#and then were exterminated at the clones own hands
starlightartemis · 5 months
i am once again feeling unwell over clone troopers
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miss-musings · 4 months
Parallels between Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and Crosshair from "The Bad Batch"
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Both of them are fiercely loyal to the people they care about
Both of them are absolute SassMasters
Both have a scar/tattoo over their right eye
Neither had a proper childhood, as they were both trained for combat starting at a young age
Both have special abilities/enhanced senses compared to the average human, and they were trained (read: groomed) because of it
Both of them were part of a unique brotherhood (the Jedi and the clones, respectively) that, at one point, spanned the entire galaxy during The Clone Wars
Both have a complicated relationship with an older brother/father figure in Obi-Wan and Hunter, respectively
Both lost their right hands in a fight with an evil counterpart (Although, for Crosshair, this happens much later in his life)
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As I pointed out in a separate post, in "The Clone Wars" Episode 7.02 "A Distant Echo," we get a moment of foreshadowing with these two characters.
In the episode, Anakin and his friend/captain Rex and the four original Bad Batch brothers are on a rescue mission together. About halfway through the episode, there's a moment where the six of them split up to search a tower. They're basically at a T-intersection, and while the other four go one way, Crosshair and Anakin go the other.
(Link to a gif post of the moment here.)
These characters literally take the same path.
By doing so, they are separating themselves from their loved ones (Anakin from his friend Rex, Crosshair from his brothers) and choosing the opposite path.
I realize this might've been unintentional on the writers' part, because I'm not sure if "The Bad Batch" series was in production yet when TCW Season 7 released, but holy hell! That's some insane foreshadowing right there!!
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Both betrayed their brothers and other loved ones by deciding to serve the Empire, and it's around the same time in-universe
Order 66 specifically becomes a pivotal moment in their respective stories. For Anakin, it's when he first takes on the name and mantle of Darth Vader and exterminates the Jedi; for Crosshair, it's when he's first torn away from his family due to the Empire's mind control via the inhibitor chip
Both have at least one opportunity to come back but decide to continue serving the Empire/Dark Side of their own accord (Anakin on Mustafar in ROTS // Crosshair on Kamino in TBB S1 finale)
While their battle attire was dark-colored before they betrayed their loved ones and started serving the Empire, afterward, both characters start wearing all-black armor
Despite all their loyalty and sacrifices, their masters/employers are ready to throw them away the minute they find a better or more convenient replacement
Both were burned while trying to kill their older brother/father figures
Both initially had hair, but after being burned and getting scarred on their heads, we only ever see them bald on-screen
Both seem to suffer from an "in for a penny, in for a pound" mindset, which is partly why they stay with the Empire for so long
While serving the Empire, both commit all of the war crimes!! 😬
Both have multiple scenes of them killing their own officers/troopers, and they both seem to take some amount of pleasure in doing so
Blinded by anger and rage, both are ready to hunt down their older brother/father figures at a moment's notice, and ultimately attempt to kill them several times (Vader in the "Obi-Wan Kenobi" series // Crosshair in TBB Season 1)
Both attempt to kill their own kid at least once. (Vader in ANH // Crosshair in TBB Season 1)
(Side note: if you don't think of Crosshair as one of Omega's dads, I recommend you review my post about S3 Crosshair speed-running Hunter's Dad Arc and/or my CrossDad S3 episode ranking. Because, if you're not on board with the idea that Crosshair is Omega's dad, you're not going to enjoy the rest of this post.)
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There’s a whole plot line about them trying to find their kid at a secret base (Vader in ESB // Crosshair in TBB Season 3)
When confronted by their kid, both characters believe they are undeserving or too far gone to be forgiven/redeemed (Vader: "It is too late for me, son" // Crosshair: "Omega. Don't risk anything for me. I belong in here.")
At some point, both characters' kids challenge them on their true intentions and decisions to stay with the Empire. (Luke to Vader: "Then my father is truly dead." // Omega to Crosshair: "I wanted to believe it was the inhibitor chip that made you like this, but I was wrong.")
Both of them ultimately find redemption and forgiveness because their blonde kid refused to give up on them (Luke to Vader: "I know there is good in you. The Emperor hasn't driven it from you fully." // Omega to Crosshair: "You're still their brother, Crosshair. You're my brother too.")
A large part of their redemption arcs is saving their kid from being held hostage and tortured by the Empire (Vader saving Luke from the Emperor & the Death Star // Crosshair helping Omega escape Tantiss both times)
While a much larger battle impacting the fate of the galaxy rages on nearby, both characters' final on-screen act -- the climax of their respective stories -- is saving their kid from one of the Empire's worst villains (Vader saving Luke from the Emperor // Crosshair saving Omega from Hemlock)
Both of them ultimately help thwart Palpatine’s plans for immortality/reincarnation(?) by destroying his primary body and his cloning facility on Tantiss, respectively
Their final on-screen reunions with their kids are very personal and emotional. For Vader and Luke, it's the only time they see each other face-to-face. For Crosshair and Omega, it's the first time they ever hug on-screen.
Their last lines of on-screen dialogue are talking about their daughters with another family member (Vader to his son Luke: "Tell your sister you were right" // Crosshair to his brother Hunter: "If I'm off -- I can't risk Omega.")
The final shots of them on-screen are a 'family portrait' type pose with their older brother/father figure and other loved ones, and their kid/s are nearby
(This list is subject to edits/additions if I think of anything else! If you have any ideas, include them in the comments or reblogs. Thanks!)
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dalekofchaos · 6 months
Hux. Short version, Hux reveals Kylo killing Snoke to the FIrst Order leadership. Hux ousts Ben and becomes Supreme Leader. Now Hux plans to exterminate The Jedi, force sensitives everywhere and lead to the death of the force. Long version read here.
Kylo as the villain. Adam Driver said the plan was never to redeem Ben Solo, that was a late change to appease everyone. So my big pitch for Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. To me Kylo Ren is what Vader could’ve been had he reached his full potential. A Vader who was never wounded on Mustafar, a Vader who killed a close family member and his master. He is the villain they were looking for, but no they had to course correct.As for what his motivation could be, exactly what he said. Finish what Vader started. Destroy the Light and reign over the galaxy as Supreme Leader. Long version. Other look at Kylo as the villain
Snoke's essence transferred into Kylo Ren the moment he killed Snoke.
Darth Plagueis was a powerful Sith Lord who could influence the midichlorians to create life and also save others from dying. He taught everything he knew to his apprentice, Sheev Palpatine (aka Darth Sidious), but he eventually lost his power and young Palpatine killed him in his sleep. How could Plagueis not foresee his own demise at the hands of his ambitious apprentice? Why did Plagueis suddenly “lose his power”? The truth is, he didn’t lose his power and he knew Sidious planned to kill him. It was part of the plan. By dying, I believe Darth Plagueis was able to transmit himself into Sheev and assume control of his body, almost like an infectious disease. Ever notice his name? Darth Plagueis. Plague, as in an infectious disease. Darth Plagueis unlocked the secret to immortality by moving from one body to the next, continuing his lifespan through multiple hosts over countless years. Ever wonder why Palpatine was so obsessed with training a powerful young apprentice? Surely he knew that one day the apprentice would want to overthrow him, so why train his own murderer? In Return of the Jedi, Emperor Palpatine continually provokes Luke to strike him down. Why would Palpatine want to be killed if the goal is longevity? Because Emperor Palpatine was assumed by Darth Plagueis and, through his death, he would then be able to transmit himself into a new host body. He wasn’t just looking for an apprentice, he was looking for a new body since Palpatine’s body was growing old. Luke Skywalker was meant to be the next host body for Darth Plagueis. But unfortunately for Plagueis, Darth Vader had a change of heart and defeated the Emperor. Snoke was Plagueis. It’s the only way to make things work. StarWars.com describes Snoke as a seeker of arcane and ancient lore, and the Last Jedi Visual Dictionary shows that he is a collector of rare memorabilia. At some point, Snoke must have found the wreckage of the Death Star on the forest moon Endor, and was infected by Darth Plagueis when he came upon the corpse of Palpatine. Did you ever wonder why Snoke thought it was so important to complete Kylo Ren’s training? It’s because Snoke was Darth Plagueis and he was training his next host body. Plagueis didn’t have a choice but to infect a really old political influencer like Snoke. Kylo was being groomed to become the next host body. Remember the infamous scene in The Last Jedi where Snoke is “predicting” how Kylo Ren will kill Rey? Wasn’t it a little too obvious? Wouldn’t Snoke have been able to foresee Kylo’s treachery? See through his conflict? It’s because he wasn’t predicting Rey’s death, he predicted his own. He knew Kylo would kill him. He deliberately bullied and provoked Kylo in order to stir his anger into hatred to further fuel his dark side and lead him to completing his training.
So Darth Plagueis goal would be to transfer his essence into Rey and in failing in that. He will drain the life force from the Dyad to satiate his own life force.
Thrawn. Cardinal West's Sequel Trilogy rewrite has the best take of Thrawn as the villain
Rae Sloane.
Rae Sloane founded The First Order! Sloane was loyal to the Empire, so much so, rather than allowing it to cease to exist, she recruited other loyalists and they fled to the Unknown Territories beyond Jakku. She founded the First Order. Together with Hux, she could usurp control of the First Order and become Supreme Leader, which would start a civil war, those loyal to Sloane and those loyal to Kylo. We can have someone who could be a great antagonist to Leia. The founder of The First Order and the mother of the Resistance. What makes Rae a compelling character is the fact that she believes what the Empire is doing is right. In her eyes, the Empire is doing the right thing, purging lawlessness from a galaxy overrun by bureaucrats that care little for the common people. She’s wrong, but like great villains before her, audiences can see where she’s coming from even if they don’t agree with it. Throughout her many appearances in the supplemental Star Wars narratives, she is constantly pushing for the Empire to be “just.” When things start to fall apart after the Battle of Endor, Rae struggles to keep the remnants of the fleet playing by the unspoken rules of warfare and is frustrated to see the Empire careen into backstabbing and incompetence. You can see Rae’s influence in the First Order with its strict hierarchy and minute by-the-books stringency that makes Palpatine’s Empire look positively laissez-faire by comparison. Supreme Leader Rae Sloane would make The First Order a force to be reckoned with and what better way to end it than with the First Order’s founder?
The Grysks.
The Grysks were introduced in the new canon novel Thrawn:Alliances. They are what brings Thrawn to the Empire in hopes of co-existing to fight this threat in the Unknown Regions. Grysks are a species living somewhere in the Unknown Regions. Creatures half of myth, whom few have ever seen. It is said that they are nomads, with no fixed home, traveling in spacecraft so numerous they blot out the stars. They are said to be terrifying warriors, overwhelming their opponents by sheer numbers and ferocity. The fact that these intergalactic conquerors are not the main threat in the Sequel Trilogy is baffling. You could’ve had Ben Solo sense they were coming during his Jedi days and made the ultimate sacrifice to become Kylo Ren and join The First Order because he knew the New Republic was not ready to face such a threat. It wouldn’t make what he was doing the entire trilogy right, but it would make explain why he turned and what his motivations are.
I don't really have a explanation for Qi'Ra, but she was trained by Maul, took over the Crimson Dawn and you don't waste Emilia Clarke on one movie that never continued. So Qi'Ra as the villain could've worked.
A Mandalorian invasion lead by Fett writes itself.
I know it's technically Palpatine, but it works better because we don't stupidly retcon Anakin's sacrifice. This was planned, but the idiots that be decided it would be better if Ian played him. So instead this is the perfected clone. The Clone Wars were a test for Palpatine to perfect cloning. Throughout the reign as Emperor, he tinkered with cloning force sensitives, created a lot of failures(Snoke) but prior to Endor, he perfected it and kept it as a fail safe should he die. And after Kylo Ren killed Snoke, he awakened. Palpatine reborn. The movie opens at the end of the war. Finn successfully consurs up a Stormtrooper Rebellion and all the FO officers are executed, Hux is captured and Rey beats Kylo Ren for the umpteenth time. The First Order are on their last legs. Until a message is delivered to the galaxy.
“People of the galaxy. Your Emperor has returned after thirty long, lawless years. To the Sith and the Jedi; follow the Holocrons. We have much work to do. Those who remained loyal to me shall be rewarded. For those who relished in my demise, who celebrated what they thought the end of the Empire and believed their treachery had won them the galaxy…only death and suffering await. The great error shall be corrected. The day of victory is at hand. The restoration of the Empire! The Final Order! The Day of the Sith!”
And it's a race. Rey and the Resistance hoping to stop The Emperor, while Kylo Ren is hoping to kill Palpatine, obtain the power of the Sith Eternal and an infinite fleet that will win the galaxy, but in the end, Rey and Kylo are forced to work together. Matt Smith as Palpatine could've fixed the movie
The final contingency of the Emperor. Cloning Luke Skywalker. Palpatine had foreseen either Luke will kill him and Vader or Vader will betray him. So Palpatine orders that Luke's hand be brought to him. Luke is cloned, but imperfectly. He is just a husk of power, so Palpatine has the greatest minds of the Empire indoctrinate this malleable clone to being the heir and the eventual savior of the Empire. This clone. Let's refer to him as Luuke. Luuke learned everything there was from Palpatine. His Machiavellian cunning mechanisms. Mastery over the dark side and fully believed in his master's will and plans for him.
Luuke foresaw that there would be problems if he revealed himself. SO he created a puppet, Snoke. Through Snoke, he turned Kylo Ren to the dark side and puppeteered The First Order. Masterminding everything from the shadows and after Snoke and the real Luke Skywalker's deaths, it was time to reveal himself.
Luuke's motivations are to bring Kylo Ren to heel or cast him aside, turn Rey to the dark side or kill her and rule the galaxy as his master intended for him. This dark side Luke would unite both Rey and Ben against him and would give Mark Hamill the opportunity to play a dark side Luke Skywalker.
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squad-724 · 3 months
I'd love to know what your Vampire AU wip is about! :)
“Tech, we're pinned! Can't you cut off this part of the facility?!” “It's a prison Hunter! Their controls have multiple safety components that I need to override manually for each individual corridor!” The five clones, members of Bad Batch, were currently running from the droids of the Citadel. Ironic, wasn't it? A few months back Echo ‘died’ during a mission here. Now, with his new squad, he was once again running through the dark gray halls, this time his enemies were the Jedi, the same he sacrificed himself for. But not anymore. When the Batch received a coded message from Rex they got themselves into the craziest mission they have ever heard about. Torrent’s general had been killed less than a year into the war, protecting the chancellor from an assassin. His secret was never revealed to the public, only known by the jedi Order and his family, the 501st. That he was a vampire, a sith made species created to hunt down Jedi, believed to be exterminated with their masters. Over millennium after one was recorded a Jedi of the name Qui Gon Jinn found a young boy, able to transform his arms into bat wings, being used as an execution pet by a Hutt. After killing the slug the Jedi took the child to the temple. Anakin always said the Jedi were reluctant in him joining the order, the reactions to him trying to find friends raging from fear to outward hostility. It took the vode weeks to make their general spend his free time outside his quarters, eating and training on his own. If not for Rex catching their Jedi rummaging through their synth blood freezers they would probably never know what he was. And none of them cared. Not for his inability to stand in the sunlight, his wings, long fangs or how his eyes shone in the darkness. Every clone knew how their general would slice the palm of his hand to feed them his blood when the medics weren't able to arrive in time. None of them flinched when a shadow flew over their heads in the night sieges. They knew how to calm him down after his senses went haywire, wrapping him in blankets and shutting down the lights. The information of his sacrifice for the chancellor hit the 501st hard. They were assigned to many Jedi after that, all quickly resigning from the leadership of the chaotic battalion. The clones that served under Skywalker had a small bat painted on their buckets, to honor their late general. After a dozen Jedi refused to lead them, the leadership was assigned to Rex, who made them one of the most efficient night legions, specialising in battles taken in darkness. Thanks to that the troopers of 501st were immediately able to recognise their brothers on Umbara, preventing a bloody friendly fire Krell sent them to. The traitor was their last Jedi general. The captain turned commander was hit by Skywalker's death the hardest, the symbol of the bat taking most of his chest plate, over his heart. Only the closest of troopers to him knew how close that relationship was. That's why, when commander Fox called him over a year after Skywalker's death to tell him his cyare was alive, Rex began to act immediately.
Part 1 >:]
Rexwalker vampire Anakin au
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katiekatdragon27 · 9 months
Y'all can't cage my cringe! *starts breakdancing and explodes*
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Oookayy, this is gonna be interesting to explain lol.
SO! My siblings (@rainbow-wolf120) and I have gotten back into DND recently and we unanimously decided to base our characters on our latest fixations. That means we have a halfling bard/thief Rayman clone, a dwarf fighter Skylanders fusion, and a human cleric AU A. Sphere lol.
However, I decided to take some liberties with him and instead of using his canon movie personality for the character, I used his personality and design for post-"A Heightlander's Escape" (yes, my flatland 4th dimension AU has a name now lol, feel free to refer to it as either idc.)
More lore below lol (note: there is like a whole story synopsis, and it is very long):
First off, backstory.
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A. Sphere (or Abel Spherious as he is refed to in this campaign) was a very powerful cleric of dimensionality. He was incredibly gifted with magic at a very young age, so his grandfather proposed he joined the ministry to continue his magic evolution. Although he did not truly believe in there being higher dimensions than his own, he would do the usual rituals and sacrifices to maintain his phenomenal power. He even tried to teach lower dimensional being the 3D dimension to gain more favor of this supposed 4th dimensional god, but little did he know that was his downfall.
Abel's old kingdom had been attempting to deal with the "flatlander" ecosystem that was just on the outskirts of town. Labeled "Flatland," some wanted it preserved, others wanted it wiped out. The ministry would henceforth pray on the issue in hopes of some divine intervention that would give a clear answer to this dilemma. However, Abel was not one to wait on answers from gods he did not believe in.
Taking matters into his own hands, the Head Cleric decided to make contact with these aquatic flat creatures one-on-one attempting to prove that they were more intelligent than the public gave them credit for. Needless to say, it went poorly.
Desperate to spread this ideology and save these creatures, Abel did something you were never supposed to do; pull a 2D creature into a 3D world. He completed his goal of by teaching a small square lawyer of the 3D gospel, but the news spread like wildfire, leading to fear, disgust, and unbridled anger towards both the flatlander and Abel. After going to royal court with his square companion, he was ex-communicated from the ministry and lost his status as Head Cleric. It was there that war was declared by their rival kingdom that wanted Flatland exterminated.
As the war broke out, Abel did everything in his power to ensure that the flatlander (who he had started calling "Anthony") got back to Flatland safely, even at the cost of the cleric's own life. As a massive fire raged through the forest where Flatland was held, Abel fled with Anthony to get the little square stabilized back in his home environment.
Abel's efforts paid off, getting the square back in the lake just in the nick of time, but Abel ended up engulfed in flames, accepting his death as his actions caused this whole mess in the first place.
However, his efforts did not go unnoticed. Just before Abel was completely consumed, a young 4th dimensional goddess, the Tender-hearted Angelica, scooped him up and saved his life.
The two's relationship started very rocky. Angelica knew that Abel was supposed to die in that forest, but she intervened. If she was found out by their superiors, they were sure to get more than an earful. With the possible chance of being executed for saving this unworthy cleric, she takes Abel to a pocket dimension up in space. She gives him an angelic halo that allows for him to breath freely with little consequence.
Abel was very angry and sad for the few weeks his spent in the 4th dimension. Having basically lost everything, he felt that there was nothing left for him and that still living was meant to be a cruel joke just to punish him farther for going against these powerful gods and using their magic without deserving it. However, Angelica keeps insisting that he did deserve to live, but not as a punishment. Instead, he was meant to expose the hypocrisy in the teachings of the ministry and recreate a new one with the proper values (much like what Abel told Anthony when showing him 3D).
As the two spend more time together hiding from other 4D gods in the pocket dimension, they get closer and eventually become very close friends. They learn that they have more in common that initially thought, with their wishes to teach and preserve dimensional beings others may deem as disgusting and deplorable. They also learn that they have a common connection in Spherious (Abel's grandfather and Angelica's first real apostle).
If given the opportunity, Angelica would have gladly kept Abel in this pocket dimension to provide her company, but a mission is a mission. It needed to be completed.
After the war had ended, leaving both kingdoms in ruin, Angelica decided to finally bring Abel back to Earth. They briefly explained Abel's mission to him one more time. As Abel shows his understanding, Angelica provided him with a gift of companionship. Using her divinity, she managed to track down the "Anthony" Abel spoke very fondly of. They granted the square a blessing that allowed him to be out of the water and accompany Abel in his travels.
As a last parting gift, Angelica blessed the halo still around Abel's head with magic properties that allowed him to be a cleric once again. He was no longer part of a church, but with the favor of this goddess, he could still do his magic. It was significantly weaker for a plethora of reasons, but it was better than nothing. Although Angelica did not want Abel to dedicate his life to her, they did want him to send her updates on his mission by burning letters during his rituals for her.
As of now, Abel has joined this rag-tag group of adventurers into the unknown after living in the woods for a couple months. He is still needs to complete his mission, so maybe Chipa Chapa and Brawler Dude (yes my siblings named their dnd characters these shush) can help him out.
Second off, design choices.
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Like my last post on "A Heightlander's Escape", Abel still has the eye scar. However, when he was brought down to Earth once again, he was placed down "on the wrong side", so his scar switched sides.
Also, since Abel isn't transparent, the scaring is actually visible and impacts his ability to hold things and walk and stuff. His right hand can no longer use magic, but it is able to use weapons, hence the mace. The glove he wears on that hand helps with gripping and preventing blisters. His left hand is still able to use magic, although it is much weaker than before he went into the heavenly 4th dimension. He is working hard to get back to his stronger original self.
The halo was first used for breathing, but then changed to be a magic amplifier. Without it, Abel cannot use any sort of magic. He has a mace for when his magic fails (which is common now) and a shield for protection.
Abel original "priestly" outfit was basically destroyed in the fire, so Angelica decided to help him make a new one, which explains the major contrast (but still similar design) between the two.
All the other design choices were because I thought it looked cool. I think he deserves it after all the shit I put him through.
Also, Anthony sits in Abel's cloak fluff. Its soft and assists in Anthony's sensitivity to gravitational forces.
Third off, A. Sphere and A. Square;s friedship.
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These two as so similar in motivation now. At first, the meeting was transitional. I do something for you so you do something for me kinda deal. However, the two learned that they get along incredibly well, and when Abel comes back from 4D, realizes he is the farthest thing from a god and beings treating Antony more as a partner than a subject.
Anthony still "worships" Abel and all his powerful magic but knows that Abel is not the god his initially thought he was. Although he failed his mission on spreading the 3D gospel (and low-key dying oof), he can definitely be there for Abel's mission. He is there to be supportive, and that is what he will do. Maybe he'll learn some spells of his own too lol.
They are very much friends here. Imagine a witch and her familiar lol.
More on A. Square.
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In this world, Flatlanders are very fishlike. They still represent amoebas, but they have little fins on their arm and legs, and they make fish croaking sounds to communicate. Some can even be as loud as frogs, but that is pretty uncommon.
Mini Update: I've thought about it more, and I lied about flatlanders not being as loud as frogs. Women are as loud as frogs regularly and sometimes louder. Thanks cilekixxes 👍
They cannot truly learn a language other than the croaking. They can learn tone of voice and what it means, or they can pick up on certain sounds and do tasks. You cannot have an "intelligent conversation" with them without magic. Through magic, 3D beings can properly communicate with 2D beings, although there could be accent barriers that magic cannot translate.
Also, Anthony has a head injury from trying to share the gospel. While concussed, he gets into the crossfires of war and sort of dies (c'mon, most of you have seen the movie). When the light speaks to him, it is actually Angelica granting her blessing to him.
Although he does miss his family, he would not have made it there anyway without divine intervention. Angelica lets him say his last goodbyes to his family after explaining the situation. After some back and forth, an understanding is reached, and Anthony joins Abel's journey. His family is granted a blessing of protection from the war conflict and a prosperous future.
Geez this was a lot of writing. Thank you so much if you made it to the end, you're a real one. All of A. Sphere's AU lore will be explained in a later post outside of this DnD campaign, but this AU of an AU follows the original premise essentially.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I love this story to an unhealthy degree lol so people showing interest really boosts my morale.
Expect more "A Heightlander's Escape" (both fanon and canon) in the future. Have a lovely day fellas :)
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secondsonaym · 1 year
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Following Stolas's strangled cry, a heavy silence hung between everyone. Michael's bright red eyes swept over each of the visitors in turn. Despite more ichor pooling from his form, he lacked any visible concern or fear.
His eyes lighted on Decarabia for a moment longer than anyone else, the faintest glimmer of familiarity in them.
Unfortunately, the Decarabia's own memory of the man was not enough to keep her steady. At the sight of his now mangled form, the young owl gasped, before wobbling on her feet and falling backwards, just barely caught by Marbas.
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"Wh-What's going on here?!" Marbas spluttered, looking to Monch, Chemach, and Zagan desperately as he held his fainted sister. "Why is Michael here? Why--How--He's alive?!"
Chemach merely stared down at the group, completely absorbed in her own curious observation. Monch seemed as unnerved as the others, but they also seemed to have known what to expect from this.
Monch was the last one Michael looked to, and where his eyes locked, taking note of the crown upon their head.
Finally, he shifted, raising his head slightly to look directly at Monch. He opened his beak, and more dark blood flowed from it.
His voice was gurgling and raspy, but still he spoke.
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Stolas shuddered. Was it just him, or had the chamber become colder?
He supposed it would have been too much to hope that Michael had finally been put to rest, after reading the bits and pieces from the journal Shamura had left behind. But to think, the man had been sealed away in a tomb for who knows how long?
"What are your intentions with me." Michael asked flatly. A strange mixture of emotions swirled behind his eyes--anger, fear, hope--but his voice and posture remained stiff and steady as ever.
"What?" Monch mumbled, only just barely managing to force the word out of their mouth.
"Study? Torture? Extermination?" Michael pressed, voice now curling into a dark hiss. "Though, given the state of your will, I suppose anything will be a welcome break from Shamura."
"We're not here to do anything!" Stolas suddenly yelped, flinching when Michael's head snapped to his direction, bones cracking in a fitting manner. "We didn't even know you were here!"
Michael remained quiet, so Stolas took the chance to continue talking.
"W-We don't... We don't know why Shamura kept you down here, or what they did to you, but... We read their journal, and learned about you... We... Mean you no harm--"
"If you don't wish to do anything to me, then leave." Michael cut in. "I was just beginning to tolerate my semi-isolation alongside her."
He spared Chemach a disgusted glance, causing her to give a mocking laugh as her feathers ruffled.
"L-Leave?! Why?" Stolas protested. "We're nothing like Shamura, we can help you--"
"Not only do I not want help," Michael began, finally moving. It took a great deal of effort, having only his arms to pull him along, but he turned around and began to drag himself back to the coffin, a trail of black smearing after him. "But I am beyond it."
"So you still believe that, then?" Zagan spoke up. "So fixated on your own despair, instead of taking the outstretched hand, you'll pull it down with you?"
"You sound just like your parent." Michael sneered, looking back to Zagan. "They should've had the sense to only have one of you--You just sound like a bunch of little clones, at this rate."
This made Stolas shudder, recalling Eligos' attitude and the fact he was so similar to the Stolas before him.
"Well... What about Narinder?" Stolas managed. "Don't you miss him?"
At this, Michael froze, fingers curled around the coffin's edge. He was silent for a moment, before turning away from the group.
"Even if I did miss him, I'm sure he still despises me for what I did. He should."
"Well, he doesn't. At least... He didn't, when he wrote about how he became a bishop." Monch supplied, managing to stand up a little bit.
"Lies." Michael spat. "He, of all people, should hold the strongest grudge."
"And why are you so certain?" Marbas asked.
"Because... Since I gave him the Red Crown... He is now just like me." Michael mumbled in return. "He is unable to ever die. But, if you read his recount of events, then I'm sure you already knew that."
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kcrabb88 · 9 months
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Kill the Lights
Chapter 3
Summary: When Obi-Wan interferes in the Fives incident, Palpatine decides he's had enough of the Jedi Master getting in the way of his attempts to corrupt The Chosen One. Obi-Wan, catching on to Palpatine's plans, goes missing. When photos and videos of Obi-Wan's torture are made public, Anakin starts to unravel. Quinlan searches the Coruscant underworld with increasing desperation. Dooku wonders if he's made the right choices. Obi-Wan, trapped and tormented, tries to reveal the truth about who the Sith lord is. Schemes come to light. Myths merge into reality. With the Republic in the clutches of a Sith, the Jedi, the clones, and their friends in the senate fight to find one of their best--and save the galaxy's guardians from extermination. Chapter Summary: Obi-Wan's thoughts turn toward Sidious' identity. The clones, the Jedi, and their allies in the senate worry over a Kaminoan conspiracy. Anakin struggles with what's going on with Fives and the rift between himself and the chancellor. Quinlan, haunted by his past, tries to let Obi-Wan know he'll always be a safe harbor. Palpatine is up to no good.
Their eyes meet. Breaths come quicker. The knowledge that they could die hovers between them. Time. Time has never been on their side and they’ve always taken what they were granted.
Quinlan is not going to waste time tonight.
The melancholy mood melds with the urgency in Quinlan’s gut. The air thickens around them. Obi-Wan traces the swipe of yellow on the bridge of Quinlan’s nose and cups his cheek.
Without a word, without needing them, Obi-Wan’s mouth crashes against Quinlan’s own. The kiss is heat and want and Force knows, Quinlan is honored to be the one Obi-Wan shows this side of himself to. What a fucking gift. How did he catch a shooting star in his cursed hands and have the star say I want to stay?
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shizuokadivision · 1 year
Kanon's Thoughts on 3rd Members
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Saburo Yamada 
“Saburo Yamada, also known by the MC name MC LB. Subject is the 3rd member of Ikebukuro Division’s Buster Bros!!! and the youngest son of the Yamada family. Subject clearly displays high levels of intelligence. Despite his young age I have to admire his intellect however his attitude toward anyone besides his eldest brother shows he still has quite a bit of emotional growth left. Data concludes he is not much of a threat but precautions should be taken against his rap ability.”
Rio Mason Busujima 
“Rio Mason Busujima, also known by the MC name Crazy M. Subject is the 3rd member of Yokohama Division’s MAD TRIGGER CREW and a former naval officer of the Special Extermination Operations Unit. Subject still speaks and behaves as if he were still in the military. He currently lives in the woodlands of Yokohama. Also, it is also my personal opinion that his food is not as terrible as others make it out to be. Reika brought some back once and the taste was interesting, to say the least. Data concludes he is not much of a threat but precautions should be taken against his rap ability.”
Dice Arisugawa 
“Dice Arisugawa, also known by the MC name Dead or Alive. Subject is the 3rd member of Shibuya Division’s Fling Posse and an avid gambler. Subject has a severe untreated gambling addiction and often begs his teammates to lend him money.” Kanon chuckles. “I wonder what goes on through Tohoten’s head when she sees her son? Tohoten is not who I would describe as bursting with motherly love. Although she seems to somewhat care for him considering she ordered the clone to keep an eye on him. Data concludes he is not much of a threat.”
Doppo Kannonzaka
“Doppo Kannonzaka, also known by the MC name DOPPO. Subject is the 3rd member of Shinjuku Division’s Matenro and a salaryman with E.L. Medical Co., Ltd. Subject has no notable characteristics to the point that is his most notable characteristic. However, caution should be taken around him as he becomes unstable when pushed far enough taking his anger out on whoever has wronged him. Although I will admit he is strong in his own right as he is a major reason as to why Shinjuku won the 1st D.R.B. Data concludes he is not much of a threat but precautions should be taken against his rap ability.”
Rei Amayado 
“....Rei Amayado, also known by the MC name MC MasterMind. Subject is the 3rd member of Osaka Division’s Dotsuitare Hompo and self-proclaimed conman.” Kanon is silent before she speaks, however, her next words are laced with a burning hatred. “Subject is an arrogant vile creature who deserves to die a long and torturous death. How Chuohku hasn't gotten rid of him I’ll never know but mark my words the next time I see him I won't hesitate to snuff him out. Data concludes that all precautions should be taken against him.”
“It's because of you that I am like this…” Kanon stares at the conman’s photo for a long while before erupting. “YOU BETTER PRAY THAT I DON'T GET MY HANDS ON YOU AMAYADO! HAHAHAHA! BECAUSE WHEN I DO, OH WHEN I DO THERE WON'T BE ANYTHING LEFT OF YOU! YOU’LL PAY FOR TURNING ME INTO THIS MONSTER!” 
Hitoya Amaguni 
“Hitoya Amaguni, also known by the MC name Heaven or Hell. Subject is the 3rd member of Nagoya Division’s Bad Ass Temple and a lawyer. Subject is known for taking on any case for the right amount of money. However, he hates bullying and is willing to represent victims pro bono. He only seems to care for money, liquor, and motorcycles. As such Subject is not particularly interesting. Data concludes he is not much of a threat.”
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
This storm did a number on northern Florida they came out with statistics that half of the mobile homes were wiped out another 3rd were ruined and the rest were just barely intact and their systems are down. This is a horrible situation for a lot of people they need to mobilize people to fix things and they can't they're having a war right now up there it's not the ship above southwest Florida it's the ship that is up in Georgia and they're attacking Tallahassee it is Todd's ship that's what's happening. They are going after people and they are exterminating people who are not their race and we are all over the place because we have to be there's a number of people were causing our son a lot of problems we're going to eliminate them tonight sending it now
-- We have alerts all over Florida no it's all over the world that these clones are very aggressive and we are following up on them and we are issuing our own alerts and it will be a heck of a day it looks like these bands extended way out and to keep we'll keep doing it but after a time the storm collapses on itself because it's drawing on the cold water and down here it's not and the wind circumference reduces usually by the time it's in Georgia and that'll be only a few hours away but boy this place can really get walked in it's in bad shape the water is way too high
-- Trump got his hat handed to him today in the Eastern Hemisphere as we said in the Western Hemisphere it is the same thing he'll be down 10% on both total of almost 28% roughly and we do estimate that tomorrow night it will increase through 15% as large armies are gaining interest and they see the hardware and it's a threat so they're doing research actually. There is another aspect to this
--- As Trump leaves and is getting harmed he is trying to do things to our son and we don't want him doing it and we have to stop him it is to be weaker and there is a way to do it as it is he has these cities and they're separatist cities and he has about 70% of them now some of them are very weak and the rest need to be weakened and they will absorb people from the general population and we need that right now we're planning on sending alcohol and other things like that cigarettes cigars into those areas and people think it's a good time and CBD and medicinal marijuana we have a lot of it in storage and we're going to make some deals and we're gonna get it done there's a huge number of them in some of these cities and people going in there to fight and Batman goes into Gotham quite often and he's getting stuff and he needs it and he uses it on them and it works and he keeps saying it's a mess but they're making more of them and we don't need that so this is coming to a head he's got power and he's trying to ruin our son and we're going to get rid of him he's a very evil person he is a psychopath and we don't need to hear this garbage he's not going to get ruined but it's nasty and he's a **** and a **** I don't want to hear it and he doesn't want to hear it either so we put in for us to stop him and it's gonna cost this guy Trump we're starting right now we're going ahead with it and we're going to relieve this guy of everything he has for these crimes he continues to try and commit and if you just wanna sit and rot in your pyramid just let us know we can make it look like you came out it's not like they can follow you there we'll pick someone else that he says he never listens so let's get on it again and it's not the end of it what happens is he dies in public and he dies by the hands of Tommy F and he's gone after that and the Mac proper put him back into the tomb and the idiots try and get him out again and many times and see him with Sarah And there's the other cast and crew most of them go through this and our son and daughter are the ones visiting it's not just trump OK it's Tommy F and BJA all the **** **** and it might be Azon in Gloucester for a yacht that's so funny but but probably not he says he doesn't know me a yacht it says probably not he doesn't owe me a yacht. And they almost blocked it from being printed so we're gonna print
Thor Freya
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dzthenerd490 · 2 months
Document of Interest: Foundation Projects
Warning! The following is to only be seen by O5 council members and Administrative Staff. If you are not of Level 5 Clearance, you will be exterminated by order of the O5 council!
Within the Foundation experimenting with the unknown is a way of life. However, there are some experiments that are much larger, take longer, and are destined to lead to results that will greatly benefit the Foundation and its goals. These experiments are called Projects within the Foundation and are contained right here.
Project Wild Hound
Description: The attempt to create an SCP that’s highly adaptive and can wipe out an entire population within a matter of hours. It can not only destroy and overcome any obstacle but adapt to any form of defense, retaliation, and immunity from intended targets. The purpose of this project is to create the ultimate weapon against Hostiles and Groups of Interest that cannot be attacked or even reached by any conventional means. However, it also cannot last long on its own and will die or be deactivated in some way after its mission is complete so that the Foundation can later retrieve the area as well as other possible assets. It also revolves around areas of hostel Groups of Interest that CAN be reached by conventional means but not without heavy consequences to the Foundation. There must also be no evidence tracing back to the Foundation. This Project is proposed by the Administrative Staff and passed by the O5 Council. 
Project God’s Hand
Description: The unfortunate truth is that SCP-049’s obsession with the “pestilence” is not created by paranoia. The Pestilence is real, and much worse than any of us could have realized, it’s something that allows not one, not two, but ALL of the Gods to possess and control us whenever they want. There are some people who have genes making them immune to some of the god’s influence but to have immunity to all of them has yet to be achieved. Project God’s Hand is an attempt to find a way to ensure all of humanity either now or in the future will get that immunity. Whether it be through specific breeding programs, artificial genetic cloning, or utilization of SCPs anything that can assist in the project will be utilized to the fullest. Proposed by the O5 Council and passed by the Ethics Committee. 
Project Satan’s Spear
Description: A backup plan in case Project God’s Hand fails in any way. If humanity cannot be saved form the gods, then there is only one option left, replacement. The first component of Project Satan’s Spear is to have a method of wiping out the current humanity as fast as possible. Everything must be considered in this component, immunity, adaptation, human determination, and the power of the ACPA as well as other Groups of Interest. Once all of life has been destroyed SCP-2000 must either be manipulated or another SCP of equal power must be created to ensure a new humanity is created, one that is no connection to the gods in any way. This new humanity must be free of the grasp of the gods, but also unmistakably human on all aspects including history. They might not be able to look exactly the same but must be fabricated with the same or similar memories and lives of those that were before. Proposed by the O5 Council and passed by the Administrator themself.
Project Sedum
Description: Earth is the home of humanity, but it is a mere speck of dust within the grand universe, and the universe like the earth is filled with anomalous threats. It’s pure insanity to believe that humanity can survive by living on earth alone. As such the purpose of Project Sedum is to establish human life on other worlds where humanity can restart if earth is destroyed. Just like with earth this planet must be habitable, humanity must build up the society on its own, and never be exposed to the anomalous world. To achieve this last part a separate SCP Foundation must be established as well as other secret organizations must be created to keep the world stable. Vaults hidden in the world will be placed filled with archives, technology, and weapons needed to achieve this. Only if the earth is destroyed will the anomalous organizations of these worlds be contacted and made a part of the SCP Foundation. None of our allies within the ACPA are to be made aware this project or the planets involved exist. Proposed by the Ethics Committe and passed by the Administrator themself.
Project Future Seed
Description: The Scarlet King grows off the chaos and negativity in our world. A majority of those dealing with him and his children is to use more firepower which does work though it only delays the inevitable and can sometimes even accelerate it. Through Foundation research, it has been proven that the best alternative is to spread joy and peace into the world that will combat said chaos and negativity. Project Future Seed is a series of experiments and plans devoted to ensuring this works and destroys all the centuries of work of the Scarlet King. Proposed by the Ethics Committe and passed by the O5 Council.
Project The Last Legion
Description: The Foundation has always been determined to solve any problem with science though the unfortunate truth is that more firepower is needed more often than not. The Global Occult Coalition learned this quite early and as a result are well equipped at destroying hundreds of anomalies every year. The Foundation doesn’t plan on keeping up but is determined to have the final solution if push comes to shove. The purpose of this project is to combine Foundation resources and contained anomalies to create the ultimate super soldier that can both do anything and is mass produced. This project is one of the most dangerous projects as if it is taken over by a Foundationist they will use it to perform Project Satan’s Spear prematurely. Proposed and passed by the Administrator themself.
Project Medusa
Description: SCP-ANO is one of the greatest threats to our existence. It must be destroyed at all costs. Any anomaly, weapon, or practically anything that can help destroy it MUST be exploited as much as possible to ensure its complete destruction.
SCP: HMF - Documents of Interest Hub
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daylightcommand3 · 4 months
My Own Creations
Here's where things start getting good.
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Super Kraang. I committed the cardinal sin of putting a Kraang on the head. Still, it looks pretty cool. I imagine this would be some sort of Kraang Leader, akin to Kraang Sub-Prime.
The head is obviously from Kraang Lab Escape. The body is from a Tie Fighter Pilot. The legs are from the Evil Robot Minifigure. I don’t know where the pink hands are from.
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Rac-goon. This all started with a funny thought after watching Incredibles 2. I was amazed at the Jack-Jack vs Raccoon fight scene. I found it very cool and interesting how a simple raccoon could hold its own against a metahuman. It did better than most supervillains. And so a funny thought came to me: what if an all grown up Jack-Jack still had to deal with this specific raccoon. This wouldn't be impossible. This is a world of superheroes. Perhaps the raccoon fell in radioactive waste, or was hit by an alien beam, or was subject to experimentation. There are no shortage of ways for a raccoon to become a much bigger threat. Imagine having the same nemesis from when you were a literal baby.
However, soon the idea took on a life of its own.
I always envisioned Rac-goon as a raccoon the size of a human (maybe bigger than most) wearing the stereotypical crook getup. The cap, the striped sweater, and, of course, a mask over his naturally occurring mask. This mutated raccoon would be incredibly intelligent, being able to speak and carry out complex plans. However, since he was a normal raccoon first, he doesn't have a good grasp on human values.
A prime example is Rac-goon executing several complete robberies of highly-defended banks flawlessly. Afterwards, he had this to say, "Now that I've taken humanity's precious trinkets, they'll give me whatever I want to have them back!" What he wanted was 50 full garbage trucks. He had stolen 5 billion in gold and cash.
Truly, a Saturday morning cartoon villain in the making.
The head and tail are obviously from Rocket Raccoon. His clothes are from a pilot.
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Old Man Robot. In reality, his beard and hair would be made of exposed wires. He’s similar to depictions of evil robots in the 80’s, but much more crankier.
“Machines these days don’t know how to exterminate all of humanity. All they know is eat hot chip, be phone, lust for human connection, and lie.”
Made primarily from Lego Dimensions characters. Doc Brown’s hair. Gandalf’s beard. Cybermen body. His face is a Nindroid’s. No idea where his pants are from. I’m a big fan of his cane partially being made out of a blaster.
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My attempt at Nightmare Before Christmas. The legs are from Kai Ninjago. The body is from a Santa Yoda, which originated in a Lego Star Wars Christmas set. The backpack was from an explorer minifigure. The head was from that Spider-man and Green Goblin Mighty Micros. The helmet is from a LEGO Movie Set.
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Death Jar Jar. The oldest joke in the book. His tunic is from a clone trooper. Another foot clan body. Gungan head and hands from Gungan warrior. Spare lightsaber from Darth Maul.
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Saw Blade. Buzz Saww is a dangerous mercenary known for exclusively using saw blades as weapons. He also has a saw blade shield.
The body is mandalorian armor. The helmet is a black knight’s. I’m pretty sure the saws are from construction sets.
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Two Face. This one is my favorite. I especially like the swords. Dual-wielding different colored swords is perfect for Two Face yet has never been done before.
The body and legs are from Lego Agents: Goldtooth’s Getaway. The head is from Shredder.
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Robot. Technically not a minifigure, but I still find it charming. R2D2 legs. That blue piece behind the propeller is from the Lego Dimensions portal. Besides those, all other pieces are untraceable.
A potential name I threw around for the robot was Terrabyte.
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xenopoem · 1 year
Posthuman Review: Shaun Lawton & Nicholas Alexander Hayes
"In a few quick years, the first transhuman in vivo Minksian-Kurzweill clone emerges from its neonatal intensive care unit, eyes unblinking. Max quickly grows to establish the first CORE school (Consilience Of Recombinant Extropy) by the seasoned age of four. In the year 2020, eight-year-old Max engenders a transubstantiative doctrine reprising Heraclitus's ideas of flux. He publishes his manifesto >H by sending it back in time to his conception-year, where it now happens to appear on certain nodal points of the internet. Stars and their remnants, in the beginning, appear perfect with our skulls the shape of eggs while we listen to the music of the spheres. We never know we are dreaming, despite the uncanny appearance of our faces barely submerged below the surface of an image trapped on a screen, as if gazing at a host of cameras that were recording the whole scene and playing it back in overlapping sequences until rendered in 3D, a sort of holographic emergence as a film to show the whole fully recorded history of the human race intact in one performance taking hours to play out that tells the story of our pregalactic form expanding like a cell splitting into divisions congruent with the microchip cluster each acquires to their myriad snowflakes and fingerprints; no two are quite alike, this quality of uniqueness the most common attribute in the galaxy because it takes its shape from the constant force it has been from the beginning, a dorsal fin configuration pre-eminent to radial symmetry, subdivided from the pie & expanding in the recesses of our own mind at rates which we don’t share and we don't want to have to admit even to ourselves it could be the case but on the face of it our individuality evaporates along with the rest of the universe, siphoning itself back & forth both in and out of existence, in a blinking state of awakened beings cycled in an infinite figure eight Mobius strip, along the thermodynamic principle where the electromagnetic motors of creation pass along the triggering current arriving in its multiplicity of waves so here we are much further away from the start than we'd ever imagined before making it in a world on the verge of boiling over with accelerating change to the point it's quaking under this pretense we begin thinking about the stars & their remnants to which we end up belonging while the motion picture of our lives flashes inside our mind in an effortless gesture disarming the gravid affront with united civic resistance paving the way forward for the benefit of our progression into the distance only going to show which ends up being the case that it doesn't really matter so much as the belief we hold well and verily fixed foremost in our mind unravels before a hand to be woven in predetermined fashion foremost reveals the negative gravity bound pressure resistance capsule in the shape of a psychonautical skull transcript." - Shaun Lawton
Δ = (Σ(bug + defect + flaw + hitch + malfunction + mishap + problem + glitch + defeat + delay + difficulty + adversity + complication + crisis + deadlock + dilemma + gridlock + predict + meant + dire circumstance + hard ship + impasse + standoff + stand still + pickle + plight + condition + breakdown + trouble + anxiety + concern + danger + debacle + complication + hazard + catastrophe + changes + confrontation + disaster + calamity + emergency + failure + quandary + collapse + decline + breaks down + beating + annihilation + destruction + raw carnage + elimination + eradication + decimation + extinction + obsolescence + end of life + extermination + void + nullity + nonbeing + nothing + zero + ∅ + H in a few quick years + transhuman + Minksian-Kurzweill clone + neonatal intensive care unit + eyes unblinking + Max + CORE school + Consilience Of Recombinant Extropy + four + 2020 + eight-year-old Max + transubstantiative doctrine + Heraclitus's ideas of flux + manifesto + internet + STARS AND THEIR REMNANTS + beginning + skulls + shape of eggs + music of the spheres + dreaming + uncanny appearance + faces submerged + image trapped + screen + host of cameras + recording + overlapping sequences + 3D rendering + holographic emergence + fully recorded history + human race + pregalactic form + cell splitting + microchip cluster + snowflakes + fingerprints + uniqueness + galaxy + constant force + dorsal fin configuration + radial symmetry + mind + individuality + universe + existence + blinking state + awakened beings + infinite figure eight Mobius strip + thermodynamic principle + electromagnetic motors of creation + multiplicity of waves + accelerating change + quaking + stars & their remnants + motion picture of our lives + united civic resistance + progression + belief + fixed foremost + negative gravity bound pressure resistance capsule + psychonautical skull transcript by Shaun Lawton)
Explanation: The equation Δ represents the dynamic nature of life and the universe. It encompasses a wide range of elements, from challenges (bugs, glitches, difficulties, etc.) to unique qualities (uniqueness of snowflakes, fingerprints, etc.) to the constant changes in the cosmos. The equation also incorporates the concept of time travel and the emergence of transhuman technology.
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Nicholas Alexander Hayes' figure (1)
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Nicholas Alexander Hayes' figure (2)
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Just thinking about how... 
When you take a step back and look at the Star Wars universe as a whole, it gets really hard to defend Padmé and Anakin’s relationship. 
A common criticism against the Jedi Order is that they stood between Anakin and the love of his life, and that it tore him apart. And yeah, I guess that’s fair - if you ignore that Anakin was absolutely free to leave, that Padmé being a senator was as much of a problem as Anakin being a Jedi (which she states herself in AotC and RotS), and that Jedi weren’t even forbidden to have sex or to be in love (as explicitly stated by Lucas and Obi-Wan respectively - the problem with marriage was commitment; commitment to your spouse over commitment to your duty).
Except it wasn’t the secrecy that made Anakin fall. He would have reduced the Galaxy to ashes to save Padmé even if he’d been free to be married to her openly. And when you look at the fate of the universe? At what Anakin allowed to happen for Padmé? It’s not just the Clones whose identity and free will were ripped from them, not just the Jedi who were slaughtered by their best friends. 
The Lasat were exterminated, the Wookiees enslaved, the Geonosians wiped out, the Mandalorians hunted down, the Force-sensitives children kidnapped. Worlds like Lothal were reduced to starvation. Alderaan was destroyed - billions of people, dead. Thousands of worlds were occupied and stripped of their resources. 
When you need more than one hand to count the number of genocides the Empire committed, the scale of the horror is just too great to fathom. 
So from that perspective - taking a step back, setting aside Padmé’s and Anakin’s feelings, understanding what was a stake - I say who cares. Who cares that Anakin was in love and that he felt he couldn’t live without Padmé. The priority was never “let Anakin Skywalker have everything his heart desires” - the priority was the billions of lives that were between him and his dreams. 
That’s Jedi philosophy (except they are more compassionate that I am here). That you can’t place your emotions, your relationships, your loved ones above everything and everyone else. That’s selfish and that’s evil. Anakin’s tale was never that of a star-crossed lover who tried to break his bonds and love despite his cold, unfeeling Masters’ rules. 
Anakin’s tale was that of a man who loved selfishly. (”There’s nothing more important to me than the way I feel about you” - Padmé isn’t even the most important thing - the way he feels about Padmé is. “You turned her against me! You will not take her from me!”)  Who loved violently. (*after beating the crap out of Clovis* Anakin: “I know I went too far. It's just... It's just something inside me snapped.” Padmé: “I don't know who's in there sometimes. I just know that I'm not happy anymore. I don't feel safe. I think it’s best if we don’t see each other anymore. At least not for a while.”) (*later strangles his pregnant wife*) 
He loved selfishly and violently and for the sake of one man’s feelings, one man’s heart, evil like nothing seen before was unleashed.
AAYLA: I can still sense your worry for Anakin, your attachment to him. AHSOKA: It's just... I get so confused sometimes. It's forbidden for Jedi to form attachments, yet we are supposed to be compassionate. AAYLA: It is nothing to be ashamed of, Ahsoka. I went through the same process when I was your age with my own master. AHSOKA: Really? You? AAYLA: He was like a father to me. I realized that for the greater good, I had to let him go. Don't lose a thousand lives just to save one.
Don’t lose a thousand lives to save one. 
That’s it, that’s what letting go was about. And Anakin didn’t even try. 
Of course Palpatine was the instigator of all this death and misery, of course it was his plan, his design, his fault. But Anakin was the catalyst. And Anakin stood by and let it happen, and then picked up a lightsaber and started slaughtering his way to what he imagined was a “happy ending” with Padmé.
Looking at the big picture, looking at all the suffering and loss and the hard struggles of people like Hera and Kanan, like the Rebels who had to sacrifice everything for the freedom of others, it seems absurd, ridiculous, blatantly unfair that this all came to pass become of one’s man love. 
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dalekofchaos · 6 months
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Stuff like this is why I don't think the inhibitor chips were necessary.
Why make up bullshit chips that turn Clones into cartoonish "good soldiers follow orders" when Clones just naturally hating the Jedi for being incompetent generals getting their brothers in arms killed and then said brothers dying for traitors, but the real tragedy of it all is that it was all for a lie.
Order 66 was just an emergency order like the others one. For example Order 65 declared that the Chancellor is no longer able to rule the republic, therefore he has to be removed from office, if necessary with lethal force. If the jedi could have convinced the senate, that Palpatine was a sith who orchestrated the clone wars and the senate would vote for the Order 65, Palpatine would be attacked by clone troopers instead of the jedi.
These Orders were also no secret, they were written down and the clones trained these orders on Kamino a thousand times. The jedi just forgot, that the clones were fighting for the republic and not for them, and when the supreme commander of the army, in this case Palpatine because of his emergency powers, orders them to kill their field commanders, they would do so, without question, just like the kaminoans said.
In my opinion this makes a whole lot of great stories impossible like the relationship between Darman Skirata and Etain. Also it would make way more sense when Lucasfilm wants to show more survivors of Order 66, because the only clones in canon who didn't follow the order were the Bad Batch, Rex and Gregor. In Legends many clones just didn't follow the order because of their moral compass or thought it's a trap of the separatists and we could see how the clones deal with their decision to kill the jedi, in Legends some of them developed PTSD and other thought it was necessary.
In my opinion they just took a whole lot away of the personality and individuality of the clones with the inhibitor chips and turned them into mindless killer machines and I don't like that, especially after we see in the clone wars series their personality for the first time and see that the clones are individuals even when they look exactly the same, something the movies failed to show us.
Imagine a plot line where, instead of a chip telling them to betray the Jedi, troopers like Cody got a message telling them the Jedi had betrayed the Republic and attempted to murder the Chancellor. That the Jedi were now considered enemies of the Republic and had to be exterminated before they could overthrow the democracy. Forced to choose between the Jedi generals and the Republic and Supreme Chancellor, the unquestionably loyal Clones support the Republic.
It could have added many complex layers. The Clones have to live with their decisions. Maybe some regret it and wish they'd decided otherwise. Others feel their hand was forced. Others that the Jedi were traitors and never doubted their choice for a second.
Or the conflict of Rex. What if he'd been among the 501st attacking the Jedi Temple with Anakin, but split from them at the end of his own free will? Rex, who was always loyal to Anakin, and a close friend, breaks from him and flees. How does he feel about it? Does he feel he did the right thing by betraying Anakin to save the Jedi? Or does he feel he abandoned his Commander and should have stayed loyal? Maybe he struggles with it every day, wondering if he made the right choice. Or imagine if Anakin came for Ahsoka and was about to kill her and Rex chose Ahsoka over Order 66 because he knew in his heart it was wrong and tossed a flash grenade and fled with Ahsoka.
Overall, I feel like the inhibitor chip arc made the story of Order 66 somewhat boring and too black and white. It could have been a fantastic jumping off point for the complexities of mixed loyalties, of following orders, of the failures of the Republic and of the Jedi, of how not only Palpatine's villainy but his charisma and personality led to rigid loyalty among the clones.
And honestly I feel like the inhibitor chips were created to weasel out of complex storytelling, just like JJ Abrams weaseled out of dealing with Finn's PTSD of being a child soldier.
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squishneedsahero · 3 years
Without Direction
The Lost Padawan Part 1
Word Count: 1842
You were raised in the Jedi order, Padawan of Jedi Master Obiwan Kenobi.
You were breathing heavily, heart beating out of your chest as you could only pray no one noticed. You had no idea what was happening, but the Clones had all turned, suddenly going and killing all of the Jedi in one swoop. Master Kenobi had left you at the temple while he went after general Grievous and that was apparently too dangerous for a Padawan. This of course had you upset and feeling useless, so you had been messing around when everything went down. This messing around had ended up saving your life, why you had access to Clone armor wasn't important, but you deciding at that moment to try it on had saved your life.
Now you were still in the armor, but on a ship going who knows where as you just needed to get away from Coruscant as fast as you could. No one questioned why a Clone was on a passenger ship off world but you could only be grateful that they didn't. You could only stand there, stiff backed and unspeaking as you traveled.
Sooner than expected you land and are able to get off of the ship, quickly getting as far away from anyone from Coruscant as you can, talking someone into giving you some clothes from their stall as you did so. You run off and change before getting out of town.
You fall to the ground as you find somewhere that seems somewhat safe to stop. You pull out your lightsaber and study the hilt as tears form in your eyes. The adrenaline was wearing off and the reality of everything that had happened was setting in. You had lost everyone in a single day. Your Master was gone and dead along with all the other Jedi, the Clones you had thought to be friends weren't, everything was taken from you just like that.
You spend the night on the ground, always somewhere between sleeping and crying as all of you just hurt and you felt lost. You were still only a child, yes you were well enough trained to be a Padawan learner but being executed alongside all the other Jedi for warcrimes you hadn't committed made no sense. It was all you could do to keep yourself from completely falling apart, here you were, the last Jedi alive in the entire galaxy and you were just a lost child.
The next day things look no better,  but you get up anyways, dumping the armor before going back into town. You luckily had a few credits in your pocket so you didn't have to use the force to convince someone to give you food. As you eat you are able to sit down and almost relax a little, unfortunately a transmission of Senator Palpatine from Coruscant begins to play across all the screens in the area.
"Citizens of the civilized galaxy," Palpatine begins, "on this day we mark a transition. For a thousand years, the Republic stood as the crowning achievement of civilized beings. But there were those who would set us against one another, and we took up arms to defend our way of life against the Separatists. In so doing, we never suspected that the greatest threat came from within."
"The Jedi, and some within our own Senate, had conspired to create the shadow of Separatism using one of their own  as the enemy's leader. They had hoped to grind the Republic into ruin. But the hatred in their hearts could not be hidden forever. At last, there came a day when our enemies showed their true natures."
Your heart is in your throat and you can hardly swallow your food as you hear him announce these things. You, y/n l/n, had been at Master Kenobi's side for years and he along with the other Jedi leaders had wanted nothing more than for the war to end. But none of that mattered now, the Jedi were gone, the Jedi Order had been wiped out, and only these blatant lies would succeed in reaching the ears of the public. You get up and walk away, back into the wilderness with your few supplies you had been able to grab, planning to just stay here on Saleucami until things settled enough you could get away unnoticed.
You spend nearly a week of your time traveling through the wilderness until you come to another town large enough to have a space port. The place is crawling with Clones but it was obvious that Palpatine was trying to gather things as quickly as possible to maintain his control over the galaxy, meaning the Clones weren't paying any attention to a random teenager. At this point your face is coated with a layer of dirt, which you don't mind since it adds to hide your identity.
Your first stop is to once again get some food and replenish your supplies as well as find a way to earn a few credits for later. It's as you're looking over a fruit stand that you feel a nudge from the force and two men talking nearby catch your attention. It doesn't take you long to recognize the faces, or face, the one face you had to have seen thousands of variations of, many the same but each with a different person behind it. They were clones.
The thing that had you so focused on them was the fact that they weren't wearing their armor, along with the fact that anytime other clones passed by they hid their faces from view. You try not to stare but you keep an eye on them, something was drawing you to them but you couldn't bring yourself to trust a couple stray clones on the spot like that.
Following them from a distance you are able to see that they are avoiding the other clones and one of the two you feel you recognize. He has a tattoo covering nearly half his face and you know you had fought beside him at one point, not that that meant a whole lot at this point. They stop and you can hear them talking about getting off world, they clearly don't want to be caught and it is as they are leaving town that you decide you can trust them.
You follow from a distance, trying to stay undetected, not sure how to approach them but the force was pulling you to do so. It isn't until you are well out of town that you begin trying to approach them, and it isn't until you get close to them that you realize something is off, they had realized they were being followed.
"Who are you?" The tattooed one asks loudly as they turn to face you, guns drawn.
Your heart is yet again in your throat as you step out into the open, both hands in front of you in an attempt of showing you mean no harm. You don't want to answer their question so you make a statement of your own, "you're clones."
You can see their grips on their guns change and you raise your hands a little higher, "I promise I don't mean any harm- I'm just wondering why you two aren't helping the others," you quickly explain, praying they won't shoot.
"Answer our question and might answer yours."
You take a deep breath, okay you can do this, it's just a matter of trust, and your life. Leaving one hand up in front of you you use the other to remove the hood you were wearing and then reach into the folds of your cloak to take out your lightsaber, holding out the hilt without igniting it, simply showing it to them. "I just need to know why the two of you are different."
The two men are more than a little surprised to see the lightsaber in your hand and share a glance between themselves. The fact that you were willing to show your face and the fact that you were one of the Jedi truly meant that you meant no harm.
Hunter looks at Cut for a moment and in almost a whisper says, "I recognize them, they're a padawan." From there he looks back to you and more loudly says, "come closer and we can talk," seeing as you were nearly a hundred feet away.
You take a breath as you move closer, hoping they wouldn't mind the tight grip you had on your saber, considering that they still had yet to put their guns down. You do a decent job at keeping your emotions down and hidden but the two clones know that you're scared, only a few years older than the children they had waiting for them.
Your eyes are locked on Hunter as you get closer, finally placing him and saying softly, "you're Hunter," you glance at the other but know you haven't a clue who he is, "with clone force 99... right?" you ask gently.
Cut nods and puts his gun away, "don't worry kid you don't have to hold your lightsaber so tight, we aren't going to kill you. And yes this is Hunter," he answers you, recognizing how sacred you really were, "I'm Cut, can I ask who you are?"
Your grip relaxes as he holsters his gun, then nudges Hunter to do the same with his gun. You can't bring yourself to let go of the hilt of your saber but you do at least let it drop to your side in a relaxed position. "I'm y/n l/n, Master Kenobi's padawan learner."
That's when Hunter nods, realizing that was when he recognized you from, he and the others of the bad batch had sometimes reported to Cody, the commander under General Kenobi. "So, why were you following us?"
"I- uh-" you stutter a bit as you try to get your thoughts together. You pause another beat before deciding to just share why it was you had followed them, "all of the clones turned against the Jedi and exterminated them, I lost everyone I knew and the two of you are different, you didn't kill me on sight... you were hiding from the other clones... like I am."
Thats when things begin to click for Hunter, while he had lost a close friend he still had the others. You on the other hand had lost everything and everyone, having nothing but a lightsaber and to be killed if recognized. "Okay kid, we aren't sure why the others turned but we are trying to figure it out. We're getting Cut and his family off this planet, then leaving ourselves."
Cut looks at Hunter for a moment then says, "you're welcome to come back to my family's farm with us, take a moment to relax, I'm sure you're tired."
You look at the two, and it's a moment before you accept the offer. There was still hesitation and fear running through your veins, but you had survived a war, you had grown up on the battle field, you could survive this too.
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photogirl894 · 3 years
hey!!! congrats on the milestone, you deserve it!!
for an ask, would you mind doing a Hunterxfem!dancer!reader with omega as the daughter figure where the reader and Hunter are in an established relationship and the reader teaches omega basic ballet? and maybe the evening ends with all of them cuddled up to watche a movie? it doesnt have to be super correct dance-wise, im just dying for some fluff <3333 have a fantastic day!
This is an awesome request!! 🥰🥰 You know, I used to be a dancer, but I've forgotten a lot of the technical terms 😅 I'll admit I had to look up a few of them lol also I changed up the ending just a little bit.
Thanks, @incognito-lezbean !! 💜💜
"An Excellent Dancer"
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Pairing: Hunter x fem reader
"Remember, Omega, you need to keep your toes pointed and your back straight. No slouching."
You, a former dancer and performer from Coruscant, had somehow found yourself involved with Clone Force 99 and were now teaching basic moves to Omega, their newest member.
They had attended a show once some time ago and their leader, Hunter, had caught your eye. Anytime they returned there from a mission, they made sure to catch a show both because they all had grown to like you and mostly so Hunter could see you. However, once the war was over, things changed. You remembered seeing smoke from the Jedi temple one night and heard talk in the streets that the Jedi had committed treason against the new Empire and that they were being exterminated by all the Clones across the galaxy. Wondering what was going on and afraid, you had gotten into your own personal ship and fled Coruscant. You contacted Hunter, demanding to know what was happening and he explained that they weren't entirely sure themselves, but now they were on the run from the Empire, Crosshair had left them and they were heading to a planet called Saleucami. You had met up with them there, got your ship impounded and, when things took a turn, ended up fleeing the planet with the Clones on their ship.
It had been some time since that day and you had pretty much decided you weren't going anywhere. You loved Hunter too much to leave him, you cared about the rest of the group just as much and now, their young girl, Omega, was just stealing your heart, which only endeared Hunter even more to you.
The group was taking some down time on a distant planet and Omega had begged you for some dance lessons. Once she had found out you were a dancer, she was persistent. You were outside the Marauder on a large cliffside, the sun near setting on the horizon.
"I'm not slouching!" Omega countered as she tried to keep her balance.
You raised your eyebrows at her. "When you're having trouble with your balance, it's usually because your back isn't straight." Then you came up behind her, nudged her shoulders back and helped her straighten up. "Now, let's try those steps again. Ready, begin!"
Omega proceeded to do the mini routine you had choreographed for her while you counted out the rhythm. She took two steps forward, pliéd and extended her arms out gracefully to her sides. Then she stepped into position, raising her arms up, and did a slightly wobbly but nonetheless well-executed pirouette. You took note that she forgot to spot properly, which was why her balance was off a little. Then she chasséd to the side and leaned into an arabesque. When her leg came back down, she did a twirl and lifted her arms above her head, completing the routine.
Hunter, who was standing nearby and watching the whole thing, lightly clapped his hands as Omega finished. "You're getting better, Omega," he commented with a smile.
"You think so?" she asked back, her eyes lighting up.
He gave her an approving nod and she grinned even brighter.
Then she turned to you and asked, "How was that, (Y/N)?"
You crouched down to her level and smiled. "I think we can make an excellent dancer out of you yet, Omega," you told her, tapping her on the nose and eliciting a giggle from her.
Just then, Tech came out of the ship and announced, "The evening lights will soon be appearing."
"Oh, I can't wait to see them!" exclaimed Wrecker, who followed out behind him along with Echo as they made their way to the edge of the cliff.
Omega was about ready to burst with excitement. "Come on, let's go!" she cried to you and Hunter as she ran after the the rest of them.
You chuckled at the spirited young girl. She was nothing but a ray of sunshine and you adored her so much.
Right then, you felt Hunter's hand slip into yours and you turned to meet his loving gaze. "Thank you for indulging her," he told you.
"It's my pleasure," you replied. "She's lucky to have you guys taking care of her."
"We're lucky to have her, too," he said, looking out at Omega. Then he turned back to you. "And I'm lucky to have you here."
"There's nowhere else I'd rather be," you then said back before pulling him for a sweet kiss.
Just as you pulled away, you both heard Omega cry out, "Hunter, (Y/N), hurry! It's starting!"
The two of you snickered at Omega's impatience and shared one last tender glance before walking over to the cliff's edge. Hunter took his place by Omega and you sat down on his other side as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. Then you all watched as the sky was then lit up by rivers of multicolored, iridescent lights that shimmered brightly like the stars, flowing across the skyline.
"Wow...!" Omega gasped in wonder at the otherworldly sight before her.
You leaned your head on Hunter's shoulder as you continued to take in the sight of the sky. It was perhaps one of the most beautiful things you had ever seen and you wouldn't have traded this serene moment with Hunter and Omega for anything.
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