#and then wake up and reality is bad
magicstormfrostfire · 6 months
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undermycoat · 1 year
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art for a fic idea i have wherein arthur is a merman distrusting of humans and merlin is a human distrusting of water.
!! lineart under the cut :3
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haemosexuality · 5 months
funniest part of seeing someone react to arcane will always be "omg mylo is so annoying shut up kid" *mylo straight up dies* "😨"
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softerhaze · 10 months
idk if it was the venus retrograde or what, but july 2023 was quite literally the worst month i've ever experienced in my life like.....every single day? awful? worse than the last? it's more likely than u think
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cuterocks · 1 year
nie mingjue:
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the fandom: yes this is a person who's totally completely in his right state of mind and in peak physical condition, therefore i will assume everything bad he does is his own complete fault and he must take full responsibility, even if in universe it's acknowledged that the person he hurt understands that he was extremely ill and not only forgives him but also avenges him in the most scorched earth way ever seen in fiction
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queerdraco · 6 months
so my brother’s in the hospital with only one functioning lung and i don’t know what the fuck to do. i get the keys to my house on friday and he was supposed to be home and i was supposed to be annoying and force him to help me with shit because he’s my brother and that’s what annoying siblings are supposed to do. and the doctors haven’t seen anything like this before and are running all the tests but they’re clueless. he’s my only sibling and i need him to be home and healthy but he’s not
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zzzugzwanggg · 5 months
Effie Trinket self destructing by sleeping with Haymitch
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💊 Hi fellow disabled self shippers 💊
My spoons are a bit low and if yours are too, imagine your f/o being there by your side. They will help you take care of yourself and help you save some energy. They notice if you need water and bring it to you. Their gestures show care, but no pity. They just see you have a worse day and they want to take some weight off your shoulders.
They would make dinner for you (are they a great cook? or are you a bit worried if your kitchen can survive it?) and they would gladly eat it with you. They will spend this day beside you, they want to be there for you, during your highs and lows. Afterwards they remind you to take your meds and help you get to bed. If you want to, they will take a nap with you.
Prosh//ippers plz do not interact PLZ
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moonilit · 1 year
what yall talking about? Kaveh doesn't have a 'sad' backstory he just got some struggles, like that what the average human being go through
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waywardsalt · 1 year
Bellumbeck is such an interesting final boss, because not only is it your ally, some of the bosses actions/details make it clear that Linebeck is fighting back. Retraining Ciela instead of killing her, using moves he's seen Link do, and more darkly in the manga - willing to destroy himself if it protects Link. Link is forced to fight not just an ancient evil - but one of the closest friends he's ever made besides Tetra, and one of the few adult figures he respects. To fight Linebeck is to potientially lose another mentor as was with The King of Red Lions
Bellumbeck is so… he really stands out from pretty much all of the other final bosses and its so cool- and it’s like you say, Bellumbeck is not just some final form of varying flavors of Evil Thing or a dangerous character whose defeat the world would benefit from, that’s your fucking friend. It doesn't feel heroic like other final bosses, it feels like a desperate fight for the survival of you and your friends.
Linebeck being capable of fighting back or otherwise resisting Bellum is an interesting one; definitely a fun way to give him some sort of agency or role to play, suggesting that he may be fighting against Bellum just as hard as Link is. I think I've seen some people suggest that the slight hesitation or pause before some of Bellumbeck's attacks may be caused by Linebeck trying to stop himself (like the manga shows him doing).
I absolutely ADORE the idea that Bellumbeck uses a spin attack because it's something that Linebeck has seen Link do. The idea that it might be unconscious, or something Bellum just happened to pick up on from Linebeck's memories... UGH it's good no matter how you justify it.
On the other hand, I personally don't see how Linebeck fighting back would've had an effect on Bellum restraining rather than killing Ciela. I understand stuff like a hitch in the attacks or unconsciously influencing what attacks are made, since all of that is stuff that Linebeck has a direct (though unwilling) hand in, but Bellum grabbing Ciela is something that... Bellum individually does. I don't imagine that Linebeck would be able to have any ability to influence what Bellum himself does, especially considering that even if he can affect the part he's directly involved in it's only ever a small effect. Bellum restraining rather than killing Ciela is, I think, a deliberate choice on Bellum's part without any input from Linebeck, and honestly even that way it's still interesting to think about.
The manga's take on events is interesting, especially with the idea that, to some degree, Linebeck was able to overpower Bellum in order to move how he wanted (even though it was clearly limited to only specific parts and with clear difficulty) and the idea that he'd do... well, anything he can to ensure Link's safety is pretty good.
The general concept of a Link having to fight a possessed person isn't really new and wasn't new when Phantom Hourglass rolled around, but I honestly think ph did it best, holy shit. Link having to fight a close friend and someone in a role akin to a mentor to him is already one hell of a devastating setup, but one extra thing I've seen others point out is that the Bellumbeck fight is the second time Link's be faced with a sword fight with another human, and he ended the first one by killing his opponent. So, that's a fun correlation for Link to make during this fight!
Bellumbeck is just... it's such a cool, unique battle even compared to the other final bosses, and while it may fall short in difficulty or gameplay, it has some fantastic music and all of the story and character surrounding it is honestly amazing.
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forsaire · 10 months
Please Wake Up (Ghost x Soap)
After a mission gone wrong leaves Soap in critical condition, Ghost refuses to leave his bedside.
Full chapter 13 of Don't Let Me Go on a03.
It was late afternoon and Soap still hadn’t woken up. As he sat up, Ghost could tell that Nina was carefully trying to keep her facial expressions in check. Ghost didn’t need to ask anything as Nina looked at him, reading his face.
“You can’t say for certain he’ll wake up,” Ghost said. It wasn’t a question.
“No,” she answered honestly, looking the most discouraged he had seen her yet. “It’s up to him to wake up now.”
Hearing this, it felt as though a knife had sliced through Ghost’s chest. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on making the piercing pain go away.
With a deep sigh she spoke again. “There is evidence that comatose patients can still hear everything going on around them. You can try talking to him – it might help.”
“Is that your medical advice?” Ghost said pessimistically.
“That’s my advice as a person. As a human.” She left to sit in her office in an obvious attempt to give Ghost privacy.
What the hell would he even say? Talk about the weather? Talk about his day? Both were ridiculous.
Ghost pondered this as he listened to the faint beeping of Soap’s heart rate monitor. It was the only constant in this whole situation and kept him grounded in reality. He shifted over to his regular seat and held Soap’s hand. This routine was starting to feel normal.
Maybe if he annoyed Soap enough then he would wake up and yell at Ghost.
“Did you know that someone in London gets stabbed every 52 seconds? Poor guy…”
In response to his humorous joke, Soap laid there motionless.
“You’re right,” Ghost replied. “That was bad. What about this one? The doctor gave me one year to live, so I shot him. The judge gave me 15 years. Problem solved.”
This wasn’t making Ghost feel better. Ghost wanted to hear Soap berate him for his attempt at humour with crinkles around his eyes. He leaned forward to rest his elbows on the bed and lifted Soap’s hand up. He gently placed their clasped hands against his mouth, speaking into them.
“You’re stronger than this,” Ghost said softly. “I know you are. You’re the bastard that refused to die. You beat the odds. Now you just need to do one more thing. You need to wake up.” After a moment, “I need you to wake up, Johnny…”
Ghost searched the man’s face for a single indication that Soap had understood or heard him, but there was nothing but a blank expression.
Of course. Ghost didn’t know what he had expected. He lowered Soap’s hand down against the bed again and went back to sitting in silence.
Read on ao3.
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lucyvaleheart · 7 months
#man. nights are. Hard huh#Uhhh this is. Another vent post HEAVY trigger warnings for this one#honestly I wouldn't bother reading this nothing'll come of it good or bad so#don't worry about me ill be fine in the morning just need to. Scream into the void again#....again serious serious trigger warnings on this I'm too tired to say specifics but I know it'll be fucked so#Anyway#maybe Jade's right maybe I do need to see a therapist#she talked about some medication for anxiety and it's effects and what is like on and off the stuff#And......#........'waking up and going to bed on the verge of tears' vs 'not doing that'#sounds................#............christ. I...#I'm not suicidal I think I'd never actually follow through nor would I bother to self harm#None of that would solve anything for me and I'm too chicken to do it regardless#But.....#......i sure do think the words 'I wanna throw myself off a cliff' kind of a lot#killing myself is sounding less like a vague weird concept and more grounded in reality#hhhh#do I need to talk to someone about this? maybe#am I going to? probably not#is putting this on my public blog where I know there's a very good chance a bunch of people really close to me will see it a cry for help?#............................................................#i dunno#just know my chest hurts all the time and Im always a few seconds away from breaking down in tears at any given moment#and I just kind of want everything to stop#just stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop#wanna turn my brain off and just leave it like that#everything sucks and is hard and getting harder and despite being absolutely surrounded by love and support#I keep having these horrible low points and the high points feel further and further away#....anyway.....this is the last tag it'll let me do so. um. I'm sorry for whoever does read this... hope you're having a decent night
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fr4ncium · 4 months
Me to those annoying ass Tiktok ppl getting upset over a villain being a LITERAL villain
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eithernich · 2 months
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radioactive-cloud · 2 months
those past few days are really testing my patience with some of the takes and opinions i've seen on the internet and i'm so fucking done with all of this i just want to delete all my accounts from everywhere and live somewhere in the woods (as far away from russia as i can) and to never come in contact with another human being again
#i'm so exhausted i just have to rant even tho nobody will care#i have some trouble sleeping because i'm either waiting for another attack to happen#or reading the news about dozens of missiles flying at my country#or hiding in the bathroom while listening to explosions because it's supposed to be the safest place in our appartment#and then i open social media and see all the destruction and casualties and deaths that happened overnight#and at the same time i see people adoring and praising and defending russians and their culture and language#and creaming themselves because of their “mysterious russian soul”#and telling ukrainians that they are stupid and toxic and that what they feel about their killers and occupiers is wrong#well newsflash y'all#russian culture is nothing but blood and death#russian language is nothing but blood and death#it's not just fucking putin doing all of this shit#he wasn't there when ukrainian nation and culture and language were oppressed for literal fucking centuries#did russia invent human cloning for putin to be all those soldiers at the frontline and all those people building drones and missiles?#open your fucking eyes and think for a fucking second#i go to sleep every night fearing that i may not wake up#and then in the morning i see people admiring russians and foaming at the mouths defending them#and then also fucking michael sheen of all people sending his love to them#and i become so insanely pissed#get a fucking reality check#i'm so sick of people excusing russia and its actions#once again guess i'm a walking big bad angry ukrainian stereotype#well that's what war does to you#i won't wish for anyone to experience this but also it may be the only thing that makes some people aware of what a rotten thing russia is#i'm so done and i don't want to feel all of this and i don't want to be a human and i don't want to have thoughts#maybe it's for the best if a missile flies into my room so i won't have to be here any longer and witness all of this shit#(it's a thought i've been having lately and ngl it kinda scares me)#ukraine#russia is a terrorist state#btw i've just discovered there's a limit of 30 tags
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homielander · 1 year
every once in a while i remember that nobody in season 3, not even annie or MM, ever bothered to bring up the very valid point that maybe the boys shouldn't be hunting and killing supes who haven't actually done anything wrong (at least to their knowledge), and i am filled with rage all over again
#when annie and mm at herogasm were like. 'u cant blow up the house! theres human s*x workers there!'#i THINK ur forgetting some people idk....#unless they had proof that each of these supes was a deplorable murderer i am not interested in hearing excuses#like did the tnt twins even do anything other than enjoy weird s*x parties?#and weirdly hughie's conscience kicked in for mindstorm but not the herogasm supes who were. as far as he knew. just as innocent#i guess atp ever non-7 supe is written like a cartoon villain and mindstorm was only needed to wake billy so y would the audience even care#also only used the * because i know the tumblr tags are funky and hide posts#the boys#also like idk. maybe all of s3 was a pov trap and later audiences will recognize the gruesome reality of what they were cheering for#and btw some of you WERE cheering like weirdos#'to stop the unstable supervillain they should work with the other unstable supervillain! the second of whom is actively blowing ppl up!' 🤨📸#and i STILL think annie's resistance was dumb because they tied it around toxic masculinity for hughie 'benchpress me' campbell#and annie failed to bring up the much more devastating impacts of what he and butcher were doing#it's just as much as i want to think this is deliberate on the writers' part. why WOULDN'T they have their moral beacon raise#the most pressing issue at hand? not her being undermined or working with someone bad but lives being lost? idk.#especially considering annie's arc is not one of corruption or even overcoming corruption. she's just the total good guy#point is it just makes me worry for what's next#(also me complaining abt the boys s3... it feels like old times <3)
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