#and then thursday until sunday i have time to relax and sleep in and read
lightbluuestars · 1 year
if Peemo got to be your boyfriend husband for the week, how would you spend it?
A WEEK?!! AN ENTIRE WEEK?!! oh my god i'd simply pass away (of love and happiness)
how should i put this, hm? just a day with this man would be enough!! (until it ends, then i'm empty for the rest of my life)
seven whole days of love and affection and appreciation for one another, oh my god
sunday would be particularly cozy, spending the day inside and just lovin on each other. hugs, kisses, cuddles, fueling each other for the week ahead. he'd have a ghoul tend to his plants, just for that day. preferably an earth ghoul, please.
monday would be kind of busy, having duties to attend to around the abbey and whatnot. inviting me out to his gardens and greeting me with an affectionate hug along with a sweet kiss. he'd show me around his gardens, pointing out specific plants and flowers he liked or thought i would like. the day ends with dinner and reading together in bed. i'd show him the pictures in my books, fascinated. (wwii books, i like them a lot, very interesting)
tuesday would come, and every morning is almost the same. waking up together, showering (depends on what mood we're in, together or alone), dressing, and leaving each other once again to preform our duties in the abbey. occasionally, i'd help him with his paints, but i don't often because i joke i don't trust myself with that kind of job. i simply cannot focus enough for that. this time, i invite him to have lunch with me, and we talk about what we had done earlier in the day, and what we will do. depending on our moods, we might spend the night in bed together pleasing one another, or we might stay outside and look at the stars. he likes to watch the stars, and points out constellations in the sky for me to look at.
wednesday arrives, and the morning is a free one. we shower together, and i attempt to apply his paints but fail miserably and end up a heap of laughter on the floor. he fixes his paints, taps my nose, and then we have breakfast. he brews some of his own tea, and i happily join him in sitting outside and enjoy the morning sun. we spend most of the morning outside, and he watches as i fashion flower crowns out of the clovers in the grass. (with his permission, of course.) i place one on his head, and one on mine. he smiles, and admires the crown i had made for him. the day ends with a nice bath (together, obviously) and doing our own thing before bed. he might finish up some paperwork, and i might end up drawing. a good day.
thursday is here, and he is gone when i wake up. turns out, he was needed somewhere, and left me alone. (sad, i know) i continue on with the day, barely even seeing him. i end up coming back and jumping his bones, and the entire night is spent together, making up for the lost time from the day.
friday, finally, and he's stuck in bed with a bad back. courtesy of last night's events. i take the day off, reassure him that his garden will be fine, because i asked a trusted earth ghoul to care for the garden. i care for him the whole day, brewing him tea and massaging his back. i draw a bath for him, with epsom salts, and leave him be for a while. after he's back in bed, i give him some painkillers and kiss his forehead, telling him to get some sleep. i stay up for a while longer, before retreating to bed and falling asleep next to him.
on saturday, his back is better and he can get back outside again. this time, he goes without the paints. it's a saturday, he can relax. he takes his time out in the garden, and will happily accept my help once i'm out there with him. i had brought him some tea and scones, and we enjoyed the morning together. the afternoon was spent in near silence, just existing together. the occasional turn of a page or the flutter of the curtains in the wind disrupted the silence, but it was well welcomed. we were happy together. the day ends curled around each other in bed, whispering words of affection until we drift off to sleep.
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umichenginabroad · 3 months
[week 2] Dobrý den to Copenhagen
Dobrý den everyone! 
Welcome back to this week’s blog where I’ll be giving y’all a play by play of week 2 in Prague and my weekend trip to Copenhagen! Starting off the week, it was fairly relaxed where I just had my two classes from Monday to Wednesday and was mainly focusing on them while planning out more of my weekend trips for the next seven weeks. Both classes are very interesting and a bit fast paced, but have so far been extremely manageable. 
For my Cross Cultural Management course, we had a field visit to the headquarters of Radio Free Europe (RFERL). For those who aren’t familiar with this organization (like I was before the tour), they are a non-profit which provides unbiased news and information to areas in Central Europe to Asia where certain aspects of free press and media are not allowed. On this visit, we toured the headquarters which houses journalists from over 27 countries and learned a bit more about how the organization operates, their values, and fundamental beliefs. The building is backed by the United States government and involves a very thorough security process to even enter the building as most of these journalists are targets from spies of disgruntled countries. While I was in Paris a few weeks ago, I visited UNESCO where it had significantly less security which opened my eyes to the serious risk that these journalists are placing themselves in for the betterment of global free press. (p.s photos are forbidden in most of the complex so these were the only places I was allowed to document)
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Moving into Thursday morning, we had our first trip outside of Prague and we were heading to Copenhagen, Denmark! We were able to find extremely cheap flights for about 40 euros round trip (gotta love googleflights) and decided to stay in a hostel in the heart of the city. On Thursday night we had an amazing sunset and went to visit the famous colorful houses of Nyhavn and had an amazing time relaxing and taking many photos. 
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Friday and Saturday were our big exploration days, so we woke up super early and started visiting all that Copenhagen has to offer. Here’s some of the stops we made along the way:
Amalienborg Castle 
The Little Mermaid Statue
Frederik’s Church 
Strøget Street 
Rosenborg Castle
The Round Tower
Christiansborg Palace
Copenhagen Opera House 
It was definitely a ton of walking but we were able to see most of the city over the weekend which was amazing! My only complaint with Copenhagen was the fact that everything was so so expensive. On our second night, we went to a highly recommended Danish restaurant where I paid ~$60 for moules frites and wine. However, the food was absolutely fantastic so no regrets about that one, but my bank account wasn’t too happy. 
Going into Saturday night, we had the brilliant idea of booking a 6 am flight on Sunday and staying out all night before the airport. We stored our backpacks in our hostel’s lockers and had a very long night exploring the Danish nightlife before we started heading to the airport at around 4 am. By this point, me and my 8 friends on this trip were very very sleep deprived and were doing our best to keep some energy as we arrived at the airport. The flight back was very smooth and after arriving at our apartment at 9 am Sunday morning, we all slept until about 5 pm lol. I finally have recovered my sleep schedule a bit as I am writing this, so we are doing fantastic. 
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That about sums it up for this past week. I will be leaving for Rome this coming Thursday, so be sure to check out next week’s blog! Thank you so much for reading and I’ll see y’all next week!
Matt Sinanis :)
Aerospace Engineering
Engineering in Prague 
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fenimores-book-nook · 10 months
~ day 8 of self care writing ~
November 26th, 2023, Sunday
Good late afternoon! (for me) It's 4:24 pm, and I am finally having time AND motivation to sit down and write a self care writing. I kept meaning to write one at the end of last week but I guess I just wasn't feeling it. But that's alright! I think that as long as I do these frequently enough, it's okay if I miss a few days. It's about taking care of myself, right? ;)
So, on with a few details about the last few days: On Thursday--yes, on Thanksgiving day--I finally finished decorating my room for Christmas!
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Featuring my adorable Christmas tree and my favorite trilogy on display; Delirium, Pandemonium, and Requiem, by Lauren Oliver. <3
And yesterday was the first snow for the cold, end of the year months! It was gorgeous.
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I spent a good amount of time playing out in the snow with my family and reading! :)
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I mainly read this one, the book I mentioned that I got at another small, indie bookstore! I was very feeling the Christmas romcom mood, today included. And of course, my mug that I found at a thrift store for only a dollar. Gotta love good thrift store finds. ;)
Now, today, I was planning on trying out the church choir at the church I go to but 1) The roads were bad and I didn't feel comfortable driving and 2) The choir ended up being canceled for today anyways! So today has been a nice, relaxing/lazy day. :) I was able to sleep in and stay in bed and finish the 14th Baby-Sitters Club book while also reading a chapter of Iron Flame and then going back to A Merry Little Meet Cute. So, lots of reading today, I love it! (there's a very good chance that I'll be reading after I finish writing this)
I watched a Christmas movie: The Best Christmas Ever, with my parents, watched the Christmas episode of Amphibia, then I continued re-watching Mockingjay Part 2*, until we headed over to my relatives house to play some games. Now, we're just chillin' at home again.
*Ever since I read and watched The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, I've been thinking of nothing but The Hunger Games. (jk, but I think about it a lot) So, I bought the set of movies that's out on DVD and started re-watching them! I'm a little less than halfway through the last one and I just know that when I finish it I'm going to want to start them over again. BUT- I will be staying at my sisters' place later this week and we're planning on seeing Songbirds and Snakes together, so I'm very excited about that. ;)
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Onto the ~ self care writing ~
How am I ~ Lessons learned ~ How to make the best of tomorrow ~ Gratitude ~ Affirmations
I'm doing okay. There are some worries on my mind but I think things will end up being okay. I had much needed therapy on Friday so that definitely helped get some things off my mind.
I learned some important things at therapy that I'm currently working on! And that my social battery does not last as long as I thought it did. I knew that it could run out quickly sometimes but it seems like lately it's been burning out faster.
Plan to do a little more than having another lazy day before working for the rest of the week. Still relax, but maybe having something to do that'll make me "work" a bit but that is still fun, will set the rest of the week off in a good motion.
I'm grateful for the snow we got! We haven't had this much snow in a very long time and it was so pretty to see again. I'm also very grateful for the Christmas romcom books because they are great comfort reads when I feel in the Christmas-romance mood. I'm also just grateful for today and the past couple days. They've shown me a lot of things I needed to know and also just gave me that good feel of being at peace and just enjoying a good book. :)
There is nothing that God will give me that I cannot handle! Some things may come my way that seem like I can't deal with and I break down, but He knows what He's doing with me! It'll all work out, I just need to put trust in My God and in myself. <3
Until the next one you lovely human,
Thalia <3
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greppelheks · 2 years
My very last day of work at my hell job is coming up on wednesday and then I'm officially done. A week and half/two weeks of vacation ahead and I have so many fun things planned
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moemoemammon · 3 years
may i request hcs for a poly mc?
Poly!MC with the Demon Brothers!
(GN!MC as always✌️)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
He will never get over the fact that he's got to share you with his annoying ass brothers. But as the most patient(?) of the seven, he's learned to compromise
And by 'compromise' I mean literally making a schedule for how much time everyone gets with you, to avoid unnecessary fights. They all get you for an entire day, on a respective day of the week in chronological order. (Lucifer on Sunday, Mammon Monday, etc)
Though... we all know he abuses the system by making excuses like "MC, I need you in my office for a moment. I'd like to discuss your grades." and "Come with me for a moment, MC. I'd like you to explain something to me."
Basically he fools everyone by making it sound like you're in trouble, when he literally just wants to hang out with you some more. Maybe he can convince you that all you really need is him..? Jk he respects your decision even if it eats him alive because why his brothers of all people-
"As much as I don't understand your choice, I've lived with those six long enough to know how to deal with them. That being said... I also know how to keep them at bay. We'll have plenty of time to ourselves, hm?"
The only brother that can see through Lucifer's ruse, but he can't say anything about it because... come on, it's Lucifer we're talking about.
But that's not stopping him from arguing about that dumb schedule! Why's he got to wait until MONDAY, which is a SCHOOL DAY, just to hang out with you?? Why does he have to go second when he was your FIRST???
Keeps trying to convince you to skip classes with him so you can sneak away and spend the day together. Nobody's got to know, okay?
The whole once-a-week thing teaches Mammon the importance of time management, so he's making the most of the time he's got when you're all his. He's taking you on all sorts of dates and there's no way he'll take no for an answer, got it??
"Oi! What did I tell ya about makin' those goo goo eyes at Levi, huh?! Only look at ME like that, understand? Just you wait, I'll take ya on a date so great, you'll only be able to think about THE Great Mammon! ....Huh? Y-yeah, I want ya to hold my hand."
Tuesday has officially become his favorite day, for reasons that have nothing to do with the upcoming Ruri-chan themed maid cafe event going on soon-
Tuesday's actually used to be his raid days, when he’d get online with his rpg buddies and do dungeon runs until dawn. But now? He's sacrificed all of that just so he can take the time to enjoy being with you
He may not know much about traditional dating, but don't underestimate the power of an otaku with centuries of dating sim knowledge under his belt-! He'll show you so much moe, your head will pop!!
Just be patient with him, okay? He's seriously trying to be romantic here, even if the thought of holding your hand is enough to make his palms sweaty. But he's not passing up an entire day filled with MC-! Not even his inferiority complex will get in his way!
"Eheheh... I've spent all night coming up with the perfect plan of action! First! We're going to have a TSL marathon of all your favorite episodes! Second! We'll speedrun that game you wanted to play, because I bought it! Third! We'll make a TSL-themed dinner to enjoy in my room! Then, we- ..Huh? What do you mean there won't be enough time? S-seriously?!"
Wednesday... well, that's right in the middle of the week, so it gives him plenty of time to carefully plan what he wants to do with you when it's his turn to have you. (He also does everything in his power to ruin Lucifer's dates oop-)
We all know Satan's gonna write a whole ass dating journal filled with all sorts of romantic ideas he wants to try out on you.
It's a literal date planner, and he's got things meticulously scheduled just to ensure he makes the most out of your day. You'll have to tell him that you prefer to go with the flow, or he might get a little overzealous-
But having a chance to settle down and realize that it's alright to relax once in a while is a relief. He can't help but feel annoyed when he sees you with the others, and it makes him want to cram even more of himself into your thoughts, so a breather is definitely needed.
"You know, I've been reading more books of the romance genre lately, and it's been giving me ideas for how to spend my time with you. I know you said I shouldn't take live advice from a novel, but... when I read the stories, I can't help but picture the two of us. Shall we read some of them together?"
Thursday?? Why couldn't he have a weekend??? Everyone knows there's nothing fun happening on a Thursday night... That being said, Asmo has to get creative!
He's no stranger to improvised romance, so this boy pulls out all the stops and always delivers?? Somehow???? He can plan the perfect date in under thirty minutes-
And the time away from you makes him realize that he actually has to consider the depth of those dates. He finds he's not satisfied with cheap, devilgrammable dates anymore. He wants substance!
So he's taken to staying home with you, carefully and quietly getting to know you, and sharing himself with you. He loves it best when the date leaves him craving more and thinking of nothing but your smile. He hopes you can say the same, too.
"...Aaand that's how you do a cross stitch! Levi taught me that one, and it's saved my life a dozen times! It was a great idea that we should make matching wallets, huh? I'm just FULL of ideas like that! Go ahead and praise me all you want~!❤️"
Madame Screams does a discount on their sweets every other Friday, when they rotate their stock. He couldn't be happier! Though, he’d be fine with any day of the week tbh-
That doesn't mean he doesn't value his time with you, though. It being close to the weekend means he gets to stay up late with you, the two of you sneaking into the kitchen at night to smuggle away a mountain of snacks
Or he'll take you out into the mountains for a picnic, hoping the view of the surrounding scenery and your face will curb his appetite.
He couldn't be happier to have you for an entire day. A whole day, where hunger is just an afterthought and all he cares about is making you laugh... It makes him happy. He's starting to love Fridays even more now.
"Are you sure you're not tired? We've been hiking for a while....Here, hop on my back. I don't mind it. It's nice when I get to be close to you like this....Hm? My face is red? I think it's the heat.. maybe."
Saturday, huh? Perfect. He preps for the weekend by sleeping as much as possible on Friday, so he can stay up all Saturday with you.
And when night falls? That's when his plan really comes into play. He spends the entire day doing the things you want to do, making sure you're thoroughly worn out so when it's time for bed, he has no problem coaxing you into bed with him.
And he's exhausted at that point so once he wraps his arms around you and falls asleep, there's no escape. The longer you're stuck there, the less time he spends glaring at Lucifer for stealing you on Monday.
But really.. the highlight of it all is the big, goofy grin on your face when he watches you indulge in the things you love. Even if it might not be his cup of tea, he's just happy that you're happy. And if he can keep you away from Lucifer, it's a win win.
"If you keep smiling like that, it'll make it even harder to give you away tomorrow. But you know.. we could just run away for a day or two. We could go camping somewhere, and stare up at the stars all night long. It'll be our secret."
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floralseokjin · 3 years
⤑ made-up love song epilogue (m).
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Your first encounter with Kim Seokjin doesn’t go so well, nor your second, or your third… and maybe that’s because it shouldn’t work on paper. You’re an elementary school teacher living with your best friend, and have never left the country despite hitting the third decade of your life not so long ago. He’s the dad of one of your students, nearly a decade older than you and divorced. Oh yes, and just another minor detail – he’s a multimillionaire.
Your lives are lightyears apart, yet somehow, your paths having now crossed, things just seem to fall into place…
pairing; kim seokjin x reader au/genre/warnings; strangers to lovers, single dad! seokjin, ceo! seokjin, elementary school teacher! oc, age gap (oc is 30, seokjin is 37), seokjin is a dilf, romance, fluff, a final resolution, smut; oral (male receiving), penetration, got a lot spicier than i initially imagined, oc was feeling herself words; 6,503
↪︎ chapter index
chapters; i • ii • iii  • iv • v • vi • vii • viii • ix • x • epilogue  (+ drabbles)
author’s note; fun fact, I’ve never actually written an epilogue before, but it felt fitting this time around, to tie up all the loose(ish) ends and satisfyingly bring it to a close – she says as if she isn’t writing drabble upon drabble (and more) lol but you get what I mean. I hope you enjoy! Thank you for reading ~ 
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“The rabbits!” Seokjin cried out of the blue, jumping to his feet. 
Immediately you found yourself slumped into the sofa, having been leaning against him, cuddled up all morning. You sat up, confused as you looked at him. “What?”
His eyes were wide with panic. “I need to feed them! Arin will kill me if she finds out.” 
“Relax,” you chuckled, taking a hand in yours to tug him back to you. He stepped between your legs but kept standing. “They won’t starve to death. When did you feed them last?”
“Last night,” he thought. “Just after I came home from work. Maybe 7.” 
You checked his watch, seeing it was just gone eleven. “They’ll be fine for another half hour.” You stood up, tugging his hand again, but this time to lead him to the kitchen. “Come on, let’s take the stuff for brunch to your place.” 
You’d stayed in bed for a while this morning, just happily holding and kissing one another, still buzzed and definitely still basking in that post-orgasm glow. When you’d finally managed to escape the warmth of your sheets, you’d showered together. Your bathroom was a lot smaller than his – obviously – and your shower bath was even tinier, but you made it work, until you didn’t, Seokjin nearly toppling out over the side while simultaneously nearly getting rolled up in the shower curtain. Of course that had given you the giggles, but you’d composed yourself, finishing up, getting dry and then getting dressed for the day. Luckily, Seokjin had some clothes at your place, so he didn’t have to recycle the ones he’d slept in last night. 
You were treating this day like a Sunday, making the most of being lazy on the sofa before you inevitably had to go and cook brunch up. 
He stopped in his tracks, making you turn back. “You sure?” He asked, pulling you to him, nuzzling his nose against your jaw as his arms wrapped around waist. “I wanted to stay here this weekend.” 
You couldn’t stop yourself from chuckling, linking your hands around his neck as he placed a kiss behind your ear. “It doesn’t matter where we are as long as we’re together.” 
He pulled back to see you, his plump lips already curved into a smile. “You speak such truth. I’m forever awestruck by you.” 
“Shut up,” you rolled your eyes, but that didn’t stop you from stealing a small kiss. 
Seokjin decided he wanted more, pressing kiss upon kiss to your lips with enjoyable hums. “I love you,” he declared causally after the last that lingered a little. Then he grinned. “How many time will I say that today before it gets annoying?” 
You smiled fondly at him. “You could never be annoying.” You got the last kiss. “I love you.” 
A lazy day was a lazy day regardless of the house. After Seokjin made sure the rabbits were happy, fed and had fresh water, you started brunch, eating it on the kitchen island as the rain continued, falling down against the tall windows. Any other day you would have found the weather depressing, but not today. Not when you were bursting with happiness and beautifully content. Besides, that just meant you had even more of a reason to do nothing, cuddled up on Seokjin’s large corner sofa as you picked up the series the both of you had started watching a couple of weeks ago. 
At around 5pm you started toying with the idea of going out for dinner somewhere, but then you hadn’t brought along the right clothes and by now it was raining heavier than it had all day. The idea of putting on makeup made you feel even lazier, so you decided on takeout in the evening and a movie instead. 
As Seokjin was arranging the containers and plates around the coffee table, ready to dig in, movie ready to go, you slipped out a question. There’d been something on your mind all day, nothing major of course, but still, you didn’t quite know how to bring it up. 
“What time is Arin coming home tomorrow?” 
“I’m unsure,” he replied, briefly looking over at you before he opened up the black bean noodles. “I need to text Nana.” 
You nodded, opening you mouth to ask a follow up question, but hesitating last minute. He looked at you again, sensing your caution and raised a concerned eyebrow. You hated seeing him worried, so you rushed ahead. “Do you want me to go home beforehand?”
“No, of course not,” he exclaimed, before he furrowed his brow. “Unless you want to of course… If you feel uncomfortable.” 
“I don’t,” you were quick to reassure. You wanted to be there actually, if he was okay with it. “I was thinking her and I should clear the air.” 
You could see Seokjin deep in thought for a brief second before he nodded, sitting back against the sofa to take your hand. “It won’t be like last time. I promise.” 
Seokjin had already told you some of what he and Nana had spoken about Thursday evening, so you knew not to be worried about any potential conflict, but still, you didn’t want to blindside her. “We should probably check with her first though, right?” 
“Okay,” he agreed. Giving you a smile, he squeezed your thigh. “I’ll call her after the movie.” 
“Should I turn off the lamp?” 
You nodded in reply, watching Seokjin lean over his side of the bed to flick the only form of light you had off. When he rolled onto his back, you immediately pounced, hooking a leg over his hip to settle yourself on top of him, your stomachs flush. It may have nearing 12am, but sleep was not the thing on your mind. 
“Oh, hello,” he responded, happily surprised as his hands found your hips, nudging you closer. 
“Hello,” you smiled, wasting no time with meeting your mouths. 
You were a woman on a mission, knowing exactly what you wanted. Today had been lovely, and yes, you’d already had sex today, but when had that ever stopped you before? You were happy and in love and just couldn’t keep your hands (and lips) off of your boyfriend. On top of that, you were just in a great mood, full of positivity. Nana was fine with meeting tomorrow and that meant you could all clear the air and move forward. You’d finally get to see Arin again too, you’d missed her.
Things were perfect, if you did say so yourself, everything heading in the right direction, and right now you wanted to celebrate that. With Seokjin. In the best kind of way. 
“I would have kept the light on if I knew we’d be kissing,” Seokjin murmured wetly against your lips, his tongue missing yours by a second as you started to trail your way down his chin, throat and then his chest, kissing over his pyjama shirt. 
He felt you start to undo the buttons, his cock beginning to rouse expectantly which was highly amusing for you. As you exposed more and more of his chest your lips followed suit, kissing down his stomach, past his belly button to stop just above his pyjama pants, the tiny hairs that littered the skin tickling. You pulled the shirt open, working your way up again, Seokjin helpfully keeping your hair out of your eyes as he tried to hungrily watch you at work, the light of the moon shining through the gaps in the drapes casting enough light to be able to make you out. 
He let out a shaky moan when you flicked the tip of your tongue against his right nipple, laughing at himself afterwards. 
Back at his mouth, you didn’t stay too long before you sat up, straddling him. 
“Where are you going?” He wailed, annoyed you didn’t want his kisses. 
But it wasn’t that you didn’t want them, more like you wanted something else… 
You moved downwards, covers collecting at the end of the bed as you slotted in between his eagerly opening legs, his hips bucking when you cupped his now fully erect (and trapped) member. You began to run your hand up and down it, a grin on your face as you looked up. “You’re so easy.” 
Eyes having adjusted, you saw his grin was a little more bashful, eyes half lidded as he admired the view before him. “Only for you.” 
Ever the flatterer, you had him inside the warmth of your mouth in no time. You weren’t shy by any means, especially now what with all the times you and Seokjin had been intimate, but there was something about being surrounded in near darkness that gave you a fresh surge of confidence. In the glow of the moon, you could make out Seokjin’s parted lips, his eyes piercing the ceiling, giving you a glorious view of his thick neck, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down slowly as his breathing got shallower, just enjoying the moment. He looked handsome as hell – mixed with that pyjama shirt pushed sinfully open, his toned chest and stomach on full display. For you. 
Taking him deeper, you reached for him, running your hands up his stomach, feeling the firm ridges of muscle. He let out a deep moan, looking down to take your hands in his, eyes heavy with desire as he clasped them tight. You eased up a little, smiling around his cock before you started sucking the tip, caressing your tongue over him time and time again. 
He lifted his hips up, eager for more and you wrestled one of your hands free from his to clasp it around the base of his dick, feeling how wet it was from your saliva as you slowly started jerking him off, placing small, wet kisses against his slit. 
With the hand still on his torso, he slipped his fingers between yours, head relaxing back, eyes shut once he felt you softly begin to massage his balls, coating them in the spit that had dripped down onto them. You took him deeper again, picking up speed as you bobbed your head up and down. The sensation just about exploded his mind. 
“Jesus, fuck, baby,” he gasped, free hand running through his hair and tugging at the roots. “If you keep that up I’ll cum.” 
You found it cute how bad his voice trembled, pulling off to smirk. “And is that a bad thing?” 
“Nope, it’s not bad,” he agreed, a little more himself now that you’d spared him for a few seconds. “I just thought we could do some other stuff too.” 
“Some other stuff?” you laughed, lifting on your knees to crawl closer to him. You continued to massage his balls, feeling them tighten. “Like what?” 
He took a shaky breath, rolling his hips into your touch. “Like…” He paused to groan. Now you were jerking him again, your thumb rolling small circles against his slit. “Sex.” He tried again. “I want to have sex with you.” 
“You do?” 
“I always want to have sex with you.” 
And impatient now, his hands gripped your waist, tugging you to him. You squealed, fingers slipping from his cock to land on his chest, the movement sudden enough to make you think you were falling. He kissed you hastily, a soft growl in his throat as his palm grazed over your ass, fingertips playing with the frill detail of your shorts. 
“I’d be inside you 24/7 if it was possible.” 
“God, I want it to be possible so bad.” You practically lamented, his mouth on your neck now, licking strips up and down the sensitive skin. 
He made another noise, cock twitching against your thigh. You felt impatient yourself now, hands finding the collars of his shirt to push it over his shoulders, needing to strip him. He lifted his back of the bed, letting you shimmy the item off before his hands grabbed at your vest, lifting it up over your head in no time. Your mouths met in a rush, his hands palming your breasts, making you moan out, nipples sensitive as he pinched them between his thumb and forefinger. 
You went to move, wanting to get rid of his pants but he stopped you, fingers wrapping around your ribs. 
“W-wait, wait, wait, wait,” he babbled, pulling you closer. “Let me taste them.” To explain further, he caressed a finger down your left breast, making you shudder. “Mine,” he whispered possessively and then you found yourself hovering over his face, his hands cupping the soft, sensitive flesh as he kissed and sucked them in turn. 
You could feel yourself growing wetter and wetter, shorts uncomfortable as he swirled his tongue around and around your nipple, nipping it gently as he pulled away. “I love your body,” he breathed – hard. “I love you.” 
“Mhmm,” you moaned deeply, watching him suck on the other boob now. Your fingers dug into the pillow, arms trembling with pleasure. “I love you, too.” 
He made a noise of approval, finally letting you break free so you could get his pants down over his hips. His erection was so hard by now it almost stood poker straight, veins angrily visible even in the faint lighting. Pyjama pants below his knees, he eagerly kicked them off the rest of the way, watching as you peeled off your shorts. Both naked, he moaned as you straddled him, sliding up and down his cock teasingly, coating it in your arousal. 
“Honey, please,” he pleaded. His voice shook. “Don’t tease. It’s not very nice.” 
“You tease me all the time.”
He groaned weakly, unable to think of a comeback. You sat straighter, chest wet and shiny in the moonlight, his doing, and you knew he could see it too, his dark eyes watching you silently – hungrily. He looked so good, you couldn’t wait any longer. Wrapping your hand around him, you ambitiously went for it, pushing down and taking him whole. It surprised you both, groaning together as you caught your breaths. 
Although, you didn’t give him much time to get used to the feeling of your warmth hugging him tight before you began to ride him hard and fast, bouncing up and down loudly before you stopped to swivel your hips. He could feel you everywhere, his eyes practically rolling back into his head as you continued your onslaught. 
“Y/N…” He murmured, voice weak as he watched you begin to bounce on top of him again, his hands travelling up your thighs to land on your waist. “Y/N,” he tried again, unable to piece together a sentence. “Shit, keep going like that…mmfph, yeah, just like that…” 
When you felt his fingers digging into your skin you wrapped your hands around his, pushing them away. “N-no touching,” you panted, feeling him lift his legs and fold them at the knee behind you, giving you something to lean back on. 
“Seriously,” he asked, sounding annoyed, yet dreadfully turned on. 
You smirked. “I want you to lay back and watch.” 
He matched the curve of your lips. ‘Oh, I can do that no problem, honey.” He stubbornly kept his voice steady, thrusting inside of you once before he stilled his hips completely. “Could watch you ride me all night.” 
On cue, he folded his arms behind his head, biceps bulging. The casual manner got you instantly hot, bouncing along his cock a couple more times before you leaned forward, changing the angle and in turn hopefully sending him crazy. You moved back and forth, griding all over him, your arousal soaking into his pubic hair. You were wetter than usual tonight, turning yourself on as you rode him, hearing the soft squelching where your bodies met, the pressure on your clit eliciting moan after moan. 
You stared him straight in the eyes, noticing the way his jaw was clenched tight, a muscle twitching in his left cheek, but he continued to persevere, stubborn to the bone. 
That was until he felt your breasts graze against him. His hips jerked up, moaning as he was unable to stop rolling into you, and you let him, let him fuck up into you, moaning softly. 
He grunted. “Someone’s getting tired.” 
You shook your head with a whine. You could be stubborn too. Sitting up, you attempted to bounce again but his hips were working too fast by now, his fists grabbing the pillow below his head to gain some momentum. You cried out as he thrust harder, Seokjin’s own noises of pleasure gasping out of him as if he’d been holding his breath. 
“S-seokjin,” you panted, shakily holding onto his thighs. 
He wasn’t relenting. If anything he fucked you harder. “Honey, just give up,” he said matter-of-factly, yet his voice was strained, veins in his neck visible. 
Confidently he brought his hands to your hips, knowing you wouldn’t stop him now, too far gone. You let your eyes flutter closed, concentrating on how good his cock felt inside you. The beautifully crude sound of him pounding into you. 
“Yeah?” He breathed. “Let me make you feel good now. It’s your turn…” 
You nodded, moaning brokenly, and in the blink of an eye you found yourself on your back, Seokjin situated between your spread legs, finding home once again inside the warmth of your body.
You grasped his shoulders, making more noise as he rolled his hips into you, and hooked your legs around his waist, wanting him as deep as possible 
“Uh-uh-uh,” he grinned, taking your hands off him. “No touching.” 
You started complaining but then he pushed your hands above your head, holding your wrists tight with one hand. “Nghnn. Seokjin,” you moaned, feeling him start to fuck you with his entire weight. His back looked delectable and all you wanted to do was rake your fingernails down it but you couldn’t. 
Although, being pinned down by him wasn’t such a terrible thing. 
After a couple of minutes he pressed the elbow of the arm that had you imprisoned into the mattress, careful not to squash you as he brought the other hand between your legs, beginning to roll your swollen clit between his fingertips. Gasping, your legs fell back to the bed, circling your hips in time with his motions, wanting to cum now that he’d put the idea into your head. 
He chuckled at your eagerness causing you to whine. “Why d-don’t you put those lips to good use?”
“Like this, baby?” He smirked, leaning his face in closer, mouth millimetres from yours, and you just about lunged, kissing him desperately. 
He matched that urgency, at some point unable to keep your wrists in place and as soon as he let you go, you had your arms wrapped around him longingly. A groan tore from his throat, thrusts more determined as he continued to rub your clit, and you could feel your back begin to arch, toes curling into the sheets. 
He could obviously feel you squeezing around him too, ripping himself away from your mouth with a moan of your name. “Y/N. Fuck.” 
That’s all it took for you to crumble, face contorting with pleasure as you stared up at him, pulsing around him uncontrollably. 
“You’re so pretty when you cum,” he cooed, removing his hand from between your legs as he pressed soft kisses to your mouth, your orgasm continuing to wash over you in waves. “Am I pretty when I cum?” He joked, but you were too far gone to snort, let alone reply. 
He kept rolling into you, determined to keep your pleasure going for as long as possible, and you almost felt overwhelmed, back arching higher as you clung to him, a tear escaping out of one eye to run down the side of your face. He kissed it away, continuing to adore you, voice cracking, close himself now.  
“You’re my pretty woman. So pretty.” He murmured against your lips and you kissed him hard, the last of orgasm rocking through your body. Holy shit, that was a powerful one. You felt lightheaded but couldn’t get enough. 
“Fuck,” he gasped, feeling the effects as you squeezed and spasmed around him, and with one final thrust he stilled, beginning to spill inside of you. 
You cupped his face quickly, hands trembling and pushed his head up, wanting to admire his face. His plump lips were parted and shiny, beads of sweat collecting along his hairline, gaze unfocused, eyelids heavy with the weight of his pleasure. He looked positively sinful. 
You gave him a drunken smile, your own eyes barely open, and told him simply, “You’re pretty when you cum.” 
You awoke just as Seokjin was rolling over, a muscular arm reaching for you, pulling your body into his warmth. It was still raining, even harder this morning, but you didn’t care, not when you were so cosy and in love. You were still both entirely naked, which Seokjin took full advantage of, hand cupping a breast – nothing sexual in it though, more like a comfort thing. You smiled, eyes still closed and cuddled in deeper. 
“Where is he this morning?” 
There was a brief silence as he tried to work out what you were asking, but soon enough he realised and laughed, sound cracked and raspy with sleep. “He’s tuckered out after last night.” 
“Aw, diddums.” 
A Sunday morning without a boner? Blasphemy. His morning woods were part of the package, so honestly it was quite surprising to not feel him hard between your butt cheeks. 
Seokjin kissed the top of your head, making a sleepy sound, hugging you tighter to his body. “He just wants to stay in bed and cuddle this morning.” 
“That sounds perfect to me.” 
You honestly couldn’t think of anything better. 
Once you eventually dragged yourselves out of the warmth of Seokjin’s giant bed, the rest of the morning and early afternoon went by in the blink of an eye. You had just about enough time for a quick lunch before Arin was due back at 2pm, and even though you were ready to meet Nana this time, you still couldn’t stop yourself from feeling a little nervous. It was only natural, you knew that, so you didn’t dwell on it too much, but as you heard the intercom start to ring in the entryway, signalling her arrival, your worry must have been written all over your face. 
“Hey,” Seokjin said softly, calling you as you hovered by the doorway of the family room. When he saw he had your attention, he smiled warmly. “Everything’s fine.”
You gave him a reassuring smile of your own, watching him answer the call to Nana before he opened up the front door, waiting their arrival. 
Arin came in full steam ahead, her little backpack on her shoulders, her carry-on hopping behind as she attempted to ram it over the step to get inside. Nana was only just getting out of the car, you could see her slightly from where you still stood in the doorway of the family room. 
“Hello, Arin.” Seokjin greeted, amusement clear in his voice as he watched his daughter struggle. “Did you have a fun time?” 
She was too busy huffing and puffing to reply and that’s when he finally took pity on her. He reached out his arm, “Let me take your case.” 
“No!” She insisted. She was a determined little thing. “I can do–” 
She never got to finish off her sentence because as she looked forward she caught sight of you smiling at her. 
“Y/N!” She squealed, case (and dad) immediately forgotten as she ran towards you. You weren’t expecting the wave of emotion that hit you when she wrapped her arms around your middle, face in your stomach, but it was there, and it got you right in the gut. You hugged her back. “You’re here,” she beamed up happily. 
“I am,” you grinned, swallowing back your wavering voice. 
“I missed you. It’s been ages.” 
You could always count on kids to be straightforward with their words. She was going to make you cry if she carried on like this. “I missed you too.” 
“It’s only been a week, sweetie,” you heard Seokjin say. 
Arin turned to him quickly. “It’s still a long time.” Then back at you. “I thought you’d never visit again.” 
You felt your heart constrict, and unsure what to do you looked over at Seokjin, finding him equally as afflicted by his daughter’s confession. Teacher mode activated then. “No, no. I was just... busy with work, that’s all.” 
You winced inwardly at your stupid excuse, not wanting to lie to her, but unable to really tell her the truth, especially at a time like this. 
On cue, you heard Nana’s voice greeting you. “Hi, Y/N.” 
You looked over to see her stood just behind Seokjin, a small smile on her face. She seemed a little nervous herself, which selfishly relaxed you. 
“Nana,” you smiled back, “hi.” 
Seokjin cleared his throat, taking a few steps towards his daughter and you. One look at him told you he was feeling the jitters too. This was brand new territory after all – for all of you. 
“Arin, why don’t you take your backpack upstairs and I’ll tell you when mommy is going home so you can say goodbye?” 
“Okay,” she agreed simply, pulling away from you to bound upstairs before she stopped abruptly. She turned back to Seokjin and ran forward with her arms forward. “Sorry, daddy. I forgot to hug you.” 
He chuckled, bending down to kiss her head before he ruffled her hair. “That’s okay. Now, unpack your things. I’ll bring your case up later.” 
She nodded, giving her mom a wave before her attention returned to you. “Will you still be here when I get back?”
“Of course,” you nodded, ignoring the fresh tug at your heartstrings. 
“She really likes you,” Nana observed just as you lost sight of Arin going up the staircase. 
You shook your head, chuckling as you replied modestly, “I don’t know about that.” 
“She does,” she insisted, smiling afterwards. “It’s nice to see. I’m glad she’s happy with everything.” 
You nodded, unsure what to respond with, but Seokjin saved the day. “Do you want something to drink?” 
Nana shook her hand. “I’m okay, thanks. I won’t stay long. I don’t want to interrupt your afternoon.” 
Seokjin gestured her to enter the room, then moved back to take your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze as he brought you forward, wanting you to go next, putting the hand on the small of your back instead now. His touch calmed you. 
“Sit,” he prompted Nana warmly, and she perched herself on the edge of the teal love seat. 
“I like what you’ve done with the place by the way,” she said politely, looking around. 
“You and me both know I just threw some new throw cushions down,” he laughed, attempting to ease the atmosphere.  
Nana joined in just as you sat down on the far end of the sofa. Instead of taking the seat next to you, Seokjin perched himself on the armrest, loosely throwing his arm around the backrest, fingers grazing your shoulder. 
Nana’s attention fell to you, her expression now serious. “Y/N, I want to apologise to you.” She began. “I was out of order last weekend. I was angry but that’s no excuse.” 
“I appreciate it,” you replied, finding your bearings. “I understand it was a shock to find out about me.” 
“It was, but I still acted embarrassingly.” She looked down at the floor, ashamed of herself. “To think that’s your first impression of me.”
She had said some terrible things, yes. Not only to you, but Seokjin too, but, Seokjin had also said plenty of cruel things back. You weren’t one to hold a grudge, especially if she was showing genuine remorse, which you believed to be the case. 
“We can start anew if you like?” You offered with a small smile. 
She visibly relaxed. “I’d like that.” Then she hesitated before deciding to carry on. “I meant what I said, it seems like Arin really likes you. I trust my daughter’s intuition.” 
“She really does,” Seokjin agreed with a hum, rubbing your shoulder. 
“She’s been talking about you over the weekend – not that I’ve been prying of course,” Nana was quick to clarify. “You’re good with her.” She looked you straight in the eyes. “Thank you for accepting my child.” 
You weren’t used to having this much praise and attention thrown your way, you didn’t really know what to say, but that was alright, you didn’t think Nana was looking for an outright response. You understood how important this was for her. She needed to trust the woman that spent time with her daughter, just like Seokjin had grown to trust you. It was slightly more difficult for her considering she wouldn’t be spending a lot of time in your company, so all she really had to go off was Arin’s opinion on you. It meant a lot to know she had given you a chance. Last week you had been afraid that might not be the case. 
You smiled gratefully. “She’s really special.” 
“Yes, Y/N says she’s a talented storyteller,” Seokjin mentioned soon after, helping the conversation along as if he could sense that you felt awkward with all the attention cast on you. He knew you too well. 
“Oh really?” Nana looked delighted, eyes on you as she waited for more information. 
You nodded, complimenting Arin coming easy to you. “The stories she wrote while I was her teacher were amazing.” 
“I have the copies somewhere if you want to read them yourself,” Seokjin offered. 
“I’d love that,” she beamed. “Thank you, Seokjin.” 
“No problem. I’ll find them this week.” 
Nana’s gaze happened to fall to Seokjin’s hand still comfortably on your shoulder then, and her smile faltered. In its place appeared guilt. “Listen, I... I hope I didn’t come in between you both because of last weekend.” She turned to you. “I know mine and Jin’s relationship seems toxic and it was until a few days but I,” she paused to glance at Seokjin, “I really want to change that.” 
“You know I do too,” he agreed. 
“I don’t want to fight anymore, or have things tense between us. We both love Arin.” She caught your eyes. “We all love Arin, so that’s the most important thing.” 
You looked down at your lap but nodded in agreement. Arin’s happiness was what mattered the most. 
“It is,” Seokjin replied. 
Nana smiled, satisfied, and stood up. “Okay, I should get going.” You both followed her, starting to walk towards the doorway. 
“Um, I managed to get that Wednesday afternoon free,” she told Seokjin, “is it okay if I collect Arin from school and take her for something to eat?”
“Of course. I know this great pizza place she loves if you want the name.” 
“She already told me about it,” Nana chuckled. “I think she was dropping hints, but directions would be great. Thanks, Jin.” 
“No problem.” He stopped by the staircase, voice raising quite a lot to reach Arin in her bedroom. “Arin, your mom’s leaving. Come say bye, sweetie.” 
In no time at all she was galloping down the stairs. “Will I see you Wednesday?” She asked her mom eagerly. 
“You betcha! How does pizza sound?”
“Yay, thank you, mom!” She squealed, going in for a hug as Nana bent down.  
“I’ll see you in a couple of days, okay, darling. I love you.” 
“I love you more,” Arin murmured sweetly, kissing her mother’s cheek. 
Nana kissed her back, chuckling. “Not possible, but okay.” Then she stood up, nodding to you and Seokjin with a small smile. “Bye both. I’ll see you Wednesday?” 
“See you Wednesday,” Jin confirmed. 
You spent the afternoon playing board games together, Seokjin finding a bunch of his old collection in the attic and you had fun teaching Arin how to play, although she didn’t quite grasp the full idea of monopoly yet, wanting to buy everything in sight regardless of if she had enough money or not… It was funny to say the least, even more so when Seokjin was unable to refuse her, loaning her money from the bank time and time again. 
Where’s my special treatment, you’d teased quietly when Arin was distracted, secretly finding it adorable how much of a softie he was when it came to his daughter. 
“You know I’d buy you anything you want,” he’d replied with a grin, unable to stop himself from stealing a quick kiss. 
At around 6pm, you and Seokjin began preparing dinner for the three of you. Only you left him in charge for a little while when you followed after Arin who had gone to feed her rabbits, wanting time alone to talk with her. You hadn’t been able to stop feeling guilty about effectively lying to her earlier and after confiding in Seokjin about it while Arin was unpacking her suitcase, he’d suggested you speak to her about it. He agreed that honesty was the best policy from here on in (within reason, of course) and that she obviously understood something had been wrong last week else she wouldn’t have reacted the way she had when she’d seen you earlier this afternoon. 
She was only getting older and that meant as much transparency as possible when she was personally involved in something. She was at that age where these things would stick with her. Although hopefully nothing like last week would ever happen again. 
You stood by the doorway watching as she cooed and conversed with the Olive and Ariel at first, not wanting to interrupt. She was such a great little pet owner, making sure they were fed and watered enough, helping to clean their hutch, watching over them when they played outside. She adored them. 
After a few moments she noticed you. “Oh, Y/N,” she smiled, “is dinner ready?” 
You shook your head. “Not yet.” Stepping closer you joined her, watching the rabbits bound about. Seokjin had found the largest hutch imaginable. “Did you miss them?” 
“Yes, but daddy has been feeding them well.” 
You stifled a laugh, remembering Seokjin’s panic yesterday morning, but then crossed your arms, clearing your throat. “Hey, listen,” you began cautiously, feeling a little nervous. Arin looked up at you curiously. “Remember when I said I didn’t come over because I was busy with work?” 
She paused to think and then nodded. 
“I was lying actually, Arin.” 
Her eyebrows pinched together. “How come?”  
“Because… I didn’t want to worry you.” 
She took some time to process what you were saying before she shrugged matter-of-factly. “I was still pretty worried last week anyway.”
You smiled sadly. “I know, and I’m sorry about that. Your dad and I…” 
“Did you have an argument?” She was looking up at you curiously, finger playing with Olive and Ariel’s water bottle. 
“Something like that,” you nodded. “It was more of a disagreement.” 
“I thought so because daddy was sad all week.” 
Her honesty stabbed at your heart. 
“Were you sad too,” she asked. 
“But you’re happy now?”
You smiled at her. “Yes, everything is all fine now. Me and your dad are happy.” 
She looked happy herself at that piece of information, relaxing visibly, but then she asked a question that caught you off guard. “Do you know if daddy and my mom are happy too?” 
“I think so.” You replied as vaguely as you could, not wanting to overstep the mark. But it didn’t feel right. You tried again. “I think things will be different from now on, Arin.” 
“I hope so. I hate it when they argue.” She sounded sad, her gaze cast to the floor. 
“I know. No one likes watching their parents fight.” you sympathised. 
“What about you and my mom?” She asked suddenly, changing the subject a little. “Are you happy?” 
“Yes, I think so.” You smiled at her. “I like your mom. She’s very pretty just like you.” 
Arin beamed and then added, “You’re pretty too.” 
You wrapped an arm around her shoulders, giving her a squeeze. “Thank you.” 
“Don’t worry,” she almost whispered, “I won’t use that word again.” 
You were clueless for a moment, not understanding what she meant but then it hit you. She carried on. 
“Not until we all decide. Mommy said I might call you that one day if you want me to.” 
For the second time today you felt emotional, throat tight as you choked up suddenly. You composed yourself expertly though, taking a breath before you smiled and replied. “That’s right. There’s no rush for when we all decide.”  
Arin nodded along happily and you took her hand. 
“Should we go and check on daddy now? See if dinner’s ready?”
“I think so.” She agreed, her eyes rolling slightly. “Last week he set off the alarms because he burned my chicken nuggets.” 
“Oh, gosh,” you said, soon spluttering out a laugh. Arin joined in. Seokjin had failed to tell you that (hilarious) piece of information. “Well then, let’s hurry.” 
Seokjin was searching the pantry for something when you arrived back at the kitchen. “Hey,” he said, shooting a warm smile your way. “How’s my two favourite ladies?”
You looked down at Arin, wanting her to reply and she beamed at her father. “Happy.” 
You nodded in agreement, catching Seokjin’s eyes as you shared a private moment, silently telling him everything was fine now. He shot you a playful wink then, closing the door. “That’s funny, because I’m happy too.” 
You moved closer to him, collecting the messy ties of the apron he insisted on wearing whenever he was in the kitchen to retie them properly. “We were just checking in to see if the chef was burning dinner again…” 
With a surprised huff, he turned to his daughter, eyes wide. “Kim Arin did you tell tales on me?”
Arin erupted into a fit of giggles, you and Seokjin joining in immediately. “Maybe…” 
“It was an accident. Happens to the best of us,” he tried to defend. 
“Sure, sure.” 
Arin was greatly amused by your flippant response, but soon grew sympathetic towards her dad, stroking his elbow. “It’s okay, dad, I forgive you.” 
“That’s very kind of you,” he laughed. 
“Should I set the table?” 
“And that’s very sweet of you,” he added, eyes shooting wide. “Thank you.” 
You helped her get all the cutlery she needed and watched her leave for the dining room determinedly. But your attention soon got stolen away, pulled into Seokjin’s warmth as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You hooked yours around his middle. 
“Okay?” He murmured, checking in as he placed a kiss on your forehead. 
You looked up at him, a smile on your face and gave his waist a squeeze. 
“Okay.” You confirmed. 
Everything was more than okay, actually. 
Everything was perfect. 
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Written 2020 - 2021. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
543 notes · View notes
“Saturday night [January 14, 1950]
In the morning, cleaning; in the evening, reading and the rest of the time, line work. This is my life. In the soul, a void towards you that sometimes appears to me as an impossible dream, sometimes living in me as my own flesh. In the heart of pain, joy and infinite gratitude. As for the rest, I don't dare to tell you about it, but I am in a very sad state. I desire you, my love, from morning till night. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've never been like this before and I'm even a little ashamed of it. It seems that one gets used to chastity...
Deja la lujuria un mes Elle te dejará tres.*
I am waiting. But I'm afraid that this habit only occurs in general cases. One can, indeed, forget love. But forgetting your love, forgetting you, your body, your high shoulders, your hard legs, your belly, your arms, your fresh skin, your darling face, your lips, your hands, your beautiful hands... do you really think I can forget all that for three months? Oh! Pray to your unknown god that it will be so.
It's so difficult! Oh, yes. Everything is difficult and everything costs me. Every minute brings me a new effort and I'd like to relax a little. But when I think that at the end of these long weeks you will come back to me, when I imagine you near me again, when I realize that you exist for me, that you are there waiting for me, that you breathe not too far from me, when, at last, I receive your letters, oh, my beautiful love, at such times nothing else in the world could give me such happiness, and I thank life for keeping me so beautifully. I love you, I embrace you strongly, everywhere, with all my love, all my tenderness, all my desire too.
Write. Tell me all your heart. Tell me your life and especially your work. I talked to you at length about myself tonight. Tell me about yourself. I thirst for you. Don't walk away from me. Tell me everything, even if you have to hurt me a little. No one in the world will love anything you do as much as I do. Tell me about the you I love, the one who's a little shivery. Let yourself go. Don't force yourself on me, just because you don't want to worry or help me. When you strip in front of me, I finally understand why I was born. I love you.
Sunday night [January 15, 1950]
I love you. I'm hot. My bed is huge. There's too much room for me alone. I talk to you all the time throughout my days. Do you hear me? What are you doing? Where are you? What are you thinking about? I hate Sundays because I'm so sure I don't get a letter from you in the morning. Darling, write to me. I may have to telephone you.
Replacement for Serge. I've heard of three boys who could do it well, I hear. Roland Alexandre, Jean-Claude Michel and another one whose name escapes me, but who, without being the character, has - from what I've heard - a lot of talent. I don't know who they are. What do you want me to do? Answer quickly. Serge has asked that his successor be ready on February 15; but I know that he will play at least until the end of the month. Give me your instructions, dear master. I love you, my darling, my beautiful face, my eyes of light, I love you to death. I love you, my darling. Write. The days are long and hard. I need your letters to live. Go to sleep. Rest now. I'm watching over you and our love.
Monday morning [January 16, 1950]
A few words very quickly before noon. I have just received your letter of Thursday and that of Friday. Fight. That's what I should have done. But understand me. It wasn't just a general state of mind (Marcel's misfortune has nothing to do with it) nor any kind of masochism. It was the result of hours and hours of nostalgia and anguish. It is simply the impossibility that I sometimes have to believe in the happiness that life has kindly given me.
It is also about the thought of this wonderful country that surrounds you - I received your postcard - of the infinite richness that there is in you, of the sun, of this upheaval of light that I see in your room, of a loving neighborhood, of an absence that postpones facts and events, and finally of this superiority that you are always capable of and that is often teeming with great pity and generosity. I imagined myself in your place and wondered if I could hold out. In my situation, everything is easier; temptation doesn't live my life and I would really have to go looking for it in order to let myself go. You know what I mean?
Days go by and all the time your sorrows, your pains, your torments also come to torture me. I think I know well all your efforts and I thought that perhaps, at the peak of one of these great contractions of the soul, you would need to relax a little. So I imagined you afterwards... unhappy. And if, for a moment, I had been unhappy for myself, I felt then that my whole being was crying out to you to calm you down and soothe you. I love you and I don't want you to be unhappy. The only thing I ask you is to always speak to me as you do, with your heart.
Ah! My darling love. Is it possible that in some time you will be in front of me, against me! I feel dizzy when I think about it and all the fears of the world are gripping my heart. Forgive me. Catch me. But love me hard, hard. There isn't a little piece of me that isn't entirely yours. I'll answer the rest of your letter tonight. I love you. I am waiting for you patiently and impatiently at once. Take care of yourself. Get some rest. I love you. I believe in you. Forgive me for fearing life and its weariness. I love you and I kiss you so much.”
Maria Casarès to Albert Camus, Correspondance, January 14-15, 1950 [#131]
* Anonymous quotation: "Deja la lujuria un mes / Y te dejará ella tres", in essence: "one month of lust lost is worth three."
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leonstamatis · 2 years
hello blink my beloved how about top 5 2000s boyband songs? top 5 snacks? top 5 days of the week?
screams okay hi hen thank you for these questions let’s get to it
“just want you to know” by the backstreet boys. making a rule for myself that this is gonna be the only song by them. there are perhaps other more classic or popular songs but i’m pulling this one because it’s from 2005 so it’s a little later in their discography and therefore more Niche than the “everybodys” and “the calls” of their heyday.
i’m not and never have been an *nsync bitch but i can admit that they went off with “pop.” it was in the jimmy neutron animated movie for a reason and that reason is it fucks.
traditionally i don’t think savage garden counts as a boyband. like if we’re getting nitpicky about the definition they don’t count. but the music is stylistically the same, so i am including them here. you gotta listen to “truly madly deeply.” iirc cascada covered it so you know it’s a jam.
dream street is bad. i cannot express to you that they are not good. but they gave us jesse mccartney, so points for that, AND. they gave us the song “feel the rain,” which. as a child I would listen to and stare out the window very dramatically to pretend i was in a music video. now it’s just very funny. why are these twelve year olds so upset. who hurt them. honorary mention to their cover of “sugar rush,” as well, because it is similarly hilarious and very cute.
FUCK. THE JONAS BROTHERS. god okay they should be #4 objectively but I was listening to dream street yesterday so recency bias. okay. “pushin me away” by the jonas brothers. yes they have better songs. but this is the one my sisters and i have an interpretive dance to that we can still do, to this day. so like. loyalty.
snacks! in no particular order:
goldfish. love those bitches.
whipped feta and cucumber. takes some effort but it is the snack of all time right now.
since it’s summer time i am going to say cantaloupe. i can fuck up a melon once it hits 75 outside.
apples and peanut butter!!! my go-to if i’m not up to making dinner.
all-dressed chips. i can’t get them often because I will eat an entire bag in one sitting and the vinegar will fuck up my tastebuds but oh my god. yeah. best chip.
days of the week:
saturday. a day of relaxation and opportunity. no obligation. go outside, read a book, fuck around and find out.
friday. celebration of having survived another week. evening activities on occasion, and the freedom to imbibe beverages with impunity. top tier.
thursday. man idk good things happen on thursdays a lot of the time. you’ve climbed the hill you’ve conquered it and now it’s easy rolling. what’s not to like.
sunday. i have a complicated relationship with sunday and the sunday scaries but i am allowed to sleep in and that is nice about it. easy day full of freedom, until the afternoon and evening when you must prep for the week.
tuesday. you got through monday you’re more together with your shit but it’s not close enough to the weekend/far enough into the week that obligations are piling up OR that you’re tired and longing for relief. a sweet spot.
thank you hennnn ily!!!
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
The Cowboy - Part 7
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Summary: Leaving the city for a rural area called Blayne seemed simple enough. Your task was to convince the people to agree with selling their land for a resort redevelopment. But once there, you soon realise that your city ways are entirely different to theirs. Winning their trust was going to take some effort, and when you start to fall for a local cowboy, you wonder if you really needed Blayne more than the city life after all.
Pairing: Jung Jaehyun x female reader
Genre: cowboy au / drama / romance / if you squint there’s some enemies to lovers up in here.
Warnings: Jung Jaehyun is a cowboy, need I say more? (a bit of angst and drama, and it sometimes might feel like you’re reading a Nicolas Sparks book, so I’m told lol) -- her boss in this part brings up gender.
Word count: 2827
This series will be updated every Thursday and Friday.
Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
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You hadn’t meant to fall asleep. Perhaps it was because everything that transpired earlier had felt like a dream and closing your eyes made the most sense. You wondered if you had actually been reading one of those novels Natalia had packed for you to pass by a rainy afternoon and conjured up the delicious events that had occurred in your mind until you roused from your slumber.
No. You knew you had been within the strong arms of Jaehyun’s for some time. And after you both became still from the bountiful passion, the last thing you remembered was his lips softly pressing over one of your brows, and your eyes fluttered shut.
You were at peace.
As you became alert again, however, your bliss felt short-lived as panic rose in your chest.
Had Jaehyun spent his afternoon with you and then departed? It did make sense if he had. There was always a lot to do on the ranch and playing around with you all day long would no doubt put further strain on the daily chores.
But it was Sunday, and as Jaehyun stated yesterday, the weekends were for rest.
As you gathered yourself up, wrapping your robe around your body, you looked around your room. There was no sign of the man anywhere. Going into the bathroom next, you saw the pile of damp clothing was gone, including your own.
“Maybe I really did dream it all up,” you mumbled dejectedly, going down the stairs at a snail’s pace, each step descending you further into despair.
Just how much did you like Jung Jaehyun?
You knew part of the dejection came with your past. As a woman with a career, you had often struggled with relationships. You knew of successful people who managed both, but you weren’t so lucky. You invested too much time into your job or personal growth that having a partner felt somewhat of a burden. When you did attempt to make room in your schedule for someone, it never felt genuine enough. You were used to sleeping with corporate bachelors, finding the bed empty of their presence once you woke again. There was nothing that spurred you on to find true romance within the city.
Dream or not, you had hoped Jaehyun would be different.
Slumping into the kitchen, you stopped and blinked rapidly when several sounds and smells hit you at once. It felt foreign to stand there and watch the back of a man over your stovetop cooking something that made a sizzling sound. As you regained some coherency, you realised it was bacon and eggs and the man before you was the one that had travelled with you all the way to Nirvana more than once.
Jaehyun hadn’t gone anywhere.
Overwhelmed with relief and the swelling in your chest, you rushed forward and buried yourself into his back. Jaehyun relaxed into your embrace and chuckled. “Missed touching me that much, huh?”
“You didn’t go.”
“Of course not. That would be rude of me to just—hey. Are you crying?”
You tightened your grip around his waist so he couldn’t turn to confirm his suspicions. Sniffling, you shook your head against him. “No.”
“Have I overstayed? I thought you might be hungry, is all. I figured whilst you rested, I should dry my clothes and then I wanted to make sure you ate something before I left. We’ve been rather physical today, both in and out of the house. You need to regain some energy.”
You pressed your lips into his clothed left shoulder blade and hummed in response. A smile crossed your lips with how relieved you felt. Your emotions, normally well in check, were now over the place and you were surprised with how giddy you were after foolishly crying over his back.
Blayne was surely changing the way you processed things. And Jaehyun was affecting your heart in ways you didn’t quite understand yet.
You didn’t want to try to figure it out either. If you started to apply logic to the situation, you might end up in a position that didn’t allow you to hold onto Jaehyun anymore.
You were too comfortable nestled into him like this.
“You know, I’m trying to cook here.”
“Am I bothering you from doing so?” you queried with a giggle, and Jaehyun moved quickly, a squeak coming from you as he grabbed you and pulled you in front of him. You reached for the spatula he had placed down in the bustle as he wrapped his arms around you. “Oh, so it’s now on me to cook, huh?”
“I wanted to experience what was making you feel so good right now,” Jaehyun murmured into you, peppering you in light kisses over your neck. “I can see why you didn’t want to let go.”
“Missed touching me already?” you teased and grinned when he chuckled softly near your ear.
“You made a bad choice in sleeping with this Cowboy, Y/N.”
“Oh yeah, how so?”
“I might want to keep doing it more often.”
You glanced over your shoulder as you nudged him playfully. “The food is ready. Let’s eat before we discuss where you’re going to bed tonight.”
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The new week started with a smile permanently embedded upon your lips. You had kissed Jaehyun goodbye earlier before the sun had risen, knowing he had to get home before the day of work began for him.
You managed to fall asleep for a little longer until your alarm went off, and you happily took a shower and got dressed. You had a Zoom call at ten with Pierce to discuss the planning process so far and took your time preparing for your drive to the township over for stable internet connection.
All whilst humming a happy tune to yourself.
You could tell you were still on a high from the connection made with Jaehyun yesterday. It wasn’t just because of the sex, though you had to admit, he was an exceptionally good lover. Last night, you hadn’t moaned his name around the walls when you climbed into bed with him, though. He had simply held you and told you some stories about his upbringing, and you had shared your own. You felt content. It was a first that you had met someone who wanted to know more about you than what was under your clothes.
It empowered you as you drove down the country roads, stopping when you saw a familiar horse cantering across a field towards you.
Jaehyun pulled Blaze to an easy halt and tipped his hat in greeting at you, and your insides did a somersault. You felt like a teenager experiencing your first crush as you leaned out the window beaming up at him.
“Hello, Cowboy.”
“It’s a good morning today, Miss City. Off to work?”
“I have a Zoom meeting with my boss,” you mentioned, and Jaehyun nodded. You glanced over at another horse in the distance rounding up the cattle. “Shouldn’t you be over there helping poor Avery?”
“Poor Avery? You’re more worried about my cousin than me?” Jaehyun asked as he leaned his forearm onto the horn of the saddle. “I’m wounded.”
“You’ll be fine. The man I spent a lot of time with yesterday seemed pretty strong and capable.”
Jaehyun grinned. “Did he now?”
Avery was now on his way over, and you straightened up in your seat, wiping the adorable smile off your lips. Jaehyun frowned at your sudden disposition and then glanced lazily over his shoulder. “Are we hiding this?”
“No. Yes. No… I mean, I don’t know. People might get the wrong idea.”
“And what idea will that be?”
You scrunched your face up as you answered. “That I’m willing to sleep my way around to get changes here.”
Jaehyun was silent for a moment and then burst into hearty laughter when Avery came to a stop. The newcomer looked between you both and then cocked his head to the side. “What joke did I just miss out on?”
“Miss City here just made my day,” Jaehyun managed to say, adjusting the hat over his head from how amused he had gotten. “I think I’m going to be laughing all day after that one.”
“It wasn’t meant to be funny!” you exclaimed and waved off Avery. “Ignore him. He’s not all with it.”
“He’s been in an exceptionally good mood all morning. Maybe you might know of why, Y/N?”
“Me?!” you asked in an octave higher and shook your head. “I uh-”
“You best get to work before you’re late for that meeting with your city people, Y/N,” Jaehyun reminded, and you gasped, nodding eagerly.
“Good luck!” Avery called, and both men tipped their hats and farewell and turned the horses around.
You watched on only for a moment longer before driving off again.
“What is the status between Jaehyun and me?”
Whilst you didn’t quite know how close you would get to the cowboy, you hoped that what you had experienced over the last twenty-four hours wasn’t the end of it.
With the way Jaehyun had looked at you before, you were certain it was only the beginning.
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“I see you’ve assimilated to being one of them,” your boss mentioned with a sly chuckle as he answered your Zoom call. You frowned, and he gestured to your outfit he could see through the video.
“Ah,” you breathed, glancing down at your sundress and then nodded. “I have plans to meet with Mrs Jung here after our meeting today. I didn’t wish to impose on her in office attire. They don’t wear anything quite like it out here.”
“Don’t come back to the office and think you can wear that here. You’re a little too relaxed by the looks of things. I hope you don’t see this as a paid holiday, Y/N.”
“I would never!” you pointed out and then cleared your throat, picking up your copy of your proposal you had printed out at the library just before. With a strained smile, you looked at your boss through the screen. “Shall we start with my recommendations?”
You had only gotten to page eight of your report when Pierce threw it down on the table and leaned back in his chair. “This won’t work.”
“It’s just my preliminary findings, Pierce. I’m still meeting with the people and finding out what they need for this to be pulled off.”
“I don’t care about housing. Where is the report I asked for about my resort land in the first place? We will not be focusing on any of this in our redevelopment, Y/N.”
“Pierce!” you exclaimed, shaking your head at your laptop’s screen. “We need to focus on the development of what’s here first before-”
“We’re not coming into the area to take on the complaints of the people in Blayne and serve their needs first, Y/N. We’re here to scout out the best place for a resort. That’s all. Besides, once we do that, there will be more jobs, and then the development of the county overall will make sense for those to undertake in the area.”
“They won’t agree to it,” you told your boss. “These people need to be offered hope first. They are very closed off to the concept of a resort. What Blayne needs is more housing to help bring in workers to the farms first.”
“When a resort comes into that area, do you think the farms will be at the forefront? Don’t worry about them. Worry about your job. You know, the one I sent you down there to do in the first place. I didn’t take you for being so soft, Y/N. I guess being a woman makes you more sympathetic to these people.”
You gaped at your boss. “That is sexism, Pierce. My gender has nothing to do with how I’m handling things here. Yes, it will mean a delay in building the resort, but I know my idea will lead to the end goal becoming achievable.”
“I don’t care how many people live there.” Pierce steepled his fingers together on top of his desk and leaned closer to his webcam. “They could all get driven out of there for all I care. The resort is what I want to hear about.”
You laughed incredulously. “They’ve been here for generations. They aren’t going to give up their land for any type of pressure you’re suggesting. It was you who told me that I needed to work into the people’s favour, don’t you remember? That’s what I have been doing!”
“Have you? Because all it seems that you can report to me about is a sad township that you want to build up and not about locating the most perfect place for a golf range.”
You clamped your eyes shut in attempts to compose yourself. “I’ve yet to reach page fourteen of the proposal in this meeting. I’ve already noted down where I think the resort and amenities can go once we get the support from the locals.”
Your boss was quiet for a moment, perusing the documents before him and a finger rose to his mouth as he took in the information. A smile grew on his lips. “The back property of the Jungs, you say? Your first mission is to secure that land. Get it to me in two months.”
“Two months?! Are you serious?”
“Deadly. Unless you’re softening to all that country charm they chime on about out there.”
“Blayne needs-”
“I need you to perform your job. Stop worrying about what the people want. Give them what they need. And that is a tourism destination that will bring them greater riches than the bare land and cows ever will.”
Part 8
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
Light My Fire - CH20 (FIN)
Pairing: CEO!Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: She always thought her boss was an ill-tempered man, but when he presents her with a proposition she can’t quite deny, she gets to know him better. It’s not bad, right? Because all she has to do is being fake married to him for six months, sounds do-able, right? Right.
Warnings: Angst but also teeth rotting fluff
WC: 4111
A/N: This is the end guys. I hope you had a blast reading it as much as I had fun writing.
Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
Beta’d by @deanwanddamons​​​​​​​​​​​ <3
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Y/N wakes up to the sound of her alarm. It takes her way too long to realize where she is. 
She opens her eyes and takes a look around. Her room kind of looks small compared to the room she called her own in Dean’s apartment.
Today is Monday, which means that she’s supposed to go to work and she kind of doesn't want to. She hasn’t heard from Dean. He didn’t text her, nor did he call. Maybe it’s over before it’s over. Maybe today, he’ll say that she can get out if she wants. He and Sam have the evidence and they can build up their case around it. There’s really no need for him to fake it with her anymore.
Yesterday she had to go out and buy clothes because all her stuff is still at Dean’s, and she didn’t want to go there. She spent the rest of the day in her bed, buried in her novels. It would have been relaxing if she hadn’t  thought about Dean so much.
She’s so nervous about meeting him again that she has had an awful night’s sleep. She’s nervous, when it should be easy. He’s her boss. She’s his employee. It should have always stayed like that, she realized. She should have never let them talk her into crossing the line. 
Her anxiety peaks as she takes the subway to the office. She feels nauseous. It doesn’t help knowing that her period is a little late too. She hopes that she’s not pregnant. She’s been taking her pills regularly. It shouldn’t be a problem and honestly, she doesn’t need to add it to her pile of worries. 
Arriving in the office, she sees that Ruby’s already there but it’s awfully quiet. She sits down and starts her computer. 
“Psssst,” Y/N hisses at Ruby who’s engrossed in a paper.
“Oh, hey! How was meeting with the parents?” Ruby grins.
“Sam didn’t tell you anything?” She frowns, wondering why Dean hasn’t updated Sam on what happened. On how she walked out of there and left him behind to hole herself up in her own apartment. 
Ruby shrugs, “No?”
“Ruby, I’m late.” She says, because she wants to get that off her chest first. 
Her friend raises her eyebrows and she sees that Ruby’s eyes travel to the clock, “I’d say your early, Dean’s not even in yet.” 
“No, I’m late!” She hisses, her eyes widen as she tries to get Ruby to understand. 
Ruby’s mouth forms an ‘O’, “Ooooh, shit.”
“Yeah,” She sighs. 
“How many days?”
“That’s nothing, right? Maybe it’s the stress? You’re under a lot of pressure.” 
Y/N knows that Ruby’s just trying to cheer her up, “Yeah, maybe.” She says and types in her password.
“Lets work, alright, we can think about it on our break. I can go get a test for you. Now, I want you to distract yourself with work or else you’ll go mad.”
“Yeah, okay,,” She tries to smile at her friend. The last thing she wants is for Ruby to be worried about her and Ruby’s not wrong. If she throws herself into work, it’ll definitely help distract her mind from all of the things that’s making it hard for her to breathe.
When her computer starts up her email box begins to fill itself. She sees that she has an unusually high amount of emails. Half of them are from Dean. Sent during their fake honeymoon. She wonders why, as they were practically together all the time? 
She opens up the first email.
Saturday, [00:24AM]: I’m sorry that I’ve upset you.
Saturday, [01:12AM]: Do you think I’m crazy when I tell you that I can’t fall asleep without you next to me?
Saturday, [05:21AM]: You’re the cutest crankiest person I ever laid eyes on.
Saturday, [08:31AM]: You fell asleep right after take off. I’ve taken a picture of you. Sorry not sorry. 
Saturday, [09:23AM]: You’re sleeping again. You really do need a lot of sleep, don’t you? Or maybe it’s because you’re too nervous of flying. I’m sorry I didn’t even ask if flying would be okay for you. I never took it into consideration that you might not like flying. The thought had never crossed my mind. I’m trying to help you through it, though.
Saturday, [11:42AM]: You’re cute when you’re all giddy about being here and I’m happy that you let me bring you here. Can’t wait until I can show you our room. I have a feeling that you’ll like it.
Saturday, [01:12PM]: You didn’t need to ask if you can take a dip in the sea but you still did. That’s what I like about you. You don’t take anything for granted. 
Saturday, [02:57PM]: For god’s sake, you fell asleep on the lounger. You’re going to get sunburned!
Saturday, [04:32PM]: You’re still distracting me. But I kind of like it. Maybe I’m a closet masochist.
Saturday, [09:22PM]: You know what I absolutely love? I fucking love how you taste, how you want me to fuck you harder. How wet you are for me. I love how you look when you’re laying on the bed, spit slick and pink all over.
Saturday, [11:46PM]: Jesus, you’re laying there, pink pussy in full view. You have no idea what you’re doing to me.
Tears start to pool in her eyes but there’s more. 
 Sunday, [11:21AM]: It was nice waking up to you beside me. I can get used to it. Would love for it to happen every morning.
Sunday, [03:42PM]: You really love snorkeling, don’t you? Don’t even want to get out of that water. You’ll be sunburned if you’re not careful, baby.
Sunday, [08:23PM]: You fell asleep before room service arrived. I had to take a picture. I don’t think you know how much you affect me.
 Monday, [03:12AM]: I woke up thinking you’re not here, but you are. 
Monday, [09:34AM]: You locked yourself in the bathroom because I woke you up. Definitely the crankiest person ever. Wonder why you think that I’m the grumpy one here.
Monday, [02:22PM]: I’m working inside and you’re distracting me again. Stretching yourself half naked on the lounger. It’s not really fair. 
Monday, [11:43PM]: Would you think I’m crazy when I tell you that I have fallen for you? Because I think I have. More so than I already had.
Yeah, those are definitely tears that streak down her face. She tries not to make it obvious to Ruby but she has her nose buried in the paper, so she should be good.
 Tuesday, [11:43AM]: You woke me up with a smile. I’m the happiest when I get to be inside you. I urged you to send a picture to Ruby. But in reality, I want her and Sam to see it too. Little do you know that I already have many pictures of you in my phone. By the way, I love how you get wetter when I talk dirty to you.
Tuesday, [12:01PM]: I think I might love you. 
Tuesday, [01:59PM]: Gearing up for my conference call but all I can think about is you in the pool.
Tuesday, [03:44PM]: I’m hearing your moans while you get massaged. This is torture.
Tuesday, [05:02PM]: I can’t stop myself from showering you with affection. I hope you don’t mind.
Tuesday, [07:23PM]: Waiting for you to come out of the bathroom. You take your sweet time but I don’t really care about it anyway. I’m sure you look stunning whatever you wear or put on your face. Prettiest thing if I ever did see one. I don’t know how I can make you understand that this is real. This is all me, and all of me wants all of you.
 Wednesday, [02:11AM]: You looked absolutely stunning tonight. I’m sorry that she pulled your brother into this. That was never my intention. I was never going to hurt you or your family and I’m doing my best to help you protect him. And I try my best to protect you, too. You know, you managed to calm me down. I don’t know how you did that, but you did. I remember hearing your faint voice in my rage. And when I turned around, it’s only you that I saw. I told you that you’ll be able to go back to your old life soon. That’s true. I don’t want you to think that you can’t. I’d just prefer if you’d stay, but that’s not on me to decide. 
Wednesday, [03:02AM]: Yeah, it’s definitely love.
Wednesday, [05:34AM]: I’m up because I’m partly nervous about meeting your brother.
Wednesday, [10:27AM]: You looked so peaceful in your sleep. I might have taken another picture. You asked if we can stay in bed a little longer and honestly, all I wanted in that moment was to cancel everyone and stay in bed with you.
Wednesday, [03:11PM]: On my way to go fishing with Jack. He’s a great guy. I like him a lot. He reminds me of you. 
Wednesday, [07:18PM]: We’re back. We talked things through. He’s very protective of you. We both are. He knows how I feel for you. That’s all I want him to know. I want him to work at the company, he’s more than qualified.
Wednesday, [11:18PM]: Currently waiting for you to wash your face and come to bed. I love seeing you happy. It literally makes my day. Some might call it love. I think I do too.
 Thursday, [02:24AM]: Can you tell why I’m always waking up in the middle of the night? Mostly it’s because I have to make sure that you’re still here. I meant it when I said that Jack could live with me. I hope that by that time you’ll still be living with me too. I’d love that, because I love you.
Thursday, [05:52AM]: I don’t know how I should feel about the new development. It means that what we have will be over soon, doesn’t it? What if I don’t want it to be over? Would you be game?
Thursday, [06:31AM]: I’ve made a decision. I want to keep you a little longer. Even if it’s only for two weeks. I know that I told you that you can go back into your old life. It’s because I’m a coward and can’t tell you the truth. If I had my way, I’d keep you forever but you make your own decisions.
Thursday, [10:34AM]: I lied about getting back and building a case. It’s only partly true. I want to take you to my parents, I want them to understand that there’s nothing fake about what we have. I want them to get off my case so I have one less thing to worry about. I’m sorry if that sounds selfish.
She has to pause to blow her nose. Ruby still doesn’t notice that she’s sobbing, because she’s on the phone now.
 Friday, [04:21AM]: You’re still here. Thank god.
Friday, [04:21AM]: I love you.
Friday, [02:11PM]: I watch you splash around with Jack and Ruby. I can get used to seeing your genuine smile more often. I want you to be happy. You deserve everything good in your life.
Friday, [06:44PM]: You’re getting ready in the bathroom. I’m sad we’re going home tomorrow. I want you. I want you so fucking bad. 
 Saturday, [03:03AM]: We’ve made love but I’m up and I want more. I want to stay inside of you. I want to show you how much I love you.
Saturday, [07:10AM]: The alarm has already gone off twice. I couldn’t bring myself to wake you up. I don’t even care if we’ll be late. It’s good like this. Waking up with you in my arms.
Saturday, [10:32AM]: You’re talking with Jack. I like that. I like to see you happy. Like to see him happy. It literally makes me happy seeing how you two treat each other. Jack knows that I only want the best for you. I hope he doesn’t tell you what we talked about, though. Because we would both have to kill you if one of us does.
 Sunday, [02:01AM]: That backfired, didn’t it? You left and I didn’t hold you back. Not because I don’t want to. It’s because I don’t want you to think that I haven’t given you any options. I don’t want you to think that you’re not allowed to walk away, even when we have a contract. I want you to know that you can get out any time you want. I don’t care about the Amara case anymore. All I care about is for you to be happy. 
Sunday, [04:33AM]: I can’t sleep. You’re not here.
Sunday, [10:28AM]: I don’t want you to think that me not calling you is because I don’t care. I do. But I want to give you the space you need, even if it kills me.
Sunday, [08:47PM]: It’s weird around here without you.
 Monday, [03:49AM]: I’m still awake because I don’t know if I should go into work. You probably don’t want to see me, so I’m taking the day off. Don’t worry about me. I’ll see you on Tuesday.
Monday, [03:51AM]: If you see your emails when you get to work, you’ll probably think that I’m crazy. It’s just… I’m not really good at expressing my feelings, and it’s especially hard when it comes to you. I get tongue tied and my heart does somersaults. I know that it’s unlike my work persona but that’s just how I am. That’s why I’m sending you emails, hoping that I can get you to understand how much you actually mean to me.
Monday, [04:00AM]: I wish you were here.
Monday, [04:01AM]: I love you.
 Y/N’s full on wailing and even Ruby notices it now, how can she not?
“Babe, are you okay?” Her friend stands up and walks over to her, sees her screen with all the opened emails and reads some of them, “Oh my god, the boss is such a fucking sap!” They both have to chuckle.
Y/N fishes her phone out of her purse and thumbs over a number, “Tell me what he told you, Jack. I need to know!”
Her brother sighs on the other side, “Fine, but don’t tell him I told you!”
“I won’t,”
“He made sure that I understood his feelings for you. That it was never a fake marriage to him. He was just too nervous to ask you out and when that thing with Amara happened, he saw it as an opportunity to do the right thing. He’s thinking about marrying you for real if you want that in your future. But I told him that he had to get my blessings first — which I gave him by the end of the finishing trip.”
“I’m sorry. He’s good, Y/N. You know how I’m always overprotective and I was with Dean, too. But his intentions are good. He told me how you met. He knows every little detail. He could even tell me what you wore that day. Dean knows more about you than you think he does. Hell, he knows more about you than I do!”
“Well, then he’s a stalker.” She scoffs.
“Y/N, you wouldn’t know what’s good if it hit you in your face.”
“Did you talk to Ruby?”
Jack laughs, “I don’t have to talk to Ruby to know that about you.”
“Okay, thanks, Jack.”
“Anytime, sis. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
She hangs up and stands up from her chair to look at her friend, “Ruby?”
“Yeah, I can manage here. Go get him!”
 Dean’s on the terrace, his hands on the railing. He’s already dressed in trousers and a button up shirt even though he has taken the day off. Old habits apparently die hard.
She slides the door open quietly.
“I was wondering if you’d show up,” He says and he turns around, rests his lower back against the railing. He’s not smiling.
Y/N walks closer, takes off her suit jacket and leaves it on the ground, feeling hot from running here. She already took off her shoes by the door. She’s sure that she’ll have blisters tomorrow. 
His eyes are on her as he watches her clutching the railing next to him. She’s looking out when he’s looking towards his penthouse.
“How could I not?” She says after a long while and she hears him exhale. 
“You’ve seen the emails.”
She nods, “I have,”
Dean turns around and moves behind her, places his hands on either side of hers and presses his body closer, caging her in. She feels him lowering his face, feels his lips on her throat. He kisses her and leaves them there. Her heart’s almost exploding.
“I don’t know how much you’ve heard before you left,” He’s talking about the dinner at his parents' place, she knows, “If you’d have stayed and listened longer, you would have heard me telling them that even though it’s fake, it feels fucking real to me. You would have heard me telling them that I wanted to ask you out properly and they would have to accept that I want you. That we were going to get an annulment and maybe one day I’ll get to pop the real question,”
“Would you want that?” 
He chuckles, “More than you know. I’d love for you to come back and spend the next two weeks here until this is all over. And after that, I’d love for you to stay. But also I’m not holding you back. If you want out, I’m gonna tell Sam to release you out of the contract.”
She turns in his grip and wraps her arms around his waist, places her cheek on his chest. Dean’s heart is beating as fast as hers.
After a while, she looks up at him, stands on her tip toes and kisses his cheek. 
“I hope that means that you’re coming back,” He smirks at her. 
“You want me to come back.”
“I’m lonely when you’re not here. I want you to move in, for good, if you want. Come on, tell me what it takes for me to get you to come back.”
She thinks about it. It would be too soon to move in with him and right into his room, no? She raises her eyebrows, “I still want my own room.” 
“It’s yours. You can have all the rooms you want.Maybe you want a room for your novels?” He’s laughing and she punches his chest.
Y/N gnaws on her bottom lip, “I want to take Fridays off occasionally because I want to see Jack more often,”
He purses his lips into a thin line and grins, “Granted,”
She looks at him, squints her eyes.
Dean chuckles, “Come on, what else? We’re negotiating. I like that,”
“Okay, when I say I want my space, you gotta give me that,”
“Of course,”
“No making fun of my books.” She’s pouting.
“I would never. At least not anymore.”
She looks at him to see him holding in a laugh.
“I don’t want you to treat me different to the other employees,”
Dean frowns, “You contradict yourself, because you basically just asked me for Fridays off.”
“That’s different,” She grins and he throws his head back to laugh, and she adds, “I don’t want you to wait for me every morning, because I don’t want to start as early as you do.”
“That, I can do. Try to be quiet so as not to wake up cranky — got it.” He winks, which earns him another punch to the chest.
“I might be pregnant,” She drops it like it’s fucking hot and Dean’s smile disappears. She goes on before he can utter a word, “And I know that you don’t want kids so I don’t even know what to think of it.”
Dean’s brow meets in the middle of his forehead, “Who said that I don’t want kids?”
“You? When you were telling it to Chuck and Naomi to excuse my outburst.”
He breathes out a weak smile, “That was just that, an excuse,” He kisses her forehead, “I would take full responsibility if you are. Maybe I’m hoping that you really are? Would it be bad?” 
“Well, yeah? I’m not ready yet.” She gestures wildly with her hands.
Dean pecks her lips, smiling before he digs around in his pants, goes down to his knees and she’s full on frowning.
“Do you wanna marry me, for real?” 
“No, Dean,” She says but she smiles, “I don’t want that. At least not yet.”
If Dean’s surprised by her saying no to him, he doesn’t let on. He stands up, takes her hand and slips the rings back onto her finger anyway because they’re still pretending for the next two weeks. His arms come around her and she hugs him in return, pressing the side of her face against his chest, listens to the staccato beat of his heart, “I won’t stop asking, though. You know I can be persistent.”
Oh yeah, she knows that. She buries her face into his shirt, breathes in his scent and mumbles, “Why do you want to marry me for real?” She has to ask. She’s too curious now.
“Because,” Dean holds her a little tighter, kisses the crown of her head, “You deserve good things and I wanna be one of them.”
She chuckles, “Jack told me what you talked about.”
“And he didn’t kill you?” Dean squints his eyes at her. He looks comical, it makes her smile, and then he adds, “That’s not what we agreed on, dammit, Jack!”
Dean’s laughing and she punches his chest, “Is it true that you know every detail of how we met?”
“Yeah,” He moves to kiss her forehead when she looks up, “When I told the reporters on our first social outing that I fell for you the moment you bumped into me, and I told you later that I fell for you when you smiled at me? That’s all true. It took me a week to go into that damn coffee shop, always backed out before I got to the door so many times. And then, when I finally found the courage and stepped in, you greeted me with a smile. However, the smile disappeared when you saw that it was me.”
She grins at the memories, “I was scared that you want me to pay for your ruined suit. I don’t have that kind of money,”
He chuckles, “That’s okay. I was going to ask you out then, but I chickened out. So instead, I offered you a job, thinking that if I’m too nervous to ask you out, maybe I can have you close and see you every day. Your smile is addictive. I thought that I was going to work on my courage in asking you out. Or maybe I thought that seeing you every day might put me off, maybe I thought that I’d see a side of you I don’t like, but that never happened. I liked every fucking thing about you. It had been a year and I still hadn’t asked you out.”
Dean lowers his forehead to her shoulders and her hand goes up to stroke his head.
“You’re so good with words, how come you couldn’t?”
“Because,” He looks up again, kisses her, “I had such a huge crush on you, and every time I was around you, I was angry at myself for not being able to ask you out.”
“‘S that's why you were so grumpy all the time?”
He lets out a huff of air, “Yeah,”
“You’re the worst,” She smiles.
“I know,” Dean says, “But I’m much more confident now,” He kisses her again. His lips feel familiar on her own, “What do you say. Reckon you can skip work for the day? I’m taking you on a date, I heard you like aquariums?”
Y/N really does. How does he even know?
Frowning, she looks at him, “I don’t know, my boss can be a dick sometimes. He probably won't give me the day off.”
Dean grins, licks his lips before they curve into a big and wide smile, he kisses her forehead, her nose, her lips, “Baby, I’d give you the world.”
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revisionaryhistory · 3 years
Three Days ~ 88
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After the video call with my friends, I went back to the couch with a fresh glass of wine. I am blessed. Family, friends, co-workers, and a woman who loves me. None of us are perfect. I have people to call when times are tough. Today they called me, knowing I’d be struggling, only this time it was in a good way. Not long later Jessica called and invited me to dinner.
Pizza, beer, friends, and a toddler made for a good night. Giulietta thought I was much more fun than mom or dad. I guess they don’t let her use them like a jungle gym. When mom spoiled our fun and said it was time to settle down, I stopped the tears by promising to read her a story. Her choice. Like someone else I know Giulietta was asleep before I was halfway through. At this rate I'll never know how anything ends.
I sent the picture Jessica had taken to Emma. She'd wake up to it and with any luck send me back something fun. Which she did as soon as she woke up. Which was afternoon for me. Dinner break before I checked my phone. Emma struck the perfect balance between sweet and sexy. Her hair was messy with just her eyes peeking over a pillow she was hugging. Those beautiful green eyes I loved to look into. I couldn't see her smile so I could imagine it anyway I liked. The sweet one she often got right before she told me she loved me. Or the other one she got when she wanted me. I loved them both.
Our texts were broken up over the course of the day. Short bursts or long hours between. We talked most days at least for a few minutes. We talked about our days, shared memories, and talked about us. Maybe had phone sex. What didn't happen was whining about being apart or bitching about the time and distance. I didn't hang up feeling angry or guilty. I did my job, hung out with friends, relaxed during my downtime, and did a little shopping. Emma relaxed, did some studying, and practiced guitar. I missed her. She missed me. But we went on with our lives apart, making the best of the situation. It sucked, except it didn't.
I think this is the way it's supposed to be.
Thursday we wrapped for Paris. That was worth a party. Over the next four days production would pack up and move to Rome. I'd spend a day and a half on planes going from Paris to Dallas to San Diego. Then back to Dallas and on to Rome. The time zones were going to fucking kill me.
I called Emma when I got back to my room. I was drunk and grumpy. Hearing her voice helped. Seeing her face was even better. The way she told me exactly what she wanted to do to me and said all sorts of dirty things until I came... I wasn't grumpy anymore.
I had a headache when my alarm rang. I needed more sleep. Hopefully, I'd catch up on the flight. I was still debating going back to sleep and blowing off the weekend when my phone rang. Emma. It was the middle of the night for her. "Why are you awake?"
She laughed, "Making sure your drunk ass doesn't turn off his alarm and blow off the weekend."
I rolled to my side, mirroring her. "I wouldn't do that. I was thinking about it, but I wouldn’t do it."
"Such a professional. How are you feeling?"
"I've been better. Advil, breakfast, and a long nap on the plane and I'll be fine. How are you?"
"Good. Big plans laying by the pool with Mallory today."
"Sounds fun. I will be on a plane."
"Yes, but you will walk out of the airport into sunny California. Then spend two days being adored and laughing with your friends."
"That will be fun." I was honestly looking forward to that part.
Emma yawned. I smiled at her beautiful face, "You need to go back to sleep. I need to get showered."
She didn't argue with me. She was tired.
"Thank you for making sure I was up. I love you."
"I love you." There was my sweet smile.
I cannot begin to explain how very disorientating it is to board a plane at nine am, travel for fifteen hours, to arrive at three pm, which is only six hours after you left. I get to relive eight of the hours I spent on the plane. Only thing is, my body thinks it’s midnight. I slept some on the flight and I knew better than to go back to sleep. The closer to "normal" bedtime for this time zone I could get, the better I would feel tomorrow. Anthony and I had press then an autograph session, before the big Marvel event. Sunday was photo ops and an autograph session. Both long days where I was expected to be pleasant despite how inappropriate or rude fans got. Needless to say, a decent night’s sleep would be best for everyone.
I got to my room by four and quickly realized I couldn't stay there. I needed fresh air. I needed to breathe. I changed into shorts and took off to have a look around. There were several hotels in the area that hosted celebrity guests. We weren't all in one place. I'd requested a beach. It was a little farther from the convention center and I was confident I could wander unseen. Most people stayed right around the center since a lot of packages kept prices lower and being so close to the action was appealing. I wanted the ocean.
Down the beach I could see big boulders and took off that direction. I needed some flip-flops. The sand made me think of Emma. The water. The people surfing. The impending sunset. Breathing. I'd like to say the plan I was cooking up was a product of sleep deprivation. It wasn't. It had been bouncing around in my head since this morning as we lay in bed together thousands of miles apart. I'd dismissed it as selfish. On the plane, when sleep was impossible, and I was panicking, it didn't seem so selfish. I shoved the idea away because I knew it really was. The same reasons I didn't ask Emma to stay in Paris or go to Rome were valid here. Asking her to fly literally to the other side of the country to spend two days with me, asking her to amuse herself while I worked a chunk of that time, was peak me as a selfish asshole. The longer I sat on the rock watching the ocean the less of a bad idea it seemed. Maybe not less of a bad idea, but an idea I could give her a choice in, with the difference being if she said no, I wouldn't be angry or make her pay for not doing what I wanted. Growth in action. Hopefully.
I should check flights before I even think about calling. Or actually call, because I'm already thinking about calling. Might not be possible.
It was. I flipped my phone in my hands several times before hitting the buttons to call her. Apparently, I hadn't grown completely out of being an ass.
"I'm about to be an asshole."
Emma raised her eyebrows, "Uh oh."
"Yeah." I was going to do it anyway. "Fifteen-hour flight with little sleep because the turbulence over the ocean was a nightmare. I'm grumpy, exhausted, and lonely as fuck. I'm on the beach without you. I miss you. I can get you on a flight in the morning and if you come straight to the venue you'll be here before I have to do anything. It’ll be two days. I have to leave for Rome Monday. I know it's a shitty thing to ask, but will you come see me? So I can see you."
"I'd love to."
I was prepared to step up my game and her easy acquiescence caught me off guard. "You will?"
She nodded with a smile, "I miss you too."
I took a deep breath and let it out, "I was prepared to beg."
Her smile was almost a laugh, "While you begging sounds fun, it's not necessary. Do I need to pack anything dressy?"
"Fuck, I hope not. I have a pair of jeans, shorts, and sweatpants." It's amazing how much better I felt. I ran my hands through my hair. "You're flying out of JFK. Sorry."
"You booked the flight already?"
"Not many seats left. I wasn't risking it. You leave at seven, here at ten. My first thing is noon." I could see her grabbing her carry-on from the closet.
"I'm going to spend the night at your place. Do you want me to bring you anything?"
I scrunched up my face, "Underwear."
"You don't have underwear?"
"The one's I'm in and a spare."
"You may not like what I pick out."
"Emma, baby, I will wear yours as long as you deliver them."
"I think that's a little drastic."
"It's really not."
Emma laughed and touched her screen. I could almost feel her. I could definitely imagine feeling her. She almost gasped and broke into a smile, "I have an idea. I need to call Jill real quick. Give me five maybe ten minutes."
I nodded, "Okay. I'm going to lay here on my rock."
My rock was not soft, but I was very comfortable. I was very happy. The sky was blue and the sound of the waves was calming. I only had to wait until tomorrow to see Emma. It was going to be a good day.
A little more than five minutes later Emma was calling me back. "You've made my little sister very happy."
"Excellent!” I smiled, "How'd I do that?"
"We need to change my flight. Monday I'm going to Seattle pick up Olivia and take her back to New York with me. Then we'll meet up with the family in Chicago."
"That's perfect. You're not just coming out here for me."
She picked up on it. "Yeah, because seeing you isn't enough of a reason. You know I miss you, right?"
"I know, but I'm..."
Emma cut me off, "Stop there. I jump on planes to spend weekends on tour with dad. This is fun for me. Dad's doing sound checks, interviews, and charity shit while I amuse myself. You're not an asshole. I love this."
"You love this?" I did not love jumping on planes at short notice.
She was nodding as I spoke, "I love this."
"And you'd tell me to fuck off if you didn't?"
"Maybe, but this is your lucky day."
"No, my luck day was exactly eight weeks ago."
We talked for another ten minutes or so until she was loaded and heading into the city. We've talked while she's driving many times, but I wanted her to pay attention. The sun was going down where she was and it would be dark before she got to my place. I headed back toward the hotel and ordered room service. By the time Emma texted she was at mine and I was deep in a documentary, struggling to stay awake.
Emma ~ Safe and sound in your bed.
Naturally, she sent a picture. Sheet barely covering her breasts and one arm stretched out above her head.
I sent back a picture of me in the same pose, but making sure to show the empty side of the bed. I drew a red ✗ there.
Sebastian ~ Where you will be in my bed tomorrow.
Emma ~ Equally safe and sound Sebastian ~ More. Emma ~ I'm going to sleep. I will see you in the morning. Sebastian- Can not fucking wait
 I was probably asleep before she was. By the time I woke up twelve hours later Emma was halfway here. I felt well-rested and excited for my day. Not just the Emma piece. Mackie and I always had fun together. I'd been sent the day’s itinerary. Noon was press, two thirty was an autograph session, and five was the big deal Marvel panel. We should be done by 6:30. Disney was having a party tonight. I had to make an appearance. It started at eight. That wasn't going to happen. Nine was more likely. I remembered it wouldn't matter because mice can't tell time.
At the venue I was led to a behind the scenes area. There was a large room, guarded by security, set with food and drink. Several smaller rooms encircled the larger area and some were labeled with company names. One of the largest was for Disney, with cloth wall dividers making several smaller rooms, where a stylist would be waiting to make sure Mackie and I looked presentable. Outside of the room was a loading area that was separated from the autograph booths by black curtains. I'd already ducked between them and gave fans nosing around my booth quite a surprise. Those were my favorite interactions. The ones without expectations. Security came over to make sure I hadn't been ambushed. I hadn't, but that was a perfect way to get away and I needed to talk to security anyway. I had them take me to the security office. Some lucky fans got a shot at a sighting of a Sebastian in the wild. I explained what was happening to the head of security and put Emma’s name on a list. They gave me a lanyard with her all-access pass and told me what door to direct her to. Security would meet her and bring her to me.
"About that." Call me paranoid, but I didn't trust they'd remember to have someone waiting for her. They'd call someone when she showed up and gave her name to the person with the list. "I need a Pearl Jam fan."
"Excuse me?"
"Someone on your staff is a Pearl Jam fan. Get them.”
He got on his radio, "Anyone out there a Pearl Jam fan?"
A voice came back, "Big Ed. He works all the shows up the coast."
I looked at my watch then back at the supervisor, "I need to borrow him for an hour."
His face read doubtful, but I was Disney. "Big Ed. I need you in the security office. Anyone see him? Send him."
A different voice, "On my way, boss."
Several minutes later Big Ed came through the door. I knew it was him because he was six-five and an easy two-fifty. He was his name. I held out my hand, "Hey, Big Ed. I'm Sebastian. Nice to meet you."
“You too."
"Walk me back to the guest area." We headed out and I waited until we were away from the office. "Do you know Ed's daughter?"
He smiled, "He has three. Which one?"
"The only one old enough for me to ask about."
"Emma. I've seen her at a couple of shows. I work security up the coast. Great way to see a bunch of shows."
I nodded, "I guess anything you miss at one you can catch at the next."
"Exactly." He pointed to his ear, "And you can always hear."
"Back to Emma. She's on her way here. I'd appreciate it if you would meet her and bring her to me."
"Is Ed coming?"
"No, he's," I stopped myself, "you ask her where he is."
He laughed, "I might take the long way back here."
"I haven't seen her in weeks. Not too long." Two is weeks. Barely.
Emma texted they'd landed. Big Ed changed where he wanted her to go and he headed in that direction. I sat down to wait for her to text she was here. I heard a familiar voice.
"Sebastian Stan? Is that really you?"
"Captain America?" I stood up and turned to the voice.
"Don't call me that. The pressure." Mackie hugged me, slapping my back much harder than necessary. "How jet-lagged are you?"
"Is that code for how much work are you going to have to do because I'm grouchy?"
"Maybe." We laughed.
"I had a good night’s sleep and I'm in a great mood."
"You seem twitchy. Why are you twitchy?"
"I'm not twitchy."
"Yes, you are. You're twitchy."
"If I'm twitchy it's because you're making me twitchy."
He pointed at me, "Ah ha! You admitted it. You're twitchy."
I rolled my eyes and scowled, "Emma's on her way. I might be a little twitchy."
"Here?" He pointed to the ground. With his eyebrows raised.
I smiled, "My girlfriend."
"Yeah, I got that. Plus, Evans told me."
"She’s not a secret." That felt good.
He asked and I answered. Talking about Emma is my second favorite thing having to do with Emma. First is being with Emma. In absolutely any way. My phone went off with Emma telling me she was here. I put my hand on Mackie’s arm. "Stay here. Right here."
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apathycarestostudy · 4 years
Academic Success Tips from My Parents
Out of all the things my parents enforced in my siblings and I, the most profound were educational and life success tips. Legit would get 100% regardless of the subject/ course/ workload. Here’s a bunch of them.
Before class:
Spend no more than a quarter of the journey to class chilling. 
Organize your study materials according to subject. Files and folders in the back, then textbooks, then notebooks. Stationery in appropriate places.
Always carry a folder full of blank sheets (plain, graphed, all the kinds!).
Fix your bag before you sleep. Hang your wristwatch on the strap so you don’t forget it when you go.
Clear your desk/study area as soon as you’re done - you’re not allowed to move out of that spot until you do.
If you have a study journal/ school diary/ study guide, read it everyday before class. 
Be the first one there, at least 15 minutes early (30 mins to an hour early is favourable).
If the teacher walks in, you better greet them with a smile, regardless if they’re crabby or not. Everyday.
You have the option to relax and do whatever before the teacher walks in. However, you have to preview the lesson before it starts. No exceptions.
Make ‘preview’ notes, which is basically little helpful tidbits about what’s to come, stuff you’re not sure about, questions and guides, how formulas connect - literally anything that’ll make the class go smoother for you.
During class:
You can talk to your friends before class, but as soon as it starts, not a word or glance in their direction.
Have all your materials either out if you have the space, or within reach. 
Listen carefully and take notes where appropriate (on printed ppts, on the corners and margins of the textbook, or an actual notebook), always, every class. There’s no such thing as ‘I didn’t take any notes today’ or ‘There wasn’t anything going on’. 
Always write the date and the day. Make an index as you go.
No highlighters during class. Underline textbooks with pencil only, and use pencils for sketches.
Whenever a teacher assigns work or extra readings or reference materials, write them down - always. Optional or not.
You better write down test/ quiz/ exam dates, even if they’re happening the next day and you’ll obviously remember. 
Speaking of exams, if the teacher mentions that word, write down everything they say, dialogue tags and all.
Answer as much questions as you can. It would be favourable if you answer twice per class or more, but it’s fine if you don’t. Your performance matters more.
Give people a chance to answer and ask questions.
Listen to what they’re saying and what response the teacher gives, even if you know it. Listening skills are important.
If an exercise is assigned during class, get on it like it’s an exam, and show the teacher your work (if possible) for corrections.  
If there’s a couple minutes before the class ends, but the teacher’s lesson finished for whatever reason (a final exercise is going on and you finished, they’re taking questions etc.) you keep to yourself if you’re not talking to the teacher. Read a book, do some work, anything productive.
You can help your friends and classmates now. Never say no, even if you’re not sure, say so and let them know you’re willing to struggle with them for a solution.
If you lend stationery, get it back before you bounce.
Arrange your materials backwards as you go through the day.
If you have another class right after, you better get over there immediately. It doesn’t matter if you’ve gotten more than enough time to mess around. Take your friends if you if you’d like.
During breaks:
Study, read, review, or preview. Something light for at least a quarter of the break this time.
If someone asks for help, help them (again). It’s good practice for you to see if you understand, and it’s good practice for when you go out into the world.
If you have nothing light you can do, you can do whatever. 
After class:
Start by finishing all your homework. It isn’t due this week? Doesn’t matter. Always do your homework as soon as it’s assigned.
Once you’re done with your homework, check your study journal/ school diary/ study guide again. Take note of what’s coming up.
stUDY NOW PLEASE. All the subjects / courses you’ll have tomorrow should be either a) memorized if you didn’t have more than an hour of homework time or b) read and reviewed and tried and tested if you did. 
You can use highlighters now. Make summary notes and formula master lists. 
Organize your stuff again. 
You’re caught up with everything and barely did an hour today? Time to bust out the optional readings then.
You have no extra stuff too? Time to go on the computer and get some resources yourself. 
If there’s a big project, plan every step with excessively precise details. Follow them. Don’t forget to add buffers in case you miss something.
You missed something? Plan all over again. 
Go to sleep by 7 if you’re in school and 10 if you’re in college. You haven’t finished studying? I’ll wake you up at 3/4 in the morning then.
Did I mention do your assignments the day they’re assigned to you?
No relaxing till the weekend. You wake up, go to classes, come back, shower, eat, then study until you go to bed. Oh, and lay out your clothes right down to the shoes and socks (accessories too) right before you do.
Sike. You only get one day off. 
(Legit tho, back in the day, my work week was from Sunday to Thursday, and my parents would allow Thursday night and half of Friday off. We had to get up at eight-thirty in the morning max and study until lunch with zero breaks. Lunch would usually be at 1:30 pm. You can forget about most of Saturday too. We’d study till lunch, then have to go back again until late afternoon (about 5:30 pm - 4:30 if we were lucky). And then of course, since we were starting back on Sunday, we’d be in bed by 7. People would wonder how in the world we’d be able to sleep at 7 with all that we had to do as students - now you know.)
Don’t get me started on exams lol. This may seem harsh, but without this type of discipline, I wouldn’t be doing as okay as I do now with the subpar standards I’ve seemed to developed in college. Well. I’ve got a bunch of other things I used to do (some still do), as these are only the ones I could remember on the top of my head. More coming soon maybe?
Hope this helps you!
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hellomynudebrain · 3 years
Minty Friday (Vxreader)
Hello nurses! This fic it's a colab with @lytholia check her art, and from a special event with @mysme-rbb
Enjoy it!!!
Another friday afternoon in the spring
The trees has colorful flowers, the weather is getting warmer and the city is crazy as ever; the only place to relax from that riot is the park. And there's you, who is running behind your 99 pounds bobtail dog, because why not, you decided to bought him a new collar which was more fragil than the last one and broke on the middle of the park. So yes, you're running behind him with the most unconfortable pair of shoes and almost out of breath.
"Rosco, stop!" You screamed for all over the park while the people dodge you and Rosco.
Rosco was running as a horse and making to the other dogs bark, making the children scream and some old people cursing you because you can keep him calm.
The race is getting tired, you can't keep with the pace of Rosco and the shoes are killing you. Suddenly, Rosco stop on a bench and jump on the person who is sitting on the bench.
You're so embarrased from the way Rosco is behaving what make you run faster and apologize to the person.
Once near the unknown person, you see Rosco licking the strager's face. You rush to him and taking Rosco off from him and face him.
"I'm really sorry. My dog is not agressive but I hope he didn't hurt you" Blushing for the bad moment you had, you avert your eyes from him a second, however you can see him briefly. A handsome man with fine features, pale skin, mint hair and mint eyes which where cover with a pair of sunglasses, make you fall in love of him at first sight.
" He didn't cause any problem. In fact, he made my day really interesting. I've never seen a dog so cheerful as him" He giggles and caress Rosco.
"Thank you for been comprehensive. I always try to be careful with him but...today...today wasn't the day...Is there a way to repay you for this?"
"Don't mind it. He made my day..." He sigh and get up from the bench. "Anyway, take care of him, it was nice to meet you" He turned his back to you and kneeled in front of a black bag.
You are disappointed, because you wanted to talk with a bit more, nevertheless you take Rosco and turn your back as well. However just a few steps, you hear something fall on the grass. You turn your back and see the mint hair man trying to pick up a camara aquipment from the grass, he looks frustrated and sad, you couldn’t take it and go back to where he is and kneel before him.
"Are you sure you don't need something as repayment for what Rosco did?" You ask while you help him to pick all the camara stuff.
"... No... Well.. .If you can help me with this.. I'll be really greatful..."
"Yes, I'll help you. Just let me tie Rosco. I don't want to more repays to do"
He smile at you and you feel how the love arrow stab in your heart.
You tie Rosco as you can to the bench with the broken collar and help the beautiful stranger to arm his camara equipment with a warm and pleasant silence, like him and you were a couple.
Once you finish, the time to leave comes. You don't want to go, but you don't want bother him, besides he looks like a professional, maybe your talk wouldn't help him to concentrate. You walk through the bench and untie Rosco who was sleeping until you get near. You are hesitating and making more difficult to undo the knot only to gain more time, time to spend just a more with him. Your clumsy way to keep you there was a success, because the mint hair man calls you back.
"... Umh.. If I don't bother you... May you stay a bit more to help me? Just in case I mess up again, of course."
Your eyes fill with sparks and cheerful smile where evidente on your face.
"Yes, of course!"
You sit on the bench and look him work, focusing his camara on the beautiful view of the park.
The silence is present, but again not in an awkard way, but in a confortable one.
The mesmerazing view of him, keep you quite and Rosco calm, however, he decide to talk.
"I apologize for asking you to help me..."
"No, I have to be the one asking for an apology"
"... Hahaha... This is an apology festival."
You giggle, but a doubt comes to your mind and without thinking you talk in a loud voice.
"But if you're a professional, why do want my help?"
"... I'm a photographer... But lately my sight is not how it was... And the last time I came here. I saw this beautiful view and some how I got the need to take a photo of it...before my eyesight can't let me continue"
"Oh god! Is there's a way to help you to revcover it?"
"... Yes, a friend offered me to get a surgery... However, this is a punishment sent by God since I couldn’t keep my promise with an special person..." He turned her back to you and for a moment.
Your heart broke a little when you heard what he said, and it broke a little more when his sunglasses go down and let you see his eyes, a lonsome minty eyes, full of regret, nostalgia and with no hope in life .
How such adorable creature has to suffer like this? Those were your thoughts.
"... I don't know what happened but you should forgive yourself for whatever you did...You have the right to redeem yourself as any other human being!"
He turn his back and face you with a bitter sweet smile, a smile between disconfort and happiness.
"I wonder if I deserve such a thing as reedem. A sinner like me doesn't deserve it, not after I became a beautiful being into a different one"
"But you do!" You screamed and continue after an awkard silence. "You do deserve it! I think it's the better way to pay for your sins If you did something terrible, try to mend things and do good deeds until the day you die. On the contrary, suffering all alone and pity yourself and that person won't change anything!"
He look at you with a surprise look, what makes you regret immediately all you said.
" I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to offend you... But... "
He begins to laugh.
" Hahahahahaha... I never thougth that I get to know someone as direct as my best friend... Don't mind it, this is a point of view I've never thougth before, thank you... I'll think about it..."
The rest of the afternoon was calm and you spent a talking with him more, but about stuff not relate with the first conversation.
After a while, you and him say good bye to each other, however, the fairy tale ended, because the silly you, never asked his phone or at least his name.
The next few days, you spent your afternoons to look for him in the park a pathetic intend to meet again with him.
Saturday, you waited on the same bench with the hope he'd come to the same place or find him walking on the road, but your waiting was in vain.
Sunday, you have a family meal and between the talk and the no ending questions of your family, you came too late at the park.
Monday, the weather was against you that day, since it was raining in the city, but that didn't matter to you. You took a cape coat and boots, you cover Rosco, put him a cape coat too, and went out directly to the park, running on the muddy floor, your flustered heart and a Rosco getting fun with the puddles, were hanging to the hope of finally find him, even in the heavy rain, but he wasn't there.
Tuesday, rushing out from your work. Running out of the bulding bumping with each person that walked near you, sweating and running to arrive to your aparment. You take off your heels, fixed your messy hair and make up because of the race you made and grabbing the dog leash and bring Rosco with you. You were sure to arrive at time and find him on the same place and the same hour, but you could only found a cute elders douple fedding some pigeons on the bench. Sad, you took Rosco and walked out of the park.
Wednesday. Your jerky boss, gave you so much work, so much of it, however that doesn't matter to you and with some help of some cups of cofee (six because you need the caffeine), the speed with you finished the work was you personal record, however you finished on time. You did the same you did on sunday, but with the help of the coffee you could swear you arrived faster, just in time to maybe meet him, but God was messing with you. An elder man who was walking in front of you, collapse and had a heart attack. You assited him and some people too. When the paramedics came, it was late, but you hope wasn't broken (you never learn, don't you?) . Runnin again to the same bench, you could only see an empty space.
Thursday. You are tired from work and from the hectic week you had. You feel so frustrated, at this point, look for him was a madness and the logic told you it was, but your lingering feelings fot the boy with sad eyes, the urge to see him, hug him and tell him that everything was fine was stronger, just the enough amount to make you run and look for him. But not today, because you logic won, and you're felling sad while hugging Rosco sitting on the floor of your livingroom. Just today, you logic won and your heart is broken.
Friday. You get up was usual, go to work, get mad on your jerky boss and finish your day as always. You feel discouraged, your hands feel heavy to open the door of you aparment, but somehow you do it. Open the door, throw away your shoes and bag on the entrance, walk in a zombie way, to finally throw youself on the bed. You closed your eyes and hold the tears, but Rosco is not reading the mood, and with a happy tail move and wiht his dog leash on her mouth, he scratchs your hand and lick you face. You only look at him.
"I'm only a chaperon and a food giver to you,Rosco? " He wags his tail and look to you as an answer (Yes, you are human. Now, let's go to the park)
With a really bad mood, you enter in the park. The world didn't change, but you feel like it did. The way you walk is reluctant, only to satisfy Rosco.
You are getting near the same bench you found him, but the hope of finding him is dead. A tear is about to get out from your eye, but Rosco again, won't let you get down, because a squirrel show off on the road, and Rosco loves to chase them.
Yes, you fly when Rosco begins to chase the squirrel, you are running againt your will tryin to stop Rosco but he's stronger. The squirrel run faster as Rosco do. You close your eyes, and from nowhere something stops Rosco from the race.
Your eyes begin to open slowly, only seeing a minty stain in front of you.
"I think we should stop to meet in these circunstances" The man you were lookin all the week is here, in front of you giggle anda playing with Rosco.
Your feelings are all over the overwhelming, the right amount to make you inner voice come out.
"I thought we won't never meet again..." Your mounth spoke while a the tear you were holding finally comes.
The mint hair guy panic and with a really concerned look gets near you.
"Are you ok? Did you get hurt? Where did you feel pain?" His gloomy side disappeard for a second which made you laugh. No matter if the feelings you have creep him, you want to be honest.
"No, I'm fine...I was just... happy to see you again after...I spent most of the week trying to find you, but my tries were in vain, I felt frustrated and sad...but now that you are here...I feel happy, because I like you..."
The silence after you confession is long and you don't dare to look him in the eyes, bu when you do it. You are shocked. The minty man was red as tomato and is covering his face with embarrassment .
He sigh and look you at your eyes.
"...You weren't the only one...After you left I felt funny and the feeling was a bother, because about you said and what made me feel....so....ehem...I decided to look for you and discover why I feel like that...but all the week I have bad luck."
You eyes get bigger with every word he said.
"Saturday, my friend invited me to drink some wine, but he drank more than I thought and when I arrived to the park, you weren't here. On sunday, my camara broke when I was trying to take a photo and I went to the tecnician but he delayed and when finally I could go out, it was really late and park was closed. On monday, I came before the rain got me soaked and got me sick for the last three days. I tried to go out but everytimea bodyguard of my friend got me in bed again."
You laugh again, because it was stupid how many times you wanted to meet but you couldn't. Suddenly, the sadness go away. Suddenly, both of you begin to feel bold and get near to each other. He put his hand on your cheek and caress it while clening your tears from hapiness and sadness.
You feel his breath getting close to you, you body react by itsefl and close the eyes. A little peck on your lips is where you want to focus. Your arms as if they have a mind on their own cross on his neck making the kiss a little bit passionate, and his body is not against it, because his hand pull you face closer to his. The time stops.
Both of you look at each other and with a enchanted gaze and blushed cheeks you manage to open your mouth.
"...What was you name?"
And he kiss you again.
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justjeonday · 4 years
Let Me Know | jeon jeongguk
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In which you and Jeongguk have broken up, but he can’t bring himself to move on. He keeps it all hidden beneath a forced smile, only crying when he’s alone, ridding himself of thoughts by practicing for hours on end, but a man can only take so much pain until it all becomes too much.
“Love blooms like cherry blossoms but burns and becomes ashes.”
- 𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖌; let me know - BTS
- 𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌; jeon jeongguk x reader
- 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙; 5,4K
- 𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌; PG-13 
- 𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊; angst, break up, idol AU
- 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘; self inflicted torture to numb the feeling of heartbreak?? (gguk intentionally makes himself gasp for air), exhaustion, very brief mention of not eating, mild depression, pining, gguk has a broken heart :( 
- 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘; wow...I had so much fun writing this, and it also made my heart ache. This is inspired by the lyrics of the song, and I definitely have a new appreciation for it after writing this fic - the lyrics are absolutely beautiful, as always when it comes to bts’ music. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! feedback is always appreciated <3
this is a part of the bulletproof bingo event created by @ficswithluv​! I’m very grateful for this opportunity, I think it’ll help me improve my writing a lot! thank you to all admins for your hard work!
and of course, a big thanks to Zoe for helping me finish this and beta-reading it! I don’t know what I’d do without you <333
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 Jeongguk awakes, eyes closing tightly at the sun hitting his face as he reaches an arm out to hug your waist and pull your warmth against him - but it falls with a thump on top of the mattress.
You're not there.
He opens his eyes to see your side unoccupied, the bed feeling cold and empty without you next to him. It hits him just as hard as the day before, and the day before that, and the day before that day.
You're not his anymore.
Jeongguk's heart breaks a little more as he reaches over to grab the pillow and hug it close against his chest, the smell of your shampoo still lingering, albeit faint, on the soft cotton. It reminds him of the mornings you spent together. The way you'd both lay in bed for an extra hour just holding and breathing each other in before lazily getting up to make breakfast. You love Sundays, and he has come to love them too. However, with you gone, they feel more dull than ever.
Tears sting in his eyes despite the warm feeling the memories with you bring, knowing he'll never experience that again - that you'll be nothing but a memory in his mind.
It still doesn't feel real. He has now spent two months in a cold bed, still sleeping on the left side of it and waking up expecting you to be right there next to him. Two months since the two of you were no more, two months since you broke his heart.
The moment feels blurry, like it had been a dream - a painful scenario created in his head.
Jeongguk presses the combination of numbers on your lock, expecting you to be laying on the couch reading just like you enjoy doing on Thursday nights like these while you wait for him to arrive. However, as he steps in, you're nowhere to be seen, and the TV isn't on like it usually is considering you don't like the silence when you're alone.
His eyes scan the apartment as he closes the door behind him, the clicking of the lock sounding through the space as it returns into its frame. After kicking his boots off and shrugging off his jacket, he walks further to look for you. His first thought is that you've already gone to bed, but it fades as he sees you on the balcony with your back facing him as you look out over the city.
The sight of you, his love, makes his heart flutter. He walks up to the glass door, sliding it open slowly not to startle you - but even that makes you jump slightly, causing you to turn quickly to find the source of unexpected noise.
"Hi," Jeongguk smiles.
You sigh. "Hey."
"You okay?"
"Uh..." you start, not really sure how to continue as you turn back to watch the city lights. "Yeah, I'm fine."
You're not fine.
Instantly he knows something's up, worry blooming in his chest as he walks up to stand next to you.
"What's wrong?" he asks, eyebrows furrowed. "Talk to me."
You breathe out, letting your head fall back as you try to keep it together. You'd been feeling like this all day, constantly finding yourself having to fight back the tears. You knew this moment was bound to happen sooner or later, but still, you dreaded it.
"We..." you stop, swallowing to keep your voice from breaking as you continue on. "We should take some time apart from each other." You say, eyes still not meeting his.
Jeongguk feels as if his heart stops, his breath getting caught in his throat. "Wh-What?" He stutters, searching for your gaze as you look down at your hands hanging over the railing.
The whole situation feels unexpected to him. He thought everything between you two was fine. Did he do something wrong? 
He feels panic arising, quickly replacing the worry that found home inside his ribcage.
"I need to find myself," you speak, now gaining the courage to look into his eyes. "And you need to find you, and figure out who you are."
His beautiful eyes. Big brown eyes with countless amounts of stars sparkling in them, those eyes you've gotten lost in over and over ever since the two of you met years ago. Those soft eyes, and the wrinkles that form around them when he smiles - nose scrunching in happiness.
Your heart aches as you look into them, feeling tears sting in your eyes. You didn't want to do this. The last thing you'd ever want to do is hurt Jeongguk. Your sweet Jeongguk, your bunny, your happiness and your warmth. Your everything.
This has been the hardest decision you've ever had to make, but you know it'll be better this way.
You can’t help but feel like the two of you rely on each other too much for happiness and well-being, whenever there's a problem or when something is weighing you down - you always search for a solution in the other. You're grateful to have him, someone you can go to and feel better - you really are. But you found yourself wandering off inside your mind one day while waiting for him to return from work, wondering what life would be like without Jeongguk. He's been your light ever since the two of you met, the morning that dawned after a night that seemed to be endless.
You realised right then and there that, without him, you'd be nothing - everything would be dull. And as your mind wandered even further, questions started popping up in your head.
Do you love yourself? Yes, because Jeongguk has taught you to. Are you happy? Yes you are, because you have Jeongguk.
Are you really happy with your life? Do you wanna stay like this forever?
With Jeongguk? Yes, you want to stay with him forever. With life? No, you want to be genuinely happy, and you want to be independent in that - and be able to say that you've found true happiness, because and for you, not anyone or anything else.
You'd asked Jeongguk that same day; are you happy? Do you love yourself?
"Yes, because of you."  He had replied, an unintentional reflection of your own answers.
His response should've made you happy, it should've made your heart flutter - but because of your concerns, you simply couldn't feel that way.
"What do you mean?" Jeongguk asks, voice weak as he hears his heart beat in his ears. "What's wrong?"
It pains you to do this. Like nothing else ever has.
"We're too dependent on each other," you explain. "We need to find happiness on our own, we need to learn how to love ourselves - on our own."
'On our own.'
At that moment, when those words left your mouth - that's when the ground beneath him shattered. That's when his world fell apart. When the stars shining above faded and the sun in his sky disappeared - leaving him lonely with a single grey cloud, and a world that became sombre.
What went wrong? What did he do that made you leave? Could he have done something to prevent it?
As Jeongguk recalls the moment, he feels a weight push down on his chest as he lays on his back, making his breathing heavy. Tears are now welling up in his eyes, running down the sides of his face and making his pillow wet. His hands come up to run over his face as he closes his eyes, biting down hard on his bottom lip to keep himself from sobbing too loudly. If he gives into the pain, he knows it'll be too hard to swim back up to the surface again - too difficult to put his mask back on and start the day off like nothing's wrong.
He’s been keeping it inside since it all happened, only crying and letting it get to him when no one's around. He doesn’t want to worry anyone, since he’s well aware they have their own burdens to deal with - not wanting to put any extra weight on anyone’s shoulders.
Jeongguk sucks in an erratic breath before getting out of bed, his body heavy as he walks over to throw yesterday’s clothes on before wiping his tears with the back of his hand and leaving his room as quietly as possible, wanting to avoid conversation with anybody. He manages to leave the dorm unnoticed, thankful the members are deep in sleep because of the late celebration that was held last night after their recent release of the new album. He wishes he could enjoy it, he really does - but without you everything feels meaningless, empty.
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Twenty minutes later, he arrives at the bighit building, bowing politely to everyone he passes on his way to the practice room despite the sorrow weighing him down - making it difficult to pick his head back up again.
He’s able to breathe out as he enters the studio, a quiet void surrounding him as he leans back against the door. He feels relaxed here, only thanks to the fact it's his escape - his way of numbing the pain, even if it's just temporary.
He's been coming here every day since the two of you broke up. Tour is slowly but surely approaching, and there are several new choreographies to learn. Jeongguk and the rest of the members had been practicing them for a few months now, and even though Jeongguk knows every single move like the back of his hand - he still comes here everyday to perfect and improve them. He wants everything to be perfect on stage, a single mistake making him doubt himself for the rest of the concert.
You know this very well, how hard he is on himself. You were the one who could make him feel better about himself, reassuring him that everything was fine even though he might've messed that one move up. What would he do now that you were gone?
However, practicing has gotten another purpose now, to simply act as a distraction for him - to get you out of his mind as he moved along with the beat. To get to that point where the oxygen burned in his throat, his chest falling up and down quickly as he tried to catch his breath while laying flat on the floor.
And that's exactly how he finds himself many hours later, shirt damp with sweat and sticking to his chest as he falls down onto the floor, his legs weak. He almost gasps for air as he looks up at the ceiling, loud music still playing through the speakers. Even though the room is completely empty, it almost feels crowded, like the air is pushing in on him, like it's suffocating him.
It feels terrible, but he finds himself relishing in the self-inflicted torture. It almost works as an antidote, ridding his mind of you - and during those few seconds, he feels free, and his body feels weightless.
But then it fades and small pieces of thoughts and memories slowly re-enter his mind as he catches his breath, the weight of sorrow gradually pushing down harder and harder over his ribcage once again.
Usually, after a tough session like this, he'd drive back to your place and spend the rest of the night with you - hours filled with cuddling and sweet kisses as the two of you find comfort in simply being close to each other. He misses it. It feels empty without you, and his days feel excruciatingly long.
Being close to you, admiring you - he won't get to do it anymore.
He wonders if you miss him too, if you're hurting too. Are you thinking of him right now? Are you longing to hold him, just like he’s longing to hold you? He saw the look on your face when you told him you wanted to break up, he saw that you too found it hurtful. But why would you do it if you didn't want to? He can't really grasp the reason why. Couldn't you find happiness together? Wasn't it enough? 
Wasn't he enough?
Jeongguk closes his eyes, trying to paint a picture of your face in front of him but the image in his mind is far from vivid. He can still remember everything, your beautiful eyes, your soft lips and how they felt against his own, your hand gestures you use so often as you speak, every single detail is still there, but the image is faint. He wants to reach out and run his thumb over your cheek bone, he wants to touch you - but he can't as you're slowly fading. It's torture, because even though your face might become more dim as the time without you increases, he's certain he'll always remember you and always compare you with everyone else. Compare the pink of your lips to others, compare how your eyes sparkle as you smile to others dull ones.
You'll always be it for him. You'll always have his heart.
The sound of the door opening brings Jeongguk back to the practice room despite the loud music already playing, his head turning to see Jimin walk in.
"Oh Jeongguk-ssi, I didn't know you were here!" Jimin says, smiling.
Jeongguk gets up from the floor, not really in the mood to chat or make small talk. He walks over and turns the music off, only now realising it’s dark out.
Jimin furrows his eyebrows in concern, slowly walking up behind Jeongguk. "Is everything alright?"
"I'm fine," Jeongguk replies, voice cold - more than he intends for it to be.
Jimin can tell something's up, and he's well aware that the two of you broke up - but for what reason, he has no idea. Jeongguk is usually really happy to see Jimin, always teasing and joking around with him - exclaiming 'Jimin-ssi' every time he enters the room. But ever since you two broke up, there's been this heavy energy around him pushing him down. He hasn't been eating as much as he usually does, and Jimin has never known someone who loves food as much as Jeongguk does -  so seeing it naturally causes him concern. Jimin notices it all, he notices the way Jeongguk tries to hide it, but that's just how he is, he doesn't wanna trouble anyone else with whatever feelings he might have.
It's not the best trait of his. Eventually, it'll all become too much for him to handle on his own. Jimin dreads that moment has come.
"Jeongguk-" Jimin starts, but he's quickly interrupted.
"I'm fine!" Jeongguk says, his voice loud this time as the words echo through the silent room. "I'm fine," he repeats, now quieter as if he's trying to convince himself.
But he can't. He's not fine, and he knows it. He can feel his body getting weaker by the second, wanting nothing but to fall down and lay on the floor again - but at the same time, he feels like dancing more, he wants to move until he feels that burn in his throat again. The burn that numbs the pain of being without you, the heaving of his chest that forces him to focus on breathing instead of the bitterness your absence brings.
"Jeongguk," Jimin tries again, conscientiously deciding to continue when there's no reply. "I know you're struggling, but keeping it all in won't make it any better."
Jeongguk only listens, still standing with his back facing the older.
"You should talk to someone about it, anyone - just get it all out."
"I can't," Jeongguk mumbles, feeling as if someone is squeezing his heart with all their might.
Thinking about it over and over is one thing, but having to talk about it out loud would ruin him - it'd hurt even more. He'd have to accept it. Accept that you're no longer with him, that he won't get to kiss and hold you close again.
"Gguk," Jimin says, placing his hands on Jeongguk's shoulders.
The name sounds foreign as Jimin says it.
Gguk. That's what you always called him, except for when you were annoyed at him - only then voicing his full name. The memory makes Jeongguk want to smile and break down all at the same time.
It's too quiet, he's too still - and he feels the pain slowly seep back into his heart. "I can't," he repeats, but in a whisper.
Jimin makes Jeongguk turn to face him, only now seeing his glossy, tired eyes. How his lips quiver and how his skin seems unusually pale.
There’s so much pain, too much for him to handle.
"It hurts, hyung," Jeongguk sobs as everything he's been keeping inside bursts, his head falling to land on Jimin's shoulder. "It hurts so bad."
Jimin embraces him, a bothersome feeling appearing in his stomach at the sight of Jeongguk this way. His dear Jeongguk, having his heart broken for the first time.
You were his first love. You changed his life, and Jeongguk thought he had reached the peak of fortune even before you came along, but it turned out he hadn't. You quickly became someone he valued, that someone he had dreamt of - that someone he could give all his love to. But you're not next to him anymore. You're not laying next to him in the morning to accept his lazy kisses. There's no one next to him running their fingers over his back, connecting his birthmarks with light touches of a finger - creating constellations over his skin.
He thought he'd have you forever. Trying to imagine his life without you, it just came up as nothingness in his head - blank and pointless.
Jeongguk doesn't want to admit to himself it's over. If he tries hard enough, he's sure he could pretend this was just another day, finishing up at work to go home to you and hold you in his arms. But that wouldn't be fair to you, and not to himself either. Deep down he knows it, he knows it's over - that the two of you are no more. But he feels as if he's stuck at the end of a finished sentence, just before the punctuation mark. He wants to jump over it, but he can't bring himself to take that leap, that leap to move on from you and what the two of you had.
He's heard many times, in books and movies the two of you have watched together, that first love is something you'll always remember. So surely, there's no hope for him. He won't be able to move on from you no matter how hard he may try to.
He's certain he'll never find a love like that again. He's certain he won't find someone like you, who could make him as happy as you did.
Jimin softly runs his hand over Jeongguk's hair, thinking of what words to say next that could make him feel better. But his thoughts are halted when Jeongguk slowly pulls away from him, his breath irregular as he grabs his phone on the desk behind him before he starts walking towards the door.
"Jeongguk, where are you going?" Jimin asks, worry evident in his voice.
"I need to see her."
Jimin instantly starts walking after him. "You shouldn't."
"I have to see her," Jeongguk says, now exiting the practice room.
"I really don't think it's a good idea, Jeongguk," Jimin warns, having to jog after him to keep up.
Jeongguk only keeps walking, hastily passing staff in the corridor - not bothering to bow or greet anyone this time.
"Jeongguk, stop. You're not thinking straight."
He turns as Jimin grabs hold of his bicep tightly, keeping him from getting further.
"Let go."
He doesn't, his hand only tightening as his fingers dig into the skin.
"What are you gonna do? Huh?" Jimin asks, voice stern as he looks into the younger's eyes. "It's over, Jeongguk. You can't just go over there and see her, you don't have the right to anymore. It'll only make everything worse for the both of you. Seeing her will only make things harder than what they already are."
Jimin's words only cut deeper into his wounds and even more tears start falling from his eyes, creating wet paths down his pale skin. He groans out loud as the pain takes over once again, hands coming up to tug at his hair as he shuts his eyes tightly - trying his best to cope with the seemingly endless suffering.
"I just need her to let me know," he chokes, eyes opening to meet Jimin's.
"Let you know what?"
"That it'll all be fine, that I'll be fine," Jeongguk sobs. "I need her to let me know it's over."
"It's already over Jeongguk, don't you know?" Jimin says, concerned as his eyebrows furrow.
"It's all so blurry in my head I can’t remember anything clearly," he says through erratic breaths. "I need her to tell me it's all over, so I can move on. It hurts too much, I can't stay like this - I need to find peace."
"I'm not sure if it's-"
"Hyung," Jeongguk interferes with a desperate look in his now red and puffy eyes, taking a firm hold of Jimin's shoulders. "Please, I can't take it anymore."
Jimin sighs, his head in conflict with his heart. But after a few seconds, his grip on Jeongguk's arm loosens hesitantly.
After a last glance at Jimin, Jeongguk turns to continue towards his car - hurrying off to see you.
For the last time.
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You're sitting at your kitchen table with your laptop in front of you, head resting in your palm as you try to come up with the right words for your essay. You've been sitting here since 10 PM, for almost an hour now, yet your document remains empty. It's almost funny how much it resembles your life at the moment.
He's gone.
Jeongguk. Jeongguk. Jeongguk.
It’s all you've been able to think about.
You push the thoughts of him to the back of your mind for probably the eleventh time these past thirty minutes. You let out a frustrated sigh, sitting up straight in your chair as you feel your back ache.
You would've opted for the couch, but that would only bring you more burden. His scent still lingers on the fabric, the memories of him in your arms planting light kisses over your face all too fresh in your mind for you to face.
Two months, and still, you couldn't sit on your own couch. Pathetic.
You're weak. 
You've done this to yourself. Everything about your relationship with Jeongguk was fine, but it felt wrong to rely on each other that much. You were raised to be independent, raised by your parents to be strong and stand up for yourself, to do what's right.
You longed to be with him again, to feel his skin under your fingertips - to feel his lips against yours and his hot breath against your skin as his face finds home in the crook of your neck as you hold each other close. But the timing wasn't right.
You want to be able to say you truly love yourself, that you're content with the person you are and that you're genuinely happy - without the influence of anyone or anything else.
Maybe fate will bring the two of you back together in the future, when all is right. You hope it will. Oh, how you hope it will.
You knew how big of a risk you took while making that decision, that it could ruin everything good you had together. But you felt it was the right thing to do, not only for your own sake, but for his as well. The both of you need to find yourselves, before you search for someone else. Perhaps Jeongguk even more than you, since he didn't have as much time as you for self-searching before you found each other, the reason being how early in his life he started to work.
Ten more minutes gone, and your document remains blank.
You need to stop thinking about it. You need to stop thinking about him.
You run your fingers through your hair before putting your focus on the display in front of you. A sudden inspiration hits you and you exhale in relief as your fingers start pressing the lettered keys.
But a sudden sequence of knocks against your front door interrupts you.
You close your eyes, pinching the bridge of your nose in annoyance.
The universe really doesn't want it to work out for you, does it?
You get up from your seat nonetheless, walking over and unlocking the door before pulling it open. The person standing in front of you almost makes you choke on air, taking a step back in surprise.
You simply stand in front of each other, the rest of the world fading as silence surrounds you. It's only the two of you now, eyes meeting for the first time ever since that night when you last saw each other.
You notice he's been crying, his eyes glossy and swollen. It makes your heart ache.
You caused this. This is all your fault. It’s your fault he’s hurting.
Your vision becomes blurry as tears collect in the corners of your eyes, threatening to fall. But you don't let them, blinking them away and swallowing the sobs back down.
"What are you doing here?" You ask, your voice weak even though you try your best to sound okay.
Who are you trying to fool? You're not okay.
You haven't been ever since that night on the balcony. It takes all of your willpower not to throw your arms around him, apologize and let him know it’ll all be okay.
Jeongguk's bottom lip starts quivering again at the sight of you. You’re right in front of him, but he can’t touch you - he can’t embrace you even though that’s all he wants in this world.
"I miss you," he utters with a broken voice.
You don't know what to respond with, but your mind wanders to a place where it shouldn't be - making unwanted words linger on the tip of your tongue.
I miss you too. Please come back.
You can't say that. It goes against everything that's happened.
Jeongguk turns as he hears the sound of keys rattling, knowing very well it's the building inspector that comes every eveing close to midnight to make sure it's peacefu. It's the sound you'd faintly hear outside the door when you had movie marathons, or when you just laid on your couch talking until the AM.
Jeongguk, to show respect and reassure that everything's fine, turns to bow to the man as he walks past - but as he does he's ridden of all strength, and it causes him to stumble forward and fall to his knees on the floor.
Out of habit to care and make sure he's okay, you gasp as you rush up to him and get down to sit on your knees in front of him - grabbing a hold of his shoulders to support him as his head hangs with exhaustion.
You’ve seen this before. This is how he gets when he overworks himself, when he neglects sleep or food because of work. It pains you to see him so weak he can’t even stand up.
All you want is for him to be okay, to be healthy and happy.
"Jeongguk," you say, voice laced with concern. "Hey, look at me."
His eyes flutter closed as you cup his face to hold his head up, and you feel him lean into your touch.
"What are you doing?" You ask, shaking lightly to get his attention.
He only lets out a weak groan in response, falling into your embrace and letting his forehead rest against your collarbone. You’re sitting in the middle of the hallway with a weak man in front of you, completely helpless with no one to call out to for help.
You look around to see that the inspector is long gone, probably in the elevator already on his way to inspect the last few floors.
"Jeongguk?" you say to gain his heed again, letting him lean on you still.
"Mm?" he mumbles, voice rough.
"Are you not taking care of yourself?" You ask, guilt and sorrow creating a knot in the pit of your stomach.
You hear him as he starts to sob, tears running down and dripping off his nose - falling onto the fabric of your shirt, causing it to become damp. "I miss you so much."
"I know Jeongguk, I know," you hush, fingers running through the hair at the nape of his neck.
“I love you so much it hurts, all I want is to be with you.” He cries. “Why did you let me go?”
Your heart squeezes tightly at his words, tears once again welling up in your eyes. You can’t help but let them fall this time, but you wipe them away quickly. You need to stay strong for him, and for yourself. If you let yourself fall down that hole, you won’t be able to trust yourself - th hurt could make you do something you regret.
You could take it all back and go back to the way you were before, but you know it's wrong. You can't play with his feelings like that. You need to stay true to your words and find yourself before giving your relationship with him another chance.
No matter how much it hurts to see him like this, and how much it hurts to be away from him - you need to stick with what you've said.
He gathers the strength to pick his head up and look at you, his face dangerously close to yours. Only a few centimeters and you could feel those pink, soft lips against yours again.
"Do you miss me, too?" He whispers, tears still running down the curves of his cheek.
You look away to avoid his gaze, his sad eyes, the stars in them faded - it hurts too much to see them that way. You find yourself caressing his cheekbone with the pad of your thumb, wiping the wet paths away. "Of course I miss you, Gguk. But we can't let it change anything, not right now."
"When you've found yourself, and when I've found me - when we've figured out who we are as people, who we are without each other. Maybe we can try again then, if fate is on our side."
"Really?" He sniffles, breathing now a bit more steady as he sits up straighter.
You look into his eyes again as you let your hands fall from his face.
"Only on one condition," you say.
He looks at you with tired, but hopeful eyes. "Anything."
"I want you to take care of yourself. I want you to eat and rest well, and please don’t overwork yourself. Be focused on yourself, and on your own goals - and I don't want any of it to be influenced by me. And if you find someone who makes your heart flutter-" you pause, noticing how he opens his mouth to oppose you.
He wants to tell you he won't find anyone else, that he'll wait for you until the both of you are ready. But you speak again before he gets the chance to.
Besides, he shouldn't. If that's what you want, then he'll accept it if he finds someone special.
But no one will compare to you.
"- then I want you to explore that and see what it could turn into - maybe they’ll be your soulmate.” You smile at him. “I want you to have fun with your friends and spend time with your family. If you can do that for me, maybe we'll start over and try again in the future when we know who we are."
Jeongguk feels the weight finally lift off his shoulders and how his heart starts beating more easily at your words. Still sitting on the floor outside your apartment, he looks at you - and it doesn't hurt as much.
He feels free.
Everything is going to be okay.
He’ll still miss you, still miss waking up to you, kissing you, hugging you - but he can live with that. You’ll always be in his heart, and he’ll always be in yours.
You have each other.
"Promise me?" He says, holding his pinky out.
You look down, unable to hold back the small smile spreading on your lips.
You hook your pinky with his, looking into his eyes once again - seeing a spark of hope shining in them.
"I promise."
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rohad93 · 4 years
Moonlit Masquerade: Sandcastles pt 2
i hate editing super long documents so this is gonna be in a few parts.
Amity isn't having the best week.
Sunday felt like it lasted forever, stuffed into an itchy, uncomfortable dress that her mother had picked for her to wear to her party where she had to spend several hours with a fake smile plastered on her face, till her cheeks hurt, playing her part along with the twins.
She's pressured into a few dances with the children of their parents' coworkers and it hits her that the same songs, that feel so short when she dances with Luz, can feel so agonizingly long with their clammy hands on hers and their much too stiff grip on her waist.
Songs aren’t nearly long enough when her girlfriend holds her and spins her around. It makes her feel light and she doesn't think she could possibly dance better then she does with Luz.
She feels slow and jerky dancing with the other children of her parents’ blueblood, society friends.
They smile in a way they think must be charming and dashing, but Amity knows better. Most of them are just as scheming and devious as their parents or just as uninterested in all of this as she is.
She was looking forward to Monday if for no other reason than to get out of her house and see Luz, which she did, just not as much as usual.
She had to go home straight after school to help Eda, which did happen sometimes.
She at least had Tuesday to look forward to, but the next day as she was arriving at school her scroll beeped with a message from Luz, saying she wasn’t going to be at school today, which yeah, was pretty disappointing. Tuesday had become her favorite day of the school week, even if her ability to take notes and pay attention to the teacher did slip quite noticeably on that particular day of the week.
Wednesday comes and Luz does come to school, with a bandage on her forehead, claiming she fell on the stairs, which is on par for her, but it’s quickly forgotten, along with Monday and Tuesday when she yanks Amity into a concealed corner to kiss her while their friends play watch.  
Lunch is normal enough, even though she tells her that she has to go straight home again after school, she at least got to see her today so she’ll make do.
On Thursday Luz arrives late, so they miss each other, and is then curiously absent from lunch, though she sends her a message saying they finally can spend some time together after school, but Luz seems distracted when she arrives.
They’re lounging around their secret room, reading and normally Luz is much more animated when they read Azura, but today she seems lost in thought.
“Are you okay?” Amity finally asks from her place reclined against her girlfriend’s chest.
They’ve been sitting on the floor, Luz’s back against the cushions with Amity sitting between her legs, back against her chest while she holds the third Azura book they’ve been rereading in her hands.
Luz has been strangely quiet, running her index finger over the tip of one of Amity’s pointed ears distractedly. She’s become quite used to being in intimate proximity to Luz but her face is still pink regardless, though faint. She’s beginning to get a little worried. Luz is hardly this quiet for this long, it’s a little unnerving.
“Hmm?” Luz hums questioningly and Amity knows she hasn’t been listening to anything she’s been reading either. “Sorry, what?” Luz glances down at her and mercifully the finger running over her ear stops as well.
Amity tilts her head back to look at her.
“I asked if you were okay,” she repeats the question.
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine, why?” she cocks her head.
“You’ve just been quiet today and you've been really busy and I...,” she trails off not sure how to say ‘You’ve been busy and I miss you’ without coming off as clingy or needy, because really, it's just been a few days; but the limited time they have together before or after school and on Tuesdays is special to her, and she finds herself not at all liking the sudden deprivation from it.
She doesn’t have to say it though. Luz’s confused face slowly turns into a grin as she looks down at her.
“Have you been lonely without me, Amity?” She asks in a syrupy sweet and knowing voice that makes Amity turn red and scowl at the same time.
Amity just huffs, turning away and Luz grins at the back of her head and wraps her arms around her, squeezing her close and pressing a kiss to her the back of her head.
“Lo siento, mi amor. Eda has just been working on a big project and has been needing my help."
Amity relaxes into her hold, mock annoyance, and any real annoyance or loneliness she’s been feeling at Luz’s sudden absence this week, fading as she holds her tightly. She has to remind herself that she can tell Luz anything without fear of judgment or being made fun of. It’s still a strange thing to her.
“I understand I just…” her face remains pink as she mumbles something under her breath.
“What was that?” Luz blinks and whatever she said is repeated at the same volume.
“Uh, one more time?” Luz asks and Amity makes an annoyed sound in her throat.
“I said… I miss you,” she finally says loud enough for her to hear, but the tone is soft, fragile. “I miss you when we’re not together,” she mumbles, but Luz hears her and is glad that Amity is still facing away from her so she can’t see the teary doe-eyed look she’s giving her.
“I miss you too, Amity.” She sat her chin on her shoulder and squeezed.
Amity broke into a wide grin as Luz smooshed her face against hers.
“Maybe... we could hang out this weekend? My family has a beach house on the southern side of the Isles and the twins got them to let the three of us go over for the long weekend by ourselves… would you like to go?” She glanced back and frowned upon seeing the grimace on luz’s face. “You’re busy aren’t you?” she asked, already knowing the answer.
“Yeah… since they can’t use magic to carry things it’s all hands on deck for the monthly supply run Saturday.” Luz frowned, especially as she watched the way her girlfriend's face fell. Sure, she was lying for the greater good, and Amity would be so excited tomorrow when they surprised her, but that didn’t make the disappointed look on her face any easier to see right now.
“I’m sorry…,” Luz started but Amity shook her head.
“It’s okay…  I understand,” she assured with a small smile, but Luz knows better, she's gotten good at reading Amity's face and the tone of her voice; she's disappointed.
“When Eda's project is done we'll spend a whole weekend together, I promise, mi amor." She squeezes Amity close and smiles knowingly into her hair.
"Soon, I hope," Amity sighs, leaning into her hold, deciding to just enjoy the time they have now
'much sooner than you think' Luz thinks to herself.
When their time together is done for the day Luz hurries home through the portal and runs straight to her room to get her stuff ready.
Gus and Willow will be there before noon tomorrow so they can take her portal glyph to the beach house. She's been practicing with it and the size of the glyph doesn't seem to matter. It just needs to be big enough to walk through, and she can be anywhere on the Isles near instantly.
Out of curiosity she tried one and thought of the human world, but it went nowhere.
Much as she hates to think it, she can't find it in herself to be disappointed. No one can say she didn't try though.
Her bag is packed and ready by the door, along with the box of decorations the twins had given her at lunchtime today. Since she, Willow, and Gus will get there first, they're on decoration duty.
Next to it are two cardboard boxes of her surprise for Amity and she grins to herself at the thought.
Amity hadn't expressly forbidden her from buying her presents but she didn't like Luz buying her stuff when they went out by themselves or with their friends.
She told her she felt bad when Luz spent her limited funds on her.
So Luz had come up with a rather ingenious gift if she does say so herself. Something they don't have on the Boiling Isles.
She couldn't believe her luck when she'd been digging through one of Eda's human junk piles in one of the spare rooms.
Two large boxes full of the stuff.
She ran to Eda asking if she could have them and Eda waves a hand.
"Whatever you want in there, take it, Kid."
She couldn't wait to see the look on Amity's face. Everyone else's too.
It takes her a while to go to sleep that night, she's so excited she tosses and turns a while and King gets fed up with her and stalks off to Eda's room, mumbling under his breath.
She wakes up before dawn the next day and jumps out of bed and dresses before quickly running down the stairs.
Lilith is sitting at the table having her customary cup of morning tea when Luz skids into the kitchen. The elder Clawthorne smiles at her, though far more subdued then the manic one on the human's face.
"Let's get baking!" Luz throws up her hands and Lilith chuckles.
"Very well."
A few hours later the sun has risen and Eda and King have finally come downstairs, groggy and eyes barely open just as Luz is boxing up the cake.
"All done?" Eda mumbles as she pours herself some apple blood.
"Yup, just waiting on Gus and Willow!" She grins setting the cake box down the table and swats at King's hand as he reaches for it.
"No, King, that's for Amity's party," she scolds and the tiny demon grumbles, glaring up at her.
"Everything you do is for that cupcake smasher!" he squeals with rage at being denied.
"I do not!" Luz argues.
"Yes, you do!" King stands in the chair, pointing a tiny clawed hand at her.
"Well…!" Luz pauses not sure what to say to that. Maybe she does do a lot for Amity, but Amity does just as much for her, so she fails to see how that's a bad thing.
Eda is watching her and grins.
Luz of course talked her ear off about their date under the grom tree last month, including her impromptu confession of love.
She'd just been nodding along, half-listening, flipping through a book as Luz waxed poetic about how 'amazing' and 'romantic' it was until the words: "Then I accidentally said I loved her out loud…"
That made her sit up and pay attention.
Luz had a tendency to get carried away and she was suddenly worried she'd… how did the kid put it? 'jumped the gun?'
She listened much closer to the rest of the story.
"Did you mean it?" Eda asked her when she finishes.
"Huh?" Luz looked up at her.
"Do you love her?" the older witch clarified.
"Oh…" Luz looked away, smiling dopily to herself. "Yeah… I did mean it. I do love her." She nodded.
"How do you know?" Eda pressed and Luz looked at her confused and Eda frowned, trying to think of a way to word it that wouldn't burst Luz's bubble if she was wrong. She just wants to protect her kid.
"Look, Luz, I know you like her a lot, believe me, and I'm not trying to say you couldn't love her, but you are still young and you do tend to get ahead of yourself…, so I'm just asking, how do you know you love her?" she words carefully. This is new territory for Eda.
'The talk' she can give, she's plenty familiar with that, but love? That's never been her strong suit, and she has a long trail of broken relationships behind her to prove it.
Luz pursed her lips, trying to think of a way to explain it to her mentor, whose right of course. She knows she's still young and stuff, she's famous for leaping before she looks, but Luz also knows her feelings. She's spent enough time alone with only her feelings to know how to read them, she's had crushes, but she's never felt anything like this before.
"Being with Amity… makes me happier than I've ever been…, then I thought I could be…," she starts slowly. "And I want to make her happy too… and I'd do anything to do that." She looks up at Eda, who's staring back at her with an unreadable expression.
"Alright," she finally says.
"Alright?" Luz repeats, blinking. Eda nods.
"If you say you love her, I believe you."
Luz smiles at her.
"And if she breaks your heart, we'll feed her to Hooty…" she grins wickedly making Luz squawk.
"Well…" Luz hesitates, trying to figure out what to say.
"You love her, that’s how it goes," Eda says with a shrug, drawing everyone's gaze.
""Edalyn, they've only been together-" whatever else Lilith is going to say it's cut off by Luz who grins.
"Yeah," she says with a grin. "And Amity loves me, so we do things to make each other happy,” she tells the demon looking up at her grumpily. “I love you too though." She bends down and kisses the top of King's head and he makes a little squealing sound. "But this is for Amity, I'll make a cake for you next weekend," she promises, and then there's a knock on the door. "Gus and Willow are here!" She sprints out of the room leaving a grinning Eda, a stunned Lilith, and a happily squeaking King in her wake.
Lilith looks to her sister who is grinning behind her cup, looking where Luz has disappeared into the living room, where she and her friends' voices are coming from.
"You knew about this?" she asks.
"Mhmm," is her sister's answer.
"And you didn't talk to her?" Lilith cocks a brow as Eda's eyes slide to look at her.
"I did," she says, then takes a loud slurp from her cup.
"And she loves her." Eda shrugs. "What do you want from me?"
"Edalyn, she's fourteen, how could she possibly know that?" Lilith sighs, rubbing her temples. Eda leans back in her chair, holding up her cup and giving her sister a deadpan look.
"And how can we know she isn't?" she retorts.
"They… they…!" Lilith holds up her hands, trying to decide what to say.
"Look, the kid and I talked. She says she's in love and I believe it. I honestly think Luz would put her life on the line for that girl, and I don't think I'm wrong when I say the same thing for Amity, heck, I watched her jump in front of Luz to protect her from Grom, and that was before they were dating!" Eda threw up a hand.
Lilith looks toward the living room where they can hear the kids talking.
"I suppose time will tell…," she hums.
Eda just grunts in response, much to her sister's annoyance.
"Perhaps you really should give her… a talk…," Lilith says after a moment and Eda snorts into her cup, laughing.
"Already covered, in great, embarrassing detail," she says proudly.
"No doubt." Lilith rolls her eyes and her sister only grins.
Luz dashes back into the kitchen and carefully picks up the box containing the cake.
"We're heading out," she says. Eda stands and walks over.
"Have fun, kid." She ruffles Luz's hair, making her grin.
"Ah, Luz, before you go, I have something for you to take." Lilith pulls a small dark blue wrapped gift from her pocket and sets it gently atop The cake box. "Something for Amity I would like her to have… only if she wants it…," she explains.
Luz looks at the small gift before looking up at Lilith and nodding with a smile.
With that, she turns and walks quickly but carefully out of the kitchen.
A few minutes later a portal blazed to life in front of the owl house and then all the kids are gone.
"What'cha give the kid?" Eda asks curiously, glancing at Lilith out of the corner of her eye.
"Something I hope she finds useful…"
"I hate it when you're cryptic…" Eda grumbles and Lilith smirks.
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prettyboongi · 4 years
7 Days of Hobi’s Forehead Kisses
Reader x Jung Hoseok (duh!)
Word Count: 1,157
Genre: Fluff, just pure fluff
[A/N: When I got this request, I was really happy because I freaking love Hoseok (♡´౪`♡) Despite the namesake of this very blog, Hobi is my ultimate bias and I plan to write more stories on him. What I was worried about when writing this was the fluff part. I feel like I don’t have a clear grasp on any of the genre and fluff especially. So if this turns out to be terrible, I’m so sorry ( ̄ー ̄;Also I like the idea of turning this into a series, like “7 Days” of whatever cute thing you do with any of the guys. We’ll see.]
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You woke up first thing in the morning, hearing Hoseok getting ready for work. It was something you were used to waking up to daily so you just stayed in bed and tried falling back to sleep. It was only until you felt the warm lips placed upon your forehead when you decided to wake up and greet your husband. 
“Morning,” you said sweetly. 
“Good morning, baby,” he says, “About to head to work. See you when I get home. Love you.” 
As he heads out the bedroom door, you call out, “Love you too. Have a good day!”
During the late evening you were glued to your laptop, trying finishing up some work before turning in for the night. Your eyebrows furrowed and your body was tense as you ferociously typed away. But the feeling of Hoseok kissing your forehead helped relax you a bit. 
You looked up from your laptop screen and smiled at the man in front of you. “Hey there.” 
Hoseok takes your hand and gently caressed the knuckles. “Come on, you’ve done enough work. Let’s go to bed.” 
You wanted to protest and finish your work assignment but he gave you a look that made it difficult to refuse him. 
Closing your laptop, you say “Okay” and you let Hoseok lead you to the bedroom.
Being the not-so-morning person that you were, you weren’t always able to get up with Hoseok as he gets ready for work. And you always felt guilt about that since he’d be left to making quick breakfasts before rushing off to work. He works so hard, he at least deserves a nice breakfast to keep his energy up for the rest of the morning. 
That’s why that morning you woke up quite early to make him a proper breakfast: blueberry pancakes with two over easy eggs, 3 bacon slices and a grapefruit half on the side. 
“Aww, honey you didn’t have to do this,” Hoseok says as he sees a delicious arrangement on the table. 
“You’ve been working so hard lately, I just wanted to show how much I appreciate you,” you said proudly. 
Hoseok just looks at you with a sincere smile and gives a tender kiss on your brow. 
“Hey, honey?,” Hoseok calls for you as he tries to find you. It was almost the typical time you both went to bed and he hasn’t seen you get ready as usual. He soon finds you snoozing on the sofa. 
Hoseok crouches in front of you and shakes you gently. “Come on, Y/N. Wake up. But you wouldn’t budge no matter how hard he shook you. He then knew a sure fire way to wake you up. 
He leans forward and places his lips on your forehead, leaving it there until you start to stir. 
“Mmmmm” you moaned while sitting up, “I’ll have to take naps more often if you’re gonna wake me up like that.” 
Hoseok chuckles and extends his hand to you, “Time for bed, dummy.”
“Hobi, we’ve planned this for weeks already,” you whined to your husband. 
You and Hoseok had plans to have dinner at a super exclusive restaurant, the kind of restaurant where you’d have to make reservations months in advance. You were really looking forward to this date night but now it had to be cancelled. 
Hoseok looks at you apologetically. “I’m really sorry, honey. This dinner party with the boss was completely last minute and really important, so I have no choice but to go. You know you can come with me as well, right?” 
You gave him an angry glare. “Hoseok, why would I want to go to some stupid work dinner party instead of a romantic dinner date that was previously planned?” 
He could feel the bitterness in your tone, which made him feel even worse. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I promise I will make it up to you. Before leaving, he gives you a quick peck on the forehead before rushing out. 
It was the middle of a lazy weekend afternoon. You were reading a book in the living room when Hoseok walked into the room. 
“Hello, my angel,” he says cheerfully but you pretend to not notice him, keeping your focus on your book. 
“Still giving me the silent treatment, eh? Well, I bet you’ll change your mind once you see the gift I’ve gotten you.” While your interest was piqued, you continued to ignore him. Hoseok then slides you a baby blue box with a matching ribbon tied around it. It takes a few more minutes of Hoseok staring at you with puppy dog eyes before you gave in and opened the pretty box. 
“Oh my god,” you gasped as you looked at the box’s contents. Hoseok has gotten you a bottle of your favorite perfume. After running out of your last bottle, you've been meaning to buy another but it’s sold out for awhile. “How did you get your hand on this?” 
“Oh I have my ways,” he says with a mischievous smile on his face. “Do you forgive me now?” 
“Hmmmm, maybe,” you said, trying to keep a stern look on your face. 
He surprises you again but with a forehead kiss this time, making it hard for you to keep a straight face. 
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
Wanting to enjoy the last hours on the weekend, you and Hoseok thought it would be a fun idea to watch the sunset together. With a wine bottle and a few glasses at hand, the two of you head towards the back porch and marvel at the vivid colors the evening sky created. 
As the sky changed from bright orange to bluish purple, you and Hoseok talked about so many things. How work was going from them, news from family and friends, serious issues going on in the world and everything in between. 
“Its strange how life never fails to be absolutely hectic?” He says before taking a sip from his wine glass. 
“Yeah,” you began, “At least we have together to deal with life’s craziness. Life would be so dull without you in my life.” 
When you feel him scoot closer to you on the porch steps, you turn head towards him, seeing him focused on you. Despite the nighttime beginning to fall, you can still see the intensity of Hoseok's deep brown eyes. 
"What?," you chuckled, not being able to read his facial expression. 
A faint smile appears on his lips. "I love you," he softly says to you, before leaning over. He cups your face and kisses you on your forehead. You loved that he knows that was your favorite part to be kissed, even more than your actual lips most of the time. You close your eyes as you feel his lips linger for awhile. 
After breaking the kiss, you look into his eyes and whisper, "I love you, too."
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