#and they had to deal w/ the language barrier
likeafairytale · 3 months
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“I grew to understand her expressions first, the thoughtful quiet of her eyes, the flickering smiles she would hide behind her hand. We could not talk of much, in those early days, but I did not mind. There was a peace in sitting beside her…” – the song of Achilles
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mcnuggyy · 1 year
just remembered the fucked up dream I had last night where like 99% of the population switched bodies with somebody else somewhere in the world, BUT you weren’t aloud to talk about it at all or say who you really are or what your actual body looks like or else the government(?) would fucking kill you, like there was cameras watching us at all times, and people getting shot in front of us was common, it was very dystopian… but it was kind of an unspoken fact that almost all the people who were doing the best job at pretending to be people they weren’t were all transgender for some reason?? to the point where a lot of us had found ways to talk about it without talking about it and could bypass the cameras and shit… and the like guy who was all behind it had to get involved eventually…and he like started interviewing some of us and finally once and for all had us talk about who we really were and it was very dramatic and emotional but I woke up like immediately after saying what I looked like and who I was so 🤷🏻 who knows what would have happened next LMAO
#definitley some sort of weird queer horror trans narrative going on#but waking up I was like damn… I was getting misgendered left and right non stop and just had to deal w it#then I was like oh that’s already my existence LMAO#(I was on the body of a very very attractive young blonde woman btw#like MODEL type but I was still unhappy… even being conventionally attractive cause obviously I wasn’t myself#and I can’t even imagine what it would have been like with people experiencing racism for the first time or not experiencing it for the firs#t time… all sorts of wack stuff#I remember there being like a 60 year old guy who was on the body of a little girl#and when they die their bodies switch backed so you would see the like dead old man there instead of the little girl#but I’m not sure what happened to the other person you switched with? like did they die too? would u be responsible for their death?#or would they get to finally live as themselves again?#which would be worse?#idk…#cause then I could see like someone trying to find themself and then try and trick the other person#into talking about it so they could return back to their body#or you would always be on fear that someone out there on the other side of the world could kill you at any moment#NOT TO MENTION THE LANGUAGE BARRIER OF THATS A THING but I think in my dream people just were able to speak the language of the body they#switched into but yeah… anyways <3#very interesting thought experience once again my dreams are always so strange lmao#callate guero
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etherealkissed88 · 6 months
i asked you something and you not only were mean, but you are also making fun of me on twitter. i felt so embarrased that i had to delete my account. you made me feel so bad. i did nothing to you. you had no reason to be so mean. english is not my first lenguage so i also have trouble communicating, i understand half of what you post here. karma will hit you so hard.
lets quote what i said “no i dont believe they are possible 🥰 which is why i have a whole page dedicated to manifesting stuff 😍”
this isnt mean, this is sarcasm. you communicate very well actually but heres the thing: i looked at ur account and you repost a lot of loa content. if you read all those posts especially the ones about desired appearance which is what you were asking about, it doesnt make sense for you to ask me “do you believe its actually possible to manifest a desired appearance.”
and do not use your language barrier as an excuse to make me feel bad because i rly dont. if you were so bad at communitcating, you wouldn’t be able to communicate to me both this time and the previous time, plus y would u read and repost loa content if u had an issue w language? i know you understand loa but when ppl keep searching and searching for outside answers and validation, it doesnt get them anywhere. believe me - ive “coached” ppl who repeatedly asked me the same questions over and over again despite my whole account and posts being right there. they still struggle because they only ask questions and never apply.
the same fingers you used to type the question, you could have used those same fingers to scroll thro my page like you did with the other content creators. i get it if you are new to loa (even tho you could have read the content that was already there and even tho u already reposted content answering ur own question) but as someone who creates loa content everyday, its disrespectful from my point of view that i work hard for these posts and ppl dont even look at it and instead ask the most limiting questions ever. its almost like “why would i waste my time w these posts”. if you dont understand this, its bc you arent someone who gets 20 repetitive asks everyday meanwhile their answers being right on my page. it can be stressful and so annoying.
now back to my original answer: “no i dont believe they are possible 🥰 which is why i have a whole page dedicated to manifesting stuff 😍”. if u think this was mean, its bc you knew the answer was yes, it is possible. why else would i have a page dedicated to manifesting if it wasnt possible to “actually manifest a desired appearance”. my answer simply guided you to your own answer and to search my page if you still had (better) questions. what i said was literally not mean😭 and if you still believe so then thats fine bc its never that big of a deal. and i wasnt making fun of u on twitter, i simply said the exact thing i originally answered you with💀
idk if ur a beginner in the law or not but either way, you should know that anything is possible w the law. if u didnt know that, then now you know (and ik you know based on ur reaction to my original answer). and karma isnt real so it will not “hit me hard”🥶
im sorry if you rly have a language barrier issue but from my pov, that was the best, most appropiate reply i could have given. even other loa content creators can agree bc they know how ppl can get in their asks inbox. reread this whole thing if theres still an issue.
and dw u can just make another account like you did just now🤭
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Could you do A, C, I, G, K, L, and P for EJ in the fluff alphabet? It would make me reallyyyy happy :3
Fluff Alphabet w/ EJ!!
ive been waiting for someone to do EJ you dont understand!!! i saw this earlier but the power went out when i finally had time to sit down and get to writing </3 my apologies as for other stuff/for everyone else, requests are still open, and the fluff alphabet will be open indefinitely!!
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ATTRACTION- Honestly I think you gotta be a real catch to end up as Jacks partner, considering his entire hermit thing... I personally think that he separates himself from society after he becomes Eyeless Jack via a funky cult sacrifice thing... which he was kinda pretty much unwillingly roped into. I think he would want someone who's capable of taking care of themselves, and perhaps someone whos smart. maybe even lower maintenance. its not that he doesnt want to treat you as you deserve, its that sometimes he cant given he sometimes legitimately goes feral (though this is only really due to him pushing off his needs, blood frenzy type deal for when he pushes off eating people, can get real ugly). understanding as well, he needs someone whos willing to be understanding of his position and current predicament and know that eventually jack is going to fully not. be there anymore one day (possible angst idea? ooo?) but also even before the whole, demon thing, jack wasnt the most cheery or social and things definitely havent changed
CUDDLING- hes really cold so thats good for hot nights! not good for cold ones though </3 but hey maybe you guys are somewhere where its perpetually hot. as for the actual act of cuddling, he prefers to be the big spoon. likes sleeping closer to the door, kinda makes a barrier of himself for you in case someone were to come in. which is unlikely since if this were his place, its literally a cabin in the woods in bumfuck nowhere, but the point still stands. only engages if youre asleep or ask for it. if youre the one holding him, he kinda. freezes still and doesnt dare move. poor dude, hes so scared hes going to bite you or something
GIFT GIVING- since he lives in the woods and doesnt have a job he cant exactly go out and give you gifts. he also isnt fond of taking belongings from victims, since he already takes pieces of their bodies. coughs. anyways, i think hes more of an act of service person (will talk more about that in L)
INJURY- youre in luck, he had plans to be a doctor, thats what he was going to college for! plus i think he had a little fixation on medical stuff in general growing up. little hc that his other choice was to be a microbilogist. idk, i can see it. but i dont think it needs to be said that neither became reality. but he does know how to treat some injuries and illnesses! so youre both in luck! but how does he react, emotionally? honestly, as long as youre not bleeding while hes in his frenzied state hes more than willing to help you... although its more so because he doesnt want the scent to trigger anything in him... he cares about you, i promise! its just that ultimately its better he doesnt go feral on you- now if he was the one injured hes already patching himself up... oh but imagine convincing him to let you clean up a wound he got while trying to do his thing.... ouuuugh... let the man be vulnerable, let him be taken care of... ueueue... anyways- yeah
KISSES- he doesnt wear his mask when hes at your place or his cabin- in fact he only really wears it when hes 'hunting' or 'prowling', so!! loves kissing your cheek. will absolutely refuse to kiss you if hes just ate, though, let him wash his face and brush his teeth first. and change his clothes. he likes being kissed anywhere; forehead, mouth, cheeks, hands, ect ect ect. now in terms of frequency i dont think he likes it too often, but that may be some internalized thing about no longer being worthy of love or something but hey who am i to say (loudly winks)
LOVE LANGUAGE- as previously mentioned, acts of service is how jack shows his appreciation and love for you. need something done? hes on it! need to do some chores but dont feel like it? you dont even need to ask! stuff like that, hell, even if something doesnt need to be done he will probably tinker at it and try to make it better if its an appliance or something that can be upgraded to be more efficient and effective. when it comes to receiving he likes words of affirmation, this man has been through hell and hes still going through it, so reassuring him that you still love him even though hes changing makes things a little less scary
PET NAMES- he likes calling you babe and baby. he likes being called hon! doesnt really do petnames, he finds saying someones name intimate enough... which honestly i kinda agree with, i kinda hate how utilized it is in romantic media. just two characters loving each other, sharing a moment, and one softly utters the others name in a sweet tone. GUH!!!! anyway
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Twisted Wonderland Marine Biologist AU Snippet
Hey everyone! I'm still okay, just been dealing with real life stuff and discovered I may have accidentally put myself through a burnout even when I was trying to avoid it. =w=
I've been working through it by focusing on more personal projects and other fandoms, and I've also been focusing more on my physical and mental health lately. I'm getting better every day though, and I'm feeling good about stuff!
Anyway, I know I haven't posted anything in a while since my last update, so I wanted to tide everyone over with a snippet I had written back in May for the Marine Biologist AU. I was saving this for when I finally reached that part of the story and got it off the ground, buuuuut...honestly, it's too adorable for me NOT to share!!!
Reminder that in this and the mermaid AU, there is a communication barrier where humans and mermaids cannot speak the same language. In the Marine Biologist AU though, the boys can understand some if not most words, so they have nothing but time to try and listen to the researchers talk and learn how to speak the language.
So...what happens when our little researcher Yuu just so happens to drop an apple in the tank holding a certain Guppy and gorgeous Betta Fish?
"Whoa, geez!” Yuu squawked, their hand just barely touching the apple as it bounced off the grating before falling into the water with a ‘plop’. Sighing, Yuu said, “Well, there goes part of my lunch.”
One moment the apple was bobbing along in the waves, the next…a hand reached out and grabbed it, a familiar adorable face emerging from the water to examine his catch. “Oh, hi, Guppy!” Yuu called out, happy to see the smaller mermaid. Violet floated nearby, though it was clear that he was watching them both with that intense gaze of his. “Sorry, that’s not a fish. It’s an apple.”
At that he perked up so fast that Yuu almost thought he’d gotten whiplash, adorable doe eyes looking shocked and amazed as he squeaked at them.
“D…do you know what an apple is?” Yuu asked, earning another insistent chirp from him before they pointed at the fruit clutched in his hands. “Apple. Ahp…pull…”
He looked between them and the fruit, looking so confused for a moment. Then, he held it out and—pointing at it and himself—he spoke and said, “Ahp…ull…Eah…pul…Eahpul!”
Yuu was floored as they stared, not sure if they’re feeling amazement or pure disbelief or both as Guppy continued his game of charades. It was as if he was trying to tell them…
“Is…Ehpul…Eh…pel…Epel…your name?” Yuu asked.
“Yeeee!” ‘Epel’ squealed, practically squirming in place and looking absolutely elated as he nodded enthusiastically. “Epel! Epel!”
Even as he continued chattering in the strange language while still repeating his new ‘name’, Yuu found themselves hardly able to move as they tried to process this new development. Had…they been able to understand Yuu this whole time and just…didn’t know how to communicate back? Or is this a new development brought on by their continuous interactions with the mermaids?
Once he had calmed down, Epel had turned his attention back to the apple and curiously sniffed it. Then—before they could think to try and get it back—he had taken a bite out of it and chewed. A moment later his eyes grew wide, the ear fins wiggling as a wide (chubby cheeked) smile bloomed on his face and he let out a high-pitched warble.
“Huh…? Do…you guys actually eat fruit?” Yuu uttered in amazement as Epel chomped away at the fruit faster than they could blink, practically swallowing the core whole before licking the juice off his fingers. A moment later he lunged up onto the deck, peeking over the edge as he sniffed around like a cat on the hunt. “Whoa! Slow down there! I don’t have any more apples if that’s what you’re looking for.”
Once he seemed to realize this, he looked up at Yuu and-
'Oh no...those are the cutest puppy eyes I've ever seen!!' Yuu thought. 'How does a mermaid know how to do the puppy eyes?!'
"Ahpul...app...le," Epel chirped. "Apple..? Apple!"
"O-okay, okay! I'll go and get more apples for you!"
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keyh0use · 2 months
what do u think rafes reaction would be to first hearing barry speak spanish (especially for the first time too!!!)
Because I envision Barry as first gen, I think he has a soft spot for newcomers who struggle with the language barrier And I think I've written out maybe six different possibilities, some I've probably already posted here, but a (newer) favourite of mine is: Rafe and Barry make a trip off the island for a pick-up, something the older man likes to do by himself and it's the first time he's ever invited someone along to meet his supplier. Not that it's a big deal or anything. (it is, Barry's heart races every time Rafe shows even a smidgen of excitement) It's unusual for them to be so carefree. Even though Barry puts on a relaxed facade, he's always carrying, always prepared to be in some altercation. And Rafe's image and expectations loom over him, guide and guilt him in everything he does. Until they're an hour off the island, away from the judgemental stares of people who will never think they fit together, as anything. Even friends, which is all they are, of course.
On the way back they pull over at a tiny corner store to grab something to eat, knowing everything will be shut by the time they arrive back in the OBX. Rafe has zero experience with communities off the island, every vacation the Cameron's have taken so far have been to all inclusive resorts, where his family is treated like royalty; untouchable, never to be bothered. So he's a little jittery as they wander out of the truck and into the store, groups of people filtering in and out that are nothing like the self-involved kooks he's normally surrounded with, they're offering him easy greetings and stepping aside, not because of his status but out of natural kindness. It makes him stick closer to Barry with uncertainty, never straying any further than a few feet as they walk the aisles, grabbing snacks as they go. Then the checkout is backed up, two groups before them who are clearly growing annoyed as an older lady at the counter stumbles over her words, very flustered the longer the broken interaction continues. Barry can remember watching his parents go through the same thing as a child and it makes his heart ache, especially when the other customers start complaining just loud enough for him to hear. His father was a labourer and his mother did some under-the-table work, like babysitting, so he was the only one forced to socialise with the locals and in turn, learn English.
In a sense he was glad, because it meant they never had to hear the hurtful comments made about them when they were in situations just like this. So Barry takes it upon himself to step out of line, leaving a momentarily panicked Rafe with an easy be right back, to approach the cashier and bridge the gap, introducing himself in his native tongue and interrupting the obnoxiously slow-speaking asshole behind the register. Meanwhile, Rafe is standing frozen in the line, clutching a bag of crumbling chips in his large hand absentmindedly, fully enraptured by the scene playing out in front of him. He should have known Barry spoke Spanish, given how utterly obsessed he was with learning every single detail about his dealer. There were plenty of signs, he releases while thinking back, like cheerful cards with Feliz Navidad sprawled on the covers stacked amongst glossy restaurant coupons atop the fridge, and telenovelas quietly playing on the TV when Rafe finally rolls out of bed in the morning and Latin music the go-to while cleaning up around the trailer.
Still, Rafe is shocked silent, watching on as Barry listens intently before translating, again and again until the conversation has reached a satisfying conclusion. And just like every time the dealer watches over him when he's too high or drunk, every time Barry comforts him and brings him back down when he's too emotional, and every time premade plans are suddenly cancelled just because Rafe made an offhanded comment about wanting to hang out together: Rafe chest swells with affection at Barry's desire to take care of those around him.
Sometimes, admittedly, watching Barry help others makes Rafe uncomfortable. Even upset and angry. Possessiveness (even when unwarranted) tugging at his nerves, desire to be the only thing the dealer's attention goes into present at the most inappropriate times, like when some poor woman needed her tire changed on the side of a backroad. There's also a tug in Rafe's groin, too, obviously, which makes him look away bashfully when Barry finally moves to join him again. After that night it becomes a personal goal of Rafe's to see if he can elicit that part of Barry. Sometimes he'll start bickering over unimportant things, just picking apart sentences for no other reason than to be brat, just to hear Barry playfully curse him out. Rafe never misses a chance to visit with Barry's family, either, because he gets to hear his man socialise with an easiness that's usually not present and that accent Barry unknowingly slips into.
After that night it becomes a personal goal of Rafe's to hear more. Sometimes he'll start bickering over unimportant things, being a brat because it works in his favour, rejoicing when Barry playfully starts to curse him out. Rafe never misses a trip to visit Barry's family, no matter what he has to postpone, because he gets to watch his man socialise and unknowingly slip into an accent that drives the kook insane; Barry's usual southern twang, so unlike his own despite residing on the same island, showing through the foreign language, making it sound a thousand times more romantic than it already does.
It's not one-sided, either. Barry loves teaching Rafe, and that his boy is so willing and eager to learn. He doesn't laugh (too much) when Rafe butchers words, the two of them repeating it back and forth until the kooks wrapped his tongue around the syllables correctly. Barry also loves ordering Rafe around in the language he's only starting to become more familiar with, getting rewarded and praised when he follows the commands—but Barry will sometimes add on extra words just to throw him off, speak too fast for him to follow and watch as Rafe panics and scrambles to obey, giving the older man the perfect excuse to punish him. <3
Thanks for the ask!! <3 (and sorry I didn't answer it for like a week. I actually did...and then it got buried. PLUS tumblr does this weird thing where it says my posts can't be saved? And then I lose all my progress)
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rockofeye · 9 months
And what now?
I accidentally became a bit of a hermit. It certainly wasn't intentional or even really desired, but life moved in and sat squarely on my chest for the last few years. The load has lifted and shifted a bit, and so it is time for me to stretch out the places that became a bit atrophied and find my feet again.
For just over three years, most of my energy and mental effort went towards battling US immigration on behalf of my husband's visa. I tend to keep the things that are hard private, but...boy, the battle of a life time. It wasn't that there was something to do every day (more of a hurry up and wait situation), but more that trying to balance two households in two different countries with jobs, spiritual responsibilities, and generally trying to remain a person versus a screaming wraith on top of the creeping horror that is processes with the United States government was about all I could handle.
Dealing with USCIS and the National Visa Center and their general lack of fucks for the lives of US citizens and their families was way more than I could ever have imagined it would be. I would wait months and months for an acceptance letter, and then months and months for another acknowledgement, and then almost two years for the interview that would give approval for my husband to come live here. I spoke with senators and representatives and lawyers and advocated and basically anyone who would listen, and the reality is that USCIS and the National Visa Center operate extralegally and are not held accountable by anyone.
Double down with that the US has a real shitty mindset towards Haiti and Haitians, COVID, and the rapid crumbling of infrastructure in Haiti, and it took me taking my case to federal court to get them to give me the goddamn date for the interview that, by the time they gave it to me, was a formality. We've been married for just over 5 years and the stacks of proof of our relationship go past my waist, and he went into the interview with a suitcase full of receipts and photos and documents so they could not say no.
Alongside all of that, Haiti has suffered. There's no electricity, no water, sometimes no phone signal, the price of food skyrockets, hospitals had no doctors, and sometimes there was not even money to be found to fulfill transfers sent to support the people you care about. I'm honestly impressed that I made it to the other side, because there were times I really didn't think I would and where I spent a lot of time on the proverbial floor unable to do more than propel myself through my daily responsibilities.
However, in June, I spent a few weeks in Haiti while my husband went to the embassy, got his visa, and then folded his life in Haiti into a suitcase and got on a plane back to Boston with me. Another type of work unfolded as we both begin to adjust to new life; him to a new country and new culture and new language and new weather, me to having a new physical presence in my life. It's something that I wasn't sure would ever arrive, honestly, and it's arrival gave me the opportunity to fall on the floor in a new way: I don't have to hold everything up anymore. I spent the first few weeks looking at my husband and occasionally poking him because none of it seemed real.
My lwa are the only reason this became a reality. I pushed them hard to resolve the situation how I wanted. There were a lot of barriers (A LOT) and working up against an government juggernaut is fucking hard as hell, but they did it. I wasn't great about it all and there were more than a few times when my prayers started with 'listen, I am tired of bringing this to you' and yet they still entertained my exhaustion and frustration with not too much eyerolling.
I won, and I am grateful.
I recently sat with my lwa and told them it's time for something new. I finished this work, and there are some new things on the horizon, known and unknown. I have the mental space to create again and there is renewed studio space in the room where my lwa and his lwa live. I get to read books again. I get to plan for a future that I wasn't sure would arrive.
There are new things almost ready to come to fruition. There's a website getting built and there will be a SubStack and classes coming. While all of this was going on, a new book was published with one of my pieces in it, detailing my religious history and conversion to sèvis lwa. It feels good to journey back to my Self and to journey to what my Self will be.
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junior w/ daisy, clover, pansy, peony and sunflower please!
Leonard Wright Jr.:
🌻clover: what type of gifts do they like to get their s/o?
Junior preferred getting things that might not have great monetary value, but mean things personally. This could be just something cheap that, maybe you could get it anywhere, but he gets it for you because it reminds him of you or a moment you had together that he considered important. He also writes songs for you on the daily, only revealing a choice few but admitting there are more than a few lyrics floating through his head at any time that center around his dedication to you.
🌻daisy: what is their love language, both giving and receiving?
Acts of Service. He thinks it’s easier to just help you out or have you directly tell him to do things than trying to figure out what you might want. He’s told by Faith that he has to have a little more tact than that so he learned to read between the lines to detect those hidden needs you might not want to directly ask for, but he wants you to be happy. He also wanted you to know he could take care of and protect you, that when he was finally old enough and it made sense to propose that he’d make you the happiest person you could possibly be.
Quality Time. Getting to spend any time together making memories meant a lot to Junior and every festival or little event that popped up (that he didn’t have to work at) he wanted to be there with you. Even if it was just a gig where he’d be preoccupied on stage the entire time, he wanted you there to watch so that he could find you in the crowd and feel that sudden burst of motivation to play with all the passion his body could channel.
🌻pansy: who likes to tease their s/o the most? how do they react to being teased?
He was way too easy to tease, you could never turn down an opportunity to have his cheeks turning red while he tried to hide it from you due to his manly pride. His voice raised several octaves when he was trying to get you to stop, and you only stopped when it got high enough you thought your ears might bleed (or that he’d break the sound barrier). He’s not good at teasing in return but there are other ways that he gets you back.
🌻peony: how do they get their s/o to blush? how does their s/o make them blush?
As seen above, Junior is susceptible to teasing as long as it was coming from you. He knew your comments were said with love but it got him flustered regardless, almost pouting at you as he told you not to make fun of him. As long as you actually saw him as cool and handsome he’d deal with it, but even hearing those loving words caused his face to turn tomato red which only inspired more teasing at his expense.  
Junior had never made you blush on purpose, but his earnest and honest words were ones that landed a direct shot on your heart. Hearing his unfiltered feelings on you meant recognizing how much he admired you, not just for your beauty or your brains but for who you were as a person. He was as supportive of your goals as you were of his, and he was proud to call himself your boyfriend.
🌻sunflower: how would they confess their feelings to their crush?
Loudly. While the first part is self-explanatory it’s just because Junior is trying to make sure you hear him, truly hear him, and what he has to say to you. He doesn’t think he’s the sentimental type but his life has only improved since he met you, and he felt like you supported him in a way that helped him grow stronger. He saw you as part of his family (and it helped his family took to you quickly as well) and he couldn’t imagine a life where you weren’t part of it, your friendship evolving into something that struck a cord in his heart, to the point he couldn't resist the urge to sing any longer.
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imagine-silk · 11 months
AtSV; Modern!College!Miguel and Peter w/ a exchange student who speaks little English
》 This kind of relies on you being a man because you will be living with him
Was more than a little annoyed because they chose him for speaking Spanish. You spoke Brazilian Portuguese. "Olá, estou muito animado para conhecê-lo."
When you get there he hears you and immediately goes for a transfer. B-lines for the office with you and shows them the problem.
"We don't speak the same language. Look." He turned to you who had no idea why you were there. "¿Me entiendes?" You furrowed your brow at him saying unknown words. "O que você está dizendo?"
Unfortunately, the program was just starting and no one but the teacher spoke Portuguese. Everyone else spoke enough English to get by but you didn't.
He takes you to his classes and uses a translator to talk to you. He says if you're surrounded by the language you will learn it. And as much as it pains him that means he needs to speak English at home.
You can sense his frustration with you and it off puts you to the point you get a translation app too and try to walk around by yourself. But then he had to save you from a fight you accidentally found yourself in. How you did that you don't know.
He tells you it's not personal, he hates that they gave him a task he's not qualified for and doesn't have the time to learn the qualifications. "It going fine. Trying is something even you are upset." You say trying to assure him, and it works.
He becomes a lot less uptight about you in general and actually goes out of his way to help you, something Jess and Lyla will point out.
He doesn't learn Portuguese, he already knows a Latin language and he just doesn't have the time. But he will always have some sort of translator on him to make up for it.
You both get withdrawls from speaking English all the time so you agreed to speak your language at home and just deal. If you need the other to for sure know what your saying then you speak English.
Teachers both love and hate you. Miguel is one of the best students and he's helping another student therefore furthering the message, but also they can't use him as an example or use him as a TA because he has to walk around a new kid.
The more you learn English the easier your life gets, you still want to speak your language but you do that on your own. But well passed the exit point Miguel doesn't sign off on being your chauffeur. You both know why, you just don't want to say the quiet part out loud.
He doesn't know how he got chosen to take care of you, he's not known for being responsible. But he doesn't say no.
Even though he was in charge of helping you through daily life he didn't think the language barrier would be as difficult as it was. Turkish was more than a little different.
"Merhaba ve benimle yaşamayı kabul ettiğiniz için teşekkür ederim." He blinks a few times before you realize he didn't understand you. "You are not translate?" "No. We're you supposed to have one?" He's genuinely confused rather than annoyed. You tell him you thought you would but rereading your transfer papers it didn't say you would be supplied with one.
You apologize for your broken English and he brushes it off. It wasn't your fault.
Without any thought he takes up learning it. Seriously, he shows up that night with books, a few academic and a few for children. "I know less than a kid so it's a good place to start."
You will teach each other your respective languages. You told him he didn't need to learn Turkish but he insisted he did, if not to make you more comfortable then to talk shit in front of people.
He's better at academics than he'll have anyone know so it doesn't take long for him to get the basics down and a few key phrases. "Yiyecek almaya gitmek ister misin? Açlıktan ölüyorum." His accent is halfway there because he hears yours.
Constantly speaks to you in Turkish for various reasons. One; to keep it fresh in his mind and make you comfortable while you learn English. Two; to show off he knows another language. Three; to low-key keep you to himself. It's not possessive it's just a quiet 'we have a thing you will never understand' so it's more like bragging.
Will talk about classes, social cues, people to know and stay away from, how the freshmen are adorable, and how much he doesn't like Jess. You can find a safe place with him while you're getting things in order. You can count on him to help you. Who wouldn't find that incredibly sexy?
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dizzydispatch · 7 months
Deaf Americans and 9-1-1
It was sweet that he thought of me when he heard another police department over our region's shared police frequency, requesting the assistance of an officer fluent in American Sign Language with the arrest of a Deaf individual. Maybe the appropriate response would have been something along the lines of, hey, neat!
But I didn't think it was neat, and I still don't. In fact, it bothered me. the official symbol for ASL interpreters, based on the sign for "interpreting"
"That's super illegal," I texted Gabe back. "They can’t use an officer. A Deaf person has the right to a certified interpreter."
"Interesting," he sent back. "That's good to know."
But I wasn't done. "Just think about it," I continued. "If their Miranda rights aren’t read, correctly and in full, the entire arrest is bonk. How much worse do you think it could be if an un-licensed cop plays interpreter and screws something up? Even if they don’t, there’s no accountability. It’s a really risky game to play, as a department. You don't fuck with the ADA unless you want a serious lawsuit."
In 1990, then-President George H. W. Bush signed the ADA into law. The Americans with Disabilities Act was meant to protect individuals with a wide array of disabilities, a category that includes the deaf and hard-of-hearing.
“The ADA broadly protects the rights of individuals with disabilities in employment, access to State and local government services, places of public accommodation, transportation, and other important areas of American life. The ADA also requires newly designed and constructed or altered State and local government facilities, public accommodations, and commercial facilities to be readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities."
There are a few different ways that dispatchers are expected to comply with ADA expectations. The first method is using TTY technology, with which our 9-1-1 systems are required to comply. There's also text-to-911 services, some of which work better than others, and silent call procedures, in which a party unable to unwilling to speak aloud can still communicate with dispatchers. 
But even after the call, there are a thousand different ways that a deaf person can be failed by emergency responders. From police interactions to neglect in the courtroom, the issue is broad and systemic, and fixing it is going to require more than just attention and awareness.  
For a d/Deaf or hard-of-hearing person, the right to an interpreter is probably the most important right protected by the ADA. After all, the primary barrier of deafness is communication. How are you supposed to know what you're in trouble for when you're arrested, or follow along in your own court case, or tell the police what happened if you're a victim of a crime?
The ADA is supposed to protect against these sorts of injustices, but unfortunately, as demonstrated by the fact that we heard one of our own local PDs requesting an officer with ASL knowledge over the radio, the follow-through just isn't always there. The resources allocated to teaching law enforcement how to deal with individuals with disabilities are severely lacking. As Professor of Sociology Alex Vitale of Brooklyn College states, “Police compliance with ADA provisions is pretty poor across the board. It’s clearly not a priority for a lot of police leaders." 
In some places, in spite of the ADA, violations happen all the time. In 2012, St. Louis police tasered a deaf man on the side of the road, only for it to turn out he was having a diabetic emergency. Then in 2014, an elderly deaf man was dragged from his car and beaten by officers, before being charged with resisting an arrest by the same department that cleared the officers of all wrongdoing. A month later, a deaf man had been similarly beaten, tased, and choked out after being mistaken for a burglar. The officers had seen him signing, trying to communicate with them, and believed the movements to be signs of aggression, and had responded in kind.
This problem has been addressed by independent journals, such as The American Civil Liberties Union and The Atlantic, as well as in a humorous episode of Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, guest-starring Deaf activist and entertainer Nyle DiMarco.
However, there hasn't been much coverage of D/deaf interactions with law enforcement in the mainstream media, with the exception of those reports where things do get out of hand. Like with many issues of civil rights, pleas for systemic change continue to go unaddressed, or are only addressed after tragedy occurs. More often than not, too, these are underwhelming measures that smack of PR damage control, and are unlikely to maintain traction after the initial outcry dies down.
There is a reason the law requires anyone who is serving as an interpreter in any official capacity to be certified. Without those protections, children may be coerced into interpreting for parents, which opens up all sorts of issues, both for the child and for the efficacy of services being provided.
Many of the same issues arise when unqualified third parties are asked or compelled to serve in the same way. Interpreters are held accountable to standards of care, much in the same as their doctors and judges are. They are trained in the language's nuance, in skills for effectively communicating complex ideas to and for their Deaf clients. Furthermore, there is a code of ethics, compliance to which can help ensure privacy, regulate appropriate intervention, and serve as a framework for professionalism.
Of course, a national interpreter shortage is part of the issue. In college, I chose the ASL Linguistics track, which focuses on the science of language with ASL as a model, rather than the ASL Interpreting track. This was a decision that many of my peers and even some professors expressed disappointment in, as there is such a profound disparity between the needs of the community and the available resources. I chose dispatch over working directly in the Deaf community, but my background both through my education and in the jobs I worked between the years of 2018 and 2023 has given me insights that I assume the department making the request did not have.
However, as a hearing person with no experience trying to run a law enforcement agency, I am far from qualified to decide what is and is not an acceptable risk. I don't know what was going on at that department. I don't know what kind of attempts may have been made to locate a certified interpreter before they put out that request over the radio. What I do know is that it's still unacceptable. 
Unfortunately, I don't have the answer. I'm just one dispatcher, in one small-town PSAP, with one set of ideals that I wish I could see reflected in the big wide world outside. But I can write, and so I do. I write to inform, to entertain, to commiserate with you, dear reader, dear stranger. I write in hopes that someday, somebody with more power than me understands what needs to be done, and sees it through. 
In the meantime, we can write. We can write to our representatives, calling them to action. We can write to police departments out of which atrocities are born, and demand justice for those wronged. We can write, and we can speak up. We can learn sign language and support organizations that support our local disabled communities. We can listen to the voices of those who experience the world a little differently to us, and maybe, just maybe, we'll be part of the force of change that makes the world a better place for all.
For Americans who want to make a difference, to find and contact your state representative, visit the U. S. House of Representatives website and search by your state and district. The same can be done for state senators here. The National Association of the Deaf has a great letter template that you can use as well. If you are able to and wish to donate financially to local or global Deaf activism groups, the bottom of this Wikipedia page contains a list of organizations from all over the world.
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infodumped · 4 months
I voted tck in the poll, born in the US but grew up in rural australia since I was eight. I struggle abt whether I count as a tck because I never had to deal with a language barrier or anything but I struggle to answer the question 'so where are you from' and have always had identity issues so yea. it's hard to grow up with your outsiderness being your main defining trait! with you in that I wouldn't change it for anything but it is hard
WOW anon that's kind of amazing honestly .... esp if australia yknow wasnt ur parents culture too its just. idk its something very diff from what i grew up w both in the US & turkey and i cant even imagine what it would be like. im sure growing up in that environment that's different from what is ""expected"" ... being a tck is kind of confusing but that's okay even without a language barrier.. if u ever wanna come off anon to talk to me abt being a tck i'd love it and hope ur doing well :3
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ofeileen · 1 year
Tumblr media
hi hi ! i'm m (she/her) and i'm super excited to introduce you to eileen roh! she's a new muse but im looking forward to writing with u all and developing her further :') i've got the sparknotes summary of her under the read more but hit the like or msg me if you'd like to plot! i have discord if you prefer plotting there as well
₊˙ ◌ ⁎˚ ﹒﹙kim doyeon. cis female. she/her.﹚guess who was almost late for their shift at barracuda inc again?? that’s right, it was eileen roh! it’s a wonder their job as a tattoo artist isn’t in jeopardy. the 24 year old has been working at sunset galleria for one year, and is well known for their carefree nature. on bad days, they can be rather volatile, though. when the mall is dead at night, they can usually be found playing drunk mini golf with friends at glogolf, but don’t tell their boss!
born and raised in new york city! feb 8th, 1999 (aquarius sun, scropio moon and capricorn rising)
her childhood was pretty fun for the most part except for her mom's strict parenting style. she was the kind to always nitpick how eileen acted and scolded her for getting hurt instead of comforting her
her parents dreams of raising a family in america were soon crushed when they started arguing and falling out of love. they decided to separate with her dad leaving and filed for divorce when eileen was 12
eileen is fond of her dad but def felt a bit betrayed by him. her mom turned very bitter at her own life and not long after moved them back to her hometown in daegu when eileen was 14
MOVING TO DAEGU & FAMILY (mentions of death tw, verbal abuse tw)
ofc eileen was not happy to be leaving her life in new york and it didn't help that her maternal grandparents were even more conservative than her mom was. they often misunderstood each other and not just cus of the language barrier
adjusting to her life in korea was difficult and she bore resentment towards her mom. she started smoking in highschool and was generally a rebellious kid (which ofc led to more fights w her family)
she played soccer to vent out her frustration but it wasn't until her family agreed to let her do a summer program back in new york that she rly fell into visual art. she was enthralled by the medium and decided that it was something she was going to do
u guessed it, her mom and grandparents were against it and eileen acted out by getting her first tattoo & more piercings. she rly wanted to do uni in the states but just couldn't afford it so she applied to a fine arts program at busan arts college
at this point her relationship w family was very rocky but she started not giving a shit abt what hurtful words they threw at her. however, art school was stressful and it was after her second year of college that she found a love for tattoo artistry. this led her to dropping out and pursuing an apprenticeship at a small shop
dropping out was truly the icing on the cake for her family and at the same time, her grandfather had passed after dealing with some health issues. her life a mess, she started isolating herself from friends. the only solace she found was with her partner at the time that stood with her through the thick of it
at first her apprenticeship was going great but soon it became a bit of a disagreement on rates & schedule and she found the studio to be disorganized
after learning about barracuda through someone that she regarded as a mentor, she got the job there and has been working at sunset galleria for a year! they let her do her own thing and the pay is good so she's pretty happy about it
eileen’s art style mainly consists of abstract fine line work, high contrast tattoos, cyber sigilism, and mild horror inspired work. she doesn’t repeat any flashes so each piece is one of a kind and loves doing freehand stuff as well!
she has dreams of travelling and being a guest tattoo artist around the world and opening up her own studio one day but that's a future goal - she's got student debt to pay!
she's pretty easygoing but def the type to rely on friends to set up plans (she most always says yes but lacks the effort to initiate plans/bad at keeping up with friends)
silently affectionate like she'd get you a cake bc it's your fav flavor but you would only find out she's allergic to the green food coloring in it after you're halfway thru eating. def an acts of service gal
pretty opinionated esp when it comes to her family or when someone's very traditional. she's open-minded but will make her opinion heard (def talks back to elders if they're being rude lol)
despite their complicated relationship, she can't bring herself to hate her mom or fully close her off. at times she pities her. after all, having her grandparents as parents? she kinda gets why she is the way she is. her relationship with her dad is distant but she wishes it was better (last she heard he's in a steady new relationship)
bisexual + demiromantic (meaning she rly has to feel a strong connection with someone before developing any romantic feelings)
always listening to music, and always sketching new tattoo flashes. has picked up pottery as a hobby as of late! loves going out drinking with friends. her stats page has some more tidbits about her!
i have some wanted connections up on her page but also love love brainstorming together and doing interconnecting plots (so if ur muse has any imp relationships lmk cus i love hearing about them and interweaving them into their dynamics!) ok im super excited to read abt ur muses & write with you all thank you for reading all this!!!
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sims-half-crazy · 1 year
Tag Game for Historical Simblrs!
Thank you @antiquatedplumbobs and @sasaofastora for the tag!
1. What has been your favorite time period to play in or which one are you most excited for?
Oh gosh... This is really going to take some thought. I have really enjoyed the 1890s because of the labor reform and industrial revolution aspects of the time, but there's also the 1920s and 1930s when there was a massive amount of science discovered and environmental damage that will affect future generations.
2. Do you have a favorite piece of historical cc? (CAS or BB)
I really love @linzlu's retro sinks, but I also can't function w/o a lot of @gilded-ghosts's outfits.
3. Who is your favorite sim currently?
 So it's actually little Gordon. His future is heavily inspired by my own interests and emotional events that shaped and altered me. I'm very excited to develop his story.
4. What is your favorite world?
I love all of them for different reasons, but Brindleton, Windenburg, and Granite Falls are probs my favorites.
5. Are you more gameplay or story focused?
I play the game to get to the good parts of the story I want to tell. Sometimes the game throws me for a loop though and I need to alter my story to fit the gameplay, but the story definitely drives a lot of how I play.
6. Do you like to play with pets in your historical saves?
I do, but not cats. I like having dogs, but I a dog person IRL so its just a natural fit. I miss the dog from Gen 0 but it hasn't felt right in the story to have a dog again.
7. What’s your biggest immersion breaking pet peeve with the game?
The weird outfits on the pets in Brindleton. I can't seem to find a mod or anything that will make pets not wear clothing.
8. What’s your favorite in-game historical item? (CAS or BB)
... Probably the boots from Vampires or the lace-up boots that came with GTW.
9. What would you like to see as a new pack or asset to the game?
I would like to see more free swim areas. The areas in Britechester and Sulani are cool, but Brindleton could use some free swim areas along the coast.
10. What pack do you think is invaluable as a historical simmer?
Obvs, Cottage Living, but I have to agree with Get Together or Vampires for their build mode items.
11. Do you have a favorite mod to enhance historical gameplay?
So many, but MCCC, Better UI, Better Exceptions, TOOL, BBB, Timeless, Home Regions, Language Barrier, and I know I'm forgetting some.
12. What’s your ideal family size for playing?
4-5 people. I hate when the dice dole out 5-6 children. I really dislike the new newborn phase and the toddler phase is something to just tolerate.
13. Do you use poses?
All. The. Time.
14. Do you use any overrides in your game?
I had a crib override at one point, but infants broke it.
15. Do you, or did you, play off-the-grid during your game?
I played OTG all through the 1850s to the 1880s. 1880s including plumbing being added. Electricity was added in 1890.
16. What lifespan do you play on?
I play on normal lifespan, but with the days in each stage altered slightly. In my game, 2.8 days equals 1 year; so some years are 3 days long and some are only 2. 28 days = 10 years
17. What inspired you to start playing a historically?
I have always loved history and learning about it. For about half a second during my junior year, I thought about becoming a history teacher until I remembered that I don't actually like interacting with most people. I have, thankfully, learned the skills to deal with people on a daily basis but some (most) days it's exhausting.
Thanks again for tagging me, this was fun! I’m going to tag @alainas-sims, @jenplayssims, @sims-through-the-decades, and @simadelics. 
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illnessfaker · 1 year
idk especially considering we just experienced (and are technically still experiencing) a mass-disabling event that includes people acquiring conditions that seriously affect cognition i think leftists should be less focused on complaining about people not reading theory enough and essentially blaming on it laziness and more focused on making said theory more digestible to a subset of the population whose livelihood is being sapped out of them on a regular basis to the extent that between their 8-13 hour shifts at a backbreaking manual labor job and their housework and taking care of their families and maybe their medical appointments for their rapidly degenerating bodies (if they're lucky enough even for that) they understandably do not have the physical or mental energy to parse "if we look at the means of production, in their relation to the creation of value, and to the variation in the quantity of value, apart from anything else, they appear simply as the material in which labour-power, the value-creator, incorporates itself" (i am not especially cognitively impaired and i've always had a fantastic vocabulary and i still couldn't tell you what the fuck this sentence actually means.)
it's just really annoying that like, it seems that leftists (at least on tumblr lmao) post more about how people should be reading more theory and bitching about people having issues with academic language frequently featured in such (because struggling with language comprehension is just laziness and has nothing to do with cognitive ability or anything, whether it's due to a disability or due to modern day labor circumstances) but less about where do to so, how to do so, otherwise pointing people in the right direction or providing helpful resources to those who would like to get into theory but don't know how or find that it has barriers they don't know how to cross.
it doesn't seem to come from a place of good faith at all and more having this weird snootiness about it and assuming the worst in people rather than considering the structural circumstances we're dealing with in society that steer people away from intellectual pursuits. this isn't me simply saying that people have valid justifications for not reading theory but that leftists should be directing the energy they use to make snide social media posts about how kids these days or w/e are lazy fucks who don't care about reading theory or whatever similar sentiments on making said theory as accessible as possible to the general population. if someone keeps making what seem like excuses then don't bother trying to convince them specifically - i think it means enough to try to just get the information out there and spread it as far and wide as you can.
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somedayonbroadway · 2 years
Can you write more on Deaf!Race?
Yes I can!
Here’s part 1
This house was dark. Race swore he could barely see. So he held Jack’s hand tightly, not daring to let go of him. Jack was the only person he could talk to, the only person who understood him. He didn’t understand why they were being moved around so much, why they couldn’t go back to their old room or their old beds. Jack wouldn’t explain it to him.
Jack tugged him through the large entrance and pulled him close when their new guardian walked in. Race pressed himself into Jack’s side when that man checked them over, scanning them from head to toe as though to make sure they weren’t damaged goods. They were. They were messed up kids with no parents and one of them had a language barrier. Jack sniffled and scooped his little brother up so he was hidden in his chest.
The man nodded at their social worker, and once again, the two young boys were left alone with a stranger in a house they weren’t familiar with and Tyler was tired. It was the middle of the night. Their prior caretakers were now unsuitable for foster kids. Jack didn’t dare ask why. He looked down. “C-can I take my brother to bed, sir?” he asked quietly.
With a small cock of his head, the man smirked. “Smart boy, calling me sir. You must be Jack,” he chuckled, not bothering to tell the child his name. He just turned to the hallway and began walking down to a door at the end of it. “This will be Tyler’s room. Put him to bed and I will show you yours.”
The older boy froze, holding Race tighter. Race looked up at him. “What’s wrong?” he signed, his eyebrows scrunched up. “I’m tired, I wanna sleep.”
Jack didn’t answer him. He just looked up at the old man. “W-we can sleep in the same bed. We do it all the time, it’s really no big deal—“
The slap came fast and hard and Jack scrambled away, somehow shoving Race behind him as he stared up at the man in shock. “You will do as you’re told exactly when you’re told and you will not complain, do you understand?”
This was not the first time Jack had been hit. Their foster homes hadn’t all been bad but there had been a few here and there, where Jack and Race stayed locked away in order to keep themselves safe. This was the first time the slap had come out of nowhere on the very first night after they’d been up all night being driven around to god knows where.
The man scowled when Jack didn’t move and he took one step to Jack who pulled Race close. “I’ll put him to bed! That’s fine, I’ll put him to bed,” he insisted, standing up and rushing Race to bed. He had to detangle Race’s white knuckles from his shirt more times than he could recall and he tried to calm him. “It’s okay, it’s alright,” he signed shakily. “Go to sleep, it’s time to sleep,” he insisted. The seven year old continued to try to keep him here by hugging him or grabbing his shirt so Jack took his wrists and set them down before tucking the boy in and letting their new guardian take his arm and lead him out.
Something told Jack this house wasn’t going to be his favorite.
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mandibuzzing · 6 months
you should ... totally infodump abt your warrior cats x lost au ...... 👀
i first watched lost back in 2012 and this watch through i’m doing rn is the first time i’ve gotten farther then season one and i’m watching it with my roommates who haven’t seen it yet so im VERY MUCH making things up as we go and getting input from my roommate but there’s also some things i remember from watching that they have no idea about and i just have to be like “mhmhmhm :x we will get more info on that later…..” so the story and how the overall show ends up (and especially the uhh… crazier things later on) are changing
BUT ANYWAYS the main gist from a human perspective is that the characters are all a part of a experiment on feral cat colonies and feline behavior and in being flown to whatever location the lab is, the plane(just a small private one i imagine) crashed on the island and there were no human survivors so once the cats are there, it’s basically just them and other wildlife. the island IS indeed purgatory and is a direct conflict with starclan. obviously not all the cats believe or even know about starclan, but for the ones that do, that is their first explanation for how they ended up there.
though i call the au lostclan, the characters never refer to themselves like that. the others i think will have a clan name but i’m still rotating them in my brain since we haven’t gotten there yet. but the idea is going to be that while yes they are a clan, it’s definitely nothing like what the clan born castaways are familiar with.
for the cats that were in clans before the island… honestly i don’t know what their clans were. the cats(other than ones who canonically know each other) are all in different clans that most likely haven’t interacted with each other and also probably have slightly different customs than the existing clans in warriors, like with mousenose(jack) having a mate and briarfur(michael) having a kittypet mate and it not being that big of a deal. cross clan relationships are generally still frowned upon and ofc wolffrost(christian) having a child other than mousenose is very much a secret. for characters like sun and jin and dealing with the pretty big point of uhhhhh speaking korean… we decided to just. have them be cat korean and pretend like there’s still a language barrier bc who cares it’s all pretend. their clan life customs are different than the other clans so we tried to have that shown w their names just being korean words. sun is obviously hae(sun) and jin is mulgogi(fish).
some plot points i think we’re going to have to just gloss over or cut out, but one i’m really proud of is that instead of being a one hit wonder rockstar, honeythorn(charlie) was a part of a prophecy, likely when he was an apprentice and after the prophecy was completed he kinda just was seen as a regular warrior by his clanmates which is what leads him to kitty substance abuse(that part is still a wip lol).
wolffrost(christian) and mousenose’s(jack) relationship has been the most fun to adapt. mousenose was mousepaw well into adulthood because wolffrost withheld it from him as a manipulative tactic to force his son to keep pushing himself for his father’s approval. he finally receives his full medicine cat name after mousepaw had to take over for wolffrost treating a young warrior who was in a bad border scuffle. wolffrost’s paws were shaking and he ended making her injuries worse. while this was happening, mousepaw was out collecting herbs when a clanmate comes running up to him saying he needs to get back. mousepaw sprints back and takes control of the situation, but unfortunately she died- the first death under mousepaw’s paws. later in the medicine cat den, wolffrost tells mousepaw that death happens and it’s no one’s fault to which mousepaw stops him and accuses wolffrost of not being of sound mind while trying to treat her. wolffrost then pivots the conversation, telling mousepaw he is finally ready to gain his full name. mousepaw is skeptical but the two leave for moonstone(or whatever the equivalent is in this clan) and speak with starclan. he receives his full name but it’s then that mousenose is approached by the warrior he lost. she thanks him for trying his best to save her and her unborn kits. this makes mousenose stop in his tracks. he had no idea she was pregnant- information that would have affected what herbs he used while trying to save her. furious and betrayed, mousenose wakes up and sprints back to camp, wolffrost chasing after him, begging him to stop and just listen to him. mousenose barrels into camp where the clan is holding vigil for the warrior. he proclaims in front of everyone that she had been pregnant, that wolffrost knew, and that he was responsible for her death. the clan is appalled and wolffrost is exiled.
if you’d like to look at more art done by me and my roommate and eventually character info of each, they’re all uploaded on toyhouse! and if there’s any specific questions about any of them… i’m happy to answer and ramble more and also maybe doodle :3c
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