#and then you start doing the opposite because the attacks by then are easy to dodge
twiniverse · 13 hours
Look, here's the thing, and the last thing I'll say on it:
Pearl was never confirmed to be a lesbian. Not once.
"but she was repulsed by-"
Greg Universe (who she actively disliked at the time) and Bill Dewey.
These are the only two men we see her react to.
Greg Universe and Bill Dewey.
The only women we see her openly attracted to are Rose Quartz and a woman who looks very much like her.
I get it. People think I don't, but I do. It's easy to assume things are canon because we don't have all the information. And it's hard to see contradictions to what we thought was our comfort canon. But we all have to take a step back, take a deep breath, and remind ourselves that we can still have these headcanons, they can still be comforting. Rebecca was a closeted bisexual for a lot of the show's run. She very much related to Pearl. It's likely Pearl was always bi and we just didn't see it. And that's not the end of the world.
We still have the lesbian wedding. We still have Garnet, Rhodonite, Lemon Jade, Bismuth. Blue and Yellow. Pink Pearl, Yelp and Blip. The heaven and earth beetles. Spinel! I know how you guys love Spinel. THERE WAS A LESBIAN WEDDING ON SCREEN THAT WAS A HUGE PART OF THE PLOT. The lesbians are not starved because Pearl might be attracted to a man.
CAN PEOPLE BE DISAPPOINTED? Yes! Absolutely! But people also need to stop acting like Rebecca Sugar personally strangled their pet to death. She drew some art of her own characters that didn't even make it into the show. You can still look at the show and say 'Okay, she's still portrayed in a way that I believe is lesbian in the show'. You can still hold onto that. It's okay.
We just need to stop attacking the opposite sides of this. It's okay that she might be bisexual, it's okay that people prefer her as a lesbian and might be disappointed. It's NOT okay to start up with "your side is completely homo/biphobic". It's toxic and it needs to stop. We do not need to go to war over sketches someone made of their OCS.
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mosseater9 · 7 months
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lis-likes-fics · 4 months
Pairings: Spencer Reid x bau!adhd!Reader Word Count: 2.6k words Warnings: Mentions of rape, mentions of murder, dead body, crime scene, descriptions of gore, typical Criminals Minds stuff, character with ADHD, mentions of medication... A/N: This is a little more self-indulgent than I meant for it to be, but I do want to point out that this is some of my experience with ADHD, so I'm not just writing random stuff. It is slightly exaggerated, but I also say that about everything I do and it is pointed out that this is based off an off day.
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The long alleyway makes for a nice crime scene, specifically because, despite the busy streets of this city, it's secluded and easy to overlook. It's not too small that the police team cannot fit, but it's small enough that you couldn't cram a really small building into the space. You don’t know how that’s relevant, but somehow it is.
The scene is relatively fresh, the latest of three that brought the BAU to the case. The police handling the scene had it cleared off for you, Spencer, and Derek to examine, via Hotch’s orders.
Spencer's watching you because he loves watching you, and because you're a little off today. There's something about the way you shuffle on your feet or the way you chew on the dead skin of your lip that he finds peculiar. To be fair, you're like this a lot, but today your symptoms are more obvious than usual.
Your eyes scan over the scene with a million different thoughts rushing through your head, less than fifty percent of them actually coherent and fit for conversation.
The three of you spitball ideas back and forth as you look at the man laying cold on the concrete. He's white, lean with light hair and a relatively thin frame. He's nothing like the other two victims, who's physical profiles were all over the place. The only thing they have in common with one another is a single occupation—male prostitution. While this and the first worked on the streets, the second’s job actually took place within a gay strip club a few blocks away from here.
He's got a starting blow to the back of the head, like the other two, and a number of bad bruising and heavy brutality to the rest with overkill to the chest, hands, and genitals. The message feels clear, but there's something a little off.
“Judging by the position of the body,” you speak, your hands restless, “and the way the weapon is discarded, I think our unsub snuck up on our victim in a blitz attack, hit him with the lead pipe, and ran that way.”
You don't point in any particular direction. Spencer glances up from his spot crouched next to the body. Your eyes are stuck on the bloody pipe several feet away from the body toward the secluded area around the back of the building that leads to more secluded walkways through more alleyways.
There is a long pause where they wait for you to explain, but you never do. Spencer thinks you look far off as he examines your face. Derek looks at you, his brow furrowed as he glances around. “Which way?”
“What?” you hum, looking up at him.
Derek elaborates, “Which way did the unsub go?”
It’s your turn to furrow your brow, turning the thin ring on your middle finger. “Did I say something about the unsub?”
Spencer stands, moving over to your side without spending too much time looking at your face. He doesn't want you to feel dumb or awkward, because he loves you and you're just a little forgetful sometimes.
“Yes,” he says in no particular way. “You said the unsub blitzed the victim and ran. Which way did he run?”
He achieves his goal, because you seem to make an “Oh, duh!” face before pointing in the direction of the street. “That way.”
He follows your finger, his brows knitting together. “That way toward the street?” He looks at the pipe, sitting in the exact opposite direction, like they ran and dropped it. “The pipe looks like he'd run the other way to avoid the street. Why do you think he ran toward?” It's a genuine question.
“To throw us off,” you shrug. “It's riskier to go toward the street, but it's also less suspicious than walking alone in the opposite direction where someone could see you and the victim and assume fault.”
He hums. You add on, speaking as quickly as Spencer usually does, “It also means he looks normal enough that he blends in with the crowd. Someone would see a strange figure coming out of a dark alley, no one would really notice a passerby turning a corner. And if this is a popular spot, it's too loud to hear anything going on all the way back here anyway, or no one thinks much of grunting noises when they do hear it.”
You trail off at the end, tight brows staring at the corpse. Derek shrugs, “But what was our victim doing all the way over here in the first pla–”
“There's something in his mouth,” you interrupt accidentally.
You kneel down, taking the offered gloves from Spencer and putting them on. You open his mouth just a slight, spotting the white sticking out from under his tongue. Upon seeing it, both of the boys furrow their brows and tilt their heads. Spencer hands you some tweezers he'd borrowed from forensics for this reason.
Carefully, without disturbing the body as much as possible, you remove the strange object from under the tongue. It's a tiny slip of paper, folded up very small and still a little damp from saliva and any other bodily fluids it may have come in contact with. You unfold it.
“‘Unclean’,” Spencer reads from over your shoulder.
“That makes sense for the victimology mixed with the profile. He's a male prostitute,” Derek points out.
“Which explains the locale,” you say, rocking back and forth on your heels.
“The locale,” you look up. “You asked why he was here. He must have been working, lured down here by the unsub, who waited for him to turn his back before he struck.”
Spencer agrees, taking a picture of the slip to send to Hotch. “He was killed at night. The streets are crowded, easy to slip into and not be seen. It's more risky to stray by yourself. What you said makes sense.”
You look up at him, standing to your full height again. “What did I say?” There you go again.
Morgan speaks up, “What you said about him runnin’ toward the street.”
Confusion passes your mind momentarily. “He ran toward the street.” You don't say it like a question, you say it like you're trying to back yourself up on it.
“That's what you said,” he insists.
You remember thinking that, but you don't remember saying that out loud.
Spencer swoops in like your hero, brushing his knuckles against the side of your arm. “Remember? You said,” he licks his lips, “ ‘it's riskier to go toward the street, but it's also less suspicious than walking alone in the opposite direction where someone could see you and the victim and assume fault.’ ”
You nod, remembering his word-by-word recitation as you watch him. “Yeah. I did say that.” You flag down one of the forensics workers to bag the evidence. She does so, taking your contaminated gloves with her as she leaves. You squirt a hefty amount of hand sanitizer on your hands from its place on your belt loop. “This is the first victim who's been left behind with a note, right?”
“Yes, autopsy results found nothing like this on the other victims.”
“If the victim was working when he was attacked, it’s possible that, paired with the brutality of the assault and the note left behind, our unsub may be experiencing some kind of internalized homophobia.” You trail off at the end.
Derek shrugs, looking down at the body. “There’s no evidence of sexual assault. Not on the other victims, at least.”
“How old do you think this building is?”
Spencer looks at you, your eyes scanning the wall of one of the buildings you’re between. Your bottom lip is pulled between your teeth, picking at the dead skin again. He thinks you’re cute.
“Focus, honeybun,” Derek reminds you, pulling your attention again.
“Judging by the faded color and uneven edges of the brick, and the decay in the mortar,” Spencer says, “I’d say this building is at least 50 years old. Well kept at one point and then let go not long after its production.”
You nod along slowly, taking in the information with a hum. “That’s cool…” Now that that’s out of your mind, you think for a moment. What were you saying again? Spencer watches your eyes light up. “Oh!” You turn to Derek. “He’s obviously confrontational, but he may still be very insecure in his ability and, thus, have to make up for his pent up energy with an excess of violence. Homophobia would explain the obliteration of the chest, hands, and especially the genitalia.”
Derek raises a brow. “What?”
“You asked about sexual assault,” you shrug. “If he continues to escalate above the note, we may see these words carved into the skin as a substitute for sexual violence, or even just blatant rape activity.”
Derek thinks about that, considering your analysis with a nodding head. He sighs and hums, “Alright, I’ll talk to Hotch.” He begins to turn away, grabbing his phone.
Spencer thinks you may have gotten distracted again because you ask, “Did I do something wrong?”
Derek looks back at you, shaking his head and flashing you one of his charming smiles. “No, honeybun, you’re perfect.”
He leaves to take that call. You start to walk after him and Spencer gently takes your hand. You turn to face him, confused at first but giving him a sweet smile only a second later. “Are you okay?” he asks gently, his voice soft.
You tilt your head, “What do you mean?”
Spencer shrugs, taking your other hand just to rub his thumbs over your knuckles. “You’re hyper today, a little more distracted.”
As if proving his point, you begin shifting back and forth on your feet, shrugging and then shaking your head at the same time. “I’m okay,” you assure him, squeezing his hands gently. “I haven’t taken my medication in a couple days.”
He furrows his brow, suddenly a little worried. “Why not?”
“Didn’t feel like it. Also, I forgot it.” That makes sense. Spencer makes a mental note to remind you to take them as soon as you get back home. “But I’m okay, prommy.”
He smiles. “Prommy?”
“Promise,” you clarify, letting both your hands down so you can swing his from side to side. He lets you.
“I know what you mean,” he says. Though he knows he should probably be more professional because you’re both in public and leaving a crime scene (and Hotch might reprimand the both of you for it if he saw) he raises a hand to cradle your cheek because he doesn’t care. He just wants you to feel safe and loved. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
You nod definitely. “I’m good.”
“Okay,” The way he says it is soft, as soft as a kiss to your forehead or a brush of his knuckles on your skin. “You know, I love you, right?”
You nod, smiling at him like he’s the world—because he is. “Yeah. I love you, too, honey.” You kiss his cheek quickly and pat it. You probably shouldn’t have done it right then, but you did, and you don’t regret it for even a moment.
Spencer’s just happy you know he loves you. “Okay,” he says. “Let’s go before Morgan leaves us.” He takes your hand as you both begin walking. He swings your joined hands, just as he knows you like it.
“He wouldn’t leave me,” you shake your head. “He likes me too much.”
Spencer chuckles. “Everyone likes you.”
“Not everyone.”
He looks at you, furrowing his brow. “Who doesn’t like you?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug. And then immediately after, “Why does the sun look yellow? Isn’t it supposed to be white or something? I heard that somewhere.”
Spencer is happy to answer your questions as he opens the car door for you. Derek is already sitting in the front, his hands on the wheel. The passenger’s seat is empty, but Spencer sits in the back with you. You both speak gently so you’re not disturbing Derek. “The Earth’s atmosphere scatters blue light more efficiently than red light, so the slight deficit in blue light means the eye perceives the color of the sun as yellow. But, yes, the sun is actually white.”
“That’s cool,” you mumble. “I think sharks would look cool as hell with piercings. Do you?”
“I do,” Spencer chuckles. In the front seat, Derek shakes his head and smiles to himself, amused by your conversation.
“Did you know that sharks don’t have bones, so when they die, the saltwater dissolves their bodies so the only thing that’s left is their teeth?” You begin ranting, absent-mindedly picking at dirty under your nails. “And also, their bodies are primarily made of cartilage and connective tissue. It’s lighter than bone and keeps them flamboyant. Also, their skin has a similar feel to sandpaper.”
When you ramble, you sound like Spencer. You spend so much time with him and endorse his info dumps so much that you take on his speech style when you go on info dumps of your own. Spencer loves this because he knows that people tend to mimic the people they love as a sign of affection, and you mimic him a lot more than you think.
He also knew about all your shark facts, but he’s happy to listen. He smiles, “Is that what you were doing up late last night?”
You smile a little, turning away from him. “I got distracted.”
“What’s your thought process behind getting from the sun to sharks?” he wonders. “I’m curious.”
You shrug. “Well, you said your thing and I said it was cool. And then I remembered a post I saw that sharks would be cool with piercings. Then I remembered my shark things.” You glance down at your fingers, bringing them to your lips as you notice a tiny part at the very edge of the nail where it would probably tear off. “I just think sharks are cool,” you mumble around your finger.
“They are cool,” he says. He doesn’t want you to accidentally hurt yourself so he adds on, “Will you hold my hand? It’s a little cold.”
You look down at them, “Yeah.” With a nod, you take his hand between both of yours and let them warm his back up. They’re a bit chilly but they don’t feel that cold to you. You hold them anyway, because you love holding his hand. You intertwine your fingers with his and then cover what’s left.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” he says. He thinks for a moment. “Did you eat today?”
You nod, still watching his hand as you turn it to look at his palm. You gently trace the lines of it, forgetting for the moment that he’d wanted you to warm his hand up for him. But, as usual, he doesn’t mind. “I had a cereal bar this morning. One of those Coco Puff ones. They’re like Rice Krispy Treats.” He doesn’t think that’s sustainable. “And, before you ask, I did have water.”
He smiles. “I know. I told you to drink some before we left. You hungry?”
You shake your head, “Not really.”
“You want a snack?” he compromises, hoping—and knowing—you’ll say yes.
“Yes, please.”
“Okay,” he hums. “We’ll grab one on the way back.” Derek nods gently, remembering to do just that. It will only take a moment.
“Thank you.”
“Thank you,” Spencer says, his voice lowering to a whisper. He knows Derek can still hear him, but he always just wants to whisper to you.
You look up at him, “For what?”
“Being so perfect.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes but ultimately smiling at the warmth in your chest. “You’re so cheesy, Spencer Reid.”
He’ll gladly be cheesy for you.
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Criminal Minds taglist: @queermaxwooo @mdanon027 @lilianhallee @hpstuff244444 @thegr8estpuff @niktwazny303 @bubbles2300 Tag yourself here...
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Hardersson x Daughter!Reader
Natalia Guijarro (OC) x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adeventures Universe
Summary: Talia has a way with the refs
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You wrinkle your nose in disgust as you look at the smear of mud on your boot. You know boots get dirty but this is a new pair and you had hoped to keep them cleaner than this after their first game.
It's a little annoying but there's not much else you can do.
Actually, you haven't had much to do in this match at all which is probably the reason why you can take so much time to inspect your shoes.
The action is on the opposite side of the pitch for the most part with brief forays into the midfield but the ball never got close enough to you to need to touch it.
You like playing, obviously, but sometimes it's nice to be on the field and not have to do much. At least when your mothers are in the crowd because there's always the added pressure of keeping a clean sheet when you have to go to dinner with them afterwards.
Besides, a seven-nil lead on a team at the bottom of the table is always fun to watch while on the field.
Talia has been tearing up the opposition's defence. On a hat trick already with a brace of assists you know she'll be searching for a third to complete her set.
On the bench, you can see Alexia bouncing her leg with the other coaches as if this is a make-it-or-break-it game. You're at the top of the table so you can only think she's hoping for the goal difference to increase.
She's a bit intense like that.
You're a bit more relaxed though. It's a mixture of the usual starting eleven and some of the kids from the B Team, testing out formations and roles.
Your defensive line is mainly the kids but they take orders well and don't seem to mind when you micromanage them.
You usual defence know what you want before telling them so it's a seamless partnership. The kids just need a bit more guidance sometimes.
Not that you've really needed to do it this match with all the action up the other side of the pitch. But, still, it's nice that they listen to instructions.
This match has been an easy win for Barcelona but that doesn't mean it hasn't had its mishaps.
Yellow cards have been flying around since the moment the whistle was blown. Three in the first half and four this second half. It's a little impressive, actually, because this referee isn't really known for giving out cards so willingly.
You think that's probably why Alexia seems so intense on the bench. A few players are a yellow card away from being suspended from the next match and you've got matches against second and fourth in the table in the coming weeks.
She'd probably try to take over for coach yelling if anyone got suspended.
You sigh as another altercation happens in the midfield. Some attackers collide with your midfielder and they go down.
It's a clear yellow but it seems like the ref is done giving out cards this match. It's the wrong decision but you're not about to march up to her and tell her that.
Talia seems to have no such reservations.
You can't quite hear what she's saying but you know she's arguing because her hands are flying around and her face is all tense and the vein in her neck is bulging.
This ref is a bit trigger-happy with dissent though and you can see her hand twitch towards the cards in her pocket.
"Talia!" You yell.
She ignores you.
She turns her head slightly to the noise but doesn't stop.
"Natalia Guijarro!"
She turns to look at you and you point to the space in front of you.
She jogs there, panting from exertion or yelling, you're not quite sure.
"Don't you dare get a yellow for something as silly as arguing."
"No, Alexia's about to blow a gasket on the bench and you'll just give my Morsa more reason to dislike you. Go and get another assist so you have something to brag about."
She sighs, kicking a patch of grass stubbornly. "Fine."
Talia ends the match with no yellow cards and a hattrick of assists to add to her hattrick of goals.
Alexia gives you a nod of thanks as you pass her before she turns on her heel to go yell at the players that got yellows.
Talia's arm wraps around your waist as you approach the stands.
"Good game," Momma greets as you stop in front of her.
"Good game for her definitely." You nudge Talia. "Hattrick queen."
Talia's cheeks glow red at the praise. She always does that when it's you complimenting her.
"Almost got a yellow card too," Morsa says and you roll your eyes.
Her whole act of annoyance with Talia is so flimsy at this point.
"But she didn't."
"Yeah, I suppose she didn't..."
Talia's grin widens.
"Let us get changed and we'll meet you outside? Or reservation is in forty-five minutes."
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washoping · 1 month
But the scars still linger
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Emily Prentiss x reader
summary: After taking it slow you and Emily are about to have sex for the first time but revealing all of you, including your self-harm scars that were the reason for taking things slow in the first place, turns out to be more panic-inducing than you expected. Luckily Emily is right there to show you how worthy you are.
tags: 18+, fluff and smut, comfort, talk about self-harm, scars, insecurities, panic attacks and mental health struggles in general, body worship, sex
f/f │ 5.2k words │ ao3
a/n: this has been up on my ao3 already but thought i’d post my writing here as well. writing these is like therapy to me but i wanted to share in case they could bring comfort to other people as well. all typos and mistakes are mine, english isn’t my first language. feel free to send requests, i'd love to write more <3
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Emily’s kisses had this strange effect on you. Every time you two kissed since you started dating you felt like all of your worries disappeared the moment Emily’s lips touched yours. She made you feel safer than anyone else before. You had showed her more of your soul than any other person had ever seen and she wasn’t scared of what she had discovered. If anything, it was the total opposite - she was there for you and you couldn’t help but think you didn’t deserve her.
You had talked about your past, about what you’d been through in your life before her. You hadn’t shared even half of that stuff before. Emily knew of the darkness you could easily start slipping into when things got rough but she was right there by your side, ready to catch you before you started to slip. She knew of your struggles with your mental health and you two had made a pact to take things slow. It took you a while to trust people but trusting Emily had been easier than you thought. She made it easy.
You admired Emily’s patience, having very little of it yourself. She had told you multiple times that she would wait for you forever because ”you were worth it”, but you found that hard to believe. You didn’t feel worthy.
That’s why it was so difficult for you to believe that this moment right now was happening. You had never felt this close to anyone before - in fact you had never let anyone this close prior to this. Being this vulnerable was new to you but you knew you’d do anything for Emily.
Emily was kissing you, making your poor heart pound loudly in your chest as if its' only task was to remind you of all the anxiety bubbling inside of you instead of excitement. Emily’s lips were on yours but they weren’t having their usual effect of forgetting about the world on you because you had gone further than before.
Your kisses were more passionate than before now, initiated by you. Emily had sensed it and her hands were travelling all over your clothed body, stroking your upper arms, your sides, your back. Her touch sent shivers down your spine. You found the growing passion between you two thrilling but also terrifying at the same time. When it came to letting people close to you it wasn’t only the mental part of it that you hadn’t done. You had also never let anyone physically this close.
As your kisses got hungrier and hungrier you started to struggle with staying present. Your mind started racing, feeding you all kinds of insecurities to dwell on. Stupid mind.
Emily’s fingers trailed down from your shoulders to your upper arms, then further down your arms. It felt like they left a trail of fire in their wake as they went. You pulled away from the kiss and found yourself unwillingly holding your breath when Emily’s fingers came to your wrists. Her fingers and your skin had the fabric of your long sleeve shirt between them, but it might as well have been nothing because as soon as you felt her touch on your wrist, you flinched in panic and pulled your arm to your side.
No, no, no. You blamed yourself for forgetting about the mess of a person you were for a while and letting things get this far. Damn Emily and her kisses that made you lose all common sense. You felt bad for her, for having to deal with someone like you.
You looked into her eyes, finding hers looking at you with confusion and concern. She was so beautiful. People like you were never meant to be with people like her. She was way too good. You weren’t worthy. Of anyone, you thought, but especially of someone like Emily.
”Hey… what is it?” she asked softly with such understanding you couldn’t fathom it. Her voice was like a soothing balm to your anxiety that was filling your body, making you freeze in spot.
Your throat was suddenly dry and you couldn’t think of what to say. You swallowed hard, trying to come up with something that would make this moment pass quicker.
”It’s nothing”, you lied and hoped Emily would let it go, but it was a stupid thing to do because deep down you knew she would see right through you right away. She profiled people for a living after all. There had also been numerous times that you had been surprised of how it seemed like she knew you better than you knew yourself.
You looked away, trying to escape Emily’s eyes. You couldn’t face the kindness in them. You felt like you didn’t deserve to be treated with kindness after hiding something like this from her for so long. You didn’t even know how you had managed to hide it for so long, but it didn’t matter anymore because you felt Emily’s fingers gently lifting your chin, forcing you to look at her.
”Hey, I can see it’s not nothing”, she whispered, seeing right through you. ”Whatever it is, you can tell me. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
Her words made tears well up in your eyes. It was like the weight of your secret was pressing down on your lungs, making it impossible for you to take a deep breath in to calm yourself the way you wanted to. You nodded, still trying your best to hide your panicking.
”Promise not to judge me, Emily…” you said quietly, not really sure if you meant to even say it out loud but Emily had clearly heard it because her brows furrowed in concern as she nodded quickly.
”I would never judge you”, she reassured you.
Without saying anything else you started rolling your sleeves up slowly, revealing the faded scars starting from your wrist, travelling up your arm. You had no idea how you had managed to hide this part of yourself from Emily for all this time you had been together. Long sleeves - obviously. But when she had stroked your arms to show you affection, or touched your thigh to comfort you in a crowded place, or when her leg had brushed against your ankle when cuddling… you had managed to ignore it and hiding had gone well until tonight. Tonight it had ended up being too much.
The room seemed to grow quieter and the air heavier, making it even more difficult for you to breathe properly as Emily took in the sight in front of her. You had never enjoyed complete silence because it made your anxious mind race but bearing this silence was on a whole another level. When you finally dared to look at Emily the look on her face broke your heart.
The silence continued as you watched her reaching out, her touch being feather-light as she traced along the white lines on your skin, some raised, some not. You almost couldn’t take it.
You hated them. Your scars. You had been clean for a good while now and harming yourself, at least the way you had done before, wasn’t a thought that crossed your mind as easily anymore. But back then it had been your primary coping mechanism, a really bad one - you were aware of that. You were prone to having coping mechanisms that in the end didn’t help you cope, but actually made things worse. Cutting had been the worst one.
It would’ve been easier to forget about that horrible phase of your life even existing if there weren’t these neatly placed scars on your left wrist, your upper thighs and ankles, reminding you of how badly you had once wanted to leave this place.
And now you were looking at the one thing in this place that made you want to stay, and seeing her looking at your scars felt worse than any of the pain you had ever inflicted on yourself. This was worse than any of it.
”Why didn’t you tell me before?” Emily finally asked, her voice breaking slightly as she looked up at you.
You shrugged your shoulders, trying to hold back the tears in the corners of your eyes. You felt so exposed, showing these parts of yourself to another human for the first time ever.
”I was scared. I didn’t want you to think less of me. To doubt my sanity or abilities or anything like that”, you explained, voicing out your fears to Emily. She nodded, understanding what you meant right away. You noticed her eyes filling with tears just like yours the moment they met yours and it stung your heart to see it happen because of something you did. ”And I already have a hard time looking at myself… my scars, my body in general. I…” you continued but Emily interrupted you.
”C’mere”, she mumbled and gently pulled your arm to bring you closer to her. She wrapped her arms around you, enclosing you into a tight embrace that brought you more comfort than you dared to even admit to yourself. You needed this. You were against her chest and she stroked your back gently, making you feel so appreciated and loved.
”I would never judge you, I hope I can make you believe that somehow”, she whispered while hugging you. Her hand was stroking your back soothingly, a gesture that told you everything was going to be okay. ”I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that alone. But I’m here now and you don’t have to face it alone anymore, if you just let me be there for you. I want to be.”
In Emily’s arms everything felt okay. Her words felt like a warm blanket wrapped around you, but doubt still gnawed at your heart, your past experiences hanging around you like ghosts.
”Why are you so kind to me, Emily?” you whispered, your voice barely audible because half of your words were muted by Emily’s shirt you were pressed against. ”Why would you want to be with someone like me? I’m… I’m broken, Em. I don’t deserve you.”
Emily broke your embrace for a bit to pull back slightly. She wanted to do it to look into your eyes, but her hands still stayed on your shoulders because she knew you’d appreciate the contact. When your eyes met you couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. You felt them falling from your eyes and Emily wiped them away immediately, not wasting a second letting the tears stain your cheeks.
”Don’t you dare say that”, she said, her voice firm but only because of how much she cared. ”You’re not broken. You’ve been hurt, yes, but you’re so strong and beautiful and incredibly deserving of love. We’re all broken. We all have scars. We all have stuff we’ve went through and survived and it doesn’t make us any less capable or worthy. And you, my love… you deserve so much, baby.”
Emily’s words hit you hard. Looking into her eyes as she told you all of that made you realize you had never heard words like hers from anyone else in your life before this. You shook your head, your tears flowing freely now.
”It’s just so hard to believe that”, you admitted, your voice cracking. You looked at Emily who was fighting back tears. ”I’ve felt worthless for so long.”
Emily cupped your face in her hands, both of her thumbs gently wiping away your tears.
”I know it’s hard”, she said so extremely softly. ”But I’ll be here, every step of the way. I’m not going anywhere. You don’t have to do this alone.”
You tried to nod and take a deep breath but it came out shaky and uneven. You were trembling.
”Emily, I… I feel like I’m about to fall apart”, you managed to admit before trying to take another deep breath and failing again. Your chest started to tighten with the familiar sensation of a panic attack that was about to hit you. ”I’m scared”, you whispered through your tears.
Emily’s hold on you tightened and she reminded you of her presence by stroking your upper arms. She walked you to the bed, trying her best to ground you. She knew your bed was where you felt the safest, it was your comfort place. She guided you there and sat you down, kneeling on the floor in front of you. Her hands were stroking your thighs up and down, her touch a reminder that you were here.
”Breathe with me, honey. Can you do that for me?” she whispered, her own breath steady and calm. Without being able to look her in the eyes you tried to mimic her breathing, hoping it would help you calm down too. Emily saw you concentrating as well as you could and she whispered sweet praises to you the whole time.
”In and out… just like that. You’re safe with me. Everything is okay, just focus on my voice.”
And you did. You listened to Emily’s soothing voice while you searched for her hand to hold. She grabbed your hand the moment she realized what you were trying to do. You clung to her, your whole body still trembling. Despite the awkward position with her sitting on the floor she held you, stroking your back, giving you all the time in the world to just breathe.
”That’s it”, she murmured against your hair. ”You’re doing great, baby. Just keep breathing.”
Some minutes passed, though it felt like an eternity, before you felt the weight on your chest lifting. It felt a bit easier to breathe again and when you pulled yourself out of Emily’s arms you saw her flashing you an encouraging smile.
”Thank you”, you whispered and wiped a tear away from your cheek, smiling a little. You didn’t know how to thank Emily enough for being there for you. ”You’re so good to me.”
”Because I love you”, she replied right away with zero hesitation. ”I love you more than you can imagine. And I believe in you, even when you don’t believe in yourself. You’re worth it, every bit of it.”
Her words pierced through the fog of self-doubt that had been shadowing you for years. They brought you a glimmer of light into the darkness that had enveloped you for so long. Maybe, just maybe, with Emily by your side you could start to heal. With her love and support it seemed like anything was possible.
”I’ll try”, you whispered. Your voice was still shaky but there was a layer of newfound hope in it. ”I’ll try my best to believe.”
Emily’s eyes glimmered with unshed tears.
”That’s all I ask, darling. One day at a time, together”, she said and tightened her grip on your hand. You looked down at your intertwined fingers and how Emily’s thumb drew patterns on top of your palm. It was so soft, so soothing.
”Emily… I need… I need to feel close to you. To know this is real”, you confessed with your voice trembling out of vulnerability.
Emily’s eyes softened again and she pushed herself up on her knees to reach you better. She wrapped her arms loosely around your neck and pressed a tender kiss on your lips that were still a bit moist and salty from your tears.
”I’m here”, she whispered against your mouth. ”I’m right here, my love.”
Her hands moved to your shoulders, to your sides. They started roaming over your body, not in a demanding way but more like an offering of comfort and intimacy. She knew that was what you were silently asking for. You responded to Emily’s kiss, letting it grow more urgent, seeking solace in her familiar touch. The atmosphere in the room changed into desperation, it was like you couldn’t get enough of her touch. It was the only thing that could ground you right now.
Emily’s fingers brushed against your scars again. You noticed you had totally forgotten about them. Even though her touching them now was sudden, you didn’t flinch this time. You didn’t pull away. Instead you let her touch you, to soothe the scars with the softness of her fingertips. You both looked down at the lines scattered on your arm for a bit before Emily caught you and distracted you with another kiss.
Then she stood up, pushing you gently down to the bed. She helped you lie down in front of her and when you noticed the hungry gaze she looked at you with, it made your heart race. Emily was all you had ever dreamed of and you couldn’t believe you had the privilege to call her yours.
Her eyes never left yours as she moved above you to straddle your hips. Her eyes were filled with love so profound that the whole moment felt more important than anything else had ever felt before.
”You are everything to me”, Emily whispered, her voice thick with emotion while she started pressing tiny kisses all over your neck, making goosebumps appear on your warm skin. ”Let me show you just how much you mean to me.”
Her hands continued exploring your body with tenderness that took your breath away. Her lips followed the traces her fingers drew. Her movements were directed by her need to make you feel adored. Each kiss, each caress, each tiny little movement she made was a silent promise of her love and support. You clung to her, afraid to let go in case she somehow disappeared out of your reach.
When you felt Emily’s hands slipping underneath your shirt you felt a warmth spread through your body. You sighed into the slow kiss Emily was teasing you with while grazing your soft skin with her fingertips. You could feel her smile while kissing you and it melted your heart. It was so easy to forget about the rest of the world even existing.
Emily was too slow for your liking with your shirt. You couldn’t wait to get it off and feel her skin properly against yours, without any fabric in between. You had been longing for this, absolutely yearning, so it felt like your skin was burning out of pure lust for the woman on your lap.
”Take it off”, you mumbled against her lips and she let out a chuckle. She grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it off. She couldn’t help but stroke the soft skin on your shoulders. She placed a small kiss there, and then on the other shoulder. On your collarbones, then on top of your breasts that were covered by a simple black bra. ”God… just undress me, Em.”
And she complied. She didn’t waste any time getting rid of the rest of your clothes and easing out of her own in the process as well. Both of you were left in just your underwear and you couldn’t help but steal glances of Emily’s body. You noticed she had her own scars and marks as well and suddenly everything she had said earlier made total sense. Your fingers traced a protruding scar on her abdomen and she put her hand on top of yours gently, to show you it was okay. It was part of her. Maybe the pain never truly went away but it was possible to live with it. Maybe you’d learn to live with your scars too.
Emily’s lips crashed against yours again and she gently pressed her whole body against yours, lying on top of you. You loved the feeling of being trapped between her and the mattress, the pressure made you feel safe.
She took a break from kissing you and just looked into your eyes, making sure you were feeling alright. She didn’t need to ask. You nodded, letting her know she had your consent and she answered with a small smile.
You were so mesmerised by how the light hit her deep brown eyes that you only noticed Emily’s hand sneaking down between your legs when an involuntarily moan escaped your mouth. She touched you through your underwear, finding the fabric damp already - which wasn’t a big surprise. It amused her, you could tell by the smirk on her face.
”You’re so pretty when you’re this needy for me”, she teased you in between kisses and started drawing circles with her fingers through your panties. Your hips tried to buckle up but the way she was lying on top of you made it difficult for you to move too much.
She stopped for a short while to ease you out of your bra. With one swift motion she slid her hand behind your back and undid the clasp, then pulling the bra off and throwing it on the floor. You felt a bit self-conscious, you couldn’t hide it. You and Emily had shared so much, seen so much of each other, but this was new. You were almost completely bare, emotionally and physically.
Emily could sense the nervousness in you. She grabbed one of your boobs softly, kneading it in her hand while lowering her head and taking the other’s nipple in her mouth. Your back arched as you watched her and felt her teasing the quickly hardening bud between her lips. You grabbed her head with your hands, your fingers getting lost in her silky black hair. A quick look at you before she swapped to the other nipple and she closed her eyes while giving it the same attention as the first one. You adored the sight in front of you, how your skin glistened with wetness Emily’s mouth left behind.
”Your boobs are perfect”, she stated when she opened her eyes to look up at you. You cradled her face in your hands, finding it difficult to believe her. You tried to, but saying something self-deprecating was your initial reaction.
”I don’t real-”, you managed to start before Emily stopped you right away.
”Shhh…” she shushed you and quickly came up to shut you up with a little kiss. ”None of that, okay? Not on my watch.”
You nodded, trying your best to just focus on Emily and this moment. Your mind was trying to take you elsewhere but it was stopped when Emily took her bra off. She didn’t give you a chance to pay much attention on her boobs before she lowered herself on your body so that she was situated between your legs on her stomach. She looked at you hungrily, inhaling your scent.
”Oh god”, you whispered under your breath when you felt her knuckles brush ever so slightly up and down your slit through your panties. You had never felt this turned on before and you were sure Emily could see it from the way your body reacted to her.
”Such a pretty girl… and all mine. I’m so lucky”, she whispered, blowing air against you on purpose. You writhed on the bed, desperate for her to just touch you properly already. She still dared to tease you by kissing you through your panties for a while until she decided it was time to help you out of them. She undressed you and then took a good look at you, admiring you with her eyes.
You felt shy and felt a blush creeping on your cheeks immediately.
And then she suddenly came up and sat against the headboard of the bed. She pat the spot in between her legs, motioning for you to sit there.
”Lean your back to my chest”, she told you and you did. You two fit like puzzle pieces when you leaned back. When your back was pressed against her you could feel her breasts pressing against your skin. You wanted to touch them, to suck on them, but Emily’s mind was clearly set on bringing you satisfaction instead.
Her arms wrapped around you and you loved how being so close to her felt like. It was pure bliss, the way her hands started travelling down your body and how they ended up caressing your pussy gently. You saw how her fingers glistened with your wetness as they teased you carefully, not touching your clit just yet. With your head leaning on her shoulder she placed a soft kiss on your cheek.
You inhaled sharply and your body jerked a bit when Emily’s fingers finally brushed over your clit. It felt better than any of the times you had done this to yourself before. You closed your eyes, letting Emily guide you through this, giving yourself and all of your trust to her completely.
”Is it okay if I slip a finger inside you?” you heard her asking and saying no didn’t even cross your mind. You nodded yes and heard Emily letting out a deep chuckle. Her voice so close to your ear made you shiver.
And then you felt her entering you, slowly and gently. She knew you could take it. You could hear how wet you were when she started moving her finger in and out of you in a slow rhythm. Her free hand found your breast and grabbed it, holding it like her life depended on it.
”More… another…” you breathed out and even though you didn’t see it you could’ve sworn Emily had a smug smile on her face.
”Another what, baby?” Emily teased you, whispering into your ear as she watched you writhe underneath her touch. You tried to move your hips to make her go deeper and to tell her what you needed, but Emily wouldn’t budge. ”I need you to speak up for me.”
”I need another finger, Emily please”, you finally begged and you could tell it amused Emily because as soon as the words had come out of your mouth she added another finger, and soon after a third one. You felt her fingers filling you and you couldn’t help but moan when she picked up the pace.
”God, you’re so soft…” she whispered into your ear and you turned your head, desperately needing to kiss her lips. You got completely lost in the kiss, moaning and whimpering as Emily’s fingers worked their magic. You couldn’t believe you had gone this long without this.
You felt Emily’s other hand squeezing your boob again, then wrapping tightly around your waist to pull you close to her. She noticed your legs starting to tremble a bit when you got closer to an orgasm so she put her legs over yours, locking you in place, making it impossible for you to close your thighs. You moaned her name in frustration, wanting to move your body purely just because all of this felt so good, but you weren’t able to. Your hands grabbed her arms when her hand found your clit.
”Fuck, fuck, fuck…” you cursed under your breath when you felt Emily fingering you and rubbing your clit at the same time, making your body spasm. You didn’t even realize how tight you squeezed her arms but she didn’t seem to mind, quite the contrary actually - it seemed to fire her up even more and she picked up her pace. As a result your thighs tried to close but she forced them to stay open with her legs. You wriggled in her grasp and groaned, no longer capable of controlling the sounds leaving your mouth. You were somewhere completely else.
”Come for me, my pretty girl”, you heard Emily say right next to your ear with a deep but sweet commanding tone. With that tone it was so easy for Emily to make you do whatever she asked for. You’d obey.
She started planting kisses all over your neck, the side of your face, your shoulder. You knew you wouldn’t last long feeling the combination of her fucking you recklessly and being so sweet with her kisses at the same time. Your hand flew to hers, grabbing it while she was playing with your clit and you squeezed it tight.
”I’m gonna…” you could get out of your mouth but Emily knew already that you were about to reach your peak. She was so good at noticing every tiniest sign from your body that showed you were close. She continued her steady pace of fucking you, not giving you any mercy. She saw your eyes closing in the midst of all the pleasure.
”No… no, baby. Look at me. Don’t close your eyes, I want to see you when you come. Please”, she said and used the same tone as before, knowing you couldn’t resist. You opened your eyes and looked into Emily’s big brown ones right when your orgasm hit you. Her eyes were full of love, her gaze not leaving you for one second while your body shook uncontrollably in her arms. She kept you afloat as you were taken over by your orgasm, repeating Emily’s name over and over again without even realizing it.
She smiled, slowing down the movement of her hands and fingers to let you calm from your high. You held on to her, trying to catch your breath.
Her hand that was on your clit moved to rest gently on your stomach while the fingers of her other hand stayed inside you, barely moving. You fell limp against Emily, feeling your skin sticking to hers. You loved being this close to her, feeling her heartbeat against your skin. She kissed your temple while you tried to calm down after what you could only describe as the best orgasm of your life. You felt so safe in her arms. You didn’t want this to ever end.
When Emily was about to pull her fingers out of you, your hand flew to her wrist to stop her. You didn’t want her to do so just yet. You couldn’t bear the thought of feeling empty so quickly after being filled up by her.
”Stay inside me for a bit more, please?”
”Of course, my love”, Emily answered sweetly, keeping her fingers inside you. You closed your eyes, sighing contently. This time Emily let you close your eyes - but she couldn’t help but reach to kiss your lips when she saw the peaceful look on your face. It was so serene compared to before when you were revealing your scars to her. The panic was gone and she adored the calmness she saw now. She kissed you softly, channeling all her admiration towards you in the kiss.
She gasped when she tasted a salty tear, quickly noticing that it had fallen from your eye down your cheek. She grabbed your cheek with her free hand and you nuzzled into it.
”Are you okay?” Emily asked while drying your tears with her thumb and continuing to stroke your cheek with a soft touch. You nodded and kissed her hand, making her eyes threaten to water too after the sweet gesture. You had never felt so loved before.
”Thank you for being there for me”, you said, your voice breaking a little as you thought about all the ways Emily had shown you how much she cares. You took her hand in yours and smiled when you felt her intertwining your fingers. You wished she’d never let go. You knew you wouldn’t.
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theosmommy1966 · 4 months
Unfair Love
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Your fingers were cramping from how hard you were holding the door. Your eyes mad to be deceiving you, Regulus fucking Black cant be standing in front of you. The guy you loved from the simply age of 5 all the way until the end of school. He had been your best friend, the guy you pined over for years and years while he pushed you aside every time he got a girlfriend. Only to suck you right back in when he got bored. 
“No..” You said moving to close the door to your brother's manor. Tom, Mattheo and You were triplets. Magical beings already formed crazy connections but the three of you could literally feel each other and each other's major feelings. So the shock and pain of seeing Regulus had pulled them from the upstairs living room to the top of the stairs. Leaning against opposite walls, Tom positions so he could see down the stairs easily keeping an eye on you while being positioned in a way to be easily overlooked. 
When Regulus pushed his way in, it took everything in both of them to stay put but your voice stopped them. “Tom is home. If that's not bad enough, so is Mattheo. Do not come any further into my home Regulus.” Regulus paused just inside the door, while he had been friends with both boys in school. He also knew they were fiercely protective of their ‘baby’ sister. They would kill each other if the other hurt her, so they would easily Avada him if he pushed to hard. 
“Y/n.. Dont marry him.” He said in a nonchalant tone. Acting like he wasnt rocking her world and trying to crumble her relationship to pieces. “ Regulus.. Your being a dick.” You said unconsciously stepping towards the stairs and pulling your hands up to your chest. He stepped towards you and smiled in a cocky way that made you want to slap him “Come on y/n/n, you know you its always been me.. Dont marry him.” 
Those words sparked anger in your gut. 
Stepping towards him this time you sneer. “I was second to every single girl that even looked your way in school! You literally asked me to the yule ball and then FORGOT and went with some girl from Ravenclaw! I cant.. I wont.. I.. I..” It felt like a let down to your last name when that spark died and never turned into a fire as you started to almost hyperventilate. Every time he broke your heart played through your head as his eyes flicked above your head. 
You didnt need to turn around to know your brothers were coming down. Mattheo was past you quickly, having moved before your breathing even got uneven. Tom wasnt as familiar with panic and anxiety attacks as you and he were. He didnt stop to comfort you as he grabbed his old friend harshly and jerked him out the door. He didnt slam it on his way out knowing that would just startle you and make it worse. 
Tom had always for some reason been the one you went to for comfort. You thought it was probably just because he was the ‘oldest’. He was the one who retucked you into bed when you had bad dreams even though he was the same age. He had always just carried himself in a way that gave big brother vibes. Every where you went people thought you and Matt were twins and Tom was the older brother. 
He would always have a hard time dealing with others feelings but he always made the most effort for his siblings. When you collapsed onto the stairs and started sobbing he moved the rest of the way to you quickly. He tries to get you to calm your breathing but its like you cant hear him. He does the only thing he knows too, the same thing he use to do when you were children and he couldnt wake you from a nightmare. Pressing his forehead to yours he gently entered your mind. it was easy to find you in panic because when all the thoughts finally formed into a picture you were stood frozen while everything moved around you. 
Him saying your name broke your focus as you turned confused then relieved to see him. “Tommy” You said in a broken whisper as he reached for you, tucking your head against his shoulder and hugging you he looked around. “Lets walk through all this, yeah?” Nodding against his chest “I just feel so much right now.. Im so mad at Regulus. Ive tried my entire life to be what he wants, to be someone he sees but he never did. I was just someone to placate his ego in between relationships.” 
Tom watches as memories of you crying, of Regulus manipulating you and leaving flash around him and he squeezes tighter. “He hasnt spoken t-to me in years and then he just shows up here the night before Im supposed to get married?!” You sob and then suck in a harsh breath “Oh my god. Teddy.. Whats he going to think when he finds out I was crying over another man when im supposed to be relaxing and getting ready to marry him!” 
You pull away and pull out of your head and then away from Tom in the real world. Standing you start to pace and pull at your hair. Tom sighs and stands to try and stop you but the door flies open. Mattheo running in frantically looking for you, only to be shoved out of the way by your tall sandy blond fiancee. “Tesoro” He barley whispers as he rushes to pull you into his arms. Your knees giving out again but he keeps you up. His huge hand cups the back of your head and neck as he shushes you gently. 
Theo swears his heart is breaking as your shoulders rack with sobs. He turns to look at his other best friends, Tom is staring at the door, clearing pissed and trying to stay put. Mattheo is pulling at his own hair when he sees the questions in his friends eyes. Hes struggling because he wants to tell him so he can better comfort you, but he doesnt want to betray your trust. Thankfully he doesnt have to, you can feel his panic and pull away just enough too look up. “Regulus was here.” 
Theos head snaps back to you and he tries to reign in his feelings quickly knowing that they will all play out on his face. His first feeling was worry, he had worked so hard to show you how you should actually be treated. So many dates where he couldnt even hold your hand yet. Regulus had treated you so poorly from day one that his nontoxic love was foreign and unwelcome. 
You had grown up in vastly different environments. Birthing triplets had killed your mother. While your father wasn't horrible or abusive, he was unattentive. He would rather you have a nanny (who he sleeps with before replacing and repeating) then try and raise you alone. While Theo grew up with parents who not only loved him but each other. 
Next was anger at the audacity. Then was worry again but this time for you. Taking a deep breath and taking your cheek in one hand he wipes your tears away. “Ok, tell me why your so upset by that. We have to be on the same page to talk through this. Can we go sit down?” you shake your head and pull him up the stairs, away from your brothers to your room. You let go of his hand and keep walking straight for your bathroom. 
After a few mintues long arms wrapped around you, crossing over and gripping your upper arms. “Im here, Tesoro. Whenever your ready.” You didnt register any measure of time as you stood under the water with him holding you and pressing kisses to your neck and shoulder. “I dont deserve you theo..” you say so quietly he almost doesnt hear. Before he can ask what you mean your already speaking. “Here I am, the night before marrying you, crying over some other guy.. God im so horrible.” 
Before your hands can cover your face, Theo has spun you around and is tilting your face forcing you to look at him. He looks just a little annoyed as he speaks, “Dont say that. Do you remember what Tesoro means?” You sniffle and nod but he raises his eyebrows waiting for you to say it. “It means treasure.” He nods and smiles just a little “So.. My Tesoro couldnt be horrible.. I get it darling.. He was your first love, theres a lot of trauma there. I know your not crying because you miss him, your crying for 17 year old you, for 15 year old you and so on. And thats ok, because thats how we heal.” 
Theos heart warmed as you stare up at him in awe. “I know its difficult for you, my love. That this open communication and understanding isnt something that comes naturally too you. So youll have to give me just a little grace while I continue to learn to navigate you. I promise one day Ill be an expert.” He leans in and kisses your forehead, staying there for just a moment to give you both a second to pull yourselves together. 
When he pulled back the smile he loves was back on your face. He sighs happily and kisses your nose before looking at you. Everything was right in his world again, all he needed to do now, was wait for you to go to sleep. Because Regulus.. Well Theo completely understood where YOU were coming from. But Black? Nah. While tending to lean towards his mothers Hufflepuff nature, sometimes he needs to remind people why he was sorted into Slytherin. Why he became friends with The Dark Lords children. Why he and your brothers trusted him to care for you. And tonight, it would be Regulus` turn to learn. 
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heartfullofleeches · 7 months
"A tour of my room :)"
"Is it on? The red light is flashing so..... Hi! It's so nice to meet you whoever you are... My name is Y/n and..... This is my room! Red gave me permission to record this video after they told me what a camera is. My head still hurts a little from all the crying I had to do to convince them to let me keep this- but I'm okay! What should I show you first?....hm...."
You take a quick look of your surroundings - the hollow ping of metal hitting the poles of your bed catching your ear, steering your gaze towards your weighted wrists.
"My bracelets! Red gave them to me my first night home. The leash is to make sure I don't wander off. I used to do that a lot actually. It's long enough I can comfortably walk around the kitchen, the bathroom, and Red's room. Those are pretty much all the places I need to go. If I pull my bed away from the wall, I can almost touch the front-"
Knock- knock- knock-
Only three... Not them....
"Moving on! As you can see under me, this is my bed. I don't use it much since Red likes when I sleep with them. If you look really close riiight there - you can see Red carved our names into the headboard. They've carved our named into a lot of things we own. I think it's their favorite hobby."
You point upwards at your caretaker's beautiful craftsmanship. Heavy pounds channels through the walls - the frame of your bed imitating the knocks at the front door as it taps your bedroom wall in an that dreaded sound-
Knock, knock, knock-
"Over here is my dresser, where I keep most of my things."
Sliding off the edge of the bed, you recenter your new camera towards your dresser. You knew Red cleaned while you were asleep so there wasn't much on top of the furniture besides a stuffed fox they gifted you your first night home, and a spool of wool rendered useless due to sharp tears in the fabric. There were some picture frames as well, but those were more for Red than anything. The less you had to see your face the better
"I really wanted to try knitting like Red does, but my claws always tear the wool. Next to that is Mr. Rabbit. Red said they got him when they were little and it helped them feel less scared - so they gave it to me to make me free better. I don't want to hurt him so he sleeps here. Above my dresser is the list of rules Red has for me. It's really short - because they said I'm a good person. Red is still teaching me how to read, but i still remember what they told me-"
You pick up the camera, angling it up at the tapestry as you speak
"No eating on the couch-"
"Clean your teeth after every meal."
"Ignore any voices that are not Red's."
"The only time you're allowed to enter the basement is if your teeth start to feel itchy."
"And lastly.... Do not open the front door unless you hear the special knock we created together."
The last one is easy to follow.
"Help! Please, somebody- help! My boyfriend is hurt, I can't stop the bleeding. We were attacked some maniac in this... fucked up mask. Please - open the fucking door!"
You walk to the opposite side of the room, facing away from the window.
"Red.... Red doesn't let me do a lot of things. They were so mad at me when they found me cleaning the storage closet, but their mood changed so fast when they saw I found this... They said it's a music player. I like when they play music from their phone. They said when I'm too scared to watch t.v in the living room to drown out the noises I can just play one of these these...re....reco...."
"Go away!"
Go away, go away- Why can't they just leave you alone. Why can't they understand it's better this way? Whatever Red will do.... It's better than..... Red. Where's Red? Why aren't they home yet? You're scared. Scared of what you'll do. Where is Red? Red - Red, please come home. I'm so hungry.
Dinner... Dinner is right outside, but you're a good person - just like they said. You'll wait for Red. They'll probably be home at any second - cries that loud could be heard for miles in a place like this. You just have to wait.
"I.....I guess I just put the record in here, then. Red is gonna be so proud of me for doing this by myself. Thank you for everything you do for me, Red..... I hope you all liked my tour!"
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tannieastrology · 8 months
Synastry/Composite Observations 🌠
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(These are just some of my experiences and I really just wanna share what I learned with yall)💕
💙✨ Saturn square Venus can really just throw off the timing of a relationship. Well its less the timing and more of the fact of that the two people cant ever make their minds up and mature up for one another. And there are for sure alot of barriers that come withing this aspect one of them being that other people can set these two apart. In the couple that i saw this in the guy was Saturn and the woman was Venus. Venus was led on for almost 2 years while Saturn chased a different woman in that time. Until in may 2023 they started talking but their communication was off so Saturn broke it off. Now in december everyone finds out Saturn wants her back but Venus has moved on. So in their case it was a lack of maturity and indecisiveness.
💙✨ Venus conjunct Pluto makes the Venus person SO obsessive ESP if the Venus person has scorpio in their natal chart. Remember the Saturn guy from the first bullet point? He was the guy ive had a crush on for the past 3 years and in my scenario with him, hes the pluto in this case. Sadly it was unrequited but man this guy had me in a chokehold which was weird because I never wouldve thought id be attracted to someone like him. Its like no matter how far I go I cant ever forget about him its so frustrating. My Venus was conjunct his Pluto in Capricorn in my 3rd house so the way we talked to each other was very agressively but strangely we find comfort in it? Talking to him was easy too but lemme tell you when we argued WE ARGUED like it was HEATED. Our friend group always felt so uncomfortable whenever we went back and forth with each other. So yeah i would say really look at what house this conjunction happens in because for me it affected my house of mind, communication, and friends but if it falls in a deeper house like the 8th house the affects would be like 10x more magnified. Alot of people say its a sexual aspect but I really just think it depends on where it lands. I fell hard because im a plutonian person in general i have a Scorpio Moon and Lilith conjunct in the second house and my Venus in the 8th degree.
💙✨ Venus conjunct Moon brings alot of understanding and patience in a friendship/relationship. So ironically the Pluto guy also had his Capricorn Moon conjunct my Venus nd while we did argue alot and made me cry often I always had a soft spot for him. I felt like I understood him and we had many times where we joked around and laughed often. However Venus conjunct Moon can sometimes amplify your emotions to each other if theres other planets in contact with it. In a case like mine BOTH his Pluto and Moon conjuncted my Venus so most of the times our interactions stirred up obesessive and deeper emotions in me. Sometimes he triggered my trauma and i felt judged by him often but as me and him are getting older and are maturing more we stopped attacking each other and started being more honest with how we feel about things. I tell him about my personal struggles and he helps by giving me logical advice. Because of the fact that our aspect was in Capricorn it took us almost 4 years to have proper communication and be able to share our traumas with each other. I trust him alot even though we bicker often and even if he might not like me back hes still such a understanding friend and was there for me when i needed him and that itself is something to appreciate.
💙✨ If one persons Venus doesnt have alot of contact with your planets in your synastry but the other persons Venus has many aspects it may be unrequited. In my instance with the Pluto guy my Venus conjuncted his Moon, Pluto, and Jupiter and trined his Virgo Mars and Saturn while the only aspects his Leo Venus made to my planets was Venus opposition Sun and sextile Vertex. From the guy I really do believe he should have atleast some type of contact with your big six in order for him to feel something.
💙✨ So going back to the Venus and Saturn couple they also had Venus conjunct Lilith in Saggitarius and she was the one who got away. So like i said she was obsessed with him and everybody knew it too. I mean when she found out I also liked him she started hating me even though i never acted on my feelings and tried to supress it. He was the Lilith in this case and you can really see that hes attracted to her but theyre lowkey toxic sometimes. He blew hot and cold to her multiple times and everytime she got a boyfriend he wants her back like what?? She wouldve done anything for him but nah he sold. Theyre never gonna forget about each other and this aspect in my opinion has a very “the one that got away” type feel to it.
💙✨ Even if your planets dont make an aspect you can still feel it sometimes. I have a Gemini Mars and Pluto guy had a Virgo Mars and lemme tell you our arguements were BAD even though they didnt make an aspect. He always knew how to retaliate to whatever i said and always had a slick comment to throw in and my fucked up Gemini Mars self found that interesting which looking back at im hella concerned. I also cant forget that his Mars conjuncted my Saturn and my Mars squared his Saturn so the intensity came from all ends not just the signs.
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Onto Composite!
(Just a Disclaimer all of these observations are made off of me and the Pluto guy)
💙✨ Having a Taurus Sun in composite can mean that both people are stubborn. Im just gonna use my experience to explain this but having Taurus in the position of Sun can be either bad or good. Me and Pluto are young we’re both still in highschool so i know this wont be how we are gonna act forever but our relation to each other was a very slow process. It took YEARS for us to get out of the arguing with each other/ insulting each other phase since the 6th grade but damn sometimes i really feel like he doesnt ever get what im trying to say. We move so SLOW when it comes to our friendship and also communication because our Mercury is Conjunct the Sun in Taurus too. I read on a blog named awda on here that Taurus Sun couples never expect to catch feelings and its so true. To start with I never really liked him when i saw him back in middle school but in 8th grade i caught feelings bad nd since then i havent been able to forget about it. And weirdly alot of people ship us too. Ive read online that this placement means comfort with each other and while yes i have felt it sometimes, i feel that the comfort aspect of Taurus Sun in composite only applies if the chart is filled with trines and sextiles. Our composite is just squares and oppositions everywhere so we feel the stubborness and uncompromising aspect of the Taurus energy more than anything else. Ive done everything I possibly can to try to move on but im honestly stuck with him for a while now. Thats how Taurus Sun feels in my opinion. Its long lasting and not something you can run away from. People will ship you as a couple and yall might be like nooooo i would never but then boom one day you actually catch feelings. And who knows maybe one day he will I mean thats what my our older mutual friend tells me. I have no clue how he ever feels and I know its because of his natal Capricorn Moon but ive always held a soft spot for him deep down. Ive always wanted to look after him and wanted him to put his trust into me but it was never like that i guess. Maybe one day it will progress into something more who knows?
💙✨ Venus square Mars was another aspect that we held in alot of our midpoint charts like the progressed composite, the regular composite, and the davison chart. When i tell you how potent the energy of this aspect was to us even though we had Venus trine Mars in synastry. Ive always asked him why do you like arguing with me? Why do you like bothering me? But hes never really been able to give an answer. And i think thats just how this energy is. You start to find comfort in the disagreements and in a way it kept us stimulated. It was a way for me and him to connect and become friends. Dont get me wrong there were times where we genuinely got on each other nerves but with time we got more mature and learn how to talk things out and respect each others boundries. We still bicker obviously i really feel like thats never gonna go away lmao but its wayyyy more toned down now. Im not even trying to be delusional but i sometimes feel like hes always fixated on me the most in social situations and many people have pointed it out to me. Even if it might not be romantic it can still make the two people infatuated with each other. You know the saying “theres a fine line between love and hate” this is literally that aspect in a nutshell. You just have to figure out how to express your feelings for one another in a healthy way otherwise you can start to find the other person to be annoying and irritating. This aspect had me all over the place man liking someone and hating them at the same time was crazyyy.
💙✨Make sure you check your progressed composite too. Obviously relationships change and i think the progressed version of the chart is more realistic in how things are in the present time. In our regular chart we have Venus in Libra which i was like eh that doesnt really match us that well. But when i saw the progressed chart it showed that we have Venus in Scorpio conjunct Mercury in the 10th degree and it makes muchhhh more sense. The twisted way we talk to each other and the deep conversations feel more fitting to Scorpio than Libra. We recently started to open up to each other more and this progression happened in 2023 compared to in 2019 when we first met Mercury was conjunct the Sun in Taurus. So we went from stubborn arguements to being more comprehensive but snarky nonetheless. Also it explains me not losing feelings too lmao. Im only really speaking from my side ive had no clue how he felt but I know that he was just as clueless as me. In our original composite we had Sun square Mars and Mercury opposition Venus and we were like cats and dogs back then. Now, in 2024 we have Mercury conjunct Venus and Sun sextile moon along with Moon trine Venus and Mercury. The Sun square Mars aspect went away and were on the same wavelength alot more now. Its really interesting to see how it changed you should definitely check it out if you get the chance to.
💙✨Just something that I observed but all the girls he liked they had an aspect of venus trine moon and some type of positive aspect from venus and mars. All of them were weirdly unrequited though and i still dont know how to figure out how people get stuck in the friendzone using composite but i think it depends on the house and peoples natal charts. I dont have their birth time so i couldnt figure the house things out but look to see where the big six fall and what sign the ascendant is in.
I know I dont post on here anymore but I really hope yall enjoyed this!! See yall next time💕
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iloveroblox48 · 2 months
to sweet ❣︎
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❣︎ ➝ Masterlist here!
❣︎ ➝ Tags:katsuki bakugou and super sweet fem reader! fluff and angst(?)
❣︎ ➝ A/n:hey guys!! another katsuki fic because why not also (^w^) i swear im going to write a fully happy fluffy fic soon i just need more angst practice (◞‸◟)so for now you guys will suffer ( `▽´ ) this is also kind of rushed anyways ignore any grammar/spelling mistakes requests open as always enjoy ⁽˙³˙⁾
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When katsuki came to UA he hated everyone especially you.He didnt know why nor did he question it,he knew he hated you since the day you introduced yourself to the class all smiles and laughter, oh he hated it loathed it even everything about was to sweet the way your laughter filled the whole classroom,the way your bracelets clunked together in a beautiful remedy everytime you talked about something interesting,the way your perfume smelled like a mix of flowers and fruits,how you were so kind to everyone even him oh he hated that the most.
So obviously he made it his mission to ruin you,to break that sweet and kind personality of yours to find the monster underneath.He picked on you day after day calling you more insults than anyone else,pushing you in hallways,he even ripped your homework on “accident” after he stepped on it, and all you could do was flash him a sweet smile and carry on about your day.he wanted nothing more than to break your sweet demeanor.
One day while doing a training exercise you and him had gotten partnered up the goal was for you to find him and capture him,his goal as a “villian” was to defeat you and put the capture cuffs on you.He was so eager to finally be able to take out frustration on you and you to fight back.When this battle was going down of course he antagonized you yelling at you to come out from hiding,his location easily being revealed.You had sneak attacked him from the back giving you an easy win that wasnt even the worst part,the worst part was the fact that you had barely used your quirk and when he fell you offered a hand to help him up.
yeah he really hated you now.
He hated you so much because no matter what he did you still saw the good in him.He didnt realize this until one evening in the common room in the dorms.He was on the couch in a black tank top,red pajama pants losely hanging on his legs,reading glasses on his nose.You were in the kitchen in your pajamas,hair slightly frizzled from sleep,once you had grabbed you glass of water and a snack you headed to the couch toward him sitting down on the opposite side of him watching whatever show on your phone.He didnt say anything he just kept reading his book a comfortable silence falling over the room.Until he finally spoke up.
“Nerd can i ask you something”
“Why are you so damn nice to me” he said closing his book to look at you.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
You said it like it didnt pain you to be nice to him,like everytime you talked to him you chest wasn’t on fire,or maybe that was just him.Everytime he saw you his chest started to hurt,his stomach bubbling with something unpleasant maybe thats why he hated you because you could so easily get under his skin with your kindness having no trouble at all to show it and how much you believed in him.
So after a couple of months you broke down his tough demeanor he began to love the way your laughter drew him in like a siren,the way your bracelets so beautifully clanged together when you talked about something that interested you,the way he could recognize the smell of your perfume,he loved it so much it made his chest burn.
While his tough exterior began to soften,yours began to grow rougher.Your smile being a rare sight,your personality becoming colder,your responses shorter.He noticed this one day and of course he had to confront you after class.
“Oi whats wrong with you nerd”he said standing in front of your desk.
“What do you mean”you glared at him your once so loving eyes filled with hatred
“You haven’t been your usual annoying self”
“Well excuse me for being tired of being treated like shit”
“What the hell has gotten into you”
“I dont katsuki why dont you tell me huh? this is what you wanted right? to make me hate you well you got what you wanted..you know i tried being nice to you because i saw good in you,i knew that you accepting kindness would take time but you dont get to treat me like scum on the bottom of your damn shoe…Leave me alone bakugou.” you grabbed your things and stormed off
This isnt how he want this to go down he just didnt know how to explain himself so he watched you storm off that pain in his chest again,that weird bubbling feeling in his stomach,he wanted to call out to you to grab your wrist and explain everything.But he couldn’t not with the overwhelming growing lump in his throat.
Just then he realized that he didnt hate you,he never has,in reality he liked you
No he loved you
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Yooo. Amazing Gambit writing. 💕 Sooooo I was thinking. I’m feral for the new movie Gambit, especially that VOICE, and can’t stop thinking on this.
Soft non-mutant reader who doesn’t deal with violence and blood very well, like sick or panicky because they were so protected growing up, while Remy is trying to protect them during a fight (could be anywhere). Like, bad time bad place thing. But the reader wants to help, by throwing a shoe when they were about to hurt Remy. Chaos ensures when they turn toward the reader.
So as I was writing this, I was thinking "EXCUSE ME THIS IS A GREAT STORY CONCEPT,". Also, Am I able to use this prompt to possibly, maybe add to my 'I need to write this into a multi chap story' Gambit x reader file? But I hope you enjoy :)
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The air crackled with tension as the fight erupted around you. It was supposed to be a simple errand, just a quick stop in a small town that had seemed peaceful enough to get a few hours sleep in. But then, as if fate had a cruel sense of humor, things went south, and it went south fast. The sudden ambush, the flash of weapons, and Remy pushing you behind him—everything happened too quickly to process.
You had never been good with violence. The sight of blood made your stomach churn, and the sound of gunfire was enough to send your heart racing in sheer panic. But Remy was so much more different that you, complete polar opposites. He moved through the chaos with a deadly grace, cards charged and ready, every motion calculated and precise. It was like watching a storm unfold, fierce and unstoppable.
You tried to stay out of the way, pressed against a wall, your breath coming in short, ragged gasps. But then you saw it—one of the attackers sneaking up behind Remy, a blade glinting in the dim light. You didn’t think, didn’t hesitate, just acted on pure instinct.
You looked around, hands still pressed against the red brick wall, trying to find something, anything, that would help. You let out a small huff, reaching down and grabbing the closest thing within reach—your dark coloured shoe—and flung it with all your might. It sailed through the air, smacking into the man’s head with a dull thud. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to make him stumble, giving Remy just enough time to turn and disarm him with a swift, brutal strike.
But then the man's eyes snapped towards you, fury burning in them as he realized where the attack had come from. You froze, heart hammering in your chest, as he took a menacing step toward you. "Shit," You whispered to yourself.
Remy, still engaged with another opponent, glanced over his shoulder, catching sight of the man advancing on you. "What exactly did you think that would achieve?!" he shouted over the noise, his Cajun accent thick with frustration.
You blinked, caught between terror and a strange sort of defiance. "I don't really think about things before doing them, you know?" you shot back, voice trembling but determined. "It's how I ended up here with you to begin with, remember?"
The irony of your words wasn’t lost on you. You’d never been the type to seek out trouble, to dive headfirst into danger. In fact you, thrived staying away from it. Spending most days either inside or at your job. But meeting Remy had changed everything. He was chaos wrapped in charm, a magnet for the kind of trouble you had always been shielded from. And yet, somehow, you’d found yourself dragged into his world, into the madness that seemed to follow him wherever he went.
It had all started so innocently. You’d met him by chance, a twist of fate that had brought the two of you together. He was on the run, tangled up in something that you didn’t fully understand but couldn’t walk away from. Before you knew it, you were caught up in his orbit, swept along by his easy smile and the thrill of something you’d never felt before—excitement, danger, a sense of purpose.
And now, here you were, in the middle of a fight you had no business being in, your shoe—of all things—your only weapon. The absurdity of it might have made you laugh if you weren’t so scared.
The man lunged toward you, but before he could reach you, Remy was there, faster than you could have imagined. He moved like lightning, his bo staff connecting with the man’s side in a sickening crunch that made you wince. The man crumpled to the ground, and Remy turned to you, his eyes flashing with a mix of relief and exasperation.
"When I said stay behind me, ," he stated, his tone showing his annoyance at you, "It wasn't an optional request chère'".
You nodded, swallowing hard as you clung to the remnants of your composure. This wasn’t your world—this world of violence and bloodshed—but it was his, and as long as you were with him, you’d have to find a way to survive it.
Remy’s order to stay behind him was clear, but the chaos around you made it hard to follow. Every sound seemed amplified—the clash of metal, the shouts of your enemies, the pounding of your own heart in your ears. You stumbled back, trying to keep your distance, but the room felt like it was closing in on you, suffocating you with every breath.
Remy was a blur of motion, a dangerous dance of power and precision. You marveled at how he seemed to anticipate every move, every attack, as if the world around him was moving in slow motion. But despite his skill, you could see the strain in his eyes, the worry that flickered every time he glanced back at you.
You weren’t supposed to be here. You knew that much. But there wasn’t time to think about the ‘what ifs’ or the ‘should haves.’ Right now, the only thing that mattered was getting out of this alive.
Another assailant broke away from the fight, making a beeline for you. You instinctively took a step back, your hands trembling as you searched for something—anything—you could use to defend yourself. But there was nothing. No more shoes to throw, no weapons within reach. Just you and the growing dread in your chest.
Before you could react, the man was on you, his hand grabbing your arm with a painful grip. You let out a small cry, the fear surging up, threatening to overwhelm you. His grip tightened, and you could see the cold, calculating look in his eyes—a predator sizing up his prey.
And then, just as suddenly as it had started, it was over. Remy was there, moving like a shadow. He wrenched the man away from you, his eyes blazing with a fury you had never seen before. "I said stay behind me!" he snapped, his accent thick and his voice laced with an edge of desperation.
You didn’t have time to respond before Remy shoved you back, his attention already turning to the next threat. The man who had grabbed you was on the ground, groaning in pain, but Remy didn’t linger. He was already moving, his staff whirling as he took down the next attacker with a brutal efficiency.
You pressed yourself against the wall, your heart still racing, your body trembling with the adrenaline coursing through you. This was too much. The sights, the sounds, the raw violence of it all—it was overwhelming, like you were drowning in a sea of chaos with no way to escape.
But then you saw it—a flash of movement out of the corner of your eye. One of the attackers, a woman with a cruel sneer and a gun raised, aimed directly at Remy. Your breath caught in your throat, your blood running cold as you realized what was about to happen.
There was no time to think, no time to hesitate. Without a weapon, without a plan, you did the only thing you could think of. You threw yourself at her, arms flailing, a wild, desperate attempt to stop her before she could pull the trigger.
The impact surprised her, but it surprised you even more. The two of you tumbled to the ground, her gun skidding across the floor. She cursed, scrambling to get up, but you were already on her, holding her down with a strength you didn’t know you had.
For a moment, everything was a blur. You didn’t think, didn’t feel—just acted, driven by pure instinct and the overwhelming need to protect Remy. But you weren’t a fighter, and it didn’t take long for her to get the upper hand. She rolled you off her, slamming you against the floor with a force that knocked the breath out of you.
Pain radiated through your body, sharp and overwhelming, but you didn’t let go. You couldn’t. You had to hold on, had to keep fighting, because if you didn’t, if you let her win, she would kill Remy. And that thought was more terrifying than anything else.
But you were no match for her. She was stronger, more experienced, and it wasn’t long before she overpowered you. Her hand closed around your throat, squeezing, cutting off your air. You struggled, panic rising as your vision started to blur, dark spots dancing at the edges.
And then, just when you thought it was over, the pressure was gone. You sucked in a desperate breath, gasping for air, as you saw Remy standing over you, the woman unconscious at his feet. He knelt beside you, his face a mask of concern and something else—something raw and unspoken.
“Chère,” he whispered, his voice tight as he reached out to help you up. “You alright?”
You nodded, even though you weren’t sure if it was true. Your body hurt, your mind was spinning, and you felt like you might be sick. But you were alive, and so was he. That was all that mattered.
He pulled you to your feet, steadying you as you wobbled, your legs weak beneath you. “I told you t’stay back,” he muttered, though there was no anger in his voice now, only worry.
“I—I’m sorry,” you stammered, your voice hoarse and trembling. “I just… I had to do something. I couldn’t just stand there and watch.”
His expression softened, and for a moment, you saw the walls he usually kept up start to crumble. “I know,” he said quietly, his hand still on your arm, grounding you. “But you gotta trust me t’protect you, alright? This ain’t your fight.”
You nodded again, tears stinging your eyes as the reality of the situation finally started to sink in. You weren’t made for this—for the violence, the blood, the fear. You were out of your depth, dragged into a world you didn’t understand and couldn’t handle. But you couldn’t leave him, either. Not when he needed you.
“I’m sorry,” you repeated, feeling the weight of your own inadequacy pressing down on you. “I’m not… I’m not like you, Remy. I can’t do this.”
He shook his head, pulling you into a tight embrace, holding you close against him. “You don’t gotta be like me, chère,” he murmured, his voice soothing. “You just gotta be you. And that’s enough.”
You clung to him, burying your face in his chest as the tears finally started to fall. The fight was over, the danger passed, but the fear and the adrenaline still pulsed through you, leaving you shaky and exhausted.
Remy held you, his presence warm and comforting, a steady anchor in the storm of your emotions. For a long moment, neither of you moved, just stayed there, holding on to each other in the aftermath of the chaos.
Finally, he pulled back, just enough to look at you, his hands gently cupping your face. “We’re gonna get outta here, alright?” he said, his voice firm but gentle. “An’ I’m gonna make sure you’re safe. Always.”
You nodded, swallowing hard as you wiped at your eyes, trying to pull yourself together. “Okay,” you whispered, your voice still shaky but stronger than before. “Okay.”
He smiled, a small, reassuring smile that made your heart ache with a strange mix of relief and something else—something warm and tender that you didn’t quite know how to name.
“Good,” he said simply, “Let’s get moving.”
You followed him, your hand in his, allowing him to pull you into the street, feeling the weight of everything that had just happened. The fight, the fear, the realization that you were in over your head—it all hung heavy in the air. But there was also something else, something that made you feel like maybe, just maybe, you could handle this after all.
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huffelpuff210 · 4 months
Ours Part 2 Soft Dark Alpha Stucky x Omega Reader
Ours Part 2 Soft Dark Alpha Stucky x Omega Reader
Warning: withdraw, anger, dark themes, kidnapping, drugging, held against will, confinement, forced relationship, manhandling, past abuse, 
Your senses slowly start drifting back, 
“Jesus Bucky how much of that did you give her? She’s been out for two days,” You hear a male voice, 
You can smell they were Alpha’s and you could feel your heart rate spike, You didn’t like Alpha’s, they terrified you, they made you uncomfortable. 
“The exact amount Tony told me to give.” You hear another voice, 
“Well obviously his math was off.” You hear the other voice say 
You slowly turn you head trying to wake yourself, 
“Steve.” You hear 
and suddenly it got quiet, 
You were trying your hardest to open your eyes but it was proving to be a bit more difficult.
Your heavy eyelid slowly flutter open, and you are now staring at an unfamiliar ceiling, 
“Thank god she’s finally awake.” You hear next to you, 
You slowly turn your head you saw two men, one had dark hair icy blue eyes and a metal arm, 
He smelled like pine, and cinnamon, it was almost intoxicating, the other man had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, he smelled like the forest right after a rainstorm, 
these two were Alpha’s you were still in a bit of a daze,
“Good afternoon sleeping beauty you’ve been asleep for a few days, we were starting to worry.” The blonde says 
Then everything registered 
These two were Alpha’s and they kidnapped you, the terror running though your veins, 
You jump out of the opposite side of the bed, backing away from the two, your legs still a bit shaky, 
“You- You-” You couldn’t even speak you were so terrified, 
“Easy Omega were not going to hurt you.” The dark haired Alpha says with his hands up meaning peace, but you don’t trust these men, you don’t trust any Alpha, 
You could feel your heart pounding against your chest as it rose and fell rapidly, 
As you look around the room not entirely sure where you were. Memories of your past come flooding back, your father, whipping you with a piece of bamboo, just to cause you pain, your brothers holding you down as you cried, 
The small room, you feel your green eyes glow the icy blue as you start to panic, the two alpha’s look at you in shock and in their shocking state you make a run for it, bursting out of the room, past the living room and out the main door where there was more hallways, you run left your breathing, shallow and ragged having a panic attack as you were running you smelled many Alpha’s in the building, you find a stair well running as fast as you could down the stair well, while you were panicking at the same time, what did these Alpha’s want with you, you were on pills that block your smell, why did they kidnap you? 
suddenly someone jumped from above blocking your path, making you back up and look as small as you could possibly look it was the man with dark hair, you back into a corner, 
“P-Please don’t hurt me.” You say with a shaky voice, 
“No one is gonna hurt you doll.” He says approaching you cautiously 
You slide down the wall looking up at him, you’ve heard those words many of times, from your father, He was a ruthless Alpha, he blamed you for your mother’s death and always treated you as an object not a person, 
And because of that you didn’t want to be in the clutches of an alpha, but here you were terrified trapped like prey, helpless to do anything, panic taking over all your training in self defense forgotten, you were paralyzed in fear, your heart hammering against your chest, 
“look doll, no one is going to hurt you but you need to calm down, your on a verge of a panic attack.” He says 
you can still feel your eyes glowing the electric blue that your father said were disgusting that he would love to dig them out of your eye sockets. 
“Watch. In through your nose, out of your mouth, Deep breath in slow breath out.” He says 
Sadly you listen to what he says, you feel yourself calming down, your eyes turning back to their green color, 
“Good doll your doing good.” He says with a smile as he is kneeling in front of you as you look into his eyes and look down quickly, 
They only want one thing from you. 
“Now why don’t we go back to the room so we can talk?’ a voice to your left says it was the man with blonde hair, you have no idea how long he was there you were too much in a panic to notice, 
You hesitate, 
“You don’t really have a choice in the matter doll, we are just giving you the option to walk.” The man with the dark hair says, 
You stiffen and swallow thickly, you nod slowly standing up, they both walked aside of you, 
they both were massive compared to you, nothing but muscle you stood no chance against these alpha’s even if you used self defense against them, they would break you in half like a twig, 
the three of you arrive back in the room, it was massive, you didn’t notice before since you were in such a panicked state, 
“Now let’s sit and talk.” The blonde says with a smile as you stood there still in disbelief that all of this was happening. 
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shima-draws · 1 year
OOUGHHH been thinking about Grovyle lately and how much I just *clenches fists* love him. Listen to me. Listen,
He is the character of all time. He’s introduced as a wanted criminal stealing something SO forbidden that even the worst Pokemon criminals won’t even touch. That immediately shoots his coolness factor through the ROOF. And the fact that nobody is able to catch him;; AND we see that he’s ridiculously clever and smart and can worm his way out of just about any situation with a bit of quick thinking. And he’s always surrounded in this air of mystery and intrigue and you’re set up to think well yeah he’s stealing Time Gears and stopping time everywhere OBVIOUSLY he has to be an asshole. Except during your first encounter with him he’s very calm and collected and shockingly polite, and even apologizes when he attacks you?? Basically just the opposite of what you’d expect from a criminal. And then to top it off you find out he’s from the FUTURE?? Which is SO sick. And he’s got some secret history with Dusknoir. And when he’s finally captured and being brought into Treasure Town all tied up he doesn’t even act out UNTIL Dusknoir mentions the planet’s paralysis. Which is the first hint you get that things are a leetle sus.
And when you get taken to the future and are about to be executed…he helps you? He has literally zero obligation to do so, esp since you’ve attacked him before. And there’s another subtle hint that maybe deep down he’s got a soft side, that he’s actually not a bad person. And it’s heartbreaking bc he finally knows someone else who is a common enemy of Dusknoir, and he clearly wants to team up with you, bc all this time he’d been by himself in the past and having people he can trust would make things so much easier (and it’s startling how easy he trusts others, too, especially considering everything he’s been through). But your partner isn’t having it and you can FEEL the disappointment he feels that he’s not able to convince you, that you aren’t going to work together, that he can’t have someone else to rely on besides himself. But that little spark, that glimmer of hope comes back when you catch up to him and you’re like yeah we’re going to decide for ourselves what we think about all this. And you find out from Celebi that Grovyle’s always been hasty, always hurrying ahead to try and achieve his goals, and it’s admirable but also regrettable bc he doesn’t ever have time for anything else.
And THEN you discover the truth…that he’s been your partner all along…and he speaks of you so fondly and has such faith in you that he’s totally fine leaving things to you and letting himself get captured because he trusts you SO much. And the despair right after when he finds out you’ve been traveling alongside him the entire time. His precious partner is also going to get captured and executed and the world is doomed to fall into disrepair. But then your partner ignites that spark of hope again and it’s enough, and you make it back to the past, and suddenly things are different but in a good way because Grovyle suddenly has someone to rely on again, even without a memory to go with it. But he can also tell that because of your amnesia he’s no longer important to you, not by choice of course, but you’ve found someone else, a partner suited for you that brings out the best in you. And that’s fucking heartbreaking because everything the two of you shared is gone now, and you’ve moved on, and even though you’re THERE you’re also so far away and so different from the person he once knew. But he knows he has to let you go, had to from the start anyway, because of the sacrifice you were prepared to make. That BOTH of you were prepared to make. And despite the fact that you have no memory he still. Trusts you. Completely. Enough to sacrifice himself to take Dusknoir back to the future. And believe that you’ll follow through with the vow you made and prevent the planet’s paralysis. And he KNOWS you will so he doesn’t know how much time he has left but it doesn’t matter because he’s been prepared to disappear, to die knowing that he’s saved the future, that he made his mark and was able to shine in his finest moments. He can leave this world knowing he did what he set out to do and he made a difference and things will be better for everyone he’s leaving behind. Shut up. Shut UP. I care about him so much I am GOING to explode. THE character ever. You don’t understand,
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Guilty Gear time! While I wait for Baiken, could I ask for some available Guilty Gear characters helping their S/O train?
(Guilty Gear: Strive) Elphelt, Potemkin, Millia, and May training their S/O
Every single person in this list goddamn terrifying to be on the opposite side of, even for a training exercise. Also, this is the first GGS post, apologies if there's OOC!
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(Elphelt) "Alright! Let's get rehearsals in today!"
(S/O) "Um...You know I meant for fighting right? Why are you handing me a guitar?"
(Elphelt) "...W-Wait, I thought you said you wanted to train! Oops! I guess you can use that to block!"
(S/O) "I don't think there's any guitar in this world that can block your attacks!"
Elphelt doesn't mind teaching her S/O self defense, because at the same time it allows her to have fun with them, and make sure they can't get hurt!
It's a win-win!
Though the result usually ends with S/O flat on their ass, but she's careful enough to not seriously harm them.
Other than their pride.
(Elphelt) "Don't worry, S/O! I know we can get you to knock me down soon, you're doing super well for just a single day of training!"
(S/O) "Hah, I suppose it'll be an accomplishment of it's own for managing to land a single hit."
(Elphelt) "That's the spirit!"
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Potemkin hates fighting, but in the service of protecting others, he doesn't hesitate.
And in terms of a friendly match, he doesn't mind. At least when the opponent isn't the person he loves.
He's very aware of his own strength, and even more aware if he's not extremely careful, he could end up doing more than hurting S/O.
(Potemkin) "I apologize, but I must refuse this request S/O. I cannot spar with you."
(S/O) "I'm not asking you to launch me into the air, I just want to make sure you don't have to worry about me in case I get attacked!. Just a little self defense practice is all!"
(Potemkin) "Even the slightest hit from me can be enough to knock you through a building."
(S/O) "W-Well...alright, fair enough."
(Potemkin) "Though, the sentiment is appreciated, at least."
Part of him was slightly curious to see if S/O could perform his Heavenly Buster, but that was a thought for another day.
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Millia is against the idea of teaching her S/O how to fight like her.
And the fact she was an assassin was the least of her worries, not even considering the other things she had been a part of, including her cursed hair.
But at the very least, Millia supports the idea of S/O being able to defend themselves, at least enough to get them to safety.
(Millia) "Very well. However, I will not go easy on you."
(S/O) "Good, I don't want you to! Go ahead and throw a punch at me!"
(Millia) "...You don't want that."
Millia obviously does not use her hair once, only using her pure martial abilities to constantly sweep S/O off their feet, and catching their fists.
Though the progress is understandably slow, S/O is getting better each spar.
And that is enough to keep Millia's mind at peace.
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May is ecstatic to teach S/O how to fight, if it means that they can help out even more in the Jellyfish Pirates!
(May) "Alright, day's young, let's get started!"
May rolls her shoulders as she puts the massive anchor on her shoulder.
Making S/O's eyes widen.
(S/O) "U-Uh, you're not going to use that thing on me, are you?!"
(May) "Well, how else are we going to train?...Oh, wait! I have an idea!"
May put her Anchor away and suddenly whistled.
The next thing they knew, S/O was hit in the face by May riding Mr Dolphin.
Many a training session passed with S/O repeatedly getting hit in the face by various aquatic animals.
Most of the crew, including Johnny, is amazed that S/O's bones haven't been shattered by repeated blunt mammal trauma.
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crucialplayer · 1 year
how good are zodiac signs at lying + tier ranking 
!! everything is based purely on my experiences with signs, written with no other purpose than to share my observations and be unserious. 
excellent liars + can cause a significant amount of stress 
Pisces (unintentionally made it to the top). You know how it's said to be a good liar you have to believe in ur lies? Queens and kings of that. Live in another dimension and process everything through their mood (and it changes A LOT)/or their relationship with the person they are talking about. Hence the «they’ve changed» and «it's different this time». They rarely lie out of a negative spot tho, it's simply how their emotional filter works and distorts reality for them. Also despite being good at lying they just use those Pisces eyes to get what they want. This imo works more for Pisces Risings and Pisces Venuses. 
Libras. It's vital to them to be liked and well thought of so a lot of the time they’ll say and do whatever grants them precisely that. Can be very eloquent with their words, super socially conscious. Can navigate a convo without ever sliding into remotely misbalanced territory. Ig a libra lie giveaway would be if they are in a situation with two or more extreme opinions – it might cause them to get overwhelmed and lost. 
pretty good + can cause a moderate amount of stress 
Geminis. Not surprising I know. Earned and fought for their rightful place. Will lie for fun (mostly). Their motivation for lying is that of an elementary schooler – to see exactly how far they can get away with. Nevertheless, imo they are not as evil with it as they are made out to be. It's merely a way of getting mentally stimulated at any time of the day because without it they would honestly die. Quite easy to deal with too. You either play their game and start lying for shits and giggles too (works if ur goal is for them to like u) or ignore them (it takes about 2 minutes until they get bored and move on to another). Tbh anything in Gemini in ur big 6 will give u this result to some degree. The reason why they're not higher is cause their lies typically don't have the longevity of those above.
Сancers. Cannot stand feeling threatened so they’ll do anything and I mean anything to keep that sense of inner safety – including lying. Basically, if something is even slightly intruding on what they consider their comfort limits –  they will lie their way back to their precious shell. Ig it gets a bit problematic cause often they feel the threat without there being one. And since they are literally the opposite of clearing the air right on the spot you’ll seldom get a chance to catch that moment when they get into their defensive stand. Works for Sun or Rising/Mars maybe?? + If u have both bonus points to the insanity u might cause.
might try to lie but will probably fail + no stress pure fun
Leos. Will try to lie if they feel like their ego might suffer a bit or their social status is under attack, but you will notice it cause honestly there’s not a single emotion they can hide on that face. I’ve noted that they normally hate lying as a phenomenon in general (might be cause it makes them feel unstable and they are a fixed sign + all that ego protection). Besides they don't consider lying as something needed for them to gain love (them being themselves usually does it). Prideful lil babies (I’ve seen Leo Sun or Leo Stellium be like that). Aries. Оk these ones often don't even try. Don't have the patience to analyze the situation and how it might benefit them to lie – they rush straight into react mode (and they are pretty entertaining in it). Same as Leo don't consider lying necessary for them to get what they want – they just go after it and get it.
сan lie in theory but prefer other methods of torture
Scorpios. Lying is too easy and they like to be elaborate with their victims opponents. In all seriousness in my experience they won't appreciate you lying, and won't lie too. They crave that soul bonding hard and lying doesn't really say I want to belong to u with every ounce of my being. If they like you chances are you are sincere in how you feel towards them and they will let you know too. This obviously all falls apart if you have wronged them in some way. Then bye. 
Tauruses. It’s simply tooooo much work and effort. Also generally requires reacting quickly and they would rather exit the situation altogether. And you will like them for other reasons and they know that so ig that’s why they just chill and wait for theirs to come naturally. And it does. And they will be smug about it.
can lie but actively choose not to + hence can cause a lot of stress
Virgos. Would never deprive themselves of the pleasure of being mean critical (esp Virgo suns). Feel like it's their life mission to point out flaws and inconsistencies so they won't tell white lies regardless they like you or not (might be super annoying to you – to them it's everything). But it's useful to have someone that tells you how it is (this line def belongs to Virgo too). Also think they are too smart anyway so they’ll get what they need through that.
Sagittariuses. Pretty obvious. In their world it's either telling the truth or having a heart attack right then and there. It can be so bad that you will ASK them to lie and they still won't. I think it's partially because to them any thought that comes up in their head is worth sharing so there u have it. Good thing they can be funny with it but not always… If they have Sag Sun and Sag Mercury it's this but on steroids. 
could not care less + stress levels caused are moderate but for other reasons…
Capricorns. Too busy to notice you, let alone talk to you, let alone lie to you… But if they do a) you have something they need for their GOAL therefore you have value b) ur somehow got to their inner circle but they still won't lie. They will tell you how it is only to save their time. Can be mean (but honest!!!) but I think they genuinely don't realize it (unlike Virgos). 
Aquariuses. Also too busy but usually with made-up stuff. Don't need to lie since people don't understand them either way. Too focused on bigger plans bigger picture bigger anything to come down to such low topics like intricacies of human interaction. To be fair they are really chill and really could not be bothered. 
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picklebunbun · 3 months
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⌗ ★ |・:🪃〃➜ cw ; it's just a sfw alphabet with dazai and male reader ,
𐃘 osamu dazai x male ! reader, this is romantic, reader implied AMAB, masculine pronouns
{ pickles’ notes 🥒 ; I usually write these readers in mind that they're AMAB because I am AMAB , this reader is implied to be assigned male at birth but it's just one part dw, the header is not mine it's on pinterest }
Now Playing [pearl diver]
0:26 ———♡——— 3:50
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Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
he values his alone time with you, if you work with him, his favorite pass time is to have lunch with, just some one on one time -- even if you don't work in the ADA, he'll ask you to join him at a café for brunch. Distractions make it difficult for him to concentrate on you, so his favorite thing to do with you is to talk, he loves hearing the sound of your voice, the sterness, the softness, he could just fall in love again. In his free time, he likes holding you close, you'll run away if he doesn't suffocate you with his cuddles ! ( ˟̥̥̥᷄⁔̑˟̥̥᷅ ू)
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Dazai would find every part of you beautiful, anything you do makes him fawn over you, admiring your every move, he'll just always find a way to compliment you. Like I said, Dazai thinks you are the epitome of beauty but if he had to name his favorite part, it'd be your eyes, no matter how boring you think they are, how dead they look, he'd always pull your head in and just lovingly stare at them, always pointing out the little details in them₍₍ ( ๑॔˃̶◡˂̶๑॓)◞♡⁰
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
I feel like a lot of people think that Dazai would be bad at comforting, but I honestly think he's the opposite. Dazai doesn't like talking about his feelings to his s/o, he's more focused on your safety, he prioritizes you over his work, so if he sees you upset or crying, he drops everything. Holding you close until you calm down, and ready to talk, giving you cold water to replenish yourself. He'd stay the whole day with you if it means that it'd make you happy (ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू)
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
since Japan has a law about/doesn't recognize same sex marriages, there's not much Dazai can do other than propose to you. Although, he often day dreams about a wedding, how ethereal you'd look on it, how it'll all he worth it to be with the man he'd sacrifice the world for. Which usually leads to Kunikida to yell at Dazai and force him to finish his work, his work notebook is filled with you in a wedding suit / dress. Dazai isn't that much of a fan for taking care of children, but he'd be willing to take care of a few kittens with you !! ₊·*◟(⌯ˇ- ˇ⌯)◜‧*・
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
not seen has dominant but more possessive, maybe he has power over you in the bedroom, but in a more general sense, he’s not really a dominant person. Usually in serious relationships like these, he likes acting this way towards you, dumb and carefree. It doesn’t matter what position he takes, he’d take it just to embrace you and be close to you , ♡(◍•ㅅ•◍)♡
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
he's a bit stubborn at first, but then apologizes profusely after you give him the cold shoulder, he has such bad abandonment issues that he can't stand the thought of loosing you because of a fight. First of all, the argument would probably be his fault, Dazai doesn't take it seriously at the start, making jokes in between which just fueled your anger, then gets very serious and it leads to a screaming match between you too. After this, Dazai would be the first to apologize which leads you guys to talk about your feelings. At this point, he'd hold you close, never letting go . ༼˵˃̶̀ɷ˂̶́˵༽ ෆ⃛
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
he's very grateful for you, you are the reason why he's still here, he tries to tell you his gratitude in every way he can. He'd try and buy you gifts, cook you a meal, clean the whole house for you, basically anything. He's aware on what you do for him, when you're willing to go great lengths for him, and you are ! He knows the difference between putting effort in the relationship and not doing so, when he knows that you're willing to sacrifice anything and everything for him, he'll give off the same energy too !!   ٩(๑•̀o•́๑)و 
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
unfortunately, he does have secrets, but not in the way you think. He hides how he truly feels, when he looks at himself, it's like puzzle pieces were scattered, not even he knows how he feels at times. Dazai doesn't want to worry you, he carries so much emotional baggage that he feels that if he ever told you, you'd be under pressure trying to fix everything and leave him. He doesn't know how healthy relationships work, you were the first one he was serious about. It's fine, you wear him down so he's forced to express himself !! (ノ≧ڡ≦)。
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
he would change, if he's committed then he would change for you. I believe if it's for the better, he'd do it with no hesitation, if it's change for the worst reasons. Odasaku had such a influence on his life, just for showing the slightest bit of affection, so if his s/o comes into the picture, they would most definitely change him. He would be willing to try anything with you, as long as your by his side, he doesn't mind . °\>3</°
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
he'd be the one who'd make you jealous, he is the flirty type after all, he won't go too far though, so don't worry your pretty little head. He trusts you enough to know that you'd do the right thing, so unless he has a real reason to get worried, he doesn't get jealous that easily. If the person you're talking to keeps tinkering with you, Dazai would snake his arms around your waist, or get physicallly affectionate with you. When the person doesn't get the hint, he'd try to get you out of the conversation. Reassure him that you'll always be with him after the situation . (*`д´)
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
yes. Definitely. He has slept with multiple women { + a few men }, so he would most likely be a good kisser. The first kiss depends, if he's known you for like a year or more than that, he'd he a bit nervous, but if he hasn't, the kiss would be pretty passionate. He knows what he's doing, and he does it well . \(´ ∇`)ノ
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
at first he'd be pretty jokey, tip toeing around the subject. Acting like he doesn't want to date you and it was just a hypothetical, " it'd be so crazy if we dated.. hehe.. " " are you asking me out, Dazai ? " " ... maybe..? what do you think .. ? ", s/o acquired ! it actually didn't take him that much courage, but it'd be very scary if you hesitated for even a second . ( ・・)つ
Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
like I previously said, Japan doesn't recognize same sex marriage, but Dazai would still be proposing, it reassures you to know that he's committed and would marry you in a heartbeat. When it becomes legal, he wouldn't even care if he gets a wedding, he'll take an elopement, he wants to get married. When he propose, it'd definitely surprise you, he'd have the whole ADA on it too, as long as it's not during work hours, everyone would be excited for him. His wedding would be simple, unless you wanted it to be extravagant, to which you will have, you are a king and should be treated as such ! ≥∇≤
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
immensely corny ones in comparison to yours, his; sweetiepie, my rose, my fresh breath of air, sweetheart, my cold brew coffee with 2 pumps of vanilla, baby boy, princess | yours; darling, dear, my love, cutie, 'samu { + anything else you want to add } ! ლ(◞‿◟ლ)
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
when he's interested, he'll make it known to everyone. He's a hard flirt, buttering you up everytime, complimenting you every day. He LOVES being all over you, hugging you and clinging onto you. Unless you're SUPER oblivious or a massive himbo { not to be rude }, you should be able to guess that he likes you and his co-workers know that, strangers even confuse you two for a couple. if it won't be casual dating, he'd be more caring than flirting, y'know ? ( •᷄ - •᷅ )
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
he is not shy about going public, he loves talking about you to his co-workers. Whenever he talks to Atsushi, he sneaks in little brags about you here and there, mentioning you in snippets of his conversations. Since his main love language is physical affection, he basicslly strangles you with his love, he just can't help but ooze out his intimate feelings for you, you're just so perfect to him !  ಢ‸ಢ 
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Dazai has a terrifying ability to easily persuade someone and read them like an open book. He'd convince a cashier to give him a discount whenever he buys you something, he even did it to bye you an expensive watch, " my love, how'd you afford this ? ", " uhh.. just enjoy the gift ". When you feel upset, he can tell immediately, by your body language, the tone of your voice and just how you look { like if you have motivation to do your care routine }, he makes sure to keep track of your mood . ( ⁼̴̤̆◡̶͂⁼̴̤̆ )
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He can be very romantic, but sometimes, he doesn't have the money, so he steals from Kunikida, as long as you don't focus on that fact then his gesture is lovely. Whenever he plans dates, he blows off work to focus on it, Dazai likes to keep it plain, so he'd give you chocolates, maybe a restaurant or a love hotel. Not so much as cliché but the way he talks about you is super cheesy . (ιº o º)!
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
it depends what type of goals you have. He tries to keep you on the right track, kind of scolding you when you’re off task, and of course he would be proud of you. Dazai is going to be your biggest cheerleader, he believes his s/o can do anything !  •᷄ ρ•᷅ 
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
he's extremely adventurous, wonder how you keeo up with him without passing out. One time, you guys went skydiving, he managed to convince you even with your little protests. Long story short, you caught him ripping his parachute, but you guys still had a good time {both of you almost passed out}. Dazai thinks the same rountine can get insanely boring, everything is new with him . (ง°̀ロ°́)ง
Understanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Dazai definitely has ASPD and NPD, it grew much stronger in the port mafia, and it was hard for him to heal from that. He tries to he understanding, it's just a little difficult for him, sometimes he comes off as a little insensitive. He apologizes but it depends on the situation, like if he makes a mess whether at your place or at your shared home and you get upset, he tries to ignore that and move on from the subject. Something that he thinks is worth giving an apology for .  ( Ĭ ^ Ĭ ) 
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
he holds so much value into it, you mean a lot to him. It's hard for Dazai to find a reason to keep on living, but when you came in the picture, Kunikida didn't receive late night phone calls from Dazai about his morality and the meaning of life. If we're comparing you to something, you could be worth more than the ADA, but that's only if you're actually serious about this relationship. Sometimes he asks himself the question " if I'm faced with the situation, would I sacrifice the world for [first name] ? ", he usually chooses you, in this hypothetical question . (❁´▽`❁)
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
he steals lipstick from one of his female co-workers to kiss your face with them. One time, he stole Yosano's makeup on your lunch break, and when she found out, she chased him around the office for 30 minutes. You can't take it off since it's waterproof, so you have to embarrassingly ask for makeup wipes. Almost everyone at the ADA tells him to stop, but he never does ! ~ ♪(*^ ・^)ノ⌒☆   
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
get ready to be tackled by this man. He ADORES the affection, he loves it more when you give, it makes him feel validated. Dazai's very public about it too, why shouldn't he make it known to everyone? Dazai is a " bear hug " man, he fully embraces you. He also likes it when you kiss his face, especially in front of everyone, he thinks it makes everybody jealous. Dazai wraps you with his arms in bed, you have to fight him under the covers because you feel too hot since he insists on being stuck to you like he's glued to you . (❁´▽`❁)
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Dazai would try to manipulate his way back, but if you put your foot down and is set on your decision, he'll stop, he won't beg. his life shattered, it only fed his narrative about himself, " nothing good every stays ", Dazai thinks that he's not worthy of anything gold because it always leaves. Kunikida has to take care of him more, scolding him to eat more and to come into work, but he wouldn't have any motivation anymore. His friends would probably call you an " evil man " for a while, but you're an adult, you could make your own decisions, and they understand it. It's just hard to see Dazai's life revert back into the depressing one that he was trapped in, he didn't kniw what to do now that you were gone ...  ŏ̥̥̥̥םŏ̥̥̥̥ 
Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
he's willing to go far for you, he'd risk sudden death if you were in danger. It kind of makes him go berserk if you get hurt by someone, you're just really special. He'll sacrifice anything if it means hearing your soft snoring in the morning, or your disheveled hair from the pillow messing it up. To him, that view is priceless, and he'd do everything to keep it in his memory forever . (੭ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )੭⁾⁾
well dear reader! it seems we have to draw this story to a close ( •᷄ - •᷅ ) thank you for reading !!
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mirai-e-jump · 8 days
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Monthly TV Guide, October 2024 Issue ft. Kamen Rider Gavv Cast Members (translation below)
Publication: August 23, 2024
Chinen Hidekazu x Hino Yusuke x Miyabe Nozomi
Chinen: The three of us have many scenes together, but even before filming began, we were able to go into the shoot with a mutual relationship.
Miyabe: That's right.
Hino: Hide would suddenly show up at my house and say, "Let's play a game."
Chinen: Hahaha! (laughs).
Hino: From the start, Hide was the first to take the lead in bringing the three of us closer together.
Chinen: I wanted us to get to know each other as quickly as possible, and to film in a condition where we could communicate. Because of that, we all exchanged contact info.
Hino: We exchanged LINEs on the day of our meeting, and from there, he immediately asked us out to a meal, which made me happy, and I think this led to better communication on set.
Miyabe: Even on set, Hide helps everyone around him feel at ease. He's calm, but he's also got a reliable side to him, and he also puts alot of thought into his role. He'll also say things to us like, "Let's try this part here," or "Let's practice alittle more," which has been extremely helpful.
Hino: I mean, he's reliable, or atleast he's trying to be reliable (laughs).
Chinen: Eh?!
Hino: That's what's so wonderful about you (laughs).
Chinen: Thank you (laughs). With this production, we've been taking on alot of different challenges, wouldn't you say?
Hino: That's right. First, It's not an easy experience to play the same role for a whole year, right? Because we have a year to work on it, I think there's a certain way to develop and immerse ourselves into it, and if we can do that, I think we can grow alot as actors, so I'm going to go all out.
Chinen: I also want to do my best with action. I've always practiced karate while in Okinawa, so I'd like to become an actor who can also do action. Even now, I'm learning one on one from everyone on the Action Team, and they teach me cool moves that I've sought after myself by saying, "I want to try this move."
Miyabe: I play the role of a flashy gyaru president, but it's the complete opposite of my actual self. Still, I also think it's alot of fun to play an opposite type of role like this, so I hope to continue to expand on that range and to be able to connect with it in the future.
Hino: Is it fun being a gyaru?
Miyabe: It's so much fun!
Hino: Somehow, you're more cheerful than you've been before.
Chinen: I really thought that! I thought that living with a gyaru mindset makes you cheerful, as well as the people around you. For the first time I thought about gyarus, and I thought that being a gyaru is great.
Miyabe: "Being a gyaru is great"! (laughs).
Chinen: I think I'm envious of that mindset…!
Hino: It's positive, isn't it?
Chinen: Yeah. I hope to be able to incorporate that kind of positivity into my own personality. _
-This is what I want to fight with!! Food & Tactics-
Chinen: I think liquid types would be strong. Like the carbonated kinds.
Hino: Shouldn't we limit this to sweets…?
Chinen: Alright then, it'd be konjac jelly! It'd be the type that jiggles and would absorb the opponent's attack. It could repel various things.
Miyabe: I see (laughs). I love plums, so by using it's sour power, it'd make the opponent lose it's strength.
Chinen: That might be the most unpleasant thing for the opponent's side. I don't think I'd be able to keep my eyes open (laughs).
Hino: Ah, that could happen!
Miyabe: In that case, it'd be something like plum candy or plum tablets!
Hino: I'd use experimental types. It'd be like, I put powder 1 and powder 2 together and then mix them.
Chinen: I see!
Hino: That's how I'd restrain my opponent.
Miyabe: It sounds like it would take alot of time and effort to mix (laughs).
Chinen: Would you tell the enemy, "Hold on a sec" (laughs).
Hino: We'd need to establish an unspoken rule that they don't attack during that time (laughs).
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