#and then a bowl and plate covered in More Jewelry
sweet-as-kiwis · 1 year
I should pack my clothes for college! That’s such a great idea! (<- just packed all the clothes they Like wearing and is left with a single outfit for five days)
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theamityelf · 4 months
How does mini thh and sdr2 cast pet place look like? I remember aoi had cup as swimming pools but how about others? I'm sorry if confusing English isn't my first language.
(Mini Classmates AU Masterlist)
This is a great question (and your English is perfectly fine)!
This is just a brainstorm, but here's what I'm thinking right now.
Edit: Also, these descriptions don't really include decorations, so for most of them assume there's also work done to decorate, etc.
Okay, first, let's look at the standard SDR2 room (with the understanding that some people have bookshelves, etc.)
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Most of the senpais would put their kouhai's living space on the long, wooden piece of furniture beneath the TV. (Would we call that a dresser? A TV stand? Idk.) It's a lot of space for a tiny person to walk around, and they can get to the little cushioned seat from there.
Makoto- Nagito is very resourceful, so he would set up a very practical living space for Makoto. I'm thinking the bed is an empty matchbox wrapped in bubblewrap, or something of the sort, and any fabric can serve as a blanket. It's comfortable, creative, and simple. The bed is positioned in the little corner near the cushioned seat, so he doesn't get too much direct sunlight. There's a call bell nearby, in case he needs to get Nagito's attention, since it would be really hard for him to make himself heard otherwise, especially if Nagito is asleep. He also makes sure the floor below is covered in soft things, in case Makoto falls or, in extreme cases, needs to jump. (He lectures Makoto that, if someone ever breaks in to kill Nagito, he should jump down and hide under the cushioned seat, where they won't be able to reach him. And he asks that Makoto not rat out the killer, as that would ruin the game and it's Nagito's final wish that he not ruin the game.)
Kyoko- Hajime folds up a blanket and puts it in a shoebox for her. That's where she sleeps. She frequently climbs out and wanders around; she is very rarely still there when he wakes up. It scares him half to death, how she just disappears on him. Her general attitude toward that is "I understand why you feel that way, but I need to investigate, so it can't be helped."
Byakuya- I'm going to say that Sonia converts a jewelry box into a multi-story house for him. There are stairs and everything. His blankets are handkerchiefs monogrammed with her initials. There are snacks, and there is a water bottle like the kind hamsters use, which Gundham taught her how to make. Byakuya has gone out of his way to optain a pin light, and once they have access to the library, he uses an open book as the fourth wall of his little house. So, he can read at night.
Aoi- I think at some point I said something like "Akane gives her a fish bowl", but I think it might be more of a bin of water. Like, a rectangular bin, long enough that she can kind of swim laps. Her bed is a shoebox with a blanket inside. She has a cup of water, separately, in case she gets thirsty, and a plate with a doughnut on it (covered by plastic wrap, to avoid attracting bugs). And I think Akane might at some point worry about Hina having a balanced diet, so maybe there's some chicken alongside the doughnut. As a late night snack.
Yasuhiro- Bowl with a blanket.
Toko- Gundham creates a little room. Like Nagito, he fashioned a bed with an actual attempt at a sturdy box covered by a cushioning surface in addition to whatever serves as a blanket. He makes sure she has paper, something to write with, and a light. Every night, he makes sure her living space is clean (no dust or pet hair that would make her sneeze) before he sends her to bed. The walls and ceiling of her terrarium are formed by an upside-down shoebox with a hole cut into it for a door. She also has a window cut into it, through which she can drink from another hamster-style water bottle if she wants. On one hand, I'm sure Gundham makes every attempt to prevent his hamsters from bothering her, but on the other hand, I like to imagine Toko cuddling with one of them in her sleep. Like, Gundham wakes up and sees only three hamsters in whatever cage or habitat they sleep in, and he takes the box off of Toko's room and find her cuddling with San-D. I just think it would be sweet.
Sayaka- Shoebox with a blanket. And there's a kazoo in it that is too big for her to use, and maybe a small teddy bear or other stuffed animal.
Mukuro- Shoebox with a blanket.
Leon- Shoebox with a blanket, but there's also a fun tiny obstacle course. And the hanging plant is taken down, so that Leon can climb into it if he needs to, because Nekomaru knows all about late night bathroom breaks, and there's no judgement here. It's all fertilizer, man!
Chihiro- Kazuichi goes all out. Chihiro has a working shower, a working toilet (empties into the trash can), a working fan, and a covered living space with a motorized door.
Mondo- Shoebox with a blanket, which Fuyuhiko places on a small table that he pulls close to his bed, on the side that can't be accessed from the door. There's another shoebox with a blanket (a decoy one) on the dresser, but Mondo sleeps in the one by his bed.
Taka- His bed is a shoebox with a blanket, but it's in bed with Mikan rather than on a dresser or table. She stuffs pillows around it, to make sure it doesn't fall out of the bed while she's sleeping. (That's just where he sleeps; he does have a little space on the dresser, where he can get dressed and walk around and stuff.) Sometimes, in her sleep, Mikan will reach into the box to make sure he's still there. So, like...imagine you're sleeping and a giant finger just lightly grazes your back.
Hifumi- Upside-down shoebox with one wall removed and a blanket under it. Instead of the dresser, he's on her photography desk in the far corner, so when he wakes up, he steps out of the box and looks at her photos in the light of the rising sun.
Celeste- Chiaki builds an elaborate, multi-shoebox house that is cool but completely impractical. There is a bed, but it's very difficult to navigate to. Celeste just drags her blanket down to the cushioned seat and sleeps there.
Sakura- Hiyoko just straight up puts Sakura in bed with her, with nothing to prevent Hiyoko from rolling over and squishing her. She also sleeps with a few stuffed animals and a bag of gummy bears.
Junko- Shoebox with a blanket, suspended where the hanging plant once was to avoid letting her get into any mischief while he's sleeping. (Imposter has calculated the elevation, relative to her size, and determined that if she fell or jumped, she wouldn't die; she would just be too injured to do anything else.)
Mini Senpais AU
Now, let's see the standard THH room. (Except ignore the sword, lol.)
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The viable surfaces there are the table, desk, and shelf.
Nagito- He's on the table, which is pulled relatively close to Makoto's bed, with a bridge between them so he can wake or otherwise access Makoto if he needs to. He has a flashlight and some reading materials. His bed is a shoebox with one side cut out and a blanket inside. He has a pillowcase acting as a shade/tent over his living space. He also (upon his own request) has a rope or ladder allowing him to climb down to the floor if he wants to. It's pretty cool.
Hajime- Shoebox with a blanket, on the shelf. Specifically, the part of the shelf that can't be seen from the door. And Kyoko might use strategically-positioned laundry to keep people from looking in that corner too closely. It's against the rules to let one's senpai die; best to be careful. She can't solve the mystery if she loses him.
Sonia- Byakuya takes the drawers out of his desk and makes that emptied space Sonia's room. A watch box serves as the bed, a cufflink box serves as her wardrobe, and a handkerchief hangs as a shade for privacy. At least for the first night; he'll commission one of the other boys (probably Hifumi) to build something with a roof. Namely, it would be a four-wall dollhouse that opens with a latch and hinge. It stays open all the time, though, because Sonia feels kind of claustrophobic, knowing she can't open it once it's closed. Byakuya didn't intend it as a power trip; it just seemed like the most luxurious option. Also, there's a jewelry chandelier. Byakuya interior decorates the crap out of that thing.
Akane- Shoebox with a blanket, on the desk. Hina also pulls out the drawers to act like a ladder, so Akane can wander the room as much as she wants. And there are snacks in the top drawer. The issue is, Hina likes to run laps around her room in the morning, and Akane thinks it's fun to run around while she's doing that and narrowly avoid getting crushed, which is terrifying for Hina.
Teruteru- Shoebox with a blanket, on the table. There are windchimes dangling above it, and whoever wakes up first rings the windchimes.
Gundham- He's on the shelf. Toko probably gives him a towel from the bathroom to sleep on. It's soft enough, and he can fold a corner over himself for a blanket.
Ibuki- Pillow on the shelf.
Peko- Shoebox with a blanket, on the desk.
Nekomaru- Shoebox with a blanket, on the shelf.
Kazuichi- On the table. Chihiro initially goes the shoebox-with-a-blanket route and feels pretty proud of it, but finding out that a lot of people did that and considered it the low-effort, obvious option, Chihiro feels ashamed and tries to build something with the tool kit. It doesn't come out very good, because they've never built anything like that before, and Kazuichi reassures them that he likes the shoebox. It's comfortable. It works.
Fuyuhiko- Shoebox with a blanket, on the table.
Mikan- Taka sets up curtains all around the desk so she can have privacy. He makes a bed for her out of his watch box and makes sure she always has food and water in her living space. She has a call bell in case she needs anything.
Mahiru- Hifumi makes her house before he makes one for anyone else, which accidentally results in hers being the most basic one. It's like a birdhouse, which she doesn't mind; she can go in and out of it without needing to ask for help, and she has the privacy of four walls. Hifumi's glasses case is her bed.
Chiaki- Celeste asks Hifumi to build a dollhouse for her. (The open-front kind.) Super aesthetic, super functional.
Hiyoko- She's on the shelf. Rather than on top of the shelf, Sakura gives her an interior level of the shelf, which she lines with a blanket and fills with soft things. (She found some stuffed animals in the warehouse, and Hiyoko likes them a lot; she sleeps on the tummy of a stuffed rabbit.) And there's a bell, in case Hiyoko needs something.
Imposter- There is no telling where Imposter is, in this one, but for the moment it seems he's just outside the school doing despair stuff.
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magical-glimpse · 8 months
Tutorial please 👁👄👁
Miaro's big bag money bowl
Keep in mind this is not the only money spell i have done. There were a few before that, but this last one really spoke in volumes, each spell was taking more momentum and this one is the one that made everything fall down.
What you need :
-some sort of bowl or plate
-trinkets from your childhood you associate with riches
-some fake jewelry
-some little toys you associate with riches
-foreign currency
-things that remind you of gold, of stability, of richness, of treasures etc
-potentially a sigil or rune if you are into that
I personally used some gifted pieces of jewelry in fake gold and fake stones, a small toy chest filled with foreign currency coins and covered with yellow wax, some golden keychains etc.
Basically, what this spell focuses on, is habituating your mind to associate money with fun, happy, easy childlike things, it works best paired with some inner work about your relationship with money because it does just that. It keeps away old thinking patterns about money and opens a freeway for it to come to you.
Reminder that its not because it worked for me in that specific way that i can assure it will work for you. What it did was set up a lot of happy coincidences and circumstances together that were already on my radar anyways, it just not only assured thry happened but also made them happen at the same time. Im sure it can do wonders from people who expect an aid, a scholarship or a big gift, but I cannot garantee anything in anyway. The spell also took about a month to do anything visible.
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pistachiotalenti · 1 year
phone pics i imagine dnf gatekeep from the fans
blurry pic of their faces. can't distinguish much about their environment or facial expressions except george's teeth in a wide smile, or maybe mid-yell. (dream's phone)
non-blurry version of the previous pic. george is tucked underneath and a bit to the right of dream's chin. part of dream's face is covered by george's head. the bottom part of george's face is covered by the sleeve of dream's sweatshirt. they're both smiling at the camera—dream in pride, and george in giddy warmth. (dream's phone)
close-up of dream's face. he's asleep, laying on his side in bed, illuminated by the sunlight. he looks a little funny with his mouth slightly agape, but mostly he looks peaceful. his eyelashes look impossibly long. (george's phone)
barely out-of-focus shot of a bowl of soup, with what looks like a tent wall in the background. (dream's phone)
passenger seat view of dream driving the tesla. he's wearing a blue sweater and his red and white cat beanie. he's making a silly face at the camera. the car is filled with sunlight. (george's phone)
duo selfie. they're sitting on adjacent sides of a restaurant table. they're both smiling. plates of half-finished food sit before them. george's head is just barely tilted towards dream. (george's phone)
george close-up selfie. he stares blankly at the camera and clamps the front part of his chain necklace between his lips. (george's phone)
sapnap hugging george from behind in the kitchen. george is wearing the blue "smile more" sweatshirt. he smiles past the camera, mouth open mid-sentence. his cheeks are splotchy red. his hands are raised but his upper arms are held down by sapnap's grasp. sapnap grins widely behind george's shoulder, looking in the same direction. (dream's phone)
george sitting cross-legged on a bed. his gaze is focused downward, at the various pieces of jewelry strewn across the sheets. he has silver bands on his right index and middle fingers, and on his left ring finger. (dream's phone)
a very close-up george selfie with only the upper part of his face visible. eyes wide, he stares directly into the camera. the camera angle distorts his face. (dream's phone)
a duo selfie. they're seated beside each other in an airplane. the plane cabin is a lowlit grey. with half-lidded eyes, they smile softly for the photo. their large seats keep them some distance apart, but they both lean over the arm rests towards each other. (dream's phone)
dream standing in front of the house gates, the first day they met in person. he's barely visible through the glare of the sun. (george's phone)
george selfie. his face is scrunched up in a pink smile. his eyes look wet. dream is kissing the side of his face, right below his right temple. dream's eyes are closed, and his cheeks are pulled in a smile. (george's phone)
two hands clasped underneath a table. the lighting is dim. (dream's phone)
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shitsndgiggs · 2 months
Doing all the touristy things in Istanbul with barış as a date and then ending with a night time fluff boat ride on the Bosphorus?
Doing touristy things with Barış
Barış Alper Yılmaz x fem! reader
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The sun was shining brightly as we stepped out of our apartment, ready to explore Istanbul together.
It was a rare day off for Barış, and we had planned to spend it doing all the touristy things that we’d never gotten around to.
I couldn’t remember the last time we’d had a whole day just to ourselves, and the excitement bubbled inside me as we walked hand in hand down the bustling streets.
“Where to first, aşkım?” Barış asked, his eyes twinkling with anticipation.
“I was thinking we could start at the Blue Mosque,” I suggested, knowing how much he loved the historic sites of the city. “And then maybe head to the Hagia Sophia?”
“Perfect,” he agreed, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. “Let’s make the most of today.”
We took a tram to Sultanahmet, the heart of Istanbul’s historic district.
The area was buzzing with life—tourists snapping photos, locals going about their day, and the scent of freshly baked simit wafting through the air.
As we approached the Blue Mosque, its majestic domes and towering minarets took my breath away, even though I’d seen it many times before.
“It never gets old, does it?” Barış said, noticing the awe on my face.
“Never,” I replied, as we entered the courtyard, marveling at the intricate tilework and serene atmosphere.
We wandered inside, taking in the grandeur of the space, the soft light filtering through the stained glass windows casting colorful patterns on the floor.
After spending some time there, we made our way to the Hagia Sophia, just a short walk away.
The former cathedral, now a mosque, was even more magnificent up close. We stood together in silence for a moment, simply taking in the history and beauty of the place.
“This city is incredible,” I murmured, leaning into Barış’s side as we admired the soaring dome above us.
“It is,” he agreed. “But it’s even better with you.”
Next, we headed to the Grand Bazaar, one of the oldest and largest covered markets in the world.
The moment we stepped inside, we were enveloped by a vibrant tapestry of colors, scents, and sounds.
Stalls lined every inch of the market, selling everything from spices to textiles to intricate jewelry.
“Let’s get something to remember today by,” Barış suggested, leading me toward a shop filled with beautiful handmade ceramics.
We spent a while browsing, laughing as we haggled with the friendly shopkeepers and picking out a stunning blue and white bowl that caught my eye. It was the perfect memento of our day together.
After the Grand Bazaar, we wandered through the streets of Eminönü, stopping at a small café for lunch.
We shared a plate of meze, sipping on freshly squeezed orange juice as we watched the world go by. It was one of those simple, perfect moments that I wanted to freeze in time.
As the afternoon wore on, we made our way to Galata Tower, one of Istanbul’s most iconic landmarks.
We climbed to the top just as the sun was beginning to set, casting a golden glow over the city.
From up there, we had a panoramic view of Istanbul—the Bosphorus stretching out like a ribbon below us, the domes and minarets of the mosques dotting the skyline, and the sprawling cityscape that seemed to go on forever.
“It’s beautiful,” I whispered, leaning against the railing with Barış’s arm wrapped around me.
“Not as beautiful as you,” he replied softly, pressing a kiss to my temple.
We stayed there until the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of pink and orange. It felt like we were on top of the world, just the two of us, with all of Istanbul spread out before us.
As the evening set in, we made our way to the docks for the final part of our day—a nighttime boat ride on the Bosphorus.
The boat was small and cozy, with twinkling lights strung along the edges. We found a spot near the front, where we could watch the city lights reflecting on the water.
The boat set off, gliding smoothly across the Bosphorus, the cool breeze ruffling my hair.
The city looked magical at night, with the illuminated bridges connecting Europe and Asia, and the soft glow of the mosques standing sentinel on the hills.
Barış pulled me close, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we watched the city drift by. “I can’t think of a better way to end the day,” he said, his voice low and filled with affection.
“Me neither,” I agreed, resting my head on his shoulder. “This has been perfect.”
We sat there in comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying the gentle sway of the boat and the warmth of each other’s presence.
As we passed under the Bosphorus Bridge, its lights shimmering in the dark water, I felt a deep sense of contentment.
Barış turned to me, his eyes soft and full of love. “I don’t say it enough, but I’m so grateful for you. For everything we have.”
Tears prickled at the corners of my eyes as I smiled up at him. “I feel the same way, Barış. I wouldn’t want to experience this life with anyone else.”
He leaned down and kissed me, a slow, tender kiss that made my heart swell with love. The world seemed to melt away, leaving just the two of us in our own little bubble.
When we finally pulled away, I looked into his eyes and saw the future—a future filled with more days like this, more moments of joy and love, and the promise of endless adventures together.
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what-if-nct · 8 months
hey hey!
so i’m writing a story about jonghyun crossdressing as a woman so he could figure out what his girlfriend (luna) would want for her birthday, and upon writing the story i kinda realised that i don’t really know what people in their 30s know what they want for their birthdays. i don’t want to be super stereotypical and go for the wine present, so i wanna ask those who are still passionate about receiving gifts so-
So, I am not the best representation of a 30 year old cause my family friends for Christmas got me dolls, stuffed animals, tarot cards, crystals, and a hello kitty mug and plates sets. My Best friend did get me a sewing machine as well as some clothes, that are from hottopic and covered in hello kitty. And Same for my friends I got my best friend a Lana del Rey vinyl, a doll, candy, a flower crown, a necklace and a framed picture of us and I got my other friend a kpop album. And I plan to get her a tea set for her wedding present soon. So these are not at all average gifts for 30 year olds. But what I will advise is hone in on her personality, likes and interests if she likes music vinyl records, cds, concert tickets, band tees would be great. But general gifts that are great are clothes, jewelry, books, candles, perfume, cute little trinkets. I don't think there's too much of a difference between 20s and 30s when it comes to gifts. I think really looking at the characters personality is what will help figure out a gift that makes sense for them. In a story I'm writing that is slightly on the back burner the main character who is totally not based on me at all or anything (she is) her likes and interests are obvious from the first chapter same with the other characters the baker, the photographer, the music producer, the college student who works for the photographer but also paints . Just with that you can easily get gift ideas. But usually most gifts are age appropriate it just depends on the character's personality. I hope that was of some help. Again I am not a good representation of a 30 year old. I use sanrio plates, bowls and cutlery. Im more like an adult cat.
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badiadesign · 1 year
Unique Moroccan Home Decor Accessories
Unique Moroccan Home Decor Accessories: A Guide by Badia Design Inc.
Moroccan decor is synonymous with rich textures, vibrant colors, and intricate patterns. Its unique blend of cultural influences makes it perfect for adding warmth and personality to any home. At Badia Design Inc., we are proud to offer an exclusive collection of Moroccan accessories and products, including Moroccan furniture, Moroccan tea glasses, and Moroccan tile tables. Moroccan Home Decor Accessories
1. Moroccan Lamps and Lanterns Where they are made: Crafted in cities like Marrakech and Fes, artisans use brass, iron, or glass to create mesmerizing designs. Best Uses: These lamps can be hung in hallways or living rooms to infuse an enchanting Moroccan vibe. Examples in our store: At Badia Design Inc., you can explore an array of Moroccan lamps and lanterns, from captivating wall sconces to traditional hanging lamps. 2. Berber Rugs Where they are made: Woven in the Atlas Mountains by the Berber tribes, they are famous for their bright colors and geometric patterns. Best Uses: Ideal as floor coverings or wall hangings to accentuate room decor. Examples in our store: Our collection ranges from vintage to modern Berber rugs in various designs and hues. 3. Ceramic Pottery Where they are made: Safi is known for its ceramic expertise, producing plates, bowls, and vases adorned with vivid motifs. Best Uses: Perfect for serving dishes or as decorative accents on shelves and tables. Examples in our store: Discover an array of hand-painted dishes, tagines, and platters at Badia Design Inc. 4. Moroccan Mirrors Where they are made: Created in cities like Marrakech and Fes, these mirrors feature elaborate metal, bone, or wood frames. Best Uses: These exquisite mirrors can make your space look larger and more sophisticated. Examples in our store: Choose from various sizes and designs, ranging from large wall mirrors to petite decorative ones. 5. Moroccan Furniture Where they are made: Various regions, with Casablanca and Marrakech being hubs for fine furniture craftsmanship. Best Uses: From coffee tables to ornate seating, Moroccan furniture adds elegance and function to any room. Examples in our store: Badia Design Inc. offers an exclusive selection of hand-carved wooden furniture with rich detailing. 6. Moroccan Tea Glasses Where they are made: Mostly produced in cities like Tangier and Casablanca, these glasses are ornately designed. Best Uses: Serve tea or use as decorative candle holders for an exotic touch. Examples in our store: Our colorful collection of Moroccan tea glasses is perfect for both daily use and special occasions. 7. Moroccan Tile Tables Where they are made: Crafted in cities like Fes, renowned for their Zellige tilework. Best Uses: These tables are ideal for outdoor patios or as statement pieces in living rooms. Examples in our store: Badia Design Inc. offers tile tables in various shapes, sizes, and stunning mosaic patterns. Unique Moroccan Gift Ideas Tea Sets: A Moroccan tea set, complete with a silver teapot and matching glasses, is an ideal gift for tea lovers. Jewelry Boxes: Exquisitely decorated mosaic jewelry boxes are both elegant and practical. Leather Poufs: Chic and functional, leather poufs make a stylish addition to any home. Moroccan home decor accessories reflect the country's rich cultural heritage, offering an unrivaled blend of style and tradition. Badia Design Inc.'s exclusive collection brings these stunning pieces right to your doorstep, allowing you to infuse your space with the mystique of Morocco. Visit our store to explore these unique treasures, from Moroccan furniture to colorful tea glasses and intricately designed tile tables. Contact us for more information Badia Design Inc. 5420 Vineland Ave. North Hollywood, CA 91601 Tel: 818-762-0130 URL: https://www.badiadesign.com
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shiftylookingcrow · 3 years
A (not comprehensive) List of Little Self Care Things I Do When Everything Feels Like Too Much:
Wash just your body, or just your hair. You may not be completely clean, but you ARE cleaner
Still feels like too much? No problem!
Take off any jewelry from your hands/wrists and wash your hands up to your elbows, just taking your time
Then wash your arm pits and groin, those are the stinkiest parts of the body
If you're feeling up to it, wash your face too
Once you're done washing, take your favorite body lotion and massage it in anywhere you washed
Shaving takes time and patience (especially if you prefer to be mostly hairless), but you don't have to go through the whole process every time
Wanna wear that cute tank top/crop top but don't feel comfortable with how hairy your pits are today?
JUST shave your arm pits then
Wanna wear shorts/capries/a skirt, but feel your legs are too fuzzy?
Where on your legs do the cuffs/hem sit? JUST shave from there down
Facial hair looking kinda scruffy? Got an electric shaver? It won't give you as close a shave as a razor, but it'll help neaten you up a bit
After any shaving, get back in there with your lotion and work it in well
Don't have the energy to drag that big basket you've been avoiding down to the washing machine? Out of clothes but need something to wear tomorrow?
Wash ONLY what you'll need for the next 1 or 2 days. A smaller load means less to put away after
Need a bra/binder/mask/etc for tomorrow? Wash ONE, then hang it to dry with a fan blowing on it.
The air movement will help it dry faster, and while it may not be 100% dry by morning, it should be dry enough to wear comfortably
This can be done for underwear and socks as well
Mouth feeling like sandpaper, but you still can't find it in you to go through the whole tooth care routine?
JUST brush your teeth before bed. You can floss in the morning
No energy to get in there and really scrub like your dentist told you to? Even just a quick scrub is better than nothing
You know those little Gum brand toothpick things? With runber bristles on them? They can't replace proper flossing, but the CAN at least get the worst of the gunk from between your teeth
Hungry but can't bring yourself to put together a whole meal? That's okay!
Get all the fixings for a sandwich (bread, spreads, cheese, meat, etc), put them on a plate and eat that. You're still eating a sandwich, it's just not an assembled sandwich
Want a smoothy, but don't want to fuss with the blender? Put it all together as a yogurt bowl instead
Want a salad? Grab a couple lettuce leaves, a stick of celery, half a tomato, or whatever else you'd have in there, and toss it on a plate. Grab some dressing (or not) and you've got a personal size veggie platter
Cut an orange in half and eat the pulp out with a spoon
Cut an apple in half, and eat JUST one half. You can save the other half for later, or eat it right after the first if you feel up to it
Cutting a banana in half and squeezing out the fruit means you don't have to worry about those gross stringy bits
Simple Smoothie Recipe:
1 banana
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp honey/sugar
Milk (dairy, soy, almond, whichever)
Berries, yogurt, chocolate chips, jam (optional)
Put all ingredients except milk in a blender (or 4 cup measure if using a hand mixer)
Pour in milk until ingredients are ALMOST covered. There should be about 1 inch/2.5 cm of solid ingredients visible
Blender/mix for 30-60 seconds, or until desired consistency. Pour into your favorite glass, or drink straight from the container
Simple baked potato:
Clean a medium to large potato and use a fork to stab holes down the sides and at each end. Depending on the size, you should have stab your potato somewhere around 9-12 times.
Place the potato in the microwave just off of center, one end facing the center of the spinning plate
Microwave for 15 minutes, flipping the potato end for end after every 5 minutes
Put the potato on a plate with some sour cream or ranch dressing, and dip it like a big ol' french fry
House Cleaning
Feel like there's too many dishes? Pick ONE place setting (bowl, plate, knife, fork, spoon, cup), and ONE pot/pan, and clean those. Do the same at the end of each meal, and while it might take a while, you'll eventually get things down to a manageable level
Dust bunnies breeding in the corners? Pick ONE room or hallway every couple days and just clean there. ONE clean room is better than NO clean rooms
Your room is so messy you don't know where to start? Every time you enter your room, put ONE thing back where it belongs. Every time you leave your room, take one thing that doesn't belong out with you and put it where it belongs.
Sink looking kind of gross? Give it a quick wipe down the next time you wash your hands
Toilet needs a clean? Pick a part (lid, seat, back or bowl) and just clean that bit. Even if you're just wiping some of the dust off the back.
Scum ring building up in the shower/bathtub? Give it a quick scrub next time you bathe. Maybe you don't get the whole thing, but you DID make a start.
No energy for a full walk? If you can, walk around your house/apartment building. You might not have gone far, but you were UP and you were OUTSIDE.
Can't get out for whatever reason? Are there stairs in your house? In your apartment building? If you can, walk up and down those a few times.
Not really able to do stairs? Do some simple stretches instead.
Reach down and try to touch your toes, holding for 20 seconds. Reach up over your head as high as you can, holding for 20 seconds. Repeat 5 times
Sitting in a chair, reach your right hand across your body and over your left shoulder and try to grab the back of the chair without lifting your butt. Hold for 20 seconds. Do the same with your left arm, holding for 20 seconds. Repeat 5 times
Standing, or sitting on a chair, gently pull your head towards your shoulder (right hand, right shoulder; left hand, left shoulder), reaching the other hand down towards the ground. Hold for 20 seconds, then gently push your head upright again (lifting your head with just your neck muscles can cause them to seize after a stretch). Repeat 5 times
Need to trim your nails, but don't feel like sitting through both hands? Pick one finger on each hand, and just trim that nail. Do another nail on each hand tomorrow, and another the day after that. You don't have to do them all at once
Having trouble remembering to drink enough water? Find a water bottle/mug/glass that you like and try to keep it near you as much as possible. I find actually having a bottle with me helps me remember to keep sipping.
Still having trouble with your water intake? Fruit and veggies (specifically like apples, oranges, tomatoes, bell peppers and avocados to name a few) have high water content and can help keep you hydrated
Even if you can't get to sleep, lieing in bed with your eyes closed is more restful than trying to wear yourself out by reading or something
Alternatively, doing some mild stretches, or a few sit ups/push ups/jumping jacks can help wear you out without engaging your brain too much
You are aloud to say "no". You don't even need to give a reason. If everything feels like too much, taking on more responsibility will only make it worse, which will only make your output poorer as a result.
A reminder that this is by no means a complete list, just some things I've found helpful in my journey through adhd, depression, and anxiety. Not all tasks need to be done all at once. Maybe you can't do much, but that doesn't invalidate the some you did. Just because you take longer to do a task doesn't mean your bad at it, or that it isn't worth doing. You'll get there when you get there.
Please feel free to add to this post, I'd love to see what self care tricks other people are using!
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dustofbrokenheart · 3 years
The Covenant: Presents and Kisses
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Reid Garwin x Reader
Word Count: 1,858
Summary: It’s reader’s birthday and Reid has some surprises up his sleeve. Dedicated to the lovely @saviorsong​. Happy Birthday! 
The café was a small, single room operation so sound from both the dining area and the kitchen traveled throughout. And everyone heard when your boyfriend came out of the bathroom, throwing the door open with such force that a bang rang out from where it hit the wall.
The poor barista almost dropped a drink they were making out of surprise.
“Babe, that was the biggest shit I’ve taken this month,” Reid practically shouted as he made his way back to the table.
You didn’t bother to acknowledge that particular comment and kept your attention on Tyler who had also tagged along with you guys. It was better to not entertain poop talk seeing as how you were in public.
“Babe! Did you hear what I said?”
“I think everyone did,” you replied pointedly. He dropped into his chair, hands clutching at his stomach.
You continued chatting with Tyler about a class you were taking and Reid still kept fidgeting and groaning. He was normally dramatic but he was really hamming it up.
You turned to him with a raised brow. That was all it took for him to increase his complaining.
“I think it was the food. It’s gotta be food poisoning, I feel so sick.”
“But we ate from the same plate.”
A glance at the table showed a shared plate that had long been eaten with not a drop of sauce left on the it after you both had all but cleaned the dish. If he actually had food poisoning, shouldn’t you be feeling it too? Your stomach felt perfectly fine, if not satisfied.
“Everyone reacts differently to these things, you know.”
Tyler nodded seriously, corroborating Reid’s claim. Those two were thicker than thieves, always ready to back each other up.
“No telling how bad this could get. I’m gonna head home but you should stay, Ty can hang out with you,” he said.
“Really?” Your tone was colored with incredulously. “Today of all days?”
He completely ignored that and bent down for a kiss. You were extremely tempted to turn away but ended up giving in. Reid may be an idiot, but he was your idiot. Keeping up with the sick-as-a-dog routine, he gingerly hobbled out of the café.
And since he was your idiot, you knew something was definitely up. You didn’t claim to be the smartest person around but Reid wasn’t exactly subtle.
Immediately, your attention turned towards Tyler. If one was plotting, then the other would know.
The brunette raised his hands as if to keep things peaceful. “Okay, okay. Don’t be upset.”
“It’s my birthday and my man just ran out under suspicious circumstances. I have every right to be annoyed.”
“Exactly! You’re the reason why he left!” He paused for an awkward second. “Wow. That came out totally wrong. What I mean is that he’s setting up something nice for you.”
“He is?” you asked suddenly touched.
Reid was a romantic sort. Maybe not always so smooth about it, but a romantic nonetheless. And he did do things for you often, even if a good number of things were in an attempt to apologize for something stupid he did, but he had never done a birthday surprise.
Well, not one where he had kept it a surprise for this long. Normally he couldn’t keep quiet about his plans so you were a bit impressed that you hadn’t noticed until his terrible acting just then.
Tyler nodded again, this time in excitement. “Yep. He needs a few hours to get it ready though…we can either stay here or walk around. Your birthday, your choice.”
His methods may be, well, unconventional, but your heart beat a little faster knowing he was planning something. Your mind wandered, thinking up various possibilities. Two hours couldn’t go by fast enough.
It ended up being close to six o’clock before you returned home.
You closed the door gently and toed your shoes off. The quietness seemed that much thicker with anticipation weighing heavily.
A trail of rose petals wound around the living room and trailed down the hallway, presumably to the bedroom, but you got distracted by a tantalizing aroma. 
You followed that into the kitchen instead and found a skillet filled with something delicious. Other bowls with other fantastic side dishes were arranged randomly around it on the countertops.  
And then you noticed the cake. Unlike the others, the cake was displayed on the table, a package of candles lying next to it. You walked closer to get a better view and couldn’t the grin hat spread across your face.
Clearly, he had made the cake himself. Not that that was off-putting to you in any way. It was really quite cute.
He had made a small two-layer cake which in of itself didn’t look too bad. The sides were not traditionally frosted so, the parts that were visible, you could see that the shape and the softness looked about right. Kind of. 
In lieu of normal frosting, he had attempted to coat them with a crumb frosting of some sort. Despite his best effort, the crumbs didn’t hadn’t spread evenly with some parts having barely any and others having too much.
It looked like he also had issues with the frosting on top. You guessed that he had tried to apply it while the cake was still warm because it was thinner than it should have been, almost glaze-like. Some had even started to leak over the sides before it was cool enough to harden up again.
Even with flaws, it was still the sweetest, frumpiest birthday cake you could ever remember someone making for you.
You stuck out a finger trying to taste the crumb coat when you felt a sharp smack to your ass.
“Oww!” Rubbing it, you saw Reid standing behind you with a towel in his hand. “Did you really just spank me with a towel?”
“It’s not time for cake yet,” he said. He was shirtless, tattoos on display, baggy cargo pants riding low on his hips. There was a hint of tiredness in his eyes but it was mostly irritation. “This part was for last. You were supposed to follow the roses first.”
Ah. He was irritated that you messed up the plan. But you were so excited to see what else he had in store that you didn’t answer back with a sharp quip of your own. “Then lead the way.”
With a sigh, he put his hands on your shoulders and walked you out of the kitchen. His grip was gentle though so you knew he wasn’t seriously frustrated with you.
The path of rose petals came back into view and you realized they were from a real flower and not plastic. A warm feeling spread through you and it only grew the closer the closer the path drew you to the bedroom. Reid stayed just behind you the whole way, your gentle guide.
“The flowers are beautiful, Reid.”
“I know. And a normal person would’ve followed them from the start.”
“Sorry,” you giggled. “The food all looked really good though. Three Michelin stars across the board.”
“Yeah, yeah. Just open the door, would ya?”
You pushed the door with your fingers, thoughts racing. What were you going to find? That fancy stationary set you’d been eyeing online? A fluffy, tail-wagging puppy? A chest of kinky toys?
With Reid it could any one of the three. Maybe even all three.
Tons of balloons were inflated and rolling around the floor, so much so that you had to kick a few out of the way to be able to step in. Even a birthday banner hung over the bed when he had thumbtacked it into the wall.
But the gift was unmistakable.
The large woven basket was sitting on the dresser, fibers dyed your favorite color was hard to miss.
Then came the stuff that was practically overflowing from said basket. You rummaged through it like a old woman at a yard sale, pulling out something new with every handful.
Jewelry. A soft blanket. Cans of your favorite type of drink. Hand painted ceramics. Some hard cover additions you’d been meaning to add to your personal library. New head phones. Dozens of origami creatures. A tee from your favorite team. Coffee mugs and several blends of beans. Hand-held tools  to replace your old ones with. And not only a stationary set but a wax letter stamp seal as well.
And everything from the basket to the last gift followed the same theme: it was all in your favorite color.
You jumped into his arms and he caught you. “I’m—this is…this is…”
“What?” he said, his breath tickling your ear and fingers gripping your thighs tightly. “Impressive? Inspiring? The best goddamn gift you’ve ever seen?”
“Touching,” you whispered.
You couldn’t see it, but you could sense the soft expression on his face.
“How did you even manage to find some of this stuff in this color?”
“It wasn’t easy, let me tell you…”
He went on explaining how he started with the just the stationary (you were right and he had noticed you looking at it) in your favorite color.
Then he added the headphones, also in your favorite color.
Then he’d painted the ceramic pieces himself.  
Eventually thinking up even more potential presents to get, he’d come up with the idea to do everything in that color. The tools were the hardest but he was very proud that he’d been able to pull it off with the help of a custom order from a local business.
“This is super touching. Thanks for putting in this much thought and effort,” you said finally lifting your head up to give him a kiss.
It was meant to be a quick peck but Reid’s lips followed yours when you tried to pull back, turning it into something more passionate. He even managed to lick his way into your mouth before you finally parted, panting for air.
“Mmm,” he breathed, lips back on yours. “You’re eager to get to the next event.”
You made a confused sound in your throat which he swallowed. One of his hands traveled up your leg and over your hip to come to a rest on your lower back. He turned you and that’s when you noticed the bed.
The comforter was already pulled slightly down and more rose petals were scattered all around. He laid you down on the mattress and prowled up your body. The petals were even more fragrant now that you were closer to them.
“What’s the next event?” you asked coyly although it wasn’t hard to guess.
“One kiss for every year you’ve been alive,” he said with a cocked smile. “It was either that many kisses or that many orgasms—I figured all those orgasms might be too much for you though.”
You bit his bottom lip and snuck your fingers under the waistband of his cargo pants suggestively. “How about both?”
He watched in rapture as you removed your shirt, eyes glued to your chest.  
“Anything for you, babe. Happy Birthday.”
Yay! Thanks for reading. I hope this was alright. 
In my mind, Reid is the type of romantic to make you things, hence the food, origami, and ceramics. But sensual time will also be included just because. 
Honestly, he probably heard what Caleb did for his s/o and, in typical competitive fashion, decided he could do better. He roped in Tyler to keep reader distracted and spent a few hours cooking, decorating, and assembling the massive personalized gift basket. 
They likely did reach fulfill the birthday kiss count but how many orgasms they managed to achieve is up to your imagination. 
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mooshys · 4 years
hq + hogwarts house sorting
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Below are the houses with which some of our finest students have been sorted into along with key characteristics pertaining to them. Each house is equal, but the one you are sorted into will hold a dear place in your heart as your housemates will be like your family. Feel free to get acquainted with the customs of each house in the days before the first term. 
I wish you all the best with your sorting ceremony,
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GRYFFINDOR ➝ daichi, ushijima, iwaizumi, aran, yaku, tanaka, nishinoya, hoshiumi, hinata, goshiki
HOUSE AESTHETICS ➝ freckles on your nose from sun exposure, the horizon seen from the top of a mountain, freshly squeezed orange juice, beat up sneakers from years of wear, wildflower bouquets, rubies on a crown, old movie tickets kept in your pocket, lightning storms in the summer, dirt paths leading you to a forest, apple pie baked in the morning, bandages wrapped around your fingers, cherry lip balm, fraying denim, popping of champagne bottles, t-shirts tossed to the side to dive headfirst into a lake, names carved on the trunk of a tree, mismatched earrings, stained glass windows with sunlight filtering through them
LOVE FOR A GRYFFINDOR ➝ forehead kisses, engulfing you in back hugs and rocking you from side to side while humming, singing along to your favorite song, a polaroid picture of you in their wallet, introducing you to their family with pride in their eyes, holding your hand tighter when navigating through a crowd, getting you a locket with a photo of you two as a birthday gift, saying “I love you” as soon as they realize
WHAT SETS THEM APART ➝ the ones willing to take the jump without knowing if the water is too cold or too shallow, the ones who stand by your side and fight for what is right, the ones who are not afraid of what others think, the ones who run to the ends of the earth for you, the ones who are fearless
SHENANIGANS IN THE COMMON ROOM ➝ bringing in plates of food from the great hall and creating different concoctions in the middle of the night, making giant pillow forts and chatting there until the early morning, sneaking out to the quidditch pitch to watch the sunrise
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SLYTHERIN ➝ oikawa, tendou, semi, daishou, sugawara, atsumu, osamu, sakusa, futakuchi, shirabu
HOUSE AESTHETICS ➝ silver jewelry that never tarnishes, fur coats to keep you warm in the winter, the perfect red lipstick, dark chocolate covered strawberries, renaissance paintings, vines of ivy scaling castle walls, drips of wax from a candle stick, the sounds of an orchestra reverberating through an opera house, black turtlenecks, gold fountain pens, espresso from rome, leather gloves, crescent moons, head busts of roman emperors, wire rimmed glasses, silk, blackberries picked from your home garden to make jam, berets, flute glasses being held for a toast, gold cufflinks with a family emblem, pristine robes
LOVE FOR A SLYTHERIN ➝ banter going back and forth as flirtatious plights, making fun of cheesy movies together, gifts of jewelry for anniversaries, kisses on your neck, your perfume being their favorite scent, retreats to a winter cottage for vacation together, shielding you from the rain with their coat during an unexpected storm, whispering “I love you” in your ear in the middle of a crowd to see what kind of reaction you’d give them
WHAT SETS THEM APART ➝ the ones who walk in a room and command its attention, the ones who seize the day with an iron grip, the ones who know their talents and polish them until they shine brightest, the ones who walk with their heads held up highest, the ones who are exceptional
SHENANIGANS IN THE COMMON ROOM ➝ poker nights with sweets from honeydukes used as chips, wizard chess bets leaving some of the younger students broke after multiple heated game, putting toads underneath blankets as a prank and the perpetrators waking up with a jelly-leg curse
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HUFFLEPUFF ➝ asahi, bokuto, hanamaki, matsukawa, komori, yamaguchi, yachi, lev, koganegawa
HOUSE AESTHETICS ➝ picnic spreads in front of a sparkling lake, sunlight illuminating your irises, washi tape, amber gemstones held up to the sky, the last string of honey stuck on a spoon, letters from friends and past lovers stored in an old cookie tin, green pastures with cows grazing the land, roasted chestnuts, rows of tulips, lace sewn on your sleeves, wooden figurines, lazing underneath a willow tree, paint brushes, walnut brownies baked after dinner, sheen on the highest points of your face, seashells kept from the beach, fluffy clouds shaped like animals, cookies wrapped with parchment paper and tied with twine
LOVE FOR A HUFFLEPUFF ➝ groggily mumbling “five more minutes” in the morning before getting out of bed because they love the way your body is pressed against theirs, always making two cups of coffee in the morning, putting a blanket over your body when you’re sleeping on the couch, getting your favorite ice cream pint at the supermarket even though you didn’t write it on the grocery list, being the first one to text you on your birthday, showing “I love you” through remembering all the things that make you special
WHAT SETS THEM APART ➝ the ones who always stop and lend a hand, the ones who give up what is theirs if it benefits others, the ones who never forget your name, the ones who make the biggest sacrifice, the ones who are altruistic
SHENANIGANS IN THE COMMON ROOM ➝ sitting near the fireplace and roasting s’mores together, dance parties and clanking of butterbeer glasses to celebrate the end of exams, playing a game of pictionary instead of doing homework
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RAVENCLAW ➝ kuroo, kita, kiyoko, kenma, hirugami, akaashi, suna, ennoshita, terushima, kunimi, tsukishima, kageyama
HOUSE AESTHETICS ➝ passing notes stained with coffee in secrecy, sugar cubes dissolving in a cup of tea, constellations telling stories from generations past, violets, blankets of soft snow seen outside your window, chunky boots, running your fingers across a velvet blanket, sleeping with a book covering your eyes from the sun, stardust, notes written next to your favorite scene in a play, gold trimmed letters, ink smeared on fingers, the tail of a cat swinging back and forth, telescopes, mascara smudged at the corners of your eyes, a scarf knitted by a close friend
LOVE FOR A RAVENCLAW ➝ two a.m. facetime calls talking about anything and everything until it’s silent on both ends and neither of you mind because time spent together is never a minute wasted, chaste kisses when passing through rows of shelves in the library, sharing your favorite songs with each other, reading a book because you offhandedly mentioned it once, falling down the rabbit hole and never wanting to escape, writing “I love you” at the corner of your notebook and waiting until you notice
WHAT SETS THEM APART ➝ the ones who pause and always pick the right words, the ones who devise plans like no other, the ones who try to understand everything the universe has to offer, the ones who will go above and beyond to change the system, the ones who are erudite
SHENANIGANS IN THE COMMON ROOM ➝ students gathered together with bowls of popcorn to watch a meteor shower, jeopardy games regarding historical magical figures being played with the stakes of winner getting their homework done by everyone else for a week, all nighters dedicated to deciphering ancient text
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youarejesting · 3 years
Even the Cake is in tiers
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Beta: n/a (at the moment) Rating: All Pairing: Namjoon  Jin x Reader Genre: fluff, angst, drama, slice of life, almost wedding day.  Words: 4k
Summary: About to marry the man of your dreams in less than one week. 90 guests invited. Venue booked. Family overwhelming yet appeased. Nothing could go wrong... unless you count your soon to be mother in law slipping you a cursed present, and inviting your fiances high school sweetheart. The Kim family is full of secrets. 92 Plates set.
[Request] @insfirebunny​ - I strayed a little from your ask I am sorry. I went with cursed instead of demon. I had a lot of fun with the puns, I love Jin just breaking all the awkward silences with a pun, and the reader slowly warming up to them.
This was the most important week of your life, your family and your soon-to-be husband's family were coming together for one week in a huge country club. You were on edge, your fiance was a brilliant businessman, he was a genius, and the kindest man you had the pleasure of meeting. In a week this brilliant, kind, and clumsy young man would be your husband till death do you part.
You met Kim Namjoon in your senior year, you were in a similar department. As a business major yourself there were a lot of opportunities to cross paths. Between the projects and the department dinners, the two of you naturally grew closer. Coffee and studying became dinner and movies as you proudly courted Namjoon like a proper lady. 
Insisting to pay And spoil the young man was the best way to spoil him. Normally he was too shy to speak up about what he wanted, but you were very perceptive. Always noticing the way his eyes would repeatedly glance towards the item or shop. With a small curious lift of his eyebrows, he would press his lips firmly together with a face he made when he read or saw something interesting in a book or movie and a dead giveaway to his interests and desires.
You first made the connection when passing an arcade, Namjoon’s eyes lit up sparkling as he spotted the small blue Koala stuffed toy. He walked closer to the claw machine and you watched his features change into the very same curious expression.
It felt like a rush of satisfaction when you had successfully retrieved the soft plush from the crane and presented it to the beautiful man. It warmed your heart to know that you could make this magnificent guy smile and so you made it your hobby and pastime. You couldn’t be more in love with him and you knew he was in love with you.
The only problem lied with his mother, who was upset that he wanted to marry someone who wasn’t from South Korea. This was understandable, the idea that different was scary was ingrained into most people, you tried to be respectful and always show your best qualities. 
Honestly, you were just hoping that you could keep both sides of the family happy for one week. ONE WEEK. Then you would be married and you could live your lives together. The Country club was full of life, filled with distant relatives from each party and young children running around the grounds pulling pranks on their cousins.
With a polite bow and well-behaved mannerisms, you were on the road to charming Namjoon’s parents. It surprised you how civil they were and how his mother had yet to say something against you. The ladies were enjoying high tea when your mother-in-law presented you with a gift.
A small wooden jewelry box, engraved with strange symbols some you swore felt a little sinister. She gave you instructions to open it later that night when you were alone. Taking her words seriously you were going to fulfill her request hoping not to offend anyone’s traditions.
Leaving the dining hall early with the box in hand you were wondering what could possibly be inside. It was so nice that Namjoon’s mother was so accepting of you, taking the time to get you a gift. 
Shutting the door behind you, you glanced at the garment bag, which housed your wedding dress. It took a while to find the perfect dress but you knew it was the one when it fit everyone's expectations. It was the perfect amount of beautiful and conservative as well as sexy and fun.
Sitting on the large bed you missed cuddling with Namjoon, the two of you had been waiting for marriage and to be honest it wasn’t a big deal. You both were more interested in intertwining your lives than your bodies. Opening the wooden box, the weight increased until it collapsed onto the floor salt spilling onto the floor. You saw footprints in the salt and as they appeared across the floor soon followed ankles, calves, and knees. 
Mesmerized by the man materializing in front of your eyes, at least you believed he was a man. The smirk and the god-tier features on a flawless face. Who was this man and what was he doing in your room? He pulled his plump lips into a pointed grin, his eyes flashing as they landed on your frozen form. His gaze didn’t linger for long before your vision faded.
What a strange dream you had, you had heard that brides often had horrible dreams leading up to their wedding but this felt so real. Sitting up from the soft fluffy blankets you squealed when you saw the handsome young man sitting on the beautiful chaise by the window.
“I don’t know how you got into my room, but you need to leave?” Your voice held no authority and no strength, your lips shaking with every breath, tears prickling behind your eyes. “Are you from the Kim Family, I can help you find your room?”
“I am from the Kim family, but I can’t leave your side. You opened the box in which I was captured many years ago.” He said simply enjoying fruit in the sun, you noticed he was wearing traditional Korean clothes and had longer hair. There was something about the way he looked that made him look so ethereal and out of place. 
“Who are you?” You said, sure now that this was some sort of prank being played by the Kim family so you decided to play along.
“Kim Seokjin,” He grinned looking at the door as someone knocked.
“Hello dear, are you coming down for breakfast,” Namjoon’s voice broke you from the daze you fell in when admiring Seokjin’s face?
Running to the door you opened it and gave him a kiss on the cheek, “I will be down soon, let me get dressed.”
Walking to the dining hall Seokjin followed you around, it seemed no matter what turn you took, you couldn’t run away. He had however changed his appearance which scared you beyond belief. His long hair was cut short and a fine suit that mirrored the one on the cover of a magazine strewn on the coffee table. Stepping into the dining hall you saw Namjoon’s mother smiling wickedly in the corner as Namjoon was hugging a young woman, the two grinning and talking adamantly.
“Hey Joonie, I am here.” You smiled trying to gain his attention again, you didn’t have to worry, this would be his relative of some kind and you were to be his wife so you had nothing to worry about. Right?
“Hey, Y/n this is my old high school friend Bom, we have been best friends since we were young, I didn’t even know she was coming but mum said it was a surprise. Isn’t that great my soulmate at my wedding?”
Oof that hurt. You knew he didn’t mean it to sound the way it did and you were happy as long as he was happy. Having in fact heard of this friend on multiple occasions from him. She was beautiful and everything you knew Namjoon’s mother wanted in her son’s bride. The leading factor being she was Korean.
“Namjoon tells me so much about you,” You smiled and she shook your hand and grinned. 
“Let me tell you somethings about him then to even the playing field,” Her smile was genuine and she sat at breakfast Seokjin silently taking a seat at the table. She was quick to refuse some food by the waiter, “I can't, I am allergic to seafood.”
“That must be a bit of a hassle.” You didn’t know what to say and the silence was getting awkward. Seokjin chuckled reaching for an apple from the center fruit bowl. “I am glad you are getting your apple-y ever after.”
That did it. Chuckles all around and a small knowing smirk from Namjoon’s mother, Seokjin lied saying his name was Taejin and that he preferred just Jin. 
After breakfast that you pulled Namjoon aside, “Hey Joonie?” you asked
“Yes dear, what is it?”
“Who is Kim Seokjin, your mother was talking about him last night?” The question had been burning in your mind all morning and now that you two were alone you felt safe enough to ask him.
“Haha, did my mother tell you that old story? She is a superstitious woman,” Namjoon was laughing to himself before he gathered himself enough to answer your question seriously. “Back in the day, when Korea was still ruled by monarchs, the Kim family had different uh factions, the noblemen and the servants. One of the Kim Noblemen was supposed to marry the most beautiful young woman in town. But on the day of the wedding a young man named Kim Seokjin, part of the servants of the family, was throwing petals with the other servants and caught the bride's attention.”
“What happened then?” You pressed further watching said man from behind your fiance’s shoulder. As he listened watching the small television in the corner playing a murder mystery K-Drama.
“Well, it was said that Kim Seokjin charmed the woman and stole her from the wedding, stealing her away crying. It was said that when he found his bride he locked Seokjin in an ornate box, a family heirloom passed down through generations.” Namjoon smiled, kissing your cheek enthusiastically. “I have to go, Bom says she is going to challenge me today in golf.”
“I heard you stole someone's bride and were trapped in a box,” you muttered
“Ah is that what they believe, it’s funny how stories change over time. I didn’t steal anyone, she tried to call off the wedding before it even began and in a fit of jealousy I was almost beheaded but was cursed into the box.” Seokjin laughed, “I am not someone who steals someone’s lover.”
“But she looks like she would,” Seokjin muttered while leaning over the balcony, looking down over the side you could see Namjoon laughing at Bom hanging off his arm. Jealousy felt like sickness in the depths of your stomach. A queasy feeling that burnt its way up to your throat.
“Namjoon isn’t like that,” you defended your fiance, he was a sweet bean who only knew how to love with his whole heart, “He is a nice guy who wouldn’t dream of cheating on anyone.”
There was a small pause as your thoughts wandered to what-ifs, you trusted Namjoon but could you trust her. “Look if you trust him that’s great but I know a thing or two about the Kim family and when they find something they want, nothing can stop them or stand in their way until they get it. So he might want you now but what if these days leading up to the wedding he changes his mind?”
“Why are you doing this to me? Why am I letting you get inside my head?”
“I assure you I am not trying to make you doubt your future husband, I am trying to help you secure him,” Seokjin said, pulling out a rather fancy dress, it was a little more revealing than what you had been wearing around Namjoon’s mother, you were unsure why you had packed the dress in the first place. “Now put on this outfit and go to him, you need to impress him. Be like a beer, pitcher perfect” 
“Haha.” Your laugh was dry, but you had to hand it to him, he had a quick wit and you liked that a lot, “I don’t need to impress him, I am his fiance and we are getting married.”
“Listen I will distract her and if the situation calls for it, sabotage her plans of stealing your fiance, the last thing I need right now is to be cursed back into a box thank you very much.” He threw the dress at your face pushing you into the bathroom. You turned to give him an offended look and he leaned down so his face was level with yours a condescending smile. “For butter or worse, I want to toast the lovely bride and groom, I need you both happy then you can all leave me alone. ”
Seokjin’s plans weren’t working. The dress made Namjoon send you back to the country club to get changed as he thought it was a little too indecent for golf. To make matters worse, when Seokjin tried to interfere and push Bom into the lake, Namjoon jumped in after her. As if things couldn’t get worse, Namjoon gave her his jacket and escorted her back while you dragged your feet back to your room. 
It was at this point you fell into Seokjin’s ideas, the two of you trying to conjure up situations where you looked superior to Bom and stole the spotlight. Seokjin critiqued your outfits and told you how to act charming and attract Namjoon’s attention. 
“So should I wear my hair up or down?” You asked him, curiously whilst standing in front of the mirror, tonight was the night before the big day and you were feeling downhearted. Namjoon was spending the majority of his time joking and talking with Bom and all your attempts only made them grow closer.
“You look beautiful either way, when your hair is up it shows off your slim jaw and long neck but down makes you look more feminine and beautiful.” Seokjin’s voice traveled through the bathroom door, but you could hear the truth in the words he spoke. There was no hesitation, he replied as if you had asked him about the weather.
“Oh,” Your cheeks looked so red, in the mirror, you had never seen yourself flushed before. It was kind of a romantic look, you hoped tomorrow you could look just as beautiful walking down the aisle. “No one has ever really said that to me before.”
“What about the Kim?”
“Namjoon doesn’t really talk about looks, which I appreciate he says he prefers personality over appearances,” You opened the door and stepped out, he stood up from the couch slowly, his jaw slack.
“You are very pretty,” For some reason, the confidence in his voice died away and he sounded so shaken and breathless. He offered his hand, which you gratefully took, “We should get you done to the party, you are getting married in the morning.”
“Why are you more excited than I am?”
“I love weddings, I find them so... Engaging” He looked at you with a serious expression pausing for effect and you slapped his arm with a grown
“I hate you and your puns.” struggling to control your features, you couldn’t admit he was funny.
The party was just beginning and the music was soft, Seokjin politely pulled you onto the dance floor and began leading you around. “I will try to distract Bom tonight, focus on having fun, okay?”
“Okay,” You smiled, gripping his broad shoulder, you tried to let all your worries disappear and it helped that Seokjin spun you around until you were dizzy and then demanded that you spin him too. In fits of giggles, you were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.
“Do you mind if I cut in?” Namjoon asked eyeing Seokjin.
“Of course, she is all yours”
Namjoon took your waist and began leading you albeit clumsily through a slow dance, “I feel like I haven’t seen you all week.”
“It has been hard to see you when you were hanging out with your friend but I understand, you haven’t seen each other in a long time and we have been together for a really long time.” You admitted trying to settle the uncertainties in your mind.
“Yeah, I feel like we just get each other and sometimes we lose track of the time.” He whispered.
You both heard Bom and Seokjin laughing together, they looked happy but you felt sick, Namjoon didn’t ease your insecurities and the one person you had been confiding in was also laughing with the other girl.
“I know he said he was a Kim but I have no idea who that guy is?”
“Your mum invited him, she said he is a distant relative,” deciding not to say his name in hopes Namjoon guessed he was the Seokjin from the legend.
“Ah must be very distant.”
You two were talking and you felt some form of reassurance that Namjoon still loved you and wanted to marry you. It was silly how worried you had gotten because his best friend had crashed the wedding.
Turning you saw Seokjin looking horrified as Bom was in anaphylactic shock, racing over you watched as your fiance saved her and you dragged Seokjin away. “What was that, that wasn’t part of the plan.”
“I didn’t mean to, we were talking and I offered her what I thought was a chicken sandwich. It was incorrectly labeled and I didn’t know it was crab until she hit the floor.”
“She was supposed to be removed from the wedding, I didn’t want her to be killed”
“Look, either way, this works out, maybe this is a better plan. She will be in the hospital while you are getting married. This plan is better.”
“Plan?” A voice said behind Seokjin and he stepped aside revealing a confused and hurt Namjoon. 
“I didn’t ask or want or plan for something like this to happen, I just wanted to spend some time with you before the wedding cause I hadn’t seen you all week.” You attempted some form of explanation when Namjoon raised his hand effectively silencing you.
“I wanted the same thing and I am disappointed you resorted to these jealous and petty tricks that almost cost someone their life. I am going to the hospital, and I will see you tomorrow at the altar.” Namjoon turned, briskly walking away, chasing him with tears rolling down your cheeks. You begged him not to go. “I am disappointed that you were doubting me this whole time, it’s like I don’t even know who you are anymore.”
The rest of the night you spent getting drunk in your hotel room passing out after crying yourself to sleep, you woke the next day with a headache. The hairstylist and the makeup artists were polite and didn’t mention the puffiness of your eyes and did their absolute best to make you look like a picture-perfect bride.
You looked in the mirror feeling alone, you hadn’t seen Namjoon or Seokjin since last night and you were unsure if you could face Namjoon but you were longing for Seokjin. He knew exactly what to say to cheer you up. He knew exactly how to make your problems disappear. If he was here you knew you could get through this day.
There was a knock and Seokjin smiled at the door, “You look truly beautiful, a blushing bride indeed, can I escort you down to the hall?”
“Of course,” You breathed, taking his hand. He led you downstairs and to the doors of the hall. You stopped and hugged him, his broad shoulders keeping you grounded and you took a few deep breaths.
“Hey no matter what happens, I am here okay. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” He smiled softly. You thought for a moment he was going to kiss you and at that moment you wished he would, it was like something had taken over you. 
“I am so nervous, I think I need to go to the bathroom.”
“Well, you better go now, or forever hold your pees." The softest laugh seemed to shake as he stepped back letting his hands fall to his sides.
The music started playing and Seokjin walked away out of sight and the doors opened. Clutching the bouquet tightly you began walking down the aisle, your eyes met Namjoon’s and he gave you a smile that told you everything was forgiven. 
Needless to say, the tears started flowing, you were supposed to be happy but instead it felt like you were being married off to a stranger, someone who loved who you pretended to be not who you were. Namjoon liked the you that took care of him diligently and bought him his favorite things and was that really you.
You reached the altar and turned to face him and as he took your hands you noticed Jin slip into the back row of the hall.
“I knew you were the one when you took care of me, in other relationships I was expected to buy gifts, to provide, and yet with you I was the one being cared for and provided for. You cleaned up my messes when I was clumsy and you always made my favorite foods, you're so independent and wonderful and I can’t wait to make you my wife.”
“That’s, That’s not me,” you interrupted me, “I liked winning you a prize at the arcade but then you sang my praises and I became the one buying you gifts, which made me happy because you were happy but you didn’t return that love, you know you have never called me beautiful.”
“You push for me to be independent which I love but would it kill you to show me affection. I know we are all about equality and letting me get the bill but how is that equal if you have never offered to cook clean or pay for dinner. I haven’t been your partner in any of this, definitely not your girlfriend. I have been your mother.” 
“Speaking of your mother, your mother gave me an ornate box which you explained held the Seokjin Curse so thanks for trying to have me stolen away before the wedding. She invited your best friend from school because she wants Bom to be your wife, someone who knows the culture and background”
“And honestly it hurt this whole week trying to get your attention and you always turned to her, what happened last night was unfortunate and I am glad Bom has recovered so quickly, my friend told me the chicken and the crab sandwiches had been mislabeled. But the most important part is I saw you Namjoon. You were so loving this week, but not with me, with Bom.”
Taking off your viel you put it on Bom and lead her up to the altar and join their hands. “I am sorry, I am sorry that you never got to see the real me, I am sorry I played along with the image of me you created in your mind. I want to be friends but I cannot marry you Namjoon.”
He was crying, “I think you are right,” He hugged you kissing your cheek, “I loved you a lot and I am sorry I never told you how beautiful you were, I wish I could have allowed you to be yourself.”
“I have to go.” You whispered before walking out of the hall awkwardly with your head down. Namjoon escorted you out and everyone followed you to the dining room where the DJ and Namjoon’s close friend got on the mic.
“Let’s not waste a party.” You gave him a thumbs up and headed upstairs and changed quickly into the dress Seokjin had picked out for you earlier that week. It was a little revealing but you didn’t care, it’s not like you had anyone to impress anymore.
It was three drinks in and sixteen songs that the cake was brought out, the cake topper removed and you grinned as the song ‘Not Today’ filled the room. You were dancing wildly and Namjoon and Bom were having a blast.
“I am sorry, I didn’t mean for you to feel like I stole Namjoon, I was honestly really excited for you too,” she admitted and you grinned.
“He has known you since you two were little and I realized when I met you that his ideal type was you and he was projecting that image onto me, it’s better off this way.” A hand wrapped around your wrist and spun you until you landed against a strong broad chest.
“I liked the whole wedding, but it was the reception that really took the cake.” Seokjin grinned leaving you in hysterics.
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pietrotheavenger · 3 years
learn to love
chapter 8 - i do
summary: y/n and steve don’t get along. now, they have to.
pairings: au!steve rogers x fem!reader
warnings: hangover, alcohol
a/n: enjoy!
series masterlist
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y/n awoke to soft snoring. her head was resting on steve’s bare chest, his arm protectively curled around her. she could hear his steady heartbeat. her head was throbbing and she groaned, snuggling further into him as a defense to the cool breeze coming in from the ajar window. she lifted her head when she realized that she was in her underwear. she glanced sleepily at her surroundings, pulled the covers up, and fell back asleep.
she woke up some time later with the need to use the bathroom. she looked up and admired steve’s peaceful countenance. his lips were slightly parted and his cheeks were rosy. she sat up and stretched, her back cracking. unbeknownst to her, he began stirring when she moved away from him. he missed her warmth. she pushed the covers off but before she could leave bed, he grabbed her waist, his grip surprisingly firm, and pulled her onto him.
“where are you going?” his voice was raspy and his words slurred together. his eyes were barely open.
“i have to pee.”
“last night-” he began but she interrupted him.
“let’s not talk about it,” she planted her hands on his chest and leaned forward, the ends of her hair tickling him, “let’s just let it happen. we’ll see where we go from here.”
his hooded eyes were drawn to her mouth as a lazy smile spread across his pink lips. “can i kiss you?” he hummed.
“your breath stinks,” she whispered.
“your breath is worse,” he whispered back.
“whatever, rogers,” she playfully slapped his chest before reluctantly leaving him. she slipped into the bathroom, did her business, and just before she began brushing her teeth, there was a knock on the door.
“who is it?”
“me,” she heard steve’s muffled voice from behind the door. she opened the door and looked at him expectantly with her hands on her hips.
“hi,” he had a childish smile on his face.
“hello, steven,” she replied. “may i help you?”
“can i brush my teeth?” he tilted his head to the side, resembling a puppy. she physically could not say no to him. her heart swooned. she stepped back and let him in. they began brushing their teeth, making eye contact in the mirror. he wrapped his arm around her shoulders while standing from behind and held her close to his body. he pulled his brush out of his mouth and pressed a sloppy kiss to her cheek. she squealed and pushed his face away.
they got dressed and headed downstairs to have breakfast. “good morning, dear,” sarah greeted steve as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. she stood at the island, cutting strawberries.
“mornin’, ma,” he mumbled back and retreated back to y/n’s side.
“how did you two sleep?” she glanced between them as she transferred the fruit from the cutting board to a serving bowl.
“good, thank you,” y/n offered a smile which was returned. she spotted a stack of plates on the counter and decided to set the table. she picked them up, but steve was quick to intervene.
“i can do it, doll,” he told her, gently taking them from her.
“i can do it, too,” she responded, reaching for them.
“you snooze, you lose,” he grinned, stepping back so the plates were just out of her grasp. she unsuccessfully suppressed a smile and shook her head.
breakfast went on without a hiccup. everyone returned upstairs to get ready. he got dressed in his room and she took her garment bag and makeup into sophia’s room, where they chatted as they prepared themselves for the wedding. he racked his brain but he couldn’t remember what she was to wear that morning.
she entered his room casually as he adjusted his tie in the mirror. she went straight to her suitcase, tucking her makeup bag into a corner and draping the garment bag over the back of the desk chair. when he saw her behind him, he turned so quick that he got dizzy for a moment. she wore a tight emerald green dress. it stopped a few inches below her knee, but the plunging neckline and the slit up the leg kept it from being entirely modest. when she turned his back to him, he saw that the back was simply a criss-cross of straps. he cleared his throat, his mouth suddenly dry. she looked like sin and he didn’t mind rotting in hell for an eternity.
“y/n, you look amazing,” he exhaled. he held his hand out to her and she accepted, smiling radiantly at him. he slowly spun her around, taking her all in, and then tugged her close to his body. his hand went to her waist, eyes dropping to her lips. she wound her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
“who would’ve thought? the two of us together,” a teasing smile played on her features.
“who would’ve thought?” he echoed.
they stood in silence for a moment that seemed like a lifetime. “are you gonna kiss me or what, rogers?” she raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow. that was all the encouragement he needed to crash his lips onto hers. her body arched into his as she giggled into the kiss. she felt sixteen all over again.
“do you think we’re moving too fast?” he asked, after pulling away. he had a smile playing on his lips as he admired her.
“i mean, you are my boyfriend,” she joked, straightening his collar. she avoided his gaze.
“truly,” he added. “are we moving too fast?”
“maybe,” she sighed. he tucked his hand under her chin and tipped her head up so that she would meet his eyes. “but i don’t care,” she told him. her words were genuine.
“it’s okay,” he whispered. the words of comfort were more for him than for her.
the wedding ceremony went beautifully. it was on the intimate side, with less than 50 guests. he had rested his hand on her thigh, his thumb moving back and forth over her skin. he was a subtle distraction. he inched his hand up until she laced her fingers with his. “steve,” her voice was calm but a warning lurked beneath.
he smirked to himself, content with the fact that he had gotten under her skin. “i’ll behave now.”
once they arrived back home, she slipped out of her dress and into a silk robe. she took all of her things into sophia’s room, where they got ready, again. sawyer laid on his sister’s bed and toyed around on his phone. when she returned to steve, his breath was knocked out of her chest. the reception gown fit her like a glove, perfectly tight in all the right places and stretching over the curves of her body. she wasn’t paying attention to him, and instead to the jewelry that she had organized on his desk. she hummed softly to herself as she picked up the gold necklace. steve trailed behind her like a lost puppy. his lips were parted in shock.
“could you help me with the clasp?” she asked after struggling for a moment.
he wasn’t able to form a coherent sentence, so he wordlessly moved her hair out of his way and took the chain from her. his fingers brushed against her skin and goosebumps rose in its wake. he fastened the clasp, before gently running his fingertips down the nape of her neck. her back was pressed against his front. his lips ghosted over her neck as he moved his other hand to trail up her arm. she involuntarily shuddered, breathing out his name. she turned, her hands going to his face and pulled him down and into a kiss.
he stammered for a moment before finding the right words, “you are everything.”
they took a previously arranged limo to the venue for the reception. it was held in some ornate and expensive mansion. y/n was well aware that just a glass of champagne was most likely equivalent to her rent. the overwhelming wealth made her feel insecure. this life was one steve was used to and yet she felt isolated and out of place. she wondered if she would be able to fit in his life. despite this, she smiled and tried her best to not let her true feelings show through her facade.
everyone was lightly socializing, waiting for the newlywed couple to arrive. y/n pulled herself out of a conversation concerning investment banks to go to the restroom. she glanced around for steve, but did not spot him. she asked a waiter for directions and exhaled upon entering the bathroom, relieved to have just a moment of peace. she rolled her shoulders as she opened up her clutch to browse the meager contents and retouch her lipstick. after she had killed enough time, she opened the door, and immediately bumped into sophia.
“oh, hey y/n!” she smiled brightly.
“hi,” she mirrored her expression and stepped back, allowing the blonde girl to enter, “how’s your night going?”
sophia wrung her hands as she spoke, “a good start. i hope it continues like this. how about you?”
“i think i’m a little too sober. i’ve never attended such a nice event,” she admitted.
“it can be a bit overwhelming, even for me,” sophia empathetically replied. “i try to tell myself that it’s just one night.”
“just one night,” she repeated.
“on the bright side, you have steve! the picture he posted was so cute.”
“picture?” her voice went up an octave and she raised an eyebrow.
“yeah, on instagram.”
“yeah, on instagram,” she echoed. she cleared her throat and spoke again, “well, i should go back, now. steve’s probably looking for me.” with that, she breezed out of the restroom.
she found a secluded corner, tore her phone out of her purse, and opened up instagram. the first image to show up on her screen was a selfie of her, pietro, and steve. they were all beaming in the first picture, and in the second picture, steve was gazing at her with an adoration that made her breath catch in her throat. there was no caption on the post. with shaking hands, she locked her phone and placed it back into her purse. her prior feelings of alienation increased tenfold and she slowly returned to the party where everyone was settling into their seats to welcome wanda and vision.
steve had been scanning the crowd, looking for y/n. when he saw her, his face lit up and he raised a hand to beckon her. she briefly met his gaze before dropping it. his smile dropped into a frown and he lowered his hand. when she took her seat next to his, he leaned in close, his voice loud enough for only her to hear, “alright, darlin’?”
she nodded her head without looking at him. his frown deepened. before he could prod her more, the happy couple made their entrance and a round of speeches again. he couldn’t help but frequently glance at her, wondering what had caused the cold shift in her demeanor. “look at me,” he said to her, between speeches. she complied. he couldn’t read her. he reached his hand up and gently stroked her cheekbone with his thumb. “what’s wrong?” her resolve melted as her eyes fluttered closed and she leaned into his touch.
she wanted to pretend like everything was okay, but it wasn’t. she was terrified that she wasn’t enough for him. she managed a weak smile and answered, “nothing.”
they both knew she was lying.
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infinity tags:
@ssweet-empowerment ; @stardustandbucky ; @abuckyrogersworld ; @freightcarcap ; @c-a-v-a-l-r-y ; @coffeebooksandfandom ; @somethingmoreclever ; @2dreamcatcher8 ; @illegalportkey ; @fuckthatfeeling ; @xxashy999xx ; @buckybarneshairpullingkink ; @tuliptx ; @wwhitewwolff ; @thisismysecrethappyplace ; @appreciating-chase-brody ; @renanyx ; @maladaptive-ninja-returns ; @marvelrose ; @sophiealiice ; @dreamsfollowed99 ; @galacticstxrdust ; @fitzsimmons-is-forever ; @dumblani ; @i-padfootblack-things ; @pinknerdpanda ;
learn to love tags:
@youunravelme ; @cailin-lefantasy ; @thatoneslytherinbeater ; @i-padfootblack-things ; @clockworkherondale ; @clean-and-claire ; @tits-out-for-cevans ; @evverything-plus-anything ; @denzmallows ; @ibxxmc-blog ; @thefandomzoneisdangerous ; @itsallyscorner ; @brujademente ; @dusuncelidusuncesiz ; @complete-trash-101 ; @radical-gecko ; @liebestraume-e : @cruelsummer-s ; @jgun2001 ;
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scapegrace74-blog · 4 years
Ginger Snap, Chapter 3
A/N  And just like that, here’s another chapter of Ginger Snap.  This one has no Chef!Jamie (at least not in person, but he is the invisible third presence in the room) but read it anyway!  He’ll be back in the next chapter, I promise.
Previous chapters are best enjoyed on my Ao3 page, because I have a bad habit of going back and editing them after they’ve been posted.
I appraised my reflection in a plate glass window.  Today was my thirtieth birthday.  I’d spent most of the day at a fancy salon having assorted hairs waxed, plucked and uncoiled.   Twenty minutes in the capricious October wind, and my sleek hairstyle was on the verge mutiny.  I smoothed it down as best I could with my palms, mentally shrugged my shoulders, then entered the upscale restaurant.
“Happy birthday, darling.”  Frank left a dry kiss on my cheek, careful to not mar my make-up, as he greeted me.  “You look very beautiful with your hair straight like that.”
It was clear why Frank had chosen the Witchery for my birthday celebration.  Nestled against Edinburgh Castle, it radiated history with its dark woods, tapestry-covered walls, burgundy banquettes and faux Tudor painted ceiling.  Everywhere crystal and silverware reflected the bountiful candlelight.  I pictured Jamie’s thick-soled work boots striding across the antique Persian carpets towards the kitchen and had to suppress a giggle.
Frank stood respectfully while the maître d’ pulled out my chair.  He played the part of the genteel academic to a tee.  Ten years’ my senior, he sported thick-framed glasses, a full head of dark hair and a trim figure that spoke more to abstemious habits than vigorous exercise.  Still, he was wearing his best tailored suit and the tie I’d bought him for Christmas.  I reminded myself that I was lucky to be in a relationship with a decent, courteous and dependable man who offered me the stability my tumultuous childhood had been sadly lacking.
We conversed quietly as we each perused the leather-bound menus, the noise of other diners a discrete background hum.  Frank told me all about the history of the sixteenth century oak panels that lined the room, and I listened politely.
“It’s so refreshing to see an establishment buck the trend of those horrendous open-style kitchens,” he pronounced with a dramatic shudder.
“Oh, I don’t know.  I rather enjoy watching the orchestrated chaos that goes into making my meal.  It’s like dinner theatre,” I contradicted.
“Some things are better appreciated unseen, darling.  It’s like that gaudy museum we visited in Paris.  Ductwork and elevator shafts on display along with the art.  It’s tremendously distracting, and not at all the point.”
He was referring to our visit to the Pompidou Centre the previous summer.  I had found the juxtaposition of modern art and naked architecture fascinating.   Frank much preferred the Louvre.
I was saved from having to defend my opinion by the arrival of our waiter.  Using a well-manicured fingernail to indicate his choices, Frank ordered for us both.
“The lady will have your Grand Cru Mambourg.  I’ll start with a Lagavullin 16, and proceed to the Chambolle-Musigny with my main course,” he said with conviction.
“Very good, sir.”  The waiter collected the enormous wine menu and decamped, having failed to even look me in the eye.  A little ember of resentment glowed in my belly.
“How did you know what wine to order when I haven’t told you what I’ve chosen as my main course?” I challenged once the waiter was out of earshot.
Frank looked perplexed, as though we were acting in a play and I’d suddenly said the wrong lines after countless perfect dress rehearsals.
“It’s your birthday, darling.  You always get lobster for your birthday.”
I thought about this.  He wasn’t wrong.   I liked lobster.  The first time we celebrated together in Boston, on my twenty-fifth birthday, it had felt like a sophisticated, grown-up choice.  But I never intended for it to become my only option.
The rest of the meal passed without event.  Frank was more animated than usual, reaching across the table to caress my hand twice and joking that his Angus steak tartare appetizer made him feel like a veritable red-blooded carnivore.
Once our plates were cleared Frank cleared his throat and squared his shoulders in a way that reminded me of the day he announced that we would be moving to Edinburgh.  Now what? I wondered.
“Claire.  Darling.  I think you know how happy you make me, and how delighted I am that we’re building this new life together back in the UK.  Your thirtieth birthday is such a special occasion, and I think it’s fitting that we mark it with something momentous.”
He reached across the table and took my left hand in his right.  His skin was cool and dry against my oddly numb palm.  I considered whether I might be going into cardiac arrest.  My heart felt untethered in my chest, leaping towards my throat and then plunging into my gut.  I concentrated on taking short, sipping breaths so that I didn’t regurgitate lobster all over the pristine white table linens.
Frank continued, unaware of my turmoil.  “I’d like us to be married within the year.  That way, our children will be born before you enter the high-risk years.  A late-spring wedding sounds lovely, don’t you think?”
He looked at me expectantly, so it must be my turn to speak.  The problem was I couldn’t think of a single thing to say.
“I’m sorry, are you asking me to marry you?” I managed to ask around my stomach, which had joined my heart in my throat.
Frank chuckled.  “Of course I am, darling.  Isn’t this what we always planned?”
Strictly speaking, it was what Frank had always planned.  He’d certainly never made any secret of the fact that matrimony and a family were what he saw in our future.  So why was I blind-sided?  It felt as though I had been driving a practical four-door sedan with an excellent crash test rating at highway speed, only to suddenly realize that nothing happened when I pumped the brakes.
I said the next thing that came into my malfunctioning brain.
“What about my licensing exams?”
“There really won’t be time, darling.  Planning a wedding is a full-time job in itself, from what I hear.   We need to get moving if we’re to have two children.  You aren’t getting any younger, you know.”
I nodded weakly as though this made some kind of sense.  Frank took the gesture as silent acceptance of his hyper-practical proposal, clapping his hands together in delight in a way that made me jump.
“Marvelous.  Now, I know that you’re very particular about jewelry, so I thought it best that we shop for a ring together.  But I wouldn’t dream of celebrating your special day without giving you something tangible.  Happy birthday, Claire.”
He pulled an envelope from his inside jacket pocket and slid it across the table.  My fingers trembled and twitched as I tried to open the seal.  Inside was a certificate printed with a familiar logo.   I looked at Frank in shock.  How did he know?
“I know how much you want to learn to cook.  This place has an excellent reputation, despite their ridiculous name.  They offer group lessons, but only at their location in Leith.  I suppose the rent is cheaper there, but clearly that was out of the question.  Fortunately, I was able to arrange something more suitable with the owner, so you’ll be learning at home from a private chef!”
At that moment our waiter reappeared carrying a bowl of dark, rich-looking pudding.  As he placed it on the table in front of me, the spicy vapours of whisky assaulted my nose.  With a flourish, the waiter extracted a long-handled lighter and ignited the liquor.  Through the ensuing burst of purple flame, Frank’s familiar features transformed into something far more sinister.
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malumsmermaid · 4 years
Piercing Love (LH)
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Back at it with another fic from the collab group! This month we were randomly assigned a member of the collab to gift a fic to and I got the ever lovely Lauren @loveroflrh​. It’s been a joy crafting a story for my fellow Lauren and I hope that you enjoy!
Collab Masterlist             My Masterlist            Buy Me a Coffee
Piercer!Luke x Tattoo Artist!Reader
Rating: M (18+ only please!)
Warnings: unprotected sex within an established relationship, nipple play, male receiving oral, discussion of tattoos and piercings (needles)
Word Count: 3.8k
Luke placed the second suitcase in the back of his car, smiling as he turned to you after he lowered the trunk door. “Ready to go, sweetheart?” he asked, teeth glinting in the morning sunlight.
You nodded, taking his hand and leaning up to give him a kiss, “After you, sunshine.”
He smiled, leaning in for one more peck before walking around to open your door for you. You settled into the seat, humming as you reached back for the seatbelt. You reached over and gave Luke’s hand a squeeze after he clicked his seatbelt, giving him a reassuring smile before pulling away so he could drive. 
As Luke began the hours long drive from your place to his parents’ home, you thought back on the past few months with him. 
A year ago you began working at Michael and Calum’s tattoo studio as they needed another artist, the studio gaining popularity. On your first day there, you saw this handsome prince of a man, sitting at a table and talking with one of the piercers. You thought it was a little early for someone to be getting a piercing consult, opening not for another five minutes.
Michael appeared around a corner, grinning when he laid eyes on you. “Hey!” He called, bouncing over and putting an arm over your shoulder. “Luke, Aaron, you guys need to meet our new artist. Their work is amazing! Y/n, these are our two main piercers, Luke and Aaron.”
Luke smiled, waving before pushing a blonde curl behind his ear. “I don't think I’ve ever been in a studio with a piercer who doesn’t have any piercings.” You voiced before you could stop yourself.
Luke chuckled, “Most people make that assumption, since I took my lip ring out a couple years ago. Didn’t fit who I was anymore. Was just talking with Aaron about doing my nose though.”
You blinked, the insinuation that he did in fact have piercings you couldn’t see right now catching you off guard. He did up two more buttons on his shirt, the shiny fabric pulling across his chest, the imprint of two sets of barbels appearing in the fabric. He gave you a smirk, raising a blonde eyebrow. “I-I think that you would look good with a little gold hoop on your nose.”
He smiled, nodding at Aaron and both men got to their feet, heading towards one of the stations. The door chimed and in walked one of the other artists, Ashton. You’d had an unforgettable meeting with him when you wrapped up your interview with Calum, Ashton having been getting ready to go to yoga, shirt halfway off and a pair of dermals glinting in his lower back. He grinned when he saw you, setting down his coffee and giving you a tight hug. “Told those two they’d be idiots not to hire you when I caught a glance of your portfolio. Glad to be working with you.”
Four months into working there you’d met and befriended everyone who worked in the studio. However, there had been something brewing between you and Luke. A small golden hoop adored his nose from the day you had met, and a week ago he had scheduled a session with you for a thigh piece. You had since learned why his piercings were so few and disappeared under clothing, just like his tattoos, aside from the few tiny ones on his wrists, he had a side gig as a model (an ‘of course’ had spilled past your lips upon learning this tidbit about the blonde.)
When it came time for his appointment, he stepped over to your station from his, licking his lips anxiously as he looked at you before loosening his belt and letting his slacks drop, neatly folding them before laying down on the table. You finished getting set up and carefully lowered the stencil onto Luke’s thigh, giving him a moment to look and be sure it was where he wanted. He gave you a smile and nod, laying back down and you grinned, bending down and getting to work.
Part way through the session, Calum walked over. You looked up at him, smirking when you noticed that the jewelry in his septum piercing matched the plugs Michael had in his ears today. “Michael is getting take-out, you guys want anything?” Calum asked.
Luke smiled, rattling off his usual order. You hummed, “That sounds good, I’ll have that too.” “We can just share mine, I never finish it anyway.” Luke hummed, turning to look at you.
“Agh! Luke!” Calum cried, hand raised up to cover his eyes. “I get you’re getting a thigh tattoo and that’s why your pants are off, but Prince Albert coming to say hello is not cool.”
Luke gave him a quizzical look for a moment before realization crossed his face. You had pulled back to wipe away excess ink and he shifted to adjust himself. “Not like it’s not something you’ve seen before.” Luke muttered.
Calum rolled his eyes, tongue ring flicking out as he licked his lips, brown eyes going far away. “Not yours though.” He retorted before walking back to the front to tell Michael Luke’s order.
“You’re welcome for that by the way!” Luke yelled teasingly before settling back down to let you get back to work.
Twenty minutes later Michael returned with the food, setting the tray down on your worktable. He gave you a wave, looking at your progress on Luke’s thigh before walking back to the front to sit with Calum. “Do you have time to pause for a dinner break, have a bit of a chat?” Luke asked softly once Michael was gone.
You hummed, analyzing how much work you had gotten done on the tattoo and thinking about your schedule. “I think we can take a break for ten minutes.” You finally decided, walking off to get a plate so you could have part of Luke’s order.
He got down from the bench while you were gone, stretching his back and fixing his boxers while he looked at himself in the mirror, grinning as he looked at the half-completed tattoo. You came back with a fork and plate, settling into your chair after scooping a portion onto the paper plate. Luke walked back to the vending machine and got himself a bottle of water before joining you and digging into his meal. 
You sat together and ate, chatting back and forth over the warm food. Once the food was gone Luke cleaned up your station, throwing away trash and wiping down the table while you went to wash your hands. Luke joined you a minute later, washing his hands before following you back to the station, laying back down and scrolling his phone as you resumed your work. Once you finished, giving his skin one final wipe, you crouched in front of him after he got a first look of the finished ink, taking a few photos for your portfolio, unsure if Luke would be willing to let you take healed pictures in a few weeks. 
As you started cleaning up your stations, only having an hour and a half to wipe and sanitize everything before your next appointment, a third session for a coverup, Luke grabbed your wrist. You looked up at him, humming, “I’m trusting that I don’t have to give you the aftercare run down.”
Luke chuckled, running his fingers through his curls, “Yeah, but I wanted to say thank you...and ask if you wanted to go out sometime, have dinner outside of the shop or something?” You stared up at him, blinking before agreeing softly. “Great, text me your schedule for this week and I’ll cross reference with mine, come up with something and let you know.”
You were brought out of your memories by Luke’s hand on your thigh, blinking as you looked over at him. “Hey, you hungry? I need to stop to go to the bathroom.”
You hummed, glancing at the time to see that you’d been lost in your memories for a couple hours. Your stomach gurgled as you realized how late in the day it was and you nodded, “Sounds great, Lu.”
He stopped at the first food place on the side of the highway, you placed his order while he went to relieve himself, taking a chance to do so yourself once he found you at the table. Once you’d eaten you took another few minutes to walk around and stretch your legs before getting back in the car for the remainder of the drive. 
You arrived at his parents’ home two and half hours later, his mom running out the door before Luke had even turned the car off. He laughed, stepping out of the car and catching her in an embrace as she reached him. As you got out you could hear him say, “You weren’t waiting at the window all day, were you?”
You smiled at the teasing tone in his voice, seeing his dad on the porch before you turned to get the bags from the trunk. “It’s been a while since you’ve brought anyone home,” You heard Liz say, “I was excited.”
Luke hummed, and lowered his voice, thinking you couldn’t still hear him, “Been a while since I’ve had anyone worth it.”
You licked your lips at the quiet admission, taking a deep breath and pretending like you hadn’t heard, closing the trunk and walking over to your boyfriend. He jumped in his mom’s embrace at the sight of you with both suitcases, “I was gonna get those,” he pouted, but you just waved him off.
“Hi Liz,” you said instead of replying to Luke. 
You had met his parents over facetime once a few months into the relationship. It had been the first time you stayed over at Luke’s house, waking up in his bed alone, pulling his green button down over your frame and stepping out to look for him. You heard him talking to someone so you hastily did up a few buttons before finding him in the living room, half eaten bowl of cereal in his lap. He had given you a bashful smile before patting the spot next to him on the sofa, allowing you to join him as he talked to his parents.
She grinned, finally releasing Luke and hugging you. You froze for half a second, there had been several things you’d anticipated in meeting Luke’s parents, being wrapped in a bone crushing hug immediately upon arrival wasn’t one of them. You returned her hug, closing your eyes after seeing Luke walking up to his dad, one of the suitcases in hand before opening his arm to embrace Andy.
Finally, you all made it inside, Luke leading the way upstairs to his old bedroom so that you could put your things away. You found a spot to place your suitcase, crouching down to pull out your laptop and sketchbook, needing to touch up a few designs this weekend even though you were technically off. Before you could grab them, however, Luke was next to you, leaning in for a kiss. You hummed, crouching back and returning the kiss, which devolved into Luke hovering over you, now laying on your back on the floor, as his lips moved passionately against your own.
Footsteps sounded in the hallway and Luke quickly pulled back, sitting back on his heels while you sat up and reached for your sketchbook again. Liz gently knocked on the cracked bedroom door before poking her head in. “We have reservations made at your favorite place in two hours, if you two wanted to take a moment to settle in and freshen up.”
Luke nodded, whispering a thanks and she walked back out, leaving the door partially open. You smirked and Luke hummed, “Old habits die hard...honestly surprised that my old posters are still up though.”
You let out a giggle before looking around the bedroom, noticing images of pro surfers and some bands scattered around the room, on the back of the door, the closet door, and a few spots on the walls. You hummed as you took it all in, smiling, “I like this, it’s like getting to know a version of you that I’ve never met before.”
Luke sighed, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Glad that you know me as the man I am today instead of who I was a couple years ago.”
You nodded, rubbing his back, knowing from late night conversations the two of you had had both as friends and since dating that he’d gone through a lot before he started working at the shop. He let you hold him for a minute before clearing his throat, “Anyway, the bathroom is across the hall if you want to freshen up first.”
You nodded, setting your computer and sketchbook on the bed finally and going back into the suitcase to get out your toiletries before heading across the hall. Once you’d finished your shower, you walked back across the hall, wrapped in a towel and crouched down to dig through your clothes, “You said this place was fancy right?” You asked, looking over your shoulder.
Luke hummed, “I mean, it’s not fancy fancy, but it’s pretty nice, y’know.”
You nodded, understanding what he meant, pulling out a nicer outfit you’d packed. Luke smiled, walking over and unwrapping the towel from around you, leaning in for a kiss before he picked up his own toiletries and disappeared through the door. Once you were both ready, you settled into the bed, you carefully working on perfecting a rough design a client had emailed you while Luke was texting Ashton. Soon a knock sounded on the door, Andy’s voice travelling through, “We’re ready to go if you are.”
You glanced at Luke, nodding to each other and getting up, following Andy’s retreating footsteps down the stairs. Dinner went well, learning more about Luke’s parents, telling them more about yourself, and hearing some stories about Luke’s childhood. You were all still at the table two hours later, Andy finally settling the check and driving home. Once there, you all changed into pajamas and joined each other in the living room to watch tv before finally going to bed. As you and Luke snuggled up, Luke nuzzling his head against yours, you both let out a content sigh. You could feel Luke smiling against the top of your head, then pressing a gentle kiss there, before he whispered, “I love you.”
You smiled, turning into his chest more before whispering a soft, “I love you too.”
You could still feel his smile against your head as you closed your eyes, slowly drifting off.
You woke the next morning to Luke tracing your tattoos. You slowly blinked, looking up at him, his eyes focused on following the different designs on your arms. “Mum left us a note. She and dad had made plans with some friends a few weeks ago, before they knew we were coming. They’ve gone out for breakfast and then are doing some plant shopping. Probably be back by lunch. She didn’t want to wake us, or bore us with the shopping trip. I was thinking, after breakfast, we could go drive around town for a bit, show you a few places I used to go.”
You nodded, running your hands across his bare chest, having somehow slipped the tank top he’d been wearing when you fell asleep without waking you. You shifted on top of him, noticing the usual presence of morning wood as you settled. Luke let out a groan, hands grabbing your shoulders, “I was trying to get it under control,” he murmured.
You leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, fingers coming up to tease his nipple piercings. He let out a low hum, hands moving up from your shoulders and resting against the back of your head, deepening the kiss. “It is just us here, so if you want a better way to help take care of your usual morning friend, all you have to do is ask.”
You felt a low rumble building in his chest and smiled, pressing your hips against his hardening length. You gradually pulled back from his lips, trailing kisses down his neck, taking time to play with his jewelry, mouthing over his nipples as you kicked back the blankets. You both quickly removed clothing, you straddling his lap and grinding on his clothed length. Neither of you could ever take much buildup first thing in the morning, so it wasn’t long before Luke’s boxers joined the rest of the clothes and blankets at the end of the bed. 
You sat back on your heels, admiring your boyfriend beneath you. You let out a content sigh, the contrast of the warm weight of his hard cock against your thigh and the cool metal of his piercing was one of your favorite parts of your mornings spent with Luke. You took him in your hand, flicking at a drop of precum that was about to roll down onto his piercing. Slowly, you lined up with him and sank down, both of you letting out relieved moans as he bottomed out, filling you perfectly. 
You swivelled your hips, finding the spot where his cock piercing hit perfectly before pushing off of him, setting a lazy pace. Luke let out a soft moan of your name, crystal eyes closing and head leaning back against his pillow, his hands resting limply against your hips as you maintained the slow pace. You leaned down, pressing a kiss to his lips and pushing his golden curls back away from his face. You cupped his jaw in your hand, smiling as you looked at his relaxed face. “I was right about a gold nose ring suiting you,” you hummed as you sank down on him again. Luke simply groaned in response, relaxed grip on your hips tightening. “Hope you’re right about what I heard you tell your mum in the driveway yesterday.”
“Do we have to bring her up right now,” he whined, thrusting up into you.
“I just...was curious...am I really the first person in a while who’s worth bringing home?” You whispered, hands pressing down in the center of his chest.
Luke smiled, eyes opening to look up at you in adoration, “Course you are. Last person I brought here who was someone I was intimate with was Ash. And my parents didn’t know about that because Ash wasn’t anything serious, and they’d already known Ashton from when we were kids. He just came to support me while I was trying to find myself again, and we certainly didn’t do anything while we were here.”
You smiled down at him sheepishly and he leaned up for a kiss. He flipped you both over, leading to you gasping against his lips. His necklace dangled, pendant brushing your chest as he whispered “I love you,” a kiss punctuating each word.
You sighed, “I love you too,” pushing back against him.
He smiled, giving you another kiss before beginning to thrust his hips, just slightly faster than you’d been when you left off. You moaned loudly as he hit inside you perfectly, nails lightly digging into his shoulders. “Everything about you so perfect babe,” he whispered, “perfect person, perfect fit for me in every way. Will never get over how lucky I am to have you.”
You let out a soft sigh, tightening your hold on him with your entire body, nuzzling into his neck. “I’d say it’s the other way around. Still don’t believe I’ve ever done anything to deserve a man like you.” 
Luke just hummed, dropping one hand between your thighs, fingers working to bring you closer to the edge. His lips pressed against yours prevented you from voicing any other doubts that may have sprung forth in your mind, his cock driving into you with more force. You moaned his name, the sound muffled against his lips, coming apart with your high not long after. He helped you ride out your high, soft groans falling from his own mouth as he slowly thrusted. He pulled out after you finished, looking down at you bashfully. “Wasn’t exactly planning on us having a chance to do anything this weekend,” he said softly. “Dunno if we’ll have time to do laundry if I...y’know.”
You smiled, leaning up to peck his lips before moving to crouch on the floor at the side of the bed. He moved to perch at the very edge of the bed, legs spread on either side of you as you cleaned him up, taking a moment to toy with the ring at his tip with your lips and tongue before taking him into your mouth. You knew he was close so you didn’t take him as far back as you could. You hollowed your cheeks, working your tongue along him to help bring him closer, hand alternating between pumping the remainder of his length outside your mouth and fondling his balls. 
You felt his cock twitch against your tongue before Luke let out his usual high pitched whine that he made whenever he was right at the edge of his high. You took a deep breath through your nose, giving his thigh a light pinch to let him know you were ready for him. He gave a shallow nod, whimpering as he started to spill over your tongue, giving small, eager thrusts as he filled your mouth.
You swallowed as much of his release as you could, some spilling from between your lips as he pulled his spent cock out of your mouth slightly too soon, slipping off of the bed to crouch in front of you. He gave you a smile, leaning forward and swiping his thumb across your bottom lip, slipping the digit in his own mouth for a moment before leaning forward to connect your lips once again. You both moaned as his tongue slid against yours, tasting himself on you. Finally he pulled away to rest his forehead on yours, “How about we shower and get cleaned up, have some proper breakfast, and then go out exploring. I’ll tell my parents where they can meet us for lunch when they’re ready.”
You smiled, giving him a quick peck, “Sounds like a plan.” You hummed, slowly getting to your feet, holding your hand out to your boyfriend.
He gave you a smile and a nod, taking your hand as he got to his feet, following you across the hall, getting in one last, “I love you” before the shower water started.
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darlingdtarot · 3 years
5/11/2021 - New Moon In Taurus & Horoscopes For All Signs
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The New Moon in Taurus is here! This is a wonderful time of rejuvenation, relaxation, and peacefulness. The New Moon in Taurus will bring a sense of comfort to every sign, and provide a space for emotional security. Work on getting to bed a little earlier or perhaps sleeping in more on days where you can afford to. Reworking your daily routine to include some self-care is something highly encouraged by the Universe. When you start taking time for yourself, you will find that more opportunities and options show up for you effortlessly! You might be listening to binaural beats, Singing bowls, Guided meditations, and Subliminals. These are going to help clear your mind immensely which is going to recharge you. Switching up your nightly routine in order to wind down easier will help you get to sleep faster. Deciding to put your phone away an hour before heading to sleep will be beneficial in aiding your sleep. Reading books, drawing, or listening to music will also encourage you to express yourself or indulge in your imagination. Make sure to take naps throughout this New Moon in Taurus also as the days might make you feel a bit heavier. This is also a great time to renovate your living space as well. Some might be wanting to invest in new bed sets, furniture, or odds and ends. This is the perfect time to do so as you will feel more energized to fix the energy of your environments. When your space is cleaned and cleansed, you will feel so much more inspired to get to your daily routine. It's incredibly important to make your space around you into your sanctuary! Doing self care during this Taurus New Moon is crucial as well!
Meditation is also going to be a beneficial thing to harness during this New Moon Taurus! Don't fret too much about if you fall asleep during your meditation ; sometimes that's what you need at that moment. Try again after being fully rested! Some are being pulled to guided meditations on Youtube such as Past Life Regressions, Connecting with/Meeting your Spirit Guides, and Spirit Animal Meditations. This is the perfect time to really work on your spirituality and to better understand who your spiritual team are!
Rituals that you can do during the Taurus New Moon:
Let's cover some of the best face and skin treatment rituals for during this time, shall we? My grandfather always said to me growing up, “Cleanliness is Next To Godliness, And Your Body Needs To Be Cleaned Like A Temple”. This is going to be a wonderful time to focus on your Glow and to Clean YOUR body like the Temple it is. The overall vibe of the New Moon in Taurus going forward though is to take care of your skin through Face Masks, Facials, Sugar Scrubs, Baths or Bath Bombs. Deciding to have a spiritual bath can also be very healing during this time also as it will cleanse you going forward throughout the rest of the month. This can be baths that are taken with your favorite essential oils, your favorite candles burning, or your favorite crystals in the water with you. Focusing on Skincare by using your favorite oils before bed – Argon, Rosehip Seed, Raspberry, Marula, Carrot Seed, or even Jojoba Oil will help you increase your confidence this month. When we take the extra time and focus it on our skin, our mental space will thank us also. Some might be deciding to do the blackhead strips, charcoal masks, or under eye patches – and perhaps you have been debating with yourself on if you should get these things lately. Spirit is saying – Treat Yourself during this Taurus New Moon, dearest! You can also take this time to do an oil treatment in your hair, leaving it in overnight so it can absorb as much moisture as possible. Coconut oil is amazing for this, but beware if you have dyed your hair with henna as coconut oil can cause your dye to run.
One of my favorite things to do is create my own bath supplies, so I want to share my favorite recipes for Sugar Scrub:
½ Cup Brown Sugar
½ Cup Granulated Sugar
1/3 Cup Salt
1 Tablespoon Essential Oil of Your Choice!
Mix and then apply to your skin and all over your body. You can also add in coffee grounds, but I would suggest using more brown sugar as a cushion as the coffee grounds can be a bit rough against your skin. Sea Salt is also optional, but I generally don't use it unless I'm making a courser salt for feet and hands. Oatmeal masks are also amazing too as they calm inflamed skin or outbreaks of acne. Trust yourself and follow your intuition on what your skin needs most. I like to make two big batches of both peppermint and vanilla body scrubs during the holiday season so I always have them on hand throughout the year. These keep perfectly, so long as you don't get any water inside of the jar itself. Keep in a plastic container and get some out each time you're ready to go into the shower or bath. It's wonderful to use courser sugar scrubs right before you remove hair as well to exfoliate and lift the hairs you are wanting to shave or wax. Some might also be getting into Sugaring more over this period too, which your skin is going to thank you for!
Some Essential Oils I suggest for skin health and the yummy smell they have are as follows:
Another great, cost effective and organic home remedy facial treatment for those that don't mind doing a more nontraditional face mask - take an egg from the fridge, separate the yolk from the white into different cups. Whisk both separately, but save the yolk for later. Take the whisked egg white and begin to spread on your face. Let dry onto skin, then wash off. Go back to the yolk, give another whisk, then apply and wait until it dries again. Wash face off, and enjoy your skin feeling incredibly soft! I would do this every week as a teenager growing up as it was more accessible money-wise for me than affording face masks or oils. It really works amazingly! The whole process can take up to an hour, so make sure to have your favorite songs or videos ready to keep you company!
Horoscopes for Each Sign and Element over the New Moon in Taurus:
Please make sure to check your Sun, Moon, Rising, and Venus Signs as you might resonate more with their energies. :)
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EARTH: 7 of Cups – Options, Options, and More Options are coming your way, Earth Signs! You might find that during this Taurus New Moon, which is a time of introspection and rest, you have more to do than any other sign. You're taking a lot onto your plate at once, but you know that you have what it takes to get everything accomplished. Some Earth signs are going to be pleasantly surprised with a gift someone got them over this period. It's going to be something sentimental, and perhaps something you will cherish for many years to come. I'm seeing a pearl, so you might be receiving a necklace or some form of jewelry from someone you love. For other's, there's this energy of you don't need all of the riches in the world to be happy. You're focused on the joy and sentimentality in the world currently rather than material gains, which is going to make you a lot happier in the long run. For a select few Earth Signs, you're starting to realize that everyone is on their own timing. If we were to all be successful at the same time, where would the excitement be? Know as you work hard that your time is coming soon – and what you're expecting is better than all the riches in the world.
Taurus: Knight Of Cups – Self-love that leads to a romantic connection is coming your way, Taurus! This is coming after some Taurus might have been in hiding or isolation for the longest time, but you're ready to emerge. The Butterfly is finally leaving the safety of the cocoon to spread their wings and enjoy the world! This is your vibe right now under the New Moon in your sign, Taurus. Allow yourself to explore new ideas or adventures in your life. This leap of faith is what is going to not only bring you to self-love, but to a healthy relationship, too. For some Taurus, you might be scared on how to approach a partnership or connection. Don't be as this person appreciates your genuineness, and wants you to only approach as yourself. Keep loving and appreciating yourself, Taurus. You bring a lot of beauty into the world! Also, if you feel the need to stay longer in your cocoon; that's okay! But please don't forget to come out and love on those who love you!
Virgo: Queen Of Wands – This Virgo's on Fire! You're focusing on your passions and becoming dedicated to your life purpose. Because of this, People are going to be finally giving you the recognition that you deserve. Allow yourself to focus on things that light that fire underneath you! That's what's going to bring you to abundance! Some Virgo's are going to have other's being jealous about them, because you are going to be thriving during this Taurus New Moon. You're glowing from head to toe, and it's making other's feel a bit on edge. Some might have gotten used to you always being their Yes Man, that they hardly even noticed when you started doing your own thing or started shining. Those in a relationship, your partner might be the one feeling jealous with all of the extra attention you're going to be receiving. False friends are coming to the light now too, Virgo. Some might be wanting to come back to find something to gossip about or just want to get into your good graces now that you're making a name for yourself. Focus on you right now. Work on you, and be your own Yes Man.
Capricorn: 8 Of Coins – You're working hard, Capricorn! You're putting in the elbow grease needed to level up or achieve more. You might be working overtime or deciding to take more time on your hobbies. This might also give you the chance to make a career from your hobbies too! Some Capricorn's are craving nature and this is The Universe directly asking you to spend some time outside. Connect with Mother Gaia and you will feel a lot lighter. Some are being called towards rivers or creeks. It might be beneficial to pack a picnic and sit next to water for a few hours, Capricorn. Some other Capricorn's might be deciding to get into a new exercise regime. This is going to not only raise your confidence with the endorphin boost, but get your body looking tone and fit! Remember to take your time with this, and to go into your exercise focusing on the self-care that comes with it. Don't stress yourself out too much or overwhelm yourself in regards to loosing a certain amount of weight. See this instead as getting active and going! For one Capricorn in particular, people are noticing that booty. (The Tarot card in front of me, this man literally has the nicest butt haha, so I think this is a message for some.) Regardless of whatever you're focused on, things are getting done, Capricorn! Great job!
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AIR: Page Of Cups – Someone has been keeping an eye on you, Air Signs! This is someone who wants to come in with a declaration of their feelings. This isn't anything big, and for some Air Signs, you might not even realize this person has deep feelings for you. This could entail them doing small acts of service, traveling to you, or opening up lines of communication more. For some this person is at a bit of a distance, or might have felt like they were. They're coming back around, don't worry! Other Air Signs are going to be focusing on their own Self-Care routine. This could include spiritual baths, space cleanses, facials, watching that new series that came out on Netflix, etc. Whatever it might be for you, you're deciding to start turning your attention towards your own care more. Pampering yourself is the name of the game over the Taurus New Moon. Other Air Signs are starting to be less critical of themselves and really start to see all they bring to the table. Good for you, Air Signs!
Gemini: 9 Of Wands – You're pushing forward resiliently, Gemini! You might have felt that you couldn't achieve all you set your mind to in the past, but here you are! You're pushing forward every day and putting one foot in front of the other. You're strong and courageous, unwavering and persistent. This is why you are in the homestretch with what you're manifesting into being! Whether this be a deeper level of commitment, more recognition at work, or a higher paycheck – you're almost there! Some Gemini's might feel as if they are being pulled in ma different directions too. Know that over this Taurus New Moon it's okay to say no or stay true to your own boundaries. You don't owe anyone anything. Other than owing yourself the life you've always desired! Finish up this cycle, Gemini! You got this in the bag!
Libra: 2 Of Wands - There are decisions to be made about the future, Libra. Are you ready to take the leap of faith towards your goals and success? You're making plans for a better future in general. You're planning to be smarter in terms of business or just providing for yourself. Libras are not going to be taking no for an answer when it comes to their dreams any longer – no. You're deciding to start taking the bull by the horns to achieve what you really want. Some Libra's will have a change of heart from what they originally thought that they wanted or needed. I'm hearing, “What I thought I wanted, I don't actually want.” Interesting, Libra! Don't feel scared to change course! Just because you might have invested a lot into one path doesn't mean you should continue down it if it no longer resonates with your story (and who you are!)
Aquarius: Knight Of Coins – You're taking your shot, Aquarius, and it's looking to be a Bullseye! Trust in your talents and know that you have all of the resources to be able to accomplish your dreams. You're leaping into success, but The Universe also wants you to pace yourself as you're going forward. Yes it's good to keep pushing forward, but it's important to aim before you decide to shoot your arrow. Meticulousness is your biggest friend right now! Make sure to weigh all the pros and cons before making decisions as well. Some Aquarians might notice themselves having the Mitas Touch going forward! Everything you touch will be Gold, and you're going to really be bringing in that coin! In any event, whatever you're moving towards, Aquarius, is going to provide you with a new level of stability. Get excited!!
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WATER: Justice – Divine Justice is coming your way, Water Signs! Are you ready for a major shift in your favor? Something you've waited for is finally coming full circle. For some, it's as if the Universe kept you in the dark so that when this finally got to you it would be a surprise. You're also being asked to get your life back in balance where it might not be. Getting back into your own equilibrium is going to give you better perspective as well. For other Water Signs your friends might be helping to give you insight on what is happening behind the scenes. There might be one friend in particular that is going to confide a secret in you. I feel this is going to be something that they haven't told anyone, so really hold this close. For one Water Sign in particular, it feels as if someone is testing you to see what you would do in a certain situation. A Cancer/Libra pairing could potentially be important.
Cancer: The Sun – Happiness and joy are all yours, Cancer! You are going to feel lighter than you have in quite a while. It will feel exhilarating and will give you a pep in your step to accomplish your work throughout the week. You're going to be focusing on the bright side, and finding the silver linings even in the disappointments. Things as a whole will be illuminated in a way that highlights just how blessed and abundant you are. Some are going to be spending more time in nature, perhaps taking up a nice camping spot near a creek or river. Butterfly imagery is going to be sent to you as a sign from Spirit. Take note of what you were thinking about when you see one as it's a message! Enjoy this time, Cancer! And be at one with Nature for a while, if you can. (Even if it just means buying a new plant for your room!)
Pisces: 10 Of Coins – Success and Abundance are coming your way, Pisces! Are you ready to be financially comfortable and to finally have a leg up financially? Now is the time to start planning for any trips you would want to take as well, as your money is coming in fast. Is there somewhere you wanted to vacation? Or perhaps a local attraction you wanted to attend? Put yourself out there and seize the day, Pisces! The Universe also is saying that you are going to be receiving a lot more material items in your world as well. Some might be deciding to treat themselves to a shopping spree, a spa day, or perhaps you're getting cosmetics done such as a haircut. Whatever that might be for you, allow yourself to do it! Splurge on yourself and let yourself live in some lavishness. You are worth it after all, Pisces.
Scorpio: The Star – Scorpio, you are feeling hopeful that things are aligning the way that they are supposed to! Keep trusting in the Universe as your Manifestations are starting to trickle in. You might start to notice this over the next few weeks just how quick the Law Of Attraction works for you. You're feeling inspired to take care of your home space right now, Scorpio. You might be cleaning house and remaking you nest, so to speak. You're decorating and feeling compelled to bring more comfort into your space. Trust this and keep filling your space with things that bring your soul peace. For other Scorpio's, you're being asked to take Spiritual baths and and nurture yourself more. A few select Scorpio's will be feeling as though things are coming full circle with another individual as well. There might have been someone in the past who didn't want to give you the time of day, but now they're back. It's your call entirely, Scorpio.
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FIRE: 9 Of Cups – A wish fulfillment is coming your way, Fire Signs! There is an energy of calm and peacefulness sweeping over all of you, and it will bring clarity. Whatever it is that will emotionally fulfill you, that you've been manifesting for a while now, it will be in your life sooner than you know it. Are you ready for the blessings that are going to be waiting for you? A few might be deciding to pick up a new instrument too, and this is going to widen your imagination. It will make you feel more inspired as well to accomplish your work and make that coin! For other Fire Signs, you are watching romance movies (or rom-coms) and imagining how wonderful it would be for someone to do these things for you. That person is coming! For one Fire Sign in particular, your person plays the guitar and will offer to serenade you. Let them, Fire Signs! And don't be embarrassed or shy away – you deserve a declaration of love worthy of your time!
Sagittarius: Knight Of Swords – You are making ground in your life fast, Sagittarius! You're achieving a lot, and it's really starting to show. People are noticing that you're holding yourself differently. You're feeling proud of all you've done over this Taurus New Moon. For some there is going to be communication coming in with someone that you've been waiting on. This might be someone who travels a lot, or someone who has just been focused on themselves and their own abundance. They have a lot to share with you, and it's going to intrigue you all that this person has to say. For some, this person drives a red or white car. Other Sagittarius are going to be in frequent communication with someone completely new that is entering your life sooner than you know it. This bodes well for those Sagittarius looking for a partner online or on apps! For other's you might be hearing important news in regards to your home life or finances. This is going to bring good fortune and blessings your way.
Leo: King Of Wands – You are feeling yourself, Leo! You're on top of the world, and you're excited about showing your passions to the world. You're feeling that you can take on anything and be successful at it. This is true! Spirit wants you to remember that anything you put your mind to you can accomplish over this Taurus New Moon! Some Leo's are being asked to take break and recuperate. You've been running on fumes for a while now, and Spirit needs you to recharge as your life will be speeding up even more over the next month. It will seem like everyone wants a piece of you, Leo! So get some much needed R&R before you have to get going again! Other Leo's might be deciding to branch out on your own in regards to career. Whether this be a lip gloss business, or a homemade bracelet business, you will do amazing! But remember to go for it! The majority of Leo placements will feel as if they are closing out a chapter of their life and entering a more stable footing. Don't doubt!
Aries: The Devil – Aries, you are going to be in your head a lot over this Taurus New Moon. There's something that you want to be doing, or hoped would come around, that perhaps you feel a bit bound to. For some Aries you might be deciding to start over fresh in your life, and undergo a transformation. Good for you, Aries!! Do it! There's also an energy though of being too hard on yourself, especially while trying to obtain this glow-up, and The Universe wants you to see this as a form of Self-Sabotage. Spirit is also saying, “If being critical about yourself didn't help or work, why not try being your best friend instead?” See how things change when you look at your life from a different perspective. Take a look objectively and know that you aren't as trapped as your Ego is trying to make you think you are. You are being guided by Spirit over this New Moon period to find sanctuary within yourself, and to be content with where you are. Practice yoga breathing as well as this will clear your mind. For those in a toxic relationship, The Universe is telling you not to be scared to release this. After all ; when one door closes, another one opens!
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
[OM!] Demon Brothers + Hobbies 🏊
what free time
when he does somehow peel himself off of work, he enjoys ballroom dancing
i can just imagine him putting on a vinyl song, holding up his arms and doing the steps to the dance (1, 2, 3... 1, 2, 3) and god forbid someone tries to come in during this time because he’d be too embarrassed to be lenient on their punishment
i imagine he’s super into learning other couple dances too like tango and salsa, so when you get together with him count on being his partner!
i bet he also loves teaching other people things-- like genuinely, considering he is the oldest of the seven (his brothers just test him LOL)
incredibly patient when showing you the steps, taking pride in your improvement and growing warm at the thought of you being able to dance with him at the next chance you get
and his weakness???? online shopping on akuzon 
which, when you find out, makes him extremely embarrassed and depending on whether you have the same past time-- you may or may not buy everything on akuzon
on his home screen interaction dialogue, he says something along the lines of “Akuzon is too convenient... it’s easy to buy a lot of things” while blushing
so I’m thinking sometimes when he does take a breather from his workload, he scrolls on akuzon just browsing for things because it’s quick
and ends up putting like 5 things into the cart  that he doesn’t really need
doesn’t always follow through and buy everything, but he definitely has moments where he impulse buys and it’s gone to bite him in the butt when packages arrive in droves and his brothers are like ??? why are there so many things
loves music-- both listening and making it!
likes making his own mixtapes and playlists
and when he gets to share it with you, he’s so nervous; but the giddy happiness he feels when you tell him that it’s good is SO worth the wait and time he puts into his music
he’d be happy just having his mixtapes and music to himself but being able to share it with someone makes it a lot sweeter
definitely makes playlists for and about you because sometimes the feelings he can’t put into words he can tell you through music
idk if he has a recording studio in his room, but i think it’d be pretty fitting if there was
probably gets into composing his music, rapping mayhaps??
at some point likes to DJ as well, though he’s not too good as it rn, but he definitely loooooves playing with the sound effects and tracks
all of these things are him being able to express himself-- put a twist on something that already exists or creating something on his own
it gives him a sense of freedom: to express himself and to do whatever he wants as he pleases
pretty well-rounded when it comes to playing instruments
when he puts his mind to it, he can probably learn anything
most likely already knows how to play the guitar and the drums
has a pretty good voice too tbh
he may be a shut-in, but ya boy has ocean decor, can control sea creatures, so it’s only natural he can swim and swim well
doesn’t do it as often since he prefers watching anime/playing games loads more, but he it’s definitely something he enjoys since it feels like his natural place to be 
considering his dream is to be a professional gamer, it’s not far off to say that he finds it his hobby to start off small and be a youtuber, probably posting reviews of games he’s played or even writing out walk-throughs online
actually loves going to concerts and cons
if he was a fan of hatsune miku you BET he’d want to go to her first live concert with her life-sized hologram, waving the glowsticks in unison with the crowd
would definitely go all four days of Anime Expo where he would be SO happy surrounded by people who can love the same things he does with the same passion
loves creating cosplay to go to these cons by hand; impeccable detail and intense dedication into the craft that shows his love for whatever he’s making
kinda shy about wearing it, but if you’re down to wear any of his costumes, he’d absolutely die happy
it’s just too much love for him to handle in one sitting 
and ofc, hobbies include board games, games, DND, all those!!
asides from reading, loves traveling when he can whenever he can
he invites you out to places because he enjoys discovering new things and experiencing new things and traveling is the perfect way to do all of that all the time
he’d enjoy hiking too-- on trails, through the wilderness, among the wild; just give him a backpack, an explorers hat, maybe a walking stick (just like the ones in the movies) and he’s on his way!
loves going hiking with you because he likes the way your face lights up at new scenery or the wonders of the world
likes that he can share this enjoyment and excitement of discovery with you because it feels like he’s sharing a little bit of himself too
indoor activity is snuggling in the covers and having movie marathons! and now that he has you and all your movies on DVD (lol) he can now enjoy so much more things
and when he finds out about Netflix, he is NOT sleeping for DAYS
“Satan... did you sleep last night?”
“couldn’t. the new season of How to Get Away with Murder came out.”
doesn’t think he’s very good, but definitely likes writing down in his journal and even some scattered words that form a bit of poetry sometimes
really really shy about sharing it, but if you coax him a little, he’d be willing to show you (though you’ll have a hard time convincing him to show you poetry he wrote about you)
people have said, and I agree, cat cafe is definitely something he’d seek out and enjoy; literal dream come true
a house of cats that lucifer can’t ban him from LMAO
has a very creative mind and deft hands meant for craft (among other things ahem)
as a fashionable person and a trendsetter, he’d love making his own jewelry and clothes, picking out the beads and metalware for the earrings or bracelets and feeling out the cloth and stitches for his outfits
if levi IS into making cosplay, it’d be such a nice way for them to bond together since Levi is pretty good with picking out material too
i like to imagine he enjoys making jewelry for his brothers too:
a stud earring for mammon, maybe convincing him to explore other options and wear other jewelry too
giving his brothers the options of clip on earrings if they wanted to try something temporary, gives satan a golden bracelet, lucifer a silver ring etc
suuuuuper supportive of you if you wanted any type of piercings and would absolutely love it if you wore his jewelry
god he would bedazzle you in all his jewelry and clothes if he could
another hobby is doing yoga!!
good for the body and soul uwu
definitely gives a good reason for any of his flexibility, or maybe it’s because he’s naturally flexible that yoga is calming for him
also loves to invite you to do yoga with him
you’d definitely get a bit steamy doing certain positions with him, but MOST of the time, he does encourage you to stretch, relax, and strengthen your body
so athletic he could probably play every sport
i agree with the masses: he’d DEFINITELY be good at hockey
basketball too (just imagine Kagami from Kuroko no Basuke)
you know what they say about big hands
big, strong hands, good for crafting that involves a little more strength, but considering he’s a pretty tender and patient guy, is great at sculpting with clay, which extends to pottery as well
just imagine him sitting near a kiln, spinning the clay and using his hands to shape the curve and notches of a pot
considering how many plates and bowls he’s probably eaten, it makes for a good way to replace them HAHA
good at crafting with glass too considering it requires steady hands and strength to spin glass evenly
enjoys a lot of arts and crafts and loves giving them as gifts, especially if they’re made from his own hands
one of the main reasons why he started and likes doing these as a hobby actually
adores the look on you face when you created a glass terrarium for your plants or created glass ornaments dyed with your favorite colors
would definitely be the type of person to put his hands on yours as he teaches you how to shape the clay and have plenty of fun with you watching you try to make glass ornaments with or without success
during his waking hours, he loves to study the stars
loved to watch them in the human world, but without a night sky, he’s content with looking up for constellations in books from the library
if you buy him the cute lamp that lights stars onto the ceiling, he’ll find you so endearing because he’d enjoy lying in bed with you and just looking up at the lights and being in each other’s arms-- imagining the day he gets to do this with you for real, on a picnic blanket, looking up at the moon and stars
i imagine he’d like to doodle too
i say MAINLY doodles because they’re easier like drawing chibis or whatever thinks is amusing and lowkey keeps him awake (though Lucifer doesn’t like it when he draws on the desks)
does sometimes go all out and draw amazingly well, whenever the mood strikes him
when you ask him, he jokingly says you’re his muse; but honestly wouldn’t put it past him to have drawn a portrait of you, awake or asleep, at some point
surprisingly good at sewing-- or at the very least mending rips and tears
i feel like beel has a lot of ripped shirts (...from being, yknow, ripped) so he’s gotten pretty good at simple stitches, which eventually evolved into something more
didn’t start off as a hobby but he did eventually find it soothing to sew and embroider
levi and asmodeus adore his skills and he grumbles, but doesn’t ever say ‘no’ to them when they ask for his help
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