#and then at the end he had the audacity to tell me his cat was on his deathbed and i should say goodbye.
kyletogaz · 1 month
sergeant whiskers [part two] pairing: simon riley x gn!reader cw: fluff, light angst, hurt/comfort part one | part three | masterlist
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“simon, come get your cat!”
simon lets out a groan loud enough for you to hear, before making his way to the bedroom. “what are you on about love?” he asks from the doorway.
he sees you standing near the bed with your sweater in one hand, while you point to sergeant whiskers with the other hand. the cat’s not paying either of you any mind as she sits in the center of the bed licking a paw.
“she hissed at me,” you answer with a pout that turns into a scowl when simon has the audacity to laugh. “and before you ask, no i didn’t do anything. she was sitting on my sweater with her claws embedded into the fabric, so i moved her out of the way.”
“gently, i hope.”
“of course i did! what kind of person do take me for simon riley?”
simon winces at your little indignant shriek, before putting his hands up in surrender as he steps further into the room. he leans across the bed, scooping the kitten up into his burly arms. and your heart does not flutter when he rubs his face against her little furry one.
“little gremlin,” simon murmurs fondly, while stroking the cat’s fur. “you givin’ renna a hard time?”
renna? you mouth silently in disbelief. the absurdity of your husband implying sergeant whiskers is your child is enough to make you shake your head with a laugh.
“whiskey’s not giving me a hard time,” you say softly, much to simon’s surprise. “i just wish she liked me.”
simon’s eyes soften at your words. he sets sergeant whiskers back down, then tugs you to his chest. “she does like you. would interacting with her more change your opinion?”
you start to protest immediately, because— “i interact with her.” you feed her, cuddle her, and talk to her when she actually decides to pay attention.
you don’t interact with sergeant whiskers enough though. simon knows this, and so do you. it makes you feel a little guilty because simon adores whiskey like she’s his child. but you? you’re a bit distant, and just a little reluctant to form a bond with the little ball of fur.
simon hesitates a little when he asks his next question. he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, but he has to know. “you don’t like her?” simon asks gently, watching silently as your face falls.
“i do like her,” you sniffle, your voice thick with tears. “i want to love her, but i don’t know if i can.”
simon is now looking at you in concern, because you’re starting to get weepy over sergeant whiskers. and this is not how you thought your day would end up. all you wanted was for whiskey to remove her claws from your sweater. you never thought old feelings you tried to bury would resurface and ruin your day.
your tears spill over when simon says, “sweetheart, take a breath and tell me what’s wrong?”
he waits patiently for you to stop crying, so you can explain to him why you’re having a hard time accepting whiskey. and he just stares at you in surprise when you tell him about your childhood pet you loved very much, up until the day she died.
“after that, i promised myself i would never get another pet,” you admit. “it’s part of the reason why we have the no pets rule. i was happy when you agreed, but then you came home with whiskey, and now all i can think about is how i’ll be devastated if anything ever happens to her. it’ll be too much for me.”
simon presses a kiss to your temple, then to your lips, before resting his forehead against yours. “i’m so sorry, sweetheart. if i had known, i would have never— do you want me to give sarge away?”
“absolutely not! i can’t believe you would suggest such a thing,” you say with a huff. “i’d never make you give whiskey up because of me. she’s yours, simon.”
you let out a little laugh before turning away from simon and towards the bed, where sergeant whiskers is sitting and watching both of you. she gives you a slow blink and a soft mewl, before hopping off the bed and prancing out of the bedroom.
you watch her go, and simon starts chuckling when you start sniffling again.
this time, it’s tears of relief and happiness.
a/n: i’m sorry this is not what i had planned originally lmao but i hope you liked it. also renna is a gender neutral term for the word parent. you can also use ren & renny.
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styxwanderer · 5 months
The Wrong Fake Identity | Twisted Wonderland |
[you turn into a cat beastman because of crowley being an ass]
<Part 1> Part 2 part 3 Part4 part 5 part 6 part 7
<Please ignore my grammar mistake as i do not speak English as my mother language, thank you and please enjoy!>
˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙˚*
"Due to the covered overblot incidents occurring in Night Raven College, the government of each island is requesting an inspecting, but you as somebody that originated from none of these islands are unrecorded by the government. Grim is fine because he can be disguise as a familiar but you, oh, what ever shall we do." Crowley spoke, hand on his check as if he was the most miserable person in the world. The person standing infront of him, the most respected and admired student from NRC. Managing to capture hearts and admiration since the incidents with the overblots stand still. 
"When will this be?"
"Tomorow morning."
The enthusiastic tone contras to the alerting news. 'Why didn't you tell me sooner you OLD CROWW!' you screeched in your head. you had been called to headmaster office as he give his revelation. You wished Grim is here with you and blasting the old crow with whatever insult that come to his mind, but he chooses to bail on you, opting to wait on the now cozy ramshackle dorm you both share. 
A bit of panic did manage to etch to your mind because you don't want any of them to take you away from your friends. "What do you propose?" 
"Simple, you will be locked away hidden in the cottage island you found near that ca-"
" Fuck no." 
" -or you accept this envelope I had gracefully taken time to buy with my own money and try your best to act accordingly. Oh, how good of a person am I."
" Why do you even suggest the first, when you'd had gotten me a fake id?" his shenanigans starting to irk you. you could even feel a vein popping out.
" For the drama of course. then after this go to sam to get your photo taken for the id"
you sigh as you opened the envelope containing your passport and id. 
" Headmage.."
" What the fuck is thisss?" you point of the id specifically on the species where a bold letter is etched on it.
"Ah did i get the wrong one? oo.. oohohoo, my bad.. but it's too late for a chance now. Oh, look at the time, it has gotten so late! you better get to Sam now before he closes his shop. The inspection is tomorrow so good luck!" he pushed you out of his office and slam his door on your face.
' THE FUCKING AUDACITY OF THIS BITCH ! ILL PICK YOUR FEATHERS TILL YOU GO BALD OLD Crow' you grumbled as you begrudgingly make your way to Sam. 
Save to say, at the end of the day you left Sam anticipating the next day chaos and you are left with the illegally obtained transforming potion and a complete id and passport. Grim is laughing nonstop at the revelation enjoying whatever torture that will come to you the day after. 
Crowley had been cursed at least a hundred times in your head. you drank the potion to change you into a beastman as you fall asleep.
" i wonder what beastman you will become." Grim said as you both nuzzled up to sleep.
The morning come sooner than you wished, the lights blinding you awake. 
"God dammit when did the sun get shinier"
you went to scratch your ears only to find it gone. This had made you jolt awake, bolting to the giant mirror you go, accidentally waking Grim in process. 
"UWAAA!! what's the rush y/n?" Grim sleepily asked.
The mirror reflects your new figure, and you could only be one thing, and that is MORTIFIED. 
you screeched in distress. 
" WAAA!! what's your damage dude." Grim spoke now fully awake as he went to approach you who are crouching holding your new ears.
" i... I had become..."
" NYAHAHAHAHAHA!!! out of all beasts you have to become a cat! i can't wait till Ace and Deuce sees this!!!" His loud laugher filled the room. You don’t even know there is such thing as a cat beastman. You had thought all beastman is the undomesticated version of every animal, yet here you are in a tip pointed ears of not a wolf, not a lion but a GOD DAMN CAT. Your tail swishing in distress.
"Just you wait Grim, once you have a misfortune, I'll laugh it up your face!!" your retort went on deaf ears as he kept laughing
Poor you can only power through the embarrassment, not at all excited to meeting any of your friends. 'They're gonna have a fieldtrip about all of thisss' you cried. 
a brilliant idea come to mind, you decided to just go class with a hat and tuck your tail hiding it under your jacket. wishing the day had not start but ended. 
from your understanding back in your world, you know how many sickfucks is there obsessing over cat girls/boys. you hope today is different. please lord. 
the bell has rung signing students to enter the classrooms, that includes you in a hat and jacket to hide the transformation. Ace and deuce spotted you as you entered the class.
" Yo! y/n! what's with the hat and jacket?" Ace greeted you as you went to your usual seat. 
" aren't you hot in all of that layer?" deuce followed
" Listen, Y/n got --" 
in a speed of light, you quickly grab his muzzle shutting whatever information u rather not share with this mischievous creature.
" If you don't shut up, I won't buy you the premium tuna can anymore!" you huffed. 
"no fairrr!!" Grim whined 
the conversation was cut short as crewel entered the building
“Right, pups, get to your seat. Today we will have an inspection authorized by the governments since there is several overblots that occurred in this past month.”
“What? Why did they just tell us now?” Ace questioned
 The whole class was shocked by the revelation. 
“quite pups, as your homeroom teacher I expect you to be on your best behaviour. Now –“  crewel stopped in his track as he stared at your soul. 
‘Professor Crewel, please let go of my uniform misconduct, just this time.”
“y/n I believe the headmage had given you solution for this inspection, you would not need the whatever disguise you are wearing.”
“ uhm.. no this is not a disguise actually--”
“As I mentioned, there would be a inspection so I cannot oversee your uniform misconduct. Now take it of.”
You were sweating bullets. ‘FUCK!’ your head is ringing with alarm. You don’t know what to do so you just sat still. Crewel started to approach you.
“oi, what’s the big deal y/n c’mon he is getting mad!” Ace said
“They might have an allergy reaction to their head! Deuce chimed.
‘ thanks, but not helping deuce!!’ you mentally shriek as crewel is now standing Infront of you. 
“ now stop with this tom-foolery, I expected better from you.” He reached for your hat.
“AH! Wait-”
Crewel had yanked the hat off showcasing your cat ear. 
The silence before the collective gasp makes you want to curl up in your blanket. 
“PUWHAHAHAHHAH!!! You can’t even be a legit legit beastman !! ” Ace laughter break the silence as you flush in both anger and embarrassment. 
“ Pfftt, Domisticated beastman..” deuce joined in.
“ SHUT UP!!”
Crewel cleared his throat gaining an abrupt silence from the Adeuce duo, tapping his whipping stick repeatedly. 
“ Headmage, Crowley-“
“ haaaaaa, show me the id and passport.”
You quickly took them out of your bag and place them on your desk as he inspect both of them. 
“HAAAAA… unfortunately I still cannot allow you in that atrocious get up, so remove your jacket and hat” he signed loudly again, engraving in his mind to kill the old crow, after all you are always his favourite students, how could that crow torture you so relentlessly. Maybe if he get to give you the adoption paper this crow wouldn’t dare to mess with you anymore?
You sigh, relenting to your fate. Any speck of pride you have over yourself vanished. As you let your tail swish free. 
Ace is trying hard not to laugh over your embarrassed red faced. But honestly both are just captivated by your new look. The way your ears twitch and your red face, the way your new feature give you a docile look. Both ace and deuce suddenly find their textbook or the corner of the room fascinating as their face are getting darker.
These reactions are of course not limited to ace and deuce but to the other students as well. Crewel watch in disdain as his precious ( soon to be) children is getting flaunted by these beasts. He mentally take note to keep you safe from there unruly teens, but priority. His number one priority now is to get Crowley in his chokehold. 
The bell signing for lunch ended the class, causing you another brain aneurism, because now you have to go to the packed cafeteria, with guaranteed display to everybody attending NRC.‘FUCK FUCK FUCK’ 
“c’mon prefect lets go get lunch!” deuce said
“I’m so hungry!! Lets go hurry before they ran out of the good stuff!”
 “Easy for you to say! You don’t have a cat tail or ears…” you suck holding grim as you hesitated to walk out of the classroom.
“how bout this! I can hide you with my body!” Deuce said enthusiastically
“haaaaa, alright.. thanks” you went to cling to his back as you let grim down opting to squeeze the article on his back, using your meat shield to your fullest potential.
Deuce face burn bright with how close you are to him, ‘this is like a hug from the back!’ he squeal internally. 
“r-right! Just stay close to me!” if he was given the opportunity then why not use it. He will definitely treasure this moment till the day that he passes.
“H-Hey! I can be your shield too you know!.”
“Deuce beat you to it, pal.” Grim jeered
You peek from your meat shield giving Ace a tongue out as you went back to hiding. What can a guy do when your insult is also cute. He can’t but just try to save his pride as he hides it with his teasing, just like a kindergartener. 
The four of you arrives at the cafeteria as a realisation dawn on you. You needed more meat shield. 
You dragged ace to line with deuce as you slid you press yourself against the wall creating and effective human wall, Ace didn’t mind being a flesh wall he just hoped he is  facing you instead of the other way around.
It all went swimmingly the four of you were spotted by your other friends.
“ what the hell are you up to?” Epel asked still unaware that you are clinging to their back hiding behind them. 
“Oh us? We are just here to get some lunch right? Deuce?” 
“o-Oh yeahh righttt! We are hiding anything at all.” 
Ace hit deuce foot as he grumbles at his idiocy and deuce to panicked to retort.
“yeahhh.. right” Epel narrows his eyes suspiciously.
“seriously guys today is the inspection day at least behave yourself while these governments representative are observing us.” Jack huff, crossing his arms disapprovingly.
“seriously! We aren’t ,making any trouble promise!” Ace the pro mischief maker he is, retorded without fail
“I double that” deuce half-shouted.
“ohh? The why did your heart rate is higher than normal?” the humanoid,Ortho joined in ganging up on acedeuce duo, 
“eep!” Sebek’s loud voice seems to ring harder on your ears making you let out an involuntary sound. 
“ Not so loud crocodile boyy, my ears are ringing.” Grim grumbled as he hold his ears.
“ I feel you now Grim.” You mentally said.
“ AH what is that!” epel accused as he slip past the human wall you created and be greeted with you.
“no wait!” Deuce tries to save but he was too late.
You in cat ears and tail.
Your ears continuously twitching. 
You have tail.
“uh hi? Epel?” 
Epel wondered if the mushroom in his plate is the right kind of mushroom or is he about to die and be greeted by one final sight of you. 
Is this bliss?
IS this heaven…?
“ oi.. Epel? Whats the problem?”
The other three curious of what Epel was seeing push through.
And there you are as a beastman. A cat beastman.
Jack howl.exe has stopped working
Sebek zigvolt.exe stopped working
Ortho.exe has taken rapid shot 
He is making sure his brother gets to see you like this as well. The picture is auto sent to Idia’s device.
Jack’s fluffy white tail began frantically wagging
Sebek the loudest of the loud manage to be the quietest.
The three of them felt blood rushed up their heads, while Deuce and Ace share a sense of ‘i get you.’ Vibe to the other four. 
In collective silence the four of them created a bigger human wall shield continuing adeuce duo’s wall.
“the wall keeps getting bigger and bigger! Yeahh! This will tell people that the great Grim is passing through!! “ Grim shouts.
 You would laugh at his antics but now just not the time. 
You pick grim up as to cover yourself with him as well, using his body to cover as much face as you can while u hunched trying to be invincible. 
Of course this meant letting go of ace and deuce much to their disappointment. 
The sixth of them wish they were born as some werebeast so easily carried by you and 
“We need explanation but for now let’s get some food.” 
With the group all agreeing to stay in formation you went. To get the food in line. 
You had manage to make grim cover your ear while u get food for him and you, you of course give him extra chicken for all the hard work.
Everything was going swell, or so you thought.
In a speed that u had never achieved before you jump very high up into a table in an offense position hissing. Only then you had realized you fucked up. 
Grim had fallen off your head showing full out your new cat ears and tail.
‘Oh great sevens.’ You wanted to mentally bash yourself because what the fuck is that reflex.
The old bat had froze in his track as his eyes widened at your new form. He found your new form rather endearing, plus what kind of reaction can you show now? 
The whole cafeteria had gone silent so have your before jack covered you up with his jacket and scooped you up off the table and ran. All the other first year in tow.
“ MIND YA OWN BUSINESS, There is nothing to see here!” You could hear Epel shouted. 
“Run run run!” Ortho speed hover. 
You could hear vil shouting to Epel for him to stop and order to Rook who is still in a paralyzed mode.
You could hear Riddle threatening Ace and Deuce to stop or not he would cut off their heads which only make them ran faster. Trey and carter trying to calm their dorm leader while also thinking of a plan to steal u away. 
Floyd was whining about how they are taking the little shrimp-cat away from him to jade. 
Azul still stuck in his trance.
Kamil shouting for you to come back, 
jamil silently planning murder to get u back.
Leona chuckling saying something about a hunt to ruggie who is also chuckling in amusement.
Silver shocked with how sebek is involved, but then again you are involved so he should’ve expected it and also your new form. Malleus also is laughing, amused.
Truth be told the first year gang had scoop you up not only to save you but also to fulfill their desire, your new form that had enhance your cuteness should only be for them and theirs only. They found you first! Not those second or third year! You belonged to them! You are one of us! They do not want any body to see you like this. They don’t deserve it.
Although Sebek won’t mind sharing this sight with Malleus he thinks no body deserves to see you like this especially with their lust filled eyes.
Lilia chuckle as he snapped out of his trance.
“Kufufufu, it seems the kitten has been kidnapped by a big bad rebellion.. it’s time to teach them to know their place isn’t.” 
“ father.. what are you planning?” 
“Truly a wise word, Lilia. Whatever shall we do to teach these rebellious kids to never steal from a dragon.”
“You mean a lion?” Leona  now annoyed with the declaration. 
“ you and them? Ha you are most incompatible with them.”
“Are you sure about that? She is a beastman now, and most beastman are in the reigh of sunset savanna, ultimately my kingdom. Plus i am the original of their beastkin, she would be most compatible with me.”
“She could live in luxury in briar valley as the wife of a king instead of just some lousy king.”
“Ha what is that?”
“Or a general wife you kno.”
“Not you too Lilia!.”
“Excuse me! I know them more and better than any or you!” Riddle now involved in the conversation.
“ oh my, i can’t even imagine the fate they will have if you get to her.”
“Ha what do you mean by that?”
“What i meant is simply, your “rules” is definitely going to be atrocious to follow. If she were with me she would live happily in riches.”
“And wet underwater? Oh how bad that would be for her poor skin. She would much rather go with me draped in fame and gold.”
“ as if! She would rather be with me!”
“Is that a challenge?”
“Fine let’s settle it like a sensible being. The one who manage to capture her first would have the right to be with her.” The lion declared.
“Such a wise statement coming from you, Rook prepare yourself.” 
“Ouii, a game of hunt! I agree.” Standing tall beside the fair king, he readied himself. 
“This whole thing is dumb, of course they would choose me, but for the sake of your dignity i will participate this game. Besides i have to collar a few underclassmen of mine” The red hair boy stands.
“Oo sounds fun, Jade, Floyd we will have a change if schedule, it seems to be perfect day for hunting.”
“Yes, Azul.”
“As if you all could beat me the crown prince of briar woods himself.”
With the whole dorm agreeing to play the game of hunt, they set the hunt to begin after school finished (curtesy of Riddle), lets just say you might want to wish that your group got a memo of this and tries to save you from them and not take you for themselves of course .
“Of course they wouldn’t choose me.” 
“But… if i can catch them then they will have no other choose, hahaha.” The flamey blue haired guy spoke
[3251 word]
>>To be Continued<<
.·:*¨༺ ❈ ༻¨*:·.
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emphistic · 5 months
A/N: requested by @charbunxxi — i did something a little different, lmk if you would rather me repost a more accurate version to your request
The first thing Sukuna thought about after getting off his shift was you. You were the only thing he thought of while working, too. And, on the drive home, he almost crashed his car due to the fact that you were the only thing on his mind.
Some might say he's obsessive. Some might say he's deranged. Some might say he's a man deserving of nothing.
But then there's you, who says he's just a man in love.
He's a man who makes you breakfast and coffee — the way you like it. He's a man who draws you baths and washes your hair. He's a man who carries your bags after having gone shopping — with his card, obviously. He's a man who arrives at the apartment and — even then, still looks for home. He's a man who looks for you.
However, this time — unlike all other times, after slipping off his footwear and coat, he is unable to find you.
Maybe you were taking a shower? No. Maybe you were watching TV in the living room? Nope. Maybe you were doing laundry? Not even close.
When Sukuna finally succeeded in his search for you in your shared bedroom, he facepalmed. "'m so fuckin' stupid," he grunts out, as he crawls into bed.
You had fallen asleep while trying — but failing — to stay up in order to greet Sukuna after he returned home from work; but, he had had a longer shift than usual, and forgot to tell you.
He didn't mean to wake you. After all, it's not his fault that your pet cat just had to let out the world's loudest meow, announcing his arrival.
"You've got to be kidding me," he whispered, glaring at the little nuisance laying in the bed, cuddled up in your loving arms. The loving arms where he should be, not some ugly, good-for-nothing feline.
"My bad, baby. Swear, didn't mean to wake you—" He goes in to place a kiss on your cheek, but you simultaneously swerve away from him.
"No," you softly whine, shoving your head into the pillow.
"The fuck you mean 'no'? You seriously gonna deprive me of my well deserved kiss? After working a twelve hour shift?"
"No kisses." You mumble, your voice muffled.
Sukuna blinked at you, once, twice, thrice, until he finally concluded that you weren't just fucking around with him, and you were actually denying him of something totally essential to his well-being.
How was he meant to go on without your kisses? How would he live, breathe, eat, sleep, without your affection?
He tried to remove you from the pillow, but you instantly shoved your face back. "Noo."
"Sweetheart, I love you, y'know that already. And I wouldn't force you to do anything against your will. But, you don't understand, baby. What you're doing is completely and utterly cruel. This is wrong, on so many levels." He tried, again, to peel your face away from the pillow. And he succeeded, this time. But this time, you had a nasty pout on your face.
"You wanna know what's cruel? The fact you haven't showered, and yet, still have the audacity to crawl into bed. I'll have you know, I just replaced the bedsheets, and now here you are — dirtying them up."
"Babe, please—" He started.
"You are stinking up the whole goddamn apartment, Sukuna."
"You don't gotta be this way. We can talk it out."
"C'mon, pretty girl. Just one? For little ol' me?"
You grumbled, but complied, albeit begrudgingly. "Fine, only one. But you have to take a shower after—mmph!"
Sukuna grabbed your face in his hands and tackled you down onto the bed, smashing his lips against yours so zealously that even the cat jumped out of your arms and off the bed.
It, indeed, was not just one kiss. But, it wasn't a total loss. Sukuna did end up taking that shower. And he gave you a reason to, as well.
Taglist: @beyond-your-stars @sad-darksoul @mochimoee @r0ckst4rjk @lillycore @deepchromatose @yinyinyinyinyinyin @fivehoneyharg @desihopelessromantic @taiyakii @hannas16 @acroso @msvalsius @call-memissbrightside @kelerina-ballerina @emikokomura
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kizzer55555 · 4 months
I had a crack idea and I really like your content I was wondering if you would like to hear it
Damien had an Over The Moon moment with Danny
Over The Moon Is about a little girl while building a rocket to the moon to meet a goddess so she can get advice about accepting the death of her mother
As a child Damien remembers one of his caretakers telling him the story of the god Phantom how something happened to him and how he floated up and away to space and became their God but could never see his family or friends ever again
Story that Damian got told was incredibly popular one in the infinite realms about King Phantom after he had to shut down the portals to the infinite rounds from the human world to keep the ghost safe and himself
And the ghost saw this heavily liminal child is like oh let me tell him the story of the space god Phantom
This was when Damien was still dueling Talia to find out who his birth father is and like a few days before his birthday Damien actually did find a portal that led to the infinite Realms
He ended up meeting ghosts like the Box Ghost or Johnny 13 and Kitty and going on a big adventure to the infinite rounds to meet High King Phantom who encouraged him to venture out there and find out about what it's connected to him
And turn there was a portrait made of Damien and Danny of Danny being in Royal where in Damien sitting on his lap with the brightest smile on his face
Damien ends up going back home and never telling anyone else in the League of assassins or in bat family about his adventure in the infinite Realms and king Phantom
Damien ends up getting into it like a really bad argument with Bruce and feeling unwanted so decided to go back you get advice from Phantom it ended up taking Jon with him
The bat family have to realizing that Damien's gone missing are spending most of their time trying to find Damien when Constantine calls them and shows them a portrait of Damien and the ghost King
Which leads the bat family thinking that Damian got kidnapped by the ghost King probably because of the Lazarus pits while Damian and Jonathan are out there living their Disney adventure
So the bat family and Constantine summon the Ghost came to the man Damien back while Damien trying to convince Danny at the world is changing that he might be able to go back home and see the people he loves
Anyway I just kept having the idea of Damian singing my rocket to the moon but changing out the lyrics
Anyway I hope you like my dumb idea and you might watch Over The Moon it's really good movie
This is such a cool idea! Unfortunately I don’t know much about over the moon but here’s my little spin on this idea.
The Justice league do the summoning but unfortunatly, they are still under the impression that the ghost king is Pariah Dark. So there is a bit of interference. So the summoning latches onto the last person to touch Pariah Dark (AKA his coffin) and while Danny did defeat the previous king in single combat, he wasn’t the one to turn the key. No, the last person to touch Pariah Dark was one Vlad Plasmius. So when the JL starts the summoning, they get a very confused Plasmius and before he can comprehend what’s happening a bunch of angry and colorful adults just start demanding that he return Damian.
Vlad has no idea who these people are. He has no idea who this Damian kid is. And no matter what he says, none of these strange costumed adults believe him! He’s not even the ghost king!
JL: lies. Lies and slander.
And THEN, ooooh, and then he wasn’t the only one summoned. For Maddie the cat was right there and unfortunately got caught in the summoning because it was feeding time. And because she wasn’t a ghost, naturally she was able to wander outside the circle. The JL, having multiple interactions with Kalrion assume this is the ghost king’s familiar and snatch up the fluffy white cat.
Vlad can only stare in horror.
The. Pure. AUDACITY.
You know what? FINE! Yes! It is I! The ghost king! I have your PrEcIOse little boy! You want him back?! THEN GIVE ME BACK MY CAT!
So here Damian and Jon are, having the time of their lives, chilling in a strangely warm ice castle with Danny and telling him their problems, giving Cujo scratches and meanwhile, Vlad is screaming bloody murder from his summoning circle.
JL: give us back our child!
Vlad: Give me back my princess before I ERaSe YouR exIStaNce and I’ll think about it [insert intelligible ghost swear]
Constantine: *dramatic gasp* How DARE you?!
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wordsvomit101 · 6 months
(I probably only do this with cards I like in the future)
It is part 2 of Juno L Card, here is the original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6e7GQxiTuY&rco=1 (credit to @shyanimeboi on X)
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... I feel like I'm being accused of something I'm not. Defamatory, slander, the audacity of this guy
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This is lore-accurate MC BUT STILL, how dare-
I wouldn't mind being a cat for a day you know, so I just lounge around wherever and being treated like those ancient royal Egyptian's cats is a must.
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Okay Juno, didn't know you could have the green tea energy but keep cooking
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This is where I got the feeling that his fans must be watching somewhere behind the rubble like I just got that gut feeling they're watching and having ovaries overload or combusting on the spot right now
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I almost believed him BUT THEN
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If I were MC I would poke his eyes- Cause ain't no way you saying that to me with that face boy
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So he DOES have mean girl energy in him. I like it, to observe it, but he better not use it on me because I will not take him seriously if he wants intimacy later, I'm not built like that
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Yeah, dude what ya think??? I have a job and a house on there, unfortunately an achievement in this economy (I remember MC still has a house, they just chose to stay with Minhyeok because they didn't want to be in a space where their parents died, which is valid)
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So his regular head tilting as a red chewing gum is actually mean it like this??? Damn ok-
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I can't believe they have Satan and Gehenna making a move with Minhyeok before MC.
I still didn't forgive Satan for kissing Minhyeok before MC could
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Ignoring Ppyong's being a smug little bastard, it is actually really nice that they show how close MC is with Minhyeok and how much they care for each other. If they don't get together, it's fine by me, at least let them be platonic soulmates.
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??? How much time did you spend time with Minhyeok on Earth? Either Minhyeok's scent was mad strong and lingered easily or they had been all over each other-
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I KNOW IT IS HIM! Tell me how you got his scent on you! Spill the tea sis!
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Wait-wait-wait they actually serious?!
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Excuse me, how the hell do you think I can do it??? Ya'll devils must be having some goofy as-hell imagination if you think I can do it
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Oooh more detail to take note on
So anyway, they end up touching each other and live up to his kink, because they are be TOUCHING. And there are some details of how Minhyeok and MC used to touch and caress each other heads and how MC feels at ease just by the familiarity of it which is really really cute (இ‸இ`。)
I am actually surprised how I got a lot of Juno's personality spot on in my two fics of him and he is already my favorite, but I like him a lot more now that we got to know him more than just a silly little red dough.
Please watch the rest in Hiki's (@shyanimeboi) YouTube video that I write down at the top (they're the actual angel here) and thank you for listening to me ramble, I will do this again once Minhyeok, Paimon, and Selaphiel L cards come out... But if they got the same paywall treatment then I might open my wallet if I really like it.
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auspicioustidings · 9 months
141 fighting each other to be the one whose lap reader sits on during a meeting or smth
Thanks <3 Please find silly nonsense below!
Tomfoolery Senses
Words: 1k
CWs: Slightly spicy but nothing explicit
Honestly you shouldn’t even be on base, not with your knee being how it was. It was annoying as hell that the recovery time meant you were out of the field for the foreseeable, but they still needed you. You may not be able to run around with a gun right now, but tactical was always your strong point anyway so for now you attended meetings and made plans.
You walked into one such meeting and your tomfoolery senses immediately went off. There were too many glinting eyes for them not to have pulled something, and when you went to sit down you nearly laughed out loud at the bloody audacity. No empty seats. Strange since there should be some, almost as if someone had relocated them beforehand specifically for some ridiculous purpose.
“Ye can sit here bonnie!”
It took a moment for your brain to catch up. Soap was very much patting his lap in excitement. The last time you had ended up in that man's lap his hand had wandered during the entire meeting. You recalled being a mess by the end of it and Soap being very much like the cat who got the cream about it because he knew it meant when he followed to your room like a puppy you would let him in.
“Move your arse MacTavish, I’m injured and I need the seat.”
“Wouldnae dream of it! As ye’ll recall, I also have a dodgy knee. Only right for us tae stick together.”
“Surely you’re not asking them to sit on your dodgy knee then Johnny? Come on sweetheart, right here.”
You gave Ghost a bemused look. Soap you expected this from, but him? Actually no, you had very much been overwatch for 141 missions, this is exactly the kind of nonsense you expected of this idiot.
“Now I would love to, but weren’t you just telling me about your bad back? I seem to remember something about needing me to massage it. It would be irresponsible of me to risk making it worse.”
“Your massage fixed it right up actually" he replied, large hand patting thick thigh in further invitation.
You rolled your eyes. Your “massage” had lasted about a minute with you sincerely giving it your best effort before he had pinned you down and given you a very thorough massaging of his own. Only that one had done the opposite of fixing your back, if anything you'd say he had in fact blown it out.
“That so? You were complaining about it right before they walked in” Gaz said, smug as anything even while Ghost glared over at him.
“He's a lying git luv, obviously just looking to get a gorgeous thing in his lap. My lap, however, is neutral.”
You knew for a fact his lap was not neutral, not one bit. His lap was very much the kind of lap that you found yourself bouncing on anytime he got you alone and charmed you right into it. You could be in the middle of a training exercise, fully in the zone, and next thing you knew you were stuffed full of Kyle bloody Garrick in the middle of a safehouse where anyone could wander in at any moment. It wasn't like you were a big risk taker, but he could make you think anything was a good idea.
“A veritable Switzerland I'm sure.”
“Safest place to be really.”
“Look me in the eye and say that with a straight face then.”
Soap and Ghost groaned in tandem as you made the mistake of looking at Gaz. That bloody sunshine smile could sell ice in the Arctic and as such everyone usually avoided eye contact when they knew he wanted something. Charisma score above 20 that boy. Honestly these fuckers were the worst, but oh Gaz's big brown eyes were just smiling so gently at you and surely he would never do anything untoward. How could you look at this man and think he would ever manipulate you?
“Corporal, come ‘ere, that's an order.”
Gaz's sunshine expression turned to one of wry disbelief. He had been so close, you had been about to take a step towards him. It was awfully unsportsmanlike for Price to pull rank, something Gaz would be holding against him.
“So much for honour.”
“Cheeky fucker.”
“Just taking the piss Captain.”
It wasn't completely unfounded for Price to use his rank to get what he wanted when it came to you, it was why usually the others would try to get you away from him. Ghost did it sometimes too if he wasn't there and the Sergeants were. Although he didn't use it quite as thoroughly as Price did once he got you alone. The Captain was always happy to give you orders if only so he could punish you when you bit back, which you did often. Not because you enjoyed the punishment, that certainly wasn't it. You could not supply another reason, but that was besides the point.
“Well I suppose I have to since you're the Captain, unless there was someone that technically had more authority to give me orders” you said with a grin.
“Come on now pet, don't be like that, just come sit and we can start the meeting hm?” he said, using that voice that was right in the middle of soothing dominance and rough command in a last ditch effort.
“Of course Captain, just want to clear it with command first.”
Price sighed, glancing over and seeing that he had lost the fight when he was met with Kate's sly little smile. She was often your saviour when it came to these men. It helped that her and her lovely wife were both sweet on you. They had invited you round for dinner once or twice, and suffice to say the very delicious home cooked meals were not the only thing getting eaten. If there was one thing the men in the 141 hated more than losing to one another, it was losing to Laswell. She was always so annoyingly smug about being your favourite.
As you settled right down in her lap and both the meeting and Kate's hands gently massaging at your waist started, the 141 collectively thought that next time they'd better bring you a damn chair.
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melanieph321 · 3 months
Hi there,
I'm a long time reader here and i really like all of your fics. I don't know if you're taking requests or not but if you do, could you perhaps make a fic based on this :
Idk why but these brainrots really intrigued me and i think you have the capabilities to turn them into a fic
I understand if you don't take request. Anyway, have a good day ❤
Like no. I saw @youandiwerealive and anon, whom assume is you, talk about this. And I found it so hilarious and relatable. Ruben as a flight attendant 🤣🤣
Of course I will write this request. Even better. Imma make it a 3 parts series 🤪!
Ruben Dias x Reader - Flight Hours Part 1/3
Part 2 Part 3
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Ruben and Reader are flight attendants on their way to Portugal. Although they are off to a bad start, the two end up finding common ground.
Back to back flights were such a nightmare. But when you as a flight attendant complained to your bosses about it, they would hit you with the usual "It's holiday season, it will blow over" bull crap.
You made sure to arrive at your gate early. Earlier than the rest of your cabin crew members. It was a fancy plane this one, where passengers in first class could take a shower if they wished to. Since you weren't given a chance to do so this morning flying from Frankfurt to Dubai, taking a shower is exactly what you were going to do now. It wasn't exactly protocol of you to use the passengers' accommodation, though, especially not the first class ones. But since the airline had such high demand on personal hygiene and frankly a quite misogynistic beauty standard amongst it's employee. You saw it fitting for you to at least clean yourself ahead of your flight.
"Excuse me, is somebody in there?"
"No, wait!"
However, just as you were rinsing out your hair, someone unlocked the doors, exposing you mid shower.
"Puta." The man said, or more so gasp. His eyes shamelessly traveled down your naked body, eyeing you like some kind of prey.
"Shut the fucking door!" You shouted, however the man remained in the doorway, causing a draft. He was another flight attendant, you were sure of it. You could tell just by the way that this sort of situation failed to startle him.
"You must be Frankfurt?"
"Pardon?" Your hands left your hair, a sudden urge to cover yourself. However, the man had already seen it all.
"You came in this morning, no? From Frankfurt Airport?"
"I'm Ruben Dias, I'll be flying with you from Dubai to Lisbon."
The man was such a dickhead, having audacity to offer you to shake his hand, with a large grin on his face. Mind you that you stood before him in a shower, butt-naked.
"I'm Y/N." You shook his hand just to end the conversation and for him to go away.
"Nice to meet you, Frankfurt. And what a lovely tattoo."
"You fucking...."
Ruben shut the door in your face, his laughter trailing down all the way to the cockpit where he probably ran to tell the captains about your encounter. Your hand went to the butterfly tattoo on your hip, awfully close to your....you know what. If Ruben had spotted it, he would have also seen your newly waxed kitty cat on full display.
"What a fucking nightmare of a flight this is gonna be."
Based on how it started you expected the worse, however, things turned out pretty quiet on your side. Luckily for you the two male flight attendants were assigned to first class, while you and another female flight attendant stayed back in economy. It was the first time sexism worked in your favor. However, you ran into Ruben every now and then when the two of you were either on a break or topping up your snack and beverage carts.
"Frankfurt? What a pleasure meeting you here."
You rolled your eyes,  having heard Ruben coming from a mile away. He always seemed to leave first class with a trail of giggling women. It wasn't uncommon for flight attendants to be charming, but to flirt with passengers was simply unprofessional.
"My name is Y/N, not Frankfurt."
"It doesn't matter up here." Ruben said, reaching for something in the cabin above your head. The smell of him invaded your nostrils without consent, the worst part being that he smelled amazing.
"What do you mean?" You asked.
Ruben had gone to grab himself a can of coke and two plastic cups. Your name doesn't matter up here in the sky." He explained. "It's no mans' land. Up here, we only care about where you came from and where you're going. Up here, you're Frankfurt, and I'm Portugal."
"Well, that's stupid." You muttered.
Ruben chuckled and poured the can of coke into the plastic cups. "Here." He said, offering you one.
You only accepted because you were thristy, not because of the way Ruben was staring at you as your hands touched when he handed you the cup. Nor because of the way that the soft lights hit his face as he leaned back against the wall, regarding you even more seductively.
"So..." He sighed, after finishing his cup of coke, waiting for you to do the same.
"So." You smiled, perhaps your first time doing so, at least in front of Ruben.
"Are you member of the Mile High Club?"
You should have known that only something stupid would come out of that pretty little mouth of his.
"Wait, wait. I'm just kidding." Ruben said, grabbing your wrist as you turned your back on him. "Jesus Frankfurt, is it that hard for you take a joke?"
"For your information, nothing of what you say is funny to me. And to answer your question, no, I've never fucked in a airplane bathroom. As a flight attendant yourself you should know how disgusting and unhygienic that would be."
Ruben regarded you with interest, shrugging his shoulders. "It doesn't have to be in a bathroom, could also be in a shower."
"Fuck you."
The last thing you saw was Ruben's large grin. You left him on your way back to economy, where you planned to spend the rest of your flight, avoiding Ruben at all cost. It was incredible, though, how handsome he was. How the stewards uniform suited him as if it was tailor-made. It outlined his braud shoulders and swollen biceps. If it wasn't for his big mouth, you wouldn't hesitate to go for a man like him. And, no, it wasn't unusual for flight stewards to have affairs with each other, certainly not when the airline was paying for your hotel rooms. However, once you landed in Lisbon, all you wanted to do in your hotel room was to sleep.
Part 2 Part 3
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oliversrarebooks · 10 months
I've been thinking all day about Lex accidentally putting Fitz to sleep with his humming. Sleepy Fitz, calming the energetic puppy.... He's so cute when he's sleepy
I want you to know that I very much love this prompt. Sleepy Fitz!
TW: hypnosis (but consensual and very gentle)
"Hey. I need you for a minute."
Lex frowned, trying to finish the paragraph he was reading despite Fitz's sudden demand for attention. Normally, he was happy to indulge his partner's whims, but this particular book was incredibly engrossing and he was almost at the end of it.
"I've got this great idea for a new magic trick. I doubt anyone on the whole East Coast has done it before," Fitz chattered, either oblivious to or ignoring the fact that Lex was still trying to concentrate on the book. "It's perfect. It's new, it's fresh, it's got volunteer participation, it uses a flashy, eye-catching prop, and it's great for suspense. Audiences are going to go nuts for it, I can already tell."
"Mmm," said Lex, doing his best to keep his focus on his book.
"So I altered the magic cabinet -- you know the one, the one I used for the knife throw trick. I think it'll work, but I need a tester." He flopped down onto the sofa next to Lex, shamelessly occupying every inch that Lex wasn't. "That's where I was hoping you could come in. All you'd really need to do is stand in the cabinet and look like your handsome self while I do the hard work performing all the dramatic flourishes."
"I can help you once I finish this book."
"There's no possible way that book is more interesting than my magic." Fitz had the audacity to worm his way onto Lex's lap, disrupting the book, as though he were a house cat. "Besides, you've read one book, you've read them all, I'm sure."
"Mmmhmm." Lex knew very well that Fitz was just trying to get a rise out of him to get some attention. And it wasn't as if he didn't want to provide, just --
Fitz had stopped talking, actually. And he was looking up at Lex with a dazed expression.
"Hmmmmm?" He drew the word out purposefully into a hum to confirm his suspicions, and was rewarded with a sleepy, slow blink. That's when he noticed the dark circles under Fitz's eyes. He'd been having nightmares again, a fact that was obvious to Lex but which Fitz still relentlessly denied. Once more, he was trying to cover his stress and exhaustion with excitement and demands for attention. 
"Mmmmm." Lex drew out the word into a hum, petting Fitz's hair a bit. His eyelids fluttered, looking so sleepy that it seemed like he might doze off right then and there. How had Lex not noticed? Lex hadn't even put any real hypnotic power into his words -- just the trace amounts that always tagged along on his voice -- and Fitz already seemed ready to hand over the keys to his mind.
It was awfully endearing to watch the chatter and bluster devolve into calm, sleepy submission.
Still, Fitz hadn't been a thrall for a long time, now, and Lex knew better than to invade his mind without permission, no matter how much his subconscious clearly seemed to want it. He snapped near Fitz's ear. "Wake up, love."
Fitz nearly toppled off the couch as he startled awake. "Hey! Were you trying to hypnotize me?"
"I certainly was not," said Lex. "I wasn't doing anything with my voice. I honestly think you're just so tired that you can't listen to me without starting to drift away."
"I'm not that tired," said Fitz, the barely concealed yawn betraying him. It was clear that discussing the subject, or perhaps even just listening to Alexander's speaking voice, was slowly but surely putting him to sleep.
"You don't have to be 'that tired,'" said Lex. "If you're tired, then I can help you sleep."
Fitz glanced away, and Lex could see the temptation in his eyes. "I'm not a thrall or a child. I don't need a lullaby to sing me to sleep. I'll be fine. I'll keep myself busy working on the magic  trick."
"As I said, I can help you once I finish the book. And until then, why not have a bit of a nap? I don't mind singing to you. In fact, it would be my pleasure."
The struggle behind Fitz's eyes was short-lived. He really must be tired to consider this so readily. 
"I'll ensure you don't have any nightmares."
A second yawn escaped Fitz as he conceded this. "All right, you win," he said. "Just this once, I'll let you pied piper me into a restful sleep."
That was all Lex wanted to hear. He cupped Fitz's cheek and sounded a low note, one filled with the command to relax, and drank it all in as the anxious energy in Fitz's eyes began to fade, his shoulders slumping, his jaw going slack. Relax, relax, relax.
Lex's singing was far more powerful than simple verbal commands, nearly irresistible to ordinary humans. The primary downside was that he couldn't give complex instructions that way -- his song was limited to very simple ideas and strong feelings. That was ideal for putting someone to sleep, though.
Relax. Calm. Peace. Setting aside his book for the moment, Lex continued to stroke Fitz's face and guide him down so that his head was resting in Lex's lap, golden ponytail spilling over his thighs. Relax, relax.
Fitz's gaze was both focused on him and so far away. Lex was making absolutely certain he had drained all of the unpleasant thoughts that were keeping him from true rest before he went to sleep. He kept his voice as soothing and quiet as possible as he washed Fitz's mind with the command to relax, rest, let go.
"How are you feeling, love?"
Fitz looked up at Lex with sheer adoration, and Lex hoped it wasn't all due to the song's influence. "That does feel real fucking nice," he said. "Gotta be careful, I'll want you to do this all the time."
Lex understood the temptation so very well, knew how uncharacteristically trusting Fitz was being to simply allow Lex to do this. And if he were simply some human thrall, Lex probably would keep him in a half-entranced state for perpetuity. But Fitz had always been, and always would be, an exception. 
"I don't mind," said Lex, burying his hand in Fitz's hair and rubbing at his scalp. This time, he laced into his song feelings of safe and comforted along with commands to relax, enjoying the effect as Fitz simply melted in his lap. A soft groan escaped Fitz's lips, and Lex couldn't resist adding in the urge to drop your defenses, let go, surrender.
Watching Fitz succumb to the siren song was always so beautiful, whenever Lex had the opportunity to do it. 
"Relaxed?" Lex questioned.
"Huh?" Fitz looked up at Lex as though even processing a simple question was a herculean effort. "Mmm, yeah. You're doing a number on me."
"Want to sleep?"
"Yeah, that'd be good," came his easy answer. No denying his tiredness, no trying to escape his nightmares by keeping himself up far too long. 
Lex hummed a soothing tune, this time filling it with the desire to go to sleep. Go to sleep, go to sleep, he commanded. So sleepy, so drowsy, shut your eyes down...
The effect on Fitz was immediate, his eyelids blinking slowly as the need to go to sleep took hold. Lex's sleep song was impossible to deny, he knew. He could easily stop a hostile human in their tracks just by casting his spell on them. Lex wondered what it felt like. He wasn't sure he could bear being that vulnerable around anyone.
All the more reason to protect Fitz.
Lex sang to sleep, go to sleep, as Fitz's eyes fluttered close and his face went slack. He brushed the heavy bags under Fitz's eyes. This would be good for him. He needed this sleep so badly.
Fitz curled up in Lex's lap, utterly unguarded and peaceful, as Lex stroked his hair and sang. He was like an energetic puppy whose motor had run low. Lex felt comforted himself, knowing that Fitz was content and safe. He picked up his book and resumed reading, this time petting Fitz's hair as he read the final chapters.
@d-cs @latenightcupsofcoffee @thecyrulik @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @wanderinggoblin @whumpyourdamnpears @only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are @pressedpenn @pigeonwhumps @amusedmuralist @xx-adam-xx @ivycloak @irregular-book @whumpsoda @mj-or-say10 @pokemaniacgemini @whumpshaped @whumpsday @morning-star-whump @shinyotachi @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @pirefyrelight @theauthorintraining-blog @whump-me-all-night-long @anonfromcanada @typewrittenfangs @tessellated-sunl1ght @cleverinsidejoke @abirbable @ichorousambrosia @a-formless-entity
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munsonsmixtapes · 5 months
Wanna Bet?
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tattoo artist!Eddie x fem!tattoo artist!reader
word count: 4.9k
cw: some suggestive language
not proofread!
This series is being discontinued until further notice, but feel free to keep reading if you'd like!
part one part three part four
You stepped into your apartment and were immediately met by your cat, Binx. He rubbed his head against your leg and you reached down and scratched him right between his ears before heading into the bathroom. You flipped on the light and stood in front of the mirror, turning your arm to see your tattoo again. You still couldn’t believe how good it had turned out and knew that you were going to stare at in the mirror any chance you got.
Your mind drifted to Gareth and you couldn’t help but feel bad for the way things ended between the two of you. After he came over the night he did your tattoo, you ended up sleeping together that night only to decide that you would have been better off as friends, not having as much in common as you initially thought. You both thought that was the better option since neither of you saw a future together.
As if reading your mind, your cell phone dinged, signaling that you had a text. You pulled it out of your purse and sure enough, it was from an unknown number you could only assume was Gareth. Your heart raced as you opened it, terrified to see what he had said.
Hey darlin, miss me?
You weren’t sure why, but you couldn’t help but feel like that wasn’t actually him. He had never called you that in the two weeks that you had known him. A wrong number perhaps?
Who is this?
A few seconds later, your phone pinged again.
Who do you think it is?
The only person you could think of was Gareth, but you already had his number saved so it definitely wasn’t him. You were hoping it was that guy you had met at the bar the other night.
You crossed your fingers as your phone dinged again.
You wish
Another ping.
It’s Eddie
You threw your phone onto your couch and took a pillow from it then shoved your face into it, letting out a loud scream. Of fucking course the only guy texting you was the one you couldn’t stand. You had somehow run into the man everywhere you went and it was driving you crazy. He was always finding you, following you, showering you with his flirty words and you were sick of it. Once you had composed yourself, you took a deep breath and reached for your phone again.
How did you get this number?
All of the possible answers came to your mind but none of them were good. Couldn’t he get his own life and stop ruining yours?
Took it from Gareth’s phone when he wasn’t looking
You could picture him smirking while typing out those words and it made you sick.
Well, delete it.
As soon as you sent the message, your phone buzzed letting you know that you were receiving a call from that very number. What the fuck was he playing at? It was as if he was trying to drive you crazy. And you were letting him get to you, falling right into his trap.
You hit the button with the red phone printed on it and shoved your phone back into your pocket only to hear the buzzing again. You pulled it back out and accepted the call, pressing the phone to your ear.
“What?” You spit.
“Woah, sugar,” he let out a chuckle and both it and the nickname made your skin crawl. “Declining someone’s call sends the message that you don’t want to talk to them.” He had been bothering you and had the audacity to be offended that you didn’t want to talk to him? Just hearing his voice made you angry. It sounded so grating, like nails on a chalkboard.
“I don’t want to talk to you.” You were telling the truth. You only picked up to put an end to the way he was treating you. You couldn’t take one more second of his teasing, wanting to finally put an end to it.
“Then why did you pick up?” You could hear the humor in his voice and desperately wished that you could reach through the phone and choke him out. Why did you always have the worst luck when it came to your love life? The men that you liked never liked you and the ones that did were always fucking creeps or walking red flags.
“To tell you to fuck off or I’m going to block you.” You liked the idea of holding the power to get rid of him for good. If he didn’t have your number and changed all your usual hangout spots, you could finally be free from him.
“Well, that isn’t very polite, is it?” Eddie wouldn’t know what polite was if it hit him over the head, but he just liked to screw with you so he’d tease you any chance he got.
“You’ve been tormenting me for over a week and I’m sick of your bullshit.” The man was everywhere, the grocery store you shopped at, the coffee shop you frequented, and even the bookstore you went to on occasion. It had gotten so bad that now his laughter was haunting your dreams. Because of him, you hadn’t been able to get a single moment of peace and quiet since you met the man.
“I wouldn’t call it torment.” He laughed again and your grip around your phone tightened as you let out a deep breath. That was what he wanted; to piss you off and you were offering him the exact reactions he wanted on a silver platter.
“Then what would you call it, Edward?” Eddie usually hated people using his full name, but hearing it fall from your lips did something to him. It made him feel some type of way, even if he wasn’t sure what way that was.
“Flirting.” You just scoffed at that. He definitely needed to improve his skills, then. How he actually got women into bed you’d never know.
“Then you clearly need to crack open a dictionary because that was not flirting.”
“Then what was it?” There was a knock on the door and you opened it, your friend Meg on the other side holding a bag filled with takeout from your favorite Chinese restaurant. You had been so caught up in your pointless conversation with Eddie that you had completely forgotten that you had invited her over.
“I don’t have time for this, I have things to do.” You let Meg inside and pointed to your phone, letting her know that you were speaking to someone and she put her pointer finger to her lips as she hurried inside, putting the food on your kitchen counter.
“Like what, dreaming about what I look like naked?” You pretended to throw up, making sure that he could hear you and Meg gave you a look, very interested in who you were talking to.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” You scoffed. “Now lose this number or it won’t end well for you.”
“Oh, what are you going to do? Spank me? I think I might be into that.” As soon as the words left his mouth, the line went dead and Eddie threw his phone onto his desk, not being able to keep his laughter to himself. There was just something so funny about riling you up. He then spun in his chair, rising from it and heading towards the door of his office. He opened it and Gareth was on the other side. Eddie pushed past him and Gareth followed him out into the main area, wondering why he was so smiley. Eddie was never smiley.
“What are you smiling about?” He asked as the two of them exited the hallway, passing the receptionist’s desk. Eddie had been in such a good mood all week and he wanted to know why.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Eddie let out a chuckle as he got to his station, making sure it was all nice and neat for his next client. Gareth sat in the chair that was next to Eddie’s station, leaning forward so the conversation could just be between the two of them.
“Is this about y/n? Why don’t you just give it up, Eddie? Clearly she’s not interested in you.” He wasn’t so sure about that. No woman had ever turned him down and he wasn’t going to let that start now. He was thinking about what it could do to his reputation and he didn’t like the possible outcome. He’d be damned if he let one rejection ruin everything he had built him up to be.
“And she’s not interested in you either, so I guess we’re both shit out of luck, huh?” Eddie shook his head, putting away his sketch paper and other things that littered the small desk. Eddie had heard through the grapevine that you had ended things with Gareth and he was just trying to make Gareth feel as bad as he did.
“You’re just mad because for once someone didn’t fall for your tricks.” That was the truth, but Eddie would die before he ever admitted that. He saw your rejection as a challenge to try harder and he’d do whatever he could to finally get into your pants.
“And you’re just mad because she didn’t choose you either.” Gareth actually wasn’t mad, especially since it was a mutual decision to not continue whatever was going on between the two of you. That was the difference. You had actually wanted him once upon a time and the same couldn’t have been said for Eddie.
“Well, you know what, at least I fucked her first, something that you’d know nothing about because finally someone’s able to see through your bullshit.” Gareth didn’t always have a temper, but when he did, he really knew how to hit Eddie where it hurt. “And guess what? She’s too good for you. She’s sweet and kind and actually cares about the people around her, something that’s clearly a foreign concept to you.”
Eddie felt his blood boil at that. There wasn’t a single lie in what Gareth had said and that was what pissed him off so much. He was just a selfish prick who didn’t have any regard for anyone’s feelings but his own. And that was clear by the way he was willing to destroy everyone and everything in his path to get what he wanted. At the end of the day, the only person Eddie wanted to be happy was Eddie.
“Fuck you, Gareth.” Eddie stood from the little desk, pointing a finger at him. He wasn’t going to let anyone insult him in his own building, not even his best friend.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you,” was all Gareth responded before standing up from the chair and heading over to his own station.
Eddie grumbled to himself as he finished prepping his station, trying to get himself out of his bad mood before his client showed up. He couldn’t believe that he was letting Garth’s stupid words get to him. Maybe there was truth to them, but he only said them because he was upset. He needed to remind himself who the fuvl he was. He was Eddie Munson, a god in the tattoo industry and people were willing to kill just to get a sliver of a chance to work with him. He was hot shit and women were lining up to sleep with him. Fuck Gareth. He had no idea what he was talking about.
Gareth watched Eddie out of the corner of his eye, wondering what the hell had gotten into him. He wasn’t always like that; so selfish and rude. Once upon a time, the two of them had been best friends. But as soon as women were actually interested in him and he got a little taste of fame, he wasn’t the same guy that Gareth once knew. He was mean and seemed willing to whatever he saw fit, even if that meant hurting the people he cared most about.
“So, who was that?” Meg asked, as she pulled the containers out of the bag and set them on the counter. She had an idea of who it could have been by the way you were speaking, but she wanted to ask just to be sure.
“Nobody,” you waved it off as you grabbed some plates from one of the cabinets. You really didn’t want to talk about Eddie. You’d honestly prefer to talk about literally anything else.
“Was it that guy who you’ve been seeing everywhere?” After telling Meg about it, she had been invested in the whole thing, convinced that it had been fate. You weren’t so sure you believed in that sort of thing. This was just another one of the universe’s cruel jokes that was being played on you. That seemed to be all your life was these days: a joke.
“Yes.” You grabbed the container of fried rice and poured some onto your plate, trying to busy your mind. You were already growing tired of the conversation.
“What was his name again?” You were thinking of all the nicknames you had created for him over the past week, but those had just been an inside joke you’d keep to yourself since you were the only one who would have thought they were funny.
“Eddie.” The name tasted like poison in your mouth anytime you said it and you were desperate to gargle something to remove the heavy feeling from your tongue.
“I don’t see what the problem is, y/n. He’s cute, you should go out with him.” Meg just didn’t understand. Eddie wasn’t actually interested in you, he just wanted to prove that you were into him. The whole thing was a game to him and you weren’t going to play. Maybe that kind of thing worked on other women, but it wasn’t going to work on you.
“You know what else is cute? A dog. And you don’t see me going out with them, do you?” You both served yourselves from the containers then grabbed some beers from your fridge before heading over to your kitchen table to eat. All of the arguing with Eddie caused you to work up an appetite.
“You’re cranky,” she glared. She had never seen you like that so clearly it was bothering you. She didn’t understand why you wouldn’t just go out with him. It would have just taken one date and then he would’ve been out of your hair for good.
“I’m sorry. He’s just driving me crazy.” That much was obvious by the way you were behaving. You just wanted him to leave you alone, but apparently that was too much to ask.
“Let me get this straight; a gorgeous man has been dropped into your lap and you're not going to hit that?” Yes, exactly. Sure, maybe Eddie was gorgeous, but his terrible personality automatically made him unattractive.
“No? Haven’t you been listening? He doesn’t even want to sleep with me. He’s just trying to prove that I want him.” You picked up a piece of sesame chicken with your chopsticks and popped it into your mouth. You then looked back up at Meg and her face lit up as if a light bulb had gone off in her head.
“Maybe you could beat him at his own game,” she suggested with a shrug. You had no idea what she was getting at and waited for her to elaborate, but she didn’t.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Your eyebrows furrowed as you took a sip from your beer. Meg set her chopsticks down on her plate then turned fully to face you. She had her mischievous look on her face and you were unsure if you were going to like what she was going to say.
“You turn the tables, play an Uno reverse card, if you will.” Your face lit up as you realized what he was hinting at. Of course! You were surprised you didn’t think of it yourself. The answer had been right in front of you all along, but you had been too blinded by your rage to see it.
“Meg, you’re a genius!” You pulled her into a hug as best you could since you were both sitting. She wrapped her arms around you, giving you a tight squeeze before letting go.
“I do know what I’m talking about sometimes, y/n.” She turned back in her chair and took another sip from her beer. The ears started turning in your head as you thought about all of the ways you could have messed with Eddie. Giving him a taste of his own medicine sounded so fun.
The next morning, you texted Eddie and asked him to meet you at the arcade in town. The first phase of your plan had commenced and you hoped you could convince him that you were actually interested in him. Part of you felt bad for messing with his head until you remembered just how much joy he got fucking with you. He deserved to be shown what it felt like.
You spotted Eddie entering the arcade and applied some more of your lipgloss and fixed your hair before waving him over. He was dressed in a jean jacket over a faded band tee and a pair of baggy jeans which was more toned down than what you usually saw him in, but the look worked for him.
Eddie approached you and you held your arms out for a hug. He quickly pulled you in and you were surprised that his hand stayed at your back, not even trying to move further south like you had imagined. Not that you were imagining it.
He was unsure as to why you asked him to hangout, but he sure all hell wasn’t going to question it. He assumed you just had a change of heart considering that a few days prior, if he had been on fire and you had a glass of water, you would have drank it.
He was just happy to be there with you, willing to do whatever you wanted. And he loved arcades, so it was a win-win. He had spent so much time at the one back home, trying his best to get his name onto every leaderboard.
“You, know, I’m kind of surprised you invited me to hang out,” he said, letting go of you, letting his arms fall back by his side.
“You wore me down,” you let out a sigh. “I guess I just fell for your charms.” More like you were just trying to put an end to them.
“They always do,” he draped an arm over your shoulders and yours went to his waist as you led him over to your favorite game.
You stood in front of the machine and Eddie just let out a laugh as he saw what it was. You rolled your eyes and put in a few quarters, waiting for the game to boot up.
“Pac-Man, really?” He scoffed.
“Yes, really. If you don’t like it, you can leave.” Once the game booted up, you began to play and even though he had made fun of you, he had to admit you were really good. In only five minutes, you were able to get through ten levels.
He stood by and watched, mesmerized by the way your fingers moved as you stared at the screen, like you had memorized every single movement. He assumed that you must have played it multiple times to be so good at it.
Eddie moved to stand behind you, so close that you could feel his breath on your neck. It sent a chill down your spine and you were so focused on his close proximity that you weren’t paying attention, causing your little guy to get eaten. You turned around, not able to ignore how good he smelled, but stood your ground, giving him a glare.
“What’s wrong, sweet thing?” His hands rubbed your arms sympathetically. “Sad you lost?” He jutted out his bottom lip and you could practically feel it between your teeth as he let out a whimper as you bit down on it.
“You did that on purpose!” You pushed his hands off of you, pointing at him.
“I did no such thing,” he put his hand up to his chest in feigned offense.
“Come here.” You grabbed him by the wrists and pulled him over to a photo booth that was only a few feet away.
“Oh, looking for somewhere a little more private? I see you.”
“Get in,” you held open the curtain and Eddie moved slowly to get into the booth. “Go,” you gave him a shove and he eventually got all the way inside.
“Bossy,” he grumbled, sitting down on the bench. You got in after him and sat down before closing the curtain that was next to you.
“What?” He gave you a pointed look. You knew you were supposed to be beating him at his own game, but you couldn’t last. You were throwing in the towel after barely a few flirty lines and were beating yourself over it. Whatever. At least you tried.
“Stop fucking around,” you gave his shoulder a shove. “I’m getting real tired of your shit, Munson.”
“And what shit are you tired of, sweet thing?” He leaned forward, resting his chin in the palm of his hand.
“I guess I’m going to have to spell it out for you so your pea sized brain can comprehend it.” Honestly, Eddie kind of liked seeing you like that.
“Lay it on me, doll.” He was looking at you so dreamily and you were hating that he was able to tug on your heart.
“I don’t like you,” you glared.
“Mhm,” he nodded. “Go on.”
“Do you have any regard for anyone but yourself?” Eddie laughed at that. He didn’t think it was possible to care about anyone other than himself. It was better that way.
“No,” he chuckled, with a shake of his head.
“Thoughts so.” Of course that was his answer. He was the most selfish person you had ever met.
“What’s got your panties in a twist, sugar?” He leaned back, fighting back the grin that was trying to come out on his face.
“You call women those nicknames because you can’t remember their actual names.” That was true, but he had remembered yours. He hadn’t forgotten it since the day he met you and swore that he would never forget it.
“I know your name, y/n,” he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. “It’s like you have no faith in me.”
“I don’t. Now stop fucking with me or I swear I’m going to make sure you can never walk again because your dick is so fucked up.” His cheeks flushed at your comment and he could feel his cock getting hard.
“That’s hot.” His eyes darkened as he said the words and you couldn’t help but feel disgusted at his behavior. Your insults seemed to only make him want you even more.
“Are you actually turned on by this right now?” You were constantly surprised by how much this man seemed to catch you off guard with his words. He always had something out of pocket to say.
“Depends,” he shrugged before leaning forward. “Why don’t you feel my cock to find out?” He winked and you hated how you kind of wanted to take him up on his offer.
“You’re disgusting,” you scoffed.
“You love it.” You actually sort of did, but you’d never admit that to him. You’d die before you let that happen.
“I wouldn’t touch your cock with a ten foot pole.” You couldn’t give in just yet. Just one more flirty response and you were sure that you’d want to plant one on him right there in the photo booth.
“That’s fine,” he scooted even closer to you. “You’d be surprised what I could do with just my tongue.” You could feel yourself getting wet just thinking about it; his lips on yours, his tongue slipping into your mouth, roaming around, making sure that he had tasted every single inch of it.
“Your ego is a little big, isn’t it?” It definitely was, but it had taken him so long to build up his self esteem so he wasn't going to let you get to him.
“It’s not the only thing that’s big,” he winked. “And you wouldn’t be saying that with my head between your thighs.” You could just picture it and now your underwear was more than damp. How were you going to keep it up if he was able to reel you in so easily.
“Believe me, your head will never be between my thighs.” Maybe they could be with just a little more convincing. One bat of his lashes and you’d be in his lap, your lips on his.
“You wanna bet?” You were convinced that you had accidentally ordered an alcoholic drink because you would’ve had to be drunk in order to think that anything he was suggesting was a good idea.
“Absolutely not,” you scoffed.
“Afraid you’re gonna lose?” He leaned closer, your faces so close that you could feel his breath hitting your cheeks.
“I’m not afraid of anything.” You leaned even closer, your lips ghosting over his before you leaned back, not wanting to give in just yet.
“I like that in a woman. Does that mean you’re willing to get freaky?” You were more than willing and wondered just how freaky he’d like to get.
“Sure,” you shrugged. “But not with you.” You were getting even more angry that you were imagining all the things you could’ve gotten up to between the sheets.
“Alright, how about this? If you fall for my charms after a month, I win, but if you don’t, you win. Winner gets to give the loser a tattoo of their choice.” That actually sounded very intriguing to you. You liked the idea of something you designed being on Eddie’s body.
“That could be interesting.” You crossed your arms over your chest, a smile appearing on your face as you came up with sketches in your head.
“So you agree?”
“Sure. So which arm do you want the hairy dick on?” He let out a genuine laugh at that and rested a hand on your shoulder.
“Let’s not get too cocky, sweet thing,” he patted your shoulder. “You haven’t won yet.”
“Key word being ‘yet’ because I’m so going to kick your ass.”
What you didn’t know was that Eddie would have let you win pretty easily if it meant that he got to see your smile. Maybe he was taking it all too far, but just loved the way your face scrunched up in that cute way in response to one of his lines. And the way it was so easy to irritate you and get under your skin.
“You really need to stop being so mean to me, it’s making me hard.” You looked down and saw that he wasn’t lying by the proof that was the tent in his pants. You felt yourself wanting to unbutton his jeans and give him a handy then immediately shook the thought out of your head, giving him one last glare before exiting the booth.
Eddie removed his jacket and covered his boner before following you, trying to catch you before you left. He really needed to win the bet. He never went down without a fight.
He followed you out into the parking lot, picking up the pace to catch with you because damn did you walk fast. He fell into step with you and you rifled through your purse to find your keys.
You had had enough of Eddie and his shit for the day, deciding that it was time for the two of you to go your separate ways. And besides, you had tattoos to sketch because there was no way that he was going to win with how stubborn you were.
You got to your car, Eddie hot on your heels. He moved to stand in front of the driver’s side and leaned against it, making sure his jacket was still covering his front. You were surprised that he hadn’t been embarrassed by it at all. In fact, it almost seemed used to it, as if it had been a normal thing for him.
“Can you please move?” You crossed your arms over your chest. Maybe this bet wouldn’t be as hard as you thought with how immature he seemed to be.
“Nope. I’m actually pretty comfortable.” You rolled your eyes at his stubbornness then unlocked the car, moving around to the opposite side. You opened the passenger side door and got inside before closing the door. You then climbed over the center console and slid into the driver’s seat before putting the keys into the ignition and starting it up. Eddie whipped around and gestured for you to roll down the window. You flipped him off in response and gave him enough time to move before pulling out of the parking space.
He watched you drive away for the second time and couldn't believe that you still hadn’t wanted to go out with him after all the things he had said. He was running out of lines and patience. If he was going to win, he was going to have to do something drastic. Something so unlike him. Unrecognizable. He was going to have to pull out the big guns, even though he wasn’t sure what they were. He was willing to do whatever it took to have you be the one under the tattoo gun.
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olichat-reads · 2 years
Mrow | Part Five (finale)
Bakugou x roomate!reader
Summary: back human?? fucking finally??
A/n: WE'RE HERE. THIS IS LAST CHAPTER I PROMISE OH MY GOD. i'm NEVER writing quirks again is what i wanna say because GODDAMN if figuring this shit out wasn't ridiculously hard. i feel more nervous posting this last chapter than all the others combined. hopefully the ending lives up to all the love you guys have given!
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath-
And out...
-before reopening them.
Yeah, no. Still naked as the day you were born.
"CLOTHES," you screeched in a panic. Scrambling frantically, you grabbed the first thing you could in your proximity, holding onto the tattered cloth to your naked body for dear life, desperate to maintain some semblance of modesty. "BAKUGOU HELP HELP HELP-"
"WHAT THE FUC-" You didn't even have to see him to know he was gaping at you in shock. At the corner of your eye, you caught the villains charging up their attacks, taking aim while both your heads were spinning from the situation at head.
"BAKUGOU HOWITZER IMPACT-POWER SHIELD COMBO!" You yelled, one hand still holding up the too small cloth like a lifeline over your naked self, you steadied your other hand, timing your quirk with Bakugou's.
Bakugou didn't hesitate, having paired up with you enough to go through the motions of your combo moves like its instinct.
One blast from your roomate sent the villains flying back from its impact. The kickback had the air around you whipping, making you squeak as the wind tried to rip the cloth from your death grip while you activated your quirk, creating a power shield to buy you some time to-
"Sunshine?!??" Wow he wasn't even going to pretend to yell at you for telling him what to do. He must really be distracted.
You barely chanced a glance at Bakugou, doing your best to concentrate on keeping your forcefield up. You caught your roomate all but whip his head around to stare at you, eyes almost bugging out of his head as though he couldn't believe the sight before him.
"WH- HAH???? SUNSHINE?????" He all but wheezed out. You wanted to to tell him to save his breath with all the panting he was putting his lungs through but both of you had other priorities.
A beat of silence.
"BITCH I KNEW IT WAS YOU!" The blonde yelled back, recovering quickly, huffing in exertion while he scrambled to get something to cover you up while you kept up your forcefield.
"I BLASTED SPARKY OF OFF THE ROOF FOR THAT!" He screeched back, chucking the soft material into your face with enough force to make you stumble a bit, your power shield wavering slightly.
You almost deactivated your quirk in favour of a facepalm. You return to human after two weeks of being a cat & the first thing you do is get into a screaming match with your roomate about fucking pudding of all things.
"Okay, SHUT. Take over & cover me for 10 seconds while I get decent & I'll charge you up."
"You get 8 & you're buying me pudding," he bargained with a smirk. The audacity of this man.
"Are you serio- you know what. Fine. Fine!"
With that you leaped out of the way, letting Bakugou cover you. Quickly tugging over the baggy shirt & sweatpants abandoning the tattered cloth.
"Oh my god. Did you actually manage to find your own merch for me to wear right now?" You couldn't help but snort as you held up an oversized black shirt with Ground Zero's signature orange X on the front.
"Fuck off. They were the closest things I could get my hands on. Call it coincidence."
You couldn't help but chuckle as you rushed over to position yourself behind the burly hero.
"Alright, alright. One power up coming up," you gave him the heads up. You brpught up your hands to rest on Bakugou's shoulder blades, ignoring the toned muscle beneath your palms as you focused on directing energy to his arms.
"Thats more like it," Bakugou smirked, feeling the heat return to his palms.
"Alright, Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamight. Better live up to that ridiculously convoluted name of yours."
"Its Ground Zero now & you know it, gaslighting brat."
"Aw but I liked the tongue twister better, you menace to society." Rolling your eyes as you thought back to all the times he used to insist everyone get that absurd hero name right. The entire thing. No shortcuts.
You caught the smirk your partner threw you, paired with that classic murderous glint in his ruby red eyes when he was about to go berserk. Wew, you almost felt bad for the villains who were going to face his wrath as you watched his grin turn predatory.
Then you remembered they had no qualms in hurting furbabies to get their way.
Yeah, no.
"Fuck them up, roomie," you smirked at the thought of serving these villains what they deserve, smiling at the huff of a deadly laugh the explosion hero breathed out.
"Lets give them hell, Sunshine."
"That will be 6.99," the cashier said robotically, his eyes wide & owlish. You didn't blame him though- you & Bakugou were quite the sight. The two of you were intensely ragged & disheveled from your little villain encounter, though fortunately, neither of you were severely injured- just a couple of light cuts & bruises that would be a bitch to wake up to tomorrow morning.
"Take your fucking pudding," you all but growl at the blonde smirking over your shoulder. Bakugou swiped his pudding of off the counter gleefully, one large hand going to ruffle your head. You pretend to threaten him with a bite, snapping your teeth at the offending hand, making him laugh at your expense.
"Thanks, Sunny."
"Its Sunshine to you," you huffed, stepping out of the store, Bakugou close to your side.
"You've been Sunny for the past 2 weeks. I think its too late for that at this point."
Stopping in your tracks abruptly, you turned to face the blonde, your narrowed eyes meeting amused red ones to pout up at him.
Smug bastard.
Rolling your eyes, you stepped into his personal space, making his shit-eating grin falter slightly, confusion falling over his face. That got a satisfied huff out of you, masking your nerves before you launched forward pouncing onto your roomate & wrapping your arms around his waist. The contact made Bakugou freeze, his entire body tensing up in your hold.
"..whats this for?"
Fuck. Your face felt hot. You didn't let yourself back away though. Instead, you hid yourself away into his chest.
"Nah. I kinda promised myself I'd hug you as thanks when I'm back human. For, well, looking out for me & shit," you mumbled into what was left of his hoodie, nuzzling into the soft fabric. You continued when Bakugou didn't say anything.
"Its weird. I didn't even go anywhere, but I missed you. I guess."
It took a moment, but you soon felt hesitant hands come around your body to return your hug, the reciprocation making you melt into Bakugou's careful hold as he rested his chin on your head.
"I should've known," he started lowly, making your brows furrow at the tone of his voice- something you could only describe as regret. "Even if you looked different, you were still you. From the way you sass me to the way you hiss at me in the mornings. Even- even the way you pretend to bite me after I mess with your head. It was all you. And. I should've seen it," he swallowed.
You pulled back to look at those downcasted red eyes you've grown to love so much, especially after having the oppurtinity to stare into them as much as you wanted with your excuse of being a cat. Slipping your hands into his, you squeezed lightly to make him meet your gaze.
"Bakugou. I was a cat."
"Yeah, but-"
You rolled your eyes fondly at this dumb blonde, not bothering to listen how he should've known, how he didn't do enough.
Instead, you clasped a hand over his mouth to shut him up before he could get even more agitated with himself, leaning forward to lightly press your lips to your own hand, right where his lips would've been without you covering it, letting your eyes flutter shut. Just for a moment.
Pulling away, you looked up at your roomate with a fond smile, not even caring that you had hearts in your eyes from how much adoration you had for him.
God, you were down bad for this man.
You watched Bakugou blinked at you blankly, seemingly frozen in shock as you pulled your hand away from his face, leaving his mouth gaping in surprise.
Heh. You smirked, satisfied at your roomate's flushed face & reddened ears-
Your roomate that your brain has helpfully supplied as so fucking hot the moment you laid eyes on him all those years back in UA.
Your roomate that you had to pretend you weren't completely fangirling over when you two moved in together & eventually started working together on missions, preening at every subtle praise & approval of your idol.
Your roomate that you have grown to recognize as more than just an amazing hero you look up to but also as a friend you adore as his own person- angy pomeranian, mom friend tendecies & all.
Your roomate that you've managed to befriend as more than an ex classmate to someone you trust no just with your life on the field but also with your most vulnerable self, stripped off of your hero status when you're home stress eating cookie dough ice cream at 2 am like the gremlin you are.
Your roomate that you have promptly fallen in love with after he danced with you on the roof that one cold night when he found you up there alone, swaying to a melody lost in the wind- yet vowed to not pursue.
Your roomate that your heart grew fonder for after having seen his soft side during which he cared for you as Sunny- when he sat by you with his gentle fingers in your fur on days you were lost on ways to break the quirk, seemingly atuned to your down days, even while you were cat. All the while working his ass off to find your human self.
Your roomate that is now currently malfunctioning from your actions as you turned around & continued your walk home cooly, proud to have been able to fluster the man who has had a hold on your heart for so long now & blatantly ignoring your own burning face as if your heart wasn't about to keel over from giddiness.
"What- what the fuck was that? I-if you're going to kiss me do it right dammit! Coward! Pussy!" You heard your roomate sputter after you as he jogged ahead to fall back in pace with you, roughly grabbing your hand.
You snorted at his choice of words, readjusting his hold on you but never letting go of his hand.
"The only pussy I am is the one you couldn't say no to the moment I so much as bat my pretty eyes at you. The one you cooed & talked to even through all your complaining about me being a loud little shit. The one you told all about your precious Sunshine you worried about every ni-"
"You're never going to let me live this down are you, brat?" Bakugou winced at how much blackmail you had against him the past 2 weeks he coddled your furry ass.
"And let this knowledge of how much of a softie you are deep down under all that gruff outside go to waste? After all I had to go through? Absolutely not. Mrow, bitch."
A/n: HELLO ALL OF YOU WHO STUCK AROUND UNTIL THE END. i hope the ending was okay? i scratched all my previous drafts for it & decided on something much more lighthearted because i feel thats what made this series so fun & as lovable as it is. i love you all so fucking much & i hope you enjoyed reading mrow as much as i enjoyed writing it <33 until the next crazy series my brain comes up with <3
Series taglist: @deadpoolsvodka @zbeez-outlet @fixed211 @arael-asuka @sadcookie365 @phrogfungi @trash-heichou-kacchan @sad0ni0n @woodzonesworld @mushi42 @yappydoo @kazxtora @nnubee @chuugarettes @voidsatoru @freakyundercover @momdisappointment @simp4rengoku @yaskna @zane2408 @lynn-writes-things @dinodumbass @jihyuniepark @julietdelamare @captainchrisstan @atrainb @wannabewolf @cupidcole @atsushiki @trashbin-nie @mothmanuwu @skyesayshi @nezykoi @theredtater06 @lanaxians-2 @alextheknight707 @vollkornpraline @misakik28 @carnationhcs @some-ryvant @blubearxy @dangerousluv1 @seokjin-bby @slytherclaw1227 @tjmaxx556 @kuleo26 @answer-the-sirens @stxrrielle @call-me-drartemis @ouch-thats-harsh @coodoritoss @thychuvaluswife @dynakats @naneko-nakooooo @letharue @sleepylittlebarista @moonbinnie0983 @ninashellhole @lovra974 @i-cant-write-for-shit
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bubble-popping · 9 days
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
Punz's tower in summer
Dream would've never guessed it, but Punz liked to decorate.
It was warm on the Dream SMP, deep into summer, but with autumn on the horizon judging by the cool breeze. Dream's birthday was coming up.
More importantly, off the back of their largest and most devastating battle, Dream had to check in on all the many moving parts of his plan. One of those was his wolven mercenary.
Who, for whatever reason, was acting like it was just another day in the neighborhood.
"You look ridiculous," Dream told him, brow raised. They were lounging on a long chair, shades covering their eyes, not a care in the world.
They'd completely transformed their backyard, replacing all the grass with sand and the fountain with a pool. There were even faux palm trees constructed around the place, for fuck's sake.
Punz lifted his sunglasses to meet his gaze. "It's hot as balls out and you're wearing a hoodie and pants, but I look ridiculous?"
"Yes! You should be building defenses, not sitting on your ass!"
"Dude, we fucking smoked them." The merc sat up, shades pushed into his ash blond hair. "We won. They didn't stand a chance against us. So yeah, I'm gonna enjoy myself a little. You should try it."
"I can't even-can you put a damn shirt on? I can't take you seriously like this." Dream waved a dismissive hand, looking away from their half-naked body with a faint blush on his cheeks.
"I ain't got nothing to hide." He shrugged then stood from the chair only to sit at the edge of the pool. "Maybe if you relaxed a little, those L'Manberg guys wouldn't have so much to say about you."
"What the fuck? What, are you agreeing with them?"
They sighed, ear flicking like it did when they were frustrated. "Look, all I'm saying is, as the winners, we deserve to take a load off. And that's what I'm doing."
There was no getting through to them. He needed Punz to take these things more seriously, but he clearly had his mind made up about this. Dream turned to leave, wanting to ease his thoughts with a peaceful walk, but that was abruptly stopped when he felt a wave of water soak him from behind.
He gasped, cold shocking his system and freezing him in place until he whipped around to confront the offender. Except, that just got him a face full of more water.
"You little-!" Dream growled and rushed forward, catching Punz off-guard by tackling him and sending them both into the pool.
Thankfully not hitting his head on the bottom, the change in gravity and density surprised Dream enough to make him lose his grip. They each quickly resurfaced, spluttering and coughing, but Punz had the audacity to laugh between breaths.
"Dude," he hiccupped, not even trying to hide his grin, "you look like a wet cat." And that was apparently the funniest thing in the world to him. Even worse, their laugh was stupidly contagious. Dream couldn't help but to chuckle a little.
"Yeah, well, you smell like a wet dog. Asshole." Satisfied with that gut-wrenching insult, Dream swam and hauled himself up onto the side of the pool. "Great, now I'm fucking soaked..."
"Hey," they started, laughter settling down as they soon joined him, "I'm not the one that put us in the pool."
"You got me wet in the first place!" Dream bit back, wringing out the end of his hoodie that was now a dark green from saturation.
"Woah, dude." Their hands raised in surrender, smirk on their lips. "You don't gotta tell me all that."
Dream gave him a confused look until realization set in and a blush consumed his entire face. "Not like that, idiot!" He shoved him aside, only succeeding in making him dissolve with laughter again.
And he tried to be mad--because his clothes were drenched and his hair was a mess and any plans he had for the day were ruined since he'd have to wait for everything to dry out--yet, he just found himself fondly watching how their shoulders bounced and their tail wagged.
It was... cute.
That probably wasn't a thought he should have about a business partner.
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hoeforalbedo · 2 years
heyy! saw ur post ab scara and i just. my brain is full of him so here:
Scaramouche who would be hella annoying when he wants attention like he’s a fucking cat, knocking shit over on ur desk and being obnoxious bc he likes to see you frustrated (sfw)
Scaramouche who makes you thigh ride him while he works because he likes to see you whimper (nsfw/suggestive)
idk how helpful these r but yeah!
Scaramouche x afab!reader
Summary: Scara is a terrible boss. You hate him but you love him. Modern AU
warnings:mentions of female genitals, sex, making out, cursing, thigh-riding, Scara being a bitch, idk tell me if I missed anything
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Scaramouche is the worst boss you've ever had. Well it is your first time being a secretary for a very large company and of course you plan to be on your best behavior and be a great role model for everyone.
Someone, however, stirs you from going down that path. How can a CEO be so obnoxious?? First, he makes you do most of his work for him. He would give you stacks of papers and expects you to finish it for him when he's the one who should be doing it. "Just stamp my authorization or something. I don't really care what you do with the ones you don't like. Stamp it or not." He would then go out for some coffee or wine, whatever floats his boat.
This man even has the audacity, when he's bored, to sit on your desk, look through the papers, and throw them at every corner of the room. "You're looking quite frustrated, makes me want to annoy you even more," He would smirk.
"I’ll make sure you don’t have that satisfaction then,” You smirk, trying to talk back. You really can't really push him away because he is your boss and he knows it. He enjoys the power over you and he would continue to tease you.
 "Oh please, I’m always good at my own game.” He slaps down a few more files and reaches over to mess up your hair. “I expect you to get this done asap. It's for the conference tomorrow. Better get working, busy bee." He would smirk while he leaves you, huffing and turning red from frustration. 
Even when you’re very busy, he’ll still give you things to do. “Hey busy bee, my office is getting dirty. Sweep and mop it for me.”
“I’m not the janitor,” You would say with an attitude and roll your eyes. He’s always like this.
“I’m still your boss so you can either make you stay overtime or you clean,” He says and he doesn’t really mean it. You, however, were scared because he can and will do that. Honestly, what he wanted was to have you in his office and just look at you. You however, have been playing his game for too long and you plan to bite back.
Now you are sweeping up the floor with the broom he provided for you and you would occasionally bend over to sweep under shelves and desks. Your pencil skirt would go up a bit, exposing more of your thigh. Your skirt also perfectly enunciates your ass and Scara would be lying if he said he didn’t have a boner right now.
As for what you saw, you can’t help but think that Scara belongs behind that desk, wearing the most expensive of clothes. He looks very hot with the way he works, when he does decide to. He looks so serious and domineering when he orders and punishes his employees.
You bite your lip as the only place left to sweep is his area. “Excuse me,” You innocently say, your excuse being that you need to sweep under his desk. Scara moves his chair back and you bend over, right in front of him unintentionally seducing him yet you don’t really mind anyways. It’s time that the hating game ends. 
“If you wanted to fuck you could have just said so,” Scaramouche scoffs. His laid back on his office leather chair, tie loosened and a few of the buttons undone. 
You roll your eyes in annoyance and just when you were about to make a cock comeback, you thought of a much better idea. “Thanks for giving me the permission.” And so, you straddle him, to which he did not expect, and you can feel the bulge in his pants against your heat. “Allow me to indulge myself,” You smile and capture his lips in yours. 
Scara gradually eases himself and takes control, placing both hands on your hips as you cup his face. The kiss is sensual and passionate, letting go of all pent up hate and turning it to lust. Love and hate are very much one of the same things.
He slides your skirt up to your stomach and gropes your ass. You moan into his mouth. You're feeling hot with anticipation. He’s so close to where you want him to touch you. You’re soaked, waiting for him to fuck your hole. Scara loops the waist of your underwear on his finger and pulls it down. You aid him, standing up and allowing them to drop onto the floor.
Just when your panties are discarded, a ring from his work phone is heard. It’s an important phone call that he’s been anticipating. Before he picks up the phone, he says, “Oh we’re not done. Ride my thigh and get yourself off. If you are good, then I’ll give you what you want.”
Being the obeying secretary you are, your legs are between his thigh and your clit is directly on the fabric of his pants. You hiss at the sensation but you can’t help but want more. “You know what to do but keep quiet for me. It’s a very important call.”
And so, you are humping his thigh like a desperate whore, burying your face into his neck to keep quiet. As you do so, he’s talking professionally on call putting up the domineering aura as he gives orders.
It’s so hard to grind yourself down. The fabric of his pants only makes you more sensitive every time it brushes your swollen clit. It’s also not enough for you. Although it stimulates you, nothing compares to when you’re getting filled up with a finger circling your bud. 
You’re shaking but you’re also slowing down. Trying to chase a high that wont come. Scara isn’t helping much either. Now he is chatting up the person on the other side of the phone, purposely taking his time with the call. As he does so, a hand holds onto your hip, aiding you to get yourself off.
If only the call would just end. He is sadistic for enjoying watching you act desperate and grinding on his thigh while you hold back moans. It’s almost as if he doesn’t want to leave the call just so that he could watch you get off on just humping him. Lucky for you, he really does want to fuck you and after a while, he got bored of the call and ended it.
“Since you’ve been very good, I’ll fuck you now.”
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aftgficrec · 8 months
hi besties! can i be a bit weird and ask for sick fics here? old/new/favorites, any will do! just some big ol’ hurt/ comfort, especially if combined with some emotional hurt/comfort 🥰
There’s nothing weird about this at all!  Apart from the fics below, there’s also our sickfic tag as well as our hurt/comfort tag for more (see our tag page under the heading ‘themes - injuries/illnesses/conditions’). - S
Previous recs:
cool andreil sick fics here
sick fics here
foxes with headaches/sick fics here
10k+ sick fics here
Andreil in hospital here
Neil with major injury here
Neil gets injured (post canon) here
Neil & car accidents here
accident-prone Neil here
Andreil with amnesia here
medical Andreil/Aaron & Neil here
Neil getting roofied here
Also see… 
‘we're one (there's nothing to be done)’ here
‘Just like that day’ here
‘head case (what to do with you)’ here
‘Such Stuff as Dreams are Made’ here
‘Neil Josten Is a Lucky Man’ here
‘Broken’ here
‘If Only I Were Enough’ (completed) here
‘I'll Come Back To You’ here
‘glass in the trees (objects in the rearview)’ here
‘Running Ragged’ here
‘To Love and Be Loved’ here
‘all that looking down’ here
‘next best thing’, keep telling me that it gets better (does it ever?)’ and ‘no matter when and where, we’ll be alright’ here
‘Can Nobody Hear Me (I cannot breathe)’, ‘I remeber tears streaming down your face (for me to wipe them away)’, ‘you crawled inside my head’, ‘living leaves so many holes in us’, ‘Ciggarette Smoke Cure’, ‘Breathless’, ‘i've done my time’ and ‘cats and close calls’ here
‘The Highs and Lows of Pre-med Majors' here (Aaron)
‘Hold My Hand?’ here
‘Echo’ here 
I’m More Than This Body of Mine by yall_send_help [Rated M, 88811 words, incomplete, last updated Jan 2024]
The doctor took a pause, which Nathaniel was able to use to ask, “what about my leg?” The two pigs had the audacity to look surprised. The doctor looked over at them with a hint of confusion. “You didn’t tell him?” Towns shook his head as Browning said, “you told us not to.” Dr. Byrd nodded her head in approval and turned back to the bed. “Nathaniel…” she trailed off, reevaluating her words. “Would you mind if I sit?” and only after his own nod did she. “The damage done to your leg… it was unlike what most of the staff at this hospital had ever seen. The surgeons tried to save it, but…” She looked down at where his legs were and Nathaniel did too, only to feel himself pale at what he found. “The surgery took about three hours,” Dr. Byrd continued. “The only reason why it took so long was because the surgeons really did try to save your leg. They did. Amputations usually take only half that time. Eventually, Dr. McCoy called it. Because of the damage done to your leg, we couldn’t wake you up to ask. It had to go. I’m sorry.” or - the one where neil goes to baltimore and comes back missing a leg
tw: torture, tw: amputation, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: panic attacks, tw: blood, tw: animal cruelty, tw: implied/referenced drug overdose
fireproof by mostly_maudlin [Rated T, 2097 words, complete, 2024]
Andrew gets his flu shot.
Things Always Gets Worse Before They Gets Better series by Renee_Walker_09 [Rated G, 40141 words, incomplete, 3 complete works, 2024]
Part 1: Beginnings & Endings (G, 1083 words)
It's 1:30 in the morning. The Foxes are celebrating their championship win against the Ravens the only way they know how to: booze, partying, and a little bit more booze. Nothing could possibly ruin this?
tw: car accident, tw: major character injury
Part 2: You Mean Everything To Me (G, 12767 words)
There are two crashed cars. There’s blood on the floor. Lights are flashing all around. Andrew is standing in the middle of the crash site with a blanket draped across his shoulders as he stares straight at Neil, lying on the floor.
tw: car accident, tw: major character injury, tw: (temporary) major character death, tw: suicide attempt, tw: drug overdose, tw: blood, tw: self harm
Part 3: Hours, Days, Weeks (G, 26299 words)
Andrew is lying in a coma following the accident. His condition is critical. And Neil and Aaron have to find a way to cope.  Neil and Aaron’s POVs of the crash and the past 6 weeks
tw: car accident, tw: blood, tw: major character injury, tw: (temporary) major character death, tw: self harm, tw: panic attacks, tw: seizures
NB: find art for the fics by the author here as well as embedded in the fics
Even goalkeepers can’t block sickness by BlowingYourMind [Rated G, 12768 words, complete, 2024]
“Rabbit,” Andrew peered up at him with half lidded eyes, “Yes or no?” “Yes ‘Drew,” Neil clasped his hands at Andrew’s elbows, “it’s always a yes, you know that.” “No ‘s not,” Andrew weakly argued as he took hold of Neil’s chest pad, using it to leverage himself upwards. It was awkward work of walking half-delirious Andrew back to the locker room, shielding him from the crowd while keeping him on his feet, but they managed. Or Andrew becomes very sick at an away game, and Neil and the foxes take care of him.
tw: vomit
the upswing by missgivings [Not Rated, 45569 words, incomplete, last updated Jan 2024]
The next universe over, life has gone a bit easier on Andrew. He’s gainfully employed as a nurse of all things, working beside his best friend Renee, and living in relative harmony with his brother, the recently graduated Dr. Aaron Minyard. Everything’s fine. It’s fine that he hasn’t spoken to Kevin in person for three years. It’s fine if Aaron’s leaving him to marry his stupid doctor girlfriend. It’s fine until the boy with the box-dyed hair stumbles into the ER and passes out at his feet, bringing a world of secrets and trouble with him. And Neil? Neil’s looking for any port in a storm.
tw: major character injury, tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced self harm
please (don't bite) by Major_816 [Rated M, 5478 words, complete, 2024]
Genioglossus. It’s a fan-shaped muscle and forms the bulk of the inferior part of the tongue. It stretches to the hyoid bone too. ~ Neil wakes up to a bad day and it just gets worse.
tw: blood, tw: self harm, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: nightmares, tw: flashbacks, tw: vomit
Will you love me for who I am, not for who I was? by something_boring [Rated T, 1580 words, complete, 2024]
Neil is sick on New Year's eve, wakes up to the fireworks, and continues to have a panic attack about his time on the run.
tw: nightmares, tw: panic attacks, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
Your Needs, My Needs by TogeMythia [Rated T, 1073 words, complete, 2023]
‘Neil.’ He whined, his face still buried under the blankets. ‘Hrmph?’ Neil responded with a confused noise from somewhere across the bed. ‘Do you feel as shit as you sound?’ - Or Neil and Andrew wake up sick on Christmas day.
tw: vomit
To be safe by HushedStars [Rated G, 2116 words, complete, 2023]
Neil is feeling unwell. He seeks comfort from Matt. It was late at night. Neil stood in the kitchen, deep in thought but still with one ear alert for any movement of his roommates. He shifted from foot to foot, hands digging into his sore neck
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: panic attacks
Safe with him by 1mNot4Hum4n [Not Rated, 2434 words, complete, 2023]
Neil is sick but doesn't want to admit it. He can't be sick. He can't be weak. Luckily Andrew is there to make sure his junkie is okay, and remind him that he has people around him who are willing to do anything to protect him.
'tis the season by moonix [Rated T, 5579 words, complete, 2023, locked]
Five holidays Andrew had to let Kevin take care of him and one time he got to return the favour.
i called your name ‘til the fever broke by cyanica [Rated T, 5632 words, incomplete, last updated Nov 2023]
Neil’s breath is hot and awful against Andrew’s thigh. “I can’t be sick on your birthday,” he says, like it’s that simple. “I can’t be sick on you on your birthday.” “How considerate,” Andrew’s voice is a bland murmur, and he is left watching Neil’s bloodless, wet lips, as he curls into Andrew’s lap. Neil gently pulls away after a moment, leaning back into Andrew’s hand on his neck. “Is me being sick still making you anxious?” he asks. Fever-stricken with dizzied-eyes and delirious thoughts, he knows Andrew without more than a moment beside him, a look into his eyes that makes Andrew feel undone, found. Or Neil is sick and Andrew isn’t coping well.
tw: vomit, tw: panic attacks, tw: dissociation, tw: anxiety
You Know I'm Good On My Own by sambutwithbooks [Rated G, 4568 words, complete, Aftg Then And Now 2023]
Andrew breaks his arm two games into the season and it feels a little bit like Neil’s world snaps with it. (A snapshot of Neil and Andrew between Andrew coming home from the hospital and going back home to Palmetto State.)
tw: major character injury
that's my line by sillyunicorn6154 [Rated G, 1291 words, complete, 2023]
Andrew is definitely not sick. But he is a little stubborn.
You're not fine, but you will be by karmenvi [Not Rated, 616 words, complete, 2023]
Neil is sick, so Andrew takes care of him. So it was supposed to be a sickfic, but it turned into 'Andrew stares at Neil and thinks his boyfriend is the prettiest boy in the world.' Anyway, enjoy some fluff.
I'll be okay if he's here by obsessivereader156 [Not Rated, 1673 words, complete, 2023]
“Thank you, Drew,” Neil says for the twentieth time, feeling so lucky to have someone take care of him. “Say it again and I will kill you.” “You’re just so nice to me,” Neil says a bit deliriously, “I’ve never had someone take care of me when I’m sick.”
If it means losing you, then no by LostMess_24 [Rated T, 6712 words, complete, 2023]
There was something against his hand, a pressure he knew too well, a hand that fit so perfectly against his, making Andrew’s presence known, making Neil’s entire body relax, slowing his breathing a bit. But before Neil could see the man at his side, it hit him. He was starting to feel it, all around him. Those white walls, the mattress he was in, the soft yet old sheets, the pressure on his arm. And finally, unmistakably, the regular and aggressive beeps, signs of a life that was his own. He was in a hospital bed. There’s an accident. Those idiots would do anything and everything to protect each other.
tw: major character injury, tw: car accidents
cause and effect by mistyrie [Rated M, 13107 words, complete, 2023]
"Andrew realized what he was seeing but he couldn’t comprehend it. He didn’t know how to help. There was no enemy to deal with – there was just Neil seizing on the floor and Andrew didn’t know what to do." Neil starts having seizures and Andrew tries to help.
tw: seizures (epilepsy)
how the foxes act when they're sick by @detectivebambam [tumblr, 2024]
headcanons on the foxes and illness
headcanons on Neil getting sick by @24-0z [tumblr, 2022]
Neil doesn't get sick very often, so when he finally catches the bug that had been going around campus, he's suddenly 8 years old again, sweating and trembling with fever
SICK!Neil for my soul. by @satan-in-a-v-neck [tumblr, 2021]
Neil is acting strange. Ask every fox and they'll tell you that for the past three days Neil Josten wasn't acting very Neil Josteny.
tw: vomit
illness/injuries as background event:
The Songs Around Us by doodlingstuff [Rated M, 80075 words, complete, 2022]
The mission was simple: Nathaniel would join Astral Foxes as Neil Josten and make them part of Moriyama Music. In reality, Neil became real, found a home, and fell in love despite his lies. When the Moriyamas send the Butcher to remind Neil of his mission and Andrew's life ends on the line, Neil will have to find a way to escape his fate and bring Andrew back. As he gets closer to losing the man he loves the most, Neil will realize that sometimes, music is the only answer, and others, truth is the only weapon he can use. Another Band!AU. This time extra angsty.
tw: torture, tw: car accident, tw: major character injury, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: panic attacks, tw: violence
NB: find art for this fic by @doodlingstuff here
93 notes · View notes
double-0h-no · 2 months
Old Dog, New Tricks
Second to last prompt I want and need to fill. And slowly and surely running out of time, but I'll do this. My prompt fill for "Secondary Villain/Henchman" and for @meadowcastiel prompt, to be revealed at the end. With the tiniest nod to @thestalwartheart gorgeous poem that didn't leave me alone while finihing this up, please go and read it, it's so so gorgeous!
on ao3
Bond has a sudden influx of ideas for gadgets to take out into the field. Henchmen suffer the consequences.
"007, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Oh, nothing in particular. Just wanted to see what R6D is working on these days." 
That stopped Q dead in his tracks and pinched the bridge of his nose in a feeble hope that it would delay the headache that was bound to result from this conversation.  "How often do I have to tell you that, unless you have a very good reason for it, there will not be an exploding pen for you."
Bond had the audacity to scoff, as if he hadn't asked for exactly that, and then continued his lazy stroll past the benches where currently, a few prototypes and blueprints were scattered. "I wouldn't dare come to you for something as trivial as that. Anymore."
"I'm not sure I like where this is going, but do go on."
"Well, I was thinking about how night goggles were actually rather handy, in general, but also very suspicious looking and bulky. And I know you've been tinkering around with your own glasses. Isn't there something to be done?"
Now, that piqued Q's interest, because: "There is, actually. As you've correctly stated, it can't be that only my glasses get tinkered with. There are a lot of things we're trying to do in that department, the easiest and most obvious one being cameras installed into the frame, or something as simple as a GPS tracker. Night vision has so far proven difficult because - Do you know how night goggles usually work?", he interrupted himself.
Bond shook his head, and Q motioned for him to step closer to his own bench, where he quickly opened a new browser window to pull up some graphics. "All right, so our problem currently lies in this."
Mission transcript for internal use.
H - Handler - Quartermaster
A - Agent - 007
Transcript written by Quartermaster for potential blackmailing purposes among the women of Q branch and Bond.
Transcript begins:
A: "Q?"
H: "Yes, 007?"
A: "Could you develop a repellent?"
H: "A repellent? Whatever for? I think you're quite capable of getting some nobite from a nearby drugstore or pharmacy."
A: "Not for mosquitoes. For all the women approaching me this evening who aren't my target."
H: "..."
A: "Q?"
H: "..."
A: "I take that as a no."
H: "I'll start a survey among the women who frequent Q-branch on which aftershave or perfume they think to be the most repelling. Otherwise, I will keep it to myself that you just asked me for a spray to repel women, but I will save this bit to bring out and show to R and Moneypenny should I feel the need to blackmail you, are we understood?"
It was the strangest thing, really, and unfortunately, horribly endearing in the way it reminded Q of his cats, at least distantly.
James was lounging on the sofa in his office, limbs akimbo, half asleep, a cooling pad still held to his face, and quite possibly loopy on pain meds.
Q thought it incredible that James appeared to be able to maintain that position without too much discomfort. His own joints probably wouldn't appreciate this kind of treatment, but that might be due to his own lack of exercise in recent years.
"Run that by me again?", he asked, mortified by the amount of affection that his voice held.
"S'mthing to call 'nimals. Useful ones. Like a swarm of bees."
"And how would calling a swarm of bees to your location be helpful?"
James shrugged to the best of his ability. "Don't know. Not to my location. the other guy."
"So let me get this straight, you want to call the bees so that they go after the bad guy."
The Double Oh agent made a sound that could, unfortunately, best be described as a giggle. That was that settled, at least. Certainly high on pain meds, and possibly not half as comfortable in this situation as the meds might make him believe.
"You said bad guy."
Q buried his face in his hands both in exasperation and to hide the redness he felt blooming in his cheeks.
Hopeless cases, the both of them.
"How small do you think you can make a taser?"
"About lipstick-sized. Of the larger variety, but about that size."
"So not the size of a ring."
"Not unless all you want to be able to stun is a blowfly. Or knock yourself on your arse because I'm not sure how the hell I'd isolate a metal ring properly."
"You want what?" James - Bond had caught him just on his way back to Q-branch from a meeting that surely could have been an email or three, at most.
"Come on, Q, you can't deny that it would be helpful."
"I mean, yes, except you'd ultimately always impede yourself as well. Plus, it would require you to get out of dodge in the blink of an eye."
James cocked an eyebrow in amusement. "Because that's never been known to happen."
He couldn't help the snort. "Careful with your knees at your age."
"You had nothing to complain about last-"
"Will you be quiet?", Q interjected snidely, but with a big grin on his face. Gosh, that surely had happened. And would happen again, and again. And a few more times after, for sure.
"Now, about my idea?", Bond teased, and Q sighed.
"Why do you always come to me with those things anyway? You very well know by now that R heads R&D, not me. I don't have time for those things anymore because I have meetings now that take a day and an age but could have been done in a fraction of the time, and she-"
James suddenly pulled him around a corner, pressed him up against a wall, and snogged him silly. It wasn't a good kiss, he was smiling way too much for that, but damn if it didn't make him feel good. He was so giddy with it it made him look stupid.
"You're very distracting," Bond murmured, lips only centimetres from his own. "Did I ever tell you that you're incredibly hot when you get worked up and commanding?"
Q bit his tongue not to giggle. "That explains so much, actually." He closed the gap between them and stole another kiss. "Where would you even stash them away?"
It visibly took James a few seconds to catch on to Q's drifting thoughts. "Depends on how small you can make them, but I was thinking about fastening them to the inside of my belt."
"Won't that be uncomfortable?"
James left featherlight kisses on the high point of his cheek, pushing his glasses up with his nose, the hinge of his jaw, corner of his lips, before he answered: "I've been through worse. Plus, I'm sure you'll come up with something."
Another kiss. He felt like a teenager again. It was embarrassing. It was glorious.
"I probably will. Don't think it'll be like that now just because you give decent head."
The indignant sound was almost as sweet as the kisses.
Mission monitoring was not going any worse than it had been before, and Q was a bit relieved about it.
No matter what he'd told James before, no matter what he'd told himself, deep down he had been worried that separating the mission from his personal feelings would in fact get more difficult now that he had something to lose that went beyond his feelings, but included a person almost sharing his flat and life and feeding his cats. But it was fine. Or at least not any worse than he was used to. Which was to say, it wasn't going great.
He was monitoring Bond, but couldn't communicate with him anymore, which at least was not Bond's fault. 007 was being led down a corridor, henchmen guarding him, Q and R watching him via the security cameras. Their journey ended in a windowless room, and Q and R exchanged a worried glance. They'd seen too many rooms of that variety in their time, though fortunately never from up close.
The henchmen kept their guns trained at Bond while he sat down on the singular chair in the room.
There was no audio, but his lips were moving.
The next thing they saw was the camera whitening out for a brief second, and when the feed returned to normal, black smoke filled the room and was already being filtered out. He could make out the feet of one of the guards, clearly sprawled on the floor, and the other one had probably suffered a similar fate, though Q was already going through the cameras to find Bond again.
"I can't believe it worked," mumbled Riley next to him, and only then did the reality of what had happened set in.
He groaned pitifully. "We will never hear the end of this."
They did never hear the end of this.
After this very first success, Riley was actually more open to working with Bond on several of her projects, and the litany of minions of various evil operations who'd fallen victim to increasingly ridiculous contraptions was growing by the week.
It also had the nice side effect that James was... Q didn't have any other words to describe it, but he felt that Bond was doing better. The time he spent in R&D shortened the time he spent on the bench, at least in his perception, and he wasn't as keen to go out in the field anymore between missions. As much as he'd like to think that it was in part his own doing, Q knew that James' work with R played just as big a role.
It was good, all in all. It was very good.
Q was standing at his desk in his office, double checking a mixup with an order of materials to find the error, when a heavy blanket of Double Oh draped itself over his back.
"What have you come up with this time? Or is it time to leave already?" It usually was one thing or another, these days.
"An EMP."
As much as he tried - not very hard at all, this bit of chasing tails had already robbed him of his last nerve - this one really caught his interest.
They never managed to figure out a way to make it work. It was fine, too.
When Q came home that day, exhausted beyond comprehension, James was already home, sitting in his favourite armchair, reading glasses on his nose while he was reading something on his tablet, the Admiral snuggled into his side.
"What do you think of freeze grenades?", he asked in lieu of a greeting.
"Freeze grenades?", Q asked incredulously, still getting out of his shoes. "What are they even supposed to do?" He wandered into the kitchen and scoured it for something left to eat. There was a sandwich sitting out, carefully protected from the cats, and Q picked up the plate with a grateful smile and joined James in the living room.
"Well, they're supposed to emit intense cold upon activation."
"To what end?"
"Depends. Freeze something over to make it brittle. Freeze water over to cross it, though I can imagine that might be difficult. Freeze burns are a bitch, too."
"As opposed to normal grenades, who don#t hurt much at all. What even are you reading there?" He leaned over to catcha glimpse at the screen, and James didn't try to hide it. Q tilted his head. "Is that a batman comic?"
James nodded. "I never read them when I was a kid, but I watched one of the movies on my way back from... I don't even know anymore. It was utterly ridiculous. I wanted to know more."
"Is that where you get all those ridiculous ideas from?"
"You say that as if they haven't worked."
Q's eyes widened in childish wonder. "You have. This is amazing. You're such a closet nerd." He leaned in and pressed an ill-aimed kiss to James' cheek.
James tried his best to appear annoyed at Q's antics, but there was the smile in his eyes that everybody else said was missing when they met him.
"So, what about batarangs?"
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redux-iterum · 2 months
Charred Legacy: Chapter Eighteen
(AO3 counterpart here.)
The rest of the night passed, but the snow did not. Flakes turned fat and even whiter, somehow, and they stuck to the ground like they had been glued there by sap, with no inclination to melt even with the experimental warm breath of Brackenpaw fanning them. Some of the snow even made it into the Barn; the Clan retreated into the furthest corner away from the door and slept together in a massive lump of fur whose many-colored patches occasionally shivered.
With the sky so darkened by the clouds, it was hard to say when night arrived. It didn’t help that the humans of the farm turned on several lights around the houses that reflected an ashen yellow on the snow, which was situated just so that it woke Fireheart up earlier in the evening than usual, forcing him to squeeze his eyes shut and turn onto his side, his back to the intense shine. By the sounds of muffled grumbling, he was not the only one.
Soon enough (perhaps too soon for Fireheart), the sky went blue-black and the Clan awoke to calmer weather, but snow deep enough to hide their paws and some length of their legs. The kits were intensely curious until they actually patted the stuff with a paw, to which they responded by yelping and scampering back into the depths of the Barn.
“At least it won’t get any deeper,” Cinderpaw said, and she had the audacity to look a little disappointed by that. “None of you will find anything to eat out there, but you might as well check.”
“Did a vision tell you that?” Brightpaw asked, awed.
“No, I just know it.” Cinderpaw gave her a smug look. “That’s seer life.”
“That’s logic, fool girl.” Yellowfang scowled at the outside world. “We’d be blessed if, even in this wretched house, we find food.”
Cinderpaw stuck her tongue out at her mentor—though, Fireheart noted, she did it when the old cat’s back was turned. He didn’t sell her out, only twitched his whiskers and looked away.
In the end, it was the younger cats who braved carving paths in the snow. Some poked their heads into the doubled-over cornstalks and sniffed around, others scraped along to the right to see if anything was hiding near the house. Fireheart went out with Greystripe, Ravenwing and Snowpaw, not really picking a direction, just shuffling around and tasting the air.
“It’s no good,” Ravenwing said at last. “I can’t smell anything but cold earth.” He turned to Snowpaw and twitched his nose with a tilted head. Snowpaw shook his own with an unusually sour expression, his mouth stretched back to one side.
“Funny how snow just muffles everything, isn’t it?” Fireheart lifted a paw high and placed it down again in untouched snow with the smallest sound of compression. “Smells, sounds, sights…”
“Not you, though,” Greystripe said, flicking a droplet off his tail and landing it on Fireheart. “Your voice is echoing.”
“Pardon me,” Fireheart sniffed. He flexed his freezing toes, grateful for what fur was between them and his pawpads. “It’s just interesting, that’s all.”
Ravenwing sighed, his legs twitching like he was doing the same. “I’m just glad I spent my first winter in the nursery. This would’ve been awful to be an apprentice during.”
“Oh, I don’t think it’s that bad—” Fireheart started.
“Yeah?” Greystripe scooped fresh snow with a huge paw and swung it. “This isn’t bad?”
The snow hit Fireheart’s shoulder, making him shout in surprise. What little conversation filtered out of the corn and around the corner petered off as Fireheart tried to dust the snow off of him.
“It’s fine!” he said, his words a little higher-pitched than normal at the cold. An idea struck him and he turned with his back to Greystripe. “Here, you try it!”
He kicked hard like he was covering dirt, aiming for Greystripe’s face. He heard a quack of shock and turned with a beam of self-satisfaction; he had hit his target perfectly, Greystripe stumbling back a bit. He tripped on something and fell onto his rear, the snow enveloping his haunches.
Snowpaw made an odd, drawn-out breath that shook as he stared at Greystripe. It took Fireheart a moment to realize that he was chuffing in his own way. His mentor wasn’t much better, lips tight to hide his amusement.
“See?” Fireheart said to Greystripe. “It’s nice, right?”
Greystripe gave him a look like he was about to catch a bird. Too late, Fireheart realized what was about to happen, and he didn’t have time to jump out of the way before Greystripe lunged and tackled him. He was buried deep into the snow, his ears stuffed with cold and wet, unable to completely parse Greystripe’s retort.
He responded by kicking his back legs again, this time straight up into Greystripe’s gut. The weight lifted off of him and he rolled back onto his feet, shaking his entire body as hard as he could to get the snow off of him. Greystripe coughed, like the wind had been knocked out of him.
“If I had even a small chance against you,” Fireheart said, “I’d tackle you back. Ach—” he shook his head again. “There’s snow in my ears.”
“Sorry,” Greystripe said, and coughed again. He straightened up before scooping up more snow and flinging it at Fireheart, who ducked just in time.
“What in Mirra’s teeth is going on over here—?” came Mousefur’s voice, followed by a splutter. All of the toms looked behind Fireheart to see that the molly had just emerged from the cornstalks and now had snow on her face. Brightpaw, standing beside her, flinched and stared up at her mentor with wide eyes.
No one moved for a long moment, watching the snow slide off her muzzle and out of her eyes. She blinked slowly, took a few steps forward past Fireheart, then scooped up snow and flung it at Greystripe. It made its target, hitting him in the shoulder.
Brightpaw cheered and jumped after Mousefur, scattering snow everywhere as she tried to swat it at her brother. At the top of her lungs, she shouted, “SNOW FIGHT!”
Snowpaw didn’t make a sound as his sister started throwing waves of snow at his face; he just attacked back, ducking away from her and kicking with his back feet like Fireheart had at Greystripe. The apprentices’ aims were not particularly precise, resulting in Ravenwing getting pelted repeatedly despite his attempts to skitter away from the action.
Meanwhile, Greystripe and Mousefur were not much more dignified than the apprentices. They were now flinging snow at each other, chuffing and shaking their fur out pointlessly as they turned whiter and whiter. Fireheart watched, marveling too much to be aware of the shuffling of snow between paws behind him.
“Wa’s happ’ning?” Thornpaw asked as he passed Fireheart, just in time to be knocked into the snow by Brightpaw with a yowl. Brackenpaw, just behind him, wasted not a breath in avenging his brother by bowling over Brightpaw. Snowpaw swiftly joined them, leading to a thrashing pile of gold and white making an impressive cacophony of joyous shrieks at the coldness of the snow.
“Don’t fight each other!” Mousefur called to them over the noise. “Come help me soak Greystripe!”
“You’re the older warrior,” Greystripe countered. “You have the advantage. If anything, they should be helping me.”
“With you being as big as you are?”
“Yeah!” Greystripe looked over to Ravenwing. “In fact, why aren’t you helping?”
Ravenwing, standing a good distance away, made a face. “I don’t need to get covered in snow.”
Driven by a compulsion Fireheart couldn’t ignore, he raced forward and swiped at the snow, sending it Ravenwing’s way. “You’re going to! Come have fun!”
Ravenwing choked a yelp and ducked away, the snow passing him harmlessly. He stared at Fireheart. “Are you serious?”
“Deadly!” Fireheart’s tail wagged behind him. “Come on, enjoy yourself!”
“Thornpaw, where—” Dustpelt emerged from the cornstalks like he had just ran through them looking for his apprentice. He caught sight of the apprentices and shuffled over to them, trying to split them up with a long paw. “Will you four stop that? You’ll get sick.”
The apprentices paused in their chaos just long enough for Brightpaw to yowl, “GET HIM!”, and as a unit they leaped over each other and crashed into Dustpelt, sending him rolling. Sure enough, he stood up and had to shake both them and snow off of himself.
“What’s happening here?” he asked, more stunned than sharp.
“Snow fight,” Fireheart said. “Want in?”
“Come play!” Brackenpaw said, crouching excitedly and wriggling his hind end.
Dustpelt had an expression of annoyance until he looked at his apprentice heaving breaths with sparkling eyes and a rare joy on his face. He then turned to Fireheart and, awkward at the prospect of non-productive fun, asked slowly, “I mean, are there teams, or…?”
“Oh, we’ve just been throwing snow at each other.” Fireheart looked back at the warriors, who had paused in their game. “Should we have teams?”
“Sure,” Mousefur said. “Everyone against Greystripe.”
“Right, Fireheart and Ravenwing won’t go against you.”
Uneven snowsteps turned heads towards the Barn, where Cinderpaw was limping out alongside her brother, Swiftpaw’s own steps more quick and ginger.
“I heard everyone having fun over here without me,” Cinderpaw said. “And frankly, that is unacceptable. What are we doing?”
“Snow fight!” Brightpaw called as she shook her fur clean, then swatted what had fallen off at Dustpelt, earning a squawk. “We’re picking teams!”
“Ooh!” Cinderpaw looked eagerly at her brother. “Let’s do it. I’m with the apprentices.”
Swiftpaw, amused, tilted his head. “Apprentices versus warriors, then?”
Fireheart made a vague estimation as he looked over the growing players. “We don’t have enough warriors, I think…”
Cinderpaw hummed, considering, then turned her head to the left and hollered, “SANDSTORM! LIZARDTAIL! Get over here!”
Confused, indistinct words answered her, and in a moment the pale gold molly and brown tom (who were already speckled with white) appeared from around the corner.
Before they could ask questions, Cinderpaw said, “We’re teaming up the apprentices against the warriors for a snow fight. The warriors need more members.”
Lizardtail squinted at her. “Is that what all this noise was about?”
“Wait, are we fighting?” came Teaselfoot’s voice, popping out of the corn. “You didn’t include me?”
“Now that’s too many warriors,” Greystripe said. “Who’s going to be the traitor and side with the apprentices?”
“I didn’t say I was playing—” started Lizardtail.
Sandstorm bumped his shoulder hard enough to push him forward. “You are now. What’re the rules? Can we throw rocks?”
“We’re throwing snow, not risking lost eyes,” Greystripe said. “You’re in, then?”
“I’m in!” Teaselfoot pushed out of the corn, excited. “Who’ll be with the apprentices?”
“I will,” Fireheart said, so quickly he surprised himself. “I’m the youngest warrior anyway.”
“Then let’s GO!” Brackenpaw shouted before swinging a paw and sending snow sailing straight into Lizardtail’s face. The warrior had no time to complain or get mad before the apprentices cheered and charged the adults.
It was chaos instantly. Dustpelt was now fighting off Thornpaw, and Cinderpaw and Swiftpaw teamed up on Greystripe, Mousefur kicking one last bit of snow at him before running to fight her apprentice. Sandstorm started digging and flung snow with pebbles in it at an advancing Brackenpaw, who ducked and danced around the barrage with surprising grace. Ravenwing tried again to get away from the battle, but Snowpaw ran to him and outright tackled him with another wheezing chuff.
Fireheart, meanwhile, caught sight of Lizardtail standing there stiffly, watching the insanity, and couldn’t resist running at him, just to skid to a stop at the last moment and spray a wave of snow into the warrior’s face. Lizardtail spluttered and almost reared up on his hind legs, shaking his head.
“Come on,” Fireheart said, giddy with the rush of fun. “I bet I can beat you again.”
Lizardtail gave him a glare that quickly failed to hold, then swung snow Fireheart’s way. Fireheart jumped out of the way. Soon, the pair were circling each other, throwing snow and trying to keep from getting hit themselves. Fireheat faked Lizardtail out by jolting towards him, which beautifully resulted in him almost falling onto his side to get away.
“I cannot believe that got me,” Lizardtail grumbled, his eyes somewhere past Fireheart. “Stand still for a moment.”
“So you can hit me—?” Fireheart started, only to have the wind knocked out of him as he was bowled over and sent face-first into the snow. Weight lifted off of him just enough for him to roll onto his side and stare up at Teaselfoot.
“Gotcha,” the tabby said cheerfully.
“Fireheart’s down!” Cinderpaw shouted.
Several high yowls answered her. Teaselfoot didn’t have a heartbeat to celebrate his victory; apprentices were shoving him off of their oldest teammate and burying him himself.
Fireheart jumped to his feet with a cough and nodded thankfully to the youngsters. The warriors that had been abandoned closed in on their rival team like they were hunting a rabbit as a group.
“What do we do?” Swiftpaw asked Fireheart, entirely too gleeful for the question.
“Attack together!” Fireheart said, not quite shouting, but louder than he expected. “Push them back!”
The apprentices, bunched together, launched forward in a wave, Fireheart at the lead. The slinging of snow was now forgotten in favor of just tackling the older cats and trying to wrestle them to the ground. Greystripe was not budged by Fireheart’s barrage, obviously, but most of the others fell easily. Apprentices and warriors rolled and thrashed, yelling indistinctly.
Greystripe shook his head until Fireheart fell off, but instead of attacking back, he looked up and lost the happiness on his face. Fireheart followed his line of sight.
Speckletail, Bluestar, Yellowfang, and Whitecloud had come out of the Barn and were standing, watching the chaos, with varying degrees of sternness.
They were quickly noticed by the rest of the group. One by one, the warriors and apprentices, completely covered in snow, stood up silently.
Speckletail spoke first. “Care to tell me what’s going on here?”
“Nothing,” Fireheart said, and the rest echoed him to varying degrees of quiet and convincing casualness.
Whitecloud had a look like he was trying to hide his amusement for the sake of a narrowed-eyes Bluestar. “Seems pretty loud and…messy…for nothing.”
“We’re just hanging out,” Cinderpaw said.
Yellowfang snorted. “And rolling in snow, fool girl?”
“Snow’s great,” Cinderpaw said. “Very cooling. Here—” She used a good paw and swung the stuff at Yellowfang, hitting her neck. A wave of gasps and gawks followed.
The old seer growled and stomped forward. Before anyone could blink, she had her apprentice’s ear in her wide mouth and was dragging her along back to the Barn, muttering curses. Cinderpaw, even though she was larger, stumbled with her mentor like she had no way to get loose.
“A dog could hear you all and get curious,” Bluestar said, a little faintly. “Come inside and be safe.”
“After you get the snow off,” Speckletail added. She and Bluestar turned and walked off after Yellowfang and Cinderpaw, Speckletail whispering something that sounded encouraging to Bluestar.
Whitecloud’s eyes creased as he looked over the young cats cleaning their pelts. “I hope you’re warm now, at least.”
Fireheart had to admit that he hardly noticed the chill around him. He tilted his head apologetically to Whitecloud as he shuffled past him, but Whitecloud simply purred and led the pair of armies back towards the Barn.
In all the strewn-about snow, in the dark, no one noticed a set of large, clawed footprints leading around the cornstalks. They were fresh.
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duckchu · 11 months
I've literally been on the fence about submitting this request for a week now.
Only if it's possible, I would like a request for Sett Heartsteel with a girlfriend who is like Hiro Hamada… I'll try to explain it… let's say that Reader is an intelligent inventor (her older brother is still alive, I don't want to cry here), and she lives and works in her aunt's cafeteria, goes to university from time to time and she spends sleepless nights improving her older brother's medical robot. Let's say that reader met Sett when she was going to visit her older brother recovering from burns, and Sett was only accompanying her mother to a medical checkup for pain in her shoulder.
bye bye
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I kinda got inspired by the old Inventor trait from tft so reader is friends with Ezreal
Heartsteel Sett x Inventor!reader
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If you kept on working like this, you would end up in the hospital like your brother. You knew that. Especially with the way you were getting restless at night and started messing up during university and your work. But oh well. You made really good progress on the bot! You had to tell your brother about that! After your work you went into the hospital, but you felt hungry...so you visited the cafeteria, looking for something to eat. It wasn't crowded, only you and a lady with purple, almost white hair. You went to the vending machine and decided on what to get. And of course it got stuck. You tried shaking it, but you were too weak, especially since you were skipping meals to work on the robot...then the machine shook again, finally letting your food out. You looked to your left, and saw a tall, muscular guy with pink hair and a cute cat-ear beanie
- Thanks - you smiled, retrieving your meal and sitting down next to the woman, since the other tables were dirty. You didn't expect the guy to also sit down
- Momma, they said you're gonna have to wait half an hour.- he looked annoyed at the queues to the doctor.
- Oh, that's not so bad. Other wait longer - the woman smiled
You didn't want to interrupt their conversation, but the woman asked
- And how long for you?-
- Oh...I'm...here to see my brother...but he had to wait for like an hour. With burns.-
- Oh my...-
-Just an invention malfunctioning, I'm working on it right now -
- Ezreal's friend also had an accident like that -
- Wait you know Ezreal? - you pulled out your phone, showing a photo of you, Ezreal and Seraphine with the little crab bot you three made.
Sett looked at you, eyes lighting up as you finished your food and stood up.
- Well I got to go see my brother...- you left the room, going to your brothers room. You excitedly rambled about how you upgraded his bot. Also mentioned meeting Ezreal's friend
After you left, you went to your room, prepared to spend another night with barely any sleep, when you heard a notification from your phone. It was Ezreal
"Hey, just wanted to let you know my friend wants your number, mind if I give it?😘"
You smiled at your phone
"Not at all, tell him I'm waiting for a call 💦💦💦"
You laughed at yourself for sending those emojis. But that was the charm of texting Ezreal
After the exchange you went to get some work on the bot, making another batch of improvements. You then heard your phone ring. Unknown number. You picked up
- Heeey, I got your number from Ez, care to tell me your name beautiful?- you laughed at how straightforward he was
- Y/N - you said, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you set your phone on speaker and went back to work.
After that, you and Sett talked about well, everything. For the whole night. You were surprised when you realised the hour
- Not asleep yet? -
- Nah, too busy talking to you~ - he really had the audacity...but you liked it.
Maybe he wasn't a bad idea at all...
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