#and then he doesn't even want to pick up his own groceries paid by my grandparents
albonium · 2 years
i just made my grandparents' grocery order and i couldn't pick it up this afternoon because i'll be at work so my grandma asked my uncle (half of the groceries are for him anyway) and he said no i'm in my hot tub this afternoon 🤬
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maculategiraffe · 5 months
okay spoilers for the little girl who lives down the lane (1976) but here's what had happened: this little girl's dad was terminally ill and her estranged mom was abusive and her dad was worried that when he died she would either go back into the care of her abusive mom or into the foster system. so he was like okay honey listen. you're a smart girl, you got a good head on your shoulders. here's what we're gonna do. we lease a house, the rent's paid up for the next three years. I'll leave you a big pile of traveler's checks in a safe deposit box in the bank, joint account with both our names on it where you're authorized to make withdrawals. I'm going to check tide charts and then go drown myself in the sea so they'll never find my body. and you just pretend I'm still alive to everybody in town so they won't bother you for the next three years until you're old enough to (unclear. not need a legal guardian? I don't know what the emancipated minor laws were in 1976 but they keep saying three years like that's the magic timeframe so whatever. she is thirteen so I guess when she's sixteen she's officially a grownup). and if your mom comes sniffing around just put a spoonful of powder from this little jar in her tea and then read this textbook on home embalming. good? good. okay I love you I'm going into the sea now
which is all fine and good. now here are the dumbshit mistakes her stupid father made:
-chose, for the location of the house, a nosy small town where everybody knows everybody and everybody is all up in everybody's business all the time. it takes two seconds for the landlady to be like I never see you or your father at the market. I get he probably doesn't want her living in a big city (although, why? good public transport, good cultural opportunities, libraries, museums) but at least pick a place that has more than one grocery store
-chose, for the landlady, a nosy obnoxious anti-semitic old bitch who is on the school board and also has an adult son who is a known child molester. have like ONE conversation with the townspeople before you sign this three year lease. literally anyone in this town would tell you about this old bitch and her molester son if you gave them half a chance
-speaking of the school board why is part of the plan that your daughter doesn't go to school. sure she's super duper smart and special but aside from depriving her of a major source of automatic social support not going to school immediately makes her look suspicious and (depending on truancy laws in 1976) possibly puts her in the wrong side of the law. just let her go to school like a normal kid and then come home and teach herself quantum physics in the evenings
-doesn't teach her the slightest bit of common sense self defense. like if it was me I'd teach her to shoot and give her a nice little lightweight handgun of her own but if you don't like that idea then at least teach her to keep the door on the chain and not open the door after dark no matter who knocks. and for christ's sake warn her about halloween
-ya dingus
-come back out of the sea and explain yourself at once
-anyway little jodie foster is fantastic and so is her little manic pixie dream boyfriend and so is his check suited cop uncle. great movie but the father is a dingus
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ashton-sano · 10 months
Food Wars! Shokugeki no Souma in: Going Grocery Shopping
(Char. Involved: Sōma Yukihira, Akira Hayama, Takumi Aldini, Eishi Tsukasa)
(Thank you so much for 40 notes! Here's another one for you guys. Sorry i couldn't do a short story for these but take some headcanons my dears.)
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Sōma Yukihira
-Usually you cant take him anywhere because he causes an issue in which you have to be asked to leave (much to your despair)
-The grocery store is probably the only place you two can go without much problems
-May or may not be sneaking ingredients that werent on your list into the shopping cart
"Oh? What do you mean there werent any Rice crackers and Salmon in the cart before? I'm certain you put them in."
-Will asked to be pushed in the cart around the aisles
-If he ever gets lost, find him in the Frozen Dessert aisle, he loves it there for whatever reason
"C'mon Babeeee. Just one more tub of Ice cream.....Yes i know we already have 4 tubs already. Your point is?"
-However if you were shopping for a food war/cooking practice, he'd be very helpful
-Recommending ingredients, telling you the best flavor combinations from his experience, and slipping in a few personal items
-Overall, hes a massive child in the store so please hold his hand so he doesn't run off
Akira Hayama
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-A rollercoaster of emotions
-Its like stepping into a whole other world when you food shop with him
-He tends to find the items in the store "Sub par" and "Second rate" but always picks the best ones with his well trained sense of smell
"Why bother buying from these cheap stores when i have fresh spices and blends at home?"
-He'd swear he hates shopping with you but secretly enjoys the time he spends with you (Good luck getting him to admit it though)
-May subtly tease and feign ignorance when you need help reaching something at a higher shelf
"Hm? Cant you reach it on your own from down there?” -pause- “Whats that look on your face for?"
-On rare occasions, he'll hold your hand when you go together
-He swears its just so that you dont get lost but you know better
-To be honest, its just less of a arduous task if you just go by yourself
Takumi Aldini
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-One of the most normal ones on this list if we're being honest
-Its just a calming and sweet time through and through
-He's usually the one to ask you to go with him but will flush when you ask why
"Dont be silly, I just thought you'd want to pick up some things for your upcoming food war, thats all."
-Will never leave you on your own in the store since he loves spending time with you more than he'll admit (his face gives him away)
-He'll push the cart and carry your bags like a gentleman
"How could you even say that, Il mio amore? As if id let you carry them when you already paid."
-An absolute god at picking vegatables for some reason
-His background in the restaurant business definitely plays a part
-In the top 3 (And not three) guys you should always bring when you're shopping
(New!) Eishi Tsukasa
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-A walking beige flag when it comes to shopping
-You either love it or want to rip every single hair from your body with tweezers
-Hes not loud or causing a disturbance but hes micro managing and nitpickjng everything
"Thats the one you chose?" "Uhp, I wouldnt go with that one."
-Its better to just let him do everything because he'll make you feel stupid no matter what move you make (even though thats not his intention)
-He means well but lets be honest, you just arent on the same page very often in terms of shopping
"I apologize dear but you know im particular. I dont mean to hover."
-If you have no filter and tell him to cut it out, he'll immeidiently draw back into himself at your blantant rejection
-His more awkward side will show and he will mumble endless strings of apologies
-Just be ready to put up with this weird snowflake
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that-basic-simp · 7 months
Modern AU
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Karlach X Fem! Reader WC: 1.6k+ A/N: I couldn't think of a good name for this, but really wanted to write in a modern setting.
As I was walking out of the building I was just in, my phone buzzed, revealing that my mother wants me to pick up dinner on the way home as she was stuck in the office. I let out a sigh as I swiftly turned on my feet, heading into the direction of the grocery store. Being a college student on a budget myself and having to get dinner tonight was irritating, but it was something I wasn't used to. My mother took on extra shifts or stayed longer because we needed the income as my father hadn't paid his child support, but it's not like it's needed anymore as I am over the age to where I can make my own money in an attempt to support myself and my mother.
Taking a turn down a busy road, I watched as the traffic was at a stand still. Some people were honking their horns, as if that did anything to move the traffic faster. But if it made them think that, might as well let them. Heading towards me were some people on motorcycles. Some were wearing helmets while others weren't. The one that caught my eye was the one who had bright red skin, long black and red hair that went sat on their right shoulder. A black crop top was worn underneath a leather jacket that had some spikes coming from the shoulders. Black pants were hugging their muscular thighs nicely as they sat up, talking to the other bikers. One thing I noticed was the broken horn and intact horn on their head and the tail that whisked back and forth.
I've seen stranger here in Faerun, especially on the Sword Coast here. I once saw a small bugbear going to town on an ogre almost twice his size. Normal Tuesday morning walk on my way to classes I guess. But a Tiefling with a Githyanki alongside what appears to be a human, elf, half-elf, and is that a vampire? In the sun? Guess he found a way to conquer it. I just hope he doesn't burn up in it. Seems like they were friends and I wouldn't want them to lose out on their companion. What the hells am I saying? Why do I care about them? They're nothing but strangers just passing by. Maybe I care because I don't have what they have. Well, at least not in the moment. I did have what they had before attending college. But all my friends decided to back stab me and go against me, even though I did nothing wrong. First it was my father leaving my mother and now it was my friends leaving me. Everyone leaves me, except for my mother.
It was us against the world when my father left at the age of ten. Then six years go by and my friends leave, making me the loneliest person in my school while they galivanted off into the sunset hand in hand, skipping in a field of roses. If only I was there to trip all of them. I would have loved to have done that whenever I was still in school with them, but they'd all avoid me. None of them even looked my way. It hurt like hell, but I didn't need them. I didn't need anyone.
"Hey," one of them called in my direction, whistling to get my attention.
I picked my head up and found the tiefling was looking at me. A smirk was on her face as she winked at me, wolf whistling.
"Karlach," the half-elf said. "We're in public."
"I can't admire a young lady?" she smiled.
"Why don't you go admire someone else?" I snapped, bearing what little fangs I had, no thanks to my human father.
"Come on now," the tiefling chuckled. "I am not trying to catcall or anything. You just look nice."
"Thanks," I mumbled as I walked faster, getting away from them.
"Nice going, Karlach," I heard one of them say.
"I am trying my best," Karlach said as all of them drove off to who knows where.
Heading inside the grocery store, I just picked up a few ready to make meals as that was the only thing that I could afford in this moment in time and what I was feeling. My mother wasn't going to get back until possibly eight or nine o'clock. So I was on my own for tonight and it would be better for her to have one of these instead of worrying about leftovers. About to head out, I found the same tiefling walking inside the store. I let out a sigh as I walked towards the front, just wanting to get out of here quickly.
Paying for the food items, I walked out of the store and into the parking lot, past the bike she had rode on. Stopping, I couldn't help but admire it. Walking towards it, the nice black metal was shining to where it was almost sparkling in the afternoon sun. The leather looked like it was taken care of on the daily and she did not miss a day of cleaning it.
"Hey," a voice came.
Picking my head up, it was an older druid who walked towards me.
"That your bike?" he asked.
"N-No, I-I was just admiring it," I stepped away from it.
"Looks like you were about to take it," he sneered.
"I-I swear I was just admiring it. N-Nothing else."
"I know the owner of that bike. He won't like it knowing you had your eyes on it."
That I knew was a lie.
"Excuse me? He?"
"Yes. He doesn't like it when others gawk at his bike like that. So why don't you scurry off before I tell him about you."
"Aye, what's going on here?" I heard the tiefling's voice come up behind me.
"This your bike?" the druid asked.
"It is," she said, pulling out her keys.
"M-My mistake," the druid said to me and walked off.
The tiefling looked over her shoulder, her eyes following the druid as he walked into the store before she turned towards me.
"You're the one from earlier," she said.
"Look I didn't mean any harm when I was looking at you."
"And you decided to follow me here to tell me?"
"Actually, I was on my way here after I was done hanging out with the others."
"Sure," I said, skeptical.
"I am telling the truth, but it's up to you on whether or not you want to believe me," she walked towards the back of the bike, opening up a small compartment.
She placed a small bag inside before closing it up, locking it.
"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed."
"It's alright," she smiled at me. "Karlach," she held her hand out.
"Oh you're Mrs. L/N's daughter, aren't you?"
"Y-You know her?"
"How could I not? Most well known tiefling in all of the Sword Coast. Most revered doctor. She treated me about two years ago when I had an accident on my first bike."
"Yeah," she said, nodding her head. "It was a terrible accident. I was just driving when all of a sudden some idiot on another bike went into the opposing side of traffic. A car veered off, just barely hitting them, but I collided with the car. Totaled my first bike and now."
She removed her leather jacket and turned around, a long scar running down her back to the top of her tail. Putting her jacket back on, she let out a sigh.
"Got that along with losing part of my horn."
"I-I'm sorry about that."
"Nah, no worries. The ambulance took me to the hospital your mom works at and she fixed me up with no issues. She sat and listened to my side of the story as she told me that if she ever needed a witness for my trial, she'd be there in a heartbeat."
"So what ended up happening to the guy who got away?"
"Sued by both me and the driver of the car. Had to pay practically all the expenses."
"Got what he deserved."
"Sure in Hells he did. But anyway, mind if I take you back home? I-If you're comfortable that is."
"Sure. Why not. Beats lugging around my bag," I sighed.
Karlach swung her leg over the bike and got on. She moved forward a bit to make room for me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she turned on her bike. Revving the engine a bit, she grabbed her sunglasses and placed them on.
"Hang on," she said and drove the bike out of the parking lot and onto the road.
I clung onto her tightly because of my own fear of motorcycles and motorized bikes. It wasn't like she was going fast or anything, since I lived very close, but it was how she was weaving in and out of rush hour traffic. Some cars were honking at her, giving her the finger, and even yelling at her. What did she do? Yell back, flipped them off, and even laughed. Her carefree attitude was something to get used to, but hopefully I wouldn't see her as often. Reaching my apartment building, she parked her motorcycle and cut the engine before putting the kickstand down.
"There you are. Safe and sound."
"Thank you, Karlach," I said and got off of the bike. "I hope you have a good rest of your day."
"You too. Oh!"
I turned and faced her as she reached into her pocket, pulling out a small sticky note. Scribbling something down, she handed it to me.
"If you ever want to go for a ride sometime in the near or far future," Karlach smiled. "I'll be down."
"T-Thank you, Karlach."
"See ya around," she said, staring the motorcycle and driving off.
Looking at the sticky note, her name, number and address was there. Along with a little doodle of herself. I chuckled, heading inside my apartment.
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evilwickedme · 1 year
"you're worth it." and/or "you need sleep for jayroy maybe?
(i can't remember if you actually like that ship so if you don't feel free to pick your own)
I absolutely LOVE JayRoy and have written multiple fics for them anyway it's one am let's see what comes out
on ao3
unglued, thanks to you
It's been a long couple of days.
Everyone Roy knows is out of the state right now, for so many different and yet equally good reasons, so he hasn't had anyone available to babysit in days. Then Lian caught this bug that's been going around, and she's spent the last three days throwing up anything she's eaten, while Roy desperately tries to keep her hydrated, staying up all night with her as she shivers. His heart aches for his little girl, but he can't do anything about it except wait for it to pass. As if that stress wasn't enough, he hasn't had a steady job in a couple of months, and last he checked he was almost out of money for rent, let alone groceries or medicine or a paid sitter. And he can't even take any job offers he's getting, because he can't just leave Lian behind while half his family is MIA, some of them literally. Hell, he'd have joined them in the search if it weren't for... Everything else.
He's worried about his family, and he's worried about Lian, and he's just tired. He's so, so tired. Still, he can't help it - when Jason calls, he picks up.
"Hey," he says.
Jason must pick up on the exhaustion in his voice, because instead of hello he opens with, "Jesus Christ, when's the last time you slept?"
Roy takes offense to that. Considering the circumstances, he's been getting plenty of sleep. "I'll have you know I got to take a two hour nap just this afternoon," he says indignantly.
"Uh-huh," Jason says, "and last night?"
"Why are you calling, Jason?" Roy says tiredly.
"I'm in Star right now," Jason answers, letting the matter drop. "Connecting flight got canceled so I pivoted. Can I crash at yours?"
Roy hesitates. "It's not that you're not welcome," Roy says, searching for the right words. "I just - " it's just awful right now, and Roy's a mess, and the apartment's a mess, and Jason probably doesn't want to deal with a sick first grader anyway. "Listen, the place is kind of a mess right now, you'd probably be better off just finding a hotel to stay at. Use Bruce's money to stay at somewhere fancy. You'd sleep better, trust me."
Jason hums to himself, like he does sometimes when he's thinking. "How's Lian, Roy?"
Roy closes his eyes. "She's down for a nap right now," he says, then admits, "but she's been sick all week."
"And hasn't Oliver been able to help? Or any of your goddamn brood?"
Like Jason has any room to talk, with all these Bats flying around nowadays. When Roy was a kid, it was just Bruce and Dick, and eventually Babs. Now every time Roy blinks, there's a new kid wearing the bat on their chest. "They're all out of town at the moment."
Jason just sighs. "I'll be there in fifteen minutes," he says, then hangs up.
Well, Jason knows what he's getting himself into.
True to his word, a quarter of an hour later Roy hears Jason's spare keys unlock his front door. "In here," he calls out from the kitchen, where he's washing some long overdue dishes. Once it was clear that Jason would be staying with them no matter what, Roy did the minor service of taking all the disgusting shit off the couch.
"Hey," Jason says, dropping his bag, which clattered conspicuously. "I thought you said Lian was napping?"
"She's out like a light, actually," Roy says. "I'm hoping she'll actually sleep through the night tonight. Would make for a nice change."
Jason stays silent for a while, and the back of Roy's head prickles, but he keeps washing the dishes until, suddenly, Jason's hand is on his arm, startling him into stillness.
"C'mon," Jason says. "I can do this."
"They're my dishes," Roy objects.
"You need sleep," Jason says. "Your kid's sick, I get it. But I can keep an eye on her for a few hours. Go, get some rest. If only so I don't have to look at those fucking bags under your eyes. You look terrible."
"Jay," Roy sighs.
"I'll fucking carry you to bed if I have to," Jason threatens mildly.
Roy looks at him, then looks back at the running water, then shoots a longing look at the door to his bedroom. He really does want - need, desperately need - some rest. And Lian likes Jason. And Roy really, really doesn't want to be doing the dishes right now.
"Okay," he says. Then, after a pause, "Thank you, Jaybird."
"Anytime," Jason says gruffly. He hipchecks Roy, who relents, raising his hands in surrender and walking to his bedroom. "Seeya in six hours."
"Four," Roy counters.
"Eight," Jason corrects.
Roy rolls his eyes before closing his door. He sets his alarm for three hours, and falls asleep as soon as he closes his eyes.
Roy opens his eyes suddenly, momentarily disoriented. There's sunlight coming through the window - he's still in his jeans - he crashed last night - Jason came over last night - didn't he set an alarm?
Honestly, Roy wouldn't put it past Jay to sneak into his room and turn the alarm off, but maybe he just slept through it. Either way, it's too late now.
He feels so heavy, but still he forces himself to get up. He needs to check up on Lian, maybe clean up a little if she's still out, make some food out of whatever's still left in the pantry.
He's going over his to-do list in his mind as he steps out into the living room, and he does a double take.
The place is spotless. All the dishes are gone, the dirty clothes are in the laundry hamper by the laundry machine that stands close to the kitchen because there's no room for it in this tiny apartment else, and assorted electronics are piled up on the now clear surface of the little table they sometimes use to eat. The floor has been swept, too, with the dust bunnies Roy has become resigned to live with all cleared out.
There's no sign of Lian, but Jason is humming in the kitchen, so Roy joins him, leaning against the wall as he watches Jay slice vegetables that were definitely not in Roy's kitchen last night.
"You let me sleep in," Roy accuses.
Jason snorts. "Yeah, obviously. You needed the sleep, man. You probably haven't looked in the mirror in four days, but you looked miserable, trust me." He glances up at Roy, then back down to the cucumber under his knife. "You look, uh, much better now. Could probably use a shower."
"Fuck you," Roy says amicably. "Where's this come from?"
"I had some groceries delivered this morning," Jason answers casually. "I put the order in after I finished the dishes, then started cleaning up while I stayed up. Lian woke up eventually, so I made sure she got some fluids and gave her the meds on the counter - I'm assuming those were her meds, she was a little out of it and couldn't confirm it for me, but she seemed better after, so I figured, yeah."
"Yeah, those were the right meds," Roy says. "Thanks, again."
"Anytime," Jason says. He's now slicing a large red tomato. The juices spurt a little onto Jason's hand, who grimaces for a second before continuing.
"No, seriously," Roy says earnestly. "You were just looking for a place to crash. You didn't need to do any of this. I just - cleaning this place up must have taken you all night."
"Well," Jason says. "Consider it payback for all the times you saved my ass. And for letting me crash here."
Roy's heart pounds in his chest, and he looks around the kitchen. "Can I help?"
Jason waves at him dismissively. "I'm almost done here anyway," he says. "Go, wash up, or check on your daughter, or just sit down for five goddamn minutes."
Roy huffed, unable to stop himself from laughing. And then he did just that. Took a brisk shower, then checked up on Lian - sleeping again, and her bucket was empty, which was good - and then he rejoined Jason, just in time for him to hand him a plate, full to the brim with a cheese omelette, buttered toast, and a chopped salad.
"This looks amazing, Jaybird," Roy says honestly, and he could swear he sees Jason's ears turn a little red.
"Eat your damn breakfast," is all he says.
Roy puts the plate down on the table and takes Jason's hand. His eyes snap up to his face, and he looks - confused.
Roy rubs a thumb over Jason's palm. The texture is complicated, scarred and calloused, but he likes it. It's not unlike his own. "Thanks," Roy says again.
"You don't need to keep saying it," Jason says.
"Yeah, I do," Roy says. "And I'll keep saying it til you take me seriously."
"Yeah, well," Jason says. "You're worth it."
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sakumz · 1 year
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₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. [ s. ritsu x gn reader ] ft. rei
warning❗: slight ooc
genre 𑁍 : fluff
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" rei-chan? " upon hearing his childhood nickname, he turns to the source of the sound, that means you.
currently holding a basket of grocery in your hands. rei had to turn to try and spot ritsu, who's currently at the candy aisle, probably picking out candies or hiding from him. rei gave you a sheepish smile. thank goodness the queue is still long, ritsu can take his time so rei doesn't have to stand like an idiot at the cash register as he waits for his brother to come.
" grocery shopping in the morning I see? " rei starts, trying to make a conversation as he prays for ritsu to come back sooner.
" yeah! mom forced me out with a list... you're not out here alone, are you? "
" I'm with ritsu. "
ritsu... the younger sakuma brother, you couldn't help but let a smile come up to your face as you recalled the last time you two hung out. it was at the school library when you tried to study with him, only for him to knock out the moment he sat down.
" speaking of which, do you mind bringing him back here? he's taking a tad bit too long picking out candies. " hearing the request, of course you agreed.
going from aisle to aisle, finding the candy category. there you spot the raven haird boy, crouched down, humming to himself.
" ah, y/n. what a coincidence, shopping for candies too? " ritsu says as he turns to look at you, his hands full of sweets.
" that's a lot of candies no? and no I'm not here for candies, I got my own errands to run. "
" it's not all for me, gonna give some to suu-chan for being so kind to me and mikarin. restocking our secret candy stash, you know. "
letting out giggles from his response, he couldn't help but smile too.
" we should go back to rei-chan. " pulling the boy from his position and taking him to his brother, ritsu wants to scream when he spots his brother.
" say, can we walk y/n to their house? I don't think I can survive a long 30 minutes with just you, " ritsu says to rei as rei let's out a sigh.
it's a dream come true that his brother even came with him all the way to the grocery store, they haven't spoken alot besides the exchange of good mornings. well at least walking you back to your house and then their dorms take at least ten minutes, he still has time to talk to ritsu a bit at least.
" yeah sure, " rei replies, looking over you as you paid your grocery.
ritsu quickly takes a bag from you, since they're gonna send you home, might as well help carry you and he doesn't have much to carry. rei offering to take your other bag so now you're walking with the sakuma brothers, side by side and you're holding nothing but your phone and wallet.
" come on, not talking to each other again? what happened? " you tried to break the silence, ad you three continued your walk home.
" anija. "
" hmm rei-chan? he did something? "
" no, wait... you've been calling him that since childhood, and you've never given me a nickname like maakun. he used to call me ricchan. "
" is that why you're not talking to rei? "
" there's favouritism here and I hate it. "
rei laughs upon hearing his brother's statement, making the two of you turn to look back at him.
" ah that was good, if ritsu doesn't love his big brother anymore its good to know there's his favourite person loving me more. "
" that's not quite true, " you say as ritsu pouts.
" so you prefer him over me? I thought I was your favourite, " ritsu fake cries as he shook your shoulders.
" well if you asked who I'd rather marry, it'll be ritsu. thought rei might be better for domestic purposes. "
" gasp, I can cook... "
" yeah your food does taste great but the appearances... what if one day I mistake your great cooking for garbage on a plate? "
" stop bullying me, anija back me up! "
" hahaha, whatever you say ritsu. "
as the three stop by your house, wave you goodbye and its just the sakuma brothers walking back. ritsu looks over to rei and sees the smile that never seem to go away eversince they exited the dorms together.
" why are you so happy? " ritsu asked.
" I got to spend a little time with you. "
" even if we never talked till y/n came? "
" seeing you, is enough for me. well its good you're still working hard and you're healthy, you've made plenty of good friends, people you can rely on. but don't push yourself too hard, if you ever need a hand to hold, I'll give you mine. "
" nah, there's still y/n's hand that I can hold in moments like those. "
" are you two lovers or something? " rei stares at ritsu as ritsu winks at him.
" that's a secret, " little did rei know, they're not lovers.
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honey-rye · 9 months
abt the dad au: 🏠💵🐱🫵(projecting)🧶😈?
abt barista by day, ninja by night: 😍🐱👹🍍(everyones)🍕? abt mamas boys: 💵(not lee and dee cuz big mama yk)🫵(projecting)🔥🔬🦸?
ooh, multiple au question.
Dad Au:
🏠 - What's the lair like?
I picture it kinda like the pre-shredder lair and the post-show lair combined. like it's the same abandoned train car/sewer area, but they've expanded it and made it more their own. it's like an apartment building in the sewers with your brothers and their partners. where they have their own space but they also have shared spaces where they do things together if that makes sense.
💵 - How do your turtles make money?
the boys are adults,, they have,, jobs,,,
Raph has an actual job. he personally rebrands the Hidden City Police, and makes sure they're running things right, and he gets paid for his good work. Mona also works there, though she works her own investigative unit.
Leo works in Jax's shop, and was barely able to negotiate shared ownership.
Mikey,, probably does art commissions or something on the side, and teaches mystic stuff for a living.
and Donnie? a mystery. he probably sells his designs, his tech, does something to earn as much as he does. it even baffles his partner
🐱 - Do any of your characters have pets?
Jax has a "cat" he calls KeKe. April has Mayhem if he qualifies. The kids definitely want pets but the parents are like "no way, at some point you have to draw a line and decide "what am I going to deal with today?" not this."
🫵 - Who do you project onto the most?
I don't think I project onto any of these dudes, not in the Dad Au at least
🧶 - Does Raph knit?
no, because fuck knitting. he crochets baby blankets for the twins tho, and little socks he'll hold onto forever because he's sentimental like that. I think every so often he'll make something for one of the kids birthdays.
😈 - Is Mikey a little shit?
he's definitely the most likely to spur the kids on or join in on the fun, but I wouldn't call him a little shit.
Barista By Day, Ninja By Night (Human/ Coffeeshop Au):
😍 - Are there any romances?
does a separated Lou Jitsu and Big Mama count? maybe some background flirting, maybe some April/Casey or Caprisun, or Casey/Raph,
🐱 - Pets?
I think. they should have a shop cat. for the coffeeshop. because yes.
👹 - Are there yokai/supernaturals in this universe?
no yokai, but if mystic stuff counts as supernaturals, then yes.
🍍- Who likes pineapple on pizza?
Leo. Mikey likes anything on pizza, anything.
🍕- Favourite pizza toppings?
Leo is a Hawaiian Pizza stan. Donnie likes the classic peperoni, and sometimes a build your own where he makes his brothers either question his sanity or question why they never thought of it. Mikey likes anything- Donnie thinks he's gross for some of his combos. Raph likes a good Brooklyn style, but he's also all about the meat lovers.
Mama's Boys Au:
💵- How do your turtles make money?
Mikey and Raph rely on the mysterious amount of money Splinter has in a rainy day funds box, usually reserved for groceries. Other than that, they scavenge. April being the only human means she can get a job, so she occasionally picks the boys up something nice.
🫵 - Who do you project onto?
I might actually project onto a couple of these dudes. Lee being non-verbal is mostly taken from my experience being non-verbal, and his stims are things that I do. Dee I think I project a lot of my internal annoyance and irritation onto. I put a lot of my creativity and crechurness in Mikey too.
🔥- Is Leo accident prone?
Lee is very careful, he learned early in his life that being clumsy wouldn't get him far, but there are times when Dee catches him being a Silly Goose. He also is allowed in the kitchen, it's Dee who isn't.
🔬- Is Donnie only interested in tech?
Dee loves technology, but he was exposed to mystics first. His favourite part of being interested in both is learning and experimenting with combining the two which- doesn't always pan out. But hat's the fun of it.
🦸- Is Casey a Vigilante?
Casey is part of the Foot Clan to start. She has a change of heart and loyalties... eventually.
Thanks for the many many questions Breeze! <3
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compudescamso3000 · 9 months
It's been a while (not to say a couple of years...) ever since i been on tumblr, like for real. Looking for something in my old posts... i couldn't help but realize how bad i felt back then...
(and how cringe my english was)
Althought i can't say i'm fully happy now, i'm just a bit less bad... i hope i'm in the right way? I had some post full of hope over what the future was holding for me, making it even sadder how everything turned out now that i'm ... stepping on the time it was supposed to be my future, how my soul was crushed over and over.
Seeing in those posts how i went from someone who happily wanted to sing and that would sing as easily as breathing, to someone who could barely speak a word, whose voice would just have a limited time for speaking, a limited amount of words to say per day. More than a 5 min talk would leave me with a sore throat for days...
The source of high amount of my sadness been gone for 2 and half years now, not that i'm happy over her departure, i'm ... living a more peaceful life trying to understand how to be a person.
It's unbelievabe how trying to make your parents happy can break a person to the point that doesn't awknoledge it's own self, how easy it's to break someone else to the point that desires to die, but knows that attempting to make it happen, if failing, would lead to worse consequences from those that's already experiencing.
I wish i was braver...
"you better be using your phone only to sales"/"who you talking to? is it for a sale?" so i literally had to stop socializing
"everything you have, it was me who paid for it" so i basically stopped using much of my stuff
"come to the kitchen i want to tell you something" every couple of mins bc the 'something' was never told, so i ended up staying staring at the nothingless waiting to hear something that would never be said, to the point i barely laid a feet in my room but to sleep.
"you're useless, you do nothing, you're not helping at all and i'm paying for everything" but... i did DO a lot of stuff, house cleaning, laundry, sales, grocery shopping and most of the cooking, plus the sales picking up and organize the items... the sales itself the pricing the package the dropping at the post office.
"you know nothing/everthing you say you're wrong" then i stopped answering questions, i stopped giving my opinion
"you don't listen when i'm calling you" so i stopped listening to music
"you're drawing? that's a waste of time you're supposed to be studying" so i stopped doing it as well or if i wanted it so bad i had to sacrifice time from my sleep after SHE went sleep... "you can paint/draw on these stuff to sell" yeah, of course, when it was HER gaining money out of my work she was totaly up to me drawing...
"i'm going out to x place with x, i'll be back at x time" "are you sure you wanna go?"x500 times on a row till i say "you know what? i'm staying" so i barely went out in my life, and now the parent that's still around is *concerned* about me not leaving the house... oh dear god, i asked for his help more times that i can remember, and he never said a thing.
So... at the end, the career i was so proud about, the one that made my heart happy, i was silently forced to drop it, because i had to skip classes, because i coulnd't socialize and make connections, because i had NO time to do the one thing needed for it ... which was 'training my ears', because i wasn't let study. I changed for a career she'd be happy about, naive enought to thing she'd let me time to study for it... Only to realize she would expect me to answer messages from and about the sales page 24/7: while on classes, while being asleep (yes, i even had to wakeup to answer...), only for her to answer whatever thing pleased her even if i told her exactly what to say, because of course, she knew better. Even if it was my working, i wouldn't get paid or be able to decide what to bring to sell, i was not owner of my own money, because i had no bank account.
So i became silent, i stayed in standby mode sitting as a stuppid NPC awaited to be spoken to, seeing how my life was crushed and not knowing how to pick up the pieces. Sacrificing my sleeptime was the only hope to socialize... but when you sleep only 5~6 hours it's a terrible idea.
I'm broken, inside and outside. And it's sad to admit that i never attempted suicide because i knew that despite knowing that the treatment i recived was because 'i'm not a boy', the consequences i'd have to suffer were going to be even worse, i only lived because of Infinite, because sacrificing my sleeping time to listen to their music was the only thing warming my heart, and my dreams the second main source of happines/freedom i had.
After her departure, i ... filled a void in my soul by buying dolls, damn, first time deciding how to use my money...
Took me a while to realize i owned my time, that i could listed to music... the last year or so... music sprung in my heart making me sing again, can't sing or speak for long but, still i can...
Now, i've purchased a mic, not fancy, but it works, in hope to record my singing, to encourage myself to get back to the keyboard or the strings.
I've came to realize that my room, that was always my safe place, was as well my prison, my cage, it took me about a year to be able to stay in my room to read, or hear music, or write. I've been attempting to sing in here (where my pc is...) i feel anxious, and suffocated, can't find my voice, feel worthless, i forget... bloody hell, now i need to be able to feel safe in here again?
Damn, i didn't expect to write such long text... but yeah, 29 years to come to awknodledge that what i knew as 'normal' was a lie, suffering of allergies in a chronic way, it an endless pain with around 30 different simphtoms i been able to identify that doctors have no idea about... because they only think allergies=instant death
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coll2mitts · 2 years
Since 2008, I've worked with time clocks. You know, the antiquated hardware installed on the wall in your local grocery store or factory or fast food restaurant that employees punch in and out on so they get paid for the amount of hours they were there. I deal with the software installed on those things. Yes, it's just as exciting as it sounds.
Back in 2016ish, our company acquired another company, and the new devs used HipChat as their messaging system. Because it wasn't interfaced with the pile of other messaging systems we already used, I got to pick my own chat avatar, and since devs generally don't give a shit about professionalism, I picked this guy:
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Don't Hug Me I'm Scared had been out for several years at that point, but in contrast of the 46M+ views it has today, it felt pretty niche internet at the time. I was pretty confident nobody I worked with directly would have any fucking clue what he was from, even if they happened to be based in the UK. I really wanted to lean into my "clock girl/queen" image by choosing an avatar that was the personification of rotting away in a job I didn't like.
Even when we were forced to transfer to Slack back in like 2018, I kept him. He's very jaunty.
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Also, yes, I know how the nick names sound. I didn't create or encourage them.
Seemingly unrelated, I've been on tumblr since 2012 but I haven't been on tumblr in the same way people outside of this community assume a user of this hellscape would be because I was a millennial with a mortgage. Sure, I've seen the magical hat post, and I was aware of superwholock, but I learned about dashcon by watching retrospectives on YouTube. My tumblr experience was Mad Men gif sets, nail art, and Wil Wheaton posts until I peaced out from the navigation page entirely when it started promoting cute chibi drawings of the Columbine killers because - and I cannot stress this enough - fuck off with romanticizing that bullshit, jesus christ, get some help.
That said, when I come across the opportunity to learn about obscure tumblr artifacts like the Pandom, I dive in to absorb whatever the hell I missed. A bunch of teenagers swooning over an emo-looking Disneyland actor seemed pretty par for the course, until I was surprisingly shocked to my core when Ashley Norton casually mentioned Pan fell in the "tumblr sexyman" genre, and when citing examples of a tumblr sexyman, my main man clocky flashed across the screen.
Uh wut.
I quickly find out that the DHMIS clock's name is Tony, although his full name is up for debate. His sexyman status is not a joke. He's shipped with other characters from the show. This irritating clock that represents the existential crisis we experience when confronted with the unrelenting progress of time aging our decaying bodies is now a grumpy-but-lovable, well-dressed British man who cuddles with his boyfriend. And leaves hickies all over his body.
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Look, I'm not here to kink shame. If you want to write Padlock fanfiction, more power to you. The world sucks, and as Tony very astutely points out, we're all going to die one day. As long as it doesn't hurt anybody, pursue whatever brings you joy.
I just want to remind you all that I've had Tony as my work avatar for like 7 years, and there is a possibility my colleagues may associate me with a fandom that sexualizes a wall clock by drawing pictures of him spooning with a coffin because they're in a romantic relationship.
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daily-thoughts96 · 6 months
This whole roommate situation is starting to cause me to be overwhelmed and drained to the point where i don't know what to do with it anymore. My roommate seems to lack understanding of how i'm feeling in this situation. He doesn't care except for my husbands point of view on everything. Involving me just makes him pissed off and angry for no absolute reason. He talks about my husband making changes in his life, but he changed too? My husband changed for a better future, not changing who he is as a person. But my roommate changed as a person. He's not who he says he is and his behavior is beyond my imagination. You'd think therapy would be an outlet to let him know how to properly heal and approach situations. I haven't involved any friends or family in our situation until we were told he was talking to other people. He's told more than three people about the situation and yet, we've only told two friends and my sister about what is happening right now. We didn't involve anyone. We discussed how difficult life has been, but never extended into the whole situation. We kept it on the down low and thought it would be better to keep it between the people who are on the lease of the apartment. Times are tough, but our roommate made it worst. I detect his lies when he speaks about certain things. A liar to me can be spotted a mile away. When you grow up with narcissistic parents, you catch on to lies after cutting them out of your life for good. Now, i wish the situation was better, and not so gruesome, but he made it clear what his intentions are. We are starting to plan ahead with apartments, manufactured homes, or campers to decide what our next place to go is. This whole situation isn't new to us, and we are struggling with the high prices just as much as anyone else is. It's difficult and unruly. We are expected to get our life together, but the economy is screwing with that. Jobs screwing us over, or more so bosses at those jobs. We are expected to live bland, and small. No love to our home. No decor, not comfort. Nothing. We are living within our means, and sometimes we splerg on ourselves because we need a little pick me up. My husband and i aren't perfect by all means. We make mistakes. We don't have it figured out. Some people don't figure it out until they are fifty, or not even at all. My husband and i are in survival mode, and nothing compares to anything else. Would we like to be in a better place? Yes. But sometimes life is just so fucked. This roommate situation is just repeating factors. Except this time i'm being told we are using our roommate, which is wrong on all parts. Some people see using as, you refuse to pay for things. You refuse to help. But my husband and i aren't like that. We want to make sure we do our part, but right now it's not easy. My view of using a person is draining them of every penny they got. I don't ask my roommate for money to pay for our groceries. I don't ask him for money to pay for our hygeine products. I don't ask him to drive me everywhere i need to go. I don't ask him to feed my cat. I don't ask him to pay my other bills(not including rent with those bills). I know how it feels to be drained of every penny. My biological birth giver drained my husband and i of money. She never paid me to watch my siblings while she was at work. She never paid me back the money i helped with paying HER car payments and insurance. She never paid me back for buying my siblings food that she was supposed to buy. She never paid me back for the electronics i had to buy for her. She never paid me back for the wifi i was paying for. I know how it feels to actually be used. It's narcissistic tendencies. I would have had $5,000 saved in a savings account and building interest, but my adopted older sister screwed me out of that. Used me to pawn her own gain. If being paid back is more important than making sure we are actually doing okay, then you have issues. I've loaned money to my sister. And she always paid me back. She's loaned me money, and i always paid her back. I just want better..
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lindendragon · 2 years
We need a filler episode where the Derby trio (Gus, Willow and Hunter) goes on their first solo trip to the grocery store. Most of this was discussed with @sergeantsporks and they added some stuff to the idea.
Gus had avoided going out the house cause he didn't want his first human realm experiences to be embittered by his situation, but by now he's recovered enough to be okay with distracting himself a bit and try to enjoy himself. Willow just wants to get out the house and also support Gus through this. It's no use constantly fretting over something you can't change, she can try to live life a little, right? At least as a distraction. Hunter is also here as support, but he is also treating this as an important mission to repay Miss Noceda and he cannot mess this up. Also he will protect his friends from danger.
• On the way to the store they come across an intersection they have to cross and they have to mentally prepare for it like "We can do this. We can DO THIS!" And Gus makes sure they wait for the green light and look both ways like Camila showed them and they're all strategic about it and they all take each others' hands and Hunter takes the lead like "On my mark- GO GO!" And they run across the not at all crowded road screaming and when it's all done they breathe huge sighs of relief and cling to each other like "Oh my Titan we made it! We're alive!"
• Hunter ends up having a mini breakdown cause the one of the items on the list just says "pasta" and he doesn't want to pick the "wrong" one and fail Camila
• Gus and Hunter end up having multiple "they are smart individually but share a braincell when together" moments
• Gus: "Get the corkscrew pasta. They probably double as gears in a machine."
Hunter: "Oh yeah!"
• Hunter does end up beating up a man at the cheese aisle that they assume is some kind of guardian that they have to defeat every week to earn the right to the cheese.
• It's actually just Jacob in cosplay trying to prevent their "evil plans" (why he assumes groceries are involved is beyond me). But the trio comes back very proud of having defeated the guardian and completing their task.
• The staff doesn't do anything cause they don't get paid enough for this shit and Jacob was harassing customers anyway.
• Despite Hunter most often trying to take charge, Gus is the one everyone looks to for guidance since he is the human expert. A lot of "You used the wrong formula but got the right answer" moments ensue.
• Both Willow and Hunter are trying to cheer Gus up by pointing him to human realm trinkets and while Gus is captivated by the office supplies section, there's still an underlying exhaustion and worry that dampens it.
• Willow takes some time for herself at the potted spices section. The plants here don't respond to her as much, even the demon realm seeds she brought over in her pockets are not growing too well in the human realm soil, and Willow struggles to adjust to keep them alive, and she feels weaker for it. She knows that her power isn't everything, but it's still sonething she worked very hard on and is very important to her.
• Hunter cracks a little due to the stress at some point and Willow has to take charge.
• Hunter and Gus reassure Willow that she is a brilliant captain and friend no matter what, and they all trust her capabilities. Hunter was just trying to do the brunt of the work here to take away the burden for everyone else.
• But all of them have gone through a lot, and trying to hold it all in for the sake of the others won't help.
• On the way back they discuss how everyone's been holding in their own emotions so they wouldn't burden anyone and agree to lean on each other more and work together, rather than someone trying to take charge all the time.
Just throwing the ideas out there and conpiling them into a single post. Too bad season 3 got shortened so we won't get this kind of episode.
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ichigoromi · 3 years
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 | 𝐌𝐒𝐁𝐘 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 | 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
Chaotic vibes only!
Hope y'all enjoy reading!
Pairing (s): MSBY Four - Bokuto Koutarou, Miya Atsumu, Hinata Shoyo and Sakusa Kiyoomi x gn! reader
Genre: fluff!
Warning (s): None!
Bokuto Koutarou
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The grocery store is packed during the weekend, and the two of you are only free during the weekends to do your grocery shopping.
You knew that you would easily lose him during such busy days, so you insisted that he never let go of your hand.
Obviously, he is more than happy to hold your hand because he loves how big his hand is compared to yours.
You pushed the trolley around, filling it with fresh vegetables and fruits while he looks around the mart.
While you were busy choosing the watermelon, unknowingly, Bokuto decided to explore the supermarket on his own.
He just went to the snack aisle and got a few snacks and heads back to the fresh produce section, and you were not there.
Bokuto reached out to his pocket to find it empty.
His phone was with you, and you were nowhere to be found.
So, what does he do?
"The caretaker of Bokuto Koutarou, your child is currently at the customer service counter. Please come and pick him up." A loud announcement rang through the store, and you wanted to hide your face.
Everyone around you started whispering about the professional athlete Bokuto Koutarou really lost, or was it another child with the same name as him?
You asked a kind soul for you to help you look after your trolley while you went and go collect your lost child.
"Baby! You're here!" He ran up to you and threw his arms around, slightly lifting you up.
Your cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, and you apologised profusely to the receptionist at the counter while pulling your giant boyfriend away.
The young kid that was waiting with your trolley was excited when he saw Bokuto with you. He was a big fan of your boyfriend. You helped them take a picture, and he wraps his arms around you.
"That was so embarrassing...Kou, can you just hold onto my shirt and never let go?" He shook his head, and you tilt your head in confusion.
Did he want to get lost again?
"Nope, I'm going to hug you and never let you go!" He got behind you and wrapped his arms tightly around you.
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Miya Atsumu
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Normally, you did the grocery shopping alone since he is tired after training and doesn't drive.
So, the grocery shopping chore became yours.
He has a rest day and offered to pick up the groceries with you on this rare occasion.
It was a pleasant surprise, and you were glad to have a helping hand to help you.
You brought him to Costco, and it's going to be easy to lose him, a new-timer who has never been to Costco.
You warned him and told him to stay close to you and don't stray away from you.
He just nods his head and proceeds to ignore your warnings.
Atsumu was kind of upset that you were treating him like a child, but he overestimates himself.
Because within 15 minutes of entering the store, he has already lost you.
So, instead of calling you and asking where are you, he got another trolley and proceeded to do his own shopping.
Since you were busy with the shopping list, you didn't even notice your boyfriend was not following you anymore.
He was fascinated by the big store and got lots of stuff, ones that you two don't really need.
After a while, he realised that you have actually forgotten about him and literally went and did your own shopping.
When he was about to make a quick call to you, his phone died.
So, he went and paid for his stuff first and head to the customer service counter.
"Y/l/n Y/n, your child Miya Atsumu is currently at the customer service counter; please come and pick him up." Everyone heard it, so did you, but you continue your shopping.
This man, even after you warned him, still went and got separated from you.
So, you deliberately took your own sweet time and went a few rounds around a particular aisle.
You purposely lined up at the longest queue for your payment.
By the time you were done, he has been waiting with other lost kids for an hour or two.
"That was mean of ya! It was so embarrassing!" He buried his face in the crook of your neck; you awkwardly apologised to the cranky receptionist that was grumbling about how youngsters were so irresponsible.
Atsumu recounts his tale of how the lost kids there were laughing at an adult who got lost and has to be sent to the customer service, but he voluntary went himself.
"Serves you right. I told you to stick right next to me. Tsumu, why did you buy all of these? We have it at home..." You gaped at the amount of stuff that he bought.
"Really? I didn't see it. Oh well, it's just more stocks then." He grinned playfully, expecting you to laugh, but you let out a deep sigh.
"This is why I have a shopping list for a reason; it is so that we don't overbuy! Tsumu, you're such a hoarder!" He opened his mouth and tries to explain himself, but nothing came up.
You loop your arms around his neck and kisses his cheeks.
"It's fine; I can deliver some to Samu. Don't worry." You reassure him when you notice his crestfallen expression.
"Stop pouting. You did well today, but next time, just stick close to me?" He nods his head and you two head to your car.
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Hinata Shoyo
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It was all a small mistake that leads to you two in the current situation.
Hinata knows the danger of losing you in the grocery store because your purse has his phone and his wallet.
But he holds your hand tightly as you two entered the store.
At first, it was going well, there were not many people in the store, and you two were out on a date.
Until the sudden increase of patrons in the store.
Hinata was sure to hold your hand tightly, but you heard of some discount from the housewives nearby; you let go of him and head towards the frozen aisle.
Oh no, he is left alone, and there was nothing he could do.
His fans came up to him and asked for photos and autographs, so he stayed and interact with them, hoping that you would come back for him.
Yeah, you were definitely not going back to find him as you made friends with the housewives as they give you tips about discounts.
Even the butcher chatted with you for a while.
So, he went to the customer service counter and requested them to make an announcement.
"The guardian of Hinata Shoyo, please proceed to the customer service counter to pick up your child." That was when you realised that Hinata was no longer beside you.
You picked up the remaining items on the lists and head to the register to pay for the groceries. Gosh, you felt like an awful significant other, losing him and not realising earlier.
But, the new knowledge and tips that you've gotten might be worth it, just kidding.
You were going to make a delicious meal for him to make up for your mistake earlier.
He looked relieved when he saw you walking towards him.
"Sho-chan! I'm so sorry! I lost you and even forgot about you. Can you forgive me?" You apologised profusely, and he chuckles, seeing your guilty expression.
You buried your face into his chest, and he pats your head to tell you to not blame yourself. It was all good, but still, you felt awful.
"Let's go home. I have picked up some good cuts of beef; I'll cook a good meal for you!"
"Sure, let's go." He kisses the top of your head and you two head towards the parking lot.
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
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Alright, Sakusa would make the perfect housewife. He is good at household chores, cooking? He is the perfect husband in the making.
He does the grocery shopping, and you would stay at home.
But, you felt like accompanying him to the store, so he allowed you to follow him.
You were wearing one of his hoodies and a pair of black sweats, and he was wearing similar attire to you.
He made sure you held his hand since you were short and could easily blend into the crowd. (a/n - omi is just a giant.)
It's been a while since you came out shopping with him, and it was fun getting out once in a while.
You can't help but want to explore the supermarket on your own.
So, you went on your own; after all, you're a grown adult. Nothing bad would happen.
Oh ho ho, Sakusa turned around, and you were gone.
He starts to panic because you were not behind him, and he couldn't see you in the crowd.
Sakusa calls you and felt his left pocket buzzing.
It was your phone buzzing in his pocket.
He sighs and decided to finish his list before finding you.
Meanwhile, you had enough money for a popsicle, and you got your favourite flavour and head to the customer service counter.
"Excuse me, can you please make a lost child announcement?" The receptionist immediately sat up in her seat and apologised for not noticing you earlier.
"Where's the lost child?" You pointed at yourself. She nodded her head blankly.
"Yeah, Sakusa Kiyoomi is my guardian. Thank you." This whole situation was bizarre, but she made the announcement for you anyways.
"Sakusa Kiyoomi, your child is at the customer service counter; please come and pick up your lost child."
You were literally chatting with the receptionist when he rushed over to the customer service counter. He sighed, relieved that you were safe. He apologised for the inconvenience he caused.
"You got me worried. Just stay at home, okay?" He kisses your forehead. You shook your head.
"Nope! I'm coming with you from now on!"
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Oooh, my first headcanon where I did four characters at once! It was quite fun and I might write more of these in the future!
I hope y'all enjoy this!
Stay safe and healthy!
With love,
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starryevermore · 3 years
i asked if i could request again, so here we are? i guess?
colby brock x male reader (i'm so sorry for all the male reader stuff, it's gotta be annoying by now) where colby and y/n have been together for years and y/n is used to colby being forgetful, but this time colby doesn't even remember on his own (like he normally has like an "oh fuck" moment but this time the reader has to remind him).
and it's an anniversary or something and snc are out filming the entire day and y/n doesn't even get mad, just hella sad and colby asks what's wrong and y/n's just like *jazz music stops*
colby feels bad, and the next day he finds a way to make it up to y/n? maybe some spicy stuff?
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it's our anniversary
pairing: colby brock x male!reader
warnings: angst with a happy ending, pet name (baby)
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You wanted to throw up when you realized. He'd forgotten. Again. But it wasn't like he'd forgotten to pick you up the one thing you asked him to get at the grocery store. Or how he forgot the gift he got you for your birthday. No, he forgot your whole. ass. anniversary. And now you were sitting at a restaurant as it was closing, staring at the glass of wine you'd been nursing for far too long, wondering what the hell you did to deserve this.
You paid for the wine you drank then left, driving back home and trudging up to the bedroom, casting a sad look at Colby's sleeping form. Apparently sleep was more important than you. Whatever. You took a shower, pulling on your pajamas, then went down to the movie room. You couldn't stand looking at him at the moment. Not when he hurt you like this. If Colby couldn't be there for you, then your favorite movie could be.
About an hour into the movie, Colby came downstairs, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, asking, "Hey, baby, why are you down here? Where've you been all day?"
And that...Fuck, that hurt.
You paused the movie, staring at him, saying nothing. The realization slowly washed over him, and he was suddenly on his knees in front of you, grasping at your hands, looking near tears.
"Baby, I'm so fucking sorry. I-I was filming with Sam all day and I was fucking exhausted, and I-I know that's no excuse."
"It's our anniversary Colby, and you forgot," you said, trying to look anywhere but him.
"I know, and I'm so, so sorry. Please, let me make it up to you. My schedule tomorrow—cleared. I'm all yours. Let me make this up to you. Please."
You looked down at him and his quivering lip, feeling yourself slowly give in. "Fine. But whatever I say tomorrow goes. No questions asked."
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falcqns · 3 years
partner in crime l
pairing: August Walker x OFC (Maeve)
summary: when an old hook up of August's dies, its up to him to step up.
warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of minor character deaths, dad!august, slightly soft!august.
a/n: hope you enjoy!
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August opened his eyes, and was greeted by silence. he always was.
he was always greeted with dead silence, and he wouldn't want it any other way.
ever since he was a child, and his father died, he always woke up to an empty house. his mother cared for him sure, but never the way a mother should.
he was 6 when his father, a CIA agent as well, was killed on a relatively low risk mission. it was just supposed to be intel gathering, but a fight broke out and he received a bullet to the head. after his father died, his mother became a whole new person, and that person didn't want little August.
since he was 6, he'd been taking care of himself. when he turned 18, the only thing that changed was he paid is own bills. he'd been buying his own groceries since he was 10, and putting himself through school.
he never asked for help, he never learned to. he never learned what love was, and how to express it. and, to August, it never mattered. he never wanted children, he never wanted to be married.
he was perfectly content.
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that was, until yesterday. he had gotten a call from a lady named Anais Torres, informing him of his child.
he didn't know about this child, but apparently she was the result of a hookup over a year ago, and her mother had died last week. he had had a rough mission, and went out to the first bar he could find, in search of some good alcohol and some female company to help him forget, even for just a little while.
as he looked over the file, he saw her name was Maeve Luna Walker. she had his last name, and he was on the birth certificate, so there was no doubt in his mind that she was his. there was a small picture, not a recent one, of her. he guessed it was on the day she was born.
he felt warmth swell in his chest when he saw her chubby cheeks, and dark hair peeking out from the tiny pink hat sat atop her head.
she was a little over 7 months old, and her mother passed away only a week ago. her mother had no other family, she had emancipated herself at 15, and he was the only family she had.
he had considered letting her go into the foster system, but was immediately talked out of my Sloane, who he had called for help after he had gotten the call. she had informed him of the horrible possibilities that could befall this little girl, and he, who was perfectly capable of taking care of a child, couldn't do that to her.
he had called Anais back, and informed her that he would take her. he didn't know anything about raising a child, or love for that matter, but he knew he had to try.
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he had driven to his nearest Walmart, and walked to the baby section in search of everything he would need.
Anais had given him a list with the basic necessities, but as he was standing in the aisle that had cribs and bassinets on one side, and strollers and carseats on the other, and was completely lost.
was a bassinet better, or a crib? what type of car seat would be best?
there were so many questions he had, and he most definitely did not have the answers.
thankfully, after a few minutes of struggling, an employee noticed his struggle, and came to help him.
"hello sir. is there anything I can help you with today?" she asked nicely, and August gave her a small smile before answering.
"yes actually. my daughter is moving in with me, and I have nothing for her, and I'm totally clueless to what I need." The associate laughed, and pointed to the cribs.
"lets get you started with cribs." she said, and August made a mental note to give her a large tip for helping him.
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August left Walmart two hours later, a crib, car seat, high chair, and all the other baby things he would need in tow.
he checked the time on his dashboard, and saw he only had about an hour and a half before Anais was supposed to be arriving with Maeve, and he had a lot to do.
once he arrived home, he set to building the crib, and was only halfway through when there was a knock at the door. August paused what he was doing, and walked towards the front of his apartment.
he got a glimpse of himself in the hallway mirror, and second guessed himself. was he ready to be a father? a dad? he knew next to nothing about children, much less a daughter. he took a deep breath, and continued to the door.
his breath caught in his throat when he laid eyes on his little girl.
she had curly brown hair, and the bluest eyes he had ever seen. he found himself wondering if she also had brown in them, like he did. he noted she was rather chubby, but the associate at Walmart, Cora, had assured him that she'd probably be that way.
"hello Mr Walker. I apologize for being a few minutes late, traffic seems to have picked up." she said, and August nodded, his eyes not leaving Maeve.
"oh it quite alright, I was running behind today too." he assured her, and Anais smiled.
"well, this is Maeve. she's a little tired today, its been a long week, and she doesn't really understand what's happening. she may be a little cranky, especially as it gets closer to her bedtime, but other than that, she's a perfect little angel."
that surprised August. he remembers being a rather defiant child, and was expecting Maeve to be the same, but maybe not.
he nodded, and watched as Anais set Maeve on the carpeted floor. Maeve's eyes glanced around the room, almost unsure of what to think.
Anais's phone dinged, and she looked down. "I apologize, Mr Walker. I have to get going, but everything you need to know is in that file, and all of her stuff is in this bag. if you need anything at all, just give me a call. I have a son around her age so I should be qualified enough to help you." she said, and August thanked her, and she was out the door moments later.
he turned to look at Maeve, who was just gazing up at him.
he bend down to her level, and got a good look at her. "hello, Maeve. I'm your father. I'll tell you this, I have no idea what I'm doing, but I am going to try." he said, and she looked up at him with a smile.
he felt the warmth swell in his chest once more. is that love? he asked himself. he didn't know, but he had a suspicion that it was.
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@kpopgirlbtssvt @nerdypinupcrystal @sohoseb
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bloody-britt26 · 4 years
Could I request Piers falling in love with a single mom reader? Maybe she can have a Drampa who's very protective of her and her son/daughter because it doesn't want them to be hurt by anyone. Drampa love children so I thought it was fitting! Thank you!! ❤
This was so cute and fun to write! I made this into a drabble because I got very inspired for this prompt, and I honestly could have kept going. You guys can let me know if you want more parts to this!
🎸 Piers falling in love with a single mother reader 🎸
“Elias, could you help me unload the cart onto the counter?” You asked your son.
“Okay mummy,” he replied in a sweet tone.
You both set your various food items onto the counter, letting the cashier scan each one of them. You bit your lip nervously as you looked at the price go up with each item. You had bought just enough to make it through the week, now you had to hope that you had made enough money to pay for your groceries.
“I’ll go put the cart back,” Elias said.
You nodded with a smile, he was such a sweet boy, always helping you to the best of his abilities whether you asked or not.
“That’ll be 32,000 Pokémon Dollars, please,” the cashier said.
You nodded, taking your wallet out and rummaging through it. As you counted your money, you felt panic flow through your mind as you noticed that you weren’t going to have enough. 
Oh dear, you only had 27,000. 
You set the money down on the counter, cringing as the cashier gave you a funny look. 
“Ma'am, there’s 5,000 Pokémon Dollars missing,” the cashier said.
‘I know, damn it!’
You forced a nervous laugh. “Sorry, sorry. Let me just- maybe I have a card or coupon…”
Nothing of the sort was found in your wallet. You shook in embarrassment as you felt everyone’s judgmental eyes on you. You pocketed your wallet rather abruptly and opened up your bag.
“H-Hold on… maybe I’ve got something to sell,” you said.
You rummaged through your bag, hoping to find a star piece, a pearl, anything. Of course, you had no valuable items left, except for the golden chain around your neck.
Your heart broke at the thought of parting with it as it was a gift from your grandmother, but you were in a tight spot.
As you were about to unhook the chain from your neck, you felt a light tug at your shirt. Looking down, your son was looking at you with sad eyes.
“But mummy, that necklace is important to you,” he said.
“It’s okay, sweetie. Don’t worry about it,” you said.
Elias was having none of it. He shook his head in protest. “Don’t get rid of it. It’ll make you sad, and I don’t want to see you sad, mummy.”
“We can put the cookies back. I don’t need them,” he said.
“But I promised you a treat,” you said in a sad tone.
“It’s okay. You’re more important than cookies,” he said as he hugged your arm.
You didn’t even know how to react. You really were blessed with the sweetest boy. He was so mature for his age, though it was probably your fault. The reality of being alone to take care of your home and child hit you hard, and you couldn’t spoil Elias like other parents could, even if you wanted to do so. You sincerely hoped that you weren’t ruining his childhood.
You felt tears well up as you heard other shoppers in line mutter words of disapproval at you.
“Hurry up. We don’t have all day.”
“What a wreck.”
“That child deserves better.”
“Why did she have a kid if she can’t take care of him properly?”
A hand that was gently put atop your shoulder snapped you out of your sorrow. Looking behind you, was a tall and lanky man, seemingly around your age. He was extremely pale, visible bags underneath his green eyes. He had a punk look, from his outfit to his black and white hairstyle. He seemed to be hunched over slightly. He looked like a wreck, but rather attractive if you were being completely honest. You felt like you had seen him somewhere before. On TV, perhaps?
You shook your head, ready to apologize for taking up so much time, but he quickly shushed.
“You ain’t gon’ need to sell your necklace, or put anythin’ back on the shelves,” he said.
He reached into his jacket’s pocket, taking out 5,000 Pokémon Dollars, putting the money atop the counter.
You blinked, not used to being helped by complete strangers. Still, you felt dirty by taking this man’s money.
“I can’t… I can’t accept this,” you said.
He waved you off. “It’s all good, just take it.”
“I- thank you, sir,” you said as the cashier took the money and bagged your items.
Your son looked up at the man, a small twinkle in his eyes. “Thank you very much, mister.”
A very small, barely noticeable smile found its way onto the man’s face. “Don’t mention it, kiddo.”
As the man paid for his very few items, your son picked up one of the grocery bags, while you grabbed the remaining two.
As you were about to walk out, one of the bags was taken out of your arms. It was the same man.
“Here, lemme help with that,” he said.
“No, you’ve done enough. You don’t have to waste your time with me,” you protested.
He ignored your comment. “You’re visibly exhausted.”
Your son chimed in. “She works really, really hard.”
“See? Even your son agrees. Lemme walk you home,” he said.
You bit your lip, truly not used to receiving such kindness from anyone. It felt nice to have someone showing concern over rolling their eyes at your sorry situation.
“I don’t live that far, I’ll be-”
“Doesn’t matter,” he cut you off. “Oh, right. I ain’t got no manners… name’s Piers.”
“Piers… I’m (name), and this is my son, Elias,” you said, relaxing a little as you started to feel more comfortable.
Then, as if everything clicked in your head, you turned to Piers with a questioning look on your face.
“Wait… you wouldn’t happen to be the Spikemuth gym leader and rockstar, right?” You asked.
Piers had a little smirk on his face. “Yeah, that’d be me, but I ain’t the gym leader no more. My lil’ sis is runnin’ it for me now. I’m a full-time musician now.”
Elias looked at Piers with absolute wonder. “So cool…”
“Oh… I am so out of the loop. Really though, you probably have better things to do than walk me home,” you said, embarrassment lacing your voice.
You suddenly felt self-conscious that a celebrity had helped you pay for your groceries.
“Nah, it’s fine. I’m tellin’ you,” he said. “I don’t wanna be nosy or anythin’, but you’re alone, yeah? No boyfriend or husband?”
You nodded, a little embarrassed. You supposed that it was very obvious that you were a single mother.
“You kinda remind me of myself,” he said.
You raised a brow. “How so?”
“Used to be in a similar situation when I was younger, parents were absent an’ I was raisin’ my lil’ sister by myself. Was tough, I remember, an’ nobody ever thought of givin’ a hand to the gutter punk lookin’ guy. Guess I just wanna, I dunno, help out a young woman who’s tryin’ her best, you know?” He explained.
“I- thank you, Piers,” you said with a small blush.
It was nice to talk to someone who could understand you. Most people pointed at you, laughed or disapproved of you. They’d never been in your situation, so they didn’t know just how difficult it could be at times.
“Oh, we’re here,” you said as you came up to your very small house.
You chuckled nervously, that self-conscious feeling resurfacing as you acknowledged the difference between your social status and his. “It’s… I know it’s not very impressive.”
Piers shook his head with a chuckle. “Nah, it looks cozy. You’d be surprised how messy and unimpressive my home is.”
You raised a brow. “Really now?”
“Yeah… Spikemuth really ain’t that impressive, but I love the town anyways.”
“Well, that’s what’s important, huh? Oh, you can drop the bag at my front door, I’ll take it indoors. You too, Elias,” you said as you put your own bag down.
Elias and Piers nodded and did the same. Right afterwards, a friendly growl echoed from your front yard. It was your beloved Drampa, poking his head over the fence.
“Drampy!” Elias exclaimed, running up to the dog-like dragon.
Drampa cooed at your son, nuzzling him affectionately as Elias scratched his nose.
Piers blinked, not expecting you to have a large dragon in your yard. “Is that your Drampa?”
You nodded with a smile. “Yeah, that’s my big boy. He’s my only pokémon, but he’s been with me since I was a child.”
Your son turned to you. “Mummy, can I play with Drampy after I finish my homework?” He asked.
“Of course, sweetheart!” You said, handing your son the key to your home.
Elias smiled and thanked you. As he unlocked the door, he also grabbed a grocery bag to bring it inside.
When Elias was inside, Piers nodded in approval. “Sweet kid. You’ve been raisin’ him well.”
“Thank you, it means a lot,” you said, genuinely happy at the compliment.
You approached your Drampa, who was wagging his tail excitedly at the sight of you. As soon as you were near, he gave you sloppy kisses and nuzzled you as if his life depended on it.
“Drampa!” You said with a giggle.
Piers approached you and Drampa as well, but as soon he did, Drampa’s mood immediately turned sour. Your dragon used his head to push you back, growling at Piers.
Piers chuckled nervously at Drampa’s intimidating change in behaviour. You, on the other hand, were shushing and rubbing Drampa soothingly.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. This is Piers… he helped me, he’s nice,” you said.
Drampa glanced at you, a worried look flashing through his eyes. His growling had diminished, but he kept a firm glare on Piers.
“Sorry, Piers. He’s always been very protective of me, but that doubled ever since my ex left me when I got pregnant. He saw me at my worst, and he doesn’t want anyone to hurt me again,” you explained.
Piers had a small smile as he waved you off. “Don’t worry, I get it.” He turned to Drampa. “Protectin’ your loved ones like that, I get you. It’s honourable, you’re a good pokémon.”
Drampa huffed, blowing a bit of his breath in Piers’ direction, making him stumble back a little.
“Woah. I heard Drampa’s breaths were strong… guess they weren’t kiddin’,” he muttered.
You laughed as Drampa had a little smirk on his face. “He’s tough. We used to battle together a lot a few years back. I don’t have much time for that anymore, unfortunately.”
“You’d make a good trainer, I’m sure,” he said.
You felt your cheeks burn slightly. Piers was just handing you so many compliments, and he sounded absolutely genuine with every single one of them.
He cleared his throat, a barely noticeable blush making its way onto his cheeks as he reached into his pockets, pulling out what seemed to be two tickets.
“Here. I’ve got a show this weekend in Spikemuth, an’ I’d like to see you an’ your son there…” he paused, scratching the back of his head nervously, “…it might also be an excuse to get to see you so I can get to know you better, ‘cause you’re cute an’ sweet an’ all.”
You couldn’t help the dorky laugh that escaped you as you gratefully accepted the tickets.
“I’d like that. Thank you for everything, Piers,” you said.
He smiled, blush getting deeper as he shrugged. “It’s no prob. I’ll see you there?”
You nodded with a smile as you waved goodbye to him before he headed in the opposite direction of your home.
Your Drampa gave you a questioning look, as if he was saying, “Are you really considering this?” To which you nodded, giving a reassuring pat to the concerned dragon.
Maybe, you finally had a shot at a better life, after all of the hardships that had been thrown at you.
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ohemgeeitscoley · 4 years
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Signed, Sealed, Delivered (1/5)
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Rey/Ben Solo (Reylo)
Note: Written for the Movie Exchange. This was a blast to participate in, and I’m so excited to share it!
Biggest thank you and love to @andyouweremine​ and @storiesofimagination​ and @notababoonbrandishingastick​ for reading along and cheering me on and pointing out the ways to make the story better. You guys make writing fun and I love you.
Read below or on AO3
This is not where Ben wanted to be in life. When he was a child imagining his future being a 28 year old assistant for a giant dick was not even remotely on the list of possibilities. 
But here he is spending his Friday night standing outside of a building with an annoying bouncer reminding him that the doorway was for members only.
The fucking doorway.
Ben could be a member if he wanted. If he wasn't too stubborn to touch his inheritance. But he wanted to make it in life on his own merits and not because of old money and his family's name.
Nights like tonight make it hard to remember any of it matters.
His mom has been on him more the last few months. He's been Snoke's assistant for two years. The last assistant had only had the job for a year before Snoke got him set up as a VP for a large hedge fund. 
Ben's been wasting his time getting Snoke food and encouraging him through drinking green juice for two years with nothing to show for it.
He knows he should take his mom up on her offer. Hell, he could call his uncle and get a position at his company and really no one would blink. 
But it matters to him. He doesn't want to rely on nepotism and to be in a position he hasn't earned.
He has an MBA. He didn't think it would be this hard.
Ben sighs, shoving one hand into his pant pocket and scrolls through the messages on his phone.
Most are from his mom. Reminding him that he is supposed to go home this weekend for a family dinner. As if he is going to have time for that. There are a few from Poe talking about a new guy he met at the bar and some random items Ben assumes are groceries Poe wants him to pick up whenever he heads home.
It's almost midnight and he's been standing on a sidewalk for 45 minutes. 
His boss finally walks out of the building and he's already harping at Ben about different things and Ben is having a hard time caring and paying attention. Snoke stops next to Ben, adjusting his tie, before running his hands through his slightly turning silver brown hair. 
“Alright,” Snoke says, unscrewing the lid from one of those God awful green juices he keeps buying, “do your thing.”
Ben responds immediately, listing off the first few better tasting foods that come to his mind. Snoke downs the drink and tosses him the bottle, like he has anywhere to throw it away, and heads toward the car that is waiting for them.
“So I’ll see you tomorrow then?” Ben asks, opening the door to the car.
“What?” Snoke asks, narrowing his eyes as he glances up from his phone to Ben. “What do you mean tomorrow? You’re going back to the office.”
No, Ben thinks, resisting the urge to grit his teeth. “Right. Of course I am,” he gets out, following Snoke into the car. “Do you want me to order dinner? Since we’re going back to the office?”
Snoke looks at Ben like he’s growing a second head. “I just drank my juice. You just saw me drink my juice.”
Ben did just see him drink his juice. Just like Ben has seen him drink several juices and then act affronted that Ben didn’t order him lunch or dinner twenty minutes later when he realizes he’s still hungry.
The car pulls away from the sidewalk and merges into traffic. It’s going to be a long night.
Rey loves her job. Really. She does. Being the assistant for Amilyn Holdo is an honor and a privilege. Amilyn is a force to be reckoned with and there is so much for Rey to learn from her. Not to mention the exposure. Rey is working in one of the best digital media firms in New York. Outside of Amilyn, Rey is surrounded by some of the best writers, editors, and photographers. She’s lucky to have the job. She knows how lucky she is.
However. It is almost midnight on a Friday and she’s been in the office since 6:45 and all she wants to do is go back to her apartment, curl into her bed, and watch a stupid movie and fall asleep. But Amilyn is still in her office on the phone and Rey knows that she can’t leave before Amilyn. It was never a spoken rule, that Rey needs to be the first one to arrive and the last one to leave. But that was because it didn’t need to be said out loud. It was expected.
Rey’s phone buzzes against her desk. Glancing down at the lit up screen, Rey scrunches her nose at the text notification from Kaydel. It’s text number twelve for the night. She was supposed to meet up with Kaydel and Rose for drinks after work. Rey hates that she has been such an absentee friend, but Amilyn had been throwing herself even more into work the last few months and Rey’s social life had all but vanished since then.
Amilyn’s door opens and she throws Rey a fitness watch.
“I need that up to at least 10,000 steps before I leave,” she says, already walking back into her office. “My trainer can’t think that I’m slacking off in between sessions. And order me dinner from that one place.”
Amilyn’s door closes before she’s done talking, her voice muffled. But Rey knows what she says and she knows the place that Amilyn is vaguely referring to because she is a good assistant.
No. She is a great assistant.
Rey opens up the restaurant's website and places Amilyn’s dinner order. Rey’s stomach growls, she isn’t quite sure when she ate last. Amilyn had needed her to take notes during her lunch meeting and Rey didn’t have a chance to eat afterward. Rey glares down at her belly for betraying her and adds dinner for her to the order before sending it out.
Her email pings with the confirmation of her order. The estimated time of arrival is 45 minutes.
45 minutes for two sandwiches at almost midnight seems ridiculous.
Rey calls the restaurant and bickers with them until they concede that the food can be delivered in 30 minutes.
Sliding Amilyn’s watch on her wrist, Rey stands up and stretches her arms before beginning to pace around the office. 
"What do you mean you can't take a credit card?" Rey's eyes widen as she starts going through her wallet even though she knows she does not have enough cash to cover the food. She's not sure she has any cash at all. 
Rey is sweaty and gross from trying to get the fitness watch up to 10,000 steps in 30 minutes. Rey had only managed about 4,000 and she feels like her lungs and legs are going to be burning for days. She still had another 3,000 to go.
"We're cash only on deliveries now," the delivery driver answers and he looks like he's contemplating getting ready to take the food and leave.
But Rey needs that food. She can't let her boss down at almost midnight when she said she was going down to the lobby to get her dinner.
"I have… I have Venmo? CashApp? I'll download any app you have actually." Rey offers, pulling out a checkbook. "What about a check?"
The guy rolls his eyes. "You think if we aren't taking cards, we are going to take checks?"
"It's not 1990, so the fact that you guys are refusing to take digital currency led me to believe you were stuck in the past." Rey huffs in annoyance, her brain spiraling trying to come up with another plan.
Rey hears the elevator ding behind her, but she's too distracted by the problem in front of her to pay much attention. 
"I can offer a contract for a small piece of my soul?" Rey jokingly offers. 
"Do you have the $32.50 or not?" He asks, clearly not impressed. 
"Yes, I do have the $32.50," Rey argues, "in any form of currency available to me that is not actually cash in my hand. Which was also nowhere on your website. This seems like a scam. Are you trying to pocket the cash?"
"I don't need this shit," he starts to put the bag away when--
"I have cash," a deep voice says from behind Rey. "I can pay."
Rey turns around quickly and looks at the man walking toward them. 
He's… large. In a fairly tall, very wide kind of way. His face is all sharp angles and his hair is long and dark… and it looks really soft. 
He's vaguely familiar looking. Rey assumes he works in the building too and that she's probably seen him at some point. She's surprised she doesn't remember him though, because he is extremely attractive. 
"You don't have--" Rey starts, before realizing the hot stranger is handing delivery driver money and grabbing the bag and he is stealing her dinner. "Excuse me, that is my dinner. Fuck. That is my boss's dinner."
The delivery driver leaves with a slight flick of his fingers to the other man before walking away.
"I paid for it," the food thief shrugs, "So it's my boss's dinner now."
"No, no, no, no, no," Rey breaths, her mind spinning to come up with a plan as she followed the man toward the elevator. "There's two dinners in there. One for me and one for my boss. I need my boss's dinner. I cannot get fired."
Something near sympathy seems to pass over his face. He pauses, his grip on the bag loosening. 
"And it's about to be my boss's dinner because I cannot get fired."
"Listen," Rey begins, chewing on her bottom lip. "What's your name?"
"Ben," he responds. "And I really need to get back to work."
"So do I, Ben," Rey holds on to the vowel in his name for a few seconds. "But I cannot go back without food. Spare a dinner. Does your boss really need both?"
"What did you get?" Ben asks, but he's already opening the bag before Rey can answer.
He pulls out the first box and hands it to Rey before he grabs the second box and let's the bag fall to the ground. 
Rey opens her box first.  It's Amilyn's steak sandwich with blue cheese crumbles and a lettuce wrap instead of a bun. There's a side of pita chips and hummus.
That means Ben has Rey's pulled pork sandwich, with the caramelized onions and perfectly toasted brioche bun. Not to mention the apple slaw and sweet potato fries. 
Rey's mouth waters and her stomach betrays her and rumbles. Her cheeks redden with embarrassment.  
"This is my boss's," Rey holds up the container in her hand. "Yours gets to enjoy mine."
"It's a pulled pork sandwich," he states as if the sandwich is personally offending him.  
"It's an amazing pulled pork sandwich," Rey shakes her head in disbelief. "Does your boss have something against good food?"
"Good?" Ben looks at the sandwich again. "This is a basic sandwich at best. Pork and onions? Sweet potato fries? I'll be the one getting fired if I bring him this. He is a man of refined taste."
"I can fix this." Rey drops to her knees, setting down the steak sandwich and holding out her hand for the container from Ben.
He looks amused when he hands her the box. Rey ignores it and goes to work.
She pulls the top bun off the pulled pork sandwich, trying not to inhale the delicious scent wafting from the box. She takes a handful of bleu cheese crumbles from the other sandwich and sprinkles them over the sandwich. Then she grabs a fork out of the bag and strategically places about a quarter of the apple slaw on top of the onions.  
She then gathers the rest of the apple slaw and puts them in her boss's container, followed by the sweet potato fries. The hummus and pita chips fit perfectly in the box next to the remastered sandwich. 
"There we go," Rey puts the bun back on top of the sandwich and closes the lid to the boxes. She stands slowly, holding out one box for Ben. "Viola, a culinary masterpiece."
"I don't know about that." He gives the container a quizzical look. "But you owe me at least $22 for this."
"What?" Rey scoffs. "That's more than my sandwich was to begin with and you took most of the toppings."
He shrugs. "I saved your ass. There's a tax for that."
"You're a monster," Rey glares at him. "But fine, deal. I'll bring it to you tomorrow, Ben."
"Perfect,  I'm on the 22nd floor…" he stops, tilting his head. "I don't know your name."
"Rey," she answers, a smug smile overtaking her face. "I'm on the 23rd floor."
He isn't impressed. Or if he is, he hides it well. The arrogance that rolls off of him is off putting. He walks away to the elevator, pressing the up arrow. "I expect you'll be there no later than 7. I have a life."
"Right," Rey snorts, picking up the bag he left behind on the floor. There was a wrapped pickle inside. Score. "Says the assistant getting his boss dinner at midnight. You'll get it when you get it."
Rey hits the button for the other elevator across the hall. She does not want to be in an elevator with him. 
The doors open for both elevators at the same time. Rey walks into hers first, turning around to see him step. 
"You'll be there by 7, or the interest will double," Ben chuckles.
Rey's mouth falls open. "Interest!" She exclaims, but the elevator door is already closing. "You never said anything about interest you ass--"
The door shuts.
"Asshole," Rey finishes in the elevator. "Absolute asshole."
Rey pouts as she takes a bite into the pickle. Interest. What kind of person charges interest on essentially stolen food.
She's still lost in her thoughts when the elevator opens and [boss] steps in.
"I'm going home," she says, pressing the button for the main floor. 
Rey barely has time to get out of the elevator before the door starts to close.
"I'll be in by 7 tomorrow," she adds just before the doors finally close.
Rey closes her eyes. "Here's your $30 sandwich that I just spent 40 minutes to get for you," Rey says to the vacant office. "And maybe tomorrow I'll pitch my idea about the positive effects of team sports for foster children and other disenfranchised  youth."
The majority of the lights are dimmed, leaving the normally colorful and bright walls dark and shadowy. Rey heads toward her desk, unwrapping the sandwich and taking a bite.
She presses the button on the side of her desk to raise it up so she can stand while she finishes eating. Glancing at the time, Rey groans. 12:17. 
By the time she finishes responding to all of Amilyn''s invites, it'll be 1. After the subway ride to her apartment and some much needed unwind time, Rey will be lucky to get three hours of sleep before she has to be back at the office. 
Her skin practically vibrates at the amount of caffeine she is going to need to order in the morning. And she's going to have to stop by an ATM to pull out cash.
Maybe even a bank. 
Because she is only giving Ben $22. Not a penny more.
The article Rey is reading when Kaydel and Rose come stumbling into the apartment has her close to tears. She wipes at her eyes quickly as Kaydel throws herself down onto the chair across from Rey. 
“Rey!” Kaydel shouts holding her arms up in a v above her head. “We missed you. You didn’t even respond to the last few messages I sent.”
“I know.” Rey grimaces. “I couldn’t get out of work. Amilyn had meeting after meeting.”
“It’s okay,” Kaydel smiles brightly at Rey. “I love you anyway.”
The best part of being best friends with Kaydel is that Rey knows without a doubt that Kaydel absolutely means everything she is saying. Kaydel doesn’t mince words. She doesn’t hide from the hard or uncomfortable things. She plows forward until the matter is addressed and resolved. And then she moves on.
“Well hopefully you can join us next time,” Rose offers, sitting on the arm rest of the chair next to Kaydel. “I need someone to try to help me keep up with her.”
Rey laughs, her eyes crinkling in the corners as she shakes her head. “We all know I cannot keep up with her.”
“Please,” Kaydel huffs. “No one can keep up with me. I am an unstoppable machine.”
“You need water,” Rose says, leaning over to kiss Kaydel’s cheek. “I’m going to get you water.”
Kaydel watches Rose as she gets up and walks into the kitchen. Rey hates the tiny bit of jealousy that fills her stomach. Kaydel’s whole face is lit up, her cheeks are flushed and her eyes are soft and warm and full of love. 
Rey wants that. 
She just doesn’t have time for that. 
Relationships had never been something Rey was particularly good at. In high school, she wasn’t secure enough at home to have time for dating. Planning on whether or not she could go on a date seemed trivial when she had to worry about whether or not she was going to have to switch foster homes if she didn’t prove her worth or caused any problems.
Then in college, Rey had been so focused on keeping her scholarships and her grades, she just didn’t have time. The fact that she had been assigned to be Kaydel’s roommate had been one of her only saving graces for socialization. 
Now, she has her job. She can’t even make it to drinks with two of her best friends. She eats dinner after midnight. 
Dating just isn’t something that is going to fit in her life any time soon.
“You should go to sleep,” Kaydel points out. The concern in her voice becomes apparent as she continues. “You look exhausted. When are you going in tomorrow?”
“6:30?” Rey debates out loud, tilting her head side-to-side as she thinks. “Maybe 7. I need to stop at an ATM, or maybe an actual bank, and I’ll still need to get Amilyn’s coffee and bagel.”
“Why do you need to go to a bank?” Kaydel asks, curling up her lips. “I can’t even think of the last time I went to a bank.”
“I need $22. Exactly.” Rey answers, shrugging. “It’s a… long story and we definitely do not have time for it tonight.”
“Tomorrow then,” Kaydel demands, her eyes narrow and Rey knows that she means business. “Dinner. Even if it’s a late dinner. You can catch me up.”
Rey nods giving Kaydel a tight smile. “Sounds perfect.”
Kaydel returns Rey’s smile before standing up and walking toward the kitchen. Rey leans her head back against the couch, sighing as she closes her laptop. The list of things Rey knows that Amilyn is going to want her to do tomorrow is daunting. Kaydal may have said that it could be a late dinner, but for Kaydel that was 7, maybe 8, not 11 or 12. 
Maybe Rey will be able to sneak off for a little bit though. Grabbing her phone and laptop, Rey heads toward her bedroom, debating going through Amilyn’s calendar to see if she can move anything around to guarantee her an hour or so around dinner to be free.
That’s when she hears Kaydal scream. 
Rey quickly tosses her phone and laptop on her bed before running toward Kaydel’s room. Flinging the door open, Rey’s heart feels like it’s about to beat out of her chest. “What the hell--”
The question dies on Rey’s lips when her brain connects what is happening. Rose is still on one knee and Rey’s not sure she’s ever seen someone look so happy. Until she looks at Kaydel, who is holding her left hand over her heart.
They are getting engaged.
“I said no,” Kaydel blurts, but the smile and happiness in her voice give her away. “I’m just kidding. I said yes. Of course I said yes.”
“You guys are getting married?” Rey asks in a breath. She’s not shocked by the news. Rose and Kaydel have been together for two years and they were both crazy about the other. But it still is forcing Rey to imagine what life is going to be like when Kaydel is Rose’s wife and not her best friend and roommate.
Which is selfish and wrong and Rey knows that, but despite a lot of counseling, Rey is terrified of being left alone again.
She pushes those thoughts to the side. 
Rose and Kaydel are going to get married. Her best friend. She’s going to be happy for them. She is happy for them.
Kaydel walks over to her, holding out the ring. It’s gorgeous and fits Kaydel’s personality perfectly with the medium-sized, princess cut diamond and the white gold color. It’s sharp and fierce.
“I’m so happy for you, Kay,” Rey whispers, pulling her into her arms. “I’m so, so happy for you.”
Ben walks into his apartment quietly, careful not to wake Poe up. It's already… fuck it's past two. He undoes his tie before sliding his suit jacket off and beginning to undo his pants to kick them off while he makes his way to the fridge. 
The fridge light is bright in the otherwise dark room. There isn't a lot in the fridge, Ben understands now why Poe was sending him a grocery list worth of texts. 
He grabs a beer, twisting the lid off and tossing the lid in the trash.
"Hey," Poe says, scaring the fuck out of Ben. 
"Shit!" Ben exclaims, slamming the fridge shut. "Jesus, Poe. Make some noise next time."
“I said hey,” Poe laughs. “I don’t know how much more noise you need me to make.”
“What are you even doing up?” Ben grabs two beers from the fridge and walks over to the living room, sitting on the couch across from Poe.
“Couldn’t sleep,” Poe says with a shrug, taking the beer Ben is holding out. “You’re home late.”
“Yeah. Snoke needed me to start on his kid’s science project.”
Poe stares at Ben before shaking his head. “You need to quit your job man.”
“It’s not that bad,” Ben winces at how defensive he sounds. “It’ll be worth it in the end.”
“You’ve been saying that for a while.”
Poe isn’t necessarily wrong. When Ben first took the job with Snoke he imagined that it would only be for six months, maybe a year. 
“Yeah, Ben finally says, nodding in agreement. “I have. The job has its perks though, so I’ll probably stay until something better comes along.”
Poe sighs. “Perks? Like what, working on a twelve year old’s science project until two in the morning?”
“I also made a guy cry for not being able to get a stain out of one of his shirts today,” Ben smiles. “Really helps make me feel good inside.”
“Find a new job,” Poe says, standing up from the chair. “One that doesn’t involve working until 2 am, doing a kid’s homework, and making someone else cry in the same day.”
“Yeah, yeah…” Ben twists his fingers around the bottle in his hand. “We’ll see.”
Rey looks down at her phone to check the time. 10:37. She missed dinner with Kaydel and Rose. Not that either of them were surprised when she told them that she hadn’t been able to move enough things around to make it. Rey hates how predictable and unreliable she has become to her friends.
It will eventually be worth it. At least, she hopes that it will be worth it.
She has exactly $22 on her. All in quarters. It might be a little dramatic, but Rey feels justified every time she thinks of the way Ben had mentioned adding interest on to the amount.
Rey sees Ben as soon as she steps off the elevator. He has bright markers covering his desk and a giant poster board in front of him. Logically, she knows that he is probably working on his boss’s kid’s homework, and she is grateful at that moment that Amilyn doesn’t have kids and that those kinds of tasks aren’t even on Rey’s radar.
That doesn’t stop her from teasing him as she walks up to him.
“Making electricity out of lemons?” Rey asks, leaning over the desk a bit to get a look at what he is writing. “How original. I’m sure you’ll get first place with an idea like that.”
Ben turns his head to the slide and glares at her. “You’re late.”
“I was busy.”
“You’ll have to give me a minute to calculate the interest for your… what three hour delay.”
Rey rolls her eyes, reaching into her bag to pull out the bag of coins. Ben stares at the bag for a moment, before looking back at her. Rey smiles, carefully stacking up the quarters until there are twenty two even piles covering his desk.  “$22 exactly. You’ll have to sue me for the interest.”
“Quarters?” Ben looks down at the coins on his desk again. His face is annoyingly void of any outrage or shock, but his voice sounds lower than it had been before. “I should sue you for being a nuisance.”
“You didn’t state any terms as to the payment method beyond cash.” Rey’s smile grows as she watches him begin to slide the coins into a drawer. 
“I suppose I made a mistake not clarifying that by cash I meant dollar bills,” Ben admits. “But I also mentioned interest and you had no problem ignoring that, so I’m sure you’d have ignored that part too.”
“Probably,” Rey agrees. “Consider it your good luck that I didn’t have enough pennies to make it work that way.”
“Oh and I’m supposed to believe you had 88 quarters just lying around your place?” Ben finishes clearing off the quarters from his desk and closes the drawer. 
“No, I only had two dollars worth of quarters that I could find. I went to the bank for the other twenty.”
“Of course you did.” Ben laughs, shaking his head. “Next time I’ll be more specific.
Rey drops the empty bag into the garbage can next to her feet. “What makes you think there’ll be a next time?”
“Just a feeling.” Ben turns around in his chair, opening a cabinet door on the desk that ran along the wall behind him. He pulls out a bottle of alcohol. “Drink?”
“I’m still working.”
“It’s past ten,” Ben points out, setting the bottle on his desk. “Have anything better to do right now anyway?”
Rey doesn’t. She really doesn’t. Amilyn is going to be on this phone call for at least another hour and then she will either go home or start reviewing some of the submissions that have been stacking up in her email.
One drink really wouldn’t hurt. Ben’s smiling at her and it’s a little unfair that someone as annoying and frustrating as he has been is also very attractive at the same time.
“I guess not,” Rey says, sitting down in the chair on the other side of Ben’s desk. “But just one drink.”
Ben doesn’t say anything as Rey reaches for the bottle, pouring what he is pretty sure is her third drink into her cup. It’s well after midnight at this point, and neither Snoke or Rey’s boss had called for them or needed anything.
It’s nice, talking to Rey. She’s cute and passionate when she talks about her job. Her face is a little flushed from the alcohol. Ben can’t quite remember the last time he just talked to someone that he wasn’t related to or wasn’t Poe.
“Anyways, that’s what I want to do,” Rey continues, and Ben tries to remember what she had been talking about before he got lost in his own thoughts. “I want to write articles that matter. The ones that people read and are inspired to do something because of it.”
“Have you submitted any articles to your boss?” Ben asks.
“No,” Rey holds onto the vowel for a few seconds and shakes her head. “I haven’t, God, I haven’t actually written anything since I graduated. I never have time. Amilyn’s schedule isn’t very forgiving. When I’m not working, I normally just want to sleep. Or to have a conversation with someone who can’t just tell me what to do and expect me to do it. I don’t even know what it is like to have a social life anymore. I think this is the longest conversation I’ve had in months.”
“Same,” Ben gives her a small smile. “I was just thinking that. My days and nights consist of making Snoke’s life easier and doing what he wants. It doesn’t even feel like my life anymore.”
“I can’t believe I’m about to admit this,” Rey squints her eyes at Ben, as if she’s sizing him up. She takes another drink from her cup. “Sometimes I wish Amilyn had a… fuck, I wish she had a life. A boyfriend? More family events or friend events to attend? But she has been avoiding them for reasons I’m not going to even get into, but God, I just imagine all of the things I could do if she were busy doing things that aren’t work.”
“You could go on a date,” Ben responds, tipping his cup toward her.
“A date,” Rey huffs, shaking her head. “I can’t even think of the last time I went on a date. I can’t even make dinner with my roommate to celebrate her engagement.”
Rey looks down at her cup, watching the liquid move around as she swirled the glass. “Engagement,” Rey repeats, eyes wide. “I have no idea what I’m going to do to be able to make it to all of the events. I don’t think Amilyn is going to care that I have an engagement party to go to if it doesn’t fit into her schedule.”
“Snoke is the same way,” Ben taps a finger on the desk. “I missed my parents 30th anniversary a few months ago. I asked for it off and everything. I was almost out the door when Snoke grabbed me and said he needed an analysis on some new proposal he received and his normal analyst wasn’t answering his phone, and he told me to do it.”
“I get it,” Rey nods. “It sucks, but I get it.”
“You’d think we’d be able to do something about it,” Ben points out, his eyebrows knitting while he thinks. “I have access to basically Snoke’s entire life. I’m assuming it’s the same with you and Amilyn?” He pauses and waits for Rey’s response, she nods and he continues. “So in theory we should be able to coordinate their schedules to give us a break?”
Rey tilts her head to the side as she ponders what Ben is saying. “I mean, you’re right. In theory that would work. But I have to be available for all things scheduled that are work related, and Amilyn doesn’t have much of a personal life these days.”
Rey sits up straighter, her eyes widening slightly, a devious smile pulling at her lips. “Ben. The answer is so obvious.”
“The answer?” Ben asks with a small chuckle. 
“To our problem,” Rey says as if it’s obvious. “We Cyrano them. It’s perfect. We know everything about them. We know their schedules, their favorite foods and restaurants. We know what drives them crazy and irritates them. We can do this. And then when they are with each other… we can be free, Ben.”
“I’m not sure I’m really following you here.”
“We set them up.” Rey rolls her eyes. “It’s the perfect plan.”
“You’re drunk,” Ben points out, nodding his head down to the mostly empty bottle between them. “That would never work.”
“You’re wrong,” Rey says with a pointed nod. “But even if you are right, which you are not, because you are wrong, what’s the harm in trying?”
Ben doesn’t say anything for a few minutes. He finishes his drink, setting his empty glass next to Rey’s. 
“Maybe,” Ben concedes, “What’s your plan exactly? I don’t know that Snoke and Amilyn have ever even met and they’ve worked in the same building for years.”
“Leave it to me,” Rey’s grin is big and wide. “I’ll come up with something.”
“I’m not saying I’m agreeing to do this,” Ben clarifies, watching as Rey stands up and stretches, her shirt pulling up slightly as she raised her arms. 
“I know,” Rey says, grabbing her bag. “But you will. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Rey places her hand on his shoulder and squeezes it gently before she walks past him and then she’s gone. 
Ben opens the drawer that they shoved the change into and he smiles to himself. He’s not quite sure what he’s getting himself into, but he does know that if Rey really does come up with an idea to set their bosses up, which is probably a really terrible idea, he’s not sure he’s going to be able to tell her no. 
Rey brings Ben coffee the next morning. She assumes he likes it black with too much sweetener, and when he smiles after his first drink Rey feels a little smug for being able to figure it out. 
“Let’s go for a walk.” Rey says, grabbing his free hand and tugging on it. “I have a plan.”
Ben let’s her pull at his hand and stands up from his desk. “I only have twenty minutes before Snoke’s meeting ends.”
“Perfect.” Rey drops his hand, blushing slightly as she walks in front of him toward the elevator. “Just enough time to get some steps added to Amilyn’s watch and to fill you in on my absolute amazing plan that you are definitely going to be impressed by and will agree to.”
Ben laughs, smiling as he gets into the elevator and stands next to Rey. “We’ll see.”
The sun is bright and the air is already warm when they step outside. Rey has to walk a little bit faster than normal to keep up with Ben’s long strides. 
“So, tell me about this plan that is apparently so wonderful that you’re absolutely sure I’ll agree to it.”
“Okay, so it’s the same plan as last night,” Rey admits, taking a drink of her tea. “But I’ve thought about it more and I know that we can do this.”
Ben sighs, shaking his head. “I don’t know, Rey. We can’t just magically make our bosses like each other.”
“Sure we can,” Rey argues. “We get them to meet. Then we listen to them and their cues and go from there. That’s the beauty of this, Ben, we will know if things are going a little wrong and can adjust the plan accordingly.”
Ben stops walking and looks down at her. “You really think this will work?”
“I do.”
“How do you propose we get them to meet?” Ben shakes his head as he asks the question and Rey can see the lingering doubt on his face.
“I… I haven’t quite figured that part out yet,” Rey responds, quickly holding her hand up as Ben opens his mouth, she assumes to argue with her. “But I’ve seen a lot of romantic comedies and I can figure this out. Just give me a minute.”
They start walking again, back toward the building. Rey finishes her tea and tosses it into a garbage can. 
“I’ve got it!” Rey exclaims, as they step into the elevator. “We just need to get them in a small space, stuck for a few minutes, so that they have to talk to one another.”
“And how do you think we will pull that off?” 
Rey shakes her head, glaring at him. “Why do I have to figure out all the details?”
“This is your crazy plan,” Ben points out, pressing the button for his floor, and then Rey’s. “I’m not even sure I’m fully on board.”
“You are,” Rey smiles. “So, help with some of the details already. Are there any rooms that lock from the outside? Maybe we can ask maintenance? Do you think they’d think that was weird?”
Ben laughs, tipping his head back against the elevator wall. 
“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath. “I hate that I have an idea. The elevator. If we can get them both in the elevator, we can get Creepy Threepio to stop it.”
“Creepy Threepio?” Rey asks, scrunching her nose up. “Who is Creepy Threepio?”
“He works in maintenance,” Ben laughs. “He’s, well, he’s a bit creepy. But I think he’d do it. I’ll ask him today and let you know what he says.”
“What did I tell you?” Rey beams at him as the doors to the elevator open. “You’re totally on board.”
“I have a bad feeling about this,” Ben pinches the bridge of his nose. “But I’m willing to give it a shot.” 
Ben steps out of the elevator while holding his hand out to stop the doors from closing. “Hand me your phone so I can give you my number.”
Rey pulls her phone from her back jean pocket and unlocks it before handing it over to him. She watches as he puts in his number and hands the phone back to her.
“I’ll text you the details later,” he says, dropping his arm and the doors start to close. “I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this.”
The doors close and Rey grins sliding her phone back into her jeans. She can’t believe he agreed either.
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