noticing how the restaurant had become quiet. He could sense all eyes on him, which sent a chill up his spine. What he didn’t expect was to hear a violin joining his now gentle melody.
His eyes snap open with a gasp, and right next to him he sees the same violinist from a few weeks back. His mouth hangs slightly agape, and for a moment he loses his focus which causes him to play a few sour notes. Yet, he smiles brightly, impressed that, despite this not being composed as a duet, the mysterious violinist was even able to join and keep up. Wei Wuxian can’t help but huff a laugh, and just as he does he is met with a piercing golden gaze. His breath stutters, he had never seen such beautiful eyes, especially ones that looked at him with such intensity.
Wei Wuxian has to stop playing, knowing there’s a solo coming up. He’d usually play it through, but he wanted to see if this violinist had also come up with his own solo, and he delivers as expected. He lets his eyes close and he plays his piece, swaying with the music he produces with much passion and Wei Wuxian can’t help but be completely mesmerized by such beauty. Not just him, but the crowd around him! At some point he has to join back, continue their little dance as both their melodies become one.
A round of applause erupts once they’re done, both of them looking at each other as if nothing else mattered in the world other than this moment. For the first time since their first encounter, Wei Wuxian could take a better look at the violinist. He was only a few inches taller, dark, ebony hair like the keys of a piano cascaded over his shoulder, a white ribbon braided and intertwined in it. A wide smile paints on Wei Wuxian’s face as he stand from the small bench to offer a small bow.
“We finally meet again, mysterious violinist.” Wei Wuxian says, quirking an eyebrow upward, “You know my song.” It was more a statement than a question.
The man nods in response, “Wei Wuxian is very talented.” Oh, his voice. The low timber sends a shiver down his spine. Wait, how does he know his name?
“How do you…?” Wei Wuxian starts, narrowing his eyes if trying to recall someone or something. “You follow my page. You’ve seen my videos.” He says with realization, which is followed by a laugh.
The man nods again before offering a courtly bow. He doesn’t say anything else as he turns to leave. No, not this time. Wei Wuxian manages to grab his wrist, stopping him in his tracks. “Hey, hey, don’t leave like that! Will you at least tell me your name?”
The violinist seems to consider shaking the grip off or telling Wei Wuxian his name. Golden gaze seems to stay glued on the other’s hand for quite some time before exhaling softly. “Lan Zhan.”
“Nice to finally meet you, Lan Zhan. Though, I’ll miss calling you my mysterious violinist.” Wei Wuxian chuckles. His fingers slip from the other’s wrist, now tucking them into his inner coat pocket to take out a piece of paper and scribbling a series of numbers. “I really, really like playing with you. Maybe… maybe we could…?”
“Yes.” Lan Zhan is quick to answer before Wei Wuxian can even finish his sentence, as if he’s been waiting for him to ask all evening. “I would like to play with you, Wei Wuxian.”
“Wei Ying. Call me Wei Ying.” Handing him the piece of paper with his phone number, a broad smile on his face. “Maybe we can grab some coffee? You took my song and modified it into a duet, I’ll forgive you only if we can play it again.”
There’s the tiniest curve at the corner of Lan Zhan’s lips. Golden eyes melting like honey as they gaze at silver ones. “Mn” he agrees. After that, you’d see them playing anywhere they could: malls, airports, restaurants, out in the streets when it was warm enough. They’d perform the most beautiful duets anyone has ever heard.
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komelrebi-san · 10 months
songs without words
was in band practice yesterday daydreaming about inumaki toge and it gave me ideas
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synopsis: in which, you! the concert pianist in the school orchestra, caught their eyes... feat.: (my husband)gojo satoru, suguru geto, inumaki toge, itadori yuji, fushiguro toji
don't like, don't read.
when they walk into the room, carrying their music sheets and instrument, their eyes land on you. eh, wait, you're new! they haven't seen you before, have they? are you even supposed to be here?
but you don't take any notice of them as you played transcendental passages on the piano, dextrous fingers dancing over the keys, beautiful melodies resonating from the strings of the piano. smiling bashfully, you stop playing and walk over to talk to the proud-looking conductor, yaga masamichi.
gojo satoru - principal flautist
jeez, you cannot, cannot tell me this man is not the principal flautist
bags any and all solos he can, may or may not be competing for attention with a certain principal violinist
quote: 'what do you mean the violin gets to be concert master??? i'm also a principal musician! the flute is a solo instrument too!!!'
always always always be flaunting his skills - insane scales and arpeggios, fingers pressing and releasing the keys faster than one can comprehend - wait, how can he even tongue the notes that fast??
never never tunes to the principal violinist nor the oboist though it's normal orchestral procedure to tune to one of the two
bro skips to the piano to ask you for a tuning note, doesn't forget to add that he doesn't care which note it is because he's that skilled that he can tune to anything
(it's normal orchestral procedure to tune to concert-pitched A, frequency 440 or 442)
refuses to use a tuner/tuner app, bro has perfect pitch
goodness, he's such a menace, he's always belting out high notes
conductor yaga has never regretted anything more than giving satoru the piccolo part
(for those of you that don't know, the piccolo is basically a mini flute, same fingerings but just higher pitched)
i think everyone's ears died, oh god
wait, don't blame him though, he just wanted you to notice him
(oh, the little giggle that came out of your pretty lips when he belched high notes on his piccolo)
suguru geto - the said principal violinist
the said principal violinist satoru tries to take solos from
oof he always looks so good, sitting up straight int he front of his chair, hair swept to the side as he sits his violin on his shoulder
the little smirks he sends you as he plays, god damn
quite literally enchants everyone with his playing, fingers effortlessly reaching across the violin fingerboard
was so so so tempted to ask the principal percussionist to chuck the huge gong mallet at satoru's head
does this thing where he nods at you with a confident smile before rehearsal officially starts, and that's his signal for you to play the concert-pitched A so he can tune, then the rest of the string players will follow, and then the rest of the orchestra
relishes the fact that he's the closest to you in terms of seating and never forgets to rub it in satoru's face
has given your piano part a few tries on his violin just to spend more time with you, ends up laughing at satoru once again because whilst the violin can play multiple notes at the same time, the flute cannot
always brings hand cream with him! he doesn't use it but he makes you use it (trust me playing piano after massaging your hands slightly with hand cream feels infinitely better)
bonus! offers you his jacket if you get cold hands easily
inumaki toge - the principal oboist
somehow always gets dehydrated? like
needs to have water with him at rehearsals
probably started following you around like a lost puppy a little bit after that one time you gave him water and told him very nonchalantly that you aren't saliva conscious when he forgot to bring his bottle
well i mean, in his mind he probably was like 'wait, they understand me!!!'
welllllll, there was supposed to be another oboist but they always skip rehearsals lmfao
have i told you that this boy has the prettiest lips??? they look so kissable
partially the instrument's fault bc the reed is so small, so oboists really have to preserve their lips
loves loves loves loves onigiri, like, you never see him without onigiri during rehearsal breaks
and he look so cute when he eats!! does this thing where he puffs his cheeks out as he chews, bro probably just stuffed his mouth full of onigiri bc of his love for them 😭😭😭
started bringing extra onigiri with him so he can offer you one
actl speaks quite little, so he settles for actions instead
always comes to rehearsal 10 min early just so he can warm up and tune his oboe but in reality is just an excuse to sit with you
itadori yuji - actually supposed to be first trumpet, but ends up substituting as a percussion player a lot of the times
have i told you that he's loud???
i swear, music classrooms are soundproof af but you can hear his laughter down the corridor even as you warmed up on the piano
okay, the principal trumpet is great, but wait, how does itadori's sound always manage to overpower their's???
please, yaga doesn't even know 😭😭😭
okay, itadori is great, but the problem is he always manages to somehow come in at the wrong time or play the wrong note, on top of being really super loud
welp, so he started subbing for the percussion
oh no oh no, everyone's ears
but hey, his crash-cymbal part is done ON POINT, so might as well keep him there
always comes early to set up his percussion stuff, so when you joined as the concert pianist, he also sets the grand piano lid for you, it's so damn heavy
bro's always hungry, so he always carries candy or sweet stuff with him, and he tries super hard to hide them from the sweet-toothed principal flautist
but uses them as on opportunity to start conversations with you and offer you some, and deny satoru in his face
and he's always rushing off to some kind of sports training session afterwards, lmfao
toji fushiguro - guest saxophone player
badboy upperclassman fr 😩😩😩
saxophone is a side job, but bro looks so fucking sexy while playing, and he makes sure he perfects every solo bit he can get his hands on
actl in like a band with his classmates or something, pretty sure you saw him playing drums with his friends at the school concert once
probs knows how to play guitar and bass too, so he helps his friends rearrange the parts and teach them parts they cant play
but! mediocre at the keyboard
so when he saw you?
thought 1: oooof she's so hot, i wanna ask her out
thought 2: hey, she can join my band!
so he used idea number two as an excuse to talk to you lmfao, but wasn't gonna give up when you told him that you were busy so you had to think about it
made a point right then and there to talk to you every single rehearsal he can come to
either to show you videos of them/solo cams of him playing, or to complain they cant find a good keyboardist and they are suffering lmfao
literally almost started fighting satoru for your attention lmfao, and my bro right here actl went ahead to wack satoru's head with a drumstick
oof arm muscles flexing oof so hot
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